kis’ ee “3 bas gal ies ge Wk Aiba ree Hees ‘thé room‘was filled. The “spirited. at einen “eid no J resulted, = | The leading figure was $1,450, which. }was paid by Clapp: and Graham for the | landscape. by -Harpignies, .called “Souve~ imir de St, Prive.” The charming Bol- |dini water color, the “Violin Girl,”. by | Mowbray, and the “Girl in Boat,” by, | Ha were not sold, having heen with- {drawn by the Committee for Devastated . | Pranee from the sale.) The lst of pictures ‘that ‘sold for es uD, with titles and buyers, fol- te eget Cialis a 00 Prebsiss vine Seer ereare w" Alexand Autom ‘Morn-" 4 a Adam fet. eooveed 82 I. Ge Brown, “Shine, Sir?’ Mr. a Hes ebse sy afl ARR = eo 168—Nattier (atten), Portrait of Lou- ise de Bourbon, Dr: Freder- _ ick Pope OPE ai... eens eer ow 219 - 70=Boncher (etier) Mine. de Pampa dour, Mr, Gumpert.......... 190 A Saaeate ol tachiont of), Portrait | of au -W..W.. Seaman, a ea. 310 + Souvenir de St..- ae eens cme and Graham...:,.....1, 450, Be ‘Worms, Divided Interest, — ae Pay PB UINEtt: . _ At the first session Tuesday evening a total of $8,582.50 was obtained for 112 oils ‘and a large XIX century Italian mosaic of the Roman Forum. Prices ruled low and -many bargains were secured by a few buy- ers. The highest figure, $425, was paid by “Seaman as agent, for a “Portrait Of the Countess de. Maurepas”’ attributed to Jean! -B. Van Loo, The pictures which sold for ~$100 or over with prices and buyers, were _as follows: “Landscape,” A. H. Wyant, $270, Arlington Galleries; “Dutch Interior,” by J. F. Sterredong, $180, bought by Seaman, Agent; “Landscape and Cattle,” by A. J. -Groenewegen, $105; J C Willever; “On Guard,” by C A. Detti, $120, W. A. Burnett; “Village Landscape,” by H. P. Smith, $100, J. C, Williver; “Close of Day,” by W. Mer- Brite Post. $150, -Dr.- EF... Pope;:-“Lady At- tended by a Negro,” School of Largilliere, po00, CA. Guglielmetti; “Portrait of a Young Woman,” -by Adelaide Labille- _Guiard, $140,-C. A. Guglielmetti; “Portrait of. the Marquise d’Humieres,” after Drouais, $220, Seaman, Agent; “Arabs in Battle,” by P.. Phillippoteaux, $150, W. A. Burnett; | “Portrait of a Lady,’ English School, $100, ME Stutz; “Portrait of a Lady,” English School, $140, C A. Guglielmetti; “Portrait | of a Man,” attributed to Largilliere, $190, Seaman, Agent; “Portrait of a Lady,” Eng- lish’ School, $320, Dr. F. Pope; “Portrait Potr-a Woman, French School, $120; C. A. Guglielmetti; “Portrait of a Woman,” French School, $300, Fontana; “Portrait _ Marquise de Lauta,” attributed to Largil- liere, $170, C. A. Guglielmetti; -Autumn Landscape,’ George H. Bogert, $250, Dr. pert one- Old Oaken’: Bucket,” Jerome -_ Thompson (a famous old American picture from L. A. Lanthier estate), $400, Clapp and Graham; “Mountain Torrent,’ Hermann Herzog, 5100, (2) Ormond: “Portrait. ofa Spanish Princess,” Spanish School. $275, C. A. Gueglielmetti; “Portrait of a Woman,” French School, $330, A. Flattau; “Portrait of a Man and Woman,” School of Largil- | liere, $270, C. A. Guglielmetti; “Portrait of | Nelli Gwynn,” School Sir Peter Lely, $225, | | be é Mrs. S. Knight; “Portrait Countess de Maurepas.” Jean B. Van Loo, $425, Seaman, Agent: “Funeral in Venice.” Gustave Brion. $110. W. A. Burnett; “Ave Maria-Fisher- men at Shrine-Chiogga,” G. Carrodi. $110. C A. Guglielmetti; XIX Century Italian Heckscher. (Second Session) Despite inclement weather the attendance at the second session Wed. eve. was. good, and the bidding for a better class of pictures was animated at times. The 108 oils sold— three, a Boldini, a Hassam, and a Siddons ‘ Mowbray, which were to have been sold for the benefit of the Fund for Devastated _ France, having been withdrawn—brought | 4 total of $14,935, which added to the total oP ae 5 Mosaic of the Roman Forum,” $150, coy ich sold for Artist On the River Coln; Fairford, Oxfordshire, England,” 12x. 1644.07": Higbie oe. ck... icra ts 7 Wyant, Alex. H., “Autumn Morning,” Monae ep eotam Rea iets. fae att hone Hee ase. .. “Venetian Marin raaaine 5 e4 Di POpete as 62s. ete rn, Brown, John G., “Shine! Sir?” 24x16, Sethe tiie ef et. via i Ree Oe Weber, T. H., “Off the Jetty,” 25x19, an Levy David Teniers (The Younger), “Vue De L’Abbave De Greemberg, Belgique,” 1414- 213g, R. Erderheimer Nattier, J. M. (After), posed) of Louise H. De 18, Dr. F. Pope Boucher, F. Oy 4) C56 a Oe airs 0! 6 6 @ > ue § ele Bye wt [> dal rashyerans erg teas tae a “Portrait. (sup- Bourbon,” 22x- Beas! a', & eae. 0. ee ey te, Se SY iat ce. @: Leh) hie ie sie ae Bate ina (010: 0re exe po je New h a ete SPR ATP CaO Oule S) tag ale, ReuR> te a Lady,” 29x2414, Seaman, agt. Mura, SOP gel sis gats le! eee! ce!.o . ):4) ty %, John Levy, , A. F., “Landscape ures,”’ 2814x21. Dr. F. Pope arpignies, H., “Souvenir De 2174x29, Clapp and Graham Worms, Jules, with Fig- Sts Privé,” ang Berm. 0S 6 Ses s OB ae igietis:.. >. wee ee... c , oren, Otto, “Winter Storm,” 20x Nites POMeOGeiit = aes.) ete OS Monnoyer, J. B., “Flower. Piece.” 2214- a8) Cc Guatlelnetti--. ie aie As a e “Portrait of a Venetian Lady,” 46x33, C. Guglielmetti ........ Sir Peter Lely, “Portrait of a Gentleman,” Clapp and Graham....... Lely, “Portrait of a Lady.7 Oval; 30x25, Clapp and Graham ...... Opie, John, ‘Portrait Largilliére, N. De, an,” Feigned oval; 33x26%, R. Fontane Locque, L.. ‘Portrait of a Lady with a se fee Seaman, agt... st: m. M., “Clearing Weather.” <- 30,-Dr. F. Pope no eae ae Rian a iacose ear oro ech OF Poa nTae besh A. Se Neem a let SBA Get tede gn Lins BE a OUNAG el raf acai ol Sheen @itauntatoomns ere ety Ue gi Br btaaePe Na tales oe Crane, Dr. F. Pope Post, OE CO GTR ane aiieeL 6 Pi OTe NOLS | Oh .0! ehh bey ole lek nad é OSS) wi ia, lo ve Ge! Sr abeja Te Seine 6) Ao a ee Rat ae a eee RR egert, Geo: -H.. Tandscape.- “Ry ening After the Storm,” 30x40, T Hatheld © Sir John Watson Gordon, “Portraj Be rien Sloper dairy Aly Ellis Eee : ournieres, R., “Portrait of a Lady of the Court,” 4314x32, Mrs. John T. alt Pannini, G. P. (Attributed). “A .Scene in Rome,’ 3314x48, C. Guglielmetti ...... Jones, Chas., “An Autumn Evening, Wor- Cestersairer wo4ede pis Cie Nason F 1 : > 00 or { ames, titles, sizes, buyers and prices were as follows: . No, L208 Over, Price pn al maha Fe ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW NJ 66 _AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM FRIDAY, APRIL 11Tu, 1919 UNTIL DATE OF SALE FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. * Pag ele }. mes. oT AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OIL PAINTINGS BY AMERICAN AND FOREIGN ARTISTS 673 UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES r EVENINGS OF TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. APRIL 15TH AND 16TH BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O’CLOCK OF. as a a $. Katies la. (ee jo nse bona. G4. Melly ae Ilan. Marg KK Miers | 4 sth a faut, . (Orde 5, Wauife Mn. byharks, %. Ha da woh , Fa ee er ee re eee CATALOGUE OF AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF OIL PAINTINGS AMERICAN AND FOREIGN ARTISTS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE FOR ACCOUNT OF ESTATE OF THE LATE L. A. LANTHIER Li ESTATE OF THE LATE LAURA BALL PINKUS ESTATE OF THE LATE FRANCIS WHITE, BALTIMORE SEVERAL OTHER ESTATES AND A NUMBER OF PRIVATE OWNERS AS DESIGNATED IN THIS CATALOGUE ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY ASSISTED BY | MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. H. H. PARKE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers 6 EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK 1919 THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid . would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. : Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at _ the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in de- fault of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) aris- ing from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his Opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South. “oe. ST sr eS ee Oe a m , me iKe FIRST EVENING’S SALE TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.00 O'CLOCK MUNICH SCHOOL 1—DUCKS TO THE WATER J. ale one ** / de Height, 6 inches; length, 7 inches Wittows at the left, and a church spire in the distance on the right, and in the foreground a fat boy with a lash-whip in one hand and a branch of a bush in the other, driving some scared ducklings into a pond. Property of a Private Collector. C. SELL, JR. (CHRISTIAN SELL) GERMAN: 1831—1883 2—WAR IN WINTER (3 Qu Duff pret Height, 614, inches; length, 81/4, inches . A uicHT fall of snow covers the ground and the top of a gray garden wall, within which stand a few leafless trees. In front of the wall are four infantrymen, one of them standing on a barrel about to take a shot over the wall. Signed at the lower left, C. SE11, JUNIOR. Property of a Private Collector. G. TORSCHI CoNTEMPORARY : &. FL 3—THE CONNOISSEUR pate! Si od “ Height, 9 inches; width, 61/, inches FULL-LENGTH portrait of a gallant in canary-colored pantaloons, gray silk coat and pink waistcoat, standing before a mantel from which he has taken up one of a pair of vases, which he examines critically. Signed at the lower left, G. Torscur. Property of a Private Owner. Se ae ae eae J. PEZONS (PEZOUR) ? ConTEMPORARY 4—AT PASTURE “4 De Height, 7 inches; length, 914 inches Fratuery trees at the edge of a wood show masses of soft green foliage, and in the luxuriant grass of the adjacent open land cows are knee-deep; two of them approach a pool reflecting a gray _ sky, and in the distance a peasant woman appears. Signed at the lower left, J. Pezour (or Prezons). From Goupil’s. By direction of the heirs of the late Lavra Batt Pinxvs. HEINRICH RASCH GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY sr o SH, Pn om, ) 5—DER SPAZIERGANG AM HAFEN A fa ve “4. e Height, 7 inches; length, 10 inches On the left and in the distance, sailing vessels in the rippling stream or drawn up at a broad quay. On the quay a gentleman and lady and a couple of gentlemen out for a pleasure stroll, and on the right warehouses and men working. | Signed at the lower right, H. Rascu, MtncHen. Estate of the late Francis Wuite. K. ALEXANDER HILVERDINK CoNTEMPORARY 6—STREET OF GABLES (7, & Lines / wil eo Height, 10%, inches; width, 83/4, inches Dutcu houses with steep gables and tiled roofs line both sides of a street leading to a cathedral, the right side in sunshine, the left in shadow; a few pedestrians appear, and a horse and cart. Signed at the lower right, E. Arex. Hitverpin«, ’83. Property of a Private Collector. DUTCH SCHOOL THE ANCHORITE me (On copper) erences 3S g ee Height, 61/4 inches; length, 8% inches In a rock cave a religious in gray habit, an aged bearded man, sits at a table with book, skull and hour-glass before him, a cross behind him. A horned hag in white cap whispers over his — shoulder and he turns to behold himself besieged by goblins. Through the cave entrance a chapel is visible. Property of S. G. Rains. ATTRIBUTED TO DAVID TENIERS (the Younger) Fremiso: 1610—1690 ; -8-THE GOOD BROWN JUG he Oh a f o* Height, 11 inches; width, 83/, inches Two men seated in the corner of a wine cellar, an upturned barrel between them; one, bearded, faces the spectator, a half-filled wine glass in one hand and a goodly jug with more of the cheer in the other, his companion, who is filling a pipe, looking long- ingly at the capacious glass. Through an open window, a glimpse of blue sky. | Property of Joun J. Dwyer. DAVID TENIERS (the Younger) e ai Fremisu: 1610—1690 9—-LIGHTING HIS PIPE HV ae ht Ip rg d — Height, 11 inches; width, 8%, inches In a brownish, dimly lighted and partly shadowed interior a man in reddish-brown breeches and greenish-blue coat, and broad- brimmed hat, seated on an overturned tub with a wine jug beside him, is lighting a long-stemmed clay pipe with a tow, from a brazier on another tub before him. He is in profile to the left. Property of Jonn J. Dwyer. UNIDENTIFIED _ 10—ANIMAL HEAD — > porta q Height, 5 inches; length, 7 inches — Heap of a lion, in profile to the left, the jaws slightly parted, the NG eye fixed on some object below. Rich, warm, naturalistic eqloring, x with light striking in from the left. Pee re a Property of a Private Owner. F. SQUIER CoNTEMPORARY 11—AT THE WATERSIDE | (Water Color) Ce ; . c 2 Height, 514, inches; length, 91% inches At left a placid river at flood or an arm of the sea, its waters | penetrating the yellowish-green grass of meadows on the right; in the distance two sail, and a clump of trees. Signed at the lower left, F. Sauter, ’97. Property of a Private Owner. | Mee Me EDWARD GAY, N.A. 0g ’ Sie i ; American: 1837— 12—LANDSCAPE Bet shige ae re Height, 5 inches; length, 7 inches - fan _ Ffetps are a harvest-yellow in sunshine across the middle dis- _ tance, interrupted by two detached trees which cast dark shadows, the narrow foreground is a fresh meadow-green, and clouds are active on a breezy day. i mise Teta ines: + Signed at the lower right, Epwarp Gay, 1915. TOE RT er 2 ee aa el z 7 : masening soem Soi ~ Hn Owner. F Ej Property of a Private A. SCHILL NINETEENTH CENTURY 18-YOUTH AND AGE. a t : Bi : x ; gy . 5 A vereran in blue tunic and brown breeches and gaiters, in profile to the left, approaching a house door from the street, pulls the ear of a small boy, in not too severe a rebuke. “Height, 12%, inches; width, 9% inches Signed at the lower right, A. ScHItt. Estate of the late Francis WHITE. PP. ECHTLER GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY a 14—LOST IN THE woopsY q3 Wg os d eae Circular: Diameter, 10 inches Shh : in cael green woods’ two children who have been watidering” happily have lost their way. A small girl, puzzled but brave, sits with face in her hands, thinking deeply, and a _ tow- haired boy ready to cry stands back of her, calling thagpeh the strange spaces. Signe at the lower right, P. (or C.) Ecurtter. Estate of the late Francis Wuite. WILLIAM BABCOCK 3 ConTEMPORARY ) a ; 15—THE JEWEL BOX b oe. (3 ing | : fe / j A cao Height, 123, inches; width, 914, inches | HAaLF-LENGTH standing figure of a blond young woman, demi- nue, facing the spectator with arms folded across her breast and supporting a blue drapery which enfolds her hips; before her an open box of jewels. Signed at the lower left, W. Baxcocx. To be sold for the benefit of the American Committee for Devastated France. - A. MARIA LA MONACA SPANIsH: CONTEMPORARY ~ 16-IN THE GARDEN gn Guo re eae = y 26 Height, 11 inches; width, 7 inches A FULL-LENGTH figure of a lady, in white satin low gown, standing ln in a garden path and reading a book. Background of plants, - in pots, and green foliage. ae Signed at the lower left, A. La Monaca. To be sold to close an Estate. VETTEN | 17—THE UNPAID SCORE | a , Rees Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches WiruHin a pretentious Dutch tavern with black and white tiled floor, where a number of men are amusing themselves around a table in the shadowed background, the landlady calls the attention of a man in a red coat, standing at left in the lighted foreground, to an eloquent chalk-marked slate hanging on the wall. Property of a Private Collector. UNIDENTIFIED ‘ . 18—LANDSCAPE Height, 81% inches; length, 14144 inches 2-74 = Aw interesting sketch of an American landscape in autumn, at center a pool in a green meadow, with foreground turning yellow -and brown, a yellow tree at left, and a circumference of scrub woods; near the right a figure. Property of a Private Owner. WILLIAM EDGAR MARSHALL ~— American: 1825—1906 19—ON THE SEINE q (On Tile) Gp fe, / : j 4 Z, inches i q a ae ay ; pe iare . O70 Height, 10 inches; width, 9 THE river, white with cloud reflections, crosses the picture before a background of bluish hills, and on the rough, greenish-brown bank of the foreground a peasant woman stands looking over the water, near three saplings. : = M Property of a Private Owner. WILLIAM EDGAR MARSHALL AMERICAN: 1825—1906 ra & s * _ 20—-WOOD SCENE — fa: ¢ . ie 2 Height, 10 inches; ed ig 131%, inches Forest interior in a woodland twilight, with tree trunks defined at right and left and foliage thick all about, and in the foreground a shadowy figure, gazing at a pond. Property of a Private Owner. ENGLISH SCHOOL NINETEENTH CENTURY -21—-TWO YOUNG Lhe eas a (3 V4 Height, 111% inches; width, 13 inches HE one in front is fastening to the bosom of her dress a garland of roses, the other end of which is held ie the other, who stands on the left behind her. Property of Mrs. C. C. Mitts. MANNER OF NICOLAS LANCRET Frencu: 1690—1743 29 THE SWING . ¥. QB op. 3 gv Height, 14 inches; width, 12 inches al A ert in a pink dress and white over-dress is in the swing which , is pushed by a young man in brown who stands near her, but more to the right. His flute and a bouquet of flowers are by trunk of the tree on the right. Sky background on the left. Original pictures of such a subject by Lancret are well known and highly esteemed. ee eee ee egg wine Property of Mrs. C. C. Mitts. SS eee eee Es FRENCH SCHOOL NINETEENTH Century oun ¥, .« 23—PORTRAIT OF Sie L LADY (Pastel) ha ?) ale Oval: Height, 12 inches; width, 14 inches In low-cut dress of yellowish-blue material, the neck edged with white lace, a gauzy headdress falls on to her right shoulder. Property of Mrs. C. C. Mitts. J. F. STERREDJONG Durex: CoNTEMPORARY 24 DUTCH INTERIOR (y¥: 7 peel Pe wart. | VA ,; i, Height, 181, inches; width, 16%/, inches m Tue kitchen of a peasant’s house; on the left an old man, smoking his pipe, and a woman darning socks are seated at a table on which is a cat. The window on the left near them; the fireplace on the right. Signed at the lower right. From the Jules Oehme Collection. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanrutnr. AFTER HYACINTHE RIGAUD Frencu: 1659—1743 my “> 25—PORTRAIT OF A LADY (Companion to No. 26) / a 9 i ae __ Height, 153, inches; width, 121% {n¢hes } oo Hatr-tenctH. In low-cut blue dress decorated with gold pat- terns. A gold chain at the neck; a pearl necklace; pearls in the hair. Property of Mrs. C. C. Mitts. AFTER HYACINTHE RIGAUD Frencu: 1659— a WA f ws SORE A AAPORTRAITSOF A LAD (Companion to No. 25) ut 3 ree Height, 16 inches; width, 121/, inches Haur-Lenctu. In red dress cut low and a blue mantle decorated with gold fleurs-de-lis. Pearl necklace and earrings; pearls in her powdered hair. Property of Mrs. C. C. Mitts. A. J. GROENEWEGEN DutcuH: . ~ Height, 121, inches; width, 1844 inches 27—LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE ~~ — Bas CaTTLE are standing in sparsely cultivated grass near a wooden railing, on the far side of which is a shepherd in a blue smock. On the horizon on the left a church tower is dimly seen. Cloudy sky. Signed in the left bottom corner. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanruter. ‘ é FRENCH SCHOOL NINETEENTH CENTURY 283—PORTRAIT OF A LADY | ; ty (Pastel) Es Me wehther. a»? 7 * «a ZF. at Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches Bust length; three-quarters to the left. Low-cut dress. Roses and forget-me-nots in her powdered hair. Property of Mrs. C. C. Mitts. EISMAN-SEMENOWSKY Russtan: ConTEMPORARY 29—GIRL OF THE GOLDEN SPANGLE “KG — Height, 14 inches; width, 101, inches P 2 oe %, mae oF 4, Hat¥F-LeneruH portrait of a blond young woman with deep blue , eyes, facing front with head turned slightly to her right. She — wears a Sleeveless tunic, pink and diaphanous, and golden spangles bind her brow and hang about her flowing hair, and about her shoulders and down her breast. Signed at the upper right, Eisman-SEMENOowSKY, Panis, 1888. Property of a Private Collector. ae: HENRI HARPIGNIES Frencu: 1819—1916 Ca DE FONTAINEBLEAU co nm Height, 714, inches; length, 12 inches At right and left single trees, Wr, ee touched with autu coloring, and between them a view of open forest™ land, with © mounds, brush and scrub growths, in sunlight under a blue and white sky. In the shadowed foreground, gray, lichen-covered rocks. Signed at the lower left, H. Hanrpienies. By order of Messrs. Exrxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London. g \ LL aS eee ke mS. = CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1817—1878 31—RIVERSIDE eke nf. ie 3 Jim Height, 101% inches; length, 16 inches Tue waters of a river in France occupy the right foreground, and at left are green banks with a clump of trees and a punt. Near the opposite shore are some boats, with a tricolor flag. In the sky of tempered grays there is a burst of warm eae near the left center. en Sold by the order of a Trustee. , “ee erey ae = ; Ss ATTRIBUTED TO CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1817—1878 » / . coe 32°MOONLIGHT ... BY hs ag Oo’ es. Height, 91% inches; length, 16 inches A LANDscAPE showing some buildings in the right middle distance, a haystack at left, hills beyond, and a night sky of blues and grays, with the full moon. _ Sold by the order of a Trustee. EDUARDO INGAME SpaNisH (?): ConTEMPORARY Otho Men 1a i fe Height, 141% inches; width, 121, inches wi *383—THE ETERNAL PURSUIT Aw aged and maudlin servitor in a great house, dropping vege- tables and wine bottles from his laden apron, pursues a fair young maid who flees from him toward the drawing-room, while with clasped hands he beseeches her love. Signed at the lower right, Eo. Incame. Estate of the late Francis Wuite. CESARE AGOSTINO DETTI Irauian: 1847— MON GUARD © Qala a. «et warm + a Height, 16 inches; width, 1014 inches 3 y ad ss gre full-length figure of a cavalier, richly Bs and standing before a green curtain; he grasps with his right hand the muzzle of his musket. From the John D. Crimmins Collection. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanrutrr. UNKNOWN ->‘.8) 85—THE. FIRST-BORN Haar 2 Height, 16 inches; width, 10 inches , A pe he Sranpine at an embrasured leaded-glass window, adorned with a stained-glass medallion, a tall young mother with madonna-like features and waxen complexion holds in her arms a chubby infant, looking at it lovingly. She is in a rich gown of dark olive velvet, with a deep yoke white and fluted. Property of a Private Collector. CHARLES LOUIS KRATKE Frencu: 1848— = 86—4A QUIET SMOKE at ‘ g ee ag g ¢ a Height, 16 inches; width, 10 inches A CAVALRY Officer, resplendent in his uniform, stands. at a corner of the barracks, his bearskin on a stool at his side; he is smoking a long-stemmed pipe. In the left distance, round the corner of the barracks, a soldier is grooming his horse. Signed, and dated 1899, in the upper right corner. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanruimr. CHARLES THEODORE FRERE Frencu: 1815—1888 va 37—BALEANE: HAUTE-EGY PTE: DEUX ~- “" DROMADAIRES MANGENT LE io wa / a Height, 10 inches; length, 16 nb lan wr rey. On the left, architectural piles, and on the right a mass of shrab- bery overtopped by palms, at the edge of a blue river which crosses the picture in the distance, beneath a blue sky. In the open fore- ground two saddled dromadaries, eating green feed spread for them by a seated Arab, one of a company, Ee others being seated at the right before a tent. Signed at the lower left, Tu. Frere. Property of a Private Collector. PAUL BISTAGNE Frency: ConTEMPORARY Bee OE OF THE F ee “* 9 “ : %, : . “ ye 16 inches; width, 12 inches Tue 3 Low yrs uncovers a foreground of russet bottom-land where two fishermen are stretching their net, and on the beach beyond them the boats of their fellows lie up, some with people aboard and canvas yet up. On the right are houses of a town, and at left a smooth sea stretches off to the distance. Signed at the lower right, BisTaGne, 82. Estate of the late Francis Wuire. ) EDMANUEL NOTERMAN (?) Beucian: 1808—1863 39—THE STOLEN DINNE Lg Aharctan et a5 n'y Height, 1234 inches; length, li, ¢ a a" i “* Se Two large shaggy-haired dogs have tipped over a market basket ~ left carelessly unguarded, and while fruit and vegetables roll out unnoticed, one of the dogs goes hungrily at a piece of meat while the other seems to watch for expected trouble. Signed at the lower right, [ZacH(arte)] Norerman, 1854, Note: The signature “Noterman” and the date are distinct. The part of the signature ahead of “Noterman” is not clear but appears as here given, and not as “Edmanuel.” Estate of the late Francis Wuite. PIO RICCI Iratian: 1844— 40O-“LHE LOVE LETTER - Plthee Re er Height, 1714 inches; width, 10 inches WITHIN a palace hall a smiling young woman in red and green silks confides to a man in blue short-clothes and crimson-lined coat a tender missive, sealed in red, which he accepts for discreet de- spatch, his head inclined to receive closely whispered instructions. Signed at the lower left, Pro Riccr, 1880. Property of a Private Collector. FRANCOIS BRUNERY Frencuo: CONTEMPORARY . 41—_THE CHAPERONE sae ios o/h a? Might, 18 inches; width, 14 Dy. - ; Group painting of five figures within a richly embellished salon, in which two bewigged gallants hasten to make amorous advances to brilliantly clad young women, as their chaperone’s book drops to the floor and her head droops upon her breast. Signed at the lower right, F. Brunery. Property of a Private Collector. . ROBERT LAYTON NEWMAN AmeERiIcAn: 182 a Gia a ar Height, 10 inches; length, 121, inches ae FuuLL-LenerH figure of a sturdy shepherd, his crook beside him, seated nude on a bank of yellowish-gray earth in an open coun- try, alone, in the gloaming, a soft light illumining his swarthy skin. Manuscript paster of a former-loan exhibition on back, with title and artist’s name and reading “Loaned by Francis Lathrop, 63 Washington Square.” To be sold for the benefit of the American Committee for Devastated France. FRANZ DE PAULA FEIG Austrian: 1689—1740 ‘9 THE, DANCE Vy eb leha ’ Height, 10% inches; length, 13 inches 4 Peasants dancing a round in an open space before the entrance- 4 way of a country house, the white walls of which fill the central part of the composition. At the right, in the distance, a land- scape vista. | a Property of a Private Collector. ‘pm 9 Ong aes toh ; ; gales, ” Height, 101%, inches; length, H. PENDLETON AMERICAN : CONTEMPORARY ~ * a y ele / “ 4, 44—AT THE DOC a7 oD Height, 101, inches; length, 14 i hes mt Sore line of an American country harbor with low buildings at the left, an old red barn at the right, and in the blue water of the foreground a number of catboats about a pier on which are several women in summer attire. Signed at the lower left, H. Penpiteton. To be sold to close an Estate. HENRY PEMBER SMITH American: 1854—1907 45—VILLAGE LANDSCAPE Variep frame buildings of an American country town, ina well. wooded and hilly section, with a white church in the midst of them, are seen on the bank of a placid foreground stream, with a sail-loft at its edge. At left, a man and two women, fishing, in flat boats. Signed at the lower left, Henry P. Smiru, 1881. Property of a Private Collector. ROBERT LAYTON NEWMAN American: 1827—1912__, 46—TIGER AND PREY Q- 4 % he ap . Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches so | - In a bleak and treeless country with blue mountains in the dis- tance, at nightfall, a tiger on a bank in the foreground is feeding upon a small animal it has struck down; another tiger appears farther off. Signed at the lower right, R. L. Newman. From the John Gellatly Collection. To be sold for the benefit of the American Committee for Devastated France. A. J. H. WAY AMERICAN: 1826— 47—STILL LIFE: CHERRIES o- 9-62 Height, 14 inches; width, 12 inches Cuerries red and cherries so dark they are almost mirror black lie on a table beside a decorated vase of lavender-gray, before a rich drapery of dark green. Signed at the lower left, A. J. H. Way. Estate of the late Francis Wuite. JOHN W. CASILEAR AMERICAN: 1811—1893 et ve 48—COWS.AT {HE RIVER om 4, Fy 2 ul Height, 9 inches; length, 17 inches Ar right the edge of a wood in autumn, and a man and woman seated at the foot of a tree, looking over a slowly moving river to which five cows have come down to drink at the opposite side. Signed at the lower right, J. W. C., 71. Property of a Private Collector. WILLIAM HART, N.A. : American: 1823—1894 Y J jes Ro: AM 49—LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE, IN AUTUMN #18. Height, 1014 inches; length, 18 inches From a mass of trees green, deep red and bright yellow, in the. left middle distance a winding river emerges, and on the left bank in the sunny foreground are a number of cows. Lowlands on the right show varied autumn coloring, subdued beneath a haze, and extend to a far mountain range. Signed at the lower left, Wm. Hart, ’67. Property of a Private Collector. A. J. H. WAY mr) AMERICAN: 1826— ” * “ ; x 5 Wee 50—STILL LIFE: PEARS Height, 14 inches; length, 18 inches Hatr a dozen freshly plucked plump and luscious pears, ripe, and mellow in their coloring, lie amid the folds of a purplish fabric, against a neutral background of dark gray. Signed at the lower left, A. J. H. Way. Estate of the late Francis Witte. ADAM LEHR ConTEMPORARY 51—GAME / Re cn Height, 16 inches; width, X Two grouse, the fruits of marksmanship, hang suspended by the legs, the soft coloring of their plumage making a warm and deli- cate relief against a neutral background of brownish-gray. Signed at the lower left, Apam Lenr, 1881. Estate of the late Francis Wuite. FRANCOIS COMPTE-CALIX ’ Frencu: 1813—1880 So th |, ‘te "52 LOVE’S YOUNG DREAM f a 1% wahoban Eb sae Height, 151%, inches; width, 1914, inches “A youne girl, with a distaff in her left hand, is ted on the rocky bank of a stream; two dogs are near her. She wears a violet dress with green sleeves and a white headdress. She leans tenderly against the side of a boy who, with bare legs and a fish basket by his side, is catching fish in the stream which runs on the left. Hulls in the left distance. Signed on a piece of wood on the left. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanruter. UNKNOWN 58—A CLASH OF CAV ALRY fire ON PR» (Companion to No. 5 ii Tra / " ae Height, 13 inches; length, 18% inch Aw ancient painting presenting helmeted horsemen with sabres and lances, in fierce combat on the rough slope of a bare hill which towers behind them. Some have fallen, two dismounted men resort to sword and pistol, and in the distance the battle continues over a far-reaching plain. Estate of the late Francis WuitTe. UNKNOWN 54—BATTLE SCENE ww Bd nut % (Companion to ; i? wo OFF Height, 18 inches; length, 181% inches : & 4 mR « & : AN ancient painting picturing a force of warriors on horseback, winding about the foot of a steep and bleak hill and heading down over rough land toward a vast plain. In the foreground slain fighters and their horses lie prone. | | Estate of the late Francis Wuite. A. GARCIA-MENCIA SPANISH: CONTEMPORARY (Pupil of Madrazo) 55—THE PICNIC bay {3 “Wp g a Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches* | tee In the shade of leaning trees in the foreground at the edge of a wood, a party of two men and four women in the costume of the °70’s are enjoying a picnic lunch, with bread and wine, salad and fruits, one of the ladies standing. | Signed at the lower right, A. Garcia-Mencta, 1874. Property of a Private Collector. JOHN W. CASILEAR ne Z AMERICAN: 1811—1893 56—LANDSCAPE ca ; i) Vy] oF Height, 12%, inches; length, 20 inches A sroap river flowing between high lands on the right and moun-— ; ___ tains on the left appears under a light summer haze, beneath a pale blue sky laden with white and soft gray clouds—undoubtedly ) a stretch of the Hudson. Small sailboats move slowly, and on a foreground bank is seated a woman in a red skirt. Signed at the lower left, J. W. C. 778. Property of a Private Owner. HENRY PEMBER SMITH AMERICAN: 1854—1907 57—THE LIGHTHOUSE Ae ie & %. ( J Height, 12 inches; length, 20 inches Ar right in the middle distance an island lighthouse, banded ved” and white, off a distant hazy coast. At left a ship gently heeling in a grayish sea of broad rollers, which break white at the foot of the lighthouse cliff. Signed at the lower left, Henry P. Smitru, 1880. Property of S. G. Ratns. THOMAS DOUGHTY AMERICAN: 1793-1856 : 08 RIVER LANDSCAP | oor GS Height, 134, inches; length, 20 inches A BRoap river runs across the picture, a confluent stream entering it from the left foreground; on the farther shore are large ware- houses, and in the distance the spires of many churches, and a monumental building crowning a hill. In the stream a sailing boat and a side-wheel steamer. | By direction of the heirs of the late Lavra Batt Pinkvs. A. J. H. WAY AMERICAN: 1826— 504 BUNCH OF GRAPES Theerea * Pte « be 27) - Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches Tue stout stem of a sturdy grapevine crosses the top of the picture, at an angle, borne down by the weight of a huge bunch of mammoth grapes, green and purplish in rich translucence. me" Signed at the lower left, A. J. H. Way. Estate of the late Francis Wuite. KENNETH HAYES MILLER American: 1876— voit Be MS, MB ons ¥. 60—SLEEP ; 4 a, Lue yg lle Height, 14%/, inches; length, 26 inches Nope figure of a young woman, at full length, lymg upon a white drapery on a couch of dark hue, against a wall of deep red. One arm extended along her side, the nearer arm is raised and curled back of her head; face seen in profile, her eyes closed in sleep. The room is sombre, a soft light playing upon the modu- lations of the flesh. Signed at the lower left, Hayes Mirier. To be sold to close an Estate. WILLIAM MERRITT POST, A.N.A. AmERIcAN: 1857— 61=THE CLOSE. OF DAY ntact Pak, Ji ee Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches *A tow and cozy cottage with a huge outside chimney stands at the edge of a clump of trees brown in autumn, and a light within glows red at a corner window, while the sky beyond is warmed by an after-sunset light and color. Signed at the lower right, W. Merrirr Post. Property of Mrs. Mary R. Kizroy. CHARLOTTE B. COMAN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: ma 4g = ANP PAS 62—MISTY DAY ‘IN THE ADIRONDACKS ap ‘ ts ey.” YX. ¢ o— A Broap mountain slope, no steep incline, is dotted with farm houses and other buildings, along a winding road, the fields at either hand open, some under cultivation, and varied by woods; the whole seen through the mist of a humid summer day. Height, 1814 inches; length, 23 inches ae : | Signed at the lower left, C. B. Coman. To be sold to close an Estate. CHARLES HOVEY PEPPER AMERICAN: 1864— 683—THE RED SHAWL oy (3 3 i ov Height, 25 inches; width, 1714 inches Haur-LenetuH portrait of a dark-haired, large-eyed young girl, with a red shawl thrown over her shoulders, over a loose waist of light material. She faces slightly to the right, with eyes to the front. Signed midway at the left, Cuartes Hovey Pepper. Exhibited at the Worcester Art Museum. To be sold to close an Estate. A. J. H. WAY AMERICAN: 1826— «64 STILL LIFE: FRUIT Ly aa Height!-194, inches; length, 273/, inches (/ Musxmetons whole or cut, purple and green grapes translucent and wearing their delicate fresh bloom, rosy peaches and a leafy branch of their tree, lie together on a marble-topped table whose red cover has been pushed away, and back of them is a blue porce- lain, jar. Signed at the lower right (on the table edge), A. J. H. Way, and (on the table scarf), A. J. H. W. Estate of the late Francis Wuirte. FRENCH SCHOOL NINETEENTH CENTURY “ * x A on 65—-PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY OEE ll ae g ‘ee Lele) Height, 201, inches; width, 161, inches In low-cut dress of pink and light blue striped material. | Flowers in her right hand, which is held before her. White flowers in her hair. A curl falls on to her right shoulder. Property of Mrs. C. C. Mi11s. SCHOOL OF LARGILLIERE Frencyu: EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 66—A ee BY) A NEGRO | ‘ j/Q o¢ . Height, 2184 inches; Sth, 1734 inc bs e a Tue lady, turned three-quarters to the left, wears a blue dress trimmed with gold; short sleeves with lace. Her hair is dressed high and powdered. In her left hand she holds a fan. Her right touches the snout of a dog which is held by a negro page © on the left. Yellow curtain on the right; architectural back- ground on the left. | Property of Mrs. C. C. Mirts. ANTONIO TORRES SpPanisH: 1874— 67—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG hor Height, 2414, inches; width, 181, Gee — eal vd length, in profile to the left. In a white dress of figured silky, open at the neck; wearing a small cap of silver material adorned with red, blue and white beads. Her red hair hangs down her back and is seen against a blue tapestry background. Signed in the upper right corner. From the T. J. Blakeslee Collection. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. LanrTutier. ADELAIDE LABILLE-GUIARD Frencu: 1749—1803 rove ar eh A YOUNG LA “e, ch a ae Oval: Height, 24 inches; width, 191% in Bust, three-quarters to the left. In a white dress cut low at the breast and with flowers in it. Felt hat with gray-brown bow, and pearls. Fair, curly hair; fresh complexion. Small oval portraits of this type were a characteristic of this painter, by whom were three in the Beurnonville Collection, 1881. Purchased from Kraemer Bros., Paris, 1901. Property of James A, KrnsEx1a.

« Skits, ion “ | is a” a po: %, * 76—AT THE COTTAGE DOOR ° Height, 21 inches; width, Tow: es ene At the door of a gray cottage over which a grapevine climbs, a blond-haired young girl holds in her arms a smaller girl who extends an arm to throw feed to some ducks, who crane their necks up toward her. Signed at the lower left, T. Watraven, Fr. On back, artist’s certi- fication that he painted the picture at Brussels to the order of “A. D’Huyvette fils, of Antwerp; 1899.” Property of a Private Collector. FRANCOIS BRUNERY Frencyo: ConTEMPORARY 8 7 THE DUET f. ; y ( res as Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Ar the piano a coquettish young woman is playing, accompanying a gallant violinist, who seizes the moment of an elderly chaperone’s drowsiness to steal an ungrudged kiss. Signed at the lower right, F. Brunery. Property of a Private Collector. T. WALRAVEN GERMAN: Clee 2 "2 g as hae 4G an amet THE KITTEN # 5 see Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches In a yard at the corner of a gray building, with straw strewn about, and cabbages filling a tub in the background, two fair- haired little girls, the smaller carrying her doll, have come out to see a cat and her five kittens at play. | Signed at the lower right, F. Watraven. Property of a Private Collector. | PIERRE CHARLES COMTE Frencu: 1823—1895 79—-LA TOILETTE Ae) tnd, “6 Height, 28 inches; width, 21 inches 3 §° = YouNG woman, with long blond hair, wearing a gown af at “ satin, is Judging the effect of a white rose she holds in her hair in a small handglass, as she stands before a dressing table. Beside the table sits another young woman in low gown of black. Signed at the lower right, P. C. Comte. To be sold to close an Estate. PAUL PHILIPPOTEAUX Frencuy: ConTEMPORARY 7 ) L 80S HEPHERDESS IN BRITTAN i: mn a Own the right in the foreground a fair-haired shepherdess - in yw ™ sabots stands leaning on her crook, looking down at a girl com- _ panion whose red hair protrudes from a golden-yellow cap, who is seated in front of her on a bed of wild flowers. Grazing on a water-bordered meadow behind them is a large flock of sheep, attended by a watchful dog, and the distant landscape is colorful, _ both in herbage and the foliage of graceful trees, beneath a sky of golden sunset hues. Height, 251, inches; length, 32 inches Signed at the lower left, PuitipPporeavx. Property of Pav. B. Bopen. C. VAN DAMME-SYLVA Beucian: ConTEMPORARY ‘S8ISDRIVING HOME THE COWS), _X, , J [\ (D a ae Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches a Fiat green fields of Belgium stretch treeless to a far horizon, ‘# under darkening gray clouds of an early nightfall. Coming for- ward in the center of the picture, along a road over a broad cause- way between salt water shallows, a farmer follows his black and red and white cows homeward, and more of the herd approach from the right. Signed at the lower left, van Dammer-Sytva. Inscribed on the back: “The undersigned declares that this picture has been painted by himself to the order of A. D’Huyvette jr., of Antwerp. (Signed) van Damme-Sylva, Brussels, 1886.” By direction of the heirs of the late Laura Bat Pinxvs. Tee . | ~2 om p82 PORTRAIT OF A LAD Licker et Height, 314, inches; width, 251, inches Bede, wos c toe Hatr-LenctuH portrait of a patrician young woman in a rich emerald gown with deep golden embroidery, wearing a cloak of deep scarlet, ermine-lined. She faces the left, three-quarters front, antique lace at the V of her low corsage, and jewels decking the high dress of her dark hair. Her breast is creamy-white, her cheeks are rosy and her lips enriched with rouge, and her deep hazel eyes regard the observer with the challenge of an ambiguous smile. Property of a Private Owner. PHILIPP WEBER . GERMAN: CoOXTEMPORARY a FIGUR sai 83 LANDSCAPE WIT ( Ss * Height, 27 inches; length, 331, inches Tuatcu and tile roofed cottages and outbuildings on the left, well sheltered by large and thick trees, extend back along the edge of a stream, in which ducks are swimming in the foreground. At left are three children feeding chickens, and at a distance a figure is seen standing at a well sweep. Signed at the lower right, Puitre Weser, Mtncnen, 1873. Property of a Private Collector. F. LING e it _ Conremronany bs om ” 4 ” _ §—UNLOADING THE CATCH A) ee Wes a pega _ Height, 25%, inches; length, 36 inches ; V4 In the shallows of a cove fisher-folk to the AE of nearly a score, men and women, are busily unloading a sailboat which has come in with a successful catch. Other vessels are seen at sea, and a fishing village crowns a knoll at the right. Signed at the lower left, F. Line. By direction of the heirs of the late Laura Batt PiInxKvs. C. EK. L. GREEN : . ConTEMPORARY : P & mm 85 LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES ps A $f d _ 5 Height, 26 inches; length, 36 inches KNEE-DEEP in a field of dense green vegetation three figures, widely scattered, bend low at labor; along the edge of the field a solid board fence or protective shield, and within the fence a row of apple trees. Signed at the lower right, C. E. L. Green. By direction of the heirs of the late Laura Batt Pinxus. C. EK. L. GREEN @e H eight, 26 inches; length, 36 inches per Unver a gray-white sky a green hillside slopes toward the left, and in the distance some cows are seen against a clump of low age: | 86—_LANDSCAPE WITH “te a. 4 h trees. At the crest of the hill other low trees spread out in ~ mass, and in the right foreground the corner of a cultivated field comes into view, and a dilapidated farm wagon. Signed at the lower right, C. E. L. Green. By direction of the heirs of the late Laura Bari Pinxus. PAUL PHILIPPOTEAUX FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY c" yah Or: wr tr 87— ARABS IN pardee &, / Od’ Cane Height, 25 inches; length, 32 inches ARABIAN warriors on galloping horses dash in from the left, across an open, treeless field of green and brown, one man firing, others ready and keenly observant, and one holding aloft a banner of green and gold and red. Costumes and caparisons are rich in color, and the horses are white and brown and dappled. Signed at the lower right, Puiiproreavx. Property of Pau. B. Bopen. N. RIEGEN DourtcnH: oy eM eUR any 88—A HARBOR IN HOLLAND Y 76 «. 6 f | | 3 _, Sic Height, 26 inches; length, 3914 inches A croup of Dutch fishing boats, with men and women aboard,, =f appear in the middle of the composition. On the right, a piece ~*e* of shore with, buildings and figures; on the left, other boats, farther out at sea. Sky of-blue with warm-tinted white clouds. Signed at the lower right, N. Riecen, Fec., AMSTERDAM. To be sold to close an Estate. ENGLISH SCHOOL NINETEENTH CENTURY -89—PORTRAIT OF A LADY we i «he, bg ed Height, 26 inches; width, 20 inches , In a white dress open at the neck, her left hand to her cheek. Property of Mrs. C. C. Mitts. ‘vag : , : * " Sms Fy ey, (ee ENGLISH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 90-PORTRAIT OF A LADY ae ae a le te, _ ee Height, 30 inches; width, 25 Did Har length, three-quarters to the left. In a white dress, pink sash, and black mantilla which hangs over the arm. A white ribbon in her hair. Property of Mrs. C. C. Mitts. a ig, AN w® ’ vi ATTRIBUTED TO LARGILLIERE ,; Frencu: 1656—1746 Oe 91—PORTR AIT Kay . 9 g OS Height, 32 inches; width, 264% inches | Haur length; three-quarters to the left. In a red robe, and linen undergarment. Full wig. The eyes brown and looking earnestly to the front. Property of Mrs. C. C. Mitts. ENGLISH SCHOOL = NINETEENTH CENTURY 92—PORTRAIT OF A konto J Dud en Height, 311, inches; width, 251, As Hatr length, seated towards the left. In low-cut white dress and a red sash, The hair powdered. A little blue bonnet on her ‘head ‘tied with white muslin strings under the chin. Landscape background. -. 4 To be sold for the account of an Estate. USES pane < ee ’ ‘ ie = GERMAN SCHOOL as EIGHTEENTH CENTURY eg Pima nag se : wx ~ : 93—PORTRAIT OF A WOMA € B Abre (Companion to No. 94 Aas hartley ee a : le: bad _— Height, 811% inches; width, 251, inches Ee x A RED dress, with lace insertion at the neck. Blue mantle edged with ermine. Pearl earrings and pearls in the hair. A crown on a cushion on the table on the right. _ Property of Mrs. C. C. Mrs. GERMAN SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 94 PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN (e ae Ry gab us Ce x a Bc orepanion to No. 98) “Height, an inches; width, 251, inches ° ny In bronze-brown dress, cut square across the breast and edged with lace. The blue mantle held loosely over the left shoulder. Pearls in the hair. Property of Mrs. C. C. Mirts. ATTRIBUTED TO NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE Frencu: 1656—174 3 95—PORTRAIT. OF THE : salinities Danhaabiesitlis. sited MARQUISE DE LAUTA y ye 7 = + q g Ceapaernre—— Oval: Height, 36 inches; width, 281, inches 2 Har length, in full face. In a blue dress, with red corsage decorated with gold pattern and precious stones, and amber mantle. Blue and red head-dress adorned with gems and feathers. Powdered hair; pearl necklace and earrings. Red curtain back- ground on the left. From the T. J. Blakeslee Collection. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanrutrr. MATTHEW JOUETT AMERICAN: 1783—1827 MARGARET we 9 we Height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches ae HaLr-LenetH portrait of an elderly woman, facing very slightly toward the left, with eyes directly upon the spectator. She is in black, with white lace over her shoulders, and her white lace cap is bound by a band of black. Neutral background. 96 Property of a Private Owner. gO Reed es = i: ai a al eet \ f + GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— -97—AUTUMN LANDSCAPE c/ ots ae Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches ¥% @ A poot of water in the center, with trees in the middle distan to the left. The sun setting in the center. Blue clouds, illuming< with the red rays of the sun. Signed in the left bottom corner. Purchased from the Artist. : Property of James A, KinsEtia. ALBERT INSLEY AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 98—_LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES i Ah Height, 20 inches; length, 32 inches en i é ji On the right the edge of a thick wood, whose trees, Bing on a low green river bank rise above the picture limits, gives way to a rounding background of mountains, vaguely misty on a day of late summer. On the farther river bank, which follows the curve of the valley, cattle are grazing, and on the nearer bank in the foreground are two fishermen. Signed at the lower right, Arsert INstey. Property of a Private Collector. GEORGE HENRY HALL 13 AMERICAN: 1825— 99 NENNILLA: A NEAPOLITAN GIRL / ae Y “ Height, 33 inches; width, 24 inches a? 4 Sa THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH standing figure of a handsome young woman with frank, cheerful face and soft brown hair, carrying on her shoulder a gray water jug banded in green. Her light waist is sleeveless, and makes a modest disclosure of her breast, — and she looks at the observer with quietly smiling eyes. Signed at the lower left, Geo. Henry Hatz, Roma, 1895. Property of a Private Collector. STEPHEN PARRISH ne a ae 100—_THE OLD SAW aad no vt gd. Height, 26 inches; length, 36 inches Unver a brilliant blue sky with white and mauve-tinted clouds, a mountain landscape of forests and green fields, farm houses and a winding road, and in the foreground an old brown mill nestling amid green trees and luxuriant bushes by the bank of a stream mirroring their reflections. Signed at the lower right, SrepHeN ParrisuH. Shown at the exhibition of the Society of Independent Artists. Property of Harrison W. Mitts. JEROME THOMPSON, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1851—1886 . ert | 101I—THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET Q : <<) at aa Height, 34 inches; width, wir, Tas J fo A FARM-HOUSE in the open country, with a shed adjoining it on the left. Logs of wood on the ground; chickens near. A girl is leaning over the well-head on the right, and a boy is drinking out of the tilted bucket. The sandy road on the right runs down to the water mill in the distance. Summer sky. Signed, and dated 1867, in the right bottom corner. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanruter. HERMANN HERZOG GERMAN: 1832— -102—MOUNTAIN TORRENT py OS rnek From the left middle distance a stream amid green mountain forests rushes in white foam down to the foreground, a large brown mill standing midway on its farther shore, and a smaller mill on the hither bank in the foreground. Beyond the latter mill a man approaches, and on the bank of a clearing on the right a peasant woman is seated, attending her small flock. wa ice Wek Height, 28 inches; length, 39 inches Signed at the lower left, H. Hxrzoa. Property of S. G. Ratns. —— WILLMAN CoNTEMPORARY 103—START OF rar NT 79 eee Height, 2414 inches; length, 411, inches A Comrine forward along a broad and formal road through a Euro- a pean country town are four red-coated horsemen, the M. F. H. on a gray, his assistants on brown horses, the pack with tails erect accompanying them. At either. side creamy and gray buildings with red and brown roofs. Signed at the lower right, Wi1timMan. By direction of the heirs of the late Laura Batt Pinxvs. MARIE PETIET Frencu(?): ConTEMPORARY 10A—ALLANT AU MARGHE/ ¢ g Y vy Wane Height, 441% inches; width, 32%, ee THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH figure of a dark-haired young woman, in the attire and headdress of her province, with a market basket on her arm and carrying slung under her other arm a large green umbrella. She goes toward the left, with back in three-quarters view and head turned slightly towards her left, so that her face is seen a little more than in profile. Signed at the lower right, Marre Perrier, 1883. Exhibited at the Salon, Paris. Estate of the late Francis Wuite. SPANISH SCHOOL SIXTEENTH CENTURY -105—PORTRAIT OF A SPANISH, PRINCESS is gt Height, 46 inches; width, 34% so aaa THREE-QUARTER length, standing to the front. In the elaborate costume of the Court of Philip II. The dress of amber silk edged and trimmed with red and blue stones. The hair dressed high and a jeweled coronet upon it. Full lace ruff and cuffs. Pearl necklace and pectoral cross studded with blue and red stones. The right hand resting on the table, the left grasping her handker- chief that denotes her rank. This calls to mind typical portraits of Ladies of the Court of Spain, painted by Alonso Sanchez Coello (1531-1588) and others. It specially re- minds us of that of “Margarita, Duchess of Parma,” at Petrograd. Purchased at the Hotel Drouot, Paris, 1901. Property of James A. KINsELLa. FRENCH SCHOOL % NINETEENTH CENTURY 106—PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN oe Li Pe rag Ve UO — eight, 46 inches;; width, 321, inches ! THREE-QUARTER length; three quarters to the left. In white dress with pale blue corsage, white sleeves, and red mantle. Holding roses in her upraised right hand. Her hair in ringlets on her forehead. Property of Mrs. C. C. Mints. SCHOOL OF LARGILLIERE EIGHTEENTH CENTU a ; é 107—PORTRAITS OF A MAN AND WOMAN / ¢¢ ¥ es Height, 38 inches; length, 501, inches 30 A MAN in a wig, and wearing a brown robe, is seated at the left at the end of a table; he holds up a glass in his left hand. A plate of peaches is on the table before him. The woman dressed in white with blue bows and a pink wrap holds half a peach in her right hand; a glass in her left. Based upon some such original as Largillitre’s “Portrait of Himself, His Wife and Daughter,” in the Louvre. Property of Mrs. C. C. Mitts. SCHOOL OF SIR PETER LELY SEVENTEENTH CENTU 108—PORTRAIT OF vee ¥ Height, 50 inches; width, 4014 inches SEATED in a landscape, with ruins in the right distance. Three- quarter length, to the front. In brown dress, in a blue mantle which is girt up on to the right shoulder. Her hair in ringlets. Nell Gwyn (1650-1687), actress and mistress of Charles II, was fre- quently painted by Lely. This recalls numerous portraits by Lely and others in private collections in England. Property of Mrs. C. C. Mitts. ~~ +8& .. ; oe 270% Height, 53 inches; width, 391, we ATTRIBUTED TO JEAN BAPTISTE VAN LOO Frencu: 1684—1745 © 109—PORTRAIT OF THE COMTESSE DE MAUREPAS. THREE-QUARTER length; three-quarters to the right. In # blue dress with pink drapery over the left shoulder. Powdered hair. Holding white flowers in the left hand; the right hand on papers resting on a table on which is an open music book. To be sold for the account of an Estate. GUSTAVE BRION . Frencu: 1824—1877 110—A FUNERAL IN VENICE Gu e™ Le ; i 1%, inches; length, 591, inches Caer) a* Height, 391% inches; length \/, inches A conpota is being slowly rowed along the dull waters of a side canal in Venice by twilight. Four officials in red robes are seated and hold candles near the coffin, which is placed in the prow and covered with a rich tappetto. Other figures peer over the side of the bridge above. Signed in the right bottom corner. Painted in 1868. Bénézit: “Dictionnaire,” p. 756, records his having painted, and exhibited at the Salon in 1872, a picture of this subject. Purchased from the Dr. M. H. Henry Collection, New York. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanrutr. FRANCISQUE EDOUARD BERTIER Swiss 1lII—F LOWER PIECE | ? Height, 34 inches; length, 57 ing¢hes seo Rep and.white rhododendrons, arranged behind a stone table which occupies the foreground. Dull background. Signed in the right lower corner, Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lawturr. HERMAN CARRODI Travian: 1844— ~ 112—AVE MARIA: FISHERMEN AT THEIR SHRINE, Saran IA, VEZNIC y, ] ae ve Height, 69 inches; width, 34 inches Aecarnts a sunset sky of fading splendor, the modest shrine erected on tall spiles and reached by a long flight of steps stands high above the water, its structure reflected on the ripples of the shimmering foreground. To it have come in two boats a company of fisher folk from the fishing town at the foot of the Laguna, men and women in colorful costumes, and they are seen in reverent attitude, while one of their number, a young woman, has gone aloft to attend to the lamp in the shrine. Signed at the lower left, H. Carront. A replica, painted by the artist after a picture which he painted for the (then) Princess Alexandra—now Dowager Queen of England—for presentation to Queen Victoria. Carrodi, a well-known Italian artist in the nineteenth century, maintained studios in Rome, London and Baden-Baden. Property of H. S. Warre. NINETEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN MOSAIC 1183—MOSAIC PICTURE OF THE ROMAN FORUM 7 es 4* ——_—-— Height, 31 inches; length, 57 inches JS H, epee: (Weight, about 500 pounds) A spacious view of the Forum precincts, with ruins and standing buildings, pavement, grass-grown areas and a few bushes, and some wandering pedestrians—period, about 1830. Estate of the late Francis Wuite. SECOND anp LAST EVENING’S SALE bi - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.00 O CLOCK C. VAN LEEMPUTTEN ConTEMPORARY 114—IN THE SHEEPFOLD ( fh 1, eae ‘ Log “ee Height, 61%, inches; length, 91, eee ! Lytne on yellow straw are two sheep and a lamb, and around them chickens are pecking for food, and a game rooster proudly over- looks all. In the background a gray wall and the deep shadow of a straw-strewn interior. Signed at the lower right, C. Van Lerempurrten, ’67. Property of a Private Collector. tf Y ihom Height, 91% inches; length, 13%, inches NARCISSE BERCHERE Frencu: 1819—1891 115—A CARAVAN (>. | (Water Color) / Turovcu sandy ground the procession of three camels, accom- panied by their attendants and preceded by two oxen, make their way slowly toward the seashore on the left. Mountains in the right distance. - | ae Signed, and dated 1871, in the lower right corner. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lawruier. JEAN BERAUD FRENcH: 1849 — 116—CORPS LEGISLATIB,0,,_/ / a, : J Twn Height, 13 inches; width, 91% 4's : Ix the background the Palais Bourbon, on a foggy winter day, the Pont de la Concorde m front of it busy with traffic, and coming across the Place toward the observer various members of the Chambre des Députés im silk hats and overcoats. In the foreground a young woman; at left a blue-bloused oworier. Signed at the lower right, Jzax Bewavn. Property of Mrs. Cuartes D. Wansworrtx. ta ati aar side in the sunshine, a tall young man in eee ee carrying glass, stick and silk hat, rotu: d man wearing his topper, standing at his elbow. Both 1€ spectatee : : ed | Signed at the lower right, Guy Pixe vv i te ieee cs tate. Ameezicax: 1847— spas LE FORET (Black and White Drawing) r z ¢_ p Height, 7+— imches: width, 41, inches 4 Terres wholly bare of leaves, with limbs of eccentric growth branching toward each other from cither side, and in the dis- eee = Gump of saplings, also nude, beneath a wintry sky Signed at the lower right, R. A. Braxertocx. Property of a Private Owner. Property of a Private Owner. * @% ‘ ee Ree ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847— 119—LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURE : Height, 51, inches; len h, O inches 4 «3 Brown woods mount above the rectire: at oi and left, against a sunset sky of dull golden-yellow which appears between the tree- groups, and in the foreground is a short figure in red, standing. Signed at the lower right, R. A. BLAKELOCK. COLIN CAMPBELL COOPER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1856— 1200—WINTER mm oS ~, (ou Height, 5 inches; length, 7 inches Snow covers the ground in a sparsely settled street of a con- siderable town, with a lamp-post on one side, a couple of way- farers on the other, and slender trees not denuded of leafage; in the background against a sunset sky, a large church with square tower and pointed spire. ; Signed at the lower left, Corrs CAMPBELL COOPER. | Property of a Private Owner. WILLIAM MERRITT POST, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 121_THE GRAY BROOK e 3 prs Height, 5 inches; length, 7 incre Jy é Y ' Y MC te G. ala = oe on Winoine about an angle at the right, a brook, gray in refle of a light gray sky, passes between a brown and green field and a gray-bouldered bank, each with a background of trees and brush with dead leafage. Signed at the lower right, W. Merrirr Post. Property of a Private Owner. HOMER D. MARTIN, N.A. AMERICAN: 18386—1897 122—RIVER V ALLEY | Nida . Peta. we i Height, 7%, inches; length, 12 inches it «& 2 rosy at the left, beyond a foreground hill which it throws into transparent shadow, becomes brownish-gray with heavy clouds at the right, over broad hills which slope to the valley of a blue river that cuts the middle distance. On the slope in the left foreground are slender trees and shrubbery, with sparse foli- age green and yellow, brown and red. Signed at the lower left, H. D. Martin. Property of S. G. Rarns. % ‘ RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847— 1283—LANDSCAPE § ss bp 1 Lhe | t ( UY ad Height, 5 inches; leugth, 714, inches Gray clouds lower about a light horizon at the close of day, and brush and scrub timber are brown in shadow in the middle distance, in a wild country. In the green foreground an Indian kneels watch- fully at the side of a small stream. : Signed at the lower left, BLaKEtocx. To be sold for the benefit of the American Committee for Devastated France. CHARLES MELVILLE DEWEY, N.A. AmeERIcAN: 1849— Tt. Yom (124—A MISTY MORNING: SUNRISE oe Nee one Height, 1134 inches; width, 111% inches g A wLanpscaPE, with a pool of water in the foreground. Tall feathery trees in the right middle distance. A wide stretch of country toward the left, with buildings over which the sun is rising through the mist. Signed in the left bottom corner. Purchased direct from the Artist. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanruter. oy § i. oy i a “4 th ra 7 a i sf a * a, ’ ‘ A a 2 a Ae « 7 Pek a] ROBERT LAYTON NEWMAN e American: 1827—1912 125—GIRL BRINGING HOME J RESIS en A NEW-BORN LAMB He by eA Height, 14 inches; width, 8 inches Soxirary figure of a stocky peasant girl, wrapped in a hooded -_ ____ blue cloak, carrying tenderly in her arms a new lamb. She comes toward the spectator, walking toward the right, and is seen vaguely, as in a mist. Signed at the lower right, R. L. Newman, 1886. From the John Gellatly Collection. To be sold for the benefit of the American Committee for Devastated France. NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 te 9 ; ae eas 7 126—THE FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU 13 ee Height, %1/, inches; width, 10 inches Rocky ground in a glade seen toward sunset. A peasant woman descends from the high ground in the center. Signed at the lower left corner. From the Astion Collection, New York. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. LANTHIER. CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY) p pe? | ~ OF % : Frencu: 1817—1878 , A - 127—SOLEIL COUCHANT, En ade nvelate 5 BORDS DE RIVIERE bie ee, Height, 934 inches; length, 15°, inches A GREEN foreground, the land rising gently toward the right, bor- ders a narrow river which crosses the picture, disappearing be- hind the uplands. The farther shore is lined with dense trees, and through a rift in their upper foliage is glimpsed the red disc of the setting sun, which is reflected in the stream. On the hither bank, two figures. Signed at the lower left, Dausicny. By order of Messrs Erxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London. GIOVANNI BOLDINI Irauian: 1844— | 128—AN OCCUPATION OF LEISURE (Water Color) dy Brrore a gray wall formally decorated with floral sprays in delicate color, a fair-haired young woman in white reclines with abandon on a green upholstered settee, engaging her pleased at- tention with a fabric of feminine interest. She is in profile to the left. Height, 91% inches; length, 121, inches Signed at the lower right, Botprnt. To be sold for the benefit of the American Committee for Devastated France. ee 4 ea HENRI HARPIGNIES ) i » Aad ( Frencu: 1819—1916 pie 7 129—BORDS DE RIVIERE / v g v6 Height, 1014 inches; length, 14 inches __ Forrcrounp, the edge of a stream, brown and green with reflec- tions of its farther high bank, where a peasant in a blue blouse and gray hat is seated in solitary contemplation, facing the spectator. Signed at the lower left, H. Harpieniss, 1853. By order of Messrs Exx1ns & Henriques, Attorneys, London. CHARLES BAUGNIET Bexcran: 1814—1886 130—CONTEMPLATION (Water Color) ud wo 6 os "aes Height, 13 inches; width, 13 inches © Berore a hearth fire from whose direct heat she is protected by a screen, a dark-haired young woman in a pink gown studies pensively an object which stirs her memory, holding it up in her hand. Signed at the lower right, C. Bavantet, 1878. Property of a Private Owner. PIETER NEEFS FiemisH: circa 1577—circa 1660 AND FRANS FRANCKEN Called DON FRANCISCO se po Friemiso: 1581—,1642 rable 131_INTERIOR OF ANTWERP CATHEDRAL 4 Height, 10 inches; length, 12 inches Aw interior view of the Cathedral at Antwerp, Belgium, with (~~ figures of ladies and gentlemen in seventeenth century costume, : and peasants and artisans. Some of the people are kneeling. The architectural forms are carefully drawn and correctly ren- dered. The figures were painted by Francken. In the Museum of Brussels there is a picture to which this one bears a likeness, but it is of different size and the figures are differently disposed in the composition. Property of a Private Collector. CHARLES ALEXANDER 1832—_FLIRTATION Ye nti Height, 1514 inches; width, 124%, inches oOo Smatt half-length figures. A lady in an amber-colored robe, light blue mantle, and blue hood adorned with pearls, is playing on a mandolin. She looks up over her left shoulder at an elderly man in the background. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. LAantTutrr. eee green. GILBERT GAUL, N.A. a AMERICAN: 1855— 13883—“W AITING FOR aaa x WA i —_ Height, 12%, inches; width, 101% inches _ Furi-tenern seated figure of a young colored girl, dressed for outdoors, holding an umbrella across her lap and facing the spectator with wide eyes, in a room with woodwork trimmed in Signed at the lower right, Gavt. Exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Seventh Loan Exhibition, May to November, 1883. Property of Private Owner. LOUIS LOEB, N.A. AMERICAN: 1866—1909 134—_LANDSCAPE A ore . Height, 101%, inches; length, 13%4 inches Iw the foreground, carefully and interestingly studied, a low sea- shore tree or shrub mass, with an eccentric intricacy of branches and a mound of soft green leafage, on the curve of an inlet from a broad blue bay which extends to a low and distant shore. Robin’s- egg sky veiled in gray. Signed at the lower right, Lovis Logs. Property of a Private Owner. THOMAS COLE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1801—~1848 185—THE VOYAGE OF LI jj of Height of panels, 12 yy length, 131, inches An allegory of life from infancy to the passage to Glory, with an angel ever watchful, pictured in boats upon peaceful and upon troubled waters, in four panels within a single frame. | Property of a Private Owner. JAMES McDOUGAL HART, N.A. | AMERICAN: 1828—1901 4 136—LANDSCAPE Dn. Tae .La Height, 10 inches; length, 16 inches (“ I At left, a forest slope with pine standing and fallen, the outermost — trees overhanging the edge of a broad body of water from which wild ducks are taking flight. In the foreground shallows are two deer, and above the point of land the sun is seen in a humid mist. Signed at the lower left, J. M. Harr, °71. Property of a Private Collector. ip aie EDWARD L. HENRY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1841— —“WHO'S Be Na aig v4 (0 Y Norteg cs fog lll Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Ly1ne down within the recessed doorway of a house in a country town is a large dog who raises his head and cocks an eye as a shadow is thrown on the steps, cast by the figure of a small colored boy who approaches from around a corner, gingerly and dubiously, fetching a basket Bik the grocer’s. . Signed at the lower left, KE. L. Henry, ’88. Property of a Private Collector. JULIA F. HENSHAW DEWEY AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY (Mrs. Coartes Metvitte Dewey) 188—ROSES PED ADP werny La gl a a Height, 12 inches; length, 17 inches Larce roses of delicate pink, on their stems which carry leaves of a fresh, rich green, nod over the sides of a globular porcelain jar of robin’s-egg blue, standing in a soft light before a grayish wall. Signed at the lower left, J. F. Hensuaw Dewey. Property of a Private Owner. ROBERT LAYTON NEWMAN AMERICAN: 1827—1912 139-MOTHER AND CHILD af QO. ee Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches A youne mother, with fair skin and hair of rich dark red, seated, holds on her lap a nude infant. She wears a décolleté waist of _ deep crimson, and a dark green drapery is thrown over her skirt. . Signed at the lower left, R. L. Newman, 1900. To be sold for the benefit of the American Committee for Devastated France. vitae 4 Pcs Tal ui as HENRI HARPIGNIES Frencu: 1819—1916 We wa 140—SOLEIL CO CHa UR LA LOIRE Go zt. Height, 10 inches; length, 145, inches Traversine the picture between a low green and brown foreground and a slightly higher bank which is dark against a sunset horizon, a stretch of the river Loire is white with cloud reflections, and tinged with rose from the waning sunset light. Signed at the lower left, H. Harprenies, 91. By order of Messrs Erxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London. C. B. OWEN 141—CATTLE AT PASTURE we Sees 4 Height, 16 inches; width, 20 inches (a 5? 7 ee A cow is grazing in scanty herbage near the foreground. Other y cows in the right middle distance. Low horizon. / io ‘i Signed in the lower right. Property of a Private Owner. AFTER DE HEEM Dutcu: 1600—1674 142—FRUITPIECE ge -~4 Wr Sues! | » 7 | Height, 14 inches; width, 18 inches fs 4 | Fruit, including black and white grapes, peaches and a melon, are placed on a table with a vase on the left. In the background is an arch, with a building seen beyond. Inscribed with the name of the artist, and dated 1892(?). He appears to have taken his material from some picture by Jan Davidsz de Heem. Property of a Private Owner. Fee VA vs Ms Brak ee er etone Ph inches; length, ENGLISH Ear Ly NINEtRENtH CENTURY 148—A GRAY HORSE Pont beet Aa Color) / sv Height, 18 inches; width, 18 inches A Faro horse, in full harness, stands outside a cottar’s house. Aw collie dog, red shawl and tam o’ shanter on the ground to the right before a water-butt, near the door. Property of a Private Soe PERCIVAL ROSSEAU AMERICAN: 1869— 144—HUNTING DOGS f inches Amone reedy marshes brown and green two setters, black and white and brown and white, are proceeding cautiously, and keenly alert, across the picture, their master not within view. In the distance, blue water, brown woods and a purple haze. Signed at the lower left, P. Rossgav, 1904. Property of Mr. W. Rostson. THEOPHILE DE BOCK (7?) | Durcu: 1850—1904 a - -145—M OONLIGHT Bon - $ So oa Height, 161, inches; width, 121%, inches At left, short trees and taller saplings, at the edge of water which Z is in gentle motion under an evening breeze. Up to the shore o_ line and far over the water the bright reflected light of the full moon, well above the horizon in a sky of breaking clouds. At lower right a signature, undeciphered. By order of Messrs Erxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London. CAMILLE MAGNUS Frencu: ConTEMPORARY 146—AUTUMN LANDSCAPE Py Ate. Height, 141, inches; length, 18%, La f Roveu herbage, occasional rocks, and ee both detached and closely massed are full of rich and varied autumn color, about a pool which reflects a blue and clouded sky. Some way off, a woman in a red waist, and in the distance a line of hills. Signed at the lower left, Cammurre Maenus. From Bernheim Jeune, Paris. By direction of the heirs of the late Laura Batt Pinxus. ~~ be ne j 5 \epnesiiner— Height, 18 inches; length, 19 inches JOHAN SIMON HENDRIK KEVER Dutcu: 1854— 147_SEWING (Water Color) (ba jf uy, j “ar” Height, 18 inches; width, 13% inches On the left the corner of a stone cottage comes into view, and in its shade, seated on a bench, an old woman in white cap and blue apron, and wearing sabots, works patiently at her sewing. Beyond a fagot fence is green grass and foliage. Signed at the lower right, Kever. From the James Buchanan Brady Collection, 1918, HE FIll- K Liga To be sold to close an Estate. WILLEM STEELINK DutcH: 1856— 148—RETURN OF THE mange dt S Wat 4 U : Tue shepherd, at the head of his flock, is approaching and accom- panied by his dog, who is by his right side. He is dressed in a blue shirt, olive drab coat and trousers, and sabots; a muffler is round his neck. He carries his crook under his right arm. Two sheep drink from a pool on the right; rushy grass, with the meadow receding to sand dunes. Vaporous clouds. Signed at the lower right. In the Julius Ochme Sale, January 27, 1911, No. 15, # /2Q- Th. Lauer Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lantruier, | CHARLES LANDELLE Frencu: 1821—1908 149-EGYPTIAN GIRL, THEBES 7 _ see ¢ | 3 5% Yom Height, 171, inches; width, 1114 inches Sf ¥, {, : ‘Sranpine figure of a well-rounded young woman with regular features and olive skin, clad in a loose black garment that partly exposes the chest and displays her forearms. On the flat palm of one hand, raised nearly to shoulder height, she holds a fictile vessel with primitive ornamentation. She wears an elaborately _ jeweled headdress and heavy gold necklace. Signed at the lower right, Cu. LaNnvELtLe. Estate of the late Francis WHITE. CHARLES LANDELLE Frencu: 1821—1908 150—L’EGYPTIENNE Lo we. in ee Oe rag ON S 5 Height, 171% inches; width, 111%, inches Sranpine figure, seen nearly to the feet, of an Oriental beauty carrying a brass ewer and water dish. Her dark hair, bound over her brows in emerald ribbon and jeweled band, falls loosely over her shoulders, and she wears a loose transparent tunic and a heavy scarlet skirt. Signed at the lower right, Cu. LANDELLE. Estate of the late Francis WHITE. KL AUGUSTE TOULMOUCHE Frencu: 1829—1890 151—REV ERIE ieorOw ee (3 ge o a, i Height, 1814 inches; width, 12 inches «, ores Sranpine figure of a tall young woman with light chestnut hair, __ in profile to the right, her head slightly inclined and large eyes raised, hands clasped in front of her, deep in reverie. She is in a sleeveless décolleté gown of light and delicate colors. Blue back- ground. Signed at the lower left, A. Toutmoucue, 1887. By order of Messrs Erxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London. CAMILLE MAGNUS FRENCH: CoNTEMPORARY 152—ENTREE A FORET () | La Akins sou Height, 15 inches; length, 1814 inches _ Ar right a detached.tree, and at left two of them, standing in rough and colorful herbage, through which a straggling path leads to a thick wood which closes in the background, leaving, above, a view of a robin’s-egg sky filled with gray-white clouds. Signed at the lower right, CAMILLE Macnvs. From Bernheim Jeune, Paris. By direction of the heirs of the late Lavra Bart Pinxvs. ho HENRI HARPIGNIES wel (yt ef Frencu: 1819—1916 ye] Pek 153—BORDS D'UNE MARE SOUS BOIS Height, 1734 inches; width, 1414, inches : _ A srony foreground borders a poo! within the shade of a wood, and m the water two small boys, wading, stand with backs to the spectator. Beyond them the gray trunks of the trees, with just the beginnings of their foliage visible at the top of the picture, stand out against a sun-lit hillside in the background, whose - greenery is reflected with shadows of the tree-trunks on the water surface. Signed at the lower left, H. Harrieniss, 68. By order of Messrs Exrxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London. CHARLES MELVILLE DEWEY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1851— | 154—ON THE RIVER COLN: FAIRFORD, OXFORDSHIRE, a aaa {/ 1 gg ‘ Height, 12 inches; length, 16°4 inches ef dhe Far hills are a hazy green under a white sky, ae which a7 at the right a thin screen of slender, sinuous trees with feathery foliage, its edges yellow almost as the yellow surface growths which line the meadow grasses below, where a white cow stands, the brilliant reflections of all mingling in a shallow foreground stream. Signed at the lower left, Cuartes Metvitte Dewey. Property of a Private Owner. JASPER FRANCIS CROPSEY, N.A. AMERICAN: 38—1900 76 es 155—W ARWICK WOODLANI Height, 12 inches; length, 20 inches Ar right and left richly colored rocks, and trees of richer color, mount high at either side of the corner of a lake, in the fore- ground, and a man and woman stop to converse on a rude rustic bridge. Beyond is the broad sweep of a valley threaded by a silvery river and encompassed by distant mountains, the valley foliage repeating the rich autumn coloring of the foreground trees. The distant view is softened by a warm autumn haze, through which the setting sun glows with a dull golden light, and neighboring clouds are tinged with rose and mauve. Signed at the lower left, J. F. Cropsry, 1877. Property of a Private Collector. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1892 156-—AUTUMN MORNING 6: Bae y a ates Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches Broap fields are rich brown, bright yellow and a fading yellow- green, rolling lightly on either hand, and declining in the fore- ground to a partly shadowed marshy pool, grayish rocks outcrop- ping on the slopes. At left, brown trees in silhouette; at right, a tree greenish-yellow and more distant, brightened by the morning light. Signed at the lower left, A. H. Wyant. Property of S. G. Rats. ROBERT LAYTON NEWMAN « AMERICAN: 1827—1912 ie 157-—-ARIADNE Shp) eT ‘ ‘ a ren Place ie be 3 ao Height, 14 inches; length, 24 inches ” : Nop: figure of a supple young woman, her long dark hair hanging down her back, seen in profile to the right as she walks accom- panied by three leopards across a mountain desert, her arms ex- tended and one of them supporting a crimson drapery. Three hailing figures approach in the distance. : Signed at the lower right, R. L. Newman. To be sold for the benefit of the American Committee for Devastated France. CHARLES ROLLO PETERS AmeERiIcAN: 1862— 158—RAINY MOONLIGHT n ie f , AM ade ae a : oof Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches SiuceisH rain clouds of a storm which has drenched the landscape and left rivulets in the ruts of a country road are breaking up, and a pale moon struggles to view, through the moist atmosphere. At right of the road a long low building, in one window of which glows a single red light. Exhibited at the Union League Club, 1899. Subsequently sold by Mr. Thomas B. Clarke to the late John Harsen Rhoades, from whose collection it passed to Snedecor & Company. To be sold to close an Estate. HARRY CHASE, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1853—1889 } & 159 VENETIAN MARINE dn ta P Wir their lateen sails set at a high angle, the canvas yellow, crimson and brown as well as white, several Adriatic fishing boats are grouped close together in the Lagoon, the city of Venice visible in the distance. Their crews are abroad, market boats are alongside, and a gondola approaches from the right. or! Ay rie ia ; ri a a 21 / i U ede: Height, 14 inches; length, 24 inches Signed at the lower right, H. Cuase. | Property of Mr. W. Rostson. ; GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— C4. v6 160—WINTER TWILIGHT, = AMAGANSETT, LONG ISLA y 4 se Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches Deap, brown reeds and grasses, lining either side of an inlet, stand out above a blanket of snow overlying broad, flat meadows. At left, beyond the creek, a cottage with a warm light in the window and smoke issuing from the chimney stands between brown trees and snow-covered haystacks. Pale streaks of gold linger along the gray horizon. : | Signed at the lower right, Gro. H. Bocsrt, ’87. By direction of the heirs of the late Laura Batt Pinxvs. JOHN G. BROWN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1831—1913 . _ ~ +16I—“SHINE! SIR?” WA a, Y af o es 5 la ye Height, 24 inches; width, 16 inches as Se U ne One of New York’s vanished bootblacks, a small and affable boy . in ragged clothes, seated on his kit-box, brush in hand, against a gray wall. As he looks up, in question, he points down toward ____ the shoe of a passer-by who is not within the picture. Signed at the lower left, J. G. Brown, N.A., 1885. Property of Mr. W. Rostson. JEAN RICHARD GOUBIE Frencu: 1842—1899 162— TRLA (2 Si 62—EQUESTRIANS VY we : VO Se Height, 151% inches; length, 2014 inches ; Two ladies out for a cross-country ride have halted in an open field beside a high garden wall, the elder in back view, riding a bay horse, the younger with light hair down her back, mounted . on a roan, while a man in a red coat, dismounted from a white- footed black horse, gathers for them a large bouquet of wild flowers. In the distance, haystacks. Signed at the lower right, R. Gousie, 1878. Property of Mrs. Cuartes D. Wapswortu. OTTO GUNTHER German: 1888—1884 ae AQ. bal ry “e 163—TELLING HER FORTUNE e FROM PLAYING CARDS 1 SRS Height, 221%, inches; width, 164, inches : eS A LOVE-LORN young woman in white décolleté gown with crimson a bodice is seated facing the spectator, beside a chair on which a = ,_ formal bouquet lies amongst an array of playing cards. She a lean pensively over the chair back, holding an ace of hearts. Signed at the lower left, Orro GUNTHER. Estate of the late Francis Wuire. GEORGES MICHEL - ‘Frencu: 1763—1843 164—LANDSCAPE fae oO QrarnvOh : Lig nae Height, 19, ea length, 24 inches a A warMiy toned landscape with sky of gray clouds, depicting a cottage with thatched roof, clumps of trees and, at left, a cliff. Stamped on the back of canvas, G. M. Property of a Private Collector. Ps Me C. BONNEMAISON FrRENcH: CoNTEMPORARY 165—AHEAD OF THE STORM £’ re OO aa Zo Li é Height, 1934 inches; length, 251, inches Tue dark clouds of a heavy thunderstorm are overspreading a sky still light above the horizon, over rolling pasture lands and harvest fields, with a haystack at the left, and hastening forward in the foreground a farmer is driving three cows and a flock of sheep. Signed at the lower left, C. BonNnEMatson. Estate of the late Francis Wuite. | THEODORE HEINRICH WEBER GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY 166—OFF THE JETTY ge / Hae S36 — Height, 25 inches; width, | 19 inches Se On the right a jetty crowned by a white lighthouse, and idlers: seated there, one under a red parasol. To left of it a working fleet, with colorful sails, the foremost boats coming into the fore- ground shallows, the rest seen out at sea. Signed at the lower right, TH. Weser. Estate of the late Francis Wuire. —— ae ee ee a Gr Re DAVID TENIERS (the Younger) Fremisu: 1610—1690 f 167—VUE DE L’ABBAYE DE R Cdirbenntil GREEMBERG, BELGIQUE : Yb / Y 0 “ee Height, 1414, inches; length, 2134 inches TuE ancient Belgian abbey appears above a grove of short, dense trees at the left, the wooded background continuing in a retreat- ing shore-line at the right, along a body of water which bows into the flat land of the foreground. Here are sundry sheds, houses : and other buildings, and numerous early Flemings in baggy short-clothes, variously engaged. | _ Signed at bottom center, D. Tenters, F. On back of panel, a paster showing that the picture has at some former period been through a French sale or exhibition, No. 50, the paster declaring that the painting came from the cabinet of Voltaire and carried his seal. The seal, on the back, is not now decipherable. Property of Joun J. Dwyer. ATTRIBUTED TO avin ine Frencu: 1740—1824 ¢ So oie ccs 168—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY Height, 2114 inches; width, 1734 inches SEATED in a chair. Wearing a gray dress edged with green, a gray scarf round her neck. A thin blue ribbon in her hair, which is powdered. 7 Property of Mrs. C. C. Mrrts. AFTER JEAN MARC NATTIER Frencu: 1685—1766 Bes 169—PORTRAIT (supposed) OF Dar ¢ Eh viol a LOUISE H. DE BOURBON, _ Tee wr | ee haf J cide Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches Haxr-Lenern, in full face. In a white dress, with blue drapery __._ over her left shoulder. Flowers in her powdered hair. Property of Mrs. C. C. Mrs. if ~ AFTER FRANCOIS BOUCHER Frencu: 1703—1770 170—PORTRAIT OF MADAMA, 5 aoe, DE POMPADO / J ve / _ Height, 24 inches; width, 1914 inches Smatt full-length figure, reclining on a settee. Wearing blue dress profusely trimmed with roses, pink ribbon round the neck, and pearl bracelets. In her right hand she holds a book. Various objects on the small bureau in the right foreground, near a yellow curtain. A bookcase and large clock in the left back- ground. In the left foreground are a dog, a portfolio, a porte- crayon and two roses. Bearing a false signature and date of 1763 in the right foreground, Original portraits of Madame de Pompadour by Boucher and in this aspect are well known and very highly esteemed. The two outstanding ex- amples are those in the National Gallery of Scotland (three-quarter length; 14% inches by 17%4 inches) and in the private collection of Baron Schlichting, in Paris (231 by 28%4 inches). They were both exhibited at the Exposition de Cent Portraits de Femmes, in Paris, 1909. Another is in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Property of Mrs. C. C. Mitts. MARTEN DE VOS Fiemisu : .1531—1603 171—_VENUS AND A sire Cg tt Venus, half-clad with white and red draperies, lovingly approaches the Satyr, who shuns her embrace as he picks grapes from the vine that encircles the tree trunk. In the foreground are two cupids; one of them is seated on the back of a tiger and holds a bunch of grapes; two other tigers roll on the ground near by. Height, 19 inches; width, 251, inches Formerly in the collection (No. 71) of pictures sold by Edward Beihai cs April 2, 1908. Reproduced, from the engraving by Roland, by C. Blanc at p. 3 of the chapter on Marten de Vos in the volume on the “Ecole Flamande” of the “Histoire des Peintres,” 1864. The title there given it is the rather strange one of “Paon et Syrenx.” In matter of style it seems to approach the works of Paul de Vos (1590-1678). Perhaps to some such work as this may be traced the genesis of the “Infant Bacchus. pressing the Juice of the Grape into the Jaws of a Tiger” which, attributed to Van Dyck, was exhibited at Leeds in 1868, No. 787, from the Nostell Collection in the catalogue of which, of 1915, it is No. 8302. (See Waagen: “Art Treasures,” III, 336.) From the T. J. Blakeslee Collection. j 7 i " a Pf Le A ee ee Ree ve a ig ales an hee sat a s Lee aA Te mo ae eee ee eee | ie ee Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanruter. ne ie i th is eS ie ee eee ee 4. Se age ae eine gf 7 SCHOOL OF JEAN MARC NATTIER Frencu: 1685—1766 172—PORTRAIT OF A LADY | Height, 29 inches; width, 241, inches Rep flowers in her white dress. A ribbon and a pearl in her powdered hair; a curl falls on to her right shoulder. The picture seems to have been so injured at some time that the face has been repainted with a different technique. _ Property of Mrs. C. C. Mis. JOHN T. PEELE, A.N.A., S.B.A. — EncuisH-AMERICAN: 1822— 172s—PORTRAIT OF A CHILD) Vann. & Drrnmrreg Hy om A) _. “= © Oval: Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches ee ae er ee THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH seated figure of a young girl with large blue eyes, creamy complexion and pink cheeks, and a mass of - golden curls falling to her shoulders, observed with figure to the right and face to the front. She wears a short-sleeved old-rose frock, and is in a red-upholstered chair over which a green drapery is thrown. Property of a Private Owner. oe ee ee —— ere i on American: 1861— Te eS ae | ‘Height, 141, inches; length, 28 inches FRANK MURA 173—IN THE FIELDS, NEUVILLE ‘. Broap fields, rich brown under cultivation and lush green with varied vegetation, on a showery summer day, spread wide and far, — over high land with low hills at the horizon. Across the fore- ground a line of detached saplings show straggling leafage, and beyond them farmers and their teams labor in the fields. Signed at the lower right, F. Mura. By order of Messrs E1xins & Henriques, Attorneys, London. HENRY SIDDONS MOWBRAY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858— 174A-THE VIOLIN GHeL YY A. Height, 2334, mches; width, 1814, inches Iprax portrait of a young woman with light chestnut hair, shoul- ders nude and waist enwrapped in light red, a purple drapery about her limbs, seated amid blossoming wild flowers on a green bank. She faces the observer, turned slightly to the right, and is playing a violin. Signed at the lower right, H. Sippons Mowsray. To be sold for the benefit of the American Committee for Devastated France. Eo eel ws se Ao9 Bont Height, 19% inches; length, 281, inches i? FRANK MURA AmERIcAN: 1861— 175THE HAY CART / Green hills of a farming country stretch away from middle distance to low hills; coming through a wide gate in a rude fence, to a brown field road in the foreground, is a load of hay drawn by a gray horse and a bay, attended by a farmer who walks at his team’s side. Signed at the lower right, Mura. By order of Messrs Erxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London. CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. AmeERiIcAn: 1859— 176—GIRL IN BOAT Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches ~ Porrrair of a young woman with Titian hair, seated in the stern of a rowboat only the half of which is within the limits of the picture. She wears a white skirt, purple-pink waist and canary- hued sailor hat, and has turned to her left, her face appearing in profile. The boat is in rippling gray-blue water, with a peopled shore green and hilly in the background. Signed at the lower left, Cu1rpe Hassam. To be sold for the benefit of the American Committee for Devastated France. 7) Lg hE PLICM ee i ae SSIS eT WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU oe Frencu: 1825—1905 177—_AN ITALIAN BEAUT a.) f * Height, 251, inches; width 2 HaLr-LenerH portrait of a young Italian girl with a wealth of rich and softly brilliant black hair, player of a tambourine, which she holds upright on her lap, as she sits facing the left, three- quarters front, before the dark, shadowed recesses of a wood. She looks slightly downward, with an expression of the youthful wisdom of the ages, and is clad in white and red. Signed on the tambourine, left center, W. eikiaiees 1889. From the James Buchanan Brady Collection, 1918, # I Gia Jf 2 Ob, mn K, fi r To be sold to close an Estate. ACHILLE FRANCOIS OUDINOT = am. ' , FRENCH: Meow ee 178—_LANDSCAPE WITH io, Q we l, nee leis Height, 284, inches; width, 21 dephes si On either bank of a placid river, up which the eye looks, tall trees in line rise out of the picture, and in the distance a curve in the stream reveals dwellings and a bridge. On the right, in the foreground, a man stands on the green bank, fishing, and at the opposite edge of the stream blanchisseuses are at their labors. Signed at the lower left, A. Ouptnor, 774. . Estate of the late Francis Wuite. ¥ me HENRI HARPIGNIES rae fg Ay b Frencu: 1819—1916 94 70 L _ _ 179—SOUVENIR DE ST. ree HA an Be He ee rt Height, 21, inches; length, 29 inches In the foreground a blue pastoral river, which loses itself in the middle distance, passing behind a high bank on the left which supports a tall and full-branching tree. On the farther side of the stream a man fishing, other figures behind him, and two cows grazing in a field. In the background, creamy-gray houses of a French town, against a line of thick trees. Clear blue sunlit sky, with white cloud tufts. Signed at the lower left, H. Harpicntes. By order of Messrs Exxtns & Henriques, Attorneys, London. M. ROUZER FreENcH: CONTEMPORARY . ‘ we 4 ~~, $ e . 180—BEACH"LIFE® ® Mit Hogh Ly Nel ; . oa y ae fatey : an ie ‘ j a Height, 281%, inches; width, 20 inches Two sturdy young women in coarse garments of gray and red and brown and blue, their heads bound in kerchiefs, appear one stand- ing and one bending over, on a broad beach when the tide is out, gathering shellfish or pebbles close in the foreground. In misty distance other figures erect or bending over at similar work are silhouetted against a pale sea and soft gray sky. Signed at the lower left, M. Rovuzrr. Property of Mrs. Cartes D. WapswortH. 7 ae JULES WORMS Frencu: 1832—1881 5 181—DIVIDED aN ee Q Q edt / y J ee Height, 24 Ag pee 291/, inches In a corner of a Spanish courtyard enclosed by gray buildings and garden walls, where stands a covered farm cart and a duck — is waddling, a man holding a basket of oranges for an old woman — to make a selection turns his head to admire a coy young woman with skirts tucked up, who is watering plants at one side. 4 Signed at the lower right, J. Worms. ay or | By order of Messrs Erxins & Henriques, Attorneys, London. OTTO DE THOREN AUSTRIAN: 1828—1889 Ae Shllaclican lich, Vem a aaa TER STORM x Height, 20 inches; length, 321%, inches. /3200 FoLiowine a winding road steep with snow, through a mountain pass, a Wallachian pack train moves slowly forward, the horses three abreast and laboring in the snow, a muffled-up rider mounted on the middle horse of each team. The air is charged with the __ swirling snow, and only the leading team, four of which are visible, r is clearly defined. Signed at the lower right, O. pe THOREN. Property of Mr. W. Rosison. -. Aangl fo Malla, (avis, Jam 18tl- foe Mone E at: e he. a fob G. / Lard ed, yy L1df)- pE& XX= ee Iuete val orm A Garland Syn jb8) f Ex - AHA. “jp. A, dbaletta Yur 18) Ps jee f 4 % Py Fs OD pei at As ad - mes « : AIEEE iy m hs Ay HENRI DARGELAS Frencu: 1828—1906 . 5 r %, 188—LITTLE PIERROT SOE GREE eM z | Wi ve Height, 351, inches; width, 28 inches Ar an angle of narrow streets of a French town, before the boutique of a marchand de vin, a small boy masquerading as Pierrot has come to grief on a muddy pavement, and small com- panions stand about, some rejoicing that his mask has fallen, others more sympathetic, while stodgy elders look on from windows. Signed at the lower left, Darceras; at lower right the date, 1865. Estate of the late Francis WHITE. JEAN BAPTISTE MONNOYER Frencu: 1636—1699 184—_FLOWER PIECE Saab fee) aie Height, 2214 inches; length, 28 inches ny aU. { / Fiowers of various kinds, red and white in hue, lie in the fore- ground or on the stone on the left; others are in the metal vase on the right. Plain background. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanrurer. PARIS BORDONE 0—1571 185—PQRTRAIT OF A VENETIAN LADY — Wy) wi VENETIAN: 15 + - Height, 46 inches; width, 33 inches =e % a THREE-QUARTER length; standing. In long brown dress, open in | front to show fine linen beneath; lace-edged cuffs. A pearl neck- lace and a gold chain round the neck. Fair hair. A green-bound book in the left hand; the right falls by the side. Said to have been formerly in the Panciatichi Palace, Florence. To be sold for the account of an Estate. SIR PETER LELY ENGLISH: 1618—1 0 186—PORTRAIT OF A GEN (Companion to No. 187) ” Oy, , j ae Oval: Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches Bust length; three-quarters to the left. In a red robe gathered up into a bow on the left shoulder. White cravat, and full wig. Plain background. From the T. J. Blakeslee Collection. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanrutmr. a SIR PETER LELY Eneuisu: 1618—1680 187—PORTRAIT OF A LADY | aie (Companion to No. 186) ee B23 we Ry eed j Pe es. Oval: Height, 80 inches; width, 25 inches cas Busr length; three-quarters to the right. In low-cut red robe ___~_._with blue mantle thrown back over her shoulders. Her breast is bare, and a curl falls on to her right shoulder. Formerly in a private collection in England. arn Hest. Blakeslee Collection. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lantutrr. % = JOHN OPIE, R.A. Eneusu: 1761—1807 188—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG Sgt / 9 at : Height, 80 inches; width, 24 On Cana leelernriie, rename —— - } Smau, three-quarter-length figure of a girl, in a fds sleeve- less dress and wearing a straw hat with blue ribbon. She reclines against luxuriant plants at the side of a stream into which she dips a jug. Cloudy sky. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanrutrr. ° «%% Bust-LenceTH; to the front. In low-cut blue dress, figured with CARLE VAN LOO Frencu: 1705—1765: 189—PORTRAIT OF A LADY, Na - Aarti OF THE COURT / eg A. SESE Height, 32 inches; width, 2514, inches red and blue flowers, and a red mantle. Flowers in her powdered hair. Neutral background. From the T. J. Blakeslee Collection. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanvuter. ATTRIBUTED TO SIR THOMAS LAWRENCH, P.R.A. Eneuisu: 1769—1830 190 PORTRAIT : aka ee ce JOHN PHILIP KEMBLE AS “HAMLET” 7 75 yi Ras Height, 38 inches; width, 22 inches — ; 3 | Smauy full-length figure, wearing black doublet, hose, long cloak and hat, and the blue ribbon of an order. He stands by Yorick’s , grave and holds the skull in his left hand. Dark background, : = with the moon shining in the left distance. John Philip Kemble (1757-1823), son of Roger Kemble, manager of an itinerant company of actors, first appeared in London in 1783, when he it played the part of Hamlet. He was a brother of Mrs. Siddons and Charles Kemble. Portraits of him are numerous. Armstrong, “Lawrence,” p. 142, gives details of five portraits of him as Hamlet. The outstanding example is that (117 inches by 57 inches) exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1801; it is now in the National Portrait Gallery, No. 694, and is reproduced in Cust’s illustrated catalogue of that gallery, vol. II, p. 43. The present small picture seems to be in all essentials of detail, but not in technique or style, similar to it. The National Portrait Gallery original by Lawrence was engraved by S. W. Reynolds, and J. Bromley. O’Donoghue lists seven en- gravings of Kemble in this character by different artists after Lawrence. From the T. J. Blakeslee Collection. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanruter. a. CASPAR NETSCHER f ie a “ee & * eye, * Es DutcH: 1639—1684 | “a 191I—PORTRAIT OF A MAN IN ARMOR © ; ee | a? ? ¢ Bet EPO e o - } y, oe Height, 32 inches; width, 25 inches Smatt, full-length, standing figure of a warrior in full armor of the seventeenth century. Wig and cravat. The right arm akimbo and grasping his baton; the left leaning on the blue cloak spread on the table on the right, on which is his plumed helmet. Red | curtain in the left background; a peep of landscape in the right, / with a statue outside. Property of James A. KInsELra. NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE Frencnu: 1656—1746 192—PORTRAIT OF A WOMA VW . (Canvas) /\. PONS ne a ob si 7 ‘Feigned oval: Height, 33 inches; width, 261, inches In a red dress, with short sleeves edged with lace. Blue mantle. Holding a lace fichu to her breast with her left hand. : atl 7 nt: Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches ag On the right, a rippling stream, with rambling reaches into a low foreground shore at the left, a shore of low banks of rich green grass, with outposts of weeds turned brown. At right and left in the middle distance, woods green and brown, beneath a purplish- gray sky breaking into cream and white and blue after a rain. Signed at the lower left, W. Merrrrr Post. Property of Mrs. Mary R. Krirroy. JOSEPH H. BOSTON, A.N.A. AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 196—AFTER SUNDOWN - ee "Ge ip eit he. C ahi, Sill Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches / Ar left the upper part of a red-roofed, gray-white cottage, nestled among thick green trees, comes to view above the top of a low hill, and on the right, across a rough and crooked road, stands a red barn. Coming down the road is a lone young woman in a blue jacket. Orange clouds tint the after-sunset sky behind her, and aloft is the white crescent of the moon. Signed at the lower right, Jos. H. Bosron. Property of Mrs. Mary R. Kitroy. HENRY 0. TANNER AMERICAN: 1859— 197—_THE GOOD CE Ce hee In the soft blue sky of an early evening so brilliant that color has not vanished from the landscape, the full white moon appears over the blurred tops of two aged and gnarled trees standing on mounds at center and left of the foreground, members of a ridge of hills reaching back on the right. Between the trees, the tall silhouette of a shepherd in the midst of his shadowy flock. fa Height, 25%, inches” length, BY inches Signed at the lower right, H. O. Tanner. Property of Harrison W. Mitts. EDWARD GAY, N.A. AmERIcAN: 18 —— ~ \S _/ ® 198—RIVER LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE ny Height, 20 inches; length, 36 inches On the right, a winding stream, in a pastoral and well-wooded country, with many trees at center and left, and in the fore- ground a number of cows grazing or lying at rest. Pale tur- quoise sky with pinkish-creamy clouds. ) Signed at the lower left, Enwarp Gay, 1870. Property of a Private Collector. 0 BENJAMIN WEST, P.R.A. AmeERiIcAN: 1788—1820 199—RELIGIOUS FIGURE COMPOSITION . Height, 36 inches; width, 28y, Keohes oul y One of West’s series of pictures of sacred inspiration. Within _a great arched entrance to a temple, the Christ is seen coming forward, preceded by the imposing figure of an Apostle, who com- mands attention with outspread arms; the Christ robed in dark green, and His companion in deep red. At either side are Jews, old men and young women and children, standing and seated, and some turn in supplication with uplifted hands, some look on curi- ously, and some of the young women appear unmoved. Through the arch is seen another building, before a sky filled with color. Property of a Private Owner. REMBRANDT PEALE AmERriIcAN: 1778—1860 (After Bronzino) f ae 00—JUDITH Height, 32 inches; width, 251, inches / Har-Ltencru portrait of a proud and commanding beauty, fig- ure to left, face front with large hazel eyes directed at the ob- server. Hair of soft, dark brown, formally waved and curled, in rich masses framing her face and falling below her shoulders, and pinned above her brow with a jewel. Appareled in rich golden-yellow, over her shoulder appear the folds of a blue velvet cloak with pink silken lining. Dark atmospheric background, re- lieved by rich olive drapery back of the figure. In original manuscript on back of canvas: “Painted by Rembrandt Peale from the Judith by Bronzino in the Ducal Palace at Florence.” Property of Joun J. Dwyer. IVit- La oar KAr- at BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 201—SOLITUDE fiat Ae Saal 1& es oh ge ese Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches Saxtt marshes and a tidal creek spread far and wide through a flat country bordered by a line of low hills in the distance. ‘The hour is evening and the country deserted, and a golden burst of after-sunset light in the sky enriches by reflections the smooth, placid creek in the foreground. Signed at the lower right, Bruce Crane, N. Y. ‘ - 4gv€ Property of Mr. W. Rostson. oth =m Pe i3 bef harrthee bb, i if GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. a * AMERICAN ony Qe | ah 202—LANDSCAPE: SEPTEMBER NOON 3 BP g See Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches In a desolate country is a lake, lit with the moon set high in the sky. A cluster of tall thin trees in the left foreground. Signed in the right bottom corner. Property of James A. KInsEtxa. : WILLIAM VERPLANCK BIRNEY, A.N.A. i AMERICAN: 1858—1909 ¥ 4 203—THE SMOKER Bh vt hats gY Cm a Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches SEATED before a high mantel, with his back to a comfortably glowing fire, a smooth-shaven man in scarlet coat and buff breeches extends himself in welcome relaxation in a chair beside a table, and puffs leisurely at a long-stemmed clay pipe. At his elbow a man similarly clad, standing, looks down at him. Signed at the lower right, W. VerpLtanck Birney, A.N.A. Property of Mr. W. Rostson. 3 | BRUCE CRANE, N.A. my American: 1857— Pe. We 204— PASSING STORM hn. aod q ) Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches / CUCES, aaa Fairurvut and effective presentation of the passing of a heavy ‘summer rainstorm, whose gray and dripping clouds drift toward the right, the sky brightening to left of them and sunlight freshening the moist surface of a rich yellow field on the borders of a tidal inlet. In the left foreground, the end of a building screened by low trees of dense leafage. A scene at Captain’s Island, off Smith’s Point in the Great South Bay, Long Island. Signed at the lower left, Bruce CRANE. Exhibited at the Salmagundi Club, 1900. To be sold to close an Estate. PO PSEA ALLL LEE LAER LADO A “a eh aI i OR sg th WILLIAM MERRITT POST, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 205—LATE AFTERNOO Height, 25 inches; 1 gth, 30 inches Yoana Art right the horizon sky glows in orange and mauve, beneath a greenish-blue zenith, above a low wooded hill, and at left a grove of bare brown trees rises high in the middle distance, on the low green bank of a sluggish creek which broadens in the foreground. Signed at the lower right, W. Mererrr Post. — aan aaa ¥~ 4 Rady. . i “4 ae v - , aay eA gt ak: mn! x on, _ ‘ 5 oe “3 p ; — a ie : . : Property of Mrs. Mary R. Kirroy. I. H. CALIGA American: 1857— ee 206—REMINISCENCE ¥% be 3 “* . Height, 27 inches; length, 35 inches A HALF-LENGTH, life-size, seated figure, in profile to left, of a young woman dressed in white, with a pillow behind her in the armchair and holding a book in her lap. On the left, a curtained window and a palm, on a small table. Signed at the wpper left, I. H. Catiea, 1889. To be sold to close an Estate. a. Aer a eee . 4 ee ee | a. Ri Evan a Pato ke eats [eteinthe % ss si al >. en) > ae e. = ° 4 5 Sag + x L fee f 35 Height, 25 inches ; GE 36 inches ‘¢ GILBERT GAUL, N.A. AMERICAN: eee :j , JTKA~ LAAAV OS 207-CHRISTMAS DAY IN ‘AMP = a A Happy incident of the Philippine Campaign is represented, a sandy clearing amid tropical greenery with Uncle Sam’s boys opening their Christmas boxes of ‘“‘smokes” and edibles, cakes, pies and oranges, and toys, and more boxes still being unloaded from an army wagon drawn by four mules. Signed at the lower right, Girpert Gavt. Property of Mrs. Mase R. Kirroy. CHARLES WEBSTER HAWTHORNE, N.A. AmERIcAN: 1872— 208—GIRL IN GREEN Sf WEP ’ Height, 40 inches; width, 32 inches Z por). of a portrait of a pretty young woman in a décolleté gown of green with ruffles edged in pink, seated in a green-uphol- stered high-backed armchair. She faces the right and is looking at an open book resting on her crossed knees. Signed at the lower left, C. W. Hawrnorne. Exhibited at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1894. First Hallgarten Prize, National Academy of Design. To be sold for the benefit of the American Committee for Devastated France. ieee enacted EDWARD WILLES REDFIELD AMERICAN: YY oe 209_-THE QUARRY < Sang Height, 3214, inches; length, 4014, inohes Across the middle distance the heavy flow of a river in beer greenish-blue and cold, and on the farther side the hollowed amphi- theater of a quarry with its work buildings, cutting into a broad — hillside snow-covered, warmed by a large red barn. Bleak naked trees at right and left; and in the foreground, shallows and low banks and brown_brush and flags. Signed at the lower right, E. W. REDFIELD. Property of Harrison W. Mitts. GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— 210 LANDSCAPE: a. % 1b “ale EVENING AFTER THE STORM LOs_-y "2 Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches Srones are in the shallow pool of water that is fed by a water- fall in the center from the lake above. High banks on either side. A clump of trees in the left middle distance. The sun setting low in the center. Bushes in the right middle distance. Signed in the left bottom corner. Property of James A. KINSELLA. ATTRIBUTED TO —— . BALTHAZAR DENNER E German: 1685—1749 > %l—4 PHILOSOPHER = (/ 46, t ; 3 Jd ge. Height, 35 inches; width, 28% inches A MIDDLE-AGED man, seated, three quarters to the left and seen at three-quarter length; short beard; in a gray robe. His right _ hand to his breast; his left clasps a skull to his side. Property of a Private Owner. HENDRICK F. SCHAEFELS Bewtcian: 1827—1904 nd peg ee 212-RETURN FROM THE CHASE! ~ si « ar 4 g Steel Height, 40 inches; width, 32 inches In the courtyard of a mediaeval castle two ladies in brillant costumes are overlooking the bag of game which huntsmen have brought down after a day of running, with pages and halberdiers standing about, and at right horsemen are crossing the moat bridge and passing under the portcullis of a neighboring gate. Signed at the lower right, Henprick F. Scuaerets, 1870. Estate of the late Francis WHITE. Sc. RT le i PE Sa hs ae CAMILLE HIPPOLYTE DELPY FRENCH: 4 -Iy cco A 213—AFTER THE ert Height, 24 inches; length, 40 inches ve ¥ = gf YouNG woman, with a basket on her back, stands on the near ae bank of a river. On the far side the high bank is topped with tall poplar trees. A man walks toward a punt moored to the bank. Cattle and red-roofed houses in the distance. The black clouds are passing away and the sun appears. | . Signed in the right bottom corner. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanrurer. ..SIR JOHN WATSON GORDON, P.R:S.A., R.A. ScotrisH: 1788—186 : ma 214—PORTRAIT OF A onvriienewt / og oo Height, 36 inches; width, 28 yaches Haur-LENGcTH, seated, to the front. In black coat and vest, gray trousers, and black cravat. Middle-aged, with gray hair. Hold- ing his spectacles in his right hand, and papers in his left. Red curtain background. Property of James A. KINSELLA. ROBERT TOURNIERES Frencu: 1668—1752 | Nnrte A age COO RT ff ip J <.-—_ _ Height, 431, inches; width, [? infer & es THREE-QUARTER length, to the front. In a white dress, edged with lace, and with short sleeves. With her right hand she holds up one gy corner of the red mantle which falls across her shoulders and on to a her lap. Her powdered hair falls in curls on to her shoulders. - Seated in a blue-backed chair. ~ Height, 331, inches; length, 48 inches J eo 9 /: n the left foreground 1 is an Italian villa, en by a flight of steps with a pair of female statues at the foot. Numerous figures, accompanied by dogs. A serving man staggers under the weight of the deer that has met its death in the chase. Figures on horseback approach from the open country on the right. eee ee Purchased from the Sara Draper Collection. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanrurer. Ea ee a a ee ee iin . ‘Si ET ee ee CHARLES JONES, R.C.A. ‘ CaNADIAN: CONTEMPORARY 217—AN AUTUMN ahi web aS en - WORCESTERSHIR E | x Height, 24 CERCA length, 42 inches we A FLOCK ae fine sheep on a slope in the foreground and in thee : Lb middle distance, at the left, a valley and range of hills. Evening sky of blue with the setting sun, just above a nena of eo cloud. Signed at the lower right, C. J. 90. Signed also on, back of canvas, CHartes Jones, R.C.A. 1890. . To be sold to close an Estate. EASTMAN JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN: mien td Vw 7 ae 218A YOUTHFUL VIOLINIST / at Mi} Ye Height, 52 inches; width, 32 inches Portrait of a golden-haired child in a blue cloak with white lace collar, light blue stockings and brown shoes, standing, and facing — the spectator, arms behind back and holding a violin and bow. — Background a richly furnished room. Signed at the lower left, E. Jounson, 1878. By order of an Evwecutor. , So AA Pa aa JOHN LA FARGE, N.A. American: 1835—1910 219M AWA, A SAMOAN Lh: "uo YY a iene igs er i 2her the 52Y, sible width, 381, inches Tue picture is described and explained by the artist in a long in- scription at the lower right, as follows: . . “This is a sketch of Maua, one of Secumame’s men and one of our crew gen ‘in the two trips around the islands of Savan and Upolé.. Maua is not tattooed / “4. (so that his legs are not bluish, looking as if silk [blue-black] drawers were / worn). He ought to be tattooed, but I think is afraid of the pain. He will make believe that it is uncivilized or perhaps will trot out the Church, for he is a leader in prayer—in any small deviltry as well. He is not handsome, as you see, but he is intelligent. I thought I could get him to sit on that account, as it is difficult to get natives to pose well, but he could hardly keep quiet a minute. I had only a few hours to paint this in, and was at work when the call was made for our boat to leave for Tahiti. Hence, unfinished.” | Maua is seated on the ground, in a green loin-dress, beneath a natural arch of greenery and red flowers. ; > ff Sg ON, Inscribed at the upper right, Mava, In Samoa, Jan. 27-28, 1896. / / o7 L Eahibited at the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, (08 , # /&7. Exhibited at the Worcester Art Museum. Exhibited at the Third Exhibition of Contemporary American Paintings in Oil, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, 1910. Exhibited at the Panama-Pacific lags eo # £695. Property oF a Private Owner. _ 2, > he § Yi al £ > WILLIAM TROST RICHARDS, }p AY" Ad AmeErican: 1833—1905 dé iil , = » Rigs 220—PORTLAND BILL, EN ie D. i at 2/ ee Height, 40 inches; length, 60 inches (5 GAL GE ei Tete. Huer gray headlands with green flanks mount high on the left toward an active sky of billowing clouds, and at their foot waves of a green sea break in a white wash. In the lower foreground, houses of a village and several figures. In the distance, cream- colored sail under a gray storm cloud. Signed at the lower left, Wm. T. RicHarps. Property of Paut B. Bopven. ANTOINE VESTIER -Frencu: 1740— 824. ia 221—PORTRAIT of MDA Ig THREE-QUARTER length, seated, and in full face. In puce-colored satin dress lined with white silk, and a white sash and short sleeves edged with lace. Resting her right arm on a cushion placed on a table at her side. Headdress with pearls and a feather in her powdered hair. The base of a column in the left background, a red curtain in the right. Height, 51 inches; width, 40 inches A representative work. A portrait of this lady by Vestier (25 inches by 30 inches) was No. 72 in the collection of E. Brandus, sold April 2, 1908. From the T. J. Blakeslee Collection. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lantuter. LOUIS TOCQUE Frencu: 1696-41772 222—FLORA, GODDESS OF FLOWERS ae Height, 491, inches; length, 601% inches S80 a Nupe full-length figure of the Goddess kneeling toward the right at the festive season of Floralia; a blue ribbon falls over her shoulder; a red drapery across her knees. She places an iris in . a bowl containing roses, near which on the right stands a Cupid? Another Cupid is seated in the left foreground; two others are in the sky above him. From the T. J. Blakeslee Collection. Property of the Estate of the late L. A. Lanruirr. HYACINTHE RIGAUD Frencu: 1659—1748 223—PORTRAIT OF Ot bow Z 9 J oe Height, 95 inches; width, 69 inches NAVALG FuLi-LenerTH, life-size; three-quarters to the left. In regal robes and the full trappings of state; a mantle lined with ermine and woven with fleurs-de-lis on a blue ground; full wig; the insignia of the Order of the St. Esprit. His right hand rests on the baton which is placed on the table on the left, on which are the crown, the cushion and the hand of state; the left hand to the side. The left foot advanced to the front. A column and red curtain in the background. Recalling, and setting forth much of the majestic pose that characterizes other portraits of the king by his state painter, notably that in the Louvre. Purchased from the Georges Petit Galleries, Paris, in 1898. Property of James A. KinsEtra. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. ; REPRESENTED AND WORKS LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS ALEXANDER, CuHartes Flirtation ARNOLD, Cart Jonann” Alpine Landscape with Figures BABCOCK, Wiut11am The Jewel Box BAUGNIET, Contemplation BERAUD, Jean Corps Législatif BERCHERE, NARCISSE A Caravan BERTIER, Francisquzt Epovuarp Flower Piece BIRNEY, Wititam VeERPLANCK, A.N.A. The Smoker | BISTAGNE, Pau Home of the Fishers BLAKELOCK, Rartpu Apert, N.A. Dans le Forét Landscape with Figure Landscape _ BOCK (?), THEOPHILE DE Moonlight CATALOGUE NUMBER 132 TA 15 130 116 115 111 203 38 118 119 123 145 aa. le ee a ee noe gr epee ne ey oe ~BRION, Gustave BOGCERT Groran EO aN Autumn Landscape | ae i. 97 Winter Twilight, Amagansett, Long Island — 160 Landscape: September Noon 202 Landscape: Evening After the Storm | 1¢ BOLDINI, Giovannt An Occupation of Leisure BONNEMAISON, C. Ahead of the Storm BORDONE, Paris | Portrait of a Venetian Lady BOSTON, Joszru H., A.N.A. After Sundown BOUCHER, Francois (After) Portrait of Madame de Pompadour BOUGUEREAU, Witu1Am ADOLPHE © An Italian Beauty A Funeral in Venice BROWN, Joun G., N.A. “Shine! Sir?” BRUNERY, Francois The Chaperone Dozes The Duet CALIGA, I. H. Reminiscence CATALOGUE NUMBER CARRODI, Herman Ave Maria: Fishermen at Their Shrine, Chioggia, Venice 112 CASILEAR, Joun W. Cows at the River 48 Landscape 56 CHASE, Harry, A.N.A. Venetian Marine 159 COLE, Tuomas, N.A. _. The Voyage of Life 135 COMAN, CuartorTe B., A.N.A. _Misty Day in the Adirondacks 62 COMPTE-CALIX, Francois Love’s Young Dream é 52 COMTE, Prerre CHARLES La Toilette 79 COOPER, Corin CAMPBELL, N.A. Winter Landscape 120 CRANE, Bruce, N.A. Solitude 201 Passing Storm 204 CROPSEY, Jasrer Francis, N.A. Warwick Woodlands | 155: DARGELAS, HEnrI Little Pierrot 7 183: Oe th mee Ser ee -DAUBIGN Y, Cartes Francois _ Riverside Landscape Soleil couchant, Bords de Riviére DAUBIGNY, Cuartus Francois (Attributed to) Moonlight DE HEEM (4fter) F ruitpiece DELPY, Camitie Hieporytr After the Storm DENNER, Batruazar (Attributed to) A. Philosopher DETTI, Cesare Acostino On Guard DEWEY, Cranes Menyain Nod A. Misty Morning: Sunrise , On the River Coln: Fairford, Oxfordshire, England ; DEWEY, Juuia F. Henspaw Roses DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse Vircite The Forest of Fontainebleau DOUGHTY, Tuomas River Landscape DROUAIS, Francois Huperr (After) Portrait (supposed) of the Marquise d’Humiéres eee x ‘Coe a =e Gea ; ae ois a iy ne ¢ r 213 21 34 124 154 138 126 58 69 RAG Es ee ee ol el DUTCH SCHOOL The Anchorite Winter in Holland ECHTLER, P. Lost in the Woods EISMAN-SEMENOWSKY Girl of the Golden Spangles ENGLISH SCHOOL Two Young Women Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Lady A Gray Horse FEIG, Franz pe Pauta The Dance FRANCKEN, Frans Interior of Antwerp Cathedral | FRENCH SCHOOL Portrait of a Young Lady Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Young Lady Portrait of a Woman FRERE, Cuarres Tutopore , Baléané: Haute-Egypte—Deux Droma- daires mangent le Bercime GARCIA-MENCIA, A. The Picnic CATALOGUE NUMBER 7 70 14 29 21 89 90 92 143 43 131 23 28 65 106 37 55 GAUL, GivBert, N.A. “Waiting for Missus” The Coquette Christmas Day in Camp GAY, Epwarp, N.A. Landscape River Landscape with Cattle GERMAN SCHOOL Portrait of a Woman Portrait of a Woman GORDON, Sim Joun Warson, P.R.S.A., R.A. Portrait of a Gentleman : GOUBIE, Jean RicHarp Equestrians GREEN, C. E. L. Landscape and Figures Landscape with Cows GROENEWEGEN, A. J. Landscape and Cattle GUNTHER, Orro Telling her Fortune from Playing Cards HALL, Grorce HENry Nennilla: A Neapolitan Girl HARPIGNIES, Henri Forét de Fontainebleau Bords de Riviére Soleil couchant sur la Loire Bords d’une Mare sous Bois Souvenir de St. Privé HART, James McDovaat, N.A. Landscape HART, Wituum, N.A. Landscape with Cattle, in Autumn HASSAM, Cuinpe, N.A. Girl in Boat | HAWTHORNE, Cuartes Wesster, N.A. Girl in Green HENRY, Epwarp L., N.A. “Who’s There?” HERZOG, Hermann Mountain Torrent HILVERDINK, E. ALEXANDER Street of Gables INGAME, Enpvuarpo The Eternal Pursuit INSLEY, Apert Landscape with Figures JOHNSON, Eastman, N.A. A Youthful Violinist JONES, CuHartes, R.C.A. An Autumn Evening, Worcestershire JOUETT, Matruew Margaret Berryman KEVER, JoHan Stmon HENDRIK Sewing CATALOGUE NUMBER 136 49 176 208 137 102 98 218 217 96 147 KRATKE, CHARLES Lovls A’ Quiet Smoke LABILLE-GUIARD, Anétaine Portrait of a Young Lady LA FARGHE, Joun, N.A. Maua, a Samoan LA MONACA, A. Maria © In the Garden LANCRET, Nicotas (Manner of) The Swing | | LANDELLE, CHARLES Egyptian Girl, Thebes _L’Egyptienne LARGILLIERE, Nicos DE Portrait of a Woman LARGILLIERE, Nicouas DE aes! chy | Portrait of a Man : 91 Portrait of the Marquise de ee 95 LARGILLIERE (School of) A Lady Attended by a Negro 66 _ Portraits of a Man and Woman 107 LAWRENCE, Sm Tuomas, P.R.A. (Attributed to) Portrait of John Philip Kemble as “Hamlet” 190. LEHR, Apam Game | 51 CATALOGUE NUMBER LELY, Sir PETER ; Portrait of a Gentleman 186 Portrait of a Lady 187 LELY, Sir Peter (School of) | Portrait of Nell Gwyn 108 LING, F. Unloading the Catch 84. LOEB, Louis, N.A. Landscape 134 MAGNUS, CamitLe Autumn Landscape 146 Entrée a Forét 152 MARSHALL, Witziam Encar On the Seine 19 Wood Scene 20 MARTIN, Homer D., N.A. River Valley 122 MEADOWS, Artuvr J. | Hazy Morning Off Boulogne 71 MICHEL, GerorceEs Landscape 164 MILLER, Krennetu HAyYEs Sleep | 60 MONNOYER, JEAn BaptIsTE Flower Piece 184 MOWBRAY, Henry Srwpons, N.A. The Violin Girl 174 / MUNICH SCHOOL 3 Ducks to the Water MURA, FRANK In the Fields, Neuville The Hay Cart NATTIER, Jean Marc (After) | Portrait (supposed) of Louise H. de = Bourbon 169 NATTIER, Jean Marc (School of) | a Portrait of a Lady ae ae NEEFS, PIetrer ae | Interior of Antwerp Cathedral 18. ee NETSCHER, Caspar : Portrait of a Man in Armor 191 NEWMAN, Rozert Layton Greek Shepherd 42 Tiger and Prey 46 Girl Bringing Home a New-born Lamb 125 Mother and Child 139 Ariadne 157 NINETEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN MOSAIC Mosaic Picture of the Roman Forum 113 NOTERMAN (?), EpManvueEL The Stolen Dinner 39 OPIE, Joun, R.A. Portrait of a Young Girl 188 e = asia ethan Seaecee ae = wiht, -s CATALOGUE NUMBER OUDINOT, AcHitLE FRANCOIS Landscape with Figures 178 OWEN, C. B. Cattle at Pasture 141 PANNINI, Giovanni Paoto (Attributed to) : A Scene in Rome 216 PARRISH, SrerHen The Old Saw Mill ae LOO PEALE, Rempranpt Judith | 200 PEELE, Joun T., A.N.A., S.B.A. Portrait of a Child 172A PENDLETON, H. At the Dock 4A PENE DU BOIS, Guy | The Race Track 117 PEPPER, CuHarirs Hovey The Red Shawl 63 PETERS, Cuaries Roto Rainy Moonlight : 158 PETIET, Marre Allant au Marché 3 104 PEZONS (PEZOUR) (%), J. At Pasture | 4, PHILIPPOTEAUX, Paut Shepherdess in Brittany — Arabs in Battle POST, Wittiam Merritt, A.N.A. The Close of Day The Gray Brook Clearing Weather Late Afternoon RASCH, HErnricu Der Spaziergang am Hafen REDFIELD, Epwarp WILLEs The Quarry RICCI, Pro The Love Letter RICHARDS, WituraMm Trost Portland Bill, England RIEGEN, N. A Harbor in Holland RIGAUD, HyacintTHE Portrait of Louis XIV RIGAUD, HyactntHE (After) Portrait of a Lady Portrait of a Lady ROSSEAU, PErcIvai Hunting Dogs ROUZER, M. Beach Life CATALOGUE NUMBER SCHAEFELS, Henprick F. Return from the Chase 212 SCHILL, A. , ‘Youth and Age 13 SELL, C., JR. (CHRISTIAN SELL) : War in Winter 2 SIMONETTI, CavatrerE ATTULIO The Love Letter 5 SMITH, Henry PEMBER Village Landscape | 45 The Lighthouse 57 SPANISH SCHOOL : Portrait of a Spanish Princess 105 SQUIER, F. At the Waterside 11 STEELINCK, WILLEM | Return of the Flock 148 STERREDJONG, J. F. Dutch Interior 24 TANNER, Henry O. The Good Shepherd 197 TENIERS (tHE YouncER), Davin Lighting his Pipe 9 Vue de Abbaye de Greemberg, Belgique 167 TENIERS (tHE Youncer), Davin (Attributed to) The Good Brown Jug 8 Rae? THOMPSON, Jzrome, A.N.A. The Old Oaken Bucket THOREN, Orro bDE Winter Storm TOCQUE, Louis Portrait of a Lady with a es Flora, Goddess of Flowers TORRES, Antonio Portrait of a Young Lady TORSCHI, G. The Connoisseur TOULMOUCHE, AvcustTE Reverie TOURNIERES, Rosert Portrait of a Lady of the Court UNIDENTIFIED Animal Head Landscape Storm at Sea The Sisters UNKNOWN The First-born A Clash of Cavalry Battle Scene Portrait of a Lady VAN DAMME-SYLVA, C. Driving Home the Cows CATALOGUE NUMBER VAN LEEMPUTTEN, C. In the Sheepfold 114 VAN LOO, Care Portrait of a Lady of the Conit 189 VAN LOO, Jean Baptiste (Attributed to) 7 Portrait of the Comtesse de Maurepas 109 VESTIER, ANTOINE Portrait of Madame de Colande 221 VESTIER, AntorngE (Attributed to) Portrait of a Young Lady 168 VETTEN The Unpaid Score 17 VOS, Marten DE Venus and a Satyr 17] WALRAVEN, T. At the Cottage Door 76 Watching the Kittens 78 bya, A. J. H. Still Life: Cherries 47 Still Life: Pears 50 A Bunch of Grapes 59 Still Life: Fruit 64 WEBER, PHILirp Landscape with Figures 83 WILLMAN, - et of ee aay WORMS, Tore 4 Tonge gene Divided Interest Pn ae WYANT, Arpnihes H., N. A. _ Autumn lorntney ¥ - a a Diag INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK _ _ AND BINDING BY te sas vad ahs a ee ee nea ae ANE os eer Bayo 2 Ph J nea sh { " ube . ANKE Lay e Ne Teas Be ae ae + Le 9 ey eee a anal Peete reper gE etre meer G ETTY R | | | | | 1 SEA | 1} | Wa Ih wal li ERRORS ore ar Ta ja RO bb ey Ald A H INSTITUT: HIM he | = \ > a ty Ly b £3 5 ae e Bs vee? iu » stent, . wat, -* < nye Set 5 #2 is Pa sia ZL tee setts att oni? 2, y ona tr tags gts Tutors fol gedt OA ee Melee cetytet stars