Rare Books Autographs and Pllustrations <5 be sold 7 Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday | r tic ei : ras AT 2 } ~ : 2 ile ates = y PEPSI uy | a eraneen ema (p< ke OF Wifes z COMA n ~ ill ik 4 ‘ we aaess: Mags nO gy | as tial) rN (in Afternoons SiS June 12, 13, and 14, 1916 a {dees at ait [ mu 7 Fie DD (iO) ee 1) | NS OO) NED Ol) © (aD | @ 1/6] a (Olt | SED 1S) o | SD 1 O11 O1 SO 11S) Ca | O11 e | a 61191 18110 | @ume |e Ve! Gum ie; THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INC. ‘THE ANDERSON AUCTION COMPANY MADISON AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET NEW YORK ) vw EXTRACT FROM THE WILL OF EDMOND DE GONCOURT — [TRANSLATED] @l My wish is that my Drawings, my Prints, my KONGAGNGAGDNGANG)NSGAGAGNGAN GA GAO 4G 15%) Tey 7| Ze} yal i WS ae. ~~, KZ st Wi ~~, i @ a Ney & 7 ha) ae itl ih N W/W’. Curiosities, my Books-—in a word these things of bs ‘Ld art which have been the joy of my life—shall not {LJ (]| be consigned to the cold tomb of a museum, and sub- [{] ry} jected to the stupid glance of the careless passer-by; [{} | ae | DS | but I require that they shall all be dispersed under f4 Bi a uf ty 1a Py the hammer of the Auctioneer, so that the pleasure lia A ee st . which the aequiring of each one of them has given ‘a iw sme shall be given again, in each case, to some inheri- | B tor of my own tastes. ee: bs bi 3 Ig < , BS SE | | P j SALE OF THE ROBERT HOE LIBRARY is 4, Part I. April 24-May 5, 1911 $997,366.00 IS | Xo ort fy; Part IL. January 8-19, 1912 471,619.25 {(] a x fe ic Py} = Part ‘WI. April 15-16, 1912 200,150.50 i@ zt pS ry Part IV. November 11-22, 1912 262,920.85 i@ bes @! Pies a ae iG ha. pl Totals $1,932,056.60 — si@ oF NS a a i} 1@ < Ba pl (6 Been” oats oor root orion 0 [Ramee (6/10) Gums (@ |, 6) mms (©! 10 | Gummi 0) 0\ Gee (ei aon ie lie) C—To rae cre ae “ ; SA S'S S1S1 See e ea era arere of Oregon and California. 8vo, printed wrappers (front wrap- et per slightly torn). Wash. 1848 115. CALIFORNIA. The Gold Regions of California: be- a. ing a succinet description of the Geography, History, Topog- Vv x ¥, raphy, and General Features of California: including a care- Vf fully prepared account of the Gold Regions of that Fortunate ia es Country. Edited by G. G. Foster. Map. 8vo, original 'F, printed wrappers, uncut. N. Y. 1848 , * Scarce. Fine, large copy. 116. CALIFORNIA AS IT IS. Written by seventy lead- / ing Editors and Authors. 8vo, cloth, original paper covers h 2) bound in. San Fran. 1882 a 117. CALIFORNIA Gold Regions, with a full account of the Mineral Resources; how to get there, and what to take; the expenses, the time, and the various Routes. With Sketches Ow of California; an account of the Life, Manners, and Customs Fi t” of the Inhabitants, its History, Climate, Soil, Productions, E.% &e. 8vo, original printed wrappers, unopened. } * Rare. N. Y.: F. M. Pratt [1849] 18 Io 118. CALTHROP (DION CLAYTON). The Charm of \ Gardens. With 82 full-page illustrations in color. Square 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. ‘Lond. 1910 119. CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM. A Platform of Church Discipline, 1648; A Confession of Faith... of the Churches rs assembled at Boston, May 12, 1680. In one volume. 16mo, y boards (pp. foxed). Bost. 1808 % 120. CAMDEN (WILLIAM). Britannia, Newly Trans- °° lated into English: with large Additions and Improvements, rd by Edmund Gibson. Hngraved portrait and- numerous maps. Folio, old half calf (title backed, binding worn). Lond. 1695 121. CANADA. The Quebec Gazette for April 15th, 22d and 29th, with supplement, 1790. Printed in English and rench. Folio (torn in folds and few words defective). Quebec: 8. Neilson, 1790 * RARE. Very interesting early Canadian newspapers, con- taining various curious ordinances. 122. CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS (Kipling), Tauchnitz Edn. Leipzig, 1897; Browning’s Life and Letters. Bost., n. d.; Prue and I (Curtis). Illustrations by Sterner. N. Y. 1893 ; The Luck of Roaring Camp and other Sketches (Harte). Lond., n. d.; A Tramp Abroad (Clemens). Lond. 1881. 5 fvols. 16mo and 12mo, cloth. 123. CARD INDEX. Three japanned card-index eases, each 9 inches lone. 124. CAREY’S AMERICAN POCKET ATLAS. Contain- img 20 Maps. With a brief description of each State, and of Louisiana (some maps slightly torn). 8vo, sheep (title de- faced). Phila. 1805 * The maps include the Northwest Territories, Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, ete. 125. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Past and Present. [Edited 0 by R. W. Emerson, with Notice.] 12mo, original boards \ (back worn). Bost. 1853 J 126. CASANOVA (J.). Mémoires. Ecrits par lui-méme. % 8 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers \ bound in. Paris. n.d. 127. CATALOGUE. Bibliotheca Heinsiana sive Catalogus Librorum Quos magno studio et sumptu, dum viveret, collegit vie illustris Nicolaus Heinsius. Dan. Fil. In duas Partes divisus. 12mo, original vellum. J Lugduni in Batavis, Apud J. de Vivie, n. d. * Contains many manuscripts and early printed books of great rarity, priced in ink throughout in the Dutch currency of the time. 128. CATALOGUES. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de Van der Helle. Paris, 1868; Catalogue des Livres Precieux de M. ww Hilaire Gresy. Paris, 1869; Catalogues des Livres rares et 19 e précieux, etc. ... de la Bibliothéque de M. le Baron J. Pichon. Paris, 1869; 3 vols in one. 8vo, half calf, gilt top (some priced in ink). 129. CATALOGUES. The Literary Treasures of Brayton Ives. N. Y. 1915; The Art and Literary Treasures of Brayton Ives. Illustrated. N. Y. 1915; The Catholina Lambert Col- lection. Illustrated (2 copies). N. Y. 1916. 4 vols. Svo and royal 8vo, parchment covers. 130. CATALOGUES. Hoe (Robert). Aneaee Catalogue. of the Library of Robert Hoe. Illustrations and the lists of printed prices. 8 parts, 8vo, paper. N. ¥. 1911-22 131. CHAFFERS (WILLIAM). The Collector’s Hand- Book of Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Poreelain of _/ the Renaissance and Modern Periods. Illustrated with wp- wards of 3,500 Marks. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1903 1382. CHAP-BOOKS. A collection of 12 Chap-Books. The Two Goats and the Sick Monkey; The Medley; The Soldier Tugned Farmer; The Shepherd Boy; The Book of Riddles; fand others. Woodcut illustrations. 12 pieces, 18mo, vari- colored paper wrappers. Portland: Bailey & Noyes, n. d. 133. CHAPPELL (W.). The Ballad Literature and Popu- lar Music of the Olden Time. Illustrated. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Lond., n. d. 134. CICERO (M. TULLIUS). Epistole ad T. Pomponi- um Atticum, [with] Animadversiones 8. Bosii, in Epistolas M. T. Ciceronis. With the Plantin device on titles. 8vo, original vellum. Antverpiae: C. Plantini, 1582-1585 * A fine example of the famous Plantin Press. Contains the armorial bookplate of W. Roberts, Fellow of Eaton Col- lege. 135. CICERO (M. TULLIUS). Epistole ad Atticum aliosque. Ad optimas editiones collate. 16mo, original hmp vellum. Amsterdam: J. Blaev, 1657 136. CITTADELLA (CESARE). Catalogo Istorico de Pittori e Scultori Ferraresi. Portraits. 2 vols. in one. 8vo, boards, roan back, uncut (lib. stamps on back of titles). Ferrara, 1782 137. CIVIL WAR. Moore (Frank). Rebellion Record, Documents, Narratives, Incidents, ete. Portraits on steel, etc. 11 vols. large 8vo, old ealf. N. Y. 1862 138. CIVIL WAR. Frank Leslie’s Pictorial History of the American Civil War. Edited by the Hon. E. G. Squier. Pro- fusely illustrated. Vol 1 (all published). Atlas folio, half morocco (covers loose and back strip wanting). N. Y. 1862 139. CIVIL WAR. Record of the 114th Regiment, N. Y. Vols. (Beecher). Norwich, 1866 (soiled); The 116th Regi- ment of N. Y. S. Vols. (Clark). Buffalo, 1868; Report of the County Volunteer Com. N. Y. 1864; Rosecrans’s Cam- 20 paign with the 14th Army Corps (W. D. B.). Cinn. 1863; The Hist. of a Vol. Regiment (Wilson Zouaves). N. Y. 1891. 5 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. 140. CIVIL WAR. The Memorial War Book. By Maj. G. F. Williams. Tllustrated with 2,000 engravings. N. Y. [1894] ; Officers of the Army and Navy (Regular) who served in the Civil War. Portraits. Phila. 1892. 2 vols. 4to, cloth vols. 1885; Annals of Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalry, 1868; A Bird’s-Eye View (Dodge), 1897; Pickett’s Men, 1870. 5 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. 142, CIVIL WAR. The Great Rebellion. . 2 vols. By John T. Headley. Hartford, 1863; The History, Civil, Political, and Military of the Great Rebellion. By Orville J. Victor. 2 vols. N. Y., n.d. Illustrated; New York in the War of the Rebellion. Compiled by Frederick Phisterer. Albany, 1890. ©) vols., morocco and cloth. 143. CLARKE (CHARLES ann MARY COWDEN). Recollections of Writers. With letters of Charles Lamb, Leigh Hunt, Ch. Dickens, ete. 12mo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1878 144. [CLARKE (WILLIAM).] Every Night Book; or, _ Life after Dark. By the Author of ‘‘The Cigar.’’ Vignette. \ “ ¥irst Eprrion. Small 8vo, half polished morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. : Rionaaudanns 1827 145. CLAY (HENRY). The Life and Times of Henry Clay. Frontispreces. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (some pp. a little foxed). N. Y. 1846 146. CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.). Adventures of Huckle- berry Finn. J/llustrated. First Eprrion. Square 8vo, cloth. N. Y.. 1885 . [CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.).] After-Dinner Speeches atAhhe Lotos Club. Arranged by John Elderkin and others. ortraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y.: Printed for the Lotos Club, 1911 * Contains four speeches by Mark Twain. Ve and half morocco. : xa 141. CIVIL WAR. Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant. . 2 5s . a Ss \ 148. CLINTON (DE WITT). Natural Principles of Recti- tude for the eae of Man. By Johan. D. Gros. 8vo, sheep. N. Y. 1795 corners missing). Presentation copy to Clinton from the Author, with inscription. a *De Witt Clinton’s copy, with his bookplate (two small 149. CLINTON (SIR HENRY). The Narrative of Lt.- ; yy Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, relative to his conduct during part , / of his Command of the King’s Troops in North America, with Appendix containing copies of his Correspondence with Lord 21 George Germain, Earl Cornwallis, Rear Admiral Graves, ete. ; An Answer to that part of the Narrative of Sir Henry Clinton which relates to the conduct of Earl Cornwallis during the Campaign in North America in 1781. By EHarl Cornwallis; Observations on some parts of the Answer of Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Clinton’s Narrative, by Sir Henry Clinton, ete. The 3 parts in one volume, 8vo, half calf (front cover want- ing). Lond.: J. Debrett, 1783 * Very Scarce. Contains the folding leaves at p. 240, and at the end of the last part. | 150. COCKE LORELLE’S Bote. Square 16mo, half roan, }, ungait. With bookplate of Henry Cunlife. A Edinb.: Stanley & Blake, 1841 . * Wynken de Worde reprint from the original copy. Only 40 copies issued. 151. COLERIDGE (S. T.) anp SOUTHEY (ROBERT). The Devil’s Walk. A Poem. Illustrated after the designs of R. Cruikshank. 16mo, boards. Lond., n. d. 152. COLLINS (W. WILKIE). Collected Set of First Editions of Wilkie Collins’ Writings, all in original bindings 4 4 as published. 76 vols., post 8vo to 4to, cloth (except 3 in Ad _ wrappers as mentioned below, some bindings worn). ‘ - .. 3 The set comprises: ¥.p:, 1848-90 AN Life of William Collins. 2 vols. 1848. an Antonina. 3 vols. 1850. ij - Rambles Beyond Railways. 1851. ~~ \ Mr. Wray’s Cash Box. 1852. N Basil. 3 vols. 1852. After Dark. 2 vols. 1856. The Dead Secret. 2 vols. 1857. Queen of Hearts. 3 vols. 1859. Woman in White. - 3 vols. 1860. No Name. 3 vols. 1862. My Miscellanies. 2 vols. 1863. Armadale. 2 vols. 1866. The Moonstone. 3 vols. 1868. Black and White. [not published] 1869 (wrappers). Poor Miss Finch. 3 vols. 1872. The Dream Woman. 4to, wrappers. SBost.: Privately printed for the author. 1878. Miss or Mrs. 1873. The New Magdalen. 2 vols. 1873. Frozen Deep. 2 vols. 1874 [First Published Edition]. The Law and the Lady. 3 vols. 1875. The Two Destinies. 2 vols. 1876. The Haunted Hotel. 2 vols. 1879 [1878]. A Rogue’s Life. 1879. Fallen Leaves. 3 vols. 1879. Jezebel’s Daughters. 3 vols. 1880. The Black Robe. 3 vols. 1881. Heart and Science. 3 vols. 1883. ‘ illustrations by H. K. Browne (some foxed). First Eprrion. : 8vo, half calf (rubbed). Lond.: Bradbury and Evans, 1857 l 245. DICKENS (CHARLES). Little Dorrit. Wath alus- © » trations by H. K. Browne. First Eprrion. 8vo, half calf . “ corners of plates water-stained, and one hinge weak), Lond.: Bradbury and Evans, 1857 * One of the original wrappers has been pasted in. : 246. DICKENS (CHARLES). Little Dorrit. Wath allus- ly A Strations by H. K. Browne. In the original 20 parts (in 19) kL as issued. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut (some plates stained). Lond.: Bradbury and Evans, 1857 _ 247. DICKENS (CHARLES). Little Dorrit. Wath allus- ~ § trations by H. K. Browne. In the original parts as issued A “Nos. 1-16, 18-20 (complete except No. 17), with 25 duplicate numbers. 8vo, wrappers (some wanting). Lond.: Bradbury and Evans, 1857 44 248. DICKENS (CHARLES). Little Dorrit. With 40 } “illustrations by. H. K. Browne. First Epition. 8yo, half ~ galf (nail hole in side). | Lond.: Bradbury and Evans, 1857 249. DICKENS (CHARLES). A Tale of Two Cities. II- »& lustrations by H. K. Browne. First Eprrion. 8vo, cloth, ' ~*~ uneut (back very slightly worn). * Scarce. Lond.: Chapman and Hall, 1859 iS 950. DICKENS (CHARLES). a“ -}% > 7 5 ‘*T want the article on Working Men’s Clubs to refer back to ‘The Poor Man and his Beer’ in No. 1, and to maintain the fine principles involved in that effort: ** Also, emphatically to shew that trustfulness is at the bot- tom of all social Institutions, and that to trust a man, as one of a body of men, is to place him under a wholesome restraint of social opinion, and is a very much betier thing than to make a baby of him. *“ Also, to point out that the rejection of beer in this club, tobacco in that club, dancing or what not in another club, are instances that such clubs are founded on mere whims, and therefore cannot successfully address human nature in the general, and hope to last. ... ‘“Can they possibly shew their detestation of Drunkenness better, or better strive to get rid of it from among them, than to make it a hopeless disqualification in all their clubs, and a reason for expulsion,’’ ete. 202. DICKENS (CHARLES). Our Mutual Friend. With illustrations by Marcus Stone. First Epirion. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo, half calf (slightly shaken). Lond. 1865 253. DICKENS (CHARLES). Our Mutual Friend. With 40 illustrations by Marcus Stone... First Epirion. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lond.: Chapman and Hall, 1865 254. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Readings of Charles Dickens, as condensed by himself. Illustrations by S. Eyitinge, Jr. First Eprrion. 16mo, cloth (slightly sprung sigs., and some pp. Soiled). Bost.: Ticknor and Fields, 1868 255. DICKENS (CHARLES). Our Young Folks. Nos. 37, 39, 40 and 41. Contains Dickens’s Holiday Romance. Illustrations by John Giubert and others, with engraved por- trait of the author. 4 parts bound in one vol. 8vo, cloth, uncut, original wrappers boundin. _ Bost.: Ticknor and Fields, 1868 * }WIrst Epition. Dickens had contracted to write this story for Ticknor and Fields almost two years before it finally ap- peared. 3) Q % 256. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Plays and Poems of Charles Dickens, with a few Miscellanies in Prose. Now First Collected, Edited, Prefaced, and Annotated by Richard Herne Shepherd. Firsr Eprrion. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (a little worn), uncut. : Lond. 1882 257. DICKENS (CHARLES) ann COLLINS (WILKIE): The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices. Illustrated. First EpITIoN. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond.: Chapman and Hall, 1890 258. DICKENS (CHARLES). To Be Read at Dusk and pier Stories, Sketches and Hissays. Frontispiece. Firsr Ept- TION. 12mo, cloth. Lond.: Redway, 1898 259. DICKENS (CHARLES). Dickens and his Ilus- trators. By Frederic G. Kitton. With 22 portraits, and fac- similes of 70 original drawings now reproduced for the first time. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1899 * Only a limited number of copies issued. 260. DICKENS (CHARLES). Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. Vols. 1-5. 5 vols. (all issued), beautifully bound in full crushed levant morocco, full gilt edges, by the Trautz-Bauzonnet bindery. N. Y.: George D. Sproul, 1902 * THE SAINT DUNSTAN EDITION, OF WHICH ONLY 15 COPIES WERE ISSUED, PRINTED AND ILLUMINATED ON VELLUM. THE BINDING consists of a centre panel of blue levant mo- rocco, with top and side gilt borders forming corner squares in which has been inlaid roses, of yellow morocco; the outer border of dark olive levant is heavily ornamented with a run- ning vine of ivy, inlaid leaves of light olive, and a small flower in red inlays. The stem of the vine is richly gilt tooled, with corner ornaments of gilt acorns. The centre of each cover bears the initial ‘‘D’’ and in the lower border the in- itials ‘‘P. P.’’ are for the title of the volume. The doublures are of two shades of olive levant morocco, with a centre square of white vellum, richly gilt, and elaborately ornamented with inlays of ivy leaves and star-shaped florets, back gilt tooled, of same general design as covers and doublures. THE ILLUMINATIONS by Ross Turner consist of chapter head-pieces and initials in colors and gold, with floral margi- nal decorations in color throughout the volume. The work is printed on one side of the vellum leaf paly, and NO TWO COPIES ARE SIMILARLY EXECUTED. The Introduction by Perey Fitzgerald, and the Bibliographi- cal Note by Frederic G. Kitton, are autographed by their re- spective authors. 261. DICKENS (CHARLES). Christmas Tales. A Christ- mas Carol. Colored illustrations (one loose). Lond. 1844; The Chimes. Lond. 1845; The Cricket on the Hearth. Lond. 1846; The Battle of Life. Lond. 1846. Jllustrated. All First Epirions, except the ‘‘Carol.’’ Bound in 2 vols. 16mo, half ealf. Lond., v. d. 36 262. DICKENS (CHARLES). Works of Dickens. House- hold Edition. Frontispiece illustrations by Darley and Gilbert. 21 vols. 12mo, original glazed green cloth (some slightly worn, one plate and title wanting and some plates stained). fa * N. “yep WEA a - * Comprises: Old Curiosity Shop, 3 vols.; Barnaby Rudge, 3 ’ vols.; David Copperfield, Vols. 1-3; Great Expectations, 2 vols.; Nicholas Nickleby, 4 vols.; Oliver Twist, 2 vols.; Pickwick Papers, 4 vols. 263. DICKENS (CHARLES). Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit, 22 odd parts; Dombey and Son, 15 odd parts; Our Mutual Friend, 20 odd parts; Nicholas Nickleby, ae “ 6 odd parts; The Mystery of Edwin Drood, 5 odd parts. 68 parts, 8vo (many wrappers wanting, and otherwise shaken. Sold as are). | Lond., v. d. 264. DICKENS (CHARLES). Dombey and Son. Lond. 1848; The Personal History of David Copperfield. Lond. 1850; Bleak House. Lond. 1853, with part 2 in original “ ,? wrappers laid in. Firsr Evirions. (Each volume lacking all \ ‘~ or some of the plates.) 3 vols. 8vo, cloth and half calf (one back strip loose). | 265. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Adventures of Oliver wa Twist. Frontispiece by Cruikshank (lacks one cover). Lond. t _ 1850; Mr. Boffin’s Secretary. Adapted from ‘‘Our Mutual \ “4 ¥riend.’’? Lond. 1902; A Christmas Carol. 3 copies, 2 of them . being First Editions, but lacking some plates. Lond. 1844 and 1846. 5 vols. 12mo and 16mo, cloth and paper. 266. DICKENS (CHARLES). Sketches by Boz. Vol. 2. Lond. 1837; Little Dorrit (pages 1-128) ; A Child’s History of e England. Lond., n. d.; Posthumous Papers of the Wonderful / Discovery Club. Edited by Boz, and others in one volume; . Some Well-known Characters from the Works of Charles Dickens. 16 colored plates by J. C. Clark. lLond., n. d.; Character Sketches from Dickens. 24 India Proof plates from designs by Barnard. Phila. 1888. 6 vols., various sizes and bindings. 267. DICKENS (CHARLES). Sketches by Boz. TI[llus- trated. Phila. 1839; American Notes for General Circulation. eZ: N. Y. 1842; The Readings of Charles Dickens. Nicholas 4 Nickleby and Mr. Bob Sawyer’s Party. Bost. 1868; David Copperfield and Bob Sawyer’s Party. Bost. 1868; and 3 others. 7 vols., various sizes and bindings. 268. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Battle of Life. First Epitton. (Lacks covers.) Lond. 1846; Sketches of Young or Gentlemen. Lond. 1838; The Chimes. Lond. 1858; A Christ- 9: i a ne ie” a ye mas Carol. Lond. 1858; The Story of Little Dombey. Lond. 1858 ; The Cricket on the Hearth. Lond. 1859; The Poor Trav- eller, ete.a), ond. 1858. / 1 olaeaenG, boards and wrappers (some worn). 269. DICKENS (CHARLES). A Child’s History of Eng- land. 3 vols. Lond., v. d.; The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. Lond. 1850; Christmas Books. Lond. 1852; The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. Lond. 1850; Sketches by Boz. Lond. 1858; The Adventures of Oliver _ Twist... Lond. 1868. Illustrations. 8 vols. 16mo to 8vo, cloth. 270. DICKENS (CHARLES). A Child’s History of Eng- , land. 3 vols. lLond., v. d.; Edwin Drood. lond., n. d.; Sketches by Boz. Lond. 1865; Our Young Folks. Parts 37- 41. (Containing ‘‘Holiday Romanee.’’) Bost. 1868. 9 vols. 16mo to 8vo, various bindings. 271. DICKENS (CHARLES). Collection of 24 etchings by Cruikshank, to illustrate Oliver Twist, mounted ; Catalogue, with Purchasers’ Names and Prices, of the Pictures, etc., of Charles Dickens, sold July 9, 1870. Lond. 1870; Geo. D. Smith’s Catalogue of Books from the Daly Collection. N. Y. 1900; 6 chromo-liths. of Dickens’s Characters; and portion of ‘‘Charles Dickens by Pen and Pencil’’ (Kitton). 10 vols. and pieces. 272. DICKENS (CHARLES, Editor). Household Words. A Weekly Journal. Conducted by Charles Dickens. Vols. 1 to 19, bound in 10 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1850-59 273. DICKENS (CHARLES, Editor). All the Year / Round, Vols. 1 to 20, and New Series, Vols. 1 to 9, together 29 vols. royal 8vo, old half morocco. Lond. 1859-73 274. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Posthumous Papers 0 of the Pickwick Club. First Epirion. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lond.: Chapman and Hall, 1837 * None of the original illustrations is in the present copy, but in lieu of these 32 plates by Onwhyn have been inserted, some bearing his pseudonym ‘‘Sam Weller.’’ (Some plates spotted.) 275. DICKENS (CHARLES). Sketches by Boz. Both £ Series. 28 etchings by George (Cruikshank, including the prints of ‘‘The Last Cab-Driver’’ and ‘‘May-Day.’’ Proofs on India paper, before all letters; also, 27 etched plates on India paper, with captions, and 12 plates in color. 67 pieces, 8vo to folio. | 276. DICKENS (CHARLES). A Collection of Original illustrations in color, by J. Clayton Clark (‘‘Kyd’’) portray- ing the Characters in Dickens’s Novels. Comprising: Pickwick Papers, 42; Dombey and Son, 18; Sketches by Boz, 11; Nich- 38 olas Nickleby, 18; Hard Times, 8; Christmas Books, 24; Our Mutual Friend, 15; Barnaby Rudge, 12; Little Dorrit, 13; Bleak House, 16; Great Expectations, 10; Edwin Drood, 6; Oliver Twist, 19; Old Curiosity Shop, 20; David Copperfield, 19; Martin Chuzzlewit, 18; Tale of Two Cities, 9. 278 pieces, including 5 different portrayals. 4to, mainly in clean condi- tion. . 277. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Old Curiosity Shop; | © Edwin Drood; Bleak House; Martin Chuzzlewit. Illustrations s_— by Barnard, Dalziel, and others. Ato, cloth. Lond.: Chapman and Hall, n. d. 278. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Nine Christmas Num- » © bers of ‘‘All the Year Round.’’ Issued 1859-1867. In one | pat volume. 8vo, cloth. ond ) ad. 279. DIDRON. Allemagne Monumentale et Pittoresque, 2 § OU ses Vues et ses Monumens. Illustrated with 48 large folio 2 *=— tinted luth. plates after designs by Chapuy. Atlas folio, half | brown morocco (a little rubbed). . Paris: Goupil & Vibert, n. d. 3 280. DIEZ (HEINRICH FRIEDRICH von). Buch des a Kabus, oder Lehren des Persichen Konigs Kjekjawus fur *" seinen Sohn Ghilan Schach. Thick 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Berlin, 1811 4 4 *% 281. DINMORE (RICHARD). Select and Fugitive Poetry. .# A Compilation. First Epition. 12mo, old red morocco (pp. foxed), full gilt edges. Washington City, 1802 _ 282. DIRECTIONS for Ploughing, Harrowing, Sowing, + ( Pulling, Watering, Grassing, and full Management of White | _ & Flax, till brought to the Hackle. Taken from a Treatise on Agriculture, entitled the Yorkshire Farmer. 8 pp. 12mo, stitched. Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin, 1781 * Not in Sabin or Evans. No record found. 283. DOBSON (MRS.). The Life of Petrarch. Collected Y from Memoires pour le Vie de Petrarch. 8 plates engraved by - — Ridley after Kirk. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf. Lond. 1797 284. DOYLE (RICHARD). The Foreign Tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Robinson. Being the History of what they / saw and did in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, & Italy. ' Numerois illustrations on wood. Ato, half calf, gilt, gilt top, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond., n. d. 285. DRAKE (SAMUEL ADAMS). Nooks and Corners (0 of the New England Coast. Numerous fine dllustrations. ; Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. NoYs “T8716 * Good copy. Dedicated to H. W. Longfellow. 39 286. DRAMATIC, Erc. The Cabinet, No. 1, Oct., 1794; Carey’s Fate of John Fullerton, Phila. 1802; and others miscellaneous. 138 vols. 8vo, various bindings. 287. DRUJON (FERNAND). Catalogue des Ouvrages, Kerits et Dessins de toute nature Poursuivis, Supprimes ou Condamnes depuis le 21 Octobre 1814 jusqu’au 31 Juillet 1877. Royal 8vo, cloth, morocco back (a little rubbed), gilt top, uncut. Paris, .1879 * One of 50 copies on Grand Papier Vélin. 288. DRYDEN (JOHN). Works of Virgil. Translated '© into English Verse, by John Dryden. An Improved Hdition, P = o> by John Carey. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, cloth backs, uneut (slightly rubbed). Lond. 1819 289. DU BARRI (MADAME). Memoirs. Translated . from the French by H. T. Riley. Illustrated with etchings and photogravures. 4 vols. in two. 8vo, boards, cloth backs, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut. A Phebe bts i * The Vancouleur Edition. 290. DU BARTAS (G. SALUSTE). Du Bartas his dinine Weekes and Workes with a compleate Collection of all the other most delightfull Workes, translated and written by ye famous Philomusus, Joshua Sylvester. Portrait (mounted) and engraved title. Folio, unbound (worn). Lond. 1641 291. DU BOIS (HENRI PENE). Four Private Libraries of New-York. A Contribution to the History of Bibliophilism in America. Preface by Octave Uzanne. Illustrations, frontis- prece colored. 8vo, silk, uncut. Ne ¥.1892 * Limited edition. 292. DUNLAP (WILLIAM). Memoirs of the Life of George Frederick Cooke, Esquire, Late of the Theatre Royal. Frontispiece portraits. 2 vols. 12mo, half red polished mo- rocco, gilt tops. N. Y. 1813 293. DURUY (VICTOR). History of Greece and of the . Greek People, from the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest. With an Introduction by J. P. Mahaffy. Illustrated with over 2,000 engravings, maps, plans, and colored plates. 8 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth, roan backs (worn at tops as usual), gilt tops, uncut. Bost. 1892 294. DUYCKINCK (EVERT A.). National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans. Engraved portraits with facsimile signatures. 2 vols. 4to, half calf (rubbed).. Nes Yuet 295. DWIGHT (THEODORE). History of the Hartford Convent: with a Review of the Policy of the United States Government, which led to the War of 1812. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1833 40 296. HARDLEY-WILMOT (SIR JOHN E.). Reminis- is cences of the late Thomas Assheton Smith, or the pursuits of an Hnglish Country Gentleman. Portrait and illustrations. ”. 8vo, ealf. Lond. 1860 297. HARLY AMERICAN DRILL BOOK. Military Dis- cipline. The Newest Way and Method of Exercising Horse and Foot. With some account of Field Officers, and a Descrip- tion of the Arms of Horse and Foot. 12mo, old sheep. Bost.: Printed by John Allen for Nicholas Boone, 1718 f * An extremely rare and important item of Americana. Not 2 d- noted in Sabin, Evans, or any other of the recognized bib- liographers of Americana. One of the earliest works on mili- tary science printed in the Colonies. Nicholas Boone, for whom the book was printed, was the publisher of the ‘‘ Boston News Letter,’’ the first American newspaper. 3 298. HARLY HISTORY of the Southern States (Lilly). Phila. 1832; Life and Services of Gen. Anthony Wayne ( © (Moore). Phila., n. d.; The Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin. ; Exeter, 1842. 3 vols. 12mo and smaller, various bindings. 299. EARLY IMPRINTS. Old Music (3 pieces) Published f Dy Carr (Phila.) and Hewett (N. Y.), n. d.; The Badge. A 7 ( Moral Tale for Children. 16mo, original wrappers. Bost. A 1824; Catalogue of Library of the West Parish Association in Boston. 12mo, sewn. Cambridge, 1826; and one other. 6 vols. and pieces. 300. EASTLAKE (SIR CHARLES L.). Handbook of m4 A Painting. The Italian Schools. 100 illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, .~ eloth, uncut (edges slightly rubbed). Lond. 1869 _ 801. ECLECTIC Magazine (The). Many fine mezzotints by 4 Sartaim. Jan., 1853, to Oct., 1856. 6 vols. royal 8vo, half \, leather (rubbed). N. Y. 1853-56 302. EDDY (MARY BAKER). Science and Health, with 2 Key to the Scriptures. Text in German and English. 12mo, os cloth. Bost. 1918 303. EDGAR POE and His Critics (Whitman). N. Y. 1860; Memoirs and Correspondence of Madame Recamier oO (Luyster). Bost. 1867; Autobiography of Mrs. Piozzi (Hay- .? ward, edit.). Bost. 1861. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. 304. EDWARDS (CHARLES, Editor). Payne’s Univer- sum; or, Pictorial World. Profusely dlustrated with steel 4 engravings of Views in all Countries, Portraits of Great Men, 2° and Specimens of Works of Art. 3 vols. 4to, cloth, full oilt edges. Lond., n.d. * Fine clean copy, with the plates in unspotted mynaon. 41 305. EGAN (PIERCE). Sporting Anecdotes, Original and Selected ; including Numerous Characteristic Portraits of Persons in Every Walk of Life, * * * on the Turf, At the Table and in the Diversions of the Field. Frontispiece i com- ° partments by I. R. Cruikshank, one folding and 2 full-page colored plates, 2 portrats and numerous woodcuts by Bewick and others. 8vo, half crimson levant, emblematic gilt tooling on back, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. 1825 * A new edition, considerably enlarged and improved. 306. ELIA (Lamb), N. Y. 1887; Works of William Blake (Grolier Club), 1905; Materials for Thinking, Numbers 1 to 12; State of the Dead (John Milton) ; Romantic Adventures. of a Milkmaid (Thomas Hardy), N. Y. [1894]; and others. 25 pieces, paper. 307. ELIZABETH (QUEEN), of England. Document Signed. Dated Aug. 4, 1598. To the Earl of Nottingham. 2 pp. folio, with superscription. * A remarkably fine specimen of this much-sought-for signa- ture. It is prefixed to a document (or rather a letter) of a most important character, containing particulars of a levy of Lances and Light-Horse in the County of Surrey, and is. addressed to ‘‘Our right trusty and right well-beloved cousin and counsellor the Erle of Nottingham,’’ and is dated the 4th of August, 1598; and apparently refers to the time when the Queen had determined to increase the strength of the army and navy, and placed the direction thereof in the hands of the Earl of Nottingham. From the Collection of Robert Cole,. with his stamp. x Tylon SECOND SESSION Tuesday Afternoon, June 13, 1916, at 2:30 o'clock LOTS 308-609 308. ELLIOT (JONATHAN). The Debates in the several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitu- tion as recommended by the General Convention at Phila- delphia in 1787. 5 vols. 8vo, old sheep (bindings worn). — Wash. 1854 309. ELLIOTT (ROBERT). Views in India, China, and on the Shores of the Red Sea. Hngraved plates after drawings by Prout, Cattermole, Cox, and others. 2 vols. 4to, cloth, morocco backs (nail hole in one back), full gilt edges. ; Lond. ered: 310. ELZEVIR PRESS. Gonealez de Salas (Don Josepho Antonio). De duplici viventium terra dissertatio paradoxica. Fine engraved frontispiece and full plate of armorial bear- mgs of the author by 8S. Savri after D. Sebast. Small 4to, original vellum. Luegd.-Bat., apud Elzeviros An. 1650) * Rare. A fine copy of this geographical and historical work referring also to America. 311. EMBLEMS. Quarles (Francis). Emblems Divine and Moral together with Hieroglyphics of the Life of Man. Por- trait, engraved title and numerous plates of emblems. 12mo, original smooth calf, gilt back (slightly foxed). Bristol, 1808. 312. EMERSON (R. W.). Poems. First Epirion. 12mo, original cream glazed boards, one cover loose and back strip wanting. Good clean copy inside. Bost. 1847 313. EMIN PASHA and the Rebellion at the Equator), (Mountenay-Jephson). N. Y. 1890; Diversions of a Diplomat ' in Turkey (Cox). N. Y. 1887; British History Chronologi- eally -Arranged (Wade). Lond. 18438. 3 vols. 8vo, various bindings (one binding poor). 314. ERAGNY PRESS. Histoire de Peau d’Ane. Jllus- trations by E. Sturge Moore and Lucien Pissarro. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1902 * Limited to 230 copies. 315. ERAGNY PRESS. Abrégé de 1l’Art Poetique Fran- eois. Par Pierre de Ronsard. Ornaments by Pissarro. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1903 * Limited to 226 copies. 316. ESQUEMELING. (JOHN). Bucaniers of America; or, a true Account of the Most Remarkable Assaults Commit- ted of late years upon the Coasts of the West-Indies, by the 43 ,IPy | JF - Sew ov 3 va 1S Se, } f ‘) a Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, both English and French .... more especially the unparallel’d Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, ete. Illustrated with 9 portraits and maps. 4to, old ealf (a little worn). Lond.: Printed for William Crooke, 1684 * First Epition, and a splendid clean copy of the so-called LARGE PAPER issue, measuring 9 x 714 inches, or nearly % inch wider than the Hoe copy. 317. ESSAY ON NOTHING (An). A Quaint jeu d’esprit attributed to Arnot. Reprinted, from the Hdition of 1777. Imp. 8vo, parchment wrappers (a little worn), uncut. | * One of 50 copies. Edinb.: E. & G. Goldsmid, 1886 318. ESSAYS IN TAXATION (Seligman). N. Y. 1913; ‘The Science of Law and Law-Making (Clarke). N. Y. 1898; Apollonius of Perga. Edited in Modern Notation by T. L. Heath. Cambridge, 1896. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 319. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. An Endeavor towards the Teaching of John Ruskin and William Morris. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond.: Essex House Press, 1901 * One of 350 copies. The first book printed at this press. 320. EVANGELINE: The Place, The Story and the Poem. By Prof. Noah Porter. 19 Goupt photogravures by Dicksee. Large 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Only 500 copies printed. N. Y. 1882 321. EYRE (JOHN). The Christian Spectator; Bemg a Journey from England to Ohio, Two Years in that State, Travels in America, etc. 12mo, sewn, pp. 72: Albany, 1838 * Scarce. With the slip of errata pasted on back of title. 322. EYRE (JOHN). The Christian Spectator: being a Journey from England to Ohio, Two Years in that State, (7) Travels in America, &. Albany, 1838 ; The European Stranger in America. N. Y. 1839. 2 vols. in one, 12mo, cloth (binding worn, slightly stained). 323. FAIRFAX (SIR THOMAS). The King’s Cabinet Opened: or, Certain Packets or Secret Letters & Papers, _ Written with the King’s own Hand and taken in his Cabinet at Nasby Field, June 14, 1645. Portrait by Benoist wserted. Small 4to, half calf (margins stained). . Lond.: Printed for R. Bostock, 1645 * First EDITION. 324. FAMOUS ETCHERS. A Series of 20 original Etch- “ ines by famous Foreign and American Artists, among whom are Otto Bacher, Unger, Farrer, Gaugengigl, Gifford, ete. With descriptive Text. Folio, cloth, uncut. Bost. [1889] * One of 25 copies, with Proofs on Japan paper. 325. FERDINAND AND ISABELLA (King and Queen of Spain). Document Signed by both the King and the Queen. 1 p. folio. Wath engraved group portrait. 2 pieces. (Cirea 1492) * Exceedingly rare specimen. It is very unusual to find a document signed by both Ferdinand and Isabella. 44 3826. FIDDES (RICHARD). Life of Cardinal Wolsey. Tiwo Portraits by Vertue, and plates. Folio, old calf (re- backed). P urand. Illustrated. N.Y. 1895; Catalogue of an Exhibition we Pains of a Centenary of Artist Lithography, WW 96-1896. y) Lilustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. * Large Paper copies. if 405. GUICCIARDINI (FRANCESCO). Delle Istorie } d'Italia. 8 vols. in 4, 8vo, half morocco. Firenze, 1818 A 406. GUIZOT (M.). Popular History of France. , Illus- / , trated. 6 vols. royal 8vo, sheep. bosts, le cd. 407. GUIZOT (M.). L’Histoire de France depuis les Temps les plus Recules Jusqu’en 1789. 5 vols.; L’Histoire Ode France depuis 1789 Jusqu’en 1848. 2 vols. Numerous a illustrations. 7 vols. royal 8vo, decorated cloth, gilt, morocco backs, gilt edges. Paris, 1901- 1889 ae = me set. 408. GUIZOT (M.). The History of France from the Ear- “lest Times to 1848. Illustrated. 8 vols. 12mo, cloth. "Y N. Y. 1884 409. HAKLUYT. The Voyages of the English Nation to » America before the Year 1600. From Hakluyt’s Collection of ,/ Voyages (1598-1600). Bdited by Hdmund Goldsmid. 4 vols. ai SY: half morocco (a little worn), gilt tops. Edinb.: Goldsmid, 1889-1890 410. HALE (EDWARD EVERETT). Sybaris and other \ * Homes. First Epirion. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1869 | 411. HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). Alexander Hamilton. A Historical Study. By George Shea. N. Y. 1877; Alexander _ Hamilton, A Lecture on his Military Career. By James H. & |) Graybill. Portrait. N. Y. 1898. 2 vols. 8vo, wrappers and eloth, uncut. N. Y. 1877-1898 ; 412. HAMILTON (SCHUYLER). The History of the y7/ National Flag of the United States of America. Colored Loe plates, 12mo, cloth. Phila, 1853 * Autograph presentation copy from the Author. 413. HANDBOOK to the Practice of Pottery Painting (Sparkes). N. Y. 1878; George W. Thompson’s New Song ~ Book; Recollections of Nettleton and the Great Revival of '®/ 1820 (Smith). Albany, 1848; Album de Costumes des Pays- Pe Bas. Colored photographs; The Persian Mar-nameh; or, the Book for taking Omens from Snakes. Bombay, 1893; Petit Traite des successions Muselmanes (Cambon). Alger, 1896. 6 vols., various sizes and bindings. 414, HARPER’S New Monthly Magazine, Vols. 1 to 67. 2. Illustrations. 67 vols. royal 8vo, half calf (some bindings , worn). N. Y. 1850-83 * Unusually long run. f? f 58 415. HARPER’S WEEKLY. From Vol. 1 (1857) to Vol. 33 (1889). With 7 duplicates. Illustrated with thousands of woodcuts, including the well-known caricatures of Nast. _~ 40 vols. folio, half roan and half morocco (some bindings worn and backs gone). N. Y. 1857-1889 * Includes the valuable Civil War volumes, which are in fine condition, soundly bound m half brown morocco. 416. HARTE (BRET). The Writings of Bret Harte. /With Introductions, Glossary and Indexes. Illustrated with numerous photogravures. 19 vols. 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Bost.: Houghton Mifflin Co., n. d. * Standard Library Edition. Fine set. 417. HARTE (BRET). The Luck of Roaring Camp, and Other Sketches. Firsr Epirion. 12mo, original cloth. Bost. 1871 418. HAWAII. Legends and Mythsh of Hawaii. The Fables and Folk-Lore of a Strange People. By Kalakaua. IJllustra- tions. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1888 419. HAWKINS (SIR JOHN). A General History of the Science and Practice of Music. Illustrated. 3 vols. royal 8vo, /eloth. Lond. 1875 420. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Mosses from an Old Manse. Firsr Eprrion. 12mo, cloth (some pp. slightly water-stained ). N. Y. 1846 421. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Original Autograph . Manuscript, being a portion of his well-known work, ‘‘Our Old Home.’’ 70 lines closely written in ink, on 2 full pages, Aarge 4to. - [Circa 1863] 422. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Septimius Felton; » or, The Elixir of Life. FIRST EpitTion. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1872 423. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Doctor Grimshawe’s Secret, a Romance. Edited, with Preface and Notes by Julian » Hawthorne. First Epirion. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1883 424, HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Exercises in Com- memoration of the Centennial of the Birth of Nathaniel Hawthorne by the Essex Institute, Salem. June 238, 1904. Portraits. Brief Sketch of Abigail Browne of Salem, Mass. Bost. 1852. ‘‘Grandfather’s Stories.’’ [Possibly by Haw- thorne.| 2 pamphlets. 8vo and 18mo, wrappers. 425. HEARN (LAFCADIO). ‘“‘Gombo Zhebes.’’ Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs, selected from Six Creole Dialects [into French and English]. First Epirion. Square 8vo, original brown cloth. N. Y. 1885 54 426. HENRY (MATTHEW). The Communiecant’s Com- panion: or Instructions and Helps for the Right Receiving of the Lord’s Supper. 12mo, old calf (broken, stained). Bost. 1716 * An early American engraved portrait of Jonathan Bird pasted on the inside of the cover and his autograph signature at end on ‘‘ contents. ’’ 427. HEWETT (SARAH). The Peasant Speech of Devon. With other matters connected therewith. First Epition. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1892 428. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). Englands Elisabeth: Her Life and Troubles. With the rare portrait of the Queen, con- taming a view of Woodstock in the background after Sturt <\ by M. Droeshout. Small 12mo, old ealf (fore edge of title and line borders cut into in places). lLond.: J. Beale, 1631 * First EDITION. Rare. Printed within line borders through- out. 429. HILL (GEORGE BIRKBECK). Talks about Auto- graphs. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bost. 1896 430. HINDOO LAWS. A Code of Gentoo Laws, or, Ordi- nations of the Pundits. From a Persian Translation, made from the Original [by Nathaniel B. Halbed] written in the Sanserit Language. 285 pp. 8vo, sewed (covers lacking). Lond. 1777 * Scarce and interesting work, compiled with the sanction of the Pundits and containing laws governing all the activities of life. : 431. HINTON (JOHN HOWARD). The History and Topography of the United States of North America. With Additions and Corrections by Samuel L. Knapp; and a Con- tinuation to the Present Time by John Overton Choules. Hn- graved plates. 2 vols. 4to, mottled sheep. Bost. 1852 432. HISTORY OF BOOKSELLERS (Curwen). Lond., n. d.; Catalogue of Library of William E. Burton. 1860; A Catalogue of Authors, with biographical sketches. H. M. and Co. 1899; The City of Tagaste (Hubbard). Pres. copy. East Aurora, 1900; Robert Burns Rare Print Collection. Edited by S. Eaton. Phila., n. d.; Biographical Memoranda of the Class of 1832 in Yale College. New Haven, 1880. 6 vols., various sizes and bindings. 433. HISTORY of the Administration of President Lin- coln (Raymond), N. Y. 1864; The Public Life of Capt. John Brown (Redpath), Bost. 1860. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 434, HISTORY of the Coal Miners of the United States (Roy). Columbus [1903]; Fulfilment of Three Remarkable Prophecies relating to the development of Steamboat Naviga- 5d oy - —_ & b > tion and Railroad Transportation, 1808-1908. By Henry Whittemore; Report of the Sec. of Treasury of the Commerce and Navigation of the United States. Wash. 1824. 38 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth (one paper). 435. HISTORY of Signboards, from the Harliest to the Present Day (Larwood and Hotten). Lond. 1900; The Cathe- drals of Great Britain (Ditchfield). Lond. 1904. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. 436. HISTORY of United Netherlands (Motley). Vol. 1 and 2 only, 1861. First Eprrion; Macaulay’s History of England, 4 vols. N. Y. 1850; Gibbon’s Roman Empire, 2 vols.; Buckle’s Civilization, 2 vols. 1862. 10 vols. 8vo and royal 8vo, cloth. 4364. HOGARTH (WILLIAM). Works of MHogarth. From the original plates restored by James Heath. Contains the two suppressed plates. Elephant folio, old half morocco (binding broken, title-page missing, and other defects. Not returnable). ; * «ene at ee 437. HOLBEIN (HANS). Imitations of Original Draw- ings in the Collection of his Majesty, for the Portraits of Illus- trious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII, with Biographical Tracts. Published by Joseph Chamberlaine. 92 portraits, in tints. Atlas folio, half crimson levant morocco, gilt edges (somewhat rubbed). Lond.: W. Bulmer and Co., 1792 * A splendid copy of this beautiful work, with brilliant im- pressions of the plates by Bartolozzi, including 8 proofs be- fore all letters. The copy contains the portraits of Holbein and his wife, and the two miniatures of the sons of Charles Brandon, with several others not usually found in the book. 437s. HOLLAND HOUSE. By Princess Marie Liechten- stein. Hngraved portraits after G. F. Watts and others, and “many fine woodcuts. 8vo, full purple straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges, with slip case. Lond. 1875 438. HOLMES (ABIEL). American Annals; or, a Chron- ological History of America from its Discovery in 1492 to 1805. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 8vo, contemporary sheep (pp. foxed). Cambridge, 1805 439. HOLMES (ABIEL). A Sermon preached at Cam- bridge, Jan. 4, 1801. Cambridge, 1801; Sermon preached at the Installation of the Rev. Abiel Holmes, Jan. 25, 1792. By James Dana. Bost. 1792; Sermon on the Freedom and Hap- piness of America. Preached at Cambridge, Feb. 19, 1795. By Abiel Holmes. Bost. 1795. 38 pamphlets. 440. [HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL).| The Poet at the Breakfast Table. Frontispiece. First Epition. 12mo, cloth, lower edges uncut. Bost. 1872 56 441. HONE (WILLIAM). The Every-Day Book and Table-Book; and The Year Book. Numerous illustrations. Together 4 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1838 442. HOOD (J. B.). Advance and Retreat. Personal Experiences in the United States and the Confederate States "Armies. Map and portraits. 8vo, cloth (some pp. stained). New Orleans, 1880 443. HOOKE (N.). The Roman History, from the Build- _ ing of Rome to the Ruin of the Commonwealth. With maps and numerous engravings. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lond., n. d. 444, HORSES. The Trotting Horse in America (Wood- _ ruff), 1868. First Eprrion ; Horse Breeding (Sanders), 1885 / and 1893 (2 editions) ; The Stud (Hieover), 1858 ; and an- other. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. 445. HORTICULTURIST’S Rule-Book (Bailey), 1896; Our Native Trees (Keeler). 1900; How to Know the Wild Flowers (Dana), 1893; Garden Making (Bailey), 1898; and another. 5 vols. 16mo to 8vo, cloth. 446. HOWELLS (WILLIAM D.). Sketch of the Life and ) Character of Rutherford B. Hayes. Portrait. First Eprrion. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1876 447. HOWITT (WILLIAM). Visits to Remarkable Places: Old Halls, Battle Fields, Scenes Illustrative of Striking Pas- sages in Enelish History and Poetry. Numerous woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1840-42 448. HUGO (VICTOR). The Complete Works of Hugo; including the Dramas and Poems. Illustrated. -20 vols. / 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Lond., n. d. * Edition de Luxe, limited to 500 copies. 449. HUMES (THOMAS W.). The Loyal Mountaineers ~ of Tennessee. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Knoxville, 1888 450. HUTTON (W.). History of Birmingham. With considerable additions. Illustrated with many engravings and a map of the Town (repaired). 8vo, cloth (a little worn, and top of engraved title torn away). Birmingham, 1835 451. ILLUSTRATED London News. Profusely ilustrated, by John Leech and others. From May 1857 to Dec. 1860. 8 vols. folio, half leather (some backs worn, some shaken). Lond. 1857-60 452, ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS (The). From Vol. 1 (1842) to Vol. 87 (1885) inclusive, with extra volume 47. With thousands of illustrations. 88 vols. folio, half roan and shalf morocco (some bindings worn). Lond. 1843-1885 o7 ILLUSTRATIONS AND COLORED PLATES Including Scarce Items by Cruikshank and Rowlandson, Illustrations for the Arabian Nights, Paul et Virginia, etc. / 453. ANTIQUARIAN ITINERARY. A series of engraved » & architectural views in Great Britain. Proof impressions on i. India Paper. 204 pieces, 12mo. | 454. ARABIAN NIGHTS. 24 miscellaneous plates, illus- ~ trating the Arabian Nights. Many proofs on India Paper. Various sizes. 455. ARABIAN NIGHTS. 15 copper-plates after designs by Marillier; set of 6 plates, titles and frontispieces, undivided proofs by Romney, after Stothard, of the Doves Edition of 1826; The same, finished plates. 24 pieces, 8vo and 12mo. 456. ARABIAN NIGHTS. Complete set of 6 plates en- »4 graved by Watt, Finden, and Robinson, after designs by Westall. Proofs before letters on India Paper. Large 8vo. [Paris, 1822-25] 457. ARABIAN NIGHTS. Complete set of 6 copper-plates , “>, engraved after designs of Smirke. Proofs on India Paper. aw... Ave. [Lond. 1810] * Very rare. 458. ARABIAN NIGHTS. Complete set of 12 copper- plates, engraved by Heath, after designs by Westall. Proofs before all letters on India Paper. 8vo. [Lond. 1819] * Very rare. 459. BERANGER (P. J. DBE). Hand-colored lithograph |” plates by Henri Monnier, illustrating the works of Beranger. 69 pieces, 8vo and 12mo., 460. BERANGER (P. J. bE). Set of copper-plate engray- » “)* Aings to.the works of Beranger. Proofs before letters on India ' Paper. 44 pieces, 12mo. 461. BEWICK (THOMAS). Woodeut vignettes, illustra- f) tions for ‘‘ Annals of Horsemanship,’’ ‘‘ Vicar of Wakefield,” SY and others. Proofs on India Paper, mounted. About 60 pieces, including an engraved portrait of the artist. 462. BOCCACCIO’S DECAMERON. Views of Florence, India Paper proofs (3) ; Villa Palmieri, photograph; Certaldo, LA Fi AD aquatint; Portraits of Boccaccio, by Della Bella and Sievier 0 (2). 7 pieces. | 463. BOCCACCIO’S DECAMERON. Complete set of 10 of plates engraved by Augustus Fox, after the designs of Stoth- ard. Proofs on India Paper. To illustrate the Pickering edition of 1825. Ato. 58 Ee el a 464. BURNS’ POEMS. Set of 9 vignette plates engraved by Finden after Westall, proofs; Set of 12 copper-plates by Cromek after Stothard. 21 pieces, 8vo. 465. BURNS’ POEMS. Miscellaneous lot of engraved plates to illustrate the Poetical Works of Burns, including portraits, proofs on India Paper, ete. 39 pieces, various sizes. 466. BURNS’ POEMS. Title vignette and frontispiece on three undivided sheets, proofs before letters on India Paper; Title and frontispiece, engraved by Scott after Unwin; Por- trait of Burns engraved by Robinson; and 2 others. 7 pieces, various sizes. 467. CLARKE. (J. CLAYTON, ‘‘Kyp.’’). Five sets of original ink and water-color ‘‘Character Sketches’’ for Dickens’s works. ‘‘Nicholas Nickleby,’’ (18) ; ‘‘Old Curiosity Shop,’’ (18); ‘‘Barnaby Rudge,’ (12); ‘‘Old Curiosity Shop’’ (different), (12) ; and General works, (24). 114 pieces, 4to. 468. CLARKE (J..CLAYTON, ‘‘Kyp.’’). Three sets of ink and water-color Character Sketches for Dickens’s Pickwick Papers. Each set different. All signed ‘‘Kyd.’’ 84 pieces, Svo and 4to. 469. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Miscellaneous lot of illustrations for Smollett, etc.; 11 lithograph reproductions of the ‘‘Coachman,’’ etc. 35 pieces, various sizes. 470. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Art of Walking the Streets of London. 8 etchings, colored, after the designs of G. Woodward. Oblong 12mo, inlaid to 4to on Whatman . Paper. 9 pieces, including title. [Lond. 1818] 471. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). London Characters. Complete set of the 24 hand-colored etchings. 19 of the set on Large Whatman Paper, and 6 inlaid on Whatman Paper, in- cluding 2 duplicates. 26 pieces, 4to and 8vo. [Lond. 1827-29 | * The Large Paper sets are extremely rare. 472. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Series of 24 etchings illustrating ‘‘Oliver Twist,’’ as originally published in Bent- ley’s Miscellany. 8vo. [Lond. 1837-38 | 473. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Set of Twelve plates for the Second Series of Dickens’s ‘‘Sketches by Boz.’’ Colored. Undivided, as printed, on six sheets, royal 8vo, in eloth portfolio. Lond. 1836-37 * Very rare, in fine condition. 474. DANCE OF DEATH. Trois Danses des Morts. Soixante-Douze en Bois. Hpreuves d’Artiste [on India Paper]. 12mo, wrappers. 59 Paris, 1856: 475. DON QUIXOTE. Engraved plates and titles to Cer- vantes’ “‘Don Quixote,’’ engraved after designs by Stothard, “9 Unwin and others. Mainly proofs on India paper. 21 pieces, he various sizes. 476. DON QUIXOTE. Set of 24 plates engraved by Coiny, Dambrun, Gaucher, ‘ete., after Lefévre and Le Barbier. Proofs before letters printed on 12 4to sheets. [ Paris, 17994 * Very rare. V4 f11. ENGRAVINGS. A large lot of miscellaneous engrav- o) ~“ /ings to illustrate well-known works in English Literature. ‘Included are many proofs on India paper, ete. About 150 pieces, various sizes. 3 478. LA FONTAINE. Portrait, engraved by Le Rat, and ee set of 40 plates illustrating the Tales. Engraved by es CPE, - onard, es Lancret, and sheen Royal 8vo, _ board covers. * Proofs on China Paper. 479. LA FONTAINE. Contes. Les Vingt Estampes des- sinées par Fragonard et Touzé pour l’edition de P. Didot SY l’Ainé, Paris, 1795. Réduites et Gravées a 1’Eau-forte par T. de Mare. [Portrait, vignette, and 20 plates in three states. | 12 parts, small folio, wrappers. Paris, 1881 * Only 50 impressions of each state printed on Japan Paper. 480. LA FONTAINE. 16 rejected plates of the edition of a / the Tales, 1762. Fine maser y: proofs before all letters. sé! 17 pieces, 8vo. [Paris, 1762] 481. LA FONTAINE. Portrait and 24 plates, engraved by 7) Aveline, and others after the designs of Desrais. Illustrating S Lae the Tales. 25 pieces, 12mo. [Paris, 1780] * Proof impressions on thick Holland Paper. Complete set. 4 re 482. LA FONTAINE. Portrait, engraved by Ribault, and 2 4 26 plates, after Moreau, illustrating the Works of La Fontaine. _ All proofs before letters. 27 pieces, 8vo. 483. LA FONTAINE. Complete set of 8 plates by Bovinet after Desenne, Proofs before all letters; 10 engraved plates =a . after Eisen, Moreau, Picart, and others. 18 pieces, 8vo and a | smaller. . 484. LA FONTAINE. Complete set of 8 engraved plates, ee Marillier, of the Edition of 1802; 28 engraved vignettes, eut from the edition of 1778, all original impressions; 6 en- eraved portraits of La Fontaine. 42 pieces, 12mo and smaller. 485. MOLIERE. Complete set of portrait and 33 copper- + plates engraved by Punt after Boucher, for the works of GV Moliére, 1738-40. All fine original impressions. 34 pieces, i 12mo. 4 | 60 . 486. PAUL AND VIRGINIA. Various engraved plates, in- eluding several India Paper proofs. 11 pieces, various sizes. * Plates engraved by Beyer, Heath, Armstrong, Corbould, ete. 487. PAUL AND VIRGINIA. Title and frontispiece en- graved by Warren after Unwin, India Paper proofs before letters and the finished plates (4); set of 5 plates engraved by Heath after Westall; two India Paper proofs of the same; and others. 22 pieces, various sizes. 488. PAUL AND VIRGINIA. 21’ plates from various sources, including a set of 4 proofs after Desenne; unsigned portrait after Desenne; 2 plates on undivided sheet, engraved by Guyot after Dutailly, printed in colors; and others. 21 pieces, various sizes. 489. PAUL AND VIRGINIA. Engraved title and five plates by Richter and Liagée; India Paper proof by Engle- heart after Westall; Engraved portrait of St. Pierre by Lignon; and others. 16 pieces. 490. PAUL AND VIRGINIA. Complete set of 5 plates, engraved by G. Corbould, after Henry Corbould. Proofs be- fore letters on India Paper; set of 5 etched vignettes by Emile Levy, proofs. 10 pieces, royal 8vo and 8vo. 491. PAUL AND VIRGINIA. Complete set of 6 etched plates, including portrait, Laguillermie, proofs before letters. Paris, 1878; Complete set of 8 etchings by Lalauze, proofs before letters on India Paper. 14 pieces, 8vo and 12mo. 492. PAUL AND VIRGINIA. Complete set of portrait: — and 5 plates, engraved by Blanchard, Leconte and Larcher, after designs of Desenne. Proofs on India Paper, before letters. 6 pieces, royal 8vo. [Paris, 1823] 493. PAUL AND VIRGINIA. Fine engraved portrait of St. Pierre, after Girodet, proof before letters on India Paper; complete set of six beautiful plates, engraved by Wedgwood, Corbould, and Engleheart, after designs of Corbould, to illus- trate the edition of Paris, 1830. Proofs before letters. 7 pieces. 494. ROWLANDSON PLATES. 15 plates for ‘‘ Roderick Random,’’ including 3 colored duplicates; Complete set of 12 for ‘‘Tom Jones,’’ and 6 duplicates; Set of 8 for ‘‘ Peregrine Pickle,’’ and 4 duplicates, colored; and others for ‘‘Joseph Andrews’’ and ‘‘Ferdinand Count Fathom.’’ 55 pieces, 8vo. * A fine lot. 495. ROWLANDSON PLATES. 56 colored plates illus- trating the Tours of Doctor Syntax. 8vo. [1816-17] 61 } 2 —— 4/ 496. ROWLANDSON PLATES. 25 colored plates illus- V' Avating the ‘‘Academy for Grown Horsemen,’’ by Geoffry Gambado. With the engraved title. 26 pieces, 12mo. [Lond.: Ackermann, 1825] tl /497. ROWLANDSON PLATES. 38 colored plates illus- / trating Gambado’s Hor semanship. 8vo and 12mo. [1791] 498. ROWLANDSON PLATES. Six engraved plates for / the Works of Smollett, engraved by Kirkwood after Rowland- vs J son. 8yo., [1790] 499. ROWLANDSON’S Characteristic Sketches of the gy V/Lower Orders. 54 coloured plates, 12mo, inlaid to 8vo. \7) Lond. [1820] fg 900. ROWLANDSON PLATES. Miscellaneous lot of _»/\ coloured plates, including seven of ‘‘ Advice to Sportsmen,”’ t ©“ Jéte. Some reproductions. 65 pieces, various sizes. _ 501. ROWLANDSON PLATES. Six Classes of that Noble , and Useful Animal, a Horse. Complete set of 12 colored etch- . corner of one title missing). ‘Wash. 1856 arnt on, | Fe oa Pp) e 621. JEFFERSON (THOMAS). Randall (Henry 8.). The stn of Thomas Jefferson. Engraved portraits, views and fac- smiles. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. N. Y. 1858 / 522. JEFFERSON (THOMAS). Writings. Library Edi- tion, containing His Autobiography, Notes on Virginia, Parlia- Sid mentary Manual, Official Papers, Messages and Addresses, and [} Other Writings. A. A. Lipscomb and A. E. Bergh, Editors. Many portraits. 20 vols. 8vo, green cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Wash. 1903 523. JEPHSON (ROBERT). Roman Portraits. A Poem és in Heroick Verse. With Historical Remarks and Illustrations. yr With Portrait of the Author, and medallion portraits. to, \ og scored calf (joints broken and some pp. foxed). Lond. 1794 524. JESTS. Miller (Jo:). The Family Jo: Miller. A Drawing-Room Jest Book [with] A Biography. Portrait, _a¢ humorous title by Kenny Meadows and .numerous fanciful \/* borders by R. Doyle, and other woodcuts. Square 12mo, origi- nal cloth with gilt design, gilt edges (joints shghtly worn). Lond.: Orr & Co., 1848 * Wirst Eprtion. With the list of publications by Orr & Co. 65 525. JOHNSON (DR. SAMUEL). Rasselas. With engrav- mgs by A. Rawmbach, from pictures by R. Smirke, R.A. Ato, _f full crimson straight-grain morocco, gilt back, gilt medallion centre ornaments on the side with borders inside and out, gilt edges. In a cloth case. Lond. 1819 * A very handsome copy of this beautifully illustrated edition. 526. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). The Lives of the most eminent English Poets with critical observations of their works. 4 vols. /<@ 8vo, original blue boards, rebacked (Vols. 2 and 4 with the _/ original labels), uncut. Lond. 1781 * First Epition. Scaree. A fine copy, entirely uncut. 527. JOURNAL of the Plague Year (Defoe); Burnet’s History of His Own Times; The Diary of John Evelyn, 2 vols. ; The Chronicles of England and France; Itinerary Through Wales (Cambrensis). 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond.: Dent, n. d. 028. KANE (ELISHA KENT). Arctic Explorations: The Second Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklhn, 1853-5. Numerous steel plates and woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (2 copies, one rubbed). ~ Phila. 1857 529. KEANE (WILLIAM). The Beauties of Middlesex (England): being a Particular Description of the Principal Seats of the Nobility and Gentry. 8vo, cloth. Chelsea, 1850 530. KEATS (JOHN). Endymion: A Poetic Romance, ‘Byo, full blue crushed levant morocco, the corners gold-tooled ar ai ith simple floral sprays, gilt back and inside borders, gilt top, / © other edges rough, by Wood. Lond.: Taylor & Hessey, 1818 * First EDITION. 531. KEENE (CHARLES). Our People. Illustrated with several hundred humorous designs from the Collection of ** Mr. Punch.’’ Folio, cloth, stucco binding (loose as usual), full gilt edges. Lond.: Bradbury, Agney & Co., 1881 532. KELLY (MICHAEL). Reminiscences of Michael Kelly of the King’s Theatre and Theatre Royal Drury Lane, including a Period of Nearly Half Century. Portrait (foxed). 2 vols. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1826 5838. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Edited by F. 8S. Ellis. Woodcut title and 87 wood- cut illustrations designed by Sw E. Burne-Jones, 14 large borders, initials and borders by William Morris. Folio, boards, holland back, uncut. In a cloth ease. Hammersmith, 1896 * One of 425 copies printed. The most important achieve- ment of the Kelmscott Press and a monument of modern printing. , 534. KEMBLE (JOHN M.). The Saxons in England. ye pf vols. Svo, calf, gilt (rubbed at hinges). Lond, 1849 66 ee! peut 030. KENNAN (GEORGE). Siberia and the Exile System. Profusely wWlustrated. First Epirion. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. N. Yeo L 036. KIDDER (D. P.) ann FLETCHER (J. C.). Brazil and the Brazilians. Folding map and full-page and text illus- trations. First Epirion. 8vo, cloth. Phila. 1857 037. KING (RUFUS). The Life and Correspondence of Rufus King, comprising his Letters, Private and Official, his Public Documents and his Speeches. Edited by his Grandson Charles R. King. frontispieces. 6 vols. 8vo, buckram, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1894-1900 * Limited Edition. 538. ——— Another Copy, the same. 539. KING (WILLIAM). Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. Engraved frontispiece. First Epirion. 12mo, old calf (broken, name on title). Lond., n. d. 540. KINGSLEY (CHARLES). Song of the River. Jllus- trated. 4to, tree-calf, gilt, gilt edges. Bost. 1887 541. KIPLING (RUDYARD), The Complete Works of. 23 vols. large 8vo, boards, buckram backs, entirely uncut. Garden City: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1914 * The SEVEN SEAS EDITION, limited to 1,050 numbered sets, with the author’s AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE on the general title- page of the first volume. Printed in very large type, upon a superior quality of paper, this edition of Kipling is a favorite one, 042, LACLOS (CHODERLOS DE). Les Liaisons Danger- euses. Translated by Ernest Dowson. With 15 illustrations after Monet, Fragonard, and Gerard. 2 vols. large 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond.: Privately Printed, 1898 * Only 360 copies printed. 548. LADIES’ MAGAZINE (The). Edited by a Lady. Vol. 1, 12 numbers. §8vo, wrappers (one wanting and one torn), uncut. Providence, 1823-24 * Searce. Not mentioned in Sabin. : 544, [LA FAYETTE (G.M. MARQUIS DE).] The Castle of Olmutz: A Poem, inscribed to Lafayette. Firsr Eprrion. 4to, unbound. Lond.: Printed for the Author, 1797 545. LA FONTAINE (J. DE). Tales and Novels in Verse. With 85 engravings by Eisen and 88 after Lancret, Boucher, Pater, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1896 * Edition limited to 520 copies. . 546. LAMB (CHARLES). Old China. 16mo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Bost. 1912 * One of 540 copies printed at the Riverside Press. 547. LANDOR (WALTER SAVAGE). Imaginary Con- versations. Portrait. ‘5 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt, gilt tops. Bost.: Roberts, 1883 - 67 ; i 048. LANG (W.). History of Seneca County, from the SS Close of the Revolutionary War to July, 1880. Portraits and vie views. 8vo, cloth (soiled). Springfield, 1880 049. LAUGHING MUSE (Guiterman). N. Y., n.d.; Bean- yo mont and Fletcher. Cambridge, 1910; A Handbook of Psychol- .? ogy (Murray). Bost. 1890; The Story of a Hundred Operas. Chic., n.d. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth. | 500. LAZAROVICH-HREBELIANOVICH (PRINCE anp | / PRINCESS). The Servian People, their Past Glory and their B Destiny. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1910 _f / 551. LEECH (JOHN). Original Pencil Sketch, drawn for = ‘‘Punch.’’ Size 634 x 414 inches. In heavy cardboard mount. / Depicting a number of soldiers off duty, fishing with rod and line. 502. LEECH (JOHN). Follies of the Year. A Series of Colored etchings from Punch’s Pocket Books, 1844-1866. With Some Notes by Shirley Brooks. 21 full-page etchings by John Leech. Oblong 4to, half morocco, stucco binding (loose in ? covers as usual). Lond.: Bradbury, Evans [1866] 503. LEECH (JOHN). Pictures of Life and Character. Illustrated with hundreds of humorous woodcuts, with ex- y planatory text. The 5 series in three volumes. Oblong 4to, \ / half morocco (rubbed). Lond.: Bradbury and Evans, n. d. and 1866-69 * Interiors in good clean state, of these humorous volumes, collected from the columns of ‘‘Punch,’’ where these illustra- tions first appeared. yo 554. LEECH (JOHN). Pictures of Life and Character, > y froth the Collection of ‘‘Mr. Punch.’’ 3 vols. 4to, half calf. Lond 1886-7 555. [LELAND (JOHN).] The Yankee Spy. Calculated for the religious Meridian of Massachusetts; but will answer. / for New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Vermont, without any 2 r material Alterations. By Jack Nips. 20 pp. 12mo, stitched | - (stained). Bost.: Printed for John Asplund [1794] * Very rare, not recorded since the Brinley sale. f 5.) 556. LETTERS. A Series of Letters between Mrs. Bliza- 2). © beth Carter and Miss Catherine Talbot, from the Year 1741 to 1770, ete. 4 vols. 8vo, old calf (one margin torn). Lond. 1809 x 557. LEVER (CHARLES). Roland Cashel. Wath 40 full- 4, ~» page plates by ‘‘Phiz.’’ Firsr Epition. 8vo, half polished aN calf, gilt top, and back. Lond. 1850 558. LEXICON THEOLOGICUM. By Rev. Patr. Friderici , adesu. 1784; Gradus ad Parnassum (Sintenis), 2 vols. in one. a Zullichavie, 1822, 2 vols. 12mo, calf and half roan. 68 a ee ) © S) f ae a, yi i ) / | e e 559. LIBBY PRISON: Experiences in Richmond, Va., 1863-4 (Cavada), 1864; A Woman’s War Record (Collins) 1889. 2 vols. 16mo and 12mo, cloth. * Presentation copies from the authors. 060. LIBRARY OF UNIVERSAL HISTORY. Containing a Record of the Human Race from the Earliest Historical Period to the Present Time. By Israel Smith Clare. Maps and numerous illustrations. 8 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco. 3 N; ¥. 1898 061. LIFE of Washington (Washington Irving), Vols. 1 to 4,N. Y. 1857: Theodore Roosevelt. the Citizen (Riis), 1904; Recollections of a Life Time (Goodrich), 2 vols. 1856; To ah and Back (Dana), 1859. 8 vols. 12mo to royal 8vo, éloth. 962. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). The Gettysburg Speech and other papers (Lowell). Bost. 1888; Lincoln the Patriot (Kellog). Phila., n. d.; and others. 4 vols. 12mo and 16mo, paper covers. 563. LITERARY SHOP (Ford), 1895; Four Frenchwomen (Dobson), N. Y.: Dodd, Mead, n. d.; Walter Pater (Benson), 1906 ; Lewis Carroll, by Isa Bowman, 1899; and others. 8 vols. 12mo, cloth. 564. LOCKHART (JOHN GIBSON). Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Portraits and hand-colored photo- gravure frontispreces. 10 vols. 8vo, three-quarter polished ereen levant, gilt back, gilt tops; uncut. Only 600 copies printed. Bost.: Riverside Press, 1901 * Large Paper edition, limited to 600 copies. 565. LOFTIE (W. J.). London City. Its History, Streets, Traffic, Buildings, People. With numerous illustrations by - W. Luker, Jr. Ato, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1891 566. LONDON ART JOURNAL. From 1849-1867, 1869- 1871, 1874, with the Exhibition catalogues for 1851, 1862 and 1867. Profusely illustrated with steel engravings, together with thousands of woodcuts of pottery, jewelry, furmture, bronzes, etc. 27 vols. 4to, soundly bound in half brown morocco (one or two vols. a little rubbed). Lond. 1850-1875 * An unusually long run of this art work, with the plates in exceptionally clean condition. 567. LONGFELLOW (H. W.). Portland Sketch Book. Edited by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. Portland, 1836. First Epirion. {Contains ‘‘The Village of Auteuil’’ by Longfellow. | The Longfellow Prose Birthday Book. Jllustrated. Bost. 1888. 2 vols. 12mo and 18mo, cloth. 568. LONGFELLOW (H. W.). Kavanagh, A Tale. 12mo, eriginal cloth, uncut. Bost. 1849 * First EpITION, with list of books published by Ticknor. 69 ? 069. LONGFELLOW (H. W.). The Golden Legend. First EpitTion. _12mo, original cloth. Bost. 1851 570. LONGFELLOW (H. W.). Hyperion. A Romanee. First Epirion. 2 vols. 12mo, original boards, uncut. Ne Yo dSo0 * With a contemporary presentation inscription of fly-leaf and half-title. 571. LONGFELLOW (H. W.). Poems. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1852 * Slip with the autograph signature of Longfellow inserted. 572. LONGFELLOW (H. W.). The Poetical Works. 2 vols. (title to first vol. wanting). Bost. 1880; The Complete Prose ' Works, with his Later Poems. Illustrated edition. 8 vols. 4to, half morocco. 5973. LOOMIS (ELIAS). The Descendants of Joseph Loomis who came from Braintree, England, in 1638, and settled in Windsor, Conn., in 1639. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. _ New Haven, 1870 * Autograph presentation copy from the Author. 574. LOSSING (BENSON J.). Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. Numerous portraits, views and facsimiles. 2 vols. royal 8vo, original sheep (worn). N. Y. 1860 o75. LOUIS XV et Madame de Pompadour (Nolhac), Paris, 1904; Les Francais (Rambaud), Paris, 1880; Histoire des Gaulois (Thierry), 2 vols. Paris, 1874. Together 4 vols. 12mo, half morocco. 576. LOUIS XV. (King of France). DS.) pe aoe Versailles, March 16, 1755. Signed ‘‘Louis.’’ Also signed by the Minister, Philippeaux. * Both signatures are fine specimens. 577. LOVE (JOHN).. Geodaesia: or, the Art of Surveying and Measuring of Land made Easy. * * * As also, How to lay out New Lands in America, or elsewhere, &. Diagrams. 8vo, old calf (one cover loose, names erased from title, some leaves stained). Lond. 1744 078. LOW (LIEUT. CHAS. RATHBONE). Her Majesty’s Navy, including its Deeds and Battles. Wath coloured illus- trations by W. C. Symons and W. Fred. Mitchell. 3 vols. 4to, half calf, gilt tops, uncut. N.Y dee 979. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Fireside Travels. First Epirion. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1864 980. LUCRETIUS (TITUS). De Naturum Rerum Libri Sex. Ad Optimorum Exemplarium fidem recensiti [with the] Varizx Lectiones. Fine engraved frontispiece, 6 full-page plates and numerous vignettes. 4to, old polished calf (worn). Londini: J. Tonson, 1712 * Tonson’s finely printed edition with the beautiful copper- plates. Contains the fine portrait of Epicurus. 70 = 981. LYDGATE (JOHN). The Churl and the Bird; trans- lated from the French by John Lydgate. Printed by William Caxton about 1478. 8vo, boards, vellum back, uncut. . Cambridge: University Press, 1906 * Limited to 250 copies. 982. LYRIC LOVE: an Anthology (Watson). Lond. 1892: The Poems of Gray. Lond. 1800; Adventures of Don Quixote (Cervantes). Lond.,n. d.; and others. 14 pleces, various sizes and bindings. : / 083. MABLY (ABBE DE). Remarks concerning the Gov- ernment and the Laws of the United States of America; in Four Letters addressed to Mr. Adams. With notes by ‘the Translator. 8v0, old calf (name cut from title). Dublin, 1775 584. MACK (DOCTOR EBENEZER). The Cat-Fight; a Mock Heroic Poem. Supported with Copious Extracts from Ancient and Modern Classic Authors. Hiched plates. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Dee Ne ee 585. MACKENZIE (ALEXANDER SLIDELL). The Life of Paul Jones. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut (covers worn). N. Y. 1845 586. MAHAN (A. T.). The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Bost. 1895 * Presentation copy from the author, with inscription on in- serted slip. 587. MANHATTAN and Henry Hudson (Clarke and Hubbard), Royeroft, 1910; New York City and Co-Partner- ship Directory for 1843 and 1844; Irish Race in America (Condon), 1887; A Tale of the Revolution (Goodrich), 1850. 4 vols. 588. MAPS. Map of Long Island. Large folding. Brook- lyn, 1897; Mitchell’s National Map and Route Book, Phila. 1847; Colton’s Map of Long Island, N. Y. 1880; Map of Mining Claims, Butte and vicinity,-Butte, 1907; Lloyd’s Official Map of Kentucky, N. Y. 1862. d5vols. 4to and 18mo, various bindings. 589. MAPS. Carte Velocipedique des Environs de Paris, 4 folding maps in ease; and 11 other folding maps, all mounted on linen, of various parts of France. 590. MARGARET, QUEEN OF NAVARRE. The Hep- tameron. Newly translated into English from the Authen- tic Text of M. le Roux de Liney. With an Essay on the Heptameron by George Saintsbury. Illustrated with the original 73 full-page engravings by) S. Freudenberg, and 150 head- ars tail-pieces by Dunker. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond.: Soc. of English Bibliophilists, 1894 591. MARVIN (FREDERICK ROWLAND). The Last Words of Distinguished Men and Women. Portraits. 8vo, full lavender crushed levant morocco, gilt, doublure of (a Ww at ad decorated green morocco, silk end leaves, gilt top, uncut. Troy;:N2Y:, 1800 * Only 500 copies printed. This copy is extra-illustrated by the insertion of 43 fine portraits. 592. MARVIN (HENRY). : The Poetic Art. By William Winsor. Prov. 1812. 6 pieces, 8vo, various bindings. 603. MEMOIRS AND SECRET CHRONICLES of the Courts of Europe. Illustrated with photogravures on Japan paper, consisting of Autographs, Reproductions of Famous Paintings, Portraits, ete. 8 vols. 8vo, full leather, each volume containing specially designed cover, with gilt tool- ing, gilt tops, uncut. | Wash. [1901] * Comprises: Napoleon, 3 vols.; Marie Antoinette; Diary of John Evelyn, 2 vols.; The Court of Berlin; Madame Du Barry. 604. MEMOIRS. Journal d’une Femme de Cinquante Jf Ans, 1778-1815 (La Tour du Pin), 1914, 2 vols.; Le Duc et La Duchesse de Choiseul [and] La Disgrave du Due et dela Duchesse (Gaston Maugras), 2 vols., 1903. 4 vols. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1903-14 605. MEMORIES OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN (Whit- man. Portland, 1906; The Ballad of Reading Gaol (Wilde). / Portland, 1905; Hotel de Rambouillet (Vincent). Cam- )» bridge: Riverside Press, 1900; The Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini. Lond. 1903. 4 vols. 16mo, boards and cloth. 606. MERIMEE (PROSPER). Writings of Merimée. With an Essay on the Genius and Achievement of the Au- / thor by George Saintsbury. Lrontispieces in duplicate, one colored, numerous illustrations on Japan paper. 8 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Nee¥ 1905 * LARGE PAPER EDITION, limited to 520 copies. 607. MEXICO. Antiquités Mexieaines par A. Lenoir, Family. By The Duchess D’Abrantes (Madame Junot). » § Many engraved portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, full calf. IN Ns, seas 634. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY of Eminent Americans. Jllustrated with the fine series of full-page por- p, ° traits from the Chappel paintings. In the 6 divisions as issued. A® 6 vols. 4to, cloth. N. Y.: Johnson, Fry and Co., n. d. : In exceptionally crisp fresh condition, with unspotted & plates. tel 635. NELSON (LORD). A. L. 8. 2 pp: 4to. Merton, So surrey, March 16, 1802. , ee el ee Mrs. Lambton, regarding Captain Burns. “(When I was in the Medn. your Relation Capt. Burns Bite: told me that if I would speak to you what I knew of him and his character that it would probably be of great use to him . although Capt. Burns may have been unfortunate yet that my knowledge of him for 7 years induces me to say that I never knew any irregularity in his conduct, on the contrary he al- a, ways conducted himself so much like a gentleman and a man be of character that I was always glad to render him any little ae services in my power and to receive him at my table,’’ &c. 636. NELSON (LORD). A.L.S., 1p. 4to. Merton, Oct. 3, 1802 (neatly repaired). mre *To Harry Harwood: ‘‘... Mr. George Antrim has great ane 4h fears of appearing before you terrific gentlemen because he ~ Ra ALD) has served very little in England, but chiefly in the Medn. Boi where I put him for his good conduct acting in a real vacancy in J uly 1799,7? &e.- 637. NEWBURYPORT, MASS. Stearns (Jon. F.). A His- torical Discourse on the First Presbyterian Church. Hngraved portrait. 8vo, boards, with original wrappers bound in. Newburyport, 1846 638. NEWBURYPORT, MASS. Origin and Annals of _ "The Old South’’ First Presbyterian Church and Parish, in £D Newburyport, Mass., 1746-1896. Edited by Horace C. Hovey. Illustrated. Small 4to, cloth. Bost. 1896 639. NEW ENGLAND. Letters of Administration, Docu- ments, Receipts, etc., relating to New Hampshire, 7 pieces; g > i / MS. Account of the Sale of the Estate of Oliver Darfee, late of » Fe Y Middletown in Newport, ete. 3 pieces; 2 A. L’s 8. of Captain ¢ ‘Thomas: Powars of Boston to Arnold Willis, relating to the West India Trade in 1793, and one other. 13 pieces. 76 640. NEW JERSEY. Griffith (William). A Treatise on the Jurisdiction and Proceedings of Justices of the Peace in Civil Suits, &. 12mo, original calf (signature of Thomas F.. Seattergood, of Philadelphia, on title). Burlington [N. J.]: Elderkin & Miller, 1796. 641. NEW LONDON, CONN. The By-Laws of the City of New-London. 22 pp. 8vo, stitched, uncut (stamp erased from title). New London: Printed by Samuel Green, 1805 * Inscription on title indicates this to have been the property of the ‘‘Most Honourable and High Minded Board of Hog Drivers of the City of New London.’’ Very rare, not in Sabin.. 4 642. NEW TESTAMENT. Newly translated out of the original Greek. Ruled in red throughout. 16mo, old English blue morocco, sides gold-tooled in compartments with acorn at. interior angles, outside lateral ornaments and acorn, foliage at the corners, in centre are initials ‘‘H. I.,’’ back gilt in com- partments with centre acorns, gilt edges (worn). Lond.: G. Baskett, Printer to the King, 1717 * From the press of the printer of the famous Vinegar Bible.. 6438. NEW YORK. Papers on Historic New York. Half- Moon Series. 17 numbers, 12mo, wrappers, uncut. N. Y.,v. d. 644. NEW YORK. Leslie’s History of Greater New York, by Daniel Van Pelt. Vol. 1, New York to the Consolidation ; Vol. 2, Brooklyn and the Other Boroughs; Vol. 3, Biograph- ical. Numerous engraved and other portraits, views and fac- smiles. 3 vols. royal 8vo and 4to, half morocco, gilt tops. N. Y. [1898] 645. NEW YORK. Minutes of the Common Council of the City of New York, 1675-1776. 8 vols. 8vo, buckram, gilt tops. N. Y.: Dodd, Mead, 1905: * Limited Issue. This set is number 59. 646. NEW YORK. Old Buildings of New York City, with Some Notes Regarding Their Origin and Occupants. Half- tone illustrations. 8vo, cloth. N. Y.: Brentano’s, 1907 647. NEW YORK. Chester (Alden, Editor). Legal and. Judicial History of New York. Many portraits and views. 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, morocco backs, gilt tops. N. Y. 1911 * Volume 2 contains the Constitutional History of New York State from the Colonial Period to the Present. Time. 648. NEW YORK. Proceedings of the Corporation of New York on supplying the City with Pure and Wholesome Water. With a Memoir of Jos. Browne, M.D., on the same subject. N. Y. 1799; Report of the Street Committee on the subject of regulating the grounds between North and 14th Sts., the Bowery and East River. N. Y. 1826. °2 pamphlets, 8vo, sewn.. UG: a a de, jf & 3 ; 4 o historic Events. Royal 8vo, full sheep. 2 copies. » a £ 878. WALKER (C. B.). The Mississippi Valley, and Pre- Burlngton, 1879 *'The Indian Tribes, Mound Builders, Pioneers of Kentucky and Tennessee, etc. / 879. WALLACK (JAMES WILLIAM). A Sketch of the 2 S Life of. Vignette portrait. Royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Ni Y. 1865 “ LARGE PAPER, one of 50 copies printed. Autograph presen- tation copy from T. H. Morrell. 880. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Huatensively Embellished with Engravings on Copper and Wood, from original paint- wmgs by first-rate Artists. 12mo, half calf (slightly rubbed). * Major’s Third Edition. Lond.: J. Major, 1835 881. WAR OF 1812. The Naval Monument, containing Official and other Accounts of all the Battles fought between f the Navies of the United States and Great Britain during the late War, to which is annexed a Naval Register of the United States. [By Abel Bowen.] With 25 spirited full-page en- gravings of the various battles by Bowen, G. Snuth, W. B. Annn, etc. 8vo, mottled calf (shghtly worn). Bost. 1816 * The rare First Epirion. Complete with all plates. The frontispiece contains medallion portraits of Paul eee De- ( catur, Hull and Bainbridge. , 882. WAR OF 1812. - MSS. Assignment -dutea 29 hide’ ¢ 1812, by John Breed of Lynn, Mass., to William Stearns of Salem, Mass., of one-half share of the proceeds captured by the armed schooner Industry, Joseph Mudge Commander, for the sum of $30. 3 pp. folio. 883. WAR OF 1812. History of the American War of” 6, 1812. Copper-plate portrait of Gen. Pike, engraved by J. Kennedy, and 5 other views of battles (should be 6). 12mo, contemporary sheep (covers loose, some parts slightly foxed). | Phila. 1816 884. WARREN (G. WASHINGTON). Governor Win- /throp’s Return to Boston. An Interview with a Great Char- io S acter. A Poem. Illustrated. Square 12mo, cloth, uncut. * Only 300 copies printed. Bost. 1883. WASHINGTON MUSIC. 885. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). The Federal Constitu- tion & Liberty forever. A new Patriotic Song Written by Mr. Milns & Sung with great applause by Mr. Williamson. The Musie adapted by Mr. Hewitt. The words and music (6 stanzas) engraved on copper; with crude patriotic device. 2 pp. 4to (mended in fold). N. Y.: Printed & Sold at J. Hewitt’s Musical Repository, [circa 1790]. *A remarkably fine example of early American music and poetry in press of American patriotism in general and George 102 — ——s se Ee ie —) |? / 4 Washington in particular. American sheet music of so early a date is of the utmost rarity, and so fine a specimen as this is almost never found. The last stanza runs: ‘*Fame’s trumpet shall swell in WASHINGTON’S praise, And TIME grant a furlough to lengthen his days. May health weave the thread Of delight round his head; No nation can boast Such a name—such a toast— The FEDERAL CONSTITUTION, boys, and WASHINGTON for ever.’’ 886. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Official Letters to the Honorable American Congress, written during the War be- tween the United Colonies and Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo, full sheep (weak in joints). * : Lond. 1795 887. WATSON (WILLIAM). Poems. Portrait, signed by the author. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Noy . Lodo * One of 100 copies on Hand-made paper. 888. WATTS (ISAAC). Philosophical Essays on Various Subjects, with Some Remarks on Mr. Locke’s Essay on the Human Understanding. THirp EpiTion. 8vo, old calf (one hinge cracked, some leaves stained, name erased from title). Lond. 1742 889. WHBB (W. E.). Buffalo Land: An Authentic Ac- count of the Discoveries, Adventures, and Mishaps of a Scien- tifie Party in the Wild West. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, ¢loth (a little worn). Cinn. 1872 890. [WELLESLEY (LORD).|] Primitie et Reliquie. (Poems.) 8vo, cloth. Londini, 1841 * Presentation copy from the Marchioness of Wellesley to Hdward Everett, with the latter’s autograph inscription on fly- leaf, and bookplate. ‘891. WHISTLER (J. A. M.). Bacher (Otto H.). With Whistler in Venice. Jllustrated with many reproductions of Wihistler’s Work, and of Ktchings and Photographs by the author. Small folio, boards, gilt top, uncut. No ay. 1909 * LARGE PAPER Copy. 892. WHISTLER (J. A. M.). ‘‘Ten O’Clock.’’ First American Edition. Bost. 1888; Catalogue of Etchings, Dry Points and Lithographs by Whistler. N. Y. 1898. 2 pamph- lets. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. 893. WHISTON (WILLIAM). A New Theory of the / Earth, from its Original, to the Consummation of All Things. Figures and plates. 8vo, old calf (hinges worn, some margins stained, signatures of Joseph and John Scattergood, of Phila., on title). Lond. 1696 894. WHITMAN (ZACHERIAH G.). An Historical Sketch of the Ancient and Honourable Artillery Company; from its Formation in the Year 1637 to the Present Time. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, half sheep. Bost. 1820 103 a 895. WHITMAN (WALT). Leaves of Grass: Portrait. Thick 12mo, cloth. Bost. (1860-61) 896. WHITNEY (CASPAR). On Snow-Shoes to the Barren Grounds. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. NY ate 897. WHITTIER (J. G.). Snow-Bound, 1866; Among the Hills, 1869. First EDITION; Tent on the Beach, 1867. First EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. 898. WHITTIER (J. G.). Lays of My Home, and other Poems. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, boards (broken). Bost. 1853 899. WHITTIER (J. G.). .Home Ballads and Poems~ First EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Bost. 1861 900. WHITTIER (J. G.). The Bay of Seven Islands, and other Poems. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, full crushed green levant moroceo, gilt inside borders, green silk linings and end leaves, gilt top, uncut, with the original covers bound in, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. 1883. 901. WHYMPER (EDWARD). Scrambles Amongst the Alps in the Years 1860-69. . Folding maps and many fine illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1871 902. [WILDE (OSCAR).] The Priest and the Acolyte. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, wrappers, uncut (two margins. slightly soiled). [Lond. 1894} * Only a few copies Privately Printed for Presentation. The text of the above is signed ‘‘ X, June, 1894.” Some copies were accompanied by a single slip, certifying to the authorship as: that of Oscar Wilde. Mr, Robert Ross, however, stated that it was written by the editor of ‘‘The Chameleon” (in which magazine it originally appeared). Rare. 4 903. WILDE (OSCAR). Phrases and Philosophies for the Use of the Young. First EDITION. Title in red and black. 12mo, original brown wrappers. Lond.: Privately Printed for Presentation, 1894 * Only 75 copies privately printed. Scarce. 904. [WILDE (OSCAR).] Oscariana: Epigrams. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, wrappers, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1895 * One of a limited number Privately printed on Hand-made paper by Arthur Humphreys. Rare. 905. WILDE (OSCAR). Rose-Leaf and Apple-Leaf. Or- namental head-piece. 12mo, original wrappers. Lond.: Printed for Private Cireulation, 1904 * FIRST EDITION. One of 200 copies. 906. WILLIAMS COLLEGE. Deed on paper, dated 26. Jan., 1820, by which Joseph E. Foxcroft of New Gloucester Co., Cumberland, conveys to the President a Township of land with details of the boundaries, and 9 A. L’s 8., 1805- 1842, relating to-the college and its property. Together 10: pieces, folio and 8vo. 104 907. WILSON (JOHN). Noctes Ambrosianze. With Va Memoirs and Notes by R. Shelton Mackenzie. Portraits. 5] y vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1866 See * One of 100 copies privately printed. 908. WINDSOR CASTLE (Ainsworth), Lond., n. d.; The B Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan), Lond., n. d.; Last Days of > Pompeii (Bulwer), Vol. 1, N. Y. 1836. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. 909. WINTERBOTHAM (W.). An Historical, Geo- graphical, Commercial and Philosophical View of the y United States of America, and of the Kuropean Settlements p in America and the West Indies. With portraits of Wash- ~ angton, Franklin, Penn, and the Author, engraved by Tis- dale, Rollinson, etc. 4 vols. 8vo, old sheep (pp. foxed). ND VY? -1796 ray 910. WINTER (WILLIAM). The Queen’s Domain; and other Poems. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1859 911. WISDOM and Destiny (Maeterlineck), 1905; Well- , Worn Roads (Hopkinson Smith), 1890; Zoroaster (Marion ~,) Crawford), Lond. 1885; Oldtown Folks (Stowe), 3 vols. \7 Lond. 1869. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. 912. WITHER (GEORGE). Speculum Speulativum; or, a Considering-glass. Being an Inspection into the present and late sade condition of these Nations. FIRST EDITION. y f 12mo, old half calf (paper discolored as usual, pagination cut into). Lond. 1660 * The rare first issue, with errata on last leaf. 913. WOODCUT of XV. Century. Annunciation of the Virgin, representing the legend of the Hunted Unicorn pursued by dogs, taking refuge with the Virgin in an en- p Be ¢losed garden. Measures 54x 332. Sec. XV. * A beautiful woodcut executed in the rare dotted or ‘‘ man- iere criblee”’ style, by an anonymous Low Country Master. f 914. WOOD (T. MARTIN). George du Maurier, the Satirist of the Victorians. With 41 allustrations. Ato, origi- nal cloth, gilt top, uncut. N.Y seoke * Inserted is A. L. S. by du Maurier, Ap. 22, 1892. 1 p. 16mo, ‘«T have not found photos of my big dog, I am sorry to say— or would send them,” etc. 915. WOOLMAN (JOHN). The Works of John Wool- an. In Two Parts. 8vo, contemporary calf (early signa- Fit on title and fly-leaf). . F Phila.: Printed by Jos. Cruikshank, 1774 * Scarce. Contains the First Edition of Woolman’s Journal. This copy has the three titles, each bearing the Cruikshank im- print. 916. WORLD’S ORATORS (The). Comprising the Great / Orations of the World’s History. With Introductory Essays, >» Biographical Sketches and Critical Notes by Guy Carleton Lee. Frontispiece portraits. 10 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y.: Putnam, 1903 * Daniel Webster Edition. 105 V> 917. WRIGHT (W. H. KEARLEY). West-Country Poets: Their Livesand Works. Being an Account of About 400 Verse Writers of Devon and Cornwall. Portraits. Small Ato, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1896 918. YALE COLLEGE. A Sketch of Its History, together with Some Account of Student Life and Amusements, by Various Authors Edited by W. L. Kingsley. Numerous fine portraits and views. 2 vols. thick 4to, leather, gilt edges (hinges broken). N. Y. 1879 919. YEHON Musha Burui. JTJllustrations and _ teat. Mounted on 57 4to pages of heavy cardboard, enclosed in 2 portfolios (corners of some of the sheets damaged). * Curious and interesting specimen of Oriental bookmaking, done about 1840. 920. YELLOWSTONE National Park (Chittenden), 1905,. On the Great American Plateau (Prudden), 1906; Our National Parks (John Muir), 1906. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. 921. YOUNG (JOHN RUSSELL). Around the World with General Grant. With 800 illustrations. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. N. Y. [1879} te ae reals aes 2