3 a4 = ne ee f “2% 7 = . . - ~ . : : | | = - a= ee ee . | 556-8 Fifth Ae, New York = weNes ¥; ‘Wy > yn NTs A. BAG TTI SLOT INE TEI OEE OO ET A i CRC ay 7 ~ = gre oe ae ; Ae: me pty dy = ge < be te * eee a i. . ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW FROM 9 A. M. UNTIL 6 P. M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES FROM SATURDAY, MARCH 25tn, UNTIL THE DAY OF SALE AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF FOREIGN AND AMERICAN OIL PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE FOR ACCOUNT OF SEVERAL ESTATES AND FOR PRIVATE OWNERS AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ON THE EVENINGS OF WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MARCH 29TH, 30TH AND 8lst, 1916 BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O’CLOCK CATALOGUE OF OVER THREE HUNDRED OLD AND MODERN PAINTINGS BY FOREIGN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE SENHOR SALVADOR DE MENDONCA (FORMERLY BRAZILIAN MINISTER AT WASHINGTON) THE ESTATES OF THE LATE DR. M. C. GOULD, ALFRED HENRY LEWIS AND E. A. BIGELOW THE PROPERTY OF MRS. AMZI L. BARBER, MISS E. V. COCKCROFT, AND MRS. T. GAILLARD THOMAS AND OTHER INTERESTS AS SPECIFICALLY INDICATED IN THIS CATALOGUE der 4. Snhee eats bhatt; babefe Va TO BE DISPOSED OF . te es Wa : AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY ASSISTED BY MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK 1916 ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION - TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY — CONDITIONS OF SALE 1, Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P.M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. , Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. %. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “‘as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. | AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. » e« hina 2. wa. FIRST EVENING’S SALE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1916 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8 O'CLOCK UNKNOWN ARTIST No. 1 eS Chon hack Lf Ge Drawing: Height, 31 inches; length, 61 inches A DRAWING in monotint washes and pen, depicting a group of trees. Property of the Estate of the late Srnuor Satvapor pe MENDONGA. JOHN H. DOLPH, N.A. AMERICAN: 1835—1903 \ 3 Wi, No. 2— MR. PUG LM. (Sarky / j + : Height, 11/4 inches; width, 61, tutheee hi Portrair of a pug dog with a jacket of gray and wide white collar, fastened with a silk cord and tassel. Signed with initials, J. H. D. at lower left and lated ’76. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gouxp. WILLIAM KELLY AMERICAN No. 3— WALT WHITMAN (OY vy, Lf, a ae Height, 9 inches; width, 7 se, >) oe Fuii-race portrait of the well-known poet and writer, painted about 1880. Signed lower left, W. Ketty. Property of a New York Collector. GIACOMO CORTESE BOURGUIGNON Frencu: 1621—1676 No. 4— HORSEMEN IN BATTLE , Copper panel: Height, 64, inches; length, By, inches | age SE Fen seit vy y: ang F A FIERCE struggle between two parties of cavalrymen of the Middle Ages, fight- ing with swords, spiked maces and lances. The action is placed on the shore of the sea, which appears in the background at the left. Property of the Estate of the late SeENHOR SALVADOR DE MENDONGA. FRENCH SCHOOL gists eg ee ee Se eS ee a Sear ane a ee a ae Oe ee ee eee ee = ee A a (Period of the Republic and First Consulate) NOs ves NAPOLEON IN THE EAST / Drawing in pen and ink: Height, 6 inches; length(& inches 74 lo —— Vr Sit\ Ae LAM Numerous figures in an Oriental interior with view o citadel through an open archway. The people, including figures both nude’and draped, are pre- sumably captives. In the central group Napoleon is seen speaking to one of the men as he passes through the crowd. % ==" Property of the Estate of the late SeNuHor SALvapor DE MENDONCA. ALFRED SEIFERT Bouemian: 1850— No. 6— PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY —es Panel: Height, 74%, inches; width, 5 ee A te? Aad RAAB AY OO Heap and bust portrait of a sweet-faced, large-eyed young girl maturing int womanhood. Over a décolleté bodice she wears a velvet jacket of orange-brown lined with pink, broadly open and with a tall collar, and her jeweled head- dress of mob-cap shape is edged with fine lace. She faces the observer, head turned slightly to her left. Signed at the right, A. SEIFERT. Property of a Lady. W. BOHM PAL GERMAN No. 7— A HUMBLE HOME “ Panel: Height, 61, inches; length, 81/ inch a ee 2s 9, Bi ener) es AY far oor A croup of Italian peasant women and children, including/a how. at the of a rudely built, dilapidated hut with sod-covered walls. While the others are chatting, one of the women is busy with a frying-pan over a fire. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of Lorena L. Barner. ABEL pr PUJOL Frencu: 1785—1861 No. 8— BRINGING THE BREAD sy Water color: Height, 634 inches; length, 8%, iMches ae | ~ ‘ MA. pean SS SSF Peed ” A FAMILY party, at a table, on the right, in a oe tyard, is ready to vi) eat a meal, and the mother has risen to take a huge loaf of bread from a little // girl who is carrying it with some difficulty. In the background is seen another party at table. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Srnuor Satvapor pE MENDONGA. WILLIAM JAMES MULLER Enecuso: 1812—1845 Novos: LANDSCAPE ie Panel: Height, 6 inches; width, 9 a oe Sy: VY: A Rroapway in the center leading into the middle fee: On the right, fore? trees and two figures seated in the shade; a chalet with white walls amid t sky of blue with white clouds. | Property of the Estate of the late S—ENwor Satvapor bE MENDONCA. PERCIVAL ROSSEAU AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY No. 10— LANDSCAPE . Panel: Height, 71, inches; ae th, 9% pee: ; 4 A Group of trees on rising ground, at the left, and Mees group at the right _ all in shadow. In the center, a vista of ientlows with ee cattle. The sk ; is gray with a space of blue. A study, in his early period, by a well-known painter of dogs and landscapes. Signed at the lower right. By order of Executors. PROF. EDWARD GRUTZNER GERMAN: 1846—1898 No. 11— A JOLLY CONFAB Panel: Height, 8 inches; length, 10 nee oe as A fs A LARGE man is visiting some brown-habited es and in the intimacy of has old acquaintance the table offers bread and radishes and cold cuts, with large steins and seidels of cheer. A merry monk of goodly girth is much amused at what the visitor is recounting, as is likewise Brother Cellarer, who brings replenishment; a more solemn brother looks doubtful. Signed at the bottom center, E. Grirzner. Property of a Lady. REMBRANDT (ATTRIBUTED TO) No. 12— LANDSCAPE Nh. ee Vee a al ‘A noap and a stream occupy the foreground. In the middle distance is a town with a church. The scene is animated by figures, a cart and cattle. Pen and ink drawing: Height, 61. inches; length, 91/, inches Property of the Estate of the late Senwor Satvapor pE Menponga. GUSTAVE PAUL DORE Frencu: 1833—1883 f : — A LION : oS (an Gone ek gt Water color: Height, 9 inches; width, 7 inches A 110n standing with head turned to the spectator’s left. Behind him is a tree with spreading limbs. Painted in monotint. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gouin. PAUL DOUGHERTY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1877— No. 14— LANDSCAPE = |) ¥, ip oe ye 4a ee Millboard: Height, 6 inches; length, 9 inches Fievps and a road in the foreground; hills with a glimpse of a river in the distance, and an evening sky ‘showing warm tints in the clouds in the upper portion. On back of picture is a label stating that it is “a Paul Dougherty original presented to the writer by the painter’ and signed Aaron Suerx (of Sherk Bros., Brooklyn). Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gourp., JAMES D. SMILLIE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1833—1909 | No. 15— THE WHITE MOUNTAIN FROM RANDOLPH HILL 7 ‘E7 ‘oa ‘. Canvas: Height 6 inches; length, 10 finches Oi. a : Ni- VV: RGN) BI ees f Tux snow-capped mountain is seen in the distance pirat a foreguae of Oo ud herbage and rocks, with a belt of trees in autumn foliage. A small white or two float in the blue sky. | Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gouxp. CULLEN YATES, A.N.A. AmeERIcAN: 1866— No. 16— THE BREAKERS: COAST OF MAINE F yi Sees Canvas, mounted on compo board: Height, 9 Fh. ae 12 ine] es pon An attractive piece of color. On the left, the rocky shore; on the right the waves breaking over a rock; beyond, the sea and a sky of gray. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govutp. WILLIAM HART, N.A. AMERICAN: 1823—1894 No. 17— LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE F ) Millboard: Height, 61% inches; length, 11 inches () v'§ ( S* oe Lr io Om ty v/, J SRA are : Aw autumn landscape with a stream bordered by trees in the foreground at // ‘ the left. In the immediate left foreground, three cows; sky of white and gray clouds with spaces of blue in upper portion. Signed at the lower left, and dated 187—. Property of the Estate of the late S—Nuor Satyapor p—E MEeNDONGA. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1818—1872 No. 18— LANDSCAPE Uh Garntagwe . Millboard, oval: Height, 81 inches; width, 71% inches (| 27 tt - Sec A peak in the hills with a lake at its base, bordered by pines and other trees. The sky is of pale blue with white clouds. By order of Executors. GEORGE W. BRENNEMAN AMERICAN: 1838—1909 No. 19— DECLINING TO LOOK | Panel: Height, 91, inches; width, 8 inches —/"\ {> of se af ane age h A THREE-QUARTER length seated figure of a man, with gr air and beard, holding a human skull on his left knee while with his righf hand he tries to turn the head of a monkey, on a table at his side, and force him to look at the skull. Signed at the upper left. Property of a Lady. ALFRED C. HOWLAND, N.A. American: 1838—1909 No. 20— IN THE COUNTRY ls Taal Panel: Height, 101%, inches; width, 71/, inches f) les ie uv Far Ly] t01% A LANpDscaPeE with a brook in the foreground; on the bank at the right, two A children with home-made fishing rods; houses and church on a hill beyond. C, The sky is of blue with white clouds. Signed with initials, A. C. H. at lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govutp. MAURICE LELOIR Frencu: 1853— No. 21— REVERIEY) +4, Vir o Algae Water color: Height, 8 inches; width, 714, inches / (4 A sEATED figure of a young woman in costume of the Louis Quatorze period. She holds a piece of embroidery on her lap but, having stopped her work, she gazes dreamily before her. Signed on étagére in background, and dated 1884. Property of the Estate of the late S—Nuor SaLvapor DE MENDONGA. EK. HETTICH \ No. 22— SWISS LANDSCAPR| Wy (9 pe A 0: Panel: Height, 8 inches; length, 11f/j inches A strEAm in the foreground of a valley, which lies in shadow, and on its banks little houses and figures and a campfire. Beyond rise high hills, surmuonted by a castle and other buildings. Over all is a blue sky. This work is char- acterized by precision of execution and exact drawing in miniature of nature’s forms. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1881. Property of the Estate of the late SENwOR SALVADOR DE MENDONCA. JOSEF DE RIBERA (ATTRIBUTED TO) SpANIsH: 1588—1656 No. 23— THE crvorrixions, 77 - nF Copper panel: Height, 101%, inches; width, 81/, inches ee es x = Tue figure of Christ, on the cross, forms the center of the composition and symmetrical balance in the design is given by the presence of a single figure on either side, one a man; the other, a woman. At the foot of the cross are a skull and cross bones. Property of the Estate of the late SeNuor Satvapor pE MENDONGA. REMBRANDT (ATTRIBUTED TO) No. 24— THE OLD GATEWAY ie Be yet Reese Pen and ink drawing: Height, 7 inches; length, 12 inches fo TuE walls of a ruined castle, with arched doorway in the center. At the right is an open chimney with a woman seated on a bench before it. Property of the Estate of the late SeNHor Sstvapor pe MENDONGA. JOHN FREDERICK HERRING Eneuisu: 1795—1865 No. 25— PIGS oe : Panel: Height, 934, inches; length, 12 inches EL any Oy ae A uicuty finished study of a sow and her little pigs, in the clean straw in a snug corner of a barn. Signed, J. F. Herrine, SEnr., at the upper left, and dated 1853. Property of the Estate of the late Senor SAtvapor DE MENDONCA, VAN OSTADE Dutcu No. 26— DANCING IN THE BARN : yi, me Panel: Height, 91 inches; length, 131, inchey Vy. Ure Dee HE interior of a lofty room, with arched rafters and numerous figures. One group is seated at an open door, at the left. Several couples are dancing. The chief color note is given by the red jacket of a man, who is one of those dancing in the center of the composition. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1643. Property of the Estate of the late SeNuor SAtvapor DE MENDONCA. REMBRANDT VAN RYN (ATTRIBUTED TO) ee Dutcu: 1606—1669 ; Waite : a Noe? LANDSCAPE Ut (Servet wt 3 eS ae pols ee Water color, crayon, pen and sepia: Height, 8 nee length, 12 inches . ae An open space in the foreground, where roads come together, trees, rising ground in the middle distance, and the buildings of a city beyond. Initial signature at lower right, with date 1634. Property of the Estate of the late Srnnor SALVADOR DE MENDONGA. RUBENS SCHOOL No. 28— FAN DESIGN ss a Water color: Height, 634 inches; length, “fe ; f ee A composition of eleven figures and a number of cupi s, or loves. the women are dancing to the music of a pipe, played by a shepherd, a¥t right. On the left, a young soldier is advancing with lances. The background is a landscape with hills, trees and castles. of From the J. J. Pioli sale, 1894. Property of the Estate of the late Srnxnor SAtvapor DE MENDONGA. LUIGI LOIR AUSTRIAN: 1825— ai No. 29— AT EVENTIDE Oe fat ) 4 ae Water color: Height, 101%, inches; length, 14 inches / In the center of a broad village street, at the hour when lights appear, a police- cavalryman has halted, with back to the spectator, to talk with a peasant, and another group of gossips appears further on. Signed at the lower right, Lom Lovie. Property of the Estate of Atrrep Henry Lewis, Esa. ATTILIO SIMONETTI ITALIAN: CONTEMPORARY No. 80— IN THE SUN 4 ”) oF Water color: Height, 12 inches; width, 7 inches Z h, ( LA LZ Wi SEATED on a stool, out in the bright sunshine, a matronly young woman is seen in easy attitude, facing the left, three-quarters front. Her low-cut gown is a blend of soft colors and figured with flowers. Signed at the lower left, SimoneTTI. Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Gatttarp THomas. MAX WEYL American: 1837—1914 NO. B1————| LANDSCAPE Canvas: Height, 91/, inches; length, 1414 inches» f /o- Ft anva g Vo g Vo mc Vt. fh. F epee AG ta A ponp and a road, with trees on either side; overhead, a sky of blue with white (/ clouds. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late S—enuor Satvapor p—E MENpoN¢A, JOHN J. HAMMER AMERICAN: 1842— No. 32-- SPRING 3a dose Panel: Height, 101% inches; length, 16 inches | ] , ve A g 72 g LO ae 7, In the foreground is a green meadow, with a girl seated and a man lying down, his head resting on his traveling pack. Willow trees in early foliage frame in the meadow and there is a glimpse of a creek in the center of the picture. Over all is a spring sky of gray clouds with a dash of blue. — Y we -¢ Signed at the lower right. By order of Executors, ALFRED THOMPSON BRICHER, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1839—1908 No. 33— CLIFFS ON DANA ISLAND, MANCHESTER-BY-THE-SEA = eee Height, 9 inches; lefythp 18 ey Y, CLL A HEADLAND of brown, jagged rocks projects from the right into a blue sea lightly in motion. Afar off are sails and gulls, and in the foreground the water takes various colors in reflections from the rocks. Signed at the lower left, A. T. BricHER. Property of the E. A. Bicerow Estate. EDWARD MORAN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1829—1901 No. 34— FISHER GIRL OF CANCALE / ze Canvas: Height, 12 Cae ae A Frencu fisher-girl of the Normandy coast crossing the sands wi step, carrying a large net rolled up, and with a basket on her left ground of sea and sky. vigorous m. Back- Signed at the lower left, and dated 1881. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gouxp. EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— Sear. No. 35— SUNSET ce a Y f Beet se / / = - Canvas: Height, 8 inches; length, 12 inches ’ A prain in the foreground with a clump of trees and a horse in the middle distance. The horizon is placed low and the sky is filled with warm yellow light, gradated up to gray-bluish tints above. The sun is setting in the right- center. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govutp. / SANFORD R. GIFFORD, N.A. AMERICAN: 1823—1880 No. 36— BERKSHIRE HILLS = Canvas: Height, 8 inches; length, 13 inches Tue foreground is occupied by meadows and a stream. In the center of the Pg picture are elm trees backed by a piece of woods in the middle distance. / Beyond are the high hills of the Berkshire range and, above, a pale, warm-gray sky. ; Signed on rocks at lower left center. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Goutp, J. M. BARNSLEY AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY No. 37— MARINE Ss Lt ad Panel: Height, 9 inches; length, 131% inches (sy ANGE ‘ a Y ned na THE sea, with a wave breaking into spray, in the foregrotixd; gulls flying over the water, and a sky of gray. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of Lorena L. Barner. FRANZ DE PAULA FEIG AuvsTRIAN: 1689—1740 No. 38— THE DANCE | ra } Panel: Height, 101% inches; length, 13 inches Th- ‘bobs Peasants dancing a round in an open space before the entranceway of a coun- try house, the white walls of which fill the central part of the composition. At the right, in the distance, a landscape vista. Property of a Lady. ADAM PYNACKER Dutrcu: 1621—1673 No. 39— _ THE EMBARCATION oe / eas Canvas: Height, 103, inches; length, 16 inches 6, On the right, a partly ruined castle, built against a rocky cliff, bekaba hae are numerous figures, one, a captain or officer of the guard, who is over- seeing the embarcation of some people with their baggage and goods. — a : vessel, with sail lowered, is at the quay, on the left, and beyond is a view ofa, ae sea and sky. ae Property of the Estate of the late S—ENuor Satvapor DE MENDONGA. FRANCESCO MARIA MAZZOLA (PARMIGIANO) (ATTRIBUTED TO) | Iratran: 1503—154 () No. 40— PORTRAIT OF COLUMBUS / "a Panvas, mounted on silk with brass-headed pins: Height, 141 inches; width, 111, inches On the back of this painting was a penciled note as follows: “This portrait __ of Columbus was painted by Parmigiano and purchased by my Uncle Robert — ke Percy Smith in Naples in 1844, at a sale of pictures belonging to the Countess Guiccioli and fell to me in division of the estate at his death.” (Signed) Harry Percy Vracin. Nov. 26, 1896. Property of the Estate of the late SeNHor Satvapor pE MENDONGA. ANTOINE COYPEL Frencu: 1661—1722 “aNG, 41— sine fe M) tage Canvas: Height, 151, inches; width, 111, inches A croup of two partly nude figures, with loves in the background overhead. The woman, seated, is listening to the advances of the man, who holds a lance decorated with vine leaves in his left hand, and is making gestures with her hands indicating gentle protest. Signature, partly disintegrated, at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late SeNuor SALVADOR DE MENDONGA. GUY C. WIGGINS e AMERICAN: 1883— Nop. 42— EVENING f a 4 ar Canvas: Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches Y /). é F oe. Bee ; 3 _ Iw the foreground of this landscape is a group of oaks on a hillock. In the e. middle distance, on the right, is a river with shore beyond. Evening sky with ca yellow glow and gold tinged clouds. f Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Goutp. J. G BROWN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1831—1918 | No. 43—_ IN THE WOODS Canvas: Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches Y pte | For A woop interior with sunlight filtering through the trees and a little girl, y Hifi tara a red and white-striped shawl and straw hat, standing in the foreground. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1861. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Goup. JOHN BUNYAN BRISTOL, N.A. AmeERIcAN: 1826—1909 No. 44— HOUSATONIC VALLEY / ae é Height, 10 inches; length, 15 inches ae Md Hazg hangs over the valley, and low mountains extend their green and rounded __, peaks along the horizon, under patches of white cloud suspended motionless (/ in a pale robin’s-egg sky. In the middle distance gray streaks of winding water are seen across luxuriant tree-tops; and in the foreground a woman in a white waist and broad-brimmed hat stands in a subdued sunlight radiance, before the shadows of dense, flourishing trees which stand in thick clumps at the border of a green, hilly field. Signed at the lower left, J. B. Bristrox, ’87. Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Garttarp THoMas. 3 ¢ Y ve | JULIAN RIX American: 1851—1903 No. 45— SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW Millboard: Height, 12 inches; ee 16 7 oe f* ee A SHALLOW grass-covered ravine lying in Afeep eae cast from the right by the late afternoon sun. On the farther side of the hollow is a group of trees and bushes with autumnal foliage shining in the sunlight. Above is a sky of intense blue. 7 Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govtn. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. ; AMERICAN: 1818—1872 No. 46— FOREST AND HILLS ~ Canvas: Height, 10 inches; | Nit 8 incKe Ave wt Giwt A PANORAMIC view showing a forest in autumn rite stretching across‘ /the canvas to hills on the right, with a lake at their base. Beyond, dimly“seen through the hazy atmosphere, is a wide stretch of country with blue hills in the distance. Over all is a sky of gray-blue. Signed with initials, J. F. K., at the lower left. This picture was “presented by members of the House of Representatives to John S. Rice, Speaker, Session of 1864.” Companion work to No. 47. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govutp. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1818—1872 No. 47— LAKE ERIE UU € . b re Canvas: Height, 10 inches; length, 18 inches Rocky bluffs, at the left, extending into the distance and the waters of the _ great lake filling all of the lower half of the composition. In the evening sky are warm-tinted gray clouds. Signed at the lower left. This picture was “presented by members of the House of Representatives to John S. Rice, Speaker, Session of 1864.” Companion work to No. 46. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gov p. THEODORE CERIEZ Bewcran: 1832—1904 Nai — AU CABARET |) kal, aoe it a7 Panel: Height, 1534 inches; width, 11%, inches — In the gray interior of a small wine shop three men in long coats, perruques and three-cornered hats are standing in conversation, one in red, one in blue and one in gray, while other men are seated at a table and through a door- way men and women are seen outside. Signed at the lower right, T. Certez. From the Exposition Belge des Beaux-Arts a Philadelphie. Property of a Lady. te aaa ee Wipe “ he me ~~ ae , » 6 ee Py th ._ GIUSEPPI SIGNORINI Iratian: 1857— No. 49— HIS FAVORITE Water color: Height, 171, inches; with, 111, inches , ys: e. | {4 nee A uanpsome blond young matron in a décolleté gown of flowered silk is alae at at a richly gilt piano the favorite air of an elderly cleric in cardinal biretta and voluminous robes, who attests his pleasure by following the notes closely — through a glass, while he distinguishes the fair player by the most delicate of tentative embraces. Signed at the lower right, Gruser SicNor1ni, Panis. Property of the Estate of A.rrep Henry Lewis, Esa. VINCENT ST. LUCHE ConTEMPORARY | - No. 50— A HOSPITABLE CELLAR Ee, 47 Water color: Height, 14 ve widt phe ee i In the crypt of a huge conventual ae a ree monk kneels before one of two wine butts, a flagon in his hand, while a more portly brother stands at his elbow with a glass of ruby wine partly emptied, on which he is pro- nouncing judgment of satisfaction. A third brother approaches with empty pitchers. 7 Signed at the lower right, Vinc St. Lucue, 1871. Property of the KE. A. Bicrtow Estate. | : WILHELM VELTEN GERMAN: 184°7— No--51-= FIRST AID TO THE INJURED S- 2 Panel: Height, 16 inches; a i sl oP ta A ‘terri ce and girl, seated on a stool and a bench in a vi work s shop. The girl is tying a bandage on one of the forelegs of a dog, holding him in her lap meanwhile, and on the floor is a basin and a cloth that the children have used in attending to the injury of their pet. Signed at the lower left. By order of Executors. WILLIAM CALLAM CONTEMPORARY | No. 52— VIEW OF A CITY in =. oe Water color: Height, 1014 inches; length, (19¥/. inches eS Tue buildings of a European city rise in colorful m ng a broad gray river ie! which is crossed by a bridge of many arches. In the foreground two boatmen r are working on a raft. | Signed at the lower right, Wm. Catiam, 1881. Property of the E. A. Bicetow Estate. CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— No. 53— THE HILLSIDE g al a4 Canvas: Height, 151% inches; width, 11, inchgs f ——— ' f YN. bo nargen— A storine hillside, with sheep grazing; beyond at the left, a shed, and digfant trees; sky of white clouds. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1882. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gov p. PAUL CORNOYER, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— oe) ry Coe No. 54— MADISON SQUARE 7 heder Vig @ Canvas: Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Y/ Soe A view in Madison Square, New York, with snow effect under a gray sky. The Farragut statue is seen at the right and the Flatiron Building on the left. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gout. CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— No. 55— OLD RELIABLE Canvas: Height, ep ghees gt 18 inher aaa Seas A picture of a white cow in three-quarters view to the spectator and her head turned full face; landscape setting of pasture fields and gray sky. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Lady. : JULIAN ONDERDONK AMERICAN: 1882— No. 56— THE CLOSE OF A SUMMER DAY / i Rite Canvas: Height, 12 inches; length, 18 ifiches | : PAV ee AI Lusu meadows with pools of water occupy the foreground. On the lett (4 re groups of trees and on the right, farther away, is a belt of trees. The sky slows an effect of evening in its expanse of tempered blue with rose-tinted floating clouds. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govt. WILLIAM J. WHITTEMORE AMERICAN: 1860— No. 57— NEAR THE LIGHTHOUSE ) 7 Water color: Height, 1114 inches; length, 1914, inches / ol Vo x é Tue lighthouse, a conical white structure, stands Site rocks and sands on a low, treeless shore, and back of it the top of a dwelling can be seen across a sloping foreground of verdure. Signed at the lower left, Wm. J. Wuirremore. Property of the E. A. Bicetow Estate. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1829—1904 No. 58— EVENING Ot 2 asi : LA (\Syrncrt ] / ae 5 fA Canvas: Height, 121% inches; length, 18 inches (/ In the right foreground is a stream. On the bank, at the left, a group of trees; hills in the distance; evening sky with pink-tinted clouds. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Lady. ALFRED THOMPSON BRICHER, A.N.A. AmeERIcAN: 1839—1908 No. 59— MARINE of. oe 7 ES oe / art Water color: Height, 1334 inches; length, 1934, inches VioLer and purple-gray clouds are seen banked at the horizon, and swept by the wind sifting aloft in lessening mass in a greenish sky of fading light. Below, gulls are flying low over a ruffled sea, whose waves leave varied markings on grayish-yellow sands. Signed at the lower right, 84, A. 'T. Bricuer. Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Gairtarp THomas, JASPER FRANCIS CROPSEY, N.A. AmERICAN: 1823—1900 No. 60— LANDSCAPE Gt Canvas: Height, 12 inches; length, 20 inches iy 4 A view from a hillock, with a sedgy pool, overlooking the Hudson. On a headland, or point, that juts out in the water with irregular outlines, are buildings, and on the broad bosom of the river is a steamboat with black smoke drifting from the funnel. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1893. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gouxp. GEORGE M. BRUESTLE AMERICAN: 1872— No. 61— A GRAY DAY Panel: Height, 14 inches; length, 18/inches Le ib) se VO Le, Ar the left a red building with peaked roof and outbuildings att shed; a farms: house beyond. On the right farm fields and a glimpse of distant hills. The | gray sky is atmospheric in quality. 1 Signed at the lower right, and dated 1905. ae Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govt. ARTHUR W. DOW AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY No. 62— | _ EVENING S ue Canvas: Height, 12 inches; length, 20 inches va 4 4. ak A GREEN meadows occupy the entire foregroun a the middle distance, near upy & the left-center, is a clump of trees. The evening sky shows tints of rose at the horizon and is gradated Geers to tempered blue. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1890. Property of a Lady. JAMES CRAWFORD THOM AMERICAN: 1835—1898 No. 68— FISHING Vie e 0 Water color: Height, 14 inches; length, 203, inches Sera se Two children have come down to a pond or shallow stream to fish, a boy who holds the rod and watches the bobber intently, and an older girl who holds the bait can a little higher up on the green bank behind him. Signed at the lower right, J. C. THom, ’81. Property of the Estate of Mrs. T, Garrtarp Tomas. EDWARD HENRY POTTHAST, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— No. 64— LATE EVENING if oe Canvas: Height, 15 inches; length, 20 inches OL . ‘ - (PUSHY A VILLAGE street in France with houses and walls on either side apd a man driving two cows homeward at nightfall. The sky is of greenish-blue with crescent moon. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gou pn. ALBERT BIERSTADT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1830—1902 @ No. 65— THE WATERFALL eae Canvas: Height, 16 inchés; length, 20 inches . 3 7 Cyrae [Sernnrrst Ugenrt ba On the left of the composition a Fae drops sheer down a rocky cliff break- C ing into foaming waters midway in its descent, and plunging onward still farther amid great boulders until it reaches a stream in the etxreme right foreground, at the base of a precipice. Beyond, between the cliffs, is a vista of wide plains and mountains with a stormy sky overhead filled with threatening dark clouds. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1873. By order of Executors. WILLIAM BRADFORD, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1830—1892 _ No. 66— IN THE arctic Ick FieEtps «= 777. Carre of ]s27 Canvas, backed with a wood panel: Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches A THREE-MASTED, square-rigged ship, with high, stout hull, moving slowly through the ice fields of the Arctic seas. At the right, in the distance, is another ship following the foremost, and the mass of a snow-capped iceberg. The picture shows a night sky and moonlight effect. Signed at the lower right. By order of Executors. AAW EDWARD PORTIELJE ANTWERP: cog ae f Has. No. 67— RECONCILIATION Panel: Height, 1734 inches; width, 141, inches has : A croup of two figures in a cottage interior. A young wife, in a dress of grayish white and with a white mob cap, is standing in full face view in the center of the composition, holding a rose in her right hand, while her left — hand is taken by her husband who leans over a table and looks up at her. Signed at the lower left. The artist’s seal on back of panel. — e 4 Property of a Gentleman, , ae J. VISSCHER | AFTER BrrewEen)/y ae Sie ae No. 68— - LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE 3 7 Engraving: Height, 131% inches; length, 1714 inches A composition in which cattle are seen standing in a pool, at the left, and lying down on a grassy mound, at the right. The other elements are two figures and a dog, trees and ruined walls. Property of the Estate of the late S—nuior Satvapor DE MENDONGA. SEBASTIANO RICCI Irautian: 1658 or 60—1734 No. 69— ieee oe o Oe ve Canvas: Height, 1814 inches; width, 141, inches pice Bust portrait of the Florentine priest and preacher: dark-colored robe and dark background. Property of the Estate of the late SenuHor Sarvapor DE MENDONGA. ~ ADOLPHE ALEXANDRE LESREL Frencu: 1830— No. 70— THE SHOPPER - lA 0 mete: Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches £. VM HA COD nm aa : “ On a window shelf opened to a roughly paved street, a woman vendor has dis- posed of some flowers, and she is endeavoring to sell an image to a grand lady passing. The lady is brilliantly gowned, in white and gold and royal blue, adorned with gold fleurs-de-lis and ermine. . Signed on the doorstep, A. Lrsret, 1872. Property of a Lady. EUGENE ISABEY (ATTRIBUTED TO) Frencu: 1804—1886 noo 1— AT THE HOTEL DE CLUNY eS ——— Water color, with pen and sepia: Height, 141%, inches; lendt Foe UTS. , attendants, and h century. A red Tue courtyard of the Hotel de Cluny in Paris, with horse ladies, at the doorway, on the right; costumes of the fifte banner flies from the tower at the right. Property of the Estate of the late Senuor Satvapor p—E Menponca. NEWTON BRABY ENGLIsH ‘No. 72— A SILENT PRAYER iy os Canvas: Height, 21 inches; width, 17 inches af Vive On a broad bench along the wall before a deep set window with colored glass, . : : ee V in an English country house of an early period, a young girl, in dress of black, with white collar, cuffs and cap, is seated, holding an open bible on her knees. The artist’s title for the picture suggests that her thoughts are with the absent, and the costume and the accessories of the interior denote the proba- bility of the absent one having gone to the wars between the Roundheads and the Cavaliers. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1900. Property of a Private Collector. (Baron) TJARDA van STARKENBORGH GERMAN: 1822— No. 73— LANDSCAPE 4 y Spore => ve Canvas: Height, ad inches ; length, 24 inches Sees | ; A LAKE amid mountains, the view being taken from a roadway on high ground overlooking the lake. Two men, who have dismounted from their horses, are standing in the road conversing. Overhead is a summer sky of pale blue ee white clouds. : om Signed at the lower Hight. ie By order of Executors. tae 7 FREDERICK EDE Scanpinavian: 1865— | | No. 74— THE BROO VN ee [ Ge Canvas: Height, 181%, inches; length, 22 inches id A strEAM in the foreground, reflecting the sky and green foliage, runs under a bridge, in the middle distance. On either side are seen green fields and a highway. Sarr Signed at the lower left. Property of a New York Collector. FREDERICK EDE caavien SCANDINAVIAN: 1865— oe No. 5— THE BRIDGE RR ee sie Canvas: Height, 191% inches; length, 234, inches A swirtLy flowing river occupies the entire foreground of the picture, with the sky of gray and blue reflected in its waters. In the middle distance, crossing from bank to bank, is a rustic bridge. Signed at the lower right. Property of a New York Collector. C. BECKER GERMAN No. 76— ROSALIE ng f l, Sn ea ac Canvas: Height, 25 inches; width, 181/, inches f- 9 — Tue head and bust of a young woman with luxuriant brown hair, in full face view. Her costume is a crimson robe with wide ruff of openwork linen of large pattern. Signed at the upper right, and dated 1872. Property of a Gentleman, JULIAN ONDERDONK AMERICAN: 1882— No. 77— VIEW FROM THE PALISADES f\ Canvas: Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches a } 1 EEL AD A ——— Tue foreground shows the steep hillsides of the New Jersey shore of the Hudson, the lower lands, dotted with houses, showing below. Beyond are the broad expanse of the river and the New York shore with the buildings of the city bathed in afternoon sunlight. Overhead is a sky of blue with white clouds. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Goutp. BENJAMIN EGGLESTON AMERICAN: 1867— Ds Fig No. 78— ANCIENT DAYS ~ ve Canvas: Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches eA V OD Fg Wi, See Two young women, one semi-nude, seated; the other, in b - robes, standing beside her. The setting is composed of a landscape with a pool in the im- mediate foreground, a valley in the middle distance, with temples crowning the hills at the left, and a blue sky with a mass of rose-tinted clouds. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gourp. @ JUNIUS B. STEARNS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1810—1885 No. 79— JACK AND JILL Canvas: Height, 20 inches; width inches A soy and a girl, with a doll and an meartgaicl water pail, are depicted on — the grass at the foot of a hill where they have both tumbled down. The — landscape comprises, besides the grassy hillside, a group of trees at the right and a view of the sea beyond. Sky of blue with white clouds at the horizon. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1881. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gout. JASPER FRANCIS CROPSEY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1823—1900 No. 80— ; SUNSET? : + “Sk CA PN Canvas, backed with a wood panel: Height, 15 inches ; length, 24 inches A view, from the suburbs of a town, over a harbor with hills at the horizon. The sun is seen setting in a sky filled with clouds of crimson and gray. Signed at the lower right. By order of Executors. GEORGE HENRY SMILLIE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1840— 4, No. 81— SPRINGTIME Canvas: Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches of ater A smiLine garden landscape with a brick cottage, in the left-center, embowered by fruit trees in full blossom. The effect is of sunlight, with shadows cast by trees on the left on the grassy foreground. Signed at the lower right; on back of canvas, the date 1910. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govtp. CHARLES COURTNEY CURRAN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1861— No. 82— LISTENING TO THE WAVES el Canvas: Height, 22 inches; width, 18 Gr mi D prvg A youne mother with a child, seated on the arm g an sy a The child holds a shell to its ear and shows in its face interest ‘dnd delight in hearing the roaring sound of distant breakers. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1907. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govutp. ELLIOTT DAINGERFIELD, N.A. AMERICAN: 1859— No. 83— WASH DAY ee ” , : | ieee ee NV VL rp ip oe ae 3 Canvas: Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches () A pDOmMEsTIC scene in the South, showing two colored women, one at a wash- tub, the other carrying a big basketful of clothes. At the left, an iron boiler over a wood fire in the yard. A white house, other farm buildings and trees form the setting for the figures. The sky, seen beyond, is of blue, with white clouds. V Signed at the lower right, and dated ’87. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gout. MAX WEYL AMERICAN: 1837— be UCner ae GQ Lf ~ No. 84— THE WOODS AT PAUL SMITH’S —— Canvas: Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches In the left foreground a brook meanders through sparse woods, all the lower part of the composition being in shadow. Between the trunks is a vista of Adirondack forest in full sunlight. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late S—enuHor Satvapor DE MENDONGA. oc a Jp Faxey Sr pate Panel: Height, 2134 inches; width, 18 inches ST O FREDERIC H. MANS Dutcu: SEVENTEENTH CENTURY No. 85— THE RENDEZVOUS rae Panel: Height, 21 sa a 1 inches Cana THE mise-en-scéne consists of a evi: Pea in the left CA Gores on the bank of a stream which flows past a town in the Netherlands. an YC a ea Se ig = Pe eter CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frencu: 1813—1894 yor i N o. 122— SHEEP Height, 71/4, inches; length, 12 inches Ce. Dandarie Ge Gi interior of a sheepcote a slant of light falls across two sheep, one of whom stands with head up, the other with his nose just raised from the ground, where a basket of fresh grass or greens has just been emptied. Signed at the lower right, Cu. Jacque. Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Gatttarp Tuomas. MAURICE LELOIR Frencu: 1853— No. 123— | THE BALCONY G - et ng. Pt A RA y c? Water color: Height, 934, inches; width, 7 inches 4 ee Tue seated figure of a lady in a balcony, with circular front, looking through a glass, with single sight. She is dressed in costume of the time of Louis Quatorze and holds a fan in one hand. The background is composed of landscape scenery and a green curtain falls at the side of the balcony at the right. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1884. Property of the Estate of the late S—eNuor Satvapor DE MENDONCA. JAMES STARK Enewisu: 1794—1859 fe . 12: LANDSCAPE yy ‘-— men en WD No a Vir te ner" nied / 3 ie Canvas: Height, 81, inches; length, 12 inches j A rnoapway, with great trees on either side, leads into the right of the picture from the left foreground. On the farther side of the road is a flock of sheep, lying down. Two small figures at the right. Property of the Estate of the late S—ENHor Satvapor DE MENpDoNGA, SIR DAVID WILKIE, R.A. ScorcH: 1785—1841 No. 125—_ THE FESTIVE BOWL oe ee Water color: Height, 81, inches; lengfh, 17 oe inches THE evening is well spent and a roysterin compaaly ihe kai rustics, “boys and girls together,” old and young, are well in their ¢yps, gleeful and amorous, lively and vocative. An irate young man who has just burst in threatens to draw his sword, irritated, apparently, at a saucy wench who dances defiantly, while the merry fiddler trips a light toe in her company. Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Garttarp THomas. A. ROOSENBOOM No. 126— THE CHILDREN’S PASTIME / Gienne su Panel: Height, 12 inches; width, 101, co A LITTLE boy and a little girl diverting Mere 4 A pind cards rg they have folded and made to stand upright on the polished surface of a table. Signed at the lower right. Declaration of the artist on a label on back of panel that he painted the picture to the order of A. Huyveth, of Antwerp, with signature and date, Brussels, 1883. Property of a Gentleman, LUIGI LOIR AUSTRIAN: 1825— No. 127— BRIDGE IN WINTER b y oe Water color: Height, 101% chor ngth, 1334 inches rn res On a bridge across a river, leading directly rom the spectator toward city buildings on the farther shore, a single dart and numerous pedestrians are seen, including several soldiers. Their tracks are seen in the wet snow. Signed at the lower right, Lom Lutat. Property of the Estate of Atrren Henry Lewis, Esa. BENJAMIN EGGLESTON AMERICAN: 1867— No. 128— READY FOR THE BATH / 44 Canvas: Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches ) ee A Cn THREE-QUARTER length nude figure of a young woman}éeated on a piece of white drapery spread out on the bank of a lake. The head, in profile view, is turned downward as the young woman looks at the inviting waters. The ki background is composed of trees with a view of the farther shore of the lake, hills and sky. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gourn. DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1827—1908 No. 129— LANDSCAPE / $e Panel, oval: Height, 9 inches; width, 8 inches A stTreAm flowing placidly through a valley, verve AE Aintre At the left are groups of trees and a small figure of a woman with a red shawl seated on the grass. In the center of the picture rises a mountain peak, partly wooded. The sky is of blue with white clouds. By order of Executors. FLORENT WILLEMS Bewieran: 1823—1905 No. 130— THE BOOK OF POEMS / st Panel: Height, 12%, inches; width, 91, inches a 7 AIAN LN A BLonp young lady in a dress of salmon-pink satin Ghee, . right / = hand resting on the back of a chair and the left holding a small volume fromi/ which she is reading. Signed at the lower right. Property of a Gentleman. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 No. 131— LANDSCAPE OL ce / yp ie Canvas: Height, 10 inches; length, 12 inches A PICTURE painted in the artist’s earlier period. In the foreground are a pool | and meadows. At the left appear a group of green trees and cattle grazing. 4 Beyond is a wide stretch of flat country with distant hills of blue-gray. The sky is composed of gray and white clouds. : Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gouxp. EASTMAN J OHNSON, N.A. American: 1824—1906 No. 182— IN GENTLE SLUMBER uf y pin Height, 934, inches; length, 113, inches A cHILD with lie curling locks is lying asleep in her small bal her head ee cushioned among ample pillows. Signed at the lower left, E. youre 18, Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Garttarp Tomas. ALEXANDER HARRISON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— No, 133— A BREAK IN THE STORM 3 6) oe Canvas: Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches (amen —— A view of the ocean with a schooner scudding along at the hoeisait A break in the heavy, black sky discloses a brilliantly illuminated space of clouds. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gout. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 184'7— No. 134— THE CAMPFIRE . = Panel: Height, 9 inches; length, 131, inches : wy, Wee. | ao. Boa AES An Indian, nude to the waist, seated at the left, with his pony standing Beside him. In the center and on the right are tepees, dimly seen in the shadows of night. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govuxp. MAX WEYL AMERICAN: 1837—1914 No. 135— | LANDSCAPE P=) Canvas: Height, 81% inches; length, 131, inches ea ia O [O-- Sint An effect of evening. In the foreground a flat plain and a pond; in center a group of trees. The sky is of pinkish gray. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late S—enuor Satvapor pE MENDONGA. ARTHUR QUARTLEY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1839—1886 No. 136—_ MOONRISE Ze \ Height, 81%, inches; length, 13 inches / yy atom Be ght, 8Y, & 9 iL | Sippy Tue yellow full moon is just above the horizon, in the center of the picture, L— and her golden light streaks a dark green sea, placid at the evening hour, | along a low-lying rocky coast. In the offing a sailing vessel is listless with all canvas up, headed alongshore with port light showing. Signed at the lower right, QuarTLEY. Property of the E. A. Bicetow Estate. M. LORING AMERICAN No. 1387— A SLOOP AT LOW TIDE Lf bes gon Water color: Height, 131% inches ; width, 91, inches Py —— a Ar the side of a pier, at the left of the picture, a sailing vessel js seen with — the greater part of its hull above the water. The lower part of the hull shows — a green color, as if resulting from the action of the sea water on copper sheath- ing. The upper part is painted black. The farther end of an adjoining pier — appears at the right and a line of hills in the distance encloses a wide expanse of sea. | Sjgned_at the lower left. From the Henry G. Marquand Sale, 1903.~ H/3 — ps od: On 5 a Vi dlird Property of a Private Collector. LOUIS COMFORT TIFFANY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— it, No. 188— SONS OF THE DESERT ar hrten be Height, 914, inches; length, 141/, inches On a flat reddish-sandy plain, with a struggling tree or two visible in the _ distance, are a number of Arabs in white burnouses or dark purplish gar- ments. In front of a straw tepee-like shelter a merchant has arranged some colorful wares, and one man standing and another bending over are examining them. Signed at the lower left, Lovis C. Tirrany. Property of the E. A. Bicerow Estate. GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— No. 139— LANDSCAPE Canvas: Height, 10 inches; length, 13 ches trees, cottages, and a haystack in the center of the middle distance; a cart on the road going to the village. Overhead is a blue sky with some gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, and dated Serr. 15, 791. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Goutp. ARTHUR QUARTLEY, N.A. American: 1839—1886 ‘No. 140— MARINE 3 M4, et Canvas: Height, 14 inches; width, 10 eee A scHooner and a tugboat at sea; night sky with thetu ad ell up ee the horizon. / Signed at the lower left, and dated ’ Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Goutp. EASTMAN JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1824—1906 eNo. 141— THE TRYSTING PLACE Canvas: Height, 14 inches; width, 11%, inches() A FULL-LENGTH figure of a young girl in costume of early se of the nineteenth century, with pannier skirt and bodice of lilac, underskirt of figured stuff, and white apron, holding a billet doux in her right hand and looking out towards the spectator from under a fan held up in her left hand. The setting for the figure consists of summer verdure and a lake in the middle distance. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1874. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Goutp. PAUL DOUGHERTY, N.A. American: 1877— 7 No. 142— LANDSCAPE | / See . Canvas: Height, 11 inches Gee. 14 snohes In the foreground are meadows, with a group of trees in the center. — sky of luminous quality, with gray clouds at the horizon. ae Signed at the lo Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gout. ae BENJAMIN EGGLESTON ie AMERICAN: 1867— ; No. 143— AT THE RIVERSIDE ~ 5 AF Canvas: Height, 12 inches; len th, 151, mches/ A FULL-LENGTH nude figure, in back view, 6f@ young woman wii H auh urn Caer seated on white drapery, on the bank of a river, supporting herself, as she lea ; _ by her right arm. Background of foliage, with a glimpse of landscape a the left. an sed tere ae ¢: Signed at the lower left. — wit . . Property of the Estate. of the late Dr. M. C. Govuxp. M. F. H. pE HAAS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1832—1895 No. 144— LOW TIDE AT FLYING POINT 3 4 Canvas: Height, 121% inches; length, 191, inches A view of sea and shore comprising a sandy beach, in the foreground, oR a point with white rocks jutting out toward the left Sev iers the whgle under a sky of bluish gray. Label on back of stretcher with inscription: “We her certify that this is one of a number of pictures painted by the late M. F. H. de Haas,w.A., but left unsigned by him by reason of his sudden death. This picture is sold by order of the Surrogate’s Court of the City and County of New York, filed December 18, 1895.” (Signed) Alice Preble Tucker de Haas, M. F. H. de Haas, Jr., Temporary administrators of the Estate of M. F. H. de Haas, dec’d. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Goutp. LUDWIG KNAUS GERMAN: 1829—1910 No. 145— WALKING THROUGH THE FIELDS cf y st Panel: Height, 13 inches; width, 1014 inches — Two men in long black coats, one tall and angulay, Ss rotund, walking on a path through fields of ripe grain. The tall man, who is apparently less affected by the heat of the day than.his portly companion, is holding by the hand a little peasant girl who is passing that way on some errand or other. Two little dogs precede the party. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1850. Property of a Gentleman. de a the ADOLPH HUMBORG German: 1847— No. 146— — TESTING THE VINTAGE FI ee Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 12% oper: Two monks in the wine cellar of a monastery, one sitting comlaeeneit besi a cask and the other drawing a cork from a bottle, the contents of ie are doubtless about to taste and pass judgment upon. igned an the lower 1 From the Henry Hilton Sale, 1900. ~#kLES Zp Va oe a pf Property of a Private Collector. BERNARD CORNELIS KOEK-KOEK Dutrcu: 1803—1862 | No. 147— LANDSCAPE _ Panel: Height, 12% inches; length, 161/, inches | ieee J/L0% Aged, hfe A view over a diversified country from a foreground showing a road whigh” = leads to a village in the middle distance. In the roadway is a man trundlin wheelbarrow and accompanied by a woman carrying a hamper on her back. — At the right are a tall tree and a house; in the distance a range of hills. The sky is blue, with cloud masses of gray and white. Signed at the lower right. — To be sold to close an Estate. - ; JOSEF ISRAELS Dutcu: 1824—1911 No. 148— FISHER FOLK Ces Canvas: Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches A sKETCH of a young man, leading a boy by the hand, as they wade through the inshore waters of the sea. Ships are indicated in the offing. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govutp. GEORGE MORLAND EneuisoH: 176383—1804 No. 149— GYPSIES Panel: Height, 13 inches; length, 171 inches [ Vy Gypsies in a wood beside their campfire. A mother, in red dress and a white kerchief on her head, is seated in the middle of the group. At her (feet, on the right, is a child with a dog. Nearby is the sturdy figure of a man, standing, and on the right, leaning against a tree trunk, is another of the band. This work is marked by broad handling and effective execution. Property of the Estate of the late Senuor Sarvanor pe MENnon¢a. MARIE ANNA ANGELICA KAUFFMANN Swiss: 1741—1807 No. 150— THE BATHERS uL 7 aa Canvas: Height, 101% inches; length, 134 inches [) A croup of four nude, female figures reclining on the banks of a pool. setting is composed of trees with a landscape view in the distance. Signed at the left center, and dated 17-6 (1736 or 1796) Property of the Estate of the late S—ENuor Satvapor DE MENDONGA. JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE (ATTRIBUTED TO) Frencu: 1725—1805 No. 151— SAYING GRACE ae es} Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches YL, /) iY C ré —— i?) & A WY Oat: A] A youne mother, in white dress and cap, seated beside a table whereon are / dishes and flagons, while two small children, kneeling on her left, hold their “a hands together in the reverent attitude of saying grace. Property of the Estate of the late Senuor Satvapor DE MENDONGA. JEAN HONORE FRAGONARD Frencu: 1732—1806 No. 152— LE SOMMEIDCY y on 4 ste Canvas: Height, 151 inches; length, 1714 inches Turee cherubs asleep on a couch while a fourth, flying away at the upper — i right of the composition, drags away with him the white bed covering. In the night sky in the background is a gleaming star. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late SeNHor Satvapor DE MENDONGA. JEAN ANTOINE WATTEAU Frencu: 1684—1721 No. 153— VENUS AND MARS . (Copy of Rubens) gf L go Canvas: Height, 191 inches; width, 14.i A croup of two figures, from a composition by Peter Paul Rubens, showing Venus as a nude figure of blond type and Mars as a soldier in cuirass and helmet. Two Loves figure in the composition, one clinging to the figure of Venus, the other overhead. On the left is the trunk of a tree and, in the upper left, part of the figure of a woman, stretching out her Hens in appeal as if opposed to the departure of Venus with Mars. Written in ink on the back of the stretcher is a statement in French, of which the following is a translation: “This study, after Rubens, the original of which is in the Museum at Munich, is by Watteau, who devoted much study to the great Flemish master, especially during his sojourn with Audran, decorator and keeper at the Palace of the Luxembourg (Medicis), the apartments of which were filled with Ru- — bens’s pictures, and this one probably belonged among them. The handling, the drawing, the color and the use of rich oil as a medium (Count de Caylus), and the vermilion-tinged extremities of the personages, all point to Watteau. M. Edmond de Goncourt, to whom I made known my discovery, is absolutely of my opinion and has authorized me to join it with my own. St. Germain, 15 September, 1880.” (Signed) F. Bonvin, painter, author of L’Ecole des Fréres, Salon of 1874 Property of the Estate of the late SeNuHor Satvapor pe Menponca. AELBERT CUYP (ATTRIBUTED TO) Dutcu: 1620—1691 No. 154— ADMIRAL TROMP W hs Height, 16 inches; width, 15 inches IY B ee een THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH portrait of the admiral in ufform, standing with left hand resting on the muzzle of a cannon. In the background a battle is in progress between ships of the line. , yt 4 q af a. ag ae An z ‘ we. 4 VEN ‘ae Painted in 1652, ie Property of the Estate of the late SenuHor Satvapor pE MENDONCA. JACOB JORDAENS Dutcu: 1593—1678 No. 155— | SAINTE MARIE | Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 15 inches 74 4 8 ge es , bs OF oa [Vn wrws AINTE Marte seated, with the Child standing on her lap. Both Mother and Child are of the blond, auburn-haired Flemish type. The color scheme includes reds and blues, in the costume and draperies. Property of the Estate of the late SeNuor Satvapor pE MENDONCA. PERUGINO (PIETRO VANNUCCI) Travian: 1446—1523 No. 156— SAINT CATHERINE Panel: Height, 171, inches; width, 121% inches 25) are ae ann. ove A nearty half-length picture of the Saint as a young woman, in costume of red, and her light auburn hair falling in curls upon her shoulders. With her left hand she holds a palm against her breast. Halo around the head; dark- colored background. Signed at the upper left-hand corner, Pierro Vannvcct, and dated 1486. Property of the Estate of the late Senuor Satvapor pE MENDON¢A. LUCAS CRANACH GERMAN: 1472—1553 No. 157— THE WOMAN TAKEN IN ADULTERY Panel: Height, 131% inches; length, 20 inches ape pp, uf 5 VV eek t6 In the center of a composition of eleven three-quarter-length figures Christ is depicted as pronouncing the words given in the inscription in German at the top of the picture, while the woman, her hands bound together with a cord, — leans towards him from the right. Between their heads appears the face of an obese gentleman who is, apparently, the leader of the accusers. Among the other personages are citizens and soldiers in costumes of the sixteenth — century. Property of the Estate of the late S—Nuor Satvapor DE MENDONCA. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— No. 158— AUTUMN Mt a A wate autumn effect showing fields and_ hills ae with tawny brown ih Bs. herbage. In the foreground some sticks of wood lie scattered about where AS a tree has been cut down. The sky is a luminous expanse of pale warm blue == with a few clouds, the whole filled with the hazy atmosphere of November. Canvas: Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches ty Ge Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gouxp. ROBERT WARD VAN BOSKERCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1855— No. 159— LANDSCAPE Bey, Geos Canvas: Height, 13 inches; ee inches v7, y +f y, A strEAm in the foreground, flowing between Banks clothegwith shrubbery; groups of trees in summer green on either side; a brown Parvest field in the center-middle distance; sky of white and gray clouds. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Goup. | _ JAMES McDOUGAL HART, N.A. BMCERIOAN 3 1828—1901 COW DRINKING Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches ‘ ff / eg iys RE] Rid Betta: cow stands Eciwart the A ae headed toward the right. ; come to a trough where a wooden conduit brings the blue rill from ois spring, and | looks up at a pause in her drinking. ert - oe Signed at the lower left, James M. Harr, 1880. ) the E. A. Bicetow Estate. - M. F. H. De HAAS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1832—1895 | - : p 3 161— MARINE ay Bere “Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches ¥' Va ? | ee GRAYISH cliffs or sand an their tops grass-covered, but treeless, extend - i _ from the right out into a restless sea, under a cloudy sky. A “ener eae eae vessel is lying to in the middle distance, and in the foreground a fisherman’s single-sticker is bobbing idly in the wash of the wavelets while its occupant busies himself with something inboard. _ Signed at the lower right, M. F. H. De Haas, 1883. Property of the E. A. Bicrtow Estate. ee Tee a . ALBERT BIERSTADT, N.A. : AMERICAN: 18380—1902 No. 162— THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS Height, 12 inches; length, spe pee J ¢ a 1¥i- a fl Lx (Og In the foreground, on the left, the low, yellowi “green, grassy shore of a lake is, dotted with the red tops of field flowers, ag over the cool blue lake which fills the rest of the foreground water fowl are in flight, or resting on the water. The farther shore is one of brown foothills, above which rise the | massive, jagged peaks of rugged mountains. i Signed at the lower left, A. Bierstapt. Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Garttarp THomas. FREDERICK W. KOST, N.A. AmeERIcAN: 1861— No. 163— LANDSCAPE a Height, 12 inches; length, 20 i 4. Ba jose Tn to - Vasa In a hae restful country, in aspect Dutch, a sluggish teed des am flat green fields which lie to right and left of it, as it extends from the right ai foreground back to the central distance, its gray and tranquil surface mirror- ing some green pollards that stand near a group of farm buildings on the right. On the left, yellow haystacks rise at either side of a stable, and over == the low-toned, moist green fields is the soft light of a gray day. | | ~~ Signed at the lower left, Frev. W. Kost. ; i: Property of the Estate of Mrs, T. Gamtarp THomas. DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1827—1908 No. 164— STUDY FROM NATURE, NEAR THE POWDER HOUSE . Canvas: Height, 131, inches; length, 21 inches ; a (— Qn . eee \ Keg hate 4 4 A picture of great shelving rocks with a sandy pathway leading through On the left are grass-covered rocks and trees. Overhead is a blue sky. Signed at the lower right with monogram, D.J., and dated 1868. : Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gout. | JAMES CRAWFORD THOM AMERICAN: 1835—1898 No. 165— FEEDING THE CHICKENS / . 3 . Facile Water color: Height, 1314. inches; length, 2034 inches ¥ ae) ae Tre Pot In the yard of a farmhouse an old bucket well is seen on the left with fruit trees beyond it and blue churn in front of it, and on the right a high wooden stair leads to the house. On the small balcony at its top a little girl leans over the rail, looking down at chickens gathered at a feeding dish; another girl with an empty bow! in her hands stands on the ground, watching the or Signed at the lower right, J. C. Tom. Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Gatttarp THomas, EMILE MEYER FrencHo: CONTEMPORARY No. 166— SELECTING A BOUQUET A / 3 6 ge Panel: Height, 18 inches; width, 14%, inca Re YH [LC ) op A at (/ pe thee fi GaGa ; } Ix a salon with French gray walls and much gilding a” priest in red robes stands at the end of a side table, carefully selecting a goodly hand bouquet from a large vase of lilies and roses. Signed at the lower left, E. Meyer. Property of a Lady. ; FRITZ C. ZUBER-BUHLER German: 1822—1896 No. 167— NATALIE — 7s Ob 3 at . Canvas: Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches Tue head and bust, life size, of a little girl with brown hair. Property of a Gentleman. WILHELM KRAY GERMAN: 1828—1889 No. 168— THE SMILING PAGE LL Ge / yt Canvas: Height, 161 inches; width, 13 inches Heap, on oval canvas, of a lad in doublet of crimson, white rue and cap oe crimson with white plume, looking over his left shoulder, face to the ‘pee tator, and smiling. Property of the Estate of the late S—eNuHor Satvapor DE MENDONGA. AUGUSTIN THEODULE RIBOT FRENCH: 1823—1897 — No. 169— THE SCRIVENER Je YVi4 ne : Canvas: Height, 16 inches; width, 121% inches A sEATED figure, in profile view, of a man with a long black coat and blue Bs nightcap, at a table and eneegete in mending the point of a quill pen. The setting for the figure is a humble interior with shelves filled with books and other evidences of the calling of the occupant, who is probably a school- — master as well as a writer of letters and themes.. The color scheme of restrained — sober tints foreshadows the strong contrasts in lights and shades that are characteristic of a later period of Ribot’s painting. xe a te G ve) iy: Signed, T.R., at the lower left. From the Henry Hilton Sale, 1900. ¥J2 8300.5 0b na Property of a Private Collector. A. DELECHAUX Frencu: ConTEMPORARY No. 170— LA JEUNE MERE | / coaee Panel: Height, 1614, inches; width, 121, on OS / Aw excellent example of carefully executed, highly ay Y genre enn A young mother, with gray skirt and white blouse, is seated with her infant held on her lap and bemg nourished. The setting for this domestic picture of motherly love is a comfortable bedroom with parquet floor and period furniture. On the left, in the background, is the mother’s curtained bed; on the right the baby’s cradle. ig Signed at the lower left. Property of a Gentleman. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frencu: 1813—1894 No. 171— READY TO START : ¢ ¢ J . ° ° Riser de Height, 151, inches; width, 13 inches Bae y oe: LO AAT Yt wht gt A wuite donkey, saddled and bridled, standing at the festway of a stable, o] built of stone. At the right a hen looks hesitatingly forward before deciding ‘ to enter the stable door. An excellent example of Jacque. Signed at the lower right-center, and dated 1869. Property of the Estate of Lorena L. Barser. EDOUARD JEAN HAMMAN. Bertcran: 1819—1888 No. 172— £'THE TERRAC Lee © Canvas: Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches 8, 26 al A croup of four figures, of whom three are women, seated and standing a terrace at the head of stone steps at the left of the picture. With his rig arm resting against a pillar, at the right, stands a man in costume of red the period of Charles IX, who holds up his left hand as he addresses t ladies. As the latter are in the dress of the Second Empire it is presumabl that the man is in costume for some ceremony or spectacle. The face of t lady who is sitting on the etek bears a resemblance to the Empress Bugés Signed at the lower right, and dated 1854, Property of the Estate of the late SENHorR SALVADOR DE Menpon¢a. FRANCISCO PERALTA SPANIsH: (?) —1896 No. 173— THE PROPOSAL 7 (~ ie y: ( on Panel: Height, 1914 inches; width, 14 inches ; ——— A croup of two figures in the most elegant costumes of the Court of Henri — Deux in the sumptuous surroundings of an apartment hung with rich, vari- __ colored draperies. A lady with dress of ivory white, figured with gold and __ with gold embroidery is seated in an armchair facing a gentleman in costume __ of light blue and pink with cape of wine-colored velvet who is in the act of reaching out his hand to draw away a fan that the lady holds before her face to conceal her blushes. ie! omg, ee fe re ee DT ae tn eh gh | Oe ek : wea a < ® ae 7. Se PR ee GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— No. 183— NIGHT IN THE VILLAGE Panel: Height, 19 inches; length, 24 inches ra ; 7 eR y fv. A CARREFOUR, or irregular square, in an English Village enclosing it. A man is seen riding a horse across the square and the shor dow of a little shop, in the center of the composition, is aglow with Over all is a night sky of gray with a glint of light on the clouds unseen moon. oy Signed at the lower right, and C Property of a Lady. eat ARTHUR PARTON, N.A. American: 1842—1914 _ No 184— : THE POND Hepae iS Ne / a, j ae Canvas: Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches In the foreground are the quiet waters of a pond, reflecting the green ae clump of willows, on the right, where a punt is seen, with two figures. cottage in the middle distance, near the center, and a eray sky the picture. : Signed at the lower re Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govtp.. . | CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— No. 185— CATTLE IN PASTUR Canvas: Height, 17 inches; length, 20 inches » Jxatm— JO r Meapow lands with a stream on the right; a white cow standing in the fore- ground and a black one lying down just behind her; other cows grazinis S ‘ge ee farther away. Sky of gray clouds. Signed at the lower Toft. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govuxp. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— “ o Lert | S, Sh Cth ec No. 186— THE VILLAGE BY THE RIVER Ps ; Canvas: Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches V ee LANDSCAPE with a French subject. The foreground is occupied by the smooth waters of a river, with a green bank at the left, and on the opposite shore are houses with white walls and red-tiled roofs and a church of me- dieval architecture. The sky overhead of pale blue, with a few white clouds, is reflected in lower values in the river. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govtn. H. M. KITCHELL AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY Vey: lp \e a ae / wnenenie [ ~/ ff » Z No. 187 EVENING GLOW lO F- UL 3 os, te a Canvas: Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches 5 eee Tue edge of a forest, with trees on the right reaching to the top of the canvas. On the left a sky of orange tints with small, dark clouds in the upper portion. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govutp. ALBERT LYNCH Peruvian: 1851— FreENcH CONTEMPORARY SCHOOL No. 188— YOUNG Woman / at {/ if j ge Height, 2514 inches; width, 20 inches A HALF-LENGTH, life-size picture of a young woman with face to the spec- tator and head slightly inclined to the left. Her dress consists of a scarlet lace-trimmed wrapper and boudoir cap of white with red and white striped ribbon and a yellow rose is fastened-to her clothing on her breast. Signed at the left. A 2 ab Ane Property of a Lady. JUSTUS SUSTERMANS | FLEeMIsH: 159 ea VV IZ No. 189— PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG pelts Ds Canvas: Height, 241, inches; width, 191% inches SoBe Bust portrait of a young gentleman in a coat of brown and black; wide a. a collar edged with ge and, across the chest, a silver chain with pe emblem. Property of the Estate of the late S—eNuor Satvapor pe MEenpon¢a. GEORGES MICHEL Frencu: 1768—1843 No. 190— LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE AND GOATS / / j EOEN Canvas: Height, 211% inches; cae 251, anches A DUN-COLORED cow stands in a stream, fo) upies the foreground, hile goats are browsing on the banks at the right. On the left bank is af/group of trees. The middle distance shows rising ground, with cattle grazing on = af the hilltops, their forms in silhouette against the warmly-tinted gray sky. Seal on the back of stretcher. Property of the Estate of the late Sennor Satvapor pE Mrennonca. JAMES STARK EneutsH: 1794—1859 No. 191— VIEW OF NORFOLK a Sot ‘Canvas: Height, 24 inches; length, 26%, Vis A view of the town of Norfolk, seen from the river CO « fills Co fore- : ground of the picture. On the right bank are buildings and a square white tower, and shipping. In the center of the composition is an arched stone bridge. The sky is filled with gray and white clouds with heavy masses in the lower portion. Property of the Estate of the late Sennor Satvapor p—E Menponca. aw 4 4, fae Canvas: Height, 26 inches; width, 20 inches F. PILLE FRenNcH: CFNTEMPORARY No. 192— COUP DE MISTRAL, ESTEREL, CANNES a Canvas: Height, 2114 inches; length, 29 Heel (4 ts f A MARINE showing the blue-green waters of the Mediterranean whipped into white-caps by the mistral, or north-west wind, and crashing in breakers and surf on the foreground shore. The opposite shore of the gulf is seen in the right-middle distance, where a headland projects, formed of mountainous hillocks, illumined with tints of violet by the late afternoon sun. Above is a sky of tempered blue with lilac-tinted clouds in the lower portion. The gen- eral effect is strikingly veracious. | Signed at the lower right. Property of a Private Collector. PETRUS VAN SCHENDEL Dutcu: 1806—1870 No. 193— TESTING THE EGG A scENE at night in the market-place of a town in the Netherlands. A house- wife, with her basket, is holding up an egg before a candle, to judge of its freshness, while the market-woman and a young man are critically observing the test. In the background are other market booths, a tree and, in the distance, the buildings of the city. Signed at the lower right. Property of a Gentleman. é ; j 7 J v GEORGE BARRETT Enewiso: 1728—1784 No. 194— THE FOREST PARK Canvas: Height, 25 inches iene ra achaes see eat (eA A a Growine in the greensward of an ‘English park are two ae beeches wi wide-spreading branches covered with early autumn foliage reaching to 1 top of the picture. Farther away are other trees and stretches of level a turf where, at the left, a flock of sheep is seen grazing in the sunshine. In the shadows of the foreground, on the right, are a doe and fawn; on the deft ay a stag. % Property of a Private Collector. WILLIAM BRADFORD, A.N.A. AmeERICAN: 1830—1892 No. 195— ~ IN NORTHERN SEAS ae Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inghes Ca : we BE THE sea, comparatively smooth, occupies the foreground, hile 3 in the ‘middle distance is a great iceberg illumined by a gleam of sunlight. In the left- center of the picture is a two-masted fishing vessel, moving slowly along before a light wind, and a boat load of sailors busy with the work of the catch, — Near the iceberg are two other vessels and in the distance, at the left, appear the sails of the rest of the fleet. On the right is a headland, with snow lying —_ in the ravines, on which are seen the buildings of a government station. The sky is filled with clouds and the picture is made effective by the late after- noon sun lighting up the middle part of the composition. Signed at the lower right. Property of a Lady. J i Ay J. G BROWN, N.A. AmeERIcAan: 1831—1913 No. 196— AT THE BROOK Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches A BUXOM woman is ated: nude, on white drapery at a brookside, one foot dipped in the shallow water. She is turned to the left, three-quarters front, and the sunlight falls full upon her from the left. ; Signed at the lower right, J. G. Brown, N.A. Property of a Lady. HENRY P. SMITH American: 1854—1907 No. 197— | MARINE at RA e 2 Canvas: Height, 18 inches; length, 28 ror A view of the sea off the coast which is seen on the right, in the. middle distance, showing a hill with houses at its foot and two piers jutting out into the water. Fishing boats, in the left foreground, pitching on the waves; clouded sky with spaces of blue. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1883. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govuxp. MAX WEYL AmeERIcAN: 1837— (7 No. 198— THE POTOMAC FLATS (ER a eae ff U jail Canvas: Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches x A xtanpscaPE with effect of early evening showing, in the foreground, broad meadows and pools. On the right, in the middle distance, a group of trees; beyond, in the left center, the Potomac river and the farther shore. The partly clouded sky shows tints of pink in the lower portion. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Senuor Satvapvor pe Menponga. V i f J, Vi”) fh / / Fs Pe YVL-VI- deanna gor / g. (hiee Uercerg 6 oe 2 a ee Height, 3434 inches; width, 281%, inches p Voor Rane NICOLAS POUSSIN Frencu: 15938—1 ie No. 199— LANDSCAPE Tau trees at the left of the foreground rise dark against the sun, hou light comes from the left beyond them and illumines in the middle distance and background some rolling pastures and high hills. Two people are walking across the fields toward a group of buildings. Near the foreground is a stream and a man ashore is raising a net. : eo Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Gatrtarp THomas. ALBERT BIERSTADT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1830—1902 No. 200— GIANT TREES OF CALIFORNIA 3 a ce . Canvas: Height, 28 wan. width, 19 Cipaleser _ A croup of the Giant Trees of California. righ trunks rea up to the toy of the canvas where there are some of the lower pranehest ie in the back- ground are pine trees, which afford a measure for comparison with the great trees that form the subject of the picture. In the upper part of the canvasa dark blue sky appears. ae Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gourp. . RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1847— } f) ae No. 201 LAanpscaPBUL Ly OnLy Canvas: Height, 20 inches; length, 34 inches A poot, amid rocks, in the foreground; trees on the right, and in the middle distance, on the left. At the left, from a vantage point on a rock, an Indian is seen shooting, with bow and arrow, a deer at the brink of the pool. The entire canvas is painted in warm browns, yellows and rich brown greens. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Goutp. GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. \ AMERICAN: 1840-—1909_ > + + int in \ the PAections from the blue sky. ~ — Signed at the lower left, and dated Sorrento, 1907. W. HAMILTON GIBSON AmERICAN: 1850—1896 STILL LIFE—FLOWERS een edie: Height, 30 inches; width, 2114 inches “4 (3 a oe. Vip. ae. ae 7 a a Piierical erystal vase which takes a variety of hues from an Oriental _ rug on which it rests, and which extends up the wall behind it, is a brillant bouquet of marguerites and wild roses, and other white flowers. Beside it are a smaller crystal vase and a crystal ball. ‘Signed at the lower right, W. Hamitron Gisson, 1881; copyright, 1888, by W. Hamitron Grsson. Property of the E. A. Bicerow Estate. = EDWARD GAY, N.A. AMERICAN: 18388— / No. 204— EVENIN ( (7 f— Canvas: Height, 23 inches; length, 30 inches A stream with placid waters winds into the middle distance. On the bank at the right is a group of trees; on the left, in the middle distance, are trees and hills. Above is a rose-tinted sky with crescent moon, which i is rele Ge ; in the waters. Signed at the lower ie Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govt. MAX WEYL American: 1837—1914 No. 205— A WOODLAND POOL | ee Canvas: Height, 33 inches; width, 25 inches (3 eh ee In the center of the composition is a little waterfall, “where stream tumbles over rocks and continues its course into the foreground, thé/waters reflecting the trunks and foliage of white birches on the bank at the left. Through the — trees is a vista of landscape with an early summer sky of pale blue with white mes” clouds. ie | Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of Lorena L. Barser. SS JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY (ATTRIBUTED TO) American: 1737—1815 No. 206— = ‘THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON ; ve Canvas: Height, 36 inches; wi 28 inches Y) $A Tes eae black cloak covering his red coat except for a portion of At showing at the neck ; plumed chapeau with gold order, or military badge; t profile view, turned to the left. A LIFE-s1zE bust portrait of the Duke of Wellington in se uniform, a e head, nearly in Property of the Estate of the late Senwor Satvapor pE MEenpon¢a. PHILIBERT LEON COUTURIER Frencu: 1823— a ' 5 a No. 207— THE POULTRY YARD : j ce Canvas: Height, 231%, inches; length, 34 inches 6 WADA ee oe aie ode Cuicxens and ducks in a poultry yard, some of them feeding from a basin | and a trough, others lying down or roosting on the chicken house at the left. _ On the right, farther away, is a peasant farmhouse. Above is a blue sky. ( Signed at the lower left. By order of Evxecutors. P. LEBRET FRENCH No. 208— #23 } #£(LANDSCAPE AND SHEEP —— 3 Canvas: Height, 29 inches; length, 39 aad A ly a (poe [4 Suzezp and lambs in a pasture field, one of the sheep, with black face and dark, / fleece, standing at the left and another with white fleece lying down in t middle foreground. Signed, on fence, at the left, and dated 1867. Property of a Gentleman. FRANCOIS ALFRED DELOBBE Frencu: 1835— No. 209— AT THE SPRING 5 us VV tie AY MIM F , uf 7 ——_— Canvas: Height, 451, inches; width, 35 inches (a q A uire-sizE figure of a Breton peasant girl, in blue dress with Breton em- broidery at the neck, flowered apron and white cap, seated before a stone basin, at the left, where her water jar is filling from the jet that flows from a pipe leading out from a hillside. Overhead is green foliage. Signed at the lower right. By order of Executors. No. 210— | THE LAKE 1615—1673 No. 212—._ : THE SHOCK OF BATIUE 3 Hid Canvas: Height, 32 inches; length SI, inches, oe Ln ie in the picture. SPLINE rere Fah ied aM +g 3 A. NORMANN Norwecian: 1848— fens Canvas: Height, gas length, 4li}/, inches ride are fishermen and pleasure seekers, in boats. The sky is of gray-blue | white clouds drifting upward from the snow-capped mountains. | Signed at the lower r Property of the Estate of Lorena L. Barper. . J. N. F. van STORKENBORGH GERMAN re No. 211— LAKE OF DERWENT WATER, CUMBERLAND — Canvas: Height, 361, inches; tif 51 inches te / AY In the right foreground, on the shore of the lake, a party. men, women and children are waiting to be ferried to some other landing place, and a man is seen in a boat approaching the shore and about to cast the painter, a metal chain that he holds in his hand. In the middle portion of the picture there — are oaks and rising behind them are high hills. At the upper left is a sky of gray clouds. an Signed at the lower right. — Property of a Gentleman. . ie a SALVATOR ROSA . (ATTRIBUTED TO) Two horsemen, wearing cuirasses of steel, in a hand to ee encounter, while a multitude of cavalrymen press forward, from the left, to the support of their leader, who is getting the worst of the duel that forms the central incident Property of the Estate of the late SsNuor Satvapor pe MENnponga. ORIZONTI JAN FRANS VAN BLOEMEN (Called ORIZONT]) 1662—1740 ? No. 213— LANDSCAPE of pe wily eam ~ 6 f ee. Height, 38 inches; length, 521, inher A tatu castle with battlemented towers and various other buildings are seen in a vast mountainous landscape, the castle in the middle distance command- ing a pass and the foreground showing a rough, irregular, sheltered valley largely in shadow. Here a man is running, a young woman and a partly nude man are conversing on a knoll, and other figures are seen, reclining or in motion, including in the middle distance a horseman followed by a man on foot. On the stretcher is a paster with the following inscription: “Original. A large landscape by an old master, Orizonti. Bought for me by Henry K Brown in Rome, where Mr. Brown saw it repeatedly and took other painters to see it. Coghetti not only pronounced it an unquestionable original, but Orizonti’s best picture. “Troy, Noy. 1868, Emma Willard.” Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Garttarp THomas. FLEMISH PRIMITIVE SCHOOL No. 214— THE HOLY FAMILY AND THE MAGI om ae Canvas, mounted on wood panel: Height, 33%, inches; wid a i ga a THE Virgin i is seated at the left with the Child on her lap. One; he Wise Men, in gold embroidered robe, kneels, in the center, as he pres np a casket to the Child. Two other wise men, one a negro, are behind the kneeling figure, at the right. Joseph is seen standing, with a staff in his hand, behind the Virgin. Architectural background. Painted on the back: A figure at prayer. Signature, “Man,” at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late SenHor Satvapor p—E Menpong¢a. AW — A V A . “ Ph Fg EP |e ALONSO CANO SPANISH: 1601—1667 No. 215— MADONNA if Canvas: H tg 43 inches; width Cs THREE-QUARTER length seated figure: of the Madonna, with the Chita inches spectator. The Child is depicted nude and the Madoran is -alothels in red and blue, with hood ang cape of yellow brown. 1 Property of the Estate of the late S—nuor Satvapor DE Mennonga. FRANCESCO VINEA Irauian: 1846— No. 216— poe a 7, oe Canvas: Height, 72 inches; widt reg A FULL-LENGTH, life-size figure of a young Italian woman; face in full view the spectator and smiling. She is depicted dressed in a frock of blue, fig stuff, white apron, and red kerchief on her head, standing, with her extended on either side, against a rustic fence. The setting for the figt rey: is on a hillside, covered with green plants and vines. In the upper portion of = a the picture, at the left, are trees on the crown of the hill, and at the right, By : a glimpse of the sky. wie Signed at the lower right, and dated 1888. x : Property of the Estate of Lorena L. Barner. oe Ct Fa gg JOSEF DE RIBERA Spaniso: 1558—1656 No. 217— THE MARTYRDOM OF SAINT BARTHOLOMEW is Bile a SO Canvas: Height, 60 inches; length, 76 inches Oo | oe: | : MVAL Tis impressive composition shows the nude figure of Saint Bartholomew, nude except for a white cloth about his loins, on the right of the canvas, in three-quarter length, life-size, upright with his arms stretched upward by ropes bound around his wrists. Cuts, made by the torturer, on his left breast have soaked the loin cloth with blood, and the scourger, in red turban, who is at his side, at the left of the saint, is making ready to inflict more wounds. At the extreme right is a boy carrying the saint’s clothing; at the left are soldiers. The figure of the martyr, an elderly man with grizzled beard, his head drawn backward in pain, is of a fine golden tone and is modeled with breadth and virile handling. The picture as a whole gives evidence on its face of being the work of a painter of great ability. _ Property of the Estate of the late SenHor Satvapor v—E MENpDOoN¢A. THIRD AND LAST EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1916 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8 O'CLOCK GEORGE HENRY BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. AMERICAN: 1834—1905 No. 218— AT THE BANKSIDE s Charcoal drawing: Height, 11 inches; width, 8, inghes Cc } A youne woman of pleasing features and placid, thoughtful Axpression, is seated on a bank at the edge of a grove, quietly enjoying ef day of mild temperature, hatless and clad in a loose, comfortable gown. She faces the left, elbows on knees and one hand raised to her breast. Signed at the lower left, G. H. B. Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Gaittarp THomas. ALBERT BIERSTADT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1830—1902 No. 219— SUNSET Wg O 43. ‘as Saal ¥ yr? - Height, 914, inches; length, 131%, inches Bryonp a round-topped mountain the sun is sinking, turning the sky to gold, crimson and purple, and sending still a ray across the green flank to brighten a dark river flowing at the mountain’s foot. On the nearer side of the river three cows are moving lazily homeward, followed by a farmer. Signed at the lower right, A. Briersrapr. Property of the E. A. Bicetow Estate. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 No. 220— | IN THE FIELDS a a ae Canvas: Height, 6 ee oe ll inches ) A srupy in the early period of the great landscape painter chow’ "aft e// care in execution. In the foreground are a field with white masses of blossoms is among the herbage and a group of trees, at the right. Beyond is an uncut | field of grain and, in the distance, trees 4nd the tower and spire of a white en church. The sky is of pale blue-gray with white clouds in the lower ‘patent 3 La Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Goutp. Span! FELIX SATURNIN BRISSOT DE WARVILLE _ Frencu: 1818—1892 , No. 221— - THE SHEEP PASTURE 3 " on | Water color: Height, 914 inches; length, De ue es Two sheep, close in the foreground, are nibbling at the green grass of a bank that rises abruptly on the right, crowned by a stunted, leafless tree. A third gate looking on. Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Ga1ttarp THomas. FELIX SATURNIN BRISSOT DE WARVILLE | Frencu: 1818—1892 \ a = No. 222— ~—-—-* FEEDING THE SHEEP _+ 2 ae 2 De Water color: Height, 91% inches; length, ee Cpe] Ce C Five gray sheep are at a feed rack against a white and gray and brownish — stable wall. The rack is filled with grass in which red clover and field flowers mingle, and a herdsman with arms laden is about to drop in more of the succu- lent provender. Signed at the lower right, F. Brissor. Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Garttarp THomas. JOHN CONSTABLE, R.A. Eneuisu: 1776—1837 /) No. 223— LANDSCAPE G. pete Mt DATAA —ye Water color: Height, 634 inches; length, 834 inches Las Ce Unver a sky of tumultuous clouds, darkening but still full of light, rolling hills along the horizon bound a sunny plain at whose farther end a village nestles, its gray church steeple prominent. ; Signed at the lower left, J. C. Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Garttarp THomas. JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM TURNER, R.A. _Enenisu: 1775—1851 ND. 224— THE STRAW YARD ~/( 7) 4, me 7 a Drawing in sepia and crayon: Height, 61% inches; length, 10 inches A ¥rarm yard with a thatch-roofed stable and several horses eating from bunches of fodder. Some men, at the left, are building a straw stack and, at the right, near a gate are two other farm hands, one of them with a wheelbarrow. From the collection of the Rev. Sepastian Bownen, S.J. Property of a Private Collector. EMILIO SANCHEZ-PERRIER SpanisH: 1853—1907 No. 225— LANDSCAPE : es , A : : Va YY 5 sy oa Height, 6 inches; length, 81, inches | Va SF a pe in Zo a GrRAYIsH-wuiTeE buildings with brownish-tiled roofs, mounting, it seems, in tiers “ U one above another, give a rigid, angular skyline against an intense but light blue. Below are masses of low-growing trees with close, feathery foliage, in a green and brown field where several figures are resting on the grass. Signed at the lower left, E. Sancuez Perrier. Property of the Estate of Aurrep Henry Lewis, Ese. Tid pees ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS | Frencu: 1803—1860 3 No. 226— AT THE OUTPOST Canvas: Height, 9 inches gth, eer 7A /1 0 vy 2 nt ba Tue scene shows a building with a hich courtyard wall, at the left, at the foot fy of a range of hills. A camel, with its load on its back and ied by its driver, is in the foreground, while at the door of the building are.a group of figur Sek and another camel. hee Signed at the lower ri, Property of the Estate of the late Senuor Satvavor pe Mrenponga. LEON VICTOR DUPRE Frencu: 181 6—1879 No. 227— _ ON THE RIVERSIDE/~ Panel: Height, 9 inches; length, 15 inches /fo = A LanpscaPE with a stream in the foreground, a white-walled cottage aie ae trees on the right and a plain, with trees, on the left. The sky is of blue with ‘< white and gray clouds. : Signed at the lower right. Property of a Gentleman. JEAN JACQUES HENNER Frencu: 1829—1905 No. 228— 3 JEUNE FILLE Panel: Height, 10%, inches; width, 7 inokde “1 ae a é AHN a ) i . A HEAD of a young woman, in full rue to the spectator, with luxuriant blond hair falling over her shoulders; low cut bodice of bluish black, background of peacock blue. Notably balan in general effect. ) Signed at the upper left. Property of a Lady. ROBERT C. MINOR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1840—1904 No. 229— MOONLIGHT 3 4 e _ Millboard: Height, 6 inches; length, 8% ee (2 Tue composition shows groups of trees on both sides of the canvas and cottage, placed among them, at the left, with light in a window. A lake appear in the middle distance. The night sky is filled with clouds with the moon illu- mining them in the upper portion. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govt. HOMER D. MARTIN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1897 a 0-~— | THE LAKE / ae Canvas: Height, 6 inches; length, 10 inches Y Ww pi 3 4 A view of one of the Great Lakes, with a group of trees on the shore at the right. Overhead is an evening sky, with gray clouds at the horizon and cea tints above where the sky is gilded by the setting sun. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Goutpn. BEN FOSTER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1852— No. 231— THE CLOSE OF DAY Millboard: Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches he ae So meme A marsuy foreground and a green hillside beyond, with buil trees on its summit in silhouette against the evening sky. Signed at the lower left. qn. BA a ian << gs and clumps of Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gouxp. ARTHUR PARTON, N.A. AmeERICAN: 1842—1914 No. 232— AN ORCHARD IN SPRINGTIME gth, 16 inches Canvas: Height, 11 inches; ( joe of tender blue and gray. By order of Executors. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 No. 233— SUNSET Canvas: Height, 12 inches; wi inches Tue foreground shows meadows and a pool. the middle distance, at th left-center, are a building and tall trees. On‘the right a train is passing wi black smoke from the locomotive drifting over it. The sky is composed o warm grays, reds and yellows. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govtp. s WINSLOW HOMER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1910 No. 234— THE STAG / mm) o- Water color: Height, 151, inches; csr ae er A / Heap of a deer, appearing above a clump of bushes which hides his body from view. Blue sky background. Signed at the left, and dated 89. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gout. _L—_———-- eS. BEN FOSTER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1852— No. 235— FAGOT CARRIERS | Wat lor: Hei ll i i , 16 ¢ by ve ater color: Height, inches; length ee (3 ee Wn. Zi: ) Tue gray and brown roofs of a European hamlet are seen above gray garden walls, beyond a flat green field. In a winding road across the field to the village a man in sabots and a woman accompanied by a child are bearing on their shoulders large bundles of fagots. Signed at the lower left, Ben Foster. Property of the E. A. Bicetow Estate. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— No. 236— THE WESTERN SKY 3 7 0 ve ~~ | Canvas: Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Sa Spee | VV MNt20 | In the center of the foreground, a pool; on the right, a cottage; at the left a clump of bushes; in the distance, a line of hills. Over all is an evening sky with clouds orange-tinted by the sun, which has just gone down below the horizon. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govtpn. JOHANNES HENDRIK WEISSENBRUCH DutcH: 1824—1903 No. 237— THE BARN F ve Panel: Height, 10% inches; width, 84 inches ; é —— pest A Brown barn comes into the background from the ri , and in front of it rise several tall and graceful trees. In the green, most, grassy foreground some black and white cows seek the shade of the tall trees. /) // on Wyre Wh parrete [ VY Signed at the lower right, J. H. WetssenBaucn. Property of the Estate of Arrrep Henry Lewis, Esa. HY yy i YWeievy. LOUIS GABRIEL EUGENE ISABEY FRENCH: 1804—1886 No. 238— A CEREMONY 7 4 * Height, 1014 inches; length, 1334 inches Te scene is the interior of a church, with an altar back of whic 1a large cross. Here a kingly figure robed in red stands(majestically, hold his right hand a sword pointed at the zenith, and with his left extended te an object on the altar, as if directing a red-robed man kneeling before with arms reaching forward to make a vow. Seated near is a mitred figu: and among the large company of men and women in attendance in the bo of the building now and then a lance projects and one man has arisen ond h vonnden Seemingly the sketch for a larger Sicare Signed at the lower right, Isapny. Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Gatrrarp THoMas. an FELIX ZIEM Frencu: 1821—1911 No. 239— VENICE Height, 104, inches; length, 15 inches Ar the left a corner of the Libreria comes into view, with the columns ofthe hon and St. Theodore, and the facade of the Ducal Palace. People are s¢gted — on the library steps, and robed dignitaries are about to embark in a gondola. Beyond it Venetian sailboats are seen in the violet distance, under a pale s yellow sunset sky. 7 Signed at the lower left, Zrem. Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Gaitrarp THomas. LUIGI LOIR AUSTRIAN: 1825— No. 240— THE SIDEWALK MARKET fy Z) hs Water color: Height, 11 inches; length, 1614 inches , ~ Wares of many sorts are spread along the sidewalk, at either side of a n merchant’s booth, and a characteristic crowd of French passers-by are mowing past or stopping to look over the goods. On the right, cannon on a parapet are pointed over the scene, and the buildings below are overtopped by a cathedral of twin spires. | Signed at the lower right, Lom Lvict. Property of the Estate of Atrrep Henry Lewis, Esa. LUIGI LOIR AvsTRIAN: 1825— No. 241— CITY STREETS Ses Canvas: Height, 12°4 inches; length, 1514 inches | (3d YN | G Nek. A ryrrcat French carrefour, such as are found near the fortifications of Paris, — is depicted, in the autumn, when the sparse trees are all but leafless. (puildings are irregular, people are plentiful, and at hand are a couple of city police- men. Signed at the lower right, Lom Lute. Property of the Estate of Arrrep Henry Lewis, Esa. PIETER NEEFS FLemisuH, circa 1577—circa 1660 AND FRANS FRANCKEN Called DON FRANCISCO Friemisu: 1581—1642 No. 242— INTERIOR OF ANTWERP CATHEDRAL / my e 6 Ant, Panel: Height, 10 inches; length, 12 4nches, AN niece view of the Cathedral at Antwerp, Belgium, with figures of and gentlemen in seventeenth century costume, and peasants and arti Some of the people are kneeling. The architectural forms are carefully dr: and correctly rendered. The figures were painted by Francken. — soy In the Museum of Brussels there is a picture to which this one , bears a likeness, but i of different size and the figures are differently disposed in the composition. Property of a Lady. PIERRE MIGNARD Frencu: 1610—1695 _ No. 243— MADONNA Canvas: Height, 151% inches; width, 1114 OF: SS <—vr ~~ oy — A croup of three figures. The Mother, seated, in lilac-pink and green robe f a holds the Child on her lap. The infant St. John, at the left, holds up a bunch v va of flowers, which the Child is taking in its hands, looking up, at the same time, o* in its Mother’s face. , Signed P. Micnarp, and dated at Rome 1—4—. on the base of stone seat at lower KS right. Property of the Estate of the late Senuor Satvapor pe Menpong¢a. JAN GOSSAERT MABUSE 1470—1541 No. 244—PORTRAIT OF JOHN MOORE, SON OF SIR JOHN MOORE : ee ole Panel: Height, 17 inches; width, 12 inches Be axe, A HALF-LENGTH portrait of a young man whose hair is cut around below his ears, dressed in a black cloak with gray sleeves and dark red under-jacket with yoke of white mull. The head, with black flat hat is turned in three-quarter view to the left and he holds a glove in his right hand. The background is of neutral tone. es THERE is a group of fine trees in the right-center of the position and a road leads from the foreground into the distance. A peasant woman is s with a bunch of fagots. The early autumn sky is formed of gray and wl clouds with small spaces of blue. . Signed at the een ‘righ Property of a New York Collector. 2 JOHN CROME (“OLD CROME”) — Enenisu: 1769—1821 No. 264— LANDSCAPE IN NORFOLK 9 ae Canvas: Height, 14%, aches: ng ae ie inches ; CG | i s . A BRoap winds into the middle riatanee from the right and center foreground. — On the left, a cottage with steep, peaked roof and another building beyond. = Trees are seen reaching up behind the cottage and at its door are two igure mae: The sky is composed of white and gray clouds. a Property of the Estate of the late Senuor Satvapor pe Menponca. BARTHOLOMEUS VAN DER HELST ; ‘ a Durcu: 1613—1670 “as No. 265— PORTRAIT OF A LANDOWNER ( ge width, wi recs Busr portrait of a man of the higher bdéurgeois class of the with long hair and slight mustache; whit collar, with square ends over black coat. Canvas: Height, 22%, inchés} Property of the Estate of the late Senuor Satvapor DE MEenponc¢a. LEON RICHET Frencu: 1847—1907 No. 266— SOLEIL COUCHANT Canvas: Height, 131% inches; length ine ~ eda ght, Vo ’ gth, F _A sunset landscape with a lake. occupying the foreground and a tree, on the left, bending out over the water. In the middle distance is a belt of forest trees, with a gap near the right-center of the picture through which are visible at the horizon some crimson clouds. Above is a sky, painted in a high key, which is reflected in the waters of the lake. Signed at the lower left. On back, label Bernheim jeune, Paris. Property of a Private Collector. JULIEN DUPRE Frencuo: 1851—1910 No. 267— FRENCH PEASANT GIRL a Canvas: Height, 2114 inches; ee. US) Caeyeg A fi A a Oe age OO A WELI-pRAWN, life-size, head in profile view of a young woman in (res bodice and white under-bodice, with a kerchief of yellow-brown on her head. ‘The subject is depicted in out-of-doors effect, with a background of harvest fields and gray sky. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Senuor Satvapor pe Mennon¢a. iz ” PAUL DESIRE TROUILLEBERT Frexcu: 1829—1900 — No. 268— , LANDSCAPE . ate ee er Canvas: Height, 18 inches; length ly, inches mistaken by expert judges for Cheeta noe it was Trouilicherte pra sign his pictures with his own name. On the left of this picture is a g tall birches; on the right, a lake. Over all is a sky of white and gray Signed at t Property of the Estate of the late Senuor Satvavor pe Menponga. NARCISSE VIRIGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA (ATTRIBUTED TO) Frencu: 1807—1876 No. 269— IN THE FOREST Canvas: Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches Vy ae In the foreground are trees with the trunks spaced at intervals acr 36 picture is in shadow. Beyond is a clearing with the woods at the bctheee sid ey $e all this part being in sunlight. In the clearing are a man and a woman gather- hes — ing up fallen branches. A bit of blue sky appears at the upper right. Thee ee elements are combined in a landscape of notably striking effect. — Signed at the lower right, and dated 59. ee 4 Purchased at the Henry Ward Beecher Sale as a Diaz. Property of the E. A. Bicetow Estate. FELIX ZIEM Frencuo: 1821—1911 No. 270— IN ITALY s, > 0 y¢ qe Panel: Height, 131, inches; length, 26 a VV ‘ tig sees A LanpdscaPE in full sunshine with view of a bay in the 7s riatic. At th Yleft, on the shore, are trees growing out horizontally from a hillock and a wif seated in the phade. The middle distance shows the blue waters of the bay and the hills beyond. The blue sky is gradated into yellow-white at the horizon, indi- cating intense light and warm weather. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of Lorena L. Barer. JULIEN DUPRE Frenco: 1851— No. 271— RETURNING FROM PASTURE 3/ y Uv . Canvas: Height, 18 inches; length, 22 ee a oe ie A PEASANT girl in blue, with a red kerchief on her Gs ond carrying ‘bundle of fodder, is depicted in the foreground coming home in the late afternoon with her cows and sheep from the wide pasture fields which are seen in the middle distance. The animals, as well as the figure of the girl, are notable for good ‘drawing and the picture, with a quiet color scheme, shows a harmonious ensemble. Signed at the lower left. Property of a New York Collector. ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS ee Frencuo: 1803—1861 ap No. 272— ORIENTAL INTERIOR 6 hak Lies Canvas: Height, 1814 inches; length, 25% inches In the shadowy recesses of a spacious hall, paved with stone flags, are many figures, chatting, bargaining and smoking. Through an open, arched door- way, where the sunlight floods a booth and the walls of houses, are other figures. The ensemble presents a striking and colorful harmony. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Spenuon SALvapor DE MENDONGA. ADOLPHE ALEXANDRE LESREL Frencu: 1830— No. 273— A VISIT TO THE ARMORER 3 / 0 (f ‘Panel: Height, 23 inches; wid Beg ae A COMPOSITION of two ame showing a cavali ; seated 1 in an arm chair, dressec x armor, high, white buckskin boots and gray hat with plume, examining % = musket of beautiful design and workmanship, while an armorer, in red with ae black cap, stands near him behind a table, on which are displayed other guns, __ swords and a helmet. On a shelf behind him are arms and accouterments and an — open door, at the left, leads into the workshop where the anvil and tools are — seen. A highly finished work with historical accuracy in all the details. | Signed at the lower left, and dated 1889, 2 ; Property of a Lady. on AIME PERRET Frencu: 1847— No. 274— THE HARVESTER be Canvas: Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches a LITHE, tall figure of a peasant girl coming through a field Tot bored grain. | Her costume consists of a red bodice, red cap, white under-bodice, dark blue skirt and grayish-brown apron. In her left hand she carries a sheaf of wheat. In the distance are a haystack and a farm laborer plowing. On the low horizon line are seen houses and trees. The evening sky, in the west, is of luminous pale yellow, gradated upward to blue and gray. Signed at the lower right. : Property of a New York Collector. ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR Frencu: 1838—1910 No. 275— HORSEMEN inches ; Two of the French mounted military are seen in/f# sandy road near a wood, and across a green plain on the left appear the red roofs of a town. One man, astride a sorrel, is manipulating a cigarette; his companion has dismounted and holds the head of his bay. Panel: Height, 17 inches; length, Signed at the lower right, E. Berne-Bettecovr, 1904. Property of a Lady. LUIGI LOIR AUSTRIAN: 1825— No. 277— LE SOIR ; ‘ Canvas: Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches Jog ey A-V/ Broap boulevard sidewalks, grayer than the gloaming sky, are busy wi an active population, men, women and children, bent on their way or with time for idling; the chimney-pots and roof lines of the city are dark against the gray aloft. In the shop windows a glow appears and street lights show yellow below slender leafless trees. Signed at the lower right, Lor Lute, 82. Property of the Estate of Atrrep Henry Lewis, Ese. CHARLES THEODORE FRERE Frencu: 1815—1888 No. 278—A STREET SCENE IN CONSTANTINOPLE ee ee Canvas: Height, 151 inches; length, 314, inches 4 xr ; ee Tuer composition shows an open space with bazaars on the left and on the right. Sunlight illumines the white walls of the buildings and the scene is peopled with numerous figures. Two camels are in the throng, and from the roofs, at the right, a great flock of pigeons is rising in a long flight across the 2k Signed at the lower right, with “Constantinople.” By order of Executors. JULES ADOLPHE GOUPIL Frencu: 1839—1883 No. 279— AN INTERESTING BOOK po Panel: Height, 25Y, inches; width, 18 inches / oot Rat 57, re fy. y, 7 A FULL-LENGTH, seated figure, in profile view with fa ice to the vets on a woman in a Directoire gown of wine-colored satin and wide gray sash. — her, at a table of ebony and gold, she holds a book she is reading, Property of a Private Collector. AIME PERRET Frencuo: 1847— No. 280— THE TOWN ON THE RIVERSIDE y, ove Canvas: Height, 21 inches; length, 251, rae ie Cie ‘a In the left-middle distance of the composition is a group of the houses of a French provincial town into which leads a causeway from the foregrot crossing a stream, which empties into the river on the right. A peasant g" walking to the town, is crossing the bridge of the causeway and in the distance. are trees, on the river banks, and hills. The effect is one of early xe with warm-tinted gray clouds in a sky of blue. ae, Signed at the lower right. 4 Property of a Private Collector. ‘uae EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN FremisH: 1799—1881 eNo. 281— THE HURRYING FLOCK 3 7 j— Height, 18 inches; length, 28 inches VA Gi) i ph hwnd : CLP. : a A smatu flock of sheep are being hurried over a snow-covered field by a shep- pra: : herd, who with his dog is chasing them across the picture, toward the right. . ; Signed at the lower right, EuctNr VERBOECKHOVEN, 1874. ; Property of a Lady. — ~ ADRIEN SCHULZ GERMAN No. 282— LANDSCAPE ? j te ~Canvas: Height, 211%, inches; length, 2514 inches | Sie ay : A roapway leads from the central foreground to the left of a pond, in the middle distance. On the right are the trees of a forest and on the left of the road ar two other trees. The sky is of blue with white clouds. Signed at the lower right. Property of a New York Collector. GIUSEPPI SIGNORINI TraLuiaAn: 1857— No. 283— IN A MOORISH COURTYARD Water color: Height, 21 inches; length, 29 inches ae Ce 7, Tue white wall of a building, with grated windows, cross« e background and turns forward on the right, where an archway admits ‘t¢ the interior. In the yard two richly clad dark-skinned men are having a quiet game at a table resting on an Oriental rug. Signed at the lower right, Gruser. Sicnorin1, Paris, Property of the Estate of Arrrep Henry Lewis, Esa. GEORGE HENRY SMILLIE, N.A. AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY No. 283A— HILL AND DALE NEAR BRONXVILLE / 7 () ys Canvas: Height, 20 aoe width, 30 inches. te In the foreground are four ducks by a small pool. away to a forest of tall trees. The sloping ground{/at either side is rock : covered and topped with trees. ; Owner, Grorce H. SmItuie. To be sold for the benefit of families of French Soldier-Artists, FREDERICK K. EDE SCANDINAVIAN: 1865— No. 284— LES BLANCHISSEUSES a re Canvas: Height, 21 inches; (pe 29 inches - R 7 A RuRAL scene in France. On the left, on the bank of a stream, are two young | women washing clothes. On the opposite bank are trees {n/autumn foliage and ‘ a house with a red roof. Overhead is a blue sky with white clouds, its expanse reflected in the water, which has lily pads on its surface near the bank’on the right. . ae Signed at the lower left. = Property of a New York Collector. . ae FREDERICK K. EDE SCANDINAVIAN: 1865— No. 285— LANDSCAPE 3 Canvas: Height, 21144 inches; length, 29 inches = a/ 6 — : és yy) “Wy. ¢. Lr = Pe A stream, flowing between green banks, fills the left foreground. On thebank — my at the right are a rustic dwelling and farm buildings. Trees on se es of the water and in the distance are the other elements in the composition, which- depicts an effect of gray weather. Signed at the lower left. Property of a New York Collector. JOHAN HENDRIK van MASTENBROEK Dutcu: 1875— No. 286— WINTER Vt Height, 22 inches; length, 28 inches a 24 . Corp gray clouds of winter all but fill the sky, and a light f a rough roadway that leads away from the spectator betwee _ houses on the outskirts of a town. On the left is a team and wagon, the driver muffled in a dark blue coat. Signed at the lower right, J. H. v. MasrenBRoEK. Property of the Estate of Atrrep Henry Lewis, Esa. GEORGES MICHEL Frencu: 1763—1843 No. 287— LANDSCAPE NEAR PARIS Panel: Height, 23 inches; length, 29 inches O ee < ue Lime A SUPERLATIVELY good example of Michel. The composition shows a stretch of country, seen from the heights of Montmartre, looking north ae in the direction of the little town of Enghien-les-Bains and the forest of Mont- morency. In the foreground a road winds downward into the plains, which are in shadow, where windmills are seen on the eminences and a village with a church spire. Farther away are stretches of cultivated country and distant hills. A shepherd and a woman, with their sheep dog, are seen in the road, following a flock, and two small figures are in the left center foreground. Over all is a majestic sky with great cumulus clouds. Property of the Estate of the late Senuor Satvapor pe Menponca. ADRIEN SCHULZ GERMAN No. 288— EVENING MISTS a ( ) Ge ' Canvas: Height, 251 inches; width, 21 ke A LANDSCAPE with @ group of tall trees 1 in th foliose on the right, a stre ‘ distance, and ie jee of a herd of deer advancing from the shrubbery drink at the waters. Over the valley in the distance evening mists are ris after the sun has set. The sky, mostly clear, shows a strip of gray at horizon and a few floating clouds above. Signed at the lower righ Property of a Private Collector. ADOLPHE ALEXANDRE LESREL Frencu: 1830— No. 289— THE GAME OF CARDS LLU otal fom In a tapestried hall, with a high window lookifg out upon buildings of French — architecture, a half dozen elegant men of fashion, in ruffs, sashes, and elabo- rately embroidered velvets, are gathered about a large table where there is wine for the pouring. Two are at cards, while the others look on. oR Panel: Height, 22 inches; leng Signed at the lower left, A. A. Lesrez, 1907. “ Property of a Lady. ! ce: JOHANNES WEILAND Ba Dutrcu: 1858— | No. 290— IN THE STUDIO Canvas: Height, 25%, inches; width, 2 /570 j we Aw artist, seated in his studio, examining an engraving while a m with white neckpiece and black hat, leans over at his side as if judgment of the critic. ~ Property of a Gentleman. EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN Berteran: 1799—1881 No. 291— A SHEEP y 6 Panel: Height, 22 inches; length, 28 inches : Jo mA: Gere _ Aw important example of the work of Verboeckhoven. A sheep with heavy - fleece, in side view, is standing near a water trough where two hens are pecking about. The horizon of the landscape setting is placed low so that the back- ground is formed by a sky of gray clouds with spaces above of steel blue. Property of a Gentleman. HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858— No. 292— EVENING ON THE LITTLE RIVER ot 7 ot Canvas: Height, 18 inches; length, 251/, ef g | In the foreground is a stream, with a skiff in which is a girl in red. Trees line the opposite bank and beyond, seen between their trunks, are fields and distant hills. In the evening sky are clouds tinted with rose. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gouxp. EDWARD GAY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1837— No. 293— LANDSCAPE ~N of / “ Canvas: Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inche : le, In the foreground some children are gathering wild flowers in a meadow filled with asters and other autumn posies. On the left is a tree with its bran¢hes nearly bare of leaves and beyond it a wood. At the right is a group of trees. In the distance are a house, a glimpse of a river and hills. The sky is blue, with white and gray clouds. The foreground is painted with minutely executed details in the manner of the English Pre-Raphaelites. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1877 Property of a Gentleman. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, A.N.A. | AMERICAN: 184'7— No. 294— AN INDIAN ENCAMPMENT Canvas: Height, 16 inches; length, 26 fiches Tuer edge of a stream is seen crossing the canvas in the immediate foreground, _ with two canoes moored at the bank, on the left. The middle ground of the composition shows an open space in a forest, with trees on either side reaching high up. At the left, under the trees, is a tepee with a group of Indians sitting on the ground before it around a brushwood fire. On the right,’at the other side of the open space are two tepees and a couple of Indians. Beyond in the center, is a distant hillside and over all is a sunset sky of warm yellows with clouds of tawny red. Signed at the lower right. ~ Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Goutp. , ALEXANDER HEDWIG WYANT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836-—1892 No. 295— A SEPTEMBER DAY | Canvas: Height, 18 inches; Agngth, 30 ne ; Bi Faerie en A BrRoap stretch of country with the fore d of pastures and trges, on the left, all in shadow, while the middle distancé is illumined by the afternoon sun. Beyond is a line of blue hills and, overhead, a sky of gray and white clouds with spaces of blue in the upper part. Signed at the lower right center. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Goutp. WARREN SHEPPARD AMERICAN: 1858— No. 296— VENICE / g ye “iis Canvas: Height, 27 inches; width, Poa Figs 21) OSs: VE A view on the shores of Venice with a palage on the left and, beyond it, St. Mark’s and one of the columns with a lion surmounting it. The effect is in sunshine under a blue sky. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Gentleman, : HENRY P. SMITH ; AMERICAN: 1854—1907 No. 297— OLD OAKS IN SUNLIGHT 2 ee Canvas: Height, 20 inches; length, es, € On either side of a road, which curves into the riddle of the comp@sition is a fine oak tree, the dark green foliage illumined in the upper portions by the late afternoon sunlight. At the left a red brick house, mostly obscured by the foliage, with a white out-building attached, makes a brilliant contrasting note with the tints of green. The entire foreground of the picture is in shadow and over all is a sky of blue. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Govt. fe. WARLE, A.N.A. ; AMERICAN: 1845— No. 298— THE MEADOWS / 37 ge Canvas: Height, 20 inches; length, 30 sd yaee | Le A New Jersey landscape with level meadows and a hai stream, at the left, occupying the foreground. Beyond, at the right, dre fruit trees in blossom and, at the left, hills and woods, in the distance. Signed at the lower right. Property of a New York Collector. JOHN BUNYAN BRISTOL, N.A. AMERICAN: 1826—1909 No. 299— BERKSHIRE HILLS 4 Asa d| oe. Canvas: Height, 24 inches; length, 3Q inghes &) ‘J Lye A vary in the Berkshires with a stream, wooded slopes, meadows, and a village, with a church, embowered amid the trees. Beyond rise the high hills with a lofty peak on the left. The sky is of blue, with white clouds. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Senuor Satvapor pE MENnponga. JOSEPH H. BOSTON, A.N.A. AMERICAN ~ No. 800— THE HAYSTACKS 2 ; 3 / Canvas: Height, 25 ae length, 30 inch y A narnyarp with three great haystacks. At the deor of the barn, on the | is a man with a lantern. In the central portion (of the composition is a view of a river and distant hills. The effect is of moonlight and the disc of tl moon is seen high upon the blue-gray sky, partly oyeeeies by the hay: on the right. ro Signed at the lower Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gourp. GUY C. WIGGINS | AMERICAN: 1883— 7 No. 301— AUTUMN LANDSCAPE ( a tt | Canvas: Height, 25 oe 30 goles. Lana” From a foreground of withered grass and herbage on the right, where there are trees in autumn tints of brown, yellow, crimson and red. The effect is of sunlight and the sky is blue, with some ae io : Property of the Estate of the late Dr. M. C. Gourp. GIUSEPPI SIGNORINI Travian: 1857— No. 302— -ORIENTALS JL j ad Water color: Height, 24 inches; length, 34, inches Four Arabs or Moors in gorgeous costume in a brilliant light in | i the patio of a large, light-gray building. Their robes are crimson and rich — olive, blue, gray and purple-red, and three of them have enormous pictanesyalia 3 hats as brilliantly colored as their garments. Long Arab guns and other weapons are in evidence. Signed at the lower right, Gruser. Stcnortnt, Paris. Property of the Estate of Atrrep Henry Lewss, Hsa. JULES JACQUES VEYRASSAT Frencu: 1825—1893 No. 303— AT THE SMITHY on a, age Height, 31 inches; width, 24 inches g : 4 A stone blacksmith shop with stable-loft above, and red tiled roof over which a deep blue sky is seen, crosses the background beyond a stone-paved court _ and adjoins on the right a gray-plastered dwelling. From the left a slant of sunshine brightens the head of a white horse waiting to be shod, and falls upon the young smith, and upon a young woman holding a fagot broom. Signed at the lower left, J. Veyrassat, "72. Property of a Lady. | ETIENNE ADOLPHE PIOT Frencu: ConrTEMPORARY No. 304— CANDLELIGHT gs Height, 391, inches; width, 2714, inche ae L) {) (sad THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH portrait of a young lady standing at the edge of /a table, facing the spectator, and holding in her left hand an adjustable candk- V stick with candle lighted which she has just taken from the table. She is i looking, with a smile, directly at the observer, while keeping out of his eyes the glare of the candle by holding in front of it her right hand, whose delicate fingers become translucent, silhouetted against her illumined breast. Her gown is décolleté, and the light travels in diminishing radiance to her slender neck and affable features, touching the edges of her wavy rich red hair. Signed at the lower right, A. Prov. Property of the Estate of Mrs, T. Garttarp THomas. is y oe Height, 391/ a width, “oe ieee <7 v Height, 25%, 8; length, 3134 inche ae Ke On the left a high wall mounts almost out of picture, and trees alone ity CHARLES HORACE VERNET Frencu: 1758—1836 | No. 305— THE KING OF BEASTS spectator. The massive features and mighty limbs, and the maze of ; variations in the fine, rich coat, are carefully studied and effectively w in a subdued interior light against a background of black shadow. ~ Signed at the lower left, H. Ver: Property of the Estate of Mrs. T. Garrrarp THomas. FRITZ THAULOW Norweciuan: 184°7—1906 No. 306— RIVERSIDE IN WINTER rise higher. At their foot a broad walk or roddway curves along a navigable — river, the way now snow-covered and plentifully arked by footprints. Housed- — over barges lie in the stream, which is cold and dark green, and men stand a near them at the bankside. In the middle distance a bridge crosses to a large — city built high on the right, and from various chimneys black smoke and white steam curl and puff against a gray wintry sky. Signed at the lower left, Frrrz THavuiow. Property of the Estate of Atrrep Henry Lewis, Ese. ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS Frencu: 1803—1861 68 No. 307— VUE D°ORIENT Ys 3 "4 A ae Canvas: Height, 451, inches; width, ees. of gi eo ie A roapway, with a pool, in an Oriental settlement ; houses with projecting bal- conies, all in deep shadow, at the right; in the center a mosque with white walls and tower. In the immediate foreground a woman, in white robes, accom- panied by a child, is seen walking away from the spectator to the pool, probably to fill the water jar she carries on her head. Tall palms on either side and a _ sky of dark blue. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Sennor Satvapor pE MENDONGA. J. BERGHEM Dutcus 1620—1683 No. 308— LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE 7 4 gu Panel: Height, 30 inches; length, 361, , inches Grab / F Caf v LLABAAN the = eac Tux landscape shows a waterfall tumbling over rocks i central portion of the canvas and on the left a tree, the branches of whic h up to the top of the composition. Under the tree, in the shade, are cattle at rest. On the right is another tree with trunk growing out from the rocky hillside. Beyond is the sky with summer clouds. This picture is notable for its mellow, golden tone. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Lady. ALEXANDER HARRISON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— No. 309— _ SUMMER EVENING uy ee Canvas: Height, 20 oe eh, 391/, sie q/ oj } — 3 2 y A MARINE showing the vast expanse of the ocean ts waves ro ward and spreading out in flat shallows as they reach the =o scheme is cast in violet tints with rose-colored and greenish-white the rising moon is seen near the right-center of the sky. “Signed at the lox Property of the Estate of Lorena L. Barper. 5 ee CHARLES EDOUARD DELS an FRENCH: 1814—1890 No. 310— | THE FERRY ie Height, 36 inches; width, 26 inches SEATED in the stern of a roomy skiff and facing the spectator are two figur young man in blue, with tricorne hat and red leggings, and a fowling piec slung over his shoulder, who is seen lifting the cover of a basket: with two S u ok in it, held on the lap of a pretty girl, beside him, who in gray cloak and w cap and apron, is evidently going to market. The young sportenanal beagles leashed together, are seen looking over the side of the boat. The oe tin | for this pretty group is formed by the placid waters of the river, an | stone bridge and the houses of a town. Overhead is a gray sky. sol Signed at the le Property of a Lady. WILLIAM L. PICKNELL, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1852—1897 No. 311— LANDSCAPE fi j g+ Canvas: Height, 36 inches; width, 30 iyches __ : of, wth, LL, Art the edge of a road, in the foreground, a man vidi ga hag at to water his mount at a wayside trough. Trees in summer foliage fill the right and central portions of the canvas and at the left, above, is a sky of blue with white clouds. The effect is one of strong sunshine. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of Lorena L. Barser. JAMES CRAWFORD THOM AMERICAN: 1835—1898 No. 312— VIEW ON SOUTH RIVER os v Height, 24 inches; length, 42 inches Pon Carre VW Bas THE river comes winding about a point on the right and skirts the the nck ground. The point is green with thick shrubbery, and beyond it in the back- ground a wooded ridge crosses the picture, the roofs of a farmhouse being glimpsed among the trees on the left. In the foreground are cows and ducks, and a man is seated on the grass. In the stream is a scow loaded with hay, and people are also aboard. Signed at the lower right, J. Crawrorp THom, Op Brincr, ’82. Property of the Estate of Mrs. 'T. Gariarn THomas. 3 cy vs Canvas: Height, 28 inch 7 6 tn, pee) Se) et: Cr a ee BS a a.) nl i FREDERICK A. BRIDGMAN, N.A. American: 1847— No. 313— INTERIOR OF BISKRA CAFE, ALGIERS A LarcE room with pillars supporting t square opening in the roof and from center of the composition stands an Arab, in white with a great Pec ih ing on his back, who 1 is talking to a man and a woman, sae on a m traveler. In the background are Rie men and women, Bor, oc playing cards. Property of the Estate of Lorena L. Barser. MAX WEYL American: 1837— No. 314— SPRINGTIME Canvas: Height, 38 inches ; lenge 42 aS Fon — filling the middle distance on the right. On the in spring foliage; in the distance a glimpse of a river and a ‘ifne of hills pen sky is of light gray with a few spaces of springtime blue. Signed at the lower ram Property of the Estate of the late Senuor Satvapor pE Menponga. DANIEL RIDGWAY KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1845— No. 315— THE CHRYSANTHEMUMS / LST (ce Height, 46 inches; width, 354, inches. J Ne Siete Zia A Fine example of the work of the popular and distinguished painter, Ridgway Knight. The composition presents an attractive, full-length figure of a young French peasant girl in dress of blue of different shades, the bodice showing _ tints of violet, the apron of gray, and the skirt frankly blue. On her head is a kerchief of red with white dots and her underwaist and sleeves are white. She is depicted leaning over to take hold of the handles of a wheelbarrow, which is loaded with pots of dark red, yellow and white chrysanthemums. This pleas- ing rustic subject is placed in a garden on the bank of a river which fills the middle part of the canvas, and beyond are seen the wooded shores and distant hills. Above is a sky of gray. ~ Signed at the lower right. Property of a Lady. HUGUES MERLE Frencu: 1823—1881 No. 316— A MODERN DIANA sl ed) Le Canvas: Height, 451, inches; width, 32 inches A THREE-QUARTER length, life size, standing figure of a young woman nude to the hips and with drapery of white and dull red covering her body below the waist. The figure is in front view to the spectator, the head turned to the left and both hands raised to the abundant tresses of blond hair. In the forest background is a pond of clear water. A representative example of a talented French artist of wide celebrity. Vy: Yi | oe ci ae Signed at the lower left, and dated 1870. Property of a New York Collector. ALBERT LOREY GROLL, N.A. AMERICAN: 1866— Noa Sl7== OCTOBER Height, 40 inches; length, 51 . Goss Se a THROUGH an opening in a wood the eye travels to a sky massed with light oud: on a breezy day in late autumn. At either side the thick foliage glow: in ¢ light golden yellow, tempered by soft orange-browns. Falling leaves are in th air, the underbrush is brown and red. In the foreground a pond reflects th silvery trunks of the trees. meee FS Signed at the lower left BOs Grou Property of the Estate of A.trrep Henry Lewis, Ese. ALBERT BIERSTADT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1829—1902 No. 318— THE FALLS OF ST. ANTHONY 30" THis impressive view of the Falls of St. Anthony is taken from a point on the shore of the river below, the shore appearing, on the left, as a sloping bank with several trees, their branches extending to the top of the canvas. In the immediate foreground is a stone construction buttressing the bank and on it is a man in a long coat casting his fishing line in the waters below. At the left are two other figures, one in a red cloak, the other an Indian with headdress of feathers. On the other side of the picture, filling the foreground, is the river with its swift-running waters. The falls themselves stretch across the composition in the near middle distance. Beyond them lies the upper river and farther away are the hills that line the shores. A summer sky, with white and gray clouds, fills the upper portion of the picture. Canvas: Height, 38 he 601% inches. Signed at the lower left. Property of G. P. Cuarrrerp, Esa. : "ENTERTAINING GUESTS | P nv NT eae Bee ect in a wine cellar, grouped around a table, cov- Signed at the lower right. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. sT OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS. LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND a THEIR WORKS ; - nee is. | CATALOGUE | Poets ~ NUMBER 37 : and Cattle (Panel) aS 275 97 ae BIERSTADT, Axzert, N.A. The Waterfall (Canvas) ) 3 om 65 - Sunset 38 219 The Falls of St. Anthony (Canvas) 318 ~The Rocky Mountains: nb 162 Giant Trees of California (Canvas) 200 : BLAKELOCK, ‘Rarpu Axper, 4.N.A. _—~—“C he «Campfire (Panel) 134 eee The Chinese Junk (Canvas) ; 181 Landscape (Canvas) 201 ~The White Captive (Canvas) e 257 An Indian Encampment (Canvas) 294 BLUMENSCHEIN, Ernest L., A.N.A. | ‘ ‘ A Spanish Lady (Canvas) 99 . aS Se a BOGERT, Georce H., A.N.A. Landscape (Canvas) Night in the Village (Panel) BONHEUR, Rosa Driving the Herd (Drawing) BOSTON, Josernu H., A.N.A. The Haystacks (Canvas) BOUGHTON, Gerorce Henry, N.A., R.A. At the Bankside (Charcoal Drawing) BOURGUIGNON, Giacomo CorrTEsE Horsemen in Battle (Copper Panel) BRABY, NrewrTon A Silent Prayer (Canvas) BRADFORD, Wi.u1am, A.N.A. In the Arctic Ice Fields (Canvas, backed with a Weed Panel) 6 In Northern Seas 1 BRENNEMAN, Gerorcre W. Declining to Look (Panel) : Oa een BRICHER, Atrrep Tuomrson, A.N.A. | ee , Cliffs on Dana Island, Manchester-by-the-Sea 8380 Marine (Water Color) (69° as On the Coast of Maine (Canvas) 2 ) aes Summer Afternoon: Nantasket Beach (Canoe | | 101-3 “a BRIDGMAN, Frepericx A., N.A. Interior of Biskra Café, Algiers (Canvas) | SIR . 4 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, Feu Sarurnin I The Sheep Pasture (Water Color) 221 Feeding the Sheep (Water Color) 222 BRISTOL, Joun Bunyan, N.A. “oi Housatonic Valley 44 aa Berkshire Hills (Canvas) 299° im CATALOGUE NUMBER BROWN, J. G., N.A. In the Woods (Canvas) 43 The Apple Boy (Canvas) 254 At the Brook 196 BRUESTLE, Gerorce M. A Gray Day (Panel) 61 BRUNER], F. Getting Ready for Market 108 BUNKER, Dennis MILLER The Town of Lamor (Canvas) 256 CAILLE, Lrton ; Ready for School (Canvas) 109 CALLAM, Wi.u1AaM View of a City (Water Color) 52 CANO, Atonso . Madonna (Canvas) 215 CARLSEN, Emm, N.4A. Sunset (Canvas) 35 CEREZO, Marrero Head of Christ (Canvas) | 86 CERIEZ, THEODORE Au Cabaret (Panel) 48 CHARLET, Nicouas Toussaint After the Battle (Water Color) 112 CHASE, Wiiti1am Merritt, N.A. The Guitar (Canvas) 116 CONSTABLE, Joun, R.A. Landscape (Water Color) 223 COOMANS, Joserx Surprise (Canvas ) 103 COPLEY, Joun Sixcieron ( Attributed to) | The Duke of Wellington (Canvas) ~ CORNOYER, Paut, A.N.A. Madison Square (Canvas) COYPEL, Anrorne Allegory (Canvas) COUTURIER, Puiuisert Lion The Poultry Yard (Canvas) COX, Kenyon, N.A. Venice (Canvas) CRANACH, Lvcas The Woman Taken in Adultery (Panel) CRANE, Bruce, N.A. Autumn (Canvas) The Village by the River (Canvas) The Western Sky (Canvas) CROEGAERT, Georces The Disputed Passage (Panel) CROME, Joun (“OLD CROME”) Landscape near North Elmham (Cases Landscape in Norfolk (Canvas) CROPSEY, Jasper Francis, N.A. Landscape (Canvas) Sunset (Canvas, backed with Wood Panel) CURRAN, Cuarues Courtney, N.A. Listening to the Waves (Canvas) CUYP, Artsert (Attributed to) Admiral Tromp DAINGERFIELD, Exuiorr, N.A. Wash Day (Canvas) e Dancing “seat a Panel) : Outpost “(Canvas) ital Interior (Canvas) ’ a ell 8 ba DIAZ DE ; LA PENA, NarcissE VIRGILE Ss aes (Panel) : ieee er LO LA PENA, Narcisse Vinee (Attributed to ) a3 In co Forest (Canvas) | 269 ee eV ae Tu 2 , José | ; ee e Portrait of Juanito Domingo (Canvas) 177 see | D ORE, Gustave Pau oa A Lion (Water Color) : 7 | 13 | oven Pavz, N.A. Dy Landscape (Millboard) 14 ie Landscape (Canvas) . 142 Beep Dow, Anrnur W. a 3 ? _- Evening (Canvas) < 62 DUPRE, JULIEN French Peasant Girl (Canvas) : 267 Returning from Pasture (Canvas) eae yf Gee Pay SOR = ee wg “e he be a i : ms oy As i 7 : 6 pe 2 ’ ~ oe 4 ba : Se -* "s ¥ a i —t aril) “tgo 0 = a! tee P . ie 2 ae 7 _ : L DUPRE, Lion Vicror On the Riverside (Panel) EARLE, L. C., A.N.A. The Meadows (Canvas) EATON, CuHarites WarrEN October, near Montclair (Canvas) EDE, Frepericx The Brook (Canvas) The Bridge (Canvas) Les Blanchisseuses (Canvas) Landscape (Canvas) EGGLESTON, Bensamin Ancient Days (Canvas) Ready for the Bath (Canvas) At the Riverside (Canvas) FEIG, Franz pe Paura The Dance (Panel) FICHEL, Evctne The Music Lesson (Panel) FIELD, E. Loyar Landscape (Canvas) FLEMISH PRIMITIVE SCHOOL The Holy Family and the Magi (Caras, mounted on Wood Panel) FOSTER, Ben, N.4A. Fagot Carriers (Water Color) The Close of Day (Millboard) FRAGONARD, Jean Honort Le Sommeil (Canvas) FRENCH SCHOOL Napoleon in the East (Drawing in Pen and Ink) FRERE, CuarLes THEODORE A Street Scene in Constantinople (Canvas) - CATALOGUE NUMBER 204 293 i, Dano Fr RANGors Pasca nig Book (Panel) S, M. F. H. vs, N.A. “Tow Tide at Flying Point coonuee) Le ee. / 7 “ ae at , , Epovarp JEAN a pene Terrace (Canvas) 3 172 tah, =e a F aa Bet AMMER, Joun J. we : = a «Spring (Panel) — 32 4. Sea oe. - HARRISON, ech? N.A. ag A Break in the Storm (Canvas) 133 . Summer Evening (Canvas) 309 HART, James McDoveat, N.A. 4 Cow Drinking : | 160 HART, Wiuiam, N.A. | Landscape and Cattle (Millboard) 17 HELST, BarTrHoLoMEus VAN DER Portrait of a Landowner (Canvas) HENNER, Jean Jacques Jeune Fille (Panel) HERRING, Joun Freperick Pigs (Panel) HERRMANN, Leo Taking Her Measure (Panel) HERZOG, P. cae Landscape and Sheep (Canvas) HETTICH, E. Swiss Landscape (Panel) HOMER, Wiystow, N wf Breakers (Water Color) The Stag (Water Color) HOWLAND, Atrrep C., N.A. In the Country (Panel) HUMBORG, Apo.trxH Testing the Vintage (Panel) INNESS, Gerorce, N..A. Landscape (Canvas) In the Fields (Canvas) Sunset (Canvas) ISABEY, Louis Gasrie, EvcEne A Ceremony ISABEY, Evctne (Attributed to) At the Hotel de Cluny (Water Color, with Pen and Sepia) — ISRAELS, Joser aa Fisher Folk (Canvas) a Ae 148:" a JACQUE, Cuartes Exits Sheep CF meee Ready to Start \. SEIS CATALOGUE NUMBER JOHNSON, Davin, N.A. Landscape (Panel: Oval) 129 Study from Nature, near the Powder House (Canvas) 164 Looking West from Dollar Island, Lake George (Millboard) 252 JOHNSON, Eastman, N.A. In Gentle Slumber 132 The Trysting Place (Canvas) 141 JONES, Hvueu Botton, N.A. Spring (Canvas) | 258 ~ JORDAENS, Jacozs Sainte Marie (Panel) ; 155 KAUFFMANN, Marie Anna ANGELICA The Bathers (Canvas) s 150 KELLY, Wit11aM Walt Whitman 3 KENSETT, Joun Freverickt, N.A. Landscape (Millboard: Oval) 3 18 Forest and Hills (Canvas) 46 Lake Erie (Canvas) AT KITCHELL, H. M. Evening Glow (Canvas) 187 KNAUS, Lupwic : Walking through the Fields (Panel) 145 The Poppies (Panel) 245 KNIGHT, Daniet Rineway The Chrysanthemums - 315 KOEK-KOEK, Brernarp CorneELis Landscape (Panel) 147 KOST, Frepericx W., N.A. Landscape 163 The River 253 KRAY, WILHELM The Smiling Page (Canvas) — LEBRET, ie Landscape and Sheep (Canvas) LELOIR, Mavrice Reverie (Water Color) The Balcony (Water Color) LESREL, ApotpHe ALEXANDRE The Shopper A Visit to the Armorer (Panel) The Game of Cards (Panel) LOIR, Louie At Eventide (Water Color) Bridge in Winter (Water Color) The Sidewalk Market (Water Color) City Streets (Canvas) Le Soir (Canvas) LORING, M. A Sloop at Low Tide (Water Color) LYNCH, Axserr Young Woman MABUSE, Jan GossaerRt Portrait of John Moore, Son of Sir John Moore (Panel) MANS, Freperic H. ees tee The Rendezvous (Panel) 85. ire: MARTIN, Homer D., N.A. . The Lake (Canvas) — 230 MASTENBROEK, Jouan HeEnprix van Winter 286 MAZZOLA (PARMIGIANO), Francesco Marta (Attributed to) — Portrait of Columbus (Canvas, mounted on Silk with Brass- headed Pins) 40 AP Fz ey (= ul - fee es Ps el Se eee ae CATALOGUE McC R Nee : ' — rea “NUMBER McCC a -GrorcE Herzert, AN. a; | ee: The Green Waters of Sorrento (Canvas) | 202 at [ERLE py ueuEs , eon ay Cattle and Goats (Canvas) e near Paris (Panel) Peay a fete the Desert (Canvas ) : owas, > A.N.A. 4 = Fisher Girl of Cancale (Canvas) 34 / MORELAND, GEORGE . PAs = Gypsies (Panel) | 149 =... ae - MULLER, Witiiam JAMEs ¢ Landscape (Panel) 9 ay Arabs Resting (Canvas) | 88 _NEEFS, Picks, AND Frans FRANCKEN * es ; Interior of Antwerp Cathedral age 242 _ _NORMANN, A. | The Lake (Canvas) _ 210 OFFERMANS, Tony Going Home (Canvas) 176 ONDERDONK, Jurian The Close of a Summer Day (Canvas) 56 View from the Palisades (Canvas) . 77 The Edge of the Woods (Canvas) 255 - ORIZON es Gar ree VAN. < Browsers) ah Landscape _ oy os PAL, W. Boum A Humble Home (Panel) PARTON, Artuur, N.A. An Orchard in Springtime (Canvas) The Pond (Canvas) PATTEIN, César Harvest Days PERALTA, Francisco The Proposal (Panel) PERRET, Aime The Harvester (Canvas) The Town on the Riverside (Canvas) PERUGINO (Pierro VANNUCCI) Saint Catherine (Panel) PICKNELL, Wituam L., A.N.A. Landscape (Canvas) PILLE, F. Coup he Mistral, Estérel, Gate: (Cansas PIOT, EviENNE ADOLPHE Candlelight PODEUM, Antonio Portrait of a German Count (Canvas) PORTIELJE, Epwarp Reconciliation (Panel) POST, Wituram Merritt, A.N.A. Landscape (Canvas) POTTHAST, Epwarp Henry, N.A. Late Evening (Canvas) ad REMI on (Attributed to) tore Landscape (Pen and Ink Drawing) ee The Old Gateway (Pen and Ink Drawing) Landscape (Water Color, Crayon, Pen and Sepia) ee _- REMBRANDT SCHOOL Rak he oa — Christ i in the Temple (Panel) a ae "RIBERA, JOSEF DE = : . _---‘The Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew (Canvas) RIBERA, JosEF DE (Attributed to) oe The Crucifixion (Copper Panel) ~ RIBOT, Aveustin THtopuLe The Scrivener (Canvas) RICCI, Sesastiano . Savonarola (Canvas) 217 23 -RICHET, Leon Soleil Couchant (Canvas) RIX, Juan , Sunlight and Shadow (Millboard) RONTBOUTS, J. A Dutch Farmhouse (Panel) ROOSENBOOM, A. The Children’s Pastime (Panel) ROSA, Satvator (Attributed to) The Shock of Battle (Canvas) ROSSEAU, Percivan Landscape (Panel) RUBENS SCHOOL Fan Design (Water Color) SANCHEZ-PERRIER, Emitnio Landscape SANI, A. Entertaining Guests (Canvas) SCHENDEL, Perrus van Testing the Egg (Canvas) SCHULZ, Aprien The Fagot Gatherer (Canvas) Landscape (Canvas ) Evening Mists (Canvas) SEIFERT, ALFRED Portrait of a Young Lady (Panel) SHEPPARD, Warren Venice (Canvas) CATALOGUE 1 NUMBER ; SIGNORINI, Grvusepr1 17 His Favorite (Water Color) 49 ; In a Moorish Courtyard (Water Color) 283 } Orientals (Water Color) 802 : ; SIMONETTI, Arrizio i In the Sun (Water Color) 30 fi SMILLIE, Groncn Henny, N.A. [ Springtime (Canvas) 81 i Hill and Dale near Bronxville (Canvas) 283A SMILLIE, Jamzs D., N.A. > The White Mountain from Randolph Hill (Canvas) 15 | SMITH, Henry P. Marine (Canvas) 197 Old Oaks in Sunlight (Canvas) 297 b - STAMMEL, A. ° 7 In the Art Gallery 90 STARK, James Landscape (Canvas) 124 View of Norfolk (Canvas) 191 STARKENBORGH, (Baron) Tsarpa van Landscape (Canvas) 73 ST. LUCHE, Vincent A Hospitable Cellar (Water Color) 50 STEARNS, Junius B., N.A. Jack and Jill (Canvas) | 79 STORKENBORGH, J. N. F. van Lake of Derwent Water, Cumberland (Canvas) 211 : - SUSTERMANS, Justus : Portrait of a Young Gentleman (Canvas) 189 TERBURG, Gerarv (Attributed to) Portrait of a Dutch Burgomaster (Copper Panel) 1138 ‘THAULOW, Fritz Winter (Canvas) Riverside in Winter THOM, James CrawFrorpD Fishing (Water Color) Sheep Going to Water Feeding the Chickens (Water Color) View on South River TIFFANY, Louis Comrort, N.A. Sons of the Desert TOL, Dominicus vAN The Pledge (Panel) TOULMOUCHE, AveustTE Portrait of a Lady TROUILLEBERT, Pavut Désiré Landscape (Canvas) TURNER, Joseph Matiorp Wirziam, R.A. | The Straw Yard (Drawing in Sepia and Crayon) TYLER, James G. Before the Wind (Canvas) UNKNOWN ARTIST The Hut (Drawing) Candlelight (Canvas) VAN BOSKERCK, Rosert Warp, N.A. Landscape (Canvas) VAN ELTEN, Kruseman, N.A. Evening (Canvas ) VAN OSTADE | Dancing in the Barn (Panel) VELTEN, WiLHEe_m First Aid to the Injured (Panel) VERLAT, Cuartes Les Intimes (Panel) T, Cuartes Horace so teas Be ae. t the Sth <. | 303 ) & PTEAU, Jean ANnTOINE _ Venus and Mars (Copy of Rubens—Canvas) 153 In the § Studio (Canvas) 290 ay a __ WEISSENBRUCH, JoHANNEs HEnprik The Barn (Panel) 237 The Deserted Canal (Water Color) 248 | WEYL, Max é Landscape (Canvas) 31 The Woods at Paul Smith’s (Canvas) 84 Landscape (Canvas) 135 The Potomac Flats (Canvas) 198 A Woodland Pool (Canvas) 205 Sunset (Canvas) ; 260 Springtime (Canvas) 314 WHITTEMORE, Witsuiam J. Near the Lighthouse (Water Color) WIEGAND, GustavE Among the Hills (Canvas) WIGGINS, Carzieton, N.A. The Hillside (Canvas) Old Reliable (Canvas) Cattle in Pasture (Canvas) Down by the Sea (Canvas) WIGGINS, Guy C. Evening (Canvas) Autumn Landscape (Canvas) WILKIE, Sir Davin, R.A. The Festive Bowl (Water Color) WILLEMS, FLORENT The Book of Poems (Panel) WYANT, ieee Sey Hepwie, N.A. A September Day (Canvas) WYWIORSKY, M. G. A Winter Day (Panel) YATES, Cunien, A.N.A. The Breakers: Coast of Maine (Canvas, Board) ZIEM, Feux Venice In Italy (Panel) ZUBER-BUHLER, Frirz C. Natalie (Canvas) \ v mounted on Compo. | FOR INHERITANCE TAX : AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED A NOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY 5 - e et allt a” > or * * p > ‘ ‘ es 7 . ' ee Ee ae Oa a eS ES Sar es ae . RESEARCH INSTITUTE | 1\| ULNA fii etd atts on \ \