prac 23 A al 1921 Mar .29 NeAmL | ila. Ofer: 4 one — THE INTERESTING AND VALUABLE COLLECTION AMOS A. LAWRENCE OF No. 85 CHESTNUT STREET BOSTON, MASS. FIRST AFTERNOON'S SALE TUESDAY, MARCH 291, 1921 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his Judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in de- fault of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) aris- ing from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. “. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MANAGERS SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Collections of AMOS A. LAWRENCE Afternoons of Tuesday to Saturday (inclusive) March 29, 30 and 31, and April | and 2, 1921 To save time and to prevent mistakes each Purchaser will oblige the Managers by filling in this slip and handing it to the Record Clerk or Sales Attendant on making the first purchase. rye re eg a Fe eee ee ee ea anaemia i mamaanea tenet eee aa SRC CTR HESS SH SEC SCOSEBZGCCCHESCeEBSC OHS EC LE OF eo eg@eeenveeoere et € FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1921 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1 to 223, inclusive ENGLISH, ITALIAN, BOHEMIAN AND GERMAN MOLDED GLASS 1—Two Encusnu Montprep Guass Wine Giassts Eighteenth Century tp Molded white glass. Pear and conical shaped bowls, and ——— circular feet. Aa Heights, 51% and 4 inches. 2—Set or Eight German Moxpep Guass WINE GtassEs Nineteenth Century Green glass. Conical bowls, cylindrical and pear-shaped, ih ge stems and circular feet. 2 Height, 5 inches. CA) 8—Set or Nine Irauian Moxtpep Guass WINE GLassEs Nineteenth Century Green glass. Pear-shaped bowls molded with diapers of WA CZ : : 4 Mm, spirally twisted depressions. ie Ge ope Height, 5 inches. (e First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 4—Parr or Encrish Moipep Guiass GosLets <4 Early Nineteenth Century ga ay Molded white glass. Pear-shaped bowls, cylindrical stems, fe circular feet. Engraved with monograms surrounded by “The Italian Warehouse.” Height, 91% inches. 5—Parr or EncuisHh Mowpep Grass GosLets Early Nineteenth Century v4 es } Molded white glass. Pear-shaped bowls, cylindrical stems, ! circular feet. Engraved with monogram surrounded by / Ih iM “The Italian Warehouse.”’ t Height, 81 inches. 6—Set or Ten EncutsH Moipep Grass Wine GLassEs * fr? sao Nineteenth Century ft Olive-green glass. Conical bowls, cylindrical stems and cir- l | cular feet. Height, 5 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 7—Turee Encusn Moxipep Grass GosLets Eighteenth Century Molded white glass. Straight-sided bowls, cylindrical stems, circular feet. Height, 9 inches. 8—Set oF Six Bonemian Moupep Gtasses Nineteenth Century Molded green glass. Straight-sided bowls with molded facet- tings, cylindrical stems and circular feet. Height, 5 inches. 9—Srt or Four EncusH Mortpep Guass WINE GLASSES Nineteenth Century Molded amber-colored glass. Conical spreading bowls, cyl- indrical stems and circular feet. Height, 5 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 10—Srr. or Ten Moxpep Guass Fincrr Bowts Nineteenth Century Molded olive-green glass. Coupe-shaped bowls with straight sides. Height, 3 inches; width, 5 inches. 11—Parr or Frencu Moupep Guass PerrumMe Borr es Nineteenth Century [' ye Molded green glass. Incurved hexagonal bodies, molded i ie curved fluted sides. with ovals, hexagonal feet and pinnacle stoppers. Height, 5 inches. 12—Five Encuse Mox3pep Guass GosLEets Eighteenth Century Ut y Molded white glass. Straight sides, cylindrical stems and circular feet. Height, 51% inches. 13—Two Frencu Cur anp Moxipep Grass GoBLETs Early Nineteenth Century Molded white glass. Straight-sided bowls, engraved with bands of flowers and leaves, one cut with facets. Baluster- shaped stems and circular feet. Heights, 8 inches and 7 inches, 14—Ser or Six Bonemran Moxupep Grass FINGER Bow.1s Mid-Nineteenth Century Molded green glass. Coupe-shaped bowls with straight Height, 31 inches; width, 4 inches. 15—THree Exncusn Moxupep Spicr Borries Eighteenth Century 4 Molded green glass. Pear-shaped bodies, ball stoppers. | Decorated with labels with names in gold. Ns Height, 5 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 16—Earity German Mowpep Guass BEAKER Early Nineteenth Century Molded white glass. Barrel-shaped with molded flutings and looped handle. Engraved with branches of leaves, flowers and bird. Height, 41% inches. 17—Parr or Encrish Moipep Guass Perrume Fuasxs Mid-Nineteenth Century Molded amber-colored glass. Pear-shaped, with octagonal necks and pinnacle stoppers. Decorated with bands of ovals in relief. Height, 734 inches. 18—Bounemian Moupep Guass Vast Mid-Nineteenth Century Molded green glass. Conical bowl with molded facetted sides, cylindrical stem and circular foot. Height, 7%, inches. 19—Par or Bonemian Moupep Guass Borries Nmeteenth Century White, flashed with ruby glass. Straight-sided bodies, cyl- indrical necks and pear-shaped stoppers. Engraved with deer, trees and bands of scrollings. Height, 8 inches. 20—FrrencH MoupEep Grass VasE Nineteenth Century Purple glass. Pear-shaped body, cylindrical neck, and circular foot. Height, 8 inches. 21—Pair oF Encuish Moutpep Cast Borrizs Eighteenth Century Molded white glass. Rectangular shape with rounded shoulders, and ball-shaped stoppers. Decorated in gold, with scrolls and borders. Height, 9 inches. Vy, XH. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 22—Bristot Moipep Guass Decanter LKighteenth Century Molded milk-white glass. Pear-shaped body, Molded with v" bands of oval medallions enclosing diaperings, ringed neck, and fluted mushroom stopper. Decorations gilt. Height, 9 inches. 23—Pair oF Bonemian Moupep Grass Vases Nineteenth Century Os Ruby glass. Pear-shaped bodies, spreading rims and circu- th lar feet. Height, 10 inches. 24—Pairr oF Encextish Motpep Grass BottTies Early Nineteenth Century | Molded brown glass. Pear-shaped bodies with metal necks mI L and rims and corks with ring handles. Inscribed, in gold, ye with “Rum” and “Whisky.” Height, 11 inches. 25—Eneuish Monpep Guass CANDLESTICK Mid-Nineteenth Century 4 Ruby glass. Circular stem, vase-shaped candle-socket, sau- cer-shaped bobéche and circular foot. Height, 11 inches. EARLY AMERICAN MOLDED GLASS 26—Earty AmeEricAN Montprep Wuitr Guass TUMBLER Eighteenth Century | Molded white glass. Straight spreading sides. Used as a / “flip” glass. Height, 5% inches. 27—Pair oF Earty American Moxuprep Guass PircHers , Nineteenth Century ue Molded dark blue glass. Pear-shaped bodies, spreading ve necks and looped handles. Height, 31/4 inches. 28—Earty American Moupep Guiass Butter DisH anp STAND | Early Nineteenth Century Molded white glass. Dish molded with straight fluted sides , and scalloped and shaped edge; curved, fluted stem and pin- | te nacle cover. Height, 6 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 29—Parr oF Earty American Moupep Grass BraKers Early Nineteenth Century Molded blue glass. Tapering sides molded with flutings. Height, 5% inches. 30—Parr or Encuisn Amerrican Moxipep Grass Decanters Eighteenth Century Molded white glass. Pear-shaped bodies, ringed necks and ball stoppers. Molded with bands of diamond diapers and flutings. Height, 101% inches. $1l—Turee Earty American Moxupep Guass VasEs Early Nineteenth Century Molded dark blue glass. Conical sides, molded with dia- mond diaper and scalloped feet. Heights, 514 and 7 inches. ae. Latte First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 32—Par oF Earty American Moxupep Guass VAsEs o Early Nineteenth Century Molded dark blue glass. Pear-shaped bodies, straight cyl- indrical necks and circular feet. é Ave Height, 8 inches. 33—Earity American Morpep Grass GosLer 7 Early Nineteenth Century 4 Molded sea-blue glass. Coupe-shaped bowl, pear-shaped tv stem, circular foot. Height, 8 inches. 34—Patr or Earty American Moxupep Guass VAsEs Eighteenth Century J, Molded white glass. Bell-shaped bowls, molded with dia- ys mond diapers, knopped stems and circular feet. by Height, 9 inches. 35—Parr or Karty Amertcan Guass CANDLESTICKS - Early Nineteenth Century Up Molded dark blue glass. Hexagonal knopped stems, vase- | wails shaped candle-sockets and circular feet molded with raised ee ae flutings. Height, 7 inches. 36—Parr or Harty American MoxipEep Grass Decanters re Eighteenth Century [J Molded white glass. Pear-shaped bodies, ringed necks with We pear-shaped stoppers. Molded with diamond diapers. L Height, 121% inches. ; 37—Pair or Earty American Mouipep Guass Vases x | Eighteenth Century Molded white glass. Bell-shaped bowls, molded with roun- A- dels and flutings, hexagonal stems and circular feet. Height, 10 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 38—Parr oF Earty American Moupep Guass DEcAnTERS Eighteenth Century a Molded white glass. Pear- “shaped bodies molded with dia- / mond diapered roundels and spiral curves, spreading stop- ee pers and scalloped feet. Height, 13 inches. 39—Earzty AmERICAN MoxupEep Guass DECANTER Early Nineteenth Century Molded white glass. Pear-shaped body molded with fans 7 and diamonds. Bulbous neck molded with flutings, cup- ‘*7 shaped stopper with fluted sides. (Stopper cracked.) Height, 1414 inches. NEW JERSEY GLASS 40—New JeERsEY Guass Rowuiune PIn Early Nineteenth Century Molded dark blue glass. Cylindrical shaped, hollow, with 2 knobbed handles and one open end. Height, 14 inches. 41—New Jersey Guass Rowiune PIn | Early Nineteenth Century ; Molded green glass. Cylindrical-shaped, with knobbed ae handles. Length, 17 inches. 42—-_New Jersey Guass Routine Pin Early Nineteenth Century Molded green glass. Cylindrical, with knobbed handles. ‘ ™ Length, 14 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 43 New Jersey Grass Rorume Prix Early Nineteenth Century Dark blue molded glass. Cylindrical, with knobbed ends g and traces of decorations in colors. Hollow, with one open end. Length, 14 inches. 44—Bristot Grass Rotuxne Pix Early Nineteenth Century Molded white glass. Cylindrical shaped and_ hollow. Printed, in dark sepia and colors, with defaced medallions of ships and mariners’ arms and verse. Length, 30 inches. OLD WATERFORD GLASS 45—Patmr or Orp Waterrorp Cur-ciass Sarr CErnLars AND 4 STANDS Eighteenth Century ' Cut white glass. Coupe-shaped salt cellars with shaped yh rims, cut with curved flutings. Stands cut with leaves and 1 curved flutings. - Height, 3 inches; diameter, 4 inches. 46—Pair or Orp Warterrorp Cur-eiass Sats Eighteenth Century AB Cut white glass. Coupe-shaped. Cut with facettings and bands of diamond diapers. Wis Height, 2 inches. 47—Otp Warerrorp Cut-eiass Pircuer Eighteenth Century Cut white glass. Pear-shaped body, cut with lozenges and facets, looped handle and polygonal foot. Height, 4 inches, 48—WatERFoRD Cut-ciass CovereD Bown anp VaAsE Eighteenth Century 7: Cut white glass. Bell-shaped bowl, polygonal foot and ale domed cover. Cut with pointed leaves. Pear-shaped vase, cut with facets and lozenges. Heights, 5 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 49—Srtr or Ten Oxtp Warerrorp Cut-euass Branpy GLASSES Eighteenth Century Cut white glass. Barrel-shaped bodies, cut with bands of lozenges, flutings and facets. Height, 21% inches. 50—Oxip WarTterrForp Cut-cuass GOBLET Enghteenth Century Cut white glass. Straight-sided bowl, baluster-shaped stem and scalloped feet. Cut with facettings and toothings. Height, 7 inches. ~*~ a ae rsa a ama aca ar a 08 o * 51—Oxp Warerrorp Cur-cxass DisH Eighteenth Century Cut white glass. Circular shape with straight sides. Cut with bands of flutings and star. Diameter, 131 inches. From the Francis Scott Key Collection. 52—Oxip Warerrorp Cut-ciass DisH Eighteenth Century Cut white glass. Circular shape, with straight sides and shaped edge. Cut with stars, fans and pointed-leaf rosettes. Diameter, 10 inches Ned. o~ ef ate 22 First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 53—Sert oF Four Orv WarTerrorp Cur-cuass SaALt CELLARS o7, 2. Early Nineteenth Century ae Cut white glass. Oval spreading bodies, rectangular and oval feet. Cut with lozenges of diamond diapers. Height, 3 inches. (Illustrated) 54—Partr oF Opp Warterrorp Cut-ciass Dessert DisHEs Eighteenth Century 7 FF es of Oval-shaped, with straight sides and scalloped edges. Cut with bands of diamond diapers, facets and stars. Height, 334 inches; length, 6% inches; width, 514 inches. (Illustrated) 55—Oxtp Waterrorp Cur-ciass Bown Eighteenth Century Cut bluish-white glass. Coupe-shaped, cut with bands of Jb /, flutings, diamond diaperings and facets. H eight, 5 inches; diameter, 914 inches. (Illustrated) Warterrorp Cur GLass (Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries) First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 56—Parr or Orp Warterrorp Curt-cLass DECANTERS Eighteenth Century 4 /) Cut white glass. Pear-shaped bodies, cylindrical necks and disk-shaped stoppers. Cut with bands of spiral and straight y flutings and lozenges. Height, 12 inches. FRENCH AND ENGLISH CUT GLASS 57—SeEtT oF Twetve Encusyu Curt-cuass TUMBLERS Early Nineteenth Century ep id iy) iy Cut white glass. Straight sides cut with bands of flutings, Ut lozenge-shaped medallions of diamond diapers, and facet- tings. Height, 4 inches. 58—Ser or Twetve Encusn Cut-crass Fincer Bowts fh Eighteenth Century 7: y Straight sides with double lips. Cut with facets, the bot- hi toms with radiating grooves. Diameter, 4 inches. A First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 59—Eneuisuo Cut-cuass Bown Cut white glass. Coupe-shaped bowl, cut with checkered grooves enclosing roundels. Hexagonal baluster-shaped stem and circular foot. Height, % inches. 60—Pair or EncoiisH Cut-crass Disues Nineteenth Century Cut white glass. Circular shape, with curved sides cut with diamond diaper and fans. Bottoms cut with pointed-leaf ~ star and scalloped edges. Diameter, 51, inches. 61—EwneuisH Cut-ciass Bown Nineteenth Century Cut white glass. Coupe-shaped bowl with scalloped edges, cut with interlaced pointed leaves, hexagonal medallions and diamond diapers. Diameter, 9 inches. 62—EncusH Cut-ciass Disu Nineteenth Century Cut white glass. Circular shaped, with curved foot. Cut with a band of lozenges and facets, and with a pointed- leaf star. Diameter, 81% inches. 63—Parr or EnewuisH Cut-cxrass Torretr Borr ies Mid-Nineteenth Century Cut white glass. Cushion-shaped body, with facetted ball- shaped stopper. Cut with diamond diapers. Height, 51% inches. 64—Paixr or Encutsu Cur-cuass BotrrLes aND STOPPERS Nineteenth Century Cut white glass. Pear-shaped with shaped stoppers. Cut with diamond diapers and facettings. Height, 9 inches. 65—Set or Four Frencu Cut-cxiass Torret Botrries Eighteenth Century Cut white glass. Rectangular-shaped cut with diamonds and flutings. Ball-shaped stoppers. Height, 8 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th o 66—Fovur Eneiish Cur anp Encravep Guass Wine Grasses , Early Nineteenth Century oer Cut and molded white glass. Conical bowls, engraved with scrolls, facetted and pear-shaped stems and circular feet. Heights, 51%, 414 and 4 inches. (Illustrated) 67—GerMan Cur anp ENGRAVED WINE Guass Early Nineteenth Century Thistle-shaped bowl. Intaglio-engraved with scrolls and fes- reg toons and cut with facets. Rectangular pear-shaped stem, cut with facets. . Height, 6 inches (Illustrated) 68—Auvstrian Cur anp Encravep Grass Gosier : Eighteenth Century Lb. Cut white glass. Conical bowl, intaglio-engraved with coat- of-arms supported by lion, mantled with drapery and sur- mounted by cross. Height, 9 inches. (Illustrated) 69—Ausrrian Cur anp Encraven Guass Goset Early Nineteenth Century me Cut white glass. Conical bowl, intaglio-engraved with oval of M ? medallions containing portrait of Charles Louis, Archduke of Austria (1771-1847), and double-headed eagle. Height, 10 inches. (Illustrated ) (saunquay yyuaajaurny Kyung pup yzuaoqybrry ) SLATHOX) SSVIX) GHAVYONY GNV LO) NVI¥Lsoy GNV NVWUd*) 69 First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 70—Pair or Encuisn Cut-cuass DECANTERS AND Five WINE 20f% GLASSES Eighteenth Century ev wa Cut white glass. Straight sides cut with bands of diamond Y diaper and ringed necks. Mushroom stoppers. Glasses with straight sides, knopped stems and circular feet. Decanters: Height, 11 inches. Glasses: Height, 41% inches. (Illustrated) 71—Pair or Encuisu Cur-criass Bowus wirn Covers nf a 7. Eighteenth Century ty Cut white glass. Coupe-shaped bowls with shaped edges, t cut with hexagons, knopped stems, scalloped feet and domed covers. Height, 8 inches. 72—Parr oF Encusn Cur-crass CANDLESTICKS ps oa Eighteenth Century ook Cut white glass. Baluster-shaped _ stems, vase-shaped candle-sockets and hexagonal scalloped feet. Height, 9 inches. 73—EncusH Cur-ciass Prrcner Eighteenth Century Pe Cut white glass. Pear-shaped body, curved spout and he looped handle. Cut with grooves, bands of roundels and in- terlacing shuttle shapes enclosing diamond diapers. Height, 8 inches. 74—Frencu Cur-ciass Cetery Hoiper Mid-Nineteenth Century a y Cut white glass. Conical bowl with scalloped edge, cut with = horizontal bands of diamonds and vertical bands of leaves. Rectangular foot. Height, 9 inches. 75—EncuisH Cur-ciass Cetery Honper 3 Early Nineteenth Century Cut white glass. Barrel-shaped bowl with scalloped edge, Bg, J, cut with facets and vertical bands of diaper. Pear-shaped stem and scalloped foot. Height, 11 inches. (hunguay yyuaaybr77 ) SASSVIQ) ANIAA GNV SUFLNVOG SSVIN-LAD HSITIONY JO UIVG—OL “ON First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 76—EncuisH Cut-ciass Bown Early Nineteenth Century Cut white glass. Coupe-shaped bowl, with toothed edge, ey x Sf? knopped stem and circular foot. Cut with ovals, diamond diapers, lozenges and facettings. Height, 12 inches. 77—Parr or EncuisH Cut-erass Compétes anp Covers Nineteenth Century LL, Cut white glass. Pear-shaped bowls, with shaped spreading OT mea aes stems, hexagonal feet and domed faceted Height, 12 inches. 78—Par or Encuisu Cut-cuass Compéres anp Covers Go. Cut white glass. Barrel-shaped bowls cut with flutings, and shaped edges. Baluster-shaped stems and octagonal feet. Domed covers cut with ovals. Lz Height, 14 inches. 79—Enecuisu Cut-ciass Disu Early Nineteenth Century iy Cut white glass. Oval, with straight sides. Cut with ovals, ve vertical grooves and pointed-leaf star. Length, 10 inches; width, 7 inches. 80—Otp Frencu Guass VasE Early Eighteenth Century Molded white glass. Conical bowl engraved with band of J? oe leaves, knopped stem and circular foot. r Height, 121%, inches. 81—Frencu Cut-ciass Crock Early Nineteenth Century Cut white glass. Pear-shaped body cut with a large dia- jb mond diaper, knopped stem, circular foot, pear-shaped finial and circular brass dial face. Height, 10 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 82—Sretr or Twetve Bouemian Cut-ciass WINE GLASSES | Mid-Nineteenth Century White, flashed with green glass. Straight-sided bowls, cut with ovals and engraved with bands of vine leaves and grapes. Height, 5 inches. 83—Eicur Frencu Grass Fincer-sowits Eighteenth Century Milk-white glass. Coupe-shaped bowls with straight sides and gilt edges. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 4 inches. 84—Cur-ciass LiquEuR SET Nineteenth Century White, flashed with ruby glass. Jug with pear-shaped body cut with ovals, looped handle and_ ball-shaped stopper. Beaker-shaped glasses with sides cut with ovals. Set con- sists of jug and six glasses. Jug: Height, 6 inches. Glasses: Height, 2 inches. 85—Pam or Bonemtan Cut-ciass BorrLes Nineteenth Century White, flashed with ruby glass. Conical bodies, and pear- shaped stoppers. Cut with facettings and engraved with bands of vine leaves and grapes. Height, 7 inches. 86—Parr or Bonemian Cut-ciass Borries Nineteenth Century White, flashed with ruby glass. Straight sides and pear- shaped stoppers. Engraved with running deer and trees. Height, 6 inches. 87—Prnnsytvania Dutcu Guass BEAKER Early Nineteenth Century Molded white glass. Straight sides with band of flutings and lapped handles, painted with octagonal medallion, in- scribed “Remember Me” in gold, and surrounded by flowers and leaves in gold and colors. Height, 4 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 88—Ser or Eveven Encuisn Cut-crass Fincer-Bow1s 70 Mid-Nineteenth Century J Vi * Cut white, flashed with ruby glass. Coupe-shaped. Cut Ut with diamond diapers and fans. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 5 inches. 89—Five Bonemian Cut-ciass Perrume Borries Early Nineteenth Century 4 Four cut amber-colored and one of ruby glass. Pear-shaped ee and octagonal bodies, with pear, ball and hexagonal-shaped stoppers. ‘T'wo engraved with floral sprays and trophies; one rectangular-shaped with metal hinged top. Heights, 6, 7 and 334 inches. 90—Eneutsn Cur-crass Barren Early Nineteenth Century / Ruby glass. Barrel-shaped. Decorated with molded rings b. and bands of cut diamond diapers. Height, 5 inches; length, 6 inches. 91—Two Natitsea Grass Botries Enghteenth Century if Milk-white and colored glass. Flat, oval and straight-sided ye bodies, one with dragged loops of blue and red glass, one Lee with dragged loops of rose-colored glass. 3 Height, 7 inches. 92—Pair or Bouemian Guass Borrtes Nineteenth Century fe White, flashed with ruby glass. Pear-shaped bodies, ringed necks and pointed stoppers. Decorated with engraved eee bands of scrolled leaves and flowers, outlined in gold and with gold lines. Height, 9 inches. 93—Two Bonemian Curt-ciass Compéres anp ELeven WINE GLASSES Nineteenth Century i Ae White, flashed with ruby glass. Compdtes with shallow eee bowls, knopped stems and circular feet. Roemer-shaped glasses. Engraved with bands of vine leaves and grapes. Compétes: Height, 7 inches. Glasses: Height, 5 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 94—Two EncuisH Cut-ciass DecANTERS AND TWELVE GLASSES a7 Eighteenth Century Cut green glass. Decanters with straight fluted sides, ringed wis necks and pear-shaped stoppers. Wine glasses with conical bowls, pear-shaped stems and circular feet. Decanters: Height, 13 inches. Glasses: Height, 5 inches. 95—Bonemian Cut-ciass BotrrLe Mid-Nineteenth Century White, flashed with ruby glass. Pinnacle-shaped with cir- cular foot and pointed stopper, cut with roundels, facets and grooves. Height, 10 inches. 96—Pair oF Bonemian Guass Botries Nineteenth Century White, flashed with ruby glass. Pear-shaped bodies, ringed wy necks and pointed stoppers, decorated with engraved ‘ scrolled leaves and flowers, outlined in gold and with gold Lotte lines. Height, 9 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 97—Parr oF BonEemian Curt-cuass VAsEs Mid-Nineteenth Century fe Vie White, flashed with ruby glass. Pear-shaped bodies, facet- Ie ted necks and scalloped feet. Engraved with bands of vine leaves and grapes. Height, 12 inches. 98—FrencH Guass VasE Early Nineteenth Century Pear-shaped, decorated with gilt and colored “Découpages” y, ). of Chinese figures, flowers and birds, with a painted ground of light green. Height, 12 inches. 99—Pair or Frencu Guass Vases Eighteenth Century Be Pear-shaped, decorated with gilt and colored “Découpages” ee of Chinese flowers, birds and insects and dragons, and with wee painted white grounds. Height, 111% inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 100—Pair or Bonemian Grass DecaNnTERS Early Nineteenth Century White, flashed with ruby glass. Pear-shaped facetted bodies, with rectangular stoppers. Engraved with a band of vine leaves and grapes. Height, 14 inches. 101—Bouemian Cut-ciass ComMpoTE AND COVER Mid-Nineteenth Century Cut ruby glass. Coupe-shaped, polygonal bowl with shaped edge, baluster-shaped stem, circular foot and domed cover. Decorated, in gold, with bands of scrolling and panels of hexalobed figures. Height, 10 inches. ss NS First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 102—Bouemian Grass Dovusie Vase Nineteenth Century ae White and ruby glass. Twin pear-shaped bodies with cylin- ie drical necks and circular foot. Height, 11 inches. 103—Bouemian Cut-crass Compére Mid-Nineteenth Century Cut ruby glass. T'azza-shaped bowl with shaped edge, on y, oh polygonal pedestal with facetted sides; polygonal foot, dec- orated with band of scrolled leaves in gold and gold lines. Height, 10 inches; diameter, 12 inches. 104—Pair or Bonemian Guass DECANTERS 2 Mid-Nineteenth Century / : White, flashed with ruby glass. Pear-shaped bodies and Latte pinnacle stoppers. Engraved with spiral band of vine leaves and grapes. Height, 15 inches. 105—Bouemian Cut-ciass VAsE Eighteenth Century y - Ruby glass. Pear-shaped body cut with facettings; circu- Vd lar foot. Height, 12 inches. 106—Bouemian Cur-ciass Stanpinc Cup anv Cover Nineteenth Century Conical body, pear-shaped stem, circular foot and domed Ae cover. Decorated, in gold, with festoons of drapery and g per) ii beads, bands of ovals bordered by zigzags and stars and Y zigzag lines. Height, 16 inches. 107—Set or Bouemian Cut-ciass CentERPIECE, CoMPOTES AND PLATES Mid-Nineteenth Century _ . Cut ruby glass. Centerpiece in three tiers with two flat Moe bowls, vase-shaped finial, baluster stem and circular foot. Compotes with shallow bowls, baluster-shaped stems and Wes circular feet. Plates with shaped edges. Decorated with borders of scrollings in gold and panels of hexalobed figures. Set consists of one centerpiece, two compdtes and eight plates. is (Illustrated) Cc“ No. 107—Set or Bouemian Cut-Guass CENTERPIECE, ComMpoTEes AND PLATES First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th CHINESE GLASS 108—Cuinest Montpep Guass Cup anp STanp Cl’ien-lung Period ‘ay Molded blue glass. Cup without handles, quatrefoil-shaped stand. Interiors polished. —_ Height, 2 inches; length, 5 inches. 109—Cuines— Morpep Grass Disu Ch’ien-lung Period Molded ruby glass. Circular shape, with curved sides. In- o terior polished. Diameter, 7 inche: 110—Curnest Mouipep Grass Vase Ch’ien-lung Period : Blue molded glass. Octagonal pear-shaped body and oc- yd : tagonal foot. Molded of two layers of glass. Square mark, engraved. Height, 6 inches. 111—Cutnesz Moitpep Guass Vase Cl’ien-lung Period oe Molded blue glass. Pear-shaped body, cylindrical stem and ; circular foot. Height, 7 inches. 112—Cuinesre Morven Guass VasE Ch’ien-lung Period SO Molded brownish-yellow glass. Bottle-shaped, with straight ys sides and cylindrical neck. Molded of two layers of glass. Height, 8 inches. 113—Cuines—E Mowtpep Guass Bown CWien-lung Period = Molded blue glass. Coupe-shaped, with spreading rim. In- he terior polished. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 7 inches. ENGLISH, FRENCH AND OTHER SILVER WARE 114—Geroreian Sitver SKEWER Early Nineteenth Century Pointed blade, with ring handle. London Hall Mark and Lh date letter for year 1817. Length, 8 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 115—GerorGIAN SILVER SKEWER Early Nineteenth Century Pointed blade, with ring handle. London Hall Mark and date letter for 1817. . Length, 12 inches. 116—Frencu Sitver WINE TASTER Early Nineteenth Century Circular bowl, with looped ring handle and circular thumb piece. Paris touch for 1809. Diameter, 21 inches. 117—Frencu Sinver Wixe Taster Early Nineteenth Century Circular rimless bowl, with molded scrolled looped handle. Engraved on under side, “E. Beautier 4 Hautviller.” Maker’s mark “P. I.” and Paris touch for 1809. Diameter, 2°4 inches. 118—Frencu Sinver Wixe Taster Early Nineteenth Century Circular rimless bowl, with molded and scrolled looped handle. Paris touch for 1819. Diameter, 3 inches. 119-—Frencu Sinver Wine Taster Early Nineteenth Century Circular rimless bowl, with molded looped handle. Engraved on under side, “Jean Lebeuf.” Paris touch for 1819. Diameter, 3 inches. 120—Ser or Ercur Frencn Sitver Cappy Spoons Eighteenth Century Fiddle-shaped bowls, with reeded “Old English” handles. Paris touch for year 1736. Length, 4 inches. 121—Parr or GEorciAN Sitver BuTrer KNIVES Early Nineteenth Century Reeded blades and stems, with fiddle-shaped shell-decorated handles. Maker’s mark “J. & W. M.” and Edinburgh Hall Mark for early nineteenth century. Length, 7, inches. AEé: JS OFA i aca, ee he Me, et) First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 122—Serr or Twetve Encusu Sriirver-piarep Dessert Knives Yl) AND Forks Nineteenth Century Knives with straight silver-plated blades, forks with four pie tines. Handles embossed with scrolls, honeysuckles and shells. In box with tray. 123—Pair or Encrish Grorcian Sitver PEpper CasTERS Early Nineteenth Century LA, y Cylindrical shape, with sides pierced in a pattern of rosettes Ltt- and vertical flutings, flat pierced tops with pointed finials. Birmingham Hall Mark with date letter for 1817. Height, 2 inches. 124—Swepisu Sitver Precrorart Cross Eighteenth Century Spreading armed cross, repoussé with figure of the Cruci- Reg fixion surrounded by borders of beads and roundels and 3 with cherub above and ball finial. Set with nine twisted rings for disks. Maker’s mark, “Molier,” and Swedish mark of eighteenth century. Height, 4 inches. 125—Parr or Austrian Parcet Gitt Siiver BuckLes Eighteenth Century yy, Palmette-shaped, with scrolled borders and centers with scrollings and women’s heads. Clasps shaped as crowned double-headed eagles. Length, 11 inches. 126—Swepisu Sinver Precrorat Cross Eighteenth Century Cross with spreading arms, repoussé with figure of Cruci- ; SO fixion, set with paste jewels, surmounted by Cherub, with co" a ringed ball finial. Set with eleven rings supporting beaded disks. Maker’s mark, “P. M. W.,” and Swedish mark for eighteenth century. Height, 6 inches. 127—Sovurn American Sitver Portaste Communion SERVICE Kighteenth Century Coupe-shaped Host receptacle, with hinged lid and cross Ve. finial. Flagon with straight sides, hinged lid, pointed spout - and incised looped handle. Baluster-shaped oil flask with Ut cross finial. Entire service of solid silver. Heights, 234, 3 and 4% inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 128—Parr or Dutcu Sitver VAsEs Eighteenth Century Circular shape, with ringed side, pierced in an arcaded pat- tern, beaded rims and pierced ear-handles. Blue glass liners. Marks, Dutch of the eighteenth century. Height, 21 inches. 129—Ewncuisu SinveR-PLATED POWDER Box Eighteenth Century Globular shape, with hinged lid and circular molded foot. Brass, silver plated. Height, 31/2 inches. 130—Pair or FrENcH CuT-GLAss AND Sinver Saut CELLARS Eighteenth Century Octagonal molded bowls cut with facets. Silver rims and hinged shell lids of silver with shell decoration. Height, 1% inches; length, 3 inches; width, 2% inches. 131—Frencu Sitver BEAKER Eighteenth Century Straight sides, outspreading rim and circular molded foot. Maker’s mark, “A. C.,” and Paris touch for 1797. Height, 31%, inches. 1382—Norwecian Sitver Breaker Eighteenth Century Straight sides. Decorated with band of machine engrav- ing. Mark, Bergen touch. Height, 21% inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 133—FReENcH SItver BEAKER Early Nineteenth Century x Straight sides, molded rim and circular molded and gad- : rooned foot. Paris touch for 1809. Height, 41/, inches. 134—FrencuH SItver BEAKER Early Nineteenth Century Straight sides, with spreading rim and circular molded foot decorated with pointed leaves. Sides decorated with scrolled as flowers and leaves and circular wreaths of roundels enclos- ing quatrefoils. Maker’s mark, “S. S. R.,” and Paris touch for year 1819. Height, 41, inches. 135—AUSTRIAN SILVER BEAKER Seventeenth Century Straight sides, with reeded rim. Bottom inlaid with Aus- 7, trian coin of the seventeenth century. Maker’s mark, Beh oh: Height, 3 inches. 1386—FrencuH Sitver BEAKER Early Nineteenth Century Straight sides, with molded rim and circular molded gad- yack rooned foot. Incised “M,” Paris touch for 1819. Height, 5 inches. 1387—Dotcu Cut-cLass anp SinverR PerFuME FLAsk Eighteenth Century Cut white glass. Pear-shaped body, cut with diamond Md diaper, silver top with pear-shaped hinged lid repoussé with diamond diaper and fluted circular foot. Height, 414 inches. 138—Pair oF EneuisH Cut-Guass AND SinveER BorriEs wy Early Nineteenth Century (oe Cut white glass. Rectangular shape, cut with diamond diaper and vertical flutings. Cylindrical screw tops of silver. Height, 5 inches. 139—OLpD SHEFFIELD PLATED ‘T’anKaRD Eighteenth Century Straight tapering sides, with molded ring and molded foot, = looped handle, domed hinged cover and pierced scrolled ye 7. thumb-piece. Height, 5 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 140—Dutcu Curt-cuass AND Sitver ENGRAVED SuGar SIFTER AND VINEGAR CRUET Eighteenth Century Cut white glass. Pear-shaped bodies, stepped circular feet. Cut with curved gadroons and facets. Sugar sifter with sil- ver top. Vinegar cruet with facetted stopper. Height, 8 inches 141—Ser or Four Oup SuHerrietp Puatep CANDLESTICKS Adam Period of the Eighteenth Century Columnar stems repoussés with festoons of drapery, beaded circular bobéches, and rectangular beaded feet repoussés with festoons of drapery and goats’ heads. Rims of feet in solid silver. Height. 7% inches. HidGEAN ENON Ny 142—Pair or Op SHEFFIELD PLatep Wine Coo.Lers Eighteenth Century Cylindrical shape, with cylindrical liners, molded rims and feet, octagonal tapering handles, with swinging rings, and removable covers with pierced gallery rims. Height 6 inches; diameter, 61, inches. 143—SpanisH SiLtver CANDLESTICK Eighteenth Century Knopped baluster-shaped stem with molded quatrefoil cap- ital, circular base, molded quatrefoil foot and ringed vase- shaped candle-socket with plain bobéche. Maker’s mark, “R. P. B.,” and Spanish touch. Height, 7 inches. V7, eT eh Cpe ed First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 144—Parr oF PortucuEsE SitvER CANDLESTICKS . fo Eighteenth Century we if Cast and chased. Tapering fluted stems, with rectangular rosetted capitals and leaf-decorated bases, fluted vase- eee shaped candle-sockets, reeded bobéches and fluted rectan- gular feet. Height, 8 inches. 145—Pair oF SHEFFIELD PLatEeD ExTENsIon CANDLESTICKS fo Mid-Nineteenth Century ys v7, Columnar stems, with spreading extending candle-sockets and molded circular feet. Height, 814 inches. 146—Pair oF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATED CANDLESTICKS | | Eighteenth Century / ay J? Fluted and astragalled columnar stems with molded capitals - wee and bases, beaded circular bobéches and rectangular beaded feet. Height, 814 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 147—Parr or Ovp SHEFFIELD PLATED CANDLESTICKS on Eighteenth Century “eo, Fluted columnar shafts with reeded capitals, molded bases “eee and circular reeded bobéches. Rectangular fluted feet. Height, 914 inches. 148—Pair or OLp SHEFFIELD PLatep WINE CooLeErs es Eighteenth Century Similar to the above. (One cylindrical lining missing.) 149—Set or Four Grorcian SitverR CANDLESTICKS Early Nineteenth Century Tapering stems with gadrooned capitals and feet and vase- 55” shaped candle-sockets with gadrooned bobéches. Maker’s : mark, “I. R. & Co.” (John Roberts & Co.) Sheffield Hall Mark and date letter for 1811. Height, 12 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 150—Parr or Frencu SILver-PLATED CANDLESTICKS Eighteenth Century Hexagonal knopped stems, decorated with shells and scrolls, wo molded polygonal feet and vase-shaped branch sockets. ase Curved square branches ending in candle sockets with A polygonal bobéches and vase-shaped finials. Brass, plated, at later date. Height, 15 inches. 151—Patr oF Oup SHEFFIELD PLatepD CANDELABRA = 3 Eighteenth Century Yo, Baluster-shaped knopped and leaf-decorated stems, vase- Wek shaped branch sockets, gadrooned feet, twisted branches ending in vase-shaped candle-sockets, gadrooned bobéches. Height, 161% inches. 152—Set or Four Grorcian SItverR CANDELABRA AND CANDLE- We STICKS Early Nineteenth Century a Tapering fluted knopped stems, with molded, leaf-decorated circular feet, raised fluted, vase-shaped candle sockets and saucer-shaped bobéches. Candelabra with twisted curved arms of Sheffield plate. Set consists of two candelabra and two candlesticks. London Hall Mark and date letter for 1807. Heights, 17 and 111% inches. (Illustrated) 153—Pair or Ovp SHEFFIELD PLatTED CANDELABRA Eighteenth Century aA 0, Baluster-shaped stems with gadrooned capitals and bases, vase-shaped branch sockets and gadrooned feet. Looped Catle and curved branches, with candle-sockets and reeded bo- béches, the centers with pinnacle covers. Height, 18 inches. 154—SILVER-PLATED Tray Circular shape, with fluted rim and edge with band of Ke y) scrollings and leaves. Center engraved with radiating medallions of scrolls. On three scrolled feet. Diameter, 27 inches. No. 152—Sert or Four GeorGian SILVER CANDELABRA AND CANDLESTICKS (Early Nineteenth Century) First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS 155—Iratian Boox Brinvine Seventeenth Century Rectangular shape, crimson velvet, mounted with silve1 AE hearts and cross arrows and rococo scrolled clasps. Fitted as a blotter. Length, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. 156—Enecuiso Paintep Coacu Paner Early Nineteenth Century Rectangular shape. Painted, in colors and gold on a yel- low ground, with scrolled shield charged with a coat-of-arms supported by lhons and surmounted by a ducal coronet, a rose and a portcullis, with motto, “Ne Vile Velis.” Length, 2014 inches; height, 16 inches. 157—-Pair or Japanese Lacauer Stranps Nineteenth Century a Rectangular-shaped, with square latticed tops and bases fitted with drawers. Lacquered, in raised gold on black wetle grounds, with floral scrolls. Looped handles and mounts of engraved metal. Height, 5 inches. 158—Parr or CuinesE Enamet DisHes wirn Carvep TEraxwoop y STANDS Ch’ien-lung Period Sou) Enameled, in colors, on white grounds, with figures of war- riors and mandarins surrounded by key borders in blue. Diameter, 6 inches. 159—CurneEsE LacauEer Box Eighteenth Century ~> Octagonal shape, with hinged lid. Inlaid with mother-of- pe. pearl and painted with flowers and leaves. Interior lined with marbled paper. Iron looped carrying handles. Length, 141% inches; height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches. 160—Detu1 LacauvErR Box Eighteenth Century Cylindrical-shaped in two portions. Decorated, in green La and black, on a red lacquer ground with broad and narrow / Uy, bands of scrolls, and a circular medallion. Height, 8 inches; width, 9 inches. oie J hug Pedal ay ape First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 161—Curnesz Laceurr Box Octagonal-shaped, with domed lid. Interior fitted with seven boxes with removable lids and two trays with sloping edges. Lacquered, in gold on a black ground, with Chinese figures and pavilions. Length, 15 inches; height, 5 inches; width, 12 inches. 162—EneutsH Papier-MacHt Tray | Nineteenth Century Quatrefoil shape, with curved rim and shaped edge. Deco- rated with a scrolled panel painted in oil colors with an English landscape, river and bridge, and with scrolls and pendants. Length, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. 163—Ewncusu Parrer-mMacut Tray Nineteenth Century Quatrefoil shape, with curved rim and shaped edge. Painted, on a background of gold and inlaid with mother-of-pearl, with an Oriental pavilion, trees, rocks and bridges, sur rounded by a border of gold medallions and scrolls. Length, 32 inches; width, 24 inches. 164—Earty American Paprer-mMacHe Tray Nineteenth Century Quatrefoil shape, with curved rim and shaped edge. Painted, on a black ground in gold and colors, with a Chinese scene and pavilion, and a border of scrolls and pendants. Length, 31 inches; width, 24 inches. 165—EneuisH Papier-MacHt Tray Nineteenth Century Quatrefoil shape, with curved rim and scalloped edge. In- laid with mother-of-pearl and painted, on a black ground in gold, with bouquets of flowers, and a border of vine leaves and grapes. Length, 82 inches; width, 24 inches, 166—Eneusu Tin Tray Nimeteenth Century Quatrefoil shape, with curved rim and shaped edge. Painted, in colors, with flowers, long tail birds, scrolls and flora] sprays. Length, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. ip hae Plies, mal Fee 52D ee ae fa, First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th ™ 167—Turee. Encusu Trin Trays Nineteenth Century ) Rectangular shape, with rounded angles and curved rims. 4 Wp 7 Decorated, in gold and colors on a black ground, with bou- Lr quets of flowers, floral sprays and insects, in the Chinese manner. Lengths, 12, 14. and 16 inches; widths, 12, 10 and 91% inches. 168—EncusH Liqueur Ser — Eighteenth Century e Rectangular mahogany box with hinged lid. Interior ar- Ad. ranged in compartments containing twelve large and twelve small, Case bottles with rectangular bodies, curved shoulders Lr decorated with scrolls and fans and stars in gold, and ball- shaped stoppers with gilt tops. Length of bow, 23 inches; height, i inches ; width, 10 inches. 169—Frencu Travetinc CHEST Eighteenth Century Rectangular mahogany box with hinged and mirrored lid. Fitted with silver chocolate pot and beaker, metal lamp and I /l: sifter, with porcelain cups and saucers, jars, and chocolate pot, invested with a white glaze and painted in gold and colors with floral sprays and borders, with cut-glass silver- topped bottles, and with olive-wood spool and other cases. Silver with the Paris touch of the eighteenth century. Por- celain with mark of crossed flambeaux, painted in blue. Accompanied by manuscript list of pieces, ete. Length, 16 inches; height, 1 inches; width, 18 inches. Note: The silver fittings of this traveling chest are of exceptional heaviness. The porcelain was made by Jean Baptiste Locré, who estab- lished his factory in 1773. 170—Cuinese Woop E1cut-Foitp Taste ScrEEN Nineteenth Century Rectangular folds, each with four panels. ‘Three plain pan- Jb els with paintings, on cloth, of Chinese figures and floral scrolls; one panel of wood carved with scrolls. Height, 21 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 171—CnuineEsrt Woop Eicut-roitp Taste Screen Nineteenth Century Rectangular folds, each with four panels. The upper three with paintings, on cloth, of Chinese figures and vases of fruits. The lower ones with inscriptions in Chinese charac- ters. Height, 86 inches. 172—Ser or Twetve Japanese KakEmMonos Early Eighteenth Century Painted, in water colors on silk, in low tones with Japanese landscapes, mountains, rivers, boats, trees, pavilions, ete. Height, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet. 173—EnecusH Merar Birp-cace Middle Nineteenth Century Cylindrical body of wires with shaped and pierced cornice, domed top of wires, turned wooden spindles, pierced metal doors, and leaf-shaped base. Painted, on a red ground, with scrolls and floral sprays. Height, 22 inches; diameter, 10 inches. 173a—Set or Four Encruish Marsie Door Srors Nineteenth Century White marble, molded as figures of tortoises. Length, 10 inches; width, 7 inches. 174—Pair or Maree Bases | Lows XIV Period of the Seventeenth Century White marble rectangular shape with truncated corners. Decorated front and rear with carved Medusa heads. Height, 6 inches. BRONZE PEWTER AND BRASSES 175—F.uemisH Bronze Cup Seventeenth Century Straight sides and flat rim, cylindrical, knopped stem and circular foot. Height, 8 inches. 176—EncusH Leap Ficure Standing figure of a nude Putto with scarf thrown over shoulder holding flowers in hands. Oval rocky base. JD na Sen S57 Height, 2 inelesy Zo 7 First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th | 3 177—Parr oF Encuiso Spar Vases Eighteenth Century Y 7 Urn-shaped, with circular feet and rectangular bases. Of La brown veined Derbyshire spar. Height, 6 inches. 178—Frencu Parintep Trin CanpuEsticks AND Urns Eighteenth Century Candlesticks with columnar stems and Corinthian capitals. A af Vase-shaped urns with domed tops and swinging ringed handles. Both painted, in colors on yellow grounds, with Ae floral bands and circular medallions with portraits en camaieu, and, in gold on black grounds, with bands of leaves. Set consists of two vases and four candlesticks. Sticks: Height, 91% inches. Vases: Height, 12 inches. (Illustrated) 179—Parr oF Frencu Paintep Tin JARDINIERES Early Nineteenth Century Tie Rectangular tops with curved sides and rectangular marbled bases. Painted, in oil colors, with landscapes and Sok figures of women in nineteenth century costumes. Height, 9 inches. 180—Pair or Frencuw Patntep Tin JARDINIERES fo Early Nineteenth Century Ye Oval-shaped, with machicolated rims. Painted, in gold on red grounds, with bands of pointed-leaf meander. / Length, 11 inches; height, 4 inches; width, 8 inches. 181—Pair oF EnciisH JAPANNED TINNED TEA CANISTERS Early Nineteenth Century ee Octagonal straight sides with molded shoulders and domed. 7, vf covers. Lacquered, in gold and colors, on a black ground, Wa with scrolled panels of Chinoiseries and bands of floral and key pattern. Mark: “H. Sutcliffe, Manchester, England.” Height, 23 inchee. No. 178—Frencu Paintep Tin CANDLESTICKS AND URNS (Eighteenth Century) First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 182—SerT or Eveven Frencuo ano EncusH Pewrer Prats ep Flat and curved rims and plain and molded edges, one hs pierced. Marks, Makers’ marks, X quality mark and cae pseudo-silver Hall marks. Diameter, 9 inches. 183—Set or THREE EncruisH Pewrer PLates oe Eighteenth Century 7, Flat and curved rims, with molded and plain edges. Marks, pee X quality mark, maker’s mark, and **Made in London.” Diameter, 161/, inches. 184—Two EneuisH Pewrer Puates Eighteenth Century of Circular flat rims and plain edges. Marks, X quality mark ae and pseudo-silver Hall marks. Diameters, 164% and 141% inches. 185—Pair or Enciish PEwrer Puates Kighteenth Century Ke Circular shape, flat rims and plain edges. Marks, X quality ye mark and pseudo-silver Hall marks. Diameter, 16% inches. 186—EncuisH Pewrer Disu Seventeenth Century of Circular shape, flat rim with molded edge. | hie Diameter, 20 inches. 187—Parr or EnciisH PEwrrer DisHEes Seventeenth Century Circular shape, flat rims and plain edges. ot ie g len Diameter, 1814, inches. 188—Rvussian Brass Box Eighteenth Century y Circular-shaped, with hinged lid. Swinging looped handles, //1 shaped hinged hasp and ball feet. Length, 31, inches; diameter, 61/, inches. 189—Parr or Russtan Brass IncENsE Burners Eighteenth Century J Rectangular bodies, with pierced sides, hinged doors and ‘ shaped banners at angles. Pinnacle-shaped tops with ball finials, molded stems and molded feet. | Length, 8 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 190—Brass Pain Eighteenth Century Cylindrical straight sides, wrought-iron rim and swinging bail handle. Height, 10 inches; diameter, 14 inches. 191—Fiemisu Brass Bow. Cylindrical shape, with straight sides, showing traces of former piercing. Height, 714 inches; diameter, 15 inches. 192—Ruvssian Brass SAMovAR Eighteenth Century Barrel-shaped body with paneled bands. Domed-shaped cover, circular opening and pierced gallery. ‘Two wooden handles. Swinging looped handles. Straight spout. Rec- tangular molded base and ball feet. Length, 16 inches. 193—Russian CoprpER SAMOVAR Eighteenth Century Urn-shaped fluted body, domed top, circular opening with pierced gallery and wooden handles. Scrolled flat side handles, with turned wooden bars. Straight spout. Rec- tangular base, cushion feet. Height, 17% inches. 194—CuinEsE BronzE STATUETTE Cl’ien-lung Period Standing figure of Buddha holding a sword and with a feather headdress. Rocky base. | Height, 26 inches. 195—-Pair or Irarian MarsiLE ORNAMENTS Early Nineteenth Century Of black marble, molded as reproductions of Cleopatra’s Needle. Rectangular pedestals and stepped bases. Height, 34 inches. 196—Irauian Marsie Fountain Semicircular-shaped bowl, with molded egg and dart carved edge, back modeled with shell, stem as a voluted console. Rectangular base. Height, 3 feet 10 inches. oR he First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th LUSTRED BRACKETS AND CANDELABRA 197—Frencu Partntep LANTERN Early Nineteenth Century Circular body with glass front; pierced top with pointed Ub fluted roof. Swinging, ringed handle. Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches. 198—Two Earty American LANTERNS Vhs Cylindrical and heart-shaped flat bodies, with cylindrical pierced tops, bases, and swinging ring handles. Height, 16 inches. 199—Pair oF Lustrep Wat. Brackets Shaped metal wall plates with molded glass finials. Five y J? curved branches above and three branched metal arms below 3 ‘ with vase-shaped candle-sockets and saucer-shaped bobéches. jal Hung with shaped flat drops of cut glass and molded rosettes. Fitted for-electricity. Height, 10 inches. 200—Pair or Lustrep Watt Brackets so Shaped metal wall plates with cut and molded glass finials. 37 Five curved branches above and two curved flat branches below ending in vase-shaped candle-sockets. Hung with pear-shaped cut-glass drops and molded rosettes. Fitted for electricity. a eight, 10 inches. 201—Ser or Turee Lustrep Wat Brackets e Shaped metal wall plates with cut and molded glass finials. vi i? Five branches above and two curved flat branches below ending in vase-shaped candle-sockets. Hung with pear- shaped drops of white and amber glass and molded rosettes. Fitted for electricity. Height, 10 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 202—Pair or Lustrep Wat Brackets Shaped metal wall plates with molded glass finials. Five curved pear-shaped branches above and three branches below ending in vase-shaped candle-sockets and saucer- shaped bobéches. Hung with shaped flat drops of white cut-glass and molded rosettes. Fitted for electricity. Height, 12 inches. 203—Pair or Lustrep Watt Brackets Shaped metal wall plates with molded glass finials. Five curved pear-shaped branches above, three branched metal arms below with vase-shaped candle-sockets and saucer- shaped bobéches. Hung with shaped flat drops of white and purple glass and molded glass rosettes. Fitted for electricity. Height, 12 inches. 204--Srr or Four Encuisn ApPLiauks Oval mirrors, intaglio-engraved with figures of youths and maidens carrying flowers. Curved branches ending in cylin- drical candle-sockets and saucer-shaped bobéches. Fitted for electricity. Height, 10 inches. 205—Parr or Lustrep Watt BraAckKETS Shaped metal wall plates with molded glass finials. Seven curved pear-shaped branches above and three branched metal arms below with vase-shaped candle-sockets and saucer-shaped bobéches. Hung with pear-shaped drops and molded glass rosettes. Fitted for electricity. Height, 17 inches. 206—Pair or Lustrep Watt BRACKETS Shaped metal wall plates with molded glass finials. Seven curved pear-shaped branches above and three branched metal arms below with vase-shaped candle-sockets and saucer-shaped bobéches. Hung with flat shaped drops and molded glass rosettes. Fitted for electricity. Height, 18 inches. oie pigs ee Ue First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 207—Set or Four Lustrepn Watt Brackets ane Shaped metal wall plates with glass finials. Five branches y) UF above and two curved flat branches below ending in vase- shaped candle-sockets. Hung with pear-shaped cut-glass drops and molded rosettes. Fitted for electricity. Height, 12 inches. 208—Setr or Four Lustrep Watt Brackets j ), Ute Similar to the preceding. 209—Parr or Lustrep Watt Brackets Eight curved branches above and three curved and scrolled branches below with vase-shaped candle-sockets and circular ) bobéches. Hung with festoons of cut-glass drops and with Uh large cut heart-shaped drops of cut-glass. Pear-shaped drops of molded glass and purple glass balls.. Fitted for electricity. Height, 19 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 210—Parr or Lustrep Watt Brackets Five curved branches above, hung with purple and white 4 glass cut drops, three curved branches below, ending in vase- “f shaped candle-sockets, and two branches without candle- sockets. Hung with pear-shaped flat cut-glass drops and molded glass rosettes. Fitted for electricity. Height, 24 inches. 211—Pair or Lustrep CANDELABRA Pear-shaped stems with molded glass finials. Sixteen curved branches above and four curved branches below ending in E4 candle-sockets and four branches without candle-sockets. 227 Hung with pear-shaped and shaped flat drops and pear- shaped rosettes of white and purple glass. Height, 28 inches. 212—Pair oF SILVER-PLATED LustrRED CANDELABRA Cut-glass vase-shaped stems with cut and molded glass finials. Above are twenty curved branches of silver-plated co wire. Below are five curved branches ending in vase-shaped é beaded candle-sockets and five branches without candle-sock- LAL, ets. Hung with festoons of cut-glass drops and pear-shaped drops of molded glass. ‘Tapering lower stems and circular 7 Ze Lif" beaded feet. Height, 28 inches. IRON OF THE SIXTEENTH, SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES 213—Iratian WrovucutT-1ron Door Knocker _ Sixteenth Century Cylindrical projecting bracket, with hinged, curved, rectan- A gular knocker. Length, 7 inches. 214—SpanisH WroucutT-iron Lock anp Hasp Sixteenth Century Circular lock plate with pierced rim, hinged hasp with a pierced scrolled edge and applied serpent, engraved strap ; with incised fan-shaped end. Length, 12 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 215—Spanish Wrovecnut-1ron Lock anp Hasp Sixteenth Century J a Circular lock plate with pierced, scrolled rim, hasp with loop shaped as lizard, rectangular strap. Length, 8 inches. 216—SpanisH WrovucutT-1ron Lock anp Hasp 7 Siateenth Century - Circular lock plate with pierced rim, pierced and engraved ig hasp, shaped, engraved strap with pierced end. Length, 17 inches. 217—SpanisH Wrovecut-1ron Lock anp Hasp Sixteenth Century Circular lock plate with rim pierced in a diamond pattern, fs shaped hasp with molded and pierced end, broad tapering strap with pierced, fan-shaped end. Length, 15 inches. 218—Encuish Wrovucut-tron Foor ScraPrrer Eighteenth Century S, Semicircular arms with rectangular vase-shaped finials and / shaped scraper. Rectangular base. | Height, 17 inches. 219—Irarian Wrovent-1ron Fire Crane Seventeenth Century Rectangular bracket of voluted strap-iron, semicircular Lb rack with adjustable hook having spirally twisted stem, voluted strap-iron end and hinged lower hook. Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches. 220—Iratian WRrovuGHT-IRON AND Brass Fire Guarp Sivteenth Century Guard of curved and voluted broad strap-iron with brass /O. ball-shaped finial. Height, 3 inches; length, 42 inches; width, 80 inches. First Afternoon, Tuesday, March 29th 221—Set or Four Frencu WrovucutT-iron Brackets Sf? Leaf-shaped wall plates of wrought-iron with curved ue EA branches of leaves and with enamel flowers ending in leaf- Lette. shaped candle-sockets and leaf-shaped bobéches. Height, 10 inches. 222—FreNcH WRoOUGHT-IRON CHANDELIER Wrought-iron. Formed of three curved branches of wrought-iron leaves having enamel flowers and with three curved branches of leaves ending in leaf-shaped candle- ae sockets with leaf-shaped bobéches. Height, 21 inches. 223—Iratian Wrovcut-rron Lamp Bracket Sixteenth Century Curved branch of bar and rod iron with molded, knopped y and voluted termination. Rectangular cage of straight ~~“ strap-iron bands with voluted ends. Height, 26 inches; length, 36 inches. Sahaet Yager elas We, oe] r 6 * « t " ¥ sire Pris re : Pik . fe ye ; 5 « ~ - x oJ —_* ell * - : = i] - ‘ 4 Re 2 C F | ? —p. 1921 Mar.29NeAmLc.1 te eee American /Interesting and valuabl | ‘ 87-P17618 5 ) eT 3.3125 01163 2160 Brie > ) a : ; 2 . - ~ . 4 ag ¥ , . + ; ’ . wi