EARLY CHINESE MASTERPIECES THE ABBOTT COLLECTION Shea Mctite. aan £ NOE Se gees eae og Renee aN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES | _ NEW YORK 7 = aa ~ Pa 1 He ae I fi eh 13 U i Ons f) ce a ; Dideeere - 5 (= Auation GATALOOUES SG 1 eed : i ; } A y 4 - ~ + . a e zs - ' i Sai ‘ ~ x “ 4 ¥ af at * * ‘ Y * psig ~@ » in =o. 6 mn? x CATALOGUE OF CHINESE PAINTINGS TANG AND SUNG POTTERIES RARE PORCELAINS TAPESTRIES AND OTHER WORKS OF ART COLLECTED BY MrOMAS RR. ABBOTT A PERMANENT RESIDENT OF PEKING BROUGHT TO AMERICA BY FREDERICK MOORE , . 4 ” = > see ’ i . : 4 ' % 4 \ vt wy : ‘ NOsBEeSOED Wace FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS FesBRuARY 16 anp 17, 1917 ANT 2230 OD CLOCK ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10rTx L 464 65 THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Mapbison AVENUE AT ForRTIETH STREET NEW YORK CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be PER Lor as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judg- ment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concern- ing any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, wirHouT REcouRsE. But upon receiving be- fore the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Terms CasH. Upon failure to comply with the above con- ditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incorpo- rated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. Bins. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for $1.00 The Anderson Galleries INCORPORATED Mapison AVENUE AT FortietH Street, New York. TELEPHONE, Murray Hitz, 7680 SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN. INTRODUCTION Mr. Thomas R. Abbott, whose collection is here offered at public sale, is a permanent resident of Peking, where he has made his home in the Chinese quarter for many years, devoting his time to the study of art. Curators of European and Ameri- can museums and also private collectors visiting Peking in search of rare objects, have availed themselves of Mr. Abbott’s assist- ance; and officials of the foreign legations there seek his aid and judgment from time to time in making their finer purchases Mr. Abbott’s knowledge of the Chinese language has made it possible for him to become the friend of mandarins and nobles who are, like himself, art connoisseurs, and the field of opportun- ity and knowledge thereby opened to him is greatly extended beyond that of the less fortunate collector. Mr. Abbott has often viewed and studied the Imperial Collections preserved in the Forbidden City. Many of the objects that make up his collection were once the possessions of Princes or Mandarins; for his collection in- cludes pictures by old Chinese Masters; a piece of sculpture that might be called unique; pottery of the Sung, Tang, and even earlier dynasties; rare porcelains, exquisite pieces of kus-su (Chinese tapestry), and old jade, old lacquer, and old rugs. Mr. Abbott wishes it to be clearly stated that all of the paintings are not considered by him in the first class. While all possess some merit a number are, as compared with the unques- tioned masterpieces, only of the character of decorative scrolls; and a few are displayed only because of their peculiar execution. It is likewise the case with some of the other minor objects. The periods accredited to the various articles are those given by Mr. Abbott. The collection was brought to the United States direct from Peking by Mr. Frederick Moore, who is also a well-known collector. the catalogue, and all such items will, be oe i reserves which will be announced at the sale. | oe THE CHINESE DYNASTIES SHANG DYNASTY CHOU DYNASTY CHIN DYNASTY HAN DYNASTY WEI DYNASTY THE SIX DYNASTIES T’ANG DYNASTY THE FIVE DYNASTIES SUNG DYNASTY YUAN DYNASTY | MING DYNASTY CH’ING DYNASTY K’ANG HSI YUNG CHENG CHIEN LUNG CHAR CH’ING TAO KUANG 1766-1122 1122- 255 256- 206 206 B. C.-220 220- 265 265- 618 618- 906 906- 960 960-1280 1280-1368 1368-1644 1644-1912 1662-1722 A. D. 1723-1735 A.D; 1736-1795 A. D. 1796-1820 A. D. 1821-1850 A. D. PP PP PP PP Po bo oe ce SSE a,.0 0 FAMILLE ROSE PANEL CHIEN LUNG [NUMBER 1] FIRST SESSION FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 16, 1917 Aol 2530.0 CLOCK: Lots to i21 FAMILLE ROSE PANEL cuHIEN LUNG An exquisite porcelain plaque in delicate colors. Repre- senting a pheenix group upon a rockery with graceful peony sprays in several colors. The plaque is framed in black and is supported upon a stand of carved black wood. Height, 201% inches. [See Frontispiece | TURTLE GREEN CELADON VASE LATE YUAN OR EARLY MING An oviform, short-necked jar decorated with three Archaic heads and four rims around the neck. The crackle, dark at the base, pales as it approaches the neck, and then darkens again, Height, 9 inches. OLIVE GREEN CELADON BOWL ate sunG Of the style known as the Kung Ming bowl, with a filled base. According to tradition, the Emperor who designed this bowl was a weak warrior who wished to give the effect of eating many bowls of rice, which were in reality only partly filled. Beautiful color, crackled generally in ver- tical lines. Of thick, heavy pottery. Black wood stand. Height, with stand, 61% inches. 11 4 TALL BEAKER OF “PRECIOUS STONE (BAOSHIU) BLUE” KANe HsI A slender vase with flaring base and lip. Of the deepest blue glaze, the beaker being the shape and design of an old bronze. A white rim breaks the glaze at lip and base. Height, with stand, 9 inches. 5 BLUE AND WHITE VASE yune cHuNG A slender oval vessel of soft paste, semi-eggshell; the dec- oration being in the design of a pine tree, a clouded moon appearing on the reverse side, the scene making a delicate little picture. A fine, almost invisible crackle throughout the glaze. Height, with stand, 6 inches. 6 BLANC-DE-CHINE TEAPOT AND CUP arz MING Coiling dragons of lizard-like lines form the handle and spout of a slender vase-like pot with only a single line around the center ending in a bowknot. A single tall cup with flaring rim is plain, its beauty being purely in the lines and proportions. Height of pot, 6 inches; height of cup, 2% inches. ” TRANSMUTATION GODDESS SHRINE sune A conspicuous specimen of glazing representing one of the rock or cave temples of China with a Kwan-yin enshrined within a grotto. A suggestion of lotus buds stud the stones around the image, who is correspondingly clad in white. The goddess holds on her arm a child, indicating that she is the Goddess of Maternity. A slight crackle covers the white glaze and runs in places through the other colors. A small chip from the base has been replaced and repaired. Height, with stand, 20 inches. [See Illustration | 12 TRANSMUTATION SHRINE SUNG [NUMBER 7] 10 11 12 13 JADE SNUFF BOTTLE cnn tuna Of snow color. Representing a fruit with leaves and but- terflies. Green glass stopper. Height, with stand, 3 inches. OLD JADE SNUFF BOTTLE cuHiEen LUNG With bamboo and water lilies in graceful relief. Coral stopper in the shape of a cat. — Height, with stand, 4% inches. SMALL BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE IN IRON RUST PORCELAIN KANG HsI A specimen in beautiful lines of the Chinese attempt to imitate minerals in their pottery. Height, 314 inches. SMALL BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE IN IRON RUST PORCELAIN KANG HsI Similar to foregoing but of a slightly different coloring. Height, 4 inches. OLIVE GREEN CELADON VASE LATE YUAN OR EARLY MING A slender oval shape of unusually graceful lines, with a slight flare at the base and neck which are rimmed each with a delicate line. Embossed design of lotus sprays be- neath the glazing. Color in delicate keeping with the ar- tistic lines of the jar. Height, with stand, 16 inches. | See Illustration | GIRDLE CLASP IN TURQUOISE BLUE cuitewn Lune An imitation in porcelain of one of the Chinese favorite stones, with the usual dragon among clouds embossed be- neath the glaze. Size, 234 x 1% inches. 14 GREEN CELADON VASE LATE YUAN OR EARLY MING [NUMBER 12] 14 16 Ly 18 AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE curen tune With green stopper. Rectilinear lines. No ornamentation, the color alone being its charm. Height, with stand, 3 inches. OLD JADE SNUFF BOTTLE cuHien LUNG A piece of old jade of great age, carved in more recent times. Representing a fruit cluster with insects upon it. Green jade stopper. Height, with stand, 4 inches. TWO MINIATURE JARS IN IRON RUST POR- CELAIN KANG HsI Oviform. Although practically a pair, there are slight dif- ferences in the color when closely examined; also a slight difference in the shapes; while one is rimmed with white at the lip, the other is uniform in color. Height, with stand, 5% inches each. THREE SNUFF BOTTLES eEarty cuHINe (a) Mutton fat jade of beautiful lines. No decoration. Green turquoise stopper. (b) Famille rose porcelain with paneled scenes in several colors, and blue and white side panels. Coral and pearl stopper. (c) Mutton fat jade of fine lines. Chinese characters chis- eled on one side and a scene on the other. White jade stopper. JADE SNUFF BOTTLE cuien LUNG Short ovoid shape. Green and white jade. Coral stopper. Height, with stand, 3 inches. 16 19 21 22 23 24 TING WHITE BOWL §ssune Flaring vessel of cream color, with narrow base and notably beautiful lines; sustained on a tall black stand. Height, 3'4 inches; breadth, 9% inches. BLUE AND WHITE SOFT PASTE JAR curen tune Of semi-eggshell character. Beautiful lines. A very rich blue. Decorations in Archaic and other designs on a crackled white. Black wood stand and lid in beautiful carving. Height, with stand, 5 inches. INCENSE POT IN BRONZE COLORS cuien Lune A notable specimen of the porcelain maker’s attempt to imitate metal. A low pot of the shape of a bronze temple utensil, with colors imitating the original bronze with patina incrustations. Flaked with touches of real gold in the man- ner that bronzes were sometimes spotted. Lotus scroll dec- orations form a band around the vessel. Height, with stand, 614 inches; breadth, 7% inches. BOWL IN “PRECIOUS STONE BLUE” tare mING Embossed dragon design under the glazing. Height, with stand, 7 inches. GOURD-SHAPED BOTTLE ate sune A fine specimen of what is known as mirror or lacquer black porcelain. Perfect in shape and of high lustre. Height, with stand, 81% inches. SACRIFICIAL CUP yuNe cHUNG Of copper colored glaze sometimes called sesamun color. A conventional bowl-like shape supported on a compara- tively tall flaring base. The lines are those of an ancient wine glass. A notable imitation of metal. Height, with stand, 414 inches. 17 25 26 27 POTTERY GRAVE CAMEL tana Partially glazed in three colors. An unusually fine speci- men of these burial images. The long-legged beast is re- markably lifelike, with high raised head, an open mouth, and tail slashed to one side. Few finer examples of the camel in this form are found. Unfortunately, the base and legs were broken in transit to this country and have been repaired. It is seldom that these pieces arrive intact, owing to the exceeding brittleness of the clay, due to over nine centuries of age. Height, 26% inches. (Note attached to similar pieces in the Metropolitan Mu- seum :—“In prehistoric times the custom prevailed in China of burying .the retainers and wives with the dead. In later times the intention took the place of the deed, and the dead were furnished with images of what was supposed to make the hereafter comfortable. Up to the end of the Tang period, A.D. 906, pottery figures were put in the graves, then wooden ones came in fashion, which have perished, and now it is the custom to burn paper images at the funeral. The figures shown here are modelled and mostly cast in soft fine white clay and partly covered with green and yellow lead glazes fired at low heat.” [See Illustration | POTTERY GRAVE ATTENDANT tTane In character of pottery and glaze the same as the forego- ing. The figure is standing erect with hands folded beneath the sleeves, a customary Chinese attitude. The sculpturing is notable. A benign expression rests upon the face. The head is unglazed, as is frequently the case; the rest of the figure is glazed in three colors. Being of brittle clay, due to great age, the tall slender image was broken in transit to this country, but has been repaired. Height, 38% inches. POTTERY TOMB FIGURE tane Evidently the figure of a slave or concubine, with a Eu- ropean suggestion of style, the head-dress and features of which are well chiseled. Head and feet unglazed; the rest of the figure, including a high collar, is covered with brown glazing. Height, 12 inches. 18 POTTERY GRAVE CAMEL TANG [NUMBER 25] 30 31 32 33 FAMILLE ROSE OVIFORM VASE cuwar cHING Conventional, intricately worked lotus design, with Buddhist emblems in pink, white, yellow and green on a turquoise base. A beautiful specimen in both shape and color. Height, with stand, 7 inches, CARVED BLACK WOOD CABINET Inset with porcelain panels of the Chien Lung Period. Such cabinets were designed by the Chinese as gem cases. The upper portion is of glass; the lower of carved wood, with the porcelain panels set into the doors. Height, 22 inches; width, 134 inches. CARVED BLACK WOOD CABINET Mate to foregoing. Height, 22 inches; width, 13% inches. - GREENISH IVORY SNUFF BOTTLE cuien LuNG An egg-shaped bottle with a pink agate top. Of peculiar discoloring. Height, 2 inches. POTTERY CENSER §sune Shaped after the design of bronzes and ornamented with dragon panels. Grotesque lion heads with feet protruding from the mouths form the legs. The fu lion surmounts the cover. The pot has been painted or glazed, but has gen- erally lost this exterior. Cover slightly chipped. | Height, with stand, 15 inches. OVIFORM CRACKLE JAR sEarty cHING A vase of handsome shape with an even all-over crackle. Height, with stand, 16 inches. 20 34 35 36 37 38 CLAIR DE LUNE BOWL yuan A handsome specimen of Thirteenth Century pottery. Con- spicuously marked with an aubergine thumb print within and a spot of the same color on the outer brim. The prin- cipal color of the glazing is likewise notable. A crackle covers the bowl irregularly. Height, 24% inches; breadth, 6 inches. TING WHITE BOWL §sune Of the conventional shape of these early examples of the potter's art, flaring upward from a narrow base. Of the usual rough handiwork, but of beautiful and effective lines and glazing. On a blue, silk covered stand. Height, 3% inches; breadth, 8% inches. KWAN-YIN IN THREE COLORS garty MING Goddess of mercy artistically sculptured in pottery. Face, hands and feet in the conventional manner left unglazed. Draperies of recognized Ming coloring. A benign expres- sion appears on the crowned head of the deity, who holds an infant on her knee. On a brown, silk covered stand. Height, with stand, 171% inches. OLD SADDLE CLOTH IN BLUE With beautifully worked sprays of flowers and butterflies. The contrasting central device in imperial yellow. Size, 4 feet. 5 inches x 3 feet. RED LACQUER BOX LATE CHIEN LUNG A triangular example of delicate carving. A little scene presenting a sage and a boy wandering among mountains decorates the cover. An octagonal honeycomb design sur- rounds the box. Lining of plain black lacquer. Length, 8 inches. 21 389 RED LACQUERED HORSE SADDLE cuien Lune 4.0 Of full size, with high front and back. Ornamented in heavy lacquer with roses, lotus sprays and the emblem of good fortune. This work of art in saddlery has been in actual use, two of the leather trappings remaining still fas- tened to it. The lacquer was of such fine, hard quality that it is now but slightly impaired. Length, 21 inches. RED LACQUER SCEPTRE cuHIEN LUNG A beautifully shaped and delicately carved ju-i, or sceptre, with green silk tassels. An elephant sustaining a pot of flowers, surrounded by Buddhist emblems, forms the orna- mentation of the head; fish and peaches, with a bat, deco- rating the panels in the handle; lotus and geometric designs alternate between the panels. The reverse side is covered with a minute fret. Length, 15 inches: 41 43 4A NOTABLY GRACEFUL KWAN-YIN sEarty mine Of three-colored, partly glazed pottery. The face and part of the body have been painted with a material most of which has disappeared, leaving the flesh of the figure, where it is undraped, in the unglazed pottery. The carefully chiseled lines of the face, as well as those of the draped body, are the work of a master. Mounted on a silk stand. Height, with stand, 15% inches. PAIR OF TING WARE WHITE BEAKERS §sune Of the shape of temple vases. Tall, with a trumpet flare; broken by ovoid center, with fluted bands. A delicate crackle throughout the glaze. Height, with stands, 12% inches. SEMI-EGGSHELL BOWLS kana usr A handsome pair in imperial yellow. Of notable shape and glazing. Height, with stands, 3% inches. TRANSMUTATION PLATE .atve yuan What is known as the Kuam yao or Kuam ware. Of an almost black base color with shadings of cloud-like effect in pale blue. The bowl or plate is fluted like an open six- petaled flower with a narrow rim. The glazing covers the vessel completely with the exception of the base, only a slight chip having been broken out of the rim. Height, 2 inches; breadth, 8 inches. BOTTLE-SHAPED “SPLASHED” VASE cHIEN LUNG A large vessel of perfected lines and beautiful coloring. An even crackle covers the alternating colors of the “flame.” Except for a ridged rim at the base of the neck the color- ing and lines are the only decorations. The mouth of the vase was broken in transportation to this country, but has been repaired. Height, with stand, 16 inches. Pa 2 » 46 AT 48 49 THREE SNUFF BOTTLES sarty cyHine (a) A flat round bottle in agate, of peculiar and fascinating color. Stopper from the same piece of stone. (b) Cloudy agate bottle, vase shaped, with lion head han- dles. Beautiful colors. Silver stopper inset with green and red stones. (c) White jade bottle, with scenes at sides and animal head handles. Aquamarine stopper. THREE SNUFF BOTTLES eEarty cuHING (a) Gracefully carved, vase shaped, cloud colored agate, with handles in the shape of lions’ heads. Silver stopper. (b) Polished agate bottle with a natural scene in the stone, representing a bird on a branch, in a deeper hue of agate. (It is noteworthy how the stone cutter has carefully chiseled the sides of this bottle to make the stone present its own picture). Green jade stopper. (c) Old jade bottle, vase shaped, with lions’ heads for han- dles. The latter have been blackened by, it is understood, a process of fire, making a notable contrast. STANDING FIGURE OF CONFUCIUS sune In three-colored pottery. The face and hands bear traces of having been gilded. Of peculiarly fine sculpturing, lines of the face being notably well chiseled. The sage is repre- sented as standing with folded hands, clad in ancient robes, in purple trimmed with peacock green; a scarf thrown about his shoulders and a crown-like cap of ancient design. (The head. was broken off in transportation to this country but has been effectively replaced). Height, 26 inches. [See Illustration | GREENISH CRACKLE BOWL §sune Of heavy pottery. Glaze notable in perfection and color- ing. Crackle deeply marked in lines. A slight chip in the rim. Height, 4 inches; breadth, 714 inches. 24 POTTERY FIGURE OF CONFUCIUS SUNG [NUMBER 48] 50 Or vo 54 NOTABLE POTTERY CENSER wet Fine patina in mother-of-pearl glaze. Of plain cylindrical lines. A decorated band, enclosing doglike animals, binds the pot, forming the only chiseled decoration except the legs, which are of little, indiscernable figures. Height, 5% inches; breadth, 8 inches. “TRON RUST” POTTERY CENSER xane ust An incense bowl in which the potter has imitated the color of minerals, and shaped his vessel in imitation of the brass and bronze pots that are set before gods in their shrines. No decoration except the coloring. | Height, 2'% inches; breadth, 6 inches. CENSER IN PRECIOUS STONE BLUE kKANe asi A broad porcelain bowl of exquisite lines. Enameled in a black blue, with archaic animal heads forming the handles. Height, with stand, 8 inches; breadth, 9 inches. RARE TRANSMUTATION BOTTLE | sune The glaze in lavender and aubergine, conspicuously touched with white. A piece of unusual shape as well as quality; tall, swelling gradually from the base, then closing again sharply to the short neck. Height, with stand, 10 inches. TALL SLENDER-BODIED WHITE VASE LATE SUNG OR EARLY YUAN Of unusual shape and unique markings. Almost cylindrical, with but a slight effulgence rising to the neck, which is inset sharply. Mythical animals’ heads, the only ornamentation, stud the two sides. The white glazing is broken by dis- colored bands which have taken on a brown cast and have become crackled. Here and there definite lengthy lines have broken through the glaze only, the pottery being of a thick, heavy quality. Height, with stand, 19 inches. [See Illustration | 26 SLENDER-BODIED WHITE VASE LATE SUNG OR BPARLY YUAN | NUMBER 54| 55 56 57 58 59 IVORY WHITE VASE sune Of notable lines and coloring. The neck and base being of the same breadth; a gradual broadening from base and top to the full center. Otherwise plain, except for the beau- tiful crackle glaze. Sometimes called butter white. Height, with stand, 71% inches. SMALL POTTERY HOR HOR BUDDHA = sune “The God of Your Wishes.” In conventional lines. With a yellow glaze finely crackled. Height, with stand, 4 inches. RED LACQUER FLOWER POT WITH FLOWERS OF OF SEMI-PRECIOUS STONES cuHIEN LUNG A rich and beautiful specimen of this peculiarly Chinese handiwork. Rectangular lacquer bowl highly carved with paneled scenes on each of the sides and beautifully drawn scrolls of the lotus combined with archaic geometric designs. From the bowl a gnarled tree rises gracefully, sustaining fruits and flowers in jade, turquoise, amethyst, agate and crystal, with flowers of coral and pearl. The profusion of delicate colors harmonizes strikingly. Height, 21 inches. RED LACQUER FLOWER POT WITH FLOWERS OF OF SEMI-PRECIOUS STONES cuHien Lune Mate to foregoing. Height, 21 inches. CUT GLASS BOTTLE IN TWO COLORS cHIEN LUNG A specimen in fine lines and colors, with notably artistic carving. The latter is done entirely upon the super cover- ing of rich amber-colored glass, the white base forming the background. Lions at play in their native lair girdle the ovoid body of the bottle; song birds among flower branches surround the tall cylindrical neck. In every way a notable specimen of the glass cutter’s art. Height, with stand, 111% inches. 28 60 61 62 63 64 ANCIENT JADE CUP From a vEeRY EARLY PERIOD Carving of peculiar grotesqueness and yet great beauty. The weird head of a fabulous water beast, with tossing spray forming the handle, is the decoration of the base. Above it entwine prong-tailed lizards. The rich colors of old jade cover the piece. Height, with stand, 7 inches. LOTUS LEAF CUP IN TWO-COLORED JADE mine A beautiful chiseled stone, the main body of which has the quality of translucency and a green color, like that of water in which lotus blossoms grow. The rest of the stone, of which the branches and other devices are carved, is of a wood-like hue. A lotus pod, a tiny crab, a swallow and a frog, all in miniature, repose upon the great leaf. A con- spicuous example of the Chinese stone cutter’s method of shaping his device from what his stone will afford. Height, on hard wood stand, 6 inches. OLD JADE CEREMONIAL CUP mine Rectangular. Of fine lines and good carving. Height, on stand, 3% inches. FAMILLE ROSE CUP cHIEN LUNG With birthday or marriage decorations, the bats, indicating good fortune. The cup is formed of two bats with outspread wings flying among clouds. ‘Two smaller bats form, with the tail of one of the larger creatures, the tripod of feet. Fine turquoise blue lining. Height, on stand, 3% inches. LARGE TURQUOISE BLUE FISH BOWL mine Of heavy pottery and dull glaze. A double line of knob- like studs surround the bowl, and low raised animal heads occupy the place of handles. On high wooden stand. Height, with stand, 36 inches. 29 66 67 68 69 70 BEAUTIFUL RECTANGULAR POTTERY VASE LATE YUAN OR EARLY MING Of ivory and silver gray hues, crackled throughout. Dec- orated only with plain lines, forming vase and panels. Height, with stand, 11 inches. [See Illustration | FOO DOGS IN PEACOCK -BLUE POTTERY EARLY MING A pair of fabulous animals grotesquely chiseled and glazed in a pleasing shade of blue. The squatty beasts set upon fluted glazed bases. Height, 12% inches. LARGE BRONZE CENSER Mine Highly carved and ornamented with dragons, lotus sprays, bats among clouds and Chinese characters. On a high wooden stand. Height, with stand, 3 feet 7 inches. JADE CEREMONIAL DRINKING CUP §suNneG Of fine rectilinear lines. Originally a mottled jade, now of bone-like discoloring. Fluting and fret work bands bind the vessel. The feet and handle are likewise rectilinear and in nice keeping. Height, with stand, 5 inches. DULL OLIVE CELADON VASE mine Crackle over most of the vessel. Height, with stand, 9% inches. FAMILLE ROSE STAND AND LID cuiIeN LUNG Shaped like a large wine cup with a cover. Of a yellow porcelain covered with dragons in several colors, the wave and cloud design filling in the decorations. (Lip of stand broken and repaired). Height, with stand, 13% inches. 30 SILVER GREY POTTERY VASE LATE YUAN OR EARLY MING [ NUMBER 65 | Wat 72 73 74 75 76 PEACH RED BOTTLE yune cuune Of distinctive shape, globing abruptly from the broad base and narrowing gradually to the neck, then flaring at the lip. Lining of bottle in white. Height, with stand, 12% inches. LARGE VASE OF FLAME COLOR cuiEeN LuNG A tall vessel of rich “splashed” colors, with handles at the neck in the shape of elephants’ heads. , Height, with stand, 241% inches. TRANSMUTATION VASE mine Of a rare grayish hue. Shoulder splashed with turquoise green, and “thumb prints” of similar color. Heavy sub- stantial lines. Handles in the form of fabulous animal heads. The vessel is almost without a neck. Glazed in- side as well as out. An all-over crackle. Height, with stand, 11 inches. — [See Illustration | 3 SALMON PINK RUG EarLy cHING With lemon colored border, and blue floral devices studded with white. Five medallions. Rich combination of color- ing. Size, 5 feet 9 inches x 4 feet. PAIR OF GOLD-TONED MATS kane us! Yellow medallions outlined with blue. Geometric corner devices in tan. Blue band borders. Size, 2 feet 4 inches x 2 feet 2 inches. RUG IN IVORY AND BLUE sEarty cuine With flowers, fruits and butterflies composing the decora- tions, among which are the “Buddha’s fingers.” Coloring in low, simple tones. Size, 8 feet 9 inches x 5 feet 9 inches. 32 RARE GRHY TRANSMUTATION VASE MING [ NUMBER 73] five 78 79 80 81 82 RUG OF “THE HUNDRED ANTIQUES” cHIEN LUNG In yellow and brown, beautifully harmonizing, with blue devices. Center medallion of fu lion and cub surrounded by clouds. Size, 4 feet x 1 foot 11 inches. BLUE RUG WITH BUDDHIST EMBLEMS CHIEN LUNG With bright flowers, the border design containing the knot of destiny, fish, conk shell and other Buddhist symbols. Size, 4 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 5 inches. PAIR OF BRILLIANT BLUE MATS sarty cHING With yellow medallions and lotus blossoms. Size, 2 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 1 inch. RICH RED MAT Earty cHING Without design. Having the effect of old velvet. Size, 4 féet.x 82: acer. UNUSUAL SILK RUG SEVENTEENTH OR EIGHTEENTH CENTURY On an aubergine field an all-over floral design is thrown in yellow and green, outlined with black. The green would in- dicate the Ming period, and the black, showing considerable corrosion, likewise indicates great age; but the rug is un- usually well preserved. The border is of three rows of swastikas upon which tiny red bats are set. * A Ls £ ? - * a - ; * “ . 2 ~ = * »* ie ' ’ 2 1 4 , 2. ¥ * ed od 5 “ "= ‘ . > Oe ¥ *~ , & ? p = i 3 = . a. Z : : ) x. 2 # - "2 ; - . - - = * — + = 1 7" | ge . *% v . i ; Ms # | Ms “ z Ms —_ 2