ere and rode wk OIL PAINGINGS Water Colors, Ergrabings, kc, ALSO Mrs oee OolATUARy, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, APRIL 27th & 28th, At 7.45 o'clock. GEO. A. LEAWITT & CO., Auctioneers. 1886. she LIBRARY Mim M. KNOEDLER & CO, AL) 556-8 FIFTH AVE. Acc. NEW YORK CLEARANCE SALE i OF : — Ancient and Modern | Of PAINTINGS, WATER COLORS, ENGRAVINGS, EIC., BY FOREIGN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS, 2 ra ; Foreign Artists Represented. Edouard, Frere, Muller, Feldhutter, Diaz, Austin, Coutourier, Kahn, Donat, Robbe, Haquette, Geyer, Turner, Forster, Woollett. American Artists. e Lang, Sewell, Hill, Phelan, Kensett, Benson, Leutze, Rossiter, Gignoux, Loop, Carter, Banvard, Mazzanowitch and others. ALSO, MARBLE STATUARY. THE WHOLE NOW ON EXHIBITION AT THE Leawtt Art Galleries, 817 Broadway, = DAY AND EVENING. AND TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, April 27th and 28th, At 7.45 o'clock GEOW AL. LEAVITT & CO; Henry C. Merry, Auctioneer. a 1885 ercacircocmetnrlt CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The Highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be imme- diately put up again and_-re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent. on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re- sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within TWENTY-FOUR HOURS from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Venders, on or before delivery; in default of which Messrs Guo. A. Leavirr & Co. will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4, The sale of Painting, Engraving, Print, Furniture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Bx- hibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without any recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un- sleared within the time aforesaid shall be sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and ths deficiency (if any) attending each re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at the Sale, togeth- or with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. GHO. A. LEAVITT & CO. Union Square Printing Co.’s Print, 46 Hast 14th St., New York. if 4 Catalogue PERS TD EVENINGS: SALE, // 1 Landscape. | BAYLIS (dials Si) : : ; © New York 2 Vase of Flowers. MILLER (W. R.) : ; ; . New York : 3 Grapes. ARUNATTI 4 i : , Rome 4 Halberdier. LEPERE ; ; : ; : ‘ Rome 5 The Repast. VERNON (P.) : f 3 ; : Paris 6 The Pet. PELOUSE : : : : : . Paris 7 Landscape. KONINGVELD (A. Von) : : Brussels en the lark. STAMMEL (A.), after ; : : Munich 9 In the Museum. Y LEMENS : : 5 : j Paris : 10 Chickens. PARTON (A.) : : é , New York 11 Landscape. - DONAT : : : ; : : Paris 12 Still Life. ROZIER i : : ; : Paris 13 Ot. Germain, France. 14 Dead Game. 15 Saint Cecilia. 16 Marine. OERTEL (A) oe ee, New York 17 Freightened Cattle. CHORDING ; : 18 Dog's Head. BARBAROSSA 19 Head of an Algerian. POSTER : A : ; 20 Hunting Dogs. 21 The Feast. 22 Landscape. 23 Winter Landscape. 24 Scriptural Piece. 25 Scene on the Hudson. DELETOUR 26 Naval Engagement. Brussels pair Paris 27 Herodius with the Head of St: John. NARDEUX 28 Fowers. 29, Che“ Wreck. ROBERTSON 30 The Weird Sisters. 31 Landscape. SULLY | 32 Beatrice Cenci. 33 The Naiad Queen. 34 Marine. 35 The Orphan. 36 Hawling in the Boat. 37 Landscape and Dogs. 38 Scriptural Piece. 39 The Death of King Carolus. J On Copper. 40 Landscape. LELLY (Sir Peter) 41 (uatherine the’ Second, 42 Cupid and Psyche. A3 Battle Scene. 44° Head of St. Jerome. 45 Ihe Wayside Inn. NAC EERS. (G.) 46 On the Catskill. 47 Landscape. 48 Summer. 49 Swiss Landscape. 50 Italian Landscape. 51 The Fond Mother. 52 The Musical Shepherd. 53 The Chocolate Girl. - ¢ { ‘ 54 Italian Landscape. 55 Big Bite. COUTOURIER (P.) 56 The Rivals. 57 Fruit and Wine. 58 Bearing the Offerings. WITHOOS (A,) - 59 Flowers. CANNELETTO 60 Italian Seaport. 61 Wounded Soldier. 62 Battle Scene. 63 Scriptural Scene. 64 The Imprisoned King. 65 Fruit, Game and Flowers. 66 Joseph Sold by his Brethern. 67 Finding of Moses. 68 Allegorical Piece. 69 Fruit and Game. HICKS (Thos.) : : : New York 70 Head of a Boy. KENSEFTE (J: F.); deceased. j New York 71 Hudson River from Cozzen's Hotel. BENSON (E.) 72 The Little Visitor. BRANDT (Carl) ; : : .. ‘(New York 73 Hospitality. KENGETI Pidegued 74 Off Newport. | LANG and KENSETT ; ; New York 75 Blind Girl of Pompeii. 76 Landscape. HUNZINGER (W.) 77 iy KENSETT (J. F.), deceased Y New York 78 Scene in the White Moun- tains. DBUTZ. €E.), deceased ? : ; New York 79 The Jolly Cavalier. HICKS (Thos.) : , New York 80 Resting. 81 Waiting. ROSSITER, deceased , : New York 82 Scene in Egypt. 83 Landscape and Cattle. ; LOOP ECA ean . New York 84 Conemplnen: ee (e.).°: : ; : ; New York 85 Beatrice a Bs Ly. é New York 86 Cari at Night, KENSETT (J. F.), deceased. . ; New York 87 Waterfall. Pee ORS 8 WR) ae : New York 88. The ace. EIN GCE) : 2 ; New York 89 Sculptor pen ac Residence. KAHN (G.) : ‘ : ‘ Dresden 90 ‘The Ginter 91 Female Portrait. CARMIENKE (H.) 92 Landscape. GIGNOUX _. ; : p : New York 93 Sunset. LOOP (HH. A) ; : , ; New York 94 Female Portrait. MARBLE STATUARY. 94a Faith and Hope. 94b Mother and Child. 94c Recording Angel, wanes SECOND: EVEN ENGS"SA0H. Pe a Ne aeyione 95 Gathering Wood. LANG (L.) New val 96 Embroidering. -HUBNER(R.) . . Dusseldorf The Young Artist. 97 Swiss Landscape. WOLLMERING 98 Landscape. 99 Marine Sunset 100 Crossing the Stream. PATTER (P.) 101 Ploughing. FRERE (Charles Edouard) Various Medals. 102 The Frugal Meal. MULLER (C.) ; ; : ; Munich 103 Reading the News. Sev eL(.) j , : Brooklyn — 104 Cupid’s Love. SMITH (A.) 105 Landscape. HILL (Howard) ; : Boston 106 Quiet Spot. GITTLER (P.) PE ls Me a Munich 107 A Good Cup of Tea. MULLER (M.) : 4 : ; Munich 108 Frightened. DHE AN (COP.).: : : : New York 108a Landscape and Sheep. MULLER (M.) Munich 109 Companion. FELDHUTER CE jee 5 : Munich 110 Scene in Bavarian Rie WeETSS ()./.B.).5. : : Munich 11r Scene on tie North Sea. BODENMULLER (F.) Gold Medal. Member of Society of Fine Arts, "Munich. rie.) urcos:7 PREINSET IC). utes) een Gold Medal, Paris. 13. Gol atthe Well. PERKINS 3 : : : New York 114 Miguine HESSE (Madame) F : Switzerland 115 George Wachinolon Worked in Worsted. DIAZ (N.), deceased, Medals, 1844, 746, 48. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory of ‘Deceased Artists. Exposition Universelle, 1878. Born, 1807. Died, 1876. 116 Turkish Woman and Child’ 117 Bacchanalian Feast. SCE eS a 118 Toboggonian. AUSTIN (B.) : Montreal 119 Snow Shoeing. BERZANTTI : 5 Paris 120 [The Old Monk. 121 Lhe Assumption. ROZELL 122 Landscape and Sheep. AUSTIN (B.) : ‘ ; : - Montreal 123 Toboggonian. BRUNNER (Jos.) : : : Vienna 124 Ollersee Lake. BROWN (WH 9. 8 2) New Vide 125 Landscape. GEYER (Geo.) 126 The Old Farm House. ROZELL i27 Sheep at est, 128 The Assumption. FRUSE (H.) 129 The Stampede. 130 Head of an Old Man. ROGERS (M.) 131 The Kind Mother. GROSE (E. C.) 132 Landscape. BANVARD 133 Venetian Scene. 134 Christ in the Garden. BRC RR WAAR ks) TR ae 135 Harvesting. BANVARD (J.) 36 Italian Ruins. BANVARD (J.) 137 Cloisters of St. Elmo. 138 Battle Scene. TURNER (J. M. W.), deceased F London Various Medals. 139 Italian Ruins. FORSTER : ; : 5 : London 140 Landscape and Sheep. FORSTER <2 0800) 000°.) EE a 141 Head of an Old Man. 143” Aiter the: Party. 144 The Consultation. 145 Companion. 146 Storm in the Mountains. 147 Barnyard in Winter. 148 Study of a Horse. 149 Landscape. 150 The Adoration. PINAR D(C.) : : ‘ ; ‘ Paris 151 Landscape and Sheep. Pee IER (Po a ho ee epee 152 Near Cerney de Ville. POE ADT.) os. ‘ Paris 153 Landscape and Cattle. VOIGT (E.) Brussels Vea Cathe. 155 Landscape. 156 Morning in the Mountains. way. Lites. SUEPEY:(M)).. 4 Pittsburgh 158 Apple Blossoms. CARTER (D. M.), deceased, ; New York 159 Before the Bath. 160 Contemplation. CAMPHAUSEN (B.) 161 Meeting of Blucher and Wel- lington. * CARTER (D. M.). deceased, é New York 162 After the Bath. CARTER (D. M.), deceased, : New York 163 Roman Scene. CONLEY (W. B.) 164 Country Homestead. WATER COLORS. STACKER (C. A.) . New York 165 Village Bicone REGMAM (T.) 166 Rocky Pass. KEYMON 167 Ruined Abbey. CABRINI. oo a-c, bite ye ineae 168 The Ce WOOLLETT (H.C) : : London 169 Going to ak MBENS*: =. ; , : London 170 Kind Spee MEENS London 171 Companion. GARTO (W.) : : ; ; : Rome 172 Winter Scene. VES Be : : : a { New York 173 Lhe Wreck. SMITH (A.) 174 Dog's Head. SMITH (A,) 175 Horse's: Head. 176 Landscape. 177. Windmill. BRIDGEMAN (GC) : ; . Brooklyn 178 Blackberry Money. 179 Star in the East. MAZZANOWIICH “(08 2 2) New York 180 The Truant. 181 Winter. 182 Near Philadelphia. 183 Morning, Old Mill. 184 Kenilworth Castle. MAZZANOWITCH 185 A Marsh. 186 RoadtoLorillard Homestead. 187 Still Life. 188 On the Wissahickon. 189 Western Sunset. 190 Sketch, Van Cortland. 191 Winter Twilight. 192 Solitude. 193 A Hillside. 194 Winter Sunset. 195 On the Bronx. 196 Van Cortland Lake. 197 Jersey Flats. | 198 A Sketch. 199 Moonlight. 200 Marine. MORNEY 201 Landscape in Brittany. GUTTI : ; Rome 202 Italian Landscape. ORRIN AMET te re ee 203 Halberdier. GUTTI ; ; : ; Rome 204 Interior of a Convent. ROTTA 205 Expectation. NOSI . ‘ : : 2 NOME 206 Masqueraders. GENTILLI 3 . ; : : Rome 207 Roman Court Cavalier. COLSOULLE (G:) , : : : Paris 208 Horses Watering. BLAI ; f : ‘ ; ; Florence 209 Florentine Lady. PROSPERI , : : : Rome 210 The Harvester. 2t1 Joan D’Are. 212 Marriage of Pocahontas. 213 Crossing the Delaware. 214 Les Willis. 2.1% Arphee, 216 Ferdinand Max. 217 Feeding by the Roadside. 218 Beatrice Cenc. 219 Medallion. TRISCOTT Ose F.) i : i Philadelphia 220 Marine. DONAT (M.) : ; ; : Paris 221 Landscape. HAQUETTE (Georges) : : Paris Pupil of Millet and Cabanel. Medals, Salon, 1880; Nice, 1884; Boston, 1883. 222 The Old Fisherman. RORR RULE Ne ae ek elon Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. to) 223 Sheep at Pasture. BECKER (J. P.) Munich 224 Good Spi HUBER (Paul) ; : : Munich 225 Feeding the Celene MU ER(C)s ok by ee Mae 226 Fruit. : ROBBE (L.) : : ; : Belgium 227 Landscape bate Cattle. DONAT (M.) : Paris 228 Landscape. GEO.A. LEAVITT & CO. WILL REMOVE TER ART ROOMS MAY ist, 1885, T8387 & 789 BROADWAY, Corner Tenth Street.