LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK Ee er ee ee “LAVAS FLOP V ‘UsWSIOF, GBiy jo dnoar) V ‘OF “ON Sa ——— AN IMPORTANT Collection of Patnttngs BY AMERICAN AND FOREIGN ARTISTS BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE Charles Henry Ward OF NEW YORK CITY WITH SELECTIONS FROM OTHER PRIVATE COSIGNMENTS, THE WHOLE INCLUDING IMPORTANT WORKS OF JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY, R. A., ADOLF SCHREYER, TH&O- DORE ROUSSEAU, HENRY P. SMITH, CONSTANTINE TROYON, THOMAS SULLY, JULES DUPRE, WILLIAM HART, EASTMAN JOHNSON, CARLETON WIGGINS, CHARLES F. DAUBIGNY, ANDRDHAS ACHEN- BACK, ALPHONSE DE NEUVILLE, J. F. KENSETT, THEOPHILE DE BACK, AL- FRED DE DREUX, GEORGE H. SMILLIN, AND OTHERS. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 28th, 1914, AT 8:15 O?;CLOCK AT The Merwin Galleries 16 Hast 40TH STREET NEW YORK WHERE THE COLLECTION WILL BE ON VIEW WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2ist, 1914. TELEPHONE, 1106 Murray HILL ee ee eh ene en Conditions of Sale 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in ail cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judg- ment as to the good faith of all claims, and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which the Merwin Sales Co. will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition before the sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and the Merwin Sales Co. will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, without recourse. 7. Terms Cash. Upon failure to comply with the above condi- tions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as the Merwin Sales Co. shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of the Merwin Sales Co. to enforce the contract with the buyer without such resale. THE MERWIN SALES COMPANY, 16 East Fortieth Street, New York. CATALOGUE OF AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Wednesday Evening, January 28, 1914. Commencing at 8:15 o’clock W. C. EMERSON Member of Chicago Society of Artists, Chicago Water Color Club, and the New York Water Color Club. t 1 WOODED LANDSCAPH. AUTUMN. \ Board. Signed. Height, 161% in.; width, 291% in. A. J. MANTELET Pupil of Jerome and Hobert. Decorated the Schwab mansion in New York City. \Q% 2 PROCESSION IN BRITTANY. Canvas. Signed. Height, 14 in.; width, 18 in. J. B. BRISTOL Born at Hillsdale, N. Y., 1826. Award Philadelphia Exposition, 1876. Member National Academy, 1875. Died, 1909. |S” 3 KEYSER’S POND, MAINE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 1314 in.; width, 21% in. GEORGE H. SMILLIE, N. A. Born in New York City, 1840. Pupil of James M. Hart, N. A. Member of the American Water Color Society and New York Etching Club. Hlected Associate of the National Academy, New York, 1864; ¢o Academician, 1882. 7“ 4 COAST SCENE NEAR MOUNT DESERT ISLAND, / MAINE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 1514 in.; width, 231% in. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT Born at Oheshire, Conn., 1818. Eehibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1845. Member of the National Academy, 1849. Died at New York, 1872. 3 is i a Sa a ra, eee \n 7 5 PASTORAL LANDSCAPE. \¢ Canvas. Height, 13 in.; width, 19 in. GUSTAVE WOLFF Member Society of Western Artists, St. Louis Artists’ Guild. Silver Medal, Portland, Ore., 1905. First Dolph Prize, St. Louis, 1906. Western Club Silver Medal and Cash Prize, St. Louis, 1907. Represented in permanent collection, 1% City Art Museum, St. Louis. eG A ROADWAY IN HOLLAND. Canvas. Signed. Height, 1914 in.; width, 231% i. LOUIS De SCHRYVER Honorable mention, Paris, 1886. Honorable mention, 1889, £. U. Medal, 1891. Medal, Second Class, 1896. Silver Medal, 1900, H. U. Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours. ' Se 7. FLOWER MARKET AT THE MADELEINE. Panel. Signed. Height, 6 in.; width, 81% in. THEOPHILE DE BOCK Dutch, 1851-1904. fo . 8 A HOLLAND FARM-YARD. Canvas. Signed. Height, 11 in.; width, 12 1m. UNKNOWN ARTIST Modern Spanish School. @) ee 9 THE BOUDOIR. | Panel. Height, 18 in.; width, 121% am. ALFRED DE DREUX Born in Paris, 1812. Pupil of Leon Cogniet. Medals, 1834, ?44, °48. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1857. Lp Died, 1860. bo 10 GENTLEMAN ON HORSEBACK. ¢ Canvas. Signed. Height, 13 in.; width, 18 in. ¢ O J. J. ULYSSE ae 11 THE DUEL. ye Panel. Signed. Height, 11 in.; width, 15 in. This panel is described at length in Young’s “Lights and Shadows of New York Art Galleries.” 4 Portrait of Mrs. J. Greene. John Singleton Copley, R. f=) Oe | Re | hal i 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 THOMAS HICKS American. 18238-1890. PORTRAIT OF ELISHA KENT KANE, ARCTIC EX- PLORER. Panel. Signed. Height, 9 in.; width, TY in. This portrait represents the explorer in the cabin of his ship. A. POLLENTINI Modern Italian. STREET SCENE IN VENICE. Canvas. Height, 111% in.; width, 1714 in. A. POLLENTINI Modern Italian. VENETIAN CANAL WITH GONDOLAS. Canvas. Height. 1114 in.; width, 171% in. A. J. MANTELET Pupil of Jerome and Hobert. Decorated the Schwab mansion in New York City. PORTRAIT OF A LADY WITH VEIL. Canvas. Signed. Height, 2514 in.; width, 20 in. F, J. BOSTON Contemporary American Artist. MARSHY LANDSCAPE WITH HOUSES IN THE Di8- TANCE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 131% in.; width, 191% in. UNKNOWN ARTIST Dutch. 17th Century. WINDING RIVER WITH TREES AND FIGURES. Canvas. Height, 20 in.; width, 2714 in. FRANCOIS BOUCHER (After). French. 1704-1770. DIANA AT THE BATH. Canvas. Signed, ‘‘H. T. Lotti.’’ Height, 2114 in.; width, 2814 in. H. BOTH German. 19th Century. SAND DUNES, SHEPHERD AND CATTLE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 14 in.; width, 23 in. 5 j : GEORGE V. CURTIS I (© Contemporary American Painter. 3 \ 17 20: HARVEST SCENE. ai Canvas. ‘Signed. Height, 18 in.; width, 22 in. & ; UNKNOWN ARTIST 4 : Dutch School. 3 $0 21 CANAL WITH SHIPPING. MOONLIGHT. a | vy Panel. Height, 11% in.; width, 151% in. With name-plate on frame attributing the canvas to Johann Barthold Jongkind. W. C. EMERSON Member of Chicago Society of Artists, Chicago Water Color Club, and the New York Water Color Club. \0’ 22 WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH BROOK. Board. Signed. Height, 1714 in.; width, 2714 in. ALONZO PEREZ Contemporary French Painter. \Q- 23 THE MOUSQUETAIRE’S FEAST. Water color. Signed. Height, 7 in.; width, 101% in. Ee RAPHAEL (After) | | Italian. 1481-1520. n 1 ¢ 24 MADONNA DELLA SEDIA. r Canvas. Diameter, 28% in. A fine copy of the original in the Pitti Gallery, Florence. eee St Sea ee eS ELLIOTT DAINGERFIELD Contemporary American Painter. a »0 25 SUNSET ON A LAKE. | Canvas. Signed. Height, 1514 in.; width, 201% in. UNKNOWN ARTIST Dutch School. 17th Century. @ 0’ 26 THE INN. | Panel. Height, 191% in. ; width, 26 in. 2 J. B. HUET ee J French. 1745-1811. = 0 27 PASTORAL SCENE. S| Vernis Martin panel. Height, 1014 in.; width, 15 in. ‘ 6 Sa a RE == “AUSIQURC SIOOUBI SopIVy,) “edBvospuey VW L. RUI-PEREZ Modern Spanish Painter. 95 28 GIL BLAS ET LA COMEDIENNE. Panel. Signed and dated 1861. Height, 18 in.; width, 29 in. UNKNOWN ARTIST Spanish. 17th Century. 1 “ 99 HOLY MAN STUDYING. Canvas. Height, 221% in.; width, 18 in. E. G. WELSCH American. 19th Century. hb pe Eh SCENE IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. de) Canvas. Signed and dated 1866. Height, 18 in. ; width, 29 in. UNKNOWN ARTIST §o American. 19th Century. \4, 31 ECHO LAKE, WHITE MOUNTAINS. Canvas. Height, vR¥% m.; width, 314% i. JEAN BENNER Contemporary French Painter. Ki, 32 DALLYING. ¢ Canvas. Signed. Height, 21 wn.; width, 34 in. SEWRY GILPIN and GEORGE BARRET 1733-1807, English. 1728-1784. a \{“ 383 DEER IN A WOOD. Canvas. Height, 29 in.; width, 48 in. THOMAS SULLY Born in Lincolnshire, England, 1788. Pupil of Gilbert Stuart and Benjamin West. Among his best works are full-length portraits of Washington, Jefferson : and La Fayette. jo Died, 1872. ‘| 34 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. : v Canvas. Initialed. Height, 23 in.; width, 191% in. 7 JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY, R. A. Born in Boston, 1737. Being self-taught, the eminence he reached represents one of the most remarkable attainments in the history of art. In 1774 he settled in Lon- don, where he died in 1815. Copley was essentially « portrait painter and such was his fame in this field that the possession of a portrait of an ancestor painted by Copley became equivalent to a patent of nobility. J,000: 36 jo” 39 10 “40 7 35 PORTRAIT OF MRS. J. GREENE. Canvas. Initialed ‘‘J. 8S. Cp’’ in monogram, and dated, 1769. Height, 49 in.; width, 39 in. UNKNOWN ARTIST Colonial Period. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Canvas. Height, 30 in.; width, 24 in. With faint inscription on back — “One of the attractions of Fraunce’s Tavern.” The initials “J. F.”’ are also discernible. UKKNOWN PAINTER Colonial Period. PORTRAIT OF GENTLEMAN WITH WIG. ‘Canvas. Height, 28 in.; width, 24 an. Believed by the late owner to be a portrait of General Joseph Warren. R. F. McINTYRE Contemporary English Painter. KEW ON THE THAMES. Canvas. ‘Signed. Height, 20 in.; width, 30 an. GEORGE V. CURTIS Contemporary American Painter. GIRL’S HEAD. Canvas. Signed. Height, 18 in.; width, 15 in. LOUIS BRAQUAVAL Contemporary French Painter. FRENCH MARKET SCENE. Panel. Signed. Height, 15 in.; width, 18 10. W. C. EMERSON Member of Chicago Society of Artists, Chicago Water Color Club, and the aN es New York Water Color Club. AUTUMN WOODS AT SUNSET. Board. Signed. Height, 151% in.; width, 19% wm. 8 ALPHONSE DE NEUVILLE Born at St. Omer, 1836. Pupil of Picot and Delacroix. Medals, 1859, ’61. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. 5 Died, 1885. (2) Ww“ 42 LADY SEWING IN AN ARBOR. \ Canvas. Signed and dated ‘‘Yport, 1873.’ Height, 14 in.; width, 20 in. From the De Neuville Sale (No. 28). UNKNOWN ARTIST fo Spanish. 17th Century? nq 743 THE WATER BOY. + Canvas. Height, 20 in.; width, 25 in. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT Born at Cheshire, Conn., 1818. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 18465. Member of the National Academy, 1849. Died at New York, 1872. “44 SUNSET ON A ROCKY COAST. \ Canvas. Initialed. Height, 18 in.; width, 30 in. \ ANDREAS ACHENBACH Born at Cassel, 1815. Pupil of Shirmer, Diisseldorf Academy. Knight of the Order of Leopold and of the Legion of Honor. Medals, in Prussia and Belgium; in Paris in 1839, ’55, 64 and ’67; in Philadelphia, 1876; and in Munich, 1883. {7 45 FISHING BOATS IN A ‘STORM. Canvas. Signed and dated, 1848. Height, 261% in.; width, 24 in. ADOLF SCHREYER Born in Frankfort, 1828. Pupil Stadel Institute, Frankort. Medals: 1864, 1865 and 1867; also, Medal at Brussels, 1863; Vienna, 1873; Munich, 1876. Court Painter to the Grand Duke of Macklenberg, 1862; Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1866 ; Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Died, 1899. al ra) 100: 46 A GROUP OF ARAB HORSEMEN. Kr 8) ® Canvas. Signed. Height, 22 in.; width, 3334 in. al | | 3 q CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Born in Paris, 1817. Pupil of Deluroche. Medals: 1848, 1858, 1855, 1857, 1859 and 1867. Legion of Honor, 1859 ; and Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. Died, 1878. 6 7“ 47 LANDSCAPE WITH LAKE. : 0 Panel. Signed. Height, 934 in.; width, 16 in. CONSTANTINE TROYON Born at Sevres, 1810. Pupil of Rivereux. Medals, 1888, °40, ’46, °48, °56. Legion of Honor, 1849. LE, Died, 1865. 119: 48 BULL RUNNING. L Canvas. Initialed. Height, 14 in.; width, 1614 in. CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Born in Paris, 1817. Pupil of Delaroche. Medals: 1848, 1858, 1855, 1857, 1859 and 1867. Legion of Honor,, 1859 ; and Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874. ; Died, 1878. Q¢ “49 OUTSKIRTS OF A FRENCH VILLAGE. | | ; Panel. Signed. Height, 9% in.; width, 13 in. THEODORE ROUSSEAU Born in Paris, 1812. Pupil of Léthiére. Legion of Honor, 1852. Medals: 1834 1849, 1855, and one of the Hight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867. | yf Died, 1867. 0. 50. THE BORDER OF THE LAKE. Lo Canvas. Signed. Height, 9 in.; width, 14 én. JULES DUPRE Born in Nantes, 1812. Medals: 1833, 1867; Legion of Honor, 1849; and Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. y Died, 1889. $0. 51 SUNSET. Panel. Signed. Height, 111% in.; width, 151% in. CONSTANTINE TROYON Born at Sevres, 1810. Pupil of Rivereus. Medals, 1888, ’40, ’46, °48, °55. Legion of Honor, 1849. Died, 1865. 052 SHEEP n { i Lt Canvas. Signed. Height, 91% in.; width, 12 in. 10 UONOL N I 4 oulur q L I uuny [Ng VW 8 - " ) N C. S. KINGSLEY Contemporary American Painter. k “ 53 AUTUMN LANDSCAPE. ¥ Canvas. Signed. Height, 10 in.; width, 131% in. UNKNOWN ARTIST ” Dutch. 17th Century. 26. 54 WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH MANOR AND 9° CATTLE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 2314 in.; width, 40 in. CLAUDE LORRAIN (School of) French. 17th Century. Lp )90 55 A RUINED AQUEDUCT. Canvas. Height, 46 in.; width, 66 in. A. J. GROENEWEGEN Contemporary Dutch Painter. Op /56 MILKING. : Canvas. Signed. Height, 1214 in.; width, 21 in. Bought of Arthur Tooth & Sons, London. CLAUDE JOSEPH VERNET Born at Avignon, 1714. He devoted himself chiefly to Marine Landscapes, attaining a rare eacel- lence in this department. In 1752, Louis XV. invited him to paint the principal seaports of France. The following year he was elected a member of the Academy of Arts. Died, 1789. 4(/ 51 THE HARBOR OF RHODES. | Uv Canvas. Height, 35 in.; width, 47 in. UNKNOWN ARTIST French. 19th Century. _ 58 STREET SCENE, WITH CHILDREN. ee Canvas. Height, 38 in.; width, 28% in. | Attributed by the owner to A. G. Decene J. B. C. COROT Born at Paris, 1796. Pupil of V. Bertin. Medals, 1838, ’48, ’55, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the Legion of Henor, 1867. Exposition Universal, 1878. Died, 1875 11 fb E ¢ 59 THE COTTER’S BACK-YARD. Canvas, Height, 1514 in.; width, 121% in. Though unsigned, this sketch has the wax stamp on back attesting its purchase at the sale of Corot’s studio effects, in Paris GUSTAVE WOLFF Member Society of Western Artists, St. Louis Artists’ Guild. Silver Medal, Portland, Ore., 1905. First Dolph Prize, St. Louis, 1906. Western Club Silver Medal and Cash Prize, St. Louis, 1907. Represented in permanent collection, City Art Museum, St. Louis. 760 A SUMMER STREAM. 0 Canvas. Signed. Height, 191% in.; width, 23 in. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT Born at Cheshire, Conn., 1818. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1845. Member of the National Academy, 1849. Died at New York, 1872. 10° COAST SCENE NEAR MANCHESTER, MASS. Canvas. Initialed. Height, 14 in.; width, 24 in. UNKNOWN ARTIST Italian. 18th Century. 6 f 62 SAINT MARY OF EGYPT. Height, 31 in.; width, 231% in. VL ‘ Canvas. VAN De SANDE BAKHUYSEN Born at the Hague, 1826. Pupil of his father. Medals, Vienna, Philadelphia, 1876, Amsterdam, The Hague and Paris. Died, 1895. % 63 WOODED LANDSCAPE. THE RETURNING CAT- : TLE. Canvas. Signed. Height, 18 in.; width, 20 in. UNKNOWN ARTIST Dutch. 17th Century? fe OO 64 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Height, 22 in.; width, 18 in. 1 Canvas. Attributed by the late owner to Ferdinand Bol, 1611-1681. 12 No. 64. Portrait of a Man. Artist Unknown. WILLIAM HART, N. A. Born in Paisley, Scotland, 1822. Member National Academy, New York, 1858. One of the founders, and for several years President, of the American Water Color Society, and President of the Brooklyn Academy of Design at its foundation. Died, 1901. ‘ ° 65 NEAR MELROSE ABBEY. \r Canvas. Signed. Height, 12 in.; width, 18 in. CARLETON WIGGINS Contemporary American Painter. Born at Turners, N. Y., 1848. Studied in Paris and under George Inness. Associate National Academy, 1892 ; Member, 1906. 0 lr £ 66 SHEEP IN PASTURE. + Canvas. Signed. Height, 1314 in.; width, 19% i. GEORGE H. SMILLIE, N. A. Born in New York City, 1840. Pupil of James M. Hart, N. A. Member of the American Water Color Society and New York Htching Club. Elected Associate of the National Academy, New York, 1864; Academician, 1882. 10° 67 WOODED PASTORAL LANDSCAPE. () Canvas. Signed. Height, 1914 in.; width, 29 in. HENRY P. SMITH Born at Waterford, Conn., 1854. Member of the American Water Color Society and the Artists’ Fund Society of New York. Died, 1907. n “ 68 WOODED LANDSCAPE AT WATERFORD, CONN. 0) b Canvas. Signed. Height, 171% in.; width, 27 in. Accompanying the above is a letter from the artist in regard to the painting, giving the title of it as, “Late Afternoon at Waterford, Conn.” JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT Born at Cheshire, Conn., 1818. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1845. Member of the National Academy, 1849. (o Died at New York, 1872. i 7 69 THE GORGE. | Canvas. Height, 18 in.; width, 154% a. 13 __ Se IE TSS, ft = s EASTMAN JOHNSON, N. A. Born at Lovell, Me., 1824. Studied two years in Diisseldorf and subsequently in Italy, Paris and Holland. Opened a studio in New York, 1860. Elected a member of the National Academy the same year. Member of the Society of American Artists at its foundation. Died, 1906. ine 70 PORTRAIT. LADY’S PROFILE (AFTER MUN- KACSY.) Board. Initialed. Height, 11 in.; width, 81% in. JOSEPH JEFFERSON Born at Philadelphia, 1829. While best known as an actor, he devoted much of his leisure to landscape painting. Died, 1905. ¢ “71 SUNSET. | ) Canvas. Signed. Height, 14 in.; width, 20 in. Presented by Mr. Jefferson to his friend, James H. MeVicker, of the McVicker Theatre, Chicago. GEORGE V. CURTIS. Contemporary American Iainter. 0 72 FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU. | Canvas. Signed. Height, 18 in.; width, 22 in. UNKNOWN ARTIST Harly 19th Century. a Cx 73 PORTRAIT OF AN ARTIST. Canvas. Height, 2714 in.; width, 221% in. ABRAHAM BLOEMAERT Celebrated Dutch Painter. Born at Gorkum, about 1564. A(e) Died at Utrecht, 1647. ap “74 SAINT ANN INSTRUCTING THE VIRGIN. fh Canvas. Height, 48 in.; width, 47 in. GUSTAVE WOLFF Member Society of Western Artists, St. Louis Artists’ Guild. Silver Medal, Portland, Ore., 1905. First Dolph Prize, St. Louis, 1906. Western Olub Silver Medal and Cash Prize, St. Louis, 1907. Represented in permanent collection, {0 City Art Museum, St. Louis. | | “75 MARKET DAY IN A HOLLAND TOWN. Canvas. Signed. Height, 151% in.; width, 191% in. 14 CHARLES HENRY WARD American. 19th Century. 0 f 1% GYPSY TRAVELERS. I] Conead Hern 5, andi, IS oae, CHARLES HENRY WARD American. 19th Century. , tt MIRROR LAKE, IN THE ADIRONDACKS. | Canvas. Height, 1844 w.; width, 241% in. Ss. L. PARSONS & CO., Inc., Printers, 45 Rose St., New York.