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SNYDACKER OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS OF HIS ESTATE | FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH SEVENTEENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent| PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1922 CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be prR Lor as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Purchases to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the descrip- tion, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concern- ing any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. Terms CasH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared_after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the de- faulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. Bips. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN LIST OF ARTISTS PAINTING NUMBER BLAKELOCK, RALPH ALBERT Riess LOO gS BOLOGNESE SCHOOL I BONHEUR, ROSA 17 CAZIN, JEAN CHARLES 37 CHURCH, FREDERIC S. i CONSTABLE, JOHN 28 DAINGERFIELD, ELLIOTT 46 DAVIS, WARREN DIAZ DE LA PENA, N. V. 24, 29 DUPRE, JULES | 9 FROMENTIN, EUGENE wey GORTER, A. M. 8 HENNER, JEAN JACQUES | LO gees ene 7, 930,42 INNESS, GEORGE 36 INNESS, GEORGE, JR. AA ISRAELS, JOSEF 30, 38, 40, 41 JACQUE, CHARLES EMILE 22 KEITH, WILLIAM 24 45 MAUVE, ANTON 2874 MILLET, JEAN FRANCOIS at MORAN, THOMAS 42 PIETERS, EVART 10 RAFFAELLO, M. DI 2 SETHER, GILBERT 4. STEVENS, ALFRED 14 SWAN, C. E. 13 VERBOECKHOVEN, EUGENE 6 WEISS, SAMUEL A. 3, 48, 49 WEISSENBRUCH, J. H. 6 WYANT, ALEXANDER H. 18, 47 macy: * THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OF CALLED ae THE en THAT eee -_ a= << ae . ip SR? aie Pee. a es “SALE FRIDA \Y EVENING, MARCH SEVENTEENTH | _———sAT- EIGHT-FIFTEEN O'CLOCK BOLOGNESE SCHOOL — Sy 17TH CENTURY I “SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF THE VIRGIN Dr rawing in neutral tint and India ink, heightened with white. | Ss 8% eee width, 1114 inches. RAFFAELLO ITALIAN SCHOOL, 17TH CENTURY > FIGURE OF A MAN AND HALF FIGURE OF A WOMAN Drawing. India ink and wash, heightened with white. oaned M. di Raffaello. Height, 734 inches, width, 634 inches. SAMUEL A. WEISS ~~ \ ; CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN \3. ROCKY SHORE Fine arrangement of line, with effective blue and foamy sea washing in, and warm golden sky. Drawing, pastel and water color. Signed at lower right. Height, 9% inches, width, 11% inches. GILBERT SETHER CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN 4 THE FIRST FALL OF SNOW Typical countryside, with a red brick house and a barn; hill at the left and in the background; a birch tree rising in the fore- ground; pale blue sky, frigid weather effect. Gouache. Signed at lower right. Height, 14 inches; width, 21 inches. WARREN DAVIS CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN fot HE POOL A nymph prone on the sandy shore of a small body of water, in an attitude of entire abandon, her chin resting on her crossed hands and her feet in the air. Foliage in the background. Canvas on academy board. Signed at lower right. Height, 8 inches; width, 934 inches. O) EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN BELGIAN, 1799-1881 : BECReS is TEER A black and white setter in the centre of a road of sand and pebbles looks patiently toward the left, as if awaiting his master. Rising ground bordered with green, tree trunks in the back- ground. Blue sky, with gray cloud effects. Panel. Signed and dated 1856 at the lower. left. . Height, 6 inches; width, 8% inches. Inscription of authenticity on the back. EUGENE FROMENTIN FRENCH, 1820-1876 7 MOONLIGHT IN THE DESERT A company of Arabs, quartered for the night in their tent, are seen squatting about, one near a little fire at the right; camels and baggage at the left; evening sky with the silver disc of the moon at the upper left. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 5%4 inches, wtdth, 4 inches. Sows | A. M. GORTER Jeno Oe CONTEMPORARY DUTCH oy 8 AUTUMN IN RURAL HOLLAND Flat boggy country traversed by a picturesque canal, with a punt drawn up at the water’s edge. Cows animate a pasture at the middle distance, while slender trees trace their bare limbs over a pale blue sky with fleeting gray and silver clouds. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 15 inches, width, 114 inches. i, hw JULES DUPRE 5S Oo a \ FRENCH, 1811-1889 97 LANDSCAPE A limpid body of water spreads from the foreground toward the right. A gigantic tree rises from the wooded bank in the middle ground, spreading its vast branches over a sky of sil- very clouds with touches of blue. A cottage and cattle at the water's edge add strength to the composition. Canvas. Height, 8% inches, width, 10% inches. — IO ‘ ‘ i EVART PIETERS CONTEMPORARY DUTCH MARINE A rough sea with a trawler in the foreground; other vessels indi- cated at the left and horizon; fine gray and creamy sky. Canvas mounted on academy board. Signed at lower right. Height, 103% inches; width, 7% inches. D Lo. WM ih+Co RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. ty AMERICAN, 1847-1919 11 INDIAN SUMMER Groves of trees at the left and right, with level country to the horizon at centre; open foreground; sunset sky. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 4% inches, width, 10 inches. pam I2 FREDERIC 5. CHURCH Nee CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN BUNNY’S PORTRAIT In a sylvan dell with flowers and a limpid pool, a pink-eyed, white rabbit sits obediently on his haunches while Cupid sketches his likeness. Canvas. Signed, copyrighted, and dated 1905 at lower left. Height, 10 inches, width, 14 inches. Celis WAIN CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH foe BAY A Royal Bengal Tiger crouches in the grass, hissing with open jaws as if facing a superior enemy. Academy board. Signed at lower left. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches, ALFRED STEVENS BELGIAN, 1828-1906 14 PORTRAIT SKETCH A lady in evening dress, with mantle and hat of light silvery and pink material, and a black lace veil, sits comfortably in an arm- chair. An old golden background affords restful relief. Canvas. Signed and dated 19 inches; width, 14 inches. . 02 at upper right. Height, 18 ‘ : RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN, 1847-1919 1s MOONLIGHT A lake in the foreground, with a grove of trees on the opposite bank in nice design. Sparkling sky, with fleeting clouds touched by the silvery rays of the moon. Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 5% inches; width, 7 inches. yi has JEAN JACQUES HENNER ( WU FRENCH, 1829-1905 "4 46 MAGDALENE KNEELING : y™ \ | Exquisitely brushed figure, the lower body enveloped in a green Ay &} eloth, the back poised against a wall, while the head is turned j - from the spectator. Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 10% inches; width, 814 inches. 950. yi. iby. bu conegpmur ie acvewee blathasn Ntoeh, as ae ‘eG Sd Healer lhekelle: See 1911+ BRKX gt) Ge See [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 1bS 6, ROSA BONHEUR FRENCH, 1822-1899 (Fee. DEER IN FOREST — The buck is lying on the soft turf and leaves while the doe is standing sentinel. Trunks of trees rise at left and right with leafy branches, and shafts of sunlight add bright touches here and there. Charming example. Canvas. Signed and dated 1809 at lower left. Height, 21% inches, width, 18 inches. Ss From the Collection of Lord Armstrong. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons. The following letter, written on the back of a photograph of the painting, accom- panies the picture: A representative example by Rosa Bonheur, very good quality, painted in 1869, and was once in the collection of Lord Armstrong. o ARTHUR TOOTH & SONS, per ASB ais [SEE ILLUSTRATION] A, Nee a a — ee eee eee ee ™ “4 ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. AMERICAN, 1836-1892 18° SUNSET LANDSCAPE Foreground of dark brown brush, a pool at the middle distance, slight tree growths at right and left, and a giant tree towering from left foreground over a finely brushed sky of fleeting clouds. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 10 inches, width, 8 inches. < wn & | [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] Tot \ } [13] ee ; , et, 9 * ‘4 + * ke oes a ae Peg Hb, Yes « of ver aaet of f Oo | \ RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. | AMERICAN, 1847-1919 19 THE CAMP FIRE EF. Cr thu Rich velvety foreground with a small pool; group of fine trees at the right centre, with three Indians squatting close to a small 7 50. fire of fagots; grove of trees at the left, with a stretch of meadow through to the horizon. Beautiful, radiant sky, with light cirrus clouds touched with burnished gold. Extremely fine example. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches. ; 7 if } ed ~ [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] [19 | b O40. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK Res AMERICAN, 1847-1919 20 INDIAN ENCAMPMENT A clearing in the foreground, underscrub and bushes with lofty tree at right, grove of fine trees at left, where a wigwam with Indians is seen. A pale blue hill at centre, and a fine silvery sky with light flaky clouds and glimpses of blue. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 15% inches; width, 23% inches. Exhibited at the Blakelock Loan Exhibition, Reinhardt & Son Galleries, 1916. 4 OS, JEAN JACQUES HENNER FRENCH, 1829-1905 21 NYMPH BESIDE A STREAM In a half reclining posture the charming nude has her back turned and is resting after a bath in the crystal waters of the stream; her hair hangs down in golden strands, and the deep & foliage of the background makes an admirable foil for the rich a. carnations of the flesh tints. Pale blue sky. eee Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 7 inches, width, 1034 inches. MN. tboreed Lilith, Ath iwg forsee P15 - CGENZ Ow tonsegnrienh Lol. Hrller + Miuchelle flea 1916 ~ PSS plac wit A Va C< (Lg Jitav 19M - CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FRENCH, 1813-1894 ee rtlrus Q 22 HOMEWARD BOUND A maiden carrying a bundle of clover and wild flowers on her head has overtaken the young shepherd, to whom she shows a nosegay; the dog is also interested, while the sheep and lambs follow close by, munching a leaf or blade of grass in passing; alley of slender trees in midsummer foliage at the right, flat country at the left, spreading toward a village at the horizon. Blue sky with flaky clouds. Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 10% inches; width, 814 inches. | sig a- © Purchased from Knoedler & Co., whose letter, written on the back of a photograph of the painting, accompanies the picture: This painting was painted by Charles Emile Jacque & is one of his finest examples in quality & composition. YY M. KNOEDLER & Co. J 3k. brgp Mad bare deb 1901- fe0 ESKX~ bid Villon kek Lyfe G07 PMOxX . [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] { : | | y / a ‘ , A f f ; f L — 7 ; \ A Agee ; & ae 2) \ JEAN JACQUES HENNER FRENCH, 1829-1905 22°8N YY MRS AED Another version of this delightful subject, showing the nymph seated, arranging her auburn tresses, with her back to the ‘spec- YI p+ . tator An her head turned toward thie left; the pool at the right reflects the pale emerald of the sky. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 25% inches; width, 2034 inches. From the August Belmont Collection. Purchased from Knoedler & Co., whose certificate, written on the back of a photograph of the painting, accompanies the picture: This is a.photo. of a painting by J. J..Henner. | Size 2034 x 25% oval. It was in the late August Belmont’s Collection for a great many years; and it was from his son, the Honorable Perry Belmont, that we bought it. M. KNOEDLER & Co. | , T. G. W- ; October 2, 1909. ©ssiph. tle concsnwenh th be Mubmerk Bisque. Laden fires PM SA Ate buhe Chaeago (eas 190 8x AMNSXX Cf Gu + bic ernecgs meen Mh 1b, Miwke Leb-y (70g te rick PMSKK Sold. Wealitr + Michitls heceye) ok 1909. PMESK~ [SEE ILLUSTRATION] NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA FRENCH, 1809-1876 24 LANDSCAPE WITH COWS VW kA Flat country, a clump of trees at the distant right, cattle about a silvery pool in the foreground. Low-pitched horizon, with a ASv beautiful sky of mellow golden and gray cloud effects. § Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 9¥ inches; width, : 1234 inches. The following letter, written on the back e a photograph of the 4 b4 : painting, accompanies the picture: Jane 24th, 191d. We recognize this painting by N. Diaz as passing through our hands. Size 1234 x 9% inches. — ose. M. KNOEDLER & Co. Wars (aeughk Nn. Weallek Varo gol, Feo SKK dota f4 Aaughlen 1503. Pr ga Mice Apr gob Wok AS KX [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] JEAN JACQUES HENNER FRENCH, 1829-1905 g SL: mr. Ket CO 25 MAGDALENE RECLINING Lying at full length on her side, her head resting on her right arm, the pretty nude directs her gaze at the spectator; a blue drapery lies loosely on the greensward and partly covers her right thigh. Deep background in succulent greens and blue, complementing the ivory-tinted flesh and the loose auburn hair parted in the middle. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 12% inches, width, 21 inches. J. H. WEISSENBRUCH DUTCH, 1824-1903 ) MA Lrcbliney aoe SCAPE WITH CATTLE Rich pasturage with black and white cows in the foreground, an alley of trees beyond, with barn, all in fine value against a sky of creamy gray and silvery clouds. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 9% inches, width, 1714 inches. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons, whose letter, written on the back of a photograph of the painting, accompanies the picture: This painting by J. H. Weissenbruch was at one time in our possession, & we consider it a charming | example. | ARTHUR TOOTH & SONS, | An art. JEAN JACQUES HENNER FRENCH, 1829-1905 eae 27 MAGDALENE IN MEDITATION pruu In an attitude of humility, Magdalene stands with her back near a wall, her hands coming together as she grasps the simple brown garment that envelops her body from the waist; her | Z po. head is slightly turned from the spectator, as she seems to be seeking to commune with the other world; her long rich copper- — colored hair descends freely, partly covering her bosom. Rich NSD brown background. : he es as | Se U Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 28 iichee Bi 18 inches. Ne’ [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] oe RI el NS Rip JOHN CONSTABLE, R.A. ; P| ENGLISH, 1776-1837 Ce Se Optll clu l 28 APPROACHING STORM | | Low trees and a growth of brush divide this stirring composi- — : tion into a rising slope at the right, where a herdsman is ap- proaching his cattle, and a flat expanse at the left, with a cot- 50 tage and tree clumps beyond, while a man on a white horse contributes a bright note in the foreground. A tower rises in relief against the deep slaty sky at the centre horizon, and a mill throws its arms across a bright plane of clouds at the right, while birds animate the scene at the left. A virile brushwork of the master’s best period. . Panel. Height, 10 inches; width, 15 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] CAS _ NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Ny I Oy FRENCH, 1809-1876 - 29 THE EDUCATION OF LOVE | Charming allegory showing a blonde maiden seated in a nook with two attendants, while the little god of love leans over her knee and looks intently into her countenance; the maidens are — partly draped, and there is a glimpse of a pearly sky. Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 1234 inches; width, 9% inches. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co. The following letter, written on the back of a photograph of the painting, accom- panies the picture: | This painting by N. Diaz, “The Education of Love,” size 93 x 12% inches, panel, is a very beautiful work of the artist. Mr. Freville, of Ville d’Avray, purchased it from — Diaz on the advice of the well known collector Mr. Stumpf, his friend. Mr. Freville was a rich proprietor & known as “Freville le vingt,” as he was the 2oth child of his father. On his death Mr. Fumouze, ex-President of the Tribunal of Commerce of Paris and son-in-law of Mr. Fre- ville, inherited it. We acquired the painting from 4 him. : M. KNOEDLER & Co. C. R. Henschel, Atty. /1907. Brug hk, lanotd » Leff (hie re (909, Teo NOESK - Sta. Yroul lon - Michalls Upr 4710 « JOU. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 9322. F biulfase tenon Mhalland. Afth igeo- dr SXXX = Sold. 54. Wib een » Sg bre 1900-« J MOXk~ ; ix 10238 + dahuw tack IM. Of b tee « Lard Mpirk 1903-4 7 = Sold. M- nm » Son! L/G03 JOSKK © JOSEF ISRAELS | DUTCH, 1824-1911 | | : fa : 30 COMING FISHERMEN K bo A couple of boys are sailing their toy craft in shallow water; beyond a fisherwife is seen carrying her babe and a basket; on the right a fisherman is laden with an anchor, and some vessels are close inshore. A boat in the distance, while circling sea- gulls enliven a sky of blue and creamy clouds. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 15% inches; width, 19% inches. 1089; 1 Lhaw I Wor acon! Mtr / 9 O8- tcl - Spang 6 1906 -« BOUXK + W3KS ~ Mdbined. 4 Bur é Clete ful 1907 > eee re eo 4 ' 31 I JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET Q gsr FRENCH, 1814-1875 Y h/ Cy MILKING TIME, BRITTANY A maid in peasant garb is milking a short-horned cow in the foreground of a restful expanse of green; beyond, an old water mill is in operation, and near it, quaint pollard trees of odd shapes and a hill with fine tree groups bring us to a pale blue sky. Very characteristic work. Pastel. Signed at lower right. Height, 17% inches; width, 1934 inches. ANTON MAUVE | DUTCH, 1838-1888 32 THE HUNTER Wad U4 With gun and gamebag this disciple of St. Hubert is passing ~ through a field of stubble, while his dog is on the alert. Flat a A) country, gray sky with silvery effect at the horizon. Fine rendi- \ * tion of a chill November morn, exquisitely brushed in rich Aa G) A ee | aT p Ast} | / / Pet koe Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 20% inches; width, eye I inches. | | W Wi un Sale! 1908s FSG - S300, Wovileses : QQ50. Bi, ; a $0 Ii. b. barelacre Stay 1898> PAGA- ty irae pla base 1898 + p OSKK~ 4 /0888 4 coe Chewy Be 1905 « qoe “a | oe p GANG Siker Pras lan /G tt - Jo. en Aud ‘pit ad he [SEE ILLUSTRATION | ¥/ RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N ee af | AMERICAN, Be Ate a3 THE WOUNDED STAG - o 2 Forest interior with fine tree growths in rich autu a silvery pool in the foreground, some moss-gro wn q 0, right, beyond which a stag comes bounding i into 1 | a spear sticking in his side. Luminous sky. | Panel. Signed at lower right. Height, 934 1 13% inches. | | ae [SEE ILLUSTRATION] WILLIAM KEITH AMERICAN, ae | 34 BROWN OAKS | WC, Hurd r A mass of gnarled giants rise at the left foreground, and join- ing their vast branches with a lesser grove at the right form a beautiful vista in charming perspective of a brook, meadowland with cows, and shimmering hills, to a burst of brie omer ) bs 0. sky with Shiden tinted clouds. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 20 inches; Gay eS 30 inches. | The following letters accompany the picture: \ S.F. December sth, tg10 | Dear Junior ' You know well enough that the Brown Oak pic- ture was one of my favorites and the gentleman in Chicago you sold it to certainly has one of my best things. When are you coming up again? Let me know beforehand as I may want you to bring something along. Yours truly WM. KEITH Hotel Potter Santa Barbara, California December 7.1510 Jos. Snydacker, Esq. Chicago, Il. My dear Mr. Snydacker: You have no doubt hung the Keith painting and I should be glad to know how you like it. En- closed I send you private letter of my friend Keith S and if you want to keep it you may do SO. With kindest regards I am Sincerely yours FREDERIC JUNIOR [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 34] | RALPH ALBERT. BLAKELOCK, N. A. \ py. oh AMERICAN, 1847-1919 35 THE VISION OF LIFE A joyous group from the twilight world is disporting itself on A a | the leafy carpet of a break in the woods, with vast tree groups \ bs | rising at the right and left, and a fine perspective of gayly f colored meadowland toward the horizon at left centre, joes : a sky of blue and shimmering opalescent tones. | Canvas. Signed at lower HAS Height, 21 noha length, 39 inches, Exhibited at the Blakelock ee Exhibition, Reinhardt & tae iq Gillies oat a f Pe fe oe ~£ \ > Die 4] svt l ln rR. KAS eo vy, ibs [SEE ILLUSTRATION] Pa \ 36 oe | VY GEORGE INNESS, N.A. 7 bP AMERICAN, 1825-1894 THE HOME OF THE HERON In the solitude of a deep wood the trunk of a majestic tree rises, its bark glistening in the soft light of the afternoon sun; the fore- ground is fragrant with green foliage and wild flowers, and the branches sparkle with deep orange and golden foliage; at the right a white heron is perched on a fallen trunk. In the dis-— tance, between a phalanx of stately trees a faint glimmer indi- cates the horizon, with touches of an azure sky breaking through the masses of foliage near the top. An epic in paint. Canvas. Signed and dated 1891 at lower left. Height, 41 inches; width, 3634 inches. The following letter accompanies the picture: 222 West soth Street New York Nov. 6th, 1912 Mr. J. G. Snydacker Chicago, III. Dear Sir: | I congratulate you upon acquiring the very noble ‘“Tnness’”—‘““The Home of the Heron.” I saw the first charcoal drawing upon the canvas, & watched its growth—the struggle of the master to express — himself. There are some superb things under this picture for it went through various states and phases, as indeed many of Inness’s pictures did as he reached toward the goal known to his own mind. It was a favorite with the master, and is now ripening with that unctious mellowing which comes to all great works. It ranks with the great pictures of any master of any school & amply justifies our belief that George Inness was the peer of the greatest. I congratulate you again. Sincerely ELLIOTT DAINGERFIELD [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] Vite Mardis iin Ve Pay es an 4 we we ae eee, : Eh wi a ea a ai a ea , =. By ‘ = bree eit — 6 ais paca , a aia , % von ee \ At Ee rie bee 7. Kis f ; A re as : JEAN CHARLES CAZIN- O) x FRENCH, 1840-1900 | ‘4 XQ g br: } | deny 37 EVENING | a} A group of homely cottages, their thatched and tiled roofs | LY ; sparkling in the silvery moonlight. A lonely figure at the door \ : “4 \ on the right, while the gleam of a lamp is seen at the window. an The fence in the foreground reveals the home of the peasant. — ‘oe Various abodes at the base of the hill to the left. A deep azure \ sky with twinkling stars and a slight bank of cirrus clouds at the — | 4 top round out this very fine example. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 23% inches, ‘width, \, ‘vi 18 inches. a) Purchased from the John Levy Galleries. ae a OKS 0 3 dw conseqnmmerh foo Moco eae hur 1405 tk, a fras é | | Ss 5 ttf - pe ey Up Yor pe OOXX = q