LIBRARY 1M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York 10S yee af C CATALOGUE © ,/> OF Hine Modern Marutings, Isaac WaLKER, New York. Nanas, NOW ON EXHIBITION, DAY AND EVENING, AT THE Heavitt Art Galleries, 817 Broadwap. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION ON TuHurspay Eveninc, Fepruary 17th, eeeepnaerneninain tian EDO AT 7:30 O'CLOCK. GEO, A, LEAVITT & CO. R. SOMERVILLE, Auctioneer. J83% RE. CONDITIONS OF SALE, 1, The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold, 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent. on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if re- quired, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be ab- solutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendor, on or before delivery ; in default of which the Auctioneers will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The Sale of any Painting, Engraving, Print, Furni- ture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be sct aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale, 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without. prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO., AUCTIONEERS E. 0, Jenkins’ Print, 20 North William St., New York. ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN ISAAC WALKER’S COLLECTION THE NUMBER OF THE LOTS. Compte (A.) 1 Colombai. 2 Robbe (L.) 3 ~ Rondel (¥.) 4 Widgery (J. C.) 5 Barber (J. M.) 6 Shayer (H. and D.) 7 Ballayoine (J.) Damschroeder 9 Waitelin (L. V.) 10 De Leeuw (A.) 11 Schaefels. 12 Schutze (W.) 18 Verstraete. 14 Braight Hy 15 Doiph (J. H.) 15 Garnier (J.) 17 Sehill (A.) 18 De Coninck (P.) 19. Guillaumet (G.) 20 Toeschi (G.) 21 Bierstadt (A.) 22 De Lobbe (A.) 28 Lambinet, 24 Landelle (C.) 25 Walker (J. A.) 26 Mouchot (L.) 27 Voltz (F.) 28 Delort (C. EB.) 29 Bromley (W.) 30 Creswick (Theo.) 31 Coomans (J). 32 Diaz (N.) 33 Phillipoteaux (P.) 34 Lommen (W.) 55 Meyer you Bremen 35 Beyle (P. M.) 37 Baron (H.) 38 Casanova (A.) 39 Lambron (A.) 40 Rossi (L.) 4b Walhberg (A.) 42 Bruck Lajos 43 Van Marcke (E.) 44 Degrave (J. A.) 45 Schlesinger (F.) 46 Bonheur (August). 47_ Joris (P,) 48 Zierman (C.) 49 Chlebowski (8t.) 50 Mayer (Constant). 51 Moore (Humph.) 52 Bierstadt (A.) 53 De Boucherville (A.) 54 Weber (The.) 55 Bridgman 56 Gues (A.) 57 Schreyer (A.) 58 Dolph (J. 1.) 59 Dupre (Victor). 60 Sell (Christian). 61 Jacque (C.) 62 Bruneri (F.) 63 Jones (A. R.) 64 Eggert (8.) 65 Zagel (H.) 66 Epp (Rudolph). 67 Epp (Rudolph). 68 Mesgrigny (F. de). 69 Constant (Benj.) 70 Lepinay (Gallard). 71 Guy (8. J.) 7% Michetti (P.) 78 Schenck (A.) 74 Delort (C. EH.) 75 De Neuville. 76 Jacque (C.) 77 Quartley (A.) 73 Ludovici (A.) 79 Schreyer (A.) 89 Casanova (A.) 81 Braith. 82 Wood (T. W.) 88 Verboeckhoven (#.) 84 Van Kuyek (L.) 85 De Garay (A.)86 Dolph WJ. H.) 87 Robbe (L.) 88 Richter (K.) 89 Jacque (C.) 90 Seignac (Paul). 91 Le Bret (F.) 92 Le Bret (F.) 93 Lambdin (G. C.) 94 Van Kuyck (L.) 95.) Ommegauck (B. P 96 Catalogue. I COMP ITE (A.) French Landscape. - 22% x 15%, 2 COLOMBAI Italian Landscape. i4. x 22; 3 mODBE al) BRUSSELS Chevalier of the Legion of Honor of the Order of Leopold. Sheep and Goats. 18% x i4k. 4 RONDEE (&) NEW YORK Berkshire Hills. 50 X 3133. 5 WIDGERY (J. C) new yore: Landscape. . 30 X 17%: 6 | BARBER (J. M.) —— ronpon Getting up a Scrape. 1334 x 18, Asi ae ER Grr. and D. ) LoxDoN Noon-day Meal. 36 x 24. ; 8 Pee LAVOINE(J.) paris Pupil of Pils. The Morning Ride. 10S dnt 16 x 1273. 9 | DAMSCHROEDER- MUNICH Neighborly Chat. : hha 33 X 2334. 10 WATELIN(L. V¥)") ae Medal, 1876. /3 Wrench Landseape: 22% 15%. II DE LEKUW(A) 333 Returning Home. 30X24, 12 SCHAEFELS ieee Capture of the Royal 4 pom Charles: J}? 43% x 28. | 13 ert ZE (W.) vonicn Gor Feeding-time. 23.% 30. 14 Need RAH, LE: MUNICH Pond in the Woods. ae | 7 GY Bi K. 30% 3 5 Beet (L.) possmporr | Buffaloes in a Storm. Ww? 50 X 33. 16 DOT Pia Chas NEW YORK Motherly Cares. oe 21% x 16%. 17 GARNIER (J.) Officer of the Legion of Honor. tae 5, The Philosopher. 14% X 17%. 18 SCHILE (Ag ‘The Parrot. 5X7%. PARIS 19 mee (Py nani Medals, 1866, 1868, 1373. Hors Concours. The Little Straggler. ae X 31%. eyrram 20 PU AUMET (G.) sania Medals, 1865, 1867, 1872, 1874, ’76. Hors Concours, jut ; ; The Arabian Cavalier. 10% x8. a1 TOESCHI (G) ( y j The Sake: 22 BIERST ADT (A.) wewvorx Medal, 1869. Hors Concours, Scene near Shelbourne, New Hampshire. 29} X 19%. 23 DE LOBBE(A.) pans Medals, 1874, 1875. Hors Concours. The Pet Dog. 18% x 22%. 24 LAMBINET, decd paris Medals, 1843, 53, 57. Legion of Honor, 1867. ' Born, 1810. Died, 1878. French Landscape. 18% x 15. 25 Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Medals at Philadelphia. Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, 1842, 1845, 1848, 1655. Legion of Honor, 1855. Hors Concours. WALKER (J. A) Sultan’s Favorite. fb 0. Pier 7. 27 Wee TOT (L.) PARIS Pupil of Drolling and Belloc. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Medals, 1865, 1867, 1868. Legion of Honor, 1872. Hors Concours, Venice. y S0.% 23. For 23 VORTZYES ee Medals at Berlin, and the great Wurtenberg Art Medal. DELORT rs PARIS Medais, 1875. Courtier of Louis XI], 7 ihe te 30 BROMLEY (Wa) Jealousy. 18 x T4. | 3t CRESWICK (Theo.) roxpox ‘An English Farm Lane, with Figures. 7 The trees in this are admirable. 32 COOMANS (J.) Medals at the Hague and at Metz. Glycere. 164% x 20. DIAZ Ae deceased Medals, 1844, 46, 48. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists. gia Universelle, 1878. eeepc: 10% x73. 34 PHILLIPOTEAUR Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Come to Mamma. 300 From the Salon, 1877. ‘f@¢ 39% X 28%. 35 LOMMEN (W,) me Environs of Dusseldorf. f : 3734 x 254. 36 MEYER von BREMEN Dg BERLIN gee Pupil of Sohn. 1, 6 3 _old Medal of Prussia, 1850. Y" /Breakfast in Danger. fo ae 4% x 5%. He 2: ra a af acy bP. M.) The Challenge. O14. X 12%. 33 BARON (H.) PARIS Medals, 1847, 48, 55, E. U. Legion of Honor, 1859. Medal, 1867, E. U. Hors Concours. Florentine Scene. £52 10/2 X 7}. 39 CASANOVA (A.) PARIS Pupil of Madrazo. Reading his Master’s Letters, you lil, vod 40 LAMBRON (A.,) PARIS Pupil of Flaudrin and Gleyre. ‘The Morning Walk. ; 8 A ple a AI ROSSI (L.) PARIS Pupil cf Fortuny. The Promenade. on fo # G 7% pas 1 A2 WAHLBERG(A) Pupil of Corot. VES g ; Medals, 1870, °72. Legion of Honor, 1874. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. The Return of the Fish- ing Boat. 36 x 2334 43 Be IOS (L.); paris Pupil of Munkacsy. : Born at Papa (Hungary). Honorable Mention, 1879. Exempt. A Gentleman of © the Court. | ~ gL TON 13%; 44 f Pupil of Troyon. 4 Medals, 1867, ’69, "70. Legion of Honor, 1872. Medal at Exposition Universelle, 1878. Returning Home. 164% x 124, 45 DEGRAVE (J. A.) : /40 Pupil of Gerome. ? Children Playing. LES ER. bi for bhi \ é a. Uy AL, $d 9 8 46 SCHLESINGER (E,) papis Medal at Berlin. The Dog must Guard the House. 200. KE 125. x05) 47 BONHEUR (August) paris Chevalier of the Legion of ee Medals, 1852, ’57, 59, ’61, IZ 1500 Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours, Sheep on the Scotch Highlands. AIX 25%. 48 JORIS 4 ROME Visit to an Antiquarian Curé. From Paris Salon, 1875. . VAL 36 x 28. | 49 ZIERMAN (C.) “fhe ac The Rehearsal. 6 o- 27 27 X 334. 50 eee BOWSKTI (St.), sizis Pupil of Gerome. Ya rae - | 2] { Bashi Bazouk at Prayer (in the Green Mosque, x Constantinople). DES: 17. 51 MAYER (Constant) NEW YORK Legion of Honor, 1869. ey, Hors Concours. ye Broken Violin. 26 x 36. | 52 MOORE (H.) NEW YORK The Amateur. L 64% xX 10. Pe oF Se oe a3 BIERSTADT (Ajy ee Medal, 1869. Legion of Honor, Hors Concours, The Black Hills. Zr ”, 5 Es 36 x 25. ie 541 De BOUCHERVILLE : PARIS Reverie. 12% x 16%, ats: | WEBER (The.) PARIS. Hauling in Ostend. BRIDGMAN (F.A.) : Y. Medals, 1877, *78. Legion of Honor. Waiting for the Caiid. as a ey d < ¥ ie GUES (A) The Guard. ~ 53 x Qi. 55 SCHREYER (A,) Born at Franktort-on-the Mam, 18 Medal at Vienna Exposition, 1874. : Medal at Brussels, 1863. Cross of the Order of Leopold, 1864. Medals at Paris, 1854, 1865, and 1867. Hors Concours. In 1862 created Court Painter of the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. _ Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Honorary Member of the Deutsches Nochstift. _Arabs Starting on an Ex- : _Pedition. 9.X 23%. 59 DOEPH Ge FE NEW YORE lraining Dogs. 60 DUPRE (Victor, d’c'd) paris | Medals at Paris and Philadelphia. Medal, 1849. Landscape. ne of this artist’s finest examples. aes 61 tex: fet. (Christian). Germans before Paris. GSA 10% x 8, 62 JACQUE (C)) tris Medals, 1861, ’63, "64. ce : Legion of Honor, 1867. ws Hors Concours. } Sheep in the Woods. ae 25% Xx 32. 63 BRUNERI (F,) Wales Reconciliation. 123f x Qn, 64 JONES G2% R.) LONDON Pupil of Verboeckhoven. Sheep and Lambs. + Giese 65 BGGERT (GS) MUNICH ig. Lhe Committee. a 18 x I4, 66 ZUGEIAHS MUNICH In the Stall. 134% xQ, 7 ae EP (Rudolph) MUNICH fore atle Student Vie eM ay (Rudolph) MUNICH Feeding her Doll. ) et 74 X 9%. - 69 MESGRIGNY (F. de) paris ? Pupil of Worms. On the Seine. eke TA 79 CONSTANT (Benj.) Pupil of Cabanel. Medals, 1875, ’76. >= Hors Concours. \ , ‘ On the Terrace. 71 LEPINAY (Gallard) Scene in Venice. 14% x 16, 72 PARIS PARIS GUY (3: J.) NEW YORK Born Tired. ; 15 X 20, 73 MICHETTI (P.) PARIS Pupil of M. Morelli and Fortuny. The Proposal. : 19 X 13%. 75% 74 SCHENCK (A,) ae Pupil of Cogniet. Medal, 1865. Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal, and of Isabel the Catholic. | /¥ Sheep. 19% x 12. 75 MerORT(CE) car “4 Pupil of Gleyre and Gerome. Born at Nimes, 4A Ys - Luo Medal,. 1875. A Good Piece for a Fast aap Day. oe 76 NEUVILLE (Acde) ae Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. i|,.@ Going to Parade. es 15% X19}. 71 JACQUE (CG) Medals, 1861, 63, 64. Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours, Z Pa > Rural Felicity. OUAK TORY (A.) NEW YORK Marine. 12% PS; 79 LUDOVICI (A.) fOuDON The Rosebud. QM x 1134. SO Born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1828. Yedal at Vienna Exposition, 1873. Medal at Brussels, 1863. Cross of the Order of Leopold, 1864. Medals at Paris, 1864, ’65, ’67. Hors Concours. In 1862 created Court Painter to the Grand Duke ot Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Honorary Member of the Deutsches Nog yet Surveying re ty 2 4 20% 32 ae 5 PAS YV Le cone SI CASANOVA (A.,) PARIS The Salutation. 4 Jd Pincian Hills, Rome. a 7% X 10, 82 BRAITH MUNICH Calves. roe ot D Pi 83 WOOD (Es Wo NEW YORK Give me One. 16x20; 13% x 10%, VERBOECK HOVEN(E,) BRUSSELS Medals, 1824, ’41, 55. Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, St. Michael of Ba- varia, and Christ of Portugal. Decorated with the Iron Cross. Me.nber of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. Petersburgh. y-Cattle’ in the Reman Campanga. Ss if ii é / ‘£ 114 XO: - —— 7 sips oa a Pee ng ae Sn CRS 5 (ees aia ~—85 | ee UY CK (L.) anrwere Interior of a Stable. 11% x 83%. Eee RAY (A:).. — paius The Embarrassed Tutor. 13X92. / 60 S7 DOLPH (J. HH.) NEW YORK Grace before Meat. 11% x 10M, S30 | 88 ROBBE {ae5 BRUSSELS Chevalier of the Legion of Honor of the Order of Leopold. : Sheep in the Stable. MY 25% x 20%, RICHTER TEs PARIS Pupil of Hebert and Bonnat. T he wees Bef! 2214 ¥-35%4. 90 JACQUE (GS PARIS Medals, 1861, 63, “64. a BD, Legion of Honor, 1867. 4 > Sheep and Lamb. 1634 a Sites VAC (Paul) PARIS A Pupil of Picot. Ph F our-in-hand. - o 4 | LE BRET (F,) ie Sheep. I4 x 10%, ; 93 ee DRE T CPs) BRUSSELS Landscape and Sheep. 14x 10k, 94 LAMBDIN(@ Gi Roses. f + 11% x 23% j 95 VAN KUYCK (L.) anrvere Study. 10% xg, 96 OMMEGANCK (B. P.) Landscape and Sheep. TAX-TZi - a at ap li, ree mi i ee a pais oar - oe edins ae bas me 2 = Ke ot ~ Pk. 7 ae Or ee a < emake OS : See ee rot) Feng Orne? mean Firs poi 35 Me hed seeds ri ey iM j rei SOLE — oo £ « Aa bed hi Pel Sfyrartey UEBHty cite Phare, + a Anh ee te er ‘ayia? Pee at ——- —— 4 = a ce ans