=e aa SRS el TS, eee Seating eis ‘ = SIS stato es “UESSTAE ie ieee ees cate SEE ERE Stn ; i aS Babe eis StI pst ee srt Pree 7 et SSuE Gents prssreeseeier str 56 i ON FREE VIEW oe AMERICAN ART GALLERIES eee “COLLECTED BY THE LATE as. ABNER HARPER ; _ EXECUTORS’ UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE so AT: THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES | ON THE AFTERNOONS OF TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, APRIL 18TH, 19TH AND 20TH AND EVENING OF APRIL 19TH AND AT MENDELSSOHN HALL On THE EVENING OF THURSDAY, APRIL 20TH 1 te eS . SI Seah iy See a -— CATALOGUE _ ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY COLLECTED BY THE LATE J. ABNER HARPER TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF HOWARD THORNTON AND JOHN HARPER, ExEcuToRs ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY Mr. Tuomas E. Kirpy, oF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK 1911 i RS f. ye Press of Tae Lent & Garr Compan 137-189 East 25th Street, New York. ee CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, unless otherwise specified by the Auctioneer or Managers previous to or at the time of Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. _ 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no War- ranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; fail- ing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold sub- ject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The Undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for em- ploying careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tue AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AvctTioneer. ee Se ey eee ee! Deed Fn ANTE Oe eae OIL PAINTINGS _ } a EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 207TH, 1911 _ es ‘ : a A a - AT MENDELSSOHN HALL FORTIETH STREET, EAST OF BROADWAY, NEW YORK ~ BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK se 94h iar AOE a eee : No. 1 ; fi 0 P ; is UNKNOWN _ ITALIAN STUDY FOR A MURAL PAINTING Height, 7%, inches; length, 1114 eat PG DIsPLaYED against a reddish chocolate rae are two decorative masses. The left-hand one con- sists of a fountain, the semi-oval basin of which sur- mounts a slender shaft that is supported on three spreading feet. ‘Two birds are swooping down toward the spray of water. At the right is a small rose-tree, on the twisted branches of which a cupid stands, drawing a bough toward him in an effort to pluck the blossom. No. 2 ATTRIBUTED TO SALVATOR ROSA ITALIAN (1615-1673) HEAD OF A WARRIOR Height, 834, inches; width, 7, inches Panel FAcinG to the left, whence it catches the light, is the profile of a man, distinguished by a hump on the bridge of his nose, a brown moustache, bunched under the nose in shadow, and a chin beard. ‘The head is covered with a dark steel helmet that rises to a hooked point on the crown, and has a curling embellishment | at the sides. A gorget protects the neck, while the top of the bust is encased in a breastplate, decorated on the shoulder with a round boss, representing an an- imal’s face. ae x) U 7 No. 3 : ry ¢ J. M. W. TURNER, R. A. | BRITISH (1775-1851) THE RIVER WYE NO. 48 IN THE “LIBER STUDIORUM” Seb pr prolt Height, 7 inches; length, 10 inches 4 Pencil and Sepia Wea ie THE river extends back from the right of the fore- ground, where a nude man stands in the water to his waist, watched by another, seated on the bank. The opposite bank presents a steep bluff which is crowned with the ruins of an abbey. In the meadow at the back of the seated man are grouped three cows and a horse. The distance at the left reveals another reach of the river, passing beneath a hilly bank. Collection of Rev. Sebastian Bowden, S. J. Collection of J. D. Ichenhauser, New York, 1903. No. 4 J. M. W. TURNER, R. A. BRITISH (1775-1851) ST. CATHRYNE’S HILL, NEAR GUILDFORD NO. 83 OF THE “LIBER STUDIORUM” Height, 7 inches; length, 10 inches THE | ruins of a ee a with windows naked to the sky, surmounts a round-topped emi- nence in the rear of the scene. Some sheep are feed- ing on the slope. From the foot of the hill a road, bordered on the left by a bank of trees, leads diagon- ally to the foreground. Four cows are approaching, followed by a man and a boy. On the right of the foreground a man, carrying two pitchers, stands near another who has his hand on an open gate. Three cart-horses have passed through it into a farmyard, which is bounded by a barn and trees. Collection of Rev. Sebastian Bowden, S. J. Collection of J. D. Ichenhauser, New York, 1903. No. 5 | CHARLES BARGUE FRENCH (1856-1883) THE MODEL’S CRITICISM Height, 9 sichéss width, 614 inches ery 1% Vip Mn Pencil Drawing FS WAe Tus is a study for the figure of a Radel in n Bargue’ S _ picture, “The Artist and His Model,” which belongs in the W. H. Vanderbilt Collection, now hung in the Metropolitan Museum. The woman’s back is toward the spectator, nude to the waist, below which a drapery is drawn around the figure and held in front. The face is seen in profile perdu, as the woman stoops forward to examine the picture on the easel for which she has been posing. No. 6 BELLA VON SPANZI HUNGARIAN SHEPHERDESS AND SHEEP Height, 8%, inches; length, 101% inches Pe thar Lthud As THE shepherdess stands in thé foreground, facing toward the right, the light illuminates the back of a white shawl that is draped over her head and crossed upon the bosom. Below a slaty-colored apron shows the edge of a skirt, striped with grayish-slate and blue. The sheep are grouped about her in the pas- ture that terminates in a thicket of foliage, in front of which, at the right, some oaks, rooted close to- gether, radiate their trunks. Signed at the lower right, B. von Spanzi. Purchased from L. Crist Delmonico, New York, 1892. No. 7 UNKNOWN : BUST PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Height, 1034 inches; width, 81% .inches © (e see): THE bust is shown nearly in profile to MO right, the head being turned to gaze at the spectator. It is covered with a purplish-red cap, from under which the soft, iron-gray hair hangs in a wisp on the fore- head and clusters over the ears. ‘The eyes are a warm brown beneath almost black eyebrows, and the complexion glows with warmth. The collar, open under the chin, stands up above the gray fur collar of a brown coat. No. 8 ) ; ry ATTRIBUTED TO GEORGE MORLAND BRITISH (1763-1804) LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Height, 91, inches; ues oe Where). Panel On each side of the foreground slopes a bank of creamy buff, gray and warm green rocks. The one at the right is feathered near the base with red and gray-green growth, and crowned with tawny green bushes. In the central hollow are three seated fig- ures: a man in red vest with his back to us, a woman facing him, in a black hat and dull blue gown, and a little girl at the left of them. The distance shows a hill, sloping down from the right to a suggestion of water. Fleecy clouds of salmon-brown hue, with lavender lining, float over the horizon, above which the sky is pale blue-gray. Signed at the lower right, G. M. Purchased from T. J. Blakeslee, New York, 1894. No. 9 3 UNKNOWN BUST PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN re ? Height, 1334 inches; width, 111% inches i V/ Bo WuHiteE the bust is full to the front, the face is turned a little to the right, with the eyes fixed on the specta- =f tor. Brown hair, curling over the shoulders, frames a rather drawn face, with pinkish, gray-shadowed cheeks, a faint upturned moustache and a double chin. Below is the V-shaped opening of a white turnover collar. The coat of yellowish-brown is fas- tened tight across the chest with a dark jewel, below which a portion of the shirt is exposed. BS Tce TITAN Nt at 2 & * f ts d AK ete i Mester ticncr ne reattach ck ma vn No. 10 ATTRIBUTED TO PAOLO VERONESE (CALIARI) ITALIAN (1528-1588) 0" HEAD AND, BUS ve A WOMAN Gar OMA Cie THE head of a woman, with rosy complexion and large liquid eyes, is shown three-quarters full, in the ' direction of the left. “The straw-color hair, brown in the shadows, is dressed in plaits and confined with a band. of F Le Ok ea Se ’ ‘ % ceeded to the earldom in 1770, and was raised to the marquessate in 1818. He was a Knight of the Gar- ter, Lord Steward of the Household, and Chamberlain of Chester. He died in 1827. 613—Porrrait oF Lapy JoHn RussELL Artist unknown. Bust length. Three-quarter view looking towards the left. Fair hair dressed in falling ringlets and a chignon, with a string of pearls inter- twined. Gray eyes. Dressed in a décolleté bodice of black with an ermine cloak falling away from the shoulders. A fine gold chain is looped around the neck, and attached to a diamond-shaped brooch, with three pear-shaped pearls as drops. Painted on ivory. Undated and unsigned. In old gold frame in locket form. Oval shape. Size, 354 inches by 3 inches. The subject of this miniature, Adelaide, daughter of Mr. Thomas Lister and the widow of the second Lord Ribblesdale, was married to Lord John Russell, in 1835. She died, leaving two daughters, in 1838. Lord John Russell, son of one of the most famous of English Whig statesmen, was the introducer, in 1831, of the Reform Bill, and, thirty years later, it was chiefly his sympathy with the North during our Civil War that helped to restrain his country from entering the contest. He was raised to an earldom in 1859 and died in 1878. 614—Porrrair oF Wim II, Prince or ORANGE Artist unknown. Bust length. Three-quarter view of face looking towards the right. Painted in oils on copper. In old brass frame. Oval shape. Size, 3 inches by 214 inches. William II of Orange was the son of Frederick of Nassau and the grandson of William the Silent. He was born in 1626, and succeeded his father as stadt- holder of Holland in 1648. Married the daughter of Charles I of England. 615—Porrrair oF THE PRINCE DE CONDE Artist unknown. Bust length. Three-quarter view of face looking towards the right. Painted in oils on copper. In old brass frame. Oval shape. Size, 2 inches by 114 inches. Louis de Bourbon was the first prince of the famous House of Condé. Born in 1530. While still in his twen- ties he joined the Huguenots and became one of their most brilliant military leaders. He was treacherously assassinated after the battle of Jarnac in 1569. 616—Porrrait or James, Duke or Berwick Artist unknown. Bust length. Three-quarter view of | face looking towards the right. Clean shaven, in wig, | yellow coat and white steinkirk. Painted in oils on | copper. Unsigned and undated. Oval shape. Size, 2 inches by 11% inches. James Fitzjames, Duke of Berwick, was the natural son of James II. He was born in 1670. After his father’s fall from the throne he’ served in the French army, commanding in the low countries in Spain. He died in 1734. 617—PortTrair oF A BURGOMASTER Artist unknown. Bust length. Three-quarter view of face looking towards the right. Long fair hair and moustache; brown eyes. Dressed in black with a square lace-edged collar; green background. Painted in oils on copper. Inscribed on back, “Huydewyser, Burge- meister, Amsterdam.” In old brass frame. Oval shape. Size, 3 inches by 21, inches. 618—Portrait oF ABBE BARTHELEMY Artist unknown. Bust length. View of face in profile looking to the left. Wearing a wig, a dark green coat and the lawn bands of the ecclesiastic. Dark brown background. Painted in oils on copper. Unsigned and undated. In cast brass frame of Louis XV de- sign. Oval shape. Size, 234 inches by 1% inches. Jean Jacques Barthélemy, a celebrated French writer, was born at Cassis, on the Mediteranean, in 1716. Educated at the Jesuits’ College, Marseilles, he entered the priesthood at an early age, but devoted his life to the study of classical antiquities, becoming the sec- retary of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Let- tres, and eventually a member of the French Academy. He died in 1795. He is chiefly known to posterity as the author of one of the most popular books of its class ever written, ““Le Jeune Anacharsis.” 619—Porrrait oF A LADY AND CHILD Artist unknown. Nearly full length, seated. Three- quarter view of face looking downward and to the right. Black hair dressed in early Victorian fashion, with long hanging ringlets framing the face. Dress of olive-green, with long full sleeves and open at the neck with a fichu arrangement of white lawn and lace. She is seated in a chair over which is thrown a fold of red velvet drapery, and holds in her lap a baby in a long dress of white, the sleeves caught with scarlet ribbons, her left hand supports its head, and she at- tracts its attention with a gold and coral rattle, which she holds in her right hand. Background of gray, with a fold of purple drapery. Painted on ivory. Un- signed and undated, but about 1835. In wooden frame. Rectangular shape. Size, 41, inches by 334 inches. 620—Porrrait or A Man Artist unknown. Bust length. Full face looking towards the left. Black hair completely concealing the forehead, brown eyes, clean shaven face. In mili- tary, German or Swiss, uniform of the early Nineteenth Century. Black coat, with scarlet piping, high collar and two rows of silver buttons in front. High black stock. Gray background. Painted on ivory. Unsigned and undated. On back is painted, under a floral wreath, “Die Zurich Erinnerung” (Souvenir of Zu- rich). In silver filigree frame, set with imitation jewels. Oval shape. — Size, 154 inches by 11% inches. 621—Porrrair or Lapy SiprHorP Artist unknown. Half-length, seated. Three-quarter view of face looking towards the right. Dark, almost black, hair parted in the centre and falling in ringlets over the ears; blue eyes. Low-necked, black velvet dress showing the lace edge of chemisette. Black vel- vet ribbon around the neck, from which hangs a heart- shaped pendant of gold. Background of dark red drapery to the right, with glimpse of landscape and sunset on the left. Painted on ivory (cracked). Un- signed and undated, but inscribed on back 1809. In contemporary, square ormolu frame. Oval shape. Size, 414 inches by 3% inches. 622—-Porrrair or JAMES I Artist unknown. Half-length. Full face looking towards the left. Short, curly, reddish-brown hair, moustache and square-cut beard; light blue eyes. Large white ruff embroidered with quatrefoils and a padded surtout of black velvet embroidered in gold and crossed by the blue ribbon of the Order of the Garter. Green background. Painted on ivory. Un- signed and undated. Probably a copy of an earlier original. In composition frame. Oval shape. Size, 24% inches by 2 inches. 623—Porrtrair or CHartes I (WHEN Prince or WaALEs) Artist unknown. Bust length. Full face looking towards the right. Long curling hair, moustache and chin tuft; blue eyes. Deep white ermine collar semé with quatrefoils. Black coat, gold embroidered, with the blue ribbon of the Order of the Garter and a green and red clasp in front. Painted on ivory. Remains of signature at left, ? D. with date ? 24. Probably a copy of an earlier original. In tortoise shell frame. Oval shape. Size, 314 inches by 234 inches. 624—PortTrRAIT OF AN EncuisH NAVAL OFFICER Artist unknown. Bust length. Three-quarter view facing to the left. He wears a wig and a black three- cornered hat, with a cockade looped with gold; a dark blue coat faced with red, trimmed with gold lace; a white waistcoat, a falling collar with a black stock, and a white lace steenkirk in the style of the second half of the Eighteenth Century. Dark background. | Painted on ivory. Mounted on black silk. In old © ormolu frame. Oval shape. Size, 13, inches by 1% inches. 625—Portrait OF AN OFFICER » Artist unknown. Bust length. Three-quarter view facing to the right. Gray eyes and hair dressed in rolls over the ears, and slightly powdered. Dark blue coat with high collar, red-lined, and lapels. Black stock and red waistcoat in the style of the last decade of the Eighteenth Century. Painted on ivory. Un- signed and undated. In old gilt frame. Circular shape. Diameter, 23% inches. 626—PortTraAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Artist unknown. Bust length. Three -quarter view of face looking towards the right. Close bob wig; brown eyes. He wears a high-collared black coat, and a white linen cravat. Light background. Painted on ivory. Unsigned and undated. In gold locket frame. The back of blue glass over tinsel, with a small oval re- ceptacle for hair, and with a monogram, “M. L..,” in gold. Oval shape. Size, 234 inches by 2, inches. 627—Porrrair or Ernest I or Saxre-GoTrna Artist unknown. Half-length, standing. Three-quar- ter view of face looking towards the right. One arm is raised and points towards the background. Tie wig with bow of black velvet ribbon at back. He wears a square-skirted red velvet coat trimmed with gold lace over a steel corselet, and a falling lace cravat. The background is occupied by a view of the distant sea with a landscape foreground, one feature of which is a white tent. Blue sky and white clouds. Painted on ivory. Unsigned and undated. In contemporary silver frame. Irregular shape. Size, 214 inches by 134 inches. Ernest, Ist, called “the Pious,” the son of Jean, Duke of Weimer, was born in Attenbourg in 1601. He served in the “Thirty Years’ War” at the head of a regiment of Swedish cavalry, and took a distin- guished part in many battles. In 1640 he gained pos- session of the Duchy of Gotha and thus became the ancestor of those Dukes of Saxe-Gotha and Saxe- Coburg-Gotha, who were afterwards so intimately connected with most of the reigning houses of Europe. He was, for instance, the great-grandfather of the Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, who became the Prince Consort of Queen Victoria of England. Ernest the Pious died at Gotha in 1675. 628—Porrrair or Marie Lovise Artist unknown. Head only. Almost full face view, turned slightly to the right. Powdered hair dressed high over the forehead, with long ringlets and with clusters of flowers. Blue eyes. Background of blue sky. Painted on ivory. Unsigned and undated (about 1812). Framed in gold locket, set with paste dia- monds over colored foil. At the back, on a ground of engraved gold covered with opalescent glass, and surrounding an oval panel of blue with the monogram, “KE. M. L.,” in mock pearls, is an ornament of hair and seed pearls. Oval shape. Size, 21% inches by 1%, inches. Marie Louise, born in 1791, was the daughter of Francis I, Emperor of Austria. In 1810 she became, on the divorce of Josephine, the second wife of Na- poleon, and, the year following, the mother of the King of Rome (Napoleon II). In 1813 she was appointed Regent, but she left France in 1814, obtaining the Duchy of Parma. After Napoleon’s death she married Count Neipperg. 629—PorrTRrRAIT OF THE EMPRESS JOSEPHINE Artist unknown. Bust length. ‘Three-quarter view of face looking towards the right. Dark brown hair in ringlets confined by a triple band of sapphire-blue; hazel-colored eyes. High standing lace ruff and puffed sleeves of yellow with bands of blue. Square- cut corsage. Light gray background. Painted on ivory (cracked). Unsigned and undated (about 1812). In old ormolu frame. Oval shape. Size, 2 inches by 15% inches. 630—Porrrair oF A LADY Artist unknown. Bust length. Three-quarter view of face looking towards the right. Profuse curly brown hair falling in ringlets over the right shoulder; blue eyes. A high-waisted light blue dress of the Empire period with a white lawn fichu. Light background. Painted on ivory. Unsigned and undated. In chased and engraved gold frame with loop, the back being engine turned around small oval receptacle for hair. Oval shape. Size, 2 inches by 11% inches. 631—Porrrait or Le Kain Artist unknown. The actor is represented in the réle of Mahomet. Bust length. Three-quarter view of face looking towards the right. Turban of white and yellow, with black aigrette in front. Rose-colored robe, ermine trimmed, over embroidered yellow under- garment. Dark background. Painted in enamel on copper. Unsigned and undated. In modern frame. Oval shape. Size, 21% inches by 21% inches. Le Kain (Henri Louis Cain), one of the most cele- brated actors of the French stage, was born in Paris in 1729. He began his histrionic career in a tiny theatre on the Rue St. Merry, devoted to the performances of i amateurs, but in 1750 he attracted the attention of Voltaire, who, then at the height of his influence, took him under his patronage and eventually introduced him to the Comédie-Frangaise. Here Le Kain quickly took his position as the most important member of the company. He brought about a complete reform of stage costume and banished the full-bottomed wig and square-skirted coat which up to that time had been the only wear permitted on the stage. Frederick the Great invited him to play at Potsdam, and heaped pecuniary and other honors upon him. He died in 1778, leaving an interesting volume of memoirs, which were re-edited by Talma in 1825. One of his greatest parts was Mahomet in the play of that name. 632—Porrrair or Daniet O’ConnELL Artist unknown. Bust length. Three-quarter view of face looking towards the right. Brown hair, with slight side-whiskers and dark blue eyes. He wears a dark blue coat buttoned over so as to show the merest edge of the red waistcoat, a high standing, linen collar, and a white cambric cravat. Dark gray back- ground. Painted on ivory. Unsigned and undated (about 1825). In gilt frame, set with paste diamonds. Oval shape. Size, 1% inches by 1% inches. Born in 1775, Daniel O’Connell, “The Liberator,” be- longed to an old Irish family that had suffered under the penal code that kept the Catholics in subjection. He thus inherited his strong antipathy to British rule in Ireland. After attaining a distinguished position at the Irish Bar, he entered Parliament in 1828, as the leader in the movement for Catholic emancipation, the succeessful outcome of which in 1829 was entirely due to his genius and energy. After following the Whigs for many years he changed his policy in 1841 and became the foremost champion of Repeal, and one of the earliest of “Home Rule” agitators. But the great famine of 1846-7 put an end to his hopes, and he died at Genoa in 1847. 633—Portrair oF A YOUTH Artist unknown. Bust length. Three-quarter view of face looking towards the right. Curly brown hair dressed high above the head; dark brown eyes. Clean shaven face. Black coat with high collar and lapels. White waistcoat and high white stock and cravat tied in a bow in front. Reddish background. Painted on ivory. Unsigned and undated. In gold locket frame. Oval shape. Size, 3 inches by 21% inches. 634—Porvrrait oF A LADY Artist unknown. Bust length. Profile view of face looking towards the right. Dark gray hair simply arranged under close-fitting Dutch cap, embroidered in red and blue. Brown eyes. Rose-colored dress with a hite lawn fichu. Around the neck is a narrow band of black velvet with a pearl clasp and pearl pendant. Greenish-colored background. Painted on ivory. Un- signed and undated. In old chased and engraved gold frame. Oval shape. : Size, 154 inches by 13% inches. 635—Porrrair oF A Younc Giri Artist unknown. Half-length. Three-quarter view of face looking towards the left. Curly reddish-brown hair, confined by a pointed coronet-shaped head-dress ; brown eyes. High-waisted, short-sleeved white muslin dress of the Empire period. She wears a gold chain and locket and gold hoop ear-rings. Painted on ivory. Unsigned and undated. In octagonal gold frame with loop for use as a locket. At the back is a sepia draw- ing of a man and woman embracing in front of a tri- pod altar. Below is the inscription: “De loin, comme de prés; Francois et Madeleine.” Octagonal shape. Size, 144, inches by % inch. 636—Porrrait or Lapy Artist unknown. Half-length. Full face looking towards the left. Dark curly hair dressed very low over the forehead; dark brown eyes, with white turban- like cap. Black, long-sleeved and high-waisted dress of the Empire period, with white lawn fichu. Black velvet ribbon around the neck close up to the chin and below a necklace of red coral beads. Light blue background. Painted on ivory (cracked). Unsigned and undated. In modern ormolu frame. Oval shape. Size, 314 inches by 234 inches. 637—Porrtrait or Maria Foote Artist unknown. Half-length, seated. Three-quarter view of face looking towards the left. Curly brown hair falling in ringlets by the side of the face, and dressed with flowers and a flowing white veil. High- waisted dress with a red ribbon sash as girdle. Back- , ground of blue sky and foliage. Painted on ivory. Unsigned and undated. In carved ivory frame. Oval shape. Size, 34% inches by 2%, inches. Maria Foote, Countess of Harrington, was born in 1797 at Plymouth, where her father, formerly an of- ficer in the army, was manager of the local theatre. She made her first appearance on the stage in 1810 as Juliet, and in 1814 she became a member of the company at Covent Garden. Her abilities as an actress were but mediocre, but her great beauty secured her the favor of the public. She was a tireless worker and travelled during the summer months over the whole of England. During five years she is said to have trav- elled by postchaise no less than 25,000 miles. In 1831 her theatrical career came to a close on her mar- riage with Charles Stanhope, the Fourth Earl of Har- rington. She died in 1867. 638—Portrait oF QuEEN ELIzABETH Artist unknown. Nearly half-length. Full face. The eyes are gray and the auburn-colored hair is dressed high over the forehead, with long ringlets falling on either side and surmounted by a crown of pearls, with a pearl and emerald pendant. She wears a high-fluted ruff, a bodice of red, semé with emeralds, and a blue cloak. Around the neck is a long pearl necklace, with a cross-shaped pendant having an emerald in the cen- tre and long pearl drops. ‘The stomacher is of white satin embroidered with green fleurettes. Greenish background, with E. R. under two crowns painted in gold at the top. Painted on ivory. Evidently a copy of an older original. Mounted as a locket with plaited hair at the back. Oval shape. Size, 21, inches by 1% inches. 639—Portrait oF A LADY Artist unknown. Bust length. Three-quarter view of face looking towards the right. Curly brown hair un- der a broad-brimmed black hat trimmed with white ostrich plume; blue eyes. Dressed in a short-sleeved, low-necked dress of light blue. She wears a necklace of green jade. Landscape background, with blue sky. Painted on ivory. In modern ormolu frame. Oval shape. Size, 2 inches by 134 inches. 640—Porrtrair or Miss Peyton Artist unknown. Half-length. Profile view of face looking towards the left. Prematurely gray hair dressed in a twisted braid with small ringlets over the ears. Brown eyes. High-waisted, short-sleeved dress of white with trimming of pearl beads. Around the neck is a fine gold chain in a double loop from which depends an oval gold locket. Blue background with red stippling. Painted on ivory. Unsigned and un- dated. At the back gold locket frame having, under glass, a tress of brown hair in the form of a weeping willow over gilt pedestal with an urn. On this is en- graved: “Elza Ann Peyton. Died 29 April 1811. At Madras. Ag’d 21. R.P.” Oval shape. Size, 2% inches by 2 inches. 641—Portraitr or Prince METTeRNICH Artist unknown. Half length, seated. Three-quarter view of face looking towards the right. Fair hair plainly dressed, clean shaven face and _hazel-colored eyes. He wears a blue high-collared and wide-lapelled coat with brass buttons, a yellow waistcoat, a high turned-over collar and black cravat, and, around his neck, the ribbon of an order, the insignia of which and of another, are suspended at his buttonhole. He is sitting at and leaning over a table with one hand sup- porting a document, or drawing; a crayon in a brass holder lies near him. Greenish colored background. Painted on ivory. Unsigned and undated (but evi- dently about the year 1800). In contemporary ormolu frame. Rectangular shape. Size, 3 inches by 2%, inches. Prince Metternich, Austrian Diplomatist and States- man, was born in 1773, and after serving as Ambassa- dor at Dresden, Berlin and Paris became Chancellor and» Foreign Minister in 1809, when he made peace with Napoleon, between whom and the Allies he unsuccess~ fully attempted to mediate in 1813. Always a re- actionary, on the restoration of the Bourbons he or- ganized the “Holy Alliance,” but in 1848 he was forced to resign and take up his abode in England. He died in 1859. His private character was very lov- able. He was an affectionate husband, a tender father and a delightful friend. ‘642—Porrrait oF Hortense pE BEAUHARNAIS Artist unknown. Bust length. Three-quarter view looking towards the right. Dark hair in clustered curls and brown eyes. The head-dress is a square of red edged with white lace and tied in coquettish fashion over the head and under the chin. The décolleté dress is of red. Background of green. Painted on ivory. Unsigned and undated. In modern ormolu frame. Oval shape. Size, 3 inches by 25% inches. Hortense Beauharnais, daughter of the ill-fated Jose- phine, wife of Napoleon I, was born in 1783. She married Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland, but was separated from him in 1810, and retired to Switzer- land. Her son Louis afterwards became the Emperor Napoleon III of France. 643—Porrtrait oF GrorcEt I or EncuaAnp Artist unknown. Bust length. Three-quarter view of face looking towards the right. Powdered wig falling in curls over the shoulders; dark blue eyes. He wears a double shoulder cape of ermine and a lace cravat. Dark background. Painted on ivory, with illegible signa- ture to the left, but undated. In contemporary gold and silver frame surmounted by a crown and paste jewel, with space for hair at back. Pointed oval shape. Size, 1% inches by 11% inches.. 644—Porrrair or E1izaBETH BerKELEY, MARGRAVINE OF AUSPACH Artist unknown. Half-length. Full face turned over the left shoulder. Powdered hair dressed over a cush- ion in front and falling in long ringlets over the shoul- ders. Brown eyes. Large black felt hat trimmed with a blue ribbon and dark purple ostrich plume. A sim- ple fichu of thin cambric over the shoulders, and a. bodice with falling collar and lapels of yellowish ma- terial striped with red and gray. 817—Harper’s Famity Liprary A series of Histories, Travels, Biographies, and other entertaining works. 52 vols. 16mo, half antique calf, marbled edges. New York, v. y. 818—Harper’s Famirty Liprary 38 vols. 16mo, cloth. New York, v. y. 819—Harper’s Hatr-Hovur SEries Contains some first editions of Henry James, Thos. Hardy, George Eliot, and other celebrated authors. 188 vols. 32mo, cloth. New York, v. y. 820—Harper’s Hanpy SErRIEs 33 vols. 12mo, half roan. 821—Harper’s Macazinge Vol. 1, Index to vols. 1-40, Index to vols 1-50, Index to vols. 1-60, Index to vols. 1-85. ‘Together, 5 vols. 8vo, cloth and half calf. New York, v. y. 822—Harper’s New CuassicaL LIBRARY Bohn’s Classical Series; Harper’s Greek and Latin Texts. 47 vols. 16mo and 12mo, cloth and half calf. v. p. v. d. _ 823—Harrer’s STuDENT SERIES 21 vols. 8vo, cloth and half calf. New York, v. y. 824—Harper’s Younc PEoPie Bound volumes for 1880, ’81, ’82, ’84, ’86, °87, ’88, °89, °90, °92, in half roan; 1893, ’94, °95, °96, in the original publishers’ cloth. ‘Together, 14 vols. JIllus- trated. New York, 1880-96. 825—| Harte (Bret) | ) Outcroppings. Being selections of California verse. 12mo, original cloth. ~~ San Francisco, 1866. The author’s first book. Fine copy. Very rare. 826—Hearn (Larcapio) Youma; Two Years in the French West Indies; Chita. Together, 3 vols, 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1889-90. First editions. Very rare. 827—Hearn (Larcapio) Youma; Two Years in the French West Indies; Chita. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1889-90. First editions. 828—Hitpretx’s History or THE UNITED STATES 6 vols, half calf (labels missing) ; Broadhead’s State of New York, vol. 1 only; Derby’s 50 Years Among Publishers, Drake’s Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast. Together, 9 vols. 8vo, cloth and half calf. Vere Ve de 829—Hormes (O. W.) The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table; The Professor at the Breakfast Table. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, marbled edges. Boston, 1859-60. Large paper edition of the first issues. Very rare. 830—Hone (Puiuip) The Diary of Philip Hone, 1828-1851. Edited by B Tuckerman. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1889. 831—Horsegs.anp Ripine The Horse in Motion (Stillman); Youatt on the Horse; Riding (Hayes); How Women Should Ride, etc. Illustrated. ‘Together, 8 vols. Various sizes and bindings. v. p. v. d. 832—HoweE ts (W. D.) Works. Mainly first editions. 20 vols. 12mo, orig- inal cloth. New York, Harper’s, v. y. 833—Humpsoupt’s Cosmos 5 vols.; Travels on the Amoor (Atkinson) ; Mill’s Lit- erature, 2 vols.; etc. Together, 19 vols. Various sizes and bindings. Ve eh eee 834—Hume (Davin) History of England. Portrait. 6 vols. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1879. 835—Huttron’s Lirerary LANDMARKS 5 vols.; Lloyd’s Wealth and Commonwealth, etc. To- gether, 17 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. v. p. v. d. 836—ILLustRaATED Books Boyhood of Christ, by Lew Wallace; Strolls by Star- light; Heroines of Shakespeare; Four American Uni- versities ; Forest Pictures; etc. Together, 5 vols. 8vo and quarto. Various bindings. Vv. p. v. y- 837—ItuLustRaTeD Books Harper’s Christmas Pictures and Papers; Harper’s Pictorial History of the War with Spain; Colton’s Atlas (binding broken) ; etc. Together, 6 vols. folio, half morocco. New York, v. y. 838—ILuustraTED Books History of Wood Engraving (Woodberry); The Christ Child in Art (Van Dyke); Pony Tracks (Rem- ington). ‘Together, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, v. y. 839—IxiustRaTED Books Life and Habits of Wild Animals (Wolf); Sketches from Nature; Observations on the Mechanism of the Horse’s Foot (Freeman) (damaged). Together, 3 vols. quarto, cloth and half morocco. v. p. v. d. 840—IxiustratEeD Booxs Raffelle Gallery; Shakespeare’s Home and Rural Life; Dore’s London. ‘Together, 3 vols. small folio, cloth and half morocco. v. p. v. d. 841—Inp1ans Marcy’s Border Reminiscences; Heard’s History of the Sioux War; Hall’s Romance of Western History; Ruxton’s Life in the Far West; Smith’s The Aran- canians; Browne’s Apache Country. Illustrated. 'To- gether, 6 vols. 12 mo, cloth and half morocco. VoD. .¥.° 0. 842—Irvine (WasHINGTON) Works of Irving. Illustrated. 21 vols. 12mo, half morocco. New York, 1860. 843—James (G. P. R.) Novels. 21 vols. 12mo, half antique calf. New York, 1855. Some labels missing and a few volumes stained. 844—James (G. P. R.) Novels. 31 vols. in 8 (double-column edition). 8 vols. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1848-56. 845—James (Henry) Sia Theatricals, 2 vols.; Daisy Miller and an International Episode; Picture and Text; The Wheel of Time; Ter- minations; Essays in London; Washington Square; Port Tarascon. Together, 9 vols. 12mo and 8vo, orig- inal cloth. New York, v. y. All first editions. Very fine copies. 846—JourRNAL oF Sir WALTER ScoTtT 2 vols.; Fifty Years Ago (Besant); Life and Times of Sydney Smith, etc. Together, 8 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, v. y. 84'7—J UVENILES By Kirk Munroe and others. 10 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, v. y. 848—J UVENILES By Du Chaillu and others. 15 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. ¥. Dp. Vay. 849—JuvVENILES Assorted. $84 vols. 850—J UVENILES Assorted. 50 vols. 851—KavuLBacH ILLUSTRATIONS Female Characters of Goethe. The Schiller Gallery. With many fine steel plates after Kaulbach. 2 vols. folio, cloth, morocco backs, gilt edges. | New York, n. d. 852—KeEnpaty (G. W.) Narrative of the Texan Santa Fé Expedition, 2 vols.; Green’s Journal of the Texan Expedition Against Mier. Illustrated. ‘Together, 3 vols, 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half calf. New York, 1845-56. 853—Kwnox (T. W.) The Boy Travellers’ Series. Illustrated. 23 vols. 8vo, cloth and half calf. New York, Harper, v. y. 854—Lamps’s Works 2 vols.; Men, Women and Books (Hunt); Autobiog- raphy of Leigh Hunt; Restoration of the Monarchy (Lamartine) ; ete. Together, 24 vols. 12mo, half an- tique calf, marbled edges. New York, v. y. 855—Lanp or THE Mipnicut Sun (Dv Cuaituv) 2 vols.; Horse, Foot and Dragoons (Zogbaum), 3 copies; etc. Illustrated. ‘Together, 10 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, v. y. 856—Lane’s Custom anp Mytu Crabb’s English Synonyms, Fiske’s American Political Ideas, etc. Together, 20 vols. 12mo, cloth and half calf. v. p. v. d. 857—L’ Art, Revue HEBDOMAIRE Illustrated. Profusely illustrated with many thousand etchings, woodcuts and other plates. Complete set from vol. 1 to 55. Folio, half morocco. Paris, 1875-93. 858—Lire or Juxius Cassar (Napoeon) 2 vols.; Marcus Aurelius (Watson); John Locke, 2 vols. (Fox-Bourne). Together, 5 vols. 8vo, cloth and half morocco. New York, v. y. 859—LonGsTREET’s GEORGIA SCENES Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1859. Second edition, very rare. 860—Lossine (B. J.) a Field Book of the Revolution, 2 vols.; Field Book of the War of 1812. Illustrated. 8 vols. royal 8vo, half calf. New York, 1855-68. First editions. 861—Lowetu (J. R.) Letters of Lowell, 2 vols.; Writings of R. C. Sands, 2 vols.; Society and Solitude (Emerson) (first edition). Together, 5 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. v. p. v. d. 862—Lowe.v’s Hessians IN THE REVOLUTION The Yorktown Campaign (Johnston); Invasion of Washington (Williams); Maxims of Washington; Mary and Martha Washington (Lossing); ete. To- gether, 10 vols. 16mo to 8vo, cloth and half calf. V.cPacve: 863—LyYeEL.’s TRavEeLs IN THE UNITED STATES Lady Wortley’s Travels; Bowles, Across the Conti- nent; Lossing’s Story of the United States Navy; etc. Together, 13 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. Vi Dova ys 864—M’Cuntock (Rev. JoHN) anp JAMES STRONG Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature. 10 vols. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1882. 865—Macautay’s History or Encianp 5 vols.; Spanish Conquest of America (Helps), 3 vols., etc. Together, 14 vols. 12mo, half antique calf. v. p. v. d. 866—Macautay’s Lire anp LETTERS 2 vols.; Letters of Dr. Samuel Johnson, 2 vols.; Dick- ens-Collins Letters; etc. Together, 8 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half calf. New York, v. y. 867—Macautay’s MisceELLANEOUsS Works 5 vols.; Josephus, 4 vols.; Gibbon’s Rome, 5 vols. To- gether, 14 vols. 8vo. Various bindings. v. p. v. d. 868S—Manppen’s Lire oF THE COUNTESS OF BLESSINGTON 2 vols. ; Lane’s Arabian Nights, 2 vols.; Hooker’s Him- alayan Journal, 2 vols.; etc. Together, 14 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half morocco. Vv. p. Vv. y- 869—Marcy (Gen. R. B.) Thirty Years of Army Life on the Border. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1874. 870—Marryat’s Works 11 vols.; Oceala, by Mayne Reid, 3 vols., etc. To- gether, 23 vols. 12mo. Various bindings. _ v. p. v. d. 871—MarsHALL’S WASHINGTON Bancroft’s Miscellanies; Life of Wilbur Fisk; Robin- son’s Kansas Conflict; etc. Together, 11 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half calf. New York, v. y. 872—Mevit_e (Herman) Novels, comprising Redburn; Moby Dick; Typee; Mardi; Omoo; White Jacket; Pierre. Together, 8 vols. 12mo, half antique calf. New York, v. y. 873—Merepitu (GroRGE) Evan Harrington; or, He Would be a Gentleman. 12mo, original cloth. New York, Harper, 1860. The very rare first American edition, which was suppressed. 874—Metrernicu Memoirs 3 vols.; Memoirs of Archibald Constable, 3 vols.; Ma- cready’s Reminiscences, etc. Together, 16 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half calf. Wp. Ved. 875—MeExico Old Mexico (Bishop) ; Adventures in Mexico (Carpen- ter); Vagabond Life in Mexico (Ferry); etc. To- gether, 5 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. | . New York, v. y. 8'76—Monette (J. W.) History of the Discovery and Settlement of the Valley of the Mississippi. Map. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1848. 877—Mortey (J. L.) The Dutch Republic, 3 vols.; The United Netherlands, 4 vols.; John of Barneveld, 2 vols. Illustrated. 'To- gether, 9 vols. 8vo, half crimson calf, marbled edges. New York, 1861-75. 878—Mortey (J. L.) The United Netherlands, The Dutch Republic, John of Barneveld. Together, 9 vols. 8vo, half polished calf, marbled edges. New York, Harper, n. d. 879—MotTLey’s CORRESPONDENCE 2 vols.; Curtis’ Life of Jas. Buchanan, 2 vols. To- gether, 4 vols. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1883-89. 880—Music : Works on, by various writers. 20 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. v. p. v. d. 881—NapoLron The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, by J. S. C. Ab- bott. Maps and illustrations. Handsomely bound in dark blue panelled morocco, front and backs richly tooled, centerpiece inlaid with the letter N in red, dou- ble of watered silk and morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1855. Fine copy of the first edition in a handsome binding of the period. 882—Narvurat History Boudoir Botany. Colored plates. Goology (Orton) ; Popular Astronomy (Newcomb); etc. Together, 10 vols. 12mo and 8vo. Various bindings. v. p. v. d. 883—Narvurat History The Bird (Michelet); Homes without Hands (Wood) ; Canaries and Cage Birds (Holden); etc. Illustrated. Together, 6 vols. Various sizes and bindings. Vv. p. v. d. 884—NaturauL History Country Cousins (Ingersoll); Naturalist’s Wander- ings (Forbes) ; Boys’ Book of the Seasons; etc. To- gether, 10 vols. 12mo, half morocco. i | Sen alae 885—NaturaL History Manual of Conchology, colored plates (Wyatt) ; His- tory of the British Zoophytes (Landsborough) ; Rec- reations in Botany, etc. Illustrated. 'Together, 12 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half calf. v. p. v. d. 886—NarturaL History Wood’s Natural History, 3 vols.; The Desert World (Mangin); Nature’s Serial Story (Roe); etc. Illus- trated. 'Together, 7 vols. Imp. 8vo. Various bind- ings. Vesper ve oc: 887—Neat’s History or THE Purrrans Across America and Asia (Pumpelly); El Gringo, or New Mexico (Davis); etc. Together, 11 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half calf. ¥. p. ¥.\d. 888—New York City In Old New York (Janvier) ; Old New York (Francis) ; Tour Around New York (Mines); History of New York for Schools (Dunlap), etc. Together, 9 vols. Various sizes and binding. New York, v. y. 889—New York Commemoration of the Conquest of New Netherland on its 200th Anniversary, by the New York Historical Society. Steel portraits and map. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1854. Presentation copy to Messrs. Harper. 890—Oxp Time Novets By Mulock, Lever, Lover, Muhlbach and others. Mostly double column editions. 40 vols. 8vo, cloth. v. p. v. d. 891—OrIcINAL DrAwIncs 13 original wash and pencil drawings by Vanderhoof and Grahame, of scenes and objects illustrative of the American Revolution. Some of the titles: Newburgh in 1783, Interior of Washington’s Headquarters, Headquarters of Gen. Knox, Hasbrouke House in Newburgh, etc. Fine collection. 892—Paciric Rattway SuRvEY Vol. 12 in 2 vols. Profusely illustrated with litho- graphic views and colored plates of birds, etc. 2 vols. half morocco. Washington, 1860. 893—Parton (Jas.) | Life of Andrew Jackson, 3 vols.; Life of Franklin, 2 vols.; Butler in New Orleans. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, half red morocco. New York, 1861-4. 894—Pepys’ Diary aNnD CORRESPONDENCE With a Life and Notes by Lord Braybroke. 10 vols. 12mo, cloth (faded). New York, 1884. 895—PuvutTarcnu’s Lives 4 vols. ; Coleridge’s Works, 7 vols.; Sterne’s Works, 2 vols. ; etc. Together, 20 vols. 12mo, half antique calf. Ve ps ved, 896—PoeETRY By Will Carleton, Mrs. Browning, and others. 24 vols. Various sizes and bindings. Vie p. Vt; 897—Portry By various writers. 17 vols. 898—PoETRY Assorted. 11 vols. 899—Prime GENEALOGY Prime (E. D. G.). Notes Genealogical, Biographical and Bibliographical of the Prime Family. 8vo, cloth. Printed for private use. New York, 1888. 900—Prime, W. C. Coins, Medals and Seals, Ancient and Modern. Pro- fusely ilustrated. Square 8vo, cloth. New York, 1861. Rare. 901—Pytxr (Howarp) Twilight Land; Men of Iron; The Wonder Clock; The Lady of Shalott. All illustrated by Howard Pyle. 4 vols. 8vo, original cloth and half morocco. New York, v. y. All first editions. 902—QUEENS OF SOCIETY ae Wits and Beaux of Society, Greeville’s Journal, Henry IV (James), etc. Together, 8 vols. 8vo, cloth and half calf. v. p. v. d. 903—QvUEEN’s Prime Ministers’ Series (THE) | Portraits. 14 vols. (some duplicates), 12mo, cloth. New York, v. y. 904—Rasetais (FRANCIs) Works of Rabelais, translated by Urquhart & Mot- teux. Frontis. 2 vols. 12mo, blue polished calf (some- what rubed). London, Bohn, 1863. Bohn’s extra volumes. Scarce. 905—Re i (Mayne) : Novels by Mayne Reid. Illustrated. 12 vols. 12mo, — half red morocco. Boston, v. d. 906—Ruoptes (J. F.) History of the United States, vols. 1, 2, 3, only; Curtis’ Constitutional History of the United States, vol. 1 only; Curtis’ Origin of the Constitution, 2 vols. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, cloth and half calf. New York, v. y. 907—Riptey (R. S.) The War with Mexico. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1849. 908—Scuoo.u Books 36 vols. 909—Scuoor Books 39 vols. ‘Gey 910—Scuoou Booxs Atlases, etc. 25 vols. 911—Scuoot Booxs 56 vols. 912—Scuirvmann (Dr. H.) Troy; Thos. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. © New York, 1881-4. 9138—Scuootcrart (H. R.) Historical and Statistical Information Respecting the History, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States. Vol. 1 only. Illustrated. Quarto, half russia. Philadelphia, 1851. 914—Scorr (Sir WatLrTeER) Waverly Novels. Steel engravings. 50 vols. 12mo, half green morocco. Boston, 1860. 915—SHAKESPEARE (Wo.) Works, with Life, etc. Illustrated with many hun- dred woodcuts, executed by H. W. Hewett, after de- signs by Kenny Meadows, Harvey, and other artists. Edited by Gulian V. Verplank. 3 vols. finely bound in dark green morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1847. First edition. Very fine copy of this desirable edition. 916—SHakesPEaRE ( Wm.) Works of Shakespeare, edited by W. J. Rolfe. “Friendly edition.” 20 vols. 12mo, half calf. New York, 1884. 917—SHAKESPEARE CONCORDANCE By Clarke; Moliere’s Works, 3 vols.; Massinger’s Plays, 3 vols.; ete. Together, 9 vols. Various sizes and bindings. Vip. Vv. d. 918—SHAKESPEARE’s Works RG 6 vols.; Eliot’s Works, 6 vols.; Arabian Nights, 2 vols. ; etc. ‘Together, 18 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half calf: A ea (2 eis 2 919—Simms (W. G.) Mellichampe, a Legend of the Santee, 2 vols.; The Partisan, a Tale of the Revolution (first edition), 2 vols. Together, 4 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1835-53. 920—Smi.Lres’ BiocraPpHicaL Works 8 vols.; Addison’s Works, 2 vols., etc. ‘Together, 17 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half calf. v. p. v. d. 921—Smirn (Cuas. H.) Selections of the Ancient Costume of Great Becue and Ireland, from the Seventh to Sixteenth Century. With 60 magnificent hand-colored plates. Small folio, russia, binding broken. Printed by W. Bulmer & Co., Shakespeare Press, for Colnaghi & Co. London, 1814. Text and plates in immaculate condition. 922—Sparks (JARED) Library of American Biography. First and second series. Portraits. 25 vols. 16mo, cloth and half calf. New York and Boston, v. y. 923—SPortTING Tiger Shooting in India (Rice); Carolina Sports (Elliot) ; Seasons with the Sea Horse (Lamont) ; etc. Illustrated. Together, 5 vols. 80, cloth and half morocco. Verde nvr ce 924—S portTINne Wild Sports in the South (Whitehead) ; Sporting Life (Lennox) ; Sporting Pilgrimage (Whitney) ; etc. To- gether, 12 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half morocco. | Ven pave, d. 925—Staniey (H. M.) The Congo; Through the Dark Continent, Comassie & Magdala. Together 5 vols. Illustrated. 8vo, half calf and cloth. New York, v. d. 926—STEPHENS (J. L.) -'Travels in Yucatan, 2 vols.; Travels in Central Amer- — ica, 2 vols. Illustrated. ‘Together, 4 vols. 8vo, half calf. | New York, 1856. 927—STEPHEN’s MADAME DE STAEL 2 vols.; Cross’ Life of Eliot, 3 vols.; Memoir of Syd- ney Smith, 2 vols.; etc. Together, 27 vols. Various sizes and bindings. v. p. v. d. 928—-STrraTForRD GALLERY 45 fine steel plates from designs by eminent hands. Impl. 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1859. 929—SrrickLanp (AcNEs) Lives of the Queens of Scotland. 8 vols. 12mo, half calf. New York, 1855. 930—Svuer (Evcrne) The Wandering Jew. Profusely illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1844. 931—Symonps (J. A.) a The Greek Poets, 2 vols.; Seneca’s Moral Essays, Gladstone’s Time and Place of Homer. Together, 4 vols, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1876-80. 932—SymMonps’ Se AND STUDIES IN SOUTHERN EUROPE 2 vols. ; ; Stephen Olin’s Works, 6 vols., ete. 13 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half calf. New York, v. y. 933—Tay tor (Bayarp) Works of Travel, 8 vols. ; Huc’s ‘Chines Taine’s Italy ; Mackenzie’s Spain; etc. ‘Together, 25 vols. Various sizes and bindings. v. p. v. d. 934—TuHackeray (W. M.) Works of Travel, 8 vols.; Hue’s China; Taine’s Italy; many of them published in advance of the London” editions. 17 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half calf. New York, v. d. 935—TitpeEn (S. J.) 3 Public Writings and Speeches, 2 vols.; Bigelow’s Life of Tilden, 2 vols. Together, 4 vols, cloth and half morocco. New York, 1885-95. 936—TRaAvEL Voyage of the Challenger (Thaneene 2 vols.; Perry’s Expedition to Japan; Sub-Tropical Rambles (Pike) ; etc. Illustrated. 12 vols. 8vo. Various bindings. v. p. v. d. 937—Tyter (W. S.) History of Amherst College During Its First Half Century, 1821-71. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco. . Springfield, 1873. 938—Virernia [LLustRATED (Porte Crayon) South and West (Warner) ; Residence on a Georgia Plantation (Kemble) ; History of St. Augustine (Fair- banks), etc. Illustrated. ‘Together, 6 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half calf. Ve DenVeGs 939—Voyracr or THE Potomac (REyYNOLDs) Sandwich Islands (Haole); The Island World (Chee- ver) ; Diplomatic Correspondence, etc. ‘Together, 10 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half calf. Dig een res tt 940—Watutiace (Gen. Lew) Ben Hur. Profusely illustrated from drawings by W. M. Johnson. 2 vols. yellow silk, gilt tops. New York, 1892. The Garfield edition. Fine copy in cloth case. 941—WasuinetTon (GEORGE) The writings of Washington. With a Life, Notes, etc., by Jared Sparks. 13 vols. (lacks vol. xiii). New York, 1847. 942—Warson (W. C.) Military and Civil History of the County of Essex, New York. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1869. 943—WepssTeER (Danie) Works, including his Private Correspondence, ete. - Portraits. 9 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Boston, 1857-60. 944—West, THE The Northwest Coast (Swan); The Prairie Traveler (Marcy); Wyoming (Peck); Prairie Land (Farn- ham). Together, 4 vols, 16mo and 12mo, cloth. New York, v. y. 945—Witson (J. G.) Poets and Poetry of Scotland, 2 vols.; Hale’s Distin- guished Women, etc. ‘Together, 4 vols. 8vo, cloth and half calf. | v. p. v. d. 946—WorpswortH (Wm.) Selections from the Sonnets. Beautifully illustrated with numerous drawings by Alfred Parsons. Small quarto, green morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1891. 9477—Yute (Carr. Henry) Narrative of the Mission to the Court of Ava, in 1855. Lithographic plates and maps. Quarto, half morocco. London, 1858. — Rare. 948—MiscELLANEOUS Books oF TRAVEL 10 vols. 949—MiscELLANEOUS Booxs on Home Topics 43 vols. 950—MiscELLANEOUS NOVELS 41 novels of the Sixties bound in 12 vols. Mrs. Marsh’s Novels, 3 vols. ‘Together, 15 vols. 8vo, cloth and half morocco. 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