AR are the AMIS Fi eerste eng eee Speer EEG ee \O-47 j — Cy cis . LY iy TREATISE ON POMESTIC ECONOMY, FOR THE USE OF YOUNG LADIES AT HOME, AND AT -SCHOOL BY MISS CATHERINE E. BEECHER. tee REVISED EDITION, WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS AND ILLUSTRATIVE ENGRAVINGS NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, 82 CLIFF STREET, 1851. TO AMERICAN MOTHERS, whose intelligence and virtues have inspired admira- tion and respect, whose experience has furnished many valuable suggestions, in this work, whose approbation will be highly valued, and whose influence, in promoting the object aimed at, is respectfully solicited, this work is dedicated, by their friend and countrywoman, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION Tue author-of this work was led to attempt it, by dis- _ overing, in her extensive travels, the deplorable sufferings of multitudes of young wives.and mothers, from the com- bined influence of poor health, poor domestics, and a.defect- ave domestic education. The number of young women whose health is crushed, ere the first few years of married life are past, would seem incredible who has not in- vestigated this subject, would be vain to attempt to depict the sorrow, discouragement, and distress experien- ced in most families where the wife and. mother is a perpet- ual invalid. The writer became early convinced that this evil results mainly from the fact, that young girls, especially in the more wealthy classes, are not trained for their profession. In early life, they go through a course of school. training which results in great debility of constitution, while, at the same time, their physical and domestic education is almost wholly neglected. . Thus they enter on their most arduous and sacred duties so inexperienced and uninformed, and with so little muscular and nervous strength, that probably there is not one chance in ten, that young women of the present day, will pass through the first years of married life without such prostration of health and spirits as makes life a burden to themselves, and, it is to be feared, such as se- riously interrupts the confidence and happiness of .married life. The measure which, more than any other, would tend te remedy this evil, would be to place domestic economy on an ay hee ae practically, but as a science as ae ‘so as political economy or moral science, or any other branch of study ; because it embraces. knowledge, which will be needed by young women at all times and in all places; * ‘4 because this science can never be properly taught until it~ is made a branch of study ; and because this method will | secure a dignity and importance in the estimation of young girls; which can never be accorded while they perceive their teachers and parents practically attaching more value to every other department of science than this. When — young. ladies are taught the construction of their own bod- ies, and all the causes in domestic life which tend to weak- en the constitution ; when they are taught rightly to. ap- preciate and learn ‘the most convenient and economical modes of performing’ all family duties, and of cep ee time and money ; and when they perceive the true estimate - accorded to these things by teachers. and friends, the grand. ‘cause of this evil will be removed. Women will be train- ed to secure, as of first importance, a strong and healthy constitution, and all those rules of thrift and —— that will make domestic duty easy and pleasant. i). Re _ To promote this object, the writer prepared this volume as a text-book for female schools. It has been’ examined — by the Massachusetts Board of Education, and been deem- _ ed worthy by them to be admitted as a ly im of the Massa- chusetts School Library. It has also been adopted as a text-book in some of our largest and most popular female schools, both at the East i ff 5) and West. ~ The following, from the pen of Mr. George B. Emmer- > éon, one of the most popular and successful teachers in our aon country, who has introduced this work as a text-book in 4 PREFACE. qT hie own school, will exhibit the opinion of one who has ‘formed his jhdginant from er in the? use a the work : _ “Tt may be ened that sid oitrike cannot be taught by books. Why not? Why may not the structure of the human body, and the laws of health deduced therefrom, be as well taught asthe laws of natural philosophy? Why are not the application of these laws to the management of infants and young children as important to a woman as the application of the rules of arithmetic to the extrac- tion of the cube root? Why may not the properties of the atmosphere be explained, in reference to the proper venti- lation of rooms, or exercise in the open air, as properly as to the burning of steel or sodium ? \‘y ‘is not the human skeleton as curious and interesting as t.« air-pump; and the action of the brain, as the action of a steam-engine ? Why may not the healthiness of different kinds of food and drink, the proper modes of cooking, and the rules in refer- ence to the modes and times of taking them, be discussed as properly as rules of grammar, or facts in history? Are not the principles that should regulate clothing, the rules of cleanliness, tht advantages of early rising and domestic exercise, as readily communicated as the principles of min- eralogy, or rules of syntax? Are not the rules of Jesus Christ, applied to refine domestic manners and preserve a good temper, as important as the abstract principles of eth- ics, as taught by Paley, Wayland, or Jouffroy ? May not the advantages of neatness, system, and order, be as well illustrated in showing how they contribute to the happiness of a family, as by showing how they add beauty toa copy- book, or a portfolio of drawings? Would not a teacher be as well employed in teaching the rules of economy, in regard to time and expenses, or in regard to dispensing zharity, as in teaching doutie, or single entry in book-keep- ing? _ Are not the principles that should guide in C ing a house; and in warming and ventilating it prope important to young girls as the principles of the Atheni Commonwealth, or the rules of Roman tactics ? ‘Is'it ‘not as important that children should be taught the dangers: to the mental faculties, when over-excited on the one’ hail, or left unoccupied’on the other, as to teach them the con=- flicting theories of political economy, or the speculations of Hy metaphysicians? ‘For ourselves, we have always found children, especially girls, peculiarly ready to listen to what — they saw would prepare them for future duties. The truth, that education should ‘be @ preparation for actual, real life, — has the greatest force with children. ‘The constantly-recur- ring inquiry, ‘ What will be the use of this study ? is ‘al- - ways satisfied by showing, that it will: prepare for any duty, | relation, or office which, in the natural course of — Coa will be likely to come. pron, Gee — © We think this book extremely well suited to be’ sei | as a text-book in schools for young ladies, and many chap-- ters are well adapted for a pees book’ for children | of both sexes.” i} To this the writer would ‘add the testimony of ‘a sual who has used ‘this work with ‘several classes of young gitls and young ladies. She remarked that she ‘had ‘never — known a school-book that awakened more interest, and that — % some young girls would learn a lesson in this ‘when they — rs would study nothing else. She remarked, also; that when reciting the chapter on the construction of houses, they be- came greatly interested in inventing plans of their ‘own, which gave an opportunity to the teacher to point out dif- ficulties and defects. Had this part of domestic economy been taught in schools, our Jand would not be so defaced with awkward, misshapen, inconvenient, and, at the same time, needlessly expensive houses, as it now is. TEE PREFACE. 9 - Although the writer was trained to the care of children, | and to perform all branches of domestic duty, by some of the best of housekeepers, much in these pages is offered, not as the result of her own experience, but as what has obtained the approbation of some of the most judicious mothers and housekeepers in the nation. The articles on Physiology and Hygiene, and those on horticulture, were derived from standard works on these subjects, and are sanctioned by the highest authorities. Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book is another work prepared by the author of the Domestic Economy, in connexion with several experienced housekeepers, and is designed for a supplement to this work. On pages 354, 355*, and 356* will be found the Preface and Analysis of that work, the two books being designed for a complete course of instructions on every department of Domestic Economy. The copyright interest in these two works is held by a board of gentlemen appointed for the purpose, who, after paying a moderate compensation to the author for the time and labour spent in preparing these works, will employ all the remainder ‘paid over by the publishers, to aid in edu- cating and locating such female teachers as wish to be em- ployed in those portions of our country, which are most destitute of schools. ‘ The contract with the publisher provides that the pub- lisher shall guaranty the sales and thus secure against any losses for bad debts, for which he shall receive five per cent. He shall charge twenty per cent. for commis- sions paid to retailers, and also the expenses of printing, paper, and binding, at the current market prices, and make no other charges. The net profits thus determined are then to be divided equally, the publishers taking one half, ~ and paying the other half to the board above mentioned , = va! a 3 se (ghee: f airs rh 2 awk f | = Goon : iF ey é i ‘ ey 11 ewe PREFACE, ee ae ° ° ® ° e e * ° e ° ° e ° ° < ‘ _CHAPTER 1. a wy - PLCULIAR RESPONSIBILITIES OF AMERICAN WOMEN. American Women should feel a peculiar Interest in Democratic Institutions. The Maxim of our Civil Institutions. Its Ilden- + tity with the main Principle of Christianity. Relations involv- , ing Subordination ; why they are needful. Examples. How these Relations are decided in a Democracy. What decides the Equity of any Law or Institution. The Principle of Aris- tocracy. The Tendency of Democracy in Respect to the Inter- ests of Women. Illustrated in the United States. Testimony of De Tocqueville. Miss Martineau’s Misrepresentations. In what Respects are Women subordinate? and why? Wherein are they equal or superior in Influence? and how are they placed by Courtesy? How can American Women rectify any real Disadvantages involved in our Civil Institutions ? Opinion of De Tocqueville as to the Influence and Example of Ameri- ' can Democracy. Responsibilities involved in this View, espe: cially those of American Women, . . . .°. . - 5 3 + CHAPTER IL. DIFFICULTIES PECULIAR TO AMERICAN WOMEN. A Law of Moral Action to be noted. Its Application. Consid- erations to be borne in Mind, in appreciating. peculiar Trials. Application’ to American Women. Difference between this and Aristocratic Countries. How this affects the Interests of American Women. Effect of Wealth, in this Country, on Do- mestic Service. Effects on the Domestic Comfort of Women. Second peculiar Trial of American Women. Extent of this Evil. The Writer’s Observation.on this Point. Effects on the Anticipations of Mothers and Daughters. Infrequency of: Healthful. Women in the Wealthy Classes. Causes which op- erate to undermine the Female Constitution. Excitement of Mind. Course of Intellectual Training. Taxation, ‘n Domes- tic Life, of American Mothers and Housekeepers, Exercise | and Fresh Air needful to balance Mental Excitement. Dr in American, compared with English, Customs, in this Res¢ Difference in the Health and Youthfulness of Appearance be-_ tween English and American Mothers. Liabilities of Ameri- eed pe xo 2% can Women to the uncommon Exposures of a New Country Remarks of De Tocqueville and the Writer on this Point, . 34 CHAPTER Ill... Pe oe REMEDIES FOR THE PRECEDING DIFFICULTIES, = 8 First Remedy suggested. Obligations of Wealthy Ladies on this | ae “4 Point. How a Dearth of Domestics may prove a Blessimg. — Second Remedy. Domestic Economy should be taught m — : Schools. Third Remedy. .Reasons for endowing Colleges — 4 and Professional Schools. Similar Reasons exist for endowing Female Institutions. Present Evils in conducting Female Ed- ucation. A Sketch of a Model Female Institution. Accom- modations provided. Mode of securing Exercise to Pupils. — Objections to this answered. Calisthenics. Course of Intel- ctual Discipline adopted. Mode of Division of Labor adopt- _ ed. Example of [linois in Regard to Female Education. - “conomy of Health and Time secured by such Institutions. — Plan suggested for the Early Education of Young Girls. Last Remedy suggested, fee 2 le de we SGU ee CHAPTEROTV.: uo) a ON DOMESTIC ECONOMY AS A BRANCH OF STUDY. _ -Mpediment to making Domestic Economy a Study at School. _ First Reason why it should be so made. State of Domestic Service precarious. Second Reason. Examples illustrating. — Third Reason. Questions asked. First Objection; how an- swered. Next Objection; how answered. Next Objection, — how answered. Iast Reagony(' 2) .2. «2 1. 4 (on i: CHAPTER V. ; ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. amportance of a Knowledge of the Laws of Health, and of the ~ Human System, to Females. Construction of the Human — frame. Bowers; their Structure, Design, and Use. Engray- — mg and Description. Spinal Column. Engravings of Verte- — _ Ive. Exercise of the Bones. Muscties; their Constitution, ‘Use, and Connection with the Bones. Engraving and Descrip — tion. Operation of Muscles. Nervzs; their Use. Spinal — . Column. Engravings and Descriptions. Distortions cf the Spine. Kngravings and Descriptions. Bioop-Vessrets; their Object. Engravings and Descriptions: The Heart, and its _ Connection with the System. Engravings and Descriptions. ue a he - Oreans or Dicrstion anv Resprration. Engraving and Description. Process of Digestion. Circulation of the Blood. Process of Respiration. Necessity of Pure Air. Tue Sxin Process of Perspiration.- Insensible Perspiration. Heat of the ~ Body. Absorbents. Importance of frequent Ablutions and Change of Garments. Follicles of Oily Matter in the Skin. Nerves of Feeling,» . ... i CHAPTER VI. ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. Responsibility of a Housekeeper in Regard to Health and Fooa. The most fruitful Cause of Disease. Gastric Juice; how pro- portioned. Hunger the Natural Guide as to Quantity of Food. A Benevolent Provision ; how perverted, and its Effects. A Morbid Appetite, how caused. Effects of too much Food in the Stomach. Duty of a Housekeeper in Reference to this. Proper Time for taking Food. Peristaltic Motion. Need of Rest to the Muscles of the Stomach. Time necessary between each Meal. Exceptions of hard Laborers and active Children. Exercise ; its Effect on all parts of the Body. How it produces, Munger. What is to be done by those who have lost the Guid- ance of Hunger in regulating the Amount of Food. On Qual- ity of Food.. Difference as to Risk from.bad Food, between Healthy Persons who exercise, and those of Delicate and Seden- tary Habits. Stimulating Food; its Effects. Condiments need ed only for Medicine, and to be avoided as Food. Difference between Animal and Vegetable Food. Opinion of some Med ical Men. Medical Men agree as to the Excess of Animal Food in American Diet. Extracts from Medical. Writers on this Point. Articles most easily digested.. The most Unhealth- ful Articles result. from bad cooking., Caution as to Mode of Eating. Reason why Mental and Bodily Exertions are injuri- ous after a full Meal. Changes in Diet should be gradual; and why. Drink most needed at Breakfast; and why. Dinner should be the heartiest Meal; and why. Little Drink to be taken while eating; and-why. Extremes of Heat or Cold, why injurious in Food. Fluids immediately absorbed from the Stomach. Why Soups are hard of Digestion. Case of Alexis St. Martin. Why highly-concentrated Nourishment is not good for Health. Beneficial Effects of using Unbolted Flour. Scarcity. of Wheat under William: Pitt’s Administration, and its Effects. Causes of a Debilitated Constitution from the Misuse of Food, BT Ley oe ae eee Lar ae a ; CHAPTER VI. ON HEALTHFUL DRINKS. Responsibility of a Housekeeper in this Respect. Stimulating ‘ Drinks not required for the Perfection of the Human System. 2 D. E, 13 68 a CONTENTS. ‘Therefore they are needless. First Evil in using them. See: — ond Evil. Five Kinds of Stimulating Articles in Use in this - Country. First Argument in Favor of Stimulants,and how = answered. Second Argument; how answered. The Writer's — View of the Effects of Tea and Coffee on American Females. _ Duty in Reference to Children. Black Tea the most harmless = Stimulant. Warm Drinks not needful. Hot Drinks injurious. Effect of Hot Drinks on Teeth. Mexican Customs and their Effects illustrating this. Opinion of Dr. Combe on this subject. . Difference between the Stimulus of Animal Food and the Stimulating Drinks used: Common Habit of Drinking freely — : 106 of Cold Water debilitating. -Persons taking but little Exer- cise require but little Drink, . . . eee CHAPTER VII. ON. CLOTHING. them. Causes of Infant Mortality. Of the Circulation in In- | fancy. Warm Dress for Infants, and why. Investigations in — France, and Results. Dangers from the opposite Extreme. Effects of too much Clothing. Rule of Safety. Featherbeds; — why unhealthy in Warm Weather. Best Nightgowns for Young Children. Clothing; how to be proportioned. Irra-' tional Dress of Women. Use of Flannel next the Skin. Evils of Tight Dresses to Women. False Taste in our Prints of Fashions. Modes in which Tight Dresses operate to weaken the Constitution. Rule of Safety as to Looseness of Dress. Example of English Ladies in Appropriateness of Dress, . CHAPTER IX. ON CLEANLINESS. Importance of Cleanliness not realized, without a Knowledge of the Nature of the Skin. Foundation of the Maxim respecting the Healthfulness of Dirt. Office of the Skin. Other Organs which perform similar Duties. Amount of Matter daily exhaled by the Skin. Effect of a Chill upon the Skin, when perspiring. Illustration of this. Effect ef closing the Pores of the Skin, with Dirt or other Matter. The Skin absorbs Matter into the Blood. Reasons for a Daily Ablution of the whole Body. Ef- fects of Fresh Air on Clothing worn next the Skin. Ameri- cans compared with other Nations as to Care of the Skin. Cautions in Regard toa Use of the Bath. How to decide when Cold Bathing is useful. Warm Bath tends to prevent Colds; and why. When a Bath should be taken. Advantages of General Ablutions to Children: -Care of the Teeth... . . *y ‘Salculations made from Bills of Mortality; and Inference from — . 112 118 - CONTENTS. , ‘CHAPTER X. ON EARLY RISING. 4 Universal Impression in Respect to this Practice. Why it should _ be regarded as American and Democratic. Practice in Aris- tocratic Circles in England. Appeal to American Women. First. Consideration in Favor of Early Rising. Another Physiological Reason in its Favor... Another Reason. Time necessary for Sleep. Proper Hours for Rising and Retiring. Evils of protracted Sleep. Testimony of Sir John Sinclair. _ Another Reason for Early Rising. _ Responsibility of Parents _ for the Health and Industry of a Family. Effects of Early feueem Creneral Societys © «06 ie jeje oe Sie es es : CHAPTER XI. ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. Uauses which produce Delicacy and Decay of the Female Con stitution. Want of Exercise. Neglect of the Laws of Health. Want of Pure Air. Objectionable Amusements. Sleeping by Day. Want of Exercise a greater Cause of these Evils, than all the Others combined. -Importance of understanding the Influence of the Neglect or Abuse of the Muscular System. Nerves of Sensation and of Motion. Both need Exercise. ‘Rules for Exercise. Importance of a Feeling of Interest in taking Exercise: Walks merely for Exercise. Exercise most proper for Young Girls. Exercise, more than any Thing else, imparts fresh Strength and Vitality to all Parts of the Body. Mistakes of Mothers and Teachers on this Subject. Effects of neglecting to use the Muscles; Effects of excessive Use of them. Effect of School Confinement and Seats. Extract from the Young Lady’s Friend. Lady Montagu. Daughter Repmerenei Nobleman,.: 6h ois. 6 Pe bee aided wd) ways CHAPTER XII. ON DOMESTIC MANNERS. What are Good-manners. Defect in American Manners. -Cold- ness and Reserve of the Descendants of the Puritans accounted for. Cause of the Want of Courtesy in American Manners. Want of Discrimination. Difference of Principles regulating Aristocratic and Democratic Manners. Rules for regulating the Courtesies founded on Precedence of Age, Office, and Sta- tion, ina Democracy. Manners appropriate to Superiors and Subordinates. “Miss Martineau’s Remarks on the Universal Practice of Americans to give Precedence to Woman. Pecu- liar Defect of Americans in this Respect. This to be remedied in the Domestic Circle, alone. Rules of Precedence to be en- foreed in the Family. Manners and Tones towards Superiors to be regulated in the Family. Treatment of grown Brothers and Sisters by Young Children. Acknowledgement of Favors by Children to be required. Children to ask ieave or apologize 15 122 - 128 oe St ee | CONTENTS. — < ‘ o ‘ 5 : in certain Cases. Rules for‘avoiding Remarks that wound the _ Feelings of Others. Rules of Hospitality. Conventional ose Rules. Rules for Table Manners. Caution as to teaching — these Rules to Children. Caution as to Allowances to be made for those deficient in Good-manners. Comparison of — English and American Manners, by De Tocqueville. America’ ‘may hope to excel all Nations in Refinement, Taste, and — Good-breeding ; and why. Effects of Wealth and Equali- sation of Labor. Allusion to the Manners of Courts in the — pest Century, (0p 1. O n PS a es 4, CHAPTER XIIL ON THE PRESERVATION OF A GOOD TEMPER IN A - HOUSEKEEPER. ; st etabrn e Influence of a Housekeeper on Domestic Happiness. Contrasts to illustrate. Sympathy. Influence of Tones. Allowances to be made for Housekeepers. Considerations to aid im regu- _ lating Temper and Tones. First; Her Duties to be regarded _ as Dignified, Important, and Difficult. Second; She should feel that she really has Great Difficulties to meet and over- — come. Third; She should deliberately calculate upon having — her Plans interfered with, and be prepared for the Emergency. — Fourth; All her Plans should. be formed consistently with the — Means at Command. Fifth; System, Economy, and Neatness, ~ only valuable when they tend to promote the Comfort and - Well-being of the Family. Sixth; Government of Tones of . Voice. Some Persons think Angry Tones needful. They — mistake. Illustration. Scolding, Unlady-like, and in Bad Taste. A Forgiving Spirit necessary.. Seventh and Last - Consideration offered; Right View of a Superintending Proy- — idence. Fretfulness and Complaining: sinful, — are oe CHAPTER XIV ON HABITS. OF SYSTEM AND ORDER. Question of the Equality of the Sexes, frivolous and useless. Relative Importance and Difficulty of the Duties a Woman ~~ < is called to perform. Her Duties not trivial. -More. difficult than those of the Queen of a great Nation. A Habit of Sys. tem and. Order necessary. Right Apportionment of Time. — General Principles. Christianity to be the Foundation.. In- tellectual and Social Interests to be preferred to Gratification — of Taste or Appetite. The Latter to be last in our Estimation. No Sacrifice of Health allowable. Neglect of Health a Sin in — the Sight of God. Regular Season of Rest appointed by the Creator. Divisions of Time. Systematic Arrangement of — House Articles and other Conveniences. Regular Employ thus ment for each Member of a Family. Children can be of great Service. Boys should be taught Family Work. Advantage . to them in Afterlife. Older Children to take Care of Infants _ OF ca Shm@ealy ss wal. Ses et Gerald “otiueere Meese Fe as . 148 et a = CONTENTS. Bein: - CHAPTER XV. | : ON GIVING IN CHARITY. No Point of Duty more difficult to fix by Rule, than Charity. First Consideration ;—Object for which we are placed in this World. How to be perfectly happy. Self-denying Benevo- lence. Important Distinction. Second Consideration ;—Nat-. ural Principles not to be exterminated, but. regulated and con- trolled. All Constitutional Propensities good, and designed to be gratified. ‘Their Abuses to be guarced against. Third Consideration ;—Superfluities' sometimes proper, and some- times not. Fourth Consideration ;—No Rule of Duty right for One and not for All. The Opposite of this Principle tested. Some Use of Superfluities necessary. Physical Gratifications should always be subordinate to Social, Intellectual, and Moral Advantages. Difficulties in the Way. Remarks upon them. Plan for Keeping an Account of Necessaries and Superfluities. Untoward Results of our Actions do not always prove that we deserve Blame. Examples of Conformity to the Rules here laiddown. General Principles to guide in deciding upon Objects of Charity. Parable of» Good Samaritan. Who are our Neighbors. Those most in Need to be first relieved.- In- tellectual and Moral Wants more necessary to be supplied than Physical. Not much Need of Charity in supplying Physi- cal Wants in this Country. System of Associated Charities, in which many» small Sums are combined. Indiscriminate Charity—Very injurious to Society, as a General Rule. Ex- ceptions. lmpropriety of judging of the Charities of Others, | CHAPTER XVI. ON ECONOMY OF TIME AND EXPENSES. Economy of Time. Value of Time. Right Apportionment of Time. Laws appointed by God for the Jews. Proportions of Property and Time the Jews were required to devote to Intel- lectual, Benevolent, and Religious Purposes. _The Levites The weekly Sabbath. The Sabbatical Year. Three sevenths of the Time of the Jews devoted to God’s Service. Christian- ity removes the Restrictions laid on the Jews, but demands all our Time to be devoted to our own best Interests and the Good of our Fellow-men. Some Practical Good to ‘be the Ultimate End of all our Pursuits. Enjoyment connected with the Per- formance of every Duty. Great Mistuke of Mankind. A Fi- nal Account to be given of the Apportionment of our Time. Various Modes of economizing Time. System and Order. Uniting several Objects in one Employment. Employment of Odd Intervals of Time. We are bound to aid Others in econ- omizing Time. Economy in Expenses. Necessity of Informa- tion on this Point. Contradictory Notions. General Prin- ciples in which all agree. Knowledge of Income and Ex- penses. Every One bound to do as much as she can to secure System and Order. Examples. Evils of Want of System and Forethought. acre Ladies should early learn to be system 9: D. BE. aT . 67 13 CONTENTS. atic and economical. Articles of Dress and Furniture should ay be in Keeping with each other, and with the Circumstances of the Family. Mistaken Economy. Education of Daughters: away from Home injudicious. Nice Sewing should he done at Home. Cheap Articles not always most economical. Buy- — - ing by wholesale economical only m special cases. Penurious” Savings made by getting the Poor to work cheap. Relétive | Obligations of the Poor and the Rich in Regard to Economy. — Economy of Providence in the Unequal Distribution of Prop- erty. Carelessness of Expense not a Mark of Gentility. Beat- ing down Prices improper in Wealthy People. Inconsistency . in American would-be Fashionables, . . . coo wee. CHAPTER XVII. ON HEALTH OF MIND. \ntimate Connection between the Body and Mind. Brain ex- cited by improper Stimulants taken into the Stomach: Mental Faculties then affected. Example of a Person having lost a Portion of his Skull. Causes of Mental Diseases. Want of Oxygenized Blood. .Fresh Air absolutely necessary. Exces- sive Exercise of the Intellect or Feelings a Cause of Derange- ment. Such Attention to Religion, as prevents the Perform- ance of other Duties, wrong. ‘Teachers and Parents should - look to this. Unusual Precocity in Children usually the Re- sult of a Diseased Brain. Parents generally add Fuel to this. Fever. Idiocy often the Result, or the Precocious Child sinks - below the Average of Mankind. This Evil yet prevalent in Colleges and other Seminaries. _A Medical Man necessary in every Seininary. Some Pupils always needing Restraint in Regard to Study. A Third Cause of Mental Disease, the Want of Appropriate Exercise of the Various Faculties of the Mind. Extract from Dr. Combe. Examples of Wealthy La- dies. Beneficial Results of active Intellectual Employments.. .- {ndications of a Diseased Mind, CHAPTER XVIII. ON THE CARE OF DOMESTICS. No Subject on which American Women need more Wisdom, Patience, Principle,and Self-control. Its Difficulties. Neces- suty Evils. Miseries of Aristocratic Lands. Wisdom of Conforming to Actual Circumstances. How to judge cor- rectly respecting Domestics. ‘They should be treated as we would expect to be under similar ‘Circumstances. When — Labor is scarce, its Value is increased. Instability of Domes tics; how it may be remedied. Pride and Insubordination, how remedied. Abhorrence of Servitude a National Trait of Character. Domestics easily convinced of the Appropriate- ness of different Degrees of Subordination. Example. Do mestics may be easily induced to be respectful in their De- portment, and appropriate in their Dress. © Deficiencies of Qualifications for the Performance of their Duties: how rem- edicd. Forewarning, better tuan Chiding. Preventing, better — CONTENTS. _ than finding Fault. Faults should be pointed out im 2 Kind Manner. Some Employers think it their Office and Duty to _ find Fault. Domestics should be regarded with Sympathy and Forbearance, . Pee Sh aa MT eA a CHAPTER XIX ON THE CARE OF INFANTS. Necessity of a Knowledge of this Subject, to every Young Lady. Examples. Extracts from Doctors Combe, Bell, and Eterle. Half the Deaths of Infants owing to Mismanagement, and Errors in Diet. Errors of Parents and Nurses. Error of ad- ministering Medicines to. Children, unnecessarily. Need of Fresh Air, Attention to Food, Cleanliness, Dress, and Bathing. Cholera Infantum not cured by Nostrums. Formation of Good Habits in Children, . ra CHAPTER XX. ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. Physical Education of Children. Remark of Dr. Clark, and Opin ion of other Medical Men. Many Popular Notions relating to _ Animal Food for Children, erroneous. The Formation of the Human Teeth and Stomach does not indicate that Man was designed to jive on Flesh. . Opinions of -Linneus: and Cuvier Stimulus of Animal Food not necessary. to Full Developement of the Physical and Intellectual Powers. Examples. Of Lap- landers, Kamtschatkadales, Scotch Highlanders, Siberian Ex iles, Africans, Arabs. Popular Notion that Animal Food is ’ more Nourishing than Vegetable. Different Opinions on. this - Subject. Experiments. Opinions. of Dr. Combe and others. Examples of Men who lived to a great Age. Dr. Franklin’s Testimony. Sir Isaac Newton and others, Albany Orphan Asylum. Deleterious Practice of allowing Children to eat at short Intervals. Intellectual Training. Schoolrooms. Moral Character. Submission, Self-denial, and Benevolence, the three most important Habits to be formed in Early.Life. Ex- tremes to be guarded against. Medium Course. Adults some- times forget the Value which Children set on Trifles. Example. Impossible to govern Children, properly, without appreciating the Value they attach to their Pursuits and Enjoyments. Those who govern Children should join in their Sports. This the best way to gain their Confidence and Affection. But Older Persons should never lose the Attitude of- Superiors. Unsteadiness in Government. [llustrations. Punishment from unsteady Governors, does little Good. Over-Government. Want of Patience and Self-control in Parents and Governors. Example of Parents more effectual than their Precepts. For- mation of Habits of Self-denial in Early Life. Denying Our- selves to promote the Happiness of Others. Habits of Honesty and Veracity. Habits of Modesty. Delicacy studiously to be cherished. Licentious and Impure Books to be ‘banished. 19 204 . 213 Bulwer a Licentious Writer, and to be discountenanced, © . 220 _ y ; i ee er PEE, 5 ON THE CARE OF THE SICK 2 “Ss ( _ 4 E ‘ : ‘ é ; ie Dip ce na ie Pal Women frequently called upon, to direct in Cases of Indisposi- ai tion. Extremes to be avoided. Grand Cause of ings‘ Diseases, Excess in Eating and Drinking. Fasting usefvl. Extracts from Doctors Burne and Combe. Necessity of 2 Woman’s — : Understanding the Nature and Operation of Common Medi- cines. Simple Electuary. Discretion required. Useful Di- — rections in Regard to Nursing the Sick. Fresh Air absolutely — necessary. Frequent Ablutions important. Dressing a Blis- ter. Arrangements to be made beforehand, when practicable. — Importance of Cleanliness; Nothing more annoying to the Sick, than a want of it. Necessity of a proper Preparation of — Food, for the Sick. Physicians’ Directions to be-well under stood and implicitly followed. Kindness, Patience, and Sym pathy, towards the Sick, important. Impositions of Apothecs ries. Drugs to be locked up from the Access of Children,. 234 — CHAPTER XXII. ON ACCIDENTS AND. ANTIDOTES. Medical Aid should be promptly resorted to. Suffocation, trom Substances in the Throat. Common Cuts. Wounds of Ar- teries, and other severe Cuts... Bruises. Sprains. Broken Limbs. Falls. Blows on the Head. Burns. Drowning. Poisons :— Corrosive Sublimate ; Arsenic, or Cobalt; Opium; — Acids; Alkalies. Stupefaction from Fumes of Charcoal, or — from entering a Well, Limekiln, or Coalmine. - Hemorrhage of the Lungs, Stomach, or Throat. Bleeding of the Nose. Dangers from Lightning, Sgn : «i 4 CHAPTER XXIII. Poe. ON DOMESTIC AMUSEMENTS AND SOCIAL DUTIES. (ndefiniteness of Opinion on this Subject.- Every Person needs | some Recreation. General Rules. How much Time to be given. What Amusements proper. . Those should always be avoided, which cause Pain, or injure the Health, or endanger Life, or interfere with important Duties, or are pernicious in - their Tendency. Horse-racing, Cireus-riding, Theatres, and -Gambling.. Dancing, as now conducted, does not conduce to — Health of Body or Mind, but the contrary. Dancing in the Open Air beneficial. Social Benefits of Dancing considered. Ease and Grace of Manners better.secured by a System of Calisthenics. The Writer’s Experience. Balls going out of Fashion, among the more refined Circles. Novel-reading. ~ Necessity for Discrimination. Young Persons should be guarded from Novels. Proper Amusements for Young Per-— sons. Cultivation of Flowers and Fruits. Benefits of the Practice. Music, Children enjoy it. Collections of Shells, — - CONTENTS. _ Plants, Minerals, &c. Children’s Games and Sports. Parents should join in them. Mechanical Skill of Children to be en couraged. Other Enjoyments. Social Enjoyments not always the List of Duties. Main Object of Life to form Character Family Friendship should be preserved. Plan adopted by Families of the Writer’s Acquaintance. Kindness to Strangers. Hospitality. Change of Character of Com- munities in Relation to Hospitality. Hospitality should be prompt. Strangers should be made to feel at their Ease, win CHAPTER XXIV. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. Importance to Family Comfort of well-constructed Houses. Rules for constructing them. Economy of Labor. Large Houses. Arrangement of Rooms. Wells and Cisterns. Economy of Money. Shape and Arrangement of Houses. Porticoes, Piazzas, and other Ornaments. Simplicity to be preferred. Fireplaces. Economy, of Health. Outdoor Con- veniences. Doors and Windows. Ventilation. Economy of Comfort. Domestics. Spare Chambers. Good Taste. Proportions. Color and Ornaments. Plans of Houses and Domestic Conveniences. -Receipts for Whitewash, . . . . / CHAPTER XXY. ON FIRES AND LIGHTS. Wood Fires. Construction of Fireplaces. Firesets. Building a Fire. Wood. ‘Cautions. Stoves and Grates. Cautions. Stovepipes. Anthracite Coal. Bituminous Coal. Proper Grates. Coal Stoves. On Lights. Lamps. Oil. Candles. Lard. Pearlash and Water for cleansing Lamps. Care of Lamps. Difficulty. Articles needed in trimming Lamps. Astral Lamps. Wicks. Dipping Wicks in Vinegar. Shades. Weak Eyes. Entry Lamps. Night Lamps. Tapers. Wax Tapers for Use in Sealing Letters. To make -Candles. Moulds. Dipped Candles. Rush Lights, osc . CHAPTER XXVLI. CN WASHING. All needful Accommodations should-be provided. Plenty of Water, easily accessible, necessary. Articles to be provided for Washing. Substitutes for Soft Water. Common Mode of Washing. Assorting:Clothes. To Wash Bedding. Feath- ers. Calicoes. Bran-water. Potato-water. _Soda Washing. Soda Soap. Mode of Soda Washing. Cautions in Regard to Colored Clothes; and Flannels. ‘To Wash Brown Linen, Muslins, Naitkeen, Woollen Table-Covers and Shawls, Wool- | len Yarn, Worsted and Woollen Hose: To Cleanse Gen- tlemen’s Broadcloths. To make Ley, Soft Soap, Hard Soap, White Soap, Starch, and other Articles used in Washing, . . 244 258 280 . 234 x Sy > - i r te < Z * ‘ ¥ $%s ON STARCHING, IRONING, AND CLEANSING. To prepare Starch. Glue and Gum Starch. Beef’s or Ox-Gall. RO Tg Starching Muslins and Laces. To Cleanse or Whiten Silk me ace, or Blond, and White Lace Veils. OnTIroning. Articles to be provided for Ironing. Sprinkling, Folding, and Ironing, 292 CHAPTER XXVIII. ~ alee ON WHITENING, CLEANSING, AND DYEING. © ae eS To Whiten Articles and Remove Stains from them. Mixtures to Remove Stains and Grease. Jo Cleanse Silk Handker- . _ chiefs and Ribands ; Silk Hose or Gloves; Downand Feathers; — Straw and Leghorn Hats On Coloring. Pink, Red, Yellow, — Blue, Green, Salmon, Buff, Dove; Slate, Brown, Black, and Olive Colors, | 52. *5)..e he5, ‘sce eee ~ Ue re Ss ie a ed 0 ~~ y nian , CHAPTER XXIX. ON THE CARE OF PARLORS. Proper Arrangement of Rooms. Shades and Colors. Carpets, Curtains, and other Furniture, should be selected with Ref-_ erence to each other. Laying down Carpets. Blocks to pre- i. ae vent Sofas and Tables from rubbing against Walls, and to hold Doors open. Footstools. Sweeping Carpets. Tealeaves.. Wet Indian Meal. Taking up and cleansing Carpets. Washing Carpets. Straw Matting. Picturesand Glasses. Curtains and Sofas. . Mahogany Furniture. Unvarnished Furniture; Mix- _ tures for. Hearths and Jambs. Sweeping and Dusting Parlors, 302 Ps ke. Ye CHAPTER XXX. <5 at * ON THE CARE OF BREAKFAST AND DINING-ROOMS., puarge Closet necessary. Dumb Waiter, or Sliding Closet. Fur. f 2%: niture for a Table. On Setting a Table. Rules for doing it properly ;—for Breakfast and Tea; for Dinner. On Waiting at Table. On Carving and Helping at Table, . 306 CHAPTER XXXI. + ON THE CARE OF CHAMBERS AND BEDROOMS. Importance of well-ventilated Sleeping-rooms. Debility and : Ill-health caused by a Want of Pure Air. Chamber Furni- ture.‘ Cheap. Couch. Bedding. . Feathers, Straw, or Hair < Mattresses. To Make a Bed. Domestics should be provided: — with Single Beds, and Washing Conveniences. On Packing | 2 and Storing Articles. To Fold a Gentleman’s Coat and Shirt, _ and a Frock. Packing Trunks.. Carpet Bags. Bonnet Cov-> . ers Packing Household Furniture for Moving, . . . . . 3). ; * CONTENTS. 23 CHAPTER XXXIL. ON THE CARE OF THE KITCHEN, CELLAR, AND STOREROOM. ‘Lnportance of a Convenient Kitchen. Floor should be painted Sink and Drain. Washing Dishes. Conveniences needed. Rules. Kitchen Furniture. Crockery. Iron Ware. Tin _ Ware. Wooden Ware. Basket Ware. Other Articles. On the Care of the Cellar. Storeroom. Modes of Destroying In- WCPO: 2s yee ey eS. > Silbeolhan weeole s “CHAPTER XXXIIL. ’ ON SEWING, CUTTING, AND MENDING. Importance of Young Girls being taught various Kinds of Stitch- ing. Directions for.doing various Kinds of Work. Work- Baskets, and their Contents. On Cutting and Fitting Gar- ments. Silks. Cotton and Linen. Old Silk Dresses quilted for Skirts. Flannel; White should be colored. Children’s Flannels. Nightgowns. Wrappers. Bedding. Mending, . 324 CHAPTER XXXIV. | ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. On the Preparation of Soil. For Pot-Plants. On the Prepara- tion of a Hot-Bed. Planting Flower-Seeds. To plant Garden- Seeds. Transplanting. To Re-pot House-Plants. On laying out Yards. Gardens. Flower-Beds. Bulbs and Tuberous Roots. List of Various Kinds of Flowers, in Reference to Color, and Height.. Annuals. Climbing Plants. Perennials. Herbaceous Roots. Shrubs; List of those most. suitable for adorning a Yard. Roses; Varieties of. Shade-Trees. ‘Time for Transplanting. Trees. Care of House Plants, . . . . 331 CHAPTER XXXV. ON THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS. Different Modes of Propagation ;—By Offsets; Cuttings; Lay- ers; Budding, or Inoculating; Ingrafting ;—Whip-Grafting ; Split-Grafting ; Stock-Grafting. Pruning. Thinning, . CHAPTER XXXVI. ON THE CULTIVATION OF FRUIT. Value of Attention to this Subject. Preparation of Soil. Plant- ing of Seeds. Budding, Grafting, and Transplanting. ‘Train- ing the Limbs. Attention to the Soil. Manuring. Filberts. Figs. Currants. Gooseberries. Raspberries. Strawberries. Grapes. To Preserve Fruit; Modes of Preserving Fruit-Trees. Poeerrent Worms, 36 a ae ob ie bade 1 5 ‘ oe 7 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXVII. MISCELLANEOUS. DIRECTIONS, Women should know how to take proper Care of Domestic eer mals. Care of a Horse. Care of a Cow. Poultry. Cautions — for Winter. Smoky Chimneys. House- Picea Parties Invitations. Comfort of Guests. Flower-Baskets. Fire-Boards. _ Water-proof Shoes. Earthen Ware. Cements, &e. &c. . . 351 Prore.—Cooking,.; . ; 3: < 33 so) 2 ee Giiossany, 9. yo aor we Dea See ee ENDEX,” “eed ohn sami ss sop dey > ge a LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. 4. The Human Skeleton, showing the Connection of the Bones of the System, . a ae dens 2, 3,4. The Cervical, Dorsal, and Lumbar, Vertebrax, 6p. See 5. Muscles of the Arm, : 74 6 Vertical Section of the Skull and Spinal Column, si side view, 77 7 View of the same as seen from behind, . . 77 8. Ramifications of the Nerves, . . ow, 9 yale oan 9,10,11. Natural and Distorted Spines, «AQ std gipey hia Pee 12. Vascular System, or Blood-Vessels,. . . . . . . . > 82 13. ‘The Two Sides of the Heart, separated, . . <: al ee toes 14. The Heart, with its two Sides united, as in Nature, “ee 86 15. The Heart, with the great Blood- Vessels, ona : aa scale, ey, 16. Organs of Digestion and Respiration, . . : . 88 17. Elevation of a Cottage of Fine Proportions, . . . » « . 202 18. Ground-plan of the same, . ws. snl 2 of Soe 19. Arrangement of one Side of a Room, oo. canoes eR eee. 20. Fireplace and Mantelpiece, . . 265 21. Elevation of a Cottage on a different Plan from the former, 265 22. Ground-plan of the same, « 266° 23, 24. Ground-plan and Second Story of a two-story Cottage; 267 95. Front Elevation of the latter Cottage, . 268 26. Front Elevation, on a different Plan, . . 268 27, 28. Plans of First and Second Stories of the idttel Elevation, 269 29) 30. Plans of First and Second Stories of a larger House,. . 270 31. Front Elevation of a very convenient ve dee oo Ns oe 32. Ground-plan of the same, . 272 33. Cottage of Daniel Wadsworth, Esq., by near "Hartford, Conn., 274 34, Accommodations for securing Water with the least Labor, « : 275 30. Back-door Accommodations, : 276 36. Latticed Portico, . 2 ett ee . a | 277 37. Sliding Closet, or Dumb Waiter, . oe ee aye ae 38. Cheap Couch, . : Sere War tie Pir cli ye 39. Plan ofa Flower-Bed, ee SS ee ee 40. Budding, . . we cg ee ee)» ee ana 41, Grafting 1 8ie ele: [ser ee 42," Stock-Grafting, }° 0 SD eee ea “DOMESTIC ECONOMY. CHAPTER I. THE PECULI‘®, RESPONSIBILITIES OF AMERICAN WOMEN. ‘THERE are some reasons, why American women should feel an interest in the support of the democratic institu- tions of their Country, which it is important that they should consider. .The great maxim, which is the basis of all our civil and political institutions, is, that “all men are created equal,” and that they are equally entitled to ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” But it can readily be seen, that. this is only another mode of expressing the fundamental principle which the Great Ruler of the Universe has established, as the law of His eternal government. <“‘'Thou shalt love thy neigh- bor as thyself;” and ‘“‘ Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them,” are the Scrip- ture forms, by which the Supreme Lawgiver requires that each individual of our race shall regard the happi- ness of others, as of the same value as his own; and which forbid any institution, in private or civil life, which secures advantages to one class, by sacrificing the inter- ' ests of another. ‘The principles of democracy, then, are identical with the principles of Christianity. But, in order that each individual may pursue and secure the highest degree of happiness within his reach, unimpeded by the selfish interests of others, a system of laws must be established, which sustain certain relations and dependencies in social and civil life. What these relations and their attending obligations, are to 3 26 PECULIAR RESPONSIBILITIES be determined, not with reference to the wishes and m- __ terests of a few, but solely with reference to the general good of all; so that each individual shall have his own interest, as well as the public benefit, secured by them. . a pee For this purpose, it is needful that certain relations — be sustained, which involve the duties of subordination. There must be the magistrate and the subject, one of whom is the superior, and the other the mferior. ‘There must be the relations of husband and wife, parent and child, teacher and pupil, employer and employed, each involving the relative duties of subordination. The su- perior, in certain particulars, is to direct, and the in- ferior is to yield obedience. Society could never go forward, harmoniously, nor could any craft or profession be successfully pursued, unless these superior and sub- ordinate relations be instituted and sustained. But who shall take the higher, and who the subordi- nate, stations in social and civil life? This matter, in the case of parents and children, is decided by the Cre- ator. He has given children to the control of parents, as their superiors, and to them they remain subordinate, to a certain age, or so long as they are members of their household. And parents can delegate such a portion of their authority to teachers and employers, as the interests of their children require. “ In most other cases, in a truly democratic state, each individual is allowed to choose for himself, whe shall take the position of his-superior. No woman is forced to obey any husband but the one she chooses for her- self; nor is she obliged to take a husband, if she prefers to remain single. So every domestic, and every artisan or laborer, after passing from parental control, can choose the employer to whom he is to accord obedience, or, if he prefers to relinquish certain advantages, he can remain without taking a subordinate place to any employer. Each subject, also, has equal power with every other, to decide who shall be his superior as a ruler. The weakest, the poorest, the most illiterate, has the same i ae bie iy GE O*—. oe oy Peay eet -* 4 ‘ i ia OF AMERICAN WOMEN. 27 a “opporttinity to diotechine this question, as the richest, _ the most learned, and the most exalted. And the various privileges that wealth secures, are equaily open to all classes. Every man may aim at riches, unimpeded by any law or institution which se- cures peculiar privileges to a favored class, at the expense of another. Every law, and every institution, is tested by examining whether it secures equal advantages to all ; and, if the people become convinced that any regula- tion sacrifices the good of the majority to the interests of the smaller number, they have power to abolish it. The institutions of monarchical and aristocratic na- tions are based on precisely opposite principles. They secure, to certain small and favored classes, advantages, which can be maintained, only by sacrificing the inter- ests of the great mass of the people. Thus, the throne and aristocracy of England are supported by laws and customs, which burden the lower classes with taxes, so “enormous, as to deprive them of all the luxuries, and of most of the comforts, of life. Poor dwellings, scanty food, unhealthy employments, excessive labor, and en- tire destitution of the means and time for education, are appointed for the lower classes, that a few may live in palaces, and riot in every indulgence: ‘The tendencies of Henican) institutions, in reference to the rights and interests of the female sex, have been fully developed in the United. States; and it is in this aspect, that the subject is one of peculiar interest to American women. In this Country, it is established, both by opinion and. by practice, that woman has an equal interest in all social and civil concerns ; and that no domestic, civil, or political, institution, is right, which sacrifices her interest to promote that of the other sex. But in order to secure her the more firmly in all these privileges, it is decided, that, in the domestic relation, she take a subordinate station, and that, in civil and po- litical concerns, her interests be intrusted to the other sex, without her taking any part in voting, or in making aiid administering tows The result of this order of 28 PECULIAR RESPONSIBILITIES things has been fairly | tested, ee 1S thus abenea M. De Tocqueville, a writer, ‘who, for intelligence, fidel- ity, and ability, ranks second to none. ‘‘'There are people in Europe, who, con ioudae to-— gether the different characteristics of the sexes, would make of man and woman, beings not only. equal, but alike. They would give to both the same functions, impose on both the same duties, and grant to both. the same rights. ‘They would mix them in all things,— their business, their occupations, their, pleasures. It may readily be conceived, that, by thus attempting to make one sex equal to the other, both are degraded ; and, from so preposterous a medley of the works of © Nature, nothing could ever result, but weak men and disorderly women. “Tt is not thus that the Americans understand the species of democratic equality, which may be established between the sexes. They admit, that, as Nature has appointed such wide differences between the physical and moral constitutions of man and woman, her mani- fest design was, to give a distinct.employment to their various faculties ; and they hold, that improvement does not consist in making beings so dissimilar do pretty nearly the same thirigs, but in getting each of them to fulfil their respective tasks, in the best possible manner. The Americans have applied to the sexes the great principle of political economy, which governs the man- ufactories of our age, by carefully dividing the ‘duties of man from those of woman, in order that the great work of society may be the better carried on. — “Jn no country has such constant care been taken, as in America, to trace two clearly distinct lines of ac- tion for the two sexes, and to make them keep pace one with the other, but in. two pathways which are always different. American women never manage the outward concerns of the family, or conduct a business, or take a part in political life; nor are they, on the other hand, ever compelled to perform the rough labor _ of the fields, or to make any of those laborious exertions, OF AMERICAN WOMEN. 29 which demand the exertion of physical strength. No families are so poor, as to form an exception to this rule. “Tf, on the one hand, an American woman cannot escape from the quiet circle of domestic employments, _ on the other hand, she is never forced to go beyond it. Hence it is, that the women of America, who often exhibit a masculine strength of understanding, and a manly energy, generally preserve great delicacy of per- sonal appearance, and always retain the manners of women, although they sometimes show that they have the hearts and minds of men. ““Nor have the Americans ever supposed, that one consequence of democratic principles, is, the subversion — of marital power, or the confusion of the natural au- thorities in families. They hold, that every association must have a head, in order to accomplish its object; and that the natural head of the conjugal association is man. ‘They do not, therefore, deny him the right of directing his partner; and they maintain, that, in the smaller association of husband and wife, as well as in the great social community, the object of democracy is, to regulate and legalize the powers which are necessary, not to subvert all power. “This opinion is not peculiar to one sex, and con- tested by the other. I never observed, that the women of America considered conjugal authority as a fortunate usurpation of their rights, nor that they thought them- selves degraded by submitting to it. It appears to me, on the contrary, that they attach a sort of pride to the voluntary surrender of their own will, and make it their boast to bend themselves to the yoke, not to shake it off. Such, at least, is the feeling expressed by the most virtuous of their sex; the others are silent; and in the United States it is not the practice for a guilty wife to clamor for the rights of woman, while she is trampling on her holiest duties.” “Although the travellers, who have visited North America, ur on a great Hiniher of points, they agree in remarking, that morals are far more strict, there, than * n. E 30 PECULIAR RESPONSIBILITIES ‘ ag i We elsewhere.* It is evident that, on this point, the Ameri- cans are very superior to their progenitors, the English.” — “In England, as in all other Countries of Europe, pubd- lic malice is constantly attacking the frailties of women. Philosophers and statesmen are heard to deplore, that — F morals are not sufficiently strict; and the literary pro- — ductions of the Country constantly lead one to suppose — so. In America, all books, novels not excepted, sup- pose women to be chaste; and no one thinks of relating affairs of gallantry.” a “Tt has often been remarked, that, in Europe, a cer- tain degree of contempt lurks, even in the flattery which men lavish upon women. Although a European fre- - quently affects to be the slave of woman, it may be seen, that he never sincerely thinks her his equal. In the United States, men seldom compliment women, but they — daily show how much they esteem them. ‘They con- stantly display an entire confidence in the understand- ing of a wife, and a profound respect for her freedom. * Miss Martineau is a singular exception to this remark. After receiving unexampled hospitalities and kindnesses, she gives the fol- lowing picture of her entertainers. Having in other places spoken of the American woman as having “ her intellect confined,” and * her morals crushed,’ and as deficient in education, because she has “none of the objects in life for which an enlarged education is con- sidered requisite,’ she says,—‘ It is assumed, in America, particularly in New England, that the morals of society there are peculiarly pure. I am grieved to doubt the fact; but I do doubt it.” “The Auld- Robin-Gray story is a frequently-enacted tragedy here ;, and one of the worst symptoms that struck me, was, that there was usually a demand upon my sympathy in such cases.”’—‘t The unavoidable consequence of such a mode of marrying, is, that the sanctity of marriage is impaired, and that vice succeeds. There are sad tales in country villages, here and there, that attest this; and yet more in towns, in a rank of society where such things are seldom or never heard of in England.”—‘ T unavoidably knew of more cases of lapse in highly ‘ respectable families in one State, than ever came to my knowledge at home ; and they were got over with a disgrace far more temporary and superficial than they could have been visited with in England.” —‘‘ The vacuity of mind of many women, is, I conclude, the cause of a vice, which it is painful to allude to, but which cannot honestly be passed over.—It is no secret on the spot, that the habit of intemper- ince is not infrequent among women of station and education in the most enlightened parts of the Country. I witnessed some instances, and heard of more. It does not seem to me to be regarded with all the dismay which such a symptom ought to excite. To the stranger, OF AMERICAN WOMEN. ol They have decided that her mind is just as fitted as that of a man to discover the plain truth, and her heart as firm to embrace it, and they have never sought to place her virtue, any more than his, under the shelter of prejudice, ignorance, and fear. . . * “Tt would seem, that in Europe, where man so easily submits to the despotic sway of woman, they are never- theless curtailed of some of the greatest qualities of the human species, and considered as seductive, but imper- fect beings, and (what may well provoke astonishment) women ultimately look upon themselves in the same light, and almost consider it as a privilege that they are . entitled to show themselves futile, feeble, and timid. The women of America claim no such privileges.” “Jt is true, that the Americans rarely lavish upon women those eager attentions which are commonly paid a novelty so horrible, a spectacle so fearful, suggests wide and deep subjects of investigation.” , : It is not possible for language to give representations more false in évery item. In evidence of this, the writer would mention, that, within the last few years, she has travelled almost the entire route taken by Miss Martineau, except the lower tier of the Southern States; and, though not meeting the same individuals, has mingled in the very same circles. Moreover, she has resided from several months to several years in eight of the different Northern and Western States, and spent several weeks ata time in five other States. She has also had pupils from every State in the Union, but two, and has visited extensively at their houses. But in her whole life, and in all these different positions, the writer has never, to her knowledge, seen even one woman, of the classes with which she has associated, who had Japsed in the manner indicated by Miss Martineau ; nor does she believe that such a woman could find admission in such circles any where in the Country. As to intemperate women, five cases are all of whom the writer has ever heard, in such circles, and two of these many believed to be unwarrantably suspected. After following in Miss Martineau’s track, and discovering all the falsehood, twaddle, gossip, old saws, and almanac stories, which have been strung together in her books, no charitable mode of accounting for the medley re- mains, but to suppose her the pitiable dupe of that love of hoaxing so often found in our Country. Again, Miss Martineau says, “ We passed an unshaded meadow, where the grass had caught. fire, every day, at-eleven o'clock, the pre- ceding Summer. This demonstrates the necessity of shade”! A woman, with so little common sense, as to swallow such an absurdity for truth, and then tack to it such an astute deduction, must be a tempt- ing subject for the abovementioned mischievous propensity. 32 PECULIAR RESPONSIBILITIES them in Europe. But their conduct to women always implies, that they suppose them to be virtuous and re- — fined; and such is the respect entertained for the moral _ freedom of the sex, that, in the presence of a woman, the most guarded. language is used, lest her ear should — be offended by an expression. In America,a young — unmarried woman may, alone, and without fear, under- take a long journey.” : Oe. ‘Thus the Americans do not think that man and woman have either the duty, or the right, to perform the same offices, but they show an equal regard for both their respective parts; and, though their lot is different, they consider both of them, as bemgs of equal value. They do not give to the courage of woman the same form, or the same direction, as to that of man; but they never doubt her courage: and if they hold that man and his partner ought not always to exercise their intellect and understanding i the same manner, they at least believe the understanding of the one to be as sound. as that of the other, and her intellect to be as clear. Thus, then, while they have allowed the social inferiority of woman to subsist, they have done all they could to raise her, morally and intellectually, to the level of man; and, in this respect, they appear to me to have excellently understood the true principle ot democratic improvement. = “As for myself, I do not hesitate to avow, that, although the women of the United States are confined within the narrow circle of domestic life, and their situ- ation Is, m some respects, one of extreme dependence, I have nowhere seen women occupying a loftier position ; and if I were asked, now I am drawing to the close of this work, in which | have spoken of so many important things done by the Americans, to what the singular prosperity and growing strength of that people ought mainly to be attributed, I should reply,—to the superi- ority of thew women.” This testimony of a foreigner, who has had abundant opportunities of making a comparison, is sanctioned by OF AMERICAN WOMEN. 33 the assent of all candid and intelligent men, who have eae ‘similar opportunities. It appears, then, that it is in America, alone, that women are raised to an equality with the other SeX* and that, both in theory and practice, their interests are regarded as of equal value. They are made subordi- nate in station, only where a regard to their best inter- ests demands it, while, as if in compensation for this, by custom and courtesy, they are always treated as superiors. Universally, in this Country, through every class of society, precedence is given to woman, in all the comforts, conveniences, and courtesies, of life. In civil and political affairs, American women take no interest or concern, except so far as they ‘sympathize with their family and personal friends ; but in all cases, “In which they do feel a concern, their opinions and feelings have a consideration, equal, or even superior, to that of the other sex. In matters pertaining to the education of their chil- dren, in the selection and support of a clergyman, in all benevolent enterprises, and in all questions relating to morals or manners, they have a superior influence. In such concerns, it would be impossible to carry a point, contrary to their judgement and feelings; while an enterprise, sustained by them, will seldom fail of success. Tf those who are bewailing themselves over the fan- cied wrongs and injuries of women in this Nation, could only see things as they are, they would know, that, whatever remnants of a barbarous or aristocratic age may remain in our civil institutions, in reference to the interests of women, it is only because they are ignorant of them, or do not use. their influence to have them rec- tified ; for it is very certain that there is nothing reason able, which American women would unite in asking, that would not readily be bestowed. The preceding remarks, then, illustrate the position, that the democratic institutions of this Country are in 34 PECULIAR RESPONSIBILITIES reality no other than the principles of Christianity car- ried into operation, and that they tend to place woman > in her true position in society, as having equal rights — with the other sex; and that, in fact, they have secured — to American women a lofty and fortunate position, which, as yet, has been nee by the women of no other nation. There is another topic, presented in the work of the above author, which demands the profound attention | of American women. The following is taken from that part of the Tires: duction to the work, illustrating the position, that, for ages, there has been a constant progress, in all civilized nations, towards the democratic equality atiaeane in this Country. _ “The various occurrences of national existence have every where turned to the advantage of democracy; all men have aided it by their exertions; those who have intentionally labored in its cause, and those who have served it unwittingly ; those who have fought for it, and those who have declared themselves its opponents, have all been driven along in the same track, have all labored to one end;”’ “all have been blind instruments in the hands of God.” “The gradual developement of the equality a con- ditions, is, therefore, a Providential fact; and it pos- sesses all the characteristics of a Divine: decree: it is universal, it is durable, it constantly eludes all human interference, and all events, as well as all ip ites contrib ute to its progress.” “The whole book, which is here offered to the pub: lic, has been written under the i impression of a kind of religious dread, produced in the author’s mind, by the contemplation of so irresistible a rev olution, which has advanced for centuries, in spite of such amazing obsta- - cles, and which is still proceeding in the midst of the ruins it has made. “Tt is not necessary that God Himself should speak, OF AMERICAN WOMEN. 35 “4n order to disclose to us the unquestionable signs of His will. We can discern them in the habitual course of N ature, and in the invariable tendency of events.” “Tf the men of our time were led, by attentive ob- servation, and by sincere reflection, to acknowledge that the gradual and progressive developement of social equality is at once the past and future of their history, this solitary truth would confer the sacred character of a Divine decree upon the change. To attempt to check democracy, would be, in that case, to resist. the will of God ; and the nations would then be constrained to make the best of the social lot awarded to them by Providence.” “It is not, then, merely to satisfy a legitimate curi- osity, that I have examined America; my wish has been to find instruction by which we may ourselves profit.” “JT have not even affected to discuss whether the social revolution, which I believe to be irresistible, is advanta- geous or prejudicial to mankind. I have acknowledged this revolution, as a fact already accomplished, or on the eve of its accomplishment ; and I have selected the nation, from among those which have undergone it, in which its developement has been the most peaceful and the most complete, in order to discern its natural con- sequences, and, if it be possible, to distinguish the means by which it may be rendered profitable. I confess, that in America [ saw more than America; I sought the image of democracy itself, with its inclina- tions, its character, its prejudices, and its passions, in order to learn what we have to fear, or to hope, from its progress.” | It thus appears, that the sublime and elevating an- ticipations which have filled. the mind and heart of the religious world, have become so far developed, that philosophers and statesmen are perceiving the signs, and are predicting the approach, of the same grand con- summation. ‘There is a day advancing, “by seers pre- dicted, and by poets sung,” when the curse of selfish- ness shall be removed ; when “scenes surpassing fable, 36 PECULIAR RESPONSIBILITIES - and yet true,” shall be realized ; when all nations shall rejoice and be made blessed, under those benevolent | influences, which the Messiah came to establish on earth. | And this is the Country, which the Disposer of events designs shall go forth as the cynosure of nations, to guide them to the light and blessedness of that day. To us is committed the grand, the responsible privilege, of exhibiting to the world, the beneficent influences of Christianity, when carried into every social, civil, and political institution; and, though we have, as yet, made _ such imperfect advances, already the light is streaming. into the dark prison-house of despotic lands, while — startled kings and sages, philosophers and statesmen, are watching us with that mterest, which a career so - illustrious, and so involving their own destiny, is calcu- lated to excite. They are studying our institutions, scrutinizing our experience, and watching for our mis- takes, that they may learn whether “a social revolu- tion, so irresistible, be advantageous or prejudicial to — mankind.” : | There are persons, who regard these. interesting truths merely as food for national vanity; but every reflecting and Christian mind, must consider it as an occasion for solemn and anxious reflection. Are we, then, a spectacle to the world? Has the Eternal Lawgiver appointed us to work out a problem, in- volving the destiny of the whole earth? Are such momentous interests to be advanced or retarded, just in proportion as we are faithful to our high trust? “‘ What manner of persons, then, ought we to be,’ in attempting to sustain so solemn, so glorious a re sponsibility ? | But the part to be enacted by American women, in : this great moral enterprise, is the point to which special attention should here be directed. | The success of democratic institutions, as is con- ceded by all, depends upon the intellectual and moral character of the mass of the people. If they are intel- ’ OF AMERICAN WOMEN. 37 Tigent. and virtuous, democracy is a blessing; but if ‘they are ignorant and wicked, it is only a curse, and as much more dreadful than any other form of civil gov- ernment, as a thousand tyrants ‘are more to be dreaded than one. It is equally conceded, that the formation of the moral and intellectual character of the young is committed mainly to the female hand. The mother forms the character of the future man; the sister bends the fibres that are hereafter to be the forest tree; the wife sways the heart, whose energies may turn for good or for evil the destinies of a nation. Let the women of a country be made virtuous and intelligent, and the men will certainly be the same. The proper education of a man decides the welfare of an individual; but educate a woman, and the interests of a whole family are secured. If this be so, as none will deny, then to American women, more than to any others on earth, is committed the exalted privilege of extending over the world those blessed influences, which are to renovate degraded man, and “ clofhe all climes with beauty.” No American woman, then, has any occasion for feeling that hers is an humble or insignificant lot. The value of what an individual accomplishes, is to be estimated by the importance of the enterprise achieved, and not by the particular position of the laborer. The drops of heaven which freshen the earth, are each of equal value, whether they fall in the lowland meadow, or the princely parterre. The builders of a temple are of equal importance, whether they labor on the founda- tions, or toil upon the dome. Thus, also, with those labors which are to be made effectual in the regeneration of the Earth. And it is by forming a habit of regarding the apparently insignif- icant efforts of each isolated laborer, in a comprehensive manner, as indispensable portions of a grand result, that the minds of all, however humble their sphere of ser vice, can be invigorated and cheered. ‘The womar, 4 D.E 38 |. DIFFICULTIES PECULIAR who is rearing a family of children; the woman, who labors in the echanitoont the woman, who, in her re- tired chamber, earns, with her needle, the mite, which | : contributes to the iislleniae! and moral opmtan of her Country ; even the humble domestic, whose exam-_ ple and influence may be moulding and forming young — minds, while her faithful services sustain a prosperous — domestic state ;—each and all may be animated by the consciousness, that they are agents in accomplishing the ereatest work that ever was committed to human re- sponsibility. It is the building of a glorious temple, whose base shall be coextensive with the bounds of the earth, whose summit shall pierce the skies, whose splen- dor shall beam on all lands; and those who hew the lowliest stone, as much as those who carve the highest capital, will be equally honored, when its top-stone shall be laid, with new rejoicings of the morning stars, and shoutings of the sons of God. CHAPTER. II. DIFFICULTIES PECULIAR TO AMERICAN WOMEN. In the preceding chapter, were presented those views, which are calculated to inspire American women with a sense of their high responsibilities to their Country, — and to the world; and of the excellence and grandeur of the object to ‘which their energies may be conse- crated. But it will be found to be the law of moral action, that whatever involves great results and great benefits, is always attended with great hazards and difficulties. And as it has been shown, that American women have a loftier position, and a more elevated object of enter- prise, than the females of any other nation, so it will appear, that they have greater trials and difficulties to TO AMERICAN WOMEN. 39 overcome, ae any other women are called to en - counter. Properly to appreciate the nature of these trials, it must be borne in mind, that the estimate of evils and privations depends, not so much on their positive na- ture, as on the character and habits of the person who meets them. A woman, educated in the savage state, finds it no trial to be destitute of many conveniences, which a woman, even of the lowest condition, in this Country, would deem indispensable to existence. So a woman, educated with the tastes and habits of the best New England or Virginia housekeepers, would encounter many deprivations and trials, which would never occur to one reared in the log cabin of a new settlement. So, also, a woman, who has been accus- tomed to carry forward her arrangements with well- trained domestics, would meet a thousand trials to her feelings and temper, by the substitution of ignorant foreigners, or shiftless slaves, which would be of little account to one who had never enjoyed any better service. Now, the larger portion of American women are the descendants of English progenitors, who, as a nation, are distinguished for systematic housekeeping, and for a great love of order, cleanliness, and comfort. And American women, to a greater or less extent, have in- herited similar tastes and habits. But the prosperity and democratic tendencies of this Country produce results, materially affecting the comfort of housekeep- ers, which the females of monarchical and. aristocratic lands are not called to meet. In such countries, all ranks and classes are fixed in a given position, and each person is educated for a particular sphere and style of living. And the dwellings, conveniences, and customs of life, remain very nearly the same, from generation to generation. This secures the preparation of all classes for their particular station, and makes the lower orders more dependent, and more subservient to em ployers. ‘40 DIFFICULTIES PECULIAR But how different is the state of things in this Coun © try. Every thing is moving and changing. Persons in poverty, are rising to opulence, and persons of wealth, are sinking to poverty. The children of com — mon. laborers, by their talents and enterprise, are be- coming nobles in intellect, or wealth, or office ; while the children of the wealthy, enervated by indulgence, ~ -are sinking to humbler stations. The sons of the wealthy are leaving the rich mansions of their fathers, to dwell in the log cabins of the forest, where very soon they bear away the daughters of ease and refine- ment, to share the privations of a new settlement. Meantime, even in the more stationary portions of the community, there is a mingling of all grades of wealth, intellect, and education. There are no distinct classes, as in aristocratic lands, whose bounds are protected by distinct and impassable lines, but all are thrown into promiscuous masses. ‘Thus, persons of humble means are brought into contact with those of vast wealth, while all intervening grades are placed side by side. Thus, too, there is a constant comparison of conditions, among equals, and a constant temptation presented to imitate the customs, and to strive for the enjoyments, * of those who possess larger means. 3 In addition to this, the flow of wealth, among all classes, is constantly increasing the number of those who live in a style demanding much hired service, — while the number of those, who are compelled to go to service, is constantly diminishing. Our manufactories, also, are making increased demands for female labor, and offering larger compensation. In consequence of these things, there is such a disproportion between those who wish to hire, and those who are willing to go to domestic service, that, in the non-slaveholding States were it not for the supply of poverty-stricken foreigners, there would not be a domestic for each family who de mands one. And this resort to foreigners, poor as it is, scarcely meets the demand; while the disproportion must every year increase, especially if our prosperity TO AMERICAN WOMEN. 4] increases. for, just in proportion as wéalth rolls in upon us, the number of those, who will give up their own independent homes to serve strangers, will be diminished. The difficulties and sufferings, which have accrued to American women, from this cause, are almost incal- culable. There is nothing, which so much demands system and regularity, as the affairs of a housekeeper, made up, as they are, of ten thousand desultory and minute items; and yet, this perpetually fluctuating state of society seems forever to bar any such system and regularity. ‘The anxieties, vexations, perplexities, and even hard labor, which come upon American women, - from this state of domestic service, are endless ; ea many a woman has, in consequence, been disheartened, discouraged, and ruined in health. ‘The only wonder is, that, amid so many real difficulties, American women are still able to maintain such a character for energy, fortitude, and amiableness, as is ore gee allowed to be their due. But the second, and still ondatee difficulty, peculiar to American women, is, a delicacy of constitution, which renders them early victims to disease and decay. The fact that the women of this Country are unu- sually subject to disease, and that their beauty and youthfulness are of shorter continuance than those of the women of other nations, is one which always at- tracts the attention of foreigners; while medical men and philanthropists are constantly giving fearful mo- nitions as to the extent and alarming increase of this evil. Investigations make it evident, that a large pro- portion of young ladies, from the wealthier classes, have the incipient stages of curvature of the spine, one of the most sure and fruitful causes of future disease and de- cay. The writer has heard medical men, who have made extensive inquiries, say, that a very large proportion of the young women at boarding schools, are affected in this way, while many other indications of disease and * D. E. rg 42 DIFFICULTIES PECULIAR debility exist, in cases where this particular evil ‘cannot be detected. AN -In consequence of this enfeebled state on their « con- — 3 stitutions, induced by a neglect of their physical educa- tion, as soon as they are called to the responsibilities _ “— and trials of domestic life, their constitution fails, and their whole existence is rendered a burden. For no woman can enjoy existence, when disease throws a dark cloud over the mind, and incapacitates her for the proper | discharge of every duty. és The writer, who for some ten years has had the charge ft of an institution, consisting of young ladies from almost | every State in the Union, since relinquishing that charge, has travelled and visited extensively in most of the non-— slaveholding States. In these circuits, she has learned the domestic history, not merely of her pupils, but of many other young wives and mothers, whose sorrowful experience has come to her knowledge. And the im-— pression, produced by the dreadful extent of this evil, has at times been almost overwhelming. It would seem as if the primeval curse, wee ae written the doom of pain and sorrow on one period of a young mother’s life, in this Country had been extend- ed over all; so that the hour seldom arrives, when “ she forgetteth her sorrow for joy that a man is born into the world.’”? Many a mother will testify, with shuddering, that the most exquisite sufferings she ever endured, were not those appointed by Nature, but those, which, for week after week, have worn down health and spirits, when nourishing her child. And medical men teach us, that — this, in most cases, results from a debility of constitution, — consequent. on the mismanagement of early life. And so frequent and so mournful are these, and the other distresses that result from the delicacy of the female constitution, that the writer has repeatedly heard moth- ers say, that they had wept tears of bitterness over their infant daughters, at the thought of the sufferings which ; they were destined to undergo; while they cherished ~~ TO AMERICAN WOMEN. | 43 the decided wish, that these daughters should never marry. At the same time, many a reflecting young woman is looking to her future prospects, with very different feelings and hopes from those which Provi- dence designed. A periectly healthy woman, especially a perfectly healthy mother, is so unfrequent, in some of the wealth- ier classes, that those, who are so, may be regarded as the exceptions, and not as the general rule. The writer has heard some of her friends declare, that they would ride fifty miles, to see a perfectly healthy and vigorous woman, out of the laboring classes. This, although somewhat jocose, was not an entirely unfair picture of the true state of female health in the wealthier classes. There are many causes operating, which serve to per- petuate and increase this evil. It is a well-known fact, that mental excitement tends to weaken the physical system, unless it is counterbalanced by a corresponding increase of exercise and fresh air. Now, the people of this Country are under the influence of high commercial, political, and religious stimulus, altogether greater than _ was ever known by any other nation; and in all this, women are made the sympathizing companions of the other sex. At the same time, young girls, in pursuing an education, have ten times greater an amount of in- tellectual taxation demanded, than was ever before ex- acted. Let any daughter, educated in our best schools at this day, compare the course of her study with that pursued in her mother’s early life, and it will be seen that this estimate of the increase of mental taxation probably falls below the truth. Though, in some coun- tries, there are small classes of females, in the higher circles, who pursue literature and science to a far great- er extent than in any corresponding circles in this Country, yet, in no nation in the world are the advan- tages of a good intellectual education enjoyed, by so large a proportion of the females. And this education has consisted far less of accomplishments, and far more of those solid studies which demand the exercise of the 44 DIFFICULTIES PECULIAR ae: various , powers of mind, than the education of the women of other lands. And when American women are called to the respon sibilities of domestic life, the degree 1 in which their minds and feelings are taxed, is altogether MS than it is in any other nation. No women on earth have a higher sense of their moral and religious responsibilities, or better understand, not only what is demanded of them, as housekeepers, but all the claims that rest upon them as wives, mothers, and members of a social community. An American woman, who is the mistress of a family, feels her obligations, in reference to her influence over her husband, and a still greater responsibility in rearing and educating her chil- dren. She feels, too, the claims which the moral inter-_ ests of her Ae ciskts have on her watchful care. In social life, she recognises the claims of hospitality, and the demands of friendly visiting. Her responsibility, in reference to the institutions of benevolence and religion, is deeply realized. The regular worship of the Lord’s day, and all the various religious meetings and benevo- — lent societies which place so much dependence on female influence and example, she feels obligated to sustain. Add to these multiplied responsibilities, the — perplexities and evils which have been pointed out, re- sulting from the fluctuating state of society, and the deficiency of domestic service, and no one can deny that American women are exposed to a far greater amount of intellectual and moral excitement, than those of any other land. Of course, in order to escape the danger resulting from this, a oreater amount of exercise in the fresh air, and all those methods which strengthen the constitution, are imperiously required. But, instead of this, it will be found, that, owing to the ae and customs of this Nation. there are ne women who secure so little of this healthful and protect ing regimen, as ours. Walking and riding and garden- ing, in the open air, are practised by the women of other lands, to a far greater extent, than by American females. oe hie Joel s'il ie an i; , Alin D om TO AMERICAN WOMEN. 45 ee ; Most English women, in the wealthier classes, are able to walk six and eight miles, without oppressive fatigue ; and when they visit this Country, always express their surprise at the inactive habits of American ladies. In England, regular exercise, in the open air, is very com- monly required by the mother, as a part of daily duty, and is sought by young women, as an enjoyment. In consequence of a different physical training, English women, in those circles which enjoy competency, pre- sent an appearance which always strikes American gentlemen as a contrast to what they see at home. An English mother, at thirty, or thirty-five, is in the full bloom of perfected womanhood ; as fresh and healthful as her daughters. But where are the American moth- ers, who can reach this period unfaded and unworn? In America, young ladies of the wealthier classes are sent to school from early childhood ; and neither parents nor teachers make it a definite object to secure a proper amount of fresh air and exercise, to counterbalance this intellectual taxation. As soon as their school days are over, dressing, visiting, evening parties, and stimulating amusements, take the place of study, while the most un- healthful modes of dress add to the physical exposures. To make morning calls, or do a little shopping, is all that can be termed their exercise in the fresh air; and this, compared to what is needed, is absolutely nothing, and on some.accounts is worse than nothing.* | In con- sequence of these, and other evils, which will be point- ed out more at large in the following pages, the young women of America grow up with such a delicacy of constitution, that probably eight out of ten become sub- jects of disease, either before or as soon as they are called to the responsibilities of domestic life. But there is one peculiarity of situation, in regard to American women, which makes this delicacy of consti- * $> little idea have most ladies, in the wealthier classes, of what is a proper amount of exercise, that, if they should succeed in walking a mile or so, at a moderate pace, three or four times a week, they would call it taking a great deal of exercise. view of this part of the subject, which any one, ree? ; with Western life, will admire for its verisimihtade.” | 46 ss DIFFICULTIES PECULIAR tution still more disastrous. It is the liability to the . exposures and hardships of a newly-settled country. One more extract from De Tocqueville will give a_ “The same strength of purpose which the young wives of America display in bending themselves, at once, and without repining, to the austere duties of their new condition, is no less manifest in all the great trials of their lives. In no country in the world, are _ private fortunes more precarious, than in the United States. It is not uncommon for the same man, in the ~— course of his life, to rise and sink again through all the —_ grades which lead from opulence to poverty. American women support these vicissitudes with a calm and un- quenchable energy. It would seem that their desires contract, as easily as they expand, with their fortunes. The greater part of the adventurers, who migrate, every — ‘ oe mas Ma ee Pe ae eee ee ae year, to people the Western wilds, belong” “to the old Anglo-American race of the Northern States. Many of these men, who rush so boldly onward in pursuit of wealth, were already in the enjoyment of a competency in their own part of the Country. They take their wives along with them, and make them share the count- less perils and privations, which always attend the com- mencement of these expeditions. I have often met, even on the verge of the wilderness, with young women, who, after having been brought up amid all the com- forts of the large towns of New England, had passed, almost without any intermediate stage, from the wealthy abode of their parents, to a comfortless hovel in a forest. Fever, solitude, and a tedious life, had not broken the springs of their courage. Their features were impaired and faded, but their looks were firm: they appeared to be, at once, sad and resolute.” In another passage, he gives this picturesque sketch : “ By the side of the hearthy sits a woman, with a baby on her lap. She nods to us, without disturbing herself. Like the pioneer, this woman is in the prime of life; PE Re rg RE VAS ey ot Syed Atle Seats ee de 2 oe Taf gee # Sie ia re ee ra ‘ ae : ee SSS ne o : ;: “ a ae ¢ : REMEDIES FOR THESE DIFFICULTIES. 5Y assistants. The writer is never before seen the prin- : ciple of the division of labor and responsibility so per- 4 fectly carried out in any female institution; and she a - believes that experience will prove that this is the true | model for combining, in appropriate proportions, the agency of both sexes in carrying forward such an insti- - tution. ‘There are cases where females are well quali- fied, and feel willing to take the place occupied by the Principal ; but such cases are rare. One thing more should be noticed, to the credit of the rising State where this Institution is located. v ar ae ' Z wt ; . i ite hs ee P Te wey ah A ae SER Se es eT ee SY ee Big he es, Ne “er » eel eee m2 es be yt, ok A > * Ps) “a Rl bw FS ee a oe » ; , . “aos , Bes eae ae eee "i F a aoe ; 4 Oe AC eae ’ x Lagi REMEDIES FOR THESE DIFFICULTIES. 61 tion after growth is attained, and the constitution estab lished. This is the time when young women would feel the value of an education, and pursue their studies with that maturity of mind, and vividness. of interest, : which would double the perpetuity and value of all their acquisitions. ' | The great difficulty, which opposes such a plan, is, the want of institutions that would enable a young lady to complete, in three years, the liberal course of study, here described. But if American mothers become con- vinced of the importance of such advantages for their daughters, and will use their influence appropriately - and efficiently, they will certainly be furnished. There are.other men of liberality and wealth, besides the indi- vidual referrea to. who can be made to feel that a for- tune, expended in securing an appropriate education to American women, is as wisely bestowed, as in founding colleges for the other sex, who are already so abundant- ly supplied. We ought to have institutions, similar to the one described, in every part of this Nation; and funds should be provided, for educating young women destitute of means: and if American women think and feel, that, by such a method, their own trials will be lightened, and their daughters will secure a healthful constitution and a thorough domestic and in- tellectual education, the appropriate expression of their wishes will secure the necessary funds. The tide of charity, which has been so long flowing from the female hand to provide a liberal education for young men, will flow back with abundant remuneration. The last method suggested for lessening the evils pe- culiar to American women, is, a decided effort to oppose the aristocratic feeling, that labor is degrading ; and to bring about the impression, that it is refined and lady- like to engage in domestic pursuits. In past ages, and in aristocratic countries, leisure and indolence and friv- olous pursuits have been deemed lady-like and refined, because those classes, which were most refined, counte- nanced such an opinion. But whenever ladies of refine 6 D. E. 62 _ ment, as a general custom, patiouing domestic aan then these employments will be deemed lady-like. may be urged, however, that it is impossible fora woman _ who cooks, washes, avid sweeps, to appear in the dress, or acquire the habits and manners, of a lady; that the drudgery of the kitchen is dirty work, and that noone can appear delicate and refined, while engaged in it. — Now all this depends on’ circumstances. If awoman nas a house, destitute of neat and convenient facilities ; a if she has no habits of order and system; if she is re- miss and careless in person and dress ;—then all this may be true. But, if a woman will make some sacri- fices of costly ornaments in her parlor, in order to make her kitchen neat and tasteful; if she will sacrifice .ex- pensive dishes, in order to secure such conveniences for labor as protect from exposures; if she will take pains to have the dresses, in which she works, made of suita- ble materials, and in. good taste; if she will rise early, and systematize and oversee the work of her family, so as to have it done thoroughly, neatly, and in the early part of the day; she will find no necessity for any such — . apprehensions. It is because such work has generally been done by vulgar people, and in a vulgar way, that we have such associations; and when ladies manage — such things, as ladies should, then such associations will be removed. ‘There are pursuits, deemed very refined and genteel, which involve quite as much exposure as kitchen employments. For example, to draw a large ~ landscape, in colored crayons, would be deemed very lady-like ; but the writer can testify, from sad experi- ence, that no cooking, washing, sweeping, or any other domestic duty, ever left such deplorable traces on hands; face, and dress, as this same lady-like pursuit. Such things depend entirely on custom and associations ; and every American woman, who values the institutions of her Country, and wishes to lend her influence in exe tending and perpetuating such blessings, may feel that 7 she is doing this, whenever, by her example and influ. — ; ence, she destroys the aristocratic association, which would render domestic labor degrading. & \ DOMESTIC ECONOMY AS A BRANCH OF sTUDy. 63 CHAPTER IV. ON DOMESTIC ECONOMY AS A BRANCH OF STUDY Tur greatest impediment to making Domestic Econ omy a branch of study, is, the fact, that neither parents nor teachers realize the importance, or the practicability of constituting it a regular part of school education. It is with reference to this, that the first aim of the writer will be, to point out some of the reasons for in- troducing Domestic Economy as a branch of female education, to be studied at school. The first reason, is, that there is no period, in a young lady’s life, when she will not find such knowledge useful to herself and to others. ‘The state of domestic service, in this Country, is so precarious, that there is scarcely a family, in the free States, of whom it can be affirmed, that neither sickness, discontent, nor love of change, will deprive them of all their domestics, so that every female member of the family will be required to lend some aid, in providing food and the conveniences of living; and the better she is qualified to render it, the happier she will be, and the more she will contribute to the enjoyment of others. A second reason, is, that every young lady, at the close of her schooldays, and even before they are closed, is liable to be placed in a situation, in which she will need to do, herself, or to teach others to do, all the va- rious processes and duties detailed in this work. ‘That : this may be more fully realized, the writer will detail some instances, which have come under her own obser- vation. The eldest daughter of a family returned from school, on a Visit, at sixteen years of age. Before her vacation had closed, her mother was laid in the grave; and such were her father’s circumstances, that she was obliged to assume the cares and duties of her lost parent. The a 7 > tgs ne Les Cae oe De an BS tie Sa te 64 DOMESTIC ECONOMY AS A _care of an infant, the management of young chides? the superintendence of domestics, the charge of family expenses, the responsibility of entertaining company, and the many other cares of the family state, all at once’ Ja came upon this young and inexperienced schoolgirl. < Again; a young lady went to reside with a are si sister, in a distant State. While on this visit, the elder sister died, and there was no one but this young ladyto fill the vacant place, and assume all the cares of the nursery, parlor, and kitchen. i ce Again; a pupil of the writer, at the end of haan achibe: a days, married, and removed to the West. She wasan entire novice in all domestic matters; an utter stranger in the place to which she removed. In a year, she be- came a mother, and her health failed ; while, for most of the time, she had no domestics, at all, or only Irish | or Germans, who scarcely knew even the names, or the uses, of many cooking utensils. She was treated with — politeness by her neighbors, and wished to return their | civilities ; but how could this young and delicate crea- ture, who had spent all her life at school, or in visiting __ and amusement, take care of her infant, attend to her — cooking, washing, ironing, and baking, the concerns of her parlor, chambers, kitchen, and cellar, and yet visit and receive company? If there is any thing that would make a kindly heart ache, with sorrow and sympathy, it would be to see so young, so amiable, so helpless a martyr to the mistaken system of female education now — prevalent. “I have the kindest of husbands,’’ said the young wife, after her narrative of sufferings, “and I never regretted my marriage ; but, since this babe was born, I have never had a single waking hour of freedom from anxiety and care. O! how little young girls know what is before them, when they enter married life!” Let the mother or teacher, whose eye may rest on these lines, ask herself, if there i is no cause for fear that the young objects of her care may be thrown into similar emergencies, where they may need a kind of bide. tion, which as yet has been withheld. BRANCH OF STUDY. 65 _ Another reason for introducing such a subject, as a distinct branch of school education, is, that, as a general fact, young ladies will not be taught these things in any other way. In reply to the thousand-times-repeated remark, that girls must be taught their domestic duties by their mothers, at home, it may be inquired, in the first place, What proportion of mothers are qualified te teach a proper and complete system of Domestic Econ omy? When this is answered, it may be asked, What proportion of those who are qualified, have that sense of the importance of such instructions, and that energy and perseverance which would enable them actually to teach their daughters, in all the branches of Domestic Economy presented in this work ? It may then be asked, How many mothers actually do give their daughters instruction in the various branches of Domestic Economy ? ? Is it not the case, that, owing to ill health, deficiency of domestics, and multiplied cares and perplexities, a large portion of the most intelligent mothers, and those, too, who most realize the importance of this instruction, actually cannot find the time, and have not the energy, necessary to properly perform the duty? Theyare taxed to the full amount of both their mental and physical energies, and cannot attempt any thing more. Almost every woman knows, that it is easier to do the work, herself, than it is to teach an awkward and careless novice; and the great majority of women, in this Country, are obliged to do almost every thing in the shortest and easiest way. ‘This is one reason why the daughters of very energetic and ac- complished housekeepers are often the most deficient in these respects; while the daughters of ignorant or inefficient mothers, driven to the exercise of their own energies, often become the most systematic and expert. It may be objected, that such things cannot be taught by books. This position may fairly be questioned. Do not young ladies learn, from books, how to make hydro- gen and oxygen? Do they not have pictures of fur = D. E. oan Bees. Oe ie ® _ why ought we not to make sure of the most necessary i 2 ae) a 06. . DOMESTIC ECONOMY (AS AD naces, alembics, and the various teats employe cooking the chemical agents? Do they not study various processes of mechanics, and learn to understa and to do many as difficult operations, as any that. b long to housekeeping? All these things are explaine studied, and recited in classes, when every one knows that little practical use can ever be made of this knowl- edge. Why, then, should not that science and art, — which a woman is to practise during her whole life, be a. studied and recited ? a It may be urged, that, even if it is studied, it will ae soon be forgotten. And so will much of every thing studied at school, But why should that knowledge, — most needful for daily comfort, most liable to be in de- _ mand, be the only study omitted, because it may be - forgotten 3 ? :3 It may also be objected, that young ladies can get a such books, and attend to them out of school. Andso they can get books on Chemistry and Philosophy, and study them out of school; but will they do it? And — knowledge, and let the less needful be omitted? If — young ladies study such a work as this, in school, they will remember a great part of it; and, when they for- get, in any emergency, they will know where to resort for instruction. But if such books are not put into schools, probably not one in twenty will see or hear of __ them, especially in those retired places where they are most needed. And is it at all probable, that a branch, which is so lightly esteemed as to be deemed unworthy 4 a place in the list of female studies, will be sought for — and learned by young girls, who so seldom look into works of solid instruction after they leave school? So deeply is the writer impressed with the importance of _ this, as a branch of female education, at school, that she would deem it far safer and wiser to omit any other, rather than this. a Another reason, for introducing such a branch of a study into female school, i is, the influence it would ex- apne : . Y BRANCH OF STUDY. — 67 ert, in leading young ladies more correctly to estimate ‘the importance and dignity of domestic knowledge. It is now often the case, that young ladies rather pride themselves on their ignorance of such subjects; and seem fo imagine that it is vulgar and ungenteel to know how to work. ‘This is one of the relics of an aristocratic state of society, which is fast passing away. Here, the tendency of every thing is to the equalisation of labor, so that all classes are feeling, more and more, that indolence is disreputable. And there are many mothers, among the best educated and most wealthy classes, who are bringing up their daughters, not only to know how to do, but actually to do, all kinds of do mestic work. ‘The writer knows young ladies, who are daughters of men of wealth and standing, and who are among the most accomplished in their sphere, who have for months been sent to work with a mantuama- ker, to acquire a practical knowledge of her occupation, and who have at home learned to perform all kinds of domestic labor. And let the young women of this Nation find, that Domestic Economy is placed, in schools, on equal or superior ground to Chemistry, Philosophy, and Mathe- matics, and they will blush to be found ignorant of its first principles, as much as they will to hesitate respect- ing the laws of gravity, or the composition of the at- mosphere. But, as matiers are now conducted, many young ladies know how to make oxygen and hydrogen, and to discuss questions of Philosophy or Political Economy, far better than they know how to make a bed and sweep a room properly; and they can “ con- struct a diagram” in Geometry, with far more skill than they can make the simplest article of female dress. It may be urged, that the plan suggested by the writer, in the previous pages, would make such a book as this needless ; for young ladies would learn all these things at home, before they go to school. But it must be remembered, that the plan suggested cannot fully be carried into effect, till such endowed institutions, as the sal 4 ETL. ee et tats ee a cee G32” ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. one described, are universally furnished. “This proba a bly will not be done, till at least one generation of : young women are educated. It is only on the suppo- sition that a young lady can, at fourteen or fifteen year: of age, enter such an institution, and continue there three years, that it would be easy to induce her to ‘ré- main, during all the previous period, at home, in the ~ practice of Domestic Economy, and the limited course of study pointed out. In the present imperfect, desul- tory, varying, mode of female education, where studies 4 are begun, changed, partially learned, and forgotten, it requires nearly all the years of a woman’s youth, to_ acquire the intellectual education now demanded — While this state of things continues, the only remedy _ is, to introduce Domestic Economy as a study at school. It is hoped that these considerations will have weight, not only with parents and teachers, but with young la~ dies themselves, and that all will unite their influence to introduce this, as a popular and universal branch of education, into every female school. CHAPTER V. ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. THERE is no point, where a woman is more liable to suffer from a want of knowledge and experience, than in reference to the health of a family committed to her care. Many a young lady, who never had any charge of the sick; who never took any care of an infant; who never obtained information on_ these subjects from books, or from the experience of others ; in short, with little or no preparation ; has found herself the principal attendant in dangerous sickness, the chief nurse of a feeble ifant, and ‘the responsible ‘euardian of the health of a whole family. | The care, the fear, the perplexity, of a woman, sud . i Oe ce Pe ee ae ee eed ay At pen fe ee ee ee ae biclar:: ei es oni ON THE#SCARE OF HEALTH. 69 _ denly called to these unwonted duties, none can real- _ ize, till they themselves feel it, or till they see some ~ young and anxious novice first attempting to meet such responsibilities. 'To a woman of age and experience, these duties often involve a measure of trial and difhi- culty, at times deemed almost insupportable ; how hard, then, must they press on the heart of the young and inexperienced | — There is no really efficacious mode of preparing a woman to take a rational care of the health of a family, except by communicating that knowledge, in regard to_ the construction of the body, and the laws of health, which is the basis of the medical profession. Not that a woman should undertake the minute and extensive investigation requisite for a physician; but she should gain a general knowledge of first principles, as a guide to her judgement in emergencies when she can rely on no other aid. Therefore, before attempting to give any specific directions on the subject of this chapter, a short sketch of the construction of the human frame will be given, with a notice of some of the general principles, on which specific rules in regard to health are based. This description will be arranged under the general heads of Bones, Muscies, Nerves, Brioop-Vesseus, Orcans or Digestion anp ResprratTion, and THE SKIN. 5 BONES. The bones are the most solid parts of the body. They are designed to protect and sustain it, and also to secure voluntary motion. They are about two hun- dred and fifty in number, (there being sometimes a few more or less,) and are fastened together by cartilage, or gristle, a substance like the bones, but softer, and more elastic. In order to convey a more clear and correct idea of the form, relative position, and connection, of the bones constituting the human framework, the engraving on page 70, (Fig. 1,) is given. By the preceding engraving, it will be seen, _ that thee cranium, or skull, consists of several distinct pieces, which are united by sutures, (or seams,) as represented by t zigzag lines ; a, being the frontal bone; 6, the parietal bone; c, the temporal bone; and d, the ‘place of the oc- cupital bone, which forms the back part of the head, and therefore is not seen in the engraving. The nasal bone: or bones of the nose, are- shown at e; f, is the cheek bone; g, the upper, and h, the lower, jaw bones ; 4, t, the spinal column, or back hohe, consisting of numerous ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. | 71 ae ‘ : _ small bones, called vertebre ; j,7, the seven true ribs, which are fastened to the spine, behind, and by the car- tilages, k, k, to the sternum, or breast bone, 1, in front ; m, m, are the first three false ribs, which are so called, because they are not united directly to the breast bone, but by cartilages to the seventh true rib; n,n, are the lower two false, which are also called floating, ribs, be- cause they are not connected with the breast bone, nor the other ribs, in front; 0, 0, p, g, are the bones of the pelvis, which is the foundation on which the spine rests ; r, r, are the collar bones; s,s, the shoulder blades; t, t, the bones of the upper arm; u, u, the elbow joints, where the bones of the upper arm and fore arm are united in such a way that they can move like a hinge; v w, v w, are the bones of the fore arm; «x, x, those of the wrists ; y, y, those of the fingers; z,z, are the round heads of the thigh bones, where they are inserted into the sockets of the bones of the pelvis, giving motion in every direc- tion, and forming the hip joint; ab, ab, are the thigh bones; c,c, the knee joints; de, de, the leg bones; f, f, the ankle joints; g, g, the bones of the foot. The bones are composed of two substances,—one animal, and the other mineral. The animal part isa very fine network, called the cellular membrane. In. this, are deposited the harder mineral substances, which are composed principally of carbonate and phosphate of lime. In very early life, the bones consist chiefly of the animal part, and are then soft and pliant. As the child advances in age, the bones grow harder, by the gradual deposition of the phosphate of lime, which is supplied by the food, and carried to the bones by the blood. In old age, the hardest material preponderates ; making the bones more brittle than in earlier life. As we shall soon have occasion to refer, particularly, to the spinal, or vertebral column, and the derangement to which it is liable, we give, on page 72, representa- tions of the different classes of vertebrae; viz. the cervi- cal, (from the Latin, cervix, the neck,) the dorsal, (from dorsum, the back,) and lumbar, (from lumbus, the loins.) Fig. 2, represents one of the cervical vertebra. Seven of these, ‘placed one above another, constitute that Pe y of the spine which is in the neck. : Fig. 3. Fig. 3, is one of the dorsal vertebrae, twelve of which, form the central part of the papi nie ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. 73 _ Fig. 4, represents one of the lumbar vertebra, (five m number,) which are immediately above the sacrum. These vertebre are so fastened, that the spine can _ bend, in any direction; and the muscles of the trunk are used in holding it erect, or in varying its move- ments. By the drawings here presented, it will be seen, that the vertebrae of the neck, back, and loins, differ some- what in size and shape, although they all possess the same constituent parts; thus, A, in each, represents the body of the vertebre ; B, the articulating processes, by which each is joined to its fellow, above and below it; C, the spinous process, or that part of the vertebre, which forms the ridge to be felt, on pressure, the whole length of the centre of the back. The back bone re- ceives its name, spine, or spinal column, from these spinous processes. It is the universal law of the human frame, that exer- cise is indispensable to the health of the several parts. Thus, if a blood-vessel be tied up, so as not to be used, it shrinks, and becomes a useless string; if a muscle be condemned to inaction, it shrinks in size, and diminishes in power; and thus it is also with the bones. Inactivi- ty produces softness, debility, and unfitness for the func- tions they are designed to perform. ‘This is one of the causes of the curvature of ‘the spine, that common and pernicious defect in the females of America. From in- activity, the bones of the spine become soft and yielding ; and then, if the person is-often placed, for a length of time, in positions that throw the weight of the body unequally on certain portions of the spine, they yield to this frequent compression, and a distortion ensues. ‘The positions taken by young persons, when learning to write or draw, or to play on the guitar, harp, or piano, and the position of the body when sleeping on one side, on hich pillows, all tend to produce this effect, by throwing the weight of the body unequally, and for a length of time, on particular parts of the spine. D. E. epic baa 3 i 74 ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. MUSCLES. The muscles are the chief organs of motion, and con sist of collections of fine fibres or strings, united in S° Sy. - ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. 15 _ casings of membrane or thin skin. They possess an elastic power, like India rubber, which enables them to extend and contract. ‘The red meat in animals consists - of muscles. Every muscle has connected with it nerves, veins, and arteries; and those designed to move the bones, are fastened to them by tendons at their extrem ities. The mus¢les are laid over each other, and are separated by means of membranes and layers of fat, which enable them to move easily, without interfering with each other. The figure on page 74, represents the muscles of the arm, as they appear when the skin and fat are removed. The muscles a and 0 are attached, at their upper ends, to the bone of the arm, and by their lower ends to the upper part of the fore arm, near the elbow joint. When the fibres of these muscles contract, the middle part of them erows larger, and the arm is bent at the elbow. The muscle ¢, is, in like manner, fastened, by its upper end, to the shoulder blade and the upper part of the arm, and by its lower end to one of the bones of the fore arm, near the elbow. When the arm is bent, and we wish to straighten it, it is done by contracting this muscle. ‘I'he muscles d, d, are fastened at one end near the elbow joint, and at the other near the ends of the fingers; and on the back of the hand are reduced in size, appearing like strong cords. These cords are called tendons. ‘They are employed in straightening the fingers, when the hand is shut. ‘These tendons are confined by the ligament or band, e, which binds them down, around the wrist, and thus enables them to act more efficiently, and secures beauty of form to the limb. The muscles at f, are those which enable us to turn the ‘chand and arm outward. Every different motion of the arm has one muscle to produce it, and another to restore _.the limb to its natural position. ‘Those muscles which bend the body are called flexors ; those which straighten it, extensors. When the arm is thrown up, one set of muscles is used; to pull it down, another set: when it is thrown forward, a still different set is used ; when it which supply each muscle with blood and nervous power, "6 : ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. is thrown back, another, different from the former ; when — the arm turns in its socket, still another set is used; and thus every different motion of the body is made ‘by. a different set of muscles. All these muscles are compact-— ly and skilfully arranged, so as to work with perfect — ease. Among them, run the arteries, veins, and nerves, as will be hereafter described. ‘The size and strength — of the muscles depend greatly on their frequent exer- cise. If left inactive, they grow thi and weak, instead — of giving the phumpness to the figure, designed by Na- ture. The delicate and feeble appearance of many American women, is chiefly owing to the little use they — make of ther muscles. Many a pale, puny, shad-shaped girl, would have become a plump, rosy, well-formed person, if half the exercise, afforded to her brothers in the open air, had been. secured to her, gurings childhood and youth. NERVES. - The nerves are the organs of sensation. ‘They enable us to see, hear, feel, taste, and smell; and also combine with the bones and muscles in producing motion. . The first engraving, on p..77, (Fig. 6,) is a vertical section of the skull, and of the spinal column, or back bone, which supports the head, and through which runs the spinal cord, whence most of the nerves originate. It is a side view, and represents the head and spine, as they would appear, if they were cut through the mid- dle, from front to back. Fig. 7, exhibits them as they would appear, if viewed from behind. In Fig. 6, a, represents the cerebrum, or great brain; 6, the cerebel- lum, or little brain, which is situated directly under the: : . ; great brain, at the back and lower part of the head; £, d, e, is the spinal marrow, which is connected with ’ the brain at c, and runs through the whole length of the” : spinal column. This column consists, as has already been stated, of a large number of small bones, f, f, — : called vertebrae, laid one above another, and fastened together by cartilage, or gristle. g, between them. ; df fis Ves ~The lower broad part of the spine, (see p, Fig. : Between each two vertebrae, or spinal bones, dl issues from the spine, on each side, a pair of ne p. 70, and Fig. 7, p. 77,) is called the sacrum ; in. ‘his, i, are eight holes, through which the lower pairs. of nerves: pass off, 1 ee ee The nerves of the head and lungs run directly from : the brain; those of all-other parts of the body proceed — from the spine, panies out in the manner oes men-— a tioned. - . 4 The nerves high thus proceed frog the spine, ‘branch a out, like the limbs and twigs of a tree, till they extend over the whole body; and, so minutely are they divi-- a ded and arranged, that a point, destitute of a nerve, “ cannot be found on the skin. a Some idea of the ramifications of the nerves, may be obtained by reference to the following engraving, (Fig. 8.) In this, A, A, represents the cerebrum, or creat brain; B, B, the cerebellum, or little brain ; ‘(see ae also a, 6, in Fig. 6;) C, C, represents the union of the fibres of the eerébrunis D, D, the union of the two sides of the cerebellum; E, E, E, the spinal marrow, which passes through the centre of the spine, (as seen at c, d, e, in Fig.6;) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, branches of the nerves going to different parts of the body. As the nerves are the organs of sensation, all pain is an affection of some portion of the nerves. The health of the nerves de- pends very greatly on the exercise of the muscles, with which they are so intimately connected. This shows the reason why the headache, tic douloureux, diseases of the spine, and other nervous affections, are so com- mon among American women. ‘Their inactive habits, . 4 engender a debility of the nervous system, and these _ diseases follow, as the consequence. ~ ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. 19 v = < Ce Sa BT ahve Care - comes what is called crooked, having the neck projected — FOr Sa Ra i ee ee pe Oe pal, eS aa Hots ACY SAS Sher rehy AER Ae oa ac Ane tg es > r a ne a ae Ue? eS ’ e 4 Et) ee eg ; if ats re ee PE a ae $ ; ; i: 80 ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. It can be seen, by a reference to the side view, repr sented on page 77, (Fig. 6,) that the spine is naturally curved back and forward. When, from want of exer-— cise, its bones are softened, and the muscles weakened, the spine acquires an improper curve, and the person be- forward, and, in some cases, having the back convex, _ where it should be concave. Probably one half of the American women have the head thus projecting for- ward, instead of carrying it in the natural, erect position, which is both graceful and dignified. mB The curvature of the spine, spoken of in this work as so common, and as the cause of so many diseases among American women, is what is denominated the lateral curvature, and is much more dangerous than the other distortion. The indications of this evil, are, the projection of one shoulder blade more than the other, © and, in bad cases, one shoulder being higher, and the hip on the opposite side more projecting, than the other. In this case, the spine, when viewed from behind, in- stead of running in a straight line, (as in Fig. 7 and 9,) is curved somewhat, as may be seen in Figures 10 and 11. This effect 1s occasioned by the softness of the bones, _ induced by want of exercise, together with tight dress- ing, which tends to weaken the muscles that are thus thrown out of use. Improper and long continued po- sitions in drawing, writing, and sleeping, which throw the weight of the body on one part of the spine, in- duce the same evil. ‘This distortion is usually accom-— panied with some consequent disease of the nervous system, or some disarrangement of the internal organs. By comparing Figures 9 and 11, the difference be- tween a natural and distorted spine will be readily ~ perceived. In Fig. 10, the curved line shows the course of the spine, occasioned by distortion; the per- pendicular line, in this and Fig. 11, indicates the true direction of the spine; the horizontal lines show that one shoulder and hip are forced from thew proper level. em 6 “SLT OL ‘Sta BLOOD-VESSELS. The blood is the fluid into which our food is changed, and which is employed to minister nourishment to the whole body. For this purpose, it is carried to every part of the body, by the arteries; and, after it has PN tae ear ae py ae - Saw > ae aren he ae 81 given out its nourishment, eT the veifis. 7° “= - The subjoined engraving, (Fie. 12.) a rude outline of the vascular system, » gs illustrate this en as we shall i i | > Fig. 1. £2) ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. | 83. . Before entering the heart, the blood receives a fresh supply of nourishment, by a duct which leads ' from the stomach. The arteries have their origin from the heart, in a great trunk, called the aorta, which is the _ parent of all the arteries, as the spinal marrow is the pa- rent of the nerves which it sends out. When the arteries have branched out into myriads of minute vessels, the blood which is in them passes into as minute veins; and these run into each other, like the rills and branches of a river, until they are all united in two great veins, which run into the heart. One of these large receivers, called the vena cava superior, or upper vena cava, brings back the blood from the arms and head, the other, the vena cava inferior, or lower vena cava, brings back the blood from the body and lower limbs. In the preceding figure, H, is the heart, which is divided into four compartments; two, called auricles, used for receiving the blood, and two, called ventricles, used for sending cut the blood. A, is the aorta, or great ‘artery, which sends its branches to every part of the body. In the upper part, at a, a, a, are the main branches of the aorta, which go to the head and arms. Below, at a, a, are the branches which go to the lower limbs. The branches which set off at X, X, are those by which the intestines are supplied by vessels from the aorta. Every muscle in the whole body, all the organs of the body, and the skin, are supplied by branches sent off from this great artery. When the blood is thus dispersed through any organ, in minute vessels, it is received, at their termina- tions, by numerous minute veins, which gradually unite, forming larger branches, till they all meet in either the upper or lower vena cava, which returns the blood to the heart. VI, is the vena cava inferior, which re- eeives the blood from the veins of the lower parts of the body, as seen at v, v. The blood, sent into the lower limbs from the aorta, is received by minute veins, which finally unite at v, v, and thus it is emptied through the lower vena cava into the heart: 0, 0, represent the points of entrance of those tributaries of the vena cava, 84 | ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. | which receive that blood from the intestines, shied sent out by the aorta at X, X. In the upper part, VS is the vena cava supervor, which receives the blood from the head and arms; v, v, v, are the tributaries of the ‘upper vena cava, which bring the blood back from the head and arms; d, d, represents the course of the thora- cic duct, a delicate tebe by which the chyle is carried into the blood, as mentioned on page 89; ¢, shows the | place where this duct empties into a branch of the : vena cava. It thus appears, that wherever a branch of the Sorte a goes to carry blood, there will be found a tributary of the upper or lower vena cava, to bring it back. =e The succeeding engravings, will enable the reader to. form a more definite idea of this important function of = the system,—the circulation of the blood. The heart, in man, and in all warm-blooded anmnals, is “double: having two auricles and two ventricles. ‘In animals with cold blood, (as fishes,) the heart is single, having but one auricle and one ventricle. Fig. 13, represents _ the double heart as it appears when the two sides are separated, and also the great blood-vessels; those on the left of the figure being on the right side of the body, and vice versa. ‘The direction of the blood is represented by the arrows. A, represents the lower vena cava, returning the blood from the lower parts of. the body, and L, the upper vena cava, returning the blood from the head and arms. B, is the right sinus, or auricle, into which the returned blood is poured. From this cavity of the heart, the blood is carried” into the right ventricle, C; and from this ventricle, the pulmonary arteries, D, convey into the lungs the’ blood which is returned from the body. These five” vessels, A, B, C, D, and L, belong to the right side* of the heart, ‘and contain the venous or dark-colored blood, which has been through the circulation, and 1s now unfit for the uses of the system, till it has passed through the lungs. ize When the blood reaches the lungs, and is exposed to the action of the air which we breathe, it throws off its impurities, becomes bright in color, and is then called arterial blood. It then returns to the left side of the heart, (on the right of the engraving,) by the pulmonary veins, E, E, (also seen at m, m, Fig. 15,) into the left auricle F, whence it is: forced into the ventricle, G. From the left ventricle, proceeds the aorta, H, H, which is the great artery of the body, and conveys the blood to every part of the system. I, J, K, are branches of the aorta, going to the head and arms. 8 D. BE, 2 4 oe 4 ! ee ae it OOr Be Fig, 14, represents the heart, with its two sides s : united as in nature; and will be Sindee from the | - description of Fig 13. On the opposite page, Fig. 15, raprescala the heart, with the great blood-vessels, on a still larger scale; ae a | being the left ventricle ; 6, the right ventricle; ¢, e, f; the aorta, or great artery, rising out of the left ventricle; g,h, 7, the branches of the aorta, going to the head and = arms; i, J, 1, the pulmonary artery, and its branches; m, i! veins of the lungs, which bring the blood back from the lungs to the heart; n, right auricle; 0, vena cava inferior; , veins returning blood from the liver — and bowels; g, the vena cava superior; r, the left auri- cle; s, the left coronary artery, which distributes the blood eecomurely to the substance of the heart. “i eon ORGANS OF DIGESTION AND RESPIRATION. Digestion and respiration are the processes, by which the food is converted into blood for the nourishment of the body. The engraving on the next page (Fig. 16) shows the organs by which these operations are per- formed. In the lower part of the engraving, is the stomach, marked 8, which receives the food through the gullet, marked G. The latter, though in the engraving it is cut off at G, in reality continues upwards to the throat. The stomach is a bag composed of muscles, nerves, and blood-vessels, united by a material similar to that which forms the skin. As soon as food enters the stomach, its nerves are excited to perform their proper function of stimulating the muscles. A muscular (called the peristaltic) motion immediately commences, by which, the stomach propels its contents around the whole of ts circumference, once in every three minutes. 88 Ci; ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. This movement of the muscles attracts the blood from . ather parts of the system; for the blood always hastens to administer its supplies to any organ which 1s called to work. The blood-vessels of the stomach are soon distended with blood, from which the gastric juice is secreted by minute vessels in the coat of the stomach. ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. - 99 _ This mixes with the food, and reduces it to a soft pulpy _ mass, called chyme. It then passes through the lower _ end of the stomach, into the intestines, which are folded up in the abdomen, and the upper portion, only, of which, is shown in the engraving, at A, A. The organ marked L, L, is the liver, which, as the blood passes through its many vessels, secretes a substance called bile, which accumulates in the gall-bladder, marked B. After the food passes out of the stomach, it receives from the liver a portion of bile, and from the pancreas the pan- creatic juice. ‘The pancreas does not appear in this drawing, being concealed behind the stomach. These two liquids separate the substance which has passed from the stomach, into two different portions. One is a light liquid, very much like cream in appearance, and ealled chyle, of which the blood is formed ; the other is a more solid substance, which contains the refuse and useless matter, with a smaller portion of nourishment ; and this, after being further separated from the nour- ishing matter which it contains, is thrown out of the body. ‘There are multitudes of small vessels, called lacteals, which, as these two mixed substances pass through the long and winding folds of the intestines in the abdomen, absorb the chyle, and convey it to the thoracic duct, which runs up close by the spine, and carries the chyle, thus received, into a branch of the vena cava superior, at t, whence it is mingled with the blood going into the heart. In this engraving, the lac- teals and thoracic duct are not shown; but their position is indicated by the dotted lines, marked X, Y; X, being the lacteals, and Y, the thoracic duct. In the upper half of the engraving, H represents the heart; a, the commencement of the aorta; vcs, the termination of the vena cava superior. On each side of the heart, are the lungs; / /, being the left lobe, and rl, the right lobe. They are composed of a network of air-vessels, blood-vessels, and nerves. _W, represents the trachea, or windpipe, through which, the air we breathe is conducted to the lungs. It branches out oF D. E. ea, ee wey gs oe eee hats a sends this blood, through these pulmonney ice? into : et ya Fon ee bly 2 NE 3 90 | _ ON THE a iid air every time we bridettio reba shes pisaht the pulmonary arteries, marked pa. These enter lungs and spread out along-side of the branches of ‘th air-vessels, so that every finial has a small arter running side by side with it. When the two vena cavas. empty the blood into the heart, the latter contracts, and — the lungs. a As the air and blood meander, side by sides through a the lungs, the superabundant carbon and hydrogen of. = the blood combine with the oxygen of the air, forming __ carbonic acid gas, and water, which are thrown out of the lungs at every expiration. This is the process by which the chyle is converted into arterial blood, and the venous blood purified of its excess of carbon and hydro- gen. When the blood is thus prepared, in the lungs, for its duties, it is received by the small pulmonary veins, which gradually unite, and bring the blood back to the heart, through the large pulmonary veins, marked v, pv. . s On receiving this purified blood from the lungs, the heart contracts, and sends it out again, through the aorta, to all parts of the body. It then makes another __ circuit through every part, ministering to the wants of all, and is afterwards again brought back by the veins __ to receive the fresh chyle from the stomach, and to be purified by the lungs. ee The throbbing of the heart 1s caused by its alternate expansion and contraction, as it receives'and expels the blood. With one throb, the blood is sent from the right ventricle into the lungs, and from the left ventricle into the aorta. Every time we inspire air, the process of purifying a the blood is going on; and every time we expire the = air, we throw out the redundant carbon and hydrogen, taken from a portion of the blood. If the waist is com- pressed by tight clothing, a portion of the lungsbecom- pressed, so that the air-vessels cannot be filled. This ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. 91 prevents the perfect purification and preparation of the blood, so that a part returns back to the heart unfitted for its duties. This is a slow, but sure, method, by which the constitution of many a young lady is SO un- dermined that she becomes an early victim to disease and to the decay of beauty and strength. The want of pure air is another cause of the debility of the female constitution. When air has been rendered impure, by the breath of several persons, or by close confinement, it does not purify the blood properly. Sleeping in close chambers, and sitting in crowded and unventilated schoolrooms, are frequent causes of debility in the con- stitution of young persons. OF THE SKIN. The skin is the covering of the body, and has very mportant functions to perform. It is more abundantly supplied with nerves and blood-vessels than any other part; and there is no spot of the skin where the point of the finest needle would not pierce a nerve and blood-vessel. Indeed, it may be considered as com- posed chiefly of an interlacing of minute nerves and blood-vessels, so that it is supposed there is more nervous matter in the skin, than in all the rest of the body united, and that the greater portion of the blood flows through the skin. The whole animal system is in a state of continual change and renovation. [ood is constantly taken into the stomach, only a portion of which is fitted for the supply of the blood. All the rest has to be thrown out of the system, by various organs designed for this purpose. ‘These organs are,—the lungs, which throw off a portion of useless matter when the blood is puri- fied ; the kidneys, which secrete liquids that pass into the bladder, and are thrown out from the body by that organ ; and the intestines, which carry off the useless and more solid parts of the food, after the lacteals have drawn off the chyle. In addition to these organs, the skin has a similar duty to perform; and as it has ’ at paca ma fe ee a Ee ah ae ORR a ot . ss ra amis) Sa ee ee ae 5 Sees ce ies CGE gee eh are 3 AS ah wey sn et > a #3. 92> ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. so much larger a supply of blood, it is the chie in relieving the body of the useless and noxiou of the materials which are taken for food. . ‘Various experiments show, that not tad than a pound and four ounces of waste matter is thrown off — by the skin every twenty-four hours. This is accord-— ing to the lowest calculation. Most. of» those, who have made experiments to ascertain the quantity, rep- resent it as much greater ; and all agree, that the skin — throws off more redundant matter from the body, than the whole of the other organs together. In the ordi- nary state of the skin, even when there is no apparent __ perspiration, it is constantly exhaling waste matter,in __ a form which is called insensible perspiration, because it cannot be perceived by the senses. A very cool mirror, brought suddenly near to the skin, will be covered, in that part, with a moisture, which is this" efluvium thus made visible. When heat or exercise excites the skin, this perspiration is increased, so as _ to be apparent to the senses. This shows the reason why it is so important frequently to wash the entire surface of the body. If this be neglected, the pores of the skin are closed by the waste matter thrown from the body, and by small particles of the thin scarf- . skin, so that it cannot properly perform its duties. In this way, the other organs are made to work harder, in order to perform the labor the skin would otherwise accomplish, and thus the lungs and bowels are often essentially weakened. Another office of the skin, is, to regulate the heat of the body. The action of the internal organs is constantly generating heat; and the faster the blood -eirculates, the greater is the heat evolved. The per- spiration of the skin serves to reduce and regulate this heat. For; whenever any liquid changes to a vapor, it absorbs heat from whatever is nearest to it. The _ faster the blood flows, the more perspiration is evolved. This bedews the skin with a liquid, which the heat of the body turns to a vapor; and in this change, that Rees ~ ON THE CARE OF HEALTH. 93 “heat 1s absorbed. When a fever takes place, this per- spiration ceases, and the body is afflicted with heat. Insensible perspiration is most abundant during sleep, _ -after eating, and when friction is applied to the skin. Perspiration is performed by the terminations of minute arteries in every part of the skin, which exude the per- spiration from the blood. : The skin also performs another function. It is pro- vided with a set of small vessels, called adsorbents, which are exceedingly abundant and minute. When particular substances are brought in contact with the skin, these absorbents take up some portions and carry them into the blood. It is owing to this, that opium, applied on the skin, acts in a manner similar to its operation when taken into the stomach. The power of absorption is increased by friction ; and this is the reason that lmiments are employed, with much rubbing, to bruises and sprains. ‘The substance applied is thus introduced into the injured part, through the absorbents. This shows another reason for frequent washing of the skin, and for the frequent changes of the garment next the skin. Otherwise portions of the noxious matter, thrown out by the skin,-are reabsorbed into the blood, and are slow but sure causes of a decay of the strength of the system. The skin is also provided with small EoBiclon or bags, which are filled with an oily substance. This, by gradually exuding over the skin, prevents water from penetrating and injuring its texture. ‘The skin is also the organ of touch. This office is performed through the instrumentality of the nerves of feeling, which are spread over all parts of the skin. This general outline of the construction of the hu- man frame is given, with reference to the practical application of this knowledge in the various cases Where a woman will be called upon to exercise her own unaided judgement. The application will be further pointed out, in the chapters on Food, Dress, Cleanliness, Care of the Sick, and Care of Infants. Pas! Reb eee bie ean Roane rS pe A NASP ia Pre ihe he Cte aS eA ite eed nee CHAPTER VI. ON serine soy FOOD. Breen person who jesse whist shall be the food and : drink of a family, and the modes of preparation, is the one who decides, to a greater or less extent, what shall — be the health of that family. It is the opinion of most _ medical men, that intemperance ‘in eating is the most fruitful of all causes of disease and death. If this be — 4 so, the woman who wisely adapts the food and cooking = of her family to the laws of health, removes the great- est risk which threatens the ‘lives of those under = care. Ni To exhibit this subject clearly, it will be needtad té | refer, more minutely, to the Ler pecrie and Ys aren of the digestive organs. 4 It is found, by experiment, that the supply of gastric ? juice, furnished from the blood, by the arteries of the stomach, is proportioned, not to the amount of food put into the stomach, but to the wants of the body; so. that it is possible to put much more into. the stomach than can be digested. To guide and regulate in this: = matter, the sensation called hunger is provided. Ina - healthy state of the body, as soon as the blood has lost its nutritive supplies, the craving of hunger is felt, and — then, if the food is suitable, and is taken in the proper : manner, this sensation ceases, as soon as the stomach has received enough to supply the wants of the system. © But our benevolent Creator, in this, as in our other duties, has connected enjoyment with the operation needful to sustain our bodies. In addition to the allay- ing of hunger, the gratification of the palate is secured, by the immense variety of food, some articles of which are far more agreeable than others. This arrangement of Providence, designed for our e happiness, has become, either through ignorance, Ot — - ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. 95 want of self-control, the chief cause of the various diseases and sufferings, which afflict those classes who have the means of seeking a variety to gratify the _ palate. If mankind had only one article of food, and only water to drink, though they would have less en- joyment in eating, they would never be tempted to put any more into the stomach, than the calls of hunger required. But the customs of society, which present an incessant change, and a great variety of food, with those various condiments which stimulate appetite, lead almost every person very frequently to eat merely to gratify the palate, after the stomach has been abun- ~ dantly supplied, so that hunger has ceased. When too great a supply of food is put into the stomach, the gastric juice dissolves only that portion which the wants of the system demand. The remain- der is ejected, in an unprepared state; the absorb- ents take portions of it into the system; and all the various functions of the body, which depend on the ministries of the blood, are thus gradually and imper ceptibly injured. Very often, intemperance in eating produces immediate results, such as colic, headaches, pains of indigestion, and vertigo. But the more gen- eral result, is, a gradual undermining of all parts of the human frame; thus imperceptibly shortening life, by so weakening the constitution, that it is ready to yield, at every point, to any uncommon risk or exposure. Thousands and thousands are passing out of the world, from diseases occasioned by exposures, which a healthy constitution could meet without any danger. It is owing to these considerations, that it becomes the duty of every woman, who has the responsibility of pro- viding food for a family, to avoid a variety of tempting dishes. It is a much safer rule, to have only one kind of healthy food, for each meal, than the abundant variety which is usually met at the tables of almost all classes in this Country. When there is to be any va- riety of dishes, they ought not to be successive, but so arranged, as to give the opportunity of selection. How 96 — oN Nae FOOD. often is it the case, that persons, by the appearance a favorite article, are tempted to eat, merely to grati the palate, when. the stomach is already. adequate. supplied. All such intemperance wears on the c stitution, and shortens life. It not unfrequently - pens, that excess in eating produces a morbid appraier : which must constantly be denied. ie But the organization of the digestive. organs de a mands, not only that food be taken in proper BAR tities, but that it be taken at proper times. __ is It has before been shown, that, as soon as the ‘food 2 enters the stomach, the muscles are excited by the i nerves, and the peristaltic motion commences. ‘This is a powerful and constant exercise of the muscles of ¥ the stomach, which continues until the process of di- gestion is complete. During this time, the blood is withdrawn from other parts of the system, to supply the demands of the stomach, which is laboring hard - with all its muscles. When this motion ceases, and the digested food has gradually passed out of the ‘stomach, Nature requires that it should have a period = of repose. And if another meal be eaten, immediate- ly after one is digested, the stomach is set to work again, before it has had time to rest, and before a sufficient supply of gastric juice is provided. aie The general rule, "then, i is, that three hours be | given to the stomach for labor, and two for rest; and in obedience to this, five hours, at least, ought to elapse hetween every two regular meals. In cases where exercise produces a flow of perspiration, more food is needed to supply the loss; and strong laboring men may safely eat as often as ‘they feel the want of food. So, young and healthy children, who gambol and exer- cise much, and whose bodies grow fast, may have a more frequent supply of food. But, as a general rule, meals should be five hours apart, and eating between _ meals avoided. There is nothing more unsafe, and wearing to the constitution, than a habit of eating at hs. any time, merely to gratify the palate. Whenatempt- — ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. OF mg article is presented, every person should exercise sufficient self-denial, to wait till the proper time for eating arrives. Children, as well as grown persons, are often injured, by eating between their regular _meals, thus weakening the stomach, by not avordns it any time for rest. In deciding as to quantity of food, there is one great difficulty to be met by a large portion of the community. It has been shown, that the exercise of every part of the body is indispensable to its health and perfection. The bones, the muscles, the nerves, the organs of digestion and respiration, and the skin, all demand exercise, in order properly to perform their functions. When the muscles of the body are called into action, all the blood-vessels entwined among them are frequently compressed. As the arteries are so con- trived, that the blood cannot run back, this compression hastens it forward, through the veins, towards that organ. ‘The heart is immediately put in quicker mo- tion, to send it into the lungs; and they, also, are thus stimulated to more rapid action, which is the cause of that panting which active exercise always occasions. The blood thus courses with greater celerity through the body, and sooner loses its nourishing properties. Then the stomach issues its mandate of hunger, and a new supply of food must be furnished. Thus it ap- pears, as a general rule, that the quantity of food, actually needed by the body, depends on the amount of muscular exercise taken. A laboring man, in the open fields, probably throws off from his skin ten times the amount of perspirable matter, which is evolved from the skin of a person of sedentary pursuits. In consequence of this, he demands a far greater amount of food and drink. Those persons, who keep their bodies in a state of health, by sufficient exercise, can always be guided by the calls of hunger. They can eat when they feel hungry, and stop when hunger ceases; and then they will calculate exactly right. But the difficulty i is, 9 D: Es es. 4 = 2083 ww ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. that a large part of the community, especially women are so inactive in their habits, that they seldom feel th calls of hunger. They habitually eat, merely to grat the palate. ‘This produces such a state of the syste that they have lost the guide which Nature has pr vided. They are not called to eat, by hunger, no ‘admonished, by its cessation, when to stop. In con- sequence of this, such persons eat what pleases the palate, till they feel no more inclination for the article. It is probable, that three fourths of the women, in the __ wealthier circles, sit down to each meal without any a feeling of hunger, and eat merely on account of the gratification thus afforded them. Such persons find their appetite to depend almost solely upon the kind of food on the table. This is not the case with those, _ who take the exercise which Nature demands. They approach thew meals in such a state that almost any __ kind of food is acceptable. “ee The question then arises, how are persons, who have lost the guide which Nature has provided, to determine as to the proper-amount of food they shall take? rr ie. The only rules they can adopt, are of a general nature ; founded on the principles already developed. __ They should endeavor to proportion their food to the __ amount of the exercise they ordinarily take. If they take but little exercise, they should eat but little food in comparison with those who are much in the open on air and take much exercise; and their food should be — chiefly vegetable, and not animal. But how often is it _ seen, that a student, or a man who sits all day in an office, or a lady who spends the day in her parlor and chamber, will sit down to a loaded table, and, by con- | tinuing to partake of the tempting varieties, in the end __ load the stomach with a supply, which a stout farmer _ sould scarcely digest. in But the health of a family depends, not merely on — the quantity of food taken; but very much, also, on the quality. Some kinds of food are very pernicious P v. a : 5 ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. so in their nature, and some healthful articles are rendered very injurious by the mode of cooking. Persons who _ have a strong constitution, and take much exercise, may eat almost any thing, with apparent impunity ; but young children, who are forming their constitu- tions, and persons who are delicate, and who take but little exercise, are very dependent for health, on a proper selection of food. There are some general principles, which may aid in regulating the judgement on this subject. It is found, that there are some kinds of food which afford nutriment to the blood, and do not produce any other effect on the system. There are other kinds, which are not only nourishing, but stdmulating, so that they quicken the functions of the organs on which they operate. The condiments used in cookery, such as pepper, mustard, and spices, are of this nature. There are certain states of the system, when these stimulants are beneficial; but it is only in cases where there is some debility. Such cases can only be pointed out by medical men. But persons in perfect health, and especially young children, never receive any benefit from such kind of food; and just in proportion as con- diments operate to quicken the labors of the internal organs, they tend to wear down their powers. A per- son who thus keeps the body working under an un-_ natural excitement, lives faster than Nature designed, and the sooner the constitution is worn out. A woman, therefore, should provide dishes for her family, which are free from these stimulating condiments, and as much as possible prevent their use. It is also found, by experience, that animal food is more stimulating than vegetable. This is the reason why, in cases of fevers, or inflammations, medical men forbid the use of meat and butter. Animal food supplies chyle much more abundantly than vegetable food does; and this chyle is more stimulating in its nature. Of course, a person who lives chiefly on animal food, is under a higher degree of stimulus than if his food was chiefly 100 ‘ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. composed of vegetable substances. His blood will _ flow faster, and all the functions of his body: will be — quickened. ee . This makes it important to secure a proper propor- , ‘ re ’ tion of animal and vegetable diet. Some medical men ; 7_ suppose, that an exclusively vegetable diet is proved, by the experience of many individuals, to be fully sufficient to nourish the body ; and bring, as evidence, ~ the fact, that some of the strongest and most robust men in the world, are those, who are trained, from infancy, exclusively. on vegetable food. From this, they infer, that life will be shortened, just in proportion as. the diet is changed to more stimulating articles ; and that, all other things being equal, children will have a better chance of health and long life, if they are brought up solely on vegetable food. But, though this is not ‘the common opinion of medi- cal men, they all agree, that, in America, far too large | ie portion of the diet consists of animal food. Asa nation, — the Americans are proverbial for the gross and luxurious diet with which they load their tables; and there can be no doubt that the general health of the Nation would be increased, by a change in our customs in this respect. To take meat but once a day, and this in small quanti- ties, compared with the common practice, is a rule, the — observance of which would probably greatly reduce the amount of fevers, eruptions, headaches, bilious attacks, and the many other ailments which are pred eee aggravated by too grossa diet. The celebrated Roman physician, Baglivi, (who, from practising extensively among Roman Catholics, had ample opportunities to observe,) mentions, that, | in Italy, an unusual number of people recover their health in the forty days of Lent, in consequence of the — 4 lower diet which is required as a religious duty. Au American physician remarks, ‘For every reeling drunk- ard that disgraces our Country, it contains one hundred gluttons ;—persons, I mean, who eat to excess, and suffer in consequence.” Another distinguished physi- — ‘ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. 104 cian says, “I believe that every stomach, not actually ‘impaired by organic disease, will perform its functions, if it receives reasonable attention : and when we per- ’ ~ ceive the manner in which diet is generally conducted, both in regard to quantity and variety of articles of food - and drink, which are mixed up in one heterogeneous mass,—instead of being astonished at the prevalence of indigestion, our wonder must rather be, that, in such cir- ‘cumstances, any stomach ts capable of digesting at all.” In regard to articles which are the most easily di- gested, only general rules can be given. Tender meats are digested more readily than those which are tough, or than many kinds of vegetable food. The farinaceous articles, such as rice, flour, corn, potatoes, and the like, are the most nutritious, and most easily digested. The ‘popular notion, that meat is more nourishing than bread, ‘isa great mistake. Good bread contains one third more nourishment than butcher’s meat. The meat is more stimulating, and for this reason is more readily digested. A perfectly healthy stomach can digest almost any healthful food; but when the digestive powers are weak, every stomach has its peculiarities, and what is good for one, is hurtful to another. In such cases, experiment, alone, can decide, which are the most digestible articles of food. A person, whose food troubles him, must de- duct one article after another, till he learns, by expe-_ rience, which is the best for digestion. Much evil has been done, by assuming that the powers of one stomach are to be made the rule in regulating every other. The most unhealthful kinds of food, are those, which are made so by bad cooking; such as sour and heavy bread, cakes, pie-crust, and other dishes consisting of fat, mixed and cooked with flour; also rancid butter, and high-seasoned food. ‘The fewer mixtures there are in cooking, the more healthful is the food likely to be. There is one caution, as to the mode of eating, which seems peculiarly needful to Americans. It is indispen- sable to good digestion, that food be well chewed and taken slowly. It needs to be thoroughly chewed, in ur D. E. spite aatiel cadets eile cae Ss ie asia eae ce lak a te , eS ae ar’ be el on os "nA aaa a stomach loses the supply which it requires when per- forming its office. When the blood is thus withdrawn, _ hour and a half; after which, labor of body and mind effect is produced by alcoholic drinks. 102.) ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. 2 order to prepare it for the action of the gastric. juice, On which, by the peristaltic motion, will be thus brought into universal contact with the minute portions. It has — been found, that a solid lump of food requires much — more time And labor of the stomach, than divided. a7 ee stances. It has also been found, that, as each bolus, or mouthful, enters the stomach, the latter closes, sane : the portion received has had some time to move around and combine with the gastric juice; and that the orifice _ of the stomach resists the entrance of any more, till this. is accomplished. But, if the eater persists in swallow- — ing fast, the stomach yields ; the food is then poured in more rapidly than the organ can perform its duty of © digestion ; and evil results are sooner or later developed. This exhibits the folly of those hasty meals, so;common to travellers, and to men of business, and shows why children should be taught to eat slowly. . After taking a full meal, it is very important to health, a that no great bodily or mental exertion be made, till = the labor of the stomach is over. Intense mental effort a draws the blood to the head, and muscular exertions a draw it to the muscles; and in consequence of this, the = the adequate supply of gastric juice is not afforded, and indigestion is the result. ‘The heaviness which follows re a full meal, is the indication which Nature gives of the need of quiet. When the meal is moderate, a sufficient quantity of gastric juice is exuded in an hour, or an may safely be resumed. When undigested food remains in the stomach, and — is at last thrown out into the bowels, it proves an irri- tating substance, producing an inflamed state in the lining of the stomach and other, organs. ‘The same It is found, that the stomach has the power of oraas 7 ually accommodating its digestive powers to the food — it habitually receives. Thus, animals, which live on ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. 103 | $ : vegetables, can gradually become accustomed to animal _ food; and.the reverse is equally true. Thus, too, the human stomach can eventually accomplish the ‘digestion = _ of some kinds of food, which, at first, were indigestible. _ But any changes of this sort should be gradual; as those which are sudden, are trying to the powers of the stomach, by furnishing matter for which its gastric juice is not prepared. In regard to the nature of the meals prepared, the breakfast should furnish a supply of liquids, because the body has been exhausted by the exhalations of the night, and demands them more than at any other period. It should not be the heartiest meal, because the organs of digestion are weakened by long fasting, and the exhalations. Dinner should be the heartiest meal, because then the powers of digestion are strength- ened, by the supplies of the morning meal. Light and amusing employments should occupy mind and body. for an hour or more after a full meal. But little drink should be taken, while eating, as it dilutes the gastric juice which is apportioned to each quantity of food as it enters. the stomach. It is better to take drink after the meal is past. Extremes of heat or cold are injurious to the process of digestion. ‘T'aking hot food or drink, habitually, tends to debilitate all the organs thus needlessly excited. in using cold substances, it is found that a certain de- gree of warmth in the stomach is indispensable to their digestion; so that, when the gastric juice is cooled below this temperature, it ceases to act. Indulging in large quantities of cold drinks, or eating ice-creams, after a meal, tends to reduce the temperature of the stomach, and thus to stop digestion. This shows the folly of those refreshments, in convivial meetings, where the guests are tempted to load the stomach with a va- riety, such as would require the stomach of a stout farmer to digest, and then to wind up with ice-creams, thus destroying ‘whatever ability might otherwise have existed, to digest the heavy load. The fittest tempera- ge OF Anca Sa) i ir Or ne gd ities Ae Sia ee ER Te nes oa haa aya? 2 PEt Re ee Ie ne Re Se es AS ie ee Name On ne ae Ue age RL ON, (104 | ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. “ture for drinks, if taken when the food i is in the ing process, is ‘blood heat. Cool drinks, and even can be safely taken at other times, if not in exce ‘quantity. When the thirst is excessive, or the ie ‘s weakened by fatigue, or when in a state of perspiration, | cold drinks are injurious. When the body is perspiring — freely, taking a large quantity of cold drink has often produced instant death. _ Fluids taken into the stomach are not ‘aibjece to the slow process of digestion, but are immediately ab- sorbed and carried into the blood. This is the reason why drink, more speedily than food, restores from ex- haustion. The minute vessels of the stomach inhale — or absorb its fluids, which are carried into the blood, just as the minute extremities of the arteries open 4 upon the inner surface of the stomach, and there exude the gastric juice from the blood. _ When food is chiefly liquid, (soup, for example,) the fluid part is rapidly absorbed. The solid parts remain, to be acted on by the gastric juice. In the — case of St. Martin,* in fifty minutes after taking soup, the fluids were absorbed, and the remainder was even thicker than is usual after eating solid food. ‘This is the reason why soups are deemed bad for weak stom- achs; as this residuum is more difficult of digestion ‘ than ordinary food. In recovering from sickness, beef- tea and broths are good, because the system then de- ‘ . * paige al mands fluids to supply its loss of blood. Highly-concentrated food, having much nourishment in a small bulk, is not favorable to digestion, because * The individual here referred to,—Alexis St: Martin,—was a young Canadian, of eighteen years of age, of a good constitution and robust health , who, 1 m 1822, was accidentally wounded by the dis- charge of a musket, which carried away a part of the ribs, lacerated — one of the lobes of ‘the lungs, and perforated the stomach, making a: 8 Jarge aperture, which never closed; and which enabled Dr. Beau- mont, (a surgeon of the American army, stationed at Michilimackinac, ‘under whose care the patient was placed,) to witness all the processes of digestion and other functions of the body, for several years. The ~ published account of the experiments made by Dr. B., 1s highly inter esting and instructive. ON HEALTHFUL FOOD. 105 it cannot be properly acted on by the muscular con- _ tractions of the stomach, and is not so minutely di vided, as to enable the gastric juice to act properly. This is the reason, why a certain bulk of food is'need- ful to good digestion ; and why those people, who live _ on whale oil, and other highly-nourishing food, in cold climates, mix vegetables and even sawdust with it, to make it more acceptable and digestible. So, in civil- ized lands, bread, potatoes, and vegetables, are mixed with more highly-concentrated nourishment. 'This ex- plains why coarse bread, of unbolted wheat, so often proves beneficial. Where, from inactive habits, or oth- er causes, the bowels become constipated and sluggish, this kind of food proves the appropriate remedy. One fact on this subject is worthy of notice. Under the administration of William Pitt, for two years or more, there ‘was such a scarcity of wheat, that, to make it hold out longer, Parliament passed a law, that the army should have all their bread. made of unbolted flour. The result was, that the health of the soldiers improved so much, as to be a subject of surprise to themselves, the officers, and the physicians. These last came out publicly, and declared, that the soldiers never before were so robust and healthy; and that disease had nearly disappeared from the army. ‘The civic physicians joined and pronounced it the hea.thiest bread; and, for a time, schools, families, and public institutions, used it almost exclusively. Even the no- bility, convinced by these facts, adopted it for their common diet; and the fashion continued a long time after the scarcity ceased, until more luxurious. habits resumed their sway. For this reason, also, soups, gellies, and arrow-root, should have bread or crackers mixed with them. We ‘thus see why children should not have cakes and candies allowed them between meals. These are highly-concentrated nourishments, and should be eaten with more bulky and less nourish- ing substances. The most indigestible of all kinds of food, are fatty and oily substances; especially if heat 106° ON HEALTHFUL DRINKS. ed. It is on this account, that pie-crust, an boiled and fried in fat or butter, are. deeme healthful as other food. ee The following, then, may be put down as that ‘of a debilitated constitution, from the misuse of food Eating too much, eating too often, eating too fast, eatin, food and condiments that are too stimulating, eating food that is too warm or too cold, eating food that is highly-concéntrated, without a proper admixture of less” nourishing matter, and eating food that is cis of digestion. : CHAPTER VII. ON HEALTHFUL DRINKS. ALTHOUGH intemperance in eating is probably re - most prolific cause of the diseases of mankind,*intem- perance in drink has produced more guilt, misery, and crime, than any other one cause. And the responsi-— bilities of a woman, in this particular, are very great; for the habits and liabilities of those under her care, — will very much depend on her opinions and practice. It is a point fully established by experience, that the full developement of the human body, dnd the vigorous exercise of all its functions, can be secured — without the use of stimulating drinks. It is, therefore, perfectly safe, to bring up children never to use bia e no hazard being incurred, by such a course. ! see “It is also found, by experience, that there are two __ evils incurred, by the use of stimulating drinks. - The first, is, their positive effect on the human system. Their peculiarity consists in so exciting the nervous. system, that all the functions of the body are accel- erated, and the fluids are caused to move quicker than _ at their natural speed. This incveased motion of the — animal fluids, always produces an agreeable effect on — the mind. The intellect is invigorated, the imagina- _ ON HEALTHFUL DRINKS. 107 : tion is excited, the spirits are enlivened; and these effects are so agreeable, that all mankind, after having ’ - once experienced them, feel a great desire for their _- repetition. ie . _ But this temporary invigoration of the system, is always followed by a diminution of the powers of the stimulated organs; so that, though in all cases this reaction may not be perceptible, it is invariably the result. It may be set down as the unchangeable rule of physiology, that stimulating drinks (except in cases of disease) deduct from the powers of the constitution, in exactly the proportion in which they operate to pro- duce temporary invigoration. The second evil, is, the temptation which always. attends the use of stimulants. Their effect on the system is so agreeable, and the evils resulting are so imperceptible and distant, that there is a constant ten- dency to increase such excitement, both in frequency and power. And the more the system is thus reduced in strength, the more craving is the desire for that which imparts a temporary invigoration. This process of increasing debility and increasing craving for the stimulus that removes it, often goes to such an extreme, that the passion is perfectly uncontrollable, and mind and body perish under this baleful habit. In this Country, there are five forms in which the use of such stimulants is common; namely, alcoholic drinks, tea, coffee, opium mixtures, and tobacco. 'These are all alike, in the main peculiarity of imparting that extra stimulus to the system, which tends to exhaust its powers. Multitudes in this Nation are in the habitual use of some one of these stimulants; and each person defends the indulgence by these arguments : First, that the desire for stimulants is a natural pre- pensity, implanted in man’s nature, as is manifest from the universal tendency to such indulgences, in every nation. from this, it is inferred, that it is an innocent — desire, which ought to be gratified, to some extent, and iT sR ta Mar aM AMM PION, Se FA lal ao ee a tay OY lena! = mili Lal RT Pree SR at Ra AUR ee RT RE We CRE are “2 Ur a oe eels eNO GLS Leawma A thy Ut SMa Pig vat og o> NE 74 Alaa wey : ; ut 12 So ie et 108 ON HEALTHFUL DRINKS. that the aim should be, to keep it within the limits of temperance, instead of attempting to exterminate ¢ a natural propensity. | eee This is an argument, which, if true, makes it equally proper to use opium, brandy, tea, or tobacco, as stimu- Jating principles, provided they are used temperately. But, if it be granted that perfect health and strength can be gained and secured without these stimulants, and that their peculiar effect is to diminish the power — ‘of the system, in exactly the same proportion as they — stimulate it, then there is no such thing as a temperate use, unless they are so diluted, as to destroy any stimu- lating power; and in this form, they are seldom desired. The other argument for their use, is, that they are among the good things provided by the Creator, for our =~ gratification ; that, like all other blessings, they are ex- posed to abuse and excess; and that we should rather — seek to regulate their use, than to banish them entirely. This argument is based-on the assumption, that they — are, like healthful foods and drinks, necessary to life and health, and injurious only by excess. But this is not true ; for, whenever they are used in any such strength __ as to be a gratification, they operate, to a greater or less extent, as stimulants; and, to just such extent, they wear out the powers of the constitution; and it is abun- __ dantly proved, that they are not, like food and drink, — necessary to health. Such articles are designed for med- icine, and not for common use. There can be noar- _ gument framed to defend the use of one of them, which __ will not equally defend all. ‘That men have.a love for — being stimulated, after they have once felt the pleasura-_ ble excitement, and that Providence has provided the : ‘means for securing it, are arguments as much in favor of alcohol, opium, and tobacco, as of coffee and tea. All that can be said in favor of the last-mentioned fa- — vorite beverages, is, that the danger in their use is not so great. Let any one, who defends one kind of stimu- lating drink, remember, then, that he uses an argument, . which, if it be allowed that stimulants are not needed, _ ON HEALTHFUL DRINKS. 109 and are injurious, will equally defend all kinds; and _ that all which can be said in defence of -tea and bite: is, that they may be used, so weak, as to do no harm, and that they actually have done less harm than some of the other stimulating narcotics. The writer is of opinion, that tea and coffee are a most extensive cause of much of the nervous debility and suffering endured by American women; and that relinquishing such drinks would save an immense amount. of such suffering. But there is little probability that the present generation will make so decided a change in their habits, as to give up these beverages; and the subject is presented rather in reference to forming the habits of children. It is a fact, that tea and coffee are, at first, seldom or - never agreeable to children. It is the mixture of milk, sugar, and water, that reconciles them to a taste, which in this manner gradually becomes agreeable. Now, suppose that those who provide for a family conclude that it is not their duty to give up entirely the use of stimulating drinks, may not the case appear different, in regard to teaching their children to love such drinks ? Let the matter be regarded thus: — The experiments of physiologists all prove, that stimulants are not need- ful to health, and that, as the general rule, they tend to debilitate the constitution. — Is it right, then, for a parent to tempt a child to drink what is not needful, when there is a probability that it will prove, to some extent, an undermining drain on the constitution? Some con- stitutions can bear much less excitement than others ; and, in every family of children, there is usually one, or more, of delicate organization, and consequently pecu- liarly exposed to dangers from this source. It is this child who ordinarily becomes the victim to stimulating drinks. The tea and coffee which the parents and the healthier children can use without immediate injury, gradually sap the energies of the feebler child, who proves either an early victim, or a living martyr to all the sufferings that debilitated nerves inflict. Can it be | 10 D. E. right, to ee Eadie ae all allow that danger, and where, in many cases, disease ar met, when another path is known to be perfe 8 least i injurious, because its flavor is so strong, i Z parison with its narcotic principle, that one who uses it, — is much less liable to excess. Children can be trained to love milk and water sweetened with sugar, so that it will always be a pleasant beverage ; or, if there are eX- ceptions to the rule, they will be few. Water is an unfailing resort. Every one loves it, and it is perfec sh ly healthful. Sahay aor The impression, common in this ‘Consue that warm 3 drinks, especially in Winter, are more healthful than» cold, is not warranted by any experience, nor by the — laws of the physical system. At dinner, cold drinks : are universal, and no one deems them injurious. Itis — only at the other two meals that they are supposed to - be hurtful. #2: ' There is no doubt that warm drinks are healthful, and more agreeable than cold, at certain times and sca Fula sons; but it is equally true, that drinks above blood ~~ heat are not healthful. If any person should hold a finger in hot water, for a considerable time, twice every —_ day, it would be found that the finger would gradually __ grow weaker. The frequent application of the stimu- _ lus of heat, like all other stimulants, eventually. causes debility If, therefore, a person is in ‘the habit of drink- ing hot aya twice a day, the teeth, throat, and stomach are gradually debilitated. ‘This, most. proba- 4 bly, 1s one of the causes of an early decay of the teeth, : i. which is observed to be much more common anevee American ladies, than among those in European coun- — iries. ag It has been stated to the writer, by an intelligent traveler who had visited Mexico, that it was rare to. meet an individual with even a tolerable set of teeth; and that almost every grown person, he met. in. nea street, had merely remnants of teeth. On inquiry into _ ON HEALTHFUL DRINKS. — : LES E Aiagetoms of the canny, it was found, that it was the universal practice to take their usual beverage at almost the boiling point; and this, doubtless, was the chief cause of the almost entire want of teeth in that j Country. In the United States, it cannot be doubted that much evil is done, in this way, by hot drinks. “Most tea-drinkers consider tea as ruined, if it stands until it reaches the healthful temperature for drink. The following extract from Dr. Andrew Combe, pre- ‘sents the opinion of most intelligent medical men, on this subject.* _ Water is a safe drink for all constitutions, provided it be resorted to in obedience to the dictates of natural thirst, only, and not of habit. Unless the desire for it is felt, there is no occasion for its use during a meal.” «The primary effect of all distilled and fermented liquors, is, to stimulate the nervous system and quicken the circulation. In infancy and childhood, the circula- tion is rapid, and easily excited; and the nervous sys- tem is strongly acted upon, even by the slightest external impressions. Hence slight causes of irritation readily excite febrile and convulsive disorders. In youth, the natural tendency of the constitution is still to excite- “ment; and consequently, as a general rule, the stimulus of fermented liquors is mjurious.” These remarks show, that parents, who find that stimulating drinks are not injurious to themselves, may mistake in inferring, from this, that they will not bé in- jurious to their children. Dr. Combe continues thus: “In mature age, when digestion is good and the system in full vigor, if the mode of life be not too exhausting, the nervous func- _ tions and general circulation are in their best condition, and require no stimulus for their support. The bodily energy is then easily sustained, by nutritious food and a regular regimen, and consequently artificial excitement * The writer would here remark, in reference to extracts made from various authors, that, for the sake of abridging, she has often left out parts of a paragraph, but never so,as to modify the meaning of the author. Some ideas, not connected with the subject in hand, are omitted, hut nana ara altered. 12- ~ ON CLOTHING. only increases the wasting of the natu , old age, when the powers of life begin to fail, stimulus may be used with evident advantag It may be asked, in this connection, why Jus of animal food is not to be regarded in. light, as that of stimulating drinks. In reply, a essential difference may be. pointed out. Animal furnishes nutriment to the organs which it stimu but stimulating drinks excite the organs to Ee action, without affording any nourishment. | It has-been supposed, by some, that tea ane ) have, at least, a degree of nourishing power. . it is proved, that it is the milk and sugar, and not the main portion of the drink, which imparts the nourish- ment. Tea has not one particle of nourishing proper- ~ ties; and what little exists in the coffee-berry, is lost by roasting it in the usual mode. All that these articles - “9 do, is simply to stimulate, without nourishing. — % Recent discoveries in the healing art have proved § that cold water has a most powerful and yet very safe influence in restoring health in many diseases. It has” ‘ been proved that the free drink: ing of cold water, at any time except when the stomach is loaded with food, is very promotive of health. Habits of costive-— ness may often be remedied by drinking two glasses of cold water and then taking a walk, following this | by two glasses of the same on returning, This must be | done before breakfast. To this may be added a loosen- ing diet of cooked fruit, and bread of unbolted wheat. a CHAPTER VIII. ON CLOTHING. tality, that one quarter of the human race perishes in infancy. This is a fact not in accordance with the analogy of Nature. No such’ mortality prevails 4 Re NE pO ER TER Se SP a i em Me ee oS Sa AE eS ae Temremel SO aC Sie VS” Bm 0 SR ly eh BO Ce) el ae eae Ee wry KE Te NIM PRM ee tee ll. 1 Pon Sesh ay tad MeL MN a Lip ON CLOTHING. 113 a4 among the young of animals; it does not appear to _ be the design of the Creator : and it must be owing . “to causes which can be removed. Medical men agree in the opinion, that a great portion of this mortality, is re - owing to mismanagement, in reference to fresh air, food, and clothing. At birth, the circulation is chiefly in the vessels of the skin; for the liver and stomach, being feeble in ac- tion, demand less blood, and it resorts to the surface. If, therefore, an infant be exposed to cold, the blood is driven inward, by the contracting of the blood-vessels in the skin; and, the internal organs being thus over- _ stimulated, bowel complaints, croup, convulsions, or some other evil, ensues. ‘This shows the sad mistake of parents, who plunge infants in cold water to strength- en their constitution; and teaches, that infants should be washed in warm water, and in a warm room. Some have constitutions strong enough to bear mismanagement in these respects ; but many fail in consequence of it. Hence we see the importance of dressing infants warmly, and protecting them from exposure to a cold temperature. It is for this purpose, that mothers, now, very generally, cover the arms and.necks of infants, especially in Winter. Fathers and mothers, if they- were obliged to go with bare arms and necks, even in moderate weather, would often shiver with cold; and yet they have a power of constitution which would sub- ject them to far less hazard and discomfort, than a deli- cate infant must experience from a similar exposure. ‘This mode of dressing infants, with bare necks and arms, has arisen from the common impression, that they have a power of resisting cold superior to older persons. This is a mistake ; for the experiments of medical men have established the fact, that the power of producing heat is least in the period of infancy. Extensive investigations have been made in France, in reference to this point. It is there required, in some districts, that every infant, at birth, be carried to the office of the maitre, [mayor,] to be registered. It ig 10* D. E. a ny ‘ high a temperature, is relaxed and weakened by have the care of children, i is owing to their throwing off ON CLOTHING. found, in these districts, that the deaths of | infants, are much more numerous. in the c tance oe i the office of the 7 maire, than among t in its vicinity. This proves, that exposure to. cold much to do with the continuance of infant life. _ But it is as dangerous to go to the other extreme, % keep the body too warm. The skin, when kept profuse perspiration, and becomes more sensitive more readily affected by every change of temperat e This increases the liabilities to sudden colds; and frequently* happens, that the children, who are mo carefully guarded from cold, are the ones most liable to take sudden and dangerous chills. ‘The reason is, that, by the too great accumulation of clothing, the skin is too. much excited, and the blood is withdrawn from the in-— ternal organs, thus weakening them, while the skin itself is debilitated by the same process. = = The rule of safety, is, so to cover the body, as to © keep it entirely warm, but not so as to induce perspira-_ tion in any part. The perspiration induced by exercise is healthful, because it increases the appetite; but the ‘st perspiration produced by excess of clothing is debili- © ie. tating. ‘This shows the importance of adjusting beds F and their covering to the season. Featherbeds are un- : healthful in warm weather, because they induce perspi- ration ; and in all cases, those. who have the care of children, should proportion their covering by night to the season of the year. Infants and children should never be so clothed, as either to feel chilly, or to induce a perspiration. The greatest trouble, in this respect, to those who their covering in the night. The best guard, against. such exposures, Is a nightgown, of the warmest and thickest material, made like pantaloons at the lower part, — and the legs long, so that they can be tied over the feet. a ie ON CLOTHING. cu SEED Thi : makes a covering needful, and saves the child — ft m excessive cold when it is thrown off, 2 The clothing ought always to be proportioned to the 5 constitution and habits. A person of strong constitu- tion, who takes much exercise, needs less clothing than one of delicate’ and sedentary habits. According to _ this rule, women need much thicker and warmer .cloth- § ing; when they go out, than men. But how different are our customs, from what sound wisdom dictates! Women go out with thin stockings, thin shoes, and open necks, when men are protected by thick woollen hose and boots, and their whole body encased in many folds of flannel and broadcloth. On the subject of wearing woolens next the skin, the medical profession are changing their opinions. Here- tofore it has been considered important for young chil- dren and invalids to wear flannel next the skin, but now it is believed that the constant friction of the flan- nel tends to debilitate the skin, and that the good to be secured by wearing flannel, without this evil, is gained by having it over an under-garment of cotton. Wear- ing flannel next the skin, through the night, is especial- ly injurious, and therefore the woolen night-gowns of young children and invalids should never be worn next the skin. It has often been found that persons who have suffered from rheumatism, and on this account have worn flannel next the skin, have been relieved from this disease by simply leaving off the flannel. The best protection against sudden changes, and against the malaria of disease or bad climate, is to strengthen the skin by frequent ablutions of the whole _ body incold water. All persons, by a gradual process, can accustom themselves to this, without any danger, and with immense benefits. Cold bathing should al- ways be followed by exercise, continued until a glow is produced. It never should be taken till three hours after eating. Infants should gradually be accustomed to cold water after the second month, and all young chil- fyen should be washed all over in cold water every day. But the practice, by which females probably ‘suffer ‘116 | ON CLOTHING. most, is, the use of tight dresses. Much h against the use of corsets by ladies. But the worn with perfect safety, and be left off, and still i i such as they often produce, be equally felt, It is the striction of dress, that is to be feared, and not an | ticular article that produces it. A frock, or a belt, may — be so tight, as to be even worse than a corset, which * would more equally divide the compression. — 7 So long as it is the fashion to admire, as models. ree “a elegance, ‘the wasp-like figures which are presented ate the rooms of mantuamakers and milliners, there willbe hundreds of foolish women, who will isk. their lives — and health to secure some resemblance to these de- formities of the human frame. But it is believed, that | all sensible women, when they fairly understand - the , evils which result from tight dressing, and learn the.real model of taste and beauty for a perfect female form, will never risk their own health, or the health of their daughters, in efforts to secure one which is as ‘much at variance with good taste, as it is with good health. Such female figures as our print-shops present, are — made, not by the ‘hand of the Author of all grace and beauty, but by the murderous contrivances of the corset- — shop; and the more a woman learns the true rules of © srace and beauty for the female form, the more her — taste will revolt from such ridiculous distortions. The folly of the Chinese belle, who totters on two useless deformities, is nothing, compared to that of the Ameri- can belle, -who impedes all the internal organs in the discharge of their functions, that she may have a sleng der waist. a It was shown, in the article on‘the bones and : mus a cles, that exercise was indispensable to their growth ahd strength. If any muscles are left unemployed, they 3 diminish in size and strength. The girding of tight — dresses operates thus on the muscles of the body. . 1m an article, like corsets, is made to hold up the bei ; ss. eee a eee ON CLOTHING. _» ER a aas been continued for some time, leaving off the unnatural support produces a feeling of weakness. _ Thus a person will complain of feeling so weak and unsupported, without corsets, as to be “uncomfortable. _ This is entirely owing to the disuse of those muscles, _ which corsets throw out of empioy. Another effect of tight dress, is, to stop or impede the office of the lungs. Unless the chest can expand, fully, and with perfect ease, a portion of the lungs is not filled with air, and thus the full purification of the blood is prevented. ‘This movement of the lungs, when they are fully inflated, increases the peristaltic move- ment of the stomach and bowels, and promotes diges- tion; any constriction of the waist tends to impede ‘this important operation, and indigestion, with all its attend- ant evils, is often the result. The rule of safety, in regard to the tightness of dress, is this. Every person should be dressed so loosely, that, when sitting in the posture used in sewing, reading, or study, THE LuNGs can be as fully and as easily in- jlated, as they are without clothing. Many a woman _ thinks she dresses loosely, because, when she stands up, her clothing does not confine her chest. This is not a fair test. It is in the position most used when engaged in common employments, that we are to judge of the constriction of dress. Let every woman, then, bear in mind, that, just so long as her dress and posi- tion-oppose any resistance to the motion of her chest, — in just such proportion her blood is unpurified, and her vital organs are debilitated. The English ladies set our countrywomen a good example, in accommodating. their dress to times and seasons. The richest and noblest among them wear warm cotton hose and thick shoes, when they walk for exercise ; and would deem it vulgar to appear, as many of our ladies do, with thin hose and shoes, in damp or cold weather. “Any mode of dress, not suited to the employment, the age, the season, or the means of the wearer, is in bad taste. CHAPTER IX 79 ae ON CLEANLINESS. oT an importance of cleanliness, in person and sean d can never be fully realized, by persons who are ignorant _ of the: construction of the skin, and of the influence | % which its treatment has on the health of the body. — Persons deficient in such knowledge, frequently sneer — at what they deem the foolish and fidgety particularity ‘a of others, whose frequent ablutions and changes | of. = clothing, exceed their own measure of importance. The popular maxim, that “ dirt is healthy,” has prob-— 7 ably arisen from the fact, that playing in the open air is very beneficial to the health of children, who thus get dirt on their persons and clothes. But it is the fresh air and exercise, and not the dirt, which promotes | the’ health. In a previous article, it was shown, that hee a bowels, kidneys, and skin, were the organs employed — in throwing off those waste and noxious parts of the food not employed in nourishing the body.. Of this, — the skin has the largest duty to perform; throwing off, ae at least, twenty ounces every twenty-four hours, by 4 means of insensible perspiration. When exercise sets the blood in quicker motion, it ministers its supplies — faster, and there is consequently a greater residuum to be thrown off by the skin; and then the perspiration — becomes so abundant as to be perceptible. In this — state, if a sudden chill take place, the blood-vessels of the skin contract, the blood is driven from the surface, and the internal organs are taxed with a double duty. © If the constitution be a strong one, these organs march — on and perform the labor exacted. But if any of these organs be debilitated, the weakest one pene gives way, and some disease ensues. One of the most frequent illustrations of this recipedes i. a2 er ace Lee Spe en Fe 3 . SE cur) Syn) ee eg oe ee 7 : bm _ eated action, is afforded by a convivial meeting in cold _ weather. The heat of the room, the food, and the ex- citement, quicken the circulation, and perspiration is evolved. When the company passes into the cold air, _a sudden revulsion takes place. The increased circu- lation continues, for some time after; but the skin being cooled, the blood retreats, and the internal organs are obliged to perform the duties of the skin as well as their own. ‘Then, in case the lungs are the weakest organ, the mucous secretion becomes excessive; so that it would fill up the cells, and stop the breathing, were it not for the spasmodic effort called coughing, by which this substance is thrown out. In case the nerves are the weakest part of the system, such an exposure would result in pains in the head or teeth, or in some other nervous ailment. If the muscles be the weakest part, rheumatic affections will ensue; and if the bowels or kidneys be weakest, some disorder in their functions will result. : But it is found, that the closing of the pores of the skin with other substances, tends to a similar result on the internal organs. In this situation, the skin is un- able perfectly to perform its functions, and either the blood remains to a certain extent unpurified, or else .the internal organs have an unnatural duty to perform. Either of these results tends to produce disease, and the gradual decay of the vital powers. Moreover, it has been shown, that the skin has the power of absorbing into the blood particles retained on its surface. In consequence of these peculiarities, the skin of the whole.body needs to be washed, every day. This process removes from the pores the matter exhaled from the blood, and also that collected from the atmos- phere and other bodies. {f this process be not ofien performed, the pores of the skin fill up with the redun- dant matter expelled, and being pressed, by the clothing, to the surface of the body, the skin is both interrupted in its exhaling process, and its absorbents take back into the cystem portions of the noxious matter» Thus the ON CLEANLINESS. 119 . A CaO Ee OSE EL een cae 120 ON SLEANLINESS. plood is not relieved to the extent desea while 1 ceives back noxious particles, which are. thus carried t the lungs, liver, and every part of the system. “This is the reason why the articles worn next to the skin should often be changed; and why it is recom- mended that persons should not sleep in the article they wear next the skin through the day. The alternate change and airing of the articles worn next the body by — day or night, is a practice very favorable to the health of the skin. The fresh air has the power of removing much of the noxious effluvia received from the body by. the clothing. It is with reference to this, that on leav- ing a bed, its covering should be thrown open Hag | exposed to the fresh air. rie. The benefit arising from a proper care of the skin, i is the reason why bathing has been so extensively prac- tised by civilized nations, The Greeks and Romans considered bathing as indispensable to daily comfort, as much so, as their meals; and public baths were provided for all classes. In European countries, this practice is very prevalent, but there is no civilized na- tion which pays so little regard to the rules of health, on this subject, as our own. ‘To wash the face, feet, hands, and neck, is the extent of the ablutions practised by perhaps the majority of our people. : All persons in health can use the cold bath with great benefit if they follow it with brisk exercise, and even invalids, by a gradual process, can accustom them- — selves to this use of cold water without risk, provided _ exercise be taken immediately after. The shower bath — is not good for the young nor for nervous persons. If it is useful, it can be known by an invigorated feeling, and a warm glow on the skin; but if, ‘instead of this, — there be a feeling of debility, and the hands and feet become cold, it is a certain sign that this kind of bath- — ing is injurious. The best way to commence cold bath- ing is to put the water at 72° Fahrenheit, and then low- — er it one degree every two or three days, till it is at — 60°, or even colder. After bathing, the body should - ON CLEANLINESS, ‘121 i be rubbed with a brush or coarse towel, to remove the light scales of scarfskin which adhere to it, and also to promote a healthful excitement. -_ A bath should never be taken till three hours after eating, as it interrupts the process of digestion, by with- drawing the blood from the stomach to the surface. The cold bath never should be taken when a person feels chilly. Neither should it be taken when a per- son is suffering great exhaustion from fatigue. The best way is to take it when the skin is warm from the bed or from gentle exercise. The common opinion that it is dangerous to take a cold bath when in a per- spiration is. utterly fallacious. The skin is never so abla to resist cold as when in a glow of heat. This is the reason why the Swedes and Russians can rush, reek- ing, out of their steam baths, and throw themselves into the snow, and not only escape injury, but feel invigora- ted. Itis for a similar reason that we suffer less in going into the cold from a warm room, with our body entire- ly warm, than when we goout somewhat chilled. When the skin is warm, the circulation is active on the sur- face, and the cold does not so reduce its temperature but that increased exercise will keep up its warmth. ~ When families have no bathing establishment, every | member should wash the whole person with cold wa- ter immediately on rising, and then take a brisk walk before breakfast. It is especially important that chil- dren have the perspiration and other impurities, which their exercise and sports have occasioned, removed from their skin before going to bed... The hours of sleep are those when the body most freely exhales the waste mat- ter of the system, and all the pores should be properly freed from impediments to this healthful operation. For this purpose, a large tin wash-pan should be kept for children, just large enough, at bottom, for them to stand in, and flaring outward, so as to be very broad at top. A child can then be placed in it, standing, and washed with a sponge, without wetting the floor. Being small at bottom, it is better than a,tub; it is not only smaller, but lighter, and at en less water. Il D. Fs ON EARLY RISING. as As ofBhese: remarks indicate the wisdom of th par Rios: pete habitually wash their children, all over, bef go to bed. ‘The chance of life and health, to such c dren, is greatly increased by this practice ; and no dot much of the suffering of childhood, from cutaneous. eruptions, weak eyes, earache, colds, and fevers, is owing — to a neglect of the skin. Eh % =F sts 2s : The care of the teeth should be riddle. haketnak to” a a children, not merely as promoting an agreeable appear- 4 ance, but as a needful preservative. ‘The saliva contains a ‘ tartar, an earthy substance, which is deposited on the — teeth, and destroys both their beauty and health.. This — can be prevented, by the use of the brush, night and morning. But, if this be neglected, the deposite. be- comes hard, and can be removed only by the dentist. If suffered to remain, it tends to destroy the health of the gums; they gradually decay, and thus the roots of the teeth become bare, and they often drop out. . _ When children are shedding their first set of sli ‘ care should be taken, to remove them as soon as they become loose ; otherwise the new teeth will grow awry. When persons have defective teeth, they can often be saved, by having them filled by a dentist. This also . will frequently prevent the toothache. Children should be taught to take proper care of their: - nails. Long and dirty nails have a disagreeable appear- ance. When children wash, in the morning, they should be supplied with an instrument to clean the nails, and be required to use it. ae 3 CHAPTER X, ON EARLY RISING, Tuere is no practice, which has been more exten ee sively eulogized, in all ages, than early rising ; and. this. universal. impression, is an indication that it is founded - ON- EARLY RISING. 128 on true philosophy. For, it is rarely the case, that the common sense of mankind. fastens on a practice, as _ really beneficial, especially one that demands self-denial, “without some substantial reason. This practice, which may justly be called a domestic Pecitue, is one, which has a peculiar claim to be styled American and democratic. The distinctive mark of aristocratic nations, is, a disregard of the great mass, and a disproportionate regard for the interests of certain privileged orders. All the customs and habits of such a nation, are, to a greater or less extent, regulated by this principle. Now the mass of any nation must always consist of persons who labor at occupations which demand the light of day. But in aristocratic countries, especially in England, labor is regarded as the mark of the lower classes, and indolence is consid- ered as one mark of a gentleman. This impression has eradually and imperceptibly, to a great extent, regu- lated their customs, so that, even in their hours of meals and repose, the higher orders aim at being different and distinct from those, who, by laborious pursuits, are placed below them. From this circumstance, while the lower orders labor by day, and sleep at night, the rich, the noble, and the honored, sleep by day, and follow their pursuits and pleasures by night. It will be found, that the aristocracy of London breakfast near mid-day, dine after dark, visit and go to Parliament between ten and twelve at night, and retire to sleep towards morn- ing. In consequence of this, the subordinate classes, who aim at gentility, gradually fall. into the same practice. The influence of this custom extends across the ocean, and here, in this democratic land, we find many, who measure their erade of gentility by the late hour at which they arrive at a party. And this aristo- cratic tendency is growing upon us, so that, throughout the Nation, the hours ‘for visiting and retiring are con- stantly becoming later, while the hours for rising cor- respond in lateness: The question, then, is one which appeals to American hae BI UR Oe TEN Ra aes ee got 7a ce ene wee Tih ae CO eg te eee teh eet eee 124 _ ON EARLY RISING. women, as a matter of patriotism; as hapine a bearing on those great principles of democracy, which we con- ceive to be equally the principles of Christianity. ‘Shall a we form our customs on the principle that labor is de- grading, and indolence genteel? Shall we assume, by our practice, that the interests of the great mass are to be sacrificed for the pleasures and honors of a privileged few? Shall we ape the customs of aristocratic lands, in those very practices which result from principles and ae institutions that we condemn? Shall we not rather take the place to which we are entitled, as the leaders, — ; rather than the followers, in the customs of society, turn back the tide of aristocratic inroads, and carry through the whole, not only of civil and political, but of social and domestic, life, the true principles of demo- cratic freedom and equality? The following consid- erations may serve to strengthen an affirmative decision. The first, relates to the health of a family. ° Itisa universal law of physiology, that all living things flourish best in the light. Vegetables, in a dark cellar; grow pale and spindling,* éndl children, brought up in mines, are wan and stinted. This universal law, indicates the folly of turning day into night, thus losing the genial influence, which the light of day produces on all ani- mated creation. There is another phenomenon in the physiology of Nature, which equally condemns this practice. It has been shown, that the purification of the blood, in the Jungs, is secured, by the oxygen of the atmosphere ab- sorbing its carbon and hydrogen. ‘This combination forms carbonic acid and water, which are expired from. our lungs into the atmosphere. Now all the vegetable world undergoes a similar process. In the light of day, all the leaves of vegetables absorb carbon and. expire oxygen, thus supplying the air with its vital principle, and withdrawing the more deleterious element. But, when the light is withdrawn, this process is reversed, * Shooting into a long, small stalk or root. Pee De A ig \ “ON EARLY RISING. 125 and all vegetables exhale carbonic acid, and i inspire the | oxygen of the air. Thus it appears, that the atmosphere __ of day is much more healthful than that of the night, especially out of doors. Moreover, when the body is fatigued, it is much more liable to deleterious influences, from noxious par ticles in the atmosphere, which may be absorbed by the skin or the lungs. In consequence of this, the last hours of daily labor are more likely to be those of risk, especially to delicate constitutions. This is a proper reason for retiring to the house and to slumber, at an early hour, that the body may not be exposed to the most risk, when, after the exertions of the day, it is - least able to bear it. The observations of medical men, whose icine have been directed to this point, have decided, that from six to eight hours, is the amount of sleep demand- ed by persons in health. Some constitutions require as much as eight, and others no more than six, hours of repose. But eight hours is the maximum for all per- sons in ordinary health, with ordinary occupations. In eases of extra physical exertions, or the debility of disease, or a decayed constitution, more than this is required. Let eight hours, then, be regarded as the ordinary period required for sleep, by an industrious people, like the Americans. According to this, the practice of rising between four and five, and retiring between nine and ten, in Summer, would secure most of the sunlight, and expose us the least to that period of the atmosphere, when it is most noxious. In Win ter, the night air is less deleterious, because the frost binds noxious exhalations, and vegetation ceases its in- spiring and expiring process; and, moreover, as the constitution is more tried, in cold, than in warm, weather, and as in cold weather the body exhales less during the hours of sleep, it is not so injurious to pro- tract our slumbers beyond the proper period, as it is in the warm months. But in Winter, it is best for grown persons, in health, to rise as soon as they can see to 11* D. E. 126 _ON EARLY RISING dress, and retiré so as not to allow more than eight 7 hours for sleep. ed eee It thus appears, that the laws of our political: con- om dition, the laws of the natural world, and the constitu- tion of our bodies, alike demand that we rise with the light of day to prosecute our employments, and that we — ; retire within doors, when this light 1s withdrawn. In regard to the effects of protracting the time spent in repose, many extensive and satisfactory investigations have been made. It has been shown, that, during sleep, the body perspires most freely, while yet neither food nor exercise are ministering to its wants. Of course, if we continue our slumbers, beyond: the time required to restore the body to its usual vigor, there is an unperceived undermining of the constitution, by this — protracted and debilitating exhalation. This process, in a course of years, renders the body delicate, and less ‘able to withstand disease; and in the result shortens life. Sir John Sinclair, who has written a large work. on the Causes of Longevity, states, as one result of his extensive investigations, that he has never yet heard or — read of a single case of great longevity, where the indi- vidual was not an early riser. He says, that he has found cases, in which the individual has violated some ~ one of all the other laws of health, and yet lived to great age; but never a single instance, in which any constitution has withstood that undermining, conse- quent on protracting the hours of repose beyond the demands of the system. Another reason for early rising, is, that it is indigpen- : sable to a systematic and well-regulated family. At whatever hour the parents retire, children and do- — mestics, wearied by play or labor, must retire early. Children usually awake with the dawn of light, and commence their play, while domestics usually prefer the freshness of morning for their labors. If, then, the parents rise at a late hour, they either induce a habit of protracting sleep in their children and domestics, or else the family is up, and at their pursuits, while their MEN | ON EARLY RISING. | ‘127 "supervisors are in bed. Any woman, who asserts that her children and domestics, in the first hours of day, | s when their spirits are freshest, will be as well regu- lated without her presence, as with it, confesses that, which surely is little for her credit. It is believed, that any candid woman, whatever may be her excuse for * late rising, will concede, that, if she could rise early, it would be for the advantage of her family. A late breakfast puts back the work, through the whole day, for every member of a family ; and, if the parents thus occasion the loss of an hour or two, to each individual, who, but for their delay in the’ morning, would be use- - fully employed, they, alone, are responsible for all this waste of time. Is it said, that those, who wish to rise early, can go to their employments before breakfast? it may be replied, that, in most cases, it is not safe to use the eyes or the muscles in the morning, till the losses of the night have been repaired by food. In addition to this, it may be urged, that, where the parents set an example of the violation of the rules of health and in- dustry, their influence tends in the wrong direction; so that whatever waste of time is induced, by a practice which they thus uphold, must be set down to their account. But the practice of early rising har a relation to the general interests of the social community, as well as to that of each distinct family. All that great portion of the community, who are employed in business and — labor, find it needful to rise early; and all their hours of meals, and their appointments for business or pleas- ure, must be accommodated to these. arrangements. Now, if a small portion of the community establish very different hours, it makes a kind of jostling, in all the concerns and interests of society. The various appointments for the public, such as meetings, schools, and business hours, must be accommodated to the mass, and not-to individuals. The few, then, who establish domestic habits at variance with the majority, are either constantly interrupted in their own arrangements, Or Die sachet ene uy: Catia are IE ea, ape re im ep tira Tits Ge Tamale ond (ere Reyer ot fig vite iy it : h Sake 3 < 128 ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. else are interfering with the rights and in others. ‘This is exemplified in the case of school families where late rising is practised, either h irregularity, and neglect, are engendered m the family or else the interests HOF the school, and thus of the com- __ munity, are sacrificed, In this, and many other’ cone: 9 cerns, it can be shown, that the well-being of the bulk” of the people, is, to a greater or less extent, impaired oe by this aristocratic practice. Let any teacher select the unpunctual scholars,—a class who most seriously _ interfere with the interests of the school;—and letmen __ of business select those who cause them most waste of — time and vexation, by unpunctuality ; and it will be found, that they are among the late risers, and rarely among those who rise early. Thus, it is manifest, that late rising not only injures the person and family which practise it, but interferes with the rights and conve- uience of the community. - CHAPTER Xt. ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. In the preceding chapters, we have noticed the va- rious causes, which, one or.all, operate to produce that melancholy delicacy and decay of the female constitu- tion, which are the occasion of so much physical and mental suffering throughout this Country. These, in a more condensed form, may be enumer- ated thus: A want of exercise, inducing softness in the bones, weakness in the muscles, inactivity in the digestive organs, and general debility in the nervous system: A neglect of the care of the skin, whereby the blood has — not been properly purified, and the internal organs have been weakened: A violation of the laws of health, in regard to food, by eating too much, too fast, and too N DOMESTIC EXERCISE. 129 often; ly using stimulating food and drinks; by 1 using them too warm or too cold § and by eating that which the power of the stomach i is not sufficient to digest: A ~ neglect of the laws of health, in regard to clothing , by dressing too tight, and by wearing too little covering, in cold and damp weather, and especially by not _ sufficiently protecting the feet: A neglect to gain a proper supply of pure air, in sleeping apartments and schoolrooms, and too great a confinement to the house: The pursuit of exciting amusements at. unseasonable © hours, and the many exposures involved at such times : And lastly, sleeping by day, instead of by night, and pro- tracting the hours of sleep, beyond the period of repose demanded for rest; thus exhausting, instead of recruit- ing, the energies of the system. But all the other causes, combined, probably, do not produce one half the evils, which result from a want of proper exercise. A person who keeps all the functions of the system in full play, -by the active and frequent use of every muscle, especially if it be in the open air, gains a power of constitution, which can resist many evils that would follow from the other neglects and risks detailed. This being the case, there’can be no subject, more important for mothers and young ladies to understand, than the influence on the health, both of body and mind, of the negiect or abuse of the mus- cular system. It has been shown, in the previous pages, that all the muscles have nerves and blood-vessels, running in larger trunks, or minute branches, to every portion of the body. ‘The experiments of Sir Charles Bell and others, have developed the curious fact, that each apparently single nerve, in reality consists of two distinct portions, running together i in the same covering. One portion, is the nerve of sensation or feeling, the other, the nerve of motion. The nerves of sensation are those which are affected by the emotions and volitions of the mind° and the nerves of motion are those which impart moving power to the muscles. Experiments show 43020 °% ‘ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. that, where the nerves issue from the spine, the: oat te of sensation may be cut off without severing the nerve » of motion, and then the parts, to which this nerve ex- tends, lose the power of feeling, while the power of — motion continues; and so, on the other hand, the nerve of motion may be divided, and, the nerve of sensation — remaining uninjured, the power of pues 1s rejamen) and the power of motion is lost. | In certain nervous diseases, sometimes a Ajeet aie its power of feeling, and yet retains the power of mo- tion ; in other cases, the power of motion is lost, and the power of sensation is retained; and in other cases, — still, when a limb is paralysed, both the power of motion ad. of sensation are lost. Now, the nerves, like all other parts of the ies ‘ gain and lose strength, according as they are exercised. If they have too much, or too little, exercise, they lose strength; if they are exercised to a proper degree, they gain strength. When the mind is continuously excited, by business, study, or the imagination, the nerves of feeling are kept in constant action, while the nerves of motion are unemployed. If this is continued, for a long time, the nerves of sensation lose their strength, from over action, and the nerves of motion lose their power, from inactivity. In consequence, there is a morbid ex-— citability of the nervous, and a debility of the mus- cular, system, which make all exertion irksome and wearisome. ‘The only mode of preserving the health of these systems, is, to keep up in them an equilibrium of action. For this purpose, occupations must be sought, which exercise the muscles, and interest the mind; and thus the equal action of both kinds of nerves is secured. This shows why exercise is so much more healthful and invigorating, when the mind is interested, than when it isnot. Asan illustration, let a person go a shopping, with a friend, and have nothing to do, but look on; how soon do the continuous walking and standing weary! But suppose one, thus wearied, hears of the arrival of a very dear friend; she can instantly walk off a mile or ’ a 2 ¥ two, to meet her, without the least feeling of fatigue persons, exercise in which they will take an interest. -Long and formal walks, merely for exercise, though they do some good, in securing fresh air and some ex- ercise of the muscles, would be of triple benefit, if changed to amusing sports, or to the cultivation of Sruits and flowers, in which it is impossible to engage, without acquiring a great interest. It shows, also, why st is far better to trust to useful domestic exercise, at home, than to send a young person out to walk, for the mere purpose of exercise. Young girls can seldom be made to realize the value of health, and the need of exercise to secure it, so as to feel much interest in walking abroad, when they have no other object. But, if they are brought up to minister to the comfort and enjoyment of themselves and others, by performing ‘domestic duties, they will constantly be interested and cheered in their exercise, by the feeling of usefulness, and the consciousness of having performed their duty. _ There are few young persons, it is hoped, who are brought up with such miserable habits of selfishness and indolence, that they cannot be made to feel happier, by the consciousness of being usefully employed. And those who have never been accustomed to think or care for any one but themselves, and who seem to feel little pleasure in making themselves useful, by wise and proper influences, can often be gradually awakened to the new pleasure of benevolent exertion to promote the comfort ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. peers Ii Oo es EE ree ne Re ag NOVO ecg emily oes nd gM abe? ABS ae, Rw WTS ae) SN eR ead SiR SS Meee omens a bs, Sen gal GG 2 * 2; ~ 3) - - ? i * « x _ By this is shown the importance of furnishing, for young _ and enjoyment of others. And the more this sacred and ~ elevating kind of enjoyment is tasted, the greater is the relish induced. Other enjoyments, often cloy; but the heavenly pleasure, secured by virtuous industry and be- nevolence, while it satisfies, at the time, awakens fresh desires for so ennobling a good. But, besides the favorable influence on the nervous and muscular system, thus gained, it has been shown, hat exercise imparts fresh strength and vitality to all parts of the body. The exertion of the muscles quick- ? ST Srmmr Reet ek) Soak eA hl oe) pe $3: tet ver —: an 182 ; ON DOMESTIC “BXERCISE: «ae — dts Fastes to every part of the pres pai = course loses a portion of its nourishing qualities. “When. this is the case, the stomach issues its mandate of hunger, calling for new supplies. When these are furnished, the action of the muscles again hastens a full supply to every organ, and thus the nerves, the muscles, the bones, the skin, and all the internal organs, are invigor= ated, and the whole body developes its powers, in fair proportions, fresh strength and full beauty. All the cosmetics of trade, all the labors of mantuamakers, mil liners, makers of corsets, shoemakers, and hairdressers, could never confer so dew and pure a skin, so fresh a color, so finely moulded a form, and such cheerful” health and spirits, as would be secured by training a child to obey the laws of the benevolent Creator, in the ~ appropriate employment of body and mind in useful domestic exercise: And the present habits of the ~ wealthy, and even of those without wealth, which con- demn young girls so exclusively to books or sedentary pursuits, are as destructive to beauty and grace, as meee are to health and happiness. Every allowance should be made for the mistakes of mothers and teachers, to whom the knowledge which — would have saved them from the evils of such a course has never been furnished ; but as information, on these- matters, is every year becoming more abundant, it is _ to be hoped, that the next generation, at least, may be - saved from the evils which afflict those now on the stage. . What a change would be made in the happiness of this Country, if all the pale and delicate young girls should =~ become blooming, healthful, and active, and all the en- feebled and care-worn mothers should be transformed ~ into such fresh, active, healthful, and energetic matrons, as are so frequently found in our mother land! ‘*It has been stated, that the excessive use of the muscles, as much as their inactivity, tends to weaken them. Nothing is more painful, than the keeping a muscle constantly on the stretch, without any relaxa- ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. 133 e ‘tion or change. This can be realized, by holding out an arm, perpendicularly to the body, for ten or fifteen minutes, if any one can so long bear the pain. Of course, confinement to one position, for a great length of time, tends to weaken the muscles thus strained. — _ This shows the evil of confining young children to their seats, in the schoolroom, so much and so long as is often done. Having no backs to their seats, as © is generally the case, the muscles, which are employed in holding up the body, are kept in a state of constant tension, till they grow feeble from overworking. Then, the child begins to grow crooked, and the parents, to remedy the evil, sometimes put on bracers or corsets. These, instead of doing any good, serve to prevent the use of those muscles, which, if properly exercised, ~ would hold the body straight; and thus they grow still weaker, from entire inactivity. If a parent perceives that a child-is growing crooked, the proper remedy is, to withdraw it from all pursuits which tax one par- ticular set of muscles, and turn it out to exercise in sports, or in gardening, in the fresh air, when all the muscles will be used, and the whole system strength- ened. Or, if this cannot be done, sweeping, dusting, running of errands, and many household employments, which involve lifting, stooping, bending, and walking, are quite as good, and, on some accounts, better, pro- vided the house is properly supplied with fresh air. Where persons have formed habits of inactivity, some caution is necessary, in attempting a change ; this must be made gradually; and the muscles must never be excessively fatigued at any time. If this change be not thus gradually made, the weakness, at first caused by inactivity, will be increased by excessive exertion. A distinguished medical gentleman gives this rule, to direct us in regard to the amount of fa- tigue, which is safe and useful. A person is never too much fatigued, if one night of repose gives sufh- cient rest, and restores the usual strength. But, if the sleep is disturbed, and the person wakes with a feeling | 12 D. E. ‘Sa: ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. : of weariness and languor, it is a sure indivtels the exercise has been excessive. No more fatigue, — then, should be allowed, than one night's: rest. — a remedy, Ss 4 Some persons object to sweeping, on account of ‘the a dust inhaled. But free ventilation, frequent sweeping, — Si and. the use of damp sand, or damp Indian: meal, or 4 damp tea leaves, for carpets, will secure a more clear E atmosphere than is often found in the streets of cities. ‘ _ And the mother, who will hire domestics, to take away this and other domestic employments, which would — secure. to her daughters, health, grace, beauty, and domestic virtues, and the young ladies, who consent to be deprived of these advantages, will probably live to mourn over the languor, discouragement, pain, and sorrow, which will come with ill health, as the almost. inevitable result. The following are extracts from «The Young Lae dies’ Friend,’ on this subject :— “Whether rich or poor, young or old, married or single, a woman is always liable to be called: to the performance of every kind of domestic duty, as well — as to be placed at the head of a family; and nothing; short of a practical knowledge of the details of house- keeping, can ever make those duties easy, or render her competent to direct others in the performance of. them. ‘All moral writers on female character, treat of Domestic Economy as an indispensable part of female education ; and this, too, in the old countries of Eu- rope, where an abundant population, and the institu- — tions of society, render it easy to secure the services of faithful domestics.” ‘‘ All female characters that are held up to admira-_ tion, whether in fiction or biography, will be found to possess these domestic accomplishments; and, if they ¥ are considered indispensable in the Old World, how much more are they needed, in this land of inde- pendence, where riches cannot exempt the mistress of ON DOMESTIC EXERCISE. 135 a sails from the difficulty of procuring efficient aid, and where perpetual change of domestics, renders per- _ petual instruction and superintendence necessary. - “Since, then, the details of good housekeeping must _ be included in a good female education, it is very de- _ sirable that they should be acquired when young, and so practised as to become easy; and to be neaored dexterously and expeditiously.” “The elegant and accomplished Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, who figured in the fashionable, as well as the literary, circles of her time, has aids that ‘the most minute details of household economy become elegant and refined, when they are ennobled by senti- ment ;’ and they are truly ennobled, when we do them either from a sense of duty, or consideration for a parent, or love to .a husband. ‘'To furnish a room,’ continues this lady, ‘is no longer a commonplace affair, shared with upholsterers and cabinet-makers ; it is dec orating the place where I am to meet a friend or lover To order dinner is not merely arranging a meal with my cook; it is preparing refreshment for him whom I love. These necessary occupations, viewed in this light, by a person capable of strong attachment, are so many pleasures, and afford her far more delight, than the games and shows which constitute the amuse- ments of the world.’ “Such is the testimony of a titled lady of the last century, to the sentiment that may be made to mingle in the most homely occupations. I will now quote that of a modern female writer and traveller, who, in her pleasant book, called ‘Six Weeks on the Loire, has thus described the housewifery of the daughter of a French nobleman, residing in a superb chateau on that river. The travellers had just arrived, and been introduced, when the following scene took place. “ ON GIVING IN CHARITY. ~ 199 women who have, or who hire the use of, infant chil- dren; others, who are blind, or maimed, or deformed, or who. can adroitly feign such infirmities, and, by these | means of exciting. pity, and by artful tales of wo, they collect alms, both in city and country, to spend in all manner of gross and guilty indulgences. Meantime, many persons, finding themselves often duped by im- postors, refuse to give at all; and thus many benefac- tions are withdrawn, which a wise economy in charity would have secured. For this, and other reasons, it is wise and merciful, to adopt the general rule, never to give alms, till we have had some opportunity of knowing how they will be spent. . There are exceptions to this, as to every general rule, which a person of discretion can determine. But the practice, so common’ among benevolent persons, of giving, at least a trifle, to all who ask, lest, perchance, they may turn away some, who are . really sufferers, is one; which causes more sin and mis- ery than it cures. The writer has never known any system for dis- pensing charity, so successful, as the one which, in many places, has been adopted in connection with the distribution of tracts. By this method, a town or city is divided into districts ; and each district is committed to the care of two ladies, whose duty it is, to call on each family and leave a tract, and make that the occa- sion for entering into conversation, and learning the situation of all residents in the district. By this method, the ignorant, the vicious, and the poor, are discovered, and their physical, intellectual, and moral, wants, are investigated. In some places, where the writer has resided or visited, each person retained the same district, year after year, so that every poor family in the place was under the watch and care of some in- telligent and benevolent lady, who used all her influence to secure a proper education for the children, to furnish them with suitable reading, to encourage habits of in- dustry and economy, and to secure regular attendance on public religious instruction.. Thus, the rich and the 180 —s oN ECONOMY or TIME. poor were brought in contact, in a way adva to both parties; and, if such a system could | sally adopted, more ‘would be done for the preve of poverty and vice, than all the wealth of the N ‘could avail for their relief. But this plan canno successfully carried out, in this manner, unless there’ a large proportion of intelligent, benevolent, and self- denying, persons; and the mere distribution of tracts, a without the other parts of the plan, Is of very little avail. ~ ae But there is one species of charity, which needs — especial consideration. It is that, which mduces us~ to refrain from judging of the means and the relative charities of other persons. There have been’such in- — distinct notions, and so many different standards of | duty, on this subject, that it is rare for two persons to — think exactly alike, in regard to the rule of duty. Hach person is bound to inquire and judge for himself, asto his own duty or deficiencies; but as both the resources, and the amount of the actual charities, of other men are beyond our ken, it is as indecorous, as it is unchari- table, to sit in judgement on their decisions. | CHAPTER. XVL. an ON ECONOMY OF TIME AND EXPENSES. = On Economy of Time. Tue ‘value of time, and our obligation to spend every hour for some useful end, are what few minds properly realize. And those, who have the highest sense of their obligations in this respect, sometimes greatly misjudge in “their estimate “of what are useful and proper modes of employing time. This arises from limited views of the importance of some pursuits, which they would deem frivolous and useless, but which are, ON ECONOMY OF TIME. 18] in reality, necessary to preserve the health of body and _mind, and those social affections, which it is very im- ‘ _ portant to cherish. Christianity teaches, that, for all the time afforded us, we must give account to God; and that we have no right to waste a single hour. But time, which is spent in rest or amusement, is often as ‘usefully employed, as if it were devoted to labor or de- votion. In employing our time, we are to make suita- ble allowance for sleep, for preparing and taking food, for securing the means of a livelihood, for intellectual improvement, for exercise and amusement, for social enjoyments, and for benevolent and religious duties. And it is the right apportionment. of time, to these various duties, which constitutes its true economy. In making this apportionment, we are bound by the same rules, as relate to the use of property. We are to employ whatever portion is necessary to sustain life and health, as the first duty; and the remainder we are so to apportion, that our highest interests, shall receive the greatest allotment, and our physical gratifications, the-least. The laws of the Supreme Ruler, when He became the civil as well as the religious Head of the Jewish theocracy, furnish an example, which it would be well for all attentively to consider, when forming plans for the apportionment of time and property. To properly estimate this example, it must be borne in mind, that the main object of God, was, to preserve His religion among the Jewish nation; and that they were not re- quired to take any means to propagate it among other nations, as Christians are now required to extend Chris- tianity. So low were they, in the scale of civilization and mental developement, tha. a system, which con- fined them to one spot, as an agricultural people, and prevented their growing very rich, or having extensive commerce with other nations, was indispensable to pre- vent their relapsing into the low idolatries and vices of - the nations around them. The proportion of time and property, which every 16 D. E. 75 eee rae cs 2) ey Fae re hee ae one eee Le Dh i erik at aT nek bie, a hi LS2% ON ECONOMY OF TIME. Jew: was required to devote to intellectual, be: and religious purposes, was as follows: In regard to property, they were required : -one tenth of all their yearly income, to sup} Levites, the priests, and the religious service. they were required to give the first fruits of all th - corn, wine, oil, and fruits, and the first-born of all thei cattle, for the Lord’s treasury, to be employed for the priests, the widow, the fatherless, and the stranger. The first-born, adao, of their children, were the Lord’s, and were to be redeemed by a specified sum, paid into the sacred treasury. Besides this, they were required to bring a freewill offering to God, every time they _ went up to the three great yearly festivals. In addition to this, regular yearly sacrifices, of cattle and fowls, were required of each family, and occasional sacrifices — for certain sins or ceremonial impurities. In reaping” their fields, they were required to leave unreaped, for the poor, the corners; not to glean their fields, olive- yards, or vineyards; and, if a sheaf was left, by. mistake, : they were not to return for it, but leave it for the poor. When a man sent away a servant, he was thus charged: “ Furnish him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy | floor, and out of thy wine-press.” When a poor man came to borrow money, they were forbidden to deny him, or to take any interest; and if, at the sabbatical, or seventh, year, he could not pay, the: debt.waa to-he : a cancelled. And to this command, is added the signifi- cant caution, “‘ Beware that there be not a thought in — thy wicked heart, saying, the seventh year, the year of — release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou givest him nought; and he cry — @ unto the Lord against thee, and it be sin unto thee. — Thou shalt surely give him, ” «because that for this thing the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and ne all that thou puttest thine hand unto.” Besidens - . this, the Levites were distributed through the land, with the intention that they should be instructers and priests ; i every part of the nation. Thus, one twelfth of the — ON ECONOMY OF TIME. 183 people. were, set apart, having no landed property, to be priests and teachers ; and the other tribes were required — to. support them liberally. ealn regard to the time taken from secular pursuits, for the support of religion, an equally liberal amount was demanded. In the first place, one seventh part of their lime was taken for the weekly sabbath, when no kind of work was to be done. Then the whole nation were required to meet, at the appointed place, three times a year, which, including their journeys, and stay there, occupied eight weeks, or another seventh part of their time. Then the sabbatical year, when no agri- cultural labor was to be done, took another seventh of their time from their regular pursuits, as they were an agricultural people. ‘This was the amount of time and property demanded by God, simply to sustain religion and morality within the bounds of that nation. Christianity demands the spread of its blessings to all mankind, and so the restrictions laid on the Jews are. withheld, and all our wealth and time, not needful for our own best interest, is to be employed in improving the condition of our fellow-men. In deciding respecting the rectitude of our pursuits, we are bound to aim at some practical good, as the ultimate object. With every duty of this life, our benevolent Creator has connected: some species of enjoyment, to draw us to perform it. Thus, the palate is gratified, by performing the duty of nourishing our bodies; the principle of curiosity is gratified, in pur- suing useful knowledge; the desire of approbation is eratified; when we perform benevolent and social du ties; and every other duty has an alluring enjoyment connected with it. But the great mistake of mankind has consisted in seeking the pleasures, connected with these duties, as the sole aim, without reference to the main end that should be held in view, and to which the enjoyment should be made subservient. Thus, men seek to gratify the palate, without reference to the question whether the body is properly nourished ; wea ON ECONOMY | (OF FINE, and follow after knowledge, without wie: : it ministers to good or evil. ‘ But, in gratifying the implanted aneivkt of | ‘ture, we are bound so to restrain ourselves, Be and- conscience, as always to seek the main objects existence—the highest good of ourselves and _ others; and never to sacrifice this, for the mere gratification of our sensual desires. We are to gratify appetite, just : so far as is consistent with health and usefulness ; a the desire for knowledge, just so far as will enable us_ to do most good by our influence and efforts; and no — farther. We are to seek social intercoursé; to that 4 extent, which will best promote domestic enjoyment _ be and kindly feelings among neighbors and friends; and we are to pursue exercise and amusement, only so far as wili best sustain the vigor of bedy and mind. For 4 the right apportionment of time, to these and various % other duties, we are to give an account to our Creator . ‘and final J udge. aes Instead of ‘attempting to give any very specific vile 4 on this subject, some modes of economizing time will be suggested. The most powerful of all agencies, in this matter, is, that habit of system and order, in all our pursuits, which has been already pointed out. It is probable, that a regular and systematic employment — of time, will enable a person to accomplish thrice the amount of labor, that could otherwise be performed. ~ a Another mode of economizing time, is, by umitmg several objects in one employment. Thus, Sabie or charitable efforts, can be united with social enjoy-_ ments, as is done in associations for sewing, or visiting 4 the poor. Instruction and amusement can also be — combined. Pursuits like music, gardening, drawing, — botany, and the like, unite intellectual improvement — with amusement, sabia enjoyment, and exercise. — With housekeepers, and others whose employments are various and desultory, much time can be saved by preparing employments for little intervals of leisure. — Thus, some ladies make ready, and keep in the parlor, — ON ECONOMY IN EXPENSES. 185 light work, to take up when detained there; some keep a book at hand, in- the nursery, to Sonal while holding or sitting by a sleeping infant. One of the ‘most popular female poets of our Country very often shows her friends, at their calls, that the thread of the knitting, never need interfere with the thread of agree- able discourse. - It would be astonishing, to one who had never tried the experiment, how much can be accomplished, by a little planning and forethought, in thus finding employ- ment for odd intervals of time. But, besides economizing our own time, we are bound to use our influence and example to promote the discharge of the same duty by others. A woman is under obligations so to arrange the hours and pur- suits of her family, as to promote systematic and habit- ual industry ; and if, by late breakfasts, irregular hours for meals, and other hinderances of this kind, she in- terferes with, or refrains from promoting regular indus- try in, others, she is accountable to God for all the waste of time consequent on her negligence. The mere example of system and industry, in a house- keeper, has a wonderful influence in promoting the same virtuous habit in others. On Economy in Expenses. It is impossible for.a woman to practise a wise economy in expenditures, unless she is taught how to do it, either by a course of experiments, or by the instruction of those who have had experience. It is amusing to notice the various, and oftentimes contra- dictory, notions of economy, among judicious and ex- perienced housekeepers ; for there is probably no econ- omist, who would not be deemed lavish or wasteful, in some respects, by another and equally experienced and judicious person, who, in some different points, would herself be as much condemned by the other. These diversities are occasioned by dissimilar early habits, and by the different relative value assigned, by 16* D. FE. 186 — ON ECONOMY IN_ EEPEaaae each, to the various modes of. enjoyment, money is expended. But, though there may be much -disagreemer minor matters, there are certain general prince which all unite in sanctioning. ‘The first, is, that ¢ be taken. to know the amount of income and of ¢ rent expenses, so that the proper relative proportion — be preserved, and the expenditures never exceed the means. Few women can do this, thoroughly, without keeping regular accounts. The habits of this Nation, _ especially among business-men, are so -desultory, and — the current expenses of a family, in many points, are so much more under the control of the man than of the woman, that many women, who are disposed to be systematic in this matter,.cannot follow their wishes. ~ But there are often cases, ‘when much is left ‘undone 4 in this particular, simply because no effort is. made. Yet every woman is bound to do as much as is in her > power, to accomplish a systematic mode of expendi- ture, and the regulation of it by Christian principles. _ The following are examples of different methods — which have been adopted, for securing a proper ad- justment of expenses to the means. The first, is that of a lady, who kept a large ae ing-house, in one of our cities. Every evening, before retiring, she took an account of the expenses of the day; and this usually occupied her not more than fifteen minutes, at a time. On each Saturday, she made an inventory of the stores on hand, and of the daily expenses, and also of what was due to her; and then made an exact estimate of her expenditures and profits. This, after the first two or three weeks, never took more than an hour, at the close of the week. Thus, by a very little time, regularly devoted to this object, she knew, accurately, her income, expenditures, 4 and profits. ; Another friend of the writer, lives on a regular sala- ry. The method adopted, in this case, is to calculate fa what the- salary amounts, each week, Then an — ON ECONUMY IN EXPENSES. 187 account is kept, of what is paid out, each week, for feat, fuel, wages, and food. This amount of each week is_ deducted from the weekly income. ‘The re- mainders of each week are added, at the close of a ‘month, as the stock from which is to be taken, the dress, furniture, books, travelling expenses, charities, and. all other expenditures. Another lady, whose husband is a lawyer, divides the year into four quarters, and the income into four equal parts. She then makes her plans, so that the expenses of one quarter shall never infringe on the income of another. So resolute is she, in carrying out this determination, that if, by any mischance, she is in want of articles before the close of a quarter, which she has not the means for providing, she will subject herself to temporary inconvenience, by waiting, rather than violate her rule. Another lady, whose husband is engaged in a busi- ness, which he thinks makes it impossible for him to know what his yearly income will be, took this meth- od:—She kept an account of all her disbursements, for one year. This she submitted to her husband, and obtained his consent, that the same sum should be under her control, the coming year, for similar pur- poses, with the understanding, that she might modify future apportionments, in any way her judgement and conscience might approve. A great deal of uneasiness and discomfort is caused, to both husband and wife, in many cases, by an entire want of system and ‘forethought, in arranging expenses. Both keep buying what they think they need, without any calculation as to how matters are coming out, and with a sort of dread of running in debt, all the time harassing them. Such never. know the comfort of independence. But, if a man or woman will only calculate what their income is, and then plan so as to know that they are all the time living within it, they secure one of the greatest comforts, which wealth ever bestows, and what many of the rich, who live in a 188 ON ECONOMY IN EXPENS loose and careless way, never enjoy. It is much the amount of i income, as the reg gular and corre ‘apportionment of expenses, ‘that’ makes "a: family -tru comfortable. A man, with ten thousand a y often more harassed, for want of money, than tt tematic economist, who supports a family on only st hundred a year. And the inspired command, “ Ow no man sil thing,” can never be petted oe ob- means. . , eg 5 As it is very important that young 1a should learn . ‘systematic economy, in expenses, it will be a great — benefit, for every young girl to begin, at twelve or thir- teen years’ of age, to make her own purchases, and keep her accounts, under the guidance of her mother, — or some other friend. And if parents would ascertain the actual expense of a daughter’s clothing, for a year, and give the sum to her, in quarterly payments, re- quiring a regular account, it would be of great benefit in preparing “her for future duties. How else are young — ladies to learn to make purchases properly, and to be) — systematic and economical? The art of system and economy can no more come. by intuition, than the art — of watchmaking or bookkeeping; and how strange it — appears, that so many young ladies take charge of a — husband’s establishment, without having had either in- struction or experience in one of the most paige x duties of their station! abide The second general principle of economy, is, that, mn a apportioning an income, among various objects, he _ most important should receive the largest supply, and that all retrenchments be made in matters of less im- — portance. In a-previous chapter, some general princi- ples have been presented, to guide in this duty. Some — additional hints will here be added, on the same topic. In regard to dress and furniture, much want of judgement and good taste is often seen, in purchasing — some expensive article, which is not at all in keeping with the other articles connected with it. Thus, 7 "Ce ON ECONOMY IN EXPENSES. 189 arge ‘sideboard, or elegant mirror, or sofa, which would be suitable only for a large establishment, with other rich furniture, is crowded Finds too small a room, with eoarse and cheap articles around it. So, also, some- times a parlor, and company-chamber, will be furnished in a style suitable only for the wealthy, while the table will be supplied with shabby linen, and imperfect crockery, and every other part of the house will look, im comparison with these fine rooms, mean and nig- gardly. It is not at all uncommon, to find very showy and expensive articles in the part of the house visible to strangers, when the children’s rooms, kitchen, and other back portions, are on an entirely different scale. So in regard to dress, a lady will sometimes purchase an elegant and expensive article, which, instead of at- tracting admiration from the eye of taste, will merely serve as a decoy to the painful contrast of all other parts of the dress. A woman of real good taste and discretion, will strive to maintain a relative consistency between all departments, and not, in one quarter, live on a scale fitted only to the rich, and in another, on one appropriate only to the poor. - ' Another mistake in economy, is often made, by some of the best-educated and most intelligent of mothers. Such will often be found spending day after day at needlework, when, with a comparatively small sum, this labor could be obtained of those who need the money, which such work would procure. for them. Meantime, the daughters of the family, whom the mother is qualified to educate, or so nearly qualified, that she could readily keep ahead of her children, are sent to expensive boarding-schools, where their delicate frames, their pliant minds, and their moral and re- ligious interests, are relinquished to the hands of strangers. And the expense, thus incurred, would serve to pay the hire of every thing the mother can d) in sewing, four or five times over. ‘he same want of economy is shown in communities, where, instead of establishing a good female school in their vicinity, the / t His expense, to be either educated or apo | case imaybe.* 268s HAE _ Another species of poor economy, is manifest neglecting to acquire and apply mechanical skill, whi in consequence, has to be hired from others. ‘Thus, all the plain sewing will be done by the mother a daughters, while all that requires skill will be hire Instead of this, others take pains tohave their daugh ters instructed in mantuamaking, and the simpler ene 7 of millmery, so that the plain work is given to the poor, % who need it, and the more expensive and — “—s operations are performed in the family. The writer — knows ladies, who not orly make their own dresses a but also their caps, bonnets, and artificial flowers. == Some persons make miscalculations in economy, by habitually looking up cheap articles, while others go tc the opposite extreme, and always buy the best of every thing. Those ladies, who are considered the best - economists, do not adopt either method. In regard te | cheap soods, the fading colors, the damages discovered — in use, the poorness of material, and the extra sewing — demanded to replace articles lost by such causes, usually render them very dear, in the end. On the other hand, though some articles, of the most ex- pensive kind, wear longest and best, yet, asa general © rule, articles at medium prices do the> best service. — This is true of table and bed linens, broadcloths, shirt- _ings, and the like; though, even im these cases, itis often found, that the coarsest and cheapest last the q | longest. - oe Buying by wholesale, and keeping a large supply on hand, are economical only i in large families, where the ees is careful; but in other cases, the hazards of accident, and the temptation toa lavish use, will make ; the loss outrun the profits. "ae There is one mode of economizing, which, it is ee will every year grow more rare; and that is, wane penurious savings, by getting the poor to work as cheap ON ECONOMY IN EXPENSES. 191 ; possible. Many amiable and benevolent women Tere: done this, on principle, without reflecting on the want of Christian charity thus displayed. Let every woman, in making bargains with the poor, conceive herself placed in the same circumstances, toiling hour after hour, and day after day, for a small sum, and then deal with others as she would be dealt by in such asituation. Liberal prices, and prompt payment, should be an invariable maxim, in dealing with the poor. The third general principle of economy, is, that all articles should be so used, and taken care of, as to secure the longest service, with the least waste. Under this head, come many particulars in regard to the use and preservation of articles, which will be found more in detail in succeeding chapters. It may be proper, however, here to refer to one very common impression, as to the relative obligation of the poor and the rich in regard to economy. Many seem to suppose, that those who are wealthy, have a right to be lavish and negli- - gent in the care of expenses. But this surely is a great mistake. Property is a talent, given by God, to spend for the welfare of mankind ; and the needless waste of it, is as wrong in the rich, as it is in the poor. The rich are under obligations to apportion their income, to the various objects demanding attention, by the same rule as all others; and if this will allow them to spend more for superfluities than those of smaller means, it never makes it right to misuse or waste any of the bounties of Providence. « Whatever is no longer wanted for their own enjoyment, should be carefully saved, to add to the enjoyment of others. It is not always that men understand the economy of Providence, in that unequal distribution of property, which, even under the most perfect form of govern- ment, will always exist. Many, looking at the present state of things, imagine that the rich, if they acted in strict conformity to the law of benevolence, would share ali their property with their suffering fellow-men. But such do not take into account, the inspired declaration ~~ and travel, to secure expansion. of cad and just views Bg ee re life is made valuable, not by aa possessions, Da by such a character as prepares a man to enjoy what he holds. God perceives that human character can bei 2 a most improved, by that kind of discipline, which exists, gs when there is something valuable to be gained by in- _ dustrious efforts. This stimulus to industry could never exist, in a community where all are just alike, as it does in a state of society where every man sees, — possessed by others, enjoyments, which he desires, and — may secure by effort and industry. So, in a community where all are alike as to property, there would be no chance to gain that noblest of all attainments, a habit of self-denying benevolence, which toils for the good of others, and takes from one’s own store, to increase the enjoyments of another. 4 Instead, then, of the stagnation, both of. daca a and of benevolence, which would follow the universal and equable distribution of property, one class of men, by superior advantages of birth, or intellect, or patron- age, come into possession of a great amount of capital. With these means, they are enabled, by study, reading, of the relative advantages of moral, intellectual, and physical enjoyments. At the same time, ‘Christianity imposes obligations, corresponding with the increase of advantazes and means. ‘The rich are not at liberty to spend their treasures for themselves, alone. Their wealth is given, by God, to be employed for the best good of mankind; and their intellectual advantages — are designed, primarily, to enable them to judge cor- rectly, in employing their means most wisely for the — general good. | a Now, suppose a man of wealth inhemie ten daca a sand acres of real estate: it is not his duty to divide it among his poor neighbors and tenants. If he took — this course, it is probable, that most of them would a spend all in thriftless waste and indolence, or m mere ON ECONOMY IN EXPENSES. 193. physical enjoyments. Instead, then, of thus putting his capital out of his hands, he is bound to retain, and so to employ, it, as to raise his neighbors and tenants _ to such a state of virtue and intelligence, that they can secure far more, by their own efforts and industry, than he, by dividing his capital, could bestow upon them. In this view of the subject, it is manifest, that the unequal distribution of property is no evil. The great difficulty is, that so large a portion of those who hold much capital, instead of using their various advantages for the greatest good of those around them, employ the chief of them for mere selfish indulgences; thus inflicting as much mischief on themselves, as results to others from their culpable neglect. A great portion of the rich seem to be acting on the principle, that the more God bestows on them, the less are they under obligation to practise any self-denial, in fulfilling his benevolent plan of raising our race to intelligence and holiness. ) There are not a few, who seem to imagine that it is a mark of gentility to be careless of expenses. But this notion, is owing to a want of knowledge of the world. As a general fact, it will be found, that persons of rank and wealth, abroad, are much more likely to be systematic and economical, than persons of inferior standing in these respects. Even the most frivolous, among the rich and great, are often found practising a rigid economy, in certain respects, in order to secure _ gratifications in another direction. And it will be found so common, among persons of vulgar minds, and little education, and less sense, to make a display of profusion and indifference to expense, as a mark of their claims to gentility, that the really genteel look upon it rather as a mark of low breeding. So that the sort of feeling, which some persons cherish, as if it were a degradation to be careful of small sums, and to be attentive to relative prices, in making purchases, is founded on mistaken notions of gentility and pro- priety. 17 D. E ea ey Wilton: a veld a wnealihes is seel about in search of cheaper articles, or trying t - down a shopkeeper, or making a. close: bargain. those she employs, the impropriety is glaring to Be minds. A person of wealth has no occasion to spend time in looking for extra cheap articles; her tim ‘could be more profitably-employed in distributing to the wants of others. And the practice of os down tradespeople, is vulgar and degrading, m any one. A woman, after a little inquiry, can ascertain © what is the fair and common price of things; and — if she is charged an exorbitant sum, she can- decline ; taking the article. If the price be a fair one, it is not becoming in her to search for another article which — is below the regular charge. If a woman finds that she is in-a store ‘where they charge high prices, expect-_ ing to be beat down, she can mention, that she wishes a to know the lowest. price, as it is Sone to hess seine - ciples to beat down charges. re There is one inconsistency, worthy of notice, which: is found among that class, who are ambitious of. being ranked among the aristocracy of society. It has been remarked, that, in the real aristocracy of other lands, — it is much more common, than with. us, to: ‘practise q systematic economy. And such do not hesitate to say — so, when they cannot afford certain indulgénees, This — practice descends to subordinate grades; so that for 4 eign ladies, when they come to reside among us, sel- dom hesitate in assigning the true reason, when they cannot afford any gratification. But in this Country, it will be found, that many, who are most fond of — copying aristocratic examples, are, on this point, rather. a with the vulgar. Nota few of those young persons who begin life with parlors and dresses in a style fitting only to established wealth, go into expenses, which they can ill afford; and are ashamed even to allow, — that they are restrained from any expense, by motive of economy. Such a confession is never oxen a . iS ON HEALTH OF MIND. ee except by some call of EE ae and then, they are very ready to declare that they cannot afford to bestow even a pittance. In such cases, it would seem as if the direct opposite of Christianity had gained pos- session of their tastes and opinions. ‘They are ashamed to appear to deny themselves ; but are very far from. having any shame in denying the calls of benevolence CHAPTER XVI. ON HEALTH OF MIND. TueEre is such an intimate connection between the body and mind, that the health of one, cannot be pre- served; without a proper care of the other. And it is from a neglect of this principle, that some of the most exemplary and conscientious persons in the world, suffer a thousand mental agonies, from a diseased state of body, while others ruin the health of the body, by neglecting the proper care of the mind. When the brain is excited, by stimulating drinks taken. into the, stomach, it produces a corresponding excitement. of the mental faculties. The reason, the imagination, and al. the powers, are stimulated to preternatural vigor and activity. In like manner, when the mind is excited by earnest intellectual effort, or by strong passions, the brain is equally excited, and. the blood rushes to the head. Sir Astley Cooper records, that, in examining the brain of a young man who had lost a portion of his skull, whenever ‘‘he was agitated, by some opposition to his wishes,” “the blood was sent, with increased force, to his brain,” and the pulsations ‘‘became fre- quent and violent.” The same effect was produced by any intellectual effort; and the flushed countenance, which attends earnest study or strong emotions of fear, shame, or anger, is an external Sadat of the suflused state of the brain from such causes. ON HEALTH OF. MIND. In exhibiting the causes, which injure” shes thas mind, they will be found to be partl partly intellectual, and partly mora The first cause of mental disease and suffer not unfrequently found in the want of a proper su of duly oxygenized blood. It has been shown, that t blood, m passing through the lungs, is purified, by t oxygen of the air combining with the superabundant — hydrogen and carbon of the venous blood, thus forming — carbonic acid and water, which are expired into the © ‘atmosphere. Every pair of lungs is constantly with- — drawing from the surrounding atmosphere its healthful — % principle, and returning one, which is liseli to ne ‘s man life. 3 When, by confinement, and this process, the atmos- phere is deprived of its appropriate supply of oxygen, — the purification of the blood is interrupted, and it passes, without being properly prepared, into the brain, pro- ducing languor, restlessness, and inability .to exercise the intellect and feelings. Whenever, therefore, per-— sons sleep in a close apartment, or remain, for a length of time, in a crowded or ill-ventilated room, a most per- nicious influence is exerted on the brain, and, through _ this, on the mind. A person, who is often exposed. to a such influences, can never enjoy that elasticity and vigor of mind, which i is one of the chief indications of its health. ‘This is the reason, why all. rooms for re- ligious meetings, and. all schoolrooms, and sleeping apartments, should be so contrived, as to secure a con- stant supply of fresh air from without. The minister, who preaches in a. crowded and ill-ventilated apart ment, loses much of his power to feel and to speak, while the audience are equally reduced, in their capa- * bility of attending. The teacher, who confines children in a close apartment, diminishes their ability to study, or to attend to his instructions. And the person, who habitually sleeps in a close room, impairs his nena energies, in a similar degree. It is not unfrequently — the case, that depression of spirits, and stupor of intel- — lect, are occasioned solely by inattention to this subject — 7 ~ ON HEALTH OF MIND. 197 | Another: cause of mental] disease, is, the excessive reise of the intellect or feelings. If the eye Is taxed, ~~ beyond its strength, by protracted use, its blood-vessels ~ become gorged, and the bloodshot appearance warns _ of the excess and the need of’ rest. The brain is affected, in a similar manner, by excessive use, though the - suffering and inflamed’ organ cannot make its ‘appeal to the eye. But there are some indications, _which ought never to be misunderstood or disregarded In cases of pupils, at school or at college, a diseased state, from over action, is often manifested by increased clearness of mind, and ease and vigor of mental action In one instance, known to the writer, a most exemplary and industrious pupil, anxious to improve every hour, and ignorant or unmindful of the laws of health, first manifested the diseased state of her brain and mind, by demands for more studies, and a sudden and earnest activity in planning modes of improvement for herself and others. When warned of her danger, she pro- tested that she never was better, in her life; that she took regular exercise, in the open air, went to bed in season, slept soundly, and felt perfectly well; that her mind was never before so bright and clear, and study never so easy and delightful. And at this time, she was on the verge of derangement, from which she was saved only by an entire cessation of all her intellectual efforts. A similar case occurred, under the eye of the writer, from over-excited feelings. It was during a time of unusual religious interest in the community, and the mental disease was first manifested, by the pupil bring- ing her Hymn-book or Bible to the class-room, and making it her constant resort, in every interval of school duty. It finally became impossible to convince her, that it was her duty to attend to any thing else; her conscience became morbidly sensitive, her per- ceptions indistinct, her deductions unreasonable, and nothing, but entire change of scene, exercise, and amusement, saved her. When the health of the brain le Dow Roe 3 : 5 ; fe han fi Se 198° . ON HEALTH OF ‘MIND was restored, she found that she would a “one ‘thing needful, ” not only without | int Bt - Clergymen and feachSts néed most car notice and guard against the danger here alluded _Any such attention to religion, as prevents — the formance of daily duties and needful relaxation, is — dangerous, as tending to produce such a state of ‘the: 4 brain, as makes it impossible to feel or judge correctly. 3 And when any morbid and unreasonable pertmacity — ‘appears, much exercise, and engagement-in other in- _ teresting pursuits, should be urged, as the only mode. of securing the religious benefits aimed at. ~ And whenever any mind is oppressed with care, anxiety, or sorrow, the amount of active exercise in ‘the fresh q air should be greatly increased, that the action of the muscles may withdraw the blood, which, in such sea- | 4 sons, is constantly tending too much to the brain. ity al 4 There has been a most appalling amount of susnrREe | derangement, disease, and death, occasioned by a want — of attention to this subject, in teachers and aac Uncommon precocity in children isusually the result of — an unhealthy state of the brain; and, in such cases, * medical men would now direct, that the wonderful child should be deprived of all books and study, and turned — to play or work in the fresh air. Instead of this, parents — . frequently add fuel to the fever of the brain, by er ah . constant mental stimulus, until the victim finds refuge in idiocy or an early grave. Where such fatal results do not occur, the brain, in many cases, is so weakened, that the prodigy of infancy sinks below the medium of intel P “_ lectual powers in afterlife. In our colleges, too, na of the most promising minds sink to an early grave, or drag out a miserable existence, from this same cause. — 4 And it is an evil, as yet little alleviated by the increase” of physiological knowledge. Every college and pro- q fessional school, and every seminary for young ladies, needs a medical man, not only to lecture on physiology and the laws of health, but empowered, in his official tas investigate the case of every pupil, and, authority, to restrain him to such a course of study, exercise, and repose, as his physical system requires. _ The writer has found, by experience, that, in a large " jnstitution, there is one class of pupils who need to be restrained, by penalties, from late hours and excessive study, as much as another class need stimulus to in- dustry. Under the head of excessive mental action, must be placed the indulgence of the imagination in novel reading and castle building. This kind of stimulus, unless counterbalanced by physical exercise, not only wastes time and energies, but undermines the vigor of the nervous system. The imagination was designed, by our kind Creator, as the charm and stimulus to animate to benevolent activity ; and its perverted exer- cise seldom fails to bring the appropriate penalty. A third cause of mental disease, is, the want of the appropriate exercise of the various faculties of the mind. On this point, Dr. Combe remarks, ‘“‘ We have seen, that, by disuse, muscle becomes emaciated, bone softens, blood-vessels are obliterated, and. nerves lose their characteristic structure. The brain is no excep- tion to this general rule. Of it, also, the tone is im- paired by permanent inactivity, and it becomes less fit to manifest the mental powers with readiness and energy.’ It is “the withdrawal of the stimulus neces- sary. for its healthy exercise, which renders solitary con- finement so severe a punishment, even to the most daring minds. It is a lower degree of the same cause, which renders continuous seclusion from society so ipjuricus, to beth mental and bodily health.” “ Inactivity of intellect and of feeling is a very fre- quent predisposing cause of every form of nervous disease. For demonstrative evidence of this position, we have only to look at the numerous victims to be found, among persons who have no call to exertion in gaining the means of subsistence, and no objects of interest on which to exercise their mental faculties. ON HEALTH OF MIND. £~* 199 i 200 «ON HEALTH OF MIND. and nervous peskac If we pM abn society, we shall find innumerable examples of me and nervous debility from this cause. Whena person 7 of some mental capacity is confined, for a long time, to an unvarying round of employment, which ‘affords ie neither scope nor stimulus for one half of his faculties and, from want of education or society, has no exter- nal resources ; his mental powers, for want of exercise, become blunted, and his perceptions slow and dull.” “The intellect and feelings, not being provided with ‘7 interests external to themselves, must either become inactive and weak, or work upon themselves and Des come diseased.”’ “The most frequent victims of this. kind of ‘precliss position, are females of the middle and higher ranks, — especially those of a nervous constitution and good natural abilities ; but who, from an ill-directed educa- ~ tion, possess nothing more solid than mere accomplish- ments, and have no materials of thought,” and no “occupation to excite interest or demand attention.” ‘The liability of such persons to melancholy, hysteria, hypochondriasis, and other varieties of mental distress, really depends on a state of irritability of magia in- duced by imperfect exercise.’ ee These remarks, of a LEA man, illustrate the prin-_ ciples before indicated ;—namely, that the demand of = Christianity, that we live to promote the general happi- ness, and not merely for selfish indulgence, has for its aim, not only the general good, but the highest happi- | ness, of the individual of whom it is required. } A person possessed of wealth, who has nothing more. = noble to engage his attention, than seeking his own personal enjoyment, subjects his mental powers and moral feelings to a degree of inactivity, utterly at war with health of mind. And the greater the capacities, the greater are the sufferings which result from this cause. Any one, who has read the misanthropic wail- ings of Lord Byron, has seen the necessary result of — x ON HEALTH OF MIND. | 20) reat and noble powers bereft of their appropriate | exercise, and, in consequence, becoming sources of the keenest suffering. | It is this view of the subject, which has often awakened feelings of sorrow and anxiety in the mind of the writer, while aiding in the developement and education of superior female minds, in the wealthier circles. Not because there are not noble objects for interest and effort, abundant, and within reach of such minds; but because long-established custom has~made it seem so Quixotic, to the majority, even of the pro- fessed followers of Christ, for a woman of wealth to practise any great self-denial, that few have indepen- dence of mind and Christian principle sufficient to overcome such an influence. ‘The more a mind has its powers developed,-the more does it aspire and pine after some object worthy of its energies and affections ; and they are commonplace and phlegmatic characters, who are most free from such deep-seated wauts. Many a young woman, of fine genius and elevated sentiment, finds a charm in Lord Byron’s writings, because they present a glowing picture of what, to a certain extent, must be felt by every well-developed mind, which has no nobler object in life, than the pursuit of its own gratification. If young ladies of wealth could pursue their educa- tion, under the full conviction that the increase of their powers and advantages increased their obligations to use all for the good of society, and with some plan of benevolent enterprise in view, what new motives of interest would be added to their daily pursuits! And what blessed results would follow, to our beloved Coun- try, if all well-educated females carried out the prin- ciples of Christianity, in the exercise of their developed powers | It is cheering to know, that there are women, among the most intelligent and wealthy, who can be presented as examples of what may be done, when there is a heart todo. A pupil of the writer is among this num- the best sdasation: to-all in that nisi ak a mo le charge. Finding no teacher on the ground, prepared _ to take the lead, and though herself a timid and retir- “= ing character, she began, with the aid of the governess : ‘in her mother’s family, a daily school, superintending all, and teaching six hours a day. The liberal-minded — and intelligent mother cooperated, and the result is a flourishing female seminary, with a large and beautiful — and well-furnished building; the greater part of the _ means being supplied by the mother, and almost all by the members of that family connection. And both _ these ladies will testify, that no time or money, spent — for any other object, has ever secured to them more_ real and abiding enjoyment, than witnessing the results of this successful and benevolent entérprise, which, for years to come, will pour forth blessings on society. Another lady could be pointed out, who, possessing 2 q some property, went into a new western village, built and furnished her schoolhouse, and established herself. there, to aid in raising a community from ignorance g and gross worldliness, to intelligence and virtue. And — in repeated instances, among the friends and pupils es ga the writer, young ladies have’ left wealthy homes, and — affectionate friends, to find nobler enjoyments, in el nevolent and active .exertions to extend intelligence _ and virtue, where such disinterested laborers were — needed. In other cases, where it was not practicable " to leave home, well-educated young ladies have inter- ested themselves in common schools in the vicinity, aiding the teachers, by their sympathy, counsel, ana) xg "personal: assistance. E Other ladies, of property and standing, having Ose ilies to educate,. and being well qualified for such du: ties, have relinquished a large portion of domestic labs 1 ),. “ | ON HEALTH OF MIND. _ 203, 1 superintendence, which humbler minds could be hired to perform, devoted themselves to the education _ of their children, and received others, less fortunate, to share with their own these superior advantages. But, so long as the feeling widely exists, that the in- crease of God’s bounties diminishes the obligations of self-denying service for the good of mankind, so long will well-educated women, in easy circumstances, shrink from such confinement and exertion. It is believed, however, that there are many benevo- lent and intelligent women, in this Country, who would gladly engage in such enterprises, were there any ap- propriate way within their reach. And it is a question, well deserving consideration, among those who guide the public mind in benevolent enterprises, whether some organization is not demanded, which shall bring the whole community to act systematically, in voluntary associations, to extend a proper education to every child in this Nation, and to bring into activity all the female enterprise and. benevolence now lying dormant, for want of proper facilities to exercise them. There are hundreds of villages, which need teachers, and that would support them, if they were on the spot, but which never will send for them. And there are hun- dreds of females, now unemployed, who would teach, if a proper place, and home, and support, and escort, were provided for them. And there needs to be some enlarged and systematic plan, conducted by wise and efficient men, to secure these objects. 7 — Could such a plan, as the one suggested, be carried out, it is believed that many female minds, now suffer- ig, from diseases occasioned by want of appropriate objects for their energies, would be relieved. The duties of a teacher exercise every intellectual faculty, to its full extent; while, in this benevolent service, all the social, moral, and benevolent, emotions, are kept in full play. The happiest persons the writer has ever known, —those who could say that they were as happy as they wished to be, in this world, (and she has seen such, )— were persons engaged in this employment. tent, a Proxiless ve for excitement, a caylee unattainable good, a diseased and morbid action of the | imagination, dissatisfaction with the world, and factitio interest in trifles which the mind feels to. be unworthy — of its powers. Such minds sometimes seek alleviation in exciting amusements; others resort to the grosser enjoyments of sense. Oppressed with the extremes of — languor, or over-excitement, or apathy, the body fails. 3 under the wearing process, and adds new causes of suf fering to the mind. Such, the compassionate Saviour 4 calls to his service, in these appropriate terms: “‘Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. ‘Take My yoke upon you, and learn _ of Me,” “and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” +: ~ CHAPTER XVIII. ON THE CARE OF DOMESTICS. THERE is no point, where the women of this Coun try need more wisdom, patience, principle, and self- control, than in relation to those whom they employ in domestic service. The subject is attended with many difficulties, which powerfully influence the happiness of families; and the following suggestions are offered, — to aid in securing right opinions and practice. One consideration, which it would be well to bear in’ mind, on this subject, is, that a large portion of the peculiar trials, which American women suffer from this source, are the necessary evils connected with our most valuable civil blessings. Every blessing of this life ine i volves some attendant liability to evil, from the same source ; and, in this case, while we rejoice at a state of society, which so much raises the condition and advan _ tages of our sex, the evils involved should be regardeo ae - ON THE CARE OF DOMESTICS. 205 as more than repaid, by the compensating benefits. If we cannot secure the cringing, submissive, well-trained, servants of aristocratic lands, let us be consoled that we thus escape from the untold miseries and oppression, which always attend that state of society. _ Instead, then, of complaining that we cannot have our own peculiar advantages, and those of other nations, too, or imagining how much better off we should be, if things were different from what they are, it is much wiser and more Christianlike to strive cheerfully to con- form to actual circumstances ; and, after remedying all that we can control, patiently to submit to what is beyond our power. If domestics are found to be in- competent, unstable, and unconformed to their station, it is Perfect Wisdom which appoints these trials, to teach us patience, fortitude, and self-control; and, if the discipline is met, in a proper spirit, it will prove a blessing, rather than an evil. But, to judge correctly in regard to some of the evils involved in the state of domestic service, in this Coun- try, we should endeavor to conceive ourselves placed in the situation of those, of whom complaint is made, that we may not expect, from them, any more than it would seem right should be exacted from us, in similar circumstances. It is sometimes urged, against domestics, that they exact exorbitant wages. But what is the rule of rec- titude; on this subject? Is it not the universal law of labor and of trade, that an article is to be valued, ac- cording to its scarcity and the demand? When wheat is scarce, the farmer raises his price; and when a me- chanic offers services, difficult to be obtained, he makes a corresponding increase of price. And why is it not right, for domestics to act according to a rule, allowed to be correct in reference to all other trades and profes- sions? It is a fact, that really good domestic service must continue to increase in value, just in proportion as this Country waxes rich and prosperous; thus making the proportion of those, who wish to hire labor, rela 18 D. EB. 206 tively greater, and the sim aci oa those; 1 to service, less. RA ~ Money enables the rich to. gainy many a which those of more limited circumstances ¢ eure. One of these, is, securing good domestics offermg high wages; and this, as the scarcity. of 1 _class increases, will_serve constantly to raise the pric of service. It is right for domestics to charge the — market value, and this value is always decided by. the scarcity of the article and the amount of demand. Right views of this subject, will sometimes serve to % diminish hard feelings towards those, who would oth-_ a erwise be wrongfully regarded as unreasonable. and : exacting. hes a Another complaint against domestics, is, that! ae ins 8 stability and discontent, leading to perpetual change. e But in reference to this, let a mother or daughter con- ceive of their own circumstances as so changed, that the daughter must go out to service. Suppose a place is engaged, and it is then found that she must sleepin ~~ a comfortless garret; and that, when a new domestic comes, perhaps a coarse and dirty foreigner, she must share her bed with her. Another place is offered, where she can have a comfortable room, and an agree- — able room-mate ; in such a case, would not both mother * and daughter think it right to change? 7 4 Or, suppose, on trial, it was found that the lady er" . A house was fretful, or exacting, and hard to please ; : i ', that her children were so ungoverned, as to be per- — aed vexations ; or, that the work was so heavy, that no time was allowed for relaxation and the care of a_ wardrobe ;—and another place offers, where these. evils 4 can be escaped: would not mother and daughter here ~ think it right to change? And is it not right for do- — mestics, as well as their employers, to seek: places, — where they can be most comfortable? a ~In some cases, this instability and love of change would be rimedioc: if employers would take more ‘pains — to make a residence with them agreeable; and to attach a # ~ ON THE CARE OF DOMESTICS. 207 ae to re family, by feelings of aoliinde and _ affection. — ‘There are ladies, even where well-qualified domestics are most rare, who seldom find any trouble in keeping good and steady ones. And the reason is, that their domestics know they cannot better their con- - dition, by any change’ within reach. It is not merely by giving them comfortable rooms,.and good food, and presents, and privileges, that the attachment of domes- tics is secured ; it is by the manifestation of a friendly and benevolent interest in their comfort and improve- ment. This is exhibited, in bearing patiently with their faults; in kindly teaching them how to improve; in showing them how to make and take proper care of their clothes; in guarding their health; in teaching ‘them to read, if necessary, and supplying them with proper books; and, in short, by endeavoring, so far as may be, to supply the place of parents. It is seldom that such a course would fail to secure steady service, and such affection and gratitude, that even higher wages would be ineffectual to tempt them away. _There would probably be some cases of ungrateful re- turns; but there is no doubt that the course indicated, if generally pursued, would very much lessen the evil in question. Another subject of complaint, in regard to domestics, is, their pride, insubordination, and spirit not con- formed to their condition. They are not willing to be called servants; in some places, they claim a seat, at meals, with the family; they imitate a style of dress ‘unbecoming their condition; and their manners and ~ address are rude and disrespectful. ‘That these evils are very common, among this class of persons, cannot he denied; the only question is, how can they best be met and remedied. In regard to the common feeling among domestics, which is pained and offended by being called “‘ser- vants,”’ there is need of some consideration and allow- ance. It should be remembered, that, in this Country, children, from their earliest years, are trained to abhor. ON THE CARE OF DOMESTI ‘So slavery, in 1 reference to themselves, as ; the all possible shame and degradation. petually hearing orations, songs, and ecuipent | all sorts, which set forth the honor and dignity of men, and heap scorn and contempt on all who wo be so mean as to be slaves. Now the term servant, and the duties it involves, are, in the minds of many persons, nearly the same as those of slave. And there | are few minds, entirely free from associations which a make servitude a degradation. It is not always: pride, then, which makes this term so offensive. It is a con- 4 sequence of that noble and generous spirit of freedom, — which every American draws from his mother’s breast, and which ought to be respected, rather than despised. | In order to be respected, by others, we must respect ourselves; and sometimes the ruder classes of society make claims, deemed forward and offensive, when, with their views, such a position seems indispensable to eer serve a proper self-respect. 4) Where an excessive sensibility on this siibibet’ exists, and forward and disrespectful manners result from’ ite the best remedy is, a kind attempt to give correct views, such as better-educated minds are best able to attain. It should be shown to them, that, in this Country, labor has ceased to be degrading, j in any class; that, in all classes, different grades of subordination must exist; and that it is no more degrading, for a domestic to re- gard the heads of a family as superiors in station, and treat them with becoming respect, than it 1s for chil- dren to do the same, or for men to treat their rulers with respect and deference. They should be taught, that domestics use a different entrance to the house, and sit at a distinct table, not because they are inferior’ beings, but because this is the best method of securing neatness, order, and convenience. ‘They can be shown, al | if it is attempted in a proper spirit and manner, that . | these very regulations really tend to their own ease and comfort, as well as to that of the family. + ta - The writer has known a case, where the lady of the ei ay eee paca eles f a ee" ’ MS - ae ™ ON THE CARE OF DOMESTICS. 209 3 eleily,; for the sake of convincing Hen Anite of the truth of these views, allowed her to follow her own notions, for a short time, and join the family at meals. It was merely required, as a condition, that she should always dress her hair as the other ladies did, and appear in a clean dress, and abide by all the rules of propriety at table, which the rest were required to prac- tise, and which were duly detailed. ‘The experiment was tried, two or three times; and, although the domes- tic was treated with studious politeness and kindness, she soon felt that she should be much more comforta- ble in the kitchen, where she could talk, eat, and dress, as she pleased. A reasonable domestic can also be made to feel the propriety of allowing opportunity for the family to talk freely of their private affairs, when they meet at meals, as they never could do, if restrained by the constant presence of a stranger. Such views, presented in a kind and considerate manner, will often entirely change the views of a domestic, who is sensi- tive on such subjects. When a domestic is forward and bold in manners, and disrespectful in address, a similar course can be pursued. It can be shown, that those, who are among the best-bred and genteel, have courteous and respect- ful manners and language to all they meet, while many, who have wealth, are regarded as vulgar, because they exhibit rude and disrespectful manners. ‘The very term, gentleman, indicates the refinement and delicacy of address, which distinguishes the high-bred from the coarse and vulgar. In regard to appropriate dress, in most cases it is difficult for an employer to interfere, directly, with com- ments or advice. ‘The most successful mode, is, to offer some service in mending or making a wardrobe, and when a confidence in the kindness of feeling is thus gained, remarks and suggestions will generally be properly received, and new views of propriety and economy can be imparted. In some cases, it may be well for an employer,—who, from appearances, antici- 18* D. E. * Cle om her. deinpiae: kept neat, pee Pek that she expects to males ee of their duty, neglect the care of their own chambers and. clot and such habits have a most pernicious influence « their wellbeing, and on that of their children in futur domestic life. An employer, then, is bound to exer a parental care over jessie in these respects. qualifications. for them duties, much patience and be- — nevolence are required. Multitudes have never been _ taught to do their work properly ; and, in such cases, — how unreasonable it would be to expect it of them! Most persons, of this class, depend, for their knowledge be in domestic affairs, not on their parents, who are usu- ally unqualified to instruct them, but on their employ- _ ers; and if they live ina family. where nothing is done neatly and properly, they have no chance to learn how ~ to perform their duties well. When a lady finds that — q she must employ a domestic who is ignorant, awkward, _ and careless, her first effort should be, to make all proper allowance for past want of instruction, and the — next, to remedy the evil, by kind and patient teaching. — In doing this, it should ever be borne in mind, thabad nothing is more difficult, than to change old habits, and — to learn to be thoughtful and considerate. “And. a woman must make up. her mind to tell the same thin: “over and over again,” and yet not lose her patience. — It will often save much vexation, if, on the arrival of new domestic, the mistress of the family, or a daughte will, for two or three days, go round with the novice, — ey show the exact manner in which it is expected — q the work will be done. And this, also, it may be w to specify in the agreement, as some domestics woul otherwise resent such a supervision. ae But it is often remarked, that, after a. woman | E faken all this pains to instruct a domestic, and m a ON THE CARE OF DOMESTICs. 211 her a good one, some other person will offer higher _ wages, and she will leave. This, doubtless, is a sore trial; but, if such efforts were made in the true spirit of benevolence, the lady will still have her reward, in the - consciousness that she has contributed to the welfare of society, by making one more good domestic, and one more comfortable family where that domestic is employed; and if the latter becomes the mother of a family, a whole circle of children will share in the benefit. : | There is one great mistake, not unfrequently made, in the management both of domestics and of children ; and that is, in supposing that the way to cure defects, is by finding fault as each failing occurs. But, instead of this being true, in many cases the directly opposite course is the best; while, in all instances, much good judgement is required, in order to decide when to notice faults, and when to let them pass unnoticed. There are some minds, very sensitive, easily discour- aged, and infirm of purpose. . Such persons, when they have formed habits of negligence, haste, and awkward- _ hess, often need expressions of sympathy and encour- agement, rather than reproof. They have usually been found fault with, so much, that they have become either hardened or desponding ; and it is often the case, that a few words of commendation will awaken fresh efforts and renewed hope. In almost every case, words of kindness, confidence, and encouragement, should be mingled with the needful admonitions or reproof. It is a good rule, in reference to this point, to fore- warn, instead of finding fault. Thus, when a thing has been done wrong, let it pass unnoticed, till it is to be done again; and then, a simple request, to have it done in the right way, will secure quite as much, and proba- _ bly more, willing effort, than.a reproof administered for neglect. Some persons seem to take it for granted, that young and inexperienced minds are bound to have all the forethought and discretion of mature persons ; and freely express wonder and disgust, when mishaps occur + for want of abe traits. But. it two i Drei and ill-humor will be aro _ Those, who fill the places of heads of families, not very apt to think how painful it is, to be chided for — neglect of duty, or for faults of character. If the would sometimes imagine themselves in the place of — those whom they control, with some person daily ad- ministering reproof to them, in the same- tone and style as they employ to those who are under. them, it might — serve as a useful check to their chidings. It is often a the case, that persons, who are most strict and exacting, — and least able to make allowances and receive pallia- 1 tions, are themselves peculiarly sensitive to any vin’ q which implies that they are in fault. By such, the — spirit implied in the Divine petition, “forgive us’ our ' trespasses as we forgive those who trespass mc oel us,” needs especially to be cherished. : % a One other consideration, is very important. ~ The oe is no duty, more binding on Christians, than that of — patience and meekness under provocations and disap- _ pointment. Now, the tendency of every ‘sensitive — mind, when thwarted in its wishes, is, to complain and find ale: and that often in tones of fretfulness OF: anger. But ‘there are few domestics, who have not — heard enough of the Bible, to know that angry or fret- ful fault-finding, from the mistress of a family, when her work is not done to suit her, is not in agreement _ with the precepts of Christ. They notice and feel the inconsistency ; and every woman, when she gives way to feelings of anger and impatience, at the faults a i her own conscience, unless very much blinded, canno but suffer a wound. oy There are some women, who, in the main, are amia ble, who seem impressed ‘with ‘the idea, that it is their office and duty to find fault with their domestics ON THE CARE OF INFANTS. 213 whenever any thing is not exactly right, and follow their fancied calling without the least appearance of tenderness or sympathy, as if the objects of their disci. pline were stocks or stones. The writer once heard a domestic, describing her situation in a family which she had left, make this remark of her past employer: “ She was a very good housekeeper, allowed good wages, and gave us many privileges and presents; but if we ever did any thing wrong, she always talked to us just as if she thought we had no feelings, and I never was so un- happy in my life, as while living with her.” And this was said of a kind-hearted and conscientious woman, by a very reasonable and amiable domestic. Every woman, who has the care of domestics, should cultivate a habit of regarding them with that sympathy and forbearance, which she would wish for herself or her daughters, if deprived of parents, fortune, and home. The fewer advantages they have enjoyed, and the greater difficulties of temper or of habit they have to contend with, the more claims they have on com- passionate forbearance. ‘They ought ever to be looked upon, not as the mere ministers to our comfort and convenience, but as the humbler and more neglected children of our Heavenly Father, whom He has sent to claim our sympathy and aid.* CHAPTER XIX. ON THE CARE OF INFANTS. Every young lady ought to learn how to take proper eare of an infant; for, even if she is never to become the responsible guardian of a nursery, she will often * The excellent little work of Miss Sedgwick, entitled ‘ Live, and Let Live,’ contains many valuable and useful hints, conveyed in a most pleasing narrative form, which every housekeeper would do well to read. The writer also begs leave to mention a work of her own, entitled, ‘ Letters to Persons engaged in Domestic Service.’ ois = 2 Sat {= _ be in situations where she can render benevol others, in this most fatiguing and anxious d) 7 The writer has known instances, in whi indies, who, having been trained, by their properly to perform this duty, were, in som . the means of saving the lives of infants, and in other of relieving, by their benevolent aid, sick a from intolerable care and anguish. - - On this point, Dr. Combe eran £6 All pene a are not destined, in the course of Nature, to become © mothers; but how very small is the number of those, who are unconnected, by family ties, friendship, or — sympathy, with the children of others! How very few — are there, who, at some time or other of their lives, would © _ not find their usefulness and happiness increased, by the — possession of a kind of knowledge, intimately allied to — their best feelings and affections! And how important ~ is it, to the mother herself, that her efforts should be seconded by intelligent, instead of ignorant, assistants!” In order to be ‘prepared for such benevolent minis- tries, every young lady should improve the opportunity, fe ‘ whenever it is afforded her, for learning how to wash, dress, and tend, a young~-infant; and whenever she meets with such a work as Dr. Combe’s, on the: man- agement of infants, she ought to read it, and remember — its contents. a It was the design of the author, to fill this- chapter chiefly with extracts from various medical writers, — giving some of the most important directions on this — subject ; but finding these extracts too prolix fora work | of this kind, she has condensed them into a shorter compass. Sane are quoted verbatim, and some are © abridged, chiefly from the writings of Doctors Combe, — Bell, "and Eberle, who are among the most approved ra writers on this subject. or “Nearly one half of the deaths, occurring during the first two years of existence, are ascribable to misman agement, and to errors in diet. At birth, the stomach — 1S feeble, and as yet unaccustomed to food ; 5 its cravings ; — 1a i A. ON THE CARE OF INFANTS. Qh5 “aré: consequently. easily satisfied, and frequently re- newed.” “At that early age, there ought to be no fixed time for giving nourishment. The stomach can- not be thus satisfied.” “The active call of the infant, is a sign, which needs never be mistaken.” But care must be taken to determine between the erying of pain or uneasiness, and the call for food; and - the practice of giving an infant food, to stop its cries, is often the means of increasing its sufferings. After a child has satisfied its hunger, from two to four hours should intervene, before another supply is given. “ At birth, the stomach and bowels, never having been used, contain a quantity of mucous secretion, which requires to be removed. ‘To effect this, Nature has rendered the first portions of the mother’s milk purposely watery and laxative. JIvurses, however, dis- trusting Nature, often hasten to administer some active purgative ; and the consequence often is, irritation in the stomach and bowels, not easily subdued.” It is only where the child is deprived of its mother’s milk, as the’ first food, that some gentle laxative should be given. “Tt is a common mistake, to suppose, that, because a woman is nursing, she ought to live very fully, and to add an allowance of wine, porter, or other fermented liquor, to her usual diet. ‘The only result of this plan, is, to cause an unnatural fulness in the system, which places the nurse on the brink of disease, and retards, rather than increases, the food of the infant. More will be gained by the observance of the ordinary laws of health, than by any foolish deviation, founded on ignorance.” There is no point, on which medical men so em phatically lift the voice of warning, as in reference to administering medicines to infants. It is so difficult to discover what is the matter with an infant, its frame is so delicate and so susceptible, and slight causes have such a powerful influence, that it requires the utmost skill and judgement to ascertain what would be proper medicines, and the proper quantity to be given. | ON THE CARE OF a a Says Dr. Goines That sherk are cases, i | active means must be promptly used, to save t lds is Sa true. But it is not less — that ee. well managed, medicine, of any. kind, is: very taely e- quired ; and if disease were more generally regarded i its true light, not as something thrust into the system, which requires to be expelled by force, but as an aber- ration from a natural mode of action, produced by some 4 external cause, we should be in less haste to attack it by — medicine, and more watchful in its prevention. Ac- — cordingly, where a constant demand for medicine exists in a nursery, the mother may rest assured, that there is something essentially wrong in the treatment of her 4 children. 4 “Much havoc is made among infants, by the aban ag of calomel and other medicines, which procure momen- __ tary relief, but end by producing incurable disease ; and — it has often excited my astonishment, to see how reck- lessly remedies of this kind are had recourse to, on the — most trifling occasions, by mothers and nurses, who would be horrified, if they knew the nature of the! @ power they are wielding, and the extent of injury they - are inflicting.” | Instead, ‘then, of depending on medicine, for the | preservation of the health and life of an infant, the fol- lowing precautions and preventives should be adopted. Take particular care of the food of an infant. If it — . is nourished by the mother, her own diet should be | 4 simple, nourishing, and temperate. If the child be é a brought up by hand, the milk of a note ieee = mixed with one third water, and sweetened a little with — white sugar, should be the only food given, until the teeth come. ‘This is more suitable, than any prepara- : tions of flour or arrow-root, the nourishment of which — is too highly concentrated. Never give a child bread, — cake, or meat, before the teeth appear. If the food ap- — pear to distress the child, after eating, first ascertain if ON THE CARE OF INFANTS. Q17 the milk be really from a new-milch cow, as it may otherwise be too old. Learn, also, whether the cow lives on proper food. Cows that are fed on still-slops, as is often the case in cities, furnish milk which is very unhealthful. . _ Be sure and keep a good supply of pure and fresh air, in the nursery. On this point, Dr. Bell remarks, respecting rooms constructed without fireplaces, and without doors or windows to let in pure air, from with- out, ‘ The sufferings of children of feeble constitutions, are increased, beyond measure, by such lodgings as these. An action, brought by the Commonwealth, ought ‘to lie against those persons, who build houses for sale or rent, in which rooms are so constructed as not to allow of free ventilation; and a writ of lunacy taken out against those, who, with the common-sense experi- ence which all have on this head, should spend any portion of their time, still more, should sleep, in rooms thus nearly air-tight.”’ _ After it is a month or two old, take an infant out to walk, or ride, in a little wagon, every fair and warm day ; but be very careful that its feet, and every part of its body, are kept warm: and be sure that its eyes are well protected from the light. Weak eyes, and sometimes blindness, are caused by neglecting this pre- caution. Keep the head of an infant cool, never allow- ing too warm bonnets, nor permitting it to sink into soft pillows, when asleep. Keeping an infant’s head too warm, very much increases nervous irritability ; and this is the reason why medical men forbid the use of caps for infants. But the head of an infant should, especially while sleeping, be protected from draughts of air, and from getting cold. mee: Be very careful of the skin of an infant, as nothing tends so effectually to prevent disease. For this end, it should be washed all over, every morning, and then gentle friction should be applied, with the hand, to the back, stomach, bowels, and limbs. ‘The head should be thoroughly washed, every day, and then brushed 19 D. E. : comb will remove it all, eaikagt any wouhier ‘ __ Dress the infant, so foet it will be always wa not So as to cause : DERSPIPGtION = Be sure and. keep: a ‘Gee, and use ‘eet mane Keep the neck me arms - covered. For this purpose, wrappers, open m ee made ‘high in the neck, with long sleeves, to. rt a over the frock, are now very fashionable. _ a “= It is better ae both mother and child, that» it ‘should ¥ _ not sleep on the mother’s arm, at night, unless. thes E weather be extremely cold. This practice keeps. the child too warm, and leads it to seek food too frequent. ly. A child should ordinarily take nourishment but twice in the night. A crib beside the mother, with a plenty of warm and light covering, is best for the child but the mother must be sure that it is always kept warm. Never cover a child’s head, so that it will mhale the air of its own lungs. In very warm weather, especially i in. cities, great pains should be taken, to find fresh and_ - cool air, by rides and sailing. Walks in a public. é ‘Square, in the cool of the morning, and frequent ex- cursions in ferry or steam-boats, would often save a Jong E bill for medical attendance. In hot nights, the windows. . should be kept open, and the infant laid on a mattress, or on folded blankets. A bit of straw matting, laid over a featherbed, and covered with the under sheet, : makes a very cool bed for an infant. _ Cool bathing, in hot weather, is very useful ; “but he < water should be very little cooler than the skin of th child. When the constitution is delicate, the wate should be slightly warmed. Simply sponging the body freely, in a tub, answers the same purpose as a regula bath. In very warm weather, this should be done t or three times a day, always waiting two or three h ) after food has been given. “When the stomach is peculiarly irritable, ho >- ON THE CARE OF INFANTS. 219 bigdthics ») it is of paramount necessity to withhold all the nostrums which have been so falsely lauded as “sovereign cures for cholera infantum. The true restoratives, to a child threatened with disease, are, cool air, cool bathing, and cool drinks of simple water, m addition to proper food, at stated intervals.’ Do not take the advice of mothers, who tell of this, that, and the other thing, which have proved excellent remedies in their experience. Children have different constitu- tions, and there are multitudes of different causes for their sickness ; and what might cure one child, might kill another, which appeared to have the same complaint. ’ A mother should go on the general rule, of giving an infant very little medicine, and then only by the di- rection of a discreet and experienced physician. And there are cases, when, according to the views of the most distinguished and competent practitioners, physi- cians themselves are much too free in using medicines, instead of adopting preventive measures. Do not allow a child to form such habits, that it will not be quiet, unless tended and amused. A healthy child should be accustomed to lie or sit in its cradle, much of the time; but it should occasionally be taken up, atid tossed, or carried about, for exercise and amusement. An infant should be encouraged to creep,> as an exercise very strengthening and useful. If the mother fears the soiling of its nice dresses, she can keep a long slip or apron, which will entirely cover the dress, and can be removed, when the child is taken in the arms. A child should not be allowed, when quite young, to bear its weight on its feet, very long at a time, as this tends to weaken and distort the limbs. Many mothers, with a little painstaking, succeed in putting their infants, while awake, into their cradle, at regular hours, for sleep, and induce regularity in other habits, which saves much trouble. In doing this, a child may cry, at first, a great deal; but for a healthy child, this use of the lungs does no harm, and tends rather to strengthen, than to injure, them. ‘A child who Ay Geechee | Be eeo ia toe =P eee S ¥ Tay 2 Brie ie ae tee RE 220 ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG is trained to lie or sit, and amuse itself, is hay one who is carried and tended a. sae: deal, CHAPTER XX. > ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. pus ye vas) I regard to the physical education of children, Dr. a Clarke, Physician in Ordinary to the Queen of England, expresses views, on one point, in which most physicians would coincide: He says, ‘‘ There is no greater error in the management of children, than that of giving them animal diet very early. By persevering in the use of an overstimulating diet, the digestive organs become uritated, and the various secretions, immediately con-_ nected with, and necessary to, digestion, are diminished, especially the biliary secretion. Children, so fed, become very liable to attacks of fever, and of inflammation, affecting, particularly, the mucous membranes; and measles, and the other diseases incident to childhood, a are generally severe in their attack.” a There are some popular notions on the subject of the om use of animal food, which need to be corrected. = = 8 8 | One mistake, is, in supposing that the formation of the human teeth and stomach indicate that man was _ - designed to feed on flesh. Linnzeus says, that the or- ganization of man, when compared with other animals, shows, that “fruits and esculent vegetables constitute his most suitable food.” Baron Cuvier, the highest au- thority on comparative anatomy, says, ‘ the natural food of man, judging from his structure, appears to consist of fae roots, and other succulent parts of vegetables.’ , Ariothior common mistake, is, that the suinule Of aa animal food is necessary for the full developement of, 2 the physical and intellectual powers. This notion is disproved by facts. The inhabitants of Lapland anc _. +‘ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN, 221 _ Kamtschatka, who live altogether on animal food, are among the smallest, weakest, and most timid, of races. But the Scotch Highlanders, who, in a very cold climate, live almost exclusively on milk and vegetable diet, are emong the bravest, largest, and most athletic, of men. _ The South-Sea Islanders, who live almost exclusively on fruits and vegetables, are said to be altogether su- perior to English sailors, in strength and agility. An ‘intelligent gentleman, who spent many months in Siberia, testifies, that no exiles endure the climate better than those, who have all their lives been accus- tomed to a vegetable diet. The stoutest and largest tribes in Africa, live solely on vegetable diet, and the bright, intelligent, and active Arabs, live entirely on milk and vegetables. The popular notion is, that animal food is more nourishing than vegetable ; but on this point, scientific men hold different opinions. Experiments, repeatedly made by some chemists, seem to prove the contrary. Tables have been prepared, showing the amount of nutriment in each kind of food, by which it would appear, that, while beef contains thirty-five per cent. of nutritious matter, wheat-bread and rice contain from eighty to ninety-five per cent. The supposed mistake is attributed:to the fact, that, on account of the stimulating nature of animal food, it digests easier and more quickly than vegetables. Many physicians, however, among them, Dr. Combe,* are of opinion, that animal food “contains a greater quantity of nutriment in a given bulk, than either herbaceous or farinaceous food.” In some diseases, too, meat is better for the stomach than vegetables. The largest proportion of those, who have been re- markable for having lived to the greatest age, were per- sons, whose diet was almost exclusively vegetables ; and it is a wellknown fact, that the pulse of a hardy and robust man, who lives on simple vegetable diet, is from * See his ‘ Physiology of Digestion considered with relation to the Principles of Dietetics,’ issued by the Publishers of this work. | 19* D: E. > 2-2 = “Vie i (pees ai ae c ee ae aa pe Eh " = aa me Daw C2 4 ew. Ls ya ol 4% Sh eS ne Nein gy Se SR as a | ah oe ON THE MANAGEMENT oF YOUNG CH LDR + cad ‘ten to twenty beats less in a minute, than | tl “i t _ who live on a mixed diet. ee pa is to be see by all who labor with the miei! | The mightiest efforts of Sir Isaac Newton, were per- formed, while nourished only by bread and water. — Many other men, distinguished by intellectual vigor, give similar testimony. ‘These facts show that animal — food is not needful, to secure the perfect developement “4 of mind or body.* # The result of the treatment of the inmates of the oa Orphan Asylum, at Albany, is one, upon which all, who have the care of young children, should deeply ponder. During the first six years of the existence of © this Institution, its average number of children was _ eighty. For the first three years, their diet was meat __ once a day, fine bread, rice, Indian puddings, vegeta- _ bles, fruit, and milk. Considerable attention was given — 4 to clothing, fresh air, and exercise; and they were — bathed once in three weeks. During these three years, = from four to six children, and sometimes more, were — continually on the sick-list; one or two assistant nurses — were necessary ; a physician was’ called, two or three ‘_ times a week ; ae in this time, there were between — thirty and forty deaths. At the end of this period, the 4 management was changed, in these respects :—daily. 3 ablutions of the whole body were practised ; bread of 4 unbolted flour was substituted for that of fine wheat; 4 and all animal food was banished. More attention also ‘was paid to clothing, bedding, fresh air, and exercise. 4 The result was, that the nursery was vacated: the nurse and physician were no longer needed ; and, for two years, not a single case of sickness or death ocourred. The 3 . * The writer is not an advocate for total abstinence Frben ‘ene food. She coincides with the best authorities, in thinking that adults eat too much; that children, while growing, should eat- rey little and quite young children, none at all. EE UE oe Oa eT ET, een i aa ey a OU Ay hoo i» re! tisition ; and reason and persuasion are employed, where simpie command and obedience would be far a Peder, This system produces a most pernicious in- ee fluence. Children soon perceive the position, thus allowed them, and take every advantage of it. They soon learn to dispute parental requirements, acquire habits of forwardness and conceit, assume disrespectful manners and address, maintain their views with perti- nacity, and yield to authority with ill-humor and re- sentment, as if their rights were infringed. The medium course, is, for the parent to take the attitude of a superior, in age, knowledge, and relation, who has a perfect right to “control every action of the child, and that, too, without giving any reason for the requisitions. -« Obey, because your parent comme is always a proper and sufficient reason. But care should be taken, to convince the child that the parent is conducting a course of discipline, designed to make him happy; and in forming habits of impli- eit obedience, self-denial, and benevolence, the child should have the reasons for most requisitions kindly stated; never, however, on the demand of it, from the child, as a right, but as an act of kindness from the parent. It is impossible to govern children properly, especially those of strong and sensitive feelings, without a con- stant effort to ‘appreciate the value which they attach co their enjoyments and pursuits. A lady, of great strength of mind and sensibility, once told the writer, chat one of the most acute periods of suffering, in her whole life, was occasioned by the burning up of soms milkweed-silk, by her mother. The child had found, cor the first time, some of this shining and beautiful substance ; was filled with delight at her discovery ; was arranging it in parcels; planning its future uses, and her pleasure in showing it to her companions,— when her mother, finding it strewed over the carpet, hastily swept it into the fire, and that, too, with so in- different an air, that the child fled away, almost dis- : ona MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. 227 we i ht i ee Be . vie re, ee 7% >. we ag - Br SS wks ie NY, : felt tp: Sldodees: so see that for’ eosenalal her mother was an object almost of aversion. = While, therefore, the parent needs to carry on steady course, ‘which will oblige the child always — give up its will, whenever its own good, or the greater claims of others, require it, this should be constantly — connected with the expression of a tender sympathy, for the trials and disappointments thus inflicted. “Those; ~ who will join with children, and help them along in their sports, will learn, by this mode, to understand the = q feelings and interests of childhood ; while, at the same time, they secure a degree of confidence and affection, which cannot be gained so easily, in any other way. And it is to be regretted, that parents so often relin — 2 quish this most powerful mode of influence, to domes- tics and playmates, who often use it in the most per- _ nicious manner. In joiming in such sports, older ‘persons should never relinquish the attitude of supe- riors, or allow disrespectful manners or address... And respectful deportment is never more cheerfully accorded, _ than in seasons, when young hearts are pleased, and - a made grateful, by having their tastes and i so me a efficiently promoted. a Next to the want of all coveriaeen the two most “a fruitful sources of evil to children, are, unsteadiness in government, and over-government.. Most of the cases, in which the children of sensible and conscientious parents turn out badly, result from one or the other of © these causes. In cases of unsteady government, either — one parent is very strict, severe, and unbending, and the other excessively indulgent, or else the parents are — ‘ sometimes very strict and decided, and at other times allow disobedience to go unpunished. In such cases, — children, never knowing exactly when they can escape with impunity, are constantly tempted to make - f trial. c a 7 ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. 22¢ reference to one important principle of the mind. I: is found to be universally true, that, when any objec of desire is put entirely beyond the reach of hope ‘or expectation, the mind very soon ceases to long for it, _ and turns to other objects of pursuit. But, so jong as _ the mind is hoping for some good, and making efforts to obtain it, any opposition excites irritable feelings Let the object be put entirely beyond all hope, and this irritation soon ceases.. In consequence of this principle, those children, who are under the care of persons of steady and decided government, know, that whenevei a thing is forbidden or denied, it is out of the reach of hope ; the desire, therefore, scon ceases, and they turn te other objects. But the children of undecided, or of over-indulgent parents, never enjoy this preserving aid When a thing is denied, they never know but eitner coaxing may win it, or disobedience secure it without any penalty, and so they are kept in that state of hope and anxiety, which produces irritation, and tempts to insubordination. The children of very indulgent pa- rents, and of those who are undecided and unsteady in government, are very apt to become fretful, irritable, and fractious. Another class of persons, in shunning this evil, go to the other extreme, and are very strict and pertinacious, in regard to every requisition. With them, fault-find- ing and penalties abound, untii the children are either hardened into indifference of feeling, and obtuseness of conscience, or else become excessively irritable, or mis- anthropic. It demands great wisdom, patience, and self-control, to escape these two extremes. In aiming at this, there are parents, who have found the following maxims of very great value. First, Avoid, as much as possible, the multiplication of rules and absolute commands. Instead of this, take the attitude of advisers. ‘“‘ My child, this is improper, I wish you would remember not — to do it.” This mode of address answers for all the .ittle acts of heedlessness, awkwardness, or ill-manners, 20 D. Bs / so frequently occurring, with children. Sg when direct and distinct commands a be as steady and sure as the laws of Neca such steadiness, and certainty of penalty, att obedience, children no more think of disobeying, th wa do of putting their fingers in a burning candle. — The next maxim, is, Govern by rewards, more — than by penalties, Such faults as wilful disobedience, _ lying, dishonesty, and indecent or profane language, — should be punished with severe penalties, after a child — has been fully instructed in the evil of such practices. But all the constantly-recurring faults of the nursery, ‘. such as ill-humor, quarreling, carelessness, and ill- — manners, may, in a great many cases, be regulated by gentle and kind remonstrances, and by the offer of some reward for persevering efforts to form a good — habit. It is very injurious and degrading to any mind, to be kept under the constant fear of penalties. - Love a and hope are the principles that should be. mainly. mee a on, in forming the habits of childhood. _ i Another maxim, and perhaps the most difficult; ‘is, a Do not govern by ‘the aid of severe and angry tones. A single example will be given to illustrate this maxim. ie A child is disposed to talk and amuse itself, at table. The mother requests it to be silent, except when need- ing to ask for food, or when spoken to by its” older — friends. It constantly forgets. The mother, instead — of rebuking, in an impatient tone, says, “ My child, you~ must remember not to talk. I will remind you of it four — times more, and after that, whenever you forget, you must leave the table, and. wait till we are done.”> If the mother is steady in her government, it is not prob- able that she will have to apply this slight penalty more than once or twice. This method is far more effectua than the use of sharp and severe tones, to secure atten- tion and recollection, and often answers the purpose, a ! well as offering some reward. F _ The writer “has been in some families, where; te, ic ~ ie ~ “yp, A eee hg ede ee, BE ee ey Cee ee OE ee cs ee Mee Ss ee ee eed go ENS Jk Rare ieee: pee eS Ne SS Esl iets wae gn ee ae 7 gets ie ON THE MANAGEMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN. 231 Pa efficient and steady government has been sus-. ined, without the use of a cross or angry tone; and m others, where a far less efficient discipline was kept up, by frequent severe rebukes and angry remon- strances. In the first case, the children followed the example set them, and seldom used severe tones to each other ; in the latter, the method employed by the parents, was imitated by the children; and cross words and angry tones resounded from morning till night, in every portion of the household. - Another important maxim, is, Try to keep children in a happy state of mind. Every one knows, by expe- rience, that it is easier to do right, and submit to rule, when cheerful and happy, than when irritated. This is peculiarly true of children; and a wise mother, when she finds her child fretful and impatient, and thus con- stantly doing wrong, will oiten remedy the whole dif- ficulty, by telling some amusing story, or by getting the child engaged in some amusing sport. This strongly shows the importance of learning to govern children without the employment of angry tones, which always produce irritation. Children of active, heedless temperament, or those who are odd, awkward, or unsuitable, in their remarks and deportment, are often essentially injured, by a want of patience and self-control in those who govern them. Such children, often possess a morbid sensibility, which they strive to conceal, or a desire of love and approba- tion, which preys like a famine on the soul. And yet, they become objects of ridicule and rebuke, to almost every member of the family, until their sensibilities are tortured into obtuseness or misanthropy. Such chil dren, above all others, need tenderness and sympathy. A thousand instances of mistake or forgetfulness should be passed over, in silence, while opportunities for com- mendation and encouragement should be diligently sought. In regard to the formation of habits of self-denial, in childhood. it is astonishing to see how parents, who are wish of the child is : studiously gratified ¢ ahd, pri tece. necessity exists, of crossing its wishes, some compen-_ sating pleasure is offered, in return. Such parents, — often maintain that nothing shall be put on their table, — which their children may not join them in eating. — But | 3 where, so easily and surely as at the daily meal, can that — habit of self-denial be formed, which 1s so needful i int BOV=: y erning the appetites, and which children. must acquire, © or be ruined? The food which is proper for grown _ persons, is often unsuitable for children; and this is a sufficient reason for accustoming them to see others partake of delicacies, which they must not share. Re- quiring children to wait-till others are helped, and to refrain from conversation at table, except when ad- dressed by their elders, is another mode of forming habits. of self-denial and self-control. Requiring them to help others, first, and to offer the best to elton has a a similar influence. oe In forming the moral habits of children, it is Wise to take into account the peculiar temptations to which they are to be exposed. ‘The people of this Nation are eminently a trafficking people ; and the present standard __ of honesty, as to trade and debts, is very low, and every year seems sinking still lower. It is, therefore, pre- eminently important, that children should be trained to strict honesty, both in word and deed. It is not merely — teaching children to avoid absolute lying, which is needed. All kinds of deceit should be guarded against ; and all kinds of little dishonest practices be strenuousl opposed. iis There are husbands and fathers, who conscientiously subtract time from their business, to spend at home, in — reading with their wives and children, and in domestic — amusements which at once refresh and improve. The children of such parents will grow up witha love of _home and kindred, which will be the greatest safeguard —_ against future temptations, as well as the purest source of earthly enjoyment. . There are families, also, who make it a defaita Ht ject to keep up family attachments, after the children: are scattered abroad; and, in some cases, secure the ~~ means for doing this, by saving money, which would — otherwise have been spent for superfluities of food or dress. Some families have adopted, for this end,a prac- tice, which if widely imitated, would be productive of extensive benefit. The method is this. On the first — day of each month, some member of the family, ateach extreme point of dispersion, takes a folio sheet, and fills a part of a page. This is sealed and mailed to the — next family, who read it, add another contribution, and then mail it to the next. Thus the family circular, — A eG hae oy ~ 4 SME She“ 6 Sp ae ¥, “sy 7 * ae | ae or are A Pee eS ee ee 7 A ta el J, PU I ee, ee ee SL ee - -. G . AND SOCIAL DUTIES. 257 ‘once a month, goes os each extreme, to all the mem- bers of a widely-dispersed family, and each member becomes a sharer in the joys, sorrows, plans, and pur- suits, of all the rest. At the same time, frequent fam- ily meetings are sought ; and the expense, thus incurred, is cheerfully met by retrenchments in other directions. The sacrifice of some unnecessary physical indulgence, (such, for instance, as the use of tea and coffee,) will often purchase many social and domestic enjoyments, a thousand times more elevating and delightful, than the retrenched luxury. There is no social duty, which the Supreme Law- giver more strenuously urges, than hospitality and kind- ness to strangers, who are classed with the widow and the fatherless, as the special objects of Divine tender- ness. There are some reasons, why this duty peculiarly demands attention from the American people. Reverses of fortune, in this land, are so frequent and unexpected, and the habits of the people are so migra- tory, that there are very many in every part of the Coun- try, who, having seen all their temporal plans and hopes crushed, are now pining. among strangers, bereft of wonted comforts, without friends, and without the sympathy and society, so needful to wounded spirits. Such, too frequently, sojourn long and lonely, with no comforter but Him who “knoweth the heart of 9 stranger.” Whenever, therefore, new comers enter a commu nity, inquiry should immediately be made, whether they have friends and associates, to render sympathy ana kind attentions ; and, when there is any need for it, the ministries of kind neighborhood should immediately be offered. And it should be remembered, that the first days of a stranger’s sojourn, are the most dreary, and that civility and kindness are doubled in value, by being offered at an early period. In social gatherings, the claims of the stranger are too apt to be forgotten ; especially, in cases where there_ are no peculiar attractions of personal appearance, or 22° D. E. (ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF : talerits; or high sing ‘Such a one she | with attention, because he is a stranger ; “and communities learn to act more from principle, from selfish impulse, on this subject, the sacred of the stranger will be less frequently forgotten. The most agreeable hospitality, to visiters, be- | come inmates of a family, is, that which puts. the entirely at- ease. This can never be the case, wher the guest perceives that the order of family 4 “ments is essentially altered, and that time, comfort, and — convenience are sacrificed, for his accommodation. _ it be Offering the best to visiters, showing a polite cena to every “wish expressed, and giving precedence - to them, in all matters of comfort and convenience, can be easily combined with the easy freedom which makes the stranger feel at home; and this is the aigye ii of « hospitable entertainment. : oh e CHAPTER XXIV. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. Turre is no point of domestic economy, whieh? more seriously involves the health and daily comfort of American women, than the proper construction of houses. ‘There are five particulars, to which attention should be given, in building a house; namely, economy of labor, economy of money, economy of health, econ- - omy of comfort, and good taste. Some particulars will, 4 here be pointed out, under each of these heads. The first, respects economy of labor. In deciding § upon the size and style of a house, the health and capacity of the housekeeper, and the probabilities of securing proper domestics, ought to be the very firs consideration. If a man be uncertain as to his means for hiring service, or if he have a feeble wife, and be where > properly-qualified domestics are scarce, it is ver ol al eon” a He el a ee EP eet ne ee Pe eee PY ih ae ed ee ee ae! TRY ar cn a LOE ON, Wa SAS gs, ent pean OEE ye eae a of ale Re ate, ‘ ( Yi poor economy to build a large house, or to live in a SI style which demands much labor. Every’ room in a house adds to the expense involved in finishing and j furnishing it, and to the amount of labor spent in sweeping, dusting, cleaning floors, paint, and windows, and taking care of, and repairing, its furniture. Double _the size of a house, and you double the labor of taking care of it, and so, vice versa. ‘There is, in this Country, a very great want of calculation and eased in this matter. The arrangement of rooms, and the proper supply of conveniences, are other points, in which, economy of. labor and comfort is often disregarded. For example, a kitchen will be in one story, a sitting-room in another, and the nursery in a third. Nothing is more injurious, to a feeble woman, than going up and down stairs; and yet, in order to gain two large parlors, to show to a few friends, or to strangers, immense ‘sacrifices of health, comfort, and money, are made. If it be possible, the ‘nursery, sitting-parlor, and kitchen, ought always to be on the same floor. The position of wells and cisterns, and the modes of raising and carrying water, are other particulars, mn which, economy of labor and comfort is sadly neg- lected. With half the expense usually devoted to a sideboard or sofa; the water used from a well or cistern can be so conducted, as that, by simply turning a cock, it will flow to the place where it is to be used. A want of economy, in labor and in money, is often seen in the shape and arrangement of houses, and in the style of ornaments and furniture. A perfect square, encloses more rooms, at less expense, than any other shape; while it has less surface exposed to external cold, and can be most easily warmed and ventilated And the farther a house is removed from this shape, the more the expense is increased. Wings and kitchens built out, beyond a house, very much increase expense, both in building and warming them. Piazzas and porticoes are very expensive ; and their Stee ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. 259° large hall and front staircase. fide me * ee Heede can as so conarnaaay shek a one ‘stair case will answer for both kitchen and parlour. use, as Z i 4 may be seen in the engraving on page 269, (Pigneio, This saves the expense and labor usualy devoted. toa Much money is often worse than Bene ae finical ornaments, which are fast going out of fashion. - : One — of the largest, most beautiful, and agreeable, houses, the _ writer was ever in, was finished with doors, windows, — and fireplaces, in even a plainer style than any: given in the subsequent drawings. 7 The position of fireplaces has ratich to do with econ- omy of expense in warming a house. Where the fire- place is in an outer wall, one third of the heat passes out of doors, which auld be retained in the house, if. the chimney were within the rooms. A house, con- trived like the one represented in the engraving on — page 272, (Fig. 32,) which can be heated by a stove or chimney at X, may be warmed with less fuel than one of any other construction.* Economy of health is often disregarded, i placing. wells, cisterns, and privies, so that persons, in the perspi- ration of labor, or the debility of disease, are obliged to go out of doors in all weathers. Figure 35, on page 276, shows the proper arrangement of such conveniences. _ The placing of an outside door, for common use, in a sitting-room, as is frequent at the West and South, is — detrimental to health. _ In such cases, children, in their — sports, or persons who labor, are thrown into perspira- tion, by exercise, the door is thrown open, a chill en- sues, and fever, bowel complaints, or bilious attacks, — * Many houses are now heated, by a furnace in the cellar, whieh receives pure air from out of doors, heats it, and sends it into sever: rooms, while water is evaporated to prevent the air from becoming dr The most perfect one the writer has seen, is constructed by M Fowler, of Hartford. This method secures well-ventilated room and is very economical, where several rooms are to be warmed “ ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. 261 aré the result. A long window, extending down to the floor, which can be used as a wilde in Summer, and be tightly closed, at the bottom, in Winter, secures all the _ benefits, without the evils, of an buistde door. Constructing houses, without open fireplaces in chambers, or any other mode of ventilation, is another sad violation of the:economy of health. Feeble con- stitutions in children, and ill health to domestics, are often caused by this folly. The economy of comfort is often violated, by arrange- ments made for domestics. Many a woman has been - left to endure much hard labor and perplexity, because she chose to have money spent on handsome parlors and chambers, for company, which should have been devoted to providing a comfortable kitchen and cham- bers for domestics. Cramping the conveniences and comfort of a family, in order to secure elegant rooms, to show to company, is a weakness and folly, which it is hoped will every year become less common. The construction of houses with reference to good taste, isa desirable, though less important, item. The beauty of a house ‘depends very much upon propriety of proportions, color, and ornament. And it is al- ways as cheap, and generally cheaper, to build a house in agreement with the rules of good taste, than to build an awkward and ill-proportioned one. Plans of Houses and Domestic Conveniences. The following plans are designed chiefly for persons in moderate circumstances, and have especial reference - to young housekeepers. Every year, as the prosperity of this Nation increases, good domestics will decrease, and young mothers are hereafter to be called to superintend and perform all branches of domestic business, to nurse children, direct ignorant domestics, attend the sick, entertain company, and fulfil all other family duties; and this, too, in a majority of cases, with delicate constitutions, or impaired health. Every man, therefore, in forming plans for a 862s ow THE constRUC _ future residence, and every woman who hi 7 ence in deciding such matters, ought to ma probabilities the chief basis of their calculatic ee ge = Fig. 18. NS Gronnd-plan. a SSSI SSSI Ma : ; \ iy a; Porehi si 5 oe \ Jj \ b, Parlor, 15 by 16 \S Ss SN feet. is a ae \ c, Dining-room, \ 16 feet. . N d, d, Small Bed- oe +. POODRS. 6: Ste: com * 6; Staite: =) 8 : Af) f5 Closets. — g, Pantry. h, Store-closet. z,.2, 2, Fireplaces: N j, Kitchen. a Nk, Bedpress. z, Cellar door. S i ‘s ee “Seale of Feet. * Those, who are amateurs in architecture, in judging of these de- signs, must take into consideration, that this is a work on domestic — * economy, and that matters of taste, have necessarily been made subordinate to points, involving economy of health, comfort, and expense. Still, it is believed, that good taste has been essentially — preserved, in most of these designs. ike mpm ieee" h otal aos ams een tree SS RSE LR ca Te ee any a ioe SRS pha” Faerie. Ae abt age Se nk 3 re Ve A ) aig 2 4 ‘ c+. . a Ee . 4 > ae @ ‘oN THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. 203_— a “The plan, exhibited in Figures 17, and 18, is that of | a , cottage, whose chief exterior beauty i is its fine pro- portions. It should be painted white. _ Fig. 17, is the elevation, or the front view of the ex- terior. Fig. 18, is the ground-plan, in which, an entire break in the wail, represents a door, and a break with a line across it, a window. When a cross x is put by a door, it indicates into which reom the door swings, and where the hinges should be put, as the comfort of a fireside very much depends on the way in which the doors are hung. A scale of measurement is given at the bottom of the drawings, by which, the size of all parts can be measured. The ten small divisions, are each one foot. The longest divisions are ten feet each. In the ground-plan, (Fig. 18,) a, is the porch, which projects enough to afford an entrance to the two adja- cent rooms, and thus avoids the evil of an outside door to a sitting-room. If a door be wanted in these rooms, the front windows can be made to extend down to the floor, so as to serve as doors in Summer, and be tightly closed in Winter. The parlor, 6, has the bedpress, £, and the closet, f, adjoining it. Figure 19 is intended to represent ‘this side of the room. a BOIS Geet: 6 Fok 4 Stale of Feet for the Des 964 ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HC The two large doors, in the centre, open into the bed Ss press, and one of the smaller ones into the closet, fi — The other, can either be a false door, 1 in order to secure symmetry, or else a real one, opening into the “Kiteh- en, i room, thus arranged, can be made to serve as a genteel parlor, for company, during the day, when all these doors can be closed. At night, the doors of the bedpress being opened, it is changed to an airy bed- room, while the closets, f, f, serve to conceal all ac- commodations pertaining to a bedroom. The bedpress is just large enough to receive a bed; and under it, if need be, might “be placed a trucklebed, for young children. The eating-room, c, has the ania bedroom, d, adjoining it, which, by leaving the door open, at night, — will be sufficiently airy for a sleeping-room. The | kitchen, 7, has a smaller bedroom, d, attached to it, which will hold a narrow single bed for a domestic ; and, if need be, a narrow trucklebed under it, for a child. The staircase to the garret, can either be placed | in the eating-room, or in the small entry. A_plan for. back accommodations is shown in Fig. 35, (page 276.) These should be placed in the rear of the kitchen, so as not to cover the window. A house like this, will conveniently accommodate a family of six or eight persons; but some economy and contrivance will be needed, in storing away articles of dress and bedclothing. For this end, in the bed_ press, k, of the parlor, 6, (Fig. 18,) a wide shelf may be placed, two feet from the ceiling, where winter bed- ding, or folded clothing, can be stowed, while a short curtain in front, hung from the wall, will give a tidy | look, and keep out dust. Under this shelf, if need be, , pegs can be placed, to hold other articles; and a cur- tain be hung from the edge of the shelf, to conceal and — protect them. Both the closets, f, f, should have shelves and drawers. ‘The garret can have a window inserted in the roof, and thus be made serviceable for — storage. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. 265 Fig. 20. Figure 20 represents a fireplace and mantelpiece, m a style corresponding with the doors. Such a cottage as this, could be built for from five hundred to nine hundred dollars, according as the ex- - pense of labor in the place, and ‘the excellence of the mmerials and labor, may vary. Fig. 21. Te Figures 21 and 22, show the elevation and ground- plan of a cottage, in which the rooms are rather more agreeably arranged, the former plan. ‘The elevation, (Fig. 21,) has a piazza, running across the whole front. This would cost nearly two hundred dollars; and, for this sum, another story might be add- ed. An architect told the writer, that he could build et D. F ies the poor economy of thie pokey The ground-plan, (Fig. 22,) will be ab : ‘aig peenaeon appended t6 16, ee Fig. 22. hae ee ve kg SES ae ESS So | SS FE N ~ fe N oy . ms a3 ; ‘ BN aes < i ee q “es heen peerings Fob) an x Zk h WP N : ae N——N) a= | ‘. SSss Ss % N—N WEN = SSS ~ SN Xx € \ Asks —TCWuU0«» TON ON : So a ae S N S ene < eae Ld: IO: £0 16 Scale of Feet. ; ; a,Porch = By 2) g, ‘teagecma’ b, Entry. h, h, h, h, Closets. 4 ¢, Stairs. i, Store-closet. bs d, Parlor, 16 by 20 feet. j, Back entry and Sink. e, Dining-room, 16 by 16 feet. p, Cellar stairs, J, Kitchen. 0, 0,0, Fireplaces. The parlor, d, is designed to have the doors (show in Fig. 19) placed at the end, where is the bedpress, This will make it a handsome parlor, by day, and are -t Te ne awe if oA ye vye ak t a vy r ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. 267 allow it to be used as a bedroom, at night. The bed- presses, in the other rooms, can have less expensive doors. A window is put in each bedpress, to secure | _ proper ventilation. These should be opened, to air the bed, on leaving it. These can be fitted up with shelves, pegs, and curtains, as before described. If the’ elevation of the first cottage be preferred to this, as being less expensive, it can be used, by altering it a little; thus, instead of the projection for the entry, make a slight projection, of the width of one brick, to preserve the same general outside appearance. Let the windows extend down to the floor, and the beauty of symmetry will also be preserved. Fig. 23. Ground-plan. a, Kintry. ZA b, Stairs Y LLL ELE ZED, e — ee | j Ac, Parlor, 16 hy by 20 feet. . | d, Kitchen, 14 by14 feet. — y e, Storecloset. ce < Up Ape g, Sinkroom. h, Closet. 2, t, Fire- places. 7 n, Cellar door ZB HY z, Sink. E77] <0 Ld Scale of Feet. SSSSHSSSSSSSSSSSSS Fig. 24, a, Stairs. 6, Passage. c, c, c, Bed rooms. | d, d, d, d, Zi Closets. ye, €, Fire- Z| places. Af, Nursery. | g Room fox 1 oung A al children, =—>- ae Cas jA——+-[ nx tices tetas odie ¥ e ‘The plans, bis in Fig. 23 and 24, are ae for families, where most domestic labor is to. be done without the aid of domestics. The parlor, ¢, i iS ; for a sitting-room, and for company. The room, d, is the eating-room ; where, also, the ironing and other nicer family work can be done. In the small room, g, either — ~ an oven and boiler, or a cooking-stove, can be placed. | 3 The elevation, shown in Fig. 25, is designed for the , ton of this house. Fig. 25. ae ie ee eee coxsraverion OF ‘wousEs mi A | “The raton Fig. 26, is ieinted for this Fig. o7 ee cnan. b, b, Entry. bre Stairs, d, Parlor, 16 by 20 feet. é, ” Dining- -room, 15 by 16 mA feet. ii) aed f, Kitchen, 15 by 16 feet. ae £22523 Closets. h, Store-closet. ; Back entry. jy Pantry. k, k, k, Fireplaces. x, Cellar stairs. iy 28. = 5 ~ ‘4 3 : e - a, a, a, a, Bedrooms. : b, Stairs. a e c, c, Closets. Ex d, Passage. # e, €, e, Fireplaces. Y; Garret stairs. ‘ : - Fig. 29. ea ' Ss Ground-floor. bs Aa ie ie WWW J 0, Folding. q; =. GOOrRic | Pp, Pegs aye a over-gar- Ke ments. \ z, Cellar stairs Fig. 30. SNe he is * ~ Second Story.” : : \ a, a, a, 4. ae ~ Bedrooms. _ by Biaiteg c, Passage. djd, a d,- ; x Closets. et Ss my, Me, e, €, 6,01 ire- ; places. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. Q71. adapted to it. These also have a concealed staircase, for front and back use. If a nursery, or bedroom, is wished, on the ground-floor, the back parlor, e, can be taken ; in which case, the closets, 2, 7, are very useful. To prevent noise from reaching the front parlor, two. sets of folding-doors, each side of the passage, 0, could be placed. With this arrangement, these rooms could be used, sometimes as two parlors, opening into each other, by folding doors, and at other times, as a nursery and parlor. In this plan, the storeroom, f, and china- closet, 2, between the kitchen and eating-room, are a great convenience. Figures 31 and 32, present the plan of a Gothic cottage, which secures‘the most economy of labor and expense, with the greatest amount of convenience and comfort, which the writer has ever seen. . Fig. 31. | CN 2 — | a Se ES 10 26 60 Scale of Feet. The elevation, (Fig. 31,) exhibits the front view. It has a recess in the central part, under which, is the door, with a window on each side of it. This forms a piazza; and into this, and a similar one at the back of the house, the two centre parlors open. In the centre of the house, (see Fig. 32,) are the two parlors, 6 and c; the back one to be used as an eating-room. At X, can be placed, either a chimney, with doors on each side of the fireplace, or, (which 1s— the most agreeable,) folding-doors, which can be thrown open in Summer, thus making a large saloon, through the house, from one piazza to the other. In this ease, the parlors are warmed by a large stove, set near the _folding-doors, which would easily warm both parlors and one or two adjacent rooms. In Winter, the out- side doors, opening to the piazzas, should be fastened and calked, and the side entry, at d, be used. At e, is the nursery, with the bedpress, g, which, being closed by day, makes a retired parlor for the mother. At at; is the children’s playroom and sleeping-room, adjoining the mother’s room. Atk, is the kitchen, adjacent to the eating-room, with the storeroom, e, aa the closets, m, m, one for the eating room, and one for the kitchen. utensils. At 2,1s a parlor, which. can be used for a | puay, or library, by the master of the family ; while the ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. 273 e adjacent bedpress, 7, renders it a convenient lodging- _. room, for guests. Another lodging-room, is at h; and in the attic, is space enough for several comfortable _ lodging-rooms. A window in the roof, on the front and back, like the one on Wadsworth’s Cottage, (Fig. 33,) could be placed over the front door, to light the chambers in the attic. A double roof in the attic, with a current of air between, secures cool chambers. The closets are marked o, and the fireplaces p. The stairs to the attic are at g. By this arrangement, the house- keeper has her parlor, sleeping-room, nursery, and kitchen, on the same floor, while the rooms with bed- presses, enable her to increase either parlors or lodging- rooms, at pleasure, without involving the care of a very large and expensive house. Figure. 33, is the representation of a cottage, built by Daniel Wadsworth, sq., in the vicinity of Hartford, Connecticut ; and is on a plan, which, though much smaller, is very similar to the plan represented in_ Fig. 32. It serves to show the manner in which the roofs should be arranged, in Fig. 31, which, being seen ex- actly in front, does not give any idea of the mode of this arrangement. ‘The elevation of Wadsworth’s cot- tage, could be taken for the ground-plan shown in Fig. 32, if it be preferred to the other. Both this cottage, and all the other plans, require a woodhouse, and the conveniences connected with it, ‘which are represented in Fig. 35, (page 276.) For these Gothic cottages, an appendage of this sort should be in keeping with the rest, having windows, like those in the little Summer-house in the drawing, and battle- ments, as on the top of the wings of the barn. The ornaments on the front of the cottage, and the pillars of the portico, made simply of the trunks of small trees, give a beautiful rural finish, and their expense is ’ trifling. In this picture, the trees could notbe placed as they are in reality, because they would hide the buildings. Beh : a eae - ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. 274 > ‘ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. 275, ' In arranging yards and grounds, the house should be set back, as in the drawing of Wadsworth’s cottage ; and, instead of planting shade-trees in straight lines, or _seattering them about, as single trees, they should be arranged in clusters, with large openings for turf, flow- ers, and shrubbery, which never flourish well under the - shade and dropping of trees. This also secures spots of dark and cool shade, even when trees are young. In arranging shade-trees tastefully around such a place, a large cluster might be placed on each side of the gate; another on the circular grass-plot, at the side of the house; another at a front corner; and another at a back corner. Shrubbery, along the walks, and on the circular plot, in front, and flowers close to the house, would look well. - The barn, also, should have clusters of trees near it; and occasional single trees, on the lawn, would give the graceful ease and variety seen in nature. Figure 34, represents the accommodations for securing water with the least labor. It is designed for a well or cistern. under ground. ‘The reservoir, R, may be a half hogshead, or something larger, which may be filled ance a day, from the pump, by a man, or boy. ~ Fig. 34. FA P, Pump. L, Steps to use when pumping. R, Reservoir. G, Brickwork to raise the Re-ervoir. B, A large Boiler. F, Furnace, beneath the Roiler. €, Conductor of cold water. H, Conductor of hot water. K, Cock for letting cold water into the Boiler. S, Pipe to conduct cold water to a cock over the kitchen sink. T, Bathing- tub, which receives cold water from the Conductor, C, and hot water from the Conductor, H. JV, Partition separating the Bathing-room from the Wash-room. Y, Cock to draw off hot water. Z, Plug te yet of the water from the Bathing-tub into a drain. The conductor, C, should be a lead pip stead of going over the boiler, should be bent behind it. From S, a branch sets off, which « ; the cold water to the sink in the kvchen where it: dis- ' mare with a cock. H, isa conductor si : the low ee ae off hot water. Then the conductor passes: to chee bathing-tub, where is another cock. At Z, the water is let off from the bathing-tub. By this arrangement, great quantities of hot and cold water can be used, with no labor in seis and with very little. labor i in raising it. ae In case a cistern is built a: ground, it can er a placed as the reservoir is, and then all the Bolas Came pumping is saved. - Fen “ A, Boiler made fan? des nage iy a N B, athing-rot Pe : N C, Reservoir. \ F, Sink ae G, Kitchen. sets . H, Woodpile. — I, ‘Large doors J i,t, Binsforcoa . ashes. oh a _ O, Window. = FP, P, Privies. : a Noa, Bathing-tub \ y, Door. Scale of Feet. Fig. 35, is the plan of a building for backetooel shepulinodationy. At A, C, D, E, are accommoda — tions shown in Fig. 34. The bathing-room i is adjacent 2 to the boiler and reservoir, to receive the water. a ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. Q77 ble to healthful habits in a family. A window should __ be placed at O, and a door, with springs or a weight to keep it shut, should be at V. Keeping the window open, and the door shut, will prevent any disagreeable effects in the house. At G, is the kitchen, and at FP’, the sink, which should have a conductor and cock from the reservoir. H, is the place for wood, where it should in Summer be stored for Winter. A bin, for coal, and also a brick receiver, for ashes, should be in ‘this part. Every woman should use her influence to secure all these conveniences; even if it involves the sacrifice of the piazza, or “the best parlor.” SoS A OX SLL KLQRQSG x OSS “SN <> \ a------>/ es ‘2 , “aS KOK es hs a = YY Pp. 4 = PS YY os 5 7 SW LN: oe as used to heat articles. Very cheap floating tapers, can be bought, to burn in a teacup of oil through the night. Wickyarn, drawn repeatedly through melted wax, till stiff and smooth, makes a good taper, for use in seal- ing letters. It can be twined in fanciful forms, and kept on the writing-table. To make Candles. ‘The nicest candles, are run in moulds. For this purpose, melt together one quarter of a pound of white wax, one quarter of an ounce of camphor, two ounces of alum, and ten ounces of suet or mutton tallow. Soak the wicks, in lime-water and saltpetre, and, when dry, fix them in the moulds, and pour in the melted tallow. Let them remain one night, te cool, then warm them, a little, to loosen them, draw them out, and, when hard, put them in a box, in a dry and cool place To make dipped candles, cut the wicks of the nght length, double them over rods, and twist them. They should first be dipped in lime-water, or vinegar, and dried. Melt the tallow in a large kettle, filling it ON FIRES AND LIGHTS. Ison on WASHING. Put in wax, “and: owisee eee to! ~ harden Keep the tallow hot, over a portable furnace, up the kettle, with hot water, as fast as the tal used up. Lay two long: strips of narrow board, on which to hang the rods; and set flat pans under on the floor, to eatch the grease. Take several rods a once, and wet the wicks in the tallow; and, when coo straighten and smooth them. ‘Then dip them, as fast as. : they cool, until they become of the proper size. Plunge’ them obliquely, and not perpendicularly ; ; and when the bottoms are too large, hold them in the hot grease, = till a part melts off. Niet them remain one night, to. 4 cool; then cut off the bottoms, and keep them in a dry, cool place. Cheap lights are made, by dipping rushes — in tallow. 7 te a ee CHAPTER XXVI. 4 —— ON WASHING. | THERE is nothing, which tends more effectually to. secure good washing, than a full supply of all conveni- ences; and among these, none is more important, than — an abundance of warm and cold water: but, if this be _ obtained, and heated, at a great expense of time and ~ labor, it will be used in stinted measure. The accom- modations described on page 275, (ig. ee are bist, 4 convenient in this respect. | ai 4 z aoe ae tar a OE cae eer RN ATT Articles to be provided for Washing. A plenty of soft water is a very important item. — When this cannot be had, ley or soda can be put in — hard water, to soften it; care being used not to putin — so much, as to injure he hands and clothes. Two — wash- Fava are needed; one for the two tubs in which — a to put the suds, and the other for blueing and (arching E tubs. Four tubs, of different sizes, are necessary ; also, _ , 4 tt a. et a riba Cr Beh oe, A Ie ee” haba gl "4 ae for, ice ge aE SR NN a es gene és: 7 © es vy det “ hae e op ‘§ A TE (34 : 3 awe ae ON WASHING. 285 3 a large wooden dipper, (as metal is apt to rust ;) two or . three pails ; a grooved wash-board ; a clothes-line, (sea- _ grass, or horse-hair is best;) a wash-stick to move _ clothes, when boiling, and a wooden fork to take them - out. Soap-dishes, made to hook on the tubs, save soap and time. Provide, also, a clothes-bag, in which to boil clothes ; an indigo-bag, of double flannel ; a starch- strainer, of coarse linen ; a bottle of ox-gall for calicoes ; a supply of starch, neither sour nor musty; several dozens of clothes-pins, which are cleft sticks, used to _ fasten clothes on the line; a bottle of dissolved gum Arabic; two clothes-baskets; and a brass or copper kettle, for boiling clothes, as iron is apt to rust. A closet, for keeping all these things, is a great conveni- , ence. It may be made six feet high, three feet deep, and four feet wide. ‘The tubs and pails can be set on the bottom of this, on their sides, one within another. Four feet from the bottom, have a shelf placed, on - which to put the basket of clothes-pins, the line, soap- dishes, dipper, and clothes-fork. Above this, have another shelf, for the bottles, boxes, &c. The shelves should reach out only half way from the back, and nails should be put at the sides, for hanging the wash-stick, clothes-bag, starch-bag, and indigo-bag. The ironing- conveniences might be kept in the same closet, by hav- ing the lower shelf raised a little, and putting a deep drawer under it, to hold the ironing-sheets, holders, &c. A lock and key should be put on the closet. If the mistress of the family requests the washerwoman to notify her, when she is through, and then ascertains if all these articles are put in their places, it will prove useful. Tubs, pails, and all hooped wooden ware, should be kept out of the sun, and in a cool place, or they will fall to pieces. Common Mode of Washing. Assort the clothes, and put them in soak, the niglit before. Never pour hot water on them, as it sets the dirt. In assorting clothes, put the flannels in one lot, < So WASHING. the colored clothes in another, the coarse. white. nes in a third, and the fine clothes in a fourth lot. ~ Wash the fine clothes in one tub of suds ; ; and throw them, — when wrung, into another. ‘Then wash them, in the — second suds, turning them wrong side out. Put them : in the boiling-bag, and boil them in strong suds, for half — an hour, and not much more. Move these while boiling, ~ with the clothes-stick. ‘Take them out of the boiling- — bag, and put them into a tub of water, and rub the dirtiest. places, again, if need be. ‘Throw them into the ~ rinsing-water, and then wring them out, and put them into the blueing-water. Put ‘the articles to be stiffened, into a clothes-basket, by themselves, and, just before hanging out, dip them in starch, clapping it in, so as to have them equally stiff, in all parts. Hang white clothes in the sun, and colored ones, (wrong side out,) in the shade. Fasten them with clothes-pins. Then wash the coarser white articles, in the same manner. Then wash the colored clothes. These must not be soaked, nor have ley or soda put in the water, and they ought not to lie wet long before hanging out, as it in- jures their colors. Beef’s-gall, one spoonful to two pailfuls of suds, improves calicoes. Lastly, wash the flannels, in suds as hot as the hand can bear. Never rub on soap, as this shrinks them in spots. Wring them out of the first suds, and throw them into another tub of hot suds, turning them wrong side out. Then throw them into hot blueing-water. Do not put. blueing into ~ suds, as it makes specks in the flannel. Never leave flannels long in water, nor put them in cold or luke- warm water. Before hanging them out, shake and. stretch them. Some housekeepers have a close closet, made with slats across the top. On these slats, they put their flannels, when ready to hang out, and then — burn brimstone under them, for ten minutes. It is but little trouble, and keeps the flannels as white as new. Wash the colored flannels, and hose, after the white, adding more hot water. Some persons dry woollen hose on stocking-boards, shaped like a foot and leg, 286 Oia Pipe POE SR a il Hila ae iia aici te Ne me at a a es ‘ON WASHING. . QRT with strings to tie them on the line. This keeps them _ from shrinking, and makes them look better than if ironed. It is also less work, than to iron them properly. _ Bedding should be washed in long days, and in hot weather. Pound blankets in two different tubs or bar- rels of hot suds, first well mixing the soap and water. Rinse in hot suds; and, after wringing, let two persons shake them thoroughly, and then hang them out. If not dry, at night, fold them, and hang them out the _ hext morning. Bedquilts should be pounded in warm _ suds; and, after rinsing, be wrung as dry as possible. Bolsters and pillows can be pounded in hot suds, without taking out the feathers, rinsing them in fair water. It is usually best, however, for nice feathers, to take them out, wash them, and dry them ona garret floor. Cotton comforters should have the cases taken off and washed. Wash bedticks, after the feathers are removed, like other things. Empty straw beds once a year. . The following cautions, in regard to calicoes, are use- ful. Never wash them in very warm water; and change the water, when it appears dingy, or the light parts will look dirty. Never rub on soap; but remove grease with French chalk, starch, magnesia, or Wil- mington clay. Make starch for them, with coffee- water, to prevent any whitish appearance. Glue 1s good for stiffening calicoes. When laid aside, not to be used, all stiffening should be washed out, or they ~ will often be injured. Never let calicoes freeze, in dry ing. Some persons use bran-water, (four quarts of wheat-bran to two pails of water,) and no soap, for cal- icoes ; washing and rinsing in the bran-water. Potato- water is equally good. Take eight peeled and grated potatoes to one gallon of water. Soda - Washing. A very great saving in labor is secured, by soda-wash- A ing. There have been mistakes made in receipts, and in modes of doing it, which have caused a prejudice aguinst it; but if the soap be rightly made, ane rightly WAS HING ON used, it certainly saves one half the labor and tine ordinary washing. ee ae ee r Receipt for Sod Sout Take eight pounds of bar-soap, eight pounds ‘oft dourast s soda, (the sub-carbonate,) ten gallons of soft wate - boiled two hours, stirring it often. This is to be cooled, and set away for use. In washing, take a pound of — this soap, to the largest pail of water, and heat till it boils. Having previously soaked the white clothes, i in warm, not hot, water, put them in this boiling mixture, 4 and let them boil one hou and no more. Take them out, draining them well, and put them in a tub, half full of soft water. ‘Turn them wrong side out; rub the soiled a places, till they look clean; then put them into blue rinsing-water, and wring them. out. They are then | 4 ready to hang out. Some persons use another rinsing- _ water. The colored clothes and flannels must not be washed in this way. ‘The fine clothes may be first boiled in this water; it may then be used for coarser clothes; and afterward, the brown towels, and other articles of that nature, may be boiled in the same water. After this, the water which remains, is still useful, for washing floors; and then, the suds is a good manure to < put around plants. a It is best to prepare, at once, the whole “fini of pe water to be used. Take out Hide one third, and set it by ; and every time a fresh supply of clothes is put in, use a portion of this, to sph y eh, the waste of a Tonnes | boiling. | Modes of Washing Various Articles. Brown Linens, or Muslins, of tea, drab, or olive, colors, look best, washed in hay-water. Put in hay enough, to color the water like new brown linen. Wash them first in lukewarm, fair water, without soap, (removing grease with French Seat then wash i 4 rinse them in the hay-water. ae Nankeens look best, washed in suds, with a teacup ON WASHING. 889 of ley added for each pailful. Iron on the wrong side. Soak new nankeens in ley, for one night, and it sets the color perfectly. Woollen Table-Covers and Woollen Shawls, may be washed thus: Remove grease as before directed. Tf there be stains in the articles, take them out with spirits of hartshorn. Wash the things in two portions _ of hot suds, made of white soap. Do not wring them, but fold them and press the water out, catching it in a tub, under a table. Shake, stretch, and dry, neither by the sun nor a fire, and do not let them freeze, in drying. Sprinkle them three hours before ironing, and fold and roll them tight. Iron them heavily on the wrong side. Woollen yarn, should be washed in very hot water, putting in a teacupful of ley, and no soap, to half a pail- ful of water. Rinse till the water comes off clear. New Black Worsted and Woollen Hose, should be soaked all night, and washed in hot suds, with beef’s- gall, a tablespoonful to half a pail of water. Rinse till no color comes out. Iron on the wrong side. To Cleanse Gentlemen’s Broadcloths. The common mode, is, to shake, and brush the articles, and rip out linings and pockets; then to wash them in strong suds, adding a teacupful of ley, using white soap for light cloth; rolling and then pressing, instead of wringing, them ; when dry, sprinkling them, and letting them lie all night ; and ironing on the wrong side, or with a thin dark cloth over the article, uhtil perfectly dry. But a far better way, which the writer has repeatedly tried, with unfailing success, is the following: Take one beef’s-gall, half a pound of salewratus, and four gallons of warm water. Lay the article on a table, and scour it thor- oughly, in every part, with a clothes-brush, dipped in this mixture. The collar of a coat, and the grease-spots, (previously marked by stitches of white thread,) must be repeatedly brushed. Then, take the article, and rinse it up and down in the mixture. ‘Then, rinse it up and down in a tub of soft cold water. Then, with- out wringing or pressing, hang *t to drain and dry. 20 D. E. a eng ATSipfay Wits am ae Un 290 - ON -WASHING auien a coat up by the collar. When uke re - it is sometimes the case, with coats, that nothing more — is needed. In other cases, it is necessary to dampen b the parts, which look wrinkled, with a sponge, -and- either pull them smooth, with the fingers, or press them with an iron, having a piece of bombazine, or Arar woollen cloth, between the iron and the article. er De in To panafactuve Ley, Soap, Starch, and other Articles used 4 in Washing. - * To make Ley. Provide a large tub, made of mee Ci or ash, and set it on a form, so high, that a tub can. ‘ stand under. it. Make a hole, an inch in diameter, near the bottom, on one side. Lay bricks, inside, about this: hole, and straw over them. To every seven — bushels of ashes, add two gallons of unslacked lime,and. throw in the ashes and lime in alternate layers, While — putting in the ashes and lime, pour on boiling water, — using three or four pailfuls. After this, add a’ pailful of cold soft water, once an hour, till all the ashes appear — to be well soaked. . Catch the drippings, in a tub, and ‘try its strength with an egg. If the egg rise so as to show a circle as large as a ten cent piece, the strength is right; if it rise higher, the ley must be. weak- — ened by water; if; not so high, the ashes are not ~~ good, and the whole process must be repeated, putting — in fresh ashes, and running the weak ley through the q new ashes, with some additidnal water. Quick-ley is made by pouring one gallon of boiling soft water on ee quarts of ashes, and straining it. Oak ashes are est To make Soft-Soap. Save all drippings and fat, melt them, and set them away, in cakes. Some per- _ sons keep, for soap-grease, a half barrel, with weak ley in it, anda cover over it. .To make soft-soap, take — the proportion of one pailful of ley to three pounds of fat. Melt the fat, and pour in the ley, by degrees, — Boil it steadily, through the day, till it is ropy. If nox boiled enough, on cooling, it will turn to ley and sedi. | j 4 ; 7 : - ON WASHING. 291 “ment. While boiling, there should always be a little be oil on the surface. If this does not appear, add more grease. If there is too much grease, on cooling, it will _ rise, and can be skimmed off. ‘Try it, by cooling a _ smallquantity. When it appears like gelly, on becommeg Cold, it is done. It must then be put in a cool place and often stirred. | To make cold Soft-Soap, melt thirty pounds of grease put it in a barrel, add four pailfuls of strong ley, anc stir it up thoroughly. Then gradually add more ley till the barrel is nearly full, and the soap looks about right. To make Potash-Soap, melt thirty-nine pounds of grease, and put it in a barrel. Take’ twenty-nine pounds of light ash-colored potash, (the reddish- colored will spoil the soap,) and pour hot water on it; then pour it off into the grease, stirring it well. Con- tinue thus, till all the potash is melted. Add one pail- ful of cold water, stirring it a great deal, every day, till the barrel be full, and then it is.done. This is the cheapest and best kind of soap. It is best to sell ashes potash. ‘The soap is better, if it stand a year before it is used; therefore make two barrels at once. To make Hard White Soap, take fifteen pounds of _ lard, or suet; and, when boiling, add, slowly, five gallons of ley, mixed with one gallon of water. Cool a small portion; and, if no grease rise, it 1s done: if grease do rise, add ley, and boil till no grease rises. Then add three quarts of fine salt, and boil it; if this do not harden well, on cooling, add more salt. Cool it, and if it is to be perfumed, melt it next day, put in the perfume, and then run it in moulds, or cut it in cakes. Common Hard Soap, is made in the same way, by using common fat. To manufacture Starch, cleanse a peck of unground wheat, and soak it, for several days, in soft water. When quite soft, remove the husks, with the hand, and the soft parts will settle. Pour off the water, and re- place it, every day, with that which is fresh, stirring it well. When, after stirring and settling, the water 1s ‘ eral oe: af Dede che oe cee pie pa a dp Oh A YS ates ge ne BP ral gers ar 4 hh, Om 6 292 ON STARCHING, IRONING, AND CLEANSING. ‘ clear, it is done. Then strain off the wate dia, d the StF. for several days, in the sun. If the water be permitted to remain too long, it sours, and the starch is - poor. If the starch be not r well dried, it grove aUusty, sg penee si Se “ bert as a meee i rs CHAPTER XXVUL ON STARCHING, IRONING, AND CLEANSING. a To prepare Starch. ‘Take four cabléepocnfall OF : starch ; put inas much water ; and rubit, tillalllumpsare removed. Then, add half a cup of cold water. Pour — this into a quart of boiling water, and boil it for halfan hour, adding a piece of spermaceti, or a lump of salt, or sugar, as large as a hazelnut. Strain it, and put in a a very little blueing. Thin it with hot water. . a Glue and Gum-Starch. Put a piece of glue, four inches square, into three quarts of water, boil it, and keep it in a bottle; corked up. Dissolve four ounces of gum Arabic, in a quart. of hot water, and set it — away, in a bottle, corked. Use the glue for calicoes, and the gum for silks and muslins, both to be mixed i with water, at discretion. : Beef? s-Gall, Send a junk-bottle to the butcher, and have several gall-bladders emptied into it. Keep it salted, and ina cool place. Some persons perfume 4 it; but fresh air removes the unpleasant smell which it gives, when used for clothes. Directions for Starching Muslins and Laces. Many ladies clap muslins, then dry them, and after- : wards sprinkle them. This saves time. Others clap them, till nearly dry, then fold and cover, and then iron — them. Iron wrought muslins on soft flannel, and on the wrong side. ye To do up Laces, nicely, sew a clean piece of muslin around a long bottle, and roll the lace on it; vulling e ON STARCHING, IRONING, AND CLEANSING. 293 Fa : out the edge, and rolling it so that the edge will turn in, and be covered, as you roll. Fill the bottle with __water, and then boil it, for an hour, in a suds made with white soap. Rinse it in fair water, a little blued; dry it in the sun; and, if any stiffening is wished, use thin starch, or gum Arabic. When dry, fold and press it, between white. papers, in a large book. It improves the lace, to wet it with sweet-oil, after it is rolled on the bottle, and before boiling in the suds. Blond laces can be whitened, by rolling them ona bottle, in: this way, and then setting the bottle in the sun, in a dish of cold suds made with white soap, wetting it thoroughly, and changing the suds, every day. Do this, for a week or more; then rinse, in fair water; dry it on the bottle, in the sun; and stiffen it with white gum Arabic. Lay it away in loose folds. Lace veils can be whitened, by laying them in flat dishes, in suds made with white soap; then rinsing, and stiffening them with gum Arabic, stretching them, and pinning them on a sheet, to dry. ON IRONING. Articles to be provided for Ironing. A settee, or settle, made so that it can be used for an ironing-table, is a great convenience. It may be made -of pine, and of the following dimensions: length, five feet and six inches ; width of the seat, one foot and nine inches ; height of the seat, one foot and three inches; height of the sides, (or arms of the seat,) two feet and four inches ; height of the back, five feet and three inches. The back should be made with hinges, of the height of the sides or arms, so that it can be turned down, and rest on them, and thus become an ironing-table. The back is 10 be fastened up, behind, with long iron hooks and staples. The seat should be made with two lids, open- ing into two boxes, or partitions, in one of which, can be kept the ironing-sheets and holders, and in the other, the other articles used in ironing. It can be stained of a cherry-color ; put on casters, so as to move easily ; 20* aes D. E 294 ON STARCHING, IRONING, AND CLEANSING. and be provided with two cushions, stuffed. with hay and covered with dark woollen. It thus serves as a comfortable seat, for Winter, protecting the back from 3 cold. ae Where a settee, of this description, is not souiied, a. % large ironing-board, made so as not to warp, should be © kept, and used only for this purpose, to be laid, when used, on a table. Provide, also, the following articles : A woollen ironing-blanket, and a linen or cotton sheet, _ to spread over “it; a large fire, of charcoal and hard aS wood, (unless furnaces or stoves are used ;) a hearth, +4 — free for cinders and ashes, a piece of -sheet-iron, in front of the fire, on which to set the irons, while heat- ing; (this last saves many black spots from careless ironers ;) three or four holders, made of woollen, ‘and ~ covered with old silk, as these do not easily take fire; two iron rings, or iron-stands, on which to set the irons, — and small pieces of board to put under them, to prevent scorching the sheet ; linen or cotton wipers ; anda piece of beeswax, to rub on the irons when they are smoked. There should be, at least, three irons for each person ironing, and a small and large clothes-trame, on which to air the fine and coarse clothes. | A bosom board, on which to iron shirt-bosoms, shoatd be made, one footrand a half long, and nine inches wide, and covered with white flannel, A skirt-board ~ on eich to iron frock-skirts, should be made, five feet long, and two feet wide at one end, tapering to one foot and three inches wide, at the other end. ‘This should be covered with firinale and will save much trouble, in ironing nice dresses. The large end may be put on the table, and the other, on the back of a chair. Both these boards should have cotton covers, made to fit them; and these should be changed and washed, when dirty. ‘These boards are often useful, when articles are to be ironed or pressed, ina chamber or parlor. Provide, also, a press-board, for broadcloth, two feet long, and tour pabes wide at one ones ley ae: ; 4 ing to three inches wide, at the other. E ON STARCHING, IRONING, AND CLEANSING. 295 A fluting-iron, called, also, a patent Italian iron, saves much labor, in ironing ruffles neatly. A crimp- __‘mg-iron, will crimp ruffles beautifully, with very little _ time or trouble. Care must be used, with the latter, or tt will cut the ruffles. A trial should be made, with ____ old muslins ; and, when the iron is screwed in the right ___ place, it must be so kept, and not altered without leave _ from the housekeeper. If the lady of the house will ___ provide all these articles, see that the fires are properly "made, the ironing-sheets evenly put on and properly pin- _ ned, the clothes-frames dusted, and all articles kept in their places, she will do much towards securing good ironing. On Sprinkhng, Folding, and Ironing. Wipe the dust from the ironing-board, and lay it down, to receive the clothes, which should be sprinkled with clear water, and laid in separate piles, one of colored, one of common, and one of fine articles, and one of flannels. Fold the fine things, and rell them in a towel, and then fold the rest, turning them all right side outward. The colored clothes should be laid separate from the rest, and ought not to lie long damp, as it in- jures the colors.. T’he sheets and table linen should be shaken, stretched, and folded, by two persons. Iron lace and needle-work on the wrong side, and carry them away, as soon as dry. Iron calicoes_ with irons which are not very hot, and generally on the right side, as they thus -keep clean for a longer time.. In ironing a frock, first do the waist, then the sleeves, then the skirt. Keep the skirt rolled, while ironing the other parts, and set a chair, to hold the sleeves, while ironing the skirt, unless a skirt-board be used. In ironing a shirt, first do the back, then the sleeves, then the collar and bosom, and then the front. fren silk on the wrong side, when quite damp, with an iron which is not very hot. Light colors are apt to change and fade. Iron velvet, by turning up the face of the iron, and after dampening the wrong side of the velvet, draw it over the face of the iron, holding it straight, and not biased ) 296 ON WHITENING, CLEANSING, AND DYEING. " ae 4 he » i . Bale F. ees sits ; , Fou CHAPTER XXVUR ea ee ON WHITENING, CLEANSING, AND DYEING, To Whiten Articles, and Remove Stains from them. - Wer white clothes in suds, and lay them on the grass, in the sun. Lay muslins in suds made with white soap, in a flat dish ; set this in the sun, changing a the suds, every day. Whiten tow-cloth, or brown linen, by keeping it in ley, through the night, laying it" out in the sun, and wetting it with fair yg as fast as it dries. | Scorched articles can often be whinbned again, by | laying them in the sun, wet with suds. Where this does not answer, put a pound of white soap m a gallon of milk, and boil the article in it. Another methed, is, to chop and extract the juice from two onions, and boil _this with half a pint of vinegar, an ounce of white soap, and two ounces of fuller’s earth. -Spread this, when cool, on the scorched part, and, when dry, wash it off, in fair water. Mildew may be removed, by dipping the’ article in sour buttermilk, laying it in the sun, and, after it is white, rinsing it in fair water. Seap and chalk are also good ; also, soap and starch, adding half _ as much salt as there is starch, together with the juice ofa lemon. Stains in linen can often be removed, by — rubbing on soft soap, then putting on a stareh paste and drying in the sun, renewing it several times. Wash off all the soap and starch, in cold, fair water. ! Mixtures for Removing Stains and Grease. ~ Stain-Micture. Half an ounce of oxalic acid; in 2 pint of soft water. This can be kept ina corked bottle — and is mfallible in removing iron-rust, and ink-stains [t is very poisonous. ‘The article must be spread with this mixture over the steam of hot water, and wet several times. This will also remove indelible ink ¥ a 3 Be : iz _ON WHITENING, CLEANSING, AND DYEING. 297 ake article must be washed, or the mixture will in- : jure if, Another Stain-Mixture is made, by mixing one ounce of sal ammoniac, one ounce of salt of tartar, and one pint of soft water. To-remove Grease. Mix four ounces of fuller’s earth, half an ounce of pearlash, and lemon-juice enough to make a stiff paste, which can be dried in balls, and kept for use. Wet the greased spot with cold water, rub it with the ball, dry it, and then rinse it with fair cold water. This is for white articles. For silks, and worsteds, use French chalk, which can be procured of the apothecaries. That which is soft and white, is best. Scrape it on the greased spot, and let it lie for a day and night. Then renew it, till the spot disappears. Wilmington clay-balls, are equally good. Ink-spots can often be removed from white clothes, by rubbing on common tallow, leaving it for a day or two, and then washing, as usual. Grease can be taken out of wall-paper, by making a paste of potter’s clay, water and ox-gall, and spreading it on the -paper When dry, renew it, till the spot disappears. Stains on floors, from soot, or stove-pipes, can be removed, by washing the spot in sulphuric acid and water. Stains, in colored silk dresses, can often be removed, by pure water. ‘Those made by acids, tea, "wine, and fruits, can often be removed, by spirits of — : hartshorn, diluted with an equal quantity of water, Sometimes, it must be repeated, several times. | Tar, Pitch, and Turpentine, can. be removed, by putting the spot in sweet-oil, or by spreading tallow on it, and letting it remain for twenty-four hours. ‘Then, if the article be linen or cotton, wash it, as usual; if it be silk or worsted, rub it with ether, or spirits of wine. Lamp- Oil can be removed, from floors, carpets, and other articles, by spreading upon the stain a paste, made of fuller’s earth or potter’s clay, and renewing it, when dry, till the stain is removed. If gall be put ito the paste, it will preserve the colors from injury. When 298 ON WHITENING, CLEANSING, AND D the stain has been removed, carefully brush off the paste, with a soft brush. Oil-Paint can be removed, by rubbing it with en pure spirits of turpentine. The i Impure spirit leaves a grease-spot. Wax can be removed, by scraping it off, und then holding a red-hot poker near the spot. “Sper _ maceti may be removed by scraping it off, then putting a paper over the spot, and applying a warm iron. ‘If this does not answer, rub on spirits of wine. Ink--Stains,; in carpets and. woollen . pic RAN, " can be removed, by washing the. spot in a liquid, com- posed of one teaspoonful of oxalic acid dissolved in a teacupful of warm (not hot) water, and then rinsing in cold water. : Stains on Varnished Articles, which are eens by cups of hot water, can be removed, by rubbing them with lamp-oil, and ‘then with. alcohol. Ink-stains can be taken out. of mahogany, by one teaspoonful of oil of vitriol mixed with one tablespoonful of water, or by’ oxalic acid and water. ‘These must be brushed over quickly, and then washed off with milk. Modes of Cleansing Various Articles. Silk Handkerchiefs and Ribands can be cleansed, by using French chalk to take out the grease, and then 3 sponging them, on both sides, with lukewarm fair water. Stiffen them with gum Arabic, and press them between white paper, with an iron not very hot. pee a 5 i - Te y + ' 302 CHAPTER XXIX. ees a ON THE CARE OF phnianel _ ly selecting the furniture of parlors, some reference — should be had to correspondence of shades and colors. Curtains should be darker than the walls; and, if the walls and carpets be light, the chairs should be dark, and vice versa. Pictures always look best on ee a walls. In selecting carpets, for rooms much used, it is poor - economy to buy cheap ones. Ingrain carpets, of close texture, and the three-ply carpets, are best for common use. Brussels carpets do not wear so long as the three- ply ones, because they cannot be turned. Wilton carpets wear badly, and Venetians are good win ise halls and stairs. In selecting colors, avoid those in which there are any black theeads: as they are always rotten. The most tasteful carpets, are those, which are made of va- — rious shades of the same color, or of all shades of only two colors; such as brown and yellow, or blue and buff, or salmon and green, or all shades of green, or of brown. All very dark shades should be brown or green, but not black. In laying down carpets, it is-a bad practice to wise straw under them, as this makes them wear out in spots. - Straw matting, laid. under carpets, makes them. last much longer, as it is smooth and even, and the dust sifts through it. In buying carpets, always get a few yards over, to allow for waste in matching figures. , In cutting carpets, make them three or four inches shorter than the room, to allow for stretching. Begin to cut in the middle of a figure, and it will usually match better. Many carpets match in two different ways, and care must be taken to get the right one. Sew a carvet on the wrong side, with double waxed ON THE CARE OF PARLORS. 303° thread, and with the ball-stitch.. This is done : taking a stitch on the breadth next you, pointing the needle towards you ; and then taking a stitch on the other breadth, pointing the needle from you. Draw the thread tightly, but not so as to pucker. In fitting a breadth to the hearth, cut slits in the right place, and turn the. piece under. Bind the whole of the carpet, with carpet-binding, nail it with tacks, having bits of leather under the heads. To stretch the carpet, use a carpet-fork, which is a long stick, ending with notched tin, like saw-teeth. This is put in the edge of~the carpet, and pushed by one person, while the nail is driven by another. Cover blocks, or bricks, with. car- peting, like that of the room, and put them behind tables, doors, sofas, &c., to preserve the walls from injury, by knocking, or by the dusting-cloth. Cheap footstools, made of a square plank, covered with tow-cloth, stuffed, and then covered with carpet- ing, with worsted handles, look very well. Sweep carpets as seldom as possible, as it wears them out. To shake them often, is good economy. In cleaning carpets, use damp tea leaves, or wet Indian meal, throwing it about, and rubbing it over with the broom. The latter, is very good for cleansing carpets made dingy by coal-dust. In brushing carpets in ordinary use, it will be found very convenient to use a large flat dust- pan, with a perpendicular handle a yard high, put on so that the pan will stand alone. ‘This can be carried about, and used without stooping, brushing dust into it with a common broom. The pan must be very large, or it will be upset. When carpets are taken up, they should be hung on a line, or laid on long grass, and whipped, first on one side, and then on the other, with pliant whips. If laid sapighes they should be pared up tight, in linen, having snuff or tobacco put along all the crevices where moths could enter. Shaking pepper, from a pepper-box, round the edge of the. floor, under a carpet, prevents the access of moths. 304 ON THE CARE OF PARLORS. Carpets can be best washed on the Aiea thus: “Firs rst shake them; and then, after cleaning the’ floor, stretch and nail them upon it. Then scrub them in cold soap- suds, having half a teacupful of ox-gall to a bucket of water. Then wash off the suds, with a cloth, in fair — water. Set open the doors and windows, for two days or more. Imperial Brussels, Venetian, ingrain, and — three-ply, carpets, can be washed thus; but Wilton, and other plush-carpets, cannot. Before washing them, take out grease, with a paste, made of potter’s clay, ox-gall, and water. ‘Straw matting is best for chambers and Suerte parlors. The checked, of two colors, is not so good to wear. ‘The best, is the cheapest in the end. When washed, it should be done with salt water, wiping it dry ; but frequent washing injures it. Bind matting with cotton binding. Sew breadths together like car peting. In joining the ends of pieces, ravel out a _ part, and tie the threads together, turning under a little of each piece, and then, laying the ends close, nail them down, with nails having kid under their heads, In hanging pictures, put them so that the lower part shall be opposite the eye. Cleanse the glass of pictures with whiting, as water endangers the pictures.. Gilt frames can be much better preserved by putting on a coat of copal varnish, which, with proper brushes, can be bought of carriage or cabinet-makers. When dry, it can be washed with fair water. Wash the brush in spirits of turpentine. Curtains, ottomans, and sofas covered with worsted, can be cleansed, by wheat-bran, rubbed on with flan- nel. Dust Venetian blinds with feather brushes. Buy light-colored ones, as the green are going out of fash- ion. Strips of linen or cotton, on rollers and pulleys, are mtch in use, to shut out the sun from curtains and carpets. Paper curtains, pasted on old cotton, are good for chambers. Put them on rollers, having cords nailed to them, so that when the curtain falls, the cord will be wound up. Then, by pulling the cord, the curtain will be rolled up. e ON THE CARE OF PARLORS. 305 _ “Mahogany furniture should be made in the Spring, ‘and stand some months before it is used, or it will shrink and warp. Varnished furniture should be rubbed only with silk, except occasionally, when a little sweet-oil should be rubbed over, and wiped off carefully. For unvarnished furniture, use beeswax, a little softened with sweet-oil; rub it in with a hard brush, and polish with woollen and silk rags. Some persons rub in linseed-oil ; others mix beeswax with a little spirits of turpentine and rosin, making it so that it can be put on with a sponge, and wiped off with a soft rag. Others, keep in a bottle the following mixture; two ounces of spirits of turpentine, four tablespoonfuls of sweet-oil, and one quart of milk. This is applied with a sponge, and wiped off with a linen rag. Hearths and jambs, of brick, look best painted over with blacklead, mixed with soft-soap. Wash the bricks which are nearest the fire with redding and milk, using a painter's brush. A sheet of zinc, covering the whole hearth, is cheap, saves work, and looks very well. A tinman can fit it properly. Stone hearths should be rubbed with a paste of pow- dered stone, (to be procured of the stonecutters,) and then brushed with a stiff brush. Kitchen-hearths, of stone, are improved by rubbing in lamp-oil. Stains can be removed from marble, by oxalic acid and water, or oil of vitriol and water, left on fifteen minutes, and then rubbed dry. Gray marble is im- proved by linseed-oil. Grease can be taken from mar- ble, by ox-gall and potter’s clay wet with soapsuds, (a gill of each.) It is better to add, also, a gill of spirits of turpentine. It improves the looks of marble, to cover it with this mixture, leaving it two days, and then rubbing it off. eh Unless a parlor is in constant use, it is best to sweep it only once a week, and at other times use a whisk- broom and dust-pan. When a parlor with handsome furniture is to be swept, cover the sofas, centre table, 26* e D. E. 306 - ON THE CARE OF — piano, books, and mantelpiece, with old cottons, kept om for the purpose. Remove the rugs, and shake them, and clean the jambs, hearth, and fire-furniture. Then — sweep the room, moving every article. Dust the fur- niture, with a dust-brush and a piece of old silk. A painter’s brush should be kept, to remove dust from ledges and crevices. The dust-cloths should be often shaken and washed, or else they will soil the walls and furniture when they are used. Dust ornaments, and fine books, with feather brushes, kept for the purpose. CHAPTER XXX. eet. a ON THE CARE OF BREAKFAST AND DINING-ROOMS.— An eating-room should have in it a large closet, with drawers and shelves, in which should be kept all the articles used at meals. This, if possible, should com- municate with the kitchen, by a sliding window, or by a door, and have in ita window, and also a small sink, made of marble or lined with zinc, which will be a great convenience for washing nice articles. If there’ be a dumb-waiter, it is best to have it connected with such a closet. It may be so contrived, that, when it is down, it shall form part of the closet floor. A table-rug, or crumb-cloth, is useful to save carpets from injury. Bocking, or baize, is best. Always spread the same side up, or the carpet will be soiled by the rug. 'Table-mats are needful, to prevent injury to the table from. the warm dishes. 'Teacup-mats, or small plates, are useful to save the table-cloths from dripping tea or coffee. Butter-knives, for the butter-plate, and salt-spoons, for salt-dishes, are designed to prevent those disgusting marks which are made, when persons use their own knives, to take salt or butter. _ A sugar- spoon should be kept in or by the sugar-dish, for the same purpose. 'Table-napkins, of diaper, are often laid * Te ae ore BREAKFAST AND DINING-ROOMS. 307 | by each person’s plate, for use during the meal, to save the tablecloth and pocket-handkerchief. To preserve _ the same napkin for the same person, each member of , . the family has a given number, and the napkins are numbered. to correspond, or else are slipped into ivory rings, which are numbered. A stranger hasa clean one, at each meal. ‘Tablecloths should be well starched, and ironed on the right side, and always, when taken off, folded in the ironed creases. Doilies are colored nap- kins, which, when fruit is offered, should always be fur- nished, to prevent a. person from staining a nice handker- chief, or permitting the fruit-juice to dry on the fingers: Casters and salt-stands should be put in order, every morning, when washing the breakfast things. Always, if possible, provide fine and dry table-salt, as many persons are much disgusted with that which is dark, damp, and coarse. Be careful to keep salad-oil closely corked, or it will grow rancid. Never leave the salt-spoons in the salt, nor the mustard-spoon in the mustard, as they are thereby injured. Wipe them, immediately after the meal. For table-furniture, French china is deemed the nicest, but it is liable to the objection of having plates, so made, that salt, butter, and similar articles, will not _lodge on the edge, but slip into the centre. Select knives and forks, which have weights in the handles, so that, when laid down, they will not touch the table. Those with rivetted handles last longer than any others. Horn handles (except buckhorn) are very poor. The best are cheapest in the end. Knives should be sharp- ened once a month, unless they are kept sharp by the mode of scouring. On Setting Tables. Neat housekeepers observe the manner in whicha table is set more than any thing else; and to a person of good taste, few things are more annoying, than to see. the table placed askew ; the tablecloth soiled, rumpled, and put on awry; the plates, knives, and dishes thrown ~6308 3 ON THE CARE OF about, without any order; the pitchers pila on he enteric! and sometimes within + the tumblers dim ; the F _ caster out of order; the butter pitched on the plate, without any symmetry ; ; the salt coarse, damp, and dark ; the bread cut in a mixture of junks and slices ; ‘the. dishes of food set on at random, and without mats; tne knives dark .or rusty, and their handles greasyy the tea-furniture all out of order, and every thing in similar style. And yet, many of these negligences will be met with, at the tables of persons who call themselves well bred, and who have wealth enough to make much out- side show. One reason for this, is, the great difficulty of finding domestics, who will attend to these things in a proper manner, and who, after they have been re- peatedly instructed, will not neglect nor forget what has been said to them. ‘The writer has known cases, where much has been gained by placing the following rules in plain sight, in the place where the articles’ for setting tables are kept. Fiules for setting a Table. 1. Lay the rug square with the room, and also sitet and even; then ‘set the table also square with the room, and see that the leos are in the right position to ie ee): the leaves. 2. Lay the tablecloth square with the table, iii side up, smooth, and even. 3. Put on the teatray (for birBalefaaae or ten) square with the table; set the cups and saucers at the front side of the teatray, and the sugar, slop-bowls, and cream- cup, at the back side. Lay the sugar-spoon or tongs on the sugar-bowl. 4. Lay the plates around the table, at equal intervals, and the knives and forks at regular distances, each in the same particular manner, with a cup-mat, or cup- plate, to each, and a napkin at the right side of each ~ Berson. . If meat be used, set the caster and salt-cellars i in ae. centre of the table ; then lay mats for the dishes, eee es a si BREAKFAST AND DINING-ROOMS. 309 and place the carving-knife and fork and steel by the _ master of the house. Set the butter on two plates, - one on either side, with a butter-knife by each. 6. Set the tea or coffee-pot on a mat, at the right hand of the teatray, (if there be not room upon it.) Then place the chairs around the table, and call the family. ' For Dinner. ‘1. Place the rug, table, tablecloth, plates, knives and forks, and napkins, as before directed, with a tumbler by each plate. In cold weather, set the plates where they will be warmed. 2. Put the caster in the centre, and the salt-stands at two oblique corners, of the table, the latter between two large spoons crossed. If more spoons be needed, lay them on each side of the caster, crossed. Set the pitcher on a mat, either at a side-table, or, when there is no waiter, on the dining-table. Water looks best in glass decanters. | 3. Set the bread on the table, when there is no waiter. Some take a fork, and lay a piece on the nap- kin or tumbler by each plate. Others keep it in a tray, covered with a white napkin to keep off flies. Bread for dinner is often cut in small junks, and not in slices. 4, Set the principal dish before the master of the house, and the other dishes in a regular manner. Put the carving-knife, fork, and steel, by the principal dish, and also a knife-rest, if one be used. 5. Put a small knife and fork by the pickles, and also by any other dishes which need them. Then place the chairs. On Waiting at Table. * A domestic, who waits on the table, should be required to keep the hair and hands in neat order, and have on acleanapron. A small tea-tray should be used to carry cups and plates. The waiter should announce the meal (when ready) to the mistress of the family, then stand é Poet ia ae Riera a aan Date EE ni z 810 ON THE CARE OF by the eating-room door, till all are in, then close the door, and step to the left side of the lady of the house. x Te When all are seated, the waiter should remove the Bs covers, taking care first to invert them, so as not to drop the steam on the tablecloth or euests. In pre- senting articles, go to the left side of the gets Th pouring water never entirely fill the tumbler. | The waiter should notice when bread or water is wanting, and hand it without being called. When plates are changed, be careful not to drop knives or forks. Brush off crumbs, with a crumb-brush, into a small waiter. - When there is no domestic waiter, a light table should be set at the left side of the mistress of the house, on which the bread, water, and other articles not in immediate use, can be placed. On Carving and Helping at Table. It is considered an accomplishment for a lady to know how to carve well, at her own table. It is not proper to stand in carving. The carving-knife should be sharp and thin. To carve fowls, (which should always be laid with the breast uppermost,) place the — fork in the breast, and take off the wings and legs without turning the fowl; then cut out the merry thought, cut slices from the breast, take out the collar bone, cut off the side pieces, and then cut the carcass in two. Divide the joints in the leg of a turkey. In helping the guests, when no choice is expressed, give a piece of both the white and dark meat, with some of the stuffing. Inquire whether the guest will be helped to each kind of vegetable, and put the gravy on the plate, and not on any article of food. In carving a sirloin, cut thin slices from thie’ sia next to you, “(it must be put on the dish with the tender- loin underneath ;) then turn it, and cut from the tender- loin. Help the guest to both kinds, : In carving a leg of mutton, or a ham, begin by cubiae across the middle, to the bone. Cut a tongue across, and not lengthwise, and help from the middle part. . * 7 a ; F P t é CHAMBERS AND BEDROOMS. 311 . a Cares a forequarter of lamb, by separating the shoulder from the ribs, and then dividing the ribs. To carve a loin of veal, begin at the smaller end and separate the ribs. Help each one toa piece of the kidney and its fat. Carve pork and mutton in the same way. _ To carve a fillet of veal, begin at the top, and help to the stuffing with each slice. In a breast of veal, separate the breast and brisket, and then cut them up, asking which part is preferred. In carving a pig, it is customary to divide it, and take off the head, before it comes to the table; as, to many persons, the head is very revolting. Cut off the limbs, and divide the ribs. In carving venison, make a deep incision down to the bone, to let out the juices; then turn the broad end of the haunch towards you, cutting deep, in thin slices. For a saddle of venison, cut from the tail towards the other end, on each side, in thin slices. Warm plates are very necessary, with venison’and mutton, and in Winter, are desirable for all meats. CHAPTER XXXI ON THE CARE OF CHAMBERS AND BEDROOMS. Every mistress of a family should see, not only that all sleeping-rooms in her house can be well ventilated at night, but that they actually are so. Where there is no open fireplace to admit the pure air from the exterior, a door should be left open into an entry, or room where fresh air is admitted; or else a small opening should be made in a window, taking care not to allow a draught of air to cross the bed. The debility of childhood, the lassitude of domestics, and the ill-health of families, are often caused by neglecting to provide a supply of pure air. Straw matting is best for a cham- ber carpet, and strips of woollen carpeting may be laid ROSS 312 ON THE CARE OF by the side of the bed. Where chambers have no closets, a wardrobe is indispensable. This is a move- able closet, with doors, divided, by a perpendicular par- — tition, into two apartments, In ane division, rows of — hooks are placed, on which to hang dresses. The other division is fitted up with shelves, for other uses. Some are made with drawers at the bottom for shoes, _ and such like articles. A low square box, set on casters, with a cushion on the top, and a drawer on one side to put shoes in, is a great convenience in dressing the feet. An old champaigne basket, fitted up with a cushion on the lid, and a valance fastened to it to cover the — can be used for the same purpose. A comfortable couch, for chambers and sities can be made by a common carpenter, at a small expense. Have a frame made (like the annexed engraving, Fig. | 38,) of common stuff, six feet long, twenty-eight inches wide, and twelve inches high. It must be made thus low, Bech une the casters and cushions will raise it several inches. Have the sloping side-piece, a, and head-piece, 6, sawed out of a board; nail brown linen on them, and stuff them with soft hay or hair. Let these be screwed to the frame, and covered with furniture patch. Then let slats be nailed across the bottom, as at c, c, four inches apart. This will cost two or three dollars. Then make a thick cushion, of hay or straw, with side strips, like a mattress, and lay this for the under-cushion. To put over this, make a thinner cushion, of hair, cover it with furniture-calico, and fasten to it a valance reach- ing to the floor. ‘Then make two square pillows, and. cover them with calico, like the rest. Both the cush- ions should be stitched through like mattresses. a ae ~ Be ' CHAMBERS AND BEDROOMS. 318 ‘The writer has seen a couch of this kind, in a com mon parlor, which cost less than eight dollars, was much admired, and was a constant comfort to the feeble mother, as well as many other members of thie | family. | | ‘Another convenience, for a room where sewing is done in Summer, is a fancy-jar, set in one corner, to receive clippings, and any other rubbish. It can be covered with prints, or paintings, and varnished ; and then looks very prettily. ‘The trunks in a chamber can be improved in looks and comfort, by making cushions of the same size and shape, stuffed with hay and covered with chintz, with a frill reaching nearly to the floor. Every bedchamber should have a washstand, bowl, pitcher, and tumbler, with a washbucket under the stand, to receive slops. A light screen, made like a clothes-frame, and covered with paper or chintz, should be furnished for bedrooms occupied by two: persons, so that ablutions can be performed in privacy. It can be ornamented, so as to look well anywhere. A little frame, or towel-horse, by the washstand, on which to dry towels, is a convenience. A washstand should be furnished with a sponge or washcloth, and a small towel, for wiping the basin after using it. This should be hung on the washstand or towel-horse, for constant use. A soap-dish,and a dish for toothbrushes, are neat and convenient, and each person should be furnished with two towels; one for the feet, and one for other purposes. It is in good taste to have the curtains, bedquilt, val- ance, and window-curtains, of similar materials. In making featherbeds, side-pieces should be put in, like those of mattresses, and the bed should be well filled, so that a person will not be buried in a hollow, which is _ not healthful, save in extremely cold weather. Feather- beds should never be used, except in cold weather. At other times, a thin mattress of hair, cotton and moss, or straw, should be put over them. A simple strip of 27 D. E. 3l4 _ ON THE CARE OF broad straw matting, spread over a featherbed, answers the same purpose. Nothing is more debilitatmg, than, in warm weather, to sleep with a featherbed pressing — round. the greater part of the body. Pillows stuffed with papers an inch square, are good for Summer, es- pecially for young children, whose heads should be kept cool. The cheapest and best covering of a bed, for Winter, is a cotton’ comforter, made to contain three or four pounds of cotton, batts or sheets, between covers tacked together at regular intervals. They should be three yards square, and less cotton should be put at the sides that are tucked in. It is better to have two thin comforters, to each bed, than one thick one ; as then the covering can be regulated according te the weather. Few domestics will make a bed properly, without much attention from the mistress of the family. The following directions should be given to those, who do this work. Open the windows, and lay off the uiecueeal on two chairs, at the foes of the bed. After the bed is well aired, shake the feathers, from each corner to the middle ; then take up the middle, anc. shake it well, and turn the bed over. Then push the feathers in place, making the head higher than the foot, and the sides even, and as high as the middle part. Then put on the bolster and the under sheet, so that the wrong side of the sheet shall gonext the bed, and the marking come at the head, tucking in all around. Then put on the pillows, even, so that the open ends shall come to the sides of the bed, and. then spread on the upper sheet, so that the wrong side shall be next the blankets, and the marked end at the head. ‘This arrangement of sheets is to prevent the part where the feet he from being reversed, so as to come to the face, and also to prevent the parts soiled by the body, from coming to the bedtick and blankets. ‘Then put on the other covering, except the outer one, tucking in all around, and then turn over the upper sheet, at the head, so as 4 5 by 5: i os CHAMBERS AND BEDROOMS. 315 ____ to show a part of the pillows. When the pillow-cases are clean and smooth, they look best ouvside of the cover, but not otherwise. Then draw the hand along the side of the pillows, to make an even imdentation, and then smooth and shape the whole outside. A nice housekeeper always notices the manner in which a bed is made; and in some parts of the Country, it is ret to see this work properly performed. - The writer would here urge every mistress of @ family, who keeps more than one domestic, to provide them with single beds, that they may not be obliged to sleep with all the changing domestics, who come and go so often. Where the room is too small for two beds, a narrow truckle-bed under another, will answer. Domestics should be furnished with washing conve- niences in their chambers, and be encouraged to keep their persons and rooms neat and in order. On Packing and Storing Articles. Fold a gentleman’s coat, thus :—Lay it on a table or bed, the inside downward, and unroll the collar. Double each sleeve once, making the crease at. the elbow, and laying them so as to make the fewest wrinkles, and parallel with the skirts. ‘Turn the fronts over the back and sleeves, and then turn up the skirts, making all as smooth as possible. Fold a shirt, thus :—One that has a bosom-piece in- serted, lay on a bed, bosom downward. Fold each _ sleeve twice, and lay it parallel with the sides of the shirt. Turn the two sides, with the sleeves, over the middle part, and then turn up the bottom, with two folds. This makes the collar and bosom Jie, unpressed, on the outside. : Fold a frock thus :—-Lay its front downward, so as to make the first creases in folding come in the side breadths. To do this, find the middle of the side breadths by first put- ting the middle of the front and back breadths together. Next, fold over the side creases so as just to meet the slit behind. Then fold the skirt again, so as to make the backs 816 ON THE CARE OF THE lie tovether within and the fronts without.. Then eeriige ~ Bes the waist and sleeves, and fold the skirt around them. Jn packing trunks, for travelling, put all ens . articles at the bottom, covered with paper, which should not be printed, as the ink rubs off. Put coats and pantaloons into linen cases, made for the purpose, and furnished with strings. Fill all crevices with small articles; as, if a trunk is not full, nor tightly packed, its contents will be shaken about, ‘and get injured. A. thin box, the exact size of the trunk, with a lid, and cov- ered with brown linen, is-a great convenience, to set in- side,on the top of the trunk, to contain light articles which would be injured by tight packing. Have straps, with buckles, fastened. to the inside, near the bottom, long enough to come up and buckle over this box. By this _ means, when a trunk is not quite full, this box can be strapped over so tight, as to keep the articles from rubbing. Under-clothing packs closer, by being” rolled tightly, instead of being folded. Bonnet-boxes, made of light wood, with a lock and key, are better than the paper bandboxes so annoying to travellers. Carpet bags are very useful, to carry the articles to be used on a journey. ‘The best ones have sides inserted, iron rims, and a lock and key. A large — silk travelling-bag, with a double linen lining, in which are stitched receptacles for toothbrush, combs, and other small articles, is a very convenient article for use when travelling. A bonnet-cover, made of some thin material, like a large hood with a cape, is useful to draw over the bon- net and neck, to keep off dust, sun, and sparks from a steam engine. Green veils are very apt to stain bon- nets, when damp. In packing household furniture, for moving, have each box numbered, and then have a book, in which, as each box is packed, note down the number of the box, and the order in which its contents are packed, as this will save much labor and perplexity when unpack- ing. In packing china and glass, wrap each article, KITCHEN, CELLAR, AND STOREROOM. 317 ae separately, in paper, and put soft hay or straw at bot- tom and all around each. Put the heaviest articles at the bottom; and on the top of the box, write, “This side up.” CHAPTER XXXII. __ON THE CARE OF THE KITCHEN, CELLAR, AND STOREROOM. _ IF parents wish their daughters to grow up with good domestic habits, they should/have, as one means of secur- ing this result, a neat and cheerful kitchen. dishes, and one for washing pots and eben: These as should be put in the wash every week. The lady who in- sists upon this, will not be annoyed by having her dishes washed with ‘duals; musty, and greasy, rags, as Is too frequently the case. “ Under the sink should be kept a slop-pail ; and, on ’ ashelf by it, a soap-dish and two water-pails. A large | boiler, of warm soft water, should always be kept over the fire, well covered, and a hearth-broom and bellows be hung near. the fire... A clock is.a very important article in the kitchen, in order to secure regularity at meals. | On Washing Dishes. — No item of domestic labor is so frequently done in a negligent manner, by domestics, as this. A full supply of conveniences, will do much toward a remedy of this evil. A swab, made of strips of linen, tied to a stick, is useful to wash nice dishes, especially small, deep articles. Two or three foils. and three dish slots: should be used. Two large tin tubs, painted on the outside, should be provided ; one for washing, and one for rinsing; also, a large old waiter, on which to drain the dishes. A soap-dish, with hard soap, and a fork, with which to use it, a slop-pail, and two pails for water, should also be furnished. ‘Then, if there be danger of neglect, the following rules for washing dishes, legibly written, may be hung up by the sink, and it will aid in promoting the desired care and neat- ness. Rules for Washing Dishes. 1. Scrape the dishes, putting away any food whick may remain on them, and which it may be proper to save for future use. Put grease mto the grease-pot, and whatever else may be on the plates, into the slop- pail. Save tea-leaves, forsweeping. Set all the dishes, when scraped, in regular piles; the smallest at the top. 2. Put the nicest articles in the wash-dish, and wash i them in hot suds, with the swab or nicest dish-cloth. Wipe all metal articles, as soon as thev are washed. ~ ; é KITCHEN, CELLAR, AND STOREROOM. 319 Put all the rest into the rinsing-dish, which should be filled with hot water. When they are taken out, lay them to drain on the waiter. Then rinse the dish- cloth, and hang it up, wipe the articles washed, and put them in their places. | _ 3. Pour in more hot water, wash the greasy dishes with the dish-cloth made for them; rinse them, and set them to drain. Wipe them, and set them away. Wash the knives and forks, being careful that the handles are never put in water ; wipe them, and then lay them in a knife-dish, te be scoured. _4. Take a fresh supply of clean suds, in which, wash the milk-pans, buckets, and tins. Then rinse and hang up this dish-cloth, and take the other; with which, wash the roaster, gridiron, pots, and kettles. Then wash and rinse the dish-cloth, and hang it up. Empty _ the slop-bucket and scald it. Dry metal teapots and tins before the fire. Then put the fireplacé in order, and sweep and dust the kitchen. Some persons keep a deep and narrow vessel, in which to wash knives with a swab, so that a careless domestic cannot lay them in the water while washing them. This article can be carried into the eating-room, “to receive the knives and forks, when they are taken from the table. Kitchen Furniture. Crockery. Brown earthen pans are said to be best, for milk and for cooking. ‘Tin pans are lighter, and more convenient, but are too cold for many purposes. Tall earthen jars, with covers, are good to hold butter, salt, lard, &c. Acids should never be put into the red earthen ware, as there is a poisonous ingredient in the glazing, which the acid takes off. Stone ware is better, and stronger, and safer, every way, than any other kind. Tron Ware. Many kitchens are very imperfectly supplied with the requisite conveniences for cooking. When a person has sufficient means, the following articles are all desirable. A nest of iren pots, of dif- - 320 ON THE CARE OF THE ferent sizes, (they should be slowly heated, whe « new - ie a long iron ‘fork, to take out articles from boiling water ; an iron hook, with a handle, to lift pots from the erane ; a large and ‘small gridiron, with grooved bars, and a trench to catch the grease; a Dutch oven, enliend; alse: a a bakepan ; two skillets, of different sizes, and a spider, or flat skillet, for frying; a griddle, a waffle-iron, tin — and iron bake and bread-pans ; two ladles; of different sizes; a skimmer ; iron skewers; a toastingsron; two teakettles, one small and one large one ; two ‘brass kettles, of different sizes, for . soap-boiling, &ec. Tron kettles, lined with porcelain, are better for preserves. The German are the best. Too hot a fire will crack them, but with care in this respect, pais will last for, many years. Portable furnaces, of iron or clay, are very inaiefelh in Summer, in washing, ironing, and stewing, or making preserves. If used in the house, a strong draught must be made, to prevent the deleterious effects of the char- coal. A box and mill, for spice, pepper, and coffee, are needful to those who use thesearticles.. Strong knives. and forks, a sharp carving-knife, an iron cleaver and board, a fine saw, steelyards, chopping-tray and knife, an apple-parer, steel for sharpening knives, sugar-nip- pers, a dozen iron spoons, also a large iren one with a long handle, six or eight flatirons, one of them very small, two iron-stands, a ruffle-iron, a crimping-iron, are also eae | Tin Ware. Bread-pans, large and small pattypans, - cake-pans, with a centre tube to imsure them baking well, pie-dishes, (of block-tin,) a covered butter-kettle, covered kettles to hold berries, two sauce-pans, a large oil-can, (with a cock,) a lamp-filler, a lantern, broad- bottomed candlesticks for the kitchen, a candle-box, a funnel or tunnel, a reflector, for baking warm cakes, an oven or tin-kitchen, an apple-corer, an apple-roaster, an egg-boiler, two sugar-scoops, and flour and meal- scoop, a set of mugs, three dippers, a pint, quart, and gallon measure, a set of scales and weights, three or four pails, painted on the outside, a slop-bucket, with a KITCHEN, CELLAR, AND ‘STOREROOM. 321 tight cover, painted on the outside, a milk-strainer, a gravy-strainer, a colander, a dredging-box, a pepper- box, a large and small grater, a box, in which to keep cheese, also a large one for cake, and a still larger one — for bread, with tight covers. Bread, cake, and cheese, shut up in this way, will not grow dry as in the open air. Wooden Ware. with a trowel, so as to make the earth as compact as it — is after a heavy shower. Set up a stick, in the middle of the circle, with the name of the plant heavily writ-— ten upon it, with a dark lead pencil. This remains more permanent, if white lead be first rubbed over the surface. Never plant, when the soil is very wet. In very dry times, water the seeds at night Never use ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. 333 very cold water. When the seeds are small, many _ should be planted together, that they may assist each other in breaking the soil. When the plants are an inch high, thin them out, leaving only one or two, if the plant be a large one, like the Balsam; five or six, when it is of a medium size; and eighteen or twenty of the smaller size. Transplanting, retards the growth of a plant about a fortnight. It is best to plant at two different times, lest the first planting should fail, owing to wet or cold weather. . To Plant Garden Seeds. Make the beds a yard wide; lay across them a board, a yard long and a foot wide, and, with a stick, make a furrow, on each side. of it, one inch deep. Scatter the seeds in this furrow, and cover them. Then lay the board over them and step on it, to press’ down the earth. When the plants are an inch high, thin them out, leaving spaces proportioned to their sizes. Seeds of a similar species, such as melons and squashes, should not be planted very near to each other, as this causes them to degenerate. The same kinds of vegetables should not be planted in the same place, for two years in succession. On Transplanting. ‘Transplant at evening, or, which is better, just before a shower. ‘Take a round stick, sharpened at the point, and make openings to receive the plants. Set them a- very little deeper than they were before, and press the soil firmly round them. ‘Then water them, and cover them for three or four days, taking care that sufficient air be admitted. If the plant can be removed, without disturbing the soil around the root, it will not be at all retarded, by transplanting. Never remove leaves and branches, unless a part of the roots be lost. To Re-pot House-Plants. Renew the soil, every year, soon after the time 334 oN THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. of blossoming. Prepare soil, as previously directed. Loosen the earth from the pot, by passing a cafe s around the sides. Turn the plant upside down, and — remove the pot. Then remove-all the matted fibres at | the bottom, and all the earth, except that which adheres to the roots, From woody plants, like roses, shake off - all the earth. Take the new pot, and put a piece of broken earthen-ware over the hole at the bottom; and — then, holding the plant in the proper position, shake in the earth, around it. Then pour in water, to settle the earth, and heap on fresh soil, till the pot is even full. Small pots are considered better than large ones, as the roots are not so likely to rot, from excess of moisture. On the Laying out of Yards and Gardens. In planting trees, in a yard, they should be arranged in groups, and never planted in straight lines, nor sprinkled about, as solitary trees. ‘The object of this arrangement, is, to imitate Nature, and secure some spots of dense shade and some of cleared turf. In yards which are covered with turf, beds can be cut out of it, and raised for flowers. A trench should be made — around, to prevent the grass from running on them. These beds can be made in the shape of crescents, — ovals, or other fanciful forms, of which, the Bee * below is one speotaet: In laying out beds, in gardens and yards, a very pret- ty bordering can be made, by planting them with com- mon flax seed, in a line about three inches from the edge. This can be trimmed, with shears. whe it grows too high. = a ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. 335. 2 __—-Un the Cultivation of Bulbs, and Tuberous Roots. For planting the Amaryllis, take one third part of leaf mould, half as much sand, and the remainder, earth from under fresh grass sods. Plant them in May The bulb should not be set more’ than half its depth in the ground. +The Anemone and Ranunculus are medium, or half- _ hardy, roots. They should be planted in soil which is _ enriched with cowdung, and the beds should be raised only an inch from the walk. They must be planted in - October, in drills, two inches deep, the claws of the aa downward, and be shaded when they begin to ud. The Crocus must be planted m October, two inches deep, and four inches apart. In measuring the depth, always calculate from the top of the bulb. _ Crown Imperial. This must be planted in Septem- ber, three or four inches deep; and need not be taken up but once in three years. Gladiolus. ‘Those who have greenhouses, or pits, plant the Gladiolus in October; and preserve it in pots through the Winter. Those who have not these con- veniences, may plant these bulbs late in April. The earth must be composed of one half common soil, one fourth leaf mould, and one fourth sand. Plant them about an inch deep. Hyacinths should be planted in October, eight inches apart, and three or four inches deep, in a rich soil. Jonquilles should be planted in October, two inches deep, in a rich soil, and should not be taken up oftener than once in three years. Narcissus. This should be planted in October, four inches deep; covered, through the Winter, with straw and leaves, six inches thick; and uncovered in the middle of March. Ocxalis. Plant this in September, in a soil, composed of two thirds common earth, and one third leaf mould. The old bulb dies after blossoming, and is succeeded by @ new onc. 336 ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. _ Plant Tulsps; 1 in rich soil, in. October, three inches : deep. They are delicate plants, and should be covered, in — of frosts. age Daffodils should be olinied: two ibielie dvips | When bulbs have done flowering, and their leaves’ begin to decay, they should be taken up and dried, and kept in a dry place, till October, when they are to be replanted, taking off the offsets, and putting them in a bed by themselves. Bulbs which blossom in water, or are in any whe? way forced to bloom out of season, are so much: ex- hausted by it, that it takes them two or mee years to “recover their beauty. +2 Dahlias. Dig a hole, a foot en a half deep 3 fill it with very light, loose, and rich, soil; and drive in a stake, a yard and a half high, to which; to tie the future plants. Then set in the root, so that it shall be an inch below the soil, where the sprout starts. When the plants are two feet high, tie them to the stakes, and take off some of the lower side-shoots. Continue to tie them, as their growth advances. If the roots are planted in the open borders, without any previous growth, it should be done as early as the first of May, and they should be covered from the frosts. ~When Plant Tuberoses late in 1 April, in a rich, sandy soil. a they are brought forward, in pots or hot-beds, they should be put out, in the middle of June. It is said, by gardeners, that late planting, is better than early, for producing perfect flowers. In the Autumn, after the frosts bave destroyed the tops, let the roots remain awhile in the ground, to ripen; then dig them up, and pick them away, in some place where they will neither mould, from dampness, nor freeze. In the Spring, these roots will throw out sprouts, and must then be divided, so as to leave a good shoot, attached to a piece of the tuber or old stem, and each shoot will make a new plant. It is stated, that if the shoots themselves, with- out any root, be planted in light soil, covered with a ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. 337 zi _ vell-giass, or large tumbler, and carefully watered, they will produce plants superior to those with roots. Annuals These are flowers which last only one season. ‘T'hey should be so planted, that the tallest may be in the middle of a bed, and the shortest at the edges; and flowers of a sintilar color should not be planted adjacent to each other. The fellowing is a list of some of the handsomest Annuals, arranged with reference to their color and height. Those with a star before them, do best when sowed in the Autumn. ‘Those with tr. after them, are trailing plants. SIX INCHES TO ONE FOOT HIGH. _ White. Ice Plant, Sweet Alyssum, White Lep- tosiphon, Walker’s Schizopetalon, Blumenbachia in- signis, * Candytuft. Yellow. * Yellow Chryseis or Eschscholtzia, Sanvi- falia procumbens, tr., Musk-flowered Mimutus. Rose. Many-flowered Catchfly, Rose-colored Ver- bena, tr. Red. *Chinese Annual Pink, Virginian Stock, Ca- landrinia Speciosa. Blue. Graceful Lobelia, Nemophila insignis, Clin- tonia pulchella, Clintonia elegans, Nolana atriplici- folia, tr., Anagallis indica, Commelina ccelestis, Grove Love, Pimpernel (blue.) Varying Colors. * Heart’s Ease, or Pansy, Dwarf Love in a Mist, * Rose Campicn. . ONE FOOT TO EIGHTEEN INCHES HIGH. White. Venus’s Looking Glass, Priest’s Schizanthus, Sweet-scented Stevia, White Evening Primrose. Yellow. Drummond’s Coreopsis, * New Dark Core- opsis, Golden Hawkweed, Dracopis amplexicaulis, Drum- mond’s Primrose, Cladanthus arabicus, Peroffsky’s Ery- sImUmM. Qg D. FE 338 ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GAI Rose. Drummond’s Phlox, Rodanthe, Rose-c N onea, Clarkia rosea, Silene Tenorei, Silene armel re Red. Crimson Coxcomb, oe pendula, Crimson ; Dew Plant, zr. hat Scarlet. Cacalia coccinea, Flos Adonis, Scarlet ie Zinnia, Mexican: Cuphea. = iy _, Lilac end Purple. Clarkia elegans, Chika puichella, * Purple Candytuft, * Purple Petunia, +¢r., *Crimson Candytuft, Double Purple Jacobea, Leptosiphon an- drosaceus,.all the varieties of Schizanthus, ‘Vemed Mer- bena, ¢r., * Purple eternal Flower. Blue. Ageratum Mexicanum, * Gilia oni: ‘Sham me ish Nigella, Blue Eutoca, Dwart Convolvulus, Didisous, coeruleus. Lilac, Purple, or Blue rhe White. Collinsia Bicol Gilia tricolor. Very Dark. Lotus J aoe Salpiglossis, Scabious. Colors varying. German Salen Balsam, . ‘Roqhes eae Larkspur, Ten-week Stock, ROPET: pes Shia 3 ee i le ‘ Fi iy ¢ ’ a, | pe <2 fey a he Se eee etd Ss Pe ee A * a - Ton EHIGHTEEN - INCHES TO TWO FEET. White. * White Petunia, tr., White Clarkia, Double | White Jacobzea, Love in a Mist. s Red. * Lavateta trimestris, Red Zinnia, Malva miniata. Lilac and Purple. Globe Amaranthus, Purple Sweet Sultan, Sweet Scabious, Purple Zinnia, Prince’ s Feather, Bis Large Blue Lupine, * Catchy TWO FEET AND UPWARDS. White. Winged Ammobium, * White Lavatera, White Sweet Sultan; * New White Eternal F lower, White Helicrysum, * White Larkspur. Yellow. Golden Bartonia, * Golden Coreopsis, Yel- low Sweet Sultan, African Marigold, Yellow Argemone, French Marigold, ‘Yellow Cox comb, Yellow Hibiscus. The Malope ¢ grandiflora and the Cleome are fine tall. annuals, " ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. | 339. eo aca Tae tg eta . Se sain eas Flants. eee The following are the most beautiful annual climbers : Crimson, and White, Cypress Vine; White, and Bui. Thunbergia ; Srarict Flowering Bean’; Hyacinth Bean Loasa ; Morning Glory ; Crimson, and Spotted, Nas turtium ; Balloon Vine; Sweet Pea: Tangier Pea Lord Anson’s Pea: Climbing Cobzea; Pink, and White Maurandia. The following are the -most valuable perennia — —elumbers : Sweet-sconted Monthly Honeysuckle; Yel- low, White, and Coral [oneysuckles; Purple Glycine : Clematis ; Bitter Sweet: ‘Trumpet Creeper. The Everlasting Pea is a beautiful perennial climber. The Climbing Cobzea, and Passion Fiewer, are also beautiful perennials, but must be protected in Winter. Perennials. Those who cannot afford every year to devote the - time necessary to the raising of annuals, will do weil to supply their borders with perennials. The following 1s a list of some of those generally preferred. Adonis, yellow; Columbine, all colors; Alyssum yellow; Asclepias, orange and purple; Bee Lark- spur, blue; Perennial Larkspur, all colors; Cardinal Flower, scarlet ; Chinese Pink, various colors; Clove Pink; Foxglove, purple and white; Gentian, purple and yellow; Hollyhock, various colors; * Lily of the Valley ; American Phlox,.various colors ; Scarlet Lych- nis; Monkshood, white and blue; *Spirea, white and pink ; * Ragged Robin, pink ; Rudbeckia, yellow and purple; Sweet William, in variety. Tnose marked with a star cannot be obtained from seed, but must be propagated by roots, layers, d&c. Herbaceous Roots. These are such as die to the root, in the Fall, and come up again in the Spring, such as Pzonies, crimson, white, sweet-scented, and straw-colored; Artemisia, 840 ON THE CARE OF YARDS AND GARDENS. _ of many colors; White and Purple Fleur-de-lis ; “White, Tiger, Fire, and other Lilies; Little Blue ines < Chrys- anthemums, d&c. These are propagated oui: dividing | the roots. | Shrubs. ent ae The following are the. finest Shrubs cae anden "igs RAS: lacs, (which, by budding, can have white and purple _ on the same tree,) Double Syringas, Double Althzas, Corchorus Japonicus, Snow-berry, Double-flowering Almond, Pyrus Japonica, Common Barberry, Burning Bush, Rose Acacia, Yellow Laburnum. The following _ are the finest Roses: Moss Rose, White, and Red; Double and Single Yellow Rose, (the last needs a gravelly soil and northern exposure ;) Yellow Multi-— flora; La Belle Africana; Small Eglantine, for borders ; — Champney’s Blush Rose; Noisette; Greville, (very fine ;) Damask ; Blush, White, and Cabbage Roses. Moss Roses, when budded on other rose bushes, last only three years. Shade Trees. The following are among the finest : .Mountain Ash; Ailanthus, or Tree of Heaven, (grows very fast ;) Tulip Trees Linden: Elm ; Locust; Ma- ple; Dog Wood ; Horse Chestnut : Catalpa ; Hemlock ; Silver Fir; and Cédar. These should be grouped, A such a manner that trees of different shades of green, and of different heights, should stand in the same ~ group. The Autumn is the best time for transplanting trees. Take as much of the root, as possible, especially the little fibres, which should never become dry. If kept long, before they are set out, put wet moss around them, and water them. Dig holes, larger than the ex- tent of the roots; let one person hold the tree in its former position, and another place the roots, carefully, as they were before, cutting off any broken or wounded | root. Be careful not to let the tree be more than an inch deeper than it was before. Let the soil be soft, and well manured ; shake the tree, as the shaken s a | ‘ ri a ON THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS. 34. | fe mn, that it may mix well-among the small fibres. De not tread the earth down, while filling the hole; but, when it is full, raise a ‘slight mound, of, say, four inches, and then tread it down. Make a little basin, two inches deep, around the stem, to hold water, and fillit. Never cut off leaves nor brahches unless some of the roots are lost. Tie the trees to a stake, ana they will bey more ‘Tikely to live. Water them often. On the Care of Bouse Plane The soil of house-plants should be renewed every year, as previously directed. _In Winter, they should be kept as dry as they can be without wilting, Many ‘house-plants are injured by giving them too much water, when they have little light and fresh air. This makes them grow spindling. The more fresh air, warmth, and light, they have, the more water is needed. They ought not to be kept very warm in Winter, nor exposed to great changes of atmosphere. Forty degrees | is a proper temperature for plants in Winter, when they have little sun and air. When plants have become é spindling, cut off their heads, entirely, and cover the pot in the earth, where it has the morning sun, only. A new and flourishing head will spring out. Few house-plants can bear the sun at noon. When insects infest plants, set them in a closet, or under a barrel, and burn tobacco. The smoke kills any insect envel- oped in it. ‘When plants are frozen, cold water, and a gradual restoration of warmth, are the best remedies, ‘Never use very cold water. for plants, at any season. CHAPTER XXXV. ON THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS. Bu.Bovus roots are " propagated by offsets; some growing on the top, others around the sides. Many a D. E. ss - inches of it, being of the preceding year’s growth, and i Re eas! ~ eS ee ee 8 er. Wwe sole tee oe ye, Le : ge aE ‘ry Nae ar ey rita =i : 342 ON THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS. — plants are propagated by cutting off twigs, and ‘ida them in earth, so that two or three eyes are covered. a To do this, select a side shoot, ten inches long, two _ the rest, the growth of the season when it is set out. ie Do this, when the sap is running, and’ put a piece ‘BE oe crockery at the bottom of the shoot, when it is buried. One eye, at least, must be under the soil. Water it, and shade it in hot weather. Plants are also propa- gated by layers. To do this, take a shoot, which comes up near the root, bend it down, so as to ‘bring several eyes under the soil, leavifig the top above ground. If the shoot be cut half through, in a slanting direction, at one of these eyes. before burying it, the result is more certain. Roses, honeysuckles, and many other shrubs, are readily propagated thus. They will gen- erally take root, by being simply buried; but cutting them, as here directed, is the best method. Layers are more certain than cuttings. For all woody plants, bud- ding and grafting are favorite methods of propagation. In all such plants, there is an outer and inner bark ; the latter containing the sap vessels, in which the nour- ishment of the tree ascends. | The success of grafting, or inoculating, consists in so placing the bud or graft, that the sap vessels of the inner bark shall exactly join those of the plant info’ 4 which they are grafted, so that the sap may pass from ‘ one into the other. | The following are directions for budding, which may be performed at any time from July to September. Select a smooth place, on’ the stock into which you — are to insert the bud. .Make a horizontal cut, across the rind, through to the firm wood; and from the mid- dle of this, make a slit downward, perpendicularly, an inch or more long, through to the wood. Raise the bark of the stock, on each side of the perpendicular cut, for the admission of the bud, as is shown in the annexed engraving , (Fig. 40.) Then take a shoot of this year’s growth, and slice from it a bud, taking an : ON THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS. 343 ae iis ae an inch abeve it, ee some portion of - the wood under it: Then carefully slip off the woody part, under the bud, Examine whether the eye or gem of the bud be perfect. If a little hole appears in ‘that part, the bud has lost its root, and another must be se- lected. Insert the bud, so that a, of the bud, shall _ pass to a, of the stock; then 6, of the bud, must be cut off, to match the cut, b, in the stock, and fitted ex- actly to it, as it is this alone which insures success. _ Bind the parts, with fresh bass, or woollen yarn, be- ginning a little below the bottom of the perpendicular slit, and winding it closely round. every part, except just over the eye of the bud, until you arrive above the horizontal cut. Do not bind it too tightly, but just sufficient to exclude air, sun, and wet. This is to be removed, after the bud is firmly fixed, and begins to grow. Fig. 40. Seed-fruit can be budded into any other seed-fruit, and stone-fruit into any other stone-fruit; but stone and seed-fruits, cannot be thus mingled. Eo > Weg Sit ee US is bel 8. Cee Bae 344 ON THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS. « 2 Radi bushes can eve a variety of kinds budded dint the same stock. Hardy roots are the best stocks. “Tie branch above the bud, must be cut off, the next March or April after the bud is put in. Apples and pears, are more easily propagated by ingrafting, than by budding. he Ingrafting is a similar process to budding, with this. advantage; that it can be performed on large trees, whereas budding can be applied only on small ones. The two common kinds of ingrafting, are whip-grafting, and split-grafting. The first kind is for lee hail . and the other for large ones. The time for ingrafting, is from May to ‘Oétober The cuttings must be taken from horizontal shoots, be- tween Christmas and March, and kept in a damp cellar. In performing the operation, cut off, in a sloping direc- tion, (as seen in Fig. 41,) the tree or limb to be grafted. Fig. 41. Then cut off, in a corresponding slant, the: slip to be grafted on. Then put them together, so that the inper 4 ON THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS. 345 _ _ bark of each shall match, exactly, on one side, and tie _ them firmly together, with woollen yarn. It is not es- _ sential that both be of equal size; if the bark of each meet together exactly on one side, it answers the purpose. But-the two must not differ much, in size. ‘The slope should be an inch and a half, or more, in length. After they are tied together, the place should be covered with a salve or composition of beeswax and rosin. A mixture of clay and cowdung will answer the same purpose. This last must be tied on with a cloth. Grafting is more convenient than budding, as grafts can be sent from a great distance ; whereas buds must be taken in July or August, from a shoot ofthe present year’s growth, and cannot be-sent to any great distance Fig. 42. This engraving, (Fig. 42,) exhibits the mode called stock-grafting ; a, being the limb of a large tree which is sawed off and split, and is to be held open by a small wedge, till the grafts are put in. A graft, inserted in the limb, is shown at 6, and at c, is one not inserted, but designed to be put in at d, as two grafts can be put into : a large stock. In inserting the graft, be careful to make the edge of the inner bark of the graft meet ex- actly the edge of the inner bark of the stock; for on this, success depends. After the grafts are put in, the wedge must be withdrawn, and the whole of the stock - move the inte after they are Stein in. {eh eee ae & POY, GER siege ‘Pruning. ; << alae ae all the little twigs on the main limbs. Retrenell. : f, from the atmosphere, they should never be removed, terior of the tree. Select the straight and perpen-_ ; move such leaves as shade the fruit, as soon as it is ~- 346 ON THE PROPAGATION OF PLANTS. . be covered. an the thick salve or. composition b mentioned, reaching from where the grafts are inserted, to the bottom of the slit. Be careful not to knock or The folloiwikig rules for pruning, are from! a diseiel- Ks guished horticulturist. Prune off all dead wood, and — branches, so as to give light and ventilation to the i in- dicular shoots, which give little or no fruit, while those which are most nearly horizontal, and somewhat curv- ing, give fruit abundantly, and of wood quality. Super- | fluous and ill-placed buds may be rubbed off, at any. time; and. no buds, pushing out after Midsummer, should be spared. Tn choosing between shoots to be 4 retained, preserve the lowest placed ; and, on lateral — shoots, those which are nearest the origin.. When bratiches cross. each other, so:as to rub, remove one or the other. Remove all suckers from the roots of trees or shrubs. Prune after the sap is in full circulation, (except in the case of grapes,) as the wounds then heal — best. Some think it best-to prune before the sap be-— gins to run. Pruning-shears, and a pruning-pole, with a chisel at the end, can be procured of those who deal in agricultural utensils. ee ie a * Be es b of * te a ae 4 es i a Loy ‘ ey a a ia .. q f “ Pe ak one — ee. sie Thinning. As it is the office of the leaves to absorb nodviahiteee except to mature the wood or fruit. In doing this, re- ready to ripen. ‘To do it earlier, impairs the growth. Do it gradually, at two different times. Thinning the fruit is important, as tending to increase its size and flavor, and also to: promote the longevity of the tree. If the fruit be thickly set, take off one half, at the time of setting. Revise in June, and then in July, taking off all that may be spared. One very large apple to eas 5 = ke a « UN THE CULTIVATION OF FRUIT. ~ 347 | every square foot, is a rule that may be a sort af guide, in other cases. According to this, two hundred large apples would be: allowed to a tree, whose extent _ 38 fifteen feet by twelve. If any person think this thin- ning excessive, let him try two similar trees, and thin one as directed, and leave the other eniieunait: It will pe found that the thinned tree will produce an Sanat Dacia and fruit of ical finer flavor CHAPTER XXXVI. ON ital CULTIVATION OF FRUIT. ar alittle attention to this matter, a lady, with the bel of her children, can obtain a rich: abundance of all kinds of. fruit. The - writer has resided in families, where little boys, of eight, ten, and twelve years old, amused themselves, mates the disdevion of their nidthier! in planting walnuts, chestnuts, and hazelnuts, for future time ; as well as in planting and inoculating young fruit-trees, of all descriptions. A mother, who will take pains to inspire a love for such pursuits, in her children, and who will aid and superintend them, will save them from mafily temptations; and, at a trifling expense, se- cure to them and herself a rich reward, in the choicest fruits. The information given in this work, on this subject, may be relied on, as sanctioned By thé most . Eeevenced nursery-men. ‘The soil, for a nursery, should be rich, well dug, a with well- -decayed manure, free from weeds, and protected from cold winds. Fruit seeds should be planted in the Autumn, an inch and a half or two inches deep, in ridges four of five feet apart, pressing the earth firmly over the seeds. While growing, they should be thinned out, leaving the best ones a foot and a half apart. The soil should be kept loose, soft, and free’ from weeds. They should be inoculated or ins Be 348 ON THE CULTIVATION OF FRUIT. ~ grafted, when of the size of a pipe stem ; and in a’ 2 year i after this, may be transplanted to their ‘permanent stand. Peach trees sometiines bear in two years from = budding, and in four years from planting, if well kept. In a year after transplanting, take pains to train the — a head aright. Straight, upright branches, produce gour _ ; mands, or twigs bearing only leaves. ‘The side branches, __ which are angular or curved, yield the’ most fruit. For — 3 this reason, the limbs should be tramed in curves, and — perpendicular twigs should be cut off, if there be need = of pruning. The last of June 1s the time for this. — 4 Grass should never be allowed to grow within four feet of a large tree; and the soil should be kept loose, to admit air to the roots. Trees in orchards should be twenty-five feet apart. The soil under the top soil, has much to do with the health of trees. Hfitbe what is called hard-pan, the trees will deteriorate. ‘Trees need to be manured, and to have the soil kept open and free from weeds. Filberts can be raised in any part of this Country. Figs can be raised in the Middle States, For this purpose, in the Autumn, loosen the roots, on one side, and bend the tree down to the earth, on the other; then cover it with a mound of straw, earth, and boards ; and early in the Spring raise it up, and cover the roots. Currants grow well in any but a wet soil. They are propagated by cuttings. The old wood should be thinned in the Fall, and manure be put on. . They can i be trained into small trees. Gooseberries are propa- gated by layers and cuttings. They are best, when kept from suckers and trained hke trees. One third of the old wood should be removed every Autumn. Raspberries do best, when shaded during a part of ‘the day. They are propagated by layers, slips, and suckers. There is one kind, which bears monthly. Strawberries require a light soil and vegetable manure. They should be transplanted in April or September, and be set eight inches apart, in rows nine inches asunder, and in beds which are two feet wide, with narrow alleys ON THE CULTIVATION OF FRUIT. 349 e ‘between them. A part of these plants are non-bearers ‘These have large flowers, with showy stamens and high black anthers. Phe hearers have short stamens, a great number of pistils, and the flowers are every way less showy. In blossom-time, pull out all the non-bearers. Some think it best to leave one non-bearer to every twelve bearers; but others pull them all out. Many beds never produce any fruit, because all the plants in them are non-bearers. Weeds should be kept from the vines. When the vines are matted with young plants, the best way is to dig over the beds, in cross lines, so as to leave some of the plants standing in little squares, while the rest are turned under the soil. This. should be done over a second time in the same year. ‘Grapes. ‘To raise this fruit, manure the soil, and keep it soft, and free from weeds. A gravelly or sandy soil, and a south exposure, are best. Transplant the vines in the early Spring, or, better, in the Fall. _ Prune them, the first year, to have only two main branches, taking off all other shoots, as fast as they come. In November, cut off all of these two branches, except four eyes. The second year, in the Spring, loosen the earth around the ‘roots, and allow only twe branches to grow, and every month, take off all side shoots. When they are very strong, preserve only a part, and cut off the rest in the Fall. In November, cut off all the. two main stems, except eight eyes After the second year no more pruning is needed, ex cept to reduce the side shoots, for the purpose of in creasing the fruit. All the pruning of grapes, (except nipping side shoots,) must be done when the-sap is not running, or they will bleed to death. Train them on poles, or lattices, to expose them to the air and sun Cover tender vines in the Autumn. Grapes are prop- agated by cuttings, layers, and seeds. For cuttings, select, in the Autumn, well-ripened wood, of the former year, and take five joints. for each. Bury them, till April; then soak them, for some hours, and set them out, aslant, so that all the eyes but one shall be covered 30 D. E. bet on iat i oe out of the bottles. Then take out the bottles, cork 350 ON THE CULTIVATION OF FRUIT. | To Pree ve Frans Raspberries and Strawberries can be “pate! m perfect flavor, in the following manner. Take a pound of nice sifted sugar for each pound of fruit. Put them in alternate layers, of fruit and sugar, till the jari is. ea. a tirely full, then cork it, and seal it air tight. edtolgiis Currants ‘and Gooseberries may be perfectly ee B thus. Gather them, when dry, selecting only the solid ones. Take off the stalks, and put them in dry junk- bottles. Set them, wncorked, in a kettle,of water, and slowly raise it to boiling heat, in order to drive the air them, and seal them ai tight. Keep them in a dry place, where they will not freeze. The success of this ie method depends on excluding air and water. + Apples, Grapes, and such like fruit can be preserved, by packing them, when dry and solid, in dry sand or sawdust, putting alternate layers of fruit and sawdust or sand. Some sawdust gives a bad flavor to the fruit. “ é | _ Modes of Preserving Fruit Trees. iar Heaps of ashes, or tanner’s bark, around peach Pasi prevent the attack of the worm. The yellows, is a dis- ease of peach trees, which is spread by the pollen of the blossom. When a tree begins to turn yellow, take it away, with all its roots, before it blossoms again, or it will infect other trees. Planting tansy around. the roots of fruit trees, is a sure protection against worms, as it pre- vents the moth from depositing her egg, Equal quanti- ties of salt and saltpetre, put around the trunk of a peach tree, half a pound to a tree, improves the size and flavor. of the fruit. Apply this about the first of April, and if any trees have worms already in them, put on half the quantity, in addition, in June.. To young trees, just set out, apply one ounce, in April, and another in June, close to the stem. Sandy soil is best for peaches. | Apple trees are preserved from insects, by a ‘wash of strong ley to the body and limbs, which, if old, should eee ee oe . 4 ‘ bee oo ee Pe tee. eee OS a ase ORL SNe ae aaa m - ¢ r : ki Gant ae ee oe a = i tal ae ny be ee ee Vea 2S -
  • MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTIONS. 351 be. first Petsied Caterpillars should be ‘removed, by cutting down their nests in a damp day. Boring a hole, in a tree infested with worms, and filling it with fee: will often drive them off immediately. ~The fire-blight, or brilurc, in pear trees, can be Saped, by cutting off all the blighted branches. It is supposed, by some, to be owing “to an excess of sap, which is remedied by diminishing the roots. The curculio, which destroys plums, and other stone fruit, can be checked only by gathering up all the fruit that falls, (which contains their eggs,) and destroying it. The canker-worm can be checked, by applying a bandage around the body of the tree, and every even- ing smeating it with fresh tar. CHAPTER XXXVII MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTIONS. Every woman should know how to direct in regard ‘to the proper care of domestic animals, as they often suffer from the negligence of domestics. The following information, in reference to. the care _of a horse and cow, may be useful. A stable should not* be very light nor very dark ; its floor should be either plank or ‘soil, as brick or stone pavements injure the feet. It should be well cleaned, every morning. A norse, kept in a stable, should be rubbed and brushed every day. A stable- horse needs as much daily exer- cise as trotting three miles will give him. Food. or drink should never be given, when a horse is very warm with exercise, as it causes disease. A horse should be fed, three times a day. Hay, sheaf-oats, shorts, corn- meal, and bran, are the best food for horses. When a horse i is travelling, order six quarts of oats in the morn- ing, four at noon, and six at night, and direct that neither food nor water be given till he is cool. 352 MISUELLANEOUS DIRECTIONS. Keep a horse’s legs free han mud, or ecu J often result from the neglect. A horse, much us should be shod as often as once in two months. Fish- oil and strong perfumes, on the skin, keep. flies from annoying a horse. Some horses are made fractious s by having the check-rein so tight as to weary the muscles. A cow should be watered three times a day, and fed with hay, potatoes, carrots, and boiled corn. Turnips - and cabbages give a bad taste to the milk. Give a handful of salt to: a cow, twice a week, and occasionally. give the same quantity to a horse. ‘Let them drink pure water. A well-fed cow gives double the milk that she will if not fed well. A cow should. go unmilked, “a for two months: before calving, and her milk should not be used till four days after. The calf must run with the cow for four days, and then be shut from her, except thrice a day, when it should take as much food as it wants, and then the cow should be milked Be clean. : Hens sit twenty days, and should be well fed and watered, during this time. ~The first food for chickens should be coarse dry meal. Cold and damp weather is bad for all young fowls, and they should be well pro- _tected from it. Pepper-berries are good for fowls which have diseases caused by damp.and cold weather. In Winter, much fuel may be saved, and comfort secured, by stuffing cotton into all cracks about the windows and the surbases of rooms, and by listing the doors. Cover strips of wood with baize, and nail them tight against a door, on the-casing. “The following are the causes of smoky chimneys. Short and broad flues, running up straight, asa narrow flue, with a bend in it, draws best.. Large openings, at -— the top, draw the wind down, and should be remedied, by having the summits made tapering. A house higher than a chimney near it, sometimes makes the chimney smoke, and the evil should be remedied, by raising the chimney. Too large a throat to the: fireplace, some- times causes a chimney to smoke, and can be reme_ MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTIONS. 353 died, by a false back. or by lowering the front, with sheet iron. Shallow fireplaces give out more heat, and draw as well, as deep ones. ¢ House-cleaning should be done in dry warm weather. Several friends of the writer maintain, that cleaning aint, and windows, and floors, in hard, “cold water, without any soap, using a flannel wash-cloth, is much better than using warm suds. It is worth trying. In cleaning in the common way, sponges are best for windows, and clean water only should be used. They should be first wiped with linen, and then with old silk. _ The outside of windows should be washed with a long brush, made for the purpose; and they should be rinsed, _by throwing upon them water, containing a little salt . petre. When inviting company, mention, in the note, the day of the month and week, and the hour for coming. Provide a place for ladies to dress their hair, with a glass, pins, and combs. A pitcher of cold water, and a tumbler, should be added. When the company is small, it is becoming a common method for the table to be set at one end of the room, the lady of the house to pour out tea, and the gentlemen of the party to wait on the ladies and themselves. When tea is sent round, always send a teapot of hot water to weaken it, anda slop-bowl, or else many persons will drink their tea. much stronger than they wish. Let it ever be remembered, that the burning of lights and the breath of guests, are constantly exhausting the air of its healthful principle ; therefore avoid crowding many guests into one room. Do not tempt the palate by a great variety of unhealthful dainties. Have a warm room for departing guests, that they may not become chilled before they go out. A parlor should be furnished with candle and fire screens, for those who have weak eyes; and if, at table, a person sits with the back near the fire, a screen should be hung on the back of the chair, as it is very injurious to the whole system to have the back heated. 30* D. F ~ Pretty baskets, for flowers or fruits, on. cone t z can be made thus. Knit, with coarse needles, all t various shades of green. and brown, into a square pie: Press it with a hot iron, and then ravel it out. pretty shaped wicker basket, or make one of stil net, or thin pasteboard, cut the worsted into bun and sew them on, to. resemble moss. Then line basket, and set a cup or dish of water in it, to hold flowers, or use it for a fruit-basket. ‘Handsome. fire- boards are made, by nailing black. foundation-muslin 1 0 a frame the size of the fireplace ; and then cutting | out flowers, fron wall-paper, and pasting them ‘on the mus- ‘ lin, according to the fancy.» Sen India rubber, melted -in lamp-oil, a brushed over om common shoes, keeps water out, perfectly. Keep small. a whisk brooms, wherever gentlemen hang their clothes, both up stairs and down, and get them to use hem if ag you can. a Boil new earthen in bran-water, putting the articles | in, when cold. Do the same with porcelain kettles. Never leave wooden vessels:out. of doors, as they fall to — pieces. In Winter, lift the handle of a pump, and a cover it with blankets, to keep it from freezing. * Broken earthen ann china, can. often be mended, by a tying it up, and boiling it in milk. Diamond cement, — - when genuine, is very effectual for the same purpose, Old putty can be softened by muriatic acid. Nail slats across. nursery windows. Scatter ashes ‘on slippery i ice, a at the door; or rather, remove it. Clarify ered Re water ibe powdered alum, a teaspoonful to a barrel NOTE, 355* - Avolume, entitled Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book, prepared by the author of this work, under the supervision of several expeti- enced housekeepers, is designed as a Supplement to this treatise on Domestic Economy. The following Preface and Analysis of the Con- tents will indicate its design more fully: - =~ . ' Preface (for Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book.) he following objects are aiméd at in this work: . _ First, to furnish an original collection of receipts, which shall em- brace a great variety of simple and well-cooked dishes, designed for every-day comfort and enjoyment. . Second; to include in the collection only such receipts as have been tested by superior housekeepers, and warranted to be the best. It is not-a book made up in any department by copying from other books, but entirely from the experience of the best practical housekeepers. Third, to express every receipt in language which is short, simple, and perspicuous, and yet to give all directions so minutely as that the book can be kept in the kitchen, and. be used by any domestic who can read, as a guide in every one of her employments in the _ kitchen. Fourth, to furnish such directions in regard to small dinner-parties and evening company as will enable any young housekeeper to per- form her part, on such occasions, with ease, comfort, and'success. Fifth, to present a good supply of the rich and elegant dishes de- manded at such entertainments, and yet to set forth so large and tempting a variety of what is safe, healthful, and good, in connexion with such warnings and suggestions as it is hoped may avail to pro- mote a more healthful fashion in regard both to entertainments and to daily table supplies. No book of this kind will. sell without an ad- equate supply of the rich articles which custom requires, and in fur- nishing them, the writer has aimed to follow. the example of Provi- dence, which scatters profusely both good and ill, and combines there- with the caution alike of experience, revelation, and conscience, * choose ye that which is good, that ye and your seed may live.” Sizth, in the work on Domestic Economy, together with this, to which it is a Supplement, the writer has attempted to secure, in a eheap and popular form, for American housekeepers, a work similar to an English work which she has examined, entitled the Encyclopa- dia of Domestic Economy, by Thomas Webster and Mrs. Parkes, con- taining over twelve hundred octavo pages of closely-printed: matter. treating on every department of Domestic Economy ; a work which will be found much more useful to English women, who have a plenty of money and well-trained servants, than to Ainerican housekeepers. It is believed that most in that work which would be of any practical use to American housekeepers, will be found in this work and the Dome8tic Economy. Lastly, the writer has aimed to avoid the defects complained of by most housekeepers in regard to works of this description issued in this country, or sent from England, such as that, in some eases, the’ receipts are so rich as to be both expensive and unhealthful ; in others, that they are so vaguely expressed as to be very imperfect guides; in 3567 . 3 : NOTE. others, that the processes are so elaborate and fussing as to make ‘double the work that is needful; and in others, that the topics are so limited that some departments are Soe omitted, and. all are in- complete. ne: In accomplishing these objects, the writer has. received PORE tions of the pen, and verbal communications from some of the most judicious and practical housekeepers, in almost erehyy section of athis country. The following embraces most of the topics contained in this ee Suggestions to young housekeepers in regard to style, furniture, — and domestic arrangements. —_ - Suggestions in regard to different modes to be pursued both with . foreign and American domestics. On providing a proper supply of family stores, on the economical care and use of,them, and-on the furniture and wee oy of a store-closet. é On providing a proper supply of utensils ¢o be used i in cooking, with drawings to illustrate. ; On the proper construction of ovens, and directions for a ie and managing them. , ‘a Directions for securing good yeast and good bread. . { Advice in regard to marketing, the purchase of wood, &c. an Receipts for breakfast dishes, biscuits, warm cakes, tea cals: &e a Receipts for puddings, cakes, pies, preserves, pickles, sauces, cate = sups, and also for cooking all the various kinds of meats, soups, and a vegetables. Me The above receipts are arranged so that the more healthful and sim- pleiones are put in one portion, and the richer ones in another. z Healthful and favourite articles of food for young children. e Receipts for a variety of temperance drinks. ‘oe Directions for making tea, coffee, chocolate, and stuck warm drinks. Directions for cutting up meats, and for oulne down, ' corny ‘cue ring, and smoking. Directions for, making butter and cheese, as furnished by a gracte eal and scientific manufacturer of the same, of Goshen, Conn., that land of rich butter and cheese. A guide to a selection of-a regular course of family dishes, which will embrace a successive variety, and unite convenience with good taste and comfortable living. Receipts for articles for the sick, and drawings of conveniences for their comfort and relief. Receipts for articles for evening parties and dinner paveiaes with drawings to show the proper manner of setting tables, and of supply- ing and arranging dishes, both on these, and on ordinary occasions.- An outline of arrangements for a family in moderate circumstances, embracing the systematic details of work for each domestic, and the proper mode of doing it, as furnished by an accomplished housekeeper. Remarks on the different nature of food and drinks, and their re- lation to the laws of health. 4 Suggestions to the domestics of a family, designed to promote a ‘i proper appreciation of the dignity and importance of their soe and a cheerful and faithful performance of their duties, Miscellaneous_suggestions and receipts. 2+... cs. Cee on sete Sir en Leh ‘ PE Sah age See eee tas a Aa cast ci 8 r a? ad " as © dy a | cd a 4 4 A GLOSSARY OF SUCH WORDS AND PHRASES AS MAY NOT EASILY BE UNDERSTOOD BY THE YOUNG READER. a [Many words, not contained in this Guossary, will be found ex ped in the body of the Work, in the places where they first occur or these, see InpEx.] Academy, the Boston, an association in Boston, established for the pur- __, _ pose of promoting the study and culture of the art of music. Action brought by the Commonwealth, a prosecution conducted in the name of the public, or by the authority of the State. Alcoholic, made of; or containing, alcohol, an inflammable liquid, which is the basis of ardent spirits. Alkali, (plural alkalies,) a chemical substance, which has the property . of combining with, and neutralizmg the properties of, acids, pro- ~ ducing salts by the combination. Alkalies change most of the vegetable blues and purples to green, red to purple, and yellow tc, brown. Caustic alkali, an alkali deprived of all impurities, being thereby rendered more caustic and violent in its operation. This term is usually applied to pure potash. Fixed alkali, an alkali that emits no characteristic smell, and cannot be volatilized or evaporated without great difficulty. Potash and soda are called the fixed alka- lies. Soda is also called a fossil, or mineral, alkali, and potash, the vegetable alkali. Volatile alkalt,an elastic, transparent, colorless, and consequently invisible gas, known by the name of ammonia, or ammoniacal gas. . The odor of spirits of hartshorn. is caused by this gas. Anglo-American, English-American, relating to Americans descended from English ancestors. Anne, Queen, a Queen of England, who reigned from A. D. 1702, to 1714. She was the daughter of James II., and succeeded to the throne on the death of William III. She died, August 1, 1714, in the fiftieth year of her age. She was not a woman of very great intellect ; but was deservedly popular, throughout her reign, being " a model of conjugal and maternal duty, and always intending to do good. She was honored with the title of ‘Good Queen Anne, which showed the opinion entertained of her virtues by the people. Anotta, Annoito, Arnotta, or Rocou, a soft, brownish-red substance, prepared from the reddish pulp surrounding the seeds of a tree, which grows in the West Indies, Guiana, and cther parts of South America, called the Biza orellana. It is used asadye. | Anther, that part of the stamen of a flower which contains the pol- len or farina, a sort of mealy powder or dust, which -is necessary to the production of the flower. Anthracite, one of the most valuable kinds of mineral coal, containing no bitumen. It is very abundant in the United States. Apertent, opening. > 356 GLOSSARY. Apple-corer, an instrument lately invented for the purpose of dive apples of their cores Arabic, gum, see Gum Arabic. . 3 Archeology, a discourse or treatise on antiquities. — Ae Ftc Arnotto, see Anotta. Arrow-root, a white powder, obtained from the fecula or dinack af several species of tuberous plants in the East and West Indies, Bermuda, and other places. That from Bermuda is most highly bs esteemed. It is used as an article for-the table, in the form of puddings; and also as a highly-nutritive, easily-digested, and agreeable, food, for invalids. It-derives its name irom having been originally used ‘by the Indians, as a remedy for the poison of es arrows, by mashing and applying it to the wound. Articulating process, the protuberance, or projecting part of a. bine by which it is so joined to another ee as to enable the two to _ move upon each other. s. 4sceticism, the state of an ascetic, or hermit; who fies from society and lives in retirement, or who practises a greater degree of morti- fication and austerity than others do, or who, inflicts, extraordinary i severities upon himself. ey Astral lamp, a lamp, the principle of which was invented by Benja- min Thompson, (a native of Massachusetts, and afterwards Count - \ Rumford,) in which the oil is contained in a large horizontal ring, K having, at the centre, a burner, which communicates with the ring = by tubes. “The ring is placed a little below the level-of the flame, a and, from its large surface, affords a supply of oil for many Bacal fs Astute, shrewd. > a Auld Robin Gray, a celebrated Scotch song, in which a young woman- laments her having married an old rich man, whom she did not : love, for the sake of providing for her poor parents. Aur icles, (from a Latin word, signifying the ear,) the name given to two appendages of the heart, from their fancied resemblance to_ the ear. Bagliwi, (George,) an eminent physician, who. was born at Ragusa, in 1668, and was educated at Naples and Paris. Pope Clement X1V., on the ground of his great merit, appointed him, while a very young man, Professor of Anatomy ‘and Surgery in the Col- lege of Sapienza, at Rome. He wrote several works, and did much ~ to promote the cause of medical science. - He died, A. D. 1706. Bass, or bass wood, a large forest tree of Ansetibal sometimes called the lime-tree. The wood is white and soft, and the bark is some-— times used for bandages, as mentioned in. page 343. Beau Nash, see Nash. Bell, Sir Charles, a celebrated surgeon, who was born in Edinburgh, in the year 1778. He commenced his career in ‘London, in 1806, as a lecturer on Anatomy .and Surgery. In 1830, he received ‘the honors of knighthood, and in 1836 was appointed Professor of Sur- gery in the Seedy of Edinburgh. He died near Worcester, in ngland, April 29, 1842. His writings are very numerous, and have been much celebrated... Among the most important of these, to general readers, are, his Illustrations of Paley’s Natural Theol ogy, (which work forms the second and third volumes of the larger series of ‘Tur Scnoor Liprary,’ issued by the Publishers of this : yolume,) and his treatise on ‘ The Hand, its Mechanism, ond a Vital Endowments, as evincing. Design. Chino &,. a > SO ee, CT ee ee ae See 4 et ee eee see ae ea GLOSSARY, | Sh: Bergamot, a fruit, which was originally produced by ingrafting a ~ __ branch of a citron or lemon tree, upon the stock of a peculiar kind of pear, called the bergamot pear. Biased, cut diagonally from one corner to another of a square or rect- angular piece of cloth. Bias pieces, triangular pieces cut as above ‘mentioned. : Bituminous, containing bitumen, which is an inflammable mineral substance, resembling tar or pitch in its properties and_ uses. if Among different bituminous substances, the names naphtha and Be. petroleum have been given to those which are fluid; maltha, to _ that which has the consistence of pitch; and asphaltum, to that which is solid. ; Blight, a disease in plants, by which they are blasted, or prevented from producing fruit. ~ - Blond lace, lace made of silk. Blood heat, the temperature which the blood is always found to main _ tain, or ninety-eight degrees of Fahrenheit’s thermometer. Blue vitriol, sulphate of copper. See Sulphate. Blunts, needles of a short and thick shape, distinguished from Sharps, which are long and slender. Bocking, a kind of thin carpeting, or coarse baize. Boston Academy, see Academy. Botany, (from a Greek word, signifying an herb,) a knowledge of plants ; the science which treats of plants. Brazil wood, the central part, or heart, of a large tree which grows in _ Brazil, called the Cesalpinia echinata. It produces very lively and beautiful red tints, but they are not permanent. Bronze, a metallic composition, consisting of copper and tin. Brilure, a French term, denoting a burning: or scalding ; a blasting of plants. Brussels, (carpet,) a kind of carpeting, so called from the city of Brus- - sels, in Europe. Its basis is composed of a warp and woof of strong linen threads, with the warp of which are intermixed about five times the quantity of woollen threads, of different colors. — Bulb, a root with a round body, like the onion, turnip, or hyacinth. _ Bulbous, having a bulb. Byron, (George Gordon,) Lord, a celebrated Poet, who was born in ‘London, January 22, 1788, and died in Missolonghi, in Greece, April 18 1824. Calisthenics, see page 56, note. Camwoed, a dyewood, procured from a leguminous (or pod-bearing) tree, growing on the Western Coast of Africa, and called Baplua _ nitida. | Cankerworm, a worm which is very destructive to trees and plants. It springs from an egg deposited by a miller that issues from the ground, and in some years destroys the leaves and fruit of apple and other trees. Carbon, a simple inflammable body, forming the principal part of wood and coal, and the whole of the diamond. «Carbonic acid, a compound gas, consisting of carbon and oxygen. It has lately been obtained in a sclid form. Carmine, a crimson color, the most beautiful of all the reds. It is prepared from a decoction of the powdered cochineal insect, to which alum and other substances are added. 358 GLOSSARY. €aster, a small phial or vessel for the table, in which to put vinegar, mustard, pepper, &c. eR nie ‘hancellor of the Exchequer, the highest judge.of the law ; the prin- cipal financial minister of a government, and the one who manages _ its revenue. ~ <4 ate ; peat Chateau, a castle, a mansion. Niet | Chemistry, the science which treats of the elementary constituents of _ bodies. | rae 4 Chinese belle, deformities of. -In China, it is the fashion to compress ; the feet of female infants, to prevent their growth ; in consequence a of which, the feet of all the females of China are distorted, and so _ ig small, that the individuals cannot walk with ease. ole. a Chloride, a compound of chlorine and some other substance. Chlorine _ ‘ is a simple substance, formerly called oxymuriatic acid. In its pure state, it is a gas, of green color, (hence its name, from a Greek - ; _ word, signifying green.) Like oxygen, it supports the combustion — ' of some inflammable substances. Chloride of lime is a compound of 5 chlorine and lime. a li: Cholera infantum, a bowel complaint, to which infants are subject. Chyle, a white juice, formed from the chyme, and consisting of the finer and more nutritious parts of the food. It is afterwards con- verted into blood. rie Se an Chyme, the result of the first process which food undergoes in the stomach, previously to its being converted into chyle. Cicuta, the common American Hemlock, an annual plant of four or five feet in height, and found commonly along walls and fences, and about old ruins and buildings. It is a virulent poison, as well as one of the most important and valuable medicinal vegetables. It is a very different plant from the Hemlock tree, or Pinus Canadensis. Clarke, (Sir Charles Mansfield,) Dr., a distinguished English physi cian and surgeon, who was born in London, May 28,1782. He was appointed Physician to Queen Adelaide, wife of King William IV., in 1830, and in 1831, he was created a baronet. e is the author of several valuable medical works. ime Cobalt, a brittle metal, of a reddish-gray color and weak metallic lus- ae used in coloring glass. It is not easily melted nor oxidized in the air. Cochineal, a color procured from the cochineal insect, (or Coccus cacti,) which feeds upon the leaves of several species of the plant called cactus, and which is supposed to derive its coloring matter from its. food. Its natural color is crimson ; but by the addition of a prepara tion of potash, it yields a rich scarlet dye. Cologne water, a fragrant perfume, which derives its name from hay- ing been originally made in the city of Cologne, which is situated on the River Rhine, in Germany. The best kind is still procured from that city. bial Comparative anatomy, the science which has for its object a compari- son of the anatomy, structure, and functions, of the various organs of animals, plants, &c., with those of the human body. | Confection, a sweetmeat; a preparation of fruit with sugar; also a- preparation of medicine with honey, sirup, or similar saccharine sub- stance, for the purpose of disguising the unpleasant taste of the medicine. ' ; SP Cooper, Sir Astley Paston, a celebrated English surgeon, who was born at Brooke, in Norfolk county, England, August 23, 1768, and oat he GLOSSARY. 359 _- €ommenced the practice of Surgery in London, in 1792. He was appointed Surgeon to King George IV., in 1827, was created a baronet in 1821, and died February 12, 1341. He was the author _ of many valuable works. Copal, a hard, shining, transparent resin, of a light citron color, brought, originally, from Spanish America, and now almost wholly from the East Indies. It is principally employed in the preparation © of copal varnish. Copper, sulphate of, see Sulphate of copper. Copperas, (sulphate of iron, or green vitriol,) a bright green mineral substance, formed by the decomposition of a peculiar ore of iron, called pyrites, which is a sulphuret of iron. It is first in the form of a greenish-white powder, or crust, which is dissolved im water, and beautiful green crystals of copperas are obtained by evaporation. It is principally used in dyeing, and in making black ink. Its solution, mixed with a decoction of oak bark, produces a black color. Coronary, relating to a crown or garland. In anatomy, it_is applied to arteries which encompass the heart, in the manner, as it 1s fan- cied, of a garland. : . Corrosive sublimate, a poisonous substance, composed of chlorine and quicksilver. : _ Cosmetics, preparations which some people foolishly think will pre- serve and beautify the skin. Cream of tartar, see Tartar. Crimping-iron, an instrument for crimping or curling rufiles, &c. Curculio, a weevil or worm, which affects the fruit of the plum tree, and sometimes that of the apple tree, causing the unripe fruit to fall to the ground. Curvature of the spine, see pages 80, 81. Cuvier, Baron, the most eminent naturalist of the present age, was born, A. D. 1769, and died, A. D. 1832. “He was Professor of Nat- ural History in the College of France, and held various important posts under. the French Governmient, at different times. His works on Natural History are of the greatest value. — Cynosure, the star near the North Pole, by which sailors steer. It is used, in a figurative sense, as synonymous with pole-star, or guide. > De Tocqueville, see Tocqueville. Diamond cement, a cement sold in the shops, and used for mending broken glass, and similar articles. — Drab, a-thick woollen cloth, of a light brown or dun color. The name is sometimes used for the color itself. Dredging-box, a box with holes in the top, used to sift or scatter flour on meat, when roasting. pits Drill, (in husbandry,) to sow grain in rows, drills, or channels; the row of grain so sowed. Duchess of Orleans, see Orleans. ; : The East, and the Eastern States, those of the United States sit- uated in the north-east part of the Country, including Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Vermont. : Electuary, a mixture, consisting of medicinal substances, especially dry powders, combined with honey or sirup, in order to render them less unpleasant to the taste, and more convenient for internal use. 3! 360 GLOSSARY. , : pet . Elevation, (of a house,) a plan, representing the upright view of a _ house, as a ground-plan shows its appearance on the ground. Euclid, a celebrated mathematician, who was born in Alexandria, in Egypt, about two hundred and eighty years before Christ. He dis-- tinguished himself by his writings on music and geometry. The — most celebrated of his works, is his ‘ Elements of Geometry,’ which — _ is in use at the present day. He established aschool at Alexandria, _ _ which became so famous, that, from his time to the conquest. of - Alexandria by the Saracens, (A. D. 646,) no mathematician was _ found, who had not studied at Alexandria. Ptolemy, King of — Egypt, was one of his pupils; and it was to a, question of this King, whether there were nota shorter way of coming at Geom- — etry, than by the study of his Elements, that Euclid made the celebrated answer, ‘‘ There is no royal way, or path, to Geometry.” Equator, or equinoctial line, an imaginary line, passing round the earth, from east to west, and directly under the sun, which always shines nearly perpendicularly down upon all countries situated near the equator. ‘S . Evolve, to throw off, to discharge. “ah bine aaa ‘ Exchequer, a court in England, in which the Chancellor presides, and where the revenues of, and debts due to, the King are recovered. This court was originally established by King William, (called ‘ the Conqueror,’). who died A. D. 1087; and its name is derived from a checkered cloth, (French echiquier, a chess-board, checker-work,) on the table. ' i Page Excretion, something discharged from the body, a separation of animal matters. : * a. Excrementitious, consisting of matter excreted from the body; contain- © ing excrements. Sais i hed J Fahrenheit, (Gabriel Daniel,) a celebrated natural philosopher, who was born at Dantzic, A. D. 1686. He made great improyements in the thermometer ; and his name is sometimes used for that in- strument. 5 age 3 Jabs Farinaceous, mealy, tasting like meal. , ; To Fell, to turn down, on the wrong side; the raw edges of a seam, after it has been stitched, run, or sewed, and then to hem or sew it to the cloth. ec aa a ¥' a Festivals, of the Jews, the three great annual. These were, the Feast of the Passover, that of Pentecost, and that of Tabernacles; on oc- casion of which, all the males of the Nation were required to visit the Temple_at Jerusalem, in. whatever part: of the-Country they. might reside. See Exodus xxiii. 14, 17, xxxiv. 23, Leviticus xxiit. 4, Deuteronomy xvi. 16. The Passover was kept in commemoration of the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt, and was so named, becr.use, the night before their departure, the destroying angel, who slew all the first-born of the Egyptians, passed over the houses _ of the Israelites, without entering them. See Exodus xii. The — Feast of Pentecost was so called, from a word meaning the fiftieth, because it was celebrated on the fiftieth day after the Passover, and was instituted in commemoration of the giving of the Law from Mcunt Sinai, on the fiftieth day from the departure out of Egypt. It w also called the Feast of Weeks, because it was kept seven werks after the Passover. See Exodus xxxiv. 22, Leviticus xxii, 15—21, Deuteronomy xvi. 9, 10. The Feast of Tabernacles, or Feast of Tents, was’so called, because it was celebrated under tents or tabernacles of green boughs; and was designed to commemorate % GLOSSARY. 361. _ their dwelling in tents, during their passage through the wilderness. At this Feast, they also returned thanks to God, for the fruits of the _ earth, after they had been gathered. See Exodus xxiii. 16, Leviti- 3 -cus xxiii. 34d—44, Deuteronomy xvi. 13, and also St. John vii. 2. F, . Fire blight, a disease in the pear, and some other fruit trees, in which r. they appear burnt, as if by fire. It is supposed, by some, to be caused by an insect’ others suppose it to be caused by an over- . abundance of sap. : gs Fluting-iron, an instrument for making flutes, channels, furrows, 01 > hollows, in ruffles, &c: > .. Foundation muslin, a nice kind of buckram, stiff and white, used for : . the foundation or basis of bonnets, &c. Free States, those States in which slavery. is not allowed, as distin- guished from Slave States, in which slavery does exist. French chalk, a variety of the mineral called talc, unctuous to the _ touch, of a greenish color, glossy, soft, and easily scratched, and leaving a silvery line, when drawn on paper. It is used for mark- ing on cloth, and-extracting grease-spots. Fuller’s earth, a-species of clay, remarkable for its property of ab- sorbing oil; for which reason it is. valuable for extracting grease from cloth, &c. It is used by fullers, in scouring and cleansing cloth, whence its name. Fustic, the wood of a tree which grows in the West Indies, called Morus tinctoria. It-affords a durable, but not very brilliant, yellow -_ dye, and is also. used in producing some greens and drab colors. Gastric, (from the Greek yaotio, gaster, the belly,) belonging or re- lating to the belly, or stomach. Gastric juice, the fluid which dis- solves the food in the stomach. It is limpid, like water, ofa saltish, taste, and without odor. Geology, the science which treats of the earth, as composed of rocks and stones. . : 3 Gore, a triangular piece of cloth. Goring, cut in a triangular shape. Gothic, a peculiar and strongly-marked style of architecture, some- times called the ecclesiastical style, because it is most frequently used in cathedrals, churches, abbeys, and other religious edifices. Its principle seems to have originated in the imitation of groves and bowers, under which the ancients performed their sacred rites ; its clustered pillars and pointed arches very well represent- ing the trunks of trees and their interlocking branches. Gourmand, or Gormand, a glutton, a greedy eater. In agriculture, it is applied to twigs which take up.the sap, but bear. only leaves. Green vitriol, see Copperas. Griddle, an iron ‘pan, of a peculiarly broad and shallow construction, used for baking cakes. a Ground-plan, the map or plan of the lower floor of any building, n which the various apartments, windows, doors, fireplaces, and other things, are represented, like the rivers, towns, mountains, roads, &c., on a map. Gum Arabic, a vegetable juice which exudes through the bark of the Acacia, Mimosa -nilotica, and some other similar trees, growing in Arabia, Egypt, Senegal, and Central Africa It is the purest of all ums. aeradaaes the hard, unbroken layer of earth, below the mould or cul- tivated soil. . . Hartshorn, (spirits of,) a volatile alkali, originally prepared from the D. E. a GLOSSARY. horns of the stag or hart, but now procured from various. | other substances. It is known by. the name of ammonia, or ie of i ammonia. Hemlock, see Cicuta. ere Horticulturist, one skilled in horticulture, or the art of cultivating — gardens , horticulture being to the garden, what agriculture is to the farm, the application of labor and science to a limited spot, for convenience, for profit, or for ornament,—though implying a higher state of cultivation, than is.common in agriculture. It in- cludes the cultivation of culinary vegetables and of fruits, and forcing or exotic gardening, as far as respects useful products. _ Hoskin’s gloves, gloves made by a person named Hoskin, whose manufacture was formerly much celebrated. Hydrogen, a very light, inflammable gas, of which water is, in part, composed. It is used to inflate balloons. ~ Hypochondriasis, melancholy, dejection, a disorder of the imagination, “ge in which the person supposes he is afflicted with various diseases. Hysteria, or hysterics, a spasmodic, convulsive affection of the nerves, to which women are subject. It is somewhat sumiar to hypochon-- driasis in men. Ingrain, a kind of carpeting, in which the threads are. dyed in the | grain, or raw material, before manufacture. Ipecac, (an abbreviation of ipecacuanha,) an Indian medicinal plant, acting as an emetic. Isinglass, a fine kind of gelatin, or glue, prepared from the swimming- bladders of fishes, used as a cement, and also as an ingredient in food and medicine. The name is sometimes applied to a trans- parent mineral substance called mica. Kamtschadales, inhabitants of Kamtschatka, a large peninsula situ- ated on the northeastern coast of Asia, having the North Pacific Ocean on the east. It is remarkable for its extreme cold, which is heightened by a range of very lofty mountains, extending the whole length of the peninsula, several of which are voleanic. It is very deficient m_ vegetable productions, but produces a great variety of animals, from which the richest and most valuable furs. are procured. ‘The inhabitants are in general below the common height, but have broad shoulders and large heads. Iti is under me dominion of Russia. Kink, a knotty twist in a thread or rope. Lapland, a country at the extreme north part of Pe where it 18 very cold. It contains lofty mountains, some of which are covered with perpetual snow and ice. Latin, the language of the Latins, or inhabitants of Latium, the principal country of ancient Italy. After the building of Rome, that city became the capital of the whole country. Leguminous, pod-bearing. Lent, a fast of the Christian Church, (lasting forty days, from Ash Wednesday to Easter,) in commemoration of our Saviour’s miracu lous fast of forty days and forty nights, in the wilderness. The word Lent means spring ; this fast always occurring at that season of the year. Levite, one of the tribe of Levi, the son of Jacob, which tribe was set apart from the others, to minister in the services of the Tabernacle, and the Temple at Jerusalem. The Priests were taken from this tribe. See Numbers i. 47—53. 1 j E fom pele, Oe US Fe Tn ye, eee ae: 25 e et. A C8 nt Bae GLOSSARY. 363 ; , i Ley, water which has percolated through ashes, earth, or other sub- | _ stances, dissolving and imbibing a part of their contents. It is 3 __ generally spelled (ze, or lye. | ‘: ie Linneus, (Charles,) a native of Sweden, and the most celebrated . naturalist of his age. He was born May 13, 1707, and died Janu- ; ary 11,1778. His life was devoted to the study of natural history. The science of botany, in particular, is greatly indebted to his la- bors. His ‘ 4menitutes Academice’ (Academical Recreations) is a collection of the dissertations of his pupils, edited by himself; a - work rich in matters relating to the history and habits of plants. . _ He was the first who arranged Natural History into a regular sys- _tem, which has been generally called by his name. His proper name was Linné. Lobe, a division, a distinct part ; generally applied to the two divisions of the lungs.’ % Log Cabin, a cabin or house built of logs, as is generally the case in newly-settled countries. ; Loire, the largest river of France, being about five hundred and fifty ‘miles in length. It rises in the mountains of Cevennes, and empties into the Atlantic Ocean, about forty miles below the city of Nantes. It divides France into two almost equal parts. j London Medical Society, a distinguished association, formed in 1773. It has published some valuable volumes of its Transactions. It has a library, of about 40,000 volumes, which is kept in a house pre- sented to the Society, in 1788, by the celebrated Dr. Lettsom, who was one of its first members. Louis XIV., a celebrated King of France and Navarre, who was born ' Sept. 5, 1638, and died Sept: 1,1715. His mother having before had no children, though she had been married twenty-two years, his birth was considered as a particular favor from heaven, and he was called the ‘ Gift of God.’ He is sometimes styled ‘ Louis the Great,’ and. his reign is celebrated as an era of magnificence and learning, and is notorious as a period of licentiousness. He left behind him monuments of unprecedented splendor.and expense, consisting of palaces, gardens, and other like works. ; Lumbar, (froma the Latjn lumbus, the loin,) relating or pertaining to the loins. Lunacy, writ of, a judicial proceeding, to ascertain whether a person be a lunatic. wy Mademoiselle, the French word for Miss, a young girl. Magnesia, a light and white alkaline earth, which enters into. the composition of many rocks, communicating to them a greasy or soapy feeling, and a striped texture, with sometimes a greenish © color. Malaria, (Italian, mal’aria, bad air,) a noxious vapor or exhalation; a state of the atmosphere or soil, or both, which, in certain regions, and in warm weather, produces fever, sometimes of great violence. Mammon, riches, the Syrian god of riches. See St. Luke, xvi. 11, 13, St. Matthew, vi. 24. Martineau, (Harriet,) a woman who has become somewhat celebrated by her book of travels in the United States, and by other works. Mexico, a country situated southwest of the United States, and ex -tending to the Pacific Ocean. : / Miasms, such particles or atoms, as are supposed to arise from dis- tempered, putrefying, or poisonous bodies. 364. —Cy _ GLOSSARY. Michilimackinac, or Mackinac, (now frequently corrupted into J - tnaw, which is the usual pronunciation of the name,) a milita post in the State of Michigan, situated upon an island about nin: miles in circuit, in the strait which connects Lakes Michigan and Huron: It is much resorted ‘to by Indians and fur traders. The highest summit of the island is about three hundred feet phe Sg lakes, and commands an extensive view of them. Midsummer, with us, the time when the sun arrives at his greatest te distance from the equator, or about the twenty-first of June, ~ called, also, the summer solstice, (from the Latin sol, the sun, and sto, to stop or stand still,) because, when the sun reaches this point, he seems to stand still for some time, and then ap- pears to retrace his steps. The days are then longer haces at any other time. 7 Migrate, to remove from one place to another ; to. change recite Mildew, a disease of plants ; a mould, spot, or stain, in paper, slotiey &c,, caused by moisture. Militate, to oppose, to operate against. : 4 Millinet, a coarse kind of: stiff muslin, forms, sdaed ‘for the foutida, ~ tion or basis of bonnets, &c: Mineralogy, a science which treats of the inorganic natural sudeoiees _ found upon or in the earth, such as earths, salts, metals, &e., and which are called by the general name of minerals. . ; Minutie, the smallest particulars. Monasticism, monastic life; religiously recluse life, 1 in a monastery, or house of religious retirement. Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, one of the most celebrated among the female literary characters of England. She was daughter of Eve- lyn, Duke of Kingston, and was born about 1690, at Thoresby, i in England. She displayed uncommon abilities, at a very early age, and was educated by the best masters in the English, Latin, Greek, and French, languages. She acecomipanied her husband "Edward Wortley Montagu) on an embassy to Constantinople, and her cor- _ respondence with her friends was published and much admired. She introduced the practice of inoculation for~the smallpox into — England, which proved of hie benefit to, millions. She died at the age of seventy-two, A. D. 1762. Moral Philosophy, the- science which treats of the motives and rules | of human actions, and of the ends to which they pee to be di- rected. Moreen, a kind of woollen stuff used for curtains, covers of eehieiey bed hangings, &c. » Mucous, having the nature of mucus, a glutinous, sticky, thready, transparent fluid, of a salt savor, produced by different membranes of the body, and serving to protect the membranes and other in- ternal parts against the action of the air, food, &c. The fluid of the mouth and nose is mucus. Mucous membrane, that membrane which lines the’ mouth, nose, in testines, and other open cavities of the body. Muriatic acid, an acid, composed of chlorine and hydrogen, cates also, hydrochloric acid, and spirit of salt. Mush-stick, a stick to-use in stirring mush, which is corn meal boiled in, water, Nankeen, or Ni ankin, a light cotton cloth, originally brought from Nankin, in China, whence its name. GLOSSARY. 365 Ua ye oi Nash, (Richard, commonly called Rion Nash, or King of Bath, a _ celebrated leader of the fashions in England. He was born at _ Swansea, in South Wales, October 8, 1674, and died in the city of Bath, (England,) February 3, 1761. ; Natural History, the history of animals, plants, and minerals. Natural Philosophy, the science which treats of the powers of Nature, _ the properties of natural bodies, and their action one upon another. It is sometimes called physics. New-2ileh cow, a cow which has recently calved. 2 | Newton, (Sir Isaac,) an eminent English philosopher and mathemati- _ cian, who was born on Christmas day, 1642, and died March 20, 1727. He was much distinguished for his very important discove- ries in Optics and other branches of Natural Philosophy. See the first volume of ‘ Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties,’ forming _ the fourteenth volume of ‘Tur Scuoor Lizrary,’ Larger Series. Non-bearers, plants which bear no flowers nor fruit. Northern States, those of the United States situated in the Northern and Eastern part of the Country. Ordinary, see Physician in Ordinary. st Oil of Vitriol, (sulphuric acid, or vitriolic acid,) an acid composed of oxygen and sulphur. ‘ : Orleans, (Elizabeth Charlotte de Baviére,) Duchess of, second wife of Philippe, the brother of Louis XIV., was born at Heidelberg, May - 26, 1652, and died at the palace of St. Cloud, in Paris, December 8, 1722. She was author of several works; among. which were, Me “moirs, and Anecdotes, of the Court of Louis XIV. Ottoman, a kind of hassock, or thick mat, for kneeling upon; so called, from being used by the Ottomans or Turks. : Oxalic acid, a vegetable acid, which exists in sorrel. Oxide, a compound (which is not acid) of a substance with oxygen; for example, oxide of iron, or rust of metals. : ay ; Oxidize, to combine oxygen with a body without producing acidity. Oxygen, vital air, a simple and very important substance, which exists in the atmosphere, and supports the breathing of animals and the burning of combustibles. It was called oxygen, from two Greek words, signifying to produce acid, from its power of giving acidity to many compounds in which it predominates. _ Oxygenized, combined with oxygen. Pancreas, a gland within the abdomen, just below and behind the stomach, and providing a fluid to assist digestion. In animals, it is_ called the sweet-bread. Puncreatic, belonging to the pancreas. Parterre, a level division of ground, a flower garden. . Pearlash, the common name for impure carbonate of potash, which, in a purer form, is called Sul eratus. Peristaltic, worm-like. Philosophy, see Intellectual, Moral, and Natural. — Physician in Ordinary to the Queen, the Physician who attends the Queen in ordinary cases of illness. Pistil, that part. of a flower, generally in the centre, composed of the germ, style, and stigma, which receives the pollen or fertilizing dust of the stamens. ; Pitt, William, a celebrated English statesman, son of the Earl of Chatham. He was born, May 28, 1759, and. at the age of twenty- three, was made Chancellor of the Exchequer, and soon afterward, Prime Minister. He died, January 23, 1806. ol* D. E. 366 GLOSSARY. aa: Political Economy, the science which treats of the general causes affecting the production, distribution, and consumption, of article of exchangeable value, in reference to their effects upon national — wealth and welfare. ane )= ARR, ARs Pollen, the fertilizing dust of flowers, produced by the stamens, and. falling upon the pistils, in order to render a flower eapable of pro- ducing fruit or seed. nA ee Nees Potter’s clay, the clay used in making articles of pottery. __ a Prairie, a French word, signifying meadow. In the United States, it is applied to the remarkable natural meadows, or plains, which are ‘found in the Western States. In some of these vast and nearly level plains, the traveller may wander for days, without meeting with wood or water, and see no object rising above the plane of the _ horizon. ‘They are very fertile. g ep lead, Prime Minister, the person appointed by the ruler of a nation to have the chief direction and management of the public affairs. — Process, a protuberance, or projecting part of a bone. idee, eyed: Pulmonary, belonging to, or affecting, the lungs. Pulmenary artery, an artery which passes through the lungs, being divided into seve- ral branches, which form a beautiful network over the air-vessels, and finally empty themselves into the left auricle of the heart. _ Puritans, a sect, which professed to follow the pure word ef God, in opposition to traditions, human constitutions, and other authorities. In the reign of Queen Elizabeth, part of the Protestamts were de- sirous of introducing a simpler, and, as they eonsidered it, a purer, form of church government and worship, than that established by law ; from which circumstance, they were called Puritans. In pro- cess of time, this: party increased in numbers, and openly broke off from the Church, laying aside the: English liturgy, and adopting a service-book published at Geneva, by the disciples of Calvin. They were treated with great rigor by the Government, and many of them left the kingdom and settled in Holland. Finding themselves: not so eligibly situated in that Country, as they had expected to be, a portion of them embarked for America, and were the first settlers - : of New England. | ? “e ae Quixotic, absurd, romantic, ridiculous ; from Don Quixote, the hero of Eg a celebrated fictitious work, written by Cervantes, a distinguished 4 Spanish writer, and intended .to reform the tastes and opinionsof . his countrymen. : AH a Reeking, smoking, emitting vapor. | ae a Residuum, the remainder, or part which remains. asi a Routine, a round, or course of engagements, business, pleasure, &e. 5 Tu Run a seam, to lay the two edges of a seam together, and pass the 4 threaded needle out and in, with small? stitehes, a few threads be- a low the edge, and on a line with-it. 7 To Run a stocking, to pass a thread of yarn, with a needle, straight ; along each row of the stocking, as far as is: desired, taking up one oe loop and missing two or three, until the row is completed, so as ta ; double the thickness at the part which is run. ,) a Sabbatical year, every seventh year, among the Jews, whieh was a. ’ year of rest for the land, when it was to be left without culture. In this year, all debts-were to be remitted, and slaves set at liberty See Exodus xxi. 2, xxiii. 10, Leviticus xxv. 2,3, &e., Deuteronomy xv. 12, and other similar passages. : Sal e@ratus, see Pearlash, ra ee get ae ' GLOSSARY. 367 _ Sal ammoniac, a salt, called also muriate of ammonia, which derives its name from.a district in Libya, Egypt, where there was a tem- _ ple of Jupiter Ammon, and where this salt was found. _ Scotch Hightanders, inhabitants of the Highlands of Scotland. _ Selvedge, the edge of cloth, a border. Improperly written selvage. Service-book, a book prescribing the. order of public services in a -ehurch.or congregation. Sharps, see Blunts. _ Shorts, the coarser part of wheat bran. Shrubbery, a plantation of shrubs. ae Siberia, a large country in the extreme northern part of Asia, haviug the Frozen Ocean on the north, and the Pacific Ocean on the east, _ and forming a part of the Russian empire. The northern part is extremely cold, almost uncultivated, and contains but few inhabit- ants. It furnishes fine skins, and some of the most valuable furs in the world. It also contains rich mines of iron and copper, and ‘several kinds of precious stones. . Sinclair, Sir John, of whom it was said, “‘ There is no greater name in the annals of agriculture, than his,’’ was born in Caithness, Scot- land, May 10, 1754, and became a member of the British Parlia- “ment in 1780. _He was strongly opposed to the. measures of the _ British Government towards America, which produced the Amer- ican Revolution. .He was author of many valuable publications, on various subjects. He died December 21, 1835. sy fehy Sirloin, the loin of beef.- The-appellation ‘Sir’ is the title of a knight, or baronet; and has been added to the word ‘loin,’ when applied to beef, because a King of England, in a freak of good hu mor, once conferred the honor of knighthood upon a loin of beef. Slack, to loosen, to relax, to deprive of cohesion. Soda, an alkali, usually obtained from the ashes of marine plants. To Spade, to throw out'earth with a spade. ; Spermaceti, an oily substance, found in the head of a species of whale, called the spermaceti whale. - _ Spindling, see page 124. Spinous process, a process or bony protuberance, resembling a spine or ~ thorn, whence it derives its name. Aa te ‘ Spool, a piece of cane or reed, or a hollow cylinder of wood, with a ridge at each end, used to wind yarn and thread upon. Stamen, (plural stamens and stamina,) in weaving, the warp, the _ thread, any thing made of threads. In botany, that part of a flow-. er, on which the artificial classification is founded, consisting of the filament or stalk, and the anther, which contains the pollen, or fructifying powder. sii Stigma, (plural stigmas and stigmata,) the summit or top of the pistus ‘of a flower. +n Style, or Stile, the part of the pistil between the germ and the stigma, Sub-carbonaie, an imperfect carbonate. act - Sulphates, Sulphats, Sulphites, salts formed by the combination of some base with sulphuric acid, as. Sulphate of copper, (blue vitrio}, or blue stone,) a combination of sulphuric acid with copper. Sulphate of iron, copperas, or green vitriol. Sulphate of lime, gyp- sum, or plaster of Paris. Sulphate of magnesia, Epsom salts. Sulphate of potash, a chemical salt, composed of sulphuric acid and potash. Sulphate of soda, Glauber’s salts. Sulphate of zinc, white vitriol. - Sulphuret, a combination of an alkaline earth or metal with su. 368° | Gutsdany: as, Sulphuret of tron, a combination of iron and sulphur. Sulphuric acid, oil-of vitriol, vitriolic acid. = Suture, a sewing ; the uniting of parts by stitching; the seam or joint which unites the flat bones of the skull, which are notched like ee teeth of a saw, and the notches, being united together, present the Sr a appearance of a seam. . ‘ Tartar, a substance, deposited on the inside of “wine casks, consisting ' ~ chiefly of tartarie acid and potass. Cream.of tartar, the crude tar- tar separated from all its impurities, by-being dissolved in water and Pe then crystallized, when it becomes a perfectly white powder. __ - Fartaric acid, a vegetable acid which exists in the grape. io a Technology, a description of the arts, considered generally, in their theory and practice, as connected with moral, political, and physical — . science. ae Three great Jewish yearly festivals, see Festivals. Three-ply, or triple ingrain, a kind of carpeting, in which the threads are woven in such a manner as to make three thicknesses of the cloth. — Tic doulourcuz, a painful affection of the nerves, mostly those of the face. ea Tocqueville, (Alexis de,) a celebrated living statesman and writer ae. 4 France, and author of volumes on the Political Condition, and the Penitentiaries, of the United States, and other works. flan eee Trachea, the windpipe, so named (from a Greek word signifying rough) from the roughness, or inequalities, of the cartilages of which it is formed. Truckle-bed, or trundle-bed, a bed that runs on wheels. Tuber, a solid, fleshy, roundish root, like the potato. Tuberous, thick and fleshy ; composed of, or having, tubers. ar Tucks, (improperly tacks,) folds in garments. ; Turmeric, the root of a plant called Curcuma longa, a native of the East Indies, used as a yellow dye. : Twaddle, idle, foolish talk, or conversation. Unbolted, unsifted. & Unslacked, not loosened, or deprived of cohesion. Lime, when it has 3 been slacked, crumbles to powder, from being deprived of cohesion. Valance, the drapery or fringe hanging round the cover of a bed, couch, or other similar article. Bree Le: Vascular, relating to, or full of, vessels. Re Venetian, a kind of carpeting, composed of a striped woollen warp on a thick woof of linen thread. Verisimilitude, probability, resemblance to truth. Verbatim, word for word. 4 Vice versa, the side being changed, or the question reversed, or th terms being exchanged. : iscera, (plural of viscus,) organs contained in the abdomen and in the chest. : Vitriol, a compound mineral salt, of a very caustic taste. Blue vitriol, sulphate of copper. Green vitriol, see Copperas. Oil of vitriol, sul- phuric acid. © White vitriol, sulphate of zinc. Wafle-tron, an iron utensil for the purpose of baking waffles, which Washleather, a soft, pliable leather, dressed with oil, and in sucha way, that it may be washed, without shrinking. It is used for various articles of dress, as under-shirts, drawers, S&c., and also for rubbing Fee i - are thin and soft cakes indented by the iron in which they are baked. or a ee bara a ati er rete The article Know _ a Banos, or shammy, gies is also called wash- — a are sewed. te the welt. or order of a garment. or Western World. When used 1 in Europe, or in distinc. the Eastern World, it means America. . When used in mtry, the West refers ‘to the ‘Western States of the Union. Wilds, the wild, thinly-settled lands of the Western States. gee. Zino.-. : carpet, a kind of carpets, jas in England, and so called from. ; lace which is the chief seat of their manufacture, They are n velvets, with variegated colors. © — . pes lunacy, see Lunacy. Yar pe, the wife of Socrates, noted for her violent temper and seen propensities. The name is frequently. applies to a shrew, or nish, turbulent, scolding woman. : L blueish-white. metal, which is used as a feoubewtient of brass, ome other alloys. Sulphate of zinc, or White shes a comnbiam: of zinc with su oye acid. oa © AS gr Acne of the skin, 93, 119. Accidents and antidotes, 240, Accounts, 174, 186. “By gil, 188. © duis. 31.9. 0 Africans, diet of, O21. = Aur, evils of the ‘want of pure, 91, -129, 196, 311. Exercise in the, 129, 133. For infants, 217, 218. “Of ’sick-rooms, 237. Dancing in the, 246. See Ventilation. Albany Orphan Asylum, 222. Alcoholic drinks, 107. See Stim-. culating. Alton, account of the Monticello | Female Seminary at, 54. Amaryllis, 335. America, anticipations as o 36. Conspicuous station of; 36. Changeableness. in the con-) ditions in, 40, 46, 48,257. La- bor in, 147. American women, peculiar re- sponsibilities of, 25. and_ privileges of, 27. Their distinct line of duty, 28, 32, 33. Influence of, on America, 32, 33. Their equality, 33. Fan- cied wrongs of, 33. Part to be acted by, 36. ‘Influence of, in the-world, 37, 38.- Difficulties peculiar to, 38 ; as housekeep- ers, 39, 151, 204; from delicacy |: of constitution, ‘Al, 45, 47, 128.-| 43. |: Few perfectly healthy, Causes of unhealthy, 43, 128; _ mental excitement, 43, their sense of their responsibilities, - 44; too little out-door exercise, 44. Bad early training of, 45. _ Exposures of, in newly- -settled countries, 46. De Tocqueville Rights. pared, 47. Should. oppos: ‘ing by, 151. . _spent by, for the ornamental, — — 1%. Mothers, and Women. & Amusements, 244, 250. Anemone, 335. 0 ~~ ee Anger, on silence in, 152. "ee ~~ Animal food, 99,100. For youn 291. See Food. Animals, cruelty to, i in ners wt, Yigg ~" 246. * am Annual flowers, 957, < aes e a Anthracite coal, 281. -~ wT Ants, red and black, 325... 5 Anxiety, acou tenance of, 1495. Appetites, gratification of the, aig’ pe Apple trees, preserving: from Jn- oe Apportionment of time, 157, 160, Aristocracy, English, 27, 123 ‘Arm, muscles af the, 74, 75. Arsenic, poisoning from, 242. Arteries, tying up, 240. oe » Associated charities 178. the Rast and 4 in the West, ¢ feeling that labor is degra 61. Precedence given. the other sex, 141. House - Time: and money. ip See Daughters, F emales, S 7) Temper, and Tones. ~ children , 220. Nourishment of, 171,172. Rulevas to, 184.” sects, 350. ae 181. By regular division of et: work, 162. ~Jewish, 181.. The prejudice of, as to "labor, a 61, 123. Distinguishing mark of, 123. On aping the, 124, Courtesy of, limited, 139. “Man- ners of democracy and, 146. On .economy among the, 194 - Domestics of, 205. | aa Aas RieoniaGonig in Winois, for shia ting poor females,59. For ed- —ucation at large, 203. ; Aste lamps, 282. Bri, Bkck-dnor accommodations, 276. Baglivi, on health-during Lent, 10 0. - Balls, O47, 248, argains, on making, 190, 194. Baskets, 321. For “centre tables, 354. Bath, on using the, 120. 9 oy infants, 217. See Wash- “ Be eto0ms, 276. ‘Beating down prices, 190,194. Beaumont, Dr., experiments by, on the digestibility of food, 104, note. Beauty, effect of exercise on, 132. Bed-bugs, 323. Bedrooms, care of, 311. Beds and bedding, 114, 313,329. ere 287. On making, Beef’: s-gall, uses of, 286, 289, To prepare, 292. Bell, Sir Charles, on nerves, 129. Monk Oba Be nn ae ee 9 Cael a "adi Geass gy INDEX. Benevolence, happiness of, 131. See Charity. Bile, 89. Bituminous coal, 281. Black ants, 323. Black tea, 110. Bleeding at the lungs, 243. Blindness, guarding against, 217, 283 Blisters, on dressing, 238. Blood, details as to the circulation of the, 83. Effect of daylight on the, 124; of exercise, 132. ~ Crowded to the brain, when one is excited, 195. When a cause of mental disease, 196. Stop- ping, 240,243. When dancing, 246. See Circulation. Blood-vessels, 81. | Blows on the head, 241. Boardingshouses, plan as to ex- penses of, 186. Boarding schools, curvature of the spme common at, 41. See Female seminaries. ‘ Boards for ironing, 294. Body, change and renovation of the, 91. Connection of mind and, 195. See Mind.” Boldness in domestics, 209. Bones, described, 69. Books, on teaching domestic econ omy from, 65. Bosom-boards, 294. ; Boston, scientific and literary ad- vantages in, 147. Bowels, 235, 237, note. Boys, small, made useful, 164. Domestic arts taught to, 164. See Children. Brain, excitement of. the, 195. Over-action of the, 197. Breakfast, 103. On late, 127. On the care of, and of dining: rooms, 306. Broadcloths, cleansing, 289. Broken limbs, 240. Brown linens, washing, 288. Bruises, 240. . Budding, |] hints on, 342. - Bulbs, 335 Bulwer’ s novels, 234, Burne, Dr., cited, 235. Burns, treatment ‘of, 241 Buttonholes, 324. Byron, Lord, 200, 201. C. Cakes, keeping till meal time, 223. Calicoes, washing, 286, 287. ‘Tron-~ ing, 255, Calisthenics, 56, 247. Candles, 281. .To make, 283. Caps for infants, 217. . Carpets, hints as to, 302. Carving, 310. Castle building, 199: Cathartics, 235, 237. Catholics, health of, during Lent, 100. Cellars, vegetables m dark, 124, , On the care of, 322. Chambers, care of, OLE Couches for, 312. Furniture for, Side © Wa De attention to, at school, 5&8. Dependence of happiness on, 169. _Self-denying benevo lence of Christ’s, 169. Charcoal, 242, 281. -- Charity, 131. On giving in, 158 “th Cee ee Ve a ae Difficulty respecting, 167. Gen eral principles respecting, 168. || Climbing plants, 339. Objects for receiving, 176. For souls of men, 177. By furnish- ing the poor with means of || earning support, 178. Associa- tions for, 178. Indiscriminate bestowal of, 178. Benefit of tracts in distributing, 179. On judging of other people’s, 130:4/- 114,115. Of men and women, Bs, compared, 115.. Example of Union of, with social enjoy- ments, 184. Cheap articles, hints on, 190, 194. . Children, washing, 121,122. Liv- ing in the dark, 124. Early re- |} tiring and rising of, 126. Cul- tivation of good manners in, 141,142. Too great familiarity with, 143, 226. Should ac- 143; ask leave to use others" articles, 143; avoid wounding others’ feelings, i438. To be taught to keep silence, 145, 230.- Do not surround with too maniy |, rules, 145. On making allow- ances for, 154. Waiting on, 163 ! Cold and hot, food, 103. , Drinks, ( ie TOS On making useful, 163, 959. knowledge acts of kindness, | Cleadsiag articles, 208. si Closets, of conveniences, Sliding, 278. For washing 306. In kitchens, 322. 3 Clothing and ad oi 112. Defi- Pex ciencv of, 113, 129. Excess of, — 114. Ruleas "to, 114, Flannet, ‘English women as to, 117. On changing, next to the body, 120. On inconsistent, 189. On wash- ing, 235. lroning, 295. Whiten- ing, 296. Cleansing, 298. — = Coloring, 300. See Dress, ae Tight dressing - Coal, 281. Coats, on folding, 315. : Cobalt, poisoning from, 242. : Cockroaches, 323. ss | Coffee, see Tea. Effect of, on infants, 114. - On paying, for services, 164, || Collecting of specimens, 253. 230%. On giving younger, to ; Colleges, on the endowment of, older, 165. Precocity In, 198. | Eating too often, 223.: To be guarded as to honesty, deceit, 51. On physicians in, 198. Colors, coloring and, 300. For different complexions, 5 athe and running in debt, 232. Shar- | Combe, Andrew, on drinks, 111. ing fruits and flowers, 251. See Boys, Female, Girls, a and Young children. Chimneys, smoky, 352. Christ’s character, 169. Christianity, principles of, identi- cal with democratic, 25, 34. Churches, ill-ventilated, 196. Chyle, 89. Converted into arte- rial blood, 90. From animal and other food, 99: Cincinnati, education in, 148. . Circulation, in the skin of infants, 113. Effect of cold on, 113, 118, 119. See Blood. Clark, Dr., on animal diet for very young children, 220. Cleaning carpets, 303. Cleanliness, on realizing the im- peemee of 118. Of the sick, On exercising the brain, 199. On infants, 214. On animal food, 221. - Complexions, colors for the differ- ent, 327. Condiments in food, 99. Constipation, 235, 237, note. Constitution, delicacy of i in Amer- ican females, 41, 45, 47; causes of it, 45, 128. On early attention to the, "49. Duties of wealthy mothers, respecting their chil- dren’s, 50. Effect of stimula ting drinks on the, 107. Conveniences, on providing, 162. For cooking, 319. See Closets. Convivial meetings, on exposures oe after, 119, 247. Cooking, food made unhealthy by. 99,101. Conveniences wante ted ' for, 319. . D. E. utensils, 285. In eating-rooms, Cold, on exposure to, 113, 118 Girls buying their own, 188. - Cooper, Sir Astley, cited, 195. Corrosive sublimate, poisoning from, 241... ae et Corsets, 116. Couches, cheap, 312. INDEX. Bulk of food necessary to, 10%. Impeded by bathing, 121. Dining-rooms, care of, 306. Dinner, setting table for, 309. Dirt not healthy, 118. Courtesy, want of 137,141; causes || Dish-cloths, 317. of it, 138, 148.. See Democracy. - Cows, to take care of, 352. Creeping of infants, 219. Cribs for infants, 218. Crickets, 323. Crockery, 319. Crocus, 335. Crown Imperial, 335. - Cruelty in amusements, 244, 246. Crying of infants, 219. Curculios, 351. Currants, 348, 350. Curtains, 302, 304. ‘Curvature, see Spine. - Cuts, remedies for, 240. a Cutting and sewing, 324, 328. Cuvier, cited, 220. D Daffodils, 336. Dahlias, 336.- Dancing, 245, 246. Daughters, on schooling, 48. On keeping, as domestic assistants, 60. Educated to domestic work, 67. See Female, and Girls. Day, on converting into night, 123. Influence of, on vegeta bles and blood, 124. Debt, on running into, 232. Democracy, principles. of, identi- cal with Christian, 25, 34. Ten- -dencies of, as to the female sex, 27. On progress towards, 34. On what the success of, de- pends, 36. Of early rising, 123. Courtesy of manners and, 138, 140, 146. Derangement, from over-excite- ment, 197. Diet, see Food. Difficulties, peculiar to American women, 38. On estimating them justly, 39,151. Remedies for, 48, 151. Digestion, organs of respiration Dishes, on washing, 318. Dolls, benefits from, 254. Domestic amusements, 244. Domestic exercise, 128. _ Domestic Economy, on raising, as a science, 50, 67. Reasons for introducing, into school, 63. On teaching, trom books, 65. In- dispensable part of education, 134. Domestic education, importance of, in childhood, 43. On early training in, 49, 60,67. On giv- ing mornings to, 49. In the Monticello Female Seminary, 54. Should alternate with stud- ies, 60. Sufferings for want of, 63. Many mothers unqualified to teach, 65. Dignity of, 67,135. Domestics, peculiar difficulties as to, in America, 40,204. Duties to be done by daughters, and not by, 50. Blessmg of a dearth of, 50. Without, 64. Ongmak- ing allowances for, 154, 210, 212. Care of, 204. Of aristo- cratic lands, 205, Placing our- selves in their situation, 205, 206. . Exorbitant wages of, 205. Instability and discontent of, and the remedy, 206. Pride and insubordination of, and the remedy, 207, 208. On calling them servants, 207. Admitted to the table, 209. Bold and for- ward, 209. Dress and rooms of, 209, 210. Deficiencies of, and the remedies, 210. Getting away, 211. Finding fault with, 211. Patience with, 212. Re- gard to, in construction of houses, 261. Beds for, 315. Doors, outside, 260, 263. Dress, too much attention to, 166. Inconsistency in, 189. Of do- mestics, 209. See Clothing. and, 87. Details respecting, 94. || Dresses, for the domestic duties of Articles easiest for, 101, 104. Experiments respecting, 104. school girls, 55. Colors for, 327. See Clothing. Drink, during meal-time, 103. Drinks, on healthful, 106. a Drowning, 241. Dumb-waiters, 278, 306. Dusting, 304, 306. Duties, - enjoyments with, 183. ‘ aka Early rising, 122. 123. Reasons for, 124. Time for, 126. Longevity and, 126. Effects of, on a family, 126; en the community, 127; on sys- tematic duty, 106. Earthen ware, 319. Hating, intemperance mn, 94, 95. At any time, 96... Too fast, 101. Should not be followed by ex- ercise, 102; nor bathing, 121. _ See Food. Eating-rooms, care of, 306. Economy, on domestic, 152. Ex- travagance changed for, 176. Contradictory | ideas as to, 185. General principles as to, 186. . Relative obligations of rich and poor as to, 191. Neglect as to, 193. Of the aristocracy, 194. Education in America, 147, Ass- so@fations for, 203. See Female, - and Monticello. Employment, for the different di- visions of a week, 162. On reg- ular, for all the family, 163. Enjoyments, see Amusements, and Happiness. Equality, on democratic, 25. See Democracy, Sexes, and Wo- men. Establishments, expensive, given up, 176 Exercise, comparative, of Ameri- can women and others, 44. Neglect of, 50, 244, Method for securing, at the Monticello Female Seminary, 54. Indis- pensable to the health of the several parts ,of the human frame, 73, 97. Of the muscles, 76, 78, 97, 116, 128, 129. Ef- fect of want of, on the spine, 78, 80. Food to be graduated by, 97. After eating, bad, 102. Evils of want of, 129. On fur- nishing interesting, 131. Walk- _- INDEX. connected || Exhalations from the aie 92. am Democratie, Female association for educating .. a ie a ha hea) ob ae fed its oat See ee bagiatell So 2) 5 “ ~s ‘ , Sa x b = aa 2 - ing for, 131. ne usef / ments, 131. Exces Rule as to, 133. On exces of the mind and- ‘feeling Of the brain, 199. Expenses, on keeping acco 473, 174, Economy i in, 185, On ‘graduating, by the incon 186. On gentility in being car less of, 193. On. extravagan in, 194. See Economy. : Eyes, screening, from adie oh 217, 283. ps ’ A ig ie: an Family, on early rising ‘in. the, 126. . Fathers neglecting the, 255. On attachments of, 256. Fasting in sickness, 235. may Fathers neglecting home, 255, Fault-finding, 211. | Fi ie” Featherbeds, - 114, 313. «44 Feelings, inactivity of the, 199. ‘ Feet, on protecting the, 115, 117, + 129. Keeping those of. infants, . warm, 217. Batine for a cold, 235...” poor females, 59. Feinale education, advantages for, in America, 43. Objects to be attended to, in, 48, 49. Impor- tance of mathematies in, 56. Should be conducted by fe-— males, 58. Present waste in conducting, 60. See School. Female seminaries, on the endow: ment of, 51. “Importance of, 52. Defects of, 53. Suitable, 53. Monticello Female Seminary, described, 54. Division of la bor and "responsibility in, 58. Requirement for admission to — the Monticello, 59. On _ pro- viding, 61, 68. Reasons for in- — troducing the study of domestic — economy into, 63. Establish- ment of, by a wealthy female 202. Should have gardens, 201. Females, influence of, on the char- acter of the young, 37. Building. schoolhouses, 202. See Ameri-— can women, Girls, and Women Filberts, 348. ‘ £ a Finding fault; 211. Finger nails, 129. 144. Fire, escaping from, 243. se Fireplaces and fires, 260, 265, 280, 311. Fishing, 244, Wermcl 114. Utility of, 115. On ‘ washing, 285, 286. Fleas, 323. Flies, on destroying, 323. _ Flower baskets, 354. Flower seeds, on planting, 332. Flowers, 251, 335. - Arranging, 337. Fluids, on taking, 103, 104. Folding articles, 315. Follicles of the skin, 93. Food, on the conversion of, into nourishment, 87. Responsibili- ty as to, in a family, 94. On taking too much, 94, 95, 128. On one kind of, for each ‘meal, 95. Should be taken at proper times, 96. Strong laboring men need most, 96._ Quantity. of, to be graduated by exercise, ‘97. On the quality of, 98. _Stimula- ting, 99. Animal and vegetable, 99, 100, 220, 221. Kinds of, most easily digested, 101, 104; 105. {njurious, from bad cooking,101. On eating, too fast, 101, 128. On exercise after taking, 102. On hot and cold, 103.. Highly concentrated, 104. Certain bulk of, necessary to digestion, 105. For infants, 214, 216. For nurses, 215. Sickness from im- proper, 235. Preparing, for the sick, 239. Footstools, 303. Foreigners, employed as j Aemes- tics, 40. Forewarning domestics, 211. Forwardness of domestics, 209. Franklin, Benjamin, diet of, 222. Frocks, to make, 326. Fruit, on the cultivation of, 251, 347. To preserve, 350. Fuel, hints as to, 280. Furnaces, 260, note. Furniture, on costly, 163, 167. On inconsistent, 188. On se- lecting, 302. Packing of, for moving, 316. Kitchen, 319. INDEX, G. Games of children, 253. Garden seeds, to plant, 333. Gardening, 331. Gardens, “at female institutions, 201. On laying out, 334. Gas, antidote for, 249. | Gastric juice, 88, 94. Gathering, in shirts, 325. Girls, on sending,, 48, 60 Should assist their mothers ear- ly, 49. Education of, at the Monticello Female Seminary, 54. Confinement of, in school, 133. Small, made useful, 164. Forming habits of system, 167; of making purchases and keep- ing accounts, 188. Effects of ex- citement on, 197. Taking care of infants by, 214. See Daugh- ters, and Females. Gladiolus, 335. Gloves, cleansing, 298. Godfrey, Benjamin, Female Sem- inary endowed by, 54. Gooseberries, 348, 350. Gothic cottage, o71, Government of children, 226. Unsteadiness in, and over-gov- ernment, 228. Maxims on, 229. See Children, Subordination, and Young children. Grafting, 344. Grapes, 349, 350 Grates, 281. Gratifications, on physical, 159, 171, 172. Grease- -spots, 289, 297, 298. In carpets, 304. Greeks and Romans, bathing by 120. Habit, in a system of duty, 166. Handkerchiefs, cleansing, 298. Happiness, dependence of, on character, 169. On living to make, 169, 200. Connected with duties, 183. Hard-soap, to make, 291. Head, blows on the, 241. Headache, 78, 95. Health, delicacy and infrequenc y of, in American women, 41, 45 | Effect of mental excitement on INDEX. 43; of a high sense of responsi- bility, &e.. 445 of want of out- door exercise, 44; of bad early training, 45 ; newly-settled of exposures in countries, 46. On preparation for a rational ||. care of, in a family, 68, 69. |; Connection of exercise and, 73, 76, 78, 97, 133; of the quantity Wal food and, 94, 95, 100; of the quality, 98. Of Catholics dur- || ing Lent, 100. Not from dirt, 118. Effect of early rising on, 125. On the duty of sacrificing, 159. Causes which injure the mind’s, 196. Amusements and, — 245. _ gard to, in constructing houses, . 260. Ventilation and, 311. Con- nection of, with cellars, 322. See Air, Exercise, and Sick- ness. Hearths, 305 Hearts, different, 84. Cause of their throbbing, 90. Heat of the body, regulated by abe skin, 92. Heating houses, 260. Help, see Domestics. Helping at table, 310. Herbaceous roots, 339. Horse-racing, 245, 246. Horses, care of, 351. Hose, on washing, 286, 289. Hospitality, on manifesting, 144. To strangers, 257. I Laughter and, 253. Re- | Hot and cold food and See 103, 110. Hot-beds, 33l. House-cleaning, 353. Housekeepers, difficulties peculiar || to American women as, 30. Preservation of good temper in, 148, 150. Allowances to be made for, 150. Necessity of a habit of system and order m, 157. General principles for, 158. Plans by, for sav- ing time, 184. See American women. Housekeeping, on a knowledge of, 134. Dignity and difficulty of, 150, 157.) See Labor. House- -plants, to repot, J33. Care. of, 341. 32* Houses, on the construc 208. Regard to economy bor in, 258; to water, 259, | to heating, 260; to econom: health, 260; to ’ domestics, { ne to good taste, 261. Plans of domestic convenience Shade-trees around, 275. door accommodations to, 27 : Hunger, 94, 132. Asa guide 1 taking food, 97. a: Hunting, 244" Hyacinths, 330. ~ Se he | Iinois, female hanenaiene in, lor — educating poor females, ed See Alton.~ Imagination, 199. Works of, 249, See Novel reading. A | lmpostors, soliciting charity, 178. = Impurity of thought, 83.4 Oke Income, see Expenses. . Indigestion, 101. See Health ae Infants, mortality among, 112, 114, 214. _ Too cold, 113. Plunging, in cold water, 113. Registrations of, 113. On giv- ing, to. the older children, 165. Use of, to elicit charity, 179. Importance of knowing how to | take. care of, 213. Combe, - Bell, and Eberle on, cited, 214. Food for, 214, 216, 218. ‘Med- icinés for, 215, 216, 218, 219.. Pure air for, 217, 218. Keep- “a ing’ warm, 217, 218. Keeping , their heads cool, 217. Bathing, = 217, 218: Nostrums for; 219. 3 Unquiet, 219.. To creep, 219 3 Standing, 219, Crying, a See Children, and iy Ingrafting, 344. Ink-stains, 298. Insects, on destroymg, 323. Sede serving apple trees from, 350... Institutions, see Female seminar ries, and School. Intelligence, dependence of dar mocracy on, 36. — Intemperance, H. Martineau on, a _eriticized, 30, note. In eating, 94,95. In drinking, 106. Fe. male responsibility as to, a: Invitations, ones 4 D. Ee . ; ironing, articles to be provided for, 293. Settee for, 293. Boards for, 294. Hints on, 295. _Tron-ware, 319. meat chet Jewish use of time, 182. _ Jokes, 253. __ Jonquilles, 335. * aa Kitchens, 163, 259., On taking _ care of, 317. Floors of, 317. Oilcloths for, 319. % Knitting, to employ time, 185. Knives and forks, 307. for, 317. Furniture we, L. Labelling powders, 239. Labor, nobility of, 55, 147. On opposing the idea of the degra- dation of, 61, 123, 124. Not. - inconsistent with delicacy, 62. On economy of, in houses, 258. _ Laces, ree of, 292. Lamps, 281. Care of, 282. . Laplanders and their food, 220. Lard, used for oil, 251. Latticed portico, 277. ~ Laughter, 253. Laws, necessity of a system of, 25. Leghorn hats, 299. Lent, health during, 100. Ley, to make,290. Life, object of, 168. Light, effects of, 124. Screening eyes from, 217, 283. Lightning, 243. Lightning rods, 243. ~ Lights, 281. Limbs of trees, on training, 348. Linens, 288, 328. Linneeus, cited, 220. Liquids, on taking, 103, 104. Literature, guarding, 249. Longevity, Sinclair on, From vegetable diet, 221. 126. Louis XIV., manners of his age, 148. Lungs, 89. Effects of tight-dress- ing on the, 90, 117: . Bleeding at the, 243. Luxuries, see Superfluities. ) = ~ INDEX. M. Mahogany furniture, 305. Manners, good, 136. Amet:can defect in, and cause of it, 137, Of the Puritans and their pos terity, 137. _ Principles respect- mg, 140. Proprieties in, 141 On cultivation of, 141. At home, 142. Leading points as to, claiming attention, 142. Children to be taught, 143. On conventional, 144. At -table, 144. Charity for bad, 145. Of the age of Louis XIV., 148. See Children. Marble, stains on, 305. Martineau, Harriet, criticized, 30, note, 141, note. Mathematics, importance of, in a female education, 56. Mattresses, 312, 329. er Meals, should be five hours apart, 96. . On the nature of the, 103 Time of English, 123. Meat, on eating, 99, 100. See Animal food, and Food. Mechanical amusements, 254. Medical men needed in literary institutions, 198. Medicines, on giving, to infants, 215. On administering, 236, 238. . Different effects of dif- ferent, 236. On purchasing, 239. Labelling, 239. Men, engaged in women’s 164, 165. . Mending, 330. Mental excitement, effect of, on health, 43. On reducing youth- ful, 48, 49. On invigorating, 56. Effect of, on the mind, 197. See Mind. : Mexicans, teeth of, 110. Mice, 323. Mildew, removing, 296. Milk, for infants, 216, 217. Milkweed-silk, 227. Mind, connection of body and, 195. Causes which injure the health of the, 196. On inactiv- ity of, 199. Indications of dis- eased, 204. See Health, and Mental excitement. 3 Mineralogical collections, 253. Modesty in children, 233. work, ) Mo: ey, children’s earning, 164. Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, || _ sited, 135. Monticello Female. Seminary, ac- count of, 54. System of stud- ies there, 57. Effort made there to cure defects of char- acter and habits, 58. Morals, American, ‘99, Depend- ence of democracy on, 36. At- tention to, in the Monticello Female Seminary, 58. In chil- dren, 233. See Children, and Young children. Mortality, among infants, 112, 114. Causes of it, 214. At the Albany Orphan Asylum, 222. See Infants. Mothers, sufferings of American, 42. The great objects for, in educating their daughters, 48. Influence of wealthy, 50. Should raise the science ~ of domestic economy, SI. Few, qualified to teach domestic economy, 65. Influence of, 149, 151. Teaching boys do- mestic artsy164. See American women, and Women. Moths, 323. Muscles, 74. Exercise of the, 76, 78, 97, 116, 129.. Excessive exercise of, 132. Music, 58, 952. Muslins, on washing, 288. Starch- ing, 292. Musquitoes, 323. N. Nails, cleaning, 122, 144. - Nankeens, on washing, 288. Napkins, table, 307. Narcissus, 335. Nash, Beau, biography of, 148. Neatness, in house-keeping, 152. Of sick-rooms, 238. Sce Clean- liness. Needle-work, bad economy in,189. Nerves, 76. Ramifications of the, 78. Health of, dependent on muscular exercise, 78, 130. Function of, in the stomach, 87. Excited by - stimulating drinks, 106, 111. Two kinds of, 129. On cutting off, 130. : 2 I I a CE IE EE TL SLIP EE IDET, SETI II ES LEAL TO INDEX. Night, converting, into. day, 123. | -Night-gowns, 114, 329. Nursery, soil for a, 347. ‘Pain, amusements causing, 244, ‘Bxercise and inactivity o ) Debility of, 130, 199. New Englanders, one cause their tact, 165. _ , Newton, Sir Isaac, diet. of, 229.. ae Night-lamps, 283. aa Novel reading, 199, 234, 249, Nursery, discipline of "the, 24 2390. “1 es Nursing, on food while, 215. Of oa the sick, 237. = } oe < 2 j weit, Obedience of children, 226. See Children, and Government. Objects of charity, 176. : Oil, 281. Taking out, 297. Oilcloths, for kitchens, 317. Opium, absorbed by the skin, 93. Antidote for, 242. Order, on a habit of, 157. Ornaments, 166. Time and mon- ey spent for, 175, 259. ; Orphan Asylum at Albany, 222. Ostrich feathers, washing, 299. Outhouses, 276. Over-government, 228, 229, one ‘ Children, and. Governmenti Pt Packing, of trunks, 316. of fare niture for moving, 316. Paint-spots, 298. Pantaloons, on mending, 330. Parents, exercising of authority by, 226, Should provide amuse- ments, 250. Joming in chil- dren’s sports, 204. . Parlors, kitchens and, 163, 259. Light work in, to save time, 184. Inconsistently. furnished, 189, On the eare of, 302, On select- ing furniture for, 302. oo ing, 305. Sereens in, 353. - Parties, invitations to, 353. @ Passions, the, 170. See Temper, « Peach trees, 350. 2 Perennial plants, 339. Ba ete Peristaltic motion, 87, 96,102. ° Perspiration, 92, 93.’ Demands - Pe supply of food, 96. From exer= — sleep, 126. On inducing, 235, Physical education, see Exercise, and Health. ; ; Physicians, obeying, 239. Piano, playing on the, 202. Pictures, 302, 304. Pills, 236, 237, note. Pitch, on removing, 297. Plans, for apportioning time, 158, 160. For duties, 162, 166, 167. For saving time, 184. For ex- penses, 186. Of houses, 261. Planting flower seeds, 332. Plants, collecting, 253. In rooms with stoves, 281. Soil for, 331. Propagation of, 341. See Flowers, and Seeds. roisoning, 241. woliteness, see Manners. | Poor, Mosaic laws as to the, 182. On work for the, 189, 190. Liberal prices and prompt pay- _ ment to the, 191. See Charity. Pores, closing the, 119. See Skin. Portico, latticed, 277. Courtesy, and Positions, effects of, 73, 80. Potash-soap, 291. _ Pot-plants, soil for, 331. Pots, transplanting from, 333. Powders, labelling, 239. Precocity in children, 198. Privies, 276. Propagation of plants, 341. ' Propensities, 170. Property, Jews’ use of, 182, -Un- equal distribution of, 191. On sharing, 191. On using, prop- erly, 193. Pruning, 346. Pumps, 275. Punctuality; and want of it, 128. In paying the poor, 191. Purchases, on making, 193, 194. - Puritans, manners of the, 137. Q. Quality of food, 98. Quantity of food, see Food. | R. Ranunculus, 335. Rats, 323 INDEX. : “ese, healthful, 114. During }! Red ants, 323. Registrations of births, 113. || Religion, perversion of, 198. Religious excitement, 197. Respect, American want of, 139, 141. Should. be required at home, 142. See Courtesy. Respiration, organs of, 87. Rewards, governing by, 230. Roman Catholics, health of, dur- ing Lent, 100. Romans, see Greeks. Rooms, arrangement of, 259. Running into debt, 232. St. Martin, Alexis, experiments on, respecting food, 104. Salary, plan as to using, 186. » Salt, for bleeding, 243. Salts, 236. School, hints on, 48, 223. Too much. required in, 49. On keeping, only in the afternoon, 49. On sending young chil- dren to, 223. Schoolrooms and_ schoolhouses, 133. Not ventilated, 196, 223. Built by a lady in the West, 202. See Female. Scolds, 149, 154. Scotch Highlanders, 221. - Screens, in parlors, 353. See Eyes. Secret vice, 233. Sedgwick, Miss, her Live and Let Live, 213, note. Seeds, on planting, 332, 333. Of fruit, on planting, 347. Self-denial, happiness of, 169. Distinction as to, 170. Of wealthy women, 201, 202. In children, 224, 232. Servants, on calling domestics, 207. See Domestics. Services, paying children for, 164. Settees for ironing, 293.. ‘ Setting tables, 307. Rules for, 308. } Sewing, by girls, 254. Hints on, 324 Sewing-trunks, 162: Sexes, M. De Tocqueville on the, 28. Distinct lines of action for the, 28, 32, 33. American equality of, 33. i: Shade-trees, 275, 340. ae Shrubs, for yards, 340. Shells, collecting, 253. Shirts, folding, 315. Making, 328. Sickness, on ignorance and 1 inex- perience in time of, 68. On} nursing in, 237. From chills and food, 239. Remedies for slight, 240. See Health. Sick-rooms, hints on, 237. Fur- niture for, 238. Silence, children to keep, 145 230. . When in anger, Li Silks, on cleansing, 298. Sinclair, Sir John, on longevity and early rising, 126. Sinks, 277, 317. Six Weeks on the Loire, cited, _ 135. : Skeleton, ent of the, 70. Skin, described, 91. Function of the, a1. Waste matter from ~ the, 92, 118. \ Regulates the heat of the body, 92. Absorb- ent vessels of the, 93, 119. -Fol- -licles of the, 93. The organ of touch, 93. ~Circulation in the, in infants, 113. Effect of cold on the circulation in | the, 113,118,119. Bathing in- fants’, 217, Sleep, amount of, perish 125. On protracting, 126. apartments, 196, 217, 311. Ventilation. Sliding closets, 273. Smoky chimneys, 352. Snow, bathing in, 121. - Soap, soda, 208. . Soft, 290. . Pot- ash, 291. Hard, 291. Social intercourse, 184. Soda-soap, 288. Soda-washing, 287. Soil, on the preparation of, 331. For a nursery, 347. Soups, 104, 105. South-Sea Tslanders, 221. Specimens, collecting, 253. Spine, frequency of the disease of the, 4] , causes, 73, 133. Cut sof the, 77. Curvature of the} 80. Difference between a nat- ural and distorted, S0. Spitting on carpets, 144, In close See E & ‘ i) 1s ots, removing ‘Borie, 2160 yee Stam-mixture, 296 Stains, removing, 296 5 from men le Tenet from | es Five forms of using, 107. sons for using, considered, | _ Dr. Combe on, 11]. If. for parents, may not be for chil- dren, 111. - Compan with an-_ imal ‘food, 112. > AR Stimulating food, 99. Aen Ar mal food, and Food | Stock-grafting, 345. Stockings, on aching, 286" a: Stomach, 87.'. Peristaltic motion of the, 87, 96, 102. Effects 0 of too eh food, 94,95. Rule for the labor and. repose of the, 96. Power of accommodation in the, 102. _ Wants rest, 223. _ Storerooms, 2ad1, Been: “a Stoves, 221. et Strangers, hospitality fog 957. ; Strawberries, 348. Straw hats, 299. - Straw matting, 304, Slike a Studies, at the Monticello Fem Seminary,57. Pursued at dom, 60, 68. - ya! : Subordination, social, 26. male, in «America, 27, 295; Of children and others, I. 4 224. See Government. - 4 Superfluities, 163. Duty as to, — 171—173. On determing ie specting, 173. ; Sweeping, 134. Of carpets, 303. Of parlors, 305. . Sympathy, on silent social, 14 System, continual change and — renovation of the. be OL ee its of, 155. week, 162. niences, 162. On attempti tov much, at once, 166. wld bg ANDEX. Table, firnitere pet a, 306, On Ss tting, 307; rules for, 308. . Carving and ‘helping at, 310. able manners, 144. jle-mats, 300. ers, 233, r, on removing, 297. tie Tea, coffee and, on the use of, ‘tie ip xood, in a housekeeper, 148; Bs id e me Fb igi f a * “sol 107, 108. ‘Cates nervous a mat bility, 109. Love of, not ‘nat- Siivad "109. If good for adults, may not be for children, 109, bi Bleck, least injurious, 110. No nourishment i in, 112. See Stim- - ulating. ~ ; ‘Teachers, 202, 203. - - Teeth, effects ee hot drink on, 110. Care of, 122,144. *. ‘Teething of infants, 219. ‘Temper, on the preservation of ints for it, 150. Making al- Wiswtiinees: for, in others, 154. _ See Passions. beapiations,: amusements with, 245, 248. , Tendons, 75 Theatres, 245, ps a Thinning plants, 346. Ae ar oh Thoughts, on pure, 233. Throat, things in the, 240. Thunderstorms, 243. Tic douloureux, 78. Tight dressing, 80, 90, 129. Evils of, 116. Rule as to, 17 Time, on apportioning, 157, 160, 181,184. On saving, 161, 184. Errors as to employing, 180. Devoted by Jews to religion, 183. Tin ware, 320. Tocqueville, M. De, on the sexes in America, 28. in nations towards democracy, 34. On female hardships in ‘the West, 46. On aristocratic and democratic manners, 146. ee Tones of voice, 148. On govern- | ing the, 152. Governing by angry, 230. Effects of angry, on children, 231. On progress | mencing, while young, 167. | Towels, Seiwa 0 i 903 CF) oe || Tracts and charity, 179. Transplanting, 333, 340. Travelling-bags, 316. Trees, about houses, 275. bts planting, 334. Shade, 340. On transplanting, 340. Pruning and thinning, 346. - Trials, see Difficulties. ; Trunks, sewing, 162. In cham bers, 313. Packing of, 316. Tuberous roots, 335. Tulips, 336. R Turpentine, on removing, 297. U. Unbolted fiour, 105. Va Vegetable food, 99, 100, 220, 221. See Animal food, and Food. Vegetables, effect of light and darkness on, 124. Veils, whitening, 293. need Ventilation, importance of, 49, 196, 217, 311. Of sleeping- rooms, 129, 196, 31). Of school- rooms, 223. Ofsick-rooms, 237. - In construction of houses, 261, 264. Where stoves are used, 281: See Air. : Vermin, on destroying, 323 Vertebrax, 72. Virtue, see Morals. Vulgar habits, 144. W. Wadsworth’s cottage, 273, 274. Wages, exorbitant, of domestics, 205, Offermg higher, 21) Waiting at table, 309 eee Walking for exercise, 131. ‘Wardrobes, 312. Washing, of clothes done by pu- ~ pis, 55. Of the body, 92, 93, 119,121. Of children, 121,122. Water for, 284. -Articles to be provided ‘for, 284,. Common modeé of, 285, Of calicoes, 287. Soda- washing, 207. Of various articles, 288. Of carpets, 304. Of dishes, 318. See Bathing. Wash-pans for children, 121. Waste matter, from the skin 2, 118: (INDEX. Water, protection against, in the skin, 93. On drinking, 111. Drinking too much, 112. Plun- |; ging infants in cold, 113. See _ Drinks, and Stimulating. Wealthy mothers, influence of their example, 49. Wells, remedy for air in, 242. Remarks on, 259, 275. West, on female hardships in the, 46. Wheat, unbolted, 105. ae Whitening, of lace veils, 293. Of other articles, 296. Whitewashing, 279. Wicks, 282. Winter, air and sleep in, 125. Women, European contempt for, 30. American esteem for, 30. Influence of, on individuals and nations, 37. Exercise taken by English, 45. Responsible- ness of, 52. Eating without being hungry, 98. Responsi- bility of, as to intemperance, | 106.. Precedence given to, in America, 141. Importance and difficulty of their duties, 155. General principles for, 158; frequent inversion of them, 160. Men engaged in their work, 164, 165. On their keeping accounts of expenditures, 173,. 174. Imagining themselves do- mestics, 205. See Amerivan women. Wood, for fuel, 280. Wooden ware, 321. : Woodhouses, 273, 276, 277. Woollens, on washing, 289 - Workbaskets, 325. x, Yellows, the, 350. Young children, female influence on their character, 37. Misman- agement of, 43. Management of, 42, 220. Animal food for, 220. At the Albany Orphan Asylum, 222. Intellectual. and moral training of, 223. Three habits for, 224. On distancing, 226. On appreciating their enjoy ments and pursuits,227. Keep- ing them happy, 231. On rid- iculing, 231. Modesty and pro- priety in, 233. Impurity of thought in, 233. Young Ladies’ Friend, cited, 134 ceca gt Oe Re ee ae eo a a ee NES Samet a e ete ee Pe Stns eS: i Beara wine,