Aa 17 q4- 14 East 57th St. LIBRARY M.Knoedler& Co. New York Following are the catalogue numy 4 ects, purchasers and. ‘ i for important {tema yesterday afternoon: Sam. Sel | 3098—Sixteenth i cotta bas-relief, century; R. #H. a1 ES een as E 1 Genoese red velv covering (125 3 Lorenz, et, companion and L. Ben- Lorenz tapes eentury | Scahepps fs. cick Here are the subjec lers and prices obtained for impe ; dispersed last nigh y Delacroix; H. ira nt.» ye 88.700 Boucher; James |tant painting ‘Le \ Giaour, fH. Russell, ag “Pastoral,” by | N, Hill 3,000 Cows in | C rt ee i E James | x | } : : i j Feec } jucks,’’ by Ro: | Levy é (| “Bords de by Daubigne; j | | Albee. Breton M. H : . 8,500 i by Breton; ] 8,500 1 i 12,500 1 16,508 Gainsborough ; agent OMETKE 1 IREAU PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU No Connection with any athe IKE WEST 19th ST., NEW YORK Tel. Chelsea 8860 THIS CLIPPING FROM Antique Lamps, Choice Rugs and Tapestry Suites Bring $152,823 at Mansion Auctiorj | Renais suites sance furniture, antique lamps jand miscellaneous appointments j of the mansion of the late United | States Senator William A. Clark, at | No. 1 Hast Seventy-seventh street, | were sold afternoon junder the auspices of the Ameri |}can Art Galleries. One hundred and Seventeen items realized $152 299 L from ti | total for tapestry, rare rugs yesterday $170,400 was realized itings, making the lal for the paintings in’ th@ | collection $202,920 | KEEN BIDDERS. | High pids shouted. from among j hundreds ‘of yisitors, dealers and | who followed Hirana Parke, auctioneer, about from room jto room of the marble palace in 1y y's progressive sale, were c ered a tribute to ‘the artistia of; the late Senator. Pie Park Treasures |: Bring $392, 941, At Two Sales Furnishings Which Filled Late Senator’s Mansion Offered With 46 Paint-| ings Netting $170,400 $15,500 Is Highest Price | of Lavehr-Kirnan Rug of the) l7th Century Goes to} Harry Gerard for $16,000 Bit by bit the Aetiile furnishings with which the late Senator William A. Clark filled his palatial mansion 1 East Seventy-seventh Street were dispersed yesterday during two sales which swelled the returns m his collections to $892,941. Rich antique rugs, old velvets and the finer ae remaining a part of the re state featured the sales, conducted by the American Art Association, and brought in many™imstences impressive | returns. Forty-six paintin ble works of the French schools, were sold for a total of 400 last night in the ballroom Hotel Plaza. Daubign “Mornir the Oise” brought $15,500, the high. price of the evening, selling~ to Howard Young gallery. A harvest la seape by Jules Breton, “La Fin Travail,” was sold for $12,500 to Mis R. H. Lorenz, agent. Other leading sales were Constable’s | ¢ “Flatform Mills, Suffolk, ” which sold for $10, 000, and “Landscape and ; Gainsborough, fo as paid. Both s Lorenz, agent. continuance of the nishings at the ma nsion. noon, realized a total of feature was the sale of a remarkable large Lavehr-Kirman rug of mille-fleur } design, to Harry Gerard for $16,000. | This was a seventeenth century speci- men, embellished prominently with | medallions in a close fioral field, me uring about 31x16 feet. A Genoese red velvet cover of the} seventeenth century, measuring ap- proximately 395 yards in all, brought | $15,000, selling to Charles, of London. | A sixteenth century Kouba church car- | pet, about 27x9 feet, was another lead- | acquir | Wi | beth Keene,” for which Martin Birn- | | prominent in last night’s sa i Lorenz for $7,200.} 3 . Lorenz, agent. At both sessions the sale by many prominent art bu % including collectors and dealers. The rugs, of many rare patterns and sizes,} attracted special interest. A/ large xteenth brought $5,500. It was acquired by V & Benguiat. of the seventeenth century, the | wall covering in the Marble Hall, was d by A. L. Danforth r $7,380. nteenth century Brn f Marcus Aurelius into Rome, was sold for $4,750 to Sam Schepps. A. Arnold, agent, acquired about 1 rds __oaf ong the paintings sold was Sir liam Beechey’s “Portrait of Eliza- baum paid $10,200. M. Kneed] & Co. |paid $8,500 each to acquire Breton’s i“Le Gouter,” a pi ture of peasant women in the harvest field, and the same. painter’s “Harvesting e Pop- pies.” Lhermitte’s harvest picture, “La | Fanaison,” brought $6,000, and his sim- lilar painting, entitled “Midday Repose,” ld for $5,500. Both were purchased Lorenz. Clairiere,” a pastoral landscape 2, brought $5,200, going to James ; “Feedi the Ducks,” eau, sold for $5,100, to the Jo gallery; “Boards Riviere,” igny, went to M. Knoedler. 0 jaour,” by Delacroix, $3,700 to A. P. Russell and “The Covered Wagon, rough, for 00 to W. man, agent. The only Corot sold was a little landscape in grays and gre titled ‘Co in Field and Pool. Ss was the most eag among the small paintings \ yhich were finally oing to Miss Boucher’s “Pastoral,” which brought ¥ “Landscape,” which sold for $8,000 to the same buyer, and. a “Landscape” by Daubi gny, which brought $2,600 for * 63 500; a Arthur Trundell, for $2,900, and Ziem’s +| | ty-two yards of Jardiniere yale ie tapes- | & try, one of a series depicting the entry | emish tapestr ry to E. red velvet wall covering for! | | } | | | | *| tly sought | 900 from James N. Hill, Rousseau’s | i Caffrey, were also among} group. E. F. Albee paid e $3,2 200 for Van Marcke’s “Cows in th Valley,” from the William H. Stewart collec tion. g sales included . Romney’s ligaaritens of Clare” to Lewis & Sim- early Gothic Hispane-Moresque speci- | mins, for $3,100; Lawrence men, of the fifteenth century, was sold | | for $7,000 to Miss Lorenz. A s | century Kouba church carpet, a com-j| jpanion to the above mentioned “Portrait to Seidlitz & Van Baarn, Dupre’s “Landscape” to Canal” to Henry Schul-} Mee OD. 3 Also a terra cotta bas relief, six-| century, to Miss Lorenz, for § an Empire Savennerie carpet to | for $3,100; an early Gothic | Hispano. Moresque rug to L. & V. Ben- 3,100; twelve. Flemish tap- | armebairs to S. Schepps, for; an rearien walnut and L. Bernays, for | LIPPING BUREAU seem with any othe ather ROMEIKE 220 WEST 19th ST., NEW YORK Tel. Chelsea 8860 THIS CLIPPING FROM NEW YORK WORLD $190,843 to Sum 1 | | 4 VLE Height, 8% inches; length, 10/2 inches Bryonp a dark foreground, in which subdued lights appear from a dark greenish-blue sky that shows warm lights above the horizon, a blue lake with blue mountains beyond it. Close in the foreground a dark pool, and in the middle distance the ruins of a portal. From the left comes a maiden in red, carry- ing a jar on her head. Collection of Godfroy von Preyer, Vienna. \ > CHARLES EMILE JACQUE /f01 Frencni: 1813-—1894 MIXX 6-SHEEP NEAR woops %-@ecdlbrs Height, 51% inches; length, 9 tnches On a sunny greensward two sheep stand in the foreground, one nibbling the grass near some wild flowers, the other look- ing over its shoulder. On a knoll another sheep grazes, and back in the shadow of some dense trees which form the back- ground other sheep are detected. Signed at the lower left, Cu. Jacavr. Collection of F. B. Swann. Purchased frm M. Knoedler & Company, 1896. J 05S Aaghh fern A bungpes) Lire 189b- PIES - Sold, Ib.he. black Je ib PESX 5 JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM TURNER, N.A. Encusu: 1775—1851 ; 7—DOVER: BUSY PORT (xx) 4/0 af (Water Color) barry Looarc Height, 11144 inches; length, 161% inches On the right a high hill and another in the background, both with fortifications, protecting a town; in middle distance a glimpse of blue water and shipping, with more shipping below the right-hand hill; in the foreground and all about, many people—men, women and children—most of them busy at various occupations. Soft but brilliant colors. LEON AUGUSTIN LHERMITTE Frencu: 1844— < y 8-NUREMBERG OPEN MARKET 330 “4 (Charcoal Drawing) bX barfalh Height, 191% inches; width, 17 inches Aw open place filled with benches supporting vegetables and other things, some uncovered, others protected by large um- brellas, and attended by an old woman in picturesque garb. Signed lower left, L. Lurrmirrn, NuremMsBerc. BIRKET FOSTER / Eneusn: 1825—1901 9—-HAYING TIME 4llnieo SLSS (Gouache) fromieey Height, 11144, inches; length, 1534 inches Frevps bathed in sunlight under a bright and billowing sky; in the right middle distance the trunk of a great tree, and in the foreground near it a young woman seated on the ground, facing left, her arm about a child seated next and beyond her. A man reclines nearby, and in front of her a young girl lies prone on her back. Distant workers in the field, toward the fete. Signed lower left, B.F. (monogram). Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons, 1898. 1 _\ LOUIS LE GRAND Frencu: 1863— (Sx-) A- 10—LA JEUNE DANSEUSE /NO-~ (Crayon Drawing) Gad lily laut laabad Height, 20 inches; width, 161 inches ne Figure of a young girl standing on one foot, facing the left, her head bent over and fingers engaged tying a dancing slipper on the other foot, which rests on the standing knee; in disha- bille, her gown and hat hanging on the wall back of her. Signed at the lower center. Purchased from Gustave Pellet, Paris, 1912. JULES DUPRE Frencu: 1811—1889 ¥ 11—CATTLE DRINKING SO A (Panel) Gf. blank 7 “e, Height, 54% inches; length, 12V% inches Ar the approach of evening, with much light left in the banks of clouds above the horizon, and shadows deepening among the trees and bushes, while lingering sunlight flashes across the fields, a number of cows have been driven down to a large pool in the foreground to drink. Their attendant stands on the shore beyond them. Signed lower left, Jutus Dupre. NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807-1876 ¥ + 12 LANDSCAPE GO FDS Height, 1114 inches; length, 17%4 inches Vitwendoh Shep Tue edge of a woodland, darkening; a tree leaning from the left and its slender trunk crossing a glimpse of the far-away sky; light from the left revealing autumnal colors amongst the foliage, and boulders in the middle distance. \ Signed lower right, N\ Diaz. BARTHOLD JONGKIND | > oes, Durcu: 1819—1891 1 OV” W i -sKaTIN | Vv. 13—SKATING Oe TED R44) 4 Height, 91% inches; length, 1234 inches A CANAL, frozen, extends through the picture from the right foreground, running slightly to left and curving out of sight i to the right around a grove of tall trees rising above some | cottages. On it are a few skaters. ‘To left of it a lone pedes- trian comes along the bank, and tall poplars still bearing foli- age rise against the winter sky, before a group of houses. Signed lower right, JoncKinp, 1865. Purchased from Léon Michel Lévy, Paris, 1902. NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 J 14-THE DOG FIGHT ; (Panel) a. ALOO 4 Height, 91% inches; length, 14 inches Own a heath showing occasional shrubbery half a dozen boys and girls in the open foreground, in two groups, one at either side, two of the children holding their dogs and one seeking to urge them to fight. Signed lower left, N. Draz. LEON BONNAT Frencu: 1834—1922 J 15—A LITTLE ROMAN GIRL SO 4 Height, 21 inches; width, 14 inches-Ib. Barcoch, FuL.-Leneru figure of an Italian peasant child in the custo- mary brilliantly colored costume, a white chemise with red sleeves and sash, blue petticoat and yellow figured apron. She stands, her hands clasped in front of her, facing the spectator, in a strong light from the upper side. Signed at the lower left, Lx. Bonnat, 1880. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co., Paris, 1886. From the J. W. Kauffman Collection, New York, 1905; Catalogue No. 2. 27. Axioo = bh, black THEODORE ROUSSEAU Frencu: 1812—1867 Gixx) 16—PLOUGHING 4 FO - Height, 15 inches; length, 18 mches Maia Usbees Sxy darkly clouded, with a streak of sunset light along the horizon over distant low hills, and the intervening agricultural landscape in a subdued light; at left moving toward the fore- ground a man ploughing, his gray Percheron supporting bril- liant trappings; toward the right a couple, seated. On stretcher, Rousseaw’s monogram seal. Purchased at the D. C. Lyall Sale, New York, 1903; Catalogue No. 52.8500 ofbbocte a: RAIMUNDO DE MADRAZO SpanisH: 1841—1920 y OXX oA 17—THE PET PARROT KOS 4 Mord Larnan) Height, 19 inches; width, 15 inches A SpanisH beauty, well developed, is seated, figure to right, three-quarters front, face in profile to right, playing a guitar while she smiling regards an inquisitive white parrot. Signed lower left, R. Maprazo. Purchased from William H. Stewart Collection, New York, 1898; Catalogue No. 26.-B 8350 = Ut. blark NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA SKO + Frencu: 1807—1876 dt _Upk 18—NATURE MORTE (Panel) Height, 121% inches; width, 11 inches A sritu life painting of a bunch of pink roses and other flow- ers, in a bright light from the left against a dark background. Signed lower left, N. Draz. 2 ad ar _DU OCTAVE TASSAERT CMXX) Pe): Frencu: 1800—1874 OLY Ur vA 19—BACCHANTE ET AMOURS: AUTOMNE SL KOO J Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches 16 Ite. Thee Gute ReEPOsING in an open place in the woods, a bacchante lying back on draperies holds a bunch of grapes at her head while other fruits lie at her knee before her, and half a dozen playful cupids surround her. S Signed lower right, Tassarrr, 1888. Lambert Richards Collection, 1876.—%0 @alabogiee of 22bo he. > nad From Léon Michel Lévy, Paris, 1901. EUGENE FROMENTIN Frencu: 1820—1876 UXX tence Ib. FOLK A Bepovutin, mounted, has ridden up from the left at the head of some followers and halted before a personage who with his accustomed entourage stands at the right, facing the new- comers and appraising their wares—horseflesh or human or whatnot. Many persons are seated around, on both sides, in the bright sunshine. Bare mountainous background. 20—REV IEW S004 Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches Signed lower right, Euc. Fromentiy, *72. Purchased from René Billotte, Paris, 1903. JULIEN DUPRE Frencu: 1851—-1910 21—-THE MILKMAID L ¥ debate LOO4 Height, 141% inches; length, 18 inckes A. PEASANT maid in blue, white and black, and wearing a red- dish kerchief over her head, comes forward on the left, across a cloud-shadowed pasture, carrying on a neck-yoke two large pails filled with milk. Cows are in the pasture, and in the foreground on the right stands an old white horse. In the background a sunlit field. Signed lower left, Jutzex Dupre. y A Purchased from M. Knoedler & Company.- 7 \ Wy) A a tA : Wey CONSTANT TROYON Frencu: 1810—1865 22-_LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES G Te fe (Panel) eclkas! Height, 18 inches; width, 14°4 mches Ar left a cottage, with thatched roof; to center and right a background of woods, and in the sunny clearing before the cottage two figures, riding, approaching a woman who comes out from the cottage. At lower left the stamp, Vente Troyon. ANTON MAUVE ]> Duren: 1838—1886 (Sx) of 23—THE AVENUE ey 2 (Water Color) o4-Meauetcaar) StraicHt before the spectator extends an alley between slen- der trees of sparse foliage, with indications of denser woods at left and right, and the sun shining on the sandy way. In mid- dle distance, a peasant woman walking away from the ob- Height, 19 inches; length, 181% inches server. Signed at lower right, A. Mauve. From Boussod, Valadon & Co. From the J. B. Ladd Collection, New York, 1910; Catalogue No. 80. $3300 7A. blark PIERRE AUGUSTE BESNARD Frencu: 1849— (5) 24—I, ABBREUV OIR ATS Suapows toward the close of a summer’s day enclose a re- freshing crossing of a stream, where dark red and black cattle are seen in the foreground, up to their bellies in the cooling water, which back of them reflects the fading light of the sky. In the middle of the stream stands a white horse, without halter or bridle, drinking, with a small girl seated astride his back. On the far side of the stream is a line of white farm buildings with dark roofs, their reflections appearing in the water. Height, 19% inches; width, 24 inches Mearntleio Signed lower left, Brsnarv. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Company, 189°. fe ee ae a re i (pavusag aysnbny assrg fig) UOANAUAW JT —Fe ‘ON x yw /ALEXANDER WYANT, N.A. ¥ x 5 American: 1886—1892 25—SUMMER LANDSCAPE i) Z, Bioo “7 Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches At left and right clumps of small trees, edges of a wood and bordering an open stretch of foreground which is lighted by a high morning sun, shining through partly dissipated clouds. Middle distance a valley, and in the distance blue hills. Signed lower right, A. H. Wyant. Purchased from the George A. Hearn Collection, New York, 1918; Catalogue No. 96. B S700 + 4b. t. blark CHIN ‘uni tapuncap fig) AdVOSCNW] WHWWAG—Gz ‘ON a 4s Ny J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. 1921 26—ON THE LOWLANDS 1075 - Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches bLafef Lads THE tawny-greenish expanse of the foreground is interrupted by what seems to be three gray boulders. At the right is a yellow flowering bush, near which rise three slender trees with a little faint purplish-blue foliage at their tops. They are separated by a dull red bush from a fourth tree which grows at the extreme right. In the distance toward the left are indi- cations of pools, reflecting the creamy tones of the curdled sky. American: 1853 Signed and dated at the lower left, J. Francis Murpny, 1907. From J. C. Evans, New York. From the Peter Schemm Collection, New York, 1911; Catalogue No. 207. £/K25%, 4.4. blare ( VN ‘hydinyy swounsy pf fg) SANWTAO'T AHL NQO—9Z ‘ON * % XN GEORGE INNESS, N.A. American: 1825—1894 27—_AUTUMN LANDSCAPE 675~ Height, 18 inches; length, 26 inches Suuvid Urbeols Ar right in middle distance a group of four trees, beyond a green foreground, which is partly shadowed; at left, a little farther back, fruit trees in the yellow, and in the indefinite background fields and houses in afternoon sunshine under a rosy sky. Signed lower right, G. INNEss. From the Peter A. Schemm Collection, New York, 1911-427, Jibso UWL tlark CVIN ‘ssauuy absoaxy fig) HaAVOSGNW] NWALAWY— LZ “0 >, RAPHAEL COLLIN FreNcH 283—AT THE WINDOW: BON bygeoh A754 Height, 32 inches; width, 24 inches Portrait, three-quarters length, of a fair young lady in sum- mer dress of white and pink waist with short sleeves, and wear- ing a light hat. She is seated at an open window, leaning toward her right on a crosspiece and with her face turned toward the spectator. Through the window appears a glimpse of a green garden. Signed lower left, R. Corr, 1894. es we a RIE EE at o. 28—Ar tHE Winvow: Portrair (By Raphaél Collin) al eam en a REE aI SES ; S. V. E. LEPINE / Frencu: 1836—1892 v 29VIEW OF PARIS /650 = Height, 20 inches; length, 334 inches hi- Moc Go Fituine the foreground a broad river, crossed in the middle distance by a bridge of arches, depicts on the left bank nu- merous carts and horses in the sunlight, and three horses at- tended by a single rider led into the stream to drink; the bank lined by a wall, with trees visible above it; on the right, the opposite bank rises higher. In the stream a barge with two men aboard. ”) s Signed lower left, %. L&pine. Collection Doria. Sale Catua: 159 9-Ne/7o-des 40-00 ~ Upusilaiypae) Purchased from I. Montaignac, Paris, 1899. (awdeT ‘gq Ag fig) SIUV O MAT A—6G “ON \ ai FRITS THAULOW > oe ) ff = Norwecian: 184'7—1906 30—RIVER REFLECTIONS “ G2) ‘Le0.%6. Iovesw 40800 t Height, 26 inches; length, 31 inches A Broap river running from the left in the middle distance sweeps forward, its breadth spreading beyond the limits of the foreground at both sides of the picture. On the farther bank, both in the background and on the right, are cottages, with red roofs and one of brown thatch. ‘Trees with scant foliage appear on both sides of the stream, which reflects their lines and the colors of the roofs and of neighboring flowers. Signed lower right, Frits THautow. rn ee ~~ FRITS THAULOW Norwecian: 1847—1906 GoD OA 31—TOWARD HIS COTTAGE HOME : M16 Koscug, lzereh Zeoe Height, 26 inches; length, 31 inches From the right, in the distance, a river winds into the picture overspreading most of the foreground, leaving within view a narrow strip of green shore on the left. On the low and flat bank on the right and in the distance is a line of cottages, with red and brown roofs, and toward a white cottage in the center a man bearing pails on a yoke makes his way. Signed lower left, Frrrs Tuaviow. Purchased from I. Montignac, Paris. JEAN FRANCOIS RAFFAELLI hg Frencu: 1850— (7xx) ame V r ( Y) JS 32 STREET IN NEUILLY Ip-vocdl eo XK : ISO os Height, 25 inches; length, 291 inches A srreet leads straight away from the eye, narrowing in per- spective;.a few figures, old and young, are seen, especially in the foreground; a white horse before the corner building on the right. Signed lower right, J. F. Rarra®iu. From the American Art Association Sale, New York; Catalogue No. 46.-8 75% 4-4* bo i Purchased from M. Knoedler & Company. | 4G! 7o- bold. 4.4, bloke Liferk 1700 + OFS - ee ee CONSTANT TROYON Frencu: 1810—1865 OKX 3383—LANDSCAPE Ls (Study) Bia tata Height, 251% inches; length, 311 inches 2 AL GREEN landscape, in the foreground, broken by mounds of trees crossing the picture irregularly; in the distance, lowlands, in sun-light under a sky of pale blue with strata of creamy- white clouds. At lower right the stamp, Vente Troyon. EUGENE FROMENTIN Frencnu: 1820—1876 (xx) ‘ 34— LANDSCAPE AND HORSES Kid's Height, 23°4 inches; length, 3034 inches Ltllfeolila. Grllrce In the background a grove with palm trees, beyond buildings of Moorish architecture, on the far side of a shallow stream; in the foreground, on both sides of the stream, horses and their attendants. Signed lower left, Euc. Fromentin. Purchased from René Billotte, Paris, 1903. THOMAS COUTURE Frencu: 1815—1879 | J 35—GARDEN SCENE 2o8 | 400 =e Height, 1534 inches; length, 2314 inches y, Ar right the end of a house, rising above the picture limits, and in the background and toward the left a garden, beyond a wall; on a terrace in the foreground, a man, stooping, and utensils of labor. Signed left of center, on end of coping, T. C. Collection of Godfroy von Preyer, Vienna. mo eoluto4 a RAPHAEL COLLIN Frencu: 1850—1916 ss . J 36—SEATED NUDE Y lib genie) 400 Height, 26 inches; width, 22 incKes Figure of a plump young woman, nude, seated on the floor; observed in back view; turned slightly to her left, her face seen nearly in profile over her left shoulder; both hands reaching to her head, her long hair falling before her. Signed lower left, R. Coutr, 1901. Direct from the Artist. FERDINAND ROYBET Frencu: 1840—1920 j JSXX 4 387—THE DRINKER Goo ¢ Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches A Keung, “ixk A LARGE man, bearded and wearing a great black hat, loose white ruff and a rich and elaborate costume, is portrayed at three-quarters length, to left, three-quarters front. In his right hand he holds his glass resting on his knee. Signed upper left, F. Rovner, 775. WILLIAM KEITH American: 1839—1914 ASK Ny 38_THE MAJESTY OF THE OAKS 2G | J/2Zoo7 y, / Height, 34 inches; length, 60 inches Tus is a glade in a large forest of oak trees whose interlacing branches and heavy foliage entirely cover the sky in the top of the picture and cast a strong but luminous shade over the fore- ground. In the middle distance cows are feeding in a small meadow, through which flows a narrow, winding brook, and extending out of the picture in the foreground. Here and there the sunshine strikes warmly upon the huge tree-trunks and spreading branches, making strong contrasts against the deep surounding tones of the shadows. . Beyond the herd of cattle is a glimpse of a hazy distance, and through the tree- tops are seen a luminous cloud and a small area of soft-toned sky. Signed at the lower right, Wm. Keirnu, 1892, S.F. From the Irving M. Scott Collection, 1906; Catalogue No. 55. _p 2800 pt. tle (ynay woynm fg) SIVQ FHL dO ALSACVI, THT —ee ‘ON a ee A ALBERT BIERSTADT AmeERIcAN: 1880—1902 (Me) Vv 39—DEER WOODS NEAR LAKE ONEIDA {100 7 Height, 301 inches; length, 4414 inches i 4 Woops crimson and gold in autumn, with reliefs of some trees which have retained green leafage, surround a lake, and through an arch of foliage which spans an open foreground its waters are seen in a haze and lighted by a distant sun. At the edge of the water are a stag and two does. ec Signed lower right, A. Brersrapr. Purchased in 1884. kien (prying juaqiy fg) VdIaN() AMV] WAN SOO AA waa(d—6e “ON JEAN P. HAAG Frencu: 1870— | J 40—THE LITTLE PROTEGE Height, 37 inches; length, 50 inchés Invrerior of a comfortable Old World living-room, with tile floor, lighted from an unseen window at the right. Dog and || cat beside a table set for a light meal, at the right, before a doorway leading to a stairway. A child sits at the table, an- other stands next it, beside a young woman who is strewing | crumbs on the floor for some chicks who cluster at her feet. At left in the background an aged woman sits before the great fireplace and looks on; near her, a spinning wheel. Signed lower right, Haac, 1885. (600 ‘gq wap fig) GOULLOUG ALLY TAT — One ar JOSE Y GIL BENLLIURE ® r SpanisH: 1855— i 41—CHRISTMAS EVE, CHURCH OF ALMERIA, SPAIN 1200-4 AB. Height, 331 inches; length, 59 inches Ye gy ; In cathedral surroundings, with illumination of candles, people of various ranks in life are depicted in worshipful anti- cipation of a feast, happy and sober, and variously moved by religious enthusiasm. In strong light in the center are acolytes and an orchestra of enthusiastic musicians, led by an aged man fanatically in earnest, the boys singing by note, or pre- tending to read the music. Around are seated the motley throng of worshipers, with others standing, or kneeling at left before a chancel grill or screen within which the altar lights | are brilliant and a mass is being celebrated. Signed lower right, J. BENLLIURE. Purchased from the George I. Seney Sale, New York, 1895; Catalogue No. 802. 83550 + (aumyuog pO & gsop fg) Nivdg ‘VI¥aWIy 40 HONDHD “AAW SVNLSINHQ—T[P ‘ON ES RT RRB ALEXANDRE DECAMPS Frencu: 1803—1860 (Sx) 42—HORSEMEN UNDER THE WALLS th bl Fj). < Height, 29 inches; length, 891 inches In the background a far landscape of hills under a brilliant blue sky, in middle distance a mass of creamy buildings, pro- jecting from the left, villas with gardens, with more trees and high walls, all in sunshine, and this side of the nearest wall horsemen, with helmets and plumes, riding briskly toward the right, where figures are observed in calm conversation. In the foreground, in partial shadow of tall trees at the left, two or three bucolic figures are seen, one of whom bends over to drink at a winding stream. Signed lower left, Decamps. Signed and dated. (sdunoaq aspunxayp fig) STIV MA awHL UAaN (7) NAWASUO FT —Gip “ON RAPHAEL COLLIN Frencu: 1850—1916 } 43—LE PRINTEMPS: L’ANEMONE DES BOIS £46 a Height, 521% inches; width, 29 inches é In the hazy atmosphere of a sheltered retreat in a young wood, shimmering in its spring greenery, a fair young woman with auburn hair stands nude; figure to front, her head poised over her left shoulder, and her face seen almost in profile. In her arms, crossed against her breast, she holds a freshly gathered quantity of delicate spring flowers. Signed lower right, R. Couuin, 85. Purchased direct from the Artist, 1897. FRITS THAULOW / Norwectan: 1847—1906 J 44—WINTER (5x) SLi (Pastel) Liter-Ah a Height, 231 inches; length, 31 imches Deep snow covers the ground, burying some abandoned wagon gear to the wheel hubs, and lies heavy on the roof of pinkish and red buildings on the right. A man attends a horse plodding along with a sleigh, and another man is beside a standing team. Signed lower left, Frirs THauLow. “alte SCHOOL OF HENDRIK DE BLES Fremisy: 1480—1550 (7axx) 45—HOLY FAMILY A Uudick, AMIS - Height, 23°4 inches; width, 1814 inches In the center the Madonna, with golden nimbus, seated under a palm tree and facing the right, three-quarters front; in her lap the Child; back of her, on the right, Joseph standing at a trough; landscape background with buildings, hills and a stream. On back is a memorandum recording the transfer of the picture from an oak panel in 1857. LUCAS VAN UDEN Fremisu: 1595—1673 AND DAVID TENIERS THE YOUNGER 7 Fremisu: 1610—1690 AXX 46—LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES JS0 - (Panel) ie Height, 1384 inches; length, 22 inches TyricaL green landscape of the Low Countries, in mellow sunshine, running far back into the distance; a transverse stream near the foreground, and before it some laborers (by Teniers) engaging in some late season tasks. Signed in lower center. PHILIPS WOUWERMAN Dutrcu: 1619—1668 47—-L’HIVER EN HOLLANDE 290 2 (Panel) Tarnebacnph Lilleece’. Height, 20 inches; length, 27 inches Ar the center, thatched-roof cottages, on the farther bank of a frozen canal; before them, and at right and left, numerous people out for enjoyment in sleds and horse-drawn sleighs. Signed at the lower right with initials on boat, and dated. From Count Gavet, Paris, 1902. “ws DAVID TENIERS THE YOUNGER Fremiso: 1610—1690 48 FETE VILLAGEOISE 700 mS Height, 224% inches; length, ae ec® Cel Av left and right in the background the buildings and spires of a Dutch village; in the intervening space green trees; on a mound in front of one of them in the middle distance a man playing music to which a couple in the foreground are danc- ing. All about the dancers, in the sunshine, are merrymaking villagers in bright colors, seated and standing, eating and drinking, some with amorous inclinations. From Emile Gavet, Paris, 1902. DAVID TENIERS THE ELDER Fremisu: 1582—1649 XX 49-VLATICUM SJE (Panel) de Vala Height, 22 inches; length, 3414 inchés Ar right in the distance a small country church, a few trees near it, and some cottages. Down a path from the direction of the church comes a solemn procession, headed toward one of a nymber of buildings of soft rose hue, with stepped gables, in the foreground at left. Boys lead, followed by a church- man with a bell and lantern, and these by four men bearing a canopy under which walks the priest, carrying before him the ciborium. Follows an aged gentleman in deep dejection, walking alone, and after him half a dozen of his friends walk- ing solemnly in pairs, all with doffed hats, as they follow the Eucharist. j } Y FRANS FRANCKEN THE YOUNGER (Cattep Don FRaAncisco) Dutrcn: 1581—1642 50—BELSHAZZARS FEAST £25 cram Peete Karecad) Height, 24 inches; length, 33 inches Iw an enormous banquetting hall a large company of gentle- men and ladies—the lords, the princes, and their wives—in brilliant costumes are seated at a long table laid for a feast, the king under a red canopy at left; servitors and others stand- ing around; at upper right a finger pointing at the writing on the wall. Signed at the lower left, D. J. F. Francxen, underneath a double eagle. From the Collection of Madame L. Camille Lelong, Paris, 1900. Yeu have mo OS ag Ge VZ255) SCHOOL OF WILLEM VAN DE VELDE 51—M ARINE L60 ag Height, 27 inches; length, 39 inches 4. laultlKx Ar right in the foreground a short point of land and a sort of jetty, with two men looking off and a third man walking toward a fore-and-after lying at the farther side of the jetty. In the offing a warship and a fishing fleet, in the distance, and at left other vessels, including a warship lying athwart the view, with head toward the jetty. Over the gently ruffled waters of the harbor a bright sky, active with great grayish cloud billows. SCHOOL OF PETER PAUL RUBENS Fremisu: 1577—1640 Vo 52-MAGDALENE : (Sx) ion (Panel) Eillerice Height, 181% inches; width, 12 4nches 1a FULL-LENGTH figure of a woman, nude, the crimson mantle on which she is seated drawn over her thighs, sitting on a rock under a tree, tears of contrition in her upturned eyes; she faces front and the left, one foot on a skull about which a serpent twines, and near it is an open book. From the Godfroy von Preyer Collection, Vienna. vo @¢ TIZIANO VECELLI (TITIAN) (xx) 200 4 Irarian: 1477—1576 la- Loe V 583—DIANA AND HER NYMPHS AT THE BATH Height, 23 inches; length, 27 inches THE scene is a fountain within woodland, and Diana and five of her attendant nymphs are surprised in their nude freedom by the arrival of Actewon, who approaches from the left. At right the goddess is seated, holding a bit of scant drapery; one of her nymphs dries her feet, another reclines on the edge of the fountain, and others, in various attitudes, are visible in light and in shadow. Bridgewater House Collection. Purchased from Sir George Donaldson, London, 1905. AFTER HENDRIK DE BLES Fremisu: 1480—1550 xX : 54—TRIPTY CH VhA /K&O at A Height, 28 inches; length (open), 46 inches ; ‘ ; CrntTrRAL panel, the Adoration of the Magi; right wing, Jo- seph and Mary on the Flight into Egypt; left wing, the Massacre of the Innocents. Purchased from Dowdeswell & Dowdeswell, London, 1901. SECOND EVENING'S SALE TUESDAY, JANUARY io, “‘Ko2G;"A 9 S215 P/M. Catalogue Ntmbers 67 to to inclusive SPECIAL NOTICE THESE PAINTINGS AFTER EXHIBITION AT No. 1 EAST 77TH STREET WILL BE SOLD IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF 2B Pia FOE FrerH Avenue, Firry-eiGHTs To Firry-nintH STREET IGNACE HENRI JEAN THEODORE VE a FANTIN-LATOUR Gf % aed Frencu: 1836—1905 (ZED / \ f J 57—_CARNATIONS ( Height, 1214 inches; width, 15 inches A BUNCH of carnations of a variety of colors stands in an ordinary glass tumbler full of water. The flowers are in a strong but diffused light, and are relieved against a myste- rious gray background. Signed lower left, Fantin. Purchased from Alexander Blwmenstiel Collection, 1906; Catalogue No. 157.-B 76% 4.4. Clark 1 ante te tne ign aN et PIERRE AUGUSTE BESNARD Vg Frencu: 1849— 58—THE CELLIST é 2 (Pastel) sp GOR Height, 211% inches; width, 144Anches THREE-QUARTERS length portrait of a young girl, standing, figure to right and face turned three-quarters front, left arm supporting a cello and a bit of the music on a rack coming into a view; her mass of loosely dressed reddish hair framing her features. Signed lower left, A. Brsnarp. Exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co., Paris, 1898. JAMES ABBOTT McNEILL WHISTLER American: 1834—19038 (exx) d 59—LA MERE GERARD BLS 2 (Panel) tbh a eee LP Height, 914 inches; width, 7 inches FULL-LENGTH portrait of an aged woman of France, seated and facing the spectator; a flower seller, her lap laden with flowers. Palais de VEcole des Beaux Arts; Exposition des Giuvres de James McNeill Whistler, Paris, Mai, 1905; Catalogue No. 2. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Company, New York. [SHKb 4 (rieghth feem: EI. Levels Prrchs 191th» BAKK Seta he. thirk face & a ’ 49th + fBUKX = = en ene nt tte Ree TIAN ik Se oD X ~e™ CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY . vie m Frencu: 1817—1878 . ot g ory - 60-—PASTURE /HOO 7 (Panel) Height, 91 inches; length, 131% inches In a clearing in an open wood a pool, appearing in the left foreground, with slender trees beyond it casting the shadows of their trunks on the water, and low trees with more dense foliage at left and right in the background. Coming down a path to the pool is a cow attended by a maiden. Signed lower right, Dausieny, 1858. S24 orghh h-lliarme « Bocectt M22 /898 - PMxKK ~ Sotk. Mb. te. bloke See hgh SNXKX NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 61_FIGURE IN A CLEARING xx) (Panel / MG ) UG: Height, 11 inches; length, 15 inches On the outskirts of a wood, mainly in dark shadow, as is the open foreground, a sunlight clearing appears in the middle distance. Dark puffs of cloud are in the sky, which then lightens to a gray-blue, and tall white billows rise above the horizon. Near the center of the foreground a lone figure is seen, facing the observer. v EUGENE DELACROIX Frencu: 1798—-1863 (oxx) 62—THE TOILET Lb60r7 Height, 18 inches; width, 15 irches bu: nes FuuL.-LeNeru figure of an amply proportioned woman, nude, standing before a mirror at her dressing table and about to arrange her wealth of golden hair; back of the mirror is ob- served the head of a grinning faun, his hand at a jewel box. Signed lower left, Euc. Detacrorx, 1850. Exhibited at the Salon, Paris, 1850; Catalogue No. 777. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Company, 1897. ae (beccglik furs Caer ipfeoes Yall 1897. Geo NXMES Sotk. Ih, Wark Uf E971 BRK OK E30 + | Frencu: 1798—1803 EUGENE DELACROIX (Uxx) | ¥ 68—=LE GIlAOUR 3 700 4 Height, 1814 inches; width, 15 inches a y, +Bo | A RIDER of large muscle and in a colorful costume comes for- | ward from the left, mounted on a horse which is about to 1) plunge into a stream. | Signed lower left, Kuc. Deuacrorx, 1849. Robaut, 1849. Exhibited at the Salon, No. 1850. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Company, 1897. £8 62 i: Bberiglik, fuens Gurr feo fprce #974 Geo WKMES Sota. 4. 4, tlaok Aferee 169 pq BRKOK = J Bef- CONSTANT TROYON 4 e 2 y Frencu: 1810—1865 (Sxx) 64—CATTLE AND A GIRL Joo 7 Height, 101% inches; length, 18%4 inches AU lotbh. Botpty and powerfully studied, with a masterful and expres- sive freedom, a red and white cow stands athwart the picture, in the foreground, before a landscape of trees and bush largely in shadow, a field at right catching a slant of sunshine in which the cow shares slightly. Following her comes toward the spectator a black cow with a white face. In the lead is a young | peasant girl with red hair, wearing a greenish waist and dull- rose skirt; under her arm a bit of blue drapery. Signed lower left, C. Troyon. e) : WW yt \* Ya : , Pa et LEON AUGUSTIN LHERMITTE fo | € Frencu: 1844— q oh xX > i 65—THE HARVEST FIELD Hl | ql S78 vali Lo ldlbf. Height, 13 inches; length, 171% inches | A GOLDEN wheatfield fills most of the picture; in the fore- Ip ground two men and a woman reaping and binding; in the background a cottage and trees, and a hill crest against the sky. | Signed lower left, L. LHERMITTE. oer nD tee SURI NS LSS Hk re an NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 66—IN THE DARK WOODS pe) 45 (Pan) = ff. ang yk Height, 124% inches; length, 16 inche In the dark woods, overhead and in the foreground, with a glimpse of sky low over the middle distance, where there is a clearing on which the sunshine glows with a golden light. Just before it a peasant woman is seen standing, and near the foreground at left another is stooping over the ground, before a streak of golden sunlight which strikes in from the left and glints on the trunks of neighboring trees. Signed lower left, N. Diaz. (muag »] ap zmq apbiry4 assiasoN hg) SCOOM XUV AHL NJ—ggQ ‘oN oe ene eee eS ee er NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Vie Frencu: 1807—1876 (xx) he 67—FEMME ORIENTALE M0 bed Mperl Height, 24 inches; width, 141, inches FULL-LENGTH standing figure of a lady facing front, her dog back of her, peering toward the left; she is in white, with a heavily embroidered crimson bodice, décolleté, and crimson overskirt. Signed lower left, N. Dtaz. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co., New York, 1901. NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Ey Frencu: 1807—1876 68—_W HISPERS OF LOVE EGO % (Panel) I. Anoclley + bo Height, 11%4 inches; width, 83/4 inches Jusr to right of the center of the panel the principal figure appears, a young lady in white décolleté gown with pink dra- pery and a rose at the corsage, facing the spectator. At her right a man leans toward her, whispering, and back of her stands a loving couple looking approvingly on. Woodland background. Signed, N. Diaz, and dated 1846. 10 Stn (tughh, Of, (ohio) for 1905 JE OXXK 4 bold, & GE gschw Hiay 1906 « BEEK FRANCOIS BOUCHER Frencu: 17038—1770 69—PASTORAL GED 2Go0+ (Gouache) Yor 4H. Youll Height, 15 inches; length, 19 itches BEsIpE a stream and at the edge of a wood are seated a shep- herdess and a goatherd, both barefooted; on her arm a basket of grapes, one of which she feeds to the lad. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Son, of London and Paris. NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 70—CHIENS GRIFFONS ; KGS Height, 8% inches; length, 1234 inches In the depths of a forest the sun’s rays penetrate to a small cleared space and glint upon shimmering leaves and the silvery bark of beeches. Here a group of dogs are gathered, at left, among them a white dog, a tawny one, two with black and white faces. Signed lower right, N. Draz.. etre Sa tml a ate ienes aS iS f CONSTANT TROYON . a ‘> Frencu: 1810—1865 \ Z 71—RED AND WHITE COW (A5xx) 3b 3 (Panel) Zz, HK foun Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches Strupy of a red and white cow standing athwart the picture in the sunny foreground, before some pollarded trees at left; beyond her, another cow drinking at a stream at the right, and in the distance-other cattle grazing. Signed lower left, C. Troyon. SEOK- Aariglt feos demote Lig lars Mey 899 ou OF 8x Sold, 4. h. blak May 1844 PINSKX (uohiosJ, .uvzsuo MOY) of iL TH\A UNV 2D kg) CGE), “ON ef wt \ ? 72—COWS IN FIELD AND POOL JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT FRENCH: 1796—1875, , + Tae00 7 Height, 1484 inches; length, 17°4 oe : A: Maser lyk ack- FrresH green meadows are penetrated by a stream; in the ground slightly higher land at right, and low woods at left. Near the center of the picture a pollard and a few short trees, near the pool in which a few cattle are standing, a woman on the bank watching them. Signed lower left, Coror. Recorded in Robaut’s “Corot,” Vol. III, No. 1788. Collection of Pierre Leenhardt, Paris, 1922; Catalogue No. 14. MK ¢ bo Purchased from M. Knoedler & Company, New York. 1838» Disonighy kas bubeeuul May gi. Feo UONMS - Lola 4h, bhuk , for 922 - feo BOSKKK (40109 TOOg a ayn NV GTaIy NI SMO)—Z), OQ asudvg uvap fig) “ON ‘ h } h H i 4 73—LANDSCAPE rt (S007 Height, 121), inches; length, 19V4 inches 4A Lelete | 4 0) 0 A sTREAM which winds through rich meadows broadens out across the foreground, where it is bordered by wild flowers, rushes and reeds. In a small meadow on the right three cows are feeding and the principal object in the composition is a clump of lofty trees in the middle distance, beyond which is a passage of strong sunlight on the level pasture. Great masses of vapor, here and there flecked by sunlight, cover the sky, leaving only a few spots of blue visible. Signed at the lower right, Jutes Dupri. From the Estate of the late Isaac T. Frost, New York, 1907; Cata- logue No. 36. /38- pisoo Hy hh thick o” OF oo a) : Frencu: 1812—1867 2 THEODORE ROUSSEAU 1 | / i W 74 LANDSCAPE 26 inches, A srretcu of more or less level land appears in the sunshine under a sky of light clouds, the surface of the earth a mass of Hl irregular knobs of wild floral vegetation intermingled with grayish rocks. Through this leads a winding path, in which a figure is seen, and in the middle distance and beyond the figure, the field is cut by a line of short trees of irregular atlCo = A Height, 17 inches; length, growth. i} Signed lower right, Tu. Rousseau. en ee tte RAI ES Sint ee ar CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1807—1878 wt VY \ <\si (Wxxs) : \ ae 75—LANDSCAPE oi 7 (Panel. Ge IK Iourw- Height, 12% inches; length, 221, inches Marsuy meadow land, deep green, with colorful flowers and rocks, and in the foreground cattle drinking; higher land, with color, at right, and toward the center a few young trees. Signed lower right, Dauniany, with date. (hubiqnog siosuvag sapunyg fig) ad VOSONW]—G) “ON CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1817—1878 Cnr) 76—LA SHINE ee (Panel) Me Kors, ligh Height, 1224 inches; length, 221 inches g 74 g 2 In the foreground a bend of the river crosses the picture, and the shadows of the farther bank are projected forward on the water. Up the bank at left in the middle distance creamy cottages with thatch roofs are seen, and before them are some cows, one of them drinking at the edge of the river. tse Cn peoectiin Leutiunels Ls C Uk Jrasneacs es) 1859 _ TB ore re Mtancaw barce OM oLe ory Bec thy Noit- tee 25: S00-Aefany b bueco / fst dee NX XXX PB BS - Aereghh fama @-tiflag bo ed 97 4 Sota. 4 blake Jib s898 - BAX KK (Aubiqnog siosuniy sajunyg fg) ANIGG VI—9), ‘on THEODORE ROUSSEAU Frencu: 1812—1867 77—_FEEDING THE DUCKS Height, 121% inches; length, 22 nches At left in middle distance a cottage among trees; the light of the setting sun across the landscape; near the cottage a woman leans over a gate to feed some ducks that gather to her. In the foreground a pond. Signed lower right, Tu. Rovussrav. Collection of Baron Jules de Heawpe. % Py) | | : (nnassnoy asoposy.T, kZ) J SONG FHL ONIGAa|—)), ‘ON ; ee - CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY 7 Frexcu: 1817—1878 o / a CMS) 78—BORDS DE RIVIERE AF ne, v.. NLOO 7 Height, 12% inches; oe 2316 inches Tus is an intimate corner of a fertile country, where a broad pool fringed with trees reflects a summer-morning sky. On the left.a peasant woman is washing clothes at the water’s edge, and another is standing nearby on the gently sloping grassv bank, holding a red cow. Signed at the left, Daunteny, 1869. Purchased from the D. C. Lyall Collection, New York, 1903; Cata- logue No. 53. #3800 ae 6. Cala (Aubiqnog siosuvig sajavyg fig) AUGIAIY Td sawog—gy ‘on CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1817—1878 79 RIVERSIDE HAMLET 9 (1x2) D “At SS : ; ; 20 OO TF Height, 18 inches; length, 32 inc On the left in middle distance a hamlet of cottages and two windmills; lingering light in a clouded sky throwing their shadows forward on a sluggish stream, into which from a marshy foreground some ducks are swimming. Signed lower left (double signature), Dausicny, 1872. (hubiqnog siosuvag sapevyg fg) LAINVE, ACISaMATY—G), “ON Smee ee BT eet NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 Ny 80—LA CLAIRIERE Ine bc Jerr) LL00-4 Height, 2014, inches; length, 27°. inches Axsovut a pond in the central foreground, with engaging re- flections of an active sky, and a kneeling woman bending over a point, the glade is green and of irregular surface, and in the distance are groups of green trees. Signed lower left, N. Diaz, *54. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co., Paris, 1899. ee (vuag 0) ap zmq apbsry assiunN hg) AUAIWIVIQ, VT—OQS8 ‘ON 1 } i i § 4 { i { { H } i | NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 81I—_LANDSCAPE WITH FIG URE AH. torans high 1600+ Height, 21 inches; length, 31 inches LA Woops and a stream, the stream winding through the center ground of the picture, beyond an open foreground, the foliage of the trees in sunshine and showing tan and yellowish colors among the green; at right a peasant woman bending over to bundle fagots. Signed lower left, N. Diaz, 754. (usd 0] ap zmq apbarg assvunN fig) adOOIg HILAA Ad VOSONV’T—T8 ‘ON i i $ ; ; { 4 4 | | ! i LEON AUGUSTIN LHERMITTE Frencu: 1844— 82—LAVEUSES DE LA FERME use) Lie zi RBastel) Lu.. Yorrgw Height, 271% inches; length, 33 inches AT right the corner of a mill beside its stream, and at left dense trees. In middle distance, at the edge of the stream, women leaning over the water and beating the clothes. Two idie women waiting. W Signed lower left, L. Lanrmirrr, T9805. - ee 14° #b6f — (Zle- (gtuel Hack 24,14¢07¢ (ap grmsay'T SIN VI Wd SASOAA WV’ T—ZQ “ON wysnbnp woayT hg) { i { i | i i JULES DUPRE : Frexcu: 1811—1889 ASKX v 883—LANDSCAPE 2Yoo T Height, 2915 inches; length, 871% inches Y Vo; Saumtulf Tue sky filled with shower clouds, breaking away to right and left, and the sunlight coming through from the center and re- flecting from a stream straight before the eyes; scattered trees at either side, and on the right, some cattle coming down to the water to drink. Signed at the lower right, Jutes Durre. (gudnq sane fig) AdVOSANV’T. @ 8 ON vA on FELIX ZIEM ix) aS Frencu: 1821—1911 84-_V HNICE atf/00 T Height, 27 inches; length, +2 imches ee “ 42. \ ‘l'HE eye looks directly toward the Molo and the Ducal Pal- 2) ace, the Priggioni and its neighboring buildings on the right, and on the left the Piazzetta and the Campanile, and in front of the nearer buildings various sailing craft and a gondola con- : taining many people; to right other craft with a large sailing vessel. Signed lower left, Zrem. (waz xyay fig) HOINA A—F§ “ON - S oe ‘ oy Ee ie : _ e - Z oss Serena aS Sok Sar oD 6 EMILE VAN MARCKE ‘ \ . Frencu: 1827—1890 85—COWS IN THE VALLEY dm mc /boo a | Height, 23°, inches; length, + ef Own a bright sunny day with white clouds in the sky, a white ip cow followed by a red one comes along through a rolling field 7 from a farmhouse which stands in the background, among some trees. After the cows comes a little shepherdess with her dogs, accompanying two sheep. Signed lower right, Em. Van Mancxe. (ayoLD yy un A ang hg) AATTIV A HHL NI SMO)—G8 ‘ON ( 5 © : f > LEON AUGUSTIN LHERMITTE Frencu: 1844— (xxx) ¥ 86_MIDDAY REPOSE S500 | Height, 294 inches; length, 37 inches %- Korn, lift at Scrnr, a ripe wheatfield partly reaped, a couple of poppies at right, adjoining a cottage half buried in greenery; distant hills. In the foreground a girl standing, holding her scythe, which rests on its handle, and gazing down at a young man who has thrown himself on the ground and slumbers in exhaustion with his head on a bundle of sheaves, another girl seated be- vond him. Signed lower left, L. Luermirre. Direct from the Artist. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Company, New York, 1896. bo54, larglth Lbbard» hack, bares Afrrk 9b + Jeo ASEXX - Sold. 4d tlaoh, Hay 1896 + SNMNUE - (aqpumsayyT wjsnbnp uoy'T fig) asoday AVACIPY—9g “ON | LEON AUGUSTIN LHERMITTE 4 ah Frencu: 1844— ssh) “N. 87—LA FANAISON g r beoo-1 Height, 29 inches; length, 37 inches A Jb. 4 Men and women haymakers are busy in a French field raking and tossing hay. In the foreground four are gathered at a pile that stands in the sunshine which floods the field, yet its nearer side is shadowed and the workers appear in an interest- ing play of lights and shadows as they ply their implements. In the background are other peasants at work, and a consider- able clump of trees at the border of the field. Signed lower left, LL. Luermirre. Purchased in 1897. (agpew.ay'T NOSIVNV, WT uysnbnp uoaT hg) 48 “ON EMILE VAN MARCKE CL Frencu: 1827—1890 88—_COWS IN THE VALLEY, TOUCQUES atc OO +t Height, 24 inches; length, 391% inches Gt llber A coMPLETE and fine example of the well-known painter, who has here composed an agreeable arrangement of animals and a summer landscape. A white cow in profile is in the fore- ground, half in sunlight; behind her is a black one, while to the left a red cow is lying down near a pool of water. Other cattle are vaguely seen in the distance, also a plain and a hillside in tender purples. A white building is nearly obscured by some trees, and there is a sense of the rich, heavy summer greens, cool shadows and the quiet of pasture lands. Signed at the left, Em. Van Marcxe. From the William H. Stewart Collection, New York, 1898; Catalogue No. 122.-8/&%o + 4... lark, (ayoLD A. wv 4 Iw hg) SHNDONOT, ‘AWTIVA AHL NI sMog—gg “ON FELIX ZIEM i Frencu: 1825—1911 henry dehualtlacin X 89—_THE GRAND CANAL, VENICE a 9 ' 2boo-7r Height, 27 inches; length, 45 inches ( Tuer Grand Canal is viewed from the canal of the Giudecca. On the farther shore the line of buildings, including the Doge’s Palace and the square of St. Mark, rises against the sky, which is warmed by the tender colors of sunset. Signed at the lower left, Zim. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Company Sale, 1893; Catalogue No. 381.- $3075. Kk. he. blak 6875" Bough, la Silineenh lasie/pby 119] «fea EAKK Be Sil cn er Sel | (waz wat fg) HOINGA “IVNVQ GNVU THT—G8 “ON 2 tt i Faience JULES ADOLPHE BRETON / Frencu: 1827—1906 90—LE GOUTER t& 00 4 Height, 29°4 inches; length, 48 inche-olatoc ALM Go Harvest hands in French fields, where women labor freely, have paused in their work for lunch. Three of the women are about a small fire, one young one prone, with her head raised looking toward the observer, one seated back to the spectator, and an older one bending over the fire. Near them stands a jug. Signed lower right, Jutus Breron. Engraved by Le Conteux. Exhibited at the Paris Salon, 1886; Catalogue No. 342. From the James A. Garland Sale, London, 1919; Catalogue No. 4A XL 2955-00 Exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Company, New York, 1909. Bi hiulli, Jrrw Oth 1886. + Jor /SXXK 4 tel fae 4. Garland Mer gel SAROSK 4 WNEIS 3 OG fee Luoluid DIES Yerit 170g _, Std. Ib, be Be, 1909-1 PHEXKX (wojzarg aydjopy sane hig) v JULES ADOLPHE BRETON Frencu: 1827-—1906 (Sxxx) 91—HARVESTING THE POPPIES ti0o+ Height, 35 inches; length, 53 inche oc ley + bo Tux poppy heads are full and ripe, and a large party of peas- ants is engaged in reaping a broad field covered with a rankly growing crop of these flowers, cutting the thick stalks close to the ground and gathering them into sheaves. In the fore- ground a peasant man and woman are stacking the tall sheaves together, a girl on the left is binding the stalks into bundles, while on the right a companion stoops to gather them up. It is near the close of a long summer day, and the land- scape 1s glowing with the warm light of the setting sun. Be- yond the busy group of harvesters a rich flat farming country stretches away to the distance, where a lofty wind-mill breaks the simple horizon line, and above it, to the left, a slightly gibbous moon floats in the warm haze of late afternoon. Signed at the lower left, Jutzs Breron, 1896. Collection of the late F. C. Matthiessen, New York, 1902; Catalogue No. 122.-£86 S00 “pf Sullere, higcok From the E. A. Matthiessen Collection, New York, 1907; Catalogue No. 165. -~$ o.000 = 4,4. black . (uojatg aydjopy sajne hg) SaId dO { HHL ONILSHALTVY A ——T6 ae an JULES ADOLPHE BRETON Frencu: 1827—1906 92—LA FIN DU TRAVAIL /2f%00 A Height, 29 inches; length, 47 inches a ith Tue season of late summer, when the earth is carpeted w lush vegetation and when, at sunset, a delicate warm glow bathes the whole landscape, has often impressed this artist, who with brush, and also with pen in verse, has rendered the charm of the hour and the idyllic side of peasant life. The incidents in this picture are in their favorite setting. On a wide area of cultivated fields, over which steals the first twi- light shadow, a number of peasant women are finishing their day’s task. A warm glow of reflected light from the sun below the horizon embraces the whole landscape, softens the sharp crescent of the new moon, and the brilliancy of the light of the evening star. Near the middle of the picture, toward the left, and seen partly against the sky and partly against the wide extent of the field, two women are filling a sack with green fodder, and beside them, a little girl with jug and sickle is signalling to a distant comrade who, following her mates, is about to turn homeward where the distant village spire is seen among the trees. Signed at the right, Jutes Breton, 1887. From the David C. Lyall Collection, New York; Catalogue No. 95. #255 0. (wojatg aydjopy sane fig) SHAY EE YL, Od Ni WI—Z6 ‘ON CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1817—1878 93—MORNING ON THE OISE Al g é : F Sd SoCo ? Height, 32 inches; length, 56 inches Cie ay 4cks In the lush green foreground peasant laundresses with b to the spectator lean over the river, busily engaged at their work. | Back of them, at left, flowers grow thickly, and in the middle distance are grassy fields along the river. Out in the stream is a boat, and beyond the sunny fields are wooded hills. Signed lower right, Dauniceny, 1866. The Official Handbook of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904, speaks of “three exceptionally fine examples of Daubigny’s work,” of which this was one, in the United States Loan Section. Painted in 1866 and exhibited in the Salon of that year, it “always has been considered one of the painter’s most important productions.” fou £. Shir 5 Formerly in the Collection of J. E. Birges Warren, Philadelphia. y Purchased from the Howard Young Gallery, New York. (Rubiqnng siosuviy sajunyg hg) 66 ON aHSIQ AHL NO ONIN DOP Y HENRI HARPIGNIES (uxxs) Frencu: 1819—1916 94—FIN D’?UNE JOURNEE: - O00 4 SOUVENIR D’HERISSON Height, 4645 inches; length, 591 inches Ar left robust trees and at right two detached trees, at either side of a green foreground bordering a sunlit stream, with a wooded background beyond which agricultural hills are seen under the afternoon sunlit sky, in which the crescent moon appears high at the left. Signed lower left, H. Harrrenns, °99. Salon of 1899: direct from the Artist. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Company, New York, 1901. GKES 4 Aareghh feows Dbach bo, Kereder) Pee 727 + XAKKK ~ Seta, Mh blach, fan! 1707 JYXKX = (saubiding wuay fig) NOSSIY a H.& WINAALOS ANU10 (? AND dd NI— 6 x ON OLD ENGLISH PAINTINGS SIR DAVID WILKIE Ot ) EncusH: 1785—1841 MXX ( 95—INTERIOR OF A STUDIO y 4 TRIE Height, 26 inches; length, 38 inches oa Lo Iw a studio the painter, bald, with heavy locks at the back of his head, sits with back to the observer and facing three-quar- ters to the right, working at a canvas on his easel; light from a casement window on the left falls upon his canvas, upon an arrangement for still life on a table beyond it, and upon a eroup of figures including a young mother bending over an infant, and an older woman and a young man. Purchased from Godfrey Kopp, London, 1901. | 3 So — SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. Encusx: 1769—1830 (xx) 96—PORTRAIT OF A GIRL nies abot Height, 28 inches; width, 23 inches Porrrair of a young lady with dark curls and ringlets glist- ening in the light, her face observed but little more than in profile as her head is turned across her left shoulder; figure to front, observed nearly at half-length; shoulders bare, a white sleeveless garment showing slightly above a dark cloak which enwraps her. SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY Encuisy: 1753—1839 v4 97-ELIZABETH, DAUGHTER OF WHITSTED KEENE, ESQ., M. P. AFTERWARDS MRS. WEY LAND Height, 29 inches; width, 24 mches /O2O00-7 Turee-Quarters length portrait of a young woman who seems little more than a girl, seated and facing the right, three- quarters front. She is clad in a creamy white gown, low cut, with a white lace ruffled edging, broad and outstanding, about the low corsage. Blue sash. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Company, New York. HBG + rigtth fur ee “Lo, Xovedens 4eb-1907 _SAals - Sela. Wh. blark, bee 1g08 -BESXK 4 No. 97—ExiasetH, DavcuTer or Wuirstep Kerng, Ese., M.P., AFTERWARDS Mrs. Wryta? (By Sir William Beechey) D GEORGE ROMNEY 2 | é c en / Encuisu: 1734—1802 7 98—COUNTESS OF CLARE Daughter of Richard Chapel Whaley, sister of the celebrated “Buck” Whaley, who married John Fitzgibbon, First Earl of Clare, Lord Chancellor of Ireland 1789-1802, who was in- strumental in carying the Union. M007 SPN pivercoscs Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches A ee THREE-QUARTERS length portrait of Anne, Countess of Clare, to left, face turned three-quarters front. In black, décolleté, with lace at breast; right hand raised to chin, left hand holding a book in her lap. She regards the spectator. From Mount Shannon, Co. Limerick. Purchased from James Orrock, London, 1901. No. 98—Countress oF CLARE (By George Romney) JOHN CONSTABLE Encuisu: 1776—1837 xx Vv 99—FLATFORD MILLS, SUFFOLK /0b00 aa Height, 26 inches; length, 3614 inches A Hb Haren, Uith Wurre clouds billowing above the horizon in a darkening sky cause the shadows of trees to be reflected on a stream in | the center of the picture, and bare spots of earth in the fore- ground are touched with light, among the dark green grass of f their surroundings. Other trees in the middle distance, on the right, are observed against the light, and on the left are build- ings of reddish-brown hue. In front of them is a large boat, drawn up against the bank, with figures observable, and an- other figure is detected near a tree on the shore. International Exhibition, 1862; Catalogue No. 126. Exhibited by R. Newsham, Esq., London. (a7qvysuog uyor hg) UTOAMNG ‘STTIPL quorLV TT y— 66 ON JOHN CROME (OLD CROME) Encusu: 1769—1821 y 100—COMING FROM THE MILL ; /O0C00 aC, Height, 40 inches; width, 82 inches CLT Ie. Moke A PARTICULARLY fine canvas by Crome, depicting a broad and steep hillside landscape, the rounded hills mounting toward the | right, on one of them near the central distance a substantial | house, and winding down a road on the right a covered cart drawn by two plodding horses tandem. At the foot of the hills, in the foreground, two men working near a sluiceway. Sundry trees dot the picture; the whole in a soft, mellow hight. From Thomas Agnew § Sons, London. | Purchased from M. Knoedler & Company, New York. | PIKE 1 Brrghik foons Jor Magner nace, Minden bik 1898 RAIES j ila Ml. blak. Atavrgob BAMASX No. 100—Comrine From THE MILL (By John (Old) Crome) ~p & THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH [ Cod Exes: 1727—1788 (Sxx) d 101—LANDSC APH AND FIGURE /0.8004 Height, 40 inches; length, 50 inches Me Hotere, igh A LANDSCAPE richly wooded; trees at left in and near the fore- ground; in an informal path or road in front of them a young man is walking forward, holding his hat at the back of his head and turning his face to his left; a slant of sunshine com- ing through trees on the right illumines him, and on its way throws into prominence animals on a distant slope and the tower of a church rising above dense green trees in the lower distance. Signed at the lower right, 'THomAs GarysporovucH. WA From the collection of the Earl of Dudley. rn AL 10, 19) 9H 34 ve \2-6"| -\0 Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Son, New York, 1901. (y6no.1oqgs qUnOLyT GNV Ad VOSaNvW’T ups) s D woy.t hg) LOL * oN Dy, Y THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH Encusu: 1727—1788 Gx) VY 102-THE COVERED WAGON of f Seaman, tig o500 7 Height, 38 inches; length, 51 inches In the foreground on the left a tree leans to the right, toward a bunch of other trees which stands at the right, before a sky lighted with a yellowish light. In the center of the middle distance a covered wagon drawn by four horses proceeds to the right slightly forward, about to descend an incline, a mounted man at the rear accompanying it. Signed at the lower right, Gainsporoven, Prxx., 1787 (ybnosogsumy snmoyy fg) NOOVAA GHUAAOD AHT—ZOL ‘0 M L—<éOT “ON ee ae eS THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH (xx) Eneusu: 1727—1788 1083—LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE WITH fume / Goe za 4 AY. litwtrs Height, 35 inches; length, 44 inches Forrsr background with glimpses through to fields and sky; in an open foreground in sunlight cows, sheep and goats, watched over by a standing shepherdess; in the left fore- ground a group of maidens and some playful dogs. (ybno1ogsuwy snwoyy, kg) SHUNSIY HLL TILLVQ GNV AdVOSCNVI—EOQT ‘ON tn LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS ora BEECHEY, Sir Wiru1AM Elizabeth, Daughter of Whitsted. Keene, Esq., M.P., afterwards Mrs. Weyland 97 BIERSTADT, Abert Deer Woods near Lake Oneida 39 BLES, Henprik pe (After) Triptych 54 BLES, Henprik pE_ (School of) Holy Family 45 BENLLIURE, Jost y Gi. House in Naples 1 Christmas Eve, Church of Almeria, Spain AY BESNARD, Pierre AUGUSTE L’ Abreuvoir 24 The Cellist 58 BONNAT, Lton A Little Roman Girl 15 BOUCHER, Francois Pastoral 69 BRETON, JuLes ADOLPHE Le Goitter 90 Harvesting the Poppies 91 La Fin du Travail 92 ee ee ene COLLIN, Rarwaitt. At the Window: Portrait Seated Nude Le Printemps: ?Anémone des Bois | CONSTABLE, Joun 1 | Flatford Mills, Suffolk COROT, Jean Bapriste CAMILLE Cows in Field and Pool | CROME (OLD CROME), Joun | Coming from the Mill COUTURE, Tuomas Garden Scene | DAUBIGNY, Cuartrs Francois | Solitude, with Neighbors ) | Pasture } Landscape | Bords de Riviére Riverside Hamlet i Morning on the Oise | | La Seine DECAMPS, ALExAnpRE GABRIEL Classical Scenery Horsemen under the Walls DELACROIX, EucEnt The Toilet Le Giaour CATALOGUE NUMBER 28 36 43 99 ~ bo 100 CATALOGUE NUMBER DIAZ DE LA PENA, NarcissrE ViIrciLE Landscape 12 The Dog Fight 14 Nature morte . 18 Figure in a Clearing 61 In the Dark Woods 66 Femme orientale 67 Whispers of Love 68 Chiens griffons 70 La Clairiére 80 Landscape with Figure 81 DUPRE, JULES Cattle Drinking 11 Landscape 73 Landscape 83 DUPRE, JULIEN The Milkmaid 21 FANTIN-LATOUR, Icnact Henri Jean THEODORE Carnations 57 FRANCKEN THE YOUNGER, Frans Belshazzar’s Feast 50 FOSTER, Birxer Haying ‘Time 9 FROMENTIN, Evucine : Review 20 Landscape and Horses 34 CATALOGUE NUMBER GAINSBOROUGH, Tuomas | Landscape and Figure 101 The Covered Wagon 102 Landscape and Cattle, with Tigures 108 | HAAG, Jran P. | The Little Protégé 40 7 HARPIGNIES, Henri Fin dune Journée: Souvenir d’Hérisson 94 | | INNESS, Gerorcet, N.A. 1 | Autumn Landscape 27 : | | JACQUE, Crarites Emir | Sheep near Woods 6 | JONGKIND, Barryoip Skating 13 KEITH, Wit11aM ' The Majesty of the Oaks 38 : LAWRENCE, Sir Tuomas, P.R.A. Portrait of a Girl 96 | 1 LE GRAND, Lovts La jeune Danseuse 10 LEPINE, S. V. E. View of Paris CATALOGUE LHERMIIDR. tone Aneueas ioe Nuremberg Open Market 8 The Harvest Field 65 Laveuses de la Ferme 82 Midday Repose 86 La Fanaison 87 MADRAZO, Ratmunpo pE The Pet Parrot 17 MAUVE, Anton The Avenue 3 MURPHY, J. Francis, N.A. On the Lowlands 26 PERRER, M. Ungarischer Market: Banat 2 Outside the Tents 3 RAFFAELLI, JEAN FRANCOIS Street in Neuilly 32 ROMNEY, Gerorce Countess of Clare 98 ROUSSEAU, Tutoporre Ploughing 16 Landscape 74 Feeding the Ducks eh ROYBET, Frrpinanp The Drinker 37 RUBENS, Perer Pauw (School of) Magdalene TASSAERT, Octave Bacchante et Amours: Automne TENIERS THE ELDER, Davin Viaticum TENIERS THE YOUNGER, Davin Landscape and Figures (In collaboration) Féte villageoise THAULOW, Frits River Reflections Toward His Cottage Home Winter TITIAN (Tiztano VECELLI) Diana and Her Nymphs at the Bath TROYON, Constant } Landscape and Figures Landscape Cattle and a Girl Red and White Cow TURNER, Joseph Matiorp Wiiiam, N.A. Dover: Busy Port VAN DE VELDE, WitEemM (School of) Marine CATALOGUE NUMBER 52 tS) 49 CATALOGUE NUMBER VAN MARCKE, Emitz Cows in the Valley 85 Cows in the Valley, Toucques 88 VAN UDEN, Lucas Landscape and Figures (In collaboration) 46 WHISTLER, James Apporr McNemtn La Mere Gérard 59 WILKIE, Str Davin Interior of a Studio 95 WOUWERMAN, Puinirs L’Hiver en Hollande AT WYANT, Atexanper, N.A. Summer Landscape 25 ZIEM, Frur Venice 84 The Grand Canal, Venice 89 COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY LR, SE Maen rs ASA NRT SSSI Ce Le MR RCIA ee ee ares sais Ly eee tee Te caer tne eT Rc ARE = INS ie serene Trt LELEEL pormecmn UARanaaaereree ee ‘ - - 5 CURL Hi orenayagent, bid in & four- : teenth century Kovba carpet for $3,000, md=a fifteenth century early Gothic | "Eispano-Moresque rug for $7,000. He also :-bought a sixteenth century terra- cotta, bas-relief showing: the Virgin and | Child and various: Saints, for $4,000; an Italian walnut and Flemish tapestry settee for $2,900, and two walnut and Flemish armchairs for $2,600. Vitall and lL. Benguait bid in @ Kouba church carpet originally sold. by them, for $5,500, and paid $3,100 for a Gothic’ Hispano-Moresque rug, also sold by them to the late ex-Serator. Arthur. Arnold bid in about 125 yards of old Genoese velvet wall covering for $4,050, and paid $3,100 for a pair of seventeenth century Italian Renais- gance silver chancel lamps. The Howard Young Art Galleries paid $15,500 for C. F. Daubigny’s ‘‘Morning on the Oise.’’ M. Birnbaum paid $10,- 200 for Sir William Beechey’s portrait, “Blizabeth, Daughter ‘of Whitsted Keene, M. P., Afterwards Mrs. Wey- land.”: R, J: H. Lorenz, agent, paid $10,600 for John Constable’s “Flatford Mills, Suffolk,’’ and $12,500 for Breton’s “Ta,,Kin du Travail.’ The same buyer paid $6,000 for Lhermitte’s ‘‘La Fanai- son” and $5,500 for the same artist’s “Midday Repose.’ R.) H. Lorenz, agent, bought the Gainsborough ‘‘Landscape and Figure’ for. $10,500 and ‘‘Cows in Field» and Pool,”. by Corot, for $7,500. Daubigny’s ‘“‘Bords de Riviére’’ went for $4,200 to KnoedlersdioGonenn ast Curtains Sell for $6,400 Four pairs of green silk velvet cur- tains finished with gold galloon brought $6,400, the buyer being Samuel Schepps. Mr. Gerard gave $3,800 for a sixteentn century velvet Baldachino, in turquoise blue, finished with gold zalloon. A pair of Genoese red velvet curtains sold for $1,400 to Seidlitz & Van Baarn. A, R. Louis gave $1,280 for two pairs of green* silk damask window curtains with Arra- embroidery in designs of birds and flowers, Two pairs of tan velour por- tierres sold for $660 to Mrs. G. Gilman. The remaining portion of the Clark : estate to be sold isa selection of rich- ly bound fifteenth century illuminated j manuscripts, and other books from the! late Senator’s library. These will be dispersed on the eveni pat | gy a vening of Febriaeal yawn cau Travail, s by reton}! 6 R41. Lorenz, agent, $12,500. © * pollerail of Elizabeth Keene by Sir | Willian Beeehey, “to Mk ‘Birnbaum, | $10,200.45 PP i “Matford Mills, Suffolk,” ‘by John Constable, to R. H. Lorenz, agent, $10,600. Landscape and figure by Gains- | |porough, to R. H. “orenz, agent, | | $10,500. | | High Prices for Rugs Harry Gerard paid $16,000. for..a seventeenth century mille-fleur Lav- ehr-Kirman rug. .A» Genoese velvet cover, seventeenth century, consisting of about 395 yards, went to Charles of London for $15,800. R. H. Lorenz, agent, got a Kouba sixteenth century chureh carpet for $8,000, a sixteenth ieentury terra cotta foas relief for $4,000, an Italian walnut and Flemish tapestry settee and two chairs for 1 $6,000, a suite of Empire petit point furniture for $1,900, a fifteenth cen- | tury Hispano-Moresque rus for $7,000, jand an Empire Savonnerie carpet for $3,100. : '- Charles of London paid $5,200 for l4wo seventeenth century Italian silver chancel lamps. A walnut and Flem- ish tapestry settee went for $3,100 to iE. L. Bernays, who paid $4,000 for | our walntit’™ and Flemish tapestry chairs. V. &-L. Benguiat got a draw- Jeaf walnut table, for $1,500 and a \ sixteenth century “Kouba church car- pet for $5,500. ‘ : Rich Fabrics Sold About eighty-two yards of seven- teenth century jardiniere velvet were i pought by A. L: Danforth for $7,380. | Sam’ Schepps paid $8,200 for two. solid | silver chancel lamps of the Gothic pe- $6,600 for twenty-four dining larmehairs of Circassian walnut and Memish tapestry and $4,750 for a seventeenth century Brussels tapestry picturing the triumphal entry of Mar- cus Aurelius into Rome. : A. Arnold bought a silver chancel lamp for $1,400, a pair of seventeenth century silver lamps for $3,100 and 125 yards of old Genoese velvet wall covering for $4,050. | riod, INING, Jane Poser nate cesnsee SSR ON Sn RONEN SS a nS eS Noe ae HOODOO tw OME i Bie i Artist Benniliiure Perrer bi Daubisny Decamps Jacque Turner Thermitte Foster Jongying Diaz porees usseau aZ0 Raffaelli Trovyon Fromentin Gouture Collin a a eT oe Seidletz & Van Basen A. Hazarian John J, Sowney Pass John J. Sowney MeK. COe Harry Gerard AVL. Danforth John Levy Seidletz & Van Basen R. Blank Bensabot Shop N.K. Co A. Hazarin H.M.: Hancock David Reberts David Lamar R.H. Lorenz, Agt HM. Mcintosh James N, Hill Jeli. SCmultz Clapp & Graham G.V. Kraukshauer Je iilton Dawson &.Co Clapp & Graham Roberts Lorenz Agt Morrow Lorenz Agt CO David. Lamar Metropolitan | AE. Armstrong Seidietz & Van © i Lorenz Agt Levy - Lorenz Agt app & Graham Lorenz Agt Mr e ty ert aoe ° PR 2 a Se o“ Van paaren tA tH c4 ro O.@- O Fowles Price 120¢ D0. 60. 120. 150. ad AO 550 6 525-6 140. 500 6 3756 550 6 400. 5506 2506 2256 340. 400 zt @ 500 5256 9756 500 » 2756 5600 « 10756 675 O1De 1650. 2000 6 2000. 850. 2156 2756 200. 200 900. 1200. 1100, 675-6 1200. 9756 2256 525% Buyer Price ns ne ee ey Cn A. Rudert, Agent. 475-00 Van Uden Med. Rouyerson 180, Wouwerman Gainsborough Galleries 290-6 iers, the Younger Dr.Fred Ransohoff 700. Teniers, the Elder Seidletz & Van Baarn STD 6 Franecken, the Younger David Lamar 2206 ym van de Velde A. Arnold 2506 ° Paul Rubens Metropolitan Galleries 220% ano Vecelli ( Titian) A. Goetz 500. Dp er Hendrik de Bies R.H. Lorenz Agt 1450. ODO~IN ec SE SECOND EVENING'S SALE Jan, 1eth,1926, Fantin-Latour W.F. Laporte 750. Besnard Hamilton 200. Whistler W. Kraushaw 5226 Daubigny R Lorenz Agt 1400.(1400) Diaz }. Blandy 850, Delacroix aul Rosenberg & Co 2650. " . 57004 Troyon i.A. Astlet 800. Thermitte " 875. Diaz Rats 10rela- apy. Tine Diaz Vietor Weil Y25 6 " MK. GO- 1550. Boucher JN cHIAt 2900. Diaz J. Hamilton 425, Troyon G.K.-Morrow 1350. Corot R.H. Lorenz Agt 7200. Dupre HAs Astlett 1500. Roussseau JN 2000. Daubigny G.K. Morrow 2600. uw R.H. Lorenz Agt 1400. Rousseau nbn Levy 5100. Daubigny MK. Cos 4200 - R.H. Lorenz Agt 2000. Diaz J. MeNeil Farrer 5200, " R.H. Lorenz Agt 1600, Lhermitte G.K. Morrow 1900, Dupre A. Trumbull 2900, Ziem C.F. Kelly 3100. van Marcke Clapp & Graham 1600. Lhermitte R.H. Lorenz Agt 5500. ff " 6000 ‘ van Marek Ew, Albee 3200. Ziem Henry Schultheim 2600. Breton MK. CoO. 8500. . . 8500. 62 63 64 65 66 a O91 00 cn dS ey LOrenz Ag d Young AW OW Baarn NAA es Const Crome Gainsborough 18 1 12,500. 15,500. 2400. 7T25¢ 10,200. S100 10,600. 1600, 10,500. 5000 » 1900, 1906- Painting by John 01d "Coming from the Mill” -Dec -ainting by Sir "Elizabeth, ntine by J by d conker" : Ta daG -} by JC. Gazin "Soir d'Orage" -September 12889 nting by JeB.CG-. Corot Re u0l Hien * d'italie" by Rembrandt “wi th Hat Holdin 12893 ainting by "The Valley" Crome , ember n0.1 /a « S2-1/8 xX § 24 x 28-7/8 Keene" 2, x 262s a £0 24-1/8 x 198 < 18-1/8 19 1912- “April 1919- Painting by J-BeCe. Corot "Le Lac de gee Ry -Jamary 1920- Painting by J-B.C. Corot "Souvenir de Terracine" 25-7/8 -February 1920- BARXW RAHA XM AALS AAS ARR BK NA ARAXGRKAXK AHA AK KEK EVXGKAEXTHAX EXE XXIO -Decembe Painting by J.C. Cazin "Huts indmill" -October Paintin "Marie Painting "Market XOLEXKAXET CH XBRHEK m02 ar bey 1920- 142 x 13-1/8 1922- 128 BT oy 20-7/8 x 14: x 11-7/8 -November 1922- 15433 Pain hn. By iantel, by. "A Theatre 15199 15365 "portrait of a Woman" Painting by French School 16-1/8 x 192 FCS. 12150.00 56000,00 17000,00 12000 .00 50000 .00 90000.00 1500.00 1800.00 2500 .00 80000 ,.00 58500 .00 6500 .00 7000.00 6500.00 135,000. 12,500. 26,000. sreseress ssasnnnstntontotsctanseaarenasretean sasnecpsanssz eee: : Eoissrinobecceenepnats sheapnenntonsennenssteannyaesneaecnsasestecarseannonees 43 : seospstenensessi irassanesseraeen Sonceeent i. seoanoeenteststenssennes saaetetetneseenantesett i ee ee ere Rpnerberscsnageoa sea remmenenne.: Siitseioatinieet ee Astaersnss sotssrsntonscasasgaseaeneenssenrssnesteneen sesntuesassent Popeicersiebenieerten ssPasntasoeannesrsgaansrssmeeeent ontertanadeeneagerateonanenst UM ee ee stennrinatnisnaceessnstecssecestenerneee Reppepstatenttoseanaannszarsinsonnsces ssocecanenectaeesen stecrtieneesunne theryereneeastzacessaenomeesons -sgenanansentstanoterensree ds — ‘ sbaneneopeanstanstesnestsnaey Peenesnonanenaxsgactesssngzeneee taetsctsonasazazesgeaasnssemnnsnasanetnesesnaeneessdeees onananeenseteee: sitecnorcersncezstantesennatecesgeate tenes siiaserteasintatrassenearonagesteeqnngesesitqenes seers ( . ‘ 6 rreonoansanaceseshtanestnea2ey Poseserszes : > : : a8 : seenae — toepeeeesene pets | x a re .) 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