a ‘ te nat Bs a RN) Wah = ss es LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK oos * 9T ee ae ¢ FFOd fa “gH Aq AOTOD 109Ry T eT °Xa *606T Azensqeg Ur “SNtTiOn “a “H ka Dipnod *y/T"0S ¥ B/T~OF uXBAFTINS Prewwra tes ov eEoEHVE ep ey! |. ‘Koumoy o8200p fq °240 T ‘og x 9/L-PS , ‘uMoy wosz somrsuy, pue esnoy uoTs,, a 5o4 bes ‘apeTEM pareuoty £4 *34g T ‘sost Axenuer . ) 42! ~~" SNITION “d “H Xd Luonhod DNILNIVa *OOT *SeT ntlBptg 48 uTedg 04 peoy ou}, u0,, ‘qtog ‘a *a Aq a0TOD 10%8H T Se °xXq 606T Axeniqgeg *§NITION “a “H “SUN Ad LHDnod * Krousaenn uSne.rue new frarman anherns HOLLINS ART DRAWS CROWD OF BIDDERS Session at Anderson’s Totals, $13,556—Chippendale Book- case Brings $3,750. Despite the stormy weather of yes- terday the Anderson Galleries, Madison av. at 40th st., were filled with bidders and buyers at the opening session of | ‘the sale of the collection of noteworthy early English, Freneh and Italian ! paintings, bronzes miniatures, porce- | \lains and Chippendale and French fur- niture, consigned by Mrs. Henry B. Hollins and others. The afternoon ses- sion, embracing 146 lots, brought a total of $13,556. . It was a Chippendale mahogany bookcase, eight feet long and nine feet high, that brought the top price, $3,- 750, which was paid by Thomas Hay- ‘ward. The lower part of the case 1s fitted with cupboards ornamented with ‘carved mouldings, the upper part being | ;divided into three unequal compart- ments, thin doors glazed in octagonal panels. The same buyer gave $1,600 ‘for a Chippendale mahogany cabinet ‘secretary, with .a square base and ‘fluted corner coltmns. f R. Arthur Heller gave $900 for an antique Flemish tapestry, showing a group of figures in the foneground | gathered before a basket in which lies an infant, probably intended to repre- | sent Moses. Above rise trees in full| verdure, and through them is seen 4a) distant city at the base of a hill. The; same buyer paid $825 for a tapestry en- | titled “The Chase,’ depicting a forest scene with a hunting party. | For an antique threefold leather! sereen the Scribners paid $405, and for a French writing desk of Louis XV | style of Italian walnut and mahogany marquetry, F. Bowles gave $275. Two: Chippendale mahogany armchairs went to P. E, Moe for $260 and G. H. Fearon’s bid of $225 was the highest for a Louis KV. library table with cabriole legs and serpentine bed. At the evening session a collection of early English mezzotints, line and stipple engravings and sporting French and Japanese prints was dispersed. Scott and Fowles paid $1,900 at the evening session for a_ three-quarter length picture of Catherine Mignard, | holding a portrait of her father, by, Jean Daulle, an early French line en-| graver. The same price was paid by W. D. Schuyler for a first state en- |graving by Valentine Green, after Rey- inolds, of “Emily Mary, Countess- of Salisbury.” It shows a full length por-| trait of the countess in a landscape, | drawing on a glove, her spaniel catch-j; ing the end of her looped overdress in | ‘his mouth. Mr. Schuyler also gave) | $1,700 for a full length portrait by the, jsame artist of “Georgiana, Duchess of | Devonshire,” after Reynolds—a first istate impression. from the royal collec- | tion at Windsor. we “Pie Knoedters gave $2,500) for a sec- \ond state proof before the title of ‘Thomas Watson’s “Lady (Catherine) | Bampfyide,” after Reynolds, and $650) for an unfinished proof, before all let-| \ters, of “Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor,” after | Reynolds, by William Dickinson. “The }Ivish Graces” (daughters of Sir Will- iam Montgomery), a proof of the first! |state by Thomas Watson, went to Scott & Fowles for $1,000. [RAEBURN PORTRAIT | SELLS FOR $8,000) \Other Paintings Bring Good Prices at Last Session of Hollins Sale. — There was brisk bidding last night by a throng of art lovers that filled the Anderson Art Gallery at the fourth and final session of the Hollins sale, which resulted in a total of $42,607 50, bringing the aggregate of the entire sale up to $84,481 75. : Sir Henry Raeburn’s portrait of James Haig, from the David H. King collection, was sold to A. E. Smith for $8,000. The canvas was painted by the Seotch artist in 1812. A. E. Smith also gave $6,000 for “Charity: The Misses Newdigate ‘of Surrey,” by Sir Thomas Lawrence. The picture was shown at the “exhibition of fair women” at London in 1894. Still another of Mr. Smith’s purchases | was a “Portrait of the Duchess of Gloucester,” by Sir Joshua Reynolds, and for this he paid $2,600. The Knoedlers gave $4,200 for George Romney’s “Portrait of Sir Richard Jo- séph Sullivan,” a handsome, blue-eyed man, wearing a red coat, black knee breeches and a powdered wig. This picture was originally bought from Knoedler & Co., who acquired it from Agnew & Sons, London. The Knoed- | lers also bought Richard Wilson’s “English Landscape.” Rubens’s “Sa- lome” was sold to J. P. Carama for $1,450, and Lancret’s “The Swing” went to W. Michel for $1,400. He also gave $1,000 for the “Portrait of the Countess of Erroll,” by Sir Martin Archer Shee. The rare books and fine bindings contained in the library of Mrs. Henry B. Hollins and others were sold in the afternoon. The highest price of the session-—-$725—was paid by Gabriel Weis for what is regarded by experts as an exceedingly fine set of the works of Charles Dickens in forty volumes. J. fase 284 Gu in 45. Ed \ f be THE HOLLI S SHE UU Wek ieee kth AE: Big Example of Chippendale | Bought by Thomas Hayward at Top Price of tems. ! | j k ' Two sets of buyers, the first inter- lested in furnishings and the second in | engravings and other prints, attended afternoon and evening sales yester- “day of the household effects of Mrs. |Henry B. | Hollins, in the Anderson auction rooms, Madison Avenue ,and Fortieth Street. The auditorium was filled at both sessions, which yielded $32,527.50, the afternoon total being / $18,566 and that of the evening, in which art dealers were rival bidders, | amounting to $18, 961.50. j | Of chief interest in the afternoon | was a Chippendalé mahogany book- case, 8 feet long and 9 feet high. Bid- ding started at $1,000, made rapid’ $250 jumps until Thomas Hayward /bid $3,750, the high price. The same | buyer paid $1,600 for a Chippendale ‘mahogany cabinet secretary, with one foot of moulding and the top orna- ‘ment missing. The evening sale brought the Scott | \S& Wowles Company, M. owe ol Co., Robert Friedenberg, W. Schuyler and Ackerman & Son into ' active competition, — and prices touched four figures in dollars for, several of the most coveted mezzo | tints and other prints. The Scott & Fowles Company paid $1,900 for William Dickinson’s mezzo- | tint of Mrs. Pelham, first state, after the painting by Reynolds called) “Feeding Chickens.” Mr. Schuyler paid $1,700 for Valentine Green’s mez~_ zotint, first state, but slightly dam-_ aged, from the royal collection at’ Windsor, of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, after Reynolds, and $1,900 for Green’s mezzotint of the Countess of Salisbury, after Reynolds. Seott & Fowles gave $1,600 for Green’s Lady Elizabeth Compton, after Reynolds, Thomas Watson's ‘‘The Irish Graces,” daughters of Sir William Montgomery, mezzotint after Reynolds, brought $1,000 from Scott & Fowles. M. Knoedler & Co. paid $1,500 for Wat- son’s “Lady Catherine Bampfylde,” after Reynolds, mezzotint in second state and corner repaired. Following are some of the chief items, buyers and prices at the two} sales: | Antique French tapestry, ‘The Chase,” 11 feet 2 inches by 10 feet § inches, R. Arthur Heller, $325. Antique Flemish tapestry, probably Moses in the cule R. Arthur Heller, $900. tint by. Lee ‘ane Li ' rence, Scott & Fowles, $410. : ‘ | Emily Mary, Countess of Salisbury, mezzotint by Valentine Green, after Reynolds, W. D, Schuyler, $1,900. 1 Lady Hlizabeth Compton, mezzotint by Green, .after Reynolds, Scott & ‘Fowles, $1, 600. ! Duchess of Devonshire, mezzotint by Green, after Reynolds, W. D.| Schuyler, $1,700. | Gen. Washington, mezzotint by! Green, after Trumbull. W. D. Schuy-| ler, $275, | Lady Catherine Bampfylde, mezzo-| tint by: Watson, after Reynolds, M. Knoedler & Co., $1,500. { SEBS OE pinnacle ms HOLINS'S SALES; » NETIED $84,481. ih aeay Pont ( fy i Her Oil Paintings and’ Miniatures at Last Night’s Auction . 4 Brought $42,607.75. 4 | Mrs. Henry B. Hollins’s oil ei and miniatures by English masters | brought $42,607.75, last night in the, Anderson auction rooms,- Madison Avenue and Fortieth Street, making the total for, her household belongings | at four sales $84,481.75. Her books and | fine bindings in the afternoon ayy for $9,246.75. The high. price at the: ment sale was $8,000, which A. E., Smith paid for Raeburn’s oil portrait of James Haig. M. Knoedler & Co, paid $4,200 for Romney’s oil portrait. of Sir Rich- ard Joseph, Sullivan. Sir. Thomas Lawrence’s. portrait of the Misses’ Newdigate of Surrey, known as “Charity,” brought $6,000 from Mr. Smith, who also bought for $2,600 Sir Joshua, Reynolds’s portrait pe the Duchess of Gloucester, and? Law-~ rence’s portrait of Master Peters for $1,000, Other Portraits Sold. \ The portrait of the Marquise da Breteuil by Drouais was sold to Mar- ston E. Drake for $1,300.. ‘.M. Michel! paid $1,400 for Laneret’s ‘The Swing’ | and $1,000 for the portrait ‘of the- Countess of Erroll id Sir Martin Archer Shee. : i M,- Knoedler .& Co. gave $1, 000 for an ‘English landscape by. Richard! Wilson. Arthur H. Hahlo & Co. paid, $1,000 for Sir William Beechey’s por- trait of Miss Melville and J. C. Ca- rama bought “‘Salome,’’ attributed to: Rubens for $1,450. i Aes Sad on for "Henry Wyatt's | “Portrait. of a Lady.) = Among the miniatures painted on ivory, A, E. Smith bought for $385. a portrait of Miss Bedingfield, after-| ward the wife of Lord Petre, by An-) drew Plimer, and $500 for Plimer’s portrait of Miss Lockwood, ‘set in’ rgold, encircled with ‘pearls, and a ;monogram of pearls over brai hair as background. At the afternoon sale of: b KS 4 bindings, nineteen items ‘out of (277 prought each $100 or -more..G., §.| |Heilman paid $325 library of Grolier, .a folio in brown ‘ealf, tooled and gilt in compartments | and with, ar abesque ornaments, bear- ing Grolier’s name and motto on the | covers. | | $725 for’ Bet of Dickens. CG. ‘Weis paid $725 for the National edition of ‘Dickens, containing ° sig- natures. of Dickens, Tennyson and | others, several bank checks: of Dick- ens and, autograph letters by Charles’ Dickens the younger and. Mamie | Dickens. G. D. Smith paid $525 for) a folio of illuminated prayers, printed | ijn Amsterdam in 1744. Charles Scrib- ner’s Sons bought for $120 a French manuseript sermon, the red Morocco , binding bearing the arms of Mme. ! ‘de. Pompadour, and $120 for Nolhac’s work on Nattier, painter at the court of Louis XV, one of the seventy- | copies printed in’ Paris in 1905. it for Xenophon’ S| hworks, rendered into: Latin, from the k KCASE SELLS FOR $3,750. , ee —— Mo fb= 46, Meaaceinin Bring $1,900 at Art Sale of Mrs, Hollins and Others. In spite of yesterday's inclement } weather both sessions of the first day’s | Sale of the art collections of Mrs, Henry | B. Hollins and others bought interested | audiences to the Anderson galleries and j elicited some lively bidding. The after-! | noon. was taken up with the dispersal: of the furniture, and the wonderful mez- | zotints brought the collectors back to the | galleries in the evening. | The highest figure of the. afternoon | was the $3,750 paid by Thomas Hayward for No. 143, a Chippendale mahogany bookcase of an exceedingly pleasing de- sign. For No. 104, a Chippendale ma- hogany cabinet secretary, Mr. Hayward gave $1,600. R. A. Heller purchased both of the tapestries in the collection, paying $825 for No. 99, a French tapestry typi- fying ‘“‘The Chase,” and $900 for No. 100, a Flemish weave representing ‘Moses in the Bullrushes,” Other prices in the afternoon were: No. 71, two Chippendale chairs, to T. E. Moe. for $260; No. 72, an antique lac-. quered cabinet, to John Moneghan for $100; No. 78, a Chippendale sofa, to C. R, Kupner, for $180; No. 91, a French writing desk, to F. Bowles for $275; No. 129, a Chinese rug, to H. W. du Puy for | $200, and No. 139, a French libr: ary table, | to G, H. Fearons, for $225. | Well known art dealers were the chief | purchasers in the evening sale, and most of the splendid. mezzotints went to them. The Valentine Green mezzotint portrait of the Countess of Salisbury sold to W. H. Schuyler for $1,900, and the William Dick- jnson portrait of Mrs. Pelham went to Scott & Mowles for the same price. ‘These were the chief sales of the night. Seott & Fowles also paid $410 for No. 147, Bartolozzi’s “Miss Farren”; $230 for ‘No. 166, Dickinson’s “Viscountess Cros- bie’; $350 for No, 167, the same engraver’s “Mrs. Gwynne and Mrs. Bunbury” ; $1,600 for No. 224, Valentine Green’s ‘Lady Blizabeth Compton”; $1,000 for No. 295, Thomas Watson's ‘The Three Irish Graces,” and $450 for No. 296, Watson's “Mrs. Hardinge,” engraved after the Reynolds -portrait. M. Knoedler & Co. bought No, 297, Thomas Wiatson’s “Lady Bampfylde,” for $1,500; No, 252, Joseph P. L. Marchi’s “Oliver Goldsmith,’ for $275, and No. 165, William Dickinson’s “Mrs. Plizabeth Tay~ lor.” No. 225, Valentine Green’s “Duchess of Devonshire,” went to W. H, Schuyler for $1,900. Other sales were: No. 189, “Louise Marie,’ by L. Arlent Edwards, to R. Fridenberg for $270, and No. 290, Will- jam Ward’s “Inside of a Country Ale- house,” to Ackerman & Co, for $275. The totial for the afternoon was $13,566 and for the evening $18,961.50, making a total of $32,527.50 for the first day’s sale. The auction continues to-day, the paint- ings being sold in the evening. | Mrs. H. B. Hollins’s Raeburn Brings the Highest Fig- Ni % 2k, ca ite Se RAS Ang A Ui Loy 7, Py Bh ced La | TOTAL FOR SALE, $84,481.75 | The two days sale of the art collec- tions of Mrs. H. B. Hollins,. with a few ad- ditions from other sources, ended with the | sale of paintings last night in the An- derson galleries, and, considering the de- pression caused by the war, excellent | prices prevailed. { The centre of interest was Sir Henry | Raeburn’s “Portrait of James Haig,” a| fine, fresh specimen of this master’s work, painted at the height of his career, which | was knocked down to A. E. Smith for! $8,000. The Drouais, another admired portrait in this collection, went to Mars- ton Elliot Gregg for $1,400. Of the miniatures that were sold, the best price was obtained for the Andrew Plimer portrait of Miss Lockwood, No. , 598, which sold to A. E, Smith for $500. | Mr. Smith also bought No. 588, a portrait | of Miss Bedingfeld by Plimer, for $385. | Mrs. H. Pierce paid $205 for No. 396, } ee ag Stuart,” by Isaac Oliver, and $195 for No. 592. a miniature portrait. of Lady Stanhope, by Cosway. Mrs, Bliss ‘purchased No. 599, a tortoise shell box | having on it a portrait of the Princess Marie Sobieski, by Petitot, for $175. The total for the afternoon book sale Was $9,246.75, for the paintings and miniatures $42,607.50, making a grand } total of $84,481.75. : ' The list of pictures, with titles, names of urtists, purchasers and prices, follows: | No. 603—‘“Portrait of a Lady,’ by Toc- CuSO. HIG BOs. cis s. ; £ 4 Godly | teuil;” Mr. M. B, Drake...... a eecers $1,409) (9300 for “Crumbs of Comfort. and, Godly | Pierre Mignard, ‘‘Portrait of the Artist’s | Prayers,’’ London, 1686-40, ; ag i ' Collection of Mrs. Henry B. Hollins No. 624. PORTRAIT OF JAMES HAIG By Sir Henry Raeburn A Collection of Noteworthy Early English, French, and Italian Paintings, Bronzes, Miniatures, Tapestries, Rare English XV III Century Mezzotints, Embroideries, Porcelains, and Chip- pendale and French Furniture Also A Library of Rare Books and Fine Bindings Consigned by Mrs. Henry B. Hollins of New York To which a few additions from other owners have been made by permission To be Sold at unrestricted Public Sale on the Afternoons and Evenings of Tuesday and Wednesday, January 12th and 13th, 1915 at 2:30 and 8:15 o'clock On Public Exhibition from January Ist, at The Anderson Galleries METROPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street New York CONDITIONS OF SALE 1, All bids to be PER Lor as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which, in his judgment, may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which, the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which, the Metropolitan Art Association will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and the Metro- politan Art Association will not be responsible for the correctness of the descrip- tion, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, the Metropolitan Art Association will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof, for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Terms Casn. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as the Metropolitan Art Association shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale, it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of the Metropolitan Art Association to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. The Metropolitan Art Association will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of this Catalogue, $2.00. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Metropolitan Art Association Mapison AvENUE aT FortieTH StrREET, New York TELEPHONE 7680 BRYANT ORDER OF SALES The Sessions begin at 2:30 and 8:15 o'clock First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, January 12th Lots 1-146 Vestments, Brocades, Embroideries, Oriental Porcelains, Bronzes, Tapes- tries, Mirrors, Rugs and Furniture. Second Session, Tuesday Evening, January 12th Lots 147—299 Early English Mezzotints, Line and Stipple Engravings, Sporting, French, and Japanese Prints. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, January 13th Lots 300-577 Rare Books and Fine Bindings. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, January 13th Lots 578-636 Miniatures and Paintings. No. ING avid ys) cee es eee es 584 Beechey, Sir William. . .614, 625 Betty Sea ate 590 Bonifazio, Veronese ........ 619 Canaletto, Antonio......... 607 Caravaggio, M. A.......... 635 Cosway, Richard..........592 Cosway, School of... .. 589, 591 Darley, 1 .... 597 Hoppner, John............608 Ebuet |e Were eet 621 saben |= eae 586 Kneller, Sir Godfrey... 613, 627 Panctet, No.5. hs aa 631 Lawrence, Sir Thomas .605, 633 Lebrun, Vigée Mme........ ARTISTS REPRESENTED No. Mignard, Pierre....... 601, 612 Oliver, lsades: oe 596 Opies) Ohne = ea ee 611 Pater, ji Besa re 616 Perronneat; |. bin. 0 615 Plimer Ace. 588, 598 Lowi buss frans; 9-3 632 Raeburn, Sir Henry........ 624 Reynolds, Sir Joshua....... 617 Rigaud, Hyacinth.......... 604 Riley. jonne = 622 Romney, George.. .. .. 618, 630 Rubens, Peter Paul. .......628 Shee, Sir Martin Archer .. . .636 Pocque louis, --. 603 Unknown... .580, 581, 583, 585, 587, 595, 602 Vestier: Antoine... 2.22 593 Wilbert) Gee ae 579 Wilson, Richard....... 626, 634 Wyatt, Henry....... 3. 620 Zuccarelli, Francesco....... LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Vawrence, sir Dhomas.- Master Peters) 4-5 ee Drouais, G. J. Marquis de Breteuil Mignard> Pierre. NhevArtistis Daushten ss aan ee Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Duchess of Gloucester................... Raeburn, Sir Henry. James Haig Dickinson, W. (after Reynolds). Mrs. Pelham Dickinson, W. (after Reynolds). Mrs. Taylor Green, V. (after Reynolds). Countess of Salisbury.............. Murphy, J. (after the Marquise de Brehan). Marie Antoinette d’Autriche Reine de France Book Binding from Grolier’s Library.....................-+-+--- BookaBindinp ee byesamuel sy lealtic tree aera eer Book Bindme. “By Edwards, of Halifax. s..-. seus eae FIRST SESSION Tuesday Afternoon, January 12, 1915, at 2:30 o'clock Vestments, Brocades, Embroideries, Oriental Porcelains, Bronzes, Tapestries, Mirrors, Rugs, and Furniture 1 TERRA COTTA CHINESE PANEL OF BUDDHA. Height, 5 inches; width, 3 inches. 2 THREE SMALL CHINESE BRONZE FIGURES OF FEMALE SAINTS. Height, 214 inches. 3 EBONY FOLDING PRINT RACK. 4 PLASTER CAST OF THE HEAD OF AN INDIAN CHIEF. 5 BROWN MOROCCO JEWEL CASE. Octagonal in form with tooled rococo decoration in gold, the in- side lined with olive silk. 6 RED MOROCCO MINIATURE CASKET. Oblong in form with barrel top, hinged, having tooled decoration in gold. The inside lined with olive silk and fitted with trays covered with olive plush. Length, 12 inches; width, 644 inches. 7 CARVED TEAKWOOD PALM STAND. Circular in form, elaborately carved with leaves and branches, the top set with a marble panel. Diameter, 17 inches. 8 ANTIQUE CARVED WOOD LECTRIN. Finished in ivory enamel. (Imperfect.) 13 A cee car, Io II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 JAPANESE SMALL LACQUER STAND. Inlaid with mother-of-pearl on a black ground. CHALICE PALL OF OLD ITALIAN CUT VELVET. Flower and leaf pattern in purple on a gray ground, bordered with silver gimp. JAPANESE OBI. Of pale blue silk embroidered with birds and flowers. TWO PIECES OF OLD ITALIAN BROCADE. Parts of a chasuble; of salmon pink brocaded with silver and trimmed with silver lace. PIECE OF DAMASK. Of crimson ground patterned with ribbons and flowers in pale green. Length, 2 yards; width, 51 inches. CHASUBLE. Of green grosgrain silk interwoven with silver thread, trimmed with gold gimp and lined with pink silk. (The front worn and stained.) TWO PAIRS OF GREEN DAMASK CURTAINS. Bordered with wide gimp. Length, 344 yards; width, 14% yards. (Slightly stained.) CHALICE PALL. Of white silk, embroidered with flowers, bordered with gold gimp and lined with red silk. HALF OF A CHASUBLE. Of Italian rose brocade. OBLONG CUSHION OF CRIMSON VELVET. TWO PIECES OF CHINESE BROCADE. (Somewhat stained.) 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 CHALICE PALL OF OLD CRIMSON AND GOLD BROCADE. Trimmed with gold lace and lined with gold silk. PIECE OF OLD ITALIAN CUT VELVET. Of a floral pattern in green and red on an ivory ground. 23 x 25 inches. PANEL OF OLD ENGLISH EMBROIDERY. With embroidered figures, birds, animals, flowers and insects cut out and applied to an ivory satin ground with a floral border wrought in gold thread. Height, 15 inches; width, 22 inches. SMALL SOFA CUSHION. Covered with old brocade trimmed with lace, the ends finished with silk fringe. CHASUBLE. Of ivory silk embroidered with flowers, birds and butterflies in colors. (Somewhat worn in front.) STOLE AND MANIPLE TO MATCH. CURTAIN OF OLD ROSE BROCADE. Figured with silver and trimmed with olive fringe. Length, 6% feet; width, 5 feet. CHINESE SILK SHAWL. Of deep red ground richly embroidered with flowers and leaves and bordered with long silk fringe of pale green. Size, 7 feet square. ALTAR FRONT. Of Italian cut Velvet in four panels of wine red floral pattern on a yellow ground, trimmed with gold gimp and fringe. Length, 71% feet; width, 2% feet. COURT DRESS. Comprising skirt and overdress of wine red satin brocaded with sprays of flowers and trimmed with braid. 15 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 CHASUBLE OF CLOTH OF GOLD. Embroidered with silver in a leaf and flower pattern and trimmed with silver gimp. STOLE TO MATCH. LONG VELVET ROBE. Of plum color silk velvet lined with salmon pink silk. LENGTH OF CHINESE CLOTH OF GOLD. Of pure gold thread figured with a key pattern in turquoise blue silk. Length, 22% yards. (Slightly stained at one end.) CHASUBLE. Of ivory satin embroidered with gold and lined with red silk. (Somewhat worn.) TWO SHORT SWORDS. With bronze handles and leather scabbards. JAPANESE MANDARIN’S SWORD. The scabbard covered with silver decorated with a pattern of scrolls and leaves in relief. Length, 41 inches. FINE JAPANESE SHORT SWORD. With Kodzuka and Kogai, Lacquer scabbard, Skakudo Orna- ments inlaid with gold. Length, 25 inches. JAPANESE EMBROIDERY PANEL. Pink and white flowers on green satin. Mahogany frame. 22 inches square. TWO CIRCULAR FAIENCE PLAQUES. With green and yellow decoration. (One repaired.) ROSE BOWL. (Kien Lung.) Decorated with floral medallions and scrolls. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 51% inches. 16 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 MINIATURE WHITE VASE. (Kien Lung.) Evenly coated with a pure white glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 4 inches. VASE. Tall oviform, with long flaring neck decorated with peonies, magnolias, butterflies and phoenix enameled in five colors over a new green glazed ground. Teakwood stand. Height, 18 inches. BLUE AND WHITE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung.) Of hard porcelain, with decoration of conventional floral scrolls and landscape medallions in under glaze blue. Teakwood stand. Height, 8¥% inches. SEMI-EGGSHELL BOWL AND STAND. Of translucent quality, coated with a fine aubergine glaze, deco- rated with lotus painted in gold and medallions representing European personages, painted in five colors over a white glaze. Diameter, 7 inches. PEAR-SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung.) Spreading to the neck, and curved to the base, decorated with lotus scrolls and upright palm leaves around the neck, engraved under a dull celadon glaze. Teakwood stand. Height, 10 inches. BLUE AND WHITE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. (Kien Lung.) With decoration showing two men playing at chess in a garden. Painted in tones of blue under a crackled glaze. Carved teak- wood stand. Height, 124 inches. GOURD-SHAPED VASE. (Shun Chih.) Shortened neck, with embroidered scarf of scrolls and floral design, knotted between the two parts of the gourd, in blue and white tones, coated with a pea green celadon glaze. Fine specimen. Teakwood stand. Height, 934 inches. 17 48 49 50 SI 52 53 54 55 56 LARGE VASE. (Kien Lung.) With decoration of a phoenix, storks, sparrows, magpies and mandarin ducks in a pond, together with peonies and prunus flowers, carved in relief in the paste, and painted in five colors, enameled over an Imperial yellow ground; has scroll upper medallion border, and scroll relief handle. Known by Chinese connoisseurs as the hundred birds close to phoenix. Teakwood stand. Height, 24 inches. LARGE VASE. Coated with a deep ox blood glaze. Height, 1414 inches. LARGE CHINESE PORCELAIN DISH. (Kien Lung.) Decorated with horses, flowers and shells on a green ground. Diameter, 121% inches. PYRAMIDAL VASE WITH STAND. With square sides, decorated with flower sprays in five colors on pale green ground. Height, 11% inches. BLUE AND WHITE GINGER JAR AND STAND. Decorated with symbol medallions and sceptre head borders. Teakwood cover. Height, ro inches. BLUE AND WHITE BOTTLE SHAPED VASE. Decorated with views of Chinese temples. Height, 16 inches. (Lip repaired.) LARGE BLUE AND WHITE IMARI PLACQUE. With landscape and figure decoration. Diameter, 21 inches. BLUE AND WHITE GINGER JAR. With landscape decoration. Teakwood cover. Height, r1 inches. LARGE JAR. Decorated with figure subjects in five colors on a white ground with lattice and flower borders at base and neck. Teakwood cover. Height, 15 inches. 18 Lyi 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 BRONZE FIGURE OF MERCURY AFTER GIOVANNI DI BOLOGNA. On a circular base of marble and bronze. . Height, 31 inches. (Base chipped; figure repaired.) ANTIQUE GREEK TERRA COTTA VASE. Decorated with the figures of a youth and a sage in red on a black ground. While it is impossible to state the exact date of these vases, they probably date from four and a half centuries B. C. and considering their age are in a remarkable state of preservation. Height, 13 inches. Bought from Mr. Thomas B. Clark ANOTHER SIMILAR. Decorated with the figure of a warrior going to battle. Height, 1314 inches. SMALL MAHOGANY BOOK RACK. Decorated with holly inlays, having one drawer and two shelves. CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY STOOL. With carved cabriole legs, ball and claw feet and slip seat covered with hair cloth. (Carving chipped.) BRONZE ELECTRIC STANDARD READING LIGHT. Of Empire design with white silk shade. Height, 61 inches. SMALL MAHOGANY HEPPLEWHITE TABLE. With fluted taper legs ending in spade feet, fluted bed with one drawer, the top with scroll edge. Length, 26 feet; width, 19 inches. FRENCH MANTLE CLOCK. : Double black marble columns with bases and capitals of gilt bronze rest on a black marble base and support a plinth of black marble; between the columns is hung the gilt bronze dial with ornamental pendulum; base and architrave are ornamented with gilt bronze scroll work. Hetght, 23 inches. 19 66 67 68 69 7O 71 72 73 STUART ARMCHAIR. With carved frame, carved back, cane seat and back panels. With linen slip cover. (Infirm condition.) BRONZE FIGURE OF VICTORY. On a circular base of bronze and marble. Height, 31 inches. (Figure repaired.) MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE SIDE CHAIR. With carved back and arms, carved legs with ball and claw feet, the seat covered with green damask. PAIR OF BRONZE MANTLE LUSTRES. Having bronze columns encircled with pendant prisms and terminating in urns, with curving arms supporting flower shaped globes. Fitted for electricity. Height, 18 inches. SATINWOOD CURIO TABLE. With taper legs, folding top and two drawers, the top and front having inlaid borders with etched decoration, the drawers with rosette ring handles, the inside having a hinged glass cover. Length, 2414 inches; width, 2014 inches; height, 34 inches. MAHOGANY MUFFINIER. TWO CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY ARMCHAIRS. With carved backs and arms, front legs carved, having ball and claw feet, the seats covered with green damask. ANTIQUE LACQUER CABINET. With landscape decoration in gold on a black ground; the single front door reveals four interior drawers similarly decorated. Is supported on a stand with four legs. Width, 16 inches; depth, 12 inches; height, 44 inches. STUART ARMCHAIR. The frame carved, with cane seat and back, having brown velvet seat cushion. 20 74 75 76 77 78 12 80 81 82 83 SMALL MAHOGANY TIP TABLE. With carved stem and spread feet. Diameter of top, 23 inches. MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR. With carved cabriole legs and carved arms, the seat and back covered with crimson damask. TWO ANTIQUE STUART SIDE CHAIRS. With carved frames, carved backs, cane seats and backs. With linen slip covers. (Condition infirm.) ANTIQUE MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE CARD TABLE. With cabriole legs, Dutch feet and one drawer. (Slightly chipped.) Top, 33 inches square. CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SOFA. With triple chair back finely carved, carved legs with ball and claw feet, the seat covered with red damask. (Slightly worn.) TWO DOWN SOFA PILLOWS. Covered with crimson silk brocade, finished with silk fringe. With Chintz covers. SMALL MAHOGANY SOFA. The frame carved, the seat and back covered with striped rose silk damask brocaded with flowers. TWO SPANISH HALL CHAIRS. The seats and backs covered with stamped leather bordered with large brass-headed nails. MAHOGANY ROUND TABLE. With round column and scroll feet. Diameter of top, 4 feet. CARVED TEAKWOOD PALM STAND. Oblong in form, carved with scrolls and fretwork, the top set with a marble panel. Length, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. 21 ANTIQUE MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE CARD TABLE. With carved cabriole legs and Dutch feet. Top, 36 inches square. 85 LOUIS XVI CARVED WOOD CANDLE STAND. Having two lights with silk shade, oval mirror and silk work-bag. Height, 75 inches. 86 SMALL POMPADOUR TABLE IN VERNIS MARTIN. Curved taper legs supporting a deep scroll-shaped bed with three drawers; scroll edged top with gilt bronze rail, the top and bed painted with mythological subjects, garlands of flowers and scrolls in vernis Martin. Chiseled bronze mounts. Length, 28 inches; width, 16 inches. Bought of H. O. Watson & Co. 87 CHIPPENDALE MIRROR. The frame carved with scrolls, flowers and leaves, gilded. Height, 64 inches; width, 30 inches. 88 LOUIS XV CABINET IN VERNIS MARTIN. The slender body rests on four tapering curved legs; the drop front is painted with a Watteau Fete Galante in vernis Martin with decorated border, below which are three smaller panels in the same manner; the sides show figures and trophies; elaborate mountings of scroll and leaf pattern are of gilt bronze. The inside is lined with satin wood with walnut inlays and fitted with drawers and compartments; there are two secret drawers beneath. Height, 54 inches; width, 33 inches; depth, 16 inches. Bought of H. O. Watson & Co. 89 GEORGIAN MANTLE MIRROR. Set in an architectural frame of fluted columns with carved capitals and cornice, the upper part masked with carved wood scroll work. Height, 53 inches; width, 43 inches. go ANOTHER TO MATCH. gi gz oe 94 95 96 97 98 FRENCH WRITING DESK OF LOUIS XV STYLE. Of Italian walnut and mahogany marquetry, having three lower drawers and five small drawers in the top, mounted with scroll work in gilt bronze terminating in a two-light candelabrum on each side; the desk top covered with tooled leather. Length, 58 inches; height, 43 inches. MAHOGANY OCTAGONAL TABLE. With scroll bed, square column, scroll feet. Diameter of top, 4 feet. MAHOGANY QUEEN ANNE ARMCHAIR. Upholstered with needlework tapestry. WHITE POLAR BEAR SKIN. Mounted with head and claws. Length, 8 feet. (Soiled and repaired.) INLAID MAHOGANY CABINET. The Cupboard base is of concave form having two doors, inlaid with lyres, scrolls and shells with two upper drawers; the top with two latticed glass doors is surmounted by a broken arch cornice with inlaid decoration. Height, 6 feet, 6 inches; width, 2 feet, 4 inches; depth, 1 foot, 6 inches. CINNAMON BEAR SKIN. Mounted with head and claws. Length, 7 feet, 8 inches. OLD SAMARCAND RUG. With old rose ground having three central medallions of cream color with conventional floral patterns, corners of a key pattern and three borders of key and floral design. Length, 7 feet; width, 3 feet, 7 inches. MAHOGANY WASH-STAND. With cupboard and four drawers having glass knobs. (Two knobs broken.) 23 100 IOI 102 103 99 ANTIQUE FRENCH TAPESTRY. The subject represents “The Chase” and shows a forest scene with a hunting party pursuing wild animals; the borders show fruits, flowers and symbolical devices. Length, 11 feet, 2 inches; height, ro feet, 8 inches. ANTIQUE FLEMISH TAPESTRY. The subject shows a group of figures in the foreground gathered before a basket in which lies the form of an infant, probably intended to represent Moses; above rise trees in full verdure between which is seen a distant city at the base of a hill; the upper and lower borders show cartouches and flowers, the side borders, trophies. Length, 14 feet, 5 inches; height, 12 feet. PAIR OF ANTIQUE JAPANESE BRONZE TEMPLE VASES. With cylindrical bodies, wide flaring mouths and bulbous bases; the surfaces ornamented with dragons in combat amid cloud and wave forms. The covers have incised decoration and fill the tops rendering them serviceable as pedestals. They are extraordinary pieces of artistic workmanship worthy a place in any museum. Height, 41 inches; diameter at top, 21 inches. MAHOGANY LONG CONSOL TABLE. Having round corners and resting on six tapering fluted legs with carved capitals, the bed ornamented with rosettes and a central panel in relief; the bed and legs are finished in bronze, the top is inlaid with satin wood borders. Length, 7 feet; width, 19 inches; height, 33V4, inches. ANTIQUE CHINESE LACQUER SHRINE TABLE. Oblong in form with scroll end supports, undershelf brace and two small drawers; the top and ends decorated with garden scenes in black and gold lacquer with borders of flowers, scrolls and birds in red and gold. Kien Lung Period. Height, 29 inches; width, 18 inches; length, 28 inches. 24 104 CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY CABINET SECRETARY. Square base, having carved mouldings and fluted corner columns with carved capitals and bases, four drawers and drop front secretary with brass pulls, the interior fitted with small drawers and compartments; the upper part with corner columns, single door, glazed, the top shaped as a broken arch and filled in with fretwork. The central top ornament and some pieces of mould- ing about one foot missing. Height, 8 feet, 4 inches; width, 3 feet, 3 inches. 105 ANTIQUE THREE-FOLD LEATHER SCREEN. Painted with landscapes, birds, fruit, flowers and game, the back lined with red damask. Height, 6 feet, 6 inches; width, 8 feet, 10 inches. 106 SHIRVAN RUG. Length, 4 feet, 2 inches; width, 3 feet, 3 inches. 107 KAZAK RUG. Length, 7 feet, 6 inches; width, 4 feet. 108 KABISTAN RUG. Length, 6 feet, 6 inches; width, 3 feet, 2 inches. 1o9 SHIRVAN PRAYER RUG. Length, 4 feet, 6 inches; width, 3 feet, 8 inches. 110 HAMADAN CAMEL HAIR RUNNER. Length, 16 feet, 3 inches; width, 3 feet, 3 inches. (Shows a few moth patches, easily repaired). 111 SHIRVAN RUG. Length, 3 feet, 8 inches; width, 3 feet, 4 inches. 112 KAZAK RUG. Length, 7 feet, 8 inches; width, 4 feet, 6 inches. 113 KARABAGH RUNNER. Length, 15 feet, 1 inch; width, 3 feet, x inch. 114 SHIRVAN PRAYER RUG. Length, 5 feet, 6 inches; width, 3 feet. 25 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 CAMEL HAIR RUNNER. Length, 11 feet, 7 inches; width, 3 feet, 4 inches. KAZAK RUG. Length 5 feet, 6 inches; width, 3 feet, 10 inches. CAMEL HAIR RUNNER. (Slightly torn in corner.) Length, 16 feet, 3 inches; width, 3 feet, 2 inches. KARABAGH RUG. Length, 10 feet, 6 inches; width, 3 feet, 8 inches. SHIRVAN PRAYER RUG. Dated 1288 Mohammedan Hegirah (Our Calendar 1870). Length, 5 feet, 4 inches; width, 3 feet, 7 inches. ANTIQUE HAMADAN RUNNER. Length, 15 feet, 7 inches; width, 3 feet, 7 inches. SHIRVAN PRAYER RUG. Length, 4 feet, 6 inches; width, 3 feet, 3 inches. ANTIQUE SAMARKAND. Length, 7 feet; width, 4 feet, 10 inches. (Slightly damaged but easily repaired.) SHIRVAN PRAYER RUG. Length, 4 feet; width, 3 feet, 4 inches. KURDISTAN RUNNER. Length, 18 feet, 6 inches; width, 3 feet, 3 inches. ANTIQUE CAMEL HAIR RUNNER. Bearing date of the Mohammedan Hegirah 1238 (Our Calendar 1820). Length, 16 feet, 3 inches; width, 2 feet, 11 inches. SHIRVAN PRAYER RUG. Length, 5 feet, 7 inches; width, 3 feet, 10 inches. ANTIQUE YOURUCK RUG. Length, ro feet, 7 inches; width, 3 feet, 4 inches. 26 128 129 130 131 133 134 GHIORDEZ CARPET. With light blue ground figured with a conventional pattern in buff, brown and dark blue. Length, 17 feet, 5 inches; width, 12 feet. (Slightly damaged.) ANTIQUE CHINESE RUG. Gold ground with large central plaque and four smaller ones showing peony flowers and leaves, the four corners filled with peony flowers and leaves. Over the intervening ground are strewn the hand of Buddha, flower boxes, and sprays of flowers. There are three borders, an outer one of plain blue, the inner ones of rosette and swastica design. Length, 7 feet, 4 inches; width, 5 feet. MAHOGANY CORNER CUPBOARD. With scroll top terminating in a carved urn, and carved feet, four doors with scroll mouldings, and a slide, the interior with shaped shelves and drawers. Height, 7 feet, 8 inches; width, 3 feet, 2 wnches. MAHOGANY CHEVAL GLASS. Height, 7 feet, 3 inches; width, 3 feet. MAHOGANY BUREAU. With corner columns, carved paw feet, three large and three small drawers having glass knobs, the mirror top supported by two carved columns. Length, 5 feet; width, 2 feet; height, 6 feet. HIGH BACK WINGED EASY CHAIR. With carved legs ending in goat feet, the sides and back padded and covered with rose damask finished with gun metal tacks; loose seat cushion. (Covering slightly soiled and repaired.) GEORGE WASHINGTON MAHOGANY DESK. With seven drawers at each side having drop brass handles, and double shelf racks on each end. Length, 4 feet, 6 inches; width, 2 feet, 8 inches. 27 136 137 138 139 140 HIGH BACK GRANDFATHER’S CHAIR. With carved legs, ball and claw feet, padded sides and winged back, covered with white cotton embroidered with crewel in a bold pattern of vines and leaves. Loose seat cushion. MAHOGANY CHEST OF DRAWERS. With corner columns, paw feet, having five large and two small drawers with glass knobs. Length, 44 inches; width, 22 inches; height, 54 inches. CARVED OAK HALL SEAT. The back set with three panels carved with Gothic perpendicular tracery, the central panel showing armorial bearings. Box seat with hinged cover. Reproduction of a piece in the Cluny Mu- seum, Paris. ANTIQUE CARVED OAK CREDENCE. With spiral corner columns surmounted by carved grotesque figures, front and side panels carved with Gothic ornament; the upper compartment in cupboard form with secret drawer, the lower with drop front, single drawer and shelf base. Height, 66 inches; width, 40 inches; depth, 21 inches. FRENCH LIBRARY TABLE, STYLE OF LOUIS XV. With cabriole legs and serpentine bed, finished in rosewood veneer with mahogany panels mounted with scroll work in gilt bronze, corner pieces and feet of bronze; serpentine top covered with red morocco having a tooled border in gold finished with brass rim. One large and two small drawers with brass drop scroll handles. Length, 70 inches; width, 35 inches. CARVED OAK HALL THRONE. With carved canopy top, the back set with two panels carved with Gothic perpendicular tracery with armorial bearings. Box seat with hinged cover. Reproduced from an original church throne in the Cluny Museum. Height, 7% feet. 28 141 ITALIAN CARVED OAK BUFFET. The body, richly carved with a grotesque mask and garlands of fruit with corner figure pieces, is supported by two hippogryphs on a table base with paw feet; top shelf is upheld by brackets shaped as hippogryphs, the back panel carved with armorial bearings supported by cornucopias and figures, with a similarly carved top piece. The whole is enriched with carved mouldings and borders. From the Palace of Prince Doria, Rome. 142 SOFA. Covered with brown silk velour. Length, 7 feet, 3 inches. 143 CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY BOOKCASE. The lower part with cupboards ornamented with carved mould- ings, the upper part is divided in three unequal compartments, whose doors are glazed in octagonal panels; the ornamental top of scroll shape is filled in with scroll work. Length, 8 feet; height, 9 feet. 144 ITALIAN CARVED OAK SIDEBOARD. The lower part a cupboard between two side columns, with two doors set with panels carved with grotesque heads and side pilasters; four drawers with carved fronts; the top with two shelves supported by carved brackets, having elaborately carved back panels, the whole enriched with carved mouldings and borders. From the Palace of Prince Doria, Rome. 145 WHITE ENAMELED ARMOIR. With door mirror, the inside fitted with drawers and compart- ments. 146 MAHOGANY ARMOIR. With corner columns having carved capitals and carved feet, the inside fitted with drawers, slides and compartments. 29 SECOND SESSION Tuesday Evening, January 12, 1915, at 8:15 o'clock Early English Mezzotints, Line and Stipple Engravings, 147 o oS” 149 150 E51 wy . Sporting, French, and Japanese Prints FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI, 1727-1815 Well-known Eighteenth Century Stipple Engraver. [MISS FARREN.] Actress, afterwards Countess of Derby. After Lawrence. Full length in a landscape. Stipple engraving. Folio, framed. — 4 1792. i *AN EXQUISITE PROOF BEFORE THE TITLE. With large margins, printed in brown. ONE OF THE RAREST AND MOST SOUGHT FOR ENGRAVINGS OF BARTOLOZZI, which has been described as “ The happy collaboration of a great portrait painter with @ great engraver,” [HON. MISS (ANN) BINGHAM.] After Reynolds. The sister of Lavinia, Countess Spencer. Seated, wearing a large hat. Stipple engraving in brown. 4to. Framed. 1786. 2255S. *PROoF WITH THE ARMS ONLY, WITH LARGE MARGINS; VERY RARE. TANTALIZING. Two young girls in a landscape. Stipple engraving printed in carmine, by R. Marcuard, pupil of Bartolozzi. Oval. Small 4to. EDWARD BELL, Flourished 1794-1807 English Mezzotint Engraver, known in less than twenty prints. MR. [JOHN] BANNISTER, JUN’R. After De Wilde, S. 1. Full length, as “Gradus” in “Who's the Dupe.” Lond. 1794. Folio. “BRILLIANT IMPRESSION, FROM THE Roya CoLLECTION AT WINDSOR; WITH STAMP. JOHN LORD HOWARD DE WALDEN. After Rebecca. So iit Full length, court robes. Folio, Lond. 1796. *FRom THE Roya CoLLEcrION aT WINDSOR; WITH STAMP. 30 152 153 154 155 157 158 MARIA ANNE BOURLIER Early Nineteenth Century Stipple Engraver. QUEEN CHARLOTTE. After Sir Wm. Beechey. Bust in oval. 4to, Lond. E. Harding, 1806. Framed. *STIPPLE ENGRAVING PRINTED IN COLORS. DUKE OF YORK. After Sir Wm. Beechey. Full bust in oval; in uniform. 4to, 1806. Framed. *STIPPLE ENGRAVING PRINTED IN COLORS. DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. [After Sir Wm. Beechey.] Bust in uniform; in oval. 4to,1806. Framed. *STIPPLE ENGRAVING PRINTED IN COLORS. PRINCESS OF WALES. After Sir Wm. Beechey. Nearly half length; inoval. 4to, 1806. Framed. *STIPPLE ENGRAVING PRINTED IN COLORS. PRINCE ALFRED. After Gainsborough. Half length, as a child; in oval. 4to, 1806. Framed. *STIPPLE ENGRAVING PRINTED IN COLORS. THOMAS CHEESMAN Pupil of Bartolozzi, worked about 1790. DUKE OF KENT. After Miller. Half length, in uniform; in oval. 4to, margins, framed. Published in London in 1806. *STIPPLE ENGRAVING PRINTED IN COLORS. GEORGE CLINT, 1770-1854 English painter and engraver, noted for his mezzotints. LADY MULGRAVE. After Hoppner. Half length, seated in a landscape, leaning on a stone wall; a veil of lace covers her hair and falls on her shoulders. *Tue peauTIFUL Martua Soputa Maine or Durnam. 31 160 161 162 SAMUEL COUSINS [1801-1887], and WILLIAM WALKER [1 791-1867] 3 * 159 ROBERT BURNS. After Alex. Nasmyth. (Fat, ' Whitman 31. Bust in oval. “Private plate excudit December 1830,” etc. Mezzotint. Folio. Carved and gilt frame. *VERY RARE EARLY STATE, WITHOUT CoUSINS’ NAME AND BEFORE PUBLICATION. WITH A PRESENTATION INSCRIPTION FROM BURNS’ WIFE AND SON, written by the latter, Col. James Glencairn Burns, and dated Aug. 8, 1832. Accompanied by a : 7 y short autograph letter signed (framed) of Burns’ granddaughter, S. Burns Hutchin- son, authenticating the inscription on the print. ; Considered to be a masterpiece of Cousins’ work. Nasmyth said of it that it was a better likeness of Burns than his own painting, from which it was engraved. NEW LAID EGGS. [Miss Effie Millais.] After Sir J. E. Millais. W. 216. Folio, India proof before all letters, full margins. *A VERY BEAUTIFUL PROOF, SIGNED By Cousins. A portrait of Millais’ daughter. PIUS VII. After Sir Thomas Lawrence. W. 1209. Large folio, full margins. *OPEN LETTER PROOF, FINE IMPRESSION. Firru OF SIX STATES. JEAN DAULLE, 1703-1763 Early French Line Engraver. CATHERINE MIGNARD. After P. Mignard. Three-quarter length, holding a portrait of her Father. Folio, fine impression. Gilt frame. GEORGE DAWE, 1781-1829 English mezzotint engraver of “broad, manly and effective style.” [MISS SEARLE.] After Reynolds. S. 12. As a child, tying a ribbon on the neck of a lamb. 4to, stained, has been folded at the bottom. *VERY RARE PRINT FROM THE Roya COLLECTION AT WInpsor; stamped twice. WILLIAM DICKINSON, 1746-1823 His mezzotints are among the most brilliant specimens of the art. “i MRS. PELHAM (Feeding Chickens). After Reynolds. S. 59. Full length, in a landscape; flowered muslin dress and sash; wide sieve under left arm from which she throws food to a hen and chickens. ‘ Folio, framed. 1775. ¢ yuy- *FIRST AND ONLY STATE WITH LARGE MARGINS ENTIRELY UNTRIMMED; almost un- known in early impressions in such condition. (See Illustration.) 32 No. 165. MRS. ELIZABETH TAYLOR (Unfinished proof before all letters) By Wm. Dickinson, after Sir Joshua Reynolds we q 0 bd i ” xv (5 yee” Ae \ * 365) MRS. ELIZABETH TAYLOR. After Reynolds. Smith 80. a d | s *~~ Three-quarter length, head-dress with ostrich feathers, muslin dress; “ standing in a landscape. Folio, framed. ms : *UNFINISHED PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERS. Excessively rare and justly esteemed for its beauty. : (See Illustration.) “ @ 166 DIANA, VISCOUNTESS CROSBIE. After Reynolds. S. 14. pe) = z A 2 3 a4 Full length, ina landscape. Folio, margins trimmed, 1779. Framed. *SECOND STATE, with the inscription in scratched letters. _ 167 MRS. GWYNNE AND MRS. BUNBURY. After Gardner. S. 34. 2 cv P Half lengths, in oblong oval; low dresses; ruffs. 4to, framed, 1780. *SUPERB PROOF OF THE FIRST STATE, before the erasure of the names. The two famous Hornech sisters known to Reynolds and Goldsmith as “The Jessamy Bride” and “Little Comedy.” 168 JOHN MUDGE, M.D.F.R.S. After Reynolds. 5. 189. The friend of Reynolds and his physician, of whom it was said that “if his physic does not cure, his conversation will.” Half length. 4to, framed. JOHN DIXON, 1740-1780 Best known by his mezzotint of Garrick, after Dance. 169 FRANCIS, EARL OF HERTFORD. S. 19. Full bust in oval. 4to. *FIRST STATE, BEFORE ALL LETTERS AND WITH THE ARMS ONLY. PROOF FROM THE RoyaL CoLLECTION aT WINDSOR; with stamp. A very rare original portrait engraving. HENRY EARL OF PEMBROKE. After Reynolds. S. 28. Three-quarter length, in uniform, standing in a landscape. Pub- lished, London, 1769. *SECOND STATE BEFORE THE ALTERATION IN THE IMPRINT. A SUPERB PROOF FROM THE Royat CoLLeEcTION aT WINDSOR; with stamp. 5 if WILLIAM DOUGHTY, Fl. 1773 ‘ 3 eh _ “His work, after Reynolds, of the highest artistic excellence.” —Smith. English mezzo- * yee tint engraver of half a dozen plates. He married a servant in Sir Joshua Reynolds’ house, Ss Qe’ and died young, in 1780. f b. mner 171 DR.SAMUEL JOHNSON. After Reynolds. Smith 2. 1779. {« Half length, wig, vest buttoned to throat. Folio, gilt frame. *SECOND STATE. Fine impression, with the inscription in scratched letters, and before the publisher was changed to “ John Jones.” 172 SLEEPING CHILD. After Reynolds. H. 157. Full length, near a window, Small folio, full margins. *FIRST STATE, before the title and with the artist’s name in scratched letters. 34 ROBERT DUNKARTON, 1744-1817 English mezzotint engraver, whose works are in a clear, finished style. 173 GEORGE JOHN, EARL SPENCER. After Copley. S. 37. Whole length, court robes, standing. against a curtain. Folio, framed. London, 1801.» + fe *A very fine impression. RICHARD EARLOM, 1743-1822 Pupil of Cipriani, executed a few plates in stipple, but known chiefly as a mezzotint engraver. 174 SENSIBILITY [Lady Hamilton]. After Romney. In a landscape, one knee resting on a marble balustrade, on which is a sensitive plant. Stipple engraving. 4to, London, about 1792. *OPEN LETTER PRooF. Very fine. 175 ALOPE (Protecting her little son from wild beasts). After Romney. 4to, London, 1787. *Stipple engraving beautifully and clearly printed in brown. Also a portrait of Lady Hamilton. VERY RARE. 176 SIR ROBERT HARLAND. After Dance. S. 21. English Admiral, East Indies, 1778. Three-quarter length, in uni- form, holding his hat in his left hand. Folio, London, B. B. Evans, 1798. *BRILLIANT IMPRESSION FROM THE Roya COLLECTION AT WINDSOR. 177 A FLOWER PIECE. After Jan Van Huysum. Folio, with margins. London, 1778. *A VERY EARLY IMPRESSION OF THE FINEST QUALITY IN FINE CONDITION. With the coat of arms, the names of painter and engraver and line of publication in scratched letters. Whitman says the plate displays “a master hand of great power and delicacy. The dewdrops seem almost to fall from the petals.” 178 A FRUIT MARKET. After Snyders and Long John. From the painting in the Houghton Gallery. Oblong folio, margins. Framed. 179 A GAME MARKET. After Snyders and Long John. Companion to the preceding. Framed. 180 DIANA AND HER NYMPHS. After Rubens. Asleep after the chase. Oblong folio, framed. *PROOF WITH THE ARMS, before the title. 35 J. C. EASLING English mezzotint engraver of the first part of the Nineteenth Century. 181 GENERAL SIR THOMAS PICTON. After M. A. Shee. Noted British officer, killed at Waterloo. Full bust in uniform, 4to. i Lond., Apl. 1, 1815. H *A fine proof from the Royal Collection at Windsor; with stamp. 1 L. ARLENT EDWARDS | The best known of contemporary mezzotint engravers in colors, whose plates are out a of print and destroyed. The prints offered were specially selected by Mr. Edwards and will be found to include a number of the early and rare plates—Nattier’s “ Louise Marie,”’ Da Vinci’s “Beatrice d’Este,’’ Greuze’s “Sympathy,” Lady Elizabeth Compton, Duchess of Devonshire, Lady Sheffield, and Countess Spencer, among others. = 182 LADY HALLET. After Gainsborough. B.No.1. {°| © = Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. 1183 LADY SHEFFIELD. After Gainsborough. No. 2. | | Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. 184 INNOCENCIA. After Greuze. No.3. 7 > Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. 18s MRS. JOHN DOUGLAS. After Gainsborough. No. 4. : Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. 186 MRS. (PERDITA) ROBINSON. After Gainsborough. No. 5. Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. xy 187 MRS. WELLS. After Romney. No. 6. | Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. i f) p6188 THE BLUE BOY (Master Jonathan Buttall). After Gainsborough. | \ oS No. 7. react ae i oe Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. 189 LOUISE MARIE. Daughter of Louis XV. After Nattier. No.8. Full half length in oval. Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Folio. < 6 Tue FRENCH PRINTS ARE AMONG THE RAREST EDWARDS PLATES. 36 190 MISS ANN BINGHAM. After Reynolds. No. 10. Full half length in oval. Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Folio. Dn 191 LADY SPENCER. After Reynolds. No. 11. keg Vy ; Full half length, in large hat; oval. Signed artist’s proof printed in al colors. DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE. After Gainsborough. No. 13. Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Folio. ) MRS. BENWELL. After Hoppner. No. 14. Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Only 175 impressions were taken. 11° aoe MRS. RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN. After Gainsborough. No. 15. Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Cone print showing her full length, seated. 4to. yt. 195 MISS FARREN (Countess of Derby). After Lawrence. No. 16. ae Bust in oval. Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. 4to. 5 © o 4 742. 196 AGE OF INNOCENCE. After Reynolds, No. 17. as L| Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Sm. 4to. xe 197 MRS. (PERDITA) ROBINSON. After Romney. No. 18. Wy : Signed artist’s proof printed in colors; only 175 impressions were taken. Half length; oval. Sm. 4to. 5b ‘@ 198 BEATRICE D’ESTE. After Da Vinci. No. 23. We py¥ SUPERB IMPRESSION; signed artist’s pies pripted i in colors; one of P. 175 issued. Folio. 17 Pe ig99 MRS.SARAH SIDDONS. After Gainsborough. No. 29. Nearly three-quarter length, Soe _ Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Folio. 2a 200 THE PINK BOY. After Gainsborough. No. 30. fens Full length. Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Sm. folio. 37 201 202 .. 203 2d. ® 208 a ae a at 3 ¥ ¢ Ag! § 4 ne 209 g we ae ag a & 210 ae a W se & ny 211 A» Fr 7 on wa ' Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. 38 SYMPATHY. After Greuze. No. 31. p. d. SUPERB IMPRESSION. Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. 175 copies were taken. O° Only DUCHESS OF RUTLAND. After Reynolds. No. 32. Full length, in a landscape. Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. \ Only 175 were issued. \ oO LADY SOPHIE MUSTERS. After Reynolds. No. 33. Full length, on a balcony; no hat. Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. One of only 175 impressions. | / LADY ELIZABETH COMPTON. After Reynolds. No. 34. Full length, in a landscape. Signed artist’ s proof printed in colors. Only 175 impressions were issued. MASTER LAMBTON. After Gainsborough. No. 40. Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Sm. 4to. LADY MEARS. After Reynolds. No. 41. Artist’s proof printed in colors. Narrow folio. *Scarce. Only 175 were issued. LADY NORTON. After Reynolds. No. 42. Artist’s proof printed in colors. Only 175 were issued, and the print makes a charming companion piece to the preceding. IZAAK WALTON. After E. Tuskipp. No. 44.° Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Folio. REMBRANDT’S MOTHER. After Rembrandt. No. 45: 0 Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Folio. MIRANDA (Daughter of Sir Harry Vane). After Hoppner. No. Bust in oval. Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. 4to. MADONNA. After Perugino. No. 55. x9é wee) Decorative gilt frame. | «am 212 GOOD NIGHT! After Henry Mosler. No. 60. Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Folio. < 213, THE LUTE PLAYER. After Franz Hals. No. 66. "Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Decorative gilt frame. 3 , : SIMONETTA VESPUCCI. After Pollajuolo. No. 67. > 4 d oe Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Decorative gilt frame. 215 LADY DUDGEON. After Raeburn. No. 77. Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Folio, gilt frame. | 9 216. ADA REHAN as Katharine. After Turner. : Half length, proof on India paper. Large folio. re *The earlier work of the artist, signed by Ada Rehan, Edwards and the painter. Published by Edwards in 1892. 4 ‘S é —— 217 ROSEBUDS [ETHEL BARRYMORE]. # Signed artist’s proof printed in colors. Gilt frame. JOHN FINLAYSON, 1730-1776 English mezzotint artist of about 20 plates, who died young. 218 MR. SHUTER, MR. BEARD & MR. DUNSTALL. After Zoffany. S. 14. In character in “Love in a Village.” Folio, Lond. Mch. 1, 1768. Fine impression. JAMES FITTLER, 1758-1835 Distinguished by his engravings; mostly portraits. 219 CAPTAIN MACBRIDE. British Admiral. After Northcote. Line engraving. Three-quarter length. Folio, margins, 1792. Framed. FOGG English stipple engraver of the early Nineteenth Century. 220 DUKE OF CUMBERLAND. After Sir Wm. Beechey. Half length, in uniform, in oval. Small 4to, margins, London, 1806. Framed. *STIPPLE ENGRAVING PARTLY PRINTED IN COLORS. 39 | E. GABRIELLI | 221 LOUIS XVI AND MARIE ANTOINETTE. A Pair. Half lengths, oval, with scenes of their executions. The figures printed in colors. Stipple engravings. Small 4to, framed (2). T. GAUGAIN, 1748-1805 222 LE CERFVOLANT ACHEVE—THE KITE COMPLEATED. | After J. Barney. aM Boy seated with his kite, on a hillside. Folio. Framed. *STIPPLE ENGRAVING PRINTED IN COLORS. y N RY ¥ ’ VALENTINE GREEN, 1739-1813 | P f cS “ All Green’s plates show mastery of his art and originality.” —Stephens. i) *YV ; } f, ae A *.223 EMILY MARY, COE Eee OF SALISBURY. After Reynolds. ' | §.116. §& the end of her looped overdress in his mouth. Folio, Lond. 1781. Framed. *First sTATE: before the name of the personage and the remainder of the inscrip- tion in scratched letters: “Lady Salisbury” in old ink can be faintly traced in the “e margin, apparently written by Green, as it has been obliterated with a “rocker.” 2, q vge~Full length, in a cece drawing on a glove, spaniel catching | (See Illustration.) Ps 224 LADY ELIZABETH COMPTON (afterward Lady Cavendish). f OM“ _, After Reynolds. S. 27. | \ ge ~~ Full length, in a landscape, leaning on a stone wall, pearl necklace Y, ending in a large jewel, left hand in drapery on hip. Folio, Lond. 1781. Framed. | Ca sae *FIRST STATE: FINE IMPRESSION WITH LARGE MARGINS, before the name of the personage, and the remainder of the inscription in scratched letters. 225 GEORGIANA, DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE. pane: ecvnoles, S. 37. Sau . ae Characterized by Walpole as the “Empress of Fashion.” F ull D length, right hand on a balustrade. About to descend marble steps ae into a landscape. Folio, margins, framed. \ i *FirsT STATE, FROM THE Royat CoLLECTION AT Winpsor; with stamp. The in- Pa scription in scratched letters, “and” for “&,” etc. A very slight damage has been repaired. 40 spjouAay enysof iig Joqje “uosuTysIG] “WIAA Ag WVHTdd ‘SUN “F91 ON spjouAay enysof Ig Jazze ‘uaeIn ouTjUaTe A Ag (27838 4s114) “AMNASITVS AO SSHLNNOO "etT “ON J 4 \ SLADE A “ca : wie -226"LADY HARRIET (orn HENRIETTA) HERBERT. After Rey-' ©! nolds. S. 64. Three-quarter length, in a landscape. Folio, 1779, framed. *A fine impression of one of the most beautiful prints of the engraver. g:" “Se & a ag 27% ane hand holding a scroll. Negro with horse to right. 7 Large folio, ee 227 GENERAL WASHINGTON. After Trumbull. S. 135. Whole length, hat and sword in right hand, on which lies his left e << gilt frame. 1781. 7 be je *FirsT STATE. Fine impression, very rare. JOSEPH GROZER, 1755-1799 English mezzotint engraver, between 1786 and 1797. 228 LORD JOHN CAVENDISH. After Reynolds. S. 5. Half length, three-quarters to front. Small folio. London, 1796. *EARLY STATE, UNDESCRIBED BY SMITH, FROM THE RoyaL CoLLEcrion AT WINDSOR. The margins have not been cleaned, and the title is in script. 229 [CHARLES, MARQUIS CORNWALLIS, RECEIVING THE TWO SONS OF TIPPOO SULTAN AS HOSTAGES]: After Henry i Singleton. London, published by Grozer, 1793. Oblong folio, framed. *A VERY FINE PROOF IN COLORS. EXTREMELY RARE IN THE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION AND COLORING, TIPPOO SULTAN SENDING AWAY HIS TWO SONS AS HOS- TAGES. After Henry Singleton. London, published by Grozer, 1793. Oblong folio, framed. *A VERY FINE PROOF IN COLORS, companion to the preceding. T. HODGETTS 231 FIELD MARSHALL BLUCHER. Painted by Boaden, from a Miniature by Miller. Full bust, plain dress. *OPEN LETTER PROOF FROM THE RoyaL CoLLEcTION aT WINDSOR. RICHARD HOUSTON, 1722-1775 English mezzotint engraver. 232 ELIZABETH, DUCHESS OF HAMILTON & BRANDON &cC. S. 59. After Cotes. Half length, oval, pearl ear-ring, flowers in the lace on her bosom. 4to, framed, margins. *First state, before the imprint. 42 234 237 238 239 240 241 J. B. HUET, 1745-1811 LA CONVERSATION DES FERMIERES. Engraved after Huet in the style of Demarteau. PRINTED IN cotors. Sm. folio, decorative gilt frame. *FINE PROOF BEFORE LETTERS. Original impression and condition, from the Robert Hoe Collection. LA JEUNE BERGERE. Engraved by Demarteau after Huet. PRINTED IN COLORS. Small folio, decorative gilt frame. *QRIGINAL IMPRESSION AND CONDITION, from the Robert Hoe Collection. Japanese Prints Selected by the late Mr. E. F. Fenellosa SUZUKI. HARUNOBU. Two girls under an umbrella in a storm of mixed rain and snow. One of the most delicate and charming of Harunobu designs. About 1768. SHUNSHO. Actorin costume. 1780. SHUNYEI. Lady in walking costume, standing under a flowering plum tree. 1782. SHUNCHO. Picnic party of three women and aman. Early and rare. 1782. UTAMARO. 1754-1806. Girl, in a gray dress, seated, wringing a cloth over a copper basin. Fine print, dating from 1798. YEISHI. 1781-1800. Three ladies on their way toa picnic in Cherry Blossom time. 1794. KIYONAGA. Hashirakake. 1776. Young woman looking down on a man, seen under a sleeping-net. 43 242 KORIUSAI. Hashirakake, about 1771. No-Dancer, with two kneeling priests. In a specially made Japanese case with ties. 243 CHINESE SILK BROCADE PORTFOLIO. Brocaded in colors, with the Dragons of the Air and Flames; silk- lined. Flapsand ties. 20x 26 inches. Me Be J. P. M. JAZET, 1788-1871 A U 0 mt Great French aquatint engraver, nephew and pupil of Debucourt. e™ 3 yx 244 CALECHE FRANCAISE attaquée par des Brigands Espagnols. AQUATINT PRINTED IN COLORS, after a drawing by H. Lacomte. Oblong folio, framed; published by Jazet in Paris. “OPEN LETTER PROOF WITH LARGE MARGINS. Very rare in colors. a oe JOHN JONES, 1750-1797 Yv — “His works are powerful and artistic.”—Smith. 245 THE RIGHT HON’BLE EDMUND BURKE. Mezzotint. After Romney. S. 11. Half length, in square border. Folio. 1790. Framed. *Fine impression of one of the most distinguished portraits of the celebrated statesman. ELIZABETH JUDKINS Mezzotint engraver, pupil of James Watson. “Her published works, which do not num- ber more than eight or nine, possess great merit; indeed her portrait of Mrs, Abington is a superb example of the art.” —Goodwin, 1904. 246 MRS. ABINGTON (Frances Barton), Actress. After Reynolds. Goodwin No. 5. Half length, oval, hair dressed high, hands gloved and clasped. Folio, margins shortened and mounted. Framed. *FINE IMPRESSION. The unrivalled favorite of the public, who acted with Garrick. H. KINGSBURY ~ x English painter and engraver; School of J. R. Smith. "24 THE RIGHT HON’BLE EDMUND BURKE. Original mezzotint portrait, representing Burke wearing spectacles. Published 1798. Half length. Small 4to. Framed. 44 ROBERT LAURIE, 1740-1804 His mezzotints are artistic and carefully finished. 248 MRS. [CATHERINE] FREDERICK. After Hamilton. 5. 19. Half length, lace cap; in oval. 4to. Framed. *Very fine i impression, published in 1777. A beauty of the Court of the Georges, described as “Charming Kitty Frederick, beautiful, vivacious and extravagant. JAMES McARDELL, 1729-1765 Ranks among the greatest mezzotint engravers of the Eighteenth Century. 249 [LUCY EBBERTON.] After G. Knapton. Goodwin No. 130. An English country beauty; half length, hat with strings, pearl neck- lace; holding basket of flowers. 4to, margins shortened. Framed. *THE FIRST STATE: VERY RARE, before the removal of the necklace and the hat- strings 250 [MRS. CROWTHER.] After Gerhardt Van Der Mijn. G. 162. Half length, wearing a hat, low-neck dress, from which hangs a string of pearls; lace cape held up by left hand. 4to, margins. Framed. *Seconp sTaTE. Arare print. The daughter of the first English novelist, Samuel Richardson, author of “ Clarissa.” G. MAILE 251 MISS O’NEILL AS JULIET. After Dawe. Full length, in the Balcony Scene. Mezzotint printed in colors and touched by hand. Folio. JOSEPH P. L. MARCHI, 1752-1808 aw Ni Brought to London by Reynolds in 1752. His mezzotints, not numerous, show E > _ much artistic feeling. BE “OLIVER GOLDSMITH. After Reynolds. S. 7. » Half length, profile to left; fur-edged cloak; holding a book against vhis breast. Folio, large margins, gilt frame. *A SUPERB IMPRESSION OF THE SECOND STATE, with uncleaned margins and before the title. 253 MRS. BOUVERIE AND MRS. CREWE. After Reynolds. S. 1. Three-quarter lengths, seated near a sarcophagus. *FIRST STATE BEFORE THE DATE IN THE IMPRINT WAS CHANGED FROM 1770 TO 1785, without title or artist’s names. These were both noted women of the time of the Georges, Mrs. Crewe being a brilliant leader of fashion, taking no small share in the politics of Burke, Fox and Sheridan. 45 255 256 257 258 259 260 JOHN MOODY. After Zoffany. S. 11. Full length, in character as “ Foiguard.” *From THE Royat CoLiection aT Winpsor. With stamp. Fine impression. JOHN MURPHY, 1748-1820 English mezzotint engraver. MARIE ANTOINETTE D’AUTRICHE REINE DE FRANCE. After Marquise de Brehan. Three-quarter length, seated, dressed in mourning, wearing a mini- ature of the Dauphin. Folio, London, Apl. 1, 1795. *A very fine impression with full margins. (See Illustration.) NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK, 1855. From the Latting Observatory. Large folio, engraved by Wellstood, after Smith. Old gilt frame. *Looking south from 42nd Street, the Old Reservoir and the Crystal Palace in the immediate foreground, with vacant land on Fifth Avenue and vicinity, the view extends to the Narrows. Brooklyn is only a small town and Jersey City practically does not exist, being only a scattered house or two seen amid trees and rocks. S. W. REYNOLDS, 1773-1835 English mezzotint engraver. Teacher of Samuel Cousins. CHARLES JAMES FOX. After J. R. Smith. Full length, seated nearatable. Large folio, London, 1806. RT. HON. WM. WINDHAM. _H. page 73. Full bust, plain dress. 4to. *First STATE. BEFORE ALL LETTERS AND WITH MARGINS ENTIRELY UNCLEANED. From THE Royat CoLiection aT WINDSOR; with stamp. WILLIAM SAY, 1768-1834 English mezzotint engraver, pupil of James Ward. WM. CARR, VISCOUNT BERESFORD. After Heaphy. Full length, in uniform on the field. Folio. *FirsT STATE. PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERS, full margins. J. M. SCHUSTER German mezzotint engraver, worked about 1760. FRANCOIS BENDA, Premier Violon de Chambre de Sa Majesté, le Roi de Prusse. After M. Falbe. Half length, with his violin. Berlin, 1756. 4to, framed. *A fine impression. Benda was remarkable as the founder of a special Violin School. In 1771 he became Concert Master to Frederick the Great, whose flute concertos he thereafter accompanied. 46 No. 255. MARIE ANTOINETTE D’AUTRICHE REINE DE By John Murphy, after the Marquise de Brehan FRANCE GERARD SCOTIN, 1642-1718 Early French engraver, pupil of Poilly. 261 MDLLE. AURETTI. Famous Danseuse. Dancing, ina landscape. After a painting by Jacopo Amigoni, called a “master of graceful effects.” Folio. *From THE Roya CoLLection aT WINDSOR; with stamp. JOHN SMITH, 1654-1720 Great English mezzotint engraver, who realized the value of early impressions and destroyed his own plates, so that worn impressions could not be issued. at | 262 MARY, QUEEN OF JAMES II OF ENGLAND. After Kneller. | S. 169. | Half length in oval, hair in many curls and jewel-trimmed dress. 4to (1703, perhaps earlier). Slight repair to margin. 263 MRS. ANNE KYNNESMAN. After G. Schalken. S. 153. Three-quarter length, standing in a rocky landscape, long curl over | left shoulder, loose dress. Small folio, framed. | *A BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION OF THE SECOND STATE. Smith assigns the date of 1695 Et to this print. JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH, 1752-1812 ™ “His prints are the most admirable productions ever executed in mezzotint.” —Chaloner Smith. A LADY AND HER CHILDREN RELIEVING A COTTAGER. : After Bigg. S. 180. ia ,A lady and her two daughters, accompanied by a negro servant and awk® lapdog, give alms to a poor woman seated at a cottage door, holding t | ; a sleeping child. Oblong folio. Framed. Lond. 1784. ¢ | : “OPEN LETTER PROOF. A beautiful impression very softly and clearly printed. 265 MRS. [HENRIETTA] MORRIS. After Reynolds. S. 116. Half length, hand on cheek, oval frame. 4to, small margins. Framed. *Fine early impression. 266 LIEUT.-COL. [BANNASTRE] TARLETON. After Reynolds. S. 161. Full length, uniform, drawing his sword, horse and groom to the left. Large folio, framed. t | *FIrsT STATE, with scratched letters. Lateral and top margins cut away, and IF lower slightly shaved. Fine impression of one of the most beautiful prints of the f artist. A portrait of the English soldier of the Revolution, nicknamed “The Fox.” 48 267 BAGNIGGE WELLS. After P. Sanders. Unknown to Chaloner Smith. Oblong folio, Lond. June 15, 1772, the edges mounted. “Printed for J. R. Smith and sold by H. Parker.” *Smith only says “His earlier prints were issued by Parker and others; he pub- lished himself in 1773-4 . . . these are very uncommon and to be ranked among the most admirable productions of the art.” “ Bagnigge Wells” shows an animated scene of ladies and gallants drinking tea, setting off to advantage the manners and costume of the times. VERY RARE. CHARLES SPOONER, 1727-1767 Irish mezzotint engraver, friend of MacArdell; died young, a victim of intemperance. 268 MRS. CATHARINE GUNNING. After Cotes. S. 21. Half length in oval. Walpole wrote of her and her sister: “These are two Irish girls of no fortune, who are declared the handsomest women alive.” 4to, framed. *TRIAL PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERS, undescribed by Smith, whose first state is described as a lettered proof, and who also says that Spooner’s Irish plates are very rare. Sporting Prints HENRY ALKEN, Flourished 1816-31 Noted English huntsman, trainer and engraver. 269 FOX HUNTING. BREAKING COVER: After I. Clark. AQUATINT IN COLORS. Small folio. Margins. Framed. *THIS AND THE FOLLOWING ARE THE VERY RARE AND EARLY ALKEN PRINTS. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION IN THE ORIGINAL COLORING. The first three form a set. 270 FOX HUNTING. DIGGING OUT. After I. Clark. Companion to the preceding. Framed. *ORIGINAL IMPRESSION AND COLORING. 271 FOX HUNTING. THE DEATH. After I. Clark. Companion to the preceding. Pub. by T. McLean, 1820. Framed. *ORIGINAL IMPRESSION AND COLORING. 272 COURSING [Dogs and Horsemen running the Hare]. After I. Clark. AQUATINT IN COLORS. Small 4to, margins. Lond. McLean, 1820. Framed. *ORIGINAL IMPRESSION AND COLORING. The most sought for Alken prints are about this date. 49 274 275 276 | a ! i 278 279 COURSING. Companion print, The Hare is Dead. AQUATINT IN coLors. Lond. McLean, 1820. Framed. *ORIGINAL IMPRESSION AND COLORING. This and the preceding form a pair. FOX HUNTING. GOING INTO COVER. After I. Clark. AQUATINT IN COLORS. Small folio, Lond. T. McLean, 1820. Framed. *ORIGINAL IMPRESSION AND COLORING. As rare and desirable as the preceding sets. FOX HUNTING. [FULL CRY.] After I. Clark. AQUATINT IN COLORS. Companion to the preceding. Lond. 1820. Framed. *ORIGINAL IMPRESSION AND COLORING. SPANIEL. Winner of the Derby Stakes at Epsom, 1831. After Ferneley. AQUATINT IN coLors, by E. Duncan & J. Webb; folio, framed. Lond. Ackermann, 1831. Time-stained, and shows fold. UNSIGNED AQUATINT IN COLORS. Two figures on horseback, apparently a caricature of a Frenchman and an English sailor, followed by an English bull-dog and a French hound. Folio, cut close. *A very well-drawn and interesting print. ROBERT THEW, 1758-1802 “Self-taught, he attained a high degree of excellence.” —Sidney Lee. SHAKESPEARE. “Tempest” with Prospero, Miranda, etc. After Wright. Engraving printed in colors, and touched by hand. Oblong folio, Lond. 1800. CHARLES TURNER, 1773-1857 With S. W. Reynolds and Samuel Cousins, the last great mezzotint engravers in England. [BENJAMIN WEST.] After Lawrence. Nearly full length, seated. Folio, large margins. Framed. *BRILLIANT PROOF BEFORE THE TITLE, and with the names of the artists only. 50 280 MRS.[ROSOMAN] MOUNTAIN. After Masquerier. ew" Half length, low-cut muslin gown; fur-trimmed robe falls from < Se right shoulder. 4to, margins. Framed. > v *Published in London in 1804 by Charles Turner. The subject was the daughter of a circus performer, who became well known as actress and singer under the guid- ance of Tate Wilkinson and Charles Dibdin. 281 MISS MELLON, AS VIOLANTE. After Sir Wm. Beechey. Half length in ““The Honey-Moon.” 4to, margins, framed. *Published in London in 1805. Harriot Mellon acquired notoriety through her connection with Coutts the banker, and afterwards married the Duke of St. Albans. She was a favorite with the public, eclipsed only by Mrs. Jordan. 282 LORD COCHRANE. After G. E. Stroehling. Full length, showing him on deck during battle, in the uniform of a Captain in the Navy. Large folio, lateral and top margins shortened. Lond. C. Turner, Jan. 24, 1809. 283 EDMUND KEAN AS RICHARD III. After J. J. Halls. Full length, in the Fourth Act. Large folio. Lond. 1814. *SUPERB IMPRESSION WITH FULL MARGINS. 284. [CHARLES MATHEWS SR.] MR. MATHEWS. After Jas. Lonsdale. Half length, plain dress. Small folio. Lond. 1825. *A VERY FINE IMPRESSION FROM THE Roya CoLLEcTION, WINDSOR; with stamp. Full untrimmed margins. 285 GEORGE IV. AS PRINCE REGENT. After Lawrence. Half length. Small folio. London 1824. *A VERY FINE PROOF WITH THE ARMS, before the title and with full untrimmed margins. 286 MR. YOUNG [CHARLES MAYNE YOUNG]. After Harlow. Full bust, in character. Folio. Lond. 1809. *First Stare. From THE Royat Cotiection, Winpsor; with stamp. 287 THE RETURN FROM MILKING. After F. Wheatley. Folio, published in London, 1800. Framed. 51 WILLIAM WARD, died in 1826 The most distinguished pupil of J. R. Smith, noted mezzotint engraver. 288 SIR THOMAS BERNARD. After Opie. Frankau 25. Three-quarter length, seated near a window. Folio, framed. *PROOF BEFORE THE LETTERS, with large margins. 289 OUTSIDE OF A COUNTRY ALEHOUSE. After J. Ward. F. 215. Two fox-hunters with dogs form a group with the inn-keeper’s family. Mezzotint, published May 6, 1800. Oblong folio, framed. 290, INSIDE OF A COUNTRY ALEHOUSE. After Geo. Morland. F. 168. Man, dressed for the road, with his dogs, holds up a rabbit to show to the other persons in the room. Oblong folio, margins, slight H i a S repair to lower left side. Framed. ttt Pal *FIRST STATE, IN COLORS. Before the date of publication was changed to 1800. aa VERY RARE. I 291 THE SOLILOQUY. Painted by himself. F. 271. Charming stipple engraving of the full-length figure of a young woman, in a large hat, seated under a tree. 4to, full untrimmed | | margins. Lond., W. Dickinson, 1787. Ree a JAMES WATSON, 1740-1790 P - a. rae “One of the leading mezzotint engravers of his time.” —Goodwin. i , Yt 292 (ELIZABETH, DUCHESS OF MANCHESTER, AND HER SON] | \ re , “Diana and Cupid.” After Reynolds. G. 45. Ss ee YZ Full length, as Diana, in a wooded landscape, bending over her son, © ese x as Cupid. Folio, framed. (1770). > Hi 4“ “PROOF OF THE SECOND STATE (Chaloner Smith’s first state), with the artists’ a names only scratched in the field. A superb impression. Hl 293 FRANCIS, EARL OF WARWICK. After Gainsborough. S. 161. LI Half length, in circle, braided coat and Star. 4to. Hi *PROOF WITH UNCLEANED MARGIN FROM THE RoyaL CoLLEcTION aT WINDSOR. iil With stamp. The Russian Minister to England, 1746-63. Bust in circle, on a tablet. 4to, margins shortened (1769). i *Soft and beautiful proof rrom THE RoyaLCoLLEcTION AT WINDSOR; with stamp. i 294 COUNT PETER CZERNICHEW. After Tocque. S. 44. 52 10° THOMAS WATSON, 1743-1781 > a English mezzotint engraver, whose prints rank among the best productions of the art. 295 THE IRISH GRACES (Daughters of Sir Wm. eee , After Reynolds. Goodwin 26. S 9 fos — 3 Mrs. Beresford, Mrs. Gardiner and Lady Tormishends as fie Graces, offering garlands to Hymen. Oblong folio. Framed. Slight damage repaired in lower foreground. *PROOF OF THE FIRST STATE. The inscription engraved on the field, ‘ Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by Tho: Watson. Published Jan’ y vst 1776 for W. Shropshire No. 158 T. Watson No. 142 New Bond Street.” Tur onLY Two COPIES OF THIS STATE KNOWN TO GOODWIN WERE IN THE British MusEUM AND IN THE BuccLeuGH COLLECTION. MRS. HARDINGE. After Reynolds. G. 39. Sometimes known as “Miranda.” Nearly full length, hair dressed high with pearls, right hand resting on a dog’s shoulder and holding its paw in her left; standing in a landscape. Folio, framed. *SECOND STATE WITH PUBLICATION LINE. UNDESCRIBED BY Goopwin. With the artist’s names in large italics, but also with the inscription “London, Published Feb’y 1o’th 1780” etc., therefore placing it between the second and third states. “Mrs. Hardinge”’ in old writing in the margin. 297 LADY ee BevEEEDE After Reynolds. Good- = -g win 36.5 + ly yo A a“ yo Full length, in a eae aie Were high with head-dress, pearl oo necklace looped at her corsage; left arm rests on a stone wall, against which grow two tall stalks of lilies. Folic; framed, roe: co", » 1779: Lower corner skilfully repaired. j 4 ' CHRISTOPHER WEIGEL, 1654-1725 : : Mezzotint engraver of Augsbourg. # *SECOND STATE: PROOF BEFORE THE TITLE of one of the most pan prints of ‘ the artist. : "yee DOW ° te a, ss 298 JOHN, DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH, from life. Nearly half length in armor. Oval, resting on Insignia of War. Small folio. *Brilliant impression of this fine portrait of the “Great Duke,” victor at the Battle of Blenheim, etc. An interesting specimen of an early engraving in mezzotint. JOHN YOUNG, 1755-1825 Mezzotint engraver, pupil of J. R. Smith at his best period, who produced many fine prints. 299 MR. BRANSBY, MR. PARSONS, MR. WATKINS. After Zoffany. Full lengths, in a Scene. Oblong folio. (1788). 53 i| | li i t i l THIRD SESSION Wednesday Afternoon, January 13, 1915, at 2:30 o'clock Library of Rare Books and Fine Bindings 300 ADDISON (JOSEPH). The works of the Late Right Honorable Joseph Addison. With a portrait after Kneller, and plates by Grignion. 4 vols. 4to, old tree-calf (joints cracked). Birmingham, 1761 *The handsome Baskerville Edition. Scarce. 301 AIKIN (LUCY). Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols., 1819; Memoirs of the Court of King James the First, 2 vols., 1823; Memoirs of the Court of King Charles the First, 2 vols., 1833. Portraits. Together 6 vols. 8vo, old half morocco (one damaged). Lond. 1819-33 *ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about 250 portraits and views. 302 ALDIN ILLUSTRATIONS. Emanuel (Walter). A Dog Day, or The Angel in the House. Tinted plates by Cecil Aldin. 4to, boards. N. Y. 1902 303 ALDINE—Institutiones Greece Grammatices, Auctore Urbano Bolzanio. Small 4to, old russia, gilt edges. Venetiis in Aedibus Aldi. Manutii Romani Mense Januario, 1497. *First Eprition of the First Greek Grammar written in the Latin Language, which even in 1499 had become so rare that Erasmus in one of his letters complained of not being able to procure a copy. With the exception of having the two-line title inlaid in old paper, a very fine, large and clean copy from the library of the Earl of Aylesford, with its beautiful architectural book-plate, etched by Piranesi. Very rare. 304 AMERICAN ARMORIAL. Matthews (John). American Armoury and Blue Book. With the coat of arms of each family. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Lond. n. d. 305 ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). The Bradford Map. The City of New York at the time of the granting of the Montgomerie Charter. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1893 *One of 142 copies on plate paper. 54 306 ANGLO-SAXON REVIEW (THE). A Quarterly Miscellany. Edited by Lady Randolph Spencer Churchill. Numerous plates. 10 vols. royal 8vo, various colored leather in imitation of famous bindings, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1899-1901 307 ARABIAN NIGHTS. Burton (Richard F.). The Book of a Thousand Nights and a Night. 10 vols. With the Supplemental Nights. 7 vols. Illustrations on Japan paper. Together 17 vols. Royal 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops, uncut. N.p.; Printed for Private Subscribers, n. d. *The Limited Bagdad Edition. 308 ARMSTRONG (WALTER). Gainsborough and his Place in English Art. 62 photogravures and ro lithographic facsimiles in color. Thick royal 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1898 309 ARMSTRONG (WALTER). Sir Joshua Reynolds, First Presi- dent of the Royal Academy. 78 photogravures and 6 lithographic fac- similes in color. Thick royal 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1900 310 ARMSTRONG (WALTER). Sir Henry Raeburn. Introduc- tion by R. A. M. Stevenson and Biographical and Descriptive catalogue by J. L. Caw. 61 photogravure reproductions of his paintings, with a du- plicate set of the plates onIndia paper. 2vols. royal 4to, blue levant morocco, gilt, backs and sides, gilt tops, uncut, by Morrell. Lond. 1901 *One of 80 copies containing the duplicate set of plates on India paper. 311 ARTS AND CRAFTS—Menschelyke Beezighreeden. 4 series of 100 quaint copperplate engravings depicting all manner of Workmen, Mechanics, Peasants, Scientists, Doctors, Musicians, Lawyers, Soldiers, Printers, Bakers, Gold and Silversmiths, engaged at their professions and Trades. All skillfully engraved by the famous Dutch Artist Lwyken, each plate accompanied by a four-line verse in Dutch. Small 4to, old brown calf. {Amsterdam, about 1680.] *A rare and complete set of these fine old engravings, formerly in the White Knights and Heber Collections. 312 BANKS OF NEW YORK (Gibbons), N. Y. 1858; The American Coast Pilot (Blunt), N. Y. 1822; Francis’s New Guide to New York and Brooklyn. N. Y. 1856. Together 3 vols. 8vo and 12mo, calf and cloth. 55 313 BARBIZON DAYS (Smith), N. Y. 1902; My Friends the French (Sherard), Lond. n. d.; Thais (France), Lond. 1909. Together 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 314 BARRAS. Memoirs of Barras, Member of the Directorate. Edited with a General Introduction, Prefaces and Appendices, by George Duruy. Portraits, plans and facsimiles. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1895 315 BEAUMONT (FRANCIS) and FLETCHER (JOHN). The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. With notes and a biographical memoir by Alexander Dyce. Portraits. 11 vols, 8vo, red straight-grain morocco, gilt, in the Roger Payne style, gilt tops, by Zaehnsdorf (some vols. rubbed). *Fine set of the best edition. Lond. Moxon, 1843-46 316 BINDING. MartTIALIs. Epigrammata. First ALDINE Epirion. 8vo, contemporary Venetian binding in brown morocco, gilt- tooled borders and centrepieces of arabesques on the covers, newly gilt gauffred edges (slightly rubbed). From the Hamilton Palace Library. Venetiis: in zedibus Aldi, 1501 317. BINDING. XeEnopHon. Opera. Latine. Folio, brown calf, tooled and gilt in compartments with arabesque ornaments; the title of the work in the centre of the front cover and GROLIER’s name in the lower part (“10. GROLERII ET AMICORVM7”’) and his motto “PORTIO MEA DOMINE SIT IN TERRA VIVENTIVM” in the centre of the back cover, gilt edges (back very skilfully restored). Basileae: apud Andreani Cratandrum, 1534 *A very good specimen of book binding from the library of the celebrated biblio- phile. (Le Roux de Lincy, No. 349.) The earliest record of this copy is in the late 18th century in the McCarthy library, and since the dispersal of that library it has passed through the hands of Therold (Syston Park), Morgand of Paris and Rosen- thal of Munich. (See Illustration.) 318 BINDING. Maartiatis. M. Val. Martialis ex Museo Petri Scriverii. Engraved title. 24mo, old French red morocco, gilt, panelled sides, with pointillé centre ornaments in the manner of Le Gascon, gilt edges (joints very slightly cracked). Amstelredami, 1621 56 § LIBRARY , BIR FROM GROLI BINDING No. 317. 319 BINDING. Crumps of Comfort and Godly Prayers, with thankful remembrances of God’s Wonderful Deliverances of this Land. Woodcut title and 3 folding woodcut plates. Lond., for Michael Sparke, n. d.—Bayty (L.). The Practice of Pietie, directing a Christian how to Walke that he may please God. Engraved frontispiece. Delf, A. Jacobs, n. d.—Steps of ascension unto God, byE. G. D. D. Frontispiece engraved by W. Marshall. Lond., for R. Meighen, 1636.—Du Moutin (P.). The Right Way to Heaven. Engraved title. Lond., for G. Edwardes, 1637.— Foode from Heaven, or nourishment for the Soule, by I. P.D. D. Frontis- piece engraved by W. Marshall. Lond., for R. Harper, 1639.—Private Devotion digested into Six Letanies. Fine frontispiece engraved by T. Cecill. Lond., for J. Marriot, 1640. Together 6 vols. 24mo, contem- porary uniform English bindings in morocco, the sides inlaid in diamond- shaped compartments in blue, yellow and red, and richly tooled and gilt with acorns, tulips, and other floral and scroll ornaments, gauffred gilt edges, painted with flowering tulips, carnations, butterflies, etc.; enclosed in a contemporary 4to morocco case, similarly inlaid and tooled. Lond. 1636-40 *Very fine specimens of English bindings of the period of Charles I, and in re- markable preservation, excepting the corner of one volume, which is slightly damaged. This is one of the so-called “ Devotional Travelling Libraries,” of which at present only a few examples are known to exist. From the Fontaine and the Corfield ibraries. 320 BINDING. Government (The) of the Tongue, by the author of the Whole Duty of Man. Engraved frontispiece. 8vo, contemporary English binding in red morocco, with an inlaid strip of black morocco in the cottage pattern, the remaining space richly tooled and gilt, gilt back and edges, by SamMuEL MEARNE. Oxford, 1667 *A very fine and characteristic specimen of Samuel Mearne’s binding, and in the finest condition. (See Illustration.) 321 BINDING. Biste (The Holy) containing the Old Testament and the New. Engraved titled. 8vo, contemporary English binding in dark blue morocco, central panels beautifully inlaid with centrepieces of delicately tooled light brown morocco, and cornerpieces of red morocco also finely tooled, the spaces between the central panel and the outside line with flowers inlaid in red, brown, and green morocco, outlined in gold, gilt back and edges, with flowers painted on the fore ones, by SAMUEL MEARNE. Lond. 1671 *A fine specimen of English inlaid binding, and in fine condition. 58 ORME NO NONE NONE No. 320. GOVERNMENT OF THE TONGUE Bound by Samuel Mearne PR Pt AAS IR PR PRE ares 322 BINDING. Sanpys (Georce). Paraphrase upon the Psalms of David. Set to new tunes by Henry Lawes. 8vo, contemporary English binding in black morocco, the sides in compartments tooled and gilt to rich floral and leafy ornaments, some of the flowers painted in silver, gilt and silvered back, gilt edges, by CHARLES MEARNE(?). (Covers slightly cracked.) Lond. 1676 323 BINDING. Le Boursier pu Coupray (Mmg.). Abrégé de art des accouchements. 8vo, contemporary calf, with the arms of King Louis XVI in the centre of both covers (worn). Paris, 1677 324 BINDING. Arr (The) of Contentment; by the author of the Whole Duty of Man. Engraved frontispiece and vignette on title. 8vo, contemporary English binding in red morocco, the sides tooled and gilt in compartments formed by three centrepieces of conventional ornaments painted gray and black, the intervening spaces filled with flowers, scroll works and other ornaments also painted gray and black, gilt and painted back, gilt edges, by SamuEL MEaARNE. Oxford, 1677 *A very beautiful specimen of English binding, in the finest condition. 325 BINDING. Saccuetti (Carp. URBANO). Constitutiones edite in diocesana synodo celebrata in Ecclesia Cathedrali Viterbiensi. En- graved frontispiece. Contemporary Italian binding in red morocco, gilt tooled ornaments in the corners, with the arms of Pope INNocENT XII (Antonio Pignatelli), gilt back and edges. Rome, 1694 326 BINDING. MeEttor est misericordia tua super vitas. Psalm 62. French manuscript Sermon finely written in elegant Italic character about the middle of the 18th century. 092 pp. 4to, contemporary French binding in red morocco, with the arms of MADAME DE PoMPaDourR stamped in gold in the centre of both covers; doublures of same colored morocco with gilt panelled sides and fleurons in the corners, gilt edges (covers slightly scratched). Saec. XVIII. 327. BINDING. [Ganper (JosEepu)]. The Glory of Her Sacred Majesty Queen Anne, in the Royal Navy, and her absolute Sovereignty as Empress of the Sea asserted and vindicated. 4to, contemporary Eng- lish binding in black morocco, the sides richly tooled and gilt in compart- 60 PRAYER-BOOK, WITH FORE-EDGE PAINTING By Edwards of Halifax ments of a geometrical design, with vases and flowers in the corners, out- side borders with floral tooling at head and base, gilt back, gauffred gilt edges, by Cuartes Mearne. For the libraries of the Duke of Sussex and W. H. Corfield. Lond. 1703 *A beautiful specimen of English bookbinding of the beginning of the 18th cen- tury, and in the finest condition. 328 BINDING. Macxgueen (Joun). British Valour triumphing over French Courage, under the conduct of the Duke of Marlborough. I2mo, contemporary English binding in red morocco, gilt panelled sides with floral decoration in the corners and sides of the outer border, gilt edges by CuuRCHILL AND CasTLE (?). Joints slightly cracked. Lond. 1715 329 BINDING. Cuaserrt (J. B.). Voyage fait par ordre du Roi en 1750 et 1751 dans l’Amérique Septentrionale. 6 maps, 1 plate and a folding table. 4to, red levant morocco, gilt tooled broad dentelle borders on the sides, gilt back and edges, by Papgtoup (slightly rubbed). Paris, 1753 330 BINDING. Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments. 12mo contemporary English binding in translucent vellum, with the figure of Religion painted upon the under surface of the front cover and the ruins of an old abbey on that of the back cover; gilt and painted borders, gilt back and edges, with a LANDSCAPE PAINTED ON THE FORE EDGES; by Epwarps oF HatiFax (in a morocco case). Oxford, 1783 *One of the best specimens of Edwards of Halifax’s bindings in translucent vel- lum, and in the finest condition. The painting shows his own house, and probably this book belonged to his wife, as it has her initials embroidered on the doublure. (See Illustration.) 331 BINDING. Specimens of the early English Poets. 12mo, contemporary English binding in brown calf, mosaic hexagonal ornaments of black levant outlined in gold, with small gilt circles in the centre sur- rounded by dots, divided by small roses in the manner of the mosaic bind- ings by Padeloup; back in the same style; gilt edges, WITH A VERY FINE LANDSCAPE PAINTING ON THE FORE EDGES. Lond. 1790 *First Epition of Ellis’s English Poets. A fine and unusual specimen of Eng- lish mosaic binding of the end of the 18th century. The fore edge painting is by Edwards of Halifax. 62 332 BINDING. Catenprier de la Cour pour l’anné 1790. 24mo; contemporary binding in ivory morocco; the sides divided in compart- ments, formed by inlaid strips of red morocco, gilt, with sunken centre and corner pieces covered with tinsel, the centre ones having miniature alle- gorical representations of Love with inscriptions, and the corner ones ornaments in gilt or silver paper; silk linings, gilt edges; by DuButsson. Paris, 1790 333 BINDING. Cownstirution FrancalsE, présentée au Roi le 3 Septembre 1791, et acceptée par Sa Majesté le 14 du méme mois. First Epition. With a fine colored medallion portrait of Louis XVI wearing the cap of liberty. 16mo, contemporary red morocco, gilt, with inscription in the centre of the covers, “La loi et le roi’; gilt inside borders, silk linings, gilt edges; by DEROME LE JEUNE. Paris, 1791 334 BINDING. Aéscnytus. Tragoedie septem, grece. Folio, blue straight-grain morocco, gilt panelled sides, with floral ornaments in the corners; gilt floral back and inside borders, morocco joints and silk head-bands, gilt edges; by RoGER PAYNE (a few small scratches). Glascuz: A. Foulis, 1795 *One of only 12 copies printed on Large Paper; the entire edition was limited to 64. A handsome publication printed from the text of Stanley, corrected by Professor Porson. The Dent copy, mentioned by Lowndes. 335 BINDING. Jardinier (Le). Fleuriste dédié aux Dames. Vig- nette on title and 12 plates of flowers finely colored. 16mo, calf, gilt, with the arms of the DucHEssE DE Berry in the centre of both covers and her book- plate on the inside cover. Paris [1819] 336 BINDING. An 18th century French case (5 x 3 inches) in the shape of book, covered in red morocco, gilt, lined with silk; probably by Derome. 337. BINDING. An 18th century French case (10144 x 8 inches) in the shape of a book, covered in green morocco, gilt, and lettered on the back, “‘Essai de tactique navale”; probably by Derome. 338 BINDING. A quarto portfolio; the front part formed by an 18th century French binding in red morocco, with gilt dentelle borders and the arms of Paris in the centre, by Padeloup, and the back part covered with modern brown levant morocco. 63 339 BINDING. ROUSSEAU (Jean Baptiste). Oeuvres. Nouvelle édition: avec un commentaire historique et littéraire, précédé d’un nouvel essai sur la Vie et les écrits de l’auteur, par M. Amar-Durivier. Portrait, proof before letters on India paper. 5 vols. royal 8vo, olive straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by THOUVENIN. Paris, 1820 *The best Edition of these famous Works. The Rare “Epigrammes Liber” are here given in full in Volume II, pages 376-423. A magnificent Large Vellum Paper copy in a beautiful signed Thouvenin binding. 340 BINDING. Morton (Countess or), The Countess of Mor- ton’s Daily Exercise, or a Book of Prayers and Rules how to spend the time in the service and pleasure of Almighty God. Engraved frontispiece representing the Countess of Morton in prayer. 12mo, contemporary Eng- lish binding in blue silk, the sides and back embroidered to a floral design of colored silk, and gold and silver thread; silver clasps, gilt edges. Lond. 1866 *A pretty specimen of embroidered binding from the Corfield library. 341 BINDING. Maindron (Ernest). Les Affiches. Orné de 20 chromolithographies, par Jules Cheret, et reproductions en noir et en coleur d’apres les documents originaux. 4to, brown levant morocco, onlaid with various colored leathers in an intertwining floral design in which is seated a comic figure and about which are various colored birds; silk doublures and endpapers; gilt edges; by Ch. Meunier. [Paris], 1886 *One of 25 copies on imperial Japan paper. Two of the onlaid leaves are slightly damaged. 342 BINDING. Musa Proterva: Love-Poems of the Restoration. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 8vo, crimson levant morocco, gilt back and sides, with inlays of green and blind-tooled border; doublures of white levant, the front cover having a miniature portrait on ivory of a lady of the period, painted by hand in the Cosway manner, surrounded with an elaborate design of wreaths, ribbons and fruit in a basket; inlaid in various colors; gilt edges. [Lond.] Privately printed, 1902 *Limited to 400 copies. 343 BLADES (WILLIAM). The Pentateuch of Printing with a Chapter on Judges. With a Memoir of the Author, and a List of his Works by Talbot B. Reed. Portraits and facsimiles. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1891 *Large Paper copy. 64 344 BOCCACCIO (GIOVANNI). The Decameron; now first com- pletely done into English Prose and Verse by John Payne. Numerous proof plates on India paper. 3 vols. 8vo, black levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, leather wrappers. Lond. 1886 *One of the limited Japan paper edition, printed for private circulation. BAe BRONTE (CHARLOTTE). Life and Works of Charlotte Bronté and her Sisters. Illustrated. 7 vols. 12mo., red polished calf, gilt tops; uncut; by Tout. Lond. Smith, Elder & Co. 1884-7 346 BUFFON (G. L. LECLERC DE). Morceaux choisis de Buffon. With 8 plates of animals and birds finely colored. 16mo. calf gilt (somewhat rubbed). Paris, 1824 347. BURNABY (FRED.). On Horseback Through Asia Minor. Portrait and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, old half calf, gilt tops. Lond. 1877 348 [BURNET (THOMAS).] A Second Tale of a Tub, or the His- tory of Robert Powel the Puppet-Show-Man. First Epirion. Engraved frontispiece. 8vo, calf, gilt edges. Lond. for J. Roberts, 1715 349 BURNEY (Frances, Madame D’Arblay). Evelina, frontis- pieces, 3 vols; Camilla, 5 vols; Cecilia, 5 vols; The Wanderer, 5 vols. Together 18 vols. 12mo, new panelled calf, gilt backs and sides, gilt edges; by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. 1779-1814 *Early editions of these charming books, in a very handsome modern binding. 350 BURNEY (FANNY). The Diary and Letters of Madame D’Arblay. Edited by Charlotte Barrett. Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops (rubbed). Lond. n. d. 351 BURTON (ROBERT). The Anatomy of Melancholy, by Democritus Junior, with a Satyricall Preface. The Sixth Edition, cor- rected and augmented by the Author. Engraved title, with portrait. Small folio, olive brown morocco, gilt edges, by the CLUB BINDERY. Oxford, 1652 352 BYRON (LORD). The Works. With his Letters and Journals, and his Life by Thomas Moore. Engraved titles and frontispieces by E. Finden. 17 vols. 12mo, half green calf, gilt, gilt tops (title of vol. 1 neatly repaired). Lond. 1832-33 65 353 CALDECOTT ILLUSTRATIONS. R. Caldecott’s Picture Book, containing The Diverting History of John Gilpin, The House that Jack Built, The Babes in the Wood, and An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog. All exhibited in beautiful engravings, many of which are printed in colors. Square 12mo, olive levant, morocco with pictorial inlays of colored leather on front and back covers; gilt edges. Lond. n. d. 354 CAMPS AND CRUISES of an Ornithologist (Chapman), N. Y., 1908; An Eye-Witness in Manchuria (Brooke), Lond. 1905; Bartlett’s Dictionary of Americanisms. Bost. 1877. Together 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 355 CARLYLE (THOMAS). The Works of Carlyle. Portraits. 17 vols. 8vo, half black morocco, gilt tops, uncut (one back slightly damaged). Lond. n. d. and 1888 *The Ashburton Edition. 356 CATALOGUE OF MINIATURES, the Property of J. P. Mor- gan. Lond. 1908; Guide to the Early Christian and Byzantine Antiquities, Lond. 1903; Goodwin’s Greek Grammar, Bost. 1902; and others. Together 6 pieces, 8vo, paper and cloth. 357 CATALOGUES. Auction and other Catalogues of Art and Literature, including the Marquand Collection, N. Y. 1903; Livres Anciens, Paris, 1910; Livres avec Riches Relieures, Paris, 1912; Collection of David H. King, N. Y. 1905, etc. Together about 34 pieces. 358 CAVENDISH (GEORGE). The Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey. Portraits by Holbein. Royal 8vo, half cloth and boards; uncut. *One of 1030 copies. Bost. 1905 359 CERVANTES (MIGUEL DE). El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de La Mancha. Nueva edicion corregida por la REAL Aca- DEMIA EsPaNoLa. 4 frontispieces engraved by Selma and Juan de la Cruz after Carnicero and Arquitecto; portrait of Cervantes after J. del Castillo, and 31 fine copperplates by Ballester, Barcelon, Fabregat, Gil, Moles, Mun- taner, Selma, etc., after Barranco, Brunette, del Castillo, Ferro and Gil. 4 vols. 4to, old red morocco gilt. Madrid, Ibarra, 1780 *Good sound copy of this esteemed edition, now becoming scarce. THE FINEST BOOK BY SPANISH ARTISTS AND ENGRAVERS PRODUCED IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. 66 360 CHESTERFIELD (PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, EARL OF). Letters to His Son, Philip Stanhope. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo, con- temporary calf, rebacked. Lond. 1774 361 CHINESE DRAWING. Chinese free-hand drawing in water- color consisting of a landscape panorama showing a Mandarin’s castle, the summer palace, mountains, streams, lakes and torrents; originally as a “roll,” but divided into 36 sections, inlaid and bound. Unsigned, but nearly three hundred years old, and of the finest workmanship. Bound in one volume, obl. 4to, contemporary French binding in dark green morocco, with the arms of J. B. Machault d’Amnouville, keeper of the seal and general comtroller of finances, stamped in gold, the central escutcheon inlaid in white morocco with the pieces colored, in the centre of both covers; gilt edges; by PapELtoup. Saec. XVIII. 362 COLORED PLATES. A Soldier’s Album. Colored frontis- piece, probably by Isaac or Robert Cruikshank. FIRsT EDITION. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1826 363 CONGREVE (WILLIAM). The Works. Portrait and plates by Grignion. 3 vols. 8vo, old calf, gilt, gilt edges (covers stained). *The Baskerville Edition. Scarce. Birmingham, 1761 364 COOK’S VOYAGES, THE THREE SERIES. (I). An Ac- count of the Voyages undertaken by the Order of his present Majesty for Making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, as successively performed by Commodore Byron, Capt. Wallis, Capt. Carteret and Capt. Cook, by John Hawkesworth. Numerous plates, plans and maps. 3 vols., 1773. (II). A Voyage towards the South Pole and round the World performed in 1772-5, written by James Cook, etc. Plates and maps. 2 vols., 1777. (III). A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean for making Discoveries in the North- ern Hemisphere in the years 1776-80. Plates and maps. 3 vols., 1784. Together 8 vols., 4to; half blue calf, gilt tops (slightly rubbed). Lond. 1773-84 *A VERY CLEAN AND FINE SET OF THIS VALUABLE WORK. 365 COOPER (JAMES FENIMORE). The Novels. Illustrated from drawings by F. 0. C. Darley. 32 vols. 8vo, half maroon morocco, gilt, gilt tops. N. Y. Hurd & Houghton, 1871-72 67 TTS 366 CORNEILLE (PIERRE). Le Theatre de P. Corneille. Reveu & Corrige par l’Autheur. Frontispiece. 4 vols. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Guillaume de Luyne, 1682 *An extremely rare Collected Edition. 367 COSTUMES. Civils Actuels de tous les peuples Connus, dessines d’aprés Nature gravés et coloriés, accompagnés d’une Notice Historique sur les Moeurs, Usages, Coutumes, Religions, Fétes Supplices, Funérailles, Sciences et Arts, Commerce, etc., de chaque peuple. Redigés par Sytvain Marecuat. With 208 full page plates representing the Inhabitants of all Countries of the World in their National Costumes, drawn from life and all very artistically colored. 4 vols. 8vo, crimson levant morocco, gilt tops. Paris, Chez Deterville, 1790. *Handsome set of a very uncommon costume work. The fourth volume is of the greatest American interest, containing illustrations of the savages of Canada, The Florida Indians, the Greenlanders, Quakers, Mexicans, the Californians, the Aca- dians, etc. etc. 368 COURTS AND CAMPS of the Italian Renaissance (Hare), Lond. 1908; The Tragedies of the Medici (Staley), N. Y. n. d.; Roman Society (Dill), Lond. 1905. Together 3 vols. 8vo., cloth. 369 COWLEY (ABRAHAM). Works. The Fourth Edition. Por- trait engraved by W. Faithorne. Small folio, contemporary English bind- ing in blue morocco, gilt borders on the sides, fleurous in corners and central laurel wreaths, gilt edges. Lond., J. M. for Henry Herringman, 1674 *With book-plate printed on the flyleaf: “Mrs. Mary Yate—Her booke—Feb. 14, 1675.” 370 DAUDET (ALPHONSE). Les Rois en Exil. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt, doublures of blue levant with gilt borders, silk linings, original covers bound in, gilt edges, by Lortic. Paris, 1879 *Firsr Epirion. One of a few special copies on Holland paper, in sumptuous binding. The scarcest of Daudet’s First Edition. 371 DAVIS (THORDORE M.). The Tomb of Siphtah; the Monkey Tomb and the Gold Tomb. With essays by Gaston Maspero and Edward Eyerton. 32 maps and plates, several in color by E. Harold Jones. Small folio, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1908 372, DAWSON (NELSON). Goldsmiths’ and Silversmiths’ Work. Numerous plates. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1907 68 373 DE AMICIS (EDMONDO). Studies of Paris; Spain; Holland and its People; Constantinople; Morocco, its People and Places. Trans- lated by W. W. Cady and C. Rollin-Tilton. Together 5 vols. 8vo, half calf (rubbed). N. Y. 1886 374 DEGUILEVILLE (G. DE). Le Pelerinage de Vie Humaine. Edited by J. J. Sturzinger. Illuminated frontispiece, and other repro- ductions in gold and colors. 4to, boards, leather back (a few pencilled marginal notes), gilt top, uncut. Lond.: Printed for the Roxburghe Club, 1893 375 DICKENS (CHARLES). The Posthumous Papers of the Pick- wick Club. Illustrations by Seymour and Phiz. First EDITION. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt top (engraved title repaired). Lond. 1837 376 [DICKENS (CHARLES).] Sketches of Young Gentlemen. Dedicated to the Young Ladies. 6 illustrations by “Phiz.” 16mo, polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. 1838 *First Epirion. 377. DICKENS (CHARLES). Dombey and Son. Tilustrations by H. K. Browne. First EDITION. 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Hampstead Bindery. Lond. 1848 *Extra illustrated by the insertion of several portraits and illustrations. 378 DICKENS (CHARLES). The Works of Charles Dickens, with the Life and Letters. Numerous illustrations on India paper. 40 vols. 8vo, blue levant morocco, each volume with an inlaid figure of one of the characters, in different colored leathers on the front cover, gilt edges, green silk linings by Kelly, London. Lond. 1906-08 *The National Edition, limited to 750 copies, and signed by A. Tennyson Dickens, Henry F. Dickens, and Kate Perugini. Inserted in Volume One are 2 checks filled out in the handwriting of Charles Dickens and made out to Miss Hogarth and Mrs. Alfred Dickens; also autograph letters by Charles Dickens the younger and Mamie Dickens. An exceedingly fine set. 379 DORAT (CLAUDE JOSEPH). Les Baisers, précédés du mois de mai; poeme. Frontispiece, fleuron on title, 1 plate, 22 vignettes and 22 tailpieces, engraved by Aliamet, Baguoy, Binet, Delaunay, De Longueil, Massard, Ne, Ponce, after Eisen and Marillier. 8vo, orange morocco, dentelle a l’oiseau borders, gilt top, uncut, by Davip. A La Haye et se trouve a Paris chez Delalain, 1770. *Choice copy of this very charming book. 69 380 DRYDEN (JOHN). The Poetical Works, collated with the best editions by Thomas Park; Fables from Boccaccio and Chaucer. Frontispieces. 5 vols. 18mo, old mottled calf (somewhat broken). Lond. 1813-12 381 ELIOT (GEORGE). The Works of Eliot, with the Life as re- lated in her Letters and Journals, arranged and edited by her husband, J. W. Cross. Portrait. 24 vols. 12mo, brown levant morocco, gilt edges. *The Cabinet Edition. Edin. n. d. 382 ENGLEHEART (GEORGE). George Engleheart, 1750-1829, Miniature Painter to George III. By George C. Williamson and Henry L. D. Engleheart. Many reproductions. Imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. *One of 360 copies. Lond. 1902 383. EPICTETUS. The Works of Epictetus. Consisting of his Discourses, in Four Books, the Enchiridion, and Fragments. Trans- lated from the Greek by Thomas Wentworth Higginson. 2 vols. 8vo, half green calf, gilt tops (rubbed). Bost. 1891 384 [FAIL (NOEL DU).] Les Contes et Discours d’Eutrapel, reveus et augmentés, par le feu Seigneur de la Herissaye. 16mo, old blue straight-grain morocco, gilt and blind-tooled, gilt edges. Anvers: Jean Natoire, 1587 385 FARRAR (F. W.). The Life and Work of St. Paul. Maps. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1902 386 FEDERALIST PARTY. An impartial review of the Rise and Progress of the Controversy between the Parties, known by the Names of the Federalists and Republicans, containing an Investigation of the Radical Cause of Division, and of some of the Subordinate or auxiliary Causes which have been Instrumental in Enlarging the Breach and in- flaming the Minds of the Partizans. In a series of Letters from a Partaker in the American Revolution to a Citizen. 8vo, half crimson calf, gilt top, uncut. Phila. 1800 *Fine copy of the Original Edition, written in support of the Federal party, headed by Hamilton, Schuyler, Jay and Madison. 70 387. FLETCHER (A. E.). Thomas Gainsborough, R. A. Illustrated with 21 plates. 12mo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1904 388 FLETCHER (WILLIAM Y.). English Book Collectors. J/- lustrated. 4to, green levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt top, uncut, by Macdonald. Lond. 1902 *One of 50 copies on Japan paper. 389 FLOUX (JEAN). Les Maitresses. Illustrations par J. Beraud, Benjamin Constant, Max, Faivre, Fleury, at autres (these plates being bound together at the end). 8vo, light blue levant morocco, elaborately gilt-tooled back and sides, gilt inside borders, with doublures and end-papers of blue watered satin, gilt top, uncut, by Stikeman. Paris, 1886 *One of 30 copies on Japan Paper. ‘This copy is beautifully embellished with 40 ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR AND PENCIL DRAWINGS, by Més, being title ornaments, vig- nettes and border decorations. 390 FOLENGO (TEOFILO). Histoire Maccaronique de Merlin Coccaie, prototype de Rabelais: avec l’horrible bataille des mouches et des fourmis. 2 vols. in 4 vols. 12mo, old straight-grain green morocco, gilt borders on the sides, gilt backs, silk linings, gilt edges. [Paris], 1734 *PRINTED ON VELLUM. From the Desq and Bordes libraries. 391 GAY (JOHN). Fables. With a life of the Author. 70 copper engravings by William Blake, Grainger, Skelton, and others. 2vols. Royal 8vo, blue levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond.: Stockdale, 1793 *First Epirion, with very superior impressions of all the beautiful engravings. 392 GELL (SIR WILLIAM) and GANDY (JOHN P.). Pompeiana. The Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii. 77 plates, some colored, and numerous vignettes on India paper. 2 vols. royal 8vo., Lond. 1824. Also, Pompeiana: The Results of Excavations since 1819. By Sir William Gell. 85 plates, some colored, and many vigneties. 2 vols. 4to, Lond. 1832. Together 4 vols., half brown levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1824-32 393 GIBBON (EDWARD). History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Portrait and maps. 8 vols. 8vo, half calf (one water- stained). Lond. 1881 71 394 [GOLDSMITH (OLIVER)]. The Bee. Being Essays on the most Interesting Subjects. Eight numbers, issued from October 6 to November 24, 1759. 12mo, mottled calf, gilt, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. *First Eprrion. With bookplate of Sir W. A. Fraser. Lond. 1759 395 GOWER (JOHN). Jo. Gower de Confessione Amantis. Black letter, Small folio, old panelled calf, with inlaid panels on sides, with corner ornaments. Imprinted at London in Flete Strete by Thomas Bertheletie, 1554. *THE RARE THIRD EDITION. A finetall copy. Bookplate of Geo. Edmund Benbow “Considered in a general view the “Confessio Amantis”’ may be pronounced to be no unpleasing miscellany of those shorter tales which so delighted the readers of the Middle Ages. . . . If Chaucer had not existed, the compositions of Gower would have been sufficient to rescue the reigns of Edward III and Richard II from the imputation of Barbarism.” 396 GOWER (LORD RONALD SUTHERLAND). Sir Thomas Lawrence. With a catalogue of the artist’s exhibited and engraved works, by Algernon Graves. Colored frontispiece, numerous photogravure repro- ductions, vignette portraits, etc. 4to, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. Goupil & Co. 1900 *One of 600 copies. 397 GRAMMONT’S MEMOIRS. By Count Antoine Hamilton. A new translation, with notes and illustrations. 76 fine portraits of the principal characters mentioned in the work engraved by Gardiner, Vauden- burg, Nugent, Birrell, Classens, Bartolozzi and others, after the designs of E. Harding. 4to, old English red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Lond. S. & E. Harding. [1793] *An exceptionally fine copy, specially selected by E. Harding for the superiority of the impressions of the plates and on flyleaf is the following interesting contem- porary note: “ E. Harding was under some obligation to me on his entering into business, and he selected this copy from the first impressions, as the work came out in numbers.” 398 [GRAY (THOMAS).] An Elegy wrote in a Country Church Yard. 4to, polished calf, gilt, by Riviere (title repaired). Lond. 1751 *Second Edition. Scarce. 399 GRAY (THOMAS). Poems and Letters. Portrait and photo- graphs. to, calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere (rubbed). Lond.: Chiswick Press, 1879 72 40oo GREELY (ADOLPHUS W.). Three Years of Arctic Service; an Account of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition of 1881-84 and the Attainment of the Farthest North. Maps, charts, and numerous illus- trations. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. TeNEY. 1886 401 GREEN FAIRY BOOK (Lang). Lond. 1895; The Show Dog (Huntington), Providence, 1901; The Garden of Kama (Hope), Lond. 1902. Together 3 vols. 8vo, cloth and boards. 402 GRISWOLD (RUFUS WILMOT). The Republican Court, or American Society in the Days of Washington. With 21 engraved por- traits of distinguished women. Royal 8vo, brown stamped morocco, gilt, gilt edges. N. Y. 1855 403 GROLIER (JEAN). Recherches sur Jean Groiler, sur sa Vie et sa Bibliotheque. Suivies d’un catalogue des livres qui lui ont appartenu. Par M. Le Roux De Lincy. 8vo, original wrappers (loose, covers torn). Paris, 1866 404 GROLIER CLUB. Researches Concerning Jean Grolier, His Life and Library. With a partial catalogue of his books, by A. J. V. Lee Roux de Lincy. Edited by Baron Roger Portalis. Translated by Carolyn Shipman. Numerous colored reproductions. Imperial 8vo, half blue morocco, uncut. N. Y. 1907 *One of 300 copies on Hand-made paper. 405 GRUEL (LEON). Manuel Historique et Bibliographique de Amateur de Reliures. Numerous colored and tinted reproductions of famous bindings. 4to, half red levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1887 *One of 250 copies on Papier des Vosges. 406 GUIGARD (JOANNIS). Nouvel Armorial du _ Bibliophile. Guide de l’amateur des livres armoriés. Hundreds of illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, original wrappers bound in, uncut. Paris, 1890 407 GULLAND (W. G.). Chinese Porcelain. With Notes by T. J. Larkin. 485 illustrations. 8vo, cloth (loose in covers). Lond. 1899 73 408 HALEVY (LUDOVIC). L’Abbé Constantin. Illustrate par Madame Madeleine Lamaire. Plates printed in three shades, one being on Whatman paper. Folio, half crimson morocco, gilt-tooled, with a broad band of blue satin, a hand-painted vignette portrait and wild-rose floral decoration, gilt top, uncut, by Stikeman. Paris, 1887 _ “Japan paper Edition, limited to 200 copies. This copy has an extra hand-painted title in gold and water-colors; signed, Ulysses Ray. 409 HALL (HUBERT). Society in the Elizabethan Age. 8 colored and other plates. 2 vols. 8vo, blue levant morocco, gilt, doublures of orange levant morocco with purple and green inlays, silk end-papers, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1886 *Extra-illustrated by the insertion of about 200 early portraits, views, plans, etc. 410 HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). Etching & Etchers. Illustrated with numerous etchings (name on half-title). Bost. 1878 411 HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). A Painter’s Camp; The Sylvan Year and The Unknown River, 2 vols. in one; Wenderholme; Chapters on Animals; Round My House; Thoughts about Art; The Intel- lectual Life; and, Modern Frenchmen. Some illustrated. Together 8 vols., 12mo, half calf. Bost. 1876-78 412 HEURES. Le Livre d’Heures de la Reine Anne de Bretagne, traduit du Latin et accompangé de notices inédites par M. L’Abbé Delau- nay, avec Catalogue des 350 Planches représentées dans les Encadrements, par J. Decaisne. 2 vols. 4to, the text in red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Capé, the facsimile in red levant morocco, covered with designs of mosaic bands in darker red, outlined in gold, the arms of Anne de Bretagne on the sides, gilt edges, by Capé. Paris: L. Curmer, 1859-61 *One of 850 copies. Curmer issued the plates in 50 numbers, 1859-61. The facsimile is numbered from pages 1-475, and contains 49 miniatures in gold and colors. 413. HERCULANUM ET POMPEI. Recueil Général des Peintures, Bronzes, Mosaiques, etc. Gravés au trait sur cuivre par H. Roux Ainé. Texte explicatif par M. L. Barré. 8 vols. Royal 8vo, half morocco. *Complete set. Paris, 1770-72 414. HISTORY OF GERMAN LITERATURE (Francke), N. Y. 1911; The House of Hohenzollern (Hodgetts), N. Y. 1911. Together 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 74 415 HISTORY OF SCULPTURE (Marquand and Frothingham), N. Y. 1906; The Story of Art throughout the Ages (Reinach), N. Y. 1905; A Short History of Tapestry (Muntz), Lond. 1885; Tapestry (Champeaux), Lond. n. d. Together 4 vols., 12mo, cloth. 416 HISTORY of the United States (Rhodes), Vols. 1-3, 3 vols. N.Y. 1896; Financial History of the United States (Bolles), 3 vols. N.Y. 1884-86; History of the American Civil War (Draper), 3 vols. N. Y. 1868- 76. Together 9 vols. 8vo, cloth. 417 HOBSON (R. L.). Catalogue of the Collection of English Por- celain, in the Department of British and Medieval Antiquities and Ethnog- raphy, of the British Museum. 39 plates, some colored, and over 100 text illustrations. 4to, cloth. Lond. 1905 418 HORACE. (CEuvres de Horace, Traduction nouvelle par Leconte de Lisle. Engraved frontispiece and 174 etched portraits, illustrations and vignettes, by Chauvet; proofs on India paper. 2 vols. 12mo, red levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by Lortic. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1873 *A charmingly printed and illustrated edition of Leconte de Lisle’s splendid prose translation. At foot of the French text is the Latin version, finely printed in italic type. 419 HORE Beate Marie Virginis ad usum Ecclesiz Parisiensis, cum calendario. MAaNuscRIPT ON VELLUM, written in Gothic character, red and black, and executed in the North East of France about the middle of the 15th century. 148 leaves (5 x 31% inches). EMBELLISHED WITH 5 LARGE MINIATURES representing: I. St. John in Patmos; 2. The Annunciation; 3. King David in prayer; 4. The Crucifixion; and 5. A Burying; sur- rounded by floral borders painted in gold and colors, 10 similar semt-borders, 10 large illuminated ornamental initials, and hundreds of smaller ones. Small 8vo, old French red morocco, gilt edges; by Derome. The minia- tures are a little rubbed, and the binding somewhat worn in the corners. Saec. XV. 75 420 HORE. Hore beate marie virginis secundum vsum Romanum totaliter ad longum sine require. Lettres batardes. Hardouyn’s Device on title, cut of anatomical man, 16 oval woodcuts and several smaller ones, each page surrounded by ornamental and historiated woodcut borders, including the Apocalypse. Illuminated intitials throughout. 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Bauzonnett-Trautz. Nouiter impressis Parisius per Ger- manum Hardouyn [1527]. *PRINTED ON VELLUM. Almanac for 15 years, 1527-1541. Fine copy, with all the woodcuts free from coloring. An extremely rare Hardouyn Book of Hours. 421 HOWARD (MONTAGUE). Old London Silver. Its History, its Makers and its Marks. With 200 illustrations, some in colors, and over 4,000 facsimiles of maker's marks and hall-marks. to, green leather, gilt top. N. Y. 1903 422, HUMPHREYS’ CLASSICS. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, 1896; Epictetus, 2 vols. 1897; Thomas A’Kempis, 1897; The Essays of Bacon, 1900; The Republic of Plato, 2 vols. 1898; The Essays of Emerson, 2 vols. 1899; Macaulay’s Life of Chatham, 1901. Together ro vols. 4to, niger morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond. Humphreys, 1896-1901 *A very limited edition of each of these works was published. 423 ILLUMINATIONS. Les Evangiles des Dimanches et Fétes de Année, suivis de Prieres & la Sainte Vierges et aux Saints. Text printed within about 400 exquisitely colored Borders, heightened with gold, copied from Illuminated Manuscripts of the Middle Ages, and magnificently decorated with Illuminated Miniatures from the same sources. Each page different. With the rare Supplementary Volume, containing the Description of the Ornamentation, Notices of the Miniaturists, [lumina- tors and Scribes. Together 3 vols. 4to, brown levant morocco, blind-tooled with a Fine Gothic design, gilt edges. Paris, L. Curmer, 1864. *Choice set of this magnificently illuminated work. 424 ILLUMINATED PRAYERS. Uitmuntende Verzameling van het Gebede des Heeren in meer dan Hondert Taalen. Nevens de Bery- mingen en Uitbreidingen van het zelve, door de meeste Nederlandsche Dichters en Dichteressen. Alles door den tyd en met veel moeite by een verzaamelt, door Joan Couck. Folio, old morocco, gilt, green silk linings. Amsterdam: By Joannes Dalemans, 1744. 76 *A magnificent work, in which the original colored drawings by Fokke and Elver- velt have been bound up in place of the Engravings made from their designs, to illustrate the Book. The very beautiful large allegorical title page, representing Father Time drawing aside a purple curtain, revealing the figures of Faith, Love and Charity, also contains four allegorical figures of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. At foot of the drawing is Fokke’s autograph and date of 1743. Other very fine colored plates are the 4 Quarters of the Globe; that of America, North and South; the former only containing the Countries of Canada, Virginia, Florida, Mexico and California; this in the shape of a very large Island. In the margins are hieroglyphics of the Zundicilanguage. At head of map is a large and beautifully executed water-color drawing of an Axtec chief, riding on an armadillo. Other illustrations are a portrait of Come to whom this volume no doubt belonged, by Houbraken, and a large number of colored Vignettes heightened with gold, a sepia drawing of the Tower of Babel, many pages of prayers in manuscript, with colored Miniatures by Gerard De Broen, Fokke and others; signed by many of the eminent Dutch artists of the period. 425 IRVING (WASHINGTON). Astoria, or, Anecdotes beyond the Rocky Mountains. Illustrated with photogravures. 2 vols. large 8vo, decorated cloth, with extra cloth wrappers, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1897 426 JACKSON (MRS. F. NEVILL). A History of Hand-Made Lace. 19 plates and 200 cuts. 4to, cloth. Lond. 1900 427 JAMESON (MRS.). Memoirs of the Beauties of the Court of Charles the Second. With their portraits, after Sir Peter Lely, etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges; by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. 1838 428 JAPANISCHE VOGELSTUDIO. 12 colored plates of birds. Mounted. Folio, loose in board covers. Wien, 1895 429 JESSE (JOHN HENEAGE). The Collected Works, including: The Reign of the Stuarts, including the Protectorate, 4 vols.; George Selwyn and his Contemporaries, 4 vols.; Memoirs of the Court of England, 3 vols.; The Pretenders and their Adherents, 2 vols.; Historical Memorials of London, 2 vols.; London and its Celebrities, 2 vols.; Memoirs of Richard III; The Reign of George III, 3 vols.; Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians, 2 vols.; Portraits and illustrations. Together 23 vols. 8vo, polished calf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut; by Tout (very slightly rubbed). Lond. 1840-75 *A fine collected set of the best Library editions, most of them being First Editions. This is a difficult collection to make, as the Richard III and some of the others are very scarce. 77 430 [JOHNSON (DR. SAMUEL)]. The Prince of Abissinia. A Tale. [Rasselas] 2 vols. 12mo, contemporary calf. Lond. 1759 *First Epition. Scarce. 431 JUNGMAN (NICO AND BEATRIX). Holland. 75 colored plates by Nico Jungman. Square 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1904 432 KEATS (JOHN). Ode toa Nightingale. 64mo, niger morocco, back and sides tooled in gilt, gilt edges. In an embroidered silk bag. *MAaNuscRIPT written on vellum, with the initials illuminated in gold and colors. 433 KEATS (JOHN). The Poetical Works of Keats. Edited by H. Buxton Forman. Portraits and ro other illustrations. 8vo, brown calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1898 434 KOCK (CHARLES PAUL DE). The works of De Kock. With a General Introduction by Jules Claretie. Translated into English by Mary H. Ford, Edith M. Norris, and others. Portrait, illustrations and colored initials and head and tail pieces. 42 vols. 8vo, crimson levant morocco, backs and sides inlaid elaborately with flowers of various sorts in many colors, inside gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut, by The Harcourt Bindery. Bost. [1902-09] *The St. Martin Edition, limited to 100 numbered and registered sets. ‘The set is announced to be in 50 volumes, but only 42 have been published. 435 LACE. Dentelles Guipures. Broderies Ajourees. 36 plates. Folio, loose in portfolio. Paris [1904] 436 LAMB (CHARLES). The Life and Works of Lamb, including the Letters. With Introduction and Notes by Alfred Ainger. Portrait. 12 vols. 8vo, crimson levant morocco, elaborately gilt tooled in a Grolier design, doublures of green morocco, with a handsome conventional design of leaves and berries in gold, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. Lond. 1899-1900 *Edition de Luxe, limited to 675 copies. Now out of print and scarce. 437 LAMB (CHARLES). Essays of Elia. Square 16mo, red niger morocco, gilt and blind-tooled, gilt top, uncut. Lond. t911 78 438 LANSDALE (MARIA HORNER). Vienna and the Viennese. Numerous illustrations. 12mo, brown levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Phila. 1902 439 LAST DAYS of Knickerbocker Life in New York (Dayton), N. Y. 1897; Reminiscences of an Octogenarian of the City of New York (Haswell), N. Y. 1897. Together 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. *A,L. S. of the author of the last named laid in. 440 LE GRAND’S ILLUSTRATIONS. Le Livre d’Heures de Louis Le Grand. With 10 very striking full-page plates and grotesque illustrations on every page. 8vo, dark brown levant morocco, inlaid and chiselled with a head of Christ as fore cover and a death’s head on back cover; doublures of levant painted with Orchids, silk fly-leaves, gilt top, uncut, by Kauf- mann. Paris: Gustave Pellet, 1898 *A remarkable book in a remarkable binding. 441 LEIGHTON (FREDERIC). The Life, Letters and Work of Frederic Leighton. By Mrs. Russell Barrington. Over 150 reproductions, some in colors, all mounted. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Lend. 1906 442 LIPPMANN (FR.). Engraving and Etching. A Handbook. Translated by Martin Hardie. 132 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1906 443 LOCKWOOD (LUKE VINCENT). A collection of English Furniture of the XVII and XVIII Centuries. With 423 photographic reproductions. 4to, half cloth. N. Y.: Tiffany Studios, 1907 444 LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). The Song of Hiawatha. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1855 *Inserted is a fine 4-page letter in the handwriting of Longfellow (signed with initials) to Mr. Freiligrath, in which he mentions his translation of Hiawatha into German, and comments on certain passages. In another part he gives the names of his children with their ages. The book has an inscription on the fly-leaf: “F. Freiligrath, Esq. From the Author.” 79 445 LOUIS XIV’S MANUSCRIPT PSALMS. David Moderne, Le. Ou la Traduction en Vers des Sept Pseaumes de Dom Antoine, Roy de Portugal. Dediée ou Roy Louis XIV par M. de Vertron, Historiographe de Sa Majesté. Manuscript written in Italic letters on 41 leaves of fine vellum within fold-line borders, ornamented with a beautiful Arabesque border to title page and 18 graceful Chapter Headings and tail pieces; ex- quisitely printed in colors, heightened with gold. Numerous large Initials and Titles in burnished gold. 4to, contemporary red morocco; Arms of Louis XIV in gold on sides, Fleur-de-Lys in back panels, gilt edges. Paris, 1703. *An unusually fine and interesting French devotional manuscript of the Seven- teenth Century School. At the end is a memoir of the Life of Dom Antoine the First, King of Portugal, the composer of the Psalms, who died in exile at Paris in 1595. 446 LOVER (SAMUEL). Handy Andy, Rory O’More, Legends and Stories of Ireland, 2 series. Further Stories of Ireland. Portrait. 5 vols. small 8vo, half green morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1900 447 LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). The Writings in Prose and Poetry. Consisting of Literary Essays, 4 vols., Political Essays, Literary and Political Addresses, Latest Literary Essays and Addresses, and Poems, 4 vols. Together 11 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. *The Riverside Edition. Bost. 1899 448 LUCAS (E. V.). The Open Road. 2 illustrations. 12mo, red levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut ; by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. [1905] 449 MACAULAY (LORD). The History of England from the Accession of James the Second. Portrait. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1879 4s0 MACER (AEMILIUS). De Herbarum Virtutibus jam primam Emaculatior, tertiorque in lucem editus. Proeterea Strabi Galli, Hortulus vernatissimus. 12mo, full new mottled calf gilt, gilt edges. Baselens2y, *Fine copy of this very curious treatise on the medicinal virtues of herbs and roots. 451 M’KENNEY (THOMAS L.) and HALL (JAMES). History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with Biographical Sketches and Anec- dotes of the Principal Chiefs. 120 highly colored portraits from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War, at Washington (some foxed, a few damaged). 3 vols. folio, half morocco (rubbed, one cover loose, text foxed), gilt edges. Phila. 1838, 1842, 1844 80 452 MAETERLINCK (MAURICE). The Treasure of the Humble, Square 16mo, red niger morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1906 453 MAHAFFY (J. P.). Rambles and Studies in Greece. Profusely illustrated. 12mo, polished calf, gilt, gilt edges. Phila. 1900 454 MALAN (A. H., Editor). Famous Homes of Great Britain and Their Stories; and, More Famous Homes of Great Britain. Profusely Illustrated. Together 2 vols. Royal 8vo, dark red levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut (small crack in one joint). N. Y. 1900 455 MARGUERITE DE VALOIS. L’Haptameron, ou histoires des amans fortunez. 16mo, English straight-grain orange morocco, blind-tooled borders on the sides, gilt edges. RARE. Lyon, Louis Cloquemin, 1578 456 MASKELL (ALFRED). Ivories. Numerous Plates. Royal 8 vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1905 *On ancient and modern carved ivories. 457 MASON (GEORGE C.). The Life and Works of Gilbert Stuart. Proof reproductions on India paper. 4to, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1879 458 MAUPASSANT (GUY DE). Pierre et Jean. Illustre par Ernest Duez et Albert Lynch avec trois suites d’epreuves avant toute lettre et portant une remarque al eau-forte; sur satine creme, Papier Whatman et sur Papier du Japon, et un dessin original peint al aquarelle sur le faux-titre. 4to, blue levant morocco, gilt-tooled back and sides, doublures of wine-colored levant, with floral inlays, silk end-papers, gilt top, uncut; by Zaehnsdorf. *One of 50 copies on Japan paper. From the Borden sale. Paris, 1888 459 MAXWELL (SIR HERBERT). A Century of Empire, 1801- 1900. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1909-1911 460 MENPES (MORTIMER). Whistler as I Knew Him. Repro- ductions of etchings, dry points, pastels and paintings, some colored. Thick 4to, half orange levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. Lond. 1904 81 461 MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Works of George Meredith. Portrait. 32 vols. 8vo, half olive green levant morocco, gilt and inlaid flowers on backs, gilt tops, uncut. Westminster, 1896-98 *The limited Edition de Luxe, published by Constable, now very scarce. Volumes have been issued since Meredith’s death; which are obtainable from the publishers. Unique Copy with fine Original Water-Colors 462 MERIMEE (PROSPER). Carmen. Square 12mo, half crim- son levant morocco, gilt top, original covers bound in. Paris: Calmann Levy, 1884. *Unique Copy, printed specially for the artist Coindre, who has contributed 8 original water-color drawings to the Work. Printed on large paper before the regular Edition was issued. From the library of the well-known New York Bibliophile, Peter Marie, with his autograph on fly-leaf. The very clever water-colors are thoroughly in harmony with the spirit of Merimee’s greatest romance. 463 [MILMAN (H.H.).] The History of the Jews. Maps and illus- trations. 3 vols. 12mo, half green morocco. Lond. 1830 464 MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Ten Books. The Author, John Milton. Small 4to, maroon levant morocco, gilt and blind-tooled, gilt edges; by Riviere. Lond., S. Simmons, 1669 *Firsr Epirion. One of the variations of the Seventh Title-page. 465 MINIATURES. Catalogue of a Collection of Miniatures, by Richard Cosway, and contemporary Miniaturists. Photographs of the originals. Folio, half green morocco, gilt edges (rubbed). For private circulation, 1885 *The Valentine Blacque copy, with his book-plate, and presentation inscription by the editor. 466 MINIATURES. Andrew and Nathaniel Plimer; Miniature Painters. Their Lives and their Works. By George C. Williamson. Profusely illustrated. Large 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1903 *Limited to 365 copies, and not to be reprinted. Scarce. 467 MINIATURES. How to Identify Portrait Miniatures. By George C. Williamson, [/lustrated. Lond. 1904; Heirlooms in Miniatures. By Anne H. Wharton. Colored frontispiece and illustrations. Phila. 1898. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 82 468 MISSEL, ou Priére pour la Messe. Printed in script from litho- graphic plates, each page surrounded by beautiful historiated border in the Egyptian manner, FINELY PAINTED BY HAND IN GOLD, SILVER AND COLORS, after the designs of R. Raparlier. 8vo, brown levant morocco, with sunk panels, the front one inlaid with light brown morocco, chiseled to an Egyp- tian architectural and ornamental design, gilt floral inside borders, brocade linings, gilt edges; by Kauffman; in a case. [Paris, n. d.] *One of a limited number of copies, printed on Japanese paper. 469 MONTAIGNE. The Works of Michel de Montaigne. With an Essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Notes, Life and Letters. Duplicate frontispreces, one colored, and other illustrations. 10 vols. 8vo, half red mo- rocco, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1910 *Emerson Edition, limited. 470 [MORE (HANNAH)]. Thoughts on the Importance of the Manners of the Great to General Society. FIRST EDITION. 16mo, half calf. Lond. 1788 471 MORGAN PORCELAIN COLLECTION. Catalogue of the Morgan Collection of Chinese Porcelains. 77 finely colored plates. 8vo, olive green levant morocco, watered silk doublure, levant end-papers, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1904 *One of 250 copies, privately printed by order of J. Pierpont Morgan. 472, MOTLEY (JOHN LOTHROP). History of the United Nether- lands, 4 vols.; The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 3 vols.; The Life and Death of John of Barneveld, 2 vols.; Correspondence, 2 vols. All illustrated. Together 11 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in half brown morocco, gilt tops. N. Y., n. d.-1889 473 MOTTE (H. DE LA). SAINTFOI, DORAT, &c. Les Graces. Engraved title and 6 plates by Moreau le jeune and Boucher, engraved by Mas- sard, Simonet, and others. 8vo, blue levant morocco, gilt, inside borders, gilt edges; by Chambolle-Duru. Paris, 1769. *LarcE Paper. From the library of Ch. Bouret, with book-plate. 474 MUMFORD (JOHN KIMBERLEY). Oriental Rugs. Nu- merous fine colored reproductions and other plates. Royal 8vo, buckram, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1905 83 475 MURGER (HENRY). Scanes de la Vie de Boheme. Jlustra- tions by Charles Leandre; engraved and printed in color by Eug. Decisy. 4to, brown levant morocco, back and side borders in mosaic of interlacing bands, scrolls, and conventional flowers and foliage, in blue, dark and light green, mauve, brown, crimson, and ivory morocco, blind-tooled, doublures of vellum, borders of fillets and gold ornaments, blue silk guards, gilt over uncut edges; by Gruel. Paris, 1902 *The copy printed especially for M. Romagnol, on papier velin d’Arches, with a set of the vignettes separate from the text, and an original water-color drawing by Léandre. A magnificent copy. 476 MUSIC AND MUSICIANS. A Dictionary of Music and Mu- sicians. By Eminent Writers. English and Foreign. Edited by Sir George Grove. Illustrated. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth (not uniform in color, one vol. loose). Lond. 1890-96 477. NAPOLEON. Life, by William Hazlitt. 6 vols. Memoirs by Louis A. F. de Bourrienne. 4 vols. and Memoirs of Madame Junot. 6 vols. Portraits and titles on Japan Paper. Together 16 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut (backs slightly faded). Paris: The Napoleon Society, 1895 *The Edition Nationale, limited to 500 copies. 478 NAPOLEON. Maximes Napoleon. Text in French and Eng- lish. 16mo, niger morocco, gilt, gilt edges; by Hatchards. Lond. Humphreys, 1906 479 NATIONAL GALLERY (THE). Edited by Sir Edward J. Poynter. Hundreds of illustrations. 3 vols. imperial 8vo, original wrap- pers, uncut. Lond. 1899 480 NEWYORK. Pictures of Early New York, on dark blue Stafford- shire Pottery. Together with pictures of Boston and New England, Philadelphia, the South and West. By R.T.Hartnes Hatsey. Numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, gilt vellum, uncut. New York, 1899. *One of 30 copies on Japan paper, published at $100. Contains over 150 very choice illustrations of rare specimens of old pottery, all produced in the original colors. Includes many remarkable rare old pieces, commemorative of Washington, Lafayette, John Adams, and others, with numerous historical views of great interest. 84 481 NEW YORK CITY. Longworth’s American Almanac, New York Register, and City Directory. 12mo, boards, leather back (slightly broken). N. Y. 1813 482 New Testament. Het Nieuwe Testament. Engraved title. 12- mo, contemporary Dutch binding in fish skin, ornamental metal clasps, gilt edges (one joint cracked). Dordrecht: 1768 (1769-74). 483 NOLHAC (PIERRE DE). Fran¢ois Boucher, Premier Peintre du Roi, 1703-1770. Illustrated with 56 large and beautiful plates printed in brown on China paper on tinted mounts, and 4 plates printed in color fac- simile of the originals. 4to, Royal blue levant morocco, richly tooled on back and sides in the manner of Derome, gilt top, uncut; by Durvand. Paris: Goupil et Cie, 1907 *A magnificent work. Contains a complete catalogue of Boucher’s work in oil and pastel. 484 NOLHAC (PIERRE DE). J. M. Nattier, Peintre de la Cour de Louis XV. With 60 fine reproductions of his work, plates in three states, and the frontispiece and one other in colors. 4to, blue levant morocco, gilt, doublures of brown levant morocco, gilt, back and sides, embroidered silk end-papers, gilt edges; by Chambolle-Duru. Paris: Goupil & Co., 1905 *One of 75 copies on Japan paper, with one set of plates on Whatman paper, another on China paper, and the third on tinted paper. 485 OLDENBERG (HERMANN). Buddha. Translated by W. Hoey. 4to, red niger morocco, gilt and blind-tooled, gilt edges; by Hatchards. Lond. Humphreys, 1904 486 OPPIAN’S HALIEUTICKS. Oppiani de Piscibus Libri V. Ejusdem de Venatione Libri IIII. Oppiani de Piscibus Laurentio Lippio interprete Libri V. Anchor and Dolphin Device on title, printed in beau- tiful Greek types, with the Latin Text at end (Folios 105-166). Small 8vo, old English straight-grain red morocco, gilt edges; possibly by Roger Payne. Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi et Andrez Soceri, 1517. *First Aldine Edition of Oppian’s famous work “Of the Nature of Fishes and Fish- ing of the Ancients.” His “ Poem of Hunting” the “Cynegetics” is here published for the first time. 85 487. PAINTERS AND PAINTING. Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings. Edited by John D. Champlin and Chas. C. Perkins. With over 2,000 illustrations; the full-page plates are proofs on India paper. 4 vols. 4to, half morocco and vellum, gilt tops, uncut. Edition limited to 500 copies. N. Y. 1886-87 488 PALLISER (MRS. BURY). History of Lace. Rewritten and enlarged by M. Jourdain and Alice Dryden. 266 illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. Lond. 1910 489 PARKMAN (FRANCIS). Works. Comprising: Montcalm and Wolfe, 2 vols., 1886; The Conspiracy of Pontiac, 2 vols., 1887; France in the New World, 1887; Frontenac and New France, 1887; The Old Regime in Canada, 1887; and, The Jesuits in North America, 1887. Portraits and maps. Together 8 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt tops, uncut (one back damaged). Bost. 1886-87 490 PAUL 'AVRIL’S ILLUSTRATIONS. Hier. Par Alexandre Piedagnel. With frontispiece and 110 charming vignettes especially designed by Paul Avril. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, original vel- lum wrappers bound in, uncut; by Bradstreet’s. Paris, Motteroz, 1882 *A charmingly illustrated French book. Only a small edition printed. 491 PENNELL (ELIZABETH ROBINS). My Cookery Books. Numerous facsimiles. Royal 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Bost. 1903 *One of 330 copies printed at the Riverside Press. 492 PELLETREAU (WILLIAM S.). Early New York Houses, with Historical and Genealogical Notes. Photographs of old houses and original illustrations, by C.G. Moller, Jr. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1900 493 PERKINS (CLARA C.). French Cathedrals and Chateaux. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt and inlaid backs, gilt tops, uncut; by Macdonald. Bost. 1903 494 PERRAULT (CH.). Le Contes de Ch. Perrault. Précédés d’une Preface par L. P. Jacob. Illustrated with etchings, by LALANUE, on India paper in two states. 2 vols., small 8vo, beautifully bound in crimson levant morocco, gilt borders, gilt edges on the rough; by Rousselle. *A handsome volume. Only 170 copies so issued. Paris, 1876 86 495 PERSONAL MEMOIRS of U. S. Grant. 2 vols. N. Y. 1885; Three Years of Arctic Service (Greely), 2 vols. N. Y. 1886. Together 4 vols. 8vo, cloth and sheep. 496 PLATO. The Apology of Socrates together with The Crito. Being an Account of the Defence of Socrates and of his Imprisonment. Portrait. 12mo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. ING Wo tat, cle 497. PLUTARCH’S LIVES, Translated from the Original Greek; with Notes, Critical and Historical; and a Life of Plutarch. By John Langhorne and William Langhorne. Portrait. 6 vols. 8vo, old calf. Lond. 1823 498 POPE (ALEXANDER). The Works, with Notes and Illustra- tions by himself and others. To which is added a New Life of the Author . . . and occasional remarks by William Roscoe. Portrait. 8 vols. 8vo, old calf, gilt (one back damaged). Lond. 1847 499 PORCELAIN. Catalogue of Antique Chinese Porcelains, owned by George B. Warren of Troy, N. Y. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bost. 1902 500 PORCELAINS. The Morgan Collection of Chinese Porcelains (Bushell and Laffan), N. Y. 1907. 2 copies, one illustrated. Loan Ex- hibition of Rare Chinese Porcelains. N. Y. n.d. 2 copies. Together 4 vols. 8vo, paper. sor PRACTICAL WISDOM; A Manual of Life. 12mo, niger morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond. Humphreys, 1901 502 PREVOST (ABBE). Histoire de Manon Lescaut et du Chevalier des Grieux. Preface de Guy de Maupassant. Illustrations by Maurice Leloir, 225 in the text and 12 plates, each in three states, on Japan paper. Imperial 8vo, loose in board covers, uncut. Paris, 1885 *One of 50 copies on China paper. 503 PRIDEAUX (S. T.). Bookbinders and their Craft. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, boards, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1903 *One of 500 copies. 87 504. PRIDEAUX (S. T.). Bookbinders and their Craft. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut; by Zaehns- dorf. N. Y. 1903 *Limited to 500 copies. 505 PROPERT (J. L.). A History of Miniature Art. With Notes on Collectors and Collections. Numerous plates. 4to, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1887 506 PUTNAM (RUTH). William the Silent, Prince of Orange. The Moderate Man of the Sixteenth Century. Portraits, illustrations, fac- similes, etc. 2vols. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1895 507 RACKHAM ILLUSTRATIONS. Barham (R. H.). The In- goldsby Legends, or Mirth and Marvels. Numerous colored plates and many text rllustrations, by Arthur Rackham. 4to, red levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in; by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. 1907 508 RACINE. (QE&uvres; précédées des Memoires sur sa vie, par Louis Racine. Royal 8vo, blue morocco, back and side covered with scroll and floriated tooling, gilt edges; by Ginain. Paris, 1833 *Unique Copy. ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of two portraits of the Author, engraved by Tavernier and Bonvoison, fourteen plates from the edition of 1816, by Desenne, Deveria, Gerard, Girodet, Chaudet, and others, engraved by Bosq. Villeroy, etc., and a portrait of Louis Racine—proofs before letters on India paper. The binding 1s a superb specimen of the “ Romantic” style of binding prevailing in Parts at the Period. 509 RACINET (M. A.). L’Ornement Polychrome. Recueil His- torique et Pratique, avec des notices explicatives et une introduction générale. Deux cent vingt planches en couleur or et argent contenant environ 4,000 motifs de tous les styles: Art Ancien et Asiatique, Moyen Age, Renais- sance, XVII et XVIII siecles. 2 vols. folio, half red morocco, gilt tops. Paris, 1888 510 RAMSAY(ALLAN). The Gentle Shepherd, attempted in English, by Margaret Turner. 8vo, red straight-grain morocco, gilt panelled sides and floral back, in the manner of Roger Payne; silk linings, gilt edges. Lond. 1790 88 str REYNOLDS (SIR JOSHUA). The Literary Works. To which is Prefixed, A Memoir of the Author; with Remarks on his Professional Character, . . . by Henry William Beechy. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, half red levant morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1846 512 RIVERSIDE PRESS. Georgics of Virgil. Translated into English by J. W. Mackail. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. Bost. 1904 *One of 330 copies. 513 RIVERSIDE PRESS. Montaigne (Michael) Essays of Michael Lord of Montaigne. Written by him in French and done into English by John Florio. Portraits by M. L. Brown, and initials and borders. 3 vols. folio, half buckram, uncut. Bost. 1902 *One of 265 copies. The most elaborate work of the Riverside Press. 514 RIVERSIDE PRESS. Sailors’ Narratives of Voyages along the New England Coast, 1524-1624. Notes by George Parker Winship. Maps. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bost. 1905 *440 copies printed. sts RIVERSIDE PRESS. The History of Oliver and Arthur. Translated into English by William Leighton and Eliza Barrett. Wood- cuts, printed in red and black. Royal 8vo, half cloth and boards, uncut. *One of 330 copies. Bost. 1903 516 ROMA BEATA, Letters from the Eternal City (Howe), Bost. 1905; Isabella D’Este: A Study of the Renaissance (Cartwright), 2 vols. N. Y. 1903. Together 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. s17_ ROSCOE (WILLIAM). The Life of Lorenzo de’Medici, called the Magnificent. Engraved portraits, medallions, etc. 4 vols. 8vo, calf (rubbed). Lond. 1806-22 518 RUGS. The Tiffany Studios Collection of Notable Antique Oriental Rugs. Jilustrations. 8vo, boards, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. [1906] *Limited to 500 copies. s19 RUGS. The Tiffany Studios Collection of Notable Oriental Rugs. Colored frontispiece and numerous plates. 8vo, boards, uncut. One of 500 copies. N. Y. 1907 89 520 SAINT PIERRE (BERNARDIN DE). Paul et Virginie. Proof plates on India paper. 8vo, boards, uncut. Bost. 1906 *One of 280 copies printed at the Riverside Press. 521 SARGENT (JOHN S.). The Work of Sargent. Introductory note by Mrs. Meynell. Over 60 photogravure reproductions of his work. Folio, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1903 522 SCHUYLER (MONTGOMERY). American Architecture. Studies. Numerous Illustrations. 8vo, ooze calf, gilt top, uncut. IN Y= 1892 523 SCOTT (SIR WALTER). The Waverley Novels. Profusely .tlustrated. 12 vols. 8vo, calf (rubbed, some covers and plates loose; not returnable). Edin. 1842-47 *The Abbotsford Edition. 524 SCOTT (SIR WALTER). The Waverley Novels. Frontis- piece portraits. 48 vols. 8vo, blue morocco, blind-tooled and with gilt thistles, gilt tops. Edin. 1901-03 *The beautiful Edinburgh Edition, printed in a limited number by the Constables. 525 SEIDL (ANTON). A Memorial by his Friends. Portraits. Square 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1899 *E dition limited. 526 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Dramatic Works of Shake- speare, revised by George Steevens. 100 fine plates after Westall, Hamilton, Smirke, Stothard, etc. 9 vols. folio, blind and gilt tooled leather, gilt inside borders (some covers loose). Lond. Printed by Bulmer for the Boydells, 1802 *One of the best printed and illustrated editions of Shakespeare ever published. 527 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Works. Edited by Wm. G. Clark and Wm. A. Wright. 171 engravings after the Boydell illustrations, and 64 photogravures. 16 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Phila. Barrie, n. d. *One of 500 copies of the Interlinear Edition, printed on Japan paper. 528 SILVER-WORK. Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of a Collection of Silversmith’s Work of European Origin. 120 plates, containing many figures. Royal 4to, cloth (one cover slightly stained), uncut. Lond. 1901 90 529 SILVER-WORK. Old Silver-Work, Chiefly English, from the XVth to the XVIIIth Centuries. A Catalogue of the unique Loan Col- lection exhibited at St. James Court, London. Edited, with historical and descriptive notes, by J. Starkie Gardner. raz full-page plates. Thick royal 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1903 530 SINGLETON (ESTHER). The Furniture of Our Forefathers. With Critical Descriptions of the Plates by Russell Sturgis. Numerous full-page plates and text illustrations. 2 vols. 4to, boards, vellum backs, uncut. N. Y. 1901 531 SMITH (JOHN CHALONER). British Mezzotinto Portraits; being a Descriptive Catalogue of these Engravings from the Introduction of the Art to the early part of the Present Century. Frontispieces. 4 vols. Royal 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut; by Riviere. Lond. 1883 532 SOCIAL LIFE UNDER THE STUARTS (Godfrey), Lond. 1904; The Life and Letters of Lady Sarah Lennox (Fox), Lond. 1902; Sir Robert Hart (Bredon), N. Y. 1909. Together 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 533 SOUTHEY (ROBERT). Journal of a Tour of the Netherlands, in the Autumn of 1815. First EDITION. 8vo, half cloth and boards, uncut. Bost. 1902 *One of 519 copies printed at the Riverside Press. 534 STERNE (LAURENCE). Works, with a Life of the Author written by himself. 4 vols. 12mo, old half red morocco, uncut. Lond. 1823 535 STEVENS (GEO. ALEX.). A Lecture on Heads, with Additions by Mr. Pilon; as delivered by Mr. Charles Lee Lewes. To which is added an Essay on Satire. 47 heads by Nesbit, from designs by Thurston. 12mo, half mottled calf, gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1802 536 STEVENSON (ROBERT LOUIS). A Child’s Garden of Verse. Portrait. 16mo, niger morocco, gilt, gilt edges; by Katherine Adams. Lond. 1907 91 537 STRANGE (EDWARD F.). Japanese Illustration. A history of the arts of woodcutting and color printing in Japan. Colored and other ilustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Lond. 1904 538 STREET OF PARIS (Balzac). Illustrated in color by F. Courboin. N. Y. 1900; Le Clos de Vougeot et son Chateau (Provins), Paris, 1896; Vielles Chansons (Widor). Colored illustrations by Monvel. (Imperfect). Paris, n.d. Together 3 vols. 8vo, cloth and paper. 539 STRICKLAND (AGNES). Lives of the Queens of England, 12 vols., 1842-48; Lives of the Queens of Scotland, and English Princesses, 8 vols., 1850-59. Portrait frontispieces and title vignettes. Together 20 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt, gilt tops. Lond. and Edin. 1842-59 540 SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS (C.). The Lives of the Twelve Czsars. Translated by Alexander Thomson. Edited by Eugene Reed. Portraits and illustrations. 2vols. Large 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Phila. 1889 541 SWINBURNE (HENRY). The Courts of Europe at the Close of the Last Century. Edited by Charles White. Portrait of the author. 2 vols. 8vo, half red calf, gilt edges (small stamp on title). Lond. 1841 542 TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). The Works. 6 vols. 12mo, half brown levant morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1896 543 THACKERAY (WILLIAM M.). A Collection of Letters of Thackeray, 1847-1855. Portraits and reproductions. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. N. Y. 1887 544 THACKERAY (W. M.). The Works of Thackeray. With ilustrations by the author and others, on Japan paper. 30 vols. 8vo, buck- ram, gilt tops, uncut. Bost. Estes and Lauriat, 1896 & P eae: 9 *Large Paper Edition, limited. 545 THEURIET (ANDRE). Sous Bois. Impressions d’un Forestier. Etched portrait. 12mo, peacock blue levant morocco, gilt-tooled back and sides, gilt top, uncut; by Stikeman. Paris, 1878 *Elaborately embellished with 167 _BEAUTIFUL WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS AND SKETCHES, BY E. Cuagopy, on the margins, half titles, blank pages, etc. 92 546 THEURIET (ANDRE). Reine des Bois. Illustrated in Pho- togravure by H. Laurent-Desrousseaux. 4to, green levant morocco, gilt back and sides, inlaid with a conventional border of brown morocco, gilt top, uncut; by H. Philippe. Paris, 1890 547 TIPPING (H. AVRAY, Editor). English Homes of the early Renaissance. Elizabethan and Jacobean Houses and Gardens. Pro- fusely illustrated. Folio, cloth, gilt edges. Lond. n. d. 548 TISSOT (J. JAMES). The Old Testament; 396 compositions, illustrating the Old Testament. 2 vols. The New Testament; 462 com- positions illustrating the New Testament, 2 vols. Many of the plates in colors. ‘Together 4 vols. large 4to, green levant morocco, gilt inside borders, gilt edges. Paris, n. d. *Autograph Edition, signed by Tissot and limited to 600 copies for America. The full-page plates are in two states, colored and tinted. 549 TORY (GEOFFROY). L’art & science de la vraye proportion des Lettres Attiques, ou Antiques, autrement dictes, Romaines, selon le corps & visaiges humain, avec l’instruction & maniere de faire chiffres & lettres pour bagues d’or pour tapisseries, vitres & painctures. Item de treize divers- es sortes et facons de lettres, d’avantage la maniere d’ordonner la langue Francoise par certaine regle de parler elegamment en bon et plus sain langage Francoise que par cy devant avec figures a ce convenantes, et autre chose dignes de Memoire, comme on pourra voir par la table, le tout invente par MAISTRE GEOFFROY THORY DE BOURGES. Jllustrated with a very large number of Woodcuts, including many Alphabets of various Nations, Ciphers Ornaments, Initial Letters, and other cuts designed and engraved by himself. 8vo, crimson levant morocco, in side borders, gilt edges; by Duru. Paris, Vivant Gaultherot. 1549. *A work of the greatest literary and artistic value. The author was both artist and engraver, the first French Royal printer, and the reformer of spelling, grammar and typography under Francis I. 550 TRAGEDIES of Sophocles; Tragedies of A‘schylos. Trans- lation by E. H. Plumptre. 2 vols. square 12mo, half brown morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1871-73 93 551 UZANNE (OCTAVE). L. Eventail With charming illustrations on every page depicting the History of the Fan in all Ages and Countries; all beautifully printed in blue, carmine, green and sepia tints. luminated wrappers bound in 8vo, citron levant morocco, doublures of the original silk covers, designed by Avril, within elaborate borders of gold Fans, gilt top, uncut; by A. Matthews. Paris: Quantin, 1882 *Magnificent copy of the original edition, with a duplicate set of the Illustrations on Japan paper inserted, and with the autograph of the famous illustrator, Paul Avril, on half title. 552 UZANNE (OCTAVE). L’Ombrelle, Le Gant, Le Manchon. With tinted illustrations by Paul Avril on every page, depicting the history of the Sunshade, Glove and Muff, in all Countries and Ages. 8vo, blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, original illuminated wrappers bound in; by Bradstreet’s. Paris: Quantin, 1883 *Beautiful Copy. Only a small edition of this very witty French book was pub- lished. 553 UZANNE (OCTAVE). La Francaise du Siécle. Modes, Mceurs, Usages. Illustrations a laquarelle de Albert Lynch, gravées a leau-forte en couleurs par Eugene Gaujean. Royal 8vo, blue polished levant morocco, gilt borders, back, and inside borders, gilt edges. Inlaid on the front cover is a miniature portrait of a lady, colored by hand, and in the back cover is an oval vignette, painted on vellum. Bound by Stikeman. Paris, 1886 *One of 100 copies on Japan paper. 554 UZANNE (OCTAVE). La Femme a Paris; nos Contemporaines. Notes successives sur les Parisiennes de ce Temps dans leurs divers Milieux, Etats et Conditions. Full-page colored etchings and numerous text illus- trations, colored and uncolored, by Pierre Vidal. 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, with the original decorated wrappers and embroidered silk cover bound in. Paris, 1894 555 UZANNE (OCTAVE). La Nouvelle Bibliopolis. Voyage d’un novateur au Pays des Néo-Icon-Bibliomanes. Lithographies en coleurs et marges décoratives de H. P. Dillon. 12mo, green levant morocco, gilt- tooled back and sides, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in; by Vauthrin. Paris, 1897 *One of 500 copies of the original edition, printed on papier vélin satiné. 94 556 VIRGINIA—Voyage dans I’Intérieur des Etats-Unis, a Bath, Winchester dans la Vallée de Shenandoah, &c., &c., pendant l’Eté de 1791. Par Ferdinand M. Bayard. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Paris [1798] *The Second Edition, containing Descriptions and Anecdotes on the Military and Political Life of George Washington, and much matter on the Indians. 557. VISION OF PURGATORY AND PARADISE (Dante), [dus- trated by Doré. Lond. n.d. Bookbinding and the Care of Books (Cocke- rell), N. Y. 1903; A Conversation on Music (Rubinstein), N. Y. n. d. Voyage Autour de ma Chambre (Maistre), Paris, 1883. Together 4 vols. Various sizes and bindings. 558 VIVITUR INGENIO: Being a Collection of Elegant, Moral, Satirical, and Comical Thoughts, on Various Subjects: as, Love and Gal- lantry, Poetry and Politicks, Religion and History, etc. By a Wild Man. Small 4to, red levant morocco, gilt edges; by Riviere. Lond. J. Roberts, 1726 559 WALPOLE (HORACE). The Letters of Horace Walpole, edited by Peter Cunningham. Now first chronologically arranged. Frontispieces and plates. g vols. 8vo, brown levant morocco, marbled edges; by Champs. Lond. 1857-1859 *Best Library Edition. 560 WALTERS COLLECTION. Oriental Ceramic Art. Illustrated by Examples from the Collection of W.T. Walters, with 116 plates in colors and over 400 reproductions in black and white. Text and Notes by S. W. Bushell. 10 sections, imperial folio, decorated boards, silk backs, enclosed in 5 padded cloth portfolios, with silk ties, and 8vo, buckram vol. of text. N. Y. 1897-99 *LimITED To 500 copiEs. The beautiful full-page colored plates are all inlaid on Japan paper. Skilled artists were employed for over seven years in making the drawings for these plates, which are exact and handsome pictures of the beautiful specimens in the famous Walters collection. As a gathering of Oriental ceramics, it is classed by many as the choicest private collection in the world, and this work as a representation of that collection is invaluable to all lovers of things Oriental. 561 WALTERS (H. B.). History of Ancient Pottery; Greek, Etrus- can and Roman. Based on the Work of Samuel Birch. 8 colored plates and 300 illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1905 95 562 WALTON (IZAAK). The Compleat Angler, or the Contempla- tive Man’s Recreation. Being a Discourse on Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish and Fishing. To which is added the Laws of Angling; with a new Table of the Particulars in this Book. Engraved title and cuts of Fish. Small 8vo, green levant, gold-tooled back, inside borders, gilt edges; by RIvIERE. (Some margins repaired). Lond. Printed for R. Marriott, 1668 *The Rare Fourth Edition, “much corrected and enlarged” and with the Errata corrected. The Anglers Song with the words and music on pages 214 and 215; the latter printed upside down. The Hollingsworth copy, in rich binding. 563 WALTON (IZAAK) AND COTTEN (CHARLES). The Com- plete Angler, or the Contemplative Man’s Recreation. Being a Discourse of Rivers, Fish Ponds, and Fishing. With original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicols. With 61 Portraits, Views and Vignettes exquisitely engraved by Augustus Fox and others, from the designs of Stothard and Inskipp. 2 vols. Imp. 8vo, contemporary green morocco, richly gilt, gilt edges; by WRIGHT. London, William Pickering, 1836. *The exceedingly beautiful Large Paper Copy, of which only a very few were printed. 564 WALTON AND COTTON. Index to the Original and Inserted Illustrations contained in The Complete Angler, Pickering, Publisher, Five volumes, with 1,026 illustrations. Portraits. 4to, green morocco, gilt, gilt edges. N. Y. 1866 *One of 50 copies for private distribution. 565 WARD (HUMPHREY) AND ROBERTS (W.). Romney. A Biographical and Critical Essay, with a Catalogue Raisonne of his Works. About 70 fine photogravure reproductions of Romney's portraits. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1904 *One of 350 copies, printed throughout on Japan paper. 566 WARD (H.G.). Mexico. With an Account of the Mining Com- panies, and of the Events in that Republic to the Present Day. Folding plates. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops (rubbed). Lond. 1829 *The Second and enlarged edition. 567 WATERS (W.G.). Traveller’s Joy. 16mo, niger morocco, gilt, gilt edges; by Katherine Adams. N. Y. 1906 96 568 WHARTON (GRACE AND PHILIP). The Wits and Beaux of Society. With illustrations from drawings, by H. K. Browne and James Godwin. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf. Lond. n. d. *First Eprrion. Scarce. 569 WHEATLEY (HENRY B.). Remarkable Bindings in the Brit- ish Museum. Selected for their beauty or historic interest. Profusely ulustrated. 4to, limp boards, uncut. Lond. 1889 *One of a very small number with the plates on Japan paper. 570 WHISTLER (JAMES A. McNEILL). The Etched Work of Whistler. Jllustrated by Reproductions in Collotype of the Different States of the Plates. Compiled, arranged and described by Edward G. Kennedy; with an Introduction by Royal Cortissoz. One volume of text, and three portfolios, containing over 1,000 plates. Together 4 vols. 4to, cloth and boards. N. Y.: The Grolier Club, 1910 *One of 402 copies printed on old Stratford paper at the De Vinne Press. The most exhaustive publication that has appeared on the etched work of Whistler. 446 etchings (including 4 in the Appendix) are described chronologically, many with the assistance of Whistler or from memoranda left by him; prints have been meas- ured and the difference in sizes marked. A complete list of the plates known to have been cancelled or destroyed is included, with an additional list of 82 plates, which from their rarity may be assumed to have passed out of existence. Many of the cancelled plates are reproduced also, making altogether over 1,000 reproductions. VERY SCARCE. 571 WHITTIER (JOHN GREENLEAF). The Writings of Whittier. Portraits. 7 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut; by Zaehnsdorf (rubbed). Bost. 1891 *The Riverside Edition. 572, WILDE (OSCAR). The Writings. With Introduction by Rich- ard LeGallienne. Portraits and illustrations by Beardsley and others in duplicate, one set being on Japan paper. 15 vols. 8vo, green morocco, gilt, red floral decorations inlaid on back and sides, gilt tops, uncut, in board cases. Lond. and N. Y. 1907 *The limited Uniform Edition. 573 WILLIAMSON (GEORGE C.). Richard Cosway, R. A., and his Wife and Pupils. Miniaturists of the Eighteenth Century. Reproduc- tions and other illustrations. 4to, cloth. Lond. 1897 *Edition limited to 350 copies. 97 574 WILSON (HARRIETTE). Memoirs of Harriette Wilson. Writ- ten by Herself. Numerous colored portraits of famous gallants. 4 vols. 16mo, red polished morocco, gilt, gilt tops (titles in facsimile). Lond. 1825 575 WOOD (EDWARD J.). Curiosities of Clocks and Watches from the Earliest Times. Frontispiece. 8vo, half green polished morocco, gilt top, uncut; by Riviere. Lond. 1866 *First Epirion. Scarce. 576 WOOD (WILLIAM). Autobiography. 2 portraits and a view. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1895 577 ZAEHNSDORF (JOSEPH W.). The Art of Bookbinding. A Practical Treatise. Plates and diagrams. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1903 FOURTH SESSION Wednesday Evening, January 13, 1915, at 8:15 o'clock English and French Miniatures and Paintings g~2-” FELIX O. C. DARLEY American, 1822-1888 578 THE MILKMAID. Wash Drawing, signed. Height, 14 inches; width 12 inches. JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT French Painter, 1840-1912 579 THE STORY OF HIS YOUTH. On the steps leading up to an open window sits an old soldier with whitened locks, holding his long-stemmed pipe in his hand and recounting the exploits of his youth to a younger man, who sits looking down at him. Beyond, the trees of the park spread their branches, and near at hand are the plumed hat and long sword of the old man. Pen and Wash Drawing, signed. Height, 8 inches; width, 41% inches. 580 MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A MAN; ON COPPER. A Young Man of Flemish type. Painted in oil colors. 581 IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT, BY UNKNOWN ARTIST. #7 A Young Woman in blue dress, with ermine-trimmed robe about” her shoulders. 582. IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT ATTRIBUTED TO FRAG- ONARD. A Young Girl in round hat, blue gown open at the neck, with a rose in her corsage. A similar work in the collection of J Py Morgan at the Metropolitan Museum is called the Artist’s Daughter. 99 SS oS oe va 584 wm * 0 wt 586 IVORY MINIATURE, BY UNKNOWN ARTIST. The Princess of Lamballe in white dress, open at the neck, her hair powdered, with a rose at one side and a white lace coiffure appearing above. In a blue enamel frame. IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT, BY J. A. ARLAUD. An Unknown Man wearing a blond wig, with a black mantle about his shoulders, which reveals a white stock at this throat; a buff cloak across his right shoulder. Though born in Geneva, Arlaud worked in Paris. He died at fifty-five years of age, in 1743. _ IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT, BY UNKNOWN ARTIST. A Young Woman wearing a double strand of pearls about her neck, her blond hair bound with a pink ribbon, a blue scarf across her shoulders. The back set with a gold monogram. IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT, BY ISABEY. ‘Portrait of Hortense Beauharnais, mother of Napoleon III; wears a buff gown cut low in the neck and bordered by a ruffle, and a //, black scarf across her shoulders. Through the influence of her mother, Josephine, she married Louis Bonaparte and became Queen of Holland. Signed, and framed in a laurel wreath of gilt bronze. IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT, BY AN UNKNOWN ARTIST. A Young Woman at the Court of Versailles, in the time of Marie Antoinette, wearing a black dress trimmed with blue, a white fichu, and a blue fillet in her hair. IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT, BY ANDREW PLIMER. Miss Frances Charlotte Bedingfeld, afterwards wife of Lord Petre. Signed, and dated 1787. -Described and illustrated in Williamson’s “Life and Work of Andrew and Nathanial Plimer”’ (p. 43) as follows: ““An eminent collector of New York possesses a beautiful signed portrait, dated 1787, of Miss Frances Charlotte Bedingfeld, and afterwards wife of William Henry Francis, eleventh Lord Petre. This young lady is represented in a sort of high hat made of fur and 100 589 590 591 593 594 trimmed with ribbons. Her hair is powdered, and she wears a white tulle fichu over her dress.” Set in gold, the back in blue enamel set with a smaller miniature painting of nymphs and Cupid. From the Collection of Mr. V. A. Blacque, New York. IVORY MINIATURE OF THE SCHOOL OF COSWAY. Portrait of a Young Woman dressed in white with a lavender waist-sash, her blond hair curled and bound by a lavender rib- bon tied in a bow above her right temple. (Slightly warped). IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT, BY BERRY. Half-length portrait of a Court Beauty of the time of Louis XVI, in lilac gown with low corsage, powdered hair and wide-brimmed black hat with plumes. Landscape background with a tower in the distance and at the right a basket of flowers. Signed, and dated 1786. IVORY MINATURE OF THE SCHOOL OF COSWAY. Portrait of a Young Woman dressed in white, the corsage terminating in a ruff, her powdered hair curled and bound by a string of pearls. IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT, BY COSWAY. Lady Stanhope, wearing a white dress with white scarf about her neck, her powdered hair bound by a white ribbon tied in a bow over her right temple. IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT, BY VESTIER. A Court Beauty dressed in a plum-colored gown, open at the neck, her hair powdered. (Ivory slightly cracked.) IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT, BY GRUNEBERGER. Portrait of Prince Frederick of Prussia (known as “Champagne Fritz’’), in military dress, wearing his sash and several orders on his breast. The artist lived and worked in Munich, and the date of this work is 1820. 101 595 IVORY MINIATURE, BY UNKNOWN ARTIST. Portrait of Mirabeau, the President of the National Assembly and leader of the French Revolution, appears in a white wig; over his black coat appear the striped lapels of his waistcoat, separated by lace frills falling from his stock. 596 IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT, BY ISAAC OLIVER. Portrait of Arabella Stuart, with low corsage, a chain about her neck, her hair falling about her shoulders, her hand pressed to her bosom. She was the cousin of James I of England, who, because she secretly contracted a marriage against his wishes, had her imprisoned in the Tower, where she was treated so harshly that she became insane. Signed in monogram. Set as a locket in blue enamel. 597 IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF MISS MILLER, BY HORACE HONE. A Young Woman in white Empire dress, with a brooch set in the front of her corsage, the face marked by the vivid coloring which characterizes all of the work of this artist. Signed with the conjoined initials, and dated 1806. The back encloses a lock of hair bound with a crescent of pearls and inter- twined with gold thread. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1806. 598 IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT, BY ANDREW PLIMER.. Miss Lockwood. Signed, and dated 1788. In a white dress, high in the neck, wearing a powdered wig sur- mounted by a white cap. Set in gold encircled with small pearls, the back filled with braided hair overlaid with a small monogram in pearls. Mentioned and illustrated in Williamson’s “Life and Work of Andrew and Nathanial Plimer,” p. 43. Williamson was the cataloguer and compiler of the J. Pierpont Morgan Collection of Miniatures in the Metropolitan Museum. From the Collection of Mr. V. A. Blacque. 102 599 TORTOISE-SHELL SNUFF BOX. The lid set with an enamel miniature portrait by Petitot, of the Princess Marie Sobieski, granddaughter of Jean Sobieski, King ate of Poland; she married James Stuart, the “Old Pretender,” f fw son of James IT of England, in 1720, which proved a very unhappy alliance. The underside of the box shows a picture of Gustavus Adolphus before the coffin of Tilly. The thumb-piece is set with an amethyst. From the Beckett-Dennison Sale, London. 600 CHARLES DETAILLE Modern French Painter THE RACE COURSE. Fan mount painted in gouache, signed. Height, 1014 inches; width, 22 inches. 601 =" PIERRE MIGNARD f . 25) é } : French Painter, 1610-1695 a THE DUCHESSE DE BOURGOGNE. The subject is seen at half length, wearing a court robe open at the neck with a frill of lace about the corsage; a blue mantle, figured with the fleur-de-lys and bordered with ermine, falls from her shoulders, and a jeweled chain crosses the front of her dress from her shoulder to her waist, with a shorter one encircling her arm. A mass of curls cluster about her head, and one falls to her neck. The subject, whose full name was Marie Anne Christian Victoire, was a Bavarian, and became the wife of the Dauphin, the Duc de Bourgogne of France. Mignard, who was one of the most popular painters of his time, was renowned for his portraits of court beauties. Canvas. Height, 29 inches; width, 23 inches. 103 602 UNKNOWN PAINTER jum French School, Eighteenth Century jis) A LADY OF THE COURT OF LOUIS XVI. Seen in full face; the lady wears a white silk dress, cut low in the neck, edged with white lace and set with a pearl brooch; falling from her shoulders is a blue velvet mantle, lined with pink silk, and in her hair is a cluster of flowers. Canvas. Height, 27 inches; width, 20 inches. Bought of Duveen Bros. 603 LOUIS TOCQUET French Painter, 1696-1772 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. In a flowered gown, open in front to show a white underdress, the lady sits toying with her fan. A black lace cape is drawn about her shoulders and held by a bow of black ribbon in front, and on her head is a small bonnet whose lace edge shows above her powdered hair. Tocquet, who was a son-in-law of Nattier and a pupil of Hyacinthe Rigaud, devoted himself wholly to portraits. After winning success in France, he was called to St. Petersburg, where he remained several years, painting members of the court. Canvas. Height, 321% inches; width, 25 inches. From the Collection of Madame Loisif of Tours. 604 HYACINTHE RIGAUD French Painter, 1659-1743 PORTRAIT OF PIERRE DE BERULLE. The subject shows a brown-eyed man in long curled wig, who gazes directly at the observer; about his shoulders is gathered a red mantle in voluminous folds, which fall away at the neck to show his lace shirt-front. Rigaud, who professed to be a follower of Van Dyck, was an able and industrious portrait painter, who, although he produced from thirty to forty portraits a year, would have no assistants, but painted all the acces- sories himself during the sixty-two years of his career. During that time he painted five kings and all the French princes, as well as most of the dis- tinguished men of his time. Canvas. Height, 33 inches; width, 251% inches. Formerly in the Collection of M. Feral, an eminent French expert. 104 PRS MASTER PETE By Sir Thomas Lawrence No. 605. j i i 605 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE English Painter, 1769-1830 PORTRAIT OF MASTER PETERS. 4 The brown eyes of the fresh-faced English lad look directly at the spectator, his cheeks aglow with health; a white collar shows above his dark coat, with a voluminous ribbon bow in front; his brown hair falls carelessly over his forehead. Lawrence loved to paint children and was successful in catching the questioning wonder and innocence of their young lives, as this canvas ably testifies. Canvas. Round diameter, 181% inches. Bought from Martin Colnaghi, London. (See Illustration.) 606 GEORGE HENRY HARLOW English Painter, 1787-1819 PORTRAIT OF LADY CAMDEN. This example of the talented portraitist, for a time assistant of Sir Thomas Lawrence, with whom he later quarrelled, shows the beautiful young woman at half length, dressed in a rose-colored gown, with a scarf floating behind her; her brown hair is dressed high in a loose coil and is interwoven with a white ribbon. A glimpse of the sea at sunset forms the background. Canvas, relined. Height, 32 inches; width, 251% inches. From the Collection of F. Munting, London. 607 ANTONIO CANALE (CALLED CANALETTO) Italian Painter, 1697-1768 GRAND CANAL, VENICE. This long curving stretch of the Grand Canal shows the white marble facade of a church at the right, and a dome and Greek portico of another at the left. In the foreground a number of gondolas with figures are seen passing, while a blue sky arches overhead. Canaletto occupied himself in producing views of Venice exclusively, which for their truth and their extraordinary effect and perspective met with immense success and are still highly esteemed. The figures in his pictures were invariably added by Tiepolo. Canvas. Height, 24 inches; width, 38 inches. Formerly in the Collection of Cardinal Spada. 106 608 JOHN HOPPNER English Painter, 1759-1810 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. A young woman is seen at half length, wearing an Empire dress of white, low in the neck, with a brooch in the corsage. Across the right shoulder falls a yellow scarf trimmed with fringe. Her brown hair is arranged in a braid across the top of her head, from which short curls escape about her brows. A low-toned landscape fills the background. At thirty years of age, Hoppner was court painter to the Prince of Wales, and devoting himself to portraits, soon became the rival of Lawrence. He exhibited regularly at the Royal Academy where, until 1797, the rule was in vogue that none but royalties could be designated by name, others being simply entitled “Portrait of a Lady” or “ Portrait of a Gentleman,” making identification difficult. He was most successful in his portraits of ladies and children. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. From the Collection of R. Langton Douglas, London. 609 ox fe "5 MARIE LOUISE ELIZABETH VIGEE LEBRUN French Painter, 1755-1842 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG NOBLEMAN. Seen at half length, the sitter wears a red coat open in front to show his white stock and shirt-front; the coat is trimmed with a braid across the sleeve, and has large ornamental buttons. His long, curling hair frames his youthful face, falling to his shoulders, and the brown eyes look directly at the spectator. This popular painter was the intimate friend of Marie Antoinette, whom she painted repeatedly from life; many other distinguished people throughout Europe also sat to her. Canvas. _ Height, 29 inches; width, 231% inches. 107 610 GERMAIN JEAN DROUAIS French, 1763-1788 MARQUISE DE BRETEUIL. Seated in a red-backed chair, the lady is dressed in a blue gown trimmed with striped ribbon bows and bands of fur crossing the shoulders and reaching to the waist, the sleeves with frills of lace; her hands are held in a muff; a narrow ribbon about her neck holds a gold pendant, and her powdered hair is dressed in elaborate puffs and studded with ornaments. The artist was son and pupil of Francois Drouais, Court Painter to Louis XV, who painted many of the famous men and women of his time. Canvas. Height, 32 inches; width, 25 inches. Formerly in the Collection of M. Gavet, Paris. Bought from the Collection of David H. King, New York. 1408 — oo f'700- (See Illustration. p 611 JOHN OPIE English Painter, 1761-1807 PORTRAIT OF LADY FORTESCUE The canvas shows a young woman seen in front view, wearing a red dress and white fichu across her shoulders, her blond hair falling about her neck. It shows the florid color which characterized the popular work of this fashionable portrait painter as well as his vigor and truth. Canvas. Height, 27 inches; width, 21 inches. From the Collection of Walmer House, Kent, England. ‘2 612 PIERRE MIGNARD © , ft French, 1612-1695 << PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST’S DAUGHTER, CATHERINE. This subject, which the artist painted several times, appears here in a blue court dress with open neck, a dark red mantle falling across her left shoulder. The young woman, who later became the Countess de Feu- quiéres, looks directly at the observer. In her hair, which is rolled above her forehead, is a cluster of flowers. Canvas. Height, 28 inches; width, 23 inches. From the David H. King Collection, who acquired it from the Sedelmeyer Galleries. (See = tration.) Cima by 6: Mle ub fo AL. Aehl 19054 fi § 2500~AS Mla THE MARQUISE DE BRETEUIL By Germain Jean Drouais No. 610. = deans hula tata i i i i t 613 SIR GODFREY KNELLER English Painter, 1648-1723 LADY FRANCIS HAMILTON Seen at half length, the young woman looks directly forward; she wears a dress of olive, open at the neck, the corsage edged with a ruffle. Across her right shoulder falls a blue silk mantle, and her powdered hair is dressed high in puffs and curls. The subject was a sister of Sarah Jennings, who became the illustrious Duchess of Marlborough, and was the intimate friend of Queen Anne; through the influence of the Duchess, the husband of Lady Hamilton was appointed Ambassador to France, but was killed in a duel before reaching his post. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. From the Collection of Mrs. Garland. 614 SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY English Painter, 1753-1839 PORTRAIT OF COLONEL ALEXANDER ALLEN Seen at half length, the subject wears a military coat of red with standing collar and lapels braided with gold, two rows of brass buttons and gilt epaulettes. Above his collar is a black stock, and a bit of his shirt ruffle escapes from the buttoned coat. His gray hair is rumpled. Depending from a ribbon on his breast hangs a large medal. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. 615 JEAN BAPTISTE PERRONNEAU French Painter, 1731-1796 MADAME FRANCOISE GRAFIGNY. The subject is seen at half length seated on a red chair, holding an open book in her hands. She wears a dotted blue silk dress open at the neck and trimmed with fur, the short sleeves having blue ribbon bows at the elbow. About her neck is a black ribbon, and above her powdered hair a small bonnet is seen, from the back of which streamers of blue and white fall across her shoulders. Madame Grafigny was a French writer who was born at Nancy in 1695 and died in 1758. Her best-known works 110 No. 612. PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST’S DAUGHTER By Pierre Mignard are a comedy entitled ““Cenia” and a Romance. Perronneau left few oil portraits, and is better known as a pastellist and engraver. Canvas. Height, 241% inches; width, 20 inches. From the Collection of Lady Shrewsbury of Alton Towers, England. 616 JEAN BAPTISTE PATER French Painter, 1695-1736 FETE CHAMPETRE. The scene shows a delightful féte galante, taking place in a park at midsummer, in which a youth and maid are going through the steps of a dance, with groups of gaily dressed figures gathered around them. At the left two musicians are seen, and beyond rise trees against a summer sky. Pater was a pupil of Watteau, whom he followed in the choice of his sub- jects also, and working under the eye of his master, he, better than other followers, caught the spirit of his master’s inspiration. Canvas. Height, 18% inches; width, 241% inches. Formerly in the Collection of the Duke of Lucca, also in the Collection of Prince Henry of Bourbon. 617 SIR JOSHUA REYNCLDS English Painter, 1723-1792 es PORTRAIT OF THE DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER. This portrait of a handsome woman shows the seated figure at half length, the head raised with eyes directed upward. She wears a brown robe crossing in front over a white chemisette and held at the waist by a gray sash. Her elbow rests on a table and her right hand supports her head. A mass of brown hair is arranged in a braid crossing the top of her head and another braid falls down her left shoulder. The subject was the illegitimate daughter of Sir Edward Walpole, and was born in 1736. She was twice married, first to Lord Waldegrave at 23, and second to Prince William Henry, Duke of Gloucester, brother of George III, when 30 years of age. She died in 1807, and was buried in Saint George’s Chapel, Windsor. She was said to have been, originally, a milliner’s apprentice, at Durham. Her uncle, Horace Walpole, said of her: ‘She was very pious, charitable, sincere, frank and friendly, but warm and resentful. Her sense strong, her wit ready and very pointed.” Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. (See Illustration.) 112 618 GEORGE ROMNEY English, 1734-1802 PORTRAIT OF THOMAS THORNHILL. Seen at half length, the young man wears a blue velvet coat with white stock, with lace jabot and wrist frills, his dark brown hair being held in a queue with a black ribbon. He gazes directly at the observer, and his left hand holds the edge of his coat. With other family portraits, this remained at the Thornhills’ home at Fixby, Yorkshire, England, until 1896, having been painted in 1779. | Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 27 inches. i From the Collection of Sir Thomas Thornhill, Bury St. Edmonds, England. 2 | From the Collection of David H. King. /Yos~ Hat 4 #/000 : roe jeebitlleg 0) : 619 BONIFAZIO VERONESE Italian Painter, Died 1540 THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI. The Mother, holding the infant Christ on her lap, is seen at the right under a rude shelter, with Joseph in the shadowy background; before them kneel two of the Wise Men, richly robed, attended by a colored servant, ; and several other figures. In the blue sky above, a single star forms a i circle of light, its rays falling on the infant form below. Bonifazio was a follower, if not a pupil of Palma Vecchio, and was also much influenced by ' Giorgione and Titian, and several of his works are so remarkable for their ' beauty of color that they long passed under the names of those artists. Canvas. Height, 36 inches; width, 51 inches. 620 | HENRY WYATT English Painter, 1794-1840 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Seated in a garden chair, a young woman is seen at half length, looking directly at the spectator. She wears a blue velvet coat trimmed with fur, 1 which falls from her shoulders, showing a white dress with a ruff about the neck, beneath which is a blue ribbon ending in a bow at the front. Above her dark hair is a wide-brimmed hat of blue velvet trimmed with yellow ribbon and white plumes. Wyatt worked as an assistant in the studio 113 of Sir Thomas Lawrence for a number of years, going later to Birmingham, where he opened a studio for himself and won success as a portrait painter. During the latter part of his life, he exhibited a large number of his por- traits at the Royal Academy exhibition. Canvas. Height, 30% inches; width, 32 inches. 621 JEAN BAPTISTE HUET French Painter, 1745-1811 A PASTORAL. This piquant scene of love and beauty shows a youth and maid seated in a garden, whose wall rises at the right, crowned by an urn; they are engaged in love-making in a world where all is well. Beyond the garden are seen the red roofs of a villa on a hillside, forming a pleasing background. Decorative art came naturally to Huet, and following in the footsteps of Watteau and Boucher, he attained celebrity as a painter of rustic scenes and Fétes Galantes, and was attached to the Royal Manufactures of Tap- estry of Gobelins and Beauvais. He was appointed court painter in 1794. Canvas, relined. Height, 44 inches; width, 29 inches. Formerly in the Collection of M. de Senac, Paris. 622 JOHN RILEY English Painter, 1646-1691 PORTRAIT OF LADY WILLIAM ELLIOTT. Seated beside a table, on which she rests her left arm, the lady is seen at three-quarters length. She wears a blue gown open at the neck, having white ruffles about the corsage and at the elbows. A red scarf falls from her shoulders and rests on her lap, and in her hands she holds a cluster of flowers. A contemporary of Lely and Kneller, Riley is an artist but little known today, many of his best works being ascribed to Lely, though Walpole regarded him as one of the best English painters. He was patronized by Charles II and his court, also by James II, and was appointed court painter to William and Mary. Canvas. ~ Height, 481% inches; width, 38% inches. 114 623 FRANCESCO GUARDI Italian Painter, 1712-1793 VENICE—SAN GIORGIO MAGGIORE. The scene shows the Church and Monastery of San Giorgio at the left, with numerous gondolas and market boats passing in the foreground; at the right stretches a long row of buildings, with the dome and towers of a distant church under a summer sky flecked with light clouds. Canvas, relined. Height, 1734 inches; width, 3034 inches. From the Collection of Comte de Monferrat, France. 624 SIR HENRY RAEBURN Scotch Painter, 1756-1823 PORTRAIT OF JAMES HAIG. The handsome youth wears a dark blue coat, above which appear a buff waistcoat and white stock, while a mass of waving dark hair falls over his left temple. The subject, who is said to have been eighteen years of age when this portrait was painted, later became First Judge of the Madras Civil Service. It was painted in 1812, the year that Raeburn was elected President of the Scottish Society of Artists, at which time he was fifty-six years of age, and in the fullness of his powers. Canvas. Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches. From the David H. King Collection. ~SPOS~ E/N p7Coe 7 Ss hee Sold. ah thristias fuly 14/4299 SS Post¥t LLE10 4 Cotwag bs bata dalitequca MM ee i logued ci cs gpneas ig Aatluere /FOs-e Cage sO ew Illa Gags Ke 625 SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY English Painter, 1753-1839 PORTRAIT OF MISS MELVILLE. The canvas shows a young woman in a white dress open at the neck, the corsage bordered with a frill of white lace, with a blue sash about the waist. Her powdered hair, bound with a fillet of white ribbon, falls in curls about her ears. In her lap she holds an open book. A pleasing land- scape forms the background. 115 Yboliiwg «Go a Beechey, who was court painter to George III, was a popular and pro- lific portrait painter, and during the sixty-four years of his career exhibited no less than 362 portraits at the Royal Academy. His portraits in their day were admired for their truth to nature and their freshness of color, which they still retain. Canvas. Height, 361% inches; width, 301% inches. From the Collection of Mr. Jules Espir, London. 626 RICHARD WILSON English Painter, 1714-1782 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE From the elevated foreground a group of stone pines rises at the left of the picture, beneath which a number of figures are gathered, and at the right rises a mass of ruined masonry; in the middle distance a lake lies in the valley, on the farther shore of which is a building and on the horizon a ridge of hills beneath a warm summer sky. In composition, color and aerial perspective he was unsurpassed; qualities which he won from his stay in Italy and to which the two noble canvases in this collection bear witness. Canvas. Height, 38 inches; width, 5314 inches. 627 SIR GODFREY KNELLER English Painter, 1648-1723 PORTRAIT OF SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN. Wearing a long silk robe of a brown color, and the curled wig of the time, Wren stands beside a sculptured table on which rests his right arm; the lace wrist ruffles and knotted lace scarf at his neck give a degree of elegance to his dress. The face is seen in nearly full view, his eyes directed at the observer. Kneller, who was court painter to five successive English monarchs, had the most illustrious men of his time to sit to him, and it was but natural that the greatest of English architects should have been one of them. Canvas. Height, 50 inches; width, 4o inches. From Henry Graves & Co., Pall Mall, London. 116 628 PETER PAUL RUBENS — Fiemish Painter, 1577-1640 SALOME. The young woman, wearing a yellow dress open at the neck, holds a salver in her hands; across her shoulder falls a deep red mantle, held by a jeweled chain which crosses her breast; her auburn hair falls about her neck. At her side stands a blonde young woman in dark blue dress with slashed sleeves, her hair dressed with strands of pearls. Canvas. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. From the Collection of M. Gavet, Paris. 629 FRANCESCO ZUCCARELLI Italian Painter, 1702-1788 ENGLISH LANDSCAPE. The picture presents one of those decorative landscapes with small figures, on which the renown of the artist rests. Beyond a clump of noble trees which rise at the right, is seen a stately house toward which a coach, drawn by six horses, approaches, followed by horsemen. Their advance has frightened some deer which are seen scampering across the foreground. Other figures at the right stand watching the coach pass. The picture is one of the artist’s English subjects, a country in which he took up his residence and where he won great popularity. Canvas. Height, 391% inches; width, 491% inches. se Le to GEORGE ROMNEY ‘pes __English Painter,.1754-1802 PORTRAIT OF SIR RICHARD JOSEPH SULLIVAN. A handsome blue-eyed man, wearing a red coat, black knee breeches and a powdered wig, is seen seated with his leg crossed, his right elbow on a table, his hand to his cheek, his gaze directed at some distant object. Against the white waistcoat, which appears below his coat, rests a colored fob, and a low-toned landscape supplies the background. The subject 117 — was of Irish birth, but most of his life was passed in England, where he won renown as a writer. He was elected a member of Parliament in 1787, and died in 1806. Canvas, relined. Height, 50 inches; widih, 40 inches. Bought of Knoedler & Co., who acquired it from Thos. enete & Sons, London. Wh, Sueo. Agueur Och /9 bie PMxXX 4 me Bild ~ Morr oftg0H BANSXK% NICOLAS LANCRET (School! of) French Painter, 1690-1743 THE SWING. In the midst of a gay picnic party, a swing has been suspended from the branches of a tall tree, in which a young woman is seated. She is dressed in a pink and white dress, and a youth in red holds the guiding rope attached to the swing. Seated on the ground about the swing are a number of maids and youths engaged in love-making, while beyond stretches a peaceful landscape with figures. Lancret as a painter of “‘Fétes Galantes,”’ was a follower of Watteau, whom he greatly admired; he is sometimes called the Art Child of Watteau. His art shows easy and graceful movement and pleasing, silvery color. Canvas. Height, 44 inches; width, 36 inches. From the Collection of Count A. de Ganay, Paris. ee 632 FRANS POURBUS Flemish Painter, 1569-1622 MARIE DE GONZAGA, WIFE OF THE DUKE OF MANTUA. The portrait shows a young woman, seen at half length, wearing a richly brocaded gown with puffed sleeves and a wide lace ruff; in her left hand she holds a fan, her right resting on a table. Her blond hair falls in curls about her ears, with a strand of pearls across the top of her head; two strands of pearls across her bosom, and pendant pearls hang from her ears. The background shows an architectural design. Pourbus went from the Netherlands to Mantua in 1600, thence in 1609 to Paris, where he was appointed court painter to Marie de Medici, wife of Henry IV, where he remained until the time of his death. Canvas. Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches. From the Collection of C. Hoogendick, Amsterdam. 118 633 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE English, 1769-1830 CHARITY: THE MISSES NEWDIGATE OF SURREY. The two young women dressed in white are seen at full length standing together, the arm of one about the waist of her sister, who extends her hand with a piece of silver toward a young boy in a red coat, who stands looking wistfully up at her. The gray wall which forms the background of the two figures in white terminates at the right, showing a pleasing summer land- scape. Canvas. Height, 84 inches; width, 57 inches. Shown at the Exhibition of Fair Women, London, 1894. Shown at the Loan Exhibition for the Benefit of the Orthopaedic Hospital, New York, November, 1903. eg 634 a a Se English -Painter,1713-1782 big ye" ENGLISH LANDSCAPE. (40 4 Through broad stretches of peaceful English country curves the river Thames, reaching away in the middle distance, until lost to view among the low hills. At the right beyond the river is seen Sion House, one of the stately ancestral English houses, the seat of the Duke of Northumberland, and beneath the tall trees that spread their tops against the sunset sky, several figures appear, with others grouped at the left. Starting as a portrait painter, Wilson later became known as “the Father of English landscape art,” and is now numbered among the classic painters. Canvas. Height, 36 inches; width, 54 inches. Bought of Knoedler & Co. Span theo Woven teclleeliin. S78 4 ee oFe es = ( RICHARD WILSON _ Z buur } Leow, Meaterss bh. f Aefeh 1899- LY baie bo E 551, Fold faw 03. BI8Sx 4 a hy, fens Konus Dsivilles, S994 Rils £SB0 4 Lauri rte. MICHEL ANGELO DA CARAVAGGIO Italian, 1569-1609 PETER IN PRISON VISITED BY THE ANGEL. In the foreground an angel clothed in white and red with extended wings and raised right hand bends toward Peter and lays his left hand on the manacle which encircles his wrist. Peter, his hair and beard a snowy 119 CA Amen | seen. white, looks up at the beautiful face of the messenger, who has suddenly appeared before him as a vision of light. Caravaggio began his career at Milan as an assistant of fresco painters, then went to Venice to study the work of Giorgione, later going to Rome and Naples, where most of his life was passed. The picture, which has been in the family of Mrs. Hollins for more than a century, has never been publicly exhibited before. Canvas. Height, 39 inches; width, 53 inches. 636 OG = SIR MARTIN ARCHER SHEE English Painter, 1769-1850 PORTRAIT OF THE COUNTESS OF ERROLL. The lady, seen at full length, wears a dark dress, the front open over a white petticoat, and over her shoulders a white fichu held up a wide red sash about her waist; on her head is a wide-brimmed hat of black, topped by red and black plumes, beneath which her powdered hair falls in curls about her shoulders. A low-toned landscape fills the background. Though of Irish birth, Shee won his success as a portrait painter in London, and succeeded Sir Thomas Lawrence as President of the Royal Academy, in 1830. Canvas. Height, 92 inches; width, 57 inches. From the Walmer House Collection, Kent, England. No. 617. THE DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER By Sir Joshua Reynolds i ZLL PRESS, N. Y. KENDRICK-OD SEED TCP aT IS RAW Son = eer fee aah ue = aS Se _ _ | ' | \ i } \ , ul H ( i i a i } ' iii