uy Tee > 7. H ‘AVENUE. ART GALLERIES ies SILO BUILDING _ $46 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK / 1,3 AND 5 WEST 45th STREET MES P.SILO =. +. AUCTIONEER CATALOGUE H-CLASS OIL PAINTINGS "FOREIGN AND DE eaeAN ARTISTS “Also & FEW REAL BRONZES SOLD BY ORDER OF THE ESTATE OF . THE LATE FRANCIS S. KINNEY Goal THE CITY RESIDENCE HAVING BEEN SOLD ALSO BY ORDER OF ‘The Rev. W. H. SHAWGER DOVER, N. J. AT ABSOLUTE SALE BY AUCTION | a THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS FEBRUARY 15th and 16th, 1912 AT 8.30 O’CLOCK LIBRARY a ie —_ >. =” ] > share “SS ane = | M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK DITIONS OF SALE, HUSSEY ye Bea ha oh aa Bt der to be the buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or ee so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. . 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyers’ expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remain- der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auc- tioneer, on or before delivery, in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within TWO DAYS from the Sale; Tur Firra AvENUE ART GALLERIES not being responsible fo: ;me correct descrip- tion, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- ience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES are in no way responsible for the charges or manner of velivery of Goods purchased at their Sales. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer 7th St., New York. vi Bee: “Born at Lierre, Belgium. ag be of. New York Water Color stale 12 x 14 yO MULLER (O30 ae | The Departure | | : 10x 7 5 | FRERE (Theo.) t - Pupil oF J. Coeniee’ saci ana j Medals: Second Class, 1848 and se i : Bazaar in Cairo oS J 13 x 8% ee GOTTWALD (F.'C.) Cleveland Over His Pipe 24x 18 fi, tf, < AT LLOYD (S.) | London Early Morning, Wineborn: 22 x 13 Drawing # ‘GAMBERT (jJ.) {2% A Flirtation 14x 10Y% ~ i an Nes ee 9 te LAMBERTY (C.) Paris The Mousetrap 21x 26 10. A McCORD (Geo. H.), N.A. New York Breezy Morning Off Sandy Hook - 12° 10 11 [9 an WIEGAND (Gustave) New York Coming Mists 16 x 20 eo DE HAVEN (F.), A.N.A. New York Sundown 10 x 14 a eam, mB AY BLAKELOCK (R. A.) New York On the Coast of California 742 x 4% 14 DUBOUCHET (G.) Still Life 27 x 34 is YS BRISTOL (J. B.) New York Evening © 18 x 30 16 oe JARDINES (J.) Paris Suburbs of Granada | 21 x 10 | | 7 a peed GRUPPE (G3) The Hague River Scene | A fi eal | Drawing ) New York) a ~ South Port, Me. Pe 1S! New York a Bios. (kde ye “MURPHY (AdaC.) “- ——s Among the Hills ; 8 x 10 ip Yi 21 } 7 JONES (Francis C.), N.A. New Yor In the Studio 26 x 18 22 n SANTORO (Rubens) | Pari Honorable Mention, Paris, 1896. Street Scene in Algiers 13%x9 23 HA Wee QUETTE (Georges) <4 ' Pari Born at Paris. Pupil of Millet and a Cabanel. Medals: Paris Salon, 1880; Boston, 1883; Nice, 1884. Member of the Society of French Artists. His painting, entitled “The Departure,” was purchased by the French Government and presented to the City of Dieppe. North Sea Fishermen 21% x 29 _ Girl in Woods eat 24 1A ee nk | 26 ye | WHITTRIDGE (W orthington), N.A. New ire ? Woodland Stream ee ee 27 MILLER (R. D.) | A Shady Spot 22 x 30. 28 BROWN (J. G.), N.A. Ba eae 14 x 10 29 ae pay , RIX ( Julian) | "New York. | In the Adirondacks | 36 x 28 os 30 ) oe THOMPSON (H.) Paris Honorable Mention, Paris, 1882. Medal, Third Class, 1884; Silver Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Old Farm in Picardi 32 x 26 31 } 4, a SERGENT (Lucien P.) | / Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1889. Medal, 1899. Member of the Society of French Artists. Napoleon at Wagram 20 x 26 32 } (> ‘e ZIMMERMAN (E.) Munich The Troubadour 25 x 19 ‘ \ % i ey | AROL (Gy. 9 aes | Winter, Landscape a OY ae C oe | | McENTEE (Jervis), NA. New York — é Y i210 x aS SHURTLEFF (R. M.), N.A. Deer Resting . | 8 x 10 Deserted Be iG ne mel, es! i Pee. a OF) TS 1 SROENEWEGEN (A. J.) Holland _ Landscape with Cattle fe 14 x 21 Water Color eo IG _HASSAM (Childe), A.N.A., New York A Broadway Nocturne Peete ees 25x 18 Water Color: ARTS © : 3 ee HERRING (J. F)°” gee Horses in Stable Geek 10 x 14 40 ae DEGENHARD H ~ Manich Grandfather’s Woes OZ 1 DUPRE (Julien) * Paris Medals: Paris, 1880, 1881; Silver Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1892. Member of the Jury, 1900, E. U. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours, Milking Time 18 x 24 a> ie Pat ere ae sidete Se et eM ee 42 00 Gants - MORAN (Edward) New York The Sea, Evening 20 x 30 43 (0.4 FULLER (G.F.), ANA. New York 12 x 16 44 BOULAYE (Paul de la) Paris Medal, Paris Salon, 1879. The Perfume of Roses Ph aie Fe CHAPMAN (Carlton T.), A.N.A. New York Old Man Ledge 25% x 34 INNESS (Geo.), NA. New York In the Woods 12 x 9 47 hw VENNERMAN (Ch.) Antwerp: The Lover’s Token 23 x 19% es oon 48 /}- MOSLER (Henry), A.N.A., New York Medals: Royal Academy, Munich, 1874; Paris Salon, 1879, 1888; Exposi-. } tron,. Universelle, 1889. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1892. The Faggot Gatherer Wa X92 49 14S JACQUE (Emile) ¢ Paris Son and pupil of Ch. Jacque. Born. at Epernay, France. Honorable Men- tion, Universal Exhibition, 1889. Med- al, Third Class, 1901. | Noonday Rest 2084: x29 50 J} +? WASHINGTON (Georges) Paris Pupil of Schreyer. Crossing the Stream 20 x 24 ‘oe WEILAND (jJ.) Holland At the Window 20 x 12 a sy>! 572 ¥ | JACQUE (Charles) Paris Medals: Third Class, 1861, 1863; Medal, 1864. Legion of Honor, 1867. Sheep on the Border of a Forest 19 x 23 53 oh : yo* THAULOW (Fritz) Paris Medal, Paris Exposition, 1900. Off- cer of the Legion of Honor. River in Normandy 18 x 22 ee 9. ROOSEVELT (S.M.) New York te Head of a Young Girl 0x 25 55 0 WEISSENBRUCH (J. H.) Holland. ~ One of the most important landscape painters of the Modern Dutch School. Dutch Landscape 9x 14 56 “ /) MONCHABLON (Jan) / / a Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1855. Sil- ver Medal, 1889 and 1900. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1895. Vue prise de Sidi Aia, Algeria 18 x 24 DE HAAS (0 RoE ieee Brussels Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic of Spain, and of the Order of Charles III. of Spain, and of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Officer of the Order of the Couronne de Chene, Holland. Officer of the Order of the . Merit of St. Michael, Bavaria. . Officer of the Couronne d’Italia. Chevalier of Francis Joseph of Austria. Chevalier of Austria. Chevalier of\the Couronne de Prusse. Member of the Academy of St. Ferdinand of Spain. Member of the Royal Academies of Amsterdam, Ant- werp and Rotterdam. Landscape and Cattle 22 x 29 58 VAN COUVER (J.) | River Maas 20 x 30° (air E NNER iG. iy | Bi IF Paris Coat ue Dialing And Hicot. Medals: pee ee 1863, 1865 and 1866; First | 78. Legion of Honor,. 1873. ficer, ay? : Head 18x 12% — _ CRAIG (Thos. B.), A.N.A., New York By the Pool in the Meadows 5 py iO.x 12 be i oa Si : DUNSMORE (John W.) : i2 x 14 oe TROYON (Attributed) a cin Returning Home Oo aloe 64 WEISBLOCHEN Mills in Holland ve ap eo: SECOND EVENING’S SALE . FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, 1912. At 8.30 o’clock | 65 _ SMITH (Henry P.) New York In Southern Spain 14 x 20 66 BALDRY (H.) Ideal Head 24 x 18 Paris J 67 REHN (F. K. M.), A.N.A., New York | A Breezy Day | 16 x 28 68 YATES (Cullen) New York Trout Stream — 24 x 30 69 DUNSMORE (John W.) New York In Smoke of Battle 20 x 16 el GREIBER Munich The New Book 91% x7 71 DUBOUCHET (G.) Paris September Fruit 23% x 29 | | 72 PAGE (Walter G.) Paris Resting 15 x 24 / \ a fé 73 SHURTLEFF (R. M.), N.A. New York The Boulder a 16 x 20 74 PATTY CA. FB.) NAG New York Ducks in Nook 10 x 12 75 EPP (Rudolph) Munich Genre and portrait painter. Pupil of Carlsruhe Art School under Descourdes. Home Joys 29 x 38 | % ue -SIMONIDY (Michel) Paris |\ “| | Medals: Paris, Mention Honorable, 1899; Silver Medal, 1900, E. U. Chev- alier of the Legion of Honor, 1901. A Fair Venician do 26 ié GROLLERON (P.) Paris | | ¥) The Sentry is; x 8 78 ee EHDELFELT (A.) In the Woods 24 x 32 79 RICHET (Leon) Paris Pupil of Diaz, (8) Approaching Storm 208% SO 80 BOUGHTON (Geo. H.), R.A., London The Scarlet Letter 24 x2 ro Ba CLAYS (Paul Jean) Brussels Medal, Second Class, Paris, 1867. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1872. Second Class Medal, 1878, E. U. Offi- . cer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Hors Concours. Medal, Brussels, 1861. Chev- alier of the Order of Leopold. Mem- ber of the Royal Academy of Belgium. Calm on the Maas, Environs of _ _ Dortrecht | 21% x 29 ; ae Sule y 4 op a, Vee yt Ne ew one : i - London 1 Japanese Spaniels ts rf +4 j y ‘ f Sys ih st f 5 Wt 4 ial bh . ’ h } - { i yi sets ( LS ty 1 85 WIEGAND (Gustave) _ New York : - Night in German Village | 20 x 24 | 86 HASSAM (Childe), A.N.A., New York A Winter Morning, 42d Street 18x 15s 87 PIOT (Adolphe) | Paris — Honorable Mention, Paris, 1880. Membre perpetual de la Societe des | Artistes Francais. . An Ideal 26 x 20 er: 88 INNESS (Geo.), N.A. New York i The Hunters 129 89 JACQUE (Charles) Paris ‘Medals: Third Class, 1861, 1863; Med- al, 1864. Legion of Honor, 1867. Shepherdess and Her Flock ee Kr ee 90 CAZIN (J. C.) Paris Medal, Paris Salon, 1880. Legion of Honor, 1882. Officer, 1889. A French Farm 14 x 10% 91 WEBER (A.) Munich Landscape 18 x 24 92 OFFERMANS (T.) Holland Off to the Fields 271% x 20 93 PEZANT (J.) Paris Pleasant Pastures 18 x 25 94 | MOSLER (Henry), A.N.A., New York Medals: Royal Academy, Munich, 1874; Paris Salon, 1879, 1888; Exposi- tion Universelle, 1889. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1892. Cinderella 20 x 14 95 SCHENCK (Auguste Frederick Albert) Deceased—Paris Medals: Paris Salon, 1865. Legion of Honor, 1888. Chevalier of the Or- der of Christ of Portugal. Cavalier of the Order of Isabella la Catolica. Med- al, Centennial Exhibition, 1876. Sheep in a Snowstorm 29 x 39% Senet 96 | DUPRE (Jules) Paris” Medals: Second Class, 1833 and 1867, Legion of Honor, 1849. Officer, 1870. Evening, in Limousin Zo s0U 97 CHAPMAN (Carlton T.), A.N.A. New York Clearing After Storm 28% x 39 98 GROENEWEGEN (A. J.) Holland Dutch Landscape with Cattle 10 x 15 Dp 7tes nex RICO (M. ) Paris Pupil of Madrazo. Medals: Paris, - Third Class, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1878. . Courtyard in Venice 11 x 6% 100 KAEMMERER (F. H.) Paris Pupil of Gerome. Medal, Third Class, Paris Salon, 1874. The Song 43 x 26 101 ROUSSEAU (Theo.) Paris Medals: Paris Salon, 1834, 1849; Medal of Honor, 1867. Legion of Hon- - or, 1852. Officer, 1867. Autumn Landscape in Le Berry 9x 12% 102 BERNE-BELLECOUR Gr Paris | Pupil of Picot, Barrias. Medal, Paris, 1869. Medal, First Class, 1872. Chev- alier of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, Third Class, 1878, E. U. Silver Medal, 1889, E. U. Medal, 1900, E. U. Member of the Society of French Art- ists. Hors Concours. French Soldier 14% x 10% 103 VAN ESSEN (J.) Antwerf The Plough 7 Al x 32 104 ROWLANDSON (G. D.) London Following the Hounds 20 x 30 105 MULLER (C.) New York Glory of Venice 14 x 24 106 McCORD (Geo. H.), N.A.. New Yor Fishing Boat 16 x 17 107 VELTEN (W.) : Brussel A Country Inn 9x 12% “asiagt se, de ee ‘ | | | | 108 eS CHARNAY (A.) Paris Pupil of Feyen-Perrin and Pils. Med- al, Third Class, 1876, Trout Fishing Looe 109 SHERREWITZ (J.) Haarlem Well known as a prominent land- scape painter of the Modern Dutch School. The Old Barn 20 x 28 110 | ZEIM (Felix) Paris Medals: Paris Salon, 1851, 1852, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1857. Venice ZOU% OZ New York yet 1 seis and Cattle pe 2534 x 36 114 MEYER (E.) L’Aucateur 11 x 834 115 HASSAM (Childe), A.N.A., New York At the Fair, Chicago, 1893 24 x 18 116 JACQUE (Charles) Paris Medals: Third Class, 1861, 1863; Medal, 1864. Legion of Honor, 1867. Feeding the Flock 15 x 18 117 DE NEUVILLE (A.) Paris :- Pupil of Picot. Medals: Third Class, tees 1859; Second Class, 1861. Legion of ae Honor, 1873. Officer, 1881. : Artillery in Action 1334 x 16% : ; 4 4 XL 119.25 Vee / | VAN DER WEELE (H. J.) : Scheveningen A talented follower of Anton Mauve. Landscape with Sheep 21 x 33% 119 HARPIGNIES (Henri) Paris Pupil of Achard. Medals: 1866, 1868 and 1869; Second Class, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1875. Officer, 1883. On the River La Loire 24 x 39 DE HAAS (M. F. H), NA, Beavertail ce * \ 122 LAISSEMENT ( H.) Pupil of Vaberke Phe Cardinal | fae 123 GRISON (A.) _ Paris Medals: Paris, 1872 and 1889. Rousseau in His Study fix 5 124 ROUMEGOUS (A.) Paris The Challenge 40 x 33 125 PICHOLS (J. C.) New York Sea and Spray 18 x 24 126 MONCHABLON (Jan) Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1885. Sil- ver Medal, 1889 and 1900. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1895, Les Vernes 127 SIMONS (Marcius) Paris Court Scandal 28) x55 128 MILLET (J. F.) Paris Pupil of Mouchel and Langlois. Med- als: Second Class, 1853, 1864; First Class, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1868. Shepherdess and Sheep 36 x 4/7 From the Felix Isman sale. BRONZES Dying Gladiator, by Cortot Barbe- dienne The Gleaners, by Moreau The Wrestlers, by T. Charpentier The Haymakers, by A. Boucher The Mysteries of the Deep, by E. Picault Bronze and Marble Hiecieaiier FANS) P. SILO, Auctioneer. SNe q s Rak , ae 5 " ; " ; ve ‘ x 7 LIES , Fi GEA A. ead aS Sipe 8 * ~ <= : : iS" 3 . Rte if | es ak i oa i i 4] As i a NY | dg ) { 4 = s if Lis/ yh bs he A & y ‘4 yA : i Se Bere Wee seam Eye Lyf | ue ) a 4 { \ | ( { WA \y aa xo 4 ~~ » : Wa \ } fs py Woh 3 } Wer (| AN aa ee eg na rd Fy Pies oe \ | 4 EPS ‘ \ i J f | BAN ee Ad h\ H } \ 1} ‘ é = if \ : } é I + ) ‘ Ff iN y Ae Lert | . | BES, | = f | \ ? f , \ . f \ \ i" { | / , = { ) ye | { x y J | 1 Sy } \ pt-et : Pte *\ 1, - \ \ \ fo i X, xi J cm \ it j y | \ a ; "4 j j 4 / Pe { h Xk 4 { if | if et f 7 eB }y } } . i ee (Ny) | s > Y 9 \ ( 5 ‘ : ty ‘ ( if 7 A ’ \ shes _l ‘ata { \ lay \ F { fe » - % f 1 res | ‘ { '€ } —\ h i ? | ( } ; * 1} ¥ | ( \ f + i \ \ } t ~ \ \ : ’ J \ y Tn i: GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE Pe Ta Ree al Ny wth sheeatcinncsaatie i ) / j oP “ + LA = = ~ : ihe Pee georkerns orraneiugnges Rug nbsit os Sige ages : nit Bt na ary se