AAO ERG md = x Sa Soni ey LP ata at ae = caiomates ce OT aa aw Le Se ond Les ten oe Dy won ea ae pays te aia 7 Ce eet i & Ke we? ; i \ u( j j { rau 4 1 } fh oe cy i i i aya st TAN at Ch { " ney Pe h 1 tle ti ah Po 5 “Alrcana fatrfartana ; — S ©! Apothecarte, his Wook, ae f : \ We ie F : ¥ | * . f Fs NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE: © * (et toga PRINTED By Mawson, Swan, & MorGan, _ ) Grey STREET. ro Arcana Satrfartana MWanuscripta. mantscript bolume of Apothecartes’ Hore and Housewitfery nearly three centurtes old, used, and partly written by the | Fairfax fFamtly. Reprovuced in facesimile of the handwritings. An introductton by Gieorge GAesvdell, Pewceastle-on-Tvne: flawson, Swan, & filorgan. miecexve, Alcknowledgments. To Markham’s “Life of Lord Fairfax,’ and to the “Fairfax Correspondence,” I am indebted for most of my information regarding that eminent family. My thanks are due to gentlemen of the British Museum, who, beyond the courtesy always to be met with in that National Institution, freely gave me during my searches the benefit of their own reading and experience. Go the BWeader. References are made in the Introduction to the paging at the foot of the Manuscript, not to the original numbers at the head, which are irregular. From this irregular paging it will be gathered that there were numerous blank pages between various sections of the book, which of course have not been inserted in the reproduction. Should any reader find much difficulty in deciphering a particular portion which may be interesting to him, I. shall be pleased to send a transcription; and should there be a sufficiently expressed desire for a type edition of the book, nothing need stand in the way. There will, however, be no reprint — of the fac-simile. G. W. Table of Contents. PaGE, Acknowledgments, etc. . : ee ; v. Note to the Reader . ; Vi. The Story of the Book . : 1X. The Fairfax family . : a XVM: Genealogy of the Fairfaxes : : XXV. Nephews and Nieces of H. and M. F. eo EXVL List of 17th and 18th Century Names . XVI XXX, Specimens of the Handwritings, with Transcriptions . Xxxi. The. Subject Matter :— Medical Method, Housewifery, Touches of Nature. : : é i xe: How the Manuscript was Reproduced . } xlvii. The Book in Fac-simile : : I—-206 The Story of the Mook. HOSE who are interested in this book will probably © desire to learn something of its history, and of the people who have at various times possessed it. The most interesting way to give this information will perhaps be to describe how I found the book, and to follow the various steps by which I traced its origin, as far as that is known. | s About seven years ago, during the re-arrangement for business purposes of some rooms at 135, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne, which for a hundred years have been occupied by the firm of Gilpin & Co., Chemists, in which I am associated, I observed in a box of lumber a leather- bound volume, which on examination I found to be in manuscript. Having rescued it from destruction, I carefully examined all other consignments for the dustbin, and found several books of a certain interest, but none of the same value and charm as the first, which is herein reproduced in fac-simile. From time to time I examined the book, contenting myself at first with such portions as were most plainly written, until the interest which I found in the quaint language and curious remedies led me to study it more minutely and to search for internal evidence of its age and writers. This was of a very fragmentary nature. The reference on page 30 to “An electuary y' Quene Mary was wont to take for y° passion of y® hart,’ only hinted that this portion of the book was written after her time—an indefinite period. “Quene Elizabeth” also, when page 63 was written, might have been either in the present or the past. The book of “Rodolphus Goclerius, professor of Phisicke in Wittenburghe,” which was published in 1608 and mentioned on page 61, might have been many years old before the gruesome recipe was copied. Coming to a succeeding portion of the book, however, there appeared to be a lively sympathy between the writer and the names mentioned. “ My Lady Fairfax, of Steetan, ; Feb. 25th, 1632,” (page 135), seemed a person of present interest, and the other names of Cholmeley, Sheffield, Selby, S Widdrington, and others were too thickly strewn to be those — of a past generation. Selecting the historic family of Fairfax for my first line of research, and the “Life of Lord Fairfax, ><>% | Xi. by Mr. Clements Markham, as my first book, I learned that the parliamentary general of that name in the time of Charles I. Was intimately related to most of the persons mentioned in that part of the manuscript. Ell. Fairfax, Lady Selby, Lady Widdrington, and Mrs. Dorothy Hutton were his sisters, Lady Constable was his aunt, and Lady Bellasis his great-aunt. Sir Ferd. Fairfax was his father, Sheffield was his mother’s maiden name, and others mentioned in the book were his cousins or kinsfolk. | This suggested to me that the Fairfax family might have been the original owners of the book, but the initials M. C. stamped in gold on the binding dispelled for a time this idea. In the handwriting of that portion there appears on page 132 a note, “See my brother Hen. Cholmeley’s book.” Was it a Cholmeley, then, who had entered the recipes, and signed them so frequently with the initials H. C.? From what I could learn of that family there were about the middle of the 17th century two brothers, Sir Hugh and Sir Henry, and from the note just mentioned _ it seemed possible that the former had written it. On tracing his handwriting in the British Museum, however, I found it entirely unlike my manuscript. By investigating the relation- ship between the Fairfaxes and the Cholmeleys, I found that the Hon. and Rev. Henry Fairfax, uncle to the great Xil. parliamentary general, had married Mary, daughter of Sir Henry Cholmeley, of Whitby. This Sir Henry Cholmeley was the grandfather of the Hugh and Henry mentioned above and the father of another Henry and numerous children besides Mary. It appeared quite possible, therefore, that the initals M. C. on the cover referred to Mary, and that she had brought the book to her husband’s house ‘on her marriage. It seemed also possible that she herself was the writer of that portion where “My brother Hen. Cholmeley ~ was mentioned. In the Bodleian Library, however, I found several female handwritings of the period, and of the family, so unlike it, that I renounced the latter idea. It had also — occurred to me that her husband might naturally call Henry Cholmeley by the affectionate title of brother. I then sought for the writing of Henry Fairfax, and on a subsequent visit to the British Museum, discovered a specimen of it in the exact hand of my book. As if with the object of assisting me, the piece consisted of “A note of suche nephewes and neeces as are or were allyed to us H. and M. F. when Feb. roth 1635” (add MSS. 11,335, fol. 48). This list of nephews and nieces, to the modest number of 13973 included many of the names mentioned in my book, which | I had not previously been able to link with the Fairfaxes. Besides other specimens of Henry’s writing, I also found Xill. several letters in Mary’s own hand, two of which have been published in the “ Fairfax Correspondence’ (vol. 1, fol. 62, 64). Her writing I recognised as one which occurs in several parts of this book, so I had thus the _ pleasure of verifying two at least of the actual writers. Other members of the family had also added small portions,— Sir Ferdinando Fairfax, Sir Henry Cholmeley already referred to, and Henry Fairfax’s son Brian. The writing of the latter ig not so certain as the others, being a current hand of the period, written somewhat carelessly; and although much of Brian’s work in the British Museum clearly resembles that which I ascribe to him in the “Arcana,” yet, on occasion, he wrote a large, flowing “magnificent” hand, probably assumed for the purpose of diplomatic effect. It now occurred to me to enquire how Mary Cholmeley’s initials came to be stamped upon the cover of the book. That such a volume, essentially belonging to the head of a household, should have been made expressly for an unmarried lady, seemed highly unlikely ; and had it been presented to her on her marriage in 1626, it would have borne the initials M. F. instead of M. C. Another possibility remained, namely, that her mother’s name also might have been Mary, and that the book had been hers. A subsequent search revealed the fact that her XIV. mother was Margaret, a daughter of Sir William Babthorpe, and the initials M. C. were, therefore, appropriate to her also. Another piece of circumstantial evidence appeared on the last page of the book in the form of “A note of Mistress Barbara; her lessons on y° Virginalle,” written in one of the early hands. Now Mary was, I think, the seventh child and fifth daughter of her parents, her eldest sister being named Barbara. Mary was born in 1593, Barbara certainly not later than 1584, as about 1634 she had at least six married children, a circumstance which rarely happens to a lady before the age of fifty. Some time, therefore, about 1600, this Barbara was a young lady of the period, probably learning to play on the virginal the music of the eminent | composer William Bird, Organist to Queen Elizabeth, and of the more recent Dr. Bull, who was then at the height of his fame. The latter took his degree of Mus. Doc. in 1592, and I think that, while the “Note of Mistress Barbara’’ could not possibly have been writen earlier than that time, it was probably written before 1610. If this were the same Barbara,—which the small initials B. C. on that page almost prove, it must have been much _ nearer the earlier date. Whether the book actually belonged to Mary Cholmeley or to her mother is not absolutely certain; but XV. I think it undoubtedly belonged to one of them. I suggest, however, from the evidence shown, that it was made for the use of the latter, Margaret Cholmeley, wife of Sir Henry Cholmeley, and that the writings numbered I. to IV. in the succeeding notes were executed during the “ Cholmeley period,” that is at various reasonable dates previous to 1626. In that year Mary, daughter of Sir Henry and Margaret Cholmeley, was married to the Hon. and Rev. Henry Fairfax, son of the first Lord Fairfax of Denton, and she appears to have carried this book with her to her new home. Being a clergyman, her husband evidently prized the volume very highly, as he would be frequently called upon to minister to the sick. After their marriage he made large additions to it in his own characteristic handwriting, and Mary also entered in it her private collection of receipts for baking meats, bleaching yarn, and other homely arts. A clue to the date of MHenry’s earlier writings is found on page 74, where reference is made to Ell. Fairfax. This niece of his became Lady Selby shortly after 1630, and there is the strongest probability that this portion was written previous to her marriage. ‘There is also on page 135 a recipe dated Feb. 25, 1632, which he may have obtained from Lady Fairfax at Steeton, on his return journey from London, whither he had gone a few weeks previously. Henry was XV. assiduous in his search for medical knowledge, and doubtless, while the first heat of his enthusiasm lasted, made himself a bore to all his relations. His brother-in-law, Henry Cholmeley, was the possessor of a similar book, and from this he seems largely to have borrowed, always, however, acknowledging the source of his receipt by adding the initials H. C. His brother, Sir Ferdinando Fairfax, had married a daughter of Lord Sheffield, and he ransacked Lady Sheffield’s book, which at that time was in the hands of Sir Ferdinando’s married daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Hutton. His numerous cousins were importuned for contributions, and his almost countless nieces were in turn called upon to swell the volume. Occasionally someone contributed a receipt in his own hand, as Henry Cholmeley (page 56), Sir Ferdinando Fairfax (page 146), and others unknown. How long this process of collection continued on the part of the Rev. Henry Fairfax is not easy to determine, but there is some probability that his son Brian wrote some pages (151-3) in it about the time of the great plague in London. The Book seems to have passed at Henry’s death into the possession of his elder son Henry, fourth Lord Fairfax of Denton, whose daughter Ann, following the example of her grandmother, Mary Cholmeley, probably carried it to her new home when she married Ralph Carr, Esq., of Cocken, f ; = AY eee re ee ee i a ee ee ee ee — XVI. in the County of Durham. Her son Ralph, who was born in 1694, and married to Margaret Paxton in 1721, does not seem to have valued the book so highly as did the Fairfaxes, because either he or his son Ralph presented it as a gift (pages I and 206) to his neighbour Robert Green of Cocken, whom as yet I have been unable to trace. The Carrs were connected by marriage with the Hodgsons of Hebborne, and | the Davisons of North Biddick, they in turn, as well as the Hedworths, being related to the families of Bellasis and Penniman of previous generations, who were kinsfolk of the Fairfaxes, and all of whom are mentioned in the “ Arcana.” These neighbours round about Cocken, although historically less prominent than the Fairfax group of the previous century, are highly interesting to the North Country from their intimate relationship to its notable families, the Delavals of Seaton, the Lambtons of Lambton, the Liddells of Ravensworth, the Hedworth-Williamsons of Monkwearmouth and Whitburn, the Carr-Ellisons, the Fenwicks, the Forsters, and many more almost equally illustrious. Robert Green seems to have been a man after Henry Fairfax’s own heart, as he levied literary black mail upon his friends for many miles, besides proving and recommending the recipes with hearty zeal. We have no record as to the time when much of this section was written, although in the XVIil. : index at the end of the book (page 194) we see that Mr. Hedworth (who was M.P. for Durham at the time) sent down from London a recipe for an ague in 1728. Almost the last entry in the book gives a clue to the date when it was written. On page Igo we find some ~ specifics copied from “Mr. Blackrie’s treatise, just published.” This Mr. Blackrie was an Apothecary, who, in 1763, contributed a paper to the “Scots Magazine,” in which he exposed the secret of Dr. Chittick’s cure for gravel. In 1766 he expanded his letter into a volume, and he died in 1772. It is probable, therefore, that page 1go and the following, which are the latest additions to the volume, were written between 1766 and 1770. Che Fatrfar Famtip. One account gives the Fairfaxes a Northumbrian origin, with a seat at Towcester in that county at or before the Conquest. The name is Saxon, and signifies “fair hair.” They were certainly settled in Yorkshire about the beginning of the 13th century. Since that time they have been a very notable Yorkshire family, and have on _ several occasions exerted a powerful influence in forming the history of England. Sir Guy Fairfax, a Judge of the Court of King’s XIX. Bench in 1478, built a castle at Steeton, which became the principal residence of the family. Sir William Fairfax of Steeton, heir to Sir Guy, became a Judge of the Common Pleas; and 4zs heir Sir William, was High Sheriif of York in the reign of Henry VIII., and by marriage obtained the manor of Denton. This latter Sir William having ample means, divided his property between his two eldest sons, Sir Thomas and Gabriel, thus dividing the family into two branches, the Fairfaxes of Denton, and the Fairfaxes of Steeton. The former has occupied the greater place in history, but the latter only is still in Yorkshire, at Bilbrough, where there has been a seat of the family for three-and-a-half centuries. Sir Thomas Fairfax, of Denton, had a younger son Edward, a poet, and the translator of Tasso. Both Sir Thomas and his heir of the same name were eminent diplomatists in the time of Queen Elizabeth, the younger having been five times sent into Scotland to treat with King James. ‘This second Sir Thomas, who became the first Lord Fairfax, had nine children, of whom four sons were killed in war abroad, and three others, Ferdinando, Charles, and Henry, are worthy of separate note. Ferdinando (second Lord Fairfax) was one of the prominent leaders of the great Revolution, both in camp XX. and council. He was a member of the Long Parliament, and was appointed commander of the :northern forces, He married Lady Mary Sheffield, and had nine or ten ey several of whom are mentioned in the “ Arcana.” Charles was a lawyer, as well as a soldier, and wrote on vellum an interesting genealogical work entitled “ Analecta Fairfaxiana” containing an exhaustive history of the family. I have not been fortunate enough to see this book, but a little further on I have drawn up a pedigree of the Denton Fairfaxes for several generations, showing the relationship that existed between a number of the persons mentioned. I also print in full Henry’s note of his nephews and nieces, the latter portion referring to the Cholmeley side; and finally there is a list of the names in this book, with their relationship or notability stated opposite to each. Henry Fairfax, who is the centre of interest as far as the book is concerned, was rector of Ashton, then of a Newton Kyme, and afterwards of Bolton Percy, near York. As already stated, he married Mary, daughter of Sir Henry Cholmeley of Whitby, a family scarcely less notable than that of the Fairfaxes. Before their marriage in 1626, they were devotedly attached to each other, but, owing to their portionless condition, their union seemed hopeless. Mary, writing to her “assured loving cousin, Harry Fairfax,” fears XX1. that “we may both wish you had not thought me worthy of the title of dear love,” but “so dear you are in my esteem, as I assure you you have no cause to doubt the continuance of my firm affection;” and she adds, “I will wear your ring until you take it from me.” They were married, however, in 1626, and in 1632 we find her writing to London, whither her husband had gone on a journey: “My ever dearest love, I received a letter and horse from long on Thrusday (Jan. 31), and will use meine (endeavour) to send Procter’s horse to Denton. I did nott so much rejoys att thy safe passage as at that Bleised and al suficiente gide whoss thou art, and whom I know thou truely sarves, y' hath for a small time parted us, and I fearmly hope will give us a joyfull meeting. Dear hart, take eassy jernays and preferr thy owne heilth before all other worldly respects whatsoever. Thy three boys at Ashton are well, thy little Harry is weaned, all that love us pray for thy safe return. I pray y' beg a blessing for us all, for I must needs comitt y" to his gracious protection, y‘ will never fail us nor forsake us. “Thine ever, “Mary FAIRFAX.” eexenton, Feb, 2nd, 1632.” XXL. The “Little Harry” mentioned in this touching letter = was their third child, but the two elder died when young, and he became fourth Lord Fairfax on the death of his cousin Thomas, third Lord and Parliamentary General, who had only one child, Mary, married to the Duke of Buckingham. The married life of Henry and Mary Fairfax seems to have been peculiarly sympathetic. Henry’s gentle disposition, no less than his sacred calling, prevented him from taking any part in the political troubles of the time, which divided almost every great family in England. ‘To quote from an entry in the Fairfax MSS., “All the time of the civil wars, from 1642 to 1646, their little parsonage was a refuge and a b] sanctuary to all their friends and relations on both sides.” Mary, who was delicate, and it appears somewhat lame, died in 1649, and was buried in Bolton Percy Church. Henry died in 1665, — and was buried in the same place, “near to his dear wife.” During the Civil War the Fairfaxes were perhaps the most powerful family on the side of the Parliament. Henry’s brothers Ferdinando (then second Lord Fairfax) and Charles held important commands, the former being the General of the Parliament in the first Yorkshire campaign and commanding the right wing of the allied army at the battle of Marston Moor. Sir Thomas, eldest son of Ferdinando, and the most celebrated of all the Fairfaxes, was appointed Commander-in- XXIii. Chief of the army by votes of the two Houses of Parliament, and it was due mainly to his resolute and skilful marshalling that the Parliamentary forces were ultimately triumphant. It is he whom Milton addresses in his sonnet, “To the Lord General Fairfax,” beginning— ‘‘ Fairfax, whose name in arms through Europe rings, Filling each mouth with envy or with praise.” Notwithstanding the prominent part he played in the Revolution, he was a man of moderate views, and only fought against the king through a stern sense of duty to his country. He resolutely opposed the extreme party when they proposed to execute the unhappy monarch, and by every means in his power, short of violence, sought to prevent or delay the last act. He was afterwards largely instrumental in the restoration of the monarchy, whose atrocities and excesses, however, he lived to mourn and abhor. His two cousins, Henry and Brian, sons of the Rev. Henry Fairfax, were frequently guests in his’ house at Nunappleton during his latter years, and the former succeeded him as the fourth Lord Fairfax. Brian played rather an important part in the Restoration, and recounts in a little book entitled “Iter Boreale,’ his adventures during a perilous journey in mid-winter from York to Kelso, to consult with General Monk. He was a poet of considerable merit, and XXIV. might have further distinguished himself in the literary art had ty : he been sufficiently serious to apply himself assiduously to any © a one pursuit. He wrote a memoir of the Duke of Buckingham, and translated the life of Philip Mornay, Seigneur du Plessis. He was equerry to Charles II. from 1670 until that king’s death, and afterwards to William III. He acted as secretary | to his old friend Archbishop Tillotson for three years, and died in 1711. Henry, the fourth Lord, left, with other children, two sons—Thomas, who succeeded as fifth Lord, and Henry whose son William settled in Virginia, and is the ancestor of the American Fairfaxes. William’s son Brian, the friend of Washington, afterwards succeeded as eighth Lord, and his descendants all live in America (Markham’s “ Life of Fairfax.”) The eleventh Lord resides in Maryland, U.S.A., and has graduated as a Doctor of Medicine. The Fairfaxes, of Steeton, the second great branch of the family, has had its warriors on sea and land. Sir Willsun: cousin to the great general, died gallantly at Montgomery Castle while leading his troops to victory. His son William, who married the niece of Sir Philip Stapleton, had a son, Robert, who commanded a ship at the taking of Gibraltar, and became a vice-admiral in 1707. His descendants now reside at Bilbrough, which has been a seat of the Fairfaxes since the time of Henry VIII, . oi ts -e a: si x a of ‘ r d ; J * Rtg tl oe ee eee de a SR Ae Oe ee ee ee ee ee oe a Le, ee et ee > p< “U9yYIOD jo *pl0T Gily pd “bsg ‘uuep ydjey = Set ea REAL *"HOIMUVG Luagoy xis *p.i0'T_ Gyno wy jo ‘p‘SHONVYY = AANA ‘WVHONINONG Ao aang "tm AUVIAL ‘NOLLAY ‘NOLONIHLUY ‘NAAVAD ‘WA MIG ‘NOLONINACIAA \, YIS ‘ATTAS 'WAA AIS ‘Teloue+) AlewUoMeTIVEg “ur “ur “ul ‘ar “ar “WIASAL) ‘XUJCY P1O'T psy L 4s AHLOUOG AUVIAL HLAGVZI1q SHONVAA See x» Bcoe. ‘HuUaA NNY = ‘SVWOHY, 1S a lasso a ee et ag a SE ee ee ees Se “NVIag . "IPM “HLYUOMINA AMA ‘ATAVLISNOD Or pell[ly ‘) AIS ‘AM UIS moymM jo AnNOfF “Ul "tm ‘IBIp[oS 2» IaAMe'T “XUjIIC pio'y puov9asg ‘sI9Y}0 ALT ANNY AHLOWOG ‘SHTUVHD “Koyaujoug Aue w=(‘aoy) ee ‘GTSIdAAHS AUVIN AGV I= coe aa uIS ‘SISVITAG AUNAY AIS ‘ossey, jo “VNVILSIUH) ‘ul JoJe[suely ‘90g ‘auSY LUAGOY *XUjIICY p1oy isl 29 AUMUND ‘OGNVNIGUAY viIansun ‘quvaMay Eee jo’p‘Na11yq = eee WIS ‘AIVG @DNOAY ‘uoJUaq jo ‘La0adIugq ° ‘VInSuyQ “AUVIAL “AUNT “THINAV®) jO 'p ‘AHLOWOG = ‘SVWOH], uIS “SALIVMH]T TaadvVST = XVANIVE WVITTIM adIS : "SIUVJUVLE IG1 Jo sqvp jeuHojvausip XXV1. Pephews and Mieces of H. and WD. F. WERE ALLYED TO US, H. & M.F.” FEB. I0, 1635. (Brit. Mus., App. MSS. 11,325, Fou. 48). Sir Fer. Fairfax, his 9 children Mr. Charles Fairfax . Mr. Thos. Widdrington Mr. Richard Hutton. Sir Geo. Wentworth’s . Sir Hugh Cholmeley and his Ladyes had . Barbary, y® La. Bellasis had Dorothy Bushell . Hilda Wright Margaret Comin . Susa Theakeston Annabella Wickham Sir Hugh Cholmeley (Sup.) his ee % Lady and schildren. . 6 Mr. He. Bellasis, his Lady and : 7 children . : : A Sir Ed. Osborne and 2 children ‘ | 3 John, Lord Darcy and1 child . — 7 Sir Hen. Hugesby andichild Brown Bushell’s wife and 2 children He. Bushell’s wife and 1 child . Mr. Conyers and 7 children Mr. Dobson and 3 children. Mr. Newton and 5 children . Sir Wm. Strickland and 3 children Mr. Trotter and 2 children . é My La. Twisleton, by Sir Hen. re “i Bo s 2 3 Tes 6 4 Cholmeley . ; : Soe XXVIII. Fatrfar and Forster. It may interest north country people to note the relationship between these two families. Elleanor Fairfax, daughter of Lord Ferdinando Fairfax was married to Sir William Selby of Twizell, and was the Lady Selby mentioned in the “Arcana.’”’ Her daughter Dorothy was married to Sir William Forster of Bamburgh, whose daughter Dorothy was married to Lord Crewe, and was the aunt of the younger “Dorothy Forster’? of Mr. Besant’s romance. FERDINANDO LorD FAIRFAX == LaApy MAry SHEFFIELD. ELLEANOR FAIRFAX = SIR Wm. SELBY. DoroTHy SELBY = SIR WM. FoRSTER, of Bamburgh. TuHos. FoRSTER = FRANCES FORSTER. DorotTuy ForstER = Lorp CREWE. of Etherstone, TuHos. FoRSTER, DorotTHy FORSTER The General. (Mr. Besant’s heroine). Sir William Forster had a son Ferdinando, named after Lord Fairfax, who was killed in Newcastle by a member of one of the neighbouring families. XXVIII. Page. 152 136 144 67 206 99 149 145 134 a 142 64 147 152 56-132 69 “147 150 140 L30 Heventeenth Century james. Abbot, Dr., ey. of Can- terbury : Asheton, Old Mrs. M. Attwell, Mrs. Ayres, Mrs. : Barbara, Mistress (B.C. ; Bastwick, Dr. Bellasis, y® La. Hen. Bowes, y® Lady . Burges, Dr. : Bush, D. (Dor. Bushell) Bushell, Mrs. Butler, Dr. Carington, Mr. J. : Chambers, Dr., ‘‘ Phesition ”’ 13 x Cholmeley, Henry. Cholmeley, y® Lady Rich. Cholmeley, y® Lady Eliz. Constable, y® Lady Dodsworth, Mr. Fairfax, Henry Fairfax, Mrs. Ell. Fairfax, My Lady, of Steeton Relationship to Henry and Mary Fairfax or otherwise notable. . probably B. Cholmeley, m. Sir Thomas. ; a Bellasis: if so, a sister. -A Political Anti-Romanist. Aunt. . ? Wife of Sir Francis Bowes of Thornton Et | Hall. . Sister to Mary F. Sister to Mary F. Brother. . Cousin. Sister-in- Law. . Sister. Historian and Antiquary. Generously supported in his work by Lord — Fairfax. . (The Hon. and Rev.) owner of and writer in this book.) Niece (afterwards Lady Selby). . Cousin (Feb. 25, 1632). Fairfax, Sir Fer. Fioravanti, Leonardo Fleetwood, y® Lady Gee, Mr. ; f ‘*¢ Goclerius, Rodolphus’ Gower, Sir T. Harcourt, Vere Harrison, Mrs., of York Hickornsgill, Mrs. b) Hunt, Mrs., of Oldham . Hutton, Mrs. Dor. Hunton, Dr. . Lister, Ursula Lister, y° Lady Lucatelly, Math. Matthews, Mrs. Margaret Miars, Dr. Mullen, Dr. North, y® Lady Oglethorpe, Mrs. XXIX. Relationship to Henry and Mary Fairfax or otherwise notable. . Brother. An Italian Count, Physician and Author. . Related by Marriage. . “Professor of Phisicke at Wittenberghe.” . Niece. . A Daughter of Sir W. Fairfax of Steeton m. Lister. Related by Marriage. . probably Daughter of Sir Ed. Osborne: if so, a neice. . Surgeon to Chas. II. and Jas. II. (Northumberland ? ) Phioravanti, Leonardo (Fioravanti) Penziman, Mrs. . Ruthin, Mr. Selby, A. Selbye, y® Lady Sheffield, y® Lady Slingesby, y® Lady Stephens, Dr. | Theakeston, Mrs. . Vauasour, Lady Ursula Watson, Mrs. Mary Widdrington, y® Lady . Related by Marriage. . Related by Marriage. Niece. . Brother Ferd.’s Mother-in-Law. Niece. Sister. . Niece. . Niece. XXX. Cighteenth Century frames. Page. 187 Anderson’s Pills : 5 ; } 190 Blackrie, Mr. . . . An Apothecary, see introduction. — 160 Carr, Lady : bene ; oes 1 &206 Carr, Ralph, of Cocken . 1m. M. Paxton, 1721; father - m. d Fairfax. 1g0 Chittick, Dr. . : : . See introduction. . 179 Davison, Major - ; a an 959 Ores daughter Carr of North Biddick. 122 Davison, Master : : 190 Dunbar, General . : : 178 Dunn, Richd. . ; : ; 180 Granby, Marquiss of . : 155 Green, Eliz. : : ‘ : a Pa Green, Robt., of Cocken . owner of and writer in this book. _ 189 Hall, Mrs. . : 5 may 194 Hedworth, Mr. (after ay . MP. for Durham, 1727; cc: Gy 189 Hodgson, Lady . ; ; . ? of Hebborne, née Frances Carr. is 170 Hodgson, Mrs. j : 3 a 178 Hopper, Betty . : : 187 Husley, Mrs. ; : 7 eae, 170 Johnson, Mrs. . : : . ? of Kebblesworth, related to Carrs. — ee ? Wife of Thomas Liddell, daughter | Sir William Bowes. _ 168-9 Mead, Dr. (1673-1754) ; . Physician to Queen Anne. — ets 185 Paxton, Joseph. . . . Ralph Carr m. Margaret Paxton. > me 121 Roper, Jos ; : . ; ve 162 Robinson, Miles . j ‘ 154. Watson, C. A gL a a 168 Lyddle, Mrs. (Liddell) XXXI. The Handwritings. In giving specimens of some of the handwritings, I have not arranged them according to their position in the volume, because the large gaps left between the sections by the original writers, allowed later comers to interject stray receipts, and even small collections. They are arranged according to the periods when they were written. First, ‘there is the ‘“Cholmeley” period, including all writings previous to the marriage of Mary Cholmeley to Henry Fairfax in 1626; second, the “ Fairfax period from 1626 to 1660 or 1670; third, the “Green” period, relating only to the 18th century writings, its utmost limit being from 1730 to 1770, Having already brought the earlier writings to a period after 1600, I shall not be misunderstood when I give comparative examples of similar hands dated prior to this. The exact dating of a manuscript from the handwriting alone is very difficult. The “Court” hand of one age might linger on in the country districts, and be taught by old people (who were generally the schoolmasters and schooldames) fifty years after the time when they themselves had learned to write. Or the “Law” hand might show a conservative XXXII. tendency, and retain an ancient character long after the literary or other classes had adopted a more convenient style. Hence, without knowing the location, profession, or standing of the writer, the handwriting only brings us to within fifty years . or so of the date when it was written. I shall not, therefore, attempt to fix a date to any of the earlier hands, but give ‘ examples of their occurrence elsewhere, so that those readers 7 desirous of doing so may have the pleasure of comparison and criticism. l—The “Sbakespeartan” Hand. (Page 3). ran a “ere _— me tog Pele i Saher oo 4am ree so Ete eee oer piper, bu 8% XXXL. id est (Page 3). ‘‘ How to use my hopes [hops] and hop-garthe, being sett. ‘In october digg the hop-yard betweene the hills and rid the diches ‘‘[ditches] round about, so lett yt lye all the wynter tyll marche “‘lyke a fallow ground, but styrr not the hills tyll marche.” (Page 98). *«Steepe one-dram-and-a-half of Ruberb one whole night in six ‘‘ounces of whay, wringe yt out the next morninge and drinck ‘that whay at six of the clock that same morninge, fastinge ‘*tyll X° and at a XI dyne wt som p[ar]t of a henn stewed, *‘but drinck a draught of the water wherin the henn ys stodd, ‘before y" putt any bread or freut into the broth.” I call this the ‘Shakespearian” hand because it occurs in the Stratford and many other records of the time of Shakespeare and his father. Good examples of it in that earlier form may be found in the “Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare,’ by the late Mr. Halliwell-Phillips, and in “Shakespearian Facsimiles,’ by the same author. In the seventh edition of the former work, vol. II., fol. 236, is an excellent specimen showing how John Shakespeare, the poet’s father, was replaced as an Alderman of his Guild because he “Dothe not come to the Halles when they be warned, nor hathe not done of longe tyme.” A much later development of the style is seen in the “Percy Folio,” from where Bishop Percy largely culled in 1765 his ‘“Reliques of Ancient English Poetry.” This manuscript, which is exhibited in the British Museum, is XXXIV. supposed to have been written about the middle of the 17th century; but the writing is more characteristic of an earlier part of the century, and was probably done by someone past middle life. A specimen of it may be seen fac-similed in “Bishop Percy’s Folio Ballads and Romances,” published — by Trubner and Co., in 1867. Careful comparison of this will show that the letters f, g, h, k, s, t, also st, and th, are generally of a more modern character than those of the examples in this book. A hand almost exactly similar to > that on page 3 of the “Arcana” is found in the British Museum, Add. MSS. 30,305, fol. 19. It was written by Thomas Wynter, in 1606, and consists of “A Collection of the Earll of North[umberland] his cause, on his alleged complicity in the Gunpowder Plot.” XXXV. I1—Ghe “Secretary” Hand. (Pare#117.} C Or ern Capond./ / | 4 a jp ear ond pring Co if pelo: ae Gone) on 8 foe MRO dnbo Ke onoled. ond (2 9 7 nay) mate a Grayon a. m : Yecperb LBut bre : pegeale) mente? aul? bo moutbes wh Bulle ov “TO CRAMME CAPONS. ‘Take fine wheate meale and mingle itt w suger or honney and ‘‘soe make itt into Rowles, and soe you may make a capon ‘“‘fatt in six dayes. But the wheate meale must be moulded ‘¢w't Butter or Sewette.” This is the more official style of the time of Elizabeth and onwards. In the Sloan MS. No. 1832 and the Harleian No. 3885 we find writing masters of Elizabeth’s time calling it the “‘Secretarye hannde,’ Long after this, William Fairfax uses it in writing to his brother Henry at Trinity College, Cambridge. Even so late as 1660 it was taught to schoolboys, and was then known, I think, as “ Henry VIII. writing.” XXXVI. Il] —Ghe “Glosspng” Hand. (Page 124.) fie[E pm ci be ve dqqoo® a bev, then qva/Re RAG Cy inate uy atey, fhen Fur N lome aes Me Op Micase dnd hoy ts JE Fore G sere s, ae br ko Ww BEN snl? Any hkamig then fade WAX Mies fe fe on bhers Ad eu ite dink boy O Re Aw fouye Fog AS} fhen. for pe out Ue ere id est “HOW TO DY A FRENCH GRENE. ‘First make it a good blewe, then wash it up in faire water, ‘then taike allome accordinge to the p[ro] portion, and boyle ‘‘it thre houres alwaies when you use any allome; then taike ‘‘it up, then taike faire water and grene dor and boyle wise ‘‘an houre togith’ then taike out your grene,” &c. Although this differs so widely in effect from the hands I. and II., there are many examples in the British Museum which seem transitions between I. and III., and between II. and III. Thus the MS. 17 A. vi., which is of the 16th century, has the characteristics of I. and III. combined, being more finely written than the former, but of distinctly earlier hand than the latter. The nearest ae eek Pe. ES. * eS Fata grit ia ead ton hl cae XXXVI. approach to the ‘ Glossyng”’ hand which I have seen occurs in the Add. MS. 30,305, fol. 17, which was written in 1600 by “Ra Fure.” IV. —The “Ftaltan” Hand. (Page 14.) For the cage a y Acad, guuen by mers Vals (y Em nperor Char os phifitun) £0 ASR ee Take two ounces of the iutce of the If udds of redd rofes OF O11€ OURLE of cucry pood oile of rofes, ont ounce of kow/ls; oile and two spoonefalls We cn milk of a Dae ee niulre We ae BO fereed and afm uch mace made m pe wder asthe nutmeps ts and alittle : red rofe Water and afmuch (me (Ce mi ger is mngle all thefe bopeather ant Aarne l(Cppon a Chefiagdih, pad aiorite the na € of the neck and the temples Bed the CTOMnEe of the head and, Onder y CArES yyou ren] rap uf Weary (well m, and kespe the head, (Wholt (whe vb adornge and after sh 1983.39 d= aNN> This was not a common hand in England until about 1615, when the London writing masters Richard Gething, John Ayres, and others taught it to their pupils. Abroad, however, in Italy and in France, it was quite common as early as 1550 (MSS. 14 a. xvi., &c.) It was also taught in England by Teshe, of York, and others of Temp. Eliz., who called it the ‘ Italique XXXVIILI. hannde,” (origin of our Ita/ics) but it was regarded as distinctly ; foreign, and was only used in continental languages. The MS. 17 A. vut., for instance, begins in the Italian hand, the language written being French; it continues in the Secretary 7 hand, in English; and again reverts to the Italian, written this time in the Italian language. The best specimen of this writing which I have seen is the Sloan MS. 987, written in 1586 by a young French Lady residing in Edinburgh, Esther Langlois (elsewhere called Anglois and Inglis). The style of writing used in Italy, however, in the beginning of the 17th century was more cursive than this, somewhat like that of Charles Fairfax’s hand, or in a much less degree of his brother | Henry, which is shown in the style V. This lends some support to the idea that the younger Fairfaxes were taught by — their uncle Edward, the poet, who, as translator of Tasso, was certain to be acquainted with the Italian Schools and methods. V.—benrp fairfar’s Writing. (Page 140.) 3 “For Aegitot eis : RM Pols foot~ steer > To fee, veotes,, & Plone of 1 Fads of-Zane ov Clan & 4 ‘greeks of 0 Bares 3h ams, Rem all bogie nay ern $ a plaster & 4 Ur Upon om for cheng ve Pues day. 4 all, y Soves of qrhaf wile peGAn) into Srocak— afre-ORey Ba Real WasR offer vf glace Hr WRire hme &y pee peace tan : Hide to waren 7 ee. ‘ Bee grounds. Wormer alu «& vm. po aa my or fo 0! ae ae Urabe. hn Be 7 seme Romge, 4 harn mts Sort, KiB BS not Ka. wall vamarn WRU, 66 Four ats 62 Lhe XXXIx. 4a est “FOR Y* KING’S EVILL. ““R, [take] Folefoot [coltsfoot] stamped with his rootes, y¢ flowre ‘of y® seeds of Lyne or flax and y® grease of a Barrow-hogge, ‘‘mixe them all together, make thereof a plaster and lay it ‘upon y® soare, changing it twice a day, and all y® sores of ‘ve desease will be resolved into sweat. After they be healed ‘‘wash often y® place with white wine by y® space of Io or Hits days.” “HOW TO KNOW Y® K[{ING’S] EVILL. ‘Take a ground worme alive and lay him upon y® swelling or sore “‘and cover him with a leafe. Yf it be y® disease y® worme ‘will change and turn into earth. Yf it be not he will remain ““whole and sound.” VI.—Marp (Cholmeley) faivfar’s Writing. (Page 120.) 40 nuke pole page wd est “TO MAKE PUFFE PASTE. ‘Take a quantety of fine flower, 4 whits of Eggs, a little rose ‘‘water or other cold water; mold your paste together and ‘‘beat it with your rollin-pin for y® stiffer y* make it, y® * better.” xl. VII.—brian Fatrfar’ 8 Writing. (Page 151.) besons sh a Morr hsry ee bs pyres td est “THE DRINKE FOR THE PLAGE. ‘Take hartshorne rasped one ounce, ginger slysed, one quarter ‘“‘of an ounce, Juyes-beries [goose-berries] one ounce, fligges ‘‘half a pound, tow (2) oringes, the rind and meate. Take ‘‘Turmentall roots one ounce, angellica roots one ounce, ‘“‘angellica stalkes and leaves, Elder leaves, Red bramble ‘‘budds and leaves, Red sage, Rue and Saxafrige y® stalkes ‘cand leaves, of each of these hearbes one handful, stamped ‘¢ all,’ etc. Re ¥ 74 oy age oe) VIII.—* Eighteenth Century. xli. oe) Got om ifs 0 - : ag oun-em 9 : ae oa ge va ae PEAY 9 po Pi loan hi [he it fv Pe 5 aa Ia ig = a ey te 1 yy [X.—jPineteenth Century, Handwriting as an art, will probably, in the course of next century, be superseded by the more legible Type-writer, and the still more convenient phonograph. I therefore add, for the enlightenment of the readers of the next century, a specimen of the present style of writing :— tne Cy fracrelia firah dea As tosh ta xii. The Subject Matter. HMevical RMectpes. To describe the herbs and simples used in the medical © receipts would be congenial labour, and in undertaking it I a should be more at home than in what I have already attempted. 4 But that would fill a volume in itself, and would not be ~ generally interesting to the book lover. I shall therefore only | make brief reference to the subject matter, leaving the rest to the leisurely perusal of the reader. The collections found between pages 9—58, and 75—96, although written in the same Italian hand, were evidently culled from different sources. The second, at — least, seems copied from an Apothecary’s book, the first may | have been also. The other writings of that period, such as those on pages 96 and g7 also bear the marks of professional skill. ‘The renowned “ weapon-salve ” of Paracelsus, mentioned on page 61, although still recommended by his disciple Dr. Fludd in 1606, had almost fallen into disrepute as a professional — remedy, partly on acconnt of the ban of the Church, partly 4 from the increased enlightenment of the medical men. Almost — the only auxiliary to physical remedies was the reverent invocation of ‘ God’s grace ;” and in spite of occasional appeals xiii. to the imagination, in the form of charms or talismans, the “Cholmeley” writing may be said to represent the professional method of the time. : The “ Fairfax” receipts, while still dealing in charms, exhibit a greater number of remedies in which diet and régime are the chief factors. They represent, therefore, domestic rather than professional medicine, and are just what would be used by families residing at some distance from the towns. 3 The medical portion of the “Green” collection, as might be expected from its later date, shows a great advance in the evolution of scientific. treatment. The remedies generally have become more definite, and are often chosen as on page 221 with a single and rational end in view. Cures for the bite of a mad dog are not effected by a “Hair of the dog that bit you,” but by means which might have been used up to within a very recent date. This is said, however, with all respect for the more ancient treatment, for does not the method of M. Pasteur after all consist in a homeeopathically diluted “Microbe of the dog that bit you?” Bousewtfery. The Sections devoted to the household arts form a large proportion of the book, and although bleaching and dyeing, brewing and preserving, are now almost entirely xliv. relegated to the manufacturer, the baking of meats sti a continues to engage the attention of the housewife. It ma therefore be interesting to some fair readers to try the methods a of those ancient dames, for the food upon which such noble 4 men were reared in the days of Queen Bess and of the : Commonwealth, may still be capable of making healthy bone 4 and brain and blood. A crammed capon followed by pancakes | made with cream—only think of it! (See recipe, page 117.) Touches of Pature. | Here and there, throughout the book, there are 4 evidences of the same human nature which is the heritage of all time. Some one, finding it convenient for her purpose, scribbles on page 60 the copy of a letter written to some “Right noble Knight,” asking him for a stag which she wishes to send to London, invoking Harry Cholmeley as 3 a mutual acquaintance. The writer of the Italian hand, : perhaps resident in the household but not a member of the family, enters on the last page “A note of Miss Barbara q her lessons on y* virginalle, which she hath learned and — can play them.” On the same page a watchful housewife notes the contents of her poultry yard as follows: 1 spon xvi Torkies, xviii dowkes, iiii henes, ii cokes, x chekins, © X giese, iv sowes, 11 brawes, [? brawnes]. xlv. There is also on page 201 a record of lost linen, including handkerchares, fallenge bandes of kambreke, and other articles. Near at hand, on page 200 reversed, some masculine penman has copied a charm “To stanch the bleeding at the nose,” which deserves to be given in full, as it may prove of assistance to those who in the present day put a key down the back of the person so affected. It is written in “latin” seze— ‘‘Sanguis manet in te, ‘¢Sicut Christus ferat in se, “Sanguis manet in tua vena, ‘‘Sicut Christus in sua pena; ‘‘Sanguis manet in te fixus, ‘‘ Sicut Christus in Crussifixus. ‘Say this over three times, naming the partyes nam, and then say the Lord’s Prayer.” These “asides” are not the least interesting feature of the book, They show that it has passed through many hands,—that the hopeful maiden as well as the lean apothecary, the anxious housewife as well as the learned divine, the equerry of Charles the Second’s court, and the country squire of a century later, all had a hand in its making, adding something of interest to them and to us. They also enable us more readily to call up the family life of those interesting days in or about 1600, when My Lady Cholmeley, having ordered her household during the morning, and instructed her many daughters in their Grene wood gon.” xlvil. The Weproduction, and How tt was Done. When first considering the publication of the manuscript, I was uncertain whether it ought to be printed in letterpress with merely a few specimens of the handwriting in fac-simile, or entirely in fac-simile as now produced. The former would appeal to a larger class, because many persons might read in type what in the original manuscript would be tedious and difficult ; yet to the genuine book-worm a little difficulty or even utter unintelligibility in some portions would be an additional fascination. The publishers having put before me the possibilities of production in either fashion, I decided to address the book to the latter class, and publish it in fac-simile throughout. Should they or others desire an edition in letterpress, the publishers and the writer will be _ pleased to receive their suggestions. The method of reproduction now had to be decided, the choice lying between tracing the entire volume by hand or copying it by photography. The latter would have been by far the easier process had the book been in good condition and clean, but after experiment it was decided to adopt the former, bringing in the aid of photography here and there, xlviil. where practicable. The reproduction by hand was so successful, a however, being in most instances indistinguishable from the original except by the colour of the paper, that photography was only sparingly employed, and the pages so copied (see between 108—135) have been marked in the volume. The 4 printing has been done by the lithographic process. There is some pleasure in stating that a high authority in manuscripts _ in the British Museum considers the fac-simile “most successful.” | Every line of the Work has been compared with the a original, and where the slightest deviation was found it has been corrected or retraced. The only features not attempted in the reproduction are, the stains on the paper—although all the blots have been copied where they do not too greatly interfere with legibility,—and the various shades of the faded ink, which indicate more clearly in the original manuscript where some writer has added a comment on the work of his the predecessor. 2, Stannington Avenue, Newcastle-on-Tyne, November 17th, 1890. The Manuscript in facsimile. arfula ister Ofog hes. rtlfe’ loc ante / ee Sone, Q Raoro not Wohak£ dog 7 oe, W oH tenG : Whee, Whiner g es A = Penk (pale gorse rete » ns a a eee 1y)59-—Y> t ont Weary, > by fle mm GO Soprer ie Cree oe apes mS $ no pie Ler ee on e- ty a fikboligg On? Av z pana 8 cyan Meme hey [9 ET Foole: ayoty~ & fhe, Ayan og SG ee ure e'eh BW, neg see eg Fala ae ee SCS AS ae: Vea eth AS y > ve ‘a . Se ai ; = eat a = carly . 04 4 td 3 iF a 3 peeks Se Doar. of fair fpring Wale, One o ouncr_ of Coppurns. rouge ! A Owners of: Gur Arabch, megla Had teguher 6 @ EMS shond . se -tard-2. 4 ha ia fro : Paks. 4 owns of-gine araich Car fon . zr cil fot a | © ona. owner, + Coppuras.. se 4 qpart o f-—o me Bo ok tee al 3 Has$r_ hogster: & seiner ae Zora hme a “4 ee nfs . Mn y Zk cf Vihar ee Ge fy Sot 423 , | V4: a Sea ‘Le 2 seic y 4. oe «6 Cagis Sale ae aes He. Ted meoti teams, to Gute Oy 9 etagsn el foal ae = SSS Bide POA NT fc “Mero Sols, } So gh a ais 4 Sema van ce eee » > » sae 1 a. ye as Bae Shade oe pect Cg i aa Cn A Ow asthe — Gorfotnset:)— —~ — a ey S (trea Bink, — } 6. Ker, pay sisi a Barly—comne.. oruple ts 20 gram es 3, Soja adrame , 8 Dresnas an Oumer. 12 Ounces a 2ound. ety F or «(Wem Th. a 2 quantity of black saope and somuch tad : CT. made mito ep gee: er MIX Le Same (with Kes Fat a thith 7h oT, in Lay et ss her ona vet of me new/white clot ns Ales : Le fobath Yer $0 reff er rather Coven the sore 12 oe ee according as-you oy ‘a os worke: and ‘ghey: chau nge and renew accord raph ty on, and rent the p laste or e (Ont y r sore Ae wile thm le ey A, ae + lat CY 4 ry Sore tf broken i aped ney SOE be as flatt a as lowe as any other park g of: pe Mes Ao not cult or prick y. -Y Sore bat: Lei Reeds y (Werkng oly medume - M ale no more medycme 76 pe ese fer a(teck, and then weedly mate, ff TOS. <—wheny Co. Cake ecdeane drawen s forth ‘then vil apcare to vttname oS ie or thy 72 of the Wenn (Unto Gich apple nathmg. hut aha tle irs forseere oe see Lote HS; oo EL ee to be tary cleane dratoen fort :Deutle some Peau wm thmee peer oy fae ede met of the lakfer ape then Shall touche ¥ S0are herb to make y latte w bo abede (‘por LY: St%e YW “aherwtfe be 0a ge es POPS PPPS ey ree eye term er Coa u ere db fleppery ae, a or fhe Max - -butter~well cAaripyed 7 ™ funn, Broom - Gudds,. Burtre flowers , Volek teuuee, v2d- Sage K 0 Cattle Camomde 9 <" Sermy 4 Atte f or the reddnes of the os or bladbod 2 OTe redd/Wrne redrofeWater and (Womans rail and. mingle ale these togeather and cult us ite of -¥ crommes af (Wheaten bread be a much af ll COUEY a and lo eit m the redwme rol Waler and mi te and/When you go Lo bedd. aye L(Cppon ise tues and twill help them fk 9s sassy 3 - for C hilblanes K shes XN Take fa Wve (W allt and (heat branne EE i, ull * be (er Soft - and laye eG ppon the @ place oreeued soWwhot a SO CaaS flor yb- and sft be brofen ut (” ll pale ut and iful be not brofen Ail | ajwage th ff Dove Pirae ye m avy fate of fy bod fncine eye tive orthreeonions: al then and fhe them le beale them smale - and pull therlo ry sponefall ae pee and afnuch agud win posite 4 Hamp them cll fa eather strame them Bees a cloth ; then 4 ; y - @ take b(Warme tt hott an danom oy | greeutd p doth and iton rl . [/ 2-— | and Wart a ee, Se ee eee Pe ee ee a ee Se For bldg aty role: Probetam. Take a Toade and d, fe t rn ee ut ¥ same mlo Some silte- or saltent b, and Aange ut about ig) “neck, of y arty next the shmne and“ ood fe ll stan ch eth oY. cara the fall mg Ab j abe the parle ofa loade and Ari it and beate wt te powder. then drmte wrth avhat drife t yous Well Eeeceaee (Au ert medicine for a eae MAS OLS seh faye Take a Toade af any tyme fy vere and drie ul m an OULR So A doth noe breale and, (Meher Uv dried pult £ mts some taffaly 5: and c < pane at about y neck oy per Yereued ext y shin “dl eipeth or a Pyan andy vebb : We (Tah a band fiullof fem lock_andy while ofan cate and a litle ta yale i er, [bear fe me K Lay Ta a pulee erm ony contrary Side fut be SESE a oe. CL oe Saf haves rol Kall y, Bg and putt mtoy ee andsotye uf, till if be Ceobole . pare yee ~ 4 an | Fir Soullmg dag ick | Take Kamo flee, ande yu carmot sty flores ak y | herbs and take nome mil ke and uby berks mio yt, and res | a : meale if you vi io Vals meale tafe otmeale seg seth ah ee ihe ate yet, ankle lato | f wellmg ple, Sobol as y alent can mdurett- and m tance ia Cee Same s/o red. t yt anaye fe . NTE Tae Drnkog of y smiemes jeer \ EMT FB | pr wen Pei a | ep ake a pmle of neals oote ole and. half apeund of ma butter Ke | half a ound. of Sores rea/e, 3) malledy. J - mallowes of ts faeld 4 SS 0 french mallorwes hale 3 pund : ip all these Verte smale Ea eather thea borle it m eres buttér and yes abrerayd ; Ail tt be half borled GS then frame tan anoml bag Warmed inh both euenmeg and Eee and bv Yap af . / ype re | ae wey eae fies oyntment for the 4 alfye. de Take the flowers of Tickades, the floroers of Ry: Le spite, t the a ors 4 of mer 7 La uender the flowers and Tg wp yo rolem To sMtrs Bo cro opp f To sop flowers and crops of mau oe df dfuell oft ee | kenligp oers , y crop crops tg" £ of cach of pee abandfull, fae of EL, _florvers, pas han sab ut them all mto sallekoule, and — get tas ae make ole of L A gfsy line an For them theyr speach fasleth. \ Take whandfall of y crop yi of R ofema a fandfull of Sage tand a | handfull of Usop ee boile thom Oh m/ey, aoe it esoft ‘oft, then ut igh mito 7, eywen clothes, and le 2 about be wa eodd of the a eee and the pulf os. gf be armes as/(W ott as it m be Coffeed BES astt hale thoes mete id it (evel! Aely lp ik hs vale, > oe ee C$ or the same J 99e~ es ec: ie ber and beate it and SO0E Ut mn a lin ad cloth and cc a ba , We bi Cr then a boant if Be (an a eee LE m tay mouth Le hym i if'nal t en la lay 1h Cp pen ae ce Dr verse For y Policy that draweth y jana wp ; Jake korofh p rooles and. seth them. m malmsey, and bathe them : 2 ote therermth where Le “& drarven tnd fie fo sy, right place as Warme L ab iG : th As aay, be suf fred, and tf he cannol J pe f rub his tongue /W REWY eee and alee or cL with y same meditme Aforctarde made of STaites acre or vith pfs composite, and herby THULE , and mmgle te tageather extub y ee of y neck init KK s.0 ae Cares: For the swymin on y head gen by mwesfa “ss (y Emperor Ce ie fitiore ) to Sei, eS Take two ourncls of the Lurce of the becdedy of redd. rofes OF O11 OULE of } on € 19 3 y good. olt 0 rofes. One ounte of Row/ le} ile, and two id a ls oe milk of a man child ee! ve natmegs frrely calen KO ferced and afmuch MACE made m powder ae tbe nulime Ie 1s tnd ee ) red rofe Water and afmuch Wie ae miper a mingle all the/e fa. eather : and. Warmée tt /O pon a naling We ; ahd gone “ff of the C ALC. and the temples, dee cTomne of the head, ate ay cares ; yn maul] rah of Veary (well rm, and. Aeepe the head Who hile & ee and after £900.79 — 3 330d Bs ie are mm the hack. # ; Take a quart of new milke from the Cowe and the brifh kit of a 2 bres) of mutton cult of y thinne and all the fat as nere ee i, an and bende Di bones and put m&o the milk (othosrcwras nse ; te ut : Take nyae leaues of clary, and nine leaues of nepp, and @ 7 food handfull of Anolt. FACE yi nme Leaucs of com Or ; puit S a “gd thefe Sige mt (ith the multin and /elt ul oh falfe ae awaye, brafe a Beier and. ue if ma and let usecth a.waume uaz £10 after, and then Teast i and lée it stand tll t be could ~. 4 i F Jhon of-y fate 8 Wwarme u Bicleon de caery morne Kener a draught | a : | (An other for the same, . Dam Tak three beaues ofr epp, and fiue leaues of Clary and. % A> three Leaues of Comforye. and the ithe of &be OXG back . on Be and chopp all thefe topcather ard frye (wth a cupple of egos ‘44 m sweett butter, and cate ut BRED mornmye, ana a Lille before you edt t drmke a ltle draught of muchadell and an other - draught after * Dw — nw : : eee O , VI sex ee the Evmreds- Sino ek the hoofe of a orf “aoe, and redd fearlest burne them bothe to rather to powder : take (white frankenfence oe thus piioder on a thafragdeth of coles and sit ouer them - ae 22. apes? 4 bath ) for Mo clanchaby £0 | | | Take malo eT Al pellitory of the wall of Ries handfuls Camomell ft bowers 1 Melot flowers of | cach one and full belly hocks five handfull . Srop CHE ae handfull fe nit crich, seede of eit Sede. of either , One OUNCE and boule them m nme gallons of (Water, (Y ntill they LOA Lo th ee thta flee m a guart of meiv milfe an ce: ut bloud (Warne, or fom th bse (Warmer » rer ; i | 4 | A A ER LENE SOIT DO SD NIT RS IETS Farha fabing of the coaile: om Tabs Some Lute and if ut be not fowre, temper i, (@ith omer lay it to the LaRe of Lhe nich, * 9992S Of Es moder or Pyle rn | oF Sere are ehoie pend of the fundomet fine CO CES oe wv orvhades called ait &n0To dale. an dare ordeyned of n atare topurre the rols esdndinche oe men a (Weomens fol ar per 2 ed euery mone£ e sat uroations come au t preferuclh De b Nod be rom SON L, ee [rom ee ys ee auapop pore. and wach like I ie be called FLemorayde of FL, ema Tivhirh 770. reel, wB blood and ro Ba eileen. There are SO ey ee des of therm for some f Lhe reynatS Some Are Like mulberes and. are called moralles and some are frrale oa Little peces of fle’ about-y fundament and some are pamefull iad apotVsum ue Sane cau fe of 5 aboundante of 70 lS and. melancholy the/e for the raol! parte, 7 bloud and somtrme of fle me , and Lom mes of brent cAoler sent py ray place, or el F cy conee thorou 5 the receipt ychary medy cunt cmes (Wherfore by the vreale abiundat LE 0 such blood. “yt th ain feth y the saydo em os fwell, and be extended out of the fundament bem Uery pam ofull and apas Sum oy, T her foro ofy Had beroery sublet ana sharp, Bins afcon natural and comme by cour Jer Then the micatber of the cmes arto sy A cwithouty melancholy bloud 4 pureed by the bene fut of nature and also the sa dmatife Sloud Wwalrye and not roffe, then they are Like Littte b adders or rames of rayfons : ae m colour Gohl mn Coueern and hs 20 ud - ae pen : Sf they be agendred of profs flugm Zee h, bl. . - bp fats bas the atl hard. like artS or fOnripe s and are nol /Ceary pame All . sie the ey ye iy vf ies y Some im Me A a how colour 1s betwene bhavnes and rednes yp they be caufed o of me a lan choly blood and fle Varies mixt to sy er the ey Aare vf he litle i & Jepas of, Meds of We. Be “And ie be caufed 6 of brent cholerth ( | bloud poorth melancholy ‘they are mm couo ae signet Lhe to «milla “8 and (Gea ary pamefull There be some. naturale, gid eee accedetall other tole (which m- SOME hy es eucry moncth or cuery| yee, fowre Lymes uTpe rofs and gee: bloud : she atth = a a dentall are the fe l jewhich t proceed of We r forsa pf CAML{ES , ‘through ie dielt or other thmpes not naturall Gwherfore the 6 Petche a8 Au ade all har oe salt and tart thmg oS that m sass: melancholy ses a all ules the head the ae Salle and graft yo off a Ki flict ad 0 of br s, Swme Ae es hares, and birds of y- pie ee Tha ofe a 4 thatare m, rpendred mnwardly are naturally pand the af art (wont fo ‘a 4 fend out ops blood : ALnd thole seule outwardly, send ou = (Wwatry Ld sonwhat SL ea Ee file =o I i Lok Sanh sa Boge Bi ' she a on. Gis eee a as ic, wes ah 4 Meg h Oe, ip eg ed : a: si a ee) - . Tah y plan fen laucs and clder flowers, Gut them “gun tly | of new milk (When tye haue a pottle of | that ater, take falf a oun de of bitter almonds blanch them, tale your ollle Walter and half an ounce of er ereury birle ikon the e fer ma ipl, belt the mercury be con fam ed, then Let ck and ell uf be colde. and so pul my or almonds - 2209m— : Ceol, excccllent agua hs 2mr— RE _Cinamome. 63 meiberis | ie lvan gf ee ulon I 6 ah a allan, a * Bs if i m ufca la ; Macy ai Pa s j Cardamomt trut fy Sim: pelle Dh, ah "7 Ztdoria Ps ams 1, famecul Y i yt axtth BA on the head. as tl lhe, d. 4 the same ie bas . a LAO an ee as often as you haue caufe DI — Ue aan on cea a Oe artopht Bo SS saa ae an an rguirttid lami atantle Doma —_ Phu [cabiose | : : i ae Palagy Serpell : Aioeee One rine Mane a 3 y Flora resara rub: Ae aluikl Betomce Kao MAT INA . ee oe achados : “yee i ee Bplofre, Bora wiivod 316 : 2 Put: lortitu Créri 3 7 : Specees Diam bros 3 VE romat: 7 osah , ) : : D tomofche dulecs ; Bee : Dia margartl Calhde | i as ELE de gemms a 3) ao A © Macerant ae amb i if / m 0 tom clarthle site pint, / Coclaquaute deb? av ak diflillent” etm a r mde fluent (v tdithllat adde Santhel odorat. rd exh Citrmé 3 4 mas che Wpran WU Julape roraler clart fmm Lb mifee ck bene Cooper ta, | By Na ‘A os the er TECCE Pe and Saunders 77 a cleane Lymmen cloth an Lett ater asf tl ditt: Meth dre throu 4 thc muske ae AGA eS aif a anders and Lelt Pe se fy ronbeck__ or veer add. oie LG Ls of eis rine A Kot st d2)> uy 253 n AGE 1S called Ly y flamer of a We ayntments, alias Flesgoag n uentort fo or wt i for all mantr of Ma ip aches or Soa mew or Ape ionenes Take osen re sfech half ap a ee (Wax, i olibanum t there eno J iihiee then Somu A CLL of eche 4 4, Ora ound gare ery drames 5 ofrmar Fick One OUNLE oO harks weal ee a pound, OY erg hak 4 ete melted. a7 pound y b to be de gin. and. frely fearced. as ies Bilal ee of "salloroe andwWax top to vithir th ad “ rofe olen an si tn te yetier to them Te hn thin Jai yo" 0 mas ttc ben Ne. plied ue a soft fer then tes them eee acleth mto a pottl 0 of fittfome Then botle the wee i all the other medutmes doseatber, ae Lot 1b cool tll it be blood (Varme, them put there a 4, of 4 sand of Tur entre and be euer sFirrin oni eh Ei, cuer beware yee Muff he bhodwarme (when Spon pucttoyour Sa ere . 21 for sft be. Whitt it ye all. yo uff Cohen ub Pe: and c Wey md L then bia gk wi, nds oh ayle of [weete almonds 7 ae Op m vo les gn fe ou boy "fe for the eee reboots e fatuc Cart Kad forall nda for y oule tesprende a yp a choih ae taster, an. ut zt lace Feeued ial : ull nok come o of (Gnbll y pat be gon. hadi ae a ‘ se tale palfap a pan The riled ha a orelay ey th pee her, spaed £0 HIG ey two or mee eH rie Cémpher foil not come to powder hin you mate Sales Be Re. roles th enyou Pas ean we e yo th here y ne priebs or a j ; my ve Be to tus eee anh ws ra we Tue UmorTs a= MY ou of y re and: thes Jntreat i 18 aod for y outes and for E ar ee red for mange of all ae ut of SH tom anda 3 afbomrer alpine WE rand pather newe flefp, ye is wok yy or all ould adbes and m ot ipedeae of y body, head, ce or sie EVE . for Ss mOWCS Ti Fue OL OT Si i TU nfo or te dp Tawe obo trim, : 3 : we > or bilm eae ‘Bealls debian all a Pe Of Bar ned mn the p flesh “far nal ae page to drawe otf — ll maner Aches m / Limes and head ache y splent By ests and breaketh all manér o Whi meee, ee m Caddy fellers eg and Canterr all fluxes of menand/weomen : aed for Ppirads coed tym 2 a . maban as Jaler or varcloth 10 hcale ANY SOTL - This Sntreal ; IS PUPP bo: e ime SB hlin el of. efus ie yep 6 bog recede é by an yy: x e hill mAbmame (e (wrought many m arul £ OY, and i" neue Ss medyeme Ipey— Di order of ti Bete oN Pia ei Fis cafe it to be spred tas a fay re Lynne ihe pllirae and. laye y sume Cp pie any tombe Ww hiare Pe retried rz fi ; anomlte yf tom tes (vith oyle of rofes then be thon - The Iujf of your Sher mush be half an meh thic ores to the ro as erly Ofy same;you musth let t fuk and contre 1a or td ales . tofeatotr alihen h pee Sou to Some pare 0 ache my mtant¥me “yet you ie Lb le on Lull or it L hothe drawe but the umorwys by lith [mak prmples and also hale agamt and one plaibler mush ee ts Loe foal Cvilhout ete of oe aw DPIrIe-— tmie WO eter et ( pera) flor pap as Whey, riagse peas vyle ali/, as they may eastly be ayed om, Then tae dara herb Sohn coe a ambergrete IE sotherweod ennyredl, lauender, Specks pe wee ame ee camomull aucs of sorrel flomers of ay) A / : , ei Lae a 3) Lilhes of eae ines u OM, er Phen ™m noneth of Sune healt them mamorltr as fa as can be? then tale, flomers and, pate them ey "oat (Ww (oear cleane hands and uly 77 zle conte, a Bheand a da. ee take Pe and horle them Coguthe (wihy oule OUET a soft: L fuer, ‘0 ag th the ns K Waker bawaSTed 22 18. . berovab led amaye eee thus you Puello lake ofy leg war : mas ane the(wme and (water do Wake then bsg not , = : : botlid but if the (wrme and (water be éonfumed, then Tas el Ae Sek Bites ht and putt itma STronge hago of Len ad Bias and strayne it betwene tre slants. and ult £m a Coffe x af tyan ea for no cther vessel wh hold. she twill miture : | three YEres, and s(vcary ood for y cule, or (Where one if prased and for the alse, of the vatient he anomted toerws lh nthe © funne 7 Séhir and by fuer m cumter. jie ee hore oa OTe Oyle of Swallornes. pads * Soho 29. ‘ ) CTE he twenty wf wallomes and put them m amorter and [putt therem a Lauender Cotten lauender specke Camomll frob m fe ribwork | | palme Callertan. rafmary laps wood bme tops, sEruges from BE ‘aa french maLlarves the top fA ilchouf trawbery yim f LuUtsen leaues ie : planten alnut leaues tops of yong ba CS Trop, rolet leaues , ioe Sage afCe rfue te me romame (Worme wood. of cath of chefe ahandfal Y gy of Ce pA ees 4 of red Tass, Y ounces ¢ cloues tealen smale Fame: , quart of neats foot ole or tf afm uch may butter Slt chef par gs , C healen to eather ma morter, aad then ul ee 9 an carih, en pot and L# it stand (6 OR round 1x dares and *Po op es é the pot cleane and(Ceary CL0 IE 7 tafe 1p, and u putt m the pot as F : a ? and... | 24 halfe a pounde of Wax, and.apmte of reatsfootocle Or ep eee): butter and then put the same ot oto a pet of AE Pes GH tt eh ™m the Same aver wm few res, ee tate t tf out of the(Water, & a BY, rame. Le keeps iL y(whole yore Probate ne eR STARTS CP rake Papen Domakesgansl ms! the cof ny 40 apes reafe y guantil of my ounces, rofemar 7 Hae d full ee foonaed and stamp tb smale phen elt tt es mto the ree, ce, and bk them hott os eather Cntill ut be rene, the TEE 1044 of the rofe rolerm ain SEWER if 1s ready to be eg then ult m Len ounce of y* peo der of reaffe covery ny LOrLL A lon eas Sold land /Ofe LL to By OPO Peset Grorme , a —— (for ry Or pe bec. pound of a the Susce of of margerom red sape AD He a ee ante nubnegs ulls of ¥ wsce d onions LYo ef on s if 5 Feb apesjanrh of turpentine cloues mace and as /cede of ec and apphie Vniber porn >)?» —— rer of are ane ova fe ccaptimnncHy pott ba ee Arete vat re WK Grreeve Senne, 9y- & Sandon Quefer. M° apedos 25 Timake a Titane for y Cough of the <_unges 4 or for the Cough Phe aap a ae | : Sake hart toun eand liuer(wort lun orle & oltsfaoke may den heare eo a litle eliconfane rootes razfeng Fp Sanne Honned Legaoref amped ea eee i-a i * ammip bode a Lhe bruged: at dbafe be boyled ios ther ne Sayre yy running Chater accordmp Lo V4 uan tity of the (MR wt 1S E ie jJadde% [uf hcaently strame them aU and /o drmfe at any tyme a (when you(torl + D2» —wutit 2» ave Cfo make a order for eee to cab fwith meate nflead Galt osmg yt 72079 and then ~ Staion es Take the < unger ofa Fox, and vals it Bie and then ye 2 2 ie mm Mw hute (W me zy horvers and then rie cL m a ¢ fatre cloth and sett = iL yn lo an ouen tobe beaten mto ouder, then take tothata litle omen a of bs tes fi “¢ ely heal ome Lith ann us feede fnely beaten mto pouder a 4 an alittle MLper Candy ; eaten mto smale pou cr but lee y greater ' i ae tly 0 eas ine be of the fox Lun ef and/when you edte not a thes ue er cate tro or thre dymes a ds e the conferues of redd’ Ones : iq seedee Y7ve—— x (A porider be y Stone. ; a. | Tak Magistariamn Fortart § vanes © Du duu 8 pram ts , MIKE ae t aly togethew—m pier, & | i a grote proportion age mutt tae ak one time m™m @ gill of «Wome: | Dp 0v09* =~ — . mop hee | (Ler (very y goed clawed, malls fory Houdy ED ee ik mutten and borle um Sayre ater shes es Certe cleane Then pult ma handfull of borage one han dfull of See Some ho & mace (# hole Ci inamoms the CC deae ates a preached loa € bore all the 6 to cather (Very well Cntill the dee tb of ewery sang be bosled Bogs brothe Then sFrame ut thorough a Callender Then take almonds and a an as goafwould do peason, and beale them (Gery jme SPs and all od. ue them m to the brothe and let them bole agame ‘Y or m (Waumes thins trame tto~ es a aire chih and seafon tt well With ul and aliétle sabe Cp uit tt is, patital to drm ke atany trme ? the daye » ao — : ‘ t 9 ge ee : suscmass arenamaned,} 32)232—— ee Fer one y v Lange toh an tp dder + Qn Take musterd seede and brufe tL m a /Wwoedden Whaehe On : ie 4 ater then opermp the (wound WY afine necdle us m drs the patient aboue tbe lace, (where 6 hurt, fer thoellne a urther Br hethe the dooend all about. as fare cb iby sh bo Wrmpen (Water then laye the mediime upon the fvounde hinds ‘& (with a aire loth : then y next Lym e yeu of tt a Oe tt (toith oile of roles pen the ahent triacle and dragon ges toarm (When you Ares it fire] + 972mm | ee HL yuerde. ey ree a sf FEC he rol¢n ae By. fees hes barrowes ts oi | lite ful ji poile th neil HE Leaue bh, OWwelr Lt bie. 5 ater t (Werke if m your ands m ba and soread fe 2 cloth nts faye it on the [Weunde, and ‘of ‘tt | rounde be deepe then make a tent of Ly mt te tgeahr (ith the a falue end put eb the Around Dr—~ oe Se = i | (He demke for reframe Gasdesmme | C Sake halfa amtt of G (foates mlb, half a mite fade je two suncél ¢ of man) x Spt ay pi, balf an ounce of eee Candy ; three le leauer of 0 oe le the feo ntl they come alf. ee : and drmke ul hse and es ee LY MES: rome —— nnn Sa hae carn ot male (Cater. Ea | ¢ Tae 7 or three a hs rootes _Jerap ¢ them and, (toath them : ce cleane and [le them Sad Jue of fae me, A otle t from Oe mit, t0 half-apm Pg, sthram ame yt Ae: deme A tr luke (@ariie Dmm— - & | toe f sa Re 28 23. Ciera the fame + 27920 mom— Take Loell fr ay les ,4 nd take out tht frayle! Goalh the shell —oeary Clea, dr le them and beate them mto gwaer ahen la pee BO, rmh rt nth bste me, OVeLs m thyn broth :. Ve nN other fer the fame : Take black Soape of the momst you can gol and/ torte tev uth ‘cag e taltcuery hard ov nkill 1£be like ashe, and then role 6 life a bale and bmde it te your Laue Uf (evith a clot Zo rprresee rc h OF, aes bap the Curla a9 Tab a plece of, fme [men cloth cutsl rounde af bye as ry ‘mould o fy heed. laye on iL fre » flax allouer nay very thick & nutmeos and comen beate them alto cather to a ewuder i en Laye all : i a er /Oppon flax all, euler then it other ee af flax on hee as be Ove ‘ben tale haye salt dnt tt as ah C ad g can heaté J ame rato, Inale ou der and lay wt on y file. all outer cuta round pee ofioth as lhe obher before quill all thefe dogeather that y pouder ran nol abroade, geam a Spetiall hace bo side py salt i; of lay mg thy quale ey ss z; e O nd/w yy head ereary whol the salt sde/Cpper met! [rem ry head, a G Zh cn aly nipcha romana ye@axtth well Gp ie head. as Welle diye the same one adi Copper a Chefs) and cae, apple Yet aa. Lauyeé Iar— : : oa ‘ fa a EN 5, ae eahe pe ie: Was Anat to tale . : a for the pa [je UY ipa rofescvery frme, and strame ate uuece almuch as you Cary, "you may = es 4 j pine al Eas, thock, Then take rubus and beate Hem oe fm e and (bewefe | amber and pearle a Little am her greece and mm pe all the ¢ ci (with some of the Sire tall it be somwhat thir then tafe 1 ne Mee : even Bhi aay cl: a little quan uly, you may take ct ely a ps AG othér tyme ee ee thmk god a6 fy Ars medicme Gee is excell and so approue + 28am — et OC ale sr pee affCery excellent Be ale Y OUNCES of G ae y OUNEES a * of nk Ee ome ounce of rey INLINO } one guncie of os bias one 0h fe & pera més one ounce of Galmeale a dram fe morn as ee % 30 0 of anna ede and m oun ceS of Leg uoris all rhe[e brufe od. hal a vund of Sal andme y a pound fe eee ry of the Pa mul Frallowes Ail horbs ae: 7 or m4 AE of ferill, of { parflye and. Sain ih fei ne taten out Peed, them alo, two ae én ee af fron Jmely featon / y OUNCES of eg rene 0 feof Hieds newly iy i de OUNLES 0, Eas T00LeS cunces of rede ormes,, Ww are crionly called tales; de them as, ote a ¥ ruddety and ferap igs out ty fi ilth and fioure bee “4 7 salt. and/h vee them Te igs shade and Fh, ohn. ma clath and zutt nto the até ce ese take of the hull [ fnailes a cut of the heads of phem. od shit them AS under and coure them ‘nt salt ree é Leane haath theme Ger i3 cleane (Onell all the filth he oul TA 2070 ite Tye Pipes wn acloth (ery 4 Tale y OUNCES O of thefe also and putt all taefe a oresayd mto ee alt ant? an earthen ott one daye and one m Be and stir it Fre or (ey Lymer an thats eee and then Ml o tL pe ma bymbeck, o 15 as, or of pelvter, you eal it mMay. and lt the patient drm it m ale oum a ytep ¢ thir zs at mormne and euenmp one spon efull ala my or ni Gores the Lo, the better : 2m Ae pe) nto thele Weise half apound of reasons fy sun, pie and Ewo (ON of hart fhorne fmotly made Bes: 922 — ie CA EST LED LED ESD SEI RET OEE os Cor 4 ] ‘Gren. fi fichou fe. Teh carHOWoermts open ikem, Wack Hoan areas tem m ue &% Beat Ran goer; ger. 2 on pals m Whe s Wing m y Mornemg BY pres ES da Ti. multnt forte ne ( Sak an onyon, and cultout the topp, full ue Ww Me cable ae and the powder of raricken fence. Set thé onion m the chem | C7. m hers and When il “emo ugh, laye ut plas fer aye toy naaell yr par & meducme for the C/ mode «ys | . ‘ | Babe bes bare Vale arare fede of purflane, ar mulh crome of bread half a handfull a are “iv uth ole of ro of bea the herbs togeather with the cromts of Breed, the yolk of 290, the oilt oe and mafé apoultes of Phew «ee a Fill tbe b olearm mide my ounces camphir One OUNCE We hitecpp D . C for amy SOFt, or pm nples m the face ppm m7 ounces put 0 cam Air and co TIS mfp astone ripe of earth ad L/eeth WA Boe on ioe and they ws become Water, og and(w bbe hard geame, remember to ffir them (hele they bea feeth | Then beate y C amphir and coppers ma Srasen morter (Very jfme a i eS and b it stl he hen beate ole arm muck hr ut self and afterwards ‘2 ; beate them alts eather gnd he 2 them clofe m a bladder, and Whe e aD body Is hart or hath y shane broken. Take a pelle sii <7 4 CWattt ae Bs tht, Sette ouer the fuer tell ut bean m to seth then taly i ofthe her Pas deat of Spoonefalh of the pr owderr m toy tame (Water, AR aN) them | Aud to wether ana k rilma laff, and lett tttand tll be clere ma “¥(e or arte Then (Wwashe “sere toith aL alyanen cloth as(Warme as the can suffer it andl cloth m or oF alee and d laye uf On the sore cand of tt haue a hole m ut el [ma be my Water and ollicy ikahe before ryou lay on the slat and uf a ater be life ry faucer dsr tt on “cloth thal heth ony ore, and et Bil p: and kup dVery warme, de this anorne and ten Un ff it be Ay ol arm Vou ma Os medieme afery amiment. m the athe sid eo Se ‘may (v/e ¢ as Longe ery bie, eee For the pm ples the face, if they be LeU SCAG (Sake one ounce efron went r0 sfatum o of the bff. pene a Deg me Alf. a oe nyworth> fy ts bro Seene bed: a wes worth Fy that you can fet are i and beale them Gs ber aia See them and pul Ebem nite DO Te tote § hs Mies cather ul ub mto a boxe, The Nets ¥0 fa a Cre this p nan pled: coca AEs and m 2 all that byme AG af late lee phen the XO m At tate Some ae of sweele ile and anomte yo Diaet one Poure sie ae Lo bedd: andywhen: ( Ace sp haee 33 hat a, fait come poe fae, &: | He an be i blood als (whilel you tahy tf Ope ) er Es sther for the nednes my ace f | Take y cal ane the fatt-of the huabueys of a had and la e fon red raf — : ee At anda dav and/cohen 1 you hate SO ted way rce eb Z "y P tmale uit it mto some (Gesell of soluer and keuer tt Ra. red a rap HES and t hen fewer the ate uh parchment i dalek" and e: a F then sel it mo apol|net of (Wa er and so Le it melt All all f preafe E be ae! and rhen reme i out Then beale tout m role (Water avd . : ie the u1ce of lommons ill et comes to a (veary part [Ohitenes: Then % e ay aie mle. Mey (ofe Lain SHOE ee ( oy supposed ee 7. NY af the OLALT - r2a»w— . mH RR ATTA EL ER) \ Povo Quene nr * Cryths, ov-pam m f Wasd A a CHaRs .am ounces of. Xpkmegges, an Ouner of lousy, & an Ountr¢ Mak , :. of Befrsnoury Pod (4 0. good ho fell 9 he tyre gil a fs toga tr Coy Hon af crdtwne_of ear-feasd, | FO *marsdeontt Grmg™ boys? & 1 fared Cent—to yomrder. ay” oney Cay arto oy ys ma : | 34 29 ae ke 3 att reate 4s Hoan reASONS @ Ohiae of Side iii hie, but eras them not and beate ype ap morter (Cer fm tale as many asad; net orden by of 2 hg ah dds , Bay) lomon sort an anch Lhem.an ye ANE: y ieee ? ies m 4 cloth (Ge (well fnd beate them ” hn. morte rT ee pn CS 2 you ie done thus to them bothe Pig IE thom bot 2 fo Sipe and hesit foe agame JB Uk to ut half aguar pls cunde Sowa a as hauened break ¢ Cwhealen : sand bral? them allogtatber and Be them (wel to eather and then take i} and make ut m ‘et le balle} and Tpen (far Tie ace al moht wh One of them m fayre ater: yf you (Cull haue bis only pean “put ma tltl (Cenrce ee but putt mane of that m for youre ale . mm—. a )) 77. tay oF euler OmtmLorany (Bite om DBrurfe | é Boemery - &$, Z.wnsndv-Gtan, Sym, cy stemus Fy: 16 eo, Frat Mall Seukren wood, cy poppers of Bayes vull, Bee aR 2 Reid , Bake 30 Swall.Sucs ow of. mabe Young & Flush K gourd Rac, Mery foros. om a. Stonc- mrarber— HAL y fn nee Geb fromes OA—FroRers Sie youn? atl yy Rens bas wea Sallis 8 on Ounce of Clours He, & my peuending Pult~ to ak by Ol. go Cale 2 pour) See St thin pu A-all into a Boh K dere 6 Rh Boils bv-s} foace of Zz Roures, Ce Ueodge Lows Before oy Bue Uo Junto sade foot Ole, Shen take u-off 6 dlvem nko Cousu- clef & RA Mond 10 ove Parse as Ren Ol wv ays eure, KYL nerd Ges. ly A-@ F of Bavrbwen GEaAe were, ae Peete cok. AUP, & Ksxp ee Wh. 4 »or— 35 eal .“ Vad ob ew 1m ie Ae - + ‘a ~~ g pitas cpa 0 - ~ ee Pw vad b> a ee iwi ei o.. CEO et’ S he eet ES ee eee < : i sn! 4 i ot lige sg ‘ wise ae 2 beans ae rege a ; “+ Our Eat aes eae feel. : ae 5 ; On ege : re * 1 : 4 4 i : 4, . ae, : i peed ; 4 horde ? i es ee LL dane epi i! 8 biehs a a hs lad aS ig as ewaye ae v pa 3 me So soorne u & oni hreughly Warmt x | cand of parma ; power vund, 0 cloues and mace of ai two OUNCES, lal art Ounce of ‘ Saffron, of TO)Stn two pound of black pitth a fe vund. ’ wel that Pa es to he melted and poivder and fearce that & to ¢ patodred 4 2 maple alam 4 a | | ake te pound of nrorought ee of deere suclt half a to rather on a SO er x ce pt I cloues ma } nd. 1 TA ol pyon a é ces and Saffron i) Then | fey oft fier exept y of | Hate apotle of redd ree and by lute and lutle powre ut t0 v8 salu Srring| tt to : ther and, hen if 1s melted strame it mto a rane ann and then e: : . Bee m6 pow er of clo ues maces and. saffron catfrig it abroad Cpyon je rm Ao and shrit (Hed bopealler 2 pood (Atle, and lot ut stand All ot * som what ald and then anomt (well y6 Aandes (wih aii or soft grea cor | and while y somwhat arme make tl Bo m 1G : roles and Ae vay: ie ES Ae ; b hands often bymes pep eye 1 Wile A , i eS ma. tt Wis we good. voce 299%32092-—— be COUUC red Like (Wace and. 50 a: : i ——____. Loy 1 rs : . ae num nes of members. nm Ae 7S ike and anomte the reefe sft eh colde hell of Bee fe | and of ut cometh of heat Cv ? Peal OM . Me | k a : | | oo 3h. cs : Lr _ a he AS : ihre ; ; : } ake the seedes of Satteren eye of them Galea 5 4 MOTHE and LUL2 fer fourty daws . oie remeditth 8 gymnne pal , Pe oe For the dymnes of the Hes Drm — 5 ale of the ater that shelled of. ‘/rquberries hele fue (wh yt ‘ of hei le it doth quench beate of the é space, and toe . awayt the redd spits of y same if f you Ge it acy dies degeather | Pine — Ss C ue Lae the Gray fe - Wpar- C J ale het Alpes berries and. bole thom m red (Wine ord drmke of ut often tmes arme there w none hike to thu and ue quencheth ate. CUCL AS dy ee A orteth Lp wie Pees m PG ang ( Yy mix = bith BY E hony asuffuctent uantily and a appl of i fo seh LE efe morne e and CV EN, yt hipab ‘ i ———_———————— a To bealey g Teale he ale mm ny br “bp ae of (Women E aie eee beer of men: Dw— Take th bhe tice of gael aes ana ‘apple Hs i to the Ae Ly 07 3 rye my / daye eS a achth mi Ms babe Pee: the ree ef Mose ut pes as dws oe Equencheth J tA, ntomes 5s fier Sines For a fovs-Bee | 4 Bz spont Lo tons be pd Se e S eo MUN n zfs ne el te Sen. fan tobe warn oO fear eloath, 63 tulle Ur mM q* a actoPding to TNouAdy & w ie wed Siok “ee ane. of fend glostew: Ik a a eerie cn ME ag or won ore te fs axe ed Sire in Se a anerle Ao 4 p Date of €3 lio or ome othe . OF prwty Win she 14 cured mot Recp Rex} Sveaft Rott £ oye 38 . y s tS r) cbere a aym we £ ight o the ewes CT ake the ie tS: lend me Mek ub 1 mito a Brasen Cessell : (wu the lhe feel of ony S clarified, and boule them to ticknes (Ve topatof st malo y e105 morne fuer iL cheereth ue WA SS des Age the Ge ae Challkr w } i ro) q . / . Tae 35 of the ratesof Solladin” annis seeder pounder 3, ble Aas Zs aguart of vhate wine tll balf e wbed ther Lee it and mde of t morie ea. CHC ata trmeé rot to Lies; after wt two howres (Ye Hf a ryipee pa dates Lys ache sitch or hell reg ee : cs fake balf a peck gf, earthy wormes and putt them mle ha Si Lo skowrt hee elias shifter bem bs titeesS m 2. 4. Sowres (w Net hay then stamp b (me Seale mn a morter ey ula them a ay of mabey Beal a peel of mufhader, then boi Cc Lhern Likt more Vis half be wasted ten strame il and kepe it for yo ofe lo anomlé te graf (ee morne Aes CUVEIL - 22> C Gort bcolsak or the pas : _ r Be ie ee ‘of Postacle or malmnsey and seth n if two heads 4 Ee garlich berg peel and brased. ee the seh of: a he muon or the . SoG 4 ane, seething them ull. palf ho jwathed, phen nie 2 mn i, ee | drinch oft Horne and euen (Warme, 8 or 9 speonefaes ata tym a , Cee COTNES from the CCL aie to drawer prt nedle or arrowhead from the floth «pte " | ; Fake Wax utes mé a, fi a and. of the powder ) Athen ra, and g longa y ys 2, melt asi and the rosm then putto pose fal beake me searkf an RRS it All Ui be colde Aen ate g to arte of ee mornt and even platler (Wale yt remedieth m J ade As it 2th bane oe ye SS 9 drawe the rewre from the gum MOS fr Guys of the rote of pelitorue of paie ye % ber m 7 firme ower then 2 | , ; Z Z sma e pels Meith Pa Did pulde WHA ede eA thy mate Be (toe pus é yx sommes . 6 5 ee v1 and cafe the tothe ache VOL F mafufe mils rome wmper andmda Oe hire C the e face from ppotis eee from shng as bhi ters and pronples ramen Bes Tie the roote of $, neny : ade rato fm | powdrr and, DuuO i of aol of femerich mix them (w sop of ee acer the forme of 0 7 i a ratement Hees anomls the gree é wilh 7a or take plese ree stethe ima nguaTY. of white (Ww me to a prnte thens ramet an ee to i eee tr 3 j oh Livath the acl CLCTY ‘tig shat eee oe tt soy 6 th A | | it dre rm, ik. if emt dicth bi egreefe i ties a at (Migrome 4+ Yes of the gall ofan Ox Ps wii With saggus dane z bo : (Wesehi of an +94, and the ¢ poeoder “of a nadimeg spread ‘ofthe m the amner pel of the angall and la 2 ut lo the Di sicits Ua tbe bead as a Bee. and. lt ue be till tt fable of alone drole il three trmes : ye bib Sag ele eos curtth ¢ e ereefe crlam nly 2mm Giese Sie 5 aia ca | J ake prune of. clarrett Wine hony G anit seede m 7 f me wder gen borle ele fo ene of | an ae and/Ust ul ee and even Jy aba time. mm =! Sar . vi = Sey “+ i er ; : : ’ ; nee (s Sie ort nes y tht (es Boi ake sb rified hon ay a mee an 4 putlo a ee ee & rag roles hen fe J nell io 4, , clots ph SG 1S Bes er lon A 4 isis al feds 7 blac epper See mace ana BH LS Lr, 4 Ve bo vile Them (pe on the e fut Cr. and. beape iu fo in Ole : Cate of u Me ata ¢uen atatnne you m ult toa = ae (” ep “tan ay Rigen c sd A a CAL ele ffs a bedd Tale of 0 of the pou 7 of parks 6 Orne pel take morTne 7 CLC y | | = diet n yb of inky faye from Sutter fet mtate and. oyle ond pig 7 por the tyme oe ey, ir bate yo la cafe cnr ithe Sab endyf Walter r half mle o of nthe a ones heap then fie St to ie thin seethe A pe en they sath ult mto oyt i ms UE and t twul curde wake aware the curde chane an drmke of y) i , and even 7 orgy pers Yo bud Warne. pom a! eles! > eo it. ] Ste / ae iy > 3 i F Pee Ty i > St vy a ). ae 7 ‘ oy J * - / 4 ’ aaa oes ag A. Se : = a, , i ~ hia cea! es > Bees a SF Ly eo eee fares f . TS Vis Be | 5 “eam ‘ta = ie Py St 2, 4 s : 4 x P 7 os a 2 a te te ss ee + on ip aay nM fas ¥ “ ~ ay a i * 4+2 37. Tostegy aj IO ae iy J ake Rut a4 seeth um fare (Water “quart, b V4 if (ENG take that gue and uid a Smamom m f me oul aes Aare and. PEATE: of if tio or thyee trnts as ye us, m Ly daye Lyne /Warme zoe a EIR ESE ER AS FS EESTI sho — # oF or the ge 5 ee | Coke Wreegide rad: Sry ae ata a ee ait bre them Aes ie then rato ¢ 4 gallon of Tronge ale ora fer a4 haures then strame ee GAEL to er. ES hem 4 of. Bune 2 fme a pour Bod Cate mane ocpud aad ahs morne and L070 Zi ata trne net for 10 drin ke aftr Tor y Biures (OF it 24 Shaan Soi TB ao tess siche ow Plares eee CT ake a C oLlrd apa cunt of the topy Be take out the Coat , chen putt ato the bole of the Wider igen pera vie one topp apace and seit hes he fer Lo reap and pide Ly the eb regu i shit ia ay termes im the dave Yo fates . wire | : os ¢ 43 CHa RAG bes pork pei the reefe wit Aq tepeat : For burnnge oc Haldng. — | a : | hb bores i lett-il not he thout we, alf a a ofan Soe for thase 4 Sour thu tell sane it from bos rng and hreale ib im 48 foures moe Cc 0 lake auaye Coe : Sas an ue and make dytibott and feare the core with it tee wa laie tort a plal er of Mena Red fer entme muocl Lageatber ad y : (oe take it out and heale tL m 9 dick Stee ‘ | J otoke aware the rednes of the face poe C Sake ¢ gustes bre ie 4 and puto pouder of bohatiee frnely y brounde : q| QRA XL Cloues ML Bis a m1 thee (wel ‘tegeather and anomte BY? be ¢ . é face ewery ane n yo gee to bedd. and my morn 2 (tps Oe" face Wath a peece o fone colten ph an d(wipe HG JE yc sen : late, he dwell heale it m ay ares, pike (BS tale no broathes 7207 chonck ame(Wmt om Ett tae | Oya —— ah OS eh Eee eT eT dS Te a 7, that you 39. ee a 0 feale a greene Srunde » S20mma TS ahecronnin ee urgent 2y I cyt (wile angie and «> S, ? apie it lo the yee : a) i oe eines Take hon and. the p yeulh of | an ee, and mix them (pth brunt ullome and. late iton Inte and laye i f00 :. and a plattLer Bik trtate> ae : cyt, rid Ta ee beale i - J, Pirvere—- eS | reas as dicvomittand cll op iy Pe wieate- = ake bie bi ued anomte the SENG faith "7 then Habe a fre cloth a vt km (Water and doble yrmpe t bem tw00 folde late tt toy stomach, colde eds the oie (Cf toy or £3) ul dates ee Ag thee Sao SE RS STEN SP STE AERA TTD ETT NII | Cigers shar ff. GAA 3y the face Retake mallowes ood te and seeth them m ae rine Boll and tras the shurff, (@ ut + Dmowm»~ 45. Tale tb wee of Pele and mie (itera andputtaf Gy: a haut He < unacy : _ ‘ it mts y nose With a Sermpe 2 or 3 bres mt. roe crip 5 Ye Sh rae ; : ; : bloud (Garme and shffuber edy yy same ma 3 or 4 diaies « mmm — Calne yellow Santee Stake Lego poy Hel it ves me ta hey _ of Ne Sate aoa 3 ber clarified boile them tyeather m Lae of Petia ees (Cle Lj ow es m the dajt 3 ala ty me a ge td) he C j 0 clenfe De curme Pes. TLYNES . wrre— 250% the vooLes of Soe. a y, seethe them m phe of (Whitt Wwme tall halle be wasted oy ee Shrame it Se diets tt morne and Cven am ut clenseth prauell ris good jer tbe ane tattica, Sele or bluddy Suze J . FoiGrat the bloud of the Hes £8 pied of r Yarvowe Say en. uw pas if ride dlaye rp = iB - ; . ) ‘ ee «. of urnt peeks therto jpré is goed for hone pada. St : EL. oe my Sere | ‘ ee ’ . es oe 4 ‘ 5 a‘. aie 5 ‘ ah r amt 46 . Bt! 7 ber Ms ‘ ii was pe AU ULAES oa OS tay ey 27) py — Ci ake f. he beautes off Arbe /willone and setth them mn fatre (Water end. (hen they be well. sod. : then tay a@duart fo muper and mi te ae Le fbn diy det f, erewith and pialt a plas Cr 4 LhC702 and lay “le pe Lanamned member > and. Kul make bym (Whale ma fwe or qi Wee Some TRS tone or dea MES » pre mne»—~ ‘Gs Sale th alle of aH. are and. mix ui tvtth “Womans mille ard putt of “ mtlo the eare(Carme, and, Sopp it coh/a é * bch (Coll oes ie healeth mm nyne dates. Dyw»»— | aS eR ri 5 CS AON Ge eae ( Jake 4 spronefulh of y tee af betiony and mtx b-tvith as onefull of honny and pu therte a Bid jee covnes mn vader and mtx aw ry me or ale” and Pomhe it ey tremes and ud fevill make them well Dw ¢ f Or nike or swellrg - any ela Tale ines sheeps fallore and. ot olfe frye them hageater and. tact it to as a plais'er WIP — @ pPngnents popu 47 yt “4 2a Bee ; Gore bloud m a Wounde Spee a ay bpek peo uh of. f eb er dlofid and tale the pill ae t the jweod and make pla ells fi and lave rhem to the tou rd | (oll Petes be blou le Dy» ee a} a * che ah woodbm leaves qndstam them Sm” aland late them to@ [Mou oa ae “Wale drawe them out yo Bary lak ‘ee hd tee stamp | them and strame them (with stale ale and drmk il daily foro A C fo drawe out wad, 170n or bone oul 0 ? 4 aalés MMOTHE np COUCH - ff m8 shoe (Round ‘y bath peril y a6. G ue yok to drinck at y begmanme i bagel lee hearb de matfellon epremony daifyes aye rede Séntory antoroje creffes Ya Malorne. hemp of tach aly ‘4 mitch mather half afmuch ee | rethofy bearbs stamp ther uel! then strame ib and let tse thon age the ounded Lo drmck and, of he we i ub if a Signe of hfe # ; earch y(Woound dil; ently and drefs Op We this rae ty ved for : ihe | futer lahker and man other ae os you msds ae LL pe r to the | : (weandea man eae: et sporefulh aE@ tyme : as Cg ya, \ A Saige Pat woe P Py rig 8 ‘ j UO Se eS pes 4 > a ee 2 L fee Soa, 8) « A 1 aa. > { EN a ; fe (fA Pee fo heale a (Wounct or sore a of ie ’ Sake eee bugle AUEHE S$ tvoele brer eee and. sancchell of aS als le JSlarnp them male and shrame them (wilh (while wine Gad. ite PES : yt to cohys morne (as CVed 2S sat ps requires. pit Sore erg SOUErCI~E [Water Sas Ub ied Sorepit sick sndt i v chart ch and sel | oh and J af asm 4 an ut ub loc ¢are ale an sta é then VE stand 24 ho ures. then still t and tal Ubat Aater and putte “ . ne m poser, annis sede fennel sted and, parceley seed? dna oY Be but zp 1 | thef avé to 3 poll of the ater Ve ea 2d. houres then Stell them ie and, ee thts (Water morneand even fora rracipatl medrcime for y ceuo “ ache of y sides rrevesS umes of rie body or aie excl y beoT og reeues of the oretaal members ¢ Tg ; M me causelh aman te haue an eae to his meal hat carmot cate . VA eras P SU : et oe dake ney Sf polls m the face + Dope ——. iG ee . / aig ak we ro0les of Wilde Ay, and mallowes ofeach alike seelh them (ood and braye theri/ eee Goel and oie uff Kiny ond fone, and ; ar Qs of ae therewith anomle vy Rur pes of y lace i remedrerh Janoa» —- - A / ee 4 SS 3 For hedeuntey « pail ned or tht fa Se meéeditm C Qe of the flower doluce roles made a cheane as ited be then stamp 3a : . . Pe: them (Cea pee ana strame them stron ly mito Ae dich an oe 5 lett resh that the ied may sete then take the Mis aoaes aE oy) : po “e Sikes ut mo ap af an cf Gin os ike nes ane an rept the | sick. ont J ponefull 2 if he be pros ea to Cass take aa (Wet it ‘ 3 = @ 2 . s ooh eee shes Sees hold tt to af Ms if e 4 throbe tt sta eth y same . Probat + | | i | C for th er LYMLS Dade be sore -. ene pe e : ri f i : 7 77 =e / ¢ vs Sake lanzey o quantity stamp t bell ween shee ps oe /, vein ee ae Ee i f , erent thee Ch TU TUR ENeR | elt Yue thet miatber indflieone lath /| J he them /we ee 7er an (Warme laze tl “f y bath, bese uh gory dates : ay leh Cpemry, smaledg ae mole Care deo them smale and. put ee > 4 os ei i {i thereto bacon greale and Joell and fry them and. make eo and. ss | ini = > : os x ste ee : c “eT ae or one that 5 9ults boca pe a Po fake nepp and stam t smele ord fale the suice ani ee it and you a : hall card out the Vioade - poe — | Pet z 50 Be Liste Met 4S a . / eee, Gz Poe foe the f ister ot ake rrommt. and salt and. burne them te powder then take Derg reace E 4] A ; hae a pepper and foie gleli and musterd seede mala thom mete fre powder oe a een did: dere of them to y sare as often Z5 needs require a fede hale perfil meee fac be then $f or one 2 (Wounded Ch kp mn the fuse of parceley to eae and-tshall meisy o raneb le ae on (Warrant 7p ae C So Lnow/Wwhether Si on shale lust ate certenly preaued mante tymes. seat aw) 7 C Sake a pre (weight of tod cre |eede and put sick to cate three ee . : : ¢ £0, eather farting, pred: Le drnks a drafts Valer after ut or /W me y 7 : L \ 5 : if he Ai Mi be shall du if or els take fermentill be berries and mirre and ( De these vile fmepowder mtx them Well Weskae pice ae é of ut to! eet tile ale — at atyme ef be cash opp he ark of the ; a CA > the same sicknes if he reterpe yt be shall lue the ba fee? the “Le é turmentall oideth Signor aotd. Fant r2reates her m phe stomak. : LEE spas 4 7 i ody Of man andy mirre suffretD 320 Sy aha At the body of , nan ETTORE eset someone “Far 4 fama _purpofe. Toke a Bue of Hei Water ee pul mbe MLR, «6 3 j | < vf Rey Aye od Will not D>» —— | . oy fume. , Ikrng -feR nafs. fn c> Take ¥ 4 Keats Ba canui mbo go wn Oy avmeR Constip nas ‘| Saks a peatte of ate Ale. pale ug Wee OUner RG S a afer st Ounce of- Ginger. OF a n aber am Owner, of Ren: & fo. her ofa Yr peun no of Sugaw- Crab fevers $og wk Yr eae leca nen St late: neo ae of-Lion mente Tm 0 Morty ita p AL Wag Soiers , 5 Lah Mahnd 3 mghi,. K Mase drine wee raat bs ae Ys Yul Werf OeimeR U- K&B . 9 Prov ? ref fes p Ue N95 as % 4 Ber Sof sb-agep Mer, & ag oe ax co Paste. Vikagor~tal arin 6, Fok fare 57 a. oe ae Indes asy tompany or drepsey my le Ds ne Se ed threeg allons whey beere se sellers, seep safe eperella Sene 4 3 hg oe Skrapt an As oused rig cide safvafe YQGE = a i ee A m Lala? a oH oures ie lott ul thems spe thoroug ough an Gp 7aS . aad ad Op: of mithodeeean a oe ve a morne noone Se, at m ade gk oy ye ub as neede ies co fu Beit most Lfeales p92022»»— — i Se ee sy mabe reynes and bladder Take ramfyns an ee) dr ets. of L land Willowes Stam pie smale and é out the (ure and putt La little by dew and ly a eased Tex. of 772 eye Be , yfwileege es yee ‘le & Dy tt rine KE. _ 53. of polla parvic~he weight of ee of Spicnars gh. noeig Ht of eset ae ar ete de of Gumckux Norahus Hi wught of »—Ig* oy? ye of Sipey bra bh, 49 of ——i4/S. f a alt» fh. x a tas : RS Dp ae mds nee Das —éat Bis by octher } im pul Mens rs «frome is UL le a corthin Sone fol pula foal She fee fe the leggy of Me fenth of Ae dele. +e bg be baaq a dhe lk here if he bala | Fe A ba Clo f Lhe yee L bf pe ise a fiw A. mad 136 .a de ? rink a 900) a le ZY He a f, é Laid aig f aslim g hoe OY ames BS a prot a ) ay ee ye ab— pe Led gon d- QMO 4 ots aS Gojoe a Defers Lt Pp: . DSS the fa “i = yee es hi e | Br hg i vb eee AO. : wy) oF ie ie a: sie si ai pads gga asi Tp eye ohh yeh VULS Pr ba G Db hirt 7 eer mM bart 260 he ig nee aes c awWe — ae . be tran Zee Ped Males, | euce? Larfaperdln a Loligcs “ofthe 2 e4. Sune? formu, nmall & Cac Way — 28, ana * tele a ae was f 7 tls , Se ; Pee prekss, rN Medis a pcan © BT Buiter: awcpe. / ef i oltre = ! Sale Bolygere, Spiknard, 5 apinantr; fork - GAG Re f Sepmeell ia —6 perry Queight— Sir &. fry, 56, : “— 7 vig — 3 ony y- Lanues 0 a as Sol os et tae particulars Germs qre ly ee onic mde a | ar af Srampa, T Seurbigrafs « of “Arugges mio o ree mapa m2 ons f-strong Al, K stop 4 ek as Mer < ayo come to A to Sdcad phe or Af cover—y Bes wm re Gare or~yeast— ag drimel fate or-16-0 Oyts. : rmck - ¢ acgehR all Havmore m or Cody. Gul wth f , is ho potr : 8 ts Qeame. te Ras ee vor eae yf he e ctaliaticy 3+ oo Wa load . ME chal sf nrourrsher nf Meise hw gee agamst-C\y Stone. Thy La Pe | ce rn = aa toner rade rag | f 4 be , ie a , 2 val Z i * : ae a mae ae 3 Ola = ‘ , ‘. a ~! q ot. 64 al . an 59 he Wh LO mabe Ue oie aa wt ton is fe oy Me ViWe oe ch a “ Card. ag. ft 21g SAM ES R DY J00 Out tf: pike Mar 2 Lt bot 14 ey 4st nit: shy stad Hac SH: 92 Leal bart well x a Lunt Vi bi ie Ly i Sul far fre he stesps bey | sveae if: Lernaele te fy ib with Vs 2 Miarbss nah bbe wl ae, WHER fhen put Mare th vx g Cte Keds Ey bth Hb fest ws, glue % works ct a Jogeddiy vad Mit bee | tbe softe: xe then put HF wt? wt eartiin yor S¥op, 7 “A fer eget Mh “ys space Wee Ju ps Wt. 22 ie wee ars Waa Be fr tus? Se wher WA 18 A: Lans, Ya 1 4 AE oh’ oe spe ther hiyle tise hee fogs? Ly vate it (Ont ars gS side i Nate : Fg Pe SA ea ayy A Sarr [1727 bh Ht? 0 a de ah aV some ther Yor Ver it ifr, bull Hi GD Mat t pp be apf t sof pati w come to Ys Culex? ; ac Ybus Ws pot, the vertur Ys Gees hy cu fi anip7t Hoe Hom kl Gum tk Asp? yg aie 20 | |x SAI a ll Lh OF Me Lie te a it kittitth Me eho Mev gol se oof haf a “i apll bt nt brhy to Mat peeuAG 2, wile 65 ee A ey 2 te ie Se ee Pee ee ee - i BA] PRLS Sora os ths ae Paap Lecatae = ‘So SPAS ay | t Sw Kel od ae .. we a saa . x ind on ue Ly At oe i; S48, Pe VEE ys SH pri 8 a we ip ess ee Se ot pe ee a, £377, (pare sé fife, ache YULS sed Lag ig TUES wp ee hae brife ov Abani 1H s yes OY $17 ti o3 07 Me cea Stl?’ ty Ae a 7 +f LV IL bes « sta/O 177 iS Ares aw safe or SIVAUES 1 tah OY Byes * tt 15 nwt ah un wage} Bone (sefemptin. oe Gallons fy % Reron gc Wort—rade f Ale. beybe 4 foams A~Torby eam tong, ag Wl Cra aw Sferiinn : q aay gently a WRiCaay r tll; u-coma Wate y | Wisk Ls of an BlBrary. $ Wr o. A rqueviag. Shek g ae mormng x aeneng & ag ofan mam a4 Dy ow Can. Are bo. oo of dss bie i ef mALy Oo too adh ie ri i | = K be ae: a fi ary ie Waker AM = | Ouiner... Reifons Sum Reed i Coreen mak +3 3 aed, " sn tg ce £ } By eoectea ee y. Bh, rein te ugen—98 Swill Re A_froerk 1h ulto 4 mea S Cy nano eae, Beta Kj bor 8 Rvr-rok Watw-—Cta 4 cee i Rvow w Selly hes & re Ue Lor tyou 00 We ae oo 66 CBor tee Sciatica. Sake y Gell of a Bull or OnR, lety morstcure thuok \ inde 4 ake felch 2 fb it drone foe tg er 7 a fms, WH aif. WK mud Pe tallen of- Jes " Rute as much fF Cc. Maus Wee 2 oe clu ky gall off remmormsalfe 4 2 Raz bebe ie ee Zappa o eoAen as may 4) Vendy ee ane muth of nati fa shorft- shank. 4 a Well-nuwAt. eal ieaas Hewof—an Ount& of y Out. oF S” Camemill an ry Rous Geen a LHe obem y fave mmeovpovahea bogaolticer-, fae u—offe, K Rox uclefe cover pte mm forme Bottle ov Pott eee When oy* will: wh wy ru sala. adel togrotr 0d as Very meRA— Yy qpantury of 2 Spoons, Rere oF & While U—ues Wormermg 7% & ai Cooler ov bore Byer mmrme oO Comnfe- oo nen clorfe_ ya 1% 7A oe aa taurmag 24 Fotos can G fuf red a as moved glace bards ¥ ~ fave. to Werme & it fang 5 28 Sane Bate Chat ree a ey fears | Y partiby Jets eae: eRe Qe anethir- tne 05 § tg daies s moe Sm" Pont of BORS. Selkn « ees Bake a ken one oh FE mo On pees alo arbey-of a Kan ay vet all mer allons of. Works op Kang them tm a On og Garr ue haf Ime Ounec of S<. » One fe of Anne wr A y as a pire ~ Man § l Wg fall hors ary og Yr Aue Pearen Ooken pls kgs | C0 make Krotke, or Sumballs. | Bake 12 Yolks PBgars x 5 Whites a pound ares , S ugar, 5 ees vind of Butter QWaske bi SN are am pee fintly Geaten. a LUNa Salt Qifhlars am : an, 2 arts train & apa Nal Cray fd hk ppc Sid y ah Rro Ves or Bengs as Wl WerkR A-Vp m 6 aN tadats Ties a, ee Bake Ren os Biffle Freed, Br . i Lup-plates. Co make. AMonond- Oread, ov uk 5 YolRes of Kaass [sea 74 dat ao | teas * 5 a: 2a AO saa eo ophe ak: rican aa Se oon, rae a os a or , state oe “Gane ° =a [ én rake , Wye ts werd a ot YE Cyou crt Ram bt pS eGR Soa Say Ceahen, 5 Ro make < PMoaccarounrs, o Sprites. — Poke a pound Pb Almond aang Glautho we Weaker o gry | WR te netting 2, or-3 fern of BED vofe papers ay 3 qhers of gound oPefina Suger Bead—2Rem. tegettler- Lu mok- finn as for Marekcpom me Shan take & MOR & farsa vt a Gre clran “D4 Ou, WWhll Ub Be a Wid att hp en es pun Become ees ar fe "ie Bes ser: slaiaieange grap & Rem pull—m a Salis i of te NSD Bags, % foe_rmienale_9RS hell Fogetur-— Hen whem. of y Cut ws ofa good tempura serene ES oO 71 "Ge 66 Wa fooon ov- Cult Rim off Wea sleee, pat oe - ta anal 8 foe fue seine Se a0 Oun Pale met tn ) . Pride se any Wifk tRey may notVrdwnr, &. “4 1 paper SeortReon, 8¢ When Rey are GED a Well drye rae Kem) ouh— VW mar oma ke. ats gliof, ape jit eae Toppa Ue a fen am Whet—fasion Y* De mak mahefine Cokes. “Bake BUf a yoitd of far D LUE your of fur 2 we aoe Hat Ser | m wir Youll me x Ap m ad Nice 3 ale Runff. Hen omaks. mie < poe a fox Bas. Ram m BESS a Ueto & Rosan_9Rean_ rick Re accorima, bo Mn Gx OwRar afore. O° wut Ceo TAS A erhule . oY; te make ¥ fe tele aw ae a hap o£ Cod-coule Banjamur, cound A pul\—vi- mie uw ale to = § Gale Seo Ai ae cringed fs u Ry ar ere iis) en A-% Coy well 6 com — 6d Fall, W Aakers A te - ™y < Peal na: ra Coul put~m uy Mush Ral aw 3 dumer,, K LAE Gouf on. chen & Ge Mroughly milt%. Ge. Sour fake do rly Abs ean When fh teem He le er furnd | q army Lacs. a i CoRes, ay must tale a Ce quomt-y { oaeens m ts Bur—ny mausl—noAF cm on \ itr. 4 | uh baked oma Zh: Ce pee eee Su ’ rae: a Prd ee te An other tecatlnt Ber fume to Gicak ; oa 4 Weigh of o Groak- of Callomars Aromoic J U- Very hes een grt—m 2 ouners 2a _ an eng Aenjanven, Rg am Ounce of $h torax, Gro.mes : 2 67, q me cuit a 6 Ny % Amber te: he a im a Fk. Morkars~ & eeera : Rey Bee he Noe ws en Oy eae Bie to Burne aha tre. Y mt pull ref shuffe a_ rij memtees Qoru-- Bra. &, ee Gorka) Be, en we 4 Hi Soo dy ee, u bes ‘Yroy, qetRer- Agrioks Galore ey be_too Remo day & fe er 2 _ ten dory Hann , a ie pala eh pes bef a bow ugar Uy Aprico 7) oa— Cov for—z, Ae Yoil aN ee Bie. mort es aren) man Pe a. wr —& Ayritocks oye o slows fire JN PRen Soule nok. Fal ey ae eo “oy fuevrvg ar : Crea noh.— oe am wy are no putof Aprs- tocks mito ome ae Gab a 4 Syroge mio a Ali Dish, & ve 60 cure, on y Apricocks, 1 fox A~ Rem oS once Se Fp mcsh Soy. ten Coyer—Him % wen rey Rasa» Been een ee Y cana tas tem ° w& Lox MRean_ on glafs plautes , Te prem m a okour ow-m fom clean glaa, where Rey may Rawr & oar of a tr Ed Very Yor hare dem on clean pele aeaget Ruy 20 How ve preferve Ypfol Bohs om Gulliflanres or Mayvigodrs & Ap a Ao m a aus t ¢ 8 Cot aa oteg hapa ie full R Hen CO&n Scans 0 bite one eerie 73 (68. Co Candy Singlica. | C Sake 4 shalkes m May be Goylk tam on ta cis eo “as Spe cxcallent gi Lerf Si ms. — — 3 ora Longe Fogue comme of | colde Sb Rane “D tacoraltum tase Pills fRubarb 5S trupus de vu atoreo Trichifee Riera TS rochifer de Abimthio - pooner ee ne oe ( be 4. hata hott seedes (A ger C a Cnné seede C umn rn é77 seeds (araway seedé 2 jSO EAR DIET EE ESE I TE SNOT EIT ES BERCTSED J Lr (7 ny seede : eat : ee e : (fo momin seede | YS ei 2 - | SS malage secde ik cllow carret sede RNS | 3 Pat amp — Che great colde seedes ourd sede oucom ber seede : 3 ; Reet yy hon seeade Mg me ( throne seede : . ene colde seedes . 7 ‘ E ndef seede or tcort seedé ny elle sede ur/t me jeede Fees SSH ARTS) 99) ? 4 | OE Se ag Pome = ee 97. Te. (wh ol reo nguents tae uentim martiaton A ltheam NS a Wie Ta om ee tener Adee Cae eeurniure dia hia Ee re ( , j be 4. colde(Onguents ay Pee Leet pik umn Gl IS lee ‘opucleo nouintum resumitiuum Coy sc hd oie ( Seabee : 99992 : bee tu Caters to eee, hart ; & neff Water. uccore/ Water S ols ~_ a7 de ef Water PB me / Water - UL Bray 79 ; on te peri gary § mala eo rootes | Bes 3 (SF ennell rootes spot ‘a arcely rooles Exc S | ‘ age rootes , Be i $ yet ee see a tauen solstuue Kearke C Mellewes, 24 CM ercu ; iF et | Lots oe ‘i ft “Os to iz | ee ie oe Collworls ae ote . a gic eds: ce > | tae . FL canthus P p HES Deites Vi 3; Ye ( f ory binge of | C70 Uf ie c | ae: ae ii Po Sa eeits CI frriaca he | Lik rpLone Oleum salad Siar are cutwardly & mplastram O xtcroteum 0 ue of Delle Oylef niper- ym Cent di ceases . py~— “a8 nudetum AL smeritum Cy ithridatum vA (A- urta Ailexandrma ; Cig erm or alin oe elaine al wid O , of 4 oA f- ES n denis yosatum, ee Oye 0 Sus ; 81 99. or appetite Pa ” i nhdotum asmeritum fle yomaticum rosatum cM ica sap lec 7 mer . (on fercee 0 ae | tee Re oe i J trop of (Worme Wood ipo : = : a i Bea de comprtiau comachum . “pees , Romp ae a 3 | Fi talt Ks age Soe aa an | “ Dundatum galem = . : : S rrope of sticadose- a | a : TF reehifer de eupatore ters — | Me ) () ue of Sotherne God : | | e , Smm—~ | . | oe | Re: : Claas orl a colde brayne ‘a pes, arue de gem mis vornaticu rosatlurn ee. (Conserae of eladwen e cy bircace galem | : 0) tle OF mace - LS), — OT « iF | t \ Vi 4 ¥ e: ae ‘ i : mt, ie Cyt ed i} Ate id PD Ge Sr tate, ah 4 ‘ee ee . al ‘ ee PS er) ied ap alge ee aa i delay Waal ae Sey a ai” y bladder of erauele fi ntidotum AL smeritum Benedidha Senate i Lacurcum ae Qarmel durtticum 2 Lanes Ss ‘gs bladder & mplad ram de pranes Searle M1 ubridatum alem ‘oe JeLduaraum class JS ae ae 1ucob uf (0 lium Chen : ee eet. de Al chac enpe se Ou of sweete rok Pee Gea ( WENT Ts Ae ntridotum Asm crebum eee Adecend me Poet ta en Con als rachest de ‘Roses Oy4 of camome ee browufes eS m mplastrum de Cee ae | CVn uentum aureum ae Bree ok ae Bes hie : | ae ¢ =, 1% ey is ‘ ( or or pam “oe Mah: ante A oon is a oS ache de Prne . ee 2997) D—— | z Tor beebng of Conde Beas i PASSA ds erton . “D tatra acintha calida ober Sanum (Oe eiee Scilticum Sirup Ide(Calammta 3, em Oa ee La Sf ae eee ee Qn rea eer ei, 8 1 ae pire! ee A 103 CF pame my beck Pl ul fatda mavorts | Oleum de Chere O Die de J corpioms Eo) ia Casia mole. ————— ( fodrawe forth broken bones Co mplastran ee ae : f Co mpltsi7um contra hig: —_— Drm— & 4 geo m 2 fete ey re ; 2 — / ie Loe [A vebe ASMICKILUM ee i he Laxati ud CRT ered a tum Prlu la dé gum ng, genereh ab CM ay norum aie. ula fatrda mare 0 Loum” Sulemum- pe eee: le marceaton ——— for a houke. { Babes £ mdisina P mrule® Valens & aot wan Rey : m™ HE. CReAmelen « 85 "| D) acoralhum ma ihe e ages a ornar: ee ae | ¥ | EvlecF. G pone 3 ie oa Sin da Celosae | sf Trib afc de le gallium mufehate | ; (fl ae rosatum 3s Conserue of role cap) hee ) >)ane =e, Tein Goll bs BARTS i 7a, apni Sid arachiton parvura Emp Gira deat: ahs Ove Litho phe wee, Oyle of masfick oretee Far iafleneton'of Came Caer of coloits CLE rosarum C For pamne of the buae | - 3 * Vv ntidotum asrcritu ff “curt ma 3 ela a sees eee abiue CP falateanhon ya Beis. cl np hee cS 170 of Cu ttrac 88 Cis aman Raxatiue / Sientidete asmertam CAL; craptera eee Mey i Crardrue ous etts CD tacasta fe ela pre enematebus p— Gye: heate of. the a WED, ie frigid Darton abbatey CT rasandalt S cro off 6 volells S 170 of aps ‘Sz a of es ( ay. rr¢p dem{ustone Fosaru (Ger dara DY —— ey git Ee LS or coldnes of the Ee ’ / x 4 Oe dultis ds muscho ( onserue of ee en-heare C77 brrtaca ea OF hi When theo mth bei asmerttum c Sig: of marr nr a 5 fallmeeofy beare or ache B the Aipps : urta alexandrma = poe | P lula fatida macors See ox ula de ung gener? aoe gleum Cd wala mi PL TAY, ynguentic martiaton EE Aa oka aE rogone C Sepurge rhe Ue | oc e, ule Ofesierg a cule Sib ee Ren _ ia gee creale heats my fomer partes oH ntidolum asmerttum he Cy Lacu MLD eal) Lam b 1 Ne : plas tru StomaAtune 4 0 i of Rew Sex SISS abel Sih SNL ALR > For t rembimg of y bart es ts enfel Ju de mufee dialed (3 ONSET UE of Bora é (_ enserue of Sengele beef Ce Hoe rele ee I= Ce heate of the hart? Supe aes ule fe of 7 rolats. ~ Tene aie colats Se oe OF ‘endk) f ‘compound — Res p eee Wty ‘us ae By ene tried’ Reeds S irepe de fuceo acitofa oe or beatt of y lar > ea ulip of veses ve i f tolatum Elec arta vae ones S irop of 0 wolel's S179 compound of endif trasandale- im T rochyfee de Camphore | ' ey | Sa CS r0chifer de spod rents inte, neuentum vosatuin FASE (MESS A BS, So purge y head fag, 18. (Puke ine P ule cochia rasis y— ae | | Chathe E-vm rodes Cy icleta Pilwle de Pdedlio TA AEA J 92 ~ wv ys ener of y matrix C/ mp m OG ue de YareLs es Oy sf of of sweete almondes. ee, era GL? wetidolu vasme rite: good ( for ae mother Or Fer all fale oe med riff Morini tum (T hinaca Plone ZG elule e cocht Tats 0 te hil 0 cle of euphorbe 2) oko rhe palsey : ass, ys . ntidotu asm crtLumn C anfecho dulew de mufe a. Ch Wepid eee. . P dale de eguborbrc ue pea of stecados C OUnpuenti martiaton Spr. Diaoranta fr da ao Ls penser ST ntridotum arRICHHUA he CPenethe S gxatiue , : 2 ‘ 0 xrmell duritiim | aes vas aS com ound ed Re as Spd maydent peare = brac ; aE Heedng aly ne (ope os a de LYerra gol ata YT roc fer cde carabo - oak ae CS hiricce galem e * : ce ater ofWeruant eats (eC Sanent . | oe : A eee deen ey deen War ae ature 0 pe de SON ey Sie tes of 74 art oe angaritum € ; hh m CPD tasom Cum manna SL UTlAa Pe ot ee EE, ; f 7700 O § anode befe ae 0 Borage : VA yn CS prowoke fweate Oyle of Delle O ole of Cummme “f- tit Calas & [eo stopp fweatt . ae ouriia Gee 0 yle of mtr : Z SEs C So ste te (“Pomme aia romaticts arto thee ieee es pe nee < osatala newell a Sia of me aks -— wie Se Dietrgerthe. eee lamoron Prive Siv0 op ofa tolats. O ts of sweele alanendes O ihe of | CO colatts III a>—$— Te break ntidotum asmcritum. | roy . : : wile : ffl romatut arvephelatur | vo: Pilule aurea | | Ne ee eagalanpe 1QCUTCAIRA J, a : £ phe wuariu mde MIALOTUS a rep dé eu eupatorco () tle of sureele almondes )>s 9 — Ce R ; C For OYrmIeS oe fodye i: A ‘ Hiue contra S mee rLtos ae ie ‘ ‘a Sem maar re oT mitauny ee Pee San ra Vee at ewes contra lum C EEN, . eee Se ee oS wg. Vi qaiente aAlLIvTE LN for olcers or wounds Ife oyle oliue jt: 8. new Ware. ro frne there bmthine rr melt all rhefe poqzther sie ade im the collins 1 Sopra mashicke ues pe imto t¢ Time poud eran . fecffran |™ powdder. 13: Mmixe them ave LEO. Gather bf at Gh eapa ynguent: for an ol | hony and whi 14 Micke Eas CAL of the ee arr ok 1 pinte verde re fe mace m fme powder. ¥, roch allure Boyle nye ether HM it LAY, wedRer vnattent fer an old ore - eae. oyle rojm ithe. an. ae Ty Eth oon al to ethe fr & Stra NE Phere mto acl£ant ve ef mixe. +hem well ti they be aie and fo fepe tt to ule 6.” Vn ee for tht, e (cabb tnula campane ie a mH aie ee int Ore Nee & ko le Lope comore yoke ma poder Spe Bere hitbn Fe Un Guy of Some ie cane bymens of ech alf a Apes. le at ll to gether Gas é Us te Ou writ hace tL élronger bul anto 14 4 8 of quic ay ee be KMed mitetebinthror- — feu fag 2. peer es y 5 pithe uUyce of matlha, anttay n&bettony an 1% ‘ i raed an fe Pp byle altogether thi CE ibe confumed & fe aes Umplaftru Marts 8 Sblys eo aaah Reread [ex maf Ls Tab}. oye Pp VINIKET~7 byl all te 4 Lye tlh it ae fe oh pi A E e Qa ae Ee fiat Sear wut, RA & Whe - Ered af rack 3 Ouncts, £ oll AOrle a pride. aaa A Ounces, goods Whure-Wame V4 +-~apmrre Bo oll Rev “ll voyatur—“wrw ell UE Bs Blac he a 8 Butlers ontus mte-ware ro > fen téte oy “to snake @ clytter™ ? | wi ; a ay figce-the dl dillan 06. Be the rootés ‘i mallowes & Lillies. an” [ mom fe an Owes: icree wmwercurt-ca (caucs Or ma 1 me: ani feed. foenuarece. A! b, ne feed an’ Gf. hoyle al thefe +o aysther im fresh fleSh broth to « prt. whinitis | rayned- put soajemearre & fused rofara-an' § f-henye RY fresh butter Aas | froset oyle 5a - qsne tt warrnme- dees tom purgetiut nfufe 3; of fenvee- 43% of Pape oe mn fualefe exrtel a sees oy hietel Mick of ana urragqe watter an bru € [et the we ftand ah sik be on who Ey OETS « m the mornin Arams tt, and put to if confedhionis drinke it hamech.3 aoe of vielete Ped: xo ae she preparating +0 sorke before is mo of fi thrage fa this. ohare Written bur then Leave out hamech ma take half the firups Remember after you PSO fake form comforttabell Him ye for the Mornack. as con fern of rofes: or buglofe or es A difter ae aes rm any Ale pul 7 | Be eer Salt 0 Pac w gets) SP ilead nes mien oe is oe a eet r Hm | A du foi Jour var x aera Be one f moots rare : fn to Aang ae fh satay i ills by fy ee teat Sap or'7 oe, Bint Rem Io pees ial 2 PsP ers Caseek atm & rat fo -2. Ae fave_mtot— &h Or Saha, arn Juang OC Cat aed o4 oe On FoRe Broonu- wshes KH pul- Kem mio o bo wis elite Ara fra 4 Gove po « K sReke iy ceion YA & n Aran uw yashes 2. Qenonghr nm oT mM on ae ry is Mohens mat Wo ow ie 7 | Surep of Books Biptes Rukewl Ret Q. EN. Hanne, 99 4 z ih ‘ PPE eR ie ee Fhe a Ae RR BP Pei ae) os ta: att eg ae "9. ne make an taxnmg Bage | fefé Lil gangs boo Paged form noal tf very) eleante m foure wa boc dnd pitke fe cammmy falid oul o bse Bany én woolly if wort in milke and pul Ke- UD [Rerenas inho Ge Bass cyorne wilt fro or free | egged new Layed Bema broken Bete bad ol. dnd put for a BAER myfhe (olne morte Sol Ckourd bund pepper Boing Beutler amd (ee fo fr quenkibic o dnealtnoll and afterreand a [2 = fekeee (at on. bre Bocuss and pause rb bo Yiye- Gen make Bayne o wa bhex—and [he pukmss erm a RL w pple Ure | [and Bowe? wiGf a heaft ox bree of Chae sie | Plone ad S apefrrdase ond feu Ll sour bap ue Berge 20u8d [Fornd and pul rm. your fexumghayy bo ae and doe wok wf tt LY Lo on tore Saye s offer 10] oye quar — st ee sor ss 7 Buk spuk imto youn Orc ome pein (po ae : 4 ) Werce tnd pul bg que Oucome & OMB. commas srg tD nlf Lyeo pbune fille o ( tooller an’ « UilPett CE aff “ Lb pome label roy and bageibm Ge pg 5 ul ag and pre(fe f Yowne uy quar gor? Gen Fog xb m a Ame boa and ere PWG a galt [Fone -mexste, and furne 1 bildn Iyeefe'm [1d gomers Sew okt ut oucomnap a OH® Cake ans DW Ay te oO Ree LENG . iy a polte d nero ener Sen g on bin ally) be heen ae re [ome mo fixe : and [Eme fper ane tpl ib freame wok Gen pal Ge [aimed miblbc ofl mbo onc Noe {ee and pul tgoe bos Crem at doe Fo mmofer Of | End wapen fom pul cman ESuper S&S ppomon NFof reat hous 3, wopat of? on ee i Wh & i. = 5 a mT ~ ioe oe . at ae He eres ; s eee one _ > a > % ee - | EC: mabe frref$ Daruddes sud Oreame ae abe Fire vogitet ofr CBsed and Enoo! yoked fn) Leas ¥ fpem Logctpe- fren La Pe «x pnkes ok Mareame and | nce tr Ewa ber and forcone bf fo elgew dnd fren i fpem inte aCEE Bethel tnd pul foil a braseg, of iG. i mukimedye bru tnd Barone o nfo EB | pet Gfem a (ee iL wppon be fos kind [Pee Lreme “not Buwnmg vosen tC Beseme’ bo ome | pak ne Ge sewe( 2 ofan a, Drarneger onLermicn. > AO (ole maker tnd rbopen £12 wool kof Locke +€ of (adet Beco wore fron hin frie fly Gen fe (fo if wf SE note ane Bory Ls &e 2. nos ip ae ates 2 Mop ins wf Ere ypled aa fu seat! ae Dauhar wef GOSS gem tulle 44 grams Oeuf 16 yorouned OE ein 6 Crammed Gang is dae xamer tal anum. 6 game’ Bru dreagen (icon (Aoaler-ser Gitte ind) Beal pen iu font moles [Eres pe Pe dnd pen mould Lem 103 922. a) ” Je / Piles sae 4 ap bo Abe bo peeten geen emg aa (Penh, job nee bo a enue ih i 18 Spe Falkerondk 0 » Lake a BR m af (ot fcr iL Bik em Be dad make sh Beale hen pul m t6 many) 4 ombeb 6 ith an one anole bom. on. be Be fren [4m fa Eivolger GALL a wala if Laide, s&h wegen ab Ge A?tombeb « Giltle (aed + = Fake Gem ror dad ip ull Kreme m Ge fotnd gem (Hon See fu . ond make 6 bogle Lame Sud pel frome jnke kpc ence bear tenia 7 Paleo Leite’ af & Line 9 fg Lema m fe Che Heel, Buf Fell Gene wold Logbe Bit Se [in Be focben of << Gren Lobe Brew sorpp nb will of q iin him lon Se fof oaler- eines males be ls | bebe gow fp bombed foumg fe bin HAY pull yew bof sa abn Colby Spee bape fes|uul) 4 Berg 14 hoacue) Leb bern by by um tpve Fiqu on Ll Lye) be a ier we you noob paue fem, Gen ba mop 4 Fay pew onc: by) ones tile ffecoealer Be efeene rewente f “" r omeigporarfi tombe od fe caer) orm) Lg ewrofe Fae son) da qu ccubes haan ee putt mbo fhe a feed 104: 7 oe ame fee gn poe AD ed ne an a 8p spell fromm mroucwon 208 Fre-we m fe Enger, ued fo & pound pul es i ponte @ fur win Eger an te Siceupz fon tate from (vom | a eee % : Egem newer” fre Seobe fi fe free | : | k P) wake Rt win bakes rs) Props Wake aipmlc]cfare wales dnd appornd Cugee Boyle dad om it rox) Peano fen pull ma pound iz : Lope quarlered |x Sind pared, dnd bf she Boyle a prelhe mops HE trey) fewer) | fendet : fren fake fpem-o ca hoe ku Greake Ere we alakt peered |b yp BarBeref a Spoonc'in a Brtuex [Dorindi(by Agen pull fem & ah ore ito bye Pam dud parce reduc tice oz roc cena [OED ) Bei ney) fim od iil, 0) mo Ff Be roaler Da) am the 4) Lop fed Moteur fender, habe nerf oy pa m ff ute off2:07 7 cemyed andfod Coyfe if aif rome from fe boHom ofr Ge 3 pon ang Ften pull rt verte yous Boped ond Pelt Frese (Fond fouered a Yas) ord fo, inom plore new ffs one ce oft fies AF you sane’ not fre[Berread ypr-may fake ormac’ piled peofcrucd f[o/ 105 | Gra wae Cs usher Okabe ox bes Corn a akc palfc a pound Pulte refed SE reyce finch frear éd and pull : fo a E.hegumdzagon. Leeped mole hoaker and a Pil mee : Amber greere ch) groin d. Gen nnn he i woth ouelye ince done r oe es 4 ope may) nor ke 1 be pales fen tonke if outta mn. ond tu +b mfo Biter bofna’ ox mbcé you may mabe 1 Be wel? fe jae feRoiot HS Role MF angoLh 3 WE ewe mn M “we On. 0x uit Pikes Bul im ee ype (Lek need ner bee mu he noe | dtimbee gerere, : malt put mo fpe juteo eafcB a Pillte of “ye he i ee? o(Caclemon fo rs, otic l bee way) kbew ifm abet “a | 194 ase Cake mob fe fuse O | ofp mp te or jeca dB af, ¥e pore of Ge 4 ates o Vere plomke tb AO-axped i o make Cakes {Speed LP - A “ott abe Jeune Shpxcrof¥ and Corfe pm fut nob fo Meus en [mspe az sae! 0 yoo) Suga fer oy youk clin ahaa (2 co 4 I nahe your ee gy will, 2 Ath fare ona tex and Gigx . i boy iFfo fy pew of manne or 5 fen Soy Ce—ool fpe- haffetesdt ou gut rf topon piake’ fren (=tegem m anal wo[E rot oO owe o2 fwoite and Mer ye Gem we a COfeuc ot Vaux sng plete "or q 106 : 125. ; . : ex pe COs mabe AP aioe | Oak prised > feingobene ound), fis winded ee out tafe a pomade et Frmroell aud Boyyfe ae (Mt bey) Ke CoN eee 1 aie fate fp Ze spowrseef A Uabo OZ Qrimict Xo a pounde fy im Fogle val a g Wacker eg ke frem one ean r) Wie fh ) an & Rafe dye ee i and wogere you [oé fom inf frie pelt Aut fo from Gyix meiugt : Pie Pade fue) foorrc ho fe msi foc Gfespourdo et | dew ronFihl you tau Brousyt iff a fren. rear be | tt in forme Beaded be bye Biggned fea Knit balk, ‘ ul Sper ° Coppoown oyfcSy fled inke am Don andy fell Mem aye SY ee | gealhe nol bo (afte Gem wath fem ouce wf be mogtle ofan Eye aaa Sad Aap ic abed Ap ole your ume “call ee ane are trem andy take toe Bele es ong foi of bgem, fo paffe parfer tate ya ag a) uy t Beoke if froctte’ anda null unto if ad mutf peti ww moflen if andy Polk f Bork ae if Be zebdie fo sandic, fren ull over quinted an Bell bein Barbe toyefporrondelh ib to ifernol fhike- 40 yout frayced 107 eg oe Lew he a paue ¥ oe — wll ti fille hae Sf & “4 sed 4° 7 oxted ees ti pom ad Ce. aa, wintes o ae bitBued y OU gps & as, Pel few fie sontifl Leep) the ae o- q — bafer | c fofice Weree fff. as q , Gy 4: Vo 2 make alle ofr Fs) Parapet ia 7 : ~ 4 ate ee holt % Puget cull Sper and woumpe ouf ape fuleonb ay fe aC fF fre cv) be wg fender fiffeg)osfana Fen Bs Baha ALF fear bo be bho, mapen fev) fe BokeS fendorrpreffe out fe af v abt sud Bebwene two bremepert, yen Beal Frew ane om: y fone ; Morte mopen fre) femme Bexfen fie POL fprrousg, 3 a gov ne fake to cue pour of ol Qurs 14ev f. healen, & ya Pate, Was on] pp wit pos Boked are, | fZacaaned, fen presets Sons stl ao eee pan os Beate Gem mack faspelperr-odh a ly pe . ater 4 ohn hegeGe him Gasser Bnet fried Beaberm pout it EG a Pari o% hice » uf forF ofp joer aa a il 1 © ino if, fen (eh oud ee: [ae and Bob if boils ub : rotne fo a manu, fF » fren pct om payt © aiid and pig buff mto if ad: wnt Be apne Moe # fodgefpasr-, [-t from owen q PHOTO | 108 we bunt [fiir-owd boi le poke atfoye ler ER iF uot’ (Fe ke fo ve heek finde feu fake i f Dis we mabe it ato aber St offer pods < ‘ >A. ii aed TIHEH eh abvimcwn wus wit Bis Gi ay pias | niodlhgagekpex ee ae fle pepyen, ooh foo fa ee _ pe ian mer ce oh. © ¢ tooetier oT See oi 2 ord, fe fi é pth? or . 7 at 8 ba ei Shae hfe fs Be iene” be spi = ee St ‘p00 fo. Be ~|- feeder / i No Loife x. ~(raspe. and rfl oo, lel Sets fr Pa os) Bs, r ¢ Rapier pone Nomiges She i. ig sick ee oe ~~ : “1. key a Semon, hes MSD Saag OEE Binh or (eed jis fe angina oat~ fo sumte? Q cg ae) & fe a oe bobo JL. Graz per, ut vw breve (Cott) | feito a. (Orafy 4D € & “proted 4& > and ge Sei oe (Prarie ea 2) for? Soh, we eu IWS Oe et Shera aes ena A> eee) ree Lp 1 Ea ee SR rea Bie: * ‘ ie Sea? et iia is i ; Taine. - 22 ly! eee 2 (8 Dy Sg ee ‘ “4 Pans 2 Sky ee ve > i ae ee So in 134 7 >) | : { ff SY and four Fp i od Poll er Boke? ¢ a pe 5 | urc)- Gp haane » wit , and out i Mm a quake c “a | pa lef pon bole mee from soute) en fahd a mansprth? and Se: fed oe ma i Eee aud Be cm tha fe fp) fake iy a ee | {= ere 0 me. ae fof poone Se ; fab us ee fe boffe). at Cro? pun megst Lippe, and pou pof Bante freon, wast x _ss00d gone tere (ies bode Peres if, awd fo E y | aby) te. -f /, his : siege Dhaai Serre eee ~ ‘ he putte 6m a gant o 2 ata 2 Ween rape ve. ake) frem wy tbo efew CPoue b w09 [ink £50 Buen papon oe ea being — 4 116 Fi b6ed bof ale iia cw pop woth he (i pate ahd // : ‘hi [Powe ae Lf ake up fapeo Sli and w yl ef Loven and | alfa incl of Cabeshe Wislhngdfoh ond Beaderad é i ho? fst Jaa pone Be lef a a : _ ih | Lover and f= fap Gem | Cram (apond. vey / ake {fone en ond pried Ce ib Wo) Bagor ce poiiky ) ond foe maki into Konoled, ed [2 pm nay make « Capon a me [ig DPaged wa bro as af bw moulde§ wh Biker O& Wak 117 £36. - Orem, Wan Wes Maurd scOryp.. Ren tune _Mem_ oe Ory ‘ * ie Poe in cal | ibatenk.: a) Pf ad fap Sager fn Acne, lh A—come_ty Sugar—agome. Ren Rarre_y a CNA eo Foch & qet om vo aa Hen cash accovrdeng to Art— mb Gtk _round n> goChite, 6 fox fet st 4 ae mes pl of ney p- Barkerirs , Strom «6 Pugh Sug 2 a] i Ulli ay tell ed ve may Ass ne eyo, & fas lon it rit frm tik Late 0 fe “| Like Blumis WR Restores 2 stalfes m em, Ken Pure ™ Sonal wir after Ord is Deaton. sen Rng Reyhory. Yay, Reo MAE al | Gear, “So make Poste royal of Marmalade , a FaKe_of rhs poste mode wv > m Reoweka Suuger FUL ik come t | aste_, Hem vink—h He Mendes wd ‘ tha) : 7 BF: : AG ti : PL? ) ) ahs 4 DHA. Sr ; oe - y a ¢ Le j Mike A Nis py af fae fh War —- a wits TB a eH. vofe wruits> ,” 230 yo Pf, ycliy % haat of U ob , Apr per q yf we f0 WA] Dy r se Y ayrrek 4 ah Gf Se Ley x Edler on in bz ? azz 7F v Dd cde OR Sa. EMBs: % Vay tha. Oe way lay A bred yo (bbe vibe a2 50» LID hoo EO GZ M00 Se gh 72,74 ha oe % ys IE ao es 2/14, ee We pale) i be v5 7uf HA: ww, Mint! Fike a cathe x r/o pee! af far four ; 2 wht om £4 25, ME 10 (4 Labs KS wilt gtk: He pee Sy His ie Volt dot BR Prin “ade ‘ hoy ny 4 iM oms ace eu a (GHA : v4 oe /) gn Cp bs Me ve nee 777, 8 JO Mov yo V sae Ba pbs as yoo td before, ; | work yo bitte’ % (asx tt on : WAHEY O02 mg ht to mikit Sip — ae, ees Y as be faye timid lhe “3 tuks, i, Y Aidnay hes 1? Sogtl > 2 fb): $ Shyx) — Yaiew F WK, be o7 ée le 5¢ VAsbias ‘SYA A BON NOFA 7204 4 ee seas, MALL LPs 2, RL Sar CHAE Le Or iags ils coh Sual, co YUHS de a Nt ihe ov FOwW- WP LEG, |Z onake aa wee? Aor sor he Mahe 4 fe Les, oft iF Ong 4 Veer 4 fee On oe 4 Y feo GP) La. aa Se: ie Pes ae J peel Upele of | mea Lyi ar Z- ay ch eno p fA orth hen Wig tank . Ba ———_—— en a ak hn ae ao 1 ar ee POS fn ee J. ew F — ae a, a t ae. LC 5 OM Le is SOT Coe tee Ee hat ? ; ‘ abel eee, 2 “ “ . ed a a ce ae - y ~ ie {21 Gz Mace fan Sin oe : fer ws ote aes fe : fren q ps Correo fie Deere eo i ee 4 a . ‘ig Lhd Oi) Bo) ae eH athe Ce. 14.6 | 7 NA (note Gwe FoSis Keowee | wh off AwGibhe- ey) | ra: kibt49: Halk ins’ o Ambeztor ee ( ie AE on en the fn Shake ea i ba, J Wt cS Tail Dion Ks fs A ay ies | og Fe eS hae “a Gu a i” ef in aN oom ee eR wage Gon fo= EW, Hon eee ste ee S sy off ae ys Sen ds om spo Ow ai pen fled off ° Rowe b § S19 0 OOIN je c ert nt, ash of bo wi pup: Ames ie woe €; fa; Be on cnn g, CX omd,' IGory be vor aber; us ow Zen seis ek. : nt nie Nome [wie Saal Coon Binge 16 Cte, pee ¢ avec fe ante 4 in foe on bs Fem fe ge Bow, re fears ie are houxts, fen fu ‘he ie os Siena Ce at Mane S wt ent 1A 4G io aes . vG En ii fe AG ae wales eee . ne ay be- Ef en to pees COR ane fen Fr Bc Ee ae Oe ken pu Ve | | PHOTO. 125 id, ener PO EM Re tad eee Sarat, DAR ies ear oe ise obo EB ab om Gocier Lb EIn bey is Fea off in foures Aue a fi "i 7, £5 eae rings W wonwe fare dant pouk- ak dn bo 8 blewe He yf Fo w 6 by éfemrpaprent] fiz(Epmacbe vt dcqoo® Mes then ov afBe | ileal pst ow dtev, fh en Fest VN Moon e drow meg fo CT ee én fay be ) ve Fore Sources, Al M br tow BEN sone OF | ibome: fhen pa ve yr: FER far be fairs av bikes Kiker ene aprapls « dnt 6, & FREm An Die fog AB} oe fo: be owt- : hes of hind pow Salps d uhan g «fam lake anho v Ss 4/Ve ov hey; ORS #f 4% A - Bee oh ane ane [Rare N aboul- , ee memos ee it, if [Cre fe moole ~ : ise Mt a ewes ; hte ee bange we MX, pooh We Ge. ORE Gin vous hy» afe~ wv. - 124 PHOTO. | ee ka watges | wh— A + poele ee oo it va. ek. ah cK Cat ~ lew, then Avra A yp ind Boalt | fits Fife fave ovihen KS 4 OMe éMlom = SOG melted s) atte tee ts: oe yn One boars; Sige Le boi be hwo Kw Nw die “A, es | | Sow to ae Chmwater grows ° cs hin Aer hese sth OMY AY Mrs e1 vedo gran Boy be wt cw 1 fe Suc Lig. Ane A Romer ve Goun iy oH =e Ge A; Vets then we-—aw Pe ow prone: NB Bese no merbe o Re reCnNe, | | & NS | owe fo ey mans En ee? I / oS ree oe Clour-o ibe ont poo ¢ MMomé, ae Ov» P| KS nwee Fé; Goy (e~ em we oe | Be ee ae uch he 6 A | mateo; eas pul- rast i Pat CLL ea, fs : ren prio as t py bem €§ om Kan ears] FG Fade ouk- VS gerend-greff ~done| uh Vn en fi2 o due te ay | S 4G em bo ; Ai TE ce ee ne ERE ET ESET HACER Oa BIER OFT | 125 ag ae care by fo bye ith lene mi a L- | Suk of FB ake 4A poms WM om & fo ye fen | ere rt onyo weet, tw hoy bs vWF ken fh dn « fous ~cAy Be nee tik wafh-ib ron fad, Fron fur wala, 1 then tacks an ones of Nga noel & ~whsy fs frrale-pooore ities on 70 ef fe 9 oe fuse ory » WO? sy S sm dA LI. 4 MWD hee dts 2 off &~ Bee & Sais ud pm & FW we i Whe ars (koa $ ow head flours, kine un Vi Se Gm res fue pole, fhen De Gy Hig hud phe uh— fp ar ne ve Qva TKS Gen a Ae 6 neff Resbss ANG oe 2u& pees link Keen | is ah Ma ae WV 00 bs, Ane S Lot- foembor Ie h ae AN Foust; FG en bills i { av woe e Do and ae ISGEn Po wool oz : eo Skene a eB fele oe} Syd | Ci a Sa ae ee ILE A- ett, fGen rub ? sates cls & be Fb OA waler- ee 5@ Cet ikke ate Safe SH OUZS Gen ear: ns = ie Mwy Kae Ree bo Fn ees ef oS a ie aatdete AY aa i cio mhipaictes Aad tae ene we ee A re oat. Oe te ee eee 142 126 $0 PHOTO. Ue gran fe oe 2HM- onh- Up Wwf 2 fer Ey~ ~Yearke / Pick fares rarer dS when ib ¥ib doy mgr; powk- ha a het , uh. eb ve. on be Bi ay offs in Gon fin pouks tn be sie a, for ferbneg owetwn yh nts , aan | Cows Hf fhen 6k fon ao owvaherm don ae jul on ON fe Ane power GAS Oe On = | boesint- watt wh, Stn wv fC < ite y fer pow; 1’ oft CRlomeante en fen pout om % \ Rowe ye avoo lke | 3 x £9 san fay be | oe Jo wto, fGe wae Adel how Pepe are i ecchy, dus ae) Ge aff q one ae wale haa ca Con C2. Fove g | foe : nate Aa: ies oz es CG ew mn & oo weg lS pm GA dS a | Bylsl ons Ly cai fGen | hese By Wenge Kine woos A, oe HRS to orn Oe Cake ifs : re fs, tub gen cals | 5a) Uta, one ™ | | erm, wow Kew 4 ONS Wes ~! : Vi | tah RS, one-oss i | | | vm (C, cah hom 23 {27 = a eS Pet ae = A" «SE Ses SS Ee ’ Vik eae ae ean ae . > : e ; . " = ‘ 2 ~ iS P 3S bs gl Ach ‘ A : : Sei, es i IS ae » Ne ne a my : ‘ : # “ cs , 4 | Enid niale oH as om wala Bare OL re teem ath I mane P line ie (a pat aes Kee BY lo aveo ls; ; poe (eng eben Ge Leb AG am y froth - Gouy S ao ofS pre AGE, hae on for VS hy « &§. 36 sg ol, 6 len ia aan NOR, Z, ey ASE Aa f : inet wit jen i feacege Gok Rye wr We Mar fh < Ermey oe oF co dive is a am | Pea, Gao [Pree vs aoe ki & en | fale I Cag Book® Hol. 5S Im hud [Bee : * bak ee Labs: vee : Byers ose s @ ww e¢wAWra | ee avy foe Rich ) wy: f fx bo a poor’ of ers ae aires h,- Ble na Eres Pista eh 2F Ss aq Ac tC, one avatens KS Ory elehucy ie pen -| et ope oe ook EN igs lea : Soule Aen Bae ate he AN az 14 F- eh wh. 4 Ary ? G ow fet- yo af voor bi ty eae {29 arte | houre Os Ay as: r) wing so an a re mM, fe fol on RS Ved tt, ant ma & wt © Ke (Pe o ting - . ie fre | to oy fire & YA? 2, OP a | Atk ¢ th ale es oo ee: 4 Lt. MOPOTHE / ? & Pe ‘G 1 MS OP JA w COW +e dongs asta | : KY, A ees "o LSetog ft 2 hy Boil. SOE, ar te OC AE Wy charebolfy aie t2 ag wl i yf , farwds, # Th is sb 21, Liem lay 17 yh wk whsz2 yo MP 4) RM S05 fies Y é wh Ase » OV Auf yf Soolix, a ryt J. Spl of 2 HAYS, BL 2 777 bts, Vata tee ove © wih (OW LIYE Vans vot? fo fury wibir, fbn os , ake day, ter 4,02 Jovi 14 0 $21 (CF +} [Vi MP a My yf 717 Of, a7, she uys walhy 12g 2, See P at he | eee Hin VA, ate WES $40 fa wiley, Ri, hab 4 ed lifitia a ok ag tub, Men le jor fH ks 5 AAS 7 Af js a2 boy! PAW 7 ay wu £7, RL So: ‘e@ Vapi oft & Sob it Shine ah my io 77 7 ee ave | if ae hae th oor, Oo Sot LLY tt? oF AS S¢ DY ps ppbv He Yhat w5VvY « LM > Lak st hoe , ‘fy ae €. iy Te ag he Md (4 t pase of So OHS Sto of eas whirl dia ar: Y/, Ah, bs 9 MM up | Us - ‘oY Aes twits or higte,b « for lyiag Hit in Y¥ OW for & a? foxsng 2 Of if, ye Ashfus mifh Bs slasy ak Shes ng brakox3, whrrss oe AAs; all epee herr fp Hl hi 130 Sf | oe ; avn nop fift be wifho ov? of sf, peed ye igh pas are of Ash th boy. o. oy, Mw oe VD i Shy 3x4 y Pohishe 3 ce 4 Ye why, lier take Bh 24 Starwd fil yf — As ehfes 2 bt al! S See Z ” ho Bow Fen take Azar Mszof- & Le oyls nc, UN s Sg? 090. Jas SLuCt of fe~- GA © Site) 17 00F for f Gs 2.1letys 2S nrg hts, wip Ly F Usy7 ws, Sa: Mak op 74007 bi /f0bow IC Like Up iw far? wary, B Myo AVY Lj, A bier ge FO wht han * (0th ey i Ue Fi Les It Sy £ ih rie Thur ey , Mtr we Soe 7 20 SMUY5 bosom LOC. (4, gee [a Bw , 2073 UUYS AGHInAs, Yasin I, la 9F pe ter Whit 3x7 2 hows PHIOVE LS Y- CTLe Soon 17 20Y Se » HO PF ovr thy ee WY IF Vv Shi. Me Asta Sorat! AO 479 Ena: {773 yo Wr Teh: yf Sm fyy es tor IH zi a Vv WAH WEE te ee YO Yarn) tay? ¥ as AP eh $ ¥ 2 sts iyesy ov 1 any if wh ee OF )70 gg if for wZ, pote Mit V4 gee, Sigs er 0 Mela eid PAE bed : WAke tt [31 kf s sinh bat siewdere a Whe a “red 2 Gilg gnc Wnt, "Gy ya 4 Sr Sear , Car 2MWIL, Aes P hae Peer, Of: sacri of ey a | Hetn- pao Lime "(cn ; 0 Sak me fre hie oa y LA az ty and , a rubella eas oh ES, (a Less luc hgotra, 7 ye we Juiers one then—bithe a Lon beche’ - - o- witer- y 2t—- SE inhi fs U-U thr bot | a , Sgn 2% Se bro Lis ha hiss a like a ee ut, cun-Vt mba [mat paer piapio 4 guid “ficrme? | i 3 Lp faire: was he- verwecleane | gq ecindp sonful of Jermifeedy Fru hs. ther pok q a ae Ae: vilz, and L068 be bie aye | 4 re «Teor, bus MU ey- Lo taf wi ated ? then Lot-it- Eig through a dnee or bawice ams fo Aesye u- —Aansthee Way we went wbabeugh 152 156 ey : yfabeagh ais 0 Ge UR, any tae Beep: five Se wshion pe aaaigie se fi an oul ¢ Cope Wiibs aps ~ Yh os An Junceé poe CLE, tof Lysorice Beces Ln DLMES- | of 2 mt the Lo Lor of a piane, aro ue Yio yooles Chore eras aoe pang Fermid. a litle mis LUO oun ~ LE all He Lie mr SLEEBE eee: Cee in eae bk u-raime thro BZ cConege Te ms ea tof Jales : fx peg: 660. Bee reh:, o ee Mab) nists vr proto a. allan nae tod je thre o/h ott le. ae ha eee ‘a e ‘ inn dy oe gor Pe ewha os 0 fate of fine ee aD? A aceerding as %° dex Gort, oie Fyrnys gina Rac « Sooomefull morncag Poot eng LY Omtenent/ Paks _Comorml, Saye, Sausirear HM Bec Fash fedn, Hen haf, Orgzarem, Samed, EL Lonnill Sore , Spsae-mynt— Saint-ja fers Merber ohogpe Rem alt fall: Borde mn “leew; pulmo Corgr-Macn. & Falke. 0 pike of chogt—6 Gloucs Feaben. Gowfs Weak mn Muskaom< 6 Pincacr app lye wh tof stemack 6 Ypper: port of of Gaily. : Ferm. am greens, uit oko (glee BTA pany Graken o pound Lemk-Pigges cat ™m Peers, Fale 0 goune< , ak . of f Furene Aordd, a pe | : spe ll oS noob Seavey , 3° ov 4e gan ; 1D> |e am oumen eB Ginger: ow ow Gove : Toke a puk of Trurnays Acan Waskad «Oryd again site Gy op Sin or four Shite, Rem. & pwit Kom ra we TRH a te lof ry 2 Bk Ub ap Quan fae oars» Ay hewn Ce ayes, 4 ac ke Chery pris per PRpL ccs hen ee Right tke 4. fone cna Gide ghitas ov IMR , ake 3 Rt ¢ rma Water pole ieee Zewnas | H » OTK OUNER of- Cina Foken, Beyle. oll | q Ywto 3 Hleds fan take ontop Colarer-feot—o pul m : a pints ef “3 fn a = a pine MushGdme., & 2 OUncks of Sugano Limlo oll topdshes- « han poke mte & polls i take ofibe | Palle very morneong, 6 im af Day Monaro 5 Rex a formeflt & anf. o_o Wn. Askoas. Poke « omg Ay ‘hoa Falf om ounee. fe ae age a Symancton eof arr ounce of Ce cnooms , a. Fab a dice of 0 eee pasa a ara fers tosetKer~ m & Mortar, bree: 4 ca al of se ™ + & take a qparte—ofa goumd of Liongr-vectec Crufp) — $e tere pul nm of le « Spices, 6 Cte WAend 3 asl rm UW 9 Mormngs . five ab Well ogee en § Bacay 50 ring erey on After Fisk . a mk as a Geran ec KroeR th Lina and of ‘3 pe Hote s-Kover as Wolf lyon 2. « 0 Otel, Beqor= ttenc Hans y pom a Kom be. aq Ker mot hen make > Song of Amber. a muft a Rees vom full pate pas & cninghe alk together dé as eer eae as toy peat a Las eat ae chean OEP 7A m6 rg NaS te be orien fof 4 & work ™ Ww water 4 brie Ring hee “do9R Wie, hr CNY. «& Ren tien gory Cet Dedwon Keer bavobh ro 4 cee Gs Rend Oe: St an IH Bshctom , 136 : ent pe - — (So ee 3 ‘ ans . nf . ae ' ~ a t6u- Cor oy Boeke. Ke: P. 63. Fok a glk of an Une 6 take x Fhonn® & $ibek arse | of Ob os of ur when 5 Bruton iRmne putt mte ctumfyrd & pull 2 : 4° peep A. pert oSvor . ran. va Ka Bur Hoy finely , onfuls m or-4 fit, « fafor t— more os oy will fanr_ ve Be x uh Brea Cone ft grt td ababury She. 3 289 Der Homma & slicte 4s, putt in ake iy first, a ftw Whole Clours | a a pry “Veal of whole Maer, & Gow) Rem all tagcaker oRe 12 ; froon falls ae a morntme, 64 5 ov 6 ot night— Gur. be Fare Go coke a Atk . € tee noc Veal, nov Lge, mer ary sheony eres ie TS oo a i of - Fates ‘ (r fe. 126. ’ Thue hawhe: Wr on Medrelees ov gn few mooriah. growing, 6 77 noe Ru | plnce, aise of Rare colour os grstoa Ybexy lg & flask to y grownd. $+ Ruth | santana org Halk grdrverny, T wd of Ue- & 6 Franehrs drrmgins | suk o6- veoh rownid abort el 6 Geass of-rmsar Length ex Gaesde, Bm noe Wife Win is gues Ce A Ge hour Wray” Kami, for ten te een Revel vs gonne. Oy snes luck ve VE my shel. & Lowy we ™ a clean Bas Kae: fay Cannas ore of Nery murR TAe, . Toke as wwe of as Kenfeos WAL BM w& pouda. potter glafs, Wash i. note m aovy Wwe, Mam bake a potrlc of fi eS DS &, purr-tRem Geak am a 9, or Weffel\, & Gat ur stand Ged stopp Zr dayps 63 MyRry, Ky Ary ™m 0 few Cinna Clee wile o Sia wineR Y obi Kol Po. feorrfubl mesa We a gpankuty Hale Ale, Kas mek m Wy momnama errs, « Are) hare % rot 4, 267 ov-viRan tor fe Bast-W evil SS ES SS ee > : AER, eee oy, ar — ; ‘ a) tbr Low my H26.d-acks.. | | | . 4 Be Henke GOR K Pennell ce Ble fam togethers tiny dey stommeR, amd iq fe WF Rr Be whale, ew aoe, BK’ Reflrrinmy, Gememnalh, 1a yoked, “oma MIL. os bender ‘oe a Bidet Redbes Qeithers | Tfe abou a yenent, > ve #& purge fora foome ~D @ckhtoe of. : b . Fem & Hams a} wok Revot- amhe Ae asOwink Ve Sy purge RSS F rs raks advny yy atka, & fasten y RURAL PI AC. ae Ho mak a Wermne come_our of of Hea. a Welk come fora for Frernefe of y Terres . | 4 | for 3 dy nafs m yf Keen of fog enbnuanth. . a Be of gall of amstace & ws nweh of-Hory %« mingle Rim dogelur « ocd fence, Ili ormall Ve folk be & ww dd, & oor See Palit a BES oy i ‘i - * for “Renhrefs 7 | SY Odds uf Any fe fed % Bitten mons ania roger —se pubt— BZ dropps Ss mbt aq Lowes Warne, « Shope aH Black Net. | Oe foRe Orke of - Comyen.. w~ Ruth Keen proved yoo. a Ov w qruiee. of Coletvort— mmylZ) ak Wane KO dxop U- mis t Ceres. a Or Ky gull ofa store, Agu ine « Wemans-mUK one. ph adler. of drop vem, e Ow at dwing of aiypung marched née onide . Or Vag juyer of Rem We 1 fod bring! raha) i. haiea nareen arok 6 pull Muro of gremfe of aJ Coloured Sell. shen ¥ y £ i £ x ie 2 ~ 4 hs _ ep t eS O8 1s 3 ee MO ET Ie ere er oe eile meee a SX Pop y Saxe ReneS E& + peer ny ¢ De Ae Wwill xPove| SE Soe See nt Be “Lo moke aN NRE vf doer Re_sKall Keoure. Soke a grcatOnyon K eurtt Woprs--powk— 46, Wem Poke ewe Gor. ke Ain Sony sah dabei fe eter ek one Bet geek cudt-off, & Jeth< Omigsocd 4 ma ress, x La8-am Foyle Wall. shan, When Rew gout-do Re, Kalk ay) Pyle} BE dvopt-mte Rina cave. (¥ Wis wpmot) 05 Raltas ou mui pafer oh, pb AM] & Asap. & Vf st for Zor 4 Hees When Y Make - Roe 158 62, Porat MED jes hae FA) contuhd WIN Wine se eT Bite 90 igegatere oe Selon ) QWkew 0 Ok rio WMdauh , : HC By Sorx—M |. « vol Bik Ronis Hak Wehr rake f LO. | coniund VeWell Grill H Be_paper Sena Har es t5 ny ‘facus pe 4S ony toRe Luk « 6 fay Manon FBR bine oe ee Porine, as ite ~ Sunnbek . 2g 3 oF hero, , RP By QAR «K make rok o ey & Ta sae Sa A oe W ke pound of Salt pecbor- ne mae ound ef Sartor eo Syeeaami mney 40D n froen Suestour . 9.0. | For Meter ae O&% 2 bumers oft pewder-of Duckes fayvn oars mio & cypeart of BD A be. Coyle wt few nyoid bo a grrbe Drink 4 pric oa cates eae eee : Cee steno ee ec, wake, a gpror Oyfler-shill & UL 0 fastong fants Cdr cops 2 wights oe acd eee spac one Deny ea tare hog tN Glae runth neds Wer Cikerwife on ap fosnr, ae An Outs good for 4eke of. Gone. ov flu. Pein Gn bis Wosrs x 0 Ramdgul Ciderage ohePhy Af frnas- &R ett frall 4 4 stele, aes , a mo & ie Pe ptton of Avie. Kk | ten opy Well y 6 Qu U onto cae “ ber be Rare. 4 frocrok 15-Oay es. wee Ue eut—c Seren yo a . fine ANE loath. « * Oule wall ant oe Rough < Perk ow frek out ecke Aten, 1% Rai Mesnr eftan pr? oe 159 i : ; ; ina, ‘ bi : wea Sia ie rere r 6 : - oe oe 4 for \ Aangs - Carll . | TER. (allombina & tawny eWrink. Reus R Wana, 6 Ayah Be vour fel ag Camraes & tile wers stoop Rn Conde Hassel veafe, ke x Sos . AreKoengell froompe DY Winegerr 46 « opyplyce an PROERLM- Paes | ise of fon, pound Ree pase . wae a | A lok > aren fe pounded A ne Hogues \ a oS q | Aan Cys. pound <9 & = Yo Hory , A apply oe ay Bele ane. Lxourss 5 fesne* ks Co Seen 0 tow < bE Karn, py mars "ony ) dies i re apnll Rerrells & hee ee a ap eb ahe Bay T™| oT ard of fomer, x afterv Rosae_omésie_ Ra clean , Steamy Rem. we Presk- Butter —& kes gem. mb: per Caren Ve ! Couered, fah- Rem on forms morst-plase Lner ov DOTOLER fev y Peace ae & afroPvesds Gacy be malta, Fo fob & fro sy Los S.-M. nae fy = Esa gor Ge ata, § Plone 08 SB of Lae Sa ofa Borvdn Rony. emanes, HREM dogctiey- -maRr ero pst 38 “7 ate Sho “1 7 foo ok ena ae Yun & dey. os alls Sores sh ~ iz hy» % Pracr. nee 16 or ae 4M be Rrowe, 4 SR. Caulh , fe rN gro Werme alu & fy Ken spo. qT grelling ov fp wa & cheer Rim. Wem tanga. YF ve be AD severe) A eRamnga 26 baw me agp ob Be mod Ke. will wearer, Tohela 6 S09 « ee Por mm Y 4 Bveast— — Be cLews fy32- Rony ge cuna 5m. Comes. Ei. anmikcpal | Seow 33° Mrengle Ween fe Pogerhis- 7m momen—e for Ucdnos, use ¢ a at 6 & Vorees, AMEILANE 5 | Yor one y 4 fae afro duh Aomack. ey | Be Fenelh & eRaw tm Wy maul, fy owr-forns_ 6 ‘eee “s pa pe a ree hennfe of stomesh. NeanfoR ev Lemar Sen ns ae KD fenfas, ORerof enti a By Leones fee srl ee 6 deme vf Woke ny, fe Hey FB VED Wea Motor for- Lame. yj Wodee~ NS 14.0 16-4. | Sor a Gunh of ay Eamgs. ov Confongtr | Be Syrep of Ziad, ow enkorre, Hrfop & Stave Rawrd anyoero Poor IRer- ued Boxy Ref fed yor of # Eneomiar- SHriek big. ore formbing, 8 Women Be Lemni-alons graded & byt | domain n clemteDigye Some om Ba Ping? BR for_wpplyn or fel bo 4 vege. § for Cough of X Enns. sired ~Srnlss nes. Creok oy Sells sem; Ken Goud Wremr 7, oferty. MAK of & TAId- Cove HAL Ue come to a pinke & & MALES aein ob, . en. ac kash & oh OL Himes of poy sels yee we Beak ch Sengatrame. 0 rash Gy, BE Somfen a good Rand fod, 6 Was R VW on eso Wane, & qrride ue mw Mow KWH owhy quacc & Sormk own fpoon full Dry Pay cw will purge $Wfap. drondy qoonb— Bere Aa by Arapsns- Forerny of » Lungs. Roden Ralph. Ue- % Ug la_ef formges | by-agt faser of Lemons « % DH Oufic ef Ovinges 3 t- Coporrs - greg §j.enwrer f AomnueR. Rarer 6 fh Meron a Lom? shen awe fied otag Wolly-fids neve BR, a sKert- Ges vecm & ™Y BI 4 agamit fare, gius_Rom oype of Vatrruld m Blanton TWoder. H.C. A wot grap Salm ow Cyl rae by Mowk: Zucatall, sr. EE aa ang VeWvashkad oy Lemna one pound of t bas Saller- buf 3 pmbes Ga oof a yonte, ot "Bes Wase Rbk ® PowR , Somdens end suner, «¢ na Wns. w& pmic , / Rra- er Oy Wan ’ . ; through ° ewe mm oe tek Maer ol Hote oO Prity YeRNe, 4 Xe pu ae aie en ogk - e Jar 3 Knas sh shinny oh 8 Leo Bnd Lofty AAW Aerring Hin peo 4 Caasing, WL take theo fos st Fire, ec WRENS Wel, Boy{ad, yon shall + herrtues K 05> ele 4 FB (ecg Seeune ew evo ae remit ie hacer are rived, He Se fbn coping ht pening a ‘| Bones wane Gia Y Feowrl— quits 25 Pray ee. wWwull Real son 9 & 5 Himes fry Manne Re. apply pep 2. Ghabfe ane om any feclome - Aifssuife U RealiR omy ws co fort + fan ole Ba bein of Lixkn- lo9k Sewacs mn q is + plese, Will, Keak Ue Rb uA--corey from: . VLMAMME « 3. ee vee a on] pais or ariet Trig h-grdw by reafin of BD, Moysaure, Cotart, ov-Aekes an. F fest aac: ee fe often yy pie hs ReatDr. a fs eae ete ee eel q nostrils: a Lipps in Morning + a aay a Tey Ch ar RerB wh fou-y Bt avy gee _gmypro ) RRO wot 0, AB Fala ry aa or i GBs em mm any rol} Gy a as Al : CMe. 10. Se 00D Ke Matias oC Zs = od | Peseta asap Ghar As Aly RE. on is Very guid ar ined % Faia | Meazsils 4 fee Se it y teen an Wer mig Ounct A mormgs| = otfe Rs Lifton | Soden eave ger sap fp ona Lyd” Vermin. when of party yooh 90 BD. $+ Wh Manek Goud thnity i cama | purting a plattorof Lenton ur & yeh ny AS | maa be R Uk 20 Years, « Be muck Ketter~ : E . mm . health: Ed ~ ei ie Seer froon full & tes This is am CRIDren | Ss teeny W ewer aa Mote in anny Rnd = | nee , WS push | 14.2 166, For Broyfye in beggar. Cth doheg on Weteroorll Hen Oa tenders ven Cur > erty 03 oh fis Lay os Grvellem otvur-~p vel A BAAR india: Ly Gar Cos, nN ad W fomeHeing yh may g0¢ Vw rordd aBouk-ay tefl 65 Hen. BUisders Will come vgs? or fivoln Le ae at place out-of Ob WU vrunne_mincR Waber—6 C ho. nom Ihe glare Gubker Bow pus ors hrs uf rand Ge, KP ta A gph Dargo fers KER Deca Bory CB nie Metter es 20 eo Asan Wash) . & of RubarH mn si . Ayre vunes Hy Ruer® on ive, _ | Waren—es~ Pease. af waren ie aN Signet ce | 2% Reag Re Ae ured Hh bey Ge Ver tender Ren puh Reon o ER be o Morning tor 3 e f-IRE, 66 yPat please a foronfull Ps Syrop 6 fasbon Biner-afters inf sO Lars ‘Lo Comin “a fall wa Borage La & 36 Ber . Sorrel, Onde Conga to 2 aKa Borage, £ ha me ards of then ee vookes, @ Monty of AUporize., ar. Candy. Se eae poerpemane € fricYbater 6 Geato Shire Ss ou : t—mbo w ds 0 re] aad Re Gus make Butter, Ran toh ve-Vpey, & pur Ue onto ey aT 6 pub wou of Srmmsion & Moy-Furrer- es) 6 make om Oyen PReoy whet anon Wy doar. Fad Ku nie ae a 172. CSo make One S$ laep. i. , i a Sake Comal, Ay AKD, Ov 6 Baroy off Wed 6s grids tem Wel rogerRer— Ren WS Vinegar guano a panne, fry Uwe Yat Un Role -aSou--ap Rasa, & Y doles. o + Lash — Adve pe Gf Rearbes 4 goW x ishaioeng oes oe Sa te a a Ae Rae _nddvor $e fuk, . le. | [eal ; Se Fake Oule of Bu fes & Wen of 6. m. Comon fey 6 a the fr Buiter Shivrk) all Buea: anil a Beeome an Ormtmbh— 3. & A fowmsivhah Dry. Ren Ge ee ler a er ONE 143 \eby Am pboratinn after Weakness oe page Fake ona Rd-Cock Voy. ore Fe mae ai: . S se ye Pies". See ae See abe ae ae a CS So : ied i BE pet Am Be ig 2 UF “- ee we gOS pot ty fcr Ur; nerieter) Whe W—anoyr-y 7 : Pp Lome Pgaeret thon a leak oc Vind Aponte | glare as DER epee 4 ag’ nee ue 4 sue as geod for a Plus. Soke al doo oS y: Ohen-GarR, 3 Fou het-m tuning Yooper 0 gallon | hea gol. sor more, hen Aram W-& let Ur cook. Hen ps ote ond 0b . $0 an Almonds, RrarRem o ™ 0. Morden We of Rall, «Kall MW 4 . Reon of oRe fore far Water; 46 foe Aine moke yy | Likdvife = Bae may Ge be Grate. ALmohd. mul K for MPR rere Manish +a Bro Wamorrhoufe.. an iors Plombam Wale « a pint. A oe | Trogon ec dvame, puree ei ay ‘ put y Lipmerwalreberntonn oo ° me + Sth ark ie - 9 rurale RSS te TR RE ce ae lie n 2d | hinv_(morne 6 Creamng = 7 . RO oy Beak Bush fnew lt ap for-s Saps, forte cea fight | qRikes ey Cand 4 eakHRern im 0, panther risk. for | es: Se Eh m Fort 8 WB a a var tar fissile eh ors Ot on Wall W e nantes Sper fern , TE tnle of tages 2 frombell of an quien. % » froonfull ofa Gs -Hony, Mmale fn uRer— 0: thram Rem Rerun «piers of ete Holland. cli for Quik eiOy Gaps eel RS oR. er in Gob rg he pute oon ombo aher- <4 & for sicay. 6 WKAN emake _n wnt ee me wat cream Any sci tnke t ure & Use U3 £Voyes togeth wr 05 ay fr eQOD.D 144 163. for 4 stomack Wormes. Fake ‘Surmerack Rak an oun. £o ~2epper- anterof an Ounce Beor—tRarm to pA pale act Pei aes «6 keresp , U-VYery froth. Ren pun—teom all mbe a Wider dick 6% 2 verny-Work F Treacle WUR Resn. ne Panter aaa VW 0 Roulrns prone tnd HM, Rey Go, Yall mrimglt> ol hoger — tear Dutt Mem am a Rika (om fomaSvtah Long) Gores Ye 6 ved 6 vanly: it hr a stoma 9 mghhs KPours Yo Wour—HArrrme u.. oh s Jo make. Teeeh for y Rhusme, ov- ugh of 4 Lungs Fra hae pame Ame hQ ster-oka pourd e A ar i moe fri Bis ie ie here mM w& movtey—O8° VOR rk m ie afieer oe cb wel geet nee ey MDE im ite stakes or cprmebateg es thr eee pinto fers Hhaife 9 nm are baa eile LOnN= fund, Ram. take of Ror opie ( Barr fod, wR wh—~r_mio % eat fla, 1A 26 far Pott , ares rap pcanaee a 24 foes Mar shramm U- & eif faner ao foro movies Kaur noe puiea Herm, Vins Fa oot on «i Wel pres panne oe SMa k; AaNieeed A ery Aa spate HRICR. Ween _taka Ub fd Go aot eee fre Cr-at-lye_ duh ath US ery. Men Yo my ay aan Y ions SCD SHetheres, Ln: Bouds ome. bo Ge mide ory & VRReLy mr aring Getta Bite age i here view carne rest ee bo 0 : we Round. a fall of 28 en aye gyfr: + ofl te velar a Steere eae 145. 169 tH oy TAY Hs oy Bafon Com, Heil Stith ee vk | : 3 or vollss af- Piet. Kay v- oe nghk * yo | | 3 seen el ANE ee SQL om 8 Maltheren, Ee i pen a Wok C5dy. . \ 7 wef eh = ae 4 f.. a Range. 3 oh ah Soak a Toke an eat Sena, a dragene of Mace, : . niger Eamon’ a Coveanders feeds oly pode of + 0K { a hea Gemma O45 « Beas : Hen nate PrychRrgratly atk Rem mfr a ginte 6 0 ee te Ran tofs sm un fet srk got om Arlere,, Kan | tye hee fang on folere : bie 6 ¢ (a sta 4 haf or & mm Af e4 shrein ve « Qe bo os ash ws will | a "~ A . anu men! on Kin at : % omck Net « alg ab oa at gor to AS. gH Ror big a ' 7 Ke, Ee 2 Rew ves after-tahe Sr a fins = ting an HR q pe: wR may Re OE a ch fey thy Be of A WRAL age QP oman putin 3 gerry WHiRhh OE) Predy Hid. of a Rinne | nelly , w mah ms por of é: eesti cleat x Rama in sf fore fd Hhnffe, & for Celis MSD 2 or 3 Murs | “3 a SF now 6 ten meh Kill all Arena of Yeon Ke owt, : - Te eae ae hom come UL preek Yo A ma peituer 9u4% &% a Sw Bake a qportof Chart a print wtinto Half a pik of Burrage ~Woter, a REM of Baloo, Fae ee of Rofemary teens « lf o a. Fas fall Bruwry ont flowers, z é : WF ma_ Cleans om tem vod) >. m 4 tn sc iocaggs ESN & Yorig Hem im as Ao as 9 fan . SrA feet Ge frnfoR WS Sugsrte of Cilesng . e6 Bre hoes a as re p> of Saffron , pea ba: tha, Falmeley. «yon of ge, a fern AQ. oft, betsy Aegy 2 org Kerores, ee tk eo, o€ fyrop of ule ann rahe fome 6 fpcen. love A or 6 avo aang tr to Boda ar & ral make 4 seep : clenfe a. fore drouh led ot fate Mme 5m wr veka FaRe 6. ae PrstRy- trough Weler— Queers — starve a Cr_ hy Hake VY. IAGn Corus aA- ba on BIR take & Block fun Mem bakra aprorter of a [pound of- _ gene pee K 3 corfu of Honey, & geo nd Reames, one of Wesdden- Craucs, o Luk -| Be 2 ape all. IReife togeetRer—% 9609 While, Men pratt Gt pa oe tet evar a Cutle of bh « forme of a Sage - Ceames & GoIR. 4 Rarver SL. WwRan. a Gio fa ee Soha reed al coe ee any Reat—goutk_« We anderfMs , fe xt AS for % § o Welter Ke ee Fake 3 uk ies fer v-Go one Rar Kany At the tof in als ie fev ht ai Reb on a ee Walk. Opperas een et er 4 or & ee Vian eee Re Mon fos be Ae one, Song Settles . On Ren_ y owtfs em Kan eK, more fee cR_ om ch la ~h- ELE fox ox Hyer ey Hl ea hlicle a ~ est dupp load, 2 o-3- Renas dougle & Coy Vom Lom i T fa, saleye. re ae panes to Ba al-mod ee Pee: in qe Sal Bye, 14.7 i7o a . i 9 fe § ped | aka oun £ torre WER. Rem well « Boar Ren mo ° ; a oh iii HM > RAP Bo west, Yoon n es Ayr. wd) ia Rem Sean een. a pot tevety 12 fooor Me of WR Tome. “Vinager RK ipa ate emo Tueter-Tarme. 6 gus. ier ae of a time, or ry Hane When Rey cure GR a 6 “Jams oft boRe @, r)- Cocke obouh—2 ype DO 6 father Ram m Ris MoS « Gb Rem Ly ong ground bouton Foes re Rom 6 Toash Rihana 6 fr-Rem on y fapr—te Geufe. ona clean § ® aCour— 2 ~ of Leary Walew— se grt—ikerete a Rony Ae | ag Asano full o€ Liver wor SOuc 9 daar: rare voor or 2. a a Gla ie pug x Sonne Pas) Hnfops hee a Kandy ; of bvend- eee. hraurs, Sowh « aff Ren fe te pep «° * eRe 2 Wel fofh Farr § Ske fal im pices K Ree foma_zayarh of i Ran Yah our of Cocke Remrbes, 6 Gran oa - oe « | ~~ afl Strein Resn all tepeth then WOR K puity GeoolR | ™ ogam. pulk Rewte “aif a ot las of Dee me clean Weis | 7 peg vet % probe of ANC, & Sa 2 Oe a in wo Ge Als... Oke Ke An OURCK © pS K Grom v2’ ‘foil a A Wor o Purr be all Rar. for 1 OLR | of Ra ur ater e Aras vee K SY af ce Torm rf ie Ans & a fame & Qesrmne anor y Goch 12 & eu reW. 6 vate Kem Warm, 66 orf on Keng Be offen fine LE be a Aeenatk anom- w pan, foe mucR “ THOYE . x pote 9 nate Al ol sons Se KX toe a permnerit. oy 2 0 Snffron_ Bola Ve my fice fosned / Rem Goile Renan « y maseles oftesrm thesis well 6 ovr rink Coury mormng eo. ned 9 fe 4 P foerof fortmght—for om Rat fpaer ( po eng . eae « ‘" Wena ateacs Black - Fades. 148 | | A penile, pera for a Weak Kody . | Fake. 20 avod Note lean Washed, ra AN an Ne of PEuBork thimna Aredd, steW Ram to gurkr—om far Waker o Little tun tem ofa Reap occok Coded Pll Hay be very bch £ mr “ Torn mA Coh—3 ev A of Ran & 1 yy Reade & forone ful | rs q drproy. 6 foB—on costes (fee./ ota: WRB ing AS A Wms me ee af pouke te cee stat Hye ap dee ‘aye pe igh eRe nk & as anes body What 6 nee REE i> ng: Well Water— so ase “a Rink yo wr E eo Goyling of 9 % oe “FoR a siteg drow. 3 ae 4 marnaona om 4 of » ny ce Rindeornoon) & ce Hat We Chaly nen al’ Ret Teh. of White ~ Winey 4 print ete of Remun “ead pil i eo neh 2 Boon, . Hise reve 4° or aQ™ oe chop Sine. fr Asay hen ae sKnkes = : ee eet oy, ob ks Ro falls. Siod—thefe Wall e gee fe fork fuser, Being Na at ghof enuf’ PTS Cy fllony 4. xlof on oe oa w miele = & i al ai var of ne, 3 He ery Morne » r 16 ys nat qptnaity wre on an "far 5a k “Ween ae oS ene 7 4 HB fis g Toke ry oe Oryp. ve mn ert. K he Bee ~My nie Ren p WUuld wfe fe —toke a quantely of owed Pie ov—3 Pills & follow Ra Sdswng ne ey ot Ye in Svill oD + Aayme . fo Rea TryONS wind "Ad Solon & ape eaes Bony f a pwr Bulky —mornamg % emng, rm face domes Rey shall fest 4 y Orind CRD, plegmne eafily to Be wsioid. gs WER emgay™ 14.9 A Salus. to ¥ made m May. a . Bake, Walesrian Siti, Scabious, Plontasm, RGgr | Beambl, &K nbd Eaasney, Aigvionon KAS dogs of OLK On as fit- em A a q ee On SS gan ee n shed ohare Novk) Rem % Ao pound Dat fans sbecclo ar + fold, Ken purine ands | | aan Garten pol &% i ar IRem ™m a n AOU ¢0 DoH, Han ee Re ne q A. Panne 6 owl eR ane. fr fore, «oot ot +4 lee y ™ Be Wan Fall» tua oie a gpaste of « gourd K fone ‘poi mie a gart— of vy We yeu Weak Kauc, to eae mot. ° a Congiah - 3 «Fo prayer y ee ee: fr y Seureye Key j Fake. RRuBar$ 2 ounces, Seudngrags, Waterers, ong.nt ‘afl ; q K Dock-soty ana on RSD ful. Kan Ra ™ & Bagge The am a gelle ¥ of ale 6 a tur—2_ 0-3 “Aayes “Srmek ok we eee e for4 Se : : | i “Poke Ale. 3 OOK. Sofhrs 2 Wowk, Wormss ~22 2 “nell Waifs q Bearcn ano Mortar; hum Mer my yale, ac a Doe? Ve me | TooneKe a Con fannie ~ plaster . s rere eps gt » Lease B fps » : : oe ae ig iv Blea Lan ay po Mor OUOS (Lomi ; on fiteest ey, tele oe | ne —p 7 VO sy Jherwenn Meher ors Annes Wo Fa coe os , r.. Med CF ty si q bl is S o99e coy nt Ml ghitly p? Bi ey rents vf£o@e Dada p Swwrne fi Bah push . fo Ye Cr7lOK pewtea: Bo Ce Ay 4 ST ype ee Ora Be goby pss and AF ee LIND, es Pz, ae ae “hs Le ee ely, Cis Bo dradhages f 02 ay lpyy? LVDIE 159 of - 4 : | : pre : | — ue A i, ee Ve Ce ft Lhe. es ap y wl Ge Lee ata 2 gle Plas ss a Wi (al. lovey fe S od 4 oe ut = a ee ‘s 7 Dhaiser, Vo 4 ‘ed Se > wre | yi ge L hike hoih fa Wd th the £ 3B axere nS ff 5 fund, eo tro ; Ay 2 a £676 -@ oe GOA 4 Tie & Oe TE +olaes Va tthe Moers be nie eat Lace Crntiaata fePeer pez GP. GQ: CLLFL LLCS | Zn. A FIL AH Reval 0 tt 777 7 eyebrong Mbp Lae ph; (Spt tte « gs Wa pr ey. Dee 9 terete? Q@ oD ‘ ee cllor 74a Ze Boo COC? ACL eo Oo % ae eave yh as VBbotz JS tag ee e3 Pte ll Ps, i oo -_——— or al 161 Be. SAS eee) Foy Bee 2 - Zl tne) fire ffscer de fpeecs Prone alte arr Gocrrtes —— 4. a, il — 2 Ss ee 2 Aer SEES te ant eet i tice fu bo cae 165 eee he ‘Supe ey FP aang Z pa fe beg b-Sofl-vo eee eT Yee 4, es ina fans bb festa pn tll—-c#- LOCIAL Lh t-tfté®? a_f/ , ne C7 ogee By rece a a CLs fide Mie f O ae Z BE cnt he pan ay & SLOPE epee ee 00, OS EES : 167 OL. Jf yoy pe 1 -. | yo. y a an) ce Sam lit ur-ableles 168 ea Pod aay ee l94 Day Sy Be aaa ag % iy odl- oa a g a ee Tu. jess ee 4 at Yes iy OS Ze Yew /- ae gy 3: ae De fer fp -—her os = a ae ey B a tote be CLE 772. oy Galil a 2O2 a 972 Gloninn igen LA2 Fei eee Or : GA thi Jol fecee Uzte ee gong one ed a2 bet the "Gon OAT CE_ ¢ Gin ZG Se 169 as We Quw*td C : Daf rf 0 tal Pee vite oe es FF peasy Oe po G eer , ge faite. O Za i top laos ag . Ce Zz. Pe 2227 APP2Lorher_ ee A hacr vlc ogee ed Gea pring wt the Gi. hess herp ot SB ae ) Pf Dapree 7%, Cher yp rtcne, Bien ox A... Cd abe alee : Tee ees ae O wateh x29 Sa S Ltg ads 722000# 3 a 4. Begs lior ty 2ore72— Get Pe oe , ye cel) woe cf af with yt | pee eye e0 do Ly zt bec Gere, ee. es PM PES fe Dh upierd os, Se ig WHA. GY ge po arash, .. Holo Yi fret ces y ale. Sey ore 7 ep Lana and ets 4alf- ee ul Gartect bruce ed, Digia of Son. ee fee 27S 2 foro ypoory GIL py cf wore oloF- Peeahle, or (Bis ee 4202 JEL | ee Tage Coa oat Lite 3 wy “ae i . . . =e ‘ \ ’ E ; ~ : ; wel i> a CR Pe as ra -* =F ee oon etter ast ahaa Xf . re BO eae : — She NN e ae fy a tt eae ak Png ‘ eo a Fe Boe we ‘4 ‘ ee ant oy A, “Br ee. : is eee) see OA O™NT\ as ea D ey - a: toon ~~ td ee ees ‘ ite. eae eee ee », / 2 Ce © ee er ree: he a, Pa 4 » 2 at ag Day Ses Ri ree os foe yee a a ye ae pre a a Le eee: Bis es: SiN | . Cr See h O as ie | io aero ? ym re ee oe eg ne, eae a a Me a ee OE Sta: tapi n ne iba as see tee nas ee. , i = ar re - Fgh teehee hm . ee eee - : \ : ) ? tp at a id ‘ —_ iP. ie wr. "7 a, ae aa ey [ough ere x. ahh MEG crore. ph a ge Bee nw Pe : gp a aa a 4 ng ak ee feo we Legge age ok Lb LEPF EL Zoey Ge Sas : easey Of Pee DRO lees ae aes OF 2-L. 7 ee rate see Di these ; gy ee A offer Lp ego ey ae lect — ee OPED 4 20 to L00 eS Pats iva y Vee / “J eee ae Be OG ems tore Len be. fecteral Gee, nb te, aege. Ten TZ gg ae Wer dagtee ees te g Ee , aS fyror fb beits rer ce fier Yo ccacges 3 ony ind pd Le, DL ee: Lhe. (2 a fr Pee An Riel hon. 177 fe ne Whe, bee DOU: Gaon Loy (ine Fai 7 eee fo i Fore VLotvde2d, oon | yp ahr ee my Coe (a 178 | ue Ve #4 ys bit; 7 ELA Lets SLO Peer. we COLE po ap ns 7 Uh Bret chine ner contt jfa jf Mo Peer e afeepe cele. i yf pine cny: aaa lice af fat bale cite a VA Zz Bs oD CMe ber, chacege Ther perl Sher : y ; ape 20 Oftaeedks ore a et (Efe. lane rn | LSE rd ezltloce 7 PLe/i_ ck _— a — zs ‘ / — | ee Lea | Jf ort wen Uithp ws Lv Oy eet x mercer Hid entity pe Z ae : EPR BD 5 denn? of? fe? wow FIR eng LEZ e eae Sey goat yopjesdea AR perl fe tro poste ery ay cd fF —¢ato — fies oy Per oe bdr pas 180 ie eo. ef, “y a Spall ee eres ate to | “tea Ss teferrin oA a oy ez gs as, Lipo ee Me Ree ee fag Ler pee bey ALES os pal ws fee Ek: ae or Ze Bot ogy tag tele Lome a we fz i ean ia Pree a bey QALIL Coretta, au Ave pedoor® toclh .. we poten 4 He eae A prevents y | ae VEY PSOE compa 65 | fb. y ay ee | on ae Ove Ove. LSA DS Ce OPES , SELE 2 ; DT fjuur sriemdey gees reader 18l fo Ulan: % Yad ly ther blo the taller eats oe 4 wr Ave cercte A226 Sfpee? er C fet - / 3 ee, By PS), Ea ie eS ae Z fay mop A Ts | 4 hid as WATE ae a asap ow, eee Lge be | ; ie COS, Sa i i z= Z = a fo hah Ce lobo, | ; jp tbe. ww~alher” ; as ae where ¢ BLpnguth rtecle, ere ie / od Riev : : ee .) i - Wwe wr - eater ae CA Lv eIED. EoD) ofa fav led eer ? : ate Y ve ee Y the garneslet-hitintag, Ups ce) 4 or 5 Vise ore AD ie fp fp ag 185 folie Ae Sim t me po es ave ag = yalapite lf aA weclir! apor = at Cercn ect erct Fore “a eae es ee . OLR ep eh i eae ath We vive Zoo LID» t WHLES | LCE Jb £7 Ye Ae fthe. 7 : eee fe een ~~ — ‘ ; Sb every PilicVaaches 3 ya Dofa oflrult o fo togtiny the ecg? terhlbct 1 CRY Whee) tiehach of Ye ereand lef sand fill See etogel Ue Ceavher mreshbe repuenough for tot pred errs! be ruched rth alanis) cheat, bo ericthe) fect Stat ee ae 7 atmmesl cold ich en th Genehieg pronase alow Frew arid tt thir Serre alle — undiy Chr See Lae a tht es fit 7 ME, Chey Kah. 5 ote? y. me thir cate far ard putter The oe .. Atth ana we Cher a te 6 Lhe SL amdbttshnd [oid of Brandy Chard pod taper grin Caskey Cr etertplaces 193 Snow ap habetreus. Be Trak Corkin Bones. 103.168: for a Bote, 39 76 for on vies ” ae park. Ve A -39-33-1 comfort-o. pose Gane y: 100. J At 59- 128.99: \6&- (04. 176: ro make Ryngott , § w ob. pes At for Kew on om eat Te of: oomen. t: 32. . , m™ 1 Heyes. OS ek 108: lee for a Hibwt Ma weaie: p- 36. | a fe ee ™m™ % | OCT ¢ . tee AM = pares ag APPL Mey eral ps ma Os CR 120. Bs. 6. foramen a 99 8 wor CRellas - z: 33-10 | i c. G3 6 ~ Chativeke.. 9° 34-100 Yo thre: aiken 4 Bake. a de fea 01g6 wnage fo zWar Cn fits P-'24 er. for 0 G ary Go. G2. 05g 160. pe ~ 1g, 20. 35-4 F a Covgh 0 cncngs. B22 164.168. Covnes. 0-34-38: Cor RS & | BaleRing of: Wrnde. p- t02- NHS Fe p: 32 bo moRe Diskus brthd. ?- 6a. | be pow i Bladder. p- tot. na ees pen gRewe. e Lot. Corapmnr. -t24 Ce 4 Fase me p. 25.27.35. 176, D.p ATO eae He ren ans & A cs « Fry. 9-39. oe Safayren«- “Faen. p- AG. re de mak ons Fare. p-13. be Ove rok anes 34| Formbna hs . fae Shemrt— Bh '73- Rent

"i = PSR mare CE IRON NN NE ae yo yeas NE Wt eee SR Cae - pee eee re = wit | ~. i98 es ne, Po. eer ee — pay li19» OG, ihe ie? wh / inh erel OT, 5 Drecbec.t Mor fy to~ ae ae Li heb “perce ta. oe ee Ber (2 — A. 204 7 GB hua Coe ah see Le “her Pea eee: Se oes aPrinth obech lores eee ghey ae ered. eer - bloc ae thar wipes 2309 i lg is a 199 ee fa oy? oe ct 74 t# ON he ae wad An - c#, ‘ yk eee A At), fe Taconite 72 Z f= a: ey Ais > . Use < - ; : \ . ae ; \ = : F j sx Ts : aay Bs . " : : ‘ aie ES hg ie Pe é oe — : ¥ e < . ? c- a * — . ae ee Po b> 7 , ee > ve ee 1 RAR RE MM eagles ne We LR eh 2 al ae A i Se Bae i a al emt i a a eee Pea . ee ee a ae Se al Sa Q/{ou lope oo eC ayadquiey fo sepueq v4 lec of pason if Be eg Ph aed ses x / U1 | 7109 Hou i a rhe aes Vee ag ges Wf Yee i 4 Raha ihcy OAD Lab aut f- SEE NG Y SOA 3 /Ar ANODE, 9 nee 201 v7) Peee, ‘G4 eed er’. ie wow tage — rete teh ete fH tee : pret Neannes a, Dar a. rs a 00 : 4 - 2 ay ay ; 7b4 yor, per et seth po Se L had ulder for ¥ Zyees to be tahere 1 m pe Cex Portas : TC ols-y ee 3. 4 pore ee ajynor - one rypews PAN ie SR Oe : We Eee ee apo who on pa aly aro Pak Ww Le ye aly Sot i eal Pee Bs aggr af Ge cea Pipa Sun oon it (act a ears tp paetow new nc a eontl 9 fll ae hes Ae aaY are UC Correb on abe golreng vet ai ct w “pei J eee afin Par ap aes it Set fo w ajfer pend neta vO eC eee a eG bas Ye 3 ps for one al wel, ae ha pele f 3 202 5 ty $e fl, Co at Eve Oe, a Bt 3 sor ated ad bx py gee SE pi fib jj Por rcrcred Joifeli Ca Buraifh- sacha nandfel : We eg 7 ge Vane Vx < 1x0 pofstP 0 32 Re Pepe doer clus, %& ¢ AE Not Lg y VE 7 ae LAY? | Of atsprage roote ee earbe jy haroHile of DWilyppenclals vite quantetic of url feed 7 O17 ce , of y harresl cen ‘here [tones }) ovnces, 0 anresedes lialf an oune, of leceres hike quurtety , all thes dride and beaten to pouder finele pathite ware ese ii Jo ee as often es nedes as yeu Can take Jypp ae res ip ote) CeLine and put- no a realona bl ie of parcely wate Liftalle d. Lathe Warne and. i oe in LE aller or oures at 7 least dnd. waubeinge after ay tabinge Marah . . 204 A not ate. \ a : VP. : % bare h ehlons ony (Crp mea & | /whrch eee 1655 ea Bey can 1 ae a OY, pe AUANE Hn Creman evr | | Ce i ae ——_ eh § g Willoughb a Diptes eer faa And 98 p tree: B to hae oe 74 fy AEM Ee, JOT, BSS fo be : M Ferdinand 3 uart d iS D1."Bird. _ ae b Wear GIONS caliard 5 ex 4 lS “ od ” - * 7 : — > rr 3 = tS = Ree iar € - + ‘ E : j = = - are a pe a 2 ~~ = ms Sm : eg “ paps Mi . - a af eet wt: a ——~ $ Jes om ee < Rants eS : 4 2 Se GE I IERIE IL EI, sec SRS I Ge EN SEGRE Sea SE ETE EAE SY Pay ee ee See — neem - = RRP I RTO RE EE NOE hr pl AINE = aE A Na REE a mn CR Se ea BRN BS NES OPEN AO = . Ses, ‘ PRI Aaa NONE ORE TE ANTE AE EEE SAS CN SE ONG SA REE LE RT A LE IE OT CINTA TIO: LED EELLLOANT AEO # ~ . A £ agi 4 eins rd - : / - i 7 eo. j = “ ‘ 7 ¥ , . ‘S ; { Ane fa ie é «ig - fe “i rs 5 - - ti “ - 4 > + : = ‘ ° = ge s ; or epietsias * " ; Se pe A eR | ke Nae = aE nm eae . co oe ee perceailanies te nage — —— ’ LLES LIGATED POPOL F9 BF ALIS SER TESTE RRA OT NT EL ah eae RE te ERTS PELE ENON SST BE cee eT a ae Ba z IT ST SAIL ELLE RE INNS OG LCT LE a Re Ba, sin oy Siw. - Pe re at wy ght ag ofr are Fee as, reer tre ee pe rrengyiele 1 Bem epee Oe arbens HR e FI