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DED RM ‘Be sy sam mst DANS ad Ht | |_| HaHa Fal fa | I ey | | HI EGER ee TT eT TT pT TT BH | | | Page Fourteen ew osesncmee ees Co ~ Ee Eee i a pean 1 hac Ba ee ') _ a [one | ERE Ne ne me oR rn cee SS Nee a Page Sixteen deere ee NS LS A SR Cc ie SS a a a se EE EES aE a eagle <4 i sik Gee Cal CITT TTT y SB a —————L SS ES SE A LS Page Seventeen ay Pees Toe NG8 DID J irene gd” BR | @ ES ee se sh OE EE ein j \___ 5 ae, ! Page Eighteen STWINC 2K See i i rs es ee EE ee EEE SEC ND eee [eel Loree Hee Ee) ND TIP o eae ee rere RR Sen SS SS SS SA A eC OE Page Twenty SPECIFICATIONS To use for any of the foregoing Homes. LOTS: Select the lot in desirable location, relative to car lines, schoolhouse, stores and paved streets. Ascertain what improvements are in and paid for. Frontage should be at least 12 ft. more than the house. Lot owners who have changed their programs have placed in our hands many unusual offers of select, rightly priced building sites which promise to increase in value. A complete survey of Minneapolis by our entire selling force enables us to offer large quantities of scattering lots cheaper than you will ever be able to buy them again. We are glad to show them at any time. CONFER BROS., INC., 502 Andrus Bldg. Main 6360. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: Are intended to fully describe the work to be done, and ail work, shown in either or reasonably implied shall be done in similar manner. In case of misunderstanding, lack of information, or a confliction, the matter shall be referred to the architect for his decision which shall be binding on both parties. The designs shown here are made especially for this book incorporating styles and arrangements and features which have proven satisfactory. The plans are loaned for the erection of one home only and when completed shall Re eS to JULIAN FARNAM, Architect, 300 Builders Exchange, ain 1268. BUILDING LOANS: Before starting building operations, the necessary financing should be arranged to insure sufficient funds for the completion of the work; either on the 3 or 5 year basis, or on the 15 year basis requiring only 3% payments on the principal each 6 months with the privilege of paying as rapidly as desired after three years. We have money on hand at all times to loan on Minneapolis property at lowest rates. We will give definite written acceptance of loan after inspection of plans and advance money from time to time as building progresses if desired. THORPE BROS. 206 Andrus Bldg., Atlantic 8600. LIFE INSURANCE: If, by the payment of approximately 1%, 114% or 2%, we could guarantee that, in the event of your death, the mortgage on your property would be paid off, would you be interested? This can be arranged if you are insurable. For further details consult J. WALKER GODWIN, . 929-935 Plymouth Building, | Atlantic 2546, Minneapolis, Minnesota. SURVEY: The owner shall cause the property to be carefully surveyed. The surveyor to place iron monuments at the corners of the property; also furnish three copies of plot plans, showing exact size and location of proposed building to the contractor as required by the City Ordinance. The surveyor shall be experienced, accurate and reliable to avoid any possible litigation over lot lines. For safety and satisfaction call on EGAN, FIELD & NOWAK, Surveyors (established 1872). 703 Oneida Building, telephone Atlantic 0403. Page Twenty-One EXCAVATION: The excavating contractor shall receive data as to size and location of building and depth of basement; removing all soil therein and including 1 ft. beyond the line. He shall trim all corners and leave floor to within 3” of the mean level. Black soil shall be deposited in a neat pile on the highest ground. The balance shall be spread over the lot. Surplus shall be removed for cost plus 20%. We can furnish full equipment, experienced and efficient workmen at minimum cost. W. A. BEHNKE, Washburn at 60th. Walnut 1898. CEMENT and LIME: All Portland Cement for concrete and brick mortar shall be Hawkeye, Lehigh or Atlas, sold by the Minneapolis Builders Supply Co. All lime for mortar shall be Kelly Island White Lime well slaked and seasoned. Our truck equipment and warehouses will furnish you prompt service. Our materials are always fresh. Our salesmen will assist you in every way. Call onus at any time for prices. Oe alee BUILDERS SUPPLY CO., 315 Lumber Exchange, ain 8200. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND STEEL: To be of size, shape and design shown on plans or required relative to other work. Beams, lintels and posts to be accurately cut, straight, clean and painted two coats of rust-proof paint. Ornamental brackets, grilles, balconies and railings to be of 34” square iron verticals and 144’’x114” horizontals, properly fitted, dowelled, and neatly trimmed, securely anchored in place. We give prompt delivery, good workmanship and careful attention to details. Lowest prices. L.D. SISSON CO., 712 Builders Exchange Bldg. Main 2876. FIRE PROOF DOOR: Where garage is shown on the plans attached to the house or in the basement, furnish and install THORP FIRE PROOF solid panel door covered with 24 gauge steel, and frame. Hardware to be furnished by owner or with the door, as desired. Paint- ing to be done by Painting Contractor. This door is to be the THORP FIRE PROOF DOOR COMPANY, Minneapolis, Standard Type 1 paneled door. BASEMENT WINDOWS: | All basement windows to be sizes as shown of fireproof construction to confine fires to the basement and avoid swelling and shrinkage. Metal frames and sash to be of rust and rot proof galvanized iron well painted. Designed to permit free open- ing and be waterproof when shut with welded corners for strength. Wire glass set in putty secured by metal covered strips. Locking device should be effect- ive and quick operating. Such a window giving an extra large glass area is kept in stock in all sizes and sold by F. P. WHITE, 300 BuildersExch. Main 1268. Page Twenty-Two CEMENT WORK: Footings and foundation walls to be of 1-3-5 or equivalent concrete, cast true, well puddled and kept wet 4 days. Basement floor and sidewalk to have 314” base of 1-3-5 concrete with 1-2 topping 1” thick, floated true and troweled smooth. Keep damp for 3 days. We carry full equipment and employ the best mechanics. Also artificial stone sidewalks and all kinds of cement work. All work guaranteed. HENNEPIN PAVING CO., 534 Security Bldg. Geneva 8684. Factory at 3600-12th Ave. So. DAMP-PROOFING: Foundation walls and footings shall be ~ waterproofed with two coats of MAIRE’S Cement Bonding and Water- proofing applied on exterior, or on interior if walls are to be plastered. Wall to be fully cured, dry and brushed free of loose particles. Apply with brush without thinning (no heat required) taking care to fill all corners and pin holes. Second coat will leave the surface close grained and rubbery which is water-proofed and air tight. If below water level apply one or two extra coats. MAIRE PAINT & MEG. CO., 609 N.E. Marshall St. Cherry 2302. COMMON BRICK: All common brick where shown, or necessary, shall be Minneapolis Sand Lime Brick, made of lime and sand, moulded under pressure and cured with steam. Laid in mortar of | part lime, 1 part Portland cement and 3 parts sand. We use the best of materials in manufacture and keep on hand large quantities to permit hardening before delivery, thereby reducing the number of bats and insuring quick delivery. MINNEAPOLIS SAND LIME BRICK CO., 307 Kasota Bldg. Atlantic 2912. FACE BRICK: Exterior and hearth face brick to be No. 39 full, or selected, range CHENILLES, surface dragged and rolled, or by proper adjustment of cost the owner may select Acme Buffs of shades 60, 60D and 61, or Delux full range rug texture. Hearth lining to be the same brick or a pressed brick in color to match. We carry in stock all shades, colors, sizes and textures of face brick. Our warehouse and trucks will give you prompt service. Call at our show-rooms. HYDRAULIC PRESS BRICK CO., 1250 Builders Exch. Main 0810. FIRE PLACE HARDWARE: Provide and install two No. 1, 8’’x10” Peerless ash pit doors. One No. 6 automatic ash trap and one Peerless dome damper of the size nearest to width of the opening, as shown on plans. The design and operation of this type insures a perfect draft by regulating the size, height and slant of the throat. A 34 turn of the handle will fully open or close the damper locking itself at interme- diate positions. These and other fire place appurtenances are kept in stock by the DRAKE MARBLE AND TILE CO., 605 Second Ave. So. Geneva 6366. ee a EE EEO EE eee Page Twenty-Three INCINERATOR: Brick contractor will furnish and install one complete KERNERATOR, ready to use, where shown on plans. This simple device relieves the housewife of the most distasteful part of kitchen work. A neat receiving door in the kitchen is always ready to gobble up all sorts of Household refuse as soon as it becomes waste. A scientifically correct combustion chamber in the basement receives the rubbish and burns it without added fuel. Seven-eighths of the household refuse is excellent fuel. Call on us for price. KERNER INCINERATOR CO., 300 Builders Exchange. Main 1268. MASONRY CONTRACTOR will furnish the necessary brick materials called for on the plans and elsewhere herein; including fireplace hardware, flashing tins and anchors. He will furnish the necessary labor and do the work according to plans, leaving the work true, plumb and Square joints carefully made and face brick carefully cleaned free from all mortar. He will work in harmony with others, to avoid unnecessary delay. Our full line of tools, long experience and adaptable mechanics will give you the best work at reasonable prices. H. FERGESTAD & CO., 3513 Colfax Ave. So. Locust 1189. STEEL LUMBER FIRE-SAFE FIRST FLOOR: Build a first floor with steel lumber joists spaced 16 to 24 inches on center, metal lath and a 2” layer of concrete on top of the joists with wooden strips imbedded in concrete to which wood floor is attached. This will cost only a small additional amount more than wood joist floor construc- tion and will protect the livable sections of the home from the fire dangers arising from furnaces, gas meters, hot water heaters, open flame laundry stoves, horizontal water pipes, hot air ducts, and electric wires. THE ENGINEERING SALES CO. 126 So. 9th St. Geneva 3462. LUMBER: Frame the building with No. | or No. 2 Fir dimension SISIE, sizes and spacing as shown on plans. Floor lining and roof boards to be No. 2 Fir sheathing and may be either 6’’ D & M or 8” Shiplap. Grade either No. 1 or No. 2 Common Fir. Floor lining to be laid diago- nal. Outside finish to be of sizes noted on plans, No. 1 common pine S4S. Our lumber is well seasoned and kept in dry sheds. Our four yards at different points in the city enable us to give the service you want MELONE-BOVEY LUMBER CO., 13th Ave. So. & 4th St. ain 0269. MILLWORK: _ All windows, except those in Sun Parlor and Dining room casements, to be double sliding type in frames with blind casings and double glazed. Doors to be 2 panel birch except where shown or noted otherwise. Furnish Crown moulding for living and dining rooms. Pic- ture mouldings in all rooms except kitchen and bath, 3 member base and back band trim of Birch throughout except as otherwise noted. We carry in stock at all times complete material for any home, including Oak, Birch, Fir, Pine and Gumwood. SMITH SASH & DOOR CO., 112 East Lake St. South 0096. Page Twenty-Four CASEMENT WINDOWS: Sun Room windows to be Whitney Casements as furnished by the manufacturer complete with frames, sash and screens. The sash and screens are fitted into the frames in the fac- tory, with all necessary hardware, and there is no fitting to be done on the job. This type gives a full opening and maximum ventilation when open and is absolutely tight and waterproof when closed. For details and literature see THE WHITNEY WINDOW CORPORATION, 132 East Lake Street, Minneapolis, Minn. GLAZING: All windows above basement to be glazed with two lights of glass with air space between. Outer glass set with extra good grade of putty. Inner surfaces to be carefully cleaned and put together in a dry atmosphere. Inner light to be set with removable wood stop, according to details shown on plans. We carry in stock all kinds and sizes of window and plate glass, and are also pleased to submit designs and prices for stock or special art glass. FORMAN, FORD &CoO., 111 So. 2d St. Atlantic 4300. MAIL BOX: Build into the walls, where directed, one MAILO Box of type furnished by owner (costing $6.00 to $15.00). Inner-receiving door to be of wood to match the trim. The brass face plates add beauty and elegance to the appearance of the house. ‘The construction affords protection from thieves and the weather. This is a convenience and necessity demanded in all up to date homes. For sale by all leading dealers or call on the PEN-GREG MFG. CO., 516 Capital Bank Blidg., st. Paul: Minn: = Cedar 2215: CABINET WORK: Book-cases, mantle, side-board, kitchen cup- boards, lunch table, linen closet and medicine cabinet to be of size, shape and design shown on plans. All to be made in wood as noted on Plans. of first quality materials, carefully machined, glued and nailed. Flat surfaces well sanded. We employ the best mechanics only, which with our years of experience warrant our guarantee of pleasing design, good appearance and long life. BUILDERS SIDEBOARD CO., 115 N. E. 5th. Dinsmore 7769. HARDWOOD FLOORS: Lay the kitchen, bedrooms, upper hall and landing floors with 33’’x114” Clear Maple Flooring and the Living room with $3”x114" Clear Oak, side and end matched driven tight and blind nailed, Stock to be throughly kiln dried and stored in a steam heated warehouse. This shall be taken from the factory and delivered at the job the day it is to be laid; under tarpaulins in inclement weather. Such flooring is manufactured in Minneapolis, stored and delivered in this way by the G. H. TENNANT CO., 920 6th Ave. S. E. Gladstone 1852. Page Twenty-Five FLOOR LAYING: One of the main features of a nice home is the Hardwood Floors; either plain Hardwood or Parquetry. Hardware floors should not be laid until all other finish has been set in place. Hardwood or Parquetry floors should be laid and scraped by men who specialize in that part of Home Building. After floors are laid they should be properly sanded with Our Electric Floor Surfacing Machine, assuring you a smooth surface ready for the finishing. We do laying, electric surfacing and finish- ing of plain hardwood or parquetry floors. BRENNER & HOLMES, 112 West Lake St. Phone: South 1246. SHEET METAL WORK: This contractor will furnish labor and material necessary to do the work shown on plans. Gutters to be made of No. 26 gauge galvanized iron with joints carefully riveted and soldered. Ridges, hips, and downspouts to be standard gauge. Valleys and decks to be best grade of tin and painted one coat on each side. Tin decks to be fastened to the roof boards with clips. All work to be erected straight and true and securely fastened in place. We use the best materials and men carefully trained to do the best work. Call on us for estimates. ARTHUR T. SEELYE, 700 East Hennepin Avenue. Dinsmore 0394. SLATE ROOFING: All roofs as noted on plans to be of slate, 14” lengths, random widths, green or purple Vermont Variegated, laid on felt under-covering secured with 114” galvanized nails. This is one of the best types of all roof coverings thoroughly fireproof, permanent and hand- some. May be had also in red, purple, unfading green or black. Cheapest in the end. No additional sheet metal work required. Send plans for estimates. MINNEAPOLIS NATURAL SLATE CO., 300 Builders Exchange. Main 1268. Harold Johnson, Sales Manager. INSULATION AND PLASTER BASE: On studding set at 16” centers nail 44” Celotex in sheets 4’ wide, 8’, 9’ or 10’ long. Finish with any kind of plaster applied directly on Celotex. Celotex, made from Sugar cane fibre, serves a double purpose, insulation and plaster base.. Careful tests prove it a better non-conductor of heat than any insulating material used for house insulation. The strong fibrous surface holds plaster firmly. In using Celotex the cost of lath and the labor of apply- ing is saved. No other insulation is needed to make a warm house. Celotex is handled and carried in stock by THE INSULATION SALES CO., 300 Builders Exchange. Main 1268. STUCCO WORK: Stucco work on wood lath or patent laths to be STONEKOTE magnesite Stucco. Stuccoes with cork, wood fibre, or other vegetable aggregates will not be permitted. The scratch coat to be 14" thick, finish coat to be 14” thick carefully working out all joints and dashed with stone dashes, size and colors at the option of owner or archi- tect. This material to be applied strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. On metal laths, hollow tile, cement, or brick construction use STONEKOTE Cement Stucco. Materials for this can be secured from SPEERS-JEVNE, 832 Builders Exchange. Phone: Atlantic 6800. Page .Twenty-Six PLASTER CONTRACTOR: Will furnish nails, lath and corner beads and apply same, allowing 14" key. Plastering to be of 2 coat work of proportions specified by manufacturer. Finish coat to be patent plaster, troweled to a smooth surface. Base coat to be rodded and left true to 14” in any 5 ft. and 4%” in any 2 ft. He will also furnish and apply lath and stucco; as specified elsewhere herein. We specialize in residence work using fresh clean materials applied by good experienced mechanics. JOHN SCHOLD, 2113 Minneapolis Ave. So. Drexel 4504. TILE WORK: The tile contractor shall furnish all labor and materials necessary to install the tile work for bathroom, hearth and vestibule as shown by notes on plans. Style, grades, shapes, colors, finish and quantities as noted on plans. Floor work to have 3 inch base of 1-2-5 concrete over depressed floor with chamfered joists. Wall tile on frame partitions shall be set over 44” scratch coat of 1 to 3 cement mortar on No. 24coated metallath. Promptservice, reliable material and careful, accurate and courteous mechanics at minumum cost can be secured from the DRAKE MARBLE & TILE CO., 605 2d Ave. So. Geneva 6366. | EXTERIOR PAINTING: Priming Coat—Add three pints of pure linseed oil and one pint of pure turpentine to each gallon of Twin City Absolutely Pure Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oil Paint. Brush paint into pores of wood thoroughly. Second Coat—Putty all nail holes carefully, add three pints of pure linseed oil and one half pint of pure turpentine to each gallon. Stir and brush out thoroughly. Third Coat—Apply paint as it comes in the can; brush out smoothly. | INTERIOR FINISH: For open, grained woods. One coat of P. & L. Paste Filler, color to suit owner., two coats of P. & L. No. 38 Preserv- ative. This may be left in gloss, rubbed, polished or be given one coat of P.&L.Dulkote. Sandpaper lightly between all coats. For close grained woods, one coat of P. & L. Filtex. Reduce 25% with turpentine; two coats of P. & L. No. 38 Preservative. May be left in gloss, rubbed, polished or given one coat of P. & L. Dulkote. FLOORS: For open grained woods. One coat of P. & L. Paste Filler, two coats of P. & L. “61” Floor Varnish, gloss; one coat of P. & L. “61” Floor Varnish, Dull; sandpaper lightly between each coat. For close grained wood. First coat of ‘61°’ P. & L. Floor Varnish to be cut 4% with turpentine; two coats of P. & L. *61"’ Gloss; one coat of P. & L. “61” Dull. Sandpaper lightly between each coat. VITRALITE WHITE ENAMEL OR TINTS: First coat, lead in oil; two coats P. & L. Vitralite Enamel Undercoater, two coats P. & L. Vitra- lite Enamel. Allow 48 hours to dry between coats. If rubbed finish is desired, the last coat may be rubbed and should be allowed to stand 36 hours before rubbing. If Eggshell Finish is desired, the last coat may be P. & L. Eggshell Vitralite. Sandpaper lightly between coats. TWIN CITY PAINT CO., Minneapolis and St, Paul. — ae ee | Page Twenty-Seven PAINTING: The painting contractor Wm. H. B. Donaldson Co., will do all the work called for on plans, using material specified elsewhere herein. Exterior work 3 coats lead and oil. Floors stained, filled and two coats of varnish. Woodwork stain filled and two coats preservative and one coat flat varnish; or three coats under coating and two coats flat enamel. Bath and kitchen wainscoting similarly enameled. All colors to be selected by owner. Our skilled workmen use only the best tools taking care to apply material uniformly after careful preparation of the surface, We aim to produce the best. WM. H. B. DONALDSON CO. 928 So. 4th. Atlantic 5549, WATER CLOSET SEATS: Furnish and properly install genuine 3 CHURCH Closet Seats as follows: MAIN BATH ROOMS: The “Excello’ all-white PYRALIN COVERED with no exposed metal. FIRST FLOOR—MAIDS: The “CLIMAX” white PYRALIN COVERED. BASEMENT: The 40-B Mahogany with CHURCH process rubbed finish. For sale by all dealers. Kindly ask us to sub- mit samples. T. R. BURKE, Representative. | C. F. CHURCH MEFG. CO., 923 Nicollet Avenue. Main 9325. “THE SOAP DISH CLASSIC on my new kitchen sink is just the handiest thing. I use it more and get more real pleas- ure and satisfaction from it than from any of my other conveniences. —Everywoman Classic Owner. SPECIFY the CHICAGO FAUCET CO.’S B- 200 Classic combination sink faucet with soap dish with drain for the kitchen sink in your new home, or can be fitted to your sink at home. For sale by all plumbers. Refuse imitations. Don't be disappointed with inferior substitutes. Minneapolis Office, 923 Nicollet Ave. Phone: Main 9325. CLOSET: Shall be a 2076-C *‘Gloria’” Douglas China syphon jet bowl, with china bolt caps, 7192-C “Ohio” flush valve oscillating china lever handle, 7199-C Stop valve. SHOWER shall be a 4809-C Douglas nickel plated shower with 5” rain shower head with removable face, air valve, adjustable ball joint, 45 degree elbow and wall flange; concealed mixing column; 7193-C “Rapid” lever handle; mixing valve behind partition with concealed check valves with lever and face plate. KITCHEN SINK: Shall be Wolff enameled iron apron sink with drain- board in one piece; “‘Classic’’ combination swinging spout faucet. 114’’ Mee e.r trap. LAUNDRY TRAY: Shall be an “Anchor” 2 part laundry tray, Adam- son stand; E-Z. combination faucet; 14%’ C. I. "S” trap. Insist on having Douglas china fixtures and Wolff enameled iron. CASE POWELL CO., Inc., 300 Builders Exchange. Main 1268. Page Twenty-Eighi BATH TUB: Crane Y-884 White Porcelain Bath, glazed white inside and outside, with concealed bell supply and waste fixture, with concealed waste, all valves to be with china indexed handles and china escutcheons. CRANE CO., 400 3rd Ave. N. Atlantic 6630. LAVATORY and WASTE: Crane Y-863 ‘“SECURO” quick draining direct lift waste, with all china knob with index, large integral plug, removable type. NOTE: This plug may be taken out to remove any sediment. It will drain the average basin in six seconds. CRANE CO., 400 3rd Ave. No. Atlantic 6630. LAUNDRY FAUCETS: Tobe E-Z for two and three part tubs. This faucet is made entirely of brass with standard 14” unions and couplings, quick compression valves and fitted ready to attach. No assembly nec- essary as this is done at the factory. The swinging nozzel serves both trays and mixes the water to correct tem- perature which does away with all steam nuisance. Insist on the E-Z Faucet. Handled by all dealers, through the E-Z MFG. CO., 714 Builders Exchange. Geneva 7252, PLUMBING CONTRACTOR: All miscellaneous materials used in rough work and installation of fixtures shall be as noted on plans and herein; and in accordance with existing City Ordinances; of the first quality and standard as to weight, size and construction. Vent, soil and other pipes shall be run as direct as possible except that all vents shall cut the roof in rear of the main ridge and other piping arrangement to permit easy access for inspection and repairs. An efficient directing organiza- tion together with sufficient economical equipment enable thorough and satisfactory work to be done at a minimum cost by BJORKMAN BROS., 712 So. 10th St. Geneva 7520. Page Twenty-Nine RADIATOR VALVES: Valves shall be of ‘‘quarter turn’’ type; which permits full free and efficient passage of water. Taper plugs shall be of non-corrosive mineral composition connected by loose joint to stem extended through water tight packing box. A slight turn of the handle of this valve effected by hand or foot will open or close the valve. Then why use the old style, requiring a dozen turns when you would not use a Similar arrangement for a door knob? The GORTON QUARTER TURN VALVE is handled through the MECHANICALSEQUIPMENTCO., 300 Builders Exch. Main 1268. RADIATORS: To be of the Minnesota Radiator Co. make, cast iron radiator, of the hospital type. Radiators to be of sizes indicated on plans. All radiators are of the push nipple type, iron to iron joint insuring absolute tightness. This type of radiator is considered to be 20% more efficient than any other type. These radiators are a Minnesota product and are manufactured of the best grade Northern iron. Handled by all jobbers. THE MINNESOTA RADIATOR CO., 300 Builders Exch. Main 1268. BOILER: Install, with connections, STORM KING boiler of size shown on the plans fully equipped and with thermometer and altitude gauge. This boiler has the most actual heat absorbing surface, full dome area and special full cross fire travel. Can be easily cleaned. Rocking grates make it possible to burn any kind of fuel with great economy and satisfaction. This boiler is manufactured and carried in stock in all sizes 4 the ROBERTS-HAMILTON CO., 413 So. 4th St., Minneapolis. ain 6610. PIPE AND BOILER COVERING: Cover all exposed heating pipes with standard thickness | of 85%Magnesia canvas jacketed sectional pipe smu covering, secured with lacquered bands not over 18” apart. Cover boiler and hot water tank with ROCK-WOOL QUILT 2” thick finished with 14” plastic asbestos in two coats and a canvas jacket securely glued in place. We will furnish ma- terials or contract to install work of the most durable and most efficient class known to the trade. No insulation job too small and none too large for our organization. KARL S. KUEHMN CO., 300 Builders Exchange. Main 1268. HOUCK VAPORIZER: Provide and install according to manu- facturers specifications, one Houck Vaporizer attachment. This apparatus while leaving the system nearly full of water, gives the sensitive advant- ages of vapor, yet retaining the steadiness of a water system. ‘The water circulates faster and carries additional heat in the form of latent heat of vaporization, thereby saving 10 to 30% of the fuel. Direct service from the factory in Minneapolis, For further information see the HOUCK MANUFACTURING CO., 1318 Wash. Ave. Dupont 4519. (ete 8 ee eee Page Thirty HEATING CONTRACTOR: All material shall be of size, design and make shown, and to be of first quality, all installed so as to give the best results with a minimum amount of fuel. All piping shall be as direct as possible with tight joints. Experienced, reliable workmen equipped - with proper tools and directed by intelligent supervision, combine to give the best results in the organization of HINELINE & COMPANY, 625 3rd Ave. South. Phone: Geneva 2554. HEAT REGULATOR: Furnish and install according to directions furnished by the manufacturer, one Minneapolis Heat Regulator, 8-day — clock thermostat with 110-Volt alternating current electric motor, ~ Thermostat to have Jeweled clock with night and day temperature set- tings. MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGULATORS will last a lifetime and take entire charge of the heating plant with the exception of coal and ash removal, will maintain an absolutely uniform temperature with an average saving of 10-20% of the fuel. This device is manufactured in Minnea- polis by a concern established over thirty seven years. Prompt and quick service is furnished at all times. Sold by the MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGULATOR COMPANY, 2720 4th Ave. So. South 0646. ELECTRIC WIRING: Contractor will furnish labor and material to do the work shown on plans, in accordance with the best practice and the City Ordinance; of the type known as knob and tube work. All switch plates and receptacle covers to be furnished in finish to match the trim hardware in their rooms. To be of heavy gauge and well made. Because of fire danger and the difficulty of repairing concealed work, we believe that the best material and work should be furnished through- out and guarantee all work for two years. A. D. PATRIECE, 627 Ist Ave. No. Atlantic 7699. ELECTRIC FIXTURES: An adequate sum should be agreed upon and allowed for these, the finishing touch of artistic homes. Our facilities for executing original designs and producing unique effects are unsurpassed. We carry also exclusive fixture designs and the products of some of the largest and best manufacturers who individualize along exclusive artistic lines for residences, churches, banks and office build- ings. Our assortment of radio and wireless telephone equipment is com- plete to the latest detail. Call on us for assistance and prices. CHARLES A. ANDERSON, Artistic Electric Fixtures, 430 Second Ave. So. Radio 9-13 N I. WINDOW SHADES to be fabricated from (shade cloth Minneapolis Shade Cloth Company best hand-painted Real Oil Opaque Mounted on Hartshorn Improved Spring Rollers, using Hartshorn Black Steel Fasteners. Installed with Boston Brackets, completed with Crochetted Shade Pulls, eyeletted through slats. (Minneapolis, Minn., SMITH WINDOW SHADE COMPANY, 828}4 Hennepin Avenue, have for past TWENTY YEARS at this same convenient down town location used above materials exclusively. We have painted for our own use, distinctive pleasing colorings for both solid and duplex shades. BREE SPASM 9 Php Te SAV he eS RN a ee SS Se LS aL a a eee Page Thirty-One WEATHER STRIPS: Install phosphor spring bronze weather strips on all exterior doors and casement windows. Install zinc weather strips on all sliding windows. Head and sill strips to be heavy zinc rolled ridges with zinc liner, meeting rail to be double flat strip interlocking with heavy gauge hook. Side strips to be metal capped parting beads with parallel grooves for reception of sash members, grooves to provide not over one one hundredth inch clearance for sash member, and to allow _ for shrinkage and expansion of sash without affecting efficiency or opera- tion of weather strip. Such a strip is manufactured, sold, and installed by REESE METAL WEATHER STRIP CO., 126 South Ninth Street Minneapolis. Phone: Geneva 3938. REFRIGERATION SYSTEM: Provide THENCO and install of size and location as shown on plans THERMAL a Gesell System cold storage chamber connected E through miniature fan in basement with insulated pipes to the refrigerator. All built according to ENGINEERING | manufacturer's specifications. The cost of opera- C tion of this apparatus is negligible and will main- tain lower temperatures than ice. It is simple, CORPORATION | sanitary and serviceable. It avoids the nuisance and uncertanties of ice deliveries and avails the ice space for additional use. Larger installations made to cool living rooms, thereby providing dry, crisp, cool air. For sale by THERMAL ENGINEERING CORP., 300 Builders Exch. Main 1268. GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Shall furnish all labor and material as described herein, directly or through various sub-contractors, in con- sideration of the total cost agreed upon; or cost plus a fixed sum or per- centage. Monthly statements to include proper evidence of disburse- ment of funds previously received. The specifications contained herein generally describe the type of work which it is our policy to do. We believe that an intelligent home builder appreciates the value of good substantial construction and is willing to pay accordingly. “‘Its not the first cost but the upkeep” and operation expense. FARNAM QUALITY HOME BUILDERS, 300 Bldrs. Exch. Main 1268. ee a ee ee ee - ik ; f Page Thirty-Two COMBINATION AND PRICE CHART Rie PA peas 4 5 6 / eee Ele 10 wo ee ee | a | | | [| | — | | ([- — Ciao ac 15.00 | 15.00 | 17.50 | 17.50 | 20.50 | 20.50 | 20.50 Bl....L...4......4 15.75 | 15.75 | 18.50 | 18.50 | 21.50| 21.50 | 21.50 ~C/13,25/14.25] 14.25 |... Le “D[13.00/14.00] 14.00 |... lle “E (13.25/14.25] 14.25 | 15.25 | 15.25 | 18.00 | 18.00 | 21.00 | 21.00 | 21.00 F(.{-/..| 15.25 | 15.25 | 18.00 | 18.00 | 21.00 | 21.00 | 21.00 ~ ~G|13.00114.00] 14.00 | 15.00 | 15.00 | 17.50 20.50 | 20.50 | 20.50 HL... 15.00 | 15.00 | 17.50 | 17.50 | 20.50 | 20.50 | 20.50 J feccheccefonef 15.00 | 15.00 | 17.50 | 17.50 | 20.50 | 20.50 | 20.50 ‘KU. 15.75 | 15.75 118.50 | 18.50 | 21.50) 2eso eee ORDER BLANK (Fill out, as indicated, cut off and mail te) Farnam Quality Home Bldrs., 300 Bldrs. Exch. Bldg., Date.......;c:cs Minneapolis, Minn. Kindly send by mail, a set of stock plans and typewritten specifi- cations for home, as shown in the Designer's Plan Book, as follows: First Floor Plans 2 Exterior. a ee Second Floor Plan.............:ccc0J.... (If alternate is desired). Enclosed find our Money Order, Certified Check, for $................ (See chart above for price). It is understood we are to return these plans after building one house. 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