: \\\ i EN We, CURRIER AND IVES \ LITHOGRAPHS IN COLOR FINE PRINTS BY NAT CURRIER CURRIER AND IVES, THOMAS KELLY, KELLOGG & THAYER, AND OTHERS W. E. RUSSELL OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY ry 3 Ry é To be sold on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, February 24 and 25, 1926 AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION : Inc. MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 57TH STREET ; ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET » NEW YORK [9 °ON ] gli ‘HLSt “AON ‘HSILIMG FHL AG ALIO AHL AO NOMLWNOWAA AHL NO WYIOA AVN OLNI AWLNA S.NOLONTHSVA SSG ee CR HOR RRS: CURRIER AND IVES LITHOGRAPHS IN COLOR so FINE PRINTS BY NAT CURRIER, CURRIER AND IVES THOMAS KELLY, KELLOGG & THAYER, AND OTHERS AMERICAN HISTORICAL SCENES AND PORTRAITS, COUNTRY LIFE, NAVAL AND MARINE PRINTS, EARLY WEST SPORTS, €&c. INCLUDING THE COLLECTION FORMED BY W. E. RUSSELL OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY IELUSTRATED AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - Ino. .AGOAAC MADISON AVENUE 56tH TO 5'7TH STREET ~ NEW YORK Telephone: PLazA 1270 hi On Free Public Exhibition — Commencing Saturday, February 20, and Continuing until date of sale, Weekdays from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., and Sunday, February 21, from 2 to 5 p. m. Unrestricted Public Sale— On Wednesday and Thursday evenings, February 24 and 25, 1926, at eight-fifteen Exhibition and Sale at—— THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, Inc. MADISON AVENUE 56rx TO 5'71a STREET * NEW YORK Telephone: PLazA 1270 : Catalogues on request <> The sales are conducted by Mr. Orro Berner Mr. H. H. PArxe and Mr. H. E. Russert, Jr. Conditions of Sale 1. Rejection of Bids. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Identification and Deposit by Buyer. The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. 4. Risk after Purchase. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and there- after neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any other cause. 5. Delivery of Purchases. Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. 6. Receipted Bills. Goods will be delivered only on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been made, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. 7. Storage in Default of Prompt Payment and Calling for Goods. Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day follow- ing that of the sale, the Association reserves the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all of lots so purchased to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any losses and costs sustained in so doing. 8. Shipping. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Associa- tion is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 9. Guaranty. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or im- perfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. 10. Records. The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. 11. Buying on Order. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot in any manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced Catalogues. Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be fur- nished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. No person other than the auctioneer or an official of the Association is authorized to arrange conditions of sale different in any way from those herein contained. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. DEPARTMENT OF BOOKS AND PRINTS Mr. ArTHUR Swann, Director MoewNPoDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 24, AT 8:15 iwamrrostON, NuMBERS, I to 253, INCLUSIVE »-—______— ¢ AMERICAN HISTORIC EVENTS AND PORTRAITS Numbers 1 to 44, Inclusive 1. Wm. PENN’s TREATY WITH THE INDIANS When He Founded the Province of Pennsa. 1661. The only Treaty that never was broken. Kellogg & Thayer. No date. Small folio. 2. ILHE BirtH PLACE oF WASHINGTON fimepiidees Creek, Westmoreland Co. Va. (Feby. 22nd. Tf 2)) s Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. 3. THE CAPTURE OF ANDRE By John Paulding, David Williams and Isaac Van Wart, at Mierytown, N.Y. Sept. 23rd, 1780. Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. 4. THE DECLARATION COMMITTEE Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. With explanation of the forming of the committee. 5. SURRENDER OF CORNWALLIS At York-Town, Va. Oct. 1781. N. Currier. Dated 1845. Small folio. Margins frayed. 6. WasHINGTON’s EntRY Intro NEw YorK IO. Il. On the Evacuation of the City by the British, Nov. 25th, 1s. Currier & Ives. Dated 1857. Medium folio. Framed. On ty ONE OTHER Copy Known. ‘This was reproduced in The Antiquarian, May, 1925. [SEE FRONTISPIECE | WASHINGTON’S FAREWELL TO THE OFFICERS OF HIs ARMY At the old Tavern, corner Broad and Pearl Sts. New York, Mecca 4th wirot: Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. WASHINGTON ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON RECEIVES THE SWORD OF CORNWALLIS V. Turgis. No dates. Small folio. Wogether, 2 "pieces: With title and descriptive inscription in English and French on first. W ASHINGTON’S RECEPTION ON THE BRIDGE At Trenton, In 1789 on his way to be inaugurated Ist Presi- dent of the U. S. [.N. Currier] No dates somal lerolm: GEORGE WASHINGTON First President of the United States. N. Currier. No date. Small folio. LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON The. Giuzen: M. Knoedler. Painted by Stearns. Dated 1854. Large folio. With an inscription on the marriage of Washington, from Spark’s Life of Washington. rae 14. ieee 16. 17. LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON The Soldier. M. Knoedler. Painted by Stearns. Dated 1854. Large folio. WASHINGTON at Mount VERNON U0, “Agriculture is the most healthy, the most useful, and the most noble employment of man.” Washington. N. Currier. Dated 1852. Small folio. Framed. WASHINGTON AT Home, Mr. VERNON J. R. Hawley & Co. Engraved expressly for the supple- ment to the “Opening Fair.” Lith. of Strobridge & Co. No date. Medium folio. W ASHINGTON First in Valor, Wisdom, and Virtue. N. Currier. No date. Small folio. THE TOMB AND SHADE OF WaSHINGTON “Find the Figure of Washington among the Trees.” Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Small holes in mar- gins. ToMB OF WasSHINGTON Robertson, Seibert & Shearman. No date. Small folio. Margins cut. Miopether, 3 pieces. GEORGE WASHINGTON Lithograph in colors. No publisher. No date. 10% by 84 inches. In deep gilt frame. Bust portrait, three-quarter view, of Washington. GENERAL LAFAYETTE The Companion in arms of Washington. N. Currier. No date. Small folio. 18, 19. 20. 21s 22. aE ANDREW JACKSON 7th President of the United States. N. Currier. No date. Small folio. DEATH OF PRESIDENTS John Quincy Adams. Andrew Jackson. William Henry Harrison; and one other. N. Currier. Various dates. Small folio. Together, 4 pieces. PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES From 1789 to 1849. Kellogg & Comstock. No date. Medium folio. Slightly damaged and wrinkled. | Banner with portraits of presidents from Washington to Taylor. CAPTURE OF GENL. LA VEGA BY THESGALE aes Capt. May At the Battle of Resaca de la Palma May oth, 1846. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. THIRD Day OF THE SIEGE OF MONTEREY, Sept. 23rd, 1846 GENL. AMPUDIA [REATING FOR THE CAPITULATION oF MONTEREY ! With Genl. Taylor, 24th Sept. 1846. Sarony & Major. Both dated 1846. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces THE DEATH OF THE GALLANT Mayor RINGOLD Who was mortally wounded during the engagement of the 8th May, and died on the roth, 1846. Sarony & Major. Dated 1846. Small folio. Framed. 24. Dis 2,0. fe They 29. 30. Cute STORMING OF PataceE HILL At THE BATTLE OF MONTEREY J. Baillie. No date. Small folio. FLIGHT OF THE MExican ARMY At the Battle of Buena Vista Febr. 23, 1847. N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small folio. GENL. WILLIAM J. WorTH At the Storming of the Bishop’s Palace, Monterey, Sept. 22nd, 1846. N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small folio. JAMES BUCHANAN Fifteenth President of the United States. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Mayor GENL. FREMONT Lithograph in colors. Gibson & Co. No date. Mayor Geni. Mc CLELLAN Lithograph in colors. No publisher. No date. Together, 2 pieces. ABRAHAM LINCOLN Sixteenth President of the United States. Currier & Ives. No date. Small upright folio. ABRAHAM LINCOLN The Assassination of President Lincoln. The Body Lying in State at City Hall, N. Y. Death of President Lincoln. Currier & Ives. All dated 1865. Small folio. Together, 3 pieces. THE FUNERAL OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN Small folio. Small folio. New York, April 25th, 1865, Passing Union Square. Currier & Ives. Dated 1865. Small folio. Framed. RARE. a2 33: 34. 35. 20; 37: ABRAHAM LINCOLN The Lincoln Family. Grant at the Tomb of Abraham Lincoln. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867 and 1868. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces. LINCOLN CARICATURE The Question Settled. Lithograph in colors. By E. B. and E. C. Kellogg. Small folio. A Very Rare Lincoln item. Three kittens, the center white one labelled “Old Abe,” a grey one “Jeff Davis” and a black one “Con- traband.” A saucer, the Capitol at Washington, set in a map of the Southern States. Vicrorious BOMBARDMENT OF Port Royat, S. C. Nov. 7th, 1861 By the United States Fleet under Command of Commodore Dupont. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE Battce oF Farr Oaks, Va., May 31st, 1862 Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Large folio. With a description of the battle under the title. THE Batre oF Matvern Hitt, Va., Jury rst, 1862 Terrific bayonet charge of the Federal troops and final re- pulse of the Rebel Army. CoL. MICHAEL CoRCORAN, AT THE BATTLE OF BULL Run, Va., JuLy 21st, 1861 Currier & Ives. No dates. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces. THE Battie or Gerryspure, Pa., JuLy 3rd, 1863 [Three lines of inscription. ] Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. 39: 40. 42. 43. BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, Pa., JULY 3rd, 1863 Published by Charles Magnus. Drawn by F. Fuchs. Dated neo.) large folio. Our GENERALS Published by J. Smith. Dated 1864. Large folio. A view of the Narrows, looking toward Staten Island. With the names of Curtis, Butler, Sherman, Meade, Hooker, Grant, etc. under their figures. THE Victorious ATTACK ON Fort FisHer, N. C., Jan. 15th, 1865 iveune U8. Hleet under Rear Admiral D. D. Porter, and troops under Major Genl. A. H. Terry. Siero. ves; . H. Palmer, del. Dated 1865. Large folio. THE FALL oF RICHMOND, Va. On the Night of April 2nd, 1865. Currier & Ives. Dated 1865. Small folio. With a description of the battle. THE Union VOLUNTEER Off for the War. THE UNIon VOLUNTEER Home from the War. Currier & Ives. Both dated 1863. Large folio. Together, 2 pieces. THE BaTTLeE OF SAN JUAN HILL W ash drawing, heightened in white. Signed: “W. Glackens.” Height, 18%; width, 13% inches. Matted. Fine drawing by a contemporary American artist, in which “'HEO- DORE RoosEVELT is depicted leading the charge. “There are more than fifty figures in this historical drawing. 44. DANIEL O?CoNNELL The Great Irish Liberator of Catholic Emancipation. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS, MARINE AND NAVAL SUBJECTS, CLIPPER SHIPS, EARLY STEAMSHIPS 45. 46. 47. 48. AND WHALING Numbers 45 to 87, Inclusive [CaprureE OF THE “SERAPIS” | Engraving. By R. Whitechurch after the painting by James Hamilton. Height, 214%; length, 22 inches. Depicts the Serapis in flames, with the Bon Homme Richard standing by. In the foreground is a bit of wreckage to which wounded men are clinging; in the background are other vessels, one firing. THE “CONSTITUTION” AND “Java” Currier & Ives. Dated 1846. Small folio. VIEW OF THE ACTION BETWEEN THE U. S. “Con- STITUTION” & THE BritTisH Suips “LEvanT” & “CYANE” Mezzotimt. Engraved by J. Sartain for the Gentleman’s Magazine, Philadelphia. Painted by Thos. Birch. No date. FHleight, 5%; length, 9 inches. Framed. Depicts the starboard view of the Constitution in the background, fighting the Levant and the Cyane, in the foreground. La “BAYONNOISE,” PRENANT A L?ABORDAGE 1 AM- BUSCADE Engraving. Dessiné par P. Ozanne et gravé par ordre du Citoyen Bruix Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies. A Paris chez le Gouaz. No date. With a complete list of the personnel on board the Bayonnoise, Cut to margin and mounted. to THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, rnc. 30 EAST $71 STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE: PLAZA 1270 % Meesire to place the following bids for the 0. Saleof_.... +4192 . These bids are to be executed at prices as low as other competitive bids permit and not exceeding the amount herein named, are SO MUCH PER LOT, and are made subject to the CONDITIONS OF SALE printed in the Catalogue of this Sale. NAME ADDRESS. Shipping Directions Lot No. First Word Bid Lot No. First Word Bid | | | ef | | a perenne | eS | | eee | | eee | Sen | nn, | wee dens |S | | ee | | ee | SS fe | ee Place bids on this sheet for ONE SALE ONLY, with full name and address. TERMS CASH. References or cash deposit should accompany orders from persons unknown to the Association. 44. DaAnriEL O’?CONNELL The Great Irish Liberator of Catholic Emancipation. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS, MARINE AND NAVAL SUBJECTS, CLIPPER SHIPS, EARLY STEAMSHTPS 45. AO. 47. A8. AND WHALING Numbers 45 to 87, Inclusive [ CAPTURE OF THE “SERAPIS”” | Engraving. By R. Whitechurch after the painting by James Hamilton. Height, 214%; length, 22 inches. Depicts the Serapis in flames, with the Bon Homme Richard standing by. In the foreground is a bit of wreckage to which wounded men are clinging; in the background are other vessels, one firing. THE “CONSTITUTION” AND “Java” Currier & Ives. Dated 1846. Small folio. VIEW OF THE ACTION BETWEEN THE U. S. “‘Con- STITUTION” & THE BRITISH SHIPS “LEVANT” & SOV ANE Mezzotint. Engraved by J. Sartain for the Gentleman’s Magazine, Philadelphia. Painted by Thos. Birch. No date. Height, 544; length, 9 inches. Framed. Depicts the starboard view of the Constitution in the background, fighting the Levant and the Cyane, in the foreground. La “BAYONNOISE,” PRENANT A L?ABORDAGE L’?AM- BUSCADE Engraving. Dessiné par P. Ozanne et gravé par ordre du Citoyen Bruix Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies. A Paris chez le Gouaz. No date. With a complete list of the personnel on board the Bayonnoise. Cut to margin and mounted. 49. 0. CAPTURE OF THE “BaBET” AND “‘POMONE”’ View oF His Mayestry’s Fricate “La ConcorpE” Com- manded by Sir Richr. Jno. Stracham, Bart. Engaging & Tak- ing the French Commodore’s Ship L’Engageante on St. treoree’s Day, 1794. Aquatint. Engraved from an original Picture in the Pos- session of Sir George Warren, R. Dodd fecit. London, Pub- ieee s| uly 21. 1794. VIEW OF THE ACTION on St. GEORGE’s Day, 1794, between a detachment of His Majesty’s Frigates, under the Com- mand of Sir John Borlase Warren, Bart., and Four French Frigates. Aquatimt. A companion piece to the preceding. ieceiner, 2 pieces (pair ). Both views show the ships in action, off the coast of France. Com- modore Sir John Borlase Warren in command of a British Squad- ron, having been despatched by Admiral MacBride on a cruise off the coast of France, fell in with a French squadron; during the action which ensued the Flora engaged in succession the French ships Babet, Pomone and Resolute, but was compelled to drop astern, having been much crippled aloft. Her position was then occupied by the Arethusa. After two hours severe struggle the Babet surrendered, and the Pomone having lost her main and mizzen masts, in a short time followed suit. ‘The Concorde and Melampus made all sail after the Engageante and Resolute which had attempted to escape, and bringing the former to action compelled her after a brave de- fence to strike. BaTTLE BETWEEN THE “WINDSOR CaSTLE” AND “LA GENU” A View of the Unparalleled & Brave Action, Fought on ye tst of October, 1807, off Barbadoes, by his Majesty’s Packet the Windsor Castle .. . Commanded by Mr. Wm. Rogers, Acting Captain and La Genii, a French Schooner Privateer from Guadaloupe... . Aquatint in colors. By J. B. Harraden, after Thos. Whit- comb, Marine Painter. Cornhill: J. Harris, 1808. Height, 14; length 20% inches. Mounted on wooden frame. FINE RARE AQUATINT. Bae 52. 53: 54. 55. ey MacponouGu’s Vict’y oN LAKE CHAMPLAIN N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. Framed. PERRY’s VICTORY ON LAKE ERIE N. Currier. Uncolored. No date. Small folio. Foxed. Framed. BOMBARDMENT OF ALGIERS, AUGUST 27th, 1816 Aquatint in colors. Painted by T. Whitcombe, aquatinted by T. Sutherland. Height, 13; length, 1934 inches. TERRIFIC ComBat BETWEEN THE “MONITOR” 2 Guns & “MERRIMAC” 10 GuNS The First Fight Between Iron Clad Ships of War. Currier & Ives. Dated 1864. Small folio. ADMIRAL PorTER’s FLEET Running the Rebel Blockade of the Mississippi at Vicksburg, April 16th, 1863. [With three-line inscription describing the attack. | Currier & Ives. Dated 1863. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces. THE GREAT Nava Victory IN Mosite Bay, Auc. 5th, 1864 Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. With a description of the battle under the title. WHALING Sperm Whaling With its Varieties. Lithograph in colors. From an original drawing by Benjamin Russell, New Bedford, Mass. J. H. Buffords Lith... . Boston. (Tear through center repaired, stained). Height, 16; length, 32 inches. In old mahogany frame. A Rare Wua inc Print, depicting a ship cutting in, whale sound- ing, whale running, trying out, stove boat, towing whale to ship, whale in a flurry (dying), fast boat rolling up sail, ete. SAL 58. 59: 60. ‘ehlee G2, Gn; CLIPPERS IN THE CHINA TRADE (The Falcon) Lithograph in colors. N. M. Condy del.—T. G. Dutton, litho. Ebony and gold frame. FInE ImpREssion, in perfect condition. THE UNITED STATES STEAM SHIP “BALTIC” 3,000 tons, 1,000 horse power. Endicott & Co. Drawn by C. Parsons. Dated 1855. Large folio. With a reproduction of ‘THE GovERNMENT House on the back. THE CELEBRATED SHIP ““SDREADNOUGHT”’ Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Repaired and mounted. Framed. THE “DREW” anp “St. JOHN” Of the People’s Evening Line between New York and Albany. urrtersa lves. Drawn by C. R. Parsons. Dated 1878. Large folio. THE “City oF CHICAGO” Currier & Ives. Dated 1892. Large folio. Wheecther, 2 pieces: STEAMER ‘“‘PENOBSCOT”’ One of the Fleet Forming the Line between Boston, Ban- gor & Mt. Desert. Currier & Ives. Painted by C. R. Parsons. No date. Large folio. THE “PILGRIM” Flagship of the Fall River Line. Currier & Ives. Sketched by C. R. Parsons. Dated 1883. Large folio. A Mipnicut RACE ON THE MISssIssIPPI [ Between the Natchez and the Eclipse. | Currier & Ives. F’. F. Palmer, del. Dated 1860. Large folio, 64. au 66. OF. 68. 69. THE GRANDEST PALACE DRAWING ROOM STEAMERS IN THE WORLD Drew and St. John, of the People’s Evening Line between New York & Albany. Currier & Ives. Sketched & Drawn by C. R. Parsons. No date. Large folio. THE SPLENDID NEw [Ron STEAMER “ALBANY” Of the Hudson River Day Line. New YorkK Ferry Boat Currier & Ives. No dates. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces. STEAMSHIP “City oF MONTREAL” OF THE INNA LINE STEAMSHIP “EGYPT” OF THE NATIONAL LINE Currier & Ives. No dates. Small folio. Tosether zs picces: CUTTERS -GENEST A OK eo Currier & Ives. Painted by C. Parsons. Dated 1885. Me- dium folio. THE “VIGILANT” AND “VALKYRIE” IN A “THRASH TO WINDWARD” Currier & Ives. Dated 1893. Medium folio. Together ,.¢ nieces; HicH PREssuRE STEAMBOAT “MayFLOWER” Capt. Joseph Brown. First Class Packet Between St. Louis and New Orleans on Mississippi River. Ch. Parsons. N. Currier. Dated 1855. Large folio. THE “RHODE IsLaND” OF THE PROVIDENCE AND STONINGTON LINES Currier & Ives. Painted by C. R. Parsons. No date. Large folio. 70. a2. 73: 74. 75: AWFUL EXPLOSION OF THE “SPEACE-MAKER” ON BoarD THE U. S. STEAM FRIGATE, “PRINCETON,” on Wednesday, 28th Feby. 1844 Lithographed by N. Currier. Dated 1844. Framed. With the names of the more prominent people printed below their figures. AWFUL CONFLAGRATION OF THE STEAM Boat “LEx- INGTON” In Long Island Sound on Monday Eveg. Jan. 13th, 1840, by which melancholy occurrence, over 100 persons perished. Lithograph by N. Currier. Drawn by W. K. Hewitt. Pub- lished at the Sun Office, with a chart of Long Island Sound, showing the spot of the disaster and 7 columns of news- paper text giving an account of the accident. Mounted. THE “MAYFLOWER” SALUTED BY THE FLEET Crossing the bow of the Galatea in their first race for the “America’s Cup.” Painted by Franklyn Bassford. Currier & Ives. No date. Large folio. THE YACHT SQUADRON AT NEWPORT Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Large folio. THE “THISTLE” Currier & Ives. Dated 1887. Large folio. SLooP YacuTs “‘MIscHIEF” AND ““ATALANTA” In the Race for “The America’s Cup.” Currier & Ives. C. Parsons, del. Dated 1882. Large folio. Together, 2 pieces. SLOOP YACHT “POCAHONTAS” OF NEW YoRK Built by David Kirby, Rye, N. Y. Gummer & Ives: C. R. Parsons, Dely’ Dated 1881. Large folio. AG: Wik TEE SO. Si. A “CRACK”? SLOOP IN A RAcE TO WINDWARD Currier & Ives. C. R. Parsons, del. Dated 18s 2meieanee folio. THE “SMAYFLOWER” SALUTED BY THE FLEET Currier & Ives. Painted by Franklyn Bassford. Dated 1886. Large folio. Together, 2 pieces. THE YACHT ““DAUNTLESS” Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE GREAT OCEAN YACHT RACE Between the Henrietta, Fleetwing & Vesta. Currier & Ives. Sketched by Charles Parsons from the Yacht Club Steamer River Queen. Dated 1867. Large folio. VAISSEAU ANGLAIS De 100 Canons portant pavillon de Vice-Admiral. Enric in. & dely1794a)Verica ince: FREGATE ANGLAISE De 40 Canons, Courant au plus pres. Verico sculpt. No dates. Each: Height, 11%; length, 17 inches. Together, 2 pieces (pair). Parr OF FINE OLp FRENCH MarineE EnGRAvINGs. Each depicts a three-masted English schooner, with two other sailing vessels in the background. ACCIDENT En MER Deux Navires s’Abordant par suite de fausses manoeuvres. Lithograph in colors. By Cr. Leduc. No date. Large folio. U.S. NavaL AsyLuM, PHILADELPHIA, 1847 OriGINAL WaTERCOLOR Drawinc. Painted from nature by A. Kollner, 1847. Height, 97%; length, 14 inches. 82. 85. 86. 87. ST. FRANCISCO DE CAMPECHE Engraving. No date. Height, 11; length, 1334 inches. Framed. Very attractive old engraving, depicting a naval fight between two galleons, in a port of Campeche. With the buildings in the back- ground lettered and an explanatory key in Spanish under the engrav- ing. Part OF THE TOWN AND Harsour OF HALIFAX IN Nova ScoTIA Looking down George Street to the opposite shore called Dartmouth. Engraving, uncolored. Published by John Boydell. Dated 1777: Inscribed to George Dunke, Earl of Halifax. With the title in English and French. Havana Engraving. Pet. Schenk. Amsteld: C. P. No date. Height, S'4; length, 10% inches. Framed. Depicts an old three-masted vessel anchored off the Tower of Morro, with several smaller sailing boats in the background. Under the engraving are two short descriptions of Havana, in Dutch. Orr Cape Horn Lithograph. By J. Latham & Co. Boston Mass. No date. Height, 19; length, 26% inches. Depicts a three-masted schooner, in a rough sea off Cape Horn. Harpor VIEW Aquatint. Published by Stroud & Mackerness. Dated Feby. 1831. London. Height, 6; length, 834 inches. Framed. A small harbor in which is a large three-masted British schooner at anchor, with several smaller sailing craft. Har SHip MopDEL Four-masted barque with carved pine sails, mounted on panels painted to represent water and sky. Framed. AMERICAN CITIES AND VIEWS Numbers 88 to 142, I7clusive NEW YORK VIEWS IN WATERCOLOR BY A HOSIER. THESE VIEWS WERE PAINTED IN THE LATTER PART OF HIS LIFE AND WERE ENLARGED FROM SMALLER SCENES IN THE POSSESSION OF THE NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY, NUMBERS 88 TO 93; 88. go. one g2. 93: INCLUSIVE BroaDWAY—T[RINITY AND GRACE CHURCHES IN 1800 OricinaAL WaTERCOLOR Drawing, signed by Hosier, after the original by Strickland in the New York Historical Society. Circa 1890. Height, 14%; length, 19% inches. Framed. City Hatz, Broapway, 1831 OriGINAL WaTERCOLOR Drawine, by Hosier. Czrca 1890. Height, 174%; length, 147% inches. Framed. THE KENNEDY, Watts, LIVINGSTON, AND STEVEN- son HousEs, BOWLING GREEN OricinaL WaTERCOLOR Drawine, by Hosier. Czrca 1890. Height, 934; length, ro inches. Framed. THE Post OFFICE OricinaAL WaTercoLor Drawine, by Hosier. Circa 1890. Height, 11%; length, 10 inches. Framed. Broapway AT VESEY STREET IN 1800 OricinaL Warercotor Drawina, signed by Hosier, after the original by Strickland in the New York Historical So- ciety. Circa 1890. Height, 14%; length, 19% wicehes. Framed. Park Row IN 1828 OriGinaL WatercoLtor Drawine, by Hosier. Circa 1890. Height, 1534; length, 1534 inches. Framed. 94. 25. 96. 97: 99: I1OO. TRINITY CHURCH, 1839, FROM WALL STREET OricInAL Warercotor Drawinc, by Thomas Wakeman. Signed by the artist. Height, 154%; length, 1834 inches. Framed. Fine Warercotor Drawinc by this Welch artist who came to America in 1836 and again in 1860. ‘The picture shows ‘Trinity Church after the fire. Broapway, NEw YorkK South from the Park. N. Currier. No date. Small folio. BROADWAY FROM THE BOWLING GREEN, 1828 Engraving. By J. R. Hutchinson. Painted by J. Bennett. No date. 856 by 1434 inches. Framed. Late impression. City Haiti Park ApoutT 1830 For Valentine’s Manual of Old New York. No date. 103@ by 15% inches. Framed. feoectner, 2 pieces. GENtTRAL PARK—1|H«E-BRIDGE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. CENTRAL PaRK—THE LAKE Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Small folio. Slight stains on margins. CHART OF THE ENTRANCE OF Hupson’s RIVER From Sandy Hook to New York. With the Banks, Depths of Water, Sailing-marks &c. Printed, London for Robt. Sayer & John Bennett, June rst, 1776. Height, 2714; length, 2014 inches. OrIGINAL CHART IN EXCELLENT CONDITION, with the scale of English miles and the latitude of the hght-house of Sandy Hook. City oF New YorK AND ENVIRONS Currier & Ives. Dated 1875. Small folio. LOW: OZ LOR: 104. eon 106. 107. 108. THE Great East River BRIDGE To Connect the Cities of New York & Brooklyn. Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. THE GREAT BaRTHOLDI STATUE, LIBERTY EN- LIGHTENING THE WORLD The Gift of France to the American People. Currier & Ives. Dated 1885. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces. New York Bay From Bay Ridge, Long Island. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. SoutTH West VIEW OF ForT GEORGE WITH THE City oF NEw York | Line engraving, uncolored. Published London, 1780 for Russell’s “History of America.” Framed. Depicts Fort George with the British flag flying, in the right fore- ground a British vessel and two skiffs. THE OLD STonE House, L. I., 1699 Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Toiu-GatTE, Jamaica, L. I. N, Currier; sNo date, Smiallstotic, THE Hupson at PEEKSKILL Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE Hupson HIGHLANDS Near Newburg, N. Y. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE SOURCE OF THE HuDSON In the Indian Pass, Adirondacks. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. 109. VIEW OF THE Hupson MEO: ips ie. Owe Ter G2 Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. No date. Medium folio. Margins cut. SUNNYSIDE—ON THE HupDson Presented by Dr. S. Vanmeter & Co. of Charleston, Illinois. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE MoonLIGHT PROMENADE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Heoeetner, 3) pieces. THE Mountain SPRING Near Cozzens’s Dock, West Point. Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. Dated 1862. Small folio. ViEw From Fort PutTNAmM West Point, Hudson River, N. Y. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Framed. CATTERSKILL FALLS Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. AUTUMN ON LAKE GEORGE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Margins slightly stained and frayed. LAKE GEORGE Black Mountain. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. CALDWELL, (LAKE GEORGE) Kellogg’s & Thayer. No date. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces. 116. i rie Teo. WEO: LO. 2s a ek MoosEHEAD LAKE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. NIAGARA FALLS From the Canadian Side. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Slight margin stains. NiacGara Fas Part of the British Fall, Taken from Under the Table Rock. Aquatint in colors. Engraved by J. Hill, painted by W. J. Bennett. New York: H. I. Megarey. No date. Height, 201%; width, 16% inches. Matted. Fine delineation. One figure on the ledge of the rock, others stand- ing below viewing the falls. VIEW ON THE ST. LAWRENCE Indian Encampment. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. A VIEW OF THE CITy OF BosTON, THE CAPITAL OF New ENGLAND Line engraving, colored. Small folio. Mounted and framed. THE BURNING OF CHICAGO Currier & Ives. Dated 1871. Small folio. With a description of the fire and an account of the resulting damage. THE GREAT FIRE IN CHICAGO Scene in Court-House Square—The Public Buildings in Flames. No publisher. No date. Small folio. Margins frayed. VIEW OF GLOUCESTER (From Rocky Neck.) Lithograph. Lane & Scott’s Lithography. Drawn and pub- lished by Fitz H. Lane. 16 dy 24 inches. Stained and foxed. Framed. 124. Tes 126. D277, 128. 129. ek ay VIEW OF THE Town oF GLOUCESTER, Mass. Lithograph, uncolored. Pendleton’s Lithography. Drawn from Nature and on Stone by F. H. Lane. 13 by 20 inches. Slightly foxed. GREAT SALT LaKE, UTAH Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Foxed. View oF Harpers Ferry, Va. (From the Potomac Side. ) Currier & Ives. No date. Medium folio. VIEW ON THE HousaTONIC (Surricrs& [ves. Painted by G. H. Moore. Dated 1867. Medium folio. THE GREAT MississIpPI STEAMBOAT RACE Between R. E. Lee and Natchez. Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. “HiGH WaTER” IN THE MISSISSIPPI iigictcelves. |. F. Palmer, del. No date. Large folio. A MIDNIGHT RACE ON THE MIssIssIPPI | Between the Natchez and the Eclipse. | Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. Dated 1860. Large folio. “‘WooDING Up” ON THE MIssIssIPPI iummecec Ives. F. FH. Palmer, del. Dated 1363. Large folio. A CoTTON PLANTATION ON THE MIssIssIPPI Currier & Ives. Painted by W. A. Walker. Dated 1884. Large folio. Slightly stained. Together, 2 pieces. TRENTON HiGH FALLs Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. 133. eyes Ped oe “HiGH WATER” IN THE MIssIssIPPI Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer. Dated 1868. Large folio. “Low WATER” IN THE MIssIssIPPI Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer. Dated 1868. Large folio. THe LIFE oF A FIREMAN The new era. Steam and Muscle. Currier & Ives. C. Parsons, del. Dated 1861. Large folio. Together, 3 pieces. 7 OLtp BLANDFORD CHURCH Petersburg, Virginia. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Framed. VIEW ON THE PoTOMAC Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. Dated 1866. Medium folio. THE GreaT Fire at St. Joun, N. B., JUNE 2oth, Low. Currier & Ives. Dated 1877. Small folio. With a description of the fire under the title. THE City oF ST. Louts Currier & Ives. Sketched by Parsons & Atwater. Dated 1874. Large folio. THE DIsCcOVERY OF THE MISSISSIPPI (Presented by the I]linois Medical Infirmary. ) Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. THE GREAT ST. Louis BRIDGE Across the Mississippi River. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces. i3A0; (40. Lael: 142. VERA CRUZ Castieot San Juan D’ Ulloa. Colored lithograph by Kellogg & Thayer. No date. Small folio. AMERICAN LANDSCAPES Moonlight, Summer. October Landscape. By the Seashore. Winter Twilight. [4 prints on one sheet. | Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. CASTLE OF CHILLON, LAKE OF GENEVA [Iwo Verses of Byron’s Poem beneath Title. | Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. LakE Lucano, ITALY Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. CASTLE OF CHILLON, LAKE OF GENEVA [ With two verses from Byron’s Poem. | Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE ENCHANTED CAVE Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Small folio. Together, 3 pieces. AMERICAN COUNTRY LIFE, RURAL AND BAS DORA SCEN Es Numbers 143 to 197, Inclusive 143. AMERICAN AUTUMN FRuwITs 144. Sumer,s lves. FF. FP. Palmer, dele Dated 1865, Large folio. AMERICAN COUNTRY LIFE Pleasures of Winter. NW. Currier. F. F. Palmer, Dated1855. Large folio, TANK: 147. 148, 149. 50) AMERICAN COUNTRY LIFE October Afternoon. Currier -& Ives. F..F,. Palmer, del. “Dated 1 3ijgeetaee folio. AN AMERICAN FARM SCENE In the Olden Time. THE BrrTH-PLACE OF WasHINGTON At Bridges Creek, Westmoreland Co. Va. (Feby. 22nd, T7325 Currier & Ives. No dates. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces. AMERICAN HOMESTEAD: SUMMER; AUTUMN; WIN- TER; SPRING Currier & Ives. Dated 1868 and 1869. Small folios. Together, 4 pieces. AMERICAN FARM SCENES This is the first complete set of this series to appear at auc- tion. They are especially desirable for their uniformly fine quality and condition. They are considered the finest of the farm scenes. AMERICAN Farm SCENEs. No. I N. Currier. F, F. Palmer, Del. Dated 135705 iear cee AMERICAN Farm ScENEs. No. 2 N. Currier. F. F. Palmer, Del. Dated 1853, Darpe tale: AMERICAN Farm ScENEs. No. 3 N. Currier. F. F, Palmer, Del. Dated 1853.) Earoeeaaiie 51. Ts? 153. TSA [ No. 151 ] AMERICAN Farm SCENES. No. 4 ieeeursicn. YW. Palmer, Del. Dated 1853. Large folio. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | [ AMERICAN HoMEsTEapD | ParnTING on Grass. Unsigned. No date. 12 by 161% inches. Framed. PYMERICAN Prize FRUIT omeoee ives.) hy Palmerydels Watcdeis6200) are folio. AUTUMN IN NEw ENGLAND. CIDER MAKING Garrcrer & Ives. Painted by GB, Durie)” Dated” 1866. Large folio. In gilt frame and glazed. ey 156. ese 158. 159. 160. 161. 164. EVENTIDE—OCTOBER The Village Inn. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Large folio. THE Farm Yarp. No. 2; THE FARMER’s FRIENDS N. Currier. No dates. Small folio. Wopether,-2 pieces. THE Four SEAsons OF LIFE: CHILDHOOD ‘‘T’he Season of Joy.” Currier & Ives. J. M. Ives, del. Drawn by F. F. Palmer and J. Cameron, Datéds8667 3 Larcestaia, THE Four Seasons oF Lire: MIDDLE AGE ‘The Season of Strength.” Currier & Ives. J. M. Ives, del. Drawn by Fat son & At- water. Dated 1868. Large folio. THE Four SEAsons OF LIFE: OLD AGE ‘The Season of Rest.” Currier & Ives, J. M. Ives, del. Drawn by Parsons and At- water. Dated 1868. Large folio. A GLIMPSE OF THE HOMESTEAD Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. Dated ei SGqeumer folio. Hayinc-TimMe. THE First Loap Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. Hayinc-TIMeE. THE Last Loap Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. A HoME IN THE COUNTRY Currier & Ives. On stone by F. F. Palmer. No date. Folio. LIFE IN THE Country. “THE MornING RIDE” Lithographed and Published by Currier & Ives. Dated 1859. Large folio, ey. 166. 170. TepLt ay eae bylee 74 A New EncLanp HoMeE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE Op Farm House Mimerm ives, Dated 1872) Smialltolio. A HoMeE IN THE WILDERNESS Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. [THe Farmyarp WINTER | Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio Together, 3 pieces. THE OLp HoMESTEAD IN WINTER . Damaged. Currier & Ives. Painted by G. H. Durrie. Dated 1864. Large folio. THE RETURN FROM THE PASTURE Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. No date. Large folio. THE RIVER SIDE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE RoapsipDE MILL Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. A SUBURBAN RETREAT Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. SUMMER SCENE IN THE COUNTRY J. Kelly & Sons. Dated 1866. Large folio SUMMER IN THE HIGHLANDS . Slightly stained. Currier & Ives. Dated’ 1867. Large folio. A SUMMER LANDSCAPE Haymaking. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. 175. THE VILLAGE STREET N. Currier. Painted by F. F. Palmer. Dated 1855. Small folio. 176. WINTER MornING Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. Dated 1861. Small folio. 177. WINTER MorNING IN THE COUNTRY Currier & Ives. Dated 1873. Small folio. Slightly stained. 178, WINTER SCENE IN THE COUNTRY Joseph Hoover. Dated 1868. Large folio. EARLY WEST, INDIANS, PIONEERS AND CALIFORNIA Numbers 179 to 197, Inclusive 179. BUFFALOES AT REST Lithograph in colors. No publisher, no date. Large folio. 180. THE DEATH oF MINNEHAHA Currier & Ives. J. Cameron, del. Dated 1867. Large folio. With three verses quoted from Longfellow’s Poem. 181. CALIFORNIA SCENERY Seal Rocks—Point Lobos. ON THE COAST OF CALIFORNIA Currier & Ives. No dates. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces. 182. Ex Capiran—From Mariposa TRAIL Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. 183. THE Great WEsT Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. 186. 190. I9l. THE GREAT WEsT Presented by Dr. S. Vanmeter & Co., of Charleston, Illinois, Infirmary. Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. A Hatt sy THE WAYSIDE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Margins cut. A HoMeE IN THE WILDERNESS Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. THE Knirtinc LEsson Currier & Ives. No date. Small folto. Together, 2 pieces. HUNTING ON THE LaMins Currier & Ives. Dated 1871. Small folio. Some stains. INDIAN BuFFALO Hunt. No. 2 No publisher. No date. Small folio. InpIAN HunrTING SCENE Ort Patntine on canvas. Unsigned. 13 by 21 mches. In deep gilt frame. Depicts an Indian with his arrow drawn in his bow and aimed at a buffalo charging toward the white horse upon which the Indian 1s seated. In the background are dimly-seen hills and another mounted Indian galloping after some hidden prey. THE Rocky MounrtralIns Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. San FRaNcIscO—PostT OFFICE A Faithful Representation of the Crowds Daily Applying at the Office for Letters and Newspapers. H. F. Cox, del. Tinted lithograph by Wm. Endicott & ee New York. Large folio. Showing the Garrett House and One Story Post Office Building. Very Rare, 192. 193. 194. ey LOT: SHOOTING ON THE PRAIRIE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Framed. Unique Print. ‘The sample color copy for the entire issue, proof before lettering. THE SNow-SHOE DANCE To Thank the Great Spirit for the First Appearance of Snow. INDIAN BaLL PLAYERS Currier & Ives. Catlin, del. No dates. Medium folio. . Together, 2 pieces. THROUGH TO THE PaciFIc Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. THE TRAPPER’s Last SHOT Currier & Ives. No date. Medium folio. WESTERN FaRMER’S HOME Currier & Ives. Dated 1871. Small folio. YOSEMITE VALLEY—CALIFORNIA “The Bridal Veil” Fall. Currier & Ives. Dated 1866. Large folio. SPORTING SUBJECTS, HUNTING, FISHING, 198. 199. RACING Numbers 198 to 239, Inclusive AMERICAN FIELD SPORTS Currier & Ives. Painted by A. F. Tait. Datedo1857.yiee dium folio. Cut close. AMERICAN GAME Lithograph in black and white. Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. Dated 1866. Large folio. yAOTOY LAO RBs 25 2s 2.03. 204. Lee 206. 207) 208. HunNtTING, FISHING AND FOREST SCENES Shantying on the Lake Shore. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Large folio. THE LIFE OF A SPORTSMAN Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Framed. THE LIFE OF A SPORTSMAN Coming into Camp. Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Nani: cut. CAMPING IN THE Woops “A Good Time Coming.” Currier & Ives. Painted by A. F. Lait. Dated 1863. Large folio. Sample color proof, probably colored by Tait himself. CAMPING IN THE Woops Saving Of,” Cuprier& Ives. Painted by A. Fk. Lait. Dated 1863. Large folio. AMERICAN FIELD SPORTS “FF lush’d.” amen « lves: Painted by A. Ff? Lait: “Onsstone by .Ch; areons: lated 1857. Large folio. A Goop CHANCE Currien« ives. Painted by A: bv Lait) Dated 1863; Large folio. Tinted impression. BEAR HunNrtTING Close Quarters. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Margins cut. SQUIRREL SHOOTING Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. With a slight tear, partly stitched. 209. [ No. 209 ] PIGEON SHOOTING Playing the Decoy. Currier & Ives. Painted by A. F. Tait. Dated 1862. Large folio. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 210. FLUSHING A WoopcockK Zalaie, Pag 2k Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Stained. Framed. PARTRIDGE SHOOTING Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small foliogeShenee ae mended, margins frayed. WaTER-RAIL SHOOTING Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Repaired in broken folds. ges TTA 2a ep SEO, OMe 218. 219. 220. ENGLISH SNIPE N. Currier. No date. Small folio. Stained. Framed. AMERICAN HunrtTING SCENE Wild Duck Shooting. Published and Printed by Thomas Kelly. No date. Medium folio. A STANCH POINTER Currier & Ives. Dated 1879. Small folio. Slightly torn and wrinkled. Framed. THE Fox HuNTER Kellogg & Comstock. No date. Small folio. Margins slightly stained. With two hunting verses. THE Fox FANCIERS Printed by Chas. Hart, Published by Thomas Kelly. Dated 1863. Medium folio. Fox CHASE Throwing Off. N. Currier. Dated 1845. Small folio. Margins creased to plate. Fox CHASE Gone Away. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. Slight tear. Together, 2 pieces. Fox CHASE Gone Away. No. 2 of series. Without date or publication line. Small folio. AMERICAN Brook [Rout Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. PHN Beni rags DOA. 225, 22,0; 22: 228. 200 AMERICAN FIELD SPORTS “On a Point.” Currier & Ives. Painted’by A. F. Tait. Dated 1857. Large folio. AMERICAN SPECKLED Brook TROUT Currier & Ives. Painted from life by A. F. Tait. Dated 1864. Large folio. Home FROM THE BROOK The Lucky Fisherman. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Large folio. HomeE FROM THE BROOK The Lucky Fisherman. Currier & Ives. No date. Medium folio. COMING FROM THE TROT Sports on the Home Stretch. Currier & Ives. Dated 1869. Large folio. Depicts Hiram Woodruff’s Hotel on the Race ‘Track. Early impression; stained and torn in lower margin. Deacon JoNnEs’ ONE Hoss SHay. No. 1; No. 2 George H. Walker & Co. No dates. Large folio. Together, 2 pieces. THE Boss oF THE Roap Currier & Ives. Painted by Thomas Worth. Dated 1884. Large folio. TROTTING STALLION COMMODORE VANDERBILT Driven by Dan Mace. Currier & Ives. Painted by J. Cameron. Dated 1 Sr, Large folio. Fast TROTTERS ON HaRLEM LanEN. Y. Currier & Ives. J. Cameron, del. Dated 1870. Large folio. Stained. 220% 2a. 2a? 2a, SMALL HopeEs anp Lapy Mac Currier & Ives. Dated 1877. THOMAS JEFFERSON Currier & Ives. Dated 1880. DRIVER Currier & Ives. Dated 1879. Miss WoopForpD Currier & Ives. Dated 1884. RaRus Currier & Ives. Dated 1877. Together, 5 pieces. Medium folio. Dick SWIVELLER Currier & Ives. Dated 1878. Small folio. MONROE CHIEF Currier & Ives. Scott Leighton. Dated 1881. Mo.urrE McCartTuy Currier & Ives. Dated 1878. Medium folio. KINGSTON Currier & Ives. Dated 1891. Medium folio. HoprEFUL Currier & Ives. Dated 1877. Small folio. Together, 5 pieces. THE SLEIGH RAcE Currier & Ives. Dated 1859. Small folio. THE INTERNATIONAL SCULLING MatTcH Small folio. Final Heat from Putney to Mortlake, Sept. 1st, 1886. Published by C. F. Queen & Sons. Painted by C. A. Fesch. Dated 1887. Large folio. 234. OR hs DO: 7A ioe Jay EYE SEE Currier & Ives. Painted by Scott Leighton. Dated 1883. THE QUEEN OF THE [TuRF Maup S. Currier & Ives. Painted by Scott Leighton. Dated 1880. THE TROTTING GELDING FRANK WiTH J. O. Nay, His RuNNING MaTeE Currier & Ives. Dated 1884. Together, 3 pieces. Large folio. TROTTING STALLION PHALLAS, Driven By FE. D. BLITHERS Currier & Ives. Painted by J. Cameron. Dated1s33: OccIDENT (FORMERLY “WONDER” ) Currier & Ives. Painted by T. Worth. Dated 1876. THE CELEBRATED [’RoTTING HorsE HOPEFUL Currier & Ives. Painted by Scott Leighton. Dated 1881. Together, 3 pieces. Large folio. GREAT Horses IN A GREAT RACE Salvator and Tenny. Currier & Ives. J. Cameron. No date. Large folio. FIRENZE Queen of the Turf 1890. Boussod-Valadon & Co. Painted by Henry Stull. Dated 1890. Large folio. Together, 2 pieces. Mr. BoNNER’S Horst Jor ELLIOTT Currier & Ives. Painted by J. Cameron. Dated 1873. TROTTING STALLION GEORGE M. PaTCHEN, JR. OF CALIFORNIA Currier & Ives. Painted by J. Cameron. Dated 1866. THE CHAMPION TROTTING STALLION NELSON Currier & Ives. Painted by J. Cameron. Dated 1891. Together, 3 pieces. Large folio. B28. ZiSY a 240. BAT: THE CELEBRATED TROTTING Mares Maup S. AND ALDINE Currier & Ives. Dated 1883. THE CELEBRATED TROTTING TEAM EpWaRD AND SWIVELLER Currier & Ives. Painted by Scott Leighton. Dated 1882. Pacinc Kinc RoBerrt J. Currier & Ives. Painted by J. Cameron. Dated 1894. Meeetier, 3 pieces.. Large tolo. Mr. Aucust BELMont’s Potomac (HAMILTON Up) anp MasHer (BERGEN UP) Currier & Ives. Sketched from Life by Chas. Zellinsky. Dated 1891. THE GRAND Racer KINGSTON, BY SPENDTHRIFT Currier & Ives. Sketched from Life by Chas. Zellinsky. Dated 1891. CELEBRATED WINNING HorsEs AND JOCKEYS OF THE AMERICAN TURF Currier & Ives. Painted by Chas. Zellinsky. Dated 1891. Together, 3 pieces. Large folio. See IMENTAL AND FANCY SUBJECTS Numbers 240 to 253, Inclusive THE Banks OF Doon Burns Monument. iSereicr «x lyes, Fb, WH. Palmer, del) No dates larce folio. THE Fairies’? HOME Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Medium folio. Zao Pa. 244. 245. 246. 2477, 248. THE SALE OF THE PET LAMB Painted by William Collins, Esq. R.A. From an engraving by S. W. Reynolds. N. Currier. No date. Folio. THE WAYSIDE INN Currier & Ives, F. F. Palmer, Del. Dated=ms67sCarce folio. With two stanzas of Longfellow’s Poem. THE SOLDIER’S RETURN N. Currier. Dated 1849. Small folio. ENOCH-ARDEN THE LONELY ISLE Currier & Ives. Dated 1869. Large folio. A MipsuMMER-NIGHT’s DREAM [ With verse from Act IV, Scene 1, of Shakespeare’s play. | Currier & Ives. No date. Large folio. Together, 2 pieces. THE LItTLE FIREMAN FOURTH OF JULY © Young America “Celebrating.” Currier & Ives. L. Maurer. Both dated 1857. Large folio. Together, 2 pieces. A MIpsuMMER-NIGHT’s DREAM THE Fairies’ Home Currier & Ives. No dates. Large folio. Together, 2 pieces. Ava; ELLEN; ANN Maria N. Currier. No dates. Small folio. Together, 3 pieces. e10mee Lok Past AND THE FUTURE” | With a verse from Moore, and a verse from Shelley quoted under the title. | Currier & Ives. W. Sabye after a drawing by Miss Margaret Gilles. No date. Large oval. THE BEAUTY OF THE NortTH Currier & Ives. No date. Large oval. THE BEAUTY OF THE SOUTH Wurpier& ives. No date. Large oval. soOm@ethier,! 3 pieces. 250. Don JuAN N. Currier. No date. Small folio. LITTLE BROTHER & SISTER Currier & Ives. Dated 1863. Small folio. EVANGELINE Currier & Ives. No date. Folio. Together, 3 pieces. 251. THE QUEEN’s Own Wimbledon Style. ERIN Go BRAGH The Great International Rifle Match, Dollymount, July, 1875. E PLturisus UNUM Currier & Ives. By C. M. Vergnes. All dated 1875. Small folio. Together, 3 pieces. Dis 253. THE BoyNE WATER Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Slightly stained. THE OLD OaKEN BUCKET Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Cut to plate and mounted. THE TREE OF LIFE Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. Small hole. THE TREE OF LIFE. THE CHRISTIAN N. Currier. No date. Small folio. Small hole in margin. Together, 4 pieces. THE GUARDIAN ANGEL Kellogg’s & Thayer. No date. Small folio. Foxed. THE LITTLE VOLUNTEER Currier & Ives. Dated 1861. Small folio. Slightly foxed. THE CHILDREN IN THE Woops Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. LitTLE Manty Currier & Ives. Dated 1874. Small folio. Our PEts—WIDE AWAKE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Together, 5 pieces. eRe DAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 25, AT 8:15 SECOND SESSION, NUMBERS 254 TO 500, INCLUSIVE ye —__________—__ AMERICAN HISTORIC EVENTS AND PORTRAITS 254. Pat 250; woe Ay istele 25.0; Numbers 254 to 284, Inclusive Wo. PENN’s TREATY WITH THE INDIANS When he Founded the Province of Pennsa. 1661. N. Currier. No date. Small folio. Framed. THE DECLARATION COMMITTEE Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. Framed. Key to names and five lines of descriptive data. CAPTURE OF ANDRE 1780 N. Currier. Dated 1845. Small folio. THE CAPTURE OF ANDRE Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. WASHINGTON’s GRAND ENTRY INTO NEW York, Nov. 25th, 1783 Published by John Smith after the original drawing by Alphonse Bigot. Dated 1860. Large folio. WASHINGTON’S RECEPTION ON THE BRIDGE At Trenton, in 1789 on his way to be inaugurated 1st Presi- dent of the U. S. N. Currier. Dated 1845. Small folio. 260. 261. 262. 208 GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON The Father of His Country. [Washington on horseback. | Lithograph in colors. No publisher. No date. Small folio. THe DeEatH oF WasHINGTON. Dec. 14, A.D. 1799 N. Currier. No date. Small folio. WaSHINGTON AT PRINCETON. January 3rd, 1777 N. Currier. Dated 1844. Small folio. THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED DTATES From Washington to Polk. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. GENERAL U. 8S. GRANT Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. TayLor’s VICTORIES ON THE RIO GRANDE Sarony & Major. Dated 1846. Small folio. Together, 4 pieces. WASHINGTON FAMILY N. Currier. No date. Small folio. Framed. 'PAPA’S PET Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Framed. GENL. Tom THumMs & WIFE, Com. Nutt & MINNIE WARREN The Greatest Wonders in the World. Currier & Ives. Dated 1863. Small folio. Framed. St. Louis, Carrno, MEMpHIs & NEw-ORLEANS Passenger Packet. Hart & Mapother. No date. Small folio. Framed. FAVORITE CHICKENS. Mantauan. No date. Small folio. Framed. Together, 5 “pieces: 264. DOS 266. 267. 268. 269. Mount VERNON Meeting of Washington and Lafayette. Thomas Kelly. Dated 1861. Large folio. In gilt frame and glazed. Mount Vernon, HoME oF WASHINGTON Representing the Two Hundred Acres, purchased by the Ladies Association. | T. Sinclair, lith. W..Whateley, del. Dated 1859. Large folio. Nava. HEROES OF THE UNITED STATES Battle of Lake Champlain, Surrounded by portraits of Mac- donough, Stuart, Hull, Allen, Jones and Barney. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. GENL. TAYLOR AT THE BATTLE OF RESACA DE LA PALMA Capt. May receiving his orders to Charge the Mexican Bat- teries May 9th, 1846. N. Currier. No date. Small folio. BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA Fought Feby. 23rd, 1847. In which the American Army under Genl. Taylor were completely Victorious. N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small folio. BaTTLE OF MONTEREY The Americans forcing their way to the main plaza Sept. 23rd, 1846. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces. BaTTLE OF CERRO Gorpo April 18th, 1847 N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small folio. ~ With description of the battle under the title. 270) 2 272 2,773. 27s AES THE BATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS Currier & Ives. No date. Medium folio. With description of the battle under the title. THE BaTTLE oF PiITTsBURGH, TENN. April 7th, 1862 Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Small folio. With description of the action in the plate. THE Vicrorious ATTACK ON Fort FIsHER, N. C., Jane Sth oO Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. No dates aroeema) as Slightly stained. THE FALL oF RICHMOND, VaA., ON THE NIGHT OF APRIL 2D, 1865 Currier & Ives. Dated 1865. Large folio. With description of the battle. SIEGE OF CHARLESTON Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Framed. THE FRONTIER LAKE | Haskell & Allen. No date. Small folio. Framed. Together, 2 pieces. THE BaTTLe oF Fair Oaks, Va. May 31st, 1862 THE STORMING OF Fort DoNnEtson, TENN. Feby. roth rou Currier & Ives. Both dated 1862. Medium folio. Together, 2 pieces. With a description of the battle under the title of first print. aad ae aig hey, BATTLE OF CorINTH, Miss. Oct. 4th, 1862 Between the Federal troops under Genl. Grant and the com- bined Rebel forces under Genls. Van Dorn, Price and Lovell. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE BaTrve at Five Forks, Va. April 1st, 1865 [ With inscription describing the battle. ] Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG, Va. Dec. 13th, 1862 | With inscription describing the battle. | Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Small folio. Together, 3 pieces. BaTTLE AT VICKSBURG, Miss. No publisher. No date. BatTrLe aT Missionary RipGE, Ga. No publisher. No date. Mayor Geni. MEADE Gibson & Co. No date. Lithographs in colors. Small folios. Heovether, 2 pieces. CAPTURE AND FALL OF CHARLESTON, S. C. Feby. 18th, 1865 Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. BOMBARDMENT OF FortT PuLaskKI, COCKSPUR IsLanp, Gro. roth & 11th of April, 1862 Currier & Ives. Dated 1862. Small folio. BOMBARDMENT OF FORT SUMTER, CHARLESTON HarBor From Fort Moultrie, 12th & 13th of April, 1861. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Together, 3 pieces. With descriptions of the events under the titles of first two prints. 270, 280. 281. HENRY CLay Of Kentucky. N. Currier. Dated 1848. Small folio. THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES From Washington to Fillmore. Kellogg & Comstock. No date. Small folio. Cut to plate, edges frayed. GrEorGE M. Datvas The People’s Candidate for Vice-President of the United States. N. Currier. No date. Small folio. THE BirTH PLACE OF HENRY CLAY Hanover County, Virginia. | Kellogg’s & Thayer. No date. Small folio. Creases from folding. FREEDOM TO THE SLAVES Proclaimed January Ist, 1863 by Abraham Lincoln. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Slightly stained. THE INDEPENDENT GoLD HunNTER on His Way To CALIFORNIA I neither borrow nor lend. N. Currier. No date. Small folio. Margins frayed. Topether, pieces: GENERAL ANDREW JACKSON The Hero of New-Orleans. Kelloggs & Comstock. No date. Small folio. Damaged. JUNO A Celebrated Pointer. Kelloggs & Comstock. No date. Small folio. A HoME IN THE WILDERNESS Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Together, 3 pieces. 2,82. Tipevers 284. WILLIAM HEnry Harrison Ninth President of the United States. Magr. GENL. WILLIAM S. Rosencrans, U.S. ARMY Currier & Ives. No dates. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces. GrorGE M. Dattas Vice-President of the United States. N. Currier. Dated 1844. Small folio. Small holes in mar- gin. THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES Irom Washington to Polk. N. Currier. Dated 1844. Small folio. Stained. DEATH OF Harrison, April 4, A.D. 1841 Deecurricr. Dated 1841, Small folio. Together, 3 pieces. BRIAN BOROIHME Monarch of Ireland and Hero of Clontarf, A.D. 1027. Colored lithograph. Kellogg’s & Thayer. Small upright folio. First King of Ireland. NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS, MARINE SUBJECTS, 285. EARLY STEAMBOATS, WHALING Numbers 28 5 to 314, Inclusive THE “CONSTITUTION” AND ““GUERRIERE” Fought August 19, 1812. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Copyrighted by Sarony & Major. Small folio. The stone evidently made for Sarony & Major by Currier. VERY RARE. 286. 237. 288. 20.0% 2.90. 207) 202. THE “CONSTITUTION” AND “JAVA” The Constitution had 9 killed & 25 wounded. Fought Dec. 29th, 1812. [he Java had 60 killed & 170 wounded. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. Nava. HEROES OF THE UNITED STATES Battle of Lake Champlain. Surrounded by portraits of Mac- donough, Stuart, Hull, Allen, Jones and Barney. N. Currier, “Dated 1846. \omall folio: U.S. FricaTE “SAVANNAH”, 60 GuNS Ni Currier. Dated 18497 Small tolic: Loss OF THE U.S. STEAM SHIP “Arctic” Off Cape Race Wednesday, September 27th, 1854. Ni Currier.” Datedi1 854 eomallaciic) With inscription describing the disaster. CLIPPER SHIP ““THREE BROTHERS” Formerly Steamship Vanderbilt. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE Grand New StTEaMBoaT “PILGRIM”, THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD Flagship of the Fall River Line. Currier & Ives. Painted by C. R. Parsonsay Dated aeas Large folio. THE “RHODE IsLanp” Of the Providence and Stonington Lines. Currier & Ives. C. R. Parsons, del. Dated 1882. Large folio. THE “DREW” anv “St. JoHN” Of the People’s Evening Line between New York & Albany. Currier & Ives. Drawn by C. R. Parsons. Dated 1878. Large folio. Together, 2 pieces. 293. 294. 205. 296. 207) 298. 299. STEAM CATAMARAN “HeEnryY W. LONGFELLOW” Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. STEAMSHIP “SPAIN” OF THE NATIONAL LINE STEAM-SHIP ““PERIERE” STEAMSHIP “CiTry OF BERLIN” OF THE INMAN LINE Currier & Ives. No dates. Small folio. Together, 3 pieces. AMERICAN STEAM BOATS ON THE HubDson Passing the Highland. Currier & Ives. Parsons & Atwater, Del. Dated 1874. Large folio. THE Ferry Boat N. Currier. F. F. Palmer, del. No date. Small folio. Framed. “SWEEPSTAKES” N. Currier, 1853. Large folio. Cut to plate. Varnished. In gilt frame. SCARCE CLIPPER SHIP Print dedicated by the publisher to Aaron 5. Westervelt, Esq., builder of the “Sweepstakes.” AN OCEAN STEAMER IN A HEavy GAaLeE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. SCHOONER YACHT “SCAMBRIA” firey ACHT ““SHLENRIETTA™ OF ING 1). “City oF PARIS” OF THE INMAN LINE Currier & Ives. No dates. Small folios. Together, 3 pieces. 300. 301. 202) S083 304. 305. THE STEAM YACHT “ANTHRACITE” SCHOONER YACHT “SCAMBRIA”, I TONS D) Currier & Ives. No dates. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces. THE CLIPPER YACHT “SAMERICA” N. Currier. No date. Large folio. Wrinkled. With the Capricorn, the Gipsey Queen, the Xaripa, and the Surprise in the background. Yacut “JEANNETTE” Currier & Ives. C. R. Parsons, Del. Dated 1837. sbarce folio. THE YacHTt “MAapELEINE”, N. Y. YACHT CLUB Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE NARRAGANSETT STEAMSHIP Co’s. STEAMER “PROVIDENCE”’ Of the Fall River Line. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. STEAMER “‘ MESSENGER No. 2” N. Currier. No date. Small folio. Together, 3 pieces. “MAYFLOWER” SALUTED BY THE FLEET Crossing the bow of Galatea in their first race for the “Amer- ica’s Cup” over the inside course New York Bay, Sept. 7th, 1886. Currier & Ives. Painted by Franklyn Bassford. Dated 1886. Large folio. SLOOP YACHTs “‘MIsCHIEF” AND “ATALANTA” In the Race for “The America’s Cup.” Currier & Ives. C. R. Parsons, Del. Undated. Large folio. 306. 307- 308. SHEA: 310. Bie SLOooP YACHT “SPOocOHONTAS” OF New YorK Currier & Ives. Dated 1881. Large folio. Sect “SAPPHO: OF IN). Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. MaEeyYACHT “HP LEETWING, OF N. Ys Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. SLooP YacutTs “‘MIscHIEF” AND “ATALANTA” Currier & Ives. Dated 1882. Large folio. Together, 3 pieces. mHISTLE” Cutter Yacht, Designed by G. L. Watson. Owned by James Bell. Currier & Ives. No date. Large folic. PXaAGIUANT: AND “VALKYRIE” IN A ~“[THRASH TO WINDWARD” In Their International Race for “The America’s Cup,” QTE eo aon OR Currier & Ives. Dated 1893. Large folio. [SarLiInc Yacur | Lithograph Proof before Letters of a Schooner Yacht in full sail. Small folio. A “Crack” SLoop IN A RacE TO WINDWARD Yacht Gracie of New York. Currier & Ives. Dated 1882. Large folio. THE CHINESE JUNK “KEYING” As she appeared in New York Harbour July 13th, ned N. Currier. Dated 1847. Small folio. hey. 314. 315. aL Sue aiibey, 319- WHALE FIsHERY Attacking a Right Whale. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. A fine impression of this rare print. SOUTH SEA WHALE FISHERY The head of a large Whale in the Agonies of Death. A Boat destroyed by a wounded Whale. Published by J. Baillie. No date. Small folio. AMERICAN CITIES AND VIEWS Numbers 31 5 to 370, Inclusive THE AMERICAN FAMILy Always Ready. Currier & Ives. By L. Maurer. Dated 1858. Large folio. THE AMERICAN FIREMAN (A Pair) Currier & Ives. L. Maurer. Dated 1858. Medium upright folios. Framed. Together, 2 pieces. ACTS FOR THE BETTER MaInTAINING THE Purity OF ELECTIONS Respectfully Inscribed to the Independent and Vigilant Police of New York, by H. Lookeron. Willis & Probst, Lith. Uncolored. No date. Medium folio. CENTRAL Park Early Bird’s-Eye View of Central Park. Lithograph in colors. No publisher. No date. Medium folio. Framed. CENTRAL ParK IN WINTER Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Repaired and mounted. Framed. B20 Reale ex Oe Sy a2 4, 325. 22.0: THE City or NEw York View from Fort Greene, Brooklyn. Charles Magnus, Printer & Publisher. Dated 1877. I arge folio. Croton WATER CELEBRATION 1842 [In City Hall Park. | Weeteeatwill.) Dated 1842. Small folio. GEZIGT OP DE STAD NEw YORK Lithograph in colors. No publisher. No date. Small folio. Framed. Early New York view showing Dutch boats and Dutch costumes. THE GOVERNMENT HousE C. Milbourne, delin. et execu. From the original drawing bya yeel|e Condit. Dated 1847. Larce tolioy Bramed. Wate impression. With a short history of the building, under the title. New YorkK FIREMEN’s MONUMENT Greenwood Cemetery, L. I. N. Currier. Dated 1855. Small folio. THE Port or NEw YorkK Bird’s Eye View from the Battery, Looking South. Currier & Ives. Dated 1892. Large folio. Pusiic BATH No. 96 Chambers St. New York, opposite the Rotunda. Imbert’s Lithography. A. J. Davis, del. No date. Small folio. Cot. Dan. TYLER Owner of Public Bath. Lithograph (Uncolored). No publisher. No date. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces, matted as one.. 327: 328. oye th 330. 331. HOz SPS 334: Sons OF TAMMANY Membership certificate. Engraved by George Graham. De- signed and Drawn by Charles Buxton. Admitting Daniel Sickles to membership on December roth, 1810. Signed by the Grand Sachem and the Sagamore. With official seal at- tached. Large folio, repaired and mounted. Designed as a tablet resting on an arch that spans a rocky gap through which may be seen a fort and a harbor with a barque in full sail. TONTINE BUILDING, WALL STREET, NEW YORK 1797 G. Hayward, from the original by Geo. Holland. No date. Large folio. U. 5. Post OFFIcE, NEw YorK Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. ViEw oF NEw YorK Lithograph in colors. Verlag v. F. Lenz, Berlin. No date. Small folio. Framed. View of the Battery and Lower Manhattan, the East River, and part of Brooklyn about the middle of the Nineteenth Century. View oF New York H. Bencke. John Bachmann, del. Dated 1877. Large folio. Depicts part of Brooklyn, the Brooklyn bridge, lower Manhattan, New Jersey, and the Harbor. THE Hupson at PEEKSKILL Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. ON THE Hupson Currier & Ives. Dated 1869. Small folio. The Highlands, with one of the early Hudson River Steamers. THE SOURCE OF THE Hupson In the Indian Pass, Adirondacks. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. 335: 336. 33 7: 338. 339: 340. 341. 342. THE SCENERY OF THE HuDsSoNn View, Near “Anthony’s Nose.” F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. No date. Folio. SUNNYSIDE—ON THE HupDson Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. ViEw on Hupson RIVER From Ruggles House, Newburgh. VIEW FROM Fort PutTNAM West Point, Hudson River, N. Y. Currier & Ives. No dates. Small folio. Morether, 2 pieces. AUTUMN ON LAKE GEORGE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. VIEW ON LAKE GEORGE, N. Y. F. Palmer del. Currier & Ives. No date. Folio. THE Otp Mitit-Dam At Sleepy Hollow. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Rapips ABovE HaDLeEys FALLs Published by Henry Megarey. Engraved by I. Dibner painting by W. G. Wall. No. 4 of the Hudson River Port Folio. In colors. 14 dy 21 inches. In Mahogany frame. THE MouNTAIN SPRING Near Cozzen’s Dock, West Point. Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. Dated 1862. Small folio. VIEW FROM Fort PUTNAM West Point, Hudson River, N. Y. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces. Sas: 344. 345: 340. Sa 7% 348. 349: RO: 351. CHAPPAQUA FARM Westchester County, N. Y. The Residence of Honorable Horace Greely. Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. AUTUMN ON LAKE GEORGE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. MoosEHEAD LAKE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Priacip LAKE, ADIRONDACKS Colored lithograph. By Haskell & Allen. No date. Small folio. THE GREAT FIRE AT Boston November 9th & roth, 1872. Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. ‘The Fire began on Saturday evening, and raged for 15 hours, de- stroying over Sixty Acres of Buildings. CHICAGO IN FLAMES Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Margins frayed. THE Great FIRE AT Cu1caco Oct. gth, 1871 View from the West Side. Gibson & Co. Dated 1871. Small folio. Margins cut close. HoBOKEN F. Luthin. Drawn by J. Bachman. Dated 1874. Large folio. MaIpEn’s Rock Mississippi River. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. 352. sh 354: 355. 356. Bou 358. Boo: 360. LAKE MEM PHRENAGOG Owls Head. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. VIEW ON THE PotoMac Near Harpers Ferry. Maienscelves) H.oks Palmer, del. Dated 1886, Laroe folio. | THE City or NEw ORLEANS And the Mississippi River, Lake Pontchartrain in Distance. Currier & Ives. Dated 1885. Large folio. NortTH SIDE VIEW ON THE NortTH CHINCHA ISLAND Currier & Ives. Sketched by H. Herryman, 1860. Published by William B. Colville. Callao. Small folio. THE VALLEY OF THE SUSQUEHANNA Currier & Ives. No date. Large folio. In black frame and glazed. VIEW FROM West LAUREL HILL CEMETERY Near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Kellogg & Bulkeley Co. No date. Small folio. “HIGHWATER” IN THE MIsSISSIPPI Omener oc lves.. Hb, H. Palmer, Wels Dated 1868.) Warce folio. “Tow WATER” IN THE MISSISSIPPI Currier & Ives. F. HF. Palmer, Dated 1868: Uarge folio. MIDNIGHT RACE ON THE MISsSsIssIPPI [ Between the Memphis and the James Howard. | Currier & Ives. Dated 1875. Small folio, 361. 202, 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. aleher A MIDNIGHT RACE ON THE MISSISSIPPI | Between the Natchez and the Eclipse. | Currier & Ives. F. Fy Palmer, del. Dated 1 36Gnmiearee folio. “ROUNDING A BEND” ON THE MISSISSIPPI The Parting Salute. Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. Dated 1886) iarce folio. “Low WATER” IN THE MISssIssIPPI Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer. Dated 1868. Large folio. THE City oF St. Louis Currier & Ives. Drawn by Parsons & Atwater. Dated 1874. Large folio. | THE City oF WASHINGTON Bird’s Eye View from the Potomac—Looking North. Currier & Ives. Dated 1892. Large folio. Together, 2 pieces. West ViEw oF Mt. VERNON Mansion No publisher. No date. Small folio. VIRGINIA WaTER WINDSOR PARK Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. WILLOUGHBY LAKE HousE, WEsSTMORE, VT. Tinted lthograph by J. H. Buffords, Boston. Folio. CasTLE OF CHILLON, LAKE GENEVA | With two verses from Byron’s poem. | LAKE Lucano, ITALy Currier & Ives. No dates. Medium folio. Together, 2 pieces. 369. ‘THE RESIDENCE OF LorD Byron 370. Diodati, Italy. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Hayinc TIME Haskell & Allen. No date. Small folio. SUNNYSIDE ON THE HUDSON Presented by Dr. S. Vanmeter & Co., of Charleston, Illinois. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. sooetier,, 3 pieces. WARWICK CASTLE On the Avon. Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. Uncolored. No date. Small folio. Framed. AMERICAN COUNTRY LIFE, RURAL AND Riyal. 372. 373: 374: PASTORAL SCENES Numbers 371 to 405, Inclusive AMERICAN AUTUMN FRUITS ems ves. He Palmer, dell slWatcde1cos. larce folio. AMERICAN COUNTRY LIFE N. Currier. F. F. Palmer. Dated 1855. Large folio. AMERICAN CouNTRY LIFE May Morning. MeCurrer. H.-F) Palmer, del.) Dated 1855 barce folio. AMERICAN CountRY LIFE ~ Pleasures of Winter. INe@urtice ots Palmer, cel. Watedsin45 sl areca olin, 375: R7Gh 377: 378. 3/9: 380. vert AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—WINTER A HoME IN THE WILDERNESS Currier & Ives. Dated 1868 and 1870. Small folios. Together, 2 pieces. AMERICAN FRUIT PIECE Currier & Ives. Dated 1859. Large folio. AMERICAN PRIZE FRUIT Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. Dated t36ameeteeee folio. Together, 2 pieces. AMERICAN HoOMESTEAD—AUTUMN AMERICAN HoOMESTEAD—WINTER AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—SUMMER Currier & Ives. Dated 1868 and 1869. Small folio. Together, 3 pieces. AUTUMN IN New ENGLaNpD. CIDER MAKING. Currier & Ives. Painted by G. B: Durrie = atecae oe Large folio. In black frame and glazed. WINTER IN THE COUNTRY A Cold Morning. Currier & Ives. Painted by G. H. DurriéS Dategeirean Large folio. THE FARMER’s FRIENDS Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Margins stained. Framed. THE FarMER’s HoOME—SUMMER Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. Dated 1864. Medium folio. a02. 383. 384. Piel 386. 387. 388. 389. THE FARMER’s HoME—WINTER Bice wives: | Painted by Gar Wiurriers ated. 1667. Large folio. Framed. GOLDEN FRUITS OF CALIFORNIA Currier & Ives. Dated 1869. Medium folio. GARDEN ORCHARD AND VINE | Murder & Ives. 1.4. Palmer, del. Dated 1867. Medium folio. feacether, 2 pieces. A Hatt By THE WAYSIDE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Hayinec TIME The First Load. Currier & Ives. Drawn by F. F. Palmer and J. Cameron. Dated 1868. Large folio. HOLIDAYS IN THE COUNTRY. [TROUBLESOME FLIEs. Currier & Ives. Dated 1868. Large folio. A HoME IN THE COUNTRY (Summer. ) Published by R. S. Spence. No date. Large folio. With two verses from ‘“The Old Oaken Bucket.” Home, SWEET HoMeE Currier & Ives. Dated 1869. Medium folio. AMERICAN HOMESTEAD—AUTUMN; WINTER; SUM- MER; SPRING Currier & Ives. Dated 1868 and 1869. Small folios. Iramed. Together, 4 pieces. 390. 391. 392. 393: Uae Boe 396. 397s 398. 599: MAPLE SUGARING Early Spring in the Northern Woods. Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. THE MILL-STREAM Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. No date. Small folio. THE NEAREst Way IN SUMMER [IME Currier & Ives. Painted by T. Creswick. No date. Small folio. A New ENGLAND HOME Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE OLp HoMESTEAD IN WINTER Currier & Ives. Painted by G..H. Durrie® Datederaas Large folio. PREPARING FOR MARKET N. Currier. L. Maurer, del. Dated 1856)3.carcesr aie: THE RETURN FROM THE PASTURE Currier & Ives. F. F. Palmer, del. No date. Earge folio, REYNOLD’s [TANNERY Spottswood, Pa. Endicott & Co. No date. Large folio. THE RIVER SIDE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE STABLE, No. 1. N. Currier. J. F. Herring. Pinxt. No date. Large folio. 400. AOl. 402. 403. 404. 405. “THE SHED” Brewster & Co. Painted by J. A. Oertel. Dated 1861, Large folio. Road Scenes No. 1 showing Woodruff’s Roadhouse on the Jamaica Turnpike. SPRING; HOME SWEET HoME Currier & Ives. No dates. Small folios. Worether, 2 pieces, | SUMMER Kellogg. No date. Small folio. Margins frayed. THE FARMER’s FRIENDS Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces. SUMMER IN THE Woops Gumier & Ives: Drawn by F. FE. Palmer. Proor, “No date. Signed in pencil. Small folio. Framed. A SUMMER RAMBLE Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. WINTER IN THE COUNTRY A Cold Morning. Murnicoeo) ves, .baintedsby CG. eure as Watedar oot: Large folio. EARLY WEST, INDIANS, PIONEERS, CALIFORNIA 406. Numbers 406 to 423, Inclusive AMONG THE PINES A First Settlement. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. [ No. 407 ] 407. THE Last War-WHoop N. Currier. Painted by A. F. Tait. Dated 1856. Large folio. ONE OF THE RAREsT OF THE RARE CURRIER WESTERN SUBJECTS, and most desirable because of its fine quality and condition. Companion piece to No. 411 opposite. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 408. ‘THE DEATH OF MINNEHAHA J. Cameron, del. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Large folio. 409. DraTH OF TECUMSEH Battle of the Thames. Oct. 18, 1813. N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. Foxed. 410. THE Baptism oF PocaHONTAS Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Jit A Lie, [ No. 411 ] THE Pursuit Pemeurcict, Painted by A. EF: Dat. Dated 156. -Larce folio. Like the companion picture (No. 407 opposite) after the famous Tait, this copy is the Mosr BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT ONE THAT Has BEEN OFFERED IN THE AUCTION Room. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | THE GREAT WEST Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Framed. Early railroad train going through to the Pacific, after leaving a pioneer settlement. ENCAMPMENT OF PIEKANN INDIANS Near Fort McKenzie on the Muscleshell River. Colored lithograph. By Daniel Rice and James G. Clark, Philadelphia. Folio. 414. ATS: 416, Atv 419. 420. A421. 422, THE GREAT WEST Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. A HoME IN THE WILDERNESS Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. RETURN FROM THE HUNT H. W. Beckwith after F.O.C. Darley. Dated 1885. Small folio. Lassoinc WiLp Horses W. W. Rice after F.O.C. Darley. Dated 1872. Small folio. Together, 2 pieces. SCENERY OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI An Indian Village. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. ‘THROUGH TO THE PACIFIC Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. THE TRAPPER’s Last SHOT Currier & Ives. No date. Folio. War DaNcE Colored lithograph by I. T. Bowen. Published by F. W. Greenough. Dated 1838. Folio. WESTERN COUNTRY SCENE Thomas Kelly. No date. Large folio. Several punctures, margins stained. WESTERN FaRMER’s HOME Currier & Ives. Dated 1871. Small folio. Framed. 42, YOSEMITE VALLEY—CALIFORNIA “The Bridal Veil” Fall. Currier & Ives. Dated 1866. Large folio. SPORTING SUBJECTS, HUNTING, FISHING, A24. 425. 426. Ar 428. 429. 430. WINTER SPORTS, RACING Numbers 424 to 481, Iclusive AMERICAN FIELD SPORTS Ucnice wslves,, Painted by Ae by Daits Dated 1857. Large folio. Margins cut close. AMERICAN FOREST GAME Mercia ives. a. b, PalmerjacelmeWated 1860.) Laree folio. AMERICAN GAME Mipacr weaves, LH, Hb. Palmer, WDated1866, large folio. AMERICAN HUNTING SCENE Published by R. S. Spence. No date. Large folio. THE LIFE OF A SPORTSMAN Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. CAMPING OUT Boome o: the Rightoort.Y Currier & Ives. L. Maurer, del. Dated 1856. Large folio. One of Adirondack series. Rare. Fine original colors. DEER SHOOTING In the Northern Woods. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Repaired and mounted. Framed. 431. 432. sak [ No. 431 ] AMERICAN WINTER SPORTS Deer Shooting “On the Shattagee” Northern New York. N. Currier. L. Maurer, del. Dated 1855.3 arco = auem ONE OF THE RareEst AND Most DEsIRABLE OF THE LARGE FOLIO SPORTING SERIES. A beautifully colored copy. Only one auction record of this print. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LIFE IN THE WOODS Starline, Outs Currier & Ives. Dated 1860. Signed on stone,—“L. Maurer.” Large folio. HuNTING, FISHING AND FOREST SCENES Shantying on the Lake Shore. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Large folio. 434. 435. 430. te 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. LIFE IN THE Woops “Returning to Camp.” Currier & Ives. Dated 1860. Large folio. THE Rarest AnD Finest of this Adirondack series, a Louis Maurer composition. Fine original colors. THE Lucky Escape meecurrier. Hf: Palmer, del; No date. Small folio. A SuHarp Loox-Our Group of three dogs on a marshy shore, waiting at the animal’s burrow. Colored lithograph. Artist unknown. Small folio. rial RAPPER’S CAMP-FIRE rmenawe lyes: Ha 2 Palmer, deli) Dated" 1866. Kare folio. AMERICAN HuNTING SCENE “A Good Chance.”’ Murrier & Ives. Painted by A. H: Tait. Dated 1863. Large folio. Framed. AMERICAN HUNTING SCENE Wild Duck Shooting. Th. Kelly. No date. Large folio. THE Fox-HuUNTER Lithograph in colors. No publisher. No date. Small! folio. Fox-HuNTING, THE FIND Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Fox-HunTING, THE DEATH Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE Fox HUNTER Colored lithograph by Kellogg & Comstock. No date. Small folio. 444. 44.5. 446. 447. 448. 449. 4.50. 451. 452. 453. COMING TO THE POINT Published by W. Shaus. After A. S. Mount. Dated 1855. Large folio. Inp1IA PRoorF. LIFE IN THE Woops. “STARTING OUT.” Currier & Ives. Dated 1860. Large folio. AMERICAN HunrtTING SCENE Wild Duck Shooting. Published and Printed by Th. Kelly. No date. Large folio. PARTRIDGE SHOOTING Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Slight stains. THE LIFE OF A SPORTSMAN Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. ENGLISH SNIPE N. Currier. No date. Small folio. Framed. PARTRIDGE SHOOTING Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. Small hole in margin. QUAIL Or Virginia Partridge. Currier & Ives. Dated 1871. Small folio. WATER RaIL SHOOTING Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. RarRE. Wixtp Duck SHOOTING On the Wing. Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. 454. AMERICAN SPECKLED Brook TROUT Currier & Ives. Painted by A. F. Tait. Dated 1864. Large folio. 455. HoME FROM THE BROOK The Lucky Fisherman. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Large folio. 456. STRIPED Bass Currier & Ives. Dated 1872. Small folio. 457. AMERICAN GAME FIsH Wormeqeaetves: Fob) Palmeredel Dated 1886, Warce folio. 458. Huntinc, FISHING AND ForREsT SCENES Shantying on the Lake Shore. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Medium folio. FINE IMPRESSION. 459. HoME FROM THE BROOK The Lucky Fisherman. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867. Large folio. 460. THE Great INTERNATIONAL CALEDONIAN GAMES Held at Jones Woods New York City, July rst, 1867. Kelly & Whitehill. Dated 1868. Large folio. Dedicated to the Caledonian Clubs throughout the United States. 461. A Four-OarED SHELL RAcE Currier & Ives. Dated 1884. Large folio. 462. HE CHAMPION PacER JOHNSTON Currier & Ives. J. Cameron. Dated 1884. Large folio. 463. THE FALsE START, JEROME Park, N. Y. Thomas Kelly. Dated 1868. Large folio. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. THE QUEEN OF THE [TuRF Maup S. Currier & Ives. Painted by Scott Leighton. Dated 1880. Large folio. TAKING THE REINS Dexter Driven by General Grant and Robert Bonner, Esq. Photographed after the painting by J. W. Ehninger, N.A. Published 1869. Small folio. THE CURRAGH RACE COURSE County Kildare, Ireland. Colored lithograph published by P. D. Farrell at New York. Dated 1867. Large folio. THE FIEND OF THE Roap Currier & Ives. Scott Leighton. Dated 1881. Large folio. Tue Boss oF THE Roap Currier & Ives. Thos. Worth. Dated 1884. Large folio. Together, 2 pieces. WAKING UP OF THE OLD MARE THE FIEND OF THE Roap Currier & Ives. Painted by Scott Leighton. Both dated 1881. Large folio. Together, 2 pieces. PacinG Ki1nG RoBerrt J. Currier & Ives. J. Cameron. Dated 1894. Large folio. CELEBRATED WINNING HoRSEs AND JOCKEYS OF THE AMERICAN [TURF Currier & Ives. Painted by C. L. Zellinsky. Dated 1889. Large folio. ‘Together2epieces, With the names of the horses and their jockeys, under the figures of second print. 470. HAMBLETONIAN The Property of W. M. Rysdyk, Esq. Lithograph of Endicott & Co. Painted by J. A. Oertel. Dated 1865. Medium folio. PAROLE The American Victor on the English Turf. Currier & Ives. Dated 1879. Medium folio. THE CELEBRATED Horst DEXTER “The King of the World.” Currier & Ives. J. Cameron. Dated 1867. Medium folio. peogerner,. 2) pieces. 471. A CHAMPION RaAcE Murrier Ww Ives. Painted by ¥.ameron. Dated 1887. THE CELEBRATED TROTTING MarRE HatTTriE Woop- WARD Currier & Ives. From a Sketch by France & Gates. Dated I88I. THE CHAMPION PacER JOHNSTON Suriniersc ives. Painted by-|> Cameron: Dated 1832. Together, 3 pieces. Large folio. 472. HE Famous TROTTER Majotica Currier & Ives. Dated 1884. WELL BUNCHED AT THE Last HURDLE Currier & Ives. Painted by J. Cameron. Dated 1887. GREAT Horses IN A GREAT RACE. SALVATOR AND TENNY Currier & Ives. Painted by J. Cameron. Dated 1891. Together, 3 pieces. Large folio. 473. 474. 475. 476. THe Fururity RAackE aT SHEEPSHEAD Bay Currier & Ives. Painted by L. Maurer. Dated 1889. A CLosE Lap ON THE Run IN Currier & Ives. Dated 1886. Winninc “Hanps Down,” WITH A GooD SECOND Currier & Ives. Dated 1887. Together, 3 pieces. Large folio. CROXIE Currier & Ives. J. Cameron. Dated 1878. Small folio. KaisER WILKES Printed by E. D. Slater. No date. Small folio. SMALL HopEs anpD Lapy Mac Mr. Wm. H. Vanderbilt’s Celebrated Road Team. Currier & Ives. E. Forbes, del. Dated 1877. Small folio. Together, 3 pieces. SMALL Hopes anp Lapy Mac Currier & Ives. Dated 1878. Large folio. Slightly stained. ErHan ALLEN AND Mate DEXTER Currier & Ives. J. Cameron. Dated 1867. Large folio. Slightly stained. Together, 2 pieces. Str MOHAWK AND NELLIE SONTAG Full brother and sister. Owned by Richard K. Fox. Currier & Ives. J. Cameron, del. Dated 1889. Large folio. With the Signature of Richard K. Fox in the margin. YouNG FULLERTON Currier & Ives. Dated 1888. Medium folio. ETHAN ALLEN AND MatTE DEXTER Currier & Ives. J. Cameron. Dated 1867. Large folio. Together, 3 pieces. 477. JOHN C. HEENAN, CHAMPION OF THE WoRLD (The Benecia Boy.) Currier & Ives. No date. Medium folio. YANKEE DoopLeE on His MuscLtE— Or the way The Benecia Boy astonished the English Men. Currier & Ives. No date. Medium folio. ToM SAWYER, CHAMPION OF ENGLAND Currier & Ives. Dated 1860. Medium folio. Together, 3 pieces. 478, PAcING FoR A GRAND PURSE Currier & Ives. Painted by L. Maurer. Dated 1890. TROTTING FOR A GREAT STAKE Currier & Ives. Painted by L. Maurer. Dated 1890. A Fast Heat Cursier & lves; Painted by J]. Cameron. Dated 1887. Meyectner, 3 pieces. Large folio. 479. TRoTTING QUEEN ALIX Surrier & Ives. Painted by J. Cameron.” Dated 1849: THE CHAMPION STALLION Maxy Cops Currier « lves. Dated 1885. LuLA Currier & Ives. Painted by T. Worth. Dated 1876. Together, 3 pieces. Large folio. 480. UNBOLTED; “TAKING A SMASH”; “LayING Back” —STIFF For A BrusH; A Harp Roap To TRAVEL S. Lipschitz. No dates. Small folios. Together, 4 pieces. 481. ifs) 2 483. 484. 48 5. 486. THE CALIFORNIA WONDER OCCIDENT Currier & Ives. Dated 1873. Medium folio. HOXHALT Currier & Ives. Dated 1881. Medium folio. SMUGGLER Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Medium folio. THE “Sports” WuHo Lost THEIR “TIN” Currier & Ives. Dated 1878. Medium folio. Together, 4 pieces. SENTIMENTAL AND FANCY SUBJECTS Numbers 482 to 500, Inclusive THE BEAUTIES OF BILLIARDS “A carom on the dark red.” Currier & Ives. Dated 1869. Large folio. THE BurRNING GLASS Currier & Ives. Painted by J. G. Browns) Dated Medium folio. CANAL SCENE Moonlight. Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Enocu ArpEN—_ Tur LONELY Ise Currier & Ives. Dated 1869. Large folio. Gray’s ELEGY In a Country Church Yard. Currier’ & Ives. F.. F. Palmer, del. Datedrsoe folio. With two verses of the Elegy quoted beneath the title. 1860. Large 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. THE Man WHo Gave Barnum His “Turn” Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. With two-line inscription explaining the picture. A MIpsuMMER-NIGHT’s DREAM Lithographed and Published by Currier & Ives. No date. Medium folio. THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET Murien oc lves, Wated 1372. Small iclio. With a verse from the song. THE SALE OF THE PEt LAMB N. Currier. Painted by W. Collins. No date. Large folio. Framed. THE WaysIDE INN Oren elves Fl. Palmer, del.) Dated 1364. Larce folio. THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET Micrel vess i. Palmer, del Dated 1864-6 Medium folio. Verse on either side of title. THE BLEssING OF A WIFE; THE MISERIES OF A BACHELOR Currier & Ives. No dates. Small upright folio. Framed. Together, 2 pieces. THE Bower OF ROSsEs Currier & Ives. No date. THE DEATH OF MINNEHAHA Currier & Ives. J. Cameron, del. Dated 1867. Together, 2 pieces. Medium folio. 495. 496. 497: 498. FouURTH OF JULY Young America “Celebrating.” Currier & Ives. L. Maurer. Dated 1857. Large folio. Lapy WasHINGTON Currier & Ives. No date. Large folio. Together, 2 pieces. THE Fox FANCIERS Th. Kelly. Dated 1868. THE RappBit FANCIERS Th. Kelly. Dated 1867. Together, 2 pieces. Large folio. A Jotty Doc Currier & Ives. Dated 1878. Small folio. THE PET OF THE Fancy Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE Happy FaMILy Kelloggs & Thayer. No date. Small folio. PUPPIES Kelloggs & Comstock. No date. Small folio. Together, 4 pieces. ATTACK OF THE LION N. Currier. No date. Small folio. OFF FOR THE WAR The Soldier’s Adieu. Currier & Ives. Dated 1861. Small folio. Foxed. THE Star SPANGLED BANNER Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Slightly stained. Together, 3 pieces. 499. OPERA SCENES em enchanted Caves lhe Hairy Grotto; “lhe Fairies’ Home. Currier & Ives. Dated 1867 (first 2) and 1868. Large folio. Together, 3 pieces. 500. SUMMER EVENING Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. Margins frayed. SARAH ANN N. Currier. Dated 1846. Small folio. Kiss ME QuIck! Currier & Ives. No date. Small folio. THE FRUITS OF TEMPERANCE Currier & Ives. Dated 1870. Small folio. A New JERSEY Fox Hunt “A Smoking Run.” Currier & Ives. Dated 1876. Small folio. Damaged. Together, 5 pieces. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc., MANAGERS DEPARTMENT OF BOOKS AND PRINTS Mr. ARTHUR SWANN, DIRECTOR APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS MAY o APPRAISALS. The American Art Association, Inc., will furnish appraisements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other pur- poses. CATALOGUES. The Association is prepared to sup- plement this appraisal work by making catalogues of private libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced Sales catalogues of the Association. Upon request the Association will furnish the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private indi- viduals for whom the Association has made appraise- ments which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax Commission and others in interest. The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 57TH STREET NEW YORK CITY Telephone: Piaza 1270 The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATIONS TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY DOUGLAS C, MCMURTRIE + NEW YORK ia b. a Ue AmR c.1 Oa and Ives lithog : H/C | “wee, Do : . \ \ ‘nS A 2 ae oe 4 \y 2 FINE PRINTS BY NAT CURRIER CURRIER AND IVES, THOMAS KELLY, KELLOGG & THAYER, AND OTHERS ~ W. E. RUSSELL OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Ok FE, Sa ae ee, ae ee eg 4 pee ia San ; « OE = oe ee ee ae 4 Pr fa si