EH ret eo Rae ale ane ¢ 2 Late \ Wy f WN ei PN : AS ae te Wr eee, 2 ' tae Fee es = ica. ar ats my Fh ta al Nn gat Sent > y Be ute, Ae ie a a hess ae oes SE § rey ORC Begs ei Aa it ee ae eben / ary a Kile to aa ae ? { t A \ SHH, ae ys 4a 2. iY, ¢ cae gt ) eA pun *< Ff ra Sa an was \ie Py fee hi Be a +e x 4 ee Cy ny Newest Panes BS ihe hy Ae Bs ra Yai ; Ay and Se} M's ff Weer Beis KOMI AS Y gl Wi Wie a ioe NE eR at Lf European Ceramics | “a Me rels and other objects ave ui eos Mey ° Wea ‘aoe ; M =a : Fi é é A . ; ye} 9 : ot Be ) " a hal Ny 5. fe si b ; : a. 2 # % t Bs baa “coLLEcTED 1 BY THE LATE : | vs . 5 £9 r "WASHINGTON, D. C. 7 igs Bou ee DO a” SS ae | American Act Galleries | Madison Square South New York — ue NEW YORK x mo ON FREE VIEW FROM FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 rH UNTIL DATE OF SALE, INCLUSIVE FROM 9.00 «a. M. TO 6.00 P. Mo. COLLECTION OF THE LATE Mrs. A. G. HUNT WASHINGTON, D. C. UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE On TueEspay AFTERNOON, JANUARY 21ST BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.30 O’CLOCK AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK CATALOGUE OF ORIENTAL AND EKUROPEAN ~ CERAMICS, BRONZES, ENAMELS AND OTHER OBJECTS COLLECTED BY THE LATE Mrs. A. G. HUNT WASHINGTON, D. C. / : TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 2isr BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 2.30 O’cLOCK AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK : 1908 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be im- mediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put wp again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, unless otherwise specified by the Auctioneer or Managers previous to or at the time of Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. f 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no War- ranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; fail- ing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof, for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. %. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be. forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for em- ploying careful carriers and packers, they will not hold them- selves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tue AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manascena. THOMAS E. KIRBY, Auctioneer. CATALOGU E SALE, TUESDAY AFTERNOON JANUARY 2lst, 1908 Neg OSA TS IOUS O I tas IS AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 o’CLOCK 200—S1x Bovevet Hoxpers Fancy glass; various shapes. 201—Srven Bovevet Howpers Crystal glass, with silver filigree mountings. 202—TureEE Guass VAsEs Various textures and shapes. 203—ConFECTION STAND Venetian glass; spiral pattern. 204—Pair CoLoGnr Borrties : Heavy cut glass. 205—Bonson Basket anp LarGE TUMBLER German glass. Decorated with figures, coat-of- arms and other designs. 206—Two Vases Bohemian glass; gilt decoration. 207—Mua anv TUMBLER Ruby red and amber Bohemian glass. Mug has gilt decoration. | 208—Two Guass VASES One crystal, with intaglio of horses; the other blue and white, with engraved decoration. 2090—CrarET FLAGON Crystal cut glass. 210—Rosr Jar Crystal glass; profusely cut ornamentation. 211—Two WerpGwoop CANDLESTICKs — Classical figures in relief in white on a blue ground. 212—-WepaGwoop Bow. Border of leaf designs in white on blue ground. 213—Parr Tatt WepGwoop CANDLESTICKS Sage green ground, with classical figures and scroll border in relief in white. 214—-T wo WepGwoop SMALL PITCHERS Classical figures and Greek fret borders, finely modelled in relief in white on a pale blue ground. 215—-WepGwoop Bureau Ser Consisting of two puff boxes and small candle- stick. 216—Four Cups anp SAuUcERS French porcelain of various shapes and decoration, one mounted with silver filigree. 217—Two Cups anp SAvucers Royal Berlin porcelain. Decoration of floral fes- toons. 218—Turee Cups anp Saucers Berlin, French and English makes; various designs. 219—Si1x Cups anp SAvuceErs Mostly Japanese eggshell porcelain, finely deco- rated. 220—Two Cups AND SAUCERS Japanese eggshell porcelain. Artistic decoration, with figures of Buddhist priest and ceremonial gath- ering, in bright enamel colors on a gold ground. 221—-Pair Cups AND SAUCERS Royal Dresden; swan shape. Pure white paste, with decoration and inner surface in gold. 222—Six AFTER-DINNER CoFFEE Cups AND SAUCERS Japanese blue and white porcelain; lotus leaf de- sign. 223—-Pain Cups AND SAUCERS Dresden porcelain. Decoration of floral bouquets and butterflies. 224——-T wo Cups anv Saucers One Sévres porcelain, Louis Philippe period; the other Sevres style, Empire period, with portrait of Mme. Bessieres. 225—T wo Cups AND SAUCERS Sévres style, king’s blue glaze, with jewelled and embossed gold borders and finely decorated panels. 226—Cup aNpD SAUCER Old French porcelain, Empire period; decorated panel of landscape with cattle; green ground, with gold and etched borders. 227—RoyvaL VIENNA CovERED Cup aNnp SAUCERS Maroon color glaze, with jewelled borders; finely painted decoration: “ Galatea,” by C. Forster. 228—Two Cups AND SAUCERS One Royal Vienna, richly decorated with panel illustrating a scene from the life of Coriolanus; the other, antique white porcelain, with blue and gold decoration. 229—Inkstanp, SMaLtt Box anp Tray Dresden porcelain; finely decorated. 230—Two DrespEN PorRCELAIN SPECIMENS One kettle-shape vase, with floral decoration; the other jewel stand, with swan support. 231—TI'wo Miniature CoverED PITCHERS One Royal Berlin porcelain, the other old faience. 232—Lowestorr TEA JAR Decoration of coat-of-arms and floral festoons. 233—MInTON BorTriLE-sHAPE VASE Sapphire blue glaze, with floral and vine decoration in applied gold. 234—-Two SpEcIMENS oF Capo p1 Monte Tankard with bold relief ornamentation of lion hunt, and covered vase with relief ornamentation of Bacchanalian subject. 235—Capo pi Monte PuLaqueE Nymphs and satyr in carved and gilt wood frame. 236—Fairncre TEapor Leaf design, coated with a rich blue and green run- ning glaze. 237—CoverED Bow. Antique French porcelain; fountain and_ border designs painted in enamel colors and gold. 238—DrespEN PorcELAIN Bow. Floral decoration in violet, blue and gold. 2390—ANTIQUE PoRCELAIN JUG Fluted surface with floral decoration; metal mount- ings and chains. 240—Two PorRcELAIN ORNAMENTS Pug dog and rabbit. 241—-Two Portrery PircHeErs Old Italian. Faces in relief; crackle glaze. 242—-Piterim BorrLe Fashioned in imitation of ivory. Profusely orna- mented in relief. Battle scenes and various borders. Height, 1314 inches. 243—Rookwoop Potrery VaAsE Artistically decorated and glazed; partially covered with silver openwork flower design. Height, 81, inches. 244—DovuttTon PLAQuE Decorated with tulips and other floral designs in Rhodian style. Height, 12 inches. 945—ITALIAN FaigNce PLAQuE Reproduction of an antique; decoration in golden lustre and cobalt blue. In centre medallion female portrait and inscription. Diameter, 1314 inches. 246—Lovine Cup Royal Crown Derby. Decoration in blue in style of old Delft. 247—PLANT JaR Royal Dresden porcelain; finely painted decoration of floral bouquets. 248—TETE-A-TETE SET Japanese eggshell porcelain; artistically painted decoration of lotus, peony, butterflies and blossoms. 249—Two Irauian Faience Watt Brackets Figures of monks. 250-—Two SprecimMENs oF DreEespEN PoRCELAIN Miniature bottle with cupids. Miniature statuette. 251—Pam STaTuETrTes Royal Vienna porcelain; Turkish figures. 252—-Parr DrEsDEN STATUETTES Male and female figure. 253—Pair DrespEN STATUETTES Courtier and lady. 254—Two STatTuETTEs ‘The masqueraders. Frankenthal mark. 255—Two Srarurrres Royal Vienna. Hunter and huntress. 256—Pair STATUETTES Royal Berlin. The young musicians. 257 — SMALL STATUETTES Various. 258—Pair DrespEN STATUETTES - The musicians. 2590—Pair STATUETTES Courtier and flower girl. Frankenthal mark. 260—Patr FRANKENTHAL GROUPS The musicale. 261—PorcELAIN GROUP Summer. 262—Pair DrespEN Groups Pastoral subjects. 263—MInNiATURE TABLE Dresden porcelain. Finely painted and relief orna- mentation. 264—PorceLAIn Group The dance. 265—MantTeL Ser Clock and pair of candelabra in decorated porce- lain of Dresden style. 266—Royat Vienna Trea Cappy Painted panels by Koller: “ Bacchante”’ and “ Pe- nelope.” King’s blue glaze; gilded and jewelled borders. 267—Smatit Vases ON PEDESTALS Royal Vienna. Subjects of decoration: ‘ Venus and Adonis”; ‘‘ Cupid Disarmed.” King’s blue glaze, with decoration in gold. 268—Two Royvaut Vienna Tea CappizEs Decoration of figure subjects in panels: “ Venus ” and “Sappho” and Pompeiian subjects. 269—CoveErED VasE Royal Vienna. Finely painted decorations, “ Hec- tor and Paris” and “ Edward I.” Gilded borders. Height, 12 inches. 270—Rovat Vienna ThTE-A-TETE SET Artistically decorated with scenes from Roman history and classical subjects by Haupts. Richly executed borders. Consists of tray, teapot, sugar bowl, cream pitcher and two cups and saucers. 287—Pair Oxtp Detrr Vases Bottle shape, with chimera handles; landscape and figure decoration in dark blue. Height, 101, inches. 288—Pair Detrr CovEerED Jars Floral decoration in brilliant blue. Height, 10 inches. 289—TureEe Detrt Trays Heart shape, on tripod. Landscapes and water scenes in medallions in dark blue. 290—Two Derr PLaQuEs Bird and bird-cage. Decorated in blue and other colors. : 291—Two Ostone Detrr PLAQuEs Landscape and windmill painted in rich cobalt blue; foliated scrolls and medallions on border. 2902—Two Detrr DisuEs Scalloped edge. Floral sprays and foliations painted in two shades of blue. Diameter, 11 inches. 203—Detrt Disu Scalloped edge. Holland scenes painted in numer- ous panels. Diameter, 11 inches. 2904—Two Detrr PLAQuEs Decoration of landscape and skating scene, painted in brilliant cobalt blue. Diameter, 13 inches. 295—Two Otp Detrr Piates Basket of flowers and other designs painted in dark blue. Diameters: 1314, inches; 71/4, inches. hex 296—Detrr VasE Octagonal bottle shape with bulbous mouth. Cupids and floral sprays painted in brilliant mazarine blue. Height, 13 inches. 297—Detrt CovrerepD Jar Octagonal shape. Pastoral scene and floral sprays painted in rich cobalt blue. | Height, 13 inches. 2908—Deturr BoTrLe-sHAPED VASE With goat head and masks in relief. Pastoral scene and foliations painted in brilliant blue. Height, 1314 wmcehes. 2990—Dertrr CovERED JAR Pastoral scene, relief scrolls and floral sprays painted in cobalt blue. Height, 151, inches. 300—Pair Detrr CANDLESTICKS Heraldic design. Decoration in dark blue. Height, 14 inches. 301—Pam Detrr Watt Vases Cornucopia shape. Pastoral scenes and foliated scrolls painted in rich cobalt blue. Height, 13 inches. 302—DeELFr JARDINIERE Pastoral scenes and relief foliations painted in dark blue. Height, 6 inches; length, 15 inches. 303—Detrr BotrLe-sHAPED VASE Dragon in high relief encircling shoulder. Dutch domestic scenes, foliations and floral sprays; painted in cobalt blue. Height, 14 inches. 2'771—CoverED VASE Old Sévres style, finely painted. Decorated with king’s blue glaze, and jewelled ornamentation, mounted in gilt brass. Height, 141, inches. 272—-CovERED VASE Amphora shape, on pedestal. Royal Vienna por- celain richly decorated in bright enamel colors and embossed gold. Height, 1914, inches. 273—RoyaL VIENNA CovERED VASE On pedestal. Panels painted by Kauftman. King’s blue glaze, with embossed gold ornamentation. (Re- paired.) Height, 17 inches. Q274—Ewerr AND PLATTER Royal Vienna. Decoration of cupids. King’s blue glaze, with embossed gold borders. 275—Patmr Royvat VieENNA CoverED URNs On pedestals. Artistically painted decoration of scenes from Roman history by E. Barschneider. Rich borders of rose pink and yellow, ornamented with embossed gold. Satyr head handles. Height, 201% inches. 2976—Pam Larce Rovat VienNNA VASES Graceful amphora shape, on pedestal. Finely painted decoration of “ Triumphal Procession of Bacchus,’ “ Psyche,’ ‘‘ Aurora” and “ Jupiter.” Richly ornamented borders and panels in embossed gold on rose-red, turquoise-blue, lavender and choco- late-color ground. Height, 40 inches. 2 SAR ean 277—LarGe Coverep VASE German porcelain. Elaborate ornamentation of flowers and birds modelled in high relief and enamel. Height, 32 inches. 278—EaporateE DrespEN PorceLAIN CHANDELIER With branches for thirty-six candles. 279-—Pair VENETIAN Grass CANDELABRA With branches for four candles each; opal and other colors of glass, intricately executed. 280—Four Detrtr VAssEs Two cylindrical shape, two gourd shape; all with floral decoration in cobalt blue. 281—Deurr INKsTAND Decoration in dark blue. 282—Pair Detrr CANDLESTICKS Floral and other decoration in cobalt blue. 283—Detrt WINE Cask With figure in relief. Decoration in dark blue. 284—-Pair Otp Detrr Jars Pastoral scenes and other decoration in dark blue. 285—Oxtp Detrr Jue Chinese garden scene in bleu-de-Nankin. Pewter lid. 286—Pair Oxtp Detrrt Vases Bottle shape. Pastoral scenes and heraldic devices in rich cobalt blue. Height, 101% inches. tte Appts «05 te Ae) epg ne ‘ ay - 304—Detrr Ewer Marine views, floral sprays and foliated scrolls, painted in two shades of cobalt blue. Height, 14 inches. 305—Detrr Coverep Jar Pea-fowls, flowers and trellis pattern, painted in rich cobalt blue. Height, 141%, inches. 806—Detrt Coverep Jar Pierced outer casing of lattice design. Marine views painted in cobalt blue within leaf-shape panels. Height, 16%, inches. 307—-Drtrt Covrerep Jar Ovoid shape, with corrugated surface. Floral sprays, scrolls and lattice designs painted in rich blue. Height, 17 inches. 308—Larce Detrr Coverep VaAsE With bold twisted handle. Decoration of Holland scenes, palmations and scrolls painted in two shades of cobalt blue. Height, 211% inches. 309—Detrr ORNAMENTAL PIECE Decoration of coat-of-arms and floral designs painted in brilliant cobalt blue. Height, 1814 inches. 310—Larece Derr Vase With scroll handles. Decoration of landscape, figures and foliations painted in two shades of cobalt blue. Height, 19 inches. 311—Two Large Detrr Ova PLAQuEs Old Holland scenes, painted in brilliant blue. Diameter, 23 inches. 312—Larce Detrr Ostone PLaQuE Decoration of old Dutch agricultural scene, painted in dark cobalt blue. Diameter, 20 inches. 313—Patmr Laree Deitrr Coverep Jars Octagon shape. Pastoral scenes, relief foliated scrolls and panel decoration, painted in brilliant mazarine blue. | Height, 26 inches. 314—Larce Detrr Coverep Jar Corrugated oviform. Panel decoration of figure subjects and Holland landscapes divided by foliated scrolls and floral designs, painted in brilliant cobalt blue. Height, 27 inches. 315—ITaL1an Faignce PLaQuEr Reproduction of a Hispano-Moresque. Diameter, 15 inches. 316—ANTIQUE ITatiIAN Masotica VAsE Tulips and floral scrolls decorated in blue, green and yellow. Height, 84, inches. 317—AntTiIQUE ITALIAN Masoxica VasE Coat-of-arms and foliations, painted in yellow, green and blue. Height, 11%, inches. 318—-Pair Dovutton Vases Bottle-shaped. Panel decoration of flowers, birds and insects in finely combined enamel colors. Height, 10 inches. 319—MINIATURE VASE Satsuma faience; microscopic decoration by Mei- zan. 320—PrErFuME BurNER Satsuma faience; microscopic decoration by Mei- zan. 321—Tripop Incense BurNER Old Satsuma of fine texture. Decoration of crest and cloud forms in red and green enamel, outlined in gold pencilling. Openwork silver lid. 322—SatsuMa INcENsE BuRNER Flat, circular shape. Exquisitely painted decora- tion of flowering plants, spider webs and other de- signs. Openwork silver cover. 323—Watu VAsE Kyoto faience. Figure of Hotei in relief. 324—AntTIQUE Kyoro Trea Jar Crackle texture. Japanese garden scenes, lotus plant and brocade patterns, painted in low tones of red, green and black. 325—Larere SatsuMa INcENSE BuRNER Hexagonal shape on tripod. Japanese domestic scenes in panels and various border designs pencilled in gold. Dog-foo surmounting cover. Height, 14 inches. 326—-Pair Ky6tTo Faience Vases Pear-shape, with scallop flange. Tree peonies, iris, birds and brocade pattern painted in brilliant / enamel colors enriched by gilding. Exposition speci- men. Height, 15 inches. 327—LarcEe SatsuMA VASE Oviform. Invested with a mirror black glaze and decorated with plum tree in blossom; several borders of brocade patterns. Height, 19 inches. 828— Kyoro Faizmnce Prague Decoration of carp and branches of blossoms; border of chain design. Diameter, 19 inches. 329—JAPANESE BoTTLE-SHAPE VASE Kyoto faience; brown crackle texture. 330—JAPANESE Potrery Tra Jar Invested with an interesting running glaze. 331—Araku Box Fish-shape; brilliant cinnabar red glaze. 332—SakE Bow. With spout. Japanese gray earthenware, with im- perial crests outlined in blue and brown. 333—JAPANESE Potrery Bown Brown crackle texture; panel decoration and blue glaze. 334—Rep Porrery Bow. Decoration in yellow and green. 335—O.utp JAPANESE SAKE KETTLE Gray stoneware. Decoration in brown and green running glaze. 336—JapaNEseE Potrery Bow. Lily shape. Coated with a green running glaze. 337—IpzuMa Jar Brown running glaze over a yellow ground. Height, 8% inches. 338—ANTIQUE Kyoto Sake Borrie Gourd shape. Pine and bamboo branches and Mikado’s crest decorated in green and blue enamel. 339—Pair JAPANESE Faience Vases Invested with a tea-color soufflé glaze. Height, 9 inches. 3840—Oxtp Kutani Bown Peonies, diaper and panel decorations painted in low tones of green, purple, blue and yellow. 341—Oxtp Japanese Porrery OKkIMONO Figure of a pilgrim; red and splash glaze. Height, 1414 inches. 342—JaPANESE Faience BottTie-sHAaPeD VASE By Seifu. Invested with a metallic brown glaze over a network of crackle. Height, 1014 inches. 343—ANTIQUE KorEAaN VasE Bottle-shape. Wave patterns and other designs painted in dark brown. Height, 12 inches. 344—JaPANESE Faimnce Vase By Makudzo Kozan. Graceful oviform, invested with a green glaze and an over decoration pencilled in black. Height, 13 inches. 3$45—OLp JAPANESE EaRTHENWARE Hrpacut Crudely fashioned. Relief ornamentation of bird, foliation and butterfly. Impressed mark. Height, 11 inches. 346—Two SprciMENs oF BLUE AND Wuite PorcELAIN Small box and sake cup. 347—THREE JAPANESE PorcELAIN TRAYS Various shapes and designs. 848—Two SmaLu VasEs Japanese porcelain. Zogan or imitation dama- scened decoration. 349—JAPANESE PorceELAIN TEA JAR Incised decoration; celadon glaze. 350—RosE-waTER SPRINKLER Old Imari porcelain. Decoration in bleu-de-Nan- kin and enamel colors. 351—-CoverEeD Bow. Imari porcelain. Flowers and diaper patterns in bleu-de-Nankin and enamel colors. 352—O.p Imar1 SAKE BoTrLE Panels of fruit and flowers upon a wave pattern ground, with symbols and other designs painted in brilliant enamel colors. Height, 8 inches. 353—TurREE SMALL JARS Japanese single color specimen. 354—Two Smauu Vases Japanese single color specimen. 355—Turer SmMautu VAsEs Single color specimen. Coral red, lemon yellow and sapphire blue. 356—Covrerep Bow. Kyoto porcelain. Panel decoration of flowers, birds and butterflies on a zogan ground. $57—Porcuiain. SakE KETTLE By Makudzo Kozan. Oviform, with dragon-shaped handle and spout. Lemon yellow glaze decoration in bleu-de-Nankin. 358—Two Imari PorcEeELAIN PuLatTEs Octagonal shape. Dark blue glaze, with gourd decoration in a lighter shade of blue. 359—-Ovirorm VasE Japanese. Coated with a mottled red glaze in imitation of Chinese Lang Yao. Height, 61, inches. 360—JapaNresre GouRD-SHAPED VASE Celadon glaze. Height, 71% inches. 361—Onp Imart Saxe Borrie Quadrilateral shape. Decoration of tree peonies, pine, bamboo and plum tree in blossom; various bor- ders, in bright enamel colors. Height, 91/, inches. 362—JaPANESE PorcELAIN VASE Fashioned after an ancient Chinese bronze, and in- vested with a verdigris green glaze. Height, 91, inches. 863—JapaNESE PorcELAIN BorTiEe-sHAPED VASE Coated with a deep violet-color glaze. Imperial dragons, sacred pearl and fire emblems carved in re- lief and white reserve. Height, 101, inches. 364—JAPANESE CYLINDRICAL VASE By Seifu. Clear white hard paste, with band of dragons pursuing the sacred pearl finely painted in underglaze blue. Height, 11 inches. 3865—JAPANESE PoRCELAIN VASE By Makudzo Kozan. Coated with a sang-de-beeuf splash glaze. (Repaired.) Height, 15 inches. 366—JapaNese PorceLaIn VAsE Low circular shape. Invested with a mottled red glaze. Diameter, 91% inches. 367—NinE CovereD Bow Ls Imari porcelain. Decorated with alternating rings of red and blue. 368—O.xp Imari CoverED Bow. Richly decorated with floral designs, medallions and crests, painted in brilliant enamel colors, en- hanced by gilding. Diameter, 914 inches. 369—SwrEetMraT STAND Japanese porcelain. Decoration carved in the paste underneath a translucent celadon glaze. ae ee ee ‘ayaa 370—Pair Japanese Porcevain PLAQUES Artistically painted decoration. Chicken, cocks, hens, peonies, plum blossoms, landscapes and river views. Diameter, 12 inches. 371—Covrerrep Bowt AND SAUCER ‘ Chinese “rice grain” porcelain. 372—Gourp SuHapPr VasE Chinese porcelain. Bleu-de-Nankin decoration. 373—SEcTIONAL Box Chinese porcelain of the soft paste type. Archaic scrolls, painted in fine underglaze blue. Ch’ien-lung period. 374—ANTIQUE CHINESE PorRCELAIN VASE Clear white hard paste. Unusual decoration of grape vine in bearing, painted in fine underglaze blue. Japanese silver cap. Height, 10 inches. 375—CuineEsgE PorceLtaIn Bow. Legendary subject, painted in brilliant enamel colors. Seal mark. 376—CHINESE PorcELAIN VASE Invested with a monochrome glaze of the sang-de- boeuf type. 3877—ANTIQUE CELADON VASE Dense texture; relief and incised decoration. Height, 714 inches. 378—ANTIQUE Five-coLorEeD Bow. Chinese white hard paste. Decoration of peonies, pheenix and foliation on yellow ground. Diameter, 81%, inches. 879—CHINESE PorcELAIN. Bow. Enamelled with a monochrome glaze of peach- bloom type. Diameter, 814 inches. 380—CHINESE PoRCELAIN BowL Low form. ‘Tree peonies, lotus and plum blos- soms, carved in low relief. Coated with a sapphire- blue glaze. Diameter, 1014 imches. 381—ANTIQUE CHINESE PoRCELAIN VASE Beaker shape. Floral scrolls, band and borders of archaic scrolls and palmettes painted in fine under- glaze blue. Ch’ien-lung period. _ Height, 15 inches. 382—HawtHorn TemMpLe Jar With its original cover. Chinese white hard paste of the K’ang-hsi period. Branches of prunus blos- soms in white reserve on a pellucid blue ground, with markings to represent the cracking of ice. — Height, 164%, inches. . 383—GouRD-SHAPED VASE Clear white Chinese porcelain. Floral scrolls, sceptre head and palmations painted in underglaze blue. Height, 131%, inches. 384—CLUB-SHAPED VASE Chinese hard paste porcelain. Bold dragon, pheenix and other designs painted in underglaze blue. Height, 20 inches. ee ——S $85—CHINESE PorCELAIN PLATE Thin texture. Branches of tree peonies and sym- | bols painted in bleu-de-Nankin. Diameter, 16 inches. 386—Opstona Tray Thick hard paste texture. Mountains and _ river scenery painted in rich cobalt blue. Seal mark. Ch’ien-lung period. Length, 14 inches. 387—Mopern CuINeEsE Vase Globular shape, with short neck. Enamelled with a splash glaze. Height, 14 inches. 388—Borrie-sHaPpe Vase Chinese hard paste. Orange-yellow glaze, with ornamentation of magnolia tree, storks, deer and rocks. Carved in the paste and enamelled with green, white, blue and brown. Height, 151% inches. 389—O.p Canton Piterim Borrie Decoration of Chinese historical scenes and bril- liant enamel colors. Height, 17 inches. 390—Laree Fine TrIPLe GouRD-SHAPED VASE Antique Chinese porcelain of the K’ang-hsi period. Clear white texture with artistically executed decora- tions of peonies, foliated scrolls, dragons and medal- lions in white reserve on an opaque mazarine blue ground. Capped with metal. Height, 281, inches. 391—LarcGe CYLINDRICAL VASE Coarse porcelain of the Ch’ien-lung period. In- vested with a brilliant red glaze. Height, 24 inches. 892—JaPANESE PorcELAIN Vase STAND Openwork panels. Decoration in blue and gold. Height, 16 inches. 303—UmBRELLA VASE Chinese thick porcelain. Crackle white glaze, with relief ornamentations of dragons and other designs in imitation of iron. Height, 241, inches. 3904—SmatuL OvirormM VasE Milk-white glass. Coated with a mottled red enamel. 395—Two MriniaturE VASES Cloisonné enamel. 396—PrrFuME JAR Top swinging handle. Japanese cloisonné enamel of fine quality. 3897—TureEE SmMaAtu Trays One Pekin enamel, one champlevé enamel and the other silver bronze. 398—OvirorM TEA JAR Japanese cloisonné enamel. Chrysanthemum in low tones. 8990—Toitet Box Japanese cloisonné enamel of fine quality. Butter- flies, blossoms and brocade designs in translucent enamels, 400—Eca Suare Trea Jar Japanese cloisonné enamel. Blossoms on gold dust ground. 401—INcENSE JAR Japanese cloisonné enamel of fine quality. Archaic designs, floral scrolls and other patterns in translu- cent enamels. 402—Cy.inpricaL VAsE Old Japanese shippo ware. Birds, blossoms, flow- ers and diaper patterns in low tones of enamel. Height, 51% inches. 403—Pair SmMati Braker-sHaPeD VasEs Chinese cloisonné enamel of fine quality. Floral designs on turquoise and dark blue ground. 404—CovrerED Bown Old Japanese cloisonné enamel. Floral and mosaic designs in low tone. 405—Ovirorm VasE Japanese cloisonné enamel of fine quality. Dragon, pheenix and floral designs in translucent enamel. Height, 914, inches. 406—Ovirorm VasE Cloisonné enamel. Bold dragon in white on a jet black ground. Height, 10 inches. 407—BottiEe-sHarpepD VasE Japanese cloisonné enamel of fine quality. En- twined dragon and chrysanthemum flowers in finely combined colors on a gold soufflé ground.. Height, 12 inches. 408—HrExaGoNAL VAsE on TRIPOD Japanese cloisonné enamel. Storks on a_ black ground with mosaic borders. Height, 9 inches. 409—Anrvique Pexin EnameL Prave Scalloped edge. Floral scrolls in brilliant colors on a white ground. Imperial yellow outer border. Diameter, 1014, inches. 410—JAPANESE CLOISONNE ENAMEL PLATE Sparrow and peonies on a turquoise blue ground. Diameter, 12 inches. 411—Caxkr Box Japanese cloisonné of fine quality. Tree peonies, plum blossoms, birds and brocade patterns in richly combined enamels on a turquoise blue ground. Diameter, 1034 inches. 412—BoTrLe-sHAPED VASE Japanese cloisonné enamel. Dogs-foo and pen- dants of symbols on a black ground, sprinkled with gold dust. Height, 1114 inches. 413—Larce AMPHORA VASE Japanese cloisonné enamel. Bold dragon on a black ground. Bands and borders of mosaic patterns. Height, 233, inches. 414—LarGre PLaQuE Old Japanese cloisonné enamel. Branches of fruits on a turquoise blue ground. Diameter, 20 inches. 415—Very LarGcre VAsE Japanese cloisonné enamel of fine quality. Canary yellow ground, with maple trees, peonies, sparrows, butterflies and other designs in beautifully combined colors. Height, 351%, inches. 416—Very Larce Vase Japanese cloisonné enamel of fine quality. Panel decoration of hawk, tree peonies and maple and plum tree in blossom. Dragons, chrysanthemum flowers and other designs on a soufflé ground. Height, 351, inches. 417—Two Sake Saucers aND Perrume Box Japanese lacquer. 418—Two PrrrumMe Boxss One Japanese gold lacquer, the other tortoise-shell. 419—JnwreL Tray Japanese clam shell. Decorated with gold and red lacquer. 420—Goutp LaceuER Box Modern Japanese. 421—Biack AND Gotp Lacquer Box Design of Japanese treasure boat. 422—-OBLonNG Box Fine old Japanese lacquer. Chrysanthemum and other designs in gold and silver lacquer. 423—VJAPANESE WRITING CASE Black and aventurine lacquer. Bamboo and pine pencilled in gold. 424—-JAPANESE Biack AND Gotp Lacquer Box With four boxes inside. 425—JAPANESE Biack Lacquer Tra Cappy Artistic decoration of storks in gold. 426—CINNABAR LacguER Box Peach shape. Flowers, blossoms and symbols finely carved in relief. 427—MINIATURE Boat AND TRay Japanese tortoise-shell. 428—LarGE JAPANESE CABINET Fine old lacquer. Decorated with garden and do- mestic scenes, pencilled in gold and other lacquers. Four shelves and enclosures. Height, 31 inches; length, 301/ inches. 4290—ANTIQUE MeTaAL BAs-RELIEF * Venus and Cupid.” 430—ANTIQUE PIcTURE Decorated mother-of-pearl. Figures in relief. 431—ANTIQUE PicTURE “The Dance.” After Teniers. Etched on ivory. 432—ANTIQUE PicTURE ** Art and Literature.” After Boucher. Etched on ivory. 433—ANTIQUE SAMPLER Framed. 434—RoyaL VIENNA PLAQUE “St. Jerome.” By E. Ens. 435—RoyvaLt VIENNA PLAQUE “The Piano Player.” After Netcher. By L. Sturn, Vienna. 4A36—JAPANESE Sworp Elaborately carved ivory handle, guard and scab- bard. 437—JAPANESE SworpD Elaborately carved ivory handle, guard and scab- bard. 438—Ova.L Tray Old Sheffield silver plate. Shell and leaf shape pattern border. -439—Two Rounp DisHEs Sheffield silver plate. -440—Four Coasters Old Sheffield silver plate. 441—Ovat Breap Tray Old English silver plate. Rope border. -442—WinE CooLerR Urn shape. Old Sheffield silver plate. A43—WiINE CooLER Urn shape. Old Sheffield silver plate. Engraved coat-of-arms. .444—CANDELABRUM FoR THREE CANDLES Old English silver plate. Presentation piece. “Richard Cammack, Esq., Bennington, Feby, 1865.” -445—Patr CANDELABRA For five candles each. Gorham silver plate. 446—Pair CANDLESTICKS Antique brass. 447—OLp Brass Wau Box Repoussé ornamentation. 448—ANTIQUE Brass Or, Lamp Repoussé ornamentation. 449—Two Brass Reapinc Lamps Reproductions of antiques. 450—Patr Bronze CANDLESTICKS Egyptian designs. 451—Brass Reapinac Lamp Reproduction of the antique. 452—Brass Reapine Lamp With snuffers and utensils. Reproductions of the antique. ; 453—Bronze Roman Lamp Reproduction of antique. With figure of Mercury. 454—Brass INcENsE JAR Figures of three Africans supporting. 455—ITaLtian Bronze INKSTAND Mask and other designs in relief casting. 456—Haneine Lamp Brass. Serpent support. 457—ANTIQUE Brass Brazier | Repoussé ornamentation. Crown-shaped lid. 458—ANTIQUE STAND ON TRIPOD Brass lyre. 459—Two Pewter Purates Repoussé and incised ornamentation. Crown, fleur- de-lis and fabulous animals. 460—Iron Bas-rREvIEF MEDALLIONS St. Bartholomaeus. 461—Brass Trirpop INcensE Jar Lion head and loose ring handles. 462—Hanaine Lamp Openwork brass. Griffin ornaments. 463—Manret Crock Onyx and gilt brass. Movement by Bailey, Banks & Biddle. 464—Manver Set Consisting of bronze and marble case clock, sur- mounted by a bust of Penthésilée, by Emile Herbert, and two bronze candlesticks. 465—MantTeEL Set Consisting of bronze clock and two double candle- sticks and Oriental designs. 466—Larce OrienTAL Brass VaAsE Elaborate ornamentation of relief casting and chis- elling. Height, 28 inches. 467—Brass KETTLE AND LAMP With tall iron stand. 468—Larce Brass Tray Indian. Profuse incised ornamentation. 3 Diameter, 26 inches. 469—Repousst Brass PLague “The Roysterers.” After Teniers. Diameter, 25 inches. 470—Laree Dutcu Copper Jar, WITH CovER . Repoussé ornamentation of hunting scenes and bold _ 4 foliations. Used in churches as receptacle for ashes: from foot stoves. : Height, 261/, inches; diameter, 17 inches. 471—War Hat ann Two Harr Masks Japanese lacquer and iron. 472—ANTIQUE JAPANESE HELMET Wrought iron. 473—ANTIQUE CHINESE BRONZE Incense burner. Archaic leaf patterns in relief. 475—ANTIQUE JAPANESE BRONZE VASE Tall, slender bottle shape. 476—Pair Stork CAaNDLESTICKs Japanese bronze. 477—J APANESE Bronze Box Temple; drum shape. Repoussé and engraved ornamentation. 478—Trivop INcENsE BuRNER Japanese bronze. Tall form, on base. 479—Tra KetTrLE AND STAND Japanese bronze. 480—J APANESE KETTLE Antique iron. 481—JaPANESE Bronze INcENsE BuRNER Boat shape. 482—ANTIQUE JAPANESE Bronze HIBACHI Domestic scenes and sceptre head border in re- lief castings; openwork cover of dragon and cloud form designs. 483—Two INcENsE BurRNERS Bird shape. Bronze and champlevé. 484—JAPANESE Bronze INCENSE BURNER \ Tall globular shape on pedestal. Cover surmounted by an eagle attacking a serpent. 485—ANTIQUE JAPANESE LANTERN Openwork brass. 486—Tatut Stranp Japanese bronze. 487—JAPANESE BronzE OKIMONO Daimio, finely modelled and inlaid with silver. 488—Bronze TEMPLE GoNnG With red and gold lacquer stand. 489—Two JAPANESE Sworps One has scabbard of mother-of-pearl inlaid, with — metal mounting; the other, lacquer scabbard, with Japanese coin decoration and metal mounting. 490—Two Hinpoo Daacerrs Bone sheath, with etched decorations. 491—ALBANIAN KNIFE Horn handle. 4902—-ALBANIAN YATAGHAN Bone handle and metal mounts. 493—Dress Sworp Knight of Malta. 494—AFGHAN DaGGER Engraved blade. 495—Two Cavatry Sworps German. 406—SpanisH MACHETE 497—Two Fuint-Lock Pistous Italian. 498—Two Fuint-Ltock GuNs Chinese. 4990-—JAPANESE LANCE With lacquer handle. 500-—Murror ScoNCcE For three lights. Composition frame, gilded. $01—Cuinesrt Teakwoop Stanp Elaborately carved. Indian marble top. 502—JapaNEsE TEMPLE CHAIR Vermilion lacquer, with engraved brass mounts. 503—STANDING SCREEN, witH WINGS Needlework ornamentation of chrysanthemum flowers. 504—Marsie Busr Italian beauty. By P. Bauanti. 505—Tatut Onyx PEpEstTaL Column design, with gilt bands. 506—EMPIRE JARDINIERE Walnut, with gilt bronze ornaments and mounts. 507—Empire Work TABLE Walnut, with gilt ornaments and mounts. 508—Empire Easeu Walnut, with gilt metal mounts and ornaments. 509—Frencu CorNER TABLE Walnut, with gilt brass rail and mounts. 510—Bisovu CaBinet French; Louis XV. design. Gilt brass mounts. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, ; MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. = mee ie wee ae at & ie ee . HE he fa in ea ‘ ; Yan * . wae Boh FS; 3 ea ex