eg a wees “A a Sarco th LIBRARY O. M. KNOEDLER & CO, 3 Of 556-8 FIFTH AVE. cc. NEW YORK sm 99—Munkaery, “In the Seudaes” Fredersck i ‘Arqueb tichards, W. T,,: Near legert, “Call to. Di pamians, . Joseph : an ne Morning Val : Mitchell -Plassan, “Lady and Flowers; » T MeCormick.. Be: “Detar, ‘Bal Day for, the Hunt;? ‘MeCoskry , “in the Garden.” T. 1 Medormnter: 1.12.7: 5 Welnhandler. aha 2’ Mr. Wallace . v7 ler eading A Comic Pap B. Mitchell Remi ante Ne HU caus sik REPRINT | Cask ta ey Ca¥ 409 “Picking Se a F “R ae a Ai ti Se rc aiutes gniet, “The Bride? 7 > Millard F. Sis... Lezrel, ‘Examining the Sword;” T. 8. Bache.. ver von Bremen, ‘Df traction.? Mr. S.e bg ning Innocence.” W. E, ea so 1 48 Y | 49—Diaz, “The Fortune Teller,” Mr. Stewart... ... 2,900 BO Me ort, “Phe Young Mothers a A PALS erry eer eR Uithe IS R rranic’ 406 4.000 190 65 x ae Bly bringtime,”*. Mr, W Saks eae RG The Storm: WW ve 29600 uealal, ee volty at. th at GrezARV,. cee. Foe sia Ueiha ribesre's |) AMG? 58 ‘Aueu: Schmidt, “Grandtath Langeloth., 9. 9—Baugniot, “The Chicago re; Mr. Wein- Winter ccclac Sahl Rae hab hes eRe nee 160 Corrodi, “The Grana Cot SVAlbert Kaskel. 410 ranger, Emile, “Darning;" S. Bagh. i.e... 205. erdoeckho: en, “Landsca ae we shedp;” F ) Mar 615 4,100 Pee. “Autumn Flowers Pgh Siaise As ; M0 200 shall, of Bu Talo a) 67—Bonheur, Rosa, pon are re of the Forest: ie) 5A R. de la Mar Sa wnat he SVC Tie $705 68—Van Boskerck, “Gol? d; pds R. de ig Mar. 6Ao 69-—Rico, “Ve ilce:” A. Lewi Bolte tee aoyeeeh . 1,408 7O— Gérdmns, “Treading out Wheat in’ ‘Kevpe: ve FEB. Mitchelton. cece oa Re iapeeesesiee, . B,250 71—Lelotr, ae Butterfiy;” MeOosky But seek nega: “The. Old Shen hoe Nea cas Wha Coad Anata aR cree 220 obie, “Flowers, Fr ait and Objects 6f Att;? EB. ed COltrsas Weanmur cai ctvareantacgh seed ots ++ BOO f "OC, J. Hudson........ 600 Leadon and Cattle” George SR MRRIEL Spf, oe woo baie arals cio Beep athe EbreVead tisateieda's siete %6-—Herrmann, Leo, “Priest Fishing;” George NRL MINS iui Cal aes ubieaeins a Be thy acti ie cemlNcE Meee ate B25 rae ~Metssonter. E. “A Cavalier,” ir. Stewal'tes.... F000 WAT ot ville, ¢ ‘Cniragsinr:” George AdAMIS..... 2.40. 45°00 7—Sadée, “Going to Charch:” J. R.dé la Mar..... 150 80 —Cortazzo, ! ‘Vivlin Player:” George: Adams. woys 480 81—Leloir, “Temptation of St. Anthony;” JR. d VOMIT CoC R ea aires cy Seety aot ae tap cats Ge Kae * 2.000 82—Vibert, “Theological Dispute: Mi. Stewart... 4,200 83 —Merle, “Girl Knitting,” J.8, Stratton... ie on ale 475 $4-—Be ne-Bellecour, * “Reconnaissance;” G. H. 8. Mitchell... cn ecee. 85—Couture, *Pemale Head: sinepeve aoe 86—Arm 4 eld, “After the Fox; AE 2. dela ae 65U vee Gone. “Of for the Hunt;” Mr. “Re SET, ose 44 2,201! 68--3. G . Brown, “When Wé Were Girls;” George OPAMIIA ohn Ca ioe bislaie egeetl ea plastics ace wale iaae alae 80 89-——De Neuville, “Transport of. Prisoners; Mr. FUG WEU 6 csi isi eintan Wie Gasac a suble/gaeaanncnca bys 6,606 90 -Jules Breton. “Departure for the Welds Sehaus & Op OLarricade un cemtakms eae eet cele 17,006 | 91—Detaille, Prussian Cuirassiers Prcnerduied a French Provision Train; Mr. Stewart... ...-'7,090 92—Goubie, “Meath of the Stag;” Mr. Mit tchell..... 370100 u3-—Glaize. “Chinese Curiositica:” Mr. Keyser... 80 94—Relnhart, B. F., “The Young Heels of Old Vir ginta:” J.B. de Ja MAD oss ion scd ccdcouain wee 800 ' 95— Garland, As “Cattle and Sheep in a Snow- 5S SegaMie tbs Cho ARNG 2. cc. Ler ues case ent "03 a6-—Diftenbach, “The Foster Mother: G8. Strat- = aa cies via ste welch drawntn Ss aiaucee Rute agrees aie’ eS Sa) pL TeAshea. “Aurora;” J.B. dela Mar...., has 6,800 98-—Lefebvre, ‘Dawn; Judge P. i. Dug 2 2,006 of Milwaukee... re )\ a4 \e4 oo 7 CATALOGUE >) can MODERN PAINTINGS BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES jf. OS50KN THE ESTATR, OF THE LATE EDWIN THORNE AND TO EDWIN. S. CHAPIN TO BE SOLD BY ABSOLUTE AUCTION AT CHICKERING HALL FIFTH AVENUE AND EIGHTEENTH STREET ON FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 27TH BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O’CLOCK ALSO BRONZES, IVORY CARVINGS, PORCELAINS, BRIC-A-BRAC, ETC., ETC. BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE GHARLES- {..0Sh0 1) TO BE: SOLD On FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS JANUARY 27TH AND 28TH AT 2.30 P.M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES 6 EAST 23D STREET, MADISON SQUARE, SOUTH WHERE THE COLLECTIONS ARE ON EXHIBITION DAY AND EVENING THOMAS E. KIRBY, AuctIongER AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MAnacers NEW YORK 1893 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be imme- diately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, 7/ required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase- money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satis- faction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Article ts not to be set aside on account of any error in the description, or imperfection. All articles are ex- posed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. s. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited , all Lots uncleared within three days from conclusion of Sale shall be re-sold by pub- lic or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. THOS. E. KIRBY, AucrTIonEEr. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. NOTE. THE paintings and other objects described in this cata- logue are the property of the estate of the late Charles J. Osborn, the estate of the late Edwin Thorne (to be sold by order of the executors), and of Mr. E. S. Chapin, who takes this opportunity to dispose of his entire private col- lection of paintings. The parties in interest have given us instructions to sell each and every painting and other objects without reserva- tion of any kind. To the description of each painting is appended the owner’s name. The paintings will be sold at CHICKERING HALL on the evening of FRIDAY, JANUARY 27TH, beginning promptly at eight o’clock, and the bronzes, ivory carvings, porce- lains, bric-a-brac, etc., will be sold at the American Art Galleries on the afternoons of Friday and Saturday, January 27th and 28th, beginning each afternoon at three o'clock. Respectfully, THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. New York, Yanuary zo, 1893. ARTISTS REPRESENTED. Allen-Schmidt, E., No. 58. Armfield, George, No. 86. Bacon, Henry, No. 40. Bakalowicz, L., No. 4. Baugniet, Chas., Nos. 12, 59, 45. Beards Wb Nomen Béranger, Emile, No. 61. Berne-Bellecour, E. P., No. 84. Bonheur, Mlle. Rosa, No. 67. Boughton, G. H., No. 43. Bouguereau, W. A., No. 97. Breton, Jules, No. go. Brown, J. G., Nos. 6, 88. Caille, Léon, No. 44. Casanova y Estorach, Antonio, No. 41. Charnay, A., No. 7. Cederstrém, Baron, No. 36. Comte, P. C., Nos. 11, 54. ~ Coomans, Joseph, No. 28. Corrodi, A., No. 60. Cortazzo, No. 8o. Cot, P. A., Nos. 55, 56. Couture, Thomas, No. 85. DelortwEsENowse: De Neuville, Alphonse, No. 89. Desgoffe, B., Nos. 14, 65. Detaille oj. Bo, Noss 2352 76,.00s Diaz, N. V., No. 49. Dieffenbach, H. A., No. 96. Firmin-Girard, Nos. 9, 64. Flameng, Francois, No. 72. Frére, C. T., No. 24. Garland, H., No. 95. Géréme, J. L., Nos. 63, 70. Glaizey Pe PE le Noss8, 33,93. Goubie, J. R., Nos. 30, 87, 92. Guy, 5. J., No. 5. leleull, (Cray, JEG Ikon ee ARTISTS REPRESENTED. Hart, Jas. M., No. 29. Hays, W. J., No. 38. Heade, M. J., No. 13. H[errmann, Leo, No. 76. Irving, J. Beaufain, No. 8. Koek-Koek, B. C., No. 74. Kowalski, A. W., No. 57. Kraus, F., No. 16. Lefebvre, Jules J., No. 98. Leloir, A. Louis, Nos. 25, 71, 81. Leon y Escosura, Nos. 1, 22. Lesrel, A. A., No. 46. Meissonier, J. L. E., No. 77. Merle, Hugues, No. 83. Meyerheim, F. E., No. 50. Meyer von Bremen, J. G., Nos. 42, 47. Munkacsy, M., No. 99. Paulsen, F., No. 48. Percy, S. R.; No. 15. Perrault, L. B., No. 53. Plassan, A. E., No. 31. Reinhart, B. F., No. 94. Reyntzen, R. J., No. 3. Richards, W. T., Nos. 26, 66. Rico, Martin, No. 69. Robie, J. B., No. 73. Sadée, P., No. 79. Saintin, J. E., No. 34. Schwartze, A. G., No. 39. Siegert, A., Nos. 10, 27. Smith; T. L., No. 52. Toulmouche, A., No. 20. Troyon, Constant, No. 75. Van Boskerck, R. W., No. 68. Van Marcke, E., No. 51. Verboeckhoven, E. J., No. 62. Verheyden, F., No. 37. Vibert, J. G., Nos. 17, 82. Voltz, F., No. Ig. Ziem, Felix, No. 35. CATALOGUE SALE AT CHICKERING HALL Friday Evening, January 27th BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O’CLOCK OIL PAINTINGS No. 1 The Visitor By LEON IGNACIO DE ESCOSURA Height, 10 inches ; length, 13 inches. Dated 1871 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn| COD WL Born in Arviedo, Spain. Pupil of Géréme in Paris. By nature an enthusiastic anti- quarian, and seeker after national historical relics, he devoted himself to scenes associ- ated with them. He also paints portraits. Has made several visits to America, painting local subjects and portraits. THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. No. 2 + é Peaches in Bowl By GEORGE HENRY HALL me . bea” d a Height, 84 inches ; length, ro} inches. Dated 1869 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] G-H-Hall Born in Boston, 1825. Studied in Diis- seldorf, 1849, and in Paris from 1850 to 1852, Sketched in Spain in 1860 and 1866. Visited Italy in 1872, and Egypt in 1875. Elected a member of the National Academy of Design, 1868. Has painted many pictures of American as well as foreign and Oriental landscape. No. 3 A New Novel Bye He ober EY NaZeNS Height, 13 inches ; width, 94 inches. Not dated [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] 3 HE Reyn fend, OIL PAINTINGS. 9 No. j 0. 4 / The Bridal Party #) By LADISLAUS BAKALOWICZ - Height, 25} inches ; length, 36 inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S. Chapin] nes Born at Cracow, Poland. Pupil : akahowier of the Academy at Warsaw, and painted in that city for some years ; then visited Paris and Munich to complete his education. No. 5 Arithmetics IBN Se VNU O Wie fea COV INGA Height, 12 inches ; width, roinches. Dated 1872 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Born at Greenwich, England, 1824. Stud- ied-in London under Buttersworth and Am- brose Jerome. Came to America in 1854 and began as a portrait painter. His solidly executed and always pleasing domestic genre subjects, which he exe- cuted for his own gratification, attracted attention, and led him to cultivate this line of the art, which he has since pursued with success. He became a member of the National Academy of Design in 1865. u # 10 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. No, 6 y vil Have a Shine, Sir! By JOHN G. BROWN, N.A ERTS Height, 19} inches ; width, 144 inches. Dated 1886 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born at Durham, England, 1831, Studied at Newcastle-on-Tyne and in the Edinburgh Academy of Design. Painted portraits in London, and in 1853 came to New York, where he studied at the National Academy of Design. ie C.Brown NA: While painting portraits in this city for a living, he cultivated an original style of genre which speedily attracted attention to him, and whose popularity led to his final adoption of this walk of art. Became a member of the National Academy, 1863; is one of the founders of the American Water Color Society, the Artists’ Fund Society, etc. No. 7 | 4 tt 9) MK: Aa va ’ CAS V4 ~ h % Among the Flowers 10 By ARMAND CHARNAY /¥) Height, 14 inches ; width, 9 inches. Not dated [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] ACharns Born at Charlieu, near Paris. Studied figure painting under Feyen Perrin and Pils, but adopted landscape as his forte, Received his first medal at the Salon of 1876, v OIL PAINTINGS. II No. 8 / go¢ A Cavalier By J. BEAUFAIN IRVING, N.A. Height, 93 inches; width, 7 inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S, Chapin] §. 3 onfain-dreingd Born in Charleston, S. C., 1826. Studied in his native city and became a portrait painter. Went to Europe in 1851, and studied under Leutze at Diisseldorf. Returned to Charleston, and at the end of the Civil War removed his studio to New York, first exhibiting at the National Academy of Design in 1867, and becoming an Acade- mician in 1872. He painted genre pictures of a rare richness of color and delicacy of finish, which won him the title of the American Meissonier. He died in 1876, and an exhibition of his pictures made for the benefit of his family in the private gallery of Mr. August Belmont confirmed the reputation won during his lifetime. No. 9 Asleep By FIRMIN-GIRARD ’ Height, 9 inches; length, r2} inches. Dated 187: [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] FIRMIN-CIRARD. Born at Poncin, 1838. A favorite pupil of Gleyre, he early adopted, un- der his master’s advice, a style of light subjects of elegant genre, painted in fresh and bright colors. Medals in 1863, 1874, etc. 12 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. No. Io 4 ‘ The Luncheon ‘ By AUGUST SIEGERT Height, 11 inches ; width, 93 inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S. Chapin] A.Se ext. Born at Neuwied, 1820. Pupil of i) Hildebrandt and Schadow, at the Diisseldorf Academy. Student in Antwerp, Paris, Munich, and Holland, from the old masters, and settled in Diisseldorf, where he became a professor at the Acad- emy in 1872. Medals at Vienna, etc. No. 11 The Miniature - By PIERRE GHARLES COMTE Height, 16 inches; width, r2} inches. Not dated ~ [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Born in Lyons, 1823. Pupil of P Ee COMTE. Paul Delaroche, Horace Vernet, and Robert Fleury. Attracted at- tention first at the Salon of 1847, with his ‘‘Lady Jane Grey,” and in 1855 received a first-class medal for his ““ Meeting of Henry III. and the Duc de Guise,” now in the Luxembourg collection. Other medals in 1852, 1853, 1857, and 1867 ; Legion of Honor, 1857. OIL PAINTINGS. 13 No. 12 The Finishing Touch By CHARLES BAUGNIET Height, 17} inches ; width, 144 inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born in Brussels, 1814. Was first known by a series of three hundred portraits of celebrities drawn from life on stone. Became member of Ghent Academy, 1836; Draughtsman to the King, 1841; Knight of the Order of Boson; Leopold, 1843 ; spent eighteen years in England as portrait painter, and then settled in France as a painter of genre. As a painter, is a pupil of J. Paelinck and M. F. Willems, and has been decorated in France, Spain, Portugal, and Saxony. No. 13 Apple Blossoms By MARTIN J. HEADE Height, 14 inches; length, 18 inches. Dated 187x [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn| Born in Bucks Co., Pa. His early MA Roeade leaning toward art led him to edu- cate himself, and, having learned to paint, he became a portrait painter. Spent two years in Italy, then worked in Boston and the West, and next made various trips to South America, the first with the Rev. J. C. Fletcher, in order to illus- trate a book on humming-birds. Is best known as a painter of landscape and shore scenes. Is a Chevalier of the Order of the Rose of Brazil. 14 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. No. 14 } OM Still Life V By BLAISE ALEXANDRE DESGOFFE Height, 114 inches ; width, 94 inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Blaise Desuoffe Born in Paris, 1830. Nephew ase 2) and early pupil of his uncle, Alexandre Desgoffe, the landscape painter. Studied under Flandrin and Bouguereau, and eventually devoted himself to the painting of still life, in which he combined a marvellous accuracy of detail and color with breadth and brilliancy of effect. Medals in 1861, 1863, etc. ; Legion of Honor, 1878. No. 15 English Landscape IBN SIUOINIEAY “IRS IRIE INCE ~ Height, 11 inches; length, 18 inches. Dated 1867 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn | OD rerey, Born in England. A painter of English landscape of the pastoral and wilder order. Has his studio during the greater part of the year at Sutton, Surrey. OIL PAINTINGS. 15 No. 16 O iy The Forbidden Book BY FRIEDERICH KRAUS Height, 26 inches ; width, 21 inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Op re Born in Krottingen, East Prussia, > WOU. 1826. Studied at the Academy of KGnigsberg, spent two years in Paris and one in Rome, and settled in Berlin in 1856. Has won great success as a portrait painter, and as a painter of genre subjects partly domestic and partly historical, harmoniously colored and softly modelled, in the manner of Terburg and Netscher. No. 17 Halberdier By JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT Height, 12} inches ; width, g inches. Dated 1869 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Born in Paris, 1840. Pupil of Picot and} Barrias. A man of very original and novel ideas. A thorough draughtsman and’ painter, who has made an individual mark. Kee, Beginning as a painter of the nude, he has become one of the best known artistic satirists of ourtime. Everything he touches a \ Veeat has an idea behind it. He is an able : writer as well as painter, has written for the stage with success, and is represented in most public and private collections. His ‘‘ Missionary’s Story,” an admirable satire, was purchased by Mr. C. P. Huntington at the Morgan sale, New York, 1886, for $25,000. 16 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. No. 18 } a Merchant Selling Shawls By PIERRE PAUL feON GEAIZE Height, 12 inches ; length, 17 inches. Dated 1872 [Mr. E. S. Chapin| FF Leow Glaize, Sonand pupil of Auguste Glaize and pupil of Géréme ; born in Paris, 1842. In 1859 he received an honorable mention for his Salon picture of ‘ Delilah.” Medals, 1864, 1866, 1868, 1878 ; Legion of Honor, 1877. No. I9 | Landscape and Cattle By FRIEDERICH VOLTZ Height, 134 inches; length, 23 inches. Dated 1873 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Born at Nérdlingen, 1817. Pupil of his 8 a Ny father, Johann Michael Voltz, a well-known ES wo? painter of history and genre. Studied at | “TS aN the Munich Academy, painted in the Bava- rian Alps, in Italy, the Low Countries, kilt: Paris, Vienna, and Berlin, and then settled in Munich. Member of the Munich, Ber- lin, and Vienna Academies, Professor at the Munich Academy, Knight of the Prussian Order of the Red Eagle and the Bavarian Order of St. Michael ; medals of gold at Berlin, 1856, 1861; Grand Medal for Art of Wiirtemberg, etc. His works have set him at the head of the school of landscape and cattle painters in Germany. st 4) OIL PAINTINGS. WG) No. 20 The Confidante By AUGUSTE TOULMOUCHE Height, 84 inches; width, 7 inches. Dated 1872 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] M4. Loulhinnle Born in Nantes, 1829. Pupil of Gleyre. Adopted a style of sub- ject founded on daily events of fashionable life of a piquant character. A careful painter of detail, especially in textures, and an accurate draughtsman. Medals, 1852, 1859, 1861, 1878; Legion of Honor, 1870. No. 21 Boys and Turtle By WILLIAM H. BEARD, N.A. Height, 16 inches ; length, 22 inches. Dated 1869 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Born in Painesville, Ohio, 1825. Be- gan as a travelling portrait painter, settled in Buffalo, N.Y., 1850, and visited Europe on his savingsin 1857. Studied at Diisseldorf, and painted and sketched in Italy, Switzerland, and France. Set- tled in New York City, 1860 ; became a WH.B eard National Academician, 1862. Adopted animal painting as his specialty, invest- ing his pictures with an interest of idea, by giving to the brute creation a suggestion of the action and expression of the human race. 2 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. a. - om No. 22 ad Teasing the Pet 2> 04 (} ® » By LEON IGNACIO DE ESCOSURA Height, 9} inches ; width, 7} inches. Dated 1866 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born in Arviedo, Spain. Pupil of Gé- rome in Paris. By nature an enthusias- tic antiquarian and seeker after national historical relics, he devoted himself to scenes associated with them. He also paints portraits. Has made several visits to America, painting local subjects and por- traits. No. 23 Just Off Duty 4 By JEAN BAPTISTE EDOUARD DETAILLE Height, 9 inches ; width, 5}inches. Dated 1877 | ‘ fj ‘ } we is [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] {poaiinn, Born at Paris, 1848. Favored | : pupil of Meissonier. First exhibited at Salon, 1868. Medals, 1869, 1870, 3 1872. Legion of Honor, 1873 ; Offi- x “wf < cer of Legion, 1881. Grand Medal } of Honor, 1891. Studio in Paris. ~ Detaille, at his present early EDOovaro DETAILLE. age, already leads the military painters of France, and has received the highest honors for his patriotism-inspiring productions. OIL PAINTINGS. ae) No. 24 Caravan Leaving Cairo By CHARLES THEODORE FRERE Height, 154 inches ; length, 24 inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S. Chapin] TH. FRERE. Born in Paris, 1815. Pupil of J. Cogniet and Roqueplan. First ex- hibited at the Salon, 1834. Went to Algiers with the French army in 1836, and travelled extensively in Egypt. He was one of the first of the French painters to develop the northern part of Africa as a field for artistic inspira- tion, and to give an impulse in that direction which had a strong influence upon the art of France in the last genera- tion. Medals in 1848, 1865, etc. He was the elder brother of Pierre Edouard Frére, the distinguished genre painter. No. 25 The Arquebusier By ALEXANDRE LOUIS LELOIR Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches. Dated 1868 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Loucs Leloir: Born in Paris, 1843. Pupil of his father, Jean Baptiste Leloir, the histori- cal painter. First painted scenes of biblical history, but eventually devoted himself to genre subjects, chiefly from the life of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. A brilliant painter in water colors as well as oils. Medals, 1864, 1868, 1870, 1878; Legion of Honor, 1876. Died in 1884, 20 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. =e No. 26 , \ ail 60 0 =, ; > Al Surf Vifasebnte By WILLIAM TROST RICHARDS Height, x4 inches ; length,26 inches. Dated 1873 {[Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born in Philadelphia, 1833. Pupil SN of Paul Weber. Travelled and studied a 56 in Italy, France, Germany, and Eng- Sia Bee, land. Exhibited first at the Royal Xn Ag Academy, London, 1869, and at the Paris Salon, 1873. Is an Honorary : ian Member of the National Academy Wes Richards. of Design, and an Associate of fe American Water Color Society. Commencing as a land- scape painter, he now devotes himself chiefly to coast and marine views, in which he stands without a rival in America. Among his medals are those of the Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876, and the Temple Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1885. No. 27 Call to Dinner a By AUGUST SIEGERT Height, 284 inches ; width, 231 inches. Not dated [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] ASe at, Born 1820. Pupil of Hildebrandt and Schadow, at the Diisseldorf Academy. Studied in Antwerp, Paris, Munich, and Holland from the old masters, and settled in Diisseldorf, where he became Professor at the Academy in 1872. Medals at Vienna, etc. OIL PAINTINGS. 21 No. 28 The Kiss By JOSEPH COOMANS Height, 18 inches ; width, 14} inches. Dated 1871 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born in Brussels, 1816. Studied un- der Hasselacre in Ghent, Nicaise de Keyser and Wappers in Antwerp, and in Paris. Visited Algiers with the French army, and travelled in Italy, Turkey, Greece, and the Crimea. ies Devoted himself chiefly to Pompeian subjects, of which he had made a close study. Had his studio in New York in 1889-90, Died in 1891. His two daughters have inherited much of his talent and paint in a similar style. No. 29 Landscape By JAMES M. HART, N.A. Height, 20 inches ; length, 34 inches. Dated 1871 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Ee Born at Kilmarnock, Scotland, 1828, pe is =p and brought to America by his parents in ~ 0) 1831. Studied painting under his elder 4 Ne brother, William Hart, and Schirmer in } M ) y ~ Diisseldorf. Beginning as a landscape painter only, he has since become a Aer |Hart, painter of landscape and cattle of great ‘ beauty of composition and color. In his cattle pieces he is a close and constant student and a master of form and color. He became an Associate of the National Academy of Design in 1857, and a full member in 1859. x THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. £ ¢ Mf o No. 30 pet Panip My si The Morning Walk \. | L By JEAN R. GOUBIE Height, rz inches ; length, 14 inches. Dated 1871 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] : R Born in Paris, 1842. Pupil of Gé- Oubre rome. A painter of genre in which figures and animals are combined, with landscape accessories accurate in drawing and truth- ful in color ; his pictures have become very popular. He has been repeatedly medalled since his first Salon medal of 1874. Lady and Flowers } 4 | / WU By ANTOINE EMILE PLASSAN Height, 12} inches ; width, 9 inches. Dated 1870 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Prassan Born at Bordeaux. Student at the Bordeaux _ Academy, and at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, but largely self-taught. A painter of genre in an agreeable and original style. Medals, 1852, 1857, 1859, and at Philadelphia Exposition, 1876; Legion of Honor, 1859. OIL PAINTINGS. 23 No. 32 Bad Day for the Hunt By CHARLES EDOUARD DELORT Height, 14 inches ; length, 20 inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S. Chapin] C-DeLort Born at Nismes, 1814. Began painting in his native city, and on his accumulated earnings travelled to Paris and became a pupil of Gleyre and of J. L. Géréme. Devoted himself largely to genre subjects of the last century, in which he exhibits graceful composition, clear, bright color, good character, and close study of history. Medals in 1875, 1882, etc. No. 33 In the Garden BY PIERRE PAGE LEON GLAIZE Height, 9} inches ; length, 13 inches. Dated 1872 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] e/a. Glaize Son and pupil of Auguste Glaize and pupil of Géréme. Born in Paris, 1842. In 1859 he received an honorable mention for his Salon picture of ‘‘ Delilah.” Medals, 1864, 1866, 1868, 1878 ; Legion of Honor, 1877. THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. No. 34 oP r¢ m Expectation i By JULES EMILE SAINTIN 4 “\\_ Height, 28} inches ; width, 21 inches. Dated 1872 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] | Born at Lemé, 1829. Pupil of Drélling, Picot, and lLeboucher. Medals, 1866, 1870; Munich, 1883 ; { Legion of Honor, 1877. Painter of | portrait genre of great life and spirit, and also a noted portraitist in crayon and pastel. He made a pro- CE NS ee fessional visit to the United States in his youth, and left a number of excellent examples of his art here. ! | No. 35 | Venice | hoe By FELIX ZIEM Ser _ Height, 214 inches; length, 32 inches. Not dated [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Born at Beaune, France. Studied at the Dijon Art Academy. Travelled and painted pictures in the South of France ' and Holland. Then visited Venice and Constantinople, and began the series of subjects by which his reputation was estab- lished. Received his first Salon medal, 1851. Legion of Honor, 1857 ; Officer, 1878. Ziem’s pictures of Venice and of Constantinople were the first to do justice, in modern times, to the picturesque possibilities of their subjects. While preserving the material characteristics of his scenes, he invests them with a splendor of color in keeping with their historical associations and the spirit of the gorgeous past, of which they. are magnificent, if decaying, monu- ments. OIL PAINTINGS. 25 No. 36 Reading a Comic Paper By BARON THURE VON CEDERSTROM Height, 124 inches ; width, 9 inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born in the province of Smaland, Puledeshinn Sweden, 1843. The son of a cap- tain of cavalry, he entered the ser- vice and was until 1871 an officer of the Swedish Guard at Stockholm. His cousin, a well-known genre painter in Paris, encouraged him to study art, and he resigned from the army, became a student at Diisseldorf under Albert Baur, and at the Weimar Art Academy. Finally, after a long tour of study in Europe, settled in Munich. Medals in London, 1879, etc. No. 37 Picking Cherries By FRANCISCUS VERHEYDEN Height, 28 inches ; width, 22 inches. Not dated [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Born at Louvain, 1806. Pupil in Paris of Jerome Langlois. Medals: Ghent, 1841; Brussels, 1845. Knight of the Order of Leopold. An extremely popular painter of genre subjects of his native land. 26 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. , No. 38 179 280° Scotch Terrier /2.9 * By WILLIAM JACOB HAYS, A.N.A. a Height, 8 inches; width, 6inches. Dated 1872 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] WJ. Hays, Born in New York City, 1830. Learned drawing under J. R. Simple, and went in 1860 into the western wilderness to paint the animals of the country ; studied the habits of the wild animals of the northern parts of the United States and Nova Scotia in their haunts. Made an Associate of the National Academy, 1852. Died in 1875. No. 39 Monk Reading ay ALBERT GUSTAV SCHWARTZE Height, 30} inches ; width, 24} inches. Not dated. [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Schucantze Born in Berlin, 1833. Commenced life as a locksmith. ‘Then studied art under Professor Max Schmidt at the Berlin Academy, and became a landscape painter. After a sojourn in Rome, spent some time in study under Anton von Werner, and has since devoted himself to genre painting with success. Medals at Munich, Berlin, etc. chim pening penne ct AO alt, tee gee OIL PAINTINGS. 27 No. 40 /9 Taking Toll ie By HENRY BACON — I, Height, 8} inches; width, 10} inches. Dated 187z [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born at Haverhill, Mass., 1839. il Served gallantly through the Civil War, i 7 and was badly wounded. Upon his iH \~ convalescence, went to Europe, and be- i _ came a pupil of the Paris Hcole des i >» Beaux Arts in 1864, and studied under Cabanel and Edouard Frére. Painter Ptenry Q2eon of genre and character subjects, and : also well known as a writer on art. eae § forse No. AI v WAK ARMS Ce ee «Music Hath Charms ” n i ( By ANTONIQ GASANOVA Y ESTORACH & f Height, 16 inches : width, 13 inches. Dated 1883 [Estate of fhe late Charles J. Osborn] G03) Arte? Cosanota stat , Born at Tortosa, Spain. Pupil of Claudio Lorenzale at Bar- celona, and at the Madrid Academy under Federico de Madrazo ; then studied at Rome, and finally in Paris. Commencing as a painter of historical subjects, full of character and color, he next struck into a line of genre which won him reputation and fortune, choosing themes inspired with a sly drollery, which he executes in a sym- } pathetic spirit. 28 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. No. 42 Fondly Gazing y £9). By J. G. MEYER VON BREMEN Height, 223 inches ; width, 17 inches. Dated 1872 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born in Bremen, 1813. Pupil of Karl Sohn and Schadow at the Diisseldorf Academy, and commenced as a painter of biblical subjects; but the scenes of rural life which he encountered during a sketching tour diverted him to the Moye vin Bee genre subjects by which he became famous. He found his material in the Hessian, Bavarian, and Swiss mountains, in Belgium and Northern Germany, and won a world-wide popularity almost from the start. In 1852 he settled in Berlin, and became a Professor of the Academy in 1863. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Knight of the Order of Leo- pold. Medal at Philadelphia, 1876, etc. He died in 1886. No. 43 The Puritans (Water color) yt By GEORGE HENRY BOUGHTON, N.A. ass Height, 18 inches ; width, 13 inches. Not dated Js [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Po a9: * 2 Born at Norwich, Eng., 1834. Brought to America as a child, and educated in Albany. In 1853 visited Scotland, Ireland, AST and England, and in 1858 settled in New | “York. Went to Paris in 1860, where he painted under Edouard Frére, and settled GH. B down in London in 1861. Was made a Member of the National Academy of Design, 1871 ; Associate of the Royal Academy, London, 1879; full Member of Royal Academy, 1888. Com- menced as a landscape painter, but has become widest known as a painter of early New England and colonial life, viewed from a genre rather than historical stand- point, and full of sentiment and character. OIL PAINTINGS, 29 No: 44 f Parental Joy By LEON CAILLE Height, 9} inches ; length, 13 inches. Dated 1872 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born at Merville, 1836. Pupil of al Léon Cogniet. Won wide popularity by his works in genre, characterized by careful execution and an attractive style and color. No. 45 The Bride By CHARLES BAUGNIET Height, 17 inches; width, 13} inches. Dated 1872 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Born in Brussels 1814 ; was first known by a series of 300 portraits of celebrities drawn from life on stone. Became men- ber of Ghent Academy, 1836 ; Draughts- man to the King, 1841; Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1843 ; spent eighteen (-Baignict: years in England as portrait painter, and oon then settled in France as a painter of genre. Asa painter, was a pupil of J. Paelinck and M. F. Willems, and has been decorated in France, Spain, Portugal, and Saxony. 30 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. No. 46 }5o° 2G Examining the Sword By ADOLPHE ALEXANDRE LESREL * Height, 25} inches; width, 21} inches. Dated 1872 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] A- LESREL Born at Genest, in the Manche. Pupil of Géréme. He has painted historical subjects, and been also successful in por- traiture, but is chiefly popular for his genre pictures of the Renaissance period, with rich costumes and acces- sories. No. 47 Distraction IBNZ lp (Gi BENDIS VON BREMEN Height, 14 inches; width, rx} inches. Dated 1870 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn| Born in Bremen, 1813. Pupil of Karl Sohn and Schadow at the Diisseldorf Academy, and commenced as a painter of biblical subjects ; but the scenes of rural life which he encountered dur- ing a sketching tour diverted him to ‘ the genre subjects by which he Meyer von SBremen neue famous. He found his material in the Hessian, Bavarian, and Swiss mountains, and won a world-wide popularity almost from the start. In 1852 he settled in Berlin, and became Professor of the Academy in 1863, Member of the Amsterdam Academy, Knight of the Order of Leopold. Medal at Philadelphia, 1876, etc., etc. Died, 1886. OIL PAINTINGS. 31 No. 48 Sleeping Innocence BY FRITZ PAULSEN Height, 24 inches ; width, 19 inches. Dated 1872 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] SFE Born at Schwerin, 1838. Pupil Srety Fralsen, of Disseldorf Academy, and of — Piloty in Munich. Studied also four years in Paris, and settled in Berlin when driven with other Germans from France in 1870. Professor at the Berlin Academy. Medals in Germany and the Netherlands. A painter of a genial line of genre, and of portraits strong in character and harmonious in color. _ No. 49 7h. &#, ~ £od bf- fh Ue Fi OS KR /\ The Fortune Teller By NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ Height, 29 inches; width, 234 inches. Dated 1873 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Full name, N. V. Diaz de laPefia. Born, of Spanish parentage, at Bordeaux, 1808. Lost a leg by accident in his boyhood. Began as a porcelain painter. Settled in Paris as painter of landscapes and figures. Salon medals, 1844, 1846, 1848 ; Legion “ A ie of Honor, 1851. Died at Mentone, Snow 1876. Diaz was the most energetic and indomitable fighter of the men of 1830, and pushed himself resolutely before the public, advocat- ing their theories and commanding respect for them in a voice which brooked no denial. His influence, like that of his illustrious associates, is indicated by the many pupils and imitators of ability who have followed his style, without rivalling him. 32 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS, No. 50 et Soe The Young Mother il at) + |< as By FRIEDERICH EDUARD MEYERHEIM Height, 134 inches ; width, rof inches. Dated 1872 [Mr E, 5. Chapin] Born in Dantzic, 1808. Pupil of his father and the Berlin Academy. Mem- ber of the Berlin Academy, 1836; Pro- fessor, 1855; received Bavarian Order of Michael, 1859, and Prussian Order of the Red Eagle. Medals, 1848, 1850, Frary Mleyerhyeim, 1855. He painted chiefly subjects of peasant life in Thuringia and the Harz Mountains, and died in 1879. His two sons are living German painters of distinction. nore No. 51 = ayy) Cattle Yomyyet By EMILE VAN MARCKE 4 , Height, 26 inches; width, 22 inches. Not dated > a [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Born at Sévres, 1827. Employed as decorator in the porcelain factories. En- couraged by Troyon, whose pupil he became, and who induced him to set up a studioin Paris. First exhibited at the : Salon, 1857. Medals, 1867, 1869, Em vary Mowcke. 1870, 1878; Legion of Honor, 1872. He died in 1891. Van Marcke came, after Troyon, first among the cattle painters i of France. In his early works the resemblance to his master in style is marked, but the productions of his prime are thoroughly individual. He possessed the double gift of observation and composition, and his pict- ures, while always true to nature, display an agreeable arrangement and adaptation of the material as well. The sale of his studio effects, after his death, was one of the greatest successes ever recorded for such an event. OIL PAINTINGS. 33 No. 52 Old Manor House By THOMAS LOCHLAN SMITH, A.N.A. Height, 22 inches ; length, 34 inches, Dated 1876 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] (a srr Born in Glasgow, Scotland, 1835. Pupil of G. H. Boughton in Albany, 1850. Removed to New York in 1862, and became an Associate of the National Academy of Design in 1870. He made a specialty of winter land- scapes with much success, and was in person a most original man. He died in 1884, No. 53 After Dinner By LEON BAZILE PERRAULT Height, 25 inches; length, 3oinches. Dated 1871 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Born at Poitiers. Pupil of Picot and Bouguereau. Has adopted a style of genre on a large scale, like the latter master, but entirely individual in style. It is characterized by firm and accurate draw- oe ripe, strong color, and broad, solid -|- oe modelling. Medals in 1864, 1876, etc. vas a o 34 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. No. 54 Ot” The Billet-doux By PIERRE CHARLES COMTE Height, 18 inches ; width, 14} inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born in Lyons, 1823. Pupil of P. C.COMTE. Paul Delaroche, Horace Vernet, and Robert Fleury. Attracted attention first at the Salon of 1847 with his ‘‘ Lady Jane Grey,” and in 1855 received a first-class medal for his “‘ Meeting | of Henry III. and the Duc de Guise,” now in the Luxembourg collection. Other medals in 1852, 1853, 1857, and 1867; Legion of Honor, 1857. : NOs owe Fg, Se OEM s ioe aa Spring Time bs bork | No. 56 : The Storm | By PIERRE AUGUSTE COT Height of each, 24 inches; width, 16 inches. Not dated [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] =| Born at Bédarieux, 1837. Pupil of | P-A+CO * Cogniet, Cabanel, and Bouguereau. | Began as historical painter, but adopted portraits and genre. Medals, 1870, 1872; Legion of Honor, 1874. Died in 1883. OIL PAINTINGS. £15) No. 57 Cavalry at the Smithy / / Ls By ALFRED WIERUSZ KOWALSKI 42 Height, 14} inches; length, 21} inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Mincsie nonlin = Proper name, Alfred Ko- walski von Wierusz. Born in Warsaw, Poland, of an ancient family of the minor no- bility. Pupil of the Warsaw, Dresden, and Munich Academies, and of Alexander Wagner and Joseph Brandt. Devotes himself chiefly to scenes of the chase, combin- ing figures and animals, which he paints with great dash and in a vivid spirit. Medals at Munich and other European exhibitions, No. 58 Grandfather By EDOUARD ALLEN-SCHMIDT Height, 7} inches; width, 6} inches. Dated 1872 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] A German artist, who has EaAlln Seiwa acquired an extended repute in Paris for his admirable cabinet pictures, in a minute style of execution, but strong in color and broad in effect. He began his studies in Germany, then settled in Paris, and adopted the manner of subject of the Dutch masters in genre of the historic period. THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. No. 59 The Chicago Fire By CHARLES BAUGNIET Height, 17} inches ; width, 13} inches. Dated 1872 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn | a Born in Brussels, 1814. Member of (4 | Ghent Academy, 1836; Draughtsman to 6 = the King, 1841 ; Knight of the Order of “s y Leopold, 1843; spent eighteen years in E Zine England as a portrait painter, and then = settled in France as a painter of genre, Pupil of J. Paelinck and M. F. Willems. CBaugniee Received decorations in France, Spain, Portugal, and Saxony. No. 60 The Grand Council By ARNOLD CORRODI Height, 22 inches; width, 17} inches. Dated 1872 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Arwolo Corron onan Rome, 1844. The -son of a Swiss landscape painter, Solo- mon Corrodi, who had settled there in 1828. Studied in Rome and Paris in company with his twin brother Her- man. Won early approbation by his historical and genre pictures, and died in 1874. OIL PAINTINGS, Syl No. 61 Darnin Wa k fur ~47) 8 Sixx: - By J. B. A. EMILE BERANGER Height, 18 inches ; width, 12 inches. Dated 1870 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] EM. BERANGER. Born at Sévres, 1814. Son of Antoine Béranger, under whom he was for a time employed in decorating porcelain at the Sévres factory. Finally devoted himself to genre paint- ing, in Paris. Medals, 1846, 1848, etc. No. 62 Landscape with Sheep By EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN Height, 233 inches; length, 29 inches. Dated 185r [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born at Warneton, West Flanders, 1799. Pupil of his father, the sculptor Barthélemi Verboeckhoven, and studied in England, Germany, France, and Italy. Made the painting of animals his specialty, and characterized his pictures by a mi- nutely accurate execution in drawing Lee and color. Settled in Brussels in c ee hover 1841. Was a member of the Acade- mies of Brussels, Ghent, Antwerp, Amsterdam, and St. Petersburg; of the Legion of Honor ; Commander of the Order of Leopold, of that of Francis Joseph; of the Order of Michael of Bavaria, the Order of Christ of Portugal, and the Iron Cross. Died in 1881. ae 38 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. ge £9 No. 63 F? ? 7, AA wes The Oriental Carpet Merchant By JEAN LEON GEROME Height, 33 inches; width, 26 inches. Not dated [Estate of the late Edwin Thorne] Born at Vesoul, 1824. Favorite pupil of Paul Delaroche, who took him to Rome. Then studied under Gleyre. Secured his first medal at the Salon of 1847. Next visited Rus- sia and Egypt. Medals, 1847, 1848, 1855. Medals of Honor, 1867, ‘ae GEROME. 1874, 1878. Medal for sculpt- : ure, 1878, etc. Commander of the Legion of Honor since 1878. Made a Member of the Institute in 1865, and Professor at the Fcole des Beaux Arts in 1863. He is equally able as a sculptor and painter, and has given much of his time of late to the former art, especially in reviving tinted sculpture, and the art of combining gold and ivory in statuary ac- cording to the traditions of Phidias, with valuable results. His profound archeological knowledge renders his pict- ures of legendary and historic times especially signifi- cant. No. 64 : Autumn Flowers ¥ a? oe. By FIRMIN-GIRARD ‘YY Height, 11 inches ; width, 8} inches. Dated 1875 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] 2 FIRMIN-GIRARD- Born at Poncin, 1838. A favorite pupil of Gleyre, he early adopted. under his master’s advice, a style of light subjects of elegant genre, painted in free and bright colors. Medals in 1863, 1874, etc. OIL PAINTINGS. 39 No. 65 Fruit By BLAISE ALEXANDRE DESGOFFE Height, 19 inches; width, 16 inches. Not dated [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Bi Jaap F Born in Paris, 1830. Nephew and peas a Ls pupil of his uncle, Alexandre Des- goffe, the landscape painter. Studied under Flandrin and Bouguereau, and eventually devoted himself to the* painting of still life. Medals in 1861, 1863, etc.; Legion of Honor, 1878. No. 66 The Spring By WILLIAM TROST RICHARDS Height, 7} inches ; width, 6} inches. Dated 1859 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born in Philadelphia, 1833. Pupil of Paul Weber. Travelled and studied in Italy, France, Germany, and Eng- land. Exhibited first at the Royal Academy, London, 1869, and at the Paris Salon, 1873. Is an Honorary Member of the National Academ ERIE: richards, of Design, and an Associate of the American Water Color Soci- ety. Among his medals are those of the Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876, and the Temple Medal, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1885. 40 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. me } , i wt : No. 67 oC a } i L, +44 YW. IV nig Gee. ¢ Monarch of the Forest By MLLE. MARIE ROSA BONHEUR Height, 29} inches ; width, 24 inches. Dated 1886 [Estate of the late Edwin Thorne] Born in Bordeaux, 1822. Daughter and pupil of Raymond Bonheur. Taken by her father to Paris, 1830, and became a copyist at the Louvre. First exhibited original pictures of animals at Bordeaux, 1841. Received the First Class Medal at the Salon Prosa Bonbeur of 1848, and at the instance of : Horace Vernet was presented by the Government with a Sévres vase as an additional token of honor. In 1849 founded and became director of the Paris Free School of Design for Young Girls. Medals, 1845, 1848, 1855, 1867; Legion of Honor, 1865; Leo- pold Cross, 1880; other orders in Spain, etc. During the Franco-Prussian War, her house and studio near Paris were protected by a guard of honor of Prussian soldiers, upon special orders of the Crown Prince of Prussia. OIL PAINTINGS. 41 No. 68 Golden Rod ly Q By ROBERT W. VAN BOSKERCK Height, 20 inches ; length, 30 inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born in New Jersey in 1855. Studied under the late Alexander ne My H. Wyant, N.A., but largely from a4 NEN nature. He is a painter of Ameri- “« IW | can landscape of simple and truth- : ful character, and clear, fresh RWah osKereK color. No. 69 Bene wz /d< / Al 92 . TOs / 4 /s Venice By MARTIN RICO Height, 29} inches; width, r7? inches. Not dated [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] dey) Born in Madrid. Pupil of Federico de fy a @Y Madrazo at the Madrid Academy, and a studied in Paris and Rome. Medals in oy 1878, etc.; Legion of Honor, 1878. He < Cee as has made a specialty of the architectural af Sie landscape of Venice and other Italian cities, seen in full sunlight, with the most brill- Fico iant and luminous effects of color, and the subtlest command of perspective and sug- gestion of detail. THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. ae No. 70 Treading Out Wheat in Egypt By JEAN LEON GEROME Height, 12 inches ; length, 16 inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born at Vesoul, 1824. Favorite pupil of Paul Delsroche, who took him to Rome. Then studied under Gleyre. Secured his first medal at the Salon of 1847. Next visited Russia and Egypt. Medals, 1847, 1848, 1855. JL.GEROME- Medals of Honor, 1867, 1874, 1878. Medal for sculpture, 1878, etc. Commander of the Legion of Honor since 1878. Madea Member of the Institute in 1865, and Professor of the ficole des Beaux Arts in 1863. He is equally able as a sculptor and painter, and has given much of his time of late to the former art, especially in reviving tinted sculpture, and the art of combining gold and ivory in statuary according to the traditions of Phidias, with valu- able results. His profound archzeological knowledge renders his pictures of legendary and historic times espe- cially significant. OIL PAINTINGS. 43 No. 71 The Butterfly By ALEXANDRE LOUIS LELOIR Height, 30 inches ; width, r5 inches. Dated 1873 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Born in Paris, 1843. Pupil of his } father, Jean Baptiste Leloir, the histor- ical painter. First painted scenes of biblical history, but eventually devoted from the life of the seventeenth and eigh- . : teenth centuries. A brilliant painter Loui S Leto tY in watercolors aswell as oils. Medals, 1864, 1868, 1870, 1878 ; Legion of Honor, 1876. Died in 1884. No. 72 The Old Suitor By FRANCOIS FLAMENG Height, 10} inches ; width, 7} inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S, Chapin] Born at Paris, 1859. Son of the great engraver, Leopold Flameng. Pupil of Cabanel, Edmond Hédouin, and Jean Paul Laurens. Medal in 1879 ; Prix de Salon, 1879. Has won his greatest repute by the representation of episodes of the revolution- -FRANCOIS-FLAMENG: ary and consular periods in France, which are conceded to have a distinct historic value, from their accuracy of character and detail. 44 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS, No. 73 -’ ai: NM wy Flowers, Fruit, and Objects of Art 5 a — By JEAN BAPTISTE ROBIE “_ Height, 18 inches ; width, 14 inches. Dated 1871 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Born in Brussels, 1821. Pupil of the Brussels Academy. Has been medalled at Brussels, Paris, The Hague, throughout Germany, and in Australia, and is a Commander of the Order of Leo- pold since 1881. He stands at the head of his class of still-life painters of the time. OE Feobic | , | No. 74 ‘| sf The Brook Jay, | { Ki 1 if) ¥~ By BAREND CORNELIS KOEK-KOEK . Height, ro inches? length, 12 inches. Dated 1852 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Fb Ftoeh. hoek Born at Middelburg, Zeeland, 1803. Pupil of his father, Johannes Hermanns Koek-koek, a popular marine painter and student under Schiefhout and Van Os at the Amsterdam Academy. He rl travelled for some years in the Low Countries and Ger- 1] many, visited Paris, and settled in Guelders, where he iH established an Academy of Design at Cleves in 1841. | Member of Rotterdam and St. Petersburg Academies. ; Medals at The Hague, Amsterdam, and Paris, 1840 and 1843; Order of the Lion, 1839; of Leopold, 1842. Member of the Legion of Honor. OIL PAINTINGS. 45 No. 75 Landscape and Cattle es C4 By CONSTANT TROYON A Height, 20 inches ; length, 28 inches. Dated 1859 \ [Estate of the late Edwin Thorne] Born at Sévres, France, 1810. Learned the trade of a porcelain painter, was taught drawing by the flower painter Riocreux, and had some instructions from Roqueplan. Began in art as a landscape Raa SN painter. First exhibited in Salon, 1833, After a journey to Holland in 1847 he C 3 TRoyo "| began to paint cattle, with immediate success. Medals, 1838, 1840, 1846, 1848, 1855; Legion of Honor, 1849. Troyon was the perfecter of the modern school of cattle painting in France, of which Bracassat laid the foundation. His early successes as a painter of landscape enabled him to unite his studies of animals with their natural surroundings in a perfect harmony of spirit. It has been said of him that his groups of cattle are a part of the landscape, in- stead of the landscape being a background against which to display them, and it was by this triumph over the arti- ficiality of the earlier animal painters that he commanded an attention from the public which he continued to enjoy until his death. No. 76 Priest Fishing By LEO HERRMANN Height, 163 inches ; width, 12 inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Leo Heagyyrn — Born at Paris. Pupil of the Kole des Beaux Arts. Made his first hit at the Salon in 1876 with a picture called ‘‘ A Good Story,” showing two priests roaring over a tale that could not, probably, be told from the pulpit. He has largely ad- hered to this style of subject since, although he paints with equal skill in domestic genre subjects. 46 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. No. 77 A Cavalier » $2 ALO” By JEAN LOUIS ERNEST MEISSONIER Height, 11} inches ; width, 7} inches. Dated 1880 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Born at Lyons, France, 1815. Pupil of Léon Cogniet in Paris. Earned his liv- ing, while studying painting, by designing illustrations for the publishers. Devoted himself largely to study of the Dutch old masters in the Louvre. Began by : painting figure pictures on an extremely Messomer small scale. First exhibited at the Salon, 1834. Medals, 1840, 1841, 1843, 1848. Grand Medals of Honor, 1855, 1867, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1846 ; Officer, 1856; Commander, 1867 ; Grand Officer, 1878. Member of Institute, 1861. Member of Munich Academy, 1867. Honorary Member of Royal Academy, London, and of most Continental Academies. He is justly considered the reviver of the highest Dutch School of genre painting. Meissonier, although he painted by preference on a small scale, was not enfeebled in his technique by the minuteness of his labors. He remained until the end one of the greatest masters of anatomy and form in Europe. The test of enlargement, which has been applied to some of his smallest works, shows that they have the same breadth and strength as pictures of the largest dimensions. He died in Paris in 1891, and was buried with the greatest public honors ever shown to a French artist. OIL PAINTINGS. 47 No. 78 oe Cuirassier 3Y JEAN BAPTISTE EDOUARD DETAILLE Height, 274 inches; width, 16 inches. Dated 1889 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born at Paris, 1848. Favored pupil of Meissonier. First exhibited at Salon, 1868. Medals, 1869, 1870,1872. Legion of Honor, 1873; Officer of Legion, 1881. Grand Medal of Honor, 1891. Studio in Paris. Detaille, at his present early age, already leads the military painters of France, and has received the highest honors for his patriotism-inspiring productions, No. 79 Going to Church By PHILIP SADEE Height, 24 inches ; width, 21 inches. Dated 1869 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Wefedie Born at The Hague, 1837. Became a LS pupil of the local Academy, under J. E. J. Van den Berg. Then visited Paris and Germany, studying the great collections. He commenced as a painter of history, but soon found his vocation in the genre of his native land. Hi. pictures of peasant and fisherman life are widely appreciated. He has been medalled in Amsterdam, The Hague, and Vienna. THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. No. 80 BS Violin Player Ly By ORESTE CORTAZZO Height, 11 inches ; width, 8 inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born in Northern Italy. Studied in Florence and Rome. A _ painter of genre subjects, always characterized by a brisk and genial humor. Cc orlazzo. No. 81 On & Temptation of St. Anthony By ALEXANDRE LOUIS LELOIR Height, 28} inches; length, 394 inches. Dated 1871 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Se Born in Paris, 1843. Pupil of his fa father, Jean Baptiste Leloir, the his- ae ig/ torical painter. First painted scenes | eh from biblical history, but eventually / j et SS devoted himself to genre subjects, f | Ea chiefly from the life of the seventeenth | and eighteenth centuries. A brilliant Tou lZelour. painter in water-colors as well as oils. Medals, 1864, 1868, 1870, 1878; Legion of Honor, 1876. Died in 1884. Ww) ii ee OIL PAINTINGS. 49 No. 82 “yore > Theological Dispute 0 er By JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT Height, 12} inches ; length, 174 inches. Not dated [Mr. E. 5S. Chapin] Born in Paris, 1840. Pupil of Picot and Barrias ; a man of very original and a painter who has made an individual mark. Beginning as a painter of the nude, he has become one of the best known artistic satirists of our time; J GVibert, everything he touches has an idea 3 behind it. He is an able writer as well as painter ; has written for the stage with success, and is represented in most public and private collections. His ‘‘ Missionary’s Story,” an admirable satire, was pur- chased by Mr. C. P. Huntington at the Morgan sale, New York, 1886, for $25,000. No. 83 Girl Knitting —< By HUGUES MERLE Height, 22 inches ; width, 18 inches. Dated 1871 [Estate of the late Charles J, Osborn] Born at St. Marcellin, 1823. Pupilof L. Cogniet. Medals, 1861-1863 ; Legion of Honor, 1866. He painted some biblical and historical pictures, but chiefly em- ployed himself upon genre subjects drawn from humble life, and executed on a large scale with great precision of treatment. He died in 1881. novel ideas; a thorough draughtsman ; . 50 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. Ve) 4Lry QO «vx No. 84 Reconnoissance By ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR Height, 21} inches ; length, 29 inches. Dated 1883 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born at Boulogne, 1838. Pupil of Picot and F. Barrias. Began as a painter of genre, portraits, and landscape, but finally concentrated his talent upon scenes and episodes of battle. Medals at the Salons of 1869, 1872, 1878; Legion Se , Of Honor, 1878. He divides = with Detaille the honors as a painter of battles in France. No. 85 Female Head * By THOMAS COUTURE Height, 19 inches ; width, 16 inches. Not dated [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Tr Born at Senlis, 1815. Pupil of Gros and ty W Delaroche. Won the second Prix de Rome, hd 1837, and in 1847 made his fame permanent / Gs) with his ‘‘ Romans of the Decadence,” in vf the Luxembourg collection. A most original thinker and powerful painter, he soon cre- oe ated a school, one of whose most famous graduates was the American artist William M. Hunt. Was also a vigorous and lucid writer on art. Medals in 1844, 1847, 1855; Legion of Honor, 1848. Acquired considerable political influence through his art, and amassed a large fortune. Died at Villiers le Bel, 1879. OIL PAINTINGS. 51 No. 86 After the Fox By GEORGE ARMFIELD Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches. Dated 1859 [Mr. E. S, Chapin] ft : Born in England. Self-taught. Paint- G pnfeclel ed much in the manner of George Morland, and in the same line of sub- jects. Had his studio in London. No. 87 Off for the Hunt By JEAN RICHARD GOUBIE Height, 26} inches ; length, 39 inches. Dated 1881 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Re Goubre Born in Paris, 1842. Pupil of Géréme, a painter of genre in which figures and animals are combined, with landscape accessories accurate in drawing and truthfulin color. He has been repeatedly medalled since his first Salon of 1874. THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. No. 88 When we Were Girls By JOHN G. BROWN, N.A. Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches. Not dated [Mr. E. S. Chapin] Born at Durham, England, 1831. Studied at Newcastle-on-Tyne and in the Edinburgh Academy. Painted por- traits in London, and in 1853 came to New York, where he studied at the National Academy of Design. While — painting portraits in this city for a ICBrown NA, living he cultivated an original style of genre which speedily attracted attention to him, and whose popularity led to his final adoption of this walk of art. Became a member of the National Academy, 1863; is one of the founders of the American Water Color Soci- ety, the Artists’ Fund Society, etc. No. 89 Transport of Prisoners “By ALPHONSE MARIE DE NEUVILLE Height, 47 inches ; width, 32 inches. Dated 1880 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] pha eS Born at St. Omer, Pas-de-Calais, gy 1836. Originally a law student in = Fy Paris, but later adopted art. Pupil of wise Picot and Pils. Made a specialty of ee military subjects. Medals, 1859 and = 1861. Legion of Honor, 1873 ; Officer . u of Legion, 1881. Died in Paris, 1885. = De Neuville was the founder of the ae evi He powerful and modern school of mil- itary art which has succeeded that of his master Pils, and Horace Vernet. { ve A OIL PAINTINGS. 53 o 5 ¢ xx» No. go Departure for the Fields By JULES ADOLPHE AIME LOUIS BRETON Height, 25} inches ; length, 39 inches, Dated 1873 [Mr, E. S, Chapin] Born at Courri¢res, 1817. Pupil of Drélling and of Devigne, whose daughter he married. From the start he devoted himself to pictures of peasant life, conceived in a more hope- ful and poetically brighter spirit Sule Bruton, than those of Sie His ne great hit was made in 1857 with his ‘‘ Biessing the Har- vest,” now in the Luxembourg collection. Medals in 1855, 1857, 1859, 1861, 1867; Medals of Honor, 1872, etc. Has been an Officer of the Legion of Honor since 1867. His works are to be found in all great public and private collections throughout the world. His picture of ‘The Communicants,” sold in the Morgan collection in this city, brought $45,000, . , No. 91 /)§ Ly Prussian Cuirassiers Attacking a French | Provision Train (1870) By JEAN BAPTISTE EDOUARD DETAILLE Height, 32 inches ; length, 51 inches. Dated 1882! | : [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Born at Paris, 1848, Favored pupil of Meissonier. First exhib- ited at Salon, 1868. Medals, 1869, 1870, 1872; Legion of Honor, 1873; Officer of Lefion, 1881; Grand Medal of Honor, 1891. Studio in : Paris. Detaille, at his present EDOUARD DETAILLE.. early age, already leads the military painters of France, and has received the highest honors for his patriotism-inspir- ing productions. q OS X™K 54 THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS, No. 92 Death of the Stag By JEAN RICHARD GOUBIE Height, 26} inches ; length, 29} inches. Dated 1887 [Mr. E. S. Chapin] RK ¢ Ocebae Born in Paris, 1842. Pupilof Géréme, a painter of genre in which figures and animals are combined with landscape accessories accurate in drawing and truthfulin color. He has been repeatedly medalled since his first Salon of 1874. No. 93 Chinese Curiosities By PIERRE PAUL LEON GLAIZE Height, 214 inches ; width, 17 inches. Dated 1872 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Leon Glaize. Son and pupil of Auguste Glaize, and of Géréme. Born in Paris, 1842. In 1859 received an honorable mention for his Salon pict- ure of ‘‘ Delilah.” Medals, 1864, 1866, 1868, 1878; Legion of Honor, 1877. OIL PAINTINGS. Bs No. 94 The Young Heels of Old Virginia By B. FRANKLIN REINHART Height, 20 inches ; length, 24 inches. Dated 1871 ® [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] ; ) Born at Waynesburg, Pa., 1829. Taught =BE Rem rank ; =: himself the rudiments of drawing and paint- ing, studied three years at the National Academy, and in 1850, on money earned by portrait painting in the West, went to Europe, studying three years at Diisseldorf, Paris, and Rome. In 1861 he made a trip to England, where he remained some years, return- ing to this country in 1868, and travelling extensively in the South and West, painting portraits, sketching, and studying. In England he painted many portraits of the aristocracy and genre subjects of the life around him. After 1868 he had his studio in New York. He wasa man of lofty ideas in art, and essayed historical and im- aginative painting, many of his pictures being engraved with success. He became an Associate of the National Academy in 1871, and died in 1885, No. 95 Cattle and Sheep in a Snow Storm hy By H. GARLAND / Height, 30 inches ; length, soinches. Dated 1882 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] tL GARvany THE OSBORN-CHAPIN-THORNE COLLECTIONS. No. 96 7 The Foster Mother”, By HEINRICH ANTON DIEFFENBACH Height, 314 inches; length, 37 inches. Dated 1869 [Estate of the late Charles J.Osborn] AWDicffebecly Born at Wiesbaden, 1831. Taken by his parents, as a child, to Stras- burg, where he began the study of sculpture, which he completed under Pradier in Paris. Then adopted painting, studying under Jordan at Diissel- j ) dorf and in Paris. Driven from Paris in 1870 by the war, he spent a year in Switzerland, and finally settled in Ber- i | lin. Medals from various German exhibitions. No. 97 i Aurora / » © BY WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU Height, 81 inches ; width, 43 inches. Dated, 188r [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Born at La Rochelle, 1824. Became clerk in a mercantile house, and studied drawing in his leisure hours. Abandoned trade, and, assisted by his uncle, became a portrait painter, and earned sufficient capital to become a pupil of Picot and the Hcole des Beaux ATS aTSAg. W-BOVEVEREAV- Won the Grand Prix de Rome, 1850, and on his return to Paris i} found remunerative employment in decorative work for } 1) the Government. Medals in 1855, 1857, 1867, 1878, 1885 ; i Legion of Honor, 1859 ; made a Member of the Institute, 1876. OIL PAINTINGS. 57 No. 98 Dawn By s/ULES-OSERHE Poh DB VRE Height, 813 inches ; width, 43 inches. Not dated [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Actes Lefebvs os Bee at Connor 1834. Pupil of : Léon Cogniet. Won the Grand Prix de Rome, 1861. Medals, 1865, 1868, 1870, 1878 ; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Dis- tinguished as a painter of portraits and genre, and is also one of the most accomplished painters of the pure and classic nude of modern times. No. 99 . In the Studio (Portrait of the Artist and his wife) By MIHALY MUNKACSY Height, 63 inches ; length, 86 inches. Dated, 1876 [Estate of the late Charles J. Osborn] Real name Mihaly (or Michael) Lieb, called Munkacsy from the village of Munkacs, Hungary, where he was born in 1846. Was apprenticed to a carpenter for six years, when he se- cured his freedom and commenced A to study art under a portrait Tnunticicsy In. painter at Gyula. Studied later at the Vienna Academy, and at Munich under Franz Adams, and for some time at Diisseldorf. In 1869 his ‘‘ Last Day of a Condemned Man” established his reputation, and in 1872 he settled in Paris, where his works found great favor. Medals, 1870, 1874; Medal of Honor, 1878; Vienna Medal, 1882; Legion of Honor, 1877; Officer, 1878 ; Member of Munich Academy, 1881. Has visited America, where several of his most important pictures are in private col- lections, ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES J]. OSBORN BRONZES PORCELAINS IVORY CARVINGS BRIC-A-BRAC ETG, ETC: To BE SOLDON FRIDAYAND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, JANUARY 27TH AND 28TH Sale, Friday Afternoon, January 27th. BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 3 O'CLOCK. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. PORCELAINS, FAIENCE, ENAMELLED GLASS, BRIC-A-BRAC, ETC. 110 FOUR SMALL CouprEs. Enamel and cloi- sonné, on copper. T11 SMALL TEAPOT. Kaga porcelain, decorated in gold and colors. II2 SMALL TRAYS AND VASE. Longwy faience. 3 pieces. =8 113 SMALL Box. Drum shape; cloisonné en- amel on Kioto ware. 114 PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER. Decorated with birds and floral design ; gilt edge. 115 CARD HOLDER. Ivory and gilt ; bronze fig- - ure in relief. 116 Two SMALL BAS RELIEFS. Wedgwood. 117 CUP AND SAUCER. Antique Chinese porce- lain ; lotus design. 118 BOWL. Satsuma fatence ; decoration of bold figure of warrior in embossed gold and enamels. 11g PAIR TERRA COTTA STATUETTES. Pedler and fagot gatherer. 120 PAIR CUPS AND SAUCERS. Old crown Derby ; vine band and gilt scalloped edges. 121 FLOWER BASKET. Lotus design ; turquoise glaze and gilt ornamentation. | 62 ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES J. OSBORN. 122 GLASS PITCHER. Sapphire blue; rich en- amelled decoration; flowers, butterflies, and vines. di 123 FLOWER Tus. Kioto faience, decorated in ff brilliant colors with flowers and other designs. | 124 Rusy GLASs BUREAU SET. Cut and richly ornamented in gold pencilling. Comprises two carafes with tumblers and puff-box, all with trays to match. 125 ‘“ ROYAL WORCESTER” VASE. Ivory texture, bamboo design, branch of plum-blossoms in relief. 4 126 ‘“ WEDGWOOD” CUP AND SAUCER. Blue 1 biscuit, with relief ornamentation in white. 127 “DRESDEN” CUP AND SAUCER. Floral de- signs carved in relief and enamelled. 128 PAIR CUPS AND SAUCERS. “Chelsea” bird and floral decorations ; gilt edge. | 129 SMALL VasE. ‘“ Hungarian faience,” richly i decorated. 130 PAIR BRONZE CANDLESTICKS. Silver and . gold gilt; enamelled ornamentation. / j 131 LONGWY FAIENCE OBLONG TRAY. | 132 GALLE Nancy Coupe. Dark brown glaze, | ‘ with enamel decoration. i 133 VASE. ‘Royal Worcester.” With pierced, |) or “grains of rice” medallions; blue and gold dec- oration. {i \ 134 TURQUOISE GLASS BASKET, Enamel deco- ration. 135 SEVRES CUP AND SAUCER. Marked “ Sevres,” f 1847 ; decorated with coat of arms of Louis Philippe, in gold. ; i.e 136 SEVRES PORCELAIN PLATE. Decorated with ole coat of arms of Emperor Napoleon III., in gold. i 137 PAIR SMALL VASES. “Royal Vienna; ” ma- I roon glaze with gold matte; finely painted medal- lions. PORCELAINS, FAIENCE, ENAMELLED GLASS, ETC. 63 138 LIMOGE FLOWER VASE. Decorated with birds, flowers, and other designs in natural colors. 139 BOWL. ‘Royal Worcester.” Reticulated outer surface, finely painted and jewelled ornamen- tation. 140 GREEN GLASS TRAY. Enamelled decoration, scalloped edge. 141 CAPO DI MONTI JEWEL CASKET, 142 JEWEL CASKET. Amethyst glass, enamelled ornamentation. 143 GROUP OF WAX FRUIT. 144 PORCELAIN VASE. Shell design, with relief, floral ornamentation. 145 PAIRCANDLESTICK VASES. Gold gilt, bronze, and enamel, 146 BUREAU SET. Cut glass, diamond pattern ; comprises pair bottles and puff-box. 147 PAIR TURQUOISE GLASS VASES. Cornu- copia design, enamelled ornamentation. 148 PAIR BENARES VASES. Cup shape. 149 PLAQUE. Japanese cloisonné enamel on bronze. 150 VASE. ‘‘Mintons.” Marine and landscape decoration. 151 PAIR PORCELAIN VASES. Floral design, relief and enamelled decoration. 152 TORTOISE-SHELL JEWEL CASKET. With plate glass panel in lid. 153 PatR “ ROYAL WORCESTER” CANDLESTICKS. Chinese figures. 154 ENAMELLED GLASS BUREAU SET. Comprises two bottles and puff-box. 155 TEAPOT. ‘Royal Worcester.” Ivory text- ure, reticulated panels, and jewelled ornamentation. 156 SMALL PITCHER. ‘‘ Royal Worcester ;” re- ticulated panels, jewelled and enamelled decoration. 64 ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES J. OSBORN. 157 BOWL. Satsuma faience, decorated with bold figures of priests and warriors in embossed gold and various enamels. 158 SMALL BOWL. Satsuma faience ; artistic decoration in raised work ; Koi fishes in net. 159 EGG SHAPE JAR. Rich medallion decora- tions, birds, marine view, and other designs. 160 JEWEL CASKET. Circular shape, Vienna gilt, with enamelled ornamentation. 161 CELADON VASE. Relief floral ornamentation. 162 BRONZE JAR AND COVER. Etched and en- amelled decoration ; by Boucheron of Paris. 163 SMALL VASES AND TRAY. Cut and colored glass. 3 pieces. 164 VASE. Pilgrim bottle shape, ivory texture, rich floral decoration. 165 HAND MIRROR. Vienna gilt ; jewelled orna- mentation. 166 Two TOILET BOTTLES. Cut and engraved glass. 167 ‘‘ ROYAL WORCESTER” VASE. Chalice shape, reticulated outer surface, rich jewelled ornamenta- tion. 168 LIBRARY TABLE SET. Inkstand and pair candlesticks, finely wrought brass ; gold gilt, with enamelled panels and ornaments. 169 TOILET GLASS. Vienna gilt ; bamboo design. 170 PARLOR LAMP. Faience and brass; decora- tive porcelain shade. 171 TEAPOT. ‘‘Royal Worcester.” Japanese design, richly decorated after old Imari. 172 VASE. ‘Royal Worcester.” Shape of ele- phant. 173 TWO BOHEMIAN GLASS TOILET BOTTLES. Enamelled ornamentation, PORCELAINS, FAIENCE, ENAMELLED GLASS, ETC. 65 174 SMALL PITCHER. ‘‘Haviland’s Limoge ;” floral decoration. 175 PAIR MINTON PLAQUES. Finely decorated. Grossing =the Brooks =and= a“ Sunprse,; bys AG Boulhemier. Open-work borders. 176 GALLE NANCY TRAY. Relief and enamel decoration. 177 BLUEGLASS VASE. Eggshell texture, enamel . decoration. ‘The Snow Man.” 178 THERMOMETER. Design of battle axe. 179 JEWEL CASKET. Carlsbad glass; rich enam- elled ornamentation, and gold gilt mountings. 180 PARLOR LAMP. Rich Oriental design, finely ornamented in gold matte, Indian red, and turquoise blue enamels. 181 PAIR ‘‘ DECK” VASES. Bottle shape. Chinese design; violet glaze, with splashes of turquoise relief ornamentation of dragon, and branch of pome- granates in turquoise blue at neck. Height, 15 inches ; diameter, 8 inches. 182 PLAQUE. “‘ Haviland’s Limoge ;” decoration of birds, berries, and insects; by L. Henriques, 1879. Diameter, 124 inches. 183 CARD TRay. Gold gilt and oxidized; relief ornamentation, and enamelled centre medallion. 184 PAIR JARDINIERES. Japanese cloisonné art on Kioto porcelain. Height, 10 inches ; diameter, 4 inches. 185 INKSTAND. Finely wrought, burnished brass, open-work and relief ornamentation. 186 VENETIAN GLASS VASE. Ruby, with gold cloudings ; in case. 187 Two GLass VASES. Green and pink enam- elled decoration. 188 PAIR ENAMEL GLASS TOILET BOTTLES. 189 PAIR CUT GLASS TUMBLERS, Emerald and sapphire ornaments, 5 66 ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES J. OSBORN. 190 ANTIQUE ENAMEL SNUFF Box. Floral decoration. 191 ANTIQUE DRESDEN PORCELAIN SNUFF Box. Marine and landscape decoration. 192 OLD DUTCH PORCELAIN SNUFF BOX. Carved and painted decoration. 193 ANTIQUE ENAMEL SNUFF Box. Decorated with pastoral scenes. 194 ANTIQUE ENAMEL SNUFF Box. Pastoral subject in medallions. 195 WEDGWOOD VINAIGRETTE. Portrait medal- lions carved in relief. 196 HUNGARIAN FAIENCE VINAIGRETTE. Decorated with birds and flowers, in colors and bright gold. 197 ANTIQUE GOLD WaTCH. Movement by Matthey & Co.; very fine enamel ornamentation. 198 MINIATURE GROUP IN BRONZE. ‘Two little heathens.” 199 Two ENAMEL BRASS ORNAMENTS. Gro- tesque figure, and pug and terrier. 200 BRONZE MEDAL. General U.S. Grant; by Hughes Bovy. Geneva, 1868. 201 BRONZE MEDAL. International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1776. Awarded by United States Centennial Commission. 202 AUSTRIAN ENAMEL TAZZA. Bronze support, representing young Neptune astride a sea horse. 203 ANTIQUE TURKISH INCENSE BURNER. Ae- poussé brass, with open-work cover. 204 ANTIQUE SILVER PLAQUE. Oval shape, ve- poussé ornamentation ; groups of cherubs, flowers, and other designs. 205 NicHT Lamp. Chalice shape, vepoussé brass, inlaid with agates and other stones; en- graved glass shade. PORCELAINS, FAIENCE, ENAMELLED GLASS, ETC. 67 206 MINIATURE PORTRAIT. Painted on copper, antique repoussé silver frame studded with jewels. 207 ORIENTAL DAGGER. Damascened blade, hilt and scabbard of refoussé brass, inlaid with coral and turquoise. 208 PERSIAN DaGGER. Engraved and damas- cened blade, iron hilt and scabbard, inlaid with silver. 209 ANTIQUE DAGGER. Ivory hilt and scabbard, carved in bold relief; medallion portrait, Russian coat of arms, and other designs. 210 JAPANESE CARVED IVORY PERFUME Box. Designs of the Zodiac. 211 OLD JAPANESE JEWELRY Box. Iron, carved and inlaid lid, ‘“‘Zogan” border; tiger and “rain dragon” in gold and silver. 212 ANTIQUESNUFF Box. Natural horn; mount- ing of repoussé silver, with topaz ornament. 213 TURKISH POTTERY TazzA. Bird and floral decoration. 214 JAPANESE LACQUER PERFUME BOX. Two compartments; fine quality black and gold lacquer. 215 ANTIQUE GOLD LACQUER PERFUME Box. Inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Signed, Korin. 216 CARVED LACQUER Box. Ovoid shape, bold relief ornamentation in red and black lacquer ; old Japanese. 217 CYLINDRICAL VASE. Japanese shippo, or cloisonné enamel on copper. 218 SEATED FIGURE. Antique Kutani; saki boy, finely modelled ; decorated in green and blue en- amels. 219 OLD BIZEN GRoup. Two grotesque figures. So = to) 220 ANTIQUE BRONZE STATUETTE, “ Neptune ;” black wood base. 221 ANTIQUE BRONZE RECLINING FIGURE. 222 BRONZE BELL. 68 ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES J. OSBORN. 223 Two JAPANESE BRONZE CRABS, 224 LIFE SIZE CRAB. Japanese bronze. 225 ANTIQUE JAPANESE BRONZE INCENSE BURN- ER. Square shape, lizards in relief forming han- dles, dog Foo surmounting cover. 226 PAIR CHINESE EMBROIDERED SHOES. 227 JAPANESE GOLD LACQUER JEWELRY CABI- NET. 228 JAPANESE LACQUER PERFUME Box. Clam shape. 229 AVANTURINE LACQUER TRAY. Heart shape, fan decoration. 230 JAPANESE MONEY PoucH. Of carved shell and leather, with carved walnut-shell netsuke. 231 JAPANESE EMBROIDERED POUCH. 232 Two LACQUERED ORNAMENT STANDS. Jap- anese. EUROPEAN IVORY CARVINGS. 233 IvoRY TANKARD, Carved in high relief, repoussé metal lid and mountings. 234 PAIR CARVED IvORY STATUETTES. ‘“ The Cobbler” and ‘Faggot Gatherer.” Have carved wood stands. 235 CARVED Ivory Group. ‘The Dentist,” black wood base. 236 PAIR CARVED IvORY STATUETTES. ‘‘ The Challenge.” With carved ivory pedestals. 237 PAIR CARVED IvoRY FIGURES. “Gluttony.” Carved wood pedestals. 238 CARVED IVORY BAS-RELIEF. Portrait Bust. Carved wood frame. 239 ANTIQUE FAIENCE STATUETTE. “Ceres.” 240 CARVED IvORY STATUETTE. ‘The Bag- piper.” Carved wood pedestal. JAPANESE IVORY CARVINGS. 69 241 CARVED IVORY STATUETTE. ‘The Suppli- cant.” Carved black wood pedestal. 242 CARVED IVORY STATUETTE. “Faggot Gath- erer.” Carved wood pedestal. 243 CARVED IvoRY STATUETTE, Carved wood pedestal. 244 MINIATURE IvORY CARVING. Poodle dog. JAPANESE IVORY CARVINGS. 245 IVORY CARVING. Group of Japanese war- riors, whose commander, O-uchi-sugi Danjo, is act- ing as a forerunner. Specimen of intricate carving, full of expression. Signed Riu-shin-sai, Masa-hiro, Eighteenth century. 246 IVORY CARVING. Group of Japanese fisher- men and fagot gatherer. Specimen of careful carv- ing in all details. Signed Ko-getsu. Nineteenth century. 247 IVORY CARVING. Representing “ Yemma,” a ruler of demons, taking hold of animp. Carving full of expression. Not signed. Date, nineteenth century. 248 IvORY CARVING. Representing group of “Kanzan” and ‘Zittok,” two earnest devotees of Buddhism. 249 IVORY CARVING. Representing the figure of the Chinese hero Kwan Yii, chiefly remarkable for his great height and for the length of his beard. Signed Chiku-yosai. Eighteenth century. 250 IvORY CARVING. A figure of Yamabushi (Shinto priest) and his young companion. A speci- men of careful carving. Date, nineteenth century. 251 IvORY CARVING. Group of figures repre- senting Kintoki and monkey seizing Tengu, while Yama-uba, their female companion, is holding a hatchet ready to decapitate the bird of omen. Specimen of intricate carving. Signed Gioku-ho. Nineteenth century. = ai, i i} i) i) | 7 70 ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES J. OSBORN. 252 IvoRY CARVING. Group of Chinese figures holding peaches. Specimens of talented carving. Date, eighteenth century. 253 Ivory CARVING. Skull surrounded by snake and frogs. Signed Gioku-shun. Nineteenthcentury. 254 IvorY CARVING. Group of monkeys at play. Date, eighteenth century. 255 Ivory CaRviNG. A begging priest and two boys. A specimen of good carving. Date, nine- teenth century. 256: Ivory CARVING. Group of Chinese figures representing a meeting of Chinese notables. Carv- ing full of expression. Date, eighteenth century. 257 IvORY CARVING. A pair of coiling dragons. By ‘‘Hiro-tada.” A piece ofspirited carving. Date, eighteenth century. 258 Ivory CARVING. Representing a Japanese girl playing ‘“‘Samishen” (three-stringed instru- ment). : 259 Ivory NETSUKE. A stooping horse. Date, eighteenth century. 260 IVORY CARVING. A Japanese stage singer. 261 IvORY CARVING. A Japanese actor. 262 Ivory CARVING. Group of mice. Signed, Tomo-chika. Date, nineteenth century. 263 Ivory Carvinc. A figure of Tekkai (a Sennin). Signed, Cho-getsu. Eighteenth century. 264 IvoRY NETSUKE. A boy playing at Daruma. 265 Two Woop NETSUKES. One representing group of Yebisu and Daikoku (household gods), ‘the other Hotei seated ona bag. By Issai. Eigh- teenth century. JAPANESE IVORY CARVINGS, ETC. 7Ii 266 Two Woop NETSUKES. One representing Kusakari boy riding on a cow’s back, and the other Daikoku and his companion at play. Eighteenth century. 267 JAPANESE CRAB. Finely wrought in Shida bronze and Shibuichi. 268 LARGE JEWEL CASKET. Carlsbad glass, richly enamelled with birds and floral design, gold gilt mountings. 269 LARGE FAIENCE PLAQUE. Decorated by Jos. Zasche, Vienna, ‘‘ The Slave Mart.” Diameter, 18 inches. 270 PAIR RUBY GLASS VASES. Jewelled and gold ornamentation. Height, 14 inches; diameter, 74 inches. 271 CARD TRay. Gold gilt, brass carved, and open-work design ; fine enamel panel. 272 PAIR DRESDEN CHINA SEATED FIGURES. Chinese male and female, with movable heads and hands ; finely decorated. 273 JAPANESE WOOD CARVING. Group of seven monkeys in lifelike attitudes. Height, 21 inches; diameter, 13 inches. 274 SATSUMA TEMPLE JAR. With cover. Ovoid shape. Artistic decoration of Japanese ceremonial scenes in three panels ; diaper and other designs surrounding, in embossed gold and enamels; dog Foo surmounting cover. Height, 20 inches; diam- eter, 10 inches. 275 PAIR JAPANESE SILVER BRONZE VASES. Finely wrought ; carved and inlaid ornamentation in gold and other metals. Height, 18 inches; diam- eter, 104 inches. 276 PAIR LARGE VASES. Arita porcelain. Tall, ovoid shape, with ruffled necks ; decoration of floral and other designs in blue beneath glaze, and dog Foo, birds, and flowers in gold, red, and black lacquers applied over the glaze. Height, 43 inches ; diameter, 16 inches. 72 ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES J. OSBORN. 277 PAIR FAIENCE LARGE VASES. Bottle shape, with flaring necks ; finely decorated after Japanese designs, in finescheme of colors. Height, 25 inches ; diameter, 17 inches. 278 LARGE VASES. Arita porcelain. Tall, ovoid shape, with lotus-bulb necks; decorated in blue beneath glaze, with boldly drawn storks, flowers, and other designs. Height, 48 inches; diameter, 20 inches. E | iy ba % | Second and Last Day’s Sale, Saturday Afternoon, January 28th. BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 3 O’CLOCK. AINA IONE, IRONS), IPILYNOUUISS, - IEANC, 279 PAIR CRYSTAL GLASS VASES. Decorated with birds and flowers in embossed gold. 280 ANTIQUE BRONZE EQUESTRIAN FIGURE. 281 ANTIQUE BRONZE STATUETTE. Ram laden with water-gourds ; Sienna marble base. 282 ANTIQUE BRONZE STATUETTE. ‘“ Zaureau Romain.” Sienna marble base. 283 ANTIQUE BRONZESTATUETTE. ‘“ Hercules.” Marble pedestal. 284 ANTIQUE BRONZE STATUETTE. ‘ Fortune.” Sienna marble base. 285 STONE IDOL. 286 PLATE. ‘‘ Brownsfield China,” dleu du rot border, with gold ma¢¢e decoration. Diameter, 9} inches. ” 287 PLATE. ‘‘Crown Derby ;” maroon border, rich gold and jewelled ornamentation ; star shape, centre medallion. Diameter, Io inches. 288 PLATE. ‘Copeland ;” dleu du rot border, decorated with matte gold festoons and enamelled pearls. Diameter, Io inches. 289 PLATE. ‘‘ Copeland ;” scalloped edge, richly ornamented border in gold and white enamel on bleu du rot glaze. Diameter, 9} inches. ’ 290 PLATE. ‘‘Copeland;” rich blue and gold border band. Diameter, 1o inches. Wes ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES J. OSBORN, N : 291 PLATE. ‘ Brownsfield ;” ivory white texture, maroon and gold border, centre decorated with plum tree in blossom, in gold and silver matée. Diameter, Io inches, 292 PLATE. ‘‘Brownsfield ;” maroon and gold border, with floral designs in ma¢ze gold and silver. Diameter, 10 inches. 293 PLATE. ‘ Brownsfield ;” ivory white quality, with rich embossed gold decoration. Diameter, 94 inches. > 294 PLATE. ‘ Brownsfield ;” maroon and gold border, centre decorated with sprays of lilies and grasses in matte gold and silver. Diameter, 10 inches. 295 PLATE. ‘ Mintons ;” richly decorated in imi- tation of Chinese cloisonné enamel. Diameter, Io inches. 296 PLATE. ‘Crown Derby ;” decorated in deep blue, with birds, flowers, and other designs ; Persian pattern. Diameter, 1o inches. 297 PLATE. “ Mintons ;” bleu du roi glaze, richly ornamented in embossed gold. Diameter, 1o inches. 298 PLATE. ‘‘Mintons;” ivory white texture, decoration of bamboo branches, cluster of pc me- granates and blossoms, in maz¢e gold and silver and enamel. Diameter, Io inches. 299 FAIENCE BEER SET. Tankard and six mugs; relief and gilt ornamentation ; inetal covers. 300 BOHEMIAN GLASS CHAMPAGNE SET. Cooler, twelve glasses, and tray. 301 ETRUSCAN VASE. Ram’s head carved in relief. 302 PERSIAN BOTTLE. Decorated in blue and black beneath lustrous glaze, : 303 PERSIAN JAR. With cover; decorated with flowers, vines, and other designs in green, blue, and purple. Height, 10 inches ; diameter, 7} inches. ANTIQUE PLAQUES, ETC. 75 304 DELFT PLAQUE. Decorated with floral de- signs and symbols in deep blue. Diameter, 13 inches. 305 PERSIAN PLAQUE. Decoration of flowers, fruit, and bird, in rich deep blue. Diameter, 13} inches, 306 ANTIQUE EARTHEN PLAQUE. Equestrian figure and other designs in various enamels on dark red ground. Inscription reads: ‘‘ Die Snellen hi Furen Wisseneeren Ejiffer Spacren, 579:” “M: S: G: S.” Diameter 13} inches. 307 ANTIQUE EARTHENWARE PLAQUE. Deco- rated in various enamels with male figure and other designs ; bears this inscription: ‘ Prost Myn Host, 1790.” Diameter, 11 inches. 308 ANTIQUE PERSIAN PLATE. Decoration in pale blue; floral and palm leaf and other designs. Diameter, 9 inches. 309 DELFT PLAQUE. Landscapes and willow tree in deep blue. Diameter, 134 inches. 310 Two DELFT PLAQUES. Trees, flowers, and other designs in deep blue. Diameter, 13 inches. 311 DELFT PLAQUE. Bold floral designs in deep blue. Diameter,133 inches. 312 PERSIAN PLAQUE. Birds, flowers, and other designs in fine blue. Diameter, 15 inches. 313 Two INDIA CHINA PLATES. Willow-trees and floral designs in deep blue. Diameter, 12 inches. 314 PERSIAN PLAQUE. Lilies painted in blue. Diameter, Io inches. 315 RHODIAN PLATE. Floral and other designs in Indian red, deep blue, and green ; iridescent lustre. Diameter, to} inches. 316 RHODIAN PLATE. Tulips and other flowers in deep blue, green, and Indianred. Diameter, 10} inches. _aleeey 76 ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES J. OSBORN. 317 MAJOLicA PLAQUE. Floral designs in bright blue, yellow, purple, and green enamels. Diameter, 134 inches. 318 INDIA CHINA PLAQUE. Decorated in blue beneath glaze ; flowers, pine-tree, etc. Diameter 14 inches. 319 ANTIQUE HISPANO-MORESQUE PLAQUE. Centre medallion, a shield with view of castle; ground pattern, fleur-de-lis in copper lustre. Diam- eter, 17 inches. 320 ANTIQUE HISPANO-MORESQUE PLAQUE. Leaf and other designs in copper lustre. Diam- eter, 154 inches. 321 ANTIQUE HISPANO-MORESQUE PLAQUE. Vines and flowers in copper lustre. Diameter, 16 inches. 322 ‘HAWTHORN ” JAR. Old Chinese porcelain, pale blue ground, with branches of blossoms in white reserve. Height, 14 inches; diameter, Io inches. 323 ANTIQUE PERSIAN PLAQUE. Decorated in blue. Diameter, 14 inches. 324 CHINESE PLAQUE. Bold floral designs in deep blue. Diameter, 11 inches. 325 ANTIQUE PERSIAN PLAQUE. Decorated in two shades of blue; floral, vine, and shell designs. Diameter, 14 inches. 326 LARGE PLAQUE. Antique Persian. Finely decorated in deep blue; garden scene, birds, and other designs. Diameter, 19 inches. 327 MAJOLICA PLAQUE. Vase of flowers and other decoration in blue and yellow enamels. Diameter, 134 inches. 328 MAJOLICA PLAQUE. Decorated with figure of flag-bearer, and floral designs in blue and yel- low. Diameter, 13 inches. ANTIQUE PLAQUES, ETC. 77 329 RHODIAN PLATE. Floral designs in sapphire blue, emerald green, and Indian red; iridescent lustre. Diameter, 11 inches. 330 CURIOUS ANTIQUE EARTHENWARE PLATE. Enamelled decoration ; male and female figures on horse = inscribeds= Diteis: joen Dene boca \iees or G: S: iridescent overglaze. Diameter, 12 inches. 331 PERSIAN BOTTLE. Low form; lavender glaze. 332 ANTIQUE PERSIAN BOTTLE. Low pear shape. Vines and other designs in fine blue; lustrous over- glaze. 333 ANTIQUE PERSIAN VASE. Ovoid bottle shape, with slender neck. Vines, flowers, and other designs in fine quality of blue on cream-white ground ; iridescent lustre. 334 PAIR ANTIQUE PERSIAN EWERs. Decorated in two shades of blue, with figures, flowers, and vines. 335 PAIR DELFT LARGE JARS. With covers. Tall, hexagonal shape ; decorated in deep blue with vine, leaf, and floral designs; figure of Kylin sur- mounting covers. Height, 22 inches; diameter, 10 inches. 336 PLAQUE. French faience ; decorated by De Guillé. Diameter, 20 inches. 337 FRENCH PLAQUE. Decorated by J. G. Vibert. “Rabbits in Garden.” Diameter, including ebon- ized frame, 17 inches, 338 PAIR ENAMELLED IRON JARDINIERES. Turk- ish figures. 339 MANTEL CLOCK. Rich Oriental design ; bronze, silver, and gold gilt finish, with enamelled porcelain panels ; movement encased in onyx. 340 PAIR CANDELABRA. Six lights each. Old Chinese cloisonné enamel elephants, with bronze mountings. 78 ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES J. OSBORN. 341 PAIR BRONZE VASES. Tall diamond shape; Japanese design ; relief openwork, and inlaid orna- } mentation ; gold and silver finish. - f | 342 PaiR Bas RELIEFS. Florentine marble. / Carved ebonized frames. 343 PAIR FRENCH PORCELAIN PLAQUES. Dec- orated by E. Potin. ‘‘The Flirtation.” Ebonized and brass frames. 344 ELKINGTON PLAQUE. Refoussé and inlaid ornamentation. ‘The Toilet.” Ebonized frame, with velvet mat. 345 MANTEL CLOocK. Green and black marble case, with bronze figure. 346 PAIR VASES. Bronze and porcelain ; Oriental design, panels decorated with finely painted figure subjects. Vea” 347 ELABORATE JARDINIERE. Crystal glass, cut and engraved, with boldly wrought bronze mount- ings and ornaments ; fish, shell, seaweed, and other designs in high relief, finished in gold, silver, and oxidized. Signed Ele. Guillemin. Height, 17 inches ; diameter, 14 inches. 348 PAIR ELABORATE VASES, to match the above f jardiniére. Also by Guillemin. 349 ELABORATE MANTEL SET. Japanese design, finely wrought gold gilt bronze and enamel; com- prises clock representing Turtle of Longevity, and } two eight-light candelabras, with storks in relief, and enamelled panels. Made to order by Tiffany & Co. — 350 PAIR SEVRES PORCELAIN VASES. Richly decorated and mounted in gold gilt brass; panels ) decorated with pastoral subjects by F. Collez. \ Height, 21 inches; diameter, 9} inches. 351 ELABORATE BRONZE MANTEL SkT. Clock, with pair of eight-light candelabras to match. Tiffany & Co. EUROPEAN AND ORIENTAL BRONZES. 79 352 PAIR LARGE FRENCH FAIENCE VASES. Oriental design; finely painted and gold matte ornamentation; figures, birds, and other designs in medallions ; gold gilt bronze and onyx mountings. Height, 24 inches ; diameter, 8 inches. 353 WOOD CARVING, CUPIDS AND MERMAIDS. 354 PAIR FAIENCE BULL Does. Life size. 355 RICH MANTEL SET. Of finely wrought gold gilt bronze. Oriental design; comprises pagoda shape clock surmounted by figure of Shishi, and two side piece figures, Japanese nobleman and lady. Schneider, Campbell & Co. 356 PAIR LARGE VASES, with pedestals. Etruscan shape, ruby glass; ornamented with gold _pencil- ing ; have extra black walnut low pedestals. Height of vases and glass pedestals, 42 inches ; diameter, 13 inches. 357 LARGE OBLONG PLAQUE. By Deck. Artist- ically decorated by Anker; has ebonized and gilt frame. 358 PAIR ELABORATE SEVRES PORCELAIN VASES. Turquoise ground with gold decoration, in four me- dallions ; are figure and landscape subjects. Artis- tically painted, and signed Ab. Schilt, de la man- ufre de Sevres. Handles, plinths, and mountings of ormolu finely wrought; have massive onyx and ormolu pedestals. Height, 38 inches ; diameter, 21 inches; height of vases and pedestal, 73 inches. EUROPEAN AND ORIENTAL BRONZES. 359 RUSSIAN BRONZE, “A Cossack.” By Lance- ray. 360 RUSSIAN BRONZE. ‘‘ Esquimau Sealer.” 361 PAIR BRONZE STATUETTES. The ‘ Gladia- tors.” By Ele. Guillemin. 362 SET THREE-BRONZES. ‘‘Cleopatra and her Favorite Maids.” 80 ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES J. OSBORN. 363 JAPANESE BRONZE INCENSE BURNER. Koi fish, ! 364. INCENSE BURNER. Japanese Bronze. Shishi. i} ffl } 365 LIFE SIZE CRAY FISH. Japanese bronze. 366 JAPANESE BRONZE INCENSE BURNER. God of longevity, and deer. 367 PAIR JAPANESE SILVER BRONZE VASES. Finely wrought, ornamentation carved in high relief, and inlaid with gold, shakudo, and other metals. Height, 13 inches ; diameter, 9 inches. | 368 BRONZE. By P. Gayrard. Terrier Dog. 369 BRONZE GROUP. By P.J. Mené. ‘ Friends.” Height, 13 inches ; length, 21 inches. 370 BRONZE GROUP. ‘The Sorceress.” By Lalouette. Subject, Electricity. Ra een 371 LARGE JAPANESE BRONZE VASE. With cover. Cylindrical shape, boldly wrought dragons for handles. Ho-o birds for supports, and figure of Daimio surmounting cover; relief ornamentation of historical subject. Height, 31 inches; diameter, 16 inches. 372 PAIR ANTIQUE JAPANESE BRONZE TEMPLE CANDLESTICKS. The famous long-legged man and long-armed man of Japan. Height, 28 inches. f 373 PAIR RUSSIAN BRONZES. Equestrian figures. J “Warriors.” By Lanceray. | 374 RUSSIAN BRONZE GROUP. ‘Return from ) Pasture.” By Lanceray. 375 RUSSIAN BRONZE GRoupP. ‘Pack Mules.” By Lanceray. 376 IMPORTANT RUSSIAN BRONZE GROUP. “Sledding.” By Lanceray. A} 377 IMPORTANT BRONZE GRouP. By Lanceray. “Ploughing.” 378 BRONZE GROUP. By E. Fremiét, 379 BRONZE GROUP. EUROPEAN AND ORIENTAL BRONZES. 81 380 PAIR BRONZE BAS RELIEFS. Moorish sub- jects, plush frame. 381 ROMAN BRONZE FIGURE. ‘ Electricity.” By Monteverde. Height, 27 inches. 382 BRONZE GROUP. By Grastez, Paris, 1883. “The Nubian Harpist.” 383 BRONZE GRouP. ByA. Richard. ‘‘ Drome- dary.” Height, 18 inches; length, 16 inches, 384 BRONZE POINTER. BylL. Bonheur. Height, 12 inches; length, 32 inches. 3 385 BRONZE GRoupP. ‘Lioness and Cubs.” By G. Valton. 386 BRONZE GRouP. ‘‘Columbus as a Youth.” By Monteverde. Height, 23} inches. 387 PatR BRONZE FIGURES. ‘Nubian Fruit Venders.” By H. Dumaige. Height, 32 inches ; di- ameter, 8 inches. 388 BRONZE FIGURE. “Psyche.” Silver and gold finish ; rose antique marble base, with silver bronze bas reliefs inlaid. Height, 23 inches; width, 20 inches. 389 PAIR SILVERED BRONZE FIGURES. “Spring” and ‘* Autumn.” By Moreau Mather. Height, 44 inches ; diameter, 15 inches. 390 BRONZE GRoupP. ByLechesne. ‘Sea Gulls on Crest of Wave.” Height, 29 inches; width, 20 inches. 391 ELABORATE BRONZE Bust. By Ele. Guille- min. ‘‘ Nubian Chief.” Height, 36 inches ; width, 20 inches. From Paris Salon. 392 BRONZE AND MARBLE Bust. “Othello.” By Calvi, Milan. Height, 30 inches ; width, 18 inches. 393 BRONZE Group. ‘Cupid and a Satyr.” Vanity. By A.Sommer. Height, 31 inches ; width, II inches. 394 ELABORATE BRONZE GROUP. ‘ Cleopatra.” By J. Clesinger. Rome, 1851. F. Barbedienne, fondeur. Height, 21 inches ; length, 38 inches. y Seiemetttie al 82 ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES J. OSBORN. 395 LARGE BRONZE GROUP. ‘‘ Hiawatha.” By Duchoiselle. Height, 23 inches ; length, 36 inches. 396 LARGE BRONZE GRoup. By H. Dumaige. Subject, ‘Cleopatra being Presented before Cesar.” Rose antique marble base. Height, 31 inches; width, 164 inches. 397 LARGE JAPANESE BRONZE KORO. Globular shape on slender tripod, ornamented in high and low relief, with Koi and other fishes in lifelike attitudes ; cover surmounted by figure of Daimio making offering of fruit ; an exceedingly fine speci- men of skilful workmanship. By Izumi Saijio. Height, 37 inches ; diameter, 14 inches. 398 HANDSOME PEDESTAL FOR THE ABOVE. Finely wrought in bronze, butterfly ornaments in relief, inlaid with gold and silver. 399 ELABORATE CARD RECEIVER. Two large and fine Japanese cloisonné enamel plaques of cir- cular shape, handsomely mounted in finely wrought gold gilt bronze. Height, 35 inches; diameter, 34 inches. 400 PAIR SIENNA MARBLE PEDESTALS. Col- umn design, black marble bases and revolving tops ; gold gilt bronze mountings. Height, 42 inches. 401 EBONIZED PEDESTAL. Column design, carved and gilt ornamentation; revolving top. Height, 38 inches ; diameter, 18 inches. 402 CARVED WALNUT PEDESTAL. Straight shape, with shelf; oil finish. Height, 39 inches; width, 22 inches. 403 ELABORATE ROSEWOOD PARLOR EASEL. Artistically carved, fine workmanship. 404 CARRARA MARBLE GROUP. ‘Sleeping Cu- pid.” Egyptian marble base. Height, 27 inches ; width, 25 inches. 405 LARGE GROUP IN CARRARA MARBLE. ‘‘Love and Psyche.” Sculptured by F. Albano, Florence, 1881. Height, including Egyptian marble pedestal, 6 feet; diameter, 28 inches. EUROPEAN AND-ORIENTAL BRONZES. 83 406 MUSICAL BOX ORCHESTRA. By M. J. Pail- lard & Co.; has seven cylinders, each playing six airs ; very fine carved walnut cabinet case made to order by Schastey. 407 ELABORATE FLORENTINE CABINET. Carved and ebonized; etched ivory and enamel panels; has numerous drawers, enclosures, and alcoves ; in the latter are three artistically carved ivory figures in relief, and rose antique marble column ornaments. Height, 89 inches; width, 69 inches; depth, 24 inches. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGER. - THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE PRA yt ine 2 ns ae Muay tea he: CRA etek i hee pee ee pn a tex: eee ta re mts