VASSAR COLLEGE LIBRARY DEC. 1 1937 THE VERY DISTINGUISHED COLLECTION OF THE LATE HENRY T. DORTIC FROM HIS RESIDENCE IN THE CHAMPS ELYSEES, PARIS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE MORNING OF FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, AT 11 O’CLOCK AFTERNOONS OF DECEMBER 14 AND 15, 1923, AT 2:15 Ai eee “AV ESR. Ae A RL GALE ERTIES MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET NEW YORK 1923 \ =e ON a ae ON EP REE PUBL nC vin w FROM 9 A. M. UNTIL 6 P. M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GAMLE RIES —— ee eee MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 577TH STREET, NEW YORK ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57rH STREET BEGINNING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1923 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATES OF SALE (INCLUDING SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, FROM 2 TO 5 P. M.) FURNITURE AND TAPESTRIES PORCELAINS, BRONZES, PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Ad PoE AVE RC NAR Gane BRE ON THE MORNING OF DECEMBER 14, AT 11 O’?CLOCK AFTERNOONS OF DECEMBER 14 AND 15, 1923, AT 2:15 a by q ‘Osy SOILUO(T (J, AUNA ALW] AHL FO WONAGISAY AHL NI NOWS aNVadX) ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE DISTINGUISHED COLLECTION OF THE LATE PLENARY T, DOR ERIC ORIGINALLY REMOVED FROM HIS RESIDENCE IN THE CHAMPS ELYSEES, PARIS WHERE HE LIVED FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS VALUABLE FRENCH FURNITURE OF THE XVIII CENTURY Rare Needlework Chairs and Screens, signed Poudreuse by Rous, a fine Inlaid Commode by Pierre Roussel, beautiful specimens of Tulipwood and Renaissance Walnut by Dasson and other great contemporary Ebénistes RARE FRENCH XVII AND XVIII CENTURY PORCELAINS AND BRONZES HISPANO-MORESQUE AND ITALIAN XV AND XVI CENTURY FAIENCE Including Castel Durante and Urbino Plaques and two exceedingly fine Vases by Fontana XVII CENTURY IMARI AND FIVE-COLOR CHINESE PORCELAINS OF THE K’ANG-HSI AND CH’IEN-LUNG PERIODS Including remarkable Famille Rose and Verte Garnitures, Armorial and other Plaques FRENCH XVIII CENTURY LUSTERED CHANDELIERS AND WALL APPLIQUES XVIII AND XIX CENTURY PRINTS AND WASH DRAWINGS WATER COLORS AND PAINTINGS Including Portraits by Mme. Loire, Largilliére, Tocqué and Chevalier, Landscapes by Van Goyen and Jongkind and Fruit and Flowers by Jan Heem and Van Huysum VIEUX PARIS, FLEMISH AND AUBUSSON TAPESTRIES OF THE XVII AND XVIII CENTURIES ASIA MINOR AND PERSIAN RUGS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. HIRAM H. PARKE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INnc., MANAGERS MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57rH STREET NEW YORK 1923 ae . x: = THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC. DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY THE VERY DISTINGUISHED DORTIC COLLECTION The late Henry T. Dortic was born in Augusta, Georgia. He was widely known in his native city for his early erudition, quiet, fastidious tastes and the success he attained in his profession as a banker and broker. He retired at the early age of forty-five to join the notable artistic coterie of Americans in Paris, during the late 60’s, where he enjoyed the pleasures of his petit chateau on the Champs Elysées, which he gradually filled with the beautiful objects on exhibition at the American Art Galleries, and now to be dispersed at Public Sale. Like all Americans of French descent, his native taste and judgment in art matters remained keen and sensitive to beauty to the end, as is thoroughly exemplified by the results attained. No doubt, as a pre- cursor of the 90’s and early twentieth century, he escaped the boredom now thrust on every collector, for in those earlier days fine examples of French Furniture, Porcelains, Paintings, or, for that matter, any types of antiques, were not as rare as to-day, and the specimens shown were mostly in pristine condition. Among the choice French Eighteenth Century Furniture are Tulipwood Cabinets, two fine Aubusson Tapestry Suites, a fine Com- mode signed by Pierre Roussel, a number of very interesting Needlework Chairs, Screens and panels of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centu- ries, mainly in petit-point, a mantel Clock by Martinot, the case by Boulle after Bérain, and a Poudreuse by Rous. There are also a number of exquisite, reproductions made by Dasson, Fournier and other eminent Ebénistes of the day; among these are important Inlaid Lac- quer and Vernis Martin Cabinets, signed by Dasson. The Dining Room and Library were mainly in walnut, carved in the French Renaissance style by Parisian experts. In the Salons, lighted by fine old lustered Chandeliers, were delight- ful assemblages of Eighteenth Century Sévres, Saxe and Capo-di-Monte Porcelain Groups and Figurines, so very charming when placed in their true environment, and a number of French and Venetian Embroideries and Brocades added a quiet note of mellow color where requisite. In the Library was Faience of the XVIth and XVIIth Centuries, Urbino, Castel Durante, Hispano-Moresque and Delft, including dec- orated Plaques, two superbly painted Vases by Orazio Fontana; two XVth Century Hispano-Moresque Plaques, enhanced with copper reflets and dainty vines of lovely sapphire-blue which easily rival the two similar Plaques in the Louvre, and a unique group of Pynacker Polychrome Delft from the famous Plonquin Collection. Gathered in the Halls were the remarkbly fine Imari Porcelain Plaques and Garnitures, then perhaps more highly esteemed than now, but still undoubtedly of first decorative importance. Of the Famille Rose, Verte and Powder Blue K’ang-hsi and Ch’ien-lung Porcelains much might be vouchsafed, for they are all of first-rate order. Among these are rare Armorial and other Plaques, and a superb large Famille Rose Garniture. A few specimens of French XVIIIth Century Silver by Allain, Ferrier and Joubert, and a Gold Box by Bullol having remarkably perfect marks, are very attractive to the lovers of the refinements of French silver. Among the Bronzes are several XVIth Century Florentine Groups; others by Pierre Puget, Barye and Moignicz, and a finely chiseled cwivre doré Clock Set by the famous XVIIIth Century maker Berthoud. In the minor rooms, French XVIIIth Century Prints and Water- colors adorned the walls, and such thoroughly representative artists as Hubert Robert, Rowlandson, Charlier and Jongkind are to be found. The major rooms were hung with French and Dutch XVIIth and XVIIth Century Paintings, including Flowers and Fruit by Van Huysum and de Heem; Landscapes by Van Goyen, Berghem, Diaz and Troyon; Portraits by De Keyser, Picter Lastmann, Rigaud, Largil- litre, Drouais, Chevalier, Tocqué, and an especially beautiful portrait of the “Comtesse de Pithiviers” by Mme. Loire, Nattier’s very able pupil, and two of Juvenile Gardeners by Maric Jeanne Buyeau, the wife of Boucher, which certainly seem to have more than the guiding hand of her famous husband. Judicious backgrounds of Flemish XVIth, XVIIth and XVIITth Century Tapestries gave dignity and unity to the whole chateau. A Mille-fleurs Vieux Paris Tapestry Table Cover of splendid texture and color was the Clow of the Dining Room. The parquet floors were relieved by mellow-toned XVIIth and XVIIIth Century Persian and Asia Minor Rugs and Carpets, exhibiting weaves of Ivan, Fereghan, Shirvan, Ghiordes and Melez. The most notable feature of the collection is the unerring taste displayed in the fine selection of objects in so many different fields. Frank H. G. Keesre. CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Il. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. III. Identification and deposit by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a eard giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so pur- chased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchasers’ risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. ; V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. Receipted bills: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VII. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser. and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such remoyal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase hill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. II. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to pur- chasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any umption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloging or imper- fection not noted or pointed out. Bvery lot is sold “as and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or mcre days prior to its sale, and the Asso- ciation will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. XI. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who hag not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot. and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Asso- eee a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced Catalogue Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessary information from the records of the Association. ; These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., OTTO BERNBET, GE HIRAM H. PARKE AUCTIONEERS. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for in- heritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insur- ance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. AT ITS AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET INEWVES YOR Ker © lng CATALOGUE FIRST SESSION FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 11 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1 to 163. inclusive THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC. MANAGERS SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES FURNITURE, TAPESTRIES, PORCELAINS, PAINTINGS _ as Collection of the late ith peasant HENRY T. DORTIC ike in rock Morning of Dec. 14, Afternoons of Dec. 14 and 15, 1923 ied in gold, ; SEES a standing To save time and to prevent mistakes each Purchaser will a oblige the Managers by filling in this slip and handing it to the Record Clerk or Sales Attendant on making the first ES purchase. iss figure of Purchaser’s Name >is enriched Address in Full it Box Amount of Deposit yes on loose cover; Chinese box carved with sages, seated in palace land- scapes. Finely undercut. Diameters, 37% and 3%% inches. 4—Japanrse Lacquer Tray aAnp Box Oblong tray with round corners, enriched with a stream, villas and mountains. Round box, enriched with symbols and flowers on aventurine grounds. Tray: Length, 7% inches; bow: height, 444 inches. FIRST SESSION FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 11 o’CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1 to 163, inclusive JAPANESE CABINET OBJECTS 1—Two Japanese Lacevrr Inros, or Mepictrnt Boxes One, oval, with five chambers, enriched on black, with peasant riding an archaic bull; faceted barrel-shaped netsuke in rock crystal. The other, oval, with six chambers, enriched in gold, with seated figure of a devotee; on the reverse side, a standing figure of a warrior. 2—Two Japanrse Lacauer Inros, or Mepictne Boxes Lozenge shape, in four sections. One, enriched in brass figure of kylin and a silver kylin on the reverse side; the other is enriched with very minute patterns of brocade. 3—JapanesE Laaut Box anp Cuinesze Torroise-sHELL Box Japanese box, kidney-shaped, enriched in maple leaves on loose cover; Chinese box carved with sages, seated in palace land- scapes. Finely undercut. Diameters, 3%, and 33% inches. 4 JAPANESE LaceuErR Tray ann Box Oblong tray with round corners, enriched with a stream, villas and mountains. Round box, enriched with symbols and flowers on aventurine grounds. Tray: Length, 7% inches; bow: height, 41, inches. a ees a welillns a ers aa Eel sare sae a Rl oa Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue 5—Turee Japanese Lacaurr Boxers One, circular-shaped, enriched, on powder ground, with floral sprays and butterflies ; another square, with dome cover, enriched with bamboo and fir trees amid which a stork is seen; the third, oblong with inset round corners; the top enriched in duo-gold with hen and chickens. Lengths, 444, 2%, and 3%, inches. 6—JapanesE Lacauer Box Loose cover, enriched in duo-golds, with figures on a veranda before a villa. The interior with peasants in landscape, at their avocations. Length, 94, inches. {7—JapraneseE Lacaurer Box Loose cover, enriched with finely drawn growing blossoming chrysanthemums. ‘The interior with a landscape; fitted with a brass inkwell, slate for Indian ink and loose tray. Length, 9%, inches. 8—JapanesE Lacquer Box Arched oblong; in the form of a zither, enriched with beautiful dragon at foot. The interior fitted with a tray. Length, 9%, inches. 9—JapanrsE Lacauer Box Oblong; decorated, in duo-golds, with beautiful growing sprays of chrysanthemums and a stream before an aventurine back- | ground. Length, 9°34, inches. 10—Japanese Lacaurer Inuain MornHer-or-prarn Box Oblong; with loose cover and inside tray, decorated with mother- of-pearl sprays cf bamboo and symbols; on aventurine grounds. Height, 534 inches; length, 91/4, inches. 11—Two Japanresre Carvep Ivories anp Sitver StrorKx Ivories, two dimunitive boys, one playing with tortoise, the other | battledore and shuttlecock. Signed. Finely modeled standing stork; with loose opening in back. First Session 12—Japanrse Decoratep Porcetain Borrre anp Box Eighteenth Century Satsuma, low, octagonal bottle; with mushroom stopper. Alter- nately decorated with flowers and brocade pattern on body. Peach-shaped box, with loose covers, decorated with *“Feng-Hu- ang” bird, flowers and large leaves in turquoise-blue and yellow on pitted aubergine ground. Chinese. 13 Smatt Japanese Farence Trapor Eighteenth Century Globular; modeled in relief as a cusped flower, with rustic spout, handle and loose inset cover having a blue butterfly as terminal. Rich aubergine glaze. 14—Japanrse Lacavrr Worxnox Oblong, lined with crimson silk, displaying a stream and flowers on gold and black grounds; loose stand, covered with green velours. Shelf stretcher and scrolled legs. Height, 3144, inches; width, 18 inches. 15—Japanrse Porcetain Ficurine Eighteenth Century “Swimming Mandarin Duck.” Fine conventionalized modeling. Glazed purplish-aubergine. Length, 634 inches. PORCELAIN, GLASS AND LEATHER 16—Stitver-mounteD Learner Stationery Cask anp VAsE The stationery case with copper round-hinged front of maroon leather covered with scrolled cartouches and arabesques in silver, bearing the monogram “E, S. D.” Trumpet-shaped vase, having ruby glass lining. Pierced with scrollings and sprays of flowers. Box: Length, 12 inches. Vase: Height, 6%4 inches. 17—Two Decoratren Porcenain Baskets Saxe Style Low, irregular oval shape, with leaf-scrolled bail handle, painted with sprays of beautiful flowers. The other with pierced border and foot and bail handle, boat-shaped, with beautiful flowers. Lengths, 9 and 71% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ee Oe ee 18—Revovussé Brass Corrrer French Seventeenth Century Style Oblong, with incurving, lifting hinged cover enriched, in the Bercy manner, with coronctted medallioned bust of Francois I, surrounded by dainty scrollings of minute acanthus leaves, in which birds occasionally appear. The sides with similar scroll- ings of minute acanthus leaves, in which are further birds. The sides with similar scrollings and medallion, displaying two joined hearts. Scrolled leonic heads as feet. Length, 12 inches. 19—Bive Famncre Wenewoop JarpInirrE Low blue oval basket, festooned with laurel leaves; supported at ends by cupidons kneeling on an oval plinth with outset ends. (Slightly restored.) 4 Length, 19%, inches. 20—Two Smartt Decorate PorceLarn BorriEs Gourd-shaped bottles, with silver-gilded mount at mouth; en- riched with butterflies flitting amidst sprays of flowers. 1 Height, 254 inches. 21—Two Porcenain and Turipwoop Bracxrts Louis Philippe Period Serpentine-arched fronts of porcelain, decorated with bouquets of flowers and fruit, within shield. Royal blue gilded borders. Framed in tulipwood and surmounted by small oblong shelf. Mounted in cutvre doré, with rosetted moldings and acanthus leaves. Height, 71/7, inches. 22—Turrr Cur-eiass RecerraciEs Round puff box with loose cover, etched with rosette bands in green and mounted with handle and open leaf foot. Square box with hinged cover, deeply cut with hobnails; mounted with cuivre doré, connecting a lock plate; the third box, gadrooned deep bowl-shape, fitted with silver cover, bearing monogram “O.P.R.” Heights, 634, 51% and 8%, inches. ere A AAT First Session 23—Two Venetian Guass Perrume Borries One, bulbous-shaped, with scrolled handles, splashed with blue, green and black, on red glass. The other a pinched square bottle enameled with dragon fly and pink flowers, Heights, 6 and 4°, inches. 24—Two Sttver Mounrep Sappurre-stur Prerrume Borrres Louis Seize Style Round bottles in very beautiful sapphire-blue glass, enriched with festoons in gilding. Mounted in silver with open laurel leaf and gadrooned molded base. At neck a leaf collar and dome cover. Height, 7 inches. 25—Two Cur Crystat Grass Perrume Borris Four-sided, barrel-shape, with incurving neck and facted ball stopper. The body cut both vertically and horizontally with three series of scrolled rosettes. Height, 7% inches. 26—GiLpED Grass Lievor Sranp Oblong glass tray with cutvre doré balusters supporting annular rings for liquor glasses. Central loop handle, fitted with four stopper bottles and sixteen glasses. Height, 81, inches. 27—Two Carvep anp GrnpEep PHorocrarH FRAMES Louis Seize Style Oblong; daintily carved with acanthus-leaf interior molding and reed and husk exterior moldings. 28—Two Cuivre Dorr Frames ror Mrxtarures Louis XVI Style Oblong; with out-set corners, enriched with laurel and acanthus leaves and shell motives; oval beaded opening. Height, 534 inches. 29—Inuarp Mornerr-or-pEeart Manporin Spanish Eighteenth Century The shaft and back inlaid with alternating bands of tortoise- shell and scrollings of mother-of-pearl. (Slightly defective.) Length, 934, inches. i a a ante — : - Seinen ieee oo eee = Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 80—Larcr Crear Guass Frower Vase Tall trumpet-shape. On round foot. Height, 271, inches. 31—Lmorocrs Exametep Coverep Tazza Renaissance Style Broad goblet-shape, enriched on the interior with Bacchic revels in pinks and gray en camaieu. The exterior with strap scroll- masks and scrolled clusters of fruit. Dome cover, with Bacchic subject, “Silenus Enjoying Himself.” Interior with valanced scrollings. Height, 91/4 inches. 382—Marzsie Mosaic Boox ann RuLEr \ Small volume, with pink and black cover, enriched with an oval medallion in very fine mosaic, representing the plaza of St. Peter’s. Octagon rule, made of differing examples of marble. Heights, 11144, and 414, inches. 83—Larcr Green Grass Firower VasE Faceted trumpet body; on bulbous clear glass stem and spread- ing foot. Fine emerald glass, Height, 311% inches. EARLY FRENCH AND AMERICAN SILVER AND SILVER PLATE 34—Srx Oxp Frencu Sitver Sart Spoons Four gilded, with scrolled shovel-shaped bowls. Two silver, with arched shovel-shaped bowls. 35—Two Oxrp Frencu Sitver Sucar Tones anp GRAPE Scissors Tongs, with claw prongs. Grape scissors, with lobed rustic handles enriched with bunch of grapes and leaves. 36—Fovur Onp Frencu Sitver SKEWERS By Ambroise Oval shaft, with dagger points and loose ring handle mark in rectangle: Ambroise. First Session 37—Oxp Sriver Service Forxs, Spoons AND SLICES Forks, with long tines for pickles; sugar spoon, with perforated bowl and tubular handle; large ice-cream slice, with medallioned handle; flat cake slice, with engraved ivy handle. 388—Four Oup Frencu Sitver Servyicr Spoons Two with pierced scrolled bowls and acorn terminals above shields, initialed; two with varied gadrooned bowls. 39—Four Sirver Service Spoons Two, with varied engraved shell-shaped bowls and floral handles ; two with shaped bowls and bulrush handles. Gilded. 40—Oxup Frencu Sinver Servicrk Spoons anp Forx Two ladles, with oval bowls and monogrammed handles. Salad spoon and fork, with leaf-enriched shaft and spreading husked handles ; bowl and tines gilded. 41—Srx Oxup Frencu Sitver Fish Knives anp Six Forxs Lobed cartouche handle, enriched with trailing sprays of small flowers. Monogrammed. 42—Frencu Srinver Ice-cream SET Twelve spoons and slice; leaf-engraved bowl, with handle in the form of a trumpet lily. Parcel gilded. 438—Smartu Oro Frencu Sitver Taste SErvice Consisting of eleven forks, two sizes; six small knives; seventeen spoons, three sizes; large soup ladle; sugar tongs; and sugar sifting spoon. Reeded wave expanding handle terminating in a small shell motive. Monogrammed. 44—Frencu Sitver Tasne SERVICE Circa 1825 Comprising twenty-nine silver-handled dinner knives with steel blades; twenty-four forks; twenty table spoons; two service spoons, with pierced oval bowls; two varied sized ladles; poultry set of two knives and fork; carving set of two knives and two forks; asparagus server; bone holder; fish slice and cheese scoop. Beautifully shaped, reeded handles; monogrammed. (Several blades of knives worn.) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 45—Gitpep Frencu Srnver Tasie Service. Circa 1825 Similar to the preceding. Consisting of eighteen steel-bladed table knives; eighteen silver knives; eighteen table forks; sixteen dessert spoons; eighteen teaspoons; six coffee spoons; ten salt spoons; two shell-bowled service spoons and sugar tongs. 46—Two Cur CrystTaL SILVER-MOUNTED FLAGONS By A. Aucoc Flat, pear-shaped bottles, with rosettes, oval medallions and flut- ings at neck. Mounted with basket valance at mouth, molded dome cover with pineapple terminal, husk and leaf scrolled handles and oval molded foot. Height, 10%, inches. \ 47—Fovur Sttver-pLatep DisHes By Christofle, Paris Kidney-shaped ; with sloping sides and molded rim. Length, 61% inches. 48—Trn Orv Frencu Sinver Knrre-rests Central scrolled rest bar; enriched with flaring valances of rocaille motives, leaf scrolls and shell feet. Length, 44, inches. ! 49—Four Cur-cLass SILVER-MOUNTED SALT-CELLARS Late Directoire Period Spirally gadrooned and_ scalloped-edge oval glass _ bowls. Mounted in silver with short leaf-motived, balustered and spread- ing round base. On square plinth, with floral fect. Height, 35% inches. 50—Two Oxp Frencu Sitver Casrors anp Dutcn Sinver Saxr- CELLAR Pepper castor; vase-shaped, enriched with varied spiral gadroons and flutings; top has been arranged to revolve to grind pepper. Smaller pepper castor; vase-shaped, enriched with scrollings, : parting sprays and floral cartouche. Salt-cellar; bowl-shaped, | supported on the tail of a scrolled dolphin set on wheels, and ridden by a cupidon blowing a horn. Heights, 424, and 8%, inches; length, 3% inches. First Session 51—ENneusH Sriver-PLATED CREAMER Helmet-shaped, on molded oblong foot, enriched with pearl moldings. Square-sectioned, loop handle. Front bearing a flor- ally scrolled cartouche, engraved with initials E. S. Height, 7 inches. 52—-Two Sitver-mountrep Cur-crass Musrarp Pors Directoire Period Deep glass bowls; cut with pear-shaped spiral gadroons; mounted with leaf-molded lobed, round balustered foot, Domed, hinged cover, with pineapple terminal, and grape and acanthus- scrolled loop handles. On square base, with blossomed feet. Height, 6 inches. 53—Oxup Frencu Sriver Coverep Jar ann Briu Circular, straight-sided jar. With lightly domed loose cover, haying spray of flowers as terminal. Cover and body enriched with spiral gadroons, variously terminated in husk and roeaille motives. Molded bell with rustic floral handle. Heights, 6 inches and 5 inches. 54—Oxup Frencu Repousséi Sittrver Box anv BasKer Bulbous-shaped box; with loose cover, enriched with scrolled medallion occupied by three cupidons and surmounted by three cooing doves. Body with rocaille motives and spiral flutings. Circular basket ; with flaring sides, having scrolled rim and bail handles. Center enriched with view of an extensive chateau: sides with floral and rocaille scrollings. Engraved with initials. Diameters, 4°, and 51% inches. 55—SrTeruine Sitver Bonson Disu anp Smartt Comporrer Dish, in the form of a boat-shaped scrolled leaf, the stem ter- minated with leafage and surmounted by a cupidon busily row- ing with oars, which form supports to the dish; by Gorham. Circular compotier, with loop handles; on spreading balustered foot. Center enriched with wreath, rim with chevrons; by Gale, Jr. Length, 81, inches; diameter, 71/4, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. nnn ne LEER 56—Sreriine Sirver Bonzon Disu By Gorham Shell-shaped; with triple-scrolled wire handle terminating in a leaf. At the juncture of handle of body, a small mouse is stand- ing. Interior gilded. Length, 8%, inches. 57—Sirver Creamer anp Bonzon Disx Low boat-shaped creamer; flanged at rim and having cartouche lug handle. Eearly American, by Hayden and Gregg. Dish, | with scrolled oval body, having pearl motive bail handle and two birds perched at ends. On spreading molded oval base, enriched with minute honeysuckle motives. Length, 614, inches; height, 6% inches. 58—Frencu Repousst Sirver Hort-warer PrrcHer By Le Nain, Paris Broad pear-shaped body; with scrolled, hinged cover and leaf handle. Enriched with leaf-scrolled cartouche and rocaille mo- tives. Monogrammed. Height, 5°/, inches. 59—Frencu Repousst Sitver Invivipvan Tra anp Corrrr SET Directoire Period Tea and coffee pots, creamer and covered sucrier. Bowl-shaped bodies; enriched with fine flutings, garlands of laurel leaves and pearl moldings, Heights, 414, 6, 81, and 314 inches. ] 60—Two Sitver-PLaATEeD PLarrEeRs By Christofle Low round and oval dishes; with flanged rims. Diameter, 8% inches; length, 15 inches. 61—Gerorcian SHEFFIELD Prarep Tray Eighteenth Century Molded oblong, with round corners and shell and leaf loop handles. Length, 261, inches. 62—Frencu Sinver GaLterieD Tray Directoire Period Oval, pierced arcaded gallery; finely molded at crown and foot, and having ball feet. Loose plate glass bottom. Length, 131% inches. First Session 63—Oxp Frencu Repoussi Sinver Tray Irregularly scrolled oval body; with sunk center and flanged rim enhanced with leaf scrollings, water drip and rocaille motives. Length, 13 inches. 64—Two Sriver-pratep CHor Disxxs By Christofle, Paris One, lobed circular, the rim enriched with ovolo moldings inter- rupted at intersections of lobes with weird masks, in the Japanese manner. The other, with finely scrolled molded circular rim. Monogrammed. Diameters, 1234 and 11% inches. 65 Two Oxp Frencu Sitver Cuor Disxxs Circular, with finely scrolled and lobe-molded rims, having leaf motives at intervals. Monogrammed. Diameter, 101%, inches. 66—-Frencu Sitver Cuor Disu By L. Lapar, Paris Beautifully lobed, molded circular dish, with deep center. En- graved with monogram, H. T. D. Diameter, 11%, inches. 67—Two Frencu Srtver CHor DisHEs By L. Lapar, Paris Similar to the preceding. Diameters, 1234, and 18 inches. 68—Two Oxup Frencu Sitver PLattTers Oval, with beautifully scalloped, finely molded rim. Engraved with monogram, H. T, D. Lengths, 1614, and 143, inches. 69—Oxp Frencu Sinver PLatTrer Similar to the preceding. Length, 18 inches. 70—Oxrp Frencu Sriver-PLATED PLATTER By Christofle Similar to the preceding (plated). Length, 1854 inches. Vi g Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 71—Two Frencu Sttver Savce-poats wir Trays By Taburet, Paris Low gadrooned shell-shaped body, upscrolling into ram’s-horn randle. sen loop side handles. On scroll-molded oval tray. handle. Open loop side handl O ll-molded 1 tra: Length, 10%, inches. 72—Frenecu Sitver Coverep VASE Directoire Period Urn-shaped, with leaf-molded rim and foot. Open body, enriched with scrolled Bacchic medallions, honeysuckle motives and ro- setted loop handles. On outcurving scrolls and open medallioned square base, having winged leonic feet. Loose slightly domed cover, having honeysuckle rosette at center, surmounted by but- terfly m full relief. Original blue glass lining. Height, 8 inches. 73—Karty American Rerousst Sitver Correr-por By Ball, Black and Company Hexagonal expanding sides ; molded at crown and foot. Enriched alternately with medallions of flowers and bouquets of flowers within leaf scrollmgs. Engraved loop handle. Hinged domed cover, having button handle similarly enriched to body. Height, 91, inches. 74—Orp AMERICAN StItver Compotier By Ball, Black and Company Oval boat-shaped bowl; with two figures of lobsters modeled in relief on the inscrolling ends, On high bell-shaped oval foot. Initialed 8S. Length, 10%, inches. 75—Steriune Sitver Frurr Bown. By Tiffany Open wire-scrolled bowl; enriched with trailing sprays of straw- berries ; on spreading open foot similarly enriched. Loose bowl, with gilded interior and key-patterned border. Diameter, 101% inches. First Session 76—Two Earty American Sinver Water Prrcuers By Hayden Brother & Co. Broad pear-shaped; slightly gadrooned and enriched with series of leaves at fluted lobed mouth. Interesting spout; formed as a shell, with pendent lotus spray. Loop handle, entwined with sprays of lotus flowers. The lower portion of body enriched alternately with formal sprays of asters and pomegranate motives. Monogrammed. Height, 93/4, inches. 77—Two Frencu Sitver Fruir Bowrs By Taburet, Paris Deep gadrooned round bowl; with reed molded wave rim. Sup- ported on leaf, shell and cartouched scrolled open feet. Interior gilded. Diameter, 12 inches. 78—Two Srerumnc Sitrver Comportiers (a) Shallow round bowl; enriched with minutely scrolled rim. Supported on high balustered fluted stem, enriched with leaf and leonic masks. Inverted trumpet base. (3) Shallow canted bowl. Supported on shaft in the form of a date palm tree, sheltering a pheasant at its base. On molded round foot. Initialed S. Heights, 83, and 115% inches. 79—Oxp Sitver Caxe Basket Low gadrooned oval body; trimmed with fine border of scrolling leaves and rocaille motives. On florally scrolled feet. Open bail floral handle. Length, 14 inches. 80 SILVER-MOUNTED Cut-eiass Coverep Frurr Vast Deep bowl-shaped body; cut with varied medallions and spiral gadroons. Mounted in silver with leaf and pearl molded rim, and open leaf-scrolled base. Loop side-handles of semi-Bacchic figures. On expanding round base and leaf-molded square plinth, having scrolled floral feet, Dome cover, with ivy wreath terminal. Monogrammed. The rim sustaining twelve fruit spoons, having cupidons in the lobes of handles. Height, 12 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 81—Larcr Frencu Sitver Correr-pot Directoire Period Graceful oviform body, with incurved neck and spreading round foot. Enriched with fine leaf moldings. Scrolled spout, ter- minated with a ram’s head. Looped ebony handle, terminating in a further ram’s head and Bacchic mask. Hinged dome cover, haying pineapple terminal. Height, 13%, inches. 82—Frencu Sinver Cruet Directoire Period Leaf-molded oval base; supported on floral scrolled feet, and sus- taining open medallioned receptacles for two bottles. Two silver- mounted cut-glass condiment holders, two cuplike salt-cellars at points and beautiful central balustered shaft enriched with acan- thus leaves. Set on a square pedestal and terminated with looped swan neck and cornucopia ring handle. The two bottles beauti- y fully cut with whorled medallions and spiral gadroons. Fine acorn stoppers. Length, 12%, inches. 838—Srerine Sinver Comporier By Ball, Black and Company Oval boat-shaped bowl, with inscrolling ram’s-horn handles at ends, beneath which are sprays of trumpet lilies in full relief. On pear-shaped balustered shaft, enriched with further trumpet lilies. Molded bell-shaped foot. Height, 151/, inches. FINE FRENCH DAMASK LINEN 84—Frencu Damask Linen Tasie-clorH The center woven with narrow and wider stripes, finished with a diamond latticed border, flanked by small scrollings. Length, 14 feet 4 inches; width, 7 feet 7 inches. 85—EienTEEN Frencu Damask Linen Napxins Similar to the preceding. Monogrammed. Length, 35 inches; width, 30 inches. 86—Damasx Linen Tasie-cLlorH Field woven with latticed diamonds of blossoms, finished with a double border of detached bunches of grapes and leaves. Mono- grammed in the letters, H. T. D. q Length, 13 feet 4 inches; width, 7 feet. First Session 87—Damask Linen Tasie-cLoTH Exceedingly fine damask, woven in the center with stripes, and entwined garlands. Fine inner border of sprays of roses, bow- knotted. Larger outer border with similar flowers and laurel garland, finished with husk and ovolo motives. Length, 17 feet 2 inches; width, 7 feet 4 inches. (Companion to the following) 88—EicuTEEN Damasx Linen Napkins Similar to the preceding. Pp g Length, 35 inches; width, 29 inches. Companions to the preceding. Pp L g 89—Important Frencu Damask TapLE-cLoTH Exceedingly fine damask, woven with central festooned and lat- tice-scrolled medallion. Very beautiful border, with semi-archi- tectural pedestals, supporting musical trophies, from which scroll beautiful acanthus leaves, finely festooned with further flowers. Length, 18 feet 1 inch; width, 7 feet 9 inches. 90—Imrortant Damasx Linen Tasie-cLotTH Exceptionally fine damask. The center woven with medallions of trailing flowers; scrollings of acanthus leaves and further larger flowers, at border. A small outer border of leaves, cusped rosettes and husk motives. Length, 86 feet 10 inches; width, 8 feet. EMBROIDERED AND BROCADE COVERS AND HANGINGS 91—PatsLEY SHaw Late Georgian Period Fine grass-green center, woven in light green, crimson, reds and blues, with scrolling palmette and lotus border, having long in- floretted palmettes, extending from the border diagonally toward the center. The major border with light and dark blues, lavender and pink wreaths, entwined with varied infloretted palmette mo- tives. The outer border in somewhat similar colors to the major border, enriched with entwined scrollings of lotus and carnation motives. Six feet square. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 92—Emprowrrep Lavenper Sink SHawn Manila Eighteenth Century Soft, lustrous lavender, heavy crépe silk, enriched with a border of scrolling vines, sprigs on the field, and corner bouquets of larger finer flowers. Deep lattice fringe. (Slightly faded.) 57 inches square. 93—Japanrse Brocapr Cover Eighteenth Century Deep, resonant blue, woven in pale pastel colors, with scrolled dragons, seeking the pearl of power. Length, 32 inches; width, 26 inches. 94—GoLp-EMBROIDERED Crimson Satin Cover 4 Turkish Eighteenth Century Enriched with arabesqued lattice motives and scrolled center medallion. Border of ivory satin, displaying further scrollings of flowers. Length, 33 inches; width, 31 inches. 95—-SeuarE EmproipERED JAPANESE SiLK CusHion Enriched in varied colors, with birds, sprays of chrysanthemums and other flowers. 96—Turee Kurpish Sappie-pack CusHtons Oblong, displaying an arabesqued latch-hooked lozenge-shaped medallion and cruciform, stellate corners: woven in soft reds, blues, and ivories ; on plum-colored grounds. | 97 Empromwrrep Ivory Sink Cusnion Louis Seize Style Oblong. The center enriched with pink sprays of flowers ; having olive-green velvet bands as borders. 98—Two Door Draperies Blue velours broad festoons at crown; small draped tail vari- ously at left and right of each; another tail to ground; trimmed with heavy fringe. Height, 8 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet. 99—Two Door Drarerizs Similar to the preceding. First Session 100—Srr or Brocaprt Brproom Draperies Consisting of two window curtains and two festooned lambre- quins, bed drapery, with festooned lambrequin, back and _ side curtains, coverlet and portiére. Window curtains: Length, 8 feet 6 inches. Bed drapery: Length, 11 feet 5 inches. Portiere: Length, 7 feet 10 inches. 101—Two GoxpEN-yELLow VeLours Currains AND LamBre@uin Finished with a border of rosettes and bindings in silk and curiously woven velours. Height, 11 feet 4 inches; width, 7 feet. 102—Two GonpEN-BRown Damask anp Brive VreLours Winpow DraPeERies Festooned center and long ends of blue velours, trimmed with deep fringe; under curtains of golden-brown damask, developing bouquets of flowers; festooned in the Louis Seize manner with cords and tassels. Elaborate brass hooks for cords. One, length, 10 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 1 inch. One, length, 10 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet 10 inches. BRASS AND CUIVRE DORE SCONCES, APPLIQUES AND CHENETS 103—Two Brass Sconces Renaissance Style Cartouche-shape back; enriched with scrollings, festoons of flowers and sitting cupidons. Three scrolled arms for lights. Height, 201% inches. 104—Two Cuivre Dort Canpiesticxs Louis XVI Style Tapering, fluted shaft with flaring base. The sockets enriched with a group of cupidons. Height, 954 inches. 105—Two Cuivrer Dorit Wart Apprieuts Renaissance Style Balustered, leaf-enriched backs, with finely scrolled arm fitted for light. Height, 10%, inches. 1 Eine A a Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 106—Two Brass Watt Appriauts Renaissance Style Cartouched back, enriched with shell motive and satyr mask. Scrolled leaf arm, supporting an urn motive, from which spring five further arms for lights. Height, 181, inches. 107—Curvre Dort CanpEeLasrum Louis XVI Style Short, fluted, round shaft, with crowning bouquet of flowers ; two scrolled arms for lights and a central shaft having an adjustable cartouche-shaped shaft. On ribbon and reed-molded square base. Height, 28 inches. 108—Four Cuivre Dort Warr Appriauts Louis Seize Style Oak leaf festooned tapering scrolled back, with husk drops and Tonic capital surmounted by a flaming urn terminal. Four acan- thus-leaf arms scroll from a pineapple motive immediately under the Ionic capital, while a further arm rises from the same point. Fitted for electricity. Height, 274, inches. 109 Larcre Brass CHANDELIER Flemish Renaissance Style Bulbous baluster shaft, with scrolled pendant and crowning ring for suspension; developing two tiers of finely scrolled arms to- ward the foot and arched crowning tier. The lower two tiers haying nine arms each, and the crowning tier four arms. Height, 551/, inches. 110-——-Ansusraste Brass Reapinc Lamp Reeded shaft, with adjustable arm. Green silk shade. Height, 221% inches. 111—Two Prercep Brass Lames Renaissance Style Round molded bodies; fitted with oil burners. Heights, 151, and 15 inches. 112—Cuivree Dort Execrric Haneinc Lantern Basketed egg-shape, fitted with sanded glass globe and having pineapple terminal. Incurved dome, trimmed with ram’s head and festoons. Long reeded arm support. Height, 18 inches. First Session 1183—Two Brass Haneine Lanterns Coroneted, paneled, lozenge shape. Fitted with sanded glass. Sustained on long reeded arm. Height, 22 inches. 114—Two Cuivre Dori Cuenets French Eighteenth Century Style Bow fronts, enriched with scrolling leafage and vines; supported on tapering square legs; having flame terminals. Height, 11 inches. 115—Two Cuivre Dori Cuenerts French Eighteenth Century Style Medallioned oblong base, with incurving fluted crowning mold- ing; surmounted by an open scrolling of acanthus leaves, termin- ating in demi-cupidon and a flaming urn. Height, 14 inches; length, 1914 inches. 116—Two Curvre Dort CHEnets Louis Quinze Style Figures of cupidons seated amid scrolled acanthus leaves sup- ported on paneled base. Height, 12°/ inches. 117—Two Cuivre Dorit CHENeETs French Evghteenth Century Style Festooned vase shaft, set on an oval plinth; having similar flanking vases. Height, 15 inches. 118—Brass Fan-sHarep Spark Guarp Scrolled upright support, having nine folding, scroll-pierced leaves, forming a semicircular fan guard when open. Height, 2 feet 3 inches; length, 3 feet 814 inches. 119—Brass anp Iron Firz Toots anp Sranp French Eighteenth Century Style The stand with scrolled tray and arms. The tools with scrolled balustered brass handles. Height, 30 inches. erences eit et A ATA i EN TS SO Se = —— Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 120—Smauut Japanese Inntam Moruer-or-peEart CaBinet Oblong; loose top, fitted with enclosing doors and drawers inlaid in hard stones, with flowers and birds; partially lacquered. (Slightly defective.) On a small stand. Height, 10%, inches. 121—Cuines—E Carvep anp Inztarm Moruerr-or-peart Fourrorip ScREEN Each fold composed of three narrow and two larger panels, en- | riched with scrollings; the upper larger panels with inlaid and carved mother-of-pearl and jade figures, interestingly depicting a domestic tragedy. (Portions of the inlay missing.) Height, 264, inches; length, 264, inches. | 122—Brass-HANDLED Fire SET Shovel, tongs and brass quarter-round pan; twisted handles, with vase terminals; the remainder of the tools in steel. Height, 281, inches. SMALL CARVED AND GILDED, UPHOLSTERED AND CHINESE FURNITURE 123—Carvep anv GitpED Music Sranp Serpentine-molded crown rail and foot; closely balustered and having cannée panel, supported on molded scrolled, reeded slender Ss Pp 2) ) legs, with double stretcher. Height, 201, inches. 124—Cuinesrt Carvep TEraxwoop STAND Circular top, enriched with sacred symbols and red marble insert. On scrolled legs and pierced valance and circular stretcher. Height, 251/, inches. 125—Two Cuinesr Carvep Traxwoop Sranps Molded round tops; pierced friezes, enriched with leonic heads. On shaped legs, with claw feet. Height, 20 inches. First Session 126—Jaranese Carvep Traxwoop STanp Lobed circular top, with pink marble insert. On scrolled legs, with dragon heads and claw feet. Height, 171/, inches. 127—Two Brocaprt Urnotsterep Easy CHarrs Arched back, outscrolled arms and seat; covered in soft old-blue and yellow silk stripe, enriched with trailing flowers. Finished with latticed fringe. 128—Two Brocapren Urnousterep Easy Crarrs Similar to the preceding. With oblong backs. 129—Four Ivory Carven Laaué Cuairs Louis XVI Style Open backs with fluted columnar arcade and pineapple terminals. 180—Carvep anp GintpED BrocapE CHarr Louis XV Style Low arched back, the arms and seat covered in floral ivory-gray brocade; scrolled arm supports and legs. 131—VeEwneTIAN Carvep WatnutT SETTEE Renaissance Style Open scrolled back, with baluster and cartouche supports, en- riched with amorint heads and open masked and animalistic pediment. Loose seat, covered in cut velvet displaying crimson floral ogivals on yellow silk grounds. Height, 35 inches; length, 581/, inches. 132—Brass anp Srret Fire Toors anp Pan The tools with baluster brass shafts, set between steel and gilded griffin handles. Quarter-round fluted brass pan. Height, 65 inches. 133—-Two Brass Anprrons Renaissance Style Baluster shaft, with scrolled mask terminal and festooned crown- ing ball; sustained by flanking demi-nymphs and dolphin feet having a satyr mask between them. Height, 22 inches. seen ee I RR tL A Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 134—Two Carvep anp GitpEep Cuairs Louis XV Style Molded cartouche backs and cannée seats; on cabriole legs enriched with sprays of flowers, rocaille and leaf toes. Loose cushion seat in soft green velvet, cut with a blossomed lattice. 135—Two Carvep anp GinpED CHarrs Louis XV Style Similar to the preceding. 1386—Two Carvep anp GitpeD CrHairs Lows XV Style Similar to the preceding. FINE FRENCH RENAISSANCE STYLE FURNITURE Carved in Walnut to the Especial Order of the Late Henry T. Dortic and made by Eminent French Ebénistes 187—-Four Carvep Waunutr Hicu-pack CuHairs French Renaissance Style Open molded spoon-shaped backs, with serpentined acanthus leaves on pediment. Large pear-shaped splat, enriched with varied leafage, scrolls and shell motives. On cabriole legs and double-U stretcher. The seat covered in patterned soft rose- crimson velvet, displaying ogivals of pineapple motives. 188—Two Larce UrnoistereD ARMCHAIRS Oblong back, arms and seat, covered in rose crimson cut velvet, displaying medallions of flowers and scrollings. 189—Six Carvep Watnur Cuatrs French Renaissance Style | Oblong back and seat, covered in golden-yellow velours, embossed with floral motives. The back enriched with scrolled husk and leaf terminals and balusters below. On spirally reeded legs, having H-stretchers. 140—Six Carvep Watnutr CHairs French Renaissance Style Similar to the preceding. First Session 141—Carvep Watnur Lisrary Taste French Renaissance Style Molded oblong top, covered with red cloth. Spirally gadrooned frieze, fitted with three drawers. Supported at the ends with architectural niche, flanked by harpies, set on a molded base which continues into a central stretcher sustaining arcading. Height, 291%, inches; length, 68 inches. 142—Carven Watnur Servinc Taste French Renaissance Style Scrolled and paneled back; finely molded top, hinged to open toward back having adjustable bracketed top shelf. Rouge- royal marble supplementary panel under top; fitted with extra serving shelf ; gadrooned frieze, arranged with two drawers. Sup- ported on reeded columns, having mid-shelf and stretchered base. Height, 4 feet 15 inches; width, 4 feet 11 inches. 143—Carvep Krnony Capiner French Renaissance Style ¥y The upper portion with raised center, enclosed by two glazed doors and fall-front writing desk below. The sides fitting with 5 tS) doors having panels symbolic of *’The Seasons” after Jean Gou- st A jon. The lower portion with broken extended front, supported on eight fluted tapering baluster legs. Leight, 68°, inches; width, 451, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 144—Carvep Watnut Capinet French Renaissance Style Rectangular, with glazed ends and frontal enclosing doors; molded cornice and round pilasters, enriched with floral and husk motives. The interior lined with red cloth and fitted with two glass shelves. On square molded tapering legs and _ scrolled U-stretcher, with cartouche terminals. Height, 5 feet 2°, inches; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 145—Carvep Watnur CaBiInet French Renaissance Similar to the preceding. Height, 5 feet 234 inches; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 146—Carvep anp GitpEp Mirror Louis Seize Style Oblong acanthus-leaf molded frame, with arched top and basket spandrils, enriched with a cartouched pediment, having flanking sprays of laurel. Height, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 5 feet 8 inches. 147—Carvep Watnur CaBiInet French Renaissance Style The upper cabinet with molded cornice and finely rosetted frieze. Front with two enclosing doors, enriched with architectural niches, masks and scrollings, leaf-bracketed pilasters and central parting panel of scrolled harpies, two drawers under the doors, adorned with further masks. On straight leaf-carved legs, hav- ing Ionic capitals and molded shelf base. Height, 5 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches. 148—Carvep Waxtnut Mrrror French Renaissance Style Shell-molded cornice; enriched with canted pediment and leafage at sides of the oblong frame. Height, 8 feet; width, 5 feet 9 inches. 149—Carvepv Ezony Casinet French Renaissance High oblong molded top, with frieze enriched with mask and brackets ; the front enclosed with arabesqued oval medallion, dis- playing a figure of Penelope at her weaving. Supported on pilasters with Ionic caps: deep molded base, having claw feet. Height, 4144 inches; width, 2914 inches. First Session 150—Carvep Oak CREDENCE French Gothic Style Oblong back, paneled with tracery, and having bracketed molded shelf; surmounted by pierced cresting and pinnacles. The front enclosed by two richly carved traceried doors and central pilaster adorned by a figure of John the Baptist. Two drawers below enriched with further tracery and pendant. Lower back portion with linenfold panels and molded shelf stretcher. Height, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 51 inches. 151—Two Carvep Watnutr Prepesrars French Renaissance Style Octagonal shaft, lightly etched with scrollings; molded top and base, of similar contour to the shaft; the top having supple- mentary round, leaf-molded panel. Height, 40%, inches. 152—Carvep Watnur Taser French Renaissance Style Oblong molded top; enriched with alternating shell and fluted motives. Cushion-shaped frieze, adorned with further shell mo- tives and fitted with two drawers. Supported at ends on carya- tids and open scrollings having satyr heads and leaf feet. Arcaded central stretcher. Height, 29 inches; length, 581/, inches. 158—Carvep Watnut BooxcasE French Renaissance Style ¥y Molded broken cornice, with strap rosetted frieze and extended ends, enclosed by columnar doors, having panels enriched with jardiniéres and vases of fruit and foliage. Two central double- arched glazed enclosing doors, having fluted columns and lower carved arabesqued panels and claw fect. Height, 8 feet 81% inches; length, 9 feet 3 inches. 154—Carveo Wainutr Exrenston Dintne Tanie French Renaissance Style Finely molded oblong top, enriched with half-rosettes and shell motives; on gadrooned balustered end legs, and central columned arcade. Three full and one half width leaf for extension. Height, 2 feet 8% inches; length (closed), 6 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 111% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 155—Larcr Carved WaLnut SIDEBOARD French Renaissance Two-tiered back, arranged with five old panels, displaying in each fine cartouches and floral scrolled borders. On the lower tier the cartouches are occupied by figures somewhat in the man- ner of Jean Goujon. Both backs are arcaded and supported on gadrooned columnar shafts; lower part with gadrooned frieze, fitted with four drawers, parted by leonic heads. The front enclosed by four doors, enriched with scrolled Caryatids and Atlantes; on claw feet. (Has been entirely reconstructed.) Height, 8 feet 6 inches; width, 8 feet 8 inches. HEAVY-PILE AXMINSTER CARPETS 156—AxminsTER CARPET Woven in lavender-crimson with scrolled ogivals, having pine- apple motives at intersections, on a flame red ground. Fitted to room. Approximately, 30 yards; 39 inches wide. 157—AxminsTER CaRrPET Rich red heavy pile. Fitted to room. Approximately, 32 yards; 39% inches wide. 158—AxminstER Carpet Deep peacock blue; rich heavy pile. iS) = Approximately, 83 yards; inches wide. 159—AxminstER CARPET Heavy close pile. Woven in flame red. Fitted to room. Approximately, 35 yards; width, 39 inches. 160—Larcre Deer Brive Axminster CARPET Heavy, close pile. Seamed, and fitted to room, Approximately, 50 yards; 39 inches wide. First Session 161—AxminstER Carpet Heavy close pile. Flame red. Cross-seamed in several places. Approwimately, 55 yards; 39 inches wide, 162—Fovur Lrenerus or Srair Carper Similar to the preceding. Approximately, 120 yards; 27 inches wide. 163—Five Smatt Derr Rep Axminster Carpets Heavy pile. Approximately, 120 yards; 27 inches wide, es (t Hl “OST “OILMO(T \L AYUNARF ALVT] AHL 70 AUVvUgl’ Ty LANTIVAA FINVSSIVNAY — a a eed SECOND SESSION FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 14, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:15 0 CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 164 to 344A, inclusive CHINESE CARVED JADES AND BRONZES OF THE K’ANG-HSI AND CH’IEN-LUNG PERIODS 164—Curesz Carvep JADE Group Cl’ien-lung “Li-tai-peh” (The Bibulous Poet) and a boon companion seated on a long curled leaf. Mutton fat creamy-green jade. On open carved stand. Length, 5%, inches. 165—Cuinese Carvep Jape Coverep Jar Ch’ien-lung In the form of an ancient “Han” bronze; square body with outset round corners continuing into tapering round legs; open lug animalistic handles; enriched with low-relief dragon bands. Slightly domed cover, with round dragon seals at corners and open scrolled lizard terminal. Veined pale cream-green jade. Height, 51% inches. 166—Cuineszt Bronze Ficurine Ming Period Molded bowl-shape, with loose rig and animalistic head handles; enriched with band of archaic key scrollings. Dome cover, with finely pierced scroll-banding and lizard terminal. Fine pale sea-green jade. Length, 7 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. a 167—Two CuryesE Criorsonn&é CENSERS Ch’ien-lung Low, square body, with fluted inset corners and short circular collar; enriched with gilded panels on all sides displaying “Bats Amid Cloud-forms,” “Symbols of Happiness,” surrounded by lotus scrollings; on turquoise-blue ground. Gilded pierced cover, with further bats and scrollings. Height, 3 inches. 168—CuineEsE Cioisonnié CENSER Chien-lung Oblong body, with toothed lugs at corners and centers of sides, loop-lug handles and parcel gilded animalistic legs ; enriched with blue and red archaic scrollings. Pierced dome cover surmounted by a kylhin. Height, 6 inches. 169—Cuinesz Bronze Ficurine Ming Period “Buddha.” Seated, wearing long beard and voluminous robes. Rich deep brown patina. Height, 3%, inches. 170—Cuixese Cioisonné CENSER Ch’ien-lung | Bowl-shaped, with gilded ring and kylin-headed handles and curious scrolled legs having reversed grotesque heads. Enriched with red bats amid floral scrollings; on turquoise-blue grounds. Scroll-pierced gilded dome cover having pineapple terminal and ju-t valance in cloisonné adorned with fine chrysanthemums. | Height, 101% inches. 171—Two Cutest Croisonné Lamers, Mounrrep 1n Cuivre Dort Ch’ien-lung Graceful pear-shape. Enriched in ivory, red, green, yellow and deep sapphire-blue with bands of beautiful fruit and flowers on turquoise-blue grounds; parted with medallioned band sur- mounted with series of spear-shaped leaves; ju-i band at mouth, key-patterned band at foot. Fitted for electricity. Height, 20 inches. (Vases Illustrated) (Bunj-uary)) quod WHAIOD) NI GHLNNOT ‘sdNv'T ANNOSIOT(D ASHNIH’) OMT,—TIALTI “ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 172—Two Cuinese Croisonné Bows Ming Gadrooned bell-shaped bowls; with short foot. Enriched in deep sapphire-blue, red and ivory with “Bats,” “Symbols of Happiness,” flying amid varied cloud scrollings; on turquoise- blue grounds. Diameter, 744, inches. 173—CuinesE Crotsonné Bown Cl’ien-lung Low straight-sided bowl, enriched with gilded key scrolled rim, three lizards in full relief crawling about rim and scrolled feet | having bats at crown. Enriched in ivory, deep sapphire-blue and red with swimming fish and procession of animals on interior and scrollings of lotus and “Shou” marks on exterior; fine tur- Y quoise-blue grounds. Diameter, 101% inches. 174—Two Porcrnar Fievres Mounrep rw Cuivre Dor K’ang-hsi Turquoise-blue kylins, one playing with brocaded ball; recumbent on aubergine oblong pedestals. Mounted in cuivre doré, each with two finely scrolled arms for lights and pierced scrolled base. Height, 1234 inches. 175—Cuinesze Cioisonné Vase Ming Period Pear-shaped, with square section and animalistic-headed ring handles. Enriched in ivory, fine red-crimson and deep sapphire- blue with bands of scrolling lotus, peonies and magnolia; parted and surmounted by floral borders and spear-shaped motives. Height, 1314 inches. 176—Curnesz Cioisonnt Coverrep Vase Chien-lung Oviform, with oblong section, short spread foot, straight collar, gilded animalistic loop handles and canted dome cover with cup top. Enriched in gilding with round seals on cover and shoulder, and in red, ivory, green and deep sapphire-blue with archaic | scroll-bandings, similar to those of ancient “Han” sacrificial vessels. Height, 1744 inches. Second Session EMBROIDERED DAMASKS AND BROCADES OF THE SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES 177—NeEEDLEWorK CusHION French Mid-nineteenth Century Square; soft yellow ivory medallion at center in gros-point, embroidered in silks with bouquet of blue flowers. Gray-blue medallioned border, with husks and rosettes. The outer edge trimmed with cord. 178—Ivory Brocapr CuHair Seat Eighteenth Century Ivory damassé silk, woven with scrollings of vines and sprays of crimson roses. 179—Jarpintkre VeLver CusHion Lows XIV Style Square; woven in pastel colors and crimson with beautifully drawn varied flowers on ivory ground. 180—Tvrevotsr-BLuE Cut-vELVET PaneL Lows XII Style Beautiful turquoise-blue cut and uncut velvet ; woven with leaves, diagonally placed, and bearing blossoms of roses, on ivory silk grounds, Length, 49 inches; width, 214%, inches. 181—Drarp p’Arcent GREEN CuT-vELVET Panen Italian Late Seventeenth Century Woven with leaf-enriched diamond lattice, in cut velvet on a silver green ground. (Slightly imperfect at one edge.) Length, 491%, inches; width, 203, inches. 182—EmproiwERED GREEN VELVET Cover Italian Sixteenth Century Deep rich jade-green, enriched in appliqué of yellow and crimson velvet with border and corners of scrolled floral motives. Height, 44 inches; width, 42 inches. ne eS Ce ar — Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 183—GoLp-EMBROIDERED Hancine Florentine Late Stateenth Century Enriched with central blue two lobed coat-of-arms, having pen- dent pomegranate and lotus flowers, emitting strap scrolls, inter- rupted with acanthus leaves and varied trailing flowers ; finished at crown with similar scrolled and floral motives to field. Em- broidered in very mellow rich colors, with gold threads on chevroned point d’Hongrois ground. Length, 6 feet 6 inches; depth, 8 feet 1 inch. 184—Mitie-rievurs Empromerep Siix Cover Persian Early Eighteenth Century Oval floral medallion, with pendants at ends, set on a lattice of innumerable flowers. Executed in soft rich colors; on deep ivory ground. Florally scrolled border. Length, 60 inches; width, 36 inches. 185—Ricu Crimson Damask Cover Ttalian Sixteenth Century Y Woven with differing ogivals occupied by bouquets of flowers and foo} fo} a) pomegranates alternating with tulip bouquets. Original pink linen lining. Length, 8 feet; width, 3 feet 4 inches. 186—Ricu Crimson Damask Cover Italian Sixteenth Century Woven with differing ogivals, occupied by bouquets of flowers | and pomegranates alternating with tulip bouquets. Original pink linen lining. Length, 8 feet; width, 3 feet 4 inches. Second Session 187—Perrsian SHAWL Late Eighteenth Century Woven with two Saracenic arches, arabesqued in red and joined by black medallion at the center, on which is embroidered the weaver’s mark and name. The inner border of infloretted gadrooned palmettes, alternating in red, blue and _ green. Arcaded outer border in soft red, occupied by various floral motives. Length, 10 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches. 188—Persian SHAWL Eighteenth Century Scrolled Tyrian red circular medallion, flanked by arabesqued bands of scrolled palmettes and other floral motives on softer red grounds. The borders are medallioned with scrolled plaquettes. Length, 11 feet; width, 4 feet 8 inches. 189—Drap v’?Or Brocapep Cover Venetian Seventeenth Century Woven in soft pale pink, blue, green and gold threads, with lobed oval medallions, enclosing varied and highly conventionalized bouquets of flowers; flanked by incurved medallions, damassé in pink and bearing further bouquets of flowers, on deep rich ivory silk ground, trimmed with tasseled fringe. Length, 8 feet; width, 6 feet 8 inches. 190—Drap v’Or Crimson Brocapep Panen Venetian Seventeenth Century Most interestingly woven in gold and pale pastel shades, with scrolled dolphins, sustaining small canopies, birds in hoops, Chinese vases and other exceptionally interesting motives. The front trimmed with fringe, Height, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 1 foot 7, inches. 191—Two Mixx CoacuHmMeEn’s Carrs, Brar Rose anp Foot Murr The capes semicircular, of fine fur; the robe lined with plaid cloth and the foot muff with leather back and lamb’s wool lining. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ENGLISH AND FRENCH PRINTS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY W. WARD EneutsH Encraver: 1766-1826 192—THOUGHTS ON MATRIMONY Oval: Height, 8 inches; width, 634 inches Turee-quarter length of a pretty, pensive girl, wearing pink-ribboned broad-brimmed hat and lawn dress, seated, holding a missive on her lap with her left hand. Stipple, printed in colors; designed by J. R. Smith; engraved by W. Ward. Published May 25, 1786, by J. R. Smith, 83 Oxford Street, London. Stained. Framed. JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH Eneuiso Encraver: 1752-1812 193—A LOISIR Oval: Height, 8 inches; width, 634 inches A pleasant young girl wearing hair puffed at sides and lawn dress with pink sash, seated, seen at three-quarter length. Stipple, printed in color. Published May 1, 1788, by J. R. Smith, 31 King Street, Covent Garden, London. Margin rubbed and to plate line. BARTELOTI Eneuish Eneraver: Eicurrentn CENntrury 194—VARIETY Height, 11 ches; width, 74 inches Crowded Scenes, or The Lovely Groves ... The Charms of Life’s Variety. A young girl, in ample robes and feathered Gainsborough hat, stands before a group of large trees. An edifice at the right. Painted by G. Morland; engraved by Barteloti; stippled in black. Fine impression. Framed. a aa Second Session BARTELOTI Eneuish Encraver: EienTernta Century 195—CONST ANCY Height, 11 inches; width, 71/4 inches “Firm as the rock on which I lean, I’ll ne’er forsake the youth I love.” A young girl, in ample costume and a large Gainsborough hat, leans with her right arm on the rocks upon a rocky shore. The sea tumbles into the sand at her feet. Painted by G. Morland; engraved by Barteloti; stippled in black; fine impression. Framed. ENGLISH Earty NinereentH CEntTurRY 196—-COUNTESS OF RUTLAND Height, 17 inches; width, 181% inches Three-quarter length; seated before a draped curtain, holding a tome on her lap. Line engraving; proof before all letters. Large margin. Framed. N. DE LAUNAY Frencu Encraver: 1739-1814 197—QU’EN DIT L’ ABBE? Height, 151% inches; width, 12 mches In the grand salon Madame is seated at a small toilet table, having her hair dressed. Beside her is the Abbé, looking at some embroidery being shown by some attendants at the left. Painted by N. Lavreince, peintre du Roi de Suede; gravé par N. de Launay, Graveur du Roi de France et Dannemark et des Académies de France et de Copenhague. Fine impression. Framed. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. LOUIS EUGENE LAMI Frencu Encraver: 1800-1890 198—COACHING DAYS Height, 634 inches; length, 98/4 inches A four-in-hand, drawn up before an old English tavern, is about to have new leaders before starting on its merry journey. Print, colored by hand, Framed. N. DE LAUNAY Frencuo Encraver: 1739-1814 199—LE BILLET DOUX Height, 151/44, inches; width, 1124 inches A young gallant stands before a mantel of a grand salon, interesting his proposed mother-in-law, while he carefully slips a note to Mademoiselle, who is seated opposite to her mother. Line engraving. Peint 4 la Gouache. Margin beyond. Painted by N. Lavreince, Peintre du Roi de Suede; gravé par N. de Launay, graveur du Roi de France et Dannemark et des Académies de France et de Copenhague. Framed. ANTOINE LOUIS ROMANET Frencu Encraver: 1748-1807 200—LE LEVER Height, 1834, inches; width, 9° inches Mademoiselle, wearing a bonnet de nuit, sits up in her canopied bed, stretching herself, while two maids attend her. Line engraving in black. Cut close to engraved surface. I. H. E. inv. S. Freudeberg del.; A. Romanet sculp. 1774. Framed. ipa ll Second Session LIGNEE Frencuo Encraver: EicHTrentH CENTURY 201—L’OCCUPATION Height, 1834 inches; width, 934 inches A youthful matron is sitting at her embroidery frame, talking to a gallant beside her. A maid at a cabinet is filling a bowl of flowers. Line engraving in black, I.H.E. iny.; Freudeberg del. Lignée sculp. LIGNEE Frencu Encraver: Ericntrento CEnrury 202—LA PROMENADE DU MATIN Height, 1334, inches; width, 984 inches Before a chateau a young country girl is flirting with a youthful abbé. Two dames de court approach on a palfrey, with a small spaniel. Line engraving in black. I.H.E. inv.; Freudeberg del.; Lignée sculp. Small margin, stained, torn and repaired. Framed. PIERRE MALEUVRE Frencu Eneraver: 1740-— 203—LE BOUDOIR Height, 14 inches; width, 1014, inches A young girl in afternoon costume has been playing the mandolin, and is now resting on her chaise-longue. Her lover, outside the open window, sedulously makes love to her maid. Line engraving in black. LH.E, iny.; S. Freudeberg del.; P. Maleuvre sculp. 1774; a Paris, chez Beldet, rue de Gesvres. Small margin; slightly stained. Framed. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Af A tf, Seif te i} Vo BOSIE Frencu Encraver: Direcroirrt Prriop 204—LA BOUILLOTTE Height, 1414 inches; length, 18 inches In a Directoire salon many personages are gathered in conversation and watching the players at a very strenuous game of cards; the players therein being seated at a round table at the center, Bosie delt.; published, rue Montmarte, No. 132. Line, hand-colored fine impres- sion, margin beyond plate line. Framed. ANTOINE LOUIS ROMANET Frencu Encraver: 1748-1807 205—LA GRANDE TOILETTE Height, 1034 inches; width, 834 inches Monsieur, in court costume, stands before a fireplace opposite to Madame, while his two valets put the finishing touches on his costume. In the rear of the apartment are two personages, waiting for Monsieur. J. M. Moreau, le Jeune, del.; A. Romanet sculp. Line engraving; small margin. Framed. Second Session PIETRO ANTONIO MARTINI Frencu Encraver: EigotrentH Century 206—LA PETITE TOILETTE Height, 1034 inches; width, 834 inches Monsieur, within a French apartment, is having his hair curled by his two barbers, while his valet de chambre, at the left, with an assistant, is showing him the costume proposed for the morning. A friend stands at the rear. Line engraving after J. M. Moreau, Jr. Engraved by P. A. Martini, sculp., inv.; margin to plate line. Slightly stained. Framed. DRAWINGS AND WATERCOLORS OF THE CONTEMPORARY FRENCH SCHOOL HIPPOLYTE JOSEPH LOUIS BELLANGE Frencu: Contemporary (1800-1866) 207—_THE DRAUGHTSMAN Water-color: Height, 8 inches; length, 9 inches A Cavalier in seventeenth century costume, with pink velvet shorts and a buff jacket, is seated at an oak table, drawing his contemporaries. Before him stands another cavalier with rubicund complexion, and two glasses of ale are on the table before him. At the back of the draughts- man’s chair are the landlord of the tavern, his son and a friend, watch- ing the artist at work. Beyond, in an anteroom, are a number of SUS WN Signed at lower left: H. Betuancr, 1837. CLAUDE LOUIS CHATELET Frencu Scuoon: 1753-1795 208—VUE INTERIEUR DE LA VILLE D’ARTOIS, JURA Pen and Bistre Drawing: Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches Over the parapet of a bridge connecting ancient wooden edifices a group of five personages watch a stream flowing through the center of the village and dashing itself over the rocks beyond. Signed at lower left: Cxuaupr Louis Cuareer. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. CLAUDE LOUIS CHATELET Frencr Scuoor: 1753-1795 209—VUE INTERIEUR DE LA VILLE D’ARTOIS, JURA Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches A group of three personages are standing on a rocky foreground, look- ing at the Falls from a mill-stream which pours out between the arches of an old building immediately at the center. At the left is a rambling old mill and at the right is an ancient edifice perched on rocks. Framed. JULES WORMS Frencu ScHoor: 1882-1881 210—PREPARATORY TO A REVOLUTIONARY ATTACK Water-color: Height, 15 imches; width, 11 inches A young Italian peasant armed, and carrying a lantern, appears at the doorway of his house, before which are spread for him arms and accoutrements to enable him to join his corps. Signed at lower left: J. Worms. JAN WEISSENBRUCH Durcu ScHoor: 1822-1880 211—WINTER, UTRECHT Water-color: Height, 144% inches; length, 2142 inches Ancient red-bricked edifices flank a broad street which has been flooded during the winter and frozen hard, giving a fine surface for numerous persons to skate over its surface. Toward the background is a clump of leafless trees, before further interesting edifices and a distant church spire seen over their roofs. Signed at the lower right: JAN WEISSENBRUCH. —————————————— Second Session CONSTANTIN ERNEST HYACINTHE GUYS Frencu Scuoor: 1802-1892 212—DRIVING FOUR-IN-HAND IN THE BOIS DE BOULOGNE Pencil and Wash Drawing: Height, 11 inches; length, 18 imches A coach, with four spanking bays, is being driven by a gentleman who ’ § Days, g 4 8 has a lady with him on the box; the top is occupied by a fashionable gathering, with two footmen on the rear box, Personages are before the wooded background and an equestrian follows the coach at right. Framed. A. DARGON FrencuH: ConrEMPORARY 213—A MOORISH DANCING GIRL Chalk Drawing: Height, 2814 inches; width, 2014 inches A young Moorish girl, profusely jeweled and robed, dances with two swords uplifted by the hilts, on an Oriental carpet. Behind her are five musicians, four seated, the other standing at left. Signed at lower left: A. Darcon, 1 Janvizr, 71. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. LOUIS EUGENE LAMI Frencu: Conremporary (1800-1890) 214 CHATEAU D°HERBY Water-color: Height, 131% inches; length, 22 inches A double balustraded set of steps, somewhat to left, leads to a red- bricked chateau; on the steps are several personages, bidding adieu to cavaliers, who are about to mount, or are mounted, preparatory to moving forward to a campaign. On the turf before trees at right is a troop of their mounted retainers, ready to debouche. Signed at lower left: Eug. Lami, 1880. FERDINAND F. HEILBUTH Frencu ScHoor: 1826-1889 IN THE AFTERNOON ON THE SEINE Water-color: Height, 18 inches; length, 21 inches 215 A fashionably dressed young girl is seated on the foreshore of the river flowing across center, on a summer afternoon; waiting for her companion. A fisherwoman in a punt is seen nearby and on the distant bank a few scattered trees and cottages. Signed: F. Hrirnvurn. Second Session PIERRE MONGIN Frencu Scuoor: 1762-1826 216—PARC MONCEAU Painted in Gouache: Height, 1514 inches; width, 21 inches A gentleman toward left is on his knees before two ladies; a jardinier approaches with a basket of flowers for him to present to his inamorata. At the right are further personages before a balcony overlooking fine woods and a large fountain. At left is a flight of steps, on which are two couples advancing toward a group of statuary, crowning the ates Signed at lower left: Monetn, 1795. (Companion to the following) PIERRE MONGIN Frencu Scuoou: 1762-1826 217—PARC MONCEAU Painted in Gouache: Height, 1514 inches; width, 21 inches At right is a group of four personages who have picknicked in a shady spot before dense trees and a high wall, in which are niched figures of statuary. Toward the center and left is a stream and a short flight of steps. A couple is seen fishing the stream from a boat, and on the steps another couple advance toward the woodland, which forms a background for a pergola and a statuaried fountain. Signed on pedestal toward lower right: Monctin, 1795. (Companion to the preceding) VERY INTERESTING AND BEAUTIFUL COLLECTION OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SEVRES, SAXE, LOUISBOURG AND CAPO DA MONTE PORCELAIN Many Specimens Mounted in Cuivre Doré 218—Saxt Porcetarmn Snurr Box Eighteenth Century In the form of a white mouse. Hinged cover, enriched with “Féte Champétre” on exterior and three dancing cupids on the interior. Height, 2 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 219—Smartut Lupwicspurc Porcenain Ficurine Eighteenth Century Recumbent figure of a foxhound. Lightly tinted gray and old- red, on lozenge-shaped base. Marked in blue in glaze at the right ; coronetted double C’s. ¥ Length, 35% inches. 220—Decoratep Saxe Porcerarmys Group Eighteenth Century “Sheep and Ewe.” Closely recumbent. One with its head over the other’s back. On oval base, finely modeled. Length, 3%, inches. 221—Srvres Porcenain Box Eighteenth Century Oval, with silver gilded scroll rim mount; enriched with gilded rose-du-Barry pink grounds, with reserves of birds and dainty flowers. The interior also painted with a bouquet. Length, 3 inches. 222—-Saxrt Porcextain Box, Mounrep 1n Cuivre Dort Eighteenth Century Lobed oval body and cover, finely enriched in rose-du-Barry, reserved with lozenge-shaped panels, occupied by landscapes and figures. Mounted in cwtvre doré collar and base and leaf-scrolled feet. Height, 314, inches. 223—Srvres Porcetain Coverep Cur Eighteenth Century Straight-sided, with loop handles, enriched with gilded apple- green body and oval reserves of daintily painted flowers; domed cover with apple-green band, having flower in relief as terminal. Mark in blue, S and double L’s, of the date of 1771 under a scrolled S, the decorator’s mark. Height, 31%, inches. Second Session a 224—Shyres Porcenarn Cours, Mounrep ry Curvre Dort Eighteenth Century Deep bowl coupe, decorated with diagonal bands of gilded royal blue and reserves of trailing flowers, mounted in leaf-scrolled cuivre doré foot. Mark, under glaze of foot “E” in blue, enclosed with double I’s of the year 1757; painter’s mark above, with an arched line above it, “Guillaume Noel.” Height, 3% inches. Note: Guillaume Noel, who was famous for his flowers, was born in 1735; entered Sévres in 1755, and is known to have worked until after 1793. He was greatly admired for his gilded ornamentation as well as his flowers. 225—Dercorarep Porcenatn Coverep Cup anp SAucER Eighteenth Century Double-bowl shaped cup, with entwined handle and saucer en- riched with medallion bearing floral “B” wreathed medallion, and royal blue border, having small blossom in relief as terminal. Under glaze, mark in blue on cup and saucer of a standing stork. Height, 41/, inches. 226—Two Sivres Porcenatn VASES Eighteenth Century Flaring urn bodies, beautifully decorated with sprays of pink and blue flowers; mounted with small cutvre doré scrolled leaf and spray feet. Mark, “A” within double I’s under foot; the date letter of 1753. Height, 4°%% inches. 227—Louispourc PorcELaIn GRovuP Eighteenth Century “Pierrot and Columbine.” Standing, with joined arms, about to dance; wearing costumes of Italian players. Height, 41/, inches. 298—Two Mixitarure Saxe Porcenarw Vases AND Two JARDINIERES Eighteenth Century The vases pear-shaped, with scrolled loop handles, decorated with bouquets of flowers; the jardiniéres, tapering tub-shaped. Mark: Crossed swords in blue under foot. rs Heights, 21, inches; widths, 14% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Ee Eee eee 229—Two Dercorarep Porcenary Coverep CEnsers Ludwigsburg Eighteenth Century Gadrooned bowl and dome cover, with circular center aperture ; | enriched with beautifully painted miniature landscapes and figures. The bowl supported on gilded scrolled rocaille tripod feet. Mark: Coronetted double reversed C’s. (Shght fire cracks. ) Height, 434, inches. 230—Two Covrerrep Styres Porcenarn Musrarp Pors Eighteenth Century Barrel-shaped, with loop handles and flat covers, having blos- soms as terminal; enriched on upper part with gilded, gadrooned i; reserves, painted with miniature flowers; on the under part with | a sprig of flowers. Mounted in cuévre doré rim. (Slightly restored.) Marked in blue under foot “UU,” within double less curiously scrolled painter’s mark, dated 1773 . . . and scrolled 1. Height, 2% inches. 231—Dercoratep Sorr Pastr Shyres Coyerep Cup Eighteenth Century Cylindrical cup, having dome cover, with blossoms spray terminal, enriched in carmine, with birds on branches of flowers and sprays ; gilded lip and foot. Marked in carmine under glaze of foot: L within double L’s, 1766. Height, 234 inches. Second Session 232—Two Decoratep Saxe PorceLain Ficurines Eighteenth Century A little lad and maid in eighteenth century flowered costumes ; he seated, eating grapes from bunches held in his hat, under his left arm. He wears a dull blue coat and pink shorts. She stands, with a pear in her left hand and a basket of fruit in her right, wearing a lace apron, bodice and flowered skirt. Height, 454 inches; height, 5% inches. 233—Decoratrep Saxe PorceLain Coverep Cup Eighteenth Century Deep cup and dome cover, imbricated with cusped leaves ; enriched with minutely painted insects and gilded rustic loop terminal handle and side handles. Mark: Crossed swords in blue under glaze of foot. Height, 4 inches. 234—BisauE Srvres PorceLtain Group Eighteenth Century Seated figure of a little lad; depicted as a traveler, carrying a gourd and seated by the roadside near his little dog, Height, 51, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. y 235—Decoratren Sorr Pasre Skvres Coverrp Bow. Eighteenth Century Tapering round sides and dome coyer, having supplementary silver cusped pear-shaped terminal. Royal blue grounds, en- riched with scrollings and brocaded panneau, reserved with car- touched panels on body, and cover. Most delicately painted with clusters of very beautiful flowers and charming fruit. Diameter, 5 “inches. 236—Two Dercoratep Saxe Ficurtnes Eighteenth Century “Jardinier and Jardiniére.” Figures of a little lad and maid wearing flowered costumes of the period; the lad standing, carry- ing a basket of grapes on his back (neck restored) ; the maid toying with her broad-brimmed hat, seated on a basket of flowers, and another basket on her knee. Both on scrolled rocaille base, numbered respectively eight and seventeen, and with crossed swords in blue under the glaze at back of base. Heights, 51%, inches and 4%, inches. 237—Two Stiver-mountep Porcerars Borries Chinese Style Cylindrical, with flutings forming six panels, decorated with growing sprays of flowers and birds. Out-set feet of the same | form, decorated with medallions. Domed cover, having silver screw stoppers. Height, 6 inches. . Oe ee — < Second Session 238—Two Decorated Saxt Porcetary Bownzs, Mountep ry Cutvre Dore Eighteenth Century Bell-shaped bowl, enriched with reserves of seaport landscapes, on very charming rose-du-Barry grounds, Mounted in cutvre doré, with wreaths entwined with ribbons at mouth; on an open rocaille and scrolled base. Mark: Crossed swords in blue under glaze of foot. Diameter, 6%, inches. 239—Two Drcoratrep Saxt Porcetaixn Bowxs, Mounrep In Curvre Dors Eighteenth Century Slightly bell shape, with beautiful ivory glazed panel, having oval scrolled festooned medallions, in which travelers in red coats are seen in low-lying landscapes. Between the medallions are scrolls of flowers and finely painted insects. Mounted in cuivre doré, with rocaille and scrolled open base. Interiors with charming scrolled central medallioned landscapes. Mark: Two swords in blue under glaze of foot. Diameter, 7 inches. 240—Two Vieux Paris Decorarsp Porcenain Cups One decorated in gold on cherry red, with a reserved medallion of Mme. Disarnaud; the other reserved on gold grounds, with medallion of the Count d’Artois. Height, 55% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 241—Two Decoratep Saxe Porcenatn Figurines Eighteenth Century “Harlequin and Columbine.” Standing figures in the attitude of dancing. He with outstretched hands, wearing a fanciful green and pink costume and a black hat; she playing castanets, wearing a yellow bodice and a pink skirt. On rocaille-scrolled base. Mark: Crossed swords in blue under glaze of foot. Height, 7 inches; height, 6 inches. 242—Two DrcoratTEep SaxrE Porcetain FicuriNEs Eighteenth Century “Jardinier and Jardiniére.” He standing, wearing only pink coat and a green yest, tied with points, and a gray hat. He carries a rake in both hands. She, with a panniered lavender skirt and yellow bodice, holds up her apron of flowers in her right hand and carries a basket of further flowers in her left. Both on gilded rocaille scrolled bases. (Very slight imperfec- tions. ) Heights, 534 inches and 5%% inches. oD Vien 8 Second Session 243—Two Dercoratep Saxe Porcenain Ficurines, Mountrep In Cuivre Dor Eighteenth Century Standing figures of Kuropean turkeys. The bodices speckled white on black; gray necks, with red combs. Mounted in cuivre doré, with rustic and scrolled rocaille bases. Height, 7%, inches. 244—PorcELAIN AND JAPANESE Lacaurer Inxstanp, Mounrtep IN Cuivre Dort By Millet, of Paris; Louis XV Style Tri-lobed lacquer panel; displaying two cranes in the foreground in gold on black. Mounted in cuévre doré with an open scrolled rocaille and floral border and feet. Fitted with porcelain figurine of youthful Orpheus, riding a dolphin, and two covered wells, having mask handles. Height, 61, inches; length, 121% inches. 245—DercorateD Saxe Porcenain Coverep Cur anp SaucEer Eighteenth Century The bodies lightly gadrooned; the cover with gadrooned ball knob. The body with curiously scrolled loop handles, enriched in carmine en camaieu, with pastoral figures and landscapes within gilded scrolled oval medallions. Mark: Crossed swords in blue under glaze of feet of saucer and cup. Diameter, 6%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 246—DecoraTED Saxe Group Eighteenth Century Two lovers, wearing country court costumes, are seated; he tenderly embracing his mistress; she holding in her panniered skirt numerous flowers and stroking a lamb which is at her left side. Height, 11/, inches. (Illustrated) 247—-DrcorateD Saxe Porcenain Censer, Mounvep in Cutvre Dort Eighteenth Century Bowl and cover with relief basketed border, finely painted with birds and sprays of flowers. The cover having yellow bird perched on a spray of flowers, as terminal. Mounted in cuivre doré, with open scrolled collar and rocaille, with fine leaf-scrolled base. Height, 9 inches. (Illustrated) 248—Dercoratep Saxr Group Eighteenth Century A youth in costume is sitting at the left, holding a small lamb on his knees. A young peasant girl is before him, feeding the lamb. On medallioned and rosetted oval base. (Slightly re- stored.) Mark under glaze: Two crossed swords in blue, and impressed numbers. Height, 7 inches. (Illustrated) 249—DecorateD Porcenain Ficvurine By Giustiniani; Naples, Enghteenth Century Figure of a youth in flowered shorts and a pink coat, a black hat and shoes, walking in the country carrying over his shoulders a small barrel of wine. On a rustic base. Mark under foot and impressed “G.” Height, 7%, inches. 250—Caro pa Montr Porcenain Traror Eighteenth Century Hexagonal body, enriched in the panels alternately with vases of flowers and harpies. Masked spout, surmounted by a half leonic figure ; high loop handle, with crimson and gilded acanthus leaves. Molded loose cover, with a frog as terminal. Height, 8 inches. SNIVTGOYOg AUXVG GaLvwioodq(y 251—Fovr Dercoratep Porcenarn Busts Capo da Monte, Eighteenth Century Hi “Jupiter,” “Apollo,” “Diana,” and “Vestal.” Finely modeled busts, wearing pink fillets in their hair and pink and soft yellow robes ; on round molded bases, with attributes. On square plinths, { supported by high pedestals. Heights, 84, 8, 84, and 85% inches. 252—Two Scraux Farrnce Coverep VaAsEs Enghteenth Century Bowl-shaped body, with incurved, molded neck and foot, with octagonal plinth; high lobed handles and spirally fluted pierced cover, terminating in a bouquet of flowers, finely enriched with gilded apple-green bandings and handles. The body with a festooned bouquet of beautifully painted flowers on deep ivory grounds. (The cover of one slightly chipped.) (Illustrated) Height, 71, inches. 253—DecoratTED PorcELAIN Group Royal Berlin Eighteenth Century “Bacchante.” Graceful seated figure, lightly draped in lavender pink, and wearing a garland of fine leaves in her hair; feeding a goat with a bunch of grapes at the right; on gilded rocaille scrolled irregular base. Marked in blue under glaze of foot. (Illustrated) Height, 7% inches. (Aunquag yyuaaqybig uysag qhoa) aaoky Nivtaou0 (Aunguag yyuaaqybry) sasvA GHAAAOD AONGIV d G&Lvaooagd—E¢s “ON Wo XAVGOG OMT —ZgzZ ‘ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 254—Four Drcorarep Stvres Porcenarm Freuir DisHes Eighteenth Century Square; with inset round corners, lightly fluted in the marly. Very beautifully painted with irregularly placed bouquets of rare flowers. Gilded and blue banded border. Mark: Double Vs and various letters under the glaze of foot. Made from 1768 to 1773. Diameter, 834 inches. (Companions to the following) (Illustrated) Or —Two Decorate Skvres Porcenain Fruir Disyes Eighteenth Century Lobed, oval dish with rocaille handles. Decorated in a similar manner to the preceding. Made from 1768 to 1773. Diameter, 8% inches. (Companions to the following) (Illustrated) 256—EiecurEEN Drcoratep SEvyres Porcetarn Pxiatres Eitghteenth Century Centers and borders very finely painted with sprays of varied floral bouquets irregularly placed. The borders with lightly raised sprays of grapes at intervals, and painted with banded entwined leaf scrolls in brilliant blue. Mark under foot in blue: Double I’s and “K. Y.” Date 1776. Diameter, 91%, inches. (Illustrated) Rey ( 257—Ten Decorated Saxe Porcenain Piares Eighteenth Century Centers painted with delightful varied bouquets of flowers ; lightly lobed gilded rims, enriched with light flutings and scrolled medal- lions, bearing sprays of flowers. Mark: Crossed swords in blue under glaze of foot. Diameter, 9% inches. (Illustrated) ee 256 Decorarep Poremnain Frurr Disues anp PuLates (Highteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 258—Two Drcoratep Saxe Porcerar Disnes Eighteenth Century Deep dish, with gilded scrolling rim. Marly lightly gadrooned, and curiously basketed with paneled fluted border, enriched with four long oval scrolled floral panels, occupied by birds. The center painted with very beautiful bouquets of charmingly varied flowers. Diameter, 1034 inches. (Illustrated) 259—Two Drcoratrep PorceLain Ficurtnes Royal Berlin, Eighteenth Century Youth and maid in rustic eighteenth century flowered costumes ; she standing with a high looped flowered skirt and dull pink bodice, holding a pear in one hand and a mug in the other. He in the garb of a traveling painter, wearing a flowered coat with pink sleeves, red shorts and a black hat. A fox-skin is slung at his back. Both on arched rocaille bases. Height, 8°, inches; length, 9 inches. ——— nee — oe = Second Session 260—Decoratep Porcenain Lamp, Mountep 1n Cuivre Dort Chinese Style Drum vase, enriched with figure of a dignitary in a landscape. Mounted in cutvre doré, with oval collar and valance at neck and foot. (Needs fitting for electricity.) Height, 12 inches. 261—Decorarep Saxe Porcenain Group Eighteenth Century *Kuropa and the Bull.” The graceful nymph, lightly draped in pink and flame yellow is seated on the back of a standing bull, who is being garlanded by two further nymphs. On scrolled rocaille oval base. Mounted in cuivre doré, with open leaf- scrolled foot. Height, 10 inches. 262—Saxet Porcenamn Vase Eighteenth Century Oviform, with cup mouth and outcurving foot, enriched with sprigs and fine spray of varied flowers; mounted with cutvre doré leaf-molded crown plinth. (Has been restored.) Height, 934 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 263 264 263—-Saxr Porcenain Group Eighteenth Century Rearing Arabian white and gray horse, led by Moorish attendant in long robes. (Has been restored.) Height, 10 inches. (Companion to the following) 264—Saxr Porcetarn Group Eighteenth Century Rearmg Arabian white and gray horse, led by an Arabian attendant in pink and crimson costume. (Has been restored.) Height, 91% inches. (Companion to the preceding) 265—Two Cuivre Dort ann Enamet Vases Directowtre Period Slender ewer-shaped vases, with snake handles terminating in a ram’s head. The figure of a Wingéd Mercury is seated on shoulder below the spout, sustained on a green marble enameled pedestal having cutvre doré molded crown and foot. Height, 91/4 inches. Second Session 266—Two Drcoraren Saxe Porcenain Vases, Mountep in Cuivre Dore Eighteenth Century Oviform vase, with band at center in black enamel, and finely dec- orated with bouquets cf roses and vines. Molded low cover, in gilded royal blue. Mounted in cuivre doré, with husked, scrolled looped handles; pineapple terminal to cover; moldings and wreaths on enamel band; acanthus leaves and husks at the foot of oviform and stepped molded base. (One slightly restored. ) Height, 10 inches. 267—Two Decoratrep Porcretarn Vases Venetian Eighteenth Century Deep bowl shape, enriched with pink and gilded flutings and tur- quoise blue band, festooned in gilding; incurved mouth and foot, enriched with wreaths of crimson flowers. Under foot, mark in red, under glaze, the Venice Anchor of 1765. Height, 1014 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 268—Sorr Pasrr Srvres Porcentary Coverep Jar Eighteenth Century Bowl-shaped jar, on three round feet, and having curiously looped lug handles. The cover with sunk center and scrolled looped handle, decorated with gilded royal blue feathered borders and scattered bouquets of very beautifully painted flowers. Mounted on a carved and gilded base, enriched with shell motives, leafage and scrolled feet. Marked under foot in blue under glaze, “N,”’ between double I’s and a hatchet, the painter’s mark. } Date 1766. (Painter Rosset, entered 1758, worked until 1793.) Total height, 111% inches. 269—Two Drcoratep Saxt PorceLarn CaNnpLESTICKS Marcolini Period Cartouche and scrolled baluster shafts, enriched with flowers in relief, and small painted landscapes, with pastoral figures similar to those on the waved foot. Shaped pink bobéches. Total height, 934 inches. Second Session 270—Decorated Saxe PorcEeLain Group, Mounrep 1n Cuivre Dorit Eighteenth Century “The Seasons.” Figures symbolic of the Seasons are seated around an obelisk, wreathed with grapes and surmounted by a rase. “Spring” depicted as a nymph, wearing shorts, having a spade in her left hand and a watering pot at her feet and a cupidon with garland of flowers; “Summer,” as seated figure of a nymph, to whom a cupidon is offering bunches of grapes, and a bottle of wine at her feet, and a basket of grapes; “Autumn,” a nymph seated with her arm around a cupidon holding an ear of wheat, and a cupidon seated on several sheaves of wheat ; g round bobéche; on tripod bird-claw legs. Dark green patina. Height, 1014 inches. 315—Japanrsrt Lacevrer Box, Mounrep tx Curvre Dork Eighteenth Century Melon shape; with loose cover, enriched in duo-golds with panels of leaves and flowers. Mounted in cutvre doré, with floral ter- minal; pierced collar and supports of four branches of flowers. Height, 10 inches. 316—Two Porpnyry Vases, Mounrep tx Cuivre Dorit Lows XV Style Oviform; finely modeled red porphry; mounted in finely chiseled cutore doré. Scrolled floral and rocaille mouth, foot and double leaf-scrolled handle. Height, 14 inches. 317—Two Cutvre Dort CHeEners Louis Seize Style Vase-shaped shaft, with flame terminal and ram’s-headed handles. I ’ On high pedestals, enriched with spiral flutings and husks. Loose back irons. Height, 15% inches. 318—Bronze ann Brack Marsur Tazza By Salmson The shaft as a voluminously draped standing nymph, holding aloft a round black bronze dish. Rich green black patina. On square marble base. Signed. Height, 19 inches; diameter, 1114, inches. 319—Two Green Marsie Osenisxs, Mountep 1x Curvrer Dori Directoire Period Square expanding shaft, surmounted by an eagle. Sustained by gilded ball feet on a high pedestal. Mounted in cwivre doré with square plinth. Height, 24 inches. i rere rete —= eee ee pera in = . = Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 320—Two Cuivre Dort Wart Apprievis By Henri Dasson (1880); Louis Seize Style Caryatid back, with floral festooned leaf terminals, finished with husks. From the scrolling upper end of terminal two leaf- scrolled branches are evolved which the caryatid figure assists to support. These form five lights, fitted with electricity, and have flame globes. Each light is signed on the right side, “Henri Dasson, 1880.” Height, 45 inches. Note: Henri Dasson in his day was one of the most famous ébénistes and chiselers of bronze in Paris. (Companion to the following) Second Session 321—Two Cuivre Dori Wart Arrrieuts By Henri Dasson (1880); Louis Seize Style Companions to the preceding. Height, 45 inches. Note: Henri Dasson in his day was one of the most famous ébénistes and chislers of bronze in Paris. (Companion to the preceding) COLLECTION OF BRONZE FIGURINES AND GROUPS, FRENCH AND ITALIAN, FROM THE SIXTEENTH TO THE MID-NINETEENTH CENTURIES Including an Important Bronze and Cuivre Doré Clock by Berthoud 322—Miniature Bronze By Barye Recumbent figure of a doe; on molded oblong base; rich red and green patina. Signed, “Barye.” Length, 33% inches. 323—Bronze Group French Eighteenth Century “Francis I at Pavia.” Equestrian figure of the great king about to slay a discomfited fallen knight. On ebony molded pedestal, enriched with cuiwre doré panel symbolic of Charity. Bronze height, 5 inches. 324—Two Cuivre Dort Staturertes French Highteenth Century “Boxer and Wrestler.” Standing figures of two lithe athletic men prepared to assault their enemies. On round base, seated on a pedestal of red antique marble, having square foot, Height, 5°/, inches. 325—Bronzze Bust French Eighteenth Century Bust of the orator, “Cicero,” wearing curling hair, with bandeau and beard; his toga thrown over his shoulder. Sienese marble pedestal having marble base. Height, 7% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 326—Bronze Ficurine By Antoine Barye Tunisian panther from North Africa, with noble head. Its attention has been called to something, for it pricks its ears, and the tail, most expressive part of all the cats, big and little, is curling and switching to and fro. Signed “Barye” in front of rustic base. Length, 71, inches. 327—Bronze Group French Late Eighteenth Century 328—Two Bronze Ficurines “Lads Struggling for Puppies.” Two little lads fighting over a litter of puppies. The one at left holds the puppies in his hat, the boy at right pulls the other’s hair and struggles with him to get possession of the puppies. On rustic base. Deep rich patina of period. Molded oblong red marble plinth, with canted frontal corners. Height, 7 inches. French Eighteenth Century Standing figures of a “Lad and Maid” costumed as jardiniers. On cuivre doré circular bases, with square plinths, having ball feet. Deep rich patina. Total height, 714, inches. 329—Bronze Ficurine By J. Moigniez “Water Quail.” With a long beak, snapping at a fish which is caught at a stream running shoreward. Rustic base. Golden green patina. Signed at right front, on oval molded plinth, “J. Moigniez.” Height, 75% inches; length, 1014 inches. Second Session 330—Bronzz Fictrine By Antoine Barye “The Ratter.” Standing figure of a dure-faced bull dog, every muscle of whose body and tail is alive with tension. At his feet are three newly killed rats. On oval base. Signed in front of base. Rich yellow-green patina, Height, 7 inches; length, 81 inches. (Illustrated) 331—Bronze Grove Louis Philippe Period “Fox Snarling over the Body of a Dead Fowl.” Supported on rocky base and oblong gray and white marble plinth having canted corners. Mounted in cuivre doré with base haying open scrolled leaf feet. Height, 81/, inches. (Companion to the following) 332—BronzE Group Louis Philippe Period “Setter Disturbing Grouse.” Height, 74 inches. (Companion to the preceding) i reer ree — a eS Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. RA ES 333—Bronzze Group Attributed to P. J. Méne Two horses at pasturage, disturbed by a bulldog. The horses stand facing left and right; the heads overhanging their bodies. On molded oblong green base. Rich green brown patina. Height, 10% inches; length, 14 inches. 334— Bronze Ficurine Directoire Period “Napoleon Bonaparte.” Standing beside a half-column, wearing the military uniform of the type known as “The Little Corporal.” On square stepped base, enriched with a figure symbolic of Death. Height, 111% inches. 385—Bronze FicurtNe By J. Moigniez Pheasant standing on a rustic base, with bulrushes and oak leaves toward back. On molded base. Rich gold and yellow patina. Signed at left front of base, “J. Moigniez.” Height, 12%, inches. 336—Bronze Group By P. J. Méne “Three Dogs Rabbiting on Their Own.” A bulldog has caught the scent of a rabbit before a small rocky hole. Clambering on his back is an Airedale terrier. Above the rock is crouching a heavy-bodied fox terrier. On oblong molded stand, signed at the left front. Rich red brown patina. On green marble plinth. Height, 8 inches; length, 1614 inches. Second Session 338 339 337 337—Bronze STATUETTE By Pierre Puget; French (1622-1692) “Prometheus.” Lightly draped figure, wearing curling hair, with one hand held aloft, carrying in the other a Roman lamp; in the act of running. At his feet is a curious salamander, near flame motives. Height, 151/ inches. (Companion to the following) 338—Bronze STATUETTE By Pierre Puget (1622-92) “Juno.” Graceful lightly robed figure of “Juno” holding aloft with her right hand a long fold of flowing drapery. She stands on cloud mass and an eagle near her on square foot. Rich brown green patina. Height, 16+/) inches. (Companion to the preceding) 339—Bronze Group Florentine Sixteenth Century “Hercules Slaying the Cerberus.” Muscular lightly draped figure, standing with one knee on the back of the neck of Cerberus, one hand clutching its neck and the other raising a club, about to dispatch forever the horrible monster. Oblong base and black marble pedestal, having fine green marble inset panels. Rich red patina. Height, 15 inches. ae z ee =_s ———— -- Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. | 340—Bronze Sraturrte After Pigalle; French Eighteenth Century |} Charming figure of the mischievous son of Venus, in the attitude 1) of running. He is drawing a shaft from his quiver, preparatory to shooting. He is winged, and wears a fillet around his hair. On rustic plinth and rouge royal marble base. Rich golden patina. Height, 131, inches. 341—Bronze Group By P. J. Méne “Greyhound Startled at a Butterfly.” The hound, somewhat on his haunches, with his right forepaw drawn up under his body, observes a butterfly perched on the ground before him. On oval } molded base. Golden-yellow patina. Signed, ‘Méne.” Height, 1114 inches. 342—Bronze Group By J. Mowgniez A pheasant standing on a rocky base, on which a few vines appear. Finely modeled. On molded oblong base. Golden yellow patina. Signed at foot, “J. Moigniez.” Height, 13 inches. Second Session 343 Two Bronze STaTUETTES Florentine Seventeenth Century “The Centaurs Chiron and Pholus.” Figures of half-men and horses. Chiron, with satyr-like glee, raises his hand and right leg in joy; in his left hand he carries a club and the lion skin of Hercules over his arm. Pholus is seen bound with his hands behind him, over the back of the horse’s body. Each supported on rustic stump and base. Mounted on inlaid tortoise-shell and brass oblong plinths, enriched with rosetted and fluted cwivre doré moldings. Rich golden brown patina. (Slight restoration of pedestal needed.) Respective heights, 201% inches and 171%, inches ee ce — a a Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 344—Bronze anp Curvre Dort Crock Serr By Ferdinand Berthoud; French (1745-1807) Consisting of a clock and two candelabra. Drum-shape porce- lain dial, sustained on drapery festooned and garlanded half column in cutvre doré, having at right a pastoral trophy. The clock and drapery are sustained by a merry cupidon in dark green bronze standing at left on an interestingly chiseled oblong socle, which rests on a molded dove-gray oblong marble base, having appliqué panel of scrolled leaves. The candelabra have similar standing figures of cupidons in deep green bronze, hold- ing aloft cutvre doré branches of lilies for six lights. Height of clock, 26 inches; of candelabra, 361, inches. | Note: Ferdinand Berthoud was the most eminent “Horloger” of his day, | and his many works on clock and watchmaking are even today of first impor- | tance (see Britton, page 299). | (Illustrated) 3444—Four Bronze Curtais Loops 1x tHe Form or Scroriep Curnese Dracons Finished with dark brown patina and gilding. ——, EE (LOSI—SPAL “Youas yy Fpnoypwag puvurpsa yt hg) LUG MOO1Q AYO AYAIND GNV AZNOUgG—HPFE ‘ON THIRD AND LAST SESSION SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 15, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:15 oO’ cLOCK Catalogue Numbers 345 to 555, inclusive EXCEEDINGLY RARE CHINESE PORCELAINS OF THE K°ANG-HSI AND CHIP’EN-LUNG PERIODS Including Magnificent Famille Rose and Verte Garnitures and Exquisite Plaques 345—Curnese Porcerain Ficurine K’ang-hst Recumbent figure of a grotesque kylin; glazed deep sapphire- § J 3 > 8 blue, apple-green, Imperial-yellow and aubergine. Length, 3 inches. 346—CurnesE Porceiarin Srytus Hover Kang-hsi Mandarin duck swimming close to a cusped lotus leaf; the stem upturned, forming holder. Glazed in extremely beautiful apple- green, yellow and aubergine. Height, 21, inches. 347—CuinEsE PorceLarn Group K’ang-hsi Warrior, standing on oblong base; wearing voluminous apple- green robes and black boots; beside him is a grotesque kylin and cub. Glazed in apple-green, yellow, red and aubergine. Height, 544, inches. a it rr ce i I ET OS a a ar ncn aed Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 348—Two Curnest Porcenarn Spirit Jars, Mounrep in Cuivre Dort Kang-hsi Tubular; modeled in low relief with antelope and young, fruiting peach and fir trees; on reticulated grounds. Glazed in very beau- tiful turquoise-blue. Mounted in cwivre doré with rocaille-scrolled bands at mouth and foot. Height, 544 inches. 349—Two CutnesE Porcetain Cups anp Saucers Chien-lung Semi-eggshell. One decorated with interesting groups of domes- tic figures and brocade borders; the other with similar groups of figures within gilded medallions and gilded valanced floral borders. / Height, 2% inches; diameter, 44%, inches. Gt, a7 » B72 350—Two CuinesrE Cetapon Botries Ch’ien-lung Triple-gourd shape, with three tubular apertures. Glazed in beautiful light sea-green. Height, 41%, inches. 351—Two Curyesre Famritie Rose Vases, Mountep in Cuivre Dorit Ch’ien-lung Graceful inverted pear-shape; enriched with rooster perched amid 1 || blossoming peonies growing from rockery. Mounted with leaf- scrolled collar at mouth and rocaille-scrolled foot. Total height, 6%, inches. 352—CuInEsE Porcrenain PLate Chien-lung Scrolled central medallion, enriched with subject, “A Maiden,” in voluminous robes seated playing a zither before a cabinet, and further domestic impedimenta; basketed cayvetto, enriched with red scrolling leaves. Medallioned marly occupied by swimming fish, fowl and sprays of flowers. Diameter, 834 inches. Third and Last Session 358 Cuinese Famitte Roszt Pirate Ch’ien-lung Octagonal; the center enriched with group, “Mother and Two Children,” before various tables and domestic impedimenta. Rose- du-Barry border, reserved with scrolled stems of lotus. Diameter, 8 inches. 354—CurneseE Famitre Roszt Prats Ch’ien-lung Center enriched with group, “An Armorer,” seated at work among varied impedimenta, his son rolling up a bundle nearby. Border with sprays of fruit and flowers. Exterior of marly and cavetto glazed beautiful rose-du-Barry. Diameter, 81/4, inches. 355—CHINESE PorceLaIn PEDESTAL Eighteenth Century Square shaft, perforated on alternating sides with Shou mark, reserved on green brocade grounds; on the others, with figures flanking Shou mark. Open fret valance at crown. On molded key-fret enriched base. Height, 75% inches. 356—CuInese Porcenain Brur anp Wuire Vasz, MountveED IN SILVER K?ang-hsi Elliptical body, with short neck and foot, enriched in fine blue, with two series of floral and brocade bandings, finished with ju-2 bandings ; mounted in silver at lip, with valanced molded collar; at foot, with similar valance. Gadrooned molded round base. Height, 744, inches. 857—Two Cutnesr Brive anp Wuirr Porcenarn Coverep Vases EK’ ang-hsi Baluster shape, with flanged dome cover, having pear-shaped terminal; decorated in very rich deep blue, on a lightly modeled ivory ground, with a scroll of asters and small leaves; spear- shaped motives at collar and base. (One restored at lip and cover. ) Height, 1114 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 358—Two Frve-cotor Porcenain VAsEs Ch’ten-lung Triple-gourd shape, with trumpet necks, enriched on the lower gourd with handsome jardiniére of flowers; on the one above, with symbols of the “Hundred Antiques,” and on the upper, with reserved scrollings of lotus on rowge-de-fer ground. The neck with spear-shaped motives and rouge-de-fer banding at lip. (Lips slightly restored.) Height, 93/4 inches. ; 359—CurnesE PorceLain CEnser Eighteenth Century In the form of three grouped elephant heads, their trunks forming tripod legs, surmounted by a scrolled and molded collar. The collar with yellow paneled ground, reserved with symbols. The crown of elephants’ heads, with green valance, scrolled with lotus flowers, and pendented with lantern and banner motives. (On carved stand.) Height, 734 inches. 860-—-Two Cuinrse Lowestort Jarpinizres, Mounrep 1x Curvre Dort Eighteenth Century Square, flaring bodies, with canted corners, molded base and gilded blue rustic handles; bodies enriched with large panels minutely painted in colors and gilding with loose bouquets of | dainty flowers and butterflies. The grounds modeled in low relief, with trailing sprays of blue and gilded vine-leaves and grapes. Foot with small reserved panels of flowers, on varied brocaded i blue grounds. Loose cover with apertures for flowers, florally decorated in blue and gold. Mounted at base in cutore doré, with small collar and acanthus scrolled feet. (One loop handle of Hi cover restored.) Total height, 91% inches. | 861—Two Curyese Porcetarmn Borries, Mounrep in Cuivre Dork | K’ang-hsi Bottle-shaped, enriched on the body with growing and blossoming asters and palm tree, rising from rockery and behind vines. Neck with sprays of further asters, terminated at foot with blue scrolled and red lobed bands. Mounted in cuivre dore, with gadrooned covers and molded foot. (Slight fire cracks.) Height, 12 inches. ee Third and Last Session 362—Rare Cuinese Faminie Rose Puiare Chien-lung Period Semi-eggshell, with deep cayetto and slightly flaring marly. Very beautifully decorated in delicate enamels with reserved scrolled central medallion occupied by seated figure of a “Chinese Court Beauty” with two playful children at her knee and two laden tables behind her; surrounded by minute scrollings of peonies on gilded grounds. The cavetto with blue and white lotus medal- lions interrupted by daintily penciled rose-du-Barry bandings of grotesque animalistic motives, finished in blue and yellow with brocade patterns. The marly with reserved peony medallions interrupted by lavender and green imbricated scrolled bands ; scroll-gilded rim. Exterior glazed in beautiful rose-du-Barry to foot. (Fire-crack.) Diameter, 81, inches. Fo i rr re i ss OE TO Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 363—FamitiE-rose PorcEeLain PLaQueE K’ang-hsi Circular, with shallow cavetto and slightly flaring marly; center decorated in blue, rouge-de-fer, apple-green, aubergine, light and dark blue and gilding, with large jardiniére of exquisite peonies i flanked by two smaller jardiniéres of wistaria, magnolia and hawthorn. Border and marly with eight scrolled oval medallions, | occupied alternatingly by floral bouquets, birds and animals, a stag, two kylins and a tiger. Exterior enriched with small sprays of flowers. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 364—Famitte Verte Porcenain PiaavuE K’ang-hst Circular, with deep sharp cavetto, and slightly flaring marly; center decorated with group of six personages and a ‘““Mandarin’s Reception.” Two important personages are paying homage to a Mandarin, who stands on an eastern rug under a canopy held by an attendant. Marly with green stippled floral border re- served with panels of flowers. Executed in blue, aubergine, yel- low, red and gilding; on fine ivory-white grounds. (Rim chips.) Diameter, 1234 inches. Third and Last Session 365—Famitte Verte Porcenain Praaevur K’ang-hsi Similar to the preceding. (Rim chips.) Diameter, 14 inches. Third and Last Session 366—-Famitite Verte Porcetarin PrLaave KPang-hsi Circular, with deep cavetto only. Center enriched with figure of a Chinese Court Belle standing about center, before a summer house. The lady is presented with a tray of fruit by an attend- ant. Narrow border of latticed green brocade pattern, centered with peonies and reserved with panels of butterflies and grass- hoppers. Exterior with sprays of peonies and brocaded border. Executed in brilliant apple-green, red, aubergine and gilding. Diameter, 301% inches. Na mts oT eerie zs — crs ee re ge ee = Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 367-—-Famitte Verte PorceLain Praaue K’ang-hst | Circular, with deep cavetto and narrow flaring marly, decorated with interesting subject, “A Notable Mandarin,” who, accompa- nied by two attendants, is seen in a rocky ledge at crown of hilly ground, watching an interesting combat between his forces and those of nomadic mounted invaders. Marly with rosetted medal- lioned brocade pattern in red and green, interrupted by reserved medallions of landscapes. Executed in fine apple-green, auber- | gine, black, red and gilding; on ivory-white ground. (Rim i chips.) | Diameter, 14% inches. ee Third and Last Session 368—ExcrrpincLty Rare Cuinesr Armoriat Porcetain Praaue K’ang-hsi Cireular, with deep lightly gadrooned cavetto, having scrolled edge; large central medallion occupied by curiously coronetted coat-of-arms of the great Artois family, bearing fleur-de-lis or surmounted by a grid gules, displayed on an azure field. Sur- rounded by scrollings of peonies in which birds and butterflies appear. Labeled at foot “Artoys.” Cavetto enriched with pointed lobed panels, brocaded between the points and bearing domestic Chinese figures, alternating with symbols of the “Hundred Antiques.” Executed in blue, rowge-de-fer, pink, apple-green and gilding; on ivory-white ground. (Rim chips.) Diameter, 15 inches. ae ne Cnr e Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. eI ee SS Hi 369—ENAMELED CuiInesE PorceLarn PLaquE K’ang-hsi Circular, with deep cavetto and sharply flaring marly; center and cavetto decorated with figure of a little boy playing with a kite and standing before seated and standing Court Belles. Insects flit above and under a bamboo tree. Marly with finely conventionalized lotus flowers and leaves on dotted ground, re- served with four scrolled panels of pink hawthorn. Executed in light rouge-de-fer, aubergine, black, apple-green and gilding, on | ivory-white ground. (Very small rim chip.) \ Diameter, 15 inches. Third and Last Session 370—Famitite Verte Powper-Bpitur Porceain PLagur K’ang-hsi Period Circular, with broad cavetto and sharply flaring marly, lobe re- served central medallion and eight smaller similar oval medallions on border, enriched in greens, rowge-de-fer, aubergine and gild- ing, with rocky river landscapes and figures. Cavetto and border in beautiful mazarin blue, penciled in gold, with floral medallions and sprays of very varied flowers. Diameter, 16 inches. fo cee a rr ER See = a cae - Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 371—-Famitie Verte PownpeEr-sivue Porceiain PLaeuEr | Circular, with deep cavetto and equally flaring marly, decorated HI in aubergine, rowge-de-fer, apple-green and black, with lobed Ht central medallion, displaying a river scene, having bridge in fore- | ground, rocky banks, occasionally occupied by summer villas and | pagoda. Powder-blue cavetto and marly penciled with lobed floral medallions and scrollings of lotus flowers, reserved with eight lobed oval medallions, occupied by varied flowers in colors. Diameter, 16 inches. tI TT Third and Last Session 372—FamiILLE-RosE PorcELAIN PLaauE K’ang-hsi Circular, with sharp cavetto and flaring marly. Center occupied by a summer-house and adjacent lotus pool at left. two Ladies of the Chinese Court are in the foreground in conversation; one has just gathered a lotus flower. Cavetto with small ju-~i scrolled border. Marly very beautifully enriched with narrow scrolled border of varied fruit and flowers. Executed in pinks, rouwge-de- fer, yellow, greens, blues, aubergine and gilding, on ivory-white grounds. Diameter, 161% inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 373—Curnese Porcetatn PLaaue Cl’ien-lung Period Circular, with small cavetto and small slightly flaring marly, decorated in the European manner with large central bouquet of curiously handled roses, tulips and other flowers, sustained in a cornucopia. Cavetto and marly very precisely painted, the first with basketed border, reserved with rosette strap-arabesqued panels. The latter with festooned acanthus-leafed valance, inter- rupted with medallions of trophies. Executed in pinks, crimsons, rouge-de-fer, pale greens, blues and gilding. On ivory-white grounds. (Rim chips.) Diameter, 161 inches. tastier eenenae en eae Third and Last Session 374—CuHINEsSE PorceLaIn PLaQuE Ch’ien-lung Period Similar to the preceding. (Rim chips.) Diameter, 16%, inches. 375—CHINESE CELADON JARDINIERE, Mounted 1n Curvre Dort Ch’ien-lung Serpentined, sectioned bowl, with short collar, incusely modeled with scrollings of fine peony blossoms and wave motives toward foot. Invested with a remarkably even light clear apple-green glaze; mounted in cuivre doré, with open rocaille, leaf and strap scrolled collar and foot. Height, 10 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ee ee 376—Famitte Verte Porcrenain Praaue K’ang-hsi Interesting shallow roll-over cavetto and very slightly flaring marly. Center medallion displaying an important Warrior, standing before a summer-house on rockwork, over which flowers are growing; flanked by four personal attendants. Dotted green marly, enriched with red, lily scrollings and reserved with floral medallions in which insects are seen. Executed in green, blue, rouge-de-fer, aubergine, black and gilding, on ivory-white grounds. (Fire crack and rim chip.) Diameter, 174% inches. (Illustrated) Third and Last Session 377—Two Famitte Rost JARDINIERES Ch’ien-lung Hexagonal bowl shape, with molded flanged lip and flaring pierced foot ; body enriched with pink and gold brocaded pattern, reserved with sunk lobed circular medallions, occupied by figures of devotees in landscapes and two panels with scrollings of peonies and magnolia. Foot vermiculated in red; the flat flanged lip enriched with black, and gold latticed brocade pattern, reserved with medallions occupied by symbols of the “Hundred Antiques,” interrupted with reserved blossoms of chrysanthemums. Exe- cuted in rouge-de-fer, pink, green, black, aubergine, rose-pink and crimson. Diameter, 15 inches. (Illustrated) i a — ™ ee ba ms: ee et ee — a a = = Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 378—Cutinese BLUE AND WuitE PorceLarn Vase, Mountren IN Cuivre Dore Kang-hsi Baluster-shaped, with flaring trumpet mouth; neck with two, the center and base with one each of a series of lobed panels, occupied by figures of Long Elizas, mandarins and devotees, occasionally interrupted by jars of flowers; executed in brilliant cobalt blue, on fine ivory-white grounds. Mounted in cure doré, with berib- boned collar at lip and scrolled base, enriched with vines of berries and leaves. Height, 18 inches. 379—SrarcH-BLuE CuHrnese Porcenain Vase Ch’ien-lung Oviform, with molded round foot, long slender trumpet neck and open scrolled lug handles; enriched, in cobalt blue and iron rust, with rocky landscape, occupied by fungi, antelope and mate, growing bamboo and flying bats. Neck with bamboo, fungi and bat. (Small chip at lip.) Height, 201/, inches. Third and Last Session 380—FamitteE Verte Porcenaixn Vasz, Mounrep 1x Curves Dort K’ang-hsi Baluster-shaped, with fine trumpet mouth, enriched on the neck and mouth with landscape, occupied with three personages attend- ing the Fairy Queen of the West, seated in a chariot drawn by an antelope. Two floral brocade bands on shoulder. The lower portion reserved with medallions of symbols. Body with rowge- de-fer grounds, reserved with two lobed, oblong medallions of Chinese domestic figures and two square lobes enclosing inscrip- tions. With signature at foot. The grounds reserved with scrollings and asters. The high foot with deep j’wi border. Executed in apple-green, rouge-de-fer, aubergine, black and gild- ing; on fine ivory-white ground. Mounted in cutvre-doré at lip. with beribboned, reeded molding at foot, with open scrolled rocaille and leaf base. Height, 181% inches. 381—Cuinese Porcetain Jarprnizre, Mountrep 1x Cuivre Dorit Yung-Chéng Deep incurving bowl shape, with short collar and foot, enriched, in brilliant red, blue, yellow, aubergine and apple green, with beautiful detached sprays of berries, asters, pale turquoise-blue, prunus, Buddha’s hand fruit, pomegranates, lotus and peonies. Collar penciled with scrollings of lotus blossoms. Mounted in cutore doré, with rosette entwined oval medallioned molded base. Height, 14 inches. 382—Famintie Verte Porcezars Vase, Mounrep iy Cuivre Dorit Kang-hsi Club-shaped, with small flanged cupped mouth, decorated with extensive view of a Court Function: an Emperor enthroned and surrounded at left and right by important functionaries, with female musicians in gallery at left and right. In foreground, be- fore the upholstered throne, an antelope advances to a companion standing thereabout, with a spray of fungus in its mouth for presentation to the Emperor, the fungus being one of the impor- tant symbols of longevity. Obverse decorated with small irreg- ular panel, displaying a rocky landscape. Shoulder with latticed diamond brocade pattern, interrupted by symbols. Mounted in cuvore doré, with scrolled open base, in the Chinese manner, Total height, 211%, inches. | | | i } / | | } Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 383—Cuinesr Lowestorr Coverep Vase, MountTep in Curvre Dort Ch’ien-lung Hexagonal club-shaped, with dome cover, surmounted by a seated gilded kylin, gilded vermiculated blue grounds, reserved on cover with scrolled medallions, occupied by varied birds and flowers. On neck with similar scrolled medallions, displaying varied European port views. Below these, elongated oval panels painted with sprays of roses. Bodies with long panels, develop- ing rocky river and country palace landscapes variously occupied by numerous groups of figures at varied interesting rural domes- tic occupations. Mounted in cutvre doré, with scrolled and gadrooned base, having blossomed scrolled feet. (Cover with fire-crack and chip on interior flange.) Total height, 261 inches. (Illustrated) No. 383—Cuinesze Lowrsrorr Coverep Vasr, Mountep tN Curvre Dori (Ch’ien-lung) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. DN EE 384—Two Famintr Verte Porcerar Vases K’ang-hsi Slightly tapering square bodies, with finely proportioned incurv- ing neck, having trumpet mouth and neck decorated with “Combat between Two Mounted Warriors” in a rocky landscape; their attendants with their respective banners standing behind them. Bodies with continuous landscapes, exhibiting many scenes. In one, a girl dancing before a summer palace to an audience of mandarins, their attendants and musicians; in another, a single combat between two mounted warriors before a mandarin seated on a veranda; in another, dignitaries approaching a shrine in a hilly landscape; the other, showing devotees variously reading the scroll and traveling. Enriched in apple-green, aubergine, rouge-de-fer and black, on fine ivory grounds. Height, 25% inches. (Illustrated) eee — ——— eecenADnaAMa ane 2 - bay a RD + weet, No. 384-—Two Famitrte Verte Porcerain Vases (K’ang-hsi) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 385—Two Important Famitte Rost Coverep VaszEs Oviform, with slightly molded foot, short collar and flanged dome cover, having pear-shaped terminal, enriched with very deep blue grounds, reserved with scrollings of pink asters, peonies, green and ivory leaves and scrolled oval medallions of peonies; other flowers and insects on cover. Small oval floral panels on shoulder ; series of larger medallions than cover on body, occupied by similar pink flowers and insects. (One cover restored.) Height, 241, inches. (Illustrated) SaSVA CGauaAo Q Woy ATTNV YT LINVLNOdNT OMT —¢SE “ON uu Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Ce 386—Very Isxrortranr Famitte Rose PorcELain GARNITURE, Movunvep in Curvre Dort K’ang-hsi Comprised of three large covered temple vases and two spill- shaped vases, with trumpet mouth. Temple vase, oviform, with short collar and flanged dome cover, having pear-shaped terminal. Body enriched with very intricate scrolled floral valance, sur- mounting an elaborate jardiniére of peonies, chrysanthemums and sprays of magnolia, interrupted by two smaller vases of flowers standing before tables, one holding further sprays of flowers. Cover with gilded blue terminal, smaller valance similar to that on body, symbols and sprays of flowers and penciled rose- du-Barry border reserved at intervals with white and crimson asters. Beautifully executed in charming rose-du-Barry and pink-crimson, light and dark blues, black, brown, green, ivory- white, yellow and gilding, on blue pellucid blue-white grounds. The spill jars enriched with one large jardinitre of flowers and one vase similar to the other vases. Mounted in cuivre doré, with differing molded circular bases. (One spill jar restored at mouth. One cover chip and one collar to vase restored. ) Height of three covered vases, 251% inches; two spill jars, 19% inches. (Folder) 387—Larcr Curese Buus ann Wuire Cistern K’ang-hst Deep circular bowl shape, with slightly flaring mouth, enriched, in remarkably fine deep cobalt blue, with lotus scrollings, bordered at crown with pearl motive and j’wi bands; at foot with lobed floral motives. Diameter, 22 inches. Larcr Cuinese Brut anp Wuire CisTtern K’ang-hst Similar to the preceding. | | Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ee EEE eee eee 286—Very Inportant Famiite Rose Porcerain GarNiTurE, Mounrep In Cuivre Dort K’ang-hst Comprised of three large covered temple vases and two spill- shaped vases, with trumpet mouth. Temple vase, oviform, with short collar and flanged dome cover, having pear-shaped terminal, Body enriched with very intricate scrolled floral valance, sur- mounting an elaborate jardiniére of peonies, chrysanthemums and sprays of magnolia, interrupted by two smaller vases of flowers standing before tables, one holding further sprays of flowers. Cover with gilded blue terminal, smaller valance similar to that on body, symbols and sprays of flowers and penciled rose- du-Barry border reserved at intervals with white and crimson asters. Beautifully executed in charming rose-du-Barry and pink-crimson, light and dark blues, black, brown, green, ivory- white, yellow and gilding, on blue pellucid blue-white grounds. The spill jars enriched with one large jardiniére of flowers and Mounted in cuivre doré, one vase similar to the other vases. with differing molded circular bases. (One spill jar restored at mouth. One cover chip and one collar to vase restored.) Height of three covered vases, 251% inches; two spill jars, 19% inches. (Folder) Larcr Cuinese Buus anp Wuire CisTERN K’ang-hst Deep circular bowl shape, with slightly flarmg mouth, enriched, in remarkably fine deep cobalt blue, with lotus scrollings, bordered at crown with pearl motive and j’wi bands; at foot with lobed floral motives. Diameter, 22 inches. 888—Larcr Cuinese Brur anp Waite CisTERN K’ang-hsi Similar to the preceding. No. 886—Very Imporrant Famitite Rose Garnirure, Mounrep ry Cuivre Dorit (K’ang-hsi) Third and Last Session CHARMING HISPANO-MORESQUE LUSTERED FAIENCE OF FIFTEENTH TO THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Including two similar to and rivaling the famous examples in the Louvre 390—Corrrr Lusrerep Farrnct PLaaQuE Hispano-Moresque Sixteenth Century Deep round dish, with bossed center, brilliantly enriched with copper reflets; displaying a curious boat-shaped panel half-way across the center, bearing reserved olive motives in ivory; above, a rectangular panel reaching to the rim and irregularly scrolled with floral devices sheltering pairing birds. Fine border of arched gourd motives. Diameter, 1434 inches. peer a eee = a — — — Se Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 391—Corrrer Luster Farence Praaue Hispano-Moresque Sixteenth Century Deep round dish, with spirally bossed center; enriched with cop- per reflets and light passages of blue. The boss surrounded by large leaf-scrolls, interrupted by ribbon loops and trailing vines. The border modeled with large leaves alternating with triple fluted bands. Pierced for suspension. Diameter, 143/, inches. 392—Lusrerep Farencr Prague Hispano-Moresque Seventeenth Century Deep circular molded dish, enriched in copper reflets, with a jardiniére of carnations and scrollings. Diameter, 51, inches. Third and Last Session Lustrerep Farence PLaavue Hispano-Moresque Sixteenth Century 398 Deep circular dish, with bossed center, entirely enriched in cop- per reflets; the boss bearing a coat-of-arms, displaying a bull and quaint spiral scrollings ; finished with three borders of leaves, rosettes and husk motives. The finely flanged marly of spiral gadroons, imbricated with varied alternating scrolled motives. Diameter, 181%, inches. 394—Luster Farence Vase Hispano-Moresque Seventeenth Century Bulbous body, with long molded neck, having two loop-handles ; enriched, in brilliant copper reflets, with curious dolphin-like motives and birds amid floral scrollings. Height, 1034 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 395—LusrErEeD Farencr PLaQueE Hispano-Moresque Fifteenth Century Deep flaring round dish, enriched in center with sacred monogram in copper reflets; very beautiful deep border, arranged with small i slightly scrolled oblong panels of copper reflets, centered with very dainty fine sapphire-blue floral motives; the outer edge with | blue and tan medallions. (In perfect condition.) | Diameter, 18 inches. Note: There are two similar plaques to this beautiful plaque in the Louvre, Paris. (Companion to the following) a ee Third and Last Session Lusrerep Farence Piaqve Hispano-Moresque Fifteenth Century 396 Similar to the preceding; pierced for suspension. (In perfect condition. ) Diameter, 1834 inches. Note: There are two similar plaques to this beautiful plaque in the Louvre, Paris. (Companion to the preceding) : ——————— i —————————— = Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SIXTEENTH CENTURY URBINO FAIENCE Including two very finely painted Vases by Fontana and several large Plaques painted with equally fine character 397—Decoratep Farence Disu Italian Sixteenth Century ii Deep dish, with wave-motived edge and gadrooned bossed center, Hi) displaying, in greens, blues, orange and red, central bust of | “Laura Lotta”; surrounded by oviform panels of leaves on black grounds; green parting panels symbolic of “Mercury,” wearing his caduceus. Finished with alternating border of red and black; bearing scrolled leaf motives. Diameter, 10%, inches. (Companion to the following) Hh 398—Decoratep Farrnce Disx Italian Sixteenth Century Serpentine lobed deep dish, having central round bossed medal- lon; bearing the bust of “Alexander the Great” in blue, green and reds; on an orange background. Very interesting border, lobed with dolphin panels before a deep valance of alternating dark blue and green enriched with scrollings of vines in yellows. Diameter, 9%4 inches (Companion to the preceding) Third and Last Session 399—Ursino Farence Praaue Stateenth Century Pharaoh’s daughter stands among a group at the right; Miriam stands before her, and a further group at the left looks intently at the little Moses. In the distance, castellated buildings, rocks and trees. Inscribed: “Djomo la regima renova 4 moité.” (Has been slightly restored.) Diameter, 1034 inches. 400—Decoratep Ursino Farence Disu Siateenth Century Circular dish; has been the top-of a tazza. Enriched, in golden yellows, grays and greens, with the subject, “The Sacking of a Town.” In the foreground numerous warriors are engaged in carrying off and hiding their booty. Beyond, capitols, obelisk of an ancient city, and a castle enriched with sculptured sirens and figure of Neptune riding a dolphin. (The rim imperfect and restored. ) Diameter, 94, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 401—Ursino Fatence Praque Sixteenth Century 402—— Similar to No. 399. Displaying another episode of the same subject. Two personages are standing under a clump of trees at the left before a small stream on the further bank of which are two peasants tending pigs. Miriam is seen in the bulrushes beyond. Distant view of Italian villas, bordering the river. (Needs slight restoration.) Diameter, 10%, inches. Two Rare Decorarep Ursino Farencr Vases By Orazio Fontana; Italian Sixteenth Century Oviform, with incurved necks, and harpy handles. The neck and shoulder festooned with fruit pendent from differing masks, and painted with chimeric figures. Decorated on the body with two subject groups illustrating episodes in the life of a saint. Molded spreading base, finely enriched with small chimeric figures, medallions and rosettes in blue, yellow, orange, green and auber- gine. (Have been restored.) Height, 22 inches. (Illustrated) (hunquag SaSVA HONAIV YpUaaIwIG UvIpyIT Svunzuoy oizvicQg hg) yf ONIGUQ Gat yooaqd AAVY OMT—ZOT “ON ——— Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. i 40383—Castet Durante Farence Praaur Sixteenth Century j “Sacrifice to Nero.” Circular deep dish. The young Emperor is seated before a colonnade; two attendants near him at left ; at the right, at his behest, an executioner is disemboweling a woman. Distant romantic landscape, with three observant figures in the foreground, Inscribed: “Nerone che fa Sbarare.” (Has been restored. ) Diameter, 111% inches. Third and Last Session 404—Ursino Fatence PLaQur Sixteenth Century “Venus and Adonis.” The lightly draped goddess is seated at right before a blue drapery. Cupidon is at her knee, and Adonis, seated at left, assists in putting on the fair goddess’ sandal. At the extreme left is a landscape in which a chateau, stream and hills are seen. Diameter, 1834 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. FINE SILVER BY FAMOUS FRENCH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SILVERSMITHS Including a Cruet by Allain and Ferrier and Almond Dishes by Joubert. Also an American Tankard by Forbes (1773) and rarely chiseled Gold Snuff Box by Bullol. 405—CuIsELED Gop Snurr Box By C. L, Bullol; French Second Half of the Eighteenth Century Oval, with hinged cover, enriched, in duo-gold, with finely chiseled landscape, occupied by trees, two hounds and a cottage. Sur- rounded by a border of leaf and rocaille scrolls. The border with ti} four medallions similarly scrolled to the top; in one a setter startling pheasants; in another, a stag and hare, and in the ' smaller ones at the ends, tiny landscapes. Under-foot, similarly scrolled to top, displaying a bag of game, a gun and two broken columns in landscape. Three poincons on the cover and three similar ones on the inner foot. Each with coronetted T in script, Paris, 1759. Fan-shaped grail of Elois Brichard, Sous-fermier, 1756-1762, and initials C.L.B. in cartouche of the maker Bullol. i] j Length, 31%, inches. 406—Ovat Ivory Mryiarure French Eighteenth Century | “Mile. Catteret.” Bust length of a pretty girl, wearing lawn Mi mob cap, trimmed with ribbon ; open lawn robe and blue and yellow Ai dress, Height, 3 inches. Third and Last Session Four Fixe Sinver SALT-cELLARS French, Louis XV Period Open, double oval body; beautifully scrolled with leaf-motives continuing into feet and upright central handle; the scrollings of body enhanced with garlands of oak and laurel leaves. Original 407 oval blue glass linings. Length, 7 inches. Earty American Sitver Tankarp By W. G. Forbes, N. Y. (1773-1803) Molded broad pear-shaped body. On expanding molded circular base. Fine double-leaf scrolled handle. Engraved with inscrip- tion. Mark, “Forbes” in rectangle. 408 Height, 5 inches. 409—Two Frencu SinverR CANDLESTICKS French, 1766 Triangular balustered shaft, with canted corners enriched with shell motives and ovolo moldings. Urn-shaped bobéche on molded and lobed round foot, enriched with further ovolo moldings and spiral flutings. Marks: Rose in rose-shaped poingon, mark of Jean Jacques Prevost, fermier adjudicataire-général, 1762-1768. Paris date letter, coronetted C; 1766 and maker’s mark CCA within a coronetted lobed shield. Height, 101, inches. 410—Frencu Sitver Cruet By Henri Allain (1758) and René Pierre Ferrier (1776) Finely scrolled, oval deep tray. With open ends, bearing laurel festooned husks. The sides flowing upwards, supporting annular rings for bottles and monogrammed shields. The tray fitted with two circular open receptacles for bottles, having cartouched sides enriched with bunches of grapes and vine leaves, ‘Two original glass bottles, cut with facets and diamond motives, hav- ing fluted silver covers finished with berried terminals. (One bottle repaired.) Marks: On tray the coronetted shield of Henri Allain, Paris, date, letter and Fermier’s poincon somewhat indis- tinct. The two pierced holders for bottle are marked underfoot with shield of René Pierre Ferrier; coronetted and bearing R.P.F., fleur-de-lis, rooster and two pellets; coronetted A of Jean Baptiste Fouache, Regisseur du Roy, 1774-1780, and coronetted Paris date letter N, 1776. Length, 12%, inches. Note: Both Allain and Ferrier were very eminent Parisain silversmiths. ————e Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 411—Fovur Frencu Strver Atmonp DisHeEs By C. G. Joubert and Martincourt Beautifully fashioned, shell-shaped; with incurving ram’s-horn scrolled handle. The body enriched with series of rocaille motives. Two by Joubert, with shield bearing C.G.J., vase motive and two pellets. Circa 17—. Coronetted shield bearing D and fleur-de-lis, remainder indecipherable. Two by Martincourt, Paris, 1807. Length, 6%, inches. 412—ENGRAVED SILVER SALVER Flemish, Louis XIV Period Lobed round body, with finely flanged rim. Beautifully paneled and engraved with basketry and scrolled leaves. The edge finished with shaped moldings, interrupted at points with masks of warriors, scrolled with acanthus leaves, On quaint open scrolled Spanish feet. Beautifully clear mark, a Gothic G within oval poingon of modern Flemish origin. Diameter, 124/, inches. 413—Frencu Sirtver Coverep Soup TurEEN French, 1785 414 Oval double bowl, with incurved neck, loop side handles termin- ated in large leaves, and berried scrolled-leaf feet. Knriched with two rocaille-scrolled cartouches sprayed with oak and palm leaves. Molded domed cover, with spray of laurel leaves and pomegranate terminal in full relief. Paneled border interrupted by fine shell motives. Scrolled oval tray, with reeded rim, raised oval center for tureen and rustic loop side handles terminating in similar leaves to the handles of cover. Deep hollow border, similarly enriched to cover. On leaf-scrolled feet. Marks: Poingon de décharge de Bordeaux, Unicorn and 8 A.D. and pellets guarding stellate device within coronetted shield. Cor- onetted floral K of Bordeaux, 1780-1789, under Henri Clavel, Regisseur du Roy. Height, 1114 inches; length, 18 inches. Larcre Grorcian Sitver Fruir Bown London, 1776 Beautifully fashioned gadrooned oval dish. With gadrooned and leaf-lobed rim, interrupted with leaf-scrolled ram’s-horn handles at ends and curious cartouches at sides. Enriched at center of sides with fine double-leaf enriched cartouches. Supported on florally scrolled feet. London Hall mark, 1776. Length, 19% inches. Third and Last Session 415—Two Frencu Sinver Coveren Enrrtr Disnes Early Eighteenth Century Lightly gadrooned deep bowl; finished with beribboned reeded edge and fine rocaille-scrolled handles, continuing into similar scrolled cartouche feet, Loose silver lining. Gadrooned and domed cover, having flower spray and pomegranate for terminal; modeled in full relief. Diameter, 934 inches. INLAID TULIPWOOD FRENCH FURNITURE, FINELY MOUNTED IN CHARMINGLY CHISELED CUIVRE DORE, SEVERAL SIGNED BY EMINENT EBENISTES OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Including a delightful Mantel Clock by Martinot, the case by Boulle after Bérain; Beautiful Needlework and Tapestry Chairs, Canapés, Banquettes and Screens, and a number of exquisite examples of French Cabinet craftsmanship executed by the leading men of their craft, such as “Dasson’”’ and “Fournier,” under the care and personal direction of Mr. Henry Dortic. 416—-Two BrocapEp Carved anp GitpEp Foorstroois Louis Seize Style Oval frame, enriched with leaf-supported, reeded molding; on short vase feet. Covered in blue floral striped brocade. Height, 8 inches. 417—Two Carvep anp GinpEp Smart. Crarrs Louis Seize Style I, Open bow back, with arched crowning rail, pateraed cross splat . a ch ] and extending round, fluted supports. The seat covered in blue and ivory floral striped brocade; on tapering fluted round legs. 418—Avsusson Tapestry Carvep anp GrnpEp Prano CHarr Beauvais Eighteenth Century I. Open lyre-scrolled back, enriched with pearl moldings, leafage Id and husks. Round seat, covered in very beautiful Beauvais tap- a estry, developing a musical trophy in pastel colors on ivory grounds, surrounded by a husked border of soft pale green. On it tapering round legs, enriched with acanthus leaves. Height, 19 inches. ———— a SS — — Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. oo 419—Rovunpv Exony Prano-stoot, Mounrep in Cutvre Dort Eighteenth Century French Style Revolving top, covered in black brocade. Supported on supple- mentary top; extended fluted shaft seat on an arched tripod, mounted in cutvre doré moldings and leafage. Height, 19 inches. 420—Carvep anp Gripep Prie-Dirv Venetian Kighteenth Century Serpentined back, with broad crown for arms, extending seat, covered in striped green floral velvet, having yellow grounds. On rocaille and leaf molded cabriole legs. 421—SrnvER-EMBROIDERED Crimson S1LK BAanQuETTE Louis XIV Period Oblong top, with loose cushion, finely embroidered in raised silver with scrolled medallioned corners and border on crimson damask ; finished with golden-brown velvet border. On curule stretchered legs, enriched with bow-knots, ribbon and leafage. Height, 89 inches; width, 26 inches. 422—Avnusson Tapestry CarveD AND GitpED Faurevrn French Eighteenth Century Broad cartouche back, finished with guilloche moldings, Mercury wings and acanthus leaves; open scrolled arms. On slightly cabrioled legs. The back, seat and arm-pads covered in very finely woven Aubusson tapestry, displaying, in rich harmouious colors, varied festooned vases of rare flowers. Scrolled border of pale green. 423—BrocapdEpD Carvep anpD GinpED BerckEreE Louis XVI Style Arched molded back, with slightly serpentine wings, scrolling into arm panels, and loose seat covered in fine floral blue and pink striped brocade; on tapering, round, fluted legs. 424—-BrocapEp Carvep AND GitpED BERGERE Louis XVI Style Similar to the preceding. Third and Last Session | d 425—NeEEDLEWORK CarvepD AND GiLpED BrrcErE j French Eighteenth Century |; Arched scrolled back, continuing into arms and seat covered | with exceptionally fine petit-point, developing central ivory |. panel, which continues across seat and develops from scroll at feet bouquets of dainty flowers in deep yellow, reds and greens, with shell motive at crown, flanked by similar scrollings of flowers and arabesques on rich crimson-red grounds. Supported on cabriole legs, with wreath and floral bouquet enrichment. 426—Two Firmish Tapestry Watnur Cuairs Seventeenth Century Oblong backs, covered with finely woven tapestry, developing scrollings and flowers, amid which a fox is seen in one, proceeding to the left. The seats covered in crimson velours. On fluted | round legs. The frames apparently of a later period. | Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 427—Auvnusson Tapestry Carvep AND GinpED FauTeEvit Louis XVI Period Slightly fan-shaped, ribbon-molded back and curved paneled arms, having small pads and loose seat of very finely woven tapestry displaying in pastel colors on deep ivory and soft yellow grounds festooned and scrolled vases of flowers; open fluted vase- shaped arm supports. On tapering round legs, with husk enrich- ment. 428—Two PotycHrome Carved and GinpED SMALL SETTEES Louis XVI Period Open pearl-motived oblong back, with center splat, having medal- lioned mask; outscrolling open arms sustained on leaf balusters; seat apron enriched with series of leaves. Supported on gadrooned and fluted leaf-adorned legs. Gilded cannée seat ; loose cushion of floral gray striped silk. 429—Two Carven Watnur Armcnairs French Renaissance Style Oblong back and seat, covered in purple velvet, having a central band of gold-embroidered red silk, displaying staves and scroll- ings of flowers. Leaf-bracketed back supports, terminating in leonic heads. Open scrolled arms with ram’s-head terminals. On columnar legs with box stretcher. | 430—Avususson Tapestry Carvep anp GitpED Surrer | Louis Seize Style Consisting of: Canapé and two fauteuils. The canapé develops in the back drapery festoons and flowers; in the seat garlanded festoons of flowers in the same color and manner. The fauteuils have oblong molded backs, with incurved corners at the crown, enriched with husk and berry motives; open leaf-scrolled arms, with pads and seats covered in finely woven Aubusson tapestry, developing circular wreaths of very fine flowers and sprays of ] laurel leaves on deep rich ivory grounds; supported on fluted, | tapering legs. Height of canapé, 39 inches; length, 60 inches. (Illustrated) No. 4830—Avsusson Tapestry Carvep anD GILDED SUITE (Louis Seize Style) a ee a EE - on Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 431—Nerepiework Carvep Watnut Srare Carr Régence Period | Serpentined oblong back and seat, covered in petit- and gros- ti point ; developing in back a lobed medallion, occupied by the sub- ject, “Abraham about to Offer Isaac as a Sacrifice.” The seat having a similarly shaped medallion of animals; surrounded by rocaille scrollings, fine flowers and fruit. Resonant black grounds. Exquisitely scrolled open arms, cabriole legs, with double-U | stretcher, having rosette terminal and enriched with dainty leaf | and shell motives. Third and Last Session 432—Neeptework Carven Warnut Srare Cua Régence Period Similar to the preceding. The subject displayed in the back medallion is the “Queen of Sheba at the Feet of King Solomon.” NEEDLEWORK AND Carvep Watnut BANnQuETTE Régence Period 433 Oblong top, covered in petit-point, displaying fantastic scrollings \ of flowers in soft harmonious colors; on mellow yellow grounds. On stretchered cabriole legs, enriched with small valance and 1 leafage. | 4 Height, 15%, inches; length, 281, inches. i Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 434—Buvr Cur-vetver Carvep anp Gitpep Wine CuHarr Louis Quinze Style Oblong arched back, with wings scrolling into arm panels; pads and seat covered in peacock blue velvet, cut with blossomed and diagonally placed leaves, forming a lattice on ivory grounds. Molded and scrolled frames and cabriole legs, enriched with bouquets of flowers, leaf and rocaille motives. 435—Buve Cur-vetveT Carvep ann Ginpep Wine Carr Louis Quinze Style Similar to the preceding. Slightly smaller. 436—Carvep AND GinpED Avususson Canapé anp Two Favrevits French Eighteenth Century Molded oval back; open arms, with pads and seat covered in very finely woven tapestry, displaying jardiniéres of fruit and flowers | in rich colors, on deep ivory grounds, surrounded by a scrolled border on old-red grounds. Supported on tapering round legs. (The frames apparently of a slightly later period.) Height, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch. (Illustrated) No. 436—Carvep aNp Gitpep AuBusson Canapé anp Two Fautruits (French Eighteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 487—Carvep anp Gitpep Aususson Taprrstry Canapk anp Two FauTEvILs French Eighteenth Century High molded horseshoe back, curving into finely scrolled arms, and seat covered in finely woven Aubusson tapestry in buff, developing large trailing bouquets of crimson roses; bow-knot at foot; similar border on a ground of gray ivory lightly damassé with floral motives. On eight tapering fluted high round legs, having bow-knotted connecting rails. Fauteuils similar. Height, 3 feet 7 inches; length, 6 feet 34 inches. (Illustrated) 438—MornHeEr-or-PEarL Inuam Sranp Chinese Eighteenth Century Lobed oval top, with sunk center, enriched with numerous figures and palace scenes; floral and brocaded paneled border; incurved frieze and roll-over apron, having panels of similar subjects to top; on S-scrollled feet. Height, 14 inches; length, 32 inches. 439—Dercoratep Porcetain TEaxkwoop TasLE Oblong, molded top, with inset porcelain panel, painted with romantic landscape, showing William Tell’s chapel in the fore- ground and lake beyond. A small frieze with scrollings, having open oblong scrolled brackets; on cabriole legs. The frieze fitted with a drawer. Signed: Ch. Houry. Height, 30 inches; width, 29 inches. 440—Carvep anp GinpED Consonn TasLe Louis XVI Style Pierced frieze, rounded at ends, displaying acanthus rinceaux and patere over legs. Supported on fluted tapering round legs, having husk and leaf enrichment and scrolled stretcher, with large festooned vase terminal. Height, 32%/, inches; length, 381/, inches. 441—Two Carvep anp GrtpEp Smaxtui Consore Tastes Louis XVI Period Frieze enriched with scrolled rosettes and leaf moldings. Sup- ported on two frontal fluted tapering scrolled legs, having arched stretcher. Rosso-antico shaped marble top. Height, 32%, inches; width, 19%, inches, No. 437 — Carvep and Gitpep Aususson Tapestry Canaph anp Two Faurevirs (french Highteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 442—Manocany Center Taste, Mounrep 1x Cuivre Dort Louis Seize Style Oval; with paneled frieze, fitted with drawer ; supported on taper- ing round fluted legs and incurved oblong stretcher. Mounted on leg-blocks, with round animalistic medallions of blue and white Wedgwood. Mounted in cuivre doré, with finely engraved mold- ings to gray griotte marble top; rope moldings to frieze; wreathed garlanded escutcheons, deeply basketed gallery to stretcher and spirally twisted legs from stretcher to feet. Height, 2914, inches; width, 251/, inches. 443—Carvep AND GILDED ConsoLe ‘T'aBLE Louis Seize Style Oblong frieze, with inset ends, enriched with ribbon moldings. Supported on tapering fluted legs, enriched with acanthus leaves and double-U stretcher; having scrolled varied terminal; rouge royal marble top. Height, 85 inches; length, 571/, inches. a eee Third and Last Session 444—Ampoyna Center Taste, Mountep 1x Cuivre Dort Louis Seize Style Finely paneled frieze, sustained on octagonal fluted tapering legs with vase feet, scrolled double-U stretcher. Finely chiseled cuiore doré mountings, and brocatelle top with leaf moldings ;- the frieze with pastoral trophies and entwined laurel vines ; appli- qués with birds over the legs and further moldings and toes, Height, 29 inches; width, 231% inches. 4 445—AmBoyna CrenTER Taste, Mountep 1n Cuivre Doret Louis Seize Style Similar to the preceding. i. Height, 29 inches; width, 234 inches. hy Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 446—Inuaip Satinwoop Center Taste, Mountrep 1x Curvree Dort Louis XVI Period Oval, with paneled frieze of satinwood, enriched with rosetted green lattice and oval medallions on leg blocks; cabriole legs. The front fitted with a writing slide and small drawer at right. Slender cabriole legs, stretchered with a kidney-shaped shelf, enriched with floral medallion and flanking lattice. Half-statuary marble top. Mounted in cuivre doré, with pierced gallery to top and stretcher, moldings and escutcheons to frieze, scrolled husk knee-drops and acanthus-leaf toes. Height, 28 inches; width, 22 inches. 447—Two Carvep anp Gitpep Consote Tasies Louis Seize Style Deeply rounded frieze, enriched with sprays of oak leaves and acorns and central rosette, oval frontal arched scrolled leg, adorned with further leaves and acorns. Molded brocatelle marble top. Height, 40 inches; width, 12% inches. Third and Last Session ll se PR. oe, he 448—In~ aw Tortorse-sHett Bracket Crock By Boulle (1642-1732) Arched case, with dome pediment and shaped apron, having 1. scrolled extending pilasters, inlaid with floral scrollings. Mounted in cutore doré, with moldings to door and cornice; balustrade, leaves and flaming urns to dome; demi-nymphs to crowns of pilasters; mask appliqué below and urn feet. Movement with beautifully scrolled and arabesqued dial in cuivre doré, having porcelain inset figures. Signed: “Gilles Martinot, a Penis.” The case by Boulle, after designs by Jean Bérain (1638-1722). Height, 274, inches; width, 18 inches. Note: A delightful example of these three master craftsmen. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 449—Inuarp Ivory anp Torrotse-sHeLL Warner Tanie Flemish Renaissance Molded oblong top, enriched with panels of tortoise-shell and ivory, variously engraved with heads at the corners and birds at the centers of the borders; molded frieze, fitted with drawer. On five spirally twisted legs with scrolled double-U stretcher. Height, 2714, inches; length, 82, inches. 450—Ixuaw Turrewoop Urricnr Pepesrant Writinc Desk, MountEep in Cuivre Dort Louis XV Style Scrolled case, with incurved dome frieze, fitted with drawer; arched front writing fall, inlaid with a basket of flowers. The interior fitted with small drawers. Shaped pedestal below, en- closed by door, enriched with a vase of flowers. Elaborately mounted in cuivre doré, with shaped moldings and scrolled leaf appliqués. Height, 46Y, inches; width, 2114 inches. 451—Inuaip Turtpwoop Carp Taste, Mountrep 1x Curvre Dorit Louis Quinze Period Serpentine oblong folding top, enriched with feathered panels of tulipwood, inlaid with a trailing bouquet of flowers. Pull-out | back; on cabriole legs, with compartment pivoted, Mounted with moldings; palm spray appliqué; open scrolled rocaille motived leaves at feet. Height, 29%, inches; width, 341/, inches. Ni} 452—Inuaip Turrewoop Wririne Taste Louis XVI Period | Oblong top, with inset round corners at front; fitted with writing i drawer, having green leather lining and metal ink bottles at the right side. The front fitted with tambour sliding doors and two small drawers thereunder. On cabriole legs. Mounted in cutvre doré, with exceptionally fine open leaf scroll, side handles, | escutcheons and toes. Rich brocatelle top. | Height, 323, inches; width, 191 inches. (Illustrated) No. 452—Inuaw Turipwoop Writine Taste (Louis XVI Period) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold, They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Ixtai Manoeany Kipney-suarep Taste, Mountep in Cuivre Dore Louis XVI Period Oval harewood top; interestingly lobed and developing loose bouquets of flowers. The body follows the contour of the top and is fitted with tambour sliding door at front, enclosing three small drawers at right side with two oval swinging pockets for work. Slender cabriole legs, with kidney-shaped shelf stretcher. Mounted with pierced gallery to top; molding to stretcher, car- touched toes and handles. 453 Height, 3014, inches; width, 2234 inches. 454—Intatip Krnewoop Specimen Carprnet, Mountep 1n Cuivre Dort Louis XVI Style Serpentined top, with incurved frieze, glazed ends and enclosing frontal door, The interior fitted with a mirror and two glass shelves. On cabriole legs. Mounted with very finely chiseled moldings, floral drops at shoulders, scrolled leaf knees and toes. Height, 52°/, inches; width, 311, inches. 455—Inuaiw Kinewoop Nest or Drawers French. Eighteenth Century Feather-paneled oblong top, having round corners; slightly bowed front, with brass flutings parting five drawers. Fluted brass pilasters; on valanced stump feet. Mounted in cuivre doré, with shield-shaped escutcheon; open scrolled toe and valance appli- qués. Height, 371, inches; width, 161, inches. (Illustrated) et No. 455—Iniam Kinewoop Nest or Drawers (French Eighteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 456—Inuar Tunir anp Harewoop Commopr, Mounrep in Cuivre Doré Louis Seize Period Oblong front with canted pilasters and slightly extended center, valanced at base. Fitted with two deep drawe the upper pan- eled with frieze, displaying varied inlaid utensils; below paneled with central musical trophy and large flanking vases. On cab- riole legs. Mounted in cuivre doré, with festooned shoulder appliqués, valance and knee appliqués and open scrolled toes. Rouge royal marble top. Height, 32%, inches; length, 87 inches. Third and Last Session 457—Intaiw Turipwoopr PouprevusE Va By G. Rous; French Mid-eighteenth Century Serpentined oblong top; feather-paneled with tulipwood and inlaid with large trailing bouquet of very varied flowers. The center having hinged adjustable interior mirror. ‘The sides hinged at ends, opening for compartments and forming extending supplementary shelves. The front fitted with small writing slide | and drawers at center and lower right. On slender cabriole legs. | | Mounted with cutvore doré knobs and esecutcheon. Signed under compartment at left: G. Rous. \4 Height, 30 inches; length, 311 inches. i’ Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 458—Inuarw Turrewoop Upright SECRETAIRE Louis XV Period Serpentined oblong top; enriched with scrollings of flowers and leaves. Incurved frieze; shaped ends. Front arranged with writ- ing fall and two doors below; feather-paneled with tulipwood and enriched with loose scrollings of leaves. The interior fitted with four drawers. Mounted in cutvre doré, with husk leaf mold- ings, scrolled rocaille cartouched shoulder appliqués and toes. Height, 48%, inches; width, 26 inches. (Illustrated) No. 458—Iniamw Turipwoop Urricut SECRETAIRE (Louis XV Period) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 459—Intariw Tunrepwoop Cazsrnet, Mountrep 1x Curvrer Dorit Louis XV Period Slightly incurved frieze ; scroll paneled with flowers and fitted with long drawers. The front arranged with two enclosing doors, finely feather-paneled to simulate four doors and inlaid with trailing bouquets of flowers. On short cabriole legs. The inte- rior fitted with shelves. Mounted in cuivre doré, with scrolled escutcheons, open appliqués at shoulders and valance and moldings. | Height, 5917, inches; width, 444/, inches. (Illustrated) No. 459—Iniaw Tuxirewoop Casinet, Mountep 1n Cuivre Dore (Louis XV Period) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. a 460—Inuaiw Turrewoop ComMMopE By Pierre Roussel, Paris, M.E., 1771 Double serpentined front and ends, beautifully feathered with tulipwood ; both ends and front occupied by fine trailing bouquets of large varied flowers. The front fitted with two drawers. Mounted in cutvre doré, with scrolled moldings, handsome open scrolled handles, escutcheons, knee and valance appliqués and scrolled leaf toes. Very rich original plum-pudding brocatelle marble top. Signed: P. Roussel. Height, 3414, inches; length, 56% inches. (Illustrated) 7 = = —_ —E i (LLLL SW ‘sug Yassnoy aug fg) aqdowWwod aooMdltay, GlvIN[—O9F ° { ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 461—Inuaiw TuLrepwoop Caniner Louis XVI Period Oblong, with canted pilasters and paneled ends. The front ar- ranged as one long door simulating three; the central being occupied by an oval medallion enriched with musical trophy inlaid on harewood. On short cabriole legs. Rich red griotte marble top. Height, 6434, inches; width, 2134 inches. (Illustrated) No. 461—Inuaiw Turrewoop CaBinetT (Louis XVI Period) |: Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 462—Inuaip Laceurr Center Taste, Mountrep 1x Cutvre Dort Louis Seize Style Oblong top, with round ends, enriched with boxwood parquetry border and field having large trailing bouquet of flowers at center panel; the frieze having central section of Japanese gold and black floral lacquer ends with panels stained green. Fitted with three drawers, on tapering round fluted legs with vase feet and interlacing double-U stretcher with festooned urn as a terminal in the center. Richly mounted in cutvre doré, with molding to top, festooned patered and cornucopia handles to frieze. Ionic capitals and bases to legs and toes. Height, 29 inches; length, 56 inches. (Illustrated) (ajphygy azvag sinoy) Wao WAAING NI GHLNAOJW ‘AIGV], UALNAD UAAOOWT GIVIN]—ZOP ‘ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 463—Initai Ampoyna Caninet, Mountep 1n Cuivre Dore Marie Antomette Style Oblong ; frieze with mcurved corners; the front fitted with glazed door and engraved ends. The interior fitted with a mirror and two glass shelves. Table frieze of similar contour to that of the crown, fitted with drawer. Supported on square, tapering legs, having vase feet. Very beautiful brocatelle marble stretcher shelf similar in character to the marble of the top. Mounted in cuiore doré, with rose and acanthus-leaf rinceaux at crowning frieze, very finely chiseled moldings to door panels and lower frieze; the latter enriched with husks and central panel of sportive cupidons. Shelf stretcher, with pierced gallery. Parting the ends and upper door in inset niches are fine caryatids, sustained on brass fluted columns. Height, 66%, inches; width, 43%, inches. (Illustrated) . Se ee NES ear 2 LU : Bann No. 4683—Inuain Ampoyna Cazninet, Mountep 1x Curvre Dort (Marie Antonette Style) Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 464—Japanese Lacever Inuarw Cantnet, Mounrep 1x Curtvree Dorit By Henri Dasson; Louis XVI Style Front with canted inlaid tulipwood doors, enclosed by four pan- els, beautifully lacquered in gold, gray and light yellow gold, with landscapes in which are birds and flowers and huge moun- tains. The doors are parted by a paneled frieze and flanked by canted pilasters; the ends are very richly paneled with fine elm- root sanguimarine marble. On tapering square legs. Mounted in very richly chiseled cuivre doré, with medallioned gallery to red- splash marble top, varied moldings to doors, acanthus rinceaux and masked mid-frieze; pancled acanthus leaves to pilasters and feet. Fine valance appliqué of beautiful floral scrollings. Signed at the left under marble top: Dasson. Height, 5% inches; width, 45 inches. Note: Henri Dasson was renowned for the very beautiful quality of his cabinet work and for the precision of his chiseling of bronze. (Illustrated) sseansatiaasnentatistannaxesti SS emasontexatsuass No. 464—Japanese Lacquer Inia Cazinet, Mounrep 1x Cuivre Dor (By Henri Dasson; Louis XVI Style) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. a 465—Vernis Martin Inuar Casrnet, Mountrep 1x Cutvre Dorit By Henri Dasson; Louis XVI Style Front with canted inlaid tulipwood pilasters, enclosed by four paneled doors enriched in Vernis Martin, with subjects of the Seasons. Two cupidons disport themselves in each panel, against apple-green backgrounds. The doors are parted by a paneled frieze; the ends are very richly paneled with fine elm-root. On tapering square legs. Mounted in very richly chiseled cwivre doré, with medallioned gallery to sanguimarine marble top, varied moldings to doors, acanthus rinceaux and mask to mid frieze; paneled acanthus leaves to pilasters and feet. Fine valance appliqué of beautiful floral scrollings. Signed at the left under marble top: Dasson. Height, 57 inches; width, 45 inches. Note: Henri Dasson was renowned for the very beautiful quality of his cabinet work and for the precision of his chiseling of bronze. (Illustrated) 466—CarvepD AND GILDED BrocapE ScrEeEN Louis XV Period Center serpentine crowned fold, enriched with shell and leaf motives. Lower scrolled wing folds on short cabriole legs; the folds covered on one side with green floral brocade and on the other with seventeenth century Venetian brocade, woven with gold scrollings and flowers, on crimson ground. Height, 59 inches; length, 7114 inches. No. 465—Vernis Martin Inari Casrnet, Mounrep 1x Cutvre Dort (By Henri Dasson; Louis XVI Style) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. i 467—Vieux Paris Tapestry Watnut Fire Screen i Louis XIV Period Serolled oblong frame, enriched with leafage and shell motives; 1 on cross scrolled feet. The panel fitted with finely woven Vieux | i Paris tapestry, displaying bird, mask and jardiniére of rare, Hi beautiful flowers in crimson, fine blues, ivories, pinks and tans; on golden-yellow grounds. The frame of a later period, made by il the celebrated French ébéniste, Fournier. I Height, 441, inches; width, 271 inches. ' | | 468—Carvep anp Gi~tpep Mirror Louis XVI Period \ Molded, oblong. Leaf-enriched frame, adorned with open pedi- ment, having a basket of flowers festooned with roses and laurel leaves. Laurel-festooned apron. Height, 4914, inches; width, 18 inches. Third and Last Session 469—NEEDLEWORK THREEFOLD SCREEN French Seventeenth Century Serpentined oblong folds, covered in petit-point; each fold dis- playing, in pinks, crimson, greens, grays and soft yellow on ivory 4 grounds, a jardiniére pater of great interest, developing about ie center a large bouquet of flowers and pomegranate motives ; sup- | | ported on a spraying scroll of fine acanthus leaves, developing an upper panel with beautiful flowers; bordered with brass nails. Height, 67%, inches; length, 79 inches. | Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Se ee ee ee ee 470—Beravvars Taprrsrry Carvep anp Ginpep Fiveroup Screen Régence Period The folds, with scroll molded crowns and foot panels enriched with festooned rocaille, husk and leaf motives. Large central panels, covered in very finely woven Beauvais tapestry, display- ing, on deep ivory grounds, varied growing and blossoming pink flowers; scrolled leaf and arabesque borders of rich rose-du- Barry. The foot panels are repeated on the back, and have ivory laqué grounds. Height, 5 feet 7% inches; length, 10 feet 11 inches. (Illustrated) 471—Larcr Frorentine Carvep anp Gitpep Mirror Late Seventeenth Century Husk-molded oblong frame, enriched with broad open scrollings of acanthus leaves and husks. Length, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 11 inches. i 472—Carvepd AND GinpED Mirror Louis XIV Style Oblong husk-molded frame, with arched crown. Small spirally fluted pediment, sustaining cartouche and floral scrollings, with shell brackets over pilasters. Height, 7 feet 11 inches; width, 5 feet 51/, inches. 473 Carvep AnD GinpEpD Mirror Lows XVI Period Beautifully enriched with arched husk motives, cartouche and ribboned pediment, festooned with laurel leaves. ‘ Height, 9 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 9 inches. 474—Rosrwoop Granp Piano By Erard, Paris Shaped, long body, supported on tapering fluted legs having brass castors. Erard’s number, 65079. Exceptionally fine brilliant tone. Height, 3 feet 31, inches; length, 7 feet; width, 4 feet 5 inches. = —— — ( Pola] aouabaay ) NaAWTHOS aTOAAAIT A aadaTixr) dNv da a AUV 2) AW ALS adv L SIVANVAG OLE ‘ON Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 4°75—CurnesE CoroMANDEL LAcauER SCREEN Late Eighteenth Century Ten narrow oblong folds, fitted with reversible hinges, displaying large central panel extending across the whole of the folds, dec- orated with the varied flowers of the seasons in full bloom, amid rockery. Many gay-plumaged birds are seen among the flowers. Broad black surrounding border, enriched with symbols of the “Antiques” and the “Elegant Accomplishments.” Small dragon-scrolled outer border. The back finished in Chinese red. Height, 6 feet 61% inches; length, 12 feet 31% inches. (Illustrated) 476—Inuariw Turtrewoop Brep, Mounrep 1x Cuivre Dort Lows XV Style Serpentine, scrolled-molded head and foot boards; feathered with fine tulipwood and inlaid with large scrollings of varied flowers ; shaped side rails. On cabriole legs. Mounted in cutore doré, with shaped moldings, scrolled appliqués at crowns; large rocaille feet and appliqués at aprons of panels. Box spring, mattress and bolster. Height, 3 feet 19 inches; length, 6 feet 814 inches; width, 3 feet 12% inches. Note: This finely made bed was made to order for Mr. Dortic by the famous Parisian ébéniste, Dasson. 477—Carvep Oak Cas,ineT Flemish Renaissance Leaf-molded oblong cornice, frieze with rosetted mask and scroll- ings of acanthus leaves; the front arranged with enclosing door, having cupid mask and scroll enrichment; flanked by two fluted Tonic half-columns. A drawer enriched with scrollings below, trimmed with knob. Stand, having valanced frieze with further floral enrichment and heavy baluster-legs. Height, 58°4, inches; width, 251% inches. 4798—Larcr Carvep Watnut Harstanp French Renaissance Arched-molded top, with molded pilasters and base. The panel fitted with olive-green velours and numerous brass hooks. Height, 8 feet 4 inches; width, 5 feet. k (hunquag yquaajybig ayy) NAWUOG UAACOVT IMGNVWONOD ASHNINQ—GLP “ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. FRENCH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY LUSTERED CUIVRE DORE CHANDELIERS HM) 479—Cur Crystau Cutvre Dort CHANDELIER French Eighteenth Century cartouched and stellate pendent cut lusters and central fluted | ball; hexagonal baluster shaft, from which springs three further tiers of arms, sustaining further similar lusters. \ | Balloon-shaped, with scrolled lower tier of arms, having many iI Height, 42 inches. ee bees é % =i L Third and Last Session 480—LustTERED Cuivre Dort CHANDELIER French late Eighteenth Century Central round shaft, fitted for electricity apparently of a later date, terminated with a large round ball at foot, sustaining six lyre-shaped brackets which ascend to a canopy and are arranged with subsidiary similar brackets, from which are pendent | innumerable faceted pear, cartouche and stellate shaped lusters. Height, 53%, inches. 481—Cvivre Dort Cur Crysran Grass Luster CHanpELirr Louis Seize Period Balloon shape; with central finely faceted and gadrooned balus- ter-shaft, terminating in a large round ball at the base. Sixteen upeurving arms, each in the form of a leaf-scrolled cornucopia, arise near the base, and support numerous large pear and car- touche shaped lusters, joined to the bobéches with stellate mo- tives. Large scrolling arms near the the interesting coronetted canopy sustain further luster drops. | 7 Height, 544, inches. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH AND DUTCH PAINTINGS, WATER-COLORS AND DRAWINGS Including Examples by Charlier, Rowlandson, Hubert Robert, Diaz, De Keyser, Nicholas Berghem, Isabey, Jan de Heem, Marie Jeanne Buyeau, afterwards Mme. Boucher; Van Huysum, Van Goyen, Constant Troyon, Ledoux, Mme. Loire, | Largilliére, Drouais, Chevalier, Tocqué, Pieter | Lasimann, Rigaud and Desportes. JOHANN HUBERT PRINS Frencu Scuoou: 1757—1806 482—FLOWERS Water-color: Height, 10°4 inches; width, 814. inches Aw old-fashioned white jug stands on a stone coping and is filled with | lovely spring flowers: primule, jasmine, snowdrops, daffodils and tulips. Signed at lower right: J. H. Pris, 1787. (Companion to the following) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. JOHANN HUBERT PRINS Frencu Scuoou: 1757—1806 483—FLOWERS Water-color: Height, 1034 inches; width, 814 inches A sIMILAR jug to that in the preceding is filled with summer flowers. Roses of different hues. Signed at lower left: J. H. Pris, 1787 (Companion to the preceding) JOHANN HUBERT PRINS a -dad Frencu Scuoou: 1757—1806 484—CANAL AND EDIFICES, BRUGES, BELGIUM Height, 1034, inches; length, 13 inches Ar the left before a row of ancient steep gabled houses is a young woman cleaning the roadway, and a group of a mother and child, to whom a beggar is appealing. At the right, beyond a canal, are further interest- ing old buildings and a church. Further personages are seen prome- nading the narrow walk before the house. Signed toward lower left: J. H, Prins, F. 1791. J. DE MOUCHERON Frencu: Earty Ninereenta CEntrury 485—CLASSIC LANDSCAPE AND RUINS Pen and Wash Drawing: Height, 9°4 inches; length, 14 inches Iy the foreground is a pool in which a nymph is bathing. Beyond is a vista between two large columns of old gnarled trees. A short flight of steps leads to the open country beyond, in which a group of personages is seen, and beyond them villas and mountains. At the left of the foreground is a group of gods and goddesses seated and standing amid architectural ruined columns and pedestals. At right are capitals and portions of an entablature. Signed at the lower left: J. pe MoucHeEron, 1827. i ce a ae “s e x. Third and Last Session seornentee er aa EncutsH Scuoor: 1756—1827 486—“FLIRTATION” AND “THE VISITOR” THOMAS ROWLANDSON l | Two Pen and Wash Drawings: Height, 81 inches; width, 53 inches “FrirTatTion”: a gaily dressed and languishing girl, with long curling hair and many-plumed broad-brimmed hat, is seated, ogling a distant person. “The Visitor”: a trim girl in blue hat sedately awaiting her host. Framed. Li JEAN GEORGES VIBERT Frencu Scuoou: 1840—1902 487—THE INCANTATION | j Water-color: Height, 15 inches; width, 11 inches A youne woman with long black tresses, wearing a brilliant red-em- broidered Japanese robe, is seated before a kettle, supported on three staves, looking into the future, Before her on the ground are her i cards of destiny. Signed at the lower right: J. G. Viner. From the collection of Léon Souty, Paris. aang Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SS ee ee JACQUES CHARLIER FrencuH Scuoou: EigHTEENTH CENTURY 488—VENUS AT HER TOILET i] Oval, in Gouache: Hetght, 13834 inches; width, 11 inches tt Beaurirut, graceful figure of “Venus,” lightly draped in ivory, her curling hair falling to her shoulders, standing on and before clouds, | which support at the right her rose-garlanded triumphal car. At left are two cupidons, one sporting with doves, and the other carrying a small garland of flowers. } (Companion to the following) Third and Last Session JACQUES CHARLIER Frencu Scuoou: EighteEENTH CENTURY 489—VENUS AND CUPID Oval, in Gouache: Height, 13%4, inches; width, 11 inches | GracEFuL figure of “Venus” seated before a flower-decked wooded | g& landscape, lightly draped in pink, ivory and blue, wearing festooned pearls in her hair. She is tormenting Cupid, who is at her knee, with- holding from him a sheaf of arrows. Venus’ emblematic doves are cooing at her feet. (Companion to the preceding) | Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. FRANCOIS BOUCHARDON | Frencu Scuoou: 1698—1762 490-—LES JARDINIERES { i] Pencil Drawing: Height, 11 inches; width, 834 inches ! Licutty draped maiden, carrying a large basket of flowers on her head, is in the foreground; beyond is a group of young girls gathering flowers. Framed. Signed at the lower left (indistinct). Third and Last Session JOHANN BARTHOLD JONGKIND Durcu ScHoor: 1819—1891 491—HONFLEUR HARBOR Water-color: Height, 1014 inches; length, 1814/4, inches TuHRreeE sailing vessels, outward bound, are at left, proceeding into a bank of smoke given off by a large steamer about center. At right forewaters two men are fishing from a boat; beyond are other vessels and a lighthouse. Signed at lower left: Jonextnn, 87 & 66, with Honrieur above. JOHANN BARTHOLD JONGKIND Dutcu Scuoor: 1819—1891 492—_HONFLEUR HARBOR Water-color: Height, 11144 inches; width, 17144 inches Tue broad main channel of the harbor stretches out to sea from the foreground; at left a large sailing vessel is moored to a quay near the ancient custom house. In the distance is a tug opposite the lighthouse. Signed toward lower right: Jonexinpv, Honrievr, 5 Sept., 1865. JOHANN BARTHOLD JONGKIND Dutrcu Scuoou: 1819—1891 j 493—HONFLEUR HARBOR Water-color: Height, 104% inches; length, 20 imches A quay juts directly out into the harbor from almost across the fore- ground; on it two groups of sailormen are seen idly chatting, and two sailing vessels are moored beyond the first group. In the left channel a vessel is beating out to sea. At right, a steamer outward bound is opposite the lighthouse. | Signed toward the lower right: Joncxinp and HonFievr, 22. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. HUBERT ROBERT Frencu Scuoou: 1733—1808 AT THE WELL 494 Pen and Bistre Drawing: Height, 14 inches; length, 201% inches A PEASANT is leaning over the parapet of a well which is guarded by two piers of old masonry. On the further side, behind a high parapet, three peasant girls are busy drawing water. Another peasant girl descends from steps at the right, carrying her water-jar; before a clump of old trees. At the left is a group of three personages before a ruined coliseum. Framed, M. TODT Frencu: Contemporary 495—THE MUSICIAN AND THE MONK On Panel: Height, 101% inches; width, 81% inches A soy old monk, in brown habit, is seated at right of the cellar of a monastery, at a table on which is a flask of wine, from which he regales himself. On the edge of the table at left a gay cavalier, in red costume and broad-brimmed hat, is seated playing a mandolin for the monk’s delectation. Signed toward lower left: M. Toor. Third and Last Session NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu Scuoor: 1809—1876 496—A ROUGH COUNTRY ROAD On Panel: Height, 91% inches; length, 13 inches A RrovcH country road strewn with rocks extends across entire fore- ground and winds to left about mid-distance between high lightly wooded bank at left, and sloping bank at right, giving a vista of fine , champaign country. A peasant woman gathering wood is at right under a few oak trees. THEODORE DE KEYSER Durcu ScHoor: 1595—1697 497—PORTRAIT OF A BURGHER’S WIFE Oval, on Copper: Height, 11 inches; width, 914 inches Tureer-avarter length; seated, slightly turned to the left, wearing | lobed, lawn cap, a very deep ruff and smaller lace cuffs, over an em- | broidered and slashed black velvet dress. | From the Burot Collection, Paris, 1887. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. NICHOLAS BERGHEM Durcu ScHoor: 1620—1683 498—LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE On Panel: Height, 91% inches; length, 124% inches A crovp of fine cattle is pasturing in a field rising to wooded hills at right. A peasant is seated at left, playing his pipes to his red-gowned rustic mistress at his feet; two goats are nearby. Signed at lower right: BrercHEM. Note: At back of panel is a lengthy description of painting and giving infor- mation as to its provenance. From the collection of M. Randon de Boisset, No. 106, Paris. EDOUARD BERNARD SWEBACH ContTEMPorARY FrENcH: 1800—1870 499—MEETING OF SPORTSMEN IN EARLY SEPTEMBER Height, 18 inches; width 1534, inches Berore a thatched cottage at the left two sportsmen with their guns and dogs are seen; one is mounted on a horse, while a groom holds a chestnut mare. To the right is a field of wheat before hills and a game- keeper beating up game. Signed at lower right: Epouarp Swesacn, 1821, EMILE LAMBINET Frencu Scuooru: 1815—1878 500—ON THE OISE On Panel: Height, 16 inches; length, 261% inches Tue placid river flows from the center distance to almost left fore- ground. A road runs on the right bank of the river, winding into an avenue of trees; cottages in the distance, several sail-boats and a barge are on the river. The far bank is well wooded with willows and elms, Signed at the lower left: Eine Lamsiner, 1860. Third and Last Session MICHEL MARTIN DROLLING Frencu Scuoor: 1786—1851 501—CONSOLATION: READING THE BIBLE On Panel: Height, 22 inches; width, 1714 inches I Ar the open door of a peasant’s cottage in Northern France, a young- ish woman is seated with a large ancient bible on her knee, reading. She wears a high, lawn mob cap, spectacles on her nose, a pink bertha over a red dress and a blue apron. A little lad in a green cap is seated on the door-step. Another cottage is seen through the door at right. Signed on notice of “sale of house” pasted on door: DRroutine. From the collection of S.A.R. Duchesse de Berry, and bearing Her Grace’s collection seal. From the Léon Souty Collection, Paris. From the collection of M. Burot, Paris, 1887. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. JEAN BAPTISTE ISABEY Frencu Scuoou: 1767—1859 502—PORTRAIT OF MLLE. DE JOUVRAY Height, 9°4 inches; width, 8 inches Har length, toward right; with her pleasant auburn-haired head al- most to front. She wears a fluffy lawn cap, an ivory low-cut dress, and is seated before a woodland landscape. From the Burot Collection, Paris, 1887. Se ET N Ta aet —+ A mes «ITO PT os | Third and Last Session PHILIPPE DE CAREME Frencn Scuoou: 1734—1796 503—A BACCHANALE Height, 191% inches; length, 24 inches A croup of six Bacchanalian figures disport themselves with wine; three recline on a red drapery; another stands, paying homage to a Bacchic terminal beyond, and at right, under a fir tree, sheltered by a hill, are two lovers. GIRLANDO CORTAZZO Frencu: ConrEMPoRARY 504—PEASANT INTERIOR Height, 13 inches; length, 16 inches In the evening, before a fire of glowing embers, is a group of four peasants. The husband is seated at the right, recounting a story to his old wife, who is seated somewhat to the left, with her two children stand- ing nearby. W. LUMINALL Frencu: ConTEMPORARY 505—THE CORTEGE OF A ROMAN TRIUMPH Height, 27 inches; width, 221% inches Berore Jove’s Temple, a cortége from a Roman Triumph is resting. One of the bullocks of the team of fours is on his haunches, while the occupants are examining their trophies and loot from their different campaigns. Signed at lower left: W. Lumina. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. JAN DE HEEM Durcu Scuoori: 1603—1650 506—A TABLE GROANING WITH FRUIT On Panel: Height, 241% inches; width, 21 inches A rastx, draped with a green and ivory cover, supports a wicker basket of peaches, purple and white grapes and nuts. Before the basket at left is a nautilus shell, and at right is a silver salver bearing peaches and a red lobster: Butterflies are seen flitting about the beautiful fruit. Signed at lower right on molding of table: J. V. Herm (The “eem” almost obliterated). From the Laurent Richel Collection, Paris, 1878. = — ae nar eee eT RS ee ee a « aE a ee — = . : Third and Last Session JAN VAN HUYSUM | a Dutcu ScuHoor: 1682—1749 | 507—A VASE OF FLOWERS Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches | Own a small table, partially seen, is an ornate gadrooned urn, occupied | by a bouquet of exquisitely colored flowers: tulips, hollyhocks, pink | poppies, hydrangea and roses, very finely disposed. | Signed about lower center, on molding of table: J. Vaw Huysum. Ii Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. MARIE JEANNE BUYEAU Frencu Scuoou: EigHTEeENtTH CENTURY 508—LA PETITE JARDINIERE Height, 1814 inches; width, 1434 inches A urrie girl, wearing laced low-cut dull crimson bodice, panniered blue skirt and flower trimmed straw hat, stands about center, leaning over on the handle of a rake. At left are two potted flowering plants before woodland. At right is a huge melon and a wheelbarrow of flowers before a blossoming and fruiting orange tree in a tub. Note: Marie Jeanne Buyeau was the wife of the celebrated painter, Francois Boucher, and it is possible that Boucher retouched this interesting painting. (Companion to the following) Third and Last Session MARIE JEANNE BUYEAU Frencu Scuoou: Eicotrrentn Century ; 509—LA BERGERE ENDORMIE Height, 1814 inches; width, 1444, inches A uirTLe shepherdess reclines asleep beyond a tiny brook in the fore- ground and under a clump of trees. She wears a low-cut blue bodice, crimson skirt and ivory scarf thrown over left shoulder; her straw hat is beside her and her crook is still in her left hand. Two sheep are at right before low woodland, | Note: Marie Jeanne Buyeau was the wife of the celebrated painter, Francois | Boucher, and it is possible that Boucher retouched. this interesting painting. (Companion to the preceding) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. nn EEE JAN VAN GOYEN DurcH ScHoor: 1596—1666 510—DUTCH CANAL, WITH WINDMILL AND VILLAGE On Panel: Height, 121% inches; length, 26 inches Eventne casts a golden glow over a quiet sky and a canal at left; in the placid forewaters are several rowboats with passengers, and in the distance sailing vessels. The low-lying bank at right is occupied by a decrepit windmill on its crest, and beyond by a village with church spires and ancient edifices. Signed on gunwale of boat at left: V. G., 1646. From the Sedelmeyer Collection, bearing that collector's red seal. From the Potocki Paris Collection, 1888. THOMAS HAND EnewisH Scuoou: Crrca, 1792—1804 511—MISS ANNE POWERS Oval: Height, 251% inches; width, 2114 inches Hat length of a pretty little girl facing slightly to the right, carrying in her left hand a bird’s nest; standing before a woodland landscape, and wearing a low-cut ivory dress. Note: Hand exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1792-1804. I Ae EI ET Tet | Third and Last Session CONSTANT TROYON Frencn Scuoort: 1810—1865 4 512—WATERMILL, STREAM AND WOODLAND |} Height, 24 inches; width, 19°4 inches Two peasants are in a boat at left, pushing off into a stream which flows about center to right; beyond the boat is a rustic red-roofed old stone mill crested by autumn-tinted trees. A clump of gnarled old trees overhangs the stream from mid-right. In the center distance two boys are seen fishing before low-lying fields and a village. Signed at lower left: C. Troyon. From the Henri Garnier Collection, 1888. ——— Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. MADAME LOIRE Frencu Scuoou: Eicurrento Century THE COMTESSE DE PITHIVIERS 513 Height, 281% inches; width, 23 inches Haxr length of a beautiful young matron facing front, wearing a garland of flowers in her gray pompadour hair, which curls over her lovely shoulders, a low-cut ivory robe and a lavender pink mantle over her arms. Her left arm rests on an overturned urn, which is spurting water, Glowing, fluctuating green background, with rushes at right. Note: Madame Loire was Nattier’s ablest pupil and rose to great distinction. Third and Last Session a FRANCOIS HUBERT DROUAIS \§ Frencu Scuoor: 1727—1775 | 514—PORTRAIT OF THE DUCHESSE DE PLESSIS LA TOUR Height, 3614 imches; width, 283/, inches TuHreEE-quartrer length of a piquant, pretty girl. Seated, looking to front; wearing gray pompadour hair, a pink bow-knotted silk ruff at her neck, and a low-cut rose-pink dress, having lace at the bosom, and ; o) (e 9 the sleeves, trimmed with armlets of large pearls. She holds in both ’ I hands sprays of white jasmine. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. | JEAN CHEVALIER Frencu Scuoou: 1725—1790 515—PORTRAIT OF THE DUCHESSE DE REMUSSE Height, 8514 imches; width, 284 inches Trree-quartTer length of a charming woman, wearing flowers in her gray curling hair, a ruby stranded collarette with finely jeweled pen- dant, a blush ivory silk dress, with embroidered fronts and sleeves, both trimmed with lace and series of blue velvet bows in the vested bodice. She is seated before a darkening landscape. Third and Last Session LOUIS TOCQUE Frencu Scuoou: 1696—1772 516—PORTRAIT OF MME. DE KONTANY Height, 36 inches; width, 29 inches Turee-Quarter length, seated figure of a pretty young woman wearing gray curling hair, a lace cap and lace ruff, beribboned Nattier blue y dress, very voluminously trimmed with lace at the sleeves and a low-cut lace-trimmed yellow brocade vest to the dress. She holds a tome of poetry on her lap. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. MADEMOISELLE PHILIBERTE LEDOUX Frencu Scuooru: 1767—1840 517—_LA FILEUSE Height, 24 inches; width, 191% inches A pretrry blue-eyed fair-haired peasant girl is seated, seen at three- quarter length, wearing a mob cap over her auburn hair, an ivory low- cut robe, dull yellow dress and a striped blue petticoat. She holds her distaff under her left arm and a bobbin in her right hand. Mlle. Ledoux was the foremost pupil of Greuze, and acquired a great deal of his manner. NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE Frencu Scuoou: 1656—1746 518—MME. DE WALLERY Height, 31144 inches; width, 2514 inches Hatr length figure of a handsome woman seated before a wooded land- scape, wearing pink flowers in her gray hair, and a white ivory dress draped in fine blue and pale lavender. She has a red carnation at her bosom and in her left hand holds a loose bouquet of beautiful flowers. PIETER LASTMANN Dutcu ScuHoor: 1562—1649 519-—PORTRAIT OF MME. VAN DER HOFF Height, 41 mches; width, 32 inches THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH figure of a very pleasant young woman, stand- ing before a deep background; wearing a crescent-shaped lace and lawn cap, a deep ruff around her neck, lace-trimmed cuffs, coral embroidered black velvet dress, enriched with a long jeweled gold chatelaine. She carries a lace-trimmed handkerchief in her right hand. In the upper right corner is a small crest, dated A-1634 and inscribed AET 33. Third and Last Session HYACINTHE FRANCOIS RIGAUD Frencu Scuoor: 1657—1743 520—THE YOUNG PRETENDER Oval: Height, 43 inches; width, 35 inches Har length: Wearing curled gray hair, gilded full armor, a lace jabot, crimson velvet mantle and a blue ribbon across his breastplate. From the collection of Adolphe Beugniet, Paris. ALEXANDRE FRANCOIS DESPORTES Frencu Scuoor: 1661—1743 521—LA BASSE-COUR Height, 521% inches; length, 44 inches Near an ancient chateau, toward the stables, is a group of agitated fowl; several are perched on a chicken coop. An impertinent red par- rot at base of a column above is screaming at the incensed fowls. FLEMISH AND AUBUSSON TAPESTRIES OF THE SIXTEENTH, SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES Including Decorative Verdures with Animals. Borders having medallions en camaieu and a delightful Vieux Paris Mille-fleurs Cover. §22—Fiemisu Tapestry Early Seventeenth Century “Chateau and Fountains.” At left is a clump of trees, over- hanging a vista in which the portal of a chateau before Italian gardens is seen; two fountains flank the portal; in the upper branches of the clump of trees is a crimson parrot and at the foot is a small dog looking toward rambling roses. Woven in a great variety of greens, blues, tans and yellows, with occasional touches of crimson. i Height, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches. 523 b Or Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. §24.— They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Fremish Renaissance Tapestry Borper Sixteenth Century Central medallion, woven en camaieu with kitchen interior flanked by arabesques of flowers and fruit ; executed in rose-crim- son, yellows, blues and greens; on ivory grounds. Length, 7 feet 1 inch; depth, 25 inches. Fremish Renatssance Tapestry Borner Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding, Joined in two places. Length, 691% inches; depth, 26 inches. (Illustrated) Gotuic Renaissance T'aprstry BorpEr Paris, Early Siateenth Century > Central scrolled cartouche, in which “Orpheus and the Animals.’ Orpheus is seated playing a viol to the admiring animals. Flanked by scrollings of large Gothic leaves, amid which are spring flowers, animals and fruit. Woven in crimson, greens, yellows, ivories and tans, on a deep blue ground. Length, 9 feet; depth, 10 inches. (Illustrated) (hanju (hinjuay yyuaajeig) uaauog AULsadvy, 29 ypuaaqargy hp. ‘ s wo) AIACNOg AYU GONV LSAdV YT, SSIVNGAY HSINAT AONVSSIVNAY OIHLO VEG ‘Oo N OG Gj 10) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 526—Avrsusson Tapresrry Seventeenth Century > “Stag Hunting.” At left of the center rise clumps of finely foli- aged trees; amid their branches birds are perched; at the foot of the clumps of trees and across the foreground is a gay pea- cock and his mate and a fine cluster of flowers toward right. In the middle distance is a group of mounted huntsmen eagerly pursuing their prey. Beyond is a stream and a wooded chateau. Woven in greens, blues, yellows, orange and tan, with occasional passages of crimson. Blue border, displaying arched husk motives. Height, 11 feet 1 inch; length, 12 feet 3 inches. Third and Last Session 527—Two Fuiemiso Tapestry anp Crimson VeLours Currains Late Siateenth Century Rich crimson heavy velours, enhanced with central panel of Flemish tapestry, developing at the crown a standing pea- cock and an oval medallion, slightly be- low, crowned by a cupidon sustaining a large cluster of fruit, and occupied by curious figures of rustics in golden-yellow camaieu. At the foot of the panel is a figure of Mercury carrying his caduceus, standing under a niche, canopied with fruit; woven in rose-crimson, blues, greens, yellows and tans; on deep rich ivory grounds. Height, 12 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 7 inches; width of tapestry, 2 feet. (Center Panel of Tapestry Illustrated) 528—Two Furemish Tapestry anp Crimson Vetours Currarns Late Siateenth Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 12 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 7 inches. 529—Aursusson Tapestry French Eighteenth Century “Birds and Woodland.” Displaying groves of trees, giving a vista of two ships in a stream and a distant chateau. Three barnyard fowls are in the fore- ground. Woven in woodland greens, blues, ivories and passages of crimson. Blue border of arched husk-motives. Height, 11 feet 2 inches; width, 9 feet 9 inches. 530—Avsusson Tapestry Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Slightly differ- ing in the arrangement of the foliage and without the ships. Height, 11 feet 2 inches; width, 9 feet 9 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 531—Vinvux Paris Taresrry Taste Cover Early Seventeenth Century Oval central medallion of fruit and flowers, surrounded by inter- esting sprays of field and other flowers, woven in rich mellow colors on tawny-brown grounds. Rich golden-yellow border, displaying flowers in more positive colors, with ribbon and rosetted corners. Ribbon and rosette guards. Height, 8 feet; width, 6 feet 3 inches. (Illustrated) 532—Two Avsusson Tapestry PAnets Eighteenth Century Woven in mellow pastel colors, with wooded landscapes. One haying a stream about center; in the other, water toward the right, near which are birds. Charming small borders of fruit and clusters of flowers on golden-brown grounds. Height, 10 feet; width, 5 feet 9 inches. 533—Two Avpusson Tapestry Panes Etghteenth Century Similar to the preceding. (Lacking one border each toward the left and right.) Height, 10 feet; width, 4 feet 9 inches. 534—Two Avususson Tapestry Panets Eighteenth Century 1 Similar to the preceding. Height, 10 feet; width, 1 foot 7% inches. 535—Auvpsusson Tapestry Eighteenth Century i “Woodland Stream.” Displaying vista of a chateau surrounded | by water toward the left; large flowering shrubs in the fore- ground and a hen and her mate nearby. Before the chateau is a group of strolling players and a dancing bear. Woven in rich iil crimson-red, innumerable woodland autumnal greens and yellows ; blue border of arched husks. (Border lacking at crown and left ih side. ) H Length, 10 feet; width, 6 feet 10 inches. | 536—Avsusson Tapestry Eighteenth Century | a ; ; : | Similar to the preceding. Without the strolling players, and the composition reversed. (Border lacking on the right side and crown. ) Height, 10 feet; width, 6 feet 10 inches. No. 581—Vievux Paris Tapestry Taste Cover (Early Seventeenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY EASTERN RUGS AND CARPETS Including fine old Iran, Fereghan, Shirvan, Ghiordes and Melez. 5387—AnatTouian Rue Eighteenth Century Steeped ruby-crimson lozenge center. Woven in green and ivory, with two tree-like motives and flowered V’s at sides. Latch- hooked bracket corners of turquoise-green, with floral motives. Red-pink border, exhibiting small medallion plaquettes in crim- son, pale green, yellow and ivory; blue inner guard of diamond motives. 3 feet 5 inches by 2 feet 2 inches. 538—F Loran Suirvan Rue Eighteenth Century Pale fluctuating jade-green; woven in crimson, ivory, sapphire- blues, black and yellow. With floral lozenge medallion center, pendented with further smaller lozenges and cruciform devices, the field semé with geometric and floral blossoms. Rich ivory oO J border, displaying alternately, in the varied colors of the field ? Y 5 J3 2 blossomed geometric devices; crimson and tawny-tan floral guards. 3 feet 9 inches by 2 feet 7 inches. 539—MeEpALLion Surraz Rue Enghteenth Century Fluctuating jade-green latch-hooked, steeped lozenge center ‘il medallion. Woven in ivory, crimson, blue, black and tawny- brown, with four double tentlike motives, vases and blossoms. Mulberry-crimson bracket corners, strewn with varied blossoms. Rich golden-yellow border; bearing quaint geometric plaquettes interrupted by smaller motives woven in the colors of the field, with deep blue added. Pinnacled inner guard; two outer guards ii of blossoms and angular scrollings. (Guards missings at one | end.) 4 feet 6 inches by 8 feet 9 inches. i| (Illustrated) i 540—Rosr-pu-Barry Suirvan Rue Eighteenth Century | Beautiful fluctuating rose-du-Barry field. Woven in varied | tones of blue, green, yellow, ivory and black; with blue geometric | oblong central medallion, flanked by two cruciform geometric devices and small floral motives, amid which two very archaic birds are seen. Ivory border in the colors of the field, displaying blossomed lozenge motives; chevroned guards. 4 feet 8 inches by 38 feet 8 inches. No. 5839—Mepatuionep Surraz Rue (Eighteenth Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 541—Royat BoxHara Prayer Rue Eighteenth Century Mihrab small arch; bordered with quaint angular scrollings and chevrons, and paneled with series of curious U-devices. Border of quaintly toothed chevron motives, interrupted by lozenge de- vices. Outer border (on three sides) of key scrollings finished at foot with toothed diamond lattice. Woven in old-pink, mellow soft crimson, ivory, greenish-blue, black and tawny-brown. 5 feet by 3 feet 10 inches. 542—Suirvan Panetep Prayer Rue Late Eighteenth Century Blunted mihrab; paneled in crimson-red, succeeded by a panel of deeper crimson of more wine-colored hue and a fluctuating jade- green panel about center, which is followed by a panel similar in color to that of the mihrab. Woven in sapphire-blues, yellows, ivories, rose-pink and black; with interesting lotus plaquettes, small medallioned and pendented vases of flowers at crown, and green central panel with latch-hooked geometric diamond medal- lion. Deep ivory border, enriched with stellate devices alternat- ing with lozenges; pinnacled blue guards. (Small portion of border lacking at one end.) 5 feet 10 inches by 8 feet 6 inches. | 543—Kazax Rue Eighteenth Century i] Rose-red field. Woven with green, dark and light blue, ivory, yellow and black; with two series of large blossoms interrupted ‘i by small stellate and geometric devices. Mulberry-rose border, | blossomed more naturalistically in the colors of the field. Ivory and golden-yellow guards, with varying V-shaped geometric | i motives. 6 feet 5 inches by 3 feet 2 inches. 544—Bzrreama Rue Eighteenth Century Fluctuating wine-crimson field. Woven in pale and dark blues, rose-crimson, ivory, yellow and black; with staves of lotus blos- soms alternating with large archaic angular scrolled leaves. Deep ivory border; displaying, in the colors of the field, geometric lozenges placed on a central staff and parted by smaller columnar motives. Guards of lozenges, centered with S-devices. 6 feet 8 inches by 5 feet 3 inches. Sm aS eT ATO 8 eee ; oe Ve 1 Bi oe ss E iy : 4 pee a ae : cae ee rors = 45—WINE-cRiMsSON GuiorDES Prayer Rue Seventeenth Century Rich fluctuating wine-crimson mihrab; having a pendent bouquet of flowers; soft green spandrels, curiously elongated into col- umnar motives parting the mihrab. The columnar devices and foot of mihrab, woven with border of carnation motives. The spandrels, in yellows, ivories and black, develop very unusual closely placed floral devices. Small golden-yellow panel at crown, with diapered rosettes. Five varied inner guards ; deep rich sap- phire-blue border, enriched in colors of the field and rose-pink, with closely placed bouquets of flowers; three outer guards. 6 feet by 4 feet. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 546—Rupy-crimson Metzez Prayer Rue Seventeenth Century Beautiful ruby mihrab; displaying yellow, blues and plum-colored central bouquet and border of diagonally placed carnation mo- tives. Soft field-green spandrels are continued into framing border, displaying small yellow and crimson blossoms and latch- hooks, forming an interior border. Red-crimson angular scrolled floral panel at crown and a panel of similar color adorned with latch-hooked diamonds at foot. Beautiful pale blue border of angular motives, having a semblance of archaic animals. 6 feet by & feet. Third and Last Session 547—F Lora Suiraz Rue Late Eighteenth Century Resonant blue-black field; woven with rose-pink, yellow, plum- color, pale green and ivory; with varied geometric floral motives, supported at intervals on staves and interrupted by curious latch-hooked leaves. Deep ivory border; woven, in the colors of the field, with geometric and latch-hooked lozenges supported on small staves and interrupted by curious columnar devices. S-scroll guards. 6 feet 11 inches by 6 feet. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2 ee ee SS | 548—Sapruire-BLvuE Herari Carper Eighteenth Century Deep pulsating sapphire-blue field; woven in rich, deep rose-pink, pale sapphire, ivory, yellow and lavender-pink ; with diamond lattice supporting arabesques of very distinguished lotus blos- 1 soms, daisies and fine Herati leaves. Rose-du-Barry pink border in the colors of the field; displaying lotus and daisy plaquettes, scrolled with vines and smaller flowers. Floral scrolled golden- yellow guards. 16 feet 8 inches by 7 feet 2 inches. peers I tt EEA jose ‘names | aug me ag) z . ices. me? oo 2 = : . S 4 %) ‘ ie 4 e “ s 549—Rare Frorat Iran Carpet Late Seventeenth Century Very beautiful rose-red field, fluctuating to areas of rose-du- Barry pink; woven in dark sapphire-blue, green, yellow, black, ivory and light pink; with varied series of ogivals delicately arabesqued with lotus blossoms and asters. Fine sapphire-blue border; in wavering, sparkling gemlike tones, displaying larger : blossoms of lotus and daisies scrolled within medallions of large o Herati leaves, executed in the richer colors of the field. Floral . | ivory guards. | 12 feet by 6 feet 5 inches. Lf i l} ii * i 4 4 i] a SS — . ae — a Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ——— EE ee Ee eae 550—Crimson Karanacnu Rue Eighteenth Century Lustrous rose-crimson field; woven in greens, yellows, sapphire- blues, tawny-browns and yellow; with three archaic blossoms about center. Deep rich jade-green border; woven in the colors of the field, with large rosettes interrupted by square floral devices. Two geometric inner and two geometric outer ivory and pinnacled blue guards. 7 feet 3 inches by 3 feet 11 inches. 551—Frrecuan Rue Late Eighteenth Century Black field, woven in soft red, pale blue, ivory and green, with small floral arabesques. Ivory border, with angular flowers in similar colors to the field. (One side cut; needs restoration. ) 8 feet 7 inches by 5 feet. 552—Royat Boxnara Meparsionep Carper Eighteenth Century Fretp of oblong lattice; supporting at the intersections lobed oblong medallions having blossomed centers and interrupted by smaller scrolled oblong devices. Interesting borders of dif- ferent floral lozenged motives, interrupted by small panels. Woven in charming rose-du-Barry pink, blues, black, ivory anda most distinguished deep rose-du-Barry, fluctuating to mellow crimson. 8 feet by 6 feet. 553—Nomav Kurp-Frerecuan Carper Enghteenth Century Fine lustrous fluctuating sapphire-blue field; woven in rose-red, ivory, pale blue, green, yellow and black; with floral arabesque diamond devices and Herati leaves. Broad, rose-du-Barry crim- son border in the colors of the field, displaying arabesqued floral plaquettes and further Herati leaves. Angular scrolled guards of pale blue and field-green. 10 feet 8 inches by 5 feet 5 inches. Third and Last Session 554—Merpatiionep Mosut Rue Eighteenth Century Very beautiful fluctuating deep rose-du-Barry field; woven in light and dark blue, pink, yellow and tawny-black; with three varicolored lozenges pendented with two smaller lozenge motives. Golden-yellow border ; developing fine blossoms sustained on angu- lar scrollings, flanked by two floral pale blue guards. Outer guards of rose-pink and blue black, sustaining varied blossoms. 13 feet 8 inches by 3 feet 7 inches. 555—MrpatuionepD FErEGHAN CarPEr Seventeenth Century Tawny-black field; displaying central chevroned ivory blossomed medallion, surrounded by floral diamonds arabesqued with blos- som and Herati leaves. Steeped small soft green bracket corners, enriched with varied blossoms in rose-pink, ivory, plum- color, pale blue and green. Deep, rich rose-du-Barry border in the colors of the field, exhibiting varicolored oval blossoms en- a twined with toothed angular leaves. Double guards of scrolled golden-yellow and tawny-black. (Small portions of end guards lacking. ) 13 feet 2 inches by 5 feet 7 inches. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., MaNnacGERs. OTTO BERNET, HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY “ a i Ny oy Mey gan q i —_— . ————eeeeEEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeeeee seeeateeee — ~- ° ‘ wer Amin Pe 22 THE HENRY T. DORTIC COLLECTION FURNITURE, TAPESTRIES, PORCELAINS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT .THE Ag~ERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE, 56rH TO 57TH STREET NEW YORK CITY