THE NOTABLE AND EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AND CARICATURES FROM THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF J. BARTON TOWNSEND, Esa. OF PHILADELPHIA ORIGINAL ISSUES OF THE WORKS OF ISAAC, GEORGE AND ROBERT CRUIKSHANK ROWLANDSON, GILLRAY AND OTHERS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE OWNER ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY anp THURSDAY FEBRUARY 4TH, 5TH AND 6TH, 1919 UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY * THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY Ve ’ ; x “. ‘ é 1 ia .- >," ’ ¢ 7 * - ' . i ‘ : - ‘ : i ’ : 2 ; we e- ‘ ‘ . ‘ ; * . Le 3 F ‘ * . . + 4 oa a XN ¢ : : * ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23rp STREET BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29TH AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE THE NOTABLE AND EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AND CARICATURES FROM THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF J. BARTON TOWNSEND, ESQ. OF PHILADELPHIA TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE OWNER ON TUESDAY EVENING, AND WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS FEBRUARY 4TH, 5TH AND 6Tn, 1919 AT 8:15 O’CLOCK IN THE EVENINGS AND 3:00 IN THE AFTERNOONS AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES , . ~ . ‘ ‘ i . “ ’ t : , i ae fr Z| f Pe 3 = oa TEONDUCTORS Meso'? TILT &E BOGUE | i Bradbury and Evans,} ¥ ee Sac Sager sian Shishi teeta st en et ([MDCCOXLI.} GEORGE CRUIKSHANK COMPLETE SET OF THE OMNIBUS IN PARTS Reduced facsimile of wrapper to No. III. [No. 284] ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF A NOTABLE AND EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AND CARICATURES ORIGINAL ISSUES BY THE THREE CRUIKSHANKS ROWLANDSON, GILLRAY AND OTHERS TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE OR RESTRICTION BY ORDER OF THE OWNER—J. BARTON TOWNSEND, Eso. ON TUESDAY EVENING, AND WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS FEBRUARY 4TH, 5TH AND 6TH, 1919 AT 8:15 O’CLOCK IN THE EVENINGS AND 3:00 IN THE AFTERNOONS THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK CITY f! ti = lo 1 G49 RESUME OF THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AND CARICATURES FROM THE LIBRARY OF J. BARTON TOWNSEND, ESQ. The Illustrated Books, Caricatures and Etchings by the Great English Book Illustrators and Caricaturists of the Nineteenth Century gathered by Mr. Townsend, and herein catalogued, comprise one of the most extensive and im- portant collections of its kind ever offered at public sale in America. Many of the volumes are in full morocco or calf bindings by Rivirre, Tout, ZAEHNS- porF, SANGorskI & SurciirFe, Larkins, and Roor. A large number are in the Original Bindings; while a few are in Original Parts or Wrappers, As IssuED. Hach volume contains the bookplate of the owner. The Works of the THREE CRUIKSHANKS,—IsAAc, GEORGE AND ROBERT, comprise the greater part of this collection. They include Notable First Edi- tions, Original Drawings, Aquatint Engravings in Color, and Colored Cari- catures of all three artists. Many of these items are of great rarity; a number of them being of unusual interest, owing to the Autograph Inscriptions of the celebrated George, which appears on several of the plates etched by him- self or his brother Robert. Among the books illustrated by these artists, are several of the RARER First Eprrrons of the Works of Charles Dickens, William Harrison Ainsworth, Pierce Egan, William Combe, and Robert Westmacott; while in the field of Caricatures the collection is especially rich in examples of their work. These satirical and humorous sketches illustrate various incl- dents during the Napoleonic Wars, the Political and Social Life of England during the reign of George the Fourth, the liaison of Maria Foote and her friends, the troubles of Queen Caroline and her Royal Consort; also Sport- ing, Dramatic and Domestic Events; Rare Broadsides and Song-Heads. Isaac Cruikshank and his son Robert are also, each represented by an Original Drawing; while by the celebrated George there are six drawings of unusual interest. Besides the three Cruikshanks noted above, there are a few examples of the work of Percy CrurksHaNnk (son of Robert), and of .GrorcE CRUIK- SHANK, Jr. (son of Percy). The latter at first signed his plates,—George Cruikshank, Jr.:’ but in order to do away with the confusion created by this, he changed the same at the request of the great George, assumed his mother’s family name, and signed himself,—‘“George Calvert Crutkshank.” Of Equal Importance with the Cruikshank Collection is that section containing examples of the work of the celebrated caricaturist,—T HOMAS RowLANDson, whose compositions as represented herein comprise the most extensive and important series of books and caricatures by his hand, ever offered at public sale in America. This section comprises 195 different items, or groups of subjects, commencing with the first book illustrated by him, and including a large proportion of the more noteworthy and finer examples of his work; while his original watercolor work and sketches are represented by four different subjects and a volume of collected sketches. Tur NAPOLEONIC CARICATURES IN Conor comprise over 100 different subjects illustrative of the Wars of Napoleon, and satirizing the great Emperor and the French people, from the year 1799 to the downfall of Napoleon in 1814. The great Caricaturist of the latter Eighteenth and early Nineteenth Century,—JamEs GiLiRAY, is represented by several collections of his satirical and humorous prints illustrative of the time of George the Third. In this art he had no rival; the exquisite tact with (which he seized upon points, both in politics and manners, most open to ridicule, is only equalled by the consummate skill and wit with which he satirized them. Most of his work was etched at once upon the original copper without a previous drawing, his only cuides being sketches of the distinguished characters made on small pieces of card which he always carried with him. Among other ILLUSTRATORS OF NoTs, will be found examples of the work of Henry Alken, H. Bunbury, John Leech, William Heath, H. K. Browne— “Phiz,” Robert Seymour, and G. Woodward, including an Original Drawing by Alken, and one by Woodward. . To the end, that interest might be added to the catalogue, where possible, references have been cited as to the best Bibliographical Works on the subject, and in describing the Caricatures the names have been given of the more important political and social personages. ORDER OF SALE AFTERNOONS AT 3:00 O'CLOCK, EVENINGS AT 8:15 FIRST SESSION: TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 4th Numbers 1 to 223, inclusive SECOND SESSION: WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 5th Numbers .224 to 453, inclusive THIRD SESSION: WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 5th Numbers 454 to 683, inclusive FOURTH SESSION: THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 6th Numbers 684 to 907, inclusive FIFTH SESSION: THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 6th Numbers 908 to 1123, inclusive INDEX OF THE MORE IMPORTANT ILLUSTRATORS AND OF AUTHORS WHOSE WORK IS LISTED ELSEWHERE ApsHpap, (Joseph). Prisons and Prisoners. First Edition [No. 296] AanswortH (William Harrison). Jack Sheppard. First Edition. Original cloth [No. 269 | The Tower of London. First Edition [No. 276] Guy Fawkes. First Edition in Bookform [No. 280] Ainsworth’s Magazine. 10 vols. [No. 286] Windsor Castle. Extra-Illustrated [No. 289] Saint James’s. First Edition. Original boards [No. 293] ALKEN (Henry). Colored-Plate Books, and an Original Drawing [Nos. 2 to 9] Anexto’s Highland Broadsword. First Issue, Jany. 20, 1799 [No. 990] Anegto’s Highland Broadsword. First Complete Edition. Feby. 12, 1799 [No. 991] Barnam (Richard H.). The Ingoldsby Legends. 3 vols. 1840-1847 [ No. 279] Browne (H. K.)—“Putz.” Books Ilustrated by Phiz [Nos. 958 to 969 | Borrow (George). Celebrated Trials. First Edition. 6 vols. [No. 21] Burton (Alfred). The Military Adventures of Johnny Newcombe [| No. 1034] Cargy (David). Life in Paris. First Edition [ No. 154] CavuLFIELD (James). The High Court of Justice. First Edition [No. 140] CuameErovzow (L. A.). Chronicles of the Bastile. Both Series [No. 596] Compr (William). Doctor Syntax in Paris. First Edition [No. 60] A History of Madeira. First Edition [ No. 61] Life of Napoleon. First Edition [No. 116] Tour of Doctor Syntax Through London. First Edition [ No. 530] The Microcosm of London. First Edition [No. 1012] The Tour of Doctor Syntax. First Edition. 3 vols. [No. 1027] Poetical Sketches of Scarborough. First Edition [No. 1028] Dance of Death, and Dance of Life. First Edition in Bookform [ No. 1030 | The History of Johnny Que Genius. First Edition [No. 1040] CRUIKSHANK (Isaac). Illustrated Books [Nos. 73 to 83 | Original Drawing [No. 84] Caricatures and Etchings [ Nos. 85 to 101] Other Caricatures will be found listed under Napoleonic. CRUIKSHANK (George). Illustrated Books [Nos. 102 to 405] Original Drawings and Sketches [Nos. 417 to 422] Caricatures relative to Politics and English History [Nos. 4238 to 446 | Theatrical Caricatures [Nos. 447 to 453] Broadsides and Song-Heads [Nos. 454 to 465] Caricatures and Etchings, Early Efforts, etc. [Nos. 466 to 502] Books Illustrated by the joint labor of George and Robert, with several ~ items containing Autograph Identification by George [Nos. 503 to 525] Bibliographical Works relative to George Cruikshank [Nos. 407 to 416] Other Caricatures will be found listed under Napoleonic. CRUIKSHANK (Robert). Illustrated Books [ Nos. 526 to 617] Drawings and Aquatint Engravings [ Nos. 618 to 624] Caricatures relative to Maria Foote [Nos. 625 to 630] Caricatures of Queen Caroline and George Fourth [Nos. 631 to 638] Caricatures of English Politics, etc. [Nos. 639 to 657] Caricatures and Etchings of Social, Domestic and Sporting Subjects [ Nos. 658 to 683] CRUIKSHANK (Percy). Illustrated Books [Nos. 684 to 687] CRUIKSHANK (George Calvert). Illustrated Books [Nos. 689, 690, 691] Original Drawing [No. 688] DeFor (Daniel). Robinson Crusoe. Large Paper. 2 vols. 1831 [No. 223] Dickens (Charles). Complete Set of “Christmas Books.” First Editions [ No. 693] Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi. First Issue [ No. 261] More Hints on Etiquette. First Edition [No. 262] Oliver Twist. First Issue. Original cloth [No. 263] The Pic Nic Papers. First Edition. 3 vols. [No. 283] Dusuin and London Magazine. 2 vols. 1825-1828 [No. 178] Kean (Pierce). Real Life in London [No. 706] The Life of an Actor. First Edition [No. 707] Pierce Egan’s Anecdotes. First Edition [No. 708] Life in London. 1821 [No. 512] Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry and Logic. First Edition [No. 515] Boxiana. 5 vols. [No. 132] ENGELBACH (Lewis). Naples and the Campagna Felice. First Edition [No. 1031] GEORGE THE FourtH. Various Colored Caricatures relating to his time | Nos. 721 to 723] GILLRAY (James). Colored Caricatures Illustrative of the Reign of George the Third [Nos. 725 to 746] Other Caricatures will be found listed under Napoleonic. Grimm (M. M.). German Popular Stories. 2 vols. London, 1826 [No. 183] Heap (Sir Francis B.). The Emigrant. First Edition [No. 304] Heatu (William). Caricatures and Colored-Plate Books [Nos. 752 to 766] Hone (William). Collection of Tracts relating to the Princess Charlotte and Prince Leopold [No. 122] Complete Set of Every-Day, Table and Year Books. In the Original parts, with wrappers [No. 179] Hoop (Thomas). Comic Annuals, 1830-1842. 11 vols. [No. 221] Hunt (Henry). Investigation at Tichester Gaol. First Edition [No. 151] IRELAND (W. H.). The Life of Napoleon. Cumberland’s Issue. 4 vols. [No. 200] Kenrick (THomas). The British Stage. 5 vols. [No. 507] Lrercu (John). A collection of First Editions illustrated by Leech Now 788 to 822] Loyat Volunteers of London. First Edition. 1798-1799 [No. 989] ~ Locker (Frederick). Poems. Privately Printed Issue of 1868 [No. 359] MatnHews (Charles). Various Works relating to the celebrated Actor,— | Charles Mathews [Nos. 391, 417, 456, 511, 531, 533, 556, 576, 828, 829 and 830] Maxwett (W. H.). History of the Irish Rebellion. First Edition [No. 300] Moors (A.). Annals of Gallantry. First Edition. 3 vols. [No. 114] Napo.goNic Caricatures in Color. By James Gillray, Isaac and George Cruik- shank and other English Caricaturists [Nos. 836 to 940] Otp EncuisH Drama, a Selection of Plays. 2 vols. [No. 174] ONWHYN Illustrations [Nos. 941 to 944] Pures (John). Book and other illustrations [Nos. 951 to 957] Perricoat Loos, a Fragmentary Tale of the Castle. First Edition [ No. 1026 | Piayrarr Papers, or Brother Jonathan, the Smartest Nation in all Creation. [No. 593] Porrican Magazine. 4 vols. 1809-1811 [No. 1020] Reat Life in Ireland. By “A Real Paddy.” First Edition, Original Cloth [No. 2] Roscor’s Novelists Library. 19 vols. [No. 230] Row.anpson (Thomas). Books Illustrated by Rowlandson [ Nos. 900 to 1043] Original Drawings, Watercolor Sketches, etc. [ Nos. 1047 to 1051 | Colored Aquatint Engravings [Nos. 1052 to 1057] Colored Caricatures [ Nos. 1058 to 1094] 7 Scourcs (The), or Monthly Expositor. Complete Set. The Hermann Copy [No. 108] Srymour (Robert). Books Illustrated by Him [Nos. 1098 to 1106] Srevens (George A.). Lecture on Heads. First Edition | No. 1010] Surr of Armour for Youth (The). First Edition [No. 11] Taytor (Miss J.). An Essay on Tormenting. 1808 [No. 1013] THEATRICAL Song-Heads [No. 463] WELLINGTON. Victories of the Duke of Wellington. 1819 [No. 58] Wesrmacorr (C. M.). Points of Misery. First Edition. Large Paper [No. 552 | The English Spy. First Edition [No. 555] Westminster Election (History of). 1785 [No. 980] Wuirry (I.). Tales of Irish Life. First Edition [No. 165] Wicsteap (Henry). Remarks on a Tour to North and South Wales. First Edition [No. 998] Witson (Harriette). Memoirs. 4 vols. 1825 [No. 176] Wir’s Magazine (The). Edited by Thomas Holcroft. 2 vols. [No. 19] Woucorr (John). A Series of Poetical Epistles. 6 vols. [No. 983] Woopwarp (G. M.). Caricatures and Illustrated Books [Nos. 1118 to 1123] Other Caricatures by Woodward are listed under Napoleonic. Conditions of Sale 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale in- juriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for. re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such pur- chaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M.., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, how- ever, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Asso- ciation will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. ‘ Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the cor- rectness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imper- fection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is’ and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion with- out proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans- mitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Condi- tions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. & At THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE OWNER ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AND CARICATURES FROM THE LIBRARY OF J. BARTON TOWNSEND, ESQ. OF PHILADELPHIA First Session, Numbers | to 223, inclusive TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 4th, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK 1. A’Bucxert (Girpert Apsorr). The Almanack of the Month. With illustrations by Richard Doyle. 2 vols. 24mo, full polished calf, gilt II. backs, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London: Punch Office, 1846 First Epition. Contains original contributions by A’Beckett, Mayhew, Shirley Brooks and others. 2. ALKEN (Henry). Cotorep Puares. Real Life in Ireland; or, The Day and Night Scenes, Rovings, Rambles, and Sprees, Bulls, Blun- ders, Bodderation and Blarney of Brian Boru, Esq., and his Hlegant /2) SD Friend Sir Shawn O’Dogherty, exhibiting a Real Picture of Char- acters, Manners, &c. in High and Low Life in Dublin and various parts of Ireland. By “A Real Paddy.” W ith colored title-page and 18 colored plates by Henry Alken, F. Heath, and others. 8vo0, ORIGI- NAL PUBLISHER’S CLOTH, PAPER LABEL, UNCUT, binding somewhat repaired. In open face cloth case. London: Jones and Co., 1821 a) First Eprrion of a vivacious narrative of Dublin life after the man- ner of Pierce Hgan as exhibited in his “Life in London.” Plates contain numerous scenes of roystering Irish gayety and include portraits of nota- bilities among which are three of George IV. Text describes the wan- derings of two “bhoys” whom the author follows through thick and thin, and with fearless truth depicts the “follies and vagaries that char- acterize the Bucks and Bloods of Paddy’s Land.” From the Charles Cooper Townsend collection, with bookplate. 3. AtkEN (Henry). CoLorEp PLATES. Symptoms of Being Amused. A series of 42 plates (inclusive of the title-page), numerous figures «on most of the plates, by Henry Alken. ALL FINELY COLORED. Ob- Y] ed long 4to, ORIGINAL PINK BOARDS, with red leather back and corners, and the original red leather label on side. | London: Thomas M’Lean, 1822 First Eprrron. Although marked on the illustrated title-page “Vol. 1,” no other volume was ever completed. A second volume was started, and about a dozen plates issued. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th 4. ALKEN (HENRY). CoLorED PLATES. Tutor’s Assistant. plates, by Bunbury, ALL IN COLORS (hand-colored at a later date). “~*~ First Eprrion. ‘Small 4to, three-quarter brown crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt, gilt top. Bury St. Edmunds, 1801 Written and illustrated by Bunbury. 25. Bunpury Inuustrations. A series of eight plates rN coLor, portions of some hand-colored at a later date. Each plate lightly hinged on drawing paper, the whole bound in one volume, oblong 4to, half . = erlmson morocco. London, 1772—| 1814-1815] ° Interesting collection, including a number of scarce examples of Bunbury’s work, as follows,— SKETCHES BY H. Bunspury, Esq. A plate containing three mounted horsemen, similar to those in the artist’s work “Academy for Grown Horsemen.” SrrePHON & CuLor. The central figures being similar to those in the artist’s plate, “A Long Minuet.” A Putu'p TurKry, and three other scenes on the one plate. THE Srece or Namur, by Capt. Shandy & Corporal Trim. Tip DAMNATION OF OBApDIAH, The Rowlandson influence is marked. _. on this plate. A Tour to Foreign Parts. (France.) The central figure resembles “Dr. Syntax. A Famity PICTURE MorNING, OR THE MAN OF TASTE. 26. Burney (Miss). Evelina; or, Female Life in London, being the History of a Young Lady’s Introduction to Fashionable Life and the Gay Scenes of the Metropolis, displaying A Highly Humorous, Satirical and Entertaining description of Fashionable Characters, Manners KS and Amusements in the Higher Circles of Metropolitan Society. Frontispiece and sia plates IN coLoR, three of which are ‘by William — Heath. 8vo, full light green crushed levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, BY RIvIERE. Several of the plates have been reversed in binding, hence traces of sewing on their fore edges. Small hole in margin of page 343, probably an original defect im the paper. London: Jones and Co., 1822 2”. Cartcarurs. Britania’s Assassination, or—The Republicans Amuse- ment. Unsigned. Pubd May 10th 1782 by H. D’Archery St. James Street. Size, 814 by 1314 inches. Matted. o¢ Aq?) ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. Uncolored. Attributed by some to Gillray, but ° not mentioned in Wright and Evans’ Catalogue. An interesting caricature of George the Third and the American Revolutionary period. A Statue of Britannia is being mutilated by British Statesmen, Fox represented by that animal, Lord Sidney, Wilkes, Duke of Richmond, Admiral Keppel, etc., an American, represented by an Indian has secured the head and an arm, and olive branch, a French- man following with empty hands, exclaims “you dam Dog you run away with all de Branche,” a Spaniard carries a leg, a Dutchman the shield. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th 28, Caricatures. Everitt (Graham). English Caricaturists and Graphic Humourists of the Nineteenth Century. How they Illustrated and -? Interpreted their Times. Illustrations. 4to, cloth, uncut. London: Sonnenschein, 1886 An important work on the subject. 99. CartcaTurEs. A Collection of 20 Engraved Caricatures of the 18th Century. Small oblong 4to. Bound in one vol. cloth, leather back. Printed and Published by W. Davison, Alnwick Includes the following,— Spaniard Lousing; The Old Maids Petition ; ¢-) Jew purchasing old Clothes; Hob and Stage Doctor; Economy ; Vicar Returning from Duty; Currate Going to Duty; Druid and Highlander; London Sportsmen Marking Game; London Sportsmen Shooting Flying ; London Sportsmen Recharging ; London Sportsmen Finding a Hare; The Gout; Ax About; Snuff and Twopenny; Me and My Wife and Daughter ; And others. ALL VERY CURIOUS AND ILUMOROUS, two colored by hand. 30. CARICATURE IN Cotor. General Swarrow, towing the French Directory into Russia!! Unsigned. Pub by S W Fores N. 50, Piccadilly, May J, 16,1799. Size, 8l% by 1314 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. 31. GARICATURE IN Conor. The Great Swallowall!!! Disgorging, or French Bullie too hot for the Bears Stomach. Unsigned. Published by 8 Z, W Fores, 1799. Size, 10 by 1414 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. 39 (CARICATURE IN CoLor. Forming a Line on the Parade.. Unsigned. Published Novr 12th 1801 by H. Humphrey, 2% St. James's Street. Size, 734 by 934 inches. Matted. ; ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLorEep. Similar to the work of Ansell. An officer is admonishing a file of soldiers. In the background, John Bull, in front of a crowd of people. 33 CaricaTuRES IN Conor. Three caricature etchings from the “Caricature Magazine.” Vol. II. [1808] “Woodward, delin.” “Htch’d by /2 Roberts.’ 3 pieces, oblong 4to, matted. [London: T. Tegg, 1808 | Comprises,—Temptation for Lawyers ; Comfort for an Old Maid; John Bull and his Friends Commemorating the Peace. 94. CARICATURES IN Coton. A Collection of Caricatures from the ‘“¢Cari- cature Magazine.” Vol. II. [1808]. Together, 10 pieces, oblong 4to. Matted. Comprises,—THE FATHERS Daruinc. “C. W. del et Sculpt.” 4 to), First Gorng ALONE. ‘Woodward delt.”’ ‘Spl A Tae Miscurer or MetHopism. “W, Fecit.” Tiz COMFORTS OF A MODERN Gata. “Woodward del.” A WuimsicaL Witt. “Woodward delt.”’ A Cure For A SMOKY CHIMNEY. “Woodward del.” Te Roap to Lonpon or the Countryman and the Quakers. ‘‘Wood- ward delint.” [Continued First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th a etn OO ie OI SOMERS ie RENEE LEN SERIE SI [No. 34—Continued ] REASONABLE GHARGES or Ducks Metamorphosed! “Woodward del.” Tue GENIUS oF CARICATURE, and his Friends, celebrating the com- _ pletion of the Second Volume of the Caricature Magazine in the Temple of Mirth. “Woodward del.” THE YORKSHIRE BUMKINS Mistake. ‘Woodward del.” 35. CARICATURES IN Conor. A Collection of Caricatures from the “Carica- ture Magazine.” Vol. II. Together, 13 pieces, oblong 4to. Matted. [London: T. Tegg, 1808] Comprises the following social and political subjects,— TITLE-PAGE, with several sketches. An Exquisite. A Dandy before a glass. 7; How ARE You OFF FOR SOAP. 9. BLESSINGS OF BRITAIN, or, Swarm of Tax Gatherers. TxE SIGN OF THE Four ALLS. A Famity Party TAKEING AN AIRING. Minuet La Cour; WALTZING. A CLERICAL MANceUVRE, or the Way to Finish a Charity Sermon. A RovucH SKETCH OF THE TIMES as Deleniated by Sir Francis Burdett. Ture Gay LorHario, the Great and Celebrated Amateur of Fashion. A FARMER’S PHILOSOPHY IN DEATH. Tue Parsons Hogsy, or Comfort for a Welch Curate. 36. CARICATURE IN Coxor. Chelsea Parade or a Croaking Member Survey- ing the outside and backside of Mrs. Clarkes Premises. Unsigned. Pubd March 4, 1809 by Thos. Tegg No. 111 Cheapside. Size, 8% 4, by 1234 inches. Matted. | ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. The Duke of York sneaking away from the house of his mistress, another “Mole” catcher at her door, being received by the “favorite.” 3% CARICATURES IN Cotor. A collection of 64 Caricatures, all but 4 IN cotors. Each plate lightly pasted down on sheet of brown paper, the whole bound in one folio volume, half green morocco, lettered SV. “Scrap Book.” Mainly early nineteenth century. AN EXCEEDINGLY ATTRACTIVE COLLECTION. Comprises,— VENUS ATTIRED BY THE Graces. “Js. Gy. fect.” Published Deer. 8th, 1820 by H. Humphrey. St. James’s Street. Wright No. 496. Etched by James Gillray. “A satire on some vulgar fashionable of the commencement of the present century.” An OLp Maw on A Journey. “B. .. Esq. del.” Publish’d November 20th, 1804 by H. Humphrey, No. 27 St. James’s Street, London, Wright, No. 530. Etched by James Gillray. “. . . the artist is supposed to have personified in his old. maids, the well known Miss Banks, whose collections have enriched the British Museum.” ELEMENTS oF SKATEING. Attitude, Attitude is every thing. London Published November 24th, 1805 by H. Humphrey 27 St. James’s. Wright, No. 540. Etched by James Gillray, and an exceedingly attractive example of his work. A number of other examples of Gillray’s work are included in the volume, also caricatures by Thomas Rowlandson, Heath, Woodward and others. Pa i i el = as a Ss First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th nce ia, ei ee 88 CARICATURES IN CoLtor By “Arcus.” A series of 6 Caricatures IN COLOR, rd by “Argus.” Each plate backed, the whole bound in an oblong 4to, volume, cloth. London, 1805 ete. An interesting and rare series of political caricatures, in which Charles James Fox is prominently featured. Comprises,— REVENUE OFFICERS NABBING A SMUGGLER. “Argus del.” Pubd. by C. Knight Lambeth and sold at No. 7 Cornhill. A SCENE FROM THE BEGGAR’S OPERA. Tue EFrFect OF WHITBREAD’S ENTIRE or Wha Want a G-uinea. All the plates have same imprint. 39 CARICATURE OF WELLINGTON. Portrait of a Noble Duke. I should Cn, think this head possest some talent for Military affairs. Unsigned. Published by Thos. McLean 26 Haymarket 1829. Size, 1214 by 8% inches. Matted. COLORED IMPRESSION of an allegorical profile portrait of the Duke of Wellington; the face is represented as a fortress, the jaw of bricks, cannon and spear-heads for eye, a drum and the Royal standard for ear, the hair of laurel leaves, across the forehead a banner lettered “Vittoria, Salamanca, Waterloo.” 40. CARICATURES RELATING TO PEOPLE OF COLOR. A series of 12 Caricatures ALL OF WHICH ARE IN coors, the collection known as “TREGEARS Buack Joxss.” Each plate signed,—“W. Summers, del. Hunt, 'P sculp.” Plates hinged on linen guards and bound in one vol. 4to, j2z° half blue morocco, lettered on the side. London, undated A VERY RARE AND AMUSING SERIES. Thought to be a complete set. Plates numbered consecutively from 1 to 12, and comprising,— “Te Promenade,” “The Lady Patroness of Alblacks,” “Marriage ala Mode,” “The Christening,” “Venus and Adonis,” “The Route,” “The Card Party,” “The Breaking Up,” “Othello,” “The Goncert,” “Miss Whites birth-day Party,” “The Lubbers Quarrel.” 41. Caricatures RELATING TO QUEEN CAROLINE. A series of Caricatures jo. illustrating the Attorney General’s Charges against Queen Caroline. 51 sketches complete on 36 plates. Oblong 4to, three-quarter red morocco, original wrappers, with label bound in. London, 1821 “Hxceedingly characteristic, now very scarce, having been suppressed.” The foregoing appears on the original label, and is one of the few statements of this kind to appear on an English book. 42. CarLETON (Wittiam). The Squanders of Castle Squander. With a- — lustrations by Topham. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt. London,1852 First EDITION. 43. Cuamisso (A.). Peter Schlemihl. A new Translation from the German, ae by Emile de Rouillon. With 9 illustrations in color (hand colored at a later date), by E. Days. 24mo, original cloth, uncut. London [1825] First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th 44, CLARKE (Mrs. Mary Ann,—Mistress of Frederick, Duke of York). series of 5 Caricatures IN COLOR, relating to Mrs. Clarke. All are unsigned, but are in the manner of G. M. Woodward. LEach plate lightly hinged on drawing paper, the whole bound in an oblong 4to, 4 9 volume, half crimson morocco, lettered on the side. London, 1807-1809 An unusual collection of colored caricatures, relating to this celebrated — woman, the daughter of a man named Thompson, born in Ball and Pin Alley, White’s Alley, Chancery Lane, in 1776. She became the mistress of the Duke of York, and “. . . rushed into the wildest ex- travagances; kept ten horses; twenty servants, including three pro- fessed men cooks; ate off the plate which had belonged to the Duc de Berri. Her wineglasses cost two guineas each.” Comprises,— THE DISCARDED CLARK, or Eve driven out of Paradise. Pubd. June 1807 by S W Fores No. 50 Piccadilly. MoTHER CAREY’S CHICKENS. Without publisher’s name or date. ANANIAS & CLAvirA—or Judgment against Lying. Pubd. by S W Fores 50 Piccadilly March, 10th, 1809. THe YorK Sparring Matcu, being M. A. Clarke’s first set to, & who is likely to become the Champion of England. Pubd March list, 1809 by Fores No. 50 Piccadilly. Mrs. CLARKE DriviInG Her Pontes. Pubd. July 10th 1809 By S. W Fores 50 Piccadilly. . 45. Coppotp (RicHarD). Valentine Verses; or, Lines of Truth, Love, and Virtue. With portratts of John and Elizabeth Cobbold, and full- ws page tllustrations by the author. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, BY RIVIERE. | Ipswich, 1827 First Epition. The writer is best known as the author of “History of Margaret Catchpole,” a novel which was extremely popular. 46. Cockton (Henry). The Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist. With 60 «llustrations by Onwhyn. 8vo, IN THE ORIGINAL 20 PARTS, with all wrappers and advertisements, as issued, cy uncut. Enclosed in a brown morocco case, with padded white silk ee, SiGe: London: Robert Tyas, 1840 First Epition. EXTREMELY RARE in the original parts. From the Samuel Henry Austin collection, sold April 23, 1917. The only copy that has made its appearance in the American auction rooms. 4%. Cockton (Hunry). The Life and Adventures of George St. Julian, the Prince of Swindlers. With 25 tllustrations by Onwhyn. 8vo, CL, half blue calf, gilt, some plates lightly yen London, 1844 First EDITION. 48. Cottier (JoHN). The Miscellaneous Works of Tim Bobbin Esq. con- taining his View of the Lancashire Dialect, with large Additions and Improvements: also, his Poem of The Flying Dragon, and the Man /.. of Heaton . . . Life of the Author. Portrait of the author, and plates by J. Slack. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Manchester, 1818 First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th 49. Cotorrp-Piats Book. Views in the Ottoman Empire, chiefly in Cara- mania, a Part of Asia Minor hitherto unexplored ; with some curious selections from the Islands of Rhodes and Cyprus, and the Celebrated Cities of Corinth, Carthage, and Tripoli. From the Original Draw- ings in the possession of Sir R. Ainslie, taken during his Embassy OV, to Constantinople, by Luigi Mayer. With Historical Observations and Incidental Illustrations of the Manners and Customs of the Natives of that Country. WITH 24 FINELY COLORED AQUATINT views. Lach plate and each leaf of text, hinged to linen guard. Bound in one vol. folio, half morocco. London, R. Bowyer, 1803 FINE COPY OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION, WITH BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES. 50. Cotorep-PLAte Boox. To-Night! or, The Total Eclipse. Dedicated to “To-Day,” and to All the Children of Darkness. By the author of “The Greeks—The Pigeons—Fashion—Modern Belles—Modern /3 Beaux—Anecdotes,” &¢c. Second Edition. With six fine COLORED ' plates by G. Williams. 12mo, mottled calf, polished, gilt back, fillet borders, gilt top, uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. | London: J. J. Stockdale, 1818 A SCARCE WORK. 51. ConorED PLATES. Mister O’Squat. A series of 11 panoramic scenes (each 28 by 414 inches), illustrating the adventures of “Master O’Squat quite full of life, Sought Widow Shanks to be hts Wife.” Po ALL OF WHICH ARE IN cotors. The plates folded, and bound in an oblong 8vo, volume, polish calf. No place [London ? circa 1814 | A practically unknown colored-plate book. The plates are unsigned but are quite worthy of any of the illustrators of the period, including Rowlandson and George Cruikshank. The above contains 11 of the 12 complete plates of this series. 52. Conorep Puates. The Adventures of: Doctor Comicus; or, The Frolicks of Fortune. A Comic Satirical Poem, for the Squeamish and the Queer. By “A Modern Syntax.” Wath numerous plates ae, IN cotor by Illman, somewhat in the manner of Thomas Rowland- son. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Some plates mounted. Not re- turnable. London: Printed for R. Blake [1828] 53. CoLorep Puarss. Joe Lisle’s Play upon Words. “Suit the word to the Action,—the Action to the Word.” A serves of 40 PLATES IN COLOR, by Joe Lisle, consisting of amusing and unusual puns. Oblong 8vo, $Y green leather back and cloth, slightly spotted and worn. 4 London: Thomas M’Lean, 1828 First Epitrion of this highly amusing and scarce work. From the library of Edward Henry Hill, with bookplate engraved by Cc. W. Sherborn. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th 7 54. CotorED Puates. Geology .Familiarly Illustrated. A series of 30 hu- mourous scenes, all on folding sheet, by C. M. W., all IN COLORS. q 4 Oblong 12mo, boards, with humorous front label. ; 2-O . London: J. B. Goodinge, 1859 ’ Some of the plates show a decided “Thackeray” influence. 55. CotorEeD Puates. Visit of a London Exquisite to his Maiden Aunts in the Country. A series of 20 PLATES IN COLOR, by “Theo.” Oblong Ato, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London: W. Kent, 1859 Z 0D Contains the illustrated Dedication to William M. Thackeray, which 2 g3 “ commences,—“‘When a neophyte in literary honors, dedicates his maiden effort to one who has already reached Fame’s keystone . . . As thou art strong be merciful, and with a condescending hand graciously accept the Dedication.” ~~ eer ee ae 56. CoLorED Puates oF Inp1AN Lire. Lloyd’s Sketches of Indian Life. A series of 18 plates, several figures on most, IN coLoR. Small folio, (4, — pictorial boards, cloth back. | London, 1890 57. CotoreD REPRESENTATIONS OF Musicat Terms. John Parry’s Manual of Musical Terms, and various other Subjects connected with Musi- cal Art. A series of 12 highly humorous plates, several specimens $50 on most of the plates, ALLL COLORED BY HAND. Oblong 8vo, original jee pictorial boards, cloth back, with cloth wrapper. London: Thomas M’Lean, circa 1830 The plates are unsigned, but are by an extremely clever artist. They are suggestive of the work of Seymour. 58. CoLorED REPRESENTATIONS OF WELLINGTON’s VicToRIES. Victories of - the Duke of Wellington, from drawings by R. Westall, R.A. A series of 12 full-page plates, including Waterloo, Vimiera, Oporto, US: . Talavera, Busaco, Badajoz, and others, each engraved in aquatint by Fielding, after Westall, AND ALL FINELY COLORED BY HAND (origi- nal coloring). Folio, original boards, leather back and corners, origi- nal label on side, gilt edges. London [1819] The plates are rich in impression. Several pages of text lightly spotted. 59. CoLoRED Views oF PaLEsTINE. Views in Palestine, from the original drawings of Luigi Mayer, with an Historical and Descriptive Ac- Ss, count of the Country, and its remarkable places. Descriptions in English and French. With a series of 24 FINELY COLORED PLATES. Large folio, half blue morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1804 Includes Jerusalem, Tower on Mount Zion, built by Herod, Siloam, Bethany, etc. 60. [Compe (WiLiIAm).] Doctor Syntax in Paris; or, A Tour in Search of the Grotesque; A Humorous & Satirical Poem. With the series of ] / £Yp 18 FINELY COLORED PLATES, in the manner of Thomas Rowlandson, by O. Williams, although not signed by him. Royal 8vo, ORIGINAL [Continued First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th Bn ee ee [No. 60—Continued | BOARDS, back somewhat repaired, with practically all of the original label, ENTIRELY UNCUT. Enclosed in blue morocco solander case, with inner protecting cover of blue cloth. London: W. Wright, 1820 First Epition. Very few copies remain in this remarkable condition. A Humorous and Satirical imitation of the Syntax Tours, of which several were issued. 61. [Compe (Wittram).] A History of Madeira. With a series of 27 coloured engravings, illustrative of the costumes, manners, and e occupations of the inhabitants of that island. Imperial 8vo, origi- ZS, nal salmon colored cloth, gilt and embossed, gilt top, uncut. London: R. Ackermann, 1821 First Epirion. A remarkably fine copy. “The entire text, most of it in verse, was from the pen of W. Combe, then in his seventy-ninth year.” —HarpiE in English Coloured Books. 62. Comican Bupcer (Tue) of Fun and Frolic, containing all the most popular and new Puns, Jests, and Witty Sayings. By Godfrey gS? Gimcrackiana. With folding frontispiece in colors. 8vo, new boards, original wrappers preserved. 7 Derby, circa 1825 63. Costume Puares 1x Cotor. The Book of the Ranks and Dignities of , British Society. Chiefly intended for the instruction of Young Persons. With a series of twenty-four colored engravings. 1%mo, /2-- full maroon straight-grained morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, BY LLOYD. London [1805] 64. Cries or Lonpon. The Moving Market; or, Cries of London: for the Amusement and Instruction of Good Children. Adorned with ie (numerous) cuts, (all off which have been hand-colored at a later » date). 32mo, original wrappers, enclosed in cloth case. Wellington, circa 1820 65. Croker (T. Crorron). Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland. New and complete edition, edited by Thomas Wright. Ds? Vignettes. 12mo, half polished calf, gilt, gilt top, BY LARKINS. 5 London: William Tegg, undated 66. “CROWQUILL” ILLUSTRATIONS. Absurdities: in Prose and Verse. Writ- ten and illustrated by A. Crowquill. With 13 plates IN COLORS (all hand-colored at a later date). First Epirion. 1%mo, half blue K levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London, 1827 Fine Copy of this amusing volume, which contains numerous ballads, including, “Ye Bar Mayde of ye Olde Blue Boare.” First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th 67. “CrowQuILL” ILLusTRATIONS. Leaves from the Memorandum Book of Alfred Crowquill. A series of 12 plates, numerous specimens on most of the plates, ALL IN coLorRs, by Alfred Crowquill (A. H. For- _.. rester). First Eprrion. 3 parts, oblong 8vo, ORIGINAL PICTORIAL J / PALE YELLOW wrappers. Enclosed in cloth case, lettered on side. London (November Ist, 1834)—January Ist, 1835 ALL EVER ISSUED of this highly amusing work. The above copy is a remarkably fine one, practically as clean as on the day of issue. 68. “CrowQuiLL” Intusrrarions. A Peep into Alfred Crowquill’s Folio. A series of 4 plates, numerous humorous specimens on each, ALL IN cotors, by Alfred Crowquill (A. H. Forrester). Oblong 4to, half /f, crimson calf, gilt top, original pictorial wrappers bound in, BY RIVIERE. London: Effingham Wilson, circa 1836 First Epition. Only 2 parts were issued of the work, which was “To be continued occasionally.” The above is No. 2. 69. “CrowQuiLL” InLusTRATIONS. Reynolds (G. W. M.). Pickwick Abroad ; or, The Tour in France. Illustrated with 41 steel engravings by Alfred Crowquill (A. H. Forrester) and John Phillips, and with 33. ic woodcuts by Bonner. S8vo, full maroon levant morocco, gilt edges, light spots in places. London, 1839 First EDITION. 0. “CrowQvuiLL” ILLUSTRATIONS. Comic History of the Kings and Queens of England. Folding panoramic sheet, 65 by 5 inches, containing 36 humorous portraits of the Kings and Queens of England, from Wal- liam the Conqueror, to Queen Victoria, by Alfred Crowquill (A. H. Forrester). Oblong 12mo, full calf, joints repaired, and backed with linen. London, circa 1845 "1. “CrowaguiLtL” Intustrations. A Goodnatured Hint about California. Panoramic sheet, containing 8 plates, each with several scenes, ALL IN coLors, by Alfred Crowquill (A. H. Forrester) . Oblong 12mo, original pictorial wrappers. London, circa 1850 First EDITION. AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION cory, with inscription on back cover,—“Alfred Crowquill to his esteemed friend, Richard Cooper.” A companion volume to Perey Cruikshank’s Hints to Emigrants. ics ap 72. “CRowQuILL” InLustrations. Strange, Surprising Adventures of the venerable Gooroo Simple, and his five Disciples, Noodle, Doodle, Wiseacre, Zany, and Foozle. Adorned with fifty illustrations, drawn fa on wood, by Alfred Crowquill (A. H. Forrester). 12mo, half crim- son levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, original cloth covers preserved, BY ROOT. London, 1861 First Eprtion. The frontispiece has been colored by hand. re i ls a ae First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th Sed wie eee ee eS ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AND CARICATURES BY THE CRUIKSHANKS [Numbers 73 to 691, inclusive | The items classified under this heading comprise an extensive and im- portant collection of the illustrative and caricature work of Isaac Cruikshank and his sons George and Robert. They include many notable First Editions of the work of English authors; Rare Caricatures in Colors Illustrative of English Social and Political Life ; Original Watercolor Drawings and Sketches ; Unique plates with Autograph Inscriptions by the celebrated George, etc. ; Also a few items by Perey Cruikshank (son of Robert), and by George Calvert Cruikshank (son of Percy). ISAAC CRUIKSHANK—FATHER OF GEORGE | AND ROBERT Caricatures and Books Illustrated by the Elder Cruikshank [Numbers 73 to 101, inclusive | ¥3. CRUIKSHANK (Isaac). The Contrast: or The Opposite Consequences of Good and Evil Habits, Exhibited in the Lowest Ranks of Rural Life, for the Benefit of Intelligent Servants . . . Engraved frontis- ef piece, and 13 etchings by Isaac Cruikshank. 12mo, new boards, / vellum back, entirely uncut, in cloth slip-case. London: T. Longman (etc.), 1787 The following pencilled note by J. H. Brunton, on front end-paper,— “The first book illustrated by a Cruikshank. The only copy known to me, probably wnique.” 74. CrurksHANK (Isaac). Bachelors’ Hall: Written and composed by Mr. Dibdin, for his Entertainment called The Oddities. Signed ; on the plate—‘I. Cruikshank? London Pub. April 30, 1791 by a, 9. W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly. Size of etching, 634 by 914 inches. Beneath is the text of the song. Folio. Matted. One edge slightly torn. CoLoRED ETCHING ON SONG-HEAD. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. A party of huntsmen leaving a hall, with hounds. « %5. CRUIKSHANK (Isaac). The Barber’s Wedding. “Cruikshank 1791.” Just Published by Fores . . . Folio. Size of etching, 614 by 914 fo inches. Matted. Pub. July 1, 1791 by I W Fores No. 3 Piccadilly. +, ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. THE ETCHING IN COLORS represents a scene in the . traders’ quarters; an elderly barber is kneeling before two lady fish- mongers. The text beneath, consists of 25 verses, in three columns. Broadside Song. With colored view. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th 76. CrurKsHANK (Isaac). Roach’s Beauties of the Poets. A collection of 15 pamphlets, each with an engraved title, and most of them with an engraved frontispiece, in all 28 engravings by Barlow from designs ly by Isaac Cruikshank. Together, 15 vols. in 3, 16mo, old blue mo- rocco, a few of the leaves have margins cut, some remargined. London: J. Roach, 1794 77. CrurksHank (Isaac). [Wallace (J.).] Savillon’s Elegies, or, Poems, written by a Gentleman, A.B. late of the University of Cambridge. With 6 engravings, five of which are after I. Cruikshank. Small 8yvo, . original boards, uncut, SOME LEAVES UNOPENED. With cloth pro- tecting wrapper, in cloth slip-case. Back repaired. London: Hookham and Carpenter, 1795 FINE copy oF THE First Epition. Marchmont, No. 417. This is one of the scarcest items illustrated by the elder Cruikshank. v8. CrurksHaNK (Isaac). Cupid’s Annual Charter; or, St. Valentine’s Festival. Frontispiece by Isaac Cruikshank, colored by hand, 12mo, £ th 2.58 original wrappers, uncut. London: W. Perks, circa 1798 79. CrurksHANK (Isaac). The Fatal Marriage, or Dangers of Precipitancy, Exemplified in the Melancholy Story of Blanche and Henrigez, an — Historical Tale. Engraved frontispiece, signed—“Cruikshank, de- 0 lin.” 16mo, three-quarter maroon levant morocco, lettered up back, = gilt top, BY RIVIERE. London: Tegg and Castleman [1803] First EpirioN WITH THIS PLATE. A pencilled note in front states that “The Frontispiece is by Isaac Cruikshank and is a pleasing example of his finer work.” 80. CrurksHANK (Isaac). Fairburn’s Third Edition of the Trial of John Holloway, and Owen Haggerty, for the Wilful Murder of Mr. Steele, On Hounslow Heath, November 6, 1802. And of Elizabeth God- | frey, for Stabbing Rd. Prince in the Eye. Folding frontispiece A “The Inhuman Murder of Mr. Steel,’ signed “I. Ck.” (Isaac Cruik- shank). 8vo, half blue morocco, lettered up back. London: John Fairburn [1807] From the Captain Douglas Collection, No. 602 in his sale’s catalogue. The plate is scarce. : 81. CRUIKSHANK (Isaac). State Trial. Report of the Interesting Trial and Acquittal of that Well Known Character John Bull . . . for / Attacking, Forcibly Entering Copenhagen, and Seizing Various Ships, Naval Stores, &c. belonging to his Majesty the King of Den- mark, in the Month of September, 1807. By “A Barrister.” Fold- ing frontispice by Isaak Cruikshank. 8vo, boards, leather back. ; London, 1807 First Eprtion. With leather bookplate of Edward Hailstone. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th Set TSS A 82, OrvIKsHANK (Isaac). Lord Chesterfield’s Advice to His Son. . . to which are added, Franklin’s Way to Wealth . . . Engraved frontts- ~ sy prece and title, by I. Cruikshank. 18mo, new boards, uncut. With —- cloth protecting wrapper. London: G. Walker, 1817 First EpITvIoN WITH THESE ILLUSTRATIONS. Marchmont, No. 100. The Captain Douglas copy, No. 106 in his sale’s catalogue. 83. CrurksHaNK (Isaac). My Wife, a Canzonet. Written, composed and most respectfully inscribed to the British Ladies, by Frances Pa- J, normo. “I. Cruikshanks, Del.” »“W. Panormo sculpsit.” London, Published by the Author. 4to. Enclosed in cloth folder, lettered on front. Margin slightly soiled. ORIGINAL EDITION. Engraved music in centre; three colored views on each side and one at foot, illustrated of scenes in home life. BROADSIDE MUSIC, WITH COLORED VIEWS. 84. CrUIKSHANK (Isaac). ORIGINAL SEPIA DRAWING. Swearing In at Highgate in 1796. Signed,—“J. CG.” Size, 6144 by 914 inches. Matted. 0. AN ORIGINAL DRAWING BY THE ELDER CRUIKSHANK, with ‘“Subject-title” IN HIS AUTOGRAPH. Contains nine figures. 85. CrurksHank (Isaac). Cotorep Ercuine. The Martyrdom of Louis XVI. King of France. I Forgive my Enemies, I Die Innocent!!! Signed —“I. Cruikshank Inv.” On the top margin,—Pubd. Feby Y, 1., 1793 by S. W. Fores, No. 8 Piccadilly. Size, 9 by 74% inches. . PROOF IMPRESSION BEFORE LETTERS, COLORED, WITH THE TITLE, LINE OF QUOTATION AND PUBLISHERS LINE, AS GIVEN ABOVE, IN THE AUTO- cRaPpH or Isaac CrurksHANK; Also, the FINISHED PLATE on the same, with different coloring; the knife on the guillotine being a triangle, in the proof the same has a circular edge. Together, 2 pieces, neatly hinged in one folder. Enclosed in cloth folder, let- tered on front. UNIQUE ITEM. Plates, with the elder Cruikshank’s autograph are ex- ceeding rare. The above shows Louis XVIth standing beside the guil- lotine. 86. ORUIKSHANK (ISAAC). COLORED CARICATURE. The Fruition of Nantes or the Vision Interpreted. “Cruikshank.” Lond Pub July 15 1791 Z by 8 Fores; [Auso| The Vision of Nantes or the Patriotick Attack #°’ of the Troops National. “I. Cruikshank.’ London Pub July 20 1791 By S Fores No 3 Piccadilly. Together, 2 pieces, oblong 4to, neatly matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS, COLORED. 87. OrurksHaNK (Isaac.) CoLoRED CARICATURE. John Bulls Hint for a Profitable Alliance. “I. Cruikshank fecit.” London Sepr 26, 1794 by S W Fores No 3 Piccadilly. Size, 84% by 15 inches. Matted. 2; ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. The Prince of Wales bowing before Queen Catherine of Russia; Am [Continued First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th [No. 8%—Continued | bassador of each country standing behind their respective sovereign. The Prince is saying, “Oh what a thing it is to be in Love.” The Am- bassador from England remarks, “There my Lord is a fine. buxome Widow.” 88. CRUIKSHANK (Isaac). CoLoRED CARICATURES. A Series of three cari- cature etchings on the Effects of Flattery, Adversity and Disap- pointment. Size of each, 1% by 1814 inches. Enclosed in cloth folder, lettered on front. One plate has margin cut close, another has tear in fold. Retouched. 1794-1805 ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS. Each plate has eight couples illustrative of the subject treated, with lines of text. Can (1) THe Errects oF FrLarrery. “Designed by G. M. Woodward.” “Htched by I. Cruikshank.” Published, Novobr. 1st, 1794, by S. W. Fores. (2) Tue Errects or DISAPPOINTMENT. Signed on the plate,—Cs. Sc.’ The watermark is “1805.” (3) Tue Errects oF ADVERSITY. “G. M. Woodward Delin.” Signed on the plate-——“I C.” Pubd. Novr. 1st 1794 by S. W. Fores. 89. CRUIKSHANK (Isaac). COLORED CARICATURES. A Collection of Hob- goblins. Respectfuly Dedicated to the Admirers of Blue Devils and Vapours! [Atso] A Collection of Ghosts!! “Woodward del,” 2 Signed on the plate, “I. C.” London, Published, February 25 (and ft 26), 1795, by S. W. Fores. Size of each, 12 by 1814 inches. En- closed in one cloth folder, lettered on front. ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS of two curious and rare caricatures. The first contains 10 grotesque figures; the second, 8 curious scenes depicting inter- views with ghosts. 90. CRUIKSHANK (Isaac). ConorEep Caricature. Deputy Pendulum’s Mo- tion for an Address. “I CO.” Lond. Pub Nov 29, 1795 by S W Fores 4 No 50 Piccadilly. Size, 834 by 814 inches. Beneath is the engraved address. Matted. : ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. One of the elder Cruikshank’s political caricatures. 91. CrurKSHANK (Isaac). A Collection of Original coLoRED Caricatures by Isaac Cruikshank. All oblong 4to. Together, 10 pieces. En- closed in cloth folder, lettered on front cover. Three of the plates are creased. 1797-1798 | An UNUSUALLY CHOICE COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS of the fol- . lowing,— (1) THE DELEGATES IN COUNSEL or Beggars on Horseback. “I. Ch” v London Published by 8. W. Fores . . . June 9, 1797. (2) TuHat Accounts For IT. Pub. Jan. 15, 1799, by S. W. Fores. Signed on the plate,—“J. C.” (3) APOLOGIES FOR 'TIPPLING. “Woodward del.” “Oruikshank sculp.” Pubd. May 1, 1798, by 8. W. Fores. (4) OursELvEs!! “Woodward delin.’ Pubd. Jany. 1st, 1796 by S. W. Fores. Signed on the plate,—“IC.” [ Continued First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th ot ES Bla Las A eR NO [No. 91—Continued | (5) TrrumMPHs oF TeMPER!! “Woodward Delinr.” Pubd. March 1st, 1796, by S. W. Fores. Signed on the plate,—“/C.” (6) Tue Procress oF HEROISM! “Woodward Delint.” Pubd. April 9th, 1796 by S. W. Fores. Signed on the plate,—“J Ck.” (7) Days or Yore!! “Woodward Delin.” “Cruikshank Sculpt.” Pubd. Feby. 16th, 1797 by S. W. Fores. (8) Famiry Secrets!! “Woodward Delin.” “Oruikshank Sculpt.” Pubd. October 12th, 1797 by S. W. Fores. (9) A Huntine PIECE oN A NEW CONSTRUCTION. “Woodward del.” “Oruikshank sculp.” Publisher’s line cut off. (10) A Scnoot For Parsons. “Woodward delin.” ‘“Oruikshank sculp.” Pub. Feby. 26 1798 by S. W. Fores. The last nine of the above, comprise a series of humorous and other sketches, illustrated in groups, and depicting scenes in various walks of life, including,—Domestic, The Drunkard, Social, ete. 92. CRUIKSHANK (Isaac). Cotorep Caricature. Birds of a Feather Flock together—or Bond Street Loungers attending the Examination of ~Y their Fellow Scarecrows!!! “IC.” Publishd March 20th 1800 by JS? 8 W Fores Piccadilly. Size, 9 by 15 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLorED. Etched by the elder Cruikshank. 93. OruIKsHANK (Isaac). CoLorED Caricatures. Son’s of Harmony— Scene Chandois Street.—;Son’s of Friendship—Scene Chandois Street. “Drawn by Cruikshank” (Isaac). Published 8th Jany. 1801, 4 Sv by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London. Size, 7 by 9 inches. ~ Together, 2 pieces, enclosed in folding cloth covers, lettered on front. ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS. Rare and very interesting. (1) Members of the society seated around a table in a listless manner, some asleep, while the chairman is speaking. (2) The same members as shown in the above, are here seen break- ing up the meeting; the chairman in the act of striking one of the members with his gavel; another member standing on table, in the position of a prize-fighter, warding off an attack. 94. OrvIKSHANK (Isaac). CoLorep CarrcaTure. The Buck and the Goose. Signed,—“Orutkshank del et s.” Pub: July Ap 80 nby Sa. Fores No. 50 Piccadilly. Size, 6 by 834 inches. In cloth folder, Van lettered on front. UNIQUE COPY, WITH AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK,— “By my Father Isaac Cruikshank. G: 10k.” 95. ORUIKSHANK (Isaac). CoLorep Caricarure. A Parish Meeting, on the Subject of Invasion. John Bull in the Chair. Written and Designed by G. M. Woodward. Pubd. by M. Allen, 15 Paternoster A Row, July 18, 1803. Etching signed,—“T. Ck.” Size of etching, 514 by 834 inches. Beneath are two columns of text, in the form of a dialogue. Tear down centre repaired, backed with linen. Enclosed in cloth folder, lettered on front. RARE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. Seated around a large table are John Bull and several of his companions, smoking and drinking. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th eee 96. CRUIKSHANK (Isaac). CartcaturB. Chips of the Block—Specimens of the Breed or the Gallic Mongrel at Bay. Unsigned. Pubd Sept 26 1803 by S W Fores 50 Piccadilly. Size, 9 by 13 inches. Matted. / ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLoRED. Broadley, No. 178. Etched by Isaac Cruikshank. John Bull is represented as a bull dog, crouching defiantly beneath an oak tree, with five pups yelping “Keep off!’ Bonaparte is represented as a monkey surrounded by Holland, Italy, Prussia (portrayed as animals), and a jackass laden with Swiss cheese. 97. CRUIKSHANK (Isaac). CoLORED CARICATURE. The Tilted Waggon. Publish’d March 12, 1805, by Laurie & Wluttle, 53 Fleet Street, London. Beneath are 18 verses, in three columns, with caption,— “The following pleasant Couplets were written in a Tilted Waggon, 4 between Hambledon and Bishops Waltham, Hampshire; by Signor f.! Jiggorini, Knight of the Three Periwigs, and Poet-Laureat to the Hambledon Waggon.” Size of etching, 534 by 9 inches. Enclosed in cloth folder, lettered on front. RARE ITEM, WITH AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, reading,— ; “Brom a drawing by my father Ic. Cruikshank.” 98. CRUIKSHANK (Isaac). CotorEp CaricaTURES. Progress of a Corrupt Senator. A series of six colored caricature etchings,—“ Woodward del.” “Cruikshank sc.’ Beneath each are several lines of verse descriptive of various incidents in the career of the Senator, from 42 the time he is first visited by a “Clown from North,” until he him- ZU, self is bought with the gold of “a titled chief.” Size of each, 7 by 9 inches, wide margins. Enclosed in cloth folder, lettered on front. Three of the plates have slight tears in margins repaired. London: Published by T. Tegg, 1806-1807 ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS. An interesting series. Pl. I. Shows the Senator attacked by the gout, interviewed by the “Clown :” the valet about to leave the room. Pl. Il. Tradesmen bowing at the Senator’s door, which is being guarded by the trusty servant; Doctor shows his bill, others with long faces, in the background. Pl. III. An Agent is made by the Senator to sign a false receipt; mother in background warns her son to avoid “such deep laid paths, of sordid vice.” Pl. IV. Scene before an Inn. The Senator, who has become: ambi- tious for a seat in Parliament, is seen presenting a purse to a Voter; liveried servant to left; Inn to right. Pl. V. Having attained his seat in Parliament, he joins the Oppo- sition and raves against Ministerial power. Most of the members think that “He'll sluft his banners, at a proper season.” : Pl. VI. The final corruption of the Senator. A scene in his parlor, where he is being handed a bag of gold by “a titled chief,” for which he agrees to espouse the Ministerial cause. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th SSA EE RES 99, CruriKSHANK (Isaac). CoLORED CARICATURE. Progress of a Corrupt Senator. Plate II. Tradesmen bowing at the Senator’s door, which ve is being guarded by the trusty servant; Doctor shows bill, others (2? with long faces, in the background. 4to. Matted. London: Pub. by T. Tegg [1807] 100, CrurksHank (Isaac). COLORED CaricatuRE. The Dance of Death Modernized. “Design’d by G. M. Woodward.” “EHtch'd by I. Crutk- shank.’ London Pubd. Octr. 1808, by Willm. Holland No. 11 Cock- spur Street. Size, 22 by 28 inches. Tears in old fold and at .. margin, repaired, the whole backed with linen. Enclosed in cloth hv? folder, lettered on front. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION OF THIS EXCEEDINGLY. RARE CARICATURE. Four tiers of six groups each. Death shown as leading representatives of the various professions in life, from the king down to a beggar; each group contains an appropriate inscription expressive of the feelings of the character represented. 101. CrurksHank (Isaac). Cotorep Caricature. The last Grand Minis- terial Expedition! on the Strt Piccadilly. CINGe A Pabd ged W Fores 50 Piccadilly April 9th 1810. Size, 814 by 15% inches. /S? Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Etched by Isaac Cruikshank. On the Riots occasioned by the arrest of Sir Francis Burdett. The Life Guards are charging the people, who are flying right and left; women are seen falling, one with a child in her arms. An officer is holding on to the mane of his horse, and ex- claiming, “This is far superior to the Walcheren Expedition.” BOOKS ILLUSTRATED BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK [Numbers 102 to 405, inclusive] 102. CrurksHANK (GEORGE). The Imposter Unmasked ; or, The New Man of the People; with Anecdotes, never before published . . . In- scribed, without permission, To that superlatively honest and dis- 4 sD interested Man, R. B. S-e-d-n, Esq. (Richard Brinsley Sheridan) ? ConoreEp folding frontispiece, signed “Oruikshank, del.” 8vo, half “calf, uncut. London: Tipper and Richards, 1806 First Epirion. Cohn, No. 416. The frontispiece shows Sheridan addressing the Electors. RARE. This is the Douglas copy (No. 320), where it is stated that the plate is probably by Isaac and George. 103. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGcE). The Satirist, or Monthly Monitor. Vol I. (only) With 5 folding COLORED plates. 8vo, calf, broken and title London, 1808 torn. Y, See Cohn, No. 695. The plates are signed by De Wilde and Syl- vester, but the work is classed by Cohn under George Cruikshank. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th 104. CrurksHank (GEorcE). Andrewes (George). A Dictionary of the Slang and Cant Languages: Ancient and Modern. As used by . . Every Class of Offenders. COLORED folding frontispiece, “The Beggar’s Carnival,” in which the figures are by I. Cruikshank and {- the background by George Cruikshank. 1emo, boards, morocco back, uncut, margins time soiled, plate has one corner slightly scorched. London: Published by George Smeeton [1809] First Eprtion. Cohn, No. 25; Douglas, No. 319. C~ 105. CrurksHank (Grorcr). Lloyd (G.) and Symes (R.). The Improved Art of Riding. Folding frontispiece with 6 illustrations. 12mo, new boards, roan back. London: J. Bailey [1810] alan? First Eprtion. Cohn, No. 481; Douglas, No. 347. SO UY Ee The frontispiece contains six subjects, one of which seems to be a portrait of himself. Reid mentions the plate only at No. 113. According to Cohn, the plate is “attributed to G. C., but rejected by him to Dr. Truman.” 106. CrurKsHANK (GrorcE). The Beggar’s Opera. An Highly Interesting and Truly Important of the Extraordinary Manners and Customs of the London Beggars. Conorep folding frontispiece, similar to the a work of G. Cruikshank. 12mo, sewed. Enclosed in folding wrap- S per and cloth slip-case. Frontispiece has tear in fold repaired. London: G. Smeeton, circa 1810 Rare. Not mentioned by Cohn or Douglas. Smeeton published other pamphlets with frontispieces by George Cruik- shank. There is no way of verifying whether the plate in this work is byeG. Cruikshank; however, it forms an admirable companion piece to that in Andrewes’s “Dictionary of Slang,” published in 1809, which plate is by Cruikshank, and so signed. The plate in this tract is entitled—‘‘A Scene in St. Giles’s,” and shows the tavern room, with a large table, at which are seated several parties ; to the left is a large fire-place. 107. CrurxsHank (GEorcE). Lexicon Balatronicum. A Dictionary of Buck- ish Slang. University Wit, and Pickpocket Eloquence. Compiled originally by Captain Grose. And now considerably altered and en- larged, with the Modern Changes and Improvements, by a Member of the Whip Club. Assisted by Hell-Fire Dick, and James Gordon, oe Esqrs. of Cambridge; and William Soames, Esq. of the Hon. Society of Newman’s Hotel. Htched frontispiece (plain) by G. Cruikshank. 8vo, original boards and label, uncut, rebacked, label chipped. With cloth wrapper, in morocco slip-case. London: Printed for C. Chappel, 1811 First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 472; Douglas, No. 7. The plate in this work is a second State of that in No. 6 of “The Scourge.” First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th 108. CrurksHankK (GzorcE). The Scourge; or Monthly Expositor, of Im- Ie WOO : posture and Folly [With continuation, as] The Scourge, or Literary, Theatrical and Miscellaneous Magazine | AND, the further continua- tion, with caption to each part, as] The Scourge and Satirist; or, Literary, Theatrical, and Miscellaneous Magazine. WITH ALL THE %2 FOLDING COLORED PLATES, SATIRICAL AND HUMOROUS, MANY OF WHICH ARE BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. 12 vols. 8vo, half sprinkled calf, yellow edges, newly bound, BY LARKINS. London: For M. Jones (ete.), 1811-1816 ARSOLUTELY COMPLETE SET, INCLUDING THE VERY RARE VOL. XII. Bound from the original monthly parts, with ALL THE CONTENTS LEAVES PRESENT , also, the title-page to each volume. As no title-page was issued for Vol. XII., of which only a small number were printed, owing to lack of subscribers, a title-page of Vol. X. with number and date altered in ink, has been supplied for the volume in this set. ALL THE PLATES ARE PRESENT, including the ORIGINAL UNCOVERED STATE of the plate “A Financial Survey of Cumberland, or Beggar's Petition,” regarding which Mr. Legard, the author of that excellent work on “Sup- pressed Plates,” says,—“F'or many years I hoped and hoped in vain to come across an uncoloured proof displaying the hidden figure. But it was not until 1905 that I was fortunate enough to light upon THE PROB- ABLY UNIQUE EXAMPLE HERE REPRODUCED.” Further features of this set, are as follows,— The January number, 1812, is a first issue, having 86 pages. Plate 2, is without date. Plate 16, is the first state. Plate 23, is dated, Nov. 1st, not 12th, as given by Douglas. The June number, 1814, is a first issue, with 518 pages. Vol. XII. contains 480 pages, not 420 as given by Cohn and Douglas. A REMARKABLY FINE SET OF ONE OF THE RAREST OF ALL BOOKS ILLUS- TRATED BY CRUIKSHANK TO FIND WITH THE FULL QUOTA OF COLORED PLATES. Many of the plates are Caricatures of Napoleon I. THE WILLIAM HERMANN COPY. 109. CrurksHaNK (GEORGE). Metropolitan. Grievances; or, A Serio-Comic /2, Glance at Minor Mischiefs in London and its Vicinity, including a few which extend to the Country. By “One who Thinks for Him- self.” A very curious frontispiece, in cotors, by G. Cruikshank. 12mo, full calf, polished, gilt back, fillet borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London: For Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1812 First Epitron. Cohn, No. 538; Douglas, No. 9. 110. CruiksHANK (GerorGE). Resurrection of Pitt!! An Account of the / Appearance of a Mysterious Figure, Solemnly asserted, by Francis Murray, of Lambeth, to be no other than the Right Honourable William Pitt, Late Prime Minister of England. Folding frontts- piece, uncolored —“The Ghost of Pitt,’ etched by G. Cruikshank. 8vo, new wrapper, in leather folder. Name on title. London: J. Fairburn [1812] First Epitron. Cohn, No. 661; Douglas, No. 351. Rare. The copy is without date on title. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th thc enc te ee nett — Cruikshank. 12mo, original pink boards with printed title, uncut, leather wrapper and slip-case. | London: Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1825 First EDITION with this plate; the issue of 1823 was without the head- ing “Smiles for all Seasons,” and had a different frontispiece. Cohn, No. 725; Douglas, No. 77. FINE copy, with the leaf advertising “by the same author,” Old Friends in a@ New Dress. Mr. Truman has written in pencil on inside of front _cover,—“Wonderful state of a rare book.” 173. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Chimney-Sweeper’s Friend, and Climb- ing-Boy’s Album. Arranged by James Montgomery. Woodcuts #2 - after designs by G. Crurkshank, unsigned. Small 8vo, original cloth, uncut, binding worn. London: Harvey and Darton, 1825 Scarce. Unknown to Douglas and Cohn. Laid in are two A.LS., written by William Tooke, a prominent man of the time, who was inter- ested in the Chimney Sweeper’s Cause. The letters relate to the book. 174. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Old English Drama. A Selection of Plays from the Old English Dramatists. Frontispiece to each volume, by G. Cruikshank. 2 vols. small 8vo, original boards and 52 $v labels, uncut, backs repaired. - . London: Hurst, Robinson, and Co., 1825 First Epition. Cohn, No. 589; Douglas, No. 69. Fine copy. The collation varies somewhat from that given by Cohn, being as follows,— Vol. I. Frontispiece, 1 leaf; General title, 1 leaf; Title to “The Second [Continued First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th [ No. 174—Continued | Maiden’s Tragedy”; (Preface), pp. (iii)-iv; Leaf of Persons Represented ; Text, pp.(1)-90; Title to “A Pleasant Conceited Comedy, 1 leaf; (Note), 1 leaf; Second title to preceding, 1 leaf; Persons Represented, 1 leaf; Text, pp.(i)-99; Title to “The Ball,” 1 leaf; Persons Represented, 1 leaf; Second title to preceding, 1 leaf; (Note), pp.(iii)-iv; Text, pp.(1)-97 (wrongly numbered as 79) ; Title to “The Rape of Lucrece,” 1 leaf; Slip as to the “Fourth Number of ‘The Old English Drama’;” (Note), pp. (iii)-iv; Second title to preceding, 1 leaf; To the Reader, 1 leaf; Per- sous Represented, 1 leaf; Text, pp. (1)-106. Vol. Il. Frontispiece, 1 leaf; General title, 1 leaf; Title to ‘‘Love’s Mistress,” 1 leaf; Thomas Heywood, pp. (iii)-x; Love’s Mistress (Note), 1 leaf; Second title to preceding, 1 leaf; To the Reader, pp.(xv)-xvi; To the Right Hon. Edward, Earl of Dorset, pp.(xvii)-xviii; The Pro- logue. Epilogue, etc. pp.xix-xxii; Persons Represented, 1 leaf; Text, pp.(10)-82; Persons Represented, 1 leaf; Title to Wallenstein, 1 leaf; Henry Clapthorne, 1 leaf; Second title to preceding, 1 leaf; To William Murray, 1 leaf; Persons Represented, 1 leaf; Text, pp.(1)-72; Title to “Dido, Queen of Carthage,” 1 leaf; Persons Represented, 1 leaf; (Biog- raphy of) Thomas Nash, pp.(v)-xii. Second title to preceding, 1 leaf; (Note to same), 1 leaf; Text, pp(1)-683; Title to “The Lady’s Privilege,” 1 leaf; (Note to same), 1 leaf; Second title to same, 1 leaf; To Sir Frederick Cornwallis, 1 leaf; The Prologue, 1 leaf; Persons Represented, 1 leaf; Text, pp.(1)-78; Epilogue, 1 leaf. AN UNUSUALLY FINE copy. Said to surpass the Douglas copy, which was in half morocco. Baldwyn’s advertisements mentioned by Cohn, as in Vol. I. are not present. 175. CrurksHank (GrorcE). [Westmacott (Charles).] Fitzalieyne of IS, Berkeley. A Romance of the Present Times. By Bernard Black- mantle, author of The English Spy. With woodcut on each title- page, by G. Cruikshank. 2 vols. small 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, slightly rubbed. London: Sherwood and Co., 1825 First Epition. Not in Cohn, Douglas or Marchmont. The woodcuts are said to be by George Cruikshank. 176. OrvrksHank (GeEorcGE). Wilson (Harriette). Memoirs of Harriette bf Wilson. Written by Herself. With 12 colored portraits of notable characters, all signed “G. Ck.” (George Cruikshank). All the plates have Stockdale’s imprint, and date, 1825. 4 vols. 12mo, crimson levant morocco, gilt backs, tops, and borders, some edges uncut, enclosed in one cloth slip-case, BY ROOT. London: J. J. Stockdale, 1825 The title-pages are reprinted, the first and second having “Thirtieth Edition” on same. The plates are colored by hand, and comprise the series of 12 plates, which were issued separately and also in the bound volumes. Douglas, No. 74; Cohn, No. 811. The latter calls for 24 plates, which is wrong. 177. CrurksHANK (GrorGE). The Spirit of the Public Journals. 1823, 1824 ye. and 1825. Portrait of Lord Byron, and numerous woodcuts by George and Robert Cruikshank, Thomas Rowlandson, and other artists. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1825, 1825, 1826 Vol. I. is a Second Edition, others are First Editions. See, Cohn, No. 739; Douglas, No. 61. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th 178. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Dublin and London Magazine (1825 to 1828, inclusive). 27 engraved portraits, and a fine etching “The Seprechaun” by G. Cruikshank; also, several woodcuts by Crutk- shank. [The April number, 1825 has an article “Graphic Humour— George Cruikshank, by Roty O’Rourke.| 4 vols. in 2, 8vo, original 2 23v boards and labels, uncut, some leaves unopened. London: Robins & Co. [1825-1828] First Epition. FINE copy. From the Captain Douglas Collection, No. 200 in his sale’s catalogue. Douglas, No. 78; Cohn, No. 244. Cohn gives but 25 plates, the present copy contains 28 plates. It is exceedingly difficult to obtain this work complete with all the plates and indexes. This copy contains all the titles, indexes, and all the plates according to the list given in two of the volumes. 179. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Hone (William). Complete set of The Every- Day; The Table Book; and The Year Book. Illustrated with nu- merous woodcuts, many by George Cruikshank. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, ORIGINAL PARTS, WITH ALL THE ORIGINAL BROWN WRAPPERS, uncut. In 4 cloth boxes. London: William Hone, 1825-1832 FINE SET, SELDOM FOUND COMPLETE IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS, AS ISSUED. cw) Cohn, Nos. 386, 387 and 388; Douglas, No. 82. a) = Comprises,— Every-Day Boox, or The Perpetual Guide to the Year. The com- plete 26 numbers; together, with the two parts containing the Titles and Indexes [First Number published, January, 1825; last number, December, 1826.] In all 28 numbers. [2 vols.] THE TABLE Book (A Continuation of the above). Complete in the 14 original Monthly Numbers, commencing, January, 1827 and ending, January, 1828. With both title-pages and Indexes. [2 ~ vols. ] THE YEAR Book (A Continuation of the above). Complete in the 18 original monthly numbers, commencing, January, 1831 and ending, December, 1831; with the Supplementary Part, contain- ing Title and Index. [One vol.] The last of the above works does not contain any illustrations by Cruikshank; but forms the concluding volume of the series. 180. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Advertisement Sheet, one-page 8vo, with wood- cut after G. Cruikshank, announcing the publication of THE Loe Boox. “Now Publishing in Numbers, price 3d. or in Parts, 1s. each, S$ , Tx Loe Book, or, Nautical Miscellany.” Enclosed in cloth folder. London: Joseph Robins & Son [1826] THO ORIGINAL ADVERTISEMENT: of the above. 'The woodcut shows four ~ sailors sitting at a table, and drinking “To the Tars of Old EHngland, and their Friends! !” Undescribed by Douglas or Cohn. 181. CruIKSHANK (GEORGE). [Barker (M. H.).] Greenwich Hospital, a Series of Naval Sketches, Descriptive of the Life of a Man-Of-War’s oe Sp Man. By An Old Sailor. With 12 colored plates and several wood- - cuts by G. Cruikshank. 4to, boards (not pictorial), morocco back, slight stain on few margins. London: James Robins and Co., 1826 First EDITION IN BOOKFORM. Cohn, No. 47; Douglas, No. 80. ye First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th ee eee — 182. CrurksHaNnkK (GEorGE). Fairburn’s Edition of the Life & Death of the /§, Elephant, at Exeter Change; to which is added, An Account of the Dissection of this Noble Animal. Folding colored frontisprece, not signed, but undoubtedly by George Cruikshank. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut, somewhat stained and back wrappers torn. London: J. Fairburn, circa 1826 The plate in this work is a smaller state and similar to the Broadside issue of the same, by George Cruikshank. For the latter, see No. 452 in this catalogue. Rare Issue, the first in bookform. Not in Cohn or Douglas. 183. CrurksHank (GrorcE). Grimm (M. M.). German Popular Stories. SS. Translated from the Kinder und Hans Mirchen, Collected by M. M. Grimm, From Oral Tradition. With 22 etchings by George Cruikshank. 2 vols. 12mo, full red levant morocco, polished, gilt backs, triple fillet borders, gilt edges, BY ROOT & SON. One plate neatly repaired, former owner’s name obliterated from both titles but showing faintly. on second title. London: [Vol. 1] Published by C. Baldwyn, Newgate Street, 1823—[Vol. 2] James Robins & Co. London, and Joseph Robins Junr. & Co., Dublin, 1826 Vol. 1 is the third issue, with the dots over the “a” and the additional line “or the Waits of Bremen” following the title “The Travelling Mu- sicians.” The collation of Vol. 2 is as follows,—pp.i-iv; (1)-256; Trans- lator’s Note, 1 leaf; Leaf of advertisement “Just Published, Fairy Queen.” Cohn, No. 354; Douglas, No. 53. 184. CruIKSHANK (GrEoRGE). London Drolleries; or, Comedian’s Pocket 25, Book. A Right Merrie Pithie and Conceited Collection of Comic Songs and Recitations. Aquatint frontisprece, in compartments, COLORED portraits (4) of Harley, Vestris, Liston and Kmght, and woodcut on title, repeated as caption on page (3), all by G. Crutk- shank. 12mo, original boards, rebacked with calf, uncut, somewhat foxed. In cloth slip-case. London: John Lowndes [1826] THE VERY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION IN BOOKFORM. Cohn, No. 488; Douglas, No. 83. First issued in parts, with sub-titles, which do not appear in the first -issue in book-form, and the leaf of advertisements. 185. ORvIKSHANK (GEORGE). Paul Pry, in which are all the Peculiarities, yaad Irregularities, Singularities, Pertnacity, Loquacity, and Audacity of Paul Pry, as Performed by Mr. Liston, at the Theatre Royal, Hay- market. Double-page coLorEn frontispiece, Mr. Liston as Paul Pry, “G. Cruikshank del,’ “P. Roberts sc.’ 12mo, sewed, in cloth covers, a few slight tears at inner margin of outer leaves, and small pin-holes down fold in plate. Signature and address of Thos. Musgrave, on title. London: T. Hughes [1826] First Epirion. Cohn, No. 604; Douglas, No. 607. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th 186. CruIKSHANK (GkoRGE). Phrenological Illustrations, or An Artist’s View of the Craniological System of Doctors Gall and Spurzheim. Printed title with the woodcut of three indwiduals, and 6 COLORED ve 2 SO paves, each of the plates with five or sia illustrations, by G. Crutk- ™ shank. Oblong 4to, half blue morocco, gilt back and edges, BY RIVIERE. The title-page has slight tear at inner margin, repaired. London: Published by George Cruikshank, 1826 GENUINE Frrst Epitrion, with the correct Watermark of “J. What- man .. . 1826,” on five of the colored plates. No wrapper., Cohn, No. 178; Douglas, No. 87. 187. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). [Soane (G.).] Specimens of German Ro- mance. Selected and Translated from Various Authors. With 3 /0 etchings by G. Cruikshank. 3 vols. smal] 8vo, mottled calf, gilt backs and edges, BY RIVIERE. Edges of bindings slightly rubbed. London: G. B. Whittaker, 1826 First Epition. Cohn, No. 729; Douglas, No. 81. 188. CruIKSHANK (GrEoRGE). The Death Fetch, or The Student of Gottingen. Cotorep folding frontispiece by G. Cruikshank. 12mo, half brown 3D levant morocco, gilt back, BY MORRELL. Gs London: Printed for T. Hughes [1826] First Epition. Cohn, No. 218. Not in Douglas. UNIQUE copy, from the Truman Collection. The frontispiece bears the following inscription in George Cruikshank’s autograph,— “Drawn and ecched by Geo. Cruikshank.” 189. CRUIKSHANK (GroRGE). [Clarke (William).] Every Night Book; or, Life After Dark. By the author of “The Cigar.” With a vignette ; title after design by George Cruikshank. 12mo, original boards, 2., uncut, binding broken. London: T. Richardson, 1827 First Epition. Unknowr to Douglas and Cohn. 190. CruIKSHANK (GEORGE). Hone (William). Facetiz and Miscellanies. With one hundred and twenty engravings, drawn by George Crutk- shank. 8vo, half calf. ip London: Published for William Hone, 1827 First Epirtron. Cohn, No. 384; Douglas, No. 98. This work consists of fourteen tracts, with an Introduction of viii pages. A vignette on the title shows Hone and Cruikshank seated at a table. 191. CrurksHANK (GzoRGE). Illustrations of Time. By George Cruik- shank. Hitched title-page and 6 plates, several designs on each, by c, G. Crutkshank, Oblong 4to, original wrapper, with printed title. ©’ Enclosed in limp leather folder, letter on front. London: Published May 1st, 1827, by the Artist This issue does not contain the slip in front of title, nor do the plates have the watermark necessary for a first issue. The advertisement on back wrapper reads,—“The following Works are Published,” ete. In the first issue, this reads, “Lately Published,” ete. See Cohn, No. 179; Douglas, No. 88. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th ee , 192. OrurksHank (GuorcE). Another copy’of the preceding. With engraved | title, and 6 plates, by G. Oruikshank. Oblong 4to, boards, calf back, ) leather lettered label on front cover. / London: Published May 1st, 1827, by the Artists Probably issued about 18380. 193. CrurksHank (GrorcE). John Harcourt’s Original Jests. Etched fron- tispiece by George Cruikshank, lettered,—“Shalling Comic Annual.” iy 2 16mo, original wrappers. London: Cowie and Strange, 1827 GENUINE First Epition. Cohn, No. 369; Douglas, No. 485. The frontispiece is lettered, as should be. The wrapper contains a vignette, and “London: Published by William Cruikshank.” ( 194. CrurksHank (Grorce). Kosewitz (W. F. von). Eccentric Tales. With illustrations by George Oruikshank, from sketches by Alfred Crow- 3 2%? quill, 20 COLORED PLATES. 8vO0, calf, gilt, marbled edges. London: James Robins and Co., 1827 First Eprrion. Very RARE. Cohn, No. 456; Douglas, No. 86. 195. CrurksHanx (GrorcE). London Characters. Designed and etched by George Cruikshank. A series of 24 coLorED plates. With a new title and cover. 16mo, boards. London, 1827 30 The plates, which were issued without title and cover, are original, but the title and binding are new. 196. CrurksHank (Gxorce). [Printed title] John Harcourt’s Original Jests. London: Cowie and Strange . . . 1827 [Title on wrapper] The Shilling Comic Annual, a Collection of All the Short, Good ? Things . . . for the Expansion of the Understanding. London: Published by William Cruikshank. Price One Shilling. Etched frontispiece, signed,—“Geo Cruikshank del.,” also vignette on wrap- per. 18mo, original wrapper, in cloth folder. London, 1827 Rare GENUINE First Eprrion. Fine copy. Cohn, No. 369; Douglas Catalogue, No. 285. 197. CrurksHank (GuorcE). The Dolphin; or, Grand Junction Nuisance: Proving that Seven Thousand Families, in Westminster and its Suburbs, are Supplied with Water, in a State, Offensive to the Sight. 50, Folding lithographic plate by Engelmann. COLORED plate “Salus Populi Suprema Lex,’ by G. Cruikshank (Reid, No. 1464), in- serted. 16mo, half calf, gilt back and top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. London: T. Butcher, 1827 Grorce CRUIKSHANK’S Own copy, from the Truman Collection. Cruik- shank’s autograph signature, with date, 1827, on title-page. 198. OrurksHank (GrorcE). Cervantes (Miguel). The Life and Ex- ploits of Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated by Charles Jarvis. 287 Portrait, engraved titles, and woodcuts by Sears after designs by > Opuikshank. 2 vols. small 8vo, light calf, polished, gilt backs, fillet borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY MORRELL. London: Jones and Co., 1828 First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th 199. CrurKksHANK (GEorGE). [Collier (J. P.).] Punch and Judy, with H- lustrations designed and engraved by George Cruikshank. Accom- panied by a Dialogue of the Puppet-Show, an Account of its Origin, / . and of Puppet-Plays in England. With 24 etchings. Small 8vo, s. half morocco, gilt back and edges. London: Printed for S. Prowett, 1828 First Eprrion. Plain copy. Cohn, No. 148; Douglas, No. 102. 200. CruIKSHANK (GxorGE). Ireland (W. H.). The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. With all the 24 FINELY COLORED PLATES, tmecluding accurate views of battles, etc., engraved by George Cruikshank, and the three folding uncolored plates of Marie Louise, the Due of Reichstadt, and Napoleon’s Generals. 4 vols, 8vo, half crimson mo- rocco, gilt backs and tops, a few of the plates have margins cut / OU: close, five plates have slight tear in fold. London: John Cumberland [Vol. I] undated, others, 1828 Cumberland’s Issue of this Celebrated’ Work. Printed title for Vol. 3 only. Some of the plates are from the Original Fairburn Edition, as follows,— Vol. I. Bngraved title with imprint, John Cumberland, 2 Cumber- land Terrace, undated. One plate with Fairburn’s imprint, others, with Cumberland imprint, “No. 19 Ludgate Hill.” Vol. II. Engraved title, with imprint, John Cumberland, 19 Ludgate Hill. ALL THE PLATES HAVE FAIRBURN IMPRINT. Vol. III. Engraved and printed titles, with imprint, John Cumber- land, Ludgate Hill. All the plates, with the exception of the last have the FAIRBURN IMPRINT. Vol. IV. Engraved title, with imprint, John Cumberland, 19 Lud- gate Hill. All plates as issued, with Cumberland imprint. [See Reproduction of Plate. | 201. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). [Taylor (Reverend C. B.).] A Fireside Book, or The Account of a Christmas Spent at Old Court. By the Author of “May You Like It.” Etched frontispiece by G. Cruikshank. Sie. ores lavender levant morocco, gilt back, sides with triple fillet 1° D border enclosing an elaborate framework with inlaid corners, inside border of gilt, doublures and fly-leaves of brocaded silk, uncut, plate and few margins slightly soiled. London: Printed for J. A. Hessey, 1828 First Eprrron. Cohn, No. 753; Douglas, No. 101. 202. CRUIKSHANK (GzorGE). The Annual Chronology, and Historical Rec- ord of Important and Interesting Events in 182%. By Tell-Tale . Time. Etched frontispiece by G. Cruikshank. 16mo, original boards PO» with printed title, uncut. Enclosed in cloth folder. London: John Fairburn, 1828. First Eprrron. Cohn, No. 30; Douglas, No. 105. Fine copy, with leaf of advertisement, not mentioned by Cohn or Douglas. RARE. L00Z “ON ]I Sso}R[d 94} JO 9uUO JO V[TWIISOBy Psdnpoy MNVHSMINUD *H Ad SALVIG GIHOTODN—T NOWTdVN AO Aat'] GNVIGUI “H “M First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th 203. ORUIKSHANK (GxorcE). [Wilson (John).] A Catalogue Raisonné of the Select Collection of Engravings of an Amateur. With 40 en- gravings, tailpieces, and vignettes, of which 5 etchings are by George / /, Cruikshank. 4to, original cloth, uncut, binding broken at hinges. London [privately printed,| 1828 First Eprrion. Laree Parrr. Cohn, No. 812; Douglas, No. 103. Only 100 copies printed, with the plates on India paper. 204, CruIKsHANK (GEORGE). Defoe (Daniel). A J ournal of the Plague Year. A New Edition, attentively revised, and illustrated with His- torical Notes, by Edward W. Brayley. With 4 engravings by Daven- / 3 port, after designs by G. Cruikshank. 16mo, dark blue morocco, with onlaid designs of skull and cross-bones, gilt top, uncut, BY GUILD OF WOMEN-BINDERS. London: Printed for Thomas Tegg, 1829 , 205. CRUIKSHANK (Gzorce). Edmonds (Cyrus R.). The Life and Times of General Washington. Engraved frontispiece after G. Cruikshank, portrait, and facsimile. Third Edition. 2 vols. 16mo, cloth, uncut, sv the first volume has binding shaken and plate foxed. 3 London: Thomas Tegg, 1829 . ' | 206. CrurksHanK (GEoRGE). Stories of Popular Voyages and Travels... South America. Lithographic views, including one SCARCE LITHO- arapH by G. Cruikshank. 16mo, original cloth, binding somewhat loose. London: Charles Tilt, 1829 First Eprrron. Cohn, No. 745; Douglas, No. 118. 207. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The New Year’s Gift; and Juvenile Souvenir. | Edited by Mrs. Alaric Watts. Wath 2 woodcuts by George Crutk- shank (from “Philosophy in Sport’) and steel engravings by North- Y, cote and other artists. 18mo, original boards, leather back, gilt edges, stitches loose. London: Longman, 1829 Cohn, No. 794. Not in Douglas. 208. CRUIKSHANK (GrorcE). The Young Lady’s Book: A Manual of Elegant Recreations, Exercises, and Pursuits. Second Edition. Nwmerous illustrations, including one, “Archery,” by G. Cruikshank. 12mo, fp original red brocaded silk, gilt edges, binding somewhat worn, the original cloth laid down over boards. London: Vizetelly, Branston, and Co., 1829 Cohn, No. 820; Douglas, No. 109. This copy contains the printer’s leaf at end, having on recto the poem “TAdieu,’ and the leaf of advertise- ments. 209. OrUIKSHANK (GxzorGE). [Ackerman (J. Y.).] Tales of other Days. By J. Y. A. With illustrations (6 full-page and one vignette on title), by George Cruikshank, engraved by J. Thompson and S. and /5v T. Williams. Margins of plates slightly spotted. Be London: Effingham Wilson, 1830 First Epition. Cohn, No. 22; Douglas, No. 118. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th 210. CruIKSHANK (GEORGE). Anstey (Christopher). The New Bath Guide; or Memoirs of the B-n-r-d Family, in a series of Poetical Epistles. A New Edition; with a Biographical and Topographical Preface, and Z Anecdotical Annotations, by John Ritson. With 7 illustrations, 5 of which are etchings by George Cruikshank. Small 8vo, full crim- son calf, polished, gilt tooled back, fillet borders, gilt top, some edges uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: Hurst, Chance, & Co., 1830 First EDITION WITH THE CRUIKSHANK PLATES. Cohn, No. 31; Douglas, No. 116. 211. CruIKSHANK (GxEORGE). [Clarke (William).] Three Courses and a Dessert. With 51 spirited and amusing woodcuts (including 8 full- be page plates), by G. Cruikshank. Small 8vo, half brown levant mo- A. rocco, richly tooled gilt back, gilt top, uncut, small tear in margin of title neatly repaired. London: Vizetelly (etc.), 1830 First Epition. Cohn, No. 187; Douglas, No. 125. " , 212. CruiksHANK (GEORGE). Hood (Thomas). The Epping Hunt. With . 6 etchings by G. Cruikshank. 16mo, half morocco. London: Charles Tilt, 1830 } Second Edition. With letter (one-page) by the author, relative to the id 7 work, which did not appear in the first edition issued the year previous to this. 213. CrurkKsHANK (GrorGE). [Illustrations of Popular Works, by George Cruikshank. Part I. (All Published.) With 6 etchings by G. Cruikshank. Small folio, original wrappers, with printed title on ~ front, and advertisement on back. With protecting cloth cover, lettered on front. London: Published for the Artist, by Longman (ete.) [1830] First Epition. LArGe Paper. INDIA PROOF copy. Cohn, No, 175; Doug- las, No. 117. This is the Captain Douglas copy, No. 141 in his sale’s catalogue. 214. CrurIKSHANK (GroRGE). O’Hara (Kane). Tom Thumb; a Burletta, altered from Henry Fielding. With designs (5 full-page and 2 4 vignette woodcuts) by George Cruikshank. 16mo, cloth, leather back “=* lettered. Original wrappers bound in. London: Thomas Rodd, 1830 First Epition. Cohn, No. 587; Douglas, No. 120. With the leaf advertising the Second Edition of “Bombastes Furioso.” 215. CruIKSHANK (GzOoRGE). Phrenological Illustrations, or An Artist’s View of the Craniological System of Doctors Gall and Spurzheim. Printed title with woodcut of three heads, and 6 plates, all plain, 7, by G. Cruikshank. Oblong 4to, board sides, calf back, with leather ’ lettered label on front cover, the original cover of this edition. London: Published by George Cruikshank, 1830 RARE 1ssuE. Not mentioned by Cohn or Douglas. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 4th ER EE ee ee 216. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Rhodes (William Barnes). Bombastes Furi- oso: A Burlesque Tragic Opera. With designs (7% full-page and one / vignette woodcut) by George Oruikshank. 16mo, half calf, let- tered up back, original yellow printed wrapper bound in. London: Thomas Rodd, 1830 First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 662; Douglas, No. 121. Rare with the original wrappers. 217. CrurksHaNK (GxorGE). Scott (Sir Walter). Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. Hngraved frontispiece, not by Crutkshank. 16mo, red polished morocco, gilt back and top, fillet border on sides. / 3, London: John Murray, 1830 First Epition. Cohn, No. 702. Inserted are 12 etchings (each mounted) by George Cruikshank, and a title-page of the 1835 edition. The plates are from the 1835 edition. 218. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Slavery in the West Indies. Woodcut by G. Cruikshank. 8vo. pp. 8. With leather folder. [London :] Robert Howard [1830] First SEPARATE EDITION. Unknown to Cohn or Douglas, both of whom mention the Westminster Review, No. 22, where this article first ap- peared, and from which the above is taken. RARE. ote 219. OruiksHanK (GrorcE). The Affairs of the Nation Represented to the Duke of Wellington, by Common Sense. Vignette on title and cover by G. Cruikshank (not in Reid). 12%mo, original boards, un- cut, back chipped. London: Effingham Wilson, 1830 First Epirion. Cohn, No. 9. This copy said to be from the Douglas Collection. 220. ORUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Political Alphabet. With Notes and Il- lustrations. Embellished by thirty-two engravings, from designs by George Cruikshank. Fifth Edition. 8vo, sewed, uncut. Enclosed Uy = in cloth covers. London: William Carpenter [1830] Cohn, No. 630; Douglas, No. 535. The illustrations are principally from tracts published by Hone. 221. ORUIKSHANK (GrorGE). Hood (Thomas—Hditor). The Comic An- nual. 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1842. With hundreds of illustrations by Thomas Hood, George Oruikshank and John Leech. Together, 11 vols. 12mo, 10 in origi- nal boards, with roan backs, the last volume in original cloth, some volumes slightly worn. London, 1830-1842 The volume for 1830 contains “Sonnet to a Cat, by the late John Keats.” Cruikshank’s illustrations appear in the volume for 1830; those by Leech in the volume for 1842. ; 222. CRUIKSHANK (GzorcE). [Dalton (J.).] The Gentleman in Black. With illustrations by George Cruikshank, engraved by J. Thompson and C. Landells. 16mo, calf, gilt, binding rubbed. London: William Kidd, 1831 First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 218; Douglas, No. 137. . First Session, Tuesday Evening, February sth 223. ORUIKSHANK (GEorGE). [Defoe (Daniel).] The Life and | Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner. - ductory Verses by Bernard Barton, and illustrated 27? engravings (etched frontispieces on India paper, ~/ + throughout teat) from drawings by George Cruth designed for this edition. 2 vols. small 8vo, calf, gilt backs, leather labels, gilt fillet borders on side BY RIVIERE. ee” Londaams Fing Larce Paper copy. First EprrioN WITH 1 Cohn, No. 221; Douglas No. 128. . At THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORE UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE OWNER ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AND CARICATURES FROM THE LIBRARY OF J. BARTON TOWNSEND, ESQ. OF PHILADELPHIA Second Session, Numbers 224 to 453, inclusive WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 5th, AT 3:00 O’CLOCK BOOKS ILLUSTRATED BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK (Continued, Numbers 224 to 405, inclusive] 224, ORUIKSHANK (GerorGE). Ferdinand Franck; an Auto-Biographical Lf : Sketch of the Youthful Days of a Musical Student; Second Edition. With 3 illustrations on India paper, by G. Cruikshank. 16mo, original boards, uncut, new back. London: R. Ackermann, 1831 First Eprrion wirH THE CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS. Cohn, No. 295; Douglas, No. 136. 225. ORUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Kidd’s London Directory on a Novel Plan. 5, The Book of Books; or, London As It Is, and As It Ought To Be: [Consists of four parts,—“How to Enjoy London,” “London Am- bulator,” “London and All Its Dangers” and “London and All Its Miseries.””| Illustrated with thirty-eight wood engravings, by G. & R. Cruikshank, Seymour, & Bonner. 16mo, original brown cloth, paper label on front cover, sprinkled edges. London: William Kidd [1831] First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 447; Douglas, No. 188. Only two of the cuts are by George Cruikshank, used previously in “The Gentleman in Black.” 226. CrurkKSHANK (GxorGE). Merle (William Henry). Odds and Ends. In SSD Ve Verse and Prose. Illustrated by George Cruikshank, from designs by the author; with 13 illustrations, of which 11 are woodcuts, and one an etching, all by George Cruikshank. Small 8vo, original green cloth and label, uncut, label slightly chipped. London, 1831 First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 535; Douglas, No. 1385. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 297. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). Merle (William Henry). Odds and Ends. In Verse and Prose. Illustrated by George Cruikshank, from designs by the author. 18 illustrations, including 11 woodcuts and one etch- (4, ing. Small 8vo, morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, original paper label pasted in at back. A few minor spots on three or four pages. London: Longman, 1831 First Epirion. Cohn, No. 535; Douglas, No. 1385. 228. CRUIKSHANK (GzorGE). [Paris (Dr. J. A.).] Philosophy in Sport Made Science in Earnest. Woodcuts by George Cruikshank. New Edition, with additions. 3 vols. 16mo, half red calf, polished, gilt / ye, — backs and tops. London: Colburn and Bentley, 1831 The first issue with the additions. 229, CRUIKSHANK (GEorGE). The Cat’s Tail: being the History of Childe Merlin. A Tale. By the Baroness de Katzleben. Wath 3 fine etch- o ings by G. Cruikshank. 16mo, three-quarter red morocco, gilt back oS. and edges. Edinburgh: Blackwood; and T. Cadell, London, 1831 First Eprtion. Cohn, No. 118; Douglas, 129. 230. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Roscoe’s Novelist’s Library. Edited by Thomas Roscoe. With 74 etchings by George Cruikshank, and other dlus- trations. 19 vols. 12mo, original cloth, with black and gold labels, / 20, uncut. Enclosed in 3 cloth boxes. The bindings and labels are slightly rubbed, three of the covers are slightly soiled. London, 1831-1833 CoMPLETE SET. ALL THE VOLUMES ARE First EDITIONS WITH THESE ILLUSTRATIONS. Cohn, Nos. 671 to 682, inclusive; Douglas, No. 127. All but one have the half-title, and the greater part have the original advertisements in front of volume. Comprises the following,— SMOLLET?T’S Humphrey Clinker. 4 etchings by Cruikshank, and por- trait. 4 pages of advertisements. London: Cochrane & Pickersgill, 1831 Smotter?’s Roderick Random. 5 plates by Cruikshank. 2pp. of ad- vertisements. London: James Cochrane & Co., 1831 SMoLLET?T’s Peregrine Pickle. 8 plates by Cruikshank. 2pp. of ad- vertisements in each volume. 2 vols. London: James Cochrane & Co., 1831 Fretpine’s Tom Jones. 8 plates by Cruikshank, and portrait. 4 and 2 pages of advertisements. 2 vols. London: James Cochrane & Co., 1831 Frevpinc’s Joseph Andrews. 4 plates by Oruikshank. 4pp. of ad- vertisements. London: James Cochrane, 1832 Fretpine’s Amelia. 8 plates by Cruikshank. 4 and 2 pages of ad- vertisements. 2 vols. London: James Cochrane, 1832 Gorpsmirn’s Vicar of Wakefield. 4 plates by Oruikshank, and por- trait. 4pp. of advertisements. London: James Cochrane & Co., 1832 SrrrNe’s Tristram Shandy. 8 plates by Cruikshank, and portrait. 2 and 2pp. of advertisements. 2 vols. London: James Cochrane & Co., 1832 [Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th [No. 230—Continued | CreRVANTES’ Don Quixote. 15 plates by Cruikshank, and 3 frontis- pieces. 3 VOls. London: Effingham Wilson, 1833 Le Saqe’s Gil Blas. 10 plates by Cruikshank, and 2 portraits. The second volume lacks half-title, but has +pp. of advertisements. 2 vols. London: Effingham Wilson, 1833 Dr For’s Robinson Crusoe. Portrait and plates on India paper, not by Cruikshank. Each volume with 2pp. of advertisements. 2 vols. London: Cochrane and Pickering, 1831 231. CrurksHaNK (GEorGE). A Slap at the Church! [A Weekly Periodical, 17 nos. from January 21 to May 12, 1832, all published.| Illustrated with engravings, designed by Cruikshank, Seymour, Meadows, and Dorrington, engraved by Bonner (and others) | With continuation of the same, as} Church Examiner and Ecclesiastical Record. 21 nos. [May 19 to December 1, 1832]. In all 36 nos., with general title-page to first publication. Bound in one vol. 4to, half calf, binding broken. London: William Strange [1832 | Frrst Epirion. Cohn, No. 717. From the Douglas Collection, No. 535 in his sale’s catalogue. ba 232. OrurksHANK (Guorce). [Hogg (James).|] Altrive Tales: Collected among the Peasantry of Scotland, and from Foreign Adventures. By The Htrick Shepherd. Portrait of the author, by Edwards, and etchings by G. Cruikshank. Vol. I (All published.) 16mo, origi- nal green cloth and label, uncut. With cloth protecting wrapper, in cloth slip-case. London: James Cochrane and Co., 1832 First Epition. Cobn, No. 382; Douglas, No. 189. With leaf advertising the work; also leaf of advertisements, at end, the latter not mentioned by Cohn or Douglas. ~ 233. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Bee and the Wasp. A Fable—In Verse. With designs and etchings (4), by G. Cruikshank. 16mo, original /2 yellow wrappers, uncut. London: Charles Tilt, 1832 ‘ FIne copy oF THE First Epirion. Cohn, No. 59; Douglas, No. 140. 234, CRUIKSHANK (GxorGE). The Comic Offering . . . for MDCCCXXXIII. Edited by Louisa Henrietta Sheridan. Numerous woodcuts, one by ¢ G. Cruikshank. 16mo, original embossed leather, gilt edges. ets London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1833 First Epririon. Cohn, No. 150; Douglas, No. 147. 235. ORUIKSHANK (GEorGE). The Comic Offering; or Ladies’ Melange of Literary Mirth, for MDCCCXXXIII. Edited by Louisa Henrietta ty Sheridan. Numerous illustrations by Robert Seymour and other 5. artists, and one plate “Passenger in the Basket!” by George Crutk- shank. 16mo, original embossed leather, gilt edges. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1833 First Epirrion. Cohn, No. 150; Douglas, No. 147. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 236. CRUIKSHANK (GrorcE). Angelo’s Pic Nic; or, Table Talk, including numerous Recollections of Public Characters, who have figured in some part or another of the Stage of Life for the last Fifty Years. Colored frontispiece (with portrait of the author) and vignette, by 3 G. Cruikshank. 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London: John Ebers, 1834 First Epirron. Cohn, No. 26; Douglas, No. 153. Contains original literary contributions by Colman, Theodore Hook, Bulwer, Horace Smith, and others. 237. CRUIKSHANK (GHORGE). Bruce (Carlton). Mirth and Morality: a Col- lectian of Oriental Tales. With 20 woodcuts by G. Cruikshank. 12mo, light calf, gilt tooled back, leather labels, sides with fillet q borders and corner ornaments, gilt top, uncut, BY ROOT. London: T. Tegg and Son, 1834 Rare First Eprrron. Cohn, No. 92; Douglas, No. 152. 238. CRUIKSHANK (GzoRGE). My Sketch Book. With dlustrated title and 36 plates, ALL IN coLoRs, each plate having several subjects, de- signed and etched by George Crutkshank. Oblong 8vo, olive-green -levant morocco, gilt back, sides with triple fillet border, dentelle in- SV , side border, gilt top, BY RIVIERE. [London:] Designed, Etched & Published by George Cruik- shank . . . & Sold by Charles Tilt . . . Decr. Ist, 1834 First EDITION IN BOOKFORM. WITH THE ORIGINAL CLOTH COVERS BOUND in. Cohn, No. 182: Douglas, No. 94. The engraved title represents a proscenium having four shelves, with workmen placing letters, as large as themselves, under the direction of George Cruikshank, whose likeness is represented. FINE COPY. 239, ORUIKSHANK (GEORGE). My Sketch Book. 24 plates, each with several sketches, by G. Cruikshank; also engraved and printed title-pages. A Sv Oblong 4to, original cloth, somewhat foxed.: * we London: Published for the Artist, by Charles Tilt [1834] First Eprrion IN BooKFoRM. Uncolored copy. Cohn, No. 182; Douglas, No. 94. 240, CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). My Sketch Book. Illustrations by G. Cruik- shank. Oblong 4to, blue morocco, gilt back, sides and edges. 3S? [London, a reprint of the 1834 edition | 241. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Pettigrew (Thomas J.). A History of Egyp- tian Mummies, and an Account of the Worship and Embalming of 2% the Sacred Animals by the Egyptians. With 13 plates (3 in colors), , 10 of which are by G. Cruikshank. 4to, boards, uncut, binding worn, margin of plates soiled. London: Longman (ete.), 1834 First Epirron. Cohn, No. 616; Douglas, No. 149. FOOT S —— Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 242. CRUIKSHANK (GroRGE). [Barker (M.H.).] Tough Yarns; a Series of Naval Tales and Sketches to Please all Hands, from the Swabs on the Shoulders down to the Swabs in the Head. By “The Old mn Sailor.” Illustrated by George Cruikshank, with 8 etchings and 9 woodcuts. 12mo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: Effingham Wilson, 1835 First EpiTrion. Cohn, No. 50; Douglas, No. 154. 243. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Berenger (Baron de). Helps and Hints. How to Protect Life and Property. With Instructions in Rifle and Pistol Ly Shooting. With many illustrations, of which eight (including 4 ' etchings) are by George Cruikshank. 8vo, original green cloth, partly uncut. London: T. Hurst, 1835 First Epirion with the four woodcuts by George Cruikshank. Cohn, No. 64; Douglas, No. 156. 244. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). [Kendal (EH. A.).] Burford Cottage, and its Robin-Red-Breast. Hngraved frontismece and woodcut on title, after designs by G. Cruikshank. 12mo, half morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, /$? pinding rubbed. London: William Teg, 1835 First Epition. Cohn, No. 98; Douglas, No. 615. 245. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). [Knowles (J. Sheridan).| The Wife; or, Women as they are. With 4 etchings by G. Cruikshank. 16mo, red levant morocco, richly tooled gilt back, sides with triple fillet border, Ceo. gilt top, uncut, original cloth covers bound in, BY RIVIERE. London: Published for the Author, 1835 First EDITION WITH THESE ILLUSTRATIONS. Cohn, No. 455; Douglas, No. 145. ; The work was first published in 1833, with a prologue and epilogue by Charles Lamb, and without illustrations. FINE copy. 246. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Comic Almanack. Contains 195 etched plates by George Cruikshank, including. some folding plates, 4 of the latter in cotors; also 76 woodcuts by the same artist, and hun- dreds of equally humorous small woodcuts by Hine and other artists. CoMPLETE SET. 15 vols. in the ORIGINAL PICTORIAL PAPER COVERS / 70 , (4 in the ortcinaL ctotH). Together, 19 vols. 12mo and 16mo. Enclosed in cloth case, with separate section for each volume. Five of the volumes have backs somewhat chipped, 2 backs have portions missing, and that for 1847 has back and stitching missing. London, 1835-1853 First EpITION OF EACH VOLUME. AN ABSOLUTELY COMPLETE SET. Cohn, No. 183; Douglas, No. 159. Contains all the special features mentioned by Captain Douglas, in- cluding all the advertisements and special slips, notably the slip and specimen page for 1844. The 1848 Almanack contains 16pp. of advertise- ments, at end, not mentioned by Captain Douglas. The text, edited by Mayhew, was contributed to by a host of humorous [Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th [No. 246—Continued | talent, including Thackeray, who enriched the issues of 1839 and 1840, with two of the best of his minor writings,—‘“The Fatal Boots,” and “Barber Cox’s Diary.” The 24 etchings for these years being solely devoted to illustrating those two Miscellanies. “It is extremely difficult to obtain the first thirteen, 1835 to 1847, with the backs at all perfect, for the reason that, although the sides were strengthened with stiff paper, the thin paper cover was pasted or glued over the back without any strengthening beneath.”—DOUGLAS. With the exceptions of the imperfections mentioned above, this is one of the few desirable and perfect sets heretofore offered at public sale in America. [See Reproduction of Plate in 1853] 247. CruiKsHANK (GrorGE). A Comic Alphabet. Designed, Etched & Pub- lished by George Cruikshank. Folding panoramic sheet with 24 subjects, ALL IN coLors, illustrative of the letters of the alphabet. 16mo, original boards, binding somewhat worn. Pentonville, 1836 a / x : First Epirion. Cororep copy. Cohn, No. 149; Douglas, 172. Cohn states that the colored copy is a second issue and has date of 1837. The above however is a colored copy, with date 1836, as issued, on cover. The back cover has the portrait called for. A choice copy of the GENUINE ORIGINAL ISSUE, IN CoLors, and without the mention of being “issued plain or coloured.” 248. CRUIKSHANK (GuoRGE). | Barker (M. H.).] Land and Sea Tales. By “The Old Sailor.” Illustrated by George Cruikshank, with 2 etched frontispieces and 2 engraved titles with etching. 2 vols. 12mo, calf, y) polished, gilt backs, fillet borders, gilt tops, uncut, original cloth backs bound in, BY RIVIERE. London: Effingham Wilson, 1836 First Epition. Cobn, No. 49; Douglas, No. 171. y 249, CRUIKSHANK (GkEoRGE). John’ Gilpin; the words by Cowper. Set to Music by W. A. Nield. Adapted for Young Amateurs, and Illus- trated (by George Cruikshank). With vignette woodcuts through- pa out the score and a vignette on the wrapper. Oblong 4to, original o> yellow wrapper, pp. 48. The wrapper slightly torn. ; . London: Allen Bell & Co., 1836 First Epirion with these illustrations. Unknown to Douglas and Cohn. The preliminary leaf contains Press-Notices relative to the work and its artist. Six woodcuts for “The Diverting History of John Gilpin” were pub- lished by George Cruikshank, in 1828. 250. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Polichinelle, Drame en trois Actes. Illustra- tions by George Cruikshank. 16mo, original boards, with printed Ae SV title, binding rubbed, name written on one leaf, ry Paris: Bureaux de l’Histoire Pittoresque d’Angleterre, 1836 Rare French Edition of “Punch and Judy.” a ee [L9tG ON] IJRId podlo[Od SULPLOF JO I[LUTS IB PIUpIy GJ YOd MOVNVWIY OIWOD AHL MNVHSMIOYOD WOYOU)D CG G LNG GST, Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 251. CruIKSHANK (GEORGE). Smith (Egerton). The Elysium of Animals: A Dream. Frontispiece by W. Harvey, and etched plate by G. Orutk- shank. 8vo, original printed wrapper, uncut. Enclosed in leather folder. Wrapper chipped, a few margins soiled. / London: J. Nisbet, 1836 ; FIRST SEPARATE EDITION. Cohn, No. 727; Douglas, No. 132. With all the preliminary leaves and the eight pages of “prospectus,” also the leaf of advertisement. The plate by Cruikshank is a second state, not mentioned by Reid. 202. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Adventures of Sir Frizzle Pumpkin; Nights at Mess; and other Tales. With illustrations (8 etchings) by George Cruikshank. 12mo, half light calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Edinburgh: Wiliam Blackwood and Sons, 1836 / A) First Epitron. Cohn, No. 7; Douglas, No. 170. 4 This copy contains a leaf of “Books printed for William Blackwood & Sons,” not mentioned by either Cohn or Douglas, and has the etching at page 157, which is not mentioned in the List of Plates. 253. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). lLandscape-Historical Illustrations of Scot- land, and the Waverley Novels: From Drawings by J. M. W. Turner. Descriptions by Rev. G. N. Wright. Steel engravings, after Turner, and comic sketches by G. Cruikshank. 2 vols. complete in the G2 — ORIGINAL 18 parts, with all the original wrappers, uncut. Pro- tected by cloth folder, in red levant morocco back slip-case. A few backs neatly repaired. London: Fisher, Son, & Co., 1836-1838 First Epit1on. Cohn, No. 700; Douglas, No. 162. Rare in the original parts. 254. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Comic Alphabet. Designed Etched & Pub- lished by George Cruikshank. 24 colored plates, illustrative of the alphabet. Second Issue. London, 1837; | Atso, bound in same 4» volumes| R. Cruikshank’s Comic Alphabet. Woodcuts. First Ept- fn hn, TION. 16mo, full red morocco, gilt, lettered on back and front cover, ORIGINAL WRAPPERS OF BOTH WORKS, bound in, BY MANSELL. London, 1837 An interesting copy. The letters of the alphabet by George Cruik- shank are bound in, opposite those by Robert Cruikshank. From the library of Stephen George Holland, with bookplate. 255. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Inglis (H. D.). Rambles in the Footsteps of Don Quixote. With illustrations (6 etchings and 2 woodcuts) by George Cruikshank. Small 8vo, hight calf, richly tooled gilt back, / iw: triple gilt fillet border on sides, inside border, gilt top, uncut, origi- -nal cloth back bound in, BY RIVIERE. London: Whittaker and Co., 1837 First Epition. Cohn, No. 419; Douglas, No. 173. With book-plate of Robert Hall, 1902. FINE copy. | Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th Oe ee re 256. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). Lewis’s Atlas, comprising the Counties of Ire- land, and a General map of the Kingdom. Engraved title with fine bm dy vignette designed by G. Cruikshank and etched by Joseph Goodyear, - and colored maps. 4to, original cloth. London: 8. Lewis & Co., 1837 First Epitron. Cohn, No. 471; Douglas, No. 1831. 257. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Scenes from the Life of Edward Lascelles, Gent. With 2 etched frontispieces and 2 etched titles by G. Crutk- iy, shank. 2 vols. 12mo, full calf, polished, gilt backs and tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE. Dublin, London, Edinburgh, 1837 First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 462; Douglas, No. 174. 258. CRUIKSHANK (GzorGE). The Original Wrapper (ront and Back of No. 1.) with illustration by G. Cruikshank, for Thier’s “History J of the French Revolution.” 8vo, enclosed in cloth folder, lettered. [London :] Richard Bentley [1837] First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 761; Douglas, No. 177.° This cover was identical for each of the parts, so that possession of one, is all that is necessary for the Cruikshank illustration. : 259. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). A Present for An Apprentice. To which is added, Franklin’s Way to Wealth. By A Citizen of London. En- aH graved vignette and frontisprece, after G. Cruikshank. 18mo, original green cloth, in cloth slip-case. London: Thomas Tegg & Son, 18388 . First Epition. Cohn, No. 646; Douglas, No. 616. The frontispiece is a fine engraving, in compartments, entitled,— “Keep within compass and you will be sure To avoid many troubles that others endure.” 260. CRuIKSHANK (GuoRGE). [Barker (M. H.).] Topsail-Sheet Blocks ; or, The Naval Foundling. By “The Old Sailor.” With 3 etched a frontispieces by G. Cruikshank. 3 vols. small 8vo, half calf, gilt 10, backs. London: Richard Bentley, 1838 First Eprtion. Cohn, No. 48; Douglas, No. 183. : 261. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). [Dickens (Charles).] Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi. Edited by “Boz.” With dlustrations (12 etchings), by % George Cruikshank, and a portrait of Grimaldi. 2 vols. 12mo, ORIGI- ~ LI, NAL PINK FLOWERED CLOTH, uncut. Name of former owner on blank leaves at front, the same name partly obliterated from both title-pages, rebound in original binding. London: Richard Bentley, 1838 First ISSUE OF THE First Epition. Cohn, No. 229; Douglas, No. 185. — Contains the 36pp. of Bentley’s advertisements at end of Vol. IL, and the last plate-—“The Last Song,” in the First STATE, without the border. Does not contain the “List of Plates” called for by both Cohn and Douglas. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 262. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). [Dickens (Charles).] More Hints on Eti- quette, for The Use of Society at large, and Young Gentlemen in Particular. With cuts by George Cruikshank. 16mo, original dark blue ribbed-cloth, with the cut of a gentleman, on front cover, gilt edges, name written on title. Enclosed, with protecting cloth wrap- Pa, gy per, in red morocco solander case, lettered on back, BY ROOT. , London: Charles Tilt, 1838 | THE EXCESSIVELY RARE First Epition. Cohn, No. 234; Douglas, No. 188. With the leaf of advertisement at front; also, the leaf of adver- tisement and the two-leaf slip of advertisement at end. UNIQUE COPY, WITH BOLD INSCRIPTION, ON FLY-LEAF, IN THE HAND- WRITING OF GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, reading,—‘From Geo. Cruikshank to his most esteemed friend W. H. Merle Esq. Feby. 23, 1838.” ONE OF THE EARLIER COPIES CIRCULATED. 263. CRUIKSHANK (GEorGE). [Dickens (Charles).] Oliver Twist; or, The Parish Boy’s Progress. By “Boz.” With 24 etchings by G. Cruik- shank. 3 vols. small 8vo, original brown cloth, uncut, strengthened 3 d and replaced in original bindings. London: Richard Bentley, 1838 FIRST ISSUE OF THE First EDITION IN BOOKFORM. With the original “Fireside” plate, and the 4pp. of advertisements in Vol. I. There is a half-title in Vols. I. and II., but not in Vol. III., in the latter, its place is taken by a leaf of advertisements. “With and without the list (of illustrations), both are genuine.”— JOHN C. ECKEL. Cohn, No. 231; Douglas, No. 180. 264. CrurksHANK (GEORGE). Glascock (Captain). Land Sharks and Sea Gulls. With 6 etchings by George Cruikshank. 3 vols. small 8vo, / half blue morocco, polished, gilt backs and tops, uncut, margins of Y. plates and of a few leaves slightly soiled. London: Richard Bentley, 1838 First Epirion. Cohn, No. 338; Douglas, No. 184. With leaf of advertisement at end of Vol. 3. 265. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Landscape-Historical Illustrations of Scotland, and the Waverley Novels. From drawings by J. M. W. Turner, 5Sv comic illustrations by G. Cruikshank. 2 vols. in one, 4to, leather, - worn, some pages soiled. London: Fisher, Son, & Co. [1838] First Epirion in Booxrorm. Cohn, No. 700; Douglas, No. 162. 266. CRUIKSHANK (GuoRGE). Lympsfield and its Environs, being a series of views, with descriptions, of that village and objects of interest in its vicinity [With Introductory Note, signed “H. G.”]; and THE ‘ Onp Oak CHatr, a Ballad. With illustrations by George Cruik- ; shank. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY ZAEHNSDORF. Westerham: Henry George, 1838: First Eprtion. THE VERY RARE LARGE PAPER ISSUE, With plates on India paper. Autograph inscription,—‘‘From the Publisher to his Sister.” Cohn, No. 506; Douglas, No. 189. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February Sth aa hdeadaesealaerhehaiat ie aeRO ER EES EMEA SES 267. CRUIKSHANK (GEoRGE). lLympsfield and its Environs, being a series of views, with descriptions, of that village and objects of interest in its vicinity; and The Old Oak Chair, a Ballad. With dlustra- A tions by George Cruikshank. 8vo, original cloth, paper label on front cover. Westerham: Henry George, 1838 First Epirion. Cohn, No. 506; Douglas, No. 189. ‘ The 12 lithographs illustrative of “Lympsfield” are not by Cruik- shank, but the four woodcuts in “The Old Oak Chair,” are by him. 268. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). The Strange Gentleman; a Comic Burletta, in Two Acts, by “Boz.” (Charles Dickens.) First performed at The St. James’s Theatre, on Thursday, September 29, 1836. CoLoRED 5 SO frontispiece by F. W. Pailthorpe, and one etching by George Cruik- ~ shank. 12mo, half red levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, wrappers bound in BY TOUT. London, 1838 | reissue | This is the re-issue with the Pailthorpe plate, etched after 1878. 269. OrvIKSHANK (GxorGE). Ainsworth (W. Harrison). Jack Sheppard. With illustrations (2% etchings) by George Cruikshank, and a por- trait of the author. 3 vols. small 8vo, original green cloth, uncut, 5+ bindings rubbed at corners, some margins slightly soiled. 5 a ae London: Richard Bentley, 1839 First Epition. Cohn, No. 11; Douglas, No. 190. RARE IN THE ORIGINAL cLoTH. Owing to its popularity, copies of this work are more or less badly defaced. 270. CrUIKSHANK (GrorcE). Bowring (John). Minor Morals for Young People. Illustrated in Tales and Travels. With engravings by George Cruikshank and William Heath. {Part I.| contains frontis- /") piece by Cruikshank and 8 plates by Heath, Part Il. has 5 etchings ‘and Part III. 6 etchings, all by Cruikshank, and signed. 3 vols. 12mo, half red calf, polished, gilt backs and tops, uncut, original paper labels inserted. London: [Parts I and II.] Whittaker and Co., 1834-1830 [Part III.| William Tait, 1839 First Epirion OF ALL PARTS. Cohn, No. 83; Douglas, No. 150. Complete with all the plates. FINE Copy. 271. CrurksHank (GrorcE). Chemistry no Mystery; or, A Lecturer’s Be- quest. Arranged from the Original Manuscripts, and Revised by John Scoffern. Frontispiece and vignette on title by George Cruik- shank, and illustrations by other artists. 16mo, original blue cloth. Bx a slight stain on corner of plate and title, inscription on blank leaf. [>?, London: Harvey and Darton, 1839 First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 698; Douglas, No. 193. 272. CrurksHaNK (GrorGE). [Dickens and Thackeray.]| The Loving Ballad of Lord Bateman. Illustrated by George Cruikshank, with 11 eteh- ings, all designed by him, and a page of music. 12mo, each page [Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February Sth [No. 272—Continued | of text and each plate mounted (four on one leaf), and extended to 4to, size, half morocco. London: Charles Tilt, 1839 First Epirion. Cohn, No. 235; Douglas, No. 196. With the page-numbers in centre of page, as should be. The printer’s name on back of title and on last leaf is “Clarke, Printers, Silver Street, Falcon Square, London.” The original green cover is bound in. There is also a series of COLORED impressions (four to the page, unseparated) of the plates, bound in, opposite of the plain plates. : , 2724. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The same. Wath 11 plates and one plate of é music. 12mo, original green cloth, shaken. London: David Bogue, 1851 / { 273. CRUIKSHANK (GzorGE). [Irving (Washington).| Salmagundi. New : Edition corrected and revised by the author. Woodcuts by George 42. Cruikshank. 16mo, half calf. London: Thomas Tegg, 1839 Cohn, No. 425; Douglas, No. 194. 274. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). [Mogridge (George).| Sergeant Bell, and His Raree-Show. Hmbellished with woodcuts, by Crwukshank, Thompson, Williams, etc. 18mo, original cloth. 7 London: Thomas Tegg, 1839 + First Epirion. Cohn, No. 551; Douglas, No. 195. Several of the woodcuts are by G. Cruikshank, the frontispiece and vignette on title are the only ones here first printed. Charles Dickens is supposed to have been connected with the literary part of the work. Cohn places the same under Mogridge, with the following remarks,— “ . . although Dickens proposed to write the book, the idea fell through, and it was eventually written by Mogridge .. .” 275. CrurksHank (GrorcE). The Life of Mansie Waugh, Tailor in Dal- keith. Written by himself. A New Edition, revised and greatly Re enlarged. With eight illustrations by George Cruickshank (sic.) if &» 12mo, red calf, polished, richly decorated gilt back, gilt top, uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1839 First EDITION WITH THESE ILLUSTRATIONS. Cohn, No. 474; Douglas, No. 192. 276. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). Ainsworth (William Harrison). The Tower of London. A Historical Romance. With 40 etchings and 58 wood- | 2 ry cuts, by George Cruikshank. 8vo, light calf, gilt back, elaborately ~& . tooled, triple fillet border on sides, gilt edges, BY LLOYD. London: Richard Bentley, 1840 First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 18; Douglas, No. 197. 277. CRUIKSHANK (GxorGH). [Thackeray (William Makepeace).] “An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank” [Westminister Review. pp. 60.] With 14 full-page etchings and numerous woodcuts by George Cruikshank. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. ‘iz [London, 1840] First EDITIon. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th Soe eee 978. ORUIKSHANK (GBoRcE). The Gipsy Mother, or The Miseries of Hn- 20. forced Marriages, by the authoress of “Emily Moreland, Rosaline Woodbridge, &c.” Hngraved title and 26 engravings by various artists, all illustrative of the story, two of the plates,— Mr. Levison lay on the floor in strong convulsions,” page 49, and “A pretty night's work you have made you ungractous rascal,” page 165, are by George Cruikshank, one of them signed “Crutkshanks.” 8vo, half brown polished morocco, gilt back and top, BY ZAEHNSDORP. London [1840] VeRY RARE. UNKNOWN TO DovuGLAs, MARCHMONT, CoHN AND REID. This is Lord Mexborough’s copy, with his bookplate. There is also the leather book label of “Ellen Sears, 1848.” The title has, at top, “Vie- toria Edition of Original Copyright Works.” . 979, CRUIKSHANK (GxorcE). [Barham (Richard Harris).] The Ingoldsby loo , Legends, or Mirth and Marvels. By “Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire.” Illustrated with 19 spirited etchings, 8 of which are by George Cruikshank, and the remainder by John Leech. 3 vols. small 8vo, original cloth, uncut, edges of bindings rubbed, a few margins of text and plates slightly soiled. London: Richard Bentley, 1840, 1842, 1847 First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 44; Douglas, No. 198. The Genuine first issue, with the blank page 236, but without the small slip relating to the same. 280. CRUIKSHANK (Gror@E). Ainsworth (William Harrison). Guy Fawkes ; 281. CruriksHANK (GrorcE). Cockton (Henry). Stanley Thorn. With nu- /, or, The Gunpowder Treason. An Historical Romance. With alus- trations (22 etchings) by George Cruikshank. 3 vols. small 8yo, ori- ginal brown cloth, uncut. Enclosed in cloth slip-case. Edges of bindings slightly rubbed, a few of the margins somewhat soiled. London: Richard Bentley, 1841 First EpItion IN BOOK-FoRM. Cohn, No. 15; Douglas, No. 208. Although slightly soiled, this copy is nevertheless a desirable one, as the work is VERY RARE in the original cloth and uncut; many copies, on account of the great popularity of the novel, having in the course of time, become badly mutilated. merous illustrations, designed by Cruikshank, Leech, etc., and en- graved by Yeager. 8vo, cloth, somewhat foxed. Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1841 — First AMERICAN Epitron, issued the same year as the First English Edition. Joseph Yeager was engraving and etching in Philadelphia, 1816-1845. He made copies of etchings by Cruikshank and other English artists, for American reprints of books illustrated by them. 282. CRUIKSHANK (GEorGE). Dibdin (T.). Songs of Charles Dibdin. With } 12 etchings by G. Cruikshank. Second Edition. 16mo, cloth, un- cut. London: John Murray, 1841 This edition contains 328 pages. isp hee Per is Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 983. CrUIKSHANK (GxOoRGE). Dickens (Charles—EKditor). The Pic Nic Papers. With illustrations (14) by George Cruikshank, “Phiz,” and others. 38 vols. small 8vo, full green polished morocco, gilt ova backs and tops, triple fillet lines on sides, uncut, original cloth «©°* covers used as doublures for back of each volume, original cloth back pasted in front of each volume, By GriEvE. Three of the plates have been rehinged, one plate has margins repaired. London: Henry Colburn, 1841 First Eprtron. Cohn, No. 228; Douglas, No. 202. Only 2 of the plates are by Cruikshank. 284, CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). George Cruikshank’s Omnibus. Ldited by Laman Blanchard. Illustrated with 100 engravings on steel and wood (22 and 78 respectively), by George Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, a IN THE ORIGINAL 9 PARTS, WITH ALL THE WRAPPERS, uncut. With /Gs - cloth folder, enclosed in cloth solander case, gilt morocco back, BY ROOT & SON. Three small tears in back. London: Tilt & Bogue, May, 1841—January, 1842 FINE Copy OF THE FIRST EDITION, AS ISSUED, IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS, WITH ALL THE ADVERTISEMENTS AND SPECIAL FEATURES REQUIRED BY THE COLLECTOR, including “Our Preface,” “A Few Words to the Public,” “Table of Contents,” “List of Illustrations,” and the ExTRA LEAF in No. 8 to be used for cancelling the same leaf in No. 7. Cohn, No. 184; Douglas, No. 206. A MOST INTERESTING COPY FROM THE COLLECTION OF CRUIKSHANK’S OLD FRIEND AND FAMILY bDocTOR, PETTIGREW, with the following additional features,— No. I. Laid in is a sheet from the advertisements to “Ainsworth’s Magazine,” on which is a woodcut by George Cruikshank, adver- tising “The Omnibus.” This woodcut appears on the cloth covers of the bound edition. The gentleman assisting the stout woman is a portrait of G. Cruikshank, while the driver is a portrait of Laman Blanchard, the Editor of “The Omnibus.” No. II. The wrapper of this part, has the illustration partly col- ored, evidently an experiment on the part of George Cruikshank to see how the colored cover would go. No. III. THIs IS A UNIQUE copy, being a presentation copy to Mr. Upcott, the famous bibliographer and autograph collector, with an AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION on the wrapper, by George Cruik- shank, a fine and bold inscription, reading,— “U. Upcott Esq. with the regards of Geo. Cruikshank.” In a letter from G. Cruikshank, to Charles Dickens, regard- ing this work, Cruikshank writes as follows,— “T have introduced the ‘Postboy’ to the ‘Conductor, of the ‘Omnibus’ & hope he may get a Sitivation, for I think you know that I am, like yourself, always ready to lend a helping hand to those who want it.” [See Frontispiece for reproduction of wrapper | 285. ORUIKSHANK (GrorcE). Ainsworth (William Harrison). The Miser’s Daughter, a Tale. With illustrations (20 etchings) by George Cruikshank. 3 vols. small 8vo, original cloth, uncut, bindings worn /}, and plates somewhat foxed. London: Cunningham and Mortimer, 1842 First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 16; Douglas, No. 208. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 986. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Ainsworth’s Magazine: a Miscellany of Ro- mance, General Literature and Art. Edited by William Harrison Ainsworth. Vols. 1 to 10 [February, 1842 to December, 1846, in- clusive.}| Illustrated with numerous full-page etchings and en- “rs gravings, of which 68 are by G. Cruikshank, including tlustrations {/¥ to “The Miser’s Daughter,’ “Windsor Castle,” “Guy Fawkes,” “The Elliston Papers,’ etc. There are also a number of plates by “Phage Together, 10 vols. 8vo, ORIGINAL PARTS, WITH ALL THE WRAPPERS, uncut. Each volume protected by a cloth folder, and enclosed in cloth slip-case, leather lettered labels. London, 1842-1846 AN UNUSUALLY FINE SET, including the greater portion of “The Adver- tiser,” and all the plates. The first six and the ninth volumes are the only ones which contain the Cruikshank plates, consequently, the present is all that is necessary for the Cruikshank Collector. The first six volumes are RARE. The volumes are seldom found in as fine condition as the above. Cohn, No. 17; Douglas, No. 207. 287, CrUIKSHANK (GEorGE). Jerrold (Douglas). Cakes and Ale. Hitched title and frontispiece to each volume, by G. Crutkshank. 2 vols. ie 12mo, light calf, gilt backs, leather labels, gilt tops, uncut, original She cloth covers bound in, BY RIVIERE. : London: How and Parsons, 1842 First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 435; Douglas, No. 210. FINE copy. 288. CrurKsHANK (GEoRGE). O’Neill (John). The Drunkard. A Poem. Portrait, and 4 etchings by G. Cruikshank. 12mo, calf, gilt tooled back, leather labels, sides with fillet and dotted border, gilt edges, © 5 BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: Tilt and Bogue, 1842 First Eprtion. Cohn, No. 592; Douglas, No. 211. This copy has the leaf advertising works by Cruikshank; but lacks the other 16 pages of advertisements. SS 289. ORUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Ainsworth (W. Harrison). Windsor Castle. An Historical Romance. New Edition. . Illustrated by George Crutk- shank and Tony Johannot, with designs on wood by W. Alfred Dela- motte. vo, maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt back, sides with -», 9) triple fillet border and corner ornaments, gilt top, inside border, 54 < uncut, original cloth back and front cover bound in, BY TOUT. London: Henry Colburn, 1843 First ocravo EDITION. Cohn, No. 20; Douglas, No. 213. Extra-ILLUSTRATED with 37 portraits and plates. The illustrations contained in the work, include 14 steel etchings by George Cruikshank. Only three plates by him appeared in the first edition. ; 290. CrurksHANK (GeEorGE). [Barham (R. H. D.).] Martin’s Vagaries; being a Sequel to “A Tale of a Tub,” recently Discovered at the ; University of Oxford. With 2 etchings and a woodcut by G. Crutk- ) © shank. 12mo, original stiff yellow paper wrapper, with printed title and woodcut. Plates have margins soiled. London: A. H. Baily & Co., 1843 First Eprtion. Cohn, No. 516; Douglas, No. 215. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th ET IS Sl a ale eta 291. CruIKSHANK (GEORGE). [Gore (Mrs. C. F.).] Modern Chivalry: or, A New Orlando Furioso. With illustrations (4 etchings and vignette = on each title-page), by G. Cruikshank. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards /? and labels, uncut, back of Vol. I. slightly chipped at top, margin of plates lightly spotted. London: John Mortimer, 1843 Frrst Epirion. Cohn, No. 341; Douglas, No. 216. 292. OrvIKsHANK (GxorcE). A’Beckett (Gilbert Abbott). The Comic Blackstone of “Punch.” With illustrations by Cruikshank. 12mo, 4 half morocco, with embossed stamp and bookplate of George S. « Gibson, Jr. Philadelphia: Carey and Hart, 1844 This is Part I. of the work, published the same year in England, as the first edition. The engraved frontispiece and title are both from the originals of George Cruikshank, having been pirated, and engraved by A. Koellner, and printed by P. S. Duval. > 293. CRUIKSHANK (GrorcE). Ainsworth (William Harrison). Saint James’s: or The Court of Queen Anne. An Historical Romance. . With illustrations (9 etchings) by George Cruikshank. 3 vols. small “0. 8vo, original boards and labels, uncut, each volume protected by cloth wrapper and enclosed in straight-grained green morocco so- lander case, lettered on backs, By Roor & sons. Bindings slightly rubbed at hinges. London: John Mortimer, 1844 First Epirion. Cohn, No. 18; Douglas, No. 224. RARE IN THE ORIGINAL BOARDS. 294. CRUIKSHANK (GzorGE). Maginn (William). John Manesty, the Liver- pool Merchant. With illustrations (six etchings), by George Orurk- shank. 2 vols. small 8vo, vellum, gilt backs, fillet borders, uncut, MG, BY MORRELL. A few margins slightly soiled. London: John Mortimer, 1844 First Eprition. Cohn, No. 509; Douglas, No. 219. From the collection of Captain Douglas. No. 390 in his sale’s catalogue. 295. CRUIKSHANK (GxEorGE). The Bachelor’s Own Book: being the Progress of Mr. Lambkin in the Pursuit of Pleasure and Amusement, and also in Search of Health and Hapiness. With engraved title-page >, anda series of 24 scenes etched on 12 plates by George Cruikshank, ' the plates plain, not colored. Oblong 12mo, half morocco, original illustrated front wrapper bound in. [London:] Designed Etched & Published by George Cruik- shank, August Ist, 1844 First Epirion. Cohn, No. 185; Douglas, No. 223. 296. CRUIKSHANK (GzorGE). Adshead (Joseph). Prisons and Prisoners. Etched frontispiece,—“Newgate—Prison Discipline,’ by G. Crutk- lg shank, and 2 other plates, not by Cruikshank. 8vo, original green : [Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th . a [No. 296—Continued | cloth, uncut and partly unopened, small tear in back of cover, fron- tispiece cut down and mounted. London: Longman (ete.), 1845 First Eprrion. Has the rare leaf of Hrrata, not included in pagina- tion given by Cohn. Cohn, No. 4; Douglas, No. 229. The above is a presentation copy, with the following autograph in- scription, by the author,—‘T’o the Editor of the Glasgow Examiner, From the Author.” 297. CRUIKSHANK (GzorGE). Adshead (Joseph). Prisons and Prisoners. With etched frontismece by George Cruikshank, and 2 other illus- oy trations, not by him. 8vo, original blue cloth, uneut and mostly » unopened. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1845 First Epitron. Cohn, No. 4; Douglas, No. 229. 298. CRUIKSHANK (GzoRGE). Gore (Mrs. C. F.). The Snow Storm, a Christmas Story. With illustrations (8) by Geo. Cruikshank. 12mo, 7 original blue cloth, gilt design on back and front cover, gilt edges, s margin of plates with light spots, signature of Crawford J. Powell J, on inside front cover. London: Fisher, Son, & Co. [1845] First Epirion. Cohn, No. 342; Douglas, No. 231. 299. CruIKSHANK (GkEoRGE). [Lever (Charles).] Arthur O’Leary: His Wanderings and Ponderings in Many Lands. Illustrated (with 10 etchings, including a portrait) by George Cruikshank. 8vo, half / ealf, gilt back and top, uncut, a few margins slightly soiled. G, London: Henry Colburn, 1845 FIRST OCTAVO EDITION. Cohn, No. 470; Douglas, No. 221. 300. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Maxwell:(W. H.). History of the Irish Re- bellion in 1798; with Memoirs of the Union, and Emmett’s In- surection in 1803. Portraits of Lord Cornwallis, Robert Emmett /1V and others, and numerous spirited etchings by George Orutkshank. ’ IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS (XV. in 12), with ALL THE WRAPPERS AND ADVERTISEMENTS, UNcuT. Enclosed in green silk folder and green levant morocco solander case, BY ROOT & SON. London: A. H. Baily & Co., 1845 First Epition. Cohn, No. 525; Douglas, No, 227. The Samuel H. Austin Copy. With the exception that new backs and several small portions of wrappers have been skilfully supplied, and some inconsiderable writing on two covers, a VERY FINE SET. Dx- ceedingly rare in the original parts. There are 27 plates, of which 21 are by G. Cruikshank. 301. CruriksHANK (GzEORGE). The General Reciter; a Unique Selection of the most Admired and Popular Readings and Recitations: including i Dramatic Scenes, Tales, Odes, Orations. Frontispiece by George Cruikshank, and woodcuts by another artist. 12mo, full light calf, [Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th [No. 301—Continued | polished, gilt back, sides with double fillet border and corner orna- ments, gilt top, uncut, BY ROOT & SON. ORIGINAL BLUE CLOTH COVERS bound in. Halifax: Printed and Published by William Milner, 1845 UNKNOWN TO CoHN AND DovucLas, who give as the first edition with these illustrations, the issue of 1846. 302. CrurksHANK- (GrorGE). Blanchard (Laman). Sketches from Life. 7 With a Memoir of the Author, by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton. Hm- bellished with a portrait, after a drawing by Daniel Maclise, and ef" So several wood engravings, from designs by George Cruskshank, Kenny Meadows and Frank Stone. 3 vols. small 8vo, original brown cloth, uncut, two backs slightly torn. London: Henry Colburn, 1846 First Hpition. Cohn, No. 73; Douglas, No. 237. 303. CruiksHank (GEoRGE). “Gore (Mrs. C. F.). New Year’s Day, a Win- ter’s Tale. With illustrations (4 etchings) by George Cruikshank. i 16mo, original cloth, gilt edges, margins of plates slightly foxed. London: Fisher, Son, & Co. [1846] First Epirion. Cohn, No. 348; Douglas, No. 282. With the § pages of advertisements. 304. CrurksHANK (GerorcE). Head (Sir Francis B.). The Emigrant. 12mo, ORIGINAL BOARDS, with design on front and back cover, by G. Cruikshank, uncut. Cloth wrapper, in leather slip-case. Slightly é ’ rubbed at edges, and few margins foxed. London: John Murray, 1846 First EpITionN. VeERY RARE. Cohn, No. 372. Not in Douglas. The work is very difficult to procure in fine shape, owing to the nature of the board covers on which the design is printed. A political history of the writer’s administration in Canada. 305. OrviKsHaNK (GEORGE). Our Own Times.- With 4 etchings and 34 glyphographs and woodcuts, by G. Cruikshank. The four parts [April to July, 1846, without wrappers] bound in one vol. 8vo, calf, / /. polished, gilt tooled back, fillet borders on sides, ailt edges, BY MORRELL. (London: Bradbury & Evans, 1846] First Epirion. : Cohn, No. 186; Douglas, No. 235. Bound from the original parts (all published), without the wrappers. No title-page, the caption “Our Own Times” appearing at top of the first page. 306. CruiksHANK (Grorcr). [Chamerozow (L. A.).] The Yule Log, for Everybody’s Christmas Hearth. By the author of “The Chronicles / of the Bastile.” Illustrated by George Cruikshank ; with 4 etchings, illustrated title and one woodcut in text. 16mo, original blue cloth, gilt, gilt edges, plates slightly foxed. London: T. C. Newby, 1847 First Epirion. Cohn, No. 123; Douglas, No. 241. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th pndiatatialbina ne nOicahahs edie Se ETT Rae 307. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Good Genius that Turned Everything Into Gold, or the Queen Bee and the Magic Dress, a Christmas Fairy Tale. By The Brothers Mayhew. With ilustrations (8) by George /, /. Cruikshank. 12mo, full polished calf, gilt back, fillet borders, gilt top, BY RIVIERE. London: David Bogue, 1847 First Eprtion. Cohn, No. 526; Douglas, No. 239. With leaf of advertisement at end. 308. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Greatest Plague of Life: or The Adyen- tures of a Lady in Search of a Good Servant. Edited by the Brothers Mayhew. Illustrated (with 12 etchings) by G. Crutk- | shank. 12mo, half light calf, gilt back and top, four margins slightly S soiled. London: David Bogue {1847 | First Epition. Cohn, No. 527; Douglas, No. 238. Bound from the original parts, but without the advertisements. 309. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Sinks of London Laid Open. CoLorEp frontis- 50 piece and humorous illustrations by George Cruikshank. 12mo, [?" doth. London, 1848 [Reprint] 310. CruIKSHANK (GEoRGE). Whom to Marry and How to Get Married! or, The Adventures of a Lady in Search of a Good Husband. Edited by the Brothers Mayhew. Illustrated (with 12 etchings and vignette ¢ ) on title) by George Cruikshank. 12mo, original brown cloth, mar- gins of plates slightly soiled, small embossed stamp on title. London: David Bogue [1848] First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 528; Douglas, No. 244. 311. CrurksHANK (GrorGE). [Clarke (Mary Cowden).] Kit Bam’s Ad- ventures. With 4 etchings by G. Cruikshank. 16mo, half calf, / , marbled edges, plates soiled, binding rubbed. London: Grant and Griffith, 1849 First Epirton. Cohn, No. 186; Douglas, No. 247. 312. CrurksHANK (GxEorcE). Reach (Angus B.). Clement Lorimer; or, The Book with the Iron Clasps. A Romance. Illustrations (12 rep etchings) by George Cruikshank. 12mo, half blue morocco, gilt * back and top. London: David Bogue, 1849 First Epitrion. Cohn, No. 658; Douglas, No. 249. 313. CruiksHaNK (GEORGE). Basile (Giambattista). The Pentamerone, or the Story of Stories, Fun for the Little Ones. Second Edition. I1- Uf , lustrations by George Cruikshank, colored by hand. 12mo, half morocco, gilt back and top. London: David Bogue, 1850 314. CrurksHANK (GuorGE). Stop Thief; or, Hints to Housekeepers to Pre- vent Housebreaking. By George Cruikshank. With woodcuts by 2 * S) Cruikshank. 8yvo, red leather, polished. is London: Printed and published for the Author, by Bradbury & Evans [1851] First Epirion. Cohn, No. 201; Douglas. No. 536. Presentation copy, with autograph inscription by the author, reading,— “To the Editor of the York Herald with the Compts. of Geo. Cruikshank.” Been, S Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 315. CrurksHANK (GEORGE). “Common Sense” on the Domestic Habits of the People. With six illustrations, by George Cruikshank. 12mo, po? half calf, gilt back, original wrapper and advertisements bound in. = London: Charles Gilpin, 1852 First Eprrrion. Cohn, No. 151; Douglas, No. 257. The advertisements include the blue slip and 8pp. buff paper. 316. OrvIKSHANK (GrEoRGE). “Common Sense” on the Domestic Habits of the People. With six illustrations, by George Cruskshank. 12mo, 6 original printed wrappers. With cloth folder, in cloth slip-case. London: Charles Gilpin, 1852 First Epirion. Cohn, No. 151; Douglas, No. 257. The advertisements include the blue slip and the eight pages of buff paper. RARE IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS. 317. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Pettigrew (T. J.). On a Roman Urn Found in Charnwood Forest. With colored etching, by G. Cruikshank. /, 8vo, pp. 4, new wrappers, in cloth folder, lettered up back, VU - _[ London, 1852] First Epirion. Cohn, No. 34; Douglas, No. 1835. The above is an excerpt taken from Vol. 7 of the “Archeological Association Journal.” The date is taken from Cohn. Douglas gives same as 1840. 318. CrurksHANK (GrorGE). Pledge of the Band of Hope Temperance So- ciety. With the following inscription,—“Pledge. I agree to abstain from all Intoxicating Liquors as a beverage and to dis- countenance the Causes & Practises of the Intemperance” [Line 4sp for name of member, not filled in] “Is a member of the Band of = Ty Hope.— 18 Secy.” Designed & etched by George Cruvkshank— Total “Abstainer from all Intoxicating Liquors, and Tobacco.—” Printed & Published by John Jordison, Middlesboro on Tees. Size of sheet, 414 by 7% inches. Mounted in sunken mat, and bound in half crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, BY SANGORSKI & SUT- CLIFFE. Middlesboro on Tees [1852 | EXCEEDINGLY SCARCE. Similar to Reid, No. 2548, but without the addi- tional words ‘‘Temperance Society.” AN UNUSED COPY. This pledge is composed of seven vignettes, the centre one, above the inscription as given above, represents Faith supporting the Bible on her knee, and patronising Bands of Hope; the other six show contrast be- tween temperance and drunkenness. This is 2 FINISHED IMPRESSION of the earlier state of the plate, which was designed and etched by Cruikshank for the Temperance Society, in 1852. For a description of the original drawing of this plate, see, Austin catalogue, No. 330. 319. CrurksHANK (GEorGE). Stowe (Harriet Beecher). Uncle Tom’s Cabin. With 27 illustrations on wood, by G. Cruikshank. Small 8vo, half straight-grained morocco, gilt back and top, BY ZAEHNSDORF. /3 London: John Cassell, 1852 First EpItioN WITH THESE ILLUSTRATIONS. Cohn, No. 747; Douglas, No. 259. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 320. CRUIKSHANK (GxorcE). The Betting-Book. With 5 woodcuts by George Cruikshank. Second Edition.. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt / Sy top, original wrappers bound in. London: W. & F. G. Cash, 1852 First EDITION WITH PLATE. Cohn, No. 67; Douglas, No. 537. | Bound in, the following tract by M. L. Weems,—“The Drunkard’s Look- ing Glass.” With woodcuts. Printed (in America) for the Author, 1818. 321. CrurksHANK (GrorcE). The British Journal. No. 4. April, 1852. 8vo, original wrapper. In cloth folder, lettered up back. PAU London: Aylott & Jones, 1852 Jr 3 First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 87; Douglas, No. 253. a Fine copy, with advertisement. The design on wrapper of “Britannia and Her Children,” is by G. Cruikshank. Twelve parts in all were issued. 992. CRruIKSHANK (GuorGE). The Temperance Offering: consisting of Es- says, Tales, and Poetry, Furnished Gratuitously by Eminent Tem- Rt perance Writers. Edited by James Silk Buckingham, Esq. Htched Y & i frontispiece by G. Cruikshank. Square 16mo, original yellow printed wrapper, with cloth cover. London: W. Tweedie [1852] First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 758; Douglas, No. 256. 323. ORUIKSHANK (GrorGE). Fairy Library. Complete Set, as follows,— No. 1. George Cruikshank’s Fairy Library. Hor-O’My-THUMB, and The Seven-League Boots. Hdtted and illustrated, with sva etchings by George Cruikshank. Small 4to, original illustrated aC. wrappers. . London: David Bogue [1853] GENUINE ORIGINAL ISSUE, With the correct advertisement,—“Preparing for Publication,” on back wrapper. List of plate at end of volume. AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION BY CRUIKSHANK, on title, reading,—“ With the Compliments of Geo. Cruikshank.” No. 2. George Oruikshank’s Fairy Library. THs History oF Jack & THE BEANSTALK. Edited and illustrated with sia etchings by George Cruikshank. Small 4to, original illustrated wrappers. London: David Bogue [1854] GENUINE ORIGINAL ISSUE, With the correct advertisement on back,— “Already Published . . . Preparing for Publication, No, HIE 65 ’ List of plates before title. : No. 3. George Cruikshank’s Fairy Library. CINDERELLA and the Glass Slipper. Edited and illustrated with ten subjects, designed and etched on steel, by George Cruikshank. Small 4to, original il- lustrated wrappers. London: David Bogue [1854] GENUINE ORIGINAL ISSUE, with the correct advertisement on back wrap- per advertising the two preceding numbers. Contains the Address by Cruikshank (three pages at end), referring to Mrs. Stowe and Charles © Dickens. [Continued [Ezé ON] ‘T ‘ON 0} ddoIdsyQUOIy puBw osBd-9]}1} JO B[IWIISOBJ Ppson poy AUVUAIT AVIVA AHL AO LAG ALWIAWOD MNVHSMINWO ADUOWS - AAAULS LAATA 98 “ANDOd GIAVG _ >NOGNOT | : UNVHSYINUO TOUO: SONIHOGA XIS Hii C4LVUISATH ONY CALIGs Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th [No. 823—Continued | | No. 4. George Cruikshank’s Fairy Library. Puss 1n Boots. Edited and illustrated with etchings (6, one or more designs on each plate) on steel, by George Cruikshank. Small 4to, original illustrated wrappers. London: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge [1864] GENUINE ORIGINAL ISSUE, with the same imprint on wrapper as on title-page, and the correct Address by G. Cruikshank, on inside of front cover. Together, 4 vols. small 4to, original illustrated green wrappers. Protected by red silk folder, in one red levant morocco solander case, panelled backs, gilt, gilt lettering, BY SANGORSKI & SUT- CLIFFE. London, 1853-1864 COMPLETE SET, PERFECT THROUGHOUT, OF THE GENUINE FIRST ISSUED OF ALL THE VOLUMES. WITH THE ADDED INTEREST OF A PRESENTATION IN- SCRIPTION BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. The first state of any of these books is very difficult to procure, especially those of “Jack and the Bean Stalk” and of “Puss in Boots.” ONE OF THE FINEST SETS EVER OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE IN AMERICA. Douglas, No. 268; Cohn, Nos. 191 to 194, inclusive. [See Reproduction of Title-Page and Plate to No. 1] 324. OruIKSHANK (GEorGE). [Hoskyns (C. W.).] Talpa: or the Chronicles of a Clay Farm. With 24 vignette illustrations by G. Crutkshank. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, corners worn. / London: Reeve & Co., 1853 Second Hdition. With advertisements (1 leaf at front and 2 leaves at back) by Reeve and Co. 325. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). .Original Advertisement Leaf, One page, with woodcut vignette, by George Cruikshank, beneath which is the announcement, commencing,—“On January 2, 1854, will be pub- jv lished, price One Shilling, with illustrations on Steel and on Wood, - Part I. of Grorce CRUIKSHANK’S Macazine. Conducted by Frank BH. Smedley (Frank Fairlegh). . . .” 8vo sheet, in leather folder. London: David Bogue [1853] ORIGINAL ADVERTISEMENT. Only 2 numbers of the Magazine were pub- lished. The woodcut was used later, on the cover of the magazine. RARE. 326. CRUIKSHANK (GrorcE). The Glass and the New Crystal Palace. Wood- cuts by George Cruikshank (the author). 8vo, sewed, with original > sv front wrapper. Enclosed in cloth folder. London: J. Cassell, 1853 First Epirion. Cohn, No. 204; Douglas, No. 538. 327. ORUIKSHANK (GuorcE). The House that Jack Built. Wath 12 cuts by George Cruikshank. [Contains 4 pages of Notes.] 4to, paper, in cloth folder, lettered on front cover. v London: W. Tweedie [1853] RARE ISste. Unknown to Cohn, and not cited in the Douglas Bibliog- raphy, though a copy appeared in the latter’s sale’s catalogue, No. 162. [Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th [No. 82%—Continued | The last leaf contains an advertisement relative to the publication of the first number of a “New Work” to be published “on the first of January, 1854;” also a notice by the artist relative to this “Penny Edition of the House that Jack Built, principally intended for the use and in- struction of grown-up babies.” Cruikshank also announces the “First Part” of his “Fairy Library.” It would appear from the above that this edition is an earlier issue than the 8vo, edition cited by Douglas, No. 539 and Cohn, No. 205. 328, CRUIKSHANK (GrorcE). The Tourist’s Illustrated Hand-Book for Ire- land. With numerous engravings, from drawings by Crutkshank, — Crowquill, Lover, Mahony, eic., and a profusion of mmor illustra- ) tions. 12mo, original green paper boards, with woodeut by Crutk- 4) shank. Cloth protecting folder, in cloth slip-case, lettered. The /' edges of binding slightly rubbed. London: Printed for the Railway Companies (etc.), 1853 First Eprtion. Cohn, No. 768; Douglas, No. 262. Although the edges of the binding are somewhat rubbed, it will be very difficult to find a more perfect copy than the above, WHICH IS IN THE ORIGINAL BOARDS, and necessary in this state, as the cover contains an original illustration by George Cruikshank. 329. OrvIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Uncle Tom’s Cabin Almanack or Abo- litionist Memento. With 3 woodcuts by G. Cruskshank, and numer- Z 0, nal pictorial wrappers, with cloth folder, lettered up back. London: John Cassell, 1853 Frest Epition. Cohn, No. 780; Douglas, No. 260. Fine copy, with all the advertisements. 330. ORUIKSHANK (GrorcE). [Ellis (Mrs.).] My Brother, or The Man of Many Friends. By An Old Author. Woodcut frontismece by G. | Cruikshank. 16mo, original red cloth, gilt back and edges. if London: Sampson, Low & Son, 1855 : First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 257; Douglas, No. 268. This copy contains a leaf of advertisement of “Illustrated Presentation Books published by Low,” dated, December, 1854; which is part of the last signature, and which is not mentioned by eifher Cohn or Douglas. FINE COPY. 331, CRUIKSHANK (GxorGE). [Ellis (Mrs.).] My Brother, or The Man of Many Friends.. By “An Old Author.” Woodcut frontispiece, am “two compartments, by T. Williams, after G. Cruikshank. 12mo, half red calf, polished, gilt back and edges. London: Sampson, Low, & Son, 1855 First: Eprtion. Cohn, No. 257; Douglas, No. 268. ous illustrations by H. K. Brown, J. Gilbert, and others. S8vo, origi- . a ay ah anette ieee Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 332. CRUIKSHANK (GzORGE). Midnight Scenes and Social Photographs: be- ing Sketches of Life in the Streets, Wynds, and Dens of the City. By Shadow. With a frontispiece by George Cruikshank. 12mo, /so original boards with design, binding worn, and few margins soiled. - Glasgow: Thomas Murray and Son, 1855 First Epirron. Cohn, No. 540; Douglas, No. 276. With 2 separate leaves of advertisements at end. $33. CRUIKSHANK (GEorGE). The Book of Spurs. . . Forming a Catalogue to The Collection of J. James, F.S.A. With 2 etchings by G. RE Orutkshank, and several lithographs after Percy Cruikshank. 8vo, E54 half calf, original wrappers bound in, By woop. me P No place [1855] First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 80. The Douglas Copy, No. 67 in his sale’s catalogue. 334, CRUIKSHANK (GroRGE). [Dickens (Charles).| Sketches by Boz. New Edition. With 40 etchings by G. Cruikshank. 8vo, half morocco, 9 gilt back, marbled edges, binding rubbed. London: Chapman and Hall, 1856 335. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). Pardoe (Miss). Lady Arabella: or The Ad- ventures of a Doll. Illustrated by George Crutkshank, with 4 wood- cuts, colored. Square 12mo, original red cloth, lettered in gilt on 25 front cover. London: Kerby and Son [1856] A First Epition. Cohn, No. 598; Douglas, No. 271. Contains four pages of advertisements, not mentioned by Cohn. 336. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Bands in the Parks. Copy of a Letter Supposed to have been sent from A High Dignitary of the Church 4.3% to “The Right Man in the Right Place,” upon the Subject of the ys Military Bands Playing in the Parks on Sundays. Picked up and published by George Cruikshank. Woodcuts by G. Crutkshank. Ato, sheets, 4pp. In cloth folder, letter in gilt, on front. London: W. Tweedie [1856] First EpItion. RARE ORIGINAL ISSUE. Cohn, No. 200; Douglas, No. 540. 337. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). A Slice of Bread and Butter, Cut by G. Cruikshank. With 3 cuts by G. Cruikshank. pp. 16. 8vo, sewed. London: William Tweedie [1857] J7S0 Rare First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 199; Douglas, No. 542. ne UNIQUE ITEM. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK’S OWN COPY. ORIGINALLY INTENDED BY HIM AS A PRESENTATION COPY; BUT LATER USED AS A DUMMY FOR A SECOND EDITION OF THE worRK. The title-page contains the following in- scription and manuscript note, ALL IN THE HANDWRITING OF GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, the inscription being crossed out,— “Sir John Parkington with the compliments of Geo. Cruikshank.” “__Second EHdition—” “To which is added some remarks, & facts, with respect to Pauperism, Crime, & Neglected Children.” [Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th Bee ee [ No. 33%—Continued | The publisher’s name is crossed out, and the following inserted, below,— “Bell & Daldy, York St. : Covent Garden.” Pages 14 and 15 contain MANUSCRIPT CORRECTIONS IN THE HANDWBITING oF GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. Two letters are laid in, one addressed to George Cruikshank, which he had probably neglected to take out, after having finished with the book. The presence of these letters adds interest to the item, giving it an even more personal touch. 338. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Locker (Frederick). London Lyrics. With an illustration by George Cruikshank. Square 1emo, half blue : levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. Upper 5. margin of title-page inlaid with new strip of paper. ; London: Chapman and Hall, 1857 First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 482; Douglas, No. 278. 339, CRUIKSHANK (GxoRGE). Raymond (George). The Life and Enter- prises of Robert William Elliston, Comedian. Illustrations by George Cruikshank and “Phiz’’ 16mo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt fillets on back, gilt top, BY ROOT. London: G. Routledge, 1857 _ 340. CrurKsHANK (Grorce). The British Workman and Friends of the Sons of Toil. Numerous illustrations, a few of which are by George Crutk- shank. 2 vols. folio, half bound, condition poor. Not returnable. London, 1857-1858 © a Cohn, No. 89; Douglas, No. 265. Not a complete series, merely a selection of numbers. 341. CRUIKSHANK (GroRGE). Brough (Robert B.). The Life of Sir John Falstaff. With a Biography of the Knight, from authentic sources. With 20 full-page etchings, a woodcut on wrapper, by G. Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, full olive-green levant morocco, richly tooled gilt backs, 6 2 $V sides with fillet borders enclosing an elaborate framework of curved fillets, dots, rosettes and floral spray, dentelle inside border, gilt top, uncut, original cloth back and front cover bound in, BY ZAEHNS- DORF. London: Longman (ete.), 1858 First EpITion IN BooKForM. Cohn, No. 91; Douglas, No. 275. With all the points. FINE CoPY. 342, CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). - Cole (Alfred W.). Lorimer Littlegood, Esq. A Young Man Who Wished to See Society, and Saw It Accord- /- ingly. Illustrated (with 12 etchings) by George Cruikshank and (4) ' by William M’Connell. 8vo, red calf, polished, gilt back and top, - fillet borders, original red cloth covers bound in, BY ZAEHNSDORF. | | London: James Blackwood, 1858 Fist Eprtion. Cohn, No. 141; Douglas, No. 270. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February Sth 343. ORUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Bentley Ballads. Edited by Dr. Doran. With four Ballads contributed by the Editor. LHtched title-page, “ Te DAMAGES Three Thousand Pounds!! Fairburn’s Edition of the Trial : between Maria Foote, the Celebrated Actress, Plaintiff, and Joseph Hayne, Esq. Defendant, for a Breach of Promise of Marriage. With a curious coLorED frontispiece, said to be by G. Cruikshank (margins cut close). [London:] John Fairburn, undated THE BisHop!! Particulars of the Charge Against the Hon. Percy Jocelyn, Bishop of Clogher, for an Abominable Offence with John Movelley, a Soldier of the First Regiment of Foot Guards. {London:] John Fairburn, wndated Pierce Hean’s Account of the Trial of Mr. Fauntleroy, for Forgery . . the 30th of October, 1824. Portrait on title. London: Knight and Lacey, wndated Dick versus FLETCHER, For a Breach of Promise of Marriage!! London: John Fairburn, undated Cox versus Kean. Fairburn’s Edition of the Trial . . . January 17th, 1825. With folding cotorep plate, “A Theatrical Dressing Room-or-Trunks & Leggings,” said to be by G. Cruikshank. [London:] John Fairburn, wndated Crim. Con. The Trial between Alderman Cox and Edmund Kean, for Criminal Conversation. London: B. Clarke, undated FAIRBURN’S Edition of the Trial of Sir F. Burdett . . . 22d of March, 1820. London: John Fairburn, wndated The two tracts referred to above, with plates by Cruikshank, are not mentioned by Cohn or Douglas; neither are the plates listed by Reid. A RARE COLLECTION. ie —— eS Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 376. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Barney Buntline and Billy Bowling, or The i / re Advantages of being at Sea. Written by George Colman, Esq. Ex- pressly for Mr. Harley, and sung by him with great applause at the Theatre Royal Drury-Lane, and by Mr. Fitzwilliam, at Public Festivals. Arranged with an Accompaniment, for the Piano Forte, by J. Blewitt. Hiching on title of an incident in the song, signed,— “George Cruikshank fect.’ With 2pp. of engraved music. 4to. With protecting cloth folder, lettered in gilt on front. In cloth slip case. London: Clementi, Collard & Collard, wndated First Epirion. Cohn, No. 147; Douglas, No. 551. The humorous etching on title (Reid, No. 5137), represents two pedes- trians, one of whom has his umbrella blown inside-out, the other holds his headgear with both hands; a stout lady in the distance is losing her bonnet. 377%. CRUIKSHANK (GroRGE). Blewitt (J.). The Matrimonial Ladder. A 2. Serio Comic Scene, With Characteristic Symphonies. Written by Banter Benedick Esq. Music and words. Engraved title, contain- ing 16 subjects, by G. Cruikshank. 4to, Enclosed in cloth cover, lettered on front. London: Published for the Proprietor by C. Gerock & Co., undated First Epition. Cohn, No. 75; Douglas, No. 548. Said to be the Captain Douglas’s copy. 378. ORUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Conversation Between the Monument and St. 590 Paul’s. The Celebrated Comic Chaunt Sung by Mr. Fitzwilliam, At the City Festivals, &c. &. Written by Thos. Hudson, And arranged by J. Blewitt. Large vignette on title, signed,—“G. Crurk- shank del. M. Gauci lith.’ With 5pp. of music. 4to, paper. En- closed in cloth covers, lettered on front. - London: Clementi, Collard & Collard, wndated First Epitron. Douglas, No. 554; Cohn, No. 404. The illustration (Reid, No. 4591) shows the upper portions of both buildings treated humorously. 379. CRUIKSHANK (GxzoRGE). Cruikshank’s Alphabet of Oddities. Wath a 59 SY colored representation of each letter of the alphabet. 8vo, original blue cloth, letter in gilt on front cover. Enclosed in blue levant morocco solander case, lettered on back. London: Edward Wallis, wndated First Epition. UNKNOWN TO ALL BIBLIOGRAPHERS. No copy in the “British Museum.” This is the Samuel H. Austin copy. Inserted is a card of George Cruikshank, also an autograph signature of the artist. Accompanying the volume is a letter from A. W. K. Miller of the British Museum to a former owner, in which the expert says that “There does not appear to be a copy of Cruikshank’s Alphabet of Oddities in the. British Mu- seum ...l1am.. .. unable to say to which of the Cruikshanks it should be attributed—no doubt to either George or Robert. As regards date, other Cruikshank books were published by Edward Wallis between 1818 and 1822.” . Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 380. CRUIKSHANK (GEorGE). Oupid’s Bazaar, or A New Mart for Lovers, Wherein is presented A Choice Variety of Valentines Adapted for }) all sorts of Customers. Colored frontispiece (by George Orutkshank, ; not signed). 12mo, half morocco, lettered up back. | London: Printed by E. Langley and Co., undated First Epition. Cohn, No. 208; Douglas, No. 363. 381. CrurksHANK (GrorcE). Dandymania; being a Dissertation on Modern Dandies; Humbly Dedicated to all the Dandies, but more especially to those Exquisites, The Stamford Dandy The Amateur Dandy and The Great Dandy-Lion. By a “Jackey Dandy.” Third Edition. Colored frontispiece of “A Genuine Dandy,” signed, Cruikshank, / 9 $V fecit. Small 8vo, half mottled calf, lettered up back, gilt top, BY — ROOT & SON. London: Published by Duncambe, undated A later issue than that mentioned by Cohn as No. 215; where it is stated that the plate is either by Robert or George Cruikshank. Doug- las inclines to the opinion that it is by Robert. 382. CRUIKSHANK (GxorcE). Derby-Day. Shown in six Reliefs, painted by George Cruikshank. A series of 6 relief “cut-out” COLORED plates, each 3 by 1214 inches. With the original wrapper. Enclosed in yay) cloth folder, lettered on front. London, Paris and New York: Raphael Tuck & Sons, undated An exceptionally fine copy of this charming series of sketches of a celebrated sporting event. It is exceedingly difficult to procure this set in anywheres near perfect condition, as owing to its composition and “cut-out” nature, it is very easily torn. 383. CruIKSHANK (GxorGE). Fairburn’s Everlasting Songster, being an ex- tensive collection of One Thousand Naval, Love, Comic, Hunting, Bacchanalian, Sentimental, Scotch, & Irish Songs. Fourth Edition. Cotorep frontispiece and COLORED vignette on title, by G. Crutk- 3 by. shank, 16mo, green calf, gilt back and top, uncut BY BUMPUS. - No place: J. Fairburn, undated The first edition was published in two volumes, in 1811. This appears to be the First Edition in one volume. The plate is that cited by Reid as No. 4498. 384. CruIKSHANK (GEORGE). Fairburn’s Pleasing Instructor; being a De- scription of All the Nations of Europe, their Produce, Trade, and DISD Curiosities. With 13 emblematic woodcuts by George Cruikshank ; / £°* also, a folding couoren frontispiece in 7 compartments. 16mo, calf, original marbled wrappers bound in. ce ; ’ London: John Fairburn, Jun., wndated First Eprtton. The Edwin Truman copy; afterwards in the Douglas sale, No. 228. The only copy known. 385. CRUIKSHANK (GEorGE). Fairy Songs & Ballads for the Young. Writ- _ ten, Composed ‘and Dedicated to Her Royal Highness The Princess 2 ty Royal, by O. B. Dussex. Lithograph on title, signed,—George - [Oontinued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th [No. 385—Continued | Oruikshank.” With music. 4to. Enclosed in cloth folder, lettered on front. London: D’Almaine & Co., undated First Eprrion. Cohn, No. 245; Douglas, No. 547. The plate (Reid, No. 2425) contains 12 vignette illustrations of fairy tales. This copy contains five pages of engraved music,—‘Whittington and His Cat,” a variation from that cited by Cohn, who gives 22 pages. The title is in brown tone. 386. CruiksHANK (GrorGE). Another copy of the preceding; but with pp. 22 to 40 of engraved music, containing the following songs,—“The Three Wishes;” “Jack and the Bean Stalk;” “Puss in Boots;” op “Red Riding Hood;” “Robin Hood;” and “Tom Thumb.” Illus- * trations on title, in brown tone. 4to. Enclosed in cloth folder, lettered on front. London: D’Almaine & Co., wndated It would seem from the above, that Cruikshank designed the cover for the purpose of having the same used on different collections of Fairy Songs, as the illustrated title on both the works [Nos. 385 and 386] is the same. 387. CruriKSHANK (GrorGE). Flight (Edward G.). The True Legend of St. Dunstan and the Devil; showing how the Horse-shoe came to 4 be a Charm against Witchcraft. With illustrations (8) drawn by George Cruikshank, and engraved by John Thompson. 8vo, half red morocco, polished, lettered up back, original wrappers bound in. London: D. Bogue, wndated First Epirion. Cohn, No. 302. 388. CrUIKSHANK (GEORGE). George Cruikshank’s Fairy Library. The History of Jack & The Bean-Stalk. Hdited and illustrated with sia etchings by George Cruikshank. Small 4to, illustrated green 7 wrappers, slight stain on frontispiece. _ London: George Routledge and Sons, undated 389. CrurksHANK (GxEoRGE). Kirton (J. W.). How Sam Adams’ Pipe Became a Pig! Illustrations by G. Crutkshank, frontismece signed “J. K.’ 12mo, half blue calf, lettered up back, gilt top. ORIGINAL WRAPPER with colored vignette portrait, bound in BY WORSFOLD. London: S. W. Partridge, undated First Eprrron. Cohn, No. 454; Douglas Catalogue, No. 345. Laid in, is an undescribed state of the woodcut frontispiece. The back wrapper contains advertisement of “Illustrated Sixpenny Books,” in which the above work appears as being illustrated by Cruikshank. 390. CrurksHankK (GEORGE). La Bagatelle. Composed by G. Cook, and 1l- lustrated by George Cruikshank (their names written in music notes). Hngraved wrapper, composed of five compartments, IN ca conors, the centre one containing full-length figures of Cook and » Oruikshank, which are exact likenesses. With engraved music. 1%pp, and the original back wrapper; front wrapper slightly time- soiled, inner margin repaired and rehinged. Enclosed in cloth eover, lettered in gilt, on front. London: Leader & Cock, undated Rare First Epitrion. Cohn, No. 158; Douglas, No. 549. ‘ Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 391. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Mathews’s New Budget of Fun. . . Inter- spersed with a Variety of Humorous Songs. With two COLORED folding plates, the frontispiece signed “G Ck.” and containmg 18 / character portraits of Mathews, the other, unsigned, and contamin Vt 11 character portraits of Mathews. 18mo, half morocco, gilt bac and edges, BY RIVIERE. Margins cut close. Derby: Thomas Richardson, wndated The frontispiece is the same as that used in “Mathews’s Theatrical Budget,” published in 1828; but the other plate is added. ‘The text is the same as the earlier issue. Not in Cohn or Douglas. 392. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Mayhew (Brothers). The Magic of Kindness. With 3 etchings by Cruikshank, and an engraved title. 16mo, red ) cloth, gilt edges, binding somewhat soiled, one leaf repaired. 5 London: Darton and Co., undated Seconp Issur. The first issue was without the engraved title, and contained four plates by Cruikshank. See, Cohn, No. 529; Douglas, No. 246. 393. CRUIKSHANK (GuorcE). Mayhew (Henry). The World’s Show. 1851: or, The Adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys and Family, who Came Up to London, to Enjoy Themselves, and to See the Great rr Exhibition. With 10 etchings and a woodcut title-page, by G. Crusk- fey shank. 8vo, calf, richly tooled gilt back, fillets on sides, gilt top, inside border, uncut, BY RIvIbRE. One plate skilfully backed with linen. London: George Newbold, undated . Fine copy. This is Newbold’s re-issue of the original edition. 394. CRUIKSHANK (GrorcE). Nix My Dolly Palls Fake Away. Sung by Mrs. Kelley & P. Bedford, in the Popular Romance of Jack Shep- pard, At the Theatre Royal Adelphi. Composed by G. Herbert Rodwell. Lithographic title, with several views and portrait, signed,—“Geo. Cruikshank.” With Music. 4to. Enclosed in cloth cover, lettered on front. Cut close and somewhat soiled. C2 London: D’Almaine & Co., undated y Cohn, No. 668; Douglas, No. 557. The illustration (Reid, No. 2790) contains a portrait of the hero, six vignettes of incidents in his life, and a scene from the play, where the chorus of the song is sung by “Blueskin” and his companions. This copy has the words “12 Edition,” on title, which refers to the text. 295. ORUIKSHANK (GEorGE). Re-Issue of Scraps & Sketches, by George Cruikshank. In Monthly Parts. Part 1st. Illustrations of Time. Illustrated title and 6 plates, each with several illustrations by G. } Cruikshank, ALL IN cotors. Oblong 4to, ORIGINAL COLORED illus- trated wrappers. Enclosed in cloth covers, lettered on front. . London: W. Kent & Co., alet Bogue, undated Fine copy. The most interesting part of this item is the front cover, which bears an illustration in colors, by G. Cruikshank, and which is very rare. ; Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February Sth 396. CRUIKSHANK (GzEORGE). Tea in the Arbour, A Comic Song, written by J. Beuler, and Sung with great applause by Mr. Fitzwilliam. Lithograph on ttle, signed,—“George Cruikshank fect.” With music. 4to, old creases straightened out. Enclosed in cloth folder, lettered on front. London: Paine & Hopkins, wndated RARE ISSUE. The imprint varies from that given by Douglas (No. 550) and Cohn (No. 68). The illustration (Reid, No. 1518) shows an old gentleman and lady, with their daughter in an arbour, alarmed at the condition of the damsel’s beau. 397. CrurksHANK (GrorGE). (Tenth Edition.) Two Sets of Quadrilles, /, From Rodwell’s Celebrated Romance JAcK SHEPPARD. Arranged for the Piano Forte, & Dedicated to Musard. Hngraved lithographic title, by G. Cruikshank, being a scene from the play, with the fol- lowing characters—P. Bedford as “Blueskin,”’ Miss Campbell as “Moll Maggott,’ Mrs. Keeley as “Jack Sheppard,’ and Mrs. Nailer as “Edgeworth Bess.’ With the 1llpp. of engraved music. 4to. Enclosed in cloth folder, lettered on front cover. ; London: D’Almaine & Co., undated See, Cohn, No. 669; Douglas, No. 18380. Rare. 398. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Bottle: in Hight Plates [Autso| The / Drunkard’s Children: A Sequel to The Bottle. In Hight Plates. Designed and Etched by George Cruikshank. With Illustrative Poems by Charles Mackay. Jn all 16 plates, SPECIALLY COLORED. Folio, original wrappers. Enclosed in cloth folder, lettered in gilt, on front cover. London: David Bogue, wndated FINE COPY OF THIS RARE ISSUE. UNKNOWN TO DOUGLAS AND COHN. This is the First CoLLectep Epition of the above two works. ‘The title, as given above, is that appearing on the wrapper. Each part has its separate title-page, with imprint as given in the original separate issues. There is a slip before first title, advertising “New Poems by Charles Mackay,” and this issue of Cruikshank’s “Bottle” and “Drun- kard’s Children.”’ 399. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). The Complete Valentine-Writer, For the New }) Year: containing, a Large Collection of the Choicest Valentines, Ever Published. Frontispiece in bronze, Cruikshank del., Landum sculp. 12mo, half calf, lettered up back, marbled edges, original front wrapper bound in. London: Printed for Champante and Whitrow, undated First Epirion. Cohn, No. 152; Douglas, No. 609. 400. CrurksHaNnkK (GEORGE). The English Hermit; or, Adventures of Philip >, Quarll, who was Discovered by Mr. Dorrington, a Bristol Merchant, on an Uninhabited Island, upon which he had been wrecked, and where he had lived upwards of Fifty Years. With frontisprece in four compartments, in colors, by George Cruikshank, 12mo, new boards. London: Dean and Munday, undated “Frontispiece drawn by Geo. Cruikshank. Identified by him in the Douglas copy. Not in the Douglas catalogue.”—coHN. Apparently there are two issues of the work, as the one listed by Mr. Cohn (No. 259), records an issue printed for R. Harrild. Not in Douglas. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 401. CRUIKSHANK (GrorcE). The Querist’s Birthday Book, Language of Flowers, and Confession Album. With engravings of Natural .. Grasses, and four COLORED illustrations of the Seasons, by George bas Cruikshank. 4to, limp leather, gilt edges. Glasgow: David Bryce & Son, undated Not in Cohn or Douglas. 402. CrvIKSHANK (GEoRGE). The Tooth-Ache. Imagined by Horace May- hew, and Realized by George Cruikshank. A folded sheet with 43. pe COLORED illustrations, by G. Cruikshank. In 16mo, original colored bed, illustrated boards. Philadelphia: J. L. Smith, wndated FINE COPY OF THIS RARE ISSUE. Unknown to Douglas or Cohn. 403. CRUIKSHANK (GrorcE). The Wood-Lark: being a Selection of the Newest and most Popular Comic, Naval, Military, Patriotic, Scot- tish, Irish, Pastoral, Humorous, Bacchanalian, Amatory, Rural and Hunting Songs. From the most Approved Author. Engraved frontispiece, in bronze, “Oruikshank del. Landin sculp.” 16mo, ) ( original wrappers, uncut, with protecting cloth wrapper, im cloth ?, slip-case. : London: Printed for the Booksellers, and Sold by T. Newling, Printer, Salop, wndated . First Eprtrion. Frne cory. Cohn, No. 817; Douglas, No. 608. 404, CRUIKSHANK (GroRGE). Wery Rediculous! or, Fickle Miss Nicholas; A New Comic Song, sung by Mr. Kelly, At the Theatre Royal, Co- “4 vent Garden; The Words by Mr. Beuler, Music by J. Blewitt. Latho- . / graph on title, signed on plate,—“Mr. Cruikshank delt. H. Gauci ' ‘lith2? With 5pp. of engraved music. 4to. Bound in boards, let- tered up back. Title slightly soiled. pee London: Clementi, Collard & Collard, undated First Epirron. Cohn, No. 77; Douglas, No. 558. The illustration (Reid, No. 4590) contains portrait of Mr. Kelly as the victimized Lothario, waiting at a church door for the lady who fooled him. 405. CRUIKSHANK (GEorGE). Wilkinson (Sarah). The Turtle Dove; or Cupid’s Artillery Levelled Against Human Hearts, being a New 2. and Original Valentine Writer. COLORED folding frontispiece, by 4 Isaac and George Cruikshank. 12mo, half calf, lettered up back, | uncut, BY BAYNTON. London: W. Perks, wndated Frest Eprrion. Cohn, No. 805; Douglas, No. 337. The Albert M. Cohn copy, with bookplate. 406. CRUIKSHANK (GEoRGE). Crosland (Mrs. Newton). Light in the Val- ley. My Experiences of Spiritualism. First Eprrion. Colored and other plates. 16mo, new cloth. London, 1857 0 ; This is the book which Cruikshank criticises adversely in his addenda ie [Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th [No. 406—Continued] to “A discovery concerning ghosts, with a rap at Spirit rappers” (pp.48-46), published in 1863. Cruikshank’s own copy of this work contained full notations in his hand, of especial significance being the one on the title-page, which reads,—‘“George Cruikshank, 1857. Author of a discovery concerning ghosts & raps at the spirit rappers. 1857’—five years before the publica- tion of “A discovery concerning ghosts &c.”’ BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS RELATIVE TO GEORGE CRUIKSHANK [Numbers 407 to 416, inclusive | 40%. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Bates (William). George Cruikshank: the Artist, the Humourist, and the Man, with an Account of his brother Robert. A Critico-Bibliographical Essay. Illustrated chiefly from 6 London: Black, 1903 414. CrurKsHANK (GrorcE). Douglas (Captain R. J. H.). The Works of George Cruikshank, Classified and Arranged with References to me Reid’s Catalogue. Frontispiece. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. # } — London, 1903 Limited to 1000 copies. 415. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Cohn (Albert M.). A Bibliographical Cata- )» logue of the Printed Works Illustrated by George Cruikshank. 8vo, #2. — cloth, uncut. London, 1914 416. CRUIKSHANK (GzorGE). Cohn (Albert M.). A Few Notes Upon Some Rare Cruikshankiana. Illustrations. Royal 8vo, wrappers, in mo- | rocco folder. London, 1915 ¢ Edition limited to 250 copies. This copy, No. 34, signed by the author. ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK [Numbers 417 to 422, inclusive | 41%, CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED WATERCOLOR DRAWING, AND THE FIRST STATB OF THE SONG-HEAD, “BANG-Up-RANDOM, OR 1 TanpEM, with an uncolored copy of the latter. All by George Cruik- / Y, shank. The 3 pieces, neatly mounted, the first in sunken mat, and bound in one vol. oblong 4to, green levant morocco, lettered in gilt on back and front cover, with panel of fillets in gilt, on sides. London, 1810 A HIGHLY IMPORTANT CRUIKSHANK ITEM, the drawing is aN ORIGINAL WATER-COLOR, 514 by 8 inches, not signed, and depicts Mr. Mathews in the character of the coachman, similar to that used on the “Song-Head.” | The view is one of a room, opening into the street, apparently a dis- tillery; the coachman has entered, and is holding a glass of liquor in his right hand, before him stands a portly dame, with bottle in hand ; in the background, the distillery. EXCEEDING SCARCE AND UNIQUE, UN- PUBLISHED. The engraved “Song-head,” is @ FIRST STATE, IN coLors, of,—BAnc-UP- Ranpom, or TANDEM. Written by J. Pocock, Esq., composed by Mr. C. Smith; and sung . . . by Mr. Mathews. Unsigned. With publisher’s line,—Published 4th April, 1810, by Laurie & Whittle, No. 53, Fleet Street, London. Beneath are three columns of verse. This view is one of a broad country road, with a carriage drawn by three horses in tandem fashion and standing near a turn-pike. Mathews, in the character of a coachman is in the foreground. This plate gives an excellent idea of the costume and slang of fast men at the beginning of the 19th century. The above copy has two small tears at upper corners. Accompanying the above is an uncolored copy of the plate. See, Douglas, No. 1818; Reid, No. 4496, for plate. [See Reproduction of Drawing] [1TF ON] O[LUIISNBJ Poonpoy ONIMVUC, YOTOOUMLV MA IVNIDINO MNVHSMINYO AODUYOUWD iy oh = Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 418. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK SKETCH. The Horrid 30. Murder of Elizabeth Beasmore. Signed,—“G. Ch.” Size, 634 by 834 inches. Matted: [Auso] Effects of Jealousy! The Whole Proceedings on the Trial of Thomas Bedworth for the Wilful Murder of Elizabeth Beesmore, in Short’s Gardens, Drury-Lane, June 20, 1815, including the Speeches of Counsel, His Confession, &c. Taken in shorthand by J. A. Dowling. Second Edition (Plate missing.) 8vo, full calf, gilt. [London:| John Fairburn, undated. The book in a sunken mat the size of the mount on the drawing. The whole enclosed in cloth folder, lettered in gilt. London [1814-1815 | The above sketch was drawn and etched by George Cruikshank for the first edition of the above mentioned pamphlet, published by Hone in 1815, and entitled, “The Power of Conscience.” It also appeared in Fairburn’s First Edition of the tract entitled, “Effects of Jealousy.” Cruikshank in his drawing has endeavored to depict the scene of the murder, as described in the pamphlet. 419. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). ORIGINAL SKETCHES IN SEPIA AND PEN-AND- Ink. Several sketches on one sheet, 714 by 834 inches. SIGNED. Neatly mounted in sunken mat, and bound, with several blank leaves in one vol. small oblong 4to, half crimson morocco extra, lettered in 5 2 fv gilt on back and front. In cloth case, lettered. No place, 1829 AN INTERESTING PAGE OF SKETCHES. The first represents “The Snow Ball,” a number of figures making a snow ball of one stout. gentleman, —the moon smoking and looking on. Beneath this, is a small pen and ink portrait sketch of WILLIAM HONE, with his name written on the side in the AUTOGRAPH OF CRUIKSHANK. To the right is a study of a Raven, and George Cruikshank’s signature in ink. On the reverse, is a very fine and bold signature of “Geo. Cruikshank,” with the date, “Feb. 19, 1829;” also two small studies in pen and ink. FROM THE COLLECTION OF Mrs. CRUIKSHANK. FINE ITEM. 420. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). OriIGINAL PENCIL SKETCH AND AUTOGRAPH Teo Letrer. The pencil-sketch represents George Cruikshank’s Godson, sleeping in a large armchair, underneath which is his pet dog Lilla. “On Guard.” The accompanying letter is dated, April 4th, 1854, and is a three-page communication to his Godson, sending him news of the death of his dog Lilla, and describing the illness preceding ; also mentioning Mr. Pettigrew and Mr. Bogue. On the last page of letter is the address,—“George Cruikshank Palford, Melbourne, Australia,’ and in the corner, the signature “Geo. C.” (the last name being cut out). The 2 pieces, inlaid to 4to, and neatly bound, with several blank leaves, in one vol. 4to, half green morocco extra, lettered up back. FINE item. Unfortunately Cruikshank’s signature has been cut out of the letter, and another signature of his inserted in its place. On the reverse of the Drawings, are several small pencil sketches. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 421. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). ORIGINAL Pencit DRAWING, SIGNED. A quarto sheet containing a centre and several margin sketches, lettered by > the artist,—“A first Sketch for Masers Daughter,’ and signed by . him,—“ George Cruikshank.” Matted. 422. CRUIKSHANK (GzoRGE). ORIGINAL DRawINe. Street Scenes, Old Woman smoking Pipe, sitting at an Orange Stall; and three other figures, one a portrait of the artists. Unsigned. Size, 4 by 7 inches. Matted. / lp From the Truman collection. This drawing is described by G. S. . Layard, in “George Cruikshank, portraits of himself,” page 98 POLITICAL CARICATURES AND ETCHINGS BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK [Numbers, 423 to 446, inclusive | 423. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). COLORED CARICATURE. French Recruits, or a Bird’s Eye View of the New Conscription—“G. Cruikshank fect.” - Pubd for the Proptrs of Town Talk Novr. 1st 1818. Size, 94% by Gf, 141% inches. Neatly inlaid and matted. t* ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, Cotorep. Broadley, No. 369. Marie Louise riding on a starved;looking jackass carrying the young King of Rome on her shoulders, while beating up for recruits for the Grand Army. 424, CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). CoLORED CARICATURE. Little Boney Gone to Pot. “G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd-May 12th 1814 by Thos Tegg No 111 Cheapside. Size, 834 by 12% inches. Matted. FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Douglas, No. 706; Reid, No. 328. Shows the usual type of the little Emperor, seated bare-legged on a large utensil, lettered “Imperial Throne.” The arch-fiend is standing in a — sea, and endeavouring to tempt him to commit suicide. 425. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). CoLoRED CARICATURE. The Mothers Girl; Plucking a Crow, or—German flesh & English Spirit. Signed on the plate —‘“R. C’k. fect.” Pubd by S. W. Fores No. 50 Piccadtlly— Ly April 28th 1816. Size, 9 by 1234 inches. Matted. a ‘ FINE IMPRESSION OF THE ORIGINAL, CoLorep. Both Douglas and Reid eredit this piece to George Cruikshank. In a sitting-room, the Princess Charlotte, who has been interrupted in the writing of a letter to her mother, by old Queen Charlotte, is attack- ing the old lady, not only by a blow on the mouth, but in strong language. Leopold is seen timidly looking in at the door. po 426, ORUIKSHANK (GEORGE). COLORED CARICATURE. The Triumph of the Dey of Algiers over the Naval Glory of Englalnd! or the late dy boasted Defenders of Freedom driven into Slavery by a piratical f> Banditti!! Dedicated (without permission) to the Government that pride themselves on the Abolition of the Slave trade, the brilliant Victories of Trafalgar & Waterloo & the Downfall of the Corsican [Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th Tyrant!!!!!! Signed on the plate—‘“Yedis envt. G. Cruikshank fect.” London Pubd July 1816 by I. Sidebotham No. 96 Strand (the number and last word written in). Size, 814 by 18 inches. Mounted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Douglas, No. 1281; Reid, No. 587. Shows the Dey in his triumphal car, drawn by British seamen, officers, and men. 427. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). CoLoRED CaricaTurE. The Hombourg Y Waltz, with Characteristic Sketches of Family Dancing! “Knahs- kiure fect.” London Published May 4 1818 by G. Humphrey 27 St. James's St. nephew & successor to the late Mrs. H. Humphrey. Size, 814 by 13 inches. Matted. FIRST STATE, COLORED. Douglas, No. 828; Reid, No. 773. A satire on the Royal Duke’s haste to marry, after the death of the Princess Charlotte. The scene is the old Queen’s drawing-room, where the Duke of Hombourg and his consort are the most conspicuous of the dancers. Queen Charlotte is seated on the right; there are also por- traits of the Regent, the Duke of Clarence and the Duke of York. 428. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). CoLOoRED CaricaTurE. The Curse of Spain. A Washington—Pubd. Novr. 1818. SIGNED IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF “Geo. Cruikshank.” Neatly inlaid, and bound with several blank leaves, in one vol. oblong 4to, half dark blue polished morocco, let- tered up back and on front cover. London, 1818 ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. Douglas, No. 1283; Reid, No. 784. With the five lines, commencing,— “To prompt his cruel mind Hell sends its fiends.” A earicature of the time of George III. Ferdinand, King of Spain, seated on the throne of Tyranny; he has ass’s hoofs and ears. On his left is a monk pointing to the inquisition, with a stream of blood flowing past and evidences of its crimes and cruelties showing in its worst form. On his right stands the devil of black justice with bloody axe and halters, while behind may be seen the butchering of General Lacy by three soldiers. 429. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). CoLorEeD Caricature. The Funeral Proces- sion of The Rump.—For Lamentable acct. of Death &. see Rump Chronicle Extrary. March 3d.1819. “G. Cruikshank wnvt. et fect.” Pubd. March 22d 1819 by G. Humphrey 2” St. James’s St. London. A large oblong coLORED caricature, 9 by 2414 inches. Neatly hinged at centre, on sunken mount. Bound in three-quarter levant morocco, gilt back, lettered on front and back. An old crease down centre has been neatly straightened ‘out. London, 1819 COLORED COPY OF THE FIRST STATE. Douglas, No. 925; Reid, No. 874. EXCEEDINGLY RARE CARICATURE illustrative of the Reign of George III. of Great Britain. The members of the Grenville administration as offici- ating priests, bearers, and mourners at a funeral. The rump of a horse literally presented on a carriage, which is drawn by a half-starved donkey, preceded by Jack Ketch, who is leading acquitted felons, and followed by Mr. Thelwall. The chief mourner is John Cam. Hobhouse, riding on a hobby-horse, his train is supported by Sir Francis Burdett and Mr. Paul, the tailor. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February bth 430, CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). CoLorED Caricature. The New Union-Club. 4 Being a Representation of what took place at a celebrated Dinner, ~ given by a celebrated—Society.—“G. Cruikshank—sculpt.” Pubd July 19th 1819 by G. Humphrey 27 St. James's Street London. Size, 11 by 1814 inches. Neatly matted and backed, slight tear at upper left corner skilfully repaired. | ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLoRED. Douglas, No. 1109; Reid, No. 898. Douglas calls this plate “the chef @auvre of George Cruikshank’s Cari- catures.” A scene of the most animated nature at a meeting of the Anti-Slavery Society, most of the company being negroes. Wilberforce is in the chair, pledging the people in the “Black joke.” Billy Waters is dancing on a tub and playing a fiddle. Many pictures hang on the wall, illustrating the emancipation of the slave. 431. CRUIKSHANK (GrorcE). CoLorEp Caricature. The Cato Street Con- te spirators, on the Memorable Night of the 2érd of Feby. 1820, at the moment when Smithers the Police officer was stabbed; The Scene faithfully represented from the Description of Mr. Ruthven, The View of the Interior correctly Sketched on the Spot. “G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd March 9th 1820 by G. Humphrey No. 27% St. James’s Street—London. Size, 10 by 15 inches. Neatly matted. ‘ FINE IMPRESSION OF THE ORIGINAL STATE. Douglas, No. 938; Reid, No. 41. : Smithers falling back into the arms of Ruthven on receiving the sword of Thistlewood through his body; one of the gang is putting out the lights, others are making their escape. 432. ORUIKSHANK (GEORGE). CotorEp CaricaturE. Interior View of Hay- — in Loft &c. in Cato Strt., Occupied by the Conspirators. “G. Crutk- shank fect.” Pub. by G. Humphrey 27 St. James's St. March 9th, 1820. Size, 714 by 634 inches. Neatly matted. FINE IMPRESSION OF THE ORIGINAL FINISHED STATE. Douglas, No. 939; Reid, No. 943. Two sections on one plate; above, shows the loft where Thistlewood and his confederates were in the habit of meeting; below, the stable beneath, with ladder leading to the loft. Beneath are explanatory lines. 433, CrvrksHANK (GuorGE). CoLorep CartcaTurE. Coriolanus addressing IS the Plebeians. “G. Cryikshank det et scult.” Pubd. Feby. 29, 1820, by G. Humphrey 27 St. James's St. London.- Size 6 by 914 inches, © with good margins. Mounted on card, on which is a VERY INTER- ESTING AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION regarding the print, by G. Cruik- ‘shank. On sunken mat, 171% by 15 inches. Enclosed in cloth folder, lettered in gilt, on front cover. ORIGINAL, AND FINE IMPRESSION OF THIS NOTED CARICATURE RELATIVE TO THE TIME OF Kine Grorce IVth of Great Britain, showing the King out- side Carlton House addressing the “Reform” mob, as Roman Citizens, wearing liberty caps, ete. | UNIQUE COPY, WITH AUTOGAPH INSCRIBED BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, RELATIVE TO THE CHARACTERS IN THE ABOVE PRINT. FrRoM THE COLLECTION oF Mrs. CRUIKSHANK. Douglas, No. 839; Reid, No. 939. [See Reproduction for Inscription] GEORGE CRUIKSHANK COLORED CARICATURE, WITH ARTIST’S AUTOGRAPH NOTE Reduced facsimile [No. 483] Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 434. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). COLORED CARICATURE. Freedom & Purity of Election!!! Showing the Necessity of Reform in the Close Bor- oughs.—Not signed. “Pub. April 23rd 1820 by G. Humphrey 27 St. James’s St. Size, 914 by 134% inches. Matted. FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLoreD. Douglas, No. 940; Reid, No. 948. 6 On the back is a pencilled note, reading,—“Original impression. Col- oured by G. Cruikshank himself. Echibited at Exeter Hall, 1863.” View of a village, with a sign-post at the right, pointing to Tregony and St. Austel. A burly stewart, with a list of the proscribed in his hand, is driving the poor people from their homes; they are moving off with their chattels. The unsuccessful candidate, Daniel O’Connell, is ‘standing looking on, and tells the sufferers not to be cast down. 435. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). COLORED CARICATURE. La Gloire des Hon- netes Gens! !—“Sr. Facto del.” “G. Ck Sculp.” Signed on the plate, —Pubd—June 15th 1820 by G. Humphrey 2% St. James's Street. Size 1014 by 151% inches. Matted. Seconp STATE, with the quotations in verse added. Reid, No. 953. Contains four views, as follows,— (1) Mopesty !—Her Royal Highness and her Favourite, in a private box at the Genoese theatre. (2) Dientry !—The cabin of a man-of-war. The Queen and Bergami seated at a table where dinner is served. ; (3) CHastiry !—Her Royal Highness and her favourite resting on an ottoman, exchanging endearments. (4) NationaL LOVE !—A public ball at Naples. 436. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). COLORED CARICATURE. Billy Bewitched or the Calicot Champion—a Portrait—Dedicated to Horace Seymour Esq. a Gentleman who by Martial Deeds & Illustrious Descent 1s qualified for the distinguished honor of acting as Champion of 3 England at the Coronation. “Shetched by an amateur—etched , by G. Ok.” Pubd. July 8th 1820 by G. Humphrey 27 St. James s Street. Beneath are eleven lines of verse. Size of etching, 7 by 614 inches. Matted. FINE ORIGINAL PROOF PRINT, CoLORED. THIS STATE UNKNOWN TO DOUGLAS AND REID. Beneath the full-length portrait of a fashionable fop, are the verses, signed, “Q. in the Corner.” On the reverse side is a large colored cari- cature of ‘““THE CAMELOPARD, Or a New Hobby,” representing George IV. Printed on Whatman paper, with water-mark, and date ‘1820.” / 43%, CRUIKSHANK (GxorGH). Caricature. “The Magic Lantern.” In brown. With margins. Matted. London Pubd Novr 1st 1822 by J. Johnston, 9 e Cheapside. 1822 4 Not in Reid or Douglas. Interior of a room, partly in darkness, in ‘ which are various personages. Operator of a lantern throwing upon a sereen a group consisting of George IV. in Chinese costume, seated upon his throne, surrounded by his ministers. The group on the screen etched by George Cruikshank. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 438. CrUIKSHANK (GxorGE). Cotorep Caricatures. Cribbage. Shuffling, Whist, and A Round Game!!—Being a Representation of the Bar- barities towards the Greeks by the Cruel Caliph Burnye & his Bow String Officers. With appropriate Escutcheons on the Downfall of v Greek Liberty—“G. Oruikshank invt. et fect.” Pubd. Octr. 30th 1822 by G. Humphrey 2% St. James's St. London— Size 834 by 13% inches. Matted. FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, Cotorep. Douglas. No. 1138; Reid, No. 1096. Six subjects on one sheet, in two rows, as follows,— (1) Crisace. Bow String Officers playing the Devil in Hell, with ye Greeks seizing their Bank, &c. The blacklegs fly in all directions. (2) Suurriinc. The poor Greeks Cut & seek for safety in Conceal- ment, the Officers enter “Pell Mell.” Trying to hide them- selves in the bed. (3) Wuuist. Make them Prisoners & bring them before the Caliph Beak who condemns them to the Wheel. (4) One of the Escutcheons. Black-legs turned up—and dice Box proper. (5) A Rounp Game. The prisoners on a treadmill, lettered “Miss Fortunes Wheel;” above, a sign, lettered, “The New Game of Roulette or Gamboling by the Oubitt.” (6) Another of the Escutcheons. Rookery & Cards, ete. 439. CrurKSHANK (GEORGE). CoLorED CartcaTuRE. Money Hunting. “De- signed by an Amature. Etched by G. Ck.” Pub jany 10 1823 by G. Humphrey 2% St. James St. Beneath are four lines of verse. vi Small 4to, neatly matted. : FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. VERY SCARCE. Not in Douglas or Reid. An officer seated on a couch beside a stout lady, suing for her hand in marriage. On the wall, pictures of the “Bank of England,” and the “Seige of Acre.” “Had I a Heart for falsehood fram’d I ne’er could injure you,” etc. 440, [CRUIKSHANK (GxEoRGE).| Caricature. The Irish Catholic Jubilee at y Dublin; or, the Bulletin Express of the late Ministry. Phelim é. O’Cruikshank, del ib fecit. Not in Reid or Douglas. London, circa 1825 BRILLIANT IMPRESSION IN Coton. Proof before inscription on lower left. Represents a spirited scene in Sackville Street, Dublin, in connection with the Catholic Emancipation. 441. [CRUIKSHANK (GxEOoRGE).] Another impression of the preceding, also rom in colors. The inscription is on the plate, is a blurred impression, / ot not decipherable. 442, CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Ercuine. The British Bee Hive. “Designed 4 in the year 1840—by George Cruikshank and altered & etched by ob him in Feby 186%7—& Pubd. in March /6%.” Published Bir: sale ontinue Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th [No. 442—Continued | and sold by W. Tweedie 337 Strand-London— Size, 11144 by 74% inches. Matted. FIRST PROOF IMPRESSION ON INDIA PAPER, SIGNED IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF THE ARTIST, “First proof. George Cruikshank.” Douglas, No. 1439; Reid, No. 2653. A section of a hive, with the artist’s idea of the admirable arrange- ment of English society, and the folly of interfering with the structure by means of Parliamentary Reform. UNIQUE COPY. 443. ORUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Woopcut Caricature. The Queen and the Union! No Repeal!—No O’Conell!! Signed on the plate,—“G. Ok.’ Beneath are two columns of text, signed “G. C.” [Designed )sv and Published by George Cruikshank.] Sold by David Bogue. Size — of etching, 8 by 61% inches. Matted. First state: Douglas, No. 1704; Reid, No. 4052. The text is a rail by the artist against O’Connell’s agitation for the repeal of the Union. In the illustration, Britannia and Erin are seated on the banks of the Channel, and joining hands; a blustering bully is standing with one foot on the shoulder of Britannia and the other on the Harp, with an immense uplifted axe. 444, CrUIKSHANK (GEORGE). CoLorED Caricature. The Modern Hannibal alias The King of Rome, Swearing Eternal Enmity to England. rp “G. Cruikshank fect.” Signed on the plate,—Pubd Jany. 16th by T. 5 SY Tegg. 111 Cheapside London. Size, 84% by 13 inches. Matted. FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLORED. Douglas, No. 688; Reid, No. 283. Bonaparte, with arms and legs outstretched, booted and spurred, and wearing a cock’d hat, stands before the King of Rome, represented as an infant with long pig-tail. To the left, a chair surmounted by a canopy, drawn by monkeys, with a gaily-dressed female on each side. To the extreme right, an altar having upon it, skull, hearts, etc. burning. 445. CRUIKSHANK (GroRGE). CoLorEp Caricature. Britannia The Political Egotist and the Old Woman of Botley. Pub by S. W. Fores No. 50 Piccadilly London. Not signed. Size, 814 by 13 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLorRED. Douglas, No. 869; Reid, No. 79. A characteristic portrait of William Cobbett, standing before Britannia, using the language spoken by him at the Winchester trial. Behind Cob- bett stands an old woman; while Britannia, with a scroll containing extracts from the “Political Register,” is saying “Really Sir—this defence out does all your former out doings!!!” 446. ORUIKSHANK (GEORGE). CoLorED Caricature. The Royal Cot, or The Great Babe taken Ill. Third Edition. New Version. A a BRoaDsIDE, with nine stanzas of verse. Size of etching, 614 by 9 ad inches. Matted. [Colophon.] Published by OC. E. Pritchard, undated . WINE IMPRESSION. Douglas, No. 861; Reid, No. 1835. The view shows George IV. surrounded by his Ministers, who play the parts of physicians, on his alarm at the supposition of having taken the “foreign emetick.” They nurse him in a cradle ornamented with figures. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th THEATRICAL CARICATURES BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK [Numbers 447 to 453, inclusive | 447, CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). CoLorEp CarrcATURE OF EpMuND Kaman. The Theatrical Atlas. “G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. May 7th 1814 by H. Humphrey St. James’s Street. Folio, hinged to mat, and pro- / tected by cloth folder. London, 1814 EXCEEDINGLY RARE FIRST STATE. Douglas, No. 980; Reid, No. 326. Edmund Kean, in the character of Richard III., standing on a large volume, while resting on his sword, and having the whole weight of Whitebread’s brewery on his head, in allusion to the brewer (who was also lessee of Drury-Lane Theatre) engaging the eminent tragedian, and by this speculation saving the credit of his firm. 448, CRUIKSHANK (GxorGE). Conorep Caricature. “Portrait of Grimaldi in the Popular Pantomime of ‘Harlequin Whittington’.” SIGNED IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF THE arvist,—‘A Portrait of Joe Grimaldi.— Geo. Cruikshank.” Size 614 by 814 inches, wide margins. Matted. / rr us AND THE SONG. See, Douglas, No. 987; Reid, No. 457. The celebrated clown is dressed as a French fop, holding a tall chim- ney-pot hat in his right hand, and standing singing, while pointing to the French city, which is seen in the distance. 449, ORUIKSHANK (GEorGE). CoLorep CHaracrer Portrait. Mr. Kean, as Barabas, in “The Jew of Malta.” Cruikshank, fecit. Published, P May 1st, 1818, by J. H. Jameson. Exquisitely costumed in various Ef colored silks, the body of the portrait having been cut-out and ¢ portions used in the adornment of the dress. Laid down. In cloth folder, lettered in gilt. UNIQUE AND SPLENDID EXAMPLE. Costume, a replica of the dress worn by Kean as Barabas; consisting of red silk Jewish gabardine, trimmed with black slashed and yellow bands, lined with blue silk; black belt with gold tassels; crotch stick in right hand; high conical hat with black band; open sleeves at wrist, with blue trimming; Byronie collar. Douglas, No. 990; Reid, No. 651. 450. ORUIKSHANK (GEORGE). CoLorep CHaracTEer Porrratts. A Series of Portraits of Master Burke, in various Characters. Hach plate signed,—“Drawn by Wageman, & Etched by Rd. Cruikshank.” “En- graved by P. Roberts.” London, Pubd. by Wm. Kenneth, Corner of Bow Street, Covent Garden. Together, 5 pieces, small folio, enclosed in cloth folder, lettered on front. Margins of one plate repaired. This series comprises the following characters,— ‘Mr. Terence O’Leary;” “Napoleon Buonaparte;” “Jack Ratline mys “Bluster Bubble;” and “Signor Dordini.” FINE PROOF IMPRESSION, IN COLORS, BEFORE THE ADDITION OF LETTERS ats lt ath a 4 eo eu. A Pe a ee eS ee Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 5th 451. CRUIKSHANK (GrorcE).. A Buz in a Box or the Poet in a Pet—with a Chip of the Block, mounted on Papa’s Pegasus. Unsigned. Pub Oct 21 1812 by S. W. Fores 50 Piccadilly. Size, 9 by 1314 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Etched in the manner of George Cruikshank. The opening night of Drury-Lane theatre. Shows Elliston on the stage, introducing a char- acter riding on an ass; Dr. Busby, the latter’s supporter, is seated in one of the boxes. 452. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). LirnHocraPH. Scene from Hamlet,—“Hamlet and the Ghost.” Size, 6144 by 74% inches. Neatly matted. 453. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). COLORED GLypHoGRAPH. All the World’s a Stage. The First Appearance of William Shakespeare, on the Stage of “The Globe.” Surrounded by part of his Dramatic Company, the » other members coming over the hills. Signed on the plate,—“De- © — signed by George Cruikshank, Jany. 1863, and this drawing made by him in 1863-5.” “From the original watercolor drawing by George Cruikshank, in the possession of T. Morse Eqr. Junr.’ Printed in permanent Pigments by the Autotype Fine Art Company, London. Size, 1014 by 8 inches. Matted. INDIA PROOF, HIGHLY COLORED, SIGNED IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF ‘‘GEORGE CRUIKSHANK.” Not listed by Douglas or Reid. RARE. a AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE OWNER ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AND CARICATURES FROM THE LIBRARY OF J. BARTON TOWNSEND, ESQ. OF PHILADELPHIA Third Session, Numbers 454 to 683, inclusive WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY Sth, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK BROADSIDES AND SONG-HEADS BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK [Numbers 454 to 465, inclusive | 454, ORUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Caricatures. A Collection of twelve cari- cature etchings by George Cruikshank, and rare BroaDsIDE Sonc- Hzaps. Neatly mounted on heavy paper, and hinged. Bound in one vol. 4to, half blue morocco, lettered on back and front cover. London, 1805-1813 A RARE AND MOST IMPORTANT COLLECTION, as follows,— (1) Country Lirr, contrasted with the Pleasures of Town; Written 2 by Captain Morris, with additional stanzas by the late Mr. yes : Hewerdine. Signed on the plate—‘“Cruikshank Del.” Pub- lisher’s line at top,—‘“‘Publishd, 6th April, 1807, By Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London. Beneath are 14 verses, in three columns, lower line of two verses cut off. Repre- sents the alarm of a country gentleman and his daughters at their carriage sticking in the mud. Douglas, No. 1805; Reid, No. 4493. (2) Pappy M’SuHane’s Seven Acres; Written by Major Downs, and sung . . . by Mr. Johnstone. Signed on the plate,—“Cruik- shank, del.” Publisher’s line at top,—Publish’d Apr. 6, 1807, by Laurie & Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London. Beneath, five verses. The cut represents Paddy arriving at his grand- father’s cabin, at Ballyporeen, and finding the “poor soul” sharing it with a cow and a pig. Douglas, No. 1807; Reid, No. 4492. (3) Tue Tra-Taste Tapsy Tom’s Tracic Tates. Not signed. Be- neath are four verses, in four columns. The artist has chosen the climax of the ditty, and depicted the overthrow of the table in consequence of the attack of the ancient maiden’s cats on the bachelor’s dog. Douglas, No. 1316; Reid, No. 408. [Continued Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th [No. 454—Continued | (4) Kare Kearney. O’Corolan (the Irish Bard). Signed on the plate,—‘J. Cruikshank Del.” Publish’d Novr. 9, 1807, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London. The bewitching and cruel damsel at her cottage door churning, and cast- ing a “fatal glance” at the sturdy swain. With two lines of verses. Douglas, No. 1808; Reid, No. 4494. (5) THe Ovp. CommMopore. The Words by Mr. Lonsdale—Sung .. . by Mr. Taylor. Not signed. Publisher’s line at top,— Publish’d, Dec. 1, 1807, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London. Below, 69 lines of verse. The old Commodore as a “batter’d old Hulk” with two crutches, gives amusement to passers-by. Douglas, No. 1809; Not in Reid. (6) Tue CosteR AND Porr. Sung. . . by Mr. Faweett. Signed on the plate—“Z. Oruikshank.” Publisher’s line at top,— Publish’d Apr. 25, 1808, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London. Beneath, 4 verses, in four columns, outer lines -of first verse slightly shaved. A street scene, cobler and customer in conversation before the former’s shop; group of women and children on opposite side of street. ? Douglas, No. 1812; Not in Reid. (7) Tue CELEBRATED Mock ITALIAN SONG; As sung .-.). oy eee Fawcett, Mr. Taylor, &c. Signed on the plate,—“Cruik- shank, Del.’ Publisher’s line at top,—Publish’d Augt. 24, 1808, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London. Be- neath are 63 lines of text. Tavern scene, representing “Masteri” seated at a table covered with plates of bologni, and singing; dog yelping; waiter placing dish of celery on table. Douglas, No. 1813; Not in Reid. (8) LUNNON IS THE DEvIL; Sung... . by Mr. Emery .. . com- posed by Mr. T. Cooke. Not signed. Colophon,—Published, February 14, 1809, By Laurie and Whittle, No. 53, Fleet Street, London. Three couples standing beneath a tree; one, an officer in uniform, with two ladies; one of the couples is about to part angrily. Douglas, No. 1815; Not in Reid. (9) Baron-DONDER-DRONK-DICKDORF AND Miss Quottz. Sung by Mr. Fawcett . . . Written by J. F. Reynolds, Hsq. Not signed. Publisher’s line at top,—Published 20th, March, 1810, by Laurie & Whittle, No. 53 Fleet Street, London. Beneath, four verses, in two columns, with references. The artist has depicted the last verse, in which the baron is seen sitting on the top of the mantel over the chimney- piece, where he had been placed by his wife during a quarrel; a servant enters, with the baron’s supper. Douglas, No. 1821; Not in Reid. (10) Bonaparte. Written by Mr. Lawler; introduced by Mr. HEllis- ton, and Sung by him . . . in the character of Sylvester Daggerwood. “G. Cruikshank del et sculp.” Publisher’s line at top,—Published March 25th, 1811, by Laurie & Whit- tle, 53 Fleet Street, London. Beneath, five verses: View of the stage; Elliston singing in the above character, with a good deal of grimace and gesticulation. Douglas, No. 1305; Reid, No. 117. [Continued = - A mae ae AS Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th [| No. 454—Continued | (11) A Day or FASHION. Sung... by Mr. C. Taylor . . . inscribed to George Rogers Barrett, Esq., by Mr. W. T. Parke. “G. Cruikshank fect.” Published 24th August, 1818, by James Whittle and Richard Holmes Laurie . . . London. Interior of Christie’s Auction Room; the celebrated auctioneer knock- ing down a portrait of a “Lady Squander,” by Reynolds, while the assembled connoisseurs are attentively criticizing. Slight tear in plate. Douglas, No. 1818; Reid, No. 255. (12) THE IrRisH DUEL; or, ‘Loves of Paddy Wackmackcruck and Mackirkincroft the Tailor. Written by Mr. T. Dibdin, and Sung... by Mr. Johnstone. “G. Cruikshank del et sculp.” Publisher’s line at top,—Publish’d 15 April 1816, by J. Whitile € R. H. Laurie... London. Beneath, three columns of verses. The tailor represented as walking out of sight to avoid the fire of his adversary. Douglas, No. 1833; Reid, No. 4503. 455. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). CoLoreD Ercuine. Miss Wrinkle. As sung 7, by Miss Tyrer, with unbounded Applause, at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, in the popular Farce, of Arbitration of Free & _Hasy, Written by G. Nicks. Signed, —“Oruikshanks, del.” Ato sheet, hinged, and protected by cloth covers, lettered in gilt. London: Published, March 12, 1807, by Laurie and Whittle RARE ITEM. UNKNOWN TO DOUGLAS AND REID. The scene illustrates the third stanzas of the song, in enh the “Thacher” is seen through an opening in the roof, espying the “Old Maid” at prayer. “One of Cruikshank’s earlier etchings, executed when he was fifteen years old.” 456. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). COLORED AND PLAIN Caricaturss. A Collec- 23. tion of five caricatures, each 1n TWO STATES, ONE SET IN COLORS, of rare BROADSIDE Sonc-HEAps. Neatly mounted on heavy paper, each leaf hinged. Bound in one vol. 4to, half blue morocco, lettered in gilt, on back and front cover. London, 1808-1821 AN IMPORTANT AND RARE COLLECTION, as follows,— (1) THe Murperry-Tree. Signed on plate—‘Cruikshank, Del., 1808.’ Inscription on upper margin—Publish’d Mar. 1, 1808, by Laurie & Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London. Beneath are five verses, in double column, with colophon,—Puwoblished 1st \ March, By Laurie and Whittle, No. 53, Fleet Street, Lon- don. Three bacchanalian gentlemen, seated under the spread- ing branches of a tree, enjoying their pipes and wine. Douglas, No. 1802; Reid, No. 40. (2) CoLorED copy of the above, without the verses, publisher’s line on top margins. A PROOF IMPRESSION, VERY RARE. (3) Mr. Lopsx1; or, The River Sprat-Catcher. Sung with unbounded Applause by Mr. Faucett . . . in the New Grand Melo- Dramatic Opera, called “The Exile:’” written by John Fred- erick Reynolds, Esq. On top plate-margin,—Publish’d Novr. 24, 1808, by Lawrie &€ Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London. A [Continued Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th [No. 456—Continued] character portrait of an actor, in the scene mentioned. Not signed. Douglas, No. 1814; Not in Reid. (4) CotorEep copy of the above, somewhat soiled, publisher’s line at top eut off. (5) A BuNDLE oF TRUTHS. Sung, with great Applause, by Henry Johnston, in Dublin, Cork, &c., &c. Not signed. Publisher’s line at top,—Published 2nd Sept. 1811, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Strt. London. Beneath are six verses, in three columns. A street scene, with an old wooden-legged peddler, standing and singing, with a bottle of Irish whisky in his hand, and his case of commodities slung before him. Not signed. Douglas, No. 1808; Reid, No. 4497. ) CoLorED copy of the above, margins cut close, no publisher’s line. (7) IrnisuH HospiTaLiry. Sung with great Applause by Mr. Incledon, in his New Entertainment, called “The Minstrel.” “J. R. Cruikshank del.” “G. Ck. sculp.” [Colophon. ] Published, the 20th October, 1815, by J. Whittle and R. H. Laurie, No. 58, Fleet Street, London. Four gentlemen, seated at a table, over their dessert and wine. Douglas, No. 1831; Reid, No. 508. (8) IrntsuH Hosprrarity. A Plain copy of the preceding. . ; (9) Prerer Snovut, or A Shift to Make a Shirt, Sung, with universal Applause, by Mr. Sloman and Mr. Munden. “G. Cruikshank.” Beneath are eight verses, in three columns, with colophon,— Published the 1st of August, 1821, by R. H. Laurie, No. 53, Fleet Street, London. Cotorep copy. Bed-room, where Par- son Botch is enjoying a morning nap, his bed-fellow Snout is quickly making his retreat, with his friend’s shirt. Douglas, No. 1346; Reid, No. 1028. (10) Perer Snout. Plain copy of the preceding. 457. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). COLORED CARICATURE. An affecting Scene in 4 bes the Downs. Signed on the plate,—“G. Ck.” Beneath are seven verses, in double column. Size of etching, 614 by 10 inches. Matted. [Colophon.] London—Printed and Published September, 1809, by Johnston, Cheapside FINE COPY OF THE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLorED. Douglas, No. 1303 ; Reid, No. 81. " View of a portion of Sir William Curtis’s yacht, having a turtle sus- pended on the poop, over which the gallant knight, ladle in hand, is leaning, listening to his friend Lord Castlereagh, who is approaching in a boat, with a handkerchief held towards his eyes. 458. CrvurIKSHANK (GuorcE). A Collection of Twenty-six Laurie and Whit- / As | @ Bs tle’s “Song-Heads,” each illustrated with an engraving, of which 12, and possibly more are by George Cruikshank. Neatly bound in one vol. 4to, half brown morocco, gilt back and top, BY RIVIERE. London, 1811 A Choice Collection. Includes the following,— BonaPaRteE. Written by Mr. Lawler; introduced by Mr. Elliston. “G. Cruikshank del et sculp.’? View of stage, with Elliston in the character of “Sylvester Daggerwood.” [Continued Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th | No. 458—Continued | Douglas, No. 1805; Reid, No. 117. A BuLt IN A CHINA-SHop. Written by Mr. C. Dibdin . . . sung by Mr. Grimaldi. “Cruikshank, Del.” oblong 4to, half red levant morocco, lettered in gilt on back and front cover, gilt edges, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. | London, 1819-1825 ALL FINE IMPRESSIONS, AND ALL FIRST STATES, as follows,— (1) Tue Heap acHE—“G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. Feby. 12th, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James’s St. An old fellow is seated by the fire in his slippers, with phial in his hand, from which he has taken physic, which has failed to relieve his malady, which is personified by six little devils. Douglas, No. 1200; Reid, No. 870. (2) Tue CHoric—“G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. Feby. 12, 1819, by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James’s St. A Companion piece to the preceding. An old woman, seated on a sofa, and in ex- cruciating agony, which is caused by a thick cord tied round her waist, and kept tight by two devils, other imps assisting. Douglas, No. 1201; Reid, No. 871. Reid, in giving the notes to the above two prints, has reversed them. (3) A CuRE ror DrowsINEss—or—A Pinch of Cephalic. ”Htched by G. Oruikshank, from a Sketch by the late Jas. Gillray.”’ Pubd. Jany. 25th, 1822, by G. Humphrey 27 St. James’s St. London. A gouty old John Bull, seated with his brandy and water and pipe. Douglas, No. 1202; Reid, No. 1067. (4) Tue Buus Devirs—t! “G. Cruikshank fect.’ Pubd. by G. [Continued Third Session, Wednesday .Evening, February Sth [No. 483—Continued | Humphrey 27 St. James’s St. London—Jany 10th, 1823. An old fellow seated near a fireless grate, with an elfin beggar crouched within its bars. Jack Ketch, who has made a gallows of the candle-stick, is about to adjust the noose of a halter. Bailiff serving a copy of a writ; A beadle, followed by a woman, for whom he is authorized to serve a summons; with other elfin figures. Douglas, No. 1203; Reid, No. 1162. (5) JEaLousy—‘“A Crowquill, Esq. invt. G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. November ist, 1825 by S. Knight, Sweetings Alley, Ryl. XChange. A companion picture to the following. A dis- tracted husband, who has just finished perusing an anony- mous letter, while various imaginary incidents appear to his heated imagination, including elfin figures. Douglas, No. 1204; Reid, No. 1814. (6) INnpIGESTION. “A Crowquill Esqr. delt. Etched by G. Ck.” Pubd. Decr. 12th, 1825 by S. Knight, Sweetings Alley, Royal XChange. An old dyspeptic person sitting in his arm-chair, fearful of going to bed, tormented by many miniature imps. Douglas, No. 1205; Reid, No. 1288. 484, CruIKSHANK (GEorcE). CoLorED Ercuines. The series of six COLORED 50. Etchings for “The Sailor’s Progress.” Printed on handmade paper, two of the plates with watermark “C. M. D. 1819,” and one with “J. Whatman, 1816.” Size, 514 by 81% inches, with wide margins and uNcuT EpGEs. Bound in one vol. oblong 4to, half morocco, lettered on front coverg—“Life of a Seaman, Cruikshank, 1820.” 3 Dublin: Published by McCleary, undated The plates, although not signed are by George Cruikshank. The series comprises those plates enumerated by Douglas in item 1102 of his Bibliography, as follows, Plate 1. ENTERING AS LANDSMAN. Plate 2d. CAROUSING ON BOARD. Plate 3d. InN IRONS FOR GETTING DRUNK. Plate 4th. BoarpinGc A FRENCH BRIG. Plate 5th. Promorep To BoaTSwAIN and exercising his Authority. Plate 6th. Lam up a Greenwich Pensioner relating his Adventures. 485. CRUIKSHANK (GxEorcE). CoLorep Ercuine. A Trifling Mistake—Cor- rected—“G. Cruikshank fecit.” Pubd. Jany. 1st 1820 by G. Hum- phrey, 2% St. James's St. London. 4to, folded to 8vo, and bound in volume of tracts. 8vo, calf, binding broken. London, 1820 First state. Douglas,.No. 1879; Reid, No. 933. The plate, which represents John Cam Hobhouse (Lord Broughton), in a cell at Newgate, is bound with the following tracts,— : A Trifling Mistake in Thomas Lord Erskine’s Recent Preface... in A Letter to his Lordship. London, 1819; A Letter to Lord Viscount Castlereagh, by John C. Hobhouse.., Lon- don, 1819; Proceedings in the House of Commons, and in the Court of King’s- Bench, relative to the Author of “The Trifling Mistake.’ By John C. Hobhouse. London, 1820. The combination of the plate and the three tracts relating to the same subjects make this an interesting item. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th 486. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). CoLorED Caricature. A Party of Pleasure— Dedicated to the Funny Club. “Htched by G. Cruikk.” Pubd June ,, 25th 1822 by G. Humphrey 2% St. James’ Street—London— _ Size, 3 SU 81% by 1334 inches. Matted. Slight tear in margin. 5 ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLoRED. Douglas, No. 1134; Reid, No. 1081. A boating party upset in the middle of the Thames above bridge. The entire party in a dangerous position. 487. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). A Series of Four cotorep Etchings by George Cruikshank, illustrative of Juvenile Dancing Lesson. Each plate, 434 by 614 inches, neatly mounted in sunken mount, attached to : linen guard. Bound in one vol. small oblong 4to, three-quarter ¢rim- 4% IV son levant morocco, gilt back, lettered on front cover, gilt edges, BY ¥. SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. London, 1822-1825 ORIGINAL CoLorED ImprREssions of this Charming Series of plates, as follows,— 1. Tur Dancoinea Lesson [Pt..1.] Etched by Cruikk. Pubd. July Sth, 1822, by H. Humphrey 27 St. James’s St. London. First state. Douglas, No. 1181. Slight variation from that given by Reid as No. 1082. 2. Tur MINUET. The Dancing Lesson—Pt. 2. G@. Oruikshank fect. London Pubd. March 6th, 1824—by G. Humphrey, St. James’s Street. First state. Douglas, No. 1182. Not in Reid, though listed in his Index as No. 1098. 3. L’Ert. The Dancing Lesson. Pt. 3. G. Cruikshank, fect. London Pubdd. March 1st, 1825 by G. Humphrey 24 St. James’s St. First statE. Douglas, No. 1188. Slight variation from Reid, No. 1294. 4. Tue Sartors Hornprpr. The Dancing Lesson. Pt. 4. G. Oruik- shank fect. London Pubd. March Ast, 1825—by G. Humphrey, 24 St. James’s St. First state. Douglas, No. 1184; Reid, No. 1293. 488. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). Cotorep Ercutne. Dancing Dolls—or—les Marionettes 4 Londres. “J. 7. S., Esq. invt. G. Cruik. fecit.” Pubd Jany 15, 1823 by G. Humphrey 27 St. James’s St. London. Size, 2 4 by 5inches. Matted. si ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLOoRED. Douglas, No. 1215; Reid, No. 1164. A poor Savoyard boy putting his doll in motion by the aid of a string fastened to his knee, and playing the pipe, to the great amusement of two little girls, an old gardener and an Irish washerwoman. 489. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). ORIGINAL COPPER-PLATE AND LETTER-PROOF Impression FROM Same. “The Luprecham.” Size of copper, 6 by 9 inches. The 2 pieces, neatly framed, as one. Q London, 1825 vv) UNIQUE ITEM. Consisting of the original plate on which the etching was engraved, and an impression from the same. This plate appeared in “The Dublin and London Magazine,” for July, 1825. Douglas under item No. 78, mentions the plates as being woodcuts, which in this instance is disproved by the original plate here offered. FINE PIECE. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th 490. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Cotorep CartcatTurE. The Return of a Sail- ing Party. “A Orowquill, Hsqr. delt. Hitched by G. Ck.” London _._ Pubd. August 14th 1826 by 8. Knights. Sweetings Alley Royal Ex- yo’ change. Size, 814 by 13 inches. Matted. . ORIGINAL STATE, CoLoRED. Douglas, No. 1154; Reid, No. 1312. A scene on the beach of a favorite watering-place, where a family have just landed, after suffering sea-sickness. 491. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). CaricaTURE. Comic Composites for the Scrap Book, with Humorous Lines by Thos. Hood Hsqr. Author of ‘“Whims and Oddities.” Six compositions of various domestic uten- sils, made to resemble human figures, on one sheet. Signed, “G. Ok.’ London, Published June 1, 1829, by W. B. Cooke. Size, 9 by 131% inches. Matted. SECOND STATE. Douglas, No. 1128; Reid, No. 1064. 492. CRUIKSHANK (GzorGE). A Complete Series of eight coLorep etchings by George Cruikshank, illustrative of “The Progress of a Midship- man.” Bound in one vol. oblong 4to, half red morocco, lettered on back and front cover. London: Published by Thos. McLean, 1835 oem J 28 This series of plates was first issued by G. Humphrey, in 1820; the above are the reissues by McLean. They comprise the complete set, as follows,— A Srormy Skga, out of which, on a rock, rises The Temple of Fame. A boat with the midshipman at the helm, with a large sail, on which is inscribed ‘The Progress of a Midshipman.” Firtine Out. Four lines of verse. Master B. Finpinc THines nor Wxactty WHAT HE HWiXPECTED. Mr. B. ON THE MippLtE WatcH. Cold blows the wind and the rain’s coming on. Mr. B. Masturap—or, enjoying the Fresh Air for the 30th time. Mr. B. SEEKING THE BUBBLE REPUTATION. WAITING Room AT THE ADMIRALTY. Me. B. Promortep to Lieut. & first putting on his uniform. 493. ORUIKSHANK (GrorcE). The complete series of four plates illustrative of Holiday Scenes. “G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd. Augt. 1st, 1835, by Thos. McLean, 26 Haymarket. ALL FINELY COLORED. The iy) four plates bound in one vol. oblong 4to, half red polished morocco, P . lettered on back and front cover, BY ROOT. . [London] 1835 This series of plates comprises the reissue of the originals, which were first published in 1826, by S. Knights. They comprise the follow- ing,— : BREAKING UP. Ar Home In THE Nursery: or, the Masters and Misses Two-Shoes’ Christmas Party. Homer From ScHoot, or the Commencement of the Holiday. Briack Monpay, or the Last Day of the Holidays. 494, CruIKSHANK (GEORGE). Ercuine. “The Opening of the Great Indus- trial Exhibition of All Nations by her Most Gracious Majesty y, Queen Victoria and his Royal Highness Prince Albert on the 1st. [Continued Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th peacetime inane Gi erra ctia Agate an [No. 494—Continued | of May, 1851.” Signed on plate,—“George Orwikshank.” |'Taken on the spot by George Cruikshank. Published by David Bogue, London, June 29th, 1851.] Size, 1014 by 1534 inches. Matted. INDIA PROOF IMPRESSION, BEFORE ALL LETTERS, WITH AUTOGRAPH PENCILLED INSCRIPTION, IN THE HANDWRITING OF THE ARTIST, on lower margin, giving names of some of the principal personages attending, and title,—“The Representation of all Nations.” UNIQUE copy of this view from the south-west gallery, when the Arch- bishop was praying for a Divine blessing upon the Great Exhibition. The artist has introduced a portrait of himself, standing in the south-west gallery. Douglas, No. 1438; Reid, No. 2542. 495. CRUIKSHANK (GrorGE). Ercutne. All the World Going to See the : Great Exhibition of 1851. INDIA PROOF, SIGNED IN THE AUTOGRAPH 3. oF George CrurKksHanK,—‘“Designed & Etched by George Crutk- shank.” Size, 8% by 11 inches. In cloth covers. 3 496. CRUIKsHANK (GrorcE). Woopcur. A Runaway Knock. Painted by George Cruikshank.—From the Exhibition of the British Institution. Signed on the plate,—“G. Cruikshank.” “Swain Sc.” 4to, mounted / on mat. Enclosed in cloth folder, lettered. London, 1855 Woodcut from the “Illustrated London News,” February 17, 1855. A fat and fussy footman, accompanied by many spaniels and poodles, an- swering a knock at the door of a roadside house. Douglas, No. 266; Reid, No. 4596. 4964. CruIKSHANK (GxoRGE). Ercutne. Bishop Lyndewode (1446). | “Drawn & etched by Geo. Cruikshank—1852.” Size, 414 by 3%4 inches, on 4to, sheet. Neatly matted. Death mask portrait. Not listed by Douglas and Reid. 497. ORUIKSHANK (GEorGE). Our “Gutter Children.” By George Cruik- ; shank. Large etching on glass, by the Hancock process, Published by the artist, July, 1869, Sold by all Book and Printsellers. On the plate—“Designed and etched by George Cruikshank.” Beneath the jy 2Y etching are two columns of text, which are continued on the fol- / [ lowing three pages, the space back of the etching being left blank. “Folio, 4pp. Bound in half red morocco, leather lettered label on front cover. [Colophon.] London: Published by W. Tweedie, 1869 First WprrioN OF THIS RARE FOLIO TRACT. Douglas, No. 1789; Reid, No. 2656. A satire upon Miss Rye’s Proposition for transporting to Canada and the Western States of America, some of the Deserted and Neglected Children of England. The scene depicted by Cruikshank, is before the doors of the “Angel,” a gin palace, where a reverend gentleman is scoop- ing into a mud cart many ragged children, who are being swept to him [Continued Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th [ No. 49%’—Continued | by an elderly gentleman and a young lady. Miss Rye officiates as car- man, and eulogises her patrons. UNIQUE COPY, WITH INSCRIPTION IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF GEORGE CRUIK- SHANK, reading,— “Tl TIT. Orwikshank Roger, Esq. with the best regards of Geo. Cruik- shank Augst 14, 1869.” 498. CRUIKSHANK (GrORGE). CoLorED Ercuinc. The Chignon. “De- signed & Etched by George Cruikshank.” Female head, bust in profile, with huge chignon and a Cupid on top. Beneath are six lines commencing,—“The chignon is a sort of Cupid’s nest,” etc. Signed,—““G. Ck. 1870.” London, Pubd. by W. Tweedie 33% Strand. « 20 WITH AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, reading,— #& = “To Miss H. Hodson, with the Kind regards of Geo. Crutkshank. Feby. 23d, 1873.” [Atso| Tue Oricinat Prenci, SkeroH By G. CruIKSHANK. of the above portrait, without the inscription, and unsigned. The 2 pieces neatly mounted in one vol. 4to, drab boards, with paper label on front cover. London, 1870 UNIQUE ITEM. FIRST EDITION OF THE PLATE. Douglas, No. 1449; Not in Reid. 499. OrurksHANK (GuHOoRGE). Business Card of J. W. Bouton, Bookseller and Importer, 706, Broadway, New York. A scroll contains the fol- a lowing inscription,—Desiqned & etched by George Cruikshank 1n September 1871, who was born on the 27th Sept. 1792. Size of card, 334 by 31% inches. In sunken mount, with leather covers. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. Douglas, No. 1450; not in Reid. 500. ORUIKSHANK (GxEoRGE). CoLoreD GiypHocRaPH. With manuscript inscription “Christian passing through the Valley of the Shadow of / Death? SIGNED IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF THE ARTIST,—“Geo. Crutk- . shank. 1871.” Size, 634 by 1214 inches, top corners rounded. Matted. RARE ITEM. Proor rmpression, highly colored. Douglas. No. 1865. 501. CrUIKSHANK (GEORGE). COLORED CARICATURE. Exhibition Extraor- dinary in the Horticultural Room. “A Bird, wnvt. et delt.” Etched by G. Cruikshank. Size, 9 by 13%4 inches. Matted. SD FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLorED. Douglas, No. 1155; Reid, No. Ly . 1881. A meeting of the Horticultural Society, with the company assembled, and described as part of the exhibition, commencing with “The Pink of Fashion, or Dandy Lion,” and ending with the “Hortus Cantab, propa- gated at New-Market.” The articles on the table have affinities to popular sensations and inventions. 502. CRUIKSHANK (GxEorcE). A series of ten plates, eight by George Cruik- shank, two by Robert Cruikshank. All printed in brown on thick [sv drawing paper. All matted. Together, 12 pieces. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th GEORGE AND ROBERT CRUIKSHANK Books illustrated by the joint labor of these two artists, and Etchings with autograph inscription by George, identifying the work as his own or his brother Robert’s. [Numbers 503 to 525, inclusive] 503. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE AND RoserT). The Fashionable Swindler, or Villainy Displayed; being the Genuine History, and Surprising Events. . . of the Celebrated and Elegant Sharper, George R— ) » Fine folding frontispiece, in colors, containing two compartments, 2 ¢ with AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK,— By my Brother I. R. C2. “G. Ck.” .12mo, calf, lettered up back, fillet border, dentelle inside borders, BY LARKINS. London: Printed and Published by J. Bailey [1812] First Eprtron. Colin, No.:287; Douglas, No. 356. UNIQUE copy of this scarce book. From the Douglas collection. 504. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE AND Rosert). The Busy Body, or Men and Manners. Edited by Humphrey Hedgehog, Esq. Vols. 1 to 3 (March 1, 1816 to August 1, 1817, inclusive). With 18 FINE COL- ORED ENGRAVINGS, in the manner of George and Robert Cruikshank, and by James Gillray and Williams. Bound from the original parts, — k 32 with the addition of titles and prefatory matter. Together, 3 vols. / ~~ gyo, full crimson levant morocco, richly tooled gilt backs, sides with fillet borders, the front covers with corners of dots and floral designs, gilt tops, uncut, BY BAYNTUN. London: J. Johnston, 1816-1817 Fine copy. The complete set should have four: volumes. William Jaggard in his “Index to Book-Prices Current,” lists this work under George Cruikshank, giving him credit for several of the engrav- ings. In the present copy, three of the plates are signed by Williams, two are signed by Gillray, and the others are unsigned. Of the unsigned plates, two are by Gillray, which with the two signed plates by this artist comprise the first four plates of. his series of eight, executed for the “Life of William Corbett.” Gillray’s plates in these volumes - appear in front of the four parts containing the “Letters of Corbett.” - 505. ORUIKSHANK (GzorGE AND Ropert). Trials for Murder! At Kingston Lent Assize, 1816. Richard Russel for the Murder of his Father, At Thames Ditton, On October the 26th, 1815. John Brooks, for /7 the Murder of Edward Thompson, In Ball Alley, Lombard Street, bs On Feb. 23d, 1816. Richard Collins, for Murdering his Master, — at Elstead, Sept. 11th, 1815. And Elizabeth Mary Miller, Charged ° with Poisoning Elizabeth Anne Newman, on 13th of Sept. 1815, in the Parish of St. Mary, Lambeth. Folding frontispiece, in colors, of the Murder by Richard Russel, with AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION BY [Continued [L0G ON] ‘I ‘OA 0} ddoIdsTVUOAZ puB osed-9]1} JO O[TUISOBJ poonposy MNVHSMINAD LYAMOY GNV ADMOUY Ad GALVALSATIT GOVOIS HSILIYd AHL Stst Seen ceeeaeel SOS¥HONE TYAOM “HISRAUNS “6 Aa “SERLGINAONS ANE Una aeNeItae RERRID “PIES WEES Shy HOQUOTE ————E&<@$@m = RARE, only 3 copies known to Cohn, who mentions the work under item 7 SO No. 487. “: Of the plates in this collection, which were also used in “The Gentle- men’s Pocket Magazine,” Mr. Cohn in his Notes upon some Rare Cruik- shankiana, states, that “fifteen bear the signature of George and nine that of Robert, but there can be no doubt that George Cruikshank was partly responsible for the latter, as well as for those which he acknow- ledges.”’ The following characters appear in this work,—Parish Beadle ; Tax Gatherer; Turncock; Waterman ,; Stage Coachman ; Hackney Coachman; Sailor; Sailor’s Lass; Greenwich Pensioner ; Chelsea Pensioner; Brewer’s Drayman ; Butcher’s Boy; Baker; Fishmonger ; Maid-Servant ; Footman; Barber; Old Clothes’ Man; Market-Woman ; Dustman ; Chimney-Sweeper ; Bricklayer’s Labourer ; Watchman; Last Dying Speech Man. 525. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE AND Ropert). Barker (H. M.). The Old Sailor’s Jolly Boat, Laden with Tales and Yarns, to Please All Hands; 3 Pulled by Wit, Fun, Humor, and Pathos. Illustrated with steel / engravings (25), by George and Robert Cruikshank. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, corners of binding worn. London: Willoughby & Co., circa 1844 This is Willoughby’s re-issue, with the letterpress and pagination dif- ferent. Has the eight pages of advertisements at end. ; ‘ ; 1 a ; Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th BOOKS ILLUSTRATED BY ROBERT CRUIKSHANK [Numbers, 526 to 617, inclusive | 526. CrurkSHANK (RopeErt). ‘The Poll Book, for Electing Two Represen- tatives in Parliament for the City and Liberty of Westminster, June 19, to July 4, 1818; before Arthur Morris, Esq. High Bailiff. . . To which is added, A List of the Members Returned to serve in the New Parliament, for the United Kingdom. Folding coLoREpD 6, frontismece—‘Westminster Hlection,’ by I. R. Crutkshank, re- touched. 8vo, half russia. London: J. J. Stockdale, 1818 First Epition. Marchmont, No. 498. This work is rather hard to find with the plate, which as a rule has been abstracted. Portrait of Sir Francis Burdett, inserted. ™~ 527. CRUIKSHANK (RopertT). The Art of Making Fireworks, Detonating Balls, &c. Containing Directions for Preparing the Ingredients, and making and finishing the most simple Devices in the Ingenious Art; together with how to prepare and make*Detonating Balls, Y, Spiders and Segars, Boots & Shoes, Waterloo Crackers, &c., by Christopher Grotz, Real Engineer. Colored frontispiece by Crutk- shank, signed—“I. R. C. fecit.” 12mo, original wrappers, uncut, preserved in stiff cloth. wrapper, lettered back. London [1819] First Eprtion. Not in Marchmont. 528. OrvIKSHANK (RopertT). Mathews’s Trip to Paris; or, the Dramatic Tourist: containing the whole of the Songs, Adventures and Mis- adventures, Original Anecdotes, High and Low Life . . . as gleaned # by that Unrivalled Performer, “Abroad” and “At Home.” Frontts- | piece in cotors of —“Mr. Mathews as Miss Evelin Evergreen in his Trip to Paris,’ signed “I. R. C. fect.” (Robert Cruikshank). * 12mo, half calf, some pages foxed, frontispiece pasted in. London: Dean & Munday, 1819 First Epition. Not in Marchmont. The Dedication is signed by Timothy Flint, and dated, March 30, 1818. 529. CRUIKSHANK (Rogert). The Theatrical House that Jack Built. With thirteen cuts (by R. Cruikshank). Second Edition. 8vo, new boards, uncut. ; London: Joseph Grove, 1819 530. CruiksHANK (Roserr). [Combe (William).] The Tour of Doctor Syntax Through London, or the Pleasures and Miseries of the Me- tropolis. A Poem. Third Edition. Hngraved title in colors, and 19 COLORED PLATES, unsigned, but attributed to both Robert Cruik- J shank and Thomas Rowlandson. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. A few of the pages have light spots. London: Published by J. Johnston, 1820 AN UNUSUALLY LARGE copy of this work, which is entirely anonymous, both author and illustrator (or illustrators) being unknown. Mr. Jagard [ Continued Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th | No. 530—Continued | in his “Index to Book-Prices Current,” gives Isaac Robert Cruikshank as the illustrator, and William Combe as the author. Some collectors and experts declare the engravings to be the work of Thomas Rowland- son. That more than one artist illustrated the work, is evidenced by the slip in the original edition, where the publisher announces the death of one of the artists. 531. CrurksHANK (Rozert). Duncombe’s Edition. Mr. Yates’ New Enter- tainment. Portraits & Sketches. Conorep folding frontispiece— Sv “Mr. Yate’s Portraits & Sketches,’ by R. Cruikshank. 12%mo, half - calf, gilt back and top, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: Duncombe [1820] First EpIrioN WITH THIS PLATE. Marchmont, No. 500. 532. CRUIKSHANK (RoperT). Lessons of Thrift, Published for General Benefit. By a Member of the Save-all Club. Title with colored A vignette, and 12 full-page FINELY COLORED plates designed and 60. etched by J. R. Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, original terra-cotta boards, uncut, rebacked, a portion of original label used. London: Thomas Boys, 1820 EXCEEDINGLY SCARCE. First Eprtron. Marchmont, No. 310. Inserted are two of the ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR SKETCHES BY ROBERT CruiksHANK for the following illustrations in this work,—“‘The Poli- ticians.” Frontispiece; “The Gentlemen of the White Goose.” Has leaf . of advertisements, at end. Very tall copy, ENTIRELY UNCUT. 533. CRUIKSHANK (RopErt). New Edition, with Additions. The Theatrical Olio; or, Actor’s Ways and Means. Portrait of Mathews, and 3 col- 3 ored character portraits of Mathews, by (Robert) Cryskshank. /0: 12mo, half calf, gilt back and top, BY ZAEHNSDORP. [London:] Duncombe [1820] 634, CRUIKSHANK (Rosert). The Political Doctor Syntax, a Poem. With satyrical designs by I. R. Cruikshank. % FINELY COLORED engrav- ings—“Doctor Syntax Dreaming” and “Doctor Syntax Entertained eat Lord C—H’s.” 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, fillet and let- Y2s tered back, sides with border of fillets and dots, gilt top, BY SAN- GORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. London: Grove and Co., 1820 First Eprtion. Fine copy. Unknown to Marchmont. 535. CRUIKSHANK (Rosert). The Spanish Hero; or, History of Alonzo the - Brave, containing an Authentic Account of the Wars between the iS Spaniards and the Moors, in the Reign of Alphonso III. CoLorEp \ folding frontispiece-—signed,—I. R. Cruikshank, fecit.” 12mo, new boards. London: Bailey [1820] First EpirioN WITH THIS PLATE. Marchmont, No. 451. q 4 4 ‘ Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th 536. OrviksHANK (RopErt). Tom & Jerry in France; or Vive la Baga- telle. A Musical Entertainment in Three Acts, as Performed at The Royal Coburg Theatre. Colored frontispiece—“Alfred Solomon {0 Solomon Satinet . . . alias Jemmy Green,” signed,—“T. R. C.” 8vo, new cloth. Plate with slight tear in margin. London: Printed for J. Lowndes, circa 1820 RARE First Epitron. Not in Marchmont. 537. CruIKSHANK (Roxsert). The Wit’s Album; or Pine-Apple of Litera- ture: being an Extensive Repository of Wit, Humour, and Kc- centricity: combing the cream of all well-seasoned Jest, Curious 7 Relations, Droll Doings, Strange Stories, Sprightly Sayings, Witti- 00, cisms, Epigrams, and Bon Mots, Which have been recorded in the last Century, and cannot be exceeded in the Age to come. Lmbell- ished with copper-plate etchings (19) by R. Cruikshank, aqua-tinted by Joseph Gleadah; also an engraved portrait of R. B. Sheridan. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back and edges, slightly cracked at one hinge, owner’s name partly obliterated from title. London: John Duncombe [1820] Rare Frrest EDITION. WITH ALL THE PLATES. Marchmont (No. 499) ealls for 20 plates by R. Cruikshank, this is wrong, as the list of plates includes the portrait of Reynolds, and calls for 20 in all, as in the above copy. THE Henry W. Poor copy, with leather book-label. 538. CRUIKSHANK (Ropert). Yates’ Reminiscences. Conorep folding fron- tisptece containing various portraits in character, not signed, at- 2? tributed to R. Cruikshank. 12mo, half calf, gilt back and top, By ‘ _- ZABHNSDORF. London: Duncombe [1820] Lettered on title, Second Edition. Not in Marchmont. 539. CRUIKSHANK (Roperr). Three Rare Tracts published by T. Dolby, as follows,—The King the Avowed Enemy of the Queen. And a New Royal Game of Chess, Played for Half-Crown Stakes. Invented by 4 “Philoi-d’Or.” Folding plate; The Queen and Magna Charta, or, The. Thing that John Signed. Woodcuts; The Total Eclipse, a Grand Politico-Astronomical Phenomenon which occurred in the year 1820. Woodcuts. Together, 3 pamphlets in one vol. 8vo, half levant morocco, lettered up back, gilt top, all uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: T. Dolby, 1820 and wndated Att First Epririons, and all illustrated by I. R. Cruikshank. All unknown to Marchmont. The full-page illustration at the end of the last tract is frequently missing. VERY BARE. From Lorp ASHBURTON’S LIBRARY, afterwards in the library of the Duke of Mexborough, with the latter’s bookplate. 540. CrurksHANK (RoserT). The London Wilson: being A Choice Collec- tion of the most Admired Airs, Songs, &c. of that Justly-Admired 3 Singer. With full-length cotorEp portrait of Miss Wilson, by Robert ‘Cruikshank, signed —TI. R. O. fecit.’ 16mo, original printed wrapper, uncut, a few signatures unopened, margins slightly spotted. [London:] Printed for Hodgson . . . [1821] First Epition. Not in Marchmont. RARE. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th 541. CrurksHank (Ropert). Tales of the Cordelier Metamorphosed, as Nar- rated in a Manuscript from the Borromeo Collection,-and in the Cordelier Cheval of M. Piron. With translations (by G. Hibbert, / b the Great Book-Collector). With 11 fine etchings, on INDIA PAPER, by I. R. Cruikshank. Ato, calf, polished, gilt back, fillet borders, gilt top, uncut, BY RIVIERE. a London: Printed at the Shakespeare Press, by W. Bulmer and W. Nicol, 1821 FINE Copy OF THE First Eprrion. With the Printer’s leaf at end. A very fine example of the work of Robert Cruikshank. Marchmont, No. 466, where the statement is made that “of this curi- ous volume only 64 copies were privately printed by the Translator. Very rare.” 542. CRUIKSHANK (Ropert). Ball (Edward). Joan of Are; or The Maid of Orleans. A Melo-Drama, in Three Acts. CoLorEp frontispiece — We ‘Mrs. Egerton, as Joan of Arc,” by I. R. Crutkshank. First Ept- 3 Tron. London: John Lowndes [1822]; ReynNox~ps (FREDERICK). The Blind Bargain, or Hear It Out, a Comedy. London, 1805; The Will, a Comedy. London, 1815. The 3 pamphlets in one vol. 8vo, half roan. London, 1822-1815-1805 The above are the ORIGINAL PROMPT BOOKS, with Manuscript Notes con- cerning the production of the plays. SCARCE. Not in Marchmont. “ 543. CRUIKSHANK (Ropert). The British Dance of Death, Exemplified by a Series of Engravings, from drawings by Van Assen; with Hx- planatory and Moral Essays. Title with woodcut border of skull-. = Sf and-cross-bones and hour-glass, and 18 FINELY COLORED plates, the frontispiece signed “Robt. Cruikshank sculp.” some of the other plates signed “J. Gheadah, sculpt.” 8vo, calf, polished, richly tooled gilt back, sides with triple fillet border, gilt top, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London: Hodgson & Co. [1822] FIRST ISSUE AND AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COPY. VERY RARE. 544, CrurksHank (Roprrt). The Commercial Tourist; or, Gentleman Tray- eller. A Satirical Poem, in Four Cantos. With 5 FINELY COLORED 4.0) engravings by J. R. Cruikshank. Second Edition, greatly enlarged. OG" - vo, crimson levant morocco, richly tooled gilt back, sides with triple fillet border and ornamental corners, inside border, gilt top. London, Sold by G. and W. B. Whittaker, 1822 FINE copy. Brilliant impressions of the plates. 545. CRUIKSHANK (RoserT). Comicalities. A series of 24 FINELY COLORED plates depicting the various phases of life and times in the early % part of the 19th century. . Bound in one vol. oblong 16mo, half blue levant morocco, lettered on back and front cover. Tes [London, circa 1822} First Eprrion. Comprises,—A Card Party; A Steam Packet Cabin; Pounds, Shillings, Pence; Honour; Admiral Van Tromp’s Duel, and others, four of which are later impressions. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th Aa i Le Ee 546. CRUIKSHANK (RoserT). Memoirs and Anecdotes of Monsieur Alex- andre, the Celebrated Dramatic Ventriloquist. [Also, with separate title-page] Adventures of a Ventriloquist; or the Rogueries of 6 Nicholas; an entirely new Comic . . . Entertainment, in three -* parts. Portrait, and 10 coLorED portraits of Alexandre in various characters. 12mo, mottled calf, polished, gilt back, sides with double fillet border, gilt edges. Title repaired and rebacked. London: John Lowndes, 1822 First Epirion. Rare. Not in Marchmont. 547%. CRUIKSHANK (RoBerT). Ramsay (George). A New Dictionary of Anec- dotes. CoxorED frontispiece, signed—‘I. R. Orutkshank.’ 8vo, calf, gilt, gilt edges, binding broken. London: Sherwood, Nelly, and Jones, 1822 ; Srconp Epition, but the First WITH THIS ILLUSTRATION. Marchmont, No. 404A. The frontispiece contains 13 views, the centre one being a parlor scene with three persons, one of whom is reading; the others are vignettes illustrative of the passions. 2 Se 548. OrurksHanK (Rosert). Wonder of the World!! Fairburn’s Account of the Mermaid, the Most Extraordinary Animal in the Creation, k Half Woman & Half Fish, Forming the Connecting Link in the Ms ; Chain of Nature between the Human and Piscine Tribes. COLORED folding frontispiece showing a front and side view of “The Mermaid.” sioned,—“I. R. C.” 8vo, stitched, uncut. With folding cloth cover, lettered on front. London: John Fairburn [1822] First Eprrion. Very RARE. Not in Marchmont. Has the half-title, and the four leaves of advertisements at end (last one torn), relative to the publication of “Facetiana,”’ a new work, with illustrations by George Cruikshank. 549. OrurKsHANK (Roperr). The Youth’s Monthly Visitor; or, Instructive and Entertaining Miscellany of Useful Knowledge [February 1, 1822 to January, 1823]. 2 vols. [With continuations, as] The } Youth’s Miscellany of Knowledge and Entertainment [February to /. July, 1823] One vol. Illustrated with 18 COLORED plates, of whach 9 are by I. R. Cruikshank, signed, either with initials or in full; also woodcuts. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, claret levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, sides with framed border of -fillets, dots and ro- settes, inside borders, gilt tops, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1822-1823 First EDITION OF AN EXTREMELY RARE WORK. Not in Marchmont. The work was discontinued after the end of the third volume, as stated in the Preface to the same. 550. CRUIKSHANK (Ropert). The same. Vols. 2 and 3 only. 2 vols. 16mo, / ee original cloth. London, 1823 id Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th 551. CRuIKSHANK (RopeErtT). Dibdin (Charles). Life in London; or, the Larks of Logic, Tom & Jerry, An Extravaganza in Three Acts. With COLORED folding frontispiece of Mr. Wilkinson, Mr. Burroughs and Mr. Wrench, as “Logic,” “Jerry” and “Corinthian Tom.” Unsigned, ’ 2 VU but undoubtedly by R. Cruikshank. First Eprrion. London, 1822; <5 - [Atso] Songs, Parodies, Duets, Chorusses, &c. (to the preceding work). With COLORED plate by R. Cruikshank, of “Corinthian Tom.” London: John Lowndes, wndated. Bound in one vol. 8vo, calf, polished, gilt back, fillet borders, BY RIVIERE. London, 1822 and undated Accompanying the above is a copy of the original sheet music of “London now is Out of Town,” a comic song, sung by Mr. Grimaldi. 552. CRUIKSHANK (RopErt). Westmacott (C. M.). Points of Misery; or Fables for Mankind: Prose and Verse, chiefly Original. Illustrated ¢ with twenty designs (10 full-page plates and 10 vignettes), by Robert “ —— Orwikshank. Royal 8vo,. half calf, uncut, lettered on back, the margins of plates are somewhat spotted, the paper being of a soft texture. London: Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1823 First Epirion. LARGE Paper. Marchmont, No. 489. With the Original wrappers, and the 16pp. of advertises bound in. 553. CRUIKSHANK (Roperr). The Collective Wisdom; or, Sights and Sketches in the Chapel of St. Stephen; containing A Bird’s Hye View, with Characters and Cuts of John Cam Hobhouse, Peter 2 : Moore, and Richard Martin. The cuts (4) by (Robert) Cruikshank. 8vo, new boards, uncut. London: Kmight and Lacey, 1824 First Epirion. Douglas (No. 533), where it is stated that the four woodcuts “seem to be more Robert’s work than George’s.” 554. CRUIKSHANK (RopERT). ‘Trial of the Rev. Fletcher, A.M. before the > Lord Chief Justice of the Common Sense, and a Special Jury. By the author of “Trial of the Rev.»Edward Irving, A.M.” With / }- 2 COLORED plates, by R. Cruikshank, unsigned. 8vo, new half calf. | London: Knight and Lacey, 1825 First Epition. Not in Marchmont. 555. CRUIKSHANK (Ropert). [Westmacott (C. M.).] The English Spy: An Original Work, Characteristic, Satirical, and Humorous, com- prising Scenes and Sketches in Every Rank of Society, being Por- Bow traits of the Illustrious, Eminent, Eccentric, and Notorious, drawn ] IE _¢ from Life by Bernard Blackmantle. The illustrations designed by Robert Cruikshank. Illustrated with 71 full-page plates, FINELY COLORED, of which 67 are by Robert Crutkshank, 2 by Thomas Row- landson, and one each by T. Wageman and G. M. Brightly; also 36 woodcuts in the text by Robert Cruikshank and Hughes. 2 vols. [Continued Py y 4 eee ‘ etchings, all signed by Robert Cruikshank ; also, the RARE Ulwminated . [Continued Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th [ No. 593—Continued | title. 3 vols. small 8vo, half claret morocco, elaborately tooled gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, By zZAEHNSDORF. A few of the plates have imprint margin cut close. London: Saunders and Otley, 1841 FIRST COMPLETE COLLECTED EDITION. The work was originally published in parts, during the years 1840-1841. It contains Sketches of American Life, selected from the papers of “Hugo Playfair’ an officer in the Royal Navy of England. The author states in his preface, that “Hugo Playfair’s expedition to America was to ascertain the truth by im- partially viewing men and things in that extraordinary and great re- public.” The plates are illustrative of American life and scenery, and include—LiBertTy HALL DINING PARLOUR, LIBERTY HALL DRAWING Room, ete. RARE work. See, Marchmont, No. 70. 594. CRUIKSHANK (Ropert). Elder (Abraham). Tales and Legends of the 6. Isle of Wight; with the Adventures of the Author in Search of them. 14 colored plates by R. Cruikshank. Second Edition. 12mo, half brown levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. London: Simpson, Marshall & Co., 1843 595. CruiksHANK (Ropert). The Old Sailor’s Jolly Boat, Laden with Jy. Tales, Yarns, Scraps, Fragments, ete. To Please All Hands; Pulled by Wit, Fun, Humor, and Pathos, and Steered by M. H. Barker. Engraved frontispiece and 14 plates, all signed by R. Crutkshank. Svo, calf, polished, gilt back and edges, fillet borders, BY MORRELL. London: W. Strange, 1844 THE GENUINE First Eprrion, with the correct imprint. This copy lacks the list of plates and 10 plates, called for by both Douglas and Cohn. All of the George Cruikshank plates are absent. Should have 24 plates. Douglas, No. 225; Cohn, No. 52. 596. OrvurksHANK (Ropert). [Chamerovzow (L. A.).] Chronicles of The SU. Bastile. First Series. The Bertaudiére, an Historical Romance; [Auso, the concluding series] Philip of Lutetia; or The Revolution of 1789 . . . being the last Series of The Chronicles of the Bastile. Illustrated with 62 etchings by Robert Oruikshank. 2 vols. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, richly tooled gilt backs, sides with triple fillet border, dentelle inside border, gilt tops, BY RIVIERE. London: T. C. Newby, 1845-1848 FIRST COMPLETE EDITION IN BOOKFORM. The first series was started in serial form. An edition in bookform with 24 etchings was published, according to Marchmont, in 1843; this however was not the complete work, as the author in his preface, which is dated, 1845, refers to this work as terminating the “First Part;’ moreover there are 16 more etchings in this volume than appear in the work cited by Marchmont. The latter in referring to the Second Series, gives only 21 full-page etch- ings; whereas the above copy contains 22 etchings. AN EXCEPTIONALLY RARE ITEM, ESPECIALLY SO WHEN BOTH VOLUMES ARE FOUND TOGETHER. See Marchmont, Nos. 90 and 92. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th 597. ORUIKSHANK (Ropert). [Barker (Matthew H.).] Jem Blunt: a Tale of The Land and the Queen. By “The Old Sailor.” With twenty- three illustrations on steel, by R. Cruikshank. 8vo, green polished J / > ealf, elaborately tooled gilt back, fillet border, dentelle inside border, gilt top, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: Willoughby & Co. [1846] First Epition. Marchmont, No. 48. / 598. ORUIKSHANK (RopertT). Sketches of Pumps, Handled by Robert Cruik- shank. With some Temperate Spouting by Alfred Crowquill. With Bite wiles full-page and 2 vignette glypho-graphic etchings by Robert Crutk- 45! V shank. 8vo, new cloth, lettered up back. Some of the pages have off-set from plate. London: D. Bogue, 1846 First Epition. VERY RARE. Unknown to Marchmont. 599. CRUIKSHANK (RopertT). [Manby (C. W.).] Tom Racquet and his Three Maiden Aunts. With engraved title, and 12 etchings by fh. Cruikshank. 8vo, half roan, plates have margins foxed, stencilled stamp on title and at end. London: Willoughby & Co. [1850] First Eprrion. Marchmont, No. 327. 600. CruiksHANK (Ropert). Two Historical Dramas or Tragedies. By “Juvenis.” Etched frontispiece of “A Descent «nto the Lower ey Regions,” by K. Cruikshank. vo, half calf, gilt back and top, BY a3 rh RIVIERE. Top margin of few pages slightly spotted. London: Saunders and Otley, 1852 First Epition. Not in Marchmont. 601. CrurKSHANK ‘(RopertT). Thomson (Edward). The Adventures of a Carpet Bag. With 3 etchings and other illustrations by Robert Cruikshank. 12mo, original decorated colored wrapper. Slight soil re? on margins of plates. London: Piper, Brothers & Co., 1853 ’ Rare First Epition. Marchmont, No. 479. ° The design on wrapper is by Percy Cruikshank. 602. CrurksHank (Ropert). Raphael’s Witch!!! or the Oracle of the Future, by the Author of the Prophetic Messenger, with ten Colored Designs ~ on copper, by R. Cruikshank & the author, and a piece of music Ar by Blewitt. Fifth Edition. The illustrations consist of two folding bs _ coLorED plates; one, of “The Mystical Wheel of Pythagoras,” the other of “The Tablet of Questions & the Cabalistical Tablet of the Stars.’ There is also an engraved title with a colored vignette of the “Lady Witch of Raphael.” 12mo, brown calf, polished, gilt back, leather labels, sides with border of triple fillets, inside dentelle border, BY ZAEHNsDORF. ‘Title has top margin cut close, shaving ~ some of the letter. London: William Charlton Wright risst| 603. CrurKSHANK (Ropert). [Byron (Lord).] Don Juan [Cantos 1 to 5.] A Correct Copy from the Original Edition. With engraved title, and Y . 6 coLoRED plates, 4 of which are signed,—I. R. Cruikshank. 8vo, U [Continued . Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th [No. 603—Continued | full blue crushed levant morocco, richly tooled gilt back, sides with fillet border and corner ornaments of roses and dots, inside border, gilt top, with cloth protecting wrapper, in cloth slip-case, BY ROOT. Margins of plates slightly spotted. London: G. Smeeton, wndated RARE ISSUE. Unknown to Marchmont, who cites an edition by Dalby, 1822, with 8 colored plates by R. Cruikshank. 604. CrurksHANK (RopeErt). Fairburn’s Edition. The Life and Unparal- leled Voyages and Adventures of Ambrose Gwinett, formerly well known to the Public, as the Lame Beggar. Cotorep folding frontis- aii piece with four views, similar to, if not the work of Robert Crutk- shank. 12mo, half olive levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, original printed wrappers bound in, BY TOUT. London: J. Fairburn, wndated The figures in the frontispiece are counterparts of other work by Robert Cruikshank. Not in Marchmont. 605. CruIKSHANK (RopeErT). Fairburn’s Odd Fellows Song Book; or, Comi- cal Budget for 1839. Cotorep folding frontispiece, “Barney Bral- y laghans Courtship,” by R. Cruikshank, not signed. 12mo, new ; boards. London: J. Fairburn, wndated First Epirion. Not in Marchmont. 606. CruIKSHANK (Robert). The Glorious Reform in Parliament. PRINTED IN coLors, on a large silk handkerchief, about 35 by 31 inches. Signed—‘Designed dc. by Robd. Cruikshank, a friend of Reform.” / 20 Folded to 8vo, and enclosed in crimson levant morocco case, with y - inner protecting cover of silk, lettered on back, BY RIVIERE. UNIQUE ITEM. The Samuel H. Austin copy, No. 419 in his sale’s cata- logue. ’ A political memento of significance, containing portraits of the Duke of Wellington, Lord Russell, and other contemporary English notables ; with views of the “Dissolution of Parliament,’ “The Country As It Will Be,” ete. 607. CruIKSHANK (RopERT). Kidd’s Fashionable Library [Also, in same volume] Book of Gentility ; Book of Elegance; Book of Refinement ; U The Lover’s Own Book; Book of Courtship. Woodcuts by R. Crutk- ‘ shank, Seymour, Bonner, etc. Bound in one vol. 18mo, half calf. London: W. Kidd, undated 608. CruiksHaNnkK (Ropert). Kidd’s Practical Instructions in the Art of Fashionable Cookery. Woodcut and vignette by R. Cruikshank ; (, [ Also, in same volume] Reminiscences, Whimsical and Ridiculous, : by A Travelling Artist... With comic ilustrations from the graver of John Phillips, and two vignettes by Cruikshank. The 2 tracts in one vol. 18mo, half red calf, lettered up back, original wrapper of the first tract bound in, BY ZAEHNSDORE. London: W. Kidd, undated Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th 609. CrurnsHANK (Ropert). The Legend of the Large Mouth, and other Tales. With illustrations by (Robert) Cruikshank (and Robert Sey- f mour). 12mo, cloth, somewhat worn. uf London: James Blackwood & Co., wndated First Epirion. Not in Marchmont. 610. CrurKsHANK (Ropert). London Oddities; or, The Theatrical Cabinet: being Neat Tit Bits For the Lovers of Humour and Eccentricity, and a Glorious Collection of Nerve-working, Side-cracking, Care- destroying Songs, Recitations, Duetts, Glees, and Comic Stories. . With 12 conoren frontispieces, signed “I. R. OC.” or “I. R. Crusk- shank,” all with date, either 1822 or 1823. Together, 1% pamphlets, bound in one vol, 12mo, half morocco. London: Hodgson & Co., circa 1824 THE COMPLETE SERIES WITH THE ILLUSTRATIONS BY R. CRUIKSHANKE. Marchmont gives date of publication as 1827; the dates on the above plates, which are first issues, would indicate the same as being in 1828 or 1824. RARE. 611. CrRUIKSHANK (RoserT). The Maid and the Magpie; a Pathetic Tale. Folding couorED frontispiece, similar to the work of Robert Criuk- shank. 12mo, half calf, lettered up back, BY WALLIS. , London: Dean and Munday, wndated First Epirion. Not in Marchmont. 612. CrurksHaNK (Ropert). The Miller and His Men. A Melo-Drame, in Two Acts. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by a series of 9 plates, all double- page, including 5 plates with COLORED costume figures and 4 plates of scenery, of which, all but two are im COLORS. 12mo, half mo- rocco. London: Printed for the Booksellers, circa 1832 First EDITION WITH THESE ILLUSTRATIONS. Not in Marchmont. The plates comprise the series of engravings entitled “Hodgson’s New Characters in the Miller & His Men;” some have publisher’s imprint, and date, 1832. The plates are not signed, the costume plates being very similar to the work of Robert Cruikshank, who designed and exe- cuted similar work for other theatrical tracts of this period, notably the celebrated “Mathews’ Tours.” 4 wf? 613. CRUIKSHANK (RosertT). The Moor, the Mine, and the Forrest, or, Scenes from Life in the Mining & Mountain Districts of England. By William Heatherbred. Nos. I and Il. [All published.] Wath (eo 4 etchings by Robert Cruikshank. INSERTED IN THE FIRST PART IS * «PETE ORIGINAL COLORED PENCIL SKETOH BY R. CRUIKSHANK, OF THE FRONTISPIECE TO THIS PART, ENTITLED,—* DESCENDING THE Scar.” Together, 2 parts, 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, each wrapper with illustrations by R. Cruikshank, ‘containing a portraat of himself. Enclosed in protecting cloth wrapper, in cloth slip case, lettered on back. Back of wrappers strengthened. London: Banks; Richards and Kent, wndated Very RARE. Not in Marchmont. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th 614. CrurKsHANK (Roserr). A Slap at the Times. By Robert Cruikshank. No. I. To be continued Monthly. Woodcuts by Robert Crutk- shank. Small 4to, pp.4. Enclosed in cloth cover, morocco back, let- tered on front. C, [London:] Published by W. Strange, 21 Paternoster Row, undated BXCEEDINGLY SCARCE. Unknown to Marchmont. The first page contains a large woodcut of an archer shooting arrows at a political target. The second and third pages contain large wood- euts, with caption “THE LIFE AND DEATH OF SCHEDULES A AND B.” 615. CrurksHaNnk (Ropert). Songs, Parodies, Duets, Chorusses, &c. &c. 1n an entirely new Classic . . . Extravaganza Burletta of Fun, Frolic, Fashion, & Flash, in Three Acts, called Tom & Jerry; or Life in D London. Cotorep frontispiece of John Reeve as Jerry, by Rk. Cruik- 2 shank. 8vo, new wrappers. With cloth protecting folder, in eloth ~ slip-case, lettered on back. London: John Lowndes, wndated First Eprtion. Unknown to Marchmont. VERY SCARCE. UNIQUE copy. The frontispiece has the following AUTOGRAPH INSCRIP- TION BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK,—“IJ. R. O. not any of it by me. G. Ck.” This play is founded on Pierce Egan’s well-known work of “Tom and Jerry in London.” 616. CRUIKSHANK (RoserT). Sue (Eugéne). The Orphan: or, Memoirs of Matilda. Translated by D. G. Osborne. Illustrated with en- gravings (12) by Robert Cruikshank. Bound in 2 vols. 8vo, red /b ; levant morocco, gilt tooled floral backs, gilt tops, sides with fillet border and ornamented floral corners, inside borders, BY ROOT. London: T. C. Newby, undated First EDITION WITH THESE ILLUSTRATIONS. Marchmont, No. 461. Two original front wrappers bound in. 617. CrurksHank (Ropert). The Surprising Life of Richard Turpin, a No- torious Highwayman . . . to which is added, The Life of Sawney - Beane, the Man-Eater. Cotoren frontispiece, by R. Cruikshank, un- 2 c- signed. London: Printed and sold by Dean and Munday, wndated ; WITH THE ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING BY ROBERT CRUIKSHANK | OF THE ABOVE FRONTISPIECE. The tract a 12mo, the plate a small 4to. Both enclosed in cloth protecting folder and slip-case. First Eprtion. Not in Marchmont. A note on the front leaf of tract states that the owner has the “Ori- ginal Drawing from Lord Farnham’s Collection” (The drawing men- tioned above.) Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th DRAWING AND AQUATINT ENGRAVINGS BY ROBERT CRUIKSHANK [Numbers 618 to 624, inclusive | 618. CrurKsHANK (RoperT). OrteinaL PEN-AND-INK AND WATERCOLOR Sxetcu. Signed,—‘Robert Cruikshank.” Size, 5Y by 7 inches. Matted. i i / ) Portrait of the artist as chairman, seated at a table with his friends. On the table are glasses, and a large bowl in which is a miniature figure of “Punch.” Behind each guest stands a waiter, with banner on which an animal is displayed. Below the table are several empty jugs. On the margin of the mat is written, “Meeting of V ictuallers.” $ 619. CrurksHANK (Rosert). Cororep Aguatints. Laplanders, Reindeer &e. as Exhibited at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly. 1822; [Aso] The Laplanders Return, to their Native Country under the Care é of Mr. Bullock & his Son. “Drawn & Etched by Mr. I. R. Crutk- ; shank.’ Pub. March 13th (and) April 8th, 1822, by G. Humphrey . London. Size of each, 131% by 171% inches. Together, 2 pieces, enclosed in one cloth folder, lettered on front. One shows creases. ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS OF TWO FINELY COLORED CARICATURES. Hach with large centre view surrounded by a margin of smaller views and em- blematic designs. The second is a caricature showing the astonishment of the natives at the sight of the returning Laplanders, with their im- mense wealth and curiosities gathered during their visit to England, and is mentioned by Douglas in his note 3, page 272. 620. CruIKSHANK (Ropert). Cotorep Aquatints. Benchiana. A colored aquatint plate, in four compartments, entitled,—Coming It Strong. Things Getting Queer. Taking it Easy—In the Bench. Clean’d J Out. Signed on the plate,—“J. R. Cruikshank fect.” Drawn and Lo. Engraved for Bencutana. Pub. by Dolby, 299 Strand, May, 1822. Size, 714 by 914 inches. Neatly inlaid, with a watercolor border. Bound in full green levant morocco, dentelle border lettered on back, BY RIVIERE. FIRST IMPRESSION OF THIS EXCEEDINGLY RARE PRINT, of which it has been stated that this is the only plate made for the book, the latter being discontinued after this was finished. The scenes represent various incidents in the life of a dandy, showing him when out driving with his fiancée, creditors presenting bill at her home, carousing with his friends, and the final stage when he is “Cleaned Out,” and thinking of a way to get “Whitewashed.” 621. CrurksHANK (RospErT). Cotorep Aquatints. Six etchings on one sheet, including Coaching scenes, Scenes in Egypt, Lapland (used in the large plate of “The Laplander’s Return”), Turkey and India. [Continued Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th [No. 621—Continued | | “Drawn & Etchd by R. Cruikshank.” Published by Summer & Smith, 8 Henry Strt. St Lukes [1822] Size of sheet, 614 by 914. inches. Matted. FINE COLORED COPY. 622. CrurksHANK (RoperT). AQuatTints. Two aquatint engravings, each in TWO STATES, one plain, the other coLorED, by Robert Cruikshank. Together, 4 pieces, oblong 4to, each plate hinged. Bound in one vol. oblong 4to, half red morocco, lettered up back and on front cover. One plate shows crease. London, 1825 ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS. RARE. (1) MarHew—cramMa for 1825—or—my Memorandum Book make every body comfortable that my way. Signed on the plate,— “MEH Del. Robt. Cruikshank fecit.” Pubd April 1825 by G. Humphrey, 24 St. James’s Street. A group of characters in the “King Crown Inn,” with Mathews in several characters. ' (2) CoLorEeD copy of the preceding, retouched. (3) Liston’s Dream. “Designed & Htched by Robert Cruikshank.” Published by G. Humphrey 24 St. James’s Street, July 1825. Liston is sitting up in bed, his wife fast asleep; while the form of the “Adorable Venus” is at the foot of the bed. (4) FINELY COLORED copy of the preceding. lf . . 623. CrUIKSHANK (RopERT). CoLorED AQuATINTS. ‘T'wo companion pieces, by Robert Cruikshank. Size, 7144 by 1014 inches. 2 pieces, neatly hinged, and bound in one vol. oblong 4to, half red morocco, lettered up back and on front cover. [ ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS. As follows, : Hien Lire Betow Stairs. “Robert Oruikshank fecit.” Pubd. by G. Tregear 136 Drury Lane. Scene in the servant quarters; several couples dancing, colored man with fair partner, etc. BLIND-MAN’s Burr. “Robert Cruikshank, fecit.” Pubd. by G. Tre- gear St. Peters Alley Corn Hill. Ball-room scene; man in centre blindfolded, old gentleman on floor, amorous couple behind por- tieres, colored porter in mix-up. 624. CrurksHank (Rozsert). Conorep Aquatints. The Falling of the New-Brunswick-Theatre. “Robert Cruikshank, Fect.” London, Pub by S. W. Fores, 41 Piccadilly, on the 2%th Feby. 1828. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, Size, 814 by 13 inches; | Auso| A HIGHLY COLORED later Y impression of the same, with the addition of four columns of text, the title in type, and the publisher’s name changed and added as a colophon, Published By J. Didsbury, 22, Southampton Street, Covent Garden. Together, 2 pieces, enclosed in cloth folder, lettered on front. The above prints represent the situation of those unfortunate persons who were in the Theatre at the time of this dreadful catastrophe. when a dress rehearsal of “Guy Mannering” was taking place. Among the portraits are those of Mr. Maurice, a Printer, Mr. Carruthers, a tea-dealer, P. Farren, the stage manager, Jesse Giles, the stage car- penter, and others. RARE. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th pl near inl BO TERA NSAAERE de PIETRO CARICATURES BY ROBERT CRUIKSHANK Relative to Maria Foote and Her Friends [Numbers 625 to 630, inclusive | 625. CRUIKSHANK (Rosert). Cotorep Caricature. The Golden Ball—and the modern Danew—“Robt. Cruikshank, fecit. ” Pubd April 1823 by J. Fairburn Broadway Ludgate Hill. Size, 8Y% by 121% inches. 6 Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. This caricature has obvious reference to Hughes Ball, known at Eton by his surname of Hughes only, but who took the further name of “Ball” on coming into a fortune of forty thousand a year, left him by his uncle. He was considered a great catch, but notwithstanding his money, was unfortunate in love, being jilted by Lady Paget, rejected by Miss Floyd (afterward the wife of Sir Robert Peel), and then by Lady Caro- line Churchill. In this caricature, the above mentioned ladies, including Miss Foote, are kicking a yellow ball. 626. CrUIKSHANK (Ropert). Cotorep Caricature. Johnny Handy Cock’s Crim. Con. Exatatic or Blue-Peter’s L 5,000 Baggage. “R. C. fectt.” Pubd Augt 1824 by S. Fairburns Broadway Ludgate Hul London. 4 Size, 8144 by 1234 inches. Matted. r y) SU ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. ; This plate by Robert Cruikshank is in two compartments, lettered,— (1) MomMENTS OF. PRATTLE AND PLEASURE. (2) MoMENTS OF PARTING WITH TREASURE. It illustrates the liaison between Miss Foote, Colonel Berkeley and Joseph Hayne. In the first view Miss Foote is seen sitting on the lap of Hayne. The second view is that of an interior tradesman’s shop, Miss Foote is standing by the side of Hayne, weigh- ing the latter’s gold and a Cupid, Berkeley, in an Admiral’s uniform and antlers is saying farewell. 627. CrurksHank (Ropert). Cororep Caricature. Miss puting her Foot in it!!—or the Silver Ball making A Breach, but missing the Mark. “R. C2’ London Pubd Oct. 1824 by S Fairburn Broadway Ludgate Hill. Size, 814 by 13 inches. Matted. as ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. . 4 CU This caricature by Robert Cruikshank is in two compartments, one /- lettered Tue Courtrsutp, the other THE Discovery. Illustrates the liaison of Maria Foote, the celebrated actress of London, Colonel Berkeley and Joseph Hayne, known as “Pea Green Hayne” also known as the “Silver Ball.” The first scene depicts Hayne with ass’s ears, and accompanied by Miss Foote, entering her father’s study and announcing their en- gagement, the old gentleman is seated by the table. The second view illustrates, in Miss Foote’s drawing room, the scene at the theatre, when Colonel Berkeley introduced Miss Foote to Hayne; in the centre by a crib sits Miss Foote, on either side is a theatre box, one with Colonel Berkeley as the occupant, the other with Hayne and a bag lettered “Silver Ball.” Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th Pe 628. CRUIKSHANK (Ropert). Cotorep Caricature. Riding a Roebuck.— “Don Juan fecit.” Pubd July 182% for the author 26 Haymarket OD London. Size, 834 by 13 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Etched by Robert Cruikshank. View in a park, illustrative of the liaison of Colonel Berkeley, Miss Foote and Joseph Hayne. Miss Foote with the body of a deer carrying Hayne, followed by the Colonel. 629. CruIKSHANK (RoperT). CoLorep Caricature. A Visit to Court,—or All the world’s a Stage, And men and women merely players!! 4 £0 “Don Juan fecit.” Pubd. by G. Humphrey 24 St. James's St. Lon- 2~”~ don. Size, 9 by 1314 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Etched by Robert Cruikshank. The Duke of St. Albans, is carrying the train of Mrs. Coutts’ dress, the latter presenting her card to a lackey in uniform, and saying, “Here is mine my Lord, I am Mistress. C—” To the right is Miss Foote, saying “And I am Mistress B.” and holding a yellow ball in her hand. 630. OrvIKSHANK (RoperT). Cotorep Caricature. Arrogance, (or Non- chalance) of the Tenth Retorted. “A. Orutkshank fecit.” London Pubd April 1834 by J. Fairburn Broadway Ludgate Hill—Size, 8 oe by 13 inches. Matted. OL a 0 ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. A caricature in two sections, showing interior of Ball Room and Drawing Room, with officers of the distinguished “Tenth Hussars’’ regiment. The officers of this regiment acquired considerable unpopu- larity by the exclusive airs they gave themselves in society, refusing to dance, declining introductions at public and private balls, and other. wise assuming an arrogant and exclusive tone which made them su- premely ridiculous. Robert Cruikshank has in this caricature illustrated this arrogant manner, introducing as one of his characters the cele- brated Maria Foote. CARICATURES BY ROBERT CRUIKSHANK Relative to the Troubles Between Queen Caroline and George IV. [Numbers 631 to 638, inclusive | 631. CRUIKSHANK (RoBERT). COLORED CARICATURE. The Mysterious fair one, or—The Royal Introduction to the Circassian Beauty. “I. f. pine C. fecit.’ Pubd may 1819 by S. W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly. Size, 8 by 1234 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Etched by I. R. Cruikshank. A foreign fair one is introduced to the Regent’s (George IVth) harem. The veil being removed discovers to him the well-known features of his neglected wife, from whom he recoils in abhorrence. 632. CrurksHank (Ropert). Another copy of preceding. Matted. 2. 5U Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th 633. CruIKSHANK (RosBErT). CoLorED CaricaTuRE. Royalty in a Ragé or Family Quarrels—“J. R. C. fecit.’ Pubd July 23 1820 by King, iy) Chancery Lane. Size, 834 by 13 inches. Neatly matted. y) ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Etched by Robert Cruikshank. One of the artist’s subjects on the quarrel between George IVth and Queen Caroline. 634. CrurksHANK (RoperT). CoLorEep Caricature. The Secret Insult! a Bribery & Corruption rejected!!! “I. R. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd by Benbow St. Clements Church yard—Strand June 11 1820. Size, 4 Uv 914 by 1334 inches. Matted. L ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. A -view of the sea-shore, where Queen Caroline is standing with a paper in her hand inscribed, “Lawful Claims.’ By her side is Alderman Wood, one of her Champions, dressed as a Roman warrior. Lord Liver- pool is bowing and offering the Queen a purse of £50,000, per annum, for abandoning her claim to the throne. Behind the minister, the devil is praising Lord Brougham for turning “his back on such dirty work.” 635. CrurksHANK (Ropert). Cotorep Caricature. Public Opinion!! “I. R. Cruikshank fecit, 29 King St. Holborn.” Pubd June 1820 by i Benbow St Clements Church yard, Strand. Size, 9 by 13 inches. 4 3? Matted. a ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLoRED. Name of artist scratched. Queen Caroline seated on one end of a scale, George IVth with bags of gold on the other, his ministers are endeavoring to pull his end of the scale down; soldiers are drinking to the Queen. Underneath the king are the words “Rotten Ground.” 636. CRUIKSHANK (RoBEerT). CotorEp Caricature. The effects of a Blithe W riding on a Long Pole. “R. Cruikshank fecit.”” Pubd Feby 1827 2 $Y by F Fairburn Broadway Ludgate hill London. Size, 8% by 13 ZL. inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. 637. CRUIKSHANK (RosBEerT). CoLorEeD CaricaTuRE. Household Troops, or a Sketch of a Few of the Principal Trustworthy and Confidential Domestics of Worthy and Confiding Families. “Robt. Cruikshank > Sp fect.” Pubd Decr 1827 by T. Maclean Haymarket London. Size, 9 by 14 inches. Matted.’ ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. A domestic scene in the life of George IV. who is shown as “The Faithful Butler’; beside him stands “The Amiable Lady’s Maid”; to her right is Queen Caroline as “The Vigilant Housekeeper.” To the king’s left is “The Honest Coachman.” Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th 638. CruIKSHANK (RoperT). CoLoreD Caricature. The Time Piece! & Canning Jack o’both Sides. “J. R. Cruikshank, fect.’ Pubd June 1820 by G. Humphrey 27 St. James's St. Size, 14 by 94% inches. oi So Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. A clock in the centre of an arch, with two decorative columns, one with English the other with French figures and emblems. The figure of Queen Caroline used as the hands for the clock; partisans stand on each side of the face of the clock, and above all a portrait of the Chief Justice of England. CARICATURES BY ROBERT CRUIKSHANK English Politics, The New Ministry, Catholic Question, Ete. [Numbers 639 to 657, inclusive | 639. CrurksHANK (RoperT). ConorEep Caricatures. A Collection of 19 colored plates, from the years. 1817 to 1828, inclusive, by Robert Cruikshank, including Political, Humorous and Social Subjects. WV Each plate neatly hinged on separate mat, guarded, and bound in G) one vol. oblong 4to, half tan morocco, lettered up back and on front cover. A CHOICE COLLECTION. ALL ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS. Comprising the fol- lowing,— (1) Erection Hints. “Robt. Cruikk. fecit.” “T. I. P. del.” Pub by G. S. Tregear . . . Cheapside. Several humorous sketches on one sheet, with camp scene in centre. (2) QuapDRILLES.—practising for fear of accidents. “T. R. Cruikshank fect.” Londn. Pubd. March 24th 1817 by J. Sidebotham St. James’s St. A parlor scene, several couples dancing. One man playing the fiddle. (3) FemMALE LaNcers—or a scene in St. James’s Street. ole Os fecit.” Pubd Jany 1819 by E. Brooks Panton Street Hay- market. Two dandies dressed in the height of fashion, one of whom is asking “Who the devil are you?”, meeting two gaily dressed ladies, with college caps and parasols as spears, one of whom exclaims “Jreland for Ever.” (4) Symproms or Crim. Con!!!—or a Political visit to the Heiress in Threadneedle Street. ‘J. R. Ck. fecit.’ Pubd. Feby 12 1819 by S. W. Fores 50 Piccadilly & 112 Oxford Street. Queen Caroline and her Protector seated on a couch sur- rounded by bags of gold; John Bull looking through the bars of the door. (5) Tue Mysterious Far ONE, or—the Royal Introduction to’ the Circassian Beauty. “J. R. C. Fecit.” Pubd. May 1819 by S. W. Fores, 50 Piccaddily. George IVth, after exclaiming about the beauty of a female brought into his chambers by a Turk, is horror-struck by her lifting her veil and dis- closing herself as his wife. [ Continued Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th [ No. 639—Continued | (6) A Correct REPRESENTATION OF Her MAsesty QUEEN CAROLINE Returning from the House of Lords, 1820. “I. R. Crutk- shank fecit—”’ “R. Wadvivam, delt.’” Pubd by G. Humphrey 27 St. James’ Street, London. Colored aquatint. Later im- pression. (7) Prerer’s SHAM DUEL or a Dung-hill Cock endeavoring to shew game. “I. R. OC. fecit.” Pubd April 1821 by G. Humphrey St. James’s St. London. A duel between two political adver- saries, his Lordship hit in the “Seat of Honor.” (8) Tue LApLANDERS RETURN, to their Native Country under the Care of Mr. Bullock & his Son. Pwo. April 8th, 1822, by G. Humphrey .-. . London. “Drawn & Etched by Mr. I. R. Cruikshank.” April 1821 by G. Humphrey St. James's St. Size, 13144 by 94% e3 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED, Shows Elliston, the actor, being carried up by a balloon, seated in a basket labelled “Treasury,” above him is platform with a replica of Drury-Lane theatre, which is fastened to the balloon, the latter having a music score and the words, “The Soldier Tir'd;’ Edward Kean, in character, standing on the land, is saying “Twas but a Dream.” Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th 668. CRUIKSHANK (RopertT). CoLorep Caricaturr. By St. Peter this is _- 10 Sham—or—a New cut for the Groom of the Stool. “7. R. C. 9 55 fect.” Pubd April 1821 by G. Humphrey St. James's Street Lon- | — don. Size, 121% by 91% inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Ktched by Robert Cruikshank. A horsewhipping scene in St. James’s Street, with onlookers. The party with the whip is saying, “. . . how dare you attempt to injure my wives character...” 669. CRUIKSHANK (RoperT). CoLorep Caricature. The Morning After Marriage [Atso, on same sheet] A new work, Coke upon Alber- - marle, not Coke upon Littleton. “Cruikshank fecit.” Pub April a. AS 1822 by G. Humphrey 2% St. James's Street. Size, 1414 by 9 inches. oo Watted. | ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Etched by Robert Cruikshank. One of the artist’s most admirable works. In the upper picture, the couple are at their wedding break- fast; in the lower, two of their friends, one an officer in uniform, are inquiring from the porter, “Pray how are Mr. and Mrs. Coke to Day?" G70. CRUIKSHANK (RoBERT). COLORED CARICATURE. Scarlet Fever verses, Yellow Jaundice, or, The Libel Publisher Cut Up July 1, 1825. ea “Don Juan Feet.” Pubd July 1825 by J. Fairburn Broadway S° Ludgate Hill London. Size, 814 by 1234 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Etched by Robert Cruikshank. Has reference to the publication of the famous “Memoirs of Harriette Wilson.” With portraits of Lord Sear- lett and Stockdale the publisher. 671. CRUIKSHANK (RoBErT). CotoreD CartoaturE. A Tea Party—or Eng- lish Manners—and French Politeness. “R. CO. Fecit.’” Pubd Sepr. 1825 by G. Humphrey 24 St. James’s Street. Size, 41% by 7 inches. ky Matted. a b ies “A Frenchman not aware of the custom, constantly returned his cup without the spoon in it—which being immediately replenished by the lady of the house, he thought it a point of politeness to drink the con- tents, which he continued to do, to the great surprise of the company until he perceived the Lady pouring out the 14th cup, when he rose in great agony and cried Ah! Madame, excuse me I can take no more.” 672. CRUIKSHANK (RopErT). CotorED CaricaTuRE. It was the first and last time I was ever on a Cayman’s back. “vide” “Wanderings in _ South America by Charles Waterton Esqr. page 232” “Capt. Hdw. 2 SY Jones delt. Robert Cruikshank fect.’ Pubd Jany 1827 by G. ~ © Humphrey 27 St. James’s Street. Size, 8 by 14 inches. Matted. COLORED IMPRESSION. A scene in the wilds of South America. The author is riding on the back of an alligator, which is being pulled along by several natives and a white man by means of a rope attached to its tongue. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th 673. CRUIKSHANK (RoBert). Cotorep CartcaTure. The Vision. “And I awoke, and behold, it was a Dream!’—“Don Juan fecit.” Pubd rene May 1829 by G. Treguan Cheapside. Size, 734 by le inches. Neatly ys ¥ matted. Slight tear, neatly repaired. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. An etching by Robert Cruikshank ; being a portrait of the artist re- clining on a couch and dreaming. Ina cloud to the left is a crown resting on a pillow, with a large rat, above which is an open book, marked “Peerage,” the rays from which extend towards the sleeper, with the words, “Robert awake the time is almost come.” 674, CRUIKSHANK (Rozert). CoLorrp Eronrne. Stadiaum Shield, Chelsea. “Robert Cruikshank, del et fecit. 1834.” Diameter, 114% inches. €Y Enclosed in cloth folder, lettered on front. . = ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. A circular chart, on which are laid down, in three rows of eight sections each, various scenes (24 in all) illustrative of sporting life, as seen at the Stadium. RARE. 675. CRUIKSHANK (RoperT). CoLORED CARICATURES. Robert Cruikshank’s Random Shots—(No. 1.) [Aso] Random Shots.—(No. 2.) Signed on the plate——“Robt. Cruikshank.” Published by Tomlin- /¢ son. Size, 1014 by 9 inches. Each plate hinged to linen guard. ’ Bound in one vol. 4to, cloth, leather back, lettered on front. Two VERY RARE, CURIOUS AND WELL EXECUTED CARICATURES, IN COLORS. ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS, as follows,— (1) A CHoLeRA Docror. Seated at a table, lettered “Board of Wealth,” on which is a large pie labeled “Cholera Pie,” is a very corpulent “Doctor,” with a large white wig, with fork and knife in hands, having just removed a piece of the pie; behind him, on the floor is a large container, lettered “Patients Pounded,’ which is filled with coin; there is also a bag labeled “Gold Pills,” and a bottle of “A Draught on the pocket.” Beside the table is a large jug of ‘Patent Im- perial brandy, Brett Drury Lane 109.” Imps are dancing round the pie. (2) A CHOLERA Patient. Seated on a stool, lettered “Starvation,” is a dyspeptic individual, in rags, holding a “blue pill,” which he has taken out of a box on the table, so labeled, and on which he rests with his right elbow; beside the box is a large bottle of “Emetic,’ around which are dancing several imps. The edge of the table bears inscription “Board of Health,” and is supported by bones and a curious bird with shield, “Fee Fo Fum.” 676. CRUIKSHANK (Rosert): Another copy of No. 2 of the above. COLORED. 3 > ¢ Matted. ween ey. CruiksHANK (RopertT). CoLorep CaricaTuRE. “A Cunning Contri- _ vance.” “I. R. Cruikshank fect.” Size, 414 by 714 inches. Matted. ye ~ Cut close, the inscription cut off. A ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. . : . A scene in a kitchen. The owner of the establishment standing before the cook, holding in his hands a pair of scales on which he is weighing the cat, claimed by the cook to have eaten the butter. —— a SS Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 5th 678. CrUIKSHANK (RozsErT). CoLorEep Ercuine. “Masquerade Carnival!!!” Signed—“Robert Cruikshank, fecit.” PROOF IMPRESSION, COLORED, — before the above caption was placed on the “ribbons ;” Another copy 528 of the preceding. Impression, lightly colored, with the caption on “ribbons,” and signed “Cruikshank, fect.’ Size, 64% by 5 inches. Together, 2 pieces, enclosed in cloth folder, lettered on front. Two very interesting sketches, representing a Royal Carnival, the King and Queen on throne in centre of room, surrounded by various masked figures, dancing, etc. VERY RARE. 679. CrurksHANK (RoperT). CoLorepD Caricature Sonc-HeEap. The Ex- ciseman Outwitted. The engraving, which is 5 by 644 inches, is — signed in pencil,—“Robt. Cruikshank.” Beneath are several lines of iS verse. Small folio. Enclosed in cloth protecting folder, lettered on front. [London:] Printed and Sold by R. Harrild, wndated One of the earliest of Robert Cruikshank’s works. 680. CrurksHAnK (RoserT). ConLorep Caricature Sonc-Hrap. Just Starve—Us Workhouse. “Robt. Cruikshank Fect.’ [With words _ and music.|] Folio, sheets. Matted. 333 London: Published by G. 8S. Tregear, undated er ORIGINAL EDITION. A Comic Song, sung by Mr. Graham. Words by W. H. Freeman, Music by Auber. The etching shows a prosperous individual standing before the door of the Workhouse; two hungry and tattered men, a woman and a child begging. “Tell Ah! Tell us, can aught be worse? Than hungry Maw & empty Purse!! Mercy Show & Pitty us Great Overseer.” 681. CrurksHANK (Ropert). Cotorep AquatTinT Print. A Correct Repre- rig sentation of Her Majesty Queen Caroline Returning from the House 3 - ~ of Lords, 1820. “I. R. Cruikshank fecit.” Pubd by G. Humphrey 27 St. James’s Street, London. Size, 61% by 1514 inches. Matted. Slight tear at right, repaired, paper time-soiled. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. 682. OrurksHank (RoperT). Wine versus Water. Written & Sung by Mr. — Hudson. Engraved title, signed “Robert Cruikshank, 1843,” with z two colored views, one a drinking scene with “Bacchus,” the other a group of people drinking at a fountain during a rain storm, there are also two portraits of persons drinking, one of whom 4s drinking out of a tea-pot, to “Father Mathews’ Health.” With 6 pages of music. 4to, sheets, folded, in cloth folder, lettered on front. Published by Thos Hudson . . . Holborn [1848] First EpITIon. 683. CrurksHANK (Ropert). Three Vignette Illustrations on India Paper, ‘ two of which are signed,—“Robert Cruikshank del.” “J. R. Mar- D, »-s— shall sc.’ The other is unsigned, but appears to be by the same v artist. The ones signed by Cruikshank, are,—“Cricket match” and “Boxing Match.” Size, 114 by 3 inches. Mounted. PROOF IMPRESSIONS. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE OWNER ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AND CARICATURES FROM THE LIBRARY OF J. BARTON TOWNSEND, ESQ. OF PHILADELPHIA Fourth Session, Numbers 684 to 907, inclusive THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 6th, AT 3:15 O’CLOCK BOOKS ILLUSTRATED BY PERCY CRUIKSHANK The Son of Robert Cruikshank | Numbers 684 to 687, inclusive | 684. CRUIKSHANK (Percy). Guy Faux. A Squib, manufactured by Horace Mayhew and Percy Cruikshank. Folded panoramic sheet, contain- a ing 20 humorous sketches in couors, by Percy Cruikshank. In 12mo, . original pictorial boards, with cloth protecting wrapper. : London, circa 1850 First Epirion. The Samuel H. Austin copy, with bookplate. 685. CRUIKSHANK (Percy). The Wanderings of Mr. Pipe & Family to View the Crystal Palace. Designed and Etched by Percy Cruikshank, y) 9 COLORED plates, each containing two or three sketches. Oblong Y , 12mo, original pictorial blue wrappers, enclosed in cloth folder, let- tered up back. London: W. Spooner, May 5, 1851 First EDITION. 686. CRUIKSHANK (PrErRcy). Hints to Emigrants, or, Incidents in the Emi- “ gration of John Smith of Smith-Town. Designed & etched, by a Percy Cruikshank. 9 coLoRED plates. Oblong 12mo, original pic- / S> torial wrappers, enclosed in cloth folder, lettered up back. London: W. Hurst & Co., undated First Epirion. Illustrative of the life of an early settler in the Wilder- ness of North America, depicting scenes in the forest, floods, cyclones, ete. 687%. CruIKSHANK (PrErcy). The Book of Fun; or, Laugh and Learn. For Boys and Girls. Published anonymously. With etched frontisprece ey by Percy Cruikshank, and numerous humorous woodcuts through- 5 * out text. 16mo, half blue morocco. London, wndated First EpIrion. Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th ILLUSTRATIONS BY GEORGE CALVERT CRUIKSHANK The Son of Percy Cruikshank [Numbers 688 to 691, inclusive] 688. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE, JUNIOR). ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK SKETCH, IN | a Come /v Brown Tints. An imaginative and fantastical subject, by the son of Percy Cruikshank, with a bold signature, in the ARTIST'S AUTO- GrapH,—“George Cruikshank, Junior.” Size 35% by 334 inches. Neatly matted. Enclosed in cloth protecting folder, lettered on front. A most interesting sketch, showing several elfish demons and other figures floating through the heavens, The signature to this drawing is one which was very distasteful to the elder George Cruikshank, the artist changing the same in later sketches at the request of the great George. -The following excerpt relative to the artist is taken from a letter written by the elder George Cruikshank, to Captain Reid, the Bibliog- rapher, and which is now in the Cruikshank Collection at Princeton University,— . “T may just add that my brother ‘I. R. OC.’ left a son, whose name is ‘Percy,—who is a draughtsman and wood engraver,—& who has @ son whose name is George, é who is also an artist. And as the two Georges creates some confusion, he intends I believe in future, to add his mother’s family name, & sign himself “George Calvert Cruikshank.” 689. CrurKSHANK (GxrorGE, JuNIorn). London Society. . The Christmas 2 j j ve t D Number, 1872. Numerous woodcuts, two of which are signed George Cruikshank, Jnr. 8vo, full straight-grained red morocco, lettered on back and front cover. London, 1872 Frest Eprrion. The signature of the two illustrations in this work, .- would give the impression that they are by the son of the celebrated George Cruikshank; but, from an ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH LETTER BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, inserted in this copy. we find that they are by the son of his nephew Percy. The letter is signed in full “George Oruikshank,” is dated “December 27, 1872,” written to the Editor of “The Queen,” and reads in part,— “4g it ig stated in the Advertisements of the present number of ‘London Society’ that one of the illustrations to that Magazine is by George ‘Cruikshank’ I beg that you will allow me to inform the public through the medium of your paper, that the illustration mentioned is not by me, but by the son of my nephew, ‘Percy Oruikshank’.” 690. CRUIKSHANK (GxEorGE, JuNtor). Yoick! Heads and Tales, Tips and Turns, (with a Spill or Two Thrown In) By “Phiz,” J udy’s Other Sporting Artists, and Judy’s Special Sporting Commissioner, (The Other Jones). To which are added a few Plasters and Splinters By Charles H. Ross. 5 colored and many plain illustrations by “Phiz”’ (in his best style), and George Cruikshank, Jr. 8vo, pic- torial wrappers, rebacked. Enclosed in cloth protecting folder. London: “Judy” Office [1878] First Eprrion. At the end of the volume there is a chapter on “The other Jones’s Friend’s Coach,” with several woodcuts, including two full-page cuts signed, “George Oruikshank,” and two full-page cuts signed a OC: itis ee — nese Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th 691. CrurksHANK (GzOoRGE, JUNIOR). Father Christmas; The Children’s Annual,—1885. Punch and Judy Junior. Written by Horace Lennard. Illustrated by George Cruikshank (Jr.) with full-page } . and text illustrations, in color. Folio, original pictorial wrappers, ¢. bound in three-quarter crimson levant morocco, gilt top, lettered on back, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London [1884] First Hpition. The Duke of Mexborough’s copy, with his bookplate. The illustrations are charmingly executed by the son of Percy Cruik- shank, who later in life signed himself “George Calvert Cruikshank.” 692. “Detia.” The Rambles and Surprising Adventures of Captain Bolio. By “Della.” Embellished with 32 engravings (in the manner of 4, $0 Onwhyn). 12mo, half red polished calf, gilt top. zi London, 1839 First, and probably only edition. 693. Dickens (CuHartes). A Complete Set of “Christmas Books,” com- prising,— I. A Curistmas Caron In Prose; being a Ghost Story of Christ- a. mas. With 4 colored etchings and 4 woodcuts, by John Leech. y- London, 1843 First Epirion, second issue, with “Stave One,” on page 1. The end papers are yellow, and the copy contains the 2 pages of advertisements. It is somewhat worn both outside and in. Il. Tue Cutmes; a Goblin Story. With illustrations by Maclise, Leech, Stanfield and Richard Doyle. London, 1845 First ISSUE OF THE First Epirion, with the leaf of advertisements, the publisher’s name within the engraved part of the illustrated title. The frontispiece and engraved title are lightly spotted. III. Tue Crickrt oN THE HeartH; a Fairy Tale of Home. Illustrated by Leech, Doyle, Landseer and Stanfield. London, 1846 First and only issue of the First Epirion. A few pages are lightly spotted. IV. Tue Barrie or Lire; a Love Story. Illustrated by Machse, Leech, Doyle and Stanfield. London, 1846 Fourth Issue, with the leaf of advertisements; without publisher’s name on engraved title. V. Tue Haunrep MAN AND THE Guost’s BarGAIn ; a Fancy for Christmas-Time. Illustrated by Tenniel, Leech, Stanfield and Stone. | London, 1846 First Epitrion. . With the leaf of advertisement. Frontispiece and en- graved title lightly spotted. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1843-1846 Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th 694. Diauron Cartcaturn. “The Towns-End. The celebrated Bow Street me Runner.” Drawn, Etch’d & Pub. by Dighton Charg. Cross. Dec / , 4,1804.” Iw contors. Matted. 695. [Dorser (CaTHERINE AnNn).] The Butterfly’s Ball, and the Grass- hopper’s Feast; [Atso] The Peacock “At Home:’ A Sequel to the Butterfly’s Ball. Written by A Lady. With numerous full- page and smaller engravings in color (hand-colored at a later date), /’ the plates of both ascribed to William Mulready. 2 vols. in one, square 24mo, limp leather, red edges. | London, Jany. 1st, 1807 and 1807 The last named was written by Mrs. Dorset, and is mentioned in the account of her life and works, in the Dictionary of National Biog- raphy. 696. Doy~e (RicHarp). Manners and Customs of ye Englyshe. Drawn from ye quick by Rychard Doyle, to which be added some Extracts from | Mr. Pips hys Diary, contributed by Percival Leigh. With 39 full- fe page plates in outline, numerous figures on each. Oblong 4to, half green morocco, gilt top, BY ROOT. | London: Bradbury and Evans [1849] First EDITION. 697%. DovtE (RicHarp). Pictures of Extra Articles and Visitors to the . Exhibition. A series of 8 panoramic plates, all crowded with figures, Y 5? all 1x cotors. Square 12mo, original blue boards, somewhat worn. = London [1851] First EDITION. 698. DoytE (RicHarp). The Foreign Tour of Messrs Brown, Jones and Robinson, being the History of what they saw and did in Belgium, ro Germany, Switzerland & Italy. Numerous illustrations. 4to, half 2 \ morocco, gilt, somewhat worn. _ London, 1854 First Epition. “The heroes of the tour were Doyle, Tom Taylor, and Phillips, the artist. The figures are portraits throughout.”—MANUSCRIPT ANNOTATION ON HALF-TITLE. 699. [D’OyLy (Str CHartes).] Tom Raw, the Griffin: A Burlesque Poem, in Twelve Cantos . . . descriptive of the Adventures of a Cadet in the East India Company’s Service, from the period of his quitting y England to his obtaining a staff situation in India. By A Civilian ix and an Officer of the Bengal Establishment. With 25 COLORED PLATES, mainly brilliant impressions. Royal 8vo, full crim- son levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt top, BY Woop. London: Ackermann, 1828 This entertaining volume illustrates the social life in India at the period when the author was a prominent figure, holding several posi- tions of importance. Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th 700. Dusots (Epwarp). My Pocket Book; or, Hints for “A Ryghte Merrie and Conceitede” Tour, in quarto; To be called “The Stranger in ch Ireland,’ in 1805. By A Knight Errant. With folding frontis- piece and other plates.. 12mo, three-quarter green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London, 1808 701. DuxkE or QuEENSBURY. Memoirs of the Life of his grace, the late Duke of Queensbury, humorously called Old Q. the quizzical Beau of Piccadilly . . . Anecdotes of his Sultanas . . . including the g. singular character of Maria Brown, etc. Portrait of “The Beauti- ] ful Sultana,’ iN cotors (hand colored at a later date). 12mo, half dark blue levant morocco. London, circa 1810 Bound up with the foregoing is, “The Trial of the Publishers of the Morning Herald, for a Libel on the Harl of Leicester . . . the Trial of Captain Gore for seducing a young lady, only fourteen years of age.” With frontispiece in colors. London, circa 1808. 702. [DurrerIn (Lapy).] Lispings from Low Latitudes; or, Extracts from the Journal of the Hon. Impulsia Gushington. i~ [ No. Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th 730—Continued | During the siege of Charlestown he acted as aide-de-camp to Sir Henry Clinton. He was the author of the remarkable prophecy, that “one of these days the northern and southern powers [of the United States] will fight as vigorously against each other as they both have united to do against the British.” THE Worn-Ovt Parrior ;—or,—The Last Dying Speech of the West- minster Representative. Published October 13th, 1800, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James’s Street. Wright and Evans, No. 255. The principal character is Charles Fox, who is depicted as the “worn-out patriot, making his last dying speech to the electors of Westminster.”’ VENUS ATTIRED BY THE Graces. Publish’s Decr. 8th 1800 by H. Humphrey, St. James’s Street. Wright and Evans, No. 496. A satire on some vulgar fashionable of the commencement of the nineteenth century. 731. Gittray (JAMES). CaricaTurES IN Cotor. A Collection of sixteen yay Colored Caricatures by James Gillray, representing varieties of Weather and Sensations. Interleaved with protecting papers. Bound in one vols. 4to, three-quarter crimson levant morocco, let- tered up back. London: Published by H. Humphrey, 1800-1808 my AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF BURLESQUE PORTRAIT SKETCHES PORTRAY- =~“ ING THE ABOVE SUBJECTS. The series of pictures of the weather are all signed, and are listed in Wright and Evans under items Nos. 553 to 559. They include the complete series, with one additional plate, not mentioned by Wright and Evans, as follows,— FINE Bracinc WEATHER. Publish’d Feby 10th 1808. Winpy WEATHER. Publish’d February 10th, 1808. Wer Unper Foor. Publish’d February 10th, 1812. This plate is not signed and is not listed in Wright and Evans’ Bibliography. It is very similar to the work of Gillray. DELICIOUS WEATHER. Publish’d February 10th, 1808. DREADFUL Hort WEATHER. Publish’d February 10th, 1808. Sap Stoppy WEATHER. Publish’d February 10th, 1808. Raw WeartTuHer. Publish’d February 10th, 1808. VERY SLIppy WEATHER. Publish’'d February 10th, 1808. This plate shows a view of the shop of Humphrey, the Publisher, with the crowd usually assembled in front of the window, view- ing the caricatures. The following plates contain portrait sketches illustrating various sensations. They are not signed, but were etched by Gillray, TAKING Puysick. Publish’d Feby 6th, 1800. Wright and Evans, No. 481. BREATHING A VEIN. Publish’d Jany 28th, 1804. Wright and Evans, No. 483. GENTLE Emetic. Publish’d Jany 28, 1804. Wright and Evans, No. 482. CHARMING WELL AGAIN. Publish’d Jany 28, 1804. Wright and Evans, No. 484. Brisk CatHuartic. Publish’d Jany 28, 1804. Not listed by Wright and Evans. Fast Asteep. Publish’d Novr 1st 1806. Wright and Evans, No. 561. Wipe AWAKE. Publish’d November 1st 1806. Wright and Evans, No. 562. ComFrort TO THE CorNS. Pubd. Feby 6, 1800. “Js. Gillray invt. & fect... Wright and Evans, No. 486. An excellent example of Gillray’s best attempt at the burlesque. Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th 732. Gittray (JamEs). Caricatures tn Coxors. Gillray (James). The Caricatures of Gillray; with Historical and Political Hlustrations, and Compendious Biographical Anecdotes and Notices. Parts I to IX [all published?] Illustrated with 82 colored etchings of exceed- ingly humorous character, on %9 plates. Oblong 4to, IN THE NINE ORIGINAL PARTS, WITH ALL WRAPPERS. Several parts rebacked, others with original leather backs. Enclosed in red morocco and cloth case, with hinged cover, lettered on front and back. Old initials on one cover. London: John Miller and Rodwell & Martin, and William Blackwood, Edinburgh circa 1800-1806 FrRoM THE CHARLES COOPER TOWNSEND COLLECTION. ORIGINAL EDITION, AS ISSUED. OF GREAT RARITY, ONE OF ONLY A FEW COPIES EXTANT IN PARTS AS ABOVE. PERHAPS THE MOST PERFECT COPY TO APPEAR FOR PUBLIC SALE IN AMERICA. The Prospectus on reverse of back wrapper reads in part,—‘This work will contain all the best designs of this celebrated caricaturist, and will be published in monthly parts, each part to containe Nine Coloured plates.” On the reverse of the back wrap- per of Part IX, the statement is made that—“Part X. will be published on the First of January.” It is doubtful whether many plates were is- sued after the above mentioned nine parts, although two copies have appeared in the London auction mart with ninety plates, which would seem to indicate that.another number (Part X) must have been issued. A work of great interest, containing some of the best caricatures of this celebrated artist, based upon the exploits of the Royal Family of Great Britain, the nobility, the Ministry and all sorts and conditions of men, including many fine caricatures of George III. and Napoleon, among them being,—The King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver (both plates) ; Tiddy-Doll the Great French Gingerbread Baker; Buonaparte Leaving Hgypt; The Valley of the Shadow of Death, The Spanish Bullfight (and other Napoleonic plates) ; Connoisseurs examining a Collection of George Morlands, and many others, all of which are freely ridiculed by this daring censor. This issue is much more valuable to the student of the social and : political history of England of the period, than the atlas folio edition, as the letter-press explaining the plates accompanies the item here cata- logued. "33. Git~RAY (JAMES). CARICATURE IN CoLors. A Phantasmagoria:— 3 "34, Gittray (James). CaricaTurB IN Cotor. Political Candour;—i. e— “a 2°77) 250 a> Ee” Scene—Conjuring-up an Armed Skeleton. “Js. Gillray wmvt. & fect.” Pubd Jany 5th 1803, by J. Gillray, 27 St. James's Street. Size, 13 by 984 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLorED. Wright and Evans, No. 272. | An excellent satire on the Peace proposals. Lord Addington, Wilber- force, Hawkesbury and Fox, dressed as witches, are boiling down the British lion, and their incantations raise from the mystic pot, the skeleton of Britannia. The French cock is sitting on the head of the British lion. Coalition—“Resolution” of June 14th 1805. “Js. Gillray invt. & fect.’ Publishd June 21st 1805, by H. Humphrey 27 St. James's [Continued ee ee ie aS Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th [No. 734—Continued | Street London. Size, 1314 by 1034 inches. Matted. Slight tear at upper right-hand corner. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLoreD. Wright and Evans, No. 305. Fox represented as addressing the House, and acquitting Pitt of the charge of personal corruption. Pitt is delighted with the generous testi- mony of his rival; other characters are those of Lord H. Petty, Tierney, Erskine, Sheridan, Wilberforce, Windham and Grey. In this plate, Pitt appears for the last time, in the series of caricatures by Gillray. 735. GILLRAY (JAMES). CARICATURE IN Coton. The Wounded Lion. Un- - signed. Pubd. July 16th 1805, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street. Size, 914 by 14 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLorED. Wright, and Evans,’ No. 303. Htched by James Gillray. Wright says that, “the conception of this plate is remarkably happy. The subject is the Impeachment of Lord Melville for making use of the Public Money for his own private ac- commodation, while he held the office of Treasurer of the Navy.” Lord Melville in the shape of a lion is lying on the ground, wounded by the discharge from a piece of ordinance fired by Lord St. Vincent, concealed behind a tree; Grey represented as a serpent, Fox in the char- acter of his four-footed name-sake, Kinnaird as a wolf-dog, Lord Sid- mouth depicted as an ass, his brother-in-law Bragge and _ his brother Addington, also represented as asses; Britannia is sitting under a tree. 736. GILLRAY (JAMES). CarrtcATURE IN Cotor. La Diable-Boiteux,—or— et The Devil upon Two Sticks, conveying John Bull to the Land of Promise. “Js. Gillray invt & fect.” Publishd Feby 8th 1806 by H. Humphrey—2t St. James's Street London. Size, 13 by 914 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLorRED. Wright and Evans, No. 307. Fox, as the Diable Boiteux, is soaring through the air: his head is Surrounded by the Prince of Wales’s feathers, he is carrying Lord Sid- mouth under his left wing and Lord Grenville under his right wing. He is calling to John Bull, who is holding to his cloak, “Come along, Johnny, take fast hold of my cloak.” Fox’s coalition with Lord Grenville led to the Broad-Bottom Admini- | stration, which was completed February 3, 1806. (37. GILLRAY (JAMES). CaricaTURE IN Cotor. Making-Decent;—i. e.— RSI em Broad-bottomites getting into the Grand Costume. “Js. Gillray mvt & fect.” Pubd Feby 20th 1806—by H. Humphrey—No 27 St. James's Street—Size, 914 by 131% inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Wright and Evans, No. 310. Gillray represents the new Ministers (Whigs) as having been so long out of office, that they were unprepared for appearance at Court. The parties caricatured are,—Fox, who is shaving before a glass; Grey, cleaning his teeth; Lord Sidmouth, whose countenance is partially ob- scured by a snuff-box; Lord Moria, nearly dressed in his regimentals: others are,—Lord Grenville, Lord Erskine, Lord Henry Petty, and the Duke of Bedford. Wright says that “the conception of this print is remarkably clever but the idea is carried out with so much playfulness and good humor that the parties caricatured must have themselves joined heartily in the laugh.” Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th 738. Gintray (JAMES). CARICATURE IN COLOR. More Pigs than Treats,— or—the new Litter of hungry Grunters, sucking J ohn-Bulls-Old-Sow to death. “Js. Gillray invt. & fect.” Pubd March 5th 1806, by H. , Humphrey 27 St. James's Street—London. Size, 914 by 13% inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLoreD. Wright and Evans, No. 311. A satire on the numerous new mouths which, by the accession of the Whigs to power, were to be added to those which already pulled so greedily at John Bull’s purse. John appears in the background, in great alarm at the eagerness of his numerous brood. 739. Giutray (JAMES). CARICATURE IN CoLor. A Tub for the Whale! rep- resenting an Empty Barrel tossed out to amuse the great Leviathan— John, Bull, in order to divert him from instantly laying violent L hands upon ye new Coalition Packet. “Js. Gillray invt. & fect.” 2-, Pubd March 14th 1806 by H. Humphrey 27 St. James's Street. Size, 9 by 1334 inches. Matted. - FINE IMPRESSION OF THE ORIGINAL COLORED. Wright and Evans, No. Sic A satire on the Broad-Bottoms, whose ship is wafted forward by the favor of the Prince of Wales, while they are obliged to throw out an empty cask, supposed to represent the promises of the Whigs, in order to amuse the great leviathan of public opinion. The broom at the mast- head indicates that the boat is to be disposed of. 740. Giutray (JAMES). CARICATURE IN COLor. The Bear and his Leader.— “Js. Gillray fect.” Pubd May 19th 1806, by H. Humphrey 27 St. James’s Street. Size, 91% by 181% inches. Neatly matted. -) ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, ConoreD. Wright and Evans, No. 317. ve } Fox is represented as a bear, muzzled and chained, led by his master, Lord Grenville, the latter has cudgel marked, “Cudgel for disobedient Bears... He calls out, “Don’t be afraid of my Bear. . . I have tamed and muzzled him.” Lord Sidmouth enacts the part of a blind old fiddler ; Lord Petty, as a monkey, holds the bear’s tail. “The insinuation intended to be conveyed by Gillray in this print is that Fox having owed his introduction to office to Lord Grenville... was thereby reduced to subordination to that Nobleman.”—WRIGHT AND EVANS. 741. Grutray (JAMES). CARICATURES IN COLOR. The Rake’s Progress at the University. THE COMPLETE SERIES OF FIVE CARICATURES, IN COLOR, by James Gillray. Oblong folio, half crimson morocco, lettered on fe. back and side, BY ROOT. London, 1806 ~ right and Evans, Numbers, 545-549. It is seldom that a complete set in original impressions of this at- tractive series of caricatures is offered for public sale. (1) THe RAKE’S PROGRESS AT THE UNIVERSITY. “Ah me! what perils doth youth encounter Who dares within the Fellow’s bog to enter.” (2) THE RAK®’S PROGRESS AT THE UNIVERSITY. “Ah me! that thou the Freshman’s Guide should’st read, Yet venture on the hallowed grass to tread.” (3) THE RAKE’S PROGRESS AT THE UNIVERSITY. “The Master’s wig the guilty wight appals Who brings his dog within the College walls.” [Continued s Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th [No. 741—Continued | (4) THE RAKE’S PROGRESS AT THE UNIVERSITY. “Hxpulsion waits that son of Alma Mater Who dares to shew his face in boot or gaiter.” (5) Tur RAKE’S PROGRESS AT THE UNIVERSITY. “Convened for wearing gaiters, sad offence! Expelled, nor e’en permitted a defence.” Inscription on all reads,—Publishd. October 22d 1806—by H. Humphrey No. 27 St. James’s Street, London. 742. GILLRAY (JAMES). CARICATURES IN Cotor. History of the Westminster and Middlesex Elections; in the Month of November, 1806. Wath , folding caricature IN coLor, by James Gillray. 8vo, boards, roan é , back, slight repairs to back of plate. London, 1807 Wright and Evans, No. 329. “This is one of Gillray’s happiest con- Selena Contains portraits of Sir Samuel Hood, Sheridan, Cobbett, and others. 743. Gintray (JAMES). CARICATURE IN Cotor. An Old English-Gentleman pester’d by Servants wanting Places. “Js Gillray inv. & fect.” Pubd May 16th 1809—by H. Humphrey 27 St James’s Street. Size, av 10 by 1414 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLoreD. Wright and Evans, No. 355. George III. surrounded by a host of applicants for places, including, Lord Grenville, the Marquis of Buckingham, Lord Grey (depicted as a Grey-hound) with his paws on the Duke of Portland; other characters are, Sheridan, Canning, the Duke of Bedford, Lord Moira, Lord Sidmouth, etc. 744. Grttray (JAMES). CARICATURE IN Cotor. An Old English-Gentleman Pester’d by Servants wanting Places. Signed on the plate,—"J/s ») Gillray inv. & fect.’ Pubd May 16th 1809—by H. Humphrey 27 as St. James’s Street. Size, 10 by 14 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLoRED. Wright and Evans, No. 355. | George IIIrd followed by the Duke of Portland and Perceval, looking at the members of the late Ministry—Lord H. Petty, Whitbread, Temple, Sidmouth, Grenville, Buckingham, Windham, Moira, Erskine, and the Duke of Bedford, who are asking to be engaged. The king prefers his old servants. Burdett and Cobbett are kept at the door by Townshend ; Lords Castlereagh and Liverpool with Canning are seated in a gallery, writing. 745. Grt~ray (JAMES). CARICATURE IN Cotor. Patriotic Petitions on the Convention. “Js. Gillray inv. & fect.” London, Publish’d by H. Humphrey. 2% St. James's Street. Size, 1014 by 16 inches. Matted. » SU ‘e - ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLoreD. Wright and Evans, No. 350. A satire on the addresses presented to the King, condemning the Con- vention made at Cintra, by which the French were enabled to evacuate Portugal unmolested. The print is divided into four compartments, lettered,_—_THE COCKNEY Petition !; THE WESTMINSTER PETITION !; THE CHELMSFORD PETITION ; THE MIDDLESEX PETITION. Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th 746. GittRay (James). Caricatures tx Cotor. The Life of William Cob- bett,—written by himself. THE COMPLETE SERIES OF EIGHT CARI- CATURES IN CoLor, by James Gillray. Folio, enclosed in cloth port- folio, lettered on side. London, 1809 - Wright and Evans, Nos. 358-365. AN EXTREMELY IMPORTANT SERIES, ESPECIALLY WHEN COMPLETE AS ABOVE. “This series of bitter satirical prints against the grand radical of the day are parodies on the autobiographical sketch in his own Register... They need little further explanation than that given in the inscriptions beneath each plate, the first of which represents the pretended amuse-— ments of his childhood.”—-WriIGHT AND EVANS. (1) Tue Lire or Wi11am Cossett. Father kept the sign of the Jolly-Farmer at Farnham. 2 : (2) Tue Lire or Witit1AmM Cossett. As I shop into a hobbledehoy, J ante: I took to driving the Plow for the benefit of mankind. -_ This scene represents him flying from embarrassments, and enlisting as a soldier. -(3) Tue Lire or Wit11amM Cosppetrt . . . arrived in safety . . being a Scholard . . . appointed to teach the Officers their duty—found them all so damnably stupid. — (4) Tue Lire of WILLIAM CopBett . . . I was now made Sarjeant- Major and Clerk to the Regiment . . . purloined and copied such Documents as promised to be serviceable . . . Dis organize the Army. x (5) Tue Lire or WILLIAM COBBETT . . . my next step was to pro- cure a Discharge from my ever lamented associate the Lord Edwd. Fitzgerald. (6) Tue Lire oF WiLtiaAM CoBBETT . . . the Court-Martial was assembled at Chelsea . . . when—blast my eyes, I saw the whole of that damn’d 51st Regiment . . . I instantly ran t a boat which I had Providentially secured. ; Relative to his flight to America. (7) Tue Lire or Witt1aM Copsett . . . I did not look behind me... 1 fled to AMeErRicA, there I offered to become a Spy for my most gracious Sovereign . . . I contented myself with Plundering & Libelling the Yankees, for which I was fined 5000 dollars and was kicked out of the country. (8) Tue Lire.or WILLIAM CoppeTT ... . but alas in the midst of my towering prospects . . . down came my Political Register . the rigid Pawnbroker of Hell, Old-Beelzebub, entered and demanded his property, the Forfeit Soul. The inscription on the first seven reads,—London. Published Sept 29, 1809, by H. Humphrey St. James’s Street. v47. Growatpt Portraits 1x Corors. Tegg’s Prime Song Book, Bang up to the Mark. With full-length portrait of Joseph Grimaldi, the } famous clown, as “The Ghost of a Guinea;” also vignette portrait of the same, both in colors. 12mo, half maroon calf. Title-page and portrait backed and repaired. London, circa 1828 748. “Guiiiver (LemvEL).” The Eo-Nauts, or The Spirit of Delusion, a rsp Serio, Comico, Logical, Eulogical, Lyrical, Satirical Poem, with ey Notes, Geographical and Critical, of various Commentators. Edited [Continued Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th | No.. 748—Continued | by Lemuel Gulliver, Esq. With folding frontispiece, “The Spirit of Delusion.” IN coors. 8vo, new boards, roan back. London, 1813 The frontispiece, although not signed, is in the manner of James Gillray. This copy contains the separately printed slip “Description of the annexed Plate.” 749. Hannay (JAMES). Jang Dobbs: Sketches in Ultra-Marine. Illustrated by Alfred Ashley. 12mo, half calf, gilt top. London, 1849 ' First Epirion. The author was a personal friend of Thackeray and Carlyle. 750. [Harpy (Puitie D.).] Legends, Tales, and Stories of Ireland. Illus- | O trated with 10 characteristic engravings on wood. 12mo, half green 7 morocco, gilt top, uncut, BY BIRDSALL. Dublin, 1837 751. Heath (Henry)., Cotorep Puates. The Nautical Dictionary. / Enclosed in cloth case, with inner protecting cover of cloth. ai London: Printed for William Sams, 1823 First Eprtion with brilliant coloring of the plates. On the fore- edges and lower edges of (A)-B4 are a number of needle-holes. 756. HeatH (Witt1am). Cotorep Prares. Studies from the Stage; or, the Vicissitudes of Life. With pictorial title and 20 plates, each ($0 plate containing many humorous figures, ALL IN COLORS, by Wullram 's / °“ ‘THeath. Oblong 4to, full polished calf, gilt, gilt top, original wrap- pers bound in, BY RIVIERE. London: W. Sams [1823] First Epirion. From the library of Edward Henry Hill, with book- plate engraved by C. W. Sherborn. -2 5%. Heara (Witutam). Conorep Pxrates. Rustic Sketches. A series of 7 plates (including the ilustrated title-page), presenting 20 scenes of country life, ALL IN coLors, by Wuliam Heath. Oblong 4to, aie ORIGINAL PRINTED WRAPPERS, the reverse wrapper of which advertises “¥ “hooks illustrated by Henry Alken and others.” Enclosed in cloth portfolio, lettered. London: Published by Thomas M’Lean, 1824 First EpIrion AND A VERY FINE copy. But few copies are known in this unusual condition. The coloring of the plates is very rich. Includes shooting and angling scenes. 758. Hearn (Wint1am). Conorep Puares. A Trip to Margate. By Paul Pry, Esq. A series of 6 plates, on which are 45 scenes illustrating the many adventures of “Paul Pry” on his trip to Margate, ALL IN & $* cotors, by William Heath. Oblong 4to, ORIGINAL PRINTED WRAP- — pers, back somewhat repaired. Enclosed in cloth portfolio, let- tered. London: Thomas M’Lean, circa 1825 First Epirion, and extremely desirable in the above state. Includes shooting and angling scenes. Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th 759. HeaTH (WILLIAM). CoLorED Puiatres. Old Way’s & New Way’s. A series of 6 plates, numerous scenes on each, ALL IN COLORS, by Oy fy) William Heath. Oblong 4to, orIGINAL PICTORIAL WRAPPERS, slightly -— worn. Enclosed in cloth portfolio, lettered. London: Charles Tilt, circa 1825 First Epition, and extremely desirable in the original wrappers. $ 760. Hearn (WILLIAM). CoLorep PLAres. Humorous Scraps, ete. A col- lection of 34 plates of the most diverting character, ALL IN COLORS, by Wilham Heath. Oblong 4to, full crimson morocco, gilt extra, Ww) — gilt edges. A few of-the plates repaired, and several backed. ; London, various publishers, circa 1828 ete. Interesting collection, comprises,— Joys, Hopes, Fears, Doubts, and Thoughts. 5 plates; Ways and Means, 1 plate; Sketches of Wit and Humor, 3 plates; Humorous Scraps, 12 plates; Illustrations of Gay’s Fables, 2 plates; Originals, 6 plates; Annuals for the New Year, 1 plate; Lexicographical Illustrations, 4 plates. 761. HeatH (WILLIAM). CoLorep Puates. Rural Enjoyment. The Com- plete Series of 4 plates 1x couor, all highly humorous, by William ow) _ Heath. Folio, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, By RIVIERE. London: Pubd. 1829 by S. Gans 15 Southampton St. Strand First EDITION OF THIS ATTRACTIVE SERIES, the plates brilliant in coloring. 762. HeatH (WittIAM). CoLorep Puates. London Characters. A series 3 of 12 plates, each containing 4 representations (48 in all) of “Lon- ay yas don Characters,’ ALL IN coor, by William Heath. Oblong folo, “~ * full polished calf, gilt edges, By SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE. 7 London: Charles Tilt, 1834 First Epirion, of this amusing series. Complete set. The plates rich in color. - 763. Heata (WinirAm). Conorep Puates. Omnium-Gatherum. A series of 14 plates, on which are represented a large number of humorous A scenes, ALL IN coLors, by William Heath. Oblong 4to, full polished pe calf, gilt, gilt edges, By SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE. Several plates lightly spotted, and slight repair to one plate. London: Charles Tilt [1834] First Epitrron, and a complete set of both series, with the colored title- page. The first series consists of 7 plates, the second of 6 plates, and the colored title-page, making 14 in all. The last plate is signed, “H. Heath, fecit.” 764. HmatH (WittiAm). Puates. The Beauties of Washington Irving. II- lustrated* with six etchings (all of which have been COLORED BY day HAND at a later date) by William Heath. 12mo, original printed {A> boards, new back, ENTIRELY UNCUT. In open faced cloth case. Glasgow, 1825 Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th 765. Hearn (Witiiam). Pxiates. The Posthumous Papers, Facetious and Fanciful, of A Person lately about Town. Wath a series of 6 plates > ix cotor (all hand colored at a later date) by William Heath. / a? 12mo, full mottled calf, gilt, gilt top. London: William Sams, 1828 First Epirion. Fine copy, the plates appropriately colored. 766. Hearn Intustrations. Tavern Anecdotes, and Reminiscences of the Origin of Signs, Clubs, Coffee-Houses, Streets, etc. By One of the Old School. With engraved title-page and folding plate finely 20 -e engraved in 24 scenes, the former signed by Heath, the latter his work, but unsigned; also portrait of Christopher Brown. 12mo, full polished yellow calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1825 First Eprrion. Fine Copy of this entertaining work, with the excep- tion that several pages have been rather carelessly opened by a former owner. 76%. Hervievu Intustrations. Adventures of Bilbery Thurland. With fine impressions of the plates, drawn and etched by A. Hervieu. 3 vols. i 12mo, half polished calf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. O London: Richard Bentley, 1836 First EDITION. %68. HicHwAYMEN. A Narrative of all the Robberies, Escapes, &e. of John (Jack) Sheppard: Giving an Exact Description of the manner of his wonderful Escape from the Castle in Newgate, and of the /» Methods he took afterward for his Security. Written by himself i during his Confinement in the Middle Stone-Room, after his being retaken in Drury-Lane. With engraving of “The Manner of John Shepherd's Escape out of the Condemn'd Hole in Newgate.” 8vo, half dark red levant morocco, gilt edges, BY RIVIBRE. London: John Applebee, a little below Bridewell-Bridge, 1724 A fine copy of a scarce work. It was issued the year of his execution. 769. Hints to the Sick, the Lame, and the Lazy; or, Passages in the Life of a Hydropathist. By A Veteran. With engraved title-page, and / LY numerous illustrations, full-page and smaller (all of which are 5% hand-colored at a later date), by A Recruit. 8vo, original boards, new leather back. London, 1847 An amusing volume, depicting the experiences of a visitor to Marien- erg. %0. Hoccart, THE Murperer. The Life and Depredations of David Hog- gart, the Murderer, who was executed at Edinburgh, the 28th July, fe 1821, for the Murder of Morrin, one of the Turnkeys of Dumfries oa Gaol. With folding frontispiece in colors. 12mo, wrappers, uncut. London, circa 1821 lie a i ‘_, ee Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th sce a peel RR aa Ea aa creer Slt ee a (71. Honk (Wiut1am). The Three Trials of William Hone [Each with separate pagination and title-page, also a general title-page; and an additional tract,—Trial by Jury and Liberty of the Press. The Pro- ceedings at the Public Meeting, December 29, 1817, at the City : of London Tavern, for the Purpose of enabling William Hone to surmount the Difficulties in which he has been Placed.] Bound in one vol. 8vo, half morocco, several margins stained. London, 1818 qa. The complete series. v72. Horr (LIEurENANT-CoLonEL). The Embroidered Banner, and other Marvels. Wath eight coloured steel etchings, by Alfred Ashley. 8vo, b three-quarter maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, BY’ ; ZABHNSDORF. London, 1850 First Epirion. 773. Humpry Dumpry. The text in German, Latin, Greek, Hebrew and English. A long folding humorous illustration, representing the 2 pp adventures of Humpty Dumpty. Oblong 12mo, original illustrated ZL 30 boards, preserved in a solander case, with morocco back and inner protecting cloth cover. Slight repair at one joint. London, 1843 The plate is unsigned, but is by an artist of ability. 774. IntsH Metopres. More Irish Melodies Illustrated. A volume of humor- ous etchings (upwards of 40), unsigned, the work of a clever artist. G ‘ Oblong 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, By Roor. No place or date [1850] As the title indicates, a burlesque on Moore’s /rish Melodies. 779, ITINERANT TRADERS OF Lonpon. Smith (John Thomas). Etchings of Remarkable Beggars, Itinerant Traders and other Persons of No- ne toriety in London and its Environs. A series of 24 full-page plates, “ALL FINELY COLORED BY HAND, all of which were published by Smith, from December 1, 1815 to May 30, 1816, at irregular inter- vals. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1815 First Eprrion. daughter of George IIT.)., engraved by P. W. Tomkins. FIRst | d ™ Bprrion. 12mo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London, 1823 Each illustration within a charming decorative border. Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th 786. LANpsHER (THomas). Monkeyana; or, Men in Miniature. A series of 25 plates, ALL PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, AND ALL COLORED, designed "4 a9 and etched by Thomas Landseer. Small folio, half calf, gilt top, original wrapper to part one preserved. London, 1827 The plates have been colored by hand at a later date. 787. LawLER (DENNIS). Vicissitudes in early Life; or, The History of Frank Neville, a serio-sentimental and satirical tale. With folding “ /, caricature frontispiece IN coLors. 2 vols. in one, 12mo, half morocco, oe marbled edges. London [1807] JOHN LEECH A Collection of First Editions Illustrated by Leech [| Numbers 788 to 822, inclusive | 788. LrEcH (JOHN) ILLUSTRATIONS. American Broad Grins: Edited by Rigdum Funnidos, Gent. With humorous illustrations by John LO = Leech. 16mo, original cloth, gilt edges. London, 1838 789. LezoH (JoHN) Ituustrations. [Lee (P.).] The Comic Latin Gram- mar; a new and facetious Introduction to the Latin Tongue. With numerous illustrations by John Leech. 12mo, full red levant mo- / § 4 rocco, inlaid figures of different colored leathers on front and re- verse sides, gilt top, BY GUILD OF WOMEN BINDERS. London, 1840 First Epition. The leaf of “Errata,” is present, as is the original front cloth cover. 790. LezcH (JoHN) Ituustrations. [Leigh (Percival).] The Comic English Grammar. Hmbellished with upwards of 50 characteristic illustrations by J. Leech. 12mo, full red crushed levant morocco, / / inlaid figures on both front and reverse sides, gilt edges, BY GUILD OF WOMEN BINDERS. London, 1840 First Epirion. The page of Advertisements, usually missing, is here present. 791. LezcH (Joun) Intustrations. The Fiddle Faddle Fashion Book. Edited by the author of the “Comic Latin Grammar” (P. Lee). Hn- ruched with numerous highly coloured figures of lady-like gentle- — »~, men (all of which are depicted on 4 full-page plates, by John Leech). lf. / ~*© Frrst Epition. 4to, original pictorial wrappers, which contain 12 ™” woodcut designs by Leech. Preserved in half morocco solander case, with inner protecting cover of cloth. London: Chapman and Hall, circa 1840 Of this amusing volume, copies in the original wrappers, like the above, are very seldom met with. Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th 792. Lercu (JoHn) Ituusrrations. The London Magazine, Charivari and Courrier des Dames. A Proteus in Politics, a Chamelon in Literature, and a Butterfly in the World of Bon Ton. With 14 s) oD etched plates by “Phiz,’ Gillray the younger, and John Leech. - (COMPLETE SET IN THE EIGHT ORIGINAL PARTS, 80, with wrappers and advertisements, uncut. Each part has three small holes in the back margins, indicating that at some time the eight parts were stitched together. Enclosed in purple morocco solander case, with inner protecting cloth cover. | London, 1840 A little known and almost forgotten periodical, and exceptionally de- sirable in the original parts. One of the plates in the last part is signed “Jack Leech done it.” 793. Lercu (JowN) Ixtustrations. Daniel (George). Merrie England in the Olden Time. With full-page and teat illustrations by John Q. Leech. 2 vols. 12mo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, original | | cloth covers preserved, BY RIVIERE. London: Richard Bentley, 1842 First EDITION. 794. LezecH (JoHN) ILLUSTRATIONS. Maxwell (W. H.). The Fortunes. of Hector O’Halloran, and his man Mark Antony O’Toole. With illustrations by John Leech. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, /) BY RIVIBRE? Light spots on several of the plates. London: Richard Bentley, undated 1842 First Epition. The illustrations in the early part of the work are by “Dick Kitcat,” and are signed by him. 795. LercH (JOHN) ILLUSTRATIONS. Whitehead (Charles). Richard Sav- age, a Romance of Real Life. With illustrations by John Leech. Se 3 vols. 12mo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE. ] : London, 1842 First EDITION. 796. Lenco (JoHN) Intusrrations. The Illuminated Magazine. Edited by Douglas Jerrold. COMPLETE SET, from May, 1843 to April, 1845. With numerous illustrations, both full-page and in the text by John Leech, and (in volume 4 only) by Hablot K. Browne, “Phiz.” “ AS Imperial 8vo. IN THE ORIGINAL WRAPPERS, as issued, with covers, (with the exception of the back wrappers for parts XII and XXIV), also all the advertisements? Enclosed in two red cloth solander cases, with inner protecting covers of cloth. London, 1843-1845 THE ABOVE SET IS COMPLETE, containing all FOUR VOLUMES , the illumi- nated titles, and the two etched plates by John Leech, colored by hand, illustrating, “Tom Houlaghan’s Guardian Sprite,” and “Legends of Lough Ouel by John L’Estrange.” EXTREMELY SCARCE in the original parts. Sometimes sold as com- plete in three volumes. : Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th Se ee ee ee 79%. LEECH (JOHN) ILnustrations. Hooton (Charles). Colin Clink. ve With illustrations by John Leech. 3 vols. 12mo, full polished calf, 4.6, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIiRE, ; London, 1844 First Epirion. 798. LepcH (JoHN) ILLusrrations. Smith (Albert). The Adventures of Mr. Ledbury and his friend Jack Johnson. With 18 etched plates / and 2 woodcuts by John Leech. 3 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt, plates 6 ) more or less spotted. London: Richard Bentley, 1844 First Epirion. Inserted is an additional plate by Leech for the above work, extracted from a later edition. 799. LrecH (JoHN) ILLusrratrons. Trollope (Mrs.). Jessie Phillips, a Dale of the Present Day. With illustrations by John Leech. 8vo, / j half blue calf, marbled edges. London, 1844 First EpItion. 800. Lenco (JouNn) ItLusrrations. Mr. and Mrs. Caudle. “No! Mr. Caudle, I shall not go to sleep like a good soul!” Inthograph IN cotors, by John Leech. Small folio, enclosed in cloth folder, let- /&, tered on the side. London: Punch Office, 92 Fleet Street, circa 1845 - The same subject appeared as a woodcut in Punch, Volume 8, 1845, Satirizing Lord Brougham. The original example in colors, as above, is very desirable and extremely. uncommon. 801. LrecH (JoHN) InLusrrations. Whitehead (Charles). Richard Sav- age. A Romance of Real Life. With frontispiece by John Leech. / * 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1845 802. LercH (JoHN) Iniusrrarions. A’Beckett (Gilbert Abbott). The Quizziology of the British Drama. With illustrations by John Leech. » 12mo, half crimson morocco, gilt edges, By ZAEHNSDORF. London: Punch Office, 1846 First EpIrion. 803. Lerch (JoHN) Innusrrations. Chatelain (Madame De). The Sil- ee ver Swan. A Fairy Tale. With 4 illustrations 1x cowor, by John /2+ Leech. Square 12mo, original red cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1847 . Hirst EpIrion. 804. LercH (JoHN) Ittusrrations. [Lee (P.).] The Comic Latin Grammar. With numerous illustrations by John Leech. 12mo, $ original cloth, gilt. London, 1848 New Edition, the second. Contains the humorous portrait of the author, by John Leech, which did not appear in the first edition. Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th S05. LescH (JoHN) ILLUSTRATIONS. Jerrold (Douglas). A Man made of Money. With 12 illustrations by John Leech. 12mo, IN THE SD ORIGINAL SIX PARTS, with wrappers and advertisements, uncut. En- >2 closed in morocco case, with limp leather protecting cover. it London: Punch Office, 1849 First EDITION. 806. LrecH (JOHN) ILLUSTRATIONS. Tupper (Martin F.). The Crock of Gold, and other Tales. Wath illustrations by John Leech. 12mo, original cloth. London, 1849 / With signature of “Henry Tupper,’ on title-page, and bookplate “de Vie Tupper, Les Cétils,” on inside of cover. S0v. LeecH (JOHN) ILLUSTRATIONS. “Young Troublesome,” or Master Jacky’s Holidays. With a series of 12 plates, containing 25 highly ne humorous subjects, ALL IN COLORS, by John Leech. Oblong 4to, full />» polished calf, gilt back, dentelle inside borders, gilt edges, original wrappers preserved, BY RIVIERE. London, 1849 First EpITIon. 808. LercH (JOHN) ILLUSTRATIONS. An original Envelope, in perfect state, the front of which has the original design, engraved by John Thompson, from the design of W. Mulready, R.A. 1842. Also, the /2 exceedingly clever Parody on the Mulready Envelope, designed by riNeb John Leech, signed in the lower left corner, with Leech’s “mark,” ‘n the lower centre of the caricature,—the bottle. The plate is hu- morously imprinted, “The design has (most respectfully of course) been submitted to Government by an aspiring artist, Mul-led-at- ready.” (1850). Both items preserved in a cloth folder, lettered on the side. The skit on the Mulready Envelope by John Leech was one of the most important factors that brought Leech before the public as a humorous draughtsman. “Mr. Frith tells of Mulready’s indignation at Leech’s drawing—not at the caricature itself, but at the leech in the bottle, by which the Academician took it for granted that the draughtsman meant to desig- nate him by inuendo as a “pHlood-sucker” and of Leech’s surprise and pain at being so suspected, and how the two men became fast friends ever after.”—SPIELMANN, “The History of Punch.” 809. LeroH (JoHN) ILLUSTRATIONS. The Ladies’ Companion at Home and Abroad. Edited by Mrs. Loudon. With numerous full-page and ( smaller woodcuts, also full-page illustrations IN COLOR, four of those y in color (in volume 3) being by John Leech. 38 vols. royal 8vo, original cloth, slightly worn cand a little thumbed. London, 1850 All issued. The plates in color by Leech, are as follows,—“The New Dress,” “Mrs. Berligan at the Opera,’ “More frightened than hurt,’ and “King Radbob’s Daughter.” Fourth Session, Thursday Afternoon, February 6th 810. LescH (JoHN) ILLustrations. Fullom (S. W.). The Great High- way: A Story of the World’s Struggles. With illustrations on steel \ by John Leech. 3 vols. 12mo, full mottled calf, gilt, gilt tops, 7 * original covers preserved, uncut, BY RIVIERE. Several plates lightly spotted. London, 1854 First EpIrion. 811. Lerch (JoHN) IxuustRations. Reach (Angus B.) and Brooks Peght (Shirley). A Story with a Vengeance. With a steel engraving by In cotors. Attributed by Broadley (No. 182) to Ansell. A motley array of French soldiers, all dressed in night-gowns, in coffins for boats, skulls on mast-heads, some of the crew floundering in the water. 859. NAPOLEONIC CARICATURE. The King of Brobdingnag and Gulliver. (Plate 2d “—Scene—Gulliver manoeuvring with his little boat in the Cistern.” Designed by an Amateur:—HLiched by Js. Gillray.” Ie Publish’d Feby 10th 1804 by Humphrey, St. James’s Street London. Size, 12 by 1734 inches. Neatly matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLorED. Broadley, No. 523; Wright and Evans, No. 288. Bonaparte in a small sail-boat in a cistern, viewed by King George III., Lord Salisbury and others. S60. NAPOLEONIC CaricaTuRE. Napoleons Apotheosis Anticipated or the Wise Men of Leipsic sending Boney to Haven before his time (etc.) at “Woodward del.” Pubd Sept 15th [1805] by Thos. Tegg No 111 /: Cheapside. Size, 1214 by 834 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLorED. Broadley, No. 6380.. This plate ridicules a compliment which the obsequious savants of Leipzig desired to pay the Emperor. Orion in the clouds, sword in hand, is drawing Napoleon up to him by means of his belt. 913. Napo.Eonric Cartcature. Old Blucher Beating the Corsican Big Drum. “G Ok.’ Pubd April 8th 1814 by S. W. Fores 50 Piccadilly. Size, 914 by 141% inches. Matted. / / FINE IMPRESSION OF THE ORIGINAL, COLORED, SHOWING PLATE-MARK. Broadley, No. 667; Reid, No. 309. . Etched by George Cruikshank. A satire on the Allies entry into Paris. The veteran Prussian Bliicher, of gigantic size, stands in the foreground, with the Emperor slung from his neck, in the manner of a drum, while Bliicher is inflicting corporal punishment. Various ludicrous incidents connected with the retreat of the French, are intro- duced in the background. 914. Napotronic Carroatre. Blucher the Brave Extracting the Groan of Abdication from the Corsican Blood Hound. Unsigned. Pubd. 9 April 1814 by Thos. Tegg. No 111 Cheapside. Size, 914 by 14 ) inches. Neatly inlaid and matted. | ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLoRED. Broadley, No. 56. Etched by Rowlandson. Blticher is holding in his outstretched hand, the emperor with the body of a wolf. In the background, the crown of France is being restored to Louis XVIII. 915. Napotronic Caricature. Bloody Boney the Carcass Butcher Left off i Trade and Retiring to Scarecrow Island. Unsigned. Pubd. 12 April 1814 by Thos. Tegg No 111 Cheapside. Size, 814 by 13 inches. Neatly inlaid and matted. , ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLorED. Etched by Rowlandson. Broadley, No. 54; Grego, Vol. 2, page 279. . ~ Napoleon with a fool’s cap, and sitting on an ass; behind sits the female driver “Marie Louise,” by their side is the King of Rome, astride a Corsican dog; the island of Elba seen in distance. fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 916. NAPOLEONIC CAricaTuRE. A Grand Manceuyre! or, The Rogues march to the Island of Elba. “G. Crutkshank fect.” _Pubd April 13th 1814 by 7. Tegg No. 111 Cheapside. Size, 814 by 1314 inches. (A Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Broadley, No. 410. Reid, No. 318. Two boys leading Napoleon by a halter, towards a boat, where the Devil is waiting to escort him across the water. Talleyrand is pushing his former master along with a broom, while the French populace are cursing and pelting their late ruler, on whose head an imp is dancing, and playing the fiddle. 917. NAPOLEONIC CARicATURE. ‘The Rogues March. The Emperor of Con- jurors Nap The King of Beggars Joe! Pubd. April 15, 1814 by Thos Tegg No 111 Cheapside. Size, 9 by 13 inches. Neatly inlaid b and matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Broadley, No. 767; Grego, Vol. 2, page 219. ; A Rare Etching by Rowlandson. The Emperor, with a halter around his neck and handcuffed to his brother Joe, is being led by General Bliicher; Kings of various countries dancing around a flag-pole. 918. NAPOLEONIC CARICATURE. Another copy of the preceding. Neatly in- yf laid and matted. | 919. NapotEonic Caricature. A Friendly Visit. Unsigned. Pubd April 16th 1814 by Thos. Tegg No. 111 Cheapside. Size, 9 by 13 inches. A Neatly inlaid and matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLoRED. Broadley, No. 372; not in Grego. Etched by Rowlandson. Napoleon in an embarrassing position, hastily putting on his tattered breeches, is called upon by death and the Devil, the latter with a halter is saying, ‘Master Boney the Favour of your Company is requested; on the table are pistols, dagger, axe, a bowl of opium, and an imp. Very curious. 920. NAPoLEOoNIC CaricaTurE. ‘The Hell(Hl)Baronian Emperor going to take possession of his new Territory. “G. H. invt. G. Cruikshank fect.’ Pubd. April 23d 1814 by H. Humphrey St. James's St. 6 Size, 714 by 914 inches. Neatly inlaid and matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, UNCOLORED. Broadley, No. 300; Reid, No. 316. Napoleon, heavily chained and confined in a strong cage, drawn by a Cossack riding a horse towards Elba. 921. NapoLEoNic CaricaTorE. Nap Dreading his Doleful Doom or his Grand ; Entry in the Isle of Elba. Unsigned. Pubd April 25th 1814 by 0. Thos. Tegg No 111 Cheapside. Size, 9 by 131% inches. Neatly inlaid and matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED.* FIRST STATE. Broadley, No. 596; Grego, Vol. 2, page 281. Etched by Thomas Rowlandson. Shows the arrival of the fallen Em- peror, at the Island of Elba, a crowd welcoming him. Napoleon is saying, “Ah Woe is me seeing what I have and seeing what I see.” Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 922. NAPOLEONIC CarrcaTuRE. Nic alias Nap’s March to Elba or the Down-. fall of the Napoleon Dynasty. Not signed. Pubd. May 1st 1814 1a by W N Jones No 5 Newgate Street. Size, 7Y% by 15 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Broadley, No. 655. This plate is from “The Scourge” for May, 1814. 923. NapoLHoN Caricature. Mechanical Powers!!! or the Wonderful in- vention of the Cock-Crane!!!—“Htched by G. Cruikshank.” Pubd. May 11th 1814 by t. Wilson No. 5 St. Pauls Church Yard. Size, / 2 "1% by 181% inches. Matted. | ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLorED. Broadley, No. 568; Reid, No. 327. A satire on the alleged attempt of Lord Cochrane and Berenger to raise the price of stocks, exemplified in a complicated machine having tackle attached to Dover Castle, and the Post-chaise for London; a flag on the latter has representation of Napoleon cut in pieces. + 924. NapotHonic Caricature. Little Boney Gone to Pot. “G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd May 12th 1814 by Thos Tegg No 111 Cheapside. Size, ( 834 by 1234 inches. Matted. CoLoreD. Broadley, No. 540; Reid, No. 328. The little Emperor seated bare-legged on a large utensil, on which is inscribed “Imperial Throne,” a tree behind; a large jar of brimstone is placed by his side; on the other side, one of his boots is made into a cannon. The devil is standing in the sea, endeavouring to tempt him* to commit suicide by offering a loaded pistol. 925. NapoLEoNnrc Cartcature. Explanation of the Arms of Napoleon Bona- parte. Unsigned. Published by R. Ackermann, at his Repository of Arts, 101, Strand, London [1814] With explanatory text beneath. / Matted. Margins cut close, shght tear repaired. b. This is evidently the SECOND STATE, IN coLors, cited by Broadley as No. 330. The publisher’s line, which appears at the foot of the present copy, is not given by Broadley. The coat of arms is divided into eight compartments, with the Devil to the right and Death to the left, as supporters. Above is the globe with French flags. The crest represents the world, which, with the exception of England and Sweden, is on fire; French flags are flying. The views on the shield are as follows,—(1) Mushroom on a dunghill, denoting the descent of Napoleon’s family; (2) The shooting of 800 defenceless Turkish prisoners; (3) The poisoning of his own sick soldiers in the Hospital at Jaffa; (4) The foul murder of the Duke of d’Enghien ; (5) Compelling the Pope to come to Paris to assist in his Coronation ; (6) Torture and death of Captain Wright; (7) Massacre of the defence- less Citizens of Madrid, May 2, 1808; (8) Imprisonment of King Ferdi- nand VII. for not renouncing the crown of Spain. 926. NapoLEonic CartcaturE. A Pleasant Draught for Louis or the way to get rid of a Troublesome fellow. Unsigned. Size, 114% by 8% / inches. Matted. | ¥) CoLORED IMPRESSION, without names of etcher and publisher. Broadley, No. 701, where the Etcher is given as Elmes, the publisher as Tegg, and the date of publication, “the Spring of 1814.” Louis XVIIIth seated at a table, drinking from a goblet in which is the miniature figure of Napoleon. Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 927. NAPOLEONIC CARICATURE. Hop Step and Jump. Unsigned. Pubd by _ Roberts, 28 Middle row. |Republished] by T. Tegg 111 Cheapside, f Jany 1 [1815]. Size, 814 by 13 inches. Matted. d Bonaparte jumping from the island of Corsica to France; standing on the islands of Ambition and Power; and jumping from Calais to Dover, where he becomes impinged on the sword of John Bull. 928. NAPOLEONIC CaricAaTuB. A Pair of Specticals easely seen Through. Unsigned. Pub 17 June 1815 by T Tegg Cheapside London. Size, / 1034 by 8 inches. Neatly inlaid and matted. (5 ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Broadley, No. 678. This caricature, published on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo, shows Napoleon standing on a hill, with Death dancing by his side; in the background, a gallows and French soldiers. 929. NAPOLEONIC CaricaTURE. Royal Docters bringing Boney to Pott. Un- sioned. Pub 5 July 1815 by T Tegg. Size, 1114 by 8 inches. Neatly inlaid and matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLORED. Broadley, No. 774. A curious caricature illustrative of the Surrender of Napoleon at the. Battle of Waterloo. The allied powers, as doctors standing by, with portrait of Bliicher; John Bull standing behind Napoleon, saying, “J think all these here doctors will be too much, so I have brought you a little coffin.” ae o~ . 930. NAPOLEON CaricaTuURE. Napoleon’s trip from Elba to Paris, & from Paris to St. Helena. “G. Cruikshank fect.” Pubd by M. Jones No 5 Newgate St. Septr. 1, 1815. Three etchings on one sheet, full- y size, 814 by 191% inches. Neatly matted. 6 ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. See, Douglas, page 250. Broadley, No. This is one of the plates issued with “The Scourge.” The first view represents Napoleon flying on an eagle; in the second, he is seen leaving in a ship, John Bull by the fireside; In the third, he is watching a rat-trap, with two of his companions, on the Island of St. Helena. 931. NapoLEonic Caricature. The Afterpiece to the Tragedy of Waterloo— or—Madame Francoise & her Managers!!! “G. Crutkshank fect.” Pubd at W. Hone’s No. 55 Fleet St. Novr. 9th 1815. Size, 8% by ( 13 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLoRED. Douglas, No. 741; Reid, No. 518. Broadley, No. 5. Shows the Allied Sovereigns dividing France at their pleasure; the French nation being represented by a female whom they have thrown on the ground. Austria and Russia are forging chains, Prussia steals her purse; John Bull is seen in the distance, saying “My soul but they are befriending Mumeel.” 932. NAPOLEONIC CaricaTURE. A Scene at the London Museum Piccadilly,— or—A peep at the Spoils of Ambition, taken at the Battle of lA Waterloo—being a new tax on John Bull for 1816 &c &e, “G. Crutk- [Continued Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th [No. 982—Continued] shank fect.” Signed on the plate-—Pubd by H. Humphrey St. James’s St. London Jany. 1816. Size, 914 by 13 inches. Matted. FINE IMPRESSION, CoLoreD. Douglas, No. 748; Reid, No. 559. Broad- ley, No. 788. A satire on the struggle that was made by the public to view the carriage and other effects of Buonaparte which were taken at Waterloo. This plate contains the additional line at top,—‘‘A Swarm of English Bees,” ete. 933. Napotnonic Carrcaturr. A Frontispiece to the New Red Book. Un- signed. Pub June 13, 1816 by T. Tegg 111 Cheapside. Size, 84% by 1214 inches. Neatly inlaid and matted. : ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLorep. Not in Broadley. Rake. Napoleon, with hands tied behind his back, leading a crowd of men and women, including the Princess Charlotte and her consort, the Prince of Orange, all carrying bags of gold; an Irishman to the left, says,— “Well you have got it all, Pray what do you all do for it.” 934. Napotxonic Carrcature. Plump to the Devil We Boldly Kick’d Both Nap and His Partner Joe. Unsigned. Pubd Nov 30. 1819 by Thos. Tegg No 111 Cheapside. Size, 8% by 138 inches. Neatly inlaid lb and matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CortoreD. Broadley, No. 705; Grego, Vol. 2, page 261. Etched by Thomas Rowlandson. Shows Napoleon being kicked by John Bull, the Devil having hold of Napoleon’s leg. 935. NapoLEoNic CaRIcaTURE. Consequences of a Successfull French Inva- sion.—Me teach de English Republican to work. “Sir John Dal-— rymple invt. J. Gillray del.” Size, 6Y4 by 8% inches. Neatly inlaid b and matted. a CoLorep, without publisher’s imprint. Plate 4 of a series of four. See, Broadley, No. 196; Wright and Evans, No. 181. Bonaparte standing among English peasants, with whip in hand. 936. NAPOLEONIC CARICATURE. J ohn Bull Making Observations on the Comet. “Woodward Del.’ “Rowlandson sculp.” London Printed for Thos Tegg 111 Cheapside. Size, 8% by 134% inches. Neatly inlaid / bd and matted. J ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLorED. Broadley, No. 493. John Bull on a Channel cliff, looking through a telescope at the sun “George III.” and a comet “Bonaparte.” - According to Grego (Vol. 2, page 82) this plate was published Novem- ber 10, 1807. 937. NapoLEONIc CARICATURE. Puss in Boots. or General Junot taken by Surprise. “Rowlandson Del.” by Thos. Tegg No. 111 Cheapside. (, Size, 1214 by 9 inches. Neatly inlaid and matted. n> ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLoreD. Not in Broadley; Grego, Vol. 2, page 204. A curious bedroom scene, General Junot, in female attire, handing his sword to an occupant in the bed. Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 938. NAPOLEONIC CariIcATURE. ‘The Head of the Family in Good Humour. “Woodward Del.” “Rowlandson sculp.” by Thomas Tegg No. 111 /, Cheapside. Size, 12 by 814 inches. Neatly inlaid and matted. YY, ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, CoLoRED. Without date. Broadley, No. 429; Grego, Vol. 2, page 130, where the same is credited as published, Janu- ary 15, 1809. The burly figure of John Bull looking down on the representatives of various nations, including America, and a portrait of Bonaparte. .The sayings of the various parties are very interesting. 939. NapoLEoNIc Caricature. The Progress of the Emperor Napoleon. Un- signed. Pubd Thos Tegg No 111 Cheapside. Size, 8% by 123% inches. Neatly inlaid and matted. 6. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. Broadley, No. 7384; Grego, Vol. 2, page 101, where the same is credited as published, November 19, 1808. Etched by Thomas Rowlandson. Contains eight figures of Napoleon, from “A Ragged Headed Corsican Peasant,” to “An Emperor, on the Throne of Iniquities.” Ta ‘ 940. Napotzonic Caricature. The Three Steps to the New Imperial Dia- dem! Unsigned. Pubd June 4 by Wm Holland 11 Cockspur Street London. Size, 914 by 1214 inches. Matted. Margins cut close. (> In cotors. Not in Broadley. ; Shows Bonaparte climbing over the backs of Hypocrisy, Rapine and Murder, with his hands outstretched for a crown in the clouds. The devil standing behind, saying “Give him the slip and down he comes so concludes his Ambition.” 941. ONwHyYN ItLuUsrRATIONS. Etiquette Illustrated; or, Hints on how to - conduct oneself in the best Society. By an X.M.C. Folding pano- , ramic plate in 23 folds, containing a large number of humorous fQ. representations, ALL IN coLor, by T. Onwhyn. 16mo, original pic- torial boards, the front cover in plain state. London: Ackermann & Co. circa 1845 First EDITION. 942. ONwHyN IxuusTRaTiIons. Selby (Charles,—Comedian). Maximums and Speciments of William Muggins, Natural Philosopher and Citi- 4? zen of the World. With illustrations by Onwhyn. 8vo, three-quarter ’ paged green crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London, 1846 First EDITION. 943. ONwuyn Ituustrrations. A Railway Adventure that Mr. Larkins en- countered with the Lady of Capt. Coleraine, showing the power of £0 ‘Platonic Love. Folding panoramic sheet of 20 scenes ENTIRELY IN igi coxors, by T. Onwhyn. 16mo, original pictorial boards. London: Ackermann & Co. circa 1849 _ First Epirion. Unusually fine example of this amusing work, which illustrates the danger and cost of random friendships. Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 944. ONWHYN IxLLusTRATIONS. Mr. Perry Winks Submarine Adventures: A Dream at Sea. A Yarn spun by T. Onwhyn. With 8 plates, each containing 2 scenes, humorously picturing the adventures of 2p Mr. Winks below the surface of sea, ALL IN cotors, by T. Onwhyn. ~Y' — Oblong 12mo, original pictorial wrappers, with the wrapper in colored state. London, circa 1859 First Epririon. Unusually fine copy of this amusing work. 945, ORIENTAL ANNUAL (THE); or, Scenes in India. With numerous fine yep Steel plates, from original designs by William Daniell, and others. 22% 3 vols. 12mo, full morocco, gilt, gilt edges, some plates lightly spotted. London, 1835—1836—1839 946. Papprneron Tracepy (The). A circumstantial Narrative of the Lives and Trial of James Greenacre and the woman Gale, for the Murder ( of Mrs. Hanna Brown. Folding frontispiece in colors. 12mo, cloth, original wrappers preserved. London: Orlando Hodgson, circa 1837 947. “PaparreL” Intusrrations. Charley Chalk; or, The Career of an Artist: being Sketches from Real Life. With dlustrations by Jacob pep Parallel, First Eprrion. 8vo, half maroon morocco, gilt, gilt top, yr BY LARKINS. London: G. Berger [1840] “Tn 1840, a book was published . . . Charley Chalk . . . with illus- trations by ‘Parallel.’ These designs were declared to be ‘superior to many in Nickleby, while the volume itself was described by reviewers as ‘another Pickwick’ and as ‘the only work fit to stand by the side of Boz’ °—F. G. Kirron, in Dickens and his Illustrators. 948. [Parpon (Grorce Frepericx).] The Faces in the Fire; a story for a the Season. By “Redgap.” With illustrations in color, by T. H. /Sv Nicholson. 12mo, original red cloth, a little worn. . London, circa 1845 First EpItTion. 949. Pursius (CuHarLEs). Rouge et Noir. The Academicians of 1823; or, the Greeks of the Palais Royal, and the Clubs of St. James’s. With frontispiece IN coLoRS, unsigned, but im the manner of Robert 4 Cruikshank. 12mo, half red calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut, BY RIVIBRE. London, 1823 A curious and lively work on gambling and its evils, presenting a pic- ture of the gambling houses in London and Paris, extracts from the English and French laws relating to gambling, etc. : There are two issues of the work, both published in 1823, by Lawlor and Quick. 950. Perstus (CuaruEes). Another copy of the preceding, title commences “The Academicians of 1823.” With the frontispiece IN COLORS, Un- 6 signed in the manner of Robert Cruikshank. 12mo, original boards, cloth back, somewhat worn, and light stain on some pages. London, 1823 This copy contains a half-title—“The Academicians of 1828,” which the preceding does not. Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 951. Puinups Intusrrations. Much Ado about Nothing; or, Illustrations of Old Sayings. A series of 5 plates, on which are 22 highly humor- ous scenes, ALL FINELY COLORED, by John Phillips. Oblong 4to, ORIGINAL PICTORIAL WRAPPERS, with design on front wrapper by Go, Phillips. London: R. Ackermann, May, 1828 First Epirion. The work of an artist little known, but of very con- siderable ability ; comparable with Seymour and other artists of note of the period. Phillips illustrated a number of contemporary publications, among them (with Crowquill), the cheap edition of “Pickwick.” He worked on the staff of “Punch.” The coloring, although well executed, is not contemporary, having been done at a later period. 952. Puintips Intustrations. “MP,” showing how the Honorable Mr. Teddington Locke was not returned for the Incorruptible Borough , of Bubengrub. A series of 12 finely COLORED PLATES (2 or more ae scenes on some), drawn and etched by Watts Phillips, from notions by Edward Grant. Oblong 8vo, original blue boards, with pictorial label on front cover. London: Ackermann & Co. circa 1848 First EpIrTion. 953, Puritiips InLusrrations. The Model Republic; or, Cato Potts in Paris. A series of 24 scenes IN coLor, designed and etched by Watts Phil- /s- lips. 12mo, original boards, with colored front and back. W. H. Smith’s small embossed stamp on final scene. London, circa 1848 First Epition. An amusing and uncommon work. 954. Puittrps InLustrations. An Accommodation Bill. Drawn by Watts Phillips, which he trusts will be accepted by the Public. Panoramic | plate in 18 scenes, IN coLors, by Watts Phillips. Firsv Eprrion. H Square 16mo, original pictorial boards, with cloth wrapper, enclosed in cloth box. London, circa 1849 955, Puittips Irtustrations. My Wife turned Bloomer!!!. Designed and etched by Watts Phillips. Panoramic plate on which are 10 illus- »~ trations of a highly humorous character, ALL IN coors, by Watts 2): 0 Phillips. 8vo, original boards, with pictorial label, in colors, con- * taining the title. London: Ackermann & Co., circa 1850 f First Eprrrion. A very amusing production on the “Rights of Women.” 956. Puitiips ILLustrations. The Young Lady’s Oracle: A Fireside Amuse- ment. Wath engraved title and folding frontispiece, BOTH IN COLORS, by Watts Phillips. 16mo, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. )) London, 1850 First Epirion. Watts Phillips was a pupil, the only one, of George Cruikshank. Fifth Session, Thursday Evvemng, February 6th 95. Putitres Intustrations. Phillips (Watts). The Wild Tribes of Lon- don. With numerous illustrations (all of which have been hand- lat, colored at a later date). 12mo, half russet levant morocco, gilt, v= gilt top, BY RIVIERE. — London, 1855 First Eprrion. An exceedingly entertaining and uncommon work re-— lating to London’s underworld, at the period. The work was dramatized and presented at the City of London Theatre. ‘PHIZ’’—HABLOT K. BROWNE — Books illustrated by ‘‘Phiz.” [Numbers 958 to 969, inclusive | 958 “Pytz” Intustrations. Grant (James). Sketches in London. With 95 humorous illustrations by “Phiz’ and others. 8vo, half calf, / , rubbed and a few plates slightly soiled. London, 1840 Second Edition. 959. “Puiz” InnusrTrRATIoNS. Pelham ( Camden). The Chronicles of Crime ; or, The New Newgate Calendar. Being a series of Memoirs and : Anecdotes of Notorious Characters, who have outraged the Laws ot y) 0- Great Britain from the earliest period to the present time. Hm- i hellished with 52 engravings by “Phiz.” 2 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, full gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, original cloth covers preserved, BY RIVIERE. London: Thomas Tegg, 1841 First EDITION. 960. “Puiz” Intustrations. [James (G. P. R.).] The Commissioner: or, “ De Lunatico Inquirendo. With 28 engravings on steel by “Phiz.” 5? 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, BY ROOT. Dublin, 18438 First EDITION. 961. “Puiz” Inpusrrations. Miller (Thomas). Godfrey Malvern. With F 25 illustrations by “Phiz.” 8vo, half calf, marbled edges, 7 f, London, circa 1845 First EDITION. 062. “Putz” Innustrations. Reynolds (George W. M.). Robert Macaire in England. Second Edition. Embellished with 12 etchings by “Phiz.” p-» 8v0, three-quarter blue calf, gilt back and top, uncut. London, 1845 963. “Putz” Intustrations. Rodwell (G. Herbert). ~The Memoirs of an -~ Umbrella. Illustrated with 68 engravings, by Landell, from designs >) by “Phiz.” Small 4to, half maroon calf, gilt top. . - London [1845] Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 964. “Putz” Innustrations. Carleton (William). Valentine M’Clutchy, the Irish Agent; or, The Chronicles of Castle Cumber. With twenty “4 illustrations by “Phiz.”’ 8vo, new half red levant morocco, gilt top, 4#~' title and margins of few plates slightly soiled. Dublin: James Duffy, 1848 / 965. “Putz” Itnustrations. James (G. P. R.). The Fight of the Fiddlers. ate Illustrated by H. K. Browne. 24mo, rebound in cloth, several pages soiled. Not returnable. London, 1849 ( _ First Epirion. Two other works are bound in with the above. 366. “Puiz” Innustrations. Smith (Albert). The Pottleton Legacy: A / Story of Town and Country Life. With illustrations by Hablot K. 4 Browne. First Epirion. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, slightly worn. London, 1849 967. “Puiz” Intustrations. Illustrations of the Five Senses. A series of 5 large plates IN cotor, by “Phiz.” Oblong 4to, half blue crushed 3 ie levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, original pictorial wrappers pre- ’ served, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London, 1852 968) “Puiz” Iniusrrations. Kitton'(F. G.). “Phiz” (Hablot Knight oy Browne): A Memoir. With portrait and numerous illustrations. 3 wee 8vo, full calf, gilt edges. London, 1882 969. “Puiz” ILLusTRATIONS. Benson (Captain L.—Editor). The Book of Remarkable Trials and Notorious Characters. With numerous il- / lustrations (the frontispiece IN cotors), by “Phiz.’ 12mo, half yY ‘crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: John Camden Hotten, wndated 970. Prout (Caprain—Kditor). Bob Norberry; or, Sketches from the Note Book of an Irish Reporter. With numerous illustrations by Henry |S? Macmanus, and other eminent artists. 8vo, half red polished calf, she gilt, gilt top. Dublin, 1844 First EDItIon. 971. PuckLe (James). The Club; in a Dialogue between Father and Son. Portrait, engraved title-page and vignettes. 8vo, half brown morocco, L gilt, gilt top. Several pages lightly spotted. i London: J. Johnson, 1817 972. “Quiz” Intusrrations. Our Rifle Volunteers. Folding panoramic sheet containing 16 plates in color, all of a humorous nature, by “Quiz.” Oblong 12mo, original cloth, paper label. London, circa 1844 “Quiz” is, in all probability Edward Caswall, author of “Sketches of Young Ladies,” sometimes attributed to Charles Dickens. Four lines of verse accompany each of the 16 plates in the above volume. ee ¢ a % uf » Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 973, “RaBELAIS (ROBERT, THE Youncer.)” A Nineteenth Century, and Familiar History of the Lives, Loves, & Misfortunes of Abeillard and Heloisa, a Matchless Pair, who flourished in the twelfth cen- SD. tury: A Poem in twelve cantos. With ten engravings IN COLOR, designed by Thurston, etched by Thos. Landseer, aquatinted by Lewis. First Eprrion. 8vo, full maroon levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, BY RIVIERE. ; London, 1819 CHoicE copy of this finely illustrated work. The plates as usual, on toned paper. 974. “Rasy Rarrier.” The Fortunes and Adyentures of Raby Rattler, and his Man Floss. Illustrated with 28 engravings. 8vo, half blue calf, /) oilt. London, 1864 9%5. Repron (Humpury). Odd Whims; and Miscellanies. With illustra- tions in color, by Stadler, after Repton, etc. First Epirron. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, half green morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1804 7, Large Paper. Presentation Copy from the Author, with inscription in his autograph on half title—“From the Author, @ gift to BE. Callis. Decm. C4 INET 976. Reynotps (Grorce W. M.—Author of “Mysteries of the Court of Lon- don”). The Steam Packet: A Tale of the River and the Ocean. W ith / illustrations on steel and wood (by T. H. Jones), 8vo, full polished Tt calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, circa 1845 First EDITION. 977. [Rosy (Joun).| Jokeby, a Burlesque on Rokeby. A Poem, in six i Cantos, Bye kn Amateur of Fashion. With frontispiece w colors. / 50 12mo, original printed boards, uncut, initials in ink on title-page. London, 1813 ~ 978. Ropwety (G. Herserr). Old London Bridge, A Romance of the Six- teenth Century. Illustrated by Alfred Ashley. 8vo, original cloth, 1S¥ uncut, somewhat thumbed. London, circa 1846 ‘= . Frest EpIrion. 979. RoMANCES OF NORTHERN NATIONS. Popular Tales and Romances of the | Northern Nations. Vignettes on titles by Cattermole, etc. 3 vols. / fp 12mo, half blue levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, light stain on several margins, BY ZAEHNSDORP. London, 1823 Includes,—“The Bottle-Imp,” “The Enchanted Castles,” “Whe Spectre Barber,” “The Erl-King’s Daughter,” and others. Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th THOMAS ROWLANDSON A Highly Important Collection of Colored-Plate Books, Original Drawings and Colored Caricatures | Numbers 900 to 1094, inclusive | Comprising 195 different items and groups of subjects, including several works not in the Grolier Club Exhibition of November 28, 1916 (the catalogue of which contained 70 descriptive titles), and a few items UNKNOWN TO ALL BIBLIOGRAPHERS. For Rowlandson’s Caricatures relating to Napoleon, See, Numbers 862, 874, 875, 880, 882, 883, 901 and 904. 980. RowLaNpsoN (Tuomas). Co torep Puarss. History of the West- 2-0 minster Election, containing Every Material Occurrence, from its commencement on the First of April, to the Final Close of the Poll, on the 17th of May. To which is prefixed A Summary Account of the Proceedings of the late Parliament . . . To which is now added A Complete History of the Scrutiny, and the Proceedings of the House of Commons thereon. Second Edition. By Lovers of Truth and Justice. With 16 CARICATURE ETCHINGS, most of which are folding plates, 14 of the plates are by Thomas Rowland- son, one by Isaac Cruikshank, and one by an unknown artist. Ato, newly bound in half mottled calf, polished, gilt back, By Root. London: Printed for the Editors, 1785 FINE copy. WITH THE RARE DEDICATION REFLECTING ON THE DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE, WHICH WAS AFTERWARDS SUPPRESSED. The plates in this volume form only a small part of the numerous eari- eatures drawn by Rowlandson during the contested election for West- minster in 1784. In the following list of plates, the first 14 are by Thomas Rowlandson, and will be found fully described in Grego, Vol. L, pages 116 to 141. Several of the plates have portraits of Lord North and Charles Fox, Pitt and other statesmen. The dates given are those of publication. Britannia Rovusep, or the Coalition Monster Destroyed. [February 3, 1784] Tue AposTaTE JACK R(oprnson), the Political Rat-Catcher. March 1, 1784. Master Bitty’s Procession To Grocers’ Hatt. March 8, 1784. Tue State Auction. March 26, 1784. Tre HANOVERIAN Horse and the British Lion. March 31, 1784. THe RivaL CANDIDATES. April 8, 1784. THE WESTMINSTER WATCHMAN. [April 12, 1784] Wir’s Last Stakes, or Cobbling Voter and Abject Canvassers. [April 22, 1784] Procession to THE Hustrnes after a Successful Canvass. April 30, 1784. Tre WESTMINSTER MenpicaNntT. May 11, 1784. THE WESTMINSTER DESERTER DRUMM’D OUT OF THE REGIMENT. [May 18, 1784. ] Lirerty AND Fame Introducing Female Patriotism to Britannia. [May 25, 1784.] ; [ Continued Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th [No. 980—Continued] DEFEAT OF THE HIGH AND MIGHTY BALISSIMO CORBETTINO and his famed Cecelian Forces. March 7, 1785. OLD CANTWELL CANVASSING FoR Lorp Janus. [July 22, 1788.] Mars AND VENUS, or Sir Cecil Chastised. “Annibal Scratch Fecit.” Published April 2nd 1784, by Willms. Wells No. 132 Fleet Street. WESTMINSTER Races. A Political Heat, run in Covent Garden. as OR Be (Cruikshank). Pub. 19. May, 1784, by W. H. No. 227 Strand. 981. RowLanpson (Tuomas). CoLorep Puiates. Picturesque Beauties of Boswell. A collection of 20 of the series of plates by Thomas Row- landson illustrative of Dr. Johnson’s “Tour to the Hebrides.” Un- signed, but bearing publisher’s dates from May 15 to June 20, 1786. ‘Bound in one vol. oblong 4to, marbled boards, sheep back. [London;] Pubd . . . 1786 by E. Jackson No 14 May bone By : Street, Golden Square ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS. This collection comprises the following plates,— Frontispiece; The Journalist; The Hmbrace; Walking Up the High Street; Tea; Chatting ; Veronica a Breakfast Conversation; Wit and Wisdom; Setting Out from Edinburgh; Scottifying the Palate ; Revising for the Second Edition; The Procession ; The Vision ; Lodging at M’Queen’s; The Reconciliation; The Dance on Dun-can; The Recovery; Sailing Among the Hebrides; ~ The Contest at Auckinleck; Limitations at Drury-Lane Theatre. “When Boswell’s tour to the Hebrides was ushered forth, it was cele- brated by as many crackers and squibs as the ‘Burning of the boot.’ Among other assailants, the impenetrable Bozzy had to expose his front to this lampooner’s shafts. A whole series of designs were published by this witty wag, the heroes of which, or rather the Knight and the’ Esquire of his drama, were Johnson and Boswell.” 982. RowLaNnpson (THomas). Cotorep Puars. [Shillito (Charles).] The Country Book-Club. A Poem. With a large etching on title, con- taining seven figures, “Design’d by Jas. Donthorne,” “Htched by T. / Rowlandson.? 4to, half red morocco, lettered up back, gilt top, 0 : uncut, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: Printed for the Author, 1788 Rare First Epirion. FINE cory. The illustration on title is a view of one of the rooms of the Country- Club, a waitress serving members with beer. Not in the Grolier Club Exhibition of November 23, 1916. 983. RowLanpson (THomas). Cotorzp Prates. [Wolcott (J ohn).| ’ of Wales. With 24pp. of text and 32pp. of engraved music, CoL- orED frontispiece, etched by Rowlandson from a drawing by Lewis Mayer. 4to, half mottled calf, polished, gilt back and top, By Roov. London: Printed for the author, 1804 First Eprrion. The plate, which represents a “dancing scene in the open, and is not listed by Grego, contains the publisher’s line.—Publishea according to the Act of Parliament by Ed. Jones. No. 3 Green Street, Grosvenor Square, London; July 1st, 1804. Not in the Grolier Club Exhibition of November 23, 1916. Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 1007. RowLanpson (T'HomMAS). CoLorep Puiares. Fielding (Henry). The OD History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. With 12 plates by Rowlandson, colored by hand; The Adventures of Joseph Andrews, and his Friend, Mr. Abraham Adams. With 8 plates by Rowlandson, colored by hand. ‘Together, 4 vols. 8vo, mottled calf, polished, gilt backs, fillet borders, gilt edges, BY ROOT. Edinburgh, 1805 First CoLLectep Epirion. prefixed a Life of the Author, by Charles Henry Wilson. COLORED folding frontispiece of a “Gaming House,” signed— “Rowlandson. inv. 1808.” 12mo, half calf, margin of plate soiled. London, 1808 First EDITion. ; Not in the Grolier Club Exhibition of November 23, 1916. 1012. Rowianpson (Tuomas). CoLorED PLATES. [Combe (William).] The Microcosm of London. With 104 BEAUTIFULLY COLORED PLATES by Thomas Rowlandson and Augustus Pugin. 3 vols. royal 4to, full /9 ‘ih straight grained red morocco, richly decorated gilt backs, sides with 7° fillet border and decorative panel in gilt, gilt edges. London: R. Ackermann [1808-1810] BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ISSUE. The plates are all in perfect state. Hach plate is numbered, and all have Ackermann’s imprint, “Row- landson & Pugin delt. et sculpt” in the lower left corner, and the name of the aquatinter in the right. The plates are dated from January 1, 1808 to February 1, 1810. Each volume contains the woodcut title and the engraved dedicatory plate. This work was originally published in parts, the plate having been prepared before the printed text. Concerning the combined work of [Continued Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 7 [No. 1012—Continued | Rowlandson and Pugin, the Introduction says,—“The architectural part of the subjects that are contained in this work, will be delineated with the utmost precision and care, by Mr. Pugin, whose uncommon accuracy and delicate taste have been displayed in his former productions. With respect to the figures, they are from the pencil of Mr. Rowlandson, with whose professional talents the public are already so weel acquainted. The Book is a perfect treasure-house of scenes, described with pen and brush, from the London of a century ago. The work of Rowlandson is different from most of his illustrations in other works, lacking the coarseness and grotesque quality that is gen- erally characteristic of his work. 1013. RowLanpson (THomas). Conorep Puarss. [Taylor (Miss J.).] An ob, Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting. A New Edition, cor- rected, revised and illustrated, with five prints, from designs by G. M. Woodward, Esq. Author of ‘Excentric Excursions,’ &c. Fold- ing frontispiece and + other plates, by Rowlandson, ALL IN COLORS, after Woodward. 12mo, original boards, uncut, cracked at hinges, label somewhat rubbed. Enclosed in cloth protecting folder and half red morocco slip-case, lettered on back. London: Thomas Tegg, 1808 First EDITION WITH THESE ILLUSTRATIONS. The plates illustrate,—A Savoyard with a barrel-organ and a troupe of dancing dogs, a French- man with a dancing bear, etc.; An old vixen tormenting a pretty maid, who is in tears; A family scene, children tormenting cat, dog and rats; A husband with literary tastes endeavoring to interest his lady in his reading; A financial interview between an old curmudgeon and a young man, map of Mexico and Peru Gold Mines on’ wall. Not in the Grolier Club Exhibition of November 23, 1916. 1014. Rownanpson (Tuomas). The Investigation of the Charges brought 0 against his royal highness the Duke of York, by G. L. Wardle, Esq., M.P. for Oakhampton, Devon; with the Evidence, and the Remarks of the Members. With 16 portraits, 14 of which are from the de- signs by Thomas Rowlandson; the chief characters, including Mrs. Mary Ann Clarke, the Duke of York, Col. Wardle, Mrs. Hovenden, and others. 2 vols. 12mo, COMPLETE IN THE ORIGINAL 32 PARTS, with printed wrappers, uncut. Preserved in 2 cloth cases. About half of the back wrapper, and a small portion of the front wrapper of the last part missing, and contemporary name on each wrapper. London: J. Stratford, 1809 But few copies remain in this unusual condition. This celebrated case was before the House of Commons from Feb. 1st, to March 20th, 1809. The Duke of York was at this time Commander-in-chief and was very much under the influence of Mrs. Mary Ann Clarke. “The Duke was at that time commander-in-chief, and had enormous patronage at his disposal, and as he was known to be an easy-going man, it was believed that he would do anything that Mary Ann Clarke wished. For the promise of her influence, she received various sums of money [Continued Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th pti Mita nich elas NANA IM ES ETc aM ET [No. 1014—Continued | especially from officers in the army, and the matter came to the public knowledge at last.”—-DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIoGRAPHY. The Duke of York was forced to retire from the post of Commander- in-Chief. The freedom of the city of London was given to Col. Wardle and con- gratulatory addresses were presented to him by many corporations throughout the Kingdom. 1015. Rownanpson (Tuomas). Cotorrp Puares [Bunbury (Henry Wil- liam).] An Academy for Grown Horsemen . . . The Annals of Horsemanship . . . The Author, Geoffrey Gambado, Esq. With 29 SPIRITED PLATES IN coLor, by Rowlandson, after Bunbury. 8vo, /. & mottled calf, gilt fillets, autograph of Edward Latimer on title, and ‘42 = inscription on back of frontispiece. London, 1809 With the two leaves “by the Editor,’ relative to the author’s work. The two works first appeared, with Bunbury’s illustrations, in 1787 and 1791, respectively. The plates for this edition were all re-engraved in 1808, and are so dated. The work contains illustrations for Walking, Trotting, Cantering, Gal- loping, Stumbling and Trotting Horses; also Accounts of ‘‘Accidental ex- periments” and “Experimental Accidents.” WITH BOOKPLATE OF EpwarpD HENRY HILL. 1016. RowLanpson (THOMAS). CoLorED PLATES. The Beauties of Sterne: comprising his Humorous and Descriptive Tales, Letters, &e. Em- pom bellished with (2 COLORED) caricatures by Rowlandson, from ortgi- > nal drawings by Newton. 16mo, half calf. London: Thomas Tegg, 1809 First EDITION. 1017. Rowxianbson (Tuomas). Cotorep Puatses. Annals of Sporting, by Caleb Quizem, Esq. [Pseudonym]. And his Various Correspondents. Folding frontispiece, vignette on title, and 27 other plates, in all 29 ae. engravings, ALL COLORED, by Rowlandson. 16mo, ORIGINAL PRINTED Vv / 2” BOARDS, ENTIRELY uNcuT. Enclosed in red morocco slip-case, let- . tered on back. Back of binding slightly chipped. London: Thomas Tegg, 1809 First Epition. AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COPY, SELDOM FOUND IN COM- PLETE STATE, WITH ALL THE PLATES, which include the famous series (7 scenes) of “THE BarLirr’s HUNT.” The plates are after designs by Bunbury. 1018. RowLanpson (Tuomas). CoLorep Piares. Surprising Adventures of the Renowned Baron Munchausen, containing Singular Travels, Campaigns, Voyages, and Adventures. Also, an Account of A Voy- uy 4° age to the Moon and Dog Star. Folding frontispiece and 8 other plates, by T. Rowlandson, ALL IN coLors. 16mo, light calf, pol- ished, gilt back, sides with triple fillet border, gilt top, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London: Thomas Tegg, 1809 First EpITioN WITH THESE ILLUSTRATIONS. FINE COPY, Not in the Grolier Club Exhibition of November 23, 1916. ak > Va Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 1019. RowLanpson (THomAS). CoLorEeD PLATES. Smollett (Tobias). The 2 Miscellaneous Works of Tobias Smollett; to which is prefixed, Me- moirs of his Life and Writings. Hmbellished with twenty-six en- gravings by Rowlandson and others. 5 vols. 8yo, mottled calf, pol- ished, gilt backs, fillet borders, gilt edges, By roor. One title re- hinged. Edinburgh: C. Elliot, 1809 First EDITION WITH THESE ILLUSTRATIONS. The plates are of later coloring. First issued with the Rowlandson frontispiece (6), published in 1790. 1020. RowLanpson (Tomas). Cotorep Pratss. Poetical Magazine. Dedi- 472 cated ‘To the Lovers of the Muse, By the Agent of the Goddess, R. Ackermann. With 4 engraved titles, 50 plates in cotors and 2 plates in sepia, all, with the exception of the titles being engraved m aquatint. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, mottled calf, bindings broken, interiorly clean. London: R. Ackermanns’ Repository of Arts, Noy. 1, 1809 to May 1, 1811 EXCEEDINGLY ScARCE. This is the original magazine in which the famous “Tour of Dr. Syntax” was first published. Of Rowlandson’s many illus- trations, those in this work show his wonderful genius at its best. Of the plates in these volumes, 31 were etched by Rowlandson. They com- prise the following,— Vor. I: Doctor Syntax setting out on his Tour to the Lakes. The Mansion House Monitor. Doctor Syntax losing his way. Doctor Syntax stopped by Highwaymen. Doctor Syntax bound to a Tree by Highwaymen. Doctor Syntax disputing his Bill with the Landlady. Doctor Syntax copying the wit on the Window. Doctor Syntax entertained at College. Doctor Syntax pursued by a Bull. Vor. II. Doctor Syntax mistakes a gentleman’s house for an Inn. Doctor Syntax meditating on the Tombstone. An illustration to “Edwin and Matilda.” Doctor Syntax tumbling into the Water. Illustrations to “Edwin and Matilda.” Doctor Syntax losing his money on the Raceground at York. Doctor Syntax at a Review. Doctor Syntax with my Lord. Doctor Syntax made free of the Cellar. VOL. ELL. ‘4 Doctor Syntax sketching the Lake. Doctor Syntax drawing after Nature. Doctor Syntax robbed of his Property. Doctor Syntax sells Grizzle. Doctor Syntax and Rural Sports. Doctor Syntax and the Dairymaid. VoL. IV. Doctor Syntax at Liverpool. Doctor Syntax reading his Tour. Doctor Syntax Preaching. Doctor Syntax and the Bookseller. [Continued Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th [No. 1020—Continued | Doctor Syntax at Covent Garden. Doctor Syntax returned from his Tour. Doctor Syntax taking possession of his Living. The woodcut appearing on page 182 of Vol. I. was, in April 5, 1811, published as a full-page plate. 1021. Rownanpson (Tomas). Cotorep Puares. Vincent (James). The Castle of the Appenines, a Romance. Frontispiece and vignette on im title, the latter signed, “Engraved by T. Rowlandson, Esqr” BotxH /? IN coLoRS. 12mo, boards, morocco back, uncut. ? 7 London: Thomas Tegg, circa 1810 First Epirion. Both the frontispiece and vignette are by Rowlandson. Not in the Grolier Club Exhibition of November 23, 1916. 1022. Rownanpson (THomas). Cotorep Puiates. [Vincent (H.).] The Irish Assassin. An Original Tale. Frontispiece and vignette on title, ; each signed,—“Engraved by T. Rowlandson, Esqr.” BotH IN | ( coLorS. 12mo, rebound in cloth, lettered up back, margin of fron- tispiece cut close. London: Thomas Tegg, circa 1810 First Eprtion. With engraved bookplate of Edward Henry Hill, en- graved by Sherborn. } Not in the Grolier Club Exhibition of November 238, 1916. 1023. Rowianpson (Tuomas). Cotorep Puate. Foresight (Margaret). The Complete Fortune Teller, or True Book of Fate; the whole being the Result of nearly Seventy Years incessant Labour and , Experience, In Mathematical Philosophy, Astronomy, Geomancy, Magic, etc. Woodcut on title and couorED frontispiece by Row- landson, not signed. 12mo, half morocco, gilt back, BY ROOT. | London: Thomas Tegg [1810] First Eprrion. The frontispiece bears publisher’s imprint, and date, June 1, 1810. . mm 1024. Rownanpson (Tomas). ConLorep Prats. The History of Sinbad the Sailor; including the First Four Voyages of this Wonderful Man. : CotorED frontispiece in the manner of Rowlandson. 12mo, calf, ps polished, gilt, BY RIVIERE. London: T. Tegg, circa 1811 With bookplate of Edward Henry Hill. 1025. RowLanpson (Tuomas). Cotorep Prates. The Spirit of Irish Wit. With curious coLorED frontispiece by Rowlandson, not signed; [atso] The Spirit of English Wit. Folding cqLorED frontisprece im ] “A the style of Rowlandson, signed,— Walliams, del & Sculpt.” Second } Edition. Together, 2 vols. 12mo, calf. London: Thomas Tegg, 1812 First EDITIONS WITH THESE ILLUSTRATIONS. These volumes consist of the first 10 and the last 10 collections of “Tegg’s Prime Jest Book.” Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th OS RR Sa a aaa 1026. RowLanpson (THomAs). CotorEp Piares. Petticoat Loose: a Frag- ays mentary “Tale of the Castle.” With 4 coLorED PLATES (7 by 99 inches each) by Rowlandson. 4to, original boards, ENTIRELY UNCUT, cloth back. With cloth protecting wrapper, in cloth slip-case. The back of the volume is somewhat worn, a few of the margins are slightly soiled. London: Printed for J. J. Stockdale, 1812 THE EXCEEDINGLY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION WITH THESE ILLUSTRATIONS. None of the plates are signed, and some of the dates vary from those given by Grego, being as follows,— (Plate I.) Caprure oF THE Perricoat. Pubd Feby 12th 1812. (Plate II.) BreaKkFrast Room Ar AN INN. Pubd Feby 10th 1812. (Plate III.) CoLLEGr GREEN, BEFORE THE UNION. Pubd 7 Feby 1812. (Plate IV.) CoLLecr GREEN AFTER THE UNION. Pub 12 Feby 1812. The argument upon which the story of this poem is set forth appears in the Preface of the work, as follows,— “Dublin Castle.” “The Adventures of the Under Petticoat at the Castle Drawing Room.” “All the fashionable world has been amused with the singular disaster that befel a lady on Thursday night last, at the Viceregal Palace, by the loss of her Under-Petticoat, which from the pressure of the crowd, un- fortunately slipt down through the capacious encumberance of her hoop, and was soon trampled on the floor . . . One of the young pages. . . first made the discovery. The trophy was soon displayed in order to find out the fair owner, which however still remains a secret.” The garment being claimed by several parties, “the Duke, with his usual good humour . . . decided the contest by saying . . . that he would solicit the Prince Regent, in the true spirit of chivalry, to estab- lish and become Sovereign of the Order of the Petticoat of Ireland.” THE FIRST COPY OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE IN AMERICA. Not in the Grolier Club Exhibition of November 23, 1916. [See Reproduction of Title-Page | 1027. Rowianpson (Tuomas). CotorEp Puates. [Combe (William). | 25, The Tour of Doctor Syntax, in Search of the Picturesque [| Also| The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, in Search of Consolation [ And] The Third Tour of Doctor Syntax, in Search of a Wife. Jllus- trated with V8 coLorED plates by T. Rowlandson. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt, gilt edges, bindings rubbed, two hinges cracked, some pages have slight spots, Vol. I has several off-sets, one leaf badly soiled, and the publisher’s name and date cut from title. London: R. Ackermann’s Repository [1812], 1820, [1821] First Eprrion. Vols. 1 and 3 have direction to binder, which is missing from Vol. 2. 1028. Rownanpson (THomas). CoLorep Aquatints. [Papworth (J. BH: 96 Wrangham (Francis), and Combe (William). | Poetical Sketches of Scarborough: Illustrated by twenty-one engravings of humorous Subjects, coloured from the original Designs, made upon the spot by J. Green, and etched by T. Rowlandson. Royal 8yvo, original [Continued s Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th fa RT AEN ASM RRR EOE IP OSTEO S IOE [No. 1028—Continued | boards, ENTIRELY UNCUT, with new back and label. Enclosed in cloth folder and half-morocco slip-case. London: R. Ackermann, 1812 AN EXCEPTIONALLY CHOICE COPY OF THE RARE First Epition. With all the plates, including the “Warm Bath” and the “Shower Bath,” both of which are generally missing, having been suppressed. The following quotation from the “Advertisement” explains the work,— “The originals of the plates . . . were made as Souvenirs of the place during a visit to Scarborough in the Season of 1812. They were not intended for publication, but being found to interest many persons of taste . . . the present form of publication has been adopted.” “Though etched by Rowlandson [most of] the plates are signed by Q. Bluck and J. C. Sadler, after Green, so that it may be presumed that they passed through the hands of these artists to receive the aquatint and colour.”—Haropie in English Coloured Books. The copy in the Grolier Club Exhibition of November 23, 1916, had the 1813 date on title-page. 1029. Rownianpson (Tuomas). CotorEep Aquatint Puates. [Papworth 22” (J. B.), Wrangham (Francis) and Combe (William).] Poetical Sketches of Scarborough: Illustrated by twenty-one engravings of humorous subjects, Coloured from original designs, made upon the spot by J. Green and etched by T. Rowlandson. The Second Edi- tion. WITH ALL THE COLORED PLATES (21). 8vo, full crimson le- vant morocco, polished, blind-tooled fillets, gilt edges, BY GUILD OF THE WOMEN BINDERS. London: R. Ackerman, 1813 Second Edition. Contains changes in the footnotes, and an additional contents leaf. The plates include the “Warm Batu,” which is said to contain the portrait of Mrs. Robinson, the mistress of George the Fourth, and the “SHower Batu,” both of which are generally lacking. 1030. RowLanpson (Tuomas). Cotorep Prates. [Combe (William).] /¢ Bi = The Dance of Death and the Dance of Life. Complete, with ALL THE FINELY COLORED PLATES, as follows,— (1) Tue Eneusn Dance or Darn, from the Designs of Thomas Rowlandson, with Metrical Illustrations, by the author of “Doctor Syntax.” Frontispiece, illustrated title (dated, 1816), and 72 plates, ALL FINELY COLORED. 2 vols. London: Printed by J. Diggens, 1815-1816 (2) Tue Dance or Lirs, a Poem. Frontispiece, vignette on title and 24 plates, ALL FINELY COLORED. London: R. Ackermann, 1817 Together, 3 vols. 8vo, full sapphire levant morocco, polished, richly tooled gilt backs, sides with triple fillet border, gilt edges, BY RIVIPRE. . London, 1815-1817 First EpITION IN BOOKFORM OF TWO TYPICAL AND INTERESTING BOOKS CONTAINING ROWLANDSON PLATES. The artist has here drawn his char- acters from the environment in which he lived and moved, not being hampered by the author; the latter (William Combe) writing the text for the illustrations. Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 1031. Rownanpson (THoMAS). Cotorep Puares. [Engelbach (Lewis).] YO. Naples and the Campagna Felice. In a Series of Letters Addressed to a Friend in England, in 1802. Frontispiece, illustrated title, 2 maps, one plan, and 14 full-page plates, by T'. Rowlandson, ALL IN cotors. Royal 8vo, crimson levant morocco, polished, richly deco- rated gilt back, sides with border of fillets and corner ornamenta- tions, inside borders, gilt top, uncut, original cloth back and one side bound in, BY TOUT. London: R. Ackermann, 1815 First EpiTtion. A CHARMING AND EXCEPTIONALLY TALL copy, with the leaf of “Directions to the Binder.” This work first appeared as a serial under the title of “Letters from Italy,” in Ackermann’s Repository, 1809-1815, at the close of which it was issued in bookform. The List of Plates, which appears at the end of this volume, is most always lacking. 1032. RowLanpson (THOMAS). CotorEp PuLates. The Grand Master, or ed Adventures of Qui Hi in Hindustan. A Hudibrastic Poem in eight Cantos, by Quiz. With frontispiece, illustrated title, and 25 plates, ALL IN COLORS, and the RARE UNCOLORED plate of “Strange Figures,” all by Rowlandson. 8vo, half leather, margins cut down, few pages soiled, one leaf torn into, frontispiece creased. London: Thomas Tegg, 1816? First Epition. The small slip of “Errata,” is absent. “This is a lampoon on the Marquis of Hastings’ Governorship of India, and shows the public estimation of the East India Company, with its toleration of suttee for revenue purposes, and its total disregard otherwise of Hindu prejudices.”—Harptr’s English Coloured Books. The last plate is generally absent. 1033. RowLanpson (THOMAS). Cotorep Pruates. Farquhar (Ferdinand, 3; Esq) | Pseudonym?|. The Relicks of a Saint. A right merry Tale. CoLoreED frontispiece, with publisher's imprint and date. 12mo, half brown levant morocco, lettered on back, gilt top, uncut, BY ZABHNS- DORF. London: Thomas Tegg, 1816 First EpiTion. The curious frontispiece bears the title of the book, it is not signed, but is the work of Rowlandson. 1034. RowLanpson (THomaAsS). Cotorep Puates. [Burton (Alfred).] The 20. Military Adventures of Johnny Newcombe, with an Account of his Campaign on the Peninsula, and in Pall Mall: with Sketches, by Rowlandson, and Notes. By “An Officer.” Second Edition. With 15 COLORED PLATES, signed “Drawn and Etch’d by Rowlandson,” and dated 1815. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, blind tooled fillets, similar to the work of the GUILD OF THE WOMEN BINDERS. The volume has been somewhat tightly bound, the plates having first been reversed. ‘T'wo of the pages have manuscript nots. London: Patrick Martin, 1816 is The first edition appeared the previous year (1815), being issued by the same publisher. Both issues are identical in pagination; the plate bearing same imprints. . The late L. H. Chubbuck in his unpublished bibliography of the works of Rowlandson, gives Lieutenant-Colonel David as the author of this work. Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 1035. RowLanpson (THoMAsS). Ercuines. The World in Minidture; con- sisting of Groups of Figures, for the Illustration of Landscape- = Scenery. Drawn and Etched by T. Rowlandson. 40 plates. Royal /2° — 8vo, russia, gilt and blind tooling, margins of some plates cut close. London: R. Ackerman, 1817 First EDITION IN BOOKFORM. Issued the previous year in parts. 1036. RowLaNnpson (THoMmaS). CoLorED Prates. [Combe (William).] The Tour of Doctor Syntax Through London, or the Pleasures and ~y) Miseries of the Metropolis. A Poem. With 19 plates and vignette /2.°2 on title, by T. Rowlandson, atu IN cotors. Third Edition. 8yo, brown levant morocco, blind fillets, sides with inlaid figures in vari- ous colored moroccos, gilt edges, BY THE GUILD OF WOMEN BINDERS. London: J. Johnston, 1820 1037. RowLanpson (THOMAS). CoLorED PLATES. Rowlandson’s Character- istic Sketches of the Lower Orders, Intended as a Companion to the _ New Picture of London. A series of 54 coLoRED plates by Rowland- i) > son. 16mo, half leather. London: Samuel Leigh, 1820 f ie First Epirion. There is no list of plates, which are unsigned and undated. They show many phases of London Street-Life that have now disappeared. The great variety of countenance, expression, and situa- tion, evinces an active and lively feeling which the artist has infused ~ into his drawings, so as to divest them of that broad caricature which is conspicuous in the works of artists who followed his manner. 1038. RowLanpson (THomas). Co LorEp PLarEs. Journal of Sentimental Travels in the Southern Provinces of France, shortly before the Revolution. With 18 COLORED AQUATINT plates by T. Rowlandson. Ay), 8vo, red morocco, gilt back and sides, marbled edges. London: R. Ackermann, 1821 First EDITION IN BOOKFORM. The title calls for 17 plates, but the list of plates cites 18, all of which this copy contains. This work first appeared as a serial, in Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, 1817-1820. It is an imitation of Sterne’s Sentimental Journey. 1039. RowLanpson CotorEp PuatTes. The Old English *Squire. “A Jovial Gay Fox Hunter, Bold, Frank and Free.” A Poem, in Ten Cantos. By John Careless, Esq. Illustrated with (24) plates by one of the family (Thomas Rowlandson), ALL FINELY COLORED AND BRILLIANT 2 / ae IMPRESSIONS. Imperial 8vo, ORIGINAL GREY BOARDS, WITH LABEL ON SIDE, INTAOT, rebacked, the ‘original label on back preserved almost in its entirety, UNCUT. Enclosed in cloth case with protecting cover. London: Thomas M’Lean, 1821 First EDITION AND ONE OF THE LARGEST AND FINEST COPIES KNOWN, BEING OF THE VARIETY KNOWN AS. “ExTrRA Boarps” (so designated on the label on back), OTHERWISE “LARGE Paper.’ That copies exist in this state is not generally known. Owing to the fact that William A. Chatto, in 1888 wrote a poem by [Continued THE OLD SQUIRE. THOMAS ROWLANDSON COLORED FRONTISPIECE TO “THE OLD ENGLISH SQUIRE” Reduced facsimile [No. 1039] Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th [No. 1039—Continued] the same name, the authorship is sometimes given to him. Such how- ever is not the case. Chatto’s poem was illustrated by ”Phiz,” and is thin 12mo. Not in the Grolier Club Exhibition of November 238, 1916. Unknown to the late L. H. Chubbuck of Boston, in whose unpublished Bibliography of the works of Rowlandson, this book does not appear. [See Reproduction of Frontispiece. | 1040. RowLtanpson (THomas). CotoreD Puates. [Combe (William).| The History of Johnny Que Genus, the Little Foundling of the late 2 (% Doctor Syntax: a Poem, by the Author of the Three Tours. With A, ~ 24 FINELY COLORED aguatint plates by Rowlandson. 8vo, three- quarter brown levant morocco, gilt back and top, BY TOUT. London: R. Ackermann, 1822 First Epirion. With the complete series of spirited plates, all of which are signed. 1041. Rownanpson (THomas). Conorep Puates. Goldsmith (Oliver). The Vicar of Wakefield; a Tale. Illustrated with twenty-four designs - bo by Thomas Rowlandson, the plates ALL FINELY COLORED. 8vo, full Oe . claret levant morocco, polished, richly tooled gilt back, sides with triple fillet border, inside border, red silk doublure and end-papers, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: R. Ackermann, 1823 FINELY BOUND COPY OF THIS BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATED WorK. The plates are from the First Epirion, with the 1817 date. 1042. Rownanpson (Tuomas). Harrison (W. H.). The Humourist, a Com- panion for the Christmas Fireside. Embellished with designs by See Rowlandson and W. H. Broke. 2 vols. 12mo, morocco, gilt edges, some margins slightly soiled. London: R. Ackermann, 1831-1832 First EDITION. 1043. RowLanpson (Tuomas). CoLorep Pirates. The School for Friends. A Domestic Tale, by Miss Darce. Frontispiece and vignette on ttle, /0 each signed,—““Hngrav’d by T. Rowlandson, Hsq.” BoTH IN COLORS, ¥ retouched. 12mo, half mottled calf, polished, lettered up back, By ROOT. London: Thomas Tegg, undated RARE CHAP-BOoK. 1044. RowLanpson (Tuomas). Grego (Joseph). Rowlandson the Carica- turist. A Selection from his Works, with Anecdotal Descriptions of / his famous Caricatures, and a Sketch of his Life, Times and Con- / ; temporaries. With about 400 illustrations. 2 vols. 4to, half mo- rocco, gilt backs and tops. London: Chatto and Windus, 1880 The most extensive work in Rowlandson’s Caricatures yet published. 1045. Rownanpson (THomas). Grolier Club Exhibition, 1916. A Catalogue of Books Illustrated by Thomas Rowlandson. Colored illustrations. / 0 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1916 LARGE Paper. BEdition limited to 200 copies with colored plates, printed on hand-made paper. Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 1046. RowiaNnpson (Tuomas). The same. Regular Edition, without illus- /Sd_ trations. 12mo, wrappers, uncut. New York, 1916 1047. RownLanpson (THoMAsS). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS, SIGNED; ALSO FIRST STATE OF EACH PLATE, as follows,— (1) “BarcHeEtor’s Fare, Bread Cheese and Kisses.” ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR. Signed, in the autograph of the artist,— “Sketched at Buttershire. The Lady of the Lake. Row- / O ee landson.” Size, 1034 by 814 inches. Pasted to mount. (2) First PRINTED STATE, IN cotors of the above. Signed, “Row- landson Del 1813.” Thos Tegg No 111 Cheapside. (3) “Huc-Muc-Gin.” OrtcInaL WATERCOLOR, Signed in the autograph of the artist—“Rowlandson, 1775.” Size, 1034 by 834 inches. Hinged to mount. (4) First PRINTED STATE, IN coLors, of the above, retouched. Hinged to mount. The four plates neatly bound in one vol. small folio, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back and sides, lettered on back and on front cover, BY ROOT. : UNIQUE ITEM. The first of the above drawings was executed by Row- landson in the early part of his career and was published, with slight additions in 1813. ‘The picture hanging on the wall of the room which Rowlandson pictures suggests the title of the plate. The inscription on this drawing, as quoted above is cut into, but is still discernible. Mounted opposite this drawing is the FIRST PUBLISHED STATE OF THE SAME, 1813, which is reproduced in Grego, Vol. II., page 253. The second drawing (Item No. 3 of the above) is very similar in character, but not as well executed as the first. The centre figures are the same as those in the first drawing, but the outer details are somewhat changed. It would appear from the date on this drawing that the same is an earlier conception of the first drawing, and that, seeing the success and popularity of the plate BATHELOR’s Farge, Row- landson published his earlier work, ‘privately, in 1815, under the title of HvucGc-MvuG-GIn. A copy of this plate accompanies the drawing; it is EXTREMELY SCARCE, being unknown to Grego. 1048. RowLanpson (THomas). A Collection of 48 ORIGINAL DRAWENGS IN WATERCOLOR, SEPIA, AND PEN AND INK, varying in size from 6 by 41% inches to 1084 by 81% inches. Each plate neatly inlaid to size, 7/26 the whole bound in one vol. 4to, full seal-brown levant morocco, f richly tooled gilt back, sides with fillet borders enclosing a frame- work of triple fillets with corner ornaments, gilt edges, inside bor- ders. Circa 1800-1812 A MOST INTERESTING COLLECTION OF FINISHED AND UNFINISHED SKETCHES, INCLUDING THE ORIGINAL DRAWING FoR “‘DocTOR SYNTAX RETURNED FROM His Tour,” ALSO A FIRST SKETCH OF A PLATE “DocToR SYNTAX READING His Tour.” . The other drawings include some unpublished pieces, and consist of views in England and Wales, humorous incidents, groups of odd characters, etc. Several of the subjects are somewhat similar in style to those in “The World in Miniature,” “Views of Cornwall,” ete.; others [Continued DSON HOMAS ROWLAN Ol de CHES FROM V INGS DRAW AL ME OF ORIGIN U 4 SKET i 8 1048 ] duced fac Re No [ Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th ee ee [No. 1048—Continued | are apparently originals of sketches appearing in Gambado’s “Academy for Grown Horsemen ;” Rowlandson’s “Cries of London;” “Loyal Volun- teers,” etc. A FEW ARE SIGNED, many are identified with pencil or ink inscription. Among others are the following,— Tue Gossips. Pen-and-ink sketch, in sepia, signed “Rowlandson.” QUAKER COURTSHIP. Sepia Drawing of a published caricature. SETTLING THE RECKONING. Sepia Drawing in red tints. ADMINISTERING AN OaTH. Watercolor sketch of two characters. THe Fippter. Watercolor sketch, with several figures. A Srac at Bay. Family scene, buxom wife attacking husband. LANDSCAPE. Houses, people and bridge. Watercolor. Signed “7. Rowlandson.” Boxers. Two figures. Watercolor. Yourus’ PILFERING AN OLD Lapy’s FRUIT Sranp. Fine watercolor. ° Paris DILIGENCE. Pen-and-ink drawing. SKETCHES ON YorK Race GROUND, 1801. Sepia drawing. A Carr Race. A curious India-ink drawing. NEAR CHELTENHAM. Sepia drawing. ENTRANCE TO CoNWAY CASTLE. Sepia drawing. NortH Coast oF CorNwaALyt. Watercolor sketch. PACKAMPTON PRIORY CASTLE AND PRIORY. Two watercolors. MicKEL Gate, YorK. Watercolor. LANDSCAPE WiTH Ficure. Fine pencil sketch. A Love Lerrer. Watercolor with three figures. AND OTHERS. [See Reproduction of two of the drawings | 1049. RowLanpson (THOMAS). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING, NOT /o0. SIGNED. “The Brewer’s Dray.” Size, 6 by 9 inches. Mounted on heavy mat with loose-fitting cut-out mat, linen hinge. Attractively bound, with special pen-and-ink title page, in blue levant morocco, fillet border, lettered on front cover. Circa 1787 This drawing represents a Brewer’s dray standing outside a Road- side Inn. The driver is unloading the dray and is carefully rolling a barrel towards the cellar entrance. The matron, standing at the door, is overseering the work. A number of men are eagerly going towards the Inn, and in the background a stage coach is fast disappear- ing; trees and another house in the distance. This drawing is different from the finished plate, published in 1787, and reproduced by Grego, Vol. I., page 218. From the Grego Collection, with pencil note on back. [See Reproduction | 1050. Rownanpson (THOMAS). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING, SIGNED. 16S, “Decorating the Bride.” Size, 8 by 1014 inches, with panelled bor- der. Hinged and with loose-fitting mat. Bound in full crimson polished morocco, gilt sides and edges, lettered on back and front cover. Scene in the Vestry of the Church; the bride seated at a table, whilst her maids are decorating her with flowers; the bridegroom, whose fair complexion and youthful face, in contrast to that of the bride, is handing her a rose. Signed,—‘*‘T. Rowlandson.” AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE PIECE. [See Reproduction | Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 1051. Rownanpson (Tuomas). OrtcivaL WaTErcotor Drawine. Visitors 3 to Westminster, the Verger showing three country-folk a monument, an one listening with his mouth open. Unsigned. Size, 13 by 10 inches. Matted. ; 1052. Rownanpson (Tuomas). Conorep Aquatint. Studious Gluttons. “7. Rowlandson delint.’ ‘“S. Alken fecit.’ London, Publish’d Oct 1788 7 by S. Alken, No 3 Dufours Place, Broad Street, Soho. Size, 11 by GO . 1484 inches, with good margins, showing plate-mark. Matted. FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. A companion piece to “O Tempora, O Mores?” 1053. Rowtanpson (THomAS). CoLoRED AQUATINT. The Chase. Un- signed. Pub Dec 1, 1791, by S W Fores, V 3 Piccadilly. Size, 8% ,— by 1314 inches, with gray border. Bound in half blue morocco, let- YS , tered up back and on front cover. First STATE, IN coLorsS. Fringe copy. Unknown to Grego. The border of a forest, five hunters on horseback following a pack of hounds across the open field. : . 1054. RowtaAnpson (THomas). Cotorep Aquatint. The Light Horse Vol- unteers or London: & Westminster, Commanded by Coll. Herries, 2° CD Reviewed by His Majesty on Wimbledon Common, 5th July, 1798. . } - ©Rowlandson.’ Published July 1798 by Mr. H. Angelo. Size, 54%4 by 714 inches. Matted. ; 1055. Rownanpson (Tuomas). Cotorep Aquatints. The High Mettled Racer. Two companion pieces, unsigned. PRINTED IN COLORS, on brown paper. Mounted and bound in one vol. oblong 4to, half blue Yt morocco, lettered up back and on front cover, BY ROOT. ef [London, 1789] First STATE OF EACH PLATE. Only one of these plates appears to be known to Grego, who gives a plate with the above inscription, pub- lished July 20, 1789. In the first of the above plates the “Hier Merrriep Racer” is seen in all his glory at the finish of a race. The second plate pictures his death after having been used as a work-horse. 1056. Rownanpson (THomas). Conorep Aquatints. Two companion pieces. Each signed,s—“Rowlandson 1800.” London, Pub. 1, May, 1800, at R. Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, 101 Strand. Size of _ each, 534 by 8 inches, Mounted, with linen guard. Bound in one / 25, vol. 4to, half blue morocco, lettered on front cover. Two FINELY COLORED SOCIAL CARICATURES, FIRST STATE OF EACH, As fol- lows,— Casu. An elderly gentleman of the appearance of the artist’s “Yr, Syntax,” is endeavoring to kiss a fair damsel, while handing her a coin; her Irish lover, with a cudgel appears from behind the trees. Bitts or Excuancr. Accompanied by her father, a fair damsel, is receiving, surreptitiously, a letter from her soldier lover, who has fol- lowed them. [6FOT ‘ON ] O[LWISoVF pPoonpory AVY SMAMANG GAL,,—DNIMVACL LOTOOUALV AA TVNIDIYO NOSGNVIMOUW SVNOHL sigue AGG Ache sais LLAMA NM LEAN RSENS < ” Tes MASE aS etcetera a RR TERE Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 105%. Rowntanpson (THomas). CotoreD Proors BrrorE Lerrers. A bo Brewer’s Dray. Signed,—“Rowlandson, 1787.” Colored by hand. Size, 5 by 8 inches. Illustrated in Grego, Vol. I. page 213; An un- signed COLORED AQUATINT by Rowlandson, similar to the work of Alken. A thatched cottage; fair damsel in doorway, interviewed by a hunter on horseback, a group at corner, consisting of man and wife, cow and dog. Size, 7 by 914 inches. Each plate neatly hinged. Bound in one vol. oblong 4to, three-quarter red morocco, lettered on front cover. 1058. RowLanpson (Tuomas). Cotorep Caricature. Money Lenders. Un- te signed. Pubd Novemr 8th 1784 by W. Humphrey No. 227 Strand. Size, 834 by 1234 inches. Side margins cut close. Pasted on mount. Enclosed in cloth folder, lettered on front cover, RARE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, IN coLors. Portrait of three persons; a young spendthrift giving his deed or bond, while a miserly-looking Shy- lock examines the same; a prosperous Hebrew looks on. FROM THE GREGO COLLECTION. 1059. Rownanpson (Tuomas). Cororep Caricatures. A Collection of 70 Hight FINELY coLorED folio Caricatures by Rowlandson. Each plate neatly hinged on separate mount. Bound in one vol. half red morocco, lettered on front cover. a London, 1785-1809 A HIGHLY IMPORTANT AND MOST INTERESTING COLLECTION, ALL FIRST STATES, IN COLORS : Comprising,— Tru1s PLATE or BoTHERATION is Humbly Dedicated to the Gentlemen of the Barr, by their most Obidient humble Servant. Wm. Hinton. Aguatint. “7. Rowlandson delt.” ‘“S, Alken fect.” London Printed & Published Dec. 21 1785 by W. Hinton No. 5 Sweetings Alley Royal Exchange. Five lawyers with powdered wigs are studying briefs, while the interested party sits tremb- ling in his chair. DRESSING FOR A MASQUERADE. “Rowlandson 1790.” Pub. April 1, 1790 by S W Fores No 3 Piccadilly. One of Rowlandson’s finer pieces. A group of ladies in various stages of attire preparing for a masquerade. The plate has been slightly retouched. Sruas In A Saw-Prr. “Rowlandson, 1791.” Pub Oct 28 1791 by S W Fores No 8 Piccadilly. Two heroes, naval and military are en- deavouring to settle their differences by an appeal to arms, the combat takes place in the bottom of a saw-pit, pistols and broken swords are strewn about and the two principals are using hug blunderbusses, a workman has just made his appearance over the top of the wall. THe Bank. “Publish’d by T Rowlandson Strand Jany 1792.” Creased in two places. A crowd of people in the Hxchange. Enracep Vicar. “Rowlandson.” Pubd March 1st 1807 by T. Row- landson. A subject of wanton destruction. Munters are seen riding across the flower gardens of the Vicar; the latter in rage, standing by the parsonage, his church nearby. WitcHES IN A Hay Lorr. “Woodward Delin.” “Rowlandson Scul.” Published April 29, 1807 by Thos. Tegg No 111 Cheapside. Ap- parently a late impression. Grego gives date as 1813. Two witches with broomsticks, red cloaks, and steeple-crowned hats, | [ Continued Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th [ No. 1059—Continued | are seated at a cauldron, conjuring up hobgoblins and other weird monsters; a rustic who has ascended by a ladder is paralysed by the spectacle. I SMELL A Rat or a Rogue in Grain. éRowlintoon 1807.” Pubd May 16, 1807 by R. Ackermann N 101 Strand. A rustic charmer has been entertaining a fashionable visitor in a granary, the latter on the approach of the female’s legitimate swain, seeks conceal- ment in a sack, ‘while the female is endeavoring to hold back her real lover from using his pitch-fork on the trespasser. O! You’RE A, DEviL, get along do. London Pub. April 29, 1809, by Reeve & Jones, No 7 Vere Street New Bond Street. Cut close, inside of plate-mark. For an interesting account of this carica- ture on the Clarke Scandal (Mrs. Mary Anne Clarke and the Duke of York), see Grego. Vol. 2, pages 135-161. 1060. RowLanpson (THOMAS). CARICATURE OF AMERICAN INTEREST. The Loss of Eden,—And “Eden, Lost. Unsigned. London Printed & Published, 21 Dec, 1785 by W. Hinton No 5 Sweetings Alley Royat 6 Hachange. Size, 834 by 12% inches. Inlaid and matted. , ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. This caricature gives the portraits of two would-be benefactors of their country, who the satirist depicts as not acting from purely dis- interested motives. General Arnold, dressed in uniform, and with sword drawn, while offering up an invocation to “Liberty.” Lord Auckland is the other figure. ; 1061. RowLanpson (THoMAs). CoLorED CaricaTuRE. O Tempora, O Mores! “T’. Rowlandson delt.” “S,. Alken fect.” London, pubd Jany 1787 by S. Alken, No 3 Dufours Place, Broad Street, Soho. Size, 1014 by 14384 inches. Matted. . Y i FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, AQUATINT IN COLORS. PXCEEDINGLY RARE. A companion piece to “STuDIOUS GLUTTONS.” 1062. RowLaNnpson (THomMAS). CoLorED CaricaTuRE. The Pea Cart. “T. _ fowlinson” (sic). Pubd April 16 (1788), by 8. W. Pores No 50, / &, Prccadilly, corner of Sachville Street. Size, 634 by 944 inches. Matted. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. RARE. A cart, with driver calling his wares; his female companion, standing in the cart and giving out peas to several damsels standing behind. 1063. RowLanpson (Tuomas). CoLorep Caricature. The Ambassadors Extraordinary Return, On Buls Without Horns. Unsigned. Pubd ay March 16th 1789 by 8S. Fores No 3 Piccadilly. Size, 7% by 2614 A} °= inches. Hinged at centre, and bound in half blue morocco, lettered up back and on front cover. FIRST STATE OF THIS EARLY CARICATURE. A VERY FINE DOUBLE-SIZE CARICATURE. This plate caricatures the Prince of Wales, the Marquis of Lothian, Dr. Willis and other members of the deputation, who are shown riding on donkeys, and liberally provided with ““Regency Cakes.” LOGOT “ON ] d[LUISOBy PIoNpoy aad AHL SNILVAIOOId,,—_YNIMVA(T AOTOOMALV A, TVNIDIYO NOSGNVIMOUW SVNOHL i | i ; | seronseincnitiie AAs sabe 0 tna abrir censsien sasisosnisso mitt nk Se aabiiptoce the ok x aetna ann ANY ty elawin ce meni hi eats sepia herbok re migunsaa at Shin wea ery Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 1064. Rowianpson (Tomas). CotorEp Caricatures. 1091. RowLanpson (THomas). Cotorep Caricatures. A Collection of 5 the Industrious Yorkshirebites. “Designed etched and Publish'd by T. Rowlandson No. 1 James St. Adelphi |1818?| Size, 834 by 13 inches. Matted. The principal figure in the foreground is the buxom but hardly gentle keeperess of a “knock-em-down” stand. She is demanding her fee from a smock-clad yokel. The bustle of a country fair is set forth in the background. COLORED Caricatures by Thomas Rowlandson. JHach plate neatly hinged. Bound in one vol. oblong 4to, three-quarter red morocco, lettered on front cover. London, 1819-1820 Comprising the following,— PFASTERLY WINDS, or Scudding Under Bare Poles. “Rowlandson Del.” [Published by Tegg, May 10, 1810]. One of the landing stairs on the river; a gale is blowing, watermen are pulling a skiff to the stairs, a Parson with three fair companions in the boat, other figures on the stairs. A Do.eruL Disaster, or Miss Fubby Fatarmin’s Wig Caught Fire. “Rowlandson Del.’ [Published] by Thos. Tegg No 111 Cheap- side [September 20, 1813]. A stout lady is in all the consterna- tion of a blazing head of hair, the whole of her household are making a desperate rush on the scene, the footman has dragged the tablecloth from beneath the tea equipage, which has fallen to destruction, and is endeavoring to envelope the headdress of his mistress. RvuRAL Sports, or an Old Mole Catcher in Full Scent. Unsigned. “Dr. Syntax” on a horse, approaching a fair damsel under a tree. THE PEA Cart. “T’. Rowlinsin.” (sic). Pubd. Apri 16) by Ss. Wy; Fores. SymMpaTuy, or a Family on a Journey Laying the Dust. “Designed and Etch’d by T, Rowlandson.” Published by W. Humphrey. Late impression. Tue Norwicu Burtt Feast or Glory and Gluttony. Unsigned. Pubd November 22, 1819 by Thos. Tegg No 111 Cheapside. Norwich is the scene of this disorderly revelry, occasioned by the news of the success gained by the Allies over Napoleon and his forces. A huge bullock has been roasted in the marketplace, and the eareass is being cut up and distributed to a large crowd. Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 1092. RowLanpson (THomaAs). CoLorep Caricature. Land Stores. “Row- landson Del.” [| Published, March 12] by Thos Tegg No 111 Cheap- side. Size, 1214 by 9 inches. Matted. b ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, COLORED. A dark beauty of colossal proportions, is embraced by an officer whose figure is dwarfed by comparison with the monster negress. A companion to “Sea Stories” [No. 1085 in this catalogue]. 1093. RowLanpson (THomMAS). CoLorED Caricature. Polygamy. “De- signed by T. Rowlandson.” “Engraved by HL. Williams.” Size, 1184 by 1214 inches. Pasted to mount, with loose fitting mat. Enclosed , in cloth folder, lettered on front cover. FIRST IMPRESSION, COLORED. A RARE STIPPLE ENGRAVING, UNKNOWN TO GREGO, A prosperous looking gentleman, between two angry females of different walks in life, one with a child, and both reproving’him in their anger at his ineconstancy. FINELY EXECUTED LATE 18th CENTURY ENGRAVING. ‘The margins are cut within the plate-mark. < 1094. RowLanpson (THOMAS). CoLorRED CaricaTuRE. Private Drilling. “Rowlandson Del.’ “Schutz Sculp.” Size, 514 by 7 inches. Matted. Y é Three soldiers,—officer, drummer’s boy and private, the latter on guard by a table, at which are seated a mother and daughter, at tea. 1095. Sata (GrorcE A.). Grand Procession against Papal agression to pre- sent the Address and obtain redress in order that we may hear less ~ of his Holiness. A series of 24 scenes on a long folded panoramic } /’ plate, ALL IN coors, by George A. Sala. Square 24mo, original boards, with illustrated label on front cover, which serves as the title-page. London: Published by the Society for the confusion of Papist knowledge, 1850 First Epirion. Most of the figures are portraits, including many of prominence. 1096. Sanpys (WittIam). Christmastide; its History, Festivities and Carols. With nine full-page plates, FINELY COLORED, also numerous vignettes, ~ uncolored, in the text. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt top, By Root. , London, circa 1845 First Epittion. A beautiful volume, the coloring of the plates executed in the best manner. 1097. Scorr (Str Wattser,—and others). The Keepsake. 1829 and 1833. - wp Wath steel engravings. 2 vols. 12mo, half roan, rubbed. 23 London, 1829—1833 ¥ The volume for 1829 contains original contributions by Scott, Shelley and others. 1098. Szymour (Ropert) Inuustrations. Frolic and Fashion. A sertes of 6 plates, on which are 48 scenes, representing the “Search after the - Comfortable,’ “Rural Retirement,’ “Arts and Sciences,’ “Travel- US * ling,’ “Courtship,’ stu IN coLors, each designed and etched by Robert Seymour. Oblong 4to, half green morocco, gilt top, slight thumb marks on several places. London: Thomas M’Lean, 1829 First Epitrron of this highly amusing series. Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 1099. Seymour (Rozsert) Ittusrrations. The March of Intellect: Fashion- able, Mechanical, Philosophical, Philanthropical, Professional, Po- 0; 0 litical. A series of 6 plates, on which are 32 scenes, ALL IN COLORS, — } by Robert Seymour. Oblong 4to, ORIGINAL PRINTED WRAPPERS, New cloth back, enclosed in cloth portfolio, lettered and with ties. : London: Thomas M’Lean, 1829 First Epitron of this amusing work. The plates rich in impression. 1100. Seymour (Rosert) Intusrrations. The Heiress: A-Farce. A sertes of 6 plates, on which are 32 scenes, ALL IN COLORS, designed and U7 $0 etched by Robert Seymour. Oblong 4to, half roan, original wrappers : preserved. London: Thomas M’Lean, 1830 First HpIrion. The plates particularly rich in impression. 1101. Szymour (Ropert) Intustrrations. The Schoolmaster Abroad. By One of the Old School. A series of 10 plates, including the title, oC ALL RICHLY COLORED, by Robert Seymour. Oblong 4to, full polished ' ealf, gilt top, the top cover of the original wrapper bound in at the end. | London: Thomas M’Lean, 1834 First Eprrron and one of the rarest of Seymour’s works. 1102. Srymour (Ropert) Innusrrations. Hervey (Thomas K.). The Book of Christmas. With 36 full-page engravings, by Robert Seymour, ALL FINELY COLORED BY HAND (ata later date). 12mo, full crimson 10 - erushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1836 Beautiful copy of the First Epirion, the illustrations appropriately _ colored. 1103. Srymour (Ropert) IntustratTions. New Readings of Old Authors. Containing 260 FINELY COLORED HUMOROUS PLATES, by Robert Sey- mour. 26 vols. 16mo, full polished red calf, gilt tops, the original front covers preserved, which act as title pages, BY ROOT. / . London: Charles Tilt (and others), circa 1836 CoMPLETE SET OF THE ORIGINAL ISSUE. Hach volume different, the list being as follows: i Romeo & Juliet Hamlet The Giaour Macbeth King Richard III Merchant of Venice Othello Julius Caesar The Tempest King John King Henry VIII King Lear Coriolanus As you like it Midsummer Nights dream. Taming of the Shrew Henry IV, Part I. King Henry IV. Part II Antony & Cleopatra Pericles Titus Andronicus Troilus and Cressida King Richard II Cymbeline Henry V Love’s labour lost. TIE SET COMES FROM THE COLLECTION OF Epwarp TRUMAN, FOR WHOM IT IS THOUGHT THAT GEORGE CRUIKSHANK COLORED THE PLATES. Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 1104. Srymour (Roperr) Intustrations. The Squib. Annual of Poetry, Politics, and Personalities for MDCCCXXXVI. With 12 designs Y, by R. Seymour. 16mo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, * BY RIVIERE. London, 1836 First EDITION. 1105. Szrymour (Rosert) Intustrations. Seymour’s Humourous Sketches. Comprising 86 caricature etchings (by Robert Seymour). Illustrated 42 ©D in prose and verse, by Alfred Crowquill (A. H. Forrester). 2 vols. - vo, three-quarter light green crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY ROOT. London, 1843 1106. Seymour (Rozert) Itnusrrations. Snobson’s Seasons: being Annals of Cockney Sports. [London particular.] By R. B. Peake. With } e 92 illustrations by Robert Seymour. 8vo, three-quarter light green ©.» crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY ROOT. ; London: M. A. Nattali, undated 110%. Smeprzy (Frank E.). The Works of Smedley. Illustrated by George Cruikshank and H. K. Browne. All First Epirions, as follows,— I.—Frank Fairlegh; or, Scenes from the Life of a Private Pupil. First Eprrion [without date on title]. With 30 adlustrations on be steel by George Cruikshank. [1850 | > Il.—Lewis Arundel; or, The Railroad of Life. First Eprrion. Full-page etchings and other illustrations by “Phiz.” 1852 11I.—Harry Coverdale’s Courtship, and All That Came of It. FIRST Eprtion. Full-page etchings by “Phiz.” [1854 | Together, 3 vols. 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt backs, heavy bands, sides with six-line gilt border, the corners interlocked with loops, wide inside levant border with gilt lines, gilt tops, uncut, inclosed in cloth solander case with green levant morocco front, lettered in gilt, and resembling three separate volumes, BY SANGOR- SKI AND SUTCLIFFE. London [1850], 1852 and [1854] AN EXCEEDINGLY BEAUTIFUL AND DESIRABLE SET. From the library of Charles Cooper Townsend, with his bookplate. 1108. Smrrux (Aupert). Comic Tales and Sketches. Illustrated. 12mo, | original green boards, lacks back. London, 1852 b, First EpIvion. | jade 1109. Sonas. Comic Songs: A Collection of Originals . . . by J. T. Ramsay. Contents: Biddy the Second, Irish Lecture on the History of Eng- land, etc. With folding frontispiece in colors. 16mo, half blue calf, original wrappers preserved. London, circa 1825 fore. 1110. Sones. Bob Keeley’s Cabinet of Fun: a famous collection of Fun, Flash, & Facetia . . . comprising all the Rum Goes, Comical Capers, Out-of-the-way Oddities of this popular Comedian . . . best popular 4» Comic Songs. With the serves of 4 FINELY COLORED folding plates. Lv» 24mo, half calf, rubbed. London: John Duncombe, circa 1828 Seldom found complete with all the folding plates in color, as above. Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th 1111. Sones or Srincuuariry; or, Lays of the Eccentric. By The London 7 Hermit. With 50 illustrations by the author and others. 12mo, is O ~ original cloth, gilt edges. London [1874] First Epirion. A companion volume to “Bab Ballads,’ both in con- tents and binding. 1112. Terriric REeGIsTER (THE): or, Record of Crimes, Judgments, Provi- dences, and Calamities. Illustrated. 2 vols. thick 8vo, full calf, y SV somewhat rubbed, and stamp on one page. Not returnable. ° London, 1825 1113. [THorntTon (ALFRED).| The Post Captain; or, Adventures of a True British Tar. By A Naval Officer. With 24 full-page plates IN » p= coor, by Mr. Williams. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, By YO ~ woop. London, 1817 First Hpition. Large and fine copy, containing the rare leaf, “A Guide to the Binder, with respect to the plates.” It is dedicated, “Jo The British Navy, at once the Ornament and Defence of the United Kingdom, whose power gives protection to com- merce, permanence to Hmpire.” 1114. THornTon (ALFreD). Don Juan (Volume the First) ; with the Con- tinuation (Volume the Second); Containing his Life in London; ‘”,._ or, a True Picture of the British Metropolis. With 31 FINELY COL- rf ra’ hd . (UG ORED PLATES. First Epirion. 2 vols. 8vo, full crimson crushed © levant morocco, backs and sides richly gold tooled, gilt tops, BY RooT. London, 1821-1822 LARGE AND FINE COPY OF THIS RARE AND CURIOUS WORK. Although the plates are unsigned, they are considered by experts to be by C. Williams who did a number of books of this character at this period, and who illustrated another of Alfred Thornton’s Books, “The Adventures of a Post Captain.” : This entertaining work is a curious specimen of book-making. It was published in parts, and as far as the middle of Volume I. was founded upon a very free paraphrase of Byron’s Poem, of which but five cantos had then appeared. About this time, “Life in London” leaped into popularity. Its success was so phenomenal that it was sufficient for the Author of “Don Juan,” and straightway, “Don Juan’ was pressed into rivalry with “Tom and Jerry.” 1115. Water Cure (THE). A series of 12 subjects (all of which are colored eae by hand at a later date) depicting in a highly humorous manner 29 — scenes connected with “The Water Cure.” Oblong 12mo, original * cloth, binding rubbed. London [1869-1870] 1116. [Wuirrt (CHarues).| Almack’s: A Novel. 3 vols. 12mo, full maroon _ straight-grained morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. . London: Saunders and Otley, 1826 QO. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of a number of double-page con- j temporary plates IN coLor (touched up by hand at a later date?), all of which are in the manner of George Cruikshank. This entertaing novel was written by an English officer who served under Wellington in the Peninsula War, and was the author of other romances, including the popular “Arthur Beverly.” ra ihe aye Vs ‘< eas a wel ee Fifth Session, Thursday Evening, February 6th . 111%. Witp, tHe Turer-Taxer. The Life and Death of Jonathan Wild, the celebrated Thief-Taker : containing a complete history of this Notori- ous Character. With folding frontispiece IN CoLoRS. 12mo, original 6 wrappers, uncut. London: T. & J. Allman, 1829 The plate, although unsigned, is spirited and in the manner of George Cruikshank. 1118. Woopwarp Caricatures. Symptoms of the Shop. The COMPLETE SET of 12 caricatures, in brown, drawn by G. Woodward, etched by F. re Sansom. Small 4to, full polished calf, gilt top. Z 4 : London: 8. W. Fores, 1801 It is seldom that complete sets of this series are offered for sale. Most of the impressions are goed, a few however are not so strong. 1119. Woopwarp Cotorep Puarss. Pigmy Revels; or, All alive at Lilliput. A series of 8 DOUBLE-PAGE PLATES IN COLOR, on which are repre- sented almost 200 figures, by G. M. Woodward. Small folio, half 3 ay morocco. Some plates cut close, slight repair on one. London S W Fores, 1801 First Epirion. The impression of a majority of the plates are very good S . 1120. Woopwarp CotorEp Piarzs. The Musical Mania for the Year 1802 : dedicated to Mrs. Billington. With 6 caricatures in color 20 (hand-colored at a later date and inscriptions cut into) by G. M. : Woodward, also vignette woodcut on title-page. London, 1802; | [Atso] The Scum Uppermost . . . accompanied with an Admoni- tory Nod to a Blind Horse. With 3 engraved plates, unsigned. London, 1802; [Atso] An Heroic Epistle to Mr. Winsor, the pat- entee of the Hydro-Carbonic Gas Lights and Founder of the Na- tional Light and Heat Company. By T. Sayers. London, 1808; [Aso] The Royal Sprain; An Ode. By Humphrey Hedgehog. Lon- don, 1812. Piece cut from margin of title. The whole bound to- gether, small 4to, half brown morocco. London, 1802-1812 4121. Woopwarp OrternaL Drawine. “The Compliments of the Season.” ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAWING, signed in ink, “Woodward delin;” to- gether with the FIRST STATE OF THE COLORED PLATE, which represents A! Catarrhe! Gout! and Rheumatism! attacking a man. Both items ’ matted, the colored plate inlaid on drawing paper, the whole bound in a small folio, blue morocco, gilt panels on sides, broad dentelle borders. FINE SPECIMEN OF A WOODWARD ORIGINAL DRAWING. The drawing in addition to being signed by the artist is dated, “Jany. 1800” (in pencil). This date, which is thought to be in the autograph of the artist, indicates that the drawing was executed nine years before the print, which is dated Jany. 27th, 1809. 1122, Woowwarp PratEs IN Coe Woodward (G. M.). A /60 - 1123. WoopwarpD PiatTEes in Cotor. Symptoms of the Shop. : 20, ahegaee “THOMAS E. KIRBY, sions; or, Literary and Pictorial Sketches of Counten and Country, i in different parts of England and Wale: with Curious Anecdotes. Wath 100 ihe IN COLOR First Tria Large and fs copy, almost uncut. A um plates are dated 1797. The plates are rich in impression, many Satirize the life and times of the English and Welsh inhabitants time, both in town and country. They all were engraved by Isaac C1 shank, the father of George. Woodward, an associate of Rowlandson and Tenney Cruiks popular and prolific designer of caricatures much in the mar Bunbury, but with a fecundity of humor not possessed by that Some of Woodward’s contemporaries looked upon him as almos Hogarth, which, however, he never could have become for sever among them being his lack of knowledge of drawing and of low companions with their concomitants of whiskey, | Small folio, half red ee Bie eames MOrocco. eae London: B.. AUCTIONEER, INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY 1919 Fe b.4 NeAmT c.1_ American /Illustrated books and c 94-P65 0 — 3 3125 01186 2601 ae ae i oe ye eae a, aS es