A CATALOGUE ; If A GENUINE COLLECTION OF ABOUT FIFTY CAPITAL PICTURI Removed from an Ancient Family Mansion in the Country, Where they have been for upwards of 70 Years, AND COMPRISING A Chef d’cuvre by CARLO DOLCI, of Herodias’s Daughter with the Efead of John the Baptist, A NOBLE PORTRAIT OF CHARLES THE FIRST, BY VANDYKE; aA Yortratt of Menry the Lighth, AN UNDOUBTED HOLBEIN; WWO BARR AND IPeBRaOot? SPROIMANS Of J. DE MABUSE; A SMALL, BUT BEAUTIFUL CLAUDE; A VERY FINE BACCHIANALIAN SUBJECT, by JORDAENS, A PAIR by LUCA GIORDANO; TWO VERY PLEASING COMPOSITIONS, ON COPPER, BY FERG:; Two whole-length PORTRAITS by VANDYHE; — AND VARIOUS CABINET PAINTINGS By MURILLO, BOURDON, CALIAVARI, VANDERNEER, SCHIDONE, SCHALKEN, PALMA DE NEEFS, MONAMY, F. A: ce ke. : CAHich will be Sold by Auction, _ bY MR. FF. SQUIBB, At his Great Room, Saville Row, On SATURDAY, the 16th of JULY, 1831, At Twelve o’Clock. To be Viewed three Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues may be had at the Room. | ly 3 | Walton & Mitchell, Printers, 2%, Wardour-street, Sohe, D? : ne halt JIA 7 fe from the! Northwick Park Library, XX 1 CONDITIONS OF SALE AS USUAL. aQ Catalogue, Xe. O SATURDAY, JULY the SIXTEENTH, 1831. PirTRO DA CORTONA OUpIPALMA Gees US GARACCI2.« toes RoTHENHAMER AND Q BEEUGHEL enc BORGOGNONE’ ..20. << S.DOURDONS.. . see SGHIDONE Ae 7 ni aa " s —— “ : . - . - — . y, -_ 7 “4 - os = i ee es i . pit a = 4 2 ; ; ; * A aru. me + ‘ ee | Sit f . ; ’ =e a ow : : r 4 rs “S : : 1 a ~ _ ar - he . 7 7 * eae - : P) } ; . , reat t fetags . > oo, . oo ee = _* = he res pe ee A. VANDEVELDE ..-e- MARIASCHI..ccese ad MONAMYT. cis se eecs 2 WeANEIESSE Els os cise a’ Mer MAVIES SI Notas cciele’s 5 SSIEAL CIN cle a eicts's te TE AVON NB oe cn e's SEBASTIAN BouRDON MUGARC ATIA VARIG... Carto MARATTI...- ISBROHEM $s oc cle sc etc x CLAUDE. cits «ce ee DEIER ILE ONces otek ee es Luca GIORDANO.... PAPWLOLAG wc orvc cn cess HUSHEIMERG o: voce GASPAR POUSSIN .... 3 A Frost Piece in Holland - View in Venice A Storm at Sea A whole length Portrait of the Duchess of Richmond A whole length Portrait of Lucy Percy, Countess of Carlisle | A pair of small Flower Pieces A Landscape and Figures Boy holding a Candle. From the Collection of M. De Calonne | The Wise Men’s Offering The Death of Narcissus Mie View in Venice ore Ditto of St. Mark’s Place, from the water The Shepherd’s Offering . | Landscape and Figures, small Landscape and Figures— Evening : a beautifully clear and brilliant composition | | The Interior of a Church Bacchanalian Nymphs and Satyrs: richly coloured, and worthy of Rubens | Virgin and Child surrounded by Clouds The Nativity : an oblong picture of great force, and finely coloured The Salutation : the companion to the last lot Landscape with Hagar and Ishmael An Incantation ; painted on copper An upright Landscape; the Figures by Filippo Lauri o > gy v ‘ ra ; < fe : 4 4. Xe A 049 50 wey WAND YE Rios lac ctin's SCHALEKEN «= cu cab ens MOL BEING: oc cots o26 cious JEAN DE Masuse... Je DE MABUSE .0cs Carto Dotcl......- ( 4 A half-length Portrait of King Charles the First. Although good pictures of King Charlesare frequently to be met with, yet the singular brilliance and merit of the present performance cannot fail to strike every judge of art A Landscape and Figures, on copper: a clear and beautiful specimen of this very pleasing Artist A ditto - ditto Nymphs and Satyrs in a Landscape Landscape with Goats An old Woman reading by Candle-light Portrait of King Henry the Eighth Queen Margaret of Scotland, Daughter of King Henry the Seventh The Consecration of a Priest : a fine and perfect spe- cimen of this rare Master Herodias’s Daughter with the Head of John the Baptist. This is a work of exquisite grace, beauty and brilliance FINTIS. Ta , ’ if i is i i % ty ae 4 Y By ¥ % : — b ax way gd Med A rae a th eng htt. bea sicachente 4 nA h 4% ot " b ; ‘. rs = : ty : eS ye N + , r ote vise 2142 st Cee gi ; 1% a8 7 ‘ R . 12 te 7 who Ate sapere n fos | ahi yd pmibeot ent See Pb ud ¢ ee | At ay Oe, fo od) nel lene’ Tees ; \ oY oF bos * i at hana eA Se 5 ‘ - . 7 “a “ d : etn a“ 4 +5 ’ ‘“ f , ta be Mw . son 3 canes j ie a ar, ‘ “4 : Haas # Ae yo sea seaieD af 2 Biiresgie exc pans at a pe, gl ale midggath i