i} ! i ae Oye eer: ir ot Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2023 with funding from Getty Research Institute 3://archive.org/details/cmtravercocollecOOande > AY 7 sd - : > ies é cA “< i - . = *t - = ~~ o : 7 : * de ” “5 j r : “>@ GNOSOTVLVO SIHL NI YAddV GUYAANWAN SLOGLAO AHL Cc6L ‘AYNALINUNA GOWAd NVOIYMAWV AO NOLLIGIHXE NV YOd YAAVUL SSI AD GANVOT SHOGId GUVY JO YAGWNN V ONIMOHS “Vd ‘HDUNGSLLId ‘ALOLILSNI SIDANYVO AHL LY WOOU V [tz¢] [60T] [ets] [LOS Fe06)= “[8Ts [gst] [esc] SALE NUMBER 1952 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, APRIL NINTH THE C. M. TRAVER CoO. \ New York COLLECTION OF RARE AMERICAN ANTIQUES COMPRISING IMPORTANT SEVENTEENTH CENTURY PIECES KNOWN TO COLLECTORS AND LISTED IN REFER- HENCE BOOKS ON EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE CHOICE SAMPLES OF THE QUEEN ANNE, CHIPPEN- DALE, HEPPLEWHITE AND SHERATON PERIODS ALSO SOME FINE PIECES OF OLD ENGLISH FURNI- TURE, STIEGEL & SANDWICH GLASS AND PEWTER RARE HOOKED RUGS WITH A FEW RARE PIECES FROM MISS TRAVER’S PRIVATE COLLECTION TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC SALE FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS APRIL SEVENTEENTH, EIGHTEENTH eNOS EL Gy. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES \\to\ CMITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipenr 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. ‘This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of thts Catalogue may be obtained for Two Dollars THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 -CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE ORDER OF SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL SEVENTEENTH GED SPEWTHR PLATES, CUPS, ETC. OLD STIEGEL AND SANDWICH GLASS WICK LAMPS, TUM- BLERS, CREAMERS, SALTCELLARS AND OTHER PIECES GROUP OF EARLY AMERICAN HOOKED RUGS, SOME WITH FINE WORKMANSHIP AND DESIGN EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE, ALSO A FEW OLD ENGLISH PIECES INCLUDING: AN AMERICAN LATE 17TH CENTURY TWO-TIER PINE STAND MINIATURE MAHOGANY GRANDFATHER’S CLOCK, 2ND HALF 18TH CENTURY MINIATURE PINE GRANDFATHER’S CLOCK, AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 MAHOGANY “COFFIN” CLOCK BY AARON WILLARD, ABOUT 1800 MAPLE SPANISH-FOOT BANNISTER-BACK ARMCHAIR, AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 CARVED CRESTED BANNISTER-BACK SPANISH-FOOT CHAIR, AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY FINE CURLY MAPLE FALL-FRONT DESK WITH CLAW- AND-BALL FEET, AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY PINE SCROLLED CORNER CUPBOARD, AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY RARE PAINTED PINE LOW CUPBOARD, AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL EIGHTEENTH OLD STIEGEL AND SANDWICH GLASS, INCLUDING SOME VERY RARE PIECES FROM THE LAWTON COLLEC- TION GROUP OF RARE HOOKED RUGS, INCLUDING FOUR OF EX- CEPTIONALLY FINE QUALITY, RANKING AMONG THE FINEST KNOWN GROUP OF FINE EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE, CON- TAINING IMPORTANT PIECES OF THE 17TH AND EARLY 18TH CENTURIES, ALSO CHOICE SPECIMENS OF THE CHIPPENDALE, HEPPLEWHITE, SHERATON AND PHYFE PERIODS INCLUDING: MARTHA WASHINGTON SEWING TABLE BY DUNCAN PHYFE 180-198 199-230 231-339 245 SMALL 17TH CENTURY BLOCK FRONT CHEST OF DRAWERS IMPORTANT DROP-LEAF “DIARY” TABLE, AMERICAN, ABOUT 1680 RARE WALNUT TIP AND TURN TRIPOD TABLE, AMERI- CAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY MAHOGANY THREE-PART DINING TABLE IN DUNCAN PHYFE STYLE, AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 SET OF EIGHT CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY LADDER-BACK CHAIRS, ABOUT 1760-70 IMPORTANT PINE WALL CUPBOARD, AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 IMPORTANT CARVER CHAIR, MASSACHUSETTS, ABOUT 1650 IMPORTANT MAPLE SCRUTOIRE ON FRAME, AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 WALNUT VENEERED AND INLAID TRANSITIONAL HIGH- BOY, AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 UNIQUE CARVER CHAIR, AMERICAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY HIGHLY IMPORTANT WALNUT GATE-LEG TABLE, AMERI- CAN, 17TH CENTURY CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY BOOKCASE, ENGLISH, MID- 18TH CENTURY IMPORTANT AND RARE CARVED CHEST ON STAND, AMERICAN, 17TH CENTURY IMPORTANT CHEST ON FRAME IN OAK AND PINE, AMERICAN, 17TH CENTURY RARE TURNED MAPLE JOINT STOOL, AMERICAN, ABOUT 1710 GROUP OF THREE EXTREMELY RARE WEATHER- VANES, TWO FORMED AS COCKS, ONE AS INDIAN, AMERICAN, 17TH, 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES 255 262 265 272 280 286 291 294 298 299 307 311 322-324 AN UNUSUAL OFFERING The rare and fine pieces to be dispersed in this sale present a splendid opportunity for collectors and other buyers to acquire specimens of Early American furniture that for character and quality are today seldom matched. The pieces come from the private collection of Miss Traver as well as from the general stock of The C. M. Traver Company. The private collection is placed on sale because The C. M. Traver Company’s lease expires within a year, and Miss Traver has determined to make a purchasing trip abroad this summer which will require all the storage space she has to house the resulting acquisitions. Many of these pieces have been illustrated and exhibited at vari- ous times, and have become well known to collectors of Early American furniture for their superlative rarity. A conscientious effort has been made to describe ac- curately and attribute correctly each item. Very slight de- fects and unconcealed repairs have not been mentioned, the one being of no consequence, and the other quite apparent. Miss Traver and The C. M. Traver Company guarantee every piece in this sale to be genuine as described. CHARLES PACKER. IMPORTANT MAPLE SCRUTOIRE ON FRAME AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 [NUMBER 294] SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL SEVENTEENTH, AT TWO-THIRTY FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-179 OLD PEWTER NUMBERS 1-15 THREE OLD ENGLISH PEWTER MEASURES ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Two with shaped bodies, one cylindrical with flaring base, scrolled handles. (3) Height, 4 inches OLD PEWTER TANKARD EARLY 19TH CENTURY Cylindrical with moulded spreading base and scrolled handles, the flat cover mounted with a female head billet, and engraved with initials “G.H.” Height, 9 inches OLD PEWTER WINE FUNNEL AND TWO PLATES Wine funnel decorated with reeded bands. One plate with reeded edge, one with shaped edge engraved with crest. (3) Diameter of funnel, 48% inches; plates, 9 inches TWO OLD ENGLISH PEWTER TRENCHERS One with London mark, one with slightly damaged rim. (2) Diameter, 15 inches TWO OLD ENGLISH PEWTER TRENCHERS With broad flanged edges. (2) Diameter, 15 inches TWO OLD ENGLISH PEWTER CHOCOLATE POTS One cylindrical with reeded and beaded decoration, the other shaped and spirally fluted. (2) Height, 714 inches and 814 inches OLD ENGLISH PEWTER TODDY WARMER AND TODDY CUP Interesting piece, oval with screw centre stopper and compartment containing ‘‘nightcap”’ cup. Width, 1114 inches TWO SMALL PEWTER BOWLS CIRCA 1800 One with wide rim, the other with narrow edge. (2) Diameter, 6 and 8 inches 9 10 Vat 12 13 14 15 OLD PEWTER PORRINGER AND PLATE Porringer with pierced and scrolled handle, American. Plate with reeded edge, engraved with crest. (2) Diameter of porringer, 534 inches; plate, 9 inches OLD PEWTER LAMP AND MUSTARD POT Wick lamp with circular bowl and tray base. Mug-shape mustard pot with blue glass lining. (2) EARLY AMERICAN PEWTER TEA CADDY Unique heavy casket-shape tea caddy with domed top and shaped base. Form, reminiscent of the Queen Anne period. Height, 4Y% inches FIVE OLD ENGLISH PEWTER PLATES Plain, circular with flat rims. Some stamped with makers’ marks and initials. (5) Diameter, 9 inches FIVE OLD ENGLISH PEWTER PLATES Similar to the preceding. (5) FIVE OLD ENGLISH PEWTER PLATES Similar to the preceding. (5) PAINTED TOLE TEA SET ENGLISH, ABOUT 1810 Comprising a teapot, coffee pot, creamer, sugar basin and oval tray. Painted with small landscape and figures, the remainder yellow and black. Width of tray, 16 inches OLD STIEGEL AND SANDWICH GLASS, WICK LAMPS, TUMBLERS 16 17 CREAMERS, SALTCELLARS AND OTHER PIECES NUMBERS 16-43 SANDWICH OPALESCENT GLASS FLOWER HOLDER AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY Panel body, moulded edge, circular base. Height, 534, inches TWO EARLY AMERICAN GLASS WHISKEY BOTTLES One, “Union” bottle with thirteen stars. The other, “Hunter & Fisherman” bottle. Aquamarine color. (2) Height, 9 inches 2 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 FOUR SANDWICH GLASS GOBLETS AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY Rose-leaf design. (4) Height, 6 inches TWO EARLY AMERICAN BLOWN GREEN GLASS BOTTLES Flattened bulbous shape, with hollowed scarred bases. Tapered and collared necks. Dark and light olive-green color. Quart size. (2) EARLY SANDWICH GLASS COVERED SUGAR BOWL AMERICAN, 1825-7 Heavy thumb-mould pattern. Height, 8% inches TWO OLD SANDWICH GLASS WICK LAMPS With graceful pear-shape bowls. One with cascade octagonal base, the other with shaped stepped base. (Shghtly chipped) (2) Height, 10 inches OPAQUE SANDWICH GLASS TABLE SET . AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY Covered sugar bowl, creamer and spoon holder, with raised black- berry design. (3) PAIR OF OLD SANDWICH GLASS WICK LAMPS Handsome specimens with tapered pear-shape bowls and scrolled triangular bases, resting on lion’s paw feet. An early type. (2) Height, 1134, inches PAIR OF EARLY GLASS RUMMERS So-called ‘““‘Thumpinge” glasses. Flaring bowls with heavy cylindrical bases with tear drop. (2) Height, 4 inches SANDWICH GLASS OBLONG DISH Canted corners, moulded edge. Snakeskin ground with crossed palm and leaf design. Size, 814, x 614, inches PAIR OF LATE SANDWICH GLASS CANDLESTICKS Fitted with electrical socket, light and cord and hand painted eight inch “Ship” shades. (2) PAIR OF OLD SANDWICH GLASS WICK LAMPS WITH PEWTER TOPS Gracefully shaped pair with inverted pear-shape bowls and stepped quatrefoil bases. (2) Height, 11 wches ee) 28 29 30 dl 32 30 34 35 36 37 SANDWICH GLASS OBLONG DISH Canted corners, moulded edge. Snakeskin ground with crossed palm and leaf design. Size, 6 x 334 inches SMALL WISTARBERG GLASS CREAMER Diamond quilt design, crimped handle. Slight rim chip. (F’rom the Temple Collection) Height, 334, inches PAIR OF OLD SANDWICH PRESSED BLUE GLASS SALT- CELLARS Oval basket-shape pressed in high relief with pineapple pattern. (Slightly chipped) (2) PAIR OF OLD SANDWICH OPALESCENT GLASS SALTCELLARS Barge-shape, with scroll ends and feet, showing baskets of flowers on stippled ground. See Williams, S15, page 58. (Slightly chipped) (2) SMALL THREE-SECTION MOULD DISH STODDARD, N. H. Quilted and paneled design, welted edge. Diameter, 4Yg inches STIEGEL TODDY GLASS AMERICAN, 1768-74 Plain body with heavy base. (From the Lawton Collection) Height, 334, inches STIEGEL GLASS MUG WITH HANDLE AMERICAN, 1768-74 Leaf engraved bulbous body. Height, 51% inches SANDWICH GLASS BOWL Moulded edge, snakeskin ground with rayed and quilted pattern. Diameter, 644 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] STIEGEL GLASS MUSTARD POT AND COVER AMERICAN, 1768-74 Diamond pattern. (From the Lawton Collection) Height, 4 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] STIEGEL GLASS MUSTARD POT AND COVER q AMERICAN, 1768-74 Panel design. (From the Lawton. Collection) Height, 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 4 [36] [37] [33] [39] [40] [41] 38 39 40 [35] [42] [43] FINE EARLY AMERICAN GLASS STIEGEL, STODDARD, N. H., AND SANDWICH STIEGEL FLIP GLASS AMERICAN, 1768-74 Panel sides and engraved border. Very slight rim chip and self erack. Ring's true. Height, 514 inches; diameter, 41, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PAIR OF THREE-SECTION MOULD TUMBLERS — STODDARD, N. H. Quilted and paneled. Fine quality. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 334, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] PAIR OF THREE-SECTION MOULD RUM GLASSES STODDARD, N. H. Ribbed and paneled design. Height, 3 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 5 41 42 MINIATURE THREE-SECTION MOULD CREAMER STODDARD; N. H. Quilted and ribbed design. Height, 3 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LARGE SANDWICH GLASS OBLONG DISH AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY Canted corners, moulded edge. Snakeskin ground with thistle and crossed palm design. Length, 9 inches; width, 634, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SANDWICH GLASS TRAY Brilliant snakeskin ground with acanthus leaf decoration. Size, 644 x 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | GROUP OF EARLY AMERICAN HOOKED RUGS, SOME WiTH FINE 4d 45 46 AT WORKMANSHIP AND DESIGN NUMBERS 44-75 SMALL HOOKED RUG Showing a spray of poppies in colors in a shaped green cartouche on tan ground. Bound. (Repaired) Size, 41 x 2114 inches HOOKED RUG A design of tan scrolled leaves framing a raised floral medallion in indigo, ivory and crimson. Dark blue border. Size, 5 feet x 2 feet 6 inches HOOKED RUG The field showing an octagonal panel containing well executed flowers in colors upon a dark green ground. Bound. (Repaired) Size, 45 x 29 inches HOOKED RUG A mixed color field showing a retriever dog in the centre holding some unnaturally colored animal in its mouth. Bound. Size, 38 x 25 wches 48 49 50 52 53 _ 54 55 56 HOOKED RUG Worked with a pleasing design showing a square centre panel with detached blossoms flanked at either side by large scroll leaves in vivid colors against a white ground, bordered in black. Bound. Size, 3 feet 7 inches x 3 feet SMALL EARLY HOOKED RUG The field showing a scalloped diamond-shape cartouche with flowers in the centre, and double leaf motif at the corners. In soft colors upon a dark ground. Petaled cloth border. Size, 38 x 27 inches HOOKED RUG The tan field scattered with flowers and leaves in pleasing colors, framed by large scrolls. Apple-green border. Size, 5 feet 10 inches x 3414 inches HOOKED RUG A posy of roses in rich colors upon a dark field framed by a key pattern border in ivory, indigo and rose. Size, 3 feet 7 inches x 3014 inches HOOKED RUG Heavily worked with a geometrical and conventional floral design in rich mixed colors. Braided border. Size, 50 x 3114 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG Worked with an oval panel containing a rose spray in deep colors upon a grey ground, framed with leaves in yellow and rose upon black. (As is) Size, 4 feet 9 inches x 35 inches HOOKED RUG Worked with a floral medallion framed by an oval leaf-entwined border on a dark blue-green ground. Size, 42 x27 inches HOOKED RUG Showing a well executed design of raised flowers and leaves in pleas- ing colors upon a green and white ground. Lined. Size, 5414 x 26 inches HOOKED RUG A basket of flowers framed by a rocaille cartouche, in soft colors on buff centre. Red arabesque scroll border. Bound. Size, 48 x 28 inches i 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 HOOKED RUG A central medallion of flowers framed by arabesque leaves with de- tached flower motifs at the corners. Pastel colors on grey: Braided border. Size, 3 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 5 inches HOOKED RUG With fine design of foliage and flower vines worked in pastel colors upon a black ground. Bound. Size, 4 feet 11 inches x 2 feet 9 inches ANIMAL HOOKED RUG The field showing a small bull framed in a shaped cartouche sur- rounded by semi-circular motifs and flower sprays, in colors upon a dark ground. Size, 4 feet 5 inches x 2 feet 6 inches HOOKED RUG The field showing an oval panel filled with flowers and leaves in bright colors. Floral border in soft pastel tints. (As is) Size, 4 feet 614 wmches x 34 inches HOOKED RUG Closely woven design in wool of two diamond-shape medallions con- taining sprays of roses. Soft colors. Bound. Size, 4 feet 10 inches x 2 feet HOOKED RUG Skillfully worked with naturalistic flower medallion framed by ser- rated leaves in rich colors on a light tan ground. Size, 8714 x 2714 inches HOOKED RUG Worked with a vari-colored sunburst centre on a field of olive-green. Arabesque scrolls in the corners. Size, 4 feet 2 inches x 8 feet 914 inches HOOKED RUG Thickly worked. Showing a bright flowering tree in the centre, star motifs at the corners, remainder of the field covered with variegated colors. Size, 57 x 387 inches HOOKED RUG Closely woven. The field of ivory showing a diamond-shape geo- metrical medallion in bright colors, rose blossoms at the corners. Rainbow striped border. Size, 3 feet 101% inches x 2814 inches 8 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 EARLY HOOKED RUG Showing a floral medallion framed by large serrated leaves, in soft colors on a dark ground. Grey border with braided edge. Size, 52 x 87 inches HOOKED RUG The field showing a raised wreath and two sprays of roses in striking colors upon an ivory ground. Black border touched with ivory and crimson. Bound. (As is) Size, 5 feet 8 inches x 2 feet 6 inches ANIMAL HOOKED RUG The circular centre panel worked with a head of a pointer dog hold- ing a pheasant in his mouth, remainder of the field worked with arabesque scrolls in rich colors. Charming specimen. Size, 4 feet 3 inches x 2 feet T inches HOOKED ANIMAL RUG The buff-colored field worked with a black silhouette of a horse, framed by a border of semi-circular motifs. Braided edge. Size, 4 feet 3 inches x 2 feet 9 inches HOOKED RUG Floral design of flowered dahlias with leafy stems, worked in strik- ing colors upon a dark blue ground. Size, 42 x 36 inches HOOKED RUG Worked with a geometrical pattern in alternating reds, yellow and blues, bordered by flowers and star motifs. Bound. Size, 56 x 84 inches HOOKED RUG Almost all wool, showing a floral cartouche in soft colors framed in mauve upon a white background. Unusual colorings. Lined. Size, 42 x 27 inches SMALL HOOKED “WELCOME” RUG Showing a cat and kitten playing with a ball; above, the word ‘“Wel- come”, bordered with a semi-circular chain. Flowers and leaf in upper corners. Hemp lined. (Repaired) Size, 40 x 25 inches HOOKED RUG Heavy pile with a spray of flowers in pastel shades on a white ground. Single leaf in each corner. Blue border. Size, 52 x 33 inches 9 75 76 77 78 80 81 82 HOOKED ANIMAL RUG The field worked with an oval panel containing a cat sitting on a tiled pattern floor with two playing kittens. Flower sprays at the end, dark border. (Repaired) Size, 538 x 82 inches EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE ALSO A FEW OLD ENGLISH PIECES NUMBERS 76-179 EARLY AMERICAN DOLL’S FOUR POST BED An early piece. Turnings evidently whittled out. Shaped head and foot splats. Length, 14 inches PAINTED PINE DOLL’S CRADLE NEW ENGLAND, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Length, 17 inches CHILD’S HIGH BACK WINDSOR ARMCHAIR AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Oval back with ten spindles and moulded top rail, bent and extend- ing to form the arms. Saddle seat. Bamboo turned legs and stretchers. CHILD’S MAPLE HIGH CHAIR AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Plain turned back posts with turned finials and two-slat back. Ring and vase turned front posts connected by double vase and ring turned front rings. Plain turned arms. Rush seat restored. CHILD’S SLAT-BACK ARMCHAIR AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Back with two arched splats between round posts with turned finials. Rush seat. CHILD’S SLAT-BACK HIGH CHAIR AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Splayed legs finely tapered. Two shaped slats, ball finials, turned front and back rungs. Rush seat restored. CHILD’S SLAT-BACK ARMCHAIR AMERICAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY An example of the simple furniture built for children’s use at the opening of the last century. 10 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 DECORATED SMALL MIRROR, “COURTING” TYPE EARLY 18TH CENTURY Moulded rectangular frame with shaped top, inset with small panels of painted glass; the top piece shows a basket of flowers. Has or- iginal pine case. Size, 16 x 1034, inches QUEEN ANNE DECORATED LACQUER DRESSING GLASS ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The shaped frame is painted with flowers on a green lacquer ground. size, 23°x 18 %nches PAINTED PINE CANDLESTAND NEW ENGLAND, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Circular top on chamfered support, which stands on heavy circular base with three short peg legs. An interesting piece, entirely or- iginal. Height, 29 inches SHERATON MAHOGANY MIRROR AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Architectural style frame with fluted cluster columns at the sides, moulded and fluted shaped top. Mounted with two mirror panels. Height, 44 inches; width, 24 inches MAPLE CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY The square top has a gracefully turned and tapered centre support with out-curved tripod legs terminating in snake-head feet. Height, 27 inches SMALL MAHOGANY MIRROR AMERICAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Reeded and moulded frame, and an original decorated blown glass panel above the mirror panel. Size, 21 x 1014 inches PAINTED CANDLESTAND TRAVER MODEL This curious little piece was reproduced from a unique original. The column has a curious entasis and a pie crust necking and rests upon three legs, the feet of which are in human form, one bare, one stock- inged, one slippered. The top is crudely decorated in black and red, on a cream ground with a large black bird and floral sprays. Note the similarity of the decorations to those of the Pennsylvania Dutch pottery. A most amusing piece. Diameter of top, 15 inches PAINTED CANDLESTAND TRAVER MODEL Similar to the preceding. i 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 SMALL QUEEN ANNE MIRROR, “COURTING” TYPE EARLY 18TH CENTURY Shaped and moulded frame of walnut veneer on pine. The top is inset with small glass panel, painted with a pastoral subject. Size, 21 x 16 inches SMALL MAPLE TEA TABLE IN QUEEN ANNE STYLE Circular top supported on four tapered legs with pad feet. Height, 22 inches; diameter, 21 inches MAHOGANY MANTEL CLOCK AMERICAN, ABOUT 1820 Made by Ephraim Downes, of Bristol, Connecticut. Mahogany case in typical Eli Terry style. Scroll top with brass eagle finial. A painted glass panel below the dial. Height, 32 inches; width, 17 inches MAPLE TIP-TOP CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, ABOUT 1760 Circular tray top of curly maple on a gracefully turned column sup- ported by tripod legs ending in snake-head feet. Diameter of top, 20 inches WINDSOR HIGH STOOL AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Heavy circular pine top on four well turned vase-shape splayed ash legs, connected by bulbous turned stretchers. A unique specimen. Height, 24 inches PINE PIPE BOX AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Interesting piece, the front pierced with heart-shape motifs and carved with a small rosette medallion. A drawer in the lower part. PINE PIPE BOX AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY The top and front of box shaped. Remnants of old green paint add to its charm. A small drawer in the lower part. SMALL WALNUT MIRROR, “COURTING” TYPE EARLY 18TH CENTURY Frame of walnut veneer. The shaped top is inset with a small painted glass panel. Size, 15 x 10 inches SMALL ADAM MIRROR ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY The maple frame contains panels above and below the glass, decorated with gilt classical figures and other ornamentation in relief, on an apple-green ground. Size, 33 x 1414 inches 12 100 SHERATON MAHOGANY AND MAPLE SEWING TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 The mahogany top inset at the sides with panels of bird’s eye maple. Ring turned and tapered legs with cuffed feet. Fitted with drawer. Size of top, 18 inches square 101 SMALL MAHOGANY WALL CABINET DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY With arched moulded top and splayed ends. Fitted with shelves with shaped fronts and enclosed by shaped glass doors. Two small drawers in the base. Ball feet restored. Height, 30 inches; width, 35 inches TWO-TIER PINE STAND AMERICAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY [NUMBER 102] 102 TWO-TIER PINE STAND AMERICAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY Interesting early type candlestand with circular top and undershelf, banded in ash. On chamfered square support with cross trestle base. In the original finish. (Slightly restored) Height, 28 inches; diameter, 1514 inches 13 103 104 105 106 107 108 CHIPPENDALE CARVED MAHOGANY CHAIR ENGLISH, MIDDLE 18TH CENTURY Interesting specimen of unusual design. The back is slightly curved and has a vase-shape centre and partly fluted round rails. Heavy carved cabriole legs with claw and ball feet. (As is) PINE ONE-DRAWER CHEST NEW ENGLAND, ABOUT 1700 An interesting transition piece. Has lift-up top with broad thumb- nail moulded edge, a long drawer in the lower part, the frame with a heavy single arch moulding. The end stiles are shaped to form the feet. Interior has a till at one end. An interesting feature is the unusual lock to the drawer. Height, 2514 inches; width, 44 inches TURNED LEG AND STRETCHERED TAVERN TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 The legs are turned in the double vase and ring pattern and con- nected with heavy rectangular moulded stretchers. The apron has a moulded edge and is fitted with a drawer which has the original wood knob. Framed oblong top of poplar. Maple base. (Slight repairs) QUEEN ANNE SMALL WALNUT MIRROR AMERICAN, 1ST QUARTER 18TH CENTURY Moulded walnut frame with scrolled top. Contains the original beveled glass. Size, 19 x 11 inches CHARMING PINE AND MAPLE SMALL TAVERN TABLE AMERICAN, 2ND QUARTER 18TH CENTURY Rectangular pine top with framed ends, on baluster turned legs con- nected by turned stretchers. (Restored) Size of top, 28 x 2114 inches PINE FIRESIDE SEAT AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY High back with wing sides and shaped arms. Shaped base and lift cover box seat. Original. Height, 37 inches; width, 1914 inches 14 109 110 111 1 113 114 115 116 MAPLE SCREW CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The screw turned shaft is fitted with adjustable two-light candle holder and has a circular raised edge shelf below. Base with four turned and raked short legs. (Candle cups restored) Rare. Ex- hibited at Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1922. Height, 5 feet 2 inches HOOP BACK WINDSOR SIDE CHAIR AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Seven-spindle back. Saddle seat. Bamboo turned splay legs and stretchers. HOOP BACK WINDSOR CHAIR AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Back with moulded rail and seven spindles. Saddle seat; vase and ring turned splayed legs. PINE AND MAPLE TAVERN TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 Rectangular pine top supported on turned vase and ring maple legs, connected at the base with plain stretchers. Drawer restored. Size of top, 2314 x 39 inches MAPLE CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 Has a circular beaded edge top with three splayed turned and bent shaped feet set into a heavy turned circular base. Height, 20 inches MAPLE AND PINE CHEST OF DRAWERS WITH BALL FEET AMERICAN, ABOUT 1700 Rare chest of five graduated long drawers with moulded edges. Pine top and sides. Ball feet. (Restored) Height, 41 inches; width, 38% inches CURLY MAPLE CHEVAL GLASS IN SHERATON STYLE The rectangular mirror swings between a turned frame which stands on grooved trestle legs ending in chased brass feet. ? Height, 55 inches MAPLE WAGON SEAT AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Heavily constructed specimen. The double back has four slightly curved slats. Original green paint and splint seat. | Length, 321% inches 15 117 MINIATURE MAHOGANY GRANDFATHER’S CLOCK AMERICAN, 2ND HALF 18TH CENTURY The case veneered with crotch mahogany and inlaid. The hood has broken arch top with original brass ball and eagle finial. Rectangular base with shaped bracket feet. Original finish. Height, 38 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 118 MINIATURE PINE GRANDFATHER’S CLOCK AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Rectangular case with moulded cornice top, applied moulding on lower door and high moulded base with shaped front and sides form- ing the feet. In the original condition. Rare. Height, 29 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 119 MAHOGANY “COFFIN” CLOCK BY AARON WILLARD AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Plain rectangular case with round dial and oval pendulum peep, hav- ing a brass urn and eagle finial on reeded plinth flanked by pierced curved brackets. Has the original works engraved “A. Willard, Boston”. E . ae ? LF 4. ery Po iy 6% 4: aw > A tee Ee sa : = CZ = « Sb r | 3 Wea Sra : “i RENE eer: This catalogue designed by The Anderson. Composition and press-work by ie: Publishers Printing Company, New York at a cA a) “ae 1925 Apr. 17 NeAn Tc a ae eae er Co.; collec 1 33 -T/B8 255