a den ~ er A CATALOGUE OF THE EXQUISITE COLLECTION OF PAINGINGS IY BNA By HENRY BONE, Esq., R'A:; ENAMEL PAINTER TO GEO. IfI., ac IV. AND HIS PRESENT MAJESTY, Which have secured to thie unrivalled Artist the high celebrity that he enjoys s SEVENTY- ONE IN NUMBER, They consist of Copies from the capital Pictures of the great Italian Masters in this Country, of unusual dimensions ; : and an interesting series of Portraits of illustrious cha- racters from the original Pictures, by Holbein,. Sir Anthony More, Hilliard, Jansens, Sir J. Reynolds, Hoppver, Owen, ‘Sir ‘Thomas Lawrence, thes Be J ackson, Phillips, Sir Wil- liam Beechey, &c. WHICH Ul be Solo by Auction, without Reserve, BY | | ee “CHRISTIE & MANSON, AT THEIR GREAT ROOM, 8, KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JUNE the 30th, 1832, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed two Days preceding, and Catalogues had at Messrs. CurisTix & Manson’s Office, King Street, St. James’s Square. Chehug nh. Sir A. More Sir J. Reynolds Elshiemer Owen. Abbott . Sir J. Reynolds Ditto Sir P. Lely . Beechey Wissing . 4 16 Mary Queen of Scots,—from the picture in the col- _ lection of Lord Cowley—3% inches by 3 17 Lord Héathfield; —from the portrait in the National Gallery—6} inches by 5 18 A Magdalen—7 inches by 53 19. The Earl of Verulam—8} inches by 64 20 Lord Nelson—5f inches by 43 21 The Prince of Wales—63 inches by 5 22 His own Portrait —6} inches by 3 23. Lord Chancellor Clarendon,—from the picture at the Grove—s inches by 4 ; 24. Queen Charlotte—5 inches by 4 25. William Lord Russell, —from the Marquis of 7 Tavis tock’s picture—8} inches by 63 SirW Beechey,R,A.26 The, Princess Sophia of Gloucester—5? inches. Corn, J ansens Murillo . Phillips . Sir J. Reynolds Morton . Sir T. Lawrence Sir J. Reynolds Morton . by 43 Pugs: “The Countess of Somerset —from the picture at Woburn Abbey—53 inches by 4h . 28° The Good Shepherd, —in Sir Simon Clarke's 8 Bien tidn—8} inches by’ a | 29 The Marquéss of Stafford—d inches by 4 vig O 30 Sir Christopher ‘Hatton—83 inches by 62 31 “St. ‘John—8} inches by a e 32 ‘Willian’ the Fourth—7} thohee by Spe — 33 Lad ae ndhurst—53 ‘inches. b 4 “84 - Lawrence Sterne —from the Pichire at Anipihi— °8} Inches By’ oy 7 ™ bitba ies i Willian’ TV. aoe? Sage Mario Hoppner Guido Hayter . A. Del Sarto Sir T. Lawrence Jackson . Titian N. Hilliard . Holbein . Hoppner Edridge . “Lonsdale Guido Phillips, RA. Rembrandt . Sir J. Reynolds Guido Sir T. Lawrence 38 _ Sir T. Lawrence 39 SirW.Beechey,R.A:40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 31 52 53 54 55 a Young St. John,~from Sir Simon Clarke’ s picture— 8} inches by 52 Portrait of John Frere, Esqi, British’ resident’ at Malta—6? inches by 53 Head of the Virgin—6 inches by 49 The Duke of Bedford —84 inches by 6% The Duke of York—6s inches by 53 Lady Ducie ‘and her'Children—8 inches by 7 _ The Holy Family,—jrom the Marquis of Lansdowne’ s prteture—10% inches by 84 The Duke of Wellington—53 inches by» 43 John Flaxman—63 ‘inches by 54 The ‘Emperor Otho,—in Sir Abraham Hume's collec- tton—94 inches by 73} Mary ‘Quéen of Scots,—at Hatfield—1 0: inches by 63 Henry ‘the Sixth,—at'\ Chicksand’s inches by 63 The Countess of Dysart in a peasant’s dress—8} inches by 63 | Captain Sir W. Hoste—10} inches by 8} William Manning,'Esq.“12} inches by 8} The Crucifixion—6 inches by 54 Priory—10} ‘Sir Joseph Banks—9} inches by 73 A Man’s Portr ait—8} inches by 62 The Duchess of Gordon—5 inches by 4 David—6 inches by 53, Count Michael Woronzow—9} inches by 73 Rubens . 56 SirW.Beechey,R.A.97 Stewart . Seb. del Piombo 59. Sir T. Sarmepbad Correggio | ae. Sir T. Lawrence 62 P. Veronese: { aacis63 Jackson, RvA... 6 A.Carracci. . 65 wal emiedit sicko —_ 66 Tian’. Poon ; ii Titian. a 1 2aqi Sir T, Lawrence aD, oh 28 » The Salutation,—in the Collection of John Anderson, — 60 6 ‘The Madonna and Child—9 inches by 7Z4n? [of A Venus and Cupid,—in Sir Simon Clarke's collection | Lady Dover—95j inches by 43. ~\tton—13 inches by 10... athe and — fA asi Stafford Gallery—12_ _, inches by 113. George Iv. in a Robes,—from the 0 gina 6 The Landscape with the cae Lorine ee inches jby- 94 , ad asin The Duchess of Kent, ae the Princess Victoria—104 inches by 83. snl General aeateeces inches by 4 obint} a a if fsq.—l2 inches by 10. usiwel .P Sir Samuel Romilly—d inches by 4...) ae ‘The te! Earl of. Suffolks-5 inches by 4 5 { onlganches by 8217 aio, 82 . =. . toatogh 5 wait Le Rabeteur,—from the Earl of Suffolk's celebrated picture—-124 inches by 94 ©) xpi MO Venus and Adonis,—in the Earl of Darnley’s collec: : _ aisdioH — Bacchanalians,—in the Nutional Gallery—13g inches — tc byYBRT t0 aeotanotd odT NE. les seaggoH = J TBEeeE and lo,—vin the possession of Lady Sykes—_ 12 inches by 86...) . mgbithal . at ww) oT OG obiwi) ed for Lord Stuart de Rothsay,—16} 3 ie li pile largest enamel Portratt ever painte ehfonyesl << 9 sical Te CadT t¢ Le ae: . - Py immu? + einige GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE “iii