iN Catafogue § ° © of tbe Cofection of Books and Manuscripts Befonaing to Mr. Grapton ‘Joes, of New-York. ‘ Mew Pork : Drimted at the Me Vinne Press. 1891. a a | ey NP arr ot Si. a. . 4 BO arena ta as ~ = ~— jy nes Ag te a = ee - RIA ee a are = ES el ROO EN SN TONE IIT a = eo a . ORDER OF SALE. + Afternoon Sessions commence at 3 oclock. Evening Sessions at 8 o'clock. - Thursday Afternoon, March 5, Lots .1 to Thursday Evening, March5, “‘ 217 to Friday Afternoon, March 6, ‘“< 446 to Friday Evening, March 6, ‘““ 668 to Saturday Afternoon, March 7, ‘“ 887 to THE GUTENBERG BIBLE, MENTZ, 1455. CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF Books and Manuscripts BELONGING TO Mr. BRAYTON IVES oF NEw-YORK. Comprising : Earfp (printed Books, GAmericana, Sffustrated French Books, Wortis of Standard Guthors, Efassicaf Wanuscripts, Wissafs and Books of Hours. TO BE DISPOSED OF BY AUCTION ON THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1891, AND FOLLOWING DAYS, AT 3 AND 8 O'CLOCK P.M, AT THE American Wrt Galleries, 6 East 23D STREET, MADISON SQUARE, NEW-YoRK, WHERE THESE VOLUMES, TOGETHER WITH MR. IVES’S ENTIRE COLLECTION OF ORIENTAL PORCELAINS AND OTHER OBJECTS OF ART, WILL BE ON EXHIBITION DAY AND EVENING FROM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1891, UNTIL DATE OF SALE, INCLUSIVE. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS, THOMAS E. KIRBY, auctTIongErR. By NEW-YORK : ts dds PRINTED AT THE DE VINNE PRESS. 1891. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and éfany dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their Names and Addresses, and to pay down a Cash Deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk ufon the con- clusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves respon- sible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed; but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The Sale of any Article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description, or imperfection. All Articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within three days from conclusion of Sale, shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. THOS. E. KIRBY, Auctioneer. SPECIAL NOTICE. Intending Purchasers wishing to avoid the trouble and confusion of making a deposit during the Sale, can make arrangements previous to day of Sale with the Managers or Auctioneers at their Office, 6 East Twenty-third Street. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. THOS. E. KIRBY, Auctioneer. Jorm a Library. They are only a Collection. Nearly twenty years ago I began a tolerably comprebensive course of historical reading. In selecting the works necessary for this I got into the way of frequenting booksellers’ shops, and thus became inoculated with the disease which, in its development, made me a Collector. For many years I found rest after a bard day’s work in Wall Street, by spending an hour or two on my way home in one or more places where I could look over recently purchased books. In those days Mr. Sabin’s shop in Nassau Street was the favorite resort of book-collectors, and one could meet several of them there nearly every afternoon. The arrival of a box from London, containing new importations of books, was always an occasion of interest, and usually gave rise to keen competition for the privilege of making the first selections. Mr. Sabin was an enthusiastic student of Americana, and I was soon instilled with the same feeling. My first efforts were not directed to the purchase of rarities so much as to early local histories of towns, accounts of Indian fights, and other incidents of Special interest. But it is natural to work back to first principles, and so I found myself striving more and more every year to secure the original sources of our knowledge of the dis- covery and early history of the country. This made me more or less familiar with the works issued in the.early part of the sixteenth century and the latter part of the fifteenth. Then I became impressed with the wonderful beauty of these volumes, and I began to study and collect Early Printed Books. The dispersion of several of the finest libraries in England gave unexpecied and most favorable opportunities to secure books I is not Claimed that the books described in this Catalogue of this description. It is not in the range of probability that collectors will ever again have such facilities in this direction as were given by the sale of the Sunderland, Hamilton Palace, Beckford, Syston Park, and Wodbull Libraries. They con- tained volumes of which bibliographers have written enthusias- tically for a hundred and fifty years, and which were generally supposed to be out of the reach of modern collectors. I was fortunate enough to secure many of the more notable of these precious volumes, and to crown fittingly my acquisition of them by the purchase of the most remarkable of all printed books, as it is the first—the Gutenberg Bible. In selecting these examples of early typographical work I have always tried to get books which were not only beautiful and in fine condition but which were inherently valuable. Next to the Gutenberg Bible the oldest printed volume in the collection is the Catholicon of Balbus. It is the fourth book printed with a date (1460), and is the first lexicon or dittionary published. The‘ De Officiis’’ of Cicero is remarkable as being the first classic printed and as exhibiting the first example of Greek charaéters in print, all previous passages having been written in. The col- lection contains three other First Editions of Cicero. There are to be found also the only known copy of the first printed Arithmetic, the First Editions of Apuleius, Aristotle, St. Augustine, Boccaccio, Cesar, St. Chrysostom, Columbus, Cortes, Euclid, Euripides, Hesiod, Homer, Horace, Lactantius, Lascaris (the first book printed in Greek), Peter Martyr, Nepos, Petrarch, Pindar, Plato, Plautus, Pliny, Plutarch, Ptolemy, Seneca, Tacitus, Theocritus, Vespucius, and Virgil. It must be borne in mind that these volumes were printed direéily from manuscripts and that they have, therefore, the same impor- tance, virtually, as the original classical codices. No matter what may be the estimation in which public opinion bolds a classical education, such books as these will possess an attraction for intelligent men and women for all time. They represent the great leaders in Fiction, Poetry, Mathematics, Philosophy, Theology, History, and Travel, and they are the very foundation-stones of the literature of the cultivated world. Tbe collection is strong in typograpbical rarities. It con- tains, in addition to those already named, the first three and the only books printed by Jobn of Spira, the first printer of Venice ; the first book printed in Italy ; one by the first printers of Paris ; one in which signatures were used for the first time ; the first volume issued in octavo form ; the first book printed by the stereotype process; and many others of almost equal interest. Next in importance are the Americana. At the bead of the list stands the unique copy of Columbus’s Letter in Spanish to Luis de Sani Angel, which | believe to be the earliest printed report of Columbus’s first voyage. Then follow the two editions in Latin, one of which Harrisse claims to be the first of all the Latin editions, while Major makes the same claim for the other. With them is to be found also the equally rare edition in German. After these come the Voyages of Vespucius and of Cortes, the Works of Peter Martyr, the Voyages of Nunez Cabeca de Vaca, of Laudonniére, Jacques Cartier, Oviedo, Hakluyt, De Bry, Champlain, Garcilasso de la Vega, Captain Jobn Smith and others. The rarest of the accounts of the settlements made in this country by the English and French during the seven- teenth century are also to be found in the collection. The copy of Eliot’s Indian Bible, which is usually classed under Americana, is next in interest, perhaps, to Gutenberg’s great work. Of the books printed in England, Caxton’s edition of Higden’s Polychronicon stands first. It came from a dealer who described it as the best of the six known perfect copies. Wynkyn de Worde is represented by the Vitas Patrum and The Seven Penitential Psalms. The rare and beautiful first English edition of The Ship of Fools is an example of Richard Pynson’s skill, and Arnold’s Chronicle of London, printed by Peter Treveris, compares favorably with it. Among the works of Shakespeare are to be found six of the Quarto editions, the four Folios, the Poems, and a copy of the Venus and Adonis of which only one other copy is known, and that, being in the British Museum, is beyond the reach of the collector. There are also First Editions of Shirley, Massinger, Peele, Daniel, Ben Jonson, Milton, Burns, Keats, and Shelley. The last named volume bas a personal feature of the greatest interest, which is not mentioned in the Catalogue. It is a presentation copy from Shelley to Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, and contains more than a page of ber writing, in which she inscribes her admiration and love of Shelley. Among the French books are included the illustrated works which were published in the latter part of the eighteenth century, and which are remarkable for grace of design and perfection of execution. When the drawings of Eisen, Moreau, Monnet, Denon, Lebarbier, and others, were skillfully engraved on copper, then printed on fine paper, and the whole bound with that taste for which the French binders are proverbial, the result was a book which for artistic beauty bas never been excelled. It is not improper to say that I have exercised fastidious care in the selection of these volumes, and that they are in the finest possible condition. The study of Early Printed Books took me naturally to Manuscripts, and while I have not made any efforts to collect a great number, I have tried to secure representative examples of the English, French, and Italian schools. The Pembroke Book of Hours is not surpassed, probably, by any manuscript of English execution in any private collection in the world. The smaller manuscripts, while less important, are equally interest- ing as Specimens of the skill of medieval scribes and tllumina- tors. It is instructive to compare the French examples with the Books of Hours printed at Paris about the beginning of the sixteenth century. In some cases, only a careful examination will enable one to detect the differences between the written and the printed volumes. Mingled with the rarities above described will be found a goodly number of essays, histories, books of poetry, and works on political economy. Without laying claim to much know- ledge I can say truthfully that my acquaintance with my books bas not been confined to their exteriors or to their typographical peculiarities. They have comforted me after many a weary day, and have stood often in the place of friends. I can hope nothing better for them and for their future owners than that they may receive as watchful care and give as much pleasure as while in my possession. ee: New-York, January, 1891. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. By GILBERT ABBOTT A BECKETT. Jilustrated with 10 highly facetious colored engravings, and 98 woodcuts, by JoHN LeecH. Lonpon: Bradbury, Evans & Co. n. d. [1847.] 8°; half calf, gilt back, marbled edges. I EI oy cus (G. A.)—THe COMIC HISTORY of ROME. 2 ACOSTA (IOSEPH).— THE | NATVRALL | and Morall Hiftorie of the | Haff and Weft | Indies. | Intreating of the remarkeable things of Heaven, of the | Elements, Mettalls, Plants and Beafts which are pro- | per to that Country: Together with the: Manners, | Ceremonies, Lawes, Governements, and Warres of | the Indians. | Written in Spanifh by lofeph Acofta, and tranflated | into Englifh by E. G. | [Edward Grimstone.] Lon- DON: | Printed by Val: Sims for Edward Blount and William | Apfley, 1604. | Sm. 4°; 4 prel. leaves. Text 590 pp., followed by 7 leaves of Table and Errata. Polished sprinkled calf extra, gilt edges, by W. PRATT. 3 4ESOP.—Tue FABLES or ASOP, With Fifty-Six [lustrations from De- signs by HENRY L. STEPHENS. New York: J. W. Bouton, 1868. 4°; brown cloth. 3 13 14 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. ZS — 4 SOP. Cfopi appologi fiue mpthologi cum quibufdam carmimin et fabularum additionibus Sebaltiani Grant. In FinE [ fol. 202, verso] : MWypthologi Efopt clariffimi fabulatoris : una cum Auiani et Hemiciy quibuldam fabulig: per Sebaltia- num Wrant nuper reuifi: adpditifyy per eum ex barijs autoribus, centum circiter }. quadraginta elegantiffiz mis fabellis, facetis Dictis, et beriibus : ac midi mon- ftruofis ropluribus creaturis : Jmpreii Bafilee ope- ra et impenfa magiftri Jacobi de Phortsheim : An- oa Dominice incarnatidis primo polt quindecim cen- tefimum : [1501] feliciter finiunt. Folio; 202 unnumbered leaves; with 332 exceedingly curious and diverting \WOODCUTS. Bound in russia leather super-extra, elaborately blind-tooled back and paneled sides, gilt edges, by CLARKE and BEDFORD. A BEAUTIFUL Copy (ON LARGE PAPER) IN THE MOST PER- FECT CONDITION. VERY RARE. “The very mention of Aisop darts a species of electricity through the limbs of an ardent Collector. He thinks how dearly he loved in his boyish days to read the supposed adven- tures, the wily tricks, and the arch sayings of all the Animals introduced into this instructive volume; and as his knowledge expands, and his taste becomes matured, he spares no trouble, nor sticks at any cost, to become the possessor of most of those impressions which are distin- guished for rarity, or price, or curious and cogjly embellishments.’’— DIBDIN. ne 5 AKENSIDE (M.)—Tue POETICAL WORKS of MARK AKEN- SIDE. Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1835. 12°; portrait, brown calf, marbled edges. 6 ALCIATUS (A.)—CLARISSIMI | virip. ANDRE AL- | ciati Emblematum libellus, uigilanter | recognitus, & ab ipfo iam au- | thore locupletatus. | Pa- risus: | Apud Chriftianum Wechelum, Jub fcuto | Bajilienfi, in uico Tacobeo: & fub \ Pegafo, in uico Bellouacenfi. | M.D.XLII. Sm. 8°; pp. 121, and 3 unpaged leaves of Index ; with 115 beautiful WoopcuTs. Bound in crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled and filleted sides, with corner orna- ments and center-pieces, inside broad dentelle borders, richly gilt and delicately tooled, by LORTIC. An elegant copy of this fascinating volume. IN A SLIDING CASE, 7 ALISON (ARCHIBALD).— ESSAYS POLITICAL, HISTORICAL, and MISCELLANEOUS. Epinsurcu: Blackwood & Sons, 1850. 3 vols. 8° ; polished tree-calf extra, gilt backs, filleted sides, marbled edges. 8 ALISON (SIR ARCHIBALD).— HISTORY of EUROPE from the Commencement of the French Revolution to the Accession of Louis Na- POLEON in MDCCCLII. EpinBuRGH: Blackwood & Sons, 1859-60. 23 vols. and oblong atlas of maps; with PORTRAITS engraved on steel, Elegantly bound in polished tree-calf super-extra, gilt backs, marbled edges. . Catalogue of Books and Manustripts. 15 2. g ALLAN (JOHN).— A CATALOGUE of the Books, AuTocrapus, En- GRAVINGS, and MIscELLANEOUS ARTICLES, belonging to the Estate of the late Joun ALLan. New York: 1864. Roy. 8°; half crimson levant morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. LARGE PAPER. 100 copies only printed. With List of the NAMES of PURCHASERS, and PRICES, bound at the end, and with portrait on steel prefixed. (22 Je to ALMANAC (FRENCH).— ALMANACH | DE | VERSAILLES, Année 1787. One vol. 12°; bound in red morocco with a large cartouche tooled in the center of both sides. It contains the arms of France and of Austria, each on a shield, surrounded by a wreath and a royal crown above. The binding is a good and well preserved specimen of the French work of the last cen- tury. The book is in excellent condition and is enclosed in a morocco case. This little volume will be esteemed chiefly because it came from the library of the unfortu- nate QUEEN MARIE ANTOINETTE and bears her arms. Butit hasa considerable intrinsic value, inasmuch as it gives minute descriptions of Versailles, Trianon, ‘‘ Le Petit Trianon,” etc., and lists of the names of the King’s and Queen's attendants. It gives a vivid picture of the enor- mous expense necessary to carry on the royal household, and goes far to explain the restlessness of the French people under the taxation necessary to provide funds for such lavish expenditure. — 11 AMBERLEY (VISCOUNT).—An ANALYSIS of RELIGIOUS BELIEF. Lonpon: TZriibner & Co. 1876. 2 vols. 8°; cloth, UNCUT. 7~ 12 AMERICA: | on | An exact Description | or THE | West-Inp1Es: | More especially of those | Provinces which are under | the Dominion of the | King of Spain | faithfully represented by N. N. Gent. London, printed by Ric. Hodgkinsonne for Edw. Dod, | and are to be sold at the Gun in /yy-lane. 1656. ‘ 12°; two parts in one vol. Bound by RIVIERE & SON in citron morocco extra, Lilt back and edges. RARE. A border of fleurs-de-lis surrounds the title page ; map of America fronts title. ~~ 13 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY.— Arcuo.octa AMERI- CANA. ‘Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society. Published by Direction of the Society. VOL. I. Worcester, Mass., MDCCCXX. 89, gf. 436. VOL. II. [Indian Dialects and Tribes of North America, by ALBERT GaLLaTIn.] Cambridge, Mass., 1836. 8°, pp. Xxx. 573 (1). VOL. IIT. Boston, 1857. 8°, pp. cxxxviii. 378. VOL. IV. Boston, 1860. 8°, pp. viii. 355 (1). 4 vols. 8°; half maroon morocco extra, gilt tops, Jront edges UNCUT, 5y BRADSTREET. 14 [AMERICAN FORTS, &c.]—A Set of Prans and Forts in AMERICA. Reduced from Actual Surveys, 1765. [Lonpon, 1765.] Sm. 8°; calf. 30 plates engraved by P. Andrews. In the plan of New York City as surveyed by T. Maerschalckm in 1763, the city ends at Warren Street. An exceedingly rare and interesting book, ae 16 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 4 — 1s ANACREON.—OAAPIA ANAKPEONTOZ. ODES D’ANACREON avec LIV Compositions par GirovET. Traduction d’Ams. Firmin-Dipot. Typographie de Firmin-Didot Freres. Paris: 1864. 16°; with 54 beautiful photographic illustrations after designs by GIRODET. Cloth, UNCUT. SCARCE. /J/® 1 ANACREON.—Tue ODES or ANACREON,. Translated by Tuomas Moore. With 54 Jilustrative Designs by GrRODET DE RovussEy. Now First Produced in England. Lonpon: n. d. [1869.] Oblong 12° ; cloth extra, gilt edges. ot ae 17 APULEIUS.—[L. APULEII Mapaurensis OPERA ex recognitione JOANNIS ANDRE ALERIENSIS, et cum ejufdem Prefatione ad PAULUMII.] Roma, in-domo Petri de Maximo (per Conradus Sweyn- heym et Aarnoldus Pannartz), M.CCCC.1xix. [1469.] First Epition. Folio; 177 leaves ; 38 long lines on full page ; without numerals, signatures, and catchwords. All the Initials are richly illuminated in gold and colors. The text on the recto of the 7th leaf is surrounded by a broad arabesque border of various colors heightened with gold. Bound in bright green morocco extra, gilt back and edges, paneled sides with corner ornaments, inside gold border, vellum fly-leaves, by WALTHER. From the Syston Park Library. The works of Apuleius end on the verso of fol. 159, without subscription ; fol. 160 is wholly blank. Then follows, on the recto of fol. 161, ALCINOUS’S épit- ome of the Platonic discipline, preceded by an epistle to Cardinal Cusano. This occupies 17 leaves. On the verso of the 17th leaf is the following subscription : Lucii Apuleii platonici madaureéfif philofophi metamorphofeot liber: ac ndnulla alia opufcula eiufdem: necnon epitoma Alcinoi in difciplinari’ Platonif definunt. Anno falutif M.CCCC.lxix Paulo ueneto regnante fecundo. anno eiuf gnto die uero ultima menfif Februarii. Rome in domo Petri de Maximo. Ps “ — 58 APULEIUS.— L’ANE D’OR, ou La MéramorrHose. Par APULfe. Traduction de SAVALETE, Préface de J. ANDRIEUX. Paris: Didot, 1872. Roy. 8° ; elegantly printed within ornamental borders, and illustrated with numerous Jine engrav- ings on wood, from designs by A. RACINET and P. BENARD. Half crimson levant morocco, gilt back and top, UNCUT. a, rs ~— 19 ARABIAN NIGHTS.—The Tuousanp and One NicHTs, commonly called, in England, The ARABIAN NicHTs’ ENTERTAINMENTS. A New Trans- lation from the Arabic, with copious Notes, by EDWARD WILLIAM LANE. Jiustrated by many Hundred Engravings on Wood, from Original Designs by Witu1aM Harvey. Lonpon: C. Knight & Co. 1839-41. 3 vols. roy. 8°. First Ep1Tion. Elegantly bound in citron colored calf super-extra, gilt backs, colored labels, filleted sides, tops gilt, by ZAEHNSDORF, fore edges UNCUT. Catalogue of Books and MWanuseripts. 17 42-— 2 ARIOSTO (L.)—ROLAND FURIEUX, Poéme Heroique, de L’ARIOSTE. Traduction Nouvelle, pak M. D’USSIEUX. Paris: chez Brunet, Libraire, rue des Ecrivains, 177 5-1783. 4 vols. 8°; sprinkled calf, gilt backs and edges. Portrait, and 92 beautiful plates by COCHIN, MOREAU, BARTOLOZZI, and others; brilliant impressions. 21 ARISTOTELIS.—[De HISTORIA ANIMALIUM Lisri. Interprete THEODORO Gaza. | . . . Venetiis per Iohannem de Colonia sociiiq; eius Iohanné mathen de Gherretzé. Anno domini M.CCCC.LXXVI._ [1476.} FirsT EDITION, MAGNIFICENTLY PRINTED ON VELLUM. Folio, 250 leaves ; 35 long lines ona full page; with signatures, but without numerals and catchwords. A sumptuous copy, with Arms of CAPECE, 3 borders and 16 Initial letters most exquisitely illuminated in gold and brilliant colors by an Italian miniatore. Bound in red morocco extra, gilt back, filleted sides, with corner ornaments, inside gilt border, and arms of SIR M. M. SYKES stamped in gold on the sides. ONLY ONE OTHER Copy is known of this exceedingly beautiful specimen of JOHN de COLONIA’S typography, and that is in the National Library in Paris, The work terminates on the verso of fol. 249, middle of the page, with the fol- lowing subscription : Finiunt libri de animalibus Ariftotelis interprete Theodoro Gaze. V. clariffimo: quos Ludouicus podocatharus Cypri- us ex Archetypo ipfius Theodori fideliter & diligéter aufcul tauit: & formulis imprimi curauit Venetiis per Iohannem de Colonia Sociiiq3 eius Iohanné mathen de Gherretzé. Anno domini. M.CCCC.LXXVI. The recto of the last leaf, fol. 250, contains the register of the signatures, which begins thus : Tabula cartarum fecundum ordinem ponendarum And concludes with the word : Finis THIS IDENTICAL Copy, which was formerly in the possession of Sir M. M. SyKEs, is described by DIBDIN in the following ecstatic terms; ‘‘ How can I omit to mention, with the distinction which it merits, the very beautiful, if not matchless, copy of THEODORE GAzA's Latin version of ‘‘Avistotle upon Animads,’’ of the date of 1476, in folio, UPON VELLUM, from the press of JOHN of COLOGNE—of which my friend Sir M. M. SyKEs is the fortunate pos- sessor! If my memory be not treacherous, this is the most exquisite specimen of an early Venetian vellum book that I have ever seen.” See DIBDIN, ‘‘ Bibl. Decameron,’ Vol. I., Zp. 402-3. PANZER, ‘‘Annales Typographici," Vol. III., J. 114. LAIRE, ‘‘lndex Librorum ab Inventd Typographid ad Annum r500,'' Vol. 1., p. 382. LA VALLIERE, “‘ Catalogue,’ Tome I., ~. 470. [BRAUN,] ‘‘Wotitia Historico-Litteraria de Libris ab Artis Typographice Inventione,”’ etc., Vol. I1., p. 68. HAIN, ‘‘Repertorium Bibliographi- cum," Vol. I., Pars I., f. 211. VAN PRAET, ‘‘Catalogue des Livres Imprimés sur Vélin,"’ Tome III., 2. 56. 18 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. me at 22 ARITHMETIC, Mceommincia una practica molto bona et utile | a clascbaduno chi puole urare larte de labbacbo. TREVISO, 1478. Sm. 4°. ‘THE FIRST ARITHMETIC PUBLISHED, and apparently never seen by Dr. Peacock or by Professor De Morgan, who cites it only on the authority of writers on the subject who proba- bly had merely heard of its existence. The only bibliographer who appears to have been per- sonally acquainted with its existence was Federici, who describes the work in his ‘Memorie Tre- vigiane’ (p. 73) and ascribes it to the press of Michiele Manzolo, one of the earliest of Treviso printers. As, however, the copy mentioned by Federici has since been lost, stolen, or mislaid, subsequent bibliographers have doubted or denied its existence and considered his statement as a blunder, more especially as in spite of the most diligent search by Brunet and other philobiblists, no copy could be discovered in the Bibliothéque Nationale, British Museum, Bodleian, or any other library, public or private.” The condition of the volume is generally good, with wide margins and untrimmed edges. But on some of the pages are manuscript figures which indicate that the boy of four hundred years ago ‘‘wrestled’’ with tne problems just as his successors have done. It is not possible, however, to get a better copy, as this is, so far as known, UNIQUE. From the Wodhull Library. _8 \77— 23 [ARMSTRONG (JOHN).]—Tue | ART | oF Preservine | HEALTH:|a| POEM. | LONDON, Printed: | PHILADELPHIA, Re-printed, and Sold by | B. FRANKLIN. M.DCC.XLV. 4°; pp. 88, sion. A to L in fours. Bound in olive levant morocco super-extra, inside lined with dark crimson levant morocco, with broad dentelle borders, richly gilt, elaborately tooled and deli- cately worked after a tasteful pattern, morocco joints, top gilt, ébarbé, double fly-leaves, by PAWSON & NICHOLSON. A BEAUTIFUL and EXCEEDINGLY RARE SPECIMEN OF FRANKLIN'S printing, and in remarkably fine preservation. e/5 ‘ ‘? 24 ARNOLD (MATTHEW).— Essays in Criticism. Boston: Zicknor & Fields, 1865. 12°; cloth. 25 ARNOLD (MATTHEW).— On the STUDY of CELTIC LITERA- TURE. By MatrHew ARNOLD. LONDON: Smith, Elder & Co. 1867. 8° ; cloth, UNCUT. 26 ARNOLD (MATTHEW).— CULTURE and ANARCHY: An Essay in Political and Social Criticism. By MarrHew ARNoLD. Lonpon: Smith, Elder & Co. 1869. 8°; cloth, UNCUT. 27 ARNOLD (MATTHEW).— POEMS sy MATTHEW ARNOLD. Lonpon: Macmillan & Co. MDCCCLXIX. 2 vols. 12°; green cloth, UNCUT. Catalogue of Books and Wanustripts. 19 — 28 ARNOLD (RICHARD).— ARNOLD’S CHRONICLE, or THE Cus- TOMS OF LONDON. n thig boke | ig conteined | pe names of | the baplpfis | Custoge ma | pers and she | refs of pe cp | te of {ondon | from the ty | me of Kkynge fichard the fprst % algo | the artycles of pe Chartour and Ipbar | tyes of the same Cpte And of the char | tour and {pbhartpes of England with | other dpuers matters good and neces | sarp for euerp cptezen to bnderstond | and knotwe. Whiche ben sheiwed in | chappters aftpr the fourme of thig ka | Iendpr folotupnge : Folio; printed in black letter, bound in olive crushed morocco by COVERLEY, gilt edges. Although this book has neither title page, date, printer's name, nor place of publication, it is well known to be the second edition of Arnold's Chronicle printed by Peter Treveris about I52r. The first edition was printed in Antwerp in 1503. This copy is perfect in every way. Both as a rare specimen of early printing and a chron- icle of the old corporations of London and many curious customs of the City, the volume pos- sesses unusual interest. 29 ARNOLD (THOMAS).—WORKS, comprising: I. Hisrory of RomE, 3 vols. II. History of the Later Roman CoMMONWEALTH, 2 vols, III. Sermons, 6 vols. IV. Lire and CoRRESPONDENCE of THOMAS ARNOLD, D. D., by ARTHUR PENRHYN STANLEY, 2 vols., fine portrait. LONDON: 1844-1857. 13 vols. 8°; bound in polished tree-calf super-extra, gilt backs, marbled edges, except ‘‘ LIFE" by STANLEY, 2 vols. 8°, cloth, UNCUT. 30 ARS MORIENDI.— (Epirio PRINcEps, circa 1450.) 4 Reproduction of the Copy in the BRITISH MUSEUM, Edited by W. HARRY RYLANDS, F.S. A. With an Inrropuction by GEORGE BULLEN, F.S. A., &c., Keeper of the Printed Books in the British Museum. Printed for the Hot- bein Society. LONDON : M.DCCC.LXXXI. 4°; cloth, uncut. A beautiful reproduction of this UNIQUE BLOCK-BOOK, for which the trustees of the British Museum paid, at the Weigel Sale, at Leipsic, in 1872, the sum of £1,072 Ios., exclusive of commission, being the highest price ever paid by them for any single xylographic or printed work. 31 ARTHUR OF LITTLE BRITAIN.— Tue History of the VALIANT Knicut, ARTHUR OF LITTLE BRITAIN. A Romance of Chivalry. Originally Translated from the French by JOHN BOURCHIER, Lorp Berners. A New Edition [Zdited by E. V. UtTerson]. With a series of richly colored Puates, from Illuminated Drawings in a valuable MS. of the Original Romance. Lonpon: Printed for White, Cochrane & Co., Fleet Street, 1814. 4°; bound in green levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, broad gold borders on the sides, inside gilt borders. A splendid copy, in exceptionally fine condition. SCARCE. 20 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. JI2Uo 32 ARTE DEL MORIRE. % TRATTADO DEL & MODO ET ARTE DEL MORIRE IN Gratia del omnipotente Dio, Opera certamente vti- lisfima, & a qualunq; uero chriftiano molto ne- ceffario, Nouamente con fumma diligentia reuifta & ftampada con le figuere debite alli luochi conue- nienti repofte. IN FINE [ fol. 20, verso]: @ Dtampata in Cenetia per Uittor de Hauani % Compagni, Del. 1536. Sm. 4°; 20 unnumbered leaves, sign. A to E in fours ; 36 lines to a full page ; with 13 extremely curious WooDCUTS. Bound in dark green levant morocco super-extra, blind-tooled back and sides, with large center-pieces appropriately ornamented with a gilt SKULL; inside broad gilt borders, by TOWNSEND. UNCUT. BLAck LETTER. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. $5 ~ 33 A[SH (T[HOMAS]).— CAROLINA; | or A | Description | Of the PRESENT STaTE of that | COUNTRY, | and | The Natural Excellencies thereof, viz. The | Healthfulnefs of the Air, Pleafantnefs of the Place, | Ad- vantage and Ufefulnefs of thofe Rich Commo- | dities there plentifully abounding, which much | encreafe and flourifh by the Induftry of the Plan- | vers that daily enlarge that Colony. | Publifhed by T.[Homas] A.[su.] Gent. | Clerk on Board his Majefties Ship the Richmond, which was | sent out in the Year 1680, with particular Inftructions to | enquire into the State of that Country, by His Majefties | Special Command, and Return’d this Prefent Year, 1682.| LONDON: | Printed for W. C. and to be Sold by Mrs. Grover in Pelican | Court in Little Britain, 1682. Sm. 4°; pp. (2) 40. Light polished calf extra, gilt back, yellow edges, by F. BEDFORD. VERY RARE. 34 A TRVE | Coppie or a Dis- | course written by a Gentleman, | employed in the late Voyage of | Spaine and Portingale : | @ | Sent to his particular friend, and | dy him published, for the better satisfacti- | on of all such, as hau- ing been sedu- | ced by particular report, haue entred in- | to conceipts tend- ing to the dis- | credit of the enterprise, and | Actors of the | Same. | (Device.) At Lonpon: | Printed for Thomas Woodcock | dwelling in Paules Church- yard, at | the signe of the | blacke Beare, 1589. Sm. 4°; printed in Wack Letter, and bound by PRATT in dark blue morocco, back and edges gilt. An exceedingly rare and interesting account (by a participant) of the unsuccessful attack on Lisbon in 1589 by the English army and fleet under command of Norris and Drake. | “Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 21 “ — 35 ATLAS GEOGRAPHIQUE ET ICONOGRAPHIQUE du Cours Complet d’EcriITURE SAINTE, gravé par vingt artistes distingués de Paris, etc. PARIS: 1844. Roy. 4° ; boards, UNCUT. 36 AUDUBON (J. J.)—Tue BIRDS OF AMERICA, from Drawincs made in the UNITED SratTes and their TERRITORIES. By JOHN JAMES AUDUBON. New York: /. J. Audubon, 1840-44. 7 vols. roy. 8°; with 500 beautifully colored plates, half green morocco, gilt backs and edges. ‘THE FIRST AND BEST EDITION IN THIS FORM, published during the author's lifetime, in one hundred parts. A FINE, CLEAN COPY. : 37 AUGUSTINUS (S.) | y (fol. 1a) Aurelii Auguftini de ciuitate dei primi libri incipiunt Rubrice. IN FINE (fol. 257 second column of the recto) : AVRELII. AVGVSTINI. doctoris egregii atq3 Epifcopi ypponenfis de ciui- tate dei liber uicefimiuffecundus explicit contra paganos. Sub anno a natiuitate domini. M.CCCC.LXVII. Pontificat’ PAVLI Pape fecundi anno eius terno. Terno regnante Romanog Impatore FREDERICO. Indictide. XV. die uero duodecima menfis [unii. GOD DEO GRATIAS. AL. FIRST EDITION, AND oF THE HIGHEST DEGREE OF RARITY. It begins with the TABLE, which occupies 12 leaves; then follows the TEXT on 257 leaves, ending on the recto, second column, of the last, with the words DEO GRATIAS. ny Some copies are without these last two mysterious words, which are supposed to signify, ‘‘ Godt allein die Ehre’”’ (Zo God alone the Honor). There are neither numerals, signatures, catchwords, nor prefixes to the chapters. The first page is painted in FLOWER SCROLLS and illuminated, and the large INITIALS at the beginning of each book (22 in number) are finely painted and illumi- nated. The present is a fine, large copy, clean and sound, with rough edges, excepting the last two leaves, which have been repaired. Size 14% x 11 inches. Bound in old red morocco, double paneled sides, gilt borders, with corner ornaments. *,** This edition was printed in the Monastery at Subiaco, and is the ¢kivd known produc- tion of that Monastic Press. From the exact resemblance of its types to those of the edition of LACTANTIUS, executed two years before, in the same Monastery, and from both these works being expressly noticed by SWEYNHEYM and PANNARTZ among the earliest of their produc- tions (in the list of works prefixed to their edition of DE Lyra’s Commentary printed in 1472), there is every probability to conclude that these artists were the printers of the present work. MEERMAN tells us ‘‘he turned over the leaves of this book, in the exquisite Library of the EARL of SUNDERLAND, in the year 1759," and agrees with MAITTAIRE in assigning it to the Subla- censian Press. (‘‘ Orig. Typog.'’ Vol. II. £p. 245-6.) DIBDIN describes this splendid volume as being ‘‘one of those choice specimens of rare ancient printing which a tastefu! collector rejoices to place in his library."’ (‘‘ Bib2. Spenceriana,'’ Vol. I. g. 170.) 4 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. ACON (F.)— THe WORKS of FRANCIS BACON... Lord High Chancellor of England. Collected and Edited by James SPEDDING, M. A., RoBert LrEsLiE Exiis, M. A., and Douctias Denon Heatu. CamBRIDGE: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1863. 15 vols. 8°; half blue morocco, tops gilt, front edges UNCUT, rubricated titles. Portraits on India Paper. LARGE PAPER: 100 copies only printed, and now scarce in this size. An elegant example of American Typography. It is an accurate reprint of the dest English edition, with additions and corrections by the chief editor, Mr. JAMES SPEDDING. The size is more convenient, and the /zdex much more complete, than that of the London edition. 39 BACON.— PERSONAL HISTORY of LORD BACON. From un- published Papers. By WiLLIAM HEepwortH Dixon. Boston: Zicknor & Fields, 1861. 8°; half blue morocco, top gilt, front edges UNCUT, rubricated title. LARGE PAPER. 75 copies printed. $0-~ 40 BADIUS.— Jodori Badij atte | @fij stultifere nauicule feu fcaphe, tae ew fa pape \ L Fatu | arum mulierum: circa fenfus quing; ex | teriores fraude nauigan- tium. | Stultifere naues fenfus animofgq; trahentes | Mortis in exitium. | IN FINE: Impreffit honeftus Iohannes pru§ Ciuis Argentinenfis, Anno falutis M.CCCOC ATL Sm. 4°; 24 unnumbered leaves, 33 lines to a full page, not including the running title; with 7 EXCEEDINGLY CURIOUS WOODCUTS, each occupying half a page, representing 7 boat-loads of ‘“« Female Fools." Bound in full russia extra, paneled and filleted sides, with large and small corner ornaments, gilt edges, by F. BEDFORD. A BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. EXTREMELY RARE. A good account of this pungent satire on ‘‘ Female Fools ’’ is found in WRIGHT'S ‘‘History of Caricature and Grotesque,” etc., Lond., 1864, pp. 223-4: ‘‘ The first cut represents the ship carrying Eve alone of the female race, whose folly involved the whole world. The book is divided into five chapters, according to the number of the five senses, each sense represented by a boat carrying its particular class of foolish women to the great ship of foolish women, which lies off at anchor. The text consists of a dissertation on the use and abuse of the particular sense which forms the substance of the chapter, and it ends with Latin verses, which are given as the boatman’s celeusma, or boat song.” 41 BALL AND KENNEDY.— PEAKS, PASSES, anp GLACIERS. A Series of Excursions by Members of the Alpine Club. Edited by Joun Batt and Epwarp Suirtey KeEnnepy. Lonpon: Longman, 1859-62. 3 vols. 8°; with MAps, CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES, and numerous WOODCUTS; half maroon morocco, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. SCARCE. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 23 42 BALBUS (JOHANNES) DE JANUA. (fol. 14.) [L.JAcipit tumma quaunocat catbolicon, edita a fra tre fobanne de tanua, ordinis trate predicator. Rotodia queda ps | gramatice nuncupa | tur, Pat= tes fiquidem | gramatice funt qua | tuor. Tilicet orthog | pbia ethbymologia | dialintattica et pro | fodia. Orthbogpbia | d’r ab ortbos quod | € rectum et gtapbia | tcriptura. Mn ortbog | pbia, i. trac= tatus de | On the recto of the last leaf but one, at the bottom of the second column, is the following CoLoPHoN : Altiffimi prefidio cuius nutu infantium lingue fi unt diferte. Qui g niio fepe puulis reuelat quod fapientibus celat. ‘hic liber egregius. catbolicon, ditice incarnacionis annis MD cccc ly Alma in ur be maguntina nacionis inclite germanice. Quam dei clemencia tam alto ingentj lumine. dono gg tuito. ceteris terrax nactonibus preferre, illuttrare g@ dignatus eft fon calami., ttili, aut penne tuftra gio. mira patronar formar g3 concordia ppor cione et modulo, impreflus atg3 contectus elt. thinc tibi fancte pater nato ci famine facro, Laus et bonor diio trino tribnatur et uno Lccletie lau de libro boc catbolice plaude Qui laudare piam femper non linque marfam DEO GRACTAS Large folio. Elegantly bound in heavy grosgr. crimson levant morocco super-extra, richly gilt back, filleted sides with corner ornaments, paneled inside with broad morocco borders, richly gilt and finely tooled, morocco joints, by WM. MATTHEWS. UNCUT EDGES. Jin a sliding case lined with chamois skin. FIRST EDITION, printed in small Gothic characters in double columns, without marks of any kind. It contains 373 leaves, which number is correct according to PANZER, HAIN, and BRUNET; but DiBpIN makes the copy he describes in ‘‘ Bibl. Spenceriana”’ to contain 375 leaves, evidently trusting to the pencil numbers to which he refers. The Capitals and Initials throughout the volume are painted in red and blue. This magnificent volume, which is attributed to the press of JOHN GUTENBERG, is regarded as the FOURTH BOOK PRINTED WITH A DATE; and its extraordinary rarity and value have been mentioned by most Bibliog- raphers. Its importance is largely due to the fact that it is the FIRST LEXICON or diction- ary ever published. The present copy is an exceedingly fine one; the leaves measure 16x 11% inches. It is sound and perfect in every leaf, and nearly as clean as if it had but just been issued from the press. The copy in Sir John Thorold’s Library, with edges cut and gilt, sold in 1884 for £400. * 4 24 Catalogue of Books and Wanuscripts. /— 43 BANCROFT (GEORGE).— LITERARY and Hisrorica MISCEL- LANIES. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1855. 8°; cloth, UNCUT. PA el 44 BANCROFT (GEORGE).— HISTORY of the UNITED STATES, from the Discovery of the AMERICAN ConTINENT. Boston: Zittle, Brown | & Company, 1866-74. 5 10 vols. 8°; portraits and maps, half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. Wade 45 BANCROFT (H. H.)—Tue NATIVE RACES of the PACIFIC STATES of NortH America. By Hupert Howe Bancrorr. Vot. I. Wild Tribes. Vox. II. Civilized* Nations. Vo.. III. Myths and Lan- guages. VoL. IV. Antiquities. Voi. V. Primitive History. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1875-76. 5 vols. 8°; maps and engravings, brown cloth. 46 BARBER (J. W.)— VIEWS in NEW HAVEN aand its VICINITY. With a particular Description to each View. Drawn and Engraved by J: W. BarBer. NEw Haven: 1825. 12°; with 6 colored plates, half roan. 47 BARBER (J. W.)— HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of NEW HAVEN (CONN.) from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Collected and Compiled from the most Authentic Sources by J. W. BARBER. NEw Haven: 1831. 12°; with map and colored engravings, half roan, UNCUT. 48 BARNES (D. M.)—Tue DRAFT RIOTS in NEW YORK, JuLy, 1863. The Metropolitan Police: their Services during Riot Week, their Honorable Record. By Davin M. Barnes. New York: Baker & Godwin, 1863. 8°; pp. 117, half roan. SCARCE. 49 BARRE (L.)—HERCULANUM et POMPEI, Recurit GénkrAL des PEINTURES, Bronzes, MosaiQuss, etc. Découverts jusqu’a ce jour, et repro- duits d’aprés Le ANTICHITA DI ERCOLANO,1L MusEo BorBonico, et tous les Ouvrages analogues; Augmenté de Sujets Inédits, Gravés au trait sur Cuivre par H. Roux ainé, et accompagné d’une Texte explicatif par M. L. Barrt. Paris: Firmin-Didot Freres, MDCCCXL. 8 vols. imp. 8°; boards, UNCUT. A fine copy in excellent condition of the First Edition. The Musée Secrét is included. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 25 50 BARRY (THOMAS).— Narrative of the SINGULAR ADVENTURES and Captivity of Mr. THomas Barry, among the Monsipi Indians, in the unexplored Regions of North America, during the years 1797, 1798, & 1799: Including the Manners, Customs, &c., of that Tribe; also a particu- lar Accoynt of his Escape, accompanied by an INDIAN FEMALE; the extraordinary Hardships they encountered ; and their safe Arrival in London. WrittEN By Himsetr. Sommers Town: SPrinted and published by A, Neil, 1800. 18°; pp. 60, plate, light polished calf extra, gilt edges, by W. PRATT. 51 [(BARTHOLUS de Saroferrato,] @ Tractatus procuratoris editus tub nomine diaboli: qi petijt tultitia cord deo. et bta virgo Maria fe oppotuit Ctra ipm: et obtinuit. necnd obmutuit pugna contra genus bumanum, [ Adsque anni, loci et typographi indicatione, sed ROM, STEPH. PLANNCK, circa 1480.]| Sm. 4°; 10 leaves, 32 lines to a full page, boards. A BEAUTIFUL COPY, IN PERFECTLY CLEAN CONDITION. EXCESSIVELY RARE. 52 BARTRAM (JOHN).— OBSERVATIONS on the Inhabitants, Cli- * mate, Soil, Rivers, Productions, Animals, and other matters worthy of Notice. Made by MR. JOHN BARTRAM, in his Travels from PEN- SILVANIA to Onondaga, Oswego, and the Lake Ontario, in Canada. To which is annex’d a Courious Account of the CaTaracts at NIAGARA. By MR. PETER KALM, A Sweedi/h GENTLEMAN who traveled there. Lonpon: /rinted for J. Whiston and B, White, in Fleet Street, 1751. 8°; Title, pp. 94, folding map, light polished calf super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, by W. PRATT. 53 BASCOM (A.) POLITICAL ECONOMY: Designed as a Text-Book for Colleges. By JOHN BASCOM, A. M. ANDOVER: 1860. 12° ; cloth. 54 BATES (S. P.)—Tue BATTLE of GETTYSBURG. By Samuer P. Bates. PHILADELPHIA: Z. H. Davis & Co, 1875. 8°; 2p. 336. Maps and engravings, 13 portraits engraved on steel, blue cloth. ss BEALE (E. F.) and HEAP (G. H.)— CENTRAL ROUTE to the PACIFIC, from the VaLiey of the MississIpp1 to CALIFORNIA: Journal of the Expedition of E. F. Beate and Gwinn Harris HEAP. PHILADEL- PHIA: 1854. 8°; with 13 tinted plates, gray cloth. 26 Catalogue of Wooks and Wanuscripts. BEAMISH (N. L.)— Tue Discovery of AMERIca by the NORTHMEN, in the Tenth Century, with Notices of the Early Settlements of the Irish in the Western Hemisphere. By NortH LupLow BeamisH. Lonpon: 7: & W. Boone, 1841. , 8°; 2 maps and plate, boards, rough edges. BEATTIE (J.)— Tue POETICAL WORKS of JAMES BEATTIE. Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1853. 12°; portrait, brown calf, gilt back, marbled edges, BEAUFOY (M.)— MEXICAN ILLUSTRATIONS, founded upon Facts; indicative of the present Condition of Society, Manners, Religion, and Morals, among the SpanisH and NaTivE INHABITANTS Of MEXICO .. . as they appeared during part of the Years 1825, 1826, and 1827... By Mark Beauroy. LONDON: 1828. 8°; pp. xit., 310. Map and plates, boards, UNCUT. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.— Tue WORKS of BEAUMONT & FLETCHER; The Text formed from a New Collation of the Early Editions. With Norres and a BioGRAPHICAL Memoir, by the REV. ALEXANDER DYCE. Lonpon: Moxon, MDCCCXLIII. 11 vols. 8°; portraits, bound in light polished calf extra, gilt backs and tops, front edges UNCUT. VERY FINE Copy. BesT EDITION. Scarce. BECKER (PRoF. W. A.)— GALLUS, or Roman Scengs of the TIME of Aucustus. With Notes and Excursuses Illustrative of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. ‘Translated by the REV. FREDERICK MET- CALFE, M. A. Fourts Epition. Lonpon: Longmans, 1873. Post 8°; polished tree-calf extra, gilt backs, marbled edges, filleted sides, by RIVIERE. BECKER (PROF. W. A.)—CHARICLES, or ILtLusrrations of the PrivaATE Lire of the ANCIENT GREEKS. With Notes and Excursuses. Translated by the REV. FREDERICK METCALFE, M. A. FourtH EpitTion. Lonpon: Longmans, 1874. Post 8° ; polished tree-calf extra, gilt backs, marbled edges, filleted sides, by RIVIERE. BELL (CHARLES).— ESSAYS on the ANATOMY and PHILOSO- PHY of EXPRESSION. Second Edition. Lonpon: John Murray, 1824. 4°; cloth, UNCUT. Lxcellent impressions of the plates. BELL (W. A.)—New Tracrs in Norra America. A Journal of Travel and Adventure whilst engaged in the SuRvEy for a SOUTHERN RalL- ROAD to the Paciric Ocean during 1867-8. By WILLIAM A. BELL, M. A... Lonpon:. Chapman & Hall, 1869. 2 vols, 8°; with map, 20 colored lithographic plates, and 21 woodcuts, cloth, UNCUT. Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. 27 64 BENTON (T.)—THIRTY YEARS’ VIEW; or, A History of the WorkKInG of the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT for THIRTY YEARS, from 1820 to 1850. . . With Historical Notes and Illustrations, and some Notices of Eminent Deceased Cotemporaries. By A SENATOR OF THIRTY YEARS. [THomas Benton.] New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1854. 2 vols. roy. 8°; cloth, portrait. ~ 6; BERMUDAS. A PLAINE DESCRIPTION OF THE BARMVDAS, NOW CALLED SOMMER ILANDS. With the manner of their difcouerie Anno 1609, by the fhipwrack and admirable deliuerance of Sir Zhomas Gates and Sir. George Sommers, wherein are truly fet forth the commodities and profits of that Rich, Pleafant and Healthfull COVNTRIE. WITH An Addition, or more ample relation of diuers other remarkeable matters concerning thofe Ilands fince then experienced, lately fent Jrom thence by one of the Colonie now there refident. ECCLESIASTES 3: II. God hath made euery thing beautiful in his time. LONDON: Printed by W. Stansby for W. Welby, 1613. Sm. 4°; 4 prel. leaves, and 43 pages, n.n. Twenty pages of the Text are in BLACK LETTER, the remainder in ROMAN, elegantly bound in bright crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt edges, paneled and filleted sides, with corner ornaments, by ¥. BEDFORD. A BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THIS VERY RARE, CURIOUS AND INTERESTING VOYAGE. Prof, Tyler says: ‘‘It isa book of marvelous power. . . . It has some sentences which for imagination and pathetic beauty, for vivid applications of appalling danger and disaster, can hardly be surpassed in the whole range of English Prose.’ (‘‘ Hist. Am. Lit.” Vol. 1., p. 42.) 66 BERANGER (P. J.)—C:UVRES COMPLETES, Edition Unique revue par l’Auteur. ORNEE DE 104 VIGNETTES EN TAILLE-DOUCE dessinées par les Peintres les plus célébres. Paris: ferrotin, 1834. 4 vols. DER- 28 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. NIERES CHANSONS de B&éRANGER, de 1834 4 1851, avec une LETTRE et une PrRéFAcE de AuTEuR. Paris: /errotin, 1857. 1 vol. MUSIQUE des CHANSONS de Bérancer, Airs Notés Anciens et Modernes. Neuviéme Edition, revue par Frépéric BéRaT, augmentée de la Musique des Chansons Posthumes. D’Airs composés par Béranger, Halévy, Gou- nod, et Laurent de Rillé. Paris: Perrotin, 1865. z vol. MA BIO- GRAPHIE, Ouvrage posthume de P. J. DE BERANGER. Avec un APPENDICE et un grand nombre de Notes INEpiITES de BERANGER sur ses Chansons. Deuxiéme Edition. Paris: /errotin, 1859. I vol. 7 vols. 8°; with, numerous beautiful plates on steel, from the designs of Johannot, Gigoux, Boulanger, etc., all brilliant proof impressions on India Paper, and an EXTRA SERIES of colored plates by H. Monnier; elegantly bound in polished crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt backs, filleted sides, broad inside gilt borders, edges gilt over marble, by MASSON-DE BONNFILLE. 47 L4~— 6, BEROALDUS (P.)—Derlamatioa Philippi | Weroaldi de tribus fratrib’: ebrifo: feorz | tatore: et aleone non minus btilis 95 iucunda, | IN FINE: @ €x officina tratoria Alberti Pafradi Anno abirgines partu 09.CCCC. Fir Mente Augutto. Sm. 4°; °13 leaves, 31 lines toa full page, elegantly bound in brown levant morocco super-extra, paneled and filleted sides, gilt edges, by \V. PRATT. VERY RARE. aX/ — 68 [BEVERLEY (ROBERT)]|.—THE | HISTORY |AND | Prefent State| OF | VIRGINIA, | In Four PARTS. | I. The History of the Firft Settlement | of Virginia, and the Government there- | of, to the Prefent Time. | II. The Natural Productions and Conveni- | ences of the Country, fuited to Trade | and Improvement. | III. The Native Jx- dians, their Religion, Laws, | and Cuftoms, in War and Peace.| IV. The prefent State of the Country, as to | the Polity of the Government, and the | Improvements of the Land. | By a Native and Inhabitant of the PLACE. | Lonpon: | Printed for R. Parker, at the Unicorn, under the Piazza’s of the Royal-Exchange, MDCCV. 8°; 7 prel. leaves, including the frontispiece, title, dedication, and preface; Table and Errata, 20 pp.; Text, Book I., 104 ~.; Book II., 40 £f.; Book III., 64 f9.; followed by a folded sheet con- taining the Census of 1703; Book IV., 83 fp., with 14 fine copperplates by S. Gribelin, reduced from De Bry’s Latin edition of Hariot's ‘‘ Admiranda Narratio."" Richly bound in dark blue wrinkled morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled sides, with corner ornaments and double borders, broad inside borders. A SUMPTUOUS COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, AND VERY RARE in such fine condition. ‘‘ BEVERLEY is the best authority concerning the particular subjects delineated in his quaint and agreeable pages; and his work affords the most vivid, comprehensive, instructive, and entertaining picture of Virginia at the date of his writing that is to be found." —‘' North Ameri- can Review," Vol. I. pp. 158-161. ¥ 69 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 29 The Gutenberg Bible. THE FIRST ‘BOCwm PRIME ED With TYPES. THE BIBLE IN LATIN, WITH THE PROLOGUE OF SAINT JEROME. THE FIRST EDITION. Gothic tppe: Aundreds of illuminated capital letters, brilliantly colored and decorated, many of them heightened with gold. Two volumes folio, MENTZ: Joannes Gutenberg. [1450-1455 ?] In the original binding, thick oak boards covered with stamped calf, orna- mented brass corners and center-pieces, with bosses ; many leaves with uncut edges; measuring 11% by 157% inches on the leaf. Without title pages, pagination, or signatures ; 641 leaves printed in double columns, 42 lines toa full column ; the initials and rubrics in manuscript throughout, The first vol- ume contains 324 leaves (of which one is in facsimile) and ends with the Psalms ; the second has 317 leaves (sixteen in facsimile ). “The honor of producing the first and, as many think, the most perfect book, is now ascribed to Gutenberg alone, Fust not coming in for a share of the credit of the invention until after his famous lawsuit in 1455, when the Bible had been finished. We call it, therefore, the Gutenberg Bible, and have no sympathy for any French name given to it simply because a copy found in a Paris library had the honor of being described by a French bookseller.’’"— H. STEVENS (in Caxton Celebration Catalogue). It was known formerly as the ‘‘ Mazarin Bible’’ from the fact that the earliest published description of it was based on a copy discovered by De Bure in the Mazarin Library. While it is impossible to fix with accuracy the date of the appearance of this first printed book, it is generally believed to have been published between 1450 and 1455. That it was not later than 1456 is shown by a MS. note which is in the copy in the National Library in Paris which states that it was ‘‘illuminated, bound and completed on the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary [Aug. 15], 1456, by Henricus Albrech, adias Cremer," Vicar of the Collegiate Church of St. Stephen at Mayence. Some copies, which may be called a SECOND ISSUE, have 4o lines on each of the first eight pages, 41 on the ninth, and the rest 42. In the later issue the three red lines at the beginning are iz type, and not iz manuscript as in the 42-line issue. In the first volume of this copy the beginning of the prologue to the Pentateuch (recto of 4th leaf), of the book of Genesis (recto of 5th leaf), and the title and finis (Zcifit and Explicit) of each of the books, from Genesis to Ruth, inclusive, are rubricated iz manuscript, not printed. The Gutenberg Bible, as Dibdin remarks in his description of Earl Spencer's copy, has been ‘‘ justly praised for the strength and beauty of the paper, the exactness of the register, the luster of the ink, and the general splendor and magnitude of the volumes.'’ In Asher's announcement, in 1873, the present copy is claimed to be the most beautiful of all known copies on paper. ‘‘It is not only the fad/est and almost wacut copy, but it is of remarkable fresh- ness and purity, and though it has never been subjected to washing, is without the least stain. One sees by the costliness of its binding and by the beauty of its painted initials, heightened with gold and decorated in arabesques, that it was intended for the library of some prince or great nobleman. This exceptional excellence brought it ill-fortune, for some barbarian or crazed amateur has taken from it a few leaves, doubtless for the sake of their capital letters.” By extraordinary good luck some ancient paper was found like that on which the Bible was printed, and the missing leaves were reproduced by photolithographic facsimile with such success that it is not easy to distinguish them. ‘The copy is so nearly uncut that many of the manuscript cues for the rubricator are preserved at the extreme upper margins of the leaves. 5 30 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts: On the outer margins can be seen also the holes made by the pins by which the sheets were fastened while going through the press. ‘It is, in other words, just as it came from the press and the hands of the great Inventor of Printing, and, so far as known, is in this respect UNIQUE. The only other copy of this Bible in the United States is in the Lenox Library ; that, however, is one of the ‘‘ forty-line '’ edition above referred to, and generally regarded as later than this. A copy was sold in December, 1884, in London, for £3,900. It was much smaller than this copy, and was in modern binding. The compiler of a catalogue should guard against eulogistic description, but it is difficult to restrain one’s enthusiasm while contemplating these magnificent volumes. Gutenberg may have failed in his preliminary trials, but if so, he concealed the fact. So far as we know, he worked patiently until his standard was reached, and then gave to the world a work which as a first production must always be regarded as the most wonderful triumph of inventive genius known to history. Although nearly four and a half centuries have passed since its publication, this book still stands preéminent as a specimen of the printer’s skill; and there is no reason to believe that the coming centuries will produce anything which will deprive it of the position it now holds. Whe. co 7° BIBLE, JOHN ELIOT’S TRANSLATION. THE HOLY BIBLE: CONTAINING THE OLD TESTAMENT AND THE JVEW. Tranflated into the INDIAN LANGUAGE, AND Ordered to be Printed by the Commiffioners of the Vnited Colonies in VEW-ENGLAND, At the Charge, and with the Confent of the CORPORATION IN ZNGLAND. For the Propagation of the Gofpel amongft the Indians in New-England. CAMBRIDGE : Printed by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnjon, MDCLXIII. CoLLaTION: TITLE, 1 7. Dedication to King Charles II., 27 List of Books, 1 4. Text, Genesis to Malachi, A to Mmmmm in 4s. [Mew TZest.] TITLE, wusku | WUT-TESTAMENTUM | nut-Lorpumun | JESUS CHRIST | Nuppoquohwuffuaeneiimun. | CAMBRIDGE: | Printed by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnfon,| MDCLXI.|1 2; verso blank. Text: Matthew to the end of Luke, sigs. A? to verso of L*; John to Rev. Aa to verso of Xx3, all in 4s; 1 leaf blank. [Psalms in Meter.| VVAME | Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 3% Ketoohomae uketoohomaongath | DAVID. | 50 unnumbered leaves, sigs. A to N*in 4s. [Cazechism.| Noowomoo Wnttinnoowaonk God, etc. | 1 7, Size of printed page in full, 65% inches by 45% inches. Or THE LEAF, 7% BY 57% INCHES. Sm. 4°; olive levant gros-grained morocco, elegantly ornamented back and double paneled sides, diamond center and diamond corners in rich Harleian style, joints inside richly hand-tooled and crim- sou silk linings against marble paper facings, double silk head-bands, enclosed in a Solander case of blue English morocco, full gilt and lettered back, lined with white velvet, by F. BEDFORD. This Translation of the Bible by John Eliot is scarcely inferior in interest to the noble work of Gutenberg above described. As an instance of learning, industry, piety and zeal it is unexcelled. The Old World was indebted to Gutenberg for its first printed Bible, and Eliot was the first to give it to the New World. Cotton Mather exclaimed, when he saw it, ‘‘ Behold, ye Americans, the greatest honour that ever you were partakers of! This .. . is the only Bible that ever was printed in all America, from the very foundation of the World.’’ Mr. Eliot was the pastor of Roxbury, Mass., when he commenced, at the age of forty-two, the study of the Natick dialect, in which this work is printed. He began his task in 1650 and finished it after a labor of eight years. The printing of the Old Testament was commenced in 1660 and the work was completed in 1663. The printers required a week for each sheet, and there were about a hundred and fifty sheets. The names of the Books are retained as in the English versions, and such words as were unknown to the Indians are retained with an Indian termination, such as cherubim/af, etc. The longest word is, Mark i, 40: Wutteppesittukqussunnoowehtunkquoh, signifying ‘‘ kneeling down to him.” This is one of the copies having the DEDICATION TO KING CHARLES, of which, according to Thomas (‘‘ //is¢. of Printing’), TWENTY COPIES ONLY were printed. It is absolutely perfect and in matchless condition. It is so nearly uncut that proof leaves are to be found at every few pages. 71 BIBLE, ELIOT’S INDIAN.—A Translation [by J. H. Trumbull] of the single leaf Catechism which occurs at the end of the first and second editions. ALBANY: 1865. ( 4°; half morocco, gilt top. Only 35 copies privately printed, No, 5—presentation copy from the author to S. L. M. Barlow. 72 BIBLE, MORMON.—Tur | BOOK OF MORMON: | AN AcCOUNT WRITTEN BY THE HAND OF Mor- | MON, UPON PLATES TAKEN FROM |THE PLATES OF NEPHI.|... By JOSEPH SMITH, JUNIOR, | AuTHoR aNnD Proprietor. Patmyra: | [M. Y.] Printed by £. B. Grandin, for the Author, | 1830. Sm. 8°; pp. IV. 588, (2.) in the original sheep binding. A LARGE AND EXCEEDINGLY FINE, CLEAN copy. FIRST EDITION. ExTREMELY RARE. 73 BINDING.—LIVRE D’EGLISE | A L’USAGE | DE CEUX QUI FREQUEN- TENT | LEUR PAROISSE, etc. Paris: 176s. Sm. 8°; bound in ved crushed morocco, sides decorated with graceful scrolls of leafy character, gilt back and gilt edges, by DEROME. A good specimen of the work of this famous binder, executed, doubtless, about 1765, or shortly after he became Master Binder, which was in 1761. Cg 32 Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. AP AS 74 BIBLIOPHILE (LE) FRANCAIS.— Gazette Illustrée des Amateurs de Livres, d’Estampes et de haute Curiosité. Paris: Librairie Bachelin- Defiorenne, 1868-187 3. : 7 vols. imp. 8°; half crimson levant morocco, tops gilt, UNCUT. ( + 75 BIRCH (SAMUEL).— HISTORY of ANCIENT POTTERY, Egyp- tian, Assyrian, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman. New and Revised Edition. With Colored Plates, and upwards of 200 woodcut illustrations. LONDON: John Murray, 1873. 8°; pp. XV. 644, bound in polished tree-calf super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, by MANSELL, successor to HAYDAY. 46 BISSELIUS (JOHANNES).—Joannis BissExu, | 2 Societate Jesu, | ARGONAUTICON AME- | RICANORUM, | sive, | Historia Pericu- | Lorum | Petri de Vi- | ctoria, ac So- | ciorum eius, | Libri xv. | Monacuti: | Hormis Luce Straubii, | Sumptibus Iohannis Wagnert. | Biblio- pole. | Anno Christi M.pc.xLvul. [1647.] 12°; with engraved frontispiece and map of America. 77 BLACK’S GENERAL , ATLAS of the WORLD. Accompanied by INTRODUCTORY LETTER-PRESS and INDEX. EDINBURGH: 1873. Folio; half red morocco, gilt edges. / Jp 78 BLANC (C.)—THe GRAMMAR of PAINTING and ENGRAVING. Translated from the French of Blanc’s “Grammaire des Arts du Dessin.” By Kate Newett Doccert. With the [43] Original [llustrations. NEw York: Hurd & Houghton, 1874. Sq. 8°; cloth. 7— 79 “BLUE LAWS.’—THE CODE oF 1650. Being a Compilation of the Earliest Laws and Orders of the General Court of Connecticut: also the Constitution, or Civil Compact, entered into and adopted by the Towns of Winpsor, HARTFORD, and WETHERSFIELD, in 1638-9. ‘To which is added some Extracts from the Laws and Judicial Proceedings of New Haven Colony, commonly called BLUE LAWS. Hartrorp: Silas An- drus, 1822. 12°; pp. 120, frantispiece of ‘‘ The Constable seizing a tobacco taker.” Half bound in sheep. On page 98 we read the following bright ‘‘Blue Law”: ‘‘J¢ zs ordered, That no man within this colonye, shall take any tobacko, publiquely, in the streett, highwayes, or any barne yardes, or uppon training dayes, in any open places, under the penalty of six pence for each offence against this order, in any the perticulars thereof, to be paid without gainesaying.”’ Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 33 80 BLOCK-BOOK, ITALIAN. Opera noua contenplatiua y ogi fidel chriftiano laquale tra- tta de fe figure del teftamento becehio: fe quale figure fonno veric ficate nel teftamento nusus: [On the verso of fol. 62:] Opera di Gioudiniandrea Cauaffore ditto Vadagni- no: Atamypata nouamete nella inclita citta di Clinegia. [s. @. circa 1510.] * Paul Deo. Sm. 8°; bound in olive levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled sides with corner ornaments. This VERY RARE and interesting little volume consists of 63 leaves, the first of which is occu- pied by the title and the last two by the colophon and an engraving of the Virgin and Child; the remaining 60 bear on either side illustrations of the Old and New Testament, giving always two representations of the types to one of the fulfillment. At the top and bottom of the pages are descriptive sentences and quotations from the Prophets, engraved in block. An extraor- dinary degree of interest attaches to the volume, AS BEING THE ONLY BLOCK-BOOK PRINTED IN ITALY. DIDOT’S copy, sold at his sale in May, 1879, brought 1300 /rs. ‘‘ Imitation dela BIBLE DES PAUVRES, et /e seul livre xylographigque Italien que l’on connaisse. Une jolie bordure d’entrelacs blancs sur fond noir décore la premiére page. Les planches sont au nombre de cent-vingt, plus une image de la Madone, assise sur un trone et couronnée par deux anges (au verso de ]’avant-dernier feuillet), La gravure de ces planches est de GIOVANNI ANDREA VAVASSORE, dit Vadagnino, dont le nom figure dans la souscription finale: c’est sans doute l’artiste plus connu sous le nom de ZOAN ANDREA. Leur exécution ne peut pas étre antérieure 4 1510 ou 1512, attendu que la planche représentant Fésus chassant les vendeurs du Temple est une copie fidéle du méme sujet de la Petite Passion de Sésus-Christ d' ALBERT DURER. CICOGNARA, qui le premier a décrit ce volume fort rare (‘‘ Catalogo," Tome I., No. I992), nous dit que certaines planches sembient avoir été gravées d’aprés les dessins de BELLINI, de CAR- PACCIO, de SQUARCIONE et de MONTAGNA; celle de Ja Madone est trés remarquable.’’— Am- BROISE FIRMIN-DIDOT. ‘~ 81 BOCACE (IEAN).— te | DECAMERON DE | malstre 1eAN BOCACE | _ Florentin, | TRADVICT DITALIEN | ex Frangoys par maifire Antoine le Ma- | gon, Confeiller du Roy, & Trefo- | rier de l’ Extraordinaire de | jes guerres.| A Paris: | De l’Imprimerie d’ Oliuier de Harfy, | 1569. 2 vols. sm. 12°; 16 prel. leaves, and 628 leaves numbered on the recto of each leaf, with spirited Woopcuts, medallion portrait of BOCCACCIO on the title, and Jine portrait engraved by DEMAU- TORT added, ruled throughout in red lines. Bound in blue morocco, doublé with vellum, the outside and inside covered with elaborate gold tooling ( including the Daisy) in the Grolier style, gilt over marbled edges, by CLOVIS EVE for MARGUERITE DE VALOIS, Reine de Navarre. 34 Catalogue of Wooks and Wanuscripts. J — 82 BOCCACIUS (IOHANNES).— (fo/. 12.) [G]Enealogi¢ deorum gen- | tilium ad Vgonem in- | clytum Hierufalé & Cy- | pri regem fecundum Io- | hannem Boccatiii de certaldo liber | primus incipit feliciter. phemii. | On the verso of the last leaf of the INDEX, which comprises 36 leaves, are two sets of verses, the last of which end as follows : Hec Vindellinus fignis qui impreffit ahenis Se tibi comendat familiamq; fuam. Venetiis impreffum anno falutis M.CCCC.LXXII. Nicolao Throno Duce foeliciffimo Impe. [Followed by (fol. 1%):] Ioannis Boccacii de Certaldo: de montibus: fyluis: fontibus: lacubus: | fluminibus: ftagnis: seu paludib’: de nomibus maris: liber icipit feliciter. | On the recto of the last leaf : lo. Boccatii uiri clariffimi de montibus: filuis: fontibus: lacubus: ftagnis feu paludibus: & de diuerfis nomibus maris opus diligentiffime ipreffum finit. Venetiis Idus Ian, cccc.]xxiil. 2 vols. ini vol. folio; plain calf. First EpItT1on. Elegantly printed in Roman letters, without numerals, catchwords or signatures. The ‘‘ Genalogia”’ contains 294 leaves, 41 lines on a full page, and 2 blank leaves. The last two leaves of the INDEX have been misplaced by the binder between the Treatises ‘*de Fluminibus'’ and ‘‘de Stagnis.”’ The ‘‘ De Montibus,’’ etc., comprise 75 leaves, 41 lines on a full page. The millenary letter ‘‘M”’ is omitted by mistake from the date. SO.5—~ %3 Boccacius (Fobannes) De mulieribus clariffimis. IN FINE [verso fol. cxvj.]: Liber Fobanis boccact{ de certaldo ml’ribus claris fima cum diligentia amplius Tfolito correctus, ac per Fobanem czeiner de Reutlingen, vilme impretlus finit fFeliciter, Anno oni Adecccc°Irrtij. Folio ; 2 unnumbered prel. leaves, containing the Table of Chapters ; TEXT, 116 numbered leaves ; 33 lines on a full page, and 81 exceedingly curious and diverting WOODCUTS, one of which ts dated 1473. This copy is perfect and has all the cuts, including that which is usually missing, represent- ing the sudden accouchement of ‘‘PAPESS JOANNA" in the street, which DIBDIN has reproduced in the ‘‘ Bibl. Spenceriana,'’ Vol. 1V., p. 586. It has unusually wide margins and is handsomely bound in russia by ROGER PAYNE, gilt back, untrimmed edges. First EpITION. ‘‘It is not without good reason that LAIRE pronounces this impression to be ‘ Editio originalis et rarissima.’ It has, however, other pretensions to be noticed and treasured by the curious; since it not only presents us with a specimen of a type —rarely used by JOHN ZEINER—and one of the earliest books printed at Ulm, butit contains some of the most curious and diverting woodcuts in the earlier annals of the arts of printing and engraving. There are also very few books, of the same date, which display equal spirit of execution, and | Catalogue of Books and MWanuseripts. 35 if the printer had shewn the skill of modern typographers in working the blocks, very little would have been wanting to render this a brilliant, as well as an interesting, production of early art."\— DIBDIN. (‘‘Bibl. Spenceriana,’* Vol. IV., p. 580 et seq.) When perfect it is one of the rarest of the editions of Boccaccio. This is believed to be the only perfect copy in the United States. KS —~* 84 BOCCACIUS (J.)—Dre MULIERIBUS CLARISSIMIS. Uma: J. Czeiner de Reutlingen, 1473. Folio; old calf. Another copy, in good condition, and similar to the foregoing, except that it lacks three leaves, including that representing the accouchement of ‘‘ PAPESS JOANNA.” IF 85 BOCACE.— CONTES et NOUVELLES de BOCACE Pierentin. Tra- duction Libre, Accommodée au gout de ce temps, & enrichie de Figures en Taille-Douce gravées par Mr. RoMAIN DE Hooce. AMSTERDAM: chez George Gallet, M.DC.XCVII. 2 vols. sm. 8°; Vol.1., 12 prel. leaves, pp. 366; Vol. II., pp. 427; Table, 7 leaves. Bound in highly polished crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt backs and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, containing the PLATES of ROMAIN DE HOOGE. AK — 86 BOCCACCIO.— Le | DECAMERON | bE jean | BOCCACE.— Lon- DRES: | (PARIS) 1757. [Engraved title by Gravelot.] 5 vols. 8°; bound in full red crushed morocco by DAVID, fillets on sides, and broad inside border, gilt edges. These volumes are beautifully illustrated by Gravelot, Eisen, and Boucher. The head bands and tail-pieces are especially charming. The portrait of Boccaccio by Gravelot faces the engraved title of the first volume. It is the most attractive and popular edition of Boccaccio's Tales which has been published in modern times. ‘This copy is in especially fine condition, being clean and having unusually wide margins. 87 BOCCACE.— CONTES pve BOCCACE (Lr Décaméron) Traduits de l'Italien et précédes d’une Notice Historique par A. BARBIER. Vignettes par MM. Tony Johannot, H. Baron, Eug. Laville, Célestin Nanteuil, Grand- ville, Geoffroi, etc. Paris: Barbier, 1846. Roy, 8°; half red levant morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. 88 BOLLAERT (W.)— Antiquarian, ErHNotocicaL and other Re- SEARCHES in NEW GRANADA, EQUADOR, PERU and CHILE, with Observations on the Pre-Incarial, Incarial, and other Monuments of Peru- vian Nations. By WILLIAM BOLLAERT, F.R.G.S. Lonpon: Zriidner & Co. 1860. 8°; map and plates, cloth, UNCUT. 36 Catalogue of Books and AWanuscripts. ZS — 8 BOETHIUS.—@ Auici, [sz] manili, torquati feuerini boecij ordina | rij patricij viri erconfulis de confolatione philofophie. | [Libri V.] IN FINE: @ ADancti Chome de aguino fuper libris Boeri | de cdfola- tione phie cOmentii cit erpofitione felici- | ter mcipit. | @ Libri quing de confolatone philofophie Woctij | rhomani dfuligs ac oratoris fplendidiffimi wna dmentaria editione per | me Johannem koclhof€ de tubick in fancta ciuitate Colonia dDiligtter ela- | borati die bicefimo quite Waij erpliciiit. Anno gratie Milletinoquadrin | gentefime octogefime prio. [1481. ] Folio ; TEXT 47 leaves, 27 lines on a full page ; COMMENT. 202 leaves, 40 lines on a full page ; rubricated initial letters ; large, fine copy, old calf. The following work is bound with the above volume : @ Ju figurarwn biblie fructuolit et btile compendium: quod } aure- wn alias biblie reportoriit nuncuz patur. prologus feliciter imehoat. IN FINE: @ Figurarwun biblie fructuolii et btile copendiit gd aureti biblie rez Portorii noiant Crplicit feliciter. [Adsgue anni, loci, et typographi indicatione, sed COLON.: Ulr. Zell, circa 1475.] Folio ; 98 leaves, 2 columns, 41 lines on a full page; rubricated initials. The author’s name was ANTONIUS RAMPIGOLLIS, vel AMPIGOLIUS. Vide PANZER, ‘‘ An- nales Typogr."’ Vol. 1. ~. 333. HAtn, ‘‘ Repertorium Bibliographicum," Vol. 1. p. 462, Vol. IV. p. 190. LAIRE, ‘‘ /udex Librorum,"’ Pars I. £p. 173-4. DENIS, ‘‘ Supplementum,'' p. 648. 90 BOETHIUS.— De Consoxatione Puitosopuie. Latine et Belgice, cum Commentariis Belgice. - « « Gheprendt te BGhend by mp Arend de Kepler denderden dach in Wep. nt iaer ons Heeren dDuult vierhondert bine ende tachten tith. [1485.] Gotuic LETTER. Folio ; 360 leaves, printed in two columns without numerals and catchwords, but with signatures. The Latin text and Flemish version are printed in a larger black letter than the Commentary. The present copy is richly ornamented with Initial letters illuminated in gold Catalogue of Wooks and Manustripts. 37 and brilliant colors, and with 5 FULL-PAGE BEAUTIFUL PAINTINGS and 6 BORDERS executed by a Flemish Artist in the best style, and having on each his initials ‘*T. P.’ Old calf, gilt, In FINE, on the verso of the last leaf, second column, the following subscrip- tion ts found, beneath which is the curious Device of the printer . Dier endt dat tweerdich bouc boe tius de confolatione philofophie tz troofte Ieerimghe ende confoorte al fer meinfchen Gheprendt te Ghend bp mp Arend de kepfere den derden Dach in Dep. Fint iaer ong heeren duult bierhondert Line ende tachten tich. REO +. + GORACTAS <<" See PANZER, ‘‘ Annales Typographici,” Vol. 1. ~. 439. CLEMENT, ‘‘ Bibliotheque Curieuse,' Tome IV. Z. 443. SANTANDER, “' Dict. Bibliographique Choisi du Quinzieme Siecle,” ‘Tome II. p. 231. DIBDIN, ‘‘ Bibl. Spenceriana,'' Vol. 1. p. 284. HAIN, ‘‘ Repertorium Bibliographicum,” Vol. I. Pars I. p. 466. GRAESSE, ‘‘ Trésor de Livres Rares et Précieux,"’ Tome I. p. 465. BRUNET, ‘‘ Manuel,’ Tome I. A. 1038. This is one of the most beautiful specimens of typographical work in the collection. The paintings are in the best style of Flemish art and make the volume UNIQUE. gt BOOKE (A) OF | CHRISTIAN | Praiers, collected out | of the ancient Writers, | and belt learned in our | time; worry vo be read with | an earneft minde of all Chri- | ftians in thefe daungerous and | troublefom daies, that God | for Chrifts fake will | yet ftil be mer- | ciful vnto | vs. | At Lonpon: | printed for the Com- | pany of Stationors, | 1608. Sm. 4°; elegantly bound in polished crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled and filleted sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, by F, BEDFORD. BLACK LETTER. This handsome volume is commonly known as QUEEN ELIZABETH’S PRAYER-BOOK, in consequence of the large woodcut portrait of the Queen, on the reverse of the title, in the attitude of prayer. The work is elegantly printed within ornamental woodcut borders, in imitation of the French ‘‘ Books of Hours,” and is remarkable as being the only English book of the kind. The borders contain scenes from the Old and New Testament, the Apocalypse, illustrations of the Cardinal Virtues, and the Dance of Death, which last contains specimens of the costumes of all ranks in the time of ELIZABETH and JAMESI. The author- ship of the work is by some attributed to JoHN Foxe, and by others to RICHARD Day. _ 92 BOOTH (M. L.)— HISTORY of the CITY of NEW YORK, from its EARLIEST SETTLEMENT to the Present Time. By MARY L. BOOTH. Mlustrated with over 100 Engravings. New York: W. R.-C. Clark & Meeker, MDCCCLIX. Roy. 8°; half blue morocco, gilt back and top, UNCUT. 6 38 Catalogue of Books and MWanuseripts, 4 J/g — 93 Wonifacius VII; Papa, (2 1.) Fneipit liber fertus deereta- | litt Dnt bonifaciy pape. viij. IN FINE: ? Prefens huius ferti decretalii preclarii opus. Alma m wvrbe magiitna. . . per Johanne fult ciut. et Petrit Schoiffer de gern(’hem. Anno di. DM.cece.irv. Die bere rbij menfis decemb’. [1465.] Roy. Folio; bound in highly polished brown levant morocco super-extra, gilt back, paneled and filleted sides with elegant corner ornaments, insides lined with vellum, surrounded by broad morocco borders, richly gilt and finely tooled, double vellum fly-leaves, morocco joints, by WM. MATTHEWS. UNCUT, zx a sliding case. FIRST EDITION. PRINTED ON VELLUM in Gothic Letter, double columns, with the commentary surrounding the text. The commentary is printed in the smallest, and the text in the largest, type used by FusT and SCH@FFER. *The work contains 141 leaves. The initial at the beginning of the text is a MINIATURE OF BONIFACE, painted and illuminated in gold; and all the capitals are painted in blue andred. A few leaves are slightly stained. In this copy there are 4 preliminary leaves upon genealogical subjects, by Johannes de Deo Hispanus; a space being left for the introduction of the genealogical tree by the rubri- cator. The Text begins on the recto of the first leaf, surrounded by commentary, and the first two lines are printed in red, as follow: FJneipit liber fertus decreta- litt ditt bontfaciy pape. viij. Onifacius epiftopus Mung Muor dei, diltis filijs Docto- ribus et feolaribs yniuerfis On the recto of the last leaf, fol. 137, ts the following COLOPHON printed in red: Prefens huius ferti decretaliti preclarit opus. Alma in brbe magiitina. inclite nacinig germanice. qua dei clementia tam alti ingenij fumine. donoy gratuito. ce- teris terrae nacinibs. fiferre. illuftrarey dignatus ¢, QD atvameto. plumali canna neq aerea. fed artificdfa quada adinuentione nnprimendi feu caracterizandi. fic effigiatii, et ad ewlebia dei. indultric eft sfinnmatii per Johanne fult ciuz. et Petrit Schoiffer de gernl’ hem. Anno diii, D.ccceirv. Die vera rvij. menfis decemb’. o/J2 44 BOOTH (A. J.)—SAINT-SIMON and SAINT-SIMONISM ; a Chapter in the HISTORY of SOCIALISM in FRANCE. By ARTHUR JOHN BOOTH, M. A. Lonpon: Longmans, 1871. 8° ; cloth, UNCUT. Catalogue of Wooks and MWanuserripts. 39 o//— 9; BORDONE (B.) “9 Se = py "Bed 5 ae ISOLARIO DI BENEDETTO BORDONE Nel qual si ragiona di tutte |’ Isole del mondo, con li lor nomi antichi & moderni, historie, fauole, & modi del loro viuere, & in qual parte del mare stanno, & in qual pa- rallelo & clima giaciono. Ri- » coreto, & di Nuono ristampato. Con la gionta del Monte del Oro nouamente ritronato. CON IL BREVE DEL PAPA Et gratia & priuilegio della Illustriffi- sma Signoria di Venetia co- me in quelli appare. M. D. (Device) XLVIII. Rubricated title inclosed in medallion-shaped border engraved on wood. Folio. Bound in dark green morocco ornamented with Grolier pattern, gilt edges. A perfect copy, having three double maps and one hundred and eight small maps in the text. 96 BORROW (G.) — ROMANTIC BALLADS, Translated from the Danish ; and Miscellaneous Pieces. By GrEorGE Borrow. Lonpon: Wightman & Cramp, 1826. 8° ; half crimson morocco, red edges. NERY RARE. 97 BORROW (GEORGE).— WORKS, Comprisine, viz: I. The Biste in SPAIN; or, the Journeys, Adventures, and Imprisonments of an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula. Third Edition. 3 vols. 1843. II. The Zincaxi; or, an Account of the Gypsies of SPAIN, with an original Collection of their Songs and Poetry, and a copious Dic- TIONARY Of their LancuacE. Third Edition. 2 vols. 1843. III. La- VENGRO ; The Scholar — The Gypsy — The Priest. 3 vols. 1851. Pineportrait of Borrow. IV. The Romany Rye; A Sequel to “Lavengro.” 2 vols. 1857. V. WiLp WALEs: Its People, Language, and Scenery. 3 vols. 1862. Lonpon: John Murray, 1843-1862. 13 vols. post 8°; uniformly bound in half maroon morocco, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. Scarce. ~98 BOTTU DE LIMAS (M. J.)—Srix Mois en ORIENT en mocccii & MDCCCLIIL Lyon: chez WV. Scheuring (Imprimerie de Louts Perrin), 1861. 8°; 2. 506. With a series of beautiful engravings from designs by M. HIPPOLITE JORDAN & M. le baron CHARLES DE COUBERTIN, magnificently bound in highly polished olive levant ‘morocco, back and sides inlaid with green and red morocco, interlaced and worked after a Grolier 6* aa 40 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. pattern ; insides lined with bright crimson levant morocco, elaborately and most delicately tooled orna- «ments in gold; broad dentelle gilt borders, morocco joints, vellum fly-leaves, gilt edges, by ZAEHNS- DORF, zz his very best and most artistic style. 99 [BOVCHER (PIERRE).|— HISTOIRE | VERITABLE | ET | NATVRELLE | pes | MOEVRS ET PRODVCTIONS | DV PAYS | pe ta NOVVELLE FRANCE, | VVLGAIREMENT DITE | Le | CANADA’ | [Par Pierre Bovcner.] A Paris, | Chez FLORENTIN LAMBERT, 7ué | Saint Jacques, vis a vis Saint Yues, | a l Image Saint Paul, | M.DC.LXIV. | ‘ 12°; fp. (12), 168. Mottled calf extra, gilt back and edyes, filleted sides, inside gilt borders. FINE Copy. VERY SCARCE. ‘‘Ce petit ouvrage passe pour étre fort exact.’’— Brunet. 100 BOURNE (BENJAMIN FRANKLIN).—The CAPTIVE in PATAGONIA; or, Life among the Giants. A Personal Narrative. Boston: 1858. : 12°; with woodcut illustrations. Cloth. 1o1 BOZMAN (J. L.)—Tue | HISTORY OF MARYLAND, | from | its First SETTLEMENT, in 1633, | to | THE RESTORATION, in 1660, | with | A Copious InrRopucTIoN, | and | Notes and ILLustrations. | By JOHN LEEDS BOZMAN. | Battimore: | James Lucas & E. K. Deaver, | 1837. 2 vols. 8°; pp. 314, 728. Light polished calf extra, gilt backs and tops, filleted sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, rough edges. VERY FINE Copy. SCARCE. 102 BOWEN (F.)— AMERICAN POLITICAL ECONOMY ; including Strictures on the Management of the Currency and the Finances since 1861. With a chart showing the Fluctuations in the Price of Gold. By FRANCIS BOWEN. New York: 1874. Crown 8° ; cloth. 103 BRADFORD (A. W.)—AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES and Re- SEARCHES into the Oricin and History of the Rep Race. By ALEX- ANDER W. BRADFORD. New York: Dayton & Saxton, 1841. 8°; pp. 435. Cloth, rough edges. 104 BRAND (JOHN).— Osservations on the Popular ANTIQUITIES of Great Britain: chiefly Illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar and Provin- cial Customs, Ceremonies, and Superstitions . . . Arranged, revised, and greatly enlarged, by SIR HENRY ELLIS, F. R. S. Lonpon: Bohn, 1849. 3 vols. post 8°; half blue calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. Catalogue of Books and Wanuscripts. 41 _%® ~ 105 BRANT (SEBASTIAN). Stultifera avis. [Large cut of the ship of fools.| NARRAGONICE PFECTIONIS NUN@. Satis laudata Nauis: per Sebastiani Brant: vernaculo vul- | garigq, Sermone & rhythmo p cictor mortalium fatuitatis | etc. 1497. Nihil sine causa. Io. de Olpe. First EpitTIon of ‘‘ The Ship of Fools."" Sm. 4°. Old calf binding with the-arms of M. Wodhull on cover, numerous and very curious woodcuts. A large copy with untrimmed edges. As the ‘‘ Editio Princeps ” of a work which has maintained its place before an intelligent public for nearly four hundred years, this book cannot fail to be of great interest to every gen- uine bibliophile. ° 6 — 106 BRANDT (SEBASTIAN). Stultifera Nauis, qua omnium mortalium narratur ftultitia, admo- dum vtilis & neceffaria ab omnibus ad fuam falutem perlegendo, é Latino fermone in noftrum vulgarem verfa, & iam diligenter impreffa, An. Do. 1570. [Large cut of several vessels laden with fools.] The Ship of Fooles, wherein is {hewed the folly of all States, with diners other workes adiopned untae the fame, berp profitable and fruitfull for all men. q@ Translated out of Latin into Englifhe by Alexander ™* Barclay Prieft. [ On the recto of the last leaf.) | ° Imprinted at London in Paules Church- yarde by Iohn Cavvood printer to the ° Queenes Maieftie. [1570.] Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum folum. . Folio, pp. 676 ; with 116 curious Woodcuts. This edition contains the LATIN text uniformly printed in Roman type, and the ENGLISH i” Black Letter. LZlegantly bound in grosgr. crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled and filleted sides with corner ornaments. A RE- MARKABLY LARGE, CLEAN, AND BEAUTIFUL COPY, in perfect preservation. 42 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 107 BRANT.— ‘fauis ftultifera a domino fe= | battiano Brant primi edificata: & tepidiflimis teuto= | nice lingue ritbmis decorata: Deinde ab Facobo Lo | chero pbhilomuto latinitate donata: & demi ab Fodo= | co Badio Atcenfio vario carminu genere no fine eo= | rundum tamiliart erplanatione illuttrata, | IN FINE: Wauis ttultitere oputcult finit: [Basirez] Tmpreftum p | Hicolan lamparter, Anno &c, M.cccc, [sic pro ccccc] vj. die | vero, XXVj, menfis Augulti, [1506.] Sm. 4°; 107 folioed leaves, 115 large woodcuts, excellent impressions. Bound in diamond russia. 4 7 5 arg 108 BRANTEGHEM (GUILHELMUS de).—IESV CHRI- | fti vita, iuxta qua- | tuor Euangeliftari | narrationes, artifi- | cio graphices perg | ele- ganter picta, vna | ci totius anni Eua- | gelijs ac Epiftolis, | nec non pijs preca- | tionibus magna co- | moditate adprefiis. | IN FINE; [=e ANTVERPIA, APVD Matthzum Cromme, pro Adriano Kempe de Bouchout. Anno M,D.XXXVII. XXIII. Decem. Sm. 8°; 12 prel. leaves; Text, pp. 307, and ‘‘ Catalogvs tvm Epiftolarum,” 197 2. unnum- bered. The Title printed within an elegant ornamental woodcut border, and illustrated with upwards of 180 remarkably fine woodcuts, all in perfectly clean condition. Elegantly bound in highly polished olive levant morocco super-extra, broad inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by THIBARON-JOLY. FIRST EDITION OF THIS EXTREMELY CURIOUS AND VERY RARE VOLUME. bh So 1o9 [BRATHWAYTE.] A | Solmne Ioviall Difputation, | THEORET- ICKE and PRACTICKE;; | briefely Shadowing | THE Lavv Or Drinx- inc; | Together, with the Solemnities and Contro- | verfies occurring: | Fully gnd freely difcuffed according to the | Crvitt Lavv. | Which, | By the permiffion, priviledge and authority, of that moft Noble | and famous order in the Vniverfity of Goddeffe Potina; | Dionifius Bacchus | Being the Prefi- dent, chiefe Goffipper, and moft excellent Gover- | zour, BLastus MULTIBIBUS, alids DrinkmucH, | A fingular proficient and moft qualifi'd Graduate in both the. |. liberall Sciences of Wine and Beare; | In the Colledge of Hivarity, hath publikely expounded to | his moft approved and improved Fellow-FPot-/hots ; | Touching the houres before noone and after, | ufuall and lawfull. | . . . Faithfully rendred according to the originall Latine Copie. | OENOZYTHOPOLIS, | AZ the Signe of Red-eyes. | CID 10 CXVU. [Also :| The | SMOAKING AGE, | or, | The man in the mift: | with | The life and death of Tobacco. | Dedicated | To thofe three renowned and impa- | rallel’d Heroes, Captaine Whirre, | Captaine Pipr, and Cap- | taine Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. 43 SNurre. | To whom the Auéhor wifheth as much content, | as this Smoaking Age can afford them. | Divided into three Sections, | 1. The Birth of 7Zo- bacco. | 2. Puurto’s bleffing to Zobacco. | 3. Times complaint againft Tobacco. | Satis mihi pauci lectores, fatis est unus, fatis est Nullus.|... OENOZYTHOPOLIS. | At the Signe of Teare-Nofe. cid 19 cxvil. [1617.] Sm. 8°; bound in plain calf, gilt, yellowedges. A-Og4 in eights (except that A has only 4 leaves), not including a frontispiece by W. MARSHALL to each PART. The SECOND PART begins on G with a separate title. The Frontispieces are supposed to be MARSHALL’S earliest works. The First PART of this EXTREMELY RARE WORK is simply a translation of a’semi-facetious Latin dissertation printed the same year, under the title of ‘‘ Disputatio Inauguralis Theoretica- Practica Fus Potandi,” etc. Oenoz¥thopoli. Ad signum Oculorum Rubricolorum. Sm. 4°. 110 BRATHWAYTE (RICHARD). — Times | CVRTAINE | DRAVVNE, | or| THe ANATOMIE | or VANITIE. | vvith | other choice Poems, | Zntituled ; | PANEDONE: | or | HEALTH From | HEtt- con: | containing | Emblemes, Epigrams, Elegies, | With other continuate Poems, | full of generous delight. | By RICHARD BRATHVVAYTE Oxonian. | “ Tle ego gui guondam.” | Lonpon: | Printed by Lohn Dawfon for ohn Bellamie, | and are to be fould at the South entrance | of the Royall-Lxchange. 1621. Sm. 8°; russia, gilt. A-O in eights, but H with 4 leaves only. ‘‘PANEDONE, or Health from Helicon,’’ has a separate title. An excellent notice of this EXTREMELY RARE volume will be found in CORSER'S ‘‘Codlec- tanea Anglo-Poetica,"’ pt. ii. Ap. 368-373. 111 BRAY (Mrs. ANNA ELIZA).— LIFE or THOMAS STOTHARD, R. A., with PersonaL REMINISCENCES, with Portrait, and 53 Illustrations rom his Works. WLonpon: John Murray, 1851. Sm. 4°; half blue levant morocco, gilt back and edges. 112 BRETT (REv. W. H.)— Tue Inp1an Tries of Guiana; their Condi- tion and Habits. With Researches into their past History, Superstitions, Legends, Antiquities, Languages, &c. Lonpon: Bell & Daldy. 8°; with map, 8 colored plates and 13 plain, green cloth, UNCUT. 113 BREVIARIVM ROMANVM Ex decreto Sacrofancti Concilij Triden- tini reftitutum, PII V. Pont. Max. iuffu editum, et CLEemMENTIs VIII. auctoritate recognitum. ANTVERPLZ, Ex Oficina Plantiniana, ApudViduam & Filios Lo. Moreti. M.DC.XII. 8°; printed in red and black. Bound in brown morocco, gilt edges, back and sides covered with elaborate and delicate gold tooling, by CLOVIS EVE. A beautiful specimen of the fine taste and artistic skill of this famous binder. . 44 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 114 [BREWER (THOMAS).|]—The Lire and Dearn of the MERRY DEUILL of EDMONTON, with the Pleasant Pranks of Smug the Smith, Sir John, and mine Host of the George, about the Stealing of Venison. By T. B. [2 e. THomMas BREWER.| Lonpon: Printed in the Black Letter, by T. P. for Francis Faulkner, 1631. Reprinted by J. Nichols & Son, 1819. 8°; pp. 52. Woodcut on the title, boards, UNCUT. Scarce and curious. 115 BRITISH ESSAYISTS: Comprisinc, (1.) The Specrator, 8 vols. (2.) The GUARDIAN, 2 vols. (3.) The TaTLer, 4 vols. A corrected Edition ; With Preraces HistoricaL and BiocrapuicaLt, by ALEXANDER CHALMERS, A. M. Lonpon: 1806. 14 vols. 8°; with frontispieces ; neatly bound in diamond calf, gilts FINE Copy of the large type, VARIORUM EDITION, with copious INDICES. 116 BROWN (HENRY: ARMITT).— Oration delivered in Carpenters’ Hall on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Meeting of the Congress of 1774. PHILADELPHIA: Privately printed, 1875. 4°; paper. \ARGE PAPER Copy, of which only 50 copies were printed. 117 BROWNE (J. ROSS).— REPORT on the Minerat Resources in the STATES and TERRITORIES WEstT of the Rocky MounrTaAINs. WaAsH- INGTON: 1868. 8°; pp. 672. Half calf, marbled edges. 118 BROWNING (E. B.) —ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING’S PortTicAaL Works. Seventh Edition. Lonpon: Chapman & Hall, 1866. 5 vols. 16°; fine portrait, elegantly bound. in citron calf extra, gilt backs and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by MATTHEWS. 119 BRUNET (JACQUES-CHARLES).— MANUEL du LIBRAIRE et de L’AMATEUR de Livres contenant 19 UN Nouveau DICTIONNAIRE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE dans lequel sont décrits les Livres rares, précieux, singu- liers, et aussi les Ouvrages les plus estimés en tout genre, ec. ef. 2° UNE TABLE en FoRME de CATALOGUE RAISONNE ow sont classés, selon l’ordre des matiéres, tous les Ouvrages portés dans le Dictionnaire. CINQUIEME Epition OrIGINALE Entiérement Refondue et Augmentée d’un. Tiers par VYAuTEuR. Paris: Librairie de Firmin Didot Fréres, Fils et C*, 1860- 1865. 12 parts imp. 8°; half crimson levant morocco, tops gilt, UNCUT EDGES. LARGE PAPER. ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED. Catalogue of Books and Manusrripts. 45 120 BUCKLE (H. T.)— HISTORY of CIVILIZATION in ENGLAND. By Henry THomMas Buckie. From the Second London Edition. To which is added an ALPHABETICAL INDEX. NEW YorRK: D. Appleton & Co. 1867. 2 vols. 8°; half brown morocco, marbled edges. ’ ony 4 121 BULLOCK (WILLIAM). VIRGINIA Impartially examined, and left to publick view, to be confidered by all Iudi- cious and honeft men. Under which Title, is compre- hended the Degrees from 34 to 39, wherein lyes the rich and healthfull Countries of Roanock, the now Plantations of Virginia and Mary-land. Looke not upon this Booke, as thofe that are fet out by private men, for private ends; for being read, you’l find, the publick good is the Authors onely aime. For this Piece is no other then the Adventurers or Planters faithfull Steward, difpofing the Ad- venture for the beft advantage, advifing people of all degrees, from the higheft Mafter, to the meaneft Servant, how fuddenly to raife their fortunes. Perufe the Table, and you fhall finde the way plainely lay’d downe. By WILLIAM BvLLOcK, Gent. 16 April, 1649. Lmprimatur, Hen: Whaley. LONDON: Printed by John Hammond, and are to be fold at his houfe over-againft S. Andrews Church in Holborne. 1649. Sm. 4°; pp. (12) 66. Polished crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled sides with corner ornaments, inside broad borders, by F. BEDFORD. BEAUTIFUL Copy. EX- TREMELY RARE. 7 46 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 122 BUNN (MATTHEW).— NARRATIVE of the Lire and ADVENTURES of MATTHEW BUNN (of Providence, R. I.), in an EXPEDITION against the NortH-WESTERN INDIANS, in the years 1791, 2, 3,4 & 5. 7th Edition, Revised. Batavia: Printed for the Author, by Adams & Thorp, 1828. 8°; pp. 59. Half morocco, UNCUT. The Affidavit of the Author, Oct. 30, 1826, sworn before ‘‘ Millerd Fillmore, Com'r &c. for Erie County," is printed on Z. 56. 123 BURK (J.)— Tue | HISTORY OF VIRGINIA, | From | ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT | to | Tue Present Day. | By JOHN BURK. | PETERs- BURG, Virginia. | Printed for the Author, by Dickson & Pescud. | 1804-1805. [3 vols.] THe | HISTORY OF VIRGINIA; | commenced by | JOHN BURK, | and continued by | SKELTON JONES | and| LOUIS HUE GIRADIN. | Vol. IV. Prrerssurc, Virginia—printed by M. W. Dun- navant, for the Proprietors. 1816. 4 vols. 8°; purple morocco super-extra, paneled sides filleted, gilt backs and tops, broad inside dentelle borders, richly gilt, UNCUT; except the fourth volume, which is zever found uncut, but is bound to match the others in size. AN EXCEEDINGLY FINE SET OF THIS VERY RARE History. The Fourth Volume is the most rare, a large portion of the edition having been destroyed by fire. This copy contains a fine impression of the original engraving of CAPT. JOHN SMITH from the map in his ‘‘ History of Virginia," London, 1627, and a COLORED photograph of L. H. Giradin, who assisted in the completion of the work. An account of the duel in which BURK lost his life, in the handwriting of Mr. E. D. INGRAHAM, is also inserted. 124 BURNS, ROBERT, POEMS, CHIEFLY IN THE SCOTTISH DIALECT, BY ROBERT BURNS. THE Simple Bard, unbroke by rules of Art, He-pours the wild effusions of the heart : And if inspir’d, ’tis Nature’s pow’rs inspire ; Hers all the melting thrill, and hers the kindling fire. ANONYMOUS. KILMARNOCK: PRINTED BY JOHN WILSON. M.DCC.LXXXVI. 8 vo ; bound in dark blue levant morocco extra, tooled sides, gilt edges, in the style of Roger Payne, éy F. BEDFORD. An unusually tall and beautiful copy of the First EDITION. Its rarity is very great, and the demand seems to be ever increasing. Mr. Gibson Craig's copy sold in March, 1888, for £111. Catalogue of Books and Manuseripts. 47 (-— 125 BURNS (ROBERT)—POEMG, | cutertyw rue | SCOTTISH DIALECT. | BY ROBERT BURNS. | To wHICH ARE ADDED, | SCOTS POEMS, | SELECTED FROM THE works or | ROBERT FERGUSON. | New-York: | Printed by J. and A. M’Lean, Franklin's Head, | No. 41, Hanover-Square. | M.DCC.LXXXVIII. Sm. 8°. 4 prel. leaves, comprising TITLE, ‘‘ Dedication, To the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the Caledonian Hunt,” dated ‘‘ Edinburgh, April 4th, 1787,” and table of ‘‘ Contents,” form- ing viii pages; TEXT, ‘‘ Poems chiefly Scottish,” 2. 9 to 248, inclusive; ‘‘ Scots Poems, se- lected from the works of Robert Ferguson,” . 249 40 284, inclusive; ‘‘ Glossary," £p. 285-306. Sumptuously bound in highly polished grass-green levant morocco super-extra, gilt back, elabor- ately and delicately tooled, and ornamented with bunches of Scotch thistles, filleted sides with elegant corner ornaments, finely gilt, gilt edges, by F. BEDFORD, in his best style. With oval PORTRAIT OF BURNS, engraved by ‘Scot [sic] Philad?."’ A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL Copy OF THIS EXCESSIVELY RARE voLume. This copy is from the Menzies Collection. In that Catalogue the well-known bookseller, Wm. Gowans, is quoted as saying: ‘‘ The New-York Edition of Robert Burns, 1788, may so far be pronounced UNIQUE. No copy, with the exception of the one named [the present], has been seen by the most sharp hawk-eyed book hunter, or the keenest bibliographer, nor by any of the living generation so far as known.” 126 BURNS.— POEMS | Cuierty 1n tHE | SCOTTISH DIALECT. By | \ RosertT Burns. | PHILADELPHIA | PRINTED FOR, AND SOLD BY PETER STEWART AND | GEORGE HyDE, THE WEST SIDE OF SECOND STREET | THE NINTH DOOR ABOVE CHESTNUT STREET. | M.DCC.LXXXVIII. 12°; pp. 304. Bound in crushed olive morocco, with broad dentelle border, elaborately tooled, by LoRTIC FRERES. An exceptionally beautiful specimen of their skill. It is doubtful whether this or the New York Edition of the same date is the First American Edition of Burns’s Poems. Probably they appeared at about the same time. Both are exceed- ingly rare, far more so than the Kilmarnock Edition. 127 BURNS (ROBERT).— An ADDRESS to the DEIL. With Explana- tory Notes. /ustrated by seven Engravines on Wood, by THOMSON, BONNER, SLADER, WILLIAMS, avd NeEsBIT, from designs by 'T. LANDSEER. LONDON: William Kidd, 1830. 12°; half morocco, UNCUT. 128 BURNS (R.)—TuHe POETICAL WORKS of ROBERT BURNS. aN \ Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1839. 3 vols. 12°; portrait, brown calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. 129 [BURTON (ROBERT).]—Tur ANATOMY of MELANCHOLY. WHAT IT Is, with all the Kinds, Causes, Symptoms, Prognostics and several cures of it. IN THREE ParTITIONS.’. . . By Democritus JuNioR... A New Edition. Corrected and enriched by Translations of the Numerous Classical Extracts. CAMBRIDGE: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1861. 4 vols. 8°; half brown morocco, gilt tops, UNCUT. LARGE PAPER. Only 75 copies printed. One of 15 copies only with duplicate title in each volume, having the Eoat of Arms of BURTON finished in GOLD and COLORS. | si 48 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 3S — 130 BURY (RICHARD de).— Puitosiston | RICHARDI | DVNEL- MENSIS | sive | DE AMORE LIBRORUM, ET INSTI- | tutione bibliothece, | tractatus pulcherrimus. | Ex collatione cum varijs manuscriptis edi- | tio jam secunda ; | cui | accessit appendix de manuscriptis Oxoniensibus. | Omnia haec, | opera & studio T. I. Novi Coll. in alma Academia | Oxoniensi Socy. | B.P.N. | Non quero quod mihi vtile est, sed quod multis. | [Ornamental de- vice.] Oxonia, | Excudebat Josephus Barnesius. 1599. Sm. 4°; bound by COVERLEY in vellum without any tooling, edges UNCUT. This edition is the re-issue of the first Edition, to which it is similar, but with a fresh title page and the addition of ‘‘ Epistola Dedicatoria'’ in Latin [four pages] addressed by Thomas James to Thomas Bodley. The only copy of the Edition of 1598 known to-day is the one of the Bodleian Library. Thomas James was its first librarian. 4O ~ 131 BURY (R. de).— PHILOBIBLON, A Treatise on the Love of Books, BY RICHARD DE BURY, Bishop of Durham, and Lord Chancellor of England. First American EpiTion, with the [original Latin Text,| and the Literal English Translation of JoHN B. Enciis. Collated and corrected, with Notes. By SamueL Hanp. A Bany: Joel Munsell, MDCCCLXI. 8°; half purple morocco, gilt back and top, UNCUT. LARGE PAPER. 30 copies only printed. No.1. VERY RARE. | hfe — 132 BUSHNELL (CHARLES I.)— CRUMBS for ANTIQUARIANS. New-York: 1864. 2 vols. 8°; portraits and engravings, half green morocco, gilt tops, UNCUT. Autograph Note inserted. 50 SETS ONLY PRIVATELY PRINTED. Contents: 1. An Historical Account of the First Three Business Tokens issued in the City of New York. 2. Memoirs of Samuel Smith, a soldier of the Revolution, 1776-1786. 3. Journal of Solomon Nash, a soldier of the Revolution, 1776-1777. 4. Memoirs of Tarleton Brown, a Captain in the Revolutionary Army. 5. A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Levi Hanford, a soldier of the Revolution. 6. Journal of the Expedition against Quebec, under Col. Benedict Arnold, in the year 1775, by Major Return J. Meigs. io 133 BUTLER (S.) —Tue POETICAL WORKS of SAMUEL BUTLER. Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1835. 2 vols. 12°; portrait, brown calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. 23 — 134 [BYERLEY (THOMAS SCOTT).]— RELICS of LITERATURE. By STEPHEN COLLET [7. e. Thomas Scott Byerley|. Lonpon: Zhomas Boys, 1823. 8°; olive morocco super-extra, gilt back and top, paneled and filleted sides, corner ornaments inlaid with red morocco, UNCUT. With folding PLATE of facsimiles of the autographs of celebrated per- sons, and EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 36 fine PORTRAITS. ‘Stephen Collet" was a %om de plume of Thomas Scott Byerley, who was also one of the compilers of the ‘‘ Percy Anecdotes,’ under the pseudonym of Reuben Percy. Catalogue of ®ooks and Manusrripts. 49 A4L2Jo 135 BYFIELD (NATHANAEL). — An ACCOUNT | of the | Late Revo- lution | in NEW-ENGLAND. | Together with the | DECLARATION | of the | Gentlemen, Merchants, and Inhabitants of BOSTON, | and the Country adjacent. Afri 18, 1689. | Written by M! VWATHANAEL BY- FIELD, | a Merchant of Bristol in New-England, to his Friends | in Zon- don. | LICENSED, June 27, 1689. J. Frafer. | Lonpon: | Printed for Ric. Chifwell, at the Rofe and Crown in | St. Aewl’s Church-Yard. MDCLXXXIX. | [1689.] Sm. 4°; pp. 20. Straight grained olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. BEDFORD. FIRST LONDON EDITION. VERY RARE. A 2% 136 BYRON.— THE WORKS of LORD BYRON: with his Lerrers and Journats, and his Lire, by THOMAS MOORE, ESQ. _ Lonpon: John Murray, 1832-34. 17 vols. fap. 8°; portrait and the series of beautiful illustrations by TURNER and STANFIELD. Elegantly bound in citron calf super-extra, gilt backs and tops, filleted sides, rough edges, by ZAEHNSDORF. An exquisite copy of the FIRST ISSUE of this edition. @ } ff ay ~ . tye <’Y— 137 BYRON (LORD).—CHILDE HAROLD'S PILGRIMAGE. With Notes. Lonpon: John Murray, MDCCCXLI. 8°; portrait, and 62 exquisite Vignette engravings by FINDEN, from pictures by CRESWICK, WARREN, and other eminent Artists. PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, bound in orosgr. crimson levant morocco super-extra, finely tooled gilt back, double paneled sides with corner ornaments, inside mo- rocco borders, top gilt, UNCUT front edges. A splendid copy of the FIRST ISSUE of this beautiful edition, oo eal ABECA DE VACA.— The Narrative of Alvar Nunes Cabega de Vaca, Translated by. Buckingham Smith. WasHINGTON: 1851. 4°; cloth. Eight maps. Privately printed for Mr. G. W. Riggs. Presentation copy from him to Brantz Meyer, with Autograph Letter of Mr. Riggs inserted. (5 — 139 CAESAR’S COMMENTARIES.— Casaris ComMEnTart, cum Johan- nis Andrea Episcopi Alleriensis Epistola. Roma, in Domo Petri de Maximis (Sweynheym & Pannartz, 1469). Folio. Bound in russia, leather joints, gilt edges, by Mrs. WEIR. FirsT EDITION. A clean and tall copy, with unusually wide margins, and quite perfect, excepting that the margins of the first and last leaves are inlaid. The rarest of all the Editions of Czsar. The Pinelli copy sold for £53 11s, and this cost Mr. Wodhull 442 in 1802. 50 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. aT _— 140 CALEF (ROBERT). 3 MORE WONDERS OF THE INVISIBLE WORLD: Or, The Wonders of the Fnbisible World, Display’d in Five Parts. An Account of the Sufferings of Margaret Rule, written by | the Reverend Mr. C. M. | . Several Letters to the Author, &c. And his Reply relating | to Witchcraft. | . The Differences between the Inhabitants of Sadem Village, and | Mr. Farris their Minifter, in New-England. | . Letters of a Gentleman uninterefted, Endeavouring to prove | the received Opinions about Witchcraft to be Orthodox. With fhort | Effays to their Anfwers. | . A fhort Hiftorical Accout [szc] of Matters of Fact in that Affair. | To which is added, A Poftfcript relating to a Book intitled, Zhe | Life of Sir W1LLIAM PHIPS. | Collected by Robert Calef, Merchant, of Boflon in New-England | Licenfed and Entred according to Order. | LONDON: Printed for Wath. Hillar, at the Princes-Arms, in Leaden-Hall- Street, | over againft St. Mary-Ax, and Jofeph Collyer, at the Golden-Bible, | on London- Bridge. 1700. | Sm. 4°; pp. (12) 156. Grosgrained crimson levant morocco extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, by W. PRATT. VERY RARE. Zi 141 CALEF (R.)—Tue WONDERS of the INVISIBLE WORLD pispLayvep. In Five Parts ... Collected by Ropert Cater, Merchant, of Boston, in New-England. A New Edition. Boston: TZ: Bedlington, 1828. 24°; pp. xut, 333. Frontispiece, marbled roan, silt. AY % 1442 CALLENDER (JOHN).— AN | Aifiorical Difcourfe | on THE | Civil and keligious Affairs | of the CoLony of | RHODE-ISLAND | and Providence Plantations |in | NEW-ENGLAWND | in America, From the firft Settlement 1638, to the End of [the] | firt CENTURY. By JOHN CALLENDER, A.M. | [Zexts of Scripture 5 lines.| Boston: | Printed and Sold by S. KNEELAND and T. GREEN | in Queen-Street. MDCCXXXIX. | 8°; pp. (14), 120 (1). Red levant morocco extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. A SPLENDID Copy of the FIRST EDITION. RARE. Catalogue of Books and Mamuseripts. 51 Ve , 1443 [CALLENDER (JAMES THOMSON).]— THe POLITICAL PROGRESS of BRITAIN: or an Impartial History of Abuses in the Government of the British Empire, in Europe, Asia, and America, from the Revolution, in 1688, to the Present Time: ... Part First. Third Edition. PHILADELPHIA: Lichard Folwell, 1795. 8°; pp. 120, half russia, UNCUT. LY 144 CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM.—4 | Platform of | CHURCH DISCIPLINE | GATHERED OUT OF THE -WoRD OF Gop: | and agreed upon by the Elders: | and Messengers of the Churches | assembled in the Synod at Cambridge | in New England..| To be prefented to the Churches and Generall Court | for their confideration and acceptance, | in the Lord. | The Eight Moneth Anno 1649 | | Zexts from Pfal: 84. 1., Pfal: 26. 8., Pfal: 27. 4, forming 7 lines.| Printed by S[amuel| G[reen| at Cambridge in New England | and are to be fold at Cambridge and Boston | Anno Dom: 1649. Sm. 4°; elegantly bound in grosgrained green levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled, ornamented sides, inside gilt borders, dy W. PRATT. A BEAUTIFUL Copy of the First EDITION, with wide margins and OF THE HIGHEST DEGREE OF RARITY. COLLATION : —‘“‘ Tile,” within an ornamental border, verso, blank; ‘‘ The Preface’ [by John Cotton], Af. 10. ; ['‘ The Platform"’], pp. 29; 1 blank page; ‘‘A Tadle of the Contents of the Chapters,’’ and ‘‘ Errata," 1 p. and 1 blank page. . 14s CAMBRIDGE PLATFORM.—ENGLISH anp INDIAN. A | CONFESSION | or | FAITH | Owned and confented unto by the | Elders & Meffengers | of the Churches | Affembled at Bojion in Mew England, |*May 12. 1680. | Being the Second Seffion of that | SYNOD. | [2224 of Scripture, 3 dines.| BOSTON | Re-printed by Bartholomew Green, and | Johan Allen. 1699. | Wunnamptamoe | SAMPO- OAONK | Wuffampoowontamun | Nafhpe moeuwehko- | munganafh ut | Mew-England. | Qufhkenumun en /ndiane | Unnontowaonganit. | Nafhpe | Grindal Rawfon, Sc. | [Zexts of Scripture in Indian, 3 lines. | MUSHAUWOMUK [Boston.| | Printeuun nafhpe Bartholomew Green, kah | John Allen. 1699. | Sm. 8°; 8 prel. leaves, pp. 161 (4). Elegantly bound in brown levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted and paneled sides with corner and center ornaments, by ¥, BEDFORD. English and Indian printed on opposite pages. EXCESSIVELY RARE. J - 146 CAMPBELL (T.)— Toe POETICAL WORKS of THomas CAMPBELL. Lonpon: Moxon, MDCCCXXXVII. Crown 8°; polished tree-calf super-extra, gilt back and top, uncut edges: Original impression before woodcuts were added, brilliant impressions of the engravings. 52 Catalogue of Books and MWanusrripts. IY So 147 CAMPION (THOMAS).—a | RELATION | of the Late Roy- | all t Entertainment | Given by the Right Hono- | rable the LORD KNovvLeEs, AT | Caw/ome-Houfe, neere Redding: to our moft | Gracious Queene, Queene ANNE, in her | Progreffe toward the Bathe, vpon | the feuen and eight and twentie | dayes of Aprill. | 1613. | Whereunto is annexed the Defcription, | Speeches, and Songs of the Lords Maske, prefented in the | Banquetting- houfe on the Mariage night of the High | avd Mightie Covnt PaLaTINE, and the | Royally defcended the Ladie | Elizabeth. Written by THomas CamPION. | Lonpon, printed for Lohn Budge, and are to be fold at his Shop | at the South-doore of S. Fauls, and at Bri- \ taines Burffe. 1613. Sm. 4°; 16 leaves, sign. A-D in fours. Crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. Ae r 148 CANDIDUS.— PLAIN TRUTH, Addressed to the Inhabitants of Amer- ica. Containing Remarks on a late Pamphlet, intitled ComMMon SENSE: wherein are shewn, that the scheme of Independence is ruinous, delusive, and impracticable; that were the Author’s Asservations, respecting the Power of America, as real as nugatory, Reconciliation on lhberal Principles with Great Britain would be exalted Policy; and that circumstanced as we ' are, permanent Liberty and true Happiness can only be obtained by Recon- ciliation with that Kingdom. WritTtEN by CANDIDUS. Second Edition. PHILADELPHIA, frinted: LONDON, Reprinted for J. Almon, M.DCC.LXXVI1. 8°; Dp. (4), 47, (1). Half red morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. S000 _— 149 CARTIER (JACQUES).— | A SHORTE AND | briefe narration of the two | Nauigations and Discoueries | to the Northweast partes called | NEWE-FRAuUNCE: | First translated out of French into Italian, by that famous | learned man Gio: Bapt: Ramutius, and flow turmed | into Eng- lish by John Florio: Worthy the rea- | ding of all Venturers, Trauellers, | and Discouerers. | [Device] IMpRINTED aT Lon- | pon, by H. Bynneman, dvvelling | in Thames Streate neere vnto | Baynardes Castell. | Anno Domini, 1580. Sm. 4°. Bound by Pratt in crimson crushed morocco, without tooling on the outside but with ‘‘doublé”’' in dark blue morocco, studded with single ornaments, Title surrounded by a border. JACQUES CARTIER was the discoverer of the mainland of Canada. He made his first voyage up the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the summer of 1534, and in the following year ascended the river as far as the present site of Montreal. A third voyage was made in 1540, Few histories of early voyages are as rare as those of CARTIER’S. The original account of the first voyageis . lost, and the earliest version of it is preserved only in the Collection of Ramusio. From this, the present translation was made, which in turn was translated into French and printed at Rouen in 1598. Of the account of the second voyage but one copy is known, and that is in the British Museum. Of the third voyage no copy of the original French edition is known, but it appears in fragmentary form in the collections of Hakluyt and Purchas. This English translation of the second voyage is so rare that it was unknown to Herbert, and is not men- tioned by Brunet or Graesse. In addition to its rarity ithas great intrinsic worth and must therefore always be regarded as one of the gems ina collection of Americana. The present copy is the only one which has been offered at public sale in this country, and but two others are known here. This is perfect and in excellent condition. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 53 JU. 150 [CARPENTER (STEPHEN C.)| — MEMOIRS of the HON, THOMAS JEFFERSON, Secretary of State, Vice-President, and President of the United States of America; containing a Concise History of those States, from the Acknowledgement of their Independence; with a View of the Rise and Progress of French Influence and French Principles in that Country, /rinted for the Purchasers, 1809. 2 vols, 8°; pp. iv., 404 (2), 434. Half brown morocco, gilt tops, by BRADSTREET, UNCUT. VERY SCARCE. (J 151 CAROLINA. A Brief DESCRIPTION OF The Province CAROLINA On the Coasts of FLOREDA. AND More perticularly of a Wew-Plantation begun by the ENGLISH at Cafe-Feare, on that River now by them called Charles- River, the 29th. of May, 1664. Wherein is fet forth The Healthfulnefs of the Air, the Fertility of the Zarth, and Waters ; and the great Pleafure and Profit will accrue to thofe that fhall go thither to enjoy the same. Alfo, Directions and advice to fuch as fhall go thither whether on their own accompts, or to ferve under another. Together with A moft accurate MAP of the whole PROVINCE. London, Printed for Robert Horne in the firft Court of Grefham- | Colledge neer ifhopgate-Jireet, 1666. ° Sm. 4°; pp. (2), 10. Map. Polished crimson levant super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by ¥. BEDFORD. A SPLENDID copy of this EXCEEDINGLY RARE VOLUME, with the Ma, ‘‘ Carolina Defcribed.” ‘‘THE FIRST PRINTED DESCRIPTION OF CAROLINA.”—TERNAUX. 8 54 Catalogue of Books and MWanustripts. oe 152 CASAS (BARTHOLOMEO de las). REGIONVM | INDICA- RUM PER | Hifpanos olim devaftarum | accuratiffima defcriptio, infertis Fi- | guris eneis ad vivum fabrefactis. | Authore | BARTHOLOMZO de las CASAS | Epifcopo Hifpano. | Editio nova Priori longé cor- | rectior. | HEIDELBERGAE. | Zypis Gvilielmi VValtheri | Acad. Typogr. A. S. MDCLXIV. 4°; pp. (2), 112. Title and 17 Plates engraved by DE Bry, half vellum. RARE. oi/ — 153 CASAS, BARTOLOME de las. S00 ane [Large engraving on wood, representing arms. ] @ Breuissima rela | cion de la destruycion de las Tn° | dias: colegida por el Obispo 06 | fray Bartolome de las Casas | o Casaus de la orden de Sacto Do | mingo. | Ato. 1552; [This title page is surrounded by four engravings on wood, forming border. Rubricated title.] 4°; bound by BEDFORD in crimson morocco extra gilt, gilt edges. 154 CASTIGLIONE (BALDESAR). IL LIBRO DEL CORTEGIANO DEL CONTE BALDESAR CASTIGLIONE. [Aldine Anchor.] Haffi nel priuilegio, & nella gratia ottenuta dalla Illuftriffima Signoria che in quefta, ne in niun’altra Citta del fuo dominio fi poffa imprimere, ne altroue impreffo uendere quefto libro del Cortegiano per. X. anni fotto le pene in effo contenute. [Fol. 121 verso.]. Ln Venetia nelle cafe d Aldo Romano, & a’ Andrea d’ Afola fuo Suocero, nel’anno M.D.XXVIII. del mefe d’ Aprile. Folio; 122 unnumbered leaves. Old Venetian morocco, Grolier tooling, gilt edges. FIRST EDITION of this ‘' Golden Book," as it is emphatically styled by the Italians. GROLIER'S COPY, with his name ‘'10. GROLIERII ET AMICORVM”’ on*the cover, with his motto ‘‘ PORTIO MEA DOMINE SIT IN TERRA VIVENTIVM,”’ and the Z%¢/e of the book printed in gold on the sides. The large anchor on the title, and the large Jwetiads, are illuminated. The autograph of S. BALLESDENS is on the title. This beautiful volume is one of the best of the ‘‘Grolier bindings.” An engraving of it appeared in THE CENTURY of November, 1880. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 55 /°Y%— 135 CATALOGUE OF ANTIQUITIES, Works of Art and HisToricaL ScortisH ReE.ics exhibited in the Museum of the Archzological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland during their Annual Meeting, held in Edinburgh, July, 1856. . . . Comprising Notices of the Portraits of MARY QUEEN OF Scots, collected on that Occasion, etc, etc. [Hdited by ALBERT Way.| EpinsurcH: Zhomas Constable & Co. MDCCCLIX. 8° ; Op. xxxiv, 233. Half orange morocco, gilt back and top, UNCUT. Contains 32 beautiful full page PLATES, including four fine Portraits of MARY QUEEN OF Scots, besides 112 engray- ings printed in the text. The fine and interesting plate of DARNLEY JEWELLS, ILLUMINATED in GOLD and CoLors, inserted at page 163, was published separately at half a guinea. Ros ~ 156 CATLIN (GEORGE).— ILLUSTRATIONS of the Manners, Cus- toms, and Conpition of the NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS, with Lerrers and Notes written during Ercut Years of Travel and Adven- turé among the wildest and most remarkable Tribes now existing. With THREE HuNpRED and Sixty Encravincs, from the Author's Original Paintings. Tentu Epition. Lonpon: Henry G. Bohn, 1866. 2 vols. roy. 8°; pp. viit., 264; vitt., 266. With MAP, 360 COLORED PLATES, half red mo- rocco, gilt backs and edges. x s nS 157 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL de).— L’INcENIEUx H1- paLco DON QUICHOTTE pe 1a Mancue. - Traduit et Annoté PAR Louis Vrarpor. Paris: J. J. Dubochet et Cie. 1836-1837. 2 vols, roy. 8°. ORIGINAL EDITION of VIARDOT'S elegant translation into French. With 800 fine Woodcuts from designs by TONY JOHANNOT, and EXTRA ILLUSTRATED }y the inser- tion of nearly 200 beautiful COPPERPLATE ENGRAVINGS, many of which are rare proof impres- sions on India paper. Bound in grosgrain crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt backs and tops, filleted sides, broad inside gilt borders, éy CHAMBOLLE-DURU. UNCUT. — 158 CHAMBERS (R.) — CYCLOPAIDIA OF ENGLISH LITERA- TURE. A History, CriticaL and BroGRAPHICAL, of BRITISH AUTHORS from the Earliest to the Present Times. Zdited by ROBERT CHAMBERS. EpinpurGH: VW. and R. Chambers, n. d. 2 vols. roy. 8°; numerous Woodcut Illustrations, half red morocco. - 159 CHAMISSO (ADELBERT VON).— PETER SCHLEMIHL: From the German of A. Von Chamisso: Translated by SiR JoHN BowRING, LL.D. With Plates by GEORGE CRruIksHaNk. Third Edition. New YorK (Zondon): 1874. 12°; cloth, UNCUT. 8* Catalogue of Books and MWanuseriprs. 160 CHAMPLAIN (SAMVEL). DES SAV VAGES OV*V, VOYAGE DE SAMVEL CHAMPLAIN, DE Brovace, Jait en la France nouuelle, Van mil fix cens trois. ‘CONTENANT, Les meeurs, fagon de viure, mariages, guerres, & habi- tations des Sauuages de Canadas. De la defcouuerture de plus de quatre cens cinquante lieués dans le pays des Sauuages, Quels peuples y ha- bitent, des animaux qui s’y trouuent, des riuieres, lacs, ifles, & terres, & quels arbres & fruicts elles produi- fent. De la cofte d’Arcadie, des terres que l’on y a defcouuer- tes, & de plufieurs mines qui y font, felon le rapport des Sauuages. A PARIS, Chez CLAVDE DE MonstR’oEIL, denant fa bou- téque en la Cour du Palais, au nom de Lefus. 1604. Auec Priuilege du Roy. Sm. 8°. Title, verso, ‘‘ Extraict du Priuilege,” dated, ‘ Paris le 15. de Nouem- | bre, 1603,”" 1 leaf; dedication, ‘‘ A Tres-Noble, Havt | et pvissant Seignevr, | Meffire Charles de Montmo- | rency,”’ e¢c. signed, ‘‘S. CHAMPLAIN," 1 deaf; ‘‘Le Sievr de la FRAN- | CHISE av Discovrs dv | Sieur de Champlain.” | (ix verse) and ‘‘ Table," 2 leaves; Text, ‘‘ Des Savvages,”’ etc., 36 Solioed leaves, Lh — 161 CHAMPLAIN (SIEVR de). LES VOYAGES DV SIEVR DE CHAMPLAIN XAINTONGEOIS, Capira1ne ordinaire pour le Roy, en la marine. un N Catalogue of Books and Manustripts. DIVISEZ EN DEVX LIVRES. ou, IOVRNAL TRES-FIDELE DES OBSERVA- tions faites és defcouuertures de la Nouuelle France: tant en la defcri- plto des terres, coftes, riuieres, ports, haures, leurs hauteurs, & plufiers DECLINAISONS de a guide-aymant , qu’en la creace des peuples, leur super- Jiition, fagon de viure & de guerroyer: enrichi de quantité de figures. Enfemble deux cartes geografiques: la premiere feruant 4 la na- uigation, dreffée felon les compas qui nordeftent, sur lefquels les mariniers nauigent: l’autre en fon vray Meridien, auec fes longitudes & latitudes: a laquelle eft adioufté le voyage du deftroict qu’ont trouué les Anglois, au deffus de Labrador, depuis le 53°. degré de latitude, iufques au 63°. en l’an 1612. cerchans vn chemin par le Nord, pour aller A la Chine. A PARIS, Chez Iean Berjon, rue S. Iean de Beauuais, au Cheual volant, & en fa boutique au Palais, a la gallerie des prifonniers. M.DC.XITI. AVEC PRIVILEGE DV ROY. 4°; 10 prel. leaves, 325 pp. (5). [Abso -] QVATRIESME VOYAGE DV Sr. DE CHAMPLAIN CAPITAINE ORDINAIRE POVR LE Roy EN LA MARINE, ET Lieutenant de Monseigneur le Prince de Condé en la Nouuelle France, fait en l’année 1613. Pp. 1-52; 8 Maps and 4 plates, several plates in the Text. The large Map to this edition, in two parts, which in most copies is frequently wanting or in very defective condition, is in perfect preservation in this copy. 58 Catalogue of Books and Wanuscripts. Y/_. 162 CHAMPLAIN (SIEUR de). VOYAGES ET DESCOVVERTVRES FAITES EN LA NOVVELLE France, depuis l’année 1615. iufques 4 la fin de année 1618. Par le Sieur de Champlain, Cappitaine ordinaire pour le Roy en la Mer du Fonant. Oi font defcrits les moeurs, couftumes, habits, facons de guerroyer, chaffes, dances, feftins, & enterrements de diuers peuples Sauuages, & de plufieurs chofes remarquables qui luy font arri- uées audit pais, auec vne defcription de la beau- té, fertilité, & temperature d’iceluy. A PARIS, Chez Clavde Collet, au Palais, en la Gallerie des Prifonniers. M.D.C.XIX. Auec Priuilege du Roy. Sm. 8°; 8 prel. leaves, including an engraved and printed Title; Text, 158 folioed leaves. 6 plates, viz.: 2 folded plates, and 4 printed in the Text. ‘ Premiére édition de cette relation; elle est rare et fort recherchée.’’—BRUNET. /— 163 CHAMPLAIN (SIEUR de). [Engraved Title, in Italic.] LES | VOYAGES | du S* de Cha- | mplain Capita- | ine ordinaire | pour le ROY | en la nouuelle | France es an- | nées, 1615, | e¢ 1618. | dedies au |- ROY. | chez C. Collet. au | Pallais a Paris. | Auec preuilege du Roy. [Printed Title.] VOYAGES | ET DESCOVVERTVRES | FAITES EN LA NOV- VELLE | France, depuis l’année 1615. iufques | 4 la fin de l'année 1618. | Par le Sieur de Champlain, Cappitaine | ordinaire pour le Roy en la Mer du Ponant. | Ow sont defcrits les meeurs, couftumes, habits, | fagons de guerroyer, chaffes, dances, feftins, & | enterrements de diuers peuples Sauuages, & de | plufieurs chofes remarquables qui luy font arri- | uées audit pais, auec vne defcription de la beau- | té, fertilité, & temperature d’iceluy. | a Paris | Chez Clavde Collet, au Palais, en la | gallerie des Prifonniers. | M.D.C.XX. | AVEC PRIVILEGE DV ROY. | Sm. 8°; 8 prel. leaves; Text, 158 folioed leaves. 6 plates. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 59 164 CHAMPLAIN (SIEUR de). LES | VOYAGES DE LA NOVVELLE FRANCE OCCIDENTALE, DICTE CANADA, FAITS PAR LE S& DE CHAMPLAIN Xainctongeois, Capitaine pour le Roy en la Marine du Ponant, & toutes les Defcouuertes qu’il a faites en ce pais depuis l’an 1603. iufques en l’an 1629. Ou Je voit comme ce pays a eft premierement defcouuert par les Frangois, Jous Pauthorité de nos Roys tres-Chrestiens, iufgues au regne de fa Mayesté a prefent regnante LOVIS XIII. Roy de France & de Nauarre. Auec vn traitté des qualitez & conditions requifes 4 vn bon & parfaict Nauigateur pour cognoiftre la diuerfité des Eftimes qui fe font en la Nauigation; Les Marques & enfeignements que la prouidence de Dieu a mifes dans les Mers pour redreffer les Mariners en leur routte, fans lefquelles ils tomberoient en de grands dangers, Et la maniere de bien dreffer Cartes marines auec leurs Ports, Radés, Ifles, Sondes, & autre chofe neceffaire 4 la Nauigation. LEnfemble une Carte generalle de la defcription dudit pays faicte en fon Meridien felon la declinarfon de la guide Aymant ,& vn Catechifme ou Inftruction traduicte du Frangois au langage des peuples Sauuages de quelque contrée, auec ce qui Seft pafsé en ladite Nouuelle France en l’année 1631. A MONSEIGNEVR LE CARDINAL DVC DE RICHELIEV. A’ PARIS. Chez pierre Le-Mvr, dans la grand Salle du Palais. M. DC. XXXII. Auec Priuilege du Roy. 4°; 2p. 16, 308; ‘‘ SECONDE PARTIE des Voyages dv Sievr de Champlain,'’ Z. 310; 1 leaf blank; ‘‘ CARTE de la nouuelle france . . . Faicte l’'an 1632 par le sieur de Champlain,” 60 Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. 2 sheets joined in one; ‘‘ Table povr cognoistre les lievx remarqvables en ceste CARTE,’ Zp. 8; “Traitt& de la Marine". . . £p. 54; 1 leaf blank; DOCTRINE CHRESTIENNE dv R. P. Lesdeme . . . and ‘‘L’ORAISON DOMINICALE, tradvite en langage des Montagnars de Canada, par le R. P. Massé,”’ ZA. 20. THE BEST EDITION. TOGETHER, 5 vols. Elegantly and uniformly bound in bright crimson levant morocco, highly polished, blind tooled backs and sides, gilt edges, broad inside dentelle borders, most delicately gilt and finely worked after a very beautiful pattern, by LORTIC. No feature of the American portion of this collection is more remarkable and rare than this series of Champlain's voyages. A similar set has not been offered at public or private sale in this country or in Europe in the present generation. The collector is fortunate if he secures any one of these volumes in good condition, and the possession of all together may well reward the search of a lifetime. 165 CHAPELAIN (JEAN).—1a | PUCELLE, | ov | LA FRANCE | DELIVREE. | Poéme Heroique | par | M. [Jeav] Cuapexain. | Dernier Edi- tion. | Suiuant la Copie imprimée |.A PARIS. | MDC.LVI. Sm. 12°; engraved frontispiece (inlaid) and 12 fine copper-plate engravings. Exquisitely bound in brown morocco, paneled sides surrounded by borders of gold most elaborately and delicately tooled, broad inside gold borders with corner ornaments containing fleurs-de-lis, richly gilt back and gilt edges, by ROGER PAYNE. This is a beautiful specimen of this famous binder’s most artistic style. It was selected as an illustration of Payne’s work in Mr. Matthews’ volume on Bookbinding, published by the Grolier Club. /2 — 466 CHARLEVOIX (P. F. X. de).— JOURNAL of a VOYAGE to NORTH-AMERICA. Undertaken by Order of the French King. Con- taining the Geographical Description and Natural History of that Country, particularly CANADA. Together with an Account of the Customs, Char- acters, Religion, Manners, and Traditions of the Original Inhabitants. Trans- lated from the French of P. F. X. pp CHARLEVOIX. Lonpon: R&. and J. Dodsley, MDCCLXI. 2 vols. 8°; maps, calf, gilt. 2 A/ v6, CHATEAUBRIAND.—ATALA, RENE, le Dernter des ABENCE- RAGES, les QUATRE STUARTS, VoyaGEs, etc. Par M. Le VICOMTE DE CHa- TEAUBRIAND. ParRIs: 1849. 8° ; portraits and plates on India paper, half morocco. IS — 168 CHAUCER (G.)—Tse POETICAL WORKS of GEOFFREY CHAUCER. Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1852. 6 vols. 12°; red calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. /- 169 CHEETHAM (J.)—Tue Lire of THOMAS PAINE, by JAMES CHEETHAM. AMERICA printed: LonDoN: Reprinted for A. Maxwell, 1817. 8°: pp, xxvii, 187; half brown morocco, gilt top, UNCUT. bp Sut top Catalogue of Books and Wanugeripts. - “1 __ 170 CHRYSOSTOM. Chrpfottomus (4. Johannes) Sup plalmo quiquagefimo liber primis. (Fol. ta:) (Pp) FIetores nnitantur arte natura + colores colorib’ pmilcétes vfibiles corpm depin gut pmagines et faciunt hates + ailia % arbores % reges < rulticos « barbaros % pugnas et riras et torrentes fangnii et laceas % feuta et fede regale et impatoré fedet® et barbay CCS C164 CLC; IN FINE: Deo et deifere refero gtas infinitas de fine primi libri johanis crifoftini fancti docto ris % epifropi fup plalmo guiquagefimno, per me Clricii sel de Hanau clericit diocefis Mogiitinedi. Anno dit millefime quadri getefine feragefimoa ferte. [1466.] Sm. 4°. GOTHIC LETTER. 10 eaves, 33 lines on a full page; without signatures, catch- words, and pagination. Bound in brown morocco super-extra, filleted sides with corner ornaments, broad inside gold borders, gilt edges, by C. LEWIS. This is one of the most valuable books, from a bibliographical point of view, in the present collection. It is of the highest degree of rarity. LORD SPENCER’s copy and this are sup- posed to be the only copies in existence. It is also the FIRST WORK Issuep By ULRIC ZEL WITH A DATE, and settles with complete certainty the fact that he exercised the art of printing at COLOGNE as early as the year 1466. The type appears to be new; the ink jet black; and the whole has a freshness and perfection of press-work about it which D1IBDIN says ‘‘he does not remember to have seen in any other production of the press of ULRIC ZEL."’ See PANZER, ‘‘Annales Typographici,” Vol. 1V., p. 271. Hain, ‘' Repertorium Bibliographicum,”’ Vol.I., Pars II., A. 110. SANTANDER, “‘ Dict. Bibliogr. Choisi,"’ Tomel., 4. 155-7; Tome lII.,/. 303. BELOE, ‘‘ Anecdotes of Literature,’ Vol. U1., p. 253; Vol. 1V., . 181. D1BDIN, ‘‘ Bzd/. Spenceriana,” Vol. I., A.191. GRAESSE, ‘‘7résor de Livres,"’ Tomel., 2. 153, zofe. BRUNET, ‘‘Manuel,"’Tomel., p- 538. This copy is from the Syston Park Library, and is in perfect condition. *%/4y74 CHURCHILL (C.)—Tue POETICAL WORKS of CHARLES CHURCHILL. With Copious Notes and a Life of the Author, by W. Tooker, F. R. S. Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1844. 3 vols. 12°; portrait, brown calf, marbled edges. g 62 Catalogue of Books and Wanuseripts. $70 — 172 ©[HURCH] (T[HOMAS)). Entertaining Paffages Relating to Philips WAR WHICH Began in the Month of June, 1675. AS ALSO OF EXPEDITIONS More lately made Againft the Common Enemy, and 9J/ntdian Rebels, in the Eaftern Parts of JRetw-England : WITH Some Account of the Divine Providence TOWARDS Benj. Church Efqr ; By. Za. BOSTON. Printed by B. Green, in the Year, 1716. Sm. 4°; pp. (4), 120. Portrait of Col. Benj. Church inserted. INTERLEAVED, and contains several long, interesting MS. Motes by SAMUEL G. DRAKE. Bound in half russia, EXCES- SIVELY RARE. From the Library of GEORGE BRINLEY, Esq. It formerly belonged to SAMUEL G. DRAKE, the well-known antiquarian, who interleaved it and gave it a plain binding. ‘‘It can- not be called a very fine copy, but it is the dest which Mr. BRINLEY could get in forty years’ trying.”’ See BRINLEY, Catalogue, PART I., No. 383. AT — 173 CICERO (M. T.) —M. Tvim | CICERONIS | OPERA. | Cum optimis | exemplaribus | accurate col- | lata. | Lvcp. Batavorvm, | 2x Oficina Elzeviriana. | A° 1642. 10 vols, in 9 vols. sm. 12°. Engraved title and portrait of CICERO. Bound in plain calf, gilt backs, filleted sides, gilt edges. AN ELEGANT Copy of this RARE and beautiful edition of the complete works of CICERO, from the famous Elzevir Press. \ S Catalogue of Books and WHanuseripts, 63 7/ = 174 CICERO.— De Orricuis, etc. a Marct Tultj Ciceronis Arpinatis. dsulisa romani. ac oratori marimi. Hd @. Tulit Ciceronem filii sui. Officion liber incipit. Pretatio generalis in libros omnes. COLOPHON : Presens Marci tulij clarifsimi opus, Fo= bannes ftust Magittinus civis. no atramé to. plumali cana neq; aerea, Sed arte qua= dam perpulcra, Petri manu puert met feli- citer efteci finitum,. Anno. M.cccclryv. [1465.] Sm. folio. Bound in red morocco, with elaborately gilt sides, and printed on vellum. First EDITION, and of very great rarity. It is in GoTHIC LETTER, without marks, hav- ing 28 lines to a full page. It contains 88 leaves and 4 blank leaves ruled. It is, as is well known, the FIRST CLASSIC PRINTED, and one of the first two printed books in which printed Greek characters appear. The present copy is one of those which have not the shields beneath the lines of Horace; but it answers in every other respect to the description given by DIBDIN in ‘‘B7d. Spenc.'’ The large initials are ornamented, and the capitals are painted in blue and red; and there are running titles written in red at the top of each page. The size of this copy is 10% x 6% in. ‘There are no other known copies of this edition printed on vellum in this country. 175 CICERO.— DE: OrRATORE ET DE CLARIS ORATORIBUS. COLOPHON : .M. T. Ciceronis in Brutum explicit liber. Anno xpi. M. CCCC. lxix. die vero. xu mensis Januaru. Rome in domo magnific1 vir1 Petr’ de Maximo. Quarto, printed by SWEYNHEYM and PANNARTZ. Bound in red morocco, gilt edges. The first page is surrounded with a border illuminated by hand and containing a large initial letter and the coat of arms of a former, and probably the original, owner. The text is ruled throughout with red lines. This copy is from the Wodhull Library. It contains a memorandum stating that he paid £25 for it in 1803. There is also a letter to Mr. Wodhull from ‘‘de Bure, pére et fils,” assuring him that this copy conforms in every respect with that in the Bibliothéque Nationale at Paris. 176 CICERONIS (M. T.) — EPISTOL ap FAMILIARES. VENETIIS, Johannes de Spira, 1469. Folio ; 125 unnumbered leaves, besides 2 blank leaves ; 40 and 41 lines on a full page. The first page and the large Initials throughout the volume are richly PAINTED and ILLUMINATED. The small initials are in red and blue. The headings of the EPISTLES are written in red. A few leaves are slightly stained, and the front margins of the first five and the last three leaves have been neatly repaired. 9* 64 Catalogue of Books and Wanuseripts. THIS COPY IS BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED UPON FINE VELLUM, of which, BRUNET says, ‘NO MORE THAN SIX COPIES ARE EXTANT.” PANZER has proved beyond all ques- tion that it is THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED at VENICE, and the FIRST WORK bearing the name of JOHN DE SPIRA as printer. The COLOPHON, which is on the verso of the last leaf, 7s as follows: Primus in Adriaca formis impreffit aenis Vrbe Libros Spira genitus de flirpe Iohannes In reliquis fit quanta uides fpes lector habenda Quom Labor hic primus calami fuperauerit artem M.CCCC.LXVIIII. Bound in old crimson morocco, gilt back, with broad gold borders on the sides. 177 CICERO (M. T.) —EPISTOL/ ap FAMILIARES. VeNETUS, Johannes de Spira, 1469. Folio ; 134 unnumbered leaves, 41 lines on a full page. The first page is surrounded by a broad, interlaced, painted border, heightened with gold, and all the large INITIALS are richly ILLUMI- NATED in gold and variegated colors, The small Initials are in ved and blue. The work begins on the recto of the first leaf as follows : [Z]|Go omni officio ac potius pietate erga te caeteris fatiffacio oibus: mihi ipfe nung fatiffacio. Tanta enim magnitudo eft tuorum erga me meritorum : ut quoniam tu nifi perfecta re de me no congefti : This first page contains 38 lines. The COLOPHON, which appears on the recto of the 134th and last leaf, reads thus : Hefperie quondam Germanus quofq libellos Abstulit: En plures ipfe daturus adeft. Nanq; uir ingenio mirandus & arte Ioannes Exfcribi docuit clarius ere libros. Spira fauet Venetis: quarto nam menfe peregit Hoc tercentenum bis Ciceronis opus. M.CCCC.LXVIIII. Bound in fine old crimson morocco, gilt back and edges, paneled sides with corner ornaments. A large, clean, and truly sumptuous copy of the SECOND EDITION of the FAMILIAR EPISTLES OF CICERO printed by JoHN de SpiRA; the ¢hird and /ast work ever executed by him. It appears from the Colophon that he printed only ¢hree hundred copies of each edition of the EprstLEs; and this second edition is considered to be of equal rarity, if not rarer even than the first. Catalogue of Books and Manuseripts. 65 o 178 CLORMO.—M. : TULLIT.: CICERONIS Dp Paws -Bononnw so MALORUM Lipri V. Venettis. M.CCCC.LXXI. Chriftophoro Mauro Duce. Ioanne ex Colonia Agrippinenfi Jumpti mint- Strante Impreffium. FIRST EDITION WITH A DATE. 4°; 89 leaves; 32 lines on a full page; without signatures, numerals, and catchwords. Bound in red morocco, gilt back, jilleted sides, gilt edges, by BOYET ; with Arms of PRINCE EUGENE in gold on the sides, and Autograph of the DUKE OF GRAFTON on the first leaf. CoLiaTion: Zhe volume begins on the recto of the first leaf with the dedica- tory epistle of GEORGIUS ALEXANDRINUS 40 Lupovicus FuscARENUS, which occupies 3 pages ; the work begins on the recto of the 3d leaf, top of the page, as follows : M. T. Ciceronis de finibus bonog & malog. L. primus. ON ERAM NESCIVS Brute ci que fumis ingeniis: exq- fitaq; doctrina philofophi graeco fer mone tractauiffent : ea latinis litteris madaremus: fore ut hic nofter labor in uarias reprehenfiones incurrer &: &c. &c, &c. The work terminates on the recto of the 89th and last leaf as follows : .Téeroo. .M. ‘Tuli Ciceronis De finibus bonorum & malori liber quintus definit. Venetiis. M.CCCC.LXXI. Chriftophoro Mauro Duce. Ioanne ex Colonia Agrippinenfi fumptia mini ftrante Impreffum. See PANZER, ‘‘ Annales Typographici,’’ Vol. II1., ~. 80. CLEMENT, “' Bibliothégue Curieuse,”’ Tome VII., Zp. 130-1. SANTANDER, ‘‘ Dict. Bibliographique choisi du Quinziéme Siecle,’ Tome Il., f. 331. DIBDIN, ‘‘ Bid. Spenceriana."’ HAtn, ‘‘ Repertorium Bibliographicum,”' Vol. 1., Pars II., . 150. BRUNET, ‘‘ Manuel,” Tome II., Z. 27. This copy belonged to the Duke of Grafton in 1796 and passed at the sale of his books to the Syston Park Library. It is in every way a beautiful volume. The binding is in excellent preservation, and the condition of the book itself is all that could be desired. The first page has been illuminated by the hand of an Italian artist. It is surrounded by a brilliant border of arabesque pattern, in which is a medallion containing a wonderfully executed head of Cicero. The large initial letter ‘‘N "' is in red and blue and gold. The paper, with wide margins, the ink, and the general typographical excellence of the work justify the care which has been bestowed on the binding and ornamentation by its former illustrious owners. 66 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Vs __ 179 CICERO OPUSCULA VARIA.—[Colonia, Oiric. Zel de Hanau, Anno 1467.| (I.) Marci Tux Ciceronts | PARADOXA INCIPIT. | Sm. 4°; 13 leaves, 25 lines on a full page, s. 1. et a. ( II.) Liber ciceronis de amicicia. | Sm. 4°; 27 leaves, 25 lines on a full page, s. 1, et a. (III.) “ Versus. x1J. FAPIETU FCz.” | 3 leaves, s. 1. et a. (IV.) Gneipit tractatus ndbilis de paitioths | aie. benerabilig magiftri Joh. gerfon. | On the recto of the last leaf : Crplicit tractatus notabilis de pafftoi- bus aie. Editus a mgto iohane gerfo cacellario parifienfi necnd profeflore facre theologic. Sm. 4°; 26 leaves, 27 lines on a full page, s. 1. et a. (V.) [Gerson.| Incipit tractatulus bon? eiufdé de modo viuendi omnii fidelit On the verso of last leaf : Expliciunt regule pulchre eiufdem de modo viuendi omnit fidelium. Sm. 4°; 4 leaves, 27 lines on a full page, s. 1. et a. ( VI.) [Aucustinus (S.)] Incipit fermo beati Auguftini epi fuper ofonem diiicam. Sm. 4°; 9 leaves, 27 lines on a full page, s. l, et a. ( VII.) [Aucusrinus.] Prologus beati auguftint in librit de bita criftiana feliciter inchoat. On the verso of the last leaf : Explicit lib’ heati augultini de vita criftiana. Sm. 4°; 19 leaves (some wormed in the front margin), 27 lines on a full page, s. 1, et a. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 67 (VIIL.) Auguttint aureliy Epi liber de finguularitate cletcorum. On the recto of the last leaf : Crplicit Liber beati auguttint efit. de fingula ritate clericorum. Per me Olricit sel de haz nau clericii diorels. Doguntinehn. Anno vz feragefinoleptime. [1467.] Sm. 4°; 33 leaves, 27 lines on a full page. 8 TRACTS bound in 1 vol. sm. 4°; old yellow morocco. GotHic LETTER. These RARE TRACTS are evidently all from one press, and that the PRESS OF ULRIC ZEL AT COLOGNE. Until the discovery of the Opuscula of CHRYSOSTOM, the last tract in the volume was thought to be ZEL’s first dated book. This copy is described by MEERMAN in his ‘‘ Ovigines Typog."' (Vol. I., ~. 58, note i.,) to whom it was shown in 1759, and who also gives a facsimile of the type. These Tracts exhibit probably some of the earliest effortsof ULRIC ZELinCOLOGNE. Mostofthemaredescribed in DiBpDIN's ‘' Bibl. Spenceriana,”’ Vol. I., 2. 178, et seg. - 10 CICERO (M.)—TULLII CICERONIS ORATIONES XXX. Inuec- tiua C. Sallustii in Ciceronem. M. T. C. Refponfio contra Salluftium. Ciceronis IV. libri Invectiuarum in Catilinam. VENETUS. CAristoporus Valdarfer, M.CCCC.LXXI. [1471.] Folio; 275 leaves ; 40 lines on a full page ; without numerals, signatures, and catchwords. The leaf of Table, which is generally deficient, supplied by a wonderful facsimile, which almost bids defiance to detection. Bound in red morocco extra, richly gilt back, paneled sides with corner orna- ments, and gilt edges. CoLiaTION: fol. 1a, TABLE, which occupies two pages and comprises references to the Orations ,; fol. 2a begins the first Oration for “ Pompey the Great,’ thus : VANQVAM . MIHI.SEMPER. FREQVENS . CONSPECTVS. uefter multo iucidiffimus: hic autem locus ad agendum 4pliffimus: ad dicendum orna- tiffimus eft uifus Quirites: tamen hoc aditu laudis: g femp optimo cuiq; maxime patuit : non mea me uolitas: fed mez uite rationes ab ineunte etate fufcepte phibuerunt. Nam cum antea per ztatem nondum huius auctoritatem loci contingere auderem: ftatueremq nihil huc nifi perfectum ingenio: elaboratum 68 Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. On the verso of fol. 275 and last, the following curious verses are found : Germani ingenii quis non miretur acumen ? Quod uult germanus protinus efficiet : Afpice quam mira libros imprefferit arte : Quam fubito ueterum tot monumenta dedit Nomine Criftoporus: Valdarfer gentis alumnus: Ratifponenfis gloria magna foli: Nunc ingens Ciceronis opus: caufafq forenfes Quas inter patres dixit & in populo. Cernis quam recto: quam emendato ordine ftruxit Nulla figura oculis gratior effe poteft : Hoc autem illuftri Venetum perfecit in urbe Preeftanti Mauro fub Duce Chriftophoro : Accipite ‘hunc librum quibus eft facundia cordi Qui te Marce col & fponte difertus erit. M. CCCC. LXXI. LODO. CARBO. The Prilippics, the Orations against Verres, and those in favor of Fonteius and Roscius, are omitted in this edition. According to DIBDIN, ‘‘a nobler or a lovelier volume never issued from the press of an early printer. I am well nigh disposed to call it the chef d'euvre of the VAL- DARFER press.’’ The last words, ‘‘ LODO CARBO," are supposed by PANZER, TIRA- BOSCHI, and SANTANDER to signify the name of LoDOVICUS CARBO, vel KOHL, the editor, or corrector of the press, in Valdarfer’s office. See PANZER, ‘‘Annales Typographici,’’ Vol. III., . 78. SANTANDER, ‘‘ Dict. Bibliographique Choisi,"’ TomelIl., g. 311. HAIN, ‘‘ Repertorium Bibliographicum,"' Vol.1., Pars Il., 2.122. VAN PRAET, ‘‘ Catalogue des Livres Imp. sur Vélin,"’ Tome IV., £. 35. DIBDIN, ‘‘ Bibl. Spenceriana,”’ Vol. L., £f. 355-6. GRAESSE, ‘' Trésor de Livres Rares et Précieux,"’ Tome II.,f. 162. BELOE, ‘‘ Anecdotes of Literature,’ Vol. 1V., p. 206. BRUNET, ‘‘ Manuel," Tome II., A. 34-5. a 181 CICERO (M. T.)—IN HOC VOLVMINE HAEC | CONTINEN- TVR. [ Rhetoricorum ad C. Herennium, 4, uu. | M. T. Ciceronis de inuentione, 7d. 11. | Eiufdem de oratore ad Quintum fratrem Z, 111. | Eiuf- dem de claris oratoribus, q dicitur Brutus: 44.1. | Eiufdem Orator ad Brutum Zé. 1. | Eiufdem Topica ad Trebatium Zé. 1. | Eiufdem oratoriz partitiones 2d. 1. | Eiufdem de optimo genere oratorum prefatio quaedam. | Index rerum notabilium, que toto opere continentur, | per ordinem alpha- beti. | IN FINE: VENETIIS IN AEDIBVS AL DI, ET ANDREAE SOCE RI MENSE MARTIO M. D. XIIII. Sm. 4°; 6 prel. leaves; 245 paged leaves ; and 3 unpaged leaves at the end, containing the ‘‘ Er- vata’’ and Anchor ; bound in purple morocco extra, Aldine Anchor on the sides, inside gilt borders, gauffered edges, vellum fly-leaves. A SPLENDID COPY, CLEAN AND FRESH AS WHEN FIRST ISSUED. This edition contains the famous ‘‘ Notice'' which Aldus placed over the door of his office, as a warning to Literary Bores and other idlers who wasted his time. See PREF., tst leaf, verso. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 69 Fae ox quog Campa | ni pspicacissimi Comentationes finfit. LErbardus ratodolt Augustensis impressor | solertissimus. venettis impressit. Anno salutis a.cccc. Irrrit. Octavis Calen. | Furi. Lector, Vale. Folio; bound in red morocco, gilt edges, by DEROME. The First EDITION of this world-renowned book, and in a form befitting its value and reputation. To those who have struggled over the cheap and bleared copies which modern presses turn out for the use of schools and colleges, this work, with its broad margins, brilliant black ink, exquisitely engraved initials, and clearly cut diagrams, must come as a revelation of beauty. And even from bibliographers few books have won more enthusiastic praise than Ratdolt’s Euclid. It is the first book in which mathematical diagrams appeared. ‘This copy belonged to the Duc de la Valiére, and was bought in 1784 by M. Wodhull, who states ina note that the mending of the first two leaves was done by ROGER PAYNE. S*4/px12 EURIPIDES. — EYPIMIAOY MHAEIA. / 1V03 Sm. 4to; bound in old English red morocco, with borders of gold, gilt edges. First EpITION. Printed in Greek capital letters. It contains the Medea, Hippolytus, Alcestis, and Andromache. The text stands high in the estimation of scholars. This is a beautiful copy. It has the signatures of two former owners — Dr. ASKEW and M. WODHULL. The latter bought it in 1775 and paid for it then £11 5s. Renouard’s copy sold for £36 55. Neither the date nor place of printing is given, but it is universally admitted to have been printed by L. de Alopa, at Florence, about 1496. It is EXCESSIVELY RARE. 108 Catalogue of Books and Manuseripts. a... 313 EURIPIDES.— EYPIIIAOY spaywdiu, etc., Evripipis vagedie septen- decim, ex | guib. gquedam habent commentaria. | & sunt he. [ 7itles both in Greek and in Latin.] VENETIIS APVD ALDVM | MENSE Fesrva | Rio. M.D. III. 2 vols. 8°, bound in crimped red morocco, gilt, by ROGER. PAYNE. First EDITION of eighteen tragedies. The preface by Aldus to Demetrius Chalcondylas, printed on the back of the title-page, gives the best information concerning the number of copies usually printed for an edition, and on this account is of rare interest. ‘‘ Mille et amplius boni alicujus autoris volumina singulo quog ; mense emittemus ex Academid nostré.'' From the Beckford collection in the Hamilton Palace sale. It is in perfect condition, and is an excep- tionally beautiful specimen of the Aldine Press. JhO— 314 EVANGELIA (SAXON AND ENGLISH). : THE GOSPELS of the fower Euangeliftes tranflated in the olde Saxons tyme out of Latin into the vulgare toung of the Saxons, newly collected out of Auncient Monumentes of the fayd Saxons, and now publifhed for teftimonie of the fame. Gorn) AT LONDON. Printed by Iohn Daye dwel- ling ouer Alderfgate. IBTt, §| Cum Priuilegio Regie Maiestatis Per Decennium.' 4°. TITLE printed within an ornamental woodcut border ; on the reverse, ‘‘ The Saxon Carac- ters [séc] or letters, that be moft ftraunge,” efc.; dedication, ‘‘To the Most Ver- | tuous, and noble Princeffe, Queene | Elizabeth,” etc. signed, ‘‘ Your Maiesties moft | humble fubject, IOHN FOXE,” 6 leaves; TEXT, 408 7f., bound in best grosgr. olive levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled sides filleted, with corner ornaments, and large gilt center-pieces, by F, BEDFORD, 7 his best style. A VERY LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THIS EXCEED- INGLY RARE VOLUME, IN ABSOLUTELY PERFECT PRESERVATION. YY —315 EVANGILES (LES) des Dimanches et Fétes de l’Année: suivis de Priéres 4 la Sainte Vierge et aux Saints. Avec Appendice, Descriptions, Notices, etc. Paris: Z. Curmer, 1864. ' The 3 parts in 2 vols. thick imperial 8°; bound by DAVID in brown levant morocco extra, backs and sides covered with blind tooling, broad inside gilt border, watered-silk linings, gilt edges. Ln pull-off cases. Parts I. and II. of this most sumptuous book contain Les Evangiles de 1' Eglise printed in gold or in colors on colored background, every page of text surrounded by ornamental borders Catalogue of Books and ‘Manuscripts. 109 and with numerous full-page and smaller illustrations, all most beautifully executed in gold and colors, in facsimile of miniatures and ornaments in ancient manuscripts. The third part, forming the second volume, contains reprints of La Vie de la Sainte Vierge, etc., descriptions, historical notices, etc., with very numerous engravings on wood and by photographic process, after early engravings by the brothers Wierx, etc., etc. of 316 EVELYN (J.)— Diary and CorresponDENCE of JOHN EVELYN, F.R.S. .. Edited from the Original MSS. at Wotton, by WILLIAM Bray, Esa., F. A. S.. A New Edition, corrected, revised, and enlarged. Lonpon: Sohn, 1862. 4 vols. post 8°; portraits and plates, half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. : — 317 EVERY NIGHT BOOK; or, Lire arrer Dark. By the Author of “The Cigar.’ Lonpon: TZ: Richardson, MDCCCXXVIL. 12°; half calf, gilt back, marbled edges. RARE. A curious description of famous public resorts in London. ft WSR ALCONER (W.) — Tue POETICAL WORKS of WIL- LIAM FALCONER. Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1836. 12°; portrait, brown calf, gilt back, marbled edges. Z So 319 FANNING (D.)—Tue NARRATIVE of COL. DAVID FANNING (A Tory in the Revolutionary War with Great Britain): giving an Account of his Adventures in North Carolina, from 1775 to 1783, As Written by Himself. With an InrropucTion and ExpLANATORY Notes. NEw York: Reprinted for Joseph Sabin, 1865. 4° ; pp. xix-86. Half brown calf, UNCUT. LARGE PAPER, 50 COPIES PRINTED. see 320 FAWCETT (H.)— MANUAL of POLITICAL: ECONOMY. By Henry Fawcett, M. A. Third Edition. Lonpon and CaMBrRIDGE: 1869. Crown 8°; cloth, UNCUT. of 321. FELT (J. B.)—An HISTORICAL ACCOUNT of Massacuusetts Fi CuRRENCY. By JosepH B. Fett. Boston: Pynted by Perkins & Marvin, 1839. 8°; 2p. 259. Half dark blue morocco, gilt top, UNCUT. FOUR PIECES of Rhode [sland CON- TINENTAL CURRENCY Znserted. 15 110 Catalogue of ‘Books and Manuscripts. Af 322 FENELON.— Les AVANTURES pe TELEMAQUE, Fuss p’ULysse, par feu Messire Frangois DE Saticnac, De La Morne FENELON. Nouvelle Edition, Conforme au Manuscrit Original, e¢ enrichie de Figures en taille-douce. AMSTERDAM: chez J. Wetstein & G. Smith, M. DCC. XXXIV. 4°. PORTRAIT 0f FENELON by DREVET, and brilliant impressions of the Engravings by PICART, FOLKEMA, VAN GUNST, BERNARDS, etc. Bound in fine old olive morocco, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, yellow brocade linings, by BRADE1 1' Ainé. 5S) Uf 323 FENELON.— Les AVENTURES pe TELEMAQUE, Fils d’Ulysse. Par M. DE FENELON. Avec Figures en Taille-Douce, dessinées par MM. Cocuin e¢ Moreau /e Jeune. A Paris, de l’Lmprimerie de Monsieur (P. Fr. Dipot Jeune), M.DCC.XC. : 2 vols. large 8°. ILLUSTRATED with upwards of ONE HUNDRED Jeautiful PLATES by MARILLIER, COCHIN, MOREAU de Jeune, QUEVERDO, LEFEVRE, and, others, many of which are brilliant proof impressions, including 6 fine proof PORTRAITS of FENELON, all different, and several very rare; elegantly bound in polished citron levant morocco super-extra, eilt backs and edges, paneled and filleted sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt dentelle borders, by CAAMBOLLE-DURU. FENELON.— Les AVENTURES be TELEMAQUE, Fils d’Ulysse. Par M. DE FENELON. Avec Figures en Taille-Douce, dessinées par MM. CocuIn e¢ Moreau /e Jeune. A Paris, de l’Imprimerie de Monsieur (P. Fr. Dipot Jeune), M.DCC.XC. 2 vols. 8°. LARGE PAPER. Sprinkled calf, extra, gilt backs and edges, filleted sides, splendid impressions of the plates. FERGUSON (A.)— Tue HISTORY of the PROGRESS and Termi- nation of the ROMAN REPUBLIC. By ADAM FERGUSON, LL.D. Llustrated with Maps. 12 Portraits of Emperors inserted. Lonpon: W. Strahan, MDCCCLXXXIII. 3 vols. 4°; calf, marbled edges. First EDITION. FERGUSSON (J.)— RUDE STONE MONUMENTS in all Coun- TRIES; their AGE and Uses. By JAMES FERGUSSON, D.C. L. With 234 Lllustrations, LONDON: 1872. 8°; cloth, UNCUT. é FERGUSSON (JAMES).— HISTORY of ARCHITECTURE in all CounTRIEs, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Second Edition. 2 vols. HISTORY of INDIAN and EastTErRN ARCHITECTURE, I Vol. HISTORY of the MODERN Srvies of ARCHITECTURE, 1 vol, Lon- DON: Murray, 1873-76. 4 vols. 8°; half morocco, tops gilt, UNCUT. Illustrated with upwards of 1500 engravings. on wood. 3 \f— 329 Figures (Les) du Uieil | Ceftament. et du nownel. Catalogue of Wooks and Wanuscripts. 111 FIGUIER (LOUIS).— Tue WORKS of LOUIS FIGUIER: Com- PRISING (§) Primitive Man. (2) The Human Race. (3) The World Before the Deluge. (4) The Ocean World. (5) The Insect World. (6) The Vegetable World. (7) Mammalia. (8) Reptiles and Birds. Lonpon: 1866-1876. 8 vols. 8°; with numerous illustrations, uniformly bound in dark green morocco extra, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. In FINE [/ol. 99, verso]: @ Cp finift ceftup prefent liure Fntitule oes deur teltamens Ze regard, qui monftre que viure Meuoit iclus, puis par tormens Crucis, horribles et wvehemeng Endurant comme bng aigneau Mourroit en cro par fertemeng Jmprime par gillet couteau. [Device of Francovs Regnavit.] @ fils fe wendent a Paris en fa rue fainet iaques a ienfeigne fainet claude. [s. a. sed circa 1520.| Folio, 99 leaves, 39 lines on a full page; with 40 pages of exceedingly curious WOODCUTS, each page containing three different scenes from the Old and New Testaments in compartments. The Title remargined, and the corners of one or two leaves repaired; otherwise a fine, large, clean copy. Bound in wrinkled olive morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled sides with gold borders and corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, by CHARLES LEWIS. ‘* AN EXTREMELY CURIOUS and INTERESTING VOLUME, and of the HIGHEST DEGREE OF RARITY. It was an attempt to reproduce, for the commonalty in France, the ‘Poor Man's Bible,’ which formerly had, under the title of the Bisa Pauperum, such great popularity in Germany as a Block-book. There is reason to believe that no Block-book edition was ever printed in France, but the WOODCUTS are here carefully copied and accompanied by an explanatory text in French. No copy of this rare volume was in the DIDOT Collection, and BRUNET does not quote the sale of any copy of this edition.” Pa ; e202 — 330 FINDEN’S (W.) ILLUSTRATIONS of the LIFE and WORKS of LORD BYRON. With Original and Selected Information on the Subjects of the Engravings, by W. BROCKEDON. Lonpon: John Murray, 1833-34. 3 vols. roy. 4°. LARGE PAPER. With upwards of 150 highly finished engravings from drawings by STANFIELD, ROBERTS, TURNER, CATTERMOLE, CALCOTT, WESTALL, and others —fine, early impressions. Bound in blue polished calf super-extra, gilt backs and edges, filleted sides. AN ELEGANT copy of this beautiful work. hg 112 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Joo - 331 FILSON (JOHN).—Tue | DISCOVERY, SETTLEMENT | And prefent State of | KEMTUCKE: | And An Essay towards the Topo- GRAPHY and Natural History of that important Country: To which is added, An APPENDIX, containing, I. The Apventures of Col. Daniel Boon, one the firft Settlers, comprehending every important Occurrence in political Hiflory of that .Province. II. The Minutes of the Pianka/haw council, held at Poff St. Vincents, April 15,1784. III. An Account of the Jndian Nations inhabiting within the Limits of the Thirteen United States, their Manners and Customs, and Reflections on their Origin. IV. The Staces and Distances between Philadelphia and the Falls of the Ohio ; from Pittfourg to Penfacola and feveral other places.— The whole illuftrated by a new and accurate MAP of Kentucke and the Country adjoining, . drawn from actual Surveys. By JOHN FILSON. Wi mincton, Printed by James Adams, 1784. 8°; pp. 118. Brown morocco extra, gilt edges, filleted sides, broad inside borders inlaid with green morocco, gilt. Portraitof DANIEL BOONE imserted. FINE COPY. RARE. The map mentioned in the title seems never to have been published with the book; when found it is supplied from the French version of the work. SO - 332 FITCH (JAMES). PEACE The End of the Perfect and Upright, Demonftrated and ufefully Improved in a SERMON, Preached upon the Occafion of the Death and Decafe of that Pioufly Affected, and truly Religious Matron, Mrs. ANNE MASON: Sometime Wife to Major Mafon, who not long after finifhed his Courfe and is now at refi. By Mr. James Fitch Paftor of the Church of Chrift at Norwich. [Conn.| [Scripture texts of 6 lines.] CAMBRIDGE: Printed by Samuel Green. 1672. 4°. ‘‘ TITLE” as above, t leaf, verso, note to the ‘‘ Chriftian Reader," signed ‘J. S."" 1 7.; then follow 13 pages of the sermon, which ends on the vecto of ~. 13. Bound in dark crimson levant morocco extra, gilt back and top, filleted sides, inside gilt dentelle borders, by F. BEDFORD. UNCUT. ‘ An exceedingly fine copy of this EXTREMELY RARE SERMON. Only one other copy is known, which is in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society. ‘‘ Major Mason,” it will be remembered, was the celebrated Major Yohn Mason, ‘‘ Chief Captain and Commander of Connecticut Forces’ in the Pequot War. Mr. Fitch married the Major's daughter Priscilla. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 113 _//.40 333 FINDLEY (WILLIAM).— HISTORY of the INSURRECTION in /O So i. — the Four WEsTERN CountTigs of PENNSYLVANIA: In the Year M.Dcc.xcIv. With a Recital of the Circumstances specially connected therewith: and an Historica Review of the previous Situation of the Country. PHILADELPHIA: Samuel H. Smith, M.DCC.XCVI. 8°; pp. xv-328. Half dark green morocco, UNCUT. RARE. 2p 3 & 334 FQEDERALIST (THE).—A Cottection of Essays, Written in Favor of the New Constitution, as agreed upon by the Foederal Convention, September 17,1787. Reprinted from the Original Text, with an Historica. INTRODUcTION and Notes. By HENRY B. DAWSON... Moraisania, Ne 'Y. 3664) Imp. 8°. LARGE PAPER, 250 copies printed; fine portrait of HAMILTON on India Paper. Half brown calf, gilt back and top, UNCUT. 335 FORD (T.)—A HISTORY of ILLINOIS, from its Commencement as a State in 1818 to 1847. Containing a full Account of the Black Hawk War, the Rise, Progress, and Fall of Mormonism, the Alton and Lovejoy Riots, and other important and interesting Events. By the late GOV. THOMAS FORD. Cuicaco: S. C. Griggs & Co. 1854. 12°; pp. xvit-447. Cloth. 336 FOSTER (JOHN).—WORKS. Comprisinc, I. Critica Essays, 2 vols. II. Lectures, 2 vols. III. Lire and CORRESPONDENCE, 2 vols. LONDON: Bohn, 1852-58. 6 vols. post 8°. Half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. -337 FOXE (LVKE).— NORTH-VVEST FOX, | or, | Fox from the North-weft pafage. | BEGINNING | VVith King Arruvr, Maca, OctTHvR, | the two Zeni’s of Leland, Eflotiland, and Dorgia ,; | Following with briefe Abftracts of the Voyages of Cabot, | Frobifher, Davis, Waymouth, Knight, Hudjon, Button, Gib- | bons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge : Together with the | Courfes, Diftance, Latitudes, Longitudes, Variations, | Depths of Seas, Sets of Tydes, Currents, Races, | and over-Falls; with other Obferva- tions, Accidents | and remarkable things, as our Miferies and | Sufferings. | M*. IaMEs Ha tt’s three Voyages to Groynland, with a | Zopographicall defcription of the Countries, the Salvages | lives and Treacheries, how our Men have been flayne | by them there, with the Commodities of all thofe | parts ; whereby the Merchant may have Trade, and | Mariner Imployment. | Demonftrated in a Polar Card, wherein are all the Maines, Seas, | and Lands, herein mentioned. | With the Author his owne Voyage, being the XVI". | with the opinions and Collections of the moft famous Ma- | thematicians, 114 Catalogue of Books and Manuseripts, and Cofmographers; with a Probabilitie to | prove the fame by Marine Remonttrations, [sic] compa- | red by the Ebbing and Flowing of the Sea, experimented | with places of our owne Coaft. | By Capitaine LVKE Foxe of Kingftone vfon Hull, Capt. | and Pylot for the Voyage, in his Majefties Pinnace | the CHaRLEs. | Printed by his Majefties Command. | Lonpon: | Printed by B. Asop and Tuo. FavvEEt, dwelling in Grud/ireet, | 1635. | 4°; plate of a sphere, 1 leaf, 5 leaves, pp. 272 (169-172 repeated), large folding map, very fine impression, with the Fox and Goose in one corner. The margins of a few leaves slightly worm- eaten. A LARGE, CLEAN, AND PERFECT COPY, iz the original vellum wrapper. .IN A BROWN WRINKLED MOROCCO SOLANDER CASE. EXCESSIVELY RARE in this splendid condition. 338 FRANCIS (J.)— CHRONICLES and CHARACTERS of the Stock Excuance. By Joun Francis. First American Edition. To which are added Stock Tables from 1732 to 1846; Dividends on Bank of England Stock from 1694 to 1847. Boston: Crosby & LVichols, 1850. 8°; cloth. ZZ - 339 FRANCIS (J. W.)—OLD NEW YORK: or, REMINIscENCEs of the Past Sixty Years. By JOHN W. FRANCIS, M. D. With a MEMOIR of the Author by Henry T. Tuckerman. New-York: M DCCC LXVI. Crown 8° ; portrait, cloth, UNCUT. h- 340 FRANCKLIN (T.)—A SERMON preached before the Honourable Trustees for Establishing the COLONY or GEORGIA in AMERICA... at their Anniversary Meeting, March 16, 1749-50 .. . By THOMAS FRANCKLIN, M. A. Lonpon: &. Francklin, MDCCL. ©; pp. 20. Half morocco, UNCUT. RARE. 4°; 2p 2Vo6 341 [FRANKLIN.]—LETTERS to BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, from his Famity and FRIENDS. 1751-1790. [dited by WiLL1AM Duanz.| NEw York: C. B. Richardson, 1859. 8°; 2 portraits on India paper, half brown calf. 250 COPIES PRINTED. /G — 342 FRANKLIN (B.) — AUTOBIOGRAPHY of BENJAMIN FRANK- LIN. Edited from his Manuscript, with Notes and an INTRODUCTION, by JoHN BicELow. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1868. Imp. 8°; pp. 409. Fine portrait on India paper, proof before letter, half blue levant morocco, gilt top, UNCUT. LARGE PAPER. 100 copies printed. 7 - 343 FRENCH HISTORY.—ABBREGE | DE L’HISTOIRE | Fracoife, auec les Effigies des | Roys, depuis Pharamond | Iufques au Roy Henry iiij. | tirees des plus rares & | excellentz Cabinetz | de la France. | Par H. C. | Edition troifiefme reueué & augmentée de nouueau, | A Paris, | 47 - Catalogue of Gooks and Manuscripts. 115 Far Tean Le Clerc, rue S. Tean de Latran, | @ la Salemandre. L M.D. LXXXXVI. [1596.] Avec PRIVILEGE pv Roy. Folio ; pp. 72, including the title; each page is surrounded by an ornamental woodcut border of tasteful design, and the work contains 65 WOODCUT PORTRAITS, except that of HENRY IV., the last in the series, which is a copper-plate of brilliant execution. The engravings were executed by JEAN LE CLERC the printer, who is described in the Privilege as ‘‘ Marchant et Zadlleur d’histoires."" Some leaves are slightly wormed in lower margin; otherwise a very fine, clean copy of this RARE WORK. Bound in vellum. 344 FRENEAU (P.)— POEMS | Written between the Years 1768 & 1794, | By | PHILIP FRENEAU, | of | New Jersey: | A New Edition, Revifed and Corrected by the | AutHor; Including a confiderable number of | PigcEs never before PusiisHep. | MONMOUTH [N. J.] | Printed | At the Prefs of the AuTHOR, at Mount-PLEasant, near | MIDDLETOWN- POINT; M DCC, XCV: and, of | — AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE — | XIX. 8°; pp. xv-455. Bound in grosgr. green levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, by W. PRATT. LARGE AND FINE COPY. VERY SCARCE. 345 FYSSHER (JOHAN). @ Chis treatple concernpnge the fruptful fapnges of Dauid the kpnge % prophete in the feuen penptencpall plalmes. Deupded in feuen fermons wag made and comppied bp the rpght reuerente fader in god Johan fplther doctoure of Dpupnpte } bypfthop of Kiorhelter at the erortacpd and (terpnge of the moott ercellét princefle Margarete coi tefle of Lpchemoiit and Derby, } moder to our foucrapne lorde kynge Henry the. vii. IN FINE [ fod. 146, recto]: @. Here endeth the erpotpepon of the. vii. plalmes. €n- prpnted at London in the Fleteftrete at the {pgne of the fonne, bp Wpnkpn de Worde prpnter punto the moolt exz cellent prpneeffe mp ladp the kpnges graiidame. Jn the pere of our forde god. 29. CCC, and ix. the xii. dape of the moneth of Jupn. Sm. 4°; 146 unnumbered leaves, with the large device of WYNKYN DE WoRDE on the verso of the last leaf} curious, large Initial letter of KING DAVID watching BATHSHEBA bathing. Bound in dark blue morocco, back and sides blind tooled, gilt edges. A LARGE AND EXCEEDINGLY FINE COPY, IN PERFECT CONDITION. EXCESSIVELY RARE. * 116 Catalogue of Books and Wanuscripts. VE 346 ALE (G.)— UPPER MISSISSIPPI: or, Historical Sketches of the Mound-Builders, the Indian Tribes, and the Progress of Civ- jlization in the North-West; from A. D. 1600 to the Present Time. By GEORGE GALE. Cnuicaco: Clarke & Co, 1867. 12°; pp. vii-460. With map and engravings on wood, Cloth. 2/_ 347 GALLONIUS.— DE SS. MARTYRVM | crvctatisys | ANTONI GAL- LONI ROM. | CONGREGATIONIS ORATORII | PRESBYTERI | LIBER | quo potissimum instrumenta, & modi, quibus ijdem cHRist1 | martyres olim torquebantur, accuratissime | tabellis expressa describuntur. | [Engraved device of the Virgin and Child.] Romar | Ex Typographia Congregationis Oratorij apud S. Mariam | in Vallicella. M.D.XCIV. | Superiorum Permissu. One vol. sm. 4°; bound in calf, with arms of DE THOU stamped on the sides, Numerous and curious woodcuts illustrating the horrible tortures inflicted on Christian martyrs. This volume comes from the collection of the celebrated bibliophile JACQUES AUGUSTE DE THOU, the friend of Grolier and one of the most remarkable book collectors of the XVIth Cen- tury. His arms are on the sides, flanked by those of MARIE DE BRABANGON-CANY, whom he married in 1587. The monogram under the arms is J. A. and JZ, (Jacques Auguste, Marie), and is repeated seven times on the back. Books from this collection are rare. Begun about the middle of the XVIth Century, this library was kept by his son, after de Thou’s death, and passed into the hands of appreciative heirs. In 1789 the Princes de Rohan were compelled through heavy losses to dispose of it. The sale of the books began January 12, and lasted until May 22, 1789. 4 wf 348 GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA (el Ynca).— LA FLORIDA | DEL YNCA. | HISTORIA DEL ADELANTA- | do Hernando de Soto, Gouernador y capi- | tan general del Reyno de la Florida, y de | otros heroicos caualleros Efpafioles é | Indios ; efcrita por el Ynca Garcilaffo | de la Vega, capitan de fu Mageftad, | natural de la gran ciudad del Coz- | co, cabeca de los Reynos y | prouincias del Peru. | Dirigida al ferenifsimo Principe, Duque de Braganga, &c. Con licencia de la fanta Inquificion. En Lissona. | Impreffo por Pedro Crafbeeck. | ANo 1605. | Con priuilegio Real. | Sm. 4°; 10 prel. leaves, unnumbered ; ‘‘ Text,” 352 leaves ; ‘‘ Tabla,” 6 leaves. Elegantly bound in grosgrained red levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled sides, with middle and , corner ornaments, by F, BEDFORD. : The First EDITION of Garcilasso’s narrative of the Conguest of Florida, and account of the Indians. VERY RARE, Catalogue of Books and ‘DWanuseripts. 117 iA Man: a Comepy.- As Performed at the THEATRE-Roya. in CovVENT-GARDEN. By Mr. GoLp- SMITH. LONDON: Printed for W. GrirFin, 1768. 8°; calf. FIRST EDITION. RARE. Bound with above are: ZENOBIA, a Tragedy. By the Author of the Orphan of China. London: 1768. [And] FALSE DELIcAcy: a Comedy. By Hugh Kelly. London: 1768. Fig ~ 365 GOLDSMITH (OLIVER).—Tue VICAR of WAKEFIELD. By OLIveR GOLDsMITH. With 32 beautiful [lustrations by Wi1amM Mut- READY, R. A. Engraved by J. THompson. Lonpon: John Van Voorst, MDCCCXLIII. Sq. 8°; polished tree-calf super-extra, gilt back and top, filleted sides, UNCUT, by R. CAL- VERT. J $0 366 GOLDSMITH (OLIVER).— Tue POETICAL WORKS of OLIVER GOLDSMITH. Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1853. 12° ; portrait, blue calf extra, gilt back and top, UNCUT. /( — 367 GOLDSMITH (OLIVER).— WORKS of OLIVER GOLDSMITH. Edited by PETER CUNNINGHAM, F.S. A. Lonpon: John Murray, 1854. 4 vols. 8°; elegantly bound in polished tree-calf super-extra, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. BEST EDITION. uy — 368 [@OMARA (FRANCISCO LOPEZ de)].—Tue | Pleafant Hiftorie of the | Conqueft of the Weft India, now called | new Sfaine. | Atchieued by the moft woorthie Prince | Hernando Cortes, Marques of the Valley of | Huaxacac, mott delectable to reade. | Translated out of the Spanifh tongue, by | T. N. [ Zhomas Nicholas] Anno, 1578. | Lonvon | Printed by Thomas Creede, | 1596. | Sm. 4°; BLACK LETTER, dark green levant morocco extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders. THE SECOND ENGLISH EDITION. RARE. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 121 Ay 4. 369 GONSE (LOUIS).— L’ ART JAPONAIS. Par Louis Gonse, Directeur de la Gazette des Beaux-Arts. Paris: A Quantin Imprimeur-Editeur, 1883. 4° ; bound in Fapanese silk, variously and artistically ornamented. Exemplaire sur papier vélin, No. 320. This is in many respects the most beautiful and valuable work which has been written on Japanese art. M. Gonse is not only thoroughly acquainted with the subject, but he has been an ardent collector. The book is profusely illustrated by engravings and etchings of objects be- longing to the author and other well known collectors of Paris. ?— 3. GOODY TWOSHOES.—Tue HISTORY or Litrte GOODY TWO- SHOES; OTHERWISE CALLED Mrs. Margery Twoshoes. WitH the Means by which she acquired her Learning and Wisdom, and in Consequence _ thereof her Estate. Set forth at large for the Benefit of those, Who from a State of Rags and Care, And having Shoes but half a Pair, ‘ Their Fortune and their Fame would fix, And gallop in their Coach and Six. See the original Manuscript in the Vatican at Rome, and the cuts by MicHaEL ANGELO; illustrated with the Comments of our great modern Criticks. THe FIRST WORCESTER EDITION. PRINTED at WorceEsTER, Massachusetts, By ISAIAH THOMAS, And Sop, Wholesate and Retail, at his Book Storee MDCCLXXXVII. 12°; bound in crimson crushed morocco, top edges gilt, by MATTHEWS. K This is a UNIQUE copy of this rare and entertaining little book. It is absolutely UNCUT, and is as fresh as if just issued from the press. The woodcuts are crude but amusing, and the Introduction by THOMAS is quaint and clever. oe Fs 2 371 GOOKIN (D.) — HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS of the INDIAN$ in NEW ENGLAND, of their several Nations, Numbers, Customs, Manners, Religion and Government, before the English planted there. Also a true and faithful Account of the present state and condition of the Praying Indians. By DanieL Gooxin, GENTLEMAN. Wow jirst printed from the Original Manuscript, at the Apollo Press, Boston, MDCCXCIII. 8°; cloth, UNCUT. _ SO 372 GORDON (Mrs.)— “CHRISTOPHER NORTH,” A Memoir of Joun Witson. Compiled by His DaucuTer. With an Introduction by R. SHEL- TON MACKENZIE. NEw YorK: 1863. Crown 8° ; cloth, portrait, UNCUT. 122 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 373 GORGES (FERDINANDO). AMERICA Painted to the Life. THE TRUE HISTORY OF The Spaniards Proceedings in the Conquefts of the INDIA NS, and of their Civil Wars among them- felves, from Co.umsus his firft Difcovery to thefe later Times. AS ALSO, Of,the Original Undertakings of the Advancement of Plantations into thofe parts; With a perfect Relation of our Englifh Difcoveries, fhewing their Beginning, Progrefs and Continuance, from the Year 1628. to 1658. Declaring the Forms of their Govern- ment, Policies, Religions, Maners, Cuftoms, Military Difci- pline, wars with the /zdians, the Commodities of their Countries, a Defcription of their Towns and Havens, the increafe of their Trading, with the Names of their Governors and Magiftrates. More efpecially, an abfolute Varrative of the North parts of America, and of the Difcoveries and Plantations of our Englifh in Virginia, New-England, and Berbadoes. Publifht by FERD/JNANDO GORGES, Esq. *A Work now at laft expofed for the publick good, to ftir up the Heroick and Active Spirits of thefe times, to benefit their Countrey, and Eternize their Names by fuch Honorable Attempts. For the Readers clearer underfianding of the Countreys, they are lively defcribed in a compleat and exquifite Map. Ovid. Auri facra fames quid non — LONDON, printed for Nath. Brook at the Angel in Cornhil. 1659. THE Four PARTS COMPLETE. Sm. 4°; sumptuously bound in olive levant morocco of the very best quality, finely polished, gilt back and edges, paneled sides, fillete?, with tasteful corner ornaments and large center ornaments, broad inside dentelle borders, richly gilt, by WM. MATTHEWS, in his best style. A MAGNIFICENT copy OF THIS EXTREMELY RARE work, IN -THE VERY FINEST POSSIBLE CONDITION. Kp * Se Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 123 374 GRANDVILLE.— SCENES de la VIE PRIVEE et PUBLIQUE des ANIMAUX. Vignettes par GRANDVILLE. Etudes de Mceurs Con- temporaines. Publiées sous la Direction de M. P.-J. STAHL. Paris: Fletzel, 1844. 2 vols. roy. 8°: half calf, gilt backs, rough edges. © 375 [GRANT (Mrs. ANNE)|.— MEMOIRS of an AMERICAN LADY; with Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America, as they existed previous to the Revolution. Third Edition. Lonpon: A. K. Mewman, 1817. 2 vols. 12°; cloth. 376 GRAY (T.)—SIX POEMS, with DESIGNS by Mr. R. BentTLEy. Lon- ® pon: Printed for R. Dodsley in Pall-mall, MDCCLIII. Imp. 4°; printed on one side only, 45 leaves including the PLATES. Half morocco, jine copy. 377 GRAY (T.)—The WORKS of THOMAS GRAY. Edited by the Rev. Joun Mitrorp. Lonpon: W. Aickering, 1836-43. 5 vols. 129; PORTRAITS. Crimson morocco extra, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT edges. Scarce. 378 GREENE (R.)— THE DRAMATIC WORKS of ROBERT GREENE, To which are added his Porms. With some Account of the AUTHOR, and Notes, by the Rev. ALEXANDER DYCE, B. A. Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1831. 2 vols. crown 8° ; cloth, UNCUT. 379 GREVILLE (C. C. F.)— Tue GREVILLE MEMOIRS. A JourNnaL of the Reicns of Kinc Georce IV. and Kine WitiiaAM IV. By the late CHARLES C. F. GREVILLE, Esq. Edited by HENRY REEVE. THIRD Epition. Lonpon: Longmans, 1875. 3 vols. 8°; cloth, UNCUT. ’ 380 GREY (SIR G.) — POLYNESIAN MYTHOLOGY, and Ancient TRa- DITIONAL History of the NEw ZEALAND Race, as furnished by their Priests and Chiefs. By SIR GEORGE GREY. Lonpon: John Murray, 1855. Crown 8° ; Illustrated with 14 engravings on wood. Cloth, UNCUT. { 2-20 381 GROTE (GEORGE).—A HISTORY or GREECE; From the Earliest Period to the Close of the Generation Contemporary with Alexander the - Great. A New Edition. With Portrait and Pians. Lonpon: John Murray, 1869. 12 vols. post 8°; polished tree-calf extra, gilt backs, marbled edges, colored labels, by MANSELL. 124 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 382 GRIMM (HERMAN).—LIFE of MICHAEL ANGELO, Translated with the Author’s sanction by Fanny ELizABErH BUNNETT. Boston: Little, Brown, & Company, 1865. 2 vols. crown 8° ; portrait, cloth. 383 GUIDONIS DE MONTE ROCHERII MANIPULUS CURA- TORUM. Paris: MICH&ALIS DE COLUMBARIA, UDABRICUS GERING et MarTINUS CHRANTZ, 1473. Sm. folio; bound in red morocco, gilt edges, by DEROME. The first printers of France, like those of Italy, were Germans. ‘Two of those named above, Gering and Chrantz, printed the first book issued in Paris. Their types were slightly Roman- ized, but were much more Gothic in character than those used at the same time in Italy. This volume is in very fine condition and is a beautiful specimen of the work of the first Parisian printers. It is from the Wodhull Library. ¥ 2 Vo 384 GUILLEMIN (AMEDEE).—Tur HEAVENS. An Jiustrated Hand- book of Popular Astronomy. Edited by J. Norman Lockyer. Fourth Edition, Revised by RicHarp A. PRocror. Lonpon: Sentley, 1871. 8°; half green morocco, gilt back and top, UNCUT. or 385 GUILLEMIN (AMEDEE).— Tue FORCES of NATURE. A Popular Introduction to the Study of Physical Phenomena. Translated from the French by Mrs. Norman Lockyer; and Edited, with Notes, by J. NORMAN LOCKYER, F. R.S. J/lustrated by 11 colored Puates and 455 Woodcuts. SECOND Epition. New-York [Lonpon]: 1873. Roy. 8°; half russia, gilt back and top. Be Vo 386 GUILLEMIN (AMEDEE).—Lrs APPLICATIONS de la PHYSIQUE aux SCIENCES, 4 lINpDustRIE et aux Arts. Ouvrage con- tenant 427 Higures dessinées par B. BONNAFOUX et A. JAHANDIER, e¢ Gravées par Cu. LAPLANTE, 22 Grandes Planches dont 6 imprimées en couleur, et 3 Cartes.’ Paris: Hachette et C*. 1874. Roy. 8° ; half red morocco, gilt back and edges. S Jo 387 GUTCH (J. M.)—A LYTELL GESTE of ROBIN HODE. With other Ancient and Modern Ballads and Songs relating to this celebrated Yeo- man. To which is prefixed his History and Character, grounded upon other Documents than those made use of by his former Biographer, “Mister Rit- son.” Ldited by JOHN MATHEW GUTCH, F.S.A., and Adorned with Cuts by F, W. FatrRuHo_t, F.S. A. Lonpon: Longman, MDCCCXLVII. 2 vols. 8°: half maroon calf, gilt backs and tops, rough edges, Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 125 388 AKLVYT (RICHARD). — THE | PRINCIPAL NAVI-| GATIONS, VOYAGES, | TRAFFIQVES AND DISCOVE- | ries of the Englifh Nation, made by Sea or ouer- | land, to the remote and fartheft diftant quarters of the | Earth, at any time within the compaffe of thefe 1600 yeres: | Diuided into three feuerall Volumes, accord- ing to the | pofitions of the Regions, whereunto they | were directed. The fzff VOLUME containeth the worthy Difcoueries, | &c. of the Englifh toward the North and Northeaft, by Sea, as of | Lapland... . Whereunto is annexed a briefe Commentary of the true fiate of Uland, | and of the Northern Seas and lands fituate that. way: As alfo the | memorable defeat of the Spani/fh huge Armada, Anno 1588. @ The fecond VOLUME comprehendeth the principall Nauigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and difcoueries of the Englifh Nation made by Sea or ouer-land, to the South and South-eaft parts of the World, as well within as without the Streight of Gibralter, at any time within the compaffe of thefe 1600. yeres: Diuided into two feueral parts, &c. @ Tue | THIRD AND LAST | VOLVME OF THE VOY- | AGES, NAVIGATIONS, TRAF- | fiques, and Difcoueries of the Zxgli/h Nation, and in | fome few places, where they haue not been, of ftrangers, per- | formed within and before the time of thefe hundred yeeres, to all | parts of the Vew- found world of America, or the Wet /ndies, from 73. | degrees of Northerly to 57. of Southerly latitude: | etc., etc. . @ By Ricuarp Haktvyt Preacher, and fometime Stu- dent of Chrift-Church in Oxford. @2z Imprinted at London by George Bifhop, | Ralph Newberie, and Robert Barker, | Anno 1599-1600. 3 vols. in 2 vols. folio; sumptuously bound in best grogr. green levant morocco super-extra, elabo- rately and rithly gilt backs, filleted sides with elegant corner ornaments, inside lined with vellum, and vellum fly-leaves, broad dentelle' gold borders, finely tooled, gilt edges, by RIVIERE. BEST EDITION. A LARGE, CLEAN, avd EXCEEDINGLY FINE Copy, with the ORIGINAL VOYAGE TO CADIZ, JSorming pages 607-19 of the FIRST volume, which is wanting in many copies, having been su- pressed by order of QUEEN ELIZABETH, after the disgrace of the Earl of Essex. The Third Volume of this copy contains a MAP of the World, ‘‘ A true hydrographical def- cription of fo much of the world as hath beene hitherto difcouered and is comme to our know- ledge,’’ etc., neatly mounted on linen. This map is the same as that of the edition of 1589, but with the addition of Sir FRANCIS DRAKE'S voyage traced upon it. HALLAM describes this as ‘the best map of the sixteenth century, and one of uncommon rarity, which is found in a very few copies of the first edition of Hakluyt’s Voyages.” (‘‘ Literature of Europe,’ Vol. Il. p. 355-) OLpys devotes twenty pages of his ‘‘ British Librarian"’ to a minute and excellent analysis of this edition, 2. 137-158. 17 126 Catalogue of Busks and Manuscripts. a Ye _ 389 HAKLVYT (RICHARD). VIRGINIA richly valued, By the defcription of the maine land of Florida, her next neighbour : Out of the foure yeeres continuall trauell and difcouerie, for aboue one thoufand miles Eaft and Weft, of Don Ferdinando de Soto, and fixe hundred able men in his companie. Wherin are truly obferued the riches and fertilite of thofe parts, abounding with things neceffarie, pleafant, and profitable Jor the life of man: with the natures and difpo- Jitions of the Inhabitants. Written by a Portugall gentleman of Zluas [F. de Soto] emploied in all the action, and tranflated out of Portuguefe by RicHarp HAkLvvyt. AT LONDON Printed by Fet1x Kyneston for Matthew Lownes, and are to be fold at the figne of the Bifhops head in Pauls Churchyard. 1609. Sm. 4°; pp. (8) 180. Bound in bright crimson polished levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, broad inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. A BEAUTIFUL Copy. RARE. Jot2 Up 390 HALE (JOHN).—A Modeft Enquiry | Into the Nature of Witchcraft, | and | How Perfons Guilty of that Crime | may be Convicted: And the means | ufed for their Difcovery Difcuffed, | both Megatively and Afirma- tively | according to SCR/PTURE and| EXPERIENCE. | By John Hale, | Paftor of the Church of Chrift in Beverley, | Anno Domini, 1697. | [Motios.| (Ifaiah VIII. 19, 20; Job 34, 32.) BOSTON in N.E. | Printed by B..Green and J. Allen, for | Benjamin Eliot under the Town Houfe. 1702. Sm. 8°; pp. 176. A FINE Copy in the original binding. The late J. WINGATE THORN- TON'S copy, with his autograph on the lower margin of the title-page, also various Notes and MS. Index of Places and Names of Authors cited in the work. /S§— 39: HALL (MR. & MRs. S. C.)—IRELAND; 11s SCENERY, CHAR- ACTER, &c. Lonpon: 1841-43. 3 vols. roy. 8°; ORIGINAL EDITION. J/llustrated with 500 engravings on steel and wood, after drawings by CRESWICK, HARVEY, HILL, MACLISE, WILLES, etc., etc. Elegantly bound in polished calf super-extra, gilt backs and tops, red and green labels, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, Sore edges UNCUT. VERY SCARCE. Catalogue of Books and DManuseripts. 127 A Jem 392 HALLAM (H.)—INTRODUCTION to the LITERATURE of EUROPE, in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Centuries. By HENRY HALLAM, LL. D. Eighth Edition. Lonpon: John Murray, 1869. 4 vols. post 8°; portrait. Polished tree-calf, gilt backs, marbled edges, by RIVIERE. 52> — 393 HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). ETCHING & ETCHERS. Lonpon: Macmillan & Co. 1868. . Imp. 8°; pp. xxvi-354. Illustrated with 35 Plates. Half blue morocco, edges gilt over carmine. THE FIRST EDITION. EXTREMELY RARE. This is one of the few books which can never be republished, inasmuch as some of the plates which were among its chief attractions have been lost. Io 394 HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT).— ETCHING & ETCHERS. THIRD EpiTion. Lonpon: Macmillan & Co. 1880. Columbier 8° ; morocco back, cloth sides, UNCUT. Wéaith 48 new PLATES. ‘« The present edition is limited to a thousand copies, and will never again be reproduced in this form or with these illustrations.’’ — Preface. Ce 395 HAMILTON (ALEXANDER).— OBSERVATIONS on CeErTAIN DocuMEnNTs Contained in No. V & VI of “ THE History of the UNITED States for the Year 1796.” [By James Thomson Callender.| In which the Charge of Speculation against ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Late Secretary of the Treasury, is fully refuted. WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. PHILADELPHIA: Printed for John Fenno, by John Bioren, 1797. 8°; ~p. 37. APPENDIX, fp. lviti, FIRST EDITION of this astounding pamphlet, absolutely UNCUT, clean and fresh as when first issued. VERY RARE in this remarkably fine condition. This extraordinary pamphlet contains Hamilton’s full and frank confession of his guilty amour with Mrs. Reynolds, ‘‘ the wife of one James Reynolds, with his privity and connivance.” Nearly the whole of this edition was suppressed by the friends of Hamilton. Pe, 396 HAMILTON (A.)— OBSERVATIONS on Certain Documents Con- tained in No. V & VI of “ The History of the United States for the Year 1796,” in which the CHARGE of SPECULATION against ALEXANDER HAMIL- TON, Late Secretary of the Treasury, is fully refuted. WritTEN By Him- SELF. PHILADELPHIA: Printed Pro Bono Publico, 1800. 8° ; pp. 37 (Iviii). Half morocco, UNCUT. VERY FINE COPY OF THIS SCARCE EDITION, issued by Hamilton's enemies. “F— 397 HAMILTON (ANTHONY).— MEMOIRS of Count GRAMMONT. A New Edition. To which are Prefixed, a Biographical Sketch of Count HAMILTON, and a Translation of the Epistle to Count Grammont. Jdlus- trated with 64 PORTRAITS engraved by EDWARD ScrRIvVEN, &c. LONDON: 1811. 2 vols. 4°, LARGE PAPER. With brilliant PROOF IMPRESSIONS of the PLATES. Half morocco, tops gilt, rough edges. ‘This edition has nearly 100 pages of valuable NOTES and ILLUSTRATIONS from the pen of StR WALTER Scott.” r4* 128 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 398 HAMILTON (SIR W.)—LECTURES on METAPHYSICS. By Str WILLIAM HAMILTON, Bart. Edited by the Rev. Henry L. MANSEL, B. D., and Joun VeitcH, M. A. Boston: Gould & Lincoln, 1859. 8°; cloth. 399 HAMMOND (JABEZ D.) — LIFE and TIMES of SILAS WRIGHT, late Governor of the State of New York. Syracuse: Hall & Dickson, 1848. _ 8°; portrait, sheep. 400 HAMOR (RAPHE). A TRVE DISCOVRSE OF a... PRESENT ESTATE OF Vir- cinta, and the fucceffe of the affaires there till the 18 of June. 1614. TOGETHER, WITH A RELATION OF THE feuerall Englifh Townes and forts, the affu- red hopes of that countrie and the peace concluded with the Indians. The Chriftening of /owhatans daughter and her mariage with an Englifh-man. Written by RapHe Hamor the yon- ger, late Secretarie in that Colony. Alget, qui non arded. Printed at London by YoHN BEALE for WIL- LIAM WELBY dwelling at the figne of the Swanne in Pauls Church-yard. 1615. Sm. 4°; pp. (8), 69. Erratat p. Beautifully bound in bright crimson levant morocco, finely polished, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, broad inside dentelle borders, richly gilt, by F. BEDFORD. AN UNUSUALLY BEAUTIFUL Copy of the EXCEEDINGLY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION of this valuable work, in the FINEST POSSIBLE CONDITION. This contemporaneous account of POCAHONTAS has increased rapidly in the estimation of collectors. Barney's copy sold for $150; Bruce's for $175; Menzies's for $220; Barlow's for $300, and a London dealer recently priced it at £120 in his catalogue. 23 —401 HANGER (COL. G.) —Tur LIFE, ADVENTURES, and OPINIONS of COL. GEORGE HANGER. Written by Himsetr. To which is added, Advice to the Prelates and Legislators, how to correct the Immoral- Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 129 ity and Jacobinism of the present Age. . . Advice to the Lovely Cyprians, and to the Fair Sex in general. . . On Matrimony, Compulsive Wedlock, and on Polygamy, ev. ef. Lonpon: J. Debreti, 1801. 2 vols. 8°; half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. “A very curious and entertaining work. CoL. HANGER (afterward Lord Coleraine) served with distinction in the Ameriean War. In Vol. II., p. 427, will be found a curious prediction relative to the late Rebellion: ‘One of these days, the Northern and Southern powers will fight as vigorously against each other as they both have united to do against the British.’ ” 402 HANSON (ELIZABETH).— An ACCOUNT of the CAPTIVITY | of ELizaBeTH Hanson, Late of Kacnecky in New ENGLAND: who, with Four of her Children, and Servant-Maid, were taken Captive by the Indians, and carried into Canapa. . . . A New Edition. Taken in Substance from her own Mouth, by SamueL Bownas. Lonpon: James Phillips, 1787. 8°; red morocco, filleted sides, gilt top, inside gilt borders, by BRADSTREET. UNCUT. Fine, clean copy. SCARCE. Nothing is calculated to give one a more vivid idea of the rapid and wonderful growth of this country than the perusal of these simple accounts of the sufferings of white prisoners at the hands of the Indians. It seems incredible that within such a comparatively short time those parts of the country which had been settled longest should have been at the mercy of savages. But these brief histories tell their tales with a directness which leaves no room for doubt as to their trustworthiness. : - 403 HARCOVRT (ROBERT).—A | RELATION | OF A VOYAGE | TO GVIANA. | Describing the Climat, [s7c] | Scituation, fertilitie, proui- fions and commodities | of that Country, containing feuen Prouinces, and | other Signiories within that Territory: Together, | with the manners, cuf- tomes, behauiors, and | difpofitions of the people. | 7ezformed by Roper? Harcoyrt, of | Stanton Harcourt Zsguire. | The Pattent for the Plantation of which Country, | Ais Maiestie hath granted to the faid RoBert | Har- CovrT vnder the Great Seale. | [A/otfo.] (Noms. 14. 7. 8.) ArT Lonpon | Printed by /ohn Beale, for W. Wesy, and | are to be fold at his thop in Pauls Church-yard at the | figne of the Swan, 1613. | Sm. 4°; 8 prel. leaves, text 71 pp., bright crimson levant super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt border, by F. BEDFORD. FIRST EDITION. VERY RARE. 404 HARRIS (W.C.)—The WILD SPORTS of SOUTHERN AFRICA; Being the Narrative of a Hunting Expedition from the Cape of Good Hope, through the Territories of the Chief Moselekatse, to the Tropic of Capricorn. By Capt. WittiAM Cornwa.uis Harris. Fifth Edition. Lonpon: Z. G. Bohn, 1852. Roy. 8°; with map and 26 colored plates, red cloth, gilt edges. * 130 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. fe 405 HARINGTON (SIR JOHN).—The METAMORPHOSIS of AJAX; A CLOACINEAN SaTIRE: With the ANATOMY AND APOLOGY. By Sir Joun Harincton. To which is added, ULYSSES UPON AJAX. [Adited by Samuel Weller Singer.| Cuiswick: From the Press of C. Whittingham, MDCCXIV. Sm. 8°; light polished calf super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. Woodcuts and PORTRAIT of HARINGTON, @tfatis su@ 30. ONE HUNDRED COPIES ONLY REPRINTED. RARE. ‘‘One of the earliest of our Facetig, the production of an author who may be termed, in allu- sion to this jez d'esprit, the RABELAIS of England. The conceit, or pun, upon the word Ajax, or a jakes, appears to have been a familiar joke of the time, and had been previously introduced by SHAKESPEARE in his Love's Labor Lost, Act Vv. sc. 2."'"— DRAKE'S ‘‘ Shakespeare and his Times,’’ 8° edit., p. 251. ‘‘ Sir J. HARINGTON is to be considered the inventor of that cleanly comfort the water- closet: which gave rise to his witty tract, the Metamorphosis of Ajax, wherein he humorously recommends the same to Q. Elizabeth.’’— Dr. Nort. Ym. 406 [HARRISSE (HENRY).|— BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA VET- USTISSIMA. A Descriprion of Works RELATING to AMERICA Pub- lished between the Years 1492 and 1551. New-York: Geo. P. Philes, MDCCCLXVI. 4°. LARGE PAPER; 99 copies only were printed. Bound in brown grosgr. levant morocco extra, back and sides blind-tooled, top gilt, UNCUT. Notwithstanding the fact that a great number of errors are to be found in this work, it is an extremely valuable and interesting compendium of information concerning early Americana. Mr. Harrisse is entitled to much credit for the energy and zeal displayed in his pursuit of knowledge in this direction, and was remarkably successful in securing many rare and valuable books, quite a number of which are in this collection. Ire 407 HARTLIB (SAMUEL).— The Reformed | VIRGINIAN | SILK- WORM, | Or, a Rare and New | DISCOVERY | of | A fpeedy way, and eafie means, found out | by a young Lady in Zxg/and the having made | full proof thereof in May, | Anno 1652. | For the feeding of Silk-worms in the Woods, on the | Mulberry-Tree-leaves in Virginia: Who after fourty dayes | time, prefent their moft rich golden-coloured filken | Fleece to the in- ftant wonderful enriching of | all the Planters there, requiring from | them neither coft, labour, or hindrance | in any of their other emplo- | memts [s/c] whatfoever. | And alfo to the good hopes, that the /ndians, fee- | ing and finding that there is neither Art, Skill, or Pains | in the thing: they will readily fet upon it, being | by the benefit thereof inabled to buy of the | Englifh (in way of Truck for their | Silk-bottoms) all thofe things | that they moft defire. | Lonpon: Printed by John Streater, for Giles Calvert at the | Black-Spread-Eagle at the Weft end | of Pauls, 1655. | Sm. 4°; dark green crushed levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, inside gilt borders, éy DAVID. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 131 4088 HASWELL (A.)—MEMOIRS and ADVENTURES of Captain MATTHEW PHELPS; Formerly of Harwington in Connecticut, now Resident in New Haven in VERMONT. Particularly in two Voyages, from Connecti- cut to the River Mississippi from December, 1773, to October, 1780. Com- piled from the Original Journal and Minutes kept by Mr. Phelps . . . and revised and corrected according to his present recollection. By ANTHONY Haswe.i. Fyrom the press of Anthony Haswell, or BENNINGTON, in Ver- mont, 1802. 12°; sheep. G 409 HAWKS (F. L.)— HISTORY of NORTH CAROLINA: With Maps and Illustrations. By FRANCIS L. HAWKS, D. D. Vol. I. Embracing the PeRIoD between the First VoyaGE to the CoLony in 1584, and the last in 1591. Vol. II. Embracing the Periop of the ProprieTARY Gov- ERNMENT, from 1663 to 1729. TZhird Edition, FaveTTEVILLE, N. C.: Published by E. J. Hale & Son, 1859. 2 vols. 8°; portrait and 5 maps, half calf, marbled edges. 410 HAWTHORNE (N.)—Tue WORKS of NATHANIEL HAW- THORNE. Boston: James R. Osgood & Co. 1873. 21 vols. 16°; half green calf, gilt backs, marbled edges, contents lettered. FF —~ 411 HAWTHORNE (N.)—Tue COMPLETE WORKS of NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, with INTRODUCTORY NOTES by GEORGE PARSONS LATHROP, and Itiusrratep with Zichings by Blum, Church, Dielman, Gifford, Shirlaw, and Turner. CAMBRIDGE: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1883. 12 vols. 8°; BOARDS, UNCUT. LARGE PAPER: 250 Copies PRINTED. No. 111. bet 412 HAYWOOD (JOHN).— Tue | CIVIL AND POLITICAL | HIS- TORY | of the | STATE or TENNESSEE, | from its | Ear.tiest SETTLE- MENT | upto | the Year 1796; | Including the |] BOUNDARIES OF THE STATE. | By JOHN HAYWOOD. | Printed for the Author | By Heiskell & Brown, | KNoxvitxe, TENN. | 1823. 8°; 2p. (4), 504; mottled calf, polished, gilt back, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, yellow edges by F. BEDFORD. A SPLENDID Copy of this EXTREMELY RARE WORK. ~~ 413 HEAD (F. B.)— ROUGH NOTES taken during some Rapid Journeys across the Pampas and among the ANDEs, by Captain F. B. Heap. Bos- TON: Wells & Lilly, 1827. 12°; half russia. 132 Catalogue of Wooks and Wanuscripts. 414 HEARNE (S.) — A JOURNEY from Prince of Watgs’s Fort in Hup- son’s Bay, to the NORTHERN OcEAN. Undertaken by Order of. the Hudson’s Bay Company, for the Discovery of Copper Mines, a NorTH West PassaGE, &c. Inthe Years 1769, 1770, 1771, & 1772. By SAMUEL HEARNE. Lonpon: A. Strahan, 1795. 4° ; large folding map and 7 plates, half red morocco, rough edges. A large and clean copy. 415 HEINECKEN (BARON C. H. DE).—IDEE GENERALE d’une COLLECTION complette D’ESTAMPES. Avec une Dissertation sur l’ Origine de la Gravure & sur les premiers Livres d’Images. LEtpsic et VIENNE, chez Jean Paul Kraus, 1771. 8°; mottled calf, gilt back, with 32 plates of curious FACSIMILES. VERY SCARCE. ‘‘ The value and fidelity of this work have long been known and duly appreciated by bibli- ographers and amateurs of fine arts. A circumstance that greatly enhances the merit of HEINECKEN’S accounts of the Books of Images is, that he actually saw every book which he has described with equal accuracy and fidelity.""— HORNE. Keer 36 HEMANS (F.)— THE WORKS of Mrs. (FEticia) HEMANS: With a Memoir of Her Lire, by HER Sister. EDINBURGH: Slackwood, M.DCCC.XXXIX. 7 vols. feap. 8° ; portraits and vignettes, green calf extra, gilt backs, filleted sides, marbled edges. JLS0 417 HENNEPIN (LOUIS).—A | New Difcovery | of a| Va? Country in America, | Extending above Four Thoufand Miles, | BETWEEN | New France and New Mexico. | Wit a | Defcription of the Great Lakes, Ca‘a- | racts, Rivers, Plants, and Animals ; | Alfo, The Manners, Cufloms, and Zan- guages of the | feveral Native Zndians, And the Advantage of | Commerce with thofe different Nations. | WITH A CONTINUATION: Giving an ACCOUNT of the | Attempts of the Sieur De a SALLE upon the Mines of St. Barbe, &c. The Taking of | Quebec by the Engii/h , with the Advantages | of a Shorter Cut to China and Japan. | Both parts Illu- ftrated with Maps and Figures, | and Dedicated to His Majefty K. Wiliam. | By Z. Hennepin, now Refident in Holland. |'To which is added, Several New Difcoveries in North- | America, not publith’d in the French Edition. | Lonpon: Printed for M. Bentley, J. Tonfon, H. Bon- | wick, T; Goodwin, and S. Manfhip, 1698. | 2 parts in 1 vol. 8°; maps and plates, elegantly bound in bright crimson levant morocco super- extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by ¥. BEDFORD. A FINE, TALL COPY, IN PERFECT CONDITION, : | Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 133 /S0~ 418 HENRY (J.)\—A MEMORIAL of JOSEPH HENRY. Published by Order of Congress. WasHINGTON: Government Printing Office, 1880. Roy. 8°; jine portrait. Gray cloth. /@— 419 HENRY (PRINCE).—THREE ELEGIES on the most lamented Deatu of PRINCE HENRY. The First Cyril Tourneur. The Second $ written by < John Webster. The Third Tho. Heywood. Lonpon: Printed for William Welbie, 1613. 4°. First Epition. Half morocco. — Fine copy, with all the mourning leaves. COLLATION: A-C4, A-C4, A-Cq, in fours. Title in black Ar, a briefe on the death, 1613, by Cyril Tourneur A2, to the Reader A3, dedication to Leo Carie A4, Elegie Br, leaf in black Ar, Monumental Columne by John Webster, 1613, A2, dedication to Robert Carre A3, Elegie A4, two leaves in black C3-4, A Funerall Elegie by Thos. Heywood, 1613, At, dedication to » Worcester Az, to the Reader A3, Elegie A4. /So 420 HERBERT (GEORGE).— rue | TEMPLE | sacrep poems | AND | PRIVATE EJA- | CULATIONS. | By Mr. George Herbert. | Psau. 29. | Zn his Temple doth every | man speak of his honour. | CAMBRIDGE: | Printed by Thom. Buck, | and Roger Daniel, printers | to the Universitie | 1633. 16°; bound in dark blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. BEDFORD. ‘*An excessive rarity. This is actually the first published edition. A few copies were privately issued for presents in the previous year without date, of which only one copy is now known — in the collection of H. HuTH, Esq.”’ The condition of this copy is absolutely faultless. It is unusually tall, and the edges are gilt but not trimmed. /,Z— 421 HERBERT (HENRY WILLIAM).—Franxk Forester’s HORSE and HORSEMANSHIP of the UnitTep Srates and BritisH PROVINCES of NortH AMERICA. With steel-engraved Original Portraits of Celebrated Horses. NEW-YORK: Stringer & Townsend, 1857. 2 vols. imp. 8°. Vol. I. fp. 552. Vol. II. pp. (1) 576. PLATES of celebrated Horses on fine India paper, and numerous engravings on wood. Half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. Fine, clean copy. SCARCE. pte 2% — 422 HERNDON (W.L.) AND GIBBON (L.)—EXPLORATION of the VALLEY of the AMAZON. Part I. by Lieut. Wm. LEwis HERNDON; Part II. by Lieut. LARDNER GIBBON. WASHINGTON: 1854. 2 vols. 8°; with maps and plates, cloth. 18 134 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. /i/- 423 HERRERA (ANTOINE DE).— Description | pes | INDES OCCI- DENTALES | Qu’on appelle aujourdhuy | tx | NOVVEAV MONDE: | paR | ANTOINE DE HERRERA, | Grand Chroniqueur des Jndes, & Chroniqueur de Castille: | Translatee d’Espagnol en Frangois. | 4 /a guelle sont adjoustées | Quelques autres Descriptions desmesmes pays, | AvEc | La Navigation du vaillant Capitaine de Mer Fagues le Maire,| & de plu- sieurs autres, | Le contenu de cest ceuvre seveoit en la page suyvante. | A AmsTERDAM, | Chez Micuet Libraire, demeurant au Livre | Domestique. ANNO M.D.CXXII. Avec Privilege. Folio; bound in dark green morocco, tooled in Grolier pattern in gold on sides, gilt edges. En- eraved title, with grotesque figures, seventeen maps, and five woodcuts. The History of Herrera has retained its importance and popularity to a remarkable degree. It was translated into both French and English, and has been justly valued for the original information it contains. All modern historians have made free use of it, and it fills a place which no one else has attempted to occupy. 5 424 HERRERA (ANT. DE).— THe GENERAL HISTORY of the Vast CONTINENT and IsLanps of AMERICA, commonly call’d THe WEST- INDIES, from the First Discovery thereof: With the best Accounts the People could give of their ANTIQUITIES, Collected from the Orginal Relations sent to the Kings of Spain. By ANTONIO DE HERRERA. ‘Trans- lated into English by Capt. JOHN STEVENS. J//ustrated with Cuts and Maps. THE Second Epition. Lonpon: Wood & Woodward, MDCCXL. 6 vols. 8° ; old calf, gilt. Fy) — 425 HERRICK (R.)—HESPERIDES, or the Works both Humane and DivinE of ROBERT HERRICK, ESQ. Lonpon: Wa. Pickering, 1846. 2 vols. 12°; PORTRAIT. Elegantly bound in grosgr. crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt backs and edges, filleted sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, by WM. MATTHEWS. RARE. 426 HESIOD.— HESIODI OPERA OMNIA. Venice: Aldus, 1495. Folio. The First EDITION. This work was published with those of THEOCRITUS, which vide fost. % a 427 HESSELS (J. H.)— GUTENBERG: Was he the Inventor of Printing ? An Historical Investigation, Embodying a Criticism on Dr. VAN DER LINDE’s “ GUTENBERG.” By J. H. Hessets. Lonpon: Bernard Quaritch, 1882. cs 8°; pp. xxvii-201, half morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. Only 200 copies printed for sale. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 135 IZ Ve 428 HEYWOOD (THOMAS).—The Sitver AcE, including The loue of IuPITER to ALCMENA, The birth of HERcuULEs, and The Rape of ProsEr- PINE, conclvyding with the Arraignement of the Moone. Written by THomas Herywoop. Aut prodesse solent aut delectare. LONDON: Printed by WVicholas Okes, and are to be sold by Beniamin Lighifoote at his Shop at the vpper end of tiraies Inne-lane in Holborne. 1613. 4°. First EpitTion. Full red morocco, by MURTON. A 2 leaves, B-L1 in fours, Title A1, Address to the Reader Az. Py yon 429 HEYWOOD (THOMAS).— Puitocotnonista, or The Drunkard, Opened, Dissected, and Anatomized. (Fine woodcut of animals in various stages of drunkenness.) Lonpon: Printed by Robert Roworth, and are to be sold at his house-neere the White-Hart Taverne in Smithfield, 1635. 4°. First EDITION. Full red morocco, by MURTON. A 2 leaves, {] 4 leaves, A~M2 in fours, A recto blank, on verso of A are lines ‘‘ Upon the Frontispece,"’ Title A2, The author to the Booke §, The Booke to the sober and discreet Reader §2, Philocothonista A. 2¢_ 430 HEYWOOD (THOMAS).—A PreparaTIVE TO STUDIE: or, the Virtue of Sack. (Woodcut device.) Lonpon: Printed Anno Dom. 1641. 4°. First EDITION. ull red morocco, by MURTON. A-A4, pp. 5, Title Ar. SLs 431 HICKCOX (J. H.)— History of the BILLS of CREDIT or Paper Money issued by New York, from 1709 to 178g: With a Description of the Bills, and Catalogue of the Various Issues. By JoHN H. Hickcox. ALBany, N. Y.: 1866. 4°; green cloth, UNCUT. LARGE PAPER, 50 copies only printed. / 35. 432 HIGGINSON (FRANCIS).— NEW-ENGLANDS | Pxanrarion. | OR, | A SHORT AND TRVE | DESCRIPTION OF THE | COMMODITIES AND | DIS- COMMODITIES of that Countrey. _ ~ Written by a reuerend Diuine now | there resident. Lonpon, | Printed by Z: C. and #. C. for Michael Sparke, | dwelling at the Signe of the Blew Bible in | Greene Arbor in the little Old Bailey. | 1630. Sm. 4°; bound in dark green crushed morocco, gilt edges, with sides and back covered with single- flower tooling by PRATT. The First EDITION, and so EXCESSIVELY RARE that it has not been offered at auction either here or abroad for a score of years. Neither Field, Menzies, Brinley, nor Barlow had a copy. This copy has the inside margins of a few leaves mended, but it has unusually wide margins throughout and is generally in excellent condition. 18* 136 Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. 433 HIGGINSON (FRANCIS). — NEVV-ENGLANDS | PLANTA- TION. | or, | A Short and ‘Trve | Description of the Commodities and | Discommodities | of that Countrey. | Written by M'. Higgefon, [sic] a reu- erend Diuine | now there refident. | Whereunto is added a Letter, fent by M' Graues | an Enginere, out of New-England. | Zhe third Edition, en- larged. | LONDON, | Printed by 7: and &. Cotes, for Michael Sparke, dwell- ing | at the Signe of the Blue Bible in Greene- | Arbor. 1630. Sm. 4°; Title, and 12 leaves unpaged. Crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, inside gilt borders, by ¥. BEDFORD. 434 HILDRETH (R.)—Tue HISTORY of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, from the Discovery of the Continent to the Organization of Government under the Federal Constitution. By RICHARD HIL- DRETH. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1849. 3 vols. 8° ; half calf. Ge 435 HIND (H. Y.)— Narrative of the CanapiaAn Rep River Exploring Expedition of 1857, and of the AsstINNIBOINE and SASKATCHEWAN Explor- ing Expedition of 1858. By HENRY YOULE HIND, M.A. Lonpon: Longman, 1860. 2 vols. 8°; maps and plans ; illustrated with 20 chromo-lithographic plates and 76 WWOODCUTS. 7. 436 HINMAN (R. R.)—LETTERS from the ENGLISH KINGS and Queens Cuartes II, James II, Wittiam and Mary, Anne, Georce II, &c. To the Governors of the CoLony of CoNNECTICUT, together with the Answers thereto, from 1635 to 1749; and other Original, Ancient, Literary and Curious Documents, compiled from the Files and Records in the Office of the Secretary of the State of Connecticut. By R. R. HINMAN. Hart- FORD: 1836. 12° ; portrait and facsimiles, cloth. With AUTOGRAPH of the compiler. & ~ 437 HINMAN (R. R.)—Tus BLUE LAWS of NEW HAVEN Cotony, usually called BLUE Laws of ConNECTICUT; QUAKER Laws of PLYMOUTH | and MassacHusETTs; Blue Laws of New York, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina. First Record of Connecticut; Interesting Extracts from Connecticut Records; Cases of Salem Witchcraft; Charges and Banish- ment of Rev. RoGER WILLIAMS, &c.; and other interesting and instructive Antiquities. Compiled by AN ANTIQUARIAN [Roya R. Hrnmay]. HARTFORD: Printed by Case, Tiffany & Co. 1838. 12°; pp. 336, cloth. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 137 438 HOGARTH (W.)— Tue WORKS of WILLIAM HOGARTH (includ- ing the “ Analysis of Beauty” and the plates “Before and After”). Eluci- dated by Descriptions, Critical, Moral, and Historical; founded on the most Approved Authorities. To which is prefixed some Account of his Lire. By THOMAS CLERK. Lonpon: &. Scholey, 1821. 2 vols. roy. 8° ; portrait and 89 plates, half calf, eilt backs. 439 HOLBEIN (HANS).— Les fimulachres & | HISTORIEES FACES | DE LA MORT, AVTANT ELE | gammét pourtraictes, que artifi- | cielle- ment imaginées. | [Printer’s Device, with Mottos: TNQO1 ZEATTON; Vfus me Genuit.| A LYON, | Soubz l’efcu de COLOIGNE. | M. D. XXXVIII. Sm. 4°; 52 unnumbered leaves, and 41 exquisite woodcuts; on the verso of fol. 52 is an ornamental tablet containing the following inscription : EXCVDEBANT LVGDY- | NI MELCHIOR ET | GASPAR TRECHSEL | FRATRES. 1538. | Bound in dark crimson levant morocco extra, paneled and filleted sides with corner ornaments, by F. BEDFORD. AN EXCEEDINGLY FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION OF THIS CELEBRATED WORK, AND IN PERFECT PRESERVATION. EXCES- SIVELY RARE. 440 HOLBEIN (HANS).—ICONES | HISTORIA- | RVM VETERIS | TESTAMENTH, | *Ad viuum expreffe, extremaque diligentia emendatiores | fact, Gallicis in expofitione homeoteleutis, | ac verfuum ordinibus (qui prius | turbati, ac impares) fuo | numero reftitutis. |* Lvcpvni, | Apud Loannem Frellonium, | 1547. Sm. 4°; 52 unnumbered leaves, 94 plates, not including the portraits of the four Evangelists on the verso of the 51st leaf. In the original vellum wrappers. A LARGE, FINE, CLEAN COPY, with Splendid impressions of the plates. 441 HOLBEIN.— Tue DANCES OF DEATH. In forty-six copperplates ; done from the Original Designs by JoHN Hovsern; etched by D. Deucuar. LonpDon, 1803. Small 4° ; fine old blue smooth morocco, gilt back, side and edges. Fine copy, from the Libraries of George III., with his arms in gilt on side; of Prince William Henry (afterwards William IV.), and of his son, Col. Fitz-Clarence, Earl of Munster, with their book-plates. 442 HOLBEIN.—La | DANSE DES MORTS | Dessinée | par Hans Hot- BEIN, | Gravée sur Pierre | par JosePH SCHLOTTHAUER, | professeur a l’Aca- démie de Munich; | ExpLigué&e | par HippoLyTe Forrout, | professeur ala Faculté des Lettres de Toulouse. | Paris: Jules Labitte, n. d. [1842.| Sq. 12°; pp. 252. 53 beautiful plates on India paper, dark blue morocco, gilt back and edges, paneled and filleted sides with corner ornaments. FINE, CLEAN COPY. SCARCE. This edition has 12 more plates than that of 1538, and 11 more than that of 1545; being, the Soldier, the Gamblers, the Drunkards, the Fool, the Robber, the Blind Man, the Wine Carrier, and four Boys. 138 Catalogue of Books and Wanuseripts. Vo 443 HOLBEIN.— The CrELespratep HANS HOLBEIN’S ALPHABET oF DeatuH. Illustrated with Old Borders engraved on wood, with Latin Sen- tences, and English Quatrains, selected by ANATOLE DE MONTAIGLON. Paris: Ldwin Tross, 1856. 8°; cloth, UNCUT. io ~ 444 HOLBEIN’S (HANS) Dance of Deatn Exhibited in Elegant En- gravings on Wood, With a DISSERTATION on the several Representations of that Subject, by Francis Douce, Esq.; Also, HOLBEIN’S BIBLE CUTS, consisting of WVinety [/lustrations on Wood, with Introduction by TuHos. FRoGNALL Dippin. Lonpon: Bohn, 1858. Post 8°; sprinkled calf, marbled edges. LL90- 445 HOMER.—Tue EntTiRE Works or Homer. Printed in Greek, by Deme- ‘ trius Cretensis. 'Two vols. folio. FLORENCE: 1488. First EpITION. Bound in old red morocco, gilt backs. A very large copy, measuring 13% by 9% inches, quite perfect, with beautifully illuminated capitals throughout (several of which contain the arms of a former owner), the margins and fly-leaves enriched with the valuable MS. notes of the ABBE BIGNON, to whom the book was presented by VINCENT FRANGOIS JEUNE, ‘of Marseilles. The work commences with two prefaces, one in Latin by BERNARDUS NERLIUS, on the recto of the first leaf; the other by CHALCONDYLES the Editor, in Greek, commencing on the verso of the same leaf. The Latin preface ends with these words : “ Vale. FLORENTIAE Idibus Tanuariis, M.CCCC.LXXXVIIT.” Then follows the biography of Homer from Herodotus, succeeded by the preface to Plutarch’s biography of the poet. The forty-second leaf is blank, and the ILIAD begins on the recto of the forty-third leaf: IAIAAOS A OMHPOY PAYQAIAS. ending on the verso of the two hundred and sixth leaf as follows: TEAOZ THz O MHPOYT A The second volume begins with the ODyssEy, without preface: OAYTSSEIAZ A OMEPOY PA¥OATAZ The Odyssey occupies one hundred and sixty-one leaves, and is followed by the BATRACHO- MYOMACHIA, occupying four leaves. The HyMNs begin on the recto of the one hundred and sixty-sixth leaf and end with the volume on the verso of the one huudred and eighty-ninth : TEAOS TQN TOY OMEPOY YMN ON the whole concluding with a colophon of nine lines. The foregoing volumes are thus minutely described because they are, as Dibdin justly says, ‘‘ the boast of every classical collection.’ Bibliographers and scholars have written enthusiasti- cally of them for centuries. They charm alike the student and the lover of beautiful typo- graphical work. ‘The paper, ink, workmanship, and ornamentation form a fitting shrine for the verses of the great poet of antiquity. And the annotations of the Abbé Bignon have a special interest from his wonderful learning and high position. Born in 1589, he won a great Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. | 139 reputation by the publication of a book entitled ‘‘ CHOROGRAPHIE”’ when he was only eleven years of age. He was highly esteemed by Henry IV., became a Counselor of State, and was appointed by Richelieu to the charge of the royal library. Sie 446 HOMER.— Tue ILIAD and ODYSSEY of HOMER: Translated by ALEXANDER Pope. With Observations on Homer and his Works, with brief Notes by the Rev. J. S. WATSON, M.A. J/lustrated with the entire Series of FtaxMan’s Designs. LONDON: Sohn, 1859-61. 2 vols. post 8°; half green morocco, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. S?- 447 HOMER.— Tue ILIAD and ODYSSEY of HOMER. Translated into English Blank Verse by WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. Bosron: James R. Osgood & Co. 1871. 4 vols. roy. 8°; green cloth, gilt tops, UNCUT. 448 HOLLISTER (G. H.)—Tue HISTORY or CONNECTICUT, from the First SETTLEMENT of the Cotony. By G. H. HoLiisTer. Hart- FORD: Case, Tiffany & Co. 1857. 2 vols, 8°; pp. xvi.—613; Pp. xvi.—758. 14 portraits, brown cloth, UNCUT. <2 2.9F 449 HOOD (T.)— The WORKS of THOMAS HOOD. Comic and Sert- ous, in Prosr and VERSE. Edited, with Notes, by His Son. Lonpon: Moxon, 1862-63. 7 vols. crown 8°; photographic portrait, bound in blue calf extra, gilt backs and edges, by WM. MATTHEWS. /F—450 HOOD’S OWN;; or LaucuTer from Ysar to YEAR. Lonpon: Moxon, 1862-65. 2 vols. 8°; fine portrait and numerous illustrations, bound in blue calf extra, gilt backs and edges, by WM. MATTHEWS. 451 HOOKE (WILLIAM).—New| ENGLANDS | Teares | For OLp | ENGLANDS | Freares. | Preached ina Sermon on July 23, 1640 | being a day of Publike Humiliation, ap | pointed by the Churches in behalfe of | our native Countrey in time | of feared dangers. | By WiLt1AM Hooke, Minister | of Gop’s Word; | Sometime of Axmouth | in Devonshire, now of Taunton | in Mew LExgland. | Lonvon, | Printed, by 7. D. for John Rothwell and Henry Overton, | and are to be sould at the Sunne in Azu/’s Church- | yard, and in Fopes-head-Alley. 1641. | Sm. 4°; bound in full polished calf, fillets on sides, gilt edges, by BEDFORD. The author removed from Taunton to New Haven, where he was the colleague of John Davenport, and thence returned to England, in 1656, to become one of the domestic chaplains of Oliver Cromwell, with whom he was in high favor. This is almost an uncut copy. 140 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 452 HORACE, —Q. Horatm Fracct Opera Omnia. [Circa 1470.] 4°; 157 leaves, 26 lines on a full page, the second leaf from the end in excellent facsimile. Bound in red morocco extra, gilt back and edges, borders of gold. (fol. 1a:) QVINTI ORATII FLACCI CAR MINVM LIBER PRIMVS. [M] ECOENAS ATAVIS EDITE REGIBVS. O & preefidium & dulce decus meum: Sunt quos curriculo pulueré olympici, Cll. \Ellss ELC, Then follow the Epistles and Satires, and the volume ends with the ART OF POETRY, which ts . placed at the end in this copy, occupies 10 leaves, and begins on the recto of the first leaf with this title : QVINTI ORATII FLACCI POETRIA The first two verses are printed in capital letiers as follows : VMANO CAPITI CERVI- CEM PICTOR EQVINAM IVNGE SI VELIT: VARI AS INDVCERE PLVMAS: This treatise terminates on the recto of the toth and last leaf with the word FINIS THE First EDITION of the works of HORACE. This copy is from the Syston Park Collec- tion and contains the following note by the former owner: ‘‘ One of the most valuable books printed in the fifteenth century. See Gesner’s remarks in his Pre/udia on this edition. They prove, in his opinion, that the edition was formed only from one manuscript, which the printers implicitly followed, and from this singular circumstance he judiciously infers that the good readings which occur in it may be depended upon as proceeding ad antiguo codice non ab ingenio correctoris. . . . It is the only ancient edition which contains the celebrated reading of pretium mentis for per vim mentis, in verse 140,Epist. 2, Liber 2. The present copy, with the excep- tion of Lord Spencer's, is the finest in the country and far superior to Mr. Grenville's and to the copies in the Bodleian and Melzi collection, which were both in our possession. Mr. Hibbert purchased this copy of Constantine Jennings, who valued it at Two Hundred Pounds,” ee - 453 HORACE— Quinti oratit flacci fer moni liber prim? adie cornatem. Aatpra prima. [Absque ulla anni, loci, vel typographi indicatione, sed circa 1470.] Folio. Gothic Better. 48 leaves with signatures a to ¥ 10 (first blank). 23 lines on a full page, terminating on the recto of the last leaf thus : €rpliciunt fermones oratii.’. Bound in red morocco extra, gilt back, filleted sides with corner ornaments, gilt edges, many rough leaves, by C. LEWIS. This is believed to be the FIRST EDITION of the two Books of Satires. It is so rare that D1BDIN doubted its existence. It has a peculiar typographical interest, as it is the first book in which signatures occur. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 141 | /Y@ ~ 434 HORACE. HORATIVS VENETIIS APVD ALDVM ROMA. NVM MENSE MAIO. M. DI. ALDVS. M. R. 8°; bound in dark blue morocco, with the Aldine Anchor stamped in gold on the sides, gilt edges. The First ALDINE EDITION, and excessively rare; as much so, according to Brunet and Renouard, as the VIRGIL of the same date. This copy is perfect in every respect. It has the blank leaf at the end and capital letters throughout skillfully painted by hand, It is said to have been the Blarzi copy, and to have brought, unbound, one thousand francs at the sale of that collection. Subsequently it became a part of the Systorf Park Library. A 455 HORACE.— Qvinct1 | HORATII | Fiacci | Opera omnia; | Cum nouts Argumentis. {Small ornamental device.] | Sepanr: | Ex Typographia & typis nouissi | mis loannis Iannoni. | M.DC.XXVII. 64°; bound in red morocco, fillets on sides, by DEROME. The title and pages are all ruled. This volume is in perfect condition, and is remarkable for its small size. It is from the Syston Park Library. ‘ off 456 HORACE. — Qvint1 | HORATII | Fraccr | Pomara, | Scholiis sive Annota- | tionibus instar. | Commentarii | illustrata, 4 | IOANNE BOND. | Editio Nova. | AMSTELODAMI: | Apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1676. 12°; bound in dark blue crimped morocco, with borders of overlapping circles inclosed in fillets, gilt edges, by BOZERIAN, This is an excellent example of the Elzevir Press, in perfect condition. Vin, lias HORACE.— OVINTI HORATII FLACCI OPERA. 4neis Jabvlis incidit IOHANNES Pine. Lonpinr: MDCCXXXIII—XXXVII. 2 vols, roy. 8°; richly bound incrimson grosgr. levant morocco super-extra, elaborately gilt backs, broad gilt borders on the sides, gilt edges, inside dentelle borders, richly gilt, by JENKINS & CECIL. A BEAUTIFUL, UNSPOTTED copy. FIRST EDITION, with the words ‘‘ POST EST"’ on the medal of Cesar (Vol. II. p. 108), which are corrected to ‘‘ POTEST "’ in the second edition. i 458 HORACE.— THE WORKS of QUINTUS HORATIUS FLACCUS, ILLUSTRATED chiefly from the Remains of Ancient Art. WirH a LIFE by the REV. HART MILMAN, Canon of St. Peter’s, Rector of St. Margaret’s, Westminster. Lonpon: John Murray, MDCCCXLIX. 8°; 3 prel. leaves, Life, etc., AP. 194 (2), List of Illustrations, Af. xiv., Text 490 Ap. Elegantly printed within ornamental borders of various colors, with upwards of 300 exquisite woodcut Lllustra- tions from the antique, the drawings by GEORGE SCHARF, JUN., and 8 full-page Illuminations, and other ornaments, by OWEN JONES. Sumptuously bound in dark green polished levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled sides with broad, ornamental borders and corner ornaments, richly gilt and elaborately tooled, inside gilt borders, by ZAEHNSDORF. A SPLENDID SPECIMEN OF ZAEHNSDORE'S most artistic work, and one of the most beautiful editions of the WORKS of HORACE ever published. FIRST EDITION. VERY SCARCE. 79 142 Catalogue of Books and Wanuseripts. Ny, 459 HORACE.—Q. HORATII FLACCI OPERA. ILLustrarep from An- TIQUE Gems. By C. W. KING, M. A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cam- bridge. Tue TEXT REVISED, with an INTRODUCTION, by H. A. J. MUNRO, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Lonpon: Bell & Daldy, 1869. I vol. extended to 2 vols. 8° by the insertion of upwards of 140 beautiful plates ; being a very choice selection from WORLIDGE'S‘' Antique Gems," and a series of fine views, scenes, etc., of famous places mentioned in the text. Bound in best grosgr. maroon morocco extra, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. } SO 460 HORACE.— Tue WORKS of HORACE rendered into ENGLISH PROsE, with Introductions, running Analysis, Notes, and an Index, by JAMES LONSDALE, M. A., and SAMUEL LEE, M. A. Lonpon: Macmillan & Co. 1873. Crown 8°; cloth, UNCUT. Ye 461 HORN (MrRs.) — A NARRATIVE of the CAPTIVITY or MRS. HORN, and her two Children, with MRS. HARRIS, by the CAMANCHE INDIANS, after they had murdered their Husbands and travelling companions : with a brief Account of the Manners and Customs of that Nation of Savages, of whom so little is generally known. [Written by E. HOUSE.] Sr. Louts: C. Keemle, Printer, 22 Oliver St. 1839. 8°; half red levant morocco, top gilt, rough edges, by BRADSTREET. Fime, clean copy. SCARCE. PM | ~ 462 HORNE (T. H.)— An INTRODUCTION to the STUDY or BIBLI- OGRAPHY. To which is prefixed a Memoir on the PusBiic LiBRARIES of the AnTreNTts. By THOMAS HARTWELL HORNE. Jdlustrated with Engravings. LONDON: TZ. Cadell & W. Davies, 1814. 2 vols. roy.8°. LARGE PAPER, 50 copies only printed. An AUTOGRAPH NOTE of the Author inserted. Half maroon morocco, gilt backs and tops, front edges UNCUT. VERY SCARCE. 467 — 463; [|HORSMANDEN (DANIEL).|—A | JOURNAL | oF THE PROCEEDINGS | 1 | The Detection of the Confpiracy | FORMED BY | Some Waite People, in Conjunction with egro and other S/aves, | FOR | Burning the City of VZW-YORK in America, | And Murdering the Inhabitants. | Which Confpiracy was partly put in Execution, by Burn- ing His Majefty’s Houfe in | Fort Gerorcg, within the faid City, on Wed- nefday the Eighteenth of March, 1741. and | fetting Fire to feveral Dwell- ing and other Houfes there, within a few Days fucceeding. | And by another Attempt made in Profecution of the fame infernal Scheme, by putting | Fire between two other Dwelling-Houfes within the faid City, on the Fifteenth Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 143 Day of | February, 1742; which was accidentally and timely difcovered and extinguifhed. | Seine : I. A NarrATiveE of the Trials, Condemnations, Executions, and Beha- viour of the | feveral Criminals, at the Gallows and Stake, with their Speeches and Confeffions ; with | Notes, Obfervations and Reflections occafionally interfperfed throughout the Whole. | II. An AppeNprx, wherein is fet forth fome additional Evidence concern- ing the faid | Confpiracy and Confpirators, which has come to Light fince their Trials and Executions. | III. Lisrs of the feveral Perfons (Whites and Blacks) committed on Account of the | Confpiracy; and of the feveral Criminals executed; and of thofe tranfported, with | the Places whereto. | By the Recorder of the City of NE W-YORK. Quid facient Domini, audent cum talia Fures ?—Virg. Ecl. NEW-YORK: Printed by James Parker, at the New Printing- Office, 1744. 4°; TITLE; #/. vi.-205 ; ERRATA, I g.,; APPENDIX, £. 16; @ facsimile of J. Lyne’s ‘' Plan of the City of New-York, 1728," neatly mounted on linen, inserted. Sumptuously bound in best erosgr. crimson levant morocco, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, broad inside borders, richly gilt, by F. BEDFORD. A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THIS EXCESSIVELY RARE VOLUME, BOOKS OF HOURS. F Ja— 464 Pore ad Tfinn Homane Curie. —[Paris: Prilippe Pigovchet, 1488.] Sm. 4°. BLACK LETTER. 19 large and numerous small Woodcuts, and every page surrounded by an ornamental woodcut border, extremely tasteful in design; bound in brown levant morocco super-extra, filleted sides with corner ornaments and large center-pieces, ilt edges, by DE COVERLY. A very fine, clean copy. Sf — 465 Wore beate marie birginis, M. E. Jenawnor. Printed on Vellum, in Gothic type, initials illuminated, go leaves. Device, astronomical cut, 15 large engravings and many smaller cuts, all handsomely colored and heightened with gold; woodcut borders to every page, the borders un- colored, except on those pages which contain a large engraving. acheuees c. xxi. iour de aoust | Lan M. CCCC. iii. xx. et xvii. Almanac for 21 years, from “1488 to 1508. 8°; bound in oak boards covered with stamped leather, gilt edges. With the E-libris of D'AGINCOURT and 0f AMBROSE FIRMIN DIDOT. 19* 144 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Fy Jo 466 Heures a lusaige de {ioe . . . Printed on Vellum in Gothic type. Device and name of the Printer, PHILIPPE PIGOUCHET, on first page, ana- tomical figure and four small figures on second page, the Saint-Greal on fourth page, and 20 three-quarters-page and one half-page very fine engrav- ings on wood; every page surrounded by elaborate and beautifully executed borders on wood; initial letters and blank spaces in text illuminated in gold and colors. ‘The engravings uncolored. Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Rome fure|n\t acheuez le xvi. iour de Sep- tembre. Lan Mil LLLL.titi.xx. et xviii [1498]. Pour Simon a vostre. libraire demourant a Paris. . Sm. 4°; in 8s, bound by MATTHEWS iz blue crushed levant morocco extra, gilt back and top. In chamois-lined pull-off case. Almanac for 21 years, 1498 to 1518; 88 leaves; a-lin 8s; 27 lines to page, height 204 mill. Brunet gives the collation as a-] in 8s and Ain 8, but the above ends with the Prayer to the Sisters of the Virgin Mary, with blank space at foot of page. One small worm-hole in four leaves. Top margin of first leaf and bottom margins of 14 leaves neatly repaired with vellum ; borders on two leaves clipped but similarly repaired. Among the numerous very fine and curious designs in the borders are figures of the theolog- ical and cardinal virtues, the Life of Christ, the Prodigal Son, &c., and a Dance of Death, which extends from the recto of g. 8 to the verso of i. 1. The designs of the Prodigal Son are given from this edition in Dibdin's ‘‘ Bibliog. Decameron,'’ Vol.1., p. 61. “Edition fort rare.""— D1iporT. J//AAO 46, Mewes a Iusaige de Hidme | .. . Printed in Gothic type on Vellum. 116 leaves. Initial letters illuminated. Device, astronomical cut, and 16 large engravings, which, as well as the smaller woodcuts, are very handsomely illuminated in colors and in gold. Very finely executed (uncolored) woodcut borders (depicting hunting scenes, &c.) to every page. Paris, par Guillaume anabat Jmypri | meur . . . pour Q@il= | let hardoupn Dibraive . . . Et pour Germain har- Doupn Wibraire . . . Almanac for 21 years, from 1500 to 1520. 8°; oak boards, covered with leather, back and sides covered with blind tooling, gilt edges. /37/0 468 Wore intemerate dine virginis marie | secundum vsum erclesie romane. Printed in Gothic type on Vellum, go leaves. Initial letters and blank spaces illuminated in gold and colors. Device of PHILIPPE PIGOUCHET, astronomical figure, 14 large engravings, which, as well as the smaller cuts, are very handsomely colored and heightened in gold. Fine woodcut borders (uncolored) to every page, including a very interest- ing Dance of Death. Almanac for 17 years, from 1503 to 1520. Large 8°; bound in green velvet, gilt edges. V54 D 469 Catalogue of Books and Manusrripts. 145 @ HORE dive virginis Marie fcd’m verum vfum Roma- num cum aliis multis folio fequenti notatis: characteri- bus fuis diligentius impreffe per Thielmani Keruer. . IN FINE [verso fol. 104]: @ Finit officii beate mane yvginis fcd@’m vfu3 Romani ci miffa eiufdé: & fepté pfalmis pe- nitétialib9: ci officio mortuori, fcté crucis & {cti fpiis: vna ci horis conceptionis beate marie virgis: atq; fcté barbaré: necné orati6i- bus fcti Gregorii, & aliori fctora fuffragiis. Impffa Parifis Anno dni Millefimo quin- gétefimoquinto. xi. kalendas Maii. Opera Thielmani Keruer. Venaleq eft fupra ponté fcti Michaelis in interfignio. Vnicornis. 8°; ‘elegantly printed in red and black within ornamental woodcut borders, on 103 leaves of pure vellum, with 19 full-page woodcuts, and 34 of miniature size, all the capitals rubricated and gilt, vellum wrapper, in wrinkled brown morocco case. This is an unusually beautiful and interesting specimen of the Parisian Hore, being in con- temporaneous binding and with all the engravings free from color. To find a copy in such perfect condition is a great rarity, inasmuch as the majority of the books of this class were colored by hand so as to make them resemble, as closely as possible, the manuscript missals of the time. Where this work was performed by skillful artists it added to the brilliant appearance of the volume. But as a rule the colorists were inferior, at this period, to the engravers, and the strong, spirited woodcuts, in their original state, will always present superior attractions to book-lovers. | R/— 470 Heures A lufaige de Paris. @ Ces prefentes heures a lufaigr | de Paris font tout au long fang rié | requerir. IN FINE [verso fol. cxxviii] : @ Ces prefentes heures a lulaige de Paris font tout au long sans riens requeriy }% furet acheuees Ie premier jour dauril lan mil cing cens % cing Deviant pafques. Par fa wvefue feu Jehan du pre Demourant audit Pa tis en fa grat rue famt Jaques a lene feigne des deur cignes pres faint ADcuerin. , 8°; printed in red and black on 128 leaves of vellum, with 12 full-page illuminated plates in gold and colors, All the initial letters are rubricated and gilt. Bound in green silk velvet with silver clasp. 146 Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. ok//— 471 VOSTRE (SIMON). Des presentes heures a lusaige de Paris sd au long sans rigs requerir: abec les miracles de nostre Dame % les figures de lapocalipse + de lantique < des trannphes de Cesar. Large 8° ; bound in old crimson morocco, sides filleted, gilt edpes, silver clasps. This is not only the finest Book of Hours, printed on vellum, in the present collection, but it would be difficult to equal it anywhere. Only two other copies are recorded: one in the Didot collection, the other in the library of St. Géneviéve in Paris. Both of these, however, lack the last fourteen leaves, which are to be found in this copy. The vellum is especially good, the printing unusual in its excellence, and the coloring is worthy of a miniaturist of the first class. The Dance of Death, hunting scenes, and quaint conventional figures compose the borders. The whole volume, in short, shows the greatest care and skill on the part both of the printer and the artist. It has the Calendar from 1508 to 1528. da _ 472 HORE diue virginis Marie secidum vsum Ro- | manum . . . . Printedin Roman type, inred and black,on PaPer. 108 leaves; every page surrounded with elaborately executed woodcut border; 16 large wood-engravings, 33 small engravings of the Saints, &c., ALL UNCOLORED. PaRIsius . . Opera Egidii hardouyn . . . et Germani Hardouyn Almanac for 20 years, from 1511 to 1530. 8°; bound in red morocco extra, gilt back, gilt borders and center ornament on sides, gilt edges, gauffered. JAf- 473 HORE deipare virginis Marie secundi vsum Roma|num.. . 1519. Printed in Roman type in red and black, on Vellum, 132 leaves. Printer’s device, astronomical plate, 46 very finely executed large wood-engravings and a number of small woodcuts; every page surrounded with elaborate woodcut borders, which include a Dance of Death; all the engravings and borders UNCOLORED. Initial letters illuminated in gold and colors. Paristis, industria . . . Zhiel- | manni Keruer . . .| Anno dii | Mil. cccccix. die. v. mensis Decembris. Almanac from 1519 to 1538. 8°; bound in fine old russia, with inscription in gilt on sides, gilt edges. The subjects of the engravings of this volume are of an unusual character, and are beauti- fully executed. The book is in perfect condition and a charming specimen of the work of Kerver's press. F ps — 474 Heures a lusaige de fiome . . . Printed on Paper, in Gothic fpjie; the initial letters inserted by hand in colors. 104 leaves. Device of JEHAN DE Brikg, astronomical cut, 18 large engravings (mostly full-page) and many woodcuts; fine woodcut borders to every page, ALL UNCOLORED. Paris, p Vicolas hig | man, pour Loys royer, libraire Almanac for 11 years, from 1523 to 1533. * 4°; signatures a-k and G, é, 7, 6, all in 8s except c, which ts in 4, and k and 6, which are in 6s. Bound in crushed levant morocco, blind tooling on back and sides, edges gilt and marbled, by JOLY. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 147 ARDS 475 Wore heate marie virginis seciidii bsum | fomanum... . Printed in Gothic type, on Vellum, 112 leaves. Initial letters illuminated. Device, astronomical cut, 16 large engravings, which, as well as the smaller woodcuts, are handsomely colored and heightened in gold; woodcut bor- ders (uncolored) to every page. Paris, par Germain har | douyn Almanac for 12 years, 1526 to 1537. 8°; boards covered with elaborately stamped leather, vilt edges. / 4270 476 HORE. @ Hore beate Marie virginis fecundi vfum Romanum totaliter ad longum fine require Cum multis fuffragiis & orationibg de nouo additis, Nouiter impreffis, Parifius Opera Germani Hardouyn Comorantis inter duas portas Palatii, ad iter fignii diue Margarete. Almanac from 1528 to 1545. 96 leaves, 16 large woodcuts. 8°; bound in green silk velvet, gilt edges. of ii: pide : OV’ 477 HOR AL.—In Laudem beatissime virginis Mariz, ad usum Romanum. Parisis: Ex officina Reginaldi Calder & Claudij eius fili7, 1549. 4°; bound in old calf, the sides and back stamped and inlaid with leathers of various colors, Jorming an elaborate and brilliant pattern, edges gilt and gauffered. This is in many respects the most beautiful printed Book of Hours in the collection. The designs are by GEOFROY TorRY, and are in his best style. Every page is surrounded by a border, and there are thirteen full-page engravings. All of the capitals are printedin red. In addition to this, the binding is an exceptionally fine and perfect example of contemporaneous workmanship. The book as a whole makes a bibliographical treasure such as any collector counts himself happy to possess. The whole inclosed ina morocco case, lined with velvet. er 478 LE LIVRE D’ HEURES de la Reine ANNE DE BRETAGNE. Traduit du Latin et accompagné de notices inédites par M. L’ABBE DELAUNAY, chanoine de Meaux et Curé du Diocése de Paris. Paris: L. Curmer, Editeur, MDCCCXLI. 4°; bound in crimson levant morocco with gilt clasps, gilt edges. This is a brilliant and faithful reproduction of an exquisite book. No manuscript in the world surpasses the famous Hours of Anne of Brittany in brilliancy of coloring, accuracy of drawing, or beauty of design. The borders represent flowers taken from the garden of the Queen, and the Scriptural scenes are depicted with marvelous dexterity. Although this book was published nearly fifty years ago it cannot be excelled to-day as an example of skillful chromo-lithographic work. There is also a volume of descriptive text. Both volumes are inclosed in a case lined with quilted silk. 148 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Jao 479 [HORUS APOLLO.]— Ori | APOLLINIS | NILIACI, DE SA- | cris AiGYPTIORVM | notis, Aigyptiacé exprefsis | LIBRI Dvo, ICONIBVS | illuftrati, & aucti. | unc primiim in Latinum ac Galli- | cum sermonem conuerfi. | Parisus, | Apud Galeotum a Prato, & loannem | Ruellium: Via Lacobea. | 1574. Sm. 8°; 8 pret. leaves ; TEXT 107 leaves, paged on the recto of each leaf; with 194 exceedingly curious woodcut EMBLEMS within ornamental borders, which are attributed, by PAPILLON, to JEAN Cousin. Exquisitely bound in bright, highly polished crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled and filleted sides, with corner ornaments and elegant center-pieces, inside broad dentelle borders, richly gilt and delicately tooled, by LORTIC, in his very finest and most artistic style. IN A SLIDING CASE. A BEAUTIFUL COPY ofthis EXTREMELY RARE volume. aw 480 HOWITT (WILLIAM).— WORKS of WILLIAM HOWITT, com- SOSo 481 /of er prising, vzz. I. Visirs to REMARKABLE P aces: Old Halls, Battle Fields, and Scenes Illustrative of Striking Passages in English History and Poetry. With Illustrations designed and executed by SAMUEL WILLIAMS. Second Edition. Lonv. 1840-42. 2 vols. Il. SrupDENT-LiFE of GeRMaNny. J//lus- trated with Engravings by SARGEANT Woops and other eminent Artists. Lonp. 1841. 1 vol. III. Rurat and Domestic Lire of Germany. With above 50 Lilustrations by G. F. SARGEANT. Lonpb. 1842. 1 vol. TV. RuRAL Lire of ENGLAND. Third Edition. With Zilustrations on wood by BEwicKk and S. WitLiaMs. Lonp. 1844. 1 vol. V. Homes. and Haunts of the most eminent BritisH Poets. With Jllustrations by W. and G. MEASoM. Lonp. 1849. 2 vols. Together, 7 vols. 8°; uniformly bound in half red morocco, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. SCARCE in this fine condition. HOWITT (WILLIAM AND MARY).—Tue LITERATURE and ROMANCE of NortTHERN Europe: Constituting a complete History of the LITERATURE Of SWEDEN, DENMARK, Norway and EcELAND, with copious Specimens of the most celebrated Histories, Romances, Popular Legends and Tales, Old Chivalrous Ballads, Tragic and Comic Dramas, National and favourite Songs, Novels, and Scenes from the Life of the present Day. By WILLIAM anp MARY HOWITT. Lonpon: Colburn & Co. 1852. 2 vols, crown 8° ; cloth, uncut. VERY SCARCE. HOYT (E.) —ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES: Comprising A HIS- TORY of the INDIAN WARS in the Country Bordering Connecticut River and Parts adjacent, and other interesting Events, From the First Land- ing of the Pilgrims, to the Conquest. of Canada by the English, in 1760: With Notices of Indian Depredations in the Neighboring Country: and the First Planting and Progress of Settlements in New England, New York and Canada. By E. HOYT, Esq. GREENFIELD, Mass.: Printed by Ansel Phelps, Dec. 1824. 8°; pp. xit.-312. Half red morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. Fine, clean copy. SCARCE. Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. 149 22. 483 HUBBARD (WILLIAM).—a | NARRATIVE | OF THE TROUBLES WITH THE | INDIANS | In NEW-ENGLAND, from the firft planting thereof in the | year 1607. to this prefent year 1677. But chiefly of the late | Troubles in the two laft years, 1675. and 1676. | To which is added a Difcourfe about the Warre with the | PEQUODS | In the year 1637. | By W. Hubbard, AZinifier of Ipfwich. | Publifhed [sic] by Authority. | Boston ; | Printed by John Fojier, in the year 1677. Pp. (14), 132, (8), 7-12. Narrative, 88. Map. [Also:] Zhe Happinefs of a People | In the Wifdome of their Rulers | DI- RECTING | And in the Obedience of their Brethren | ATTENDING | Unto what [frael ougho to do; RECOMMENDED IN A | SERMON | Before the Honourable GOVERNOUR and COUNCIL, and | the Re- fpected DEPUTIES of the Mattachufets Colony | in Mew-England. | Preached at Bofion, May 3d. 1676. being the day of | ELECTION there. | By WILLIAM HUBBARD Minifter of /wich. | Boston, Printed by John Fofter, 1676. Sm. 4°; pp. (8), 63. Dark blue grosgr. levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, sides filleted, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. AUTOGRAPH of THOMAS SHUTE, 1686, on the verso of p. 63. This was supposed until recently to be the first book printed in Boston. The map which it contains is the first one engraved in New England. The present copy is perfect and has the genuine map in fine condition. It isso rare in this state that while Mr. Brinley had several copies not one of them was perfect. The author was especially qualified to act as the historian of the thrilling experiences he describes. His account of them is graphic and comparatively free from the mannerisms and prejudices which mar the writings of some of his contemporaries. Such volumes are the foun- dation of our knowledge of these stirring times, and their value both to the student and the amateur must continually increase. 484 HUBBARD (REV. W.)— THE HISTORY of the INDIAN Wars in NEW ENGLAND, from the First Settlement to the Termination of the War with King Philip, in 1677. From the OriciInAL Work, by the Rev. WILLIAM HUBBARD. Carefully Revised, and Accompanied with an Historical Preface, Life and Pedigree of the Author, and EXTENSIVE NOTEs, by SAMUEL G. DRAKE. Printed jor W. Elliot Woodward, Roxxury, Mass. 1865. 2 vols. sm. 4°; with facsimile ''map of New-England, Being the first that ever was here cut.” Half brown morocco, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. 2 — 485 HUBLEY (B.)— Tue | HISTORY | of the | AMERICAN REVOLU- TION, | Including | The most Important Events and Resolutions | of the | Honourable Continental Congress during that Period | and also, | the most Interesting Letters and Orders | of | His ExceELLENcy | GENERAL GEORGE WaAsHINGTON, | Commander in Chief | of the | AMERICAN FORCES. | By BENRARD [misprint of Bernard| HUBLEY. | Voutume 1. [AZ that 20 150 Catalogue of Dooks and Manuscripts. was published.| | NORTHUMBERLAND, PENNSYLVANIA: | Printed for the Author, by Andrew Kennedy. | 1805. 8°; pp. iv.-606, (1). Boards, UNCUT. A FINE, LARGE, CLEAN COPY. EXTREMELY RARE. With a curious portrait of WASHINGTON, a plate of the Battle of Lexington, portrait of JOHN HANCOCK, and the following autograph note of JOHN HANCOCK, addressed to WASHING- TON, inserted : ‘Feb. 12th, 1776. Colonell Bull the Bearer of this Takes Charge of Two hundred & fifty Thousand Dollars for the use of your Army; I beg leave to Recommend him to your notice. I have the honour to be with the utmost Esteem, Sir ‘‘Your most obedt Servant ‘*JOHN HANCOCK, Preside. ‘To His Excellcey GEN. WASHINGTON." N G — 486 HUDSON (HENRY).— Descriptio ac delineatio Geographica | DETEC- TIO- | nis FRETI, | sive, TRaNnsirus ad occasum | supra terras Ameri- canas in Chinam | atq; Iaponem ducturi | Recens investigati ab M. Henrico Hudsono Anglo, | &c. AMSTERODAMI | Ex officina Hesselij Gerardi. Anno 1612. Sm. 4°; bound in plain vellum, by PRATT. This copy has the two woodcuts and three maps which belong to it, and is in unusually brilliant condition, having wide margins and untrimmed edges. /O0 - 487 HUMBERT (AIME).—LE JAPON ILLUSTRE. Ovvrace conte- NANT 176 Vues, Scenes, Types, Monuments et Paysages ; Dessinées par E. Bayarp, H. CaTenact, Eve. Ciceri, L. Crépon, H. CLerGET, A. Dz NEv- VILLE, M. Raping, E. THEROND, etc. Une Carte et Cing Plans. Paris: Hachette et C*. 1870. 2 vols. imp. 4°; half red morocco, gilt backs and edges. «3 — 488 HUME, SMOLLETT, anD HUGHES.—I. History of ENGLAND, from the INvasion of JuLiIus Casar to the REVOLUTION in 1688. By DAVID HUME. A New Edition, with the Author’s last Corrections and Improvements. 5 vols. II. History of ENGLAND, from the REVOLUTION to the DEATH of GEORGE THE SECOND. Designed as a continuation of Mr. Hume’s History. By T. SMOLLETT, M.D. New Edition, with the Author’s last Corrections and Improvements. 3 vo/s. III. History of Enc- LAND, from the Accession of GeorGE III., 1760, to the ACCESSION of QUEEN VicTORIA, 1837. By the Rev. T. S. HUGHES, B. D. Being the compie- tion of the History of England from the Invasion of JuLrus Ca#sar to the PRESENT REIGN. New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author, Copious Notes, Corrections, and Enlargement. 7 vols. LoNnDON: 1855-1864. Together, 15 vols. 8°; portraits, light polished calf extra, gilt backs, filleted sides, marbled edges. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 151 489 HUMPHREYS (H. NOEL).—A HISTORY of the ART of PRINT- ING, from its Invention to its Wide-spread Development in the Middle of the Sixteenth Century. Preceded by a Short’ Account of the Origin of the Alphabet, and the Successive Methods of Recording Events and Multiply- ing MS. BOOKS before the INVENTION of PrintTING. With 100 Jilustra- tions produced in Photo-Lithography, under the direction of the Author. Lon- pon: Bernard Quaritch, 1867. Imp. 4°; cloth, gilt, UNCUT. First IMPRESSION, of which only 300 numbered copies were issued. No. 15. 2— 490 [HUNT (FREEMAN).]— AMERICAN ANECDOTES. Original and Select. By AN AMERICAN [FREEMAN Hunt].. Boston: Putnam & Hunt, MDCCCXXX. 2 vols, 12°; pp. 300; 300. Light half calf, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. Very fine, clean copy. RARE. | Contains four hundred and eighty-seven anecdotes, chiefly relating to the American Revo- lution. Nb Asap HUSKISSON (W.)—Tue SPEECHES of the Right Honourable W1- LIAM HuskIsson, with a BioGRAPHICAL MEmorrR, supplied to the Editor from Authentic Sources. Lonpon: John Murray, MDCCCXXXI. 3 vols. 8°; fine proof portrait, half brown morocco. SCARCE. TION of the WesTERN TERRITORY of NorTH AMERICA: . . . To which are added, The Discovery, SETTLEMENT, afid Present State of KENTUCKY. . . By Joun Fitson. To which is added, The ADvEN- tures of Cot. DanteL Boon . . . Jilustrated with correct Maps of the Western Territory of North America; of the State of Kentucky, as divided into Counties, and a Plan of the Rapids of Ohio. The Second Edition, with considerable Additions. Lonpon: J. Dedrett, 1793. 8°; half calf. 492 [nex (GEORGE). A TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIP- C2? — 493 INDIAN WARS IN NEW-ENGLAND, 1676-1677.—(I.) THE | PRESENT STATE:| OF NEW-ENGLAND, | with Refpect to the | INDIAN WAR. | an Account of the true Reafon thereof, | (as far as can be Judged by Men.) Together with moft of the Remarkable Paffages that have hap- | pened from the 2o0¢h of June, till the 10th of ovem- ber, 1675. | Faithfully Compofed by a Merchant of Bofton, and Communi- cated | to his Friend in ZOMDON. | Licenfed Decemd. 13, 1675. Roger L’Eftrange. | Lonpon: | Printed for Dorman Newman, at the Kings-Arms 20* 152 Catalogue of Books and Wanusgeripts. in the Poultry, and at the | Ship and Anchor at the Bridg-foot on Southwark Jide. 1676. pp. 19. (Il.) A CONTINUATION | of the STATE of | NEW-ENGLAND; | Being a Farther ACCOUNT of the | Judian Warr, | And of the Engagement betwixt the Joynt Forces | of the United Englsh Collonies and the /ndians, on the 19th. of December, 1675. With the true Number of the | Slain and Wounded, and the Tranfactions of the Lnglish | Army fince the faid Fight. With all other paffages that | have there Hapned from the roth. of Moveméer, 1675. to the | 8th. of February 167%. | Together with an Account of the intended Rebellion | of the WVe- groes in the Barbadoes.| Licenfed March 27, 1676. Henry Oldenburg. Lonpon: Printed by T: M. for Dorman Newman, at the Kings Armes in | the Poultry, 1676. pp. 20. (III.) A | NEW and Further NARRATIVE | of the STATE of | NEW-ENGLAND, | Being | A Continued ACCOUNT of the Bloudy | /ndian-War,| From March till Augufl, 1676. | Giving a Perfect Relation of the Several Devafta- | tions, Engagements, and Tranf- actions there; As alfo the | Great Succeffes Lately obtained againft the Barbarous Jn- | dians, The Reducing of King /%ilip, and the Killing of | one of the Queens, &*c. | Together with a Catalogue of the Loffes in the whole, fuftain- | ed on either Side, fince the faid War began, as near as can be be [sic] collected. | Licenfed October 13. Roger L’ Efirange. | LONDON: Printed by J. B. for Dorman Newman at the Kings Arms | in the Poultry, 1676. | Title 1 leaf, pp. 14. (1V.) A| TRUE ACCOUNT | of the Moft | CONSIDERABLE SODURRERGEE | That have hapned in the | WARRE | Between the | ENGLISH and the INDIANS | in | New-Eng- land, | From the Fifth of A/ay, 1676, to the Fourth | of Augu/ laft ; as alfo of the Succeffes it hath | pleafed God to give the Znglifh againft them : | As it hath been cgmmunicated by Letters to a Friend in London. | The moft Exact Account yet Printed. | [ Zexts of Scripture, 5 lines.| Licenfed, October 11, 1676. | Roger L’Efirange. | Lonpon: | Printed for Benjamin Billing f- ley at the Printing-Prefs in Cornhill, 1676. | Title.1 leaf, pp. 6. (V.) THE | W ARR | 1n | NEW-ENGLAND | Visibly Ended. | King pity that barbarous /ndian now Beheaded, and moft of his Bloudy Adherents fubmitted to | Mercy, the Reft fled far up into the Countrey, which | hath given the Inhabitants Encouragement to prepare for their | Settlement. | Being a True and Perfect Account brought in by Caded More | Mafter of a veffel newly Arrived from Rhode-/fland. | And publifhed for general Satiffaction. | Li- cenfed Movember 4. Roger L’Efirange. | Lonpon: | Printed by J. B. for Dorman Newman at the Kings-arms | in the Poultry, 1677. | Zitle x leaf, and 2 pages. Together, 5 pieces ini vol. folio; sumptuously bound in grosgr. crimson levant morocco Ssuper- extra, gilt back and edges, paneled and filleted sides with corner ornaments, broad inside dentelle borders, richly gilt, by F. BEDFORD. EXCESSIVELY RARE, AND IN THE VERY FINEST CONDITION, | - @atalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 153 igi 494 INMAN (THOMAS).— ANCIENT PAGAN and MODERN CHRIS- TIAN SYMBOLISM. Seconp Epition, Revised and Enlarged, with an Essay on Baat WorsuiP, on the Assyrian Sacred “ Grove,” and other allied Symbols. By JoHN Newton. With Numerous Illustrations, NEw YORK: J. W. Bouton, 1875. 8°; dark green cloth, UNCUT. 495 INMAN (THOMAS).—ANCIENT FAITHS and MODERN: A Dis- sertation upon Worships, Legends, and Divinities in Central and Western Asia, Europe, and Elsewhere, before the Christian Era. By THOMAS INMAN, M. D. (London.) New-York: J. W. Bouton, 1876. 8°; brown cloth, UNCUT. / bgxs 496 IRVING (WASHINGTON).— COMPLETE WORKS, including his Lire and Letrers. NEw YorK: 1860-64. 27 vols. sq. 8°; with illustrations by DARLEY, LESLIE, etc., half green morocco, gilt tops. zi 497 [IRVING(WASHINGTON).|— SKETCH BOOK of Geoffrey Crayon Gent. Artist’s Epirion. Jilustrated with One Hundred and Twenty En- gravings on Wood, from Original Designs, New York: G. P. Putnam & Son, M. DCCC. LXVITI. Sq. roy. 8°; elegantly bound in brown polished levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, by MATTHEWS. 56 498 IVES (LiEuT. JOSEPH C.)— Report upon the CoLorapo RIVER of the West, explored in 1857 and 1858. WaAsHINGTON: 1861. 4°; cloth, numerous engravings. ING, Historicat and Practica. With upwards of 300 Lllus- trations engraved on Wood, by JouN Jackson. Lonpon: Charles Knight, 1839. Roy. 8°; half morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. ORIGINAL EDITION, with brilliant impressions of the illustrations. J LLVe 499 i fa (JOHN).—A TREATISE on WOOD ENGRAV- 5 So 500 JACKSON AND CHATTO.— A TREATISE on WOOD ENGRAV- ING, Historical and Practical. With upwards of 300 Lllustrations engraved on Wood, by Joun Jackson. The Historicay Portion by W. A. CHATTO. Second Edition, with a New Cuaprer on the Artists of the Present Day, by Henry G. Boun, and 145 additional Wood Engravings. LONDON: Henry G. Bohn, 1866. Roy. 8°; half green morocco, gilt back and top, UNCUT. 154 Catalogue of Books and MWanuseripts. 4 G- 501 JACQUEMART ET LE BLANT. HISTOIRE Artisrique, In- DUSTRIELLE et COMMERCIALE de la PORCELAINE, Accompagnée de re- cherches fur les fujets & emblémes qui la décorent, les Marques & infcriptions qui font reconnaitre les fabriques d’ou elle fort, les variations de prix qu’ont obtenus les principaux objets connus & les collections ov ils font confervés aujourd’hui, Par ALBERT JACQUEMART & EDMOND Le BLANT, enrichie de Vingt-fix Planches gravées & l’eau-forte par JULES JACQUEMART. Paris: J. Techener, 1862. Folio; pp. 690. 28 full-page plates, containing 92 choice examples of ceramic art; vellum, UNCUT. Jf/2.Vo 502 JAMES (THOMAS).— The Srrance and DaNncERous Vovace of Cap- taine Thomas James, in his intended Discovery of the Northwest Passage into the South Sea, &c. Engraved map with medallion portrait. LONDON, 1633. Sm. 4°; bound in dark brown morocco, gilt over red edges, by RIVIERE. An unusually large and clean copy of the very rare FIRST EDITION. ae 503 JAMES (W. D.) —A SKETCH of the LIFE of BRIG. GEN. FRAN- CIS MARION, and A History of his Bricapg, from its Rise in June, 1780, until Disbanded in December, 1782; with Descriptions of CHaAR- ACTERS and SCENES, not heretofore published. Containing also, AN AP- PENDIX, with Copies of Letters which passed between Several of the Leading Characters of that day; principally from Gen. GREENE to GEN. Marion. By WILLIAM DOBEIN JAMES, A. M., during that Period _ one of Marion’s Militia. At present one of the Associate Judges in Equity, South-Carolina. CHARLESTON, S. C.: Printed by Gould & Riley, 41 Broad- Street, 1821. 8°; pp. 182, 39; bound in grass-green polished levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled sides, filleted, with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD: Fine PORTRAIT of MARION, and his Autograph RECEIPT for supplies, inserted. AN ELEGANT COPY OF THIS EXTREMELY RARE BIOGRAPHY. 3 - 504 JAMESON (Mrs.) S acrED | AND | JLEGENDARY QRr. By MRS. JAMESON. | Containing | LecEnps of the ANGELS and ArcH- ANGELS, the EVANGELISTS, | the AposTLEs, the Doctors of the CHuRcH, | and Mary Macpateng. | Lonpon: | Printed for | Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, | Paternoster-row, | 1848. 2 vols. 8°; ORIGINAL EDITION. Profusely illustrated with woodcuts and engravings. Bound in dark blue crushed morocco, fillets on sides, gilt tops, by W. PRATT. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 155 43 —~ 505 JAMESON (Mrs.) ¥ EGENDS POR @ueE $#l onastIc ®RvDERS, as Represented in the FINE ARTS. | Forming | the SEconD SERIES of SacRED and LEGENDARY Art. | By MRS. JAMESON. | Lonpon: | Printed for | Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, Paternoster-row, | 1850. 8°; ORIGINAL EDITION. Profusely illustrated with woodcuts and engravings. Bound in dark blue crushed morocco, fillets on sides, gilt tops, by W. PRATT. 506 JAMESON (MRS.) J EGENDS | OF THE | ffl aponna, as Represented in the FINE ARTS. | Forming | the Turrp Series of SacrED and LEGENDARY ArT. | By MRS. JAMESON. | Illustrated by Drawings and Woodcuts. | Lonpon: | Longman, Brown, Green, and Long- mans, | 1852. 8°; ORIGINAL EDITION. Bound in dark blue crushed morocco, fillets on sides, gilt tops, by W. PRATT. wh. 507 JAMESON (Mrs.) THE History Or Over Lorn, as Exemplified in WORKS of ART: | with that of | His Typrs; Sr. Joun the Baptist; and other persons | of the Old and New Testament. | Commenced by the late MRS, JAMESON. | .Continued and completed by | Lapy Eastiake. | Lonpon: | Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green, | 1864. 2 vols. 8°; ORIGINAL EDITION. Profusely illustrated with woodcuts and engravings. Bound in dark blue crushed morocco, fillets on sides, gilt tops, by WW. PRATT. O. 508 [JANSEN (HENRI).]— ESSAI sur ’ORIGINE de la GRAVURE en Bors et en TAILLE-Douce, ét sur la CoNNOISSANCE des EsTaMPEs des XV*. et XVI°. Siécles; ot il est parlé aussi de l’origine des Cartes 4 Jouer et des Cartes géographiques; Swivi de Recherches sur l’origine du Papier de Coton et de Lin; sur la Calligraphie, depuis les plus anciens temps jus- qu’a nos jours; sur les Miniatures des anciens Manuscrits ; sur les Filigranes des Papiers des XIV°., XV°., et XVI‘. Siécles; ainsi que sur l’origine et le premier usage des SIGNATURES et des CHiFFRES dans l’Art de la Typo- GRAPHIE. Paris: Chez F. Schoell, 1808. 2 vols. 8°; mottled calf, with FACSIMILES, large folding PLATES and ENGRAVINGS, some of which are colored. FINE Copy. SCARCE. 156 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Ayo 509 JEANNE (F. JACQUES).— THRESOR SACRE | pes perocatives | ; ET GRANDEVRS DE LA | glorieufe & tres-Saincte Vierge | Marie Mere de Dieu, | diuifé en trente deux Chapitres, | fur fon Antienne, | ALMA REDEMP- TORIS MaTER | ovest Traicté des Rares | vertus de la Royne du Ciel, & | de l’vtilité que recoiuent tous | geux qui la feruent, & | inuoquent; auec les moyens | quils peuuent practiquer | pour s’entretenir toujours | en fa deuotion | par F. Jacques Jeanne, | Docteur en Theologie Religieux | et Prieur du Couuent des | Auguftins de Paris. | A Paris, | chez Denis Moreau | rué St. Jacques & la | Salamandre. | 1620. 8° ; 13 prel. leaves ; TEXT, 676 pp. (30). Engraved title in compartments, portrait of St. Augus- tine, and 6 fine copperplate engravings, all brilliant impressions. Bound in rich red morocco, back and sides covered with delicate gold tooling (‘'a petits fers"’), gilt edges, by LE GASCON. Beauti- Jul copy of an exceedingly curious work. 510 [JEFFERSON (THOMAS).]— NOTES on the ftate of VIRGINIA; | written in the year 1781, fomewhat cor- | rected and enlarged in the winter of 1782, | for the ufe of a Foreigner of diftinction, in | anfwer to certain queries propofed by him | refpecting 1. Its boundaries. 2. Rivers. 3. Sea- ports. 4. Mountains, etc., etc. s. 7 [Paris.| MDCCLXXXII. 8°; pp. (2), 391; ‘An Eye-draught of Madifon's Cave" (p. 35), and folded Table of Indian Tribes (p. 168). Mottled French calf, gilt. A FinE Copy of the FIRST EDITION, prIVATELY PRINTED, and EXTREMELY RARE. On the first guard-leaf is the following More in the handwriting of the AUTHOR: ‘‘Th: Jefferson having had a few copies of these notes printed to offer to some of his friends & to some other estimable characters beyond that line, takes the liberty of presenting a copy to Mr. Rittenhouse. Unwilling to expose them to the public eye, he asks the favour of Mr. Ritten- house to put them into the hands of no person on whose care & fidelity he cannot rely to guard them against publication.” On the back of the title is the autograph of WM. SERGEANT, and at the top of page 1 that of JONA. D. SERGEANT. The proof-sheets of this work, with corrections in the handwriting of the Author, are in the New York State Library at Albany. 3 — 511 JEFFERYS (T.)—Tue NATURAL and CIVIL HISTORY of the FrencH Dominions in NortH and SoutH America. Giving a particular Account of the Climate, Soil, Minerals, Animals, Vegetables, Manufactures, Trade, Commerce, and Languages, together with the Religion, Government, Genius, Character, Manners, and Cuftoms of the Indians and other Inhabi- tants. Jllustrated by Maps and Plans of the Principal Places, Collected from the beft Authorities, and engraved by T. JEFFERYS, Geographer to his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales. PART I. Containing A Defcription of Canada and Louifiana. PART II. Containing Part of the Jflands of St. Domingo and St. Martin, the Jflands of St. Bartholomew, Guadaloupe, Martinico, La Grenade, and the Jfland and Colony of Cayenne. Lonnpon, Printed for Thomas Jefferys at Charing-Crofs. MDCCLX. 2 parts int vol. folio. PT. 1. 4 prel. leaves, and 168 ~p,,8 maps, PT. 11. 2 prel. leaves, and 246 pp., 10 maps. Plain calf, yellow edges. Ae // — 14 JOHNSON (EDWARD). Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 157 512 JENNINGS (HARGRAVE).— THE ROSICRUCIANS, their Rites and Mysteries ; with Chapters on the Ancient Fire and Serpent -W orshipers, and Explanations of the Mystic Symbols represented in the Monuments and Talismans of the Primeval Philosophers. ///ustrated by nearly 300 Engrav- ings. LONDON: J/. C. Hotten, 1870. Crown 8° ; cloth, UNCUT. 513 JENSON (NICOLAS).— BREVIARIUM juxta Ritum RoMANE CurRIE (cum Calendario). fut’ opis corrector extitit Georg? d’ spatharijs . . . ipssor uero Nicolaus tenson gallicus: hac nra tépestate tmpssor. priceps , Qa’ gdé of ipressi in florétissima urbe uenetiar, est. 1478. 2 vols. in 1, folio; PRINTED ON VELLUM, with exquisite borders, historiated initials, and numerous capital letters all beautifully illuminated in gold and colors, with the arms of a Cardinal in the lower margin ; from the Beckford library, Hamilton Palace. Old French red morocco extra, leather joints, silk linings, gilt edges, lettered ‘‘ Manuscri.” This, as an artistic monument, is equal to a fine illuminated MS. The borders and figures and painted ornaments are extremely elegant, and include some work in fine camaieu-rouge. Among the animal figures there is one of an elephant, and another of a bear walking off with a man and his spear over his shoulder. There are MS. additions, evidently made for the Cardinal, on the blank leaves of the book to supply certain offices not included in the original impression. This Breviary on vellum is not excelled by any of the magnificent productions of Jenson’s press. The illuminations give it the appearance of one of the grand old Manuscript Breviaries. The binder was evidently deceived by the resemblance when he stamped ‘‘ Manuscri’’ on the back of the volume. A | HISTORY | or | New-ENcGuanp. | From the English planting in the Yeere | 1628 untill the Yeere 1652. | De- claring the form of their Government, | Civill, Military, and Ecclesiastique. Their Wars with | the Indians, their Troubles with the Gortonists, | and other Heretiques. Their manner of gathering | of Churches, the Commodities of the Country, | and description of the principall Towns | and Havens, with the great encou- | ragements to increase Trade | betwixt them and Old | ENGLAND. | With the names of all their Governours, Magistrates, | and eminent Ministers. Psal. 107. 24. The righteous shall see it and rejoice, and all iniquity shall stop her | mouth. Peal, 130.2, The works of the Lord are great, and ought to be sought out of all that | have pleasure in them. Lonpon: | Printed for NATH: BROOKE at the Aged | in Corn-hill. 1654. Sm. 4°; bound in crushed green morocco, gilt, with gilt edges, by STIKEMAN & Co. The running title is ‘‘ Wonder Working Providence of Sion's Savior in New England." This copy is in brilliant condition, and has the four pages of Advertisements addressed to the ‘* Courteous Reader.”’ 21 158 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. ‘a 515 JOHNSON (J.)—TYPOGRAPHIA, or the Printers’ Instructor: inclu- ding an Account of the ORIGIN of PRINTING, with BrocrapuHicaL Notices of the PRINTERS of ENGLAND, from Caxton to the close of the SIXTEENTH CENTURY: A SERIES of ANCIENT and MODERN ALPHA- BETS, and Domespay CHaRracTers: Together with an Elucidation of every Subject connected with the Art. By J. JOHNSON, Printer. Lon- DON: Longmans, 1824. 2 vols. 8°. LARGE PAPER. Frontispieces, and Portrait of CAXTON and the Author on India paper. Half cloth, boards, UNCUT. THE ROXBURGHE EDITION. RARE. 516 JOHNSON (Mrs.)—A NARRATIVE of the CAPTIVITY of Mrs. [ Susannah| JOHNSON. Containing An Account of her SuFFERINGS, during four Years with the Inp1ans and Frencu. Publifhed according to Act of Congress. Printed at WALPOLE, NeEwuampsuHire, by David Carlisle, jun.. 1796. 12° ; pp. 144; green morocco extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, by F. BEDFORD. Fine, clean copy. FIRST EDITION. RARE. 517 JONES (C. C.) — HISTORICAL SKETCH of TOMO-CHI-CHI, Mico of the Yamacraws. By CHARLES C. JONES, Jr. Axpany, N. Y.: Joel Munsell, 1868. 8° ; pp. 133; Joards, UNCUT. 518 JONSON (BEN).— TuE | FOVNTAINE | of Selfe-Love. | or | Cyn- THIAS | Revets. | As it hath beene sundry times | privately acted in the Black- | Friers dy the Children of her Maiesties Chappell. | Written by BEN: JONSON. Imprinted at London for Walter Burre ; and are to be | solde at his shop in Faules Church-yard, at the Signe | of the Flower de Luce and Crowne, 1601. Sm. 4°; bound in green crushed morocco, gilt edges, by BEDFORD. THE FIRST EDITION. /4¢ — 519 JONSON (BEN).— PoetrastTEr, or the ARRAIGNMENT: As it hath beene | sundry times priuately acted in the BLacKE FRriers, by the Children of her ; Maiesties Chappell. Composed by BEN. Jonson. Lonpon. § Printed for M. L. and are to be sould in Saint Dunstans Church-yarde. 1602. 4°; full calf. MITFORD'S copy. THE FIRST EDITION. A-Nr in fours; Title Ar; Poem entitled Zivor Az; Prologvs A3; To the Reader in apology for Epilogue, Nz verso. J bi fie- 520 JONSON (BEN).—SEIANVS | His Fatt. | Written by | Ben. Ionson. Mart. Non hic Centauros, non Gorgonas, Harpyas¢ | Inuenies Hominem pagina nostra sapit. | At Lonpon | Printed by G. Ellde, for Thomas | Thorpe. 1605. Sm. 4°; bound in green crushed morocco, gilt edges, by BEDFORD. The First EDITION, without a dedication, but accompanied by several copies of commen- datory verses. There is some authority for saying that Shakespeare acted in this play. 1 Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. 159 | %2- 521 JONSON (BEN).— BEN: IONSON | his | VOLPONE | or | THE FOXE. | Simul & iucunda, & idonea dicere vite. | Printed for Thomas Thorppe. | 1607. | fDeditatiet edication. To The Most Noble | And Most A‘quall | Sisters | The Two Famous Uni- versities, | For Their Love | And | Acceptance | Shewn To His Poeme | In The Presentation: | Ben Jonson | The Gratefull Acknowledger | Dedicates | Both It And Himselfe. Sm. 4°; bound in crimson crushed morocco, gilt edges, by BEDFORD. The FIRST EDITION. SOS. 522 JONSON (BEN).—A PLEASANT COMEDY, called: | THE Case Is ALTERED. | As it hath beene sundry times acted by the | children of the Black-friers. Written by BEN IONSON. Lonpon, Printed for Barthol- omew Sutton, and William Barrenger, and are to be sold at the great North-doore of Saint Paules Church. 1609. 4°; full calf. THE First EDITION. a. 523 JONSON (BEN).— Caratine his Conspiracy. Written by BEN: Jonson. His non Plebecula gaudet. Verum Equitis qguog. tam migrauit ab aure voluptas, Omnis, ad incertos oculos, & gaudia vana. LONDON, Printed for Walter Burre. 1611. 4°; full calf. THE FIRST EDITION. A-O3 in fours; Title Ar; Dedication to William Earle of Pembrooke A2; Address To the Reader in Ordinarie, and to the Reader Extraordinary, commendatory verses by Franc: Beaumont, John Fletcher, and Nat Field, A3-4. (Py 524 JONSON (BEN).— Tue Atcuemist. Written by BEN. Jonson. Veque, of me vt miretur turba, laboro: Contentus paucis lectoribus. Lonpon, Printed by Zhomas Snodham, for Walter Burre, and are to be sold by John Stepneth, at the West-end of Paules. 1612. 4°; full calf. THE FirsT EDITION. A-M in fours; Title Ar; Dedication to Mary La: Worth Az; Address to the Reader and Verses by George Lucy A3; Persons of the Comedy, The Argument, and the Prologue A4. yy 3) en JOSEPHUS (FLAVIUS).— THE History oF THE JEWISH WAR. Paris: A. Verard, 1492. COLOPHON : Zp finist { hystoire de Fosephus de la bataille Judaique traslatee de latin en francops en 1 honneur de Dieu et de la bierge marie % de toute fa court rellesticlle. rt fut Catalogue of Books and DManusrripts. acomplie le septicsme jour de de- cembre mil DLA quatre vig; Ct douse : ¢ imprimee a paris pour Anthopne Cerard libraire demeu- rant sur fe pont nostre Dame... . Folio. Bound in blue morocco, gilt edges, by BOYET. Printed on vellum, ruled throughout in red, and ornamented with borders, ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-THREE miniatures, and numerous capital letters, richly illuminated in gold, silver, and colors. . Only one other copy is known on vellum, namely, that in the National Library in Paris, and this, which equals it in condition and beauty, is mentioned by Van Praet as formerly in the library of the Maréchal de RICHELIEU. It can be called properly a gvand work, measuring sixteen by eleven inches, and is unexcelled in importance as a specimen of early Parisian print- ing. The blank corners of some of the leaves are mended; otherwise the volume is in perfect condition. From the Syston Park Library. _ 526 JOSEPHUS (FLAVIUS). € grant almaz | gette ou Cretnobie | et trefilluttre Hyp- | ftoriographe Folephe Flauie Duc | des Fuits | et grant 3zelateur de fa top Molaicque | et de grace contenant les Annales et antiquites | imDdairques cOmencant depuis {a creation du mo | de iufques a Ja dernier Deltruction de Hierufa- | lem faicte par Uatpafien et Cytus fon fils Em- | pereurs Hommaing: Dan de notre feigneur “Je- | Cuchrift. irri. Et de fa creacion du monde cing mil | fe cent feptante. Rouwuellement imprime a Paris. | @ ail cing reng. rrr. @ On les vend a Paris ala rue fainet Fiacques | a lenfeigne DU rop Dauid. In FINE [recto fol. cclxxxiii] : em Cy finitt Lhpitotre ve Foe | yous oe fa batille Judaiej tratlatee de latin en francops en Ihoneur de Dieu } | de la Cierge Marie | et fut acheue dimprimer fe quae triefine iour de Octobre | Md.rrxv. p Pierre leber demourat au coing Dupaue pres fa place maubert. | Folio; TITLE in red and black, printed within an ornamental woodcut border ; on the verso is the Prologue of 25 lines, followed by the TABLE, comprising 6 unnumbered leaves. ‘TEXT, cclxxxiii Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 161 numbered leaves, paged on the recto of each leaf. On the verso of the last leaf is the DEVICE of AMBROISE GIRAULT. This copy, unfortunately, lacks one leaf (fol. cclxxix) ; otherwise a fine, clean copy in admirable preservation, WITH NUMEROUS CURIOUS WoODCUTS, one of which represents ‘‘ JOSEPHE, duc des Fuif3,'’ seated in a large chair, writing his History. Bound in oak boards, covered with calf skin, blind tooled in the style of the sixteenth century, with brass clasps. 2 “% 527 JOSSELYN (JOHN).— New-Englands | RARITIES | Difcovered:: | in | Birds, Beafis, Fifhes, Serpents, | and Plants of that Country. | Together with | The Phyfical and Chyrurgical REMEDIES | wherewith the Vatives con- ftantly ufe to | Cure their Disrempers, Wounps, | and Sores. | ALSO | A perfect Defcription of an Indian SQUA, | in all her Bravery; with a POEM not | improperly conferr’d upon her. | LASTLY | 4 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE | of the moft remarkable Paffages in that | Country amongft the ENGLISH. | //lustrated with CUTS. | By JOHN JOSSELYN, Gent: | Lonpon, Printed for G. Widdowes at the | Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1672. . | 16°; pp. (4), 114, (2). Winged dragon, and plates. Polished crimson levant morocco super- extra, gilt backand edges, paneled sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. BEAUTIFUL COPY. VERY RARE. This copy has the folded and unpaged plate at page 54, which is sometimes wanting. ‘* The earliest work on the Natural History of New-England.'’— RICH. V2 .28 JOSSELYN (JOHN).— AN | ACCOUNT |or two | VOYAGES | to | NEW-ENGLAND. | Wherein you have the fetting out of a Ship, | with the charges; The prices of all the neceffaries for | furnifhing a Planter and his Family at his firft com- | ing; A Defcription of the Countrey, Natives and | Creatures, with their Merchantil [szc] and Phyfical ufe; | The Govern- ment of the Countrey as it is now pof- | feffed by the Angi/h, &c. A large Chronological Ta- | ble of the moft remarkable paffages, from the firft dif- | covering of the Continent of America, to the year | 1673. | By John Joffelyn, Gent. | Memner. diftich rendred Englifh by Dr. Heyiin. Heart, take thine eafe, Men hard to pleafe Thou haply might'ft offend, Though one [peak ill Of thee, fome will Say better; there's an end. Lonpon: Printed for Giles Widdows, at the Green-Dragon | in St. Paul’s- Church-yard, 1674. 16° ; Ap. (8), 279,(3) ; maroon morocco, filleted sides, gilt edges, inside gilt borders. A REMARK- ABLY FINE, LARGE COPY. } 162 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 379 ANE (E. K.) — Arctic Exptorations: The Second Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, ’54,’55. By ELISHA KENT KANE, M. D., U.S.N. Jdlustrated by up- wards of 300 Engravings. PHILADELPHIA: 1857. ; 2 vols. 8°; portrait, half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. 530 KEATS (J.)— POEMS, | By | JOHN KEATS. | ° ‘What more felicity can fall to creature, ‘‘Than to enjoy delight with liberty.” Fate of the Butterfly.— SPENSER. [ Vignette portrait of Shakespeare.| LONDON: | Printed for | C. & J. Ollier, 3, Welbeck Street, | Cavendish Square. | 1817. Sm. 8° ; pp. (2), 121; boards, uncut, in a wrinkled brown morocco case. A VERY FINE, CLEAN COPY OF THE EXCESSIVELY RARE First EDITION OF KEATS'S POEMS. Presentation copy, ‘‘ From the author to his Friend Thos. Richards.” SIS 531 KEATS (J.)—Tue POETICAL WORKS of JOHN KEATS. A New Edition. Lonpon: Moxon, 1851. - 16° ; portrait, brown calf, gilt back, marbled edges. “ 532 [KEITH.J]—THE | TRYALS | OF Ber Bef, George Keith, | Thomas Budd, and William Bradford, | OUAKERS, | For feveral Great Mifdémeanours | (As was pretended by their Adverfaries) before | A Court of Quakers: | At the Seffions held at Philadelphia in | Fen- Sylvania, the Ninth, Tenth, and | Twelfth Days of December, 1692. | Giving alfo an Account of the moft Arbitrary Pro- | cedure of that Court. | Printed firft Beyond-Sea, and now Reprinted in London, for | RicHARD BALDWIN in Warwick-lane. 1693. | Sm. 4°; pp. 34; light calf, blind tooled, gilt edges. VERY FINE COPY. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. fy - 533 KEITH (GEORGE).—A | JOURNAL | OF | TRAVELS | From NEW-HAMPSHIRE | To | CARATUCK, | On the Continent of | NORTH-AMERICA. | By | GEORGE KEITH, 4. & | Late Miffionary from the Society for the Pro-| pagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Faris ; and | now Rector of Edburton in Suffex. | Lonpon: | Printed by Jofeph Downing, for Brab. Aylmer at the Three-Pigeons | over-againft the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill, 1706. | Sm. 4°; pp. (4) 92; polished crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and top, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. UNCUT. A LARGE and VERY FINE, CLEAN COPy of this SCARCE and extremely curious book. | ' Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 163 AID 534 KIDGELL (J.)—A Genuine and Succinct NARRATIVE of a scan- dalous, obscene, and exceedingly profane LIBEL, entitled, AN ESSAY on WOMAN, as also, of other Poetical Pieces, containing the most atrocious Blasphemies. Submitted to the Candor of the Public. By the Rev. Mr. i KIDGELL, A. M., Rector of Horne in Surry... . Lonpon: Printed for James Robson, Bookseller to her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, in New Bond-Street ; and J. Wilkie, in St. Paul’s Church Yard. [1763.| (Also +) A LETTER to J. KIDGELL, containing a full ANswER to his NARRA- TIVE. Second Edition. [By Joun Atmon.] Lonpon: Printed for J. Wil- liams, next the Mitre Tavern, Fleetfireet. MDCCLXIII. [1763.] 2 pieces in 1 vol. 4°; pp. 16 and pp. 21 ; half morocco. X Vivo 535 KING (C. W.)—Tue NATURAL HISTORY, Ancient and Modern, of ; PRECIOUS STONES and GEMS, and of the Precious Metals. With Tlustrations. Lonvon: Bell & Daldy, 1865. 8° ; cloth, UNCUT. i gone 536 KING (CLARENCE).— MounTaInEERING in the SrerRA NEVADA. . Fourth Edition. With maps (2) and additions. Boston: 1874. 8° ; calf extra, gilt top. Presentation copy, with autograph letter of the author inserted. From the Barlow Collection. /Vo 537 KINGSLEY (C.) — CHARLES KINGSLEY, His Lerrers and MEemo- ries of His Lirz. Edited by His Wire. Abridged from the London Edition [by Epwarp Seymour]. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co. 1877. Crown 8° ; portrait and plates ; cloth, UNCUT. SY AF . “538 KINGSLEY (C.)— Tue WORKS of CHARLES KINGSLEY, Com- plete. Lonpon: Macmillan & Co, 1877-1880. 21 vols. crown 8°; portrait and engravings ; half blue morocco, gilt backs and tops, rough edges. CONTENTS LETTERED. wv, 23 _ 539 KINGSLEY (WILLIAM L., EDITOR)— YALE COLLEGE. A SKETCH OF ITS Hisrory. With Notices of its several Departments, In- structors, and Benefactors; together with some Account of Student Life and Amusements. By various Authors. New York: Henry Holt & Co. 1879. 2 vols. thick royal 4°; cloth. Illustrated with numerous views and portraits. nse — $40 a. 541 164 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. A BORDE (JEAN BENJAMIN pgE).— CHOIX pe CHAN- SONS Mises EN Musique par M. De La BORDE, Premier Valet-de-Chambre ordinaire du Roi, Gouverneur du Louvre. Ornées D’ Estampes par J. M. Moreau, etc. Dédiées 4 Madame La Dau- phine. A Paris, chez de Lormel, M. DCC. LXXIII. 4 vols, in 2 vols. roy. 8°; PORTRAIT, and 100 beautiful plates from designs by MOREAU, DENON, LEBOUTEAUX, LEBARBIER, SAINT-QUENTIN, efc., all most brilliant impressions, including a splendid impression of the VERY RARE portrait, ‘‘a la lyre,’ of LA BORDE, zsually wanting in most copies, as it was not engraved until a year after the publication of the book ; sumptu- ously bound in highly polished crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt backs and tops, broad dentelle gold borders on the sides, and inside gilt borders, by HARDY-MENNIL. UNCUT. Autograph letter of LA BORDE inserted. LA CHAU ET LE BLOND.— DESCRIPTION des Principales PIERRES GRAVEES du Casiner de S. A. S. MONSEIGNEUR Le DUC D’ORLEANS. [Par M. 7’4ééé De La Cuavu et M. /’4dsé LE BLonD.| Paris: 1780-84. 2 vols. sm. fol.; calf, marbled edges, covers broken. ee 542 LACROIX ET SERE.— Le MOYEN AGE ert 1a RENAISSANCE, Histoire et Description des Mceurs et Usages, du Commerce et de 1’Indus- trie, des Sciences, des Arts, des Littératures et des Beaux-Arts en Europe. Direction Littéraire de M. PAUL LACROIX. Direction Artistique de M. FERDINAND SERE. Dessins Fac-Simile par M. A. Rivaup. PaRIs: 1848-1851. 5 vols. 4°; illustrated with upwards of 300 beautiful plates of Middle-Ave art, illustrative of Costume, Designs in Fresco, Paintings, Missal and other Illuminations, Furniture, Armor, Fewelry, etc., many of which are in vivid COLORS, AND RICHLY ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND SILVER. L£ilegantly bound in bright crimson grosgr. levant morocco super-extra, gilt backs and tops, paneled and filleted sides with diamond corner ornaments, inside dentelle gilt borders, by CHAMBOLLE-DuRU. UNCUT. This is one of the few copies which contain the paper on ‘‘ Prostitution,’ and in which most of the woodcuts are on India paper. ® So me 543 LACTANTIUS.— ADVERSUS GENTES, DE IRA DEI, Etc. SUBIACO: 1465. Folio; bound in red morocco extra, sides and back richly gilt, gilt edges. From the Beckford Library. This volume commands attention as the FIRST EDITION of the FIRST KNOWN BOOK PRINTED IN ITALY. It marks the beginning, therefore, of an era in the history of typography second in importance only to that begun by the printing of the Gutenberg Bible. Taken all in all, the work of the Italian printers stands unequaled, and is likely to remain so. Two of Fust’s workmen, Conrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz, settled at the Mon- astery of Subiaco, thirteen miles from Rome, and published this Lactantius in 1465. It is printed with characters not before used in the printing press, and much like those found in the Italian manuscripts of the period. Unlike the angular Gothic types, they were rounded in form, and were the remote parents of those modern types which are to this day known among Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. 165 printers as Roman. Here are found also the first passages of Greek printed with movable types. It is an extremely regular and fine piece of printing, especially remarkable as a first attempt in a new and foreign locality. It is illuminated throughout by hand, and has many capital letters heightened by gold leaf laid on after the manner of ancient manuscripts. It con- tains the Table and Errata, and is perfect in every respect. ; This is a marked instance of the pains taken by the early printers to select notable books for reproduction. Lactantius wrote in the early part of the fourth century, and from the relig- ious character of his works and the finished elegance of his style he has been called the ‘« Christian Cicero.” : Wiz 544 LACTANTIUS.— L. Cott Lacrantit FirMIANi diuina- | rum inftitu- tionum Libri feptem. | De ira Dei, Liber I. | De opificio Dei, Liber I. | Epitome in libros fuos liber acephalos. | Phoenix. | Carmen de Dominica Refurrectione. | VENETIIs, ix @dibvs Aldi, et | Andreae Soceri. Mense | April. M.D.XV. [Followed by| Q. SEPTIMII FLoRENTIS TER- | TVLLIANI APOLOGE- | TICVS ApvERsvs | GENTES. | Venetiis in edibvs Aldi, et | Andreae Soceri. Mense | Aprili. M.D.XV. 8°; First ALDINE EDITION OF LACTANTIUS. Contains 16 prel. leaves; 348 numbered leaves; Interpretatio Dictionuvm, etc., 12 unnumbered leaves ; TERTULLIAN, 4 frel. leaves and 48 numbered leaves. Ruled throughout in red lines. The headings of the various books, and the large Initials, are in gold. Bound in dark blue morocco, richly gilt back, paneled sides, tooled after a GROLIER pattern, inside gilt borders, crimson watered-silk linings, gilt edges, by BOZERIAN. A LARGE AND EXCEEDINGLY FINE COPY OF THIS RARE VOLUME. oa 545 LA FONTAINE (J.)—CONTES | er NOUVELLES | EN VERS. | De Monjfier [Jean] DE LA Fontaine. | Wouvelle Edition enrichie de Tailles- Douces. A AMSTERDAM, | chez Henry Desbordes dans le | Kalver-Straat, pres le Dam. | M.DC.LXXXV. 2 vols. in t vol. 12°; brown calf extra, back and sides blind tooled, gilt edges. Wath brilliant impressions of the PLATES 6y ROMAIN DE HooGE. A GENUINE COPY OF THE FIRST of three editions published under this date, corresponding exactly with BRUNET’s minute description. \ NS 2@__ 546 LA FONTAINE.—CONTES | er | NOUVELLES | en vers, | Zar M. DE La FonTaAINneE. | [Edition exécutée aux frais des Fermiers Généraux ; avec une Notice par DENIS DiDEROT.| A AMSTERDAM: | [Paris: Bar- bou.| M.DCC.LXII. 2 vols. 8°; portraits of LA FONTAINE and EISEN, engraved by FICQUET; ‘‘culs-de-lampe"’ by CHOFFARD, and 80 exquisite plates by EISEN, all most dazzlingly brilliant impressions. Bound in fine red morocco, gilt backs and edges, broad dentelle gold borders on the sides, most elaborately and delicately tooled, by PADELOUP, in his very finest and most artistic style. A LARGE AND TRULY “SUMPTUOUS COPY OF THIS BEAUTIFUL BOOK, in all respects in absolutely perfect condition. f a — 547 LA FONTAINE.—CONTES er NOUVELLES En vers, Yur M. DE La FONTAINE. AmsTERDAM: M.DCC.LXIV. 2 vols. 8°; russia, gilt edges, paneled sides with broad gold borders. Beautiful impressions of the PLATES copied from the '‘ Fermiers Généraux"’ edition. 22 166 Catalogue of Books and Wanuscripts. S2 — 548 LA FONTAINE.— FABLES CHOISIES, Mises en Vers Par J. DE LA FONTAINE. [Avec fa Vie de /’AuTEUR, par M. de MonTENAULT.| Paris, chez Desaint & Saillant, 1755-59. 4 vols. imp. folio. LARGE PAPER. Wéth brilliant impressions of the PLATES, from Designs by J. B. OUDRY. Bound in grosgr. crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt backs and edges, paneled and filleted sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, by A. BERTRAND. A MAGNIFICENT COPY OF THIS SPLENDID EDITION. The Fables of LA FONTAINE, in the Edition of 1755-1759, folio, 4 vols., are as attractive a book in this form as are the Zales in the edition of 1762.’"— DIBDIN. 549 LA FONTAINE.—Lrs AMOURS pe PSYCHE et de CUPIDON, avec le Pome p’Aponis. dition ornée de Figures dessinées par MOREAU LE JEUNE, ef gravées sous sa direction. Paris: chez Saugrain, de U’Im- primerie de Didot le Jeune. AN Troisiéme. |1795.| Roy. 4°. LARGE PAPER. Fine portrait of LA FONTAINE, and splendid impressions of the PLATES; marbled calf extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, vellum paper copy. RARE. 550 LA FONTAINE’S TALES. —Imirarep 1n ENGLISH VERSE. LonpDon: Printed for C. Chapple, 66, Pall-Mall, 1814. 2 vols. sm. 8°; bound in citron morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by HAMMOND. Jilustrated with PLATES from the ‘‘ Fermiers Généraux’’ edition. Splendid copy of the ONLY COMPLETE ¢vanslation into English of these famous Tales. RARB. 551 LA FONTAINE.— CONTES pe LA FONTAINE, Ornés de son Por- trait, (apres un tableau inédit de LEBRUN, ef de 75 gravures, d’apres les Dessins de DESSENE, DuGOURG, ef. Paris: Chez A. Nepveu, 1820. 4 vols. in 2 vols. 18°; brown calf, gilt edges. 552 LA FONTAINE. —FABLES de ‘LA FONTAINE. VJdlustrées par GRANDVILLE. Paris: Furne ef C*. MDCCCXLIII. 2 vols, roy. 8°; half red morocco, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. 553 LAHONTAN (BARON).—NEW | VOYAGES | To | North- America, | An Account of the feveral Nations of that vaft Continent ; their Cuftoms, Commerce, and Way of Navigation upon the Lakes and Rivers; the feveral Attempts of the Zzglifh and French to difpofiefs one another, with the Reafons of the Mifcarriage of the former; and the various Adventures between the Avench, and the /roguefe Confederates of England, from 1683 to 1694. A Geographical Defcription of Canada, and a Natural Hiftory of the Country, with Remarks upon their Government, and the Intereft of the Englifh and French in their Commerce. Alfo a Dialogue between the Author and a General of the Savages, giving a full View of the Religion and ftrange Opinions of thofe People: . Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 167 With an Account of the Author’s Retreat to /ortugal and Denmark, and his Remarks on thofe Courts. To which is added, A Dictionary of the A/gonkine Language, which is generally {poke in Worth America. [lluftrated with Twenty Three Mapps and Cutts. Written in French by the Baron Lanontan, Lord Lievtenant of the French Colony at Placentia in New-foundland, now in England. Done into Englifh. in Two Votumes. A great part of which never Printed in the Original. Lonpon: Printed for H. Bonwicke in St. Paul’s Church-yard, el., 1703. 2 vols. 8°; Vou. I. 12 prel. leaves; 13 plates and maps. VOL. Il. pp. 302 (7), 10 plates. Elegantly bound in light polished calf super-extra, gilt backs and edges, filleted sides, by W. PRATT. A LARGE AND VERY FINE COPY. Wo 554 LAMB (C.)—Tue WORKS of CHARLES LAMB, incLupinc ELIANA. Boston: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1865. 5 vols. 8°; portrait. Half green morocco, gilt tops, UNCUT. LARGE PAPER, only 100 copies printed. SS 555 LAMBERT (E. R.)—HISTORY of the COLONY of NEW HAVEN, before and after the Union with Connecticut. Containing a Particular Description of the Towns which composed that Government, viz., NEw Haven, MILFORD, GUILFORD, BRANFORD, STAMFORD, and SOUTHHOLD, L. I. With a Notice of the Towns which have been set off from “ THE ORIGINAL Six.” Jdlustrated by 50 Engravings and a Map. By EDWARD R. Lampert. New Haven: fitchcock & Stafford, 1838. 12°; pp. 216. . Cloth. wh, Pig a 556 LANGDALE (C.) —~ MEMOIRS of MRS. FITZHERBERT; with an Account of her Marriage with H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, afterwards King George the Fourth. By the Hon, CHARLES LANGDALE. Lovn- pon: Bentley, 1856. 8°; portrait. Cloth, UNCUT. 7 ~— voy LANGLOIS (E. H.)— ESSAI sur LA CALLIGRAPHIE des Manv- scrRITs du Moyen-Acg, et sur les ORNAMENTS des PREMIERS LIVRES D’HEuRES ImprimEs. RovEN: MDCCCXLI. 8°; pp. 180. Lilustrated with 17 plates of facsimiles. Half calf, marbled edges. SCARCE. aan 553 LANMAN (JAMES H.)— History or Micnican, Civil and Topo- graphical, in a compendious form; with a View of the Surrounding Lakes. With a Map. New-York: &. French, 1839. 8°; pp. xvi.- 398; map, brown calf, gilt back, red edges, by PAWSON & NICHOLSON. LARGE AND FINE COPY. 22* 168 Catalogue of Books and Wanustripts. . 559 LAPHAM (I. A.)— Tue Antiquities of Wisconsin, as Surveyed and Described by I. A. LAPHAM, Civil Engineer, on Behalf of the Ameri- can Antiquarian Society. [WASHINGTON :] 1855. 4°; map, 55 plates, and 61 woodcuts. Half morocco, UNCUT. 560 LARNED (E. D.)— HISTORY of WINDHAM COUNTY, Connecr- icuT. By ELLEN D. LARNED. Vot. I. 1600-1760. Vor. II. 1760- 1880. Published by the Author. WorcrsTER, Mass.: 1874-1880. 2 vols. 8°; maps and 10 portraits. Cloth, rough edges. 561 LAS CASAS (BARTHOLOMEO DE)— @be | Spanish Col onic, | or | Griefe Chronicle of the Acts and | gestes of the Dpaniardes in the West Fine | dies, called thé newe World, for the | space of xl. yeeres: written in the Ca- | stilian tongue by the reverend Bi- | shop Bartholomew de las Casas | or Casaus, a Friar of the order of S. Dominicke. | And nowe first translated into | english, by M. M. S. | Imprinted at Lonvon for | William Brome. | 1583. Sm. 4°; bound in crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, by BEDFORD. This book is most valuable for the particulars it contains of the cruelties committed by the Spaniards in Peru, Mexico, and adjacent kingdoms of South America, from the year 1493, when the Spaniards first commenced to inhabit the continent, almost to the date of the present volume —cruelties carried on for such a length of time and with a pertinacity so remarkable as to call forth even in those times a remonstrance against such inhuman barbarity. It is EXCES- SIVELY RARE. /°Y0 _ 562 LAUDONNIERE (RENE GOULAINE).— L’HISTOIRE | NO- TABLE DE LA FLO- | ripe Sirver es INpEs | Occidentales, contenant les trois voya- | ges faits en icelle par certains Capitaines | & Pilotes Fran- gois [sous le Capit. J. Ribaut, en 1562, 1564, et 1565], defcrits par le Capi- | taine Laudonniere, qui y a ,commandé | l’efpace d’vn an trois moys: a laquelle a | efte adioufté vn quatriefme voyage fait | par le Capitaine Gourgues [en 1567]. | Mise en lumiere par M.[arTIN] BasaNIEr, | gentil- homme Frangois Mathematicien. | A Paris, Chez Guillaume A uuray, rue Jainct Tean de Beauuais, au Bellerophon couronné. M.D.LXXXVI. [1586. | AVEC PRIVILEGE Dv Roy. Sm. 8°; red morocco, gilt edges. A beautiful, clean copy, EXTREMELY RARE. From Hamilton Palace Library. / _ 563 LAW (J.)—MONEY anp TRADE Considered: With a Proposa for SUPPLYING the Nation with Money. First published at Edinburgh mpccv. By the Celebrated JOHN LAW, Esq.; Afterward Comptroller-General of the Finances of France. Giascow: Printed and sold by R. and A. Fouls, M.DCC.LX. 12°; pp. 226; calf. VERY RARE. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 169 _ 564 LASCARIS (CONSTANTINUS).—[GRAMMATICA GRASCA, Gracbk, ex recognitione DEMETRII CRETENSIS. | Mediolani Impreffum per Magiftrum Dionyfium Parauifnum. MCCCCLXXVI. Die XXX Ianuarii. EDITIO PRINCEPS. 4°; 72 leaves; 25 lines ona full page, without signatures, numerals and catchwords. A large and very fine copy, with initial letters, border, and arms of BARBARO richly illuminated in gold and colors. Bound in red morocco extra, gilt back and edges (with many rough leaves, and numerous MS. notes), filleted sides, and corner ornaments, by C. LEWIS. A BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION OF THE FIRST GREEK BOOK EVER PRINTED. Co.ttation: Zhe first 2 leaves contain a preface in Greek, and the Latin translation by DEMETRIUS of CRETE, which ts deficient in some copies. The Grammar begins on the recto of the 3d leaf, top of the page, as follows : ETMTOMA TON OKTQ TOY AOrorY MEPON KA‘I AAAQN TINON ANAIKAT QN. CYNTE@EICA TARA’ KONCTAN TI'NOY AACKA’PEQC TOT BYZANTIOY Tlepi diospécews tov ypaypmarwy BiBAiov wpdirov, The work terminates on the verso of the 72d leaf with the following subscrip- tion : Mae ; PNAS le cS y Tero0g ouv 666) ayiw rob weépi MVEVLATOV, Mediolani Impreffum per Magiftrum Dionyfium Parauifnum. MCCCCLXXVI. Die XXX Ianuarii. All bibliographers agree in the opinion that this is one of the RAREST BOOKS in existence. In the preface to the ALDINE edition of 1494-9 (the first book printed at the celebrated ALDINE press) it is stated that, even at that time, ‘‘ NO COPIES OF THIS EDITION COULD BE PRO- CURED, AFTER THE MOST DILIGENT SEARCH.” The famous Greek scholar, Dr. Charles Burney, considered it ‘‘ the most rare and valuable book in his collection.’’ After the Doctor's death it was estimated at £600, and purchased at this sum by the authorities of the British Museum. Before the printing of this book, vacant spaces were usually left in books for the insertion of the Greek passages with a pen. DEMETRIUS Cvefensis, so called from being a native of Crete, wasof very important service in the editing of the first Greek books. Besides this First EDITION of LASCARIS, he assisted DEMETRIUS CHALCONDYLAS in the Editio Princeps of HoMER, published at Florence, 1488. He was afterwards employed by CARDINAL XIMINES on the Complutensian Polyglot. The preface of DEMETRIUS to this First Greek book is exceed- ingly curious, and is addressed ‘‘ Jngenuis ftudiofiffimis adole/cétibus.'’ ‘The type is of a medium size, resembling the manuscripts of those days, and has been followed in the first AXsop, the first Lexicon of JOHANNES CRASTONUS, and the Florentine HOMER of 1488. See PANZER, ‘‘ Annales Typographici,’’ Vol. I1., 2. 25. HAtn, ‘‘ Repertorium Bibliographi- cum," Vol. Il., Pars I., p. 241. SANTANDER, “' Dict. Bibliographique Choisi,’’ Tome III., p. 96. BAILLET, ‘‘ Fugemens des Savans,"’ Tome II., pp. 327-8. DIBDIN, ‘* Bibl, Spenceriana,'’ Vol. II1., p. 76. BELOR, ‘‘ Anecdotes of Literature,’ Vol. IIl., ~. 149. GRAESSB, ‘' Trésor de Livres Rares et Précieux,’ Tome IV., pg. 112. BRUNET, ‘‘Manuel,’’ Tome III., p. 855. 170 Catalogue of Wooks and Wanuscripts. i: — 565 LAVATER (JOHN CASPAR).— ESSAYS on PHYSIOGNOMY, Dr- SIGNED to PROMOTE the KNOWLEDGE and the Love of MANKIND. JJ/us- trated by more than 800 Engravings accurately copied, and some Duplicates added from Originals, Executed by, or under the inspection of, THomas Hottoway. ‘Translated from the French by HENRY HUNTER, D. D. Lonpon: John Murray, etc. 1789-98. 5 vols. roy. 4°; russia, paneled sides, with broad gilt borders, gilt edges. SPLENDID IMPRES- SIONS OF THE PLATES. , ‘‘A SUMPTUOUS EDITION. The translation and engravings were under the superintendence of the celebrated HENRY FUuSELI, R. A., at whose solicitation LAVATER furnished an entire fresh set of drawings in quarto, to suit the prevailing taste of the public, it having been originally intended for folio size. The engravings were executed by THos. HoLLoway, BARTOLOZZI, WILLIAM BLAKE, and other eminent artists.’ — LOWNDES. 40 — 566 LAWES OF NEVV ENGLAND. AN ABSTRACT OF THE LAVVES OF NEVV ENGLAND, As they are novv eftablifhed. LonpDon, Printed for / Coules, and W. Ley at Paules Chain, 1641. Sm. 4°; pp. 16. Bound in bright crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside broad dentelle borders, by F. BEDFORD. A BEAUTIFUL COPY, IN PERFECT CONDITION, SOME LEAVES UNCUT. EXCESSIVELY RARE. IU 36, LAWSON (JOHN).— A NEW| VOYAGE|To|CAROLINA: | CONTAINING THE | Lxact Defcription and Natural Hiftory | OF THAT | . | Pogether with the Prefent COUNTRY: State thereof, | and | A JOURNAL Of a Thoufand Miles, Travel’d thro’ feveral | Nations of INDIANS, | Giv- ing a particular Account of their Cuftoms Manners, &c. | By Joun Law- gap ; \f son, Gent. Surveyor- | General of Morth-Carolina. | Lonpon: | Printed in the Year 1709. | 4°; PP. (6), 258, (3); map and plate of animals. Half bound in dark green levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by BRADSTREET. A VERY FINE, TALL COPY. FIRST EDITION. RARE. Catalogue of Books and Wanuscripts. 171 253— 568 LAWSON (JOHN).—A NEW VOYAGE TO CAROLINA. ANOTHER Copy. Lonpon: Printed for W. Taylor at the Ship, and J. Baker at the Black- | Boy, in Fater-Nofier-Row, 1714. 4°; pp. (6), 258, (1); map, and plate of animals. Elegantly bound in wrinkled crimson morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, sides with corner ornaments after a tasteful design, by F. BEDFORD. A BEAUTIFUL COPY. (> —. 56 LECHFORD (THOMAS).—PLAIN DEALING: | or,| NEVVS | from | New-England, | ( Vivat Rex Angle Carolus, Vivat Anglia, Vivant¢3 corum Amici omnes.) | A fhort view of NEw-Enc.anps | prefent Govern- ment, both Ecclefiafticall and Civil, | compared with the anciently-received and efta- | blifhed Government of ENGLAND, in | fome materiall points; fit for the graveft | confideration in thefe times. | By THomas LEcHFoRD of Clements Inne, | in the County of Aliddiefex, Gent. Levis eft dolor, qui capere confilium poteft, Et clepere fefe ; Magna non latitant mala. SEN. Lonpon: | Printed by W. #. and J. G. for Math: Butter, at the figne | of the pyde Bull neere S. Au/fiins gate. 1642. | Sm. 4°; crushed crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. A beautiful copy of the FirsT EDITION of this EXTREMELY RARE volume. a — 570 LECKY (W. E. H.)— HISTORY of the Rise and INFLUENCE of the Spirit of RATIONALISM in Europe. Revised Edition. Nrw York: D. Appleton & Co, 1868. 571 LECKY (W. E. H.)— HISTORY of EUROPEAN MORALS from AucusTus to CHARLEMAGNE. By WILLIAM EpwarpD Harrpo.e LEcky, M. A. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1869. 2 vols. 8°; cloth, UNCUT. ¢572 LE CLERCQ (CHRESTIEN).— ETABLISSEMENT | DE LA FOY | DANS LA | NOUVELLE FRANCE, | CONTNANT L’HISTOIRE | des Colonies Frangoifes, & des Décou- | vertes, qui s’y font faites jufques a pre- | fent. | AVEC UNE RELATION EXACTE | des Expeditions & Voyages entrepris pour la | Découverte du Fleuve Miffif- fipi jufques | au Golphe de Mexique. | PAR ORDRE DV ROY. | Sous la conduite du Sieur de la Salle,.& de | fes diverfes avantures jufques 4 fa mort. | ENSEMBLE LES VICTOIRES | remportées en Canada fur les Anglois & Iro- | quois en 1690, par les Armes de SA Majesté | fous le Commandement de Monfieur le Comte | de Frontenac Gouverneur & Lieutenant Ge- | neral de la Nouvelle France. | Par le Pere) C.(hrestien) L.(e) C.(lereg) | vy 172 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. A Parts, | Chez AMABLE AuRovy, rué Saint Jacques, | attenant la Fontaine Saint Severin, | a l’ Image Saint Jeréme. M. DC. LXXXXI. | Avec Privilege du Roy. | 2 vols. 12°; Vol. I. Title, 13 prel. leaves, and 559 ip. ; large folding ‘‘ Carte Generalle de la NOUVELLE FRANCE,” etc. engraved by L. BOUDAN. Vol. II. Title, 458 pp. ; ‘‘ Catalogue des Livres,” etc., 10 leaves. Elegantly bound in brilliant crimson levant morocco, highly polished blind- tooled backs and sides, gilt edges, broad inside dentelle borders, delicately gilt and finely worked after a very beautiful pattern, by LORTIC, IN HIS VERY BEST STYLE. A TRULY SUMPTUOUS CoPY OF THIS EXCESSIVELY RARE work, ABSOLUTELY PERFECT IN EVERY RESPECT. Gy Ags 573 LEDERER (JOHN).— Tue | piscoveries | or | Joun LEDERER, | in three several Marches from | VIRGINIA,|To the West of | CARO- LINA, | and other parts of the Continent: | Begun in March, 1669, and ended in September, 1670. | Together with | A General Map of the whole Territory | which he traversed. | Collected and Translated out of Latine from his Discourse | and Writings, | By Sir William Talbot, Baronet. | Sed nos immensum spatiis confecimus equor, Et jam tempus equum fumantia solvere cola. ViIRG. Georg. Lonpon: Printed by J. C. for Samuel Heyrick, at Grays- | Inne-Gate in Holborn. 1672. Sm. 4°; bound in dark blue morocco extra, by MATTHEWS. Sir William Talbot thinks ‘it is clear from this book, that the long-looked-for discovery of the Indian Sea does nearly approach; and that Carolina presumes that the accomplishment of this glorious designe is reserved for her."’ Lederer, who was a German, traveled far into the interior of Virginia, and imagined that he had nearly reached the shores of the great South Sea. He made himself obnoxious to the people of Virginia, and sought refuge in Maryland, where he Was well received by Sir William Talbot, who, ‘‘finding him a modest and ingeni- ous person and a pretty scholar,”’ says, ‘‘I thought it common Justice to give him an occasion of vindicating himself from what I had heard of him; which truly he did with so convincing reason and circumstance, as quite abolished those former impressions in me, and made me desire this account of his travels, which here you have faithfully rendered out of Latine from his owne writings, with an entire map of the Territory he traversed.’’— Preface. A copy at the Griswold sale in New York a few years since brought $315. This is an UNCUT copy of this very rare book. The map is in exceptionally good con- dition. * Sa 574 LE GRAND (J. B.) — FABLIAUX, or TALES, Apripcep from FRENCH MANUSCRIPTS of the XIIth and XIIIth CENTURIES by M. J. B. LE GRAND. SE Lecrep and TRaNsLaTeED into ENGLISH VERSE Catalogue of Books and Wanuscripts. 173 by Grecory Lewis Way, Esa. With a Preface, Notes, and Appendix, by G. Exuis, Esa. Lonpon: printed by W. Bulmer & Co. Shakspeare-Press, 1796-1800. 2 vols. imp. 8°; light polished calf super-extra, gilt backs and edges, filleted sides, enside gilt borders, by RIVIERE, with fine woodcuts by BEWICK; a@ colored plate inserted. LARGE AND VERY FINE COPY. ORIGINAL EDITION. SCARCE. 575; LE GRAND (J. B.)— PARTENOPEX DE BLOIS, a Romance in Four Cantos. Freely translated from the French of M. [J. B.] LE GRAND, with Notes, by WILLIAM STEWART ROSE. Lonpown: Longman, 1807. : 4°; with engravings from designs by SMIRKE, which are strictly according to the costumes of the 12th and 13th centuries ; half green morocco, gilt edges. 576 [LENNOX (Mrs. CHARLOTTE).|— SHAKESPEAR ILLUS- TRATED: or the Novels and Histories, on which the Plays of Shakespear are Founded, Collected and Translated from the Original Authors, with Critical Remarks, by the Author of “ Zhe Female Quixote” [Mrs. CHAR- LOTTE LENNOX]. Lonpon: MDCCLIII. 2 vols. 12°; old calf, one cover loose. The Dedication to John, Earl of Orrery, was written by DR. SAM. JOHNSON, and Malone was of opinion that many of the observations throughout the work were written by him. iY Se 577 LE POIS (ANTOINE).—DISCOVRS SVR| Les MEDALLES ET | GRAVEVvRES ANTI- | ques, principalement | Romaines. | Plus. vne Expo- fition particuliere de quelques planches ou tables | eftans fur la fin de ce liure, efquelles font monftrees | diuerfes Medalles & graueres anti- | ques, rares & exquifes. | Par M. AnroineE Le Poss, Confeiller & Medecin | de Monfeigneur le Duc de Lorraine. | A Paris, par Mamert Patifjon Imprimeur du Roy, | au logis de Robert Eftienne. | M.D.LXXIX. 4°; 8 prel. leaves; Text 147 leaves ; Table 3 leaves ; 20 copperplates of medals, and 4 woodcut figures printed in the text, including a PRIAPUS on the verso of p. 146, which in most copies ts defaced or torn out. In this copy it is unmutilated. Bound in fine old red morocco, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by DEROME. A duplicate copy from the Library of CARDINAL MAZARIN. ‘‘LE Pors’ Essay on the Coins and Seals of the Ancients is illustrated by the most exquisite plates which perhaps ever attended a medallic work. The rarity of the work when complete (with the rare print on the verso of p. 146) is well known.’"-— PINKERTON'’S Essay on Medals, Preface. On the verso of p. 1 will be found a curious notice of Roman coins found in the West Indies, ‘‘ defcouuertes depuis 80. ans en ca, par Chriftophle Colom.” “? F— 578 LE SAGE.— ASMODEUS; or, Tue Devit on Two Sticks. By ALAIN René Le Sacre. With a Biographical Notice of the Author, by JULEs Janin. Translated by JosepH THomas. J/lustrated with numerous engrav- ings from designs by Tony JoHanNot. Lonpon: Joseph Thomas, 1841. Roy. 8° ; cloth, UNCUT. 23 174 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. /4/d ~ $19 LESCARBOT (MARC). HISTOIRE DE LA NOVVELLE FRANCE Contenant les navigations, découvertes, & habi- tations faites par les Frangois és Indes Occiden- tales & Nouvelle-France fouz l’aveeu & autho- rite de noz Rois Tres-Chrétiens, & les diverfes fortunes d’iceux en |’execution de ces chofes, depuis cent ans jufques a hui. En quoy oft comprife ? Hiftoire Morale, Naturele, & Geo- graphique de ladite province: Avec les Tables & Figures d’welle. Far Marc LeEscarsot Advocat en Parlement, Lémoin oculaire d’une partie des chofes ici recitées. Multa renafcentur que iam cecidere, cadéntque. A PARIS Chez [gan MILot, tenant fa boutique fur les degrez de la grand’ falle du Palais. M.DC.IX. AVEC PRIVILEGE DV ROY. LES MVSES E LA NOVVELLE FRANCE. A MONSEIGNEVR LE CHANCELLIER. A via Pieridum per agro loco nullius ante Trita folo— [Par Marc LEscarsoT. | A PARIS Chez lean MILLot, fur les degrez de la grand’ falle du Palais. M.DC.IX. Avec privilege du Roy. Sm. 8°; 24 prel. leaves, pp. 888; three folded maps; LES Mvses, 3 rel. leaves, pp. 66. Bound in bright crimson grosgr. levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, broad inside dentelle borders, richly gilt, by F. BEDFORD.” A TRULY SPLENDID Copy of the FIRST EDITION of this valuable work, in absolutely perfect preservation. EXCESSIVELY RARE. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 175 G2 Jy 580 LESCARBOT (MARC)— NOVA FRANCIA: | Or Ae | DESCRIPTION—OF THAT PART OF | Nevy France, | which is one continent with | VirciNtA. | Defcribed in the three late Voyages and Plantation made by | Monjfieur de Monts, Monfieur du Font-Graué, and | Monfieur de Poutrincourt, into the countries | called by the French men Za Cadie, | lying to Southweft of | Cafe Breton. | Together vvith an excellent feuerall Treatie of all the commodities | of the faid countries, and maners of the naturall | inhabitants of the fame. | Zranflated out of French into Englifh by | P. E. [P1ERRE ERONDELLE.| LONpINI, | /mpenfis GEORGII BisHop. | 1609. | Sm. 4°; elegantly bound in dark blue levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. A large, clean, and very fine copy. COLLATION: ‘‘ Title" as above, verso blank; ‘‘ The Epistle Dedicamorie" [sic], ‘‘ To the Bright | Starre of the North, | Henry Prince of Great | Britaine,’’ | signed ‘‘ P. Erondelle,” 24¢. ; ‘‘To the Reader,”’ 2 Z.,, ‘‘The Table of the Contents,’’ etc., 12 unnumbered pages; ‘‘Text” 307 gp. including ‘‘ The Errata.”’ 581 LESLIE (CHARLES).— A Short and Eafie | METHOD | with the | DEISTS. | Wherein the | Certainty | of the | Chriftian Religion | Is dem- onftrated, by infallible roof from | Four Rules, | which are | /ncompat- ble to any /mpoflure that ever yet | has been, or that can fofibly be. | In a LETTER toa Friend. | Zhe Highth Edition. | Lonpon: | Printed by J. Apple- bee, and Sold by John Checkley, | at the Sign of the Crown and Blue-Gate, over- | againft the Weft-End of the Town-Houfe in Bofton. 1723. [Pp. 132.] [Followed by:| The | SPEECH | of | Mr. John Checkley | upon his | TRYAL, | At Bofion in NEw-ENGLAND, | For Publifhing | “ The Short and Eafy Metruop with the | Deifs” - To which was added, A Difcourfe | concerning Epifcopacy; In Defence of | Chriftianity, and the Church of England, | againft the Deifts and the Diffenters. | To which is added: | The Jury’s Verdict; His Plea in Arreft of | Judgment; and the Sentence of the Court. | [dad] A | Specimen | of a True | Diffenting CaTEcHIsM, | upon Right True-Blue | Diffenting Principes, | With | Learned Notes, | By Way of Explication. | Lonpon: | Printed for J. Wilford, behind the Chapter- | Houfein St. Paul’s Church- Yard. 1730. 8°; pp. 40, 16, (4); elegantly bound in dark blue best grosgr. levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled and filleted sides with corner ornaments, broad inside borders, richly gilt, by F. BEDFORD. of. A fy 582 L’7ESTRANGE (SIR HAMON).—Ame_ricans No Iewes, or Improb- abilities that the Americans are of that race. Lonpon, Printed by W. W. Jor Henry Seile, 1652. Sm. 4°; bound in dark blue crushed levant morocco extra, gilt back, sides richly tooled in ROGER PAYNE style, by PRATT. This is a reply to Thorowgood's first treatise: ‘‘ Iewes in America, or probabilities that Americans are of that race.'’ See ‘‘THOROWGOOD.” 23° 176 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Zo _ 583 LE VAILLANT (FR.)—TRavELs into the INTERIOR Parts of AFRICA, by the Way of the Cape of Good Hope, in the Years 1780-5. 2 vols. New TRAVELS into the INTERIOR Parts oF Arrica, by the Way of the Cape of Good Hope, in the Years 1783-5. 3 vols. Lonpon: G. & J. Robinson, 1790-1796. 5 vols. 8°; halfcalf, gilt backs. Maps and 35 copperplates, including the rare one of the ‘' Hottentot Venus,'' usually wanting. SCARCE. FY - 584 LEWIS AND CLARKE.— TRAVELS to the Source of the Missourr RIVER and across the AMERICAN CONTINENT to the Paciric Ocean. Per- formed by Order of the Government of the United States, in the Years 1804, 1805, and 1806. By CAPTAINS LEWIS anp CLARKE. Published from the Official Report, and Illustrated by a Map of the Route, and other Maps. A New Edition. [Zdited by THomas Ress.| Lonpon: Longman, 1815. 3 vols. 8°; sprinkled calf extra, gilt backs, filleted sides, marbled edges. Very fine, clean copy. SCARCE. 585 LIEBER (F.)—On CIVIL LIBERTY and SELF-GovERNMENT. By FRANCIS LIEBER, LL.D. PuiLapepnia: /. B. Lippincott & Co. 1859. 8°; cloth. Mf — 586 LILLY (JOHN).— Sixe | COVRT | Comedies. | Often Presented and Acted | before Queene E11zaBETH, | by the Children of her Ma- | iesties Chap- pell, and the | Children of Paules. | Written | By, the onely Rare Poet of that | Time, The Wittie, Comicall, | Facetiously-Quicke and | vnparalleld | Ioun Litty, Master | of Arts. Decies repetita placebunt. Lonpon: Printed by William Stansby for Edward Blount, 1632. 12° ; bound in fine russia, gilt back and edges. 2/0 -— 587 [LINSCHOTEN.|— John Huighen Uan Linschoten his Dis- tours of Copages inte pe Caste % West Yndies. Devided into foure Bookes. With 4 title-pages, frontispiece, 12 large and 7 small maps. Lonpon: John Wolfe, 1598. Folio ; orange levant morocco extra, gilt leaves, by BEDFORD. ‘«This inestimable book, a treasure of all the learning respecting the East and West Indies and the navigation thither at the end of the sixteenth century, has been in the highest esteem for nearly a century, and was given to each ship sailing to India, as a log-book. Hence the many editions (6 in Dutch, 3 in French, and 1 in Latin), which is also the cause why jime copies, especially with a// the plates and maps, are so very rare. The description of America occupies pages 16 to 82 of the third part.”— F. MULLER. — From the Barlow Collection. It is a singularly beautiful copy of a book which is rare in any condition, and which is almost never found with all the maps in good order. The entire title- page is engraved, and is especially interesting as the work of William Rogers, the first English engraver. The present is a perfect and brilliant impression of the plate. Catalogue of Wooks and DMWanuscripts. 177 i ie 588 [LINTON (W. J.)]—GOLDEN APPLES of HESPERUS. Poems . not in the CoLtections. [ Zdited by WittiaM J. Linron.| Appledore Pri- vate Press, U. S. A. 1882. 8°; with beautiful woodcut illustrations. 225 COPIES ONLY PRINTED. NO. 89, stened ““W. J. LINTON.” ‘‘ For anything unusual or unsatisfactory in the production of the book I ask consideration : the whole of it— drawing, engraving, composition, and printing (the printing my first attempt) — being the work of my own hands, at odd times, with long intervals and many hindrances.""— Preface. 589 LITCHFIELD COUNTY Cenrenniat CeELesration, Held at Litch- field, Conn., 13th and 14th of August, 1851. Hartrorp: Adwin Hunt, 1851. 8°; half roan. // — 590 LITHGOW (WILLIAM).— 4 moft delectable | AND TRVE DIS- | COVRSE OF AN AD.- | mired and painefull Peregrina- | tion from Scot- Zand, to the moft | Famous Kingdomes in Europe, | Afia and Africa. |. . . Newly Imprinted, and exactly inlarged, by the Author | Witt1am LitH- Gow; with certaine rare | Relations of his fecond, and third Trauels. | Lonpon: | Printed by Nicholas Okes, dwelling in Foster-Lane. | 1623. Sm. 4°; pp. (8), 205. Bound in russia, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, éy F. BEDFORD. Portrait inserted. Go — 591 LIVRE DE PRIERES ILLUSTRE a vane pes ORNEMENTS DES MANUSCRITS classés dans l’Ordre Chronologique et selon les ‘Styles divers qui se sont succédé depuis le Huitiéme Siécle jusqu’au Seiziéme. REPRODUIT en COULEURS et PuBLI£S par B. CHARLES MaTHIEU. TOME If. NOTICE HISTORIQUE et Texte Exp.icatir par FERDINAND Dents et B. Co. Matuigu. Paris: Chez ?Auteur, 1857-62. 2 vols. sg. 12°; pp. 158, 250. With 23 FULL-PAGE ILLUMINATIONS and cach page orna- mented with elaborate illuminated borders in gold and colors. Bound in blue levant morocco super- extra, inside lined with bright crimson levant morocco, highly polished, with broad gold borders, elaborately tooled, blue watered-silk fly-leaves, morocco joints, gilt edges, by CHAMBOLLE-DURU. In a sliding case lined with chamois skin. iF co — 592 LIVY.—Tit1 Liviu | HISTORIARUM | quod extat | ex recensione I. F. Gronovii | AMSTELODAMI, | apud Danielem Elzeyirium. A°. 1678. [Zngraved Title.] 12°; bound in plain red morocco, with elaborate inside borders, gilt edges, by ROGER PAYNE. From the Beckford Collection, Hamilton Palace. Sef ~ 593 LODGE (E.)— PORTRAITS of ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGES of GREAT BRITAIN. Engraved from Authentic Pictures in the Galleries of the Nobility and the Public Collections of the Country. With Biographi- cal and Historical Memoirs of their Lives and Actions, by EDMUND LODGE, Esq., F.S. A. Lonpon: Harding & Lepard, 1835. 12 vols. in 6 vols. roy. 42. LARGE PAPER. WITH 240 PoRTRAITS, fine INDIA PROOF IMPRESSIONS. Bound in half citron levant morocco extra, gilt backs and tops, fore edges UNCUT. 178 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. of 594 LONG (J.)— VOYAGES and TRAVELS of an INDIAN INTERPRETER and TRADER, describing the Manners and Customs of the NortH AMERI- CAN INDIANS; with an Account of the Posts situated on the River Saint Laurence, Lake Ontario, &c. To which is added, A VOCABULARY of the Chippeway Language. Names of Furs and Skins, in English and French. A List of Worps in the Iroquois, Mohegan, Shawanee, and Es- quimeaux Tongues, and a Table, shewing the Analogy between the Algon- kin and Chippeway Languages. By J. LONG. Lonpon: Printed for the Author, M,DCC,XCI. 4°; Pp. xi.-295; map. Half morocco, gilt back and top, rough edges. Very fine, clean copy. Lo - 59; WORRIS (GUILLAUME de). Cyeft le Rommant de la Roze. Ou tout lart Damour eft enclofe Hyftoires et auctoritez Et maintz beaulx propos vfitez Qui a efte nouuellement Corrige fuffifantement Et cotte bien a lauantaige Com on voit en chafcune page. @ On les vend a Paris en la grant falle du palais au premier pillier en la bouticque De Galiot du pré libraire iure de Luniuerfite. Mil. V.C.XXXI. [1531-] Folio. BLACK LETTER. TITLE in red and black, printed within a broad ornamental wood- cut border, containing 4 medallion PORTRAITS; 4 prel. leaves, comprising the TITLE, PRO- LOGUE, and TABLE; TEXT, 131 numbered leaves, double columns, 45 lines on a full page, followed by a separate leaf containing the Device of GALIOT DU PRE. Wéith numerous curious Woovcurts. Bound in crimson levant morocco, sides tooled in gilt after a GROLIER pattern, doublé with blue morocco studded with scores of roses inlaid, by LORTIC, and a beautiful specimen of his handiwork. Inclosedin a Solander case. ne. 596 [LONGUS].— Les AMOURS PASTORALES de Dapunis ET CHLOE. $. 2. M.DCC.XLV. Sm. 8°. LARGE PAPER. Plates by PHILIPPE D'ORLEANS, engraved by B. AUDRAN, including ‘‘ les Petits Pieds.'' Fine old red morocco, gilt back and edges, broad gold borders on the sides, by DEROME. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 179 Fo - 597 LONGUS.— LES AMOURS Pastorates de DAPHNIS et CHLOE, Traduites du Grec de Loncus, par AMYOT. Paris, De /’lmprimerie de P. Didot l’ Ainé, AN VIII. M.DCCC. Roy. 4°; elegantly printed in large type on ‘' papier vélin,” and illustrated with 9 large and beautiful engravings, after designs by PRUDHON and GERARD, all of which are most dazzlingly brilliant PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS. ound in highly polished crimson levant morocco super- extra, gilt edges, back and sides covered with a shower of gold most delicately worked ‘‘ au poiniillé, Ser par fer,” after a beautiful pattern, and in the style of LE GASCON, by CAPE. A TRULY SUMPTUOUS COPY OF THIS BEAUTIFUL BOOK, IN MATCHLESS CONDITION. DZ _ 598 LOSSING (B. J.) —A MEMORIAL of ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M. D., the Frrst ENGRAVER on Woop in AMERICA. Read before the New York Historical Society, Oct. 5, 1870. By BENSON J. LOSSING. New York: Lrinted for the Subscribers, 1872. Imp. 8°; pp (6), 107; 38 engravings. Half green levant morocco, gilt back and top, UNCUT, by WM. MATTHEWS. LIMITED EDITION. THIRTY-TWO ILLUSTRATIONS inserted, includ- ing SEVENTEEN INDIA PROOFS, some BEFORE LETTERS; several PRIVATE PLATES, anda BRILLIANT IMPRESSION of the VERY RARE large engraving of a Hunting Scene by ANDERSON, after RIDINGER. 2 ee 599 LOWNDES (W. T.)—TuEeE BIBLIOGRAPHER’S MANUAL oF ENGLISH LITERATURE, Containing an Account of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, published in or relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the Invention of Printing; with Bibliographical and Critical Notices, Colla- tions of the Rarer Articles, and the Prices at which they have been Sold. By WILLIAM THOMAS LOWNDES. New EDpitTIiIon, REVISED, Cor- RECTED and ENLARGED; with an APPENDIX relating to the Books of Lit- ERARY and SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES, by Henry G. Bonn. Lonpon: Bell & Daldy, 1869. . 6 vols. crown 8°; half olive morocco, tops gilt, edges uncut. LARGE PAPER: ‘' One Hundred Copies for Subscribers only.'’ No. 16. F ty we) 2? 6.00 LUBBOCK (SIR J.)—PRE-HISTORIC TIMES, as Illustrated by Ancient Remains, and the Manners and Customs of Modern Savages. By SIR JOHN LUBBOCK, Barrt., F.R.S. Second Edition. Lonpon: 1869. 8°; 5 plates and 228 engravings on wood. Half green calf, gilt back, marbled edges. 4.55 601 LUBBOCK (SIR J.)—Tue ORIGIN of CIVILISATION and the PRIMITIVE CONDITION of MAN. Mental and Social Condition of Savages. By SIR JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart. Lonpon: Longmans, 1870. 8°; 5 plates and 20 engravings on wood. Half green morocco, gilt back and top, UNCUT. -602 LUBKE (DR. WILHELM).— HISTORY of SCULPTURE, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. Translated by F. E. BUNNETT. Lonpon: Smith, Elder & Co, 1872. 2 vols. roy. 8°; beveled cloth extra, gilt tops, with nearly 400 illustrations. 180 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 603 LUTHERI | Catechifmus | Ofwerfatt | pa | American-Virginifke | Spra- ket. | STOCKHOLM | Z7ycki vthi thet af Kongl. May privileg. | Bur- CHARDI Zryckeri, af J. J. Genath, f. | ANNo M DC XCVI. | Sm. 8° ; dark red levant morocco extra, gilt back and edges, inside gilt borders, by W. PRATT. A LARGE AND VERY FINE COPY, WITH THE ENGRAVED TITLE. VERY RARE. 604 LYON (CAPT. G. F.)—A NARRATIVE of TRAVELS in NORTH- ERN AFRICA, in the Years 1818, 19, and 20; Accompanied by Geo- graphical Notices of Soudan, and the Course of the Niger. By Caprain GEORGE FRANCIS LYON, R. N. Lonpon: John Murray, 1821. 4° ; folding map and 17 colored plates. Plain calf. 605 LYON (Capt. G. F.)— Tue PRIVATE JOURNAL of Captain GrorGE F. Lyon, of H. M. S. Hecta, during the recent VoyacE of Dis- COVERY under CapTain Parry. With Map and Plates. Lonpon: Murray, 1824. 8°; half brown calf, gilt top, UNCUT. SCARCE. 606 LYON (Capt. G. F.)—A BRIEF NARRATIVE of an Unsuccessful Attempt to Reach Repulse Bay, through Str THomas Rowe’s “ WEL- COME,” in His Majesty’s Ship Gviper, in the Year MDCCXXIV. Witha Chart and Engravings by FinpEN. Lonpon: John Murray, MDCCCXXV. 8° ; calf. SAYS Contributed to the EpInBuRGH REvigew. New Edition. LonpDoNn: Longmans, 1866. . 4 vols. post 8°; polished tree-calf, gilt backs, marbled edges, by RIVIERE. i om GOT CD 'sns"en (T. B.)—CRITICAL and HISTORICAL ES- ZO — 608 MACAULAY (LORD).—HISTORY or ENGLAND. From the Ac- CESSION of JAMES THE SECOND. Edited by his Sister, Lapy TREVELYAN. With a Memoir of Lorp Macautay, by the Very Rev. THE Dean of St. Pau’s [H. H. Milman|. Lonpon: 1867. 8 vols. post 8°; portrait. Polished tree-calf, gilt backs, marbled edges, by RIVIERE. ene 609 MACAULAY (LORD).— LAYS of ANCIENT ROME. With illus- trations original and from the antique, by George Scharf, Jun. London: Longmans, 1867. Sq. 16°; beautifully printed on plate-paper, and sumptuously bound in bright crimson morocco super-extra, paneled sides, surrounded by a delicately tooled gilt border, gilt edges, by RIVIERE. Catalogue of Wooks and DMWanuscripts. 181 610 MACHIAVEL (N.)— THE WORKS of the Famous NICHOLAS MACHIAVEL, Citizen and Secretary of’ FLoRENCE. Written Originally in IraLtan, and from thence newly and faithfully Translated into English. The TuirD EDITION, carefully corrected. Lonpon: MDCCXX. Folio ; plain calf. /O — 611 MACLISE PORTRAIT GALLERY.—A Gatiery or ILLustRI- ous LITERARY CHARACTERS (1830-1838). Drawn by the late DANIEL MACLISE, R. A., and accompanied by Notices chiefly by the late WILLIAM*® MAGINN, LL. D. (Republished from “ Fraser's Magazine.’’) Edited by WILLIAM BATES, B. A., with a Preface and Copious Notes, Biographical, Critical, Bibliographical, and generally Illustrative. Lonpbon: Chatto & Windus. [1873.] 4°; crimson cloth, gilt edges, with 83 PORTRAITS. /Se 612 MAINE (SIR H. S.) —LECTURES on the EARLY HISTORY of INSTITUTIONS. By Str Henry SUMNER Maine. NEw York: #. Holt & Company, 1875. 8°; drown cloth, UNCUT. Ra 613 MAJERUS (MICH.) — ATALANTA | FVGIENS, | hoe est,— EMBLEMATA | nova | bE secrETIS NATUR#& | cHyMIca, | Accomo- data partim oculis & intellectui, figuris | cupro incifis, adjectifque fententiis, Epigram- | matis & notis, partim auribus & recreationi | animi plus minus 50 Fugis Muficalibus trium | vocum, quarum duz ad unum fimplicem melo- | diam diftichis canendis peraptam, correfpon- | deant, non abfq; fingulari jucunditate videnda, | legenda, meditanda, intelligenda, dijudi- canda, | canenda & audienda: | Authore | MicHAELE* Majero Imperial. Con- | fiftori Comite, Med. D. ex. &c. | OppenHEImU | Ex Apographia Hieronymt Galleri, | Sumptibus Joh. Theodori de Bry,| M DC XVII. Sm. 4°; pp. 211, (2). Engraved Title; 50 exceedingly curious emblematical plates by J. T DE Bry, brilliant impressions ; and 50 Fugues with music. Dark blue morocco, gilt back and edges, Jilleted sides, inside gilt borders, by BIStIAUX. A BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THIS EXCESSIVELY RARE ALCHEMICAL WORK. 7? ASo 614 MALTHUS (T. R.)—An Essay on the PRINCIPLE of POPULA- TION, or a View of its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness, with an Inquiry into our Prospects respecting the Future Removal or Miti- gation of the Evils which it Occasions. By the Rev. T. R. MALTHUS, A. M. Seventh Edition. Lonpon: Reeves & Turner, 1872. 8°; cloth, UNCUT. 24 182 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. JF— 61s MANTE (THOMAS).—Tue | HISTORY | of the | Late War | in | NORTH-AMERICA, | and the | IsLanps or THE West-INp1Es, | Includ- ing | THE CAMPAIGNS of MDCCLXIII and MDCCLXIV | against His Majesty’s Indian Enemies. | By Thomas Mante, | Assistant Engineer during the Siege of the Havanna, | and Major of a Brigade in the Cam- paign of 1764. | Lonpon: | Printed for W. Strahan; and T. Cadell in the Strand. | MDCCLXXII. 4°; pp. (4), vid., 542 (1). 18 maps. Elegantly bound in red grosgr. levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, broad inside gilt borders, by WM. MATTHEWS. A TRULY SUMPTUOUS COPY of this RARE and VALUABLE WORK, with all the LARGE FOLDED MAPS. MANUSCRIPTS. ae — 616 BASELER TODTEN-TANTZ.— A series of 44 capitally executed INDIA-INK DRAWINGS Of this celebrated Danse Macabre, with title-page (the center of which is left blank), signed by “ Emmanuel Bichel, 1721.” Sm. 4°; bound by MATTHEWS, in brown crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges. With manuscript verses above and below every print. The next to the last leaf contains a very curiously executed reversible head, which, viewed from beneath, represents a bearded man with hat and plume; on reversing the book the same drawing represents an animated skull. The last leaf, entitled MEMENTO MokrI, represents a skull resting on a Bible and surmounted by an hour-glass, etc. The volume is UNIQUE. Yo 617 Breviarium Ordinis Fratrun Predicatorum 4. Dominici. MANUSCRIPT on fine VELLUM, of the thirteenth century, of ENGLISH execution. Written in Gothic letter, with the musical notation, in black and red inks, in double columns, on 430 leaves. 28 illuminated initial letters, of which 13 contain miniatures. The other initial letters in blue and red, with connecting ornaments in same colors running along the margins, etc. Thick 8° ; bound in crushed levant morocco, watered-silk linings, gilt edges. With silver clasps. At end of volume are six pages of prayers, etc., in old hands. Small upper blank corner of many of the leaves worn; blank lower margin of first leaf repaired. JSS — 618 Wiblia Sacvaa— MANUSCRIPT of the thirteenth century, written in a minute but remarkably clear and beautiful Gothic hand on 568 leaves of very fine VELLUM. Many neatly executed small illuminated letters and illuminated or colored ornaments at side or between the columns of the text. Thick small 8°; calf, gilt back and edges. A library stamp erased from first page. The manuscript contains the entire Bible, is apparently of English execution, and about six hundred years old. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 183 619 Diblia Sacra, cum Prologes S. Hieronpimi. MANUSCRIPT on the finest VELLUM, of the thirteenth century, of ENGLISH execution. Beautifully written in a minute but very clear Gothic hand, in double columns, on 639 leaves. 139 illuminated initial letters, 88 of which contain delicately executed miniatures. The other initial letters in red and blue, with very numerous narrow ornaments in same colors running down the outer margin of text or between the columns. On the eighth page is an illuminated ornament containing eight miniatures, filling the entire space between the columns and part of the upper and lower margins. Thick 12°; calf, gilt back, sides inlaid, with gilt tooling, gilt edges. This volume, like the preceding, contains the whole Bible, and is a wonderful specimen of the patience and skill shown by the medizeval monks. ‘The fineness of the vellum would seem to make impossible such diminutive chirography. But the lettérs are formed with the greatest precision and, in spite of the lapse of centuries, are still in perfect preservation. IBV 620 CHANSONS ET MOTETS. Consisting of three hundred and nine- ty-six pages, of which the larger portion have the words and score written out in French and Latin; table of contents at beginning, with the composers’ names written at the head in various colors, full-page letter 95"? executed in blue and olive interlaced scroll-work, also eleven large capitals of the same character in black, red, blue, olive, and yellow inks, with one hundred and four initials somewhat smaller, and many other initials yet smaller. Oblong minimo, measuring 5% by 7% inches, in the original French binding, richly tooled, gauf- Jered edges. Sc. XVI. UNIQUE, ORIGINAL, AND ROYAL MANUSCRIPT IN SUMPTUOUS BINDING. This num- ber consists of a volume of a collection of ‘‘ Chansons et Motets'’ which was arranged for five, six, and eight voices in Latin, French, Italian, and Dutch, with the music. It is written on paper, and was executed for Henry II. of France and Diana of Poitiers. The date, 1552, is inserted in a large ornamental capital at folio 145. This volume, from the fineness of the design of its binding and the interest of its original ownership, is one of the most important examples of its kind that has ever been offered for sale. It brought at the sale of M. Léopold Double in 1863 five thousand two hundred and fifty francs. In addition to its acquired historical interest, the book is of considerable importance in itself in regard to the history of music, on account of its table of contents, which gives the names of various French composers of the sixteenth century, among whom will be found: Phil. de Wildre, Cresquillon, Ch. Chastelain, Ciprian de Rose, and Anthoine Gally. The heraldic ‘‘ex libris” of the celebrated bibliophile, M. Double, will be found on the front inside cover, where are the following MS. notes in his handwriting: ‘‘ Voir da date de 1552, page 145, p. 97, hymne par Charles VITI., p. 75, 77, 82, 186 Clement Marot. p. 172, Diane a Flenri I1., p. 187, Frangois I.”’ The marvelously beautiful and original French binding, of a semi-Maioli, semi-Grolier style, was doubtless designed for King Henry II. by ‘‘ Le Petit Bernard." The sides and back are painted and inlaid in colored enamels and leathers. Both sides are covered with green floriated, conventional Gothic ornaments and an intersecting design in black and white, the parallel lines of which are pointillé in the centers. The middle of the fore side has a large heraldic and allegorical design of circular shape, in the center of which is a shield of the royal arms of France, above which is a regal crown. Depending from the upper portion of the shield are a collar of ‘‘SS’’ and cockle-shells, from which also hangs the jewel of the Order of St. Louis. Amid silver fointi//é ornamentations are the monogram ‘‘H. D." interlaced, three silver half-moons, a large crescent silver moon, allusive to the chaste goddess Diana, and the 24* 184 Catalogue of Wooks and Manuseripts. king's initial ‘‘H"’ twice repeated. On the other side, in the middle of a circle and upon a square scroll, is the word ‘‘BaAssvs."’ The back is enameled in black and white, and tooled in gilt. The design is lozenge-shaped, chequered. ‘The edges areas fine a specimen of gauffered work as can be found. It is a floriated and interlaced design, poindil/é throughout. This binding is reproduced in Joseph Cundall’s ‘‘ Bookbindings, Ancient and Modern.” It is there styled ‘‘ Recueils de Chansons et Motetts, with the Arms and Monograms of Henry II. and Diana of Poitiers. Binding of the Middle of the XVI. Century,’”’ and is presented in that authority as a representative example of a ‘‘Diane de Poitiers reliure.'’’ The eminent bibliopegist writes: ‘‘ Diana of Poitiers, the mistress of Henry II. of France, devoted much attention to the binding of her books; perhaps those executed for her are the finest speci- mens ever produced; probably they were designed by ‘Le Petit Bernard’ (Bernhard Salomon of Lyons), who also made drawings for her jewels. They were usually engraved with a bow and crescent, sometimes with an arrow rising from a tomb with the motto ‘Sola vivit in illo.’ On the love offerings from the king an ‘H’ is worked in with a crown and fleur- de-lis. The practice of inscribing mottos on books was very usual. There is a beautiful book mentioned in Dibdin's ‘ Decameron,’ which was published by Aldus. It is bound in fine Italian olive binding, with the device of a serpent entwining a ring and a motto, ‘ Scilicet es superis labor est.’ On many of Henry's own books are stamped and interwoven the initials ‘H’ and ‘D’ of his own and mistress’s names, with crescents, bows, quivers, and other symbols of the chase appropriate to a lady bearing the name of Diana. (Many of the ornaments on the pottery of Oiron known as Faience de Henri II. were evidently stamped with bookbinder’s tools.) On some of his books the ‘H’ is interwoven with a ‘C,’ and in this case the latter initial is that of his wife, Catherine de Medicis.’ ve. 621 CHANT BOOK or tHe CATHOLIC CHURCH SERVICE, the Mass, etc., on VELLUM, illuminated in gold and colors, rubricated, and with the score.of the music. The title-page with border in gold and colors, eighteen illuminated large initial letters, and numerous smaller capitals. The work is attributed to the fourteenth century. Thick small 4°; original leather binding, on wooden boards, with eight triform brass ornaments with bosses on the sides, also brass corners. Examples of chant books of this size WITH THE MUSICAL) SCORE are excessively rare. The above consists of 265 leaves, or 530 pages, of which a few are stained and one or two slightly mended. It is a splendid example both of early binding and of paleography. re —~ 622 CICERO. M T C LELIVS SIVS DE AMYICITIA.... Me VR oC Eat o MATOR VEL DE Sene‘tvte . M. T. C. Parapoxa. MANUSCRIPT on VE.tum, of the fifteenth century, of ITALIAN execution. Beautifully written in Roman letters on 128 leaves, with illuminated initials. The first page of each of the three treatises is surrounded by a border, con- taining floriated ornaments in colors, medallion portraits, etc., on a gold background. ‘The title of each treatise is written in gold on a purple back- ground, beneath which is an illuminated initial and the first word of the text in gold on red or green background. 12°; oak boards covered with stamped leather, gilt edges. A fine specimen with ample margins, Jrom the A. FIRMIN-D1DOT Collection, with his ex-libris. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 185 iSf— 623 CICERO. WM. Cully Cireronis de Finibus honor et malor ad Wrutii. BEauTIFUL MANUSCRIPT on VELLvM, executed in ITALy in the fifteenth century. 95 leaves, text in Roman letters, with small illuminated capitals. The first page surrounded by a very delicately executed ornamental border, formed of interlaced ornaments with designs of children and birds. The initial letter on first page represents the bust of a scholar with a book in his hand. Folio; bound by LORTIC in green crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges. Fo — 624 HIERONYMUS (SANCTUS).— DE REPROBATIONE VOLUP- TATIS. MANUSCRIPT on fine VELLUM, executed in the second half of the fifteenth century. 117 leaves, of which the title-page is very chaste, with miniature in gold and colors, borders with cherubs, etc., etc., also 54 fine gold and colored capitals with arabesque ornaments. Sac. XV. 4° (10% x 83% inches); limp vellum binding. This UNIQUE MANUSCRIPT was formerly in the collection of Cardinal Salviati. It is a most interesting example of fifteenth century Italian work, and is in fine condition except that the inner border of the title is mended and the first two leaves are slightly stained. ST. JEROME, known also in biography as ‘‘ Eusebius Hieronymus Sophronius,”’ was born on the confines of Dalmatia, czvca 331-345. He retired to the desert of Chalcis in 374, and became a priest at Antioch four years later. For three years afterward he lived at Constantinople in close intimacy with Gregory Nazianzus. In 382 St. Jerome came to Rome and acted as the secretary of Pope Damasius, engaging in his great work of biblical revision. He was celebrated chiefly for his Pelagian controversies, and died on September 30 in the year 420. Erasmus edited his works. St. Jerome is ‘‘ universally regarded as the most learned and eloquent of the Latin Fathers.”’ J 3s 625 Pore Beate Marie Uirginis, MANUSCRIPT on VeLiuw, of the fifteenth century, of FRENCH execution. Written in Q@othic letters on 188 leaves. 21 miniatures, many large illuminated initials, and numerous smaller initials illuminated, five emblazoned coats-of-arms. Those pages which contain miniatures are surrounded by elaborate floriated borders ; very delicately designed and brilliantly illuminated borders at the sides of the text on the other pages. 4°; bound in oak boards covered with red velvet, with silver clasps and corner ornaments. ‘‘ Die- werke Rinjes, I. L."' engraved on inside of the clasps. (T? — 626 Wore Beate Wari Uirginis. MANUSCRIPT on Vetium, of the fifteenth century, of FRENCH execution. Written in @eothic letters on 106 leaves, with illuminated initials, illuminated borders at side of every page (those pages which contain miniatures being surrounded by a full bor- der), 13 large and 22 small miniatures. The borders to the Calendar embody small miniatures of the occupation of each month and its zodiacal sign. 8°; bound in oak boards covered with red velvet, gilt edges, with the book-plate of DE MARI- DORT. Manuscript writing in an old hand on two fly-leaves and inside cover at end of volume. 186 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. /Jooo — 627 Hore Weate Marie Uirginigs. MANUSCRIPT on VELLUM, of the fifteenth century, of FRENCH execution. Written in Gothic letters on 167 leaves, with the initials and blank spaces illuminated. 12 large miniatures exquisitely executed in colors and brilliantly heightened with gold. 14 large initial letters, some of them containing small miniatures; 2 small miniatures in the ornamented border of one leaf. The pages containing the large minia-. tures surrounded with broad and elaborately illuminated borders; very deli- cately executed illuminated floriated borders at the side of the text on the other leaves —in a great many cases with the borders on both sides of the text; a few leaves without the borders. 4°; old red smooth morocco, gilt back, gilt edges gauffered, with manuscript inscription : ‘‘Monas- tery of Cellg Abbatis Septr,” at foot of first leaf of text. In pull-off case. /Yy— 628 Dore Deate Warie Uirginis, MANUSCRIPT on Vettoum, of the sixteenth century, of FRENCH execution. Written in Gothic letters on 60 leaves. 7 large and 5 small, finely executed miniatures ; numerous illuminated initial letters, ornamental borders, and half borders to many pages. 4°; bound by MATTHEWS in blue velvet, vellum linings, gilt edges. ie... 629 Hore Weate Marie Uirgints. MANUSCRIPT on Vetium, of the fifteenth century, of ENGLISH execution. Written in Gothic letters on 167 leaves. 26 highly finished miniatures, a full-page emblazoned coat-of- arms, many illuminated initial letters and broad floriated borders in gold and colors. Sm. folio ; oak boards covered with pale green velvet, gilt edges. Stitched ona fly-leaf is a me- dieval scapula, or charm, being a head of CHRIST painted on a small piece of vellum. The miniature at the beginning of the ‘‘ Office for the Dead” is an exceptionally beautiful and artistic example of skill in painting. /C00 — 630 Hore Beate Wari Uirginigs. MANUSCRIPT on fine Vettum, of the early part of the sixteenth century, of FRENCH execution. Beauti- fully written in Gothic letters on 245 leaves. The first page of each of the 12 leaves of the Calendar depicts, in colors heightened with gold, the appropriate occupations of the month, in the center of which scenes the first part of the Calendar of each month is inserted. 11 large miniatures, 7 small miniatures, and 14 large initial letters, all beautifully executed in colors and gold. All the pages containing the miniatures and the large initial letters are surrounded with broad borders, on most of which are depicted, on gold back- grounds, exquisitely finished figures of flowers, insects, etc. Very numerous delicately illuminated small initial letters. Sm. 12° ; fine old smooth morocco, gilt back and edges. In Solander case. The workmanship of this volume is of the same style as that in the ‘‘ Hours of Anne of Brit- tany.'' It is the daintiest object in the whole collection, and may successfully challenge com- parison with any similar manuscript in existence. Catalogue of Books and Manusrripts. 187 Z 27 631 Hore Weate Marie Uirginis. MANUSCRIPT on Vexxum, of the fifteenth century, of FRENCH execution. Written in Q@Gothic letters on 173 leaves. The Calendar (12 leaves) has illuminations at sides and foot of each of its first pages, each containing two miniatures — one depicting the occupation of the month, the other the sign of the Zodiac. The body of * the volume contains 16 large and very finely executed miniatures, besides 31 small miniatures of the Saints. 4°; bound in fine old red smooth morocco, gilt edges. Z, . . . . Tie ~ 632 Bore Beate Warie Uirginis. MANUSCRIPT on Vetwum, of the fifteenth century, of FRENCH execution. Written in @othic letters on 223 leaves. 20 curious miniatures in gray tint, touched up with white and heightened with gold; those pages containing the miniatures surrounded with broad illuminated borders made up of grotesque figures, etc. 20 large illuminated initial letters; many smaller illuminated initial letters, with marginal decorations in colors and gold. Blank spaces in text illuminated. 12° ; bound by LORTIC in crimson crushed levant morocco extra, back and sides inlaid with green morocco, gilt back, richly tooled, gilt borders and center ornaments on sides, vellum linings, gilt over marbled edges. In crushed levant morocco Solander case. Lia 633 Hore Weate DMParie Uirginig. MANUSCRIPT on Vetium, of ‘Gao i the fifteenth century, of FRENCH execution. Written in Gothir letters on 216 leaves. 18 large miniatures, 13 smaller miniatures, besides 24 miniatures (depicting the zodiacal signs and the various occupations of the months) in the illuminated borders to the Calendar. Those pages containing miniatures are surrounded by illuminated borders, in each of which the initials V I are introduced; in these borders are also various animals, and a coat-of-arms (repeated several times). Delicately drawn illuminated side ornaments to nearly all the pages, depicting, in colors and gold, flowers and fruit. Very numerous illuminated initial letters. Blank spaces of text illuminated. Sm. 12°; fine old smooth morocco, gilt back, smooth morocco linings, gilt, gilt edges. 634 HORZE PEMBROCHIAN/. —An Illuminated MANUSCRIPT ofthe Hours of the BLEsseED VirciIn Mary. Written for WILLIAM HERBERT, First Earl of Pembroke, about 1440, and enriched with 267 miniatures, besides hundreds of capital letters in gold and colors, the whole written on 195 leaves of VELLUM. Folio; bound in boards covered with red velvet, silver clasps and bosses engraved with scriptural scenes after the manner of the Italian niello work. The volume really consists of three parts. At the beginning are inserted twenty leaves of vellum, on the first of which is emblazoned the coat-of-arms of WILLIAM HERBERT, Ear] of Pembroke. On the following leaf is a full-length portrait of the Earl, clad in silver armor, 188 Catalogue of Books and MWanusrripts. kneeling at a prie-dieu before an altar. The fifteen additional leaves bound up at the end of the volume contain prayers in English, written in a bold Gothic character of the sixteenth century. These prayers were written by QUEEN CATHERINE PARR, whose sister was the first wife of WILLIAM HERBERT, Earl of Pembroke, and who may have written them specially for the use of her brother-in-law, the Earl. The margins of the Calendar contain many interesting entries, from which it is evident that the owner was a stout adherent of the Yorkists, as all the battles chronicled there are Lancastrian defeats. This would agree well with the ownership of the Earl of Pembroke, who was a devoted adherent of the cause of the Duke of York, and who was beheaded by the Lancastrians on the day following his defeat at Banbury in 1469. The Rose of York is prominent in the decoration. It is impossible to do justice to the merits of this volume by a verbal description. In the opinion of the most competent living authorities on such matters the whole work was executed in England. This adds greatly to its importance and value, owing to the rarity of English manuscripts of this period. The chirography is most exact, the ink is lustrous, the drawing of the miniatures is unusually correct, and the colors are of exceptional brilliancy. Its condition, moreover, is faultless. The binding alone has artistic merit sufficient to give the volume a high standing. Taken all in all, it is unquestionably the most beautiful and important manu- script of English execution outside of the British Museum. It ranks in the same class with the Bedford and Grimani Missals and the Hours OF ANNE OF BRITTANY. In beauty of work- manship, and in fact in everything except historical associations, it far excels the Missal of CHARLES VI. which sold for 76,000 francs at the sale of the DIDOT Collection. It is remarkable both for breadth of design and-minuteness of finish. ‘The large full-page painting on fol. 131 is of most admirable execution. It gives a conventional view of the city of Jerusalem, and portrays three great events in the Passion of our LoRD. In the center we see, in a sort of open alcove, with steps leading up to it, CHRIST blindfolded and buffetted, the figures of his eight tormentors being drawn with great skill. On the right, in another chamber open to the street, is seen PILATE washing his hands; six attendants stand around, and in the street are four other spectators, who look into the hall with an anxious expression that is depicted with marvelous skill. At the top of the page, on the greensward of a hill above the buildings, we see the Crucifixion; a group of six figures stand around the cross, two of them being on horseback, and on the left St. JOHN supports the BLESSED VIRGIN, who is fainting. A soldier pierces our LORD in the left-side with a spear. In the distance is indicated a com- pany of armed men, The whole is surrounded by a border composed of flowers and conven- tional figures. WT — 635 HYMN AND LITANIES.—Hymye Novverte & Vhonneur de SAINT Loults, avec ses MaximEs. Dediées et Presentées Au Roy. MAN- USCRIPT on VELLUuUM, 32 pages, exquisitely written and illuminated. The manner in which the gold letters are formed is worthy of the best illuminators of the fifteenth century. They stand distinctly above the page, and are re- markably brilliant, The volume possesses great interest from the fact that it was made specially for, and was dedicated to, Louis XIV., and belonged to his library. It is perfect and in beautiful condition. 4°; bound in old red morocco, with the arms of Louis XIV. in gold on the sides. fo -— 636 JUVENAL.— Ivnii Agvinatis SATYRARVM. MANUSCRIPT on VELLUM, of the latter part of the fifteenth century, of ITALIAN execution. Beautifully written in Roman letters, on 65 leaves. Five illuminated initial Oy Gy Catalogue of Books and Wanuseripts. 189 letters ; very delicately executed illumination at foot of first page, containing, on a blue ground, an elaborate scroll ornament in gold, with pearls, and escutcheon in center. Sm. folio; bound by HAGUE in brown crushed levant morocco, blind tooling on sides in the Vene- tian style, gilt edges. From the Library of A. FIRMIN-DIDOT, with his ex-libris. Aion 637 LACTANTIUS FIRMIANUS.— Divin# InstitutTiones. MANU- SCRIPT on Ve.uum, of the fifteenth century. Beautifully executed in Roman letters, on 313 pages. Six fine large initial letters illuminated in gold and colors (about 15 or 134 inches square), connected with side ornaments, executed in blue, red, green, and white. Illuminated ornamental border surrounding three-quarters of first page. Some marginal manuscript notes. A few slight tears in the margins skillfully repaired with vellum. Sm. folio (size 11% by 8 inches), elegantly bound by MATTHEWS in brown crushed levant morocco extra, gilt back, the sides beautifully and chastely tooled in gilt, inside borders, gilt edges. Enclosed in chamois-lined limp wrapper, with morocco back, lettered, and flaps; with pull-off case. 638 PETRARCH.—Francisci. PETRARCE. POETAE. CLARISSIMI. SONEC- TORVM ... . Beautifully executed Irattan MANUSCRIPT on VEL- LUM, of the fifteenth century, in Roman letters; comprising: 7 leaves of Table; 3 blank leaves; the Sonnets, leaves 1-141; De Amore Trivimphvs, leaves 142-178; 3 blank leaves; Vita Francisci Pe. Poe. Clar. edita per Leonardum Aretinvm, 7 leaves; 1 blank leaf. The title to the Sonnets written in gold on blue background; the first page of text surrounded by ornamental border, containing bust-portraits; several finely executed initial letters containing illuminated miniatures, and fine arabesque borders at one side of several pages; with very numerous initial letters in gold and colors. Sm. folio; bound in calf, gilt back and edges. — 639 Preres — MANUSCRIPT on fine VELLUM, of the sixteenth century, of FRENCH execution, Written in Gothic letters on 22 leaves. The first leaf contains a miniature of a scribe writing at his desk, surrounded by a border on which, on a gold background, are depicted flowers, fruit, and in- sects; the second page is surrounded by a border of similar nature, within which the text commences by a name, “ Fran. Peipsal,” painted on a red and gold background ; on the margins of each of the other pages are representa- tions in colors of insects, flowers, etc.; numerous illuminated initial letters — the entire illuminations and illustrations being executed with the utmost delicacy. Sq. 12°; bound by LEWIS in smooth morocco extra, gilt back, gilt borders on sides, gilt edges ; inside smooth morocco lining, richly tooled in gilt, to first cover; a side of the original old stamped leather binding inserted inside back cover. In crimson morocco Solander case. Accompanying the book is an interesting 5-page Autograph Letter of T. F. Dippin, dated July 9, 1828, which says of the book: ‘‘The insects and the birds are beyond all imitation! . . . I will challenge the minutest examination,”’ etc. 25 190 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 640 SUETONIUS.— Cat Suetont TRANQVILLI DE VITA DUODECIM CESARVM. MANUSCRIPT on Vetium, of the fifteenth century. Beautifully and clearly written on 224 pages, in Roman letter. Three-quarters of the first page surrounded by an ornamental border in colors and gold, with illuminated initial. Twelve other small initial letters, illuminated in gold and colors, scattered through the volume. A small portion of the blank margin of three leaves has been torn, but is very skillfully repaired. Folio (size 10% by 7385 inches); bound by MATTHEWS in brown crushed levant morocco extra, gilt back and top. In chamois-lined pull-off case. 641 MARCOY (PAUL).— VOYAGE A Travers L’AMERIQUE du SUD de Océan PaciriQuE a ’Octan ATLANTIQUE. Par PAUL MARCOY. Ilustré de 626 Vues, Types, et Paysages par E. Riou, et accompagné de 20 Cartes Gravées sur les Dessins de VW AUTEUR. Paris: L. Hachette et C%. 1869. ° 2 vols. imp. 4°; half morocco. 642 MARCY (R. B.) — Exptoration of the RED RIVER of LOUISIANA, in the Year 1852, by RaNDoLtpH B. Marcy, assisted by GEORGE B. McCLeELLaN. With Numerous Illustrations. WASHINGTON: 1854. 8°; cloth, rough edges. 643 MARGUERITE DE VALOIS.— CONTES et NOUVELLES de MARGUERITE DE VALois, Reine de Navarre ; Mis en beau langage accom- modé au gotit de ce temps, & enrichis de Figures en Taille-Douce |attribuéd & RoMaIN DE Hooce]. AMSTERDAM, ches George Gallet, M.DCC. 2 vols. sm. 8°. Vou. 1. 16 prel. leaves; TEXT, 374 pp.; TABLE, 3 leaves. Vou. II. TEXT, 318 ~p.; TABLE, 4 leaves. Elegantly bound in polished crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt backs and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt dentelle borders, by CHAMBOLLE-DURU. AN ELEGANT COPY, with brilliant impressions of the PLATES. 7 /20 — 644 MARGUERITE, REINE DE NAVARRE.— Les NOUVELLES [Z’ Heptameron| DE MARGUERITE, Reine de Navarre. BERNE, chez la Nou- velle Société Typographique. 1780-1781. 3 vols. 8°; thick paper copy, with splendid impressions of the beautiful engravings by LONGUEIL, etc., after FREUDENBERG, and by DUNKER. Bound in grosgr. crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt backs and tops, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by CAPE. UNCUT. ‘‘ Jolie édition, publiée sous la direction de J.-Rudolphe de Sinner, qui a retouché assez maladroitement la prose de ces contes: Les estampes, fleurons et vignettes (ces derniéres grav. par Dunker) sont d’une belle exécution.'’— BRUNET. } 1 } Catalogue of Wooks and Wanuseripts. 191 1 US _ 645 MARLOWE (C.)— Tue WORKS of CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE, with Notes and some Account of his Lire and Writ1ncs, by the Rev. ALEXANDER DYCE. Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1850. 3 vols. crown 8°; cloth, UNCUT. This is a more complete and better edition than the one of 1826, which was not edited by Mr. DYCE. Yve 646 MARRYAT (JOSEPH).—A HISTORY of POTTERY and PORCE- ' LAIN, Medizval and Modern. Third Edition, Revised and Augmented, with Coloured Plates, and upwards of 300 Woodcut Illustrations. LoNpDon: John Murray, 1868. 8°; pp. xix.-549. Bound in polished tree-calf super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, by MANSELL, successor to HAYDAY. ae 647 MARSH (GEORGE P.)— Lectures on the ENGLIsH LANGUAGE. Third Edition. New York: Chas. Scribner, M.DCCC.LX. 8°; half russia, gilt top, UNCUT. Fo 648 MARTIN (FRANCOIS-XAVIER).— Tue HISTORY of NORTH CAROLINA, From the Earliest Period. By Francots-XAVIER MartTIN. NEw-ORLEANS: Printed by A. T: Penniman & Co., 1829. 2 vols. 8°. VOL. I. pp. xtt.-325 (civ.). VOL. II. pp. iv.-411. Light polished calf super-extra, ult backs and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by W. PRATT. AN EXCEEDINGLY FINE, LARGE, AND CLEAN COPY of this SCARCE work. LS So 649 MARTIN (HENRI).— HISTOIRE pre FRANCE, pepuis Les Temps LES PLUS RECULES JUSQU’EN 1789. Quatriéme Edition. Paris: Furne, M DCCC LXI. 17 vols. 8°; portrait. Half crimson levant morocco, gilt tops, UNCUT, by A. BERTRAND. { yen 650 [MARTYN (BENJAMIN).|— REASONS | For Esras.isuinc the | COLONY of GEORGIA) | With Regard to the | TRADE of GREAT BRITAIN, | The | Increafe of our People, and the Employment and | Support it will afford to great Numbers of our Poor, | as well as foreign perfecuted PRoTEstants. | With fome Account of the COUNTRY, and the Defign of | the TRUSTEES. | [Morto.] Moe Natura preferibit, ut homo homint, quicunque fit, ob eam ipfam | Caufam tamen, quod is homo fit, conful- tum velit, | CICERO De Officiis, Lib, III. | Lonpon: | Printed for W. Meap- ows, at the Angel in Cornhill, Mopccxxxiti. | 4°; Dp. 39. Frontispiece and map, both engraved on copper, and a beautiful vignette on p. 39, engraved by 1. PINE. Half dark blue morocco, top gilt, rough edges, by BRADSTREET. FIRST EDITION. A LARGE, FINE, CLEAN COPY. RARE. ; 25% 192 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. i) — 6s1 MARTYR (PETER).— The Works of PETER MARTYR ANGLE- RIUS, of Milan. SeviLLE: James Corumberger, 1511. TITLE: 3. Martyris Anglt HMilediolanensis opera Legatio babplonica Orceamt decas Joemata Cum previlegto. COLOPHON : FJmpressum Hispali cit summa diligencia per Jacobi Co- rumberger alemanii. Anno MWillegsimo quingentessimo. ri. mése vero A prili. Folio; bound in brown morocco extra, with elaborate tooling in GROLIER Style, inside panel of maroon morocco, gilt edges, by HARDY. “THe First EDITION. The estimation in which Peter Martyr was held as an historian is shown by the fact that in a period of a hundred years his works were published in Spain, Italy, France, and England. An Italian by birth, he went in 1487 to the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella. He served in their armies during two campaigns, was ordained a priest afterward, and became tutor to their children. He was at one time an Ambassador, and later on a Privy Counsellor. Few men have had a wider range of occupation and experience. Soldier, school- master, ambassador, statesman, priest, historian, and a gossiping man of letters, he touched humanity at nearly every point. He delighted in the society of great men and was on the most frank and intimate terms with them. To use an expression of his own, he fed with his learning the studious youth of Spain. He was the contemporary of Columbus and Vespucius, and was the first to publish a popular account of the results of their voyages and of the peculiarities of the natives of the New World. This, the first of his historical writings, contains only the first decade, which was republished, together with the second and third, at Alcala, in 1516. Its importance is equaled by its rarity. Harrisse cites but one copy in this country. This copy is from the Barlow Collection, and is the only one which has been offered at public sale in a generation. It is deserving, in every respect, of the regard of scholars and bibliophiles. As the colophon states, it was printed ‘‘ with the greatest care.” It contains the chart which is usually wanting, and which is remarkably correct for the period. Nothing equal to it appeared for a long time after. The volume is bound in a manner worthy of its contents, and it heads fittingly a list of Martyr's works which is equaled only by one other private collection in this country —that of JoHN CARTER BROWN of Providence. Fo Catalogue of Books and Manustriprs. 193 652 MARTYR (PETER).— Joanges ruffus foroliuiensis Archiepis Cosenti | n9; legat? apo. ad lectore. de orbe nouo. De orbe nowuo Decades. COLOPHON: Cura & diligentia uiri celebris Magistri Aatonii Nes brissensis historiciregii fuerunt hz tresprotono tarii Petri martyris decades Impressz in contubernio Arnaldi Guillelmi in Illustri oppido carpetane pui ciz cépluto quod uulgari ter dicitur Alcalapse ctu est nonis No uebris An. 1516. Sm. folio; bound by NIEDREE in crimson crushed morocco, sides blind tooled, gilt edges. The inner margin of the title-page has been mended. ‘“‘This edition of the first three Decades of Peter Martyr is little known even to the most diligent bibliographers. Brunet mentions an edition of Madrid, 1516, as being noticed in the catalogue of the College of Clermont, which is probably the same book as this, the dedication of Charles V. being dated from Madrid, October, 1516.''— Bibliotheca Grenvilliana. This copy is complete, although it does not contain the sixteen folios of the “ Legationis Babylonicz "’ mentioned by Brunet as being bound with the Grenville copy. That they are not an essential part of the book as originally published is shown by the ‘‘ Finis” at the end of the Third Decade and by the ‘‘Errata.”" The volume is exceedingly rare. Harrisse knew of but two copies in this country. 653 MARTYR (PETER). DE NVPER SVB D. CAROLO REPER tis Insulis, simulq incolarum moribus, R. Petri Marty ris, Enchiridion, Domi ne Margarite, Diui Max Cees. filize — dicatum, BASILE, ANNO M.D. XXI. (Four woodcuts form a border to the title-page.) Sm. 4°; bound by BEDFORD in crimson morocco extra, gilt, eilt edges. THE FIRST EDITION of the Fourth Decade. 194 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 6:4 MARTYR (PETER). DE ORXBCE NO uo Petri Martyris ab Analerta Medtolanen sts Protonotart; Cesarts sena torts de- cades, rh @ Cum priuilegio FJmperiali. Compluti apud Aicha elé d Cguia Anno W9.D.FEE. [The title is surrounded by an engraved border representing the labors of Hercules.] Sm. folio; bound in brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. BEDFORD. The First EDITION of the Eight Decades. This volume ranks next in interest, value, and rarity to the edition of 1511. It is admirably printed in Roman type, with engraved capi- tals. Sometimes a map has been found at the end, but there is no reason to believe that it appeared in the work as originally issued. Brunet makes no mention of it. The map referred to is the same as that in the Solinus Camers of 1520, with the date changed to 1530. It has some words in Dutch which indicate that it was not intended for publication with this book. The present copy is perfect and in unexceptionable condition. It is excessively rare. Neither Field, Menzies, Brinley, nor Barlow had a copy, and that in the Murphy Collection was not perfect. 23 —~ 6535 MARTYR (PETER). PETRI MARTYRIS | aB AncLerta MEDIO- LANEN. Oratoris | clariffimi, Fernandi & Helisabeth Hispaniarum quondam regum | 4 Consilijs, de rebus Oceanicis & Orbe nouo decades Ares: quibus | quicquid de inuentis nuper terris traditum, nouarum rerum cupi- | dum lec- torem retinere possit, copiose, fideliter, eruditéq; docetur. | EIVsDEM PRAE- TEREA | LEGATIONIS BABYLONICAE LI | BRI TRES: VBI PRAETER ORATORII MVNERIS | pulcherrimum exemplum, etiam quicquid in uariarum gentium mori- | bus & institutis insigniter preclarum uidit, quéd3 terra marid acciderunt, | omnia lectu miré iucunda, genere dicendi politissimo traduntur. COLOPHON: Basileze, per Io. Bebelium, An. 4 Christo nato M. D. | XXXIII. pridie calend. Septemb. Folio; bound by NIEDREE in crimson morocco extra. The ‘ Legationis Babylonicze”’ occupies fols. 76-92. This is a tall, perfect, and beautiful copy of a rare book. | Catalogue of Books and aAPanuseripts. 195 bo % ©5356 MARTYR (PETER). THE DECADES of the netwe tworlde or twelt Jindia, Contepnpng the nauigations and congquettes of the Spanpardes, with the particular de- {cription of the mofte rpehe and large landes and Flandes lately founde in the twelt Orean pertepnpng to the inheritaunce of the kinges of Spapn. Jin the which the diligent reader map not only confpder tohat commoditic map hereby chaunce to the Hole chriftian world in * tpime to come, but alfo fearne manp feereates touchpnge the lande, the fea, and the ftarres, berp neceflarie to be know? to al fuch as thal attempte anp nauigations, or otheriwile haue delite to beholde the (trange and twoonderfull twoorkes of God and nature. IWrptten in the Latine tounge by Peter Martpr of Angleria, and trant- lated into Englpithe bp fipcharde Cden., { LONDINI. In edibus Guilhelmi Powell, ANNO. 1555. 4°; 24 prel. leaves ; Text, 361 leaves ; ‘‘ Contentes of-the decades," Thinterpretours excufe” in verse, and ‘‘ Fautes efcaped in the pryntynge,”’ 13 deaves. Elegantly bound in brown levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled sides with corner ornaments, by F, BEDFORD. A SPLENDID COPY. ‘150 657 MARTYR (PETER).— De Resus | OCEANICIS | ET NOVO ORBE, De | CADEs TRES, PETRI MarR | TYRIS AB ANGLERIA | MEDIOLANENSIs. Cotoni#: M.D.LXXIIII. Sm. 8°; bound in old stamped hogskin, with clasps. An unusually good example of contempo- raneous binding. i This edition, like that of 1516, has only three Decades, but it contains also the books “* De Babylonica Legatione,"’ ‘‘ De Rebus AE thiopicis,” &e. 196 Catalogue of Books and gPanusgeripts. / oe 6s8 MARTYR (PETER).—DE | ORBE NOVO | PETRI MAR- TYRIS AN- | GLerm MepioLaNensis, Pro- | tonotarij, & Caroli quinti Senatoris | Decades octo, diligenti temporum ob- | feruatione, & vtiliffimis annotationibus | illuftratae, fudque nitori reftitute, | Zabore & indufiria. Ricuarpi Haktvyti | Oxonienfis Angi. | Additus eft in vfum lectoris accu- ratus | totius operis index. | Paristis, | 4pvd GvILLELMVM AvvRay, via D.| Ioannis Bellouacenfis, fub infigni | Bellerophontis coronati. | M. D. LXXXVII. | Cum priuilegio Regis. | 8°; 8 prel. leaves; ‘‘Text,’’ 605 pp. ; ‘‘ Rervm Memorabilivm,”’ 12 eaves. Bound in crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by ¥. BEDFORD. yA gl 659 MARTYR (PETER). De Nouo Orbe, OR THE HISTORIE OF the weft /ndies, Contayning the actes and aduentures of the Spanyardes, which haue conquered and peopled thofe Countries, inriched with warietie of pleafant re- lation of the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Gouernments, and Warres of the Indians. Comprifed in eight Decades. Written by Peter Martyr a Millanoife of Angleria, Cheife Secretary to the Emperour Charées the fift, and of his Priuie Councell. Whereof three, haue beene formerly tranflated in- to Englifh, by #. Zden, whereunto the other fiue, are newly added by the Induftrie, and painefull Trauaile of JZ, Zok Gent. In the handes of the Lord are all the corners of the earth. Pfal. 95. LONDON Printed for Thomas Adams. 1612. 4°; 5 prel. leaves; text, 318 leaves. Polished crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. SI— 660 [MARTYR AND OVIEDO.]—Lisro Primo DELLA HISTORIA DE UINDIE OCCIDENTALI . . . scritti dal Signor Don PieTRo MartyreE, &c. {79 leaves.] Libro Secondo delle Indie Occidentali . . . composta da Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 197 Gonzalo Ferdinando del Oviedo, &c. [64 numbered and z unnumbered leaves.| Libro Ultimo del Summario delle Indie Occidentali. [15 un- numbered leaves.] Woodcuts and large map. VINEGIA: 1534. 4°; brown levant morocco, gilt leaves, by GRUEL. A beautiful copy of an exceedingly rare book. From the Barlow Collection. //?— 661 MASON (Major JOHN).—A | Brief Hifory | or tue | Pequot 7 War: | Efpecially | Of the memorable Zading of their Fort at | MisTicK in ConNEcTICUT | In | 1637: | Written by | Major John Majon, | A prin- cipal Actor therein, as then chief Capéain and Com- | mander of Connecticut Forces. | With an Jntroduction and {ome Explanatory JVotes | By the Reverend | Mr. THOMAS PRINCE. | [ Zexts of Scripture, 9 lines.| Boston: Printed & Sold by S. Kneeland & T. Green | in Queen-ftreet, 1736. 8°; pp. (1), vi., x., 22. Crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back, paneled sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. 3 plates inserted. A BEAUTIFUL COPY and EXCESSIVELY RARE in this fine, UNCUT condition. “@S —~ 662 MASSACHUSETTS.—Tue GeneraL LAWS | And | LipertiEs | Of 44 the | MassacuHusets | CoLony: | Revised & Re-printed, | By Order of the General Court Holden at Boston | May 15¢h. 1672 | Edward Rawson, Secr. | CAMBRIDGE | Printed by Samuel Green, for John Vsher of Boston. | 1672. Folio ; crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt back and edges, by BEDFORD. The above copy has 6 pp. additional to the number described in the Brinley catalogue, No. 814. After page 6 of the ‘‘ Several Laws,”’ etc., at the end should occur a blank page, followed by pp. 7-12; another blank leaf, then pp. 11 (sic), 14 and 15. On page 8 of this latter portion is the ‘‘ Order to prevent Baudery,’’ and on the last page (15) the Order, ‘‘ that hence- forth it shall not be lawful for any single Woman or Wife in the absence of her Husband, to entertain or lodge any In-mate or Sojourner.” 663 MASSINGER (PHILIP). Tur FATALL Dovvry:1 a! ‘TRAGEDY. | As it hath beene often Acted at the Pri | uate House in Blackefryers, by his | Maiesties Seruants. | Written by P. M. and N. F. Lonpon | Printed by John Norton, for Francis | CONSTABLE, and are to be sold at his | shop at the Crane in Faul’s Church- | Yard. 1632. Sm. 4°; bound in plain morocco, with arms on sides. First EDITION of this play, the joint work of P, M.(assinger) and N.(ath.) F.(ield.) Per- fect and in fine condition. 26 198 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 5 agi 664 MASSINGER (PHILIP).—Tue | EMPEROVR | or | THE East. | A Trage-Comeedie. | Zhe Scane Constantinople. | As it hath bene diuers times acted, at the Black- | friers, and Globe Play-houses, by the | Kings Maiesties Seruants, | Written by Puitip MassincEr. Lownpon, Printed by Thomas Harper, for | John Waterson, ANNO 1632. Sm. 4°; bound in morocco, gilt edges. - /20- 665 MATHER (COTTON).— MEMORABLE PROVIDENCES, | Relating to | WITCHCRAFTS | And _ POSSES- SIONS. | A Faithful Account of many Wonderful and Sur- | prifing Things, that have befallen feveral Be- | witched and Pofefed Perfons in Vew- England, | Particularly, A NARRATIVE of the marvellous | Zroudle and feleef Experienced by a pious Fa- | mily in Bofton, very lately and fadly molefted | with EVIL SPIRITS. | Whereunto is added, | A Difcourfe de- livered unto a Congregation in | Boffon, on the Occafion of that /Wufirious Pro- | vidence. As alfo | A Difcourfe delivered unto the fame Congrega- | tion; on the occafion of an horrible Se//Mur- | der Committed in the Town. | With an Appendix, in vindication of a Chapter | in a late Book of Remarkable Providences, from | the Calumnies of a Quaker at Fen-jilvania. | Written by Cotton Mather, Minijfier of the Gofpel. | And Recommended by the Minifters | of Bofion and Charlefton. | Printed at Bofion in VN. England by R. Piierce|, 1689. | Sold by Jofeph Brunning, at his Shop at the Cor- | ner of the Przfon-Lane next the Exchange. Sm. 8°; dark blue morocco extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by HAYDAY. ‘Title’ as above, verso blank; the epistle dedicatory, ‘‘ To the Honurable WAIT. WINTRHROP [stc] Zsg.,"’ signed ‘‘C. Mather,” 2 ~p.; ‘‘To the Reader,” 4 #.,; ‘The Introduction,” 2 7. ; ‘‘Witchcrafts and Poffeffions,”’ 75 #.,; ‘‘A Difcourfe on the Power and Malice of the DEVILS,” 21 Z¢.; ‘‘A Difcourfe on Witchcraft,’ 40 ff.; ‘‘Notandum,’’ 1 2., verso blank; ‘* Appendix,’’ 14 fA. JS — 666 MATHER (COTTON).— Che Wonderful Works of Good | Commemorated. | PRAISES | Befpoke for the God of Heaven, | In a Thankfgiving | SERMON ; | Delivered on Decemd. 19, 1689. | Con- taining | Juft Reflections upon the Excel- | lent Things done by the Great God, | more Generally in Creation and Re- | demption, and in the Govern- | “ment of the World; But more Par- | ticularly in the Remarkable Revolu- | tions of Providence which are every | where the matter of prefent Obferva- tion. | With a POSTSCRIPT giving an Account of fome very | ftupendous Accidents, which have lately happened | in France. | By COTTON MATHER. | Zo which is Added a SERMON Preached unto the | CON- VENTION of the Maffachufet-Colony in| VEW-ENGLAND. | With a Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 199 fhort Narrative of feveral Prodigies, which New- | England hath of late had the Alarms of Heaven in. | Printed at Bofion by S. Green, & Sold by Jofeph | Browning at the corner of the Prifon Lane, and | Benj. Harris at the London Coffee-Houfe. 1690. Sm. 8°; pp. (8), 62, 7, 36 [last leaf misprinted 26], 5, 7. Elegantly bound in straight-grained olive morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by ¥. BEDFORD. A BEAUTIFUL COPY. The second Sermon has a separate title, imprint, and paging: wzz. ‘‘ The Way to Profperity. | A|SERMON | Preached to the HONOURABLE | CONVENTION | of the | GOVER- NOUR, Council, and Reprefentatives | of the Maffachu/et-Colony in New-England; | on May 23, 1689. | By CoTTON MATHER. | [Text of Scripture.] | BOSTON. | Printed by Richard Pierce for Benjamin | Harris. Anno Domini MDCXC. 667 MATHER (COTTON).— Zhe Wonders of the Invifible World: | Being an Account of the | TRYALS | of | Several Witches; | Lately Executed in | NEW-ENGLAND: | And of feveral remarkable Curiofi- ties therein Occurring. | Together with, I. Obfervations upon the Nature, the Number, and the Operations of the Devils. II. A fhort Narrative of a late outrage committed by a knot of Witches in | Swede-Land, very much refembling, and fo far explaining, that under which | Vew-England has laboured. III. Some Councels directing a due Improvement of the Terrible things lately | done by the unufual and amazing Range of Zvil- Spirits in New-England. IV. A brief Difcourfe upon thofe Zemptations which are the more ordinary Devi- | ces of Satan. By COTTON MATHER. Publifhed by the Special Command of his EXCELLENCY the Govenour of | the Province of the Maffachujetts-Bay in New-England. Printed firtt, at Bofion in New-England ; and Reprinted at Zon- | don, for John Dun- ton, at the Raven in the Poultry. 1693. 4°; light polished calf, gilt back, UNCUT. AN EXCEEDINGLY FINE Copy. VERY RARE IN SUCH CONDITION. ‘‘This is the FIRST, and only complete, London edition. The last page is numbered 98, but the pagination is irregular, the number of pages being, in fact, 106, exclusive of the 4 pre- liminary leaves not numbered. A leaf preceding the 77#//e, has the HALF-TITLE: ‘‘ The Tryals of Several Witches, Lately Executed in New-England: Publifhed by the Special . Command of the Governour,”’ and, on the verso, is the ‘‘ Jmprimatur, Decemb. 23, 1692,” signed ‘‘EDMUND BOHUN.” 26* 200 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 668 MATHER (COTTON ).— Magnalia Chrifti Americana: | Or, the | Eccle- fiaftical Hiftory | of | NEW-ENGLAND, | From | its Firft Planting in the Year 1620. unto the Year | of our LORD, 1698. | In Seven BOOKS. |. . . By the Reverend and Learned COTTON MATHER, M. A. | And Paftor of the North Church in Bofion, New-England. | Lonpon: | Printed for Thomas Parkhurft, at the Bible and Three | Crowns in Cheapfide. MDCCII. Folio; LARGE PAPER. Purple levant morocco, blank and gilt tooled back and sides, inside lined with polished russia, elegantly tooled and gilt in the GROLIER style, russia fly-leaves, morocco joints, gilt edges. The large mezzotint PORTRAIT, reduced to an oval, and a CHARACTERISTIC AUTOGRAPH LETTER of the AUTHOR, doth inlaid by MR. TRENT, precede the title. This MAGNIFICENT LARGE PAPER COPY, measuring 14% inches by 9% inches on the leaf, is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT in every particular, including the MAP, two leaves of ‘* Books Printed for Tho. Parkhurft,’’ and a FACSIMILE reproduction of the two excessively rare leaves of ERRATA, of which a few copies only were privately printed for Mr. CHARLES DEANE of Boston. This copy is considered to stand unsurpassed in beauty of CONDITION and probably in point of SIZE. 669 MATHER (COTTON).— The Terror of the Lorp. Some Account of the EARTHQUAKE That shook NEw-ENGLAND, In the Night, Between the 29 and the 30 of October, 1727. With a Speech Made unto the Inhabitants of Boston, the Next Morning. Boston: 1727. Sm. 8° ; bound in red levant morocco extra, silt edges, by PRATT. A fine copy of the First EDITION, with Appendix, 6 pp. 670 MATHER (INCREASE).— A | Brier History | or THE | WARR | With the InpIANs in | Nevv Encuanp. | (From June 24, 1675. when the first. English-man was mur- | dered by the Indians, to August 12, 1676. when Philip, alias | Me¢acomet the principal Author and Beginner | of the Warr, was slain.) | Wherein the Grounds, Beginning, and Progress of the Warr | is summarily expressed. | TOGETHER WITH A SERIOUS | ExHorTAa- TION | to the Inhabitants of that Land, By INcREAsE MaTHeEr, Teacher of a Church of | Christ, in Boston in New England. | [Quotations, 8 lines. ] Boston: Printed and Sold by John Foster over | against the Sign of the Dove. 1676. Sm. 4°; bound in half russia. This copy agrees with that described in the Brinley Catalogue (No. 948) excepting the transposition of the two parts and the absence of the title to ‘‘ A Brief History." Concerning the rarity of the volume, Mr. J. H. Trumbull writes in that catalogue as follows: ‘‘ No epithet can be too strong to characterize the scarcity of the one imtrouvable which so long escaped the search of American collectors; so rare, that Prince did not secure it for his New England Library, though he could pick up half a dozen Bay Psalm Books; so rare that S. G. Drake, the most indefatigable and successful of collectors, could not find it for his reprint, in 1862, and was obliged to copy even his title-page from the London edition; and so rare that Mr. Sabin himself, when noting the fact (in the Menzies Catalogue) that ‘the New England edi- tion is not mentioned by Lowndes, mor elsewhere, so far as we have been able to ascertain,’ makes the reluctant admission that ‘ perhaps no copy of it exists.’ ’’ Catalogue of Books and Wanuseripts. | 201 Ms Ds — 671 MATHER (INCREASE).—A | Brier History | or THE | WARR | : With the InpIANs in NEw ENcianp, &c. Boston: 1676. Sm. 4°; bound in green levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by BEDFORD. This copy has the title-page which is lacking in the preceding number. A portion of the page is in facsimile, but if it were in that number it would make a copy as nearly perfect as one could expect to find of sucha rare book. As this volume is handsomely bound by Bedford it has not seemed wise to mutilate it by extracting the title-page. It does not contain the ‘‘ Exhortation.”’ US 672 MATHER (INCREASE). A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE VVAR WITH THE INDIANS IN NEW-ENGLAND. From June 24. 1675. (when the firft Axg/ijfiman was Murder- ed by the /udians) to August 12. 1676. when Prilip, alias Metacomet, the principal Author and Beginner of the War, was flain. Wherein the Grounds, Beginning, and progress of the War, is fummarily expreffed, Together with a ferious EXHORTATION to the Inhabitants of that Land. By JVCREASE MATHER, Teacher of a Church of Chrift, in Bofion in New-England. [Zexts of Scripture, 5 lines.| Segnius irritant animos demiffa per aures, Quam quee funt occulis commiffa fidelibus. Horvat. Lege Hiftoriam ne fias Hiftoria. Cie. Lonpon: Printed for Richard Chifwell, at the Rose and Crown, in St Pauls Church-Yard, according to the Original Copy Printed in Mew-England. 1676. - Sm. 4°; pp. (6), 51,8. Polished dark blue levant morocco super-extra, paneled sides, corner ornaments, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt back, and edges gilt on carmine, by F. BEDFORD. LARGE and BEAUTIFUL Copy. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. OO — 673 MATHER (INCREASE).—A FURTHER | ACCOUNT | or ru | TRYALS | of the RetweEngland Witehes. | WITH THE OBSERVATIONS | of a Perfon who was upon the place feveral | Days when the fufpected Witches were | firft taken into examination. | To 202 Catalogue of Books and DMWanuseripts. which is added, | Cafes of Conftience | Concerning Witchcrafts and Evil Spirits Per- | fonating Men. | Written at the Requeft of the Minifters of New-England. | By Lncreafe Mather, prefident of Harvard Colledge. | Li- cenfed and entred according to Order. | Lonpon: Printed for J. Dunton, at the Raven in the Poultrey, | 1693. Sm. 4°; pp. 10, (4), 39, (5). Books, 2 ll. Bound in brilliant crimson levant morocco super- extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside broad borders, richly gilt, by F. BEDFORD. A BEAUTIFUL COPY, with the SECOND TITLE, frequently wanting, and in the VERY FINEST condition. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. . fo_ 674 MATHER (INCREASE). GOSPEL ORDER Revthed, Being an Anfwer to a Book lately fet forth by the Reverend Mr. /ucreafe Mather, Prefident of Harvard Colledge, &c. ENTITULED, The Order of the Gofpel, &c. Dedicated to the Churches of Chrift in Vew-England. By fundry Minifters of the Gofpel in New-England. | Zexts of Scripture, 4 lines.| Printed in the Year 1700. ; [NEW YORK, WILLIAM BRADFORD.]| 4°; 6prel. leaves, pp. 40. Half dark blue grosgr. levant morocco extra, top gilt, by F. BED- FORD. UNCUT. ae 675 MATHER (INCREASE).— Earty History of NEW ENGLAND; Being a Relation of Hostile Passages between the Indians and European Voyagers and First Settlers; and a full Narrative of Hostilities, to the close of the War with the Pequots, in the Year 1637; also a detailed Account of the Origin of the War with King Philip. By INCREASE MATHER. With an IntTRopucTION and Notes by SAMUEL G. DRAKE. Boston: Printed for the Editor. 1864. Sm. 4°; pp. 319; cloth, UNCUT. Avo 676 MAYER (B.)— Opservations on Mexican History and ARCHAOLOGY, with a Special Notice of Zapotec Remains, as delineated in Mr. J. G. Saw- KINS’s Drawings of Mitla, etc. By BRANTZ MAYER. [WasHINcTON:] 1856. 4°; plates, half morocco, UNCUT. Catalogue of Books and DWDanuseripts. 203 (00 ~ 677 MAYHEW (MATTHEW).—TueE | Conguefis and Triumphs | oF | GRACE: | BEING | A Brief Narrative of the Suteelg which the | Golpel hath had among the INDIANS of | A@artha’s Vineyard (and the Places ‘adjacent) | in Mew-England. WITH Some Remarkable Curiojities, concerning the | Mumbers, the Cuftoms, and the prefent Cir- | cumftances of the INDIANS on that Ifland. | Further Ex- plaining and Confirming the Account | given of thofe Matters, by Mr. Cotton Mather, | in the Life of the Renowned Mr. John Eliot. | By MATTHEW MAYHEW. | Attefted by the Reverend Mr. Wath. Mather, and others. | Whereto is Added, An Account concerning the Prefent State of Chriftianity | among the Zzdians, in other parts of Vew-England : | Expreffed in the Leféers of feveral Worthy Perfons, | beft acquainted therewithal. | Lonpon, Printed for Nath. Hiller, at the Princes Arms | in Leaden-hall-ftreet, over againft St. Mary Axe. 1695. Sm. 8°; pp. 68, (1). Dark blue levant morocco super-extra, paneled and gilt sides, corner ornaments, inside lined with highly polished blue morocco, wide dentelle borders, morocco joints, gilt top, UNCUT, Jy F. BEDFORD. A MATCHLESS COPY OF THIS EXCESSIVELY RARE VOLUME. 22. 6,8 MAYHEW (EXPERIENCE).— INDIAN CONVERTS: | Or, some | ACCOUNT | of the Lives and Dying Spercues of a | confiderable Number of the Chriftianized | VD/AWVS of Martha’s Vineyard, in | New- England. | Viz. | 1. Of Godly Minifters. | II. Of other Good Men. | III. Of Religious Women. | IV. Of Pious young Perfons. | By Experience May- hew, M. A. Preacher of | the Gofpel to the /zdians of that Ifland. | To which is added, | Some Account of thofle EVGZISH MINISTERS | who have fucceffively prefided over the /mdian Work | in that and the adjacent Iflands. By Mr. Prince. | [Zexts of Scripture, 6 ines.| Lonpon, | Printed for Samuel Gerrifh, Bookfeller in Bofton in New-England ; | and sold by J. Osborn and T. Longman in Pater-nofier-Row, | M.DCC.XXVII. | 8°; pp. xxiv-310. Light polished calf extra, gilt back, yellow edges, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. TIS 679 M’CALL (HUGH).— Tue HISTORY OF GEORGIA, Containing BRIEF SKETCHES of the most REMARKABLE EVENTS, up to the Present Day. By CAPT. HUGH M’CALL. Savannan: Printed and Published by Seymour & Williams, 1811-16. 2 vols. 8°; VoL. I. pp. viit., 376; VOL. II. pp. vit., 424. Bound in bright crimson levant morocco extra, gilt backs and tops, by BRADSTREET. UNCUT. LARGE AND VERY FINE, CLEAN COPY OF THIS RARE WORK. 204 Catalogue of Books and MWanusceripts. JO 680 MCCLELLAN (GEN. GEORGE B.)— Report of the SecRETARY OF War CommMunicaTINnG the Report of Captain GEorGE B. McCLELLAN, one of the Officers sent to the Seat of War in Europe, in 1855 and 1856. WASHINGTON: 1857. 4°; cloth; map, etc. Z— 68: M’CLINTOCK (CAPT. F. L.) — Zhe Voyage of the “ Fox” in the Arctic Seas. A NARRATIVE of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir JOHN FRANK- Lin and His Companions. Lonpon: Murray,.1859. 8°; maps and illustrations. Half green morocco, gilt back and top, UNCUT. Avo 682 M’CLUNG (J. A.)—SKETCHES of WESTERN ADVENTURE: containing an Account of the most interesting Incidents connected with the SETTLEMENT OF THE WEST, from 1755 to 1794: Together with an ApPEN- pix. By JoHN A. M’CiuNG. PHILADELPHIA: Grigg & Elliot, 1832. 12° ; pp. xit.-360. Half brown morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. © 683; MCCULLOCH AND LOCKE PRINCIPLES of POLITICAL ECONOMY: With Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Science. By J. R. M’CuLLtocw. ESSAY on INTEREsT and VALUE of Money. By Joun Locke. Lonpon: Alex. Murray, 1872. Crown 8°; cloth, UNCUT. KS So 684 M’KENNEY (T. L.) AND HALL (J.)— HISTORY of the INDIAN TRIBES of NORTH AMERICA, with Biographical Sketches and Anec- dotes of the Principal Chiefs. mbellished with One Hundred and Twenty Portraits from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War, at Washington. By THOMAS L. M’KENNEY, late of the Indian Department, Washing- ton, and JAMES HALL, Esq., of Cincinnati. PHILADELPHIA: Published by Edward C. Biddle, 1837-1844. 3 vols. imp. folio; half red morocco, gilt tops, UNCUT. ORIGINAL EDITION. PT — 685 [MELA.] Cosmographia pom | ponii cum figuris. COLOPHON : Opus Preclarissimfi Poponij Mellz cosmogra | phi ci itroductidibus & alijs tatopere necessa | rijs. Per Fraciscti nufiis delayerua . . . |. . . elabo- ratis. Explicit foeliciter. Impressi | uero Salmatice . . . . | Annodii. M.cccc.xcviij. Sole tauri punctum gradiente primi. 4°; crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt back, edges gilt over marbled, by HARDY. Two maps. B. A. V., Add., No. 8. See on back of title, 16th line: ‘‘ extra istas duas extremas plurima juenititur. nam uersus occidens serenissimus hispaniarum rex Ferdinadus & helisabeth terra habitata distaté ab occidéti p. xlv. gradus iuenerit.”’ Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. —_—«-205 a [MENDOGA (JUAN GONCALES pe).] The Hisftorie of the great and mightie kingdome of China, and the fituation thereof : Togither with the great riches, huge Citties, politike gouernement, and rare inuentions in the fame. [By Juan Gon¢gaALEs DE MENDOG¢A.] Tranflated out of Spanifh by &. Parke. LONDON. Printed by 7. Wolfe for Edward White, and are to be fold at the little North doore of Paules, at the figne of the Gun. 1588. Sm. 4°; 4 prel. leaves, and 410 ~p. BLACK LETTER. Beautifully bound in bright crimson levant morocco, finely polished, blind tooled, with large center ornaments, richly gilt, broad inside dentelle borders, finely worked and delicately vilt after avery tasteful pattern, gilt edges, by RIVIERE. EXCESSIVELY RARE. Q- 687 MENZEL (WOLFGANG).— GERMAN LITERATURE. | Trans- lated from the German, with Notes by THomas GorDoN. OxFrorD: D. A. Talboys, MDCCCXL. 4 vols. post 8°; half gray calf, gilt tops, UNCUT. ea 688 [MENZIES (W.)|— CATALOGUE of Books, Manuscripts and EN- GRAVINGS Belonging to WILLIAM MENZIES, of New-York. NEw YorkK: 1875. 8°; half blue morocco, gilt top, UNCUT. >) 3 fe 689 MERIAN (MATTHIEU).—La DANSE DES MORTS, comme elle est dépeinte dans la louable et célébre VILLE DE BASLE, pour servir de Mrrorr de la NarurE Humaine, Dessinée et Gravée sur l Original de feu Mr. MatrHieu MERIAN. On yaajouté une DESCRIPTION DE LA VILLE DE Baste, & des vers 4 chaque Figure. A BASLE, chez Jean Rod. Im-Hof & Fils, 1789. 4°; pp. 190; engraved frontispiece in German, with broad border containing various figures of death ; 43 plates engraved by CHOVIN. Halfdark blue morocco, gilt back and top. FINE, CLEAN copy. SCARCE. 37 206 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. FO i \'6go MERIMEE (P.)}— LETTRES A UNE INCONNUE par Prosper Mérim&e. Précédées d’une Etude sur Mérimée par H. TAINE. Quatriéme Edition entigrement revue. Paris: Michel Lévy fréres, 1874. 2 vols. 8°: half brown morocco, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. Jo — 69:1 MICHEL (MARIUS).—La RELIURE FRANCAISE Commerciale et Industrielle depuis l’Invention de l’Imprimerie jusqu’a nos jours. Par MM. MARIUS-MICHEL Relieurs-Doreurs. Paris: Morgand et Fatout, 1881. 4° ; beautifully printed on Fapan paper, with 23 plates. In a portfolio. Me — 692 MILL (JOHN STUART).— PRINCIPLES of POLITICAL ECON- OMY, with some of their APPLICATIONS to SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY. By JOHN STUART MILL. Fourth Edition. Lonpon: J. W. Parker & Son. M.DCCC.LVII. 2 vols. 8°; half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. /JS — 693 MILL (JOHN STUART).— WORKS. Comprisine 1. Autobiography, 1 vol, 2. Dissertations and Discussions, 4 vols. 3. Considerations on Representative Government,1 vo/, 4. Examination of Sir William Hamil- ton’s Philosophy, 2 vols. 5. On Liberty. The Subjection of Women, 1 vol. Comte’s Positive Philosophy, 1 vol, New York: Henry Holt & Com- pany, 1873. 10 vols. 8°; half blue morocco, gilt backs, marbled edges. MILL (JOHN STUART).— THREE ESSAYS on RELIGION. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1874. 8°; cloth, UNCUT. MILL AND WILSON.— Tue HISTORY of BRITISH INDIA. By JamEs MILL, Esq. Fifth Edition, with NOTES and CONTINUATION by Horace Hayman WItson, M. A. Lonpon: 1858. 10 vols. in 5, crown 8°; green calf extra, gilt back, marbled edges. MILLER’S (JOE) JESTS: or, the WITS VADE-MECUM. Being a Collection of the most Brilliant Jests; the Politest Repartees; the most Elegant Bons Mots, and most pleasant short Stories in the English Language. Lonpon: Printed and Sold by T; Read, MDCCXXXIX. 8°; half morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. Facsimile reprint of the Original ‘' Foe Miller's Fests.” Catalogue of Books and Wanuscripts. 207 JO — 697 MILMAN (H. H.)— History of Latin Curistianity; including that of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicotas V. By HENRY HART MILMAN, D. D., Dean of St. Faul’s. New YorK: 1870. 8 vols. crown 8°; half blue calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. Ay 698 MILMAN (H.H.)—Tue History of the Jews, from the EarLiest Prertop down to MopERN Times. Reprinted from the newly revised and corrected London edition. NrEw York: 1874. 3 vols. crown 8°; cloth. ee 699 MILTON (JOHN).—COMUS. A MASKE | PRESENTED | aT LUDLOW Caste, | 1634: | On Michaelmasse night, before the | RiGHT HONOR4BLE, | Ioun Larle of Bridgewater, Viscount Brackly, | Lord President of WALES, And one of | His MatestiEs most honorable | Privie Counsell. Eheu quid volui misero mihi! floribus austrum | Perditus. Lonpon: Printed for Humphrey Robinson, | at the signe of the Three Pidgeons in | Pauls Church-yard, 1637. Sm. 4°; bound in dark blue morocco, richly gilt on sides and back, gilt edges, by MATTHEWS. THE First EDITION. This is the FIRST WORK By MILTON which appeared in print. It is exceedingly rare, especially when, like this copy, it is in perfect condition. It has never been offered at public sale in this country, and last sold publicly in England in 1881 for £68. oye ote 700 MILTON (JOHN).—LYCIDAS. Justa | EDOVARDO KING | naufrago, | ab | Amicis moerentibus, | amoris | & | pveias yas. | Si recté calculum ponas, ubique naufragium est. Pet. Arb. CaANTABRIGIZ: | Apud Zhomam Buck & Rogerum Daniel, celeberrime | Academiz typographos, 1638. Sm. 4°; bound in dark blue morocco extra, delicately gilt on sides and back, gilt edges, by BED- FORD. THE First EDITION. This volume is divided into two parts. The first contains an account of KING in Latin printed in capitals, supposed by some to have been written by Milton, and Latin and Greek tributes. The second part contains the English tributes, and is separated from the first by a distinct title surrounded by heavy black borders: ‘‘ Obsequies to | the memorie | of | Mr. Edward | King, | Anno Dom. | 1638. | Printed by Th. Buck and R. Daniel, | printers to the Universitie of | Cambridge. 1638. ‘« Tycidas’’ comes last in order, and fittingly crowns this remarkable collection of elegies. It is not signed in full, but bears the initials of MILTON. It is the first edition of this celebrated composition, and is extremely rare. A copy brought at Sotheby's, in 1881, £68. It is believed that no copy has since been offered at public sale. This copy is complete in every way, and is in absolutely perfect condition. a7* 208 Catalogue of Books and Wanuseripts. Lis ~ 1 MILTON (joHN).— Paradise lost. | 4 | POEM | Written in | TEN BOOKS | Sy Joun Mixron, | Licensed and Entered according | to Order. | Lonpon | Printed, and are to be sold by Péter Parker, | under Creed Church neer A/dgaie ; And by | Robert Boulter at the Turks Head in Bishopsgate-street ; | And Matthias Walker, under St. Dun- stons Church | in Fleet Street, 1667. Sut. 4°; bound in dark blue morocco, with border of five fillets on sides, gilt edges. FIRST EDITION, and with the First TITLE-PAGE. The arguments of the ten books, a note on ‘‘ The Verse,” and a list of ‘‘ Errata,’’ all of the edition of 1668, have been added. Two pgrtraits of Milton, one by Faithorne, the other by Vertue, have been inserted before the title-page. This copy is from the library of the late R. S. Turner, and has his ‘‘ E-L1IBRIs.” ‘943 — 7o2 MILTON (JOHN).— PARADISE REGAINED. A Poem. In IV books. To which is added Samson AconisTEs. The Author John Milton, Lonpon: Printed by J. MZ. for John Starkey at the Mitre in Fleet Street near Temple- Bar. MDCLXXI. Sm. 8°; full blue morocco extra, gilt back and sides. FIRST EDITION. VERY FINE COPY. COLLATION: ‘Two leaves; B-P4, in eights; Imprimatur, 1 leaf; Title, 1 leaf; Paradise Regained, Br; Title to Samson Agonistes, Ir; Errata, P4. / dd! — 303 MILTON (J.)— Tue POETICAL WORKS or JOHN MILTON. Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1851. 3 vols, 12°; portrait; brown calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. JAL ~ 704 MOHAWK.— The | Mornine and Eventnc Prayer. | The Litany, and Church Catechifm. | =| NE | Orhoengene neoni Yogaraskhagh | Yon- dereanayendaghkwa, | Ne Ene Niyoh Raodeweyena, neoni | Onoghfado- geaghtige Yondadderigh- | wanondoentha. | Boston, NeEw-ENGLAND: | Printed by Richard & Samuel Draper, 1763. Sm. 4°; Title, 1 leaf, verso blank; The Order for Morning Prayer daily | throughout the Year, | 2. 1-16; The Litany, Af. 17-24; The Church Catechifm, #¢. 1-9; [Various] Prayers, pp. 10-18. Half brown morocco, rough edges. EXTREMELY RARE. Jo — 70°35 MOHAWK.—A | PRIMER, | for the USE of the | MOHAWK CHILDREN, | To acquire the SPELLING and Reapinc of their | own, as well as to get acquainted with the | ENcLIisH, Tongue; which for that Pur- pofe is put | on the oppofite Page. | WAERIGHWAGHSAWE | IKSAON- GOENWA | Tfiwaondad derighhonny Kaghyadoghfera; |. . . Lonpov, | Printed by C. Buckton, Great Pultney-Street, 1786. 16°; 2p. 98. Curious frontispiece representing an Indian school, engraved by J. PEACHEY, and on p. 19 a woodcut of ‘‘an angel, holding the Holy Bible.’’ A VERY FINE, CLEAN COPY, in the original binding, with the book-plate of WILLIAM PENN. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 209 50 — 706 MOHAWK.— Tue BOOK or | COMMON PRAYER, | Anp AD- MINISTRATION or THE | SACRAMENTS, | AND OTHER | RITES ‘and CEREMONIES | of the | CHURCH, | accorDING TO THE USE OF THE | CHURCH OF ENGLAND: | Together with | A Collection of Occasional Prayers, and | divers Sentences of | HOLY SCRIPTURE, | Neceffary for Knowledge and Practice. | Formerly collected, and tranflated into the Mohawk Language | under the direction of the Miffionaries of the So- ciety for the | Propagation of the Gofpel in Foreign Parts, to the Mohawk Indians. | 4 MEW EDITION. | To which is added | The Gospet ac- cording to Sr. Mark, | Tranflated into the Mohawk Language, | By Capt™ JOSEPH BRANT, | Ax Indian of the Mohawk Nation. | Lonvon: Printed by C. Bucton, Great Pultney Street, | Golden Square, 1787. [/ndian Title on opposite page.] NE YAKAWEA | YONDEREANAYENDAGHKWA | OGHSERA- GWEGOUH, | Neon1 Yakawea | NE ORIGHWADOGEAGHTY | YONDATNEKOSSERAGHS | Neonr | TEKARIGHWAGEHHA- DONT, | ova ont | ADEREANAYENT,| Ne Teas Nikariwake | RADITSIHUHSTATSYGOWA | RONADERIGHWISSOH | GO- RAGHGOWA | ACONEA RODANHAOUBH. | oni, | WATKANISSA- AGHTOH | ODDYAKE ADEREANAYENT, | NEONI TSINIYOGHT- HARE NE | KAGHYADOGHSERADOGEAGHTY, | Mewahdeny Akoyendarake neoni Ahhondatterihhonny, | et. . . KEAGAYE ASE YONDEREANAYENDAGHKWA. | ONI TAHOGHSONDEROH | ST. MARK RAORIGHWADOGEAGHTY, | Tekaweanadennyoh Kanyenkehaga Rakowanea | T'HAYENDANEGEA, | Roewaya/s. | Lonpon: | Karistodarho C. Buck- ton, Great Puliney Street, | Golden Square, 1787. 8°; English and Indian Titles, pp. tii, 505, (1). Frontispiece and 18 copperplates (‘' Fames Peachey, Sculpt 1786"'). Richly bound in fine old English red morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, sides bordered in gold with large ornaments in the center, and inlaid blue morocco label, with the name of ‘‘ THE RIGHT HON’8LE LORD LOVAINE, 1787.’ A LARGE, CLEAN COPY, IN PER- FECT PRESERVATION, /2y—_ 407 MOHAWK.— Tuer BOOK or | COMMON PRAYER, | &c. ANOTHER Copy, ABSOLUTELY UNCUT, fresh and clean as when first issued from the press, neatly bound in white vellum by W. PRATT. LONDON: 1787. 8°. EXCESSIVELY RARE in this splendid condition. 708 MOMACHO (ROBERT).— BELLVM CHRISTI- |Anorv pRINcIPvM, PRAECIPVE GALLO | RUM, CONTRA SARACENOS, ANNO SALVTIS | M.LXXXVIII. pro terra sancta gestum: autore | RopBERTO MoMACHO. CaroLvs Verardus de expugnatione regni Granate: que con | tigit ab hinc quadragesimo secundo anno, per Catholici' regem | Ferdinandum 210 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Hispaniarum. Cristophorus Colom de prima insularum, in mari Indico sitarum, | lustratione, que sub rege Ferdinando Hispaniarum facta est. . . COLOPHON: BASILEAE EXCVDEBAT HENRICVS PE- | TRVS MENSE AVGVSTO ANNO | D.M.XXXIII. Folio; bound by NIEDREE in dark green morocco plain, gilt edges. The first letter of COLUMBUS is to be found on pp. 73-74. 709 MONARDES (NICOLO).—IOYFVLL NEWES | Out of the New- found VVorlde, | Wherein are declared, the rare and | finguler vertues of diuers Herbs, Trees, | Plantes, Oyles & Stones, with their ap- | plications, af well to the ufe of Phificke, as of | Chirurgery : which being well applyed, bring | Such prefent remedie for all difeafes, as may | feeme altogether incredible: not- with- | ftanding by practice found out | to be true. | Alfo the portrature of the faid Hearbs, | verie aptly defcribed: Englifhed by John Frampton Mar- chant. RNetwlp corrected as by conference twith | the olde copies map appeare. Where | unto are added three other bookes | treat- ing of the Wesaar ftone, the Herb | Elcuerconera, the proper- ties of Fron | and Atecle im Medicine, and the be- | nefit of Anotw, | Lonvon, | Printed by Z. Adide, by the afsigne of | Bonham NVorton. | 1596. | Sm. 4°; Title, pp. 4, 374. Red levant morocco extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. With WoopcutTs of plants, animals, etc., including the ‘‘ Zodbaco Plant.”” BLACK LETTER. aa 710 MONEY, CURRENCY, BANKS: (1.) Senior (N. W.) Three Lec- tures on the Cost of Obtaining Money, and on some effects of Private and Government Paper. Lond. 1830. fp. 103. (2.) NORMAN (G. W.) Letter to CHARLES Woop, M. P., on Money, and the Means of Economising the Use of it. Zond. 1841. fp. 106. (3.) Ricarpo (S.) A National Bank, the Remedy for the Evils attendant upon our Present System of Paper Currency. Lond. 1838. pp. 65. (4.) Tooke (T.) Letter to Lorp GRENVILLE on the Effects ascribed to the Resumption of Cash Payments on the Value of the Currency. Lond. 1829. pp. 132. (5.) Letters to the Rt. Hon. RoBERr PEEL, on the Pernicious Effects of a Variable Standard of Value (by CoPLe- STON). Oxford, 1819. pp. 104 & fp. 112. LONDON: 1819-1841. 6 pieces in 1 vol. 8°; half morocco. tO — Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 211 711 MONTALBODDO (FR. DE). TITLE: PAESI NOUAMENTE RETROUATI, & NOUO MODO DA ALBERICO VESPUTIO FLO-| RETINO INTITULATO. ( Then vignette representing the King receiving Vespucius.) IN FINE: @ Stampato in Milano con la impensa de Io. Iacobo & fratelli da | Lignano: & diligente cura & industria de Ioanne Angelo fcinzen | zeler: nel. Mccccc.xix. a di. v. de Mazo. | Sm. 4°; bound in red crushed morocco, gilt edges, by PRATT. A valuable, interesting, and exceedingly rare work, extensively quoted by early authors. B. A. V. No. 94. From the Barlow Collection. 712 MONTALBODDO (FR. DE). TITLE: Pacsi nouamente ritrouati per la Nauigatione di Spagna in Calicut. Et da alber tutio Vesputio Fiorentino intitulato Mon do Nouo. Nouamente Impresso. ( Then vignette representing Venice, filling the vest of the page.) IN FINE: @ Stampata in Venetia per Zorzo de Rusconi Milla | nese. Nel. M.D.XXI. adi. xy. de Febraro. Sm. 8°; bound in crimson crushed morocco extra, gilt edges, by BEDFORD. This edition is as rare as that of 1519, and has about the same intrinsic value. B. A. V. No. 109. From the Barlow Collection. 713 MONTAIGNE (M. DE).— WORKS of Micuaet de Montaicne, Com- prising his ESSAYS, Journey into Iraty, and Letters, with Notes from all the Commentators, Biographical and Bibliographical Notices, etc. By W. HAZLITT. A new and carefully revised edition. Edited by O. W. WIGHT. CamBridcE: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1864. 4 vols. 8°; portrait. Half olive morocco, gilt tops, UNCUT. LARGE PAPER. Only 75 copies printed. 714 MONTANUS (BENED. ARIAS).— HvMANAE SALVTIS MONVMENTA. | B. ARIAE | MONTANI STVDIO CON | STRVCTA ET DECANTATA. | ANTVERP. EX PROTO TYPOGRAPHIA | REGIA. | CHRISTOPH.| PLANTINVS | D.S.P.F.C. | 1571. [Eneraved title.] Sm. 4°; bound in green morocco, somewhat faded, marbled edges. A book remarkable both for its beautifully engraved plates and its rarity. The set of plates is complete, and the. impressions are excellent. They were engraved, probably, by Peter Breughel, J. Wierx, Crispin de Pas, and others. From the Wodhull Library. 212 Catalogue of Books and MPanuseripts. ot al 715 [MONTESQUIEU.|—Le Tempite pe Gnipe. NovuveLie EDITIon, Avec Figures Gravées par N. LE Mire, @’apres les Defsins de Cu. E1sEn. Le Texte Gravé par Drover. A Paris, chez le Mire Graveur, 1772. Roy. 8°; most sumptuously bound in highly polished crimson levant morocco, gilt back and edges, sides covered with broad dentelle gold borders elegantly tooled, insides lined with polished citron levant morocco, embellished with rich gold borders, corner ornaments most delicately tooled, morocco joints, double fly-leaves, by TRAUTZ-BAUZONNET, in their very finest and most artistic style. A MAGNIFICENT COPY OF THIS ELEGANT VOLUME, WITH PLATES of the most dazzling ‘brilliancy. The frontispiece is in duplicate, the first showing the principal figure ‘‘ uncovered,” and being a proof before letters. /9- 716 MORGAN (LEWIS H.)—LEAGUE of the HO-DE-NO-SAU-NEE, or IRoquoIs. ROCHESTER: Sage & Brother, 1851. 8°; maps, plates, and plans. Cloth, rough edges. Very fine, clean copy. SCARCE. /§o ~ 111 MORTON (THOMAS). NEW ENGLISH CANAAN NEW CANAAN. Containing an Abftract of New-England, Compofed in three Bookes. The firft Booke fetting forth the originall of the Natives, their Manners and Cuftomes, together with their tractable Nature and Love towards the Englifh. The fecond Booke fetting forth the naturall Indowments of the Country, and what ftaple Commodities it yealdeth. The third Booke fetting forth, what people are planted there, their profperity, what remarkable accidents have happened fince the firft planting of it, together with their Tenents and practife of their Church. Written by Thomas Morton of Cliffords Inne gent, upon tenne yeares knowledge and experiment of the Country. Printed at AMSTERDAM, By JACOB FREDERICK STAM, In the Yeare 1637. Sm. 4°; pp. 188, (3). Bound in light green levant morocco super-extra, paneled and filleted sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. A SPLENDID Copy of this EX- CEEDINGLY RARE AND HIGHLY FACETIOUS WORK. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 213 «Z_. 718 MOORE (THOMAS).—IRISH MELODIES. Ixiustratep sy D. MACLISE, R. A. Lonpon: Longman & Co. 1846. Roy. 8°; elegantly printed within ornamental borders, on fine, thick paper; with 161 beautiful ’ DESIGNS 4y D. MACLISE, ALL PROOFS; ¢he letterpress engraved on steel by CHAS. G. LEWIS & F. P. BECKER. Bound in light polished calf super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, by W. PRATT. / — 719 MORRIS (WILLIAM).—Tue EARTHLY PARADISE. A Porm. Boston: [ondon:] MDCCCLXVIII. Crown 8° ; cloth, gilt top, UNCUT. gr «CS — 420 MORTON (NATHANIEL).— New-Encianps | MEMORIALL: | or, | A brief Relation of the most Memorable and Remarkable | Passages of the Providence of God, manifested to the | PLANTERS | or | Mew-Eng- land in America ; | With special Reference to the first Colony thereof, called | New-P.rmoutu. | As also a Nomination of divers of the most Eminent Instruments deceased, both of Church and Common-wealth, improved in the | first beginning and after-progress of sundry of the respective | Jurisdic- tions in those Parts: in reference unto sundry | Exemplary Passages of their Lives, and | the time of their DEATH. Published for the Use and Benefit of present and future Generations, | by NATHANIEL Morton, | Secretary of the Court for the Jurisdiction of Vew- Plimouth. Deut. 32: 10. He found him in a desert Land, and in the waste howling wilderness ; he led him | about, he instructed him, he kept him as the Apple of his Eye. Jerem. 2: 2, 3. JZ remember thee, the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine Espousals, | when thou wentest after me in the wilderness, in a Land that was not sown, &¢. Deut. 8: 2,16. And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee | these forty years in the wilderness, &c. CAMBRIDGE: Printed by S. G. and MZ J. for John Vsher of Boston, 1669. Sm. 4°; bound by BEDFORD in crimson morocco extra gilt and gilt edges. This book is one of those commonly referred to as ‘‘ the corner-stone’’ of the early history of New England, and its accurate and full account of transactions there from 1620 to 1668 justify its claim to that title. It is EXCESSIVELY RARE. The present volume is perfect and in remarkably brilliant condition. 28 214 Catalogue of Books and Manuseripts. Lo — 721 MORTON (NATHANIEL).— New-England’s | Memorial; | or, | A brief Relation of the moft Memorable and | Remarkable Paffages of the Providence of | God manifefted to the | PLANTERS | or | Wew-Zng- land in America | With fpecial Reference to the firft Colony | thereof, Called | New-Plimouth | As alfo a Nomination of divers of the moft Eminent | Inftruments deceafed, both of Church & Common | Wealth, im- proved in the firft beginning and after | progrefs of fundry of the refpective Jurifdictions in | thofe Parts ; in reference unto fundry Exemplary | Paflages of their Lives, & the time of their Death. | Publifhed for the Ufe and Benefit of | prefent and future Generations. | By WATHAN/JEL MOR- TON, Secretary to the Court for the Jurif- | diction of Mew-Plimouth. | [ Zexts of Scripture, 6 lines.| Boston: Reprinted for Daniel Henchman, at the Corner | Shop over-againft the Brick-Meeting-Houfe, 1721. Sm. 8°: pp. (10), 248. Red levant morocco extra, paneled sides with corner ornaments, gilt back and edges, inside gilt borders, by W. PRATT. FINE Copy. VERY SCARCE. 4L/O — 722 MOURT (G.)—A ReExation or IouRNALL of the beginning and pro- ceedings of the ENGLISH PLANTATION setled at PLIMOTH in NEw ENGLAND, by certaine English Aduenturers both Merchants and others. With their difficult passage, their safe arriuall, their ioyfull building of, and comfortable planting themselues in the now well defended Towne of New Plimoth. As also a Relation of Fovre seuerall discoueries since made by some of the same English Planters there resident. I. In a iourney to Pvckanokick the habita- tion of the Indians greatest King Massasoyt: as also their message, the answer and entertainment they had of him. II. In a voyage made by ten of them to the Kingdome of Nawset, to seeke a boy that had lost himselfe in the woods: with such accidents as befell them in that voyage. III. In their iourney to the Kingdome of Namaschet, in defence of their greatest King Massasoyt, against the Narrohiggonsets, and to reuenge the supposed death of their Interpreter Tisquantum. IIII. Their voyage to the Massa- chusets, and their entertainment there. With an answer to all such objec- tions as are any way made against the lawfulnesse of English plantations in those parts. 4to, calf. Lonpon: Printed for Iohn Bellamie, and are to be sold at his shop at the two Greyhounds in Cornhill neere the Royall Exchange, 1622. Sim. 4°; bound in green crushed morocco extra, gilt edges, by PRATT. Mourt’s ‘‘ Relation’ is another of those books usually catalogued as ‘‘the chief corner- stone" of a library of Americana, and as it is one of the earliest accounts of New England history it is not easy to overestimate its importance. But its value is not greater than the difficulty of procuring the book in good condition. It was evidently very popular at the time of its publication, and received careless usage. Not one thoroughly good copy has been offered for sale here, either at auction or by dealers, for twenty years. The present is an unusually clean copy, but the top of the title-page has been cut so close as to eliminate the initial ‘‘ A.”’ Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. 215 /'02-— 423 MURNER (TH.) Logica | memoratiua Chartiludtii logice, ftue tottus dialectice memoria: & nouus Petri hyfpani tex tus emendatus: Cum iucundo picta{matis exercitio: Eruditi viri. f. Thome Murner Argétini: ordi- nis minor: theolo gie doctoris eximij. IN FINE: Argétine, induftrius vir Ioanes gruninger impreffit. Anno a crifti faluatoris natiuitate. M.D.IX. Ipfa die diui Thome Cantuarienfis. Sm. 42; 79 leaves, sign. A-N, with 54 exceedingly curious woodcuts. Oak boards, covered with sheepskin, and tooled in the style of the sixteenth century. ‘‘THOMAS MURNER, a learned Minorite friar of the order of St. Francis who flourished at the commencement of the sixteenth century, and being engaged in teaching philosophy, first at Cracovia, and afterwards at Friburg, perceived that his young pupils were disgusted with the formalities of a treatise of Logic which was placed in their hands to teach them the terms of dialectic science. He imagined a new method of exciting their attention by composing one himself, in the manner of a Game at Cards, which, in the form of a pleasing recreation, engaged them to pursue the subject, and insensibly surmount the difficulties of this dry and repulsive study. So successful were his endeavours, that the extraordinary and rapid progress of his scholars caused him at first to be suspected as a magician; and, to justify himself, he was obliged to produce his new invented game, and demonstrate to the rectors of the University the means by which such wonders were effected, who not only highly approved, but applauded his invention, and admired it, as something more than human. This game, according to Menes- trier, was composed of 52 cards on which were depicted Bells, Crabs, Fish, Acorns, Scorpions, Turbans, Hearts, Swallows, Suns, Stars, Pigeons, Crescents, Cats, Shields, Crowns, and Ser- pents; but in what manner these objects were applied to the inculcation of logical rules and dialectic terms, we shall not attempt to describe. The success and popularity of this book gave rise at a future period to numerous applications of Cards for purposes of instruction; that Murner’s attempt was the model upon which all subsequent ones were founded, cannot be doubted, and the number of games which were published in the commencement of the seven- teenth century is astonishing. We have seen the attempt renewed in our own times, and there is scarcely a branch of juvenile education which has not been thus treated.’— MARCHAND, “ Dict. Historique,’ ART. MURNER. SINGER, ‘‘ Researches into the History of Playing Cards,” pp. 216-17. 28* 216 Catalogue of Books and Wanuseripts. Lilo 724 ARRAGANSETT CLUB.— Pustications of the NARRAGAN- { SETT CLus. (First Series.) Votume I. Provipence, R.I.: MDCCCLXVI. 4°; brown cloth, UNCUT. 200 COPIES PRINTED FOR SUBSCRIBERS. CONTENTS. (1) Biographical Introduction. By Reuben A. Guild, A. M. (2) Williams's (Roger) Key into the Language of America. Edited by James Hammond Trumbull, A. M. (3) Letter of Mr. John Cotton to Mr. R. Williams. (4) Mr. Cotton’s Letter Examined and Answered by Roger Williams. Edited by Reuben A. Guild, A. M. SO ~ 725 NATALIS (HIERONYMUS).—Evancetic# Hisrorr# IMAGINES ex ordine Evangeliorum, que toto anno in Missz sacrificio recitantur. Engraved title and 153 plates exquisitely engraved on copper by Hier., Ant., and loan. Wierx, Adr. Collaert, and C. de Mallery. ANTUERPI®: 1593. Folio; bound by MATTHEWS in blue crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges. Original and very fine impressions of this beautiful series of engravings illustrating the Gospel narratives. One plate neatly colored; 14 plates neatly inlaid; corner of some margins somewhat finger-soiled. igre ~ 726 NEPOS (CORNELIUS).—The Lives of DistrncuisHep MEN. VEN- ICE: lV. Jenson, 1471. COLOPHON: PROBI AEMILLII DE VIRORVM EXCELLEN- TIVM VITA PER M. NICOLAVM IENSON VENETIIS OPVS FOELICITER IMPRESSVM EST ANNO A CHRISTI INCARNATIONE. M.CCCC.LXXI. VIII IDVS MARTIAS. Sm. folio; bound in green morocco extra, leather joints, gilt edges, by ROGER PAYNE. This is the First EDITION of this book, which has held for centuries a prominent place in classical literature. Aside from its literary merit, the present copy has an especial charm for the lover of excellent typography. The paper is an unusually good specimen of the work of the fifteenth century, and is as fresh and free from stain as if it had been made within a few years. The ink is lustrous, the registry perfect, and the margins wide. The capital letters are, as usual, painted by hand. But the most attractive feature of the book is, perhaps, the first page. This has been illuminated most beautifully in water-color, by an Italian artist. At the bottom of the page is a spirited picture of a battle between ancient galleys propelled by oars, This, like the remainder of the book, is in perfect preservation. From the libraries of Sir M. Sykes and M. Wodhull. rs A, 727 NEW-ENGLAND PRIMER.—TueE | WNew-England | PRIMER | Improved. | For the more eafy attaining the true | Reading of Englifh. | To which is added, | The Affembly of Divines, | and Mr. Corron’s | Catechifm.. | Boston: Printed and Sold | by S. Adams, in Queen-Jireet, 1762. 32°; 40 unnumbered leaves. On the recto of the first leaf is a large woodcut portrait of * Kin g George the Third, Crown'd September 22d, 1761."" The 24 woodcuts illustrative of the alphabet, and the familiar rhymed couplets, are remarkably fresh and clean. The impressive cut repre- senting Mr. John Rogers burning at the stake, in the presence of his pious and prolific wife, : Catalogue of Books and AWanuseripts. 217 ““ with mine small children and one at her breast,’’ will be found on the verso of the fifteenth leaf. This copy contains Mr. John Cotton's ‘' Spiritual Milk | for | AMERICAN Babes. | Drawn out of the Breafts of both Tefaments, | for their Souls Nourifhment"’; ‘‘ A DIALOGUE [2x verse] between CHRIST, Youth, and the Devil’; and ends witly, ‘‘ The late Reverend & Venerable Mr. Nathanael Clap, of Newport oz Rhod-Ifland; Ais Advice to Children." A VERY FINE, CLEAN COPY OF AN EXTREMELY RARE EDITION, i the original split boards and sheep binding. ‘““THe LITTLE BIBLE OF NEW-ENGLAND.” The late Mr. George Livermore, a diligent and successful collector of early Catechisms and Primers, remarks, in one of a series of articles on ‘‘The Origin and History of the New England Primer,’ published in the ‘‘ Cambridge Chronicle"’ in 1849: ‘‘ I have not been able to find a copy of the work bearing an earlier date than the year 1775. . . Nor have I seen a person who has seen a copy of an earlier date.” The Lenox Library contains a copy bearing the date of the year 1727. See Brinley Catalogue, PART III., Z. 159. /“{— 728 NEW-ENGLAND PRIMER (Tue) Improvep. To which is added, THE AsSEMBLY’s CATECHISM. PHILADELPHIA: JZ. Carey, 1810. pp. 36. Tue YOUTH’S PRIMER. . . Adorned with Cuts, by the Compiler, JONATHAN FIsHER, A. M., Minister of the Gospel at Bluehill, Maine. Bos- ton: Samuel Armstrong, 1817. pp. 108. THE AMERICAN PRIMER. Fourth Improved Edition, Curious Woodcuts, Puia.: M7. Carey, 1813. pp. 36. THe EVANGELICAI, PRIMER. By JosepH Emerson, Pas- tor of a Church in Beverly. With 72 Cuts. Boston: 1820. fp. 72. THE | NEW-ENGLAND PRIMER. . . PuitapeLpHia: Seeman Scoit. n. d. pp. 36, in the original covers. ‘THE FRANKLIN FAMILY PRIMER. . . Adorned with a Variety of Cuts, Improved Edition. Boston: Manning & Loring. [1811.] fp. 72. 6 pieces in one vol. 18°; half blue morocco. A VERY CURIOUS COLLECTION, (27 729 NEW ENGLANDS FIRST FRUITS; in respect, Conversion of some First of the < Conviction of divers > of the Indians. Preparation of sundry 2. Of the progresse of Learning in the Colledge at Cambridge in Massacu- sets Bay. With Divers-other speciall Matters concerning that Countrey, &c. LONDON: 1643. Sm. 4°; bound in brown crushed morocco extra, corners elaborately tooled, gilt edges, by MATTHEWS. i The first of a series of reports relative to the conversion of the aborigines in New England. 0 730 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY PAPERS. Vou. I. New Haven: Printed for the Society, 1865. 8° ; cloth. Contains a valuable and extremely interesting ‘‘ Historical Account of Connecticut Cur- rency, Continental Money, and the Finances of the Revolution,’ by HENRY Bronson, M. D. 218 Catalogue of Books and Manusrripts. i o. 731 [NEW NETHERLAND.]— Desehrijpinghe ban Cirginia, Nieuw Nederlandt, Nieuw-Engelandt, en d’Eylanden Bermudes, Berbados, en S. Christoffel. ~Dienstelijck voor elck een derwaerts handelende, en alle voort- planters van nieuw Colonien, AMSTERDAM: fvost Hartgers, 1651. Sm. 4°; bound in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by MATTHEWS. This volume contains much valuable information, but on account of its language it will interest the majority chiefly by its map and copperplate cuts, among which is included THE FIRST ENGRAVED VIEW OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, on page 21. Fred. Muller mentions it as ‘‘one of the most interesting, scarcest, and first books on New Netherland.” It is in beautiful condition. 732 NEW TESTAMENT of our Lorn and Saviour Jesus Curist. WITH ENGRAVINGS ON Woop From Desicns of Fra Angelico, Pietro Perugino, Francesco Francia, Lorenzo Di Credi, Fra Bartolommeo, Titian, Raphael, Gaudenzio Ferrari, Daniel Di Volterra, and others. Lonpon: Longman & Co. 1865. 4°; brown grosgr. levant morocco, back and sides blind tooled, brass guards and clasp, inside broad gilt borders, brown watered-silk linings, morocco joints. 4f— 733 NEW TESTAMENT (Tue) for ENGLISH READERS: contain- ing the Authorized Version, with Marginal Corrections of Readings and Renderings; Marginal References; and a CriTicaAL and EXPLANATORY CoMMENTARY. By Henry Atrorp, D. D. Boston: Lee & Shepard. 1872. 2 4 parts 8°; half morocco, gilt tops, UNCUT. 2AO- 734 NEW YORK CITY CHARTER. Charter CITY OF NEW-YORK ; Printed by Order of the Mayor, Recor- der, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City aforefaid. ~ TO WHICH IS ANNEXED, The Act of the General Affembly confirming the si NEW-YORK, Printed by John Peter Zenger, 1735. Folio; pp.52. Sumptuously bound in grosgr. red levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. A MAGNIFICENT COPY IN FINE, FRESH CONDITION. EXTREMELY RARE. Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. - 219 /So 735 NICHOLSON (J. B.)—A MANUAL of the ART of BOOKBIND- Vy _ — <’- ING: Containing full Instructions in the different Branches of Forwarding, Gilding, and Finishing. . . . The whole designed for the Practical Work- © man, the Amateur, and the Boox-CoLLecror. By JAMES B. NICHOL- SON. PHILADELPHIA: Henry Carey Baird, 1856. 12°; pp. 318. With cuts, specimens of paper, and plates; half crimson morocco, gilt top, UNCUT EDGES. VERY SCARCE. 736 NOCRION (CONTE ALLOBROGE).—s. /. 1747. 12°; engraved frontispiece ; beautifully bound in polished citron levant morocco super-extra, gilt back, with brown and green labels, sides richly ornamented with broad gold borders, gilt edges, inside gilt borders, by HARDY. An exquisite copy of this RARE little volume of old French facetiz. 737 NODAL.— RELACION | DEL VIAJE QVE POR | ORDEN ‘DE SV MAG?. | y acverdo del Real Confejo | de Indias. Hizieron los Capi- tanes | Bartolome Garcia de Nodal, y Gongalo | de Nodal hermanos, natu- rales de Ponte | Vedra, al defcubrimiento del Eftrecho | nuebo de S. Vicente y reconofimj’. | del de Magallanes. | A DON FERNANDO CARRI- LLO | cauallero del abito de Santiago, Prefidente | en el mifmo Con- fejo. | Con Privitecio | 2x Madrid. For Fernando Correa- | de Monte- negro. Ano. 1621.| NV. S. de Atocha N. S. del buen Suceffo. | Sm. 4°; fine old red morocco, yellow edges. Engraved title with medallion portraits of the two brothers NODAL, etc., /. de Courbes Sculpfit. At fol. 35 is a copperplate map entitled ‘‘ Reconoci- miento de los Estrechos de Magallanes y San Vicente," etc. ; ‘‘ Echa por don Pedro teixeira, Ealbernas, Cofmographo de Su Mg34."; ‘‘I. de Courbes feulpfit."” 13% dy 15% inches. VERY RARE; on the blank leaf at the beginning of the volume it is stated that only three copies are known in England. 738 NORMAN (B. M.)—Rampstes in Yucatan; or Notes of TRAVEL through the PENINSULA, including a VisiT to the remarkable Ruins of CuI- CuEN, Kasau, Zayi, and UxmaL. With Numerous Illustrations. Third Edition. New York: J. & 4. G. Langley, MDCCCXLIII. 8°; pp. 304. 25 lithographic plates, cloth, UNCUT. SZ 739 NORTON (JOHN).—THE | Heart of New-England | Rent at the BLASPHEMIES | of the prefent Generation. | Or a brief | TRAC- TATE, | Concerning the | Doctrine of the Quakers, | Demontftrating the deftructive nature | thereof, to Religion, the Churches, and | the State ; with confideration of the Re- | medy againft it. | Occafional Satisfaction to Objections, and Con- | firmation of the contrary Truth. | By JOHN WVOR- TON, Teacher of the Church of | Chrift at Bofion. | Who was appointed thereunto, by the Order of the | GENERAL COURT. | [AJo/to.| (Rev. 2. 2.) Lonpon, Printed by /. H. for John Alen at the Rifing- | Sunne in St. Fawés Church-yard, 1660. | 16°; 80 A. Maroon levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, corner ornaments on the sides, 6y F. BEDFORD. 220 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Jo _. 740 NOVA BRITANNIA. | OFFRING MOST | Excellent fruites by Planting in | Vrrcinia. | Exciting all fuch as be well affected | to further the fame. | Lonpon | Printed for SaMvEL Macuam, and are tobe fold at | his Shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the | Signe of the Bul-head. 1609. | Sm. 4°. BLACK LETTER. Crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. COLLATION: The Dedication ‘‘ To the Right VVorfhipfull, Sir THoMAs SMITH, of London, Knight, one of his Maiefties Councell for VIRGINIA,” etc., signed’ R. 1. Sig. A-E in fours, At and F4 blank. 2%- 141 NOYES (JAMES)—A SHORT | CATECHISM | Compofed | By Mr. James Noyes. | Late Teacher of the Church of | CHR/ST in | NEWBURY, | in Wew-England. | For the ufe of the Children there. | Boston, | Printed by Bartholomew Green, 1714. | Sm. 8°; pp. 15. Straight grained olive morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, éy F. BEDFORD. A BEAUTIFUL Copy of this EXTREMELY RARE Catechism. /OF — 742 Puiies Cabeca de Uata Alluar). @ La relacion p comentarios del gouernaz Dor Aluar muiie; cabera de vata, de fo acacfcido en fag Dos iornadas gue hizo a las Fndias. Con priuilegio, é COMMENTA 34% RIOS DE ALVAR NVNEZ CABE ga de vaca, adelantado y gouernador de la pro uincia del Rio de la Plata. Scriptos por Pero hernandez fcriuano y fecre tario de la prouincia. Y dirigidos al ferenifs. muy alto y muy poderofo fenor _ el Infante don Carlos, N. S. IN FINE: #&§¥ Impreffo en Valladolid, por Francifco fer- AY nandez de Cordoua. Ajo de mil y quinien- nientos [s7c] y cinquenta y cinco afios. [1555+ Sm. 4°; original limp vellum. A FINE Copy of the EXTREMELY RARE First Ep!- TION of the ‘‘ Commentarios'’ (with the second edition of the ‘' Relacion"') of Nuiiez Cabega de Vaca. It is divided into Two PARTS: the First, supposed to have been written by himself, f - © Catalogue of Books and Wanuseripts. 221 is a recital of his shipwrecks and disasters (‘‘ Maufragios de Aluar nuitez cabega de vaca’’); the SECOND (‘‘ Commentarios,”’ etc.) was written by his secretary, Pero Hernandez, while Nunez was in prison. COLLATION: Title, with large woodcut of Arms (fol. i); verso, ‘‘ El Rey,” signed “ Francifco Ledefma."’; fol. ij, ‘‘ Prohemio " (2 gg.) ; ‘‘ Naufragios,”’ fol. iij-liiij (verso); ‘‘ Tabla,” fol. lv, lvj. (verso of lvj blank); ‘‘ Commentarios,” “ Title,’ and ‘‘ Prohemio,” 2 Il. n. n. and fol. lvij; ‘‘ Text,” fol. lviij-cxlij, verso; ‘‘ Tabla,” fol. cxliij, cxliv. Colophon, on verso of fol. cxliv. See STEVENS, ‘‘ Nuggetts,"’ Vol. Il., 2. 561. HARRISSE, ‘‘Bidl. Am. Vet.,” pp. 381-384. FIELD, “‘ /ndian Bib.,"’ No. 230. BRINLEY, Cat., Part. III., No. 4360. Bolton Corney’s sale June, 1871, £39 10s. H.C. Murphy’s sale, 1884, $180. pine) YA ‘CALLAGHAN (E. B.)—RELATIONS DES JESUITES, sur les DECOUVERTES et les autres EVENENEMENTS arrivés en CANADA, et au Norp et a l’Ovrst des Erars-Unts (1611-1672). Par Le Dr. E. B. O°;CALLAGHAN. Traduit de l’ANGLaIs avec quelques Notes, Corrections et AppiTions. [Par R. PERE Martin.] Mon- TREAL: Bureau des Mélanges Religieux, Rue St. Denis, pres de? Eveche, 1850. Sm. 8°; pp. vi., 70. Dark blue morocco, red edges. VERY RARE. This French translation contains much valuable additional matter. 744 OCKLEY (SIMON).— The HISTORY of the SARACENS; Compris- ing the Lives of MoHomMED and his Successors. . . . With an Account of their most Remarkable Battles, Sieges, Revolts, &c. Fourth Edition, revised, improved, and enlarged. Lonpon: Sohn, 1847. Post 8°; half morocco, gilt top. 745 ODELL (A. J.) — Aidliotheca Curiosa. Catalogue of the Librarp or ANDREW J. ODELL, or New York. PREPARED BY GEORGE P. PHILES. New York: Sears & Cole, 1878-1879. 2 vols. roy. 8°; sumptuously printed on laid linen paper, with ORNAMENTAL INITIAL LET- TERS, HEAD-PIECES, avd TITLES of RARE Books, elegantly printed in COLORS. Bound in heavy vellum paper, with ILLUMINATED TITLES, UNCUT. A very limited number of copies only, PRINTED EXCLUSIVELY FOR PRIVATE USE. f “746 ORIGIN (THE) and ANTIQUITY of ENGRAVING: With Some Remarks on the Utility and Pleasures of Prints. PHILADELPHIA: George Gebbie, 1872. 8°; brown cloth, UNCUT. #9 222 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. eae 747 OTTLEY (W. Y.)—A COLLECTION of ONE HUNDRED and TWENTY-NINE Fac-simiLes of Scarce and Curious Prints, by the Karly Masters of the IraL1an, GERMAN, and FLEMISH SCHOOLS; Illustrative of the History of Engraving, from the Invention of the Art, by Maso FINIGUERRA, in the Middle of the Fifteenth Century; With Introductory Remarks, and a Catalogue of Plates, by Witt1AM Younc Ort ey, F. S. A. Lonpon: 1828. Imp. 4°; half vellum, with 12 duplicate plates of NIELLOS finished in silver. Fine, clean copy. Jf —~ 748 OTTLEY (W. Y.)— An INQUIRY concerninc the INVENTION of PRINTING: In which the Systems of MEERMAN, HEINECKEN, SANTANDER, and Koninc are Reviewed; Including also Notices of the Early Use of Wood-Engraving in Europe, the Block-Books, &c. By the Late WILLIAM Younc OTTLEY, Esq., F. S. A. With an INTRODUCTION by J. Pu. BEr- JEAU. JLilustrated with 37 PLATES and numerous Wood-Engravings. LONDON: Joseph Lilly, 1863. 4°; half morocco, UNCUT. 200 copies only printed. Lf — 749 OVIDIUS NASO (PUBLIUS).— Les METAMORPHOSES D’OVIDE, en Latin, Zraduites en Frangois, avec des REMARQUES, et des ExpLicaTions HisroriquEs. Par M"*L’ABBE BANIER. Ouvrage enrichi de Figures en taille-douce, Gravées par B. PICART, & autres habiles Maitres. AMSTERDAM, chez R. & J. Wetstein & G. Smith, M.DCC.XXXII. 2 vols. folio. LARGE PAPER. With 150 beautiful copperplate engravings by B. PICART, PHIL. A GUNST, FOLKEMA, and others, brilliant proof impressions. Bound in fine old red morocco, gilt backs and edges, paneled sides, gilt borders, and large diamond center ornaments, by DEROME. A SPLENDID COPY OF THIS MAGNIFICENT WORK. ALLS _ 750 OVIDE.— Les METAMORPHOSES D’OVIDE, en Latin et en Fran- gois, de la Traduction de M. /’44¢é BANIER, de l’Académie Royale des Infcriptions & Belles-Lettres; Avec des Exptications HisTroriqurs. A Paris: chez Leclerc, Quai des Augustins, & la Toison d’or. M.DCC.LXVII. —M.DCC.LXXI. 4 vols. 4°; with 140 PLATES from designs by EISEN, MOREAU, MONNET, CHOFFARD, GRAVELOT, BOUCHER, LE PRINCE, etc., all most brilliant impressions. Sumptuously bound in highly polished crimson levant morocco super-extra, elaborately tooled gilt backs, broad floriated borders on the sides, richly gilt and finely tooled, inside gold borders, tops gilt, by CHAMBOLLE-DURU. UNCUT. 7 as 751 OVIDE.— Les METAMORPHOSES D’OVIDE, Traduction Nouvelle avec le TEXTE LaTIN, suivie d’une Analyse de YExpLicaTiIon des FaBLes, de NoTEs GEOGRAPHIQUES, HIsTORIQUES, MYTHOLOGIQUES, et CRITIQUES, par M. G. T. VILLENAVE ; Ornée de Gravures d’apres les Dessins de MM. Le BarsiEr, Mownstau, et Moreau. Paris: / Gay, 1806-1822. 4 vols. roy. 4°; half crimson calf. Beautiful impressions of the plates. PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS. Catalogue of Books and Manustripts. 223 44y— 752 OVIEDO (G. F. Dz). La historia general oe las Fndtas. e® Con priutlegio imperial ex IN FINE: Za qual se acabo % imprimio enla mup noble « mup {eal cibad de Seuilla, enla empre ta de FJuam Cromberger, el postre- ro Dia del mes de Dctiembre, Miia de mil p quinientos p trepnta p cinco Wiig . * YK Folio; bound in green levant morocco extra, borders elaborately tooled, by PRATT. The First EDITION of Oviedo’s ‘‘ General and Natural History of the Indies," printed at Seville in 1535. Oviedo lived on this continent upwards of thirty-four years, and crossed the Atlantic not less than twelve times, chiefly on missions to lay the grievances of the colonies, or his own, before the Spanish Court. He was Governor of the Province of Carthagena, and filled other high positions. His intimate personal knowledge of men and events makes his history interesting and of the greatest importance. This volume is complete in itself, although it comprises only the first part of the history, which was continued subsequently. The present copy is perfect, and is in fine condition, excepting that a few leaves have been mended. The work is, however, EXCESSIVELY RARE in any state. 753 OXFORD (THE) CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES OF HISTORY. . Compiled from the best Authorities. Oxrorp: D. A. Zalboys, 1835. Folio; half morocco. cal & Geographical | DESCRIPTION | of the | Great Country & River | of the | AMAZONES | in AMERICA. | Drawn out of divers Authors, and reduced | into a better forme; with a Mapp of | the River, and its Provinces, being | that place which St Walter Rawleigh in- tended | to conquer and plant, when he made his Voy- | age to Guzana. | 29* is po p<" (BLAISE FRANCIS, Count DE).—AN | Hiftori- & 224 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Written in French by the Count of Pagan, and | dedicated to Cardinall Mazarine, in order | to a Conqueft by the Cardinals moti- | on to be under- taken. | And now tranflated into Englith by William | Hamilton, and hum- bly offered to his Majefty, | as worthy his Confideration. | Lonpon: | Printed Jor John Starkey at the Miter in Fleet- | fireet near Temple-Barre, 1661. Sm. 8°; 15 prel. leaves ; Text. pp. 153; ‘‘ A Table of the Chapters,” 3 Zeaves ; folding ‘‘ Map of the River Amazon, and of its Provinces.'’ Neatly bound in vellum, A FINE, CLEAN COPY, with the Autograph of ‘‘R. SOUTHEY, BRISTOL, 1803."" EXTREMELY RARE. 755 PAINE (NATHANIEL ).— Remarks on the EARLY PAPER CURRENCY of MassacHusetts. CAMBRIDGE: Press of John Wilson & Sons, 1866. Imp. 8°; 15 fine portraits and plates inserted; with facsimiles of early paper currency. LARGE PAPER, only 50 copies printed. Half crimson levant morocco, gilt back and top, UNCUT, by BRADSTREET. 756 PAINE (THOMAS).— Tue WRITINGS of THOMAS PAINE, Con- taining, 1. Rights of Man. 2. Common Sense. 3. The Crisis. 4. Pub- lic Good. 5. Letter to Abbé Raynal. 6. Letter to the Earl of Shelburne. 7. Letter to Sir Guy Carlton. 8. Letter to the Authors of the Republican. g. Letter to Abbé Seyeyes [sc]. ALBANY, STATE OF NEW-YoRK: Printed by Charles R. & George Webster. [1791-2.| 8°; calf. 757 PAINE (T.)—TuHe AGE OF REASON. Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology. [lx Zhree Farts.| By THOMAS PAINE. Lonpon: Printed for and sold by Daniel Isaac Eaton, Printer and Book- seller to the Supreme Majesty of the People, at the Cock and Swine, No. 74, Newgate- Street, 1796-1811. 8°; half red morocco, top gilt, rough edges. 758 PAINE (T.) —AGRARIAN JUSTICE, opposed to Agrarian Law, and to Agrarian Monopoly, being a Plan for meliorating the condition of Man, etc. THe DECLINE and FALL of the English System of Finance. By THoMAS PaIneE. Paris and LONDON: 1796. 2 pieces in one vol. 8° ; pp. 38, and pp. 44. Half red morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. 759 PALAIS DE SAN DONATO.— Cata.tocuE des OBjETs D’ART, et d’AMEUBLEMENT, TABLEAUX dont la Vente aux enchéres publiques aura lieu 4 Florence, au Patais de San Donato & 15 Mars 1880 et les jours suivant, BRUXELLES ée¢ Paris: 1880. 2 parts roy. 4°; broché, UNCUT, with numerous facsimile illustrations. 760 PALGRAVE (FRANCIS).— History of the ANGLO-Saxons. A New Edition. Profusely Illustrated, LONDON: 1867. Crown 8° ; polished tree-calf, gilt back and edges. Bs, bys Se ls CY & Catalogue of Books and Manusgeripts. 225 761 PALGRAVE (F. T.) —Tut GOLDEN TREASURY of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language. Selected and Arranged, with Notes, by FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVE. Lonpon: Macmillan & Co, 1877. 16°; green cloth, gilt top, UNCUT. 762 PALGRAVE (W. G.)— NARRATIVE of a Year’s Journey through CENTRAL and EASTERN ARABIA (1862-63). By WILLIAM GIFFORD PALGRAVE. LONDON aud CAMBRIDGE: Macmillan & Co. 1865. 2 vols. 8°; portrait and maps; green cloth, UNCUT. 763 PALLISER (F. B.)—A HISTORY or LACE. By Mrs. Fanny Bury PALLIsER. Second Edition. With 151 Jilustrations, LONDON: 1869. 8°; beveled cloth, gilt edges. 764 “PAPESS JOANNA.”— Izsviras, | Stincviares S. S. | PONTIFICLE MateE- | statis hoc tempore vin- | dices, FaLso et Frvstra | NEGARE, PAPAM IOANNEM | VIII fuiffle MVLIEREM. | Editio altera non fine auctario. | [s. 2] Ano M.D.XCVII. Sm. 4°; half red morocco, top gilt. With a very curious woodcut of the Papess in parturition. The authorship of this EXCEEDINGLY RARE Dissertation is attributed to HERMANNUS WITTEKIND, a professor at Heidelberg, who died in 1603. See GERDEs' ‘‘ Florilegium Libro- rum Rariorum,”’ pp. 369-71. SCHELHORN, ‘‘ Amenitates Literarie,"’ pt. 1. p. 146. 765 PARDOE (JULIA).—WORKS. Comprising, (1.) Louis THE Four- TEENTH, and the Court of FRANCE in the Seventeenth Century. 3 vols. (11.) The Court and REIGN of FRANCIS THE First. 2 vols. (111.) LIFE of MariE DE MeEpIcis, Queen of France, Consort of Henry IV, and Regent of the Kingdom under Louis XIII. 3 vols. LONDON: 1847-1852. Together, 8 vols. 8° ; elegantly bound in light polished calf super-extra, gilt backs and tops, filleted sides, colored labels, rough edges, by Tout. Wéith numerous fine PORTRAITS and engravings on steel. 766 PARKMAN (FRANCIS).— WORKS; France and ENGLAND in NortH America. A Series of Historical Narratives, vzz- PART 1. PIo- NEERS of FRANCE in the New World. Part 11. JEsuirs in NORTH AMERICA in the Seventeenth Century. Parr ui. Discovery of the GREAT WEsT. Part iv. The OL_p R&GIME in CANADA. Part v. CounT FRONTENAC and New France under Louis XIV. 5 va/s. THE Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada. 2 vols. THE OREGON Trait, Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life. 1 vo/, Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1877-79. 8 vols. 8°; portraits and maps. Half maroon morocco extra, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. 226 Catalogue of Books and MWanugeripts. IVo 767 PARNELL (T.)— Tue POETICAL WORKS of THOMAS PAR- NELL. Lonpon: W. Ackering, 1833. 12°; portraits. Blue morocco, gilt edges. AVo 768 PASTON LETTERS.— Oricinat Lerrers, written during the Reigns ; of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III., by various Persons of Rank or Consequence. . . with Notes Historical and Explanatory by JouN FENN, Esq. A New Edition, by A. Ramsay. Lonpon: Charles Knight & Co. 1840. 2 vols. sq. 8° bound in one; olive morocco, embossed sides, gauffered and gilt edges, by J. WRIGHT. 2 — 769 PATER (W.H.)—STUDIES in the HISTORY of the RENAIS- SANCE. [Comprising 1. Essays on Aucassin and Nicolette. 2. Pico della Mirandula. 3. Sandro Botticelli. 4. Luca della Robbia.* 5. The Poetry of Michel Angelo. 6. Leonardo da Vinci. 7. Joachim du _ Bellay. 8. Winckelmann, etc.| By WALTER H. PATER. Lonpon: Macmit- lan & Co. 1873. Crown 8°; cloth, UNCUT. Fo. — 770 PEELE (GEORGE).— The Barrett of Axcazar, fovght in BARBARIE, betweene SEBASTIAN KING Of PoRTUGALL,and ABDELMELEC KING of Maroc- co. As it was sundrie times plaied by-the Lord high Admirall his seruants. Imprinted at Lonpon by Ldward Allde for Richard Bankworth, and are to be solde at his shoppe in Paul’s churchyard at the signe of the Sunne. 1594. 4°; ved morocco extra, by \W. PRATT. First and only Edition. A-Gr1 in fours; title, Art. This play, published anonymously, was alluded to by Shake- speare in ‘‘ Henry JV." Act II., scene 4. Le fo 771 PEELE (G.)— THe WORKS of GEORGE PEELE: Collected and Edited, with some Account of his Lire and Writincs, by the REV. ALEXANDER DYCE. Second Edition, with Additions and SUPPLEMENT- ARY VoLUME. Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1829-1839. 3 vols. crown 8°; cloth, UNCUT. Vo 772 PEIGNOT (GABRIEL).— RecuHErcuHEs HisTorIQuEs sur tes DANSES DES MORTS et sur L’ORIGINE DES CARTES A JOUER. Ouz'vrage orné de cing Lithographies et de Vignettes. Par GABRIEL PEIGNOT. Dyon: Victor Lagier, M.DCCC.XXVI. 8°; half calf, marbled edges. VERY SCARCE. | Catalogue of Books and Manustripts. 227 : : : i. 773 PEIGNOT (GABRIEL).— ESSAI HISTORIQUE et ARCHEO- LOGIQUE sur la RetrureE des Livres et sur l’Erar de la Liprarre chez les ANCIENS. (Avec Planches.) Dijon: chez Victor Lagier, 1834. 8°; half yellow morocco, gilt back, UNCUT. ONE of TWO COPIES ONLY, printed on LARGE PAPER. /O0~ 774 PENHALLOW (SAMUEL).— THE | HISTORY | of the | Wars of Mew-England, | with the Zajiern Indians. | or, a| NARRA- TIVE | Of their continued Perfidy and Cruelty, | from the roth of Au- gujt, 1703. | To the Peace renewed 13th of Judy, 1713. | And from the 25th of July, 1722. | To their Submiffion 15th of December, 1725. | Which was Ratified Auguft 5th, 1726. | By Samuel Penhallow, Efqr. Nefcio tu quibus es, Lector, lecturus Ocellis, Hoc cio, quod ficcis, {cribere non potui. Boston: | Printed by T: Fleet, for S. Gerrifh at the lower | end of Corn- hill, and D, Flenchman over-againft | the Brick Meeting-Houfe in Cornhill, 1726. Sm. 8°; 4 prel. leaves and 134 pp. ‘‘ Advertifement," 1 page. Bound in crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, wide inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. A TALL, FINE COPY OF THIS EXTREMELY RARE work, so rare indeed that neither Field, Menzies, Brinley, nor Barlow had a good copy. ~ 775 PENHALLOW (S.)— Tue HISTORY of the WARS of NEW-ENG- LAND with the Eastern INpDIANs, or a NARRATIVE of their continued Perfidy and Cruelty, from the roth of August, 1703, to the Peace renewed 13th of July, 1713, And from the 25th of July, 1722, To their Submission 15th December, 1725, Which was ratified August 5th, 1726. By SAMUEL PENHALLOW, Esgr. CINCINNATI: Reprinted from the Boston Edition of 1726, with a Memoir and Notes, for W. Dodge, 1859. Sm. 4°; pp. 129; half calf. a Q Ie a6 PENSILVANIE.—ETAT PRESENT | pe| LA PENSILVANIE, | ot l’on trouve le détail | de ce qui s’y eft paffé depuis la défaite du | Géné- ral Braddock jufqu’a la prife d’Ofwego, | avec une Carte particuli¢re de cette Colonie. | s. 7 [Paris:] M. DCC. LVI. 12°; pp. 128; folding map. Old French mottled calf, marbled edges. This work is translated from ‘‘ A Brief View of the Province of Pennsylvania for the year 1755" [London: 1756]. iS — 777 PEPYS (S.)— Diary and CorresponpENceE of SAMUEL PEPYS, F.R.S. Secretary to the Admiralty in the Reigns of Charles II. and James II... . With a Lire and Notes by RicHarp Lorp BrayBRrookeE. The Sixth Edition. Lonpon: Bohn, 1858. 4 vols. post 8°; portraits and fac-similes. Half green morocco, gilt backs, marbled edges. 228 Catalogue of Books and Manuserripts. J YY 178 PERCY SOCIETY.—EARLY ENGLISH POETRY, BALLADS, and PopuLAR LITERATURE Of the MippLE Acers, Edited from Original Manuscripts and Scarce Publications. Lonpon: Printed for the Percy Society, 1840-52. 31 vols. post 8°; elegantly bound in polished crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt backs and tops, inside gilt borders, by MATTHEWS, front edges UNCUT. Contents lettered. AN EXCEED- INGLY FINE SET, with the VERY RARE VOLUME SUPPRESSED Oy the Percy Society and of which ONLY TWENTY UNCASTRATED COPIES escaped destruction. Jb Jo 7119 PERCY’S (BP. THOMAS) FOLIO MANUSCRIPT. Batzaps and Romances. Edited by Jonn W. Hates and FREDERICK J. FURNIVALL, assisted by Pror. CutLp of Harvard Univ., U. S., and W. CapappPELL, Esa. Lonpon: LV. Triibner & Co. 1867. 3 vols. demy 8°; light polished calf super-extra, gilt backs and tops, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, front edges UNCUT. ’ 40 780 PERRY (A. L.)—ELEMENTS of POLITICAL ECONOMY. By ARTHUR LATHAM PERRY. Eleventh Edition, Revised and Enlarged. New YorK: 1874. 12° ; cloth. R# — 78:1 PERRYS JAPAN EXPEDITION.— Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, in 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of Com. M. C. Perry, U. S. N. Com- piled by F. L. Hawks, D. D. Wasnincron: 1856. 4 vols. 4°; including volume of maps, numerous fine tinted engravings, etc. VR 50 782 [PETERS (SAMUEL A.)]}—A | GENERAL HISTORY | oF | : CONNECTICUT, | From rrs | Firft Settlement under GrorcE FEnN- wick, Efq. | To 17s | Lateft Period of Amity with Great Britain; | IncLup- inc | A DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTRY, | And many curious and interefting ANEcboTEs. | To which is added, | An AppENpIx, wherein new and the true Sources of the prefent | Rebellion in America are pointed out; together with the particu- | lar Part taken by the People of Connecti- cut in its promotion. | By a GENTLEMAN of the Province. | Plus apud me ratio valebit, quam vulgi opinio. Cic. Parad. I. | LoNpon: | Printed for the Author ; | And fold by J. Bew, No. 28, Pater-Nofler-Row, | MDCCLXXXI. 8°; pp. x., 436. “Elegantly bound in dark blue grosgr. levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides with corner ornaments, morocco joints, broad inside borders, richly gilt, by W. PRATT. A LARGE, BEAUTIFUL Copy of the First EDITION of this VERY RARE and extremely amusing work. ee Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 229 783 PETRARCH’S SONNETS.— Sonerti £ TRIONFI. VENICE: Vindelin de Spira, 1470. COLOPHON : FINIS. M.CCCCLXX. Que fuerat multis quodam confusa tenebris Petrarce laure metra sacrata sue Christophori et feruens pariter cyllenia cura Transcripsit nitido lucidiora die. Vtq; superueniens nequeat corrumpere t€pus En Vindelinus enea plura dedit. 4°; bound in vellum, with Wodhull arms in gold on the side. This is the FIRST EDITION of Petrarch’s Sonnets and Triumphs. Its extraordinary rarity has been noticed by all bibliographers. De Bure states that not a single copy of it could be found in Paris. Dibdin describes it as ‘‘ this exceedingly precious volume: among the most beautiful, as well as the rarest, of those executed by Vindelin de Spira.’’ This copy is com- plete and perfect, with the exception that the Table and four leaves have been inlaid. The initial letters are illuminated in gold and colors, and the first page has the Arms of Veniero, with two boys sitting beneath trees. Te 784 [PEZAY.]— ZELIS av BAIN. Poime en quatre chants. [ar /e Mar- QUIS DE Przay.] GENEVE. [1763 ?] 8°; Pp. 43; with PLATES and VIGNETTES, by CH. EISEN, most brilliant proof impressions, signed by the artist D. P. [de Pezay]. Beautifully bound in highly polished crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, and corners ornamented with enamored doves ; broad inside dentelle borders, richly gilt, by TRAUTZ-BAUZONNET. 4h 785 PHILLIPS (H.)— HISTORICAL SKETCHES of the PAPER CUR- RENCY of the AMERICAN CoLoniEs . . . By HENRY PHILLIPS, JR., A. M. Roxsury, Mass.: Printed for W. Elliot Woodward, 1865-66. 2 vols. sm. 4°; brown cloth, UNCUT. 250 copies printed. 4 5 p 4 786 PHILOBIBLION (THE).—A Monruty BreiocraPHicaL JouRNAL, Containing Critical Notices of, and Extracts from, Rare, Curious, and Valu- able Old Books. NEw York: Geo. P. Philes & Co. 1862-63. 2 vols. sm. 4°; half blue morocco, tops gilt. PRINTED ON INDIA PAPER. Nearly all the surplus copies were accidentally destroyed by water. RARE. “2 — 48, [PICCOLOMINI (ALESSANDRO).|— DIALOGO | Dove st Raciona | Detta BELLA | creanza delle | Donne. | In Venetra, | 1574. 55 “eaves, including the title. (2) STANZE | AMOROSE, | sopra cui HORTI | delle donne & in lode | della menta, | La Caccia d’amore del Bernia. | Quarantadui Stanze in materia d’amo- | re nuouamente ritrouate, & con di- | ligentia corrette, & di vaghe | historie adornate & | date in luce. | IN VENE- 3° 230 Catalogue of Books and Manusrripts. TIA, | 1574. 46 aves, 18 curious woodcuts. (3) SONETTI | Det SicNnor FRANCESCO REpI | ARETINO. | IN FIRENZE, Vella Stamperia di Giufeppe Manni, | MDCCIII. ff. 70 (1). Engraved frontispiece; printed within woodcut borders. 3 pieces in one vol, 12°; exquisitely bound in dark blue morocco, gilt back and edges, the sides covered with broad gold borders, most elaborately and delicately tooled and decorated with stars, birds etc. ; inside gilt dentelle borders, with crimson watered-silk linings, by PADELOUP. A BEAUTI- FUL SPECIMEN OF PADELOUP'S BEST STYLE. AN EXCESSIVELY RARE VoLuME of /talian facetie. [AO —~ 788 PICKERING’S MINIATURE EDITIONS.— Comprising: HomeEri Ilias et Odyssea. 2 vols. CaTULLUS, TIBULLUS, et PROPERTIUS. 1 vol. M. T. Ciceronis De Officiis, De Senectute et De Amicitia. 1 vol. Pus- LIuUS TERENTIUS AFER. 1 vol. Quintus Horatius Fiaccus. 1 vol. Pus- Lius VIRGILIUS Maro. 1 vol. DANTE, La Divina Commedia. 2 vo/s. Tasso, La Gerusalemme Liberata. 2 vols. PrTRarca, Le Rime. 1 vol. Novum TESTAMENTUM GRa&cUM. 1 vol. MILTON, Paradise Lost. 1 vol, WALTON and Corton, The Complete Angler. 1 vo/, Watton, The Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert, and Sanderson. 1 vol, sLoNDOoN: Wa. Pickeriyg, 1821-1831. 16 vols. 48° ; elegantly bound in blue morocco super-extra, gilt backs and edges, inside gilt borders. A BEAUTIFUL SET OF THESE CHARMING TYPOGRAPHICAL GEMS. VERY RARE 7 this fine condition. ae 789 PICUS MIRANDUL (JOANNES).— Epiftole | Auree Epiftole Ioannis Pici Mirandulz viri omni- | um mortalium doctiffimi eloquentiffi- miq3. IN FINE: [Paristis :| Impreffum p Michaelé le noir. Anno D. Mcccclxxxxix. Sm. 4°; 29 unnumbered leaves ; a large woodcut on the recto and verso of the title. Bound in purple calf, red edges. Oss ae oe. 790 PIDGEON (W.)—TRADITIONS of DE-COO-DAH, and ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES: Comprising Extensive Explorations, Surveys, and Excava- tions of the wonderful and mysterious Earthen Remains of the Mound- Builders in America; the Traditions of the Last Prophet of the Elk Nation relative to their Origin and Use; and the Evidences of an Ancient Popu- lation more numerous than the Present Aborigines. By WILLIAM PIDGEON. Embellished with Seventy Engravings descriptive of 120 varying relative arrangements, forms of earthen ware, effigies, antique sculpture, &c. New York: Horace Thayer, 1858. 8° ; cloth, rough edges. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 231 4 — 791 PIKE (JOSEPH).— An | EPISTLE | to the | National Meeting | of | FRIENDS | in | DUBLIN, | Concerning good Order and Discipline | in the Church. | Written by JOSEPH PIKE. | Putvapeputia: | Re-prinied, and Sold by B. FRANKLIN, and | D. HALL, 1757. 8°; 2.23. Brown paneled calf. {i — 792 PINDAR.—The WORKS of PINDAR. Venice: 1513. COLOPHON: Venetiis in aedib. Aldi, et Andreze Asulani Soceri, Mense Januario M.D.XIII. Sm. 8°; bound in old calf, sprinkled edges. The First EDITION. It is the first book in which numbers instead of letters were used to designate signatures. Another variation from custom is found in the numbering of the pages. All of the figures are printed on the right of the page, making the even numbers come close to the inside margin while the odd numbers are on the outside. This copy is perfect and in excellent condition. [O00 — 793 PLATO.— The COMPLETE WORKS of PLATO, in GREEK. VENICE: 1523: COLOPHON: VENETIIS IN AEDIB. ALDI, ET ANDREAE SOCERI MENSE SEPTEMBRI. M.D.XIII. Folio; bound in blue morocco extra, gilt gauffered edges, anchor stamped in gold on sides. The First EpITION of Plato’s works, and one of the most beautiful and important pro- ductions of the Aldine press. It was dedicated by Aldus and Musurus to Leo X., who was so much pleased with the work that he renewed the privileges already granted to Aldus by Alex- ander VI. and Julius II. This copy is ruled throughout in red, and is perfect and in irre- proachable condition. It is from the Syston Park Library. Lf 7 — 794 PLATO.— Tue DIALOGUES or PLATO, Translated into English, with ANALYSES and InTRopuUcTIONS, by B. JOWETT, M. A. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co. 1873. 4 vols. 8°; brown cloth. _ 795 PLAUTUS.— COMEDIES. PLAUTI COM@DIZ EMENDATA per GEORGIUM ALEXANDRINUM. VENICE: Lrinted by John de Colonia and Vindelin de Spira, 1472. COLOPHON : VENETIIS. M.CCCC.LXXII. Nicolao Throno Principe iucundissimo & Duce foelicissimo. Folio; bound in olive crimped morocco, with wide borders blind tooled, leather joints, gilt edges, by C. LEwIs, with Arms of Sir. M. Sykes in gold on sides. The First EDITION of the Comedies of Plautus. DIBDIN speaks of it as ‘‘ this rare and magnificent impression,"”’ and DE BuRE states that the greater number of copies of this first edition in Paris were imperfect. ° This copy is perfect, and in beautiful condition. It is from the Syston Park Library. 30* 232 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. tit — 796 PLINY.— HISTORIA NATURALIS. Venetus: Joannes de Spira, 1469. COLOPHON: Quem modo tam rarum cupiens uix lector haber & : Quiq; etiam fractus pene legendus eram: Restituit Venetiis me nuper Spira Ioannes : Exscripsitq ; libros ere notante meos. Fessa manus quondam moneo: Calamusgq ; quiescat. Nanq; labor studio cessit: & ingenio. M.CCCC.LXVIIII. Folio ; bound in old French citron morocco, borders of gold, gilt edges. Of this, the First EDITION of PLiNy’s Natural History, DIBDIN writes: ‘‘ There are few productions of ancient printing more interesting than the present one; whether we consider the magnificence of its execution, the importance of the publication, or the interest excited by the printer of it."" JOHN DE SPIRA published but three works, of which this is the second. It is a noble volume of about 700 pages, and according to the testimony of the printer’s brother it was executed within the almost incredibly short time of three months. The same authority states that only one hundred copies were struck off. Blank spaces are left for the passages in Greek to be written in by hand, but in some places the Greek is printed. in Roman letter, as in the following curious example, which will be found on the verso of the 79th leaf, Book VIth, fifth line from the bottom: “ Xaxtilipcui carnece comai coe kpturae trata una ciezica.” The present copy is perfect and in unexceptionable condition. The capital letters throughout are putin byhand. The initial letters of the several books are beautifully illuminated in gold and colors, that on the first page being 3% inches by 3 inches in dimension. It is from the Syston Park Library. J2 So 797 PLUTARCH’S LIVES.— The Transiation CALLED DrypEN’s. Cor- rected from the Greek and Revised by A.H. CLOUGH. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1878. 5 vols. 8°; half brown morocco, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. SSS 798 PLUTARCH’S MORALS.— Trans.aTeD FROM THE GREEK By SEV- ERAL Hanps. Corrected and Revised by WILLIAM W. GOODWIN, PH. D. With an Introduction by RALPH WALDO EMERSON. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1874. rN 799 POEMS on AFFAIRS of STATE; From the Time of Otiver Crom- WELL to the Abdication of K. JAMES the Second. Written by the greatest Wits of the Age. . . With some Miscellany Poems by the same: Most whereof never before Printed. Now carefully examined with the Originals, and Published without Castration. The Firru Epition, Corrected and much Enlarged. WLONDON: 1703-7. 4 vols. 8°; paneled calf, gilt backs. With the satirical PLATES, clean and perfect. BEST EDITION. SCARCE. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 233 800 POE (E. A.) — THE WORKS of EDGAR ALLAN POE. Edited by Joun H. INcRamM. EpiInpurcH: Adam & Charles Black, 1874. 4 vols. crown 8° ; portrait. Polished tree-calf extra, gilt backs and tops, rough edges. 801 POLIPHILO. HYPNEROTOMACHIA POLIPHILI, VBI HV MANA OMNIA NON NISI SOMNIVM ESSE DOCET. ATQVE OBITER PLVRIMA SCITV SANE QVAM DIGNA COM- MEMORAT. x * * CAVTVM EST, NE QVIS IN DOMINIO ILL. 8S. V. IMPVNE HINC LI BRVM QVEAT IMPPRIME RE. IN FINE [/ol. 234, recto]: Venetits Menfe decembri. M.[D. [1499] in edibus Aldi Manutit, accuratiffime. Folio ; 234 unnumbered leaves, with 155 beautiful engravings on wood, all in perfect and clean condition, including the plate representing the worship of PRIAPUS. A TRULY SUMPTUOUS copy of this splendid and /XCEEDINGLY RARE VOLUME. Bound in fine old blue morocco super-extra, gilt back, broad gold borders on the sides, and citron edges. LARGE PAPER, Bought from Morgand of Paris, and said by him to be UNIQUE. 2 802 POLIPHILO.— HYPNEROTOMACHIE ov Discours du Sonce de POLIPHILE, deduisant comme Amour le combat a Jl’occasion de Polia. Soubz la fiction de quoy Il’aucteur monstrant que toutes choses terrestres ne sont que vanité, traicte de plusieurs matieres profitables & dignes de memoire. Nouuellement traduict de langage Italien en Francois. Vumer- ous very fine engravings on wood. The plate of Priapus in perfect state. PaRIs: Jour lagues Keruer, 1561. Folio; bound by AITKEN in smooth morocco extra, gilt edges. The fine engravings are attributed to either J. Goujon or to J. Cousin, and are, according to Brunet, ‘‘d’aprés des dessins plus corrects que les anciens."’ Side of the engraved title-page clipped close; margin of the next leaf and of the last leaf repaired. 234 Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. 803 POLIPHILO.— Le Tableav des Riches Inventions couuertes du voile des feintes Amoureuses, qui sont representees dans le Songe de Poliphile. _ Des- voilees des ombres du Songe & subtilement exposees par Beroalde. Curious engraved title on copper and numerous woodcuts in the text copied from those in the Aldine edition of 1499. The plate of Priapus in perfect state. Paris: chez Matthiev Gvillemot, 1600. Sm. folio; calf. 804 POLO (MARCO). [ fol. ta :] Jn nomine di nei Hh cpi Aly Det bint et veri amen. FJneipit plogus ft libro dit marci pauli de Lenecijs de cd- fuctudinibug et cddicionibus orientaliit regionil. In FINE [ fol. 74, recto]: Explicit liber dit marci de benecijs. Deo gracias. [s. 2. a. et typ. n.] Sm. 4°; 74 leaves, 33 lines to a full page. Bound in polished crimson morocco super-extra, filleted sides with corner ornaments, gilt edges, rubricated initial letters. AN EXCEEDINGLY FINE, CLEAN COPY, IN PERFECT CONDITION. EXTREMELY RARE. ‘EDITION FORT RARE, et la plus ancienne que l'on ait de cette version Latine de Marco Polo, faite par Pipino, vers 1320. Elle est imprimée avec les mémes caractéres que /'Jtinera- rium de Joan. de Mandeville, c’est-a-dire, par GERARD de LEEU, @ ANVERS, vers 1485, et non pas A Rome et 4 Venise, comme on l’avait supposé.'’"—BRUNET. 80, POPE (A.)—The POETICAL WORKS of ALEXANDER POPE. A New Enpition. [Aé/so-:] Popr’s Homer’s Iniap and OpyssEy. Lon- DON: 1804-5. 18 vols. imp. 8°. LARGEST PAPER. Bound in 9 vols. half blue morocco extra, gilt backs and tops, rough edges. DU ROVERAY'S beautiful edition, with PLATES after designs by T. STOTHARD. 806 POPE (A.)—THeE POETICAL WORKS of ALEXANDER POPE. Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1831. 3 vols. 12°; portrait. Purple calf extra, gilt backs, marbled edges, blue labels. 807 PORSON (RICHARD).— Tue DEVIL’S-WALK. A Poem. Edited with a Biographical Memoir and Notes by H. W. Montacu. /lustrated with beautiful Engravings on Wood by BONNAR and SLADER, after the designs of R. CRuIKSHANK. Lonpon: Marsh & Miller, 1830. 12°; paper covers. 808 PORTALIS (LE ,BARON ROGER).— Les DESSINATEURS D’'ILLUSTRATIONS au Dix-HuitTi=ME Sitkcie. Paris: Damascéne Morgand et Charles Fatout, 1877. 2 parts 8°; etched frontispiece afterdesign by JACQUEMART, broché, UNCUT. Holland paper copy. Catalogue of Books and AMamigeripts. 235 809 PORTLOCK (N.)—A VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD: But more particularly to the NorrH-West Coast of AMERICA: performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, in the Kinc GEORGE and QUEEN CHARLOTTE, Captains PortLtock and Dixon. Embellished with Twenty Copperplates. By CapTain NATHANIEL PortTLock. Lonpon: /. Stockdale, M.DCC.- LXXXIX. 4°; half calf. Portrait, maps, and plans. 810 [POTTER (W.)|— Tue WAR in FLORIDA: Being an Exposition of its Causes, and an Accurate History of the Campaigns of GENERALS CLINCH, GAINES, and SCOTT. By a LaTE Starr OFFICER [WOODBURN PoTTER]. Ba.timore: Lewis & Coleman, 1836. 12°; pp. viii.-184; folding map, cloth. 811 PRENTISS (S. S.)—A MEMOIR of SEARGENT SMITH PRENTISsS. Edited by Hts BrorHer. NEw York: Charles Scribner, 1860. 2 vols. 12°; cloth. 812 PRESCOTT (W. H.)— WORKS. Comprisine, I. History of the REIGN of FERDINAND and IsaBELia. 3 vols. II. History of the Conquest of Mexico. 3 voés. III. History of the Conquest of PERu. 2 vols. IV. History of the Rricn of Pui.ip the Seconp. 3 vols. History of the Reicn of the EMPEROR CHARLES the Firru, by Wm. Robertson. With an Account of the EmMperor’s Lire after his ABDICATION, by W. H. PRESCOTT. 3 vols. V. BIOGRAPHICAL and CRITICAL ’MISCELLANIES. 1 vol, PHILA- DELPHIA: wv. d. Together, 15 vols. crown 8°; with portraits and facsimiles. Half maroon morocco, gilt backs, marbled edges. 813 PREVOST (ANTOINE FR.)— HISTOIRE | pu Cuevatier DES GRIEUX | et pE| MANON LESCAUT. Premizre Partiz A. Am- STERDAM, Aux dépens de La Compacnige. M.DCC.LIII. 2 vols. sm. 8°; bound in crimson crushed morocco, fillets on the sides and elaborate tooling on back, with rich border on blue morocco in the ‘' doublure,”’ gilt edges, by CAPE. A perfect copy, on LARGE PAPER, with all the plates by Pasquier and Gravelot in excep- tionally fine condition. This is the First EDITION of this charming romance in a form by itself. It appeared originally as part of the ‘' Mémoires d'un homme de qualité’ by the same author. 814 PREVOST (ABBE).—MANON LESCAUT. From the French of the Asst Prévost. [By D. C. Moyian.] JW/ustrated with engravings on India Paper, from designs by Tony JoHANNOT. Lonpon: Joseph Thomas, 1841. 8°; half green calf, gilt back. . 236 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. aa 815 PRICHARD (J. C.)— THz NATURAL HISTORY of MAN; Compris- ing Inquiries into the modifying influence of Physical and Moral Agencies on the different Tribes of the Human Family. By JAMES COWLES PRICHARD, M. D., F.R.S. Fourtn Epition, Edited and Enlarged by Epwin Norris. Jiustrated with 62 colored Plates engraved on Steel, and 100 Engravings on Wood. Lonpon: H. Bailliére, 1855. 2 vols. 8°; cloth, UNCUT. / — 816 PRIEST (JOSIAH).— AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES and DISCOV- ERIES in the WEST: Being an Exhibition of the Evidence that an Ancient Population of partially Civilized Nations, differing entirely from those of the present Indians, peopled America many Centuries before its Discovery by Columbus, and Inquiries into their Origin, with a copious Description of many of their stupendous Works now in Ruins, with conjectures concerning what may have become of them. ALBANY: 1838. 8°; pp. 400; map and folding plate, sheep. A20- 817 PRIMER (INDIAN).—Indiane | PRIMER | Afuh | NEGON- NEYEUUK. | Ne nafhpe Mukkiefog | Woh | tauog wunnamuhkuttee | ogketamunnate Indiane | Unnontoowaonk. | Kah | Meninnunk wutch | Mukkiefog. | MusHAUwoMUK: | Printeuun | nafhpe B. Green. | 1720. [Title in English.] The Indian | PRIMER | OR| The FIRST Book. | By which Children | may | know truely | to read the Indian | Language. | And | Milk for | Babes. | Boston: | Printed | by B. Green. | 1720. 12°; bound in original old calf. Enclosed in pull-off case. This is the most rare of all the Indian books in the collection. ip... 818 PRINCE (THOMAS).—A | Chronological Hiftory | of | NEW-ENG- LAND | In the Form of ANNALS: | Being | A fummary and exact Ac- count of the moft | material Zranfactions and Occurrences relating to Tuts | Country, in the Order of Time wherein they hap- | pened, from the Dj/- covery by Capt. GOSNOLD in 1602, | to the Arrival of Governor BELCHER, in 1730. | With an | INTRODUCTION, | Containing | A brief Zpitome of the moft remarkable Zranfactions and | Events Aproap, from the CrEa- TION: Including the | connected Line of Time, the Succeffion of Aatriarchs, and | Sovereigns of the moft famous Kingdoms & Empires, the | gradual Difcoveries of AMERIcA, and the progrefs of the | REFORMATION to the Dif covery of New-England. | By THOMAS PRINCE, M. A.| VOL. I. | [Mottos| (Deut. xxxii. 7. Job viii. 8.) Boston, N. E. | Printed by Kneeland & Green for S. GerrisH, | M DCC XXXVI. | [1736.] Sm. 8°; crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, inside gilt border, by F. BEDFORD. Catalogue of Books and Wanustripts. 237 ey 819 PRIOR (M.)—TuHe POETICAL WORKS of MATTHEW PRIOR. Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1835. 2 vols. 12°; portrait. Brown calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. V&. 820 PROUD (ROBERT).— THE HISTORY of PENNSYLVANIA, in NORTH AMERICA, from the Onginal Institution and Settlement of that Province, under the first Proprietor and Governor WILLIAM PENN, in 1681, till after the Year 1742; Withan INTRODUCTION, APPENDIX, et., et. By ROBERT PROUD. Puivapetpuia: Printed and sold by Zachariah Poulson, Junior, 1797. 2 vols. 8°; pp. 508, 373, 146. Fortrait of Penn, and map. Half brown morocco, tops gilt, UNCUT. Fine, clean copy. SCARCE. Jd, ~) 821 PSALMS.—Les | PSPEAUMES | pe| DAVID | Trapuits EN FRAN¢oOIS | selon l’Hebreu. | AvEc LES CANTIQUES, LES | Hymnes & les Oraisons de l’Eglise. | SeconpE Epirion. | [Zugraved Device.| A Paris. | chez Lite Josset rue Saint Jaques, | 4 la Fleur de Lys d’or. | M DC XCV. | avec PRIVILEGE DU ROY. | 16°; rubricated title. The most interesting feature of this volume is its beautiful binding. The design on the sides represents the arms of the Palatinate of Bavaria in a graceful round cartouche in the center. A wide border surrounds the four sides of the cover. The royal ball, the lion, and the ‘‘ fusel’’ (arms of Bavaria) are found successively in the small cartouches of the border. The back is elaborately tooled, and bears the interlaced letters ‘‘ B. M.” with royal crown gracefully worked into monograms. The elaborate and yet delicate dentelle border on the doublure fittingly completes a binding worthy of any master. Unfortunately, the name of the binder is not to be found on the book. The volume was bound for Marie Hollandine, princess of the Palatinate of Bavaria, who died in 1709, abbess of Maubuisson. @ SF ‘££ — 822 PTOLEMALUS.— PTOLEMA!I COSMOGRAPHIA. VICENCIZ£: 1475. COLOPHON : En tibi lector Cosmographia Ptolemzi ab Hermano lenilapide Coloniensi. | VICENCI& accuratissime impressa. Benedicto Triuisano: & Angelo Micha- | ele presidibus. | M. CCCC, LXXV. IDI. SEPT. Folio; bound in calf, gilt edges, with Ducal arms (six fleurs-de-lis) in gold on sides. The First EDITION of Ptolemy's Cosmography, a book which was so popular that more than a score of editions were published in the hundred years following its first appear- ance. The maps, which are an important feature of the subsequent editions, did not appear in this. The present copy is perfect, and is in fine condition. The capitals are all put in by hand, and the initial letters are illuminated in gold and colors. The first page has, in addition, a border and the arms of Bandini. 31 238 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts, 2/- $23 PUBLICIUS (JACOBUS). @ratoriac artis €pitomata: Ame Quae ad confuma- tii fpectant @ratorem: er antiquo Hhetoe gpmnafte dicendi: f{cribendiqy breues rationes: Pec nd } aptus optime cuig vive titus: Gnfup % pi facilis memorie artis mob? Jacobi Publiciy Florentini lucubratione in lucem editus: Foelici numime Fnechoat. IN FINE: Que ad confiumati fpectant oratore: er antiquo rhetori gpimnaz | fio: Dicendi: feribendigy rationes: necnon % aptus optine cuig vic | ro titulus: memori¢e quoy modus putilis : Jacobi publiciy Floren- | tint tucubratione in fucem editus foclici munine erplicita funt. | Erhardus ratdolt augultentis. 1482, pridie calen. decembris | impreffit Cenetijs. 4°; 67 unpaged leaves, 31 lines to a full page; with a series of extremely grotesque letters, 42 in number, of which DIBDIN (‘‘ Bibl. Spenceriana,”’ Vol. III., p. 475, et seg.) and LEBER (Catalogue, Tome I. #. 192) have given some facsimiles. On fol. 63A is a full-page woodcut, containing 25 figures of Animals, Birds, and Fish; and on fol. 678 is a chess-board with all the pieces in position. The large woodcut on the verso of fol. 63 has the revolving fish-shaped pointer, which ts made to turn round by means of a thread in the middle. In most copies this unique figure 7s wanting. Elegantly bound in pure white vellum, gilt back and edges. A LARGE AND EXCEEDINGLY BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THIS CURIOUS, INTERESTING, AND UNCOMMON VOLUME. FIRST EDITION. ‘«The manner in which it is executed by the printer is equal to the singularity of its contents ; and it is rarely that we see a more elegant specimen of the roman type of RATDOLT. Indeed, no type of any printer, whether gothic or roman, can exceed, in neatness of form, or skillfulness of execution, that which the printer of this volume may fairly boast to have produced.''— DIB- DIN, ‘‘ Bibl. Spenceriana,"’ Vol. III., A. 486. it ‘ a — 824 PUMPELLY (R.)— Across America and Asia. Notes of a Five Years’ Journey around the World, and of Residence in ARIzONA, JAPAN, and CHINA. By RapHAEL PumpE.LLy. Third Edition, Revised. New York: Leyfoldt & Holt, 1870. 8°; 4 maps and 25 illustrations, some colored. Brown cloth. Sg — 825 PVRCHAS (SAMVEL).— HAKLVYTVS | POSTHUMUS | or | Pvr- CHAS HIS PILGRIMES. | Contayning a History of the | World, in Sea voyages, & lande- | Trauells, by Englifhmen & | others « | Wherein | Gods Wonders in Nature & Pro- | uidence, The Actes, Arts, Varieties, | & Vanities of Men, w" a world of | the Worlds-Rarities, are by a world | of Eywitnefse- Authors, Re- | rlated to the World * | Some left written by M? Hakluyt at Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 239 : his | death. More fince added, His alfo perufed,| & perfected. All examined, : abreuiated, | Iiluftrated w'* Notes, Enlarged w Dif- | courfes, Adorned w pictures,and Exprefefsed in Mapps. In fower | Parts, Each containing fiue | Bookes *| By SaMven Pvrcuas B. D. Jmprinied at Lonvon for HEn- | RY FETHERSTONE a/ y* signe of | the rofe in Pauls Churchyard, 1625-26. 5 vols. folio; russia, gilt backs and edges, filleted sides; with brilliant impressions of the EN- GRAVED TITLE, containing a PORTRAIT of PURCHAS; the Map of Virginia, by CAPT. JOHN SMITH, engraved by W. HOLE, and the Map of Nova Scotia. A MAGNIFICENT COPY, tall, and perfectly clean and fresh throughout, and absolutely perfect in every respect. The collation agrees with LOWNDES except in the position of the Map of Virginia, which in this copy is placed between pages 1692-3, instead of pages 1836-7. Mr. Quaritch says that only three copies are known which have the correct (or double) map on page 65 of Vol. I. In this copy the map is placed as in the three referred to by him. °"7$— 826 PYNSON (RICHARD). THE SHIP OF FOOLS. Chis vresent Woke named the Shpp of folps of the worlde was translated i the College of sapnt marp Oterp in the counte of Deuonshpre: out of Daten, Frenche, and Doche inte Cng- ipsshe tonge by Mlerander Barclay Preste : and at that tyme Chaplen in the sapde College. translated the pere of our Lorde god. M.CCCdC.ux GZ. Jnprentpd in the Cpte of London in Pletestre at the signe of Sapnt George by ipcharde Ppyngon to hps Coste and charge : Ended the pere of our Saviour Wd ir. Che. riiii. dap of Decembre. COLOPHON : Our Ahpyp bere leupth the sees brode Wp Helpe of God almpght and guyetip At Anker we {pe within the rode But tho that Ipsteth of then to bye Jin Fiete strete shall them fpnde trulp At the George: in Lichade Ppngones place Prpnter wute the Lipngs noble grace. Deo Gratias. Sm. folio ; bound in brown crushed morocco, filleted sides, gilt edges, by F. BEDFORD. The First Ep1TIon in English of this famous book. It is perfect and in unexceptionable condition. It is scarcely excelled in point of rarity by any English book in the collection. This is believed to be the only copy in this country. gr” 240 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. /S- 827 Ppngon Fmyprinte. OLD TENURES. entr per cervtce de chtvaler: (Sine nota, sed Richard Pynson, circa 1495.) Sm. folio; bound in antique calf, gilt edges, by PRATT. Six leaves under Signature A, ending on verso of last leaf with “Finig. o ‘‘ FIRST EDITION, of which the only other copies known are in the British Museum and Lambeth Palace. A later one in the*Grenville Collection has Pynson’s device. dently one of the most ancient productions of his press.” The inner margin of the first leaf has been inlaid. It is evi- AY Yo 828 Ppnson Fmprint. Qatura Wreriii. COLOPHON : Here endeth the boke of Ratura breviun. Emprpnted bp Hie tharde Ppngon. (s. @., sed circa 1500.) Sm. folio; bound in antique calf, gilt edges, by PRATT. ‘« This exactly corresponds with the Grenville copy in the British Museum. of excessive scarcity. Pynson’s device is on the last page.” It has wide margins, is in excellent condition, and is an exceptionally good example of the work of the third great English printer. It is a volume 2 /— 829 VARLES (FRA.)—(1.) A | FEAST FOR | WORMES. | Set O- Forth in a Poeme | 2 the HISTORY OF IONAH. | By Fra. QvaARLES. | Curious Woodcut in the Title. (2.) THE GENERALL VSE of this Hiftory. | (3.) ELEUEN PIOUS MEDITATIONS, Printed within woodcut borders. (4.) PENTELOGIA: | Or | THE QVINTESSENCE | of Mepitration. | At Lonpon: | Zmprinted by Felix Kyngfion for Richard Moore, and are to be fold at his | fhop in Saint Dunfians Church-yard, in Hleetfireet, 1620. 4 PIECES, all in verse. Sm. 4°; signs. A to O in fours. Dark blue morocco extra, gilt back and edges, broad gilt borders on the sides, by J. MACKENZIE. FIRST EDITIONS. FINE, CLEAN COPIES. RARE. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 241 byes 830 QVARLES (FRA.)—(1.) IOB | MILITANT: | Wz Menrra- TIONS | Divine and | Morall. | By Fra. Qvarues. | Lonpon: Printed by Felix Kyngston for George Winder, &c., 1624. fortrait. (2.) SIONS | SONETS | Sug | By Sotomon the King, | And | Periphras’d | By | Fra. QvaRLeEs. | Lonpon: | Printed by W. Stansby for Thomas | Dewe, and are to bee fold at his | fhoppe in Saint Dunflanes | Church-yard, 1625, (3:) SIONS | ELEGIES. | West | By IEREMIE the Prophet, | And Periphras’d | By | Fra. Qvarwes. | Lonpon: | Printed by W. Stansby for Thomas Déwe, &c. | 1625. © 3 pieces sm. 4°; elegantly bound in dark green morocco extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, with rare portrait of QUARLES, ‘‘ 4tatis sue 52,’ engraved by Cross. FIRST © EDITIONS, all in beautiful, clean condition. VERY RARE. ae 831 QVARLES (FRA.)—THE | HISTORIE | or | SAM- SON: | Written | dy | Fra: Qvarves. | Lonpon: | Printed by M. F. Sor Lohn Marriott, in | S. Dunflans Church-yard in Fleetftreet, | 1631. Sm. 4°; 4 prel. leaves; pp. 149. Dark green wrinkled morocco extra, gilt back and edges, inside gilt borders, by C. MURTON. FIRST EDITION. VERY FINE, CLEAN Copy. RARE. 4 OL 832 ABELAIS (FRANCIS).—Tur WORKS or FRANCIS RABE- LAIS. ‘Translated from the French, Wirth EXPLANATORY NOTES by Du Cuat, Mortreux, OZELL, and others. Lonpon: 1807. 4 vols. 8°. LARGE PAPER. Bound in marbled calf super-extra, elaborately gilt backs, paneled sides with corner ornaments, gilt edges, inside gilt borders, by R. CALVERT. A BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THE RARE ENGLISH EDITION, with jine portrait of RABELAIS, and the numerous curious plates from the French edition inserted. “It is to RABELAIs that satiric fiction is most deeply indebted. Born at the close of the fifteenth century, when the antagonizing elements of barbarism and civilization were most prominently brought forward to struggle for mastery, Rabelais early embraced the course of modern improvement against the hereditary nonsense which then and now was dignified with the title of ‘Wisdom of our Ancestors.’ The state, the church, the various professions, were filled with solemn blockheads or designing knaves, who looked like owls, chattered like parrots, and plundered like ravens. Rabelais was just the man to flutter this precious system of orni- thology; he had been himself the inmate of the rookeries. An analysis of this immortal work would be of inconvenient length, and after all would displease those acquainted with the great original, and convey no adequate notion of its merits to those enviable persons by whom it is yet unread. There are many pleasures which can be enjoyed only once in this world: the first reading of Rabelais is one of them.'’"— Dr. W. C. TAYLOR, Zssay on Satirical Fiction, P. 54: 242 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. of 833 RACINE (J.)—OEUVRES Completes de J. RACINE avec les Notes de divers Commentateurs. Ornées de Vignettes gravées sur Acier adapres les Compositions de GERARD, GIRODET, DESENNE. Paris: Garnier Freres. MDCCCLIII. Roy. 8°; half morocco, gilt back and edges. bo — 834 RALEIGH (SIR WALTER).— Brevis & admiranda descriptio | REGNI GVIAN&, AVRI | aBvuNDANTIssSIMI, IN AMERICA, | SEV NOVO ORBE, SUB LINEA, ZQVINOCTILIA | siti: Quod nuper adrhodum, Annis nimirum | 1564, 1595 & 1596. | Per Generosum Dominum. | Dn GvALTHERVM RALEGH EQVI- | tem Anglum detectum est: pauld post jussu ejus | duobus libellis com- prehensa: | Ex quibus | lopocvs Honpivs TasuLam GeEo- | graphicam adornavit, addita explicatione | Belgico Sermone scripta: | Nunc veré in Latinum Sermonem translata, & ex variis authoribus hinc inde declarata. | [Curious engraving on copper.]| NoriBeERG#&, | Impensis Levini Hutsu, D.M.XCIX. 4°; bound in red crimped morocco. A perfect and exceptionally fine copy of one of the rarest of the Hulsius volumes. It has brilliant impressions of the map and six descriptive plates. “So 835 RANKE (LEOPOLD).— Tue HISTORY of the POPES, their Church and State, and especially their Conflicts with Protestantism in the 16th and 17th Centuries. ‘Translated by E. Foster. Lonpon: Bohn, 1847. 3 vols. post 8°; portraits. Half ereen calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. XA VJo 836 RAWLINSON (GEORGE). WORKS. Comprisinc, I. The Five Great Monarcuies of the Ancient Eastern World; or, the History, Geography, and Antiquities of CuaLpma, Assyria, BAByLon, Mep1a, and Persia, Collected and Illustrated from Ancient and Modern Sources. SECOND EDITION, with Maps, and 657 Illustrations. 3 vols. II. The StxTH GREAT ORIENTAL Monarcuy; or, the Geography, History, arid Antiquities of ParrHra, Collected and Illustrated from Ancient and Mod- ern Sources, with Maps, and 29 Illustrations. 1 vol. III. The SEVENTH GREAT ORIENTAL Monarcuy ; or, the Geography, History, and Antiquities of the SASSANIAN or NEw PeErsIAN Empire, Collected and [Illustrated from Ancient and Modern Sources, with Map, and 76 /llustrations. 1 vol. Lonpon: Longmans, 1871-76. 5 vols. 8°; half green morocco, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. 40 837 READ (J. M., JR.) —A HISTORICAL INQUIRY concerning HENRY HUDSON, his Friends, Relatives and Early Life, his Connection with the Muscovy Company and Discovery of Delaware Bay. By JOHN MERI- DETH READ, Jr. AvpBany: Joel Munsell, 1866. 8°; pp. 209. Brown cloth, UNCUT. Catalogue of Books and MWanuseripts. 243 838 REMY AND BRENCHLEY.—A JOURNEY to Great-Satt-LakeE City. By JuLes Remy and JuLius BRENCHLEY, M.A. With a SKETCH of the History, RELIGIon, and Customs of the Mormons, with an Intro- duction on the Religious Movement in the United States, by JuLEs Remy. Lonpon: W. Jeffs, MDCCCLXI. 2 vols. roy. 8°; map, 10 engravings on steel, including portraits of Brigham Young, Foseph and Hyrum Smith. Cloth, UNCUT. 839 RENOUARD (ANT. AUG.) —-ANNALES bE L’IMPRIMERIE pes ALDE, ou Histoire des Trois Manuce et de leurs Epirions. TZvoisiome Edition. A Paris: ches Jules Renouard, Libraire, M(DCCC.XXXIV. 4°. LARGE PAPER, of which only 32 copies were printed. Bound in bright crimson levant mo- rocco super-extra, Lilt back and top, paneled sides with broad gold borders and large corner ornaments, elaborately and delicately tooled, inside gilt borders. UNCUT. BEsT EDITION of thes admirable work. ‘Z _ 840 RENOUARD (ANT. AUG.) —ANNALES pe L’IMPRIMERIE pes ESTIENNE ou Hisrorre de la FAMILLE des EsTIENNE et de ses EpITIOns. Deuxidme Edition. Paris: chez Jules Renouard et C*, Libraires, M.DCCC. ALI: 4°. LARGE PAPER, one of 16 copies only, printed on ‘' papier vélin,' with the dedication to KING LOUIS-PHILIPPE. Bound in bright crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and top, paneled sides with broad gold borders and large corner ornaments, elaborately and delicately tooled, inside gilt borders. UNCUT. BEsT EDITION. VERY RARE. 2 Vo 841 REVEIL.— MUSEE de PEINTURE et de SCULPTURE, ou Recusit des PRiINcIPAUX TABLEAUX, STATUES et Bas-RELIEFS des COLLECTIONS PUBLIQUES et PARTICULIERES de l’EuroPE. Dessiné et gravé a leau forte, par REVEIL; avec des Notices DescripTives, Critiques et HisTo- RIQUES, par DUCHESNE Aine. Paris: Audot, 1829-33. 17 vols. sm. 8°; TEXT in French and English. Half calf, UNCUT. ~~ 842 REYNARD THE FOX.—The Moft Delectable | HISTORY | of | Reynard the Fox. | Newly Corrected and Purged, from all grofsnefs | in Phrafe and Matter. | Augmented and Enlarged with fundry Excellent | Morals and Expofitions upon every feveral Chapter. | Lonpon, Printed by Tho. James, for Edward Brewfler, at the | Sign of the Crane in St. Palus [ste] Church - Yard, 1694. 4°. BLACK LETTER. 84 wnpaged leaves, illustrated with 60 very curious rude woodcuts ; diamond russia, entirely UNCUT. RARE. ‘‘ THE ‘ History of Reynard the Fox’ is one of the earliest and best specimens of satirical romance in the literature of modern Europe. It is admired in youth, and relished in age. The characters are drawn with great discrimination, and sustained with equal spirit; the satires on tyranny, roguery, superstition, and hypocrisy are powerful and pointed. Antiquarians have not settled the precise age or country to which the work belongs, but there is an individuality in the portraits which forces us to believe that they must be resemblances, though we are not acquainted with the originals.’ Dr. W. C. TAyLor, Zssay on Satirical Fiction, p. 54. 244 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. REYNARD THE FOX, after the German Version of GOETHE, by THOMAS JAMES ARNOLD, Esq. With Illustrations by W1LHELM von KaUt- BACH. New YorK: Theo. Stroefer, 1870. Roy. 4°; crimson cloth extra, gilt sides and edges, with 36 beautiful engravings from designs 6y KAULBACH, engraved by SCHLEICH and RAHN. RICARDO (D.)— Tue WORKS of DAVID RICARDO. With a No- TICE of the Lire and WritiNGs of the AUTHOR. By J. R. MCCULLOCH. New Epirion. With a Portrait. Lonpon: John Murray, 1871. 8°; cloth, UNCUT. RIEDESEL.— MEMOIRS, and Letters and Journats, of MAJOR- GENERAL RIEDESEL, during his REstpENcE in America. Trans- lated from the Original German of Max von EELKING by WILLIAM L. STONE. Apany: J. Munsell, 1868. 2 vols. 4°; pp. viii.-306; 284 (1). Half crimson morocco, gilt backs and tops, UNCUT. Portrait and plate. ONE OF ONLY 20 COPIES PRINTED THIS SIZE. RIEDESEL (MADAME DE).—LETTERS and JOURNALS Relating to the War of the AMERICAN REVOLUTION, and the Capture of the German Troops at Saratoga. By Mrs. GENERAL RIEDESEL. ‘Translated from the Original German, by WILLIAM L. STONE. Atpany: Joel Munsell, 1867. Roy. 8°; pp. 235 ; portrait and 3 engravings on wood. Half brown morocco, top gilt. LARGE PAPER. RIMBAULT (EDWARD F.)—BIBLIOTHECA MADRIGALIANA. A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AccounT of the MusicaL and PorTicaAL Works Pub- lished in England during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, under the Titles of Madrigals, Ballets, Ayres, Canzonets, etc., etc. Lonpon: John Russell Smith, MDCCCXLVII. 8° ; half crimson levant morocco extra, gilt back and top, by F. BEDFORD. UNCUT. RIVERO AND VON TSCHUDI.— PERUVIAN ANTIQUITIES. By Mariano EpwarbD RIVERO, and JoHN JAMEs Von TscHupi. Trans- lated into English from the Original Spanish, by Francis L. Hawks, D. D. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1853. 8°; Ap, 306; numerous engravings en wood. Cloth, rough edges. RODENBOUGH (T. F.) — From EVERGLADE TO CANON with the SEconD Dracoons (Second United States Cavalry). An Authentic Account of Service in Florida, Mexico, Virginia, and the Indian Coun- try, including the Personal Recollections of Prominent Officers. With an Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 245 APPENDIX. . . 1836-1875. Compiled by THEo. F. RopENBoucH. J/dustrated with 8 Portraits, 5 Chromo-Lithographs, 11 Wood Engravings, 6 Pen-and-Inks, and 2 Maps. New-York: D. Van Nostrand, 1875. Roy. 8°; red cloth. 2/2 8:0 ROGERS (HORATIO).— PRIVATE LIBRARIES of PROVI- DENCE. With a PRELIMINARY Essay on the LOVE or BOOKS. PROVIDENCE: «Sydney S. Rider, 1878. Sm. 4°; pp. 255; frontispiece, and views of the interiors of the various libraries described. Half brown morocco, gilt top, edges UNCUT. An elegant and entertaining work. The EDITION was limited to 250 copies. Several of the libraries have since been dispersed by auction. &— 851 ROGERS (SAMUEL). — POEMS [including “ITALY”]. Lonpon: 1836. 2 vols. 8°. Jllustrated with upwards of 100 most exquisite engravings by FINDEN, GOODALL, etc., from pictures by TURNER and STOTHARD, all BRILLIANT PROOF IMPRESSIONS (¢he PROOFS of the ‘‘ ITALY" before lettering). The AUTHOR'S OWN COPIES, for which he had special titles printed. The illustrations to the ‘‘ POEMS"’ were never issued. PROOFS before letters. Elegantly bound in dark green morocco, blind tooled, gilt edges, by HAYDAY. A matchless set of these marvelously beautiful volumes. BS 852 ROMAN HISTORY. @ Le Uiolier | Des Hystoires | Hommaines : ete. [ Title-page engraved and rubricated.] COLOPHON : [@ Cp finist fe viollier des hystoires Lommiai | nes Aho- ralisees; nounelfement translate de fatin | en Francops ; et Jm- prime par Philippe le Noir | lung des Kelieurs ire; en Due niuersite de Paris | Demourant en fa Fue Sainct Jacques a lengeigne | de la Kose blanche couromnee Et fut acheue fe | bingtiesme iour de Aeptembre. Dan Dil cing ceng et rrv. Sm. 4° ; bound in crimson crushed morocco extra, gilt edges, by CHAMBOLLE-DURU. An exceptionally interesting example of the work of one of the celebrated early Parisian presses. It has the printer’s device of Philippe Le Noir, with many curious woodcuts, and is in every respect in perfect condition. ' ‘YO 8:3 ROMANS (BERNARD).—A Concise | NATURAL HISTORY | of | Faft and Weft FLORIDA; | conraintnc | An Account of the natural Produce of all the Southern | Part of BRITISH AMERICA, in the three | Kingdoms of Nature, particularly the Animal and | Vegetable. | LIKEWISE, | The artificial Produce now raifed, or poffible -to be raifed, | and manufac- 32 246 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. tured there, with fome commercial and po- | litical Obfervations in that part of the world; anda cho- | rographical Account of the fame. | To which is added, by Way of Appendix, | Plain and eafy Directions to Navigators over ' the Bank of | Bahama, the Coaft of the two Floridas, the North of | Cuba, and the dangerous Gulph Paffage. Noting alfo, | the hitherto unknown watering Places in that part of | America, intended principally for the Ufe of fuch Vef- | fels as may be fo unfortunate as to be diftrefled by | Weather in that difficult Part of the World. | By Captain BERNARD ROMANS. | Illuftrated with twelve COPPER PLATES, | And Two whole Sheet MAPS. | Vou. I. | NEw-York: | Printed for the AutTHor, M,DCC,- LXXV. 8°; pp. 4, vill., 342 (-). Appendix, Ixxxix. 1 folded Table. 11 copperplate engravings, in- cluding frontispiece, dedication, and three full-page maps in the Appendix. Two large folded maps. ' In the original calf binding. A LARGE AND REMARKABLY FINE COPY OF THIS EXCEED- INGLY RARE work. The COPPERPLATES were designed and engraved by the author. In this copy they are placed in the following order: (1) Frontispiece, Vol. J. (2) Dedication, ‘‘ To Fohn Ellis Esqgr, .». Agent for the Province of Weft-Florida.’’ (3) Avena aquatica Sylveftris [Wild Oats], p. 31. (4) Characteristich Chicasaw head, p.59. (5) Characteristick Chactaw busts, p. 82. (6) Treat- ment of the dead, by the Chactaws, g. 89. (7) Characteristich head of a Creek War Chief, p. 93. (8) Chactaw and Creek Hieroglyphics, 2 Alates on one sheet, p. toz. Maps in the Appen- dix: (9) Extrances of Tampa Bay, p. \xxviiii. (10) Pensacola Bar, p. \xxxiv. (11) Mobile Bar, p. \xxxy. At the end of the volume are two large folded maps, véz., (1) ‘‘ Map of East and West Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana,” efc., dated ‘‘London, May gist, 178t. Jn. Lodge, scudp."’ (2) ‘‘ Map of Part of West Florida,” etc. J. Lodge, scalp. The Brinley copy sold for $26s. Ss 854 ROSCOE (WILLIAM).— Lirt of Lorenzo Der’ Mepici, Called the Magnificent. Tenth Edition, revised by his Son, THomas Roscor. Lon- pon: Bohn, 1851. Post 8°; portrait. Half green calf, marbled edges. “ 855 ROSS (A.)— THE RED RIVER SETTLEMENT: its Rise, Progress, and Present State. With some Account of the Native Races, and its General History to the Present Day. By ALExaNDER Ross. Lonpon: Smith, Elder & Co, 1856. Crown 8° ; pp. xvi.—416, frontispiece ; blue cloth, UNCUT. G 856 ROSSETTI (CHRISTINA).—Tue PRINCE’S PROGRESS and other Poems. With 2 Designs by D. G. Rossetti. Lonpon: Macmillan & Co. 1866. 16° ; green cloth, gilt, UNCUT. First Edition. 857 ROUSSEAU (J. J.)— THe CONFESSIONS of JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU, Translated from the French. With Thirty-two Plates. Lon- DON: W. Glaisher, n. d. Post 8° ; cloth. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 247 J _ 8583 ROUSSELET (LOUIS).— L'INDE pes Rayans. VOYAGE dans L’INDE CENTRALE et dans les PrEsIDENcEs de BomBay et du BENGALE. Par LOUIS ROUSSELOT. Ouvrage Contenant 317 Gravures sur Bois, dessinées par nos plus célébres Artistes, et Six Cartes. Paris: Hachette et C*, 1875. Imp. 4°; half red morocco, gilt back, sides and edges. SY_ 85 ROWLANDS (SAMUEL). GREENES GHOST HAVNTING CONIE- CATCHERS. Wherein ts fet downe, The Arte of Humouring. The Arte of carrying Stones. Will. St. Lift. Ta. Foft. Law. Ned Bro. Catch. gud Blacke Robins Kindneffe. With the conceits of Doctor Pinch-backe a notable Makefhift. Ten times more pleasant then [szc] any thing yet publifhed of this matter. Non ad imitandum, fed ad euitandum. LONDON, Printed for R. lackfon, and I. North, and are to be fold in Fleetftreete, a little aboue the Conduit, 1602. Sm. 4°. BLACK LETTER. A fo Gin fours. Olive morocco super-extra, paneled sides with corner ornaments, gilt edges, by \W. PRATT. A BEAUTIFUL COPY. VERY RARE. ‘‘A most curious and rare tract illustrating the manners and ways of low life in the time of Shakespeare.”’ 903 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM).—Tue WORKS of WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. The Plays edited from the Folio of MDCXXIII, with various Readings from all the Editions and all the Commentators, Notes, Introductory Remarks, a Historical Sketch of Text, an Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Drama, a Memoir of the Poet, and an Essay upon his Genius, by RicHaRD GRANT WHITE. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1866. 12 vols. 8°; half olive morocco, gilt tops, brown paper sides, fore edges UNCUT. LARGE PAPER: only 50 COPIES PRINTED. VERY SCARCE. y ~ 9044 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM).— MEMOIRS of the Lire of WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, with an Essay towards the Expression of his Gentus, and an Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Drama. By RICHARD Grant Wuite. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1866. 8°; fine portrait. Half olive morocco, brown paper sides, gilt top, fore edges UNCUT. LARGE PAPER: ONLY I00 COPIES PRINTED. 34 262 Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. 905 SHAKESPEARE GEMS.— The Book of SHAKESPEARE GEMS: in a Series of Landscape Illustrations of the most interesting Localities of Shakespeare’s Dramas. With 45 beautiful steel engravings by Woods, Var- rall, Winkles, Radcliffe, &c., after Drawings chiefly by G. F. SARGENT. Lon- DON: 1846. 8°; bound in wrinkled crimson morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by W. PRATT. DOUBTFUL PLAYS. 906 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM).—The first part | of the true & hono | rable history, of the Life of Sir John Old-Castle, the good | Lord Cobham. As it hath bene lately acted by the Right | honorable the Earle of Noting- ham | Lord High Admirall of England, his Seruants. Written by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. LOonpown: printed for T. P. | 1600. Sm. 4°; bound in crimson grained morocco, gilt edges. 4 & iS 907 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM).—A Pleasant | COMEDIE | OF | FairE £ M,| The Millers Daughter of | Manchester. | With the loue of William the Conqueror. | As it was sundty times publiquely acted in the | Honourable Citie of London, by the right Ho | nourable the Lord Strange his Seruants. [Device.]| Lonpon, | Printed for John Wright, and are to be sold at his shop at the | signe of the Bible in Guilt-spur street without | New-gate, 1631. Sm. 4°; bound in dark olive morocco extra, elaborately gilt, with border inside, gilt edges, by DAVID. + i. 908 SHARPE (S.)— Tue HISTORY of EGYPT. From the Earliest Times till the Conquest by the Arabs A. D. 640. By SAMUEL SHARPE. The Fifth Edition. Lonpon: Bell & Daldy, 1870. 2 vols. 8°; with maps, and illustrated by nearly 700 WoopcuTs. Polished tree-calf extra, gilt backs, filleted sides, marbled edges. XS — 909 SHAW (HENRY).— ILLUMINATED ORNAMENTS selected from Manuscripts and Earty Printep Books from the S1xTH to the SEVEN- TEENTH CENTURIES. Drawn and Engraved by HENRY SHAW,F.S.A, With Descriptions by SIR FREDERIC MADDEN, F. R.S. Lonpon: Wilham Pickering, 1833. . Imp. 4°; 59 PLATES beautifully painted by hand, and richly illuminated with gold. Half olive morocco, brown paper sides, edges UNCUT. LARGE PAPER, of which only 50 copies were printed. The Large Paper copies only of Mr. SHAW’s works were colored and gilded by artists. The plates of the smad/ paper copies were simply printed in colors. {2 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 263 gio SHAW (HENRY).— SPECIMENS of ANCIENT FURNITURE. Drawn from Existing Authorities by HENRY SHAW, F. S. A. With Descriptions by Sir SAMUEL RUSH MEYRICK, K. H. Lownpon: Witham Pickering, 1836. Imp. 4°; 75 beautifully colored plates. Half olive morocco, brown paper sides, edges UNCUT. LARGE PAPER. 911 SHAW (HENRY).— Tue ENCYCLOPAEDIA of ORNAMENT, by HENRY SHAW, F.S. A. Lonpon: William Pickering, 1842. Imp. 4°; 59 plates, all beautifully colored or tinted. Half olive morocco, brown paper sides, edges UNCUT. LARGE PAPER. g12 SHELLEY (P. B.)—A PHILOSOPHICAL POEM. With Notes. Lonpon: Printed by P. B. Shelley, 23 Chapel Street, Grosvenor Square, 1813. Sm. 8°; pp. 240. First EDITION. Privately printed and given by Shelley to but few of his friends. He afterwards tore out the title and cut the imprint from the last leaf. 913 SHELLEY (P. B.)— The POETICAL WORKS of PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. Edited by HARRY BUXTON FORMAN. Lonpon: Reeves & Turner, 1876-77. 4 vols. 8°; portrait, etchings, and facsimiles. Bound in polished maroon levant morocco, gilt edges, inside gilt borders, by HAMMOND. 914 [SHEPARD (THOMAS). THE DAY-BREAKING, IF NOT The Sun-Rifing OF THE GOSPELL With the INDIANS in New-England. [ Zexts of Scripture, 3 lines.) ® LONDON, Printed by Rich. Cotes, for Fulk Clifton, and are to bee Jold at his fhop under Saint Margarets Church on New-jifh-fireet Hill, 1647. Sm. 4°; pp. (2) 25; light polished calf, red edges, by F. BEDFORD. A VERY FINE, LARGE, CLEAN Copy of this EXTREMELY Rarz tract. 34* 264 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. by Jo 9!5 SHEPARD (THOMAS). THE Clear Sun-fhine of the Gofpel BREAKING FORTH UPON THE INDIANS IN NEW-ENGLAND. An Hittoricall Narration of Gods Wonderfull Workings upon fundry of the Indians, both chief Governors and Common-people, in bringing them to a willing and defired fubmiffion to the Ordinances of the Gofpel; and framing their hearts to an earneft inquirie after the knowledge of God the Father, and of Jefus Chrift the Saviour of the World. By Mr. THomMAsS SHEPARD Minifter of the Gofpel of Jefus Chrift at Cambridge in New-England. [ Zexts of Scripture, 6 lines.| Lonpon, Printed by R. Cotes for John Bellamy at the three golden Lions in Cornhill near the Royall Exchange, 1648. Sm. 4°; pp. (14), 38. Dark blue polished levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and top, filleted sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, by W. PRATT. UNCUT. A LARGE and FINE COPY. The title and the margins of a few leaves have been slightly repaired. EXTREMELY RARE. 2— 916 SHEPARD (THOMAS).— Zheses Sabbatice. | or, | THE DOCTRINE | OF THE | Sabbath : | Wherein | The Sabbaths I. AZoratity. | 11. Change. | Ill. Beginning. | IV. Sanctification. | are clearly difcuffed. | Which were firft handled more largely | in fundry SERMons in Cambridg [sic] in New- England | in opening the fourth COMMANDMENT. |... By THOMAS SHEPARD, Paftor of the Church of | Chrift at Cambridge in New-England. | | Texts of Scripture, 6 lines.| Lonpon, Printed by T: R. and E. M. for John Rothwell \ Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 265 at| Sun and Fountain in Pauls Church-yard, 1650. | Also CERTAIN | SELECT CASES | Resotvep ... By THomMas SHEPHARD [sc] | Sometimes of Emanuel-Colledge | in Cambridge, Now Preacher of | Gods Word in Wew- | England. | Lonvon, Printed for John Rothwell, 1650. 3 vols. int vol. 8°; light polished calf, beveled boards, carmine edges. ies 917 SHERIDAN (R. B.)—TuHE WORKS of the Right Honourable RICH- ARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN, with a Memoir by James P. BRowneE, M. D. Containing Extracts from the Life by THomas Moore. LoNnpon: Bickers & Son, 1873. . 2 vols. 8°; portrait. Blue polished calf extra, gilt backs, marbled edges, filleted sides. Fine large- type edition. S25 918 SHIRLEY (JAMES).— HIDE PARKE A COMEDIE, As it was pre- sented by her Majesties Servants, at the private house in Drury Lane. Written by JAMES SHIRLEY. LONpDoN: Printed by Zho. Cotes, for Andrew Crooke, and William Cooke, 1637. 4°; red morocco extra, by F. BEDFORD. FIRST EDITION. Fine copy, UNCUT. COLLATION: At-2, B-Kz1, in fours; Title, At; dedication to Henry Earle of Holland, A2; Hide Parke, Br. So SE gig SHIRLEY (JAMES).— THE EXAMPLE. As it was presented by her Majesties Servants at the private House in Drury-Lane. Written by [AMES SHIRLY. Lonpon: Printed by John Norton, for Andrew Crooke, and William Cooke, 1637. 4°; red morocco extra, by F. BEDFORD. FIRST EDITION. Fine copy, UNCUT. COLLATION: Ar-I4, in fours; Title, Ar; The Example, A2; Prologue, [4. $7.£o@ 920 SHIRLEY (JAMES).— Tue DVKES MISTRIS, As it was presented by her Mayesties Servants, at the private House in Drury Lane. Written by IAMES SHIRLEY. Lonpon: Printed by John Norton, for William Cooke, 1638. 4°; red morocco extra, by F. BEDFORD. FIRST EDITION. Fine copy, UNCUT. COLLATION: A1-2, B-K4, in fours; Title, Ar; Prologue, A2; The Duke's Mistris, Br. - $921 SHIRLEY (JAMES).— Tue MAIDES REVENGE. A TRAGEDY. As it hath beene Acted with good Applause at the private house in Drury Lane by her Majesties Servants. Written by IaMEs SHIRLEY Gent. Lon- DON: Printed by 7: C. for William Cooke, and are to be sold at his shop at Furnivalls Inne Gate in Holbourne, 1639. 4°; red morocco extra, by F. BEDFORD. FIRST EDITION. Fine copy, UNCUT. COLLATION: .Ar-2, B-I4, in fours; Title, Ar; dedication to Henry Osborne, A2; Maides Revenge, Br. ; 266 Catalogue of Books and Manuseripts. 922 SHIRLEY (JAMES).— A PASTORALL CALLED THE ARCADIA. Acted by her Majesties Servants at the Phanix in Drury Lane. Written by TaMEs SHiRLY Gent. Lonpon: Printed by Z D. for John Williams, and £. Eglesfeid, and are to be sould at the signe of the Crane in Pauls Church- yard, 1640. 4°; ved morocco extra, by F. BEDFORD. FIRST EDITION. Fine copy, UNCUT. COLLATION: A, 1 leaf; B-I4, in fours; Title, Ar; The Arcadia, Br. 923 SHIRLEY (JAMES).— Tue Constant MAID. A Comedy. Written by James SHIRLEY. Lonpon: Printed by J. Raworth, for R. Whitaker, 1640. * 4°; red morocco extra, by F, BEDFORD. First EDITION. Fine copy, UNCUT. COLLATION: A1-I3, in fours; Title, At; The Constant Maid, Ac. si 924 [SIGOURNEY (Mrs. L. H.)|—SKETCH of CONNECTICUT, Forty : Years Since. [By Mrs. Lypia Hunriey Sicourney.] Harrrorp: Oliver D. Cooke & Sons, 1824. 12°; pp. 278. Boards, UNCUT. Contains an account of the Narragansett Indians, and sketch of SAMSON OccaM, the Indian Preacher. JS 2 Jo 925 SIMCOE (J. G.)—A | JOURNAL | of the | Operations | of | THE QUEEN’S RANGERS, | From the Enp of the Year 1777, | to the | Conclusion of the Late American War. | By LirurenanT-CoLoNEL Srm- coe, | Commander of that Corps. | Exeter: Printed for the Author. [1787.| 4°; Dp. (8), 184, (48); 10 maps. Dark morocco, filleted sides, gilt edges, broad inside gilt borders. A SPLENDID Copy of the EXCESSIVELY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION, clean and fresh as when first printed, and the LARGEST Copy yet heard of, measuring 8% by 10% inches on the leaf. ‘‘FIRST PRINTED soon after the termination of the War of Independence, but apparently not published, and was almost unknown to exist, until a few years ago, when a copy turned up in a sale (I believe of Mr. Chalmers's Library), and from that copy the New York edition of 1844 was printed.’’—RICH. Ky 926 SINGER (SAMUEL WELLER).— RESEARCHES into the History of PLAYING CARDS; with ILLustrations of the OriIGIN of PRINTING and ENGRAVING on Woop. Lonpon: Printed by T: Bensley & Son, for R. Triphook, 1816. 4° ; pp. xvi.-373, (1). Plates, and facsimiles of rare old playing cards. Bound in crimson grosgr. levant morocco super-exira, gilt back and sides, inlaid with green morocco, with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by D. L. VANANTWERP. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY COPIES ONLY PRINTED. VERY SCARCE. ‘It is seldom that the public have seen a more beautifully planned and executed work than the present. The facsimile engravings upon wood cannot be surpassed. The entire impression is limited to 250 copies; so that, when its intrinsic worth and extrinsic beauty be considered, the curious will not fail to secure copies whenever they make their appearance.''"— DIBDIN, ‘* Bibl. Decameron,’ Vol. II., 2. 399. Catalogue of Wooks and Wanuseripts. 267 7 i 927 SMITH (JOHN).—A Map of VIRGINIA. | WITH A DESCRIPTI | ON OF THE CouNnTREY, THE | Commodoties, People, Govern | ment and Religion. Written by Captain SMITH, sometimes Go | vernour of the Countrey. | WHEREUNTO IS ANNEXED THE | proceedings of those Colonies, since their first | departure from England, with the discourses, | orations, and relations of the Salvages, | and the Accidents that befell | them in all their Iournies | and discoveries. | TAKEN FAITHFULLY AS THEY | were written out of the writ- ings of | Doctor RussELL, RICHARD WIEFIN, THO. STUDLEY, WILL. PHETTI- PLACE, ANAS TODRILL, NATHANIEL POWELL, JEFFRIA ABOT, RICHARD Pots, | And the relations of divers other diligent observers there | present then, and now many of them in England. | By W. S[1mons]. AT OxForD, Printed by Joseph Barnes, 1612. Sm. 4°; bound in calf, gold fillets, gilt edges. This copy has no map. It has both title-pages, the first soiled and mended. In other respects it is in fine condition, being unusually large and clean. KZ, “2 Jo 928 SMITH (Capt. JOHN). A DESCRIPTION of Mew England - OR THE OBSERVATIONS, AND difcoueries, of Captain John Smith (Admirall of that Country) in the North of America, in the year . of our Lord 1614: with the Jucceffe of fixe Ships, that went the next yeare 1615; and the accidents befell him among the French men of warre : With the proofe of the prefent benefit this Countrey affoords: whither this prefent yeare, 1616, eight voluntary Ships are gone to make further tryall, AT LONDON Printed by Humfrey Lownes, for Robert Clerke ; and are to be fould at his houfe called the Lodge, in Chancery lane, ouer again{ft Lin- colnes Inne. 1616. Sm. 4°; red morocco, gilt edees. A fine, clean copy. A VERY GREAT RARITY, COLLATION: TZi¢le as above, verso blank; epistle dedicatory ‘‘To the High | Hopefvi CHARLES, | Prince of Great Britaine,”’ signed ‘‘Iohn Smith;"’ ‘‘To the Right Ho- | nourable 268 Catalogue of Books and Manusgeripts. and worthy Lords, | Knights, & Gentlemen, of his Ma- | iefties Councell, for all Plantations,” ete.; ‘‘To the right VVorfhipfull Ad- | uenturers for the Countrey of New Eng- | land,”’ etc. ; and complimentary verses, together 8 leaves; the ‘‘ DESCRIPTION,” etc., #f. 61; after which are complimentary verses by John Davies, of Hereford, Geo. Wither, Ed. Robinson, and Tho. Carlton, 2 pages. At page 1 is a folding Map of New England, SIMON PAS#Us sculpfit, at the corner of which is a portrait of Capt. JOHN SMITH. 929 SMITH (Capt. JOHN). THE GENERALL HISTORIE OF Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Ifles: with the names of the Adventurers, Planters, and Governours from their firft beginning An°: 1584. to this prefent 1626. With the Procedings of those Several Colonies and the Accidents that befell them in all their Journyes and Difcoveries. Alfo the Maps and Defcriptions of all thofe Countryes, their Commodities, People, Government, Cuftomes, and Religion yet knowne. DIVIDED INTO SIXE BOOKES. By Capiaine IOHN SMITH /fometymes Governour in thofe Countryes & Admirall of New England. LONDON. Printed by 7 D. and I. H. for Michael Sparkes 1627. Folio; brilliant impression of the title, engraved by Iohn Barra; pp. (12), 96, 105-248, and errata. 4 maps, 2 portraits. Elegantly bound in bright crimson levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled and filleted sides with corner ornaments, broad inside gilt borders, by F. BED- FORD. A SPLENDID Copy, with brilliant impressions of ALL THE ORIGINAL MAPS and PLATES, and the ERRATA which is wanting in many copies. ‘The frst edition, in which the portrait of Prince Charles was changed to Charles Rex. Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. 269 7£-_930 SMITH (Capt. JOHN). THE TRUE TRAVELS, ADVENTVRES, AND OBSERVATIONS OF Captaine Ioun Smiru, In Europe, Afia, Africa, and America from Anno Domini 1593. to 1629. His Accidents and Sea-fights in the Straights; his Service and Stratagems of warre in Hungaria, 77 ranjilvania, Wallachia, and Moldavia, againft the Zurks, and Tartars; his three fingle combats betwixt the Chriftian Armie and the Zurkes. After how he was taken prifoner by the Turks, fold for a Slave, fent into Tartaria ; his defcription of the Zartars, their ftrange manners and cuftomes of Religions, Diets, Buildings, Warres, Featfts, Ceremonies, and Living ; how hee flew the Bafhaw of Vadérits in Cambia, and efcaped from the Zurkes and Zartars. Together with a continuation of his generall Hiftory of Virginia, Summer-Iles, New England, and their proceedings, fince 1624. to this prefent 1629 ; as alfo of the new Plantations of the great River of the Amazons, the Iles of S! Chrifiopher, Mevis, and Barbados in the Weft Indies. All written by actuall Authours, whofe names you fhall finde along the Hiftory. LONDON, Printed by J. H. for Thomas Slater, and are to bee fold at the Blew Bible in Greene Arbour, 1630. Folio; pp. (12), 60; sumptuously bound in polished crimson levant.morocco, gilt back and edges, paneled and filleted sides with corner ornaments, broad inside dentelle borders, richly gilt, by F. BED- FORD. A SPLENDID Copy. The several compartments in the large folded g/ate, generally placed at the beginning of the work, have been separated in this copy, skillfully split and mounted upon matched paper like INDIA PRoorFs, by MR. BEDFORD, and placed where they respectively belong in the Text. 35 270 Catalogue of | Books and Manuscripts. G2Ldo 931 SMITH (Capt. JOHN).—A Sea Grammar, | Wirn | THE PLAINE Exposition | of Smirus Accidence for young | Sea-men, enlarged. | Diuided into fifteene Chapters: what they are you | may partly conceiue by the Contents. | Written by Captaine IOHN SMITH, fometimes | Gouernour of Vircrnia, and Admirall of | Nevv Encianp. | Lonpon, | Printed by IoHN HAVILAND, 1627. | Sm. 4°; bright green levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD. fY— 932 SMITH (Capt. JOHN).— Tue TRVE TRAVELS, ADVENTVRES and OBSERVATIONS of CapTAINE IouN Smit, in Ewrope, Asia, Africke, and America: Beginning about the Yeere 1593, and Continued to this present 1629. From the London edition of 1629. RicHMonp: Republished at the Franklin Press, 1819. 2 vols. 8°. VOL. 1. 7 prel. leaves and pp. 247; portrait of Smith, large folding plates at pages 14, 113, and map at p. 149. VOL. II. fp. xi.-282; coat of arms. Half red morocco, top gilt, UNCUT. FINE, CLEAN COPY. a 933 SMITH (A.)—Tue WORKS of ADAM SMITH, LL. D.- With an Account of his Lirz and Writincs by DUGALD STEWART. Lov- DON: Z. Cadell, 1811-12. 5 vols. 8° ; fine portrait, engraved by C. PICART. Polished calf, gilt backs. “00 — 934 SMITH (SAMUEL).—Tue | HISTORY | of | THe Cotony | of | NOVA-CAESARIA, or NEW-JERSEY: | Conraininc, | An Account of its First Settlement, | Progressive Improvements, | The Original and Present Constitution, | and other Events, | to the Year 1721. | With | Some Par- ticulars since; | And | A Short View of its Present State. | By SAMUEL SMITH. | Burtincton, 1n New-Jerszy: | Printed and Sold by James Parker : Sold alfo by | Davip Hatt, in PuitapeLpuiaA: M,DCC,LXV. Roy. 8°; pp. x.-574. Elegantly bound in green levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and top, paneled sides with corner ornaments, broad inside gilt borders, UNCUT, éy F: BEDFORD. A MAGNIFICENT Copy, and probably UNIQUE, in this marvelous condition. INSERTED is an AUTOGRAPH LETTER written and signed by the EARL of BATH, dated Apri/ 16th, 1681, and addressed to Lord Norreys, containing a PROPOSAL FoR THE SALE OF EAST NEW-JERSEY “‘ With all Royalltys, Priviledges & Advantages thereto belong- ing as:Sole Proprietor; and a Country almost as big as England planted already wth several Towns and many inhabitants and likely very much to increase, being a very healthy place with good rivers and harbours and the price will be betwixt 5 and 6000 £.”” This copy sold for $200, at the Rice sale, before it was bound by BEDFORD, and previous to the insertion of the interesting autograph letter. Examined ; in Spirituals III. Zhe Parliaments permiffion of ; Diffenting pers sae go Alfo (as a Teftimony to Mr. Clarks Narrative) is added | a Letter to Mr. Endicot Governor of the Maffachufets in NV. E.| By R. Wittiams of Providence in New-England. | Lonpon, Printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be fold at | the black-fpread-Eagle at the Weft-end of Pauls, 1652. 4°; 20 prel. leaves ; ‘‘ The Contents,” 8 Jeaves; ‘‘ Text,” 330 2p. Dark blue polished levant morocco super-extra, paneled and filleted sides, gilt back and edges, inside gilt borders, by F. BED- FORD. FINE COPY. The foregoing volumes by Roger Williams are not only of very great rarity, but of the greatest interest and importance as throwing light on the history of the stirring times in which they were written, 308 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. a“ X— 1082 WILSON (D.)— PREHISTORIC MAN: REsEARCHES into the OrI- GIN of CIVILISATION in the OLD and the NEw Wortp. By DANIEL WILSON, LL. D. Lonpon: Macmillan & Co. 1865. 8°; 2 colored plates, and 69 woodcut illustrations, / § —— 1083 WILSON (JOHN).— WORKS. [Zdited by his Son-in-Law, Prov. J. F. FERRIER.] Comprising, I. Nocres AMBROSIANA, 4 vols. II. Essays CRITICAL and IMAGINATIVE, 4 vols. RECREATIONS of CHRISTOPHER NorRTH, 2 vols, TaLes and Pores, 2 vols. EpiInpurcH: Blackwood & Sons, 1864-5. 12 vols. crown 8° ; portraits. Half brown morocco, gilt tops. UNCUT. Z/— 1084 WINCKELMANN (JOHN).— Tue HISTORY of ANCIENT ART 7m among the Greeks. Translated from the German of JoHN WINCKELMANN, by G. HENRY LODGE. Lonpon: John Chapman, 1850. 8°; light polished calf, gilt back, filleted sides, marbled edges. Illustrated with 17 PLATES. <— 1085 WINGFIELD (E. M.)—“A DISCOURSE OF VIRGINIA.” By Epwarp Maria WINGFIELD, the First President of the Colony. ow first printed from the Original Manuscript in the Lambeth Library. "Edited, with Notes and an Inrropuction, by CHARLES DEANE, Member of the American Antiquarian Society, and of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston: Privately Printed, 1860. Imp. 8°; pp. 45. Half morocco, carmine edges. 100 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED. VERY SCARCE. ae? IH 1086 WITCHCRAFT.— A | Magical Vifion | Or a Perfect | DISCOVERY | of the | Fatractes | of | WITCHCRAFT | As it was lately reprefented in a pleafant | fweet Dream to a Holy fweet Sifter, a faithful | and pretious Affertor of the family of the | Stand-hups, for prefervation of the Saints, from | being tainted with the Herefies of the Congre- | gations of the Doe- Littles. | Lonpon: | Printed for Thomas Palmer, at the Crown | in Weft- minfler-Hall, 1673. 12°; pp. (6), 22, (3). Half green morocco, UNCUT. RARE AND VERY CuRIOUS. ‘‘ The pretended powers of Necromancers and Witches are Jacetiously described. The book can hardly be recommended for family reading, but its enumeration of popular superstitions will interest students of folk-lore.’’ Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 309 1087 WITHER (GEORGE).— Zpithalamia : | on | NVPTIALL POEMS | VPON THE MOST BLESSED | AND Happy MarriaGE | betweene the High and Mighty Prince | Frederick the Fifth, Count Palatine | of the Rhine, Duke of | Bauier, &c. | AND THE MOST VERTVOVS, | Gracious, and thrice Excellent Princeffe, Eiizabeth, | Sole Daughter to our dread Soueraigne, Tames, by | the grace of God King of Great Britaine, | France and Jreland, Defender of | the Faith, &c. | Celebrated at White- Hall the fourteenth | of February. 1612. | Written by GEORGE WITHER. | LonDON: | Printed by T. S. for Iohn Budge, dwelling in Pauls- | Church-yard, at the jigne of the Greene | Dragon, 1622. Sm. 8°; 17 unnumbered leaves. Maroon morocco, gilt edges. At the end of the “ Bpitha- lamia”’ will be found ‘‘ Certaine Epigrams Concerning Marriage," of which the following is a fair sample: ‘‘ God was the firft that Marriage did ordaine, By making One, Two; and Two, One againe.” f 44 — 1088 WITHER (GEORGE).— A | COLLECTION | or | EMBLEMS, | ANCIENT AND | MODERNE: | Quickened | VVith MeTricaLL ILLvsTRa- xions, both | Moral! and Divine: And difpofed into | Lorrerigs, | That Infiruction, and Good Counjell, may bee furthered | by an Honeft and Pleafant Recreation. | By GeorcE WiTHER. | Zhe Firft Booke | LONDON: | Printed by A. M. [Augustine Matthewe,| for Robert Allot, and |\ are to be fold at the Blacke Beare in Pauls Church- | yard. MDCXXXV. Folio; FRONTISPIECE, PORTRAIT, and 200 EMBLEMS. Engraved title by W. MAR- SHALL without imprint or date. The Second, Third, and Fourth Books of the Emblems have each a separate Title, and are dated MDCXxxIv. This copy has the leaf at the end con- taining the WoopcuT of a DIAL, but lacks the movable index. Bound in grass green morocco extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by C. MURTON. Fine, tall copy. VERY RARE. ALi 1089 WITHER (GEORGE).— Campo-Mufe, | or rae | FIELD-MUS- INGS | Of Captain | GEORGE WITHER, | Touching | His Militarie Ingagement for the | Kinc and PartiaMeEnT, the | Juftnefle of the fame, and the prefent | Diftractions of thefe Iflands. | Dedicated to his Excellencie, the | EARL or ESSEX, | L. Generall for the Kine and PARLIAMENT. | Lonvon: | Printed by Robert Aufiin, in the Old-Batly. | M.DC.XLIIII. Sm. 8°; pp. (2), 74; engraved frontispiece. Dark green morocco extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by C. MURTON. FINE, CLEAN COPY. RARE. ! $1090 WITHER (GEORGE).— MEDITATIONS | upon | The Lords Prayer: | WITH A | PREPARATORY PREAMBLE, | To the Right Under- ftanding, and True | Ufe of this Pattern. | Contemplated by the Author, during the time, | wherein his Houfe was vifited by the Pefii- | lence, 1665. and is dedicated to them, by | whofe Charity, God preferved him and his | 40 310 Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Family, from perifhing in their late troubles. |... . Many particulars, per- tinent to thefe laft times, are hereby offered | to confideration, by the faid Authour, Geo. Wither. | Legite, & perlegite. | Lonpon: Printed in the Year 1665. 8°; 13 prel. leaves, pp. 190. Dark green wrinkled morocco extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, mside gilt borders, by C. MURTON. FINE COPY of this VERY CURIOUS AND RARE BOOK. “‘ Most of the copies were destroyed in the great fire of London.” — LOWNDES. 8 al to9t WITHER (GEORGE).— Divine Poems | (by way of Paraphrafe) |ON THE TEN | Commandments, | Zu/rated with Twelve Copper Plates, fhewing | how Perfonal Punifhments has been inflicted on | the Tranf- greffors of thefe Commandments, as | is Recorded in the Holy Scripture. | Never before printed. | Also a Metrical Paraphrafe upon the Creed and | Lords Prayer. | Written by George Wither, Esq.; Author of Britains | Re- membrancer. | Lonpon: Printed by T. S. And are to be Jold by R. Jane- | way in Queens Head Ally in Pater Nofier Row, 1688. 8°; 8 prel. leaves, Pp. 118. 12 curious copperplates; the PLATE illustrating the violation of the ‘Seventh Commandment,” which is usually defaced or mutilated, is clean and perfect in this copy. Bound in dark green wrinkled morocco extra, gilt back and edges, filleted sides, inside gilt borders, by C.MurRTON. VERY RARE im this fine condition. Z AL 1092 WITHERS (ALEXANDER S.) —CHRONICLES | of | BORDER WARFARE, | or | a HISTORY | of the | SerrLement by the WuiTEs of NORTH-WESTERN VIRGINIA: | and | of the Zudian Wars and Massacres, | In that Section of the State; | with | Reflections, Anecdotes, &c. | CLarKsBuRG, Va. | Published by Joseph Israel, | 1831. 12°; pp. iv.-319, (1). Half gray calf antique, red edges. This copy has the ‘‘ Table of Con- tents’ subsequently printed, and nearly always wanting. FINE Copy. RARE. 4 QOS —1093 WOOD (WILLIAM).—NEVYV | ENGLANDS | PROS- PECT. | A true, lively, and experimen- | tall defcription of that part of America, | commonly called Nevvy ENGLAND: | difcovering the ftate of that Coun- | trie, both as it ftands to our new-come | Engli/fh Planters ; and to the old | Native Inhabitants. | Laying downe that which may both enrich the | knowledge of the mind-travelling Reader, | or benefit the future Voyager. | By WiLt1am Woop. | Printed at Zondon by Tho. Cotes, for lohn Bellamie, and are to be fold | at his fhop, at the three Golden Lyons in Corne-hill, neere the | Royall Exchange. 16 3k: Sm. 4°; 4 prel. leaves; text, pp. 83; ‘* Nomencilator of the Natives Language,” etc., pp. 5. With MAP of ‘‘The South part of Nevv-England, as it is Planted this yeare, 1635.'' Bright green levant morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt borders, by F. BEDFORD, A SPLENDID COPY of this EXTREMELY RARE Book; the EARLIEST PRINTED ACCOUNT OF MASSACHUSETTS. fue ei Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. 311 1094 WOOD (WILLIAM).—NEVV | ENGLANDS | PROSPECT. | A true, lively, and experimen- | tall defcription of that part of America, | commonly called Nevv England, | difcovering the ftate of that Coun- | trie, both as it ftands to our new-come | Zzglifh Planters; and to the old | Native Inhabitants. | Laying downe that which may both enrich the | knowledge of the mind-travelling Reader, | or benefit the future Voyager. | By Wizu1am Woon. | Printed at London by Tho. Cotes, for lohn Bella- mie, and are to be fold | at his fhop, at the three Golden Lyons in Corne- hill, neere the | Royall Exchange. 1635. Sm. 42; vellum wrapper, with map,‘ The South part of Nevv-England, as it is Planted this yeare, 1635."’ Autograph of Sir Fohn Rawdon, p. 9. 1095 WOOLSEY (T. D.)—INTRODUCTION to the Stupy of INTER- NATIONAL LAW, Designed as an Aid in Teaching, and in Historical Studies. By THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, President of Yale College. Boston and CAMBRIDGE: James Munroe & Co. 1860. 12°; cloth. 1096 WORDSWORTH (CHRISTOPHER).— GREECE: Picrorrat, DEscrIPTIVE, and Historical, with upwards of 350 Engravings on Woop and 28 on STEEL, illustrative of the Scenery, Architecture, and Costume of that Country. By Coprey Frecpinc, Creswick, D. Cox, Jun., HARVEY, MEISSONIER, SARGENT, and other Artists. LONDON: 1840. Roy. 8°; LARGE PAPER. Impressions of the PLATES and WOODCUTS on India paper, PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS. Brown morocco super-extra, gilt back and edges, paneled and filleted sides with corner ornaments, inside gilt morocco borders. &2/— 1097 WORDSWORTH (W.)—Tue POETICAL WORKS of WILLIAM Ta WORDSWORTH, D. C. L. A New Edition. Lonpon: Moxon, MDCCCXLIX. 6 vols. 18°; blue calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. 1098 WORLIDGE (T.)—A SELECT COLLECTION of DRAWINGS from CuRIous ANTIQUE Gems; most of them in the Possession of the Nobility and Gentry of this Kingdom; Ercuep after the manner of REM- BRANDT. By T. WORLIDGE, Painter. Lonpon: Printed by Dryden Leach. MDCCLXVIII. 3 vols. 8°; 180 PLATES, all choice and brilliant impressions. Fine old red morocco, giltebacks and edges, gold borders on the sides. A very fine subscription copy of this splendid work. oo 1099 WRIGHT AND ALLOM.— CHINA, in a Serigs of VIEws, displaying the SceNERY, ARCHITECTURE, and SoctaL Hapits of that Empire. Drawn, from Original and Authentic Sketches, by THOMAS ALLOM, ESQ. With Historica and Descriptivg Notices by the Rev. G. N. WRIGHT, M. A. Lonpon: Peter Jackson, n. d. 4 vols, in 2 vols. 4°; illustrated with 124 fine steelplate engravings; brown morocco, gilt backs, sides and edges. 40* Catalogue of Wooks and Manustripts. IL VIAGGIO FATTO DA GLI SPA GNIVOLI A TORNO A’L MONDO. Con Gratia per Anni. XIIII. Mao Re ve, 4°; 4 prel. leaves, viz.: Title, verso blank; ‘‘A') Lettore," 4 pp. and a half; Text, 47 un- numbered leaves; ‘‘ Capitolo VI," 1 page, containing ‘‘ Alcune parole che vfano le genti ne la terra del Brefil,”’ verso blank. [s. 1. et a.] ere LIBRO VLTIMO DEL SVMMA RIO DELLE INDIE OC CIDEN TALI M D XXXIiiII 4°; Title 1 page, verso blank; Text, 14 unnumbered leaves; signatured A toD in fours. On the recto of the 14th leaf is the following imprint: @ lx Vinegia, Del mefe d’ Ottobre. Bound in vellum. MD XXXIIII aes — 1101 WRIGHT (THOMAS).— A HISTORY of CARICATURE & GRO- TESQUE in Literature and Art. With ///ustrations from various sources, drawn and engraved by F. W. Farruoitt. Lonpon: Virtue Brothers, |1864.| Square 8° ; cloth, red edges. 55 1102 WRIGHT (THOMAS).— CARICATURE “HISTORY of te GEORGES, or, Annals of the House of Hanover, compiled from the Squibs, Broadsides, Window Pictures, Lampoons, and Pictorial Caricatures of the Time. Lonpon: J. C. Hotten, [1867.] Crown 8°; with nearly 400 ILLUSTRATIONS on steel and wood. Polished tree-calf extra, gilt back and edges, by JENKINS & CECIL. 1103 WRIGHT (THOMAS).—WOMANKIND in WESTERN EUROPE, from the Earliest Times to the Seventeenth Century. Lonpon: Groom- bridge & Sons, 1869. Square 8°; with numerous illustrations on wood and colored plates. Cloth, gilt edges. Catalogue of Wooks and Manuscripts. 313 Zs 7S0 1104 WYATT (SIR T.)—Tus POETICAL WORKS of SIR THOMAS : WYATT. Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1831. 12°; portrait. Brown calf, gilt back, marbled edges. 1105 WYTFLIET (CORNILLE).— HISTOIRE | VNIVERSELLE | DES INDES | occiDENTALEs | ET ORIENTALES, | EY DE LA CONVER | SION DES INDIENS. | Diuisée en trois Parties, par Cor | nille VVytfliet, & Anthoine | Mazin, & autres | Historiens. PREMIERE PARTIE. A Dovay, chez Frangois Fabni, l’an 1611. Folio; bound by NIEDREE, in mottled calf, gilt edges. The volume contains three elaborately engraved title-pages and twenty-three maps, all in beautiful condition. 37S0 1106 x (FRANCISCO pe). Conquista del Peru. { Werdadera relacton de fa conquista def Peru +. provincia del Cuseo Ha mada Ia nuecua Castilla. Conquistada por Fran- cisco Picarro : capitan dela. S.Z. DZ. DD. del Cmype- rador nuestro sefior. Embiada a su magestad por francisco de Feres . . secretario del sobredicha capi- tan en todas lag prouincias % conquista de fa nue- ua Castilla; p wno de los primeros conquistado- res Della. COLOPHON: aS A gloria De Dtos p dela Wirgen as Maria ge acabo ei presente tractado Wamado Da con- quista del Peru. Fue Fmpreso en Aalamanca por Juan de Junta: acabose a cinco dias del mes de Julio aiio del nageinienz to de nuestro seiior Jesu Christe de Dil « Nuinientos % quarenta % sie te aliog .:. Folio ; green crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by GRUEL. Woodcut on title. B.A. V.; No. 277. Catalogue of Books and Wanustripts. ALE COLLEGE.— ‘TrienniaL Recorp of the Ciass of 1861 of YALE COLLEGE. Prepared by the Class Secretary [Win- THROP D. SHELDON]. Printed for Members of the Class, NEw Haven: 1864. 8°; half calf, gilt back, marbled edges. o- 1108 YOUNG (E.)— Tue POETICAL WORKS of EDWARD YOUNG. Lonpon: W. Pickering, 1852. ~ 2 vols. 12°; portrait. Brown calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. JS — 1109 ARATE.— Che Discourrie and Conquest of the Pro- uinces of Peru, and the Nauigation in the South Sea, along that Coast. And also of the ritche Mines of Potosi [ woodcut, “The Riche Mines of Potossi”]. [Second title: ] The strange and delec- table HISTORY of the DISCOUERIE and CONQUEST of the PROUINCES of PERU .. . Written in foure bookes, by AUGUSTINE SaraTeE. Translated out of the Spanish tongue, by T. NIcHOLas. Imprinted at LONDON, by Richard Johnes, 1581. The second title is within a woodeut border. Sm. 4°; bound in green crushed morocco, gilt edges, by BEDFORD. The correct collation of this volume is given by Mr. H. Stevens in his “ Nuggets ”’ as fol- lows: the two titles as above; then 6 ff., signed ‘‘ Thomas Nicholas,” in Roman type; ‘To the Reader,’ 6 ff. in black letter; Text, black letter, in 89 leaves, 1 to 12, and 89, not folioed ; folios 16, 17, 28 and to, for 17, 18, 19 and 20; with woodcuts on the reverse of folios 16, 20, 46, 58, 85. ‘The discovery of the ritche Mynes | of Potosi & how Captaine Carauojell toke into his power," woodcut the same as on the first title, 3 pp. ‘The Table of the Chapters," 3p. The woodcuts on folios 58 and 85 extend beyond the text and are usually cut by the binder. In this copy they are intact, and the volume generally is not only perfect but in exceptionally good condition. ‘S— i410 ZORZI—MADRIGNANO. Ftinerartti Portugallesiti e Lusttanta in Endta * tr | Dem ocetdentem « demum ad agutlonem. (Large map of Africa engraved on wood.) COLOPHON: Operi suprema manus imposita est kalendis quintilibus. Ludouico gal | liak rege huius urbis iclite sceptra regéte. Lulio seciido pétifice maxi- | ma orthodoxa fidé feliciter moderate: anno nfz salutis. M.D.VIII. Folio, bound in brown morocco. Map of Mediterranean Sea and Africa on title-page. This copy is perfect, but the index is placed after the seven preliminary leaves, instead of before them, as in the copies described by Harrisse. This is a Latin translation of the collection of voyages ascribed to Zorzi by a Milanese monk called Madrignano. It contains, among others, the navigations of Columbus and Vespucius. Andenda. [The volumes described below are not recent purchases. They have been in the Collection for several years, but were unaccountably overlooked in the prepa- ration of the Catalogue. ] '0¢0—1111 HIGDEN. PolpcBronicon In wbhiche Book Wen Comprised Wanp Wonderful Historpees. .... after the compospnge and gaderpnge of Man Ranulph monte of Chestre fyrate auc- tour of this Book and afterward Enafisshed Bp one Trevisa Mpcarpe of Barhfey........ Emprpnted and sette in forme Bp me Wiffiam Carton anda fpteP embefpsahed fro thofde makipng, and afso have added suche storpes as J coude finde fro thende that the said Ranufp§ fpnpsshed Sis Book which was the pere of our Bord 1357 into he pear of the same 1460. ... Ended the second dap of Jufpe the AAIT. pere of He regne of Kynge Gdmard the Gourth, and of He Incarnacion of oure Bord, a housand four Bundred four score and twepne (1482) Gpnpsehed per Carton. Folio; bound in morocco extra, leather joints, gilt edges, by LEWIS. Dibdin says that perfect copies of this impression are of extreme rarity. This copy is from the Dent and Perkins libraries, and is said to be the best of the six perfect copies known. The estimation in which it is held may be inferred from the fact that Lord Charlemont's copy, wanting two leaves, fetched in 1865 £477 15s. 315 316 Addenda. hon 1112 JUSTINIAN.—JUSTINIANI INSTITUTIONES cum Gtossa. IN FINE: i Optimi ingluii vir Jacobus rubei natione gallicus huiug operig i | stitutionum diligentisgimus artifer ertitit cui extrema; impressionii | mamun venetiis. iii} noi. quintiles. Jin- cipto duce Andrea uendra | mino felicissime imposuit. M.CCCC. DEEUT. Folio; bound in old grained morocco, gilt edges. This copy of the Institutes of Justinian, printed on vellum by Jacob Rubeis, is said to be UNIQUE. It is the Pinelli copy, which fetched £36 in 1789. It is a beautiful example of typo- graphical work and is in irreproachable condition. The first page of the text is illuminated with a brilliant miniature, and the capital letters are of the highest order of merit. / 0 ~ 1113 PLUTARCH.—PLUTARCHI VITE PARALLEL, A DIVvERSIS INTERPRETIBUS LATINZ FACTA, A J. A. CAMPANO cOoLLECTA ET EDITA. Rom#, Udatricus Gallus. S. A. sed circa 1470. Two vols. folio; bound in russia by ROGER PAYNE. The First EDITION of Plutarch’s Lives. The appearance of the volumes would indicate that the printer appreciated the value of the material intrusted to him, and that he strove to put it into an appropriate form. Ulric Han was one of the first to establish a press at Rome, and he issued many notable works; but the Lives of Plutarch are not excelled by any of them in beauty and grandeur. In the case of the present volumes the labor of the printer was fittingly supplemented by that of the illuminator. The first page of each volume is ornamented with a beautiful border and initial letter in gold and colors. Taken all in all they are superb books and worthy of admiration in every respect. //S0 — 1114 [SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM).]—VENVS anp ADONIS. Vilia miretur vulgus, mihi flaunus Apollo Pocula Castalia plena ministret aqua. Lonvon: Printed by I. H. and are to be sold by Francis Coules in the Old Baily without Newgate, 1636. 18°; blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by BEDFORD. ONE OF TWO PERFECT COPIES KNOWN, the other being in the British Museum. The latter copy, although described by Lowndes as a fine one, is declared by Mr. Justin Winsor in his Bibliography to be badly stained and soiled and to have a few leaves mended. The present copy, with the exception of a slight mend on the title-page, MAY BE DESCRIBED AS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. There are, from the date of the first edition in 1593 to 1636 inclusive, of all the editions combined, but thirty perfect examples. Most of these are in libraries from which they can never be sold, so that the collector can have little hope of ever procuring a copy. Aside from its rarity, this book has an additional interest from the fact that it is supposed to be the first printed publication from Shakespeare's pen, as is indicated in the dedication which is as follows: ‘*To the Right Honourable, Henry Wriothesly Earle of Sovthampton and Baron of Tich- field. Right Honourable, I know not how I shall offend in dedicating my unpolishd lines to your Lordship, nor how the world will censure me for chusing so strong a prop to support so weake a burthen; onely if your Honour seeme but pleased, I account my selfe highly praised, and Addenda. ary vow to take aduantage of all idle houres, till I have honoured you with some grauer labour. But if the first heire of my inuention proue deformed, I shall be sorry it had so noble a God- Father, and neuer after eare so barren a land, for feare it yeeld me still so bad a haruest. I leaue it to your honourable Suruey, and your Honour to your hearts content; which I wish may alwaies answer your owne wish, and the Worlds hopeful expectation. “‘ Your Honours in all dutie, ‘William Shakespeare.” oy 1115 [HIERONYMUS.| Title, VITAS PATRUM. On second leaf : Here folotweth the right deuoute, morhe lotwable, and recom- endable Iptt of the olde Auncpent holp faders Hermptes. Atend: Thus endpth the moost vertuous Hpstorpe... . trans- {ated out of Frennshe in to Englpsshe by William Carton of Westmpnetre, late deed, and fpnpsshed it at the laste dDape of his Ipfe. Enprpnted in the sapd totune of Westmpnstre bp me Wp hyn de Worde..... . WCCCAUELELU. (1495-) Folio; bound in morocco extra, blind tooled; doublé with morocco, leather fiy-leaves. This volume contains numerous curious woodcuts by an English artist, which add much to the interest it naturally excites as the work of England’s second great printer. It has many leaves with rough edges, and is complete with the title and last leaf containing Caxton's device and large cut on reverse. It is one of Wynkyn de Worde's most magnificent typographical productions, and has been considered the finest copy in existence. - a | Ai erage fer LL SOF. SF How pure the foy, when first mp Bands unfold TBe small, rare vofume, Black with farnised gofd. ‘‘THE BIBLIOMANIA.” Mr. BRAYTON IVES’S ENTIRE COLLECTION OF ORIENTAL PORCELAINS, JADES, SWORDS, AND OTHER OBJECTS OF ART WILL BE DISPOSED OF BY AUCTION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, MADISON SQUARE, SOUTH, ON MONDAY, MARCH orn, 1891, AND FOLLOWING DAYS, AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M. ON EXHIBITION FROM FEBRUARY 21ST UNTIL DATE OF SALE INCLUSIVE. ms . | } ; re i ee ee ee eee } THEGETTY CENIE! LIBRARY 1891 Mar.5 NeAml c.1 American /Books and manuscripts. WN LN UL 3 3125 01163 1410 PIES T