Smart. A Collection of Objects of Art and @il and Tater Color Paintings The Anderson Galleries Mapison AVENUE aT FoRTIETH STREET New York LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & 60, 56-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK BUM aes ; Top Price at MA le of fie canvas which had been in exh |ditterent cities brought the price, $375, at the evening gale tures of Mrs. A, Brayton Bi ‘Taylor Hatfield at “the ‘Anderso i jleries last evening, going to Brooks, : Collecti on: 7. Francis F ‘les Gruppe’ s ‘‘ October ‘Day in a | A framed tapestry picture, “ ‘Ttalii Vintage Scene,”’ in the same oe went to Wallace Strobee for $100 in t afternoon sale, and a large Oushak kk mt to the same buyer for $100. A. sir rug went to J, Laftin for gio n large Koulah rug for $175. - The returns for the aale) a was) | concluded, - were $5, a0; A COLLECTION OF MINIATURES, ENAMEL BOXES, PORCELAINS, MIRRORS, TORCHERES, AND OTHER ART OBJECTS THE PROPERTY OF MRS. A. BRAYTON BALL MAM Siete UH eteali aN CaS ALG ea eA DPT O LENS Mans — TAYLOR HATFIELD “OF NEW YORK CITY AND OTHER CONSIGNORS ALSO A COLLECTION OF OIL ann WATER COLORS BY AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN ARTISTS TO BE SOLD ON THE AFTERNOON AND EVENING/OF WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1914 At 2:30 and 8:15 o’clock On Public Exhibition from Friday April 10,{1914 AT Che Anderson Gallerivs FMetropolitan Art Association Mapison AVENUE AT FortTIEtH STREET New Yorr Conditions of Sale 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also re- serves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in de- fault of which the Metropolitan Art Association will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending pur- chasers, and the Metropolitan Art Association will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, without recourse. But upon receiving before the date of sale expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, the Metropolitan Art Association will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Terms Cash. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be re-sold by either private or public sale at such time as the Metropolitan Art Association shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of the Metropolitan Art Association to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Metropolitan Art Association will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Che Anderann Gallerics METROPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION, Mapison AVENUE AT ForRTIETH STREET, TevepHoNE Murray Hitt 7680. New York. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for $1.00 A COLLECTION OF MINIATURES, ENAMEL BOXES, ENGLISH AND FRENCH POR- CELAIN, MIRRORS, TORCHERES, EIGHTEENTH CEN- TURY PRINTS, CHINESE PORCELAINS, BRONZES AND ARTISTIC FURNITURE FIRST SESSION Wednesday Afternoon, April 15, 1914, at 2:30 o’clock 1. SWISS WOOD CARVING: THORWALDSEN’S LION OF LUCERN. Length 8 inches. 2. THREE INDIAN NECKLACES OF BEADS AND SHELLS. 3. PAIR OF FENCING SWORDS. 4. THREE CHINESE SWORDS. 5. SMALL GUN. 6. LIMOGES CHOCOLATE POT. With gold decoration on a shaded rose ground. (Lip chipped. ) % INDIAN BEAD AND SHELL NECKLACE WITH GOURD PENDANT. 8. TWO DAGGERS AND A CLUB. One with silver sheath, the other of carved bone. 9. INDIAN BEAD AND SHELL GIRDLE. 10. WHITE METAL THAPOT, Reed & Barton, makers. 11. TWO INDIAN NECKLACES OF GREEN GLASS AND AMBER BEADS. 12. TWO POUCHES AND FOUR PIECES OF INDIAN WORK. 13. TALL CYLINDRICAL OPALESCENT GLASS VASE. 14, SATSUMA BOWL. Outside decorated with storks against a gold background, the inside with the spirit of the waters. Diameter 6 inches. 15. ANTIQUE POTTERY PLATTER. Octagonal in form with floral decoration. Length 914 inches; width 8 inches. 16. RED VELVET WRIST BAG. Embroidered and finished with steel fringe. 1”. TWO GILT CHURCH CROWNS. Studded with colored crystals. 18. WHITE METAL THA CADDY. Engraved with an Heraldic design. 19. EGG SHAPED PORCELAIN BONBONIERE. Of cobalt blue with medallion scenes after Lancret. 20. TWELVE CROWN DERBY PLATES. With green and gold decoration. 21. MINIATURE IVORY CARVING: MADONNA AND CHILD. In a red morocco folding case. 22. SEVRES PORCELAIN PERFUME BOTTLE. With relief decoration under a pale blue glaze. 23. DRESDEN PORCELAIN NEEDLE CASE. With silver mounting. 24, SEVRES CUP AND SAUCER WITH ROSE DECORA- TION. 25. 26. 2%. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. PORCELAIN POCKET SCENT BOTTLE. Painted with a pastoral scene. SIX WEDGWOOD PLATES. With ivy leaf decoration in gold on a cobalt blue ground. CROWN DERBY VASE. With gold decoration on a primrose ground. GILT BRONZE MEDALLION OF THE ARMS OF MARIE ANTOINETTE. SIX WEDGWOOD PLATES. With ivy leaf decoration in gold on an ivory ground. TWO ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, COLORED. One of Madame Roland, the other a group of Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and the Dauphin. PAIR OF EMPIRE PORCELAIN VASES. With white and gold decoration. WEDGWOOD CUP AND SAUCER. With white figure decoration on blue ground. BRONZE GROUP: TURKISH COFFEE SELLER. SEVRES CUP AND SAUCER. Green and gold decoration with Napoleon medallion after Isabey’s portrait. TALL DRINKING GLASS WITH ETCHED DECOR- ATION. COVERED CUT GLASS JAM JAR WITH STEEPLE Ou? PAIR OF ENGLISH PORCELAIN MANTEL ORNA- MENTS. Flower holders with lambs. STAFFORDSHIRE PITCHER WITH BLUE LAND- SCAPE DECORATION. 5 39. FROSTED GLASS MILK PITCHER WITH GRAPE DECORATION. 40. SEVRES CUP AND SAUCER. Decorated with rose garlands. 41. LIVERPOOL PITCHER. Decorated with “The Ship Caroline.” 42. SHEFFIELD HOT WATER JUG AND TRAY. 43. STAFFORDSHIRE TEAPOT WITH RIBBED SUR- FACE. 44, ENOCH WOOD TOBY PITCHER. 45. SEVRES CUP AND SAUCER. With ribbon and flower decoration. 46. PAIR OF SILVER PLATED CANDLESTICKS. Modeled from the “Apprentice’s Pillar” at Melrose. 47. TWELVE COPELAND AFTER DINNER COFFEE CUPS AND SAUCERS. With decoration in blue and gold. 48. STAFFORDSHIRE COTTAGE MANTEL ORNAMENT: MARY AND HER LAMB. 49. STONE WARE MUG WITH PEWTER LID. Having spread eagle thumb piece. 50. OLD ENGLISH PORCELAIN FIGURINE: GIRL PLAYING A HARP. 51. ELECTRIC TABLE LAMP. Of carved wood, gilded, with silk shade. Height 24 inches. 52. TWELVE RUSSIAN DINNER PLATES. Painted with characteristic Russian winter scenes. 6 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. OLD DRESDEN FRUIT PLATE. With scalloped leaf border, the centre painted with lemons and plums. TWELVE PICTORIAL ENTREE PLATES. WEDGWOOD OVAL TEA TRAY. With white foliage decoration in relief on a blue ground. Length 10% inches. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE ELECTRIC TABLE STANDARD. Of carved wood gilded, with silk shade. Height 34 inches. TWELVE CROWN DERBY SOUP PLATES. With oak leaf and acorn borders in gold. LARGE CUP AND SAUCER. With relief figure decoration in black on a gray ground. CHINESE ENAMEL RICE DISH. With floral decoration. Diameter 1214 inches. TWELVE MINTON AFTER DINNER COFFEE CUPS AND SAUCERS. Of assorted colors with incised gold borders. BAVARIAN PEASANT CAP. Of gold bullion embroidery and lace. ELEVEN SERVICE PLATES. With gold and flower decoration. CASE OF TABLE SILVER. Consisting of 12 Dinner Knives, 12 Tea Knives, 2 Carving Knives and Forks and a Steel, with uniform carved ivory handles. 29 pieces. (handles cracked.) TWO PHOTOGRAVURE PORTRAITS, COLORED. Madame du Barry after Drouais and the Duchesse de Penthievre after Vigee Lebrun; in gilt bronze frames. 7 . BISQUE MEDALLION PORTRAIT OF GENERAL GRANT. Profile head. Diameter 10 inches. Framed in antique oak. (Edge chipped.) 66. BISQUE MEDALLION PORTRAIT OF PETER \ COOPER. Diameter 10 inches. Framed in antique oak. 67. ELECTRIC TABLE LAMP. Of carved wood gilded, with silk shade. Height 24 inches. 68. MINIATURE SEVRES VASE. In cobalt blue glaze. Height 414 inches. 69. SMALL POTTERY JAR. Originally of a pale olive green glaze, gracefully orna- mented in relief by branches from body to lip. Has been exposed to fire, with some curious results. Heght 3 inches. ”0. CHINESE EGG SHELL PORCELAIN PLATE. With floral decoration. "1. POTTERY BOWL OF DARK BROWN GLAZE. The rim outlined with a line of white glaze irregularly laid on. Height 2% inches. 72. TWO CHINESE SOFT PASTE PLATES. Decorated with figures of the eight Immortals amid cloud forms in two shades of blue; the reverse side shows cloud forms and storks in flight. Kang Hsi Period. Diameter 914 inches. 73. PEAR SHAPED VASE. With floral decoration in enamel incised under the glaze on an Imperial yellow ground. Kien Lung Period. With teakwood stand. Height 5% inches. 74, JAPANESE IVORY CARVING: THE BIRD SELLER. Height 5 inches. 75. 76. hfe 78. 09; 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. HANGING VASE. With crackle glaze of dull gray tone. Kien Lung Period. Height 634 inches. APPLE GREEN VASE. With fine crackle surface. Tao Kwang Period. Teak- wood stand. Height 584 inches. JAPANESE IVORY CARVING. The Crab Seller. Height 4 inches. FLATTENED HEXAGONAL VASE OF ROBIN’S EGG BLUE. Having dragon handles and teakwood stand. Height 84 inches. BRONZE VASE. ~ With carved decoration of birds and blossoms, inlaid with gold. Height 13% inches. UPRIGHT MIRROR IN CHINESE CHIPPENDALE FRAME. Carved wood gilded. Height 45 inches; width 36 inches. PAIR OF SCONCES IN THE ADAM STYLE. Of carved wood gilded. Fitted for electricity. ANOTHER PAIR TO MATCH. CARVED MAHOGANY ELECTRIC STANDARD WITH SILK SHADE. Height 72 inches. ANOTHER TO MATCH. HANGING MIRROR IN THE ADAM STYLE. Of carved wood gilded. Height 42 inches; width 24 inches. 9 86. STAFFORDSHIRE BLUE AND WHITE PLATTER. 87. 88. 89. 90. oie 92. 93. “American Marine.” Barber No. 223. 1714 13% inches. In fine condition with stamp of F. M. & Co., of whom little is known, save that their China dates previous to 1850. The owner of the present platter was requested to loan it for exhibition at the Hudson-Fulton Exhibi- tion, owing to the early form of Hudson River steam- boats seen in the border. The view of New York and the Battery forming the bottom of the platter was drawn from the imagination. FRAMED ENGRAVING BY P. AUDOIN, AFTER BOUILLON. “Tl n’est plus temps”; oval on folio, open letter proof; gilt frame in Louis XV. design. ANOTHER BY R. POLLARD. “Edwin and Angelina” from Goldsmith’s “Hermit.” Folio, fine original impression, in ornamental gilt frame. ANOTHER OF THE BARTOLOZZI SCHOOL. “The Queen Interceding for Prisoners.” Stipple engray- ing, oval on rectangle; gilt frame. LOUIS XV. UPRIGHT MIRROR. Of carved wood gilded. Height 60 inches; width 82 inches. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE ELECTRIC STANDARD OF CARVED WOOD GILDED. With seven lights and silk shade. Height 36 inches. TEN SEVRES BISQUE MEDALLIONS. Portraits of the Bourbon family of France, mounted on a background of red velour and framed. FRAMED ENGRAVING OF THE BARTOLOZZI SCHOOL. In gilt frame. 94. 95. 96. 9%. 98. 99; 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. TWO OVAL ENGRAVED PORTRAITS COLORED. Marie Louise, wife of Napoleon and Madame Elizabeth. In oval metal frames. SILVER MEDAL BY ROTY. To M. Gavrell, 1895. In leather case. MINIATURE ROMAN MOSAIC: THE COLISEUM. Height 134 inches; width 234 inches. BATTERSEA ENAMEL BOX. The lid painted with a scene of gallantry, signed Hoc- quart. TWO ENGRAVED MINIATURE PORTRAITS COL- ORED. The Queen Hortense and the King of Rome. OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Height 214 inches; width 2 inches. TRIPLE PORTRAIT MINIATURE OF LOUIS XVI, HENRY IV AND LOUIS XII. Mounted on a brocade panel. (Ivory cracked.) NORMANDY WEDDING ORNAMENT. Of gold in a filigree pattern, set with crystals. OBLONG ENAMEL BOX. The lid painted with a pastoral scene. ENAMEL MINIATURE: MADAME DE GRIGNAN. In silver frame. CARVED IVORY CASK. On a tortoise shell support. CIRCULAR ENAMEL BOX. Painted with medallions showing the education of Cupid. OVAL PORTRAIT MINIATURE OF A YOUTH. Wearing a white stock and yellow waiscoat. Carved wood frame. Height 15% inches; width 134 inches. 11 107. OCTAGONAL PORTRAIT MINIATURE OF A MAN. In green coat and white stock. Velvet frame. Height 2% inches; width, 184 inches. 108. CIRCULAR ENAMEL BOX. Lid painted with an oval figure composition. 109. CIRCULAR MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF CAMBA- CERES. Councillor of State under Napoleon. Signed Delaplan. Diameter 234 inches. 110. OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF CAROLINE MURAT. In Empire dress. Signed Ign. Andreoli, 1807. ° Height 2% inches; width 134 inches. 111. SEVRES CUP AND SAUCER. Decorated with cupids after Boucher. Date 1759. 112. OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF THE DUKE OF YORK. In military uniform. Signed Augustin. Height 214 inches; width 1% inches. 113. OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG Woman. Having her hair in puffs and wearing a white ruff and red dress. Signed 8. H. Peter. Height 3 inches; width 24% inches. 114. SHELL CIRCULAR BOX. The cover set with an enamel miniature. 115. OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF KING JOHN OF SAXONY. In white stock and blue coat with epaulettes. Height 214 inches; width 134 inches. 2, 116. I 118. iH). 120. 121. 124. OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN. In powdered wig, wearing a single strand of beads and a green laced bodice. Signed Drummond. Height 2% inches; width 134 inches. SILVER BRONZE MEDAL OF LOUIS XVI AND MARIE ANTOINETTE. In chiseled bronze frame. LOUIS XVI. SILVER MEDAL BY DU VIVIER. Given to A. J. B. Huzard, 1783-84. Signed. OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A LADY. In white cap and fur collar. Height 2% inches; width, 184 inches. OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE. In military uniform. Frame of carved wood gilded. Height 3 inches; width 234 nches. TWO MINIATURE BUSTS: LOUIS XV AND MAD- AME DU BARRY. In Sevres biscuit. Hight 5 inches. . OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF COUNT VON NEIPPERG. In military coat, buff waistcoat and black stock, wearing a bandage over his right eye and a white wig. He married Marie Louise of Austria after the death of Napoleon. Signed N. Rosenzweid. Green morocco case. Height 25 inches; width 2% inches. _ FIVE STRAND GOLD NECKLACE WITH PEND- ANTS SET WITH CRYSTALS. OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A MAN. In brown striped coat, white figured waistcoat and lace ruffle, wearing a white wig. Metal case with brocade covering. Height 234 inches; width 134 inches. 13 125. OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A CURLY HEADED YOUTH. In green slashed dress and low collar. Red morocco case. Height 214 inches; width 2 inches. 126. MEDALLION PORTRAIT OF THE DUKE OF WEL- LINGTON IN GILT BRONZE. 127. OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A LADY. With sheet music in her hand. Gilt bronze frame. Height 214 inches; width 2 inches. 128. OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A GIRL IN WHITE. With a blue fillet in her hair. Height 214 inches; width 134 inches. 129, OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A MAN. In blue coat and embroidered waistcoat with lace ruffle, black tie and white wig. Carved wood frame. Height 2 inches; width 15% inches. 130. IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN. In a bronze frame. 131. OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A LADY. In a blue dress with a lace frill, white beads on her neck and roses in her hair. Heght 214 inches; width 2 inches. 132, CIRCULAR DOUBLE MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF TWO MEN. Wearing white wigs. Signed on back “Ludwico and Luigi, Galsoni, 1796.” Diameter 2% inches. 133. OVAL MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Wearing a blue dress and white wig with flowers in her hair and corsage. Carved wood frame. Height 2 inches; width 1% inches. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139, 140. 141. 142. 1438. 144. 145. OVAL MIRROR IN THE ADAM STYLE. Height 32 inches; width 16 inches. FRAMED EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PRINT. Elizabeth Charlotte, Duchesse d’Orleans, in Court dress, engraved by Simonneau after Rigaud. Folio, fine im- pression in gilt bronze frame. ANOTHER BY BEAUVARLET AFTER VIEN. “The Offering to Venus.” Folio, in gilt frame of Louis XV design. ANOTHER, COMPANION TO THE PRECEDING. “The Offerng to Ceres.” Similarly framed. ELECTRIC TABLE STANDARD. Of carved wood gilded, with silk shade. Height 34 inches. LOUIS XV OVERMANTLE MIRROR. Of carved wood gilded. Height 60 inches; width 48 inches. FRAMED TAPESTRY PICTURE: ITALIAN VINT- AGE SCENE. JAPANESE BRONZE UMBRELLA STAND. With carved decoration of the tulip tree. MAHOGANY DROP LEAF TEA TABLE. With holly inlaid lines and oval top. Length 38 inches; width 22 inches. FRAMED EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PRINT BY J. K. SHERWIN. “Meditation,” printed in brown, London, 1784, oval on rectangle; gilt frame. ANOTHER BY H. BUNBURY AFTER LE NOIR. “Charlotte.” Oval on rectangle, gilt frame. MARTHA WASHINGTON MIRROR. Height 30 inches; width 17 inches. 15 147. 148. 149. . SMALL CONSOL TABLE. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. Finished in powdered gold. Width 30 inches; depth 18 inches. UPRIGHT MIRROR TO MATCH. Height 42 inches; width 16 inches. CIRCULAR CONVEX MIRROR IN MAHOGANY FRAME. Diameter 18 inches. OAK SIDE CHAIR. With turned front legs, ball feet and carved brace; seat covered with tapestry. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE ELECTRIC TABLE LAMP. Of carved wood gilded, with silk shade. Heght 34 inches. OVERMANTLE MIRROR IN THE ADAM STYLE. Width 60 inches. MAHOGANY DOUBLE-DECK ROUND TEA TABLE. With holly inlaid decoration and glass tray top. WALL PLATE RACK. With latticed sides and three shelves. TRIPLICATE DRESSING MIRROR. In carved wood frame gilded. Height 22 inches; width 42 inches. OAK HALL BENCH WITH CARVED CABRIOLE LEGS AND DUTCH FEET. ELIZABETHAN MIRROR IN CARVED WOOD FRAME GILDED. Height 30 inches; width 20 inches. MAHOGANY ARM CHATR. The frame carved and covered with green damask. 16 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. ARM CHAIR IN SHERATON STYLE. Of mahogany with inlaid satinwood decoration. HANGING MIRROR IN CHIPPENDALE FRAME OF CARVED WOOD. Height 60 inches; width 32 inches. SMALL CONSOL TABLE. Finished in powdered gold. Width 30 inches; depth 18 inches. HANGING MIRROR TO MATCH. Height 42 inches; width 16 inches. PAIR OF POLISHED BRASS JARDINIERES. With lion head ring handles. TURKISH TABOURETTE. Inlaid with ivory. CARVED WOOD TABLE EASEL, GILDED. CHINESE ELECTRIC TABLE STANDARD. Of carved wood gilded, with painted shade. Height 30 inches. OBLONG TEA TRAY WITH PATENT FOLDING LEGS AND BRASS HANDLES. ELECTRIC TABLE LIGHT IN THE ADAM STYLE. Of carved wood gilded, with silk shade. Height 34 inches. WINDOW SEAT. LOUIS XVI UPRIGHT MIRROR. Of carved wood gilded. Height 60 inches; width 32 inches. TWO JARDINIERE STANDS OF CARVED TEAK- WOOD. The tops set with pink marble. Height 15 inches. 17 . THREE LIGHT ELECTRIC BRONZE TABLE LAMP. 172. 173. 174. 175. Baise 178. iW), 180. is With verd antique finish, having green agate glass shade. (Shade damaged.) Height 25 inches. TEAKWOOD PEDESTAL. Elaborately carved, having pink marble top. Height 36 inches. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE ELECTRIC TABLE STANDARD. Of carvd wood gilded, with silk shade. Height 34 inches. EMPIRE CLOCK OF GILT BRONZE. Resting on a circular table supported by four baluster legs with wood base; Apollo head pendulum. Height 16 inches. RUSSIAN BRONZE GROUP: THE WILD RIDING COSSACK. Signed. Height 7 inches. . BRONZE GROUP BY FRATIN. Dog and child at play. Signed. Length 8 inches. LARGE THREE LIGHT SCONCE. Of carved wood gilded. Fitted for electricity. Height 34 inches. MAHOGANY TEA TABLE. With cabriole legs, ball feet, two slides. UPRIGHT MIRROR IN. CHIPPENDALE FRAME. Carved wood gilded. Height 60 inches; width 32 inches. STANDARD ELECTRIC LAMP OF CARVED WOOD GILDED. With silk shade. Height 72 inches. ANOTHER TO MATCH. 18 182. 184. 185. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. HEPPLEWHITE WHEEL-BACK SIDE CHAIR. Of mahogany inlaid with satinwood; slip seat covered with green damask. . HANGING MIRROR IN CHINESE CHIPPENDALE FRAME. Carved wood gilded. Height 48 inches; width 38 inches. OAK CHINA CLOSET. Having corner columns and single glass door with four shelves. (Glass broken.) Width 28 inches. LOUIS XVI OVERMANTEL MIRROR. Height 60 inches; width 48 inches. . SILVER PLATED TABLE SERVICE OF SIX PIECES. Consisting of Coffee Pot, two Tea Pots, Sugar Bowl, Creamer and Waste Bowl, with repousse flower and leaf decoration. PAIR OF WALL LIGHTS IN THE ADAM STYUE. Of carved wood gilded, fitted for electricity. ANOTHER PAIR TO MATCH. SHERATON ARM CHAIR. Of mahogany inlaid with holly lines, the slip seat cov- ered with green figured damask. HANGING MIRROR IN THE ADAM STYLE. Of carved wood gilded. Height 51 inches; width 26 inches. SHERATON ARM CHAIR. Of mahogany with satinwood inlays, upholstered with rose moire silk. OAK CHINA CLOSET. With turned corner columns, two glass doors, mirror back and four plate glass shelves. Width 36 inches; height 50 inches. 19 . WIDE BEDSPREAD. Of Venetian lace and pink and gold brocade. 194. FRENCH CHIPPENDALE MIRROR. Of carved wood gilded. Height 60 inches; width 48 inches. 195. ROSEWOOD CURIO CABINET. Half round in two parts, carved, with chiseled bronze mountings, lined with rose damask, having plate glass shelf. Height 72 inches; width 32 inches. 196. GEORGIAN SOFA. The frame veneered with satinwood, having paw feet; upholstered with green damask, having loose seat cushion. 197. ANOTHER TO MATCH. 198. OVERMANTEL MIRROR. In carved wood frame gilded. Height 48 inches; width 60 inches. 198a. DRAWING ROOM SUITE OF FIVE PIECES. The frames of mahogany, carved with ribbons and gar- lands and finished in ivory enamel and upholstered in gray linen. The suite comprises a sofa, two side and two arm chairs. 199. DAGHESTAN RUG. Length 8 feet 4 inches; width 3 feet 2 inches. 200. DAGHESTAN RUG. With repeating medallions on a dark ground with red and blue borders. Length 9 feet 8 inches; width 3 feet 8 inches. 200a. KOULAH RUG. Red centre with borders of buff and blue. Length 6 feet; width 3 feet. 200b. ANOTHER. With blue center and rosette border. Length 6 feet; width 3 feet. 20 200c. LARGH OUSHAK RUG. Red center with central medallion and borders of buff and blue. Length 1214 feet; width 10% feet. 200d, ANOTHER, SIMILAR. Length 12% feet; width 1034 feet. 200e. LARGE KOULAH RUG. Having red center, with medallion, borders and corners in buff and blue. Length 17 feet; width 13% feet. 21 SECOND SESSION A COLLECTION OF OIL AND WATER COLOR PAINTINGS BY AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN ARTISTS Wednesday Evening, April 15, 1914, at 8:15 e’clock GUSTAVE DORE (After.) 201. FOUR LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTS Illustrations of Tennyson’s “Idyls of the King.” Height 16 inches; width 12 inches. LOUIS V. HAWKINS. 202. HEAD OF A GIRL. Charcoal drawing, signed and dated 1896. Height 17 inches; width 11 inches. G. AGLIETTI (After Raphael.) 203. THE MADONNA DELLA SEDIA. (Reduced copy from the painting in the Pitti Palace in Florence.) Circular canvas. Diameter 14 inches. UNKNOWN PAINTER. 204. INFANT CHRIST AND SAINT. (A copy.) Canvas. Height 16 inches; width 12 inches. A. MORIN. 205. THE GRAND CANAL, VENICE. Water Color, signed. Height 5% inches; width 9 inches. 22 HERMAN FUECHSELL. Contemporary American Painter. 206. GOZA LAKE, AUSTRIA. Canvas, signed. Height 12 inches; width 16 inches. UNKNOWN PAINTER (After Raphael.) 207. SECTION OF THE MADONNA DEL GRAN’ DUCA. (From the painting in the Pitti Palace, Florence.) Drawn as one of the Prizes in the Washington Statue Fair, Boston, 1859. Canvas. Height 17 inches; width 13 inches. D. DARCY. 208. THE CARD PLAYERS. Water Color, signed and dated ’55. Height 634 inches; width 87 inches. A. LAMASURE. Contemporary French Painter. 209. SUMMER LANDSCAPE. Water Color, signed. Height 13 inches; width 21% inches. Cc. S. DORIAN. 210. SUNSET ON THE COAST. Canvas, signed. Height 18 inches; width 30 inches. AUGUST ALLONGE. French. 211. LANDSCAPE. Water Color, signed. Height 914 inches; width 13 inches. 23 F. DOLL. 212. MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE. Water Color, signed. Height 6 inches; width 9 inches. LEOPOLD GATTI (After Raphael.) 213. HEAD OF THE MADONNA DEL CARDELLINO. (From the painting in the Uffizi, Florence.) Oval panel. Florentine carved wood frame. Height 814 inches; width 634 inches. | ALEXANDER CALAME. 1810-1864. | 214. CHATEAU DE LA ROCHETTE. Pencil drawing, signed and dated 1850. Height 6 inches; width 8% inches. NEWTON FIELDING. Died 1856. 215. ENGLISH FARMHOUSE. Water Color, signed and dated 1831. Height 514 inches; width 9 inches. L. WATTEAU DE LILLE. French Painter, 1739-1798. Nephew of Antoine Watteau. 216. A SOLDIER OF THE GUARD. Pencil and chalk drawing on gray paper. Height 10% inches; width 74 inches. REINHART KOEHLER. 217. COAST SCENE. ee Canvas, signed. Height 20 inches; width 30 inches. 24 Te aE Re Ee ne ay gE cate eg ON nn Ne ETRE RE RAPHAEL SANZIO (After.) 218. TWO CHERUBS FROM THE SISTINE MADONNA. Circular canvas. Diameter of each 21 inches. G. DE GALAID. French. XIX Century. 219. FISHERMEN DRAWING IN THEIR NET. Water Color, signed. | Height 7 inches; width 1014 inches. PAUL GUIGOU. 220. A WASHERWOMAN AT THE BROOK. Canvas, signed and dated ’68. Height 10% inches; width 8% inches. UNKNOWN PAINTER. 221. MARKET SCENE. Water Color. Oval. Height 3 inches; width 4% inches. J. PREVOST. 922. WOODLAND LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURE. Panel, signed. Height 632 inches; width 5'%4 inches. JOHN GADSBY CHAPMAN. 223. ON THE CAMPAGNA, ROME. Canvas. Height 20 inches; width 34 inches. HOWARD COPE. Contemporary American Painter. 224. OFF MONTAUK POINT. Canvas, signed. Height 14 inches; width 24% inches. 25 220. 226. 227. 1 228. 229. 230. 231. GUSTAVE WOLFF. Contemporary American Painter. A COMING STORM. Canvas, signed. Height 12 inches; width 16 inches. JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET. French Painter, 1814-1875. DAPHNIS AND CHLOE. Charcoal Drawing. . Height 4 inches; width 10 inches. A. MANSSON. A CHATEAU IN TOURAINE. Water Color, signed and dated 1862. Height 8 inches; width 12 inches. ALPHONSE DE NEUVILLE. French Painter, 1836-1885. MARGUERITE OF VALOIS. Pencil Drawing for the History of France. Signed. Height 714 inches; width 5 inches. CARLTON T. CHAPMAN. Contemporary American Painter. SUNSET ON NEW YORK BAY. Canvas, signed and dated ’87. Height 10 inches; width 14 inches. PARKER MANN. Contemporary American Painter. LANDSCAPE. Canvas, signed. Height 12 inches; width 24 inches. UNKNOWN PAINTER. STILL LIFE. Canvas. Height 19 inches; width 14 inches. 26 GUSTAVE WOLFF. Contemporary American Painter. 232. AFTER THE STORM. Canvas, signed. Height 20 inches; width 24 inches. HERMAN FUECHSELL. American Painter, 1808- 233. A SUMMER DAY. Canvas, signed. Height 20 inches; width 30 inches. UNKNOWN PAINTER. French School. 234. STUDY OF GRAPES. Canvas, signed P. P. Height 13 inches; width 10 inches. FRENCH PAINTER. XVIII CENTURY. 235. LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES. Canvas. Height 12 inches; width 11%%4 inches. A. KRATKE. 236. A STROLL IN THE PARK. Water Color, signed. Height 8 inches; width 5 inches. GUSTAVE WOLFF. Contemporary American Painter. 237. A WINDY DAY. Canvas, signed. Height 16 inches; width 20 inches. BENJAMIN EGGLESTON. Contemporary American Painter. 238. EVENING ON THE BAY. Canvas, signed. Height 16 inches; width 12 inches. 27 A. KRIEGER. 239. THE OLD WINDMILL. Water Color, signed. Height 914 inches; width 7 inches. LOUIS DE SCHRYVER. Contemporary French Painter. 240. PARIS FLOWER SELLER AT THE MADELEIN. Panel, signed. Height 6 inches; width 814 inches. GUSTAVE WOLFF. Contemporary American Painter. 241. AT ZAANDAM, HOLLAND. Canvas, signed. Height, 12 inches; width 18 inches. HENRI BOUTET. 242. AUTOGRAPH LETTER, CRAYON DRAWING, SIGNED, AND AN ETCHING IN COLORS. F. C. WARREN. Contemporary American Painter. 243 ON THE LAGOON, VENICE. Panel, signed. Height 13 inches; width 17 inches. G. J. VAN DE SANDE BAKHUYSEN. Dutch Painter, 1826-1895. 244. HOLLAND LANDSCAPE, AUTUMN. Canvas, signed. Height 18 inches; width 20 inches. FRANCIS LATHROP. 1849-1909. 245. STUDY FOR A DECORATION. Water Color. Height 1714 inches; width 1634 inches. 28 246 247 248 249. A. LUCE. Contemporary French Painter. . TWO DECORATIVE LUNETTES. Canvas, signed. Height 11 inches; width 24 inches. KATE GREATOREX. Contemporary American Painter. . POPPIES AND LILLIES. Canvas, signed and dated, Paris 1897. Height 39 inches; width 23 inches. ROBERT V. V. SEWELL. Contemporary American Painter. . THE CANTERBURY PILGRIMS. Canvas, signed. Height 36 inches; width 43 inches. Cc. E. SWAN. Contemporary English Painter. LIONS WATCHING THEIR PREY. Panel, signed. Height 7 inches; width 9 inches. G. VIZZOTTI. 250. ON THE PONTE DELLE PAGLIA, VENICE. Water Color, signed. Height 13 inches; width 7 inches. W. C. EMERSON. Contemporary American Painter. 251. INDIAN SUMMER. Tempora Painting on Academy board, signed. Height 18 inches; width 28 inches. CHARLES ANTOINE.COYPEL. French Painter, 1694-1752. 252, ALLEGORICAL STUDY FOR A DECORATION. Red Chalk Drawng. Height 11 inches; width 1672 inches. 29 FELIX BRACQUEMOND. 253. AUTOGRAPH LETTER, ETCHED PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST BY RAJON AND AN ETCHING. GUSTAVE WOLFF. Contemporary American Painter. 254. THE WATERING PLACE. Canvas, signed. Height 16 inches; width 20 inches. JEAN LEON GEROME. French Painter, 1824-1904. 255. AUTOGRAPH LETTER, PORTRAIT OF THE ART- IST AND PHOTOGRAVURE PRINT OF “SWORD DANCE.” CHARLES JACQUES. French Painter, 1813-1894. 256. AUTOGRAPH LETTER, RED CHALK DRAWING, SIGNED, AND AN ETCHING OF “SPRING- TIME.” HOMER MARTIN. 1836-1897. 257. AUTUMN IN THE CATSKILLS. Canvs, relined and signed. Height 15 inches; width 21 inches. DUKE OF WELLINGTON. 258. AUTOGRAPH LETTER WITH TWO ENGRAVED PORTRAITS OF THE “IRON DUKE” STAND- ING AND ONE EQUESTRIAN VIEW IN COL- ORS. In one frame. ANTOINE VESTIER. French Painter, 1740-1824. 259. PORTRAIT OF A MARQUISE. Pastel. Height 21 inches; width 18 inches. J. DEVEREUX LARPENTEUR. Pupil of Charles Jacques. 260. LANDSCAPE AND SHEEP. Canvas, signed. Height 11 inches; width 16 inches. ALPHONSE DE NEUVILLE. French Painter, 1836-1885. 261. AUTOGRAPH LETTER, ORIGINAL DRAWING AND TWO ETCHINGS. In one frame. D. LITZINGER. Pupil of Henry W. Ranger. 262. THE OCTOBER WOODS. Panel, signd. Height 16 inches; width 14 inches. BENJAMIN EGGLESTON. Contemporary American Painter. 263. THE WHITE SAIL. Canvas, signed. Height 16 inches; width 20 inches. FUKAWA BASKE. Contemporary Japanese Painter. 264. SAGAME BEACH. Water Color, signed. Height 21 inches; width 29 inches. T. C. WILBERFOSS. 265. THE SUMMER WOODLAND. Panel, signed. Height 18 inches; width 33 inches. 31 J. F. HERRING. Modern English Painter. 266. ENGLISH LANDSCAPE WITH HORSES. Canvas, signed. Height 12 inches; width 18 inches. W. C. EMERSON. Contemporary American Painter. 267. THE AUTUMN WOODS. Tempora Painting on Academy board, signed. Height 18 inches; width 28 inches. RUFUS WRIGHT. American Painter, 1832- 268. PORTRAIT OF GENERAL GRANT. Painted during the time Grant was in Washington on his way from the Western army to take command of the Army of the Potomac, and the sittings for it were at the suggestion of Secretary Stanton, who was present at some of them. Wright had already painted the portraits of Seward and Stanton. The historical value of the pres- ent work lies in the fact that it is the only portrait of Grant as General prior to the surrender of Lee at Appo- matox Court House. Canvas, signed and dated 1864. Height 30 inches; width 25 inches. J. B. C. COROT. French Painter, 1796-1875. 269. THE CASCADE AT TIVOLI. Canvas, signed. Height 11 inches; width 1514 inches. From the Heyman Collection. Heyman was a son-in-law of J. F. Millet. J. FRANCIS MURPHY. Contemporary American Painter. 270. THE CLOSE OF DAY. Canvas, signed. Height 131% inches; width 26 inches. 32 Q71. 272. 278. a4, 276. le REV. MATTHEW WILLIAM PETERS. English Painter of the Highteenth Century. PORTRAIT OF A LADY: Pastel. Height 16 inches; width 12 inches. J. F. CROPSEY. American Painter, 1823-1900. WICKHAM POND, ORANGE COUNTY, N. Y. Canvas, signed. Height 23 inches; width 38 inches. W. C. EMERSON. Contemporary American Painter. LATE SUMMER. Tempora Painting on Academy board, signed. Height 22 inches; width 30 inches. SIR PETER LELY. 1618-1680. PORTRAIT OF KING CHARLES II. Canvas. Height 16 inches; width 12 inches. A. J. GROENEWEGEN. Contemporary Dutch Painter. . MILKING TIME. Canvas, signed. Height 1214 inches; width 21 inches. Bought from Arthur Tooth & Sons, London. R. SWAIN GIFFORD. American Painter, 1840-1905. SOUTH MARSH, NONQUIT. Canvas, signed. Height 16 inches; width 22 inches ROBERT J. WICKENDEN. Contemporary American Painter. LANDSCAPE IN AUTUMN. Canvas, signed. Height 23 inches; width 28 inches. 33 GUSTAVE WOLFF. Contemporary American Painter. 278. A DUTCH VILLAGE. Canvas, signed. Height 20 inches; width 24 inches. FRANCISCO MALTESE. Last half of the Seventeenth Century. 279. STILL LIFE. Canvas. Height 14 inches; width 17 inches. FRANK RUSSELL GREEN. Contemporary American Painter. 280. STREET SCENE IN NEMOURS, FRANCE. Canvas, signed. Height 16 inches; width 20 inches. BENJAMIN EGGLESTON. Contemporary American Painter. 281. THE DREAMER. Canvas, signed. Height 20 inches; width 16 inches. D. LITZINGER. Pupil of Henry W. Ranger. 282. AUTUMN. Panel, signed. Height 14 inches; width 16 inches. EASTMAN JOHNSON. American Painter, 1824-1906. 283. THE BARN, NANTUCKET. Canvas, signed. Height 14 inches; width 16 inches. WORTHINGTON WHITRIDGE. American Painter, 1820-1905. 284. GLIMPSE OF THE SEA AT NEWPORT. : Canvas, signed. Height 13 inches; width 18 inches. 34 WALTER PALMER. Contemporary American Painter. 284a. SNOW SCENE. Panel signed, and dated 785. Height 16 inches; width 18 inches. ANNA HILLMAN. Contemporary American Painter. 284b. VIEW NEAR PLATTSBURGH, N. Y. Canvas. Height 14 inches; width 18 inches. | | | | | GUSTAVE WOLFF. Contemporary American Painter. 285. MOONLIGHT. Canvas, signed. Height 20 inches; width 26 inches. GEORGE O. ERLER. Contemporary German Painter. 286. STREET SCENE IN NUREMBERG. Pastel signed and dated 1903. Height 21% inches; width 17 inches. W. C. EMERSON. Contemporary American Painter. 287. THE TROUBADOUR. Academy board, painted in tempora, signed. Height 20 inches; width 30 inches. J. B. C. COROT (Attributed.) 288. LANDSCAPE. Canvas, signed. Height 22 inches; width 15 inches. CONSTANT TROYON. French Painter, 1810-1865. 288a. SHEEP AND DONKEY IN A STABLE DOOR. Pastel study. Height 11 inches; width 8 inches. 35 F. ATALAYA. Contemporary Spanish Painter. 288b. THE WINE SHOP. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. Canvas. Height 18 inches; width 24 inches. R. H. FULLER. American Painter. Died 1871. NEW ENGLAND LANDSCAPE. Canvas, signed. Height 18 inches; width 28 inches. J. VEYRASSAT. Contemporary French Painter. LANDSCAPE. Panel, signed. Height 10 inches; width 16 inches. Accompanied by an autograph letter from the artist. ) UNKNOWN PAINTER. THE SEASHORE. Canvas. Height 29 inches; width 46 inches. GEORGE O. ERLER. Contemporary German Painter. NUREMBERG STREET SCENE. Pastel, signed. Height 2114 inches; width 17 inches. FREDERICK DE MOSS. Contemporary American Painter. THE CLIFFS AT ETAPLES. Canvas, signed. Height 22 inches; width 24 inches. R. SWAIN GIFFORD. American Painter, 1840-1905. OCTOBER AT NAUSHON. Canvas, signed. Height 22 inches; width 36 inches. 36 EASTMAN JOHNSON. American Painter, 1824-1906. 295. THE PEACE MAKERS. Canvas, signed with initials. Height 18 inches; width 21 inches. EDOUARD DETAILLE. 296. JAPAN PROOF ETCHING OF VIVE L’°EMPEREUR, PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST, AUTOGRAPH LETTER, COLOR FAC-SIMILE OF A SOLDIER AND ETCHING OF A CUIRASSIER. In one frame. The folio etching bears an autograph inscription to Madame De Neuville, signed by Edouard Detaille. BRUCE CRANE. Contemporary American Painter. 29”. THE AUTUMNAL HILLS. Exhibited at the City Art Museum, St. Louis. Exhibited at the Worcester Art Museum. Property of Anne Crane. Canvas, signed. Height 38 inches; width 47 inches. W. C. EMERSON. Contemporary American Painter. 298. SUMMERTIME. Tempora Painting on Academy board, signed. Height 20 inches; width 30 inches. BENJAMIN EGGLESTON. Contemporary American Painter. 299. ON THE COAST OF MAINE. Canvas, signed. Height 26 inches; width 40 inches. HERMAN FUECHSELL. Contemporary American Painter. 300. A LAKE IN THE BAVARIAN MOUNTAINS. Canvas, signed. Height 24 inches; width 40 inches. 37 KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN. 300a. LAST GLEAM IN WASHINGTON HOLLOW. Canvas, signed. Height 26 inches; width 40 inches. VICTOR PIERRE HUGUET. Contemporary French Painter. 300b. ARAB ENCAMPMENT. Canvas, signed. Height 16 inches; width 24 inchse. FRANK FOWLER. 301. THE GIRL IN BLUE. Exhibited at the National Academy of Design, 1908. Exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1912. Canvas, signed. Height 52 inches; width 36 inches. CHARLES P. GRUPPE. Contemporary American Painter. 302. OCTOBER DAY IN CONNECTICUT. Canvas, signed. Height 30 inches; width 45 inches. BENJAMIN EGGLESTON. Contemporary American Painter. 303. THE MARBLE SEAT. Canvas, signed. Height 48 inches; width 36 inches. A. J. CHANTRON. Contemporary French Painter. 304. A WOOD NYMPH. Pastel, signed. Height 79 inches; width 38 inches.