RARE AMERICAN PORTRAITS AND VIEWS INCLUDING AMONG OTHERS VIEWS OF NEW YORK AND SAN FRANCISCO THE COLLECTION OF ue <7 MR. GEORGE L. GOODMAN NOW RESIDING ABROAD TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MR. GOODMAN ON TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 24rx, 1920 UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY LIBRARY wo. ___| M.KNOEDLER & GO. 1639 | 556-8 Fifth Ave. ACC. New York THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23rp STREET BEGINNING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 201TH, 1920 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE RARE AMERICAN PORTRAITS AND VIEWS THE COLLECTION OF MR. GEORGE L. GOODMAN NOW RESIDING ABROAD TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MR. GOODMAN ON TUESDAY EVENING AT 8:15 O? CLOCK FEBRUARY 241, 1920 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES JOHN ADAMS [No. 2] " ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF RARE AMERICAN PORTRAITS AND VIEWS INCLUDING AMONG OTHERS VIEWS OF NEW YORK AND SAN FRANCISCO THE COLLECTION OF MR. GEORGE L. GOODMAN NOW RESIDING ABROAD TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE OR RESTRICTION BY ORDER OF MR. GOODMAN ON TUESDAY EVENING AT 8:15 O’ CLOCK FEBRUARY 24rr, 1920 THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NE We ORIG Clans Conditions of Sale J. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale in- juriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money a3 may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the ‘time of sale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such pur- chaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4: Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries. or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers ; doing so, how- ever, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Asso- ciation will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the cor- rectness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imper- fection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is’ and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion with- out proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans- mitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the aboye Condi- tions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MR. GOODMAN RARE AMERICAN PORTRAITS AND VIEWS TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 24th, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK ADAMS, JOHN 1. Hts Excentency Joun Apams, President of the United States. Por- trait. Stipple. Three-quarter length, seated, to left, facing front, hands crossed and resting on book. Drawn & Engrav'd by H. Houston. From the original plate, washed, corner repaired. One margin uncut. Height, 11 3/16; width, 8 8/16 inches. ADAMS, JOUN 2. Joun ADAMS, PRESIDENT OF THE Untrep Staves. Copperplate. Full mist to left, facing to front, with laurel wreath and draped curtain, in rectangle, surrounded by border of state seals (16); above all, the American eagle with spread wings, holding spear and olive ranch, and a flowing ribbon on which are the words,—Milions for Our Defence—Not a Cent for Tribute. On lower margin, in large etters are the words,—‘A New Dispnay or THE Unrrep Srarss,” and in smaller letters,—“New Haven Printed & Sold wholesale by Amos Doolittle, August 14, 1803.” Slight stain at upper right and small tear repaired ; backed with linen. Excrrpinciy scarce. Not isted by Fielding in his “American Engravers.” Height, 2034; sub height (portrait), 9; width, 16; sub width, 914 inches. | Nee Frontispiece for ilustration | AMERICAN REVOLUTION—CARICATURE 3. Depré Aux Mrinorps pg L’Amrirauté L’ANGLAISE PAR UN MEMBRE DU Conerits Américatyn. Copperplate, colored by hand. Dessiné daprés nature 4 Boston par Corbut en 1778, et gravé 4 Philadelphie par Va de bon coeur. Height, 634; length, 1014 inches. FINE EXAMPLE OF REVOLUTIONARY ENGRAVING. Represents an English admiral with vulture’s wings, tied to a tree; the American Congress is clipping his claws, while a Spaniard and two Frenchmen are cutting his wings; an Englishman in despair is breaking his pipes, while a Dutchman and his companion are trying to get away with the Commerce. Sale Tuesday Evening, February 24th ———$—$_$_ AMERICAN REVOLUTION—CARICATURE 1, “A PricturEsquE ViEw or THE Srare or Great Brrrarn for 1780.” Copperplate caricature, below which are several lines of “Ex- planation.” Size of view, height, 4; width, 634 inches. : A contemporary caricature. Standing on the shore of Great Britain, her Commerce is represented by a Milch Cow, her horns are being sawed off by the American Congress, a Dutchman is milking the cow, the French and Spaniards each catching at their share, a distant view of Philadelphia (on some plates lettered New York), with Clinton and Arnold scheming for the downfall of America. AMERICAN REVOLUTION—CARICATURHE 5. “SURRENDER OF CORNWALLIS.” Copperplate. Proof before all letters. Height, 624; length, 1014 inches. é 74 5 A. On the further bank, beneath a canopy over which is the word “York Town,” are Indians and warriors representing the American army, Corn- wallis and his staff are advancing with a letter of capitulation; the French fleet in distance. On the near bank, an Bnglishman and his lion are in despair while mice are getting away with his wealth; nearby a column lettered “Mexico, Peru, Chili,” with Spaniards standing near. Rare. AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY PORTRAITS 6. A Serres or SkvEN Frnety ENGravep Porrrarts. All copperplates. A Paris chez Hsnauts et Rapilly, rue S. Jacques, a la Ville de Coutances, A.P.D.R.; and two others. Att FINE IMPRESSIONS, WITH WIDE UNCUT MARGINS. ‘Together, 9 pieces. Height of each, 6; width, 414 inches. Frve Cotrection. Comprises the following bust portraits,— Le CELEBRE HANcock President du Congres Anglo-Ameriquain. CHARLES LEE Eqer. Major Général de Armée Continental présente- tement prisonnier 4 la Nouvelle Yorck. LE ( AL ARNOLD un des Chefs de l’Armée Anglo Americaine. Gates Chef de lArmée Américaine, qui sut capituler le Général Burgoine au Camp de Saratoga le 16 Sbre 1777. Desiné et gravé par Dupin. IsragL PutrNaM Hqur Major Général des Troupes de Connecticut. GEORGE WASHINGTON Eqer. Général en Chef de l’Armée Anglo-Améri- quaine nommé Dictateur par le Congrés en Février 1777. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Né 4 Boston dans la Nouvelle Angleterre, le 17 Janvier 1706. Desrays del. le Beaw seul. C. F. C. Comrr bE RocraAmBrau. A Paris chez Mondhare rue St. Jacques. JoHN HAncock. Bust portrait. S. Pelicier sculp. 1782. This portrait is not one of the above series. It is an oval, in rectangle 6 by 4 inches. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND %. BanTImMore IN 1752. Lithograph printed in colors. Drawn on stone by J. Backman. IHntered according to Act of Congress in the year 1856 by John W. Medairy... P.S. Duval & Co. Lith. Philadelphia. Slight time stain down centre. Height, 1914; length, 2814 inches. A fine view, with references on lower margin. Sale Tuesday Evening, February 24th BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Fort Freperan Hint, Bartrmorn, Mp. Lithograph in colors. Proof before engraver’s name. Height, 14; length, 20 inches. BATTLE OF LEXINGTON 9. Barrie or Lextneton. Line engrav ue HK. Tisdale delt. C. Tiebout sculpt. New York Published by C. A. Toi No 29 Gold Street, Jany 1st 1798. Height, 131; length, 18 inches. Several small tears skilfully repaired, and backed with paper. VerY RARE. Not in Fielding’s “Check-List of American Engravers.” CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA 10. A N.W. 8 N. View or CrHartes Town from on ‘board the Bristol, Commodore Sir Peter Parker Knt. &e. &c. taken in Five Fathom Hole the day after the Attack upon Fort Sulivan by the Commodore & his Squadron, which Action continued 9 hours & 40 minutes. Line engraving. Uondon, Engrav’d & Publish’d according to Act of Parliament Augt 10th 1776. by Wm. Faden Corner of St. Martins Lane Charing Cross. FINE IMPRESSION, IN PERFECT CONDITION, WIDE MARGINS. Below the inscription is a key to the view, and below the “Key” the following engraved dedication,—To C pererocert Sir Peter Parker...This Vi ree is Most humbly Dedicated and pre- sented by Lt. Colonel Thos. James Rt. of Artillery, Five Fathom Hole South Carolina, June 29th, 1776. VERY RARE. Full plate mark. Height, 834; length, 1214 inches. CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA 11. PLAN oF THE SIEGE OF CHARLES Town IN SouTH CAROLINA, under Command of his Excellence Sir Henry Clinton, and under Direction of (name crossed out) Collonel Mount. Crieff as Chief Engener (sic). This Town was Surendered with Capitualtion the 12. ” May 1780 after 6 Weeks and 3 Days Siege. ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK SKETCH, IN FINE STATE OF PRESERVATION. Height, 2514; width, 1714 inches. AN PXCEPTIONALLY WELL EXECUTED PLAN. On the reverse, in manuscript. is the title and the signature of “Lieut. Finnegan, 16th Regt.” the latter undoubtedly the engineer who executed the above plan. “When Sir Henry Clinton effected his landing before Charleston he sent out a complete corps of engineers in the advance of which Major Moncrieffe was an experienced officer. Their Diary, kept by an officer is now in the possession of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. y § ‘ 4 Sale Tuesday Evening, February 24th CALIFORNIA VIEW 12. Vizrw or Los AncELEs From the Kast. Brooklyn Heights in the Foreground, Pacific Ocean and Santa Monica Mountains in the Background. Colored lithograph. Published by the Brooklyn Land and Building Co., Los Angeles, Cal. 1877. A. L. Bancroft & Co. Lith, 8S. F. Height, 934; length, 2314 inches. CALIFORNIA VIEWS 000. Str San Franotsco, Nos. 112 to 132, inclusive. CANADIAN VIEW 13. Parr or THE Town & Harpour or Harrrax in Nova Scorra, Look- ing down George Street to the opposite Shore called Darrmourn. Line engraving, colored by hand. Serres Pinxit. R. Short delint. Jas Masen sculpsit. Published Ap. 25th 1777 by John Boydell. Slight tear at left margin repaired. Height, 13; length, 20 inches. CANADIAN VIBW 14. GoverNor’s-Hovusk ANp Sv. Matuer’s Merrrinc Hovuss, in Hollis Street, also looking up George Street, shews part of the Parade and Citadel-Hill at Hanirax 1x Nova-Scoria. Line engraving, col- ored. Serres pinx. Avyeline sculp. Drawn on the Spot design’d & publish’d as ye Act directs by R. Short, March 1, 1764. Old fold down centre. Height, 13; length, 20 inches. CANADIAN VIEW 15. Log Canins oF THE Yorn Pronesrs, Exhibition Grounds, Toronto, 1880. Colored lithograph. Withographed and printed at the Exhi- bition Building, by Rolph, Smith & Co. Mounted on linen. Height, 12; length, 18 inches. CANADIAN VIEW 16. Loxpon, Canapa West. Tinted lithograph. Drawn from Nature by EK. Whitefield. London, Published by E. Whitefield, 1855. Two slight tears in margin repaired. Height, 1914; length, 37 inches. References to places are on lower margin. This is one of the Original series of Whitefield’s Views of North American Cities. Sale Tuesday Evening, February 24th CANADIAN VIEW 1%. A Vizw or Miramicui, a French Settlement in the Gulf of St. Laurence, destroyed by Brigadier Murray detached by General Wolfe for that purpose, from the Bay of Gaspe. Line engraving colored by hand. Drawn on the Spot by Capt. Hervey Smith. Etch’d by Paul Sandby. Retouch’d by P. Benazech. London publish’d... 1760, by T. Jefferys. Small hole in sky-line. Height, 13; length, 2014 inches. CANADIAN VIEW | 18. Crry or MonrreaL rrom tHE Mounrain. Lithograph printed in colors. Painted by Jas. Duncan. Printed by M. & N. Hanhart. Lithographed by Gauci. Published by John Armour...Montreal... August Ist 1854. Small tears in margin, one entering print, repaired. Height, 18; length, 2414 inches. CANADIAN VIEW 19. Pract D’Armus A MontTrREAL; SuEDGE Race NEAR Monrrean. Litho- graphs in color. Painted by C. Krieghoff. Printed by Th. Kam- merer. Lith. by A. Borum in Munic. Together, 2 pieces, each with one or more slight surface cracks, each backed with linen. Height, 1314; leneth, 1914 inches. CANADIAN VIEW 20. Orrawa Crry, Canapa-West. ‘Two views,—(1) Lower Town; (2) View of Upper Town looking up Ottawa River, from Government Hill. Tinted lithographs. Drawn from nature by E. Whitefield. Published, 1855. Together, 2 pieces, each one with large tears which have been repaired and the prints mounted down and matted. Height, of each, 1914; leneth, 36 inches. Marginal references to places on lower margin. Two of the celebrated Whitefield series of North American Views. CANADIAN VIEW 21. Virw or Qupsuc, Canapa; From the River St. Charles; Shewing the Conflagration of June 28th, 1845, and the Ruins of the Fire of May 28th, 1845. Colored lithograph. On Stone by C. T. San- ford. From a Sketch by J. Murray. Lith. and printed in colors by C. & W. Endicott New York. Montreal, Published by A. Bourne, Engraver. . .1845. Height, 13; length, 1934 inches. Sale Tuesday Evening, February 24th CANADIAN VIEWS 22. Toronto, Canapa Wxst. From the top of the Jail. Tinted litho- graph. Drawn from nature by E. Whitefield. Lith. of Endicott & Co. N. Y. Published by E. Whitefield, Toronto, 1854. Slight tears at margain repaired. Height, 1914; length, 36 inches. Margin references to places on lower margin. One of the celebrated Whitefield series of American Views. CANADIAN VIEW 23. Toronto, In 1877. (Looking West). Tinted lithograph. Published by Jas. Timberlake, Toronto. Rolph, Smith & Co. Toronto. Slight tears in margins repaired, and print backed with linen. Height, 1134; length, 2114 inches. CANADIAN VIEW 24. Vurpu Monument Narronat evr Revicieux Erich Sur tA MoNTAGNE DE Sv. Hinarre pp Rovvirizn, Canapa; et béni par Mgr. De Forbin- Jansen, Evéque De Nancy. &c &e. le 6 Octobre 1841. Colored lithograph. Crehen del. Bourne, Lithr. Height, 8144; length, 1414 inches. CANADIAN VIEW 25. WinnrpEG, Incorporated in 1873, Manitoba, 1880, Population 10,000. Lithograph. Drawn by T. N. Fowler, Pub. by J. J. Stoner, Madi- son Wis. Beck & Pauli Lith. Milwaukee Wis. With inset views of buildings. Mounted on cloth, small tears in lower margin repaired. Height, 18; length, 3114 inches. References to places are on lower margin. CANADIAN VIEWS 26. Various Visws or St. Joun’s, New Brunswick. Colored litho- graphs. (1) Court House & Market, Erected 1849; (2) Custom House, Erected, 1848; (3) Government House, Erected, 1829; (4) Free St. Andrew’s Church, Bank, etc. W. R. Best Delt. W. Spreat Lith. Together, 4 pieces, last slightly soiled. Average height, 8; average width, 12 inches. CANADIAN VIEWS 27. CoLoreD LitmocrapHs. Above the Grand Falls (St. John’s, N. B.); The Grand Falls; Portage Below the Little Falls; The Camp, Grand Falls; Shooting the Rapid; The Town of Bathurst. W. Hickman del—F’. Jones, lith. Day & Son Lithrs to the Queen. Together, 6 pieces, Height of each, 714; length, 1014 inches. Sale Tuesday Evening, February 24th CANADIAN VIEWS 28. A Serres oF. Virws By THomas Pyz. Lithographs. Thomas Pye, Delineator. Roberts & Reinhold, lith. Comprising views of,—New Carlisle, C. E.; Dalhousie, N. B.; House Harbour, Magdalen Islands, C. E.; Amherst Harbour; Bathurst, N. B.; Point St. Piter, C. E.; and one other. Together, 7 pieces. Height of each, 814; length, 1114 inches. CANADIAN VIEWS 29. A Serres or Views or Stanutey, New Brunswick. Lithographs. W. P. Kay delt. S. Russell Lith. London, Pubd 1836 by Acker- man & Co. Together, 10 pieces, all but one matted. Average height, 714; length, 1034 inches. CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON 30. PrincrpaL Front or tHE Capiron, WasHineron. Line engraving. W. H. Bartlett. A. L. Dick. Engraved for the New York Albion January 1, 1848. Open letter proof. Height, 11; length, 161 inches. CINCINNATI, OHIO 31. Martin Scunerz, Florist & Exotic Cultivator. Lock No. 4, on Deer Creek, between 5th & 6th Street, East of Broadway, Cincin- nati. Lithograph. Klauprech & Menzel’s Lith... Cincinnati. Height, 734; length, 934 inches. CORSICANA, TEXAS 32. CorsicaNA, Texas, County Srar or Navarro County. 1886. Inthograph, partly colored. Published by Norris, Wellge & Co. No 107 Wells St. Milwaukee, 1885. Beck & Paul, Litho. Mil- waukee, Wis. Cut to plate on sides. Height, 1514; length, 25 inches. The lower margin contains references to places, and has autograph inscription by Douglas M. Millan of Corsicana, Texas. DANVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA : 33. DanvintH, Pa. as seen from the Blue Hill. Lithograph printed in colors. A. Yeomans del. P. S. Duval’s Steam lith Press. Philada. Published by E. W. Conkling, Mill Street, Danville. Two small tears to left repaired. Height, 1714; length, 2584 inches. Sale Tuesday Evening, February 24th DANVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA 34. Danvinix, Pa. as seen from the Blue Hill. Lithograph. A. Yeo- mans del. P. S. Duval’s Steam Lith Press, Philada. Published by H. W. Conkling, Mill Street, Danville. Tear to left repaired. Height, 1714; length, 2534 inches. DOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE 35. View or Dover, N. H. Lithograph. From, a Drawing by J. B. Bachelder, 1855. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1855...J. H. Bufford’s Lith. 260 Washington St. Boston. Two slight tears in lower margin repaired. Height, 1934 ; width, 3084 inches. FERGUS FALLS, MINNESOTA 36. Farcus Faris, Minn. 1880. Lithograph. Beck & Pauli Lith. Milwaukee, Wis. Drawn by T. M. Fowler. With inset views of,— Waterpower of Jacob Austin, Page & Todd’s Water-Power & Mills; and Geo. B. Wright’s Water-Power Mills and Machine Shops. Height, 11; length, 2214 inches. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 37. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Stipple, printed in colors. Bust portrait, to right, facing towards left, oval, with vignette view beneath. J. Chap- man, sculp. London, published...May 24, 1806 by J. Wilkes. Height, 6; sub-height, 414; width, 314 inches. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 38. FranKuIN. Portrait. Aquatint printed in colors. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with eye-glasses. Oval. Vanloo Pinxt. P. M. Alix Sculpt. With good margins, slight tear in left margin repaired, the publisher’s line missing, and two small pin-holes in border line. Height, 934; width, 814 inches. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 39. BenzaMIN Franxurn Né a Boston le 17 Janvier 1706. Eripuit coelo fulmen sceptrum que tyrannis. Portrait. Line engraving. Half length, seated at table, facing front, right hand raised above table, left hand on hip; map of Philadelphia and eye glasses on table. Bononie apud Ludoyicum Inig. D. A. 8. seul. Good impression, slight crease flattened out. Height, 1334; width, 98 inches. Sale Tuesday Evening, February 24th FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 40. Portrait oF Franxury Stipple. Full bust, to front, Oval. Dessiné par Le Barbier ?Ainé d’aprés le Buste de Houdon. Gravé par Alix. A paris chez Jean, rue Jean de Beauvais No. 32. Deposé a la Bibliotheque Nationale. Proof before title. Good margins, but with a few tears in same neatly repaired. Height, 19; width, 158 inches. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 41. Errpurir Corto FuLMEN, SceprruMQuE TIRANNIS, AU GENIE DE Frankuin. LHiched and printed in brown. The full-length figure of Franklin ascending heavenward between the figures of America, War, and Victory; in the lower left are the prostrate figures of royalty, etc. Seratched letter proof. Very slight tears in margins repaired. Height, 18%; width, 145¢ inches. Below the print is pasted a slip with the artist and engraver’s name, reading, in part,—Composé et dessiné par H. Fragonard, Peintre du Roi. Gravé A l’eau-forte par Marguerite Gérard 4 ..1772. (Baudricourt, No. 10.) HACKET’S TOWN, NEW JERSEY 42. Hacker's Town. Warren Co. N. J. 5 miles from Schooley’s Moun- tain—The Delaware Water Gap seen in the distance. Showing the Spot where the great Antediluvian Monster THE MAstopon was found, whose length is 23 feet, height about 12 feet. Colored litho- graph. Drawn by 8S. W. Hill. Lith. of G. & W. Endicott. Pub- lished by W. A. Collman, No. 203 Broadway, N. York. VERY RARE. Height, 1134; length, 1734 inches. UANCOCK, JOHN 43. Tue Honsxie Joun Hancock, of Boston in New-England; President of the American Congress. Done from an Original Picture Painted by Littleford. Portrait. Mezzotint. Three-quarter length, to left, hand resting on table, with letter addressed to Major Putnam; left hand in trousers pocket. Joh. Martin will excudit Aug. Vind. London, Published as the Act directs 25. Octor. 1775, by C. Shep- herd. Tears in lower margin repaired, three small pin-holes in surface. Height, 12%; width, 93 inches. HONOLULU, SANDWICH ISLANDS 44, PLAN oF THE City oF HononvuLu, Oanu, Sanpwicu Isntanps. Pen- and-ink sketch, circa 1850. Height, 21; length, 2714 inches. Matted and mounted down. /2 Sale Tuesday Evening, February 24th HULL, ISAAC 45. Turis Portrait or Captn Isaac Hutt or THE UNITED States Navy; also the representation of the most interesting scene during the action between the Unirep States Frigate Constitution, and his Brit- tannic Majesty’s Frigate GUERRIERE, is most respectfully dedicated to the People of the United States, by their fellow Citizen, T. W. Freeman. Portrut in mezzotint. Vignette in line. Full bust in uniform, to left, facing towards front. Gilbert Stuart Esqr Pinxit. Freeman Excudit. The Vignette from an original Drawing under the direction of Captn Hull. Published at Philadelphia, & Entered according to Act of Congress, the 1st day of February 1813, by Freeman & Pierie, of the State of Pennsylvania. Sub-height (portrait), 15; sub-width, 1334 inches. Full height of plate-mark, 1914 inches. With 34 to one inch margin all round, two edges uncut. A few slight creases neatly flatted out. VERY RARE, though the impression is somewhat weak. This is the state having dedication signature changed from “Freeman & Pierie”’ to T. W. Freeman. See the James T. Mitchell catalogue, No. 579. ILLINOIS VIEW 46. RestpENce or TimorHy Wuitez, Jr. Sec. 27 Green Garden Tp. Will Co. Ill. Lithograph. Mounted and matted. Rare. Height, 7; length, 12 inches. JEFFERSON, THOMAS 47. Tuomas Jerrerson. Portrait. Stipple. Bust to left, facing front. Oval in rectangle. G. Stuart Pinxit. R. Field, Sculpsit. Boston, Published by Robert Field, March 14th 1807. Oprsn Lerrer Proor. Height, 57; width, 5 inches. With wide margin, slight tear in right margin repaired. LAFAYETTE, GILBERT MORTIER 48. LaravetteE Nommé Général de la Garde Nationale le 15 Juillet— 1789. Proclamé Général en Chef de la méme Garde le 28 Juillet 1830. Portrait. Line engraving. Full bust, to left, facing towards front, in uniform. Oval in decorative border, with tablet containing title. Dessiné par Bounieu d’aprés une Miniature. Gravé par Vangelisti. Chez Porlier, Graveur Editeur, Rue des Cinq Diamans, No. 8. Inscribed on top margin,—Galerie des Hommes illustres vivans. FINE IMPRESSION. Height, 1344; width, 1014 inches. Sale Tuesday Evening, February 24th LOUISBURG EXPEDITION, CANADA 49. A Virw or tHE Lanpinc rHe New Enopuanp Forozs 1n Yu Expepirion AGarnst Capp Bruton, 1745. When after a Siege of 40 days the Town and Fortress of Louisbourg and the important Territories therto belonging were recover’d to the British Empire. . . Copperplate. J. Stevens Pinxit. Brooks sculp. Publish’d Accord- ing to Act of Parliament Augt 1747. Cut to inside plate-mark, tear in top repaired. Height, 1444; length, 19 inches. The publisher’s line crossed out in ink, and a line inserted in ink stating that this print was “printed for John Bowles.” MARSHALL, MINNESOTA 50. MarsHant, Lyon County, Minn. Tinted lithograph. Wm. Zeuch & Co. Lith. Chicago. Published by Chas. A. Carson, Minneap- olis, 1880. Height, 1344; length, 1614 inches. MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN 51. Panoramio Vinw oF MinwavxKes, Wis. Taken from City Hall Tower. Colored lithograph. The Gugler Lithographic Co. Milwaukee, Wis. Very slight tear in margin. Height, 1234; length, 4714. MISSISSIPPI SCENERY 52. SCENE oN THE Lower Mississippi. Lithograph. Berlin F. Sala & Co. Height, 1014; length, 1514 inches. MONROE FORTRESS 53. Fortress Monron, Op Porinr Comrort anp Pornrt ComForr AND Hyerra Horen, Va. Tinted lithograph. Drawn from Nature, Lith. & print. by E. Sachse & Co. 104 Charles St. Balto. Publ & Sold by C. Bohn, Washington, D. C. Mounted down. Height, 18; length, 28 inches. NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT 54. Virw or New Lonpon. From Forr Grisworp. Colored lithograph. Drawn by J. Ropes. Lith of EC. Kelloge, Hartford, Conn. Pub- lished by Holmes & Co. Several large tears, all repaired, a few small holes filled in, matted down. Height, 1814; length, 3614 inches. RARE VIEW, about 1850. Sale Tuesday Evening, February 24th NEW YORK CITY 55. “Nrzuw AmstrerpAmM op T. Eynant Manwarrans. Copperplate, col- ored. Height, 28; length, 1184 inches. An inset view in lower corner of map. Above the view is a tablet inscribed,—“Novi Belgii Tabula ad N. J. Visscheri delineationem repetita quae ex XXX aliis tabulis colligi potuerunt additis lapidi incisa dirigente. G. N. Asher.” Backed with paper, tear repaired. This is an unfinished issue of the Visscher map. The view is without title and without the inscription appearing on lower margin in the finished state. The map itself is also in a very unfinished state; there are no animals above the Indian camp, and only the more important places are given. NEW YORK CITY—WALL-HILL VIEWS, 1823 56. New York rrom Huicuts Near Brooxtyn. To Thomas Dixon Esgqr. this Plate is respectfully Inscribed by his Obliged Servt. Willm. G. Wall. Aquatint in colors. Engraved by I. Hill. Painted and Pub- lished by Willm. G. Wall New York 1823. FINE oRIGINAL IMPRES- SION OF THE FIRST STATE, WITH WIDE UNCUT MARGINS. Height, 15%4 ; length, 2434 inches. | See Illustration | New York From WEEHAWK. To Thomas Dixon Esqr. this Plate is respectfully Inscribed by his Obliged Servt. Willm. G. Wall. Aqua- tint wm colors. Engraved by I. Hill. Painted and Published by Willm. G. Wall, New York 1823. FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSION OF THE FIRST STATE, the title and inscription standing out like burnt letters. With wir uNcuT marerns. Two thin spots in surface and lower margin. Height, 15°4; length, 2434 inches. An unusually attractive and decorative pair showing interesting contrast between the sky-line of to-day and that of ninety years ago. The shipping depicts the earliest years of steam-boats, ferries, etc. Probably unique in this state. [See Pyne Catalogue, No. 51.] NEW YORK CITY VIEW 5 “VuE DE New York prise DE WEAHAWK. Aquatint. Painted by Garberay. Engraved by Himely. Proor BEFORE ALL LETTERS. With wide margins, two of which are uncut. VERY SCARCE IN THIS STATE. Height, 124; length, 171% inches. Published about 1825. on Monday Evening, ‘WAR OF 1812—BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS 167. Drrear or tHE BritisH Army, 12,000 strong, under the Command of Sir Edward Packenham on the attack of the American Lines defended by 3,600 Militia commanded by Major General Andrew Jackson January 8th 1815, on Chalmette plain, five miles below New Orleans, on the left bank of the Mississippi. Aquatint, colored by hand. Dessiné par Hthe. Laclotte. Drawn on the Field of Bat- tle and painted by Hthe Laclotte archt. and assist Engineer in the Louisiana Army, the Year 1815. Badly torn, a small piece of lower left hand corner missing, including the name of the engraver. Height, 1014; length, 25 inches. IIXCEEDINGLY RARE. The title is on lower margin; in Bnglish and French, with the American shield separating the two. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 168. Lu Ginbrat Wastineron. Portrait. Line engraving. Whole length, to right, standing, in uniform, to left of picture, in front of a mar- quee overhung by a tree. Paint par L. le Paon Peintre de Bataille de S. A. 8. Mrg le Prince de Condé. Gravé par N. le Mire des Academies Imperiales et Royales et de celle des Sciences et Arts de Rouen. Good Impression. | Hart 31 ¢, with the word “By” added to the scroll in the foreground. | Height, 1654; width, 1254 inches. A few wrinkles in lower margin flattened out. WASHINGTON, GHORGE 169. [Map or] tae Unrrep Srares or America laid down’ From the best Authorities, Agreeable to the Peace of 1783. Published, April 3 1783, by the Proprietor John Wallis, at his Map-Warehouse, Ludgate Street, London. Hngraved. In the right hand lower corner is the engraved title, on one side of which is a full-length portrait of Washington with arm on shoulder of the Goddess of Liberty, on the other, a portrait of Franklin, seated holding book. The full size of this engraving is that given by Hart. : Full size of map,—height, 18; length, 2114 inches. Rare. This is the plate described by Hart under No. 90, where the statement is made,—“My note of this portrait was made several years ago, and seems not to be very full, and I have not come across the print in my recent investigations.” Sale Tuesday Evening, February 24th —EE! WASHINGTON, GHORGE 1°0. Tur Barren or Pracun. Favorite Sonate for the Piano Forte. Stipple and line. Hight pages ot engraved music, with the engraved title embellished with the portrait of Washington, medallion bust in uniform, oval in centre. Weak impression, small ink stain at lower corners. [| Hart, No. 153 a. | Plate-mark,—height, 1014; width, 714 inches. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 191. Groras Wasuineron Esagr. President of the United States of Amer- ica. From the Original Painting at. the request of the Corporation of the University of Cambridge in Massachusetts. Mezzotint. Three-quarter length, to right, seated with legs crossed, at table, i upon which are cocked hat with rosette, and a plan of the City of Washington. Curtain in background. EH. Savage pinxt et sculp. Published June 23, 1793, by E. Savage, No. 54 Newman Street. Good impression, but with two very small pin-loles, one inch margin. UNtRIMMED EDGES. | [art, No. 228] Height, 197%; sub-height, 177%; width, 137% inches. [See Illustration | WASHINGTON, GEORGE 1"2. Gro. WAsuineron. Portrait. Line and stipple. Full length, stand- ing on pedestal, in uniform, facing front; in right hand an open seroll inscribed “Friends and Fellow Citizens”; left hand upon sword at side; army and navy emblems on either side of the pedestal on which is the title. In foreground a large funeral urn upon a pedestal inscribed “Sacred to Patriotism.” In the background a view of Bowtina Green, New Yorn. To the right a shaft lettered “Independence”; to the left one inscribed “Liberty.” Behind, an arch within which is an eagle, holding a ribbon in beak, inscribed with the names of the thirteen original states and those of Ken- tucky, Vermont and Tennessee. Signed in the plate—Designed & Drawn by Charles Buxton M.D. and C. Tiebout sc. On lower mar- ein,—This Plate is with due Respect Inscribed to the Congress of the United States, by Chas. Smith (New York). Good impression, though with three small pin-holes, and slight tears at corners re- paired. Only a portion of the one-line border shows, the margins having been cut down to same; place of publisher cut away after Smith’s name. | Hart, No. 676 | Full size of sheet,—height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches. EXCEEDINGLY SCARCE. The copy described by Baker was a mutilated one. Not listed by Fielding in his “American Engravers.” Niele a tte MEZZOTINT PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON [No. 171] Sale Tuesday Evening, February 24th WASHINGTON, GEORGE 173. Amprican Srar. Portrait. Stipple. Full bust to right, in uniform. Oval, height, 37g; width, 384 inches. The upper one of a group of four portraits (the others,—Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Adams), with a draped background. Printed by Andw. Mave- rick. N. York Design'd, Engrav’d & Publish’'d by Thos. Gimbrede Jany 30th 1812. Copy Right Secured. | Hart, No. 794] Full size-—Height, 9; length, 11 inches. Wide margins. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 174. Dre PrAstppNTEN DER VEREINIGTEN STAATEN Norp-AMERICAS. Group portraits of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and J.Q. Adams. Lithograph. Withog. von Ludw. Brand. Seinder. v. R. Weber in Leipzig. The portraits are in a cloud above a flying eagle holding arrows and olive branch. Height, 1514; width, 12 inches. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 175. Grorce WaAsHINGTON. Portrait. Line engraving, colored by hand. Full length towards left, sword in left hand; right arm outstretched over table. Painted by Gilbert Stuart. Engraved by G. Petit. Printed in Paris—Copyright 1900 by Manzi, Joyant & Co. Height, 2114; width, 1314 inches. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 176. Lapy Wasuineton’s Receprion. Line engraving. Painted by D. Huntington, P.N.A. Engraved by A. H. Ritchie.. Open Letter Proof. Height, 2134; length, 35 inches With wide margins. WHALING PRINT 177. JapANEsE Cotor Print by Hirahugi, 1 holes. Height, 13; width, 814 inches. VQ ‘ 85. Margins with worm WHALING PRINT 178. Sperm Wuaninc. No. 2. The Conflict. Tinted lithograph. Prang & Meyer’s Lith. Boston. Signed on the plate,—J. Cole, 1858. Height, 1734; length, 181% inches. Sale Tuesday Evening, February 24th WHALING PRINT 179. ON THE Banks or Newrounpnann. A School of Whales crossing the wake of an Atlantic Steamer. Woodcut colored by hand. From a sketch by Joseph Becker. Height, 9; length, 14 inches. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 180. Wimminaton, Den. 1871. Tinted lithograph. WW. H. Bailey & Co. Artists. Lith. of G. W. Lewis, 452 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Old crease down centre, cut to plate on sides. Height, 1734; length, 38 inches. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS KE. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER, INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY aes wey 16 yy] A er RARE AMERICAN PORTRAITS AND VIEWS THE COLLECTION OF GEORGE L. GOODMAN, Eso. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY 1920