~ CL. G S44 LEC LIBRARY NO. bOO M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK gs mM CATALOGUE OF Collection of Paintings TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF ARTHUR FURBER, Esa. ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MARCH 12th AND MARCH 13th . BEGINNING AT 8 O'CLOCK AT THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 366 FIFTH AVENUE THE COLLECTION WILL BE ON EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, MARCH 8TH, UNTIL TIME OF SALE JAMES P. SILO, AUCTIONEER NEW YORK 1902 ‘S77 fee ee <= an ones of the Collection Brings $31,790— auctioneer. FURBER PAIN “INGS. SOLD. "ie | Some of the Purchasers. Seventy-five paintings were sold in the Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, near Thirty-’ fourth Street, last: night, by James P, Silo, The tetal amount realized was. $31,790, and, the picture which brought the “highest "price was ‘‘ Feeding .t{hé-Pigeons,”’ | ‘Canvas, but it was one of the few, paint- by Jean Leon Gerome, the puréhaser being Max Bleiman, and the price $3,500. ‘The bidding on this picture started at a thou- sand, and fylly a dozen persons in the. crowd of several hundred.tried to’ win the canvas, the last opponent finally yielding to Mr. Bleiman after haying gone to $3,450. | A pieture of a déem by Rosa Bonheur. Proust $1,400, the biddine having started at a thousand. This was a very small | ings that fetched a lower price than had béen expected. The collection was ohne. athered for sale by Arthur Furber, and ‘the remaining seventy-five pietures are to. be sold to-night at 8 o’clock. Two other pictures sold ‘at what were. Considered reasonable figures were ‘' The Violinist of the Convent,” by Tito Leéssi, and a landscape by George Innes, the form- er bringing ,$1,300 and the latter Gnas: There was lively bidding over J. ‘Meissonier’s |‘‘ Artist’s Own Saddle Horse,’’ lit which was finally obtained for $1,000 by a P| woman who would not tell her name. AJ list of the more important sales and the) buyers follow: | Sheep, H. Van der Weele; R. A. Shinken.. $500 | Forest of Fontainebleau, Leon Rochet; BE POP MEUEE SS aoe SEN nls GML eA Raw Ober a ate Bw Rahs RIES B00 | ine Réveil, Lucius Rossi; R. R. Lounsbury. 300 | The Wedding Party, Leopold EF. Kowalsky; | RON A PSLORAIMR Vie dl aie a calshethic'a' eee p pibwie’s Ua g awe Q 800 | La Coquette, C. la Boulaye; L. ‘Linder = eRe, 340 | Flirtation, Consuelo Fauld; GC. Comstock 2,100, | River Scene at Benzon, Perrier EE. San- | ' ‘chez; EK. Hope REPL ca von sk cahax ou 586 | ‘Meditation, V. von Brozik; L. Linder. Pee 870 | Landscape, George Inness; L. A. Lanthier. 1,000. ‘The Violinist of the Convent, Tito Lessi; ©. EBSA RIE aerin in Br Ares ah cl bik Sintay ess we eiplisli sia a mse bias we alg 1,300 | Bella, Gustaye Jacquet; Dr. G. B.° Cowell. 480 Venice at Night, Felix Ziem; L. A. Lan- HOME Noi Bou ete Wintel « busleceld ¢ ele bc cinco oro 590 Cow in Pasture, Hmile van Marcke; G. W. DEAD ePi clei eo ie} ple Oe dieke Cath a'yiaag.bed niece B20 | Spanish Lady, Alfred Stevens; Max Blei- IRM DE SE Thais en gidN Fi aias sive Qk 6 ba 6.6 410 Cattle, B. J. Merlot; Max Bleiman......./. 350 Portrait of Mme. de Conti, J. M. Nattier: EEA TE PRATING OTT OLG. <4) ce eo pdly craidwid te QA lech ehac a 3850 Children of Charles I., Daniel Mytens; A, Dae RAEN uitel ats ence lata boo Woce%s <.Wie os alee oie d kates 500 Lady ‘Cathcart, Francis Cotes; 5 Aan Os ty MARI er Pe WON ae eo Goalie 550 | Princess of the Medici Family, Bronzino; OR ERS ES re ae CREA ree iG ee Rn ven BIG6 Virgin and Child, Peter Paul Rubens; BR. Per easia TTT UOT weal big G/ackh Wa Glee deeiste ecient 6 ala o 650 The Begear Boy, Meyer von Bramen; -Max Pema VESANTDON (Ri siG uk att wie ks mak ain ss gliese Gra Bede ie leceratae 750 Feeding the Pigeons,. Jean Leon Gerome; PNRM EE TIIER IN Caleta nie) ine wala vi aiy sie ocx ores civ le's 3,500 | Oriental Seene, Leon Comerre; name of buyer SE TES Tan OER PAPE a ST i 700 Mosquee in. Cairo, Albert Pasini; Max PATE eee Wy PLS ku ls A'd.b, hora Cie ee de othe a 1,200 toe Greece, Hector Le Roux; C. Par- NE Sa SSE ORE RY ee RG POR OP DF 520 | heen: Bugene Verboeckhoven; M. EB. Fitz- | SATIN CUS Craigie ea aialy Hsjace elev tieal haiee e-vi's's ' 1,150 Recreation of ‘the Cardinal, Cesar Detti: . deo RUEY LIA IT OTT Be bis alee doyle biases at 6 clu 6 ce 425 Cavalier, Ferdinand Reybet; C, Ingram.... 1,500 Deer, Rosa Banheur: tT. A, Ganthier...... 1,400 Artist’s Own Saddle Horse, J. L. Meissonier; ‘name of buyer refused...... 1,000 | Portrait of a Gentleman, G. van der Heck- BOUL.) MTOOLBE ELEC. oe eee ce pisiisioee da cg cet. aves Avenue Art Galleries $61,630. Pie ‘Day 4% Amount Realized ‘The sale of the. ¢o. which was offered be aucti Furber was Cone’ ude The collection consisted rainiy. ings by artists of the “geventeer eighteenth and early. nineteenth eent with a sprinkling..of ‘moderns. The that the genuineness of the pictured. 9 not guaranteed militated against 1 prices in several instances, isa A Winter scene by Fritz Thaulow real ized the highest price, $1,800, A portrait by John Hoppner, which had been knocke down for $140, was put up again, there ing two claimants, and was sold foe, is Then the purchaser, who had been buyi for some one else, suddenly realized | he had been bidding on the wrong picture; When the portrait of a lady, alleged t have been painted by Sir Joshua beh | N was put up the auctioneer was ai whether he would guarantee that. He ¢ clined to do this and the picture was for $700, Some of the pictures, as described in. eatalogue, the prices paid, and the chasers’ names, when obtainable, follow: ~ Head of a Young Girl, J. Balle volage a. cae ae GWetherington ss ..% +. 65 wees alienen 330 A Study in Light and Shade, "Martin ma Kavel; Bugene Fischoff.......cs+ssseyee bd Manola, José Frappa; M. A. ve: Horse in Pasture, Rosa ienialcds H, A. ne — Lanthler (i ys< )\s's veces piace onsen On wie eles Arab Spahi, Bugene Fromentin} ae 8 Lan- thier = vss Cal eisiaini a een yneer Bugene ‘Verbosckhoven; D. BE. John- Louis XV, Soubrette, “Gustave Jacquet; G S. Waller ...--s--eceavess Tite ete | Monarch of the Desert, "Rosa Bonheur; Pes ae | PUSEU) sb isisina ep ARS ab lo: 9: 'a Up bp soldat a Deers, Rosa Bonheur; L. A, Lanthier.... 1 Cavalier of the Period of Louis XIIL, Fer- dinand Roybet; Max Bleiman............ | The Shepherds, #dmond Picard; G. S. Walon ee | roe < es Bei g slate dior | fie. i ' epee ereee ecewere dene Heer ese meee Hees Perret; Baster in Russia, Leon Comerre; J mers + ee eee ee ee ee CONDITIONS 3 The highest bidder is to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. z. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, if _ required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The lots to be taken away at a buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satis- faction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which, the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. . To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases no lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen. misde- livered, or lost, the undersigned are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re- Sale shall be made good by the defaulter, at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. i, Fitzsimmons. 900° ed Stevens; G. S. Berea reece eee asvees 1,200. Thaulow; Max Blei-— 4 i teed ee as ra es “John Hoppner, tha Rae eyes Jean Léon. 4 vere rere e eee eens renee ee eee ew we we Pee oe ee ee “Or PAI efman Ase "aie ne Verhoesishoven: ME, Fitz. the Ge ardinal,” Cesar ‘atti ” i Pigzsimino ons.. Ferdinand | toybet sake “bane " ea Wan dee \ eer Pra pa roy seine at a meconis: it Norto ape,” Oeoree: Innesé: I. A. Lant er. 1 Fiolinist of the Convent,” Tito ; i sher ee pe oe a ae a,” ‘Gustave “Jacatiet; “Dr. G caren B: oO j we fe ee oe owe well . a snice at ‘Nght, me Félix “Ziem; Di A. a Lady,” “Alfred Stevens; Max’ pia (1 oa bile a dt aa of Gharies if Hen Daniet ‘My tens: Fe J. 7a Catheart," + Brancls Cotes! 3 BR: CG. “Snaw.: } PRiads Weele; R. A. Shinh 6 Wedding PR arte Leopold F. Kowal i al terns. cs * Consuelo Fould; George C. “Gomi ‘8 “Tl e Frozen River,” ‘Andries ‘Vermeulen: B i Norton.. TEE CATES DARREN Sap EO, . ees oa gente i Serheenal ‘ eterna cl ie wrk tn Meaiet Fanatly," Bronzino: ana cniid,” am "Peter ‘Paul “Rubens; ek es Valera. ton fa. ae ee Mover’ von ‘Bremen; Max eve, Hootok ie Rous s : aye . BE. "Beinek Sanches: : 1,000. 1.200 — q a NAMES OF ARTISTS NO, IN CATALOGUE Beer asONG Sr a Me te ke a 102 ete a 83 REORDER BT OLISTREE cay a een ee ee A RS ce J SURNE-BELLECOUR, EP, . . - . e / BONHEUR, ROSA, . . 70, 101, 185, 186 AUSTEN ae es DS wh BRONZINO, Sept 05 a7 eee em BROZIK, V. von, ‘ ; Sol. ge TOON, Ce EG PeREIER BELGEUSE, P., °- . 2. EDE, FREDERICK) 9.0” 3 ae ry SPRING L2— THE OLD BRIDGE I3— RIVER AND LANDSCAPE A. KREYDER 14— eee LIP “FRUIT Me ON... . . , PARIS Da Pupil of Diaz ed Medal Paris Salon, 1888 1j— FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Pee ON DET 16— meeobRUNE DLE BRISSET, EMILE, | 9 eae Pupil of Detaille Paris Salon, 1900 17— BONAPARTE IN ITALY LUCIUS ROSSI is. LE REVEIL ADRIEN SCHULZ, . | |) 93) Rae Exhibits in Paris Salon I9— FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU os “as BeprERT, © 3 | . . . Municn as pte = ae HEAD - KOWALSKY, LEOPOLD F., . Pars | Medal Paris Salon, 1891 : THE WEDDING PARTY i 5 Orie A «BOULAYVE *o 1 ; ope San fhe, LA COQUETTE ie ee the Ss i. EDE, FREDERICK, amet bree er AS Born in Canada 24— RIVER SCENE J fo CONSUELO FOULD ; tf 25— FLIRTATION MERLOT; E. J.;) se Medal Paris Salon, 1892 26— CATILE 28— % a HORNE, D., 1620-1680 Se iisls ELE UTRECHT ANDRIES VERMEULEN 1763-1814 THE FROZEN RIVER SANCHEZ, PERRIER, E.,, Paris Medals Paris Salon, 1886, 1889 Hors Concours RIVER SEINE AT BEZON SYDNEY MUSCHAMP 30— THE LITTLE MUSICIAN BROZIK,°V. von: | 33:5 1852-I9OI Medal Paris Salon, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1834 Officer Legion of Honor, 1890 Director General of the Musée of Buda-Pesth. Died I90!. 31— MEDITATION. _ New Yor EEO EL ESSI PJACQUET, GUSTAVE, . . . Panis ' Medals Paris Salon, 1868, 1875, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1879 BELEA ZIEM, FELIX, 2 Medals Paris Salon, 1851, 1852, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1857 Officer, 1878 35— VENICE AT NIGHT VAN MARCKE, EMILE, . > Paris 1827-1891 Medals Paris Salon, 1867, 1869, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1872 36— COW IN PASTURE From the Van Marcke Sale Meee ALEPRED, .° . Paris ~, 4/- / Medals Paris Salon, 1853, 1855, 1867 Legion of Honor, 1863 Officer, 1867 Commander, 1878 Grand Prize of Honor, 1889 37— SPANISH LADY JAN LE DUCO /) O 1636-1685 38— FEAST AT AN INN Meee |S PAR Medal Paris Salon,’ 1892 390— | GATTEE SEIFERT, .. 40— HEAD LESUR, VICTOR, = 323530 eee Medals Paris Salon, 1887, 1889 41— UNDER THE DIRECTORY LIPPI, FRA FILIPPO, .~-. FLORENCE 1412-1469 42— AVE MARIA GRATIA PLENA J; Mc. NATTIER 1685-1766 Jlelpes Pastel 43— PORTRAIT OF MME. bE CONTI PerereNS, DANIEL, . . THe Hacur fom (590-1658 Went to London in 1618 and became court- painter to Charles I. 4 CHILDREN OF CHARLES I. COTES, FRANCIS, . . . Lonpon 1726-1770 One of the Founders of the Royal Academy “Aiea LADY CATHCART PETER CODDE 17th Century a6. AN INTERIOR BRONZINO, . . . 223 eee 1502-1572 4 i ey Pe ~ a - i ? -47— PRINCESS OF THE MEDICI FAMILY yay W. VAN DER VLIET 1612-1675 48— BORTRATT OF A GIRL ALLART VAN EVERDINGEN a 1612-1675 49— LANDSCAPE IN NORWAY ADRIAN VAN DE VELDE 1636-1672 50— SHEPHERD AND CATTLE COTES, FRANCIS, ... . LONDON 1720-1770 One of the Founders of the Royal Academy co COUNTESS WILTON MELCHIOR D’ HONDEKOETER 1636-1695 = PEACOCK AND POULTRY LARGILLIERE, N. Ds,. 2) 3 1556-1740 wF- : j : 3 NICHOLAS DE CATINAT Maréchal de France Sea, l,l, SY FRANCE 1510-1572 54— BREGITTA COIGNET An exceedingly rare example of portrait paint- ing of the French Renaissance CIMA DA CONEGLIANO 1480-1520 55 VIRGIN AND CHILD DAN’L MYTENS End 16th Century to 1656 56— GROUP OF CHILDREN PETER PAUL RUBENS 1577-16040 aye VIRGIN AND CHILD GAINSBOROUGH DUPONT 1767-1797 j* fie 4; 58—PORTRAIT OF THE POET CHATTERTON AELBERT CUYP 1605-1691 # po THE PORT ANTONIO CANALETTO //2 | 1697-1768 60— THE COLOSSEUM AT ROME MEYER von BREMEN ‘ 6I— THE BEGGAR BOY Collection of a New York banker, now abroad eeeoVr. JEAN LEON, .-.~. Parts Medals Paris Salon, 1847, 1848, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1855 Officer Legion of Honor, 1867 Commandeur Legion of Honor, 1878 a C17 Grand Medal of Honor, 1874 ao 7 FEEDING THE PIGEONS ve La", , é Sythe CHINTREUIL, ANTOINE, AVY p 1814-1873 Pupil of Corot Salon, 1847 Paintings in the Louvre 63— LANDSCAPE COMERRE, LEON, Medals Paris Salon, 1875, 1881 y hd Prix de Rome, 1875 py Ree Legion of Honor, 1885 64— ORIENTAL SCENE PARIS PARIS See DERT, . . . ~. - ITALY f. df / Vv 1838-1900 Medals Paris Salon, 1859, 1863, 1864 Legion of Honor, 1868 Officer Legion of Honor, 1878 oo MOSQUEE IN CAIRO meen, HECTOR, . . . #£PaArIs fs6) Medals Paris Salon, 1863, 1864, 1874 YY Legion of Honor, 1877 66— ANCIENT GREECE VERBOECKHOVEN, EUGENE, BRUSSELS 1798-1881 Medals Paris Salon, 1834, 1841 Legion of Honor, 1845 67— SHEEP DETTI, CESAR, .- 330 ee Medal Paris Salon, 1889 Hors Concours 68— RECREATION OF THE CARDINAL } : yin | bo (ie Seoul, FERDINAND, .:. Paris Medals Paris Salon, 1866 Grand Medal of Honor, 1893 Legion of Honor, 1892 Officer, 1900 CAVALIER meen BONHEUR, . . . .° Parts 1822-1894 Medals Paris Salon, 1845, 1848, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1865 Officer, 1894 DEER / yy, eee J. L. E. MEISSONIER i! | 7i— ARTIST'S OWN SADDLE HORSE . is ae VS ee \s i A \ "4 fe )) z ; JZ — DE HEEM, CORNEILLE, . Amsrerpam iy : are 1630-1704 em, C$ fm ws zm sags ¥ ieee A ‘ % | {2 STILL LIGe : G. VAN per EECKHOUT ae J? 1621-1674 73— PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Bevin RUECEES | . AN OLD DUTCH VILLAGE MICHAEL J. MIEREVELT 1567-1641 SHCOND DAY'S SADE, THURSDAY, MARCH 13th, BEGINNING AT ee e P PHILIPPOTEAUX, PAUL Pupil of Leon Cognet and of Felix Philippoteaux 76— CATTLE IN NORMANDY ALEXANDER HARRISON 77— ATFESTIV Ad Nie RICHET, LEON, | ae Paris 1705-1765 Peceivea toe Grand Prix de Rome 1724, Was appointed director of the French Academy and Painter to the King 146— CHARLOTTE DE LA TREMOUILLE Wife of Henry II. de Bourbon, Prince de Conde SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P. i) * 1723-1702) a 148— PORTRAIT OF AU TARDY JOHN HOPPNER, R. A. oe 8, 1758-1810 100 : a ‘ tr49-—- PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY | : ‘SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R. . nee "e 1709-1830 150— PORTRAIT OF LADY CRITTENDEN - 3 ‘iin