LIBRARY M.Knoedler& Co. 14 East 57th St. New York oc. a ies a ” Ps ; - 3 Ce ee if wag a fe es se ae Te 4 » w 5 * i “lh y ‘ / her, 2) : r mat ‘ od t wy * ; Z . » American Art Galleries. — he sale of his small collection of foreign ictures and of his paintings by natives at American Art Galleries on Wednesday will deprive Mr. Samuel Coq l many silent friends w . Whilst he p, sells the contents ‘Ny s studio, both S$ and water colors, "f@etures large and i¢tures small, which tell of his travels nq, nd Mexico. The entire collection Ses about ohe hundred canvases, sever them being his own work in water olors and oils. : Among the twenty-six pictures under ther names a little Italian scene with presses and church facade by Elihu Ved- r is conspicuous for its bold color scheme d distinct characteristic; it is a genre dad landscape combined called ‘“' Be- ‘eaved,’’ executed in oils with a much hap- jer touch than Vedder is apt to give, bet- ter, for instance, than his touch in the lit- We head eallea “Sappho.” Another good @il painting is a head of an Italian girl by i illiam Sartain. ‘‘ Waste Lands,’ also, a ; of interest to admirers of his landscapes / Since it has much of the quality of his | best work in oils. '* An American whose pictures are rarely Seen is Frank Currier of Munich. , collection has an impressionist water color | called “ Twilight,” which shows once more how much we have lost through Currier’s “expatriation. ft is a vivid color-scheme, a Gre done in:a slashing but masterly way. The water-color head of a girl in a black bonnet by William M. Chase appears to be- tong to the period when Currier and he, Duverneck, Muhrman, Shirlaw, Blum, and Twachtman were members of the band of ee Amerikaner in the art-producing @apital of Bavaria. It has no littie charm. Nictor Nehiig isanother revéenant like Cur- his “Combat in the Woods” betwéen This | ligh i ded. Veyrassat, | The gem of the foreign contingent is a | Corot, a little study at Ville d’Avray, 9 by | d2 inches, witha feathery clump of treés | im the middle distance and a small figure , Of 2 woman tothe left before a wedge of ' woods. The:sky has almost no incident, | eRe picture as a composition might be [termed conventional, And yet this. little ,Sanvas stands reserved beauty, so ‘by Natives and Foreigners at Italy and Holland alone, but in 2 ee water color by J. Francis Murphy, will .be | | | 1 ta ; ‘tan Tapiro; a ni eer,” by the "tt CMe ‘against the cloudless sky. os - Such a picture would find a fitting place ‘in the ere hall of a club. It is forty-one pecnee nigh and thirty-five bibs gs eae A4mpressive tonal piece is “T Water ‘Towers of Marfily Mexico,” showing an aqueduct and building of the Spaniards and one of those quaint ox carts with solid wheels that still exist in many parts of Mexico. This is a. wide picture, over four feet in breadth. Still larger is the.‘ Au- tumn in the Kanawha Valley, West Vir- zinia’; it is fully six feet long. Among the Western pictures the ‘“‘ Pacific Coast) at Monterey, California,’’ is only second in) charm to the view of the Grand Cafion Among the Eastern, 0. 82," Hetky Farm, Newport, R. L.,” is the best in Oils, with its warm, agreeable tones, its strea of blue pore and its reflection of the char- actér of the local landscape. Less suc- cessful are ‘‘ Borders of Lake _ Texcoco, Mexico,’ and ‘Outskirts of the City of Mexico.”’ Excellent is the little oil ‘Coast of Btretat,” dated 1887. : Veiice is an old ground for Mr, Colman, but for some reason the Venetian scenes lack the personal something that a good many other pictures contain: The big oil color, “‘ Church and Island of San Giorgio,” is a handsome piece of decoration, but! lacks savor... Less dry is the large canvas. showing “ Fishing Boats Becalmed in the Aartatie.” Preferable is ‘“‘ Bdge of a Wood’ in November” and “A othe? s Day at Zaandam, Holland.’’ Perhaps Venice has been painted so often that there is need of & special power or a novel touch to make one grateful. Some, at least, of these Venice views were painted long toe since) their making, how many other artists from America have tried their skill ee eHeNs same lagunes! om oils of Samuel Col- T eblers o often a “that his rather than the other me- neduct at Pueblo, Mexico,”’ st of the water colors. ihe bits are ‘“ At Narragansett two views from the rocks. ral at Quimper, Brittany,’’. , France,” and “ Hscalier des; nes.” Three little water colors: y the attractions. of the. canal and “Kew on “hh s” are further water colors some- ickine, it is true, in the transparency ash, but full of tone and often in- . a Coie gravity and breadth of it aehiens after all, is the individuat hat Colman has imprinted on all Dwarrit OLD CHINA AND COLMAN _ PICTURES AT AUt ye ager miatere and aes for the . he! agpeadiag Old rdshire Ware R470 — for a Platter—A Corot for $2, 200—Colman Top Price, $500. wo intersting sales took at the | American Art Galleries yester nd both were well attended. In t afternoon Mr. Kirby began the a of the col- . ction of, ceramics ‘the late A. rritt of Watexbury, Conn., and he so y-seven paint- | er col whed by Samuel | Co. n | ogee ct cctg se pitgeninel a | wn wo ti paintings an Sag a works, and by Barbizon and Dutch nters. The first session of the Burritt sale real- a ized $5,809. The sale of Mr. Burritt’s & ceramics will be continued this afternoon, nd this evening his fine collection of etch- mgs will be dispersed. Mr. Colman’s sale gale in the evening there x others John Harsen . Evans, Thomas B. Tiffany, Thomas W. Wodd, rick y, ex-Judge W. M. 0. Havemeyer, A. W. Y Galbraith Ward, D. Q. s, W. Gould, S. T.. Peters, dealers M. Durand-Ruel, pC & Co., * ‘o., Knoedler & Co. and Glaenzer - The highest: price paid. for a work of ur. man’s van $600 for his “Fishing ; calmed in the Adriatic,” and the el cee of the har was $2,200, tv cook ate ine, Mi. coli Ville | a (9x127 inches), in Mr. Colman’s array (rece ileermareia arene nes ke ed. in proceéds of $22,275. j beth, and representatives, of | i | oe ce Colman Pictures. aie | PAINTED BY MR. COLMAN. } i—"Dutoh Coasting | Craft” (water. color); ADRS Peele ahaha ra oy pute hea ese nam $40: Kone “eh ate rom the River” « Gwater color): OPED NDE Bea Bat ea EOP pI Vine 2 30) aA yew (water color): Mrs.’ Willlams.. 65) "Mosque of Sidi-bou-Hac, Tiemcin, Alge-~ I Windmi reg olor} Dunham.) eG 40) 5—" Nob coer is 01 Zaandam” (water color); V : esha: Lines tower rho” (water color); Notman,, | «1 "Woods Trees: Néwport;” Dunham, RP é tert in. October: Irvington)”: D. M. " a-Saie ill Valley, Westchester;” Wall.. 80 0-—“Lake Conésus:” eorge Goi Ward.ail ton £0) fishermen Landing Boats. at -Bor- ighéra;” umhasm ....5:.c0ne cay we taenes 100) Ai to Colorado Dasa “trom e] ‘Peach Spring;” Dunham............0.30, 100) 13—"Coast at Btretat:” Mona CAMERON SMR 8 50) 1A Brees from the Grand Canal:” ©. W. i 15—"Bdge of 2 Wood in November.” Cochran,» iH lense cen a City of Mexico (water id OX NOTA Sse sic cake adel Bel ee | 11—~"On the River Elbe, at Dresden (water . colon PeDunbam'... 2. ikea eee 90) i Ronda, apaiiy’ (water color); Dunham. 50) Some the Viga. City of Mexico,” water . MSL TE ALAIN. fsccss oi wih hb peolaenereeaeale See 50) 20~"Farm Yard at ‘East Hampton,” Sy sat 21-2" Fah aber . Sunset, Valley of the Gene i Mg Willlam Macbeth... 34.0. stasee ts sem 485, 99. ey ® Campanile;”.R. Terry. PRAT SW ESE 18 100) 23 Gentine at Venice,” W. T. Evans.....>, 160) 24—"Néar Ossipee;” Dunham......00. 0008024 85) | 25—“Lagoons, ‘rom the Lido; 7” Notman. . 100 cs a it Irv fas yet Woods in October;” Notman. 15 | 2 ane he Viga,” water color, D0.’ Tif- Bo SP LETT os A uhy eg et ba 75 At Narcexadsett Pier water Color D He LTS o's ime es gee & wie a feoiel ewig pile te mee ON pe | 29-Sketch in Venice,” water color; Wil- } liams Be ee em ee he ae ee OPEN ee ee © 0 See é 3 80-—“At ‘Morlaix,” water color: "Notman...... 125) S1—“Bscalier des Carmes;. Rennes,” water ie COLO RIGTEWAY oii bbs Juevees debeleneeus 80 | 82—“On the Viga,” water color; Dunham.. 40 alae ee ec Meadows,” water color; G. G. a ss SsMiids Shvecbi a abe hein woe 4 op altoid da bhcacarl eee aah aL a 105) Pama Street, Sé ene tote Marfil:” Dunham... ..: 85 85"Ou blo, Mexico,” Péters. . 5d) 36—“Pacific Coast ne Calm Weather, Even- Re WIS ATT Noise ge occ Ge a SG hake 450 37—"Lime Kilns of Pueblo:” N otman. ....... 275) ="Grinnell’s -Polat:” “Wiliams... 9 .0.. 65 go—"Study of Trees, Westchester; ?" R. Perry, 60 40-—"“Venice at Sunset:” Main .,....:.,0..4. 80 41—“Wood Scene;” Dunham REE Bete as, 1. 40 | | 42—“Autumn at Irvington;” Cochrane .o5 55 sda ils. duties Pier,” ‘water. color; Not- me Pies bel dads Bathe FIG Sash oH Ria ahd g DR RR 1 } 44" Oathicdral at Quimper, Brittany,” water COlOrE NOUMAN ius. ears ee sais nee 95 | oo, Fishing Boats, Naples,” water color; peri: 8.0L‘ Nat Binary ey Oe UM Pn HiRy < y anaa oye alt 80 s0-—"Coast "Of Bordighera,” water color: Not- NUP SEL Giese OU DR EAL MPAA E SL Crna cbc fe 100 41—"Aauiediiet at Pueblo,’ ‘water color: ; | PEIN as Chien bs Spo AS RU TRE snus 180 48-—“Lake EAe cone: MOON OGIO «).cduvens ee dunes 130 | 49—~“Edge of a Wood in November;” Peters, 200 50" Castello del Ovo ‘and Lighthouse, Naples;” Williams..... eink al o Mik aaa ee 450° 51—"‘Showery Day at Zaandam;” Ward. .... 400 52—“Venetian Fishing Boats becalmed; * PV ATIV ATG Fro sll Aoki clade pale eee alt 600) | S2a—" Church and ‘issih of San Georgio;” Ns Ms ilies CROC aly nies Se ce Fare 576, | WORKS BY THE le oo Ne AND OTHER PAINTERS, 63—-""A bias Town,” water color; Maris: GURENE ET a Siiy eke ce eae se selniae gue ae $500 4 Windy Day in. Holland,” water color, Welssenbruch; J: H. Rhoades... ¢0csses 310 55-—“ Dutch Town,” Miel; Ridgeway ......... 125 ake Romantic Reader,” Kichter; Ridge- 4 57— "Goast of Holland, ” Achenbach... 825 58—“ Dante and Virgil Crossing the “Sty x” (study for the large picture in the LOGyeR: a ate: Knoédler & Coie, eoc4he 850 50" A Silvery fie pee ” Corot: Glaenzers. 1,2b0 60—"Nymph,;" Diez; Glaenzer.... cei. ea eae 1025 | 81—"Siudy at Ville D’Avray,” Corot; Hig- Be RAR dh Aectils ed AAT wiles TA OMRT Tic Uda te LRTI 2,200 62—“Scené in Smyrna,” Decamps; Glaenzer 800 63— i ag and Deer,” suki Durand - i Lit =) eee Dad Suhel aad te Ug aban PAC eae ai isin tthe al saad atNOae issn sy, 24h cain at Sear * "ise vO vbw sd eee pia deerye wae ak is cs i ‘Veyrassat &. paia sues 6 Corea Dute si Sines water noe Peeves eetin abe dee oe gar io Ht ohana” (water color), warts co SiautA (water color), Bock; ‘Cottle ier tee in’ ee ee ee ; Loe ! 60— ona (water color), Bas- i wen Ghitier Rye Ava Dem aee atone i IOs": oe sh Soldier” (water color), Tapird; c n—'Study ét a Head” (water color), Chase: age (water color), Currier; Rhoades eo : Lo ioe Lands” (water color), Murphy; ‘24-“Sappho at Wédder; Henderson .-.......) AB ho,’ PONS, sat Me Henderson... co... | ae as uk alian Girl,” Sartain; HO. Th ait athedral cs “Prague” (water ‘s0i08), a eS y- odds Se ayers cs md to ‘Maris; G) aenzer. Fa SRE 4 er e epegrtet of earn V.;" Roybet; Cot- eter ees Sere swe reer anes eeteowe PICTURES IN OIL BY MR. COLMAN. 80-—"Mosque of Sidi-bou-hac, Tlemein, Al- geri TR WRSO 5s oe cress ones agus ae River, Westchester": A. Ww. ee BH iia gtr bi tues Me Oh i joss 4 ae ss > * > | z ae | 3 a Fy ‘ | : id = ; Z . bs OCTOBER SUNSET, VALLEY OF THE GENESEE Oil Color Height, 22 inches; length, 27 inches 22 THE CAMPANILE, VENICE . N Oil Color " a | Height, 1034 inches; length, 16% inches oe. ner - 2 3 ) 0 iv f MOONRISE AT VENICE eal» [pe : Hy Oil Color Lida Fy i 8 i Height, 10% inches; length, 18% inches /) 24 . Ar NEAR OSSIPEE, N. H. (\ Dae Oil Color Height, 1038 inches; length, 15 inches 20 PA? VENETIAN LAGOONS, FROM THE LIDO ae! yf oe he fies 7 : & = Oil Color Y im@ ; #Y Height, 6 inches; length, 14% inches vie 26 IRVINGTON WOODS IN OCTOBER Oil Color Height, 11 inches; length, 174% inches 27 . 7 ON THE VIGA, CITY OF mexico {| | 28 59 E AT NARRAGANSETT PIER, R. I. Water Color Height, 8% inches; length, 9% inches (). : Si, Water Color Height, 8% inches; length, 20% Ws fh. + = 29 oo A SKETCH IN VENICE Water Color . Height, 9% inches; length, 14% inches 30 ue AT MORLAIX, FRANCE Water Color Height, 9% inches; length, 13% inches ESCALIER DES CARMES, RENNES, FRANCE Water Color Loe] WW J Height, 8% inches; length, 20 inches 2 ON THE VIGA, MEXICO be i w “See j aw Water Color Ad In, ¥ Height, 8% inches; length, 9% inches af ji OSSIPEE MEADOWS, N. H. / fe Water Color a ¥ pyé Height, 10% inches; length, 15% inches Y BBs 34 * STREET SCENE AT MARFIL, MEXICO Oil Color Height, 7% inches; length, 8Y% inches J {) sf Hae | / Oe aT8) Oil Color (fo ti Height, 8% inches; length, 12 inches { ff. | 56 THE PACIFIC COAST IN CALM WEATHE EVENING a Oil Color Height, 24 inches; length, 50 inches 37 Oil Color Height, 22 inches; length, 27 inches 9)? re _ THE LIME KILNS OF PUEBLO, MEXIC fe fi 38 we GRINELL’S POINT, HASTINGS-ON-HUDSON v Height, 9% inches; length, 15% inches J ile A 39 #\ f)r A STUDY OF TREES, SAW-MILL VALLEY, noes: re a | CHESTER COUNTY | a Oil Color i 7° Height, 914 inches; length, 12% inches 40 VENICE AT SUNSET hy) av V a a // i ‘Ah v Oil Color i ; (VW j! ‘ Height, 5% inches; length, 13%4 inches WOOD SCENE, HASTINGS-ON-HUDSON |) lw Oil Color Vil by y Height, 9% inches; length, 1444 inches 7 49 So) LATE AUTUMN AT IRVINGTON Ae Oil Color fi Aa . j bal a ‘Jai 3 i ik Height, 7% inches; length, 14 inches | Ly i) pe 45 AT NARRAGANSETT PIER Water Color ) | ae Height, 8% inches; length, 19% inches i Yl ae ++ THE CATHEDRAL AT QUIMPER, BRITTANY, Water Color ; Height, 20% inches; width, 8% inches 45 FISHING BOATS, BAY OF NAPLES | Water Color ) Nan Height, 8% inches; length, 19% inches N ; 5 : ‘i 46 | 0 af COAST OF BORDIGHERA, ITALY Water Color Height, 8% inches; length, 20 inches "agueucr AT PUEBLO, MEXICO | Water Color Height, 10 inches; length, 21% inches LAKE TEXCOCO, MEXICO A Oil Color : Height, 8% inches; length, 12% inches p49 ‘E EDGE OF A WOOD IN NOVEMBER Oil Color } a me | Height, 34 inches; length, 36 inches THE CASTELLO DEL OVO AND LIGHTHOUSE, cae NAPLES ‘5 i . iy, Oil Color _ Height, 22 inches; length, 27 inches BI Oil Color Height, 31 inches; length, 72 inches D2 VENETIAN FISHING BOATS BECALMED IN THE ADRIATIC Oil Color | | Uv 7 a Height, 24 inches; length, 50 inches 2A | 4 THE CHURCH AND ISLAND OF SAN GEORGIO, Be 1 io i Oil Color Height, 31 inches; length, 72 it e MR. COLMAN’S PRIVATE COLLEC- TION OF WORKS BY THE BAR- BIZON AND OTHER PAINTERS D8 fn) JAMES MARIS oa Nh ww é A DUTCH TOWN MAA* Water Color Height, 18 inches; length, 21 inches o4 2 J. H. WEISSENBRUCH | A WINDY DAY IN HOLLAND Water Color - Height, 10 inches; length, 20 inches V 55 N JAN MIEL . A DUTCH TOWN Height, 19% inches; length, 26 inches iy : if 56. G. RICHTER THE ROMANTIC READER Height, 194% inches; length, 23% inches Dr ANDREAS ACHENBACH COAST OF HOLLAND Height, 23 inches; length, 33 inches 08 EUGENE DELACROIX DANTE AND VIRGIL CROSSING THE STYX ey for the large picture in the Louvre Height, 13% inches; length, 15% inches From THE JoHN TaAytor JOHNSTON COLLECTION og Je B. C. COROT u A SILVERY AFTERNOON r ‘ Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches 1) &)> N. V. DIAZ An A NYMPH : Height, 734 inches; length, 8% inches 61 nA J. B. C. COROT ae s 2 a A a Mesruny AT VILLE fae, YA UGG Height, 9 inches; length, 12% ae ‘ | d 62 beter A. G. DECAMPS qi | Wk A SCENE IN SMYRNA - s Height, 6 inches; length, 9 inches ‘ 63 roy B Ve a eae A. L. BARYE | int i} fA i | yt w 3 LANDSCAPE AND DEER ii aane ! i d/# Height, 7% inches; length, 12 inches Si ae VICTOR NEHLIG — = > : ih oa COMBAT IN THE WOODS Aull | . Height, 7 inches; length, 16 inches sy eS as a 65 JULES JACQUES VERASSAT | A STREET SCENE IN FRANCE _ Height, 4 inches; length, 6 inches 66 W. ZWART Water Color Height, 5%4 inches; length, 10 inches 67 W. ZWART WINTER IN HOLLAND Water Color Height, 18% inches; length, 153% inches Water Color eight, 13 inches; length, 19 inches 69 - -NICOLASS BASTERT ss WINTER IN HOLLAND Water Color 4 Height, 9% inches; length, 12% inches 70— 7 v. TAPTRO MOORISH SOLDIER Water Color & Mn Height, 744 inches; length, 18 inches ra ; | 4 i i Fen Ww. M. CHASE | : Seca Ee STUDY OF A HEAD ‘ Water Color Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches 72 FRANK CURRIER | TWILIGHT Water Color Height, 11 inches; length, 26 \inches (eu J. FRANCIS MURPHY _ WASTE LANDS | Water Color Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches , mum 1 VEDDER ost SAPPHO 5oF Color Height, 8 ee length, 8 inches ts Ser a a8 LS ies : ; p — 83S sé’ ELIHU VEDDER | BEREAVED . | 2 Oil Color _ Height, 7 inches; length, 16 inches ' 76. WILLIAM SARTAIN HEAD OF AN ITALIAN GIRL Oil Color oh Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches MM ‘ ee ae : PROF. FINDRICH EIBNER _ i i oe nie Neots et ie ee al THE CATHEDRAL AT PRAGUE / Water Color Height, 18 inches; length, 25 inches 78 JAMES MARIS— ITALIAN GIRL Oil Color Height, 10% inches; length, 22% inches : 79 F. ROYBET THE DWARF OF CHARLES P. Oil Color Height, 614 inches; length, 9 inches PICTURES IN OIL COLOR PAINTED BY MR. COLMAN 80 Z 3 A ¢ ; : ’ pe | * . THE MOSQUE OF SIDI-BOU-HAC, TLEMCIN,}}, |/¢v" ALGERIA Al Height, 11% inches; length, 20 inches ») vi 81 j Oy iv ; { Mm SAW-MILL RIVER, WESTCHESTER COUNTY 4d an) Height, 7%4 inches; length, 14 inches 82 ROCKY FARM, NEWPORT, R. I. Height, 9% inches; length, 13% inches 83 7HE COAST OF HOLLAND AT SUNSET _ , paw Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches Pais THE WATER TOWERS OF MARFIL, MEXICO Se Height, 24 inches; length, 50 inches Ke “V 89 AUTUMN IN THE KANAWA VALLEY, WEST VIRGINIA Wd 7 : | ‘Lae Height, 31 inches; length, 72 inches 86 THE GRAND CANON OF THE COLORADO, ARIZONA Height, 41% inches; width, 35 inches 87 .THE MOUNTAIN AND CLIFFS OF ARIZONA/ Height, 20 inches; length, 40 inches 88 THE BORDERS OF LAKE TEXCOCO, MEXICO Height, 13% inches; length, 16% inches 89 C7 THE RUINS OF A MOSQUE AT BOUMADINA, ; } a ALGERIA 3 he se uJ Height, 11 inches; length, 19% inches iM 90 Dy", .) 4 THE PACIFIC COAST AT MONTEREY, CALI- , y, ,4** : , «ms -f FORNIA tf i a AN Height, 13% inches; length, 29% inches Ji 91 Pe A STREET SCENE AT MORELIA, MEXICO’ Jf jt 92 ROCKY FARM IN AUTUMN, NEWPORT, R. I. » | ae | Height, 12% inches; length, 22 inches ry 93 THE CITY OF LEON, MEXICO PS, Height, 7 inches; length, 9 inches 1A i Ui ee 94 EVENING LIGHT ON MT. BAKER, CASCADE Ny RANGE if | Aa Height, 6% inches; length, 13% inches J | % 95 OUTSKIRTS OF THE CITY OF MEXICO ALA. alll Height, 7% inches; length, 144% inches 1 A Fis r | AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. 7 ¢ Ll aye GETTY RES EARCH INSTITUTE IMMUN TA i 3 3125 01662 7966 Re i Varies eee ore! Suoiinntlatimucieeuateiegranyet | ee, i PS ed Yee! t | eT taeae lala edeceutateta ie tat E i? gh eteraiee lente enG : tea' 3 Wt titatet viet eea oe patece ecett tg A AUWTSE SENG AL DUM Pa iy neler tacnte leaks iiatenattuenenautaentnt Mitnaaah re Heaaranitisalt ate aaa PETS RRR TT fuged) My ut PAE aM alah “4 att Se RLTOTATUSHta ieee MMU UeeL ni sou td itera tate writtatelerae leit i hots; AS SR Sa i) | ith Oe Ae teat i Ht HORE AE 4" AC OTY AT MALS GMT ee VEN IOC PERL BUA PLM OMT Meare te Oh } t SINE He Mlecnat Mt teeerttot saeatanamnainuttnuataa ie sheleretdeatcineaiectetieatateascalers script ity tuep a twctct otis hy taveee PAPA MTOR AG CUT apd yet i aaa sen ttat radars ORE eR eS nD deatteleats Oat Taree lela taties tote lsb eee Lette DL ERe a ReRt ATL MLT cra elg kas eit 8 Pr elevectieciestet4su elle cmd ce eel PERIL EDA Para APLAR PateireleeLCeiatenitayee ity Ne hee, eRe Hitbteti Sate lee toatl CUT etalk! ete miectieatatntataterdcacmuntcteta ee toned es FUP FStH ATHY Mae PLAC tat MIG MeL ratory Dehra of MST IOUEL He is CURE NPS FLCC An LPR hE Paterna Rar POAT ACT SCAM aL APL AUP HaAL Por ar or y DEST RUT ATL Pave Io ES APPLE ae HAL tere win hie ee bee eta pag aes CDOU ALTE ete tate fey PELE tien taaal i Satteinenncate yatta aye SNEAK OE LN ag A Mts Ath it Aieytetate'es Iealeiriunianuuditratataunintaulnnti linia ian aey Moi mete ates ite GH PATS Fon tat hh CHUL CPG MEST TM ROO IEM BUSOU ROSS ANNt Si test Yea OR pe UR MEM Mes Ny i eTeTale RIMS TaN a TeSEIE IN SIH aT UL Eating fe RILRUG PLP DL Ra eM AC ae Bod HC PERL BS i eieceetititst lt Lye bree a JE INES EE PUMP AUP POF eT Cpr HDS RYN Hy Py basertytitetektaatevelcae ecerm ea etatetatt eect, REE bat ast RSS SR saecetoeauanateateannnuety tri SHORE : seieitateta lates ue i TO ESLER ceelisedtit setneacticies cats ifite ater afira Pet arg NPAE DEAL MIT ACDL AS PAPA ay ar Rte Dtitretatahata pha e718 fe reae pte ne AS TCHS PY | aura HUA ROSOLER RES ehiaiatatatetfeetavannccbesutan auteneeaotgtilaesata TERRA CATO CRE ODE APPS SC a ENT te Tritatetetageitaauaton etter: BACLT SEL EH CSE ira ES ERO CO nea RENE LS A ne ena 1 aS siielaceee ited cdieseas hctecasas erate ceatit ia May RU LEA Lat OOD Ba as as sh aaect shy Meiers attieteitestenetnat: ANH Le att criti aaeitaittecsyt Oh et e aia ana TAA aH Mil cet eta ua igen tt ‘ Nalalite bath HR Muna went SUN CUR mR RSet Tne Wee on ' ; a sHaNMSeleniatteedsyattntetete dire tahoe ital RH et at Ht santa . qiereres ae a eet iegeieat Sete WVtat tata Heaney seit father Ot ct gLY, See of RR Atte eeu aie} te) y Se RVD UCR Fae UREN MP ti, AVC MOUSSA Fatt rat vil tat Ate) Bertolet eee he ee ryeueeer stam ne i Fete lege) PAPI SED B Sa PGR RPT EAT EDEN SL ALA PLP Oo a Rtetets late! sche? Ritseza eect Ut: $ op 4aie la ethiiesta teed ig HUA AE CRATE Late Tease cae Rete ey Batatas eke, a) state Le One ty tite Assay" ate? a Setecg dndnnneananen iti ret ait en vate MITA TA AMI ieat ratte tertedee eet ae bia itieitis a ltete ale ie sett HDGU See ca reat renege Ceiegertetala tat eee) ng) Malehcierastitd tits tetatehetated thts Antrinalenet anit SiHLeTHTOMINE CAD HCCeaTNU RA HATS seat i EN als Ueeetieumtstiehieiieeartie tists Hetaalesh tote? gia lehe ay 1 Tate RAT aRtMrOR DAM agpUU HRC Tite einneneetesctn tata atetehy it alee Bea ee Sa ins SR! wate " NRE Hattaatan aah BAM eectiae th TISAI OOD aE RRR uth i} AURA SURE Ini ati een gts ita iitet tote! Sect ea Seta? ae ats sti 1 4) i PME Se el Lky® i i } a6 if * Aaigr es ; i} fy, ; base >) Fie 8 WAH fot a i Chant aster Heed icine st tates Aasetacertidt eee athe ay nite Tan Mise eek gest eee oy sa igtelare . i ith ; if