DERSON GALLE! ES Ri ime th) = = = i. x -) ae BT of sept i} & Bot 2’ * AT VENUE. LIBRARY o eae = | : wz L Pesaran: & ‘f cis 44 z ‘. cr & is : es = ; “4 ES sg we ao uw = i S2* : | £ ae) 25 So Som Sia ~The Collection of MR. JOHN L. GRAVES of Boston, Mass. Part II Comprising Monochrome, Blue and White, and Decorated Chinese Porcelains; Satsuma and Lacquer; Jewelry in French, Italian and Indian Settings, a Few Cabinets, Arms, Miscellaneous Objects of Art; a Sevres Dinner Set; and Paintings Mainly of Modern Schools With a few additions from other collections, including Artistic Furniture of French and Enghsh Workmanship To be Sold at Unrestricted Public Sale on the Afternoons and Evenings of Pebruaty 27 and 28, 1913 At 2:30 and 8:15 o’clock On Exhibition, from February 18th, at THE ANDERSON GALLERIES The Anderson Auction Company Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street New York CONDITIONS OF SALE — 1. All bids to be PER Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. f 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the - lots shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith — of all claims, and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which, in his judgment, may delay or injuriously affect the sale. . = 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. aS. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within __ twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the __ purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which the Anderson Auction Company will not be responsible if the lot or lots be : lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser and subject to storage charges. . 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and the Ander- son Auction Company will not be responsible for the correctness of the descrip- tion, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving, before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, the Anderson Auction Company will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such — proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. ; : 7. Terms Casn. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as the Anderson Auction Company shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale, it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of the Anderson Auction Company to enforce the contract with the buyer without such resale. 8. Bids are received personally or by mail, telephone, or telegraph. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers, and use all bids com- petitively and buy at the lowest prices permitted by other bids. 9. The Anderson Auction Company will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of this Catalogue, $2.00. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Anderson Auction Company Mapison AVENUE aT FortieTH STREET, NEw YorRK TELEPHONE 7990 BRYANT ‘s 4 a pes F vs Bening, _~ 28th, at 8:15 o'clock, Lots 431-511 ARTISTS REPRESENTED Anderson (W. Livingston) 484, 511 Baker. (Ernést)<.- 5.0 se 480 Bastert (Nicolaas)........... 488 Beard (William H.)......... 479 Benner.(éan) oss ee 501 Berpamini (Ps) % vse ea 452 Bierstadt (Albert)........... 508 Bonington (Richard Parkes).. 494 Brouwer (Adrian) [attributed] 447 Bunn (George).............. 466 Caltanon joes. coe ee 460 Chintreuil (Antoine)........ [=502 Colman (Samuel)........... 473 Cope (Howard) 235 css 464 Daubiony (Voie aa eee 453 Dughet (Gaspard) [Called Poussin] [attributed]...... 471 Fromentin (M.)..2..20....2 499 Gericault (Jean Louis)....... 506 Giroux AS bs, eae ee 443 Groenewegen (A. J.)......... 495 Hamilton James): 055 - 469 Harpignies (Henry)......... 492 Hart (Alessandra R.)........ 465 Hart (James Ni) oe 507 Hovenden (Thomas)......... 456 Howe (William H.).......... 482 Huntington (Daniel)......... 474 Lely (Sir Peter) [attributed].. 485 Maes (Nicholaas) [attributed] 448 Mann (Parker) 3a a, 458 Mariana (Mi) eos. See: 450 Mignard (Pierre) [attributed] 449 Nattier) C)i Ni) ia vee 500-A Poole-(J,);: ete see eee 481 Pritchetts(Re Dose eee 454 Ranger (Henry W.)......... 500 Rembrandt (Van Ryn) latteth scout pac eee 476, 498 Reni, Guido [attributed]..... 483 Rishalle (A.) .4..3. 22. ee 457 scheffer (Ary). 2 Sas ee 470 Snyders (Franz) [attributed]. 510 Sonntag (William L.)........ 509 Stanfield (W. Clarkson)..... 486 Story (George H.).......... 478 Suttermans (Justus) [attrib- uted]. .4.¢ eee sword (James B,)...23.505 461 Teniers (David) [attrib- uted] (fs... 5 ee 445, 451 Thom (J. Crawford)......... 477 Unknown Painter.......... 444, 459, 462, 487, 496, 503, 504 Van Goyen:(Jan)a> eee 491 Van Goyen (Jan) [attributed] 505 Vernet (Horace). 33) ee 446 Vitali (E23 ee 468 Voigt (AL) ee 489 Von. Seben (Hi; 3. ees 475 Walker (Charles A.)..... .. 463 Weiss (Joseph).......... 490, 493 Wey! (Max)A no Goa eee 467 Wilson (Richard)i.0. 2a 497 Wouvermans (Philip) [after] 472 Autotype Reproductions Burne-Jones (Sir E.)........ 433 Da Vinci and others........ 431 Millet (Jean Frangcois)...... 434 Munilloi 3 = eee 44] Raphadicc. yee 435, 439, 442 Rembrandt,; 3 eee 436 Rousseau and Corot........ 432 Van Dyck 350 See 437, 438 Velasquez... 2... See 440 The Collection of Mr. John L. Graves of Boston, Mass. PART II FIRST SESSION Thursday Afternoon, February 27, 1913, at 2:30 o'clock Old Satsuma Ware 1 OLD SATSUMA SMALL VASE AND TEAKWOOD Pls STAND. Fine in form, with elephant-head handles, floral and figure decorations. (Lip repaired in Japan). Height, 844 inches. 2 KIOTO BOWL AND TEAKWOOD STAND. With floral decorations. Height, 3% inches; diameter, 3% inches. a \ 3 OLD SATSUMA TEAPOT. A) Color of old ivory. Simple decorations in fine gold of | flowers and vines. On a stand. (Repaired.) Height, 444 inches; diameter, 4 inches. 4 OLD IMPERIAL SATSUMA BOWL AND TEAK- WOOD STAND. a Delicate in coloring, with stork and Ho-Ho decoration, and Imperial crests and flowers. Depth, 334inches; diameter, 10 inches. 11 Me 23 ied xg lf- 9 “4 i 10 Pi. OLD SATSUMA BOWL AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Fine in form, with decorations in fine gold and enamels, partly on relief. Height, 414 inches; diameter, 334 1nches. OLD SATSUMA COVERED JAR AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Imperial crest on cover. Deep blue enamels on the border, with general floral decoration. Height, 1044 inches; diameter, 44% inches. OLD SATSUMA VASE OR JAR AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of unusual form, with decorations in gold and colored enamels, showing heads of Buddhist saints. Height, 15% inches. OLD SATSUMA VASE OR JAR AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Mate to the foregoing, with heads of different saints. OLD SATSUMA VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. With Dog-Foo heads and ring handles. A band re- presenting silk brocade in different colors encircles the vase; butterflies done in stippled dots of gold are scattered over the surface. Made by Yabu-Meizam and signed. Height, 15% inches. VERY ELABORATE OLD SATSUMA VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Chief decoration shows the Japanese God of War. Ground work of diaper pattern, in gold in different colors. (Damaged.) Height, 18 inches. 12 11 OLD SATSUMA VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. der . Of early form, with historical decorations showing rocks and shrubs of cream paste. Elephant-head handles at the neck. (Repaired.) Height, 18 inches. 12 LARGE TEMPLE SATSUMA VASE AND TEAK- = WOOD STAND. te, Se With decoration in gold and enamel of Buddhist ret vg saints and symbols. Old Satsuma. Height, 26 inches. 13 TALL OLD SATSUMA VASE. Of early form, with character decorations in medal- iz b= lions, with landscape, trees, flowers and figures. - oe Y | Height, 27 inches. 14 OLD CORD AND TASSEL SATSUMA VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Decoration on one side represents the Queen of Heaven with symbols. On the reverse is a cluster of chrysan- | je- themum flowers. Height, 20% inches. Monochrome Porcelains SUMMARY OF DATES Minc Dynasty, 1403-1629. Cuinc Dynasty: Kang Hsi Period, 1661-1722. Yung Ching Period, 1723-1735. Kien Lung Period, 1736-1795. Tau Kwang Period, 1796-1821. 15 VASE OF OLD FORM AND TEAKWOOD STAND. i= Handles at the neck; dragon’s blood glaze: (Repaired.) Height, 12% inches. 13 /¢@ * 16 17 18 19 20 zi 22 23 24 VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Elliptical in form, with delicate lemon-peel rose sur- face. (Cracked.) Height, 12% inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of fine form and perfect pistachio green. (Lip repaired.) Height, 13% inches. BLUE JAR AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of robin’s egg blue glaze. Height, 5% inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of coral-pink color. Height, 6% inches. PEACH-BLOOM JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of ovoid form. Monochrome of deep peach-bloom tone. Height, 9% inches. PEACH-BLOOM JAR AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of same quality and tone. Height, 10 inches. CHINESE ROUGE JAR WITH COVER AND TEAK- WOOD STAND. Of powdered blue. Kien Lung period. Height, 2 inches. ROUGE BOX AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Emerald green in color, with fine crackle surface. Kien Lung period. Height, 234 inches. FOUR TEAKWOOD STANDS. Medium sizes. 14 L- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 FIVE MINIATURE TEAKWOOD STANDS. OLD MISHIMA JAR WITH LACQUER COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Dull gray in tone. (Repaired.) Height, 10 inches. BUDDHA’S HAND AND TEAKWOOD STAND. A Cochin China pottery representation of the fruit known as Buddha’s Hand, dull yellow in tone. Height, 7 inches. FIGURE OF THE DOG-FOO. With mottled-green glaze. Tau Kwang period. Length, 6 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of soft orange-yellow. Tau Kwang period. Height, 9 inches. BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND. CARVED TEAK- WOOD STAND. Of unusual red color, with a lizard in relief on the neck. Under the brilliant glaze appear gold soufflé flecks. Tau Kwang period. Height, 11% inches. ROSE DU BARRY VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of slender body and wide lip, in exquisite shade of rose color. Tau Kwang period. Height, 111% inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of apple-green color, with fine crackle surface. Tau Kwang period. Height, 534 inches. KORO OF WHITE PASTE. Of tripod form. Ming period. Height, 414 inches. 15 34 35 36 se 38 og 41 IRON RUST VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Kien Lung period. : Height, 34% inches; diameter, 5 inches. CRACKLE VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Dull drab in tone. Kien Lung period. Height, 6% inches. BOWL. Of solid black color, with unusual glaze and lemon- peel surface, on tripod feet. Kien Lung period. Diameter, 7 inches; height, 4% inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Creamy white in tone and trumpet-shaped form. Signed under glaze. Yung Ching period. Height, 10 1nches. BOWL AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Oval in form. Of creamy white paste, carved in designs of flowers and basket pattern. Ming period. Height, 7 inches. APPLE-GREEN JAR AND TEAKWOOD STAND. A perfect example of this fine solid color. Tau Kwang period. Height, 121% inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of deep orange or tomato color. Fluted decorations in paste, shaped to vase form. Tau Kwang period. Height, 12% inches. VASE OF ELLIPTICAL FORM AND STAND. Delicate lemon-peel rose surface. —2Tau Kwang period. Height, 12% inches. 16 Ue Ji- 42 43 45 46 47 48 JAR AND TEAKWOOD COVER AND STAND. Ovoid in form and creamy white in tone. The paste carved in design of flowers and branches, under glaze. Kien Lung period. Height, 11 inches. POTTERY VASE AND CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND. Of unusual grayish-green glaze of mottled effect. Yung Ching period. Height, 12% inches. GREEN BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND STAND. Surface carved to represent basket work under the glaze. Tau Kwang period. Height, 16 inches. BOTTLE VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of old soft paste of creamy white ground, with deco- rations carved under the glaze. Yung Ching period. Height, 13% inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Rectangular in form of deep sang-de-bceuf, with medallions on sides carved in paste. Tau Kwang period. Height, 13 inches. RARE CREAMY WHITE VASE. With incised decorations under the glaze. Head of Dog-Foo handles. Yung Ching period. Height, 13 inches. BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND CARVED STAND. Solid apple-green color, with thin transparent glaze, showing the crackle distinctly. Tau Kwang period. Height, 141% inches. 17 }&- IV- 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. _ ¢ Fine in form, quality and glaze. Light chocola: brown in color. Kien Lung period. Height, 13 inche VASE AND CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND. eS In solid color of dark peach-bloom glaze. Kien Lung period. : Height, 13% inches. VASE OR JAR AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Rar Of unusual form and deep sapphire-blue color. Kien Lung period. Height, 14 inches. — VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of soft paste with fine peach-bloom color. (Blemish.) — : Tau Kwang period. _ Herght, 173% inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Bo Fine crackle surface, of brilliant Japonica green enamel. Dog-Foo head and ring handles. Ses Height, 10 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of pistachio green of solid color. Height, 1134 inches. — PEA-GREEN BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND TEAK- WOOD STAND. Paste artistically carved, representing mountain views with forests and dwellings. Height, 12 inches. MOTTLED-BLUE VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. ~ Six-sided in form. Kien Lung period. | | Height, 8% inches. JAR AND CARVED ROSEWOOD STAND INLAID WITH SILVER WIRE. Iron rust glaze. Kien Lung period. Height, 13% inches. 18 «58 _ 59 61 62 63 VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Example of transmutation glaze of unusual colors. Prevailing tone purple. Neck restored with silver rim. Yung Ching period. Height, 15% inches. JAR WITH TEAKWOOD COVER AND STAND. Lang Yao sang-de-boeuf piece; on a crackle ground. Very VALUABLE. COLLEcToR’s PiEcE. Kang Hsi period. Height, 12% inches. MAZARINE-BLUE BOWL. Inside decoration of landscape in gold; detached blossoms in gold on the outside. Kien Lung period. Diameter, 11 inches. EUROPEAN BRONZE STAND OF FINE CASTING. Tripod shape, decorated in high relief. Height, 8 inches. PIGEON’S BLOOD VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Bottle shape. Tau Kwang period. Height, 14 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of pearl-gray mottled surface. Kien Lung period. Height, 20 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of chicken’s blood red. Tau Kwang period. Height, 18 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Perfect in form, with soft waxy surface of coral red color. Tau Kwang period. Height, 16% inches. 19 “fh a 4 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Red flambé glaze. Tau Kwang period. Height, 17 inches. CORAL-RED VASE ON CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND. Of solid color and brilliant glaze. Neck slightly chipped. Tau Kwang period. Height, 19 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Sang-de-bceuf color. Tau Kwang period. Height, 18 inches. BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of crab green, with lizard handles. —Tau Kwang period. Height, 21 inches. DOUBLE BOTTLE OR VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of solid ripe olive color. (Repaired.) Tau. Kwang period. Height, 18 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of deep sang-de-bceuf color. Tau Kwang period. Height, 20% inches. CELADON VASE. Rectangular in form, with carved under-glaze medal- lions on the sides. Incised marks under glaze. Tau Kwang period. Height, 14 inches. CELADON VASE. Mate to the preceding. 20 Jo- 74 75 76 eh 78 79 80 81 VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Sang-de-bceuf color, of fine quality and tone. Tau Kwang period. Height, 17% inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Sang-de-beeuf color. (Lip repaired very slightly.) Kien Lung period. Height, 20 inches. VASE AND CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND. Of pearl-gray glaze or ‘‘clair de Lune.” Kien Lung period. Height, 15 inches. LARGE IMPERIAL OCTAGONAL JAR. Dark brown in color with lemon-peel surface, finely stippled. Deer heads and antlers as handles. Tau Kwang period. Height, 19 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Perfect in form, of chicken’s blood red, covered with the drab spots peculiar to that glaze. Tau Kwang period. Height, 18% inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of powdered blue. Tau Kwang period. Height, 19 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. With orange-peel surface of deep orange color. Tau Kwang period. Height, 20 inches. JAR-SHAPED VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Pink with lemon-peel surface, finely stippled. Interior and base lined with turquoise-blue enamel. Tau Kwang period. Height, 14 inches. 21 70 = own f. 82 VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. ~ Mirror black with glaze of unusual brilliancy. inne ; in relief at neck. Tau Kwang period. Height, 24 re 83 MIRROR BLACK VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. = Mate to the foregoing and similar in color. 84 COCHIN CHINA VASE OF FLAMBE GLAZE. Showing different combination of colors, mainly red; = handles at neck. Herght, 26 inches. a 85 VASE IN FLAMBE GLAZE AND CARVED TEAK-— = WOOD STAND. In different shades of the transmutation ae prevailing tone blue. Handles at neck. Height, 26 inches. ae Chinese Blue and White Porcelain © 86 JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD — STAND. Decorations of arabesque designs on white ground. Height, 944 inches. 87 JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Mate to the foregoing, and similar in all respects. 88 GINGER JAR WITH TEAKWOOD COVER AND STAND. 7 Decorations of white hawthorn flowers and branches on a dark-blue ground. Height, 11 inches. 22 ; }3- 89 91 92 93 94 95 96 FOUR TEAKWOOD STANDS. Medium sizes. FIVE MINIATURE TEAKWOOD STANDS. ~ LOTUS FLOWER AND CUP WITH STAND. Blue and white. Kien Lung period. Height, 3% inches; diameter, 5 inches. LOW BLUE AND WHITE JAR AND TEAKWOOD STAND. No cover. With imperial dragon and other decora- ‘tions. Height, 5 inches. SMALL BLUE AND WHITE GRAIN OF RICE CUP. On a stand. SMALL GRAIN OF RICE JAR AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Blue and chocolate decorations on white ground. Height, 334 inches. SMALL BLUE AND WHITE CUP AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Decorated in blue, white and chocolate colors. Imperial marks in colors with five-clawed dragon. Height, 234 inches. JAR WITH TEAKWOOD COVER AND STAND. Very fine, with decorations in two shades of blue, of flowers and leaves on a white ground. Kien Lung period. Height, 12 inches. 23 97 Ly — 98 Es: Ree 89 ‘a 100 rv 101 102 103 et “ss CLUB-SHAPED VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Egeg-shell porcelain with figure decoration in deep blue on milk-white ground. Height, 16% inches. BLUE AND WHITE JAR AND TEAKWOOD COVER AND STAND. With decorations in white, of symbols, flowers and foliage on a blue ground. (Small hole repaired with gold.) Kien Lung period. - Height, 12 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. With decorations of white hawthorn flowers and branches on a dark-blue ground. Height, 14 inches. BLUE AND WHITE JAR WITH TEAKWOOD COVER AND STAND. Decorations in two shades of blue in Chinese symbols. (Rim replaced with metal.) Kien Lung period. Height (with stand), 12 inches. JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. White hawthorn flowers and branches on Cobalt blue ground. Height, 16 inches. BLUE AND WHITE JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND ORNAMENTAL TEAKWOOD STAND. With straight sides. (Cover cracked and mended in China.) Kien Lung period. Height, 12 inches. VASE AND CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND. With decorations in blue and white, showing medal- lions and various figures on a buff ground. Height, 19 inches. DA ae. J3- lv- 104 105 106 107 108 109 BLUE AND WHITE VASE AND CARVED TEAK- WOOD STAND. The surface carved into medallions of varying sizes, on which are decorations of different symbols and figures of children. Height, 19 inches. LARGE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE ON A TEAKWOOD STAND. Of soft paste, with decorations of five famous Chinese scholars, in blue on milk-white ground. Height, 20 inches. PAIR OF VASES AND TEAKWOOD STANDS. Decoration in conventional figures in blue on white ground. Height, 19 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Decoration in blue and peach-bloom on a bluish- white ground, representing the ‘Eight Immortals”’ crossing the sea. Kien Lung period. Height, 16 inches. SOFT-PASTE VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. With decoration of five-clawed dragon in blue on milk-white ground. Height, 17% inches. BLUE AND WHITE VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of fine form, with decorations of dragon, clouds and symbols on white ground. Height, 15 inches. 25 A ‘Aca am, % 110 111 112 114 115 116 DOUBLE VASE (TWO PARTS) ANE TEAK- WOOD STAND. Old form, with panel decorations of blue. (The upper part damaged and repaired.) Height, 20 inches. LARGE JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAK- | WOOD STAND. Decorations of hawthorn flowers and medallions in blue on white ground. Height, 18 inches. LARGE VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of old form, with surface finely crackled. Decora- tions in two shades of blue, showing fruits and flowers, with medallions of landscapes and figures. Height, 23 inches. BLUE AND WHITE VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of pure white, with hexagonal lip; soft paste with decoration of acanthus leaf. Height, 20-inches. SOFT-PASTE VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Mate to the foregoing, and similar. SOFT-PASTE VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of ovoid form, with decorations of Dog-Foo in blue on milk-white ground. Height, 15% inches. BLUE AND WHITE JAR WITH TEAKWOOD COVER AND STAND. With silver rim on lip, showing it to have been cut down. Decorations of landscape in two shades of blue. Kang Hsi period. Height, 14 inches. 26 = / &- 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 BLUE AND WHITE CIRCULAR PLAQUE. Decorated with landscape and symbols. Kien Lung period. Diameter, 15 inches. PAIR OF BLUE AND WHITE HEXAGONAL VASES. Flaring necks; decorated with the Peaches of Longevity in a panel; bands of key pattern at neck and shoulder. Kien Lung period. Height, 17 inches. VASE OF SOFT PASTE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Decoration of Imperial Dragon in blue on milk- white ground. Height, 16% inches. VASE.OF,SOFT PASTE:AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Mate of the foregoing, and similar. VASE OR JAR WITH TEAKWOOD STAND. Unusual form, with decorations of pomegranates and foliage in blue, on grayish-white ground. Kien Lung period. Height, 16 inches. BLUE AND WHITE GALLIPOT AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of unusual form, with decorations in delicate blue of horses, clouds and symbols. Kien Lung period. Hetght, 8 inches. JAR WITH TEAKWOOD COVER AND STAND. Lion-head flat ring handles. Ground of old ivory of fine crackle surface. Decorations in blue and white of the eight famous horses of the ancient Emperor Mu-Wang. Kien Lung period. Height, 12 inches. 27 124 125 126 127 128 129 BLUE AND WHITE JAR WITH TEAKWOOD COVER AND STAND. Persian designs on dull white ground. Kang Hsi period. Height, 11 inches. BLUE AND WHITE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND STAND. Decoration of bamboo stalk and leaf with feather border. Kien Lung period. Height, 1414 inches. BLUE AND WHITE JAR AND CARVED STAND. Delicate decorations of vines, flowers and conven- tional forms on a white ground. Kien Lung period. Height, 15 inches. BLUE AND WHITE VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of soft paste, with square lines; decorations of unusual character on a dull drab ground, finely crackled under glaze. Tau Kwang period. Height, 16 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. On the plain surface, between the top and the bottom blue decoration, are seen ripe peaches with branches and leaves. Kien Lung period. Height, 16 inches. LARGE BLUE AND WHITE MAJOLICA JAR AND ORIGINAL COVER. The brown figures on the sides were formed by working the clay from the inside before baking. Marks on the bottom show it was made in Florence about 1580. Height, 19 inches. 28 130 131 E32 133 134 135 Artistic Furniture TWO ENGLISH STAINED-GLASS WINDOW HANGINGS. Subjects, ‘Christabel” and “Theckla’s Song.’ Cir- cular. Diameter, 10 inches. TWO MORE. Subjects, Flowers and Fruits. Circular. Diameter, 10 and 12 inches. PALM JAR. With deep sang-de-beeuf glaze. Height, 8 inches; diameter, 9% inches. LOUIS XVI. BRONZE CLOCK. On an oblong marble base with paw feet rests a chariot drawn by a team of goats driven by Cupid, a second Cupid pushing at the back. On the center of the chariot rests the barrell-shaped clock sur- mounted by a Cupid holding a garlanded staff. French workmanship. Length, 22 inches; height, 18 inches. LOUIS XVI. BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN LAMP. With bronze base and mountings shaped as Amorini upholding garlands; wired for electricity, having three lights. French workmanship. LOUIS XVI. ELECTRIC WALL BRACKETS. Solid bronze, richly chased, having three lights rising from a quiver decorated with ribbons. French workmanship. 29 Ife Jo: Jo- 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 MA Ende Seige Set ys Ger eke Ss LOUIS XVI. ENAMELED SIDE CHAIR. Uprights and back bars carved; upholstered seat covered with blue silk brocade. French workmanship. COLONY CLUB SLIPPER CHAIR. With down cushion; seat and back covered with hand-blocked cretonne in flower and _ landscape pattern. COLONIAL ARM CHAIR. Covered throughout with red English morocco. ARM CHAIR. With rounded top and curved arms, upholstered throughout in light golden-brown cut velvet, having loose seat cushion; legs carved with volute feet joined by double scroll brace, gilded. GREENWICH ARM CHAIR. Upholstered all over in cretonne. DUTCH MIRROR. In ebony frame. Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. TWO PAIRS OF CURTAINS AND PORTIERE. Of pink silk brocatelle, lined with lemon silk. Length, 10 feet. ANOTHER PAIR. Of buff and brown waste silk tapestry, trimmed with edging, lined with lemon silk. Length, 6 feet. 30 Of cream satin, eenhodced | in an intricate pattern of leaves and flowers in gold, trimmed with fringe and lined with silk. Length, 8% feet. (145 ITALIAN RENAISSANCE MIRROR. _----—-—s-'‘The frame elaborately carved and finished in blue ee oe gold. French workmanship. | | aE Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. e M6 JE RENCH CONSOL TABLE, LOUIS XV. STYLE. Uo oa _ Elaborately carved and gilded, with Italian ADE top. 147, LOUIS. xv I. OVER-MANTEL DECORATION. : With 1 mirror framed in white and gold, with a figure painting set in the upper panel. French workmanship. M48 ‘F OUR-POST MAHOGANY COLONIAL BEDSTEAD. The posts fluted and carved; the head with cane panel, having a broken arch top with carved urn finial. Tester and complete drapery of English chintz. | 149 LOUIS XVI. ENAMELED BEDSTEAD. The head and foot boards carved with garlands of flowers and finished with cane panels. French workmanship. 3l f % % Ae SECOND SESSION Thursday Evening, February 27, 1913, at 8:15 o'clock 150 151 152 153 154 155 Chinese Decorated Porcelains PLAQUE ON AN EASEL. With two five-clawed Imperial dragons on black ground, with symbolic decorations. Diameter, 134% inches. PLAQUE ON AN EASEL. Mate to the foregoing, similar in decoration. JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Imperial yellow ground, with decorations in har- monious tints, showing four-clawed dragon. Height, 7% inches. VASE AND CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND. Trumpet shape; a coiled lizard in relief, and hawthorn decorations on light-green ground. Tau Kwang period. Height, 12 inches. TRUMPET-SHAPED VASE AND STAND. Mate to the foregoing. ROUND JAR AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Soft paste with open wire cover. Decorations in terra-cotta red on a white ground. Head of Dog-Foo handle. Height, 14 inches; diameter, 7% inches. 32 b- hk 156 JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. | Red and blue decorations on grayish-blue ground, with medallions of baskets and flowers in blue. Other decorations in dull red of Greek fret in diagonal lines. Height, 111% inches. 157 JAR WITH CARVED TEAKWOOD COVER AND ORNAMENTAL STAND. Decorations of flowers, fruits, insects and birds in artistic colors on soft white ground. Tau Kwang period. Height, 10 inches. 158 JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Ovoid form, with decorations of symbols, dragons and arabesque designs in soft tones on white ground. Height, 9% inches. 159 JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Delicate pink ground, with decorations of symbols and arabesque designs. Lattice borders of green and yellow. Height, 91% inches. 2 160 JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Decorations of flowers, branches and foliage on a delicate blue ground. Height, 11 inches. 161 GRAIN OF RICE BOWL AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Decorated in soft red and pale blue with the Phoenix in the bottom. Tau Kwang period. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 5 inches. 33 "Stes 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 JAR WITH TEAKWOOD COVER AND STAND. Ovoid form. Lotus, pink hawthorn and chrysan- themum decorations in colors on white ground. Tau Kwang period. Height, 9% inches. BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE. Decoration of red hawthorn flowers and green block- ing on white ground. Tau Kwang period. Height, 5 inches. BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND CARVED TEAK- WOOD STAND. Similar in decoration to the foregoing. Tau Kwang period. Height, 7 inches. FOUR TEAKWOOD STANDS. Various sizes. FIVE MINIATURE TEAKWOOD STANDS. ROSE-BACK EGG-SHELL PLAQUE AND EASEL. Kien Lung period. (Repaired.) Diameter, 8 inches. IMPERIAL JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. . Decorations of five-clawed dragon, symbols and arabesque designs on white ground. Hetght, 11 inches. POTTERY VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Ground of grayish white, sprinkled with black specks, with decoration of figures, trees and other ornamentation in dull reds and greens. The four rounded corners form the feet. —Tau Kwang period. Height, 12% inches. 34 ha- 170 171 172 173 174 175 VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Famille de Rose, with decoration of butterflies, birds, and flowers, on a soft white ground. Tau Kwang period. Height, 934 inches. GLOBULAR VASE AND CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND. Elaborate decorations in shades of green and red, with the Imperial Dragon on a salmon-pink ground. Tau Kwang period. Height, 113% inches. SOFT-PASTE MEDALLION PLAQUE AND EASEL STAND. Tau Kwang period. Diameter, 9% inches. JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER, METAL COLLAR AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Ground of raven’s wing black, on which in apple green are decorations of dragons, the Ho-Ho bird with rose leaves and branches. Tau Kwang period. Height, 13% inches. GLOBULAR VASE AND CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND. Decorations in soft colors of insects, flowers, storks and conventional forms in diamond-shaped panels, on a light-green ground. Tau Kwang period. Height, 111% inches. OVAL JAR AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Chicken’s blood red with stippled surface. Symbol and floral decoration on front. Tau Kwang period. Height, 12 inches. 35 ‘if “ 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 RECTANGULAR VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Panel decorations of birds, vases, flowers and stands in soft colors; handles shaped as peaches. Height, 14 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Famille de Rose, with decorations of birds and flowers on a pure white ground. Height, 12 inches. GINGER JAR AND ORIGINAL TEAKWOOD STAND. Black ground of soft waxy quality, with rich floral decorations in natural colors. Height, 11 inches. BEAKER VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. With floral and rock decoration, in rich coloring on white ground. French copy of Ming. Height, 18 inches. BEAKER VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Mate to the foregoing, and similar in color and decoration. PLAQUE AND EASEL STAND. Decorations in blue and soft colors of vines and flowers on a white ground. Kien Lung period. Diameter, 10 inches. PLAQUE AND TEAKWOOD EASEL. Mate to the above, and similar in design. CYLINDRICAL VASE AND ORNAMENTAL TEAK- WOOD STAND. Of spill form, with decorations in soft tones, repre- senting a Mandarin on horseback with attendants hunting in a mountain forest. Surface carefully stippled. Kien Lung period. Height, 17 inches. 36 N- for 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. The surface of soft, waxy black, with decorations in white of figures and landscapes. Height, 14 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Mate to the foregoing, and similar in form and decoration. (Repaired.) Tau Kwang period. : Height, 14 inches. OVOID JAR, WITH ORIGINAL COVER. Of old form, decorated in soft tints on a white ground, with designs of objects of art and domestic use. Tau Kwang period. Height, 14\% inches. BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. In flambé or ‘‘yaopien” glaze. The coloring is remarkably brilliant, showing the transmuted glaze in various shades of red and purple. (Slight repair.) Tau Kwang period. Height, 15 inches. LARGE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Deep dragon’s blood color, showing grayish under- surface. Branch and fruit in bold relief on the front. Tau Kwang period. Height, 19 inches. OCTAGONAL VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of odd form, with panels decorated with branches and flowers of hawthorn on deep _ sapphire-blue ground; coral-red handles. Tau Kwang period. Height, 16 inches. OCTAGONAL VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Mate to the foregoing, and similar in form and decoration. 37 a é i! “ya: 191 ZZ 193 194 195 196 ENAMELED PLAQUE AND TEAKWOOD EASEL. Decorations of birds, flowers and butterflies enameled in natural colors, on soft white ground, on copper. Kang Hsi period. Diameter, 7 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Cochin China ware. Old form with handles, green and red splash on dull yellowish ground. Height, 12% inches. BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Cochin China ware. Flambé glaze of green and blue on dull grayish ground. Date about 1800. Height, 12 inches. JAR WITH TEAKWOOD COVER AND STAND. Unusual in form, with border of rich blues and yellows at top and base. The ground is of creamy white, overlaid with decorations of symbols and arabesque designs in dull orange. Tau Kwang period. Height, 11% inches. JAR WITH TEAKWOOD COVER AND STAND. Of archaic form. Dull white ground, with decora- tions of Dog-Foo, clouds and symbols in reds, greens and yellows. Kien Lung period. Height, 11 inches. VASE AND CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND. Of peculiar form, with so-called iron handles, with most unusual decorations in soft colors on a pow- dered blue ground. Kien Lung period. Height, 151% inches. 38 2 197 198 199 200 201 202 ROUND JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Imperial yellow ground, with decorations in soft colors showing symbols, sacred bats, fruits and flowers. The symbol of Longevity is on the cover. (Chipped.) Tau Kwang period. Height, 11 inches. GINGER JAR WITH TEAKWOOD COVER AND STAND. : Decorations of flowers, insects, birds and vegetables, on a robin’s egg blue: ground. Kien Lung period. Height, 12% inches. LARGE JAR WITH TEAKWOOD COVER AND STAND. Surface of soft waxy black, with hawthorn trees and flowers in white. Tau Kwang period. Height, 26 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. The surface is a soft waxy black, with white haw- thorn flowers and branches. Made by Seifu. Height, 18 inches. FAMILLE DE ROSE VASE AND STAND. With delicate decorations in soft colors. (Neck cut.) Yung Ching period. Height, 13% inches. CLUB-SHAPED VASE AND STAND. Deep sapphire-blue ground, with four-claw dragon and symbols in gold. Tau Kwang period. Height, 15% inches. 39 f am Egg-Shell Porcelain Lanterns These were formerly in the summer palace in Pekin, from which they were taken at the time of the Opium War in 1854. 203 EGG-SHELL LANTERN WITH WIRE COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Having medallion borders with decorations in light and dark green flowers, leaves and insects on a white ground. Metal base. (Repaired.) Tau Kwang period. Height, 12 inches; diameter, 8 inches. 204 EGG-SHELL LANTERN WITH COVER ‘AND STAND. Mate to the foregoing, and similar in decorations. Metal base. 205 EGG-SHELL LANTERN AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Red and gold decoration, with Imperial dragon on white paste with gilt wire top. Tau Kwang period. Height, 11 inches. 206 EGG-SHELL LANTERN AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Mate to the foregoing, with similar decoration. 207 EGG-SHELL LANTERN WITH WIRE COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of Imperial yellow ground, with decorations in soft pink, white and green around medallions holding the Imperial dragon. Metal base. Tau Kwang period. Height, 11% inches; diameter, 8 inches. 40 Ive Ge 208 209 210 211 212 213 EGG-SHELL LANTERN WITH WIRE COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Elaborate borders and floral decorations in medallions in dull reds and green. Metal base. Tau Kwang period. Height, 12 tnches; diameter, 6% inches. EGG-SHELL LANTERN WITH WIRE COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Decorations of birds and flowers in rectangular medal- lions on soft white ground. Metal base. Tau Kwang period. Height, 114% inches; diameter, 7 inches. CLUB-SHAPED VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. A large piece decorated in seven colors. Height, 22 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. The white paste carved under the glaze, with deco- rations of Imperial Five-clawed Dragon in green and red. Height, 20% inches. IMPERIAL YELLOW BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Fine crackle surface, with decoration of the Imperial Five-clawed Dragon in blue on a yellow ground. Tau Kwang period. Height, 16% inches. BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Decorations of flowers and arabesque patterns on bluish-white ground. Tau Kwang period. Height, 1634 inches. 41 Ne ly- 214 215 216 217 218 219 JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of the Paeonia family. Kien Lung period. Height, 15 inches. JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Decorations in medallions of different forms on a delicate rose-pink ground. French copy of Yung Ching. Height, 181% inches. JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Mate to the foregoing in color and decoration. (Repaired at lip.) JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Famille Verte, with medallion decorations of flowers, in natural colors on grayish-white ground. Height, 16% inches. JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Ovoid form; black ground, covered with hawthorn flowers and birds. Height, 15 inches. CLOISONNE AND BRONZE VASE AND TEAK- WOOD STAND. Minutely carved and inlaid with enamel of different colors, fine form and soft tone. With handles. Japanese copy. Height, 16 inches. 42 vi- vee Ji- 220 221 222 225 224 225 226 227 BLACK JAR WITH CARVED TEAKWOOD COVER. Decorations in green, white and reds, with four- clawed dragon. Height, 19 inches. LARGE VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Paste carved and covered with enamels of different colors, representing sea-waves in which the horses of the ancient Emperor Mu-Wang are sporting. Each horse is represented in different colored enamel. Height, 22 inches. LARGE VASE AND CARVED STAND. Mate to the foregoing, similar in form and treatment. BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Decorations of peaches, branches and flowers on pure white ground. Height, 22 inches. CLUB-SHAPED VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Elaborate decorations in seven colors. Height, 19 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. The surface is black, with hawthorn trees and flowers in white. Height, 20 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Mate to the foregoing, and similar in color and decoration. Height, 20 inches. JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER AND CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND. Beautiful rose-pink ground, with floral and figure decorations on fan-shaped medallions. French copy of Yung Ching period. Height, 1914 inches. 43 fen gi, ¥ 228 229 230 231 Hews 233 234 VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Elaborate decorations to represent the old Cloisonné work. ‘The tone and coloring corresponds to the same. Tau Kwang period. Height, 19 inches. BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Decorated with five-clawed dragon in soft colors on Imperial yellow ground. ‘Tau Kwang period. Height, 18 inches. SQUARE VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Square sides with rounded white edges; the surface a deep black; the four-season decorations show hawthorn flowers in black and white, and other flowers in natural colors. Tau Kwang period. Height, 22 inches. SQUARE VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Mate to the foregoing, similar in form and decoration. Tau Kwang period. Height, 22 inches. JAR WITH CARVED TEAKWOOD COVER AND STAND. | Decorated in dull reds and greens, representing the Imperial Dragon sporting in the waves. Tau Kwang period. Height, 21 inches. RED HAWTHORN VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. The hawthorn tree and flowers in light tones on a coral-red ground. Tau Kwang period. Height, 24 inches. LARGE VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. The ground is of dull orange color; the decorations in delicate coloring of the evergreen vine, with herd of spotted deer feeding. (Fire cracks at neck.) Tau Kwang period. Height, 27 inches. 44 }}- 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 CLUB-SHAPED VASE. Decorated in the five-color scheme, with medallions of character scenes. Height, 21 inches. CLUB-SHAPED VASE. Mate to the foregoing, and similar in tone and color. VASE AND CARVED TEAKWOOD STAND. With decorations of blues, pinks and greens, on a soft white ground. Tau Kwang period. Height, 19% inches. COCHIN CHINA VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Red pottery base, with heavy enamel of dark greens, the surface representing the rind of a watermelon. Height, 19 inches. VASE. Decorations of flowers and birds in greens and reds, on a soft white ground. Tau Kwang period. Height, 19% inches. RECTANGULAR-SHAPED VASE. Powdered blue ground, on which, in medallions of white, are decorations of flowers, birds and land- scapes in harmonious colors. Relief handles. Kien Lung period. Height, 19 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. With decorations on a soft white ground, uniting the two families Famille Vert and Famille de Rose. Tau Kwang period. Height, 20 inches. VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Decorations in apple green of conventional figures, on a soft coral-red ground, with characters indicating Long Life and Prosperity. Tau Kwang period. Height, 20 inches. 45 vey Y vee LEG 243 LARGE, BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Brilliant, iridescent, black glaze, with enamel deco- rations in harmonious colors. Kien Lung period. Height, 28% inches; diameter, 16 tnches. 244 LARGE IMPERIAL BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. With decorations, on a dull yellow ground, of symbols and the Imperial Five-clawed Dragon in iridescent glaze of greens and purples. Tau Kwang period. Height, 27 inches. 245 LARGE VASE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. With surface of black, covered with hawthorn flowers in white and other flowers in shades of red. Height, 33 inches. ty French and English Furniture and Miscellaneous Objects of Art 246 TWO PICTURE TILES. Subjects, “Fame” and “Death.” In ebony frames. Height, 16 inches; width, 9 inches. 247 TWO MORE. Subjects, “Pomona” and “‘Flora.” In ebony frames. Height, 171% inches; width, 7% inches. 248 TWO PAINTED PLAQUES. | Subjects, ‘‘Chrysanthemums” and “Cherry Blos- soms.” Diameter, 151% inches. 249 TWO MORE. Subjects, ‘““Ruth” and “Mask and Dolphin.” Diameter, 15% inches. 46 pe 250 251 252 253 254 250 256 257 DUTCH MIRROR. In ebony frame. Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. TWO ENGLISH PICTURE TILES. Subjects, ‘‘Chaucer” and “Dante.” In ebony frames. Height, 17% inches; width, 6% inches. TWO MORE. Subjects, ‘Harvest Girl” and ‘“‘Milkmaid.” In ebony frames. Height, 1914 inches; width, 8 inches. CUT-GLASS FLOWER AND FRUIT HOLDER. On a cut-glass base with button feet, bronze Amorini uphold a large fluted and cut-glass dish, from the center of which rises a flower stand of cut glass. Ornamented with silver and bronze, finely chased. French workmanship. Height, 20% inches. ANTIQUE MAJOLICA LAMP. Spanish oil jar adapted as a lamp with cream silk shade and fringe. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE LANTERN. Pear-shaped, surmounted by a crown with beveled glass panels with three lights. Wired for electricity. The bronze work is handsomly chased. French workmanship. ANTIQUE WOOD STATUETTE, CARVED AND PAINTED. _ Subject, “A French Queen.” Height, 16 inches. LOUIS XVI. ENAMELED NIGHT STAND. With carved legs, cane undershelf, single drawer with brass knobs. French workmanship. Width, 15 inches. 47 ive \Y ee at 258 coo 260 261 262 263 264 PAIR OF BRONZE FIREDOGS. Showing lions rampant, upholding brass cartouches resting on scroll bases; solid bronze, finely chased. French workmanship. Height, 20 inches. LIBRARY ARM CHAIR. Of oak; the back carved with scrolls, the arms ter- minating in carved volutes, resting on carved supports, the legs carved and with paw feet; the back and seat covered with green damask. ENGLISH WINGED ARM CHAIR. Upholstered all over with figured linen taffeta in a pattern of baskets and garlands of flowers; tufted back. ENGLISH ARM CHAIR. Of mahogany with cane back and leather seat. LOW ARM CHAIR. | Back, arms and legs covered throughout with crimson velvet, with double rows of brass-headed tacks and trimmed with silk tassel fringe. MAHOGANY BOOKCASE. With carved uprights, terminating in female figures; three glass doors, each with single plate; carved paw feet; fourshelves. Height, 63 inches; width, 69 inches. LIBRARY SOFA OF OAK. Having back and arms uncarved, the arms supported by detached fluted columns and carved capitals; the legs with volute feet; seat and back covered with green cut velvet in a leaf pattern. Length, 80 inches. Made by Cottier & Co. 48 THIRD SESSION Friday Afternoon, February 28, 1913, at 2:30 o'clock 265 266 267 268 269 Lacquer THREE SMALL BLACK LACQUER BOWLS. Various sizes. GOLD LACQUER CRYSTAL BALL HOLDER. Loaded base. NETSUKE OF GOLD LACQUER. Shaped as a nut, with stem, flower and ripened fruit. FOUR GOLD AND RED LACQUER SAKE CUPS. With landscape and floral decorations in gold of different colors. LIU-KIU BLACK LACQUER DESPATCH BOX. Inlaid with stones, shells and pearls; highly polished. With crest in pearl. 914 x 3 inches. SILVER-MOUNTED LACQUER CABINET. Of red lacquer, decorated with lacquer of other colors; top and sides ornamented with panels of deep blue, showing birds, flowers and leaves carved from ivory and pearl. Height, 734 inches; length, 6 inches; width, 414 inches. 49 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 OCTAGONAL LACQUER BOX AND COVER. Of different shades of brown lacquer; deeply carved in patterns of geometrical design. (Cover damaged.) Height, 5 inches; diameter, 9 inches. SMALL GOLD LACQUER BOX. With decorations of various sea fishes in different colors. 414 x 3 inches. LARGE GOLD LACQUER DESPATCH BOX. With fine gold decorations, including crest. Height, 6 inches; width, 13 inches; length, 16 inches. BLACK AND GOLD LACQUER SECRET CABINET. Contains five drawers; shows decorations of both the public and private Imperial Crest. Height, 9% inches; length, 12 inches; width, 10 inches. RARE GOLD LACQUER JEWEL BOX. Inlaid with ivory panels, decorated with figures and landscapes, in gold and silver. Height, 5 inches; length, 7 inches; width, 3% inches. OBLONG STAND OF BROWN LACQUER. With perforated bed, curved legs and bronze mount- ings. Length, 18 inches; width, 8% inches; height, 5% inches. RED LACQUER STAND. Standing on four feet; decorated in gold in leaf and vine pattern on red ground. Height, 3 inches; top, 12 x 12 inches. BLACK AND GOLD LACQUER FRUIT STAND. Circular. Height, 10 inches. 50 280 Ye Be 281 at (292 yt 283 Ke 284 285 SMALL GOLD LACQUER BOX. With decorations of stork, evergreen pines and land- scape background. 4% 3\% inches. ROUND COVERED BOX. Of deep-red lacquer in octagonal panels, deeply carved with figures and other designs. Height, 7% inches; diameter, 1034 inches. INK AND PENCIL CASE. In dark, reddish-brown lacquer, deeply carved in designs of grape clusters and leaves. Length, 8 inches. GOLD LACQUER SMOKER’S AND LUNCH CABINET. Sixteen pieces; with silver mountings. LACQUER SAKE BOTTLE AND LACQUER STAND. With stopper of dark-brown lacquer; lined with gold; surface deeply carved. With old square red lacquer stand ornamented in metal. (2 Pieces.) Height on stand, I1 inches. COMPLETE LACQUER TOILET AND LUNCH SET. Twenty pieces of old Roiro, black and gold lacquer, with crest of the Princess Osumi. RED LACQUER TABOURET. Stand with curved legs, solid base, decorated with landscapes, flowers and figures. Height, 18 inches; top, 12 x 12 inches. LARGE GOLD LACQUER DEEP TRAY. With floral decorations. 23 « 21 x 4 inches deep. 51 bi- 287 LARGE LACQUER TRAY. With scroll edge; decoration of landscape with wild horses drinking at a cascade. Mounted as an afternoon tea-table. Diameter, 29 inches. Small Bronzes, Arms, Pottery, Old Sevres Dinner Set, and Other Objects of Art 288 POTTERY KORO AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Rectangular in shape; unglazed; carved to represent bamboo forms. (Repaired.) Height, 14 inches; diameter, 7 inches. 289 BRONZE KORO—“SNOW FROM HEAVEN.” Height, 6 inches; diameter, 6 inches. 290 BRONZE KORO AND BRONZE STAND—“RAIN FROM HEAVEN.” Height, 9 inches; diameter, 7 inches. 291 SMALL JAPANESE BRONZE. Monkey holding fruit. SMALL JAPANESE BRONZE COCK. 292 SMALL JAPANESE BRONZE SACRED OX. SMALL BRONZE OF A WILD BOAR IN FLIGHT. 293 SMALL AZTEC IDOL OF STONE. Height, 2 inches. 294 TEA JAR AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Covered with dark-green glaze. Ivory cover. Height, 354 inches. 52 295 296 291 299 CUP CARVED IN REPRESENTATION OF BASKET WORK. With wooden holder. Height, 2 inches; diameter, 254 inches. ENAMEL CUP AND TEAKWOOD STAND. With cream-like (heavy) enamel. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 4% inches. PAIR OF COVERED JARS AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Of steatite conglomerate of gray, brown and red tone; minutely carved in design of grapevines, leaves and clusters. Height, 131% inches. SNUFF BOTTLE OF PEKIN ENAMEL. Of brown agate, with carved heads of Dog-Foo on the sides; with emerald-green and white top. (Repaired.) Kien Lung period. USHABTI. An original Ushabti, from a tomb of the Nineteenth Dynasty (about 1400 B. C.), in limestone. Height, 4% inches. The word Ushabti—which may be translated “The Answerer” —is the name given to a small figure found in tombs, and supposed to fulfil the duties incumbent on the deceased in the future world which he was either unable or unwilling to do himself. When called to life in the Fields of the Blessed, by Osiris, the deceased found that he had to perform the labors of cultivating the land, tilling, etc.; and as the rich had in life never performed manual labor and disliked the idea of doing so in the next world, the priests thought out the scheme of making these little figures, who at the manufacture, having magical formula said over them, were thenceforth endowed with life, to answer the duties of those who could afford to purchase them. The same idea was carried out in other occupations—little models of boats were buried with the corpse to enable him to embark on water, figures of domestics to do the domestic duties; and whenever the name of the departed was called by Osiris, if the duties were not pleasant, the “Ushabti” answered for him. In the earlier dynasties only the rich could afford them, but later they became a regular article of merchandise, selling at varying prices, according to their make. 53 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 USHABTI FIGURE OF AN OVERSEER. Carved stone. Height, 5 inches. SMALL EGYPTIAN BRONZE OF A KING. With double crown of the upper and lower regions. Length, 3 inches. SMALL ROMAN BRONZE OF A WATER-CARRIER. On square base. Length, 5 inches. SMALL ROMAN BRONZE OF A FAUN. Height, 3 inches. SMALL ROMAN BRONZE OF HERCULES. SMALL ROMAN BRONZE OF BACCHUS. As a standard. (2 Pieces.) Height, 3% inches. TEA SET OF THREE PIECES. Teapot, sugar bowl and creamer; repoussé in a floral pattern, silver-plated. COLONIAL BRONZE KNOCKER. Length, 7 inches. OLD BRONZE CIRCULAR MIRROR. Band of roses in relief. Diameter, 34% inches. BRASS LAMP, GREEK MODEL. Burning oil, with attachments. Hezght, 13 inches. SMALL PERSIAN DAGGER. With bronze handle and sheath. Incised decoration. 54 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 RAPIER. The hilt elaborately carved and worked with gold; steel of finest quality; blade slender. Point touches hilt and springs to place. Length, 37 inches. LONG TWO-EDGED SWORD. The blade tapering; hilt and guard inlaid with gold. Crest on the guard. Length, 48 inches. ITALIAN SWORD. With heavy blade, straight and tapering. Length, 40 inches. METAL SHIELD. Of iron, inlaid with gold and silver; the boss sur-— rounded by panels, in which events in Roman history are modeled in relief. JEWEL BOX. With hinged cover. Silver-plated. Length, 6% inches; height, 4% inches. ELEPHANT OF CARVED EBONY. With ivory tusks and eyes, bearing on his back an Indian potentate, behind whom is seated a servant holding a sunshade. Height, 23 inches. STUDIO LAMP. The bowl held by the “Flying Mercury,” after Giovanni da Bologna. German silver. Height, 22 inches. THE THREE GRACES. Opalescent glass of beautiful workmanship. 55 Es Lu- 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 FLOUNCE. Of old black thread lace. Length, 4 yards; width, 20 inches. MANTILLA. Of black Spanish lace. HANLIN ROBE OF A MANDARIN OF HIGHEST RANK. Made of deep plum-colored satin, covered with embroidery of hawthorn branches and flowers worked in the form of medallions. Carved gilt buttons. CHINESE EMBROIDERY IN SILK AND GOLD. Worn by the Buddhist Priests over the robe on the chest. CHINESE EMBROIDERY IN SILK AND GOLD. Of different color and design. THREE KAKEMONO, TOSA SCHOOL. The Emperor and his Court of Wise Men. ANTIQUE KORO IN FORM OF A FROG. With silver wire cover. On a stand. Yung Ching period. Height, 9% inches; length, 1034 inches. JAPANESE WINE POT, OLD BANKO WARE AND TEAKWOOD STAND. Green running glaze. The body carved in hawthorn blossoms and branches and coated with red lacquer. Height, 11 inches. ANTIQUE FIGURE OF DOG-FOO. Old Cochin China ware. Decorated in dull green, blue, yellow and brown. Height, 7% inches. 56 327 yr 328 oa 329 330 PERSIAN WINE DECANTER. With animal and leaf decoration. This and the two following pieces were in the Persian Exhibition, brought out by Mr. Graves when Art Commissioner of the Expo- sition held in Boston in 1883-4. PERSIAN CANDLESTICK CUT FROM STONE. The base shaped as a hand holding the saucer of the candlestick; all-over decoration of floral pattern. PERSIAN POTTERY JAR AND STAND. With central decorations of figures and landscapes in dull blues, greens and browns on a creamy ground, and floral borders at top and bottom. (Repaired.) Height, 14 inches. JEWEL CABINET. Made of pear-wood covered with leather, tooled and gilt; within, the ornamentation is of silver gilt, both carved and repoussé in classical designs. On one door is the Coat-of-Arms of the Ruspoli family, on the other that of the city of Florence. Purchased directly from the Ruspoli family. (Partly restored.) Length, 24 inches; width, 10 inches; height, 2114 inches. ANATOLIAN RUG. In low tone of dull blue and brown. Size, 4-11 x 3-6 feet. THIRTY PHOTOGRAVURE PRINTS, AFTER F. O. C. DARLEY. Subjects drawn from Shakespeare’s plays; neatly matted and enclosed in an oak box with metal comers, handles and plate. Length, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. 57 w- 333 RELIEF CARVING. Landscape with villas, tea houses and trees along the banks of a river; carved in high relief from slate. In an ebony and plush box frame. Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches. Dinner Service of Old Sévres No two pieces have the same decorations. The public build- ings of Paris at the period appear, also the historical buildings and chateaux of France; 144 separate pieces to be sold in the ~ . following lots: 334 TUREEN WITH ORIGINAL COVER. Two platters (not uniform in size); two large round plates; two dozen soup plates. (30 Pieces.) 335 COVERED DISH. Two platters (not uniform in size); three large round plates; two dozen plates. (31 Pieces.) 336 LARGE AND SMALL ROUND CHOP DISH. Two large round dishes; two dozen plates; ten odd plates. The large chop dish has pierced chop- holder. (39 Pieces.) 337 LARGE AND SMALL ROUND CHOP DISH. Two platters (not uniform in size); three large round dishes; three dozen plates. The large chop dish has pierced chop-holder. (44 Pieces.) 338 EIGHT OLD SEVRES PLATES. Of soft paste with decorations from Aésop’s Fables, ~ and classical themes. With Sévres mark. 58 wy ee ae Me e: Sena re Ra bale Er EN eh TE ory Oe bay ee SE Vora Preteen Fl 341 342 343 344 SIX OLD SEVRES PLATES. Similar to the preceding. With Sévres mark. STAFFORDSHIRE BEER JUG WITH PEWTER COVER. | White salt glaze. Decorated with figures in relief. Height, 8 inches. STAFFORDSHIRE PITCHER. White salt glaze. Decorated with flowers in relief. Height, 8 inches. YORKSHIRE BLACK JACK. Bottle-shaped with single handle and deep black glaze. Height, 13 inches. IRIDESCENT BLUE MUG OF DOULTON CHINA. GNOME HOLDING BALL IN AUSTRIAN WARE. Height, 10 inches. ENAMEL POTTERY PLAQUE, ATTRIBUTED TO FRANCOIS BRIOT. Decorated with heads in medallions in vari-colored enamels. (Chipped.) Length, 14 inches; width, 12 inches. Antique Indian Jewelry Scarabs, Jewelry with French and Italian Settings Every piece of Jewelry in this Collection has been submitted to the highest expert knowledge and is correctly described in these pages. The genuineness of all Precious Stones and Metals is guaranteed by the owner and by the Company. 345 OLD ENGLISH FOB SEAL. Red sardonyx in gold-plated mount. 346 SCARF PIN. : Containing a delicate lavender-tinted ruby spinel. 59 : fe 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 PIN AND WATCH HOLDER. The head of a bird in enamel showing the iridescent colors about the head and neck. ITALIAN SCARF PIN. In the form of a leaf in green enamel mounted in gold. CAMEO SCARF PIN. With head of Athene in relief on agate. TWO SCARF PINS. One set with finely painted miniature of Lycurgus; the other, head of a woman in relief. ANCIENT PERSIAN RING. With intaglio head cut on red sardonyx. EAST INDIAN RING. Holding a lilac-tinted sapphire mounted in gold. LOUIS XVI. SILVER LOCKET. With enamel portrait, the whole surrounded with leaves and flowers, set with the old French paste. ANTIQUE GREEK RING. In gold with an intaglio cut on red sardonyx showing the Goddess of Plenty. MINIATURE SCISSORS AS WATCH CHARM. MINIATURE SPYGLASS. GOLD FRIENDSHIP RING. | 60 359 361 362 363 366 GOLD RING WITH INTAGLIO SETTING. Head of a Greek warrior. GOLD RING WITH FLORAL ENAMEL SETTING. INTAGLIO RING. Set with figure of Archimedes. TWO INTAGLIO RINGS. Set with Phoebus and Justice. TWO ANTIQUE RINGS. Coiled snake, the other with setting bearing a resem- blance to a Rosicrucian symbol; both brass. OLD EAST INDIAN NECKLACE. Double strands of curiously marked agate beads; in the original mounting. RUSSIAN PIN AND PENDANT. Containing a gem amethyst of finest quality in a fine gold setting of grapes, vines and leaves. HORSESHOE PIN. Gold set with turquoise and Oriental pearl and small golden sapphires. OLD ITALIAN PIN. With bouquet of flowers and leaves and a wreath on black enamel ground, the whole surrounded by rubies of fine color and grass-green emeralds. OLD ITALIAN ENAMELED PIN. The head of Catharine de Medici in relief, set in gold, with lemon-yellow sapphires and rubies. 61 Ww- >. | ¥ ‘YF one? 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 ENGLISH PIN AND PENDANT WITH NECK CHAIN. Set with four pink tourmalines and six brilliant beryls. FRENCH FOB. In gold, holding a large amethyst. FRENCH FOB. Cut from agate; set in gold, elaborately mounted with rubies and diamonds. OLD ITALIAN ENAMELED RING. The design shows Aphrodite in relief, standing in a sea-shell. PAIR OF ITALIAN EAR-RINGS. Gold with dull enamel and pearl pendants. Of the time of the Medici. PAIR OF ITALIAN EAR-RINGS. Similar in design but smaller. Of the same -period. ENAMEL. Head of Rubens; set in gold, as a pin, with rubies and lemon-yellow sapphires. ENAMEL. Head of a woman on a blue ground; set in gold, asa __ pin, with diamonds and sapphires. ANTIQUE EAST INDIAN NECKLACE. Formed of fourteen rubies, pierced for mounting in alternation with seventeen baroque pearls, in gold. The whole supports a large ruby inscribed on both sides with the talisman of Good Luck. 62 2 6 ANTIQUE ETRUSCAN SCARAB. a ig In red sardonyx; mounted as a ring. a e377 TWO EGYPTIAN SCARABS. In basalt and black basalt; both carved on reverse. 378: EGYPTIAN SCARAB. 2 i Mounted in gold as a scarfpin; with the scarab carved on the reverse. 379. THREE LARGE SCARABS. | Carved in basalt and porphyry; one with carved inscription. -—«-380.:« FOUR SMALL SCARABS. _ With intaglios cut on the reverse, showing a Roman soldier, palm tree, and other devices. — x 381 TWO SMALL SCARABS. Carved in porphyry and stone; carvings on reverse. 382 THREE SMALL SCARABS. In green basalt; one with Egyptian carving on the reverse. 383 ANTIQUE ETRUSCAN SCARAB. Of light chalcedony; mounted as a ring. 384 ANTIQUE ASSYRIAN SEAL. Mounted as a ring. Archaic design of flower, leaf and branches. 385 ANTIQUE ROMAN SEAL. The Goddess of Plenty cut in intaglio on red jasper; in medizval gold mounting. 63 ey, Noy I Ete domed ares eT oe dio ls eis wn ee Pia eae, pee ae Pm tee ew heed PD er er ay ely ie AC Fit OS . ihe Be LAS) al fh 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 MEDIAEVAL SEAL. Elaborately carved design of knights in armor fight- ing; set in gold and silver, carrying a fine antique intaglio of the head of Mars. ANTIQUE ETRUSCAN SCARAB. In red sardonyx; mounted as a ring. ANTIQUE EGYPTIAN SCARAB. Of steatite mounted in gold as a seal ring. Design shows a double asp, with inscription. FIVE EGYPTIAN SCARABS. Mounted on a card with inscription, ‘‘Scarabi found in tomb at Memphis, Egypt. Purchased from Aboo Schnaff Sheikh of the Pyramids.” THREE EGYPTIAN SCARABS. One in onyx; carved on reverse, Sphynx, Oriental head and native hunter. THREE SCARABS. Carved in limestone; and a flat basalt scarab. All carved on the reverse. OLD ITALIAN SEAL. Containing an antique intaglio of Hermes. Sixteenth Century workmanship. EAR-RINGS OF FILIGREE GOLD. Of pure gold in design of the baskets used by native carriers. 64 394 a2) 396 397 398 599 401 402 RED CARNELIAN SEAL. With finely cut intaglio of the heads of Socrates and Pericles. SCARF PIN. Of jockey club design, a star sapphire forming the cap, the gold vizor holding three rubies. RARE EAST INDIAN RING. With a large sage-green Jargoon in the center, sur- rounded by a cluster of fine rubies; the setting minutely carved. RING. Opalescent Ceylon sapphire, set with fifteen Oriental pearls of yellow tint corresponding to the sapphire. LARGE TURQUOISE RING. Set with a cluster of small golden sapphires. AMETHYST RING. Of delicate colors. LARGE AMETHYST CRYSTAL. Carved in the form of fungus. On a stand. Height, 5 inches; length, 5 inches. GOLD RING. Set with spinel ruby of rare color, surrounded by a cluster of opal balls. EAST INDIAN RING. Finely carved; set with a gem cat’s-eye, with a ruby and star sapphire on either side. 65 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 OLD EAST INDIAN RING. , Containing a green garnet surrounded with fine rubies; the setting finely carved. OLD FRENCH PIN. In the form of a branch with leaves cut in silver and set with pink ruby, diamonds and Persian turquoise. RING. Containing a sapphire of fine color cut en Cabochon. OLD EAST INDIAN GOLD NECKLACE. Dating back to the period of Serpent Worship; the head of the serpent, set with rubies, holds in his mouth as pendant a large white crystal. RAJAH’S RING. Containing a Cabochon ruby set in fine gold sur- rounded with a pavement of diamonds. EAST INDIAN PIN. Center contains a brilliant East Indian aqua marine surrounded by a cluster of golden beryls, and this in turn surrounded by a circle of rubelites. Original East Indian setting. GOLD PENDANT. Elaborately carved front and back; mounted with an antique relievo head of a Roman vestal cut from light brown sardonyx. Fine workmanship. PIN AND PENDANT. Gold and platinum; in crown form, containing perfect Old Mine diamond, ruby and sapphire cut in pear shape surrounded by Old Mine diamonds. 66 411 ANCIENT GREEK GILT BORCHIA. Covered with engraved figures of historical character. The ornament of a king, an example of the style of ancient Greek work. Said to have been exhumed at Mitylene. Length, 4 inches; width, 3% inches. Artistic Furniture of French and English Workmanship, Screens, and a Rinaldini Silver Mirror DUTCH MIRROR. | In ebony frame. Height, 28 inches; width, 20 inches. RENAISSANCE HALL CHAIR. Seat and back covered with embossed leather, finished with large brass-headed nails and_ brass finials. French workmanship. : RENAISSANCE ARM CHAIR. The seat and beveled panel back covered with embossed leather having large brass-headed nails and brass finials; carved front brace. RENAISSANCE HALL CHAIR. The back carved with scroll and strap work crested with a grotesque head; the arms terminating in grotesque heads supported by elaborately carved scroll panels. The front brace carved with a cherub’s head; seat and back covered with embroidered crimson silk velvet, finished with gold gimp. French workmanship. TWO CURTAINS OF TAPESTRY. One brown, the other brown and white. Length, 8 feet and 7% feet. 67 oe Ere % , 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 ANOTHER OF ORANGE SILK ARMURE. Trimmed with tinsel gimp. Length, 8% feet; width, 5% feet. LOUIS XVI. SIDE CHAIR. | The back carved in a ribbon design; seat and back of cane, gilded. LOUIS XVI. SIDE CHAIR. Of similar pattern to match. LADY’S LOUIS XVI. DESK. The gallery carved with garlands of flowers; finished in gray enamel. French workmanship. MIRROR WITH SILVER FRAME BY RINALDINI. Oval plate-glass mirror set in a silver frame of wrought work by Rinaldini, typifying “The First Kiss,” with Cupid, Psyche and flowers; the mirror mounted on an octagonal Italian walnut (unpolished) panel. The work of a modern Italian artist in silver, Paolo Rinaldini of Florence, with his seal. Size of mirror, 144% x 11% inches. From the sale of Miss Emilie Grigsby. THREE-FOLD DRAWING ROOM SCREEN. Covered front and back with red velvet, having top panels of antique Italian brocade. SIDE CHAIR. Of oak; the back divided by an upright bar, fluted and carved with oval scroll and leaf panels and shells; the legs straight and carved on carved feet; back and seat covered with green damask. 68 427 428 akg FLORENTINE HALL CHAIR. Of antique oak, carved with lion heads and foliage, and having paw feet; the seat covered with tapestry. LOUIS XVI. ENAMELED BENCH. Fluted legs, carved, joined by a double brace; with - cane seat. French workmanship. LOUIS XVI. BERGERE. The frame carved in a rope pattern, finished in ivory enamel; seat, back and arms with cane panels. MAHOGANY SCREEN. The frame turned and carved, resting on wide feet; the panel of tapestry of foliage pattern. Height, 58 inches; width, 41 inches. DRAWING ROOM MIRROR. The frame elaborately carved from an original Renaissance model. This was especially made for the late Stanford White. LOUIS XV. MIRROR. The frame elaborately carved with scrolls and shells, surmounted by Amorini holding flowers; the crest showing a dragon, framed by scroll-work. French workmanship. Height, 63 inches; width, 40 inches. DRAWING ROOM CABINET OF MAHOGANY. On a base containing three doors rests a cabinet top with sloping base, top and base each having three glass doors; the whole decorated with classical figures and garlands on a gold ground with inlaid borders. Height, 6 feet, 6 inches; length, 5 feet, 6 inches. Made by Cottier & Co. 69 a tone FOURTH SESSION Friday Evening, February 28, 1913, at 8:15 o'clock 431 432 433 434 435 436 Paintings, Mainly of Modern Schools, and Carbon Prints , AUTOTYPE REPRODUCTIONS DA VINCI, RAPHAEL, RUYSDAEL, OOSTERHOUT, GERINO, HOLBEIN AND REMBRANDT. Nine autotypes of original drawings, mounted in one frame, with gold mat. Large folio. ROUSSEAU AND COROT. Two landscapes by Rousseau and one by Corot. Mounted in one frame. Oblong 4to. THE SEASONS. By Burne-Jones. Autotype facsimiles of the set of four paintings. Mounted in one frame. Oblong 4to. THE ANGELUS. By Muer. Autotype. Framed. Folio. THE HAMPTON COURT RAPHAEL CARTOONS. Set of the seven cartoons engraved by Nicolas Dorigny. Folio. (7). THREE HEADS FROM THE “ANATOMY LESSON.” By REMBRANDT. Fine autotype. Framed. 70 ae ine peaaivel ea con of ihe original painting. Large folio. Dark oak frame with sunk mount. poe BULoty pe. Folio. Framed. - Autorype._ Large folio. Framed. ‘VALASQUEZ” THE BURGOMASTER. — | Autotype. Framed. Folio. ee i a MURILLO’S THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. Carbon print. Oak and gilt frame. | Height, 57 inches; width, 36 inches. Carbon print. Framed in oak and gilt. Height, 57 inches; width, 36 inches. Be Paintings 443 SIEBEL. S. L. GIROUX ees Panel. Signed and dated 1878. ‘ , Height, 10 inches; width, 6 inches. UNKNOWN PAINTER Flemish of Seventeenth Century 444 LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Signed with monogram at the right. Height, 944 inches; width, 12 inches. 71 445 446 447 448 449 450 DAVID TENIERS, THE ELDER (Attributed) Flemish, 1582-1649 THE MASTER MASON. Panel. Signed with monogram at the right. Height, 5 inches; width, 4 inches. HORACE VERNET French, 1789-1863 STUDY OF A HORSE IN ITS STABLE. Date “‘le 1% Avril 1826” scratched into the wet paint. Studio board on panel. Height, 11% inches; width, 15 inches. ADRIAN BROUWER (Attributed) Dutch, 1605-1638 THE VILLAGE SURGEON. Panel. Height, 7 inches; width, 8 inches. NICHOLAAS MAES (Attributed) Dutch, 1632-1693 THE FLAX SPINNER. Canvas. Height, 13 inches; width, 10% inches. PIERRE MIGNARD (Attributed) French, 1610-1695 PORTRAIT OF COLBERT, MINISTER OF LOUIS XIV. Canvas. Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches. M. MARIANA HEAD OF A MOOR. Pastel. Height, 18 inches; width, 13% inches. 72 caters. Eto TENIERS, THE ELDER (Attributed) 451 A COUNTRY INN. Flemish, 1582-1649 Panel. Signed in monogram on the covered wagon. Height, 834 inches; width, 1234 inches. F. BERGAMINI Contemporary Italian . 452 A ROMAN INTERIOR. Canvas. Signed. Height, 18 inches; width, 26 inches. V. DAUBIGNY _._ Contemporary French He LANDSCAPE. Panel. Signed. Height, 834 inches; width, 11}4 inches. R. T. PRITCHETT _ Contemporary English 454 THE GRASS MARKET AT CAIRO. Water color. Signed. Height, 15 inches; width, 1944 inches. JUSTUS SUTTERMANS (Attributed) Flemish, 1597-1681 455 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN. Panel. Dated 1634. Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. THOMAS HOVENDEN American Painter, 1840-1895 456 THE NEGLECTED PATH. Canvas. Signed. Height, 16 inches; width, 22 inches. Bought from the artist. A. RISHALLE Contemporary French 457 AN ALGERIAN BEAUTY. Canvas. Signed. Height, 29 inches; width, 15 inches. (ef SSM yO UN ea a 458 LANDSCAPE. : Canvas. Seat oh ys 1 2 2 inches Bought from the artist. - ae PAINTER | STILL LIFE. we Canvas. _ Height, 19 inches; J. CALIFANO Contemporary American — 460 LANDSCAPE. Canvas. Signed. ie Height, 21% inches; idl R ; Shown at the National Academy Exhibition, 1905. eS JAMES B. SWORD Contemporary cen 1839- AUTUMN. Canvas. Signed. Dated °75. Sie Height, 18 inches; wales 29 inch UNKNOWN PAINTER French School MOTHER AND CHILD. | tae Canvas. Height, 11 She ‘width, 8 %% inches. CHARLES A. WALKER Contemporary American LANDSCAPE AND SHEEP. eae ; Canvas. Signed. Height, 1614 inches; width, 29 inches. Bought from the artist. ee 74 HOWARD COPE SecA ‘Contemporary American ‘OFF F MONTAUK POINT. Canvas. Signed. Height, 14 inches; width, 24% Seni | - Bought from the artist. ALESSANDRA R. HART Contemporary Italian Canvas. Signed on ike back.