RIN til pg aa IAN ag ornithine i files sist Asatanetbe ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AE TNE ANCE RICAN ART CALLER LES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING MONDAY, APRIL 4ru, 1921 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE FROM 9 a.m. UNTIL 6P.M. BEAUTIFUL HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND COSTLY EMBELLISHMENTS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS APRIL 7TH, 8tH AND 9TH BEGINNING AT 2 O0’CLOCK AT PTHE-AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK Second Afternoon 317—Framep FacsimMiLe “Beatrice.” After Burne-Jones, R.A. oF), Height, 191, inches; width, 24 inches. 318—Two Framep FacsimiLes /j “The Departure and Return of the Bride.” After E. L. U Henry. Height, 22 inches; width, 28 inches. 319—Framep FacstMiLe 4 “A Roman Tepidarium.” After Alma-Tad In gilded ass architectural frame. Height, 36 inches; width, 24 inches. 320—Framep Cotorep FacstmtLe . is » “A Meeting in the Park.” On a broad roadway with grassy a ~—— borders flanked by an avenue of trees a group of horsemen and women and two ladies in a cabriolet watch a young girl jumping her horse over a hurdle. 321—Framep FacstmmiLe Yor “A Roman Athletic Contest.” After Alma-Tadema. In gilded architectural frame. Height, 8014 inches; length, 36 inches. 322—Framep FacstmiLe “A Roman Holiday.” After Alma-Tadema. In gilded // Une architectural frame. 3823—Framep PHOoTOTYPE Cae “King Arthur” of the Round Table. After Vischer; for the Maximilian Monument at Innsbruck. Height, 41% inches; width, 211%, inches. 324—Framep PHoroTyPE “Sir George Colley’s Last Stand.” The General stands G st4— near his charger, surrounded by defenders and assailants in a wild medley. Second Afternoon 325—Framep PHOTOTYPE ine, MU ts “Rome from the Tiber.” Over the bridge, spanning the S %2—river at mid-distance, St. Peter’s and various palaces are seen. At right is the tower of St. Angelo cresting the river Height, 28 inches; length, 60 inches. 326—Framep PHOTOGRAVURE ss Md $ “Oe _«Pyisonnier.” Goupil and Company. After Aimé Morot. y 327—FrRamMED EncRAvVING Jo - © Vi ae. “Napoleon at Waterloo.” Painted by Steuben; engraved vA vy’ by Jazet. a 328—Framep EncRavING ek ie Os “Le Dernier Jour d’Herculanum.” Engraved by Alphonse ) 9 Lamotte, after Hector Leroux. — 329—Conorep Sportine Print 4 b “Gone Away.” Pin-coated huntsmen dot the low field; , hounds are breaking through brush at right. After T. Cecil Boult. OIL PAINTINGS C. DURAND CHAPMAN American: 1856—1918 ) 330—STILL LIFE | 8 “YR eg PC CU Height, 6 inches; length, 81% inches A TABLE is occupied by several ancient books, two bottles, an old stein, a small glass and a porcelain-bowled pipe. Signed, C. Duranpn CHapMAN. Second Afternoon A, KLEINFELD AMERICAN: ConTEMPORARY 331—SUNSET ON THE MARSHES met 4 A : ae 4 ane )s v Panel: Height, 61% inches; length, 1014 inches A pEAsant approaches at left, skirting the sunlit pools seen amid the marshes at right. Rising ground with a cottage embowered with trees is beyond the peasant. Signed at the lower right, A. KLEINFELD. D. F. HASBROUCK AmERIcAN: 1860— 332—WINTER SUNSET d6 19. & FU, / eae On panel: Height, 8 inches; length, 12 inches ad Low-nyine snow-clad country with the sun’s radiance glinting on a pool near the foreground, sheltered by a leafless tree and a fence toward left. Near the pool is a huntsman trudging away to the distance. Signed at lower right, D. F. Hasprovck. HARVEY JOINER AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY BEECHWOOD GLADE IN 4 Pe se PARK, ,HEROKEE (ENTUCKY C1. C UC. 333 Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches Maceniricent large trees, dense in the distance, at right rising from a knoll. The sunlight gleaming on the foliage from mid- right. Signed at the lower right, Harvey JomneR. Second Afternoon THOMAS B. GRIFIN AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 334—_SUMMER MOONLIGHT il y me Vg ay, ae pops soe Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches THE moon risen to a warm sky casts its chaste beams on a brook winding across to left amid warm-tinted trees. Signed at lower right, T. B. Grirrin. S. S. CARR * AmeErRIcAN: ConTEMPORARY 385—_SHEEP GRAZING: SPRING, 49) F Outed, [| Lso_ Height, 914, inches; length, 1214, inches VERDANT green uplaid fields dotted with daisies and a few willows are occupied by groups of quiet grazing sheep. Signed at the lower left, S. S. Carn. MARY A. ZANONE AMERICAN: ConTEMPORARY 336—ROSES See Say Bey on 3 as Water color: Height, 7 inches; length, 15 inches A novauet of deep red roses clustered on a green ground. Signed at the lower right, Mary A. ZANone. Second Afternoon ; . C. LOVERDIGE AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY PP ee en : ee ay b/ 337—GRAZING ON THE HIGHWAY Ts wo: Gg 41, Vi) oe Height, 1114 inches; width, 10 inches i Two brown and white cattle are grazing at the edge of a road before a fenced and wooded pasturage. Signed at lower left, C. LovEeriper. E. LOYAL FIELD AmeERICAN: 1856—1914 338—AUTUMNAL STORM ge : ; ; | Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches A pastuRAGE with wheat field in the distance is fringed with orange and red-tinted trees blown by a windstorm. Signed at lower left, E. Loyau Frexp. CHARLES L. MULLER German: 1815—1892 : ae 339—ISERLOHN, WESTPHALIA PES o A Je Height, 104% inches; width,.7 inches Aw ancient peasant couple promenade a winding road lined with quaint shadowed houses to a sunlit distance. At right loom the dark walls of an old church. Signed at lower right, C. Muuier. Second Afternoon H. BALLHEIM AustTRIAN: CoNTEMPORARY Lag 340—A TYROLESE MAIDEN AG “G Cane Wee Height, 16 inches; width, 8% inches é A youne and pretty maiden with a basket of flowers over her arm has descended from the mountains by a footpath. She has found an edelweiss and is counting its petals. Signed at the lower left, H. Batinem. D. F. HASBROUCK American: 1860— Ril ar 341—APPLE BLOSSOMS . 5a ae / 7? et Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches — A crovp of apple trees in blossom at right and several ancient willows at left guard a sluggish stream winding to center fore- ground. The distant rising ground is animated with cottages. Signed at lower right, D. F. Hasprouck, N. Y. THOMAS B. CRAIG, A.N.A. American: 1849-— PWN 342—CATTLE NEAR WOODLANPA 4D. Vege Lif ae o_ Height, 1714, inches; length, 2214 inches f In the sacristy of a church a gray-haired cleric in cassock is seated in an armchair before a table laid with breakfast ; neglected while he reads the morning paper. An altar boy, vested in red, is behind the chair near a table covered with vestments attacking a small flask of wine. Signed at lower right, F. Bereamri, Roma. A. TAMBURINI ITALiaAn: 1876 on +f y) ua 366—THE MONK’S REFECTORY Ad Od Ee aac 13° =a Height, 171% inches; length, 22 inches | A tone, white table is spread with a wine flask and other vessels; behind the table is a white-habited and blue-aproned monk offer- ing macaroni to a confrére, who stands near, tasting with pleasure some of the culinary efforts of the cook. Signed at upper left, A. Tampurtni, FLORENCE. > ae. Second Afternoon D. J. GUE AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY | 867—SEASCAPE . é AQ: Gd RRA Y/, Up Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches / Aw incoming tide, dashing a rolling spray upon a shelving shore. Large warm cumulus clouds in a blue sky overhead. Signed at lower left, D. J. Gur. EDWARD GAY, N.A. AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY o ‘K 4 368—W HEATFIELD Cy. D. lee A Ve On b Ya) ling ay pd Height, 17 inches; length, 27 inches , Tue reapers have cut a large low bottom field at left and are reaping on rising ground at adjacent right. An irregular fringe of sombre green trees fills the distance. Overhead a dull blue sky. Signed at lower right, Epwarp Gay. ASTON KNIGHT AMERICAN: 1873 ON 369—WINTER aN Height, 19 inches; length, 211 inches | y Vii AN AA ee Tei jg — «An icy stream winds from behind a snow-clad cottage to the left foreground. The rising right bank is occupied by a clump of trees and a group of ruddy cottages seen in the glow of a setting sun. Signed at lower right, Aston Kwnicur. ay Second Afternoon J. M. G. ANGLADE ) AMERICAN: CoNTEMPORARY 3870—_THE RIVER OISE Height, 20 inches; length, 29 inches Wha UW A roapway at left, skirting a winding river, turns toward a dis- Trees tant town with its red roofs and old church at center. embower the town and a range of blue hills is beyond. Signed at lower left, J. M. G. ANeLApE, 1902. BENJAMIN EGGLESTON American: 1867— Os LY Tf ASONI Neat 4 3871—_THE GREEN MANTLE ot a Hes Height, 30 inches; width, 16 inches iG oS A nympu bathing at a woodland pool holds aloft a draped green mantle. Signed at lower right, Bensamin Eccueston. HARVEY JOINER AmeErRICAN: ConTeMPORARY Y, ae a 372— BEECH WOODS, CHEROKEE PARK KENTUGEKY p24 2 Height, 18 inches; length, 30 inches Sunucutr glints from left between splendid symmetrical beeches towering out of sight. An irregular deep dark pond almost fills the foreground. - Signed at lower right, Harvey Joiner. Second Afternoon F. L. DULUARDO SPANISH: ConTEMpoRARY /) y te Age AA 7 303 =A CON VIVE AL -PARnI: || es at a KR o ae On panel: Height, 251 inches; width, 21 inches Turee varied richly costumed cavaliers are grouped in an ancient apartment. One sits on the floor, tickling with a feather another asleep in chair, near a green velvet-covered table spread with wine. The third stands on a bench behind the table offering a toast to the uninterested pair., Signed at lower left, L. Dutuarpo, 1902. B. W. LEADER, R.A. Enerise: 1831— Oe Gl 374—_THE WOOD GATHERERS \ NO rN A 7¢v : 3 ; 2 {fm S) / Se Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches UNDER a group of fine old trees, their gnarled branches gleaming in the sunlight, two peasant women gather sticks. Beyond, amid further trees, nestles a typical northern French village. Signed at lower left, B. W. Leaver, R.A., 1893. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frencu: 1813—1894 =, 7 ee 75—RETURNING HOME 4 9. & en Ld, ‘ Cm Height, 23 inches; length, 29 inches / A Happy young woman approaches the foreground of a flower- decked field ; she wears a crimson dress and blue apron and carries a rake over her shoulders. At distant right is a haystack and a group of reclining haymakers. Signed at lower left, Cuartes Jacaur. Second Afternoon ROBERT B. WILSON AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 376—THE WOODED POOL (_- juke Ly aoe a> LG o Water color: Height, 22 inches; length, 301% inches A HERD of cattle straggle down a wooded grassy bank at left to a pool at right, bowered by further feathery trees. Signed at lower left, Ropurr B. Witson. REMBRANDT PEALE AMERICAN: 1778—1860, / 4 ” 377 PORTRAIT OF PIERCE CARRICK ie, J Pr to fv ~. y rd) Height, 291% inches; width, 25 inches Haur-renetH of a ruddy complexioned youngish man facing slightly to left. Wearing curling black hair, side whiskers, black coat, stock and vest; seated in a red-upholstered chair. Original early American frame. GEORGE H. McCORD, A.N.A. AmeERIcAN: 1848—1909 * m™) r) 47 VN 4) y KOA 878—THE HARBOR SCHOONER \ QW ~\" “A ‘ com oe J mar Height, 80 inches; width, 251% inches At left a large vessel leaving harbor; beyond is a city and further shipping. Overhead a high clouded blue firmament, radiated by the warmth of the setting sun. Signed at lower left, G. H. McCorp, A.N.A. a 8 Second Afternoon LUIGI LAGONI 379—_SUNSET ON THE GRAND LAGOON, VENI iv a Iratian: ConTEMPORARY ) 4) yh —_ Z A x Ae A — Yan? oe Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches A warm sunset bathes the blue waters animated by a gondola and fishing vessels with their gaily colored sails in middle distance. On the horizon are the shadowed towers and domes of Venice. Signed at lower right, Luict Lacont. GEORGE ARMFIELD ENcGuisH: ConTEMPORARY : fa, \ pn 380—SUNSET AT SEA Ko -—Vt-2e 3 oan Height, 18 inches; length, 36 inches Over a group of three boulders toward left, the sea breaks, from the limitless horizon, into white foam. The sun, golden orange, warms a blue sky and glints on the waters. A vessel is in the distant right offing. Signed at lower left, G. ARMFIELD. SCHOOL OF CORREGGIO Traian be ae WA Y | 381—_VENUS, MERCURY AND CUPID LAQA Ri : jj Dr V Height, 30 inches; width, 19 inches Mercury seated at right instructing Cupid at his knees. A winged Venus at left complacently contemplating the scene. ge oe Height, 23 EB length, 31 inche?) ve Height, 251% inches; len a. 32 Ed is 6 ] ? Second Afternoon SCHOOL OF COYPEL Frencu: SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 382—DON QUIXOTE AND THE WINDMILLS i Ma ht \It# AN Pn Crervantss’ famous knight-errant ayes from an old castle+at left, mounted on his steed Rozinante to attack a windmill on a hill toward right. Cupid and an allegorical figure of Folly in the air above lure him to his desperate fate. A further kneeling figure of the knight’s Dulcinea is beyond. PAUL LAZERGES Frencu: ConreMPporary / Ang hes” 383—AN OASIS IN THE DESREL Dy eat te Aw ancient tree rises at right from the sunny sand, tufted sparsely with grass. Two white-costumed Arabs are seated at the foot of the tree and two others in conversation are near, one mounted on a camel. In the distance is a wooded ridge fringed with date palms, under which numerous tents are pitched, and more to the front at left is a group of recumbent camels. Signed at lower right, Paut Lazercszs. F. L. DULUARDO SPANISH: pe a Pam oe 384—THE CAVALIER ibaa 4 i Pu L—.-0 On panel: Height, 39 inches; width, 31 inbhes O) Hatr-tencru of a handsome man facing front; wearing a broad felt hat, brocaded suit, mantle and lace collar. Signed at lower right, F. L. Dutvarvo. Ago w os ft e Second Afternoon GEORGE H. McCORD, A.N.A. American: 1848—1909 Wy) vA y 23 heft rateaar> 385—SUNSET ON THE COAST OF NORW- ve | 39 —~’ = Height, 31 inches; width, 251 inches Hicu rocky hills rise at right and middle distance sheltering a town nestling down on the borders of the sun-glinted waters; ani- mated by several fishing vessels. Signed at lower right, G. H. McCorp, A.N.A. E. LOYAL FIELD American: 1856—1914 fs \ "I bo 4 386—AUTUMN yo 7. : ff aa 4 fendi la Ly ted | > am m7 Md Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches A RroucH roadway leads from the center foreground, under several large gnarled oaks dressed with rich brown foliage, to a red- roofed cottage seen in the sunny distance. Signed lower left, EK. Loyat Frexp. D. F. HASBROUCK AMERICAN: 1860— 887—_WINTER IN NEW ENGLAND Lo) - bv e 1¢ al’. mi /SC *e__ Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches Snow-cLapD ground rises from an overgrown brook lightly caked with ice, to a cottage near the brow. A farm hand is toward right near a clump of leafless trees which intercept the brook. Signed, D. F. Hassprock, N. Y., 93. Note: This important Hasbrouck has been frequently etched. / Second Afternoon DESVARREUX eS ONS Frencu: Conr&mporary PE 4 Dhn~ap Ln. 388—PLOUGHING NORTHERN FRANCE D0 pase Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches A BLUE-BLOUSED peasant turns from his three-horsed plough in the grassy foreground to answer a woman standing beyond on newly turned soil. 9 Height, 511% inches; width, 441 inches Dee Aw ancient Dutch peasant woman, seated before a board liberally spread with homely fare, offers thanks to her Maker. Note: Maes’s mother was the model for this painting and subsequently died in the attitude depicted in this composition. B. M. ASSCHER (After REMBRANDT) AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY j 7 AnA _ 393—THE NIGHT WATCH PN (AGP eh 8 ve Onl ay Mad IS “Cs Height, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 5 feet 11 mches Tuer Captain of the Night Watch, in black velvet, promenades abroad in company with his lieutenant, who is garbed in golden yellow. Signed at lower left, B. M. AsscHER (arrER ReEm- BRANDT). \ (ANQ Usvq) Wooy ONINICT See TR URTORE ants pr a BEAN Sh Bien AS abc A Fo aT aaah Cia Ray Ss Es cae : Tissea ye hte . ‘ Sale of Household Furnishings, and some Paintings, sold at Americen Art Galleries, April 7 - 9, 1921. Buyer Lot. Price Buyer Clapp & Graham 373. $ 32.50 Jerome Buck H.D.G.Rohifs 374. 67.50 P.Thompson Arlington Gall. 375. 556 H.D.G.Rehlfs Hans Brassler 377% 47. De: Forest 31Bs 240. Peul R.Miller Arlington Gall. 380. 32.50 B.Voss - Thompson 383. 100. Clapp & Grahen C.M. Tice 384, 555 T.Wertemeyer §.Scheffe 385. 135. Clapp & Grahem T.Wertemeyer. 386. 80, Arlington Gall. F.A.Lawlor 387. 155. B.Yose P. Thompson 388, 70. Arlington Gall, H.D.G.Rohi fe 389. 185. E.M.Rosenthal Arlington Gall. 390. 45. Clapp & Graham P. Thompson 391. 55. Gerome Buck 393. 356 W.W. Seaman, Agt. i.D.G.Rohlis {Lots omitted are below $ 25.)