CATALOGUE No. 1119 F N eA 3) 6s Sy ) / f Ie We LOUIS A. BIDDLE, Esq. OF CHESTNUT HILL, PHILADELPHIA AND FROM OTHER SOURCES EMBRACING AN UNIQUE COLLECTION OF BOOKS Illustrated by Cruikshank, Leech, Alken, Rowlandson, Doyle and Browne Colored Plate Sporting Books Important Works on Ornithology >Mluminated Manuscripts, Original Log Book of the : French Fleet in the American Revolution Extra Illustrated Books MANY IN FINE BINDINGS TO BE SOLD THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AFTERNOONS, NOVEMBER Sth and 6th, 1914 AT 2.30 O’CLOCK EACH DAY. STAN. V. HENKELS AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT 1304 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. : Fifteen CUNT0S > ( we 4 fh, < - LPPE EIS & é e28 WE Naser GL Vow Bess of feck, ffiburgh | 18105. Facsimile Title of Lot 95. CaTALOGUE No. 1119 THE VALUABLE LIBRARY LOUIS A. BIDDLE, Esq. Of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia AND FROM OTHER SOURCES EMBRACING An Extraordinary Collection of Cruikshankiana Many Works Illustrated by Rowlandson, Leech, Alken, ‘Seymour, Doyle, Browne, Gavarni and Eisen Many Colored Plate Books Numerous Extra-lllustrated Works Complete Set of Goupil’s Biographies, Child’s English Ballads, McKenney & Halls: Indian Tribes, Lewis’ Indian Portfolio, Meyrick’s Ancient Armour, Surtee’s Sporting Novels Illuminated Manuscripts and Early Printed Books, Audubon’s Birds and Quadrupeds, Wilson & Bonaparte’s Birds, Selby’s British Ornithology, and Donovan’s Natural History Many Important Works relating to Napoleon, Original Manuscript of the Log Book of the French Fleet at Yorktown in the Revolution, Manuscript of Godwin’s St. Leon Many in Beautiful Bindings by Specialists TO' BE SOLD Thursday and Friday Afternoons, Nov. 5 and 6, 1914 AT 2.30 O'CLOCK EACH DAY. STAN. V. HENKELS AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT 1304 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. The only Auction House in the country where the books are catalogued by the person who cries the sales—an ad- vantage not to be lightly overlooked. TERMS OF SALE Bills must be paid before 12 o’clock on the day after sale. No credit given under any circumstance. ; On mail orders, payment must be made on receipt of bill. Deposits must be made when requested. All Books are sold so much per volume, and bids must be made accordingly. Bids faithfully executed by the auctioneers without extra charge for those who cannot attend sale. For purchasers or their agents present at the sale, books are sold as they are, without recourse. When we execute orders, books are guaranteed as catalogued, but such books, when not up to description, must be returned within fifteen days from date of sale. No Books returnable after fifteen days from date of sale. In all cases of disputed bids, the Auctioneer reserves the right of re-selling the lot in question. : STAN. V. HENKELS, AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1304 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, Pa, MAURICE H. POWER, PRINTER 1110-16 Sansom Street Philadelphia CATALOGUE. A’ BECKETT, GILBERT ABBOTT. The Comic History of England, wth ten colored etchings and one hundred and twenty woodcuts by Jno, Leech, 2 vols., London, 1855. And the Comic History of Rome, wth full page colored etchings and woodcuts, by Jno. Leech, 1 vol., London, n. d. 3 vols. 8vo, original picture cloth, uncut. London, 1855 A’BEcKETT, Wm., Jr. A Universal Biography, includ- ing Scriptural, Classical and Mythological Memoirs, to- gether with accounts of many Eminent Living Characters. The whole newly compiled and compared from the most recent and authentic sources. g vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, n. d. Extra wlustrated, and extended from three into nine volumes by the insertion of 940 portraits, including many of consider- able rarity, as well as embracing portraits of many of the prominent characters connected with the American Revolution. Apams, C. K. A Manual of Historical Literature. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1882 ADDISON, JosepH. Essays of. Chosen and Edited by Woe, Green. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, uncut. London-New York, n. d. ALDINE Puiny. C Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historie, Prima (Secunda et tertia et Index) pars. 4vols. Small 8vo, Venetiis, in Aedibus Haeredum Aldi, 1535, 1536 and 1538. Very rare edition. The first volume ts dated 1536, the second and third volumes 1535, and the index volume 1538. The binding on the first three volumes ts in half morocco, and on the last volume full old contemporary red morocco, gilt. The last, or index volume, israrely met with, and seldom ac- companies a Set. ALKEN. Illustrations to Popular Songs, by Henry Alken, a Series of Thirty-eight Colored Etchings, by Henry Alken. Oblong 4to, half morocco. London: Published by Thomas McLean, 1823 First Edition. Its seldom a copy ts offered for sale, Atom, THos. Picturesque Rambles, viz.: Cumberland, Its Lake and Mountain Scenery; Westmoreland, Its Lake LO if 12 2 and Mountain Scenery, and Durham and Northumberland, Their Lake and Mountain Scenery. Ad illustrated from drawings on the spot by Thos. Allom, with description by Thos. Rose. 3 vols. 4to, three-quarter morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, n. d. AMERICAN Broap Grins. Edited by Regdum Funnidos, Gent. Second Edition. With humorous illustrations. 16mo, cloth. London, 1838 AncLinG. The London Angler's Book; or, Waltonian Chronicle. The. With numerous Amusing Songs and Anec- dotes of Fish and Fishing.- /rontisprece stained. 12mo, boards, uncut, loose. - London, 1834 ANGLO-SAXON Review. The. A Quarterly Miscellany Edited by Lady Randolph Spencer Churchill. Illustrated with four portraits. For 1899, 1900 and June and Sept., IgOl. 10 vols. Small folio, kid, gilt. London, 1899 and 1901 A magazine devoted to the aristocracy of Great Britain, which has ceased publication. Each volume is bound to rep- resent some rare binding from books in the British Museune. ANNALS OF SPORTING AND Fancy GAZETTE, THE. A Magazine, Entirely appropriated to Sporting Subjects and Fancy Pursuits, containing every thing worthy of remark on Hunting, Shooting, Coursing, Racing, Fishing,. Cocking, Pugilism, Wrestling, Single Stick, Pedestrianism, Cricket, Billiards, Rowing, Sailing, &c., &c. Accompanied with striking representations of the various subjects. Volumes 1 to 13, lacking volumes 2, 3 and 7. to vols. 8vo, half calf, rubbed. London, 1822-28 Several of the volumes are in poor. shape, lacking pages and some few plates, also somewhat foxed. The plates consist of numerous full page aquatinis and engravings, there are also many woodcuts in the text. The full page plates ave after designs by S. Alken, Sir Edwin Landseer, the latter en- graved by Thos. Landseer, Fielding, Herring, RK. Cruikshank and many other eminent contemporary artists. All branches of English sports are portrayed in the illustrations ; also some portraits, race courses, maps, &c. Very rare in any condition. AppERLEY (C. J.) (Nimrop.) The Life of John Mytton, Esqg., with his Hunting, Racing, Shooting, Driving and Ex- travagant Exploits, by Nimrod. With numerous colored wWlus- trations by Hlenry Alken and T, J. Rawls. r3 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 8vo, half red morocco, paneled gilt back, with emblematic sporting tooling on the back, the original red cloth covers, bound in as donblures. London, Routledge, n. d. (1888). AUDUBON’S BIRDS. AvubusBoN, JOHN James. The Birds of America, from Drawings made in the United States and their Territories. With 500 superb plates drawn and colored from nature. 7 vols. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. New York: Pub- lished by V. G. Audubon, 1856. Lhe work is slightly foxed in some few places throughout. The second octavo edition of this valuable work. AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES, and the Rev. John Bachman. The Quadrupeds of North America. With 155 superd plates drawn and colored from nature. _3 vols. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. New York. Pub- lished by V. G. Audubon, 1856. The above works are bound uniformly ; like the first the latter is slightly foxed in some places. AvupbuBon, J. J. The Birds of North America. A series of 76 of the large chromolithographic plates (some double) by Julius Bien. Hlephant folio, loose, in portfolio. These are a portion of the plates to illustrate Lockwood's elephant folto edition of Audubon’s Work and taken from the plates in his own original edition. AUDUBON AND BACHMAN’S QUADRUPEDS. AUDUBON, JOHN James, and Bachman, Rev. John. Quad- rupeds of North America. //ustrated with one hundred and fifty-five plates, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. 3 vols. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter morocco, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. New York: Published by V. G. Audubon, 1856 Fine copy. Aytoun, WILLIAM Epmonstone. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers and other Poems, wth dlustrations by Joseph Noel Paton and Walter H. Paton. 4to, full morocco, gilt, beveled boards, gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1863 Bairy, J. T. Herbert. Napoleon. /dlustrated with prints Jrom contemporary and other portraits. 4to cloth. London, 1908 BarHam, Rev. Mr. The Ingoldsby Legends, Mirth and Marvel, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. Jdlustrated with full page etchings by Geo. Cruikshank and Jno, Leech. 20 21 22 23 24 4 3vols. 8vo, full polished red calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Root. London: Richard Bentley, 1840-47 A fine copy of the rare First Edition. The binding slightly damaged on volume three. BARTLETT’S TOURS. BarTLetr, > W.-H. Tours of, Viz; ine oe eae Fathers ; or, the Founders of New England, London, 1853. Forty Days in the Desert on the Tract of the Israelites, London, n.d. The Nile Boat; or, Glimpses of the Land of Egypt, London, 1852. ‘Gleanings, Pictorial and Anti- quarian, on the Overland Route, London, 1851. Walks About the City and Environs of Jerusalem, London, n. d. Jerusalem Revisited, London, 1855. And Pictures from Society, London, 1853. Al beautifully wlustrated with steel engravings. 7 vols. Royal 8vo, three-quarter brown crushed levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. __. London, v. d. A fine set. All with the original covers bound tn. Bajor, Epouarp. Du Choix et de la Disposition des Ameublements de Style Etude des Meubles au Point de vue de leur Destination variée depuis les Salles d’apparat jusqu’a petits Appartements dans Lesquels se Traduisent toutes les Exigences de la Vie private. Deux Cent Vingt Documents, dessins de Ch. Kreutzberger d’apres les recon- stitutions d’art anciens relevées par. A series of sixty plates. Royal 8vo, unbound. Paris, n. d. BARKER’S ART OF ANGLING. Wherein are discovered many rare Secrets very necessary to be known by all that delight in that Recreation. 8vo, half calf. London, 1817 Reprinted from the edition of 1653. BERANGER, OEUVRES DE. Musique des Chausons, Airs Notes Anciens et Modernes, Ma Biographie Ecrite pars Beranger, et Correspondance de Beranger, Recueillie par Paul Boiteau. Zhe whole wdlustrated with numerous fine steel engravings and wood cuts. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. Paris, 1865 Betrerton, Tuomas. The History of the English Stage. Including the Lives, Characters and Amours of the most eminent Actors and Actresses. With Instructions for Public Speaking. 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1814 25 226 27 5 Bewick. Select Fables, with cuts, designed and engraved by Thomas and John Bewick, and others, previous to the year 1784, together with a Memoir, and a descriptive cata- logue of the work of Messrs. Bewick. 8vo, full mottled calf, gilt, speckled edges. Newcastle, 1820 The Best Edition. Berwick, THomas. A General History of Quadrupeds. The Figures Engraved on Wood by Thos. Bewick. Azghih Edition. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1824. A History of British Birds, (Land and Water), with numerous wood cuts by Thos. Bewick. 2 vols. Newcastle, 1826. Together 3 vols. 8vo, full green mottled calf, blind tooled, eanary edges, by Root. Newcastle, 1824-26 Brnpinc. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testa- ment and the New. Augraved title. 8vo, full contemporary morocco, elaborately gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Samuel Mearne. London, 1735 A good specimen of binding by Samuel Mearne. UNIQUE COPY OF BLACKSTONE’S COMMENTARIES. 28 29 30 3! BLACKSTONE, WILLIAM. Commentaries on the Laws of England The Third Edition, with fine portrait. 4 vols. 4to, full vellum, gilt, gilt edg es. Oxford : Printed at the Clarendon Press, 1768 The unique feature of this beautifully printed edition of this great legal monument, consists in the binding, which 1s full vellum, gilt, the upper sides of the covers having portraits drawn in sepia of Blackstone, King Alfred and Edward I, and King John signing the Magna Charta, the under covers having similar drawings of St. Jerome in his cell, a Druid at Stonehenge, King Edward’ s Tomb, and the ruins of an Abbey, all in ovals; those in the upper covers with lettering in gilt frames, gilt on blue edges. Branc, M. CuHarves. Les Artistes de Mon Temps. With illustrations from Works of the Great Masters. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1876 Buavatsky, H. P. Isis unveiled A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Point Loma, 1906 Biavatsky, H. P. The Key to Theosophy. Being a Clear Exposition in the Form of Question and Answer of the Ethics, Science and Philosophy for the Study of which 32 33 34 35 36 37 6 the Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical Society has been founded, with a Copious Glossary of General Theo- sophical Terms, Revised and Edited by Katherine Tingley. Square 8vo, cloth. Point Loma, Calif. , 1907 BLONDEL, SPirE. Grammaire de La Curiosite (L’Art Intime et Le Gout En France). With twenty-five tinted and plain plates andnumerous text illustrations by Arents, Bourdin, Humbert, Lenoir, Rouveyre, etc. Folio, half morocco, uncut. Paris, n. d. Boccaccio. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio (Il Boccaccio). Now first completely done into English Prose and Verse by John Payne. J/lustrated with proof etchings by L. Flameng. 3 vols. 8vo, half white cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1886 Flolland Paper Edition, No. 1 52, Of a limited edition printed by private subscription, and for private circulation only. | Boccaccio’s DECAMERON. Boccace le Decameron. TII- lustration de Jacques Wagrez. Traduction et Notes de Francisque Reynard. 3 vols. Royal 4to, three-quarter morocco, top edges gilt, uncut. H. Launette & Cie., Paris, 1890 Large paper copy, with the original ornamental covers bound tn. Tl a été tiveé vingt-cing exemplanis numeratées sur papier du Japan, contenant une double suite de toutes les com- positions tirées a part, en bistre, sans le texte. Chaque exem- plaire est vehaussé d'un délicieux sujet dl aguarelle, & plusieurs personnages, par M. Jacques Wagrez. Boccius, Gotriies. Fish in Rivers and Streams. A Treatise on the Production and Management of Fish in Fresh Water by Artificial Spawning, Breeding, &c. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1848 BONNAFFE, Epmonp. Physiologie du Curieux. 8vo, three-quarter morocco, top edges gilt, uncut. A Paris: Chez Jules Martin, 1881 One of 580 coptes printed. BONNEVILLE, PIERRE-FREDERIC. Traite des Monnaies d’or et d’Argent, qui circulent chez les difféierens Peuples ; Examinée sous les Rapports du Poids, du Titre et de la Valeur réelle, avec leurs diverses empreintes. //ustrated with numerous plates. Folio, sheep. Paris, 1806 38 39 40 Al 42 43 7 One of the most important works on the coinage of France, Spain, Holland, Germany, Rome, Persia, Turkey, &e. Bonstetren (W. & A.) Deux Visites a Nicolas de Flue, traduites par Edouard Fick. Woodcut border and initials. Small 4to, crushed levant, gilt edges, by Petit. Geneva, 1864 Book oF Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Parts of Divine Service. For the Use of the Church of Scotland. 8vo, old calf. Edinburgh, 1712 Reprinted from the edition of 1637. Book oF Hours. Beautifully printed on one hundred and sixty-four pages of Vellum, with engraved border on every page; each border embracing engravings of illus- trating the life of Christ and the Apostles, The Dance of Death, &c., two large exquisitely painted Miniatures in gold. and colors, representing the Baptism of St. John and The Crucifixion, and thirty-nine small miniatures in gold and colors, illustrating the Passion of Christ, the Life of the Blessed Virgin, &c., and with hundreds of small illuminated capital letters throughout the text. Small folio, full calf, elaborated tooling in gold on back and sides, by Geoffrey Tory. Thielman Heurer, Paris, 1504 This beautiful Book of Hours and choice spectmens of early printing, unfortunately lacks the larst page and the last page of the calendar. BourRIENNE, M. De. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, by M. De Bourrienne, his Private Secretary, to which are now first added An Account of the Important Events of the Hundred Days, of Napoleon’s Surrender to the English, and of His Residence and Death at St. Helena, with Anec- dotes and Illustrated Notes from all the most authentic sources. Musmerons Portraits. A4vols. 8vo, full calf, gilt, mottlededges. Robt. Bentley, London, 1836 Best Edition. (Bowen, A.) The Naval Monument, containing Official and other Accounts of all the Battles Fought between the Navies of the United States and Great Britain during the late War, and an Account of the War with Algiers, wth twenty-five engravings of Naval Battles. : 8vo, sheep. — Name on title. Scarce. Boston, 1816 Bowers, G. Centers in Crampshire, Gallops from Gorse- 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 8 borough, Scrambles with Scratch Packs and Studies with Staghounds. Oblong 4to, picture boards. London, n. d. Scarce. BowLkER, CHARLES. The Art of Angling; or, Compleat Fly-Fisher, describing the Different Kinds of Fish, their Haunts, Places of Feeding, &c. | I2mo, unbound. Birmingham, 1788 Bowers, G. Hunting in Hard Times. Twelve sheets of humorous colored etchings. oblong 4to, pictorial cloth. London, n. d, BRIDGEWATER TREATISES, viz.: Chalmers’ Moral Consti- tution of Man, Kidd’s Physical Condition of Man, Whe- well’s Astronomy and General Physics, Bell on the Hand, Roget’s Animal and Vegetable Physiology, Buckland’s Geology and Mineralogy, Kirby’s Instincts of Animals, Prout’s Chemistry, Mineralogy, &c., and Babbage’s Frag- ments. 13 vols. 8vo, full calf, gilt, marbled edges. Pickering, London, 1834-37 BRocKEDOoN, Wm. Italy. Classical, Historical and Pic- turesque. J/iustrated and déscribed by numerous stecl en- LrAVINES. Folio, three-quarter morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. London, n. d. Brown, Joun J. The American Angler’s Guide; or, Complete Fisher’s Manual, for the United States. Wath nuimcrous engravings surrounding text. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1876 Browne, Hasror K. A Paper:—Of Tobacco; Treating of the Rise, Progress, Pleasures and Advantages of Smoking, with Anecdotes of Distinguished Smokers, Mems. on Pipes and ‘Tobacco-Boxes, and a Critical Essay on Snuff, by Joseph Fume (W. A. Chatto). MWustrated with full page etchings and wood-cuts by Phiz. 16mo, half morocco. London, 1839 Presentation copy from the publisher of the rare First Edj- tion, with the original picture covers bound 2m. Browne, Hasitor K. Justrations of the Five Senses, by ff, K. Browne.‘ Phiz.” A series of Jive colored etchings. Oblong 4to, full mottled calf, gilt. London: Published by Grant & Griffith, 1852 first Edition, with original pictorial wrappers bound tn- Very rare in colored state. 9 ‘ 51 Browne, Hastot K. How Pippins Enjoyed a Day with the Fox Hounds. A series of twelve humorous colored plates by Phtz.! Oblong 4to, lettered boards. London (1863) Very scarce. 52 Browne, Hastot K. Sir Guy de Guy. A Stirring Ro- maunt, Showing How a Briton Drilled for his Fatherland, Won an Heiress, Got a Pedigree, and Caught the Rheum- atism, by Rattlebrain. //dustrated by Fhiz. Square 8vo, full purple morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1864 First Edition, with original cover bound tn. 53. Browne, Hazstot K. Life and Labours of Hablot Knight Browne, ‘“ Phiz,’’ by David Croal Thomson, wth one hundred and thirty wlustrations. 4to, full morocco, gilt, dentelle borders, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1884 No. 53 of 250 copies published. Signed with the initials of the author. 54 Browne, Hastot K. Racing and Chasing. The Road, the River, and the Hunt. J//ustrated in fifty drawings by Hablot K. Browne, “ Phiz.’ “Engraved by Grapholytie. Oblong, 4to, picture boards. London, n. d. 55 Browne, Hasror K. Dame Perkins and Her Grey Mare. A series of eight large colored plates by ‘* Phiz.”’ In portfolio. London, n. d. EXTRA ILLUSTRATED. BRYAN’S DICTIONARY OF PAINTERS AND ENGRAVERS. 56 Bryan, MicuakEv. Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, Biographical and Critical, New Edition. Revised and En- larged. Edited by Robert Edmund Graves and Sir Walter Armstrong. 4 vols. Imperial 8vo, full red crushed levant, gilt backs and sides, broad dentelle borders, top edges gilt, by Larkins. London : Geo. Bell & Son, n. d. Extra wlustrated and extended trom 2 into 4 volumes by the insertion of 326 portraits of the most noted painters and engravers, all selected with great care, and neatly inlaid when necessary, and including many of great beauty and more or less rarity, forming an unique and comprehensive guide to the collector. 57 Bussry, GEorcE Morr. History of Napoleon. //us- trated by Horace Vernet. 58 59 60 OI 62 IO 2 vols. Royal 8vo, three-quarter red morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1840 Byron. Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron, from the year 1808 to the end of 1814, exhibiting his early Character and Opinons, detailing the Progress of his Liter- ary Career, and including various Unpublished Passages of his Works, by R. C. Dallas. | 8vo, calf. London, 1824 Byron, Lorp. The Life, Writings, Opinions and Times of the Right Hon. George Gordon Noel Byron, Lord Byron, including in its most extensive Biography, Anecdotes and Memoirs of the Lives of the most eminent and Eccentric, Public and Noble Characters and Courtiers of the present pol- ished and enlightened Age and Court of His Majesty King George the Fourth.. In the course of the Biography is also separately given Copious Recollections. of the lately destroyed MS., originally intended for posthumous publi- cation, and entitled Memoirs of My Own Life and Times by the Right Hon. Lord Byron, by an English Gentleman in the Greek Military Service, and Comrade of His Lord- ship. Portraits, 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1825 fine copy. Very scaree. Byron, Natuan I. Fugitive Pieces and Reminiscences of Lord Byron, containing an entire new edition of the Hebrew Melodies, with the addition of several never before published. The whole illustrated with Critical, Historical, Theatrical, Political and Theological Remarks, Notes, Anec- dotes, Interesting Conversations and Observations, made by that Illustrious Poet, * * * Also, some Original Poetry, Letters and Recollections of Lady Caroline Lamb. 12mo, three-quarter levant, gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1829 First Edition. Scarce. Byron. Finden’s Landscape Illustrations to Mr. Mur- ray’s First Complete and Uniform Edition of the Life and Works of Lord Byron. Ad proofs on India paper. 4to, three-quarter brown morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1832 Large paper copy, bound up from the original numbers. CADELL’S BRITISH GALLERY OF PORTRAITS. CADELL’s BririsH GALLERY OF CONTEMPORARY PoRTRAITS" Being a Series of Engravings of the Most Eminent Persons now living or lately deceased in Great Britain and Ireland, 63 64 65 66 IL from drawings accurately made from life, or from the most approved original pictures, accompanied by short Biographi- cal Notices. AV beauttfully engraved on stipple by the best artists. 2vols. 4to, half morocco. Cadell, London, 1822 Contains the portraits of many of the prominent men con- nected with the history of the American Revolution and War of 1812. Some few plates foxed. CALDECOTT, RanpoLpH. The complete collection of Randolph Caldecott’s contributions to the ‘ Graphic.’’ Printed by Edmund Evans (many in colors) with a Preface by Arthur Locker. Royal 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1888 No, 27 of 1250 copies printed. CAMPBELL, JOHN Lorp. The Lives of the Lord Chan- cellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the earliest times to the Reign of Queen Victoria, &c. 9 vols.. 8vo, half calf, gilt, marbled edges. Jno. Murray, London, 1846-69 CAMPBELL, JOHN Lorp. The Lives of the Chief Justices of England, from the Norman Conquest till the death of Lord Tenterdon. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt, marbled edges. Jno. Murray, London, 1849-56 CARLETON, WILLIAM. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, with an Autobiographical Introduction. ///us- trative notes and graphic wlustrations on wood and steel, by “ Phiz,’ Harvey, MacManus and Franklin. _2vols. 8vo, three-quarter olive crushed levant, gilt, gilt edges. 67. 68 69 Dublin, 1843 first Octavo Edition, scaree. Carus, Dr. Paut. The History of the Devil and the Idea of Evil from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. With numerous wlustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, top edges gilt, uncut. Chicago, I900 CATTERMOLE, Rev. Ricuarp. The Great Civil War of the Times of Charles I and Cromwell, with thirty highly finished engravings from drawings by Geo, Cattermole. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt. London, 1852 Title repaired. CAULFIELD, JAMES. Portraits, Memoirs and Characters, from the Revolution in 1688 to the End of the Reign of George II. Collected from the most Authentic Accounts 70 71 72 13 74 75 76 12 a extant. //ustrated with numerous fine old portraits and tail preces. 4 vols. Royal 4to, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1819 Large paper copy. Very scarce. Century Dicrionary AND CycLopepiA, THe. A Work of Universal Reference in all Departments of Knowledge, with a New Atlas of the World. Prepared under the Superintendence of William Dwight Whitney, 10 vols. And Two Volumes Supplement, including Proper Names. Prepared under the Superintendence of Benjamin E. Smith. I2 vols. Imperial 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1899-1909 Vol. 3 broken. CHAMBERS, Roser. Traditions of Edinburgh. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1825 Name on title. CHAMBER'S Book oF Days. A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with the Calendar, including Anecdotes, Biography and History. Curiosities of Litera- ture and Additions of Human Life and Characters. Lllustrated. | 2 vols. Imperial 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. Edinburgh, 1863 CHAMPsAUR, FELIcIEN. Lulu, Pantomime en un Acte, Preface par Arséne Houssaye. Dessins en couleurs de Jules Chéret. Henry Gerbault, et Louis Morin. Fefth Ldition, with original colored wrappers bound tn. 8vo, half levant, gilt, top edges gilt. Paris, 1888 Cuap-Booxs. True Stories in Easy Verse, by G. T. Johnson. Colored engravings. London, 1831, and Roman History in the Way of Question and Answer. Colored engravings. Wellington, Salop, 1823. Both with original covers bound in. 16mo, full Spanish, calf, gilt. CHARLTON, JOHN. Twelve Packs of Hounds. Being a Collection of Sketches of some of the Hounds and their Masters that I have seen. Oblong 4to, picture boards. London, 1891 Scarce. CHESTER (WaLTER T). Complete Trotting and Pacing Record, containing summaries of all races trotted or paced in the United States or Canada from the earliest dates to 77 78 79 80 81 13 the close of 1883. Compiled by Walter T. Chester. With numerous fine portraits of horses. Royal 8vo, half brown morocco. New York, 1884 CHILD, Francis JAMES. The English and Scottish Popu- lar Ballads. 5 vols. in 10. 4to, three-quarter crimson crushed levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Company, n. d. Large paper copy. No. 758 of one thousand copies printed. Although a thousand copies of this work was printed still there are very few complete copies in existence, as it was pub- lished in parts, at wide intervals, and many of the subscribers, through carelessness, mislaid or lost certain parts, tt was adiscovered after the completion of the work (through inquiries for duplicate parts from subscribers) that the actual number of complete sets had dwindled down to a few hundred. It ts, however, the greatest and most complete work on the subject. Cuitps, C. G. Viewsin Philadelphia and its Environs, from drawings taken in 1827-30. A series of twenty-six steel plates, including title. 4to, half calf, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Philadelphia, n. d. Large paper copy. CipspER, Mr. Cottey. An Apology for the Life of. Written by himself. A new Edition, with Notes and Sup- plement by Robt. W. Lowe, wth twenty-six original mezzo- tint portraits by R. Bb. Parker, and eighteen etchings by Adolphe Lalauze. 2vols. Royal 8vo, three-quarter canary morocco, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. London, 1889 One of 350 copies on deckle edge royal Svo paper, with the portraits in duplicate, one on Japanese paper in brown before letters, and the other on plate paper as India proofs. The copy 1s No. 52. CLARETIE, JULES. Peintres et Sculpteurs Contemporains. Premiere Série Artistes décédés de 1870 a 1880 et Deuxiéme Serie. Artistes vivants en 1881. Fortraits graves par L. Massard. 2 vols. 8vo, paper. Paris, 1882-4 (CLEMENS, SAMUEL L.) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. (Tom Sawyer’s Comrade). By Mark Twain. With one hundred and seventy-four wlustrations. Square 8vo, cloth. : New York, 1885 First edition. — 82 83 84 86 87 88 89 14 CLEMENT, C. E., anno Hurron L. Artists of the Nine- teenth Century and their Works. 2 vols. tr2mo, cloth. Boston, 1880 Cockxton, Henry. The Life and Adventures of Valen- tine Vox. The Ventriloquist, with sixty full page etchings by Onwhyn. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt, edges gilt, in the rough. London : Robert Tyas, 8, Paternoster Row, 1840 Fine copy of the first edition. CoLLection ‘‘ Lorus Ara.’ Bérénice de Judée, Par J. Soldanelle. //ustrations de A. Calbet et L. Marold. 16mo, half levant, gilt top, edges gilt, uncut. Paris, 1898 COLLECTIONS, EpouAaRD GUIDLAUME. L’Aum6ne d’Amour, par Camille Lemonnier. J/dustrations de Marold et Mittis. 16mo, half levant, gilt, top edges gilt, uncut. Paris, 1897 With plates in two states. Cotor Prints. A Picturesque Tour of the English Lakes, containing a Description of the Most Romantic Sce- nery of Cumberland, Westmoreland and Lancashire with Accounts of Antient and Modern Manners and Customs, and Elucidation of the History and Ambiquities of that part of the country. Jdustrated with forty-eight colored views (aqguatints), drawn by Messrs. T. H. Fielding and J. Walton. Ato, half morocco, gilt. Ackermann, London, 1821 Compe, Wm. The Dance of Life; a Poem, by the author of “Doctor Syntax.” J/ustrated with colored engravings by Thomas Rowlandson. 8vo, full polished mottled calf, gilt, dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Tout. London: Published by R. Ackermann, Repository of Arts, ror, Strand, 1817. A beautiful copy of the very rare First Edition. SEE FacsIMILe TITLe. ComBE, Wm. The Tour of Doctor Syntax Through London; or, the Pleasures and Miseries of the Metropolis. A Poem. Numerous full page colored plates in the style of Rowlandson, by Williams. - S8vo, full light calf, gilt, dentelle borders, gilt edges. Lendon: Published by J. Johnston, Cheapside, 1820 Very rare. Title slightly soiled; otherwise a fine copy. Compe, Wm. The Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search of the Picturesque, Consolation, and a Wife. ///ustrated with nu- merous colored plates by Rowlandson. C he of tices exer ae vIlte! MOrUIN pled! 1 fable : F&F. ocliim I milalovem , Cb POR ene ee te ANOCOA 2Grile ne “ff cctos CCtd, GOL AMA Ke jrecle. ; ks “4 ee Denes , wne Ona! Ch Le“, (eg dee oe Voc Cal Vi CopiliiM’, WMhttts ale pn orale 7 SHAM AAA nofier se cotite: : Mgr id Hs COROPCE,. FD te on Airs. LUFC. Facsimile Title of Lot 8&7. ’ - me 7° t E ~ . 4 6 os c ; . oe o aw PTET eens eee etter tn yo Se Pan SC Published for sgewnda et uti]. & %, seas LONDON, ) Dronted “ FOr ZEOWAS 2 Ors Wie weg “ilaibe Flelé i620 i ay SR Tce BA PIES seen: eee Facsimile Title of Lot 96. gO gli 92 95 04 95 — 96 15 3 vols. 8vo, full straight grained morocco, gilt, gilt edges. R. Ackermann, London, v. d. Vol. x ts the 8th, Vol. 2 the. third, and Vol. 3 the first edition. ComBr, Wm. The Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search of the Picturesque, Consolation, and a Wife. A Poem. WNzu- merous colored plates by Rowlandson. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. Nattali & Bond, London, n. d. Cook, CLARENCE. The House Beautiful. Essays on Beds and Tables, Stools and Candlesticks. /ustrated. Square 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1878 (Cooper, J. FENIMORE). Notions of the Americans, Picked up by a Traveling Bachelor. 2 vols. 12mo, full red morocco, gilt. Philadelphia, 1836 Corot AND His Works, by Maurice Hamel. J//ustrated by one hundred reproductions from his principal paintings, neally mounted on heavy paper. 2vols. 4to, half morocco, uncut. . Glasgow, 1905 No. 200 of only 200 copies in English. (Cox, Nicnoras). The Gentleman’s Recreation, in Four Parts, viz.: Hunting, Hawking, Fowling and Fishing. Lllustrated with copper plates. 8vo, contemporary calf. London, 1677 SYNTAX’S NAPOLEON. CRUIKSHANK (ComBE Wiu1AM). The Life of Napoleon. A Hudibrastic Poem, by Doctor Syntax. Ambellished with thirty engravings by G. Cruikshank. (Printed in colors). 8vo, full maroon crushed levant, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, broad dentelle borders, top edges gilt, by Root. London: Printed for T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside; Wm. Allason, 31, New Bond Street, and J. Dick, Edinburgh, 1815. First Edition, a good tall copy with bright impressions of the thirty plates by Cruikshank. Very rare. The frontis- plece, title and first three leaves have a water stain on the upper right-hand corner.. SEE FAcsIMILe TITLE. CRUIKSHANK. Lessons in Thrift. Published for General Benefit, by a Member of the Save All Club. J/lustrated with twelve full page colored etchings by J. R. Cruikshank, and colored engraved tile. 8vo, full light calf, gilt edges in the rough. London: Printed for Thomas Boys, 7, Ludgate Hill, 1820 lirst Edition and a fine copy of this excessively rare book. SEE FaAcsIMILE TITLE. | 97 98 99 16 EGAN’S LIFE IN LONDON. CRUIKSHANK. Life in London; or, The Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorne, Esq., and his Elegant Friend Corinthian ‘Tom, accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonion, in their Rambles and Sprees through the Metropolis, by Pierce Egan. Lmbellished with thirty-six scenes from Real Life. (Printed in colors). Designed and etched by J. R. & G. Cruikshank, and enriched also with numerous original de- signs on wood, by the same artist. 8vo, full polished light calf, gilt back and sides, dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Root. London: Printed for Sherwood, Jones and Co., Paternostsr Row, 1823. A choise copy of the rare first edition, with the folding plate of music, “A Nightin London,” which is often miss- TT | SEE FAcsIMILE TITLE. CRUIKSHANK. Points of Humour. J/lustrated by the designs of George Cruikshank. Both parts, London, 1823— 4. And Points of Misery; or, Fables for Mankind. Prose and Verse. Chiefly original, by Chas. Westmacott. //- lustrated with twenty designs by Robert Cruikshank, London, 1823. Bound together. 8vo, half calf. Both first editions, somewhat foxed. Rare. This copy of “ Points of Humor’ ts before Point 2 was altered, and is ex- tremely rare. These impressions are before the India proofs or colored copies. A few India proofs are with the plate un- altered, and so are colored copies, but they are most rare. Very few copies were printed. The book ran in three editiens tn IS 23. THE ENGLISH SPY. CRUIKSHANK. The English Spy. An Original Work, Characteristic, Satirical, and Humorous, comprising Scenes and Sketches in every Rank of Society, being Portraits of the Illustrious, Eminent, Eccentric, and Notorious. Drawn from the life by Bernard Blackmantle. Zhe cl/ustrations designed by Robert Cruikshank. 2 vols. $8vo, full red crossed grained morocco, gilt backs and sides. broad dentelle borders, edges gilt in the rough, by Riviere. London: Published by Sherwood, Jones & Co., Paternoster Row, 1825-6 A fine copy of the very rare first edition, with the numerous full page colored etchings by Cruikshank. SEE FACSIMILE TITLE. Mite viv DAY AND NICHT SCENES OF JERRY HAWTHORN, ESQ. AND HIS ELEGANT FRIEND CORINTHIAN TOM, ACCOMPANIED BY BOB LOGIC, THE OXONIAN, IN THEIR Bambles and Sprees through the seletropolis.. BY PIERCE EGAN, Author of Walks through Bath, Sporting Anecdotes, Picture of the Fancy, Roriana, $ee. DEDICATED TO HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY KING GEORGE THE FOURTH. EMBELLISHED WITH THIRTY-SIX SCENES FROM REAL LIFE, DESIGNED AND ETCHED BY I. R. & G. CRUIKSHANK; And enriched also with numerous original Designs on Wood, by the same Artists. HONDO : PRINTED FOR SHERWOOD, JONES, AND CO. PATERNOSTER-ROW. 18233. Facsimile of Title, Lot 97 ENGLISH SPY: An Original Cork, CHARACTERISTIC, SATIRICAL, AND HUMOROUS. ” COMPRISING SCENES AND SKETCHES IN BEVERY RANK OF SOCIETY, BEING PORTRAITS OF THE Uilustrious, Eminent, Eccentric, and Notorious. DRAWN FROM THE LIFE BY BERNARD BLACKMANTLE. THE ILLUSTRATIONS DESIGNED BY ROBERT CRUIKSHANK. Old Father. Time is borne away. LONDON : PUBLISHED BY SHERWOOD, JONES, AND CO. PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1825. Facsimile of Title, Lot 99 100 Io! 102 103 104 105 21 CruiksHank. Greenwich Hospital. A Series of Naval Sketches, descriptive of the Life of a Man-of-War’s Man, by an Old Sailor. With twelve full page etchings, by George Cruikshank. 4to, half blue morocco, gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1826 Fine copy, with two sets of plates, one colored and the other India proofs. Very rare. . CRUIKSHANK. Phrenological Illustrations; or, an Artist’s View of the Craniological System of Doctors Gall and Spurzheim, by George Cruikshank. A series of six sheets of colored etchings. Oblong 4to, three-quarter morocco, uncut. London: Published by George Cruikshank. Myddleton Terrace, Pentonville, &c., 1827 Fine copy of the very rare First Edition, with the original picture wrappers bound tn. - CRUIKSHANK. Illustrations of Time, by George Cruik- shank. Both the colored and plain copy bound in one volume, each consisting of seven sheets of etchings, including the tile. Oblong 4to, half roan. London: Published May rst, 1827, by the Artist, 22 Myddleton Terrace, Pentonville. Sold by Js. Robins & Co., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row. A fine copy of the First Issue of both the colored and plam editions. CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE. The Greeks: Being the Jeremiad of an exiled Greek ; a Poem, and Dedicated toall the Legs! With six colored plates by George Crutkshank. 12mo, full light polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Reviere. London, Stockdale, 1817 The book is marked Fourth Edition, but it ts the first with plates, by George Cruikshank, which is the edition sought for by collectors. Rare. CRUIKSHANK, George. John Manesty or The Liverpool Merchant, by the Late William Maginn, LL.D., wath four etchings by George Cruikshank. 2 vols. 12m0, full light calf, gilt back, top edges gilt. London, John Mortimer, 1844 First Edition. CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE. Scenes from the Life of Edward Lascelles, Gent. With an etched vignette title and frontispiece by George Cruikshank to each volume. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, sprinkled edges. Dublin, William Curry, 1837 First Edition. 106 107 108 109 I1l2 a CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE. Gore, (Mrs. C. F.). Modern Chivalry or A New Orlando Furioso. Four etchings and two woodcuts by George Cruikshank. 2 vols. Small 8vo, original boards, with the paper labels preserved, uncut edges, with blue cloth wrapper, in blue cloth and levant slip case. London, Mortimer, 1843 first Edition. Fine copy. Rare in original state. CRUIKSHANK. The Diverting History of John Gilpin ; showing how he went further than he intended and came safe home again, with six illustrations by George Crutk- shank. Engraved on wood by Thompson, Branston, Wright, Slader and White. Square 16mo, full red calf, gilt, top edges gilt. London, Charles Tiet, 86, Fleet Street, 1828 fine copy of the first Editien. CRUIKSHANK. Scraps and Sketches by George Cruik- shank.