CYLS900, Sale No. 562. 267. FIFTH AVENUE AUCTION ROOMS, 238 FIFTH AVENUE. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF OIL PAINTINGS BY ORDER OF Mr. Tuomas B. Donatpson, OF PHILADELPHIA, EXECUTOR, WITH ADDITIONS. Tuurspay anp Fripay Evenincs, FEB, 8th and gth, 1900, at 8 O'CLOCK. A eo Sra l{ LIBRARY NO. M. KNOEDLER & CO a a7 556-8 FIFTH AVE. AGC. NEW YORK CATALOGUE —OF AN— EXECU FOR S SALE BY ORDER OF Mr. Tuos. B. Dona.pson, OF PHILADELPHIA. EXECUTOR; OF AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF OL PAINTINGS By Celebrated European and American Masters, INCLUDING Authentic Examples by Meissonier, Troyon, Diaz and others, WITH ADDITIONS FROM PRIVATE FAMILIES, OF KSPECIALLY SELECTED WORKS By Distinguished American and Foreign Artists. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION THE FIFTH AVE. AUCTION ROOMS 238 FIFTH AVENUE, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, FEBRUARY 8tn and gth. rgco, at EIGHT o’clock, WM. B. NORMAN, Auctioneer SPECI AI NO LICE THE MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC SALES OF IMPORTANT ART COLLECTIONS ee Oe ee THE Firrh AVENUE AUCTION Rooms begs re- spectfully to announce that it is prepared to undertake the management of the Exhibition and Sale of Collections of Paintings and other Art _ property of special importance. Mr. Norman’s experience in such matters, and the central location of the Fifth Avenue Auction Roonis, is a sufficient guarantee that all business entrusted to it will be carried through with en-: tire satisfaction. tle em et ee me oO or 6. pee S29 CONDITIONS OF SALE. If there should be a dispute in regard to the bid between two or more buyers the article shall be at once put up and re sold. Purchasers to give their names and places of residence and to pay a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent. of the purchase money—or the whole of the purchase money if required—in default of which the lot or lots so pur- chased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Bills payable in cash before delivery. Bills must be sent for delivery of goods. Goods to be removed at the expense and risk of the pur- chaser, on the morning following each day’s sale, be- tween nine and twelve o’clock, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid. Goids not removed on the morning following each day’s sale between nine and twelve o’clock remain at the sole risk of the purchaser. No claims allowed after the removal of goods, Articles are exposed for examination and are sold without guaranty of any kind. No goods delivered during the sale. Our record of sales in all cases final. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attend- ing the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auc- tioneer to enforce the .contract made at.this sale with- out such re-sale if he thinks fit. WM. B. NORMAN, Auctioneer CATALOGUE. FIRST EVENING’S SALE. THURSDAY, FEB. 8th, at EIGHT O’CLOCK. A Deposit of Twenty-five per Cent. on the amount purchased will be required. NOTICE—TERMS OF SALE CASH. GYSELINOK, J. Europe Winding the Yarn. GYSELINCK, J. Europe The Young Violinist. DOLL, H. Europe Winter Landscape. BATES, Dewey America Still bite; 5 NICHOLSON, G. W. America On the Mountain Side. IGN NICHOLSON, G. W. America The Approaching Storm. tL ca) 7 WAN SEVERDONCOK, F. and Eur MOREL, J. E. ps Sheep and Landscape. 8 VAN SEVERDONCK, F. and make MOREL, J. E. ese eS Sheep and Landscape. tUYTER, J A 4iXts Ue 2) , G. Europe I a Nal aN FEM TAT A = ages 2 KING, G. W AMEeYICe utumn sunset 12 (\¢ - RIGON, A Europe Lands« ape tS DE BEUL, Henri Gathered Home. 14 WALL, L. The Cascade. 15 MORGAN, M. In the Channel. ee 16 Hunting Scene. Europe Europe Europe ..:, Europe V7 SGHIFF, Robert | Kurope Born. in Vienna, 1862. Officer of the Art Society at Vienna and Munich. Leader of the Impressionists in Austria. His Pastels are in great demand and have received medals at all the European Art Exhibits, Study of a Head. Pastel. SCHIFF, Robert Europe: La Cigarette. 19 REINFUSS, Ladislaus Europe Born in Budapesth, 1868. Celebrated Animal Painter Officer of the Budapesth Academy, ees Halali: 20 “MoILLHENNY, C. Morgan America On the Sea Shore. 21 McILLHENNY, C. Morgaii America Winter Sunset. 22 DIAZ, De La Pena Narcisse Virgile, deceased Europe ' Paris medals, 1844-46-48. ‘Legion of Honor, 18:1. Diplomas to the members of “Deceased Artists:” Universelle Exposition, 1878, Landscape. 23 . ROUSSEAU, J., deceased _., Kurope Born in Paris, 1812. First exhibited at Salon, 1834. Medals, 1834, 1848, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1852. One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor, Exposition Univer- selle, Paris, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists. Sunset. 24 DETAILLE, Edouard Jean Baptiste, Europe Born at Paris. 1848. Pupil of Meissonier. Medals 1869, 1870, and 1472. Cross of the Legion of Honor 1873. Officer of the Legion cf Honor 1881. Hors Concours. The Wounded Comrade. 25 *PERBOYRE,:Paul Emile Leon _ Europe Pupil of Bonnat Tony Robert Fleury” and Domingo, > _Freld Manoeuvres. ‘SMITH, Henry P. Ameriea New England Homestead. 27 ROSIER, Ac Eu rope Medals, Paris, 1876 and 1889, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists. Scene in Venice. 28 LAVIEILLE, M. Adrien Eurepe Teasing. 29 BONNINGTON, Ried. Parker, dec’d,; Europe * Bora. 1801, died.1824. Pupil of Gros. Gold” medal 1824 English Landscape. 30 _ WEIR, John F. America: Roses. 31 ALLSTON, Washington America Born 1779. Died 1843. Entered the Schools of the Royal Academy in London, ““The Dead Man Revived” gained a prize of two hundred guineas from the British Insti- tute, and was purchased by the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts. Danae and Gold Shower. Study for a large picture painted for the Duke of Leeds. 32 BIERSTADT, Albert (N. A.) America Born in Dusseldorf, 1829. Landscape painter. Brought by his parents in 1831 to New Bedford, Mass. In 1853. Dus-- ; seldorf; studied four years there and in Rome. Elected N. A. in 1860. Medals in Austria, Germany, Bavaria and -Belgium... Legion of Honor, 1867. Order of St Stanislaus, 1869. Second Class, 1872. Landseape-in the Connecticut Valley. 33 “SGHLIMARSKY, Hans Heinrich Europe \ 3orn in Krakau, 1853. Member of the i Artists’ Association in Vienna and Krakau. Pupil of Hans Makart, rioted for his fine col- oring. yest, 1868. Celebrated animal jainter. Officer of the Budapest Academy. America CRANE, Bruce Born in New York, 1857. Pupil of Wyant. Studied abroad, 1878 and 1882. Member of Society of American Artists, Sunlight and Shadows. SCOTT, Julian (A. N. A.) America Born in Vermont. During the Civil War he was attached to a Vermont regiment, where his rough charcoal sketches of War scenes attracted the attention of Art lovers in the Army. He opened a studio in New York at the close of the war, and began to exhibit at the National Academy. Elected A.N. A. in 1871. 4 Soldiers on the March. 38 TROYON, Constantine, deceased Europe Born at Sevres, 1810. His parents wished him to be a painter of ‘| porcelains, but after a time spent in the manu- factory at Sevres, he studied under Riocreux, and became a painter of landscapes and ani- mals. Medals, Paris, 1838, 1840, 1846, 1848 1855. Legion of Honor, 1849. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Died, 1865. Diploma to the memory of deceased Artists (Exposition Universelle). 1878. Horses in the Field. 39 PHILLIP, Jolin (BR. A.) Europe ) Born in Scotland. (1817-1867). Entered i School of Royal Academy in London, 1837, i remaining two years. Between 1839 and 1841 if painted portraits in Scotland, when he settled in London, exhibiting his first picture in the i Royal Academy in 1847, Bonnie Bess. 40 PEALE, Titian R. Europe Madonna and Child. From the Joseph Bonaparte Collection at Bordentown, N J. Once the property of Cardinal Fesch, DPA AS 2) —be ls Europe Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic of Spain, and of the Order of Charles III. of Spain, and of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. Officer of the Order of the Cou- ronne de Chene, Holland. Officer of the Order of the Merit of St. Michael, Bavaria. Officer of the Couronne d'Italia. Chevalier ef Francis Joseph of Ausrria. Chevalier of the Couronne de Prusse. Member of the Academy of St. Ferdinand of Spain. Mem- ber of the Royal Academies of Amsterdam, Antwerp and Rotterdam. Landscape and Cattle. CAP, Constant Europe Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium. The Dancing Lesson. 43 “LESUR, Victoria Henri Europe Medals: Paris 1887, Bourse de Voyage 1837; Bronze Medal, 1889, Exposition Uni- verselle. Hors Concours. Flirtation. 44 PARTON, Arthur (N. A.) America Awarded a Gold Medal at the Third Prize Fund Exhibition, American Art Galleries, New York, 1888, and the Temple Silver Medal at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1889. Exhibited at the Exhibition Uni- verselle, Paris, 1389. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1889. Am Old-Orchard: 45 MIEREVELT, Jean Europe 1567-1641. Portrait of a Dutch Lady. 46 VAN DER HELST, Barthelemy Europe: Died 1670. Henrietta of England. Daughter Charles 1. 47 SCHLIMARSKY, Hans Heinrich Europe Born in Krakau, 1853. Member of the Artists Association in Vienna and Krakau. Pupil of Hans Makart, noted for his fine coloring, Modern Honeymoon. Awarded first prize at the Bremen Art Ex- hibition in 1897. 48 SCHLIMARSKY, Hans Heinrich Europe Born in Krakau, 1853- Member of the Artists Association in Vienna and Krakau. Pupil of Hans Makart, noted for his fine coloring. Cupid and Bird’s Nest. 49 JACQUE, Charles Emile Europe First Presideut of the French Society of the Animal Painters. For designs — Medals: 1851, 1861 and 1863. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Medal. 1867, Exposition Uni- verselle. For paintings—Medals: 1861, 1863 and 1864. Cross of the Legion of Honer, 1867. Hors Concours, Sheep Going to Pasture. 50 BEAUQUENSE. Wilfrid-Constant Europe At Wagram. When Napoleon sent word to General Da- voust if he could maintain his position for ‘two hours. the General sent back this answer: “JT will maintain i. = hours, 10 hours, 24 hours for the welfare of the Army.” 51 ~PORTIELJE, Gerard Europe Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium. The Belated Guest. Pe) 52 GILBERT, Victor G. Kurope Medals: Paris, 1880 and 1889. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1897. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists, The Heart ot Paris: a3 DULUARD, H; F. T, Europe Before the Duel. SONNTAG, W. L. America Born in. Western Pennsylvania, 1822. Died, January 22, 1900. Member of the Artists Fund Society. Elected a full member of the Academy of Design. As an artist, he was entirely self taught. Mountain Lake. De) TAMBURINI, A. Europe Medal, Academy of Fine Arts, Florence, 1870. Medal at Boulonge, 1879. A Good Catch. 56 SCHIFF, Robert Europe Born in Vienna, 1862. Officer of the Art Socigty at Vienna and Munich. Leader of the Impressionists in Austria, His pastels. are.i great demand, and have received medals at all the European art exhibits. La Bagneuse. 57 DuWINT. Peter * Europe Born 1784, died 1849. Landseape painter. Pupil of J: R. Smith, Painted chiefly. views in East and North England. In Hertfordshire. 58 INDUNO, G. Europe Painter to the King of Italy. A Stage Coach Accident. This picture is decorated with the insignia of the Royal House of Italy and was pre- sented to Sefer Pasha, Minister Plenipoten- tiary to Italy, by his Majesty, King Humbert. From the collection of Sefer Pasha, deceased. oo BRUNIN, Leon awe Hurope Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium. Medal, Paris, 1892, Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. Chevalier of the Order © of Isabella la Catolica, 60 PORTIELJE, Edward Europe Gold Medals: Antwerp, 1888; Brussels. 18,0; Amsterdam, 1891. Memter of the Royal Academy of Beiginm. Eishereirls Card Party. oO ) 01 WASHINGTON, George Europe Born at Marseilles. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1876. Med 1, Second Class, 1886. Hors Concours. Scene in Algiers. 62 BALLAVOINE, J. T. Europe Medal. Paris, 1880. Member: of the Society of French Artists. Love's Whisperings. 63 THORNLEY Europe Paris Salon. 1897, 1898. View near Amsterdam. 64 RICHET, Leon Enrope Pupil of Diaz. Paris Salon. Medal, 1888. Landscape. 65 DELPY, C. H. Europe Pupil of Corot and Daubigny. Medals, Paris Salon, 1884, 1889. Landscape. 66 MARINITSCH, de (Christian) Europe Pupil of J. Lefebvre., Bouguereau a T. Fleury, Mention Hororable, Paris, 1897. Spring. DESGOFFE, Jules A. S. HKurope Honorable Mention, Paris 1888, E.U. Mem- ber of the Society of French Artists. Awaiting an Audience. 68 MORAN, Edward America Outward Bound. 69 SCHENCK, Agnste Fredrick Albert, Kurope Medals: Paris Salon, 1865. Legion of Honor, 1888. Cavalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. Cavalier of the Order of Isabella La Catolica, Medal: Centennial Exhibition, 1376. . Sheep in Snowstorm. 70 WEISZ, Adolphe Europe Medals: Paris, 1875 and 1885. Hors Con- cours. Member of the Society of French Artists. The Little Fruit Seller. 71 HUGUET, Victor Pierre Europe Medals: Paris, 1873 and 1882, Member of the Society of French Artists. _ Hors Concours, Fording a Stream, Algiers. 72 KRUSEMAN, Adam J. Europe Pupil of his father, Cornelis Kruseman. Winter in Holland: a ns SS > a SRO 73 MORTELMAN, F. Europe Roses. 74 DE HAAS, Wm. F. America Near Grace Harbor. 75 GYSELINCK, J. Europe Happy Hours. 76 UNKNOWN Herat. 77 UNKNOWN Prue. 78 UNKNOWN Old Woman and Spinning Wheel. 79 BRUGNER, C. . Europe: Swiss Landscape. So LINDUOLM, B. America Rocky Shore. Water Color. Chocorua, N. H. ae — EE SECOND EVENING’S SALE. FRIDAY, FEB. oth, AT EIGHT O’CLOCK. A Deposit of Twenty-five per Cent. on the amount purchased will be required. NOTICE—TERMS OF SALE CASH. 82 KILBOURNE, 8. A. America The Mill Stream. Water Color. 53 ROTHERMEL, Pook: Europe Charles Vv. Aird fitian. 84 WEBER, C. P. America Along the Beach. Ss ANKARCRONA, Heinric Europe Crossing the Desert. 86 HOLLOWAY America Landscape. 87 REINFUSS, Ladislans Europe Born in Budapest, 1868. Celebrated ani- mal painter, Officer of the Budapest Acad- emy. Summer Day. JOHNSON, David (N. A.) 88 REINFUSS, Ladislans 7 Europe Picking Flowers. 8a ICAL TOA. F- Ameriea Quail Hunt. go JOHNSON, David (N. A.) America Born in New York, 1827. Elected member of the National Academy 1862. Meda's, Philadelphia, 1876. One of the Founders of the Artist’s Fund Society. Mallett’s Bay, Lake Champlain. gt America Mountain Landscape. g2 MORAN, Edward America Studying Nature. 93 TREGO. Wm. T. America Born 1815. Figure painter. Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy, where he was awarded the first Charles Toppan prize in 1882, and the Temple Silver Medal in 1833. Artillery Going into Action. 94 BIERSTADT, Albert (N. A.) America Born in Dusseldorf, 1829. Landscape painter. Brought by his parents in 1831 to New Bedford, Mass. In 1851 went to Dussel- dorf; studied four years there and in Rome. Elected N. A. in 1860. Medals in Austria, Germany, Bavaria and Belgium. Legion of Honor, 1867. Order of St. Stanislaus, 1869. Second Class, 1872. Windsor Castle by Moolight. DS DETAILLE, Edouard Jean Baptiste, Europe Born at Paris, 1848. Pupil of Meissonier: Medals, 1869. 1870 and 1872. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Hors Concours. The Sentry. 96 ‘“GUDIN, Jean Antorine Theodore Europe Born at Paris, 1802. Commander of the Legion of Honor, Pupil of Girodet-Trioson. Coast Scene. 97 SHAW, Joshua America Coast Scene. From the World’s Fair Loan Collection. 98 ANKARACRONA, Heinric Kurope The Oasis. 99 MORAN, Peter America At the Drinking Place. TOO SCHIFF, Robert Europe Born in Vienna, 1862. Officer of the Art Society at Vienna and Munich. Leader of the Impressionists in Austria. His pastels are in great demand, and have received medals at all the European art exhibits. Sweet Dreams. 101 SCHIFF, Robert Enrope A-Cup of Tea. ' i i im : i | | aaa 102 REINFUSS, Ladislans Europe Born in Budapesth, 1868. Celebrated Animal Painter Officer of the Budapesth Academy, Horse Market. 103 PERBOYRE, Paul Emile Leon Europe Pupil of Bonnat, Tony Robert Fleury and Domingo. Hussars : Fifth Regiment of First Empire. 104 CAILLE, Leon Europe Member of the Society of French Artists. Rustic Ihterior. 2 SMITH, Henry P. America a Venice. /\ } 106 VAN SEVERDONCK,F.and |p - | RUYTER, J. I U Sheep and Landscape. 107 TAMBURINI, A. Europe | Pupil of Ciceri. Medal: Academy of | Fine Arts. Florence, 1879. Medal at | Bolougne, 1879. A Close Shave. 108 a LOSIERSE, J. Kurope Inathe Kitchen: Candlelight Effect. TROYON, Constantine, deceased MEISSONIER. Jean Louis Ernest 109 Born at Sevres, 1810. His parents wished him to be a painter of porcelains but after a time spent in the manufaetory at Sevres. he studied under Riocreux. and became a painter of landscapes and animals. Medals: Paris 1838. 1840, 1846 1848, 1855. Legion of Honor. 1849. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Died. 1865 Diploma to the memory of deeeased artists (Exposition Uni- verselle), 1878. Cattle in the Fields. 110 Born at Lyons, 1813. Pupil of Leon Cog- niet. Medals, 1840 and 1841. Medals of the First Class, 1843 and 1848. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846. Grand Medal of Honor, 1867, Exposiiion Universells. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1856. Member of the Institute of France, 1861. Grand Medal of Honor. 1867. Exposition Universelle. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Grand Medal of Honor, 1878, Expo-ition Universelle. Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. Honorary Member of the R. A. London. Grand Medal of Honor, Universal Exposition at Antwerp, 1885. Cavalier. . Water Color. Endorsed to Mr. Donaldson by Meissonier. Europe Europe Tier FORTUNY, Mariano, deceased cae Born at Reuss, near Barcelona, 1838. Died at Reme, 1874. Pupil of the Barcelona Academy and the Academy of Chigi, at Rome. Ghevalier of the Ordrr of Charles Il]. Prize of Rome from Spain, 1868. Many Decorations from various countries. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Mohammedans. (Pen and Ink.) Belez, SULLY. Thomas, deceased America Born in Lincoinshire, Ei gland, 1783. Died 7933. in Ph ladelphia, 1872. ‘Studi: d with Gilbert Stuart; also with Benjamin West in London. Mother and ‘Child. re NAST Tetaia Tats ccToee| Wiehe SCHIFF. Robert Europe Born in Vienna, 1862. Officer of the Art Society at Vienna ani Munich Leader of the Impressionists in Austria. His Pastels are in great demand and have received medals at all the European Art Exhibits. Nymph. Screen —Carved gilt wood frame. SCHIFF, Robert Europe The Dew. Received Gold Medal at the Jubilee Art Ex- hibit at Vienna, in 1898. I15 SOMMER, Carl Kurope Born in Vienna, 1862. Member of the Artists Society. Celebrated Decorative Artist. TheoR ciused- Kiss. 116 SCHLIMARSKY, Hans Heinrich Europe Born in Krakau, 1853. Member of the Artists’ Association in Vienna and Krakau. Pupil of Hans Makart. Noted for his fine coloring. The Birth of Venus. Screen—Carved Gilt Wocod’Frame. (17 SCHLIMARSKY, Hans Heinrich Europe Born in Krakan in 1853. Member of the Artists’ Association in Vienna and Krakau. Pupil of Hans Makart. Noted for his fine coloring Cupid. 1138 PARTON. Arthur (N. A.) America Awarded a Gold Medal at the Third Prize Fund Exhibition, American Art Galleries. New York, 1888, and the Temple Si'ver Medal at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. 1889. Exhibited at the Exposition Univer- seile, Paris, 1889. Honorable Mention, Paris, 1889. On the Harlem. TI19 RODRIGUEZ, Etchart 8. Europe Ideal Head. 120 VAN ARTROS, Franz Europe ihe-Pet- Kitten. I21 GROLLERON, Paul Europe Honorable Mention, Paris, 1882. Medals, 1886 and 1888. Hors Concours, 1893. A Quiet: Stroll. I22 PORTIELJE, Gerard Europe Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium. Dutch Tavern Scene. 123 SCOTT, Julian (A. N. A.) America Born in Vermont. During the Civil War he was attached to a Vermont regiment, where his rough Charcoal Sketches of War Scenes attracted the attention of Art lovers in the Army. He opened a studio in New York at the close of the War, and began to exhibit at the National Academy. Elected A. N. A. in Teil The Sharpshooters. 124 PRIOU, Louis Europe Born at Toulouse in 1845. Genre, painter. Pupil of Gilbert and Cabanel. Medals, 1869, first-class, 1874. The Coming of Winter. GIRARD, Firmin : Europe 3orn at Poncin in 1838. Geure. painter. Pupil of Gleyre. Medals, third-class, 1863. Second-class, 1874. Springtime. 136 GALOFRE, Baldomero Europe First prize of Rome, 1878. Medals: Venice, 1879. Naples, 1876. View of Capri. “2 KNELLER, Go‘ fried Europe 1646-1722. Chief Justice Russell. 128 BOL, Ferd Europe 1611-1681. Portrait of Burgomaster Agenius. 129 SCHLIMARSKY, Hans Heinrich Europe Born in Krakau, 1853. Member of the Artists’ Association in Vienna and Krakau, Pupil of Hans Makart. Noted for his fine coloring. Cupid on the Bullfinch Hunt. 130 MAKART, Hans Europe Born at Salzburg, May 29, 1840. Died in Vienna, October 3. 1884. History Painter, Pupil in 1858,Vienna Academy, under Ruben. Professor at Vienna Academy from 1879. Honorary Member of Vienna, Berlin and Munich Academies. Gold Medals. Vienna, 1857, 1882, Medal of Honor. Paris, and Legion of Honor, 1878. Officer. 1884. Queen Elizabeth Leaving the VOWEL. Sketch. PAYER, Ernest Europe | Born in Salzburg, 1859. Officer of the Art Society at Vienna. (Celebrated Genre Painter. Gold Medal at Munich, 1893. Surprise. 132 " PARTON, Arthur (N. A.) America Awarded a Gold Médal at the Third Prize Fund Exhibition, American Art Galleries, New York, 1888. and the Temple Silver Medal at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 189, Exhibited at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889, Honorable Mention, Paris, 1889. The Road by the River. 36) PORTIELJE, J. Hurope Gold Medals: Antwerp, 1888; Brussels, 1891; Amsterdam, 1891. Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium. The Answer. COLLIN, Raphael Europe Born in Paris. Contemporary. Figure and Portrait Painter. Pupil of Cabinal. Medal, Second ( lass, 1873. Legion of Honor, 1884. DEBAT-PONSON, Edouard Bernard EKurope Born at Toulose. Pupil of Cabanel. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists. At the Brook. 1 3h LAZERGES, Jean Baptiste Paul Europe Medals: Paris, Third Class, 1884; Second Class, 1889. Hors Concours. Members of the Society cf French Artists. Arab Encampment. E37 PATTIEN, Ceesar Europe Medal, Paris, 1896. / The Thorn. 138 TEN-KATE, Herman Frederick Carel i Europe Born ar The Hague, February 16, 1822. Genre Painter, Pupil in Amsterdam of Cor- nelius Kruseman. Won a medal at the Academy there when nineteen. Went to Paris for one year; returned to Amsterdam and settled at The Hague. Honorary mem ber of the Rotterdam Academy, 1856, A Musicale. wy Ne OC ERNST, Rudolphe Europe Medal. Paris 1880, E. U. Leaving the Temple. 140 CROEGARET, George Europe Ey leat I4I SIR PETER LELY Eurepe 1617-1680. Born in Westphalia, 1617, and came to London in 1641. Was appointed Court painter by Charles I. and knighted by Charles Il. with a pension of 4,000 florins. Lady Windford (Sister of Sir Cooper.) 142 SCOTT, Julian (A. N. A.) America Born in Vermont. During the Civil War he was attached to a Vermontr giment where his rough charcoal sketches of war scenes at- tracted the attention of art lovers in the army. He opened a studio in New York at the close of the war and began to exhibit at the National Academy. Elected A. N. A. m 1871. Drummer Boys of the 2d Vermont Regiment in Camp at Brandy's Station, 1863. 143 KREY DER, Alexis Europe Medals: Paris. 1867. 1884 and 1889, E. U. Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1896. Hor Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists. Fruit. 144 SAMARAN, U. M. Europe Mention Honorable, Paris, T8go. Bronze Medal, 1889. Exposition Universelie. An Old Beaux. From the Paris Salon of 1899. Salon No. 1758. 145 BALLAVOINE, J. T. Europe Medals: Paris, 1880. Member of the French Artists. Ideal Head. dé 146 ROYER, Lionel | Europe Mention Honorable, Paris, 1880. Medals: 1884 and 1886. Member of ‘the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours, Departure for Clytre: DHEERE, Lueas Europe Born at Ghent, 1534.. Died in Paris. 1584 Portrait of a Prench Nobleman. 148 DAMSCHROEDER. J. J. M. Europe Lunch. 149 SAY Bain. Kurope English Landscape. LEE: 1OMAas America iris 9 pend A Born in 1829. In 1854 he entered the life class of the Phi'adelphia Fine Art Academy, but with exception of a few months spent in the studio of Paul Meyerheim, of Paris. he is self-taught as an artists. Mount Ranier, San Francisco. \ 16 SCHICHANOWSKY, A. Europe a (\P ortrait of Richard Wagener. A Pastel. Wee SMETS, A. Europe (\ oh eep: 5 ; 153 3 JARDANNES. A. Europe Milita ry. JARDANNES, A. Europe Hussar 155 CASTELLO, Engene \ Europe Notre Dame, Paris. Water Color. Exhibited at Graves’ Gallery, London, and Art Club, Philadelphia. 156 CASTELLO, Eugene Europe Interior of St. Jacquer, Dieppe. Water Color. Exhibited at Graves’ Gallery, London, and Art Club, Philadelphia. 157 MORAN, T. America The Tower: Water Color. 158 ORD, J. B. Europe Still Life. 159 BRUSH, George De Forest America Lake Erie Shore. 160 KING, Haynes Europe An Interesting Topic. 161 UNKNOWN Shipping Exchange. Black and White Drawing. 162 AITAMILTON, J. Europe The Post Coach.