CL. A Cu LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. N Oo. “tl ] | 14 Bast 57th St New York . ; a a ‘ co om he = ‘ ro)» ‘ame ~~. n : Pa ; bs yc } 7 -r a : Pn PY ‘ Kt, x) 208 ; Sh ee « Sy & SVE ALTOGUE (~~ OF Foreign and American PAINTINGS NOW ON EXHIBITION, AND To be Sold by Auction, . IN WILLIAMS & EVERETT’S GALLERIES, Pio BOYLSTON ST., Friday, May 24th, Saturday, May 25th, ~ Bach Day at 8 P. M. LEONARD & CO., Auctioneers. RULES AND CONDITIONS. Paintings and frames are sold together. 7 All bills are due at the close of the sale, and can tled with Williams & Everett. Goods to be removed at the expense and risk purchaser immediately after the sale. ot Goods not removed on the day of the sale r6 the risk of the purchaser. No claims allowed after removal of aaa Our sekord of sales is in all cases fi nal. Orders to buy executed without ea iy in ston Street, Boston. NOTE. The collection of Paintings included in this Catalogue is one of the most valuable and important ever offered at auction in Boston. Many of the pictures belong to a pri- vate collection, and are sold as the owner closes his house and goes to Europe for an indefinite season. Others of the paintings are consignments on which advances have been made, and are sold to close accounts. The best phases of European art are well represented, and the American works are choice pictures by prominent artists. All pictures have been critically examined by experts, and can be guaranteed as catalogued. ' WILLIAMS & EVERETT, 190 Boylston Street, Boston. IND Ajdukiewicz, No. 81. Bruck-Lajos, Nos. 9, 43. Baugniet, Nos. 49, 67. Bridgman, No. 34. Benedicter, No. 25. Beraud, No. 33. Bristol, No. 8. Bracket, S. L., No. 47. Bargue, No. 92. Baird, W. P., Nos. 35, 79. Bradford, Wm., No. 61. Boutibonue, No. 89. Bunce, No. 20. Borris, No. 1. Bacon, H., No. 14. Corot, No. 102. Cazin, No. 86. Chelminski, No. 83. Chaigneau, No. 76. Casanova, No. 68. Calame, No. 28. Chirico, G. di, Nos. 24, 63. Comez, No. 54. De Launay, No. 22. De Faux, No. 138. Denneulin, No. 11. Dearth, No. 26. Dansaert, No. 77. De Vrindt, A., No. 100. De Vrindt, J., 51. Douzette, 23. De Neuville, No. 87. Dieterle, No. 82. Dupré, Jules, No. 103. De Haas, M. F. H., No. 27. Dupré, E., No. 52. Epp, R., 3. Fuller, R. H., No. 17. Gerome, No. 96. Guardabassi, No. 12. Grolleron, No. 70. Gardner, E., No. 37. Huguet, No. 97. Hagborg, No. 19. Holmberg, No. 32. Hawkins, No. 39. Hassam, Nos. 46, 56. Howe, W. H., No. 91. Haquette, No. 75. Hamon, No. 74, Inness, No. 15, 69. Jacque, No. 40. Jullien, No. 7, 53, 60. Jiminez y Prieto, No. 16. Jettel, E., No. 30. Jongkind, No. 90. Knight, L., No. 38. Key, J. R., No. 80. Lansill, W., No. 2. Leighton, Scott, Nos. 45, 58. Laissemont, No. 59. Lorenti, No. 106. Michel, No. 72. Monchablon, No. 93. Micas, No. 99. Monticelli, A., No. 62. Muss-Arnolt, No. 4. ve McCord, G. H., Nos. 21, 31. Newman, No. 78. Novak, E., No. 50. Oudinot, No. 41. Pasini, No. 95. Richet, L., No. 18. Rau, E., No. 57. Sadler, W. Dendy, No. 66. Spring, No. 73. Santoro, R., No. 6. Simons, M., No. 29. Stevens, A., No. 42. Smilie, G. H., No. 55. ; Sisley, A., No. 44. Sichel, N., No. 88, Sartain, W., No. 64. Troyon, No. 101. Todd, No. 48. Tamburini, No: 71. Van Thoren, Nos. 65, 84. Van Marcke, No. 85. Voltz, F., No.10. Wahl, Max, No. 5. Willems, F., No. 36. Washington, G., No. 98. 4 Weeks, E. L., No. 94. Ss FIRST DAY’S SALE, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1895, AT THREE O°CLOCK P. M. No. 1. Old Mill in Westphalia. sate 18 by 24 inches. oo tg BORRIS (A.), Dusseldorf. No. 2. Foggy Morning in the Harbor. 26 by 16 inches. LANSILL (Walter F.), Boston. No. 3. Bavarian Girl. 10 by 14 inches. EPP (Rudolph), Munich. Medals, Munich and Berlin. FOREIGN AND AMERICAN No. 4. Now for a Double. 16 by 12 inches. MUSS-ARNOLT (G.), Munich. No. 5. The Bath. 15 by 19 inches. WAHL (Max), Munich. No. 6. Grand Canal, Venice. 123 by 9% inches. SANTORO (Rubens), Venice. No. 7%. Cliff at Honfleur. 12 by 9 inches. JULLIEN (M.), Paris. PAINTINGS. No. 8. Mt. Whiteface, N. H. 30 by 18 inches. Tk /? BRISTOL (John B.), New York. N. A. No. 9. Hungarian Flower Girl. 103 by 14 inches. BRUCK-LAJOS (Louis), Hungary. Pupil of Munkacsy. Medal, 1879. No. 10. Study from Life. 21 by 14 inches. VOLTZ (Fr.), Deceased. ~ Born at Nordingen, 1817. Died, 1886. Pupil of the Academy of Munich. Member of the Academies of Berlin and Munich. Royal Bavarian Professor. Medals at Berlin. The Great Wurtemburg Art Medal. 8 FOREIGN AND AMERICAN No. at Frog Fishing. 23% by 30 inches. DENNEULIN (Jules), Paris. Pupil of Colas. Medal, 1875. No. 12. In the Palace Garden, Rome. 9 by 12 inches. GUARDABASSI (G.), Rome. No. 13. A Poultry Yard. 125 by 93 inches. DEFAUX (Alex), Paris. Pupil of Chas. Jacque. Medals, 1874, 1875. Le- ~ gion of Honor, 1881. H. C. No. 14. Leaving Home. 243 by 183 inches. BACON (Henry), Paris. Pupil of Cabanel. PAINTINGS. 9 No. 15. White Mountains, N. H., Conway View. 30 by 20 inches. : Painted in 1873. INNESS (George), New York. N. A. Born, 1825. Died, 1894. Medals, Chicago, Phila- delphia, Boston. Medal, Paris, 1889 (E. U.). ‘* George Inness’s landscapes are of the best painted in our time and country, in many instances of the best in any time and country, because of the qualities of temperament with which the artist was endowed.’’— Transcript. No. 16. A Private Rehearsal. 153 by 21} inches. JIMINEZ Y PRIETO (M.), Paris. Pupil of his brother, Jiminez y Aranda. Various medals and honors. No.7, Landscape. Summertime. 28 by 18 inches. FULLER (R. H.), Boston. Died, 1871. = oY No. 18. ig ‘ ae pee Cart. : | ¥) J. f vot 18h by 2g snore ag / - P eG p30 . _ Pupil a Medal «% ee t ,»~ BUNCE (Gedney), Venice, Si RICHET (Leon), Paris. of Diaz. Medals, 1885, 1888. HAGBORG (A. ), Paris. s, 1879-1889. Hors Concours. No. 20. 26 by 154 ches. No. 21. McCORD (George H. +) New York, a PAINTINGS. 11 No. 22. Artillery Mancevers. 214 by 143 inches. Dr LAUNAY (1.), Paris. Born at Nantes, 1828. Pupil of Flandrin, Laroutte, and of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, where he won the 2d Grand Prix in 1885, and the Grand Prix de Rome, 1856. Medals: 3d Class, 1859; 2d Class, 1863, 1865, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1867. No. 23. Moonlight. p 28% by 254 inches. ab _ « @ © DOUZETTE (L.), Paris. | Pupil of Daubigny. No, 24. An Italian Doorway. 11 by 22 inches. CHIRICO (G di), Rome. No. 25. At the Spinning Wheel. 16; by 13 inches. BENEDICTER (J.), Munich. a2 FOREIGN AND AMERICAN No. 26. Evening Glow. 453 by 25 inches. DEARTH (Henry G.), New York. N. A. No. 27. Moonlight; New York Harbor. 12 by 14 inches. Dr HAAS (M. F. H.), New York. Born in Rotterdam, Holland, 1832. Pupil of Acad- emy Fine Arts, Rotterdam, and of Louis Meyer of the - Hague. Appointed artist-to Dutch Navy, 1857. Came to New York, 1859. Elected to National Academy, 1867. No. 28. Lake near Bayonne, South France. 22 by 16 inches. CALAME (Alexander), Paris. Born at Vevay, 1810. Died, 1864. Medals, 1839, 1840. Legion of Honor, 1842. Member Academy of St. Petersburg. Member Academy of Brussels. No. 29. ‘‘ Faint Heart never won Fair Lady.’’ 22 by 42 inches. SIMONS (M.), Paris. PAINTINGS. 13 No. 30. . House near a Canal, Somme, France. 25% by 174 inches. JETTEL (Eugene), Paris. . Medals. Legion of Honor, 1889. Hors Concours. No. 381. Sunset near Clovelly, Devonshire Coast. 44 by 24 inches. yy? ~ McCORD (Geo. H.), New York. A. N. A. * No. 32. The Tea Rose. 20 by 273 inches. HOLMBERG (A.), Munich. Various medals and honors at German Exhibitions. Pupil of Alma Tadema. No. 33. Bronze Gates of the Louvre. 13 by 16 inches. BERAUD (Louis), Paris. Pupil of Bonnat. No. 34. The Favorite Dish. Algiers. e ¥ fi af . , | (yt merry # ‘aliy 354 by 28h inches i alk a Ay "BRIDGMAN (F. A.), Paris. Oe a ig a her N. A. a Pupil of Gerome, Medals, 1871, 1874 Legion of Honor, 1878, Hors Concours. ’ No, 35. Mare and Colt. No. 36. The Toilette of the Brides i 5 » é of * ober 4 \ ort Oe ig?’ ALIN eho a a” J t "WILLEMS (Florent), Pe HH. Ge te of Honor, 1853. ' Officer of same, , 1864, “Comm same, 1878, ) PAINTINGS. 15 No. 37. Purity. : 11 by 14 inches. GARDNER (Elizabeth), Paris. Pupil of Bouguereau. Medals, 1879, 1887, 1889. No. 38. Landscape, Brittany. 30 by 25 inches. KNIGHT (L.), Paris. Pupil of Ridgeway Knight. No. 39. Leaving Home; Summer Morning. 503 by 243 inches. HAWKINS (L. Welden), Paris. Medal, 1881. No. 40. Pastoral Landscape. fi at alt 26 by 18 inches. Ae ee JACQUE (Chas. Emile), Deceased, Paris. Born in Paris, 1818. Early in life studied with a geographical engraver; later spent seven years in the army, and worked two years as an engraver on wood. Is famous for his etchings as well as for his paintings. Medals: Paris, 1861, 1863, 1864, 1867. Hors Concours. First President of the French Society of Animal Paint- ers. Cross Legion of Honor, 1867. Died, 1894. 16 FOREIGN AND AMERICAN AAO | No. 41. A Summer Twilight. . (4 50 by 30 inches. * , | OUDINOT (Achille Francois), Paris. Born at Damigny, France, 1820. Died, Paris, 1893. Pupil of Huyot and Corot. ‘‘ Oudinot was long a favorite pupil of Corot, and shows by his works very distinctly the influence of that Master. His landscapes are at once rich in coloring and imaginative in temper, and quiet.’’— Art Journal. & No. 42. At Cape Martin, Mediterranean Coast. ” 258 by 82inches. | © 4 Ae STEVENS (Alfred), Paris. YA nd Born in Brussels May 11, 1828. Genre paintér. va Pupil of the Paris Ecole des Arts, then in Brussels of Navez, and in Paris of Roqueplan; has acquired great fame with his graceful representations of elegant mod- ern interiors enlivened with women and children. Medals, Brussels, 1851; Paris, 1853; 2d Class, 1855; Ist Class, 1867, 1878. Order of Leopold, 1855; Officer, 1863, and after- wards Commander of Legion of Honor, 1863; Officer, — 1867; Commander, 1878. Commander of Austrian Order of Frances Joseph and of Bavarian Order of St. Michael. a ts ae No. 43. The Chimney Sweep. BRUCK-LAJOS (Louis), Paris. Born at Papa, Hungary. Medal, 1889. 4 “i y f - ab ay ; gees or Male APT DME RRS Sesh e) 14 G6 0. M, Ae) wry a fw ¥ ri { a ES ie d re wy 7 Ys a a a PAINTINGS. an, iH ‘ahs ¥ No. 44. bie nh Morning in Springtime. . 28% by 233 inches. i y )-* SISLEY (Alfred), Paris. \ No. 45. In the Barn. 10 by 12 inches. hae * ’ D,~ é 4 : ype LEIGHTON (Scott), Boston. No. 46. Paris—Near Rue Dauphin. , f 22 by 18 inches. HASSAM (F. Childe), New York Medal, 1889 | . No. 47. yo Taking Liberties. | _—- BRACKET (S. L.), Boston. i) 1 t he Mak 1% 1 de Bias ino | 18 = FOREIGN AND AMER No. 48. 1 th Cliff at Honfleur. S ’ TODD (John Georges), Ecouen, France. — Pupil Bonnat and Chialiva. No. 49. Thoughts of the Absent. u 0 ; BAUGNIET (Charles), Paris. 4 Born in Brussels, 1814, Member of Ghent Academy, 1836. Knight of Order of Leopold, 1 Medals, 1865, 1873. ena . No. 50. Unproductive Harvest. 5! Ala _ NOVAK (E.), Munich. ie , No. 51. Oe ho A Princess of Brabrant. : Dre VRINDT (Julien), Antwerp, Pupil of Baron Leys, Puan! | Y ia PAINTINGS. 19 No. 52. Landscape. 14 x 10 inches. JACQUE (E.), Paris. Pupil of Charles Jacque. At Bougeral. 12 x 9 inches. JULLIEN (M.), Paris. AT THREE -0°CLOCK P. M. No. 54. vf} The Siesta. vl’ COMEZ QL), Rome. No. 55. fs Indian Summer. , or N. A. No. 56. _ Rainy Afternoon in Paris, ‘near Dame. er HASSAM (F. Childe), New York. Medal, 1889 (E. U.), Se OS lela oe | Ae ‘ aaeee ; ss PAINTINGS. Oe Or OT: A Maid of the Tyrol. 22 by 18 inches. rf RAU (E.), Munich. Pupil of Defregger. No. 58. A Spring Morning. 12 by 15 inches. LEIGHTON (Scott), Boston. No. 59. a ae oY” A Friendly Chat, , Dp ae 23 by 18§ inches. _ _LAISSEMON'T (H. A.), Paris. _ Born in Paris. Medals, 1882, 1889. , ra»), \ si , No. 60. _ Marly le Roi, France. A 14 by 10 inches. 21 PES a 22 i NES ae x ; No. 61. | ie: ‘The Midnight Sun, in the Arctic Resin 30 by 18 ficaioed 4) "BRADFORD (Wm.), Deceased, New York. | : i A. N. A. i No. 62. pre A Terrace Party. | i MONTICELLI (Adolphe), Paris. _ the presentations of a singular harmonic temnarhanie have afforded to the painters of pure sensations : the lovers of color the highest note of their key.’”- -( H. Stranahan. 6 No. 68. The Favorite Rose. PAINTINGS. 93 No. 64. Autumn Day. 22 by 12 inches. SARTAIN (Wm.), New York. A. N. A. No. 65. Landscape and Cattle. 16 by 12 inches. VAN THOREN (Otto), Paris. Pupil of Troyon. Bornin Vienna. Died in Paris 1893. Medal, 1865, 1884. Legion of Honor, 1884. H. C. No. 66. Past and Present. 24 by 394 inches. SADLER (W. Dendy), London. Royal Academician. ‘ 24 FOREIGN AND AMERICAN No. 67. A Confidence. 303; by 242 inches. BAUGNIET (Chas.), Paris. Born in Brussels, 1814. Member Ghent Academy, 1836. Designer for King of Belgium, 1841. Order of Leopold, 1843. Officer of same, 1872. Order of Isabella, Spain. Order of Saxony. Order of Christ, Portugal. No. 68. Music hath Charms. si 123 by 163 inches. CASANOVA Y ESTORACH (Antonio), Paris. Born in Tortosa, Spain. Medal, 1885. No. 69. Landscape. Painted in 1865. INNESS (George), New York. Born, 1825. Died, 1894. Medals, Chicago, Phila- delphia, Boston. Medal, Paris, 1889 (E. U.). This picture is thoroughly characteristic of the art- ist, and is one of his finest works. ‘The paintings of Inness will long perpetuate his fame, for he belonged to the high order of minds which draw the patent of their rank from no school, but from nature direct.’’—Boston Herald. PAINTINGS. 25 No. 70. On Guard. 10 by 13 inches. GROLLERON (Paul), Paris. Born at Seignelay (Yonne), France. Pupil of Bonnat. Medal, Paris, 1886. No. 71. A Fine Old Bottle. | 103 by 12} inches. it TAMBURINI (A.), Naples. This artist is the most celebrated painter of monks in Italy. No. 72. River Meuse,—a Cloudy Day. P am 253 by 19 inches. MICHEL (George), Paris. No. 73. Village Politicians. ; ~ 14 by ll inches. SPRING (A.), Munich. 26 FOREIGN AND AMERICAN cn ge I No. 74. At the Bath. 15 by 19 inches. HAMON (Jean Louis), Paris. Born, Plouha, France, 1821. Died, St. Raphael, 1874, Medals, 1851, 1853, 1855, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1855. No. 75. Mending the Nets. 40 by 30 inches. HAQUETTE (G.), Paris. Medal, 1880. No. 76. Ewe and Lamb. 13 by 12 inches. CHAIGNEAU (Ferdinand), Paris. Born at Bordeaux. Medal, 1889. No. 77. Connoisseur of Engravings. 21 by 25 inches. DANSAERT (L.), Paris, Pupil of Edouard Frére. PAINTINGS, 27 No. 78, ~ Christ on the Sea. 22 by 12 inches. NEWMAN (R. L.), New York. Pupil of Thos. Couture. The recent exhibition of _ works of this artist at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts attracted much attention, and was highly commended for its originality and rich color. No. 79. Pastoral. Pines at St. Raphael. 13 by 18 inches. e BAIRD (W. B.), Paris. No. 80. The Court of Honor, Columbian Fair, Chicago, 1894. KEY (John R.), Chicago. A faithful and artistic presentation of the most beautiful section of the great Exposition. No. 81. A Successful Shot. 8 by 16 inches. AJDUKIEWICZ (Zygumont) Munich, 28 FOREIGN AND AMERICAN CS No. 82. Cows in Pasture. 183 by 23% inches. DIETERLE (Marie), Paris. Pupil of her father, Van Marcke. Medals, 1883, 1884, 1889. No. 88. Napoleon, 1812, Retreat from Moscow. 603 by 35 inches. (Exhibited in Paris Salon, 1893.) CHELMINSKI (Jan von), London. Born in Varsovia, Poland. Pupil of M. F, Adam. No. 84. Return from Market. 30 by 22 inches. VON THOREN (Otto), Paris. Pupil of Troyon. Born in Vienna. Died in Paris, 1892. Medals, 1865, 1884. Legion of Honor, 1885. Hors Concours, == PN ely PAINTINGS. 29 No. 85. Cattle in Repose. 12} by 94 inches. VAN MARCKE (EMILE), Paris. Born in Sevres, 1827. Died, 1891. Medals, 1857, 1867, 1869, 1870, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1872. No. 86. Moonrise Over the Meadows. 163 by 123 inches. CAZIN (Jean Charles), Paris. Medal, 1880. Legion of Honor, 1882. Officer Legion of Honor, 1889. H, C, No. 87. A Hussar. 74 by 114 inches. DE NEUVILLE (Alphonse), Paris. Pupil of Picot. Medals, 1850, 1861. Legion of Honor,§1873. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1881, No. 88. , Pandora. om SICHEL (N.), Munich. Poi sedals at Munich and Berlin. _ oO NO. 80) tk ae | ie bi ate Always Friends. : f Oy Ih fd Ly No. 90. 7 a Lo “Sunset near - Rotterdar Born at Latrop, Holland, 1822, ; : Pupil of Isabey. Honors in ‘Holland. a PAINTINGS. 81 No. 91. _ Landscape and Cattle. 22 by 15 inches. HOWE (W. H.), Paris. Pupil of Von Thoren. Medals, 1886, 1888, 1889. (E. U.) No. 92. A Breton Peasant. 4 by 5 inches. BARGUE (Charles), Paris. Purchased of Arnold & Tripp, Paris. This brilliant painter died early, and left but few examples of his work. His pictures are very scarce. No. 93. The Saone at Jonville, France. ‘ 152 by 103 inches. MONCHABLON (Ferd. Jan), Paris. Medals, 1885, 1889. Hors Concours. 32 FOREIGN AND AMERICAN No. 94. Water Carriers of the Ganges. 36 by 24 inches. WEEKS (Edwin Lord), Paris. Born in Boston. Medals, 1884, 1889, 1889 (E. U.) No. 95. At the Drinking Fountain. 93 by 74 inches. PASINI (Alberto), Paris. Born in Italy. Pupil of Isabey and Rousseau. Medals, 1859, 18638, 1864. Legion of Honor, 1868. Of- ficer of Legion of Honor, 1878. Grand Medal of Honor, 1878 (E. U.). Knight of Order of St. Maurice. Officer of Orders of Turkey and Persia. No. 96. Return to the Palace. Turkish Prince at Brousse, Asia Minor. 18% by 25§ inches. GEROME (J. L.), Paris. Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, 1847, 1848, 1855, 1878, 1881. Legion of Honor, 1855. Member of Institute of France, 1865. Grand Medals of Honor, 1867, 1878. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1867. Hors Concours, on ee a = = ae ay PAINTINGS. No. 97. Bedouin Camp. 16 by 12 inches. HUGUET (Victor-Pierre), Paris. Born at Lude. Medals, 1878, 1882. Hors Concours. No. 98. A Flag of Truce. 38 by 28 inches. WASHINGTON (G.), Marseilles, France. Medal. Member of Society of French Artists. No. 99. | Landscape and Sheep. 31 by 24 inches. MICAS (Jeanne), Paris. Pupil and associate of Rosa Bonheur. ri No. 100. _Of the King’s Household. ~ DEVRINDT (Albrecht), Antwerp. Pupil of Baron Leys. 33 3 34 “FOREIGN AND AMERICAN No. 101. ' Landscape. lp! TROYON (Constantine), Paris. ' Born at Sévres, 1810. Died, 1865. Medal 1840, 1846, 1845, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1849. ber of Amsterdam Academy. Diploma of (E. U.), 1878. No. 102. , Landscape. Born at Paris, 1796. Died, 1875. Meda 1848, 1855, 1867 (E. U.) Legion of Honor, 1846 cer of Legion of Honor, 1867. DES of Ho U.), 1878. : é) No. 108. ; $t Moonlight, —Mid-Ocean. cor" 4 ed DUPRE (Jules), Paris. ‘