a NN Oil ae The Property of oS D Dr. r. George Reuling, f Dai ah yee OF eae eames : eis noe ae es Nera wi Baltimore. _ Aa. Sac ACL f NO. -— |M. KNOEDLER & CO, SEs: 556-8 FIFTH AVE. ACC. NEW YORK LIBRARY CATALOGUE OIL PAINTINGS OF THE MODERN AMERICAN, GERMAN AND FRENCH, ALSO OF THE EARLY DUTCH, FLEMISH AND ITALIAN SCHOOLS, Belonging to DR. GEORGE REULING, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, . EACH EVENING AT 8 O’CLOCK. MARCH 23d and 24th, 1899, at the Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, 366 FIFTH AVENUE, Bet.£34th and 35th Streets, JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. CONDITIONS. 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the Ict so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay downa cash deposit, or the whole of the pur- chase-money, if reguzred, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which, the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. Thesale of any article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any error in the description. All articles are ex- posed for public exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. _ 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- ience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be de- livered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased there- after be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. ANS Y ) CATALOGUE FIRST NIGHT’S SALE. Thursday, March 23d, 1899, at 8 o'clock. 1 6 American, English, German and French Schools, == $ I SHEARER (C. HH.) . Philadelphia Landscape—On the Jersey Slats ali (john ka). : . Baltimore Pupil of Andreas, Achenbach and A. Weber, Dusseldorf Hew Cngland Fisher-Village 3 9? TIL/TON (Jno. Rollin), F.A.A. and R.A. London The only American painter besides Benjamin West, who is a Fellow of the Royal Academy Venice at Sunset 3 7 ae a Ne HO Lo ~ A HAMILTON (James) London and Philadelphia ~ Pupil of Royal Academy, accompanied Dr. Kane on his North Pole expedition One of the foremost Marine painters Wreck off Cape Cod 5 JONES (Bolton H.), N. A. . New York One of our best known Landscape painters Entrance to french Park 6 DARLEY (F. 0.), N. A. . Philadelphia Portrait of Judge Quinn of Baltimore 7 WOODWARD (D. A.) . Baltimore Pupil of Horace Vernet and Sully Portrait of Hapoleon Ii. (From life) 8 BELLOWS (Alfred F.), N. A., dec’d, New York Wermont Landscape 4 ae Botish P, 1G a (13771 c Zo Ww 25H Nice; Ay g 7 New York Leirrie (Arete Danoscape /) 4p a A if ; f / 5 Cove BOOS XASLAE~ ava re ad : eo nrleea fee SLO. ie JE jipf- CARMIENCKE (R.) . New York Citp of Gen3zano and Dake Remi I2 Pl’ MAYER (B. FE.) . ° Annapolis Tes Pupil of Munich Art Academy General Washington Decoraz ting Doung America at Wage ner’s inn, Baltimore 13 Pee SHATTUCK (A.D), NAL, Newsvork One of the most graceful delineators of Landscape in this country Cattle and Landscape i ro) gee 14 WOODWARD (D. A.) ._ Baltimore Pupil of Horace Vernet and Sully Portrait of Douis hossutb 15 WOODWARD (D. A.) .~ Baltimore Portrait of Lewis Cass 16 HILL (Thomas) : New York Waterfall 17 BROESSEL (Felix), dec’d, New York Pupil of Bougereau and Leffts Blacksinith Shop in Winter —TLandscape 18 CORNER (Thomas) : Baltimore Pupil of Cabanel and Way Hpples 19 CORNER (Thomas) : Baltimore Pupil of Cabanel and Way Peaches 6 20 —_ 4 ~ WOODWARD (D. A.) . Baltimore Pupil of Horace Vernet and Sully Portrait of the Painter Sully (After life) 21 ie QUARTLEY (Arthur), N. A., dec’d, : New York Landscape 22 _ QUARTLEY (Arthur), N. A., dec’d, vy New York Landscape 23 /00- WEST (Benjamin) 3 : London President of Royal Academy Joseph in Prison This painting was until recently in Victoria Hall, London 24 GS STUART (Gilbert), dec’d, . Boston / : : Cae America’s greatest Portrait Painter Portrait of President Madison Froin the estate of the late Admiral Sinclair od / a ee be- 25 WOODWARD (D. A.), dec’d, Paris Pupil of Horace Vernet and Sully Portrait of thorace Wernet (After life) 26 WOODWARD (D. A.), dec’d, Paris Portrait of Stepben Douglas English School. 27 STANFIELD (Clarkson), R. A., London Sbip in a Storm 8 ep London mere PAL eee a ~ 7 SPLGnl G e 29 PETHER (Sebastian) . . London Landscape 30 KNELLER (Sir Godfrey), dec’d, London Portrait of Lord Russeil 8 31 Zo ~ PETHER (Abraham) . . England English Landscape 32 Ae WILSON (Richard), R. A., dec’d, London Landscape From Robert Gilmore Collection French and German School, 33 Sm WINDMEYER (A.) . . Munich Landscape at Twilight 34 Lf. WEBER (Paul) . Munich DLanoscape 35 eae HIRE (Laurent de la), dec’d, . Paris President French Academy 1606-1656 Master of Claude Lorraine Classical Dandscape and Figures 9 LOO = L260 - EQ = 26 TROYON (Constant), dec’d, . Paris 1810-1865 Landscape and Cattle (Very early work of his Holland studies) Sf. NAVELET (Victor) : = Paris Prix de Rome and Medal of ist Class a Bataille de Reichshofen 38 OLAVIDE (A.) : : : Paris Still Lite BS) LINDENSCHMIT (H.), dec’d, Munich Professor Royal Academy The Wiser (From the Johnston sale) 40 COUTURIER (P. L.) : Paris Poultry Dard AI a" LEVY (H. L,), dee’d, : Paris The Mouth of the Seine Io 42 / Jo _ MEYER (Diethelm) . Munich Tourists in Switzerland (Purchased at the International Exhibition, Munich) This painting has been engraved 43 Va MALI (Christian) : : Munich Bandscape and Cattle (Purchased at International Exhibition at Munich) Le 44 /60 FOLINGSBY . Munich and London This talented pupil of Piloty was lately com- missioned to paint the Hntrance of Charles II., in the city of London, at Guildhall. Meeting of Prince tenryp and DLaop Fane Grey — 45 No JACOBSON (Sophus) . ) Betlin Castel Cilli, Tyrol (Jacobson is the famous painter of winter scenes) 46 po RUPP (Carl). : : Munich Professor Royal Academy Bpproaching Storm (Purchased from the artist) Tr SO 47 RAUPP (Carl) : : Munich Dovers in Boat (Purchased from the artist) 48 VAUTIER (Benjamin) . Dusseldorf Peasants in Picture Gallery (Purchased from C. Merkel, Munich) 49 BONNEFOND (Jean Claude) . French Still Dife 50 HERBSTHOFFER (Charles) . Paris Medal of Vienna Academy Count von thorn Returning to Prison 51 RIGAUD (Hyacinth), dec’d . Paris President de l’Academie 1659-1743 Portrait of the Marquis oe la foret I2 52 Lr VERNET (Joseph), dec’d, - Paris 1714-1789 Coast Scene 53 ¥” BOUCHER (Francois), dec’d, . Paris Ge Portrait of Donis XVI. 54 ae _ MICHEL (George), dec’d, = Waris Approaching Storm 55) JO ESOS IVA Te. : . Dresden Landscape near the Kbine (Schiitz’s Landscapes are in the choicest collections) 56 4 / WATTEAU (Antoine), dec’d, . Paris VEE 1648-1721 Fete Champetre From the collection of Landgraff in Paris a7 Gp HEINEL (C.) : : Munich River lisar, near “Munich 13 58 /2 5? KLENGEL (Prof.), . . Dresden Landscape 59 Lae KAUFMANN (Angelica), R. A., dec’d, a London Cupid Bound 60 pps DE LA FOSSE (Charles), dec’d, Paris Kape of Proserpine 61 q SO RUGENDAS (George Philipp), dec’d, vi Augsburg ; 1666-1742, Wattle 62 p-— WATTEARB (Antoine), dec’d, Paris y J one ete~Lhampetre ~ Ce POECEC a ; Pa gle on ci az fa eS ; OCKERA (C)) : Munich /J- Golden [Pbeasant T4 64 J — RUGENDAS (George Philipp), dee’d, 6 Rekeegero Y 225 PLT SE ~\ ONS We ae AF i Pe me 65 0 _ HOLBEIN (Hans, jun.), dec’d, Gerniany Portrait of Old Lady On Copper 66 bo SUL Pear). , : Munich Professor Royal Academy, Munich tbonepmoon on a Tyrolean Dake Se fre 8 cueaes 4? ee Boning z sag ve 2 a Uetting y DIETRICY eae William Ernest) eo dec’d, Holland 1712-1771 Descent from the Cross 69 Q3 i VERNET (Joseph), dec’d, a Pats Port View 15 7O 30 ~ VERNET (Joseph), dee’d, Paris port View at POM QUERFURT (Augustus), dec’d, ae Germany 1696-1761 Pupil of Rugendas and Van der Meulen bawking Party Leaving thet Castle 72 / ee GREUZE (Jean Baptiste), dec’d, France / female tHheao The greatest painter of children and domestic scenes of the last century 19 Foe LATOUR (Maurice Quentin de), dec’d, France 1705-1788 [Portrait of Maria Theresa 74 Lo _ MIGNON (Abraham), dec’d, Holland Grapes and Koses E 75 fat? 2 KNAUSS (L..) ; F Germany (eae F tbead of Peasant Woman The greatest Genre Painter of Europe 16 76 /§0 2 ECE EN EI) < ; : . Munich Girl Gatbering Berries Gall Tie WINTERHALTER . . Germany if = = : i Portrait of the Prince of Wales 78 yy MIGNON (Abraham) : Holland Le = Grapes and Peaches 79 [$0 _ SCHIRMER, dec’d, ; . Munich Landscape, with Storks Schirmer and Lessing are the originators of the Modern School of Landscape in Germany 80 Zo ; / 7 ~- ROOS (John Hendrick), dec’d, Germany Uo : G Cattle in Landscape His paintings are as fine as those of Cuyp and Von de Velde SECOND NIGHT’S SALE, Friday, March 24th, 1899, at 8 o’clock. —==21 6 Dutch and Flemish Masters. 1 § 81 VERBRUGGEN (Ian) : Holland 1764-1829 Scene from Campaign of Frederick the Great 82 DUTCH SCHOOL, Girl’s Portrait, with Dog 83 OMMEGANK (Balthasar) . Belgium Sheep 84 PUPIL OF RUBENS Portrait of Rubens’ Mother 19 85 “HORIZONTI”’ (Bloemen, John Francis van), . Flemish 1656-1740 Italian Landscape 86 POUSSIN (Gaspar [Dughet]) Rome 1615-1657 fitalian Landscape 87 LINNIG (F.) : : Brussels Merrymaking 88 ZAFTLEVEN (Herman) . Holland Danoscape 89 SNYDERS (Francis) ; Antwerp 1579-1657 Portrait of this Celebrated (Dastitt go DE WITT (Jacob) ; Holland 1695-1744 Children, Flowers and Fruit 20 gt DE WITT (Jacob) : . Holland Children, Flowers and fruit 92 SCHOOL OF ZURBARAN .. Spain Sortrait of Spanish Officer 93 GIORGIONE (called Barbarelli) Italy Sf, Hndrew 94 JADOCUS DE MOMPER AND BREUGHEL ; : Flemish Mountainous Landscape and figures 95 FRANCKEN (Ian B.) . . Antwerp interior, with Cavaliers and Ladies 96 I. B. P. (Probably I. Breughel, Pinxit.) Flemish Still Life 21 CUYP (Albert) : , Holland Cattle 98 ROSA (Salvador) . . Italian 1615-1673 Landscape, with Waterfall and figures 99 KABEL (Adrian van der) . Holland 1641-1695 Seaport, with Large Tower TOO HOBBEMA (School of ) é Holland Landscape IOl WOUVERMANN (Philipp) . Holland Battle 22 102 VAN DUYNEN (Isaac), dec’d. (Signed) Holland Still Lite 103 J TIVOLI, ROSA DA (Philip Roos), Rome 1665-1705 Landscape and Sbepberd, etc. 104 BASSANO (Giacomo de Ponte), Venice I510-1592 Rativity 105 PETERS (Bonaventura) . Antwerp 1614-1652 Marine 106 HOOGHE (Peter de) ; Holland 1643-1708 Conviction of a Poacher Probably the greatest of all the painters of interiors. This very important painting is worthy the attention of fastidious art collectors. 107 WEENIX (Ian Baptiste) . Holland Shepherd and bis flock (Of the Italian period of this great artist) Bought at Wiirzburg from the Gallerie of Arch- bishop von Hirscher 108 VAN BLOEMEN (P.) . . Holland Landscape 109 MAAS (Dirk) . ; : . Holland 1656-1715 Gypsies and Cavaliers IIO VENIUS [van Veen] (Otho) . Leyden 1556-1634 king David (Venius was at Antwerp the teacher of Rubens) Ill CARRACCI (Ludovico) 5 Italy Che Three Wise Men Going to Bethblebem (On Copper) 24. II2 WYCK (Thomas) : : Holland Italian Port (From the Robert Gilmore Collection) 113 BACKHUYSEN (Ludolf) . Holland 1631-1709 Marine—WMoonlight 114 GUERCINO (Francesco Barbiere) Italy 1590-1666 St. francis of Hssigssi 115 SEGHERS (Daniel) S J. Antwerp 1596-1660 Golden Vase, with Flowers 116 QUAST (Peter) . : .) Holland Dutch Boors 25 117 OURS. (Peter): : . Holland Dutch Boors 118 MOLINAER (Klaas) . . Holland Winter Scene, with Skaters IIg NGS (tan) : : . Holland Peasants Inaugurating a Tavern I20 MONNOVYER (Jean Baptist) . Holland Vase and flowers I2!I TIVOLI (Rosa da) . : . Rome Sbepberd and Animals ae STOOP (Dirk) . é . Holland 1610-1676 Hnimals at the fountain 26 123 WOUVERMANN (Philip) . Holland Merchants Httacked by ‘fhorsemen 124 ELZHEIMER (Adam) Germany oly Family Going to Egypt A very fine, coloristic example of this very rare artist 125 BREUGHEI, (Ian deVelour), Antwerp 1615-1642 The Battle of the Chree Hundred 126 BOSCHAERT (Nicolas) . . Holland 1613-1656 Wase of flowers 127 BOTH (lan) and BERGHEM (Nicolas) Antwerp Dandscape, with Figures The figures by Berghem. 27 128 QUELLINUS (Ian Erastus) . Leyden 1629-1715 Che feast at Canae He was a great imitator of Paolo Veronese. 129 PYNACKER (Adam) and BERGHEM (Nicolas), Holland Italian Landscape, with Hnimals, etc. 130 ROMBOUT (Jacob). Signed. Holland The greatest pupil of Hobbema and Ruysdael Landscape and River View 131 ROSA (Salvator) . 3 . Italian Kttack of Cavalry 132 HUYSUM (Justus van). Signed. Holland 1659-1716 Wase of Flowers 28 133 PALAMEDES (Staevarts), . Holland 1578—1658 Dancing Cavaliers and Ladies 134 YERNET (Joseph). Signed, . Paris Che Hdmiral’s Landing Bought from Charles Durant, the artist 135 TENIERS (David, the elder) . Flemish 1582—1649 Che Seven Works of Mercy 136 RYCKAERT (David) : Holland 1615—1677 interior of Stable, thitchen, etc. 137 BATTONI (Pompeo). Signed. Florentine School Finding of Moses 29 138 SANZIO (Raphael) F fe takian : = a; = lecita The model for this remarkable head is the same as the one for the woman retreating from the death scene of Ananias. This painting is accompanied by two documentary letters, written in the beginning of this century by John Bacon, R. A., the great sculptor and friend of Sir Joshua Reynolds, and Mr, Rigaud, the son of the painter and Royal Academician, the owner of this paintiug. The painting was purchased by Rigaud from the collection of the Conseillere Gagliani, of Salerno Italy 139 BOYERMANS (Theodore), dec’d, Flemish One of the foremost pupils of Rubens The Hodoration of the kings 140 MARRATTIT (Carlo) : Italian 1625—1713 Hativity 141 GIORGIONE (called Barbarelli), Italian 1478—1571 Pupil of Giovanni Bellini and Leonardo da Vinci Firchangel Michael On copper 30 142 GLAUBER (John) and LAIRESSE (Gerard), French Landscape and Figures 143 RUYSDAEL (Jacob van). Signed. Holland. 1636—1681 City of tharlem, witb its Bleaching Grounds One of the finest examples of this great master and worthy of a place in the best collections 144 TIEPOLO (Giovanni Battista), dec’d, Venice Hpotheosis of Carl Theodore Bought at Wiirzburg, Germany, where Tiepolo lived for several years and decorated the Archducal Palace with his celebrated Frescoes 145 PEREZ (Mulatto di Murillo) . Spain. Spanish Boy 31 146 BEYEREN (A. van) : Holland (Pupil of Rembrandt) Still Lite 147 STEEN (Ian) Signed ‘ Dutch The Interrupted feast 148 RUBENS (P. P.) E F Flemish Portrait of the Duke de Hurgogne 149 MIREVELT (Michael Jansen) Dutch 1588-1647 Portrait of a Dutch Lady 150 VANVITELLI (Gaspare) Utrecht and Rome Roman Ruins As Canaletti painted Venice so Vanvitelli painted Rome 4 32 I51 JANSEN (Cornelius) : Holland 1590-1665 Portrait of Bess of thardwick 152 ZUCCHERO (Frederico) : Spain 1543-1609 Portrait of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester 153 PANNINI (Giovanni Paolo) Italian 1691-1758 Roman Temple He was a perfect master of the art of perspectives in which he surpassed all his contemporaries 154 HIE LEN (0 Pavan) ; Flemish Still Dife 155 ASSELYN (lan) : . Holland 1610-1672 Apparition of the Shepherds 3S) 156 ‘NOLLEKINS (Ian). ~ Molland Boors Feasting 157 VAN ESSEN JJ.) : Holland Lanoscape—Dutch Peasants and Iborses 1578 COMPANION PICTURE 158 KALF (William) : ; Holland Golden Goblet and Delft Plate, with Fruit, etc. (One of the finest examples) 159 NEER (Aart van der) : Holland Lighthouse in Moonlight (Exquisite small example) 34 160 a SCHOOL Roman Charity AMES P. SILO, Auctioneer.