LIBRARY SETS OF ESTEEMED AUTHORS SUMPTUOUSLY , \) ' BR Pay iy Saks BOUND 16 A ~,)| | rd AMuminated Manuscripts, Rare Early | oad 6 a / Printed Books, Autographs of Celebrities, €c. INCLUDING THE SPLENDID LIBRARY ns OF THE LATE NI] << Mr. ROBERT S. BARCLAY Sold by Order of the Owner Mrs. MARY A. BARCLAY OF ROWAYTON, CONN. Under the Direction of her Attorneys Messrs. TAMMANY & CONNERY, South Norwalk, Conn. 95 Sale, Tuesday Evening and Wednesday Afternoon and Evening, February 24 and 25, 1925 AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION : Inc. MADISON AVENUE 561TH TO 571TH STREET ENTRANCE 30 RAST 57TH STREET * NEW YORK vy Ak RRERARKBEAAERARASSARKRRARAKRARRERSRRARBAL RARE I ALARAEEARDAPARSHASS EASED BINDING PROBABLY BY S. BROWNE BINDING BY CLOVIS EVE { No. 42] [ No. 40 ] WORKS—BINDING [ No 202 ] ’ DICKENS BRITISH POETS—BINDING No. 63 |] [ LIBRARY SETS OF ESTEEMED AMERICAN ENGLISH & FRENCH AUTHORS IN SUMPTUOUS BINDINGS Editions de Luxe and Fine Collected Sets of First Editions, Handsomely Extra-Illustrated Works Autograph Letters of Celebrated Persons : Early Printed Books and Illumi- nated Manuscripts, ©°c. INCLUDING THE SPLENDID PRIVATE LIBRARY OF THE LATE Mr. ROBERT S. BARCLAY Sold by Order of the Owner Mrs. MARY A. BARCLAY OF ROWAYTON, CONN. Under the Direction of her Attorneys Messrs. TAMMANY & CONNERY, South Norwalk, Conn. Together with other Properties WITH FACSIMILES AND REPRODUCTIONS AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - Inc. MADISON AVENUE 561TH TO 517TH STREET ~*~ NEW YORK Telephone: PLazA 1270 orn Free Rapue bchiicinins ~ Commencing Saturday, February 21, and Conitinuitag until date of sale, Weekdays, from'9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and regen February 22, from 2 tos p.m... Unrestricted Public Sale. oe Tuesday evening and. Wednesday afternoon: and evening, . February 24 and 25, at 2:30 and 8:15 0 "clock 48 19 Exhibition and Cate at . the— | | AMERICAN ART ‘GALLERIES — » MADISON AVENUE 56m. TO 57TH STREET ¢ NEW YORK. | Telephone: PLAZA | Bas 3, Conditions of Sale 1. Rejection of Bids. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Identification and Deposit by Buyer. The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given im- mediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number amount for which sold, and his or her name and address, , ' 7 A i at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may e required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option -of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. 4. Risk after Purchase. . Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter neither ‘the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any other cause. 5. Delivery of Purchases. Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. 6. peerete’ Bills. Goods will be delivered only on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been made, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. TE ae in Default of Prompt Payment and Calling for Goods. Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. ; - Inany instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association reserves the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all of lots so purchased to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any losses and costs sustained in so doing. 8. Shipping. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 9. Guaranty. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and_no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or im- perfection not noted or pointed out., Every lot is sold ‘‘as is’? and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give con- sideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. 10. Records. The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all-cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. : 11. Buying on Order. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans- mitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from ee date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot in any manner differs from its catalogue escription. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Associa- tion, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced Catalogues. Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. ! No person other than the auctioneer or an official of the Association is authorized to arrange conditions of sale different in any way from those herein contained. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INc., MANAGERS. DEPARTMENT OF BOOKS AND PRINTS, ARTHUR SWANN, Director. OTTO BERNET, HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. — - s ore i ) bes . Parse ; ‘ bP. c — A s ¥t ° t 7 ¢ i 156 TAM, \ i Os Ly. : M.A e ‘ ‘ od ay + " 7 a ovieulant eee o feodmuyt AOG IO ede wer) PALES Riek ueks came Meck Fi a ii’ ty ‘ toe a: hes STAR Y ; {rz tee ‘ u Ne? | ‘ euth ae. ’ i _ 2 : " OE i stig Hea hia is = | vip crag 9 Oe ibe ee: en mee aa “ett s mak i ioe rdw Ma SRE a RAPevA fyi) = 2 Toes, ; ‘oa 3 ¢ f Lav mick, ¢4 ale ghieas ey May ea es | dhiok Soci tales aa Aaa ad Et Lome | Giey atin Sha eat gad + io : tisk ak) hr Widipis - oe v2 i try. S2e$ 3 . toe Seeets 48s, + 7 i . oe ‘ f }. . c \ % i rs + FY é ee ' = yi pga. o ‘ First Session, Numbers 1 to 229, inclusive TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 24, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK ‘REMARKABLY FINE COPY OF EACH WORK—ORIGINAL CLOTH 1. A’BECKETT (GILBERT ABBOTT). The Comic History of England. J)lustrated with 20 etchings COLORED BY HAND, and 120 woodcuts of important historical events, by John Leech. 2 vols.; [ALSo] The Comic History of Rome. Jllus- trated with 10 etchings COLORED BY HAND, and 98 woodcuts by John Leech. Together, 3 vols. ORIGINAL CLOTH, original end-papers. London: Punch Office, 1847-1848 and Bradbury and Evans [1853] VERY FINE Copy OF THE First EDITION OF EACH WorK. As is well known, the engravings are all executed in John Leech’s most characteristic and wholly inimitable style; but as they have been reprinted times without number, and are still being re- printed, it is only the original issues that contain the best impressions of the plates. 2. ADDISON (JOSEPH). The Works of Joseph Addison. With portrait engraved by Vertue, large vignette by Vander Gucht, and plates of medals. 4 vols. 4to, original paneled calf, leather lettered labels (slightly cracked at hinges). London: Jacob Tonson, 1721 SCARCE First COLLECTED EDITION, edited by Tickell, to whom the papers of Addi- son were left with the request that he prepare them for publication. Terminating ‘the fourth volume is a long list of subscribers’ names, among which may be found those of Vincent Bourne (Lamb’s ‘‘Vinney’’ Bourne), Sir Thomas Hanmer (The Shakespearean scholar), Alexander Pope, Sir Richard Steele, Sir John Van Brugh, Horatio Walpole and Edward Young. SUPERB SET ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER 3. AINSWORTH (WILLIAM Harrison). The Historical Romances of William Harrison Ainsworth. 20 vols. 8vo, three-quarter wine color French levant, cloth sides, gilt paneled backs. Philadelphia: George Barrie, undated SUPERB SET OF THE LIBRARY EDITION PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPAN PAPER. Limited to 1000 copies, of which this is, No. 142. In Vol. I is INSERTED AN AUTO- GRAPH LETTER SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR. The set comprises:— The Lord Mayor of London; Tower of London. 2 vols.; Rookwood; The Star-Chamber; The Constable of the Tower; Talbot Harland; Saint James’s; Guy Fawkes; Crichton; Cardinal Pole; Old Saint Paul’s. 2 vols.; John Law; The Manchester Rebels; The Goldsmith’s Wife; Boscobel; Jack Sheppard; Windsor Castle; The Constable de Bourbon. 4. ALKEN CoLoreD Prates. A Suit of Armour for Youth. Wzth engraved title and two plates by Henry Alken, also several other plates by R. L. Wright and Armstrong, ALL IN COLOR. 12mo, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London: R. Ackermann [1824] Very Rare. A note on fly-leaf states that zone of the Alken plates are in the uncolored copies of this work. With bookplate of G. Bates. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue _ ATTRACTIVE AND RARE SERIES OF COLORED PLATES © 5. ALKEN COLORED PLATES. Country Evenings. A. series of 6 finely COLORED PLATES by Henry Alken, engraved by R. G. Reeve. Bound i in one vol. small folio, half red levant morocco, gilt.” [London] Published by Thos. Mele 1829 VERY RARE. FINE SERIES, WITH BRILLIANT COLORING OF THE PLATES. Comprises, —‘ The 5th of November,”’ ‘‘ Return from the Tythe Feast,"’ ‘*The Return from Tea and Cards,” “ The Glow Worm,” * The pada Reture (female),” “The Pao Return (ane a { 6. AMERICAN AutHors. A Collection of 15 Autograph Letters Signed. Various sizes. 1864 to 1905. Each letter tipped to an 8vo sheet, and all bound together in an 8vo full levant morocco binding, gilt lettered, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt top, uncut. FINE COLLECTION, including Autograph Letters Signed by each of the following: WHITTIER (JOHN G. ). One-page r2mo. February 9, 1890. To ‘‘ Dear Friend,” Preptionan his book ‘‘ The’ Tent on the Beach” and including a reference to Bayard aylor BURROUGHS (JOHN). 114pp. 8vo.: March 2oth [no year]. To ‘‘ Dear Mrs. Ferris,”’ ‘stating that he fears he will not be able to send her anything for the ‘“‘ American Author,’’ as he writes very. little, and suggesting that she get his photograph from photographers who have some on hand. WINTER (WILLIAM). One page 12mo. October 19, 1891. To Mrs. Ferris, thanking her for a letter and story she had sent to him, and mentioning an old lady who was a mutual acquaintance. STEDMAN (E. C.). :2pp. 16mo.. April 1, 1886. To ‘My dear Webb," complaining that he is almost dead from writing letters, and suggesting that Webb come to visit him, since he lives so close by. There are also letters signed by JULIA Warp Howe, Justty McCartHy, SIR WALTER BESANT, F. HOPKINSON SMITH, and others. 7. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). Jean Grolier de Servier Viscount d’Aguisy. Some Account of his Life and of his Famous Library. Jllustrated with 14 plates, 11 of which are in GOLD AND COLOR. 8vo, full brown levant morocco, with gilt fillets on sides enclosing design of geometric gilt tooling with inter- laced scrollwork, gilt paneled back, inner levant borders, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Enclosed in marbled board slip-case. New York, 1892 CuHoIcE Copy. EDITION LIMITED to 140 copies on handmade paper. 8. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LoRING). The old Booksellers of New York and Other Papers. Wuth three fine plates engraved by E. D. French and a facsimile reproduction, all on Japanese vellum paper. 8vo, cloth, uncut. | _ New York, 1895 EDITION LIMITED to 122 copies on handmade paper. g. ANDREws (WILLIAM LoriNG). An Essay on the Portraiture of thie American Revolutionary War, being an Account of a number of the Engraved Por- traits connected therewith, remarkable for their rarity or otherwise inter- esting. To which is added an Appendix containing lists of Portraits of Revolutionary characters to be found in various English and American publications of the Eighteenth and the early part of the Nineteenth Cen- tury. Illustrated with 20 plates consisting of portraits and views. 8vo, cloth, uncut. | _ New York, 1896 EDITION LIMITED to 185 copies on hantriaaa paper. Io. “It. T2. 13. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th ANDREWS (WILLIAM LorING). Gossip About Book Collecting, . Finely tllus- trated with colored and plain reproductions of bindings, manuscripts, etc. "2 vols. 8vo, wrappers, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. ‘In board slip-case. New York, 1900 puitiow LIMITEo to 125 copies on Holland paper. _ANDREws (WILLIAM LoriNnG). The Heavenly Jerusalem. A Mediaeval Song of the Joys of the Church Triumphant. With Annotations by William Lor- ing Andrews. Photogravure reproduction of the title-page to George Wither’s “‘ Preparation to the Psalier,’’ drawn and engraved by Francis Delaram; title- page! designed and engraved on copper by Sidney L. Smith, other fine illustra- tions, and decorative initial ihe 8vo, me paper boards, gilt top, uncut. | New York, 1908 EDITION LimITED to 120 copies upon “ Arches” handmade paper. ANGLING. SPARROW (W.S.). Angling in British Art Through Five Centuries: Prints, Pictures, Books. With a Foreword by H. T. Sheringham. Wzth 200 illustrations including 39 IN COLOR, with a spectal etching by. Norman Wilkin- _ son. Thick 4to, white art linen, gilt top, uncut. London [1923] EDITION LIMITED to 125 copies, t this being, No. 125, signed by. the author in pen- _cil, “ Walter Shaw Ceaabcaas THE BURTON CLUB EDITION OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS ARABIAN NIGHTS. BuRTON (SiR RicuarD F.). A Plain and Literal Transla- tion of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, now entituled the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, With Introduction, Explanatory Notes on the Manners and Customs of Moslem Men and a Terminal Essay upon . the History of the Nights. 10 vols.; [ALSo] Supplemental Nights, with Notes Anthropological and Explanatory. 7 vols. Extensively illustrated with beautiful plates, all proofs on Japan paper, MANY REMARQUE PROOFS, by Letchford, Boulanger, Jerome, Lalauze, Gavarnt, and other artists; rubricated - titles on Japanese paper. Together, 17 vols. royal 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. [Denver] Printed by the Burton Club for Private Subscribers Only [1906] LIMITED EDITION, only 1000 sets issued, of which this is, No. 49. Verbatim reprint facsimile of the Original Edition. SUPERB SET OF AUDUBON’S BIRDS AND QUADRUPEDS ek AuDUBON (JoHN JAMES). The Birds of America, from Drawings made in the United States and Their Territories. With 500 plates, lithographed, printed and colored by J. T. Bowen. 7 vols. 1856; AUDUBON AND BACHMAN. The Quadrupeds of North America. By John James Audubon and the Rev. John Bachman. With 155 plates drawn from nature by J. J. Audubon and J. W. Audubon, finely lithographed and colored. 3 vols. 1854. Together, 10 vols. royal 8vo, full green morocco, emblematic gilt tooling on obverse covers and backs; doublures and end-leaves of tan pigskin. New York: Published by V. G. Audubon, 1854-1856 SUPERB AND COMPLETE SET OF BOTH BIRDS AND QUADRUPEDS, The plates are brilliantly colored and in fine condition. From the Henry Arthur Johnstone collection, with Bd ot semucr in blind on front end-leaves. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart.of Catalogue A FINE AUDUBON MANUSCRIPT 15. AUDUBON (JOHN JAMES). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MaNuscriPt of,—‘‘ Natural Traits of the Oppossum.”’ Consisting of about TWENTY-THREE HUNDRED WorbDs, written in ink, on three large folio pages (2 leaves), and tipped to a larger sheet. Bound in a large folio volume, full brown morocco, sides with framework borders of gilt fillets, lettered in gilt on front cover. A VERY FINE AUDUBON MANuscRIPT. Manuscripts by Audubon are quite rare rer Zt hee (_. os ¥ =4 e > .< = es ward Mie ™ ‘Pb omT eee pOre Sees : et ss a Py 7 tn oP) sf ae aa FOES Omg A LEE to AF Ae ae Kfe— a Bar At Ki, Pee ease wa eee A Onis aii A abiinndihess Pa nay tees Ee: Le Pes ee ogi kn A LEAR OS 5 0 Se Ae [Facsimile of Beginning of MS.] - THE FINE “WINCHESTER EDITION”’ IN FULL CALF 16. AUSTEN (JANE). The Novels of Jane Austen. Portrait and rubricated titles. 12 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt fillets on sides, full gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY BIRDSALL. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1911-1912 COMPLETE SET OF THE WINCHESTER EDITION printed in large type, by T. and A. Constable: comprises :— Sense and Sensibility. 2 vols.; Pride and Prejudice. 2 vols.; Mansfield Park. 2 vols.; Emma. 2 vols.; Northanger Abbey; Persuasion; Letters. 2 vols. 17. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. University Library of Autobiography. Including all the Great Autobiographies and the Autobiographical Data Left by the World’s Famous Men and Women. Edited with Introductions, Essays and Appreci- ations by the leading Scholars and Educators of America. Jilustrated. 15 vols. 8vo, full brown morocco, pictorial panels on obverse covers and backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: F. Tyler Daniels Company, no date PRESIDENTS’ EDITION, limited, this copy being, No. 2. First Session; Tuesday Evéning, February 24th 18. AUTOGRAPH ALBUM. Album containing the Autograph Signatures of EIGHT PRESIDENTS of the United States, signatures of members of Congress, Generals, Admirals, Authors, Actresses, Singers, Composers, and others eminent in public life. In all there are approximately Four HunpRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE SIGNATURES, about half of which are written in the album; the others have been cut from letters or documents and pasted in. Small 4to, full red morocco, lettered, name of former owner in gilt on front cover. AN ITEM OF GREAT ASSOCIATION INTEREST FROM THE HANDS OF THREE PRESI- DENTS,—Theodore Roosevelt, William McKinley and Chester A. Arthur. There are in addition signatures of Presidents Woodrow Wilson, James A. Garfield, Rutherford B. Hayes, W. H. Taft, and U. S. Grant, which are pasted in the volume. Among the others, written in or pasted in, may be mentioned,—John Hay, Alex- ander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, Jefferson Davis, Generals Philip H. Sheridan, W. T. Sherman, John.J. Pershing, E. Root, Charles Hughes, and others. Among the liter- ary personages may be mentioned,—Mark Twain, Walt Whitman, George W. Cable, Sir Hall Caine, Will Carleton, Bayard Taylor, Frank Crane, John Ruskin, and others. There is also a wide range of signatures by Actors and Actresses; Opera Singers; etc. COMPLETE SET OF THE FINE LARGE PAPER EDITION 19. BADMINTON LipRARY (THE) of Sports and Pastimes. Edited by his Grace the Duke of Beaufort, K. G., assisted by Alfred E. T. Watson. With several hundred beautiful full-page and text illustrations by Whymper, Wolf, Sturgess, and other artists. 29 vols. 4to, half dark blue roan, gilt design in center of front covers, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1885-1902 _ COMPLETE SET. LARGE PapER. Edition limited to 250 numbered sets, compris- ing:— HUNTING, by the Duke of Beaufort and M. Morris, 1885; VERY RARE; SHOOTING, by Lord Walsingham and Sir R. P. Gallway. 2 vols. 1886; ATHLETICS AND FOOTBALL, by M. Shearman. 1887; ' B1G-GAME SHOOTING, by C. Philipps-Wolley, 2 vols. 1894; POETRY OF SPoRT, by H. Peek. 1896; DANCING, by Mrs. Grove. 1895; FISHING, by H. Cholmondeley-Pennell. 2 vols. 1885; YACHTING, by Sir E. Sullivan, etc. 2 vols. 1894; RACING AND STEEPLE-CHASING, by Earl of Suffolk, etc.. 1886; CYCLING, by Bury and Hillier. 1887; CRICKET, by Steel and Lyttelton. 1888; BOATING; by W. B. Woodgate. 1886; COURSING AND FALconry, by Cox and Lascelles. 1892; MOUNTAINEERING, by C. T. Dent. 1892; DRIVING, by Duke of Beaufort, etc. 1889; BILLIARDS, by Major Broadfoot. 1896; Go tr, by Hutchinson. 1890; FENCING, BOXING, AND WRESTLING, by Pollock, etc. 1889; ARCHERY, by Longman. 1894; SWIMMING, by Sinclair and Henry. 1893; _ RIDING, by Weir. 1891; SKATING, by Heathcote, etc. 1892; : TENNIS, by Heathcote, and others. 1890; SEA FISHING, by Bickerdyke. 1895; MoToRS AND MotTor-DRIVING, by A. C. Harmsworth. 1902. 20. BALLADS. FARMER (Joun S.—Editor). National Ballad and Song. Merry Songs and Ballads prior to the Year A. D. 1800. 5 vols. 4to, boards, paper labels, uncut. _ N.p., Privately Printed for Subscribers Only, 1897 COMPLETE SET. VERY SCARCE. Including extracts from Bagford Ballads; Percy Folio Ms. 1620-1650; Pills to Purge Melancholy, 1707; Choyce Drollery, 1666; Music Miscellany, 1721; Choyce Ayres, 1679, and hundreds of songs from MSS. hitherto unpublished. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue THE FINE DENT EDITION. OF BALZAC: LONG OUT OF ‘PRINT 21. Batzac (Honoré DE). Comédie Humaine. Edited by George Saintsbury. Extensively illustrated with etchings by W. Boucher and D, M. Smith, on Japan paper. 40 vols. [Aso] Droll Stories. Illustrated. ..2 vols. Together, © 42 vols. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. , on , London: J. M.' Dent & Co., 1895-1898 FInE SET OF THE LIMITED ILLUSTRATED EDITION of 300 copies, of which this is, No. go. INCLUDES: The Quest of the Absolute; Ursule Mirouet; At the Sign of the Cat and Racket; The Wild Ass’s Skin; The Peasantry; Modeste Mignon; Old Goriot; Cousin Betty; About Catherine de Medici; Lost Illusions; Cousin Pons; . The Middle Classes; Eugénie Grandet; and others. 22. Batzac (Honoré De).. La Fille aux Yeux d’Or. With 32 watercolors by Henri Gervex, reproduced by the heliogravure process IN CoLors. Small folio, full red levant morocco, blue morocco panels inlaid on sides, richly. gilt, gilt back and inner dentelle borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY H. PHILIPPE. Paris, 1898 SCARCE. EDITION DE GRAND LUXE, LIMITED to 300 copies, this being, No. 33. A FINELY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED “INGOLDSBY LEGENDS” 23. [BARHAM (R. H.).] The Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth and Marvels. By _ Thomas Ingoldsby. Jllustrated by Cruikshank, Leech, and others. 3 vols. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt fillets on sides, richly gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Cb ERY ; | London,’ 1847-1848 ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of over fifty portraits, views, and humorous drawings to illustrate the works. Inserted in Vol. II is GEORGE CRUIKSHANK'S ORIGINAL PENCIL SKETCH for the frontispiece of that volume, which represents Thomas Ingoldsby surrounded by some of the characters portrayed by him in the Legends. The sketch shows the frontispiece idea in an elementary stage, the figure of Ingoldsby being roughly drawn in and the other figures merely suggested. It is drawn on a 12mo sheet, which has been mounted to size. + AEG 24, BARRIE (SIR JAMES M.). Auld Licht. Idylls, Illustrated with fine etchings in sepia by William Hole. Royal 8vo, full cyan blue crushed levant morocco, Jansenist, inner borders, gilt, gilt top, uncut. . London, 1895 EDITION LIMITED to 550 copies, this being, No. 124. IN AN ATTRACTIVE JANSENIST BINDING. LARGE PAPER COPY. ; 25. BARTLETT (W. H.). The Pilgrim Fathers; or the Founders of New England. Numerous fine engravings and woodcuts. Royal 8vo, half maroon mcrocco, gilt, gilt back and top, uncut. © Yr aFagyte ' London, 1853 26. BASKERVILLE PRESS. TERENCE. Publii Terentii Afri Comeedize. 4to, full contemporary crimson straight-grain morocco, gilt back and edges, inside morocco and gilt borders. . _ Birmingham, 1772 BASKERVILLE’S FINELY PRINTED EDITION. Much in the manner of, and probably bound by ROGER PAYNE, RO Ts 27. BEARDSLEY (AUBREY). ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAwInG. Height, 234; | width, 214 inches. In an artistic mat of French gray in a gilt frame and glazed. A wash border, on mat, surrounds drawing. — mS The height of Beardsley’s fantastic creations is evident in this curious delineation: which is exceedingly decorative. Depicts a creature, evidently a beast with human features, seated upon a single curled spray, which terminates in a peacock’s feather. The creature is clad in trousers and jacket, an immense insect upon his back. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th 28. BEARDSLEY’ (AUBREY). ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAWING, intended as a border design to ‘‘ Bon Mots.’’ Height, 2 Yai : width, 5 inches, Matted in a brown frame and glazed. The following note accompanying drawing is explanatory of this border design: “This drawing: a border-design to the ‘Bon Mots’ was executed by Aubrey Beardsley and beingin an unfinished estate & not to his complete satisfaction, was presented by him, on her request, to Mrs. Eileen Falkiner, the friend of Mr. Leonard Smithers, from whom I acquired it in 1907. Alfred Cooper." FIRST EDITION, WITH PORTRAIT IN FIRST STATE. 29. BEAUMONT (FRANCIS) AND FLETCHER (JoHN). Comedies and Tragedies. Written by: Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, Gentlemen. Never printed before, And now published by the ‘Authours Originall Copies. With a brilliant impression of the rare and choice portrait of Fletcher, sur- rounded with laurels and emblematic designs, and with the verses at foot by Sir John Birkenhead, beautifully engraved by William Marshall. Folio, full brown levant morocco, gilt fillets on sides, inner gilt dentelle borders. ‘London: Printed for Humphrey Robinson, 1647 _ First COLLECTED EDITION, edited by James Shirley, and containing thirty-six plays printed for the first time. THE PORTRAIT Is IN FirsT STATE, HAVING THE Worps vates duplex WITH THE FIRST LETTER IN EACH UNCAPITALIZED. ~ Prefixed are numerous commendatory verses by the most renowned poets, includ- ing Ben Jonson, Sir Aston Cockaine, Robert Herrick, E. Waller, Richard Lovelace, W. Cartwright, W. Habington, T. Stanley, etc. The volume is dedicated to the Earl of Pembroke, to whom was also dedicated the First FoLio EDITION OF SHAKES- _PEARE; and in the dedication the great bard is referred to as “Sweet Swan of Avon Shakespeare.” SA, COMPANION oguied. TO THE FOLIOS OF SHAKESPEARE, JONSON, AND DAVENANT. ORIGINAL DRAWING > a BEERBOHM, WITH AUTOGRAPH VERSE 30. BEERBOHM (Max). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING SIGNED, ‘* Max, 1909.” Height, 12 4; width, 634 inches. -Mounted within a decorative wash border. Matted in a narrow black frame and glazed. SPLENDID DRAWING. An interesting caricature Onn Beerbohm’ s satirical brush, of a young damsel clad after the fashion of the day, the costume completed by an im- ‘mense hat, long dark gloves and a cane: The artist lamentingly writes of. her: - “She dwelt among the untrodden ways Bestde the springs of dove, A maid whom very few do praise, And very few do love.”’ : The above quatrain appears in pencil in Reerbohm's autograph, on the drawing. 31. BEERBOHM (Max). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING, SIGNED, of: “Study of a Hat.” Signed: “ Max. 1917.” With a decorative wash border. Matted in a narrow black frame and glazed. FINE AND UNUSUAL SPECIMEN. When Beerbohm’s pencil strolls into the realm of women’s hats, the results are usually most ludicrous as is evident in the above drawing. Topped upon the head of an English lass is a colorful creation, which would ' be more harmonious were there less brilliant red and green in the ornamentation. DRAWING OF CARUSO BY BEERBOHM + BEERBOHM (Max). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR AND CRAYON DRAWING, touched up with India ink, titled: ‘Signor Caruso, cynosure.” Height, 16; width, 12% inches. Signed: “Max.” Mounted within an artistic wash border. Matted in a decorative black frame and glazed. _ FINE DRAwING. In this humorous creation, this famous English caricaturist de- picts our operatic star strolling along the Parnaalk? of a fashionable resort the cynosure of all eyes. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 33. BEHN (Mrs. Apura). The Plays, Histories, and Novels of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn. With Life and Memoirs. Frontispiece, 6 vols. 12mo, three- quarter maroon morocco, full gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. a | 2 London: Pearson, 1871 FINE SET OF THE UNEXPURGATED PERSON REPRINT. AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT BY ARNOLD BENNETT 34. BENNETT (ARNOLD). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT, SIGNED, of: “‘ Books and Persons in London and Paris.’”” Manuscript of about SEVEN HUNDRED Worps, written in pencil on one side of 5 sheets of varied size; [ALSO] An Autograph Letter Signed “Arnold Bennett.” One page 16mo, Paris, March 23, 1911. Together, 2 pieces. Enclosed in a red quarter levant morocco slip-case; gilt, inner cloth wrapper. . A MANUSCRIPT OF GREAT INTEREST which commences with the view literary and journalistic people have on the suppression of so-called ‘‘impure fiction.” Mr. Bennett, further in his article, mentions several celebrities such as Oscar Wilde, Walter Pater, Raymond Laurent and others. The letter accompanying this desirable manuscript relates to the article. 35. BENSON (EGBERT). Vindication of the Captors of Major André. . Royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. _ New York:. Reprinted for Joseph Sabin, 1865 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about 45 fine portraits and views, some being portraits of Major André; George Washington; Alexander Hamilton; Arnold; Lafayette; etc. Some of the views are: Capture of André; Military School, West Point; New York in 1768; and others equally interesting. 36. Brewick (Tuomas). History of British Birds: Vol. I. Land Birds; Vol. IT. Water Birds. Illustrated with numerous woodcuts of the birds described, also a series of vignettes by Thomas Bewick. 2 vols. 8vo, full fawn calf, gilt (joints repaired). Newcastle, 1797-1804 Tue RARE First ISSUE OF THE FirST EDITION, with the suppressed vignettes on page 285 of Vol. I, and page 282 of Vol. II.: Vit? EACH VOLUME AUTOGRAPHED BY BIERCE 37. BIERCE (AMBROSE). The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce. Frontispiece portrait of Bierce, by F. Soulé Campbell; ornamental title-pages designed by Frederick Polley. 12 vols. 8vo, three-quarter light brown crushed levant morocco, gilt, richly gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. | New York and Washington, 1909-1912 HANDSOME SET OF THE LIMITED EDITION OF 250 COPIES ON FINE PAPER. MADE UNIQUE BY HAVING THE AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE OF THE AUTHOR ON FLY-LEAF OF EACH VOLUME. 38. BrnpING, ITALIAN. ARETINO (PIETRO). La Prima [e Seconda] parte de Ragionamenti . . . [WitH] Commento di Ser Agresto da Ficarvolo . Small 8vo, full old cardinal morocco, gilt borders enclosing decorative panels on sides, richly gilt back, gilt edges. No place, 1584 FINE SPECIMEN OF ITALIAN BINDING. Printed in Italic type, 3 parts in one vol- | ume. Brunet states that this work was probably printed at Lyons. The colophon on page 339 reads: ‘“‘Stampata . . . nella nobil citta di Bengodi, nel’ Italia altre volte piu felice, il viggesimo primo d’Octobre M. D. LX XXIV.” First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th BOUND FOR HENRY VIII OF ENGLAND 39. BINDING For KiNG Henry VIII. Bonirace VIII. Sextus Decretaliii; [AnD] CLEMENT V. Constitutiones. Small Gothic type, titles in red and black with large woodcut border, same on both titles. 2 vols. in one, 16mo, contemporary stamped calf over oaken boards, front with arms of Henry VIII ensigned, with griffen and dog supporters, sun and shield of St. George in left corner, shield of the City of London and half moon at right corner; back with large Tudor rose surrounded by motto and with supporters of kneeling angels, shields, sun and moon same as on front cover, initials “TN” (John Norins) and his device at center of foot. (Marks where clasps were attached. Repaired at joints.) Paris, Jehan Prevel, 1523 _ EXAMPLES OF BINDING FROM THE LIBRARY OF HENRY VIII oF ENGLAND ARE RARELY MET WITH, AND CONSIDERING THE AGE THIS IS A VERY GOOD SPECIMEN, the stamped designs on the sides being quite clear and free from breaks aside from the pin holes of the old clasps. The binding was probably executed by John Norins, whose initials and device appear thereon. The designs are reproduced and described in Davenport’s English Heraldic Book Stamps, pp. 219-220 and 375-376. Signature with date “1758’’ appears on title and an earlier signature and note on first leaf, also some old manuscript notes on last leaf. First few leaves wormed, some stains. BOUND BY CLOVIS EVE FOR THE DUC DE NEVERS 40. BINDING BY Crovis Eve. Dionis Cassi Cocceiani Historie Romane Libri a XLVI, Partim Integri, Partim mutili, Partim excerpti; Jo. Levnclavii, studiotam aucti, quam expoliti. Wzth the folding ‘“‘Genealogiex Czesarum.” Small 8vo, full contemporary brown morocco, the sides gilt tooled with a large rectangular panel of a semé of fleur-de-lis surrounding an entwined ¢ wreath within which are gilt-tooled the letters ‘‘ NI VERN D.”’ (Nivernensis Dux), and the whole enclosed within a broad border of pointille, dentelle, and fillets in gilt; flat back tooled in a single panel of similar design, but without the central wreath, gilt edges, By CLOVIS EVE. Enclosed in a seal- brown morocco slip-case, with inner cloth protecting cover. Francofurti, 1592 BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLE OF BINDING BY CLOVIS EVE AND OF HIGH ASSOCIATION INTEREST. FROM THE LIBRARY OF LOUIS DE GONZAGA, DUC DE MANTUA AND NEVERS, who, in 1565, married Henrietta de Cleves, Duchesse de Nevers, with which marriage the Dukedom of Nevers passed into the Gonzaga family. He was Governor of Cham- pagne and a great personage in the successive reigns of Charles IX, Henry III and Henry IV. , ] (ef [See Frontispiece for Reproduction of Binding] FINE EXAMPLE FROM THE LIBRARY OF QUEEN ANNE 41. BINDING FOR QUEEN ANNE OF ENGLAND. A Collection of the Several Statutes, and Parts of Statutes, Now in Force, relating to High Treason and Mis- prision of High Treason. I2mo, contemporary binding of full bronze green calf, sides with a panel frame of triple gilt fillets with gilt corner and side ornaments with the second coat-of-arms of Queen Anne stamped in gilt in center of each cover, gilt back, inside border and rims, gilt edges. London, Charles Bill [etc.] 1709 A SPLENDIDLY PRESERVED QUEEN ANNE BINDING in the style inaugurated by the Mearnes and possibly executed by Charles Mearne. In perfect state of preservation. The device stamped on the present volume was the second used by Queen Anne with the arms of Great Britain as authorized in 1706. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH BINDING WITH SILVER FILIGREE CLASPS 42. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY BINDING, PROBABLY BY SAMUEL BROWNE.. BIBLE, EnGiisuH. The Holy Bible Containing the Old Testament and the New. Titles red-ruled within elabo- rate woodcut frames; with red-ruled margins. throughout. Small 8vo, FULL CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH BLAcK Morocco, sides with frame of two small alternating tools between bands of gilt fillets with picot edges, enclosing panel with fusil-shaped center design in delicate lacelike tooling worked . from a quatrefoil center, and with similar designs branching from small circlet at the corners all in gilt. Initials “‘E. P.” on.either side of center piece.. Flat back, gilt decorated in a single lengthwise panel within frame which is a repetition of that on sides, oblong design in center repeated in halves at top and bottom of this panel. W1TH CLASPS OF SILVER FILIGREE showing the winged torso of an angel within floral and scroll ornamentation, plain band fastener. Marbled end-papers, gilt edges. In the manner of and no doubt BY SAMUEL BROWNE. _ London: Robert Barker, 1636 An EXQUISITE SPECIMEN OF ENGLISH BINDING OF THE FIRST HALF OF THE SEVEN- TEENTH CENTURY, SIMILAR IN DESIGN TO THE BINDINGS EXECUTED BY SAMUEL BROWNE FOR CHARLES I AND WiTHOUT DousT EXECUTED BY Him. In perfect state of preservation and with the beautiful clasps absolutely unbroken. . Contains, in addition to the Old and New Testaments, the Genealogies, dated 1636; Concordance, 1633; and the Metrical Psalms, 1636. The coat-of-arms of King James on verso of main title has been canceled in ink, and the word ‘‘King’’ crossed out in the heading of the Dedication so that the scp vee apparently in the possession of a loyal Cromwellian after the death of Charles I. ; With bookplate of Henry Walker. : [See Frontispiece for Reproduction of Binding] 43. BLACKWoOD’S. OLIPHANT (Mrs.). Annals of a Publishing House. William Blackwood and His Sons.’ Their Magazine and Friends. Jllustrated. 3 vols. 8vo, three-quarter blue levant, full gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1897-1898 FINE Copy. SPLENDID COPY OF A RARE BLAKE ITEM. — 44. BLAKE (Wit1am). The Wit’s Magazine; or, Library of Momus. Being a Complete Repository of Mirth, Humour, and Entertainment. Numerous engraved folding plates—FivE oF WuicH ARE BY WILLIAM BLAKE. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, full polished yellow calf, triple gilt line borders on sides, elabo- rately gilt tooled back, with green lettering pieces, wide inside gilt borders, gilt edges on the rough, BY FRANCIS BEDFORD. London, 1784-1785 _ First EDITION OF ONE OF THE RAREST BLAKE ITEMS, no copy having occurred for sale in several years. In splendid condition, and in a beautiful binding by- Bedford. LARGE PAPER COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION 45. BLAKE (WILLIAM). Younc (EpwarD). The Complaint, and The Consola- tion; or, Night Thoughts. Illustrated with 43 fine marginal engravings, by William Blake, many of the plates signed with his initials. Small folio, full green levant morocco, gilt line panel on sides, gilt paneled back, gilt top, UNCUT. _ London: Printed by R. Noble, for R. Edwards, 1797 First EDITION. LARGE PAPER Copy. EXTREMELY RARE.) Nearly all of the plates have a front and lower margin, which is quite an unusual feature, as most copies sold are cut into. Lacks. leaf of Explanation. bed \ First Session, Tuesday Evening, February. 24th IN A HANDSOME BAS-RELIEF BINDING, REPRODUCING ONE OF - BLAKE’S: DESIGNS 46. BLAKE (WitLiAM). The Grave, a Poem, by Robert Blair. With a Life of the __, Author. Illustrated by 12 large etchings by Schiavonetti after the wonderful designs of William Blake. -Large 4to, full olive brown levant morocco, with large center panel of lighter brown levant, chiselled in relief, with the design of “The Skeleton Re-animated,” drawn by Blake for the title-page of the Poem. The panel is enclosed within a beautiful gilt line scroll border, with inlays of light blue levant, with gold tooled stars, gilt top, uncut, BY - RIVIERE. Original paper label bound in at back. Enclosed in fleece-lined flexible morocco cover. | London: Bensley, 1813 _._ Fine Copy or Tus Famous BLAKE Book IN A WONDERFULLY ARTISTIC BINDING. Outside of the 12 splendid etchings, the book is particularly noteworthy for the fine portrait of Blake by Schiavenetti, after T. Phillips, and for the solemn Dedicatory ~ Poem, “‘To the Queen.” signed “ William Blake,” commencing:. Ja “The Door of Death is made of Gold That Mortal Eyes cannot behold.” © Among the long list of subscribers are the names of Lady Hamilton, Thomas ‘Bewick, Benjamin West, Robert Fulton, Cosway, David Hume, and other celebri- ties. , aad, CLEAN AND SPOTLESS THROUGHOUT. | VERY IMPORTANT BLAKE DRAWING 47. BLAKE (WILLIAM). ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAwING, SIGNED; “Wm. Blake.” Height, 131/s; length, 2°/, inches. Matted and glazed in a blue and gilt. frame. AN EXCEEDINGLY FINE Stupy IN CoMPosITION. This drawing represents about 18 figures in different attitudes. Three of these figures are the form of Death. The study has not been completed as there are several outlines for additional figures. DRAWING BY WILLIAM BLAKE 48. BLAKE (WILLIAM). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR Drawinc: “The Witch at the _. Tree.’”’ Signed, “W. Blake.”’ Height, 834; length, 131/. inches. Matted ; > / in a dull gilt frame and glazed. va A woman. with a child clinging to her skirts is standing bya tree speaking to an- other woman, undoubtedly the witch. A basket of apples is upon the ground. In the - . background are several figures rather indistinct. Two carts are passing down the bon road and two donkeys are braying. 49. BLAKE (WILLIAM). GiLcuRIsT (ALEXANDER). Life of William Blake; “ Pictor Ignotus.”” With Selections from his Poems and Other Writings. Illustrated from Blake’s own works in facsimile by W. J. Linton, and in photolithography; with a few of Blake’s original plates. 2 vols. 8vo, half red calf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. | | London, 1863 §0. BLAKE (WitttaM). William Blake’s Designs for Gray’s Poems Reproduced full-size in monochrome or colour from the Unique Copy belonging to his _ Grace the Duke of Hamilton. With an Introduction by H. J. C. Grierson. _ Numerous illustrations. Atlas folio, cloth, gilt top. London, 1922 Edition limited to 650 copies, this being, No. 191. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue COMPLETE SET OF THE LIBRARY EDITIONS—LONG OUT OF PRINT 51. Boccaccio (GIOVANNI). The Decameron. Translated by John Payne. 2 vols. 1893; RABELAIS (FRANCOIS). Master Francis Rabelais. Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel. Translated by Sir Thomas Urquhart . . . and P. A. Motteau. Introduc- tion by Anatole de Montaiglon. 2 vols. 1892; STRAPAROLA. The Nights of Straparola. Now First Translated into English by W. G. Waters. 2 vols. 1894; Masuccio. The Novellino of Masuccio. Now First Translated into English by W. G. Waters. 2 vols. 1895; SER GIOVANNI. The Pecorone of Ser Giovanni. Translated by W. G. Waters. 1897. Each volume illustrated with plates In CoLor, by Louis Chalon or R. E. Hughes. Together, 9 vols. imperial 8vo, uniformly bound in half red levant morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Lawrence and Bullen, 1893-1897 EacH Work LIMITED TO 1000 COPIES, EXCEPTING THE LAST, WHICH Is LIMITED TO 600 CoPIES. COMPLETE SET of these well produced editions. Long out of print and now scarce. THE “BON TON MAGAZINE,’’ COMPLETE 52. Bon Ton MaGazinE. The New Bon Ton Magazine; or, Telescope of the Times. From May, 1818, to April, 1821. Nos. 1 to 36. Illustrated with the series of 32 BRILLIANTLY COLORED PLATES, many of them being portraits of celebrities of the tume. 6 vols. 8vo, half levant maroon morocco, richly gilt paneled backs, gilt tops. London: Printed for J. Johnston, 1818-1821 FINE SET OF THIS RARE WorK. This sporting periodical was of short duration, the above six volumes being all ever published. George Cruikshank is thought to have done some of the plates, but with the ex- ception of a few plates’signed ‘‘ Marks fec.’’ the plates are unsigned. The plate ‘‘The Boxing Baroness,’’ usually missing, Is HERE PRESENT. 53. BOOKBINDING. BICKELL (L.).. Bookbindings from the Hessian Historical Exhibition illustrating the Art of Binding from the XVth to the XVIIIth Centuries. Wauth 63 heliotype prints on 42 plates, hinged on linen guards. Folio, cloth, leather back, gilt top. Leipzig, 1893 EDITION LIMITED to 100 copies, this being, No. 44. Many noteworthy specimens are exhibited in the above plates. THE SUPERB NORWICH EDITION OF BORROW 54. Borrow (GEORGE). The Works of George, Borrow. Edited, with much hitherto unpublished manuscript, by Clement Shorter. Rubricated title pages, with woodcut decoration. 16 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crimson levant morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Constable & Co., Ltd., 1923 FINE SET OF THE NORWICH EDITION, limited to 775 copies, of which this is, No. 461. INCLUDES:—The Bible in Spain. 2 vols; Lavengro. 2 vols.; _ The Romany Rye. 2 vols.; Songs of Scandinavia. 3 vols.; Wild Wales. 3 vols.; Miscellanies. 2 vols.; and others. THE FIRST ISSUE OF BOSWELL’S JOHNSON 55. BOSWELL (JAMES). The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Comprehending an Account of his Studies and Numerous Works . . . A Series of his Epis- tolary Correspondence, and Conversations with many Eminent Persons; [ Continued First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th [No. 55. BoswELL—Continued ] and various Original Pieces of his composition, Never. Before Published, etc. Fine stipple portrait after Sir Joshua Reynolds, engraved by Heath, and the leaf of facsimiles. 2 vols. 4to, contemporary blue boards, calf backs. London: Henry Baldwin, 1791 ‘A FINE Copy OF THE RARE FIRST EDITION, with the leaf of facsimiles. First IssuE, WITH MISPRINT ‘“‘gve’’ on page I35. 56. BOSWELL (JAMES). The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Including a Journal of His Tour to the Hebrides. To which are added anecdotes by Hawkins, Piozzi, etc. Portraits, engraved frontispieces and titles by Finden after Reynolds and others. 10 vols. 12mo, half polished mottled calf, gilt, gilt backs and tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London: John Murray, 1835 BEAUTIFUL SET of this esteemed edition. 57. BouteT (HENRY) ILLUSTRATIONS. Autour d’Elles. Le Lever. Le Coucher. Préface par Armand Silvestre. Illustrations by Henry Boutet. 12mo, new full sage-green French levant morocco, front cover with nasturtiums and leaves inlaid in orange and green levants; doublures and fly-leaves of green silk; inside gilt borders with gilt fillets, gilt top, uncut, BY TAFFIN. Paris, 1899 FIRST EDITION, IN A BEAUTIFUL BINDING. ONE OF A FEW CoPIES PRINTED _ THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM AND Now VERY RARE. Illustrated, on every page, with charming nude and semi-nude figures, exquisitely drawn by Henry Boutet. _ 58. [Bowyer (R.).] An Illustrated Record of Important Events in the Annals of Europe, during the years 1812, 1813, 1814 & 1815. . . Together with a History of those Momentous Transactions. Jllustrated with 19 full and double-page COLORED AQUATINTS, a map, plate of facsimile autographs, and plate containing portraits. 2 vols. 1815; The Campaign of Waterloo . To which is prefixed A History of the Campaign, compiled from official documents and other authentic sources. [With biographical Notices of the Sovereigns, Warriors and Statesmen.] J/lustrated with 6 COLORED AQua- TINT views, plan, and two plates containing about go vignette portraits of sovereigns, warriors and statesmen.. 1816. Together, 3 vols. folio, half cloth, uncut (one binding worn). London: Printed by T. Bensley, for R. Bowyer, 1820 FINE IMPRESSIONS OF THE BRILLIANTLY COLORED PLATES. INTERIORLY A FINE _ Copy WITH ALL THE COLORED AQUATINT VIEWS FROM DRAWINGS MADE ON THE Spot. Among the illustrations are views of Quatre Bras, La Belle Alliance, Moscow, Berlin, the Kremlin, Village of Waterloo, Dresden, View from Mont St. Jean of The Battle of Waterloo, and others. - 59. BRANTOME (P. DE BOURDEILLE, SEIGNEUR DE). Les Views des Dames Galan- tes. With 50 illustrations by Ad. Lambrecht, beautifully COLORED BY HAND, by Gréningatre. 2 vols. 8vo, half olive green crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, I9O0I EDITION LIMITED to 750 copies, this being, No. 194. BEAUTIFUL Copy, with rubricated text. 60. BREVIARY TREASURES. Odes of Pindar; Gesta Romanorum; Selections from the Koran; Satires of Horace; Eclogues of Virgil; Story of Odysseus; Odes of Anacreon; Sayings of Epictetus; Wisdom of Marcus Aurelius; Classic Wit and Humour. Jilustrated. 10 vols. 8vo, original boards, vellum backs, uncut. Boston: Privately Printed, 1903-1905 THE DELPHIC EDITION, Limited to 475 Copies, printed on French handmade paper. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue ACCOMPANIED BY ONE OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS 61. BRICKDALE (ELEANOR FORTESCUE). The Book of Old English Songs & Ballads. With frontispiece and 23 fine plates IN COLOR, tipped on gray art paper. 4to, decorative cloth. London, no date Accompanying the above volume IS THE ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR PAINTING OF THE FRONTISPIECE, titled ‘‘Bishop Valentine.’”’” Height, 174; width, 1044 inches. Matted. The following verse is explanatory of this beautiful pictute: ‘‘Hail, Bishop Valentine, whose day this is! All the air is thy diocese, And all the chirping choristers And other birds are thy parishioners.” ACCOMPANIED BY ONE OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS 62. BRICKDALE (ELEANOR FoRTESCUE). Golden Book of Songs & Ballads. With frontispiece and 23 fine plates IN COLOR, tipped in. 4to, decorative cloth. London, no date Accompanying the above is a beautiful ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR PAINTING of one of the reproductions in the above volume. Height, 1434; width, 1014 inches. Matted, with an artistic gilt and wash border around drawing. The painting is representative of two old monks walking in the secluded garden of a cloister. They are dwelling upon their freedom from the cares of the outer world. Sir Henry Wotton beautifully describes this picture in his ballad: ‘‘The Character of a Happy Life.” BRITISH POETS. FULL MOROCCO—SEVENTY-EIGHT VOLUMES MAGNIFICENT SET 63. BritisH Ports. The Writings of the British Poets. Each with a Memoir. COLORED frontispiece portraits. 78 vols. 12mo, full crimson morocco, gilt fillets on sides, with an all-over floral design having morocco onlays in green, white, and purple, same design repeated on backs; DOUBLURES of green levant, with center tulip design in gilt and red morocco, surrounded with elaborate gilt oval, and outer border of crimson morocco containing ' gilt fillets and marginal and corner decorations; green watered silk end- leaves, gilt edges. New York and London: Edinboro Publishing Co., [1892, etc.] MAGNIFICENT EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED SET OF THE ALDINE EDITION, containing numerous colored photogravure reproductions skilfully inlaid to size, AND MANY ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS, by Gabriel. These add materially to the inter- est of the work. The set comprises,— Burns. 3 vols.; Butler. 2 vols.; Chatterton. 2 vols.; Chaucer. 6 vols.; Churchill. 2 vols.; Coleridge. 2 vols.; Cowper. 3 vols.; Dryden. 5 vols.; Herrick. 2 vols.; Milton. 2 vols.; Pope. 3 vols.; Prior. 2 vols.; Scott. 5 vols.; Shelley. 5 vols.; Spencer. 5 vols.; Swift. 3 vols.; Thomson. 2 vols.; Young. 2 vols.; Wordsworth. 7 vols.; Raleigh; Rogers; Surrey; Keats; Parnell; Shakespeare; Vaughan; White; Campbell; Blake; Collins; Gray; Goldsmith; Herbert; Wyatt. [See Frontispiece for Reproduction of Binding] 64. Brock (CHARLES E.). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING, of: “The Three Riders.” Signed: ‘‘C. E. Brock. 1894." Height, 8; length, 1144 inches. Matted. This fine drawing is executed in different gradations or values of black and white, done to illustrate ‘‘Farmer Snelling’s Ghost Story,’”’ published in ‘‘ Nema and Other Stories,’’ by Hedley Pick. Speeding upon the wind are a ghostly pair of horses and riders, dashing along a lone English country lane in the dead of night. A horsewoman, clad in dark attire, is outriding her phantom pursuers. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th 65. Brock (CHARLES E.). ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK Drawinc: “Christ Hospital, five and thirty years ago.” Signed: “‘C. E. Brock, 1899.’ Height, 614; length, 744 inches. Matted in a narrow black frame and glazed. A group of young boys are seated at a table, looking after a matronly woman carrying away a large dish of food. Chagrin and annoyance are written across their faces as they regard the retreating figure. 66. Brock (CHARLES E.). ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAWING of: ‘The Convales- cent.” Signed: “C. E. Brock, 1899.”’ Height, 8; length, 834 inches. Matted, in a narrow black frame and glazed. A young woman is seated in a great easy chair. A typical English country doctor is seated near, feeling her pulse, while a lovable old nurse is standing by, with con- cern written across her withered features. This artist has drawn for ‘‘ Punch,” “‘Graphic’”’ and various other magazines. WITH BOTH TITLE-PAGES AND ALL THE SUPPRESSED AND ADDED LEAVES—BELIEVED TO BE UNIQUE 67. BROoME (RicHARD). Lachrymze Musarum; The Tears of the Muses: exprest in Elegies; written By divers persons of Nobility and Worth, Upon the death of the most hopefull, Henry Lord Hastings . . . Collected and set forth by R. B. . . . Engraved frontispiece by F. Clein, folding sheet with heavy black border, title within black borders, type ornament head-pieces. Small 8vo, original sheep. Enclosed in full blue levant morocco solander case, gilt tooled and lettered, with inner cloth protecting wrapper, BY BRADSTREET’S. London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, 1649 EXCESSIVELY RARE FIRST EDITION WITH THE ORIGINAL TITLE-PAGE DATED 1649. This copy is believed to be UNIQUE as it contains in ADDITION TO THE 1649 TITLE- PAGE, WHICH WAS SUPPRESSED, and the complete text of this first issue (which con- tained 27 contributions), the 1650 title-page, two leaves which were added between pages 42 and 43, and 9 leaves after page 74 containing the extra poems, ONE BY DRYDEN (His FIRST PRINTED PRODUCTION). The first two inserted leaves (signa- tures F 1-2) after page 74, containing a postscript and the poem by A. Marvel which also appears on the inserted leaves between pages 42-43, were cancelled in a majority of the copies and are EXCEEDINGLY RARE. VERY FEW COPIES OF EITHER EDITION ARE EXTANT AND THIS Copy IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE, CONTAINING As IT DoEs ALL THE PRINTED MATTER ORIGINALLY ISSUED FOR BOTH EDITIONS. With autographed signature of Henry Bradshaw, the Parliamentarian who sat on the Court-Martial which tried the Earl of Derby and other Royalists at Chester in 1652; also an early note regarding Richard Brome the author, and some contempo- rary figuring on fly-leaves. From the Later Library of Herschel. V. Jones with bookplate. THORNTON EDITION—SPLENDID SET 68. BRONTE (THE SISTERS), Novels of the Sisters Bronté. Edited by Temple Scott. Wauth portraits and illustrations. 11 vols.; The Life of Charlotte Bronté. By E. C. Gaskell. Introduction and Notes by Temple Scott and B. W. Willett. Illustrated. Together, 12 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt fillets on sides, full gilt paneled backs, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1905 HANDSOME SET OF THE THORNTON EDITION. Generally conceded to be the best library edition of the Writings of the Sisters Bronté. Printed in large type. COMPRISES:—Jane Eyre. 2 vols.; The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. 2 vols.; Shirley. 2 vols.; Willette. 2 vols.; The Professor; Wuthering Heights; Agnes Grey; Life, by Gaskell. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue ‘‘PHIZ’? AUTOGRAPH LETTER REFERRING TO DICKENS’ BOOKS 69. BrowNE (HasLtot K.—‘‘Phiz”). Autograph Letter Signed,—"H. K. Browne.” 3pp. 8vo, Notting Hill, July 12th, [18]65. To Fredk. Cozens, Esqre. Letter mounted and inlaid. AN EXCEEDINGLY FINE AND IMPORTANT LETTER BY THE FAMOUS ILLUSTRATOR OF DICKENS’ WoRKS, REFERRING TO His ILLUSTRATIONS FOR “‘ NICHOLAS NICKLEBY”’ AND ‘‘ MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT.”’ It was through his work as an illustrator of Dickens that Browne won renown. A REMARKABLE LITERARY GEM. This very interesting letter reads,—‘‘ I have—as I ‘ propoged’ to myself—drawn out my drawings before the long days have made much progress with their draw-ins. Nicholas Nickleby and Martin Chuzzlewit are ready for you, whenever you like to give them house room, perhaps the sooner the better—as I suspect they will be taken better care of, in your keeping than in mine; with me, they will stand a chance of getting their noses rubbed off and dresses torn or dustied. ““T have done my figures this early to suit my own convenience—you, of course, can draw yours (which are ever so much better than mine—I wish I could draw in that style!) whenever you feel thus artistically inclined.” FINE ORIGINAL DRAWING BY ‘‘PHIZ”’ 70. BROWNE (HAaBLOT K.—‘‘ Phiz’’). ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAWING HEIGHTENED WITH WATERCOLOR, SIGNED, ‘‘Phiz, 1866.” Height, 514; length, 1234 inches. Matted. A spirited drawing showing the English gentry promenading a cheval, some of the livelier ones galloping their horses, in disregard of the frightened pedestrians, one of whom is seen in the foreground, fleeing to safety. Her parasol is lying on the road and her scurrying canine pet is apparently forgotten. FINE ORIGINAL DRAWING BY ‘“PHIZ”’ 71. BROWNE (HaBLot K.—‘‘Phiz’’). ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAWING HEIGHTENED WITH WATERCOLOR, SIGNED, ‘‘ Phiz, 1866." Height, 514; length, 1234 inches. Matted. A lively scene on a sunlit day on a favorite English drive. The cream of the equine species and their distinguished riders are enjoying the brisk morning air. Here and there are ladies and gentlemen enjoying a téte-a-téte on horseback. In the fore- ground are two young people on their respective ponies also holding a conversation. Two small pet dogs are entering into the spirit, for they, too, seem to be earnestly ex- changing salutations of the morn in their canine tongue. TWELVE BEAUTIFUL UNPUBLISHED DRAWINGS BY “PHIZ” 72. BROWNE (HasLtot K.—‘‘Phiz’’). A SERIES OF ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED DRAWINGS IN TINTS for William Wordsworth’s ‘“‘Hart-Leap Well.” Title and 12 beautifully executed pencil drawings, artistically tipped in and matted, each being hinged on linen. Explanation of Hart-Leap Well and original poem inlaid. Tipped in, is an A.L.S. by M. A. Browne. All bound into an oblong large folio volume (15 by 28 inches) of full green levant morocco, gilt, gilt lettering on obverse cover, gilt paneled back and inner gilt bor- ders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. 7 A UNIQUE AND REMARKABLE SPORTING ITEM, displaying the genius of ‘‘ Phiz”’ at its very best. The drawings are full of spirit and faithfully depict the breathless inter- eo ie a participants in the hunt. Each drawing is beautifully and very carefully nished. It Is EXCEEDINGLY UNUSUAL THAT A WORK OF SUCH EXTREME IMPORTANCE SHOULD HAVE REMAINED UNPUBLISHED FOR SO MANY YEARS. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th ge aon ee a Oana as ere fei tS eral a Ma ak FULL LEVANT WITH DOUBLURES 73. BROWNE (JAMES). The History of Scotland. Its Highlands, Regiments and Clans. Frontispieces and some plates IN Two SrTaTEs, one set printed IN Cotors; other illustrations, some in color; rubricated title-pages on Japan vellum. 8 vols. square 8vo, full blue levant morocco, sides with outer frame of double gilt fillets enclosing a wide border of thistle design onlaid in vari- colored moroccos and in gilt, gilt paneled backs with similar motif, wide inner morocco borders with the thistle design, brown morocco doublures with the Scottish coat-of-arms at center, in gilt and inlaid blue morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh: Francis A. Niccolls & Co., 1909 BEAUTIFUL SET OF THE ST. ANDREWS EDITION, limited to 26 lettered copies, of which this is, Letter C. FIRST EDITIONS OF THE COMPLETE WORK 74. BROWNING (RoBERT). Bellsand Pomegranates. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, triple gilt fillet border on sides, richly gilt back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1841-1846 FINE Copy OF THE First ISSUES OF THE FIRST EDITION, THE EIGHT PARTS Com- PLETE. RARE. : MAGNIFICENT SET OF THE LARGE PAPER ISSUE—WITH A.L.S. OF BROWNING INSERTED 75. BROWNING (RoBERT). Poetical Works. 17 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt fillets on sides with corner floral ornaments and large center scroll and dot design on front covers in gilt and purple calf; full gilt paneled backs with onlays of purple calf, doublures of polished calf, center design of large coat- of-arms in gilt and black, silver, and crimson onlays of morocco, with broad outer border of polished calf and gilt fillets; gilt edges, By ZAEHNS- DORF, 1909. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1888-1894 MAGNIFICENT SET OF THE LARGE PAPER COPY OF THE SCARCE “SMITH, ELDER”’ EDITION. PRINTED ON HANDMADE PAPER, AND LIMITED TO 2 50 SETS. LONG OUT OF PRINT. Inserted in Vol. I. isan A. L. S. by Robert Browning, 2pp. 12mo, n. p. n. d. To Mrs. Talfourd, relative to an invitation received from her, promising to call on her on date set should his engagements permit him to do so. i THE CENTENARY EDITION OF BROWNING 76. BROWNING (RoBerRT). The Works of Robert Browning. With Introductions by F. G. Kenyon. Portraits. 10 vols. 8vo, half maroon calf, gilt, richly gilt backs with green levant lettering-pieces, gilt tops, uncut. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1912 HANDSOME SET OF THE CENTENARY EDITION, limited to 500 copies on Antique laid paper, this being, No. 71. 77- Bryce (James, Lorp). The American Commonwealth. Map. 3 vols. 8vo, three-quarter blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt backs and tops. London: Macmillan, 1888 FINE Copy OF THE RARE First EDITION, containing the Chapters on ‘‘ The Tweed Ring” in New York City, ‘‘The Philadelphia Gas Ring,”’ “‘ Kearneyism in Califor- nia,’’ etc. The later editions of this work were much altered from this first edition, a number of passages being rigidly suppressed. Bookplate of E. D. Richmond. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 78. BUCHANAN (ROBERT). North Coast and Other Poems. Wath illustrations by J. Wolf, T. Dalziel, E. Dalziel, A. B. Houghton, and others. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. Small 4to, full crimson levant, elaborately gilt tooled back, gilt borders on sides, wide inside gilt borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1868 First EDITION. FINE Copy. THE DALZIEL BROTHERS’ COPY, WITH THEIR BOOKPLATE INSIDE FRONT COVER. Inserted is A. L. S. of the Author, 4pp., November 5th, 1866, to The Dalziel Brothers, entirely regarding the illustrations for this book, and Receipt Signed by eer os Pageant hop oens 3 receipt, from Dalziel Brothers, of £400 for the copyright of this book. 79. BUENOS Ayres. VIDAL (E. E.). Picturesque Illustrations of Buenos Ayres and Monte Video. Consisting of Twenty-Four Views: Accompanied with Descriptions of the Scenery, and of the Customs, Manners, &c. of the Inhabitants of Those Cities and Their Environs. 24 full-page and large folding aquatint plates, IN Cotors, of views in Buenos Ayres and M. ontevideo, engraved by Maile and Sutherland, after E. E. Vidal. Royal 4to, half vellum and cloth, uncut. London: R. Ackermann, 1820 RARE IN THIS STATE. A splendid work on Spanish America, and the most sought for and highly prized of all color plate books on this subject. The views include among others, the following,—Public Butchery; Monte Video, from an anchorage outside the harbor; Buenos Ayres, from the bank between the outer and inner roads; Landing Place; Fort; The Plaza or Great Square; The Market- Place; Church of San Domingo and Female Costumes; The Pampa Indians; General View of Buenos Ayres from the Plaza de Toros; Estantia (Farm) of San Pedro; Ball- ing Ostriches; and other scenes. 80. BULLEN (A. H.). Davison’s Poetical Rhapsody. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 2 vols. 8vo, half yellow calf, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1890 LARGE PAPER EDITION, PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON HANDMADE PAPER, OF WHICH BUT 250 CoPIES WERE IssuED. From the Library of Robert Hoe, with his leather book-label in each volume. 81. BuRKE (EDMUND). The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke. Portrait on India paper. 12 vols. 8vo, full green French levant morocco, sides with a border-of gilt fillets, enclosing a decorative panel design in gilt, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London: John C. Nimmo, 1887 A HANDSOME SET OF THE BEST EDITION. CONTAINS ALL OF BURKE’S WRITINGS AND SPEECHES. Inserted in Volume I, is an Autograph Letter Signed in full by Edmund Burke, 2pp. 4to, “‘ Beaconsfield, Feb. 29, 1796.’’ Addressed to an unnamed gentleman, transmitting a request from his neighbors, and stating, “*T do sincerely believe that some of them run the risque of nothing short of ruin by driving them from the only trade they have, that of waggons . i THE RARE LARGE PAPER HENLEY EDITION OF BURNS 82. BurNs (ROBERT). The Poetry of Robert Burns. Edited by W. E. Henley and T. F. Henderson. With etchings by William Hole on Japanese vellum paper, rubricated title-pages. 4 vols. imperial 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, sides with outer frame of double gilt fillets, thistle sprays at corners, gilt paneled backs, with similar design, inner morocco borders, with the thistle motif, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh: T. C. and E. C. Jack, 1896 FINE SET of the Illustrated Edition of the Centenary Burns, on LARGE PAPER oF WHICH ONLY 90 CoPIES WERE PRINTED, this being, No. 83, signed in the auto- graph of William Hole in each volume. VERY RARE. . a “ First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th 83. BUNYAN (JOHN). The Pilgrim’s Progress. Thick small 4to, full polished russet calf, gilt, gilt back and inner borders, gilt edges. Cambridge, 1862 Golden Treasury Series. Limited to 500 copies on LARGE PAPER. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about 80 fine plates illustrating the alle- gorical tale. MANUSCRIPT BY JOHN BURROUGHS 84. BURROUGHS (JOHN). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT, SIGNED, comprising approximately TWELVE HUNDRED Worps WRITTEN ENTIRELY IN HIs AUTOGRAPH. Written on seven 8vo sheets and bound in a full dark blue crushed levant morocco binding, gilt lettered, inner morocco borders, orna- mented with gilt fillets and frame in conventional design, BY THE FRENCH BINDERS. February, 1914 FINE BURROUGHS MANUSCRIPT of his essay, ‘‘ Man & the Natural Order,”’ written by him in February 1914, and bearing that date at the conclusion of the essay. The title appears at the top of the first page, written in pencil. The essay itself is in ink, and is signed by him at the end,—‘“‘ John Burroughs.” . Ona 16mo leaf, tipped to one of the fly-leaves, is the penciled inscription,—‘‘ For the Belgian Relief Committee. John Burroughs.” ONE OF THE FINEST COPIES OF THE RARE ORIGINAL BENARES . EDITION EVER OFFERED FOR SALE 85. BuRTON (Sir RIcHARD F.). A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainment, now Entituled The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night. With Introduction, Explanatory Notes on the Manners and Customs of Moslem Men and a Terminal Essay Upon the History of the Nights. 10 vols. 1885; Supplemental Nights to the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night. With Notes Anthropological and Explanatory. 6 vols. 1886-1888. Together, 16 vols. royal 8vo, FULL BROWN CRUSHED LEVANT Morocco, with ornamental gilt borders on sides, {richly gilt backs, inner levant borders, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers and backbones bound in, BY SICKERS. Benares: Printed by the Kamashastra Society for Private Subscribers Only, 1885-1888 FINE SET OF THE RARE ORIGINAL EDITION, PRINTED BY THE KAMASHASTRA SOCIETY FOR PRIVATE SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. This is the plainest and most literal translation in the English language, and is accompanied by anthropological notes of eh most intimate nature that illustrate the tales from present day life of Eastern ciety. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED BY THE INSERTION OF 227 FINE PLATES, on plate paper, Japanese vellum and plain paper, namely 121 on plain and plate paper,106 on Japan vellum. A most appropriate set of illustrations. 86. [BUTLER (SAMUEL).] Mercurius Menippeus. The Loyal Satyrist, or Hudibras in Prose, Written by an unknown Hand in the time of the late Rebellion. But never till now published. Small 4to, full green levant morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides, gilt back with title lettered lengthwise, inside gilt dentelles, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London: Printed for Jos. Hindmarsh . . . 1682 First EDITION. EXCEPTIONALLY FINE Copy, with good margins, of this rare tract, which is attributed to Samuel Butler. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue SUPERB COPY OF THE THICK PAPER: WITH PROOFS OF THE PLATES 87. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras. With Dr. Grey’s Annotations. A New Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. Finely illustrated with full-page portraits and other reproductions, ALL PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, engraved by Thomson, Watn- wright, Cooper, and other artists; and numerous woodcuts. 3 vols. thick small folio, three-quarter dark blue levant morocco, richly gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut, some plates foxed. London: Charles & Henry Baldwyn, 1819 TuickK PAPER Copy, only a small number printed. Brest MopERN EDITION. Containing the series of 60 portraits published by Bald- win, INDIA PRroors, with special title-page and List of Portraits inserted. The Clarence S. Bement copy, with bookplate in Vol. I. 88. Byron (GEORGE GorDON, Lorp). The Corsair, a Tale. 8vo, full red niger morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides. London, 1814 First EpITIoN. With half-title. No advertisements. 89. ByROoN (GEORGE Gorpon, Lorp). The Prisoner of Chillon, and other Poems. 8vo, full red niger morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides. London, 1816 First EDITION, with half-title. No advertisements. go. Byron (GEORGE Gorpon, Lorp). ,Mazeppa, a Poem. 8vo, full red niger morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides. London, 1819 First EpITIoN. Contains the half-title. No advertisements. gt. [ByRoN (GEORGE GorDOoN, Lorp).] Waltz, an Apostrophic Hymn. By Horace Hornem, Esq. (The Noble Author of Don Juan.) 8vo, full ultramarine levant morocco, Jansenist, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt top, UNcut, BY RIVIERE. London, W. Clark, 1821 First OCTAVO EDITION. 92. Byron (GEORGE GORDON, Lorp). Werner, A Tragedy. 8vo, full red niger morocco, gilt fillet borders on sides, gilt tops. London, 1823 First ISSUE OF THE First EDITION. With half-title, but without the four-leaf advertisement at end. The words ‘‘The End” do not appear on p. 188, as they do in the second issue. ; 93. Byron (GEORGE GorDON, Lorp). Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage. A Romaunt. With numerous finely engraved vignettes by Finden, and portrait of Byron by Finden. 8vo, full blue French levant morocco, sides with an elaborately gilt tooled border, gilt paneled back, solid gold edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1841 SUPERB SPECIMEN OF BINDING. The engravings are charming, and ARE FREE FROM SPoTS—an unusual feature. THE JOHN MURRAY EDITION OF BYRON. LARGE PAPER 94. Byron (GEORGE Gorpon, Lorp). The Works of Lord Byron. A New Re- vised and Enlarged Edition. Poetry. Edited by.E. H. Coleridge. 7 vols.; Letters and Journals. Edited by R. E. Prothero. 6 vols. Portraits and illustrations. Together, 13 vols. 4to, blue cloth, with Byron’s arms stamped in gilt on obverse covers, leather backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: John Murray, 1898-1903 EpDITION LimITED to 250 copies, this being, No. 97, initialed by the publisher. LARGE Paper Copy of the most complete edition known, containing letters and other material never before published. first Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th 95. CALDECOTT (RANDOLPH). ORIGINAL ETCHED PROOF ON VELLUM, of: ‘‘’Twas the Fiddler Played it Wrong!’’; [ALso] Another, titled: ‘‘The Rivals.” Height of each, 8; width, 614 inches. Each signed in pencil by the etcher: ““Gaujean.”’ Together, 2 pieces. Matted. 96. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. Muse Cantabrigienses; seu Carmina Quedam Numismate Aureo Cantabrigiz Ornata, et Procancellarii Permissu Edita. 8vo, full contemporary crimson straight-grain morocco, gilt border enclos- ing blind framework, gilt edges. Londini, 1810 Volume is dedicated to William Browne (the famous Cambridge University Pro- fessor) and contains numerous contributions in Latin and Greek. The name ‘“‘ James Mackenzie”’ is pasted on fly-leaf. 97. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. GRADUS AD CANTABRIGIAM; or New University Guide to the Academical Customs, and Colloquial or ‘Cant Terms peculiar to the University of Cambridge; observing wherein it differs from Oxford. By a Brace of Cantabs. With 6 FINELY COLORED ENGRAVINGS, also the likeness of ‘‘Jemmy Gordon.’ 8vo, ORIGINAL STIFF CLOTH WRAPPERS, paper label, entirely uncut. With protecting cloth wrapper. London, 1824 FIRST EDITION, with fine impressions of the plates. Contains the plate ‘‘Quite Unexpected,’ sometimes missing. The advertisements printed on yellow paper are lacking. '98. CAMPBELL (JOHN, LorpD). The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England. 7 vols. 1847-1849; The Lives of the Chief Jus- tices of England. 2 vols. 1849. Together, 9 vols. 8vo, full russia, decorative gilt borders on sides, gilt backs and inner borders, marbled edges. London: John Murray, 1847-1849 HANDSOME SET of the Library Edition. LARGE PAPER COPY OF “LIFE IN PARIS’’—VERY RARE g9. Carty (DAvip). Life in Paris; comprising the Rambles, Sprees, and Amours, of Dick Wildfire, of Corinthian Celebrity, and his Bang-up Companion Squire Jenkins and Captain O’Shuffleton . . . With 21 COLORED PLATES, designed and engraved by George Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, triple gilt fillet borders on sides, richly gilt back and inner bor- ders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1822 FINE Copy OF THE FIRST EDITION. THE VERY RARE LARGE PAPER ISSUE WITH HALF-TITLE AND LEAF ‘“‘ TO THE BINDER,” both of which are frequently missing. THREE HUNDRED AND ONE CARICATURES IN COLOR 100. CARICATURE MAGAZINE (THE), or Mirror of Mirth, being a collection of Humorous and Satirical Caricatures. Illustrated with 301 COLORED PLATES. including title-pages. Each plate tipped on a sheet of brown art paper, Bound in 5 vols. oblong folio, half red morocco, leather lettering pieces on front covers, gilt backs, gilt inside borders, gilt edges. | London, 1807-1819 FINE IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES. Vols. I-V inclusive (ALL IssuED) of this celebrated periodical. No two copies of this work agree in collation, some copies con- tain 500 plates, while the above copy contains 301 plates. The above copy contains the plates by Rowlandson, Robert and George Cruikshank and others. The present set contains the practically unknown plate in Volume One, Jone Conclusion of the first volume of the Caricature Magazine,’’ which was also in the Dulles copy. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue MANY RARE CARICATURES ARE INCLUDED IN THIS EXTENSIVE COLLECTION IOI. CARICATURES. A Collection of about 260 fine caricatures after Gillray, Bunbury, John Doyle, Hogarth, Rowlandson, George Cruikshank, Woodward, Robert Cruikshank, Henry Heath, and others, A GREAT NUMBER IN COLORS. Mounted on atlas folio sheets and bound into an atlas folio volume, full parchment, leather back, covers loose. [London, etc.] 1783-1830, etc. A VERY IMPORTANT COLLECTION, including ‘‘ The Apparition,”’ after John Doyle; ‘‘The Rake’s Progress,’’ after Hogarth; ‘‘The Harlot’s Progress,’ after Hogarth; ‘*Off She Goes,’’ after Woodward; ‘‘ The Battle of the Cataplasm,’’ ‘‘ Newmarket,” ‘“‘Light Infantry Man,” ‘‘A Dancing Bear,’’ and others after Bunbury; “‘A Peep into the Cave of Jacobinism,’’ after Gillray; ‘‘A Courier from France,’’ after Doyle; ‘Political Billiards,’’ after Heath; and others. 102. CARLYLE (THOMAS). The Writings of Carlyle. Wauth illustrations, some on India paper, maps, etc. 20 vols. large 8vo, full red French levant morocco, sides with gilt panel design, corner ornaments in gilt, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Boston: Estes and Lauriat, 1884 EDITION DE LUXE. Limited to 315 copies, each numbered, this being, No. 183. A HANDSOME SET. Inserted in Volume I, is an Autograph Letter Signed by Thomas Carlyle, 2pp. 8vo, ‘Chelsea, 9 Jany. 1845.’ To an unnamed gentleman, telling him he went to the Museum, that he had been at the Ayscough Ms. 4769, and that he had copied the letter to the Mayor of Waterford from it and other interesting information. SUPERBLY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED “FRENCH REVOLUTION” 103. CARLYLE (THOMAS). The French Revolution. Wz4th illustrations, SOME IN CoLor. 2 vols. extended to 4, royal 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, sides with center panel indented at corners and ornamented with floral design, enclosed by an outer frame of triple fillets, leaf motif in fan design at corners, all in gilt, gilt paneled backs, with leaf motif, inner gilt dentelle borders, green morocco doublures, with border and framework of triple gilt fillets, enclosing floral design in gilt and onlaid red morocco at corners, green watered silk fly-leaves, solid gilt edges, BY THE MONASTERY : HILL BINDERY. Each volume with linen cover, enclosed in half morocco | slip-case. London, 1900 | A HANDSOME SET, EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED BY THE INSERTION OF ABOUT 500 PorR- TRAITS, VIEWS AND Maps, and extended from two to four volumes. The original 8vo text skilfully inlaid to royal 4to size. The plates, which were collected over a long period, include original, signed etch- ings and fine engravings, many of great value and exceedingly rare. There is a repre- sentative collection of portraits of the period—several studies of Louis XV, and fine engravings of Napoleon, Madame DuBarry, Diderot, Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI, ee and Richelieu are included. A few of the inserted plates are slightly oxed. A rare map of France, divided into provinces, is included, and among the views are splendid engravings of the Palace of Justice, the Town and Fortress of Lille, Notre Dame, The Palace of Versailles, the Hotel de Ville, the Entrance to the Port of Mar- seilles, and numerous other scenes of interest contemporary with the period, in addi- tion to a number of fine reproductions of paintings with subjects of special interest in connection with the French Revolution. Tuis Is ONE OF THE FINEST EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED COPIES OF THIS WORK EVER OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th “ALICE IN WONDERLAND” AND ‘‘THE LOOKING GLASS’”’ FIRST EDITIONS [““ CARROLL (LEwis’’—REv. C. L. Dodgson).] Alice’s Adventures in Wonder- land. By Lewis Carroll. With forty-two illustrations by John Tenniel. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. London, 1866 FIRST PUBLISHED EDITION, First ISSUE, with all the points—the faint double rule above the poetical introduction, and the raised lead under the pagination on page r1o. The suppressed issue of 1865, having been rejected before publication by the author, is Sees unprocurable; and this First Published Edition of 1866 is the accepted irst ition. Aso Its SEQUEL Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There. With fifty illustrations by John Tenniel. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. London, 1872 FIRST EDITION. Together, 2 vols. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, sides with frame of triple gilt fillets, gilt paneled backs, solid gilt edges. Enclosed in cloth and boards slip-case. London, 1866-1872 FirsT EDITION OF EACH VOLUME. The original red cloth binding has been bound in at the end of each volume. Caruso (ENRICO). ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK CARICATURE of Signor Banchetti. Matted and framed. SPLENDID UNPUBLISHED CARICATURE, BY THE GREATEST OF TENORS, OF A BROTHER ARTIST. Caruso (Enrico). Caricatures by Enrico Caruso. Complete Collection Issued With the Approval of the Artist. 500 Caricatures. Folio, original cloth. New York, 1922 First EDITION. Inserted is ORIGINAL CARICATURE, Signed by Caruso, entitled ““UN COMPOSITORE,’’ dated 1911. THIS CARICATURE IS NOT REPRODUCED IN THE Book. The Great Tenor caricatured Kings, Presidents, Singers, Players, Managers, and Others,—they are all here. CATHEDRALS OF ENGLAND. Winkles’s Architectural and Picturesque Illus- trations of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales. With historical and descriptive accounts. New Edition, with the addition of the Manchester Cathedral. Numerous full-page engravings of exteriors of Cathedrals, drawn by Hablét K. Browne and engraved by W. Winkles. 3 vols. imperial 8vo, half green morocco, gilt edges. London: David Bogue, 1851 FINE CLEAN SET. CazoTTE (J.). Le Diable Amoureux. Preface de A. J. Pons. Etchings by F. Buhot. Variantes et Bibliographie. 8vo, new three-quarter blue levant, full gilt back, with inlays of crimson levant, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1878 CENTURY DICTIONARY AND CYCLOPEDIA (THE). An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language. J)lustrated. 10 vols. 4to, half leather, binding poor. Not returnable. New York [1895] Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue THE VIERGE EDITION OF CERVANTES: JAPAN PAPER: WITH EXTRA PLATES 110. CERVANTES (MIGUEL DE). The History of the Valorous and Witty Knight- Errant Don Quixote of the Mancha. Translated by Thomas Shelton. With an Introduction by Royal Cortissoz. Wath the fine series of full-page and text illustrations by DANIEL VIERGE, on Japan vellum paper; rubricated title-pages. 4 vols.; WITH EXTRA PORTFOLIO OF PLATES. Together, 5 vols. royal 8vo, half vellum boards, gilt ornament on: front covers, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1906-1907 ONE OF 140 COPIES ON IMPERIAL JAPAN PAPER, WITH Two ADDITIONAL FULL- PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS, WITH A DUPLICATE SET OF THE FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS, Proors BEFORE LETTERS. This set is, No. 137. ae eat nb Gaby ba $f. fps piss ik ee yn fed lan pemyn. tes flag ios rot Sala tk erie Lise hae Jor pest rely Tider &> Peotess mtaks be: gmarch ba ge yon Led, ele po (olay but gn weh aes aes Meg pacts Pres Sie Son fre a hey apa f into i or Va al eine um gener tbat (gheaies tn a Pec i ne nye the OF opey WED hu fhe fols antteuit hin too! sinh pod Sr bjt fd dnat 8 yo bi hirtty or U daee phat on no Bee yon ar poogeken 5 =! Yeon ves af rege fe: pope Ag Hbh ae [ No. oy ONE OF AN EDITION OF FIFTY SETS ILI. CHALON (JOHN). The Compleat Work of Etchings. [Title repeated in French.]} Consisting in 100 pieces mostly after his own designs and some after original drawings by Rembrandt. Laid in loosely in folio board portfolio, half vellum. London, 1802 EDITION LIMITED to 50 complete sets from the plates. Later most of them were destroyed. The etchings are mounted on about 40 folio sheets. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th AUTOGRAPH LETTERS OF CHARLES THE FIRST AND HIS QUEEN 112. CHARLES I, KING oF ENGLAND, AND HENRIETTA Mart, QUEEN OF CHARLES I. Autograph Letter Signed or Eacu: (1) King Charles I, one page 8vo, “Ruperry, 26 July 1645." To his Nephew Prince Ruppert; (2) Henrietta Marie R. 2pp. 4to, Paris 20 August 1650. To her cousin “ Monsieur le Marquis de Argill.”” Written in French. With wax seals. With 5 engraved portraits of King Charles, and a portrait of Queen Henrietta Maria. Each letter neatly tipped to sheet, and each portrait skilfully inlaid to size. Bound together in 4to volume, full maroon levant morocco, triple gilt fillet borders on sides, lettered on front cover. EXCEEDINGLY FINE LETTERS AND OF GREAT RARITY IN FULL AUTOGRAPH. The letter by King Charles I was written during the Civil War in England, while King Charles was in France, and reads in part,—‘‘ Nephew, this messenger coming out of France is in such haste to go to you that I shall only tell you that you will find I have been better than my word in my last letter, for yesterday I gave order for Tilliers and Pretties Regiments to march to you with all possible speed. . . . Iam Sending a new dispatch into Ireland wherein I not only seek to hasten the supplies in general, but like- wise in particular to encourage the Marquis of Ormonde himself to come over, because I believe without him our assistance from those parts will be very small. Yet I assure you he shall be subordinate to you. This is shortly to show you that on no occasion you are Yorgotiens:. 6 2” The letter by Queen Henrietta Maria, written in French, is accompanied by an English translation. It is written to the Marquis of Argyll, in regard to the removal of several servants of her son, King Charles II, and asks that one particular servant be restored. A translation of part of the letter reads,—‘‘ Having heard that there have been removed from my son, the King, some of his servants, amongst other one called Arden, I could not help bringing to your notice that he is a man who has always behaved with much affection and faithfulness towards his master, who is far removed from intrigue, who busies himself about nothing but serving his master, who has been con- sianily with him since his childhood, and who is well suited to be with young people, tia The portraits of King Charles I are engraved by Picart, Basan, Bernaudy, Bocquet and H. Robinson; that of Queen Henrietta Maria by H. T. Ryall. [See Reproduction of A. L. S. by King Charles] 113. CHARLES II. Arry (OsmunpD). Charles II. Jilustrated with a colored portrait of the King from the miniature by S. Cooper, and 43 full-page photogravures, In Two StaTEs, with numerous other illustrations in the text from contempo- rary works of art. 4to, half red levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. London: Goupil & Co., 1901 EDITION-DE-LUXE, limited to 300 copies of which this is No. 163, PRINTED ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. 114. CiviLizaTIon. An Appreciation of the Victories of Scholarship, Science and Art. Profusely illustrated. 7 vols. square 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt fillets and decorative gilt borders on sides, gilt paneled backs, inner gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut. New York [1917] EDITION LIMITED to 750 copies, this being, No. 73; comprising: Period of Adjustment; Age of Attainment; Appreciation; Time of Awakening; Epoch of the Individual; Dawn of Magnificence; Pursuit of Perfection. 115. Criassic TALES By Famous AutHors. Containing Complete Selections from the World’s Best Authors with Prefatory, Biographical and Synoptical Notes. Edited and Arranged by Frederick B. De Berard. With a General Introduction by Rossiter Johnson. Jilustrated. 20 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Bodleian Society [1905 ] COLUMBIA EDITION. No. 482 of a limited number of copies. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 116. CLAUDE LorRAIN (“‘Claude Gelée’’). Two ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK SKETCHES in sepia, touched with wash. Each about 5 by 10% inches. Matted. Enclosed in marbled board portfolio, inner flaps. Two RARE DRAWINGS BY THE PRINCE OF LANDSCAPE ARTISTS. Reynolds has said of him: ‘‘ There would be another Raphael before there was another Claude.” The obverse drawing represents a picturesque bridge over a quiet lake, mountains, buildings and foliage visible in the background, and in the foreground to the right, two small boys fishing. The reverse drawing portrays another view of the bridge, though almost four spans are visible in this one. Four figures are in the foreground, two stepping into a rowboat, one about to dive into the lake, the fourth reclining on the bank. 117. CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.—‘‘ Mark Twain”’). The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrims’ Progress. With 234 illustrations. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Hartford, 1869 THE RARE FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION. The copies with gilt edges are much more uncommon than the copies with plain edges. Inserted is an interesting 2-p. A. L. S. of Rev. Joseph H. Twichell—one of Mark Twain's ‘“‘ Innocents Abroad’’—to E. C. Stedman, in which he mentions Mark Twain, # 118. CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.). Roughing It. Fully illustrated by Eminent Artists. 8vo, three-quarter red morocco, gilt back. Hartford, 1872 First Issue oF First EDITION, with perfect ‘‘M”’ in first word of ‘‘Contents.”’ FINE, CLEAN Copy. SCARCE. 119. CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.). A Tramp Abroad. With 328 illustrations. 8vo, original cloth. Hartford, 1880 First Issue oF First EDITION, with ‘‘Moses”’ at foot of first plate; changed, in the second issue, to ‘‘ Titian’s Moses.’’ FINE Copy. 120. CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.). Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer’s Com- rade). With 174 illustrations. Small 4to, original cloth. New York, 1885 SPLENDID COPY OF THE RARE FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION, with page 283 properly tipped on stub. Inserted are: Autograph Letter Signed, ‘‘Daheim Expedition,” to The Century Co., requesting permission to reprint Mark Twain’s ‘“‘A Curious Experience;’”’ Auto- graph Letter Signed by Frank H. Scott, of the Century Co., to Mark Twain, forward- ing this letter to him, and AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED BY MARK TWaIN—"S. L. Clemens’’—to Mr. Chatto, of Chatto & Windus, his English Publishers, reading: ‘Please answer him, and give him permission or refuse it, just as you please. Happy New Years!" A REMARKABLE SERIES yas ear n LETTERS OF “MARK I 99 121. CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.). A Collection of EticHtT AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, Signed, —S. L. Clemens” and one signed ‘“‘ Mark.” 8vo, 17pp. collectively- Dated November 14, 1889 to October 29 [1900]. Together, 8 pieces, all written to Sylvester Baxter; [ALso] A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s | Court. First Epition. Illustrated. Square 8vo, cloth. New York, 1889 SYLVESTER BAXTER’S Copy or ‘‘A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” with his autograph signature on fly-leaf. Also, pasted on the same leaf, is a printed card reading ‘‘Compliments of S. L. Clemens.’’ On end-leaves in front are pasted portraits of Mark Twain, and of his mother. THESE LETTERS, WRITTEN TO SYLVESTER BAXTER, AUTHOR AND JOURNALIST, ARE MosT INTERESTING, AND ARE IN REGARD TO CLEMENS’ Book ‘“‘A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR’S Court.” In one letter, appropos of the downfall of the Brazilian monarchy, he shows his abhorrence of monarchies by writing “‘I believe I [ Continued First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th Ns [ No. 121. CLEMENS—Continued | should really see the end of what is surely the grotesquest of all the swindles ever invented by man—monarchy.”’ The following is a list of the letters, and extracts,— (1) Hartford, Nov. 14/89. 2pp. ‘‘I was Howells’ guest in Boston yesterday. . I set your name down for the book—you will receive it in about 30 days fromnow. . . . The book itself will issue . . . Dec. 12, but there will be no reviews of it in the month of December except yours and Howells. . Pak (2) Hartford, Nov. 20, 1889. 6pp. Most INTERESTING, pertaining to the fall of the empire of Brazil, in which Clemens expresses his detestation of monarchies. Reads in part,—* Another throne has gone down & I swim in oceans of satisfaction. I wish I might live fifty years longer, I believe I should see the thrones of Europe selling at auction for oldiron. . . . It is enough to make a graven image laugh to see apparently rational people, away down here in this wholesome & merciless slaughter-day for shams, still mouthing empty reverence for those moss-backed frauds -& scoundrelisms, hereditary kingship & so-called ‘ Nobility.’ It is enough to make the monarchs & nobles themselves laugh—& in private they do; there can be no question about that. . . . You already have the advance sheets of my forthcoming book in your hands. If you will turn to about the five hundredth page, you will find a state paper of my Connecticut Yankee in which he announces the dissolution of King Arthur’s monarchy & proclaims the English Repub- lic. Compare it with the state paper which announces the downfall of the Brazilian mon- archy & proclaims the Republic of the United States of Brazil & stand by to defend the Yankee from plagiarism. There is really a resemblance of tdeas, nothing more. The Yankee’s proclamation was already in print a week ago. . . . Come, protect the Yank from that cheapest & easiest of all charges—plagiarism. . . .” (3) Hartford, Nov. 22, 1889. One page. “. . . Ihave asked Howells to write & tell you, if he has no objections to your notice coming out before his. If he hasn't any—let Fly! Please don’t let on that there are any slurs at the Church or Protection in the book. . etn. (4) Hartford, Nov. 26, 1889. One page. ‘‘ Pictures—a good idea. . . . If it will save you any trouble, I think we can send you cuts of such pictures as you would like to use. . x (5) Hartford, Sunday. ‘‘Jt is a pity to have to relinquish my scheme, but it would imperil my English & Canadian copyrights—& our copyright relations are much more Strained now than they have ever been. . . . Please withhold your article until December 12th. . . . Heretofore it has been my policy to publish my books secretly, but this time I grow daily more inclined to turn the book loose & let it take all the chances. . . .”’ (6) Hartford, Dec. 3, 1889. ‘‘No, I am under too heavy a weight of burdens, & must not contemplate another, large or small, near or remote, for a long tume yet. I mean to hold still a good many months, Yet, & let my tank fill up, before I do any more writing. But I vasily want to know Bellamy & you must bring him down, one of these Satur- days. . . .’’ He also mentions a play written by his eldest daughter. (7) Hartford, Dec. 19, 1889. Extends his thanks to Baxter for his write-up on the “Connecticut Yankee.’’ Reads in part,—‘‘It was an admirable notice, & I cannot thank you enough. And I am so glad you said the appreciative word for Beard’s excellent Slaves ek . ; (8) New York, Oct. 26 [1900]. “‘It was a great pleasure to me to renew the other days with you & there was a pathetic pleasure in seeing Hartford & the house again; but I realized that if we ever enter the house again to live, our hearts will break. . i THE RARE AUTOGRAPH EDITION OF CLEMENS 122, CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.). The Writings of Mark Twain. [With a Biographical Criticism by Brander Matthews.] Etched portraits and title-pages by W. H. W. Bicknell, other portraits and illustrations, all on India paper. 25 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Hartford: American Publishing Company, 1899-1907 AUTOGRAPH EDITION, with the author’s signature in Vol. IL—‘‘.S. L. Clemens (Mark Twain).’’ Limited to 512 copies, of which this is, No. 273. The Biographical Criticism by Brander Matthews is autographed by him in full. Beautifully printed on specially prepared paper, with water-mark, ‘‘Clemens.’’ INCLUDES:—The Innocents Abroad, 2 vols.; Sketches; A Tramp Abroad, 2 vols.; Following the Equator, 2 vols. ; Roughing It, 2 vols.; The Gilded Age, 2 vols.; Life on the Mississippi; The Prince and the Pauper; Adventures of Tom Sawyer; Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court; and others. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 123. CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.). Autograph Letter Signed. One page 12mo, Paris, May 30, /94. To “My dear Johnson.” Relative to the fact that Clemens had met and reminded Dr. Boyland to send his article to Johnson. Closing his letter thus,—‘‘ Yours in a hel of a hurry, S. L. Clemens.” While Clemens was not unused to verbal profanity, one seldom sees it written by him. FINE ITEM. 124. [CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.).] DRAKE (W. H.). ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAWING of: ‘‘Pudd’n’head Wilson. A Tale by Mark Twain.” Signed: “W. H. Drake’g93.”’ Height, 1714; width, 1414 inches. Ina narrow black frame and glazed. Fine poster illustrating this famous tale by Clemens. It depicts an Old Mississippi steamboat laboring up the stream. From its smokestacks, two huge black columns of smoke are rising, upon which the title is lettered in white. A pair of crows are seated upon a partly submerged tree in the foreground. 125. [CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.).] RALPH (LESTER). FirtTy-F IVE ORIGINAL PEN-AND- InK DrAwINGs to illustrate ‘‘Eve’s Diary.’’ On Atlas folio sheets. En- closed in green cloth portfolio, with inner flaps and ties. ; A fine and amusing series of drawings by Ralph. 126. CLEMENS’ (SAMUEL L.) Copy. HERRICK (SOPHIA BLEDSOE). The Earth in Past Ages. Illustrated. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1888 First EDITION. MARK TwWaAIN’s Copy, with his autograph signature and date, ‘‘S. L. Clemens. 1889,”’ on front fly-leaf. 127. CLEMENS’ (SAMUEL L.) Copy. SANGSTER (MARGARET E.). Winsome Woman- hood. Jilustrated by studies from life, by William Buckingham Dyer. 8vo, original gilt decorated cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York [1901] First EDITION. LARGE HANDMADE PAPER EDITION, of which but 100 Copies were printed, of which this is, No. 17, SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR. MarK TwaIn’s Copy, with label signed by Albert Bigelow Paine, his Literary Executor, inside front cover. ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING BY HENRY ALKEN—SIGNED AND DATED 128. COACHING. ALKEN (HENRY). Derby and London Royal Mail in Winter. Oil painting, on canvas. Signed and dated,—‘ Alken, 1823.” Length, 15; height, 12 inches. In a gold frame. ORIGINAL Ort PAINTING. FINE EXAMPLE, depicting the Derby and London Mail- Coach, with passengers, in a snowstorm; the two teams pulling with all their might. A very expressive example. ORIGINAL WATERCOLORS BY HENRY ALKEN—A PAIR 129. CoacHING. ALKEN (HENRY). Steeplechasing (Pair). Watercolors. Each signed,—‘ Alken.”’ Each: Length, 14%; height, 7 inches. In uniform gold frames. Together, 2 pieces. AN INTERESTING Pair, depicting the start and finish of a Steeplechase. First Sesston, Tuesday Evening, February 24th ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS BY HENRY ALKEN 130. COACHING. ALKEN (HENRY). Bath and London Mail-Coach in Summer. Oil painting, on canvas. Signed,—‘‘ Alken.”’ Length, 21; height, 13 inches. In a heavy gold frame. ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING. A FINE EXAMPLE. Depicts the Bath and London Mail- Coach, laden with passengers, going along at a rapid pace; landscape scene in back- ground; field off road with sheaves of grain in stacks. 131. COACHING. ALKEN (HENRY). Hull and London Mail-Coach in Winter. Ouzl painting, on canvas. Signed,—‘‘ Alken.”’ Length, 21; height, 13 inches. In a heavy gold frame. ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING. AN EXCEEDINGLY FINE EXAMPLE. Depicts the Hull and London Mail-Coach, with passengers; the four horses are putting forth their full strength in drawing the coach over the snow-covered road, the wheels sinking half way to the hubs; in the background a fine winter landscape scene. 132. [COBDEN-SANDERSON (T. J.).] RANKE (LEOPOLD). A History of Servia, and the Servian Revolution. From the Original Mss. and Documents. Trans- lated from the German of Leopold Ranke, by Mrs. Alexander Kerr. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, vellum corners, BY COBDEN-SANDERSON. London, 1847 COBDEN-SANDERSON’S Copy, AND BOUND BY HIM. With his Autograph Signature and date, in ink, on half-title: ‘‘T. J. Sanderson, 28 October 1876;’’ and his ‘‘Ex- eee pasted on the inside of front cover; also with the Charles Dexter Allen book- plate. This volume was probably used by Cobden-Sanderson at school and is of great interest, not only in that it is his copy, with a very early autograph signature, but that it is also a very early specimen of his binding, and although absolutely plain except for the lettering on back, sets forth his style. It shows that Cobden-Sanderson, although forced to do elaborate work on books, for a livelihood, himself preferred Jansen style. 133. COLORED PLATE Boox. An Historical Memento representing the different Scenes of Public Rejoicing which took place the first of August in St. James’s and Hyde Parks, London, in celebration of the Glorious Peace of 1814, and the Centenary of the Accession of the Illustrious House of Brunswick, to the Throne of these Kingdoms. With 6 finely COLORED PLATES by Dubourg, after Clark. Royal 4to, half-red levant morocco, gilt, gilt paneled back, gilt top, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London, 1814 VERY SCARCE. The plates include: The Tower & Preparation of the Fire Works with the Balloon; The Revolving Temple of Concord Illuminated; The Chinese Bridge Illuminated; etc. 134. COLORED PLATE Book. Nuova Raccolta delle Principali Vedute della R. Citta di Venezia. With 12 FINELY COLORED aquatint plates, by Antonio Lazzari. Oblong small folio, marbled boards, leather lettering piece on obverse cover, uncut. Venezia, 1831 Some of the plates are: Plaza of San Marco; Clock Tower; The Bridge of the Rialto; Grand Canal; and others. A VERY DESIRABLE COLORED PLATE BOOK. 135. COLORED PLATE Book. John Labern’s Original Comic Songs. As Sung at the London & Provincial Theatres, Concerts, Festivals, Parties, etc. Illustrated with 5 CoLorED folding plates. 12mo, original printed boards, uncut, a few leaves unopened. Enclosed in a dark green silk case. London [1844] AN EXCEEDINGLY FINE AND EXCEPTIONAL Copy OF THIS RARE SONGSTER. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 136. CoLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER). IRVING (WASHINGTON). The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, and the Voyages and Discoveries of the Com- panions of Columbus. Frontispieces IN CoLors, and numerous full-page plates, on India and China paper, and text illustrations. 3 vols. 4to, vellum boards, sides with a border of vines in gilt, with the Arms of Columbus, impressed in gilt, on covers, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1892 QUADRI-CENTENNIAL EDITION. Limited to 402 Copies, this copy being printed for Porte V. Ransom. In this Edition are included a number of ExTRA PLATEs, which, together with the other Full-Page Illustrations, are printed as Proofs on India or Japan Paper. LARGE AND FINE COPY OF ‘‘DOCTOR PROSODY”’ 137. [ComBE (WILLIAM).] The Tour of Doctor Prosody, in Search of the Antique and Picturesque, through Scotland, the Hebrides, the Orkney and Shetland Isles. Frontispiece [by George Cruikshank] and 19 plates by Williams and Read, ALL IN Coors. Royal 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt, gilt paneled back, gilt top, UNCUT, BY RIVIERE. London, 1821 First EpITIon. The unsigned frontispiece is attributed to Cruikshank, he having © signed the plate with his autograph for his friend Edward Truman on a copy sold in London in 1906. 138. CONRAD (JOSEPH). WHARTON (EDITH). The Book of the Homeless. Edited by Edith Wharton. Original Articles in Verse and Prose. Jilustrations reproduced from original paintings and drawings. 4to, original boards, cloth back. New York, 1916 First EpITIon. FINE Copy. Contains Original, Unpublished Contributions by Joseph Conrad, Laurence Binyon, Rupert Brooke, Galsworthy, Gosse, Hardy, Ro- bert Grant, Henry James and others. THE FINE “SUN-DIAL EDITION’’—IN FULL LEVANT MOROCCO 139. CONRAD (JOSEPH). COLLECTED Works, With new Introductions, Prefaces, etc., specially written for this edition by the Author. Engraved portrait. 19 vols. 8vo, FULL GREEN FRENCH LEvANT Morocco, the sides with gilt, paneled decorations, gilt tooled backs, wide inside dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut. Garden City: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1920-1923 THE FINELY PRODUCED SUN-DIAL EDITION, this set being No. 492 of only 735 copies issued, VOLUME I bearing the full autograph signature of the Author. ComPRISES:—Allmayer’s Folly; An Outcast of the Islands; The Nigger of the Narcissus, Typhoon, etc.; Lord Jim; Youth; Nostromo; Romance; The Secret Agent; A Set of Six; Under Western Eyes; ’Twixt Land and Sea; Chance; The Shadow Line. Within the Tides, etc.; Victory; The Arrow of Gold; The Rescue; The Rover; A Personal Record; Notes on Life and Letters. Joseph Conrad,—Master-Mariner and Master of English Prose. He has left us a series of tales, nearly all of them perfect and destined to take the foremost rank in all English Literature. 140. COSTELLO (LouIsA S.). Specimens of the Early Poetry of France from the Time of the Troubadours and Trouvéres to the Reign of Henri Quatre. Engraved frontispiece by the author. 12mo, full polished blue calf, triple gilt fillet border on sides, richly gilt back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London: Pickering, 1835 FIRST EDITION. HANDSOME Copy. 14]. 142. 143. 144. 145. First Sesston, Tuesday Evening, February 24th AUTHOR’S AUTOGRAPH EDITION. FULL LEVANT, WITH DOUBLURES, EACH CONTAINING SCENE CooPER (JAMES FENIMORE). The Complete Works of J. Fenimore Cooper. Numerous full-page illustrations and rubricated title-pages with vignettes, on India paper. 33 vols. 8vo, FULL Crimson LEVANT Morocco, sides with outer frame and large center panel of gilt fillets, enclosing hatchet and bow-and-arrow design in vari-colored moroccos, gilt paneled backs, with a similar motif, inner morocco borders ornamented with scrolls and fillets in gilt, green morocco; DOUBLURES with outer frame of gilt fillets and oval frame in gilt at center, enclosing inlaid tinted portrait or scene in each volume, green watered silk end-leaves, gilt tops, uncut. New York: G, P. Putnam’s Sons, circa 1900 FINE SET OF THE AUTHOR'S AUTOGRAPH EDITION. Limited to 63 sets, of which this is, No. 5. INCLUDES:—Afloat and Ashore; Miles Wallingford; Sea Lions; Precaution; Chainbearer; Two Admirals; Wyandotte; Jack Tier; Homeward Bound; Wish-Ton-Wish; The Pathfinder; Wing-and-Wing; The Bravo; and others. CoOsTUME PLATES IN CoLor. TURKEY. The Costume of Turkey. With De- scriptions in English and French. J/lustrated by a series of engravings, IN Cotor. Folio, full straight-grain morocco, sides with wide border of con- ventional design in gilt, gilt paneled back, gilt edges. London, 1802 SUPERB Copy in a contemporary binding. COSTUME PLATES IN COLOR. ENGLISH. The Costume of Great Britain. Designed, Engraved, and Written by W. H. Pyne. With 60 FINELY COLORED engravings. Small folio, full black straight-grain morocco, gilt decorative borders on sides, gilt back and edges. ; London: William Miller, 1808 FINE LARGE PAPER Copy, with brilliantly colored plates. THE BINDING IS CON- TEMPORARY. With bookplate of John Treacher. COSTUME PLATES IN CoLor. BRIDGENS (R.). Sketches illustrative of the Manners and Costumes of France, Switzerland and Italy. With 50 plates beautifully COLORED BY HAND. Royal 4to, half roan, UNcUT. London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1821 BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS of the illustrations. RARE UNCUT. ONE OF THE FINEST ILLUSTRATED WORKS EVER ISSUED CosTUME PLATES IN CoLor. NAYLER (SIR GEORGE). The Coronation of his Most Sacred Majesty King George the Fourth Solemnized in the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter Westminster upon the Nineteenth Day of July MDCCCXXI. With 45 magnificent full-page plates by Reynolds, Scriven, and Meyer, after Stephanof, Pugin, and C. Wild, 42 of the plates SUMPTU- OUSLY PRINTED IN THE Most BRILLIANT Coors. Elephant folio, half red morocco, richly gilt back, gilt edges. London: Henry George Bohn, 1839 A MAGNIFICENT WorK, undertaken by his Majesty’s especial command. The illus- trations portray in exact likenesses and costumes, with regalia and rich jewels, the Nobility of his Majesty’s Court, together with the great features of the Grand Pro- cession from Westminster Hall to the Abbey, and the Coronation Scene by the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, the Ceremony of Homage, the Royal Banquet, etc. : Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue VERY RARE WHEN COMPLETE, AS THIS SET IS 146. COSTUME PLATES IN CoLor. The World in Miniature. Jilustrated with NuMEROUS FINE PLATES, ALL IN CoLor. 43 vols. 16mo, half polished fawn calf, gilt, richly gilt backs and tops, BY RIVIERE. London: Ackermann, 1822, etc. A VERY ATTRACTIVE AND DESIRABLE SET, edited by Frederic Shoberl. EXTREMELY RARE WHEN COMPLETE, as is the present copy. COMPRISES:—Spain and Portugal. With 27 engravings. 2 vols. Russia. With 72 engravings. 4 vols. South Sea Islands. With 26 engravings. 2 vols. Africa. With 45 engravings and 2 maps. 4 vols. Asiatic Islands and New Holland. With 26 engravings. 2 vols. Austria. With 32 engravings. 2 vols. England, Scotland, and Ireland. Edited by W. H. Pyne. With 84 engravings. 4 vols. Turkey. With 73 engravings. 6 vols. Illyria and Dalmatia. With 32 engravings. 2 vols. Hindoostan. With upwards of 100 engravings. 6 vols. China. With 30 engravings. 2 vols. Persia. With 30 engravings. 3 vols. Japan. With 20 engravings. Switzerland. With 18 engravings. The Netherlands. With 18 engravings. Tibet, and India Beyond the Ganges. With 12 engravings. THE LARGE PAPER RACINET—FIVE HUNDRED PLATES IN COLOR 147. COSTUME PLATEs IN Cotor. RacinetT (A.). Le Costume Historique. Types Principaux du Vétement et de la Parure, rapprochés de ceux de 1’Intérieur de |’Habitation dans tous les Temps et chez tous les Peuples, avec de Nombreux Détails sur le Mobilier, les Armes, les Objets Usuels, les Moyens de Transport, etc. Recueil Publié sous la Direction de M. A. Racinet. Avec des Notes Explicatives, une Introduction Générale, des Tables et un Glossaire. Illustrated with about 500 full-page plates, representing about S000 different subjects, a very large proportion of them being BEAUTIFULLY COLORED, and many heightened in gold and silver. One vol. of Index, and 5 vols. of Plates with Descriptions. Together, 6 vols. folio, half green levant morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie, 1888 CHOICE SET OF THE LARGE PAPER Copy. COMPLETE WITH ALL THE PLATES AND TEXT. An exhaustive cyclopedia, and one of the very best works on the subjects treated, viz,—Costumes, Jewelry, Interior Decoration of Dwellings, Means of Transport, Military and Civic Life, and many other subjects. Arranged historically from the remotest periods to the present times. Although the title-page calls for 500 plates, there are only 473 separate plates, the printer having in some cases given two numbers to a double-page plate, while in others, he has given one number to two plates. THE ABOVE Copy IS PERFECT. 148. COURTIERS AND FavouriTEs OF Royatty. Full-page portraits and illustration In WATERCOLORS, title-pages printed in red and black on Japan paper. 20 vols. 8vo, FULL BLack Morocco, gilt tooled sides paneled with line and small scroll design, large fleur-de-lis in center and smaller fleur-de-lis in corners, onlaid in crimson morocco against a gilt tooled dotted background, gilt paneled backs, inner morocco and gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut. Paris: Société des Bibliophiles; London and New York, undated EDITION LIMITED to 50 copies, of which this is, No. 43. INCLUDES:—Richelieu. 3 vols.; Cardinal de Retz; . Henry IV of France; Talleyrand. 2 vols.; Madame du Barri. 4 vols.; Empress Josephine. 2 vols.; Memoirs of Fouché; and others. ——_ First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th 149. CouRTS OF Europe. Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Europe from the 16th to the 19th Century. Portraits and illustrations on Japanese vellum paper, the plates IN Two StatTEs, frontispieces of each volume IN Cotors. 12 vols. 8vo, gray moire cloth, paper labels, uncut and unopened. Philadelphia: George Barrie & Son, no date FINE SET, PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM Paper. Limited to 1000 copies, this being, No. 532. CONTENTS:—Napoleon’s Court, 2 vols.; Berlin; 2 vols.; Empress Josephine, 2 vols.; Louis XIV; Louis XV; Royal Family of France, 2 vols.; Austria, 2 vols. SPLENDID COLLECTION OF FIRST EDITIONS OF CRAWFORD 150. CRAWFORD (F. Marion). A Collected Set of First Editions of the Works of F, Marion Crawford. Some illustrations. 31 vols. 12mo, half dark blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London, 1884-1910 FINE COLLECTED SET OF First EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF MARION CRAWFORD. CompRIsES:—An American Politician. 2 vols. 1884; To Leeward. 2 vols. 1884; Zoroaster. 2 vols. 1885; Tale of a Lonely Parish. 2 vols. 1886; Marzio’s Crucifix. 2 vols. 1887; Greifenstein. 3 vols. 1889; A Cigarette Maker’s Romance. 2 vols. 1890; The Witch of Prague. 3 vols. 1891; Khaled. 2 vols. 1891; Casa Braccio. 2 vols. 1895; Adam Johnstone’s Son. 1896; The Heart of Rome. 1902; Whosoever Shall Offend. 1904; Soprano. 1905; A Lady of Rome. 1906; Arethusa. 1907; The Diva’s Ruby. 1908; The Primadonna. 1908; The Undesirable Governess. 1910. 151. CROWELL (BENEDICT) AND WILSON (ROBERT Forrest). How America Went to War. Illustrated with portraits and numerous photographs from the col- lections of the War and Navy Departments; rubricated title-pages. 6 vols. royal 8vo, cloth and boards, gilt tops, uncut. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1921 Edition Limited to 500 sets, of which this is, No. 64. Comprises: The Giant Hand; The Road to France. 2 vols.; The Armies of Industry. 2 vols.; Demobilization. FIRST EDITION IN PARTS—ALL ISSUED 152. ““CROWQUILL”’ ILLUSTRATIONS. Leaves from the Memorandum Book of Alfred Crowquill. A series of 12 plates, numerous specimens on most of the the plates, ALL IN Coors, by ‘‘ Alfred Crowquill”’ (A. H. Forrester). 3 parts, oblong 8vo, ORIGINAL PICTORIAL PALE YELLOW WRAPPERS. Enclosed in cloth case, lettered on side. London: November Ist, 1834—January Ist, 1835 First EDITION. ALL EVER IssueEp of this highly amusing work. The above copy is a remarkably fine one, practically as clean as on the day of issue. From the J. Barton Townsend collection. with bookplate. 153. ‘“CROWQUILL”’ ILLUSTRATIONS. Gold: A Legendary Rhyme. Jilustrated with 12 plates, COLORED BY HAND. Oblong 4to, original cloth. London, circa 1850 AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION Copy from the artist, with the following inscription on fly-leaf, ‘‘To Marion Scott, with Alfred Crowquill’s kind regards X.s 1830.” With bookplate of J. W. R. Crawford. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 154. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). ANDREWES (GEORGE). A Dictionary of the Slang and Cant Languages: Ancient and Modern. As used by . . . Every Class of Offenders. COLORED folding frontispiece, ‘‘ The Beggar's Carnival,” an which the figures are by I. Cruikshank, and the background by George Crutkshank. 12mo, boards, morocco back, uncut, margins time soiled. London: Published by George Smeeton [1809] First EDITION. Good copy. Rare in any condition. FIRST EDITION OF MUDFORD’S WATERLOO 155. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). MuprorpD (WILLIAM). An Historical account of the Campaign in the Netherlands, in 1815, under His Grace the Duke of Wel- lington, and Marshal Prince Bliicher, comprising the Battles of Ligny, Quatre Bras, and Waterloo; With a Detailed Narrative of the Political. Events connected with those memorable conflicts, down to the Surrender of Paris, and the Departure of Bonaparte for St. Helena. Illustrated by numerous public and private official documents, and other papers, hitherto unpublished, communicated by officers of the highest distinction. Em- bellished with a Series of Plates, descriptive of the country between Brussels and Charlerot, from Drawings made on the spot, by James Rouse, Esq., also a Plan of the Battles, and a Map, showing the March of the Allied Armies to Paris. 28 SPLENDIDLY COLORED PLATES (including engraved title). Four of the plates including the title, were drawn by George Cruikshank, and he is supposed to have done the figures in all the other plates. Imperial 4to, full crimson straight-grain morocco, filleted gilt borders and panel on sides, gilt paneled back, tooled with Napoleonic emblems, inner gilt borders, solid gilt edges, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. London: Printed for Henry Colburn, 1817 First EDITION AND FINE Copy OF ONE OF THE MosT IMPORTANT COLOR-PLATE BOOKS EVER ISSUED—which appeals to admirers and students of Napoleon and Wel- lington and their most momentous battles; to those who admire the work of George Cruikshank, who has here done some of his finest pictures; and to collectors of color- plate books generally. The plates, which are brilliant and fresh in coloring, include the group Portraits of Wellington and his General Officers; the beautiful symbolic title-page; and the mag- nificent large folding plate depicting the Battle of Waterloo—all by George Cruik- shank. The other plates are bound in alphabetical order at the end of the volume. THE TEXT AND PLATES ARE CLEAN AND FRESH. A SERIES OF EIGHTY-NINE CRUIKSHANK PLATES, MANY IN COLOR 156. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Album containing 89 etchings, CoLORED and plain, by George Cruikshank. Each illustration mounted on a large folio sheet of heavy drawing paper which has linen guard. Folio, half morocco, gilt edges (rubbed). [London] 1817, etc. A RARE AND FINE COLLECTION OF CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS, MANY BEING FirsT ISSUES IN BRILLIANT COLORINGS, OTHERS ON INDIA PAPER, being PRooFs BEFORE LETTERS. The prints are all identified by the number in ‘‘Reid’”’ and the date. Among these illustrations may be mentioned: Bonaparte, March 25, 1811; Bang Up Dinner, March 1, 1812. Very Scarce; Irish Hospitality, Oct. 20, 1815; Jere- miah Brandreth, the Nottinham Captain, Oct. 25, 1817; London Going out of Town, Net I, 1829; Arthur O'Leary; Probable Effects of Over Female Emigration; and others. a ey First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th CRUIKSHANK’S CELEBRATED WORK ‘‘THE HUMOURIST”’ 157. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Humourist: A Collection of Entertaining Tales, Anecdotes, Repartees, Witty Sayings, Epigrams, Bon Mots, Jeu d’esprits, etc. Carefully Selected. With 4o CoLorED PLATES including vignette title and frontispiece to each volume, by George Cruikshank. 4 vols. 16mo, full dark blue polished calf, triple gilt fillet border on sides, floral unit gilt tooled in each corner, inner calf borders, gilt, gilt edges, BY ROOT. London: Printed and Published by J. Robins and Co., 1819-1819-1819-1820 First EDITION. This issue contains the words: ‘“‘ Vol. I’’ and date 1819 on printed title of Vol. I, also ‘‘Epitaph on a Dyer”’ on page 44. 158. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Points of Humour; Illustrated by the designs of George Cruikshank. With 20 full-page etchings and 20 woodcut vignettes, all by George Cruikshank, the plates being FINELY COLORED PRoors BEFORE LETTERS. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, full ultramarine calf, triple gilt fillet border on sides, inner gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers of Part II bound in, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. London, 1823-1824 FirST EDITION. THICK PAPER Copy. BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES. The second part has the correct words ‘‘and did’”’ at the end of page 5, also 8 pages of advertisements bound in. INDIA PAPER PROOFS—RAREST STATE 159. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Points of Humour: Illustrated by the Designs of George Cruikshank. With 20 full-page etchings and 20 woodcut vignettes, all by George Cruikshank, ON INDIA PAPER. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, full polished calf, sides with gilt fillet borders, gilt paneled back, gilt edges, uncut, BY MORRELL. London, 1823-1824 First EDITION. All the illustrations, PROooFS ON INDIA PAPER, the rarest form in which this item can be obtained as the colored copies are of more frequent occur- rence. Douglas, No. 45; Cohn, No. 173. From the Charles C. Townsend collection. with bookplate. 160. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). [WuiTtTy (J. M.).] Tales of Irish Life, Illustrative of the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the People. With designs by George Cruikshank. 2 vols. new boards, new paper labels, UNcur. London, 1824 FIRST EDITION. Both volumes with leaves of advertisements at end. FINE IMPRESSIONS of the illustrations. 161. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Illustrations of Popular Works. Part I (All Pub- lished). With 6 etchings ON INDIA PAPER. Small folio, ORIGINAL WRAP- PERS. Enclosed in a cloth slip-case, with inner cloth wrapper. London [1830] First EDITION. A FINE Copy ON LARGE PAPER, with the plates on India paper. 162. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). O’HARA (KANE). Tom Thumb; a Burletta, altered from Henry Fielding. With 5 full-page and 2 vignette woodcuts by George Crutkshank. 1830; Hoop (Tuomas). The Epping Hunt. With 6 etchings by G. Cruikshank. 1830. Together, 2 vols. 16mo, half leather. London, 1830 First EDITION of the first mentioned, with the leaf of advertisement; Second edition of the second mentioned, with printed letter by the author relative to the work. Both from the J. Barton Townsend collection. with bookplates. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. COMPLETE SET OF THE FIRST EDITIONS CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Comic Almanack for 1835 to 1853. With 105 etched plates by George Cruikshank, of which 4 ARE COLORED, and a large number of woodcuts by Cruikshank. 19 vols. in 10, 12mo and 16mo, full red polished calf, triple gilt fillet borders on sides, richly gilt backs, inner gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London: Tilt; Tilt and Bogue; David Bogue, 1835-1853 COMPLETE SET. FirRsT EDITIONS. BEAUTIFULLY BOUND. The text which was edited by Horace Mayhew, contains contributions from the best humorous writers of the day, and includes two of the best of Thackeray’s writings, ‘‘Stubbs’s Boots,”’ and ‘‘Cox’s Diary.’’ Without the advertisements. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). AINSWORTH (W. H.). The Tower of London. A Historical Romance. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. 8vo, full red polished calf, triple gilt fillet border on sides, richly gilt back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY TOUT. London, 1840 FIRST EDITION, First ISSUE. FINE Copy. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). DIBDIN (CHARLES). Songs, Naval and National of the late Charles Dibdin; with a Memoir and Addenda. With characteristic sketches by G. Cruikshank. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1841 FirST EDITION. THE ‘‘TABLE-BOOK.”’ FIRST EDITION. PARTS CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). George Cruikshank’s Table-Book. Edited by Gilbert Abbott A’Beckett. January-December 1845. Jllustrated with steel plates and numerous. engravings on wood, by George Cruikshank. In- the 12 ORIGINAL ParTs, royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. In cloth protecting folder and half crimson morocco slip-case. London, 1845 FINE Copy OF THE FIRST EDITION. The first three parts are with gilt edges as issued. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). STOWE (H. B.). Uncle Tom’s Cabin. With 27 illustrations on wood by George Cruikshank. 8vo, full polished fawn calf, gilt fillet borders on sides, gilt back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt top, uncut, BY MORRELL. London, 1852 FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. FINE Copy. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). George Cruikshank’s Omnibus. Edited by Laman Blanchard. New Edition. J/lustrated with roo engravings on steel and wood. 8vo, three-quarter red levant morocco, gilt, richly gilt back with facsimile signature and emblematic tooling, gilt top, BY ROOT. London, 1869 FINE Copy. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAWING, Signed,—‘“‘ George Crutkshank.” Height, 6144; width, 41% inches. Matted in a brown frame and glazed. FINE PENCIL DRAWING comprising two sketches for Ainsworth’s Magazine. The following in Cruikshank’s autograph, besides his bold signature, appears on drawing: ‘““For Ainsworth’s Mag. G. C. and Ainsworth.” First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th A FINELY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED ‘“‘LIFE OF CRUIKSHANK’”’ 170. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). JERROLD (BLANCHARD). The Life of George Pi: T72- 173, 174. 175. Cruikshank. In Two Epochs. With numerous illustrations. 2 vols. extended to 4, 12mo, full red levant morocco, obverse covers with decorative panels of gilt enclosing a figure inlaid in vari-colored morocco, after Cruikshank, reverse covers with gilt fillets, richly gilt paneled backs, inner levant borders, gilt, original covers and backbones bound in, BY BAYNTUN. Enclosed in a cloth box, flannel lined. London, 1882 First EDITION. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about 225 extra plates, 50 OF WHICH ARE COLORED. The greater number of these illustrations are by George Cruikshank, some of which are titled: Sand Hill; Juvenile Monstrosities; Merchant of Venice; The Dead Drummer; Sailors Carousing; Stale Mate; Crossing the Line; Check Mate; Sailors and Cruise; From the West Indies; Execution of Guy Fawkes; Whom to Marry; Sir John Falstaff and the Fairies; and others. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). COHN (ALBERT M.). A Few Notes upon some Rare Cruikshankiana. J/lustrations, some colored. 4to, original wrappers, uncut. London, 1915 First EDITION. One of 250 copies printed on ‘‘aldwych”’ paper, signed by the author. Curious. The Delightful, Princely and Entertaining History of the Gentle- Craft. Containing many Matters of Delight, very pleasant to Read. Shewing what Famous Men have been Shoe Makers in old Times. Curious old woodcuts, 18mo, full old calf, gilt and blind tooled. London, 1760 An interesting and extremely curious volume. FINE Copy with the three illustra- tions preceding title, rarely found thus. With bookplates of W. F. Morgan and N. R. and C. V. C. Wheeler. DaGLeEy (R.). Takings; or the Life of a Collegian. A Poem. J/lustrated with 26 COLORED ETCHINGS from designs by R. Dagley. Royal 8vo, ORIGINAL Gray Boarps and cloth back, original printed label, entirely uncut. London, 1821 FINE Copy OF First EDITION. Rare in uncut state with label. DANTE, ILLUSTRATED BY Dork. The Vision of Hell. 2 vols.; The Vision of Purgatory. 2 vols.; The Vision of Paradise. 2 vols. Translated by the Rev. Henry Francis Cary. With Critical and Explanatory Notes. Life of _ Dante and Chronology. Numerous full-page illustrations on Japanese vellum paper after the designs by Gustave Doré, and initial letters illuminated in colors and gold. Together, 6 vols. royal 4to, the first four vols. bound in three-quarter blue levant morocco, gilt, richly gilt paneled backs with onlays, the other two vols. similarly bound, but in green levant instead of blue, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1904 HENRY IRVING EDITION. No. 17 of a limited issue. D’ARBLAY (FANNY BURNEY, MADAME). Diary and Letters of Madame D’Arblay. Edited by Her Niece, Charlotte Barrett. New Edition, Revised. Illustrated. 4 vols. 8vo, half yellow calf, elaborately gilt tooled backs, with red and lavender lettering pieces, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1876 FINE SET OF THE Most COMPLETE EDITION OF THIS CELEBRATED DIARY. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue THE ONLY SET PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON PURE VELLUM 176. D'AVENANT (Str WILLIAM). Dramatic Works. With Prefatory Memoir and Notes (by James Maidment and W. H. Logan). 5 vols. 8vo, full dark blue crushed levant, full gilt backs, gilt line borders on sides, wide inside gilt borders, doublures and fly-leaves of vellum, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh: William Paterson, 1872 THE FINEST EDITION EVER PUBLISHED. PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON PURE VELLUM, AND THE ONLY SET SO PRINTED. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS BY JOHN DAVIDSON 177. DAVIDSON (JOHN). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTS OF JOHN Davip- SON’S BALLADS AND PoEMs. Manuscripts of about THIRTEEN THOUSAND WorDs written in ink on about 135 quarto sheets. Enclosed in a deep blue straight-grain morocco solander case, with inner cloth wrapper. SPLENDID MANuscriPT. Accompanying the above are the galley proofs of “A Ballad of a Nun.’’ There are several corrections for the printers on these proofs, in the autograph of Davidson. The Ballads, Poems, etc., contained in this collection are in part:—To My Friend; To My Enemy; To the New Women; To the New Men; A Ballad in Blank Verse of the Making of a Poet; A Ballad of the Exodus from Houndsditch; The Vengeance of the Duchess; A Ballad of Heaven; A Ballad of Hell; London; A Loafer; Thirty Boba Week; To the Street Piano; Song of a Train; In Romney Marsh; and others. THE SCRIBNER EDITION OF DAVIS: FULL LEVANT WITH DOUBLURES 178. Davis (RicHarD HarpinG). The Writings of Richard Harding Davis. Portratts and other frontispieces on Japan paper; rubricated titles. 12 vols. 8vo, FuLL Dark GREEN LEvANT Morocco, triple gilt fillets on sides enclosing floral border, floral gilt backs, DousBLuRES and end-leaves of dark green watered silk, the former with morocco and gilt outer border, gilt tops, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. . New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1916 HANDSOME SET OF A LIMITED ISSUE oF Davis’ Works, only 256 sets issued, of which this is, No. 8, Signed by the Publishers. Inserted and bound in Vol. I is a page of ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT by the Author. The set comprises,— ’ Van Bibber and Others; The Exiles, etc.; Gallagher, etc.; Soldiers of Fortune; Captain Macklin; Ransom’s Folly; The White Mice; The Scarlet Car; The Bar Sinister; The Man Who Could Not Lose; The Red Cross Girl; The Lost Road. 179. Days OF THE DanpiEs. With portraits and illustrations and rubricated title- pages on Japan vellum, frontispieces IN COLOR. 15 vols. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: The Grolier Society, no date EDITION DE LUXE, Limited to 1000 copies, of which this is, No. 323. INCLUDES :—Laurence Sterne; Peg Woffington; Horace Walpole; Beau Nash; Mrs. Jordan; Charles James Fox; and others. 180. DECORATION. Modelli d’Arte Decorativa. With 420 fine plates in color. Laid in loosely in 7 board small folio portfolios, with ties. _ Milano, recent The plates are illustrative of decorative design, paintings, tapestries, etc. Believed to be the first copy of this fine work that has appeared for public sale in this country. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th 181. DEFOE (DANIEL). Romances and Narratives by Daniel Defoe. Edited by George A. Aitken. Full-page illustrations by J. B. Yeats; rubricated titles. 16 vols. 12mo, half crimson morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: J. M. Dent and Company, 1899 E pee COMPLETE SET OF THE SINGLETON EDITION, limited to 250 sets, of which this is, No. 115. 182. DEKKER (THOMAS). The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker. Now First Collected with Illustrative Notes and a Memoir of the Author. 4 vols. I2mo, original boards, paper backs, uncut. London, 1873 WITH TWO ORIGINAL WATERCOLORS BY DETAILLE 183. DETAILLE (EDoUARD). DupLessis (GEORGES). Edouard Detaille. [Extracted from the ‘‘Gazette des Beaux-Arts.’’] J)lustrations. Royal 8vo, full citron levant morocco, gilt, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt top, uncut. Enclosed in a chamois lined marbled board slip-case. [Paris] no date ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of Two ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS by Detaille depicting three army officers; AN ORIGINAL DRYPOINT ETCHING of which only 15 impressions were taken; and AN ORIGINAL ETCHING of a mounted officer. Beneath the second watercolor drawing, the signature and closing of a letter written by the artist, is mounted. Inlaid in a sheet of Whatman paper at end, is an Auto- graph Letter Signed, ‘‘ Edouard Detaille,’’ one page 12mo, Sept. 2, 1875. A fine letter regarding a photograph made after one of the artist’s watercolors. 184. Dippin (Tuomas F.). A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and_ Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England and in Scotland. Wuth full- page plates, facsimiles of Mss., and illustrations in the text. 2 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1838 FINE Copy, with a Preface, Corrections, Supplements, etc. ‘PICKWICK’? WITH THE PLATES IN TWO STATES 185. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. With 43 illustrations, by R. Seymour, Buss and Phiz. 8vo, full light blue morocco, double gilt fillet border on sides, gilt back, gilt edges. London, 1837 A VERY INTERESTING AND Most DESIRABLE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, BOUND FROM THE ORIGINAL PARTS, WITH THE PLATES IN Two STATES. The 43 plates issued with the book are all of the earliest state, being without inscriptions throughout. The two Buss plates (which are only in one state) appear in their earliest states. The two plates by H. K. Browne are signed ‘‘ Nemo,” not “‘ Phiz”’ as in later issues. The title-page is in two states, the name ‘‘Veller’’ appearing in one and ‘‘Weller’’ in the other. “NICHOLAS NICKLEBY’’: FIRST EDITION—ORIGINAL PARTS 186. DicKENS (CHARLES). The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. With illustrations by ‘‘Phiz.”” 20 in 19 parts, 8vo, ORIGINAL GREEN PICTORIAL WRAPPERS, with advertisements. In cloth case. London: Chapman & Hall, 1838-1839 First EDITION IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS, INCLUDING ALL OF THE ADVERTISERS AND SoME ADDITIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, ALSO THE RARE ADDRESSES OF AUGUST, SEPTEMBER Ist, AND SEPTEMBER 30th, 1839. With the misprint “‘visiter’’ for “‘sister’’ on page 123, and the original full title to the plate, ‘‘Nicholas makes his first visit to the lodgings of Mr. Bray,’ but with the plate ‘‘N icholas instructs Smike in the art of acting’’ corrected. IN FINE ConpDITION, there being only a few restorations in the wrappers, and a name label pasted on a page of advertising in No. 1. A few parts bear the name of a subscriber on the front cover. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue THE BORDEN “OLIVER TWIST.” RICHLY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED 187. [DickENS (CuarLEs).] Oliver Twist; or, the Parish Boy's Progress. By “Boz.” With 24 illustrations by George Cruikshank. 3 vols. 12m0, FULL APPLE GREEN CRUSHED LEVANT Morocco, triple gilt fillet border on sides, gilt emblematic tooling in center of obverse covers, richly gilt backs, gilt inner dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers and backbones bound in, BY RIVIERE. London, 1838 First EDITION. EARLIEST ISSUE with the exceedingly rare ‘Fireside plate’’ in Volume III. The first two volumes were originally issued in Bentley’s Miscellany. The Three volumes were then published without the completion of Volume III in the magazine. The last plate ‘‘ Rose Maylie and Oliver” (at the Fireside) was suppressed and another design substituted. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of TwENTY-SIx ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, AND TWENTY ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY PAILTHORPE. A series of 27 fine pen-and-ink drawings, signed ‘‘M,’’ and a series of 10 wood-engravings, PROOF IMPRESSIONS ON INDIA PAPER. A REMARKABLE AND VERY DESIRABLE ITEM. From the M. C. D. Borden collection, with bookplate in each volume. 188. DICKENS (CHARLES). Master Humphrey’s Clock. First Epirion. With ilustrations by George Cattermole and Hablét K. Browne. 3 vols. royal 8vo, original cloth. London, 1840-1841 189. DICKENS (CHARLES). American Notes for General Circulation. 2 vols. I2mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1842 EARLIEST ISSUE OF THE First EDITION. Eckels corrects a misconception of cata- loguers regarding this work: ‘‘ Not one of Dickens’ works was the subject of so much adverse criticism as the book he wrote after his first return from a visit in America in 1842. He wrote a chapter which he intended for the introduction to the book, which may have softened the American attitude, had it been printed. But a week before the ‘Notes’ appeared it was decided to eliminate it. That is why all first issues carry a test which is infallible. In Vol. I the first pagination is page XVI, that being the last page of the ‘Contents, to Volume I.’ Foster in the ‘Life’ printed the canceled chapter in full under the heading ‘Introductory and necessary to be Read.’ Before the suppression was agreed upon the sheets were partly printed and the pagination was not altered. Later and before the first edition was exhausted, the revised pagina- tion was made. Many recent auction catalogues fall into the curious error in descrip- tion by stating that the chapter in question had been transferred to the second volume... .”’ “MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT”’: FIRST EDITION—PARTS 190. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. With lustrations by Phiz. 20 in 19 parts, 8vo, ORIGINAL GREEN PICTORIAL WRAPPERS, with advertisements. Enclosed in morocco case. London: Chapman and Hall, 1843-1844 FIRST EDITION IN THE ORIGINAL PArTs, INCLUDING ALL THE ADVERTISERS, AND WITH THE TRANSPOSED ‘‘£'’ ON SIGN-POST OF VIGNETTE TITLE-PAGE, AS FOUND ONLY IN THE RARE First IssuE. Some parts bear subscriber’s name on cover, and there are a few repairs to wrappers. SPLENDID FRESH COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE 191. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Battle of Life. A Love Story. Illustrated by Machse, Doyle, Stanfield, and Leech. 12mo, OrIGINAL RED CLOTH, gilt edges. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1846 First EDITION, First IssuE, according to the generally accepted verdict, and not the so-called trial issue mentioned by Mr. Eckel as “‘first;"’ the engraved title bears the engraved legend ‘‘A Love Story”’ on scroll without cupid, with the publisher’s imprint and date in type beneath. A Copy PRACTICALLY AS FRESH AS WHEN IT CAME OFF THE PRESS. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th WITH TWO OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY ‘“PHIZ”’ 192. DICKENS (CHARLES). Dealings with the Firm of Dombey and Son, Whole- sale, Retail and for Exportation. With illustrations by “ Phiz.”’ 8vo, full green levant morocco, sides with triple gilt fillet borders, gilt back and inside borders, gilt top, uncut, original cloth wrappers bound in, BY RIVIERE. In cloth slip-case. London, 1848 First EDITION. With leaf of ‘“‘Errata.’’ With the mistake of the author, on page 284 in the fifth and sixth lines from the bottom where he twice calls Mr. Toots’ boat “Delight’’ instead of ‘‘ Joy.” EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of the ORIGINAL DRAWINGS of two of the plates, “Paul and Mrs. Pipchin,’’ and ‘Joe B is sly Sir, devilish sly."". These two original drawings in pencil and wash are exquisite examples of the work of “‘ Phiz.”’ FIRST EDITION OF ‘‘DAVID COPPERFIELD’’—PARTS 193. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Personal History of David Copperfield. With illustrations by H. K. Browne. 20 in 19 parts, 8vo, ORIGINAL GREEN PICTORIAL WRAPPERS, with advertisements. In cloth case. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1849-1850 FINE Copy OF THE FIRST EDITION IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS, BEARING THE DATE 1850 ON THE ILLUSTRATED TITLE-PAGE. FINE, CLEAN Copy, with a few repairs to wrappers. 194. DICKENS (CHARLES). Master Humphrey’s Clock. With illustrations by George Cattermole and Hablét K. Browne (‘‘Phiz’’). 3 vols. in 2, 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. London: Chapman and Hall, 1840-1841 First EDITION. “BLEAK HOUSE’’: FIRST EDITION—PARTS 195. DicKENS (CHARLES). Bleak House. With illustrations by H. K. Browne. 20 in 19 parts, 8vo, ORIGINAL GREEN PICTORIAL WRAPPERS, with advertise- ments. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1852-1853 FIRST EDITION IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS. IN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE CONDITION, with the publisher’s announcement slip concerning accident to plate in Part 9, and good impressions of the dark plates. Only two or three repairs in wrappers and a small piece torn from one page in the Advertiser. ‘ LITTLE DORRIT: FIRST EDITION—PARTS 196. DickENs (CuarEs). Little Dorrit. With illustrations by H. K. Browne. 20 in 19 parts, 8vo, ORIGINAL BLUE PICTORIAL WRAPPERS, with advertise- ments. In cloth case. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1855-1857 First EDITION IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS, INCLUDING ALL OF THE ADVERTISERS, AND WITH THE SLIP IN PART XVI CONCERNING THE ERROR IN PART XV. Some backs slightly frayed. FIRST EDITION—WITH MINIATURE IN FRONT COVER 197. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Story of Little Dombey. 16mo. London, 1858 First EDITION. This is a short and revised version of portions of ‘‘Dombey & Son,’’ which Dickens was accustomed to deliver in the form of public readings. HANDSOME VOLUME bound in full Gobelin blue crushed levant morocco, gilt fillets on sides, obverse cover with a sunken oval medallion containing an ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING of little Paul seated upon his cot, gazing out of the window. ' A few books are scattered about him and on the window sill, in a tumbler of water is a drooping rose. Gilt rays encircle the medallion in an artistic design, gilt paneled back, inner levant borders, gilt; doublures and end-leaves of white watered silk, gilt tops, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY RIVIERE. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue “TALE OF TWO CITIES’’—FIRST EDITION—IN PARTS 198. DICKENS (CHARLES). A Tale of Two Cities. Wath illustrations by H. K. Browne. 8vo, ORIGINAL Parts (8 in 7), in the blue pictorial wrappers, with advertisements, UNcuT. Enclosed in red cloth box-case. London: Chapman and Hall, 1859 FirsT EDITION. EARLIEST ISSUE, with p. 213 wrongly numbered 113. There are but few copies with this mistake, as it was immediately corrected upon discovery. “The absence of this mistake does not invalidate a first edition, but fixes the priority of printing.” FINE Copy. BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES. Text and wrappers in un- usually clean, fresh condition. All but two wrappers have subscriber’s name,— “Mr. E. G. Muller,”’ written in ink, in upper margin. There are two important literary advertisements in the parts. No. VI has Smith & Elder’s list, which announces a monthly publication, price one shilling, of a new peri- odical to be edited by W. M. Thackeray. In the next part the name is given as the Cornhill Magazine, with the statement that the first number will be published on January 1, 1860. Both of these are printed on white paper, with the additional 2pp. advertisement, at end of Part VII (and Part VIII) printed on rusty red paper, reading, ‘‘The Cornhill Magazine, Edited by W. M. Thackeray,’’ which contains ‘“‘a letter from the editor to a friend and contributor, dated November 1, 1859,” signed, ‘‘W. M. Thackeray.” UNIQUE, HAVING NINE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY MAHONEY INSERTED 199. DICKENS (CHARLES). Our Mutual Friend. With 4o illustrations, by Marcus Stone. 2 vols. 8vo, full green French levant morocco, triple gilt fillet border on sides, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut, with original wrappers bound in, BY RIVIERE. London, 1864-1865 FirsT EDITION, and the earliest issue, containing the little printed slip ‘‘To the Reader’’ regarding the title of the book, inserted before the first leaf of text. No ad- vertisements bound in. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of NINE ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAWINGS BY J. MAHONEY, executed for the ‘‘Household Edition’’ of Dickens’ works. These drawings, which are exquisite, are neatly and skilfully inlaid to size. “EDWIN DROOD”’ IN ORIGINAL PARTS 200. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Mystery of Edwin Drood. With 12 illustrations by S. L. Fildes, and a portrait. In 6 ORIGINAL Parts, 8vo, original green pictorial wrappers, uncut. Enclosed in a half green levant morocco solander case, with inner cloth wrapper. London: Chapman and Hall, 1870 FIRST EDITION, ORIGINAL ISSUE IN THE PARTS. FINE Copy. Complete with all the advertisements. A FINELY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED LIFE OF DICKENS 201. DICKENS (CHARLES). FORSTER (JOHN). The Life of Charles Dickens. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo, FULL GREEN LEVANT Morocco, double gilt fillet border on sides, gilt paneled backs, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut, original backbones bound in, By ZAEHNSDORF. London, 1872-1874 FIRST EDITION. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about 110 fine plates and 5 wrappers. The plates comprise portraits and views, some of which are: Dickens; Gad’s Hill, Kent; Gladstone; Ainsworth; Carlyle; Dan Maclise; Walter Savage Lan- dor; Peel; Mulgrave; Harriet Martineau; View of Rochester; Browning; Turner; Dumas; Venice, the Rialto; Lausanne; Chamounix; Duke of Wellington; Sue; Sala; ae ree Emerson; Dover; Lamartine; DeFoe; Sand; Wordsworth; Beecher; and others. First Session, Tuesday Evening, february 24th $$ eee et MAGNIFICENT SET OF DICKENS: SIXTY VOLUMES. FULL LEVANT WITH ORIGINAL DRAWINGS 202. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Works of Charles Dickens. With illustrations by Hablét K. Browne, Barnard, Cattermole, Cruikshank, Doyle, Fildes, Landseer, Leech, Leslie, Maclise, Pinwell, Seymour, Stone, Stanfield, Tenniel, Topham, Walker, Webster, ON INDIA PAPER. 30 vols. extended to 60, royal 8vo, FuLLt Crimson Levant Morocco, sides with gilt ornamental corners, center inlay of blue levant, richly gilt with sprays of tulips, gilt backs; doublures of green levant morocco, with wide border of crimson levant, richly gilt, with tulip inlays of red levant, center ornament and leaves in blue levant, the whole richly gilt tooled, old-rose damask watered silk end-leaves, gilt edges. London: Chapman and Hall, 1881-1882 MAGNIFICENT SET OF THE EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF THE CHAPMAN & HALL LARGE PAPER DICKENS, limited to 1 5 copies, this being, No. 4. Beautifully printed in large type. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of an Autograph Letter Signed, “Charles Dickens,’ one page, 12mo, 1 Devonshire Terrace, London, March 4, 1850. To the Reverend L. Mackenzie. FINE SIGNATURE, with Dickens’ characteristic flourish, the contents are of a personal nature. Also inserted are A LARGE NUMBER OF FINE ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS BY Kyp AND GABRIEL. The set comprises :— Pickwick Papers. 4 vols.; Dombey and Son. 4 vols.; Little Dorrit. 4 vols.; Nicholas N ickleby. 4 vols.; David Copperfield. 4 vols.; Bleak House. 4 vols.; Martin Chuzzlewit. 4 vols.; Our Mutual Friend. 4 vols.; Great Expectations. 2 vols.; Barnaby Rudge. 3 vols.; Christmas Stories and Uncommercial Traveller. 4 vols.; American Notes and Pictures from Italy. 2 vols. Sketches by Boz. 2 vols.; Oliver Twist, 2 vols.; Christmas Books. 2 vols.; Child’s History of England. 2 vols.; Tale of Two Cities. 2 vols.; Master Humphrey’s Clock; Old Curiosity Shop and Reprinted Pieces. 4 vols.; Edwin Drood; Hard Times. [See Frontispiece for Reproduction of Binding] EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED COPY, CONTAINING MUCH FINE MATERIAL 203. DICKENS (CHARLES). BROWNE (EDGAR). Phiz and Dickens as they appeared to Edgar Browne. With original illustrations by Hablét K. Browne. One vol. in 2, thick 4to, full red French levant morocco, double gilt fillet borders on sides, enclosing line panels, gilt paneled backs, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1913 A MAGNIFICENT DICKENS ITEM. Limited to 175 copies, this being, No. 53, signed by Edgar Browne. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED AND EXTENDED FROM ONE TO TWo VOLUMES by the insertion of more than one hundred portraits, including many fine and scarce engravings, MAny IN ProoF STATE, and illustrations by the most famous of Dickens illustrators and TWENTY AUTOGRAPH LETTERS of Dickens, his friends and associates. The autograph material includes two exceedingly fine A. L. S. of Charles Dickens and A. L. S. of the following: William Makepeace Thackeray; George Cruikshank; John Ruskin; William Harrison Ainsworth; Charles Lever; Samuel Lover; F anny Kemble; Charles Fechter; Charles Kean; Leigh Hunt; Thomas Hood; Bulwer Lyt- ton; Katherine Dickens, wife of Charles Dickens, etc., ALSO Two ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAWINGS BY GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. : The illustrations include a magnificent collection of portraits of Dickens among which are many scarce India proof engravings and numerous illustrations from the works of Dickens by the most famous of Dickens’ illustrators. Some of the illustra- tions are: The Birthplace of Dickens; John Dickens, father of Charles; Mrs. John Dickens, mother of Charles; The Playing of Hamlet; Old Joe, Sir; The Swiss Chalet; Mrs. Joe returning from an Expedition; Playbills; Charles Dickens surrounded by his characters; Samuel Lover; Thackeray; Ainsworth; Death of Little Nell; and others. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue A UNIQUE COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPH LETTERS OF SURPASSING IM- PORTANCE, BY DICKENS, THACKERAY, CHARLOTTE BRONTE, AND OTHERS, ALL TO THE CELEBRATED MRS. GORE 204. DICKENS, THACKERAY AND OTHERS. A collection of Autograph Letters Signed by Charles Dickens, Charlotte Bronté, W. M. Thackeray, Lord Macaulay, Thomas Carlyle, and Isaac Disraeli, addressed to Mrs. Catherine G. F. Gore, the Celebrated XIXth Century author and literateur. Also letter by Sir Thomas Lawrence to Mrs. Kemble, mother of Fanny Kemble, and a letter and a 30-page Autograph Manuscript by Mrs. Gore. Together, 21 pieces. Bound in a folio volume, full red French levant morocco, sides with gilt fillet borders, gilt paneled back, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. ONE OF THE Most IMPORTANT AND VALUABLE COLLECTIONS OF AUTOGRAPH LETTERS OF DICKENS, THACKERAY, AND OTHERS, EVER OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE AS ONE Lot. Each letter is skilfully and neatly inlaid to size, and is accompanied with a typewritten transcript. Also, bound in is an ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK SKETCH BY THACKERAY, entitled ‘‘Scully, ‘And Things’”’ being a portrait of his publisher, Mr. Evans. Also, an etching by George Cruikshank after a sketch by Thackeray which he sent to Cruikshank when he sent him a copy of ‘ ‘Vanity Fair.’’ This is a corre- spondence of the greatest importance and value, and comprises,— DICKENS (CHARLES). A. L. S. 4pp. 12mo. ‘‘ Tavistock House, Tavistock Souare, London, W. C. Monday Thirty-first May 1858.’ A VERY IMPORTANT LETTER, DE- VOTED ENTIRELY TO HIS SEPARATION FROM HIs WIFE, AND HOW THE CHILDREN WILL BE CARED FoR. Reads in part,—‘‘I have heard such thronging multitudes of wonderful and inexplicable lies about myself during the last week, that tt almost bewilders me to find you in possession of the truth. . . . Our separation ts a natural end of a course of years. . . . But it would be a poor example to be driven mad myself, or to drive Mrs. Dickens mad; and one or both of the two resulis must have happened, tf we had gone on living together. There is no anger or ill-will between us. I believe not the slightest. Our elder children are at least as sensible that the thing must be as we are. . . . I do not doubt that we shall all be much the better for it. I only want to impress upon you that it is calmly and moderately done; that whatever doubt or passion there has ever been on either side, has already died out; that I am sure we only want to forgive and forget, and live at peace; but it was an unhappy day for both, when two such strongly contrasted people came together, but we Wake accept all that, and do not blame the day, and only seek to make the best of tt. : DICKENS (CHARLES). AS 4pp. 12mo. ‘'r Devonshire Terrace, Sunday Thirty First January 1841.’ Written in a small eas hand. This is, apparently, the first letter written by Dickens to Mrs. Gore, as he expresses his pleasure at having made her acquaintance, and writes that he will pay her a call. He also thanks her for two magazines she has sent him, and comments upon them. [See Reproduction of Last Page of the above Letter] | DICKENS (CHARLES). A. L. S. 2pp. 12mo. ‘‘ Broadstairs, Kent, Fourth July 1857.” Written on mourning paper. Acknowledging receipt of Mrs. Gore’s letter. DICKENS (CHARLES). A. L. S. 3pp. 12mo, ‘‘ Tavistock House, Monday Tenth April 1854.’" Recommending his publishers, Bradbury & Evans, to Mrs. Gore. ‘‘ They are not publishers except to a very few people with whom they are already closely associated.” Also mentions Thackeray. DICKENS (CHARLES). A. L. S. One page 12mo. ‘49 Avenue des Champs Elysees, Paris, Monday Twenty Second October 1855.’’ Acknowledging receipt of a letter from Mrs. Gore, and saying that he has ‘‘no means whatever of disseminating that informa- tion. I have no kind of association with any paper, or with any periodical but Household Words.” DICKENS (CHARLES). A. L. S. 3pp. 12mo. ‘‘ Tavistock House, Tavistock Square. . Tuesday Seventh September 1858.’’ In this letter to Mrs. Gore, Dickens ex- presses his sorrow at learning of the illness of her son, who was in service, and writes that his own boy was invalided long ago and is getting back to health. DICKENS (CHARLES). A. L.S. 2pp. 12mo. ‘Gad's Hill Place, Higham by Roches- — ter, Kent, Monday Third January 1859.’’ Reads in part,—‘‘I am really delighted to see your handwriting. The character is so unaltered, that I find it difficult to believe you ‘ pur- blind,’ and I feel sure you are a great deal better. I hope I have done my part to make the rising generation more childish, in rendering them a little more imaginative, a little more gentle, and a litile less concetted and hard, than they would have been without me. I desire to do nothing better. [ Continued First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th [ No. 204. DICKENS, etc.—Continued | DICKENS (CHARLES). A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. ‘‘Gad’s Hill Place, Higham by Rochester, Kent. Thursday Twelfth July 1860."’ Regretting his inability to think of a person in America to whom he could present Mrs. Gore's son, who is leaving for America. Reads in part,—‘*The years have so slipped away since I was in America, and the peo- ple so change and move there, that I really cannot bethink myself (Prescott and Irving being dead) of a single friend to whom I could have the pleasure of presenting your son... . "’ The balance of the letter is written in a humorous vein. THACKERAY (WILLIAM M.). A. L.S. 3pp. 12mo. ‘‘ Rock Villa, Tunbridge Wells, August 27."" To Mrs. Gore. A most interesting letter, in which he refers to Mrs. Gore's novel ‘‘ The Banker’s Wife.’’ Reading in part,—‘‘ What is this about a Preface to a certain ‘ Banker's Wife’ the author of wh. novel, the girls tell me, hints that I took Colonel Newcome from one of her characters? Half of Colonel Newcome is downstairs now—the other half is in London and as for the Banker's Wife, Madam, I would have you to know that I have no more read it than I have read Newton’s Principia.” THACKERAY (WILLIAM M.). A. L.S. One page 12mo, no place or date. To Mrs. Gore, telling her of his anticipated trip to Glasgow, and makes mention of his work on a Sie At the top of the sheet he gives a conundrum originated by his daughter, aged II. Airhead afr , has lo ae 2 cooks np La. 4 Winter oe ghey. WAN ae 4 > } ———— Ze lattices tendo Aes NA bie feted “nd alae sled a ther ohn fat, &x Meee ieee ot teat ‘4 hod telat, - Mt fhe bother / ; Minow é 4 > AK, 824 «Hdd ip, \ ae [LETTER OF DICKENS TO Mrs. GoRE JANUARY 31, 1841] THACKERAY (WILLIAM M.). A. L. S. One page no place or date. Written in his microscopic hand on one line, reading,—‘‘ Dear Madam. Miss Bronté’s address is 76 Glocester Terrace at the back of Westbourne Terrace. Ives I don’t know, and I am your . servant. W. M. Thackeray.” BRONTE (CHARLOTTE). A. L. S. One page 12mo. ‘112 Gloucester Terrace, June 24th.”’ Regretting her inability to visit Mrs. Gore. BRONTE (CHARLOTTE). A. L.S., 2pp. 12mo. ‘‘August 27th 1850.’ In which she thanks Mrs. Gore for a copy of her work ‘‘ The Hamiltons’’ and tells of the pleasure and knowledge she derived from reading it. CARLYLE (THOMAS). A. L.S. 4pp. 8vo. ‘5 Cheyne Row, Chelsea, 2 June 1853." Pertaining to Hartmann, the author, and a novel written by him. Carlyle writes, “IT had not heard before of Hartmann’s Novel; nor can I yet recollect of ever having spoken to him on the Bruce-and-Sackville Duel.’’ The letter is mostly taken up with the sub- ject of the Bruce and Sackville Duel. DISRAELI (I.). A. L. S. app. 4to. ‘‘6 Bloomsbury Square, 21 Dec. 1828."" A very fine and long letter to Mrs. Gore, telling her that he has come into possession of her “‘Hungarian Tales.’’ He states that he has read two of the tales, relates his emotions, and commends her upon her work. ; [ Continued Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue [ No. 204. DICKENS, etc.—Continued | GoreE (Mrs. C. F.). A. L. S. One page 4to, no place or date. To J. Thobert, stating that she has received his letter and one from Mr. Colburn. She asks that Mr. Thobert send her “‘a copy of ‘Mrs. Armytage’ and one of ‘ The Peeress,’ for an imme- diate purpose.”’ GorE (Mrs. C. F.). A. L. S. 4pp. 8vo, no place or date. To J. Thobert, acknowl- edging receipt of the proof of the Preface to ‘‘Self’’ and requesting reviews about the ‘**Royal Favourite.” : Ne eae Gore (Mrs. C. F.). Manuscript of ‘‘The Wife and the Widow.” Written, in ink, on 30 pages, with numerous corrections and emendations. LAWRENCE (Sir THomas). A. L.S. 7pp. 12mo. ‘Russell Square, Saturday Even- ing.’’ To [Mrs. Kemble], regretting his inability to accept an invitation to her home, and saying that he has ‘‘taken the liberty to send a birthday offering of respect to Miss Kemble." He also asks Mrs. Kemble to ask her daughter “‘if she would be disinclined to make one slight alteration in the position in which Juliet dies,’ and describes the way he suggests that Miss Kemble should fall, as the effect “would have more elegance and race.”’ £ MAacavuLay (Lorp). A. L.S. 4pp. 12mo. ‘Albany, London, A pril 3, 1850."" To Mrs. Gore, acknowledging receipt of a volume from her, and expressing his delight with her other works ‘‘Pin Money” and ‘‘Manners of the Day.” Macautay (Lorp). A. L.S. 4pp. 12mo. ‘ Holly Lodge, Kensington, A pril 6, 1856.”’ To Mrs. Gore. An interesting letter, in which he writes that he is going to escort a party to see Salisbury Cathedral, but if ever he comes alone to Southampton he will pay her a visit. Also devotes a paragragh to ‘‘ Kate Macaulay"’ of whom he knows nothing ‘“‘except what is to be found in books.” MACAULAY (Lorp). A. L.S. 4pp. 12mo. ‘ Holly Lodge, Kensington, June 2, 1858." To Mrs. Gore, thanking her for a copy of her book “‘Heckington,”’ and telling her of the pleasure derived from reading it. [See Reproduction on preceding page] VERY UNUSUAL COLLECTION OF DIGHTON CARICATURES 205. DIGHTON CARICATURES IN CoLor. A Collection of 72 plates, drawn and etched by R. Dighton, COLORED By Hanpb. Folio, half morocco (rubbed). [London, 1793-1812] A VERY RarRE SERIES. FINE CosTUME ITEM. Some of the plates are: The Specious Orator; Old Quiz, the old Goat of Piccadilly; A Noble Duke; A Noble Commander from South Gloucester; Madame Catalani in Semiramide; A Celebrated Public Orator; Lord Bishop of St. Asaph; and others. The plates are tipped in on folio sheets. THE PRIME MINISTER’S EDITION OF DISRAELI 206. DISRAELI (BENJAMIN, EARL OF BEACONSFIELD). The Works of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, embracing Novels, Romances, Plays, Poems, Biography, Short Stories and Great Speeches. With a Critical Introduction by Edmund Gosse, and a Biographical Preface by Robert Arnot. Portrait and illustrations IN Two STATES, on Japanese vellum and India paper, most of the frontispieces tinted or IN Coors: illuminated title-pages, ornamental initials and tail-pieces. 20 vols. 8vo, full maroon morocco, gilt scroll panel borders on sides within triple fillets, with white morocco inlays in each corner, conventional center designs in gilt with onlays of white and light blue morocco, above and below which are oval medallions of white morocco, floral designs on back in gilt and white morocco onlays; doublures of lavender undressed calf, with outer maroon morocco and gilt borders, end- leaves of lavender silk, gilt tops, uncut. New York and London: M. Walter Dunne [1904] HANDSOME SET OF THE PRIME MINISTER’S EDITION, limited to 100 sets, of which this is, No. 3, with illustrated double-page attestation Signed by Robert Arnot, in Vol. I; comprising :-— Vivian Grey. 2 vols.; The Young Duke. 2 vols.; Alroy; Contarini Fleming. 2 vols.; Henrietta Temple. 2 vols.; Venetia. 2 vols.; Coningsby. 2 vols.; Sybil, Tancred. 3 vols.; Lothair, Correspondence, 2 vols.; Endymion. 2 vols. First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th ANNALS OF THE ENGLISH STAGE—FINELY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED 207. Doran (Dr. Joun). ‘‘Their Majesties’ Servants.’’ Annals of the English ’ Stage, from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean. Actors—Authors— Audiences. 8 vols. 8vo, full light blue levant morocco, sides with gilt borders with festoons at corners, and at each corner an inlay of dark red morocco, gilt paneled backs, with inlays of red morocco, inner gilt borders, gilt tops, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: W. H. Allen and Co., 1864 First EDITION. SUPERBLY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED AND EXTENDED FROM TWO TO EIGHT VOLUMES by the insertion of nearly 1000 portraits, plain and in character, ssenes from various plays, views of theaters, all by well known artists, engraved in stipple, copperplate, etc., on plate and other papers. PorRTRAITS (PLAIN),—Henry VI, engraved by Vertue; Henry VIII. engraved by Fry; Earl of Leicester (proof before letters); Philip of Spain by Warren after Vertue; Sir Christopher Wren, engraved by S. Holl; Pepys (proof on India paper) ; Queen Caro- line; Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland, after Sir Peter Lely; Mrs. Price, engraved by F. Bartolozzi after Sir Peter Lely; Mrs. Bracegirdle (proof); Duchess of Marlboro, en- graved by E. Harding after the painting by Vandyke; Mlle. Clairon (colored); Mlle. Raucourt (colored); Jane Grey (proof); Lewis Theobald, after W. Hogarth; Lavinia Fenton (proof before letters); David Garrick (several); Peg Woffington (several) ; and many more. PoRTRAITS (IN CHARACTER),—Joseph Harris as ‘“‘Cardinal Wolsey;’’ Joe Miller as ‘‘ Teague;’’ Macklin as ‘“‘Shylock’’; Frederic Lemaitre as ‘‘ Don Cesar de Basan”’; Mrs. Yates as ‘‘ Jane Shore’’; Miss Catley as ‘‘Leonora’’; Mrs. Whitelock, as ** Mar- garet’’; Mrs. Abington as ‘“‘Lady Betty Modish’’; Mr. Moody as ‘‘Commodore Flip’’; Henderson as ‘‘Falstaff’’; Kemble as ‘‘Friar Michael’’ (colored); Mr. Jones ican (colored); Liston as ‘‘Dominie Sampson’’; Kean as ‘‘Coriolanus’’; and others. Views,—Holland House, Kensington; Fortune Playhouse, Golden Lane; Drury- Lane (interior); King’s Theatre, Haymarket; Bow Church, Cheapside; House where Nell Gwyn lodged in Drury-Lane; Shooting of Admiral Byng; Theatre Royal in Portugal St.; Sadler’s Wells; Theatre Royal, Covent Garden; and others. AN EXCEEDINGLY HANDSOME SET. VERY UNUSUAL AND ATTRACTIVE SERIES OF CARICATURES 208. [DoyvLE (Joun).] A Collection of Firty finely lithographed and engraved caricatures, 14 of which are colored. Mounted on gray art paper and bound into a folio volume, half morocco, morocco lettering piece on obverse cover (binding rubbed). London: Thomas McLean, 1829-1832 A VERY FINE COLLECTION of cartoons by the satiric pencil of this talented artist, known as ‘‘H. B.’”’ Most of the above plates bear these initials. Some of the plates are: A Political Riddle; The Mysterious Visit; Political Harmonics; Repose; The Last of the Boroughbridges; Peer-less Eloquence; and others. 209. Drama. The New Thespian Oracle; containing Original Strictures on Oratory and Acting, and a Select Collection of all the Modern Prologues, and Epilogues, Spoken at the Royal and Private Theatres. Colored frontispiece. 16mo, new half blue morocco. London, 1791 Nice Copy of this scarce work. 210. DRAMA (THE). Its History, Literature, and Influence on Civilization. Editor-in-Chief, Alfred Bates. With numerous full-page photogravure tllus- trations, many of which are COLORED BY HaNnpD. 20 vols. 8vo, half red leather, gilt tops, uncut. London: Athenian Society, 1903 Kinc EpwWaArbD EDITION, limited to 1000 copies, this being, No. 128. CONTENTS:—Greek and Roman. 2 vols.; American. 2 vols.; Oriental; Religious; Italian; Spanish and Portuguese; French. 3 vols.; German. 3 vols.; Russian; Scandinavian; British. 4 vols. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 2II. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217, DREISER (THEODORE). A Book About Myself. 8vo, original cloth. New York [1922] FirST EDITION. Inserted is an exceptionally interesting 2-p. A. L. S. of the Author, reading, in part: ‘‘I have a story KHAT—or it may be called, if you wish, FLOWER OF PARADISE. It is different to the ordinary run of American things, not local—and much liked by those who have seen it. If the Double Dealer publishes stories and is as you say seeking something a little different, this might appeal to it. My price is $500.— $250. less than I ordinarily get for a story.” DRINKWATER (JOHN). The Dramatic Works of St. John Hankin. With an Introduction by John Drinkwater. Frontispieces. 3 vols. 8vo, original cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1912 FINE SET. Inserted in the first volume is Typewritten Note Signed by John Drink- water, in which he mentions Sir James M. Barrie. DRYDEN (JoHN—Translator). The Art of Painting, by C. A. Du Fresnoy. With Remarks. Translated into English, together with an Original Preface containing a Parallel betwixt Painting and Poetry. By Mr. Dryden. As also a Short Account of the most Eminent Painters, both Ancient and Modern, continu’d down to the Present Times, according to the Order of their Succession. Engraved title. Small 4to, old calf, rebacked, writing on title and back fly-leaves. London, 1695 First EDITION. DRYDEN (JOHN). Troilus and Cressida, or, Truth Found too Late. A Tragedy As it is Acted at the Dukes Theatre. To which is Prefix’d, A Preface Containing the Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy . . . 4to, half cloth. London, Printed by I. Dawks, for Jacob Tonson, 1695 SECOND EDITION, which is almost as rare as the first edition of 1679. Dedicated to the Earl of Sunderland, with verses addressed to Dryden on his play by R. Duke. Prologue spoken by Mr. Betterton, representing the Ghost of Shakespeare, and Epi- logue spoken by Thersites. ° DRYDEN (JOHN). The Works of Virgil: Containing his Pastorals, Georgics, and A‘neis. Translated into English Verse; by Mr. Dryden. With 100 fine full-page engravings, by Hollar, Faithorne, and Lombart, after Cleyn, each surmounting the arms of the patron to whom the picture was dedicated. Folio, full old paneled calf, rebacked. London: Jacob Tonson, 1697 First EDITION OF DRYDEN’S TRANSLATION. This translation was taken by Pope as a model, and is still esteemed for its brilliance, if not its fidelity. DRYDEN (JOHN). Fables Ancient and Modern; Translated into Verse, from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, & Chaucer: With Original Poems. Folio, three- quarter red levant morocco, richly gilt paneled back, gilt edges. London: Jacob Tonson, 1700 First EpiTion. Contains half-title and good margins. SPLENDID COPY—HANDSOMELY BOUND Dumas (ALEXANDRE). Les Trois Mousquetaires. With illustrations from compositions by Maurice Leloir. 2 vols. 4to, full Antwerp blue French levant morocco, elaborate French design in gilt on sides embodying the fleur-de-lis and other emblems, gilt paneled backs with fleur-de-lis, inside gilt dentelle borders, gilt tops. — Paris, 1894 SUPERB Copy of this celebrated novel. ee First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th THE ESTES AND LAURIAT EDITION OF DUMAS 218. Dumas (ALEXANDRE). The Romances of Alexandre Dumas. Portratts and other illustrations, titles in black and red, with vignette of the author on Japan paper. 43 vols. 8vo, three-quarter cyan blue levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Estes and Lauriat, 1893-1895 FINE SET OF THE EDITION DE LUXE. Limited to 1000 copies, this being, No. 895. ComprIsEsS:—Company of Jehu. 2 vols.; Regent’s Daughter. Black Tulip; Duke of Savoy; Chevalier de Maison-Rouge; Marguerite de Valois; Vicomte de Bragelonne. 5 vols.; Monte Cristo. 4 vols.; La Comtesse de Charny. 4 vols.; First Republic. 2 vols.; Forty-Five. 2 vols.; Last Vendee. 2 vols.; Three Miisketeers. 2 vols.; Two Dianas. 2 vols.; Ange Pitou. 2 vols.; Chevalier d’Harmental; Memoirs of a Physician. 3 vols.; Celebrated Crimes. 3 vols.; Twenty-Years After. 2 vols.; La Dame de Monsoreau. 2 vols.; Queen’s Necklace. DUNSANY’S FIRST BOOK—FIRST EDITION 219. Dunsany (Lorp). The Gods of Pegana. With illustrations in photogravure by S. H. Sime. Small 4to, original boards, canvas back, uncut. London, 1905 First EDITION OF LORD DUNSANY’'S FIRST BOOK. 220. Duruy (GEoRGE). Memoirs of Barras. Member of the Directorate. Edited, with a General Introduction, Prefaces and Appendices, by George Duruy. Translated by Charles E. Roche. Illustrated with 7 portraits in heliogravure, 2 facsimiles, and 2 plans. 4 vols. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY BIRDSALL. London, 1895-1896 FINE WoRK. MAGNIFICENT COPY OF THE ‘‘CATHOLICON”’ PRINTED BY THE R-PRINTER AT STRASBOURG ABOUT 1470 221. EARLY PRINTING. BALBUS (JOANNES). Catholicon. [Colophon] Conclusio = libri . . . in secula seculorum. Amen. Gothic type, 370 leaves, 2 columns of 67 lines each to the page, one- to ten-line spaces for capitals. Initial letters supplied by hand in red or blue, many filled in with elaborate pen-work in the same colors and extended into marginal decorations, smaller capitals and finials in red or blue, paragraph marks in red, initial strokes and underlinings in yellow. Thick large folio, full Eighteenth Century red straight-grain morocco with inch wide gilt border in geometric and foliated design on sides, gilt leaf design over stipple ground in dentelle effect in back panels, narrow inside gilt borders, gilt edges, showing the original red edge in many places. [Strasbourg, The R-Printer, undated (circa 1470)] Hain, No. *2251. SUPERB Copy oF THIS Famous WorRK. ONE OF THE FINEST SPECIMENS OF EARLY GERMAN PRINTING KNOWN. EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE, THE LEAVES MEASURING 17 BY 1134 INCHES. The entire volume free from worm-holes, fresh and unspotted, the margins clean. The original blank leaves at beginning and end are not present, there are a few insignificant marginal restorations, and folios 2 and 3 have been supplied from another copy. A number of the initial letters have been left unfinished, in some instances only the outline being drawn in and in others the pen-work decorations inserted and color of the initial letter omitted. In the latter part of the volume the larger letters have not even been drawn in, in many instances. A SPLENDID EXAMPLE OF TYPOGRAPHY IN WONDERFULLY FINE STATE OF PRE- SERVATION AND HANDSOMELY BOUND. [See Reproduction of First Page] Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue FIRST BOOK PRINTED AT STRASBOURG WITH A DATE—SUPERB COPY—WITH A GENUINE WILLIBALD PIRCKHEIMER BOOKPLATE BY DURER 222. EARLY PRINTING. GRATIANUS. Decretum cum apparatfii Bartholomaei Brixiensis. [Colophon (in red)| Presens Gratiani decretum . . . cOsfimata Per venerabilem virfi Heinricfii Eggesteyn.artifi liberaliG magistrum ciuem inclite ciuitatis Argentifi. Anno dfti. M®°. cccc®. Ixxjo. Gothic type, 460 leaves (last blank) 2 columns of 47 lines each to the page, surrounded by Com- mentary 81 lines to the full page. Spaces left for capitals. ILLUMINATED BY HAND, first page with large initial letter painted in blue and green on burnished gold diapered ground and extended into elaborate foliated border in colors and gold and with the arms of an ecclestastic of the Pirckheimer family also painted — in gold and colors in the space left for the miniature at head of text, and 37 other finely painted initial letters in gold and colors with floral scroll borders in the volume; capitals, paragraph marks and initial strokes throughout alter- nately in red and blue, numerous rubrications by hand in red in addition to those printed. Thick large folio, full blue morocco, gilt line borders, MANY EpGEs UNCUT. [Strasbourg, Heinrich Eggestein, 1471] HAIN, No. *7883. A SUPERB COPY OF THE “ EDITIO PRINCEPS,’’ OF WHICH ONLY SEVEN COPIES ARE KNOWN, most of these being in the great public libraries. This is probably the First BOOK PRINTED AT STRASBOURG WITH A DATE as the Clement V ‘“‘Constitutiones’’ printed by Eggestein is dated November 21st 1471, the present volume bearing merely the year date and probably issued prior to the ‘‘Con- stitutiones.”’ mh THE VOLUME Is IN MAGNIFICENT STATE OF PRESERVATION, PRACTICALLY UNCUT, AND Is THEREFORE EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE, MEASURING 187% BY 1338 INCHES (480 by 340 mm. British Museum copy measures only 477 by 330 mm.) THis Copy ALso CONTAINS THE ORIGINAL BLANK LEAF AT END which is lacking in the British Mu- seum copy. The first and last leaves are slightly time-stained and there are a few small worm-holes through the last pages, but aside from this the entire volume is ex- ceptionally fresh and free from blemish. A vellum fly-leaf inserted at the beginning of volume contains a contemporary manuscript diagram and signature of ‘‘ Johannes Vogt’’ in lower corner. This volume is from the LIBRARY OF WILLIBALD PIRCKHEIMER of Nurenberg (1470- 1536; Councillor of Emperor Charles V, friend of Erasmus and Diirer, to whom many of Diirer’s letters from Venice were written), and CoNTAINS His FAMousS BOOKPLATE WHICH WAS EXECUTED BY DURER BEFORE 1503. This plate is considered one of the most interesting of all German bookplates, designed and cut on wood by Albrecht Diirer, the greatest of all exlibris designers. The plate is in the second state with the inscription in Hebrew, Greek and Latin in the upper section. In removing the plate from the original binding it has been slightly mutilated, but is in very good state of preservation for a plate of its age and of such large dimensions. It is probable that the volume itself was originally illuminated for a member of the Pirckheimer family as the ecclesiastic arms painted on the first page are the same as those of Willibald Pirckheimer appearing on the bookplate. From thence it probably passed with the other Pirckheimer books and manuscripts into the possession of THOMAS HOWARD, EARL OF ARUNDEL, and must have reposed for some time at ARUNDEL HOUSE as it was amongst the volumes presented by HENRY Howarp, DUKE oF NoRFOLK, to the ROYAL SOCIETY in 1666. The Royal Society stencil stamp, “Soc. Reg. Lond. ex dono Henri. Howard, Norfolciensis,’’ appears on the margin of the second leaf, and the Society’s ‘‘So_p”’ stamp is on final leaf. It also contains the bookplate of the LAKELANDS LIBRARY. A A MAGNIFICENT EXAMPLE OF EARLY PRINTING AND WITH A PROVENANCE OF THE GREATEST INTEREST AND IMPORTANCE. [See Reproduction of First Page] First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th VERY RARE—FINE CLEAN COPY 223. EARLY PRINTING. PERoTTUS (NICOLAS). Rudimenta grammatices. [Colophon] Impressum quidem est hocopus Venetiis mira arte & diligencia Pellegrini pasqualis Bononiesis. Anno domini. M.cccc.lxxxviiii. Decimo die Aprilis. Roman type, 88 leaves (first blank and genuine) 39 long lines to the page, spaces left for capitals. 4to, original oaken boards, rebacked and recased. [Venice: Pellegrini Pasqualis Bononiensis, 1489] Reichling, Part V, No. 1609. Not in Hain. EXCEEDINGLY RARE. No copy listed by Winship as being in America. FINE CLEAN Copy WITH ORIGINAL PRELIMINARY BLANK LEAF, ample margins, and practically - free from time stains or other marks of age. With stamp of the Padua Library, ‘‘ Pubblica Libreria di Pad.’’ at foot of first page of text. PRINTED IN BASEL BY AMERBACH IN 1494 224. EARLY PRINTING. REUCHLIN (JOHANN). Capnia seu de verbo mirifico. [Preface dated| Spirae xj. Kal’. Maias M.cccc.xciiij. Roman type, 50 leaves, 50 long lines and headline to the page. Spaces left for capitals with guide letters. Small folio, newly bound in full unfinished calf. [Basel: Johann Amerbach, after April 21, 1494] Hain No. *13880. VERY RARE. No copy listed by Winship as in America. Good copy, complete with the first leaf containing title with preface on verso. With numerous contemporary manuscript annotations on margins throughout as well as underscorings in the text. PRINTED BY WYNKYN DE WORDE—OF EXCESSIVE RARITY 225. EARLY PRINTING. GLANVILLE (BARTHOLOMEW). Bartholomei de proprieta- tibus rerum. [Translated into English by John de Trevisa.] BLACK LETTER. Printed in double columns. With 18 woodcuts, device of Wynkyn de Worde at end. Folio, full brown levant morocco, sides with a large gilt ornament, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London: Wynkyn de Worde, circa 1495 First EDITION. EXTREMELY RARE, AND ONE OF THE FINEST SPECIMENS FROM WYNKYN DE WorDE’s PREsS. This copy wants a blank leaf in Signature A, 8 leaves at beginning, and 5 leaves at end are in excellent facsimile, and a few leaves have been mended; otherwise a sound, clean and most excellent copy (measuring 107% by 8 inches). The above is one of six or seven recorded copies. This work was written in Latin about the middle of the XIVth Century by Bar- tholomew, an English Minorite or Franciscan, of the family of the Earls of Suffolk. The English version was made by John Trevisa, vicar of Berkeley in Gloucestershire, at the request of his patron, Thomas Berkeley, in the year 1398. The present is the first English edition PRINTED BY WYNKYN DE WorDE and the first book printed on paper made in England. In Dibdin’s ‘‘ Typographical Antiquities,’’ Vol. 2, there are 12 pages devoted to this work (pp. 310-321), in which he states that it is of ‘‘extraordinary typographical beauty and rarity . . . perhaps the most magnificent publication ever issued from de Worde’s press; and its rarity, in a perfect state, is extreme.’ See also ‘‘ Bibliotheca Spenceriana,’’ Vol. 4, pp. 411-413. The Rudolph August Witthaus—Charles James Cotes copy, with leather book- label of the former, and heraldic bookplate of the latter. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue THE FIRST ENGLISH LAW BOOK—1490—PRINTED BY PYNSON WITH THE SEVENTEEN ORIGINAL BLANKS—PROBABLY UNIQUE IN THIS STATE 226. EARLY PRINTING BY PyNsSON. STATHAM (NICHOLAS). Abridgement of Cases. [Commences] [E]n Accompte le pleitif céOnta dun receipte en autre céntie, [etc.] Printed in Secretary type with headlines and signatures but without pagination. 190 printed leaves, 50 long lines to the page, and 17 ORIGINAL BLANK LEAVES. Device of Guillaume Le Talleur on verso of last leaf. Folio, rebound, with the ORIGINAL STAMPED CALF sides preserved. [Rouen: Guillaume Le Talleur] Per Me, R. Pynson [1490] Becompte PIF ccortpfe fe plata conta dun veceipte ert anitvecBntie 2 Pafcfeei +h. qnacsi, ef ea decanfa fe 623 fuitabatnz .conteaniil wii”. iil, eabareng nntBori fep cd (Eatuti. ; ; 5 te 5 Joe passin . Bere deny Fup furkt adinges paccompl? é Upittariteti.. E . iit bag caps. ad cSputand iff fF tarigglun fruit Gelage a fantee Sient ab evigh afnit att ZiCaccdptera de tont p* ceo qif fuit fotie deb ve cepuo? one Gre tiel GY né (nffi? a. Ceo* p (Fyre. Mi le ple . GrlEfequatae Gers deny Cane Dist a Cautee nemp CoP. farefces a dive GY celui G) fait eK nad viens de faieen Sane. Et dongs bautce fera charge de toutle farce. a @ dre « : Ae : Di wnt hoviiz vefiiha cevteph deniers aGne antre fur cddicidy — Pafcheyti. CE, ii. Fes Gu; font enfreints . Ceftup G) defiita es deniece alte bre be dette on B28 oaccompte. rant if Gu accompte Secs ii. Cun meé mal? ey difcharge dacconipl? @bantre nird mat? be en charge lepleG\ ‘Tuinitatts eli. CG. iii. she Geneficial$ pu Le pfeintif Peansis etchargera anbadeup pecopptonery C 4 eae - Srico bailia venice aGn heme p’ bail Cer aSne antee pif ne baila B.ieo auca tn accion daccomp? — Hichaefis pli. C.iti. Bers Cup «Gre ficeffnp a Q\fe bailE onitt ail ef faict aia accion daccompte. eS bee \ En accomipte Gers baillig fe deK mcd Gif aid paie cectepy deniers p* Le fuftinance fe frievelepE.p — fhpiffadti efi”. C.ilt cdmandemee fe pb. eif.pfeDtceo ple fur Paccompte ef CE p* ceo Fil med vien; def cBmademéte anoint iB ne chofe @\é incivéta g office. come repacion a hitiol. p \ il ne 3 ail Le ple e & EtSive pif pne- fii be ple Gone vecepno? ne pE affe papemse fur & accomnte p comademét 6 maf fi non gil med ef peciafte deb comandemét. Wes antce oft oun Bailly. gt ane pf mre choye@ropptiecae ‘office St fup® ee Gre. En accompte fe p& connta suncefceipce ples more 6 Feme aEn antec Et p’ ceo gil vemande feito — afche pln. 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CannMceone qup dimy Mite, Ce Pe courte rept connfip d¢ cp petit @nd allo p* ceo G\pomeng pt ati ac? daccdpt enfecote- Et credo Gfe cad Fil nail accion daceSpée en Le conte foit p* cee me(qzif declare dup refccipte d- yee Gnceveil né en cecteph a treme Ce; profig aménterdnt Céceo pE bale p pl ah Ctaupitil ferndlc G\ fe Bie nad poaive deers 5 pepe @\ Fe dvofPH of Giles Fines farkk aBne Bi abé pB FBS no%baiffa onerous .ingelli (rns Cup accione® Belk nous fonfesaiffar?aBons Pt oarer Fp .en i if Ame G\Geus ne deditz @\ Fe propriete FuifE a Pentre inet Chyor3 mela; be proprete fuit alautce filfou fe REG telah patria ths an Pole a ie : . : ; ' EN ALOrapte Lapp G\E oe fuifé & cocepnour ¢ buifly de & maine oe GZ ledef vit gifs fontii, S Wpiariielini®, Ci. in ff € rortie anul (ime addicion ingemét de bre g ail eRe EP, ve ge Saas CHase ainpte fede direjil ail accomptepa@a fe'p€ Ma tick Lien et Fuiff ag Sexin plete ifit-phe TCrinitatis ela? Gili ortat fofé sfute. <4, : 47 Oe: ass Gl 4 42 picintif. nipple réyceipte pleco mapns Gneh. Belk coftuph eff Grd cdmoignementnofimecdmel —“Crinitatis yl Sii* iit, Gneruge® debs8 «Ct ea de cd Loppinion @\ Fe 626 abatia Cem Ce Ley eff fi Gne home (apPfe refceit ples magne s feme ee cof denofmeefemeae?. -C,% Soren accomrpte ibs foient a iffve GD vefecipte fuimepndre eh atrone foit p Ce deR@) fie pe (ue Pafefeeeeis€. iit fon accdplene pr demdder plSers Eup@ elt teone pGerd€ mes qigz Fen teonale oeR it Cup difchacgp fur © accdpfe ment. giant .regarDAab enque(e. aiffuiteif pemptorie ep ceo cas poucG pGe nel pourledes dre en ceocas fife defen Darla attaint purceqil pt Enp-difchache fuc 6 accBpte Etaupt oicif mi ple @ mefaz be vefcett p Fenqueft Gil fuiff o¢ mepndre (ame Encore be ba8 nabaPa ah ee mt TSP gis : En accomipte porta p fe prionrBe fepntiones deterém Etconnta que fuiff baiffy de Gegd def. Upiacii Kee’. ¢. ti ~ ( bobxe fuiff chat § en trmeqiC tng nofina baify de ef 6G. Louinul ne pt eb & Bailly de efgtife entrint GY [Satfient a6 pochians ef Et anguit be priows duift cE nofme plok. oe? ACHhOppil né a demacer vieng Poe a at os ¥ [ No. 226 } THE First ENGLISH LAW Book and of superlative interest in the history of early printing in England. Of W. de Machlinia, the first English law printer, nothing is known after 1486, but it is probable that Richard Pynson, who was his successor, went to England soon after that date. Pynson had studied at the University of Paris, and had learned to print at Rouen with Guillaume Le Talleur. Pynson did not succeed to any of his predecessor’s type, and when he first went to England he may [ Continued a cr] “ > . ; — gi a of ‘ i ee 3 a sa , hs ¢ * , + e as es Be ee aps 1 are Ra ae 'y - be ad ‘ F \ wo 2 t F. z ‘ t oe 7 * =a = * rl 7 . + - + y a oe - nt yr. * A. im : 4 £ - ‘ : - — os a ‘a : ~~ n . 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Printed for the PROPRIETORS, and Sold by J. WHEBLE; year om N?18, Warwick Square, Warwick Lane, near StPauls . MDCCXCIIL. W. HEATH’S MILITARY COSTUME SPORTING MAGAZINE LINOw333 | [ No. 594 ] “y First Session, Tuesday Evening, February 24th [ No. 226. EarLy PRiIntING—Continued | have commissioned his old master to print two law-books for him, Statham’s “‘Abridgement”’ and Littleton’s ‘‘ Tenores novelli.’”” THE TExT oF THESE Two Books Is PRINTED IN A CURIOUSLY SMALL AND CONTRACTED TYPE, USED NOWHERE ELSE, AND APPARENTLY CUT SPECIALLY FOR THE PRINTING OF THESE Two Books. WHAT PART PYNSON HAD IN THE PRINTING OF THE Books IT IS DIFFICULT TO DECIDE. THE TABLE Is SIGNED ‘‘ PER ME RICHARD PYNSON.’’ BUT THE LAST LEAF BEARS THE CYPHER OF LE TALLEUR AS PRINTER. If Pynson had subsidized the press and paid for the type we should expect to find it in his possession in England later. Very probably they printed the volume together at Rouen in order that Pynson might begin business with it in England. THIS VOLUME IS VERY RARE, ESPECIALLY WHEN, LIKE THE PRESENT Copy, IT CONTAINS THE Two PRELIMINARY LEAVES OF TABLES. THE Two LEAVES ARE PRINTED AS A SEPARATE PRELIMINARY QUIRE, AND BEING ON THICKER PAPER, IT WOULD APPEAR THAT THEY WERE PRINTED LATER THAN THE BOOK, AND INSERTED ONLY IN SOME CoPIEs. Copies in early bindings, with no appearance of mutilation, are often without them. The present copy is remarkable also, as containing SEVENTEEN BLANK LEAVES distributed throughout the volume in nearly every signature from b to x, a condition apparently unnoticed in previously described copies, thus forming what may pos- sibly be A UNIQUE Copy. IN SUPERB CONDITION AND WITH EXCEPTIONALLY WIDE MARGINS, LEAVES are evi 1254 BY 854 INCHES. With several contemporary manuscript notes or additions. The binding is a VERY FINE SPECIMEN OF EARLY OXFORD WORKMANSHIP, at least one of the stamps being reproduced in Gibson's ‘‘ Early Oxford Bindings”’ (No. 74). This work is of supreme importance to those interested in the infancy of English printing. Gordon Duff (No. 374) lists 14 copies, only 3 of which aside from the Pier- pont Morgan copy are listed as in private hands. The Bodleian Library possesses only an imperfect copy. This collection of the Statues of England is so rare as to have escaped the researches of Ames, Herbert, and Dibdin. It is printed in Secretary type, and is the only exam- ple of this type used in England. Pynson, who was the assistant of Caxton and the fellow-worker of Wynkyn de Worde, was the first to introduce into England the type known as Secretary-Gothic, an imitation of the cursive Gothic hand, which had been invented in France and become fashionable with some of the early French printers. From the Bridgewater Library with large bookplate, and the Herschel V. Jones collection with bookplate. [See Reproduction of First Page of Text] RARE WORKS: WITH BOOKPLATE OF WM. S. JOHNSON, LL.D., PRESI- DENT OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE, NEW YORK, FROM 1787 TO 1800 227. EARLY PRINTING. LyNDwoop (WILLIAM). Provinciale seu Céstitutiones Anglie . . . Venales habétur Londofi. in cimiterio sancti Pauli: apud Franciscum bryckman. [Colophon] cura atque diligentia Christophori Endouiefi (Christ. van Ruremund) Antwerpie impressum . . . 20. Dec. 1525; [ALso] ATHON (JOHANNIS DE). Constitutiones legitime seu legatine regionis anglicane. . . . Paris, Wolfgang Hopyl, impensis eiusdem et probissimi bibliopole Joannis Confluentini idus Septembris, 1504. Both printed in Gothic type. First title in red and black within woodcut border and including large woodcut miniature; full-page woodcut of St. George and the Dragon with the English insignia above all within similar border on page preceding table. Title of the second work in red with another large woodcut of St. George and the Dragon below, portions of which are printed in red. Woodcut half-title and woodcut vignette at head of text. Text of both works in red and black. 2 vols. in one, small folio, mottled sheep, neatly rebacked. Antwerp, 1525; Paris, 1504 The first mentioned is a VERY RARE ISSUE, printed by C. Van Ruremund at Ant- werp for FRANCIS BIRCKMAN OF LONDON. The title-page of the first and last leaf of the second are loose, but the volume is complete and otherwise in good condition. With bookplate of Wm. S. Johnson, LL.D., President of Columbia College, New York, from 1787 to 1800 (Allen No. 435) on inside of front cover. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 228. EARLY WESTERN TRAVELS, 1748-1846. A Series of Annotated Reprints of some of best and rarest contemporary volumes of travel, descriptive of the Aborigines and Social and Economic Conditions in the Middle and Far West, during the Period of Early American Settlement. Edited with Notes, Introductions, Index, etc., by Reuben Gold Thwaites. Folding maps, portraits, facsimiles and views. 32 vols. 8vo, including the 2 vols. of Index and 1 vol. folio (ATLAS oF PLATEs), cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Cleveland: Arthur H. Clark Company, 1904-1906 AN IMPORTANT SERIES OF HISTORICAL REPRINTS RELATIVE TO EARLY WESTERN TRAVELS. Limited to 750 sets. COMPLETE SET, including the folio volume of plates (Vol. 25), and comprising the following,—. Journals of Conrad Weister, George Crognan, Christian F. Post, and Thomas Morris; John Long’s Journal; André Michaux’s Travels into Kentucky, 1793-06. F. A, Michaux’s Travels West of Alleghany Mountains, 1802. Thaddeus Mason Harris’s Journal of a Tour Northwest of Alleghany Mountains, 1803; Cuming’s Tour to the Western Country (1807-1809); Bradbury’s Travels in the Interior of America, 1809-1811; Brackenridge’s Journal up the Missouri, 1811. Franchere’s Voyage to Northwest Coast, 1811-1814; Ross’s Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon or Columbia Rivers, 1810-1813; Buttrick’s Voyages, 1812-1819. Evan's Pedestrian Tour, 1818; Flint’s Letters from America, 1818-1820; Hulme’s Journal, 1818-19. Flower’s Letters from Lexington and the Illinois, 1819. Flower’s Letters from the Illinois, 1820-21. Wood’s Two Years’ Residence, 1820-21; Part I (1819) of Faux’s Memorable Days in America, 1819-1820, and Welby’s Visit to North America. 1819-20; Nuttall’s Travels into the Arkansas Territory, 1819; James’s Account of S. H. Long’s Expedition, 1819-20. 4 vols.; Pattie’s Personal Narrative, 1824-1830; Willard’s Inland Trade with New Mexico, 1825, and Down- fall of the Fredonian Republic. Malte-Brun’s Account of Mexico; Ogden’s Letters, 1827, and Part I of Gregg’s Commerce of the Prairies, 1831-1839; Part II of Greggs Commerce of the Prairies, 1831-1839; Wyeth’s Oregon, or a Short History of a Long Journey, 1832. Townsend’s Narrative of a Journey across the Rocky Moun- tains. 1834; Maximilian, Prince of Wied’s Travels in the Interior of North America, 1832-1834. 3 vols.; Flagg’s The Far West, 1836-1837. 2 vols.; Farnham’s Travels in the Great Western Prairies, etc. May 21—October 16, 1839. 2 vols.; Palmer’s Journal Travels ores the Rocky Mountains, 1845-1846. 2 vols.; Analytical Index to the eries. 2 vols. 229. ECCLESIASTES: or, The Preacher and the Song of Solomon. Text printed in red and black. Small folio, full dark blue levant morocco, broad border on sides of gilt fillets indented in corners by small scroll design, full gilt paneled back, inner morocco and gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. [London: Vale Press, undated] BEAUTIFUL Copy, Second Session, Numbers 230 to 455, inclusive WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 25, AT 2:30 O’CLOCK “BOXIANA’’—ALL FIVE VOLUMES, COMPLETE 230. EGAN (PIERCE). Boxiana; or, Sketches of Antient and Modern Pugilism. With portraits of celebrated pugtlists, fistic encounters, and other illustrations, including 3 plates by George Cruikshank. 5 vols. 8vo, full polished fawn calf, gilt fillets on sides, richly gilt backs, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY TOUT. London, 1818-1829 SOME First EDITIONS. The volumes comprise:— Vol. I. From the Days of the Renowned Boughton and Slack, to the Champion- ship of Cribb. Engraved title, 19 portraits and plates of sparring matches and 3 plates by George Cruikshank—‘' A Sparring Match at the Fives Court,’ ‘‘ Second Contest between Cribb and Molineux,’’ and ‘‘Cup.” London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, (Engraved title) 1812, (Printed title) 1818 Vol. II. From the Championship of Cribb to the Present Time. With 6 portraits. London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1818 Vol. III. During the Championship of Cribb to Spring’s Challenge to all England. With 7 portratts. London: Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1821 Vol. IV. Containing all the Transactions of Note, connected with the Prize Ring, during the Years 1821, 1822, 1823. Portraits. London: Sherwood, Jones and Co. [1828] Vol. V. New Series of Boxiana. Second Volume. Portraits. London: George Virtue, 1829 FIRST EDITION AND A ROYAL (OR LARGE) PAPER COPY 231. [EGAN (PrERCE).] Real Life in London; or The Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tally-Ho, Esq. and his cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall, through the ' Metropolis; Exhibiting a Living Picture of Fashionable Characters, Manners and Amusements in High and Low Life. By an Amateur. Em- bellished and illustrated with a series of 32 COLORED PRINTS, designed and engraved by Messrs. Alken, Dighton, Brooks, Rowlandson, etc. |and two extra plates not called for in the List of Illustrations, ‘‘ St. George’s Day, Presentation at the Levee’ and ‘‘Catching a Charley Napping’’]. 2 vols. royal 8Vvo, full green French levant morocco, sides with a framework of gilt fillets enclosing a diamond design composed of gilt fillets and floral designs; inside borders of green morocco with floral designs in gilt, BY MORRELL. Each volume enclosed in a quarter red morocco slip-case with inner cloth protecting covers. London: Printed for Jones & Company, 1821-1822 RoyAL (OR LARGE) PAPER Copy OF THE First EDITION, AND A REMARKABLY FINE EXAMPLE, AND VERY FINELY BouNb. A splendid copy, the plates and text being clean and crisp, and the plates brilliant in coloring. Has the error in pagination, page 304 of Volume I being numbered 334, which was corrected in later issues. [See Reproduction of Frontispiece Plate] Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue IN ORIGINAL BOARDS AND ENTIRELY UNCUT 232. EGAN (PriERcE). Life in London; Or the Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq. and His Elegant Friend Corinthian Tom, Accompanied by Bob Logic, The Oxonian, in Their Rambles and Sprees through the Metropolis. Engraved title and 36 full-page plates by I. R. and G. Cruikshank, and numerous woodcuts by the same artists; three folding leaves of engraved music. Royal 8vo, ORIGINAL BOARDS with five different illustrations on each cover, UNcuT, rebacked. Enclosed in hinged box case, cloth. London: Printed for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1822 SECOND EDITION with the footnote on page 9, printed title-page dated 1822, en- graved title dated 1821. With half-title and 16 pages of advertisements, various sized sheets, at back. EXCEPTIONALLY RARE IN THE ORIGINAL BOARDS AND ENTIRELY UNCUT. Very fine copy with brilliantly colored plates. 233. EGERTON COLORED PLATES. EGERTON (M.—Author of “Airy Nothings,” and collaborator with Henry Alken in the ‘‘ Melange of Humour’’). Humor- ous Sketches. A series of 5 plates, ALL IN COLORS, with descriptive text beneath, by M. Egerton, G. Hunt sculp. Oblong small folio, full brown calf, lettered on front cover, gilt top, other edges uncut. London: Thomas M’Lean, 1826 FIRST EDITION. A VERY DESIRABLE AND BEAUTIFUL SERIES OF COLORED PLATES. The plates illustrate,—‘‘A Helping Hand,’’ ‘‘New Way to Pay Old Debts,” “A | Morning Call,’ ‘‘The Feeling Heart,’’ ‘Killing no Murder.”’ COMPLETE NOVEL IN AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT 234. EGGLESTON (GEORGE CARY). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANuscRIPT of his _ novel: ‘The Master of Warlock. A Virginia War Story.” Manuscript of about E1cGuty THOUSAND WorDs, written in ink on one side of 808 octavo sheets, SIGNED IN FULL ON TITLE-PAGE,—“‘ George Cary Eggleston.” Leaves loose, enclosed in deep board box. SPLENDID MANUSCRIPT. FINE SOUTHERN ROMANCE OF THE TIME OF THE CIVIL Wak, written in plain, legible script. A large number of corrections, additions and cancellations appear throughout the manuscript, also in the author’s handwriting. The Dedication Leaf, to “‘ Dorothy South, the dear little woman who has been wife to me for thirty-four years,’ is Signed in full by the author, and dated,—‘‘ Culross. October 18, 1902.’’ The novel was published the following year, 1903. SUPERB SERIES OF ORIGINAL DRAWINGS 235. EGyPT AND PALESTINE. A Collection of 19 ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS of Egypt and Palestine, by W. H. Bartlett. Mounted and bound into an oblong folio volume, half morocco, gilt edges. THIS BEAUTIFUL SERIES is from the collection of George Virtue, the publisher, for whom the drawings were made. They were intended for publication. (1). ‘‘Mosque of Sultan. Cairo.’”” Engraved by A. Willmore in ‘“‘ The Nile Boat,” page 64. This is brilliantly colored, showing, beside the artistic Mosque, a procession of people in the narrow and winding street. (2). A brilliantly colored drawing of a caravan, laden with goods, in the fore- ground. Behind is clearly visible, the exquisite beauty of eastern architecture. (3). ‘Frontier of Egypt and Nubia.’’ Engraved by J. Cousen in ‘‘ The Nile Boat,” page 205. The group of Nubians in the foreground present a marked contrast to the de: colors of the sky and water. A sailing vessel is visible below the huge sand unes. (4). “Encampment at Akaba.’”’ Engraved by A. Willmore in “ Forty Days in the Desert,’’ page 100. The sun is setting behind the hazy purple mountains, which ma- jestically overlook the beautiful blue waters. The weary campers and their camels are beneath the tall palms, seeking rest after the torrid heat of the day. [ Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th No. 235. EGypT AND PALESTINE—Continued | (5). An untitled beautifully executed watercolor. (6). A rocky harbor, showing many of the inhabitants swimming and playing around in the blue transparent waters. A small sailboat is plying its way amongst the rocks. (7). A beautiful and colorful representation of Egyptian architecture, displaying to advantage the large and sculptured columns of a temple. (8). A group of Egyptians amongst the ruins of an ancient edifice. The azure of the Egyptian sky is shown above. , (9). Another group of men of the East, seated amidst the ruins of ancient build- ings. Great and lordly cliffs are visible through the gray haze that is enveloping them. (10). Another fine and colorful study. (11). ‘‘The Khusne.’’ Engraved by E. Brandard in ‘‘ Forty Days in the Desert,” page 130. Depicts a caravan before the entrance to the Khusne. (12). ‘‘Obelisk & Propylon. Luxor.’’ Engraved by E. Challis in ‘‘ The Nile Boat,”’ page 187. One of the most interesting drawings in the series savoring strongly of the mysteries of ancient Egypt. Several figures are seated, or standing around ‘ Cleo- patra’s Needle.”’ (13). The Two Colossi. Engraved by A. Willmore in ‘‘ The Nile Boat,”’ page 179. A beautiful and colorful study of these mystic idols. (14). Another alluring Egyptian study. (15). ‘‘House in Cairo.’’ Pictures a splendid example of Egyptian architecture. (16). “‘Church of the Holy Sepulchre.’’ Engraved by E. Challis in ‘‘ Walks about Jerusalem,”’ page 168. (17). ‘‘Mount of Olives from the Wall.’’ Engraved in ‘‘Walks about Jerusalem,” page 94. A fine study in sepia. (18). Another study in sepia depicting a caravan snatching a short rest. (19). Another study in sepia. VERY SUITABLE FOR FRAMING PURPOSES. MAGNIFICENT SET OF THE “EDITION DEFINITIVE’’—JAPAN PAPER 236. EcypTiAN History. History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria. By G. Maspero. Edited by A. H. Sayce. Translated by M. L. McClure. 9 vols.; History of Egypt from 330 B.C. to the Present Time. By S. Rappoport. 3 vols; History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, in the Light of Recent Discovery. By L. W. King and H. R. Hall. Containing over 1200 plates and illustrations; full-page plates IN THREE STATES, on Japan and India paper, and plain paper COLORED BY HAND; title-pages in red and black within ornamental borders. Together, 13 vols. royal 8vo, full dark red levant morocco, double gilt fillet border on sides, floral sprigs in corners, gilt paneled backs, doublures of white morocco, with center design of front view of three elephants, onlaid in vari-colored moroccos, the whole surrounded with dark red levant border containing gilt design; white moire silk end-leaves; gilt tops, uncut. London: The Grolier Society [1903-1904] EDITION DEFINITIVE, limited to 50 sets for England and America, of which this is, No. 32. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of a number of plates, some inlaid to size. HANDSOME SET PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. LARGE PAPER COPY OF FIRST EDITION—HANDSOME BINDING 237. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH ENGRAVINGS. MownTEsQuiEu (C.). Le Temple de Gnide. Engraved title, frontispiece containing medallion portratt of Montesquieu, vignette and 9 finely engraved plates after Eisen by Le Mire. Royal 8vo, full nile-green French levant morocco, with a quarter-inch border of maroon morocco onlaid on sides with outlines of gilt fillets, with gilt tooled design in center of each cover, gilt back and inside borders, gilt edges, BY ZAEHNSDORF. Paris, 1772 LarGE PAPER Copy OF THE FirST EDITION WITH THESE BEAUTIFUL PLATES. FINE Copy, IN A SUPERB BINDING by Zaehnsdorf dated 1894. The text and plates are as fresh as when printed. [See Reproduction of Title-page] Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue COMPLETE SET OF THE BEAUTIFUL ‘‘ROSEHILL EDITION”’ 238. Exiot (GEORGE). The Writings of George Eliot. With illustrations on Japan- ese vellum paper. 24 vols. 8vo, three-quarter Antwerp blue French levant morocco, cloth sides, full gilt paneled backs. Boston: Dana Estes and Company, 1895 BEAUTIFUL AND COMPLETE SET OF THE ROSEHILL EDITION. Limited to 1000 cop- ies, of which this is, No. 264. A WELL-PRINTED LIBRARY EDITION OF THE WRITINGS OF GEORGE ELIOT. COMPRISES:—Romola. 3 vols.; Adam Bede. 2 vols.; Felix Holt. 2 vols.; Middlemarch. 3 vols.; The Mill on the Floss. 2 vols.; Daniel Deronda. 3 vols.; Scenes of Clerical Life. 3 vols.; Poems. 2 vols.; Silas Marner; Theophrastus Such; Life of George Eliot. Edited by her Husband, J. W. Cross. 3 vols. Tipped in the first Volume of Romola is an A. L. S. by the author signed, “‘M. E. Lewes," 2pp. 16mo, The Priory, Jan. 27, 1880. Written on mourning stationery to Mr. Pigott. Fine letter, a portion of which reads: ‘‘. . . I have heard no news of our philosophical wanderer, but I have no doubt that he will be so far satisfied with Egyptian Art as to prefer finding fault with it in its own climate rather than under the fogs of Hyde Park Squares 4-5." THE RIVERSIDE PRESS EMERSON—LARGE PAPER 239. EMERSON (RALPH WALDO). The Complete Writings of Emerson. With portratts. 12 vols. [ALso] A Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson. By James Elliot Cabot. Portrait. 2 vols. Together, 14 vols. royal 8vo, FULL CRIMSON Morocco, sides with wide border in gilt, enclosing center panel with orna- mental gilt design at corners and rose spray design at center, onlaid in vari-colored moroccos and gilt, gilt paneled backs, inner morocco borders, ornamented in gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1883-1893 THE RIVERSIDE EDITION of the Complete Works, being No. 155 of 500 copies printed, and the LimITED LARGE PAPER EDITION of the Memoir. INCLUDES:—Nature Addresses and Lectures; Essays. 2 vols.; English Traits; The Conduct of Life; Society and Solitude; Representative Men; Letters and Social Aims; Poems; Natural History of Intellect; and others. 240. EMPEROR WILLIAM II. FiscHErR (H. W.). Private Lives of Kaiser William II. and His Consort. Secret History of the Court of Berlin. From the Papers and Diaries of Ursula Countess von Eppinghoven. Numerous illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, full red morocco, triple gilt fillets on sides, arms of William II stamped in gilt in center of sides, inner levant borders, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York [1909] CONNOISSEUR EDITION, limited to 500 copies. MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPH LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY THE EMPERORS OF GERMANY FROM FREDERICK IV, 1490 TO WILHELM II, 1894 241. EMPERORS OF GERMANY. A REMARKABLE AND EXTREMELY IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF 44 HisToricaL LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY THE EMPERORS OF GERMANY, commencing with a splendid document signed by Frederick IV (born 1415) and ending with the Royal Sign Manual of Kaiser Wilhelm II, the last Emperor. Accompanying this collection is a remarkable group of rare contemporary portraits. These with the autographs are inlaid to a uniform size and handsomely bound into an ATLAS FoLio VOLUME, FULL Crimson Levant Morocco, gilt borders on sides, richly gilt back, inner gilt borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. | [ Continued Second Session, Wednesday ‘Afternoon, february 25th [No. 241. EMPERORS OF GERMANY—Continued | IN THIs Most DESIRABLE COLLECTION THERE ARE NO HIATUSES, EVERY EM- PEROR BEING REPRESENTED, AS ARE ALSO No Lress THAN FouRTEEN OF THEIR Consorts. A brief description of the contents of the autographs is given below. FREDERICK IV (‘‘the Pacific’). His RoyaL SIGN MANUAL ‘“‘FRIDERICUS”’ AND HoocraPuH Note of 2 lines toa document. On vellum. Large folio. Inspruck, 1489. fc rs 2 f ~% on 199 Fer RNa a pe ofer} [FACSIMILE OF SIGNATURE OF FREDERICK IV] bf MAXIMILIAN I. His Roya SIGN MANUAL TO A LETTER. One page, folio. Cologne, GZ. 7512. CHARLES V. His RoyaL SIGN MANUAL “‘CAROL”’ To A LETTER. Regensberg, I5 May, 1532. Appointing Hans Gartner to the monastery of St. Wengen. CHARLES V. His Royvat SIGN MANuAL ‘‘ Yo EL REY’’ TO A LETTER. One page, folio. Moncon, 30 June 1528. To A. Hurta de Mendoca, Ambassador to the Queen of Portugal. ISABELLA LUSITANA (Consort of Charles V). LETTER, SIGNED ‘‘ Yo EL REYNA.” One page, folio. To the Duke of Infantado. FERDINAND I. His Royat SIGN MANUAL ‘‘FERDINAND”’ TO A LETTER. 2 pages, folio. 8 Feb. 1545. Signed as King of Hungary. FERDINAND I. His RoyAL SIGN MANUAL ‘‘FERDINAND”’ TO A LETTER. 2 pages, folio. Signed as Emperor. ANNA (Consort of Ferdinand I). LETTER, SIGNED. One page, folio. Inspruck, 22 Feb. 1519. To Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria. ; MAXIMILIAN II. His Roya SIGN MANUAL ‘“‘ MAXIMILIAN” TO A LETTER. 2 pages, olio. Maria (Consort of Maximilian II). Lretrer, SIGNED, WITH HOLOGRAPH SUPER- SCRIPTION. One page, folio. To the Duchess of Parma. RuDOLPH II. His Roya SIGN MANUAL ‘‘RUDOLF”’ TO A LETTER. 2 pages, folio. June 1598. Matrtuias I, His Roya, SIGN MANUAL ‘‘MATTHIAS’’ TO A LETTER. 3 pages, folio. 1597. Signed as King of Hungary. Matrtuias I. His RoyAL SIGN MANUAL “‘ MATTHIAS”’ TO A LETTER. 2 pages, folio. 1614. Signed as Emperor. ANNE (Consort of Matthias I). HoLoGRapH LETTER, SIGNED. One page, folio. 1617. Excessively rare as a holograph. FERDINAND IJ. His Roya SIGN MANUAL ‘‘FERDINAND’’ TO A LETTER. One page, folio. 8 March 1616. Signed as King of Hungary. FERDINAND II. His Royat SIGN MANUAL ‘‘FERDINAND”’ TO A DOCUMENT. Large folio. July 1631. Signed as Emperor. A splendid document with the Emperor’s seal intact. ELEONORA (Consort of Ferdinand II). HoLoGrapH LETTER, SIGNED. One page, folio. Vienna, 29 Dec. 1633. To the Palgrave of the Rhine. FERDINAND III. HOLOGRAPH LETTER, SIGNED ‘‘FERDINAND.”’ One page, folio. 1645. Excessively rare as a holograph. Maria (Consort of Ferdinand III). HoLoGrapPH LETTER, SIGNED. One page, folio. 26 Jan. 1646. To a Princess. LrEopoLtp I. His Roya, SIGN MANUAL ‘‘LEOPOLD”’ To A LETTER, WITH HOLO- GRAPH SUPERSCRIPTION. 2 pages, folio. 24 Sept. 1702. ELEONORA (Consort of Leopold I). LETTER, SIGNED. One page, folio. Vienna, 9 Nov. 1709. JOSEPH I. His RoyAt SIGN MANUAL ‘‘ JOSEPHUS”’ To A LETTER. One page, folio. Vienna, 12 Jan. 1699. Signed as King of Hungary. WILHELMINA AMALIA (Consort of Joseph I). DOCUMENT, SIGNED. On vellum. Large folio. Vienna, 18 April 1728. To Pope Benedict XIII. A splendid document. CHARLES VI. His RoyAL SIGN MANUAL ‘‘CAROLUS’’ TO A DOCUMENT. Large folio. Vienna, July 1718. Concerning Count Charles Caraffa. Another splendid document. . | Continued Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue [ No. 241. EmprErors oF GERMANY—Continued | ELIZABETH (Consort of Charles VI). LETTER, SIGNED. One page, folio. Vienna, 22 Jan. 1741. To Hieronymo Altieri. MARIA THERESA. HER ROYAL SIGN MANUAL ‘‘ MARIA THERESIA”’ TO A LETTER, WITH LONG HOLOGRAPH SUPERSCRIPTION OF FIvE LINES. One page, 4to. 16 Novem- ber 1766. To Count Esterhazy. MARIA THERESA. HER ROYAL SIGN MANUAL ‘‘ MARIA THERESIA”’ TO A LETTER. One page, folio. Vienna, 20 Feb. 1760. To the Papal Nuncio, Bernardino, at Flor- ence. FRANCIS I. (Consort of Maria Theresa). His SIGNATURE “‘FRANTZ”’ TO A LET- TER. 3 pages, folio. 4 Aug. 1764. CHARLES VII. LETTER SIGNED ‘‘CARL ALBRECHT KURFURST.” 2 pages, folio. Munich, 2 April 1727. Signed as Elector of Bavaria. CHARLES VII. His RoyAL SIGN MANUAL ‘‘CARL”’ TO A LETTER. 3 pages, folio. Frankfort, June 1743. To Prince Charles of Nassau. Signed as Emperor. JoserH II. His Royat SIGN MANUvAL “JosEPH’’ TO A LETTER. 3 pages, folio. June 1769. To Ludwig, Landgrave of Hesse. LEOPOLD II. LETTER, SIGNED ‘‘ PIETRO LEOPOLD,’ AND HOLOGRAPH SUPER- SCRIPTION. One page, 4to. 14 June 1771. To his brother, the Emperor Joseph II. LEOPOLD II. His RoyaL SIGN MANUAL “LEOPOLD”’ TO A HOLOGRAPH LETTER. 2 pages, folio. MarIA Louisa (Consort of Leopold II). HOoLOGRAPH LETTER, SIGNED. One page, 4to. 23, March 1766. Francis II. His RoyAL SIGN MANUAL ‘“‘FRANCOIS’’ TO A HOLOGRAPH LETTER. One page, 4to. Vienna, 1 March 1793. WILLIAM I. His SIGNATURE ‘‘WILHELM”’ TO A LETTER. One page, folio. Berlin, 23 Aug. 1834. Signed as Prince of Prussia. WILLIAM I. His SIGNATURE, AS PRINCE OF PRUSSIA, TO A HOLOGRAPH LETTER. One page, 8vo. 15 Sept. 1849. WILLIAM I. His RoyvaL SIGN MANUAL “‘ WILHELM”’ TO A LETTER, WITH HOLO- GRAPH SUPERSCRIPTION. One page, folio. Berlin, 28 Feb., 1887. Signed as Emperor. AvucustTA (Consort of William I). LETTER, SIGNED. One page, 4to. Baden-Baden, 30 July 1878. FREDERICK III (‘‘The Noble’’). His SIGNATURE AND HOLOGRAPH NOTE OF FIvE LINES. 25 June 1854. FREDERICK III. His ROYAL SIGN MANUAL TO A HOLOGRAPH NOTE. One page, 8vo. 16 May 1888. The Autograph of Frederick ‘“‘The Noble’ as Emperor is excessively rare. He was Emperor for only three months (9th March to 18th June 1888). VICTORIA (Consort of Frederick III). HOoLOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED. 4 pages, 8vo. VICTORIA. HER SIGNATURE AND HOLOGRAPH NOTE ON A PHOTOGRAPH OF HER- SELF. WILLIAM II (the last Emperor). His RoyAL SIGN MANUAL ‘ WILHELM” TO A DOCUMENT. One page, folio. 18 June, 1894. [FACSIMILE OF SIGNATURE OF WILHELM II] FINE COLLECTION OF PROOFS AFTER LAWRENCE, WILKIE, ETC. 242. ENGRAVINGS. A Collection of 70 fine engravings, ALL INDIA PAPER PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS, mounted on drawing paper. Folio, half green morocco, gilt, gilt back and top, uncut. [London, 1844] A BEAUTIFUL SERIES. Some of the engravings are by W. Ensom, Heath, J. Thom- | | son, Finden, Smith, Robinson, Goodyear, F. C. Lewis, and others after Sir Thomas Lawrence, David Wilkie, Eastlake, Landseer, etc. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th 243. F ADs AND FANCIEs of Representative Americans at the Beginning of the XXth Century, Being a Portrayal of Their Tastes, Diversions, and Achievements. Frontispiece by Howard Chandler Christy and every page of text embellished with portraits of celebrated Americans, illustrations depicting their homes, hobbies, and accomplishments. Imperial 4to, richly bound in full green levant morocco, the sides gilt tooled with borders formed by entwined sheaves, lines and filigree work, gilt tooled paneled back and inside borders, doublures and flies of green watered silk, gilt edges. Enclosed in oaken casket, lined with green chamois, with brass hinges and clasps. New York: Town Topics Publishing Co., 1905 The Celebrated ‘‘Fads and Fancies,’”’ printed in black, red and gold, on JAPAN VELLUM and limited to the number of subscribers. Its appearance created a sensation, and as all the copies went into the hands of the subscribers, whose biographical sketches appear in the work, but few copies have been offered for sale. Apart from its contents, it ranks as one of the most extravagant pieces of bookmaking ever executed in this country. THE WRITINGS IN PROSE AND VERSE OF EUGENE FIELD LITTLE BOOK OF WESTERN VERSE %& & ® & CHARLES SCRIBNER’S SONS} NEW YORK $1896 [ No. 245 ] A FINE EUGENE FIELD MANUSCRIPT 244. FIELD (EUGENE). OriGinaAL AUTOGRAPH Manuscript of,—‘‘Gen. Auer’s Shack.”” Consisting of two verses, eight lines each, about ONE HUNDRED AND SIxTy Worps. Written in ink, on one side of a 4to sheet. With two emendations. Bound in a 4to volume, half blue morocco. A Very FINE MANuscripT. Field has written on the sheet,—‘‘ Save copy for Field. Original Draft.’’ This poem appeared in his work ‘‘Sharps and Flats.” Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue THE EXTREMELY RARE SCRIBNER EDITION OF FIELD ON JAPANESE VELLUM | 245. FIELD (EUGENE). The Writings in Prose and Verse of Eugene Field. Jllus- trated. 12 vols. 12mo, boards, parchment backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1896-1901 EXTREMELY RARE. THE HANDSOME EDITION PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPAN Paper, Limited to 100 copies, of which this is, No. 81. CoNnTENTS:—A Little Book of Western Verse; Profitable Tales; Second Book of Verse; Poems of Childhood; The Holy Cross; Echoes from the Sabine Farm; Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac; Songs; Second Book of Tales; The House; Sharps and Flats. [See Reproduction on Preceding Page] JOHN DRINKWATER’S COPY OF ‘‘TOM JONES’’—FIRST EDITION 246. FIELDING (HENRY). The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. 6 vols. 12mo, half calf, somewhat rubbed. London: A. Millar, 1749 FINE Copy OF THE RARE FIRST EDITION. FIRST ISSUE, with the leaf of Errata after the contents in Vol. I. Or ASSOCIATION INTEREST, being the copy belonging to John Drinkwater, with his name and the date ‘‘1920’’ on end-leaf of each volume. The set was previously in Lord Mostyn’s library. 247. FIELDING (HENRY). The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. 3 vols. 1791; The Adventures of Joseph Andrews, and his Friend Mr. Abraham Adams. 1792. Both works with illustrations by Thomas Rowlandson. ‘Together, 4 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in full crimson levant morocco, Jansenist, inner gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY CANAPE. Edinburgh, 1791-1792 First EDITIONS WITH THE ROWLANDSON PLATES. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about 45 plates, some in two and some in three states, several being in colors and others on India paper, by George Cruikshank, Moreau and Johannot, being illustrations to the works. A RARE AND DESIRABLE SET, with unusually fine extra-illustrations. 248. FIELDING (HENRY). The Works of Henry Fielding. Edited by George Saintsbury. With full-page illustrations by Herbert Railton and E. J. Wheeler. 12 vols. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut, backs some- what faded. London: J. M. Dent, 1900 LEYDEN EpITION. Limited to 250 sets, of which this is, No. 215; comprising,— Joseph Andrews. 2 vols.; Tom Jones. 4 vols.; Amelia. 3 vols.; Jonathan Wild; Miscellanies. 2 vols. LARGE PAPER EDITION—FINE SET 249. FISKE (JouHN). The Works of John Fiske. Illustrated with portraits, maps, facsimiles, contemporary views, prints and other historic material, a number of the plates on India paper; rubricated title-pages. 13 vols. royal 8vo, board sides, cloth backs, paper labels, uncut. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1892-1904 LARGE PAPER EDITION. ALL LIMITED IssuEs, the ‘‘ American Revolution”’ being one of 150 numbered copies, the others limited to 250 copies. FINE SET, comprising :— The Discovery of America. 4 vols.; American Revolution. 2 vols.; Critical Period of American History; Beginnings of New England; Virginia and her Neighbors. 2 vols.; New France and New England; The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America. 2 vols. — ee ee 250. FI 251. FI Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th TZGERALD (EDWARD). Rubdiyat of Omar Khayy4m; and the Salam4n and > Absal of Jami. Rendered into English Verse. Frontispiece. Square I2mo, cloth, morocco back. London: Quaritch, 1879 FourTH EDITION. Fitzgerald, in one of his letters to H. Schutz Wilson, made the following statement regarding this version of Salaman: ‘I took it in hand, boiled it down to three-fourths of what it originally was, and (as you see) clapt it on the back of Omar, where I still believed it would hang somewhat of a dead weight; but that was Quaritch’s lookout, not mine. I have never heard any notice taken of it, but just now from you; and I believe that, say what you would, people would rather have the old Sinner alone.”’ Inscription in ink on half-title. MACMILLAN EDITION—OUT OF PRINT AND SCARCE TZGERALD (EDWARD). The Letters and Literary Remains of Edward Fitzgerald. Frontispieces on Japanese vellum paper. 7 vols. 8vo, full deep rose crushed levant morocco, triple gilt fillet borders on sides enclosing panels of gilt with heavily gilt corners, richly gilt paneled backs, inner rose levant borders, gilt; DouBLURES of green crushed levant morocco, with decorative gilt corners and line borders, green watered silk end-leaves, gilt tops, uncut. London: Macmillan and Co., 1902-1903 SUPERB SET OF THE BeEsT EDITION, limited to 725 copies. LONG OUT OF PRINT AND SCARCE. 252. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. With 12 Hanp- COLORED plates after drawings by Gilbert James. 8vo. London, recent AN ORNATE AND BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN OF BINDING. Bound in full crimson crushed levant morocco, with a border on obverse cover of grapes, leaves and vines, in their respective colored moroccos, inlaid on a richly gilt encrusted background. The border is broken at top and bottom by the gilt lettering on title. In center panel, inlaid in multi-colored moroccos, is the figure of a Persian philosopher, standing by a low foun- tain, sipping the vintage of Bacchus from a cup he holds to his lips. The reverse cover is of plain line panel design in gilt and blind, inner levant borders, gilt, doublures and end-leaves of red watered silk, gilt edges, By BAYNTUN. Enclosed in cloth slip-case, flannel lined. ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER—FULL LEVANT MOROCCO BINDING 253. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). Complete Works, with a Critical Introduction by Ferdinand Brunetiére, of the French Academy. With etched illustrations In Two StaTEs, one set being finely COLORED BY HAND. 10 vols. 8vo, FULL Maroon Frencu Levant Morocco, the sides and backs with gilt paneled frames and floral ornaments, gilt tops, uncut. London & New York: M. W. Dunne [1904] Tue SPLENDID ACADEMIE FRANCAISE EDITION, limited to 50 sets printed entirely on Japanese vellum, this set being, No. 4. CONTENTS:—Madame Bovary. 2 vols.; Salammbo. 2 vols.; The Temptation of Saint Anthony; Bouvard & Pecuchet. 2 vols.; The Candidate; Sentimental Education. 2 vols. Flaubert was the most painstaking of writers and the result is his almost perfect style, the envy and despair of those who would imitate him. The writing of ‘‘ Madame Bovary,”’ his first book, consumed six years of his life. It was his masterpiece and founded the realistic school of French fiction. 254. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). The First Temptation of Saint Anthony. Being a Translation into English by René Francis from the 1849-1856 manuscripts. Edited by Louis Bertrand. Portrait of Flaubert, and illustrations by Katherine Low. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1915 New EDITION, limited to 625 copies; the type was broken up and the illustration blocks destroyed. The work was printed in England. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 255: FLORENCE PREss. KEATS (JOHN). The Poems of John Keats. Arranged in Chronological Order with a Preface by Sidney Colvin. 2 vols. square 8vo, limp vellum, gilt tops, uncut, with ribbon ties. London: Florence Press, 1915 Edition limited to 250 copies on handmade paper, of which this is, No. 115. FORD BEGS WINTER FOR A ‘‘TIP”? AS TO HOW TO WRITE A PLAY 256. 257, 258. 259. 260. Forp (PAUL LEICESTER). Washington and the Theatre. Jllustrations and facsimiles. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. New York: The Dunlap Society, 1899 First EDITION. SCARCE. WILLIAM WINTER’S Copy, WITH His AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE ON TITLE-PAGE. Inserted is a remarkable 3-p. A. L. S. of the Author, to William Winter, reading, in part: ‘‘ Like many better men, I have essayed to write plays. I am, I frankly confess, ignorant as to technique, and probably in many of the other qualities that go to make a successful playwright. The suspicion of this makes me wish to obtain such skilled criti- cism of my attempts, as shall show me the defects and short-comings of my work. In hopes that it might be possible to get such criticism and suggestion from you, I venture to ask if you would be willing to let me read you a play or two of my writing? I feel most diffident, in making this request, and am doubtful as to what honorarium to offer for a service which I realize 1s out of your true line of work. But if you are disposed to grant this favor, and the enclosed check is sufficient to make tt worth your while to spare me a little of your time and brain, I leave the quantity entirely to you, only dete: for frankness in what you give, be it ever so harsh and disappointing.” FoORE-EDGE PAINTING. The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of the United Churches of England and Ireland: Together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David. 8vo, full contemporary blue straight- grain morocco, gilt borders, gilt back and edges. London, 1807 The artistic contemporary fore-edge painting is an interesting view of Basing- stoke, Hampshire, from Chapel Hill, showing the town, spreading trees and a few desolate tombstones in the foreground. FORE-EDGE PAINTING. ROGERS (SAMUEL). Poems. Vignette engravings. 12mo, full contemporary green straight-grain morocco, gilt borders on sides, gilt back and edges. London, 1812 First EDITION. With a contemporary view of the Binstead Cottage, in the Isle of Wight, PAINTED ON FoRE-EDGE. FORE-EDGE PAINTINGS BY MISS CURRIE—EXCEPTIONALLY BEAUTIFUL SERIES, Nos. 259 to 270, inclusive FoRE-EDGE PAINTING. HazLitt (WILLIAM). Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays. 16mo, full green straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt and blind borders on sides, gilt paneled back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1838 This is No. 20 of the books with ForE-EpGE PAINTINGS BY MIss CURRIE. The > panting under the gold is a view of Warwick Town, Castle, etc., signed, “C. B. urvie FORE-EDGE PAINTING. KINNEAR (B. G.). Cruces Shakespeariane. Difficult Passages in the Works of Shakespeare. The Text of the Folios and Quartos collated with the Lections of Recent Editions and the old Commentators. With Original Emendations and Notes. 12mo, full midnight blue straight- grain morocco, with decorative gilt border on sides, gilt paneled back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1883 This is No. 21 of the books with ForE-EpGE PAINTINGS BY Miss CuRRIE. The painting under the gold is a view of Charlecote House, signed, ‘‘C. B. Currie.” oe ee ee Ct a ie et ee oe ee eS 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th gE ae OA Mehler Siete a chat tt Ma Bie Ty ForE-Epce Parintinc. Lioyp (W. W.). Essays on the Life and Plays of Shakespeare. Contributed to the Edition of the Poet by S. W. Singer, 1856. 12mo, full red straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt and blind border on sides, richly gilt paneled back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1858 This is No. 22 of the books with ForrE-EpGE PAINTINGS BY MISS CURRIE. The painting under the gold is a view of Warwick Castle, signed, ‘‘C. B. Currie.” FORE-EDGE PAINTING. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Plays of William Shakespeare, accurately printed from the text of the corrected copies left by the late George Steevens, Esq. and Edmond Malone, Esq. with a Glossary. Engraved title. 16mo, full red straight-grain morocco, decorative gilt and blind borders on sides, gilt paneled back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1836 This is No. 24 of the books with ForE-EpGE PAINTINGS BY Miss CurRIE. The painting under the gold is a view of Bitford, Warwickshire, signed, ‘‘C. B. Currie.” ForE-EpGE PaInTING. Morean (A. A.). Mind of Shakspeare, as Exhibited in his Works. 16mo, full red straight-grain morocco, gilt and blind tooled borders on sides, gilt paneled back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1860 This is No. 25 of the books with Forz-EpGE PAINTINGS By Miss CurRIE. The painting under the gold is a view of Anne Hathaway’s Cottage, signed, “‘C. B. Currie.” FoRE-EDGE PAINTING. FRENCH (G. R.—Compiler). Shakspeareana Geneal- ogica. . . . 8vo, full dark blue straight-grain morocco, gilt decorative borders on sides, gilt back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1869 This is No. 26 of the books with ForE-EpDGE PAINTINGS BY Miss CurRRIE. The painting under the gold is a view of Shakespeare’s birthplace. Inscription in ink on half-title. ForE-EDGE PAINTING. HALL (MR. AND Mrs. S. C.). The Book of the Thames from its Rise to its Fall. Profusely illustrated. Thick 8vo, full red straight- grain morocco, gilt and blind borders on sides enclosing richly gilt panels, gilt back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, circa 1880 This is No. 27 of the books with ForrE-EpGE PAINTINGS BY Miss CURRIE. The painting under the gold is a view of the Thames at Sonning, signed, ‘‘C. B. Currie.” FORE-EDGE PAINTING. STopparT (T. T.). An Angler’s Rambles and Angling Songs. 12mo, full midnight blue straight-grain morocco, gilt border on sides enclosing decorative floreated gilt panels, gilt paneled back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. Edinburgh, 1866 This is No. 28 of the books with FoRE-EDGE PAINTINGS BY MISs CURRIE. The painting under the gold is a view of Pope’s Villa, Twickenham, signed, ‘‘C. B. Currie. ForE-EDGE PAINTING. TYNDALL (JOHN). Hours of Exercise in the Alps. Frontispiece. 12mo, full black straight-grain morocco, gilt fillets on sides, enclosing panels of decorative gilt and blind tooling, gilt paneled back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1871 This is No. 29 of the books with ForRE-EpDGE PAINTINGS BY MIss Currig. The painting under the gold is a view of Chateau de Schwanan Lac de Louwerz, signed, CG. Bs Currtes’ Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 268. 269. 270. 274, B99 ForE-EDGE PAINTING. PARKER (Eric). Eton in the ’Eighties. Wath tllus- trations. t2mo, full red straight-grain morocco, richly gilt border on sides, gilt paneled back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1914 This is No. 30 of the books with ForE-EDGE PAINTINGS BY MIss CuRRIE. The painting under the gold is a view of Eton College, signed, “C. B. Currie.” Fore-EpcE ParntinG. [IRviInG (WasHINGTON).] A History of New-York, from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty . By Diedrich Knickerbocker. 12mo, full blue straight-grain morocco, richly gilt scroll borders on sides, gilt paneled back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges. London, 1824 This is No. 33 of the books with ForE-EDGE PAINTINGS BY Miss CurRRIE. The painting under the gold is a view of City Hall, New York, signed, “C. B. Currie.” ForE-EpGE PaINTING. Hunt (LEIGH). The Old Court Suburb; or, Memorials of Kensington, Regal, Critical, and Anecdotical. 12mo, full green straight- grain morocco, gilt decorative panels on sides, with decorative corners, gilt paneled back, inner gilt dentelle border, gilt edges. London, 1855 This is No. 34 of the books with FoRE-EDGE PAINTINGS BY Miss CurRRIE. The painting under the gold is a view of Kensington Palace, signed, “‘C. B. Currie.” WITH ABOUT FOUR HUNDRED FINE EXTRA-ILLUSTRATIONS Fox (CAROLINE). Memories of Old Friends. Frontispiece. 2 vols. thick 8vo, newly and beautifully bound in three-quarter crimson levant morocco, full gilt backs, with inlays of emerald green levant, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1882 First EpITION. FINE Copy. ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED AND EXTENDED FROM ONE VOLUME TO TWO BY THE INSERTION OF ABOUT FOUR HUNDRED FINE PORTRAITS AND VIEWS. Among the fine Engraved Portraits may be mentioned: Steele, Pope, von Hum- boldt, Luther, Lord Byron, Southey, Queen Victoria, Queen Charlotte, Duchess of Kent, Coleridge, Bacon, Wordsworth, Lords Brougham and Russell, Daniel O- Connell, Newton, Shelley, Cromwell, Leigh Hunt, Mary Howitt, Marshal Soult, Lord Castlereagh, Bentham, Charles Matthews, Lord Thurlow, Pope Gregory XVI, Mme. Malibran, Pope Pius VII, Dante, Plato, Prince Albert, Edmund Kean, Fran- cis Jeffrey, von Goethe, Schiller, Pascal, Napoleon, Thomas Campbell, Jeremy Tay- lor, Thorvaldsen, Canova, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Watt, Guizot, Crabbe, King Charles II, Chatterton, Erasmus, Titian, Hogg, Burns, Johnson, Boswell, Knox, Michael Angelo, Mme. de Stael, Goldsmith, Mrs. Opie, Duke of Wellington, Cor- reggio, Raphael, Thomas Gray, Lady Jane Gray, Allan Cunningham, Gibbon, Grace Darling, Roger Ascham, Samuel Rogers, Shakespeare, Milton, Louis Philippe, Tenny- son, Wilberforce, Mendelssohn, Chalmers, Cobden, Lamartine, Napoleon III, and many others. THE PLATES ARE MOSTLY INLAID TO SIZE. MANY OF THE PORTRAITS AND VIEWS ARE RARE. AUTOGRAPH EDITION—SUPERB SET FRANCE (ANATOLE). The Works of Anatole France. Portrait and rubricated titles. 30 vols. three-quarter crimson French levant, full gilt backs with fleur-de-lis design, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1924 SUPERB SET OF THE AUTOGRAPH EDITION. Limited to 1075 sets, of which this is, No. 509. WITH THE AUTOGRAPH OF THE AUTHOR IN VOL. I. The set comprises:— Mother of Pearl; Thais. Crainquebille; The Latin Genius; The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard; Jerome Coignard. Garden of Epicurus; At the Sign of the Reine Pédauque; Red Lily; Little Pierre; The Revolt of the Angels; The Gods Are Thirsty; My Friend’s Book; The Bride of Corinth; Mummer’s Tale. Elm Tree on the Mall; The Merry Tales of Jacques Tournebroche, Jocasta; Bloom of Life; The Well of St. Clare; Life of Joan of Arc. 2 vols.; Life and Letters. First, Second, and Third Series. 3 vols.; etc. —_— wre es Ee ee Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th 273. FRAGONARD (Honore). Suite des Cent Estampes pour Illustrer les Contes et Nouvelles en Vers par J. de la Fontaine. Over one hundred plates engraved on copper by Martial, Tilliard, Trierre, Lingée, Delignon, and many other 18th Century Engravers after the drawings of Fragonard. 2 vols. large 4to, cloth and boards, uncut. Paris, 1882 _ Reprint of Didot’s Edition of 1795, printed throughout on Japanese vellum. SUMPTUOUSLY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED “OLD NEW YORK’”’ 274. FRANCIS (JoHN W.). Old New York. With a Memoir of the Author by Henry T. Tuckerman. JJlustrated. Extended to 3 vols. royal 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt paneled sides and backs, inner gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY PAWSON AND NICHOLSON. New York, 1865 LARGE PAPER Copy. Limited to 100 copies. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED and extended from one to three volumes by the insertion of about two hundred and ten prints. Proofs Before All Letters, watercolors, and three spccially designed titles in water- colors by Hosier. INDIA PRoors from the Bourne and Peabody series; A RARE PROFILE PorRTRAIT, IN COLOR, of Geo. Fred. Cooke; Henry Cruger, by Wm. Hickes, PRINTED IN Cotors; Franklin, Cochin-Tanner, 1828; John Hodgkinson, by Leney; Kean, as Omreah, by Cruikshank; Tom Paine, by Wright; Henry Rutger, by C. C. Wright; Bishop Samuel Seabury, by T. Gimbrede; Steuben, by “B. B. E.’’ ETCHED LETTER Proor; Gilbert Stuart, Aetat 72, by D. Edwin, Proor; St. Memin’s VERY SCARCE Benjamin Rush, Gen. Edward Laight and William Bayard; Washington's Savage-O’Neill, INDIA Paper, An early India Proof of Cooke’s Tomb, by Adlard; Columbia College Commencement, 1832; Botanic Garden, by Leney, and an Un- folded Proof Lithograph of The Park, 1827. FROM THE WILLIAM LoRING ANDREWS COLLECTION, with book-label in Vol. I. ““CONNOISSEUR’S FEDERAL EDITION” IN FULL LEVANT 275. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). The Works of Benjamin Franklin. Including the Private as well as the Official and Scientific Correspondence. Together with the Unmutilated and Correct Version of the Autobiography. Compiled and Edited by John Bigelow. Engraved frontispieces and titles on Japan paper; regular titles printed in red and black. 12 vols. thick 8vo, FULL DarK Brown Levant Morocco, gilt band on sides, full gilt paneled backs, DousturEs of dark blue crushed levant surrounded with brown levant borders and. gilt bands, end-leaves of dark blue watered silk, gilt tops, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1904 CONNOISSEUR’S FEDERAL EDITION, limited to 400 numbered sets, of which this is, No. 1. HANDSOME SET OF FRANKLIN’S COMPLETE WORKS. 276. FREDERIC II or LorraAINE. Letter Signed,—‘‘ Ferry de Con,’’ One page large 4to, Alexandrie, 15 septembre, 1457. To the Duke of Milan, with 3-line address on reverse of sheet. Written on paper. A Most RARE AND CHOICE LETTER, BEING ENTIRELY IN REFERENCE TO THE NEGOTIATIONS FOR THE MARRIAGE OF JOHN IV DE MONTFERRAT AND MARGUERITE oF SAvoy. A FINE AND RARE HISTORICAL ITEM. Frederic II of Lorraine, Comte de Vaudemont, famous warrior, was the brother of Frederic I of Lorraine, killed at the battle of Agincourt. He married Iolanthe, daughter of Charles the Bold of Burgundy; and after the disastrous battle of Nancy, Jan. 4, 1477, Frederic seized Lorraine and ruled over it. He was the father of René II of Anjou, the last titular King of Jerusalem. 277. FREDERICK WILLIAM III, KinG or Prussia. Letter Signed, one page 4to, Berlin, February 24, 1826. In French. To the king’s brother-in-law, the Duke of York. INTERESTING ROYAL ASSOCIATION ITEM, in which letter the king announces the birth of a son to the wife of his nephew, Prince Frederick of Prussia. The closing lines of the letter in the king’s autograph (translation),—‘‘ your most affectionate cousin and brother-in-law. Frederic Guillaume.” Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 278. FreNcH Art. MIGEON (GASTON) AND MOLINIER (EMILE). Treasures and Masterpieces of Art at the Paris Universal Exposition. Descriptive text by Gaston Migeon. With an Introduction by Emile Molinier. With hun- dreds of reproductions of paintings, wortes, sculpture, MANY BEAUTIFULLY COLORED. 10 parts, folio, wrappers, uncut. Enclosed in two green morocco portfolios, lettered, with silk ties. Paris: Goupil & Cie, 1900 A MAGNIFICENT PRODUCTION. The text is on Holland paper, the plates on Japan- ese vellum paper. EDITION LIMITED TO 250 COPIES. AUTOGRAPHS OF MARAT, ROBESPIERRE, DANTON, ETC. 279. FRENCH REVOLUTION. Collection of 6 Autograph Letters Signed, Letters and Documents Signed, and two Broadsides. 1783-1794. With 12 engraved portraits and scenes. Most of the pieces inlaid to size, a few tipped to small folio sheets of cream-colored drawing paper. The whole bound in small folio volume, dark blue morocco, gilt lettering on front cover, inner gilt borders, binding slightly faded. FINE COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPHS BY EMINENT FRENCH DEMAGOGUES AND LEADERS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION: comprising,— MARAT (JEAN PAuL—leader of one of the most violent factions; stabbed by Char- lotte Corday). Autograph Letter Signed, 3pp. 12mo, Paris, June 19, 1783. To M. St. Laurent, at Madrid. Friendly letter thanking him for services rendered (politically ?), and touching upon matters of mutual interest. : BAILLY (JEAN S.—Maryor of Paris, executed Nov. 12, 1793). Letter Signed, 2pp. . folio, Paris, Feb. 7, 1790. Announcing the singing of a Te Deum in Notre Dame Ca- thedral, and inviting the Members of the National Assembly to attend; [ALso] Letter : Signed, 1p. folio, Paris, January 19, 1794. With a one-line postscript in Bailly’s handwriting. Business letter addressed to M. Reynier. Together, 2 pieces. ROBESPIERRE (MAXIMILIEN M. I.—eminent French demagogue and Jacobin). | Autograph Letter, with attached signature—‘‘Voire frére, Robespierre."’ 2pp. 4to, : Versailles, May 23 [1790]. Relative to a proposal put forward by M. de la Border 4 before the Members of the National Assembly that a journal be published containing | all the acts of the Assembly, which proposal was almost unanimously rejected. The | nee is unsigned, a signature of Robespierre has been added, thus making it com- plete. DANTON (GEORGES J.—one of the greatest leaders of the French Revolution). Document Signed, one page folio, Paris, Sept. 11, 1792. FINE SIGNATURE. Granting { an annual pension to Theo. Petain for his long services in the Dept. of Public Taxes. 4 Also signed by,—“‘ Claviére,’’ Girondist Minister of Finance. SANTERRE (ANTOINE J.—Commander of the National Guard; presided at the execution of Louis XVI, ordered the drums to beat when the King endeavored to speak to the mob). Document Signed, one page folio, Nantes, March 13, 1794. To the Minister of War. Two BROADSIDES. (1) ELECTION Notice. Municipalité de Paris. Corps Munici- pal. Extrait des Registres. . . . Dimanche 26 Décembre 1790. Convocation Géné- rale des Quarante-huit Sections . . . pour l’election du Second-Substitut du Pro- cureur de la Commune. Woodcut of municipal arms. Folio. Issued by Bailly, Mayor of Paris, and countersigned by De Joly, clerk. Among the names who have already received certain votes are Gerard de Bury, Charon, the famous Danton and others; (2) ELECTION Notice. 4to, Paris, January 11, 1794. Issued by Berthereau, President of the 5th district, to Citizen Rohault. RICHLY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED. CONTAINING SIXTY ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY I. R. CRUIKSHANK AND HUNDREDS OF PORTRAITS AND VIEWS 280. FRENCH REVOLUTION. BAINES (EDWARD). History of the Wars of the French Revolution, from the Breaking out of the War in 1792, to the Restoration of a General Peace in 1815; comprehending the Civil History of Great Britain and France. With portratts of the most distinguished characters of the age, and maps, plans and charts. 4 vols. 4to, half calf, | uncut. London, 1817 A Most SuMPTUOUS ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED VOLUME. EXTENDED FROM Two VOL- | UMES TO FOUR BY THE INSERTION OF 60 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS IN COLOR BY I. R. [ Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th |No. 280. FRENCH REVOLUTION—Continued | CRUIKSHANK, ORIGINAL COLORED DRAWING BY CRAIG; 226 PORTRAITS, MAINLY IN COLORS AND ALL BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS; AND 97 NAVAL PRINTS AND OTHER VIEWS, SOME IN BRILLIANT COLorRs. The series of ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS by I. R. Cruikshank are very finely executed, and depict Naval and Military occurrences and scenes in the French Revolution. It is very seldom that a single item is extra-illustrated with so large a series of spirited Cruikshank drawings, and especially of such brilliant coloring. One drawing of AMERICAN INTEREST is ‘‘ The Attack on the City of Washington.’’ Most of the drawings are of duodecimo size, a great number are signed by the artist, and in most cases Cruikshank has written the title of the drawing, in ink, in the lower mar- gin. Each drawing is mounted on a sheet of uniform size. Among some of the drawings by Cruikshank may be mentioned the following,— Antelope Packet engaging a French West Indiaman, 1793; Burning the French Fleet at Toulon; Nelson Boarding the San Josef; Execution of Parker the Mutineer; Battle of the Nile; Napoleon Watching the Burning of Moscow; The Body of Tippo Sahib Discovered; Battle of Copenhagen; Death of Abercrombie (an exquisite drawing) ; Boulogne; Battle of Trafalgar; Taking the Cape of Good Hope; Storming Fort El Muros; Wellington Entering Madrid; Buonaparte’s Flight from Russia; Storming of Ciudad Rodrigo; The Battle of Vittoria; Flight of the King of Spain from Vittoria; Siege of St. Sebastian; Sortie from Bayonne; Bonaparte Signing the Treaty of Abdi- cation; Battle of Toulouse; Meeting of the Emperor Alexander and the Duke of Wellington; Duke of Wellington Receiving the Thanks of the House of Lords; Duke of Wellington received by Louis the XVIII after the Battle of Waterloo; and others of great interest. The engraved portraits which are inserted, all of which are COLORED BY HAND, are by the foremost engravers, and comprise portraits of Rulers, Statesmen, Naval and Military Officers of high rank. HENRY II, CATHERINE DE MEDICI, HENRY III, ETC. 281. FRENCH Royalty. XVIITH CENTURY. SPLENDID COLLECTION OF FIVE (5) ORIGINAL LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY FRENCH RULERS. Accom- panied by 16 finely engraved portratts, one in colors. With several typewritten sketches. Most of the pieces are neatly and skilfully inlaid, the others are lightly tipped to sheets of vellum or drawing paper. Bound in one volume, royal 4to, full crimson levant morocco, broad gilt panel borders on sides with large corner scrolls in gilt, gilt paneled back, contents lettered in gilt on front cover; crimson moire paper doublures and end-leaves, the former with narrow ornamental gilt border, BY GRABAU. A SPLENDID COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPHS BY FRENCH RULERS OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY OF SUPERLATIVE INTEREST AND GREAT RARITY, several on vellum, compris- ing,— Henry II, King of France, 1518-1559. ORIGINAL DOCUMENT SIGNED, one page oblong folio, Meaux, February 13, 1549. On vellum. Signed Order on the Treasury to pay his valet, Sieur Godart, the sum of 69 livres. Countersigned by the Chancellor, Pothier. AUTOGRAPHS OF HENRY II OF FRANCE ARE VERY RARE. CATHERINE DE MEDICcI, Queen of France, 1519-1589; wife of Henry II, mother of three French kings. ORIGINAL VELLUM DOCUMENT SIGNED, one page oblong 8vo, Paris, Dec. 10, 1583. An order for the payment of moneys for domestic expenses. Henry III, King of France, 1551-1589. ORIGINAL VELLUM DOCUMENT SIGNED, one page narrow folio, Paris, October 28, 1576. An order upon the Treasury to pay Claude Tarrant a sum of money. CHARLES IX, King of France, 1550-1574. ORIGINAL DOCUMENT SIGNED, 3pp. Paris, April 8, 1567. Long official document in settlement of many financial claims by military officers and others. Countersigned by the King’s Minister, ‘‘de Laubes- ine.” It was at the instigation of his mother, Catherine de Medici, that Charles IX planned the Great Massacre of the Huguenots on St. Bartholomew’s Day, 1572. [Atso] GuIsE (HENRY DE LORRAINE, Duc DE—celebrated French statesman, 1550-1588). FULL HoLoGRAPH LETTER SIGNED,—‘“‘ Henry delorraine.’’ One page, folio. Addressed on reverse,—‘‘A mon cousin Monsieur de Luxembourg Duc de Piney.’ Tear repaired. ONE OF THE VERY RAREST AUTOGRAPHS. In addition to the notoriety the Duc de Guise achieved as the chief adviser of the St. Bartholomew Massacre and the murderer of the great Admiral Coligny, he took a leading part in all the affairs of a very turbulent period. On Dec. 23, 1588, he was decoyed to the Castle of Blois and there assassinated under the directions of King Henry III. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue FINE COLLECTED SET—MAINLY ‘“FIRSTS’’—UNIFORMLY BOUND 282. FROUDE (JAMES ANTHONY). Collected Set of Works of James Anthony Froude. Mostiy Frrst Epirion. Together, 40 vols. 16mo to 4to, half red morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY ROOT. London and Edinburgh, 1847-1896 FINE UNIFORMLY BOUND SET OF THE AUTHOR’S HISTORICAL AND OTHER WRIT- INGS, ALL (but six vols.) FIRST EDITIONS, PRINTED IN LONDON, except where other- wise stated. With bookplate of Herbert C. Wright. ComPRISES: Shadows of the Clouds. By Zeta. 1847; Nemesis of Faith. 1840; History of England. 12 vols. 1856-1870. (Vols. 9 and 10, New Editions); The Influence of the Reformation on the Scottish Character. Portrait and vignette on title. Edinburgh, 1865; Inaugural Address delivered to the University of St. Andrews. March 19, 1869. 1869; Short Studies on Great Subjects. 4 vols. Third Edition. 1868-1883; The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century. 3 vols. 1872; Caesar. Portrait. 1879; Two Lectures on South Africa. 1880; Bunyan. 1880; Luther: A Short Biography. 1883; Oceana. Illustrations. 1886; Thomas Carlyle. 1795-1835. 2 vols.; 1834-1881. 2 vols. Portraits and etchings. Together, 4 vols. The English in the West Indies. Illustrations. 1888; The Two Chiefs of Dunboy. 1889; Lord Beaconsfield. Portrait. 1890; The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon. 1891; Erasmus. 1894; The Spanish Story of the Armada. 1892; The Council of Trent. 1895; English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century. 1895. 283. FURNITURE. The IId Edition of Genteel Household Furniture in the Present Taste with an Addition of several Articles never before Executed, by the Society of Upholsterers Cabinet-Makers. Containing upwards of 350 designs on 120 copperplates. [Plates Only.] 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt lettering on back. London: Printed for Robert Sayer, circa 1800 This work is divided into four parts, with special title-page to each part, viz.—I. A great variety of Gothic, Chinese, Ribbon, and other Chairs, Couches, etc.; II. Tables, Cabinets, Bureaus, etc.; III. Commodes, Trays, Tea-Kettles, Frames, etc.; IV. Ornamental Iron Work. 284. FURNITURE. SHERATON (T.). The Cabinet Dictionary, containing an Ex- planation of all the Terms used in the Cabinet, Chair and Upholstery Branches. With 88 handsomely engraved copperplates, including a very great Variety of the most fashionable Pieces of Cabinet Furniture, and the Five Orders of Architecture in Perspective. 8vo, half brown morocco. London, 1803 First EDITION. VERY SCARCE. 285. FURNITURE. The London Cabinet Makers’ Union Book of Prices. By a Com- mittee of Masters and Journeymen. Engraved frontispiece. 4to, half brown morocco. London, 1824 VERY SCARCE. 286. FURNITURE. Symonps (R. W.). The Present State of Old English Furniture. With 116 illustrations. ato, cloth, uncut. New York, recent 287. FURNITURE. Lyon (I. W.). The Colonial Furniture of New England. A Study of the Domestic Furniture in use in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. With numerous full-page plates. Imperial 8vo, half mottled calf, leather label, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1924 New Edition, Limited to 500 copies. FINE Copy. f . ; ; Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th THE MANATON EDITION OF GALSWORTHY 288. GALSwoRTHY (JOHN). The Works of John Galsworthy. With frontispteces. 21 vols. 8vo, boards, cloth backs, paper label, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1922-1924 THE HANDSOME MANATON EDITION, Volume I signed,—‘‘ John Galsworthy.”’ No. 388 of 780 sets. INCLUDES:—The Forsyte Saga. 2 vols.; The Patrician; Saint’s Progress; The Dark Flower; The Country House; Quality and Other Stories; The Burning Spear and Other Stories; Loyalties; Windows; A Family Man; Punch and Go; and others. DAVID GARRICK’S COPY WITH HIS BOOKPLATE 289. GARRICK (DAVID). FREDERICK (COLONEL—FREDERICK DE NEUHOFF). Memoires pour servir l’Histoire de Corse. Large folding map (torn at folds). 8vo, contemporary full red morocco with broad gilt border in dentelle design formed of small tools with lines and tendrils, elaborately interlaced at corners, back compartments with small floral spray and leaves in each, gilt line inside borders and rims, gilt edges. A Londres, Imprime pour S. Hooper . . . M DCC LXVIII (1768) First EpiTion. A PARTICULARLY INTERESTING Copy CONTAINING DAVID GAR- RICK’S BOOKPLATE ENGRAVED BY WOOD. For some years Colonel Frederick taught Italian in London and Garrick was amongst his pupils. The binding is a beautiful specimen of the period, the design on the sides being of the style made famous by Roger Payne in his more elaborate bindings. In addition to the Garrick bookplate, the volume contains the armorial plate of John Peachey, Esq., Newsell’s Library label, and large plate of Henry B. Wheatley. 290. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Le Tombeau de Théophile Gautier. With etched portrait of Gautier. Small 4to, full red levant morocco, triple gilt fillet border on sides, inner gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, original parchment wrappers bound in, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Paris, 1873 Some of the poems are by Victor Hugo; Paul Aréne; Ludwig Benedictus; Emile Bergerat; Alfred Busquet; Jules Claretie; Francois Coppée; Anatole France; Arséne Houssaye; Jules Janin; Stéphane Mallarmé; Sully Prudhomme; Swinburne; and others. FINE SET OF GAY’S AND ASOP’S FABLES 291. Gay (JoHN). Fables. With a Life of the Author. Embellished with 70 plates, by William Blake and others. 2 vols.; A‘Sop. The Fables of Atsop. With 112 plates. 2 vols. Together, 4 vols. royal 8vo, full green levant morocco, triple gilt fillet border on sides, richly gilt backs, inner gilt borders, gilt edges, BY LLOYD, WALLIS & LLOYD. London: Printed for John Stockdale, 1793 A VERY DESIRABLE SET OF GAY’S AND ALSOP’S FABLES. 292. GERMAN Crassics (THE). Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English. Editor-in-Chief, Kuno Francke. Extensively illustrated -with COLORED frontispieces and numerous photogravure portraits and tlus- trations, many tinted. 20 vols. 8vo, full leather, gilt back with German crown and eagle design, solid gilt edges. New York: German Publication Society [1913] Patrons’ EDITION, including :— Goethe; Schiller; Jean Paul; Fichte; Heine; Hegel; Auerbach, Hebbel; Schnitzler; von Hoffmansthal; and others. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue $$$ $$ Oe eg it GIBBON: IN FULL MOROCCO—WITH DOUBLURES 293. GIBBON (EDWARD). The Works of Edward Gibbon. [Edited by J. B. Bury. With an Introduction by the Rt. Hon. W. E. H. Lecky.] Titles in brown and green within ornamental borders on Japanese paper; numerous full-page plates IN THREE STATES, one set IN CoLoRs on heavy white paper, another plain on India paper, and a third on Japanese paper. 15 vols. 8vo, FULL DarK BLUE LEVANT Morocco, gilt corner ornaments on sides in the form of a small tulip, onlaid in crimson morocco, against background of gilt dots, tulip design on backs with onlays of crimson morocco; DOUBLURES of light brown levant with outer gilt and dark blue levant borders, white watered silk end-leaves, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Fred DeFau and Company [1906] HANDSOME SET OF THE SHEFFIELD EDITION, LIMITED to 73 registered sets, of which this is, No. 2; comprising,— The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 12 vols.; Autobiography; Miscellaneous Writings; Private Letters. 294. GILBERT (SIR JOHN). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAwInG of: “The Monk.” Dated. 1879. Height, 1254: width, 1014 inches. Matted. A BEAUTIFUL WATERCOLOR DRAWING of a monk seated in his quiet sanctum, deep 295. GILLRAY ILLUSTRATIONS IN CoLor. A Remarkable Collection of FIFTEEN PLATES. Each plate mounted to size and executed in BRILLIANT COLOR by James Gillray. Oblong folio, half morocco, gilt. London, 1800-1801 FINE COLLECTION; comprising: A Pair of Polished Gentlemen; Anacreontick’s in full song; Political Dreamings! Vision of Peace! Perspective Horrors!; Integrity retiring from Office; The Union Club; Political Amusements for Young Gentlemen; A Bravura Air; Lilliputian Substitutes equipping for Public Service; A Welsh Tandem; Preliminaries of Peace; Metallic Tractors; A Cognocenti; Democracy; Preparing for the Grand Attack; Playing in Parts. 296. GILLRAY ILLUSTRATIONS IN CoLor. A collection of 69 COLORED CARICATURES by James Gillray. Bound in one vol. oblong small folio, half green morocco. [London] circa 1800-1806 A VERY FINE COLLECTION AND OF GREAT INTEREST, with historical and political illustrations. A number of the plates have the publisher’s line. This collection con- Nobility, etc., of Great Britain, also numerous caricatures of Napoleon. Inserted at the end are two folding colored plates ‘‘ Posting in Ireland,”’ and “Pacific Over- 297. GILLRAY ILLUSTRATIONS IN COLOR. Elements of Skateing. A Series of 4 humorous plates, IN Cotors, etched by James Gillray. Each plate mounted on drawing paper. Bound in one vol. oblong folio, half red morocco, gilt, gilt back. London: Published November 24th, 1805 THE COMPLETE SERIES OF THESE PLATES, and in accord with the winter season at which time they were published. FINE IMPRESSIONS. 298. GLASSWARE. DEVILLE (ACHILLE). Histoire de l’Art de la Verrerie dans l’Antiquité. With rr2 chromolithographed plates on tinted paper containing numerous specimens of the art of glass making. Thick royal 4to, unbound, in board portfolio, with ribbons, as issued. Paris, 1871 An authoritative work on ancient glass-ware, and one which seldom occurs for public sale. With bookplate of Rudolph August Witthaus. : p 4 P ' ; ’ ; . ( Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th 299. GOETHE (J. WOLFGANG von). The Writings of Goethe. Translated by Thomas Carlyle, John Oxenford, and others. Edited by Nathan Haskell Dole. Rubricated title-pages on Japan vellum, frontispieces beautifully COLORED BY HAND. 14 vols. 8vo, three-quarter blue levant morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Backs slightly faded. Boston: Francis A. Niccolls & Company, 1902 EDITION DE LUXE, Limited to 1000 copies, of which this is, No. 485. INCLUDES:—Letters from Switzerland and Italy; Poetical Works; Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life; Wilhelm Meister’s Travels, etc.; and others. 300. GOLDSMITH (JOHN). Goldsmith. An Almanack. For the Year of our Lord God MDCCXXVII . . . Wherein are contain’d Necessary Rules and Useful Tables; With a Description of the High-Ways, Marts, and Fairs, throughout all England and Wales. 32mo, full old calf. London, 1726 A RARE VOLUME. Contemporary writing on fly-leaves. 301. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Vicar of Wakefield. With Prefatory Memoir by George Saintsbury. Wzth 114 COLORED tllustrations by V. A. Poitrson. Royal 8vo, full blue French levant morocco, as described below. In cloth case. London: John C. Nimmo, 1889 A VERY FINE MODERN BINDING. The front cover has a design onlaid in various colored morocco, consisting of a broad border with an interlaced cusp design onlaid in red morocco, with stippling in gold, corner ornaments onlaid in green morocco bor- dered with a semé of gold stippling; in the center of the cover is a reproduction of one of the illustrations in the volume, with the character onlaid in vari-colored morocco; back cover with gilt fillets; gilt paneled back with onlays in vari-colored morocco; gilt inside borders; solid gold edges, BY BAYNTUN. THE FINE ‘“‘TURK’S HEAD’’ GOLDSMITH. FULL LEVANT WITH DOUBLURES 302. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Works of Oliver Goldsmith. Edited by Peter Cunningham. With a Biographical and Critical Introduction by Horatio Sheafe Krans. In Ten Volumes. With 80 photogravures from original designs by F. S. Coburn, and engraved titles, all on Japan paper; regular titles rubrt- cated. 10 vols. 8vo, FULL Crimson LEVANT Morocco, gilt band border on sides, gilt paneled backs; DouBLUREs of green levant with outer border of crimson levant and ‘gilt bands, green watered silk end-leaves, gilt tops, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons [1908] HANDSOME COPY OF THE TURK’S HEAD EDITION, LIMITED to 1000 numbered sets, of which this is, No. 14; comprising,— Poems; Dramas; Vicar of Wakefield; Essays; Miscellanies. 2 vols.; Polite Learning, The Bee; Citizen of the World. 2 vols.; Biographies. 000. GOULD (JOHN). See Ornithology. 303. GRAMPIAN MounNTAINS. ROBSON (GEORGE F.). Scenery of the Grampian Mountains . . . Representing the Principal Hills from such points as Display their picturesque features; diversified by Lakes and Rivers. With an explanatory page affixed to each plate. gr FINELY COLORED aquatint plates, and folding map, colored. Large folio, half brown morocco. London, 1819 A BEAUTIFUL WORK AND RARE COMPLETE AS ABOVE. FINE AUTOGRAPH LETTER OF GRAMMONT 304. GRAMMONT (ANTOINE III, Duc bE). Autograph Letter Signed —‘A. de Grammont,” 3pp. 4to, Paris, January 13, 1634. To the Marquis of Poyanne, Lt.-Gov. of Navarre and Bearn. With address, and two small wax seals — on last page. Together with 5 finely engraved portraits of the Duke of Gram- — mont, and typewritten description of item. Each piece inlaid to size. — Bound in 4to volume, full brown straight-grain limp morocco, gilt fillets — on sides, gilt lettering up back and on front cover, narrow inner gilt borders. — UNUSUALLY FINE AUTOGRAPH LETTER (RARE IN FULL AUTOGRAPH) ENTIRELY IN | Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue : | : THE HANDWRITING OF GRAMMONT, Peer and Marshal of France, Vice Roy of Na- varre, and author of the famous “‘Memoirs.’’ This letter is written in acknowledg- ment of the General’s letter of advice, with instructions concerning the Military Conduct of the Province, under the difficulties then encountered; with mention of the late king, Louis XIII. 305. Gray (THomas). Six Poems. With Designs by Mr. R. Bentley. With numerous full-page engravings and vignettes in the text. Folio, full crimson straight-grain morocco, sides with various conventional motifs forming large center panel, blind and gilt tooled, with an outer frame of gilt fillets, gilt paneled back, ornamented with floreated and scroll design in gilt, inner morocco borders, richly gilt in floreated pattern, gilt top, uncut. London: Printed for J. Dodsley, 1775 FINE Copy OF THE FIRST EDITION WITH THESE ENGRAVINGS. 306. GREAT EVENTS (THE) by Famous Historians. A Comprehensive and Readable Account of the World’s History. Editor-in-Chief, Rossiter Johnson. Numerous illustrations, mainly on Japanese vellum paper, some IN COLorR. Together, 23 vols. 8vo, full leather, each volume bound in facsimile of some famous binding in the British Museum or other Institution, gilt tops, uncut. No place: The National Alumni [1905-1914] TESTIMONIAL EDITION. No. 69 of 100 sets. With the double-page attestation leaf in Vol. I, signed by Rossiter Johnson. GREENAWAY ALMANACKS—COMPLETE SET 307. GREENAWAY (Kate). Almanacks for 1883 to 1897 (2 each for 1884, 1886, — 1893 and 1894). Illustrated with a great many COLORED DRAWINGS by Kate Greenaway. Together, 18 vols. 16mo, original bindings of decorated boards, wrappers and cloth, asissued. Enclosed ina specially fitted solander case of half green levant morocco, sides with gilt fillets, gilt paneled back, with gilt lettering. London, 1883-1897 A COMPLETE SET IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. Nine of the volumes still retain their original dust wrappers. No Almanack was issued for 1896. THIS SET CONTAINS THE VERY RARE ISSUE FOR 1897, WHICH IS THE MosT BEAUTIFUL OF THE SERIES, and it is to be noted that this collection includes both issues for the years 1884, 1886, 1893 and 1894, in different bindings. 308. GREENAWAY (KATE). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING. Signed: ‘K. G.” Height, 234; width,.1} inches. Matted in an artistic frame of blue and gold and glazed. 3 _A CHARMING LITTLE WATERCOLOR by this famous English children’s artist. De- picts a soldier in picturesque garb, standing with bayonet at rest. 309. GREENAWAY (KATE). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING,—“Old England’s Annual. Christmas 1896.” Signed,—‘K. G.” Height, 1134; width, 834 inches. Matted in a gilt frame and glazed. UNnusuaLLy LarGE and decorative drawing by this celebrated artist. 310. G Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th REVILLE Memoirs. A ComPLete Set of the Greville Memoirs: comprising, A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and King William IV. Edited by Henry Reeve. Second Edition. 3 vols. 1874; Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria, from 1837 to 1852. First EDITION. 3 vols. 1885; Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria, from 1852 to 1860. First EDITION. 2 vols. 1887. Together, 8 vols. 8vo, three-quarter green crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1874-1887 LIBRARY EDITIONS. FINE SET. AUTOGRAPH OF THE FRIEND OF MARGARET OF BURGUNDY JY a UERIN DE VESOUL (ALEXANDRE—famous Governor of Burgundy). Auto- graph Document Signed, 6 lines on parchment, one page narrow folio, Dole (France), October 18, 1378. A VERY FINE AND EXCEEDINGLY RARE AUTOGRAPH DOCUMENT, PROBABLY UNIQUE, by the Chevalier Guérin, the close friend of Marguerite de Bourgoyne. Upon the back of the document, some scribe of the 14th century has written the King’s instructions, this being germain to Guerin’s letter. HANDSOME COLLECTED SET OF BEST EDITIONS 312. GuizoT (FRANCOIS). A Collected Set of the Works of M. Guizot. Illustrations. 20 vols. 8vo and 12mo, half green levant morocco, gilt, richly gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY ROOT. London, 1854-1880 FIngE UNIFORMLY BOUND COLLECTED SET, COMPRISING FIRST ENGLISH EDITION OR THE BEST EDITION OF THE WorKS LISTED. Contents are:— History of Oliver Cromwell. Translated by A. R. Scoble. 2 vols. 1854; History of Charles the First. Translated by A. R. Scoble. New Edition, revised. 2 vols. 1854; Memoirs to Illustrate the History of My Time [Translated by J. W. Cole]. 4 vols. 1858-1861; History of Richard Cromwell and the Restoration of Charles IT. Translated by A. R. Scoble. 2 vols. 1856. Slight repair on half-title of Vol. I; Last Days of the Reign of Louis Philippe. 1867; Shakespeare and His Times. 1852; Washington. 1840; Corneille and His Times. 1852; France Under Louis Philippe. 1865; Embassy to Court of St. James. 1862; Memoirs of a Minister of State. 1864; Memoirs of George Monk. Translated by J. S. Wortley. 1838; Memoirs of Sir Robert Peel. 1857; Monsieur Guizot in Private Life. 1787-1874. By his Daughter, Madame de Witt. Translated by M. C. M. Simpson. 1880. EXAMPLE OF GUTENBERG’S EARLIEST PRINTING 313. GUTENBERG BIBLE. AN ORIGINAL LEAF from the 42-line Bible, commonly called the ‘Gutenberg Bible,” printed at Mainz by Gutenberg and Fust, between 1450 and 1455. Gothic type, two columns of 42 lines each to the page; headings, chapter numbers and initial letters painted in alternate red and blue, initial strokes in red. Printed on leaf measuring 15% by 114 inches. Tipped and bound into a folio volume, full blue morocco, blind tooled, gilt lettering on obverse cover and back. In slip-case. [Moguntiz: Jo. Gutenberg et Jo. Fust, circa 1450-1455] A LEAF FROM THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED FROM MOVABLE Typrs. Bound up witha specially prepared title-page and an Introductory Essay by A. Edward Newton, which were printed under the supervision of Bruce Rogers at the William Edwin Rudge Press. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 314. HaGGarD (Sir H. Riper). Beatrice. 1890. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR; Ayesha. The Return of She. [1905]; The Way of the Spirit. 1906; Regeneration. Illustrated. 1910; Rural Denmark and Its Lessons. Wath 28 illustrations. London, 1911. SIGNED By THE AuTHOR. Together, 5 vols. 12mo and 8vo, original cloth. London, 1890-1911 ALL First EDITIONS AND FINE COoPIEs. 315. Hats (FRANS). UNGER (WILLIAM). Etchings after Frans Hals. With a Notice of the Life and Works of the Master by Mr. C. Vosmaer. Portrait of Hals on title-page and 20 other etchings, also several other illustrations in the text, ALL INDIA PAPER Proors BEFORE LETTERS. F olio, half red morocco, gilt, gilt top. Leiden: A. W. Sijthoff, 1873 A VERY FINE COLLECTION OF INDIA PAPER Proors AFTER HALS. : Some of the titles to the etchings in this work are: Banquet of the Officers of the Sint Joris-Doelin; Hail Fidelity! The Joyous Trio; Portrait of a Man; Willem van Heythusen; The Laughing Toper; Hille Bobbe; and others. FIRST EDITIONS OF HARDY. FINE SET 316. Harpy (THomas). A Collected Set of the First Eprrions of the Novels and Tales of Thomas Hardy. Some illustrations. 36 vols. uniformly bound in half blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt paneled back, gilt tops, mainly uncut. London, 1872-1890 THIS FINE AND ATTRACTIVE SET OF First EDITIONS comprises :— Under the Greenwood Tree. A Rural Painting of the Dutch School. 2 vols. 1872; Far From the Madding Crowd. With 12 illustrations. 2 vols. 1874; A Pair of Blue Eyes. 3 vols. 1873; . The Hand of Ethelberta. With rz illustrations. 2 vols. 1876. RARE; The Return of the Native. Map. 3 vols. 1878; The Trumpet-Major. A Tale. 3 vols. 1880; A Laodicean: A Story of To-Day. 3 vols. 1881; Two on a Tower: a Romance. 3 vols. 1882; EXTREMELY RARE IN SUCH FINE CONDITION; The Mayor of Casterbridge. 2 vols. 1886; The Woodlanders. 3 vols. 1887; Wessex Tales. Strange, Lively, and Commonplace. 2 vols. 1888; Tess of the D’Urbervilles, a Pure Woman. 3 vols. [1891]; A Group of Noble Dames. [1891]. Two copies; Life’s Little Ironies: a Set of Tales. 1894; Jude the Obscure. Eiched frontispiece by Macbeth-Raeburn. [1896]; Three Notable Stories, respectively by the Marquis of Lorne, Mrs. Alexander, and Thomas Hardy. 1890. The first appearance of Hardy’s story, afterwards reprinted in ‘“‘Life’s Little Ironies.”’ SPLENDID SET, WITH AUTOGRAPH LETTER BY HARDY INSERTED 317. Harpy (THomas). The Works of Thomas Hardy. 21 vols. 8vo, three-quarter French levant morocco, cloth sides, full gilt paneled backs. New York: Harper Brothers, undated SUPERB SET OF THE ANNIVERSARY EDITION. Limited to 1250 sets, of which this is, No. 375. WITH AN AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR, dated, “‘ Nov. 9, 1879,’ in Vol. I. The set comprises: — Tess of the D'Urbervilles; Far from the Madding Crowd; Jude the Obscure; The Return of the Native; The Woodlanders; Life and Death of the Mayor of Casterbridge; Wessex Tales; Under the Greenwood Tree; Life’s Little Ironies; A Pair of Blue Eyes; The Trumpet-Major; Two on a Tower; The Well-Beloved; A Group of Noble Dames; Desperate Remedies; The Hand of Ethelberta; A Laodicean; A Changed Man; Wessex Poems; The Dynasts. 2 vols.; Satires of Circumstance. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th 318. HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). The Works of Alexander Hamilton. Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. Portrait on India paper. 9 vols. 8vo, three-quarter black levant morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1885 LETTER-PRESS EDITION, limited to 500 copies, this being, No. 447. Best EDITION of the writings of Hamilton. LONG OUT OF PRINT. HARRIS AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT POEM 319. HARRIS (JOEL CHANDLER). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT POEM, en- titled, ‘The Plough-Hands’ Song.’’ Written in ink, on 2 leaves of paper, poem consisting of 39 lines, SIGNED IN FuLL at END,—“ Joel Chandler Harris.” Enclosed in 8vo red cloth slip-case with gilt lettered morocco back, and inner cloth protecting wrapper. FINE HARRIS MANUSCRIPT. This was evidently the copy intended for the printer, as there are pencil notations for his guidance in upper margin. Preceding the poem is the following note written by the author,—"“ [‘ The Plough- Hands’ Song’ in Uncle Remus’ Book is based upon what may be called a halloo-chorus with their variations. The following is a complete version of the song, including the two para that have already appeared in print. The song entire is printed here for the first time.]”’ THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF ‘‘CRUSADE OF THE EXCELSIOR” ABOUT 52,000 WORDS Cpe ct OG hele, nzlat Ch Paige ass « Aewca—Kt: fre Tryn , tr hte) ta Te peTifor [ No. 320 ] 320. HarTE (BRET). AUTHOR’S ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT SIGNED, of “The Crusade of the Excelsior.” Consisting of about Firry-Two THOUSAND Worps, written in ink on 174 quarto leaves, one side only, signed and dated,—“ Bret Barte. Bournemouth, Hants, March 28/87.” Bound in a 4to volume, full red French levant morocco, sides with double gilt fillet border, gilt inside border. A SINGULARLY IMPORTANT AND ATTRACTIVE MANUSCRIPT, written entirely in the author’s minute handwriting, and with a number of deletions and emendations by him. [See Reproduction of Last Page] Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF ‘‘CRESSY,’’ CONTAINING ABOUT 44,000 WORDS 321. HARTE (BRET). AUTHOR’S ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT SIGNED, of ““Cressy.”’ Consisting of about ForTy-FouR THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED WorbDs, written in ink on 149 quarto leaves, one side only, signed and dated,—‘“‘ Bret Harte. London, June 25, 1888, 15 Upper Hamilton Terrace.” Bound in a 4to volume, full red French levant morocco, sides with double gilt fillet border, gilt inside borders. ty x a Cesey 5 po Oo al He Apt, gta Ted uaia Gfoasiy Goll fucpel fae Bites tear wt LE Lael, Lomenscg (foe i Cit home, i ttnd sent, rd a to fae «Rhone fe Mi cttunsartler $f finG— faring, at Canedece oe oD ip Hevediotecst SAE a fc ee Me fenernnd fel, Ct Hes g PED hd fleiy L—fatt," pu. Ah btug fo fcsse a , Ol, Airlie Levit hae [ No. 321 ] A VERY IMPORTANT HARTE MANUSCRIPT, written entirely in the author’s minute handwriting. There are also a number of deletions and emendations by Harte. [See Reproduction of Part of First Page] 322. HARTE (BRET). The Lost Galleon and Other Tales. 12mo, cloth, somewhat faded. San Francisco, 1867 First EDITION. THE “AUTOGRAPH EDITION’? OF BRET HARTE 323. HARTE (BRET). The Writings of Bret Harte. Illustrated with portraits, scenes, and engraved titles, on India Paper, by Woodbury, Remington, Foote, Cline- dinst, and others, a number of the plates signed in pencil, by the artists. 19 vols. 8vo, three-quarter brown morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company [1896-1903] _AUTHOR’S AUTOGRAPH EDITION, WITH His SIGNATURE, DATED, IN FIRST VOLUME. Limited to 350 copies, of which this is, No. 247; comprising,— The Luck of Roaring Camp; Tales of the Argonauts; Story of a Mine; In the Carquinez Woods; Maruja and Other Tales; The Crusade of the Excelsior; Cressy and other Tales; A First Family of Tasajara; A Waif of the Plains; Poems; In a Hollow of the Hills; Gabriel Conry. 2 vols.; Three Partners and other Tales; The Ancestors of Peter Atherly; A Niece of Snapshot Harry’s; A Treasure of the Redwoods; Trent’s Trust, and other Tales. A Glossary was published later, making Vol. 20 which (we believe) can be obtained from the publishers. 324. 325. 326. 327- 328. 329. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). A Collection of First Epitions of His Writings. Together, 7 vols. 12mo and 8vo, original cloth. Boston and London, 1863-1895 FINE COLLECTION; comprising: Our Old Home. Boston, 1863. First ISSUE OF FIRST EDITION; Passages from the American Note-Books. 2 vols. Boston, 1868. First ISSUE OF FIRST EDITION; Passages from the English Note-Books. 2 vols. Boston, 1870; Doctor Grimshaw’s Secret. Edited by Julian Hawthorne. Boston, 1883; CRANE (WALTER). A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys, by Nathaniel Haw- thorne. With 60 designs. MAINLY IN COLOR, by Walter Crane. London, 1895. FIRST EDITION WITH THE CRANE ILLUSTRATIONS. ALL EXCEPTIONALLY GoopD COPIES. THE “AUTOGRAPH EDITION” OF HAWTHORNE: FULL LEVANT HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Complete Writings of Nathaniel Haw- thorne. Frontispreces IN Two STATES, ONE COLORED, the other on India paper, autographed in pencil by the artist; other portratts, illustrations, fac- similes, and engraved titles on India paper; regular titles printed in red and black. 22 vols. 8vo, FULL Crimson LEvANT Morocco, beautiful tulip and leaf design border in gilt on covers, the same design repeated on backs, broad inner crimson levant borders with gilt fillets and marginal tulip design in gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1900 MAGNIFICENT AND COMPLETE SET OF THE AUTOGRAPH EDITION, THE BEST EDITION OF HAWTHORNE, limited to 500 Signed and Numbered copies, of which this is, No. 20, Signed by Rose Hawthorne Lathrop, and the Publishers. Printed at the Riverside Press, comprising,— Twice-Told Tales. 2 vols.; The Snow-Image; Scarlet Letter; Mosses from an Old Manse. 2 vols.; House of the Seven Gables; The Blithedale Romance; The Marble Faun. 2 vols.; Our Old Home; Grandfather’s Chair; A Wonder Book; Dolliver Romance; Dr. Grimshaw’s Secret; Tales and Sketches; Miscellanies; American Note-Books; Notes of Travel. 4 vols. [HazuitT (WILLIAM).] Liber Amoris: or, The New Pygmalion. Vignette on title. 12mo, new full yellow calf, full gilt back, with emerald lettering pieces, gilt line borders on sides, gilt. top, UNCUT. London, 1823 SPLENDID COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, ENTIRELY UNCUT, AND WITH THE HALF- TITLE, usually missing. HEARN (LArcapIo—Translator). GAUTIER (T.). “One of Cleopatra’s Nights, and Other Fantastic Romances. Portrait. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1882 First EDITION. The first volume with Lafcadio Hearn’s name on title-page. This is one of the very few translations that do real justice to the original. HEARN (LarFcapIo). Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1894 First EDITION. SCARCE. A copy much above the average in condition. HEATH (HENRY). Tid-Bit’s Selected by H. Heath. With 6 COLORED PLATES, each containing 5 subjects. Oblong folio, pebbled cloth, leather back, uncut, original wrappers bound in. London: R. Ackermann, 1830 First EDITION. RARE AND IN FINE CONDITION. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 330. Heatu (HENRY). The Nautical Dictionary. A Series of 6 plates, containing 331. almost 50 characteristic scenes, ALL IN CoLors, by Henry Heath. Oblong 4to, half blue levant morocco, uncut, BY MORRELL. [London, 1834] First EDITION oF THIS AMUSING WORK. From the J. B. Townsend collection, with bookplate. HeaTH (HENRY). Omnium Gatherum. First and Second Series. (ALL IssuED.) With 14 COLORED PLATES, including the title, each embracing a large number of studies by Henry Heath. Oblong 4to, half olive green levant morocco, gilt edges. [London: Charles Tilt, 1834] First EDITION. Complete set of the First and Second Series, there being 7 plates in the first and 6 in the second. One of the most celebrated books illustrated by Heath. 332. HEATH (HENRY). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING. Height, 334; length, 4% inches. Artistically matted in a gilt frame and glazed. FINE DRAWING, being a portrayal of an individual of comic appearance seated on a wooden bench in a sunny garden, perusing the columns of a large newspaper. Another man with a wooden leg is standing by, leaning upon his cane. Two other men are walking down the lane. BEAUTIFUL COSTUME BOOK OF GREAT RARITY 333. HEATH (WILLIAM). Military Costume of the British Cavalry. A series of 18 plates, drawn and engraved by William Heath, ALL BRILLIANTLY COLORED, SOME HEIGHTENED WITH GOLD. Royal 4to, contemporary half russia. London: Published by J. Watson, 1820 ONE OF THE RAREST WoRKS ON MILITARY CosTUME. No Copy, EXCEPT THE PRESENT (THE JAMES B. BRADY Copy SOLD BY THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IN 1917), HAS APPARENTLY BEEN OFFERED FOR PUBLIC SALE IN THIS COUNTRY, AND LESS THAN HALF A DOZEN (some of which were imperfect) DuRING THE PAST THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS IN ENGLAND. THE LAST PERFECT Copy (Boards) sold in IQIO. SPECIAL INTEREST ATTACHES TO THIS Copy As IT CoNTAINS Two PLATES MoRE THAN ANY RECORDED Copy, NAMELY EIGHTEEN, WHEREAS SIXTEEN Is GENERALLY THOUGHT THE NUMBER NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE WoRK. Includes figures of Life Guards, Horse Guards, Seventh Hussars, Ninth Lancers, Tenth Hussars, Twelfth Lancers, Thirteenth Light Dragoons, and other regiments. [See Reproduction of First Plate] ORIGINAL COLORING IN THIS COPY 334. Heraty (WILLIAM). The Life of a Soldier; a Narrative and Descriptive Poem. With 18 engravings, ALL IN CoLors, by William Heath. Imperial 8vo, full mottled calf, gilt, gilt back and top, UNcut, original front wrapper bound in, BY RIVIERE. London: W. Sams, 1823 RARE UNcutT Copy OF THE First EDITION, with beautiful impressions of the plates which are of the ORIGINAL COLORING, this not being one of the uncolored copies colored by hand at a later date. Contains the advertisements, though not the slip of ““Errata.’’ The title and half-title have a portion of margin repaired. 335. HeratH (WILLIAM). Studies from the Stage, or Vicissitudes of Life. With title-page, and 20 plates containing about 120 humorous studies, ALL IN CoLors, designed and etched by William Heath. Oblong 4to, half red morocco, original binding bound in. London: W. Sams [1823] First EDITION. FINE Copy. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th FINELY COLORED PLATES. RARE IN WRAPPERS 336. HEATH (WILLIAM). Fashion and Folly. A series of 23 COLORED PLATES, on 12 pages, by William Heath. Imperial 4to, ORIGINAL PRINTED WRAPPERS, rebacked. Enclosed in a blue cloth portfolio, with flaps. London: Published by William Sams [1825] First EDITION. Most DESIRABLE IN ITS ORIGINAL STATE, AS ABOVE. AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE SERIES OF COLORED PLATES, with 23 scenes, although the wrapper reads,—“‘ Illustrated in a series of twenty-one colored engravings, by W. Heath.’ The scenes depict the lives of Dashall and Lubins from the time of their departure for London to their arrival and residence there, showing them—‘ At Toilette,” “Off for Tattersals,”’ ‘‘Doing a Bit of Swell in Hyde Park,’”’ “ Indulging in the Nautical,”’ and other situations equally amusing. The portraits of both Robert Cruikshank and his friend Pierce Egan are distinctly traceable in the figures in several of the illustrations, and it is quite probable that the former, if he actually did not make the plates, assisted in their production. HEATH’S HUMOROUS ‘‘RURAL ENJOYMENT’”’ SERIES COMPLETE 337- Heatu (WILLIAM). Rural Enjoyment. The complete series of 4 plates IN CoLor all highly humorous, by William Heath. Folio, half red levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London: Pubd. 1829 by S. Gans 15 Southampton St. Strand First EDITION OF THIS ATTRACTIVE SERIES, the plates brilliant in coloring. Issued without title, it is seldom that the complete series (as above) is offered for public sale. 338. HEaATH (WILLIAM), London Characters. A series of 12 plates, each containing 4 representations (48 in all) of ‘“‘ London Characters,’’ ALL IN CoLor, by William Heath. Oblong folio, full polished fawn calf, gilt edges, BY SANGOR- SKI & SUTCLIFFE. London: Charles Tilt, 1834 First EDITION, of this amusing series. Complete set. The plates rich in color. From the J. B. Townsend collection, with bookplate. FIRST EDITION OF HEATH’S ‘“SOMNIBUS”’ IN WRAPPERS 339. [HEATH (WILLIAM).] The Omnibus. With 4 humorous plates, containing several scenes on each plate, ALL COLORED. Oblong small folio, ORIGINAL PRINTED WRAPPERS, stitched. : London, circa 1835 FirsT EDITION. EXTREMELY RARE IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS, AS ABOVE. SPLENDID SET OF FIRST EDITIONS OF ARTHUR HELPS 340. HELps (Sir ArTHUR). A Collected Set of the Works of Sir Arthur Helps. 26 vols. 8vo and 12mo, half green polished calf, gilt, gilt backs, red morocco lettering pieces, gilt tops, uncut, BY ROOT. London, 1841-1875 A HANDSOME SET OF THE FIRST EDITIONS OF SIR ARTHUR HELPS. Comprises:— Essays written in the Intervals of Business. Pickering, 1841; The Claims of Labour. An Essay on the Duties of the Employers to the Em- ployed. Pickering, 1844; Friends in Council. 2 vols. Pickering, 1847-1849; Same, New Series. 2 vols. 18590; Conquerors of the New World. 2 vols. Pickering, 1848-1852; Companions of my Solitude. Pickering, 1851; Oulita the Serf. A Tragedy. 1858; Organization in Daily Life. An Essay. 1862; Realmah. 2 vols. 1868; Life of Columbus. 1869; Life of Pizarro. 1869; Casimir Maremma. 2 vols. 1870; Conversations on War and General Culture. 1871; Brevia. Essays and Aphorisms. 1871; Thoughts upon Government. 1872; Life and Labours of Mr. Brassey. 1805-1870. Portrait. 1872; More Leaves from the Journal of a Life in the Highlands. From 1862 to 1882. Portraits and illustrations. 1884; Ivan de Biron. 3 vols. 1874; Social Pressure. 1875. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 341. HENLEY (WiLL1AM E.). Hawthorn and Lavender. With Other Verses. 12mo, full lavender levant, gilt back,}with floral inlays in white levant, elaborate gilt framework on sides, with floral inlays in white, green and red levants, wide inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, BY TOOF. London, 1901 First EDITION. FINE Copy IN A HANDSOME BINDING. Inserted is a one-page Autograph Letter Signed by the Author, November 21, 1895, in regard to the correspondence of Buchan with ROBERT BURNs. TWO-PAGE FULL AUTOGRAPH LETTER OF HENRY III, KING OF FRANCE | 342. Henry III, King of France. 1551-1589. Autograph Letter Signed,—"‘ Henrt.”’ 2pp- folio, no place, December 2oth, n.y. [1573]. To Madame de Mon- fens Margins strengthened, otherwise in good preservation. off vat ae” yi dy LYF\_ fel ? 4 of j ; 2 rie VERY FINE ITEM. IN Goop STATE OF PRESERVATION. SUCH LENGTHY AUTOGRAPH LETTERS BY A KING OF THE 16TH CENTURY ARE MostT UNUSUAL AND RARE. This letter, couched i in endearing expressions, was evidently a love-letter to one of his mistresses, ‘‘ Alise,’’ this name being written on the back of the letter. The court of Henry III was disgraced by favoritism, intrigues, bigotry, and licentiousness; and the king’s personal character was not such as to command respect. In this love- letter, the king comments on the base ingratitude of the world, and expresses his gratitude to his fair lady for the consolation she has given his poor afflicted and desolate soul, his love for her, his longing for her kindness and consideration, his desire to serve her and obey her wishes at all times, etc. At the close of his letter, he mentions Charles de Guise, the Cardinal de Lorraine,—‘‘ My lord, the Cardinal of Lorraine is very ill." The latter died in 1574. [See Reproduction of Last Portion] EE a ae SS ee —— ee a Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th WITH ETCHED ILLUSTRATIONS BY REMBRANDT 343. HERCKMANS (E.). Der Zee-Vaert Lof Handelende vande gedonckvaer- dighs to Zee-Vaerden met do daeraenklevende op en onderganghen der Voornaems to Heerschajpijer dor gantscher Wereld. Zedert haere beginse- len tot op den dagh van huyden in VI Boecken. Extensively illustrated with large etched reproductions in text by Rembrandt and Basse; finely etched title-page. Small folio, full dark brown scored morocco, gilt line border on sides, gilt and blind-stamped paneled back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges. With protecting morocco wrapper. Tot Amsterdam by Jacob pieterjs wachter op den Dam 1634 AN EXCESSIVELY RARE Book illustrated by Rembrandt and Basse, mentioning the discovery of America. It is mentioned in Muller’s ‘‘ Nederlandsche Historien Platin”’ (p. 204) No. 1895 B. It is in six books the title or arguments of which are on the reverse of the “‘Half title’’ page. The illustrations of the Flood (p. 7) should be noticed. The engravings are generally attributed to W. Basse. See Kramm Vol. 1, p. 56. That on p. 97 is by the great Rembrandt, and is one of his cleverest efforts. It is supposed to refer to the Battle of Actium whilst some thought that it represented S. Paul on his road to Rome when he had appealed to the Emperor; the plate is dated 1633. There are 19 plates in all, including the title-page, and all are etched in the manner of Rembrandt. A fine copy. With book-label of Clarence H. Clark. 344. HISTORIANS OF GREECE. With illustrations, some IN Two StatTEs; illuminated title-pages. 12 vols. 8vo, full crimson morocco, sides with outer frame and center panel of gilt fillets, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: The Tandy-Thomas Company [1909] THE PARTHENON EDITION, Limited to 26 signed, sealed, lettered and registered sets, of which this is, Letter A. The illustrations have been designed to show the development of book ornamentation. Contents:—History of Herodotus, translated by George Rawlinson; History of Thucydides, translated by Benjamin Jowett; History of Xenophon, translated by H. G. Dakyns. 345. History or ALL Nations (A), from the Earliest Times, being a Universal Historical Library by Distinguished Scholars. By Charles M. Andrews, John Fiske, Theodor Flathe, G. F. Hertzberg, and others. Extensively illustrated with full-page reproductions, and text engravings. 24 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia: Lea Brothers and Company [1905] Complete and fine set. 346. HorrMan (E. T. A.). Contes Fantastiques. Tirés des Fréres de Sérapion et des Contes Nocturnes. Traduction de Léve-Veimars. Avec une Préface par G. Brunet. With 11 etchings by Ad. Lalauze. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut, original wrappers bound in. © Paris, 1883 EDITION LIMITED to 170 copies sur papier de Hollande, this being, No. 132. The weird and uncanny tales in these volumes are of great interest. 347. HoGartuH (WILLIAM). Hogarth’s Rejected and Suppressed Plates. Consisting of the Seven Discarded Plates to illustrated Cervantes’s Don Quixote and the ‘‘Two Little Pictures, called Before and After, for Mr. Thomson.” With an Essay by the late John La Farge. With the plates. 8vo, three- quarter blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. New York: Privately printed for Members of the Fraternity of Odd Volumes, 1913 EpITION LIMITED to 150 copies, this being, No. 58. The plates ‘‘Before’’ and “*After’’ are enclosed in a pocket at back of volume. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue HOLBEIN’S PORTRAITS. CONTEMPORARY MOROCCO, WITH DOUBLURES—AND FROM TALLEYRAND’S LIBRARY 348. HoLBEIN (HANS). Imitations of Original Drawings in the Collection of His Majesty for the Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII. With Biographical Tracts. Published by John Chamberlaine. With 84 beautifully tinted portraits. Atlas folio, FULL CONTEMPORARY RED STRAIGHT-GRAIN Morocco, richly gilt on sides and back; DouBLURES of the same morocco, with gilt borders, gilt edges. London: W. Bulmer, 1792 IN EXCEEDINGLY FINE CONDITION AND SCARCE IN THIS STATE, WITH THE Por- TRAITS OF HOLBEIN AND HIs WIFE, AND THE Two MINIATURES. FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF THESE BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS printed on tinted (known as Holbein) paper. From Prince Talleyrand’s library. BEAUTIFUL SERIES OF HOLLAR DRAWINGS 349. HoLitar (WENCEsSLAUS). A Collection of 6 ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK AND Was Drawincs. Each signed with initials. Matted. AN EXCEEDINGLY INTERESTING AND RARE COLLECTION. The drawings are old Dutch views with churches, windmills, sailing vessels, etc. Hollar was an eminent engraver of the XVIIth Century and original drawings by him are not frequently seen. The above collection is in excellent condition. “PRIVATE COPY’? OF HOLMES’ FOURTH OF JULY ORATION 350. HoLMEs (OLIVER WENDELL). Oration delivered before The City Authorities of Boston, on the Fourth of July, 1863, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. PRIVATE Copy. 4to, full brown morocco, blind tooled designs on sides, name of “Hon. F. W. Lincoln” on front cover in gilt, gilt edges. With protecting cover. Boston: J. E. Farwell & Co., 1863 ONE OF THE RARE PRIVATE COPIES OF WHICH ONLY TWELVE WERE PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR'S USE. This copy contains a leaf entitled ‘‘ Principal Alterations in the Address as Delivered and Printed,” also a half-title. After the first draft was taken off, the type was kept standing, some corrections and alterations were made and the oration was again printed in 4to, of which this one of the copies. Laid in are copies of two letters from Holmes to L. C. Chubbuck, referring to this and others of his works. PRESENTATION Copy with the author’s signed autograph inscription, on fly-leaf,— “‘ Frederick W. Lincoln, Jr. With the respects of Oliver Wendell Holmes.” The J. C. Chamberlain-Walter T. Wallace copy, with bookplates. COMPLETE SET OF THE FINE “LARGE PAPER EDITION” 351. Ho_mMEs (OLIVER WENDELL). The Writings of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Portratts on India paper; rubricated title-pages. 16 vols. 8vo, half dark green levant morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut; some backs very slightly faded. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1891-1892 LARGE PAPER EDITION, limited to 275 copies for America, of which this is, No. 269. COMPLETE SET, comprising:— The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table; Over the Teacups; The Professor at the Breakfast Table; Elsie Venner; The Poet at the Breakfast Table; The Guardian Angel; A Mortal Antipathy; Pages from an Old Volume of Life; Medical Essays; Our Hundred Days in Europe; Poetical Works. 3 vols.; Life and Letters by John T. Merse, Jr. 2 vols.; Emer- son-Motley. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th WITH AUTOGRAPH VERSE, SIGNED, BY HOLMES 352. HoitmzEs (OLIVER WENDELL). The Last Leaf. Poem. Illustrated by George Wharton Edwards and F. Hopkinson Smith, plates on India paper. Royal 4to, original decorated cloth, vellum back, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1886 LARGE PAPER, LIMITED TO 100 COPIES, EACH SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR, BOTH ILLUSTRATORS AND THE PUBLISHER, Tipped in, is an original autograph verse by Holmes, 6 lines, signed,—‘‘ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Boston, June 4, 1894.” BRUNET’S COPY—PRINTED ON VELLUM AND ILLUMINATED BY HAND 353. Hora PRINTED ON VELLUM. Hore beate Marie virginis scdz vsum Romanum sine require. [Colophon] Ces presentes heures a lusage de Romme furent acheuees le viii.iour doctobre. Lan. Mil cing cens et huyt. Pour Anthoine verard libraire demourant a Paris. Printed in Gothic characters in black on 99 leaves of pure vellum, 744 by 5 inches. With Verard’s device uncolored on first page and 17 full-page woodcut miniatures (including the ‘‘ Anotomical Man’’) and 28 smaller miniatures, ALL BEAUTIFULLY ILLUMINATED IN COLORS AND GOLD By Hanp. Each of the large miniatures surrounded by an architectural frame painted in dull gold and colors. Capitals and line-ends supplied throughout in gold over colored grounds. Printed without borders with the exception of the inner pages of signature C, upon which are found: on first a double-page border of grotesques and other figures and foliage, and the second a double-page border of the smaller miniatures of scenes from the life of Christ. 8vo, full contemporary mottled calf, mottled red edges (binding breaking at joints). [Paris: Antoine Verard, 1508] FROM THE COLLECTION OF M. JACQUES-CHARLES BRUNET, with manuscript note A Bose the substance of which is incorporated in his description to No. 144 of his “Manuel.” A FINE SPECIMEN IN PERFECT CONDITION, with exceptionally well-preserved colors in the miniatures, the ILLUMINATIONS BEING OF SUPERB EXECUTION, the whole forming a most desirable volume. Brunet says of the cuts in this edition that they are worthy of remark, being much more finely engraved, the composition more studied and indicating the influence of Italy therein. The arrangement of the folios in this edition is very peculiar; the present copy conforms to the collation given by Brunet in his ‘‘Manuel,’’ No. 144. THE BODONI HORACE IN A SPECIAL BINDING 354. Horace. Opera. Folio. Parmae: typis Bodonianis, 1791 A VERY FINELY Bounp Copy BY SCHAEFER, PERHAPS ONE OF THE RICHEST EVER EXECUTED BY Hm. It was made for the Marquis de Morante. Bound in full green morocco, richly gilt tooled sides in a Grolieresque design of interlaced bands, corner ornaments, with the arms of the Marquis de Morante stamped in gold in the center of obverse and reverse covers, with the following legend above them: “J. Gomez de la Cortina et amicorum” and below his motto: “‘Fallitur hora legendo’’; doublures of bleached vellum, artistically gilt tooled, with a strap of red morocco forming a decorative border, upon which is fine gilt tooling. These are bordered by a wide strip of blue morocco, heavily gilt in dentelle style, end-leaves of white watered silk, gilt edges, BY SCHAEFER. EDITION LIMITED to 200 copies. : With the bookplates of the Bibliotheca Cortina, Robert Hoe and C. L. F. Robinson collections. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue BEAUTIFULLY BOUND SET OF THE BIBLIOPHILE ISSUE 355. Horacre. The Odes and Epodes of Horace. Latin text edited by Clement L. Smith. Versions . . . and notes by Eminent Scholars, etc.; [ALso] A Thousand Horatian Quotations. Portraits and plates In Two STATEs, vignettes, facsimiles of early title-pages, etc. 10 vols. small 4to, full crushed brown levant morocco, backs and sides richly gold tooled, doublures of crushed green levant morocco, with center inlaid ornament of red and purple, green moiré silk flies, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Bibliophile Society, 1901 One of only 467 copies, printed for members of the Bibliophile Society. BEAUTIFUL SET. 4 FINE SERIES OF WORKS RARELY FOUND COMPLETE 357. Howitt (WILLIAM). A Collected Set of the First Eprrions of the Works of William Howitt. Many illustrated. 30 vols. 8vo and 12mo, three-quarter green levant morocco, gilt, richly gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY ROOT. London, 1833-1871 and no date AN EXCEEDINGLY ATTRACTIVE SET OF First EDITIONS OF WILLIAM HowlttT; comprising :— A Popular History of Priestcraft. 1833; Rural Life of England. Vignettes. 2 vols. 1838; Colonization and Christianity: A Popular History of the Treatment of the Natives by the Europeans in all their Colonies. 1838; Visits to Remarkable Places. Illustrated. 1840; Student-Life of Germany. JIllustrated. First and Second Series. Together, 2 vols. 1841-1842; Rural and Domestic Life of Germany. Illustrated by G. F. Sargent. 1842; Life and Adventures of Jack of the Mill. Illustrated. 2 vols. 1844; German Experiences. 1844; Wanderings of a Journeyman Tailor through Europe and the East. Translated from the Third German Edition. Frontispiece. 18 4; Homes and Haunts of the Most Eminent British Poets. Illustrated. 2 vols. 1847; The Hall and the Hamlet; or, Scenes and Characters of Country Life. 2 vols. 1848; The Literature and Romance of Northern Europe... . By William and Mary Howitt. 2 vols. 1852; Land, Labour, and Gold; or, Two Years in Victoria: with Visits to Sydney and Van Diemen’s Land. 2 vols. 1855; The Man of the People. 3 vols. 1860; Ruined Abbeys and Castles of Great Britain. By William and Mary Howitt. With numerous photographic illustrations. 1862; History of the Supernatural. 2 vols. 1863; Ruined Abbeys and Castles of Great Britain and Ireland. Numerous photo- graphic illustrations. 1864; The Northern Heights of London. Illustrated. 1869; The Mad War-Planet; and Other Poems. 1871; The Year-Book of the Country; or the Field, the Forest, and the Fireside. Illustrated from designs by Birket Foster. No date. 358. HuBBarp (ELBERT). Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great. Numerous portraits. 14 vols. square 8vo, full leather, gilt tops, uncut. New York [1916] MEMORIAL EDITION, prepared by The Roycrofters. —_— a ee eee ee Se ee ee ee eee ee . : , Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th THE HOLLAND PAPER HUGO—FULL LEVANT WITH DOUBLURES 359. Huco (Victor). The Works of Victor Hugo. Illustrated with full-page photogravures, frontispieces colored, from original drawings by Rochegrosse, Fraipont, and others; titles in red and black, all on Japan paper. 30 vols. 8vo, FULL GREEN LEVANT Morocco, all-over floral design on sides with onlays of vari-colored moroccos, same design repeated on backs; DOUBLURES of purple levant, with gilt fillet bands, large center fleur-de-lis design in green morocco and gilt, outer border of green morocco and gilt bands, white moire silk end-leaves, gilt tops, uncut, a few backs very slightly faded. Boston: Estes and Lauriat, undated HANDSOME AND COMPLETE SET OF THE EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED Copy OF THE HOL- LAND PAPER EDITION, CONTAINING NUMEROUS WATERCOLORS SIGNED BY GABRIEL. CompPRISES: Dramas. 4 vols.; Les Misérables. 5 vols.; Poems. 3 vols.; Hans of Iceland. 2 vols.; Toilers of the Sea. 2 vols.; History of a Crime. 2 vols.; Notre-Dame de Paris. 2 vols.; Ninety-Three. 2 vols.; The Rhine. 2 vols.; Things Seen; The Man Who Laughs. 2 vols.; William Shakespeare; The Life, Times and Works of Victor Hugo. By A. Barbou. 2 vols. MOST DESIRABLE LETTER BY HUME 360. Hume (Davip—famous English historian). Autograph Letter Signed,— “David Hume,” 2pp. 4to, n.p., “Saturday,” n.d. [1746]. To Sir James Johnstone, Member of Parliament. Wzth wax seal. LETTERS BY HUME, SUCH AS THE ABOVE ARE VERY RARE. FULL OF INTEREST, reading in part,—‘‘I received by my Lord a letter from Vincent, which he immediately burnt up in a passion. The purport of it was this: that he (Vincent) destred to see me as soon as possible, that my money was ready for me, & that my attendance on my Lord was no longer necessary, since he did not any longer desire it . .”’ Then follows a copy of Hume’s letter in answer to the one just quoted; concluding, ‘‘Is not this very divert- ing? I wait your Orders . . . I shall take care not to be a Bone of Contention betwixt you, unless you think that I am the most advantageous Piece of Ground, on which you can resist him;’’ [etc.] FINE PERSONAL LETTER 361. Hume (Davip). Autograph Letter Signed,—‘‘D. H.,” one page 4to, n.p., “Octbr. 22,” n.y. To Sir James Johnstone, Member of Parliament. With wax seal. EXTRAORDINARY LETTER, beginning thus,—‘‘ God forgive you, Dear Sir, God forgive you, for neither coming to us, nor writing to us. The unaccountable, I may say, the in- human Treatment, we meet with here, throws your Friend into Rage and Fury, and me into the greatest Melancholy . . . the Uncertainty of the Post gives me Apprehension.” [etc.]. THE SPLENDID SCRIBNER EDITION OF IBSEN 362. IBSEN (HENRIK). The Writings of Henrik Ibsen. [With a Biography of Ibsen, by Edmund Gosse.] Portraits, facsimiles, and other tlustrations, many on Japanese paper. 16 vols. 8vo, three-quarter blue levant morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1911-1912 BEAUTIFUL SET OF THE VIKING EDITION, No. 8 of 256 sets printed on Ruisdael hand-made paper, LONG OuT OF PRINT AND SCARCE. INCLUDES:—The League of Youth; Pillars of Society; The Wild Duck; An Enemy of the People; Rosmersholm; Hedda Gabler; The Master Builder; Brand; Peer Gynt; A Doll’s House; Ghosts; Emperor and Galilean; and others. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue MANUSCRIPT WITH TEN LARGE MINIATURES 363. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Hor Beate Marie Virginis, cum Calendario. Manuscript in Latin with calendar in French, of the French school of the early Sixteenth Century. Written in Gothic characters (in some places shading into lettres batardes) in black and red on 110 leaves (should be 111) including 4 blanks, of fine vellum, 534 x 334 inches. With TEN LaRGE. MINIATURES PAINTED IN COLors, a vivid blue predominating, and HEIGHT- ENED WITH GOLD, each within full border of flowers, fruits and foliage on a ground of white and dull gold in geometric compartments, and with a lateral border of similar design ON EvERY PAGE throughout the volume; three smaller miniatures of the Saints in the text, 17 large inttial letters illuminated in gold and colors, smaller initials in gold on colored grounds, finials executed in similar design. Small 8vo, CONTEMPORARY BINDING OF FULL RED Morocco, gilt line on sides, gilt back with title lettered on green label, gilt edges. Circa 1500 CHARMINGLY EXECUTED MANuscRIPT of the late Fifteenth or Early Sixteenth Century. IN SPLENDID STATE OF PRESERVATION AND PROFUSELY ILLUMINATED, having borders on every page, and besides the usual miniatures and borders, and the large initial letters, EVERY PARAGRAPH CAPITAL throughout the volume is painted in gold on a colored ground. The large miniatures comprise the usual subjects of,—(1) St. John the Evangelist, (2) The Annunciation, (3) The Manger at Bethlehem, (4) The Flight into Egypt, (5) Pentecost, (6) The Crucifixion, (7) King David, (8) Job and His Friends, (9) St. Anne; (10) St. Margaret; with smaller miniatures of St. Genevieve, St. Appo- lonia, and St. Augustin. The binder has lettered a date “‘CCXIV” at foot of back, which from the appear- ance of the manuscript must have been meant for 1 514 as the manuscript does not appear to be of a later date than that. One leaf between those numbered 94 and 95 has been cut away for the miniature it contained. ; WITH GREAT SEAL OF PHILIP III OF SPAIN 364. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, SPANISH. Record of the Noble Ancestry and Right to Armorial Bearings of Francisco de Fresnedo of the City of Saldaiia. Dated at Valladolid, December 21, 1611. Signed by the Hidalgo and various notaries and witnesses. Written in Roman characters on 74 leaves of vellum, 1214 by 81% inches. First page with LARGE MINIATURE Group Portrait of Philip III, his Queen and his children, kneeling in adoration before a vision of the Queen of Heaven who is floating on clouds above them. PAINTED IN Vivip Cotors, blue and rose predominating with a background of yellow clouds behind the Virgin, within an elaborate full border of flowers, birds, etc. painted in colors on a dull gold ground, with scroll at foot bearing the name ‘‘Don Phelippe” in gold letters. Second page with LARGE MINIATURE containing the de Fresnedo arms with helmet and elaborate outer decorations in lower section and picture of St. Francis d’ Assisi with the Stigmata in the upper section, enclosed within a border of various ancient implements of war, painted in colors on a dull gold ground similar to the other border. Several headbands in the text painted in blue with gold letters. With original green silk guard between the miniatures. Small folio, original sheep, elaborately gilt stamped (tarnished, leather damaged by damp, remains of ties). Attached to the volume by the original cords is a FINE IMPRESSION IN LEAD OF THE GREAT SEAL oF KiNG PHILIP ERE Valladolid, 1611 Very interesting Spanish manuscript, in FINE PRESERVATION, WITH BRILLIANT ae UNTARNISHED MINIATURES, AND WITH SPLENDID IMPRESSION OF THE ROYAL EAL, Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th BEAUTIFUL MODERN ILLUMINATED MS. BY F. MARTINDALE 365. ILLUMINATED MANuscrIPT. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LorD). The May Queen and New Year’s Eve. Written in Gothic letter, and illustrated by Francis Martin- dale with 19 beautifully executed WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS, vignette head- and tatl-preces and floral borders surrounding the text throughout; initial letters tn gold and colors. Each page is matted in card-board mat and mounted on linen mount. Bound in large folio volume, full crimson levant morocco, bands of triple gilt fillets on sides, indented at corners by floral scrolls; gilt paneled back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RAMAGE. London, 1875 THIS BEAUTIFUL VOLUME consists of 2 title-pages and 15 leaves of Text, folio, containing in all eleven stanzas of 4 lines each, with line of chorus written in red ink, for the ‘‘May Queen,’’ and 29 stanzas of 4 lines each for ‘‘New Year’s Eve,”’ all written in the most beautiful Gothic script. Each page of the text is surrounded by beautifully painted floral borders of different floral designs representing the flowers of the season, and a large Original Hand-Painted Miniature illustrating the theme of the respective poems, besides dainty vignettes as head- and tail-pieces. There is also a most charming painting (taking the place of a title-page), measuring 914 by 124% inches, representing a May scene. All of these paintings are VERY FINELY DRAWN AND EXQUISITELY COLORED, MANY ENHANCED WITH GOLD, for the subjects permit of the most elaborate colorings. 366. ILLUMINATED Miniatures. A Series of 11 Illuminated Miniatures from a Book of Hours. Varying in size from 1% by 114 to 334 by 638. Each piece mounted on cardboard, 4 by 638, a number of the miniatures surrounded with original text (in some cases text is faded and stained). Circa 1490 MINIATURES STILL BRIGHTLY COLORED (although somewhat rubbed and text about same faded), representing,—Mary and Joseph; Judas Kissing the Savior; Christ Brought before Pilate; The Savior with the Crown of Thorns; Christ Carrying His Cross; The Crucifixion; and other scenes from the Life of Christ. 367. ILLUMINATED MINIATURES. From an early (probably XVIth Century) manuscript Book of Hours: (1) Christ holding world surmounted by cross; (2) Saint with forceps. Together, 2 pieces, each about one inch square, neatly matted in gilt frames and glazed. 368. INDIANA SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. RILEY (JAMES WuITcoMB). Mrs. Miller; McCutTcHEOoN (JOHN T.). History of Indiana; CooKE (MARJORIE BENTON). The Redemption of Anthony; ADE (GEORGE). Verses and Jingles; Mc- CuTcHEON (GEORGE Barr). Her Weight in Gold; Wason (ROBERT ALEXANDER). The Dog and the Child and the Ancient Sailor Man; Major (CHARLES). Sweet Alyssum; PorRTER (GENE STRATTON). After the Flood; Husparp (Kin). Short Furrows; NICHOLSON (MEREDITH). Style and The Man; Nespir (WiLBuR D.). Who’s Hoosier. 2 vols. Together, 12 vols. 12mo, original undressed calf, with the Arms of the State of Indiana in gilt medallion on front cover of each volume. Chicago: The Indiana Society, 1912 First EDITIONS. COMPLETE SET. RARE. Each volume, excepting the first one, which was published after Riley’s death, is signed in full by the Author, on title-page. A Complete Set of these books is ex- tremely difficult to procure. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 369. INDIANS OF NorTH AMERICA. M’KeEnny (THomas L.) AND HALL (JAMEs). History of the Indian Tribes, of North America, with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs. Wzth 120 full-page portraits and plates, from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War, at Washington, COLORED By HAND. 3 vols. large folio, half red morocco, gilt, gilt tops. Philadelphia, 1836-1844 First Epitions. M’Kenny had exceptional opportunities to study the American Indians while at the height of their power. In 1816 he was appointed superintendent of the United States trade with the Indian tribes. In 1824, the Bureau of Indian Affairs having been organized in connection with the War Department, he was placed in charge of it, and achieved an enviable reputation as an honest and capable superintendent of Indian affairs. This copy is somewhat foxed, and binding is rubbed. Sold not returnable. INDIAN PORTFOLIO—PLATES IN COLOR 370. INDIANS OF NoRTH AMERICA. CATLIN (GEORGE). North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America. From Drawings and Notes of the Author, made during Eight Years’ Travel amongst Forty-Eight of the Wildest and most remote Tribes of Savages in North America. With 25 full-page plates, FINELY COLORED. With Descriptive Letterpress. Atlas folio, half morocco, gilt edges. London: George Catlin, 1844 FINE Copy. These beautiful scenes in Indian life are probably the most truthful ever presented to the public. Their great size (24 by 20 inches) allows the figures to be distinct and life-like; and no one was ever better fitted by experience and facility of power to secure upon the canvas all that would interest us in aboriginal life, these prints will remain probably as long as their fabric lasts, the best delineations of its scenes. THE DRESDEN INGERSOLL. FULL LEVANT, WITH DOUBLURES 371. INGERSOLL (ROBERT G.). The Complete Works of Robert G. Ingersoll. Portraits, some IN Two StaTEs, some IN Cotors, also view of the birthplace of Ingersoll in colors. 13 vols. 8vo, FULL BLUE Levant Morocco, sides with border and frame of double gilt fillets, gilt paneled backs, inner blue morocco borders with gilt fillets; DouBLUREs of green morocco, with frame of double gilt fillets, green watered silk end-leaves, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Dresden Publishing Company, [1900]-1911 HANDSOME SET OF THE DRESDEN EDITION, printed throughout on Japanese vellum paper, Limited to 50 sets, of which this is, No. 2. Best edition of the writings of Inger- soll. Inserted in Vol. I, is an Autograph Letter Signed, 214pp. 12mo. March 4, 1897. To “ My dear Lockwood,” inviting him to call. This set contains Vol. XIII, Biographical Appreciation by Herman B. Kittredge, which does not always accompany the set. 372. ITaLiAN Novetists (THE). The Facetious Nights of Straparola. 4 vols. [ALso] The Pecorone of Ser Giovanni. 3 vols. Now first Translated into English by W. G. Waters. Choicely illustrated IN Cotors by Jules Garnier and E. R. Hughes. 7 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crimson levant morocco, full gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: The Society of Bibliophiles, 1901 No. 539 of 1,000 copies printed on Venetian Deckle Edge Paper. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th 373. ITALIAN SCENERY; Representing the Manners, Customs, and Amusements of the Different States of Italy. Narrative by M. Buonaiuti. With 32 COLORED engravings by James Godby from original drawings by P. Van Lerberght. Royal 4to, half straight-grain morocco, marbled edges. London: Edward Orme, 1806 The plates are all BRILLIANTLY COLORED BY HAND. Text in English and French THE AUTHOR’S AUTOGRAPH EDITION OF IRVING: IN FULL MOROCCO, WITH DOUBLURES 374. IrvinG (WaAsHINGTON). The Complete Works of Washington Irving. Illus- trated with portratts and views on Japan and China paper. 40 vols. 12mo, FuLL Brown LEvant Morocco, sides with gilt corner ornaments, gilt paneled backs, gilt inner morocco borders, DoUBLURES and fly-leaves of green unfinished calf, gilt tops, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1895-1897 - HANDSOME SET OF THE AUTHOR’S AUTOGRAPH EDITION, this being No. 105 of 500 sets. With a one-page 12mo, ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT BY IRVING inserted in Vol. I of ‘* Alhambra.”’ CompRISEs: Life of George Washington, 8 vols.; Astoria. 2 vols.; Life and Voyages of Columbus. 5 vols.; Alhambra. 2 vols.; Mahomet. 3 vols.; Traveller. 2 vols.; Spanish Papers; etc. 375. JACKSON (CHARLOTTE, LApy). Old Paris; Its Court and Literary Saloons. 2 vols. London. 1878; The Old Régime. Courts, Salons, and Theatres. 2 vols. London, 1880; The French Court and Society. Reign of Louis XVI and First Empire. 2 vols. London, 1881. All illustrated. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, full red calf, elaborately gilt tooled backs, triple gilt line and rosette borders on sides, wide inside gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY TOUT. London, 1878-1881 ALL First EDITIONS, AND EXCEPTIONALLY FINE CopPiEs. Beautifully bound. The first named is VERY SCARCE. THE SCRIBNER JAMES. FULL MOROCCO, WITH DOUBLURES 376. JamES (HENRY). The Novels and Tales of Henry James. With frontispieces. 27 vols. 8vo, FuLL Crimson LEvANT Morocco, sides with wide border in floral and leaf design ornamented with semis of dots, all in gilt, enclosed by an outer frame of gilt fillets, gilt paneled backs in conventional design, inner crimson morocco borders, with gilt fillets and scroll and bell design at corners, DouBLURES of dark blue crushed levant morocco, watered silk end-leaves, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1907-1909 SUPERB SET OF SCRIBNER’S FINE EDITION, LIMITED TO 156 COPIES, PRINTED ON RUISDAEL HANDMADE PAPER, of which this is, No. 22. INCLUDES:—Roderick Hudson; Portrait of a Lady. 2 vols.; The American; The Tragic Muse. 2 vols.; The Awkward Age; Turn of the Screw; What Maisie Knew; Daisy Miller; and others. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue THE EMPRESS EDITION OF BRINKLEY’S JAPAN 377. JAPANESE ART. Brinkley (Captain F.—Editor). Japan: Described and Illustrated by the Japanese. Written by Eminent Japanese Authorities and Scholars. With an Essay on Japanese Art by Kahawyo Okakura, Director of the Imperial Art School of Tokyo, Japan. [Introduction by Arthur J. Mundy.] Exqutsitely illustrated with ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR PAINTINGS by native artists; full-page photographs and many small colored photographs in the text, illustrating the manners, customs, arts and manu- factures of the country. Many of the illustrations are beautifully matted. 10 vols. imperial 4to, bound in decorated silk, silk ties for hinges. Boston: J. B. Millet Company, [1897-1901] EMPRESS EDITION, Limited to 25 copies, of which this is, No. 17, Section 6. AN EXHAUSTIVE AND SUMPTUOUS WORK PRODUCED AT GREAT Cost. Every aspect of the life in Japan is minutely and thoroughly treated. *““CONNOISSEUR’S FEDERAL EDITION’’—FULL LEVANT WITH DOUBLURES 378. JEFFERSON (THOMAS). The Works of Thomas Jefferson. Collected and Edited by Paul Leicester Ford. Frontispieces and engraved titles with vignettes on Japan paper. 12 vols. thick 8vo, FULL OLIVE GREEN LEVANT Morocco, gilt band on sides, gilt paneled backs, DouBLuREs of crimson levant surrounded with border of olive green levant and gilt bands, end- leaves of crimson watered silk, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Putnam’s Sons, 1904-1905 CONNOISSEUR’S FEDERAL EDITION, LIMITED TO 400 NUMBERED SETS, OF WHICH Tuis Is No. 2, the number perforated at top of page. MAGNIFICENT SET. 379. JERROLD (DoucGLas). The Works of Douglas Jerrold. With Life, by W. Blanchard Jerrold. Frontispieces. 5 vols. 12mo, three-quarter brown mo- rocco, full gilt backs, London, no date Inserted in Vol. I is an Autograph Letter Signed by Douglas Jerrold, to John Forster, Dickens’ Biographer, thanking him for sending him a copy of Dickens’ “Martin Chuzzlewit,’’ and referring to ‘‘ Punch.” EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED JESSE’S ‘“‘LONDON” 380. JESSE (JOHN HENEAGE). London: Its Celebrated Characters and Remarkable Places. Illustrated. 3 vols. extended to 6, 8vo, three-quarter crimson levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London: Richard Bentley, 1861 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED and extended to 6 vols. by the insertion of about 400 en- graved portraits and views, and specially printed title-pages in red and black. Several of the plates are neatly inlaid to size. MANY OF THESE FINE PLATES ARE RARE. Among the portraits are: Charles Wentworth; Sir Humphrey Davy; Richard Brinsley Sheridan; Charles II; Gibbon; Scott; Richelieu; Johnson; and many others whose names are associated with London, also numerous fine and desirable views. . A Most INTERESTING COLLECTION OF HISTORICAL MATERIAL RELATING TO ONDON. PRINTED IN BLACK LETTER. FINE COPY 381. JEWELL (BisHop JOHN). The Trve copies of the Letters betwene the reuerend father in God Iohn Bisshop of Sarum and D. Cole, vpon occasion of a Sermon that the said Bishop preached before the Quenes Maiestie, and hir most honorable Counsel. 1560. Set forthe and allowed, according to the order appointed in the Quenes Maiesties Iniunctions. 16mo, full midnight | Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th [ No. 381. JEWELL—Continued | blue straight-grain morocco, gilt borders on sides, enclosing a panel design, gilt back, solid gold edges. Cum gratia & priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis per septennium [1560] FINE Copy oF THIS VERY RARE WorkK. White Kennett’s (Bishop of Peterborough) copy, with his autograph signature on folio 119. Name written on title-page. 382. JOHNSON (CHARLES). Chrysal; or the Adventures of a Guinea: . . . with Interesting Anecdotes of the Most Noted Persons . . . Illustrated with numerous plates COLORED BY HAND. 3 vols. 12mo, new boards, with original paper labels, uncut. In full crimson crushed levant morocco box-case, lined with moire silk. London, 1822 First Edition with these plates. The various anecdotes include descriptions of scenes and people in America. 383. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. 2 vols. in one, 12mo, sheep (name on title). Dublin, 1775 First DUBLIN EpDITION. Much rarer than the first London edition. 384. JoHNSON (SAMUEL). The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. 8vo, full tree calf, rubbed, name on title. Dublin, 1787 First DUBLIN EDITION. SCARCE. COMPLETE SET OF JOHNSON’S ENGLISH POETS 384A. JoHNSON (SAMUEL—Editor). The Works of the English Poets. With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, by Samuel Johnson. And a Poetical Index. With engraved portraits. 75 vols. 16mo, newly bound in half polished calf, gilt paneled backs, with leather labels, lettered, gilt tops. London, 1790 CoMPLETE SET OF THIS CELEBRATED EDITION, including the Lives and a General Index. VERY FINE SET. | 385. JONES (JoHN PauL). Letters of John Paul Jones. With introductory remarks by General Horace Porter and Franklin B. Sanborn. Portrait of author and facsimiles. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. Boston: Bibliophile Society, 1905 Edition printed throughout on Japanese vellum paper. FINELY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED ‘‘JUNIUS” 386. Junrus. WADE (JoHN). Junius: Including Letters by the Same Writer under Other Signatures; to which are added his Confidential Correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his Private Letters to Mr. H. S. Woodfall. 5 vols. 12mo, three-quarter blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt paneled backs, gilt edges, BY MORRELL. London: Bohn, 1850 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about 350 fine plates including many rare portraits and views, several of which are fine old copperplates. Some of the portraits are: Lord North; William III; General Amherst; John Wilkes; John Horne Tooke; Earl of Chatham; Henry VIII; William Pitt; Montesquieu; Charles II; Oliver Crom- ~ well; Sterne; George Grenville; Lord Byron; Marie Antoinette; Philip Stanhope; and other characters mentioned in the text. The views comprise: Guilford from the Meadows; and others. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 387. KetMscoTT Press. Morris (WILLIAM). A Dream of John Ball and a King’s Lesson. Wuth woodcut frontispiece designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, woodcut borders, ornaments and initials. 8vo, vellum, uncut, with ties. Hammersmith, 1892 EDITION LIMITED to 300 copies, printed in the Golden type, in red and black. From the H. Buxton Forman collection, with bookplate. THE KELMSCOTT PRESS “‘REYNARD THE FOXE,’? BOUND AT THE DOVES BINDERY 388. KELMScoTT PREss. CAxTON (WILLIAM). The History of Reynard the Foxe. With woodcut borders, initials and decorations. Smal! folio, FULL DARK GREEN CRUSHED Levant Morocco, sides with large center panel of gilt fillets, wide border in floral and leaf design within an outer frame of gilt fillets and small circles in gilt, gilt paneled back, with design similar to that on sides, inner morocco borders, with fillets and floral and leaf design at corners, folding edges, with gilt fillets and leaf ornamentation at corners, gilt top, uncut, BY THE DOVES BINDERY 18 C[obden]-S[anderson] 97. In half morocco slip-case. Hammersmith, 1892 IN A HANDSOME BINDING. Edition Limited to 300 copies. Printed in Troy type, in red and black, with glossary in Chaucer type. Tipped to fly-leaf is an Autograph Letter Signed,—‘‘T. J. Cobden-Sanderson.” 1}gpp. 12mo. Hammersmith, Feb. 2, 1897. To Mr. Sabin, in connection with an order for binding. Laid in is a 4to portrait of William Morris. [See Reproduction of Binding] THE KELMSCOTT PRESS “EARTHLY PARADISE” 389. KetmscoTT Press. Morris (WiLt1AM). The Earthly Paradise. Woodcut borders and initials. 8 vols. 8vo, vellum, uncut, with ties. Hammersmith, 1896-1897 Edition Limited to 225 copies. Printed in Golden type, in red and black. This is the first publication of the Kelmscott Press on paper with the apple watermark. None of the ten borders used in this book appear in any other book. BEAUTIFUL COLLECTED SET OF KINGSLEY ‘FIRSTS”’ 390. KINGSLEY (CHARLES). The Works of Charles Kingsley. Some illustrated. 44 vols. 8vo and 12mo, three-quarter medium blue levant morocco, gilt, richly gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY ROOT. London and Cambridge, 1848-1878 and no date A BEAUTIFUL AND VERY RARE SET OF COLLECTED FIRST EDITIONS comprising :— The Saint’s Tragedy, or the True Story of Elizabeth of Hungary. London, 1848; Twenty-Five Village Sermons. London, 1849; Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet. 2 vols. London, 1850; Yeast, a Problem. London, 1851; . Phaethon; or Loose Thoughts for Loose Thinkers. Cambridge, 1852; Hypatia: or, New Foes with an Old Face. 2 vols. London, 1853; Who Causes Pestilence? London, 1854; . Alexandria and Her Schools. Cambridge, 1854; Westward Ho! 3 vols. Cambridge, 1855; Glaucus; or, the Wonders of the Shore. Frontispiece. Cambridge, 1855; Sermons for the Times. London, 1855; Two Years Ago. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1857; Andromeda and other Poems. London, 1858; [ Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th [ No. 390. KiIncsLEy—Continued | The Good News of God: Sermons. London, 1859; Miscellanies. 2 vols. London, 1859; Why should we Pray for Fair Weather? A Sermon. With original wrappers bound in. London, 1860; The Limits of Exact Science as applied to History. Cambridge, 1860; Town and Country Sermons. London, 1861; Ode. Performed in the Senate-House, Cambridge on the Tenth of June, MDCCCLXII. Original wrappers bound in. Cambridge, 1862; Gospel of the Pentateuch. A set of Parish Sermons. London, 1863; The Water-Babies: A Fairy Tale for a Land-Baby. With two illustrations by J. Noel Paton. London, 1863; The Roman and the Teuton. A Series of Lectures. Cambridge, 1864; David: Four Sermons. Cambridge, 1865; Hereward the Wake, ‘‘Last of the English.’’ 2 vols. London, 1866; The Water of Life and Other Sermons. London, 1867; Three Lectures . . . on the Ancient Regime. London, 1867; Madam How and Lady Why; or, First Lessons in Earth Lore for Children. With numerous illustrations. London, 1870; At Last: A Christmas in the West Indies. Illustrations. 2 vols. London, 1871; Town Geology. London, 1872; Plays and Puritans, and Other Historical Essays. With a frontispiece portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh. London, 1873; Health and Education. London, 1874; Lectures Delivered in America. London, 1875; Letters to Young Men on Betting and Gambling. London, 1877; True Words for Brave Men. London, 1878; The Hermits. Illustrated. No place, no date. 391. [KipLinG (RuDYARD).] HORSFALL (BRUCE). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR AND PEN-AND-INK DrawInc: “In the Matter of One Compass. By Rudyard Kipling (1892).”’ Height, 10; width, 10 inches. In a black frame and glazed. A compass is drawn in the center, surrounded by lettering of above title, again surrounded by a circle of fish and seaweed. The latter painted in black. THE SCRIBNER KIPLING ON JAPANESE VELLUM—THIRTY-ONE VOLUMES 392. Kiptinc (RupyARD). The Writings in Prose and Verse of Rudyard Kipling. Portraiis and illustrations on Japanese vellum paper. 31 vols. 8vo, silk, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1897-1923 FINE SET. PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, LIMITED TO 204 Copies, OF WHICH THis Is, No. 135. Bound in is a facsimile page of Mr. Kip- ling’s Ms. The set comprises:— Soldiers Three; Plain Tales from the Hills; In Black and White; The Jungle Book; The Light That Failed; Captains Courageous; Rewards and Fairies; Actions and Reactions; Puck of Pook’s Hill; The Day’s Work; Early Verse; Traffics and Discoveries; A Diversity of Creatures; Letters of Travel; The Years Between, and Poems from History; The Irish Guards in the Great War, 2 vols.; and others. 393. KipLinc (RupyarD). A Collection of First Epitions of His Writings. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, original cloth and wrappers. London and New York, 1899-[1918] ALL First EDITIONS, AND FINE Copies, comprising: From Sea to Sea. 2 vols. New York, 1899. First Issue oF First Epition; Actions and Reactions. London, 1909; Sea Warfare. London, 1916; Twenty Poems from Rudyard Kipling. London [1918]. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue GALLEY PROOFS. CONTAINING AUTOGRAPH CORRECTIONS BY KIPLING 394. KIPLING (RUDYARD). SECOND CORRECTED GALLEY ProoFs oF “OLD MEN AT PEVENSEY.”’ With caption to first galley,—The Ladies’ Home Journal, April, 1906 | Puck of Pook’s Hill | By Rudyard Kipling | Author of “The Jungle Books,” “The Just-So | Stories,” etc. | IV—‘Old Men at Pevensey.”. 6 galley sheets, each divided, hinged and matted—one galley to the page, on six folio sheets of drawing paper, with specially prepared title-page, the whole bound in one volume, small folio, full blue morocco, lettered in gilt on back and front cover, BY STIKEMAN. [Philadelphia] 1906 THE COMPLETE SET OF THE SECOND GALLEY PROOFS OF THE COMPLETE STORY, APPEARING As ITs First PUBLICATION AS THE FOURTH OF THE SERIES in The Ladies’ Home Journal, and later in the 1920 issue of ‘‘ Puck of Pook’s Hill,” pages 91 to 117, inclusive. THESE GALLEYS SHOW THE CORRECTIONS MADE BY THE PRINTER OF KIPLING’S ANNOTATIONS ON FirsT GALLEYS OF THIS STORY, AND HAVE 6 ADDITIONAL CORREC- TIONS IN INK, IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF RUDYARD KIPLING, AS WELL As His SIGNATURE IN INITIAL LETTERS. The first galley has stamp of the compositor ‘‘C.M.K.”’ and time-clock stamp. GALLEY PROOFS, CONTAINING AUTOGRAPH CORRECTIONS BY KIPLING 395. KrpLinc (RuDYARD). THIRD CoRRECTED GALLEY Proors or “ YounG MEN AT THE MANor.”’ With caption to first galley,—The Ladies’ Home Journal, February, 1906—2d inst Puck of Pook’s Hill | By Rudyard Kipling | Author of “The Jungle Books,” ‘‘The Just-So | Stories,” etc. | II—Young Men at the Manor | . 5 galley sheets, each sheet divided, hinged and matted—one galley to the page, on five folio sheets of drawing paper, with specially prepared title-page, the whole bound in one volume, small folio, full blue morocco, lettered in gilt on back and front cover, BY STIKEMAN. [Philadelphia] 1906 THE COMPLETE SET OF THE THIRD GALLEY PROOFS OF THE ENTIRE Story, Ap- PEARING As ITs FIRST PUBLICATION AS THE SECOND OF THE SERIES in The Ladies’ Home Journal, and later in the 1920 issue of ‘‘ Puck of Pook’s Hill,”’ pages 33 to 54, inclusive. THIS SET OF GALLEY PRooFs FORMS THE THIRD OF A SERIES OF THREE AND SHOWS THE CORRECTIONS MADE BY THE AUTHOR IN THE PRECEDING SECOND GAL- LEY, PROPERLY CORRECTED BY THE PRINTER; WHILE NEW CORRECTIONS, ENTIRELY IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF RUDYARD KIPLING HAVE BEEN MADE, WHICH COMPRISE 15 ALTERATIONS, MOSTLY OF PUNCTUATION, THREE OF THE GALLEYS HAVE BEEN INITIALED BY KIPLING IN His AUTOGRAPH. The first galley is stamped ‘ Revised Galley.” 396. KiRBy’s WONDERFUL AND ScIENTIFIC Museum: or, Magazine of Remarkable Characters; including all the Curiosities of Nature and Art, from the Remotest Period to the Present Time, drawn from every authentic Source. Illustrated with elegant engravings from the most singular and valuable collection of prints and drawings extant. 6 vols. 8vo, half mottled calf, richly gilt backs, BY BAYNTUN. London, 1803-1820 FINE SET of this most entertaining work. 397. KNIGHT (RICHARD PayNE). A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus and its Connection with the Mystic Theology of the Ancients. To which is added an Essay on the Worship of the Generative Powers during the Middle Ages of Western Europe. With 4o plates. Small 4to, cloth, morocco back, gilt top, uncut. London: Privately Printed, 1865 EDITION LIMITED to 500 copies, this being, No. 15. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th 398. Kock (CHARLES PAUL DE). The Works of De Kock. General Introduction by Jules Claretie. Translated into English by Edith M. Norris. Numerous full-page plates. 38 vols. 8vo, cloth, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut Boston [1903-1906] FINE SET OF THE AUTHOR'S EDITION. No. 705 of 1,000 copies. 399. LABORDE (ALEXANDRE DE). Voyage Pittoresque en Autriche. 2 vols. [ALso] Précis Historique de la Guerre entre la France et L’Autriche en 1809. With 135 FINELY COLORED PLATES OF VIEWS, besides numerous vignettes in bistre and color, tail-pieces, maps, plans, etc. Together, 3 vols. folio, half blue levant morocco, gilt tops. Paris: P. Didot l’ainé, 1821-1822 FINE Work. From the Robert Hoe collection, with bookplate in each volume. LACTANTIUS IN A CONTEMPORARY BINDING 400. LactTantius (L. C.). Opera Varia Divinarum Institutionum lib. VII, etc. Title within fine woodcut border, containing numerous figures. Woodcut initials and ornaments, printer’s device on separate leaf at end. Small 4to, FULL CONTEMPORARY GERMAN BINDING of leather over oak boards, with embossed borders containing classical and emblematic female figures and ornaments, with a crucifix in gilt in the center of obverse cover, and Christ descending into Hell, stamped in blind on reverse cover, both with legends, lacks the original clasps. Enclosed in a brown morocco solander case. Basiliz: apud Andream Cratandrum, 1521 AN UNCOMMON AND BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN OF SWISS-GERMAN BINDING OF THIS PERIOD, in a fine state of preservation, with the exception that the back needs slight repairs. The woodcut border is very much in the style of Hans Holbein, and may be by him. From the Sunderland Library and the Robert Hoe collection, with bookplates. 401. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). WALCKENAER (C. A.). Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages. Frontispiece portrait. 8vo, full blue straight-grain morocco, gilt and blind tooled, gilt edges. Paris, 1820 FINELY BOUND COPY OF THE BEST ENGLISH TRANSLATION 402. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). Tales and Novels in verse of Jean de La Fontaine. Illustrated with portraits of La Fontaine and Eisen, engraved by Ficquet, and with the 85 charming plates by Eisen, INCLUDING THE UNCOVERED ONES. 2 vols. 8vo, new full red French levant morocco, sides and backs elaborately gold tooled, with numerous inlays of blue levant; doublures of full blue levant, covered with gilt tooled doves, dentelle borders, brocaded silk fly-leaves, gilt tops, uncut, BY RITTER. Enclosed in slip-case. Paris and New York, 1883 BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN OF MODERN BOOKBINDING. Printed throughout on Japan- ese Vellum, and limited to ONE HUNDRED CopliEs. The best edition in English of the Celebrated Tales and Novels. COMPLETE AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT BY HAWTHORNE’S SON-IN-LAW 403. LATHROP (GEORGE PARSONS). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT (Com- PLETE) of his novel, ‘‘Gold of Pleasure,’ Written in ink, on one side of 250 quarto pages, with special title-page. Three-quarter crimson levant, gilt, gilt top. A VERY FINE MANUSCRIPT by the son-in-law of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue THE RARE FIRST EDITION—IN THE ORIGINAL BINDING 404. Lamp (CHARLES). Tales from Shakespeare. Designed for the use of Young Persons. Embellished with copperplates, engraved by WILLIAM BLAKE. 2 vols. 12mo, ORIGINAL CALF, slightly worn. Enclosed in half brown morocco double slip-case, elaborately gilt tooled backs, with protecting. cloth covers for each volume London: Printed for Thomas Hodgkins, 1807 First EDITION. EXTREMELY RARE IN THE ORIGINAL BINDING. The plates were designed by Mulready, and engraved by William Blake. They did not meet with Lamb's approbation. He characterized one as ‘‘damn’d beastly vul- garity,”’ and that the incidents depicted by some of the others were not mentioned in the text. Mrs. Godwin, whom he called the ‘‘ bad baby,’’ he blames as responsible for the selection of the titles to the plates. Charles Lamb, in writing to Manning, May 10, 1806, throws additional light on the composition of this now famous book. ‘‘She (Mary) is doing for Godwin’s book- seller twenty of Shakespeare’s plays, to be made into children’s tales. Six are already done by her, to wit, ‘The Tempest,’ ‘Winter’s Tale,’ ‘Midsummer Night,’ “Much Ado,’ ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona,’ ‘Cymbeline,’ and ‘The Merchant of Venice’ is in forwardness. I have done ‘Othello’ and ‘Macbeth,’ and mean to do all the tragedies. I think it will be popular among the little people, besides money. It’s to bring in sixty guineas. Mary has done them capitally, I think you’d think.” PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE DEDICATEE-PUBLISHER 405. LAMB (CHARLES). Album Verses. With a Few Others. Vignette. 12mo, new three-quarter blue morocco, full gilt back, with crimson inlays, gilt edges. London: Moxon, 1830 First EpiT1ion. Dedicated to Edward Moxon. PRESENTATION COPY FROM EDWARD MOXON TO THE ATHENAEUM LIBRARY, in- scribed on fly-leaf preceding title-page: ‘‘To The Athenaeum, with the Publisher's Compliments.’’ On the reverse of title-page is the small stamp of the Athenaeum Library, ‘‘Athenaeum Duplicate Library.” 406. LEECH (JOHN). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR Drawinc: “The Great Tea Ser- pent.” Signed,—‘‘J. L.”’ Height, 434; width, 334 inches. Framed in folder form, with silk and red levant frame, with protecting celluloid. The folder is of full red levant morocco, lettering in gilt on obverse cover, with doublure of red silk, bordered by red levant. An immense serpent is depicted arising from among several jars of tea in a tea mart. The proprietor is paralyzed with terror and stands stupidly gazing at the advancing reptile. The former is an individual of comic appearance possessing a nose an ell in length, similar to that of Pinocchio, and an elongated head, which exceeds the rest of his body in size. 407. LEECH (JOHN). ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAWING: ‘Alderman Gobble on the Eve of Lord Mayor’s Day has a Turtle-mare.’”’ Signed,—‘J. L.” HGEUE 414; length, 534 inches. Matted in a narrow brown frame and glazed. Represents Alderman Gobble deep in his slumbers. A huge turtle is perched on top of his stomach. 408. LEECH (JOHN). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING: “Over the Gate.” Height, 6; length, 814 inches. Matted in a blue and gilt frame and glazed. An English sportsman is portrayed jumping his fine white mare over a gate in an English lane, eS Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th — Ss Sey 409. LEECH (JOHN). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING SIGNED of: ‘The Well.”’ Signed,—" J. Leech.”’ Height, 634; width, 434 inches. Matted in a dull gilt frame and glazed. An artistic wash border, on mat, surrounds drawing. ONE OF THE FINEST LEECH WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS. A pretty maiden has come to draw water from a wayside well. She sings as she turns the great iron handle until the bucket appears in view. Fancy her dismay upon seeing in the bucket, instead of the clear sparkling water, a man’s head, his red nose protruding over the rim! Leech depicts the horrified astonishment on her face with faithful accuracy, leaving many conjectures as to the outcome of her amazing discovery. A friar is seen slowly retreating to a cathedral in the background. 410. LEEcH (JOHN). ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAwING. Height, 7; length, 10 inches. Accompanied by reproduction. Both matted in a black and gilt frame and glazed Goop EXAMPLE OF LEECH. The drawing represents a lady caressing a horse. A mounted horseman is near. The drawing is titled in Leech’s autograph as follows,— “‘ Doosed Aggravating for Young Cornet Flinders, You Know.’’ Then beneath, also in the artist’s autograph,—"' Fair Questioner (coaxingly to favourite hack). ‘It was a Nice "tttle soft nose, it was—and it had very nice eyes, it had—and it was very handsome, it was—and it was a nice 'itile sing altogether!’”’ 411. LEECH (JOHN). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DrRawinaG of: ‘The Good Little Boy.” Signed,—‘John Leech.” Height, 814; length, 1014 inches. In a gilt mat, and gilt frame, glazed. This drawing appeared in ‘‘Punch,’”’ Vol. 19, 1850. The watercolor is larger than the woodcut and the flying gulls in background do not appear in the published illustration. Across the bottom of drawing the following words appear,—‘‘ Master Jackey won't be afraid of salt-water, will he! He'll come to his Martha and bathe like a man.” This fine delineation represents a bathing-house brought right into the sea. A woman of rotund proportions, full clad, is disporting in Neptune’s domain. Just at the door of the bath house, is an ill-tempered child, remonstrating with all the vigor of his young body against joining his nurse in the water. SPLENDID SERIES OF PENCIL DRAWINGS BY LEECH 412. LEECH (JOHN). THIRTY-NINE ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAWINGS on 18 slips. Mounted or matted on folio size boards. Enclosed in blue cloth portfolio with inner flaps. The drawings are as follows: (1) The Return From Vienna 1855, with two drawings on reverse; (2) The Disappointed One, and three others, with a few studies; (3) Something Like a Horse Tamer—Rarey at Chelsea; (4) Proposals fora Happy New Year—Royal Aggression (2 cartoons) (1850-51); (5) A Fashion in 1845, and three other sketches; (6) Premonitory Symptoms of Mr. Briggs’ Hunting Fever, The Dancing Lesson (on reverse) ; (7) Two Figures ‘Shooting Party”’ (large size); (8) Study of a Cabman Quarreling With His Fare; (9) A Skeleton Dressed as a Clown; (10) Interior Room Scene With Groups of Children; (11) Three Sketches (studies) ; (12) Study Ball Room Scene; (13) John Bull’s Store; (14) Mr. Briggs is off Again Hunting, and two others; (15) Performers After a Respectable Funeral, with study for same on reverse; (16) Little Red Riding Hood (Cartoon), used up (Interior with two figures) ; (17) J ayheenel is Bliss (Cartoon), Louis Philippe. Swallowing the Oyster. (Car- toon) ; (18) Unconscious Satire, and two others (Studies). Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue FINE SET OF THIS ALMOST FORGOTTEN PERIODICAL 413. LEECH ILLUSTRATIONS. The London Magazine, Charivari and Courrier des Dames. A Proteus in Politics, a Chameleon in Literature, and a Butterfly — in the World of Bon Ton. With 14 etched plates by “‘ Phiz,”’ Gillray the — younger, and John Leech. COMPLETE SET IN THE EIGHT ORIGINAL PARTS, 8vo, with wrappers and advertisements, uncut. Each part has three small holes in the back margins, indicating that at some time the eight parts were stitched together. Enclosed in a purple morocco solander case, with inner protecting cloth cover. London, 1840 A LITTLE KNOWN AND ALMOST FORGOTTEN PERIODICAL, and exceptionally desira- ble in the original parts. One of the plates in the last part is signed, ““Jack Leech done it.” From the J. Barton Townsend collection, with bookplate. 414. LeEcH ILLUSTRATIONS. The Fiddle Faddle Fashion Book. Edited by the author of the ‘‘Comic Latin Grammar’”’ (P. Leigh). Enriched with numerous H1GHLY COLORED figures of ladylike gentlemen (all of which are depicted on 4 full-page plates, by John Leech). 4to, ORIGINAL WRAPPERS, which contain 12 woodcut designs by Leech. Preserved in slip-case of quarter red levant morocco, with inner cloth wrappers London: Chapman and Hall, circa 1840 First EpIT1Ion. Copies of this amusing volume, in the original wrappers like the above, are very seldom met with. From the J. B. Townsend collection, with bookplate. COMPLETE SET OF LEECH’S “PICTURES OF LIFE” 415. LreEcH ILLUSTRATIONS. Pictures of Life and Character from the Collection of Mr. Punch. [First] to Fifth Series, inclusive. Wzth several hundred illustrations. 5 vols. oblong 4to, half morocco, and. boards. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1864-[1869] COMPLETE SET. ALL First EDITIONS. VERY SCARCE COMPLETE. CONTAINING SOME SCARCE EXTRA-ILLUSTRATIONS 416. LEMON (Mark). Up and Down the London Streets. Jilustrated. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. London, 1867 First EDITION. ExXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 79 plates, many being INDIA PAPER Proors. Facing page 29 is a very scarce print, tipped in, of The Canter- bury Pilgrims, and the Tabard Inn, Southwark. There are also two exceedingly scarce portraits facing page 80 and page 200, the latter being that of Sir Francis Bacon, engraved by F. H. Van Houe. Beside the fine India paper Proofs Before Letters, some of the portraits and views inserted in the volume are: Sir Thomas More; William Caxton; Queen Elizabeth; Anne Bullen; The Tower of London; South Sea House, Threadneedle St.; Canon- bury House; Miles Coverdale; A North View of the India House (Colored); View Street; William Cecil; Exeter Exchange; Lambeth Palace; St. James’s Palace; Fleet of Piccadilly (Colored); Sir Isaac Newton; and others. Many of the foregoing are on India paper. 417. LE SAGE (ALAIN RENE). The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillana. Newly translated from the French by Martin Smart. With 100 finely executed copperplate engravings, COLORED BY HAND. Together, 4 vols. 12mo, full maroon morocco, sides with double gilt fillet borders, gilt backs, gilt inside borders, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1807 VERY FINE Copy OF THIS ATTRACTIVE EDITION. This issue has now become quite scarce. Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th 418. LESAGE (ALAIN RENE). The Adventures of Gil Blas. With 15 finely CoLORED AQUATINTS, designed especially for this edition. 3 vols. 8vo, half contempor- ary roan. Each volume with a cloth protecting cover, and the 3 vols. enclosed in a single quarter blue morocco slip-case. London, 1819 A VERY FINE Copy. 419. LE SaGE (ALAIN RENE). Asmodeus; or, The Devil on Two Sticks. With a Biographical Notice of the Author, by Jules Janin. Translated by Joseph Thomas. With numerous illustrations and vignettes by Tony Johannot. Royal 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, with an artistic border of gilt framework intertwined with sprays of leaves, richly gilt paneled back inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt top, uncut, BY THIERRY. London: Joseph Thomas, 1841 First EDITION OF THIS TRANSLATION. VERY FINE Copy. THE DOWNEY EDITION OF LEVER, IN FULL POLISHED CALF BY ZAEHNSDORF 420. LEVER (CHARLES). The Novels of Charles Lever. Edited by his Daughter. With illustrations by “‘ Phiz,”’ Cruikshank, and others, many of which have been COLORED BY HAND, and with numerous heliogravure views of places mentioned in the text. 37 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, sides with border of triple fillets and floral ornamentation at corners, all in gilt, gilt paneled backs, inner gilt calf borders, solid gilt edges, By ZAEHNSDORF. London: Downey & Company, [1897-1899] De LuxE EDITION OF THE COPYRIGHT EDITION OF THE WRITINGS OF LEVER, this being No. 2 of 100 copies. BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED by T. & A. Constable, of Edinburgh, in black, bold-faced type, and generally conceded to be the finest edition of Lever’s Works. Partial contents:— Arthur O’Leary; Con Cregan; Jack Hinton; Fortunes of Glencore; The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly; That Boy of Norcott’s; Sir Brook Fossbrooke; The Dodd Family Abroad; Tony Butler; The O’Donoghue; Sir Jasper Carew; Harry Lorrequer; Charles O’Malley; Tom Burke; The Martins of Cro’ Martin; etc. Inserted in Vol. I is an Autograph Letter Signed,—‘‘ Charles Lever.'’ One page 4to. Spezia, September 12, 1853. To ‘‘ My dear Saunders,” thanking him for a per- sonal service, and apologizing for an incoherent letter written him a few days before. The letter is addressed on verso to “‘ Alexander Spencer, Esq. 9 Lymot Place, Dublin,"’ and bears the seal intact. 421. LIBER ScRIPTORUM. The First Book of the Authors Club. Decorative woodcut head- and tail-pieces, initials, etc. Thick small folio, full brown straight- grain stamped morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1893 EDITION LIMITED to 250 copies, all on handmade paper, this being, No. 105. The contents comprises original poems, prose sketches, etc., by members of the Club, including Samuel L. Clemens, E. C. Stedman, Theodore Roosevelt, F. Hopkinson Smith, Henry Van Dyke, John Hay, W. D. Howells, C. D. Warner, and others. EacH CONTRIBUTION IS AUTOGRAPHED BY THE AUTHOR. 422. LITERATURE. With Introductions, Biographical Sketches, etc. Various Translators. Frontispieces on Japan vellum, rubricated title-pages. Together, II vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. . New York: The Colonial Press [1900-1901] ComPRISES:—Persian and Japanese Literature. 2 vols.; History of English Literature. By H. A. Taine. 3 vols.; Ideal Commonwealths; Sacred Books of the East; The Spirit of Laws. By Baron de Montesquieu. 2 vols.; Orations of Cicero; Orations of Demosthenes. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 423. LITERATURE OF ITALY. Edited by Rossiter Johnson and Dora Knowlton Ranous. With a General Introduction by William Michael Rossetti, and Special Introductions by James, Cardinal Gibbons, Charles Eliot Norton, S. G. W. Benjamin, William S. Walsh, Maurice Francis Egan, and others. With full-page illustrations, some on Japanese paper, a few in colors. 16 vols. full leather, various colors, front covers and backs richly ornamented (the former in gilt), the bindings being facsimiles of early Italian bindings, gilt tops, uncut. No place: The National Alumni [1907] RENAISSANCE EDITION, limited to 500 copies, this set, No. 7, being prepared for Robert Stewart Barclay, with Certificate signed by Rossiter Johnson. ComMPRISES: History of Italian Literature, by Flamini; Conquest of Rome, by Serao; Memoirs, by Cellini; Orlando Furioso, by Ariosto; The Flame, by d’Annunzio; Jerusalem Delivered, by Tasso; The Courtier, by Castiglione; New Life, by Dante Alighieri; Marco Visconti, by Grossi; etc. A SUPERBLY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED LIFE OF LINCOLN 424. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). NICOLAY (JOHN G.) AND Hay (JouNn). Abraham Lincoln: A History. With numerous portraits. 10 vols. FULL BLUE FRENCH LEvANT Morocco, panel design of fillets on sides enclosing a dotted line framework with shields and laurel sprays in corners, facsimile of Lincoln’s signature in gilt on front covers; DouBLUREs of full red French levant morocco with single dotted line with floral corner ornaments, border of blue levant morocco with a framework of gilt fillets; fly-leaves of white watered silk; gilt paneled backs with eagle and shield designs. New York, 1890 FIRST EDITION OF THIS Most AUTHORITATIVE OF LINCOLN BIOGRAPHIES. FINELY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of TwWENTy-Two AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, LETTERS SIGNED, AND DOCUMENTS SIGNED, BY PRESIDENTS LINCOLN, BUCHANAN AND GRANT, MEMBERS OF CABINETS, AND EMINENT STATESMEN. The autograph material comprises,— LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Document Signed. One page folio, July 22, 1861. Counter- signed by William H. Seward, Secretary of State. Appointment of a U. S. Attorney. LINCOLN (ROBERT—Son of Pres. Lincoln; Secretary of Navy in cabinet of Presi- pk a ree eal Letter Signed. One page 12mo, June 19, 1882. To General W.S. ancock. CLay (HENRY—Secretary of State in cabinet of President J. Q. Adams). A. L.S. One page, 12mo, June 5, 1844. DouGLas (STEPHEN A.—U. S. Senator). Letter Signed. One page, 12mo, Wash- ington, January 27, 1857. Complying with a request for his autograph. BUCHANAN (JAMES—Fifteenth President of the United States). Autograph Letter Signed. One page 8vo, Wheatland, June 1, 1867. Personal letter, in which he men- tions his ill health. Davis (JEFFERSON—President of the Confederate States). Autograph Letter Signed,—“‘ Jefferson Davis.’ One page 8vo, Beamoir, Missi. July 19, 1885. Regard- ing a book by Col. Norris. . WINTHROP (ROBERT—U. S. Senator). Letter Signed. One page 12mo, no place or date. WEBSTER (DANIEL—Secretary of State in the Cabinets of Presidents W. H. Harrison and Fillmore). Autograph Letter Signed. One page 12mo, Jan. 8, 1850. To Hon. J. P. Kennedy, extending an invitation to dine. STEPHENS (ALEXANDER H.—Vice-President of the Confederate States). Auto- graph Letter Signed. One page 4to, House of Representatives, Washington, Aug. 10, 1882. To ‘‘Hon. James Russell Lowell,” then Minister to England. SEWARD (WILLIAM H.—Secretary of State in Lincoln’s Cabinet). Autograph Letter Signed. One page 12mo, July 21, 1832. ‘ SCOTT a WINFIELD). Autograph Letter Signed. One page 12mo [Decem- er 1830]. MCCLELLAN (Major GENERAL GEORGE B.). Autograph Letter Signed. One page 12mo, Chicago, Sept. 15, 1858. | Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th [No. 424. Lincotn (ABRAHAM)—Continued | STANTON (Epwin—Secretary of War in President Lincoln’s Cabinet). Letter Signed. One page 4to, Aug. 22, 1863. CONKLIN (RoscoE C.—U. S. Senator). Autograph Letter Signed. 2pp. 12mo, Washington, May 3, 1879. CuHasE (SALMON P.—Chief Justice of U. S.). Autograph Letter Signed. One page 8vo, Cincinnati, Oct. 8, 1868. WELLES (GIDEON—Secretary of the Navy under Lincoln). Letter Signed. One page 4to, Washington, March 14, 1866. Submitting to President Lincoln the names of two men to be appointed Lieutenants. Grant (U. S.—Eighteenth President of the U. S.)._ Autograph Letter Signed. One page 12mo, Washington City, April 4, 1864. To General Rawlins, relative to leaving on a 10 o'clock train. JOHNSTON (Major GENERAL JOSEPH E.). Autograph Letter Signed. 2pp. Balti- more, April 25, 1866. To General W. S. Walker. WILSON (HENRY—Vice-President under Grant). Autograph Letter Signed. One page 4to, Washington, July 16, 1870. To Hon. T. Murphy. SHERMAN (GENERAL W. T.). Autograph Letter Signed. 3pp. 8vo, Washington, May 21, 1864. To A. D. Smith, President of Dartmouth College, accepting an invi- tation to Dartmouth College on July 21, and expects President Lincoln will go. EVERETT (E.—Secretary of State under Fillmore). Autograph Letter Signed. One page 4to, Boston, April 25, 1827. To an unnamed person, in which he mentions Adams and Jefferson. FARRAGUT (D. E.—American Admiral). Document Signed. One page 4to, “* Off Mobile, June 1, 1864.” Relative to a leave of absence which was requested of him. BRYANT (W. C.—American Poet) Autograph Letter Signed. One page 12mo, Oct. 25, 1836. GREELEY (HoRACE—American Journalist). Autograph Letter Signed. One page 1z2mo, New York, Jan. 24, 1859. Tuomas (Major GENERAL GEORGE H.). Autograph Letter Signed. One page 12mo, West Point, October 18, 1869. Replying to a request for his photograph. ‘““CONNOISSEUR’S FEDERAL’? LINCOLN, FULL LEVANT WITH DOUBLURES 425. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). The Writings of Abraham Lincoln. Edited by Arthur Brooks Lapsley. With an Introduction by Theodore Roosevelt. Together with the Essay on Lincoln, by Carl Schurz; the Address on Lincoln, by * Joseph H. Choate; and the Life of Lincoln, by Noah Brooks. Portraits and illustrations, proofs on Japan paper; engraved titles on Japan paper, and regular titles printed in red and black. 8 vols. thick royal 8vo, FULL CRIMSON Levant Morocco, gilt paneled backs; DousLures of dark blue levant with outer gilt and crimson levant borders, end-leaves of dark blue watered silk, gilt tops, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1905-1906 HANDSOME SET OF THE CONNOISSEUR’S FEDERAL EDITION, limited to 400 numbered copies, of which this is, No. I. A VERY IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF LITHOGRAPHS 426. LirHoGRAPHY. Galerie Lithographiée de son Altesse Royale Monseigneur le Duc d'Orléans. With a large number of fine plates on INDIA PAPER, after famous painters. 2 vols. folio, full straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges, rubbed, some foxmarks throughout volumes. Paris, circa 1826 AN UNUSUALLY FINE COLLECTION OF LITHOGRAPHS after Gérard; Horace Vernet; Steuben; Bouton; Isabey; and others. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue LODGE’S PORTRAITS—LARGEST PAPER, INDIA PROOFS 427. LopDGE (EDMUND). Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, engraved from authentic pictures in the galleries of the nobilities, and the — public collections of the country, with Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Their Lives and Actions. Beautifully illustrated with 240 fine portraits, these being ALL FULL-PAGE Proors ON INDIA PAPER. 4 vols. atlas folio, full contemporary red morocco, gilt tooled borders and panels on sides, | richly gilt backs; doublures and end-leaves of red watered silk, gilt edges (somewhat rubbed). London: Printed for Lackington, Hughes, etc., and Longman, Hurst, etc., 1821 LARGEST PAPER Copy OF THE First EDITION, the plates being India paper proofs: The copy contains five extra PLATES BEFORE LETTERS of Henry Howard, Earl o Surrey; King Henry the Eighth; Henry Steward (Lord Darnley), King of Scotland; Sir William Maitland; and Thomas Radclyffe, Earl of Sussex. Original subscribers’ copy, bound from the original numbers. THE LARGE PAPER LONGFELLOW. FULL LEVANT 428. LONGFELLOW (HENRY W.). The Writings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. With Biographical and Critical Notes. 1886-1896. 11 vols.; [ALso] Life of Longfellow. 2 vols. 1886; Memoirs of Longfellow. 1887. [Both] Edited by Samuel Longfellow. Each volume illustrated with portraits and other photogravures on India paper; rubricated title-pages. Together, 14 vols. 8vo and royal 8vo, uniformly bound in DarK GREEN LEVANT Morocco, triple gilt fillets on sides, gilt paneled backs, inner gilt borders, uncut, BY MORSELL. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1886-1896 FINE SET OF THE LIMITED EDITIONS, 25 COPIES ONLY, PRINTED FOR GREAT BRI- TAIN, OF EACH NUMBERED II and 5, respectively. 429. Louis XI oF France. Document Signed,—“ Louys.” On parchment. One page 4to, Orleans, Nov. 23, 1466. A FINE ITEM. Rare. Although this document was signed by Louis XI of France, nearly 500 years ago, it is still bright and clean. IN SPLENDID CONDITION. : IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF RARE AUTOGRAPHS 430. Louis XIII or FRANcE, ANNE OF AUSTRIA, AND PuiLip II oF SPAIN. Two Autograph Letters Signed, and one Letter Signed, as below described. With 7 finely engraved portraits, inlaid to size. With typewritten translations of two letters, and biographical sketches of the persons here mentioned. Each piece inlaid to size, or tipped to sheet of cream color drawing paper. The whole bound in small folio volume, full brown straight-grain morocco, _ gilt fillets on sides, gilt lettering up back and on front cover. THREE VERY FINE AUTOGRAPHS BY NoTED RULERS OF FRANCE AND SPAIN, WRITTEN CLEARLY AND LEGIBLY, EACH LETTER IN FINE STATE OF PRESERVATION, comprising,— Louis XIII, KInG oF FRANCE. Autograph Letter Signed,—‘“‘ Louis,” 2pp. Ato, n. p., 1633. To Lt.-Gov. Boutilier, reading in part (translation),—‘*. . . you may write at once to M. de Beade that in case the Longjumeau Regiment has not yet entered Nancy, that he should not let it do so, until he receives new orders. . . . No Regiment has ever plundered as they have, and it is only suitable that some of the Officers should be punished for it. . . . I was not willing to write this to the Cardinal [Richelieu] for fear of worrying him in the state he is. . . .’’ FINE ITEM. Puitip II or Spain. Letter Signed.—" Philippe,” one page 4to, Madrid, June 16, 1579. | Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th ee eS eS eae [ No. 430. Louis XI]I—Continued | Philip II’s political and religious oppression provoked in 1567 a revolt of the Netherlands, which resulted in the virtual independence of the seven Northern Provinces by the Union of Utrecht in 1579. ANNE OF AusTRIA (Eldest daughter of Philip II of Spain, queen of Louis XIII of France, and mother of Louis XIV). Autograph Letter Signed,—‘‘ Anne,” 14pp. 4to, Paris, October 3, 1649. A cordial letter to her sister. VERY RARE IN FULL AUTOGRAPH. 431. Louys (PIERRE). Aphrodite. Translated into English from the French of Pierre Louys. With plates IN Two States, one set black, and the other, red Proors BEFORE LETTERS on Japanese vellum paper. 8vo, full purple mo- rocco covered with an all-over thistle pattern in gilt, inner morocco borders, gilt, gilt top, uncut. No place: Privately Printed, 1919 BEAUTIFUL Copy. EDITION LIMITED to 186 copies on handmade paper, imported from Arches, France, this being, No. 9o. 432. Louys (P1ERRE—Translator). The Songs of Bilitis. Translated from the Greek by Pierre Louys. A New Rendering in English with Notes and Comment. Frontispiece. 8vo, boards, art linen back, gilt top, uncut. No place: Privately Printed, 1919 EDITION LIMITED to 975 copies, this being, No. 276. 433. Love Soncs. The Cupid: A Collection of Love Songs. Reprinted from the 434. 435. 430. First Edition. 8vo, half dark blue morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Derby: Privately printed for subscribers only at the Moray Press, 1891 PRIVATELY PRINTED AND LIMITED. THIS IS ONE OF 27 COPIES PRINTED ON JAPAN VELLUM. LOWELL’S CLASS POEM, FIRST EDITION, WRAPPERS [LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL).] Class Poem. 8vo, ORIGINAL WRAPPERS, portion of back wrapper torn away. Enclosed in a folder of full red straight- grain limp morocco, gilt lettered on obverse cover, inner protecting flaps, all lined with green watered silk. [Cambridge] 1838 First EDITION. AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, with the following inscription in ink on front wrapper,—‘‘ Professor Pierce with the respects of the author."’ Very fine copy interiorly. From the Stephen H. Wakeman collection, with his book-label. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). The Works of James Russell Lowell. Jilustrated with steel portraits and photogravures; vignette on titles. 11 vols. 12mo, half brown morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company [1892] STANDARD LIBRARY EDITION. MAETERLINCK (MAvRICE). Essays. Photogravure portrait. 12 vols. 12mo, half maroon morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Dodd Mead and Company, circa 1915 FINE SET OF THE AUTOGRAPH EDITION, limited to 150 sets printed on handmade Old Stratford paper, with Autograph Signature of Maeterlinck in the first volume. The translations in the above works are by Alfred Sutro, de Mattos and others. Comprises:—Treasure of the Humble; Wisdom and Destiny; Life of the Bee; Buried Temple; Double Garden; Measure of the Hours; On Emerson and Other Essays; Our Eternity; Unknown Guest; Wrack of the Storm; Great Secret; Mountain Paths. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue AN EXTREMELY RARE EARLY ISSUE OF ‘‘MORTE D’ARTHUR” 437. [Matory (Str THomas).] The Most Ancient and Famovs History of the Renowned Prince Arthur King of Britaine, Wherein is declared his Life and Death with all his glorious Battailes against the Saxons, Saracens and Pagans, which (for the honour of his Couritry) he most worthily atchieued. As also, all the Noble Acts, and Heroick Deeds of his Valiant Knights of the Rovnd Table, newly refined, and published for the delight, and profit of the Reader. With three frontispieces engraved on wood. 3 parts in one volume, thick small 4to, full dark green morocco, gilt fillet border on sides, corner ornaments in gilt, gilt decorative back, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, BY PRATT. London: Printed by William Stansby, for Iacob Bloome, 1634 EXTREMELY RARE. The third part is dated 1624. The title is neatly mounted, the lower line of the third frontispiece cut into, few leaves cut close, and some neatly remargined, otherwise a good copy of this rare item. From the Thomas J. McKee, Henry W. Poor and W. T. Wallace collections, with bookplates of the two first. FINE COLLECTION OF DRAWINGS AND PRINTS 438. MANDER (KAREL VAN). ORIGINAL DRAWINGS AND PRINTS to his “Lives of the Painters.’’ Comprises 162 plates including etchings and engravings tnlaid on cartridge paper, also 57 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, SOME BEING IN WATER- Cotor. Royal folio, full red russia, richly gilt sides and back, inner gilt borders and edges, BY CLARKE AND BEDFORD. | A UNIQUE AND CuRIoUS VoLUME. The original drawings of the portraits were made for the first edition of this work. Many of the fine engravings are rare. Except- ing the frontispiece, portrait of Fokke, Karl van Mander and one portrait of Lad- miral, which are in one state, the engravings are all In Two STATES. Several explana- tory notes appear in the margins. From the W. H. Crawford and John Platt collections, with bookplates. POPE BONIFACE VIII DECRETALS: FINELY WRITTEN FOURTEENTH CENTURY MANUSCRIPT—THICK LARGE FOLIO 439. Manuscript. BontraceE VIII, Pope. Liber VI decretalium, Manuscript of the Fourteenth Century, probably of Flemish or Dutch origin. Written in Latin, in Gothic letters, two columns of about 56 lines each to the page, on both sides of 367 leaves of thick stout paper 1614 by 114% inches. Spaces left for capitals with guide letters written in. Large thick folio, modern binding of full white vellum with stamped line framework, small brass corners and centerpieces in the style of the early bindings. Before 1380 SPLENDID SPECIMEN OF EARLY MANUSCRIPT WoRK, neatly and clearly written and in unusually fine state of preservation. No date appears in the manuscript but a brief colophon at the end of the first part reads, ‘‘ Explicit liber qrtus nouelle dm jo. an. p. Man’. Jo. Wydenuelt.”” Thecolophon at the end of the volume repeats the name of Johannis Andree, but the scribe’s name does not appear. Below this is written in a different hand, “‘ Hunc librorum Leganis Dmis Gabriel de Pitner nic vero frat. Gabriel ordis minorum of fransic. Loco sancti Bernardini,” etc. Another inscription, different in wording but of the same import, is also written on the |same page between the Colophon and the one quoted. ; AN EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAR EARLY TRANSCRIPT of these famous Decretals with the Glosses by Andrea, the writing possibly almost CONTEMPORARY WITH THE ORIGINAL WorkK as Andrea died in 1348. A Most VALUABLE WORK FOR THE COMPARATIVE USE OF THE STUDENT OR FOR THE COLLECTOR OF FINE MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS, Practically free from stains or other blemishes, in fact, aside from immaterial wear on edges of first and last leaves and a few worm-holes, IN PERFECT CONDITION. [See Reproduction of Last Page] a - sy Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th ag SE ee le ali aha bein Rte lahcntiee alia dbae Met bed 440. Martz ANTOINETTE. The Life of, by Maxime de la Rocheterie. Translated from the French by Cora H. Bell. Engraved portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, new three-quarter maroon French levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1895 VERY FINE Copy. This work was crowned by the Académie Francaise. 441. MARKHAM (Epwin). The Real America in Romance. Edited by Edwin Markham. Illustrated IN CoLor and black and white. 13 vols. 8vo, half brown leatherette, emblematically stamped, gilt tops (somewhat rubbed). New York, 1912 CoMPRISES: Beyond Sunset Seas; The Golden Quest; Swords of Flame; Princess and Cavalier; On Savage Shores; The Red Frontier; Dueling for Empire; A Rescued Destiny, etc. (fel ne 8 4 We 4 har’ efron xf no = fiaasw yt de Je - sed ye Evhea yay Tero? de of cee fop Fhe we ‘ oe top (ane (up ofex nia ep aap cau fot sep a: ie Ae oe. 2 wy & lore "Eu ett motu ra Auffragia : Gt fbciens aie “am < : ribet om pee Aaa fla. nchuctle: CN ally Sm oy nit Jig DUAR AS Comp abe ‘abd [ No. 439 ] EXCESSIVELY RARE MUSICAL AUTOGRAPH MS. 442. MASSENET (JULES E. F.—famous French operatic composer, 1842-1912). ORIGINAL MusicaL MANuscripT, of his ‘“‘Chant No. 4 pour le Piano.” Written in ink, with Words, on 4 folio pages, dated, ‘‘ Paris, 30 7bre 1876 matin,’’ with a number of corrections in same. Three leaves (6pp.) bound together with linen tape. With portrait. Together, 2 pieces. _A SPLENDID MusIcAL MANUSCRIPT BY ONE OF THE Most Famous OPERATIC COMPOSERS OF MODERN TIMES, WITH AUTOGRAPH DEDICATION, SIGNED, 3 lines, on first page, as follows,—d@ Mademoiselle Héléne Fleury (erased) souvenir res pectueux et amical. J. M.’’ and beneath this,—‘‘ Poésie de Georges Boyer. Musique de J. Mas- senet.”” AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE MANUSCRIPT, but one other being recorded as having been sold at auction, and that many years ago. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 443. Maupassant (Guy DE). Autograph Letter Signed,—‘‘ Guy de Maupassant.” One page 12mo, n.p. n.d. To ‘‘ Madame.” VERY FINE SPECIMEN OF AN AUTOGRAPH LETTER BY THIS NOTED FRENCH WRITER. Maupassant’s autographs are VERY RARE. Interesting letter reading in part, (trans- lation). ‘‘I am very sorry that you are unable to attend this little outdoor celebration. I trust Mr. Fontaine will still be here and that he will come and see our ‘Phenomena’ (merrymaking).”’ LIMITED TO FIFTY SETS. FULL MOROCCO WITH DOUBLURES 444. Maupassant (Guy DE). The Life Work of Henri René Guy de Maupassant. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. Embracing Romance, Travel, Comedy, and Verse, for the First Time Com- plete in English. With a Critical Preface by Paul Bourget. Beautifully illustrated with full-page plates IN Two STATES, one set on Japan paper, the other COLORED BY HAND; also, at the head of each chapter is a marginal alus- tration, COLORED BY HAND; all from original drawings by eminent French and American artists; illuminated title-pages; all on Japan paper. 17 vols. 8vo, FULL OLIVE GREEN LEvANT Morocco, triple gilt fillet border on sides with marginal scrolls and scroll design in corners, in gilt; floral design in gilt on backs; DouBLURES of crimson morocco, with outer border of olive green levant and narrow ornamental gilt bands, small fleur-de-lis corner designs; gilt tops, uncut (backs very slightly faded) New York: M. Walter Dunne [1903] HANDSOME SET OF THE ROUEN EDITION, LIMITED TO FIFTY SETS, OF WHICH THIS Is, No. 15. PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPAN PAPER. Signed by the Editor,—“ Robert Arnot.’’ MANY OF THE COLORED PLATES ARE SIGNED BY THE ARTIST, in pencil. The marginal illustrations are most delicately colored. The set comprises: Short Stories; The Horla; In Various Roles; A Duel; Une Vie; Odalisque of Senichou; Bel Ami, Yvette; Mont Oriol; The Olive Grove; Pierre et Jean; Fort comme la Mort; Au Soleil; Sur l’Eau; La Paix du Ménage; Short Stories, etc.; Les Dimanches d’un Bourgeois; Francesca and Carlotta Rondoli. MELVILLE (HERMAN). Mardi: and a Voyage Thither. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1849 First Epition. Although slightly foxed (as usual) a copy of this scarce book much above the average in condition. MELVILLE (HERMAN). Israel Potter: His Fifty Years of Exile. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1855 First EDITION. MELVILLE (HERMAN). The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1857 FIRST EDITION. MELVILLE (HERMAN). Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War. 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1866 FIRST EDITION. STANDARD EDITION—VERY FINE SET MELVILLE (HERMAN). Complete Works: Standard Edition, including much hitherto unpublished material. 16 vols. 8vo, three-quarter French crimson levant morocco, red cloth sides, gilt, paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Constable & Co., 1922-1924 THE SPLENDIDLY PRODUCED STANDARD EDITION, limited to 750 copies, this being No. 653, signed by the publishers. [ Continued Second Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 25th [ No. 449. MELVILLE—Continued | This Sailor-Novelist would have been astonished at his own popularity had he lived to witness the phenomenal interest in the South Seas of the last few years. His tales of the Whalers have always found many admirers among the literati and now the great general public is becoming aware of their fine and extraordinary qualities. CONTENTS:—Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life; Omoo: A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas; Mardi and a Voyage Thither. 2 vols.; Redburn, his First Voyage; White Jacket, or, The World in a Man-of-War; Moby Dick or the Whale. 2 vols.; Pierre or the Ambiguities; Piazza Tales; Israel Potter: His Fifty Years of Exile; The Confidence Man: His Masquerade; Billy Budd and other Prose Pieces; Clarel—A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land. 2 vols.; Poems, Battle Pieces, John Marr and other Sailors, etc. THE SCRIBNER MEREDITH ON JAPANESE VELLUM 450. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Works of George Meredith. 27 vols. [Aso] Letters. Collected and Edited by his Son. 2 vols. With numerous full-page illustrations on Japan vellum; rubricated title-pages, with vignette on India paper. Together, 29 vols. 8vo, three-quarter green crushed levant morocco, full gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1909-1912 Fine SET OF THE MEMORIAL EDITION, Limited to 204 sets PRINTED ON JAPAN VELLUM THROUGHOUT, of which this is, No. 2. The Best Library Edition, LonG OuT OF PRINT AND SCARCE, INCLUDES: Shaving of Shagpat; Richard Feverel; Rhoda Fleming; Diana of the Crossways; Sandre Belloni, 2 vols.; Vittoria. 2 vols.; Beauchamp’s Career. 2 vols.; and others. 451. MERRICK (LEONARD). The Works of Leonard Merrick. Vignettes on title- pages. 13 vols. 8vo, three-quarter dark blue levant morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, [1919-1924] A BEAUTIFUL SET. Edition Limited to 1500 copies. Introductions by William Dean Howells, Sir J. M. Barrie, H. G. Wells and other noted writers. INCLUDES:—Conrad in Quest of his Youth; The Worldlings; When Love Flies Out 0’ the Window; One Man’s View; Cynthia; The Man Who Understood Women; When Paris Laughed; A Chair on the Boulevard; and others. REMARKABLE MEYERBEER COLLECTION 452. MEYERBEER (Gr1AcoMo). GruUNEISON (C. L.). Original Manuscript of ‘“Meyerbeer and the Lyric Drama.”’ An Unfinished Biographical Sketch by Charles Lewis Griineison. Manuscript of about 7,500 words written in ink on 60 square 12mo pages, also Io similar pages of notes in ink; SEVEN AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED BY MEYERBEER; Four Autograph Letters Signed by Minna Meyerbeer; Clippings and other items relating to the composer. All bound into a 4to volume, full dark green levant morocco, triple gilt fillet borders on sides, gilt paneled back, inner gilt borders, gilt edges, BY ZAEHNSDORF. A REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF MATERIAL RELATING TO MEYERBEER. T he letters of this great musical genius are very desirable, for amongst many other names of interest he alludes to the famous Mendelssohn. Meyerbeer, as is well known, was a German composer of great eminence, born in Berlin of Jewish extraction. He studied under Vogler and Clementi and became universally known as a great operatic com- poser. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue A SET OF FABER’S MEZZOTINT PORTRAITS OF THE HAMPTON COURT BEAUTIES 453. MEZzzOTINTS. FABER (JOHN). The Beauties done from the Original Pictures in his Majestie’s Pallace of Hampton Court, by S. Godfrey Kneller. With oval portrait surrounded by angels and 12 fine mezzotint portraits of beautiful women, by J. Faber after G. Kneller. Each portrait except the frontispiece, upped in a sunken mat, the latter is loosely matted, all neatly hinged on art linen. Atlas folio, full ultramarine levant morocco, gilt fillets and decorative border on sides, richly gilt back, richly gilt inner borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. [London] circa 1750 COMPLETE SET, VERY RARE TuHus. IN THIS EXTREMELY FINE COLLECTION OF MEZZOTINT PorTRAITs, some of the beauties depicted are: The Duchess of Grafton; the Duchess of Manchester; the Duchess of Marlborough; the Duchess of St. Al- bans; the Countess of Clarendon; the Countess of Dorset; the Countess of Essex; the Hon. Lady Midelton; and others. 454. Mrtitary ANTIQUITIES. Roy (WILLIAM). The Military Antiquities of the Romans in Britain. Published by the order, and at the expense of, The Society of Antiquaries of London. With 51 finely engraved plates, being maps, plans and views, showing fortifications, plans of camps, etc. Folio, full scored russia, elaborately gilt tooled (one joint weak). London, 1793 FIRST EDITION OF THIS FINE AND RARE PUBLICATION. The Huth Copy, with book-label. 455. MILLER (JOAQUIN). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUuscRIPT, entitled, “The Month of the Father of Waters.’’ Manuscript of about THREE THOUSAND Worps, SIGNED IN FULL:at end, written in ink on one side of 10 small folio leaves of yellow paper. Enclosed in dark green cloth slip-case, with gilt lettered morocco back, and inner cloth protecting folder. FINE SPECIMEN OF AUTOGRAPH Ms. BY MILLER. Third Session, Numbers 456 to 677, inclusive WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 25, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COPY—FIRST EDITION, FOURTH TITLE-PAGE 456. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in ten books. The Author John Milton. Small 4to, full dark green levant morocco, broad gilt framework on sides, gilt back, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, Printed by S. Simmons, and to be sold by S. Thompson [etc.], 1668 First EDITION with the 4th title-page and with the 6-line “‘The Printer to the Reader,’’ appearing on leaf A 2. This copy agrees with the Church Collation of the First Edition with the First Title-page (No. 494) as to the errors in line numbers, excepting Book III line 530, which is printed ‘‘50’’ with no space between the two numerals as in the first issue; Book IV lines 660, 670, 680 and 810 are correctly numbered in this copy; Book V line 510 is correctly numbered. This copy has the following variations in spelling, capitalization and punctuation: —Book II line 1009, ‘‘Havook”’; Book III line 97, ‘“‘me’’; line 663 ‘‘accostes.’’; line 750 has the corrected word ‘‘in’’ in place of “‘with,”’ this line is also correctly numbered, some copies having it ‘‘760’’; Book IV line 83, ‘‘Spirits’’; line 88, “‘sroane:”’; line 90 misnumbered, ‘80’’; line 91, ‘‘supream”’; line 720, “‘stood,’’; Book V line 287, ‘‘ Bands’’; line 301, ‘‘ Raies to”’; line 608, ‘‘Lord,”’; line 710, “ with- in,” line 743, ‘‘ Morning”’; line 827, ‘‘our Head’’; Book VIII line rror, “renown’d,’’; Book IX line 982, ‘‘misery,’’; line 1078, ‘“‘supplie’’; Book X line 32, ‘‘ pray, let mee’’; line 76, ‘‘Doom”; line ror, ‘‘ Warriors”’; line 139, “‘linkt’’; line 904, “‘few,’’; Book Vv line 616 is mot indented; the catchwords agree with the variations given by Church; the heading of leaf K 2 reads correctly ‘‘ Book 3.”’ A VERY FINE Copy, EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN AND UNSPOTTED. With margins be- yond the rule throughout. The E. B. Holden copy with bookplate. IN A GORGEOUS MOSAIC BINDING BY RIVIERE—FIRST EDITION 457. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Regain’d. A Poem. In IV Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes. The Author John Milton. 12mo, full crushed levant morocco, mosaic, as below described. London: Printed by J. M. for John Starkey, 1671 First EpITION. Contains the leaf of License, reading:—‘‘ Licensed, July 2, 1670,” preceding title, and the unnumbered leaf containing the ‘‘Errata,’’ at the end. IN A VERY BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN OF Mosaic BINDING BY RIVIERE. Bound in full crushed levant crimson morocco, with a border of fawn levant and gilt fillets on sides, enclosing a most intricate interlaced pattern of strapwork and leaves in buff, blue and two values of green, exquisitely heightened with gilt outline, richly gilt paneled back of similar tooling and inlays; doublures of black crushed levant morocco, with a remarkable strapwork design inlaid in red and fawn levant. Inlaid around medallion in center, is a most artistic floreated design done in gilt line, ona strip of deep blue crushed levant, which is artistically bordered by part of the fawn strapwork. The whole is masterfully gilt tooled in outline; end-leaves of black crushed levant, with narrow border of fawn levant, enclosing panels of red and fawn strapwork, interlaced at corners, intertwined with floreated gilt design, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. Enclosed in a deep blue straight-grain morocco case, padded purple velvet and watered silk lined, brass locks. [See Reproduction of Binding] Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 458. Mitton (JoHN). The Works of John Milton in Verse and Prose. Printed from the Original Editions with a Life of the Author by the Rev. John Mitford. Portrait, facsimile and chart. 8 vols. 8vo, full olive green morocco, gilt, gilt paneled back, gilt edges. London: Bickers and Bush, 1863 HANDSOME SET of the library edition. THE FINE SCRIBNER EDITION OF DONALD G. MITCHELL 459. MiTcHELL (DONALD G.). The Works of Donald G. Mitchell. Portraits and illustrations, frontispieces on India paper; and rubricated titles, with vignettes on India paper. 16 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crimson levant morocco, full gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. . New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1907 THE BEST EDITION OF THE WORKS OF MITCHELL, LONG OuT oF PRINT AND SCARCE. Edition limited to 204 sets with the PoRTRAIT SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR. Printed on Ruisdael handmade paper with extra illustrations. Nos. 1 to 25 have a number of the illustrations SIGNED BY THE ARTISTS. This is Set No. 12. HANDSOME SET, including:— Fresh Gleanings; Reveries of a Bachelor; Dream Life; Wet Days at Edgewood; Bound Together; Out of Town Places; Dr. Johns. 2 vols.; Seven Stories; and others. 460. Mitrorp (Mary RussELL). Recollections of a Literary Life; or Books, Places, and People. 3 vols. 1852; The Life of Mary Russell Mitford. Edited by the Rev. A. G. L’Estrange. 3 vols. 1870; Letters of Mary Russell Mitford. Edited by Henry Chorley. 2 vols. 1872; The Friendships of Mary Russell Mitford. Edited by the Rev. A. G. L’Estrange. 2 vols. 1882. Together, 10 vols. 12mo, half red levant morocco, gilt, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London, 1852-1882 HANDSOME SET. FINE SET OF ONLY COMPLETE EDITION IN ENGLISH 461. MOLiERE (J. B. PoQUELIN). The Works of Moliére. Superbly illustrated with etchings by Louis Leloir, Maurice Leloir, Jacques Leman, and Edouard Hédouin, and with vignettes on India paper. 32 vols. royal 4to, full dark green levant morocco, triple gilt fillets on sides, emblematically tooled backs, inside morocco and gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. Paris: Chez Barrie Fréres, no date One of only 500 copies printed on papier vergé Hollande, of which this is, No. 471. VERY FINE SET OF THE ONLY COMPLETE EDITION OF MOLIERE IN ENGLISH. Besides the beautiful etchings, there are reproductions of the title-pages of the original editions. 462. MonaHAN (MIcHAEL). At the Sign of the Van. N. Y., 1914; Heinrich Heine. N. Y., 1911; New Adventures. N. Y. [1917]; Palms of Papyrus. East Orange, 1909; LE GALLIENNE (R.). Michael Monahan. An Appreciation. Portratt. N.p., 1914. Together, 5 vols. 8vo and 12mo, boards, cloth and’ wrappers. New York, etc., 1909-[1917] All but the ‘‘ Palms of Papyrus,"’ First Epitions. Third and last mentioned with signature of author. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th MORLAND’S PAINTING “INSIDE OF A COUNTRY ALE HOUSE,”’ SIGNED AND DATED 463. MORLAND (GEorRGE). Inside of a Country Ale House. Oil painting, on canvas. Signed and dated,—"“G. Morland, 1787." Length, 301% inches; height, 251% inches. In a heavy gold frame. THE ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING OF ONE OF MORLAND’S Most Famous SuBJECTs. GEORGE C. WILLIAMSON WAS UNABLE TO LOCATE THIS ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING WHEN HE PUBLISHED HIs Work “‘ George Morland, his Life and Works.’ The sub- ject was engraved in mezzotint by William Ward and was published on March 1, 1797. AN EXCEEDINGLY FINE EXAMPLE FROM MORLAND’S BRUSH, SIGNED AND DATED. Depicts a room, with table in center; huntsman seated at table, which is before the open fire-place, powder-horn slung across his chest, his dogs near him; a mail-coach driver has entered the room, whip in his right hand, and in his left hand he holds up, to the view of the seated hunter, a good-sized hare; a barmaid is seen entering the room with a pitcher of ale; near the fireplace a cottager is seated, with his small daughter standing between his legs, looking up at her father and pointing to the dogs; rays of sunlight penetrate through the square windows and illuminate the room; directly behind the stage-coach driver is a stool, along the edge of the seat of which Morland has placed his name and the year, ‘‘G. Morland, 1787." [See Reproduction of Painting] 464. MorLAND (GEORGE). Cottagers. MEzzoTINT IN CoLors, Engraved by W. Ward. “Pubd. July 1, 1794 by T. Simpson, St. Paul’s Church Yard, and Darling & Thompson, Gt. Newport Str.’”’ Length, 21% inches; height, 181% inches. In old gilt frame; glazed. Frame chipped. The title and publisher’s imprint has been cut from the lower margin of the print, and is pasted on the backboard of the frame. The margins are about one and one- half inches all around. 465. MoORLAND (GEORGE). Travellers. MEzzoTINT IN CoLors. Engraved by W. Ward. ‘London, Pubd. July 1, 1794. By T. Simpson, St. Paul’s Church Yard, and Darling & Thompson, Gt. Newport Str.’’ Length, 211% inches; height, 181% inches. In old gilt frame; glazed. Frame chipped. The title and publisher’s imprint has been cut from the lower margin of the print, and is pasted on the backboard of the frame. The margins are about one and one- half inches all around. FINE ORIGINAL MORLAND MEZZOTINT 466. MorLanpD (GEORGE). Playing at Domino’s. MeEzzoTInT IN Co.Lors. En- graved by J. R. Reynolds. ‘‘ Published 1 May 1797 by Thos. Ladd, Eliotts Court, Old Bailey, & Willm. Atkins, No. 143 Leadenhall Street. Length, 22 inches; height, 1814 inches. In old gilt frame; glazed, with black border painted on the glass. ORIGINAL IMPRESSION, WITH BRILLIANT ORIGINAL COLORING OF THIS MUCH ADMIRED MEZZOTINT. EXAMPLES AS BEAUTIFUL AS THE PRESENT ARE OF GREAT RARITY, [See Reproduction] ONE OF FIFTY COPIES ON JAPAN VELLUM 467. Morris (WILLIAM). Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. 8vo, full green levant morocco, single gilt fillet border on sides, gilt paneled back, gilt top, uncut. Portland, Maine: Thomas B. Mosher, 1900 EDITION LIMITED TO 50 COPIES PRINTED ON JAPAN VELLUM, AND THE TYPE DIs-. TRIBUTED. The above is the reprint of the work printed by Morris at the Kelmscott Press in 1895. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue FINE SET OF THE MURRAY EDITION OF MOTLEY 468. MotLey (JoHN Loturop). The Rise of the Dutch Republic. A History. 3 vols. 1875; History of the United Netherlands. Portraits. 4 vols. 1867; The Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate of Holland. J/lus- trated. 2 vols. 1874; The Correspondence of John Lothrop Motley. Edited by William Curtis. Portrait. 2 vols. 1889. Together, 11 vols. uniformly bound in full polished fawn calf, gilt, richly gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Murray, 1875-1889 HANDSOME SET OF THE BEST EDITION, seldom found complete and in good condi- tion, as above. 469. MurGER (Henry). La Vie de Bohéme. With numerous full-page COLORED ILLUSTRATIONS by And. Gull and illustrated borders to each page, by Grasset. Small folio, full blue calf, sides with gilt fillet border, gilt paneled back, gilt top, uncut, original illustrated wrappers to each part bound in at end. Paris [1877] A FINE Copy oF THIS SCARCE Book. From the library of Eustace Conway, with his bookplate. 470. Music. Mortry (Tuomas). Madrigales The Triumphes of Oriana, to 5.and 6.voices: composed by diuers seuerall aucthors. Newly published by Thomas Morley, Batcheler of Musick, and one of the gentlemen of her Majesties honorable Chappell. TJitles within ornamental borders. 6 parts in one vol. small 4to, full brown calf, blind stamped. London, Printed by Thomas Este, the assigne of Thomas Morley, 1601 FINE Copy OF THIS VERY RARE SERIES. Each of the 6 parts with full title-page, contents on verso, and dedication-page preceding the music; comprises separate musical score for Altus, Bassus, Quintus, Sextus, Cantus and Tenor, EACH PART BEING COMPLETE, excepting the last (the tenor) which lacks two leaves of music, and possibly a final leaf of text at end. 471. Music. A Collection of Songs for Two and Three Voices. Set to Music by Mr. Handel, Dr. Blow, Mr. Leveridge, Dr. Greene, Mr. Eccles, Mr. Lamp, Danl.Purcel, Mr. Corse, Hen. Carey, etc. Comprises 67 pages. Bound into a small folio volume, half morocco, uncut. London: John Johnson, circa 1800 CuRIOUS COLLECTION including a very early print of ‘‘God Save Great George Our King.’’ With the Marshal Wade verse, on page 29. 472. Music. The Century Library of Music. Edited by Ignace Jan Paderewski. Portraits and illustrations. 20 vols. royal 4to, half leather, gilt top. (Backs faded and rubbed.) New York, 1900 NAPOLEONIC MEMENTO OF EXCEPTIONAL INTEREST: WITH AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED BY NAPOLEON, MINIATURES AND MEDALS 473. NAPOLEON I. A Memento of the Emperor Napoleon I and the Imperial Family. Comprising Letters and Documents of Napoleon and of His Two Queens, the Empress Josephine and the Empress Marie Louise. Also Three Documents Relating to the Birth of the King of Rome and a Manu- script in His Autograph; Together with six Commemorative Medals and [ Continued se eee See Te” ee eee ee ee ee ee 0 ee he fein Se ; 4 Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th [ No. 473. NAPOLEON I—Continued ] Descriptive and Biographical Notes; Embellished with Four Miniatures on Ivory. Each manuscript hinged in sunken mat of heavy drawing paper, with hand-lettered descriptive text written on sheets of heavy mat paper, initial letters wlluminated in colors and gilt, title in gilt, red, blue and black, capitals throughout in red or blue. Protective tissue between each leaf. Hinged to linen guard and bound together with title-page as above, in folio volume, full crimson crushed levant morocco, emblematically tooled and decorated as described below, BY SANGORSKI AND SUTCLIFFE. Enclosed in fleece-lined folding hinged case of red cloth, levant morocco back, gilt tooled with Napoleonic emblems. A MAGNIFICENT NAPOLEONIC MEMORIAL, gorgeously bound in full crimson crushed levant morocco, sides with gilt fillet double frame indented at each corner to enclose laurel sprays with an ensigned ‘‘N’”’ in gilt, and in center of obverse cover the Napoleonic eagle in gilt on a circlet inlay of blue morocco surrounded by laurel sprays with the initial ‘‘N’’ below and the imperial coronet above the circle, this again surrounded by a heavy gilt laurel wreath. Back panel tooled with emblematic bees, coronet and initial letter. Fly-leaves of blue watered silk, gilt edges. Dovu- BLURES OF SAPPHIRE BLUE LEVANT, gilt tooled with Napoleonic emblems, within broad crimson levant borders with crown and ‘‘N’”’ on each corner. THESE DOUBLURES ARE OF UNIQUE DESIGN, HAVING INSET UPON THEM FOUR CHARMING MINIATURES PAINTED ON IVORY AND SIX RARE NAPOLEONIC MEDALS, as follows:— Inset in the FRONT DOUBLURE are five sunken medallions, containing FouR HAND-PAINTED MINIATURES ON Ivory, OF NAPOLEON, EMPRESS JOSEPHINE, EM- PRESS MARIE LOUISE, AND THE KING OF ROME, after the original miniatures by Isabey and others. Each miniature is 3 x 214 inches and is framed under glass within a 14 inch band of gilt stipple under a floral design in which are set FouR SAPPHIRES and Four RUBIES TO EACH FRAME. In the center of the doublure is a circular sunken panel with fitted velvet tray, hinged glass cover and frame of em- bossed brown morocco, gilt, containing a MEDAL OF THE MARRIAGE OF NAPOLEON WITH MARIE LOUISE, 1810. Silver medallion, 174 inches in diameter, obverse, with busts of Napoleon and Marie Louise, facing, lettered ‘‘ Napoleon. Gall. Imp. Italie Rex. M. Lvdovica Franc. Aust. Imp. Fil. A. A.’’ (Signed) ‘‘I. Harnisch, F.’’; reverse, symbolic figures between hymenal torches, lettered ‘‘Felicibvs Nvptiis. Vindob. xi, Marcii. Mdccex.’’ (Signed) ‘‘F. Leichner. F.’’ Inset in the back doublure are five circular sunken medallions similar to the center one in the front doublure, each containing a Napoleonic medal, all in silver, com- prising: ‘‘Legion of Honor, 1804,’ “‘ Marriage with Marie Louise, 1810,”’ ‘‘ Corona- tion, 1805,”’ (two different medals) and ‘‘ Napoleon as Emperor, 1809,’’ (Commemora- tive medalet issued by the Society of Auctioneers. VERY RARE.) THE CONTENTS OF THE VOLUME ARE OF THE GREATEST INTEREST AND VALUE, comprising :— AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED BY NAPOLEON, one page, 4to, Paris le 4th Pluviose au 8 De la Republique (Jan. 23, 1800). To the Minister of War directing him to order Adjutant General Bacciochi to Corsica on a special mission. Signed “ Bona- parte.’ Written on official paper with the engraved vignette of the Republic at the head. Prince Felix Bacciochi married Elisa Bonaparte, Napoleon’s eldest sister. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED FROM COUNT DEJEAN, MINISTER, TO NAPOLEON, with 3-line endorsement by Napoleon. 2pp. folio, no place, 27 Aout, 1806. Signed “Nap.” The letter is in regard to the amounts to be paid to General La Poype and ao Commander Duveyrier, for back pay during a period of imprisonment in ngland. Following this is a SCARCE PAMPHLET (one of the Hone tracts) entitled, “ Napo- leon’s Appeal to the British Nation, on His Treatment at Saint Helena.”’ With vignette portrait of Napoleon on cover. 8pp. 8vo, stitched, uncut. London: For Wil- liam Hone, 1817. This memoir is signed by Count De Montholon. ; LETTER SIGNED BY THE EMPRESS JOSEPHINE. One page folio, Fontainebleau, November 2, 1807. Concerning the drainage of a pond at Malmaison. Signed ‘* Josephine.” : DocuMENT SIGNED BY LAHAYE, gardener at Malmaison, endorsed by and signed “ Accordé, Josephine.’ One page small folio, 6th Mai 1814. Relating to needs in the Garden at Malmaison. This assent was written by Josephine just three weeks before her death. AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED BY EMPRESS MARIE LOUISE. One page 4to, Laken ce 25 Septembre, 1811. Written to Madame Bonaparte, her mother-in-law, regretting her absence from Paris and lamenting the separation from her husband and son. Signed ‘“‘ Votre tres attaches et tres obeissante fille Louise.” ; [ Continued Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue [ No. 473. NAPOLEON I—Continued | DOCUMENT SIGNED BY EMPRESS MARIE LOUISE AS REGENT. One page folio, au Palais de Tuileries, le 19 Février 1814. Recommendation to the Emperor for the appointment of Corporal Lamy as standard bearer. Signed by the Duc de Feltre, and approved by the Empress, signed ‘‘ Marie Louise.”’ Two DOCUMENTS SIGNED BY THE DUC DE FELTRE, MINISTER OF Wak, relating to the anticipated birth of an heir to Napoleon. Each one page folio; the first dated Paris, December 12, 1810, to the Governor-General of the Ionian Isles, directing that public prayers be offered for Her Majesty during her pregnancy; the second dated Paris, March 4, 1811, to the same informing him if the child should be a son (the King of Rome) that one hundred cannon must be fired, and in case the Empress gave birth to a princess only 21 cannon. Following this is an ORIGINAL DOCUMENT SIGNED BY MARSHAL GERARD and others, one page folio, April 29, 1811, ordering the payment of 6000 francs to the bearers of the first news of the birth of the King of Rome, endorsed, with date of payment of same, April 30, 1811. ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT BY THE YOUNG KING OF ROME, SON OF Na- POLEON AND MARIE LOUISE. 3pp. 4to, being an Exercise in French grammar with Rules, etc., on the same. Each manuscript is accompanied by a description and translation, and in addition there are short biographical sketches of Napoleon and his family. [See Reproduction of Front Doublure] 474. NAPOLEON I. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. By M. De Bourrienne, his Private Secretary. To which are now first added, an Account of the Im- portant Events of the Hundred Days, of Napoleon’s Surrender to the English, and of his Residence and Death at St. Helena. Numerous full-page plates. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1836 FINELY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED LIFE OF JOSEPHINE 475. NAPOLEON I. DucrEest (MADAME). Memoirs of the Empress Josephine with Anecdotes of the Courts of Navarre and Malmaison. 2 vols. extended to 4, 8vo, full crimson basket-work calf, gilt fillet borders on sides, richly gilt paneled backs with green levant lettering pieces, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. London, 1894 EDITION LIMITED to 500 copies. FINE WorK. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the inser- tion of about 125 portraits and views. Some of the portraits are: Josephine; Lebrun; Marie Louise; Tallyrand; Louis XVIII; Napoleon; Robespierre; Murat; Mozart; Goethe; Czar Alexander the First; Moreau; Marie-Antoinette; and others. The views also are worthy of mention, some of them being: St. Germain; Palace of the Luxembourg; Palace of Louis XV, taken from the bridge; View of Lyons; Cathé- drale de Milan; and others. 476. NAPOLEON I. Masson (FREDERIC). Joséphine. Impératrice et Reine. 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, with the arms of Napoleon stamped in gilt on sides, inner gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY TAFFIN. Paris, 1899 EDITION LIMITED to 20 copies on Holland paper, this being, No. 10. 477. NAPOLEON I. Masson (FREpDERIC). Napoléon chez lui. La Journée de l’Em- pereur aux Tuileries. Illustrated by F. de Myrbach. 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, with the Napoleonic arms stamped in gilt on sides, inner gilt edges, gilt tops, uncut, BY TAFFIN. Paris, circa 1900 No. 4 of a limited edition beautifully printed on FINE JAPAN PAPER, SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR in autograph and stamped by the publisher. MORLAND’S “INSIDE OF A COUNTRY ALE HOUS OIL PAI [ No. 463 ] YTING Si TED Caine St PLAYING « DOMINOS. MORLAND’S “PLAYING AT DOMINO’S”— COLORED MEZZOTINT [ No. 466 ] if TO EMEN M POLEON I—a NA No. 473 - Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th 478. NAPOLEONIC Memoirs; comprising: The Life of Napoleon. By William Hazlitt. 6 vols.; Memoirs of Napoleon. By Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne. 4 vols.; Memoirs of Madame Junot (Duchess d’Abrantes). 6 vols.; Memoirs of the Prince de Talleyrand. Edited by the Duc de Broglie. Introduction by Whitelaw Reid. 5 vols. Portraits and illustrations, some COLORED BY HAND, some on Japan paper; title-pages in red and black on Japan paper. Together, 21 vols. 8vo, full mottled calf, with portrait of Napoleon onlaid on obverse covers in red morocco and gilt, gilt tops, uncut. ; London: H. S. Nichols Co., circa 1900 HANDSOME SET OF THE MALMAISON EDITION, this being No. 9 of 150 copies. 479. NAUNTON (SIR RoBERT). Memoirs of Elizabeth, Her Court and Favourites. A New Edition, with Notes, and a Memoir of the Author. Portraits on India paper. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, uncut. London, 1824 LARGE PAPER Copy. Contains the advertisements, including mention of this work. 480. NEWMAN (JoHN HENry, CarpDINAL—The celebrated English Roman Catholic Prelate and Writer). A remarkable series of fifteen AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED by Cardinal Newman and two A. L. S. of his brother, Francis W. Newman. The entire series of letters neatly hinged to sheets of uniform size and bound in full crimson levant morocco, gilt lettered and tooled on back and sides. A MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPHS OF THIS FAMOUS PRELATE WHOSE WRITINGS AND WHOSE LIFE ARE HIGH LIGHTS OF THE VICTORIAN ERA OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. MANY OF THESE LETTERS ARE OF EXCEPTIONAL INTEREST, REFERRING As THEY Do To ECCLESIASTICAL AND LITERARY MATTERS. 481. New York City. Situ (Tuomas E. V.). The City of New York in the Year of Washington’s Inauguration, 1789. 8vo, full green levant morocco, double gilt fillets on sides, enclosing richly gilt panels with onlaid morning glories in red morocco in each corner, richly gilt paneled back with red and white floral onlays, inner levant borders, with onlays, gilt, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1889 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE PoRTRAITS AND PLATES, some of which are: several portraits of George Washington; View in New York in 1746; Broadway corner Canal Street; The Battery in 1746; Wm. Walton; City Hall; Wall Street; View of Broadway, 1800; Trinity Church; City Hotel; Room in Fraunces’ Tavern; Ancient View of the Present Junction of Pearl & Chatham Sts.; Franklin Market, Old Slip, N. Y., 1820; Thomas Jefferson; Baron Steuben; Robert Morris; and others. SOME OF THE EXTRA-ILLUSTRATIONS ARE RARE. 482. New York City. ToLer (HENRY PENNINGTON). The New Harlem Register. A Genealogy of the Descendants of the Twenty-Three Original Patentees of the Town of New Harlem, Containing Proofs of Births, Baptisms and Marriages from the year 1630 to date. Atlas folio, cloth, green edges. New York, 1903 An exhaustive and invaluable reference book for the searcher of pedigrees of New York families. 483. NoNEsucH Press. Anacreon. Done into English out of the original Greek by Abraham Cowley and S. B. 1683. With seven copperplate engravings designed and executed by Stephen Gooden. Narrow royal 8vo, gold boards, vellum back, uncut and partly unopened. London, 1923 EDITION LIMITED to 725 copies for sale in England and America. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 484. NonrsucH ‘Press. Hupson (W. H.). 153 Letters from W. H. Hudson. Edited with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes by Edward Garnett. Portrait of Hudson on title-page, and facsimile of a pen-and-ink sketch. Royal 8vo, buckram, uncut. London: Nonesuch Press, 1923 First EpITIon. Limited to 1000 copies. 485. NoNEsucH Press. GENESIS. Twelve Woodcuts by Paul Nash with the First Chapter of Genesis in the Authorized Version. 12 woodcuts. 4to, boards, uncut. London, 1924 EDITION LIMITED to 375 copies. The cuts are printed from the wood and the text in Rudolf Koch’s Neuland type on Zanders handmade paper by the Curwen Press for the Nonesuch Press. 486. NoNEsucH PRESS. VAUGHAN (HENRY). Poems from Poems, Olor Iscanus, Silex Scintilans, Thalia Rediviva; An Essay from The Mount of Olives; Two Letters from MSS. in the Bodleian Library. Royal 8vo, boards, UNcUT AND UNOPENED. London, 1924 EpITION LIMITED to 850 copies, printed with Baskerville type on Wolvercote rag paper. 487. NOLHAC (PIERRE DE). Madame Vigée-le Brun, Peintre de la Reine Marie- Antoinette 1755-1842. With numerous full-page reproductions, some IN CoLors, including colored frontispiece portrait of the artist, and numerous engraved head- and tatl-pieces, being reproductions of the artist's work. Royal 4to, full blue French levant morocco; sides with a border of triple gilt fillets enclosing an elaborate gilt border in filigree design; gilt inside borders; doublures and fly-leaves of jacquard silk; gilt back and top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, BY ZAEHNSDORF. Paris: Goupil & Cie, 1908 HANDSOME Copy. EDITION LIMITED to 500 copies on “ papier ala main des Manu- factures de Rives,’’ of which this is, No. 185. Each plate mounted on heavy brown mat paper, with protecting leaf, having title printed in red. 488. NoRROENA. The History and Romance of Northern Europe. Rasmus B. Anderson, Editor-in-Chief. With full-page illustrations, frontispieces and some others IN COLOR. 15 vols. 8vo, calf, various colors, each with an emblematic or illustrative design in gilt on sides and back, gilt tops, uncut. London, Copenhagen, etc.: Norroena Society, 1907 HANDSOME SET OF THE IMPERIAL EDITION, Limited to 3 50 complete sets, of which this is, No. 20. INCLUDES:—Saxo Grammaticus. 2 vols.; Burnt N jal; Teutonic Mythology. 3 vols.; The Eddas; The Volsunga Saga; The Arthurian Tales; The Norse Discovery of America; and others. Accompanying the above set is the ‘‘ Flatey Book and Recently discovered Vatican Manuscripts.’ Jllustrated. 4to, decorated cloth. London, 1906. 489. O. HENry—Sypney W. Porter. Autograph Letter Signed, 3pp., 8vo, New York, June 24, n.y. To ‘‘ My dear Mr. Gallup.” es One of the very few UNPUBLISHED LETTERS BY O. HENRY, EXCEEDINGLY RARE. \ Most interesting letter displaying the author’s strong feeling in the matter of keeping all personal matters (relating to him) out of print, reading in part,—‘‘I do not think there is a photo of myself to be found in New York: I never had but one taken, and I have been laboring hard to suppress that one. . . . I have tried hard to keep photos and all personal matters out of print in order to secure some of the distinction there is (in these days) in not having one’s picture in the papers. . . . I would be glad to grant your request if I could, but I am happy to say (in accordance with my views as stated) that I don’t believe a picture of me could be had from any source.”’ s Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th 490. O. HENRy—SypneEy W. Porter. Lo [Musical Comedy]. A Set of the Musical 491. 492. 493. 494. 495- Numbers. Book and Lyrics by O. Henry and Franklin P. Adams. Music by A. Baldwin Sloane. Pictorial front wrappers, by Starmer. Together, 14 parts. 4to, wrappers. Enclosed in a brown quarter levant morocco slip- case, gilt, inner cloth wrapper. Chicago [1909] Some of the numbers are: Never Forget Your Parents; It’s the Little Things that Count; Caramba; In Yucatan; Snap Shots; Love is all that Matters; Tammany on Parade; and others. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. THE MEMORIAL EDITION OF ‘O. HENRY” O. HENRY—SyDNEY W. PorTER. The Complete Works of O. Henry. With full-page plates, many IN Two STATES, vignette on title-pages. 14 vols. 8vo, three-quarter brown levant morocco, sides with gilt fillets, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1917 FINE SET OF THE MEMORIAL EDITION, SIGNED BY THE PUBLISHERS, Limited to 1075 sets, Numbered and Registered, of which this is, No. 118. INCLUDES:—Cabbages and Kings; The Four Million; The Voice of the City; Gentle Grafter; Whirligigs; Options; Strictly Business; Rolling Stones; and others. Omar KuayyAm. Rubdiyat of Omar Khayy4m. Translated into English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald. With an Introduction by A. C. Benson. Reproduced from a Manuscript written and illuminated by F. Sangorski & G. Sutcliffe. With numerous illustrations, and capital letters, ALL IN COLORS. Folio, full blue straight-grain morocco, sides with border of triple gilt fillets, with framework in center consisting of double gilt fillets, gilt edges. London: Siegle, Hill & Co., no date ONwuHYN ILLUSTRATIONS. CONCANEN (EpwarD). A New Matrimonial Ladder. Engraved title and 19 plates, ALL COLORED By HAND, designed by Thomas Onwhyn and engraved by Charles Hunt. 4to, half blue levant morocco, gilt, richly gilt back, gilt top, uncut, BY ROOT. London, circa 1845 First EpITION. VERY SCARCE. IN REMARKABLE CONDITION, the plates and text in almost pristine freshness. ONnwuyn ILLUSTRATIONS. Etiquette Illustrated or Hints on How to Conduct Oneself in the Best Society. By an X. Mc. A panoramic view containing about 75 humorous scenes IN COLOR. 12mo, cloth, paper label containing a design by Onwhyn on front cover. London: Ackermann & Co., circa 1845 Rare. An exceedingly amusing pictorial series of hints on etiquette. Onwuyn ILLustraTions. Mr. Perry Winks Submarine Adventures: A Dream at Sea. A Yarn spun by T. Onwhyn. With & plates, each containing 2 scenes, humorously picturing the adventures of Mr. Winks below the surface of sea, ALL IN Cotors, by Thomas Onwhyn. Oblong 12mo, original pictorial wrappers, with the illustration on wrapper in colored state. ; London, circa 1859 First EDITION. UNUSUALLY FINE Copy of this amusing work. From the J. Barton Townsend collection, with bookplate. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue | LIMITED TO TWENTY-FIVE SETS. FRONTISPIECES IN WATERCOLORS 496. ORIENTAL SERIES. BRINKLEY (F.—Capt.). Japan and China. Numerous full-page plates, many IN COLOR, inlaid frontispieces PAINTED IN WATER- COLOR on silk, rubricated title-pages. 12 vols. 8vo, FULL ROSE-COLORED CRUSHED LEvANT Morocco, sides ornamented with an elaborate design composed of numerous small gilt panels within a frame of gilt fillets, each panel enclosing various emblematic, floriated, and conventional designs in gilt, the space between the panels decorated with a semé of conventional motifs in gilt, flat backs, with gilt ornamentation similar to that on sides, wide inner rose color morocco borders with outer frame, inner border, and decoration at corners, all in gilt, in conventional patterns, DouBLuRES of Gobelin blue crushed levant morocco, outer gilt fillet frame and border enclosing an Oriental landscape, in gilt, white watered silk end-leaves, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: J. B. Millet Company, [1901-1902] HANDSOME SET OF THE IMPERIAL EDITION, PRINTED ON JAPAN VELLUM THROUGH- ouT, Limited to 26 Lettered and Registered Sets, of which this is, Letter G. ComPRISES:—Japan—Its History, Arts, and Literature. 8 vols.; China—lIts History, Arts, and Literature. 4 vols. 497- ORNITHOLOGY. VIELLOT (L. P.). Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux de l’Amérique Septentrionale. With 131 finely engraved plates of birds of North America. 2 vols. in one, half maroon morocco. : - Paris, 1807 AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE WoRK ON THE BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA. ONLY ONE OTHER Copy Is RECORDED AS HAVING BEEN SOLD AT PuBLIC SALE IN AMERICA. TuHIs IS THE EARLIEST SCIENTIFIC TREATISE ON THE BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA, WITH THE COMPLETE SET OF PLATES, INCLUDING THE SEVEN “‘bis’’ PLATES. Elliott Coues devotes more than a full-page to the work, giving an extensive list of North American species of Birds here described for the first time. THIS TREATISE BY THIS FAMOUS FRENCH ORNITHOLOGIST PRECEDES THAT OF WILSON AND IS CONSTANTLY CITED As AUTHORITY. THE RARE SUPPLEMENT TO GOULD’S ‘‘TOUCANS’’—PLATES IN COLOR 498. ORNITHOLOGY. GOULD (JOHN). Supplement to the First Edition of a Mono- graph of the Ramphastide or Toucans. With 20 beautiful large plates, brilliantly colored. 2 parts, atlas folio, ORIGINAL BOARDS, uncut. Londen: Published by the Author, 1855 A FINER COPY COULD NOT BE DESIRED 499. ORNITHOLOGY. GOULD (JOHN). The Birds of Great Britain. Magnificently wlustrated with 367 BEAUTIFULLY COLORED PLATES, portraying the male and female birds and their young in their natural habitats. 5 vols. atlas folio, full green morocco, sides with broad decorative gilt border, gilt backs, gilt inside borders, solid gold edges, By TUCKETT, BINDER TO THE QUEEN. London: Published by the Author, 1873 ORIGINAL EDITION OF THIS JUSTLY RENOWNED BOOK ON THE BRITISH BIRDS. MAGNIFICENT Copy, BoTH As TO BINDING AND INTERIOR CONDITION, The brilliance of the plumage of the birds, and the graceful attitudes the birds habitually assume, all contribute to this effect in nature, and Mr. Gould has reproduced the effect so accurately that Nature is represented as truly as the art of man has ever succeeded in picturing it. “The care bestowed on the plates of this work was remarkable, the aim of the author being to produce a picture of the birds as they appeared in their natural haunts, and especial pains were bestowed on the young, particularly those of the wading birds and natores. Most of the drawings were developed and placed on stone by Mr. W. Hart, who also executed all the plates of the later works.’”’—WN, ature, 1881. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th FINE COPY OF THE BEST EDITION EVER PUBLISHED 500. Ovip. Metamorphoses in Latin and English. Translated by the Most Eminent Hands. With Historical Explications of the Fables, written in French by the Abbot Banier. Numerous magnificent engravings after Le Brun, Leclerc, Maas, Picart, and others. 2 vols. in one, folio, three-quarter red levant, full gilt back, solid gold edges. Amsterdam: Wetsteins and Smith, 1732 FINE Copy OF THIS RARE AND SPLENDID EDITION. The three plates of Le Brun, to face p. 264, ISSUED SEPARATELY, and usually missing, ARE PRESENT. THE SCRIBNER EDITION OF PAGE—ONE OF TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY SETS 501. PaGE (THomMAs NELSON). The Works of Thomas Nelson Page. With portraits, maps, and illustrations, some IN COLOR, rubricated title-pages, with vignettes. 20 vols. 12mo, three-quarter crimson levant morocco, full gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1906-1912 EDITION LIMITED to 230 sets, with portrait signed by the author,—‘‘ Thos. Nelson Page,’’ this being No. ro. FINE SET, on Ruisdael handmade paper, with extra illustrations in colors. LONG OUT OF PRINT AND Now SCARCE. INCLUDES:—In Ole Virginia; Robert E. Lee. 2 vols.; The Old South; Bred in the Bone; Red Rock. 2 vols.; The Old Dominion; Pastime Stories; Poems; On Newfound River; The Burial of the Guns; and others. 502. PALADILHE (E.). ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT SIGNED, in full, at end,—‘‘E. Paladilhe,’”” CONTAINING Music AND Worps of the composer’s famous song, entitled, ‘“‘Psyche.’’ Written in ink, on one folio sheet, the same mounted on leaf of drawing paper. THE COMPLETE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT SIGNED, IN PERFECT CONDITION, ON ONE SHEET, thus being easily framable. With an Autograph Note in the composer’s handwriting in upper margin,— “offert au journal ’l’Hérault,’ pour son numéro spécial des Fétes de Moliére.’’ This note adds considerable interest to this beautiful manuscript, for, as it is well-known, Paladilhe derived the motif of this song from Moliére. EXTREMELY RARE AND FINE MANUSCRIPT, apparently the first to be offered for sale in America. 503. [PALTOCK (ROBERT).] The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish Man, Relating particularly his Shipwreck near the South Pole, etc. By R. S. a Passenger in the Hector. With 6 plates, one folding. 2 vols. 12mo, half blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY SCROLL CLUB. London, 1751 First EDITION. VERY SCARCE. From the H. Buxton Forman collection, with bookplate. THE FINE SCRIBNER EDITION OF PARKER. JAPANESE VELLUM 504. PARKER (SIR GILBERT). The Works of Gilbert Parker. Engraved portrait and illustrations on Japan paper; rubricated titles. 24 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crimson levant morocco, floral design in gilt on backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1912-1923 SPLENDID SET OF THE IMPERIAL EDITION. PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPAN VELLUM PapPER, LIMITED to 256 copies, EDITION EXHAUSTED ON PUBLICATION. WITH PorTRAIT SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR, of which this is set, No. 2. Signed by the Publishers; comprising,— Pierre and his People; A Romany of the Snows; Northern Lights; Mrs. Falchion; Cumner’s Son; When Valmond Came to Pontiac; The Trespasser and March of the White Guard; Seats of the Mighty; The Translation of a Savage; The Battle of the Strong; The Right of Way; The Lane that had no Turning; Donovan Pasha; Michel and Angéle; The Weavers. 2 vols.; The Money Master; etc. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 505. PARKMAN (FRANCIS). Montcalm and Wolfe. 4 vols. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, sides with double gilt fillet border enclosing a panel of fillets and festoons in gilt, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1885 First EDITION. Limited to 75 copies. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED AND EXTENDED FROM Two VOLUMES TO Four by the insertion of 200 portraits, views and maps, many of which are rare, and 17 Autograph Letters and Documents by General Wolfe and many distinguished contemporaries. With special hand-printed title-pages in- serted; many plates inlaid to size, manuscripts tipped to sheets. The autograph material includes,— WOLFE (JAMES—Major General in the British Army). Autograph Note, third person. One page oblong 12mo, 1759. Reads,—‘‘ Colonel Wolfe sends his compli- ments to Mr. Parry & will wait upon him to-morrow night, if it is agreable—the Colonel goes to London on Wednesday morning. 1759.’ AUTOGRAPHS OF. WOLFE ARE VERY RARE. PARKMAN (FRANCIS—American historical writer). Autograph Letter Signed, 2pp. I2mo, 50 Chestnut Street, Boston, 17 Dec. 1824. To an unnamed lady, thank- ing her for the letter of Amherst, and that he has never seen the ‘“‘ View of the taking of Quebec”’ which appears to be different from any of the old prints that have come to his notice. Louis XV, KING OF FRANCE. Document Signed, May 23, 1732. To Mons. De Garre, Commander of the Guard at Compiegne, ordering him to appear for ae that place on May 23, 1732 at 8.30 in the morning, under penalty of eath. STANHOPE (CHARLES, EARL). Document Signed, August 7, 1725. Acknowledging receipt of money. BRODERICK (THOMAS—British Vice-Admiral). Document Signed. One page 4to “On board His Majesty’s Ship Prince in Gibraltar Bay the 15th May, 1758."" To Captain Moutray of H. M.S. Thetis, directing him to send 33 men to the Revenge and that he should send a list of their names with them. MONCKTON (ROBERT—British General). Autograph Letter Signed. One page 4to, Sackville Street, 11th April, 1766. Letter of recommendation for employment. AMHERST (JEFFREY, LorD—British Field-Marshal). Letter Signed. One page 4to, Whitehall, 15th July, 1788. To Major General Morrison. Very interesting. States that he approves of the wooden canteens being used by the forces in ete Se instead of the tin ones, and mentions Sir Henry Clinton and Lord athcart. GEORGE III, KING OF GREAT BRITAIN. Document Signed. On both sides of a folio sheet, February 27, 1762. Addressed to Henry Fox. Countersigned by Lord Barrington, and Lord North. 506. PATER (WALTER). The Renaissance. Studies in Art and Poetry. Portrait in sanguine on Japanese vellum paper. 9 vols. 8vo, silk, gilt center ornament in center of front covers, gilt backs, somewhat faded, gilt tops, uncut. London: Macmillan and Company, 1900-1901 EDITION LIMITED to 775 copies. LONG OUT OF PRINT AND SCARCE. Finely printed in large type, slight fox-marks appear in some volumes. COMPRISES:—The Renaissance; Marius the Epicurean. 2 vols.; Imaginary Portraits, etc.; Appreciations; Plato and Platonism; Greek Studies; Miscellaneous Studies; Essays from ‘The Guardian.’ 507. Pepys (SAMUEL). Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, from his MS. Cypher in the Pepysian Library, with a Life and Notes by Richard Lord Braybrooke. Deciphered, with Additional Notes, by Rev. Mynors Bright. With numerous portraits from the collection in the Pepysian Library, printed in permanent Woodburytype. 6 vols. thick 4to, half morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1876-1879 LARGE AND THICK PAPER Copy of this fine Library Edition. 508. PEpys (SAMUEL). The Diary of Samuel Pepys. Transcribed by the Late . Rev. Mynors Bright, from the Shorthand Manuscript in the Pepysian Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge. Edited with Additions by Henry B. Wheatley. Portrait. 8 vols. 12mo, half maroon morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London: George Bell, 1904-1905 Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th OSES ao acca aie let 7 {celia fail” abe 509. PETRARCH (FRANCESCO). The Triumphs of Francesco Petrarch, Florentine Poet* Laureate. Translated by Henry Boyd. With an Introduction by Doctor Guido Biagi. Illustrated with reproductions of the rare set of Florentine Fifteenth Century Engravings; title printed in blue and black, initial letters in blue. Royal 4to, half original vellum, leather label, uncut. Boston [1906] EDITION LIMITED To TEN CoPIES PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON GENUINE VELLUM, in Humanistic Type. At the end of the work are some very fine notes upon the engravings, by Sir Sidney Colvin. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM—ITALIAN FIFTEENTH CENTURY 510. PETRARCH (FRANCESCO). Sonnetti et Canzoni; Triomphi. Illuminated manu- Bit, & script on vellum. Italian Fifteenth Century. Written in neat humanistic characters, 30 long lines to the page on 179 leaves of vellum (9 by 5% inches). The first seven leaves comprise a Table, and folio § contains a LARGE ORNA- MENTAL INITIAL enclosing a MINIATURE BuSsT PORTRAIT OF PETRARCH, with borders on three sides of text, composed of interlaced white stem scrolls with gold line running through and birds and cupids introduced at intervals; the jirst page of the‘ Triompht”’ has similar initial borders, other initials through- out the volume painted in blue with an occasional INITIAL IN GOLD on a colored ground. Narrow royal 8vo, vellum. Fifteenth Century A VERY VALUABLE MANUSCRIPT AND A BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN OF ITALIAN CALLIG- RAPHY. Many pages damp-stained, Sonnets 136-138 scored through, otherwise the manuscript is well preserved. Bookplate of Lord Vernon. A RARE WORK IN ORIGINAL PARTS “‘Puiz’’ ILLUSTRATIONS. [LE FANuU (JOSEPH S.).] The Fortunes of Colonel -Torlogh O’Brien; a Tale of the Wars of King James. With 22 engraved plates and illustrated cover design by ‘‘Phiz” (Hablét K. Browne). 11 in 10 PARTS, 8vo, ORIGINAL PICTORIAL WRAPPERS, UNCUT, one back strip restored. Enclosed in a heavy cloth box-folder, with lettered leather label, in cloth slip-case. Dublin: James McGlashan, 1847 ORIGINAL ISSUE IN THE MONTHLY Parts. With correct wrappers to all the parts with exception of Part VIII, which is supplied from another number. NICE Copy, IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. HISTORICALLY IMPORTANT MS. 512. PINERO (Str ARTHUR WING). Original Autograph Manuscript, Signed, of his splendid CaLL To Arms, entitled, ‘‘To the Able-Bodied Youth who is ‘Thinking It Over’.”” Written, in ink, on one page 4to. Accompanied by typewritten transcript. Together, 2 pieces. A POWERFUL APPEAL TO THE PATRIOTISM OF HIS COUNTRYMEN, reading, in part,— “ For the honour of your manhood, and for the safety and preservation of your Country— enlist! To avenge Belgium—much of it lying crumbling in ruins—and the brutal out- rages upon its poor, unoffending people—enlist! To humble and degrade that Prepos- terous Braggart and Bully, the Kaiser, and End the Rule of his Pestilent Race; and to help to deal a death-blow to an accursed system of military despotism—enlist! . . . be able to look your fellow-man straight in the face on Glorious Peace Day—enlist! Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue : THE CONNOISSEUR’S EDITION OF POE: FULL MOROCEO 513. PoE (EDGAR ALLAN). The Complete Works of Poe. Edited and Chronologi- cally Arranged on the Basis of the Standard Text, with Certain Additional Material and with a Critical Introduction by Charles F. Richardson. Portraits, illustrations and engraved titles all on Japan paper; regular titles printed in red and black; and numerous vignettes. 10 vols. 8vo, full dark green levant morocco, broad gilt fillets on sides with small corner ornaments in gilt, full gilt paneled backs, inner morocco and gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut, backs slightly faded. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons [1902] COMPLETE SET OF THE CONNOISSEUR’S ELDORADO EDITION, limited to 50 numbered copies, of which this is, No. 37. Illustrated by Frederick Simpson Coburn. REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF LETTERS, ETC., BY OR RELATING TO THESE FAMOUS COURT BEAUTIES 514. PoMPADOUR (JEAN ANTOINETTE POISSON DE) AND DU BARRY (MARIE JEANNE GOMART DE VAUBERNIER). A Collection of 15 Letters, Documents and Notes Signed by or relating in some way to Mme. de Pompadour or Mme. du Barry. Neatly tipped or inlaid to size in a folio volume, triple gilt fillet borders on sides, gilt paneled back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt top, BY RIVIERE. A REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF LETTERS OF THE COURT OF LOUIS XV;comprising :— (1) Document Signed: ‘Jean Antoinette Poisson de Pompadour;” “ Jourdain,” [Marshal of France]; ‘‘ Dupré,’’ also Pompadour’s initials, “J. A. P.;” 3pp. folio, June 26, 1759. This document is exceedingly interesting, being a Warrant of Attor- ney from the Marquise de Pompadour to Pierre Mareschal. With two Government stamps at top of first page; (2) Sheet containing the following: ‘22 et 25 mai 1761. Mariage. M. et Mlle. Bela Chaize. . . .’’ One page folio. (3) Document Signed: ‘‘Louis"” [XV]; ‘“‘De Pompadour;"" “ Hubert;"’ “ Bela Chaize;” ‘‘ Dupré;”’ and other signatures. 8pp. folio 1761. A most interesting docu- ment relating to the marriage of Bela Chaize and Jerosme Hubert and the formalities relative to the marriage settlement, linens, furniture, silver, jewels, etc. _ : (4) Autograph Letter Signed: ‘‘Danry.’’ 4pp. folio, The Bastille, Dec. 24, 1762. To Mme. de Pompadour. A Most REMARKABLE LETTER, from a woman prisoner in the Bastille, apparently imprisoned for some political misdeed against the govern- ment. The letter is full of pathos and supplications. She speaks bitterly of the cruelty of the king, and of the murder of her husband opposite the Church of Saint Sulpice. The poor prisoner has languished within the confines of the Bastille for 14 long years and the letter, though sad and supplicating, is beautifully written. This communication terminates: ‘‘ Secretary, I have suffered for 14 years, for the love of God, have this letter read by Madame. The Bastille, the 24 December, 1762;” (s) Autograph Letter Signed: ‘‘ Dubary.’’ One page square 12mo, August I, 1770. (6) Autograph Letter Signed: ‘La Comtesse du barry.’’ One page oblong 12mo, April 9, 1784. Relates to financial matters; (7) Autograph Letter Signed: ‘‘La Comtesse du barry.’” One page oblong 12mo, September, 1784. Relates to financial matters; (8) Autograph Note Signed: ‘‘La Comtesse du barry."’ One page oblong 12mo, March 6, 1787. Relates to financial matters; (9) Autograph Note Signed: ‘‘La Comtesse du barry.’’ One page oblong 12mo, January 18, 1788. Relates to financial matters; (10) Autograph Letter by Mme. du Barry, one page 12mo, April 21, no year. een du Barry states that she is unable to visit her correspondent because of a sore throat; (11) Autograph Letter Signed: ‘‘ Nathl. Parker Forth.”” One page 12mo, April 12, 1791. Relates to the indisposition of Mme. du Barry; (12) Letter Signed: ‘‘ Le Comte Dubary.’’ One page 8vo, March 23, 1778. In which he speaks of La Croix de St. Louis which the king accorded him for his services; (13) Autograph Letter Signed: ‘‘ Dubarry’’ [Not Mme. du Barry]; (14) Autograph Letter. One page 8vo, August, 1773; (15) Autograph Letter Signed: ‘‘Le Vie. Dubarry.’’ 2pp. 8vo, Versailles, April, TT) 1774 KELMSCOTT—REYNARD MILTON’S PARADISE THE FOXE REGAINED, 1671 [ No. 388 ] [ No. 457 ] SAKOON TALA—BINDING SAKOON TALA—BINDING [ No. 559 ] [ No. 559 | Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE OF POPE CLEMENT VIII 515. Pope CLEMENT VIII (1592-1605). A collection of 15 Letters Signed, dating from February 26, 1600 to January II, 1605. All the letters are addressed to Monsignori Taverna and Cerasio, Cardinal Camerlengo and Ludivico Zacchia. With 3 portraits. In all, 21 pages. Each letter and portrait is skilfully and neatly inlaid to 4to size. Bound in a 4to volume, full blue — levant morocco, sides with triple gilt fillet border, gilt top, BY RIVIERE. 1600-1605 > i heae cx? | vndul poPdieee anna. Nerdy Vetrans CE Ganerl 0. herd Crete wetrars in Rama. a fe prspette Lurler intrrdurre 7 pada Gea unm di . nl cristal belliss.¢ imitate dequcte de Yeneve,etantotl. inaley aise de Nluturoome | nov uslen serge rane gernielare di bra mateprii we oryingeme the tim ice? iim m a Kars pre cedusy henid di paer fehiteevd mode HS ae ‘} fr Vet Cn - tall bolliie ordnale e¢-che 13 wn alee of Serna. Cl Sb ditrew, JStito res i aut oe ; “per rec ann @ dau: deity nrdo, ch usere’ La viper ees cattall ebinile ee'Teae gut! Wg uoneneo'aternene sz per temdene Jentea. loro hanve ce conseniy ence ne Lewin nh’ ak ; orn eepaouitiins che oe) moked Secon nenborsden. Mon pus bei te Cota ia Gontrane Dusntah pelle gf'il bo dhe Nounhe (onio ‘| bore. Tuts REMARKABLE SERIES COMPRISES FIFTEEN LETTERS SIGNED BY CLEMENT VIII as Popr. Each one is signed by the Pope,—‘‘ Clements papa VIII.’ This highly important correspondence is of historic interest as it relates mainly to important ecclesiastical matters. It was Pope Clement VIII who absolved King Henry IV of France in 1595. He ordered a revised edition (known as “the Clementine’’) of the “Vulgate” in 1592. , [See Reproduction] 516. Pope GREGORY XIII (1572-1585). A highly important series of seven ORIGINAL LETTERS SIGNED of this famous Pope. These letters, which cover seven folio pages, are signed as Pope “Bp. U.”’ (Ugo Buoncompagni). The seven letters are neatly hinged to sheets of uniform size and handsomely bound in full crimson levant morocco, gilt lettered and tooled on back and side. Gregory XIII was one of the greatest of the Popes. He is noted for having re- formed the calender, which is named for him the ‘‘Gregorian calender,” and the system now in use. His AUTOGRAPH IS EXTREMELY RarE and it is seldom that even a single letter or document bearing his signature is offered for sale. A collection of his autographs such as that now offered is a rare occurrence indeed. 517. Pope Grecory XIV (1590-1591).. Original Autograph Draft of a Letter; Four Letters written by the Secretary of Cardinal Sfondrata, later Pope Gregory XIV. In all 8pp. folio, 1575-1583. Together, 5 letters. AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF LETTERS. THE DRAFT OF A LETTER IN THE AUTO- GRAPH OF Pope GREGORY XIV, Has NUMEROUS CORRECTIONS IN His AUTOGRAPH; the four letters written by the Pope’s secretary have numerous corrections and addi- tions IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF THE POPE. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue IMPORTANT SERIES OF LETTERS OF POPE PIUS VIII 518. Pore Pius VIII (1829-1830). Important Series of Autograph Letters Signed, Letter Signed, and a Manuscript. Dated 1815-1830. Thirty-six pieces in all. Each piece skilfully and neatly inlaid to royal 4to size. Bound in a 4to volume, full blue levant morocco, sides with triple gilt fillet border, gilt top, BY RIVIERE. 1815-1830 HIGHLY INTERESTING AND IMPORTANT COLLECTION. The first letter mentioned below is addressed to a Prince, and the remainder to Cardinals Mattei Decano, Fontana, Severoli, Fesch (uncle of Napoleon I) and Monsignore Benigni. The ma- jority, however, are addressed to Cardinal Severoli. This highly important series refers to a variety of subjects including, Baltimore, Maryland, Napoleon I, Darwin, Kant, Lady Morgan, etc. As interes con. a PRN ce Qe Abbe “se ne il bore. Cre ct fen gee ty ae il patho G brid M) ub vinchiani 4 bornare Mh Ama: Minretes Ah ifs Ayeriniani eelous if 8 ipte Bes aros' OUbiahe, continuo. fiethanea’ het: ne mu ho ‘Or yoverthio , e ide nu re | LT Rane e tl testo res fae a ite eran antl, by yun. ak ilo. Ns. | é (hem (7 Ha Har (Litto olf ¢ Un! Me pat Ae con ‘only HE me (019. basil Francis Xavier Castiglioni (Pius VIII) pursued his ecclesiastical career without much brilliance until 1800, when he became Bishop of Montalto. Pius VII, who had predicted that Castiglioni would become Pope, created him Cardinal and Bishop of Cesena in 1816, transferring him in 1821 to Frascati and giving him important charges. After Leo XII's death Castiglioni was chosen to succeed him and chose the title of Pius VIII. The collection comprises,— (1) LETTER, with AUTOGRAPH SUPERSCRIPTION SIGNED as Bishop of Montalto, 1815. (2) TWENTY-ONE (21) AUTOGRAPH LETTERS BY Prius VIII, twenty (20) of which are SIGNED. These were written by Pius VIII when he was Cardinal Castiglioni and Bishop of Cesena, and are, therefore, signed as such. There are 34 quarto pages entirely i in his autograph. (3) Four LETTERS, each with AUTOGRAPH SUPERSCRIPTIONS IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF THE POPE, SIGNED AS CARDINAL. One letter, however, is signed as Cardinal Castiglioni and Bishop of Frascati. (4) AUTOGRAPH LETTER written by Antonio Lenzi to Pius VIII in 1830, with two aie a the Pope’s autograph at the top of the letter. Pius VIII died this same year 1830 (5) A MANUSCRIPT written by the Cardinal’s (Pius VIII) Secretary. 7pp. folio. [See Reproduction of Portion of an A. L. S.] Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th $$ a nt 519. Pope Joan. A Present for a Papist: or, the History of the Life of Pope Joan, from her Birth to her Death; Plainly proving, out of printed Copies and authentic Manuscripts of Popish Writers, and Others, that a Woman called Joan was really Pope of Rome. Frontispiece, of Joan, Pope of Rome, 856. 8vo, full polished tree calf, gilt, gilt back, marbled edges. London, 1785 RARE WITH THE FRONTISPIECE, as above. DESIRABLE COPY—EPISTLES I TO IV COMPLETE 520. [PoPpE (ALEXANDER).] An Essay on Man. Tue Four Epistites Compete. 4 parts in one vol. folio, full maroon crushed levant morocco, triple gilt fillet borders, gilt back, broad inside gilt borders, gilt edges BY RIVIERE. London: Printed for J. Wilford . . . [1733-1734] AN BESSA Y N MA N. In EPISTLES to a Friend, EPISTLE IL LONDON: Printed for F. Wilford, at the Three Flower-de-Luces, behind the Chapter-Houfe, St..Paut’s. [Price One Shilling. ] First EDITION, SECOND Issue of Epistle I; First EDITION, First ISsug, of Epis- tles II, III; and First EpitTion, ONLy IssuE IN Fotio, of Epistle IV. Fine CLEAN Copy IN SPLENDID CONDITION throughout, having only very small nearly invisible restorations in blank margins of First Epistle. The parts show the following marks of issue: I, FIRST EDITION, SECOND ISSUE, with pages numbered correctly in arabic numer- als between brackets in center of page; the text spaced out, the lines numbered, with Nos. 245 to 249 duplicated. II, First EpITION, First Issue, with the lines numbered throughout, line 130 misnumbered 30; 220, 120; and 250 to 270, 150 to 170. The device on title is the lion rampant with a vase ornament, the King David design at head of text, the half-title set in large type between 2 thin double-rules, 3 words only in last line of ‘‘To the Reader,” and the last 2 words of the first line of the poem printed on a second line. III, First EpITION, First IssugE, with the misnumbered lines on pages 11, 19 and 20, with the correct half-title, the open book device on main title, the standing female figure in center of headband on page 5, and the tail-piece with the standing cupid, etc. IV, First EDITION and the ONLY ISSUE IN THIS Form. This epistle was issued without half-title. It has a final leaf containing announcement of the publication of the three former parts, on recto, verso blank. [See Reproduction of Title-page to Epistle IT] 521. saz 523: 524. 525: 526. 027: Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue PorTRAITS. HOUBRAKEN (J.). Portraits of Netherland Painters and Sculp- tors. Comprises a set of brilliant proofs, without letterpress. 4to, full red straight-grain morocco, gilt borders on sides, gilt emblematic tooling on back, gilt edges, BY BOZERIAN. No place [probably Amsterdam, 1750] A FINE SET OF PROOFS ON LARGE PAPER, SOME BEARING LEGENDS. From the celebrated Hamilton Palace collection, dispersed in 1882. THE MONTEZUMA EDITION OF PRESCOTT Prescott (Witu1aM H.). The Works of William H. Prescott. Edited by Wilfred Harold Munro . . . and comprising the Notes of the Edition by John Foster Kirk. Numerous full-page illustrations, rubricated title-pages. 22 vols. 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, no date FINE SET OF THE MontTEzUMA EDITION, Limited to 1000 copies, of which this is, No. 930. INCLUDES:—Conquest of Peru, 3 vols.; Conquest of Mexico, 4 vols.; Ferdinand and Isabella, 4 vols.; Charles the Fifth, 4 vols.; Philip the Second, 4 vols.; Life of Prescott; and others. PRESIDENTS. The White House Gallery of Official Portraits of the Presidents. Portraits on India paper and marginal illustrations in light sepia. Atlas folio, three-quarter morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1901 McKinley Memorial Edition limited. This copy is No. 77. Puncu: or, the London Charivari. From its commencement in 1841 to December 29, 1855. Profusely illustrated by Leech, Keene, Doyle, Tenniel, etc. 29 vols. in 15, 4to, half red morocco, gilt tops. London, 1841-1855 FINE SERIES OF THE ORIGINAL ISSUE OF PUNCH. The earlier volumes are becoming exceedingly scarce. QUARLES (FRANCIS). Sions Elegies. Wept by Ieremie the Prophet, and Periphras’d by Fra. Qvarles. Title within elaborate woodcut border, woodcut headbands. Small 4to, full dark green levant morocco, single gilt fillet border and frame with ornamental floral corners on sides, gilt back and inside fillet borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London: Printed by W. Stansby for Thomas Dewe . . . 1625 Very FINE Copy oF THIS EXCEEDINGLY RARE IssuE. Tear through dedication leaf invisibly repaired, otherwise in splendid condition. This edition was made up of the ‘‘remainder’’ sheets of the 1624 issue with only a new title-page. RACKHAM (ARTHUR). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR AND PEN-AND-INK DRAWING. Signed: ‘Arthur Rackham, rot.” Height, 1038; width, 7 inches. Matted in a dull gilt frame and glazed. Mat with wash border around drawing. THis BEAUTIFUL PICTURE by this eminent artist, is undoubtedly a scene from the Nibelungenlied. The dwarfed smith is portrayed welding a sword for the hero Sigurd to go and slay the dragon Fafnir. RACKHAM ILLUSTRATIONS. LAMB (CHARLES AND Mary). Tales from Shakes- peare. With many full-page plates In COLOR and numerous black and white illustrations in the text. Large 4to, full white buckram, gilt lettered, gilt top, uncut, with ties. London, 1909 Edition§Limited to 750f%copies on Large Paper, signed by the artist,—" Arthur Rackham,” of which this is, No. 52. The plate facing page 16, entitled ‘‘Puck,” appears only in this Large Paper Edition. i Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th THE “EDITION MAGNIFIQUE”’ OF READE IN FULL LEVANT WITH DOUBLURES 528. READE (CHARLES). The Works of Charles Reade. Titles printed in red and black on Japan paper; full-page engravings IN Two STATES, one set in water- colors on plain paper, the other set, plain, on Japan paper. 25 vols. 8vo, FULL GREEN LEVANT Morocco, sides with gilt fillets enclosing an all-over scroll and floral design in gilt, with onlays of crimson, white, and lavender morocco, same design repeated on backs; DOUBLURES of crimson morocco with floral spray in center, in gilt, with onlays of white and lavender morocco, the whole surrounded with broad green levant and gilt border, containing corner design with onlay of lavender morocco, end-leaves of red watered silk, gilt tops, uncut, BY THE GROLIER BINDERY. London: Grolier Society, undated COMPLETE SET OF THE EDITION MAGNIFIQUE, limited to twenty-six lettered sets, of which this is Set, Letter ‘‘L.”’ No more elaborate or complete edition of Reade’s Works has ever been produced. The set comprises,— A Simpleton; Terrible Temptation; Love Me Little, Love Me Long; Course of True Love; Griffith Gaunt; Readiana; Perilous Secret; White Flies; Wandering Heir; Christine Johnston; Foul Play. 2 vols.; Good Stories of Men and other Animals; Peg Woffington; It Is Never Too Late To Mend. 2 vols.; Hard Cash. 3 vols.; Put Yourself in His Place. 2 vols.; Woman-Hater. 2 vols.; The Cloister and the Hearth. 2 vols. A SIGNED REMINGTON DRAWING 529. REMINGTON (FREDERIC). ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK AND CRAYON DRAWING SIGNED of: “Regular Cavalryman, Spanish.’’ Titled as foregoing and signed by the artist: ‘‘ Frederic Remington.” Height, 1614; width, 1234. Matted in a narrow brown frame and glazed. A Fine Stupy of a mounted cavalryman, done by this popular American illustra- tor famous for his graphic delineations of western scenes and characters. 530. RENOUARD (AnT. AuG.). Annales de |’Imprimerie des Estienne, ou Histoire de la Famille des Estienne et de ses Editions. First and Second Parts. 2 vols. 8vo, full contemporary red polished morocco, with the arms of J. Gomez de la Cortina stamped in gilt in center of covers, gilt backs, uncut. Paris, 1837-1838 FINE Copy oF THIS IMPORTANT BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WoRK. With the bookplate of the ‘‘ Bibliotheca Cortina.” THE “EDITION DE LUXE’? OF REYNOLDS 531. REYNOLDs (G. W. M.). The Works of Reynolds. Full-page illustrations and rubricated titles on Japan paper; frontispieces COLORED BY HAND. 20 vols. 8vo, three-quarter dark red levant morocco, floral designs in gilt on backs, gilt tops, uncut. London, Boston: Privately Printed for Members of the Oxford arene undate FINE SET OF THE DE LUXE EDITION, limited to 1000 sets; comprising,— Pauline Clarendon; Rose Foster. 2 vols.; Mrs. Fitzherbert; Venetia Trelawney. 5 vols.; Fortunes of the Ashtons. 5 vols.; Caroline Walters; Lady Saxondale’s Crimes. 5 vols. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 532. RiccarDI Press. Rubdiyat of Omar Khayyam. Rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald. 8vo, full peacock blue calf, gilt fillets on sides enclosing an oriental panel design, with a Persian center unit in gilt, richly gilt paneled back, with crescent and star in panels, inner calf borders, gilt, gilt top, uncut, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. London, 1913 EDITION LIMITED to 1000 copies on handmade Riccardi paper. 533. RICHARDSON (JAMES D.—Editor). A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. Numerous engraved portraits and illustrations. 10 vols. royal 8vo, half roan, gilt backs. [Washington] Published by the Authority of Congress, 1899 THE GROSCUP AND STERLING RICHARDSON 534. RICHARDSON (SAMUEL). The Novels of Samuel Richardson. With a Life of the Author, and Introduction by William Lyons Phelps. Portraits and illustrations mainly in two states, one on Japanese vellum paper, one on plain paper. One set of frontispieces in color, signed by the artist. Engraved titles on Japan paper, regular tiles in black and red. 20 vols. 8vo, three-quarter blue crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Groscup & Sterling Company [1901] AUTOGRAPH EDITION, limited to 56 numbered and registered copies, printed from type on Holland handmade paper, and the type distributed. This is copy, No. 46, the first volume signed in the autograph of the editor: ‘‘Wm. Lyon Phelps.” This fine set comprises:— Pamela. 5 vols.; Sir Charles Grandison. 7 vols.; Clarissa Harlowe. 8 vols. Bookplate of A. J. Morgan in each volume. WITH DOCUMENT SIGNED BY LOUIS XIII 535. RICHELIEU (JEAN-ARMAND DU PLESSIS, CARDINAL DE). A Collection of 17 portraits of Richelieu and a 4pp. Document Signed by Louis XIII,— ‘“‘Touts.”” Bound into a 4to volume, full crimson levant morocco, with a bronze medallion portrait of Richelieu inlaid in center of obverse cover, inner levant borders, tooled in blind, gilt fillets, gilt edges, By POMEY. A FINE AND UNUSUAL COLLECTION. Most of the portraits are artistically tipped to drawing paper of 4to size. The portraits are mainly copperplates, several having letterpresses beneath them, giving a short biographical description of Richelieu. The portraits are mainly unsigned by the artists, though one has been executed by Wolf Kilian, another by N. Ponce after C. P. Marillier, another by Tardieu after Cham- pagne, another by Sornique after Nanteuil and another by Jac Lubin. The Document Signed is headed, ‘‘ Instruction a monsieur Louisquo de mande con. du Roy en son conseil d’estat,’’ dated at St. Germain, January 30, 1636. FINE SIGNA- TURE. THE EXTREMELY RARE SCRIBNER EDITION OF RILEY ON JAPANESE VELLUM 536. RiLEy (JAMES WuitcomB). The Poems and Prose Sketches of James Whit- comb Riley. Portrait and tllustrations. 16 vols, 12mo, half parchment, and boards, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1897-1908 THE EXTREMELY RARE EDITION PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM Paper; Limited to 204 copies, of which this is, No. 58. INCLUDES: Rhymes of Childhood; Neighborly Poems and Dialect Sketches; A Child-World; Early Poems; Poems Here and There; and others. [See Reproduction of Title-page] —- sr. she - Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th i i SAE a en Tale basa Meacatle Ale Ad CRABB ROBINSON DIARY. FINELY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED—SIX VOLUMES 537- RoBInson (HENRY CRABB). Diary, Reminiscences, and Correspondence of Henry Crabb Robinson. Selected and Edited by Thomas Sadler. Jllus- trated. 3 VOLS. EXTENDED TO 6, 8vo, full polished fawn calf, gilt fillets on sides, richly gilt backs, inner gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY MORRELL. London, 1869 SUPERB Copy OF THE FIRST EDITION. ExtTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 205 very fine plates, with special title-pages to the extended volumes. THE POEMS AND PROSE a o& SKETCHES OF & & JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY EGHBORLY POEMS % 8 AND DIALECT SKETCHES % § % $ $ CHARLES SCRIBNER’S SONS # NEW YORK ¥ 1897 [ No. 536 ] THE FINEST EDITION OF MONTAIGNE EVER PUBLISHED—THE MASTERPIECE OF THE RIVERSIDE PRESS 538. RoGErs (BRucE—Typographer). MontTaiGNE (MICHEL DE). Essays of Michael, Lord of Montaigne. Written by him, and done into English by John Florio. Frontispiece portraits and engraved titles on wood within floreated borders; large decorative woodcut initials in the manner of Geofrey Tory. 3 vols. folio, new three-quarter purple levant, full gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. Each volume enclosed in cloth case. Boston: Riverside Press, 1902-1904 THE MASTERPIECE OF THE RIVERSIDE PRESS—THE FINEST BOOK PRINTED IN AMERICA. Only 265 copies printed, in the MONTAIGNE TYPE, on handmade paper. G. B. Ives has written copious notes and a bibliographical description of all known editions, English and French. FINE Copy, HANDSOMELY BOUND. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 539. Roman ConTEMPoRAIN. Chefs d’GEuvre du Roman Contemporain. [The Romanticists and Realists.] With numerous full-page illustrations on Japan vellum, some IN CoLoR. Rubricated title-pages. 20 vols. 8vo, cloth, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: Geo. Barrie & Sons, [1897-1901]: LIMITED EDITION, this being No. 330 of 1,000 sets; comprising :— RoMANTICISTS. Monsieur de Camor, by Feuillet; Two Mistresses, etc., by de Musset; The Devil’s Pool, by G. Sand; Bohemian Life, by Miirger; and others. REALISTS. Madame Bovary, by Flaubert. 2 vols.; A Page of Love, by Zola. 2 vols.; Sapho, by Daudet; Mademoiselle de Maupin, by Gautier. 2 vols.; Germinie Lacerteux, by E. and J. de Goncourt; and others. 540. Rome. DusourG (M.). Views of the Remains of Ancient Buildings in Rome, and Its Vicinity. With a Descriptive and Historical Account of Each Subject. With 26 fine plates In Coors. Small folio, cloth, leather back, gilt edges. London, 1820 Some of the views are: Tomb of Cecilia Metella; Ponte Lucano; The Coliseum; Forum of Nerva; Arch of Titus; Tomb of Hadrian; Temple of Pallas; Arch of Con- stantine; etc. Laid in are 9 engraved uncolored views. ; With the C. S. Bement bookplate. THE BEAUTIFUL ‘“ELKHORN EDITION” OF ROOSEVELT 541. ROOSEVELT (THEODORE). The Works of Theodore Roosevelt. Illustrated with engraved portrait and many full-page photogravures, rubricated titles. 28 vols. 8vo, three-quarter dark blue levant, full gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY HADDON. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1906-1919 HIANDSOME AND COMPLETE SET OF THE ELKHORN EDITION, limited to 1000 copies, of which this is, No. 2; comprising,— The Naval War of 1812. 2 vols.; The Rough Riders; New York; Gouverneur Morris; The Strenuous Life; Oliver Cromwell; History of Literature and other Essays; African Game Trails. 2 vols.; Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter; American Ideals. 2 vols.; Hero Tales from American History; Thomas Hart Benton; Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail; Wilderness Hunter. 2 vols.; Hunting Trips of a Ranchman. 2 vols.; Winning of the West. 6 vols.; A Book-Lover’s Holidays in the Open; Through the Brazilian Wilderness. BEAUTIFUL PLATES BY MOREAU, COCHIN, ETC. 542. ROUCHER (J.-A.). Les Mois, Poéme, en Douze Chants. Five very fine plates after Moreau, Cochin, and Marillier, by Gaucher, Ponce, and Simonet. 2 vols. 4to, full mottled calf, gilt, gilt backs, marbled edges. Paris: Quillau, 1779 First EDITION. THE BARRIE ROUSSEAU: FULL LEVANT WITH DOUBLURES 543. Rousseau (JEAN-JACQUES). The Confessions of Rousseau. Préface by Jules Claretie. Full-page and other illustrations by Maurice Leloir. 12 vols. 4to, FULL GREEN LevaANT Morocco, with the initials of the author inter- twined on obverse covers in onlaid red, black and blue moroccos, gilt fillet borders on sides, ornamental corners, wide inner levant borders, beautifully gilt tooled; DouBLuREs of red crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled frame- work, gilt edges. Philadelphia: Gebbie and Company, 1902 BEAUTIFUL SET. Limited to 56 copies, this being, No. 25. PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. This is perhaps the finest edition of the celebrated ‘‘Confessions’’ ever produced. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th FROM ROUSSEAU’S LIBRARY—SELDOM MET WITH 544. RoussEAu’s (JEAN JACQUES) Copy. Le Nouveau Testament en Francois. 2 vols. 16mo, full sprinkled calf. Each volume with a cloth protecting wrapper, and both enclosed in a quarter blue morocco slip-case. Amsterdam, 1736 JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU’S COPY, WITH HIS AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE APPEARING TWICE ON THE TITLE-PAGE OF VOLUME Two. The title-page of volume one is lacking. ‘RARELY FOUND WITH PLATES OF SUCH FINE COLORING 545. ROWLANDSON (THoMAS). Comforts of Bath. A series of 12 FINELY COLORED ~ AQUATINT PLATES, five of which are signed: ‘* Rowlandson fecit.”” Each with publisher’s lines: Pubd. Jany 6th, 1798 by S. W. Fores No. 50 Piccadilly corner of Sackville Street. Size with colored borders, 634 by 914 inches. Each plate has good margins outside the plate mark. Each plate mounted on heavy white art paper, which is hinged on linen guards and bound into an oblong royal 4to volume of full crimson levant morocco, triple gilt fillet border on sides, gilt back and inner borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London: S. W. Fores, 1798 COMPLETE SET. FIRST EDITION. RARE. IN FINE CONDITION AND BRILLIANTLY COLORED, ALL PLATES WITH MarGINs As ISSUED. This series of plates illustrates, ‘‘ The New Bath Guide; or, Memoirs of the Blunder- head Family.” TEN ORIGINAL WATERCOLORS BY ROWLANDSON 546. ROWLANDSON (THomAS). A Collection of TEN ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS, nine of which are signed, ‘‘ 7. Rowlandson.’’ The drawings are beautifully colored each inlaid in a heavy mat, having a wash border around. the picture. Bound into a 4to volume, full red levant morocco, single gilt fillet border on sides enclosing a richly gilt line and dot panel, interrupted at corners and sides with green levant inlays, richly gilt paneled back enclosing similar design with inlays, inner gilt levant borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. | A REMARKABLE AND MosT DESIRABLE COLLECTION OF WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS BY THIS EMINENT ENGLISH CARICATURIST. The descriptions follow in detail:— (1) This drawing depicts a character of the lower orders of London. He is drinking soup, not in the established way, but by holding the plate to his lips. This plate being rather large of size, the contents are running over and falling on to his sleeve. A large dog is holding on to him, catching whatever soup is being spilt. (2) A head portrait of a young man; (3) A bust portrait of an elderly man; (4) A fine watercolor depicting an elderly man and a young lad surveying a portrait on cloth, held up for their inspection by a vendor; (s) This is a picture of a portly cook, being dragged along unwillingly to the pone of Hades, by death who is carrying a sharply pointed stick upon which is a owl; (6) This interesting drawing has the following autograph inscription on it: “A Negro girl plaiting another’s wool.’’ This humorous title is quite explanatory of the picture; ; (7) A design for a mural, comprising horses heads, a loving cup, and various sporting articles at the bottom; : ne (8) This plate is titled: ‘Hunting Breakfast. Symptoms of Drowsiness.” This is also in the artist’s autograph. The drawing depicts several sportsmen at breakfast; (9) A young girl holding a sprinkling can, about to sprinkle some plants which are in pots. Two small dogs accompany her; (10) This picture shows the grim form of death embracing a young woman. The manner in which Rowlandson depicted the terror on the woman's face is indeed noteworthy. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue TWELVE FINE ORIGINAL WATERCOLORS—SPLENDID EXAMPLES 547. ROwLANDSON (THOMAS). A REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF TWELVE ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS ALL SIGNED, ‘T. Rowlandson.” .The drawings are delicately colored, inlaid in a very heavy mat, each with a wash border around the drawing; hand-lettered title-page in red and black. Bound into an oblong imperial 8vo volume, full fawn crushed levant morocco, double gilt fillet borders on sides enclosing panel of a line design, with very richly gilt corners, the lines broken up by fusil shaped inlays of red and green levant, richly gilt paneled back, with inlays, inner gilt levant borders, gilt, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. THIS FINE AND DESIRABLE COLLECTION OF WATERCOLORS IS DESCRIBED BELOW IN FuLL DETAIL. (1) In the foreground is a man with a long pitchfork going after another who is rapidly scaling a gate. In his attempt to escape the unwelcome prongs, his blunder- buss which he carries on his shoulder, accidentally goes off, causing him to lose his balance. Another figure of a man is in the background waving frantically. Two ee dogs are making a hasty retreat and a cock is crowing to add tone to the ustle; (2) This picture is titled in the artist’s autograph: ‘‘ How to Stop a Horse at pleas- ure.’ A horse is seen rushing madly into the stable with his rider on his back. An old fashioned country pump is seen to the left. Frightened fowl are flying this way and that. A farmer in his amazement has dropped his pitchfork and is calling to the helpless equestrian to be careful; (3) This drawing is illustrative of a gentleman seated on a bench conversing with another, who is standing. The latter has a most curiously shaped face. Both are gesticulating with their hands; (4) This is perhaps a scene in the 16th century. A king is seated at a repast, holding a great goblet of wine. At his right isan Archbishop and a bishop, behind whom are two attendants holding their croziers. Opposite the king is the court jester. Seated to the left of the king at the table is a monk holding a plate with but a single fish upon it, apparently intended to be passed. The bishops are looking at the poor monk with surprise and astonishment written on their faces, as though the monk had committed a great breach of etiquette. The attendants are vainly striving to conceal their laughter; (5) Titled in the artist’s autograph: “‘ The Great East Indiaman on Fire in the Bay of Biscay.’’ The boat is in flames and sinking beneath the turbulent waves. Evi- dently an explosion has taken place, for the people are blown in all directions. The sea in the foreground is full of these unfortunates; (6) Three lads are undressing ready to jump into the cool refreshing waters of a lake. Two old women are walking down the path, arm in arm. They are undoubt- edly dreadfully shocked to come across these carefree lads, preparing for a swim; (7) This depicts a free-for-all fight, involving seven participants, some with weapons; (8) Two officers on horseback charging into a crowd of citizens who are running madly away from the brandishing swords of the military men; (9) This depicts a lady fleeing from a pursuing dog. She is upsetting everything in her path in an effort to escape the maddened animal. Her husband, confined to his chair with the gout, is unable to come to her assistance; (10) Titled in the author’s autograph: “‘ Bandy Leg Walk.” Depicts different types of people on a promenade. Some fat, some lean, some elegant, some otherwise; (11) A carriage containing a lady and gentleman is leisurely rolling along. Tied behind is a goose in a cage. A gentleman on horseback, coming from the opposite di- rection, is galloping past, while a dog is plucking the feathers of the poor frightened goose. (12) Depicted in Rowlandson’s characteristic style is a dog lying on the ground, breathing his last. Around him, in a semicircle, are his master and mistresses, gazing itis ect! at their dear departing friend, hoping his spirit will ascend to the canine eaven. 548. ROWLANDSON (Tuomas). The Beauties of Sterne: Comprising his Humorous and Descriptive Tales, Letters, etc. etc. Embellished by 2 caricatures by Thomas Rowlandson, from original drawings by Newton. 12mo, ORIGINAL Boarps, entirely uncut, paper label. Enclosed in brown quarter levant morocco slip-case, with inner cloth wrapper. London, 1809 FirsT EDITION. RARE IN BOARDS, with label. Le Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th SY VERY RARE FIRST ISSUE—FINE COMPLETE COPY 549. ROwWLANDSON (THOMAS). WIGSTEAD (HENRY). Remarks on a Tour to North and South Wales in the Year 1797. With plates from Rowlandson, Pugh, Howitt, and others. Aquatinted by J. Hill. In all 22 plates. Bound in one vol. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back, ornamental silk sides: original old calf covers preserved, which, together with the entire contents is hinged on linen guards. London: W. Wigstead, 1800 ORIGINAL EDITION. The printed title bears date of 1799, the engraved title that of 1800. This copy contains both the engraved and printed title, has the RARE LEAF OF Errata, and the leaves of advertisements. Among the plates, those signed by Row- landson, are as follows,—Coventry; Wolverhampton; Pennanmawr; Nantz Mill and Bethgellert; Cardigan; Inside of a Kitchen at Newcastle; Swansea; Cardiff Castle; Caerphilly Castle; and Raglan Castle. Not in the Grolier Club Exhibition of November 23, 1916. With bookplates of Annette Countess Waldegrave, and J. Barton Townsend. 550. ROwLANDSON (THomAsS). [TAYLor (Miss J.).] An Essay on the Art of _ Ingeniously Tormenting. A New Edition, corrected, revised and illustrated, with five prints, from designs by G. M. Woodward, Esq. Author of ‘ Ex- centric Excursions,” etc. Folding frontispiece and 4 other plates by Rowland- son, ALL IN CoLors, after Woodward. 12mo, original boards, uncut (cracked at hinges, label somewhat rubbed). Enclosed in cloth protecting folder and half red morocco slip-case, lettered on back. London: Thomas Tegg, 1808 First EDITION WITH THESE ILLUSTRATIONS. The plates illustrate: A Savoyard with a barrel-organ and a troupe of dancing dogs, a Frenchman with a dancing bear, etc.; An old vixen tormenting a pretty maid, who is in tears; A family scene, children tormenting cat, dog and rats; A husband with literary tastes endeavoring to interest his lady in his reading; A financial interview between an old curmudgeon and a young man, map of Mexico and Peru Gold Mines on wall. Not in the Grolier Club Exhibition of November 23, 1916. THE FIRST APPEARANCE OF DOCTOR SYNTAX’S TOUR—OF AMERICANA INTEREST 551. ROWLANDSON (THOMAS). Poetical Magazine. (May, 1809 to April, 1811— the last number forming a Supplement, and completing Vol. IV., the last of the series). Illustrated with 31 COLORED PLATES and a woodcut by Thomas Rowlandson; 20 other colored views and 2 sepia plates by other artists, and engraved title to each volume. 4 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crimson levant, elaborately gilt tooled backs, gilt tops. London: R. Ackermann, 1809-1811 RareE FirsT ISSUE OF 28 OF THE DR. SYNTAX PLATES BY ROWLANDSON to illustrate the serial entitled, ‘‘ THz SCHOOLMASTER’S Tour,” afterwards reprinted, in 1812, as “THe Tour OF DR. SYNTAX IN SEARCH OF THE PICTURESQUE,” with 31 plates, which were retouched, and plate 27, frontispiece and vignette title added. : Rowlandson also furnished two illustrations to a story entitled, ‘‘Edwin and Ma- tilda,” an illustration to ‘‘ The Mansion House Monitor,’’ and a woodcut, ‘‘ The Last Drop.”’ The other colored plates are principally views of Cities, Abbeys, Castles, etc., by other artists. St j } Contains several poems relating to America—‘‘ The Negro Girl,” written in North America, (River St. John); also ‘‘The Otaheitan Warrier.’’ ‘Ode, written in New England during the American War; and Epitaph on General Montgomery, 1767, and several other poems by Bryan Edwards; ‘‘To the University of Cambridge, in New England,” and five other poems by PHILLIS WHEATLEY, Negro Poetess of Bos- ton; ‘‘American Savages,” by J. P. C.; ‘‘Mephitis, or City Police, A Poem,’ etc. ) Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue ‘DANCE OF LIFE’? AND ‘“‘DANCE OF DEATH.’? ROWLANDSON PLATES 552. ROWLANDSON (THOMAS). [ComBE (WILLIAM).] The Dance of Death and the Dance of Life. Complete, with all the finely colored plates, as follows:— (1) Tue ENGLisH DANCE OF DEATH, from the Designs of Thomas Row- landson, with Metrical Illustrations, by the author of ‘‘ Doctor Syntax.” Frontispiece, illustrated title (dated, 1816), and 72 plates, all finely colored. 2 vols. London: Printed by J. Diggens, 1815-1816 (2) Tae Dance oF LiFe, A Poem. Frontispiece, vignette on title and 24 plates, all finely colored. London: Published by R. Ackermann, 1817 Together, 3 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in FuLL Crimson LEVANT Morocco, double gilt fillet borders on sides enclosing artistic gilt panels, gilt paneled backs, inner levant borders, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE. Enclosed in a cloth slip-case, levant morocco back (in the form of books) gilt lettered. Each vol. with a cloth protecting wrapper. London, 1815-1817 First EDITION IN BOoOK-FoRM OF Two TYPICAL AND INTERESTING Books CON- TAINING ROWLANDSON PLATES. The artist has here drawn his characters from the en- vironment in which he lived and moved, not being hampered by the author; the latter Setar Sas writing the text for the illustrations. Author’s name written on title of Vol. II. 553. ROWLANDSON (THomAS). The Grand Master, or Adventures of Qui Hi in Hindustan. A Hudibrastic Poem in eight Cantos, by Quiz. Wzth frontis- piece, illustrated title, and 25 plates, ALL IN COLORS, and the RARE UN- COLORED plate of ‘Strange Figures,’’ all by Rowlandson. 8vo, half calf, gilt back. London, 1816 First EpiT1on. With the slip of ‘‘Errata.”’ The last plate, which is uncolored, is generally absent. ‘“‘This is a lampoon on the Marquis of Hastings’ Governorship of India, and shows the public estimation of the East India Company, with its toleration of suttee for revenue purposes, and its total disregard otherwise of Hindu prejudices.’-—HARDIE’S English Coloured Books. : 554. ROWLANDSON, CRUIKSHANK, GILLRAY AND OTHER CARICATURISTS. A col- lection of NINETY-NINE CARICATURES IN COLOR by Rowlandson, Cruik- shank, Gillray, Heath and other caricaturists, mainly with ample or full margins, attached at corners to sheets of cartridge paper, the whole made into a large folio scrap book, with title in water-color, reading; ‘‘ Caricatures, Social and Political. Formed in 1896.’’ Folio half black morocco. London, Early XI Xth Century A HIGHLY IMPORTANT AND VERY RARE COLLECTION. ALL ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS. Includes 22 plates by Thomas Rowlandson, including: ‘Quarter Day’’; ‘Cries of London. No. 2. Buy my Goose"’; ‘‘ Dropsy courting Consumption”; “A Sleepy Con- gregation”’; ‘‘Puss in Boots, or General Junot taken by surprise’’; “A Hitt at Back- gammon"'; ‘Spit Fires’’; and others of equal interest. Includes at least 6 examples of the work of George and Isaac Cruikshank. “* The Art of Walking the Streets of London, plate rst,’’ (in four sections), Jany. Ist, 1818, and which is very rare; ‘“‘ Twelfth Night"’ (after Woodward); ‘‘A Tale of Terror”’ (after Woodward) and others. Some IMPORTANT NAPOLEONIC CARICATURES are included; ‘“‘Three Weeks after Marriage, or, the great little Emperor playing Bo-Beep"’; ‘‘ Boney and his new Wife; or, a quarrel about Nothing"’; ‘The Gallic Magi led by the Imperial Comet” (Napoleon); etc. There are incorporated 9 specimens by Woodward; 8 by Heath; 3 by Gillray, as well as examples by others. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th MOST DESIRABLE RUSKIN AUTOGRAPH LETTERS 555. RuskIN (JoHN). A Collection of Eight Autograph Letters Signed, ‘‘J. Ruskin.” Together, 13 pages. 1871-1875. To Henry Ritchie. Each letter inlaid to size. Fine portrait of Ruskin, etched in sepia by Hollyer, with Ruskin’s facsimile signature. All hinged on linen. Bound into a 4to volume of fine full red straight-grain morocco, gilt fillet on sides, lettering in gilt on obverse cover and back, inner levant borders, gilt; doublures and end- leaves of white watered silk, gilt top. 1871-1875 A SPLENDID COLLECTION OF RUSKIN COMMUNICATIONS TO HENRY RITCHIE. The following briefly summarizes this valuable assemblage of letters by this great art critic and writer. May 22, 1871. On business matters; June 9, 1871. On private affairs; Jan. 7, 1872. Personal letter; May 19, 1873. On further personal matters; June 8, 1873. A REMARKABLE LETTER, reading in part: “. . . I am greatly pleased by the bit about myself when I was young. The utter loneliness of my life now makes me look back to those days as belonging to another world altogether. . . . Now may I ask a few questions more? Chiefly this. Believing as you do that the Kingdom of God is soon to come, could you consider it your duty to act in all respects as if you knew nothing about its causes. Or if not, what difference does it make in your action. For instance, suppose that there be fear of civil war in England. Would you let it come without making effort to stop it, or would you take measures as if you thought this world was still to go on, to prevent it? . . ."’ The letter continues in this vein; May 28 [1874]. Important letter; August 28, 1875. In which he speaks of religious people as a body as being almost entirely destitute of sympathy, however well-meaning; No date. Personal letter. RUSKIN—IN FULL MOROCCO, WITH DOUBLURES 556. RusKIN (JOHN). The Works of John Ruskin. Rubricated titles, photogravure frontispieces and plates on Japan vellum, BEAUTIFULLY COLORED BY HanpD, numerous plates on plain paper, some in colors, and text illustrations. 27 vols. 8vo, FULL RED Morocco, sides with double gilt fillet border, with a vari-colored tulip design onlaid in morocco at corners, and a rose design of vari-colored moroccos at center, gilt paneled backs, with similar floral designs, inner morocco borders, with scroll design in gilt, DOUBLURES of tan morocco, with a floral design in vari-colored moroccos at center, watered silk end-leaves, solid gilt edges. Philadelphia, no date WATER-CoLor EDITION, Limited to 10 sets, of which this is, Set E. INCLUDES:—Stones of Venice. 3 vols.; Sesame and Lilies; Seven Lamps of Architecture; Fors Clavigera. 4 vols.; St. Mark’s Rest; Proserpina; The Two Paths; and others. ORIGINAL MSS. OF ‘‘“MADEMOISELLE LA QUINTINIE”’ 557. SAND (GEORGE). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT of: ‘“‘Mademoiselle la Quintinie.” Manuscript of about Ninety-six THOUSAND WorpDs written in ink on 1,367 octavo pages. Signed at end: “George Sand. Janvier 63.’ Bound into 6 8vo volumes, full red straight-grain levant morocco, gilt, gilt lettering on obverse cover of Vol. I, gilt backs, uncut. THE Most IMPORTANT OF GEORGE SAND’S MANUSCRIPTS, specially bound for presentation after her, death. The cover of Vol. I bears the following description: “La Famille Sand a Edouard Phillippe.’’ Throughout the manuscript are hundreds of corrections and interlineations in the autograph of the authoress. | The entire manuscript is legibly written in blue ink in George Sand’s characteristic hand. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue MAGNIFICENT SET OF THE WRITINGS OF GEORGE SAND 558. SAND (GEORGE). The Masterpieces of George Sand. Now for the First Time Completely Translated into English by G. Burnham Ives. With illustrations IN TWO STATES, one on India paper, and one on Japan paper; one set of the frontispieces HAND-COLORED. 20 vols. 8vo, FULL PURPLE LEvANT Morocco, sides with elaborate gilt foliated framework with rose onlaid in red morocco at each of the four sides, plain center, back with similar gilt design, inside levant borders with Tudor roses and leaf sprays in gilt, DOUBLUREs and end-leaves of white brocaded satin, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: George Barrie & Son, [1900-1902] THE HANDSOME SUBSCRIBER’S EDITION, PRINTED ON JAPAN VELLUM PAPER THROUGHOUT, this being No. 635 of 1,000 copies. INCLUDES:—Indiana; Consuelo; The Snow Man; Nanon; Antonia; A Rolling Stone; She and He; Lavinia; and others. [See Reproduction of Binding] MAGNIFICENT EXAMPLE OF BINDING BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFFE 559. SAKOONTALA, or The Lost Ring: An Indian Drama. Translated into English Prose and Verse from the Sankrist of Ka4lidasa, by Monier Williams. Frontispiece, and illustrations in the text, and many head- and tail-pieces of oriental design; each page of text within an elaborate colored border of oriental design. Large square 8vo, binding described below. Hertford, 1855 MAGNIFICENT EXAMPLE OF A JEWELED BINDING, THE DESIGNS OF WHICH ARE ORIGINAL, AND HAVE NEVER BEEN EXECUTED BEFORE. SET IN THE BINDING ARE 23 MOONSTONES, 24 GARNETS, AND AN OPAL. Full mauve French levant morocco, the entire decoration of which is of an oriental character. Front cover with a sunken oval, with leaf designs onlaid in mauve and green morocco, gold stippled background; in the center of the oval is a raised heart-shaped ornament covered with a solid fili- gree design in gold, on which are set 11 moonstones; the oval is bordered by an onlay of blue morocco with gilt scored design; and the whole is enclosed within a border of solid stipple and filigree designs in gold, with a border of interlaced bands of morocco of various colors, the corners forming a spear-head design within each of which are set three moonstones, in all 12 stones. The back cover is similarly treated, the sunken oval having a filigree design with rosettes onlaid in red morocco, and set with 24 garnets and an opal. Doublures of full mauve levant morocco, with a center panel of cream colored morocco, the whole covered with an elaborate design in gilt consisting of floral sprays and gilt fillets, and a design of interlaced bands of black, brown and mauve morocco. Fly-leaves of full brown morocco, with a panel design onlaid in green morocco, with outlines in gilt; edges gauffred and colored. Enclosed in a full green morocco box case, lined with velvet and white moire silk. [See Reproductions of Binding and Doublure] THE “DE LUXE EDITION’? OF SCHILLER 560. SCHILLER (FRIEDRICH). The Writings of Schiller. With his Life by Heinrich Duntzer. Edited by Nathan Haskell Dole. With illustrations, some Cot- ORED BY HAND. I0 vols. 8vo, three-quarter blue crushed levant morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: F. A. Niccolls & Co., circa 1900 HANDSOME SET. No. 485 of the De Luxe Edition, Limited to 1,000 copies. INCLUDES: Aesthetical and Philosophical Essays. 2 vols.; The Maid of Orleans; Poetical Works; Thirty Years War; The Revolt of the Netherlands; Don Carlos; and others. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th nn WITH TWO IMPORTANT LETTERS BY SCOTT, RELATING TO THE WORK 561. Scott (Str WALTER). Peveril of the Peak. 4 vols. 12mo, half morocco. Edinburgh, 1822 First EDITION. Inserted are Two IMPpoRTANT AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, SIGNED, of the Author to James Ballantyne, Sir Walter Scott’s printer, and to R. Cadell, the Author’s publisher. The letter to Ballantyne is dated Nov. 1, 1828, and refers to his “‘Peveril.’’ Sir Walter states, “I send you a lot of copy with the proof this day received . . . I do not understand if you reckon on the proceeds of PEVERIL as part of the month’s fund—it (PEVERIL) will certainly be out. Nor do I know if you compute your own but I conclude VOGGO a caly 2 I have £2,500 to pay this season last instalment (for the Abbotsford Estate) of Land. For this I have £1,500 provided but I shall want a bill of yours for £500 & of Constable for the like sum at 3 and 4 months which I can easily make circulable, I cannot make you understand my tale of the dark ages. But I shall want very much Duclos’s Life of Louis XI and the account of the private life of the French by somebody whose name I have forgot.”’ [Etc.] The second letter, to Cadell, is as follows: “I send you Peveril puffed up to the proper size, I hope, or very near it. It will be necessary that, when the press goes on it, tt shall continue without stopping or confusing it with other things, that we be assured against repetitions which such a mass of notes written at different times are extremely likely to occur unless the whole are reviewed in a connected form.” xy pian FROM SIR WALTER REFERRING TO His NOVELS ARE OF THE GREATEST ARITY. MAGNIFICENT SET OF WAVERLEY IN FIFTY-ONE VOLUMES 562. ScoTT (SIR WALTER). The Waverley Novels. Superbly illustrated with steel and wood engravings. 51 vols. imperial 8vo, FuLL AutuMN LEAF LEVANT, gilt sides, the Scotch thistle in gilt in each corner, with the crest of Scott in center, black morocco inlays in thistles and crests; doublures of white morocco, with Scott’s crest inlaid in black and gold in center, with levant borders containing gilt thistle design in margins, gilt edges, BY THE TRAUTZ- BAUZONNET BINDERY. London, 1900-1901 COLLECToR’s AUTOGRAPH EDITION, LIMITED TO 12 SETS FOR SALE IN EurROPE, of which this is set, No. 12. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of a Rare Series of Steel Engravings, EACH VOLUME CONTAINING Two HAND COLORED ENGRAVINGS, SOME THREE. Laid in Vol. lisan A. L. S. One page 4to, and in Vol. LI, an A. L. S. One page, dated, 1827. AN EXCEEDINGLY BEAUTIFUL EDITION OF THE WAVERLEY NOVELS IN PRISTINE ConpDITION. ap Bound in Vol. I is the ‘‘Publisher’s Guaranty,” in relation to the above edition, from which may be mentioned the following,—‘‘ . . . it is guaranteed that no two sets of this edition will be alike, and this particular set, in the matter of extra- illustrations, is different from each one of the other sets of this edition, and that this copy contains all the Water Colors which have been made from the particular sub- jects selected, and that no duplicates of these Water Colors have been or will be made for use in this or in any future edition; . . . thatno future edition the under- signed (Geo. D. Sproul) will make of the Waverley Novels will have original manu- script or autograph letters of Sir Walter Scott; . . . the twelve sets comprising the European copies will be sold only to private collectors for their personal use.”’ [See Reproduction of Binding] 563. SECRET Court Memorrs. Frontispieces and plates IN Two STATES, one set on Japan vellum, the other on plain paper, rubricated tutle-pages on Japan vellum. 20 vols. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Printed for the Grolier Society [recent] FINE SET OF THE EDITION DES AMATEURS, limited to 100 copies, of which this is, No. 7. INCLUDES :—Court of Louis XIV; Court of Berlin. 2 vols.; Court of St. Cloud. 2 vols.; Empress Josephine. 3 vols.; Sweden and Denmark. 2 vols.; Marie Antoinette. 2 vols.; Cardinel de Retz; Henry IV; and others. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue VERY RARE SERIES OF PLATES BY SEYMOUR 564. SEYMOUR (ROBERT). Sketches by Seymour. A series of 180 humorous plates, and § title-pages. 5 parts bound in one vol. 8vo, original cloth, gilt, repaired. London: Published by G. S. Tregear, circa 1836 First EpiTion. RARE. Complete set of these humorous sketches of the Cockney Sportsman. With separate title-page to each of the 5 parts, which are lacking in most copies. The plates are printed on different color papers, all being fine clean impressions. A choice copy. 565. SEYMOUR (ROBERT). PEAKE (R. B.). Snobson’s Seasons, being Annals of Cockney Sports [London Particular]. With g2 illustrations by Seymour. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt top. London: M. A. Nattali, circa 1845 566. SEYMOUR (ROBERT). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING: “Will you have - some Pickle.” Height, 614; width, 6 inches. Matted in a black frame and glazed. : AN UNUSUAL AND EXCEEDINGLY FINE, DESIRABLE SEYMOUR DRAWING. A servant maid is entertaining her soldier lover in the kitchen at dinner. She asks him, ‘ Will you have some pickle? I’ve got some very nice in here! ’* She thereupon points toa door, behind which her master is hidden, eavesdropping upon the pair. The subse- quent discovery of this dishonorable act can be well left to the imagination. The door in the picture can be opened, showing the figure behind it. REMARKABLE SERIES OF RARE VOLUMES AND MS. REFERRING TO SHAKESPEARE OR REFERRED TO BY HIM Numbers 567 to 573, inclusive 567. [SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM).] Latimer (BisHop HucH). Certayn Godly Sermons, made uppon the lords Prayer, preached by the right reuerende father, and constant martyr of Christ, Master Hughe Latymer, before the ryght honorable and vertuous Lady Katherine, Duches of Suffolke, in the yeare of our Lorde, 1553 . . . BLAcK LETTER. Title within woodcut border. Small 4to, old half calf and mottled boards (worn, small tear in title repaired, last leaf of text supplied in old manuscript on vellum). Imprinted at London by John Day, 1562 THis VERY INTERESTING Copy BELONGED TO JAMES BOSWELL, JR., THE SHAKES- PEAREAN EpITor. His signature, ‘‘ James Boswell 1803,”’ appears on the inside cover, and he has noted on the fly-leaf that he purchased it in “Martin Bru's Sale.” Latimer’s ‘‘Sermons”’ are referred to by Dr. Furness in his edition of ‘As You Like It,” and also in ‘‘Shakespeare’s England,” Vol. I, pages 55, 59-61, 71, 363, and 507; Vol. II, pages 186 and 475. 568. [SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM).] Charles The Second’s Patronage of the Theatre. An Original, Unpublished, and Contemporary Manuscript entitled, “An Estimate of the charge of the Ordinary Provisions to be made by the Master of the great Wardrobe for his Maties Service, yearly, in King Charles the Second’s time—with some other Allowances, Vizt.’’ IlIpp. folio. Circa 1667-1668 AN EXCEEDINGLY INTERESTING AND VALUABLE MANUSCRIPT ON THE HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH THEATER, AND KING CHARLES THE SECOND’S PATRONAGE OF THE SAME, the following entries referring to the theater:— (1) Mr. KiLLiGREW. Jester’s Coate and other allowances once in two yeares, £40. [Oldys spoke of Thomas Killigrew as ‘‘the King’s Jester,’’ and Pepys was told, on Feb. 13, 1667-8, that ‘Tom Killigrew hath a fee out of the Wardrobe for Cap and Bells under the title of ‘the King’s Jester,’ and may revile or geere at Anybody, the Greatest person without offence, by the privilege of his Place.” Pepys calls Killigrew ‘‘A merry Droll, but a Gentleman of great esteem with the King,’’ and says that he “‘told us many merry Stories.’’"—Diary, 24 May 1660.]} (2) Ma(STE)R OF YE COMOEDIANS; Once in two years, £10. [ Continued GEORGE SAND’'S WORKS— SCOTT’S WORKS— BINDING BINDING [ No. 558 ] [ No. 562 ] THACKERAY’S WORKS— THOREAU'S WORKS— BINDING BINDING CIN O:.637 [ No. 645 ] * Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th [ No. 568. SHAKESPEARE—Continued | (3) SIXTEEN MEN COMOEDIANS TO THE KING. Their Liveries once in two years, abt. £5 each, £40. (4) SIXTEEN MorE (COMOEDIANS) TO YE QUEEN. Ditto. (5) COMOEDIANS TO THE KING AND QUEEN. Eleven Women Comoedians to his Matie, once in two years, abt. £5 each, £27.10.0. (6) TwENtTY-EIGHT MUSITIANS, per ann., £16.2.6 each, £451.10.0. (7) OnE MusiTIAN. For Keeping and Teaching Two Boyes Ye Art of Musick, per ann., £59.13.4. ve ede retest ) vith Bie, SU alas reg. wr the-ale F016 Bre, Oreon, ap lyne a2 ve Nair ea iter on eo flo " ethong Sem See ee t €rvtices (8) THE MA(STE)R OF THE CHILDREN OF THE CHAPPEL. For Keeping and Teach- ing Two Boys, per ann., £40. (9) FURNISHING THE THEATRE OF WHITEHALL of Maskes, Plays, and Dances. (10) FURNISHING EacH Boy OF THE CHAPPEL (as they change their voices) with Suites and great Coates, with all double Proporcon of Lynnen and other Necessaries. [This item and the one preceding (9) form part of an estimated Charge of £10,000 per ann. ‘‘att least.’’ ‘‘The Children of the Chappel,’’ in Charles’ reign, frequently took part in Masks and in Plays. See ‘‘Shakespeare’s England,’’ Vol. 2, pages 244- 46 and 291.] nating Ae ale 1 they dea, [See Reproduction of Last Mentioned Entry] : EDMOND MALONE’S COPY WITH AUTOGRAPH ANNOTATIONS 569. [SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM).] DRUMMOND (WILLIAM). The Works of William Drummond of Hawthornden. Consisting of Those which were formerly Printed, and Those which were designed for the Press. Now Published from the Author’s Original Copies. With 2 engraved portraits of the author. Folio, new half russia. Edinburgh, 1711 Copies WiTH BoTH PorRTRAITS ARE VERY RARE. THE LARGE PoRTRAIT IS a ESPECIALLY BRILLIANT. EDMOND MALONE’S ANNOTATED Copy. On the fly-leaf he has written a long note which is signed and dated June 4th 1785. It should be observed that Malone, in his F annotation at page 226, gives the date of Dr'ummond’s ‘‘ Note” as between 1624 and 1625 whereas Masson ascribed it as between 1614 and 1616. | “The Authors I have seen on the Subject of Love, are the Earl of Surrey, Sir Thomas Wyat (whom, because of their Antiquity, I will not match with our better Times) Sidney, Daniel, Drayton, and Spenser. . . . The last we have are Sir William Alexander and SHAKESPEARE, who have lately published their Works.”"— Works, 1711, page 226. This note of Drummond’s must belong to the period of 1614-1616, for Alexander was not knighted till 1614, and Shakespeare, who died in 1616, is here spoken of asa if living Author. The word “‘lately’’ induces us to give the earliest date possible to the ef note. See “Drummond of Hawthornden; the Story of his Life and Writings,’’ by o? David Masson, 1783, page 81, note—‘‘ Shakespeare’s Centurie of Prayse.’’ His cen- it sure of the English Poets was this: , “That Shakspeer wanted arte . . . Sheakspear, ina play, brought in a number of men saying they had suffered ship-wrack in Bohemia wher y' is no sea neer by some 100 miles.’-—Notes by William Drummond of Conversations with Ben Jonson, at Hawthornden, January, 1619. (First published in Drummond’s Works, 1711.) PO OWS ter ae PL ee Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 570. [SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM).] MANDEVILLE (SIR JOHN). The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundeville, Kt. Which Treateth of the Way to Hierusalem; and of Marvayles of Inde, With other [lands and Countryes. 8vo, full contemporary russet diced russia, gilt, marbled edges. London, 1725 RICHARD FARMER’S Copy WITH His AUTOGRAPH SIGNED NOTE ON FLY-LEAF and several marginal annotations in his hand. Halliwell-Phillipps, in his Edition of ‘‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream,”’ cites this. volume. Consult, too, his notes on ‘‘ Othello.’’ Douce, in his ‘Illustrations on ‘The Tempest,’’’ remarks: ‘‘The ‘dewlapp’d mountaineers’ are shown to have been borrowed from ‘Maundeville’s Travels,’ and the same author doubtless supplied the other Monsters.” Cited, too, by Dyce in his Edition of ‘‘The Winter’s Tale.”’ EDMOND MALONE’S COPY WITH HIS AUTOGRAPH NOTES 571. [SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM).] HeERvey (Tuomas). A Letter from the Hon. Thomas Hervey to Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart. . . . London: Printed for the Author, and sold by J. H. on Ludgate Hill, circa 1740 EDMOND MALONE’s Copy WITH NoTEs By HIM ON MANY MarcINs. There are references to Shakespeare at page 18 and also at page xi (part 2). Hanmer’s edition of Shakespeare was published in 1744-1746. This pamphlet appears to have been privately printed. 572. [SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM).] GARRICK (Davip). A Letter to David Garrick, Fsq. Concerning a Glossary to the Plays of Shakespeare; On a more extensive Plan than has hitherto appeared. To which is annexed, A Specimen. 8vo, original marbled paper wrappers, UNCUT AND UNOPENED. London, 1768 THE First ISSUE OF THE FirsT EDITION, containing the leaf of Errata at the end of the volume. The Errata are uncorrected in the text. Richard Warner, the author, was employed ‘‘to the last hour of his life'’’ upon this “‘Glossary,’” and bequeathed all papers relating to it to his “‘friend David Garrick, Esq., of Adelphi Buildings,’”’ that they might be published, and the profits, if any, applied to a fund for decayed Actors. Two manuscripts of this ‘‘Glossary,’”’ one in 51 4to volumes and the other in 20 8vo volumes, with an interleaved copy of Ton- son’s edition of Shakespeare, with numerous manuscript notes by Warner, and the original manuscript of the ‘‘Letter to Garrick,”’ are now in the British Museum. A VERY REMARKABLE COPY IN THE ORIGINAL PAPER COVERS, UNCUT AND UN- OPENED. 573. [SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM).] VEGA (LOPE FELIX DE). Castelvines y Monteses. Tragi-Comedia. Translated by F. W. Cosens. Frontispiece. Small folio, original cloth. London, 1869 Modern translation of the Spanish dramatic poet's rendering of the same story upon which Shakespeare founded his ‘‘Romeo and Juliet.’’ The original Spanish work was contemporary with Shakespeare’s. Only 150 copies were privately printed for presentation purposes. Presentation copy of John Payne Collier, and with two A. L. S. by Collier laid in, dated at Maiden- head, Dec. 1, 1869 and March 28, 1877 respectively, both relating to his work. 574. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Shakespeare As put forth in 1623. A Reprint of : Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Published according to the True Originall Copies. Portrait. Small 4to, full red morocco, triple gilt fillet borders on sides, rebacked, original back preserved, gilt edges. London: Reprinted for Lionel Booth, 1864 Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th 575. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Anthony & Cleopatra. With an Introduction by W. 1a Rolfe. With 17 etchings by Paul Avril. Royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. New York: Duprat & Co., 1891 LIMITED EDITION, one of 100 copies on Holland paper. 576. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Romeo and Juliet. With an Introduction by ; - Richard Henry Stoddard. Etchings by Jacques Wagrez and Louis Titz. Royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. New York: Duprat & Co., 1891 LIMITED EDITION, one of 100 copies on Holland paper. 577. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). WiILLiams (J. L.). The Home and Haunts of Shakespeare. With an Introduction by Horace H. Furness. Jllustrated by 15 plates in WATERCOLOR, 30 full-page photogravures and more than 150 A _ other illustrations. Folio, full red morocco, gilt, gilt lettering on obverse cover % and back, gilt edges. New York, 1895 _ FINE Copy. THE HENLEY EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE 578. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Shakespeare. Edited by W. E. Henley. Portraits on India paper, numerous illustrations COLORED BY Hanp. 10 vols. royal 4to, full red levant morocco, with triple gilt fillet border on sides, gilt backs and inner gilt dentelles; doublures and end- leaves of green silk, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh, 1903 EpDITION LIMITED to 150 copies, this being, No. 15. With specially printed titles pe Printed at Edinburgh for R. G. Newbegin, New York, by T. and A. Consta- e, 1903.”” th el Pien ase Ss: ec SUPERB SET OF SHAKESPEARE—FULL MOROCCO, WITH DOUBLURES 579. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Royal Academy Series. The Shakespeare Gallery. A Collection of Scenes and Characters from Famous paintings by Eminent Artists Each Subject Being Chosen by the Artist Himself as a work of Art Entitling it to a Place in the Royal Academy Exhibitions as well as Authentic Character Portraits of Celebrated Shakespearean Actors and Actresses. With descriptive text by the eminent Shakespearean scholars F. J. Furnivall, Horace Howard Furness, Edward Bowden and other authorities. With full-page engravings and photogravures, IN Two States, one in black and white and mounted on Japan paper, the other printed on Japan paper in bistre. 10 vols. folio. London: The Royal Shakespearean Society, 1908 FINELY BounpD IN FULL CRIMSON LEVANT Morocco, sides with triple gilt border, floreated gilt corners with onlays of green morocco upon which in gilt are masks, in the center large gilt decorative ornamentation enclosing the coat-of-arms of Shakes- peare beneath which is the motto “‘ All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players,” gilt paneled backs, reinforced hinges; front doublures in panel de- sign the center being a colored illustration under celluloid (each doublure with dif- ferent view, height 9; width, 614 inches) representing some scene in the work, the characters in each case being of celebrated actors and actresses, this panel being sur- rounded by wide border in green French levant morocco, each in turn is surrounded by a wide border of crimson French levant morocco, the fitst being decorated with gilt fillets and corner ornaments, the other with fool’s head and cap in gilt; the back doublures of full green levant morocco, with wide border of crimson French levant morocco, green watered silk end-leaves, gilt edges. ili lake! de A ES ah Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 580. SHELLEY (PERcy B.). The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Complete. 581. 582. 583. 584. 585. Frontispiece and engraved title. Thick 32mo, new three-quarter crimson levant, elaborately gilt tooled back, with inlays of green levant, gilt top. London: C. Daly, 1839 First MINIATURE EDITION OF SHELLEY'S POEMS, PUBLISHED THE SAME YEAR AS THE EDITION EDITED BY Mrs. SHELLEY. RARE. THE BEST LIBRARY EDITION OF SHELLEY. VERY SCARCE SHELLEY (PERcy B.). The Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley in Verse and Prose. Now first brought together with many pieces not before published. Edited with Prefaces, Notes and Appendices by Harry Buxton Forman. Illustrated. 8 vols. 8vo, half green straight-grain morocco, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London: Reeves and Turner, 1880 AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE EpITorR, Mr. Forman, to B. W. Rich- ardson, with inscription on fly-leaf of Vol. I. SHELLEY (PERCY B.). The Romance of Mary W. Shelley, John Howard Payne and Washington Irving. Engraved title and half-title page, two etched portratts on Japan paper by Bicknell and vignettes. 8vo, original half calf, uncut. Boston, Bibliophile Society, 1907 Edition limited to 470 copies. SHELLEY (PERCY B.). PEAcock (THomAs Love). Letters to Edward Hook- ham and Percy B. Shelley with Fragments of Unpublished Mss. Wath etched portratt of author by Bicknell. 8vo, half vellum and cloth, uncut. Boston: Bibliophile Society, 1910 Edition limited to 483 copies. SHERIDAN’S (GENERAL PHIL.) War Horse ‘‘WINCHESTER.” A Collection of 6 original letters, in regard to having the skin of General Sheridan’s famous war horse ‘‘ Winchester’ taxidermized, and other matters pertain- ing to the horse. Portrait of Sheridan. Each letter tipped on sheet of uniform size, bound in a 4to volume, full red levant morocco, lettered in gilt on front. AN INTERESTING COLLECTION. The letters pertain to having the skin of this fa- mous horse mounted and sent to the Military Service Institute at Governor’s Island, other letters request the loan of the mounted specimen for an occasion to raise funds for disabled soldiers of the Civil War, etc. With a special manuscript title-page HOPKINSON SMITH: FULL CRUSHED LEVANT: ONLY TEN SETS WERE ISSUED IN THIS BINDING SMITH (F. Hopkinson). The Works of F. Hopkinson Smith. Wath an ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING BY THE AUTHOR and numerous illustra- tions tn color and black-and-white, several of these illustrations, including portrait of author, being signed by the artists. 26 vols. 12mo0, FULL CRIMSON CRUSHED LEvANT Morocco, beautifully gilt floral sprays in corners within a gilt wavy line border, richly gilt floreated back, inner borders, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1902-1912 EDITION LIMITED to 10 sets bound in full crushed levant, with the portrait signed by the author, and Two PaGEs OF ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, one page typewritten with autograph corrections, the other in holograph. [ Continued ts » Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th [ No. 585. SmitH—Continued ] ComPRISES:—Laguerr’s; White Umbrella in Mexico; Colonel Carter; Tom Grogan; Gondola Days; Caleb West. 2 vols.; The Other Fellow; Fortunes of Oliver Horn. 2 vols.; The Under Dog; At Close Range; The Wood Fire in No. 3; The Tides of Barnegat. 2 vols.; The Veiled Lady; Colonel Carters’ Christmas; Peter. 2 vols.; Forty Minutes Late, Etc.; Kennedy Square. 2 vols.; The Arm Chair at the Inn; Felix O’Day. 2 vols.; With Dickens and Thackeray in London. 586. SMOLLETT (Topras). The Works of Tobias Smollett. Edited by George Saintsbury. Full-page illustrations by Frank Richards; rubricated title-pages. 12 vols. 12mo, half dark blue morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London: Gibbings and Company, Limited, 1900 ROSCOE EDITION. Limited to 250 sets, of which this is, No. 213. IMPORTANT COLLECTION RELATING TO SPANISH WAR 587. SPANISH AMERICAN War. A Collection of 22 Autograph Letters Signed; One Autograph Letter; 5 Letters Signed and 7 Typewritten Letters Signed. Together, 35 letters, about 50 pages, various dates and sizes. With portraits of McKinley, Roosevelt and Dewey. Rubricated title executed by hand. Bound into a small 4to volume, full blue levant morocco, gilt fillets on sides, gilt lettering on obverse cover and on gilt emblematically tooled paneled back, inner borders, gilt, gilt top. THIS EXTREMELY INTERESTING COLLECTION comprises in part: L. S., ‘‘W. Me- Kinley,” July 30, 1896; L. S., “John Hay," Dec. 5, 1899; L. S., “T. Roosevelt,’’ Aug. 26, 1898; L. S., “‘George Dewey,"’ Feb. 21, 1899; L. S., ‘‘ Benj. Harrison,” Jan. 18, 1897; A. L. S., “‘Charles S. Ripley,’ Nov. 14, 1898; and others. These letters are mainly addressed to Mrs. Morris P. Ferris. 588. SPENCE (JOSEPH). Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters, of Books and Men. Collected from the Conversation of Mr. Pope, and Other Eminent Persons of his Time. Now first published from the Original Papers, with Notes, and a Life of the Author by Samuel Weller Singer. 3 vols. 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, with ornamental gilt signboard design, upon which is lettered the title in gilt on obverse covers, reverse covers plain, inner levant borders, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London, 1820 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED AND EXTENDED FROM ONE VOLUME TO THREE by the inser- - tion of about 175 finely engraved portraits and views. Some of the portraits are: John Seldon; Prior; Fénélon; Newton; Wotton; Wycherley; Campbell; Pope; Rubens; Walpole; and others. The views are also fine and numerous. ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT OF NEVILL’S ‘“‘OLD ENGLISH SPORTING PRINTS” 589. Sport. NEVILL (RALPH). COMPLETE ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT Signed, of his book, entitled, ‘‘Old English Sporting Prints.’’ Manuscript of about FrvE THousaND WorbDs, written in ink, on 42pp. 4to. New three- quarter crimson levant, elaborately gilt tooled back, with inlays of blue levant. FINE MANUSCRIPT, with numerous corrections, cancellations, and additions, in the Author’s Autograph. 590. Sport. Baily’s Magazine of Sports and Pastimes. Jilustrated. 42 vols. 8vo, half green calf, elaborately gilt tooled backs, with crimson and maroon lettering pieces (few bindings slightly rubbed). London, 1860-1884 FINE RUN oF THIS CELEBRATED SPORTING MAGAZINE. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 590I. 592. 593- 594: Sport. The Encyclopedia of Sport. Edited by the Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, Hedley Peek and F. G. Aflalo. Profusely illustrated with full-page plates and hundreds of text tllustrations. 2 vols. thick 4to, cloth, gilt edges. London, 1897-1898 First EDITION. Contains the following contributions by THEODORE ROOSEVELT: “The Byson;” ‘“‘ The Caribou;”’ ‘‘ Rocky Mountain Goat;’’ “‘Opossum and Raccoon;” “Peccary;” “Prairie Chicken;” ‘“‘ Pronghorn;” ‘“‘Puma;” “ Turkey;” ‘“ Wapiti;”’ and “Wolf Coursing;” rendering this a desirable item to collectors of Roosevelt material A RARE SPORTING BOOK. BRILLIANT PLATES. ORIGINAL BINDING SPorRT. RAWSTORNE (LAWRENCE). Gamonia: or, the art of preserving game; and an improved method of making plantations and covers, explained and illustrated. With 15 brilliantly COLORED PLaTEs by J. T. Rawlins. 8vo, full green morocco, gilt scroll-work borders on sides, gilt edges. London: Rudolph Ackermann, 1837 First EDITION. VERY SCARCE. The plates are brilliant impressions and are very spirited. This is the only edition ever printed of ‘‘Gamonia,” Sport. JOHNSON (F. M.). Forest, Lake and River. The Fishes of New England & Eastern Canada. Profusely illustrated with plates, some IN CoLor and numerous text illustrations. 2 vols. 4to, full ooze calf, decorated on obverse covers; doublures and end-leaves of white satin, uncut and partly unopened, with leather straps and snaps. Boston, 1902 EDITION LIMITED to 350 copies on handmade paper, this being, No. 4. GUARANTEED TO BE A COMPLETE SET OF ‘“*THE SPORTING MAGAZINE”’ SPORTING MAGAZINE (THE); or Monthly Calender of the Transactions of the Turf, the Chase, and every other Diversion interesting to the Man of Pleasure and Enterprize. From the commencement in 1792 to its termina- tion in 1870. With upwards of 2000 engraved plates, tllustrative of horse- racing, shooting, hare-hunting, fox-hunting, fishing, portraits of famous horsemen, etc., and other sporting subjects by Alken, Herring, Marshall Sartorius, and others. 156 volumes. 1792-1870; TuRF REGISTER for 1852-1857 inclusive. 2 vols. 1852-1857. Together, 158 vols. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt backs with emblematic gilt designs. London, 1792-1870 A FINE COMPLETE AND GUARANTEED PERFECT SET OF THIS EXCESSIVELY RARE SPORTING MAGAZINE, IN REMARKABLY FRESH CONDITION. THE VOLUMES ARE CLEAN AND UNIFORMLY BOUND. CONTAINS ALL THE RACING CALENDARS, BE- SIDES THE ISSUES OF THE TURF REGISTER FOR THE YEARS 1852 TO 1857. A COMPLETE SET OF ‘‘ THE SPORTING MAGAZINE”’ IS VERY SELDOM MET WITH, ESPECIALLY WITH THE RACING CALENDARS. With the issue of Vol. 125 (Vol. 25 of the Third Series) in 1855, ‘‘The Sporting Magazine’’ was consolidated with “‘ The Sporting Review,” ‘‘The Sportsman” and the ‘‘ New Sporting Magazine,’’ and was issued with the title-pages reading ‘‘ The Sporting Magazine, united with The Sports- man, Sporting Review and New Sporting Magazine.’’ The series comprises,— [OLD SERIES]: Vols. 1 to 50, October 1792 to September 1817. 50 vols. NEW evnak Vols. 1 to 25 (Vols. 51-75 Old Series), October 1817 to April 1830. 25 vols. SECOND SERIES: Vols. 1 to 25 (Vols. 76 to 100 Old Series), May 1830 to December 1842. THIRD SERIES: Vols. 1-56 (Vols. 101-156 Old Series), January 1843 to September 1870. After Vol. 40, the volumes were not numbered and only the words “End of Volume”’ appeared. Vols. 1 to 7 inclusive, the titles read, ‘‘The Sporting Magazine. Patronized by H. R. H. Prince of Wales;’’ Vols. 8 to 24 inclusive, titles read, ‘‘By Command [ Continued “s Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th No. 594. SPoRTING MAGAzINE—Continued | ¢ . under the Patronage of H. R. H. Prince Albert. The Sporting Magazine;” fi Vols. 25 to 27 inclusive, titles read, ‘‘The Sporting Magazine, united with The Sportsman, Sporting Review & New Sporting Magazine;’’ Vol. 28 title reads, 7 tbe Sporting Review. United with The Sportsman, New Sporting and Sport- a3 ing Magazines;’’ Vols. 29 to 48 inclusive, the titles read, ‘‘The Sporting Maga- zine, united with the Sportsman, Sporting Review and New Sporting Magazine;”’ Vol. 49, title same as Vol. 28; Vols. 50 to 52 inclusive, titles same as Vols. 29-48; Vols. 53 to 56, titles same as Vol. 38. TurRF REGISTER for 1852-1857 inclusive, bound in two volumes. [See Reproduction of Title-page] +4) + 595. SPORTING PICTURES IN COLOR (WATERCOLORS). Howitt (SAMUEL). Set of oh four ORIGINAL SPORTING DRAWINGS by Samuel Howitt: (1) Woodcock x Shooting; (2) Pheasant Shooting, (3) Partridge Shooting, (4) Wild Duck i. Shooting. Pencil drawings touched with watercolors. Each drawing measures, 24 height, 14 inches; length, 194% inches. Each drawing mounted down under 4 mat and hinged to linen guard, with specially prepared title-page, and - bound in royal atlas folio, full dark green levant morocco, sides with double a x frame of gilt fillets with small emblematic sporting tool in gilt in each corner, gilt back with emblematic tooling, heavy inside gilt borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. UNIQUE COLLECTION. ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY HOWITT BEING OF SURPASSING RARITY IN PUBLIC SALES EITHER IN THIS COUNTRY OR ABROAD. The drawings are in perfect condition, free from stains or breaks. The drawings, ‘‘ Pheasant Shooting”’ and “Partridge Shooting’’ have a collector’s stamp in corner partially covered by the mat, the letters, ‘““A. P. E.”’ being all left visible. These beautiful drawings vary to a considerable extent from the published designs in Orme’s “ British Field Sports,’’ and also from the AQUATINT PRINTS of the same subjects offered in the following item, some of the striking differences being,— ““Woodcock Shooting’’: The heads of three men are shown in the drawing where only two appear in the print and four dogs in place of three. The outlines of the trees are also materially different. ‘“*Pheasant Shooting’’: The entire drawing is reversed, the men’s costumes are different, and the four dogs are grouped together. In this drawing the trees and foliage also are quite different from the print. ‘‘Partridge Shooting’: The drawing shows two men and three dogs in the fore- - ground with another huntsman holding a dog in leash standing beside his mount against a high fence in the background at the right, with faint outlines of a house and farm country in the distance at the left. The aquatint does not show the third man with the dog in leash, the entire design being of quite different character. ““Wild Duck Shooting’’: In this drawing the figures of the huntsmen stand close _ together at the right in deep grass, the dogs plunging through the grass and into the water before them, the trees bunched in the center of the drawing with one duck in flight at the upper left, while the aquatint shows trees on either side and the marshy grass and water in the center. ORIGINAL AQUATINTS, COLORED, PROOFS BEFORE ALL LETTERS 596. SPORTING PRINTS IN CoLor (AguaTiInTs). Howitt (SAMUEL). Set of Four BEAUTIFUL COLORED AQUATINTS, PROOFS BEFORE ALL LETTERS, of shoot- ing scenes. Each print measures about 16) to 17 inches in length by 11 yy inches in height. Together, 4 pieces, laid in folio cloth portfolio. [London, circa 1807] A Group OF COLORED AQUATINT SPORTING PRINTS OF EXTREME RARITY, BEING Proors BEFORE ALL LETTERS and varying from the prints of the same subjects by Howitt published in Orme’s “‘ British Field Sports.’” PROBABLY THE FIRST SET OF THESE PRINTS TO BE OFFERED IN PUBLIC SALE IN AMERICA. The plates represent: (1) Woodcock Shooting; (2) Pheasant Shooting; (3) Partridge Shooting; (4) Wild Duck Shooting. ; The designs of these plates differ materially from HowiT?t’s ORIGINAL DRAWINGS of the same subjects listed above. [See Reproductions] Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue FOUR SPORTING SUBJECTS BY HENRY ALKEN—OIL PAINTINGS 597. SPORTING PICTURES IN CoLor (O1Ls). ALKEN (HENRY). Four Hunting Subjects. Ozl paintings, on canvas. One is signed,—‘“‘ Alken.”’” Measure- ments of each: Length, 6; height, 5 inches. Together, 4 pieces matted as one. Ina gold frame. A Most INTERESTING Group, depicting four incidents of two huntsmen: (1) Go- ing along the road at a rapid pace, to the hunt; (2) Spill into a brook, one horse and rider coming up, the other going headlong in; (3) One loses his mount, the horse running away; the other has lost his mount, the mount having caught his hind legs in the rails; (4) One is leading his mount which is much cut up, the other is mounted; the clothes of both men are much torn; the other hunters are up the road. FOUR SPORTING SUBJECTS BY HENRY ALKEN—WATERCOLORS 598. SPORTING PICTURES IN COLOR (WATERCOLORS). ALKEN (HENRY). Four Sporting Subjects. Watercolors. Each signed,—‘‘H. Alken.” Measure- ments of each: Length, 12; height, 9 inches. Each in an oak frame, glazed. Together, 4 pieces. FOUR INTERESTING WATERCOLORS. (1) Gentleman out riding; (2) The gentleman returning from the ride, leading his fatigued horse; (3) Gentleman coursing with fox- hounds; (4) Subject similar to the preceding. ORME’S “BRITISH FIELD SPORTS.’”? SUPERB PLATES IN COLOR 599. SPORTING PRINTS IN COLOR. ORME’S COLLECTION OF BRITISH FIELD SPORTS. Illustrated in 20 MAGNIFICENT COLORED ENGRAVINGS, from designs by S. Howitt. Oblong folio, full red levant morocco. London, 1807 THE ABOVE Is A COMPLETE COPY AND BESIDES THE 20 PLATES HAS THE BEAUTI- FUL COLORED TITLE-PAGE AND THE LIST OF CONTENTS, THE LATTER HAS BEEN MOUNTED. THE FINEST SPORTING BOOK EVER ISSUED AND EXCEEDINGLY RARE, VERY FEW COMPLETE COPIES BEING IN EXISTENCE/AS Most OF THEM HAVE BEEN BROKEN UP AND THE PRINTS SOLD SEPARATELY. Comprises:— 1. Shooters Going Out in the Morning; 11. Pheasant Shooting, Plate I; 2. Horse Racing; 12. Pheasant Shooting, Plate II; 3. Fox Hunting, Plate I; 13. Partridge Shooting, Plate I; 4. Fox Hunting, Plate II; 14. Partridge Shooting, Plate IT; | 5. Stag Hunting, Plate I; 15. Grouse Shooting; 6. Stag Hunting, Plate II; 16. Snipe Shooting; 7. Hare Hunting, Plate I; 17. Rabbit Shooting; 8. Hare Hunting, Plate II; 18. Duck Shooting; 9. Coursing; 19. Hare Shooting; 10. Woodcock Shooting; 20. Fox Hunting, Plate III. [See Reproduction of Plate No. 1] A SPORTING RARITY 600. SPORTING PRINTS IN CoLor. Davis (R. B.). Newly Invented Borders for Rooms, etc. of Field Sports. Comprising, 9 FINELY COLORED SPORTING PLATES engraved by Merke after R. B. Davis. Mounted in an atlas folio volume, pebbled cloth. London: Published May 12, 1810 By C. Random, D. B. at his Sportin ; Gallery, 65 Pall Mal EXCESSIVELY RARE COLORED SPORTING PRINTS. No COMPLETE COLLATION HAS EVER BEEN GIVEN, but it is believed that these nine strips form a complete set and are all that were ever issued. The set was issued: probably in emulation of Rowlandson’s ‘‘ Grotesque Borders.”’ The strips were published separately, as instructions are given for joining them to- gether, and depict sporting subjects and scenes, horses, dogs, saddlery, fox hunting, etc. The strips measure 1834 by 5)% to 6 inches each. A Most ATTRACTIVE SPORTING SERIES, [See Reproduction of Panels ‘‘B” and “C”’]’ ' ” ‘ ‘ ‘ —_— ‘ — 4 - % . i A ‘ 4 a 2 P a » 7 . r ¥ Li Vf ‘ 7 ? | * 5 ‘ *. # * = eae A i - ~ “i -, ‘ \ = 7 ai TA n 7 n ‘ ot * 7 ¢ “% - — > é . » ¥ “<’ Sa 1 < re i ri : «) 7 da i& * uh PAD Pay aaa, as ie ee a LLIMOH THNWVS AM SINILVAOV—YOIOOD NI SLNIYd DNILYOdS ae BS ge Fie [ 009 ‘ON J [ 009 *ON | [ 66S “on J HINTO—-AOTOI ANT SUN Taide INI LauOd sss. Vick » « 4 oe coh fe hh Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th A VERY RARE SERIES OF SPORTING PLATES 601. SPORTING PRINTS IN CoLor. [The Billesdon Coplow Hunt.] With a complete set of 6 FINELY COLORED PLATES by R. Frankland. Oblong royal 4to, full polished fawn calf, triple gilt fillets on sides, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt top, uncut, BY RIVIERE. [London: H. Humphrey, 1811] VERY SCARCE. FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS. Some of the plates are titled: Going along a Slapping Pace; Charging an Ox-fence; Facing a Brook; and others. RARE SERIES OF COACHING PRINTS 602. SPORTING PRINTS IN CoLor. A Complete Set of Sporting Prints as listed below. Each drawn by Henry Alken, engraved by R. Havell. BRILLIANTLY CoLoRED. Height of each about 814; length, about 11 inches. Each matted. London, 1837 FINE ORIGINAL AND BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS. A detailed description follows: (1) ‘‘The Devonport Mail Near Amesbury. Going Post through an Avalanche of Snow.”’ The mail coach is depicted laboriously struggling through the deep snow in an endeavor to reach its destination in good time; | (2) “The Birmingham Mail near Aylesbury. The Guard Banbury proceeding with the Bags.”’” A blinding flurry of snow is falling, while the mail coach is struggling on. Another coach, in a deplorable condition, is lying in the deep snow, with the horses detached, one mounted by a rider. Two men are helping the horses drawing the first coach make their way in the drift. (3) ‘‘The Bruce Passing the Peveril Coach and Manchester Mail.’’ Depicts a coach unable to proceed farther in the deep snow, therefore the gentlemen are assisting the ladies to descend. A passing coach, quite full, is experiencing less difficulty in its progress. (Slightly spotted.) (4) ‘‘The Holyhead and Chester Mails, at Heckley Hill, near Dunstable.”’ The mail coaches and their teams are almost submerged in the great white blanket of snow covering the wide wastes. A rider is thrown from his seat and the pas- sengers are looking on in dismay; (5s) ‘‘The Brighton Mail, on Sunday Dec. 25, 1836.’" A mail coach is struggling through a heavy snow storm. The coachman and footman are huddled up in their greatcoats braving the biting wind and blinding snow. The horses are galloping at a rapid pace along the English moors. A lone traveler and his canine companion are slowly wending their way along the route. (6) ‘The Liverpool Mail near St. Albans.’’ While driving through a deep snow- fall, the mail coach is tipping, precipitating a passenger into the soft snow. Another coach is in a distressing condition, being almost buried beneath the white blanket. A lady, imprisoned within, is calling to the passing coach for aid. THE FINE TAYLOR EDITION OF STERNE. FULL LEVANT WITH DOUBLURES 603. STERNE (LAURENCE). The Works and Life of Laurence Sterne. [With Intro- ductions by W. L. Cross.] Jilustrations In Two STATES, on Japan and Holland paper, some PRINTED IN CoLors, others tinted. 12 vols. 8vo, full crimson levant, triple gilt fillets on sides enclosing scroll design in corners, in gilt, with center piece onlaid in dark blue morocco, the same design repeated on backs; DousLures of dark blue levant, with large gilt floral centerpiece, surrounded with crimson morocco border having gilt bands; lavender silk end-leaves, gilt tops, uncut, BY BLACKWELL. New York: J. F. Taylor and Company [1904] HANDSOME AND COMPLETE SET OF THE STONEGATE EDITION PRINTED THROUGH- OUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PaPER. Limited to 150 sets, of which this is, No. 18; comprising,— Tristram Shandy. 4 vols.; Sermons of Mr. Yorick. 2 vols.; Letters. 2 vols.; Journal to Eliza and Various Letters; Sentimental Journey through France and Italy; Life of Fitzgerald. 2 vols. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION 604. [STERNE (LAURENCE).] A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. By Mr. Yorick. 2 vols. 16mo, full polished fawn calf, gilt, richly gilt backs and inner borders, gilt edges, BY TOUT. London, 1768 First EDITION. RARE AND IN UNUSUALLY GOOD CONDITION, with the half-titles in each volume. Faint traces of old name on title-page of Volume I. A. L. S. BY STEVENSON MENTIONING ‘“‘TREASURE ISLAND” 605. STEVENSON (ROBERT Louts). Autograph Letter Signed, in full, one page small 4to, Wensleydale, West Cliff, Bournemouth, Oct. 4th, 1884. To Mr. Nutt; [ALso] His Autograph Signature, in ink, on slip of paper,—‘' Yours truly, Robert Louis Stevenson.” Together, 2 pieces. ae if Bema a pence ur GARR SS Ona feel tn At hae Irene AAUM + Banka W.s LI. Scmtd Lhowkd le ones Cobo Ann I tenth Gnd Wel Mts Tempus be prttstens a hhan.atatAan of TAtacnai tetae te fevtlte } for sorta ones 4 Pope f= cr Tan, And Utrm Arhorr t cl negrlaty Se dove tung ttl; Don deere hich a. Lit OR papers oo INTERESTING LETTER WITH MENTION OF. ““ TREASURE ISLAND,” reading in part as follows,—‘'I understand that the ‘Temps’ is publishing a translation of Treasure Island in feuilleton; pray order me the paper from the beginning of the story, and let me have it regularly.”’ [etc.]. [See Reproduction] Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th 606. STEVENSON (RoBERT Louis). Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. Frontispiece by Walter Crane, showing Stevenson in the foreground, lying on the ground, with a blanket over him, smoking, while the donkey 1s browsing nearby. 12mo, full green levant morocco, gilt fillet on sides, gilt paneled back, inner levant borders, gilt, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers and back- bone bound in, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London, 1879 VERY FINE Copy OF THE RARE FIRST EDITION. eo 607. STEVENSON (RoBERT Louts). A Child’s Garden of Verses. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1885 RARE FIRST EDITION. AUTOGRAPH CHECK BY STEVENSON, SIGNED, INSERTED 608. STEVENSON (ROBERT Louis). The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables. I2mo, original cloth, slightly shaken. Enclosed in a half green levant morocco slip-case, gilt back. London, 1887 First EpITION. Tipped on end-leaf is an AUTOGRAPH CHECK signed in full by Stevenson as follows: ‘‘ Robert Louis Stevenson.'’ Made out for the sum of ten pounds sterling for George Taylor. The check is numbered 148 and dated August 18, 1887. With bookplate of J. W. R. Crawford. WITH AUTOGRAPH SIGNED CHECK BY STEVENSON INSERTED 609. STEVENSON (RoBERT Louts). The Wrecker. By Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. Illustrated by William Hole and W. L. Metcalf. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Enclosed in a half green levant morocco slip-case, gilt back. London, 1892 First EpITIon.. Tipped on end-leaf is a check for £5.1.4. made out to F. Ramsford in the AUTOGRAPH OF STEVENSON, also signed in full: ‘‘ Robert Louis Stevenson.” The check is numbered 150 and dated August 18, 1887. With the bookplate of J. R. W. Crawford. ‘ MAGNIFICENT SET OF THE VAILIMA EDITION—FULL MOROCCO 610. STEVENSON (ROBERT Louis). The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. Por- traits, facsimiles and Maps IN Cotor. 26 vols. 8vo, full dark blue levant morocco, sides with frame and border of gilt fillets, gilt paneled backs, inner gilt morocco borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY THE FRENCH BINDERS. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1921-1923 MAGNIFICENT SET OF THE VAILIMA EDITION, Limited to 1030 sets for the United States, this being No. 2. This is the latest published edition of Stevenson’s Works, the issue of which was quickly exhausted. The set includes ‘‘ The Life and Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson,’’ Edited by Sir Sidney Colvin. 3 vols. Partial contents:— An Inland Voyage; Travels with a Donkey; Edinburgh; Virginibus Puerisque; The Amateur Emigrant; The Pacific Capitals; Silverado Squatters; New Arabian Nights; The Pavilion on the Links, and other Tales; Familiar Studies of Men and Books; Literary Papers; etc. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue FINE SET OF THE SCRIBNER STOCKTON ON JAPAN PAPER 611. STOCKTON (FRANK R.). The Novels and Stories of Frank R. Stockton. Por- traits and illustrations on Japan paper. 23 vols. 8vo, half russia, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1899-1904 EDITION LIMITED TO 204 SETS PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, of which this is, No. 51. INCLUDES:—The Late Mrs. Null; The Squirrel Inn; Rudder Grange; The Hundredth:Man; Pomona’s Travels; The Great War Syndicate; The House of Martha; The Captain’s Toll-Gate; A Bicycle of Cathay; and others. DESIRABLE AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT BY FRANK R. STOCKTON 612. STOCKTON (FRANK R.). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT, Signed, of his interesting story, entitled, ‘‘Our Archery Club,” Manuscript of about FivE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED WorbDs, written in ink, on one side of 44 octavo sheets, each page inlaid, and with special title-page. 8vo, new full dark green levant morocco, gilt back, gilt borders on sides, with floral in- lays of citron levant, wide inside gilt borders, silk doublures and fly-leaves, solid gold edges. . A SPLENDID COMPLETE STOCKTON MANUSCRIPT, with a large number of correc- tions, cancellations and additions, entirely in the Author’s Autograph. 613. STODDARD (JOHN L.). Lectures. Illustrated and Embellished with Views of the World’s Famous Places and People, being the Identical Discourses de- livered during the past Eighteen Years under the Title the Stoddard Lec- tures. Numerous illustrations, and frontispieces on Japan paper. 10 vols. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Boston: Balch Brothers Co., 1898 FINE Copy. COMPLETE SET OF THE AUTHOR'S EDITION, limited to 500 copies, of which this is, No. 421. Autographed by Stoddard. 614. STODDARD (RICHARD HENRY). Recollections, Personal and Literary, by { Richard Henry Stoddard. Edited by Ripley Hitchcock. With an Introduc- tion by Edmund Clarence Stedman. Jilustrated. 8vo, original boards, vellum back, paper label, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1903 FIRST EDITION. ONE OF TWO HUNDRED COPIES ON LARGE PAPER, printed through- out on handmade paper. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of a splendid series of Autographs of persons mentioned in the text, comprising: STODDARD (RICHARD HENRY). A. L. S., one page; STEDMAN (EDMUND CLARENCE). A.L.S., 3pp. to Mrs. George C. Riggs (KATE DouGLAsS WIGGIN), mentioning Stoddard; SouTHEY (ROBERT—Poet Laureate). Autograph Manuscript. 2pp. LytTron (EDWARD BULWER, LorRD). Autograph Document, Signed with initials, 1p.; READ (THOMAS BUCHANAN). A. L. S., mention- ing Stoddard, 2pp.; LANDON (LETITIA E.). A. L.S., 1p.; WINTER (WILLIAM). Auto graph Manuscript, 2pp.; ALDRICH (THOMAS BAILEY). Card Subscribed, Signed and Dated; MACREADY (WILLIAM C,). A. L.S., r1p.; TAYLOR (BAYARD). A. L., 4pp. to William Winter; FIELps (JAMES T.). A.L.S., 3pp. to Elizabeth Stuart Phelps; GREENWOOD (GRACE). A.L.S., 4pp. to William Winter. It will be noted that there is a fine series of ASSOCIATION LETTERS inserted in this book. All of the letters are exceptionally fine and interesting literary letters. PROOFS OF STOTHARD’S ILLUSTRATIONS TO ROGERS’ “ITALY”’ 615. STOTHARD (THOMAS). Illustrations to ‘“‘Italy”’ of Samuel Rogers. Consists of 54 fine plates by Thomas Stothard, and engraved by Robinson, Humphrys, Finden, Goodall, Allen and others. In a half morocco atlas portfolio, inner protecting flannel, ties. . . [London, 1830] [ Continued Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th [ No. 615. STOTHARD—Continued | A VERY BEAUTIFUL SET OF ILLUSTRATIONS, some of them being: Vase; Travelling _ Musicians; Christine; St. Mark’s Place; Punchinello; Brides of Venice; Tomb of the Foscari; Two Foscari; Tournament; Arqua; Vaucluse; Genevra; Giovanni and Garzia de Medici; Santa Maria Novella; Rural Entertainment; Imelda and Paolo; The Pilgrims; Pilgrim’s Return; An Interview; Death of Raphael; The Nun; The Foun- tain; Two Monks; Tarantella; Children on the Sea Shore; The. Harper; and others. PROOFS OF STOTHARD’S ILLUSTRATIONS TO ROGERS’ ‘“‘POEMS’”’ 616. STOTHARD (THOMAS). Illustrations to the Poems of Samuel Rogers. Consists of 41 plates by T. Stothard engraved by Finden, Englehart, Le Keux, Watt, and others. Ina half morocco atlas portfolio, inner protecting flannel, ties. (London, 1834] BEAUTIFUL SET OF PLATES, MAINLY ON INDIA PAPER. Some of the illustrations are as follows: Tail-piece. Cupids; Tail-piece. The Swing; Pleasures of Memory; Tail-piece. Boys and Swing; Mother and Child. After Flaxman; Lady Jane Grey; The Lovers; Lord William Russell; Children with Waterpots; The Vintage; The Sailor; St. Cecilia; Boy with Hare; An Italian Song; and others. Accompanying the above is a portion of an Autograph Letter by Thomas Stothard. One page square 12mo, mounted on bristol board, reading in part: ‘‘It has been observed that the lady reading is not agreeable in her countenance to mend this defect. The lock of hair on her temple should be more advanced as in the drawing & uniting with the dark part of the ear . . .” RICHLY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED “LIFE OF STOTHARD”’ 617. STOTHARD (THOMAS). Bray (Mrs.). Life of Thomas Stothard, R. A. With Personal Reminiscences. With numerous illustrations from his works. One vol. extended to 4, 4to, full green levant morocco, gilt, sides with the arms of John Platt stamped in gilt in centers, richly gilt backs, inner morocco borders, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1851 First EDITION. A HANDSOME Copy, each leaf being inlaid to 4to size and mounted on inner guard. . EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 382 pieces, consisting of 176 engravings after pictures painted by Stothard; 116 portraits of persons mentioned in the text; 45 views of places mentioned, and 45 AUTOGRAPHS of persons mentioned. The engravings after Stothard comprise his best and most important work, in splendid impressions, such as Féte Champétre; Garden of Boccacio; Adoration of the Shepherds; Adam, Eve, and the Dove; Mirror of Diana, etc. The portraits include Henry V, by Vertue; Chaucer, by Houbraken; James North- cote, by Lewis; Queen Anne, by Sheppard after Kneller; Richard Wilson, by Bond; Richard II, by Vertue, and many others, a number of which are folio size, and others on INDIA PAPER. The autographic material consists of an A. L. S. of Peter Cunningham; A. L. S. of John Murray; Autograph Note of John Philip Kemble; Autograph Note of Sir John Fleming Leicester; A. L. S. of Richard Westmacott, and others. BESIDES THE ABOVE THERE IS A SHEET OF ORIGINAL SKETCHES BY STOTHARD, BOTH PENCIL AND WASH, CONSISTING OF DIFFERENT DRAFTS OF ONE OF His PIc- TURES. A TRULY HANDSOME SET, with special title-pages, and Manuscript Indexes of the inserted matter, by Mr. Platt, a former owner. 618. STOWE (HARRIET BEECHER). Uncle Tom’s Cabin. With 27 illustrations on wood by GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. I12mo, three-quarter brown levant, elabo- rately gilt tooled back, with inlays of blue levant, gilt top. | London, 1852 FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION WITH THE CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS. Inserted is Autograph Letter Signed by the Author, one page 12mo, no date. 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue THE LARGE PAPER EDITION OF STOWE | STOWE (HARRIET BEECHER). The Writings of Harriet Beecher Stowe. With Biographical Introductions. 16 vols.; [Atso] Life and Letters. Edited by Annie Fields. Portraits, frontispieces, and vignette titles on India paper. Together, 17 vols. 8vo, three-quarter blue levant morocco, gilt fillets on sides, full gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. _ 7 Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1896-1897 HANDSOME SET OF THE LARGE PAPER EDITION, Limited to 250 copies with the _ Author’s AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE and date written a few months before her death— this being No. 116. Best Library Edition. INCLUDES:—Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Key; My Wife and I; Oldtown Folks and Sam Lawson; The Minister’s Wooing; Household Papers and Stories; Agnes of Sorrento; We and Our Neighbors; Stories, etc.; and others. STRAPAROLA (GIOVANNI FRANCESCO). The Facetious Nights of Straparola. Now first translated into English by W. G. Waters. Choicely illustrated by Jules Garnier and E. R. Hughes, beautifully COLORED BY HAND. 4 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London: Privately printed for Members of the Society of Bibliophiles, 1898 AQUARELLE EDITION, limited to 100 copies, this being, No. 49. PRINTED THROUGH- OUT ON IMPERIAL JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER, with plates on Whatman paper. STRAWBERRY HILL Press. Lucanus (M. ANN&us). Pharsalia. Cum Notis Hugonis Grotii, et Richardi Bentleii. [Edited by Richard Cumberland.] Ato, full red straight-grain morocco, with decorative gilt and blind tooled borders on sides, richly gilt back, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges. Strawberry-Hill, 1760 SUPERB COPY OF THE STRAWBERRY HILL FIRST EDITION OF THIS WORK. With bookplate of C. A. and V. Baldwin. STRICKLAND (AGNES). Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest. A New Edition, Revised and Greatly Augmented. Hmbel- lished with portraits of every queen, portrait of authoress, and engraved titles. 8 vols. three-quarter cyan blue crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY ROOT. London: Colburn & Co., 1851-1852 HANDSOME SET of the best library edition. FIRST EDITION OF ‘“‘SHAWBUCK GRANGE” [SURTEES (ROBERT SMITH).] Hawbuck Grange; or, The Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott, Esq. By the Author of ‘‘Handley Cross; or, The Spa Hunt,” &c. With eight etched plates by “‘Phiz.” 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, sides with large center panel and outer frame composed of fillets and conventional motifs, all in gilt, gilt paneled back, ornamented with scroll design, inner morocco borders, richly gilt with flower and leaf pattern and gilt fillets, gilt top. ) London [1847] FINE Copy OF THE First EDITION, with brilliant impressions of the plates. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th SPLENDID SERIES OF ‘‘FIRSTS’’ OF SURTEES 624. [SuRTEES (RoBERT SmiTH).] Sporting Novels. With Cotorep plates and woodcuts by John Leech, ‘‘ Phiz,”” Wildrake, Heath and Jellicoe. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, full new polished fawn calf, triple gilt fillet borders on sides, richly gilt back with red morocco lettering pieces, inner gilt dentelle borders, gilt edges, BY RIVIERE. London, 1853-1888 FINE SET OF THE FiIrsT EDITIONS IN BOOK Form, PLATES AND TEXT IN EXCELLENT CONDITION THROUGHOUT, but for some unnoticeable fox-marks. Comprises:— Mr. SPONGE’S SPORTING Tour. With 13 colored plates and 84 woodcuts by John Leech. London: Bradbury, Evans and Co., 1853 HANDLEY Cross; or, MR. Jorrocks’s Hunt. By the Author of “Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour,“ Jorrocks’s Jaunts,’’ etc., etc. With 17 colored plates and 84 woodcuts by John Leech. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1854 GENUINE FIrsT EDITION IN BooK Form, WITH DaTE 1854 ON TITLE, AND WITHOUT THE Worps “Ask Mamma,”’ in title. Slater is mistaken in giving the First Edition as undated. “ASK MAMMA;” OR, THE RICHEST COMMONER IN ENGLAND. With 13 colored plates and 69 woodcuts by John Leech. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1858 PLAIN OR RINGLETS? With 13 colored plates and 44 woodcuts by John Leech. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1860 Mr. Facey RomForp’s Hounps. With 24 colored plates and uncolored title vignette, by John Leech and “ Phiz.”’ London: Bradbury and Evans, 1865 HILLINGDON HALL, OR THE COCKNEY SQUIRE, a Tale of Country Life. With 12 colored plates by Wildrake, Jellicoe, and Heath. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1888 First EDITION WITH THE ADDITIONAL ILLUSTRATIONS BY JELLICOE. 625. SUTHERLAND (Captain Davip). A Tour up the Straits, from Gibraltar to Constantinople. With the Leading Events in the Present War between the Austrians, Russians, and the Turks, to the Commencement of the Year 1789. By Captain Sutherland. 8vo, full contemporary red straight-grain morocco, gilt border on sides, gilt back and edges. London, 1790 FIRST EDITION. VERY RARE. 626. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). Ode to Mazzini. The Saviour of Society. Liberty and Loyalty. Unpublished Mss. discovered among the author’s effects after his death. Facsimile. 8vo, cloth, vellum back, gilt top, uncut. Boston: Bibliophile Society, 1913 Edition limited to 477 copies. 627. Tart (WILLIAM Howarp). Typewritten Copy, Signed Twice “ W. H. Taft,” of: ‘Remarks of William H. Taft at the National Press Club, Washington, D. C., October 18, 1914.”’ Typewritten on one side of three quarto leaves. [ALso] Fine photographic portrait of Taft with facsimile signature below; hand lettered title-page. Bound together in imperial 8vo volume, full light brown levant morocco, gilt lettering on fore cover and back-bone, inner gilt borders. A FINE AND INTERESTING ADDRESS BY THE TWENTY-SIXTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. The word “‘laughter,’’ appears in several places in these sheets with a line drawn through it, which marks this typewritten copy as a ‘‘ Press Copy”’ that someone induced Taft to sign. It is signed on the second and third sheets. RARE WORK, IN CONTEMPORARY MOROCCO WITH ARMS OF LOUIS XIV 628. TAPESTRIES. Tapisseries du Roi, ou sont representez les Quatre Elemens et les Quatre Saisons. With numerous fine double-page copperplates after Charles Le Brun. Atlas folio, FULL RED Morocco, WItH THE ARMS OF LOUIS _ XIV stamped in gilt on covers in center, gilt back and edges. Paris, 1670 AN IMPORTANT WORK in a very fine state of preservation. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 629. TAPESTRIES. DuPONT-AUBERVILLE (M.). L’Ornement des Tissus. Recueil Historique et Pratique. Avec des Notes Explicatives et une Introduction Générale. Ouvrage Edite sous la Direction de M. Bachelin-Deflorenne. With 100 beautiful chromolithographed plates containing hundreds of spect- mens illustrating textile decorations from the early Egyptian period down to the European 18th century. Folio, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1877 RARE AND AUTHORITATIVE WoRK on this subject. 630. TAPESTRIES. GUIFFREY (JULES). Les Modéles et le Musée des Gobelins. With 231 plates. Plates and letterpress laid in loosely in two folio board portfolios, ties. Paris, no date A FINE AND IMPORTANT WorK on the tapestries of the Gobelins, and tapestries from the Gothic period to the present time. The plates have legends and each port- folio contains an analytical list. Preceding the list in the first portfolio, is a preface by the author who is the administrator of the Manufacture nationale des Gobelins. 631. TARKINGTON (BootH). Monsieur Beaucaire. Illustrated by C. D. Williams. 1900; Beasley’s Christmas Party. Illustrated In COLOR by R. S. Clements. 1909; Alice Adams. Jilustrated by A. W. Brown. 1921; Harlequin and Columbine. Frontispiece by E. Stetson Crawford. 1921; Gentle Julia. Illustrated by C. A. Gilbert and W. Brehm. 1922. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, and original cloth and boards, cloth back. New York and Garden City, 1900-1922 ALL First EpITIons. The first mentioned volume is VERY SCARCE. COMPLETE SET OF THE BEAUTIFUL ‘‘SSEAWOOD EDITION”’ 632. TARKINGTON (Bootu). The Works of Booth Tarkington. 18 vols. 8vo, three-quarter wine color French levant, cloth sides, full gilt paneled backs. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1922 BEAUTIFUL AND COMPLETE SET OF THE SEAWOOD EDITION. Limited to 1075 num- bered and registered copies, of which this is, No. 990, each with a Portrait of the Author, signed by him, in Vol. I, The set comprises:— The Gentleman from Indiana; The Two Van Revels; The Quest of Quesnay; The Flirt; Penrod; Penrod and Sam; In the Arena; Harlequin and Columbine; The Turmoil; The Conquest of Canaan; Seventeen; Ramsey Milholland; Alice Adams; Gentle Julia; The Magnificent Ambersons; etc. 633. TAYLOR (JEREMY). The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living. Frontispiece; The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London: William Pickering, 1847 Fine Copy of Pickering’s beautifully printed library edition, POET LAUREATE EDITION OF TENNYSON—FULL LEVANT WITH DOUBLURES 634. TENNYSON (ALFRED, Lorp). The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson. With a Preface by Elisabeth Luther Cary. Together with Various Critical Intro- ductions. Illustrated in photogravure, Proofs on Japan paper, and woodcut vignettes in text, from original designs by Coburn and Doré; engraved titles on Japan paper, and regular titles printed in red and black. 8 vols. royal 8vo, FuLL GREEN LEVANT Morocco, gilt backs and tops, DoUBLUREs of crim- son morocco with outer gilt and green levant borders, crimson watered silk end-leaves, uncut. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons [1909] HANDSOME SET, COMPLETE, OF THE POET LAUREATE EDITION, PRINTED ON VAN GELDER HANDMADE HOLLAND PAPER, limited to 50 sets, of which this is, No. I. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th “THE NEWCOMES” IN PARTS. FINE COPY | 635. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The Newcomes. Memoirs of a most respectable Family. Wéith illustrations on steel and wood by Richard Doyle, including 2 engraved titles, 46 full-page plates, and numerous woodcuts in the text. 24 parts in 23, 8vo, ORIGINAL YELLOW PICTORIAL WRAPPERS, uncut. Enclosed in a cloth box-case. | London: Bradbury and Evans, 1853-1855 First EpITION. First ISSUE, IN ORIGINAL PARTS. WITH ALL THE PLATES AND ADVERTISEMENTS. A Most DESIRABLE Copy, wrappers have some backs repaired, name on three parts, and some very slight repairs on some covers. 636. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The Virginians, A Tale of the Last Century. With 46 full-page, illustrations by the author. 24 Parts, 8vo, ORIGINAL YELLOW PICTORIAL WRAPPERS, with advertisements. Enclosed in a heavy blue cloth folding case. London, 1857-1859 First ISSUE OF THE FirsT EDITION, with misprint “‘actresses’’ which is corrected in later editions to ‘‘ancestresses,’’ on line 33, p. 307, Part 7. Chapter XLVII and Chapter XLVIII are here wrongly numbered, XLVIII and XLIX, which are also corrected in the second issue. With blind embossed stamp on some of the wrappers. A MAGNIFICENT SET OF THACKERAY. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED WITH WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS 637. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The Works of William Makepeace Thackeray. With numerous illustrations by the author, Richard Doyle, Cruikshank and others on India paper. Bound into 52 vols. royal 8vo, FULL GREEN LEvANT Morocco, gilt framework panels on Sides, wide inner levant borders, gilt; DouBLURES of red crushed levant morocco, with rose and leaf spray onlaid in green and white levant, end-leaves of red watered silk, gilt edges. New York and London, no date MAGNIFICENT SET. This is an Extra-Illustrated copy of the Smith, Elder & Co., Large Paper Edition, originally issued in 26 vols. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK DRAWINGS BY Kyp, ORIGINAL SIGNED WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS BY GABRIEL AND H. C. GREEN, HAND COLORED ENGRAVINGS, ETC. CoMPRISES:—Vanity Fair. 4 vols.; Pendennis. 4 vols.; The Newcomes. 4 vols; Henry Esmond. 2 vols.; Philip. 4 vols.; The Virginians. 4 vols.; Hoggarty Diamond; Book of Snobs; Journey from Cornhill to Cairo; Christmas Books. 2 vols.; Sketches and Travels in London; Burlesques. 2 vols.; Paris Sketch-Book. 2 vols.; Yellowplush; Fitz-Boodle Papers; Irish Sketch-Book. 2 vols.; Barry Lyndon; Catherine; Men’s Wives; Ballads. 2 vols.; Roundabout Papers. 2 vols.; etc. [See Reproduction of Binding] 638. THomson (HucH). Mitrorp (Mary RussELL). Our Village. With an In- troduction by Anne Thackeray Ritchie. With roo full-page and text tllus- trations by Hugh Thomson. Royal 8vo, cloth, paper label, uncut, back slightly faded. London, 1893 LARGE PAPER EDITION, limited to 470 copies. 639. THomson (HuGH). The Chase, by William Somerville. Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1735. With a Memoir of the Author. Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. Small 4to, original boards, vellum back, gilt top, uncut. London, 1896 First EDITION WITH THE THOMSON ILLUSTRATIONS. ONE OF A VERY FEW CopiEs ISSUED PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VEL- LUM. This issue on Japanese Vellum is UNKNOWN TO Most THOMSON COLLECTORS. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue ONE OF THE THOMSON DRAWINGS FOR “PRIDE AND PREJUDICE”’ 640. THOMSON (HuGH). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR DRAWING SIGNED: ‘H. Thom- son. 1903.’ Height, 12; width, 8 inches. Matted, in a wide brown frame, with gilt inner border and glazed. The mat has a decorative wash border around drawing. A BEAUTIFUL DRAWING, picturing a scene from Jane Austin’s famous novel: ‘‘Pride and Prejudice.’’ Three characters are portrayed. A young lady walking between two swains. Proud and haughty, she appears to be politely listening to the explanations of one of her companions. The drawing is fittingly illustrative of English costume during the period of the story. 641. THOMSON (JAMES). The Seasons. Illustrated with Engravings by F. Barto- lozzi and P. W. Tomkins, Historical Engravers to their Majesties; from Original Pictures Painted for the Work by William Hamilton, R. A. With 21 beautiful engravings; 6 being full-page plates, 5 half-title vignettes and 5 head- and tatl-pieces. Atlas folio, half morocco, gilt edges. | London, 1797 EXCEEDINGLY FINE Copy, WITH THE ILLUSTRATIONS IN FINE CONDITION. LO-D OF ~~ [ No. 644] 642. THOMSON (JAMES). The Seasons. Portrait by Collyer, and engraved plates by Heath and others, PRINTED IN CoLors. 12mo, full contemporary red straight-grain morocco, single gilt fillet border on sides, gilt edges. Ina quarter blue morocco slip-case, with inner cloth cover. London, 1802 Apparently there is no record of a copy of this issue with the illustrations printed in colors having been previously sold in public sale. 643. THOMSON (JAMES). The Seasons. With full-page engravings by Bartolozzi and P. W. Tomkins, after paintings by Wiliam Hamilton. 4to,. full, original russia, gilt and blind tooling on sides (skilfully rebacked). | London, 1807 Scarce. A fine, clean copy, with earliest impressions of the charming series of engravings. A REMARKABLE THOREAU LETTER OF EIGHT PAGES QUARTO 644. THOREAU (HENRY D.). Autograph Letter Signed: “H. D. T.” 8pp. 4to, Concord, Nov. 4, 1860. To Mr. Blake. Wauth engraved portrait and hand- lettered title. Bound into a 4to volume, full green levant morocco, double gilt fillet border on sides, gilt lettering on obverse cover and back, gilt top, uncut. Concord, 1860 [ Continued Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th [No. 644. THOREAU—Continued | A Most REMARKABLE AND LENGTHY LETTER as interesting as the beautiful de- scriptive tales he has written which have made him one of the foremost of American essayists, This communication displays the great naturalist’s love of nature and the out- doors, more than any that has come up for public sale in recent years. Part of this lengthy letter follows:—‘‘ We made an excellent beginning of our new life. You may remember that the Saturday previous was.a stormy day. Well we went up in the rain, wet through and found ourselves in a cloud there at mid p. m., in no situation to look about for the best place for a camp. Sol proceeded at once, through the cloud to that memorable stone ‘church yard’ in which we made our humble camp once, and there after putting our packs under a rock, having a good hatchet, I proceeded to build a substantial house, which C. declared the handsomest he ever saw. (He never camped out before, and was, no doubt, prejudiced in its favor.) This was done about dark and by that time we were nearly as wet as if we had stood in a hogshead of water. We then built a fire before the door, directly on the site of our little camp of two years ago, and it took a long time to burn thro its remains to the earth beneath. Standing before this and turning round slowly, like meat that is roasting, we were as dry if not drier than ever after a few hours so at last we ‘turned in! [See Reproduction Opposite] WITH LEAF OF ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT BY THOREAU INSERTED. BEAUTIFUL SET 645. THorEAu (HENRY D.). The Writings of Henry David Thoreau. With por- traits and numerous fine plates, many on Japan paper, and a COLORED AQuaTINT frontispiece in each volume. 20 vols. 8vo, full maroon crushed le- vant morocco, triple gilt fillets on sides enclosing gilt panel border of con- ventional design within bands of gilt fillets, full paneled backs, inner mo- rocco and gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY THE RIVERSIDE PRESS. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1906 VERY BEAUTIFUL SET OF THE MANUSCRIPT EDITION, WITH AN ORIGINAL PAGE OF MANUSCRIPT BY THOREAU, inlaid to size. EDITION LIMITED to 600 copies, of which this is, No. 7, Signed by the Publishers. Because of the popularity of this publication, the sets were quickly sold, and are now entirely out of print. ComprRISES:—A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers; The Maine Woods; Cape Cod and Miscellanies; Excursions and Poems; Walden; Familiar Letters and Index; Journal. 14 vols. [See Reproduction of Binding] 646. THorEAU (Henry D.). Unpublished Poems by Bryant and Thoreau. ‘‘ Mus- ings” by William Cullen Bryant and “Godfrey of Boulogne”’ by Henry D. Thoreau. Engraved title and etching by Bicknell, illustration by Williams and facsimile. 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston: Bibliophile Society, 1907 Edition limited to 470 copies, printed throughout on vellum. THREE REMARKABLE HOLOGRAPH LETTERS BY COUNT TOLSTOY 647. Totstoy (Count LEo). Three Autograph Letters Signed: ‘‘Leo Tolstoy” and “L. Tolstoy.” Together, 7pp. 8vo, 1893 to 1894. Accompanted by por- trait. Letters and one stamped addressed envelope neatly tipped in on sheets of Whatman paper. Royal 4to, full brown levant morocco, gilt, inner gilt borders, gilt top. ‘A Most DESIRABLE TRIO, AS HOLOGRAPH LETTERS OF TOLSTOY ARE OF GREAT - Rarity. THESE ARE WRITTEN IN RuSSIAN. Each of the above letters is accompanied by a typewritten translation; a summary of each follows: (1) A communication referring to literary matters. The letter commences: ‘J [ Continued Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue [No. 647. ToLstoy—Continued ] telegraphed you asking you to stop the printing of the twelfth chapter. This is exceedingly necessary and even if tt is already printed, the printed matter must be destroyed and the following additions, which are herewith enclosed, must be made. This is important not only for the purpose of the success of the book, but also for my conscience. Due to the in- discretion of one of my friends who gave this chapter to an English correspondent, the description of the execution tn Orsha has been printed and reprinted in many newspapers. This narration created a sensation in Russian governmental spheres and the whole book ts falsly interpreted as a denunciation of the Russian conduct of administration. . . . (2) Also a fine letter referring to one of his manuscripts sent for translation to the editor of the “Stuttgart.” : (3) This letter gives one a glimpse of the beauty of character this great Russian novelist possessed. This is evidenced by the following lines extracted from the com- munication: ‘J am glad you are contributing to ‘ Posrednik’ and above all, that you have, as you write me, a great desire to help others in the spirit of Christ. . . .”” ae O ue te lela { No. 648] ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF ONE OF TOLSTOY’S MOST FAMOUS SHORT STORIES: ‘“‘THE TWO OLD MEN,”? WITH EXTENSIVE AUTOGRAPHIC ADDITIONS 648. Totstoy (Count LeEo—Russian Novelist, Social Reformer, and Religious Mystic). Or1GINAL MANuscrIPT, Unsigned, IN RussIAn, of his short story, entitled, “The Two Old Men.” Written in ink on 32 quarto pages, compris- ing almost the entire first eight chapters of the story, and containing approx- imately 3500 words, being the first draft exactly as dictated by the great Russian novelist himself to his secretary. Each page bears numerous cor- rections, cancellations, and additions In ToLstoy’s HANDWRITING, THESE ADDITIONS BEING ALMOST EQUAL IN EXTENT TO THE DICTATED PORTION, With Typewritten English Translation. [Atso] Tolstoy’s AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE,—‘‘ Leo Tolstoy,’’ on small card, and his son’s visiting card printed. Together, 4 pieces. ‘ [ Continued Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th [ No. 648. To_stoy—Continued | _AN EXTREMELY RARE MANUSCRIPT. By THE GREATEST OF MODERN RUSSIAN WRITERS, NONE OF WHOSE Mss. ARE ALLOWED TO BE TAKEN FROM RUSSIA. This manuscript was originally obtained directly from the novelist’s son, Count Leo Leo- vitch Tolstoy, and is the only Ms., or portion of one, that can now be offered for sale, as all of Tolstoy’s MSS., including his novels, essays, personal journals and letters have been donated to the National Museum at Moscow, to be preserved in per- petuity. Moreover, no MS. of Tolstoy would on any consideration be allowed now to leave Russia. This item is, therefore, a prize of the first magnitude, being the manu- script of one of the most famous short stories of Tolstoy, the greatest writer Russia has produced, and by some considered the greatest intellect of the XIXth century. In this particular manuscript the personal touch of Tolstoy, his method of compo- sition, and the amazing fecundity of his thought are strikingly exhibited. Comparing the MS. with the printed version, it is evident that some portions of it were not incorporated in the final draft, and are, therefore, unpublished. [See Reproduction of Part of One Page] “EDITION DE GRAND LUXE’’—VERY HANDSOME SET 649. Totstoy (Count LEo). The Complete Works of Count Tolstoy. Trans- lated from the Original Russian and Edited by Leo Wiener. With etched portrait by Bicknell, and numerous portraits and views; rubricated titles; all on Japan paper. 28 vols. 8vo, FULL TREE CALF, triple gilt fillets on sides with small conventional unit in gilt in corners, full gilt paneled backs, inner gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Dana Estes and Company [1904-1912] A VERY BEAUTIFUL SET OF THE EDITION DE GRAND LUXE, printed on Ruisdael paper, limited to 500 sets, of which this is, No. 401. This fine set has the following dis- tinctive features :— (1) “To ensure literary accuracy, all the manuscript has been read by Miss Carrie Sarper. 75) .3<°’ (2) ““No liberties are taken with either the language or the expression of the author’s diction. . . ."’ (3) “The present translation contains everything given in the Russian complete edition, published in Russia.""—Excerpts from the Translator’s Preface. Inlaid in leaf opposite half-title in Vol. I, is a SIGNED AUTOGRAPH QUOTATION, by Tolstoy, dated, ‘‘1907. Sept. 28.” ; _ ONE OF THE Most ComPLETE SETS oF ToLsToy’s Works EVER SOLD, compris- ing,— * Childhood; Anna Karénin. 3 vols.; A Landed Proprietor; Meeting a Moscow Acquaintance; Pedagogical Articles; War and Peace. 4 vols.; Fables for Children; My Confession; The Four Gospels,Harmonized and Translated. 2 vols.; My Religion; What Shall We Do Then?; The Death of Ivan Ilyitch; Walk in the Light; The Kingdom of God; Resurrection. 2 vols.; First Recollections; The Slavery of Our Time; Father Sergius; Hadji Murad; Forged Coupon; Light that Shines in the Darkness. 650. TROLLOPE (ANTHONY). The Writings of Anthony Trollope. With illustra- tons mainly on India paper, by J. S. Davis, J. H. Julius, Orville Baker, Paul Rogers, and others, some of which are AUTOGRAPHED BY THE ARTISTS. 30 vols. 8vo, full green levant morocco, sides with border gilt fillets, floral sprays in corners, onlaid in the center of each front cover is a panel dark red morocco, gilt tooled; gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia: Gebbie & Company, 1900-1902 MAGNIFICENT SET OF THE COLLECTOR'S EDITION. Limited to 250 sets of which this is, Number *1. THE BEST COLLECTED LIBRARY EDITION OF THE “GREAT VIC- TORIAN.”’ Inserted in Vol. I isan Envelope addressed in TROLLOPE’S AUTOGRAPH. Comprises,— The Warden; Phineas Redux; The Prime Minister; Phineas Finn; Barchester Towers; Doctor Thorne; Bramley Parsonage; The Small House at Allington; The Last Chronicles of Barset; Can You Forgive Her? The Duke’s Children; Eustace Diamonds; etc. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue SPLENDID COLLECTION OF “FIRSTS” OF TROLLOPE 651. TROLLOPE (ANTHONY). The Works of Anthony Trollope. Some illustrated. Together, 62 vols. 8vo and 12mo, half morocco, gilt, gilt tops, mainly uncut. London and Edinburgh, 1859-1885 Excepting that a few bindings are slightly rubbed, A FINE COLLECTED SET, ALL First EpITIONS, EXCEPTING ONE, BELOW MENTIONED, also all published in London, unless stated to the contrary below; comprising :— The Bertrams. 3 vols. 1859; North America. Map. 2 vols. 1862; Rachel Ray. 2 vols. 1863; Tales of All Countries. Frontispiece. 1864; ~ Can You Forgive Her? Illustrated. 2 vols. 1864-1865; The Belton Estate. Frontispiece and engraved title. 1867. Not First; Hunting Sketches. 1865; Clergymen of the Church of England. 1866; The Claverings. Illustrated. 2 vols. 1867; British Sports. [1868]; He Knew He Was Right. I llustrated. 2 vols. 1869; An Editor’s Tales. 1870; Sir Harry Hotspur. 1871; The Vicar of Bulhampton. Illustrated. 1870; Ralph the Heir. 3 vols. 1871; The Golden Lion of Granpere. 1872; Lady Anna. 2 vols. 1874; Australia and New Zealand. Maps. 2 vols. 1873; The Way We Live Now. Illustrated. 2 vols. 1875; Is He Popenjoy? 3 vols. 1878; An Eye for an Eye. 2 vols. 1879; John Caldigate. 3 vols. 1879; Cousin Henry. 2 vols. 1879; The Duke’s Children. 3 vols. 1880; Life of Cicero. 2 vols. 1880; Ayala’s Angel. 3 vols. 1881; Dr. Wortle’s School. 2 vols. 1881; Marion Fay. 3 vols. 1882; The Fixed Period. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1882; Mr. Scarborough's Family. 3 vols. 1883; An Old Man's Love. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1884; Thompson Hall. Illustrated. 1885. WITH SOME FINE AUTOGRAPH LETTERS INSERTED 652. TRUMBULL (JOHN). DuRAND (JOHN). John Trumbull. [Reprinted from ‘The American Art Review.”] Jilustrated. 4to, three-quarter brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1881 A CHOICE ExTRA-ILLUSTRATED ITEM ON THE GREAT:AMERICAN ARTISTS of the end of the XVIIIth and beginning of the XI Xth Centuries. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of original sketches, portraits and views, also Six AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED as follows: (1) “Jno. Trumbull." One page 4to, New York, May oth, 1794. To N. Gilman. A fine letter, the termination of which follows: ‘I wish to your Political Ship moder- ate weather. & good pilotage & with the best wishes for your personal prosperity."’ Letters of this famous painter and aide-de-camp to Washington are very scarce. Trumbull will always be remembered for his beautiful paintings: The Surrender of Cornwallis, The Resignation of General Washington at Annapolis, The Declaration of Independ- ence and the Surrender of Burgoyne; (2) “‘Benjn. West.” 2pp. 8vo. London, Aug. 22, 1772. Fine letter on personal matters; (3) ‘“ Thos. Sully."' 1p..4to, Philadelphia, Aug. 9, 1846. To Dr. Gibbes. An exceed- ingly fine personal letter which commences: “The above is Mr. Howorth's address. It is not necessary that I should write to him—mention my recommendation of his ability in repairing injured pictures. . . ." Though Sully was born in Lincolnshire, Eng- eee be has always been claimed by America as her own, just as Whistler was by England. (4) ‘‘Henry Greenough.’ 2pp. 8vo, Aug. 31, 1863. ToS. Smith. : (s) ‘‘Horatio Greenough." 4pp. 4to, Florence, April 1,.1839. A most interesting, lengthy and desirable letter, relating to artistic matters; (6) “Robt. W. Weir.” rp. 4to, West Point, May 11, 1842. To D. Appleton. T his artist. asks his correspondent for two copies of ‘Plain Sermons,’’ best American edition. Four ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK TRACINGS ARE INCLUDED made by the little daugh- ter of Henry Greenough from his brother's sketches for four groups of sculpture for his design of Bunker Hill Monument, also portraits.and views of note—about 35 in all— some being: John Trumbull; The Arch of Titus; Le Comte de Rumford; Benjamin Franklin; Benjamin West; Richard Wilson; William Hogarth; Sir Joshua Reynolds; Thomas Sully; Jefferson; and others. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th THE SCRIBNER EDITION OF TURGENIEFF IN’ A FINE BINDING 653. TuRGENIEFF (IVAN). The Novels and Stories of Ivan Turgénieff. Translated from the Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood. Numerous full-page illustrations and title-pages IN COLOR on Japan vellum. 16 vols. 8vo, three-quarter brown levant morocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903-1904 BEAUTIFUL SET OF THE EDITION LIMITED to 204 copies printed on Ruisdael hand- made paper, of which this is, No. 2. THE BEsT LIBRARY EDITION. LONG OUT OF PRINT AND SCARCE. INCLUDES:—Memoirs of a Sportsman; Rudin; On the Eve; A King Lear of the Steppes; A Nobleman’s Nest; Fathers and Children; Virgin Soil; The Jew, etc.; Diary of a Superfluous Man, etc.; Smoke; and others. PLATES ON INDIA PAPER. A BEAUTIFUL SERIES 654. TURNER (J. M. W.). Illustrations to Rogers’ “‘Italy.’’ Consists of 34 beautiful plates by J. M. W. Turner, engraved by W. R. Smith, Goodall, Le Keux, and others. Mounted on fine plate paper and enclosed in a half morocco atlas folio portfolio, lined with art linen, inner protecting flannel, flaps, and ties. [London: Published by Cadell, 1834] A Most DESIRABLE AND BEAUTIFUL SET, MAINLY INDIA PAPER PROOFS BY TURNER, SOME BEING IN TWO AND THREE STATES. PROOFS OF TURNER’S ILLUSTRATIONS TO ROGERS’ POEMS 655. TuRNER (J. M. W.). Illustrations to the Poems of Samuel Rogers, namely: “The Pleasures of Memory;” “Human Life;” and others. Consists of 63 plates, containing 33 beautiful designs by J. M. W. Turner, and engraved by Le Keux, Goodall, Miller, and Wallis, many of the proofs in Two STATES AND SOME IN THREE SraTES, as below described. Mounted on fine plate paper and enclosed in 2 folio portfolios, half red morocco, inner protecting flannel, ties. [London: Published by Cadell, 1834] A RARE AND BEAUTIFUL SET OF PROOFS, MANY OF THE PLATES HAVE IMPRESSED UPON THEM, TURNER’S CYPHER. The list of plates is as follows: (1) Vignette. Engraved by Miller. Two States: Proof before all letters, and Proof with the artists’ names. (2) Twilight. By Goodall. Two States: Proof before all letters, and Proof with the artists’ names. (3) Mill and Gipsies. By Goodall. Two States: Proof before all letters, and Proof with the artists’ names. (4) Village Boy. By Goodall. TuHree Statres: Etching, Proof before all letters (a presentation proof to J. Pye), and a Proof with artists’ names. (5) Greenwich Hospital. By Goodall. THREE STATEs: Etching, Proof with artists’ names, and Proof with artists’ names and additional line, ‘‘Gad and Keningale Printers”’ in lower part of page. (6) Lodore. By Goodall. Proof with artists’ names. (7) St. Herbert’s Chapel. By H. Le Keux. Proof with artists’ names and ‘‘ Printed by McQueen.”’ (8) Llewellyn-Hall. By Miller. Proof with artists’ names. (9) Tornaro’s Brow. By R. Wallis. Proof with artists’ names and “‘ Yates Printer.” (10) Newcastle. By Goodall. Two States: Etching, Proof with artists’ names and “Printed by Gad and Keningale.” (11) The Tower. By Goodall. THrEE States: Etching, Proof before all letters, Proof with artists’ names and ‘‘ Printed by Gad and Keningale.”’ (12) St. Anne’s Hill. By Goodall. Proof with artists’ names. (13) Caravan Overwhelmed. By Goodall. Two States: Proof before all letters, Proof with artists’ names and ‘‘Printed by McQueen.”’ (14) The Rialto. By Miller. Two States: Proof before all letters, Proof with ar- tists’ names. [ Continued Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue [ No. 655. TURNER—Continued | (15) Valombré Falls. By Goodall. Two STATEs: Etching, Proof with artists’ names. (16) Jacqueline. By Goodall. THREE STATES: Etching, Proof before all letters, Proof with artists’ names. (17) St. Julienne. By Goodall. THREE STATES: Etching, Proof before all letters, Proof with artists’ names. (18) Castle. By Goodall. Two States: Etching, Proof with artists’ names. (19) Old Oak. By Goodall. Two States: Proof before all letters, Proof with artists’ names. (20) Dockyard. By Goodall. Two States: Proof before all letters (signed in pencil ‘‘E. Goodall’), Proof with artists’ names. (21) Boy of Egremond. By Goodall. Proof before all letters. (22) Abbey Wharfedale. By Wallis. Proof with artists’ names and “‘ Yates Printer.”’ (23) The Alps. By Goodall. THREE States: Etching, Proof before all letters, Proof with artists’ names. (24) Loch Lomond. By Miller. Proof before all letters, Proof with artists’ names. (25) Trellis Arbour. By Goodall. Proof before all letters. (26) Monastery Gate. By Goodall. THREE STATES: Etching, Proof before all letters (presentation copy to J. Pye), Proof with artists’ names and ‘‘Gad and Keningale Printers.” (27) Embarkation of Columbus. By Goodall. Two STATEs: Proof before all let- ters (signed ‘‘E. Goodall"), Proof with artists’ names. (28) Spectral Procession. By Goodall. Two STATEs: Proof before all letters, Proof with artists’ names and ‘‘Gad and Keningale Printers.” (29) Land Discovered. By Goodall. Two STATEs: Etching, Proof with artists’ names. (30) Landing in America. By Goodall. Two STATEs: Etching, Proof with artists’ names and ‘“‘ Dixon and Ross Printers.” (31) The Vision. By Goodall. Proof with artists’ names. (32) Cortez in la Rabida. By Goodall. Two STATEs: Proof before all letters (‘To J. Pye, Esqr.” in pencil), Proof with artists’ names and “Gad and Keningale Prin- ters.” (33) Datur hora quieti. By Goodall. Proof before all letters. 656. TussER (THomas). Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, as well for the Champion or Open Country, as for the Woodland or Several; together with a Book of Houswifery. . . . A New Edition with Notes, Georgical, Illustrative, and Explanatory, a Glossary, and Other Improvements. 4to, full calf, elaborate blind borders on sides, armorial bearings in center of sides in gilt. London, 1812 657. VERLAINE (PAUL). Autograph Letter Signed,—"P. Verlaine.”’ One page 8vo, Paris, July 24, 1893. To [Hope. Brougsais (?)], address in lower corner. A VERY FINE SPECIMEN OF AN AUTOGRAPH LETTER BY THE CELEBRATED FRENCH PoET, VERLAINE, recommending his friend Henri Cholin, to his Belgian friends, stating that Cholin is going to travel in Belgium, and would appreciate any courtesy shown him; begging to be excused for his poor writing, saying that he has been very ill and has not yet fully recovered his health. VOLTAIRE—IN FORTY-TWO VOLUMES 658. VOLTAIRE (J. F. M. Arovet DE). The Works of Voltaire. A Contemporary Version, with Notes by Tobias Smollett, Revised and Modernized. New Translations by William F. Fleming, and an Introduction by Oliver H. G. Leigh. A Critique and Biography by the Rt. Hon. John Morley. Numerous illustrations. 42 vols. 8vo, full stamped morocco, gilt tops, uncut. New York: The St. Hubert Guild, circa 1900 Tue Louis XIV EDITION. No. 8 of 1,000 sets. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th WITH MARGINAL NOTES IN WAGNER’S AUTOGRAPH 659. WAGNER (RicHARD—German Composer). Vocal Score with Piano Accom- paniment of ‘‘No. 10. Finale.’”’ From the opera ‘‘Rienzi,”’ by Wagner. Pages 40, 47-156. [Aso] “Arie des Friedensboten,’’ from the same opera. 5pp. In original wrappers. With Autograph Note in ink on fly-leaf of the “Finale,” signed,—‘‘ R. W.,”” and Numerous Corrections throughout the scores, in red pencil, Is WAGNER’s Hanp. Large 4to, old boards, back worn. [Dresden, 1840-1842] FINE WAGNER ITEM, containing many NOTATIONS IN THE MARGINS AND MARK- INGS IN THE SCORE, IN WAGNER’S AUTOGRAPH. There is also a presentation inscrip- tion on one of the fly-leaves,—‘* Herrn Converse zur freundlichen Erinnerung an August H oak Bee Leipzig, 30/3. 1857." The Finale is engraved throughout. The “Arie”’ is printed. SPLENDID COLLECTED SET OF BEST EDITIONS—IN FULL CALF 660. WALPOLE (Horace). Collected Set of Works of Horace Walpole. Portratts. 25 vols. 8vo, full polished fawn calf, gilt, gilt backs and marbled edges. London: Richard Bentley, etc., various dates Tuis FINELY BOUND AND DESIRABLE SET OF THE BEST EDITIONS comprises :— Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Second. Edited, with Preface and Notes, by Lord Holland. Second Edition. 3 vols. 1847; Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Third. Edited, with Notes by Sir Denis Le Marchant. Portraits. 6 vols. 1845-1859; Letters of Horace Walpole. . . . Including Numerous Letters now First Pub- lished from the Original Manuscripts. Portraits and frontispieces. 6 vols. 1840; Letters addressed to the Countess of Ossory from the Year 1769 to 1797. Edited, with Notes, by . . . R. Vernon Smith. Portraits. 2 vols. 1848; Letters . . . to Sir Horace Mann. Portraits. 4 vols. 1843-1844; Memoirs of Horace Walpole and His Contemporaries; including numerous letters from Strawberry Hill. Edited by Eliot Warburton. Portraits. 2 vols. 1852; Correspondence of Horace Walpole and the Rev. William Mason. Edited with Notes by the Rev. J. Mitford. 2 vols. 1851. A MAGNIFICENTLY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED IRVING'S “LIFE OF WASHINGTON”’ 661. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). The Life of George Washington. By Washington Irving. With Inp1a ProoF illustrations in the text, and full-page steel en- gravings. 5 vols. extended to 10, imperial 8vo, FULL BLUE FRENCH LEVANT Morocco, sides with single gilt fillet border enclosing a panel of triple gilt fillets, indented at corners, corner ornaments in gilt in scroll-work design, onlays of red morocco; DouBLURES of burnt-orange levant morocco with framework of gilt fillets, corner ornaments in gilt, bordered with blue levant morocco; fly-leaves of white watered silk; gilt paneled backs, solid gold edges. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1889 MAGNIFICENT SET OF THE LIMITED CENTENNIAL EDITION. SPECIALLY EXTRA- ILLUSTRATED SET EXTENDED FROM FIVE VOLUMES TO TEN by the insertion of over 500 engraved portraits and views, and 10 Autograph Letters and Documents. THE AUTOGRAPH MATERIAL INCLUDES THE AUTOGRAPH OF A SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, THOMAS JEFFERSON. The illustrations include fine portraits, battle scenes, and views. Besides those depicting episodes of Washington’s youth and early manhood, there are many portraits of Washington, including reproduc- tions of many of the most authentic paintings and engravings in which he is por- trayed. This work was selected for extra-illustration because it is a faithful characteristic picture of Washington, and an admirably clear, comprehensive and impartial pre- sentation of the military operations of the Revolutionary War. The Autograph material comprises the following,— WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Autograph Receipt Signed,—''G. Washington.’’ One page, April 26, 1774, acknowledging the receipt of money. [ Continued Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue [ No. 661. WASHINGTON—Continued | MONROE (JAMES). Autograph Letter Signed,—‘‘ Jas. Monroe."’ One page 12mo, Richmond, March 16, 1811. To General Braxton, thanking him for having offered the use of furniture in case he should need it for the house he is to rent. Also asks General Braxton for $500. ‘ HENRY (PATRICK). Document Signed,—"P. Henry." One page, folio, April 15, 1785. Written while Governor of Virginia, appointing Justices of the Peace. CLINTON (GEORGE). Draft Copy of an Autograph Letter, with numerous correc- tions. 4pp. folio, New York, November 12, 1784. To GENERAL WASHINGTON, on personal and other matters. Written while Governor of New York. ERSKINE (THOMAS, FIRST BARON ERSKINE). Autograph Letter Signed,—“ Ers- kine.’ One page, folio, October 24, 1811. To a.Mr. Perry, regarding a Colonel McMahon. Lord Erskine introduced Washington's. name in a book he wrote and sent.him a copy of it, and wrote a letter to Washington in which he expressed his esteem, JEFFERSON (THOMAS). Letter Signed,— Th. Jefferson." One page, Philadelphia, April 19, 1793. Circular letter, written while Secretary of State, enclosing volumes of Acts passed at the 2nd session of the Second Congress. MADISON (JAMES). Autograph Letter Signed,—‘' James Madison.” 1Wpp. folio, Washington, May 6, 1808. Addressed portion on last page, and signed ‘“‘ Dept. State. James Madison."" To Isaac White, Virginia. A personal letter, in which he writes about the Embargo. ; ’ ; ' LEE (HENRY—General, known as ‘‘Light Horse Harry'’). Document Signed, twice,—"‘ Henry Lee, Junr."" 3pp. folio, December 29, 1785. Deed for land. JACKSON (ANDREW—Seventh President of the United States). Document Signed, —‘ Andrew Jackson."" One page 12mo, Washington, Nov. 19, 1835. Signed while President. Addressed to James Eakin, appointing him as Second Auditor of the Treasury during the temporary absence of the Second Auditor. _ SHERMAN (ROGER M.—Member of the famous Hartford Convention). Autograph Letter Signed. 2pp. folio, Norwalk, October 8, 1800. To Colonel Benjamin Tall- . madge, Litchfield, Connecticut. A personal letter. FULL LEVANT, WITH DOUBLURES: PLATES IN TWO STATES 662. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). FORD (WoRTHINGTON C.). George Washington. With numerous full-page illustrations, IN Two STATES, one set being on India paper mounted on Holland, in sepia tint; frontispieces IN COLORS; vignettes on India paper; rubricated titles. 2 vols. 4to, full Antwerp blue levant morocco, broad gilt fillets on sides, gilt paneled backs; doublures of crimson Jevant, with broad outer, border of Antwerp. blue levant with broad gilt fillets,. white watered silk end-leaves, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1900 EDITION DE Luxe, limited to 200 copies, of which this is, No. I. This edition includes a duplicate set of all the full-page illustrations, on India paper, mounted on Holland, in sepia tint. HANDSOME Copy. 663. WATERS (W.,G.—Translator). The Pecorone of Ser Giovanni. Jilustrated by E. R. Hughes, with 12 beautiful plates. Imperial 8vo, full cyan blue levant morocco, with a floreated border in gilt on sides, enclosing an artistic and decorative gilt panel, gilt paneled back, floreated, wide inner Jevant borders, with a continuous floral border in gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1897 BEAUTIFUL Copy OF THE EDITION LIMITED to 110 copies, this being, No. 8, beautifully printed throughout on IMPERIAL JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. From the Henry William Poor, A. C. Rhodes and John Quinn collections, with respective bookplates. © ~—e Pita bh ices 664. WEBSTER (JOHN). The Dramatic Works of John Webster. With an Introduc- tion by W. Hazlitt. 4 vols. 12mo, full polished calf, sides with triple gilt fillet border, small gilt tudor rose at each corner, gilt paneled backs, in conventional flower and leaf design, inner gilt dentelle’ borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY ROOT. . } London, 1857 FINE SET in the “Library of Old Authors’’ Series. LARGE PAPER Copy. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th FINE SERIES. EACH AUTOGRAPHED BY WHISTLER 665. WHISTLER (JAMES McNEILL). A Complete Collection of Photographs of Nocturnes, Marines, and Chevalet Pieces, EACH SIGNED WITH AUTOGRAPH AND BUTTERFLY, and mounted on bristol board of atlas folio size. Enclosed in a board portfolio. Some of the originals photographed are: Nocturne—Black and Gold. The Fire Wheel; Symphony in White. No. III; Portrait of Miss Alexander; The Little White Girl; The Music Room; Battersea Reach; Valparaiso; Chelsea in Ice; Thomas Carlyle; Portrait of his‘:Mother; and others. 666. WHITE (GILBERT). The Natural History & Antiquities of Selborne & A Garden Kalendar. Edited by R. Bowdler Sharpe, LL.D. With an Intro- duction to the Garden Kalendar by the Very Reverend S. Reynolds Hole. ~ Numerous illustrations by J. G. Keulemans, Herbert Railton & Edmund J. Sullivan. 2 vols. thick 4to, full white vellum, arms in red, blue and gold on front covers, gilt tops, uncut. London: Freemantle, 1900 LARGE PaPER EDITION, limited to 160 copies, this being, No. 129, signed by the Editor and Artists. WHITMAN’S FIRST WORK 667. WxHiITMAN (WALT). The New World. Extra Series. Vol. II. Number 34. | November, 1842. Contains: ‘‘Franklin Evans; or the Inebriate. A Tale of the Times. By Walter Whitman.” 31pp. Bound into a 4to volume, half morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1842 WALT WHITMAN'S First Work. This was written during the Bohemian days of the author. It is recorded to have been advertised as a thrilling romance by one of the best novelists in this country and had a sale of between 20,000 and 25,000 copies, ‘which netted the author about $200. In later years when references were made to _ this work, Whitman would become much annoyed and refused to. discuss it. THE BEAUTIFUL PAUMANOK EDITION—FULL MOROCCO WITH DOUBLURES ; 668. Wuitman (WALT). The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman. Issued under the Editorial Supervision of his Literary Executors, Richard Maurice Bucke, Thomas B. Harned, and Horace L. Traubel. With Additional Bibliographical and Critical Material prepared by Oscar Lowell Triggs. Portraits and illustrations, the frontispiece in each volume COLORED BY HAND, rubricated titles within ornamental borders, on Japan paper. 10 vols. thick royal 8vo, FuLL DarK GREEN Levant Morocco, sides with gilt fillets enclosing floral corner designs against background of gilt dots, gilt paneled backs, DousLures and end-leaves of red undressed calf, the former with broad outer border of dark green levant and gilt band, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Putnam’s Sons, 1902 BEAUTIFUL SET OF THE PAUMANOK EDITION, issued under arrangement with Messrs. Small, Maynard & Co., of Boston. the Publishers of the Authorized Edition of the Writings of Walt Whitman. Limited to 300 sets, printed on Ruisdael hand- made paper, of which this is, No. 11. 669. [WILDE (Oscar).] An Ideal Husband. 1899; KIPLING (RUDYARD). The Five Nations. Vignette on title. 1903. Together, 2 vols. 12mo and square 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1899-1903 - First Epitions. The first volume is limited to 1000 copies, and contains the bookplate of Richard Le Gallienne. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue AUTOGRAPH EDITION OF WILDE. FULL LEVANT WITH DOUBLURES 670. WILDE (Oscar). The Writings of Oscar Wilde. Uniform Edition. Finely 671 672 673 674. illustrated with numerous plates IN THREE STATES, ONE COLORED, one on Japan paper, with many signed in pencil by the artists, and a third, plain; engraved titles within ornamental borders, and regular titles printed in red and black, both titles on Japan paper. 15 vols. 8vo, FULL ANTWERP BLUE LEvANT Morocco, sides with gilt bands enclosing large scroll designs in corners, with floral design in center onlaid in orange morocco; floral design on backs in gilt, with onlays of orange and green morocco; DOUBLURES of purple levant with gilt fillets, surrounded with broad band of Antwerp blue levant having marginal designs of gilt fillets; gilt tops, uncut, BY TAPLEY. London, New York: A. R. Keller & Co., 1907 Inserted in the volume entitled ‘‘Poems"’ is an Autograph Letter Signed in full by Oscar Wilde, 2pp. 4to, [New York City?] 48 West 11th, n. d. Addressed to JosEPH JEFFERSON, reading,—‘‘I am very anxious to see your Rip van Winkle again. If there is a box vacant on Friday night I have the privilege of using it. I hope to see you again and talk of Corot.”’ HANDSOME SET OF THE AUTOGRAPH EDITION, LIMITED TO TWENTY-SIX LETTERED Copies. With AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE OF,—‘ Richard Le Gallienne.’’ The set com- prises :— Dorian Gray; Poems in Prose; Essays, Criticisms, and Reviews; A House of Pomegranates, The Happy Prince; What Never Dies; Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime, etc.; Salome, etc.; De Profundis; Lady Windermere’s Fan, etc.; A Woman of No Importance, etc.; Essays and Stories, etc.; Intentions; Epigrams; Poems; His Life, with a Critical Estimate of his Writings. . WILDE (Oscar). Harris (FRANK). Oscar Wilde. His Life and Confessions. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, buckram, leather backs, gilt tops, uncut. In original dust wrappers. New York: Printed and Published by the Author, 1916 PRINTED THROUGHOUT ON JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. LIMITED ISSUE. With the Author’s autograph signature, address and sentiment from Pascal on end-leaf of Vol. I. . WiLson (Wooprow). Bust portrait, facing right. Mezzotint. Proof on India paper. Atlantic Publishing & Engraving Co. N. Y. WutH Wrtson’s AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE, in ink, in lower margin of plate,—‘‘ Woodrow Wilson.” Height, 1214; width, 914 inches. In black wood frame, and glazed. A VERY FINE PORTRAIT. . [WoopHEapD (A.).] The Whole Duty of Man, laid down in a Plain and Famil- iar Way for the Use of all, but especially the Meanest Reader . . Frontispiece and illustrated title-pages. 2 vols. in one, folio, full old sprinkled calf. Oxford, 1703-1704 FINE CLEAN Copy of this scarce issue. Also attributed to Allestree. WoopwarD (GEORGE M.). ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR Drawinc: “‘A Caricature for a Travellers Room.” Signed: ‘“‘ Woodward.” Height, 6%; length, 914 inches. Matted. : The drawing represents a young traveler giving innumerable instructions to a waiter, who open-mouthed gapes at the individual who expects any man to remem- ber such a list of orders. The waiter, however, politely acquiesces and runs off to the landlord, telling him that a gentleman is in the parlour who wanted a great many things, amongst the rest, he wanted him, and that was all he could recollect. The above description appears at length beneath the caricature in Woodward's autograph. Third Session, Wednesday Evening, February 25th HANDSOMELY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED COPY 675. WALTON (IZAAK) AND CoTTON (CHARLES). The Complete Angler or the Con- templative Man’s Recreation. Being a Discourse of Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish and Fishing. With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicholas. With numerous embellishments. 4 vols. royal 8vo, full light brown crushed levant morocco, with ornate floral borders on sides within gilt fillets, each corner having an emblematical design, gilt paneled backs with piscatorial designs in panels, wide inner levant borders, beautifully gilt tooled with ornate corners; doublures and end-leaves of light brown watered silk, gilt edges, BY BAYNTUN. Enclosed in a cloth fleece-lined slip-case. London: William Pickering, 1836 HANDSOME AND REMARKABLE EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED Copy oF THIS GREAT CLASSIC. There are inserted about Two HUNDRED FINE PLATES consisting of etchings, engrav- ings, copperplates, etc., comprising: portraits of celebrities, plates of birds, fish, etc. Some of the plates are: Sir Thomas Gresham; Oliver Cromwell; Sir Walter Raleigh; Old Eton Bridge; Salisbury Cathedral; John Dryden; Titian; Richard Hooker; Ches- ter; Coleridge;.Group of Fish; Founders and Benefactors of Christ Church with a “‘bird’s eye’ View of the College; The doubtful Hawk, and the tufted Goshawk; The Habiliments of Falconry; Sir Thomas Fairfax; The Salamander, The Gecko, The Chameleon; Various species of the Lumbricus or Earth-worm; The Surinam Medlar, with the Papilio Menelaus feeding thereon; Jaw Bones of Pike; Garrick's House; London; Snap Hooks and Trimmers; Fine species of Holocenters; Fish; The Sea Lamprey, River Lamprey, Silver Lamprey; and others. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED LIFE OF WALTON 676. WALTON (IzAAK). ZoucH (THOMAS). The Life of Isaac Walton; including Notices of his Contemporaries. With 20 fine plates. 4to, full green levant morocco, triple gilt fillet border on sides, richly gilt back, inner gilt borders, gilt over rough edges. London: Septimus Prowett, 1824 LARGE PAPER Copy. RICHLY EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 85 fine plates, comprising portraits and views, some being: Sir Thomas Gresham; Charles II; Dante; West View of St. Paul’s Cathedral; Eton College; Queen Elizabeth; Charles Cotton; Isaak Walton; and others. A NUMBER OF THE PLATES ARE IN PROOF STATE. 677. MISCELLANEOUS. BryckE (LorpD). The American Commonwealth. 2 vols. London, 1891; ROOSEVELT (T.). Oliver Cromwell. N. Y., 1900; LANDSDALE (M. H.). Scotland. 2 vols. Phila. [1901]; MONTGOMERY (W.—Editor). American Art and American Art Collections. 2 vols. Boston [1889]; Rus (J. A.). Making of an American. N. Y., 1902; and others. Many tllustrated. Together, 43 vols. atlas folio to 12mo, various bindings. Various places and dates AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc., MANAGERS DEPARTMENT OF BOOKS AND PRINTS ARTHUR SWANN, DIRECTOR OTTO BERNET anp HIRAM H. PARKE AUCTIONEERS ae A. een ot wae ‘eydrroa0d STAViAE : ; : A pe t ro, ie CIE TAD : ste ant actor mals 2 7" re soi didhes : : ere Eo) GET ERS Lives “om re 4 an i wh wig ag Uy * oak wed = eR PUSS A ee . , , Peay tia ante wien a MeN wy Te Te Soe af BE “2% agi o b BAP rbd k 5 ae an ’ ; = ig OOS ‘By ‘teat | hi % ie te Rep whe ksi bole oh 11 aoabe we made # 4 : > : ; 7 rT H ax, Tk o PDI Tae Ps 7% Ww ay ; Py £ : ql e ea . 7 ce | id ‘ o a 5 . ine Bin * pedal ceresadctiaprer Jottes Wa te ‘ . i: * ieee 5 ta a i = \4 «" Lee a Poy, See tid Ge BOER i aes ¥ pe Hf é eee x of fogs ft oy i iY ‘ i “~ ri wih nite ae / 2 of - m 4 2 : sae eines HET TT } “at, Hewes i ¥ * he S «tied 2 | — ‘i ue F y %; le ; . Pt | = ry , OF OTE oo r boas te tes 4 ] A : : tg | “7 48 ca at » igs | b f4 j FS Oy RE a We ‘ . “4 vp ‘ pais ; A i 5 ¢ a : Sau } a“ wn . i a. i ‘ ae) ¥ f t , Bae | ey Fi ; Te j } ’ : Z * fp j p) (si Naa 7 a ay 7 . : Ls « A Pan . i é ei re i : : eee ote ; : ‘ 0 : t i E i " ? ' « OF 7 Abe nN ‘ INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES ann STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS oA ppRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its serv- ice of furnishing appraisements, under expert direc- tion, of art and literary property, jewelry and all per- sonal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inherit- ance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such cata- logues to be modeled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private in- dividuals for whom the Association has made ap- praisements which have not only been entirely satis- factory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO $7TH STREET NEW YORK CITY Telephone: Piaza 1270 THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATIONS TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY DOUGLAS C. MCMURTRIE «+ NEW YORK r (Re Te b.24 Ne Aue a an [Library 5 of esteeme ining LIBRARY SETS OF ESTEEMED AUTHORS SUMPTUOUSLY BOUND Illuminated Manuscripts, Rare Early Printed Books, Autographs of Celebrities, &c. INCLUDING THE SPLENDID LIBRARY OF THE LATE Mr. ROBERT S. BARCLAY OF ROWAYTON, CONN. February 24 and 25, 1925 AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION : Inc. MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 571TH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 5°7TH STREET * NEW YORK