SILO'S FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES SILO BUILDING 546 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK AT WEST 45th STREET, N. W. JAMES P. SILO, = - AUCTIONEER IMPORTANT OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS BY EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN MASTERS FROM THE COLLECTION OF MRS. BERTHA ROHLSEN OF HAMBURG, GERMANY C. A. STERLING, ESO. OF ELIZABETH, N. J. AND FROM THE ESTATE OF THE Late HENRY P. SMITH BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTRIX TO BE DISPERSED IN PUBLIC AUCTION TUESDAY ann WEDNESDAY EVENINGS January 13th and 14th, 1914 Commencing at 8.15 o’clock JAMES P. SILO, AUCTIONEER LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the lot or lots so pur- chased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genu- - ine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of descrip- tion, at the buyer’s expense and risk, within Two Days from the sale; THE Firra Avenue Art GALLERIES not being responsible for the correct description, genuiness or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be deliv- ered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such resale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auc- tioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such resale, if he thinks fit. THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES are in no way responsible for the charges or manncr of delivery of goods purchased at their sale. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. THE ALEXANDER PRESS 114-116 WEST 27TH STREET NEW YORK pee od bagen fared Ley lod Nerps #16, / fees 9th CATALOGUE — ee FIRST EVENING’S SALE TUESDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1914 At 8.15 o’clock EVERSON (A.) Munich The Village Street 17 x 14% 2 AYERS (G.) New York Leaving Port 14x 17 3 ZIMMERMAN (R. L.) Munich A Quiet Test 10% x 8 BENJAMIN (David) A Study 17 x 14 wn HAAG (F.) Paris Washing Dolly’s Clothes 9% x 7% 6 DOUGHTY (Thomas) New York A Seacoast Village 12% x 18 DE JONGE (Gustave) Brussels In a Church Tif), 3% M8) UNKNOWN Head of an Old Man (axa SOUCHON (F.) Paris Love’s Idyll Pe) oe 10 BOCHMAN (Prof. S.) Berlin Horse at the Trough 6% x 10 11 VINCENT (George) London The Cottage NORxae 12 EVERSON (A.) Munich A Winter Street Scene i 17 x 14 13 VIER Re GaaG) New York Before the Wind 9% x 12 MARINELLA Paris The Mosque Water Color 15 MARINELLA Paris Arabian Prayers Water Color s 16 WESTON (Morris) New York Golden Lake (After Turner) 8 x 14 i7 COLEINS=(Ci9 AS) London The Fisherman’s Family lil x 14% 18 CHAPMAN (C. H.) New York Lake Scene Water Color 22 x30 19 BOOTT (Jean) Landscape 20) x 30 ZO VAN DAEL (B.) Flower Piece 18 x 15 21 BELLINI (Giovanni) 14 x 18 Ze COCETTI The Drinker 14 x 11 23 HART (Wm.) Landscape and Cattle 7 xe AU Paris Antwerp Rome Florence New York 24 BLAKELOCK (R. A.), Attributed, New York Landscape 20 x 26 25 GLEISON (J:) New York The Approaching Storm 25 x 36% 26 UNKNOWN Head of an Old Man 6 x 634 27, HERTZOG (J) New York A Trout Stream Water Color 0} Se 2 28 WESTON (M.) New York The Bather oe IG, 29 FARDON (J. P.) Paris Gypsies 6144 x 8% 30 WEBER (Theodore) Paris Marine IIB} 5x 283 31 VAN DER BECK (Theodor) Holland The Pet Chicken 19% x lly WATTEAU PRINT The Jolly Little Dog 33 VAN ELTEN (Kruseman) Brussels Sunset 2614 x 40 34 CISUAIPINUAIN, ((C) TEI.) New York A Mountain Lake BE RO, 35 DEEORT (C.) Paris Pages Playing at Dice 18 x 14% 36 BOUCHER (C. H.) Paris Fisherman and Child 8 x 9% W ARDELL (Max) London Miss Mitleton Pastel SY Se H16 VENNEMANN (Camille) Antwerp Lady with Dog 32% x 27 So GRISON (Adolphe) Paris The Quarrel QWs xe iil 40 VAN LEEMPUTTEN (Franz) Antwerp Shepherd and Flock 26 x 32% 41 BIERSTADT (A.) Philadelphia Landscape 1214 x 9Y no WHITTRIDGE (W.), N.A. New York Swamps at Sunset 1834 x 15% 43 BEROT (G.) Paris Diana and Cupid Tel exon ley JOURDAN (A.) Afraid to Go In 13% x 10% 45 PAPPERITZ (G.) Munich Woman’s Head 23 x 18% 46 FLASHER (M.) Paris Barbizon Landscape US sx 28 47 FRERE (Th.) Paris Arabs at Pool 9 xx ig 48 BRISCOE (Fy D:) New York On the Newfoundland Banks 30 x 50 49 CULVERHOUSE (J. M.) London The Market Place Al x 32 50 LYLER (j.-G.) New York New York Bay, 1876 39) se SO BEAR (Reve) New York Cattle in Pasture 12 sz IG BZ INNESS (George) Attributed New York Golden Sunset TOMPKINS (F. H.) Philadelphia Good Friday in Bavaria 31 x. 44 $M.- LONG (E. C.) London St. Marks’, Venice 36 x 28% 55 SCHRODER (Prof. A.) Berlin The Guardsman 16%4 x 11% 56 LAMLEY (A.) New York Sunset PY BAS SY/ ZIEM (Felix) Paris Venice WATER COLORS FROM THE ESTATE Olm ACISNE. ILZAVIND, HENRY PasMIi tf 58 French Fishing Boats 91%4 x 13% 59 The Duck Pond 10m 1S 60 Apple Blossoms EB NESS 61 On the River 7¥%x il 62 An Autumn Day 8x 12 63 Landing the Fishing Boat Il 32 16 64 Fishing Pier, Asbury Park I2-se is 65 Dinner Time ey 3 IEE) 66 The Surf tl se ket 67 Venetian Fishing Boat 16 x 10 68 The Old Mill WL se UG 69 A Summer Day IB sz 5 70 The Sturdy Oak 12 55 8 71 The Front Brook 8% x 11Y 72 A Lowery Day Sexes 73 The Road by the Lake 9x lly 74 Off the Maine Coast 10% x 9 5 The Old Grist Mill 914%4x 12% NI 76 A Cloudy Day OY x 13 77 LUTTEROTH (Prof. A.) Munich Italian Landscape 50 x 40 78 LUTTEROTH (Prof. A.) Munich Italian Landscape 50 x 40 79 EDMONDSTONE London Roman Water Carrier 7 xeet'5 80 DUPRE (Jules) Paris Landscape and Cattle 8% x 14 81 POECER (Ves) Paris Birth of Venus (Water Color) LOR IZ 82 DUPRE (Jules) Paris Landscape and Cattle 16% x 21 83 McENTEE (J.) New York On the Delaware 3 x 16 84 TENIERS (D.) Brussels At the Tavern 12 x 15% 85 VERHEYDEN (F.) Good Cheer OY se ff 86 RICHET (Leon) Landscape and Pool 21 x 26% 87 KUHL (Prof.) Englishman (A Study) WG) sx Ti 88 CHAPMAN (Carlton T.) On the Grand Banks 40 x 60 89 MEYERHEIM (Paul) Barbizon Landscape 12% x 16 Dusseldorf Paris Munich New York Berlin 90 MENZEL (Adolph) Munich Cathedral at Erfurt (Drawing) 91 INNESS (George) New York Italian Landscape 834 x 12% 92 UNKNOWN Girl with Lute 14 x 12 93 DUSRIN (Silas S.) London Landscape and Cattle 28 x 19% 94 GERARD (Chas.) Paris Off to School 29x 2A i 95 | SMITH (Henry P.) New York I Scene in Venice > | 50 x 40 ip \ 96 | MEYERHEIM (Pau!) Berlin i | Landscape and Cattle i 15 x 19% i 97 TAIT (A. F.), N.A. New York A Happy Family 9x 12 98 DE FAUX (A.) Paris Washday 30 x 20 45f.- ¥ Vehend Sebi ih MUNIER (E.) Munich The Pet Bird 29 x 24 100 CALDERON (C.) Paris On the Grand Canal, Venice 1844 x 26 101 POTTER (Paul) Amsterdam Cattle and Goats 11 x 1334 102 UNKNOWN Mephisto 10%4 x 8 103 SOMMERS (Otto) Munich, A Stag 39 x 49 104 UNKNOWN Cavalier 105 ARMFIELD (A.) finadaa Dogs xe 1 106 BRUZZI (J.) Brussels Shepherdess and Sheep 16x7% 107 KNAUS (L.) Berlin Roman Girl 15 x 11lY 108 ROE (1) Ke.) The Hague S. Scheveningan’s Home 91% x 12% 109 ZAREMBSKI (M.) Munich The Somnambulist 62 x 37 110 GRIFFIN (T.B.) New York The Marsh BD xe IO 111 EAMG ries) New York Still Life 10 x 8 112 IRIUIDIDIBILIE, (12%, 19;,)) New York Huron River, Ohio 12 x 18 113 GULSI Flemish Ideal Head 24 x 18 114 ALSINA (L.) Paris Arab Encampment 19 5x IK 115 VAN STRY (A.) : Munich The Vendor Pas DD 116 DAWSON (Henry) New York Catskill Woods and Lake 17 x 24 117 FRIARTE (R.) Pans The Moor abe Le 118 HENNER (Jean Jacques) Paris Ideal Head 10% x 8% 119 PAINTING Heinrich Heines’ Grandmother 15x 11yY 120 PORICELLI Rome Marine 18 x 25 12a DENNER (J.) Woman’s Head ( Pastel) 122 ie PAINTING . Heinrich Heines’ Mother 9x7 gible SECOND EVENING’S SALE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14th, 1914 At 8.15 o’clock 123 TAMM (Werna) Munich BOYS s CLR) The Hague Landscape Smee UZ 125 MICHAN (T.) Paris Village Landscape 8 x 12% 126 MORGENSTERN Munich Madonna 12% x 9% 127 MAGNUS (Camille) Paris Landscape 12 x 14 128 TMANIIE (UNS IB, ING Ay New York HART (Jos. M.), N.A. New York Ducks at Sunrise 11 x 8% 129 THOMMEN (C.) Boston The Waterfall Taxa) 130 UNKNOWN Head of an Old Man 634 x 5% 131 KARGER (Carl) Munich Mother and Child 141% x 10 Ue CHAPMAN (Carlton T.) New York Gathering Seaweed 2514 x 36% 133 KNAB (Ferd.) Berlin Hansa Mill at Westphalia 25% x 19 134 MARINELLA Paris Whirlpool on the Nile (Water Color) 135 MELCHER (C.) Munich Sheep 54x 9% 136 SEE (hash) Paris War Scene 8 x 10% 137 MULLER (Louis) New York Contentment 10% x 8% 138 JOHNSON (David) New York Greenwood Lake, 1876 12 x 20 139 FISHER (H.) New York A Winter Day (Water Color) 29 x 50 140 MORGAN (William) New York The Chemist 114% x 8% 141 HOUGE iS (Ee5) Paris Approaching Storm 39% x 57 142 EDE, (Frederic) Paris The Banks of the Loise 24 x 29 143 ROBIES (J.) Belgium Flowerpiece 10x 7% 144 RICHET (Leon) Paris Landscape 1G) sx 1 145 GULVES (Jean) Paris Cardinal a (Water Color) 146 BARON (H.) Paris Italian Woman 18 x 12% 147 MAYMARTIN (Lewis) London English Landscape 7 xe 28) 148 LANG (Louis), N.A. New York Little Graziosa Among the Butterflies 19 xan 149 RICHARDS (W. T.) New York Marine, Breakers 9x15 150 VIBERT (J. G.) Paris The Matador (Water Color) 14 x 10% WATER COLORS FROM THE ESTATE OF THE EALE HENRY:P SMITH 151 The Mill Pond 9% x 12% 152 A New England Farmhouse 834 x 11% 153 i After the Shower 8 x 12 154 Venice 12 x 14 155 Coast of France 7x 9% 156 A Bright Day 7x 9Y 157 Dutch Fishing Boats 14 x 10 158 A Calm Day 7 x 10 159 The Red Cottage D se NZ, 160 Early Summer Sool 161 The Edge of the Woods 9x 6 162 Along the Canal sore SKC 163 | Woodland | 164 Old Farmhouse O) se Ne 165 Edge of the Pond | 9 x 6 166 Cottage in Buttanny 4x 10 168 In the Heart of the Woods (Oil Painting) 169 Group of Six Water Colors 170 Pencil Drawing 171 PB CAUIEW (C185) Paris Landscape 10 x 14% Wad SELLMAYR (L.) Munich At Bay 20 x 16 173 BIERSTADT (A.), N. A. New York Rocky Mountain Landscape, Deer Playing Ws IBA 174 STIFFER (M.) Munich Ideal Head 7 10% x 8% 175 INNESS (George), N.A. New York Cloudy Day WO} ss 176 PEUEZ (Os) Berlin Preparing for the Festival 28 x 31 177 REYNOLDS London Lady Hamphild (Pastel) Gk se 25) 178 COESSIN Paris Blind Mans Buff 33) xeOZ | 179 SAINTE-ANGE (G. P.) Paris The First Victim 60 x 40 180 DIAZ (N.) Paris In the Forest of Fontainbleau 10325 181 JACQUE (Chas. Emile) Paris Landscape and Sheep 26 x 34 182 aw AVIGE 5 GAGES) Seine Ae New York Chicken Partridges 10 x 14 183 JOHNSON (David), N.A. New York Water fall 8 x 6 2 IRE SSS panes, pee 184 KELLER (Prof. F.) Shoemaker 32% x 25 185 ROBIES (J.) In the Park at Versailles 54 x 40 186 TURNER (J. M. W.) Italian Landscape 30 x 49 187 COUSINS Ideal Head AS) 3 Zl 188 ACR PZ (Ga) Fruit Seller Some 27 Berlin Belgium London Paris Munich 189 GAY (E.), N.A. New York Landscape 10% x 13% 190 PAIT (A. F.), N.A. New York An Anxious Moment Axe 22 | 191 4 PECAULT (C. E.) Paris Landscape | 10 x 14 192 : ADAN (Louis Emile) Paris At the Spring | 21 x 29% 193 MORLAND (George) London The Old Barn 9x 13% 194 WIGGINS (Carleton), N.A. New York Cattle in Stream ) oe 1D) 195 WILLEMS (F. T.) Mechlin Artist in Studio 210 Bexar) 5 196 BEAKELOCK (R. A.),; A.N.A: New York Landscape 8 x 1034 197 RICHET (Leon) Paris Landscape Near St. Cloud 26 x 36% 198 CARAVAGGIO (P. Da.) Rome The Cheats 51% x 43 199 THOMPSON (J.) New York Cattle in Stream 11% x 9Y The following Four Pictures are thé‘ property of a foreign gentleman now in Europe 200 HALS (Franz) Dutch School Male Portrait 24 x 18 201 UNKNOWN Dutch: School A Soldier of Holland 24 x 18 202 UNKNOWN French ‘School Portrait of a Lady 24 x 18 seh << —, 203 UNKNOWN Spanish School Portrait of a Spanish Lady 24 x 20 204 FIELD (R. F.) New York Landscape 13 x 15% 205 | DECAMPS (A. G.) Paris The Puppet Show OS sx SC . 206 LANG (Thomas) New York Interior SB x © 207 HARMS (J. O.) London Landscape: US) ore dls 208 ees SCO CAA) London View of Hampton Court Bridge 30 x 50 209 FALCONER (J. M.) New York Street Bridge, Five Mile River, Connecticut § 3x WZ 210 CROME (John) London The Mill on the Severn | SO) se 2S Zale PARTON (Arthur) New York New England Landscape WD Be By 212 DIBILIEAY Cal GC) Paris The River Oise 13 x 23% ENG BRAITH (Anton) Coming Home ath se HU 214 KNAUS (L.) The Pickpocket 45 x 62 215 DAUBIGNY (C. F.) Marine 18 x 32 216 INNESS (George), N.A. Italian Landscape 16 x 11% q PAZ) PCLAYsS (Paul jean) Fishing Boats on the North 2714 x 43% Munich Berlin Paris New York Brussels Sea 218 KENSETT (J. F.), N.A. New York Darien, Connecticut 9x 12 219 PECAULT (C. E.) Paris Landscape 10% x 14% 220 ROMNEY (George) London Portrait of a Child 30 x 25 221 FRISCH (H.) Munich Vilage Street Scene 16 x 20 222 BRITCHER (A. T.), N.A. New: York Evening, Grand Manan, Maine Se Ms 223 MICHEL (Georges) , Paris ‘ Landscape 18% x 26 224 ROBBE Brussels Barnyard, Interior 18 x 23% 225 LAISSEMENT (H.) Paris The Cardinal Artist 28 x 18 226 INNESS (George) New York Landscape 14 x 18 227 VAUTIER Geneva : The Picture 19 x 25 228 ZIMMERMAN (R. S.) Munich: Beyond Temptation 6% x 8% 229 JOHNSON (David), N.A. New York Lake Winnipiseogee, N. H. 28 x 44 230 SMITH (Henry P.) New York The Lone Oak Tree 231 BOUDIN (Eugene) Paris : Old Bridge at Portiers, France Opa 9 232 KOEK-KOEK (H. P.) . Belgium Landscape 27% x 40 233 INNESS (George), Attributed New York A Storm 14 x 20 234 DAUBIGNY Paris Sunset NG) xe 2/ a a 235 MORELAND i The Smugglers S3ia 38 236 PALEY (R.) New York The Witching Hour 5) 5 Ihe 237 UNKNOWN A Wet Night, New York 5310 ox 25 238 IEIBBIDIS; (Ce) London The Bay Gy xe Jt 239 INNESS (George) New York Sunset Landscape 16 x 27 240 TENIERES (Attributed) Landscape with Figures 241 TIEPOLO (Attributed ) Decorative Panel From the Humphrey Ward Sale 242 ALANSON London Arabian Scene 243 DE HASS (M. F. H.) New York Cape Ann Off the Coast of Maine Sle) ox 8 JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. =