OF fe BERNAR BOUTET DE MONVEL Ts tg V5 ‘ey Pod 3 a > mbinigee AzRaly OH BERNARD SOUlET DE MONVEL Paintings and bas-reliefs EXHIBITION 29 November - 25 December 1926 ANDERSON GALLERIES 489, Park Avenue, 489 NEW-Y ORK erie Olek ClON OF B. BOUTET DE MONVEL PORTRAITS 1 S. A. R. le Prince Sixte de Bourbon. 2 Le Maréchal Lyautey. 3M. G. M. Haardt. 4 M. Georges Menier. 5 MM. J. Boussingault et A. D. de Segonzac. 6 M. L. Allez. 7 Portrait. 8 Portrait. 9 Portrait of a child. 10 Portrait. 11 Portrait. PORTRAIT SKETCHES 12 General D. d’Osnobichine. 13 M™ Serge André. Nosico Ana ceele eer RNG ; SIXTE DE BOURBON 14 Sir Robert: Mond. 15 Prince Leon Radziwill. 16 Comte P. de Quinsonas. 17 Portrait - Carnegie Institute : Pittsburgh. 18 M” Rita del Erido. 19 M. Bernard Naudin. Musée du Luxembourg. 20 Children. 21 Portrait sketch. 22 Portrait. VARIOUS COMPOSITIONS AND FRENCH LANDSCAPES 23 Versailles. 24 The legend of saint Nicolas. 25 The convalescent. Museum of Lille. 26 The orphans. Museum of Pau. 2/7 Mariners. 28 The promenade. 29 The jockey. 30 The race. 31 The bar. 32 The refreshment. No 9. PORTRAIT OF A CHILD 33 Study of a head. 34 Nemours. 35 The village. 36 The return from the market. 37 The poplars. 38 The accacias. 39 Road through the plain. 40 Meat market in the sun. 41 Meat market in the shade. 42 Market at Nemours. 43 An old house. 44 The yellow house. 45 Study of Sophora. 46 Church of Chevyrainvilliers. Sunshine. 47 Church of Chevyrainvilliers. 48 Rocks. Grey sky. 49 Rocks. Evening. 50 Tomb. 51 Tomb of a young maiden. 52 A rustic. 53 A peasant woman. 54 Fisherman’s wife. Grey sky. PALACE OF “CHARLES V No 70, GRANADA 55 The Quai des Grands-Augustins. 56 Road at eve. 57 The gare Saint-Lazare. FLOWERS 58 Flowers. 59 Flowers. 60 Anemones. 61 Tulips. 62 Rose Tulips. 63 Daisies. | 64 Daisies in the shade. 65 Decorative bouquet of flowers. 66 Decorative bouquet of flowers. 67 Decorative bouquet of flowers. SPAIN 68 Alhambra of Granada. 69 Alhambra of Granada. 70 Palace of Charles V. Granada. 71 Palace of Charles V. Granada. SENG No 74. FEZ. SIX O’CLOCK MOROCCO 72 Fez. 725s Fez. Nine o'clock. 73 Fez. Noon. 74 Fez. Six o’clock. 75 Fez. Seven o'clock. 76 Fez. In the shade. 77 Cactus. Sun. 78 Cactus. Grey sky. 79 Cactus. Eve. 80 Beggar and cactus. 81 Women and cactus. 82 Confidence. ~ 83 Garden. ~ 84 Garden. 85 Small souk. 86 Souk of the Shoemakers. 87 Souk of the tinkers. 88 Souk. 89 Door of the Bouanania. 90 Court of the Bouanania. 91 Passage of the Bouanania. 92 Passage of the Bouanania. Night. REZ No 142, WOMEN WITH CARPETS 93 The grand Tala. 94 The grand Tala. 95 The grand Tala. 96 The little Tala. 97 Small street. 98 Small street. 99 Small street. 100 Dark little street. 101 Woman in side street. 102 Street. 103 Street. 104 Street. 105 Derb el Msid. 106 Portal of the mosque of the Andalusians. 107 Minaret of Karaouin. 108 Marabout in ruins. 109 Market of Cherardas. 110 Banana Tree. 111 Oil merchant. 112 Basket merchants. 113 Coal merchant. 114 Blind people. HORSEMEN No 154. 115 Blind man. 116 Blind man. 117 Blind man. 118 Crouching figure. 119 Crouching figure. 120 Beggar. 121 Beggar. 122 Crouching woman. 123 Woman with bread. 124 Water carrier. RABAT 125 Women on the terraces. 126 Women on the terraces. Grey sky. 127 Women on the terraces. Sun. 128 Women on the terraces. In the shade. 129 Fountain. 130 Street. 131 Street. 132 Street. MARRAKECH 133 Marrakech. Sun. 134 Marrakech. Grey sky. No 157. ABUNDANCE 135 Nomads. 136 Palms. 137 Palms on the ramparts. 138 Palms. Sun. 139 Palms. Evening. 140 Black mules. 141 White mule. 142 Women with carpets. 143 Woman with carpet. 144 Asses. 145 Caravane. 146 Camels. 147 Brook. 148 Bridge. 149 Blind man. 150 Hills. Sum. 151 Hills. In the shade. BAS-RELIEFS 152 Medaillon. 153 Women and donkeys. 154 Horsemen. he: CERISE eae © ee =i Ny rt | ~ & f nt oe 4G wel WINTER No 165. 155 Palm trees 156 Cactus. DECORATIONS 157 Abundance. 158 Apollo. 159-160. The triumph of love: Sketches for background and ceiling for the bed-room of AC™ Jane Renouardt. 161 Pastoral poem. 162 Heroic poem; Sketches for door panels for the dining- room of AC": Jane Renouardt. 163 Ceres. 164 Satyre. Screen panels. 165 Winter. First panel for the four seasons. 166 Sketch for a screen. 167 Freeze with camels. MAQUETTES Architect : Louis SUE 168 The bed-room of M“ Jane Renouardt. 169 The dining-room of M" Jane Renouardt. 170 Maquette for a dining-room. 171 Maquette for a hall. GETTY CENTER LIBRARY i