A MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF CHINAWARE AND CUT GLASSWARE FROM THE BritisH Empire Exnipitton, MONTREAL, GANADA AND FROM THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE FRANKLIN B. GOWEN CATALOGUE COMPILED AND SALE AT THE ART AUCTION ROOMS OF CONDUCTED BY THOS. BIRCH’S SONS STAN, V. HENKELS 1110 Chestnut Street, Philada., Pa. LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK CATALOGUE No. 775 +A COLLECTION *« OF Magnificent Chinaware ELEGANT DRESDEN AND SEVRES ORNAMENTS AND CHOICE SPECIMENS IN ROYAL WORCESTER, CROWN DERBY, COAL- PORT AND DOULTON BRASS TABLES, CANDELABRA AND LAMPS From the British Empire Exhibition, Montreal, Canada AND FROM THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE FRANKLIN B. GOWEN TO BE SOLD Saturday Morning, January 23d, 1897, AT If O'CLOCK AND CONTINUE WITHOUT INTERMISSION UNTIL SOLD CATALOGUE COMPILED AND SALE AT THE ART AUCTION ROOMS OF CONDUCTED BY THOS. BIRCH’S SONS STAN. V. HENKELS 1110 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. = ¥ as eka 2 ee ee oe - mer cms = Cas eee Say hy TRE BSN MAIN NE apes ee TN LOLOL ION OILED FAD RE ST — CATALOGGE. ~ 3 MAJOLICA ORNAMENTS. 3 ENGLISH PORCELAIN ORNAMENTS. HANDSOMELY DECORATED CHINA PLATE. Turquoise-blue background. 2 CHINA VASES. 2 DECORATED ENAMELED VASES. BRENCH CHINA SYRUP PIEGHbie Brittany blue decoration, with lid, DRESDEN CHINA BONBON BOX. Handsomely decorated with flowers in relief. DRESDEN CHINA BONBON BOX. Handsomely decorated with flowers in relief. COALPORT SALAD BOWL. Beautifully decorated with blue and flowers, in colors. FAIENCE BUREAU, with 3 Drawers. A beautiful Italian jewel case. DOULTON CHINA DESSERT SERVICE. Beautifully decorated with flowers in colors and gold, comprising: I Cake Stand, 2 Comports and 6 Plates, 22 23 24 25 4 DOULTON CHINA DESSERT SERVICE. Beautifully decorated with flowers in colors and gold, comprising: 1 Cake Stand, 2 Comports and 6 Plates. DECORATED CHINA NUT TRAY. 11 FLINT-GLASS ENGRAVED CHAMPAGNES. 16 FLINT-GLASS ENGRAVED CLARETS To match. is FLINT-GLASS ENGRAVED SHERRIES. To match. 16 FLINT-GLASS ENGRAVED LIQUORS To match. 15 ENGRAVED BUTTER DISHES To match. 18 COLORED GLASS HOCKS. 15 GLASS MADEIRAS. DRESDEN CHINA MINIATURE DESK. Beautifully decorated. INKSTAND. Vienna bronze. Gold plated. PAIR OF DRESDEN CHINA BOTTLES. Handsomely decorated in blue, with Watteau figures. SEVRES INKSTAND. Beautifully decorated in imitation of the Dresden. TORQUAY TETE-A-TETE SET. 26 27 28 29 35 30 37 38 Ww? 2 BOTTLE VASES. Splashware. 2 MAJOLICA VASES. In imitation of the Chinese, with dragon handles. 2 MAJOLICA PITCHER VASES. Olive green color. 2ITALIAN MAJOLICA VASES. Arabesque design, 5 CUT AND ENGRAVED GLASS WATER BOTTLES. 12 DRESDEN TEACUPS AND SAUCERS. Beautifully decorated with poppy flowers and gold, DRESDEN CHINA TEAPOT, with Stand and Lamp. Beautifully decorated with garlands of flowers; brass handle. ROYAL CROWN DERBY VASE. Solid turquoise-blue background, with heavy gold ornamentation. ROYAL WORCESTER COFFEE POT. Ivory and green, with gold ornamentation. 10 SUPERB SEVREs CHINA PLATES, Decorated with figures in centre and elaborate border in gold and colors. 6 SUPERB SEVRES CHINA DINNER PLATES. Decorated with figures in centre; blue and-gold borders. 12 ROYAL WORCESTER PLATES Yellow, decorated with flowers in colors. ROYAL WORCESTER DESSERT SERVICE, Handsomely decorated with Moorish designs in gold and colors ; openwork borders. Comprising: 1 Cake Stand, 2 Comports, 6 Plates. 39 40 4 50 Sl 6 LIMOGES CHINA TEA SET. Handsomely decorated with pink border and heavy ornamentation. Redon ware. Comprising: 12 Cups and Saucers, 12 Plates, 2 Bread Plates, Creamer and Bowl. LIMOGES GAME SERVICE. Decorated in centres with birds and animals; black and gold bands. Comprising: 12 Plates and 1 Large Game Tray. 2 ENGLISH WINE DECANTERS, with Handles. Heavy cut-glass, strawberry, diamond and fan pattern. 12 CUT-GLASS SAUCER CHAMPAGNES To match. 12 HEAVY CUT-GLASS TUMBLERS To match. 12 HEAVY CUT-GLASS GOBLETS To match, 11 HEAVY CUT-GLASS CLARETS To match. 10 CUT-GLASS CHAMPAGNE TUMBLERS To match. 11 HEAVY CUT-GLASS CORDIALS To match. HEAVY CUT-GLASS BOWL, Chrysanthemum pattern. HEAVY CUT-GLASS BOWL. Chrysanthemum pattern. HEAVY CUT-GLASS NAPPIE. PAIR OF DRESDEN CHINA CANDELABRA. Five branches, ornamented with leaves in gold, and beautiful figures at base. 7 52 TALL FRENCH CRYSTAL VASE. Heavy raised gold ornamentations. 53 ROYAL CROWN DERBY RUBY VASE. Jeweled, with heavy gold decorations. CA OLDE AEE VASE Decorated in blue and gold and flowers, in colors. 55 PAIR OF AUSTRIAN CHINA TALL VASES. Cobalt biue and gold decorations. 56 ROYAL BONN VASE. Decorations in gold, and figures in colors. 57 OPENWORK STANDING MIRROR. - A magnificent specimen of brass filigree work, studded with several hundred jewels, many of which are beautifully enameled. 58 IVORY MINIATURE. A beautiful little painting on ivory called «The Little Lover.’ Oval bronze frame. 59 IVORY MINIATURE. Portrait of Marie Antoinette. Gold-bronze frame. 60 IVORY MINIATURE. Beautiful portrait of Marquise de Vestier, in gold-bronze frame. 61 IVORY MINIATURE. Portrait of Jeanne de Navarre, gold-bronze frame. 62 IVORY MINIATURE. Beautiful female with large cap, gold-bronze frame. 63 IVORY MINIATURE. Madamoiselle Mole, gold-bronze frame. 64 IVORY MINIATURE. Portrait of Madam de Tourgille, gold-bronze frame. 65 IVORY MINIATURE. Portrait of Madam de Lamballe, bronze frame. 66 67 68 69 Jo 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 IVORY MINIATURE. Portrait of the Dauphin, gold-bronze frame. BRASS STAND MIRROR. Oval, open scroll-work frame. BRONZE BUST. Beautiful female head with large hat. CROWN DERBY VASE. Canary-yellow background, with heavy gold and jeweled decorations. FRENCH CHINA CHOCOLATE POT. Nile-green background, decorated in gold and lilies of the valley. FRENCH CHINA JARDINIERE or FRUIT HOLDER Brittany-blue decoration. DRESDEN CHINA TABLE LAMP. Decorated in gold and colors, with forget-me-nots and Watteau de signs; with baccarat globe, decorated with roses in colors. COALPORT TOILET SET. Decorated in gold and colors, green medallions, comprising: Pitcher and Bowl, Soap Dish and Brush Holder. PAIR OF DOULTON CANDLESTICKS. Moorish pattern. SEVRES CHINA TETE-A-TETE SET. Turquoise-blue background, heavy gold decoration with Watteau designs in colors, comprising: Tray, Teapot, Sugar Bowl, Creamer, 2 Cups and 2 Saucers. PAIR OF ITALIAN MAJOLICA VASES. Nut-brown color, decorations in relief. ITALIAN MAJOLICA VASE. Egyptian decorations. PAIR OF KAGA VASES. Beautifully decorated; very old and very rare. Me, 80 8i 82 33 84 85 86 87 83 89 g! 9 PAIR OF MAJOLICA BOTTLE VASES. 2 choice color pieces. PAIR OF MAJOLICA VASES. Flat, with handles. SILVER-PLATED FLOWER STAND. Gorham plate on hard metal. FRENCH CHINA JARDINIERE. Scenic decoration. DOULTON LOVING CUP. Solid silver-mounted ; decorations in relief. VIENNA ONYX AND ENAMELED JEWEL BOX. Beautiful piece of workmanship; decorated in Moorish style. VIENNA ONYX AND ENAMELED TOILET MIR- ROR. Choice piece of workmanship ; Moorish style. 11 SEVRES CHINA DINNER PLATES. With blue and heavy gold borders; forget-me-nots in colors; beauti- fully hand-painted portraits in centre, executed by noted artists. 12 COALPORT DINNER PLATES. Handsomely decorated in green and gold, with flowers in colors. 6 SEVRES CHINA DINNER PLATES. Pink-and-gold border, with Watteau figures in centre. 12*COALPORS PEATES. Pink-and-gold decoration, with flowers in colors. 12 LIMOGES FRUIT PLATES. Brown and heavy gold decoration. CROWN DERBY VASE. Solid green background ; gold and jeweled decoration. 96 97 98 99 ico 1ot 102 103 104 105 1O LIMOGES CHOCOLATE POT. Gold handle; flowers in colors. BLUE OVER CRYSTAL VASE. Panel-cut neck; decorated with colored enameled flowers. ROYAL WORCESTER CAMEO VASE. Green-blue background; lilies in relief, COALPORT BONBON BOX. Cobalt, decorated with gold. SEVRES CHINA CLOCK. Beautiful, artistic design; decorated in heavy gold, with Watteau figures and artistic bronze ormolu mountings. PAIR OF FIVE-LIGHT CANDELABRA To match. PAIR OF DRESDEN CHINA COLORED FIGURES. The Spanish Cavalier and Lady. Beautiful specimens of open lace work. 12 ENGRAVED AND CUT-GLASS CHAMPAGNES. Crown and fruit pattern; magnificent specimens of hand-engraved work. 11 CLARETS To match. E27CORDIALS To match: 12 WHISKYS To match. 12 TUMBLERS To match. 2 CUT-GLASS DECANTERS. Pear shaped; with handles. 18 ENGRAVED GLASS FINGER BOWLS. 106 1io0 112 116 117 118 II 2 CUT-GLASS DECANTERS. Antique. 2 DECANTERS To match. 2 BRONZE CANDELABRA. 4-light. JAPANESE VASE. Makadsu ware, with figures of birds, insects, and flowers in relief; fine old piece, and has been repaired. PAIR OF CHINESE CRACKLE VASES. Handsomely decorated. LARGE MAJOLICA VASE. Olive green color. 2 LARGE MAJOLICA VASES. Maroon color. LARGE MAJOLICA VASE. 2 LARGE MAJOLICA VASE. Bottle shape; maroon color. BACCARAT VASE LAMP. Blue decoration, white and gold; with handsome globe decorated in blue and gold. BOIID) IsVAICIE,” WES 1S, Two handles; raised gold decorations. ROYAL BOHEMIAN FIGURE. Magnificent and beautiful work of art. MAHOGANY PEDESTAL, Brass Mounted. 119 120 121 127 128 129 130 12 ONYX AND BRASS PIANO LAMP. HANDSOME BRONZE-MOUNTED SEVREsS CHINA VASE. Turquoise-blue and heavy raised gold decorations, Watteau designs in medallions, with heavy bronze ormolu mountings. ENGLISH BRASS CENTRE TABLE. Very artistic designs, with selected onyx top and base. WROUGHT-IRON PIANO LAMP. BRASS AND ONYX TABLE. Empire style; very handsome. PAIR OF DRESDEN CHINA FIGURES. French Cavalier and Lady. Beautiful specimen of open lacework. PALE. CUI-GLASS: VASE. Raised gold and ruby decoration. ROYAL WORCESTER DESSERT SERVICE. Moorish design in gold and colors, openwork border, comprising: 2 Comports and 6 Plates. VIENNA BRONZE INKSTAND. Supported with standing dragons; gold plated. SOLID BRASS STAND MIRROR. SOLID BRASS STAND MIRROR. ROYAL CROWN DERBY AFTER-DINNER CUPS AND SAUCERS. Mikado pattern in blue and gold. LARGE ENGLISH MAJOLICA CENTRE VASE. Very artistic and handsomely decorated. FRENCH MARBLE MANTEL CLOCK. Bronze figure; cathedral chimes; strikes hours and half hours; runs eight days. 133 134 135 139 140 I4I 144 13 PARIAN MARBLE BUST. Haydn. 7 ENGLISH BRASS HOT-WATER OR TODDY KET- ANE, With wrought-iron crane, supporting lamp. CARRARA MARBLE BUST. Leonardo Da Vinci. CARRARA MARBLE BUST. Raphael. FATENCE MINIATURE SIDEBOARD. Beautifully decorated jewel case. 14 FAIENCE CHINA FISH PLATES. Sarreguemine ware; handsomely decorated ; various fish in colors. 12 ENGLISH CHINA DESSERT PLATES. Decorated in imitation of Japanese. 12 HAVILAND CHINA FRUIT PLATES. Decorated in flowers and colors. 12 OLD WEDGWOOD FRUIT PLATES. Decorated with various fruits in relief. OLD BLUE NANKIN CHINAWARE, Comprising: 11 Tea Plates, 10 Dessert Plates, 8 Dinner Plates, 3 Meat Dishes, 2 Sauce Tureens, Salad Bowl, Gravy Tureen, 6 Egg Cups, 7 Cups and ro Saucers. OLD ENGLISH CHINA FISH DISH. Chinese pattern in blue. RIDGWAY CHINA MEAT DISH. Chinese design in blue. 145 146 147 148 149 14 RIDGWAY CHINA STEAK DISH. Chinese design in blue. RIDGWAY CHINA GAME DISH. Chinese design in blue. RIDGWAY CHINA MEAT DISH. Damaged. ROYAL WORCESTER CHINA BREAKFAST SERV- WEIS, Moorish decoration in gold and colors, comprising : 12 Cups, 12 Sau- cers, 12 Egg Cups, 12 Plates, 2 Bread Plates, 2 Steak Dishes, 2 Hot Cake Plates with Covers, Oatmeal Dish with Cover, 2 Bowls, Milk and Cream Pitcher. FRENCH CHINA FLUTED FISH SERVICE. Decorated in blue and gold, with paintings of various fish in the centre, comprising: 12 Plates and Large Fish Dish. 12 LIMOGES CHOCOLATE CUPS AND SAUCERS. Decorated in gold, with flowers in colors. CHINESE, MEDALLION PLATTER. Beautifully decorated with birds, butterflies and figures in colors LARGE PUNCH BOWL To match. SMALL BOWL To match. COSY To match. TEAPOT To match. TEACUP, with Cover To match, 157 TEA CADDIE To match. OBLONG DISH To match. A NWCIILD; IDS SUBS) To match. 12 TEA PLATES . To match. 12 DINNER PLATES To match. iz TEA CUPS AND SAUCERS To match. s TEA PLATES To match. 6 DINNER PLATES To match. DECORATED FRENCH CHINAWARE. Comprising: Comport, 19 Dinner Plates, 6 Soup Plates, 18 Tea Plates, 12 Cups and 12 Saucers. 3 MAJOLICA PITCHERS, Etc. DRESDEN CHINA INKSTAND. Decorated in gold and forget-me-nots, in colors. HAT BRUSH. Decorated Sevres china back. CLOTHES BRUSH. Decorated Sevres china back. 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 16 CLOTHES BRUSH. Decorated Sevres china back ROYAL WORCESTER PUFF BOX. Beautifully decorated. PARIS CUP AND SAUCER. Green background, decorated with gold and flowers, in colors. SEVRES CHINA TRAY. Heavily decorated in gold, with Watteau figures in centre. LARGE JAPANESE PUNCH BOWL. LARGE MUTCHSNEIDER PUNCH BOWL. Tulip decoration. 2 BRONZE SCONCES. Gold-plated, 4 lights, French-plate mirror in back. SILVER-PLATED TEA SET. Made by Read & Barton. 6 pieces. BLACK MARBLE AND FRENCH BRONZE MAN- TEL SET. Comprising: French Clock, cathedral chimes, strikes hours and half hours, runs eight days; and 2 Urns. LARGE MAJOLICA JARDINIERE. 2 MAJOLICA VASES. MAJOLICA JARDINIERE. With flowers in colors. 4 ITALIAN MARBLE FIGURES. Representing Music, the Drama, etc. 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 IQI 192 193 17 ROYAL WORCESTER CHOCOLATE POT. Beautifully decorated, ROYAL WORCESTER CHOCOLATE POT. Beautifully decorated. 5 GAME PLATES. Decorated with American wild game, in colors. 2 MAJOLICA MUSTACHE CUPS. ROYAL WORCESTER BREAKFAST SERVICE. Neatly decorated in blue. Comprising: 2 Game Plates, 12 Break- fast Plates, 12 Cups, 12 Saucers, Cream Pitcher and Bowl. DECORATED ENGLISH CHINA DINNER SERV- ICE. 124 pieces. STUDENT’S LAMP. LARGE GLASS BOOT. GLASSWARE, 10 pieces, assorted: SILVER-PLATED SPOON HOLDER. LOT OF CHINAWARE, ORNAMENTS, Ervc. 213 18 LACE CURTAINS. 8 STRIPS OF FINE TAMBOUR LACE CURTAINS. 4 do OF TAMBOUR LACE CURTAINS. 4 do OF TAMBOUR LACE CURTAINS, for small windows. 2 STRIPS OF TAMBOUR LACE CURTAINS, for small windows. 8 STRIPS OF FANCY CURTAINS. S cdo Ole do do 4 do OF BRUSSELS NET LACE CURTAINS. 2 Ge Olle do do do aedo- OF LACE CURTAINS. LOT OF WHITE CURTAINS. 2 LARGE JAPANESE PAINTINGS ON SILK. Beautifully painted birds and flowers; in ebony frames. BRASS ORNAMENTATION FOR OVER FIRE- PLACE. Handsomely engraved. PAIR OF ANTIQUE BRASS ANDIRONS. FINE OPENWORK BRASS FENDER. CAST-IRON OPEN GRATE. PAIR OF ELK HORNS. EXTRA LARGE GERMAN RUG OR CARPET. LARGE AND HANDSOME SMYRNA RUG. LARGE ENGLISH BODY BRUSSELS RUG OR CARPET. LARGE ENGLISH BODY BRUSSELS RUG OR CARPET. THE BICKING PRINT S.B. Cor. Tenth and Market Streets PHILADELPHIA