pe Wat aila sy Se " rb een Cul Zz OoOonwInoPan re OSe Valueble Modern Paintings sold at the American Art Association 1918, April 4-5. Prices Buyers Nose Prices _Bu & 30. E.T. Ellis 39 3D Be i 70. Otto Bernet, Agt. 40 105. @.M. Sche 90. Arlington Gall. 41 35. . Schnitz 110. A.W. Clarke — 42 306 Clapp & Gral 200. H.W. Charles 43 140. FH. Shaw 110. HeB. Dominick 4.4, 20e MM. Engel 25 BT. Bilis 45 100. Otto Bernet,A 80. Badger de LOUnes 46 176. Lie he Haggein — 160. Fede Blank 47 65. Irving Brohaw — BO H.E. Bauer 4.8 70. Chas. ssa oa | 356 Arlington Gall. 49 Out be 55. “ * 50 100. AcSe Gump 50. Otto Bernet, Agt. 51 380. R. Deutsch | 150. Prinz Brose / 52 80. Henry Sell. . 25. E.T. Ellis 53 50, Beds Lounes (4%) 30. A.H. Goldingham 54 45. 1. Schnitzler 706 Let. Haggin 55 70. °K, Richards 40. Framk Keeble 56 210. InT, Hagein. 7 80. Otto Bernet, Agt. 57 150. WM, Tanenbaun 10. J.E. Chichester 58 110. AW. Clarke 4 190. Otto Bernet, Agt. 59 50. WeA. Burnett | 606 WeWe peaman, " 60. 60. Arlington Gall. 25 « dee Chichester 61 180. Re were >| 80. CeH. Warren 62 10. " 2 | 0-6 Wee Seaman, Agte 63 60. eS, de Jong : | 100. Eede LOUNES 64 110. Wm. Cowen % B06 Arlington Gall. 65 550; E.eT. Ellis .| 100. C.J. McDonough 66 60. K. Richards 75 Let. Haggin 67 356 Jacob de Jong | 306 B. Vos 68 50. &.E. Charles 45. T.M. Scheidler 69 75. Jacob de Jong” 1000. Otto Bernet, Agte 70 50. C.A. Warren — 115. Henry Schultheis 71 90. Jacob de Jong 706 HE. Bauer 72 125. P. Bras 506 TM. Scheidler 73 150. LT. Haggin = 190. LeRoy Frost 74 155. HeW. Charles 50. Otto Bernet, Agt. 75 200. A.W. Clarke — 45. Clapp & Greham 76 756 Inter.Art Gall. Buyers Cade McDonough ba | t Dr. Chas. H. Williams M. Knoedler & Co. Withdrawn C.J. McDonough FHM. Relm CeH. Warren Lt. Haggin Le. Newton» Cede McDonough t tt Mrse EC. Hoyt K. Richards E. Kohnstamn Aele Clarke Cede McDonough John Levy WeWe Seaman, Agte ~ Otto Bernet, Agte " tt 1? W.W. Seaman, " Otto Bernet, " Geo. J. Foran Julius G. Hass 7.M. Scheidler Hel land Gal + e at i] Otto Bernet, Agt. John Levy HF. Miller Clapp & Graham John Levy M. Knoedler & Co. John Levy Withdrawn AW. Clarke Sede Frank Holland Galleries AeBe Nus bauyh Otto Bernet, Agt. ReAe Gusbee F.eEB. Oppenheimer AeWe Stom HF. Miller Ferargil Galleries Irving Brokaw M. Knoedler & Co- Henry Schultheis Otto Bernet, Agt. W2ye Seaman, Agt. Prices Buyers & 2756 Jeolle MeCarthy 80, W.W. Seaman, Agt,. 2800. Me Hnoedler & Co. 3900. WeWe Seaman, Agt. 3800. E.H. Bernheimer 5H. Wm. Mahon 385. HeF. Miller 140. WeW. Seaman, Agt. 2506 Otto Bernet, " 520. Holland Galleries 160. A. Mayer 1150. EK. Richards Out 400. Otto Bernet, Agt. 150. C.P. Byrnes 190. Otto Bernet, " 450. A.W. Clarke | 775. Henry Schultheis 560. John Levy 100, E.eT. Ellis 575. Clapp & Graham 325-6 Jel. McCarthy 350 » AeW. Clarke 410. Holland Galleries ~ 360. Jacob Straus 130. Jacob de Jong ~ 170. Otto Bernet, Agt. 160. Lras Nganton 90. Ferargil Galleries O25 6 P.M. Gotterdam 400. Otto Bernet, Agt. 5256 John Baumann 475. Robt. Handley 3506 Holland Galleries 2000e Clapp & Graham 1525.6 Me Knoedler & CO6« 625.6 Welle Seaman, Agte 1000. Holland Galleries 500. C.P. Byrnes 3006 Welle Mahon Withdrawn 425. PW. Gotterdam L765. Sede Frank 550.6 Jacob de Jong 1025. M. Knoedler & Co. 425. W.eW. Seaman, Agt. 225. EeKe Richards 725 « Otto Bernet, Agt. 1150. Wee Seaman, sie 13525. Otto Bernet, *" 350. 1? I tt 1700. Clapp & Graham 650. Joelle Melarthy eee ee mm re e op ary amma ere )3. Ste er” Brings Top Price, $3,900. FOR ELOUDY DAY” jllection of Modern Paint- ies ‘Sold at Hotel Plaza + Betehes peal of $57,270. aera a In the Ge quate sessions of the sale at ‘modern art. conducted by the Amer- fean , Art Association in the ballroom of | ; phe Hotel ‘Plaza. certain American mas- £ - following the tradition that has ta apes by the war atictions, } the prices. oo artists last night stl J. Francis Murphy and _ Murphy. The Inness pic- called “Looking Over the River,” to. W. W. Seaman, agent, for $3,900. urphy “Cloudy Day” brought $3,- ER. © i. Bernheim, and the “Bridge , Meadows, » by Wyant, sold to M. Knee & Co. for $2,800. ; The bid- eal 3 ) Hd oe times was quite lively. ! The Tat’ of the principal sales, with . d buyers, . abide J t 'Biue tice 8: ae ‘pitas $310 n Frajelg Ss phy, | “Autumn Bernet, agent.... 500 1 a Mart in, “ALUM a. Gog. Foran. .-.s.--: 200 ehan Georges vit wibert, “phe Gar- meont A iean Beetlavs " Chevil- , "rhe Cure Reading,” T. Pe iucrart.. honse. rie de Neuville, “A Brenet satdies," Holland Gal- Petes ie es Set oe Se a ees see wm eiemes # 1038— n be eae olf. ey Fa eam,” 3 Bound," John Levy. Jules Dupre, “yTandscape,”’ ; noedle® Co... 1.25. eerste £IO-~—Narcisse virgiie Diaz, ‘Forest ndscape,”’ John Levy...-..-- | re a Johann Voltz, “Cat- ae dscape,’’ Augustus Pra ee ee ee) SY dS cht ie ig Fie io by el at Oe $00 ei 0) ¢ ae 8 Les Baie oe 8 4) . ty, Siar Jataille, “Skirmish in Sireet of Spar, Algiers,’”. A. So Pe Lee TA eR) a otal in se 110 | Prosper "Rerne-Belle- 4 ajbiace Pore Duty,” O. Bernet.. $275 “es ate Ward Ranger, “Parm- house and Trees,” F. E. Op- nheimer SRN POR ental Sie wip a’ ,b 80, Ward Ranger, ‘The ‘ . 1k ASE a a 150 ie Wyant, ‘“Tand- ie INTROS cg 6 eters 85 84 473 E Ret Pinkham Ryder, “Sheep . abet hay gael Ferargil Gal- 5% ‘pu: re, “In pe Pas- e saa fller Dupre, Brokaw. 250 bae—Jean Baptiste ‘Camille “Corot, “Yes Ruines du Chateau ,de | ceils ae pyro Napa 2,500 5— naus, “The Soe is ead odel,”’ Henry Schultheis. 875 H ) ART AUCTION gs. “Looking Over the; Waitalle Gace Olas Minch yA» “it ‘Ewha, siya WY WW er - ea} mene EU RON IL eli (b)a fe God siecen tea a Neale “Fhe eanke, PRU BNCCOGT PY crete lala sss lela ene 180-—Alexander EL NV Van, eae Bridge in Meadows,” PRenvedler 1 600.9 Perce ; 184~—George Inness, “Lookin ‘Over the River,” W. W. Seaman, BHM MOE Cee LG OIG RAE De Ae 132—John Francis Murphy, tA Cloudy Day,’ BE. H. Bernheim. 133—-Theodore Robinson, “In the Woods,” W.: Mahan. ioe ENS PR Ci 124—Robert ©. Minor, ‘Near. .the Wisgwams, Waterford, sua plig V oon 8: Ley tt H. F. Miller.... 185—William Mertitt Chase, seape,”’ W. W. Seaman. 136—Jean Beraud, tr champs?” Ol.) Bernete ch cet es 1387—Jean Leon Gerome, “Moorish Dancer,’ Holland Galleries. 188—Leonhard Anders Zorn, “Arab Chief at Prayer,’ A. Mayer. 189—OCharles Francois. Daubigny, | Showery Day In Normandy,’ a eee ee “Land te We sai Meh Can cB te Glenna ae mi 141—Thomas Moran, ‘Sunrise at Weenies; Ov Barrett. ice see ahs. i48—J. Hermanus Koekkoek, ox Kad ha in Holland,’” O. Beruet, 14¢—Relpn Albert Blakelock, ‘‘After- EN NV AE are are eae yates 145—George Inness, ‘Landscape, Henry Schultheis.....06.5..-6- 146—Henry W. Ranger, “Landscape,” RP ASTURD DONA 8 Ease oo ethicn 148—BHugene Vesbeots Verboeckhoven, ee, Clapp & Graham..... | 149—Leon ichet, “The Farm,’’ J. N. WESOEPIDY! sire ciate nce Un egrqay die! t's 150-——-Ferdinand is an, Monchablon, “Landscape,’’ A. W. Clarke. 151—-Paul Jean Clays, Pee clio Ship- ping,’ Holland Galleries. 152—-Charles Emile Jacque, herdess and. Sheep,’’ Strauss L67— William. “Shep - Jatob - WH. Sthwe.- “Gvening, eas Hime!” P.M. Gotter- 158—iHarend Bornpie Koekkoek, “Winter Landscape,’ O. iBernet. 159—Harry Willson Weatrous, ‘Phe Word of a Girl,” John Bau- Macatee corner ery tat algo ade eat ge eS 160—-Emil Catrisen; ‘The Sentinel Pine,’ Robert Mandléy.y. 00.2: | 161—Eugene Joseph Verboeckhoven, £ “Sheep and Mow!l,’’ Holland Gal- } tb asp Ot a eas ES ae i Pe oO er a 162—4Pelix Ziem, “Venetian Boats,” CRAP Re CAT RAT: i kd Se 8 ve 163—Frits Thaulow, “The Washer- woman,’ “Wnoedler & Cow... 164——Lieon Richet, “Gleams of Sum- mer Light,” IN; W. Seaman..... 165-——Laureng Alma-Tadema. “‘Quéen Clotilds, Instructing Her: Chil- dren In Arms,”’ Holland Gal- oe ep aA a CA a CR Wa ORD Uae RRS le 166—Hmil. Carlsen, Voods (BIS 2 GT bred oS era ane ch ULE ry ca OER BAT UE rr) ancrcn Fed 167--George B. Bogert, “Venetian Bunsst oO Wieali Mahan ees essian . 168—Emil Carlsen, “October Oaks,” MMe AOL EOI CM IN) larity sieeiecsia Mau vs 170—-Henri Lerolle, “Coming from the Fountain, 8) J. Frank... .. 171-—Cesare Detti, ‘ues Noces d’Or,”’ Jacob de: Jongh 172-—Felix Ziem, ‘Venice at Sunset: Mintrates . to Grand , Canal,” [ya Le fica LOCAL po Woes hy FR Vas ce to i solo 17é8—HBugene Joseph “Sheep in Pasture,” man, agent Verbteckhoven, W Sea- 174—Teon Bazile Perrault, “Petite Hille au Chien,” ©. K, Richards. lio—-Albert Bierstadt, “Looking Uy ; the Xosemite Valley,’ O. Ber- ta goin: 5 ¢ 2 al AB a Aaa Ee se L75A—“‘Landscape Francais,’* j man Lowenstein 176—William ©. Adolpe WY" Bougiereau, “Hesitating ‘Between love and Riches,’? W. W,. Seaman, agent. 5 1 {77Adelt Schryere. “The ‘Charee,” { Oe ERSTE, {iS OM Card Ya), evs morro tenets 178—-Albert Bierstadt, “Sunset in the } Yosemite,” O. Bernet, agent... : 1i9—Eugene Isabey, “tfarbor of Grapvilie,” Clapp & Graham... 180-—-Sir Thomas Lawrence, “At the | Opening of the Gate’. J, M. Pg OT: oe at 5 OM nae epee ee. Bee Rian YG By Sonat (97A-—-Wigure painting, Tortunmy, W. f WY! SO Fuente OES ast Pau eae eae > Phe totaly realized: last evening | $47, 800, making a grand total. for | collection -of , $57,270. |B. Millet was withdrawn Disses before, the sale. from the The pastel, by J. eo on oO Co ~ > 3 be ¢ A 659 260 was the col# | | ~ STARTED AT PLAZA Lee a + I Meyer von Bremen’s “Hour for Rest” rBings $1,000, Best Price of Night. a ee a. LOL aA Well Known Collectors Are Among Those Offering Pietures. EVENIN $9,970 A two nights’ sale of modern paint- ings was begun last night in the ball- room of the Hotel Plaza by the Ameri- can Art Association, the pictures com- ing from several collections; among oth- ers those. of Miss Mary EF. Garrett of Baltimore, Mrs. Mary MceMi Han and the |late Oliver Hoyt. ‘ The iess important works were dis- /posed of last night and. the pieces in consequence were not startlingly high. The total for the evening was $9,970. The jist of the principal sales with buyers and prices, follows 5. “On the River,’’ E. Sanchez-Perrier, ——E——E persed tose: W. Chaples:: sa siendin cea $200 9, “Beshi-RBazook,”’ J, Ju Gerome, to DOR ape te J. Blanek iG ieeecca 166 21, “And, Drive Dull Care Away.) 1. ‘Gaugengisl, Otto Bernet, agent.... 190 3%, “The Hour for Rest,’ 3. (G@. Meyer). 7 yon Bremen. to Otto, Bernet, PREY 3 8 Faaem PRU OT EUAN 0 (fo RADE 7 1,000 26. “Market “Stall, ‘LT, © Rosierse; 16 eroy TR Gshse sae ey ee eer 490 46. - Lands: ape, William ™M. Brown, Leroy’: “Wa rein is ere cela ktoncrs tua 1d 51.. “Sleep, Baby. Sleep,’ «J. G@. Meyer @ yon Bremen, “R. Deutschy oo... “: 380 4. “Feeding the Pets,’ Charies Bdward Frere, Leroy -Haggines. 2.7. i. 6. 210 ‘61. ‘“Fishermen,’’ Georges Haquette, to Re Dat Bea, OC ea an tea ow bein Iso 73,' “Lady of the Court of Lois: XV.,”’ Robert Tournieres, Leroy Hag- rd § ER PAC GMPC EEN Te sone Gr dn Bake yi ph Myers 450 if, “dame Re OW. Van Boskeraix; to OF WV. CAS Ga iii. n ie adie wate works. by | sit Thomas Lawrence, George Inness, J. F, Murphy and Alex Wyant will be dis- two se eo ae) ice Thursday conducted b evening, | tained for 91 canvases. | with catalog number, | size in inches, height first, | price: 1—E. Von Nerode, “Out Door Market, enna,” 44x34. Ey T, Ellis -2—Lessi, Tito, “The Antiquary,”’ Vi- PRC ACO Cl ls «here gisie ci cle ois « ent toa cueee f 3—Leo-Herrimann, Chas., “Solid Comfort, ae 634x454. Arlin tom! GallerieS © ...6.. 2% 90 4—Tamburini, A., “The News of the Day,” 934x734. Augustus, Aen LaF Icel ns anime mens 110 5—Sanchez-Perrier, E., “On the River,’ 634x one tomvve Charies!.. 5.2.26. sek en 200. - 6—Quadrone, “Interrupted,” 10x64. H. Dom- Rel Ss a) Re es 110 7—German School, ‘“‘Head of a Man,” 1034x PRP EOEOS i. ea eke oo ve ginere eA 8—Leo-Herrimann, C., “Refreshments,” 7%x REPT IGOWINCS: cos sof eens ees enlace 80 | 9—Gerome, J. L., “Bashi-Bazouk,” 10%x8%. Pad: (ag A ee a Se ES SG 160 | 10—Engl, ‘H., “Prosperous Farmer,” 10%4x7%. ee PRR dp ke teas ee: 30 | 14: -Kiesel, C., ‘““Head of Young Woman,” 10% x8. Arlington Gallertes w 5 ..ngtr este eis 35 | 12—Kiesel, C., ““Pet Dove,” 114%x9¥Y%. Arling- Meee 407 hehe x caraoticdaw xe’. is 55 _ 13—Montague, mS, “Thames .at—Eton GOliseente ‘ as lege,’ 714x10. Bernet, agent...-..-.. q j14—Leo- Herrimatin, C:>~ ‘ ‘Gentleman in His eae esos. Prinz Bros:.+—..... ~150 15—Ribot, Need. The Cook, gS 405m Ore We lo 2 ee ee 25 16—Brissot de Warville, F. S., “Sheep,” 9%4x pases (oA. EL: Goldingham Foc) eee 30 17—Van Beers, J., “Pierrot & Pierrette,” 12% | b, x5. Leroy Haggin 5 ee Se eee 70 : 18—Semenowsky, E . “The White Veil,’ 123% - x9%, (panel). Frank Keeble........... 40 | 19—-Weiss, -G., Beeninient, % 13x10%. Ber-- A. sa felee SeWegein\ 8-35 Seine ite ne-are t -5oare aan a 80 | { 20—Grivaz, Es “Th the Library,” (watercolor), fi i 1434x934. (RSS EO Cee PS See ieee 10 fs) 2 -Gaugeneigl, I., ‘And Drive Dull Care Away,” 1034x8%. Bernet, agent:.... 190 oe t 505. Gag J. S., “The Young Jehu,” 914x124. eae rettE “Oe isch cc cae ci cence i ae ites G. C., “In the Greenhouse,” 1334 ee lth 0 (nanel). an ee = ~ 24—-Gay, E., “October Sunset,” 10x1334. C. He PE ESTIMME Sect ae edoucue ub eciens coeraleiails acsroe «ai 2 80 25—-Moran, T,, “A Mountain Lake in Utah, 3 (miliboard), 11x17. Seaman, agent.. 30 | 26—Blakelock, R. A., ‘‘In Central eae New 9 York,” 10x15. E. J. Lownes ........ 100 27—Williams, F. Ballard, haha ena 12x16. -¥ Arlington Galleries PRO ce teepea is eats syanss0, 80 | fem 28-—Richards, W. T., “A Windy Day” (mill- 4 board), 834x164. es J. McDonough.. 100 _ |29—Weiss, G., vat the Inn” (panel), 1234x ae 4 9M. B AE ewig Ocean et ess a ;. “Moorish Girl’ (panel), 1334x ~ 9%. B. EE rr Sra ee 30 |31—Kuwasseg, Cs “Town, Holland,” 13x10. %~ Scheidler ...--..-+-+s0-s0++seeseees 45 32—Meyer Von Bremen, J. G., “The Hour for ra Rest,”’ 1434x11%. Bernet, ASSN. lees « 1,000 r 33—Lessing, iat Gal Approaching Storm,”’ % ah 114x113. H. BehinltNerise okt ee a ¢ Sa =f LF aa foreign” and American pictures, mostly oils, at the Plaza. Hotel umes: me Thomas E. Kirby, a total of $9,970 was ob- The following is a list of cries sold, artist’s name, title, width next, ' buyer’s name (when obtainable), and salem Rs as4 Bertie A,, a eye @) Cs! <) ote @ Cas a se we Oe ei Roe ae sl pees So ee “Minding the Soup,” 203%4x14%. E. ii Lownes “Head,” 21x17. T. Schnitzler AS Sea-A. Casanova y Estorach, “Eating Oysters,” 18Y%x15y%._ K. Richsrds 4, 3. caMeoe. 56—Frere, C. E.,. “Feeding the Pets,” 21x17, Leroy Haggin PLavarars: scab htanelep aus cas ett Re eke 4 57—Worms, J., “The Last Touches’ DE w0 66 ale Cela e @ Ae i yaseaoa eee Lannenbaum 2.6... 150 |58—Girardet, E., “In Egypt,” 161%4x24%. Au- wimg Crk: 2.657... eee = 146 59—Lafosse, C., “Light of Other Days’ (panel), 22x17, Wie MB ite tile eect 5 oo. ratarte 50 60—Kaemmerer, F. H., ‘The Dealer in Pewter,’ 4 2334x14. Arlington Galleries) 23 hak 60 61—Haquetté, G., “Fisherman,” 1814x24. R TD GULSCLENe nes serie su hee el cis ann S 180 62—Loop, H. A., “Mother and Child,” 15%4x ele OUIESCI || onts Lanhelimen aaetheLk es oe 75 ; 63—Ferguson, -A., “The. Orchard,” 18x2434. J. aa COPA RUC MEE Polen pinche ahaa tee lois eee eet 60 3 64—Washington, G., ‘“‘Arab Chiefs 20x24 WiEEGOWeM Bern oat, ie isda: Wie ee 110 65—Jobert, E., “Honfleur,” 20x24. E. T. Elise 2" 50) 66—Detti. « C., “Springtime,” 181424, ¥ ~ On aGASee aan. Le Sine ofly s.. 05. ete es 60 67—Mazzolini, ““The Bird,” 25x19%. J. de jouge 35 68—de Forest, eae oA Mosque, z * 25x17. iiarles eae ant ies ea 5, ¢eee, ee ae 50 69—Vinea, F., ““The Flowers on the Terrace,” 18x27¥4. RRR CL GMO TOLVOL carte etn reese, teen ants hee he) |70—Boileau, P., “‘Young Woman’’ (pastel and watercolor), 2/7x190 =C. Ho Warren... -. 50 71—Pettijean, E., “‘Houses on the Riverside,” Toe O tone ede, Ong jie aa... 5 eee. oe 90 72—Walker, J. A., “Reconnoitring,’? 18x24. P. ES eS Wemet de on Me Re Cen ovens Leg CMe Beene ti, 125 73—Tournieres, R., ‘‘Lady of the Court of Louis Ouinze,-92/x2li2.0 beroy Hageine 2.02. 150 74—Van Boserck, R. W., “June,” 21%x28%. : ir Wee Charles oe cna a tes oes £55 75—Rix, J., “Landscape,” 22x29%. Aug. W Carine BR aNah. aon creer ihe tates say EN eS IL ae 200 76+—Ede, oe “The River,” 21%x26. Int. Art Galleys eee eituere sce She ot, oa etaec ions 75 17 GA F. O;, “Sheep and Cattle,” 213%4x32. ‘9 McDonough Sei aNedd s AAR Eee 220 78— Meissonier hou Gals). “Le Nripten 20x PANT oh ah Ore McDonough EEN AU cache inches ele 150 79—Beauduin, J. J., “In the Sunshine,” 29x24. Dares Grhier WN ouliva iS sss. ats < oie. aerate nes 140 80—Chartran. T., “Portrait of Eugene de Bo- cande; 30x24. —eKnoedler, & Coven. - 70 82—Aston, Knight L., “The River,” 311%4x25 Ona fs McDonough PIE 6.3 lion crue See 170 83—Lawson, E., “Early Morning, Springtime, Mianus, Conn.” Cpanel)5725x30, “F.jJK. M. Lue) 19m SRW heels teas: oF se NRE O Te ore oer tre I aS 210 84—Whittredge. W., “Autumn Twilight, Hudson River,” 27x34. C. BEDS WV. ArGET acne. ete sides 160 | 85— Lambinet. E. C., “Landscape,” 271%x35%%. PRCCOVIR EL AMOI tieE witciia ae ay spe nee uterameoln 240 } 86—Julian, Jos., “Going to Pasture,” 2514x3334. Teva. UN Gano tiga ers ete cin oer ain ae ane ates 110 87—Montavne, H. V.. “Market Place a Bruges, Belgium,” 28x36. Leroy jHagginy si. 100 '88—de Madrazo, R., “The Tryst,” PED}. GPT: | McDonough GbR tks allerete sare. 11 opto a then ieu tects 150 89—Dutch School, ‘‘Landscape’”’ (panel), 25x B7 towem Visi Oe El Oxite aceite teen 2 tietslete 50 90—Maurer, A. H., “Lady in White,” 26%x D9 YA te Kate Chand Semen eters o.ace cater ote ees 30 91—Nicezky, E., “The Goldfish,” 41x20%. -E. Giilvi’s Hanoi ees 6 oe rete ancithaiels crtee © 2 ape eke 290 AE estat A., “The Young Farmer,” 39%x h 2G Ae ern Widnes Co tered ere meditate se «oracle 170 | 93—Benjamin-Constant, Je}..- Inthe Seraglio” (panel), 49x31%. C. J. McDonough... 300 | ED OPA GA resenneke tools ickatie net aee Gace « eo trale Stee $9,970 { | (Sale story concluded next week) Seer ne tlie SA =e an J Sleek mae i “Paee Mambingrien Pictur Sle - |a combination sale of pictures by modern | |foreign and American artists at the Plaza _|Hotel Ballroom, Apr. 5, a total of $47,300 | was obtained for 86 canvases, which added _|to the total of the first session of Apr. 4, lor $9,970 made a grand total for the sale i tor $07,270. ; The highest figures of the second fina! | session were brought by modern American ; pictures, Geo. Inness’ “Looking Over the | River,” going to Seaman as agent for $3,900. _ (J. Francis Murphy’s “Cloudy Day” going to Mr. Bernheim for $3,800 and Wyant’s | “Bridge in the Meadows” to Knoedler & Co. _ for $2,800. The highest price brought ae a : foreign picture was $2,500, paid by Knoedler & Co, for Corot’s “Ruins of the Chateau of Pierrefonds, not a distinctive example. _. The sale was a significant one, inasmuch jas it again proved how fashions change in art, as many of the works sold, especially |those at the first session, brought figures |far below even their original cost to their Owners a few years ago, and, in several instances, ten times below they would have brought twenty to forty years ago. These works are what the French call “demode” and the English ‘old _ fash- ioned,” but they have intrinsic merit, and those who secured them last week obtained, in most instances, real art bargains. The _ |examples of Meyer von Bremen, -Verboeck- _ |hoven, Koek-koek, and Lambinet held up - |even better than those of such contempo- |rary and later fellows as E. Berne-Bellecour, | Detaille, Casonova, Gerome, Alvarez, Kisel, Ribot, Van Beers, Brissot, Lambdin, Grivas, _ |Edouard Frere, Giradet, Kaemmeree, Ha- ¥ quette, Georges Washington, J. C. Meis- sonier, and even Madrazo.. There need be no surprise felt by those _ | who did not attend the sale at the seem- |ingly very low figures brought by the ex- 'p _ | amples of Blakelock, George Inness, Wyant, | _— Se bet \ TR Corot, Jacque, Daubieny, Dupre, Diaz, Schryer, Alma Tadema, etc., after the high prices the works of some of these men | brought at earlier sales this season, for none were superior examples, and some were doubtful. The: Millet crayon and pastel, “Shepherdess and Sheep,” was, in fact, withdrawn because of doubt expressed as to its authenticity. Some idea of the shifting of values in pictures may be gained from the sale for $650, to Mr. James M. McCarthy of Que- bec, a new and discriminating collector, of the very. large canvas, “Opening the Gate”’ | (two life-size young women, said to be the daughters of Lord Londonderry, leading a donkey on which a child is seated). This figured in the Catholina Lambert sale in 1915 as possibly by Sir Thomas Lawrence, and Mr. Lambert is said to have paid the late T. J. Blakeslee some $15,000 for the work. It sold at the Lambert sale for $1,925, and is probably by a pupil of Law- rence. The following is a list of pictures sold April 5, with catalog number, artist’s name, title, size in inches, height first, width next, buyer’s name (when obtainable), and sale price: 94—Leo-Herrman, C., ‘‘The Cardinal’s Si- | esta’”’ (panel), 91%4x7%. John Levy.... $130 || 95—Minor, R. C., ‘‘Twilight,’” 8x10. Seaman, ASML Mt teEed terseae te lete hie sera wid. ons ackls-sisteragere 130 96—Wyant, A. H., “Blue Mountain Lake” | (millboard), 6x93. Bernet,wagentacas. 310 || 97—Pokitonow, te “Tes Faucheurs” (panel), eam SOrnet. AGENt Lok. cece ct cov ess 100 || 97—Pokitonow, I., ‘‘Les Pecheurs” (panel), | SU ME CoUPMMEMRetey eles s (ele) a cyelsie lelale aevoh.c ele os, alesse 260 ogee Morphy. J. F., ‘Autumn Sunset,” 6%x9, . Bernei, agent BR Pica ree, a, Pee ROE 500 | 99—Martin, H. D., “Autumn Sunset,” 64x10, (Che Hie DENOTE SG Ce heat Marae ceweiee ale ne ae pee 200 | | tment Ayer CBR hep Yona Le | | At the Second and conclum session of Ee SG 0 0 6 O Oe Biss he © sre 102—Hvgnet, V of JERS cen in Cairo” | 1234x9%4. Holland Galleries... es i 103—de po Ba. IM aE: French Soldier,” #0 ¢ wrels OL ee ee | 122—Ryder, A. P., “Sheep and Landscape,” 1934x154. Ferargil Galleries.......... 123—Dupre, J., “In the Pagture,” 15x18. Irving geet Hap icin ao Ee eee ene | 124—Corot, J. B. C., “Ruines du Chateau de Pierrefonds,” 1014x1934. Knoedler & Co. | 125—Knaus, L., “The Refractory Model,” 16% x14 eer. Schultheis mee. oo irealacoccatesseees | 126—Ziem, F., “Venice” (panel), 21%x13¥%. Bernet,> agent facies crocs ciate oie oe areas 127—Twachtman, J. H., pay ipter Landscape,” 13x21. Seaman, agen RTOS Rie aig ope Noe | 128—Dirpre, J., “The Giccnen® 18%x15. J. M. McCarthy of Quebec................-:5 | 129—Jacquet, J. G., “‘Reverie’’ (pastel) 21% Seaman, METI ys adie ele eee ek 130 Wyent, A. H., “The Bridge in the Mead- ows,” 1514x214. Knoedler & Co...... 131—Inness, G., “Looking Over the River,” 16x20 4c eaman, agents... «se are =e 132—Murphy, J. F., ‘Cloudy Day,” 16x22. Ee Ae Bernheim: ones ce ns are eis ne 133—Robinson, T., ‘‘In the Woods,” 18x22. W. McMahon Raia hoe OE NC ee or eee 134—Minor, R. C., ‘““Near the Wigwams. Water- ford, Conn., 16x20. H. F. Miller...... 135— Chase, Ww. M., “‘Landscape,”’ 18x22. Sea- TAMAR CN tee eee Renee ee ek clave 2c een kiets Goteics 136—Beraud, as ie “At Longchamps,” 15%4x22. Bernet, AM CULM cath atedak esac abate ele ets 137—Gerome, J. L., “Moorish Dancer,” 22x 18%. Frallahd Galleries 260s scene 138—Zorn, L. A., “‘“Arab Chief at Prayer,’’ 22x 18%. A. "Mayer pM ye es Ce ce ane 139—Daubigny, C. E., “Showery Day in Nor- mandie,”’ 16x21%4. E. K. Richards.... 141—Moran, se “Sunrise at Venice,” 20x14. Bernet, ha gent cick tare rere poters.s adersierstels oldie me ee H. G., “Evening,’”? 19x29. C. P. fry eee J. H., “A Town in Holland,” 16%x22. Bernet, ARENE als tr ores shefcleveereks | 144—Blakelock, R. A., “Afterglow,” 16x26%. | A. WES Clarke wicceare ics tin tee ciete ete a wate 45—Inness, G., “Landscape,” 16%4x24%. H. Sichiat th eisSheertearcneeae elie, ee rakes eels. severe aren | 146—Ranger, H. W., ‘‘Landscape,” 18x2534. Hholin ple viva seks terse: <) tenateteics asi os-0, orate |147—Millet, F. D., ‘‘Roasting Apples,” 25x LSTA Peers es com RICHALGS Wigs GIAEKE 10 obs vinta stha alone oes ue | 151—Clays, P. J., “Holland Shipping” (panel), 2534x20. Holland Galleries ........... | 152—Jacque, C. E., ‘‘Shepherdess and Sheep,” 26x21¥%. Jacob Straustereit wey nto esrs.s | 153—Alvarez, D. L., “The Music Lesson” (panel), 20x27%%. J. de Jongh........ 154—Watrous, H. W., “A Cigarette, A Cup of Tea and She, >” 28x24. Bernet, agent.. | 155—Minor, R. C., “Sentember Sunset,” 22x30. Elias Naganton ais stator ie a teen betas sini r 156—Carlsen, E., “Fruit,” 21x30. Ferargil MALLET Y Aes aotosnee ok cise ee aire Te piactend oe | 157—Howe, W. H., “Evening, Milking Time,’ 2453 eer bP Me nGotterdam » .).ciock cae | 158—Koekkoek, B. C., “Winter Landscape,” 26x 32%. Bernet, agent ya rutiodighes tebe a's’ ¥ | 159—Watrous, H. W., “The Word of a Girl,” 28x24. John Baumann iti. 0. tee | 160—Carlsen, E., “The Sentinel Pine,” 30x30. Robert Hea ALICE Wit. eucrsun,chiscatsa ene we oueis a tetere Layee ice B:'@ Be “ele eg ee Meee fellate 114—Detti, C. “Page of 16th Century” (panel wid ; | 148—Verboeckhoven, E. J., ‘‘Sheep,”? 2714x224. 161—Verboeckhoven, E. J., “Sheep and Fowl, 2814x23. Holland Galleries 162—Ziem, F., ‘“‘Venetiazn Boats” (panel), 20% x3514. . Clapp: & Grahams... See 2,000 163—Thaulow, F., “The Washerwoman,” 26x $2... Knoedier) & (Con eee ore 1,525 164—Richet, L., “Gleams of Summer Light, al 2614x3554. seaman, caverionm. 0. ae... 625 165—Alma-Tadema, “ Queen Clotilda Instructing Her Children in Arms,” 251%4x35%4. eee Galleries’. ....:.0¢ Bee ee 1,000 166—Carlsen, E., “Woods,” 34x28. C. P. Byrnes 500 BOS i G. bat “Venetian Sunset, ” 28x40. Af McMahon. ©... 4.22.2 Soe 300 169—Carlsen, E., ‘‘October Oaks,” 34x38. P) W.. Gotterdam® ‘J..;5.. 500 eee 425 170—Lerolle, H., “Coming from the Fountain,”’ a 40x32. 0S. J. Frank... a0. {6-52 eee 175 171—Detti, C., “Les Noces D’or” (panel), 26x 48. de Jongh sic sircicis. 3 eee enol 5 la fs 350 172—Ziem, F., ‘‘Evening, Venice,” 27x42. Knoeedler Get Coser oe enc = sso res 1,025 173—Verboekhoven, E. J., ‘‘Sheep in Pasture.”’ 29x41. .Seaman, agent 2...<........ ce 425 | 174—Perrault, L. B., “Petite Fille au Chien,”’ 4432x26. “E. K.°Richards..0teeee eee: - n225 175—Bierstadt, A., “Rocky Mountain Valley,” S6x52. Bernet, agent... ee eee. « 550 175A—Francais, ‘‘Landscape,’”’ H. Lowenstein 200 176—Bougereau, W. A., “Hesitating Between | Love and Riches,” 42x35. Seaman, URE TIE Mel Shes er ore 8, dias Sele die ie 6: > se ence,» 1,150 | 177—-Schreyer, A., “The Charge,” 314x494. Beret, Magents wrecks... Ae eee eee 1,325 | 178—Bierstadt, A., “Sunset in the Yosemite,” 36x52. Bernet, yet c}Ok see gen BR TN Ga eae 556) Rr cere E., “Harbour of Granville,” 36x | 55. Clapp ke (GIGI iis piesa omnia o Siercnsto 1,700. 180—Lawrence, Sir T., “Opening the Gate’’ (canvas), 95x82. J. M. McCarthy.... 650 [otal a : ee | 00 Height, 11%4 inches; length, 18 inches by Co jp bervl) A SUMMER landscape in sunlight, depicting trees, at left; a pond, in a valley, at right, and a wide stretch of country beyond. Sky of blue, with cloud masses. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late MapamMe Apa H. pE Bocanpe. Cada WILLIAM M. BROWN AMERICAN: 1827— 46—LANDSCAPE — 70 Height, 11%4 inches; length, 18 inches ¥ ie A BROAD calm river, with trees in autumn foliage on either side; mountains in distance; sky, blue with white clouds. Signed, with initials, at the lower right. | Property of the Estate of the late Mapamre Apa H. pr Bocanpe. OGG LS ee jaa HET Me Lo = EDWARD DUFNER, A.N.A. | 7 ft AMERICAN: 1872— 47—DOWN BY THE LAKE Height, 16 inches; length, 18 inches WiLow trees across the foreground and two children, at the right, on the shore of a lake, where white ducks are swimming. Across the water, seen through the foliage, are green meadows and trees; gray sky. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1911. Property of ArtHur T. Ecner, Esa. ERNEST LAWSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1873— | Height, 16144 inches; length, 20 inches Bod. Dern : 48—AT THE RIVERSIDE 0 2 A strip of the shore of a river, with figure in white, in fore- ground; river and farther shores occupying middle of picture, with masses of trees, at right. Sky, pale blue and white. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Private Owner. ALBERT L. GROLL, N.A. AMERICAN: 1866— 49—LANDSCAPE we a Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches “A STRETCH of level plain in the foreground with a slope on the left, all in shadow; clumps of trees, in the afternoon sun, at right; blue hills in the distance; blue sky with gray and white clouds. Signed at the lower left. Property of Arruur T. Eener, Esa. EDWARD MORAN AmeERIcAN: 1829—1901 50—INCOMING SHIP 100 7 Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches ae | bh A VESSEL with all sails set and drawing, coming forward on the right; at the left a tug, buildings on shore and a white - sail or two. Sky of gray clouds, with a bit of blue. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Mapame Apa H. pE BocanDe. CIS dal JOHANN GEORG MEYER VON BREMEN fd. D ends te German: 1813—1886 G ¢ nes 51—“SLEEP, BABY, SLEEP” 44 0) 7 Height, 18 inches; width, 1405 aches ~ Two little girls beside a wicker cradle in which a baby is sleep- ing, in a cottage interior. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1851. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMirtian, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washington, D. C. GABRIEL MAX GERMAN: 1840— 52—HEAD OF YOUNG WOMAN 0 om fo a Height, 191% inches; width, 1514 inches ante e a? Hxap in nearly profile view, to left, of a young woman, wear-_- Sle ing black lace over head and about the shoulders; gown of gray; dark background. Signed at the right, above the shoulder. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMrinzan, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washing- ton, D. C. JOHANN HERMANN KRETZSCHMER GERMAN: 1811— 583—_MINDING THE SOUP ) 5 Height, 20°4 mches; width, 141% inches ie : | 0 A LiTtLe girl, in a farmhouse kitchen, standing on a bench 5 () — and leaning over the huge oven-range, as she lifts the lid from an earthen casserole to see how the soup is coming on; a wooden spoon in left hand. Signed at the lower center. Property of a New York Collector. A. BERTZIK | J. ) Aare GrerMAan: ConTEMPORARY Se 54 HEAD AL 2) —_ if : ; yt lo Height, 21 inches; width, 17 inches Tue head and shoulders of a young lady in sixteenth century costume. She wears a hat with an ostrich feather, a fur boa around her neck over a richly trimmed velvet bodice, and a green jacket. She has large pearls in her ears, and a pearl -and ruby necklace, with a cross of the same jewels. Signed at the upper left. From the Solomon Mehrbach Collection, New York, 1906-K8/4f /45- Property of Jos. G. Watiacu, Esa. fi G. Wallac, il ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH A fi SE ey, Spaniso: 1847—1896 iE a0 55—-HATING OYSTERS 4IN I << Height, 18% inches; width, 154% inches | | Hatr-Lenctu of a cardinal in red, his spectacles pushed up i on his forehead, a napkin tied around his neck, and a plate of oysters before him. His expression shows his enjoyment HH of his appetizing luncheon. Signed at the upper left, and dated 1891. i Property of CHuarites H. Goprrey, Esa. CHARLES EDOUARD FRERE Frencu: 1837— 56—FEREDING THE PETS y| lo Ser Height, 21 inches; width, 17 inches A LITTLE boy and a little girl, in the courtyard of a French farmhouse, feeding fresh greens to their rabbits through the palings of their pens, at the left. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1881. Exhibited at the Detroit Museum of Art, 1888. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMitian, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washing- fon C. JULES WORMS ee Frencu: 1832—1881 W772. J aie 7 | Ae 57—THE LAST TOUCHES ioe a | 50 Panel: Height, 1734 inches; length, 2144 inches | A SPANISH beau, standing in a courtyard, dressed in his Sun- | day best of crimson, yellow, blue and red, adjusting his | necktie with the aid of a handglass, while the maid brushes the | | back of his jacket. A pretty young woman, in blue and I black, with a red shawl on her arm, awaits, at the right, the end of the dandifying. Signed at the lower right. Property of Mrs. JosrpHingt M. McLocuuin. EUGENE GIRARDET Frencu: ConrTeEMPORARY 58—_IN EGYPT //0 - Height, 1614 inches; length, 2414 inches Sb ww. harhe | 0 A sANpy highway, in foreground between high banks, with sh / ”) ae a Moor riding an ass, followed by her colt; through a gap, _ beyond, are a view of a town and peaks of red hills; the whole in sunlight; blue sky. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Mapame Apa H. pre Bocanpe. FSS 4 C. LAFOSSE FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 59 THE LIGHT OF OTHER DAYS | 2 7 Ly O make Panel: Height, 22 inches; width, 171% inches Si (ee jpderns A LApDY, in 1870 costume of gray, black and blue, in profile J] es view, to right, seated, playing the piano. The setting consists of a salon with pictures on the walls, flowers in vases and a bearskin rug on the floor. Signed at the lower right. Wall-Brown Collection, 1885. -~ KyozZ 7 BINS hw taoyh Property of the Estate of the late Oriver Hoyt. FREDERIK HENDRIK KAEMMERER Doutcu (Frencu Scuoor): 1839—1902 60—THE DEALER IN PEWTER 20 boo (50 ~ Gi ees : Pastel and Water Color: Height, 27 inches; width, 19 inches id 0 fb “AV. COMELY young woman, half-length, face in front view; blond hair, blue eyes, gray and pink kimono; right hand with red _ jeweled ring holding folds of the drapery. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1915. Property of a New York Collector. HK. PETITJEAN FrencH: CONTEMPORARY 71—_THH HOUSES ON THE RIVERSIDE er ae /]f tag) 40 - Height, 181% inches; length, 261% inches [) Across the middle of the picture, groups of picturesque French é buildings; waters, in foreground, reflecting their bright tints. and the blue sky with white clouds; at left, a group of green trees; the whole in bright sunlight. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Mapame Apa H. pre Bocanpe. CGS Bf J. A. WALKER . FrencH: CONTEMPORARY ——e i720 6 Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches Vike: ORIEN Two fine cavalry horses standing in the foreground, their bridles held by a peasant girl, with her dog beside her and her flock of sheep grazing in the green field. On an eminence, at left, are two French officers, one a general, in consultation, one of the officers looking across country with his field glass. Period of 1880-90. Signed at the lower right. T'o be sold by order of Merritt, Rocers & Terry, Attorneys. ROBERT TOURNIERES ih a J+ “Tf Frencuo: 1668—1752 cigarette, at lower left. Signed at the upper right. Property of the Estate of the late Mapame Apa H. pr Bocanne. JOHN CONSTABLE BritisH: 1776—1837 81—A PASSING SHOWER ON HAMPSTEAD HEATH Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches A HILLOocK with two donkeys, in right foreground, a stream and groups of trees at left; the plain, with a white windmill, in sunlight, beyond. Overhead is a sky of gray clouds, with a shower depicted as passing across the picture. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1835. Property of a Private Collector. LOUIS ASTON KNIGHT AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 82—THE RIVER ty Gre He Dar | [0 ll Height, 314% inches; width, 25 inches F 6 i) a A. LANDSCAPE in France with the waters of a river, flowing from the middle distance, filling the foreground; an overhang- ing tree, at effect, with left; and willows on the bank, at right. Sunlight summer sky of white and blue. Signed at the lower right. Property of Artuur T. Eenrr, Esa. ERNEST LAWSON, N. A. AMERICAN: 1873— 88—_HARLY MORNING, SPRINGTIME: Alo A sTREAM the picture. MIANUS, CONNECTICUT Panel: Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches Ze Mele 3 ‘ $.1¢. M7. and its bank, on the right, fills the lower part of ie Beyond lies the opposite shore, with trees and a | 0 white cottage; sky, of mingled grays and tempered blue, re- flected in the water. Notable for its sympathetic scheme of color. Property of Signed at the lower left. a Private Owner. WORTHINGTON WHITTREDGHE, N.A. ie sep Cy Qty AMERICAN: 1820—1910 hoo ae 84— AUTUMN TWILIGHT, HUDSON RIVER - l, 4 O Height, 27 inches; length, 34 inches A viEw of the river, with hillside on opposite shore and a sun- set sky, seen between trees in foreground, at right and at left. Marked by the excellent drawing of this artist and puissant color tints. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1883. George I. Seney Collection, 1885. Wok Bibo- Oleveo Heap Property of the Estate of the late Ov1ver Hoyr. EMILE CHARLES LAMBINET Frencu: 1815—1878 bit 1, 40 a Height, 27% inches; length, 35°4 inches A PpicTURE of late summer by one of the most famous of French landscape painters. In the foreground, a stream, with bushes on the banks; at the right a fine group of trees; at the left, high ground with trees, and a distant view of hills. Sky of delicate blues, with white clouds in lower part. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1859. | | To be sold by order of Parsons, CLtosson & McItvarne. | JULIEN JOS Dutcu: ConTEMPORARY 86—GOING TO PASTURE [{0 a Height, 251% mches; length, 3334 inches a eae A. HERD Of sleek, well-cared-for cows, coming through a road ov lmed with willows, with a peasant farmer, in brown, behind {10 them; summer sky of pink and gray with morning sunlight. Signed at the lower right. Property of Jos..G. Wauuacnu, Esa. | H. V. MONTAYNE BritisH: Earty NINETEENTH CENTURY 87—_-MARKET PLACE AT BRUGES, BELGIUM ay og Height, 28 inches; length, 36 imches b . giles: Dovt0n.g Numerous boats, loaded with all kinds of merchandise, in Og canal, in foreground; houses on either side, with a church tower, at right; figures in boats and on quays; white clouds in blue sky. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late J. Duxsnar Wricur. 7) —» 2 ae i} RAIMUNDO DE MADRAZO CC Dowie 2 qu SpanisH: 1841— 88—_THEH TRYST ISo 4, Height, 35 inches; width, 23 inches Tus is the full-length figure of a young lady wearing an eigh- teenth century costume of tunic, bodice and skirt over a white petticoat, and a long black lace mantle, which is draped over her head and falls to the ground. She leans against a tree which grows near a garden path, and half hides a note which she holds in her right hand. Signed at the lower right. From the Solomon Mehrbach Collection, New York, 1906. XW 7 AS Property of Jos. G. Wauuacu, Esa. DUTCH SCHOOL 89 LANDSCAPE qo Jo - Panel: Height, 25 imches; length, 374% inches : rs 0 eer A ROADWAY, with two small figures, and trees, in foreground; _ pond at left, with farm buildings on farther bank; gray sky with spaces of blue. Property of the Estate of the late J. DunBar Wricur. ALFRED H. MAURER AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 90—LADY IN WHITE $0 we Height, 3614 inches; width, 291 inches ue (ieee di FULL-LENGTH, standing, figure of a lady, wearing white gown, y) ee black hat with white chrysanthemum pompon, and_ black gloves; skirt held by right hand. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late J. Dunpar Wricur. EK. NICZKY GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY E. Vote? lamer ; 91—_THE GOLDFISH Y 9 0. 3 ? | b90- Height, 41 inches; width, 2014 inches A TALL young woman, wearing a gown of white satin, with gold-embroidered sleeves is standing at the edge of a foun- tain basin, leaning forward as she looks at goldfish swimming in the water. The surroundings consist of azaleas and other plants in blossom, a balustrade with pillar and statue and, above, dark masses of trees and a glimpse of blue sky. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1883. Property of CHartes H. Goprrey, Ese. AUGUSTE HAGBORG Swepiso: 1852— 92—THE YOUNG FARMER 29 o/ ae 10 ~ Height, 39% inches; width, 2524 inches FULL-LENGTH figure of a barefooted lad, wearing gray jacket and blue trousers, crossing green fields, carrying halters in his | right hand and with a long-lashed whip around his neck. He has probably just put horses in pasture through the gateway seen at the right. Early evening sky of gray and pink. Signed at the lower right. Property of Cuartes H. Goprrey, Esa. JEAN JOSEPH BENJAMIN-CONSTANT Frencu: 1845—1902 93—IN THE SHRAGLIO Ch Soo — Panel: Height, 49 inches; width, 3145 inches A ricH Oriental interior, with three splendidly clothed young women in the foreground, two seated and one reclining. A eunuch is coming down a step, at right, bearing a coffee tray, and some birds are perched around a feed pan, on the floor. Through a great carved archway appear another eunuch, a fountain basin and the carved walls of the opposite side of the palace. Signed at the lower right. Property of a Private Owner. 406 SECOND EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1918 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA FirtH Avenur, 58TH to 597TH SrreEtT BEGINNING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK CHARLES LEO-HERRMANN Frencu: 18388—1907 94—THE CARDINAL’S SIESTA Panel: Height, 91% inches; width, 74% inches 4 ] g A BUTTERFLY net is propped against a pale green garden seat, ] 20 sf: on the arm of which hangs a specimen box. Meanwhile, as the cardinal lies asleep on the bench, two butterflies hover above his nose. Signed at the lower left. From the Peter A. Schemm Collection, Philadelphia, 1911, Catalogue No. 166. 2x50, 4- To be sold by order of Rosertr P. Grirrin, Attorney. DO ROBERT C. MINOR, N.A. \ fs AMERICAN: 1840—1904 95—TWILIGHT 6 Soy Seaman, SLE Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches /30 Oe wo figures, one in a white cap and one in a red one, are descried in the transparent shadow of some thick brush at the right, at whose edge grow a tall poplar and a shorter, bushy ~ tree. The shadow is lightened by a small pool, near which the two persons are gathering fagots. Beyond them and the trees the land opens to a broad, undulating green field, rela- tively brillant in the reflected light of lingering yellow sunset clouds, and bordered by wooded land. Signed at the lower right. From the William T. Evans Collection, New York, 1913, Catalogue No. 29. $850 4 4:46. To be sold by order of Rosert P. Grirrin, Attorney. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1886—1892 96—BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE | 5 a dernek f Millboard: Height, 6 inches; length, 914 inches . { f Oo | ) y no A LAKE occupies the left of the landscape, with distant hills on FZ VEN Boss the farther shores; at right, sloping nearby shore with trees in autumn foliage; cloudy, twilight sky. Signed at the lower right. Property of Jos. G. Wauuacu, Esa. IVAN POKITONOW { 0 ts Russtan: 1840— (97—LES FAUCHEURS $ Panel: Height, 434 inches; length, 9 inches ( the (Berne, i iF Two men in a field of standing timothy, one mowing and the pata) ser other whetting his scythe; sky of gray clouds and blue. | Signed at the lower right, and dated ’82. Purchased from Boussod, Valadon & Co. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMituan, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washington, D. C. / eee UCTETEPeTIeeShnsesewretinmeacmemn fy) —) f / } r f et 4 } / pe ee Jeamamy oe JOHN FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. /) f és AmERICAN: 1853— 98—AUTUMN SUNSET ey ee erret rape Height, 61% inches; width, 9 inches go els A FIELD, a group of trees and a stream in forepart of the land- scape; hills beyond, and a sunset sky with tints of orange and gray. 7 Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late J. Dunpar Wricur. Yh HOMER D. MARTIN, N.A. hY AMERICAN: 1836—1897 | 99-AUTUMN SUNSET aa foLarw Height, 64% inches; length, 10 inches A. WIDE valley, seen from a foreground with rocks and trees; a river and a range of hills in the distance and, overhead, a sky of yellow-blue, with sunlit clouds. 00 - Signed at the lower right. Property of Jos. G. Wauuacu, Ese. a JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT Frencu: 1840—1902 100—THE CARDINAL Height, 6 inches; length, 9 mches ~ OP A CARDINAL in full red robes and hat is about to descend from b | ? the lower step of an entrance to a church, when he discovers in front of him a pool of water on the ground, and holds aside his vestments, peering at the obstruction with some anxiety. On the right of the figure are a brick pillar, and a bulletin board fastened to a pole, and in the distance is the facade of the ec- clesiastical edifice, with a suggestion of a churchyard on the left. Signed at the lower right, J. G. Viperr. Z, From the Edward M. Knox Collection, New York, 1906. Eg Oh Ge J/76o, A LS Mallu Property of Jos. G. Waruacu, Esa. é | s VINCENT JEAN BAPTISTE CHEVILLARD Frencn: 1841—1904 101I—THE CURE READING Mey) ae aes VEUI. Height, 10 inches; width, 9 inches 180 Lie In an arbor sits the village curé reading at a table; his coffee. waits, while he is amused. To be sold by order of Rozperr P. Grirrin, Attorney. \ a VICTOR PIERRE HUGUET \ Frencu: 18385—1902 102—A STREET IN CAIRO Panel: Height, 1284 inches; width, 914 inches In a street, in front of picturesque Moorish buildings, are /00 oa numerous figures and an Arabian horse. It is the hour for lounging and chatting which comes so frequently as the hands of the clock go ’round in the Orient. Signed at the lower right. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. i Property of a Private Collector. ; ALPHONSE MARIE DE NEUVILLE Frencu: 18386—1885 1083—A FRENCH SOLDIER Height, 1214 inches; width, 814 inches ela 4 tl FuLi-Ltenetu figure of a French soldier of the Sapeur et 09 Mineur branch of the service, in the uniform worn after the ve A 0 — war of 1870 until about 1882. The sapeurs were allowed to wear full beards and their successors of to-day tunnel mines under the German trenches and perform other very dangerous duties. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1877. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMituan, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washington, D. C. SpaNisH (FrencH ScuHoo.): 1842—1871 () EDUARDO ZAMACOIS 104A—_ THE GUITAR PLAYER i ee (oarntet 2 ig Panel: Height, 6% inches; width, 434 inches I iy ee FULL-LENTH figure of a man partly seated on a table, the © left leg resting on its top, playing a guitar; costume of the seventeenth century of gray, with wide white collar and red stockings; peaked hat on the floor and window, at left; care- fully drawn and details highly finished. Signed at the lower right. Property of Jos. G. Wauuacu, Esa. ee MARTIN RICO nb eB aur, . iS er ge Spanisia: 1850—1908 C ; Y 105-—-ALONG THE RIVER A’ AW, a’ Panel: Height, 814 inches; length, 131 inches ian a A WINDING river fills the foreground, carrying the reflections of trees and shrubs on the shore and brighter colors from some picturesque freight boats which are moored at the bank. On Bos Os a these boats some people are seen, and other persons are in rowboats at the right. The background comprehends a broad landscape, with buildings, a church, and suggestions of tall il Italian cypress trees in the distance, under a fair blue sky il | thickly studded with grayish-white clouds. | Signed at the lower right, Rico. il From the William Buchanan Collection, New York, 1912, Catalogue il No. 17.- $800 7 4.4: To be sold by order of Rozpertr P. Grirrin, Attorney. Sn ADOLF SCHREY ER GERMAN: 1828—1889 106—A WALLACHIAN TEAM ey Height, 914 inches; length, 18 inches A PACK-HORSE led by a man riding a cream-colored horse and followed by a mounted chief, advancing over a snow-covered plain; dark gray sky. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMituan, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washington, D. C. ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR Frencu: 18388—1910 : 107—_CAVALRY OFFICER ant : Panel: Height, 1414 inches; width, 914 inches FULL-LENGTH, standing figure of an officer of French cuiras- siers, helmet held on left arm, riding whip in right hand, near | a road; head to left with searching gaze, his ordonnance, be- yond, at left, holding his horse; uniform of about 1880. | Signed at the lower right, and dated 1884. Property of a Private Collector. wn oe EMILE VAN MARCKE Frencu: 1827—1890 108—_HOMEWARD BOUND Height, 14 inches; width, 1034 inches Vi eter e CaTTLE, a donkey, a goat and sheep coming toward es, along a lane thickly bordered with trees; at left a boy herds- man, with red cap, with his dog, and, at right, another dog, running ahead of the cattle. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Ouiver Hovr. %. = } N \{ (J WX & A Ne wy, re 2 ag | : JULES DUPRE ~ yl Frencu: 1812—1889 109—_LANDSCAPE Jtrrrr dlr f Op. Height, 1034 inches; length, 13% imches rt A. POND in foreground; a large tree in left center of middle | / distance, and cottages beyond; sky of white and gray clouds with some spaces of blue. | AE Signed at the lower ie: Property of the Estate of the late Otivrer |B Rees wi es ae oR NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA i “ (7% Frencu: 1807—1876 ' G 110—FOREST LANDSCAPE ().~- ‘ Nod er Panel: Height, 1234 inches; length, 16 inches FOREGROUND of grass and herbage, sloping upward to belt of trees across the middle distance; evening sky with late sunlight effect at horizon, blue above, and dark clouds near the top of composition. Signed at the lower left, and dated 62. Property of the Estate of the late Oviver Hoyt. JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET | Frencu: 1814—1875 11I—LA BERGERE _ Pastel and Crayon: Height, 10% inches; length, 1414, inches A BEAUTIFUL pastoral, depicting a French shepherdess stand- ing, at right, in a field, distaff in hand, while her flock of sheep in close formation are grazing. The level country stretches away beyond, with a house or two, and the sky is of light bluish gray. | Signed at the lower. left. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMitran, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and — Washington, D. C. Bas a Vy Y ‘Vy FRIEDRICH JOHANN VOLTZ German: 1817—1886 1183—CATTLE AND LANDSCAPE g. te L ke Panel: Height, 634 inches; length, 18°4 inches OE Four cows standing in and about a pool in the foreground, i 2% —~ in the shade of trees; other cattle and figures on a hillock, at right; sky, gray and blue. | Signed at the lower right. Property of a New York Collector. Iratran: 1847— we \ a CESARE DETTI / W4—PAGE OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY So : Vee Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 1014 inches 100 one A youneé man with long dark hair, full length, standing, in a hall with rich furnishings; wearing body armor of polished steel, hose of red and black and brown leather boots; green cloak over left arm, with hand on sword hilt; a scroll of parch- ment in right hand; a helmet, with visor open, on a coffer at ler | Signed at the lower left, and dated ’89. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMitzian, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of: Detroit and Washington, D. C. 4 THEOBALD CHARTRAN Frencu: 1849—1907 115—A WATER NYMPH L Panel: Height, 1914 inches; width, 1114 inches Jestlawed alt. FULL-LENGTH, nude, figure of a young woman with blue eyes lo6 Oe and long auburn hair, standing at the edge of a pool; in back- ground a rocky cliff and a glimpse of sunset yellow sky. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1895. _ Property of the Estate of the late Mapamr Apa H. pr Bocanpe. a a JEAN BAPTISTE EDOUARD DETAILLE Frencu: 1848—1912 116—SKIRMISH IN A STREET OF SPAR, ALGIERS EF eco eee A party of French infantrymen in conflict with a band of es ue natives, in a narrow street of Spar, with Moorish houses on either side; the advancing French at the left; dead and wounded of both sides in foreground and at right. Water Color and Crayon: Height, 151% inches; width, 121% inches. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1882. Exhibited at the Detroit Museum of Art, 1888. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMiuzan, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washington, D. C. ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR Frencu: 18388—1910 117—OFF DUTY a (Levu h le Height, 1234 inches; length, 1734 inches THREE dismounted cavalrymen are lounging on the side of a country road which leads to a country town in the distance, where a detachment of soldiers is seen drawn up, apparently at drill. In the foreground one of the cavalrymen stands erect watching his two companions, who are chatting together a little distance farther off, and beyond them is a sentinel, standing near a telegraph post. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1897. From the Solomon Mehrbach Collection, New York, 1906. KL $850, Property of Jos. G. Watuacu, Esa. JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET Frencu: 1846—1909 118—LA PETITE MARQUISE oe sy: iC UL. | 0 oO Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches Heap and bust of a charmingly pretty young Frenchwoman, 70 with hair lightly powdered; lace headdress, white ribbon around neck and tied in bow; low dress of purple-pink with _ white frill in center of corsage. Signed at the right, above the shoulder. Property of a New York Collector. ae HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858—1916 119—FARMHAHOUSHE AND TREES ml eS 7. ° . e e 7. is 0 Millboard: Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches 0d Iy the clear light of a brillant autumn day, a white farmhouse So — is seen through a grove of trees, the scanty foliage of which has turned brown, red and yellow. A white cow roots under one of the trees, and the meadow in the foreground is in tints of yellow, green and tan. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Private Owner. \ 3? HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. \ ¢ AMERICAN: 1858—1916 1200—THE BROOK Ses oe 5 Cow Millboard: Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches ae ORS WINDING away from the foreground a brook is seen between Anite a rough pasture lands at the right, while a clump of low trees fills the whole left of the picture by the streamside. In the distance is a grove of trees. A moist springtime sky rises up to the top of the picture. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Private Owner. r, od 4 1 : en \ \ O ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. \ AMERICAN: 1836—1892 121—_LANDSCAPE Panel: Height, 11 inches; length, 18 inches AL STREAM in middle of picture and sloping green banks at elther side; in middle distance, groups of trees at both right and left; sky of mingled blues and grays. Signed at the lower right. To be sold by order of Parsons, Ciosson & McIzvaine, Attorneys. ALBERT PINKHAM RYDER, N.A. : AMERICAN: 184'7—1917 122-SHEEP AND LANDSCAPE , : gs ug AAA 0 Jet Height, 1984 inches; width, 15% inches. f 4 J — Two sheep and a lamb, in foreground meadow; shrubbery, at left, and two trees with red-brown foliage; sky of yellowish blue. Signed on the right with mitials, A. P. R. Property of a Private Owner. Frencu: 1851—1910 : } : JULIEN DUPRE 123—_IN THE PASTURE Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches ae apy tedaay A PEASANT girl, in farm dress of black and white, gray, red ~ LE and blue, at left, holding the tethering rope of a black and ze ) white cow; green fields in sunlight; haystacks, at right; gray sky. Signed at the lower left. Property of a New York Collector. JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Frencu: 1796—1875 124—_LES RUINES DU CHATEAU DE PIERREFONDS JM. Jrrsricller K Co. (Before its restoration by Viollet-le-Duc) wo ST 0) es Panel: Height, 104% inches; length, 19%4 inches THE gray walls and towers of the magnificent Chateau de Pierrefonds, built in the Middle Ages but in part fallen in ruins, was faithfully and accurately restored by the great French architect and archaeologist, Viollet-le-Duc, and stands to-day as one of the finest historical monuments in all France. This picture was painted by Corot before the restoration, which was not fully completed until some years after his death. — The interior mural painting was also restored under the direc- tion of Viollet-le-Duc. In this fine, very beautiful picture by the great master, Corot, the chateau is seen near the right center of the middle distance, with a hillside to left. The fore- ground and general landscape over which the eye passes to the chateau is composed of a meadow, with trees on the right and on the left, diversified by some cows pasturing, a small figure, and a river. The sky shows exquisite tints of gray, and the whole picture is a Corot landscape of very high class. Too much praise could hardly be given to it. It was painted, ac- cording to Robaut, at some time between 1860 and 1865. Signed at the lower left. Illustrated and described in Robaut’s “L’CGéuvre de Corot,” Vol. I, No. 965. From the Sarlat pe Defoer Collections, Defoer Sale, Paris, May 22, 1886. #64 4 40.000, Ws. Purchased from L. Crist Detmonico, New York. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMirian, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washington, D. C. i \ N ue LUDWIG KNAUS GERMAN: 1829—1910 125—THH REFRACTORY MODEL a 7 § pullher Height, 161% inches; width, 14 inches A PAINTER, sitting on a stool, his paint box on his knees, shaded | 7 ie Oe by a big, yellow umbrella, at left, in a field; before him, a lad, HT / standing, who is posing as a model and making wry faces Hi over the irksomeness of his job. Trees and summer sky, be- || yond; sunlight effect. HH Signed at the lower right. | Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMituan, widow | of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and i Washington, D. C. eee a pepe. CSE Sain Sta ae ed sn FELIX ZIEM Frencu: 1821—1911 126—VENICE es Oke |} A vVERY picturesque view in Venice, with high column in middle of picture, surmounted by sculptured figure; water and gondolas in foreground, palaces beyond in middle and at right and left; high sky of qualified blue with some clouds in upper part. Panel: Height, 211% inches; width, 181 inches Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Ovtver Hoyr. > mMm> a ha JOHN HENRY TWACHTMAN AMERICAN: 1853—1902 127_W INTER LANDSCAPE | es Ly: ee ee sai Height, 13 inches; length, 21 inches Snow lies deep over fields, meadows and dunes, at the borders of a salt-water bay. The soft gray-white covering has in large part a rolling surface of small hollows and low mounds, a broad stretch in the foreground somewhat sheltered, ex- hibiting a smooth spread, unbroken save for a patch of brown weed and a short scraggly tree, to whose branches cling a few brown-red leaves. Near it a solitary figure in red and blue is making slow way, plodding through the snow toward a group of buildings in a clump of trees on higher land ahead; at dif- ferent places, haystacks. In the distance at the shore line the masts of sailboats are seen. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1879. Purchased from the artist. From the Ichabod T. Williams Collection, New York, 1915.-B®22Z- pboo. To be sold by order of Roserr P. Grirrin, Attorney. — JULIEN DUPRE Frencu: 1851—1910 _-128-THE GLEANER Be Ec ——- Height, 1814 inches; width, 15 inches FULL-LENGTH figure of a young French peasant woman, ae carrying a great sheaf of wheat she has gleaned from the fields; red kerchief on her head, black bodice, blue apron, gray skirt. Background of fields and distant hillside; gray sky. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMitian, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washington, D. C. JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET Frencu: 1846—1909 ata Ae 120—REV ERIE i he pO 6 Pastel: Height, 211 inches; width, 18 inches 4 Oh, aa Heap and bust of a young woman, with blond hair, full face, head inclined to left; white fichu, over blue gown. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMinzan, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washington, D. C. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1892 130—THE BRIDGE IN THE MEADOWS 77]. tre Lb X Co Height, 1544 inches; length, 211% inches ‘sh A bo reson A STREAM, passing, at the left, through foreground meadows, with a rude footbridge and a man standing on it; trees, at right, and a stretch of country, in sunlight, beyond. Sky of white and gray. Signed at the lower left. l'o be sold by order of Parsons, Crosson & McItvarne, Attorneys. \ ise & I a acy On, OM ON : ' - ~~, \ pool} : i + 7a ' % as GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 ~ " 181—LOOKING OVER THE RIVER Height, 16 inches; length, 2014 inches A FINE example of Inness, painted mostly in beautiful, mellow greens. In the foreground, meadows, the slender trunk of a tree and groups of trees at either side; in middle of the picture a willow-lined river and a stretch of country with distant hills; late afternoon sky of blue with pink-tinted clouds at horizon. In the foreground, at left, is the figure of a woman, dressed in dark blue, with a white sunbonnet. A rarely beautiful picture by the American master. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1886. To be sold by order of Parsons, Crosson & McItvaine, Attorneys. BO Cg O JOHN FRANCIS MURPHY : i AMERICAN: 1853— Ve | y 1382—A CLOUDY DAY ie At: NL ann Horne Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches 4 fe 00 a A WARMLY toned landscape with a pond, in foreground, and a group of trees forming the principal elements. Beyond lie a stretch of fields and a line of hills. Sky of warm whites and grays, with a strip of blue. Signed at the lower left, and dated ’88. Purchased from Mr. I. A. Rosz, New York. Property of Jos, G. Wauuiacn, Ese. f “ i Phy | Cc) » | U * | << THEODORE ROBINSON, N.A. | AMERICAN: 1854—1896 | 6% i 133_IN THE WOODS H ia We: Tt. rie eek Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches 330 Bed A FRENcH peasant girl standing, with a large bunch of fag- ots at her feet, beside the trunk of a tree; other trees back of her and an open space with fallen vellow leaves on the grass. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1888. T'o be sold by order of Merritt, Rogers & Terry, Attorneys. ROBERT C. MINOR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1840—1904 134—NEHAR THE WIGWAMS WATERFORD, CONNECTICUT Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches ps wie PUAN Iy the foreground at the right is a narrow winding stream on y ~ 90 whose gently rising banks are groups of trees; between the Gg a egg masses of shrubbery the eye is carried to the far horizon, where a few trees are silhouetted against the last glow of a sunset sky; above, the soft floating clouds are already dark against a deep blue sky. Signed at the lower right. v From the Robert C. Mmor sale, 1905, #60 « B58 0 AS Maganins From the George G. eras Collection, New York, 1918, Catalogue No. 40. $.%00 + G- boediaw To be sold by order of Rozsertr P. Grirrin, Attorney. 4 O WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1849—1916 185—LANDSCAPE ant, a k. Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches In the lower half of the picture are sloping dunes with green and pink-brown herbage; beyond, at right, a green country- side; bright, summer sky, with white clouds. Signed at the lower left. | To be sold by order of Merritt, Rocrers & Terry, Attorneys. ae ae JEAN BERAUD : * o Frencu: 1849— Height, 1514 inches; length, 22 inches A scENE at the races at Longchamps, with the turf course and advancing horses, urged on by the jockeys, occupying the central portion of the picture; at the right, the tribunes and paddock, with many spectators; at left, a great crowd, press- ing against the white field barrier and cheering; back of the crowd the announcing apparatus, bell and flagpole and landaus with people in them, standing up; gray sky. Signed at the lower right. Purchased from L. Crist DEtmMonico, New York. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMirian, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washington, D. C. oe 136—AT LONGCH AMPS 9 tbo aut a 430 JEAN LEON GEROME Frencu: 1824—1904 1387_MOORISH DANCER 4 Height, 22 inches; width, 1814/4 inches FULL-LENGTH figure of a Moorish dancing girl, standing in the hall of a sumptuous Algerian dwelling, holding a tam- bourine in right hand; costume of diaphanous black drapery, dark blue skirt and many gold sequins on neck and breast; window at right, with landscape view. Signed at the lower left. Purchased from Bovussop, VALADON & Co. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMitzuan, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washington, D. C. Bangbeh Shue Ualader tbe Caro Lith Hf 68 hea ESNK ilo Sold. hr 191888 ~ Bmusx LEONHARD ANDERS ZORN Swepiso: 1860— 1388—ARAB CHIEF AT PRAYER Height, 22 inches; width, 1814 inches 7 LC On Nearuy half-length of a Moor, in profile to right; white turban and blue-green cloak; eyes closed, speaking lips, both hands held before him in attitude of prayer. > Signed at the lower left. Property of a Private Owner. CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1817—1878 139—d SHOWERY DAY IN NORMANDY = Shee A har dy Height, 16 inches; length, 2114 inches 0 : Ve SeO ee A LANDSCAPE of Daubigny’s early period, showing a river on the right, and green shore at left, with trees and a grassy terrace; sky of cold gray and white. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Ottver Hoyrt. ta | wo de ee ee eee eh eM: NaI em Nesta J 0 #00 ~ JULES DUPRE Frencu: 1811—1889 @ 140—CAUGHT IN THE STORM Canvas: Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches A YAWL, with sails lowered, in a tempest, the bow of the boat tilted up high by the force of the storm and masses of spray breaking over it. ‘The tempest-tossed water is forced into high waves and a dark sky over all completes a composition of dramatic power. Signed at the lower right. From the Albert Spencer Collection, New York, February 28, 1888.#/4, Property of Private Collector. ¥ O THOMAS MORAN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1837— 141—_SUNRISE AT VENICE | to (aeruvet “4 Ips Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches Boats and buildings, in middle distance, on the left; the sun rising through ruddy clouds just above the horizon, in left center, with a high sky of blue and varicolored clouds, reflected in the foreground waters. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1885. Property of Jos. G. Wartacu, Esa. HENRY GOLDEN DEARTH, N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— 142—KV ENING OL Kage Height, 19 inches; length, 29 inches 0 /s0 — A RIVER, in the foreground, reflects the blue-gray, pink and greenish tints of an evening sky, while, in the middle distance, there are a stretch of meadows, with trees, at left, and a line of hills. Signed at the lower right. To be sold by order of Merritt, Rocrers & Terry, Attorneys. J. HERMANUS KOEKKOEK Dutrcu: 1840— 1483—A TOWN IN HOLLAND Height, 161% inches; length, 22 inches A CANAL passes through the middle of the picture, with a is = paved roadway, houses and figures, on the right. On the left, tall white houses and one of dark red; overhead, a blue sky with clouds. Signed at the lower right. Property of Cuartes H. Goprrey, Esa. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847— 144—A FPTHRGLOW a. ly. ce Ss Height, 16 inches; length, 2644 mches df 5D ge A RICHLY colored landscape, with sunset sky of reds, orange, yellow and some blue broken in. A plain, with herbage, in foreground; trees across the middle distance, one tall one at i right center; Indian tepee, horses and figures at foot of the i tall tree; distant hills indicated beyond. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Private Owner. 7 ae es Po Tee ERO cpt » ee GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 145—LANDSCAPE VA ’ 8 hawthur Height, 1614 inches; length, 2414 inches View of a wide valley, with the foreground in shadow; over the distance and a hill, at the right, gentle sunlight plays. Beyond the valley is a range of high hills. The sky shows tints of warm blue, with orange-gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1869. Property of the Estate of the late Oviver Hoyt. HENRY W. RANGER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858—1916 146—LANDSCAPE otn 7 Height, 18 inches; length, 2534 inches A MELLOW-TINTED landscape with a group of willows in the right foreground; a pond in center with two figures and a punt; across the middle distance, a line of small trees with pink blossoms; beyond, other trees and the steeple of a church. Blue sky, with some white clouds. Signed at the lower left. To be sold by order of Merritt, Rocers & Terry, Attorneys. FRANCIS DAVIS MILLET, N.A. AMERICAN: 1846—1912 147—ROASTING APPLES Height, 25 inches; width, 1814 inches AN English girl with gray frock and blue apron, seated, at left, with a panful of apples in her lap, and roasting one by hanging it from the crane in an old-fashioned fireplace, at right. With her left hand she twirls the apple close before the hot embers of the fire. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1881. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMituan, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washington, D. C. EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN Bexucian: 1799—1881 148—_SHEEP | OW Lh ue x an whe Height, 2714 inches; width, 2214 inches ay, 60 =" ae —_— Four ewes and a lamb, with some chickens, in a stable, with i / feed rack, at right, and open window, at left. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1879. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMirzian, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washington, D. C. 7. Zit. Carte Sv ibe 0 —= ) LEON RICHET Frencu: 1847—1907 149—THE FARM Height, 1814 inches; length, 24 inches Near the middle of the picture, a French farmhouse, with thatched roof; a pond and meadows in foreground; in middle distance fine oaks and other trees; sky of gray, white and blue. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Mapame Apa H. pre Bocanpe. OBS oe FERDINAND JAN MONCHABLON Frencu: 1855—1903 150—LANDSCAPE Height, 1914 inches; length, 2534 inches 0 ONE of the landscapes of French farm country which have ZS = made Monchablon a well-known name in modern art. A stretch of fields with various kinds of herbage occupies the foreground. Beyond lie wide reaches of fertile plains with growing crops; in the distance, a line of forest and a range of hills. The blue sky is exquisitely graduated from its palest tints upward to the stronger, where appear some cloud flecks of white. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1888. Property of Cuaries H. Goprrey, Ese. Aioe AN PAUL JEAN CLAYS Bewucian: 1819—1900 151—HOLLAND SHIPPING il / / , 7) 20. Panel: Height, 2534 inches; width, 20 inches A Group of broad-beamed Dutch fishing vessels, with sails, of white, brown and red, at the right, in calm waters; at left, farther away, another group of sailboats; high sky of blue with gray clouds. Signed at the lower right. George I. Seney Collection, 1885.~* 270 $j 1 Mow Heryh Property of the Estate of the late Ottver Hoyvr. ) Gor CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frencu: 1813—1894 152-SHEPHERDESS AND SHEEP | acer Ltr 207d Height, 26 inches; width, 214% inches Zbe te A Frencu shepherdess, standing in right foreground, with her large flock of sheep close around her as they nibble the herbage of a pasture at eventide; a haystack, at left, and a twilight sky of qualified white, blue and gray. Signed at the lower right. i Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMirian, widow l of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit ‘and i Washington, D. C. 0 ata | 2 ‘+. 22 \ \ \ \ : DON LUIS ALVAREZ SPANISH: 1841— 1583—THE MUSIC LESSON 4 ee ea fe Panel: Height, 20 inches; length, 2714. inches Wo ladies seated at a table on which are a decanter and cakes, at left; at right, a young gentleman, in elegant costume of blue and purple, with pink cape, with a. mandolin in his left hand, reaches out his left to accept a bonbon at parting. A. liveried servant at extreme right. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1884. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMituan, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washington, D. C. HARRY WILLSON WATROUS, N.A. ; AMERICAN: 1857— xaoed? 1544 CIGARETTE, A CUP OF TEA AND SHE i Height, 28 inches; width, 24 mches A young lady, three-quarters length, seated, in profile to left; black gown, black hat with dark blue-green feather, and black gloves; black chair, right arm resting on a red table and hold-— ing in hand a cigarette; teapot, cup and saucer of gray china on table; gray background, with white-bordered prints on wall, at top. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Granr B. ScuHiey. ROBERT C. MINOR: AMERICAN: 1840—1904 155_-SHPTEMBER SUNSET lbor Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches A LOW-TONED landscape depicting fields and a roadway in foreground, with trees, at left. Above, occupying more than half of the composition, a richly colored sky with orange and red-tinted clouds, with spaces of sober blue. Signed at the Jower right. From the R. C. Mixon Estate Sale. (GOS fla BP NZO + Property of Jos. G. Wautacu, Esa. EMIL CARLSEN AMERICAN: 1853— 156—F' RUIT . yee Fearon Sothurr Height, 21 inches; length, 30 inches MeEtons, peaches, apples, cherries, grapes and a glass bottle, on a table, with background of warm, dark green. qa Signed at the lower left. Purchased from the Artist. Property of Jos. G. Warxacn, Esa. / WILLIAM H. HOWE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1846— 157—-EVENING, MILKING TIME a (on. Depo TIP aoe Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches Bid oe 8 A HERD of cows, at right, and others approaching from left, gathered together at milking time in the farmyard; late after- noon sunlight with sky of warm tints and gray-blue. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1903. right, with a man riding a horse; gray sky. Property of Jos. G. Waruacu, Esa. | \ 0 BAREND CORNELIS KOEKKOEK : Dutcu: 1803—1862 158—WINTER LANDSCAPE ee, Bewwef Lat Height, 26 inches; lenge 3214 inches | eo A SNOW-COVERED landscape in Holland, with pond and skaters, | v On aa at left; an imposing chateau, in right center, and a road, at | Signed at the lower right, and dated 1839. i Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMitian, widow i of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and | Washington, D. C. HARRY WILLSON WATROUS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 159—THE WORD OF A GIRL Wes (4 parva Height, 28 mches; width, 24 inches age | Fd ~~ THREE-QUARTERS length, in profile to left, seated, of a young lady all in black—gown, hat and gloves—before a telephone on a gray table; background of light gray. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of the late Grant B. Scuuey. EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— 160—THE SENTINEL PINE itt Wann dleg Height, 30 inches; width, 30 inches A PINE tree, with drooping masses of green foliage, stands in a field, where a few boulders crop out through the gray-yellow grass; beyond lie sloping lands and a line of hills. In the high sky of tempered blue are great masses, atmospherically depicted, of gray and white clouds. Signed at the lower left, and dated ’07. Purchased from the Artist. Property of Jos. G. Wautacu, Esa. EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN Beician: 1799—1881 161—_SHEEP AND FOWL dpthand Father 0 A EWE, with her two lambs, is solicitously watching one of 4 oO them, which is lying down near her on the straw-littered floor of a stable. Nearby two fowls seek food among the straw. In the background is a hayrack against a timbered and plaster wall. The little group is strongly lighted from the left. Height, 281% inches; width, 23 mches Signed at the lower right, Kuci:Ne VERBOECKHOVEN FT. 1886. From the Solomon Mehrbach Collection, New York, 1906. 5% P7004 Property of Jos. G. Wazacu, Esa. SS ae ee SSS agg go 4000 = X 4 y IVA Panel: Height, 20%4 inches; length, 351 inches FELIX ZIEM Frencu: 1821—1911 162—VENETIAN BOATS A GAY Veneean scene depicted in a color scheme of brilliant tints. In the middle foreground waters is a boat with high prow and a sail of yellow with the Virgin and Child painted on it. At right are buildings and gondolas; at left, the sea extending to the horizon line of a summer sky of blue, with warm tints below. Signed at the lower left. Property of Cuartes H. Goprrey, Ese. : Aputucens lith teed 89% Kioba _ Shou 3 A Saag Mapu 8 Sa tlic Go yt tha fecine ars “— form the bilieh 4 a fruit. 4 lh Ah. A. fF = FRITS THAULOW i“ Norwecian: 1847—1906 168—_THE WASHERWOMAN 2 Height, 26 inches; length, 32 imches ONE of Thaulow’s famous river scenes in France. The swiftly running waters fill the lower half of the picture; on the bank, at left, washing sheds, with wrinkled slate roofs, and trees in autumn foliage; in middle distance, red-roofed houses; on bank, at left, a washerwoman with her loaded wheelbarrow; luminous sky of pale warm tints broken with blue. Signed at the lower right. Property of the Estate of Mapame Apa H. pE Bocanpe. CGSS 1 Achuny face JNUK., Arnecet Yalan, bo Sake 190%, 4 Rasé p- BEBE adobe LEON RICHET Frencu: 1847—1907 164—_GLEAMS OF SUMMER LIGHT Height, 2614 inches; length, 354 inches U A POND and meadow, in foreground shadows, with a white- 6 ke _ walled, thatched-roofed cottage, at left, catching the light of the afternoon sun; trees in middle of picture, and a field, at left; sky of gray clouds with some blue broken in. Signed at the lower left. Property of the Estate of the late Mary L. McMitian, widow of United States Senator James McMillan, of Detroit and Washington, D. C. Vo eo ; / oa es Mhothardt Gather 6, LAURENZ ALMA-TADEMA, R.A. Bririsu: 1836—1912 165—QUEEN CLOTILDA, WIFE OF CLOFIS, FIRST CHRISTIAN KING OF FRANCE, INSTRUCTING HER CHILDREN IN ARMS Height, I51%, inches; length, 35% inches , 0 CLoTILpA, wife of the great Clovis, the first Christian king —— of France, was the daughter of the king of Burgundy. Her mother and father had been assassinated by her uncle, who had caused the latter to be stabbed and the former to be drowned with a heavy stone about her neck. brooded upon revenge, until the death of the great king, her husband, left the care and education of her sons entirely in her hands, when she bade them think with bitter hate of the foul wrong that her uncle had done her and avenge the death of her father and mother. ‘The education which she addressed herself to giving them was calculated to this end. ‘They are shown in the picture practising with the axe at a target of planks in the open courtyard of the palace, which is built in the Roman style. ‘The mother, seated on her throne in the center of the composition, with the solemn symbol of Chris- tianity drawn in large lines on the walls behind her, gazes with pride and infinite sadness in her haughty and determined face at her gallant boys, qualifying themselves for the work of a bloody retaliation. At the extreme left of the foreground an old warrior, the instructor of the warlike little princes, leans with an arm upon his ponderous shield and watches with grave satisfaction the exhibition of his pupils’ prowess. The queen’s women are grouped behind her; on her left is a group of ecclesiastics, and the other side of the composition is filled in with royal guards and court dignitaries. This painting is the work to which the artist owes his first suc- Ose It was painted previously to his settlement in London, was ~/ / exhibited in Antwerp in 1861, purchased by the Antwerp Society for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts, from whose hands it passed ' into the collection of the King of the Belgians, and at the dispersion of His Majesty’s collection was brought to the United States. Their daughter — From the James H. Stebbins Collection. S189 KI Bi bi00 fu. Yullten Sold to close an Estate. gd yo EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. es AMERICAN: 1853— 166—WOODS Height, 34 inches; width, 28 inches DEEpP in the greenwood stand trees with branches and foliage reaching nearly to the top of the canvas. In the lower half of the picture all is varied green. Above, appears a sky of ‘tempered blue with clouds of qualified white. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1902. Purchased from the Artist. Property of Jos. G. Waruacn, Ese. 0) © GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. ee. AMERICAN: 1864-— 167—VENETIAN SUNSET . i 7. ft Height, 28 inches; length, 40 inches — 0 SAILBOATS and a gondola, at the right, the Campanile appear- Ze Od i ing back of them; at left, in distance, Santa Lucia. The sun is sinking in the left center of the composition, and the sky above shows richly colored clouds depicted in tints of warm grays, red, orange and yellow, the whole reflected in the expanse of water in lower half of picture, together with the blue of the higher sky. , Signed at the lower left. To be sold by order of Merritt, Rocers & Terry, Attorneys. GEORGE MORLAND et Britisu: 1763—1804 168—_SELLING FISH, FRESH-WATER BAY, ISLE OF WIGHT Height, 281 inches; length, 36 inches oe fob wre A sustiy celebrated composition by Morland, depicting a young fishwoman with baskets of fish, in the foreground, on the beach of a cove, with high, rocky cliff, at right, and beside her, a man, in blue, with a basket on his arm, mounted on a gray horse. Beyond appear the waters of the bay, with a sailboat, and a fine sky of clouds, with blue, at the left. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1796. Engraved in mezzotint by J. R. Smith, 1799. Reproduced in Dawes’s “Life of Morland,” 1904. Property of a Private Collector. : EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. AmeERIcAN: 1853— — 169—OCTOBER OAKS an Gea Seiloncda ie Height, 34 inches; length, 38 inches yo A FINE oak tree, with its autumn foliage, red, brown and AY Adore yellow, stands in the sunshine, on the right; trees also at the left, partly in shadow, and others, at right, the sunshine gild- ing the whole with sober autumn light. Overhead, a high sky of blue with cloud forms of gray and white. Signed at the lower right. Purchased from the Artist. Property of Jos, G. Waiacu, Esa. S \ HENRI LEROLLE i Frencu: 1848— | ee j 170—COMING FROM THE FOUNTAIN 8 ‘pon | Height, 40 inches; width, 32 inches vi gv 3 ro Tris subject represents a sturdy, handsome peasant girl, / / carrying home a pail of water. One arm holds the pail, the other is akimboo. Curling black hair is picturesquely arranged over her dark face. Her bodice is of white, the skirt is red, and the attitude is graceful. A housetop is seen over a distant hill, and the sky is gray. From the Edward Holbrook Collection, New York, 1399, -K7s-- P X00 4 Property of a Private Owner. aah rs qu aicusare DETTI Irarian: 1847— -1I71I—LES NOCES DOR Panel: Height, 26 mches; length, 48 inches y A NUMEROUS company of lords and ladies, all dressed in their finest court dress, have assembled in the park of a French chateau to do honor to their seigneur and his wife on the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. The dignified, elderly couple are advancing in the middle of the composition to meet a hand- some young noble who is bearing on a salver a golden casket, a present to their overlord and his lady. Signed at the lower right, and dated "77. Property of Cuaries H. Goprrey, Esa. FELIX ZIEM Frencu: 1821—1911 172—EV ENING: VENICE Height, 27 inches; length, 424% wches TN). [Curreller x G. “ 1 ee -~d0 YO tee te A pictures of Venice with a cool color scheme giving unusual - charm to the work. In the foreground, smooth waters, a gon- dola driving at top speed, at left; at right, a boat with yellow sail and small red gonfalon. In middle distance, at either side, buildings and towers; sky of mingled blue and yellow gray. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1859. To close the Estate of Miss Mary E. Garrett, of Baltimore. EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN Bextctan: 1799—1881 % % 173—_SHEEP IN PASTURE Sea iy es ane | Height, 29 inches; length, 41 inches 28 A RAM, two ewes and a lamb in the foreground, with a yearling ewe, farther away, at left; tree stumps, fallen logs and birds, I | at right; sky of gray clouds with blue in upper part. To close the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, of Baltimore. a8 LEON BAZILE PERRAULT Frencu: 1832—1908 174—PETITE FILLE AU CHIEN , a, Cl A aaa ' var ae As Height, 444% inches; width, 26 inches 22 cc oe A LITTLE girl, nude, with blond curls, in back view, head in three-quarters to left, fondling a little white dog, on a chair with green drapery hanging over the seat. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1889. From Messrs. Durand-Ruel. Property of a Private Collector. al g S- ALBERT BIERSTADT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1829—1902 175—A ROCKY MOUNTAIN VALLEY ed Sst i Height, 36 inches; length, 581% inches O Jo fer’ : i ~ 08 In the foreground a great flat valley, with a pool and a river, | A and an artist sketching while his pony nibbles grass nearby; a party of men with horses, farther away, at left. In the middle distance the valley is filled with trees, and towering rocky cliffs appear both at right, with a waterfall, and at left. The moun- tain range continues in the distance, and overhead is a blue sky with white clouds. | Signed at the lower right. To close the Estate of the late Miss Mary E. Garrett, of Baltimore. o> ee Ci. a é £ | a gS | 9) AUCE eS oe ne) a \\ WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU Frencu: 1825—1905 176-—HESITATING BETWEEN LOVE , AND RICHES (Entre LAmour et la Richesse) Height, 42 inches; width, 35 inches WZ. ©. Pe amcor, dyh | Tux figure of the prize for which youth and age contend with such unequal weapons occupies the center of the composition in a pensive attitude. On her left, the youthful gallant chants his passion in her ear, between touches upon his mandolin. On her right the aged suitor tempts her with a jewel casket. The costumes are of the later fourteenth or early fifteenth century, sumptuous in material and rich in color. ‘The maiden’s face is pure in outline, its youth chastened by gravity. Her dress of pink stuff, with white at the arms and throat, accentuates by its simplicity the richness of its surroundings, and -gives meaning to the allegory. The figures are shown at three- quarter length. Signed, and dated 1869. James H. Stebbins Collection, New York, 1889. KY "ef Hi Sold to close an Estate. Ye 4 C \ae ADOLEF SCHREYER GERMAN: 1828—1899 177—_THE CHARGEH I pio fhervat ay Height, 3114 inches; length, 49% inches | Vag oF oo w#NuMEROUS party of Arab horsemen, surging forward in a ),w’ _ spirited charge. ‘The enemy seems to be at the left, as some of ey ~ @& ihe cavalrymen are shooting with their long guns in that direction. In the foreground, a chieftain urging on his-fol- 1 Aa el lowers, a riderless horse, and a chief fallen to the ground from a horse tumbling to his knees. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1869. Property of the Estate of the late Ouiver Hoyr. ALBERT BIERSTADT, N.A. Co (Berne aa AMERICAN: 1829—1902 9507 118-SUNSET IN THE YOSEMITE Height, 36 inches; length, 52 inches “Environed by a mountain wall, So fierce, so terrible, and tall, It never yet had been defiled By track or trail, save by the wild, Free children of the wildest wood; Where stars and tempests have a home And clouds are curled in mad unrest, And whirled and swirled by crag and crest.” —Joaauin MILrer. i IN THE golden and crimson splendor of the departing day the | great valley is sinking to rest under a coverlet of cloud. The magnificence of the western sunset bathes the towering cliffs and the stream that winds its way between them in a glory of color. The forest, darkening with the shades of even- ih ing into mysterious and solemn sombreness, catches here and Hi there a glint of the last rays of the sinking luminary. ‘The ih waterfall, tumbling in spray from the dizzy heights, flashes like cataracts of jewels, and the whole presents an effect of golden light. The picture was painted in 1868. James H. Stebbins Collection, New York, 1860 -K 45%, P0801 Sold to close an Estate. Y balovo \" ay ? V rd ; : EUGENE ISABEY Frencu: 1804—1886 179—HARBOR OF GRANVILLE " Di is. Height, 36 inches; length, 55 inches Very realistic, under a sky of storm-clouds, the old French l ge fishing-port lies exposed to the elements; a heavy sea, lashed to fury by the gale, dashes up on the quays. F ishing-boats are tossed about, their pennants stand out stiff, and villagers are grouped about the wharves. t , Heald 4 ipielet.2 ee oe ma. Seam | ‘i }: 3 Ea Eee een 4 ge ire ar. ee Ws |) toe % ee” ee + 2 eee ; — ey a \ bee ae UL ’ ’ 1 ieee atta Site ee, by ry aN aay ehiele totale Steines detaisitie att eet ’ ee alate? ey OU) er Me tae te! Siete sae is jolts i , ¢ “ea athe esos ares Sein) alate hy, £0) : ne aueeate darsta cite Ve tatits oe ee ese tor, tts Pent raserasa te satetat ata ae set a —