Catalogue of Gn Smportant Collection of Paintings gee @o be sold CTS \ ee 30th, 191g acc. 9 LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK \ ‘OYPALTY URA oI "MOD PUB 98LII0;) YIM odeospuey Zz AN IMPORTANT Collection of Paintings BY AMERICAN AND ForEIGN ARTISTS CONSIGNED BY Albert “J. Adams, Esq. OF NEW YORK CITY WITH SELECTIONS FROM OTHER PRIVATE CONSIGNMENTS THE WHOLE INCLUDING IMPORTANT WORKS OF EMILE VAN MARCKDE, J. M. W. TURNER, CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY, ADOLPHE MONTICELLI, VICTOR MNUGUET, EUGENE DELACROIX, DAVID COX, NOEL NICOLAS COYVPEL, CLARKSON STANFIELD, JUAN ANTONIO GONZALES, EASTMAN JOHNSON, W. M. CHASE, CHARLES FERDINAND CERAMANO, LIEON BARILLOT, CHARLES EDOUARD AR- MAND-DUMARESQ, JEAN BAVTISTH LE BRUN AND OTHERS. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 30th, 1914 AT 8.15 O’CLOCK AT The Merwin Galleries 16 East 40TH STREET NEW YORK THE COLLECTION WILL BE ON VIEW COMMENCING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1914 TELEPHONE, 1106 MurRAY HILL Conditions of Sale 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims, and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which the Merwin Sales Co. will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they. will be left at _ the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settle- ment of purchasers, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition before the sale, for examination by intending purchasers and the Merwin Sales Co. will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, gen- uineness or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, without recourse. 7. Terms Cash. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as the Merwin Sales Co. shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This con- dition shall be without prejudice to the right of the Merwin Sales Co. to enforce the contract with the buyer without such resale. THE MERWIN SALES CO., 16 East Fortieth Street, New York. RETO TES “AUSIQNU(T STOOURIY, SOLER, v ) ‘oUIeyY Bp ep prog ne nreyeg “TZ “ON is a a a ARTISTS REPRESENTED Armand-Dumaresq, Charles Edouard. 15. Barillot, Léon. 12. Bassano (School.) 34. Bendann, Daniel. 5. Ceramano, Charles Ferdinand. 22. Chase, W. M. 14. Cox, David. 4, 16. Coypel, Noel Nicolas. 17. Daubigny, Charles Francois. 21. Delacroix, Eugéne. 25. De Lairesse, Gérard. 38. Gonzales, Juan Antonio. 19. Greaves, Walter. 13, 29. Gruppe, Karl. 39. Guaccimanni, A. 40. Huguet, Victor. 27. Johnson, Hastman. 2, 28, 37. Le Brun, Jean Baptiste. 20. Marceau, T. C. 8. Monticelli, Adolphe. 3. Murillo (After). 9. Quellinus, Erasmus. 18. Ribera, Josef De (Attributed). 24. Ryckaert, David. 31. Schmitt, D. B. 1. See, H.T. 35, 36. Serres, Antony. 10. Stanfield, Clarkson. 6. Sully, Thomas. 11. Turner, J. W.M. 23. Van Marcke, Emile. 32. Unknown Painter. 7, 26. aa a zy? a I Tica ks Danco sa, EU Pe rar =e ‘XLOLOReq vugsnygy “sngyipodd ayy Jo yVwod eG, “Ga ON CATALOGUE OF AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Monday Evening, November 30, 1914. Commencing at 8:15 o’clock D. B. SCHMITT 1 THE HUNTING PARTY. Panel. Signed. Height, 1614 in.; width, 20 in. EASTMAN JOHNSON American. 1824-1906. 2 LANDSCAPE. Panel. Height, 17 in.; width, 28 in. ADOLPHE MONTICELLI French, 1824-1886. 3 STROLLING PLAYERS. Panel. Height, 1114 in.; width, 84% in... DAVID COX English. 17838-1859. 4 KENILWORTH CASTLE. Water color. Height, 10 in.; width, 18 in. DANIEL BENDANN 5 PORTRAIT OF THE LATE J. P. MORGAN. Pastel. Signed. Height, 56 in.; width, 381 in. Accompanying this lot are two photographs of the above por-> trait, retouched in crayon and signed by the artist. CLARKSON STANFIELD English. 1793-1867. 6 THE STORM. Panel Height, 15 in.; width, 12 in... 5 ae 10 11 12 13 14. 15. UNKNOWN PAINTER French. 18th Century. LE CLERC DES GOBELINS. Panel. Height, 15 in.; width, 1114 on. T. C. MARCEAU PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Pastel. Signed. Height, 30 in.; width, 25 in. MURILLO (Aiter) OUR LADY. Canvas. Height, 45 in.; width, 31 in. ANTONY SERRES Modern French Painter. A GARDEN COURTSHIP. Panel.. Signed. Height, 121% in.; width, 9 in. THOMAS SULLY American. 1783-1872. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Canvas. Height, 30 in.; width, 25 in. LEON ERARILLOT Modern French Painter. BEACHED FISHING BOATS. Canvas. Signed. Height, 9 in.; width, 17 in, WALTER GREAVES English Painter. AN EARLY MORNING SCENE ON THE THAMES. Canvas. Signed and dated 1879. Height, 201% in.; width, 2434 in. WILLIAM M. CHASE Contemporary American Painter. PORTRAIT OF A GIRL. Canvas. Signed. Height, 13 in.; width, 8 i. CHARLES EDOUARD ARMAND-DUMARESQ French. 1826. ATTRIBUTES OF THE ARTS AND SCIENCES. Canvas. Signed. Height, 38 in.; width, 50% in. This canvas is recorded in Volume I of Scribner’s ‘Painters and Paintings.” 6 “xO PAR “SOIMSTY QTM odeospuery ‘OT ON 16 Le 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DAVID COX Bnglish. 1788-1859. LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES. Canvas. Signed. Height, 10 in.; width, 14 in. NOEL NICOLAS COYPEL French. 1692-1785. The FEAST OF BACCHUS. Canvas. Height, 1744 in.; width, 12 in. ERASMUS QUELLINUS Flemish (Pupil of Rubens). 1607-1678. THE HOLY FAMILY. Canvas. Height, 21 in.; width, 16 in. JUAN ANTONIO GONZALEZ Modern Spanish Painter. COLUMBINE AND HARLEQUIN. Panel. Signed. Height, 131% in.; width, 10 in. JEAN BAPTISTE LE BRUN French. 1748-1818. THE FRUIT OFFERING. Canvas. Height, 25 in.; width, 21 wm. In original stretcher bearing artist’s wax seal. CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY French. 1817-1878. BATEAU AU BORD DE LA MARNE. Panel. Signed. Height, 11 in.; width, 20 a. CHARLES FERDINAND CERAMANO Modern French Painter. WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH SHEEP. Canvas. Signed. Height, 29 in.; width, 231% in. J. M. W. TURNER English. 1775-1850. THE WRECK. ; Water color. Height, 9 in.; width, 12 in. JOSEF DE RIBERA (Attributed) Spanish. 1588-1656. SAINT PETER. Canvas. Height, 331% in.; width, 27 in. 7 Open 27 28 30 81 82. lk RS WN at a hm a RE EUGENE DELACROIX French. 1798-1868. THE DEATH OF HYPPOLITUS. Canvas. Height, 13 in.; width, 22 in. REMBRANDT (After) PORTRAIT OF A CAVALIER. Canvas. Height, 40 in.; width, 30 in. VICTOR HUGUET French. 18385-1902. ARAB HORSEMEN ON MARCH. Canvas. Signed and dated ‘‘71.’? Height, 15 in.; width, 20 in. EASTMAN JOHNSON American. 1824-1906. DREAMLAND. Board. Initialled. Height, 22 in.; width, 26 in. WALTER GREAVES English Painter. PORTRAIT OF J. A. McNEILL WHISTLER. Canvas. Signed and dated 1875. Height, 45 in. ; width, 34 in. REMBRANDT (After) HEAD OF AN OLD MAN. Panel. Height, 151% in.; width, 12 in. DAVID RYCKAERT Flemish. 1612-1661. AT THE SPINNING WHEEL. _ Canvas. Height, 14 in.; width, 1014 in. EMILE VAN MARCKE French. 1827-1890. LANDSCAPE WITH COTTAGE AND COW. Canvas. Signed. Height, 121% in.; width 16 in. 8 D. B. Schmitt. a) a a eu on ZI =| ot ‘BS S| =) jan o 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 JAKOB VAN RUYSDAEL (School of) Dutch. 1636-1682. LANDSCAPE. Panel. Height, 28 in.; width, 42 in. SCHOOL OF BASSANO Venetian. Sixteenth Century. JOSEPH’S DREAM. Canvas. Height, 38 in.; width, 52 in. H. T. SEE PORTRAIT OF ULYSSES S. GRANT. Pastel. Signed. Height, 30 in.; width, 25 in. H. T. SEE PORTRAIT GROUP. — SHERMAN, GRANT AND SHERIDAN. Pastel. Signed. Height, 40 in.; width, 50 in. EASTMAN JOHNSON American. 1824-1906. LADY IN YELLOW. Canvas. Initialled. Height, 23 in.; width, 17 in. GERARD DE LATRESSE French. 1640-1711. MYTHOLOGICAL SUBJECT. Sepia drawing. Height, 1314 in.; width, 18 in. KARL GRUPPE Contemporary American Painter. HOLLAND LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE. Water color. Signed. Height, 12 in.; width, 18 in. A. GUACCIMANNI Modern Italian Painter. INTERIOR OF A CATHEDRAL. Canvas. Signed. Height, 33 in.; width, 20 in. é I i ia t E 3 2 L re . ——_ EVeaacus Sikes a 1 m inate taohana [a= - Bea $cS Boe nl a SEEN Et Senne iy ! | | | ! Ee fl 8. L. PARSONS & CO., Inc., Printers, 45 Rose St., New York. ec tey, TOUT MW Wo et et Ee ON dd vi 4c Ys id Pa ; ———— eel aia aaah AE No. 26. Portrait of a Cavalier. Unknown Painter. SE OE ST SORA SMR Gs Tee saps erage ARTE eh BIEN Anata Nn Ne TAME PANN ERR PII om