THE PROPER TREATMENT | one FLOORS, WOODWORK oe FURNITURE Price 25 € S.C.JOHNSON & SON, She Wood Finishing Authorities” RAGINE, WISCONSIN, U.S.A. BRANTFORD WEST DRAYTON SYDNEY - GANADA MDDX., ENGLAND AUSTRALIA Sixteen Branches For the convenience of our trade we maintain 16 branches in leading cities throughout the country. The list is as follows: Cleveland 7106 Superior Avenue Phone Randolph 1826 Denver 1846 Arapahoe Street — ee Des Moines 1435 W. 29th Avenue Phone Drake 8233 Detroit 3155 Grand River Avenue Phone Glendale 4780 Grand Rapids 313 Division Avenue So. | Phone Automatic 54254 Kansas City 308 Delaware Street Phone Victor 1047 Los Angeles 1151 Santee Street Phone Vandike 4196 Louisville 623 W. Market Street City 6943, Main 1306 Milwaukee 864 Third Street Phone Lincoln 912 New Orleans 508 Magazine Street Phone Galvez 389 New York City 46-48 Lispenard Street Phone Canal 7593 Omaha 1818 St. Mary’s Avenue Phone Atlantic 1634 Philadelphia 401-403 Commerce Street Phone Market 1674 San Francisco 1250 Folsom Street Phone Hemlock 1150 St. Louis 19 South 3rd Street Phone Bell—Olive 9416 St. Paul 1600 University Avenue Phone Midway 2822 These branches are not retail stores and do not cater to the retail trade but they are prepared to give prompt and careful attention to all orders from dealers, contractors, painters, hospitals, etc. Your regular dealer can quickly get anything in the JOHNSON line by sending your order to the nearest Johnson Branch. = Wilt FOREWORD HIS is an authoritative text book on Interior Wood Finishing based on 50 years experience. Don’t destroy it— keep it as a reference book. It gives ex- plicit directions for finishing woodwork, floors and furniture. (You will find an In- dex on page 28.) To Housewives: Your home is your castle—and you want to make it as ar- tistic and cheery as possible. The finish and care of furniture, woodwork and floors are matters of prime importance to you. This book will solve most of your home beautifying problems. To the Handy Man: If you have a hobby for making furniture, porch swings, radio cabinets, etc., you will find this book especially interesting, for natur- ally, you want to give your handiwork a One beautiful finish. You can easily and quick- ly secure perfect results with Johnson’s Artistic Wood Finishes. To Painters and Decorators: Use this book in consulting with customers and prospects—it will help you hold the confidence of your trade. We will furnish you extra copies on request. To Architects and Contractors: Sweet’s Architectural Catalog contains our complete specifications for finishing floors and interior woodwork. The recommen- dations in this book are identical with ““Sweet’s’”” but less technical. We will gladly furnish you extra copies of this book for any of your clients—it will enable them to talk intelligently to their painting con- tractors about Interior Wood Finishing. Johnson Service Department E, conduct a Service Department at our Plant in charge of experts. They: give all questions on In- terior Wood Finishing prompt and care- ful attention. Bring your wood finishing problems to us—there is no obligation whatever attached to this service—it is free to all. Under the supervision of our technical experts Johnson Service Departments are being established all over the country in high class stores. You can locate these stores by the sign shown at left. Dealers maintain- ing Johnson Ser- vice Departments are competent to answer questions on how to finish wood the prover way. These Johnson Service Depart- ments are estab- lished for your convenience. SERVICE Each one is an Information Bureau with expert advice, and suggestions on finishing or refinishing floors, woodwork and furni- ture. These stores all carry a complete line of Johnson’s Artistic Wood Finishes. In every Johnson Service Department there is one or more of the beautiful portfolios illustrated above. This portfolio shows on different woods the artistic effects obtain- able with Johnson’s Perfectone Undercoat and Enamel—Wood Dye—Paste Wood Filler—Varnishes—Prepared Wax—etc. Any time you wish specially finished panels—do not hesitate to write us—we shall be glad to make them up, using our own wood or pieces you may send us. This is part of the Johnson Service and there is no expense or obligation connected with it. If there isn’t a Johnson Service Depart- ment in your community please show this page to your favorite dealer of paints, var- nishes, etc., and suggest that he look into the matter of establishing one. We will greatly appreciate your co-operation in this matter and will consider such a sug- gestion from you a personal favor. Two a a a a I ANA EERE e Are You Building or Remodeling ? F so, you are probably seeking inform- ation on Wood Finishing and this book will prove invaluable, for the directions in it may be the means of saving hundreds of dollars. By reading it you will be able to talk intelligently to your architect and painting contractor. The floors and interior trim and their fin- ish represent a certain proportion of the total cost of your work. How great or how small this proportion depends largely upon the judgement used in selecting the woods and the quality of materials and workman- ship used in finishing them. Hard woods are beautiful and highly desira- ble—but they are expensive. You can se- cure just as artistic results with soft woods and the difference in price is considerable. The finish of floors and interior trim is a matter of great importance, for a beauti- ful piece of hard wood may be absolutely ruined with the improper finish, whereas | a well finished piece of soft wood is a plea- sure to the eye. Let your wood finishing contract to good reliable workmen and insist that they use high class material. It is poor economy to use cheap finishes for the cost of the ma- terial is small when compared with the cost of application, and what little you may save on the gallon price you more than spend for extra labor. In Wood Finishes you get just what you pay for. If you buy cheap brands you may be sure they are manufactured from cheap raw materials, and cheap labor, and that the completed job will be a disappoint- ment and the finish will not stand up. Tell your architect, contractor and painter that you want Johnson’s Artistic Interior Wood Finishes used on your job throughout—then you will be . assured of perfect results—a thrill of plea- sure when the work is new—and yearly satisfaction at its wearing qualities. Three If your local dealer cannot supply you with Johnson’s Artistic Wood Finishes send your order direct to Racine—we will make shipment the same day it is received, pre- paying the Express or Parcel Post charges to all points in the U. S. We guarantee prompt shipment and that the goods will reach you in perfect condition. ee = A a RO AA RE Ne AR OE RE ee aN rn 2 How to Finish New Woodwork E sure that the surface is sanded smooth and thoroughly dusted. For an Enamel Finish apply two coats of Johnson’s Perfectone Undercoat and one or two coats of Johnson’s Perfec- tone Enamel. (See pages 18 and 19). The woodwork of an average room 15x20 re- quires one gal. of Johnson’s Undercoat and one gal. of Johnson’s Enamel (for 2 coats). For a Natural Finish on open grain woods apply a coat of Johnson’s Natural Paste Wood Filler No. 10 on the bare wood. For close grain woods—apply a coat of Johnson’s Natural Under-Lac on the bare wood. See instructions below for finishing. The woodwork of an average room 15x20 requires 3 lbs. of Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler or % gal. John- son’s Natural Under-Lac. For Colored Effects, such as Gold- en Oak, Mahogany, Walnut, etc., apply a coat of Johnson’s Wood Dye on the bare wood. Open grain woods should then be given a coat of Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler (the corresponding shade), followed by a thin coat of Johnson’s Under-Lac (Natural or Mahogany). Close grain woods should be given a light coat of John- son’s Natural or Mahogany Under-Lac directly over the Dye. See instructions below for finishing. The woodwork of an average room 15x20 requires % gal. John- son’s Wood Dye—% gal. Johnson’s Under- Lac—and if a Filler is used, 3 lbs. of John- son’s Paste Wood Filler. For Finishing the work described above in a Flat Effect, apply a coat of Johnson’s Flat Varnish. (See page 20). For a High Gloss—apply Johnson’s Floor Varnish. (See page 21). For a Waxed Finish apply one or two coats of John- son’s Polishing Wax (Paste or Liquid). The woodwork of an average room 15x20 re- quires % gal..of either Johnson’s Flat Var- nish or Johnson’s Floor Varnish, or | lb. (or 1 pt.) Johnson’s Polishing Wax. Four How to Refinish Old Woodwork EFORE refinishing, clean the old sur- face well with gasoline or naphtha and sandpaper lightly. This gives you a good foundation for the new finish. For Enameled Woodwork After preparing the surface as instructed above, apply one or two coats of John- son's Perfectone Undercoat and then one or two coats of Johnson’s Perfectone Enamel—either Gloss or Satine. (Read pages 18 and 19). The woodwork of an average room 15x20 requires | gal. John- son’s Perfectone Undercoat and | gal. Johnson’s Perfectone Enamel (2 coats). For Colored Effects Where the finish is in fairly good con- dition and you simply wish to change the color, apply a coat of Johnson’s Spirit Wood Dye directly over the old finish. The Spirit shades of Dye are No. /28 Light Mahogany—No. 129 Dark Mahogany— No. 110 Bog Oak—No. 172 Flemish Oak —and No. 160 Brown Oak. If you wish a new finish over the Dye give the work a coat of Johnson’s Flat Varnish for a beautiful, hand-rubbed effect (see page 20) —or a coat of Johnson’s Floor Varnish for ahigh gloss. (See page 21). The woodwork of an average room 15x20 requires 1% gal. Johnson’s Wood Dye, and % gal. of either Johnson’s Flat Varnish or Floor Varnish. In applying Johnson’s Wood Dye over old finish you are limited to the Spirit shades of Dye mentioned above. All other shades of Dye are Oil and cannot be satisfactorily used for this purpose. (See pages 13-15). For a One Coat Stained- Varnished Finish Where you wish to change the color and also secure a new finish—all with one coat—-we recommend the use of Johnson’s Five Sani-Spar Varnish Stain right over the old finish. (See page 23). If the surface is very old or disfigured, or where a lighter shade is desired over a dark surface, apply a coat of Johnson’s Ground Color before using Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish Stain. Full directions are given on the label. The woodwork of an average room 15x20 re- quires 14 gal. Johnson’s Ground Color and Y gal. Johnson's Sani-Spar Varnish Stain. Removing the Old Finish Where the present finish is badly scratched and you are willing to go to the trouble or expense of entirely refinishing from the wood up, remove the old finish with Johnson’s Electric Solvo. (See page 26). Wash well with gasoline and then re- finish the wood as new in Dyed or Enam- eled effects, following the instructions given on the opposite page for Finishing New Woodwork. For removing old finish from the wood- work of an average room 15x20 you will require | gal. Johnson’s Electric Solvo. s ‘Supper Room of the Los Angeles Biltmore—finished with 7, ohnson’s Paste eo nil CL ood Filier and Prepared Waz only How to Finish New Floors EFORE any finish is applied the surface must be thoroughly dry, free from dirt and grease, sandpapered smooth, and all loose matter entirely removed. Close Grain Woods Such as Pine, Cypress, Maple, Birch, Beech, Redwood, Fir, Gumwood, Etc. For a Natural Finish apply Johnson’s Natural Paste Wood Filler No. 10 on the bare wood. A filler is not absolutely neces- sary on close grain woods, but it fills the pores, gives a hard foundation, covers up defects and tones the wood to an even shade. Finish with two coats of Johnson’s Polishing Wax or two coats of Johnson’s Floor Varnish. If you prefer not to use a filler, give the floor a light coat of Johnson’s Floor Varnish (reduced one-third with Turpentine) and over this apply two coats of Johnson’s Polishing Wax or Johnson’s Floor Varnish. For Colored Effects such as Dark Oak, Mahogany, Walnut, etc., apply a coat of Johnson’s Wood Dye, desired shade. Then a light coat of Johnson’s Under-Lac (Natural or Mahogany) and two coats of Johnson’s Polishing Wax (Paste or Liquid) or two coats of Johnson’s Floor Varnish. A floor 15x20 will require the following quantities of the various finishes—I0 lbs. Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler—™% Gal. Johnson’s Wood Dye (one coat)—2 lbs. Johnson’s Paste Wax or | qt. Liquid Wax (two coats)—I gal. Johnson’s Floor Var- nish (two coats) —% gal. Johnson’s Under- Lac (one coat). Open Grain Woods Such as Oak, Chestnut, Ash, Mahogany, Walnut, Etc. For a Natural Finish or Dark Oak Effects, apply Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler on the bare wood. Use No. 10 for a Natural Finish and No. 20, No. 30 or No. 40 for a darker effect. Then finish with two coats of Johnson’s Polishing Wax or Johnson’s Floor Varnish. For Colored Effects apply a coat of Johnson’s Wood Dye—then Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler (the corresponding shade) followed by a thin coat of Johnson’s Natural or Mahogany Under-Lac. Then finish with two coats of Johnson’s Polish- ing Wax or Johnson’s Floor Varnish. Six — AN A A Se eth sp ess retens How to Refinish Old F loors Waxed Floors in Fair Condition LEAN thoroughly with Johnson’s Kleen Floor—this will remove all spots, stains, discolorations, water marks,* etc. Where floors are very badly soiled, use a stiff bristle scrubbing brush (not steel wool) in connection with the Kleen Floor. (See page 26). After clean- ing thoroughly, wipe the wood dry with a cloth and in an hour apply a coat of John- son’s Paste or Liquid Wax and polish with a dry cloth, weighted brush or electric floor polisher. This treatment two or three times a year will keep your floors in prefect condition for a lifetime. Varnished Floors in Fair | Condition Clean with Johnson’s Kleen Floor—then sand thoroughly.. If there are any cracks or bad joints they should be filled with Johnson’s Crack Filler. Allow this 24 hours to harden, then dust off the entire floor and give it a coat of Johnson’s Floor Varnish—or Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish Stain, if a color is desired. Varnished floors should be waxed occa- sionally with Johnson’s Paste or Liquid Wax _to protect the varnish and keep it bright. If in Poor Condition If Waxed or Varnished Floors are in such poor condition that they cannot be satisfactorily cleaned with Johnson’s Kleen Floor, we recommend that they be sanded with an electric sander. This will remove all the finish and even up the boards. Then fill any cracks or bad joints with Johnson’s Crack Filler, allowing 24 hours to dry. Your floors are then ready to be re- finished as new. Read and follow the direc- tions on page 6 for Finishing New Floors. Old Painted Floors _ should be treated as follows’... first clean floors thoroughly, removing any grease or dirt. Then sandand fill the cracks with Johnson’s Crack Filler. Seven (See page 26). When this is hard apply a coatof Johnson’s Ground Colorandthenone or two coats of Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish Stain. (See page 23). For Linoleum Johnson’s Prepared Wax (Paste or Liquid) is the proper finish and polish for lin- oleum. It helps preserve the life and re- silience of linoleum—brings out the pattern and color and protects linoleum from wear. Johnson’s Polishing Wax is endorsed by all the leading manufacturers of linoleum for polishing, preserving and _ protecting their products. (Read page 10). 5 " é Sif 4: SF % ve. eS aim ; Hes = a Johnson’s Polishing Wax Paste— Liquid— Powdered OU can give every room in your home that delightful air of immacu- late cleanliness if you will use John- son’s Polishing Wax occasionally on the furniture, woodwork, floors and linoleum. Johnson’s Polishing Wax comes in three convenient forms—Paste, Liquid and Pow- dered. We recommend Liguid Wax for polishing furniture, phonographs, wood- work, leather goods, shoes, enameled sur- faces and automobiles. Use either the Paste or Liquid Wax for polishing floors, wood, linoleurn, tile, marble, rubber, com- position, etc. Johnson’s Powdered Wax immediately puts any floor in perfect con- dition for dancing. (See page 12). Johnson’s Polishing Wax gives perfect results over any finish—varnish or shellac. Johnson’s Polishing Wax cleans, polishes, preserves and protects—all in one opera- tion. It is very easy to use—simply apply with a clean cloth or our special lambs- wool mop—then polish with a dry cloth or weighted brush. It only takes a few minutes and is as easy as running a carpet sweeper. This treatment gives an exquisite lustrous polish of great beauty and durability. Every family has many uses for Johnson’s Polishing Wax. Keep it always on hand for cleaning and polishing the furniture, woodwork, floors and linoleum in your home—the desks, metal cases, cabinets, safes, etc., in your of fice—and the auto- mobile in your garage. Eight wo Re ee ae rene ene in eranenemenn, Ss ‘ 2 mmnannaeeeenl eA A SPER NA AE EA ER ST tN a Johnson’s Polishing Wax Makes Beautiful Floors HROUGH all their centuries the beautiful interiors of famous Euro- pean castles and palaces have known no finish but Wax. Perfectly preserved— the waxed wood mellows and glows with the years. This same beautiful finish can be easily duplicated on the floors, wood- work and furniture of any American home with Johnson’s Polishing Wax. Johnson’s Wax (Paste or Liquid) is the most satisfactory finish and polish for floors of all kinds—wood, tile, marble, composi- tion and linoleum. It will not only beautify your floors but will make them easy to care for—they won't be slippery and will not heel print. Johnson’s Wax is not only a polish, but a wonderful preservative and floors finished with it are always sanitary, durable and disinfecting. Waxed Floors are Economical Wax is, by far, the most economical finish for floors, a 1 lb. (85c) can of Johnson’s Paste Wax or a pint (75c) of Liquid Wax being sufficient for 300 sq. ft. one coat. With Waxed floors expensive refinishing is never necessary for walked-on places may be easily and quickly re-waxed as worn spots appear, without going over the entire floor. For New Floors Before finishing new floors one of the most important things to decide is whether you wish them waxed or varnished. If you want a beautiful, soft, artistic, non- slippery, easy-to-care-for, economical fin- ish insist upon your painter finishing your floors with Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler and two coats of Johnson’s Paste or Liquid Polishing Wax. If you want varnished floors specify two coats of Johnson’s Floor Varnish over the Filler. An Ounce of Prevention Saves a Lot of Care The secret of beautiful floors is to put them in perfect condition—and then keep them that way. Doorways, passages and tracks become worn and unsightly first. Nine Johnson ’s Paste Wax... You can keep these spots looking well by waxing them frequently—this requires but . little time and effort if Johnson’s Wax and Floor Polishing Brush are used. Johnson’s Polishing Wax contains a large percentage of Carnauba Wax which has a very high melting point. That is the reason Johnson’s Wax goes farther than most other brands and why it never be- comes sticky and dust-catching. Do It the Easy Way The new, easy way to wax floors and lin- oleum is with Johnson’s Liquid Wax applied with a Johnson Wax Mop and polished with a Johnson Weighted Brush. This new method means that every one can now have beautiful waxed floors with very little effort—just a few minutes’ time—and without stooping. It makes the waxing of floors mere child’s play. (See page 27). For Polishing Large Surfaces For waxing a large expanse of flooring, such as in hospitals, institutions, office buildings, hotels, etc., we recommend the use of our electric Johnson’s Wax Polisher and Sweeper. Operates on alternating or direct current. Weight, 25 lbs., price $90.00 net f. o. b. Racine. g-lb. cans 50c 1-lb. cans 85c 4-lb. cans $3.00 oe AL A APH PE GARTEN RN A i Nn EIR Is MA A A NET REAGO A TOI AN Rc ETN ONION pt a aoe emo ee Ce Rane a rE A) NRE ISAO ASO ERE MEE RESO EEE NRE ate eae ae es nee mmesunmasmnaenmaaeeeneneneneneeneniaenneneenimeiaenenns eee / vd a = * 7 * oe Ps EI : ees ~ Se = -_ 2 ae lee h P ar , How to Prolong Life of Linoleum OUR linoleum will last longer, look better and clean much easier if you polish it occasionally with Johnson’s Paste or Liquid Wax. Wax helps preserve the lifeand resilience of linoleum—brings out thepattern and color—forms a dirt repellent surface—and protects linoleum from wear. © When linoleum is laid give it two light coats of Johnson’s Wax, (Paste or Liquid) and then every few weeks apply Johnson’s Liquid Wax with a cloth or our special Mop. This treatment will add greatly to its beauty and attractiveness—render it easy to clean and will prevent cracking. Waxed linoleum can be washed with warm water and any good soap. Do not use wash- ing powders, soda or alkalies. Washing waxed linoleum is much easier—more like washing off a piece of glass than a floor. Johnson’s Polishing Wax is endorsed by all the leading manufacturers of linoleum. The following is quoted from a letter writ- ten to us on July 5th, 1923, by the Arm- strong Cork Company: ‘‘Our Research Department has tested John- son’s Wax on a number of occasions and ‘tas approved it very highly for use on Arm- strong’s Linoleum. **An application thoroughly rubbed in provides a film of wax over the linoleum, which hardens and prevents dirt from being ground in. It is much easier to clean a linoleum floor that has been properly waxed, because the dirt is readily wiped off. Wax also preserves lino- leum and takes off a good deal of the wear.’’ On large surfaces we recommend the use — of our Electric Johnson’s Wax Polisher and Sweeper for waxing linoleum. Write us for particulars. Ten Johnson’s Liguid Polishing Wax The Ideal Furniture Polish OHNSON’S Liquid Wax is a perfect fur- niture polish. It imparts a beautiful, hard, dry, glasslike lustre which is im- pervious to dust, lint, heat, water and finger prints. It covers up small surface mars and prevents checking. Adds years to the life and beauty of varnish. Johnson’s Liquid Wax has wonderful clean- ing properties. It instantly takes off soil, grime and finger marks, rejuvenating the original finish. Johnson’s Wax quickly and permanently removes that bluish, cloudy film from mahogany. | Takes the Drudgery from Dusting You can take all the drudgery from dust- ing if you will just polish your furniture and woodwork occa- § sionally with John- son’s Liquid Wax. It rubs up quickly to an exquisite, velvety finish-coat so hard, smooth and dry that dust and lint cannot cling to it. Johnson's Liquid Wax does not ee print, which makes it par- ticularly good for polishing the arms of chairs, the tops of phonographs, the edges of tables, desks, stair rails, etc. Hot Dishes Don’t Mar It. Try polishing your dining and tea tables occasionally with Johnson’s Liquid Wax— then you will never have trouble with hot dishes injuring the finish for Wax forms a perfect protection for the varnish. The occasional use of Johnson’s Liquid Wax on furniture and woodwork will give your home a fine air of immaculate cleanliness. It has a high melting point so never becomes soft and sticky in the hot- test weather or from the heat of the body. Johnson’s Liquid Wax cleans, polishes, pre- serves and protects—all in one operation. It contains no oil so cannot discolor the wood. Eleven Johnson’s Liquid Wax. . 45 Pt. Bottles-50c Johnson's Liquid Wax is fine for freshen. ing and brightening up varnished floors. Easy to Use It is very easy to polish furniture with Johnson’s Liquid Wax. Simply apply it with a damp cloth—and in a few minutes polish. with a dry cloth or a Johnson Lambs- wool Polishing Mitt. Just a little rubbing quickly brings up a beautiful gloss. Cleans Enamel The easy way to clean enameled woodwork and furniture is with Johnson’s Liquid Wax—it removes spots and dirt from all en- ameled surfaces. The most stubborn spots quickly yield to Johnson’s Liquid Wax. A Dust-Proof Automobile Polish Johnson’s Liquid Wax is unequalled for polishing the body, hood and fenders of automobiles. It preverves the varnish and protects it from the weather. Before pol- ishing a car always clean it first with Johnson’s Cleaner. This removes scum, road oil, grease, tar, alkali, etc. Pt. Bottles 75c Gallons $4.00 i en RE SSI Johnson’s Powdered Wax Makes Perfect Dancing Floors OHNSON’S Powdered Wax will imme- diately put any floor in perfect condi- tion for dancing. It comes in shaker top cans—sprinkle it lightly over the floor just before the dance. The feet of the dancers spread the Wax, polishing the floor, and produce a perfect dancing surface. It is free from dust and will not soil the daintiest slippers. Mr. Arthur Murray, one of the foremost dancing instructors in the world, (pictured above) says the following of Johnson’s Powdered Wax: **I consider Johnson’s Powdered Wax the best on the market. It not only gives the dance floor the proper smoothness which is essential to good dancing, but also adds to the beauty of the ballroom. ’’ Johnson’s Powdered Wax gives equally good results on all floors—wood, tile, marble, cement, paint, etc. It is inexpen- sive as only a very small quantity is necessary. The 14 oz. can (85c) is sufficient for ten thousand square feet of floor space. Accumulated dust should always be brushed off a floor before a dance. Then sprinkle Johnson’s Powdered Wax lightly over the surface—if this doesn’t make your floor fast enough, additional Powdered Wax can be sprinkled on during the evening—but always sprinkle it on lightly. A new dance floor which has never been finished should first be filled with Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler. Or, on close grained woods such as Maple, apply a thin coat of Johnson’s Floor Varnish (reduced one-third with Turpentine). Do not use Under-Lac or shellac for this purpose. Then give the floor two coats of Johnson’s Prepared Wax, polishing each coat well with a Weighted Brush or electric floor polisher. Wait a day or two for the finish to harden and the floor is ready for dancing and may be kept in perfect condition by occasional applica- tions of Powdered Wax. } Twelve Johnson’s Wood Dye For the Artistic Coloring of All Wood T is generally admitted that wood fin- ished in its natural shade cannot be worked as successfully into color schemes of decoration as stained wood. It is also true that color brings out the grain and enhances the natural beauty of most woods. For these reasons we manufacture a line of wood stains known as Johnson’s Wood Dye. Johnson’s Wood Dye is unsurpassed for its of application—and for the beauty of its shades, which are always uniform—there is never any variation whatever. Johnson’s Wood Dye is for the artistic coloring of all wood. With it inexpen- sive soft woods, such as pine, cypress, fir, etc., can be finished so they are as beautiful and artistic as hardwood. John- son’s Wood Dye is very easy to apply— it goes on easily and quickly without a lap or a streak. Johnson’s Wood Dye is a dye in every sense of the word. It penetrates so deeply that the natural color is not dis- closed if the wood becomes scratched or’ marred—it brings out the beauty of the grain without raising it in the slightest— it dries in four hours and does not rub off or smudge. Some people prefer Wood Dye in oil and others prefer it in spirit. In the following list the Spirit shades of Johnson’s Wood Dye are indicated with an asterisk (*)— all other shades are made in Oil. We recommend the Oil shades of John- son’s Wood Dye for new work where there is plenty of time to let it dry over night. Use the Spirit shades for a quick job— also for small surfaces such as radio cab- inets, manual training models, basketry, etc.—and for use over an old finish. Thirteen penetrating qualities—its ease — Johnson’s Wood Dye comes in these 17 beautiful colors: * No. 128 Light Mahogany * No. 129 Dark Mahogany No. 127 Brown Mahogany No. 329 Red Mahogany No. 120 Fumed Oak * No. 160 Brown Oak No. 123 Dark Oak No. 126 Light Oak No. 124 Golden Oak No. 125 Mission Oak No. 130 Weathered Oak * No. 110 Bog Oak * No. 172 Flemish Oak No. 178 Brown Flemish No. 131 Walnut No. 140 Early English No. 180 Gray * Spirit Shades All shades of Johnson’s Wood Dye can be easily lightened or darkened—full direc- tions on every label. JOHNSON’S WOOD DYE QUARTERED OAK . No. 125 Mission Oak ; QUARTERED OAK “* No. 172 Flemish Oak PLAIN OAK No. 1 30 Weathered Oak CYPRESS No. 126 Light Oak MAPLE No. 127 Danes Mahogany QUARTERED OAK No. 120 Fumed Oak OAK Noo 12a Golden Owl PLAIN OAK “No. 126 Light Oak No. 123 Dark Oak GUM WOOD * No. 129 Dark Mahogany The Spirit Shades of Johnson’s Wood Dye are ind QUARTERED OAK No. 178 Brows ‘Flemish aes QUARTERED OAK No. 123 Dark Qak PLAIN OAK * No. 160 Brown Oeko os si CYPRESS * No. 129 Dark Mahogany | SOUTHERN PINE _ No. 140 Early English JOHNSON’S WOOD DYE BIRCH No. 329 Red Mahogany BIRCH No. 126 Light Oak SOUTHERN PINE ~ # No, 129 Dark Mahogany SOUTHERN PINE No. 125 Mission Oak SOUTHERN PINE ke * No. 128 Light Mahogany BIRCH o. 1 10 Bog Oa BIRCH * No. 128 Light Mahogany SOUTHERN PINE No. 124 Golden Oak SOUTHERN PINE * No. 110 Bog Oak SOUTHERN PINE No. 123 Dark Oak d with an asterisk (* ). All other shades are Oil. BIRCH No. 127 Brown Mahogany BIRCH SNeAzs Dark Oak SOUTHERN PINE No. 126 Light Oak SOUTHERN PINE No. 127 Brown Mahogany SOUTHERN PINE o. 131 Walnut Johnson’s Wood Dye For the Artistic Coloring of All Wood uses, for both the artisan and amateur. Architects and contractors spec- ify it for coloring woodwork and flooring in new buildings. Painters and decora- tors use it with equal satisfaction on new and old woodwork of all kinds. House- wives delight in it for doing over old fur- niture and for coloring reed and wicker bas- kets, etc. Manual training teachers and pupils use it for finishing their models. Upholsterers, furniture repairers and cabinet makers find it “just the thing” for their work—old and new. es fo WOOD DYE has many For New Work Johnson’s Wood Dye is not a finish— like most first-class products it answers one purpose only, it dyes the wood—the finish must be applied over it. Always ap- ply a thin, light coat of Johnson’s Under- Lac (Natural or Mahogany) before the finish (wax or varnish) is applied. i L \ // ; For finishing close grain woods we recom- — mend 2 coats of Johnson’s Paste or Liquid Polishing Wax or Johnson’s Floor or Sani- Spar Varnish over the Under-Lac. On open _ grain woods we recommend a coat of John- son’s Paste Wood Filler (the corresponding shade) over the Dye, then the Under-Lac coat, and then the finish—either Johnson’s Wax or Varnish. By open grain woods we mean—Oak, Chestnut, Ash, Mahogany, Walnut, etc. In referring to close grain woods we mean— Beech, Birch, Maple, Gumwood, Pine, Fir, Cypress, Poplar, Redwood, etc. _ For Old Work Old varnished woodwork and furniture can be very satisfactorily stained by simply applying a coat of Johnson’s Spirit Wood Dye directly over the old varnish. For this work you are limited to the Spirit Shades of Johnson’s Wood Dye which are as follows—No. 128 Light Mahogany,—No. 129 Dark Mahogany—No. 110 Bog Oak —No. 172 Flemish Oak—and No. 160 Brown Oak. (See page 5). Care should be taken not to brush over this work. Always try Johnson’s Wood Dye upon a small piece of the wood to be finished to see if the shade is just what is wanted. Bear in mind that the softer the wood the more dye it will absorb and the darker the shade. Apply with an ordinary varnish brush upon the bare wood. A little lighter effect may be obtained by rubbing the dye with a cloth or waste before it dries. Johnson’s Wood Dye comes in all sizes from half-pints to gallons... It is conven- iently put up in reseal glass jars which, when empty, make fine pantry and preserv- ing Jars. By 5: One gallon of Johnson’s Wood Dye is sufficient for 700 sq. ft. on hard wood and 400 sq. ft. on soft wood. Sixteen ee PR ET RT — —— No. 10 Natural Paste Wood Filler No. 20 Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler QUARTERED OAK “we QUARTERED OAK By basso Se ea Oak Paste Wood Filler E recommend Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler for filling the grain and pores of all wood, preparing it for the ultimate finish. It is made from pure linseed oil, the best Japan dryers and finely ground Metronite-Quartz from our own mine. The best chemists in the coun- try have made practical experiments with Metronite-Quartz and they all agree that it is superior to any kind of silex for wood filler. Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler is put up ready to use in the following shades: Natural No. 10 Dark Oak No. 30 Golden Oak No. 20 Antwerp No. 40 Mahogany No. 70 3 Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler never be- comes hard in the cans——it will remain us- able indefinitely after thinning—and may be wiped with ease in from |5 minutes to 3 hours after application. Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler has remarkable filling qual- ities—it forms a perfect oval pore and gives a hard, smooth, uniform foundation for the finish. These excellent qualities make Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler the pop- ular brand with both artisan and amateur. Seventeen No. 40 Aaheors Dasta Wi cau, Pallas — a~- se ae ~~ No. 30 Dark Paste W MAHOGANY Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler is entirely different from other brands on the mar- ket, many of which are made from corn starch, whiting, talc and other cheap ma- terials which, when dry, shrink and lose their filling properties, leaving the pores open and unsightly. We always recommend a coat of Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler for finishing open grain woods. If the wood is to be finished in Mission, Mahogany, Walnut, etc., apply a coat of Johnson’s Wood Dye first—then fill the wood with Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler (the corresponding shade). A better finish is obtained with one coat of Wax or Varnish over Paste Wood Filler than with two coats applied upon the bare wood. We advise that all floors be given a coat of Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler, al- though it is not absolutely essential on close grain woods such as Maple, Birch, Beech, Pine, etc. However, a coat of Filler on all floors will fill the pores, giving a rock foundation for the finish—and will also cover up defects and tone the wood to an even shade. QUARTERED OAK FADES. z ey No. 70 Malooany Bae Word Filler | No. 125 Mission Oak Wood Dye | No. 30 Dark Paste Wood Filler i | | 5 ERY ARS Dance Seth ns a Ne Soe PGR Johnson’s Perfectone Undercoat The Perfect Foundation for Enamel HE Undercoat is the foundation of an enameled job and too much import- ance cannot be attached to it. The Undercoat is to an enameled job what the foundation is to a_ building—everything depends upon it. The perfect undercoat must be elastic, dur- able, non-porous, must cover well, work freely and dry hard in a reasonable length of time and it must produce a foun- dation which holds up the enamel with- out absorbing it. Every gallon of Johnson’s Perfectone Undercoat is guaranteed to do this. It is elastic, durable, non-porous, has great covering power, works freely under the brush and dries hard in from 18 to 24 hours. It has wonderful smoothness and opacity — and will not absorb the enamel. Johnson’s Perfectone Undercoat can be used as a primer on bare wood RRR eT Johnson’s Perfectone Undercoat... .45 Pts. 50c 3 in lieu of lead and oil, and has the following advantages: it is non-poisonous, smoother, dries faster, has greater opacity, does not show brush marks when flowed on, and re- quires very little sanding. Will give per- fect satisfaction on all interior work. Will Not Run, Sag, Lap, Chip, Check, Crack Nor Peel You will have no trouble flowing on John- son’s Perfectone Undercoat for it will not run, sag or lap. .A heavy coat will dry in from 18 to 24 hours and will neither chip, check, crack nor peel. John- son’s Perfectone Undercoat works so freely under the brush that the painter can apply it over large surfaces without set- ting up. It will not settle in the container. Full directions on every can—read and follow them. : It Is Economical Johnson’s Perfectone Undercoat is an economical proposition for it comes very heavy in the can and bears reduction with naphtha, turpentine or sub-turps. Two coats of Johnson’s Perfectone Undercoat cover as well as three coats of the ordinary undercoatings. Johnson’s Perfectone Undercoat is manu- factured in White, Ivory and French Gray. We are glad to furnish architects, painters and contractors with finished panels upon request. We are also in a position to manufacture any other shade for large jobs upon receipt of sample. We do not manufacture paint—we con- centrate on Artistic Interior Finishes and this very concentration insures perfection and uniformity in the Johnson Products. Our plant is equipped with the best up-to- date mills and machinery and every depart- ment is in the hands of experts. Qts. $1.50 Gals. $5.50 Bighteen 9 Ty Bipreerpeemmere a i3 Paatinaihonaennrniihanetnrtaicibsatonnnns % as i t : 14g ny 33 Fi 8 $$ & H 233 + oo 3 a 2 3 se i : : i § : e Fy | fa H : : 1 $3 & : ; as 23 bd it | : if bak 2 ; te Pomenaers H B ioknson’ S ar ae Enamel HE. beautiful, snow-white, lustrous finish of Johnson’s Perfectone White Enamel really takes it out of the Paint class, for the finish is like porcelain. John- son’s Enamel flows on so smoothly that no brush marks or laps remain, just a clear, sanitary, grainless surface like a beautiful china plate. Johnson’s Perfectone is the perfect archi- tectural enamel. It is long in oil and gives a beautiful finish which will not fade, ee crack nor peel. It will stand repeat- ed washings. Cleaning has no harmful effect, neither dimming the gloss nor caus- ing discoloration. Johnson’s Perfectone Enamel is made in High Gloss in White only, and in Satine in White, Ivory and French Gray. The Gloss and Satine Enamels may be mixed to secure any Gloss desired. It is not enough to simply specify “Enamel’’—the brand should be men- tioned. If you specify Johnson’s Per- Nineteen Johnson’s Perfectone Enamel. . fectone Enamel and Undercoat for all enameled surfaces—you are assured of a perfect finish—and the wearing qualities and covering capacity are of the highest. Johnson’s Perfectone Enamel is exactly right for the expert finisher and will always give perfect results for the un- skilled workman. Johnson’s Enamel goes farther and lasts longer so it proves more economical in the end. Johnson’s Glo-Coat Enamel Johnson’s Glo-Coat Gloss Enamel is splen- did for new work and just the thing for a re-finish job where you want quick work. Johnson’s Glo-Coat Enamel dries dust-free in 5 to 6 hours, and hard in 24 to 36 hours. It produces a brilliant finish which will withstand repeated washings. Can be left in its original state or rubbed, as desired. Does not turn yellow, neither will it chip, crack nor peel, owing to its wonderful elasticity. +, Pts. 75c Qts. $2.45 Gals. $8.50 A ce tr ER TS OP ST ST SE SOS Se ee OR ee Johnson’s Varnishes E. manufacture a complete line of high grade Varnishes and Varnish Stains as follows: Johnson’s Floor V arnish Johnson’s Under-Lac Johnson’s Flat V arnish Johnson’s Linoleum Varnish Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish Johnson’s Interior Trim Varnish Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish Stain Johnson’s Floor and Finishing V arnish Johnson’s Cabinet Rubbing and Polish- ing Varnish Our Varnish Plant is equipped with the latest and most scientific equipment and every gallon is made by experts. Johnson’s Varnishes are of the highest quality and guaranteed to give satisfaction. ' Johnson’s Flat Varnish For a_ beautiful, artistic, hand-rubbed sheen, without the expense of rubbing, we manufacture Johnson’s Flat Varnish. It gives unqualified satisfaction on new work over Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler or John- SESE MNEHETE saa a = Rl ati} 1 Ripe eo. ies putas (na (on MAN SEE ba i A ‘| ; 7 3 i q 3 4 4. * < Ae ARE pockak eal son’s Wood Dye and Under-Lac—and on old work, over any old finish except Wax. Johnson’s Flat Varnish gives perfect results on woodwork, furniture and floors. It imparts an artistic, flat finish of great beauty and durability. Johnson’s Flat Varnish has good body—is easy working— and dries without laps or glossy streaks. It is free from dust in 6 to 8 hours and hard in 24 hours. The woodwork of an average room 15x20 requires % gal. of Johnson’s Flat Varnish (one coat). Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varn Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish is designed ° for all interior and exterior work. It dries free from dust in 2 hours and gives a hard finish over night. It is impervious to hot, cold or soapy water, alcohol, am- monia, perfume and will withstand the severest tests. Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish gives a pro- tective, durable, elastic coating which will not check or crack from sudden changes of temperature. Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish is unexcelled as an all around varnish for use on all surfaces—indoors and outdoors. It is pale in color and gives a transparent, brilliant, lasting finish which will not effect the color of undercoats, striping, etc. Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish is unsur- passed for use on boats of all kinds, auto- mobiles, air craft, interior and exterior of buildings, outside doors, screen doors, floors, linoleum, oilcloth, bath rooms, kitchens, garages, dairies, furniture, school desks, office desks, counters, restaurant tables, refrigerators, church furniture, hos- pital floors and furniture, etc., etc. Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish is also made in colors called Johnson’s Sani-Spar Var- nish Stain. This comes in four shades— Light Oak—Dark or Golden Oak—Wal- nut and Mahogany. Twenty apes en ae annem | | os | am GL TL EAS Johnson’s Floor Varnish OR nearly half-a-century we have been manufacturing Johnson’s Floor Wax which is famous all over the civilized world for polishing floors and linoleum. Johnson’s Floor Varnish is of the same high quality as Johnson’s Floor Wax. It is unexcelled for soft and hardwood floors, linoleum and oil cloth. It gives a beautiful, high lustre—is very easy to apply and has good body. Dries Quickly Johnson’s Floor Varnish dries dust-free in 2 hours and hard over night. It has great elasticity, is very pale in color and abso- -lutely water-proof. Johnson’s Floor Var- nish will stand all reasonable tests. Will Not Mar or Blister Johnson’s Floor Varnish is tough and dur- able. It dries to a beautiful, high gloss which will not chip, check, mar, blister or scratch white. It is pale in color so can be used on the lightest floors and linoleum. May be rubbed if desired. Twenty-one Johnson’s Floor Varnish. .. .% Pts. 50c Johnson’s Floor Varnish is unexcelled for use on tables, chairs, furniture, woodwork and trim of all kinds—also for oil cloth and linoleum. Do not hesitate to use it wherever a beautiful, highly varnished finish is desired. It will rejuvenate the whole interior of your home. Varnished floors can be kept in good con- dition by cleaning them occasionally with Johnson’s Kleen Floor and then polishing them with Johnson’s Liquid Wax. (See pages 9 and 26.) Old Floors Before re-finishing old floors which are badly scratched and worn we suggest that they be gone over with an electric sander. This will remove the old finish and even up the boards. Then fill any cracks or bad joints with Johnson’s Crack Filler, allow- ing 24 hours to dry. Your floors are then ready to be finished the same as new floors. Read and follow the directions on page 6 for Finishing New Floors. Qts. $1.50 Gals. $5.00 Johnson’s Varnishes Johnson’s Under-Lac (Natural and Mahogany) OHNSON’S Under-Lac is a thin, trans- J parent, elastic product for use over Johnson’s Wood Dye before the finish is applied. We recommend it wherever shellac would ordinarily be used. ‘We manufacture Johnson’s Under-Lac in Natural and Mahogany. We recommend the use of Mahogany Under-Lac over the mahogany shades of Johnson’s Wood Dye as it prevents fading under strong sunlight. Apply Johnson’s Under-Lac with a soft bristle brush. It dries in less than an hour imparting a beautiful, glossy finish. Johnson’s Linoleum Varnish This is a thin, quick-drying, durable var- nish manufactured especially for printed and inlaid linoleum and oil cloth. It dries hard enough to walk on in 6 to 8 hours. Imparts a colorless, glossy surface. Subse- quent coats of Johnson’s Linoleum Varnish may be applied as desired —at will not “pile up.’ First scrub the floor well and let it dry. Then apply a light, even coat of John- son’s Linoleum Varnish with a brush or piece of cheese cloth. Never apply a heavy coat—a thin, even coat will give the best satisfaction. Johnson’s Linoleum Varnish is splendid to use as a floor dressing and for touching up worn spots on, varnished floors and stair treads. Can also be used as a first: coater on new work. Johnson’s Auto-Lak _ This is a glossy, elastic, quick-drying, -weather-proof varnish for automobile bodies, wheels, hoods and fenders. One coat will not only rejuvenate your car but will increase its resale value 15% to 40%. You, yourself, can successfully apply John- son’s Auto-Lak. It brushes on easily and quickly without a lap or a streak. With it you can revarnish you car one day and ‘drive it the next. A pint is enough to var- nish a roadster. Made in Black and Clear only. Johnson’s Black-Lac. With Johnson’s Black-Lac you can easily and quickly make your worn, gray, dusty top and side curtains look like new. It gives perfect satisfaction on any kind of a top. One coat imparts a rich, black, water- proof finish—just like new. Johnson’s Black-Lac is easy to apply—you can do a top yourself—in an hour. It dries in 15 minutes and will not rub off. Acts as a preservative and softens the leather. Always use a good, clean brush for apply- ing varnishes and wood finishes. Used brushes can easily be cleaned by washing them with turpentine and then with soap and water—after this is done rinse them out thoroughly and set to dry. Do not experiment with unknown brands— use Johnson’s Artistic Wood Finishes which have been tried and tested for half-a- century. If your dealer cannot supply you send your order direct to us. Twenty-Two OS See a se eee Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish Stain SE Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish Stain where you wish to refinish - furniture, woodwork and floors in color but do not care to go to the trouble or expense of removing the old finish. One coat of Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish Stain gives you your color and a beautiful hard, brilliant, durable finish. It saves time, money, labor and material. Will Not Turn White Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish Stain gives perfect satisfaction on floors, window sills, porch furniture, etc., for it will not turn white. It is not effected by am- monia, alcohol, hot water, or any toilet preparation. It is water-proof and weather- proof—a perfect indoor-outdoor product. Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish Stain is very easy to apply. It dries dust-free in two hours and hard over night. Dark or Golden Oak Walnut Twenty-three Comes in Natural and four beautiful shades as follows: Light Oak W alnut Dark or Golden Oak Mahogany One coat of Johnson’s Sani-Spar Var- nish Stain gives a very good finish, but where possible we recommend a coat of Natural Sani-Spar over the color-coat. If the surface is very old or disfigured or where a lighter shade is desired over a dark surface, apply Johnson’s Ground Color before using Sani-Spar Varnish Stain. For Old Floors First clean them thoroughly to remove grease and dirt—then sand and fill the cracks with Johnson’s Crack Filler. Al- low this 24 hours to dry, then apply a coat of Johnson’s Ground Color and over this one or two coats of Johnson’s Sani-Spar - Varnish Stain, shade desired. It will not scuff up and will stand the hard wear to. which floors are subjected. abt Mahogany Natural How to Refinish Old Furniture ELL finished furniture adds ma- terially to the beauty and attract- iveness of your home. You, your- self, can easily refinish old, scratched, dingy, shabby furniture. Attics are full of old pieces of furniture —out of style perhaps, but they can eas- ily be made attractive and useful. In many cases all they need is refinishing to conform with the present styles. You can do this yourself at practically no expense. Before refinishing, clean the surface well with gasoline or naphtha and sand paper lightly. This gives you a good foundation for the new finish. For Colored Effects Where the finish is in fairly good con- dition and you simply wish to change the color, apply a coat of Johnson’s Spirit Wood Dye directly over the old finish. If you wish a new finish over the Dye, give the furniture a coat of Johnson’s Flat Var- nish (see page 20) or a coat of Johnson’s Floor Varnish. (See page 21). In applying Johnson’s Wood Dye over the old finish you are limited to the Spirit Shades of Dye which are No. /28 Light Mahogany—No. 129 Dark Mahogany-- No. 110 Bog Oak—No. 172 Flemish Oak—and No. 160 Brown Oak. And care should be taken not to brush over the work. For a One Coat Stained-Varnished Finish Where you wish to change the color and also secure a new finish, all with one coat, we recommend the use of Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish Stain right over the old finish. Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish Stain comes in four beautiful shades—Mahog- any, Walnut, Light Oak and Dark Oak or Golden Oak. (See page 23). For Enameled Furniture Enameled furniture is very popular, par- ticularly for sun parlors, bed rooms and porches. Enameling furniture is a simple process. After cleaning the surface with gasoline or naphtha, sandpaper lightly and then apply one or two coats of Johnson’s Perfectone Undercoat, followed by one or two coats of Johnson’s Perfectone Enamel— either Gloss or Satine. Johnson’s Perfectone Undercoat and Enamel are made in White, Ivory and French Gray. The best interior decorators have approved our beautiful I vo- ry and Gray shades. (See pages 18 and 19). Refinishing from the Wood Up Where the old finish is badly scratched and you are willing to go to the trouble of entirely removing this old finish, proceed as follows: First take off all the old finish with Johnson’s Electric Solvo (see page 26), and wash up the work with gasoline to remove all trace of the Varnish Remover. The wood is then ready to be refinished as new in Natural, Stained or Enameled effects. Follow the instructions given on page 4 for Finishing New Woodwork. These instructions apply also to Finishing New Furniture. ie Antique Furniture can. be beautifully refinished right in your own home with our products. Any one wishing specific instructions for special work is invited to write our Service De- partment. Twenty-four | Mee |: PERMACOTE) | WHITE as a flat white washable finish for walls and ceilings. Gives perfect results on plaster, metal, wood, burlap and wall board. Johnson’s Permacote works freely under the brush and will not lap or show brush marks, neither will it chalk nor peel, if applied over the proper surface. It will really stand washing. Jase tae wi Permacote is unsurpassed Johnson’s Permacote is made in White only. Any painter can tint it to suit the taste of his various clients. We do not make Permacote Wall Finish in colors because stock shades are odious to so many people—they prefer their walls tinted to harmonize with their decorations and to express their own individuality. We will tint to shade for large jobs. Twenty-five be semsensenll Johnson’s Permacote ee” A Flat White Washable Wall Finish Use Johnson’s Permacote in preference to calcimine—the labor of applying is practically the same and Permacote will outwear several coats of water tints. Dirt and finger prints can easily be washed from Permacote with soap and water, whereas calcimine will not stand washing. Johnson’s Permacote will stipple perfectly, producing a beautiful rough cast or sand finish. — The descriptions in this book of some operations are necessarily brief. Write our Service Department if you wish more de- tailed information on any subject relating to Interior Wood Finishing. If your dealer cannot supply you with Johnson’s Artistic Wood Finishes, send your order direct to us. (ROR ER eR RE et EA Oo EON Se A RC ART EN Cae Pillay rons ar 7 oe re en Johnson’s Kleen Floor (Liquid ) SE Johnson’s Kleen Floor for keep- ing your finished floors in perfect condition—it makes no difference how they are finished, whether with Wax, Varnish, Shellac or Oil. Johnson’s Kleen Floor will remove grease, dirt and other foreign substances and prepare the old fin- ish for the new coating —Wax or Varnish. One of the greatest advantages of John- son’s Kleen Floor is the fact that it works quickly. The furniture can be moved out of a room—the floors cleaned with Kleen Floor and polished with Johnson’s Paste or Liquid Wax—the rugs re-laid—and the furniture replaced—all in an hour or two. Where wood is badly soiled use a stiff bristle scrubbing brush in connection with the Kleen Floor. Never use steel wool with Kleen Floor. Johnson’s Cleaner (Paste) Johnson’s Cleaner is unexcelled for clean- ing badly soiled furniture, woodwork, floors, bath-tubs, sinks, and in fact all wood, metal and enameled surfaces. It re- _ moves spots and stains that other clean- ers won't touch. Johnson’s Cleaner is splendid for clean- ing enameled walls and woodwork. It cuts the grease and dirt without injury to the finish. Contains no acid—it cannot injure or scratch the finish. We recommend Johnson’s Cleaner for the body, hood and fenders of automobiles. .” JOHNSON'S, | FOR CLEANING WAXED FLOORS #7 Johnson’s Electric Solvo Johnson’s Electric Solvo is a 100% paint and varnish remover. It works quickly and without injury. It softens old paint, var- nish, shellac, etc., so it can be easily re- moved and the wood refinished. Johnson’s Electric Solvo is perfect for ex- terior and interior work. It will not raise the grain of wood or change its color—is very easy to use—and has no cbjectionable odor. After old finish has been removed with Johnson’s Electric Solvo wash the wood with gasoline to remove all trace of the Varnish Remover. The wood is then ready to be refinished as new in accordance with the instructions on pages 4 and 6. Johnson’s Crack Filler Use Johnson’s Crack Filler for filling cracks and crevices in floors and woodwork. It hardens in 24 hours so the work may be finished—it takes Johnson’s Wood Dye the same as wood. Before filling cracks be sure to remove all foreign matter from the cracks and see that the boards are nailed down tightly. jJohnson’s Crack Filler will not shrink, neither will it “ball up”. Before using Johnson’s Crack Filler on very dry or porous wood give the cracks a light coat of linseed oil; otherwise the dry wood will absorb a part of the oil in the Crack Filler before it has a chance to hard- en, with the result that the filler crumbles. — Twenty-six. ee ee ee eS en ee OE me ee Le ee ee Se ee ee hn Johnson’s Liquid Wax Mop and Floor Polishing Brushes HE new, easy, liquid way to wax floors and linoleum is with Johnson’s Liquid Wax applied with a Johnson Wax Mop and polished with a Johnson Weighted Brush. This new Johnson method takes only a few minutes and requires no stooping. The Johnson Wax Mop This mop is designed for the easy applica- tion of Johnson’s Liquid Wax. It has a lambs-wool swab which spreads the Wax evenly and does not soak it up. The lambs- wool swab is removable and can easily be washed. Johnson’s Household Weighted Brush This brush is a welcome back saver—as easy to operate as a carpet sweeper. It is properly weighted so a few strokes of the brush will bring the Wax to a beautiful polish. This Johnson Weighted Brush will last for years and save many times its cost. Twenty-seven Johnson’s Weighted Brushes for Painters Johnson’s 15 Ib. and 25 Ib. Weighted Brushes are scientifically balanced to give the best results with the least work. The polishing surfaces are 614” x 9’"—made of the finest bristles, firmly embedded in thoroughly cured wood blocks. They have a heavy felt band all around to protect the baseboards. We manufacture a very efficient sanding attachment which fits both our 15 lb. and 25 lb. Floor Polishing Brushes. It takes regulation size sand paper and is a very convenient tool for sanding both new and old floors. It holds the sand paper firmly in place and gives perfect results. For polishing a large expanse of flooring in hospitals, institutions, office buildings, hotels, etc., we recommend the use of an Electric Johnson’s Wax Polisher and Sweeper. Write us for particulars. Covering Capacities Johnson’s Paste Polishing Wax— | pound polishes 300 sq. ft. Johnson’s Liquid Polishing Wax— 1 gallon polishes 3,000 sq. ft. Johnson’s Powdered Wax—A large size can is sufficient for 10,000 sq. ft. Johnson’s Wood Dye— 1 gallon covers 700 sq. ft. on hard wood and 400 sq. ft. on soft wood Johnson’s Perfectone Undercoat— 1 gallon covers from 500 to 700 sq. ft. one coat Johnson’s Perfectone Enamel— 1 gallon covers from 500 to 650 sq. ft. one coat Johnson’s Glo-Coat Se os I gallon covers from 450 to 600 sq. ft. one coat . Johnson’s Under-Lac— (Natural and Mahogany) 1 gallon covers 500 sq. ft. Johnson’s Floor Varnish— 1 gallon covers 550 to 650 sq. ft. Johnson’s Linoleum Varnish— 1 gallon covers 550 to 650 sq. ft. Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish— | gallon covers 550 to 650 sq. ft. Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish Stain— | gallon covers 550 to 650 sq. ft. Johnson’s Flat Varnish— 1 gallon covers 550 to 650 sq. ft. Johnson’s Kleen Floor— A half-gallon cleans 350 sq. ft. Johnson’s Electric Solvo— _ | gallon ordinarily softens 300 sq. ft. _ old finish Johnson’s Crack Filler— | pound ordinarily covers 30 sq. ft. Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler— | pound fills 40 $4. ft. Johnson’s Permacote— 1 gallon covers from 500 to 700 sq. ft. Johnson’s Black-Lac— 1 gallon covers 350 to 500 sq. ft. Johnson’s Auto-Lac— 1 gallon covers 500 to 600 sq. ft. Index Johnson’s Service Are you Building or Remodeling? How to Finish New Woodwork Johnson’s Polishing Wax— (Paste—Liquid—Powdered) Johnson’s Polishing Wax— Makes Beautiful Floors How to Prolong the Life of Linoleum... . Johnson’s Liquid Polishing Wax— The Ideal Furniture Polish Johnson’s Powdered Wax— For Ball Room Floors Johnson’s Wood Dye— (Oil and Spirit) Johnson’s Paste Wood Filler Johnson’s Perfectone Undercoat Johnson’s Perfectone Enamel COPYRIGHT, 1925, BY S.C. JOHNSON & SON Johnson’s Glo-Coat Enamel Johnson’s Flat Varnish Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish Johnson’s Floor Varnish Johnson’s Under-Lac Johnson’s Linoleum Varnish Johnson’s Auto-Lak Johnson’s Black-Lac—Top Dressing... . Johnson’s Sani-Spar Varnish Stain How to Refinish Old Furniture Johnson’s Permacote— Flat Washable Wall Finish Johnson’s Kleen Floor—(Liquid) Johnson’s Cleaner—(Paste) Johnson’s Electric Solvo Varnish Remover Johnson’s Crack Filler Johnson’s Wax Mop Johnson’s Floor Polishing Brushes Trventy-eight Johnson’s Artistic Wood Finishes PRICE LIST _ PREPARED WAX PASTE For Floors, Linoleum and Woodwork Utili Size Gh 0%.) 4 Ib. 1lb. 2 Ib. $1.70 List Price... . 25c 50c 85c 85c ee Ib. 4 lb. $3.00 8 lb. $6.00 (a0 ik ibs. gues aa. 00 List Price... .75c 75c 60c Per lb. Per lb. Per lb. PREPARED WAX LIQUID For Se ee Linoleum, Automobiles, Etc. ae Gal. Gals. } Gals. List Price: "$350 fee =) si. 4 $ i $ bi No. in Case oe ae For Dancing Floors Club Ball Room Large Medium Small Meg Size Size Size Size bs. 5lbs. 1402s. 7ozs. 4 zs. List Price. $15. 00 $4.00 $ .85 $ .50 .35 WEIGHTED POLISHING BRUSHES Household (414 x 8%) Weight 10 Ibs.... . . .$3.50 JOHNSON WAX MOPS (Lambs-wool) For Applying Johnson’s Liquid Wax List Price, Household Size (8”) ........... $1.50 List Price, Hospital Size (10”)............ 1.75 JOHNSON’S WOOD DYE (Penetrating ) Oil Stain Gals. } Gals. Qts. Pts. } Pts. 120 Fumed Oak... } 123 Dark Oak .... 124 Golden Oak ... 125 Mission Oak... } $4.00 2.20 1.20 .70 .45 126 Light Oak. .... 130 Weathered Oak WE GAY. S25 cc 140 Early English . 127 Brown Mahog. . 329 Red Mahogany Spirit Stain 160 Brown Oak ..... $4.00 2.20 1.20 .70 .45 110 Bog Oak ..... 128 Light Mahogany 129 Dark Mahogany 172 Flemish Oak .. Sani-Spar Varnish Stain Mahogany........ $5.00 2.75 1.50 .85 .50 $5.00 2.75 1.50 .85 .50 $5.50 2.90 1.50 .90 .50 Ground Color........ $4.75 2.50 1.40 .80 .50 No. in Case 6 12 24 48 48 wLARUSOICE actions vcore $2.20 1.25, JOHNSON’S ENAMEL Perfectone Enamel-Satine Gals. 4 Gals. Qts. Pts. 4 Pts. $8.50 4.50 2.45 1.30 .75 \yary Wa eciie cen Perfectone Enamel-Gloss_ . White .............$8.50 4.50 2.45 1.30 .75 Glo-Coat Enamel-Gloss Sf ae ee EE ANOEY 554-08 cy ened $6.00 3.20 1.70 1.00 .60 French Gray...... No. in Case 6 12 24 48 48 PERFECTONE UNDER-COAT White ts2-433,. 8 ivory $<2..5%. of $5.00 2.75 1.50 .80 .50 French Gray. ee ae No. in Case , 6 12 24 48 48 PERMACOTE Flat Wall Finish— White only 5 Gal. Pails Gals. } Gals. Qts. Pts. } Pts. $16.25 3.50 1.90 1.00 .60 .35 No. in Case 6 12 24 48 48 JOHNSON’S VARNISHES Gals. 4 Gals. Qts. Pts. } Pts. ponies sone $5.00 2.75 1.50 .85 .50 ote sie $3.75 2.00 1.10 .65 40 Linoleum Varnish... .. $3.50 1.90 1.00 .60 .35 No. in Case 6 12 24 48 48 KLEEN FLOOR 75 40 .25 PASTE WOOD FILLER 25lbs. 10lbs. 5lbs. 2Ibs. 1Ib. All Shades... .$6.00 2.50 1.50 70 35 CRACK FILLER 5 Ibs. 2 Ibs. J lb. List- Price. <0 ea $1.50 70 35 ELECTRIC SOLVO Paint and Varnish Remover Gals. 3 Gals. Qts. Pts. 4-Pts. List Price. .. . $3.00 $65 9-27.95 55 5 No. in Case 6 12 24 48 48 NOTE—These prices are subject to change without notice. See Regular Price List for Articles not listed here. Order in Large Sizes and Cases and Take Advantage of the Best Prices and Discounts is 8 r* ys Ie, dF BIS epee ae eT ae ete 4s SE: RE PS WD ae ma