Pat. — “i cmetican Printings a A shoice Examples by the Best American Artists. Bs, of Monday Evening, May 17th, 1875. The Messrs. LEAVITT, Auctioneers. LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 Fifth Ave. “Ace. New York “ PRIVATE COLLECTION or SINE PAINTINGS. CHoIcE WORKS BY THE BEST AMERICAN ARTISTS. Many of the Works are Fresh from the Easel. A FINE DISPLAY OF AMERICAN WORKS. NOW ON EXHIBITION, FREE, LEAVITT ART GALLERY, 817 BROADWAY. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION: Monday Evening, May 17th, 1875, Commencing at Hight o’clock precisely, AT THE GALLERY, 817 BROADWAY. The Messrs. LEAVITT. Auctioneers. . * - fa DA LOGUE: Price of Frames. J. LYMAN, Jr. Oe y Sunset. $18 G. H. McCORD. psf 2 Old Mill at Egre- mont, Mass. 10 WM. MORGAN. »<-¥ 3 FeedingtheChickens. 9 ___ CHAS. H. GIFFORD. B2/z-4 Marine. 18 WALTER BLACKMAN. ¥Z//,, 5 Ferns. 9 EDWARD MORAN. 40— 6 Marine. 4 Price of Frames. J. C. WIGGINS 33= 7 AtOld Hadley, Mass. os J. H. DOLPH. | 7, 3 Q ra Humbug.””/ 15 GEO. W. MAYNARD. 2 326 9 Long Island Beachyy A. T. BRICHER. 1) Bass RocksssG@ge Ann. ae GEO. C. LAMBDIN. 30— 11 Azalas—A pair of panels. Frames each, 10 ~, K.VAN ELTEN. X12 Landscape—Catskills. 15 W. L. SONNTAG. 13 Landscape -- --- Echo Lake 23 PHLE OF Frames. EDWARD GAY. 2> 14 Lake George. J. A. HEKKING. Mets summer and Au- fe turn — A pair. mach, (29% J. R. BREVOORT. 5 16 Marine — Coast of — ~ Mass. RL. PINE, 77— 17 Sunset and I rees— A pair. Each, L. WOODWARD. 18 In the CS iC, THOM. +19 Parting at the ase C. OGILVIE. 20 Swiss Landscape. $13 22 IO je “20 13 Price of Frames. W. WHITTREDGE. _ 2t Highlands of the ee Hudson. R. W. HUBBARD. 22 Connecticut River Valley. A. E. HARDY. 23 Spring and Autumn ——A pair of panels. ~ ach GEO. INNESS. 24 Landscape. G. H. McCORD. 25 Near Stockbridge. W. H. WILLCOX. | 26 Junietta River. $22 18 IO 18 IO 15 CN ee ee ee Price of Frames. A. H. WYANT. 27 Autumn in the Adi- rondacks. io MRS. JULIA BEERS. Ee 7/, 28 Woodland. GEO. H. STORY. (jo. 29 Sea-side Keveries. J. A. HIEKKING. 30 Farmington Valley. J. B. BRISTOL. i October Glow, Great 72 Barrington, Vt. WADSWORTH THOMPSON. 32 We won't go. home til morning. J. H. DOLPH. 33 Nothing Ventured, - Nothing Gained. $30 24 27 32 18 30 15 Price of Frames. MORSTON REAM. ie 340, Grapes: $25 WILLIAM DE HAAS. 35. Off Cape Naddoes 76 _ J.G. BROWN. 36 In the Glow. a oP oORY DER: 37 Paring Apples. i GEO. H. STORY. 38 Picking Roses. 28 WINSLOW HOMER. 39 Waiting for a Bite. 20 JERVIS McENTEE. ao. Cardinal's Goeaehe = Near Rome. rg . a ee eS ee a ee Priceof Frames. ane HUR PARTON. 41 Castle Inverlochy, on zo the River Ell, Scot- land. $45 JAMES FAIRMAN. 42 The Hudson at Sau- ae gerties. 7 5 WM. T. RICHARDS. 442~ 43 Off Newport. 45 | M. J. HEADE. | 44 Springtime. 18 - WILLIAM HART. Ad Landscape. aS A superior example of the Artist’s work. A. T. BRICHER. - 46 Rye Beach, N. H. 25 Price of Frames. G. H. McCORD. 47 Scattering Mists on the Au Sable. JOHN WILLIAMSON. 48 Overland Route to California. J. F. CROPSEY. {7 é | George. EDWARD MORAN. 50 Marine—On the Bay at the Narrows. boa MORSTON REAM. 51 [emptation. WM. T. RICHARDS. 52 High Tide at Atlan- tic City. 49 View on Lake $55, 12 RY: 40 55% 32 Price of Frames, GEO. C. LAMBDIN. ~ > ~e2 Flowers. $22 WM. MORGAN. ~ >-c4 Maud Muller. ion P. P. RYDER. “55 Sunday Afternoon. WALTER BLACKMAN. 2 56 Hunter of rst Empire at Fountainbleau. 16 M. F. H. DE HAAS. 57 Moonlight — Near White Island. —s_.._ 25 _ CASILEAR. B/S” Bee Niagara Falls. 26 W. H. WILLCOX. 59 October. | 38 J. C. WIGGINS. © © 60 Winter Twilight. 45 — Price of Frames. F. A. SILVA. 61 Marine. $35 WM. MORGAN. 62 Watching and Sleep- ing. 20 J. H. DOLPH. 63 Poultry. 18 MORSTON REAM. 64 Tempting Desert. 5 EDWARD MORAN. 65 Marine — Misty Morning. 35 A. F. BELLOWS. 66 English Scenery — County of Kent. 60 M. F. H. DE HAAS. : 67 Marine. 3 Price of mE uARDY 68 Roses. F. A. SILVA. , 69 A Spanking Breeze. J. F. KENSETT. 70 N. Conway, N. H. JAMES M. HART. 71 Landscape——L. I. F. S. CHURCH. g2 Game of Leap- frog. J. H. BEARD, New York. 73 Lhe Uninvited Guest. W. H. WILLCOX. 74 Marine. C. J. TAYLOR. 75 Anticipation. Frames. $21 23 25 40 25 18 ~~ Sr eee se ae i ae Frames. EDWARD GAY. 76 The By-path. $20 GEO. C. LAMBDIN. | | 77 Roses. 25a pot. TIFFANY: 78 ‘[he-Scribe. 5 JOHN WILLIAMSON. 79 Autumn — Lake George. 2 S. A. KILBOURNE. : 80 Trout. tae Gclei2 GHZ 15823