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No. 1263—1917
Rare Books
from the Library
To be sold
Monday and Tuesday
January 8 and 9, 1917
ce Ss a de: a" Le art =
No. 1263
First Editions of American and English Authors, Works on
Canals and Railroads, Early Imprints, Books about
Books, Standard Works, and Scarce
Early Travels and Books on the @élonial Period, the War of
the Revolution, and the American Indians
JANUARY 8 AND 9, 1917
AT 2:30 o’cLOCK
On Public Exhibition from Saturday, December 23d, 1916
1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue.
2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the
lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the
good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final.
3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash
payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots
purchased to be immediately resold.
4. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so
removed they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to
storage charges, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be
responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed.
5. Terms Cash. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each
sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this
Company reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate
sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale
will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice
to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect
the amount due without such resale at its own option. Unsettled ac-
counts are subject to interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum.
6. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good
second-hand condition. If material defects are found, not men-
tioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such
defects must be given promptly and the goods returned
within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions
will be made to this rule. Magazines and other periodicals, and all
miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold as they are without
7. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold
as they are without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authen-
ticate and correctly describe items of this character, but this Company
will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind.
8. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our custom-
ers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted
by other bids.
On Public Exhibition from Saturday, December 23d., 1916.
Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for $1.00
Telephone, Murray Hill 7680. Catalogues on request.
Sales Conducted by Mr. Frederick A. Chapman.
| a on ee a ee and te eG ‘Geen bee
Monday Afternoon, January 8, 1917, at 2:30 o'clock
LOTS 1-343
1, ABBOT (WILLIS J.). Panama and the Canal. -In
Picture and Prose. Over 600 tllustrations, some in color.
Square royal 8vo, cloth. Lond, and'N. Y. 1913
2. ABBOTT (KATHERINE M.). Old Paths and Legends
of New England. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, three-quar-
ter brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1904
From Alfred Henry Lewis collection with bookplate and
- signature.
3. ADE (GEORGE). Fables in Slang, Chicago, 1900;
Artie: A Story of the Streets and Town, illustrated by J. T.
McCutcheon, Chicago, 1896. 2 vols. 16mo, cloth, uncut.
Each volume is inscribed by the author for W. W. Denslow,
the latter volume containing also the autograph signatures of
McCutcheon and Denslow.
4. ADE (GEORGE). Fables in Slang. Illustrated.
16mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1900
One of a limited edition, with the autograph of the author.
5. ADDISON (A. C.). The Romantic Story of the May-
flower Pilgrims and its Place in the Life of To-Day. Nwmer-
ous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Bost. 1911
6. ALASKA. Davidson (George). U. 8. Coast Survey.
Pacific Coast. Coast Pilot of Alaska (First Part), from
Southern Boundary to Cook’s Inlet. Folding and full-page
lithographic views. Royal 8vo, cloth (edges slightly rubbed).
Wash. 1869
7. ALASKA. The Official Guide to the Klondyke Country
and the Gold Fields of Alaska. Maps and illustrations.
12mo, wrappers. Chicago, 1897
8. ALDRICH (THOMAS BAILEY). Friar Jerome’s
Beautiful Book, Bost. 1896; The Sister’s Tragedy, Bost. 1891;
Wyndham Towers, Bost. 1890. First EpItIons.. 3 vols. 12mo,
cloth and leather.
9. ALLEN (JAMES LANE). The Blue-Grass Region of
Kentucky, and other Kentucky articles. Illustrated. First
Epirion. 8vo, cloth. NieyY, 1602
10. ALLEN (PAUL). History of the American Revolu-
tion; comprehending all the Principal Events both in the
Field and in the Cabinet. With the Most Important Resolu-
tions of the Continental Congress, and many of the Impor-
tant Letters of General Washington. 2 vols. 8vo, old ealf,
leather labels. Baltimore, 1819
First EDITION: Scarce. Although Allen’s name appears on
title, this history is largely the work of John Neal and Mr.
11. AMERICAN Congress (The). By Joseph W. Moore,
1895; Constitution of United States (J. Randolph Tucker), 2
vols., 1899. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Chicago & N. Y. 1895-99
12. AMERICAN MUSIC. The Death of Minnehaha, from
Longfellow’s Hiawatha, colored lithographic title, Bost., ca
1850; Little Eva, Poetry by Whittier, music by Emilio, -
gnette on cover. 2 pieces, 4to, sheets.
13. AMERICAN Railway Guide, and Pocket Companion
for the United States and Canada. Edited by R. S. Fisher.
Folding map. 16mo, wrappers. N. Y. 1856
14. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. A Plan of the Attack
of Fort Sulivan, the Key of Charlestown in South Carolina on
the 28th of June, 1776, by His Majesty’s Squadron Com-
manded by Sir Peter Parker. By an Officer on the Spot.
Size 1974x1514 inches. Mounted on linen (somewhat de-
fective in central portion of map and description).
Phila.: Printed for Daniel Humphreys by Styner and Cist.
THE GREATEST RARITY. The map is tinted, and the locations of
the various men-of-war engaged in the attack are given, with
the names of the ships; with the distribution of the troops on
the mainland and surrounding islands. Beneath the map is a
description of the attack as reported in a letter from Sir Peter
Parker to Mr. Stephens, the Secretary of the Admiralty.
This map is not in the extensive collection of maps in the
Library of Congress listed by Phillips (the London issue only
listed), nor is it mentioned by Evans or Hildeburn. Both
Daniel Humphreys and Styner and Cist were printers in Phila-
delphia at this time.
The map is undoubtedly a separate issue and not taken from
a book, as the price ‘‘One Dollar’’ follows the line of imprint.
15, AMERICAN REVOLUTION. A French Volunteer of
the War of Independence (The Chevalier de Pontgibaud).
Translated and edited by Robert B. Douglas. With an en-
graved portravt. 8vo, half maroon morocco, gilt top, uncut.
Paris: Charles Carrington, 1897
One of 20 copies on Japan paper.
16. AMERICAN TRACTS. The Baptist’s Tract and
Youth’s Magazine. Vols. 1 to 38. [42 numbers.|] Hach num-
ber with woodcut vignette, an early American steamboat, the
Loss of the Kent, &c. 3 vols. 16mo, half calf.
Phila. [1827-30]
Searce. Not in Sabin. Contains a list of Baptist ministers
in United States in 1830, &. The first volume has no general
17. ANACREON. With Thomas Stanley’s translation.
Edited by A. H. Bullen. Jllustrated by J. R. Weguelon, with
the charming series of spirited plates. 4to, cloth, uncut.
Lond.: Lawrence and Bullen, 1893
With the bookplate of the Authors Club Library.
18. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). Fragments of
American History. Illustrated solely by the Works of those
of our own engravers who flourished in the XVIIIth Century.
Colored frontispiece and wllustrations. 12mo, original half
ealf, gilt top, uncut.
N. Y.: Privately printed for W. L. Andrews, 1898
One of 80 copies on Hand-made paper.
19. ANGLING. The Speckled Brook Trout. By Various
Experts with Rod and Reel. Introduction by Charles Hal-
lock. Colored, photogravure and other illustrations, by Lous
Rhead. Royal 8vo, full vellum, gilt top, uncut.
N. Y.: R. H. Russell, [1902]
Only 350 copies printed on Van Gelder paper.
20. ANNUALS. ‘The Amulet, for 1829, 1831, 1832 and
1834; The Bijou, for 1828; The Winter’s Wreath, for 1828.
Engraved plates. 6 vols. 16mo and 12mo, watered silk (one in
full morocco), some titles wanting. Lond.,.v. d.
Contain: Contributions by Tennyson, Lamb, Coleridge, J. J.
Audubon, Article on the Canadian Indians, ete., ete.
translation from the Arabic, with copious notes. By Edward
William Lane. Illustrated by many hundred engravings on
wood from original designs by William Harvey. 3 vols. 8vo,
full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, leather labels.
Best Lane Edition. Lond. 1859
22. ARNOLD (WILLIAM HARRIS). First Report of a
Book-Collector: Comprising a Brief Answer to the frequent
question ‘‘Why First Editions?’’ Portrait, illustration and
facsimiles. 12mo, boards, uncut. NY B98
23. ATLANTIC SOUVENIR, Phila. 1829; The Opal for
1847, N. Y. 1847; Friendship’s Offering for 1830, Lond. 1830;
and other gift books. Numerous finely engraved plates. 7 ~
vols. 8vo to 16mo, cloth, various places and dates.
24. AUTOGRAPHS. Fourth Annual Dinner of the Periodi-
cal Publishers Assn. of America. Menu, portraits and illus-
trations. 18mo, full limp morocco, gilt top, uncut.
Albany [1907]
With caricatures autographed by J. G. Cannon, Charles E.
Hughes, Walter H. Page, Robert E. Peary and Hamilton W.
Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Edited by B. Mon-
tagu, Lond. 1840; The Essays or Counsels Civil and Moral,
and Wisdom of the Ancients, Lond. 1845; Novum Organum,
Lond. 1844. 3 vols. 12mo, full brown morocco, back in com-
partments, gilt tops, uncut, by Morrell.
Lond.: Pickering, 1840-45
26. BACON (FRANCIS). Essays and Colours of Good
and Evil, with Notes and Glossarial Index, by W. Aldis
Wright. Vignette on title. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1891
LARGE PAPER COPY, one of 250 copies.
27. BAKEWELL (R). Travels, Comprising Observations
made during a Residence in the Tarentaise, and various parts
of the Grecian and Pennine Alps, and in Switzerland and
Auvergne, in the years 1820, 1821 and 1822. Illustrated with
colored engravings and woodcuts. 2 vols. half calf (rubbed).
Lond. 1823
28. BANCROFT (AARON). An Essay on the Life of
George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American
Army, through the Revolutionary War; and the First Presi-
dent of the United States. Fine portrait engraved i stipple
by Edwin. 8vo, contemporary tree calf (small marginal re-
pairs). ‘Woreester, 1807
Fine copy of the Rare First EpiTion. Reprinted later as
‘¢The Life of Washington.’’
29. BANGS (JOHN KENDRICK). The Battle of College
Point. A humorous Poem of 23 stanzas describing a game of
Base ball at a ‘‘Harper’’ outing. Square 18mo, sewn (back
wrapper wanting). 1p. L807
Accompanying the item is a 2 pp. A. L. 8. from the author
to Mr. Elbert Hubbard. On the reverse of title the author has
inscribed his signature.
30.. BARING-GOULD (S.). Curious Myths of the Middle
Ages. Frontispiece. 12mo, half calf, gilt back, gilt top, by
Howell. Lond. 1877
31. [BARLOW (JOEL).] A New Translation of Volney’s
Ruins; or Meditations on the Revolution of Empires. Sepia
medallion portrat by Chretien and 3 engraved plates. 2 vols.
in one, small 8vo, old calf, gilt, gilt edges. Paris, 1802
First Epirion of this anonymous translation by Barlow.
32. BARRAS. Memoirs of Barras, member of the Direc-
torate. Edited by George Duruy. With 7 portraits in photo-
gravure, 2 facsimiles and 2 plans. 4 vols. 8vo, original cloth,
uncut. N.Y. 1896-6
33. BARRETT (JOSEPH H.). Life of Abraham Iin-
coln.... with his Messages, Proclamations, Letters, etc., and
a Concise History of the War. ‘Portramt. First Epirion.
12mo, cloth. Cinn. 1864
34. BEATTIE (JAMES). Poems on several occasions.
With 4 plates after F. Burney engraved by A. Lawson. 16mo,
old calf. Phila. : Dobson, 1787
35. BEEK (J.). The Triumph-Royal; containing a short
account of the most remarkable Battels, Sieges, Seafights,
Treaties, and Famous Atchievements of the Princes of the
House of Nassau, ete. Described in the Triumphal Arches,
Piramids, Pictures, ete., errected at the Hague in Honour of
William III King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland.
With 60 curious copper-plates finely engraved (plate 5 lack-
ing). Small 8vo, half polished calf, gilt top. Lond. 1692
First Epition. Rare.
36. [BENEZET (ANTHONY).] Some Observations on
the Situation, Disposition, and Character of the Indian Tribes
of this Continent. 16mo, half green morocco (slight repair
to margin of title and a few margins stained).
Phila.: Printed and sold by Joseph Cruikshank, 1783
37. BENSON (E. F.). The Climber. Frontispiece.
12mo, cloth. Ne Yi 1809
With a 1p. A. N.S. of the author, with envelope, inserted.
cal Tale. First Epition. 12mo, original boards, uneut (some-
what foxed and stained). Phila. 1830
39. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. Travels of John Davis in
the United States of America, 1798-1802. Edited by John
Vance Cheney. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, vellum backs, uncut.
One of 487 copies. Bost. : Privately printed, 1910
40. BIGELOW (JOHN). The Life of; Samuel J. Tilden.
Portraits and dlustrations. First Epirton. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth,
gilt tops, uncut. Nv Ye 1895
41. BINDING. Guilielmus Tyrius. Historia belli saeri.
In qua Hierosolyma et tota fere Syria per principes christi-
anos occidentis, anno Christi 1099 recuperata, et regnum
hierosolymitanum ad Balduinum IV, cum proefatione Henrici
Pantaleone. Vignette on title. Folio, full old red French
morocco, sides richly gilt with dentelle borders, back gilt-
tooled in compartments. With the arms of Count Henri
Calenbere on centre of each cover, marbled edges, gilt (covers
somewhat worn). Basilea: Brylenger, 1564
From the library of Count Henri Calenberg, Chamberlain to
the Emperor Louis XV, general Maitre de Camp, ete., died in
1772. Calenberg was widely known for his famous library and
bindings, which were sold at Brussels in 1773.
42. BOLTON (HERBERT EUGENE). Texas in the Mid-
dle Eighteenth Century. Studies in Spanish Colonial His-
tory and Administration. Illustrated with many maps from
contemporary sources. Royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut.
Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Press, 1915
University of California Publication.
43. BOMBASTES FURIOSO (Rhodes). Illustrated by
Cruikshank, Lond. 1873; The Centennial Birthday of Robert
Burns, as celebrated by the Burns Club of N. Y., Jan. 28,
1859, N. Nye eOOU. Christabel (Coleridge), N. Y. 1905: The
Centenary Garland of the Novels of Sir Walter Seott, Edinb.
1871; The Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan), N. Y. 1859, colored
illustrations. 5 vols. 8vo to 4to, cloth.
44. BOOK CLUBS. Growoll (A.). American Book Clubs.
Their Beginnings and History, and a Bibliography of their
Publications. 8vo, cloth, calf back, uneut (rubbed).
N. Y.: Dodd, Mead, 1897
One of 30 numbered copies printed on Japan paper.
45. BOOK OF THE POETS (Tue). IJllustrated with 40
elegant engravings on steel, from designs by Corbould, ete.
With an Essay on English Poetry. 8vo, full stamped morocco
(rubbed), gilt edges. Lond.: Darton‘and:Co., n. d.
46. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Excursions in Libraria
(Powell), Lond. 1895; A Look Round Literature (Buchanan),
Lond. 1887; The Earlier History of English Bookselling
(Roberts), Lond. 1889; Famous Books (Adams), Lond. 1875;
Books in the House (Pollard), Indianapolis, 1904. 5 vols.
12mo and 8vo, cloth.
47. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. The Pleasures of Literature
and the Solace of Books (Shaylor), N. Y., n. d.; The Cam-
bridge Press, 1638-1693 (Roden), N. Y. 1905; Ballads of a
Book Worm (Browne), East Aurora, 1899. 3 vols. 12mo and
Svo, cloth and boards.
48. BOOK-HUNTER (THE). By John Hill Burton,
frontispiece, Edinb. 1885; The Diversions of a Book-Lover, by
Adrian H. Joline, First Epirion, N. Y. 19038. 2 vols. 12mo
and 8vo, half morocco.
49. BOOKPLATES. A descriptive Checklist of the Etched,
and Engraved Bookplates by J. Winfred Spenceley. Por-
trait and reproductions. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut.
One of 250 copies. Bost. 1905
010. BOOKPLATES. Theatrical Bookplates, by A. Win-
throp Pope, Kansas City, 1914; Some Children’s Bookplates
(Stone), Limited edition, Gouverneur, 1901; Bookplates by
W. J. Hardy, Lond. 1893; Lincolniana Bookplates and Col-
lections, Kansas City, 1918; Gothic Bookplates, Larce PApEr,
Kansas City, 1912, illustrated. 5 vols., various sizes and bind-
51. BOOKPLATES. 58 American and Foreign Book-
plates, including Oliver Wendell Holmes, William Read;
Authors Club Library; Charles Pond Kimball (several varia-
tions), and others. A number are proof impressions. All
tipped on blue-gray mounts, with one process plate, mounted,
and two original drawings, in color of Armorial plates. (61)
52. BOSTON. Bowen’s Picture of Boston, or the Citizen’s
and Stranger’s Guide to the Metropolis of Massachusetts, and
its Environs. Numerous engraved views and 2 folding maps.
12mo, original leather (rubbed). Bost. 1838
-53. BOSTON. A -Panoramie View from Bunker Hill
Monument. Large folding plate, engraved by James Smillie,
from a drawing by R. P. Mallory, and engraved frontispiece.
With letterpress description. 4to, original boards, cloth
back. | Bost. 1848
Searce. Fine copy.
54. BOSTON. Dearborn’s Reminiscences of Boston and
Guide through the City and Environs. Maps and plates.
12mo, original cloth (slightly staimed). Bost. [1851]
5). BOSTON. Guide to Boston and Vicinity. Folding
map and 10 engraved plates. 12mo, original cloth (slightly
rubbed ). Bost. 1867
56. BOURNE (A. V.). Poematia, Latine partim reddita,
Partim scripta. 12mo, half moroco. Lond. 1734
A crisp copy of the very scarce First Epirion. Of this poet
Cowper wrote: ‘‘I love the memory of Vincy Bourne. I think
him a better poet than Tibullus, Propertius, Ausonws, or any
of the writers in his way, except Ovid, and not at all inferior
to him.’’
57. BRADFORD CLUB. Memorial of John Allan. Hn-
graved portrait. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut.
N. Y.: For the Bradford -Club, 1864
Only 250 copies printed. EXxTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the inser-
tion of 25 autograph letters, 33 portraits, mainly carte-de-
visite photographs, including some private plates and views, and
2 plans of Mr. Allan’s house.
The autographs include: an A. L. 8. of John Allan, April 9,
1859, to Mr. Moreau, regarding his portrait; D. 8S. by Samuel
Westvelt ‘‘ Received . . . from John Allan, forty-five dollars
in full for acting as a substitute for him in Col. Mapes Regi-
ment of drafted Militia, N. Y. Sept. 22, 181277; 2 A. Lis. 8.
of George Livermore; 3 A. L’s. 8. of Fred. I. Dreer; A. L. 8.
of Benson J. Lossing; 4 A. L’s. 8. of Wm. Menzies; A. L. S.
of Fitz-Greene Halleck; the original manuscript of the fac-
simile on page 29, ‘‘Lending Books’’; A. L. S. of -Evert
Duyckinek; and others.
Among other things may be mentioned an original wash
drawing by Mr. Allan for an admission card to one of the
Caledonian Society’s Festivals; the original drawing for his
bookplate; a fine proof before letters of a plate by Bartolozzi
after Cipriani, printed in bistre with full margins; ete.
58. BRISTOW (A.). The Maniac, a Tale; or, a View of
Bethlem Hospital and the Merits of Women. A Poem from
the French. 8vo, new boards, uncut. Lond. 1810
59. BROWN (DAVID PAUL). The Forum: or) Porty
Years Full Practice at the Philadelphia Bar. First Eprrion.
2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Phila. 1856
Races of North and South America. Wath numerous and
diversified colored illustrations. 8vo, half morocco.
N. Y. 1853
61. BRUCE (PHILIP ALEXANDER). Economic History
of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century. Frontispiece map.
First Epirion. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops. N. Y. 1896
62. BRYANT (W. C.). Poems [including many now first
collected]. 12mo, original boards, cloth back, paper label,
edges uncut. N.Y. 1882
63. BRYANT (W. C.). The Fountain and other Poems.
First Epition. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1842
64. BRYANT (W. C.). Poems. Collected and arranged
by the Author. Illustrated by 100 engravings. Square 8vo,
full brown morocco, gilt edges. A choice copy.
N. Y.: Appleton, n. d.
65. BRYANT (W. C.). The Song of the Sower, N. Y.
1871; A Forest Hymn, N. Y. [1860] ; The Little People of the
snow, N. Y. 1873; The Story of the Fountain, N. Y. 1872,
illustrated. First Epirions. 4 vols. square 8vo, cloth and
66. BRYANT (W. C.). Funeral Oration occasioned by
the Death of Thomas Cole, N. Y. 1848; Bryant Festival at
‘‘*The Century,’’ N. Y. 1865; Bryant Memorial Meeting of the
Century, [N. Y. 1878]; Thanatopsis and The Flood of Years,
illustrated by Linton. All First Epirions except the last.
4 vols. 8vo, various bindings.
67. BRYANT (W.C.). Thirty Poems, N. Y. 1864; Letters
of a Traveller, Second Series, N. Y. 1859 (title torn) ; Poems,
collected and arranged by the author, N. Y. 1855. All Firsr
EDITIONS except the last. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth.
68. BRYANT (W. C.). Selections from the American
Poets, N. Y. 1840; Hymns, [Privately printed, N. Y. 1869];
The Columbian Magazine for Jan. 1844, [containing ‘‘The
White-footed Deer’’]. First Epirions. 3 vols. 8vo and
smaller, cloth and boards.
69. BRYANT (W. C.). Ode composed for the Funeral
Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln. Within black borders.
Royal 4to. On Japan paper. Scarce in this form.
70. BUCKLE (HENRY T.). History of Civilization in
England. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1869
71. BULLOCK (W.). Six Months Residence and Travels
in Mexico; containing Remarks on the Present State of New
Spain. Illustrated with numerous engraved plates and maps,
some m color. First Epirion. 8vo, half calf (hinges a little
weak). Lond.: Murray, 1824
The colored plates illustrate the costumes of the natives.
72. BUNYAN (JOHN). The Pilgrim’s Progress from this
World to That which is to come. In three parts. Frontis-
preces and several quaint full-page cuts. Small 12mo, con-
temporary blind-tooled calf.
Lond.: Printed by A. W. for W. Johnston, 1754-1757
Good copy of a rare edition.
73. BUNYAN (JOHN). The Pilgrim’s Progress. In two
parts. With original notes by the Rev. Thomas Scott. Por-
trait and plates by Stothard. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut.
Lond. 1856
74. BURGESS (JOHN W.). Political Science and Com-
parative Constitutional Law. Fuirsr Epirion. 2 vols. 8vo,
cloth. Bost. 1890
75. [BURKE (EDMUND).] An Account of the European
Settlements in America. In Six Parts. With the two fold-
ing maps. 2 vols. 8vo, contemporary calf, rebacked (name
partly removed from titles).
Lond.: Printed for R. and J. Dodsley, 1757
THE VERY SCARCE First Epirion. The earliest edition in
Hubbard was the Fifth.
76. BURKE (EDMUND). Works. 9 vols. 8vo, half calf,
gilt backs, marbled edges, leather labels, by Morrell.
Lond. : Henry G. Bohn, 1845
77. BURROUGHS (JOHN). Winter Sunshine. First
Epition. 16mo, orignal cloth (slightly rubbed). N. Y. 1876
78. BURROUGHS (JOHN). Pepacton. Firsr Eprrion.
16mo, original cloth. Bost. 1881
79. BURROUGHS (JOHN). Camping and Tramping with
Roosevelt. Illustrated from photographs. —12mo, half blue
morocco, gilt top, uncut. Bost. 1907
With an A. L. S. of Theodore Roosevelt inserted.
80. BURROUGHS (JOHN). Signs and Seasons; 1886;
The Light of Day, 1900. Firsr Eprrions. 2 vols. 16mo,
cloth. Bost. 1886-1900
81. BURROUGHS (JOHN). Songs of Nature, Edited by
Burroughs, N. Y. 1901; [Life of] John James Audubon, por-
trait, Bost. 1902. First Eprrions. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut.
82. BURTON (ROBERT). The Anatomy of Melancholy,
what it is, with all the Kinds, Causes, Symptoms, Prognosties
and Several Cures of it. In Three Partitions. By Democritus
Junior. Hngraved frontispiece. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut.
Lond. 1893
83. CABINET of Momus; A Choice Selection of Humorous
Poems from Pindar, Freneau, Ladd, Swift, &¢. 45 copper-
plates (should be 6). 16mo, half morocco (one plate re-
paired). Phila. 1809
84. CABOT (JAMES ELLIOT). Harpersigs7
Inserted is a card containing autograph memorandums by
Mark Twain of things to be attended to: ‘‘ Letter to Billy
Gordon,’’ ‘‘Type-write from Plutarch,’’ ‘‘'Town-Topies
Trials,’’ ete. On the reverse of the card is the lithographed
expression of thanks for the kind words and good wishes of
his friends on his 70th birthday.
111. [CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.).] Queen Victoria’s
Jubilee. The Great Procession of June 22, 1897 in the Queen’s
Honor, reported both in the Light of History, and as a Spee-
tacle, by Mark Twain. Illustrations. 8vo, original boards,
cloth back, uneut. Privately printed [N. Y., n. d.] circa 1897
First Epirion in book form. One of 195 copies.
-112. [CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.).| English as She is
Taught. By Mark Twain. With Biographical Sketch of the
Author. By Matthew L. Lans. 12mo, original wrappers,
uncut. Bost. [1900]
First American issue of this material, the original which
was published in Lond. in 1887.
118. [CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.).] Eve’s Diary. _Trans-
lated from the Original MS. by Mark Twain. Illustrated by
Lester Ralph. First Separate Epirion. 12mo, original red
cloth, uncut. Lond. 1906
114. [CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.).] Mark Twain on Simpli-
fied Spelling. (A Speech at the Annual Dinner of the Associ-
ated Press held in New York, September 19, 1906, revised
expressly for the Simplified Spelling Board.) 8vo, 4 pp., un-
bound. [N. Y¥. 1906)
Cireular No. 9, issued Nov. 10, 1906.
115. CLEMENS (S. L.). Mark Twain and the Happy
Island. By Elizabeth Wallace. Jllustrations. 12mo, cloth.
Chicago, 1913
Inserted is an autographed photograph of Mark Twain.
116. [CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.).] The Jumping Frog,
N. Y. 1903; A Double-Barrelled Detective Story, N. Y. 1902.
Illustrated. Das volume. First EpiTion. 2 vols. 12mo,
117. [CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.).] The Suppressed Chap-
ter of ‘‘Life of the Mississippi.’’ 4 pp. 8vo, folded.
One of 250 copies. This is the chapter suppressed in the
printing from the original manuscript in 1883.
118. CLOVER CLUB. The Clover Club in Cartoon. 24th
Anniversary of the Clover Club of Phila. Nwmerous carica-
tures. 8vo, boards, suede calf, uncut. Phila. 1906
With autographs in pencil of Gen. Nelson A. Miles, A. K.
McClure, John Hays Hammond, and others, written on fly-leaf.
119. COBBETT (WILLIAM). Life of Andrew Jackson.
Portrat frontispiece. First Epition. 12mo, half green mo-
rocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1834
With three plates inserted, an engraved portrait of Jackson,
view of the Battle of New Orleans, and ‘‘The Hermitage. ’’
120. COFFIN (JOSHUA). A Sketch of the History of
Newbury, Newburyport, and West Newbury, from 1635 to
1845. Woodcut map and view. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut
(lacks portrait). Bost. 1845
121. [COLEMAN (EDWARD).] The true Manner of the
Execution, behaviour and last Words (as near as they could
.be taken) of Edw. Coleman at Tyburn: On Tuesday the third
of December, 1678. Being Drawn, Hang’d and Quarter’d for
High-Treason. 7 pp. small 4to, half morocco. 4 pp. of lower
margins cut, but not affecting text. Lond. 1678
Very Scarce.
122. COLLECTORS and Collecting (Bolles), Melrose,
Mass. 1898, with a 2 pp. A. L. S. laid in; The Love Story of
Ursula Wolcott, Bost. 1895; The Saga of Hen Thorir (Morris),
Cinn., n: d. limited edition; The Song of the Library Staff
(Foss), iwlustrated by Merle Johnson, with autograph, two
editions in one volume, N. Y. 1906; Mrs. Caudle’s Curtain
Lectures (Jerrold), Lond. 1888. 5 vols., various sizes and
123. COLLINS (WILLIAM). Poetical Works. With a
Life of the Author by Dr. Johnson. Many fine engravings by
Harding, Gardiner and others. Small 8vo, half crimped calf,
oilt back, gilt top. | Lond. 1800
124. COLONIAL LAWS of Massachusetts. Reprinted from
the Edition of 1660, with the Supplements to 1672. Contain-
ing also, the Body of Liberties of 1641. Imp. 8vo, half blue
morocco (rubbed). Bost. 1889
This copy contains the pp. 26la to 26]h.
125. COLOR PLATES. Choice Pictures and Choice Poems.
Illustrated with engravings printed in colors by Edmund
Evans. Square 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. Lond., n. d.
126. COLORED PLATES. Bigland (John). A Natural
History of Animals. Jilustrated with 12 crudely colored
plates. 12mo, old sprinkled calf (name on title, foxed, one
page torn). Phila. 1834
127. COMBE (WILLIAM). Doctor Syntax’s Three Tours
in Search of the Picturesque, Consolation, and a Wife.
Colored illustrations after Rowlandson. 12mo, cloth, uncut.
Lond.: Hotten, n. d.
128. CONCERNING the Etchings of Mr. Whistler, and 2
other Keppel Booklets, N. Y., n. d.; New Poems by William
Watson, Lond. 1902; Conversations with Walt Whitman
(Sadakichi), NaS 1895 ; The Master of Ballantrae, N. Y.
1889 ; The Functions of the Book Club (Harper), [Cambridge,
1909] ; Portrait of Mark Twain, and 14 proof illustrations to
his works, loose in wrappers. 22 vols. and pieces. Some First
129. CONFESSION OF FAITH owned and consented to,
by the Elders and Messengers of the Churches in the Colony
of Connecticut, in New England, assembled by Delegation
at Saybrook, Sept. 9, 1708. 24mo, old sheep (top of title
New London, Con. 1710 [Bridgeport reprinted, 1810}
130. CONNECTICUT. Trumbull (J. H.). Public Records
of the Colony of Connecticut, prior to the Union with New
Haven Colony, May 1665 [and] from 1665 to 1678. 2 vols.
8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1850-52
131. COOK (CAPTAIN). Collection of Voyages round
the World: performed by Royal Authority. Containing a
Complete Historical Account of Captain Cook’s First, Second,
Third, and Last Voyages. With Genuine Narratives of other
Voyages of Discovery. Profusely illustrated with folding
maps and fine copper-plate engravings. 6 vols. 8vo, original
sheep (some hinges cracked, contemporary name on titles).
Lond. : Millar, Law and Cater, 1790
132. COOPER (J. FENIMORE). Notions of the Ameri-
cans picked up by a travelling Bachelor. 2 vols. 12mo, origi-
nal halt cloth and boards, with labels, uncut.
Philadelphia : Carey, Lea & Carey, 1828
133. COOPER (J. FENIMORE). The Wept of Wish Ton-
Wish. First Epirion. 2 vols. 12mo, original boards, cloth
backs (a few corners slightly stained, name on title).
Phila. 1829
134. COOPER (J. FENIMORE). Satanstoe, or the Little-
page Manuscripts. A Tale of the Colony. Firsr Eprrion.
2 vols. small 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops, original wrap-
pers bound in (name removed from title). N. Y. 1845
135. [COOPER (J. FENIMORE).] Afloat and Ashore;
or the Adventures of Miles Wallingford. First Epirion.
2 vols. 16mo, half morocco (hole rubbed in one title).
Phila. 1844
Each with bookplate of J. G. Dubois, Rhinebeck, N. Y.
136. COOPER (J. FENIMORE). The Redskins; or
Indian and Ingin: Being the Conclusion of the Littlepage
Manuscripts. First Epirion. 2 vols. small 8vo, original
printed wrappers (name on titles, piece missing from back of
one vol.) N. Y. 1846
137. COOPER (J. FENIMORE). Pages and Pictures
from the Writings of James Fenimore Cooper, with Notes by
Susan Kenimore Cooper. Fine illustrations on steel and
wood. 4to, full morocco, gilt edges. NN Sot.
138. COOPER (WILLIAM). The Doctrine of Predestina-
tion unto Life, Explained and Vindicated. In Four Sermons,
preach’d to the Church of Christ, meeting in Brattle Street.
16mo, old ealf (a little worn).
Bost.: Printed by J. Draper, 1740
An exceptionally crisp and immaculate copy; of a very
scarce early imprint, which is usually offered in a tattered con-
1389. COURT-MARTIAL OF GEN. LEE. Proceedings of
a General Court-Martial, held at Brunswick, in the State of
New-Jersey, by order of His Excellency Gen. Washington, for
the Trial of Major-General Lee, July 4, 1778. Major-General
Lord Stirling, President. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut.
N. Y.: Privately reprinted, 1864
One of 20 copies of this size printed. Presentation copy
from F. 8. Hoffman, the publisher, with inscription on title.
140. COURT SCANDAL. ‘‘The Book!’’ Or, the Proceed-
ings and Correspondence upon the Subject of the Inquiry into
the Conduct of Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales.
With a Narrative of the Recent Events *** relative to The
Child. 12mo, original sheep. N.. Y. 1813
141. COURTSHIP of Miles Standish (Longfellow), Bost.
1858; Brant and Red Jacket (Egg fee NYS E879 el be
Poets of America, Second series (Keese), N. Y. 1842. Firsr
EDITIONS. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth and morocco.
142. CREASY (E. S8.). The fifteen decisive battles of the
World; from Marathon to Waterloo. 2 vols. 12mo, half mo-
roceo (rubbed). Lond.: R. Bentley, 1851
143. CRIMINALS. Lives of the most remarkable Criminals
who have been executed for Murder, Highway Robberies, etc.,
from the year 1720 to the year 1735. Collected from original
paper and authentic memoirs. Frontispiece. 2 vols. 12mo,
cloth. Lond. 1874
144. CROCKETT (DAVID). An _ Account of Col.
Crockett’s Tour to the North and Down Kast, in 1834. Writ-
ten by Himself. Engraved portrat by Welch. First Ept-
TION. 12mo, boards, sheep back. Phila. 1835
145. CROCKETT (8S. R.). The Red Axe. Illustrations by
Frank Richards. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1899
Inserted is an autograph note, signed, by the author.
146. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Comic Almanack
1835-53. With many hundred alustrations by George Cruik-
shank and other artists. 2 vols. thick 12mo, original cloth,
uncut (shaken). Lond.: Hotten, n. d.
147. CUNDALL (H.M.). Birket Foster. Portrast and in-
troductions, many im color. First Epirion. 8vo, cloth, gilt
top. , Lond. 1906
148. CURIOSITIES for the Ingenious; selected from the
Most Authentic Treatures of Nature, Science and Art, Bi-
ography, History, and General Literature. 11 copper-plate
engravings. 12mo, contemporary boards and leather back.
Phila. 1825
149. CURTIS (G. W.). Orations and Addresses of George
William Curtis. Edited by Ch. Ehot Norton. 3 vols. 8vo,
cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1894
150. [DANA (RICHARD HENRY).] The Idle Man.
Parts 1-5 (should be 6 to be complete; part 5 lacks its separate
title). In one volume. 8vo, limp boards. N. Y. 1821-22
Very Scarce. Sabin mentions only one part. Five poems by
William Cullen Bryant first appeared in this publication.
151. DANTE. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri.
Translated by Charles Eliot Norton. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth,
paper labels, uncut. : Bost.: Houghton, 1902
One of 250 copies printed with uncut edges.