THE ROYAL MENAGERIE, A COLLECTION OF THE BEST CARICATURES WHICH HAVE APPEARED IN PARIS SINCE THE LATE REVOLUTION. w LONDON. CHARLES TILT, 86, FLEET STREET. M. DCCC. XXXI. ADVERTISEMENT. In presenting to the public a selectign of twenty four of the best and most piquantes caricatures which, among innumerable others, have appeared in Paris, since the memorable revolution of 1830, little need be said by way of preface. The designs will, most of them, speak for themselves, and considering how little practice our lively neighbours have had in this species of satire, we think they have made no small progress. During the ancien pi ict a a régime emissaries of the police, were constantly on the watch to prevent any demonstration of public feeling by this mode, and the publication of any caricature which could, in the slizhtest degree, be deemed personal, was considered a serious offence against the laws. —It is no matter of surprise therefore, now all restriction has been taken away, that they should revel in their newly found freedom. — It is probable that too many there are allusions in these designs , which require some explanation before their point can be duly appreciated , a few remarks on some of them will not therefore be deemed unnecessary. Plate 2. Cruche.— Means dolt and blockhead as well as pitcher. This play upon words the French are very fond of exercising. Plate 4.— The French inscription here is composed of an ex- tract from one of the most popular of the songs of Bévanger. Plat. 6. —It is difficult to explain the point of the inscription under this plate. The word blanc, white, while it refers to the national ensign of the Bourbons, now supplanted by the tricolor, means also innocence, — Charles while he exclaims that ile . dati à LU the ensigns before him are no longer white, in this way, is supposed to acknowledge that it is his own fault. Plate 7. — Here a laughable allusion is made to the projecting teeth of his date most Christian Majesty. Plate 8.— A joke on the masculine bearing and disposition of the duchess d’Angouléme. We must not omit to notice the post in the back ground inscribed pieu monarque. Pieu ( post), pieux ( pious ). | Plate 10.— Our own ” great Captain of the age” will here rea- dily be recognised. Plate 12. — Charles is represented enveloped in a jar of Gir- kins. — Cornichon means in French a dolt as well as pickled cucumber, Plate 17.— Another play upon words, — ‘Moyen means round hand as well as moderate. Plate 20. —The unhappy ex-monarch is represented overwhelm- ed with an immense tricoloured cockade. Plate 21.— It was impossible to give a translation of the ins- PE. . à cription on this plate, so as to convey ‘the sense of the original. We will merely observe that the word dey here takes the place” of the French syllable de. nie 23.— Ridicules the excessive passion of Charles for shoot- ing.” : ‘Plate 24.— À sneer at the employes of the Freud govern- ment who quietly waited the course of events and then as anxious- — ly sought for office under the new ministers as: they had under the old. | ? _ London, December 1830. = LLL Ll Vee! PEE i 4 Ld [ € Roue ts MY Ss SSS Ze LLL LLL Z NN ie \ | 7 | \ Ms Vy Lh U, 7 i y 1 Rocrel y Rove hy a ze ZZ Zz = AZZ EZ LZ AA) TA À Mers T " Nr \\ \| i a ae An eve = we: D < \\\ | RS MN | | | NN ? Crt FES PCISAAVI, CVPUPV CE. esd amed. dites celle ERA GENE VOUS ét € ] € 7 A © < des anny Lau qui dhorvenl G willer la france fee Le COULOUVS | Walk in walk in, ladies and gentlemen here you'll see those animals whjch are about to quit France for ever. CRU CHE dont le 1 fentes JIE ACP nr nel foc UT aller GAUL aff the Jesuits supply themselves, ad libitum. BOUL VOPPECIMLEDS The pitcher from which ra a Nr DA | 1 10) D Ms Ne À C COLG HOM ty Lernieres ret of CL salurnens le few : Put out the lights and rekindle the fire! at { J 2. TE eee LL TT lak UE Et 7 fol — WT sated LE TER TT 722 LISEZ oy APME UE OX SOL — poyanou ere sist] > = AZ 4 Ler N a D S À es N i 4) L'ENPN 2 //} gy) aK : ; foutes vous leur (face fee. AHOTUTES leur 7 denld..... € ec Do-you,want to frighten, them?... Shew them your teeth. à zg 3 AN 4 TA | = Whe 7724 le mangue RE PTE IU f AVOAI CE . ZT If I were aman,would I put up with it ? ay AN FN (CL AY ie) PA 2 e Pre ROUS PLE! SOÏNINCA CA La RCA. oO 4 : Pe , 9 aby OIC Ce. qu l'y a done Pia RAA Bless me, they are no longer white! — Why what can the matter be, Papa ? À ins (> : KL De A i WW SANS messe 8 Na à = Ae \4 ATES ay D 4 Pan! \ 5, WS SN Ppt SS oF; We juche é Come, bundle in to your hole. ge KE oF . ack i Fe 4 NS NW A iy BY CS a's 4 dr tae 12 LS | in 7 AE ell ed [ yo jin A À lo Mrs de LCA Re” Huit ISES ge Qe Up | ae COW Vial March of the ‘a troops during rough weather. © © / SS Le D 7 Zn =>, = be Ke aaa zi = \)) ae) a RU oy eu us STN ; 15 À fs UD... APN { S be, Selpucdecaticr A definitive de LAPS OIE generale du Calin age" Le notre CN pees, , CA a, ’ 7 7 | le Ee: A Lepis ? The final clearance of the city of Paris. mt a I | | | = [l a Wg ri i iles , x À ; Va Cle vanadate (MY poiple fel get 7/44 des ilassantertes de oem patted TON, These rascally people sometimes play very foolish tricks. Pl LI will = \ Rares Ce; ee “4 \ € / / ate mage / ‘ue CAC re un fret’ anormerl. ve nous 272 J fev ; Oh! let me stay a moment longer, 1 entneat. ‘a> _ W/ ase DNS GUN 7 7. qe 4 \ i 1 f Mi) ey Re RR / Sy LE \\ Vis /- NET ES e SS alll ./ Se) NS 5 py 2. : ; a a he afosanee SU vottd Via four L'amour de LEURS / be E Le ne puts plats VLC VOU fue VPIAOVL brave LOOM i+, Help me | pray you forthe lov of God! iat) NG my wood fellow T can do nothing for you. + ‘ MT é dns Suds EE nu PES er nr EEE A ds ee —_ : © | iN ii = =Y 4 = > D \ i BR. = & — Z K \\ | IN . ’ À G Ve. 0 Care ; we \ f A f | MN : ¢ * = : J wes = = = Af, (pis als cites dLetreiollat:/ / 4, Z i ZA | S| N |] RS ra ) re Ka hed SUN = ne, =| AA ds | RAT fer a he ne famille in ROCENME malheureuse cl pencouleé Amusements of an innocent, unhappy, and persecuted family! 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