aS Sale No, 725. ) . Fitth Biyenue Bluction : eG TRooms, — ee el 238 | ‘Frern AVENUE. ee ee R. Re _SCHEPFLIN'S wy “COLLECTION i Te oa EN ae ih iperb . Pair tings ee . ITH A ADDITIONS, mo be : sold be over ot “aoministrators. Tht and a Fidey Even March 2 & 13, : oe aT RIGHT. OrCLOCK. ie eae tee LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CQ. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK am CATALOGUE ee GR AN EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY BY DIRECTION OF MR. C. SCHEPFLIN, PLAINFIELD, N. J. HIS COLLECTION OF Superb Paintings The Late Jonann Jacop VoLLWEIDER, PROFESSOR AND DIRECTOR OF THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS AT KARLSRUHE, BADEN, GERMANY. REPRESENTING LANDSCAPES OF THE SNOW-CLAD SWISS MOUNTAINS. HE RECEIVED MEDALS AT BERLIN, MUNICH, KARLS- RUHE, PARIS, VIENNA AND DUSSELDORF. MANY OF HIS PAINTINGS ARE IN THE ROYAL . MUSEUMS OF GERMANY. HE WAS THE RECIPIENT OF DISTINGUISHED HON- ORS FROM CROWNED HEADS OF EUROPE. 4 TOGETHER WITH A Number of Examples by Distinguished American and European Artists. ALSO sess BY ORDER OF ADMINISTRATOR, A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF VERY CHOICE WORKS, BY LEADING EUROPEAN MASTERS. AND——— Several Specimens of Ancient Paintings, INCLUDING THE NAMES OF SIR THOS. LAWRENCE, SIR PETER LELY, J. M. W. TURNER, THOS. HUDSON, HOLBEIN, ETC. TO BE SOLD THURSDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS, MARBCH 12TH AND 13TH, AT EIGHT O’CLOCK. ere mall ute aneh ears —_ * WM. B. NORMAN, AUCTIONEER. H. N. ATKinson, Printer 162 Pearl St., N.Y. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC SALES OF IMPORTANT ART COLLECTIONS ee Tue FirtH AVENUE AUCTION Rooms begs re- spectfully to announce that it is prepared to undertake the management of the Exhibition and Sale of Collections of Paintings and other Ait property of special importance. Mr. Norman’s experience in such matters, and the central location of the Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms, is a sufficient guarantee that all busines entrusted to it will be carried through with en tire satisfaction. = = CONDITIONS OF SALE. If there should be a dispute in regard to the bid between two or more buyers the article shall be at once put up and re-sold. Purchasers to give their names and places of residence and to pay a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent. of the purchase money—or the whole of the purchase money if required—in default of which the lot or lots so pur- chased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Bills payable in cash before delivery. Bills must be sent for delivery of goods. Goods to be removed at the expense and risk of the pur- chaser, on the morning following each day’s sale, be- tween nine and twelve o’clock, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid. Goods not removed on the morning following each day’s sale between nine and twelve o’clock remain at the sole risk of purchaser. No claims allowed after the removal of goods, Articles are exposed for examination and are sold without guaranty of apy kind, No goods delivered during the sale. Our record of sales in all cases final. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attend- ing the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auc- tioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale with- out such re-sale if he thinks fit. WM. B. NORMAN, Auctioneer. Catalogue. ne te ee FIRST NIGHT’S SALE, THURSDAY EVENING, March r2th, 1903) AT EIGHT OrCLOCK A Deposit of Twenty-five per Cent. on the amount purchased will be required. NOTICE—TERMS OF SALE CASH. COMPTE, F. Europe In the Garden. Size 13x10. 2 SCHENCK, A. Europe Goats. Size 35x22, CABOT, M. America Flowers. Water Color. Size 24X17, HURET, B. Europe Born in Paris. Pupil of the Ecole des Beau Arts. Medals: Paris, Lyons and Berlin. At the Races. Size 1334x1044. 5 COURTOIS, S. B. Europe Born at Paris. Pupil of Jacque and Troyon. Medals: 1851-1867. Legion of Honor, 1871. Hors Concours. Shepherdess and Sheep. Size 1734x1414. 6 WEBBER, W. America Evening—Bay of Fundy. Size 30X25. CONDER, A. The Shrine. Size 18x15. 3) THRE Y,. L. Pastoral. Size 48x36. 9 FALENI, Carlo Holy Family. Size 30x30. Europe Ses MWurope Europe o 46) DUTCH SCHOOL. Portrait of a Woman. Size 414¢x31¢. II VAN LEEMPUTTEN, J. L. Europe Born at Brussels. Pupil of De Beul. Medals: Antwerp, Brussels. Poultry. Size 13°54 x9lé. 12 LANGMERE (1620) Europe . The Nativity. Size 40x38. 13 COIELEMANS, L. — Europe Dutch Scene. Size 231¢xr71l¢, 14 COIELEMANS, L. Europe Dutch Scene. Size 24xI9. 15 MOELLER, Louis (N. A.) America A Good Joke. Size 24x18. Po id VINEA, Francesco Kurope Born at Di Forli, 1846. Pupil of Pallastrini. Professor in the Academy of Florence. Gold Medal, i‘erlin, 1866. Testing the New Vintage. Size 195g x1549. {7 LA COSTE, sh: Europe Born at Paris, 1823. Pupil of Diaz. Medals: Paris, 1844, 1846, 1885}; at Brussels, 1843. Cheva- lier and Officer of the Order of Leopold and Legion of Honor. Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1867. Baccante and Cupids. Size 17'44x14%4. 18 KATTOWITZ, A. Europe A Good Dinner. Size 24x18. 19 POTOSKY, Hugo Hurope Hungarian Horseman. Size 24x18. 20 BAIXAS, Juan Europe Honorable mention at Barcelona, Spain, Univer- sal Exhibition. Pupil of Don Juan Caba. Landscape. Size 321¢x20l¢. 21 BAIXAS, Juan Europe Fishing at the Wharf. Size 2734x1634. 22 ROY,A. | Europe Born at Paris. Pupil of Lambert. Medals: Paris, Lyons. Watchful Mother. Size 16x13. ce LELOIR, Maurice Europe Born at Paris, November 1, 1853, Pupil of his father, J. B. Auguste Leloir, and his brother, Louis. Medal, 1878. The Recitation Size 1314¢x10',. 24 QUINTON, Clement Europe Born in Paris. Medal, Third Class, 1890. Second Class, 1€92. Hors Concours. Pupil of M. Sauerfeld. Sheep at the Pond. Size r8lyxts. 25 DESNARD, Felix Beckel Europe Le Port Size 161¢x13. 26 LEMAIRE, Francais Europe French Washerwoman Size 121¢xo9. 27 VOLLWEIDER, Johannn Jacob, (deceased) Europe For Medals and Honors conferred see No. 52 of the Catalogue. The Eismeer View from the Montanocot Chamonny, French Switzerland. Size 28xrg. 28 HUDSON, Thomas Europe Portrait of Roger Owen, Esq,, in Blue Coat. Size 29x2416. 29 VANDERHANK, Kurope Portrait of George Owen, in Pink Coat. Size 29x24. 30 FALENI, Carlo Europe Holy Family. Size 30x30. ai DE PENNE, Charles Oliver, Europe Born at Paris. January 11, 1831. Pupil of Leon Cogniet. Second Prix de Rome, 1857. Medal, Third Class, 1875. Medal, Second Class, 1883. Medal, Argent, £889, Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Societaire. At the Meet. Size 15%{xroly. a2 DOMINGO, J. Europe Pupil of Meissonier and Fortuny, who greatly admired and criticised his works. Domingo’s works are in good demand. Medals and honors all through Europe. Domingo is the Spanish Meissonier. His works show both the influence of that master and Fortuny Preparing for the Picnic. Size oly x6. a3 VOLLWEIDER, deceased Europe For Medals and Honors conferred see No 52 of the Catalogue. The Maderauer Valley, Berner Ober-Alpen, French Switz- erland Size 38x30. 34 WALTER, L. America The Fortune Teller. Size 32x21, 35 DE HAVEN, F. America Kvening-—Landscape. Size 32xe2T. Gs at INSLEE, Albert America Lou Loud Meadows. Size 18x12. aA WEBBER, W. | America Evening—Long Island Sound. Size 36x22. 38 Pie G, Fk. Europe Honorable mention at Madrid, Spain, Exhibition. Pupil of Seville Academy. Landscape. i léx223/ Size 39's x2357. DIEZ, G. F. Europe Marine. Size 3916x2334. 40 VOLLWEIDER, Johann Jacob (deceased) Europe For medals and honors. (See No. 52 of the Catalogue). Kandervalley, near Kander- steg, Switzerland. Size 37X30. AI SPANISH SCHOOL, Portrait of Velasquez. Size 19x14. A2 SOULACROIX, J. Hurope Born in Paris. Received medals all through Italy and France, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. The Lovers. Size 18x14. 43 BLANCHE, R. Europe Born at Paris. Pupil of Bouguereau and Salon exhibitor. Medals: Rome, Venice, Marseilles. A Pompeiian Youth. Size 29% x20. 44 LEFEBVRE, Louis Europe Pupil of Jules Lefebvre. Youth and Flowers. Size 17x11. 51 BAIXEROS, Dionisio Europe The Fisherman. Size 2714x1914. aie VOLLWEIDER, Johann Jacob (deceased) Hurope Born in Eichstaedten, Baden, in 1834. Died at Berne, Switzerland, 1992. Medals: Berlin, Mu- nich, Karlsruhe, Paris, Vienna and Dusseldorf. Pensioned vy Germany. In royal museums of Germany. Belongs to School of Dusseldorf. Called the Father of the style of painting snow clad mountain scenery, which made Albert Bierstadt famous in America and who was a pupil and friend of Vollweider. These mountain paintings — are unsurpassed as to grandeur and expanse of | mountain view and scenery, nothing finer having ever been painted by any artist. The Valley of Plurs, dés- troyed by the fall of Mount Canto (1618), with the Cascade Aqua Frag- gia, Switzerland Size 58x42. Awarded gold medal at Munich in 1876, ate SUBTERMANS. Europe Equestrian Portrait, Prince Maurice of Bohemia, view Oi battle in distance. Date 1669. He was uncle of George I. of England and his mother was Queen of Bohemia and daughter of James I. of England. Size 105x2. 54 LELY, Sir Peter Europe _ Portrait—Lady Cummings and Child in blue dress. Size 491¢x39l4. 55 ROMNEY, | Europe Portrait—Sir Thos. Ham- mond, Physician to Geo. IV. Size 49x3914. 56 VOLLWEIDER, Johann Jacob (deceased) Europe For Medals and Honors conferred see No. 52 of the Catalogue. Mountain Sanct Salvator. at the Lake of Sugano, Italian Switzerland. Size 27x18, 57 PRATELLA, A. Europe Born in Lugo, Province of Ravenna, 1855. Studied in the Academy of Bologna under Profes- sor Busi. Went to Naples in 1878 and studied with Professor Morelli. Received silver medal, Exposition of Rome, 1889; three prizes at Bologna in 1879. Works by this artist in the Royal Palaces at Rome, Naples and Florence; also in the National Museum at Capo di Monte. On the Bay at Naples. Size 15x81. 58 VERBOECKHOVEN, Eugene Joseph Europe Born in Warneton. West Flanders, July 8. 1799. Medals: Paris, 1824, 1841 and 1855. Legion of Honor, 1845: Chevalier of the Ordor of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria and Christ of Portugal. Decoration of the Iron Cross. Sheep in Pasture. Size 1734x13%4. 59 VEYRASSAT, Jules Jacque Europe Born at Paris. Medals: 1866, 1869 and 1872. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Con- cours. Plowing. Size, 1734x124. 60 VOLLWEIDER, Johann Jacob (deceased) Kurope For Medals and Honors conferred see No. 52 of the Catalogue. Ruine Unsprunnen with the Glaciers Jungfrau, Moench and Eiger, Swit- zerland. Size 38x23. 61 ZUCCHERO Europe Portrait on Panel—A Noble- man of the Courey or Queen Elizabeth. Date 1580. This portrait was shown at the Wrexham Exhi- bition, England, 1876, Size 461g x34ly. 62 BEREAU, Jules Europe Born at Lyons. Pupil of Von Marcke and De Haas. Medals: 1851, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, 1887. Cattle at the Spring. Sixe 23); x19 63 BAHIEU, J. Europe Born at Champigny Pupil of Ch. Jacqne. Ex- hibitor at the Salon at Paris. Medals: Marseilles, Toulon, Paris. Entering the Sheepfold. Size 36x251,. 64 ROYBET, Ferdinand V.L. Europe Born at Uzes (Gard.), April 20, 1840. Pupil in Lyons of Ecole des Beaux Arts. Salon Medal, 1866. Professor of Engraving at Lyons. Page, Henry II. Size 214 x14%4. 65 BLACK: OP: America The Mill Stream. Size 36x24. 66 BLACK “O78, America The River Road. — Size 30x18. 67 HALL, Geo. H. America El Cabrito. | Size 42x32. 68 FERRY, John America Deer in the Forest. Size 26x18, 69 SCHOOL OF VAN OSTADE. In the Studio. Size 18x15. {OQ REYNA, A. Europe Born at Malaga, Spain, in 1861. Received medals at Malaga and Madrid, in 1887. Pupil of Rico, and bids fair to surpass his master. Medal, 1880, Pensionate by his native town to study in Rome. A Summer Day in Venice. Size 20!,xII. 71 SCHOOL OF FRANS HALS. Portrait of a Man. Size 9384x714. 72 LAWRENCE, Sir Thomas (Attributed to) Born at Bristol, May 4, 1769. Died in London, January 7, 1830. Appointed Court Painter to George III., after the death of Sir Joshua Raynolds. Lady West. Size 1514x134, é. DETTI, Caesar Europe Born at Rome. Pupil of the Academy of St. Lucas. Medals: Boulogne, 1871; Brussels, 1889. Silver Medal, 1889. Exposition Universelle. Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy. Hors Concurs. The Mandolin Player. Size 1534,x8%. 74 SCHOOL OF FRANS HALS Portrait of a Burgomaster. Sixe 534 x44. RENZI, R. Europe Pupil of Camoncini and Vitali. Selected ina Concours to paint the Basilique of St. Paul in Rome. Created Chevalier by Pius IX. The Holy Family. Carved wood frame. Size 23x16, 76 DUTCH SCHOOL Portrait of Van Dyck. Size 163x113. 77 RICCIARDI, Oscar Europe Born in Naples, 1763. Pupil of Palazzi and More'li. His painting. “ Faifulla Leaving St. Marks,’ has been purchased by the City of Naples. Works of this arti t bas been purchased by the Society of French Artists. Paris. Received severa! medals in the National Exposition in Italy. Scene at Castlellamare. “ize ISx1I. 478 BEREAU, Jules Europe Born in Lyons. Pupil of Van Marcke and de Hass, Medals: 1851-1868. Legion of Honor, 1867. Diplomi to the memory of deceased ar- tists, 1878. Cattle and Landscape. ; 5 fee Size 2134 xi4%. 79 DESHAYES, Charles Europe Born at Toulon. Pupil of M. Francois and Corot. Medals and honors. Landscape at Bougival Size 25!4x16'4. 80 BALLESTER, F. Europe Born in Madrid. Pupil of Bouguereau and the Academy of Fine Arts of Paris. Medals: 1389. Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. At the Fountain. Size. 19x 10h: SI BLANCHE, R. Europe Born at Paris. Pupil of Bouguereau and Salon Exhibitor. Medals: Rome Venice and Mar- seilles. The Mandolin Player. Size. 22x17. ©) to UNKNOWN. Old Venice. Size 31l¢x2 . 83 F.R. Dutch Interior. Size 29% 2314. UNKNOWN. | a oe ical eR «8b ‘ UNKNOWN. © Burg oe OI SECOND NIGHT'S SALE, FRIDAY EVENING, March 138th, 1903, AT EICHT O,CLOCK. A deposit of Twenty-five per cent. on the amount purchased will be required. NOTICE—TERMS OF SALE CASH. 86 NEUVILLE, Arthur A. Brunel. Europe Born at Paris. Pupil of Lambert. Medals and honors. Pet Kittens. Size, rg'¢x1ols. 87 GALLAND, J. : Europe Born at Toulon. Secured the Prix de Rome, 186s. Studied for many years under Ziem. Silver Medal, 1875, and the Legion of Honor, 1885. Port of Havre. Size 1844 x13. 88 KRAMER, EH. M. Europe Halt by the Wayside. Size 14xtols. 89 FRIEDRICH, Otto Europe The Cavalier. Size 134x114, 90 VAN DIEGHEM, H. Europe Pupil of Verboeckhoven. Sheep. Size 9x61. gt MIRALLES Europe Honorable mention at the Paris Exhibition, Flag Maker. Size 23x13%. 92 WALTER, L. America Ideal Head. Size 92% 21. as ANGELO, M. Europe Venice. Size 20x16. 94 RINALDI, P. Kurope Born at Naples, 1837. Professor at the Institute of Fine Arts, at Naples, 1878. Medals: 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859. Works by this artist in the Royal Pmacoteca of Naples and at the National Museum at Capo di Monte. Mother’s Love. Size 36x291. 95 PAREDES, De V. Europe Born at Valencia, Spain, and studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, where at the Kixposition in 1857, at the age of 18, he won the gold medal. Later. while at Rome, he lived with Fortuny, each contending, without rivalry, to reach the highest point in art. His pictures appear yearly at the Salon in Paris. He received a medal at Madrid in 1879, and was made Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, and Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. of Spain. At Cellini’s Statue, Florence. Size 1644x11%. a 96 LEPAGE, J. Europe Born at Bordeaux. Pupil of Meissonier. Medals: 1878, 1880. 1894. In the Artist’s Studio. Size 14x1014. 97 1D GRD) ot es America A Windy Day. Size 24x18. 98 HART, Wm. (deceased) Ameiica Landscape. Size 14x10. 99 ROMNEY, Head. Size 26x18. 100 CANONICO, R. Venice. Size 22x14. IOI MAILLARD, F. Safe in Port. Size 24x18. 102 FRIEDLANDER, A. M. The Little Culprit. Size 12x10. Europe Kurope Europe Europe 104 PLYMPTON, W. E. America Pupil of Gcrome, A Southern Belle. Size 14xIc. 104 PLYMPTON, W. E. America Pupil of Gerome. On the Canal, near Bloom- field, N. J. Size 20x16. 105 VOLLWEIDER, Johann Jacob (deceased) Europe For Medals and Honors conferred see No. 122 of the Catalogue. Farmhouse in Berner © Oberland. Switzerland. Size 24x18. 106 MICHETTI, Francois Palo Europe Forn in Chieti, Naples. 1852. Studied under Dalbono, also in Paris and Lendon. Medals: Rome, Turnin and Parma. Chevalier of the Order of the Cross of Italy. The Young Shepherdess. Size :4X9. 107 GOBBI, G. Europe Born in Rome. Pupil of Michetti. Medals: Rome, Venice and Turin. Feeding the Poultry. Size 24x16. 108 CURTOIS, 5. B. Kurope Born at Paris. Pupil of Jacque and Troyon. Medals: 1851-1867. Legion of Honor, 1871. Hors Concours. Shepherd and Sheep. Size 1734x143. 109 VAIS. Prof Hurope Born at Bologna, Pupil of the Academy of Arts. Medals: Rome, Naples, Bologna. Admiring the Latest Mode. Size 1144xo9. 110 DE BULL, Fb. Europe Sheep. Size 20x14. ITI ESCOSURA, Leon Y. Europe The Parrot Dealer. Size 20X10. WEENIX, Jan Europe Still Life. Size 43x23. 113 TAMBURINI, A. Europe A native of Florence. and the holder of Medals of Honor at the exhibitions of Florence and of Rome, Antvenio Tamburini possesses also among collectors a popularity which is easily his due. Medals at Florence and at Rome. At the John Wolf sale « A Head,” 934x734, sold for $745. Stopped |! Size 9 lyx63z. 114, SCHOOL OF DAVID TENIERS. Flemish Interior. Size 934x715. Ti5 STAGLIANO, A. Europe Born in Naples. 1867. Stndied at the Royal Institute of Fine Arts, Naples. Received three prizes while studying at the institute. Medals: Naples. 1887; Palermo, 1891. A Neapolitan Girl. Size 25x1314, 116 PAREDES, De V. Europe Born at Valencia, Spain, and studied at the Aademdy of Fine Arts, where, at the Exposition in 1877, at the age of 18, he won the gold medal. His pictures appear yearly at the Salon in Paris. He received a medal at Madrid in 1879, and was made Commander of the Order cf Isabella the Catholic, and Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. of Spain, If 1 Dared ! Size r8lyxrq4t,. 117 VOLLWEIDER, Johann Jacob (deceased) Europe For medals and honors conferred (See No. 122 of the Catalogue). Glacier Jungfrau, with Swiss Farm House in Valley, Switzerland. Size 21x15. LI7A DAHSTER, W. Europe Guardian. Size 24X20. 117B LORING, Leeds America On the Coast of Maine. Size 30x15. The following four Paintings from Con- dover Hall, Shropshire, England., the old Elizabethan Mansion of the late Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq. 118 LAWRENCE, Sir Thos. Europe Portrait of Warren Hast- ings, the great adminis- trator and organizer of British India, appointed Governor-General 1774. Size 50x3914. 119 LELY, Sir Peter Europe Portrait of Duchess of Portsmouth, in brown dress. Size 44x3314. 120 POURBOUS, Europe Dyptjch, date 1540 Size 39x30. pat TURNER, J. M. W. Europe The Grand Canal, Venice. Size 44x29. I22 VOLLWEIDER, Johann Jacob (deceased) Europe Born in Eichstaedten Baden, 1834. Died at Berne. Switzerland, 1892. Medals: Berlin, Munich, Karlsruhe, Paris, Vienna, Dusseldorf. Pensioned by Germany. In Royal Museums of Germany. Belongs to School of Dusseldorf. Called the father of the style of painting snow clad mountain scenery, which made Albert Bierstadt famous in this country. and who was a pupil and friend of Vollweider. These mountain paintings are unsurpassed as to grandeur and expense of mountain view and scenery; nothing finer has ever been painted by any artist. The Glaciers Jungfrau, Moench and Eiger, seen from the path of Heimweh- fluch, Switzerland. Size 55X37. Awarded first prize in Vienna in 1873. eo DIAZ, dela Pena (deceased) Kurope France, 1808-1876. Medals: 1844. 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1851. Landscape. Size 1514x814. This beautiful painting came from the son of the late well-known wine merchant, Mons, Victor Mancheé, in Bordeaux, France. who had a very fine collection of paintings at his residence in that city. 124 MUNKACSY, M. Kurope Hungarian Peasant. Study from life. Size 16x1214. 125 MIERES, J. Van Europe Italian Landscape. Size 161¢x15. 126 TAMBORINI, F. M. Burope Honorable mention at the Paris Salon. Twilight. Size 35144x260%. 127 BAIXEROS, Dionisio Europe Born in Barcelona. Spain. Pupil of Barcelona Academy. First medal at Paris Salon Repre- sented in Metropolitan Museum of Art and Corco- ran Gallery. News from the War. Size 5116x3914. 128 BARBIERI, F. I] Guercino Europe Born at Cento, February 8, 1591. Died at Bologna, December 22, 1666. Real name Giovanni Francesco Barbierri. but called Guercino, Studied under. Benedetto Gennari, and in Venice and Bologna. Christ and the Magdalene. Size 25x19. 129 FRANGIAMORE, S. Europe Born in Palermo. 185. Pupil of the Academy of San Luca, at Rome. Studied under Professor Cochetti and Scuiti. Diploma of Honor, Rome, 1876, 1877, 1880. Medal Palermo, 1890. Uni- versal Exposition. The Flower Vender (Foun- tain of Trevi, Rome). Size 3216x2114. 130 PRATELLA, Attilio Europe Born in Lugo, Province of Ravenna, 1855. Studied at the Academy of Bologna ander Profes- sor Busi. Wentto Naples in 1878 and studied under Prof«ssor Morelli. Received Siver medal, Exposition of Rome, 1890; three prizes at Bologna in 1870. Works of this artist in the Royal Pal- aces at Rome, Naples and Florence; also in the National Museum at Capo di Monte. Port of Naples. Size 151¢x9. 131 FICHEL, E. B. Europe Born at Paris, 1826 Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Medals: Paris, 1857. 1861 and 1868. Legion of Honor, 1870. The Gallant Doctor. Size 16x13. 132 VOLLWEIDER, Johann Jacob (deceased) Europe For medals and honors conferred. (See No. 122 of the Catalogue). The Lake of Oeschinen and Blumenlis Alp, Berner Oberland, Switzerland. Size 55x37. Awarded first prize in Berlin, 1869. GR) BOGERT, Geo. H. America Landscape. Size 24x18. 134 HART, Wm. (deceased) America In the White Mountains. Size 14x1I. 135 BLAKELOCK, R. A. America Mountains. Size 20x14. 136 HUDSON, Thomas Furope Portrait of Berkeley Green in blue coat. Size 29x24%¢. 137 HOLBEIN Europe Portrait of Frau Maria Cotton. Size 414¢x31. 138 C2 SCARSELLI, V. Europe Italian Peasant. Size 17x14. 139 | TRACY, J. M. (deceased) America Setter Dog. Size 24x16. LEON, Europe Honorable mention at the Madrid, Spain, Ex- hibition. Pupil of the Royal Academy of Madrid. Marine. Size 1234x634. 141 VOLLWEIDER, Johann Jacob (deceased) Europe For Medals and Honors conferred see No. 122 of the Catalogue. The Blue Lake and the Dol-. denhorn in the Kandergund, Switzerland. Size 28x19. 142 HORN, O. Van Europe Born at The Hague. Pupil of Rosa Bonheur and Van Marcke. Medals: Antwerp, Berlin Paris. Considered one of the great animal painters of the day, On the Allerte. Size 36x25 4. 143 STEVENS, Alfred Europe Born in Brusse!s, 1828, Pupil of the Paris Ecole des Beaux Arts, of Navez and of Roqueplan. Medals: Brussels 1851; Paris. Third Class, 1853; Second Class. 1855; First Class, 1867, 1878. Order of Leopold, 1855; officer. 1863; afterwards Commander of Legion of Honor, 1863; officer, 1867; Commander, 1873. Commander of the Austrian Order of Francis Joseph ana of Bavarian Order of St. Michael. The Disappointing Letter. . Size 1514x11%4. 144 FOCARDI, E. Europe Born at Florence. Pupil of the Royal Aca- demy at Florence. Medals: Florence, Rome, Milan, Palermo. The Master of Tamburini. Frightening Grandpa. Size 31x244. 145 STOILOFF, C. Europe Born at Kronstadt. Pupil of the St. Peters- burg Fine Arts Academy. Medals: Vienna, Mu- nich, Paris. This artist possesses a remarkable and brilliant execution, and is a master in coloring and spirited effect. Cossacks Harassing the Troops of Napoleon. Size 36x251¢, 146 RENI, Guido (attributed to) The Descent from the Cross. Size 1754x14%. 147 SCHOOL OF DAVID TENIERS. A Flemish Interior. Size 1794x14%. 148 FAVRETTO, G. Europe Born in Venice. Medals in Rome, Florence, Venice and Milan. Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy. (One of the most prominent painters of Italy) After the Bath. Size 113, x74. 149 SENET, R. Kurope Born in Spain. Medal at the Exposition in Madrid, 1888. Prize of Rome from Spain. Hon- orable mention, 1898. Venetian Marine. Size 221gx14. 150 FIELD, E. Loyal America After Glow. Size 30x25, 151 MORAN, Percy America Divided Attention. Size 12xtc. 152 CHAPMAN, Carlton T. (A. N. A.) America The Village Church, Boshan Sussex. Size 30X20. 153 BROWN, W. Warren America Sebago Lake. Size 26x16. 154 STAGLIANO, A. Europe Born in Naples, 1867. Studied at the Royal Institute of Fine Arts, Naples. Received three prizes while studying at Institute. Medals: Naples, 1887; Palermo, 1891. | A Bacchante. Size 24x18. oa ees GOUBIE Europe Born in Paris. A Ride in the Bois. Size r8Lixra2lg, 156 MORGAN, Wm, (N. A.) (deceased) America Resting. Size 26x18. 157 CECCONI, Lorenzo Europe Born in Rome, 1863. Honorable mention. Ex- position in Florencein 1890. On the occasion of the exposition held in Rome in honor of the silver wedding of their royal majesties, his picture, *‘ In Amore | abora,” won a gold medal, and was pur- _ chased bythe royal family. Medals at Munich, Vienna and Berlin. A Summer ldeal. e Size 1916x134. 158 SMITH, Henry P. America Hill and Dale. Size 18x14. 159 THOM, J. Crawford (deceased) America Opposite Sandy Hook. Size 18x12. i160, QUINTON, Clement Europe Born in Paris. Medal, third class, 18g0. Medal, second class, 1892. Hors Concours. Pupil of M. Sauerfeld. Returning from Pasture. Size 18x15. 161 LEYS, Hendrick C. Europe Born in Antwerp, 1815. Died there, 1869, Pupil of his brother-in-law, F, de Braekeleer, and of the Antwerp Academy under Wappers. Outskirts of Antwerp. Size 1774 K14%4.. 162 WALTER, L. America Head of Italian Girl. Size 20x16. 163 REINART, A. Europe Twilight on the Sheldt. Size 20x12. 164 RAEBURN | Europe Lady Brockenden. Size 32x26. 165 DESHAYES, Charles Europe Born at Toulon. Pupil of Daubigny and Rous- seau. Medals and honors. Landscape and Cattle. Size 2344x144. 166 RETORE, Max Hurope Born in Paris. Pupil of Jean Paul Laurens and Ziem. Medals: Brussels, Antwerp, Rouen and Paris. Venetian Marine. Size 24x14. 167 MULLIER, M. Europe Born in Paris. Pupil of Muller; also studied in Paris and Germany. Medals: Munich, Berlin- and Paris. Feeding the Dove. Size 22!14x16l. 168 MAGRIN, J. Europe Born in Paris. Pupil of Gerome. Medals: Paris, Marseilles and Lyons. View in Algiers. Size r6x1I. 169 UNKNOWN Old Venice. Size 311¢x2I. 170 BATTAILLE, Louis Europe Born in Paris. Pupil of Lerolle. Medals: 1887, 18ql. The Shepherdess. Size 1434x844. 171 LAEZZA, G. Europe Born at Naples. Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts, Naples, for over twenty-five years. Medals: Paris, Vienna and throughout Italy. Starting the Boat. Size 13x814.