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FF PON COEF Ge > oi UAL oa oe BOTT TN Cy PRD BHO ee ee ee oe ws} ’ ee pene Ha YY y « ade sr DUS bey worein E . ® ° Pert anges s > 9G ee ay ® LP pee tae YAO ry . . ead Vee! be eo o. a ee ek | * ; PO Ce b Hay | s s Wi a eh oe ee ee ee ei ee Le ee *% CPO PI UY Oe EEA DS bee TEU eF wae ct ee 7 Wht S219 £40 Fae & oe ee? Oe wR 4 Ys tr we eA eA ef bra eh ane ee et £8 eR ON Fe he Be ee et s # 7 Fete ew és ; , ; fe? . oe ‘ , ‘1 i PASS ¥ “ses se ” re] + thee) £ we uh Th A wey tot owws 8 yy? Ps ne fy at - e+} Oo Ate Ae a te IN SN RS, eR Lobe do THeLIM aA ney OS ey ee Rate bee See a} “2 8D 1 te wee Aver e has ht eee OM ie Aas je ee oe 4 YOR oe O44, “Ve by dws oma aed © 4.5.95 ei 5 $,¢ SALE NUMBER 3170 ON THE PREMISES 133 EAST STREET z] 10 A.M.5 P.M.: SUNDAY, MAY EIGHTH, P: i! a MONDAY, MAY NINTH, 10 a. m5 P.M. DMITTING TO THE HOUSE ON APPLICATION AT THE ANDERSON 2 GALLERIES ANTIQUE FURNITURE WORKS OF “ART & HOUSE FURNISHINGS ‘THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THE RESIDENCE __ 193 BAST 55ru STREET, NEW YORK CITY Be: | OCCUPIED BY S. RITA H DE A DE ACOSTA LYDIG ’ (BANKRUPT) i os -s Ad ‘ es _ NATHANIEL OTTENSOSER, Trustee } oh a ROBERT B. STEVENSON, Referee in Bankruptcy Pry fs CHARLES C. PARMET, Attorney for Trustee me __TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE COURT UESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY TENTH, AT TWO O'CLOCK _ ~~ ‘AT THE ANDERSON GALLERIES 489 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK ll purchases must be removed by 3 p.M., May 11th failing ‘ich they will be removed to storage at the buyer’s expense representative of Day & Meyer, Murray & Young, Inc. il be at the Galleries to take orders for delivery. All see st pay a cash deposit of 50% of the purchase price immedi- ely a lot is knocked down to them, and the balance next day THE ANDERSON GALLERIES _~ {MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] ) 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK i’ > 1927 EE A a TNS ae L CL. | | | LIBRARY | | | | NO. M.Knoedler & Co. Aa 14 East 57th St. New York | Tel. Chelsea 8860 merous se cv THIS CLIPPING FROM N. Y. TIMES may 44192 | oa sani ee a alas | dh Tre fAsures Go at f + but Not Christen- ing Cup. Reaccona possessions of a de Acosta Lydig were sold | public auction. Anxious us thrill seekers, together ; socially prominent friends uaintanc of the late Percy | Grant’s former fiancee, “Anderson Galleries, No. 489 er where the sale was wy Zuloaga’s “Portrait of a ,” a 34 by 46 inch canvas pin 4 Spanish antique gilt carved frame, brought t price obtained for e piece in the sale. The = +a : item described as ‘Sterling Silver Mug and Jt , inseribed ‘Little Willie, . "1896" ” (date of the birth \ Lydig’s son, W. E. D. Jr), Was at the last moment from the sale by the trus- % Objects which were obtained able sums included a century Italian bronze which sold for $2,100 to + twelve Chippendale England, purchased for H. Couniban, agent, and a idale mahogany and needle- chair sold for $1,750 to H. Wi oe are bP Ss purchased by Knoedles a y dining chairs, eighteenth | MRS, LYDIG SALE | ~ THE ORIGINAL es KE PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU No Connection with any other RO sane 220 WEST 19th $ Sis ~NEW YORK Tel. Chelsea 8860 THIS CLIPPING FROM NEW YORK EVE. POST WAN 11192! ON'T PAY DEBTS | Receipts at Anderson Galleries Are $44,240 Under Obligations —Buyers Are Few ZULOAGA ART NETS $2,900. Receipts from the sale of the house- hold possessions of Mrs. Rita de Acosta Lydig today are $50,000 less than. she expected and $44,24057 under the debts of $94,351.57 that she had hoped to pay through this auction the Anderson Galleries. Everything was sold except “Little Willie’s’ mug. When it was reached | the auctioneer announced that the ob- | ject had been withdrawn from the sale for sentimental reasons. The an-| nouncement was cheered. It was el erally assumed that the date inscribed | on the mug, “October 17, 1896,” had} something to do with the infancy of W. E. D. Stokes Jr., the son of Mrs, Lydig. ) The auctioneer said that the mug | had been withdrawn from the sale in | deference to the wishes of Mrs. Lydig, | who is now in a sanitarium. She went | there a few days ago, when too ill to appear for examination, in connection | with her yoluntary petition, in bank- | ruptcy. ——————————— art tacts aABS other ‘cnishings of the home of Mrs [de accete eras at 123 East ves | her: ee petition! in bank r amounted to $50,111. eds The sale attracted the largest ‘erow | assembled in the galleries” ‘since. :| Lord Leverhulme sales. — unhate |gan gathering at noon and > ‘o’clock the doors to the auction. roon ‘| were blocked. The sale was not {until 7 o’clock. ; The painting by Zuloaga of ghee ae an old man seated gaz: |' e pensively downward, with a book| loosely in one hand, brough 900, a low price for its real valu was bid in by Knoedler & Co. pronze™ hogany and needlework , rn ae century atest “for a Chipper : ettee of the same rimson damask. rane tea, service ayer f nne desi n by Cric ; : i New Yor SEES IPS PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU ve Tel. Chelsea 8860 THIS CLIPPING FROM NEW YORK BRONX HOME NEWS MAY 11 192? Mics: Lydig’s Furnishings Net $50,111 at Auction) Before one of the largest crowds |, ever assembled at Anderson Gal- | leries, the art objects and costly) furnishings of the home of Mrs. Rita | de Acosta Lydig, at 123 E. 55th St., | were sold yesterday to pay her $94, 351.57 debts. The sale netted $50.111. Nearly all the objects brought far less than their actual worth. Zu-| loaga’s painting, “The Philosopher” |, noedler & Co. at $2,900. Joseph a for a little bronze 16th century {| statuette of a Bacchus holding cas~-. tanets. Twelve 18th century Chip-| endale mahogany English dining || chairs went to an agent for $2,025. ; en mp rn el A | = OME 220 WEST 19th ST., NEW YORK Tel. Chelsea 8860 THIS CLIPPING FROM NEW YORK, N. Y. EVENING WORLD i Way 141927 went for $625. nogany and needlew' ith hall Arnold, $909. Chippendale settee, cOV- ered with crimson. silk damask, to A. || Rita Lydig’ 1) ] l | eae ; | RRO 8 Eff t ly g () ly $50 11 ; Some of the silver pieces W | 2 eC 5 cit N 94*+"9 | marks of mastersmiths. of the Queen \ II. and Ill. peri- Jacobs, $1,015. “portrait: of a Philos- \ opher,” py Zuluaga, to M. Knoedler & | = a> os ——— d's Fair, Anne and George I., ebts of $94.0 ods, informally appraised at from $1,- 5) 000 to $3,000 each, prought less than | CO» $2,900. Bronze statuette of Bac- » } cnus, French, sixteenth century, to JO- seph Brown, $2,100. Antique Chinese Arnold, $1,650. Twelve Not E | | 4 _ Bed nough to Cover | ] : | $500 apiece. Following were the main items of the : ios ' sale: Four Louis SV. ormulu appli- wool rug : which had Lata selected 1% ques to Miss H, Counihan, agent, $1,500. Chippendale mahogany dining chairs Mi Miss Counihan, agent, $2,025. Chi- to A. Ar- White, gue Kuba rug to ss H. to | nese sixfold lacquer screen Auction Hall I 1,650 : Crowded, 1a Lydig by the late Stanford yesterday Large anti agent, $1,475. Chippendale nold, $1,400. elve Collamore royal but Princi ally W i were treasures that realized the ao i 4 ip oo Bae cae a Sno nite eee Saker armchair mahogany pody Yio grand piano for which ite designed | mee ck arme ‘i ’ ; eet pipe case, which won first prize at ae to A. Jacobs, $1,750. Chippendale mar crown plates to Js. SNe — A. Knapp, $900. -Mrs. Rita de Acosta Lydig’s house- old effects, offered in 274 lots, were fold yesterday in the Anderson Gal- = feries for $50,111 for the benefit of her creditors in bankruptcy. In her ieee ment to creditors after she had filed her | petition Mrs, Lydig said she was con- fident the sale would more than cover her debts of $94,000. R —- "The oécadion drew an overflowin crowd to the sales galleries, filling as) otf rmits Ss and well E. H.| gs. Lydig acquired en he visited this about a dozen years ago andj |. *s social |: pear in’ as sold yester- SALE NUMBER 2170 EXHIBITION ON THE PREMISES 123 EAST 55TH STREET MAY SEVENTH, 10 a. m.-5 Pp. m.: SUNDAY, MAY EIGHTH, 2-5 p.m: © : MONDAY, MAY NINTH, to a. m5 P.M. ) ADMITTING TO THE HOUSE ON APPLICATION AT THE ANDERSON fi GALLERIES IRDAY, 1 ANTIQUE FURNITURE : WORKS OF ART & HOUSE FURNISHINGS THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THE RESIDENCE 123 EAST 55Tx STREET, NEW YORK CITY OCCUPIED BY (RS. RITA H DE A DE ACOSTA LYDIG (BANKRUPT) NATHANIEL OTTENSOSER, Trustee ROBERT B. STEVENSON, Referee in Bankruptcy CHARLES C. PARMET, Attorney for Trustee TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE COURT ESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY TENTH, AT TWO O'CLOCK AT THE ANDERSON GALLERIES 489 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK 1 purchases must be removed by 3 p.M., May 11th failing nich they will be removed to storage at the buyer’s expense representative of Day &? Meyer, Murray & Young, Inc. Avil be at the Galleries to take orders for delivery. All buyers hust pay a cash deposit of 50% of the purchase price immedi- itely a lot is knocked down to them, and the balance next day efore 3 P.M. j at THE ANDERSON GALLERIES {MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presivent] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1927 CONDITIONS OF SALE > ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all ee of disputed (nee thedeceeeet ob the 5 Auctioneer shall be final. , , oan Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account _ as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. - | clusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sun. | deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, | reserves the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further 4 notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, | together with all expenses incurred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right — of this Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. 3 The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. . The Anderson Galleries makes no charge for executing orders for its customers and use 3 all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar for each Session of the Sale THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. 489 Park AVENUE AT Firty-NintH STREET, NEw York TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. PF. A. CHAPMAN, MR. A. N. BADE AND MR. E. H. L. THOMPSON — _ ORDER OF SALE "g HALL AND LAUNDRY OF FIVE SERVANTS’ BEDROOMS AND OR P I NUMBER ONE 28— 61 62- 92 93-128 129-140 141-224 141-192 193-220 221-224 225-242 243-274 ‘TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY TENTH, AT TWO O’CLOCK i KITCHEN, SERVANTS’ HALL AND LAUNDRY NUMBERS 1-3 as, Pe CONTENTS OF KITCHEN : Including two white painted tables; three chairs; two oak ee et ators: miscellaneous culinary utensils, etc. he a" 2 CONTENTS OF SERVANT’S HALL Nas’ Including oak drop-leaf table; six chairs with leather seats; te rai miscellaneous china and cutlery, etc. ; | 8 CONTENTS OF LAUNDRY _ CONTENTS OF FIVE SERVANTS’ BEDROOMS AND CORRIDOR NUMBERS 4-10 4 BEDROOM NUMBER ONE | White enamelled single bedstead with wire spring; dressing _____ table with mirror above; clothes closet; small table; cane- ____ seat chair; scrap basket; small Axminster rug; pair of gold net window curtains. 5 BEDROOM NUMBER TWO White enamelled single bedstead with wire spring; dressing table with mirror above; side table; cane-seat chair; small Axminster rug; scrap basket; pair of gold net window cur- tains. ah; meee ee ro 6 BEDROOM NUMBER THREE White enamelled single bedstead with wire spring; dressing table with mirror; side chair; scrap basket; Axminster rug; pair of gold net window curtains. 1 en ae 7 - ’ = 1 10 11 yA i 13 14 15 BEDROOM NUMBER FOUR fr White enamelled bedstead with wire spring; dressing table with mirror; two clothes closets; side table; chair; scrap basket; small Axminster rug. . BEDROOM NUMBER FIVE White enamelled single iron bedstead with wire spring; chest of drawers; small mirror; Axminster rug. ; TRUNK ROOM White enamelled wardrobe and chest of drawers; folding cot; hair mattress by P. W. French & Co., for three-quarter bed. TWO LENGTHS OF CORRIDOR CARPET Cut to plan. (2) Length about 10 and 12 feet GUEST ROOM NUMBER ONE NUMBERS 11-18 TWO PAIRS OF GOLD NET WINDOW CURTAINS With silk tasselled draw cords. GRAY CARPET AS LAID ; To cover a room approximately seventeen feet square. Com- posed of seven strips. Cut to plan of room. MAHOGANY BUTLER’S TRAY AND FOLDING STAND With four hinged flaps. | Width, 38 inches FOUR SILVERED METAL WALL LIGHTS For two electrified candle lights each. With brown parch- — ment shades. (4) Height, 11 inches CARVED MAHOGANY SHERATON FOUR POST BEDSTEAD With slender reeded and tapered posts. Carved low head and foot boards. Box spring and mattress. Width, 4 feet Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. | 2 [16] rs v 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ‘shaped drawers. Rectangular mirror above with delicately HEPPLEWHITE MAHOGANY CHEST OF DRAWERS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Swell front with two small and three long drawers. Curved skirt and tapered bracket feet. In figured mahogany. (Some defects to veneer.) Height, 41 inches; width, 42 inches — Purchased from P. W. French & Co. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | HEPPLEWHITE MAHOGANY DRESSING GLASS 3 ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Charming specimen. The stand fitted with three ogival Sea and fretted top. Bracket feet. Height, 24 inches; width, 1514 inches Pilrciased from P. W. French & Co. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY CHEST OF DRAWERS Pleasing chest of four long drawers with gilt bronze rosette handles; a mirrored pull-out slide at the top. Gadroon carved borders, bracket feet. Height, 34 inches; width, 35 inches Purchased from P. W. French & Co. GUEST ROOM NUMBER TWO NUMBERS 19-27 ¥ oe We MR 2a - KM THREE PAIRS OF GOLD NET WINDOW CURTAINS With silk tasselled draw cords. GRAY CARPET AS LAID < To cover a room approximately fifteen feet by sixteen feet. Comprising eight and a half lengths. Cut to plan of room. METAL BRIDGE LAMP WITH PARCHMENT SHADE Wired for electricity. Height, 5 feet 6 inches METAL BRIDGE LAMP WITH PARCHMENT SHADE Similar to the preceding. FOI UR rveiien METAL WALL LIGHTS or two electrified candle lights each. With brown parch- fient shad 4 es. (4) Height, 11 inches UPHOLSTERED EASY CHAIR COVERED IN BROWN SATIN . Ww ith slightly canted back, winged arms and loose seat cushion. On short ern and fluted front supports. Fine ; “quality Width, 24 inches . "Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. 25 UPHOLSTERED EASY CHAIR COVERED IN BROWN “a ‘SATIN ; Similar to the preceding. Fine quality. _ Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. 2 ¢ _ CHIPPENDALE CARVED MAHOGANY BOOKCASE : Pt: In two parts. Enclosed by a pair of lattice-pattern glass _ doors; two divisioned interior with adjustable shelves. Lower part enclosed by two rectangular doors with cham- ferred panels. Carved gadroon borders; moulded cornice and bracket feet. Height, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches Purchased from P. W. French & Co. CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SMALL TRIPOD TABLE ' ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY With circular top in pie-crust form on slender reeded and tapered support with outcurved tripod base. Height, 27 inches; diameter of top, 141% inches Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. MRS. LYDIG’S BEDROOM NUMBERS 28-61 TWO PAIRS OF GOLD NET WINDOW CURTAINS With silk tasselled draw cords. GRAY CARPET AS LAID To cover a room approximately eighteen feet square. Com- posed of eight lengths. Cut to plan of room. 5 ee nn en A cen re 30 ol o2 Oo o4 3D 36 SET OF BRASS FIREPLACE FURNISHINGS Comprising a pair of cat and dog andirons, four implementaa on standard and roller fire screen. The andirons purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY JARDINIERE WITH COPPER LINER ; Constructed in basket form. Used as scrap basket. PAIR OF CRYSTAL AND BRONZE TABLE CANDLESTICKS MOUNTED AS LAMPS With flower shaped bases; wired for single candle lights each, with pleated yellow silk shades. (2) Height, 12 inches PAIR OF CHINESE SMALL WHITE CRACKLED VASE LAMPS With pleated yellow silk shades and teakwood bases. Wired. (2) Height, 12 inches Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. DIRECTOIRE MAHOGANY GUERIDON FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Fitted with three small drawers, one partitioned for writing material. Fluted stiles. Kidney-shaped undershelf and tapered supports. White marble top with pierced brass gallery. Height, 29 inches; width, 17 inches From Doucet, Paris. MAHOGANY DIRECTOIRE COMMODE OF SMALL DRAWERS Equipped with eight slightly graduating drawers. Panelled — g sides and chamferred corners. Gray marble top. Height, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 22 inches DIRECTOIRE MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE A ABATTANT FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY The fall front enclosing small drawers and compartments; a drawer above; two doors below enclosing one shelf. Fluted stiles; panelled sides. Moulded white marble top. (Some small defects.) Height, 4 feet 7 inches; width, 24 inches From Doucet, Paris. a ae as NTED AND CARVED LOUIS XVI STOOL eo: FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY n fluted and tapered supports. The rectangular top covered W ith stamped velour. Height, 17 inches; width, 18 inches Fro een etiam Paris. ae . Z) $8 | PAINTED AND CARVED LOUIS XVI STOOL an FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY , Similar to the preceding. The top covered in yellow silk _ damask. Height, 17 inches; width, 1714 inches Be om Doucet, Paris. mens -DIRECTOIRE PAINTED TOLE TABLE LAMP e ” With fluted columnar standard. Pleated yellow silk shade. oa wired, Height, 28 inches Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. et 2 pay la 0 CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SMALL TRIPOD TABLE =a ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY _._ Pleasing piece with pie-crust-shaped top; reeded and tapered pedestal support and outcurved tripod legs. Height, 27 inches; diameter of top, 141% inches Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. UPHOLSTERED MAHOGANY CHAISE LONGUE With winged head, and tapered square supports. Covered in jardiniere pattern blue silk. Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. UPHOLSTERED BERGERE ARMCHAIR Harmonizing with the preceding. Rounded back and winged arms. Covered in jardiniere pattern blue silk. Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. DIRECTOIRE MAHOGANY CHEST OF DRAWERS Three drawers with bronze ring handles. Faintly figured white marble top; short tapered square supports with bronze feet. Height, 33 inches; width, 39 inches From Doucet, Paris. 44 45 46 AT 48 QUEEN ANNE DECORATED LACQUER MIRROR _— , ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY — Upright frame crested by graceful curves and scrolls; the — base similarly curved. Gilt with Chinese decoration on dark — E lacquer ground. Bevelled mirror glass. (Cracked.) Height, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 21 inches — Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. SET OF FOUR VERY FINE LOUIS XV ORMOLU APPLIQUES FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Of handsome rocaille scroll form with painted porcelain — flower encrusted branches for two electrified candle lights ~ with small pleated yellow silk shades. Fine quality. (4) 4 ; Height, 27 inches — Purchased from P. W. French & Co. LOUIS XVI PAINTED AND CARVED BEDSTEAD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY With high panelled head and foot boards, the borders carved with fiuting, rosettes at the corners. Painted soft gray. Short tapered supports.. With box spring and mattress. Width, 3 feet 10 inches EMPIRE BLUE SILK TAFFETA BEDSPREAD AND PILLOW Embellished with fine blue and white brocaded trimmings. q Lined with cream silk. Fine quality. Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. TWO PAIRS OF ANTIQUE FIGURED BLUE SILK DAMASK WINDOW PORTIERES WITH VALANCES AND TIES Lined with organdy. Fine quality. Length about 10 feet; width about 3 feet — Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. 8 ~—_ = . : nD RECTOIRE MAHOGANY WRITING TABLE FRENCH, CIRCA 1800 Fitted with one drawer; leather lined pull-out slides at either 1. Veined white marble top with pierced brass gallery. - lightly tapered supports. Size of top, 31 x 18 inches chased from Elsie de Wolfe. 5 50. DIRECTOIRE MAHOGANY GUERIDON FRENCH, CIRCA 1800 | With two white marble shelves. Tapered round supports eae | P| SL LOUIS XVI PAINTED AND CARVED OCCASIONAL _ CHAIR FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Fluted frame and ea supports. Oval back and rounded seat covered in figured yellow silk damask trimmed with knotted blue silk. From Doucet, Paris. a « _ 52 LOUIS XVI PAINTED AND CARVED OCCASIONAL | CHAIR FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY -_ Matching the preceding chair. From Doucet, Paris. 538 CHILD’S PAINTED AND CARVED LOUIS XV CHAIR FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Engaging small armchair with caned back and seat. Fitted with blue silk damask cushion. Voluted frame painted gray and carved with flowers. Height, 23 inches From Doucet, Paris. 54 SMALL WALNUT QUEEN ANNE COFFEE TABLE Oval top with drop leaves supported on draw bars. Tapered round legs ending in turned feet. Height, 19 inches; diameter, 20 inches a 9 asa etnenitianieeaeeainmm aie pe Ee 5D 56 57 58 59 60 61 DIRECTOIRE MAHOGANY AND FRUITWOOD SMALL SIDE TABLE FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY One drawer with brass rosette and ring handle. Top of veined white marble with gallery on three sides. On tapered and partly turned supports. Height, 26 inches; width, 25 inches MAHOGANY DIRECTOIRE COMMODE OF SMALL DRAWERS | Equipped with six panelled drawers. White marble top with pierced brass gallery. Fluted stiles and small bracket feet. Height, 44 inches; width, 19 inches UPHOLSTERED LOUIS XVI BERGERE White painted and carved frame. The back and seat cushion covered in figured blue silk damask. Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. DECORATIVE CRYSTAL GLASS ELECTROLIER Formed as festoon of flowers with single centre light sur- rounded by pendant lustres. Pendant blue silk tassel. Height, 24 inches LOUIS XV FRUITWOOD CABINET CHAIR FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY With caned back and seat. Frame carved with flowers and scrolls. Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. PAIR OF PALE BLUE SILK PLEATED WINDOW CURTAINS Trimmed with French ribbon. Also a pair of gold net win- dow curtains; and blue silk bell pull. Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. SMALL PAINTED CONSOLE, TWO BATH MATS, TWO WIRE SCRAP BASKETS AND BATH STOOL (6) 10 “a 4 ai al a = 68 66 67 MRS. LYDIG’S BOUDOIR NUMBERS 62-92 ne : 62 ‘THREE PAIRS OF ANTIQUE BLUE SILK DAMASK - WINDOW PORTIERES WITH VALANCES AND TIES = Patterned with bold baroque scrolls and flowers in two shades * se of beautiful peacock blue. Lined with organdy. Fine quality. Be Length about 10 feet; width, 3 feet 6 inches " Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. THREE PAIRS OF GOLD NET WINDOW CURTAINS With silk tasselled draw cords. GRAY CARPET AS LAID To cover a room approximately fourteen by fifteen feet. Com- posed of eight lengths. Cut to plan of room. SET OF BRASS FIREPLACE FURNISHINGS Comprising pair of cat and dog andirons, wire roller spark guard, four implements on standard. (8) The andirons purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. DIRECTOIRE PAINTED METAL TABLE LAMP With columnar standard and pleated yellow silk shade. Wired. Height, 31 inches Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. DIRECTOIRE MAHOGANY SMALL GUERIDON FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Of triangular form, marble top and two marble under- shelves with pierced brass galleries; one small drawer. Tapered and chamferred supports. Height, 27 inches; width, 1442 inches From Doucet, Paris. 11 SS eee 68 69 70 {Bt 72 73 SHERATON MAHOGANY SMALL TRIPOD TABLE =—— ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular tilt top with carved gadroon border. Turned pedes- — tal support; scale carved tripod legs. (Some restorations.) Diameter, 171 inches — Purchased from P. W. French & Co. : = MAHOGANY FOLDING TEA TABLE | a With hinged circular top and undershelf. Trestle supports. . Width, 174% inches — PAIR OF LOUIS XVI PAINTED AND CARVED BERGERE © ARMCHAIRS COVERED IN ANTIQUE BLUE VELVET . Ivory painted and fluted frames; short tapered and fluted supports. The oval backs, arms and seat cushions upholstered and covered in antique blue silk velvet. (2) 2 Width, 24 inches — Purchased from P. W. French & Co. a LOUIS XVI PAINTED AND CARVED BERGERE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Rounded ea seat frame and tapered supports carved with — fluting and painted ivory-white. Upholstered and covered in — ; antique blue silk velvet. Width, 2314 inches — From Doucet, Paris. 5 SHERATON MAPLE THREE-TIER STAND For books, smoking accessories, etc. With three shelves; q slender turned supports. Height, 26 inches; width, 18 inches — PAIR OF WHITE PAINTED AND CARVED LOUIS XVI OCCASIONAL CHAIRS FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Rectangular backs and loose seat cushions covered in figured blue silk. Short fluted supports. From the Chateau de ~ Navailles. (2) Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. 12 i 7 gent — ie IRECTOIRE MAHOGANY SMALL SEWING AND _ WRITING TABLE FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY ; _ Rectangular top with lift out leather lined tray, reverse pad- ded and covered in blue silk. On tapered end supports with . Be trestle base. Height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches 5 5 - PAIR OF DIRECTOIRE PAINTED TOLE TABLE LAMPS _ With columnar standards painted green and gold. Pleated yellow silk shades. (2) Height, 26 inches Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. DIRECTOIRE pe GANY KIDNEY SHAPED STAND FRENCH, CIRCA 1800 With tray top and pierced trestle supports. Pleasing piece. Height, 31 inches; width, 24 inches Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. SHERATON MAHOGANY CABINET WITH ETAGERES In figured mahogany banded in tulipwood and holly. Sur- mounted by gracefully reeded framework of shelves for books; two drawers at the centre with gilt bronze rosette q and ring handles; two wire mesh doors below lined with gray y silk. On short tapered square supports. > Height, 7 feet; width, 5 feet 2 inches Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. 78 MAHOGANY DIRECTOIRE TEA TABLE PA With inset white marble top and fluted trestle supports. % Size of top, 24 x 21 inches ‘a Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. 79 LOUIS XVI WHITE PAINTED AND CARVED BERGERE ARMCHAIR FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY With graceful curved back and arms and short fluted and tapered supports painted ivory white. Upholstered and cov- ered in figured cream silk trimmed with knotted blue silk borders. Loose seat cushion. Width, 24 inches From Doucet, Paris. 13 80 81 82 83 84 LOUIS XVI MARBLE MANTEL FACINGS AND IRON FIRE BACK 7 The frieze and stiles finely carved with formal leaf and — flower sprays, bird grotesques and agricultural emblems. Mantel in gray and cream marble; soapstone rear hearth; iron fireplace lining embellished with rosette and trellis ornament. Height, 41 inches; width, 47 inches Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. THREE LOUIS XVI PAINTED AND CARVED FOOTSTOOLS FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Flower carved frames and short fluted supports. The tops — covered in stamped gray velour. (3) Height, 7 inches; width, 1414 and 11 inches From Doucet, Paris. LOUIS XVI WHITE PAINTED AND CARVED SMALL BERGERE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY With caned spoon-shaped back and serpentine seat. On fluted and tapered supports. | From Doucet, Paris. LOUIS XVI MAHOGANY WRITING TABLE One drawer in the front with divisioned interior and gilt bronze ring handle, keyplate and handsomely pierced key. - On fluted and tapered supports with small bronze feet. Leather lined top with gilt borders; leather lined pull-out slide at either end. Size of top, 40 x 1914 inches Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. DIRECTOIRE PAINTED AND CARVED DAYBED FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY The high rectangular panelled ends with small carved spheri- cal finial ornaments. Painted soft gray. Mattress, three bolsters and six pillows covered in blue silk velvet. Length, 6 feet; width, 3 feet From Doucet, Paris. 14 FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY _ White marble top with pierced brass gallery. One drawer fitted with leather lined writing slide and compartment. Tapered supports and undershelf with brass gallery. From Doucet, Paris. Height, 27 inches; width, 19 inches CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY WASTE PAPER BASKET Carved with fluting, gadroon ornament and rosettes; deli- cately turned spindle sides; bronze swing handle. Height, 14 inches FRENCH TERRA COTTA BUST OF A LAUGHING BOY Pleasing piece after the eighteenth century French original. On moulded circular plinth. Height, 16 inches Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. CARVED WOOD HEAD OF A FEMALE SAINT ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Finely carved beautiful features, the hair falling to the left shoulder. Traces of gilding. Height, 9 inches VENETIAN CARVED ROCK CRYSTAL COUPE With decorated silver gilt mounts. Finely carved with ara- besque flowers and grotesque birds in the style of Benvenuto Cellini. Height, 5 inches CHINESE PORCELAIN FIGURE LAMP In the Ming style. Formed as figures of two laughing sages glazed in yellow, green and aubergine. Mounted and wired for one light, with yellow silk shade with fringe border. Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. Height, 17 inches PANEL OF BLUE SILK DAMASK sPANISH, 18TH CENTURY Patterned with bold flowers and leaves. Fine quality. With blue linen lining. Size, 7 feet 5 inches x 7 feet 2 inches Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. DOWN SOFA CUSHION Covered in antique cut gray silk velvet with tasselled border. Size, 22 x 12 inches 15 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 LIBRARY NUMBERS 93-128 THREE PAIRS OF ANTIQUE CRIMSON SILK DAMASK WINDOW PORTIERES WITH VALANCES | Patterned with bold baroque flowers and leaves. Lined and ~ interlined. Trimmed with gold thread galloon and silk “@ fringe. With draw cords. Fine quality. (Worn in places.) Length about 9 feet 6 inches; width about 5 feet — SIX PAIRS OF GOLD NET WINDOW CURTAINS Two long pairs and two short pairs, with silk tasselled draw cords. | IMPORTANT ANTIQUE LARGE KUBA RUG With striking design of large conventionalized peony medal- ‘lions in turquoise-blue, white and other pastel shades, bordered in brown on a ground of rose-red. Border of con- ventionalized peony flowers and leaf vines on ivory-white. (Some repairs.) Size, 16 feet x 7 feet 6 inches Purchased for Mrs. Lydig by the late Stanford White. SET OF POLISHED STEEL FIREPLACE FURNISHINGS Comprising a serpentine front grate with flower scrolled fire back; pierced fender; ash tray; three implements on stand- ard; log scuttle. DIRECTOIRE PAINTED METAL TABLE LAMP With fluted columnar standard. Brown parchment shade. Wired. Height, 26 inches Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. DIRECTOIRE PAINTED METAL TABLE LAMP Nearly similar to the preceding. Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. PAIR OF ADAM BRASS CANDLESTICKS MOUNTED AS LAMPS With columnar standards, and small brown parchment shades. Wired. (2) Height, 1814 inches 16 100 Q _ ANTIQUE SPANISH LUSTRED POTTERY VASE MOUNTED AS LAMP _ Decorated with copper metallic lustre on a robin’s egg blue | vane Gilt metal mounts. Brown parchment shade. Wired for two lights. Height, 25 inches Purchased from Dikran G. Kelekian. ee — 101 ANTIQUE SPANISH LUSTRED POTTERY VASE MOUNTED AS LAMP Nearly similar to the preceding. Height, 25 inches Purchased from Dikran G. Kelekian. STEINWAY BABY GRAND PIANO In mahogany case with ebony finish. On pedestal supports in the classic taste. Serial number 80222. Fine tone. The case was especially designed by the late Stanford White for Mrs. Lydig, and the piano won first prize at the Chicago World’s Fair. QUEEN ANNE UPHOLSTERED WING CHAIR _ The high back, winged sides and rolled arms covered in téte de négre velvet with gold thread galloons and pendant tassels. On graceful walnut cabriole front supports with pad feet. Purchased from P. W. French & Co. 104 SULTANABAD POTTERY BOWL Decorated with panels of archaic flowers and leaves in rich turquoise-blue on indigo glaze. Height, 514, inches; diameter, 934, inches Purchased from Dikran G. Kelekian. [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 27] 105 VALENCIAN POTTERY TAZZA _ SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY Decorated with archaic flowers and leaves in cobalt-blue on soft light ground. Diameter, 83/4, inches Purchased from Dikran G. Kelekian. 17 aS 106 [106] CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY AND NEEx2iKWORK : ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The very fine needlework back shows a gayly dressed male figure wearing plumed hat and playing a musical instrument, in a cartouche framed by flowers and leaves. The seat shows bold baroque flowers; the arms are also covered in needle- work and have leaf carved and grooved supports. Grooved square legs braced by fret pierced medial and side stretchers. A handsome chair. Purchased from H. Burlingham. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 18 07 CE ti PENDALE MAHOGANY AND NEEDLEWORK ; et ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY 3. ¢ mpanion to the preceding chair....The néedlework back es shows a male figure in seventeenth century attire in a scroll a ¢ ar touche ra med Vy similar owers. Needlework seat also i. as: designed with flowers and leaves. Leaf carved and grooved We "arm supports; fret pierced stretchers. (The back one oo maged.) A handsome and rare chair. | Purchased from, H. Burlingham. 4d a spi ' “ ae “x CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY TRIPOD TABLE WITH ~ PIECRUST TOP ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY _ A charming small table with tilt tray top. On fluted pedestal / support with leaf carved tripod legs terminating in graceful snake-head feet. (Top with age crack.) | Diameter, 211% inches Purchased from P. W. French & Co. [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 26] TWO-TIER SHERATON OCCASIONAL TABLE With oval top and undershelf of figured walnut. Slender mahogany supports. Charming reproduction. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches Purchased from P. W. French & Co. TWO-TIER SHERATON OCCASIONAL TABLE Similar to the preceding. Purchased from P. W. French & Co. SMALL WALNUT TABOURET FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY With moulded oblong top and slender turned supports. A pleasing stand for smoker’s accessories, etc. Height, 16 inches; width, 151% inches Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. 19 [113] [112] 112 NEEDLEWORK CUSHION FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY 113 Faced with panel of petit and gros point needlework depict- ing pastoral groups of figures in the Flemish style, in delicate pastel colors framed by flowers and scrolls in deeper tones. Lined with antique figured crimson damask. Rare. Width about 16 inches Purchased from P. W. French & Co. : [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] NEEDLEWORK CUSHION FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. Width, about 16 inches Purchased from P. W. French & Co. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 20 114 CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SETTEE COVERED IN , CRIMSON SILK DAMASK ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY ith boldly curved back of serpentine form, outsecrolled ends and serpentine seat. On fluted and carved mahogany sup- ports braced by plain stretchers. The back, sides and loose seat cushion covered in antique crimson silk damask designed with bold flowers and leaves. Length, 7 feet 3 inches Purchased from P. W. French & Co. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 115 TWO SOFA CUSHIONS Covered in antique figured crimson silk damask to match the preceding sofa. Width about 18 inches 21 [116] 116 CHIPPENDALE UPHOLSTERED MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The slightly canted rectangular back, seat and armrests cov- ered in flower patterned crimson silk damask. Voluted mahogany arm supports carved with flowers and foliage sprays; square front legs carved with fret ornament and braced by plain stretchers. Rare. Purchased from H. Burlingham. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 22 fore is UPHOLSTERED MAHOGANY y sim i ar to the preceding chair. The back, seat and covered | in flower patterned crimson silk damask. ny arm | supports and front legs richly carved with S -leafage and floral sprays; rocaille scroll corner and plain front stretchers. Well executed restora- tions to the base of the supports. eee Se rchased from H. Burlingham. 4 . a JUAN CARRENO DI MIRANDO SPANISH, 1614-1685 PORTRAIT OF A SENORITA Bust, head and shoulders to the front, eyes directed toward the spectator, her lustrous black hair parted on the side and combed over the forehead, fastened at the temples with a jewel, then dropping to the shoulders in ringlets. Attired in ’ grey bodice ornamented with pink bows and burnished silver webbing with a veiling partly covering the shoulders. Dark complementary background. Canvas. Gilt and black carved wood frame, antique Spanish style. Height, 2434, inches; width, 214, inches Purchased from Ignacio Zuloaga. 23 [119] IGNACIO ZULOAGA CONTEMPORARY SPANISH 119 PORTRAIT OF A PHILOSOPHER Half-length, seated on a veranda facing the spectator as he holds an open book from which his attention has been taken. Attired in black garments with a voluminous cape, bare cliffs at the right distance while a portion of an open door balances the composition on the left; blue sky growing lighter toward the horizon. Height, 34 inches; width, 46 inches Canvas. Signed at the lower left. Gilt and black carved wood frame, antique Spanish style. Acquired from the artist. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 24 i ‘CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SMALL TRIPOD STAND ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY ee Charming piece with octagonal tray top. Fluted pedestal _ Support; leaf and scroll carved tripod legs ending in claw and f oe feet. Height, 221% inches; width, 101% inches >urchased from P. W. French & Co. ad _ & > see RONZE STATUETTE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY , ie i use, bathing her feet, by a classic urn which stands upon a moulded plinth. Charming eere modelled with extreme wa grace. - ee Height, 914, inches “BRONZE STATUETTE ITALIAN, EARLY 16TH CENTURY ae Standing figure. of Bacchus holding castanets. Mounted on ian ebonized wood plinth. Highly interesting and rare small _ bronze showing Flemish influence. Height, 834, inches NEST OF THREE MAHOGANY SHERATON COFFEE TABLES With reeded tops and delicate tapered supports. Widths, 1014 to 16 inches 124 CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY AND NEEDLEWORK ~ STOOL ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Slip seat covered in needlework with bold flower leaf design. On four very fine acanthus and honeysuckle carved legs end- ing in eagle claw and ball feet. Rare and handsome piece. Purchased from P. W. French & Co. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 125 CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY OCTAGONAL TRIPOD TABLE The border of the tilt top carved with small flowers and acan- thus leaves. On fluted pedestal support carved with bay leaves and beading and tapered tripod legs enriched with honeysuckle ornament and standing on button feet. (Some restorations.) Diameter of top, 25 inches Purchased from P. W. French & Co. 25 126 127 [124] | [108] CHINESE CHIPPENDALE NEEDLEWORK AND MAHOGANY BENCH | | With handsome fret carved square supports with scrolled corner brackets. Slightly shaped oblong top covered in an- tique needlework designed with birds in. cartouches framed by flower vines. Width, 25 inches Purchased from P. W. French & Co. rs BRASS BANDED MAHOGANY CIGAR BOX Well made piece with cedar lined and partitioned interior. Width, 13 inches Purchased from Arthur S. Vernay, Inc. 26 [128] 128 SHERATON MAHOGANY SOFA TABLE Well made piece with pleasing lines. Fitted with three drawers at one side; ‘three dummy drawers opposite, with small brass rosette handles. Fall flaps with supporting brackets at either end. On.end pedestal supports with reeded and tapered outcurved legs ending in brass feet. Top of richly figured and polished mahogany with reeded edge. Size of top, 5 feet 6 inches x 28 inches Sarthased from P. W. French & Co. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 27 | | 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 DINING ROOM NUMBERS 129-140 TWO PAIRS OF ANTIQUE GOLDEN-YELLOW SILK DAMASK WINDOW PORTIERES WITH VALANCES | Fine quality. Designed with jardiniere pattern of flowers — and leaves. Lined and interlined. Silk tassel borders. ‘a Length about 9 feet 6 inches; width about 3 feet FOUR PAIRS OF GOLD NET WINDOW CURTAINS . Two long pairs and two short pairs, with silk tasselled draw q cords. ANTIQUE CHINESE WOOL RUG ‘ The soft brown field sustains an all-over design of arabesque — cloud forms and flowers in mellowed yellows and blues. : Size, 12 feet square | Purchased for Mrs. Lydig by the late Stanford White asa — fine Ming weave. FOUR OLD ENGLISH SHEFFIELD PLATE GIRANDOLES ~ The repousse cartouche shaped backs inset with mirror panels and crested with the royal arms and acanthus sprays. Each with two branches for candle lights. Pierced for wir- ing. Rare and handsome set. (4) Height, 16 inches From Cresswick of Hatton Garden. Purchased from P. W. French & Co. SET OF POLISHED STEEL FIREPLACE FURNISHINGS Comprising a handsome pierced and shaped fender, shovel, poker, tongs and ash tray. SULTANABAD POTTERY PLAQUE Shallow bowl coated with rich turquoise-green glaze with bands of inscriptions in black. Diameter, 13 inches Purchased from Dikran G. Kelekian. SULTANABAD POTTERY PLAQUE Beautifully decorated with panels of palmette flowers in indigo and rich turquoise-blue glaze. Diameter, 14 inches Purchased from Dikran G. Kelekian. 28 a aaa 7 7 (ae 4 [136] 1386 TWELVE CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY DINING CHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY A handsome and dignified set of chairs of the so-called “Hogarth” type. With wide proportioned open spoon backs crested by carved stalactite scroll work and with triple inter- laced splats. Wide seats covered in black hair cloth and bordered with flower and ribbon carved narrow mouldings. Square supports with plain stretchers. (Some well executed repairs.) From the collection of the Dowager Countess of Essex, Cassiobury Park, England. Purchased from P. W. French & Co. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 29 137 138 139 140 _ plumage birds and flower branches in landscapes in similar SHERATON MAHOGANY TWO-PART DINING TABLE 4 Rectangular extension top to take an extra leaf, of solid polished mahogany, on two turned pedestal supports which — stand on outscrolled and grooved tripod legs inlaid with satinwood and ending in brass castors. A most desirable Sheraton table. 4 Length, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches Purchased from P. W. French & Co. — CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SERVING TABLE | With serpentine front and sides. The frieze carved with flut- a ing and rosette medallions. On slightly tapered and grooved — square legs with pierced. scroll corner. brackets, _ _ The. top | banded with delicate line inlay of satinwood and e ebony. a Height, 35 inches; width, 5 fee 4 inches — Purchased from P. W. French & Co. 3 ANTIQUE CHINESE SIX-FOLD LACQUER SCREEN Finely decorated with numerous Chinese figure subjects, promenading on pavilions, engaged in the hunt, and other domestic groups framed by a wide border of flowers and precious objects, incised, painted and gilded on a rich brown lacquered ground. The workmanship is exceptionally well done and in fine state of preservation. The reverse shows — colors. _ Size per panel, 8 feet 4 inches x 21 inches 7 Purchased from P. W. French & Co. INLAID MAHOGANY SHERATON CAKE STAND } With three caned shelves bordered in satinwood. On tapered and curved supports. Height, 37 inches 30 . PANTRY NUMBERS 141-224 SILVER NUMBERS 141-192 — Mt ENGLISH SILVER SMALL SALVER IN GEORGE II STYLE ; ae harming piece mith shaped fluted and scrolled border. On ~ - three scrolled feet. Centre engraved with a small crest. Ny Jonogrammed at ‘back. Hall marks. a - bee Diameter, 8 inches. Weight about 16 ounces 142 12 GEORGE Ill SILVER SUGAR CASTOR ENGLISH, DATED 1777 Vase shape, with plain body and pierced top. Engraved with - monogram. Height, 7144 inches. Weight about 10 ounces 148 TIFFANY STERLING SILVER SMALL SALVER _ The border beautifully chased with foliage, leaves and flowers. Centre monogrammed. Diameter, 734, inches. Weight about 9 ounces . Lo) ; 144 THREE GEORGE III SILVER GILT BONBON DISHES Oval, with gadroon borders engraved with small crests. Hall marks. (3) 145 STERLING SILVER SALVER IN GEORGIAN STYLE Shaped border chased with gadroon and shell ornament. Cen- tre monogrammed. Diameter, 1014 inches. Weight about 21 ounces 146 STERLING SILVER MUFFIN DISH WITH COVER ? Circular with reeded borders and open handle. Diameter, 71% inches. Weight about 20 ounces ol 147 148 149 150 151 152 SILVER SUGAR BOWL AND PAIR OF SUGAR TONGS - 4 Bowl in Georgian taste with flower chased borders and cover; ; monogrammed. Gorham silver sugar tongs. a STERLING SILVER TRAY 4 Square, with chased shell and scroll border. Monogrammed. q Size, 101% inches square. Weight about 21 ounces GEORGE II SILVER BOWL WITH COVER ENGLISH, DATED 1803. A handsome plain bowl with reeded rim and foot. Domed cover with small ivory knob. Gilt interior. Hall marks under foot. Crested. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 7 inches Weight about 27 ounces GEORGE I SILVER SQUARE SALVER ENGLISH, DATED 1721 Rare piece with incurved corners and four feet. Centre en- graved with a small cartouche. Maker’s mark “R. H.” in an oval shield. } Size, 1014, inches square. Weight about 28 ounces GEORGE III SILVER TWO-HANDLED CUP WITH COVER ENGLISH, DATED 1780 Beautiful vase-shaped body with tapered and beaded looped handles. Domed cover and circular foot with beaded borders. Engraved with an armorial cartouche. Hall marks; maker’s mark “CW”. Standing on ebonized wood plinth. Height, 141% inches. Weight about 59 ounces ENGLISH SILVER ENGRAVED WATER PITCHER Oval, with reeded and flaring rim and looped handle. Deli- — cately engraved with bands and wreaths of foliage arabesques and diaper ornament. Hall marks. 5 Height, 10 inches. Weight about 32 ounces o2 ps 158 . ~ QUEEN ANNE SILVER COFFEE POT | 5. ENGLISH, DATED 1703 Plain slightly tapered cylindrical body; high fluted domed cover. The slightly curved and tapered spout and the pear- wood handle embellished with formal acanthus leaf ornament. Four marks to the right of the handle. a ¥ & -é @ Height, 914 inches Weight allowing 1 ounce for Bhieeiood handle, about 19 ounces a ry ae eae: re ee ‘ - oo .. ae hg A ms pa : 7 ’ . ee | » SET OF SIX GEORGE III SILVER CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 With graceful baluster stems, urn tops and circular bases partly fluted and reeded. Engraved with a small crest. Shef- field hall marks. Fine quality. (6) Height, 1014 inches ? ou a GEORGE III ENGRAVED SILVER TEAPOT STAND ENGLISH, DATED 1803 Delicately engraved with bands of husk and diaper ornament. Moulded borders. On four tapered feet. Hall marks; maker’s mark “WB”. Rare and charming piece. Width, 634, inches. Weight about 4 ounces, 10 dwts 4 ’ 156 GEORGE III ENGRAVED SILVER TEAPOT STAND ; ENGLISH, DATED 1802 , Bother charming small oval tray on four feet. Engraved ft with a band of diaper ornament. Raised and moulded border. b Hall marks. Width, 534, inches. Weight about 4 ounces , : 157 VERY FINE ENGLISH SILVER TEA SERVICE OF QUEEN ANNE DESIGN A beautiful service reproduced from a Queen Anne design, by Crichton Bros., of London and New York. Comprising a shaped oblong plain tea tray with open handles ; plain globular tea kettle on stand with spirit lamp; plain tea pot; sugar bowl with cover; tea bowl; oblong tea caddy; cream jug; tea strainer on stand. Monogrammed. English hall marks. Width of tray, 27 inches. Total weight, allowing 3 ounces for pearwood handles, about 265 ounces (ea Peer Pere uae Te oo > ok. 6omt.-o 158 ~~ Shells} -the-centre “finely - engraved.-with. beautiful flower and ~ gram. On four pierced scroll and foliage feet. 159 160. 161 162 163 164 165 TIFFANY STERLING SILVER CIRCULAR SALVER PLATES IN THE GEORGIAN TASTE ‘Standing figures of cocks. English hall marks. Mounted on ~ i GEORGE III SILVER SHAPED SALVER > ENGLISH, DATED 1814 The border fluted and handsomely chased with scrolls and leaf volutes and birds. Centre with small crest and mono- q Diameter, 20 inches. Weight about 98 ounces 7 GORHAM STERLING SILVER PIERCED SALVER Border beautifully pierced and chased with flowers, scrolls — and diaper ornament. Plain centre. Very fine quality. : Diameter, 14 inches. Weight about 34 ounces 4 The slightly shaped and raised border beautifully pierced and — engraved with scrolled diaper ornament. Plain centre. Diameter, 18 inches. Weight about 84 ounces 3 TWELVE GORHAM STERLING SILVER BONBON PLATES IN THE GEORGIAN TASTE Shaped gadrooned borders. Monogrammed. (12) , Diameter, 534, inches. Weight about 66 ounces TWELVE GORHAM STERLING SILVER BONBON Similar to the preceding. Weight about 66 ounces STERLING SILVER BUTTER DISH In Georgian style. Chased shell and gadroon border. With ~ pierced strainer. | @ Diameter, 9 inches. Weight about 20 ounces ; PAIR OF ENGLISH SILVER TABLE ORNAMENTS ebonized oval plinths.. (2) Height, 9 inches PAIR OF ENGLISH SILVER TABLE ORNAMENTS Standing stags. English hall marks. Mounted on ebonized | wood plinths. (2) | Height, 12 inches 2 sIx TIFFANY STERLING SILVER SALTCELLARS WITH SPOONS ae - Beautifully made set in the Georgian style. Boat shape with a looped handles and beaded borders. Monogrammed. (12) iz Weight about 18 ounces 167 Ix TIFFANY STERLING SILVER PEPPERETTES With graceful tapered fluted sides; square bases. Mono- grammed. (6) ; Height, 51% inches. Weight about 18 ounces ENGLISH SILVER TEA KETTLE ON STAND WITH LAMP OF QUEEN ANNE DESIGN Reproduction of a Queen Anne tea kettle by Crichton Bros., of London and New York. Plain circular tea kettle with domed cover and swing handle. On scrolled tripod stand with spirit lamp. Height, 13 inches Weight allowing 1 ounce for pearwood handle about 58 ounces TIFFANY STERLING SILVER COFFEE POT IN THE PERSIAN TASTE Decorated with raised peony flowers and leaves inlaid with various metals. Cover with small green jade knob. Fine quality. Height, 81% inches. Weight about 19 ounces 170 SILVER GILT AND IVORY TABLE GARNITURE OF SIX SMALL FIGURES Standing figures of mediaeval royal and knightly personages richly attired; the features in carved ivory. (6) Height about 9 inches 171 CHILD’S STERLING SILVER MUG AND CREAM JUG Cylindrical mug inscribed “Little Willie, October 17, 1896”. Cream jug with beaded borders, monogrammed. (2) DD nica A Bl cel Natal ae Mate ee a i gy ann. RR ™ - _ : ss : ’ eo a , * = 172 PAIR OF ENGLISH SILVER ADAM CANDELABRA With delicate tapered octagonal stems, urn tops and reeded bases. Each with two slender curved branches for three lights. Georgian hall marks. (2) Height, 18 inches Bt5) if | . | 173 174 175 176 Lvs 178 WE) 180 181 fully engraved with bands of foliage scroll ornament. For American beauty roses. Fluted trumpet shape chased TIFFANY STERLING SILVER MUSTARD POT, SIX BUTTER CHIPS AND A SMALL TABLE BELL a Chased mustard pot with cover; gilt butter chips with beaded — borders. Crested. (8) Z SIXTEEN GORHAM SILVER HANDLED DESSERT KNIVES In Queen’s pattern. Fine quality steel blades. (16) STERLING SILVER TABLE BELL AND THREE PEPPERETTES (3) SHEFFIELD PLATE ENGRAVED OBLONG TEA TRAY With pierced and raised gallery; open handles. Centre beauti- Size, 24 x 18 inches — SET OF FOUR SHEFFIELD PLATE BREAKFAST DISHES WITH COVERS Octagonal with reeded borders and open handles. Engraved with a crest. (Some defects.) (4) Width, 1014 inches : 4 ., a ee, ee —" —- wide seit . 9 . het kt longs the CoP: a 1 eee : PAIR OF SHEFFIELD PLATE OVAL BREAKFAST DISHES WITH COVERS Engraved with a crest. (2) Width, 814 inches SHEFFIELD PLATE ROSE VASE with amorini heads and flower festoons. Height, 28 inches PAIR OF SHEFFIELD PLATE SMALL OVAL DISHES WITH COVERS Reeded borders and open ring handles. (Asis) (2) Width, 714, inches PAIR OF SHEFFIELD PLATE GRAVY BOATS Helmet.shape with reeded borders and handle. (2) Width, 614 inches 36 4¢ i¢ a » ae we = Circular with reeded borders. Monogrammed. (3) THREE GORHAM ELECTRO PLATED SALVERS Diameter, 12 inches 1s 8 PAIR OF GORHAM SILVER PLATED BREAKFAST DISHES WITH HEATERS _ With chased gadroon borders and ring handles. Mono- grammed. (2) Diameter, 9 inches 184 PAIR OF GORHAM SILVER PLATED BONBON TAZZE entire iit — a A 191 - Handsomely pierced and reeded circular feet. (2) Diameter, 7 inches SET OF FOUR GORHAM SILVER PLATED ~CANDLESTICKS With tapered baluster stems and circular bases. Good quality. Bis»... : Height, 1014, inches GORHAM SILVER PLATED BREAD DISH AND PLATE Monogrammed. (2) FOUR GORHAM SILVER PLATED SALTCELLARS, FOUR ‘PEPPERETTES, FOUR SPOONS AND FOUR BUTTER CHIPS Monogrammed. (16) GORHAM SILVER PLATED HOT WATER JUG, COFFE~ POT AND SUGAR DREDGER Monogrammed. (3) Height, 514 and 6 inches THREE GORHAM ELECTRO PLATED SALVERS Oval, with reeded borders. Monogrammed. (3) Width, 15 to 191% inches TWELVE PIECES OF PLATED WARE | Two circular entree dishes; eight bottle stands; cocktail shaker and goblet. Monogrammed. (12) FIVE PIECES OF PLATED WARE Lemon strainer; mustard pot and spoon; spirit lamp; two pepperettes. (5) 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 SIX PIECES OF PLATED WARE “ag Two Gorham electro plated cake stands; chocolate noe mille pitcher; two toast racks. Monogrammed. (6) nf CHINA AND GLASS NUMBERS 193-220 TWELVE COLLAMORE ROYAL CROWN DERBY PLATES | q Beautifully decorated in gold and apple-green. Slightly shaped 4 borders. Fine quality. (12) Diameter, 10 inches — TWELVE COLLAMORE ROYAL CROWN DERBY PLA Similar to the preceding. (12) ELEVEN COLLAMORE COALPORT PLATES 4 Decorated in rich gold and apple-green. Shaped gadroon ~ borders. Very fine quality. (One cracked) (11) 4 Diameter, 1014, inches TWELVE COLLAMORE ROYAL CROWN DERBY PLATES _ Richly decorated gold diaper borders. Very fine quality. (12) Diameter, 10 inches TWELVE COLLAMORE ROYAL CROWN DERBY PLATES Similar to the preceding. (12) TWELVE COLLAMORE MINTON’S CEREAL PLATES Small deep plates with beautiful floral borders in heavy gold. Cr2) Diameter, 734, inches TWELVE COLLAMORE MINTON’S CEREAL PLATES Similar to the preceding. (12) TWELVE COLLAMORE ROYAL CROWN DERBY PLATES Rich classic flower and lyre decoration in heavy gold. Soft ivory-cream porcelain. Very fine quality. (12) Diameter, 934, inches TWELVE COLLAMORE ROYAL CROWN DERBY PLATES Similar to the preceding. (12) 38 os nal 202 TW V LVE COLLAMORE ROYAL CROWN DERBY CHINA ATES sce size. Beautifully decorated in heavy gold with ‘panels of formal flowers and diaper ornament. Very fine — quality. (12) Diameter, 9 inches 208 “TWELVE COLLAMORE ROYAL CROWN DERBY CHINA PLATES Similar to the preceding. (12) 2( 4 TWELVE COLLAMORE ROYAL DOULTON CHINA GAME _ PLATES re, - Each beautifully painted with various species of game in natural settings. Gold diaper borders. Signed Hancock. Very fine quality. (12) Diameter, 9 inches 205 TWELVE COLLAMORE ROYAL DOULTON CHINA GAME PLATES _ Similar to the preceding. (12) TWELVE COLLAMORE ROYAL DOULTON CHINA GAME PLATES Beautifully painted with various species of game in natural settings. Gold flower and festoon borders. Very fine quality. (12) Diameter, 9 inches PART ENGLISH COALPORT CHINA BREAKFAST SERVICE Comprising eleven rich gold and apple-green coffee cups; twelve saucers; two muffin dishes with covers. Fine quality. (25) 208 TWENTY-FOUR ENGLISH CAULDONS CHINA BOUILLON CUPS WITH SAUCERS Formal foliage decoration in gold. Fine quality. (48) 209 EIGHTEENTH COLLAMORE MINTON’S CHINA DEMI TASSE CUPS WITH SAUCERS Finely decorated in gold. Fine quality semi-egegshell porce- lain. (36) 39 210 yey ib 212 213 214 215 216 217 SIX COLLAMORE CROWN SUTHERLAND TEA CUPS” “o WITH SAUCERS = Fine gold decoration. (12) 5 a) ROYAL BERLIN PORCELAIN COFFEE POT * | CIRCA 1790 Finely painted with sprigs of flowers. Rustic handle. Harle- 1 quin mask spout; domed cover. Height, 81% inches ; A i ag COLLAMORE MINTON’S CHINA GOLD DECORATED SERVICE | _ Fine quality white porcelain with gold borders, and crest. — Comprising thirty-four service plates; nineteen soup plates a forty-four medium plates; twenty-eight small plates; twenty- — five smaller plates; eleven fruit plates; eighteen bouillon cups; — ten tea cups, with thirty-eight large saucers; twenty-seven q demi tasse cups with forty small saucers; two muffin dishes with covers; oval dish; two egg cups. (801) | + a FINE QUALITY SERVICE OF TABLE GLASS — Including hock, sherry, claret, port, spirit, liqueur glass, — finger bowl and plates. About two hundred and thirty pieces. — (230) | | FOUR CUT GLASS FLOWER HOLDERS 4 Intaglio cutting of allegorical female figures with draperies. — (Chipped) (4) Height, 6 inches 4 PAIR OF CUT GLASS BOWLS Finely cut with formal flower and foliage volutes. (2) Diameter, 814% inches PAIR OF CUT GLASS DECANTERS Square, with facetted ball stoppers. Diamond cut corners. (One stopper chipped) (2) Height, 914 inches ELEVEN PIECES OF GOLD DECORATED TABLE GLASS ~ Two decanters with star shaped stoppers; water pitcher; two tumblers; six ash trays. (11) 40 SIX PIE E CES OF CUT TABLE GLASS e 1 4 | lower bowls of various shapes and designs. (6) Ee 19 FC UR . CUT GLASS DECANTERS Various shapes. (4) Height, 9 to 12 inches Baye: * 2 a —. ay =i “MIS C) ‘LLANEOUS TABLE GLASS Three water pitchers; eight champagne glasses; three tum- _ blers; two flower bowls; four fruit glasses; two fluted bowls; - two sweetmeat jars. (24) a Ys : ‘ag i ~ i ™ MISCELLANEOUS NUMBERS 221-224 221 TWO WICKER ARMCHAIRS With loose seat cushions. (2) 222. FIVE MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS Folding game table; rug; painted tray stand; metal scrap basket; small painted mirror. (5) 223 WHITE PAINTED ICEBOX Made by the Baldwin Refrigerator Co., Burlington, Vt. Height, 3 feet 8 inches; width, 21 inches 224 PAINTED METAL TELEPHONE STAND WITH GLASS TOP AND WICKER LINEN HAMPER (2) 41 —— = ew 225 226 227 228 229 HALL AND STAIRCASE NUMBERS 225-242 SHERATON MAHOGANY SMALL WRITING OR WORK a TABLE ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Pleasing piece with folding hinged top in natural color ma- — hogany banded in ebony. The front with two partitioned a a small drawers and a longer drawer below. On tapered square a supports with brass feet. Gilt bronze lion mask and ring handles on either side. Height, 28 inches; width, 23 inches” % Purchased from Arthur S. Vernay, Ine. : FOUR ADAM CARVED MAHOGANY HALL CHAIRS | ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The oval backs carved with the crest of Lord Holmesdale, sprays of husk and formal acanthus ornament in low relief; q beaded borders. Saddle-shaped solid seats, leaf-carved and i. slightly tapered supports with fluted feet. The tops em- ~— bellished with rosette medallions. A rare and very decorative — set of hall chairs. (4) Purchased from P. W. French & Co. HEPPLEWHITE CARVED MAHOGANY HALL BENCH ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Highly decorative piece with conforming double seat. The frieze carved with rosettes and fluting. On six tapered and fluted supports with turned feet. Width, 3 feet 2 inches Purchased from P. W. French & Co. SMALL WALNUT OVAL GATELEG TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oval top with two drop flaps supported by pivoting gates. Baluster turned legs; plain stretchers. Charming piece. Size of top, 30 x 20 inches Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. ANTIQUE CARVED AND GILDED SMALL MIRROR IN THE VENETIAN TASTE Cartouche-shaped frame carved with rocaille scrolls. Size, 22 x 1814 inches 42 Al ; aM PAINTED AND CARVED CONSOLE TABLE =a ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY fen circular top finely painted with an allegory of love, in a circular medallion on a diapered soft blue ground. The fluted i beaded frieze, slightly tapered and fluted supports coated y with gesso and painted a dark tone. as Height, 33 inches; width, 43 inches Pur chased from P. W. French & Co. 231 |CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY FOLDING CARD TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY with ribbon twist and flower carved border. On four grace- ful cabriole supports, the front ones carved with acanthus foliage. Folding hinged top somewhat warped, supported by i a pivoted leg. Fine patina. Width, 28 inches ‘- _ Purchased from P. W. French & Co. _ SULTANABAD GLAZED POTTERY BOWL _ The interior decorated with panels of trellis diaper ornament a in deep blue and indigo on ivory-white crackled ground. The _ exterior partly coated in fine crackled turquoise-blue glaze. 4 Diameter, 131% inches Purchased from Dikran G. Kelekian. CARVED, POLYCHROME AND GILT CHIPPENDALE MIRROR Of handsome cartouche form pierced and carved with flower vines, C scrolls and leafage and stalactite ornament framing the fine quality bevelled mirror glass. Height, 4 feet 2 inches; width, 34 inches 234 PAIR OF SMALL SILVERED METAL ELECTROLIERS IN COLONIAL STYLE Wired for single lights. (2) Height, 12 inches Purchased from P. W. French & Co. 235 SILVERED METAL THREE LIGHT CHANDELIER " With brown parchment shades. 236 SILVERED METAL THREE-LIGHT CHANDELIER . With brown parchment shades. 45 237 238 239 239A 239B 240 241 242 243 FOUR SILVERED METAL WALL LIGHTS | Y Charming set in the Adam taste. Wired for two clectrifelm 2 candle lights each. Fine quality. (4) Height, 9 inches BOKHARA MAT = Mulberry-red ground with design of three rows ok, small - : octagon medallions in deep blue and ivory-white. Geometrical — rosette borders. Fringed ends. Size, 41 x 32 inched GRAY STAIR CARPET AS LAID _ = GRAY STAIR CARPET AS LAID GRAY STAIR CARPET AS LAID PAIR OF PLEATED ROSE TAFFETA WINDOW CUR- TAINS AND SILK BELL PULL 4 Height of curtains about 30 inches; width about 36 anche a Purchased from Elsie de Wolfe. TWO PAIRS OF GOLD NET WINDOW CURTAINS With silk tasselled draw cords. HALL CLOAK RACK © Constructed to fit the niche below the circular staircase. Painted black and gold. Height, 5 feet 4 inches; length, 5 feet BOOKS NUMBERS 243-274 AESOP AND GAY. The Fables of Aesop. Engraved plates by Grainger and others. 2 vols.; Fables by John Gay. Hn- graved plates by William Blake and others. 2 vols. Together 4 vols., tall 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops (one or two slight marginal tears, one plate inlaid). London: Printed for John Stockdale, 1793 E}XXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 40 fine engraved plates. t-4 250 RICAN BOOK OF BEAUTY. Arranged by Isabelle Dor i Cameron. 87 magnificent Portraits of famous Beautiful Women, on India Paper. Atlas folio, three-quarter - green levant morocco, uncut, moiré silk sides. ta New York, 1904 _ ONE OF 25 COPIES. 245 _ ANDERSON (SHERWOOD). Dark Laughter. 8vo., half __- vellum, uncut. —— New York, 1925 _ ONE OF 20 COPIES LETTERED A-T ON LARGE PAPER, SIGNED BY ‘THE AUTHOR. ART. Manet and the French Impressionists (Duret), Phila., 1910; The Childhood of Art (Spearing), London, 1912; El Greco (Calvert and Hartley), London and New York, 1909, — and others. Illustrations. 14 vols., various sizes and bind- — ings. BEAUMONT PRESS. Parisian Nights. By Arthur Symons. 8vo, boards, buckram back, uncut. Westminster: Beaumont Press, 1926 LIMITED EDITION. BIOGRAPHY. Life and Times of Laurence Sterne. By Wil- bur L. Cross, 2 vols., New Haven, 1925; Life of Sir William Osler. By Harvey Cushing, 2 vols., Oxford, 1925; William Blake, Mystic. By Adeline M. Butterworth, Liverpool, 1911, and others. 17 vols., various sizes and bindings. CENTURY DICTIONARY. 11 vols., imp. 8vo, limp brown morocco (some bindings worn). New York, n.d. REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION ON INDIA PAPER, CERVANTES. Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated from the Spanish. Beautifully illustrated with engravings on India Paper after paintings by Robert Smirke. 4 vols., 4to, green morocco, gilt edges. London, 1818 45 Sa ara 5 eee : Zoe 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 ELIOT (GEORGE). Writings. Profusely illustrated with | 4 photogravure plates on Japan vellum. 25 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1908 ONE OF 750 COPIES ON LARGE PAPER. Includes: Life, Letters and Journals, arranged and edited by her husband J. W. | Cross. EMERSON (R. W.). Journals of Ralph Waldo Emerson, with Annotations. Edited by Edward Waldo Emerson and Waldo ~ g Emerson Forbes, 1820-1855. Frontispieces. 8 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1909 EMERSON (R. W.). Works. Frontispieces. 6 vols., 8vo, half red polished morocco, uncut. | 4 Boston: Jefferson Press, n.d. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Eleventh Edition, 29 vols. including Index; Also, 3 new volumes. Together 32 vols., imp. 8vo, limp morocco (backs a little worn). Cambridge, London and New York, 1910-22 INDIA PAPER EDITION. FRENCH PAPER COVERED NOVELS, ete. 110 vols. GOETHE. Works. Frontispieces. 7 vols., 8vo., half brown morocco, uncut. Boston and New York, n.d. EDITION DE Lux. With the Percy Stickney Grant bookplate. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Works. Edited by William Aldis Wright. 40 vols., royal 8vo, cloth (backs faded), uncut, paper labels. London, 1893-5 THE CAMBRIDGE EDITION. ONE OF 500 SETS ON LARGE HAND- MADE PAPER. JAMES (WILLIAM). Psychology, 2 vols.; Pragmatism; Memories and Sketches; The Will to Believe; A Pluralistic Universe (2 copies) ; The Meaning of Truth. Together 8 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, v.d. 46 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Writings. Edited by Arthur _ Brooks Lapsley. Introduction by Theodore Roosevelt. _ Mlustrated. 8 vols., 8vo, half red morocco, uncut. New York, n.d. _ NATIONAL EDITION. s -¢ 260 MANUSCRIPT. Analise de la Logique de Port Royal, avec quelques Additions ou changemens. Composé par M. _ d’Acheres, sur ses Cahiers, en 1771. Beautifully written on 176 pages. 12mo, old red morocco, arms on sides. _ MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Music, ete. 157 vols. MORE (SIR THOMAS). Utopia. Englished by Raphe ___Robynson: Anno With copious Notes and a Biographical and Literary Introduction by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. Portrait. Royal 8vo, boards, parchment back (soiled), uncut. Boston, Lincolnshire, 1878 ONE OF 50 COPIES ON LARGE PAPER. PAINE (THOMAS). Writings. Edited and annotated by Daniel Edwin Wheeler. 10 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, n.d. INDEPENDENCE EDITION. ONE OF 500 COPIES. PATER (WALTER). Writings. 8 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. . London, 1910 RUSKIN (JOHN). Works. Illustrated. 26 vols., 8vo., three- quarter red levant morocco, gilt backs, uncut. Boston: Estes and Lauriat, 1897 CONNOISSEUR EDITION. ONE OF 50 COPIES. SANTAYANA (GEORGE). Writings. 12 vols., 12mo and 8vo, three-quarter red morocco. New York, v.d. 267 INGERSOLL (ROBERTG.). Writings. Frontispiece. 12 f vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut, paper labels. New York, 1909 DRESDEN EDITION. AT 268 269 270 271 272 273 ‘> SHAW (GEORGE BERNARD). Dramatic Opinions, 2 vols.; Three Plays for Puritans; Quintessence of Ibsenism, and others. 10 vols., 12mo, cloth. — New York, n.d. SIREN (OSVALD). Giotto and some of his Followers. Vol- ume of text and volume of plates. 2 vols., royal 8vo, boards, — parchment backs. Cambridge, 1917 FIRST EDITION. ~ > we aoe yi * ~~ \ SPANISH LITERATURE AND HISTORY. Coleccion de los Mejores Autores Espanoles. Frontispieces. 59 vols (should — be 60, Vol. 33 wanting). Paris, v.d.; Historia Universal. By 4 Cesar Cantu. Profusely illustrated with engraved plates. 10 — vols. Madrid, 1854; Historia General de Espana. By Don ~ Modesto Lafuente. 26 vols. Madrid, 1850. Together 95 — vols., 8vo, calf, etc. : SPENCER (HERBERT). Synthetic Philosophy and Mis- — cellaneous Works. 15 vols., 12 mo., cloth. - New York, ld. 1 SPENSER (EDMUND). The Faerie Queen. Disposed into ~ XII bookes fashioning twelve Morall Vertues. Device of q . title-pages, ornamental headings, etc. Small folio, red crushed levant morocco, gilt back, gilt fillet borders on sides, gilt edges, by Bedford. = London: H. L. for Mathew Lownes, 1609 A LARGE AND FINE COPY OF THE FIRST COLLECTED EDITION, being the Third Edition of the first three books of the “Faerie Queene,” and the Second Edition of the fourth, fifth, and sixth. It contains the first appearance of the “Two Cantos ~ of. Mutabilitie.’” The additional pieces: ‘‘The Shepheards Calendar”; “Colin Clouts Come Home Again”; ‘Epitha- lamion’”’; “Foure Hymnes,” and others have separate title- pages dated 1611. THIS COPY CONTAINS THREE ORIGINAL BLANK LEAVES, WHICH IS MOST UNUSUAL—Ii4; 9/8, and F4. THACKERAY (WILLIAM M.). Works. Edited, with an Introduction by George Saintsbury. Illustrations. 19 vols., 12mo, limp morocco (a few backs chipped). London, etc.: Oxford University Press, n.d. 48 ne, Sa =e, ~—,! _ > Fetes ‘Galaga: Ornées de 69 , gravés sur bois par les Membres de té Aesthetique du Livre Illustre 1899 ypies on China Paper. A portrait of 49 ety ai oe i al Ans se * «i A RRR nth AEs This catalogue designed by The Anderson Galterion A ts 7 = Half-tone plates by Walker Engraving Company Composition and press-work by Publishers Printing Company, New York Binding by The Trade Bindery Inc. = las im VWorese He Heh Boat ant ftw ‘ a Bee Woy. minutes PESTO OS Ne ui aa NEY SU AL rt he " Ms aay Aarts Saat yeaie: Sty aha Gane’ Hy Way S Lear ae ea pte ihe ‘ ‘zh , ae ese Tate tile! dj waar Gs Pete eN Ke } HER wea baa DAV ty, A wary ne ¥ y V ieedyieersst Suey 4 ea cM ies y + a ae ae ve} Hae He at ere ‘at re, eats UN Ae a Fed COU un a ac} Uae 1g Wie a