as ‘ : Ca Pte) i {fr iid a ly o ON FREE VIEW © DAY AND EVENING AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10rx UNTIL THE MORNING OF THE DAY OF SALE, INCLUSIVE MODERN PAINTINGS COLLECTED BY THE LATE ALEXANDER BLUMENSTIEL TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF HIS EXECUTORS AT MENDELSSOHN HALL FORTIETH STREET, EAST OF BROADWAY ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS FEBRUARY 15TH anp 16TH BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O'CLOCK CATALOGUE OF THE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF MODERN PAINTINGS WATER COLORS AND DRAWINGS ¥ COLLECTED BY THE LATE ALEXANDER BLUMENSTIEL TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF HIS EXECUTORS AT MENDELSSOHN HALL FORTIETH STREET, EAST OF BROADWAY ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY THOMAS E. KIRBY OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK: 1906 Press of J. J. L: Astor Place, New le Ys i i +7 * 2 i la i eax x vy re > t j . Yt 1 * * ‘ Lyte 2 Me ‘ i. ; i F CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be im- mediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or other- wise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold them- selves responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no War- ranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary; fail- ing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof, for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Con- dition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to en- force the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The undersigned are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they will afford to purchasers every facility for em- ploying careful carriers and packers, they will not hold them- selves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tue AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Mawnacens. THOMAS E. KIRBY, Avcrioneerr. D5 FIRST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1906 AT MENDELSSOHN HALL BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O’cLOCK DRAWINGS No. 1 ADOLPH MENZEL UY a GERMAN : 1815—1905 SKETCHES Teh nesies teaser Pencil Drawing Tue face of an old man, the head and shoulders of a young man and a young woman, and an ear nearly life size. Signed at the lower right, MenzE1t, A.M. 797. Height 714 inches; width, 434 inches. Ihe Neverta fot ffac _ 1815—1905 No. 2 ADOLPH MENZEL GERMAN THREE HEADS Drawing A stupy of three heads in stump and crayon, the two lower ones showing pleasing types of young ladies in hats and gar- ments of modern fashion, and above them, partly concealed by the face and hat of the young lady on the right, is the head of a youth. Signed at the upper right, B. MENZEL. Height, 8 inches; width, 5 inches. No. 3 ALPHONSE MARIE DE NEUVILLE ‘ FRENCH I. fee rts 1836—1885 5" MARCHING ACROSS THE DESERT Drawing A skKETCH, partly in pencil and partly in ink, of an Arab expedition with many horsemen and riders on camels, proceed- ing in irregular formation across the desert. Signed at the lower left, A. DE NEvUvILLE. Height, 5 inches; length, 8 inches. — No. 4 MLLE. ROSA BONHEUR FRENCH 1822—1899 CATTLE Drawing A prawine of cows and a calf in a broad level pasture. Two cows are lying down on either side of a third which stands near her young calf. Signed at the lower right, Rosa B. Height, 8 inches; length, 1114 inches. No. 5 ISAAC ISRAELS DUTCH 1824— Pencil Drawing STREET SCENE In the right foreground is suggested the figure of a market woman with a white apron over a black dress. Beyond her is a crowd of people walking along the street, and on the left a view of a sunlit facade. Signed at the lower left, Isaac Israrts, Height, 417 inches; length, 6 inches. , ” Md be af ‘ . | i ‘ Mi, oR % TA, _ No. 6. MLLE. ROSA BONHEUR FRENCH Wf ye TEs : ak; 18221899 SKETCHES Drawings Four pencil sketches in one frame. The upper one shows various studies of figures, a large farm wagon, evidently sketches for a picture, representing cider making. On the lower left of the sheet is pasted a composition showing a shepherd leading a flock of sheep across an open pasture. Not sigr-d. Height, 914 inches; length, 15%, inches. The drawing at the lower left is a pencil sketch of a farmyard with a wagon load of hay drawn by a yoke of oxen, and various cattle and laborers at rest on either side. Signed at the lower right, Rosa B. Height, 414, inches; length, 9 inches. The sheet at the lower right shows a cart horse feeding out of a nosebag. Signed at the lower right, Rosa B. Height, 5 inches; length, 6 inches. No. 7% JEAN LEON GEROME FRENCH 1824—1904 DRAWING IN RED CHALK a mel Fj viuwked. : | Drawings Tuis is a study in red chalk of the full-length figure of a young woman in the costume of the Far East, reclining at full length on the floor, supporting her shoulders on soft cushions. Her head rests upon her right hand, and her left, extending along her side, holds an oval mirror. | Signed at the lower right, J. L. GERomeE. Height, 7 inches; length, 14 inches. No. 8 MLLE. ROSA BONHEUR FRENCH 1822—1899 Aree gata > SKETCHES | _ Drawings Four leaves from the notebook with sketches of lions. The smallest shows a lioness walking along, the next two lions’ heads, the third four male lions lying together, and the largest a lion and lioness sleeping. Lioness. Signed at the lower left, Rosa B. Height, 41, inches; length, 5 inches. Lions’ heads. Signed at the lower right, Rosa B. Height, 4 inches; length, 434 inches. Four lions lying down. Unsigned. Height, 6 inches; length, 912 imches. Lion and mate lying down. Signed at the lower left, Rosa BoNHEUR. Height, 8 inches; length, 1434, inches. PASTELS AND WATER COLORS /}> No. 9 LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN FRENCH 1824—1898 oe, AT VILLERVILLE Marry 4 On a grassy elevation in the foreground are two cows, one standing, the other lying down. Beyond them is a view across the broad mouth of the Seine, with various fishing boats and the headland near Havre. Signed at the lower right, E. Bovunin, ’58. Height, 7 inches; length, 11 inches. No. 10 LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN A FRENCH mak Dy So mga -1824-—1898 SEA AND SKY Pastel Tuts is a study of the Channel on a summer’s day, with large cumuli lazily floating in the quiet air, and in the foreground the sea gently breaking upon a shallow shore. Signed at the lower left, K. B. . Height, 7 inches; length, 104% inches. No. 11 LI fie oe _ F. GABRIEL LANDSCAPE Water Color A NuMBER of thatched hovels are grouped together near a rank of tall trees, under which, in the right of the composition, passes a country road. The light in the sky is concentrated near the horizon, and the soft clouds are tinged with rosy even- ing light. Signed at the lower left, GaprieL F. Height, 9 inches; length, 1314 inches. No. 12 gP E. ESBEN S lp ita GERMAN AT THE PALACE GATE fie Water Color Tus is the figure of a Turkish messenger who has brought to the palace door a large branch of palm which he has leaned against the corner of the wall. He is dressed in a white turban over a red fez, a pink-striped blouse with a black and white jacket, and full brown trousers. Signed at the lower right, EK. EsBens. Height, 1114 inches; width, 8 inches. No. 13 ALBERT LYNCH : * Lg 1851— ior A DRAWING-ROOM ENTERTAINMENT G, any Me,,: ae J Water Color Nira On a temporary platform, erected in a large drawing-room, a pierrot is serenading, with a guitar, a young lady who, perched on a chair, looks through an opening in the top of a screen. Behind the pierrot is a large attendance of ladies and gentle- men, some seated and some standing. Signed at the lower right, ALBERT, LYNCH. »., y "Height, 16 inches; width, 11 inches. t \ % Ue No. 14 FRENCH é wd alt 1824—1898 lah A BRETON INTERIOR | 3 ai Water Color | A sKETCH, partly in monochrome and partly in pencil, of the LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN | | | | seated figure of a peasant woman in a simple Brittany interior. — | In the background various articles of domestic furniture are suggested, and on the left of the figure, which is strongly illuminated by a window, is a heavy table. Signed at the lower left, E. B. Height, 514 inches; length, 744 wches. No. 15 ALBERT LYNCH FRENCH a tye : 1851— Pail ; N EVENING CALL ‘ a } Water Color i w. aa A yvoune.lady and a young girl are seated near a large lamp, the latter attentively engaged in sewing on a white garment, ~ the other welcoming with a smile two gentlemen in evening dress who are entering the room beneath a heavy portiére. Signed at the lower right, Atpert Lyncu. Height, 1514, inches; width, 1014 inches. No. 16 H. P. ARNTZENIUS h oy bs DUTCH \v Contemporary Necg a J pe 1 ss TuHE motive of this picture is undoubtedly found in the Latin quarter where the narrow streets are thronged with foot pas- sengers and where every manner of Parisian is seen. In the right foreground is a baker’s boy carrying a large basket, and beyond him are various types, from the laboring man in blue blouse to the boulevardier in tall hat accompanied by a young _ lady. Between the high fagades on either side of the street is seen at the top of the picture a portion of luminous gray sky. STREET SCENE Water Color Ke Vaca Signed at the lower right, |P ArnrzENtvs. Height, 1914 inches; width, 15 inches. OIL PAINTINGS ar, No. 17 wes , L. SIMON LANDSCAPE Tus is a wide prospect over a pleasant country where a nar- row river runs from the left foreground diagonally to the right and disappears among the meadows. Suggestions of its course are seen along a line of low bluffs in the middle distance. The horizon is formed by a range of wooded hills, and the sky is filled with luminous clouds. Signed at the lower right, L. Stmon. Height, 6 inches; length, 91, inches. fa clo! Ay | 0 No. 18 LOUIS EMILE ADAN 1839— THE SLY BUTLER A MIDDLE-AGED butler in ornate livery of red velvet, trimmed with blue galloon, is taking his ease in an armchair, and is rais- ing to his lips a partly emptied bottle which he has taken from a table at his elbow. Through a partly opened door at the back behind the butler appears the face of the mistress of the house bearing an expression of pained surprise. | Signed at the lower right, L. Emme Avan. Height, 141% inches; width, 10 inches. No. 19 HK. ESBENS GERMAN THE PALACE GUARD A DARK-SKINNED Arab, in flowing yellow, white and red gar- ments, is seated upon a rough stone step at the entrance to a Moorish palace, his ornamented flintlock gun resting in an angle of the wall. On the right of the figure is a wooden gate- way, through which is a glimpse of the blue sky and a sunlit wall. Signed at the lower right, E. EsBens. Height, 101% inches; width, 8 inches. No. 20 ANTONIO TAMBURINI ITALIAN 1843— AM | b 8 l THREADING THE NEEDLE J, wate, 2 - Aw old Dominican monk, seated at a table on which lies an umbrella with its covering out of repair, endeavors to thread a needle, holding it up with both hands against the light. He is looking over the tops of his clumsy spectacles, and, with wide- open mouth, holds his breath lest his fingers should shake at the critical moment. Signed at the upper left, A. TampBurini, FLORENCE. Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches. No. 21 ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH SPANISH HEAD Tuts is a study of an old Franciscan monk who sits with head somewhat lowered, apparently about to eat some hot food. The head is carried far toward completion, but the rest of the pic- ture is only sketched, showing well the method of the artist. Inscribed at the left, Vente Antonio Casanova Y Esroracu. Height, 15 inches; width, 12 inches | f). iy JOBS YU we Spry an \ 2 | den | \ chil No. 22 JAMES M. HART, N.A. | ‘ F AMERICAN fs iw 1828—1901 SUMMER | | covered by loosely driftmg summer clouds. | i | | Signed at the lower right, James M. Harr. HI No. 23 7 Lf all LEONARD OCHTMAN FE wml I wn AMERICAN 1854— LANDSCAPE Hh which is visible an expanse of the sea. Hf Signed at the lower left, Leonarp Ocurman, 93. A BroaD, placid stream flows diagonally across the picture, and in it various cattle are standing, some drinking, others cooling themselves in the water. On the right a clump of trees rises from a low grassy bank. Across the river in the middle distance iW is a parklike meadow, with scattered trees and cattle browsing i on the grass and standing in the shallows. The sky is partly i Height, 21 inches; width, 16 inches. A Low, grassy meadow stretches across the foreground and gently slopes down to the shore of a quiet inlet. On the right, beyond the meadow, stand two simple buildings surrounded by trees, and farther away, following the indented shore-line, the eye is carried to a large village at the mouth of the inlet, beyond Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches. No. 24 M. COULAND FRENCH Contemporary THE BARNYARD In the foreground a number of sheep are drinking out of a,- tub which stands in a barnyard adjoining a small a ae The group is in strong sunlight falling from the upper right, and beyond them is seen, in the luminous shadow, a peasant woman feeding a number of sheep with freshly cut grass. The roof of the farmhouse and the open shed adjoining rise nearly to the top of the picture. Signed at the lower right, M. Coutanpn, 1902. Height, 21%, inches; width, 18 inches. No. 25 CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN 1848— THE AFTER GLOW K We torr ten: A stnete black and white spotted cow stands in the foreground on the slope of a rich pasture, and beyond her is a view across a wide and well-wooded country toward the distant horizon, where the sky line is lost in a veil of mist. The upper segment of the full moon shows through the clouds beyond the cow, and the whole landscape is glowing with the light of late sunset. Signed at the lower left, Carterton WiGGINS. Height, 22 inches; width, 18%, inches. No. 26 ra M. TEN KATE bp DUTCH 4 L 1831— CHILDREN AT PLAY Turee children, a boy and two girls, are playing with rabbits in the corner of a cottage yard. Grouped around the smallest child, who is seated on the ground, are half a dozen-of the pet animals, one of which she is fondling. On the right a rustic fence separates the yard from a garden beyond. Signed at the lower right, M. Ten Kare. Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches. ‘ No. 27 JEAN BAPTISTE ROBIE FRENCH 1821— ROSES Tuts is a study of three deep pink roses seen in a strong light against a dull gray background. Signed at the lower left, 20 mai, 1874, J. Rost. Height, 81% inches; length, 1114 inches. eo — No. 28 LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN g 0 FRENCH tn 1824—1898 bte. 2 e He LANDSCAPE Tuis is a sketch of a marsh along the sea. An irregular shore- line, broken by small bunches of reeds and small grassy points, sweeps away from the foreground to the distance where there is a suggestion of low hills forming the horizon. In the right foreground is a small area of rough marsh, and beyond it, in the water, a pile and pieces of floating timber. Signed at the lower left, E. B. Height, 8 inches; length, 12 inches. No. 29 / MLLE. ROSA BONHEUR | 4 (4 FRENCH /) ‘i 1822—1899 ie A BLACK SHEEP MY, Oreee Tuis is a study of a full-grown sheep with black face and legs, short backward curling horns, and moderately heavy wool, dun brown in color. The sunlight strikes strongly upon the animal from the upper left, throwing a deep shadow on the grass against which the figure is relieved. Signed at the lower right, Rosa BonuweEvr. Height, 8 inches; length, 11 inches. No. 80 \ OQ HENRI HARPIGNIES ¢ € ogica ee” G Wal > ye : // 26 SPRINGTIME | BS ( Snr YY 7. - (5 In the foreground a lover and his lass recline under a tall, slender tree, and beyond then is a pleasant sunlit valley, wind- ing down to the distance between partially wooded slopes. Signed at the lower left, H. Harvientss, ’74. Height, 6 inches; width, 31% inches. No. 31 IVAN POKITONOW RUSSIAN ; ake Contemporary THE GARDENERS In the foreground is seated a gardener dressed in white, and beside him stand two well-filled flower pots. Nearby is a small boy, bearing a basket on his head, evidently receiving orders from the gardener. Between the two figures leads a sandy path, with various turnings, to an arched gateway in the distance. Beyond straggling clumps of fruit trees in the middle distance on the left is the facade of a solitary building, and just beyond the two figures on the edges of the path stands a two-wheeled cart with poultry resting in the shadow. Signed at the lower right, I. Poxrronow. Height, 61% inches; length, 10 inches. 9 a No. 32 E. BERNE-BELLECOUR FRENCH 1838— Wi, WJ Subl SOLDIER WITH FLOWERS A Frenca infantryman in full uniform, with sabre by his side, having plucked a large bunch of wild flowers, is busily engaged | in tying the bunch together. He stands in a grassy field near i a village, the roofs of which are seen just beyond him. Signed at the lower left, KE. Berne-Beviecour. Height, 1514, inches; width, 111% inches. No. 33 g ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH a SPANISH up [Z Two monks, who find duty very pleasant in the kitchen, are engaged in roasting a leg of mutton in a Dutch oven. One of them winds up the clockwork which revolves the spit and the other is tasting the gravy. THE TEST Signed at the upper left, ANtoN1o Casanova ¥ Estoracn, Paris, 1896. Height, 13 inches; length, 16 inches. Pi tilts: JEAN BAPTISTE ROBIE flo FRENCH 1821— FLOWERS A suncH of large roses, yellow, salmon pink and red, are thrown carelessly down upon the grass, and, strongly lighted from the upper left, contrast with the imdefinite green of the landscape beyond. Signed at the lower right, J. Rosin, 1884. . Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches. O. nd a. ow JEAN LEON GEROME | / ah w FRENCH W 1824—1904 q 4 ; THE SENTINEL Aw Albanian, in full native costume, stands near the doorway of what is apparently a guard-house. He wears a salmon pink jacket, a white fustanella and green sash, and carries two pistols and a yataghan in his broad leather belt. In the gloom of the interior, on the right of the figure, is seen a companion similarly dressed, who is conversing with two men, apparently prisoners. Signed at the lower left, J. L. Gtrome. Inscribed at the upper left, a Mr. Buumenstiex, J. L. GERomME. Height, 121% inches; length, 1534 inches. Presented by M. Gtérome to the late owner. rT acai aelibgl No. 36 ETIENNE ADOLPHE PIOT FRENCH ih = La i, tg . Contemporary vagy, HEAD aur, - apy A .FuLL life-size study of a dark-haired maiden seen in profil perdu, with head upraised and eyes turned in the same direc- tion. Her bust is partly draped with a diaphanous mantle, and in her raised right hand she clasps a few roses to her bosom. Signed at the left, A. Pror. Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches. From the Artisr. No. 37 f JEAN FRANCOIS RAFFAELLI _ \/ 0 FRENCH en | K = A 1850— , (© yy pee 112. 05 AFTER A WALK ae | Fe Pb Lay, A wELL-To-po middle-class Frenchman is ea on a rude %, wooden bench near the borders of a stream, holding in his hands a newspaper which he has just finished reading. Beyond the figure and across the stream is a pleasant grove of trees, with the suggestion of a residence among them, and on the right a skiff with a single fisherman. Signed at the lower right, J. F. RA¥FFAELLI. Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches. No. 88 HIPPOLYTE CAMILLE DELPY FRENCH Contemporary LANDSCAPE In the foreground, on the low, grassy shore of a broad river, a group of women are engaged in washing clothes. In the mid- dle distance on the right is a small village partly surrounded by trees, with an old stone keep and a simple, lofty church with a belfry. On the left, across the stream, poplars and other trees grow upon the shore, and beyond them is a line of low, cultivated hills forming the horizon. Masses of warm-colored clouds drift across the sky near the horizon and float high in the heavens. | Signed at the lower right, H. C. Detpy, 798. Height, 171, inches; length, 28 inches. No. 39 BAREND CORNELIS eae . oa aS AEN 1803—1862 Cher, SKATING SCENE From the right foreground a frozen stream stretches away to the distance. On the right are a few cottages dominated by a steep-roofed circular tower, and on the left a clump of leafless trees growing among the underbrush on the bank of the stream. The surface of the ice is busy with skaters, and a few way- farers proceed along a road on the left bank of the stream. Cumulus clouds float high in the sky, a edges touched by a soft winter sunlight. Signed at the lower right, 1849. Height, 221, inches; length, 29 inches. foe No. 40 q ¢~”” HIPPOLYTE CAMILLE DELPY FRENCH Contemporary THE BACKWATER From the left foreground a backwater extends to the right under tall, slender trees, and forms a branch of the river which is seen in a shimmering expanse on the left. A number of fish- ing boats are moored to the banks of the backwater. Near a clump of trees in the middle of the composition a single fisher- - man is standing up in his boat ready to cast his line. A few clouds, their edges touched by the sunset glow, drift across the sky. Signed at the lower right, H. C. Derry. Height, 1614 inches; length, 291, inches. No. 41 on” ADOLF ECHTLER AUSTRIAN Contemporary THE REPENTANT SINNER A MAIDEN and her lover have been strolling in the woods and are discovered there by a party of three Franciscan monks, ~ the foremost of whom stands near the youth apparently reading him a severe lecture. The maiden is seated on the grass, hanging her head shamefacedly. A small area of luminous sky is seen at the top of the picture and some birds flutter about among the tree tops. Signed at the lower left, Ap. EcuHTier, Paris. Height, 25 inches; width, 18 inches. Se ee No. 42 ANTOINE VOLLON FRENCH 1833—1890 FLOWERS AND FRUIT Rep and white roses, in a coarse earthen jar with a handle at the top, are in strong light against a background of deep- colored foliage. On the table nearby are cherries, plums and pruning shears. The fruit and flowers are natural size and are strongly lighted from the upper left. Signed at the lower left, A. Votton. . Height, 191, inches; length, 231, inches. No. 43 FRITZ THAULOW NORWEGIAN #] 1847— 7 er GREEN-HOUSES ,... RA ode ted tee Tuis is a study of a nursery estabhehmient somewhere in the vicinity of a large town. In the foreground are beds of pansies and other flowers and a clump of rose trees in blossom. In the middle distance is an irregular group of glass houses with forcing beds alongside, and beyond is seen a wooded hillside with various red-roofed buildings, smoking chimneys and church towers. Signed at the lower right, Frrrz Tuavtow. Height, 211, inches; length, 29 inches. ke ‘y No. 44 RICHARD WILSON é bo, ENGLISH Be allure 1714—1782 | ¢ * ENGLISH LANDSCAPE THE composition is classical in aspect and shows a grassy bank ~ in the foreground stretching away to the left, where it meets the foot of a crag on which are perched the buildings of a large town. Two figures form a prominent object in the fore- ground, one seated and one standing. Across a broad lake are seen wooded hillsides crowned with villas, and, in the remote distance, a symmetrical mountain peak rising against a quiet summer sky, across which are drifting clouds of smoke or steam, which rise from the valley just beyond the water. Height, 161, inches; length, 21 inches. \ No. 45 JULES WORMS FRENCH 1837— ia LE POURBOIRE Wher A TRAVELLER, who is just about to leave the inn where he has been sojourning, is beset by a housemaid and a porter, each of whom holds out an eager hand. A gayly caparisoned mule is held by the maiden and the young traveller seems more in- clined to cross her palm than to reward the man for his services. Signed at the lower left, J. Worms. Height, 17 inches; length, 211% inches. ae a ne No. 46 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS y ENGLISH yr ~-1728—1792 Was ,~ | ) yy HEAD | "Vorb o L} Tuis is a life-size study of a youth’s head, lighted after the manner of Rembrandt. It is in three-quarters view to the left, and the face is partly shaded by a broad-brimmed hat, the light being concentrated on the lower part of the face and flickering strongly on a steel gorget which surrounds his neck. The background is a simple tone of brown. Height, 161, inches; width, 13 inches. From Bovssop, Vatavon & Co. 4) {Lid No. 47 72 FELIX ZIEM | i} | : FRENCH ;: ! 1821— tes d ) FES fh Tuis is a sketch for a picture evidently made in some part of the Adriatic. In the foreground is a bank shelving down to a broad harbor, and various figures in brilliant costumes are seated on mats in the left foreground, while two companions are dancing and gesticulating in front of them. On the left a single slender tree with a rounded tuft of foliage at the top rises high above the undergrowth with which it is surrounded. CONSTANTINOPLE Signed at the lower right, Ziem. ee pe Sines pe, 4 No. 48 mm, | 5° f es Oke GUSTAVE COURBET \» . i bop FRENCH 1819—1878 A SWISS SCENE A curious rustic mill, partly of masonry and partly of wood, stands at the foot of a moderate-sized cliff partly overgrown with bushes, from which a tiny stream, led through a wooden conduit, flows upon an overshot wheel. The mill-stream flows around toward the left of the foreground and out of the pic- ture. On the right slender trees rise against a forest behind them. The sky is covered with soft luminous clouds. Signed at the lower right, G. Courset, 76. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. No. 49 { LOUIS EUGENE LAMBERT FRENCH Contemporary CAT AND KITTENS Tue mother cat, accompanied by three small kittens, has been playing with a basketful of colored wools, and the four, sur- prised at their game, stare at the spectator. The background is a panelled wainscot, and on the left is a basket from which the cat and kittens have dragged a tangle of-colored wools which surrounds them. Signed at the lower right, L. Euc. LAMBERT. Height, 19 inches; length, 24 inches. From the Artist. No. 50 MARIANO FORTUNY SPANISH 1838—1874 ie) COURTYARD OF HOUSE IN MADRID Tuis is a sketch of a Spanish patio in a strong effect of light and shade. An open shed-like building extends across the pic- ture and the mass of shadow is broken by the slender supports of the roofs, upon which the sun strikes, and an open doorway through which is the suggestion of a hot thoroughfare. The foreground is covered with loose stones and other débris, and above the tiled roof is a simple blue sky showing between the sunlit facades of lofty buildings. Stamp of sale at the lower right. Height, 19 inches; width, 151, inches. From the sale of Forruny’s Atudionwelfects. a Shh ay No. 51 Lk : / iy Pres CESARE DETTI / ai) SRPRAT LAN yet 1848— WATER EXCURSION Fan Design ee 1G 'y Ew On a broad terrace near the gateway of a chateau is a party of ladies and gentlemen, some of whom have just arrived in a coach which is drawn by prancing horses. On the left is a stone stairway leading to the water’s edge, where there are several pleasure boats ready to embark the crowd. On the left is an extensive view over a pleasant meadow through which a broad, placid stream flows. Signed at the lower left, C. Dertt. Height, 14 inches; length, 27 inches. é " LW No. 52 : , >” Ii. (ys PAUL JEAN CLAYS Py, § BELGIAN 1819—1900 CALM NEAR ROTTERDAM A croup of becalmed fishing vessels with bagging sails and drooping pennants forms the chief feature of the composition. Nearby is a rowboat filled with sailors, and on the left, in the ‘middle distance, is a low point of land with various buildings and a number of craft moored to the shore. Signed at the lower right, P. J. Crays. Height, 161, inches; length, 241, inches. From the Crays Sale. No. 53 FRITZ THAULOW NORWEGIAN 1847— Me i fe CEs THE BROOK ae Aa, A Broan, rippling stream runs down to the foreground from the middle distance, where it makes a bend and disappears be- _ hind a wooded point. Here a small village straggles up the hillside from the bank of the stream, and beyond it is a line of low, rounded summits forming the horizon against a sky covered with luminous vapor. Fruit trees in blossom enliven the landscape here and there. Signed at the lower right, Frirz Tuavtow. Height, 1914 inches; length, 24 inches. No. 54 \ ff BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS DUTCH 1844— / dbz ey 1 Ae INDUSTRY A Dutcu# vrouw is seated near a window in her cottage, busily engaged in sewing on a white garment, and, at the same time, rocking a cradle in which an infant is lying. Beyond the cradle ... of sheep. NI ie x phon Signed at the lower right, BLommers. al Height, 1534 inches; length, 19 inches. No. 55 , - EUGENE LOUIS GABRIEL ISABEY BF | j a FRENCH fe) yw 1804—1886 | fo AFTER THE STORM In the foreground a rude bluff-bowed vessel is moored to a pier, and alongside is a boat with several men who are appar- ently taking the cargo from the vessel. She has evidently been through a severe storm, for her mast is broken off short, her sails are in disorder and she has lost her bowsprit. In the mid- dle distance beyond the vessel are various sailing craft and a few houses. The sky is covered with jagged clouds suggesting the effect of a severe gale. Signed at the lower right, EK. IsaBry. Height, 15 inches; width, 1114 inches. No. 56 EMILE VAN MARCKE ,. 4. - Ww FRENCH i” i \ 1827—1891 LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE si Horses and cattle are feeding in a level, grassy pasture which stretches across the foreground where small pools of water reflect the light from the sky, and bunches of reeds and coarse grass grow in the wet places. In the distance on the left a lofty hill rises against the sky, and, with an adjacent lower ridge, forms the horizon line. The sky is filled with drifting storm clouds. Signed at the lower left, Em. VAN Marcxe. Height, 17144 inches; length, 291% inches. No. 57 EDOUARD FRERE FRENCH 1819—1886 AA Mak, In a simple cottage interior a mother is seated near the cradle of her child sewing on a child’s garment. The light falls strongly upon the group from the upper left, throwing into luminous shadow the profile of the young mother, and accentu- ating the draperies and here and there the furniture. The back- ground is a simple plastered wall with a bird cage, a salt box and bellows hanging against it. On the left is a closet door painted a dull green. MOTHER AND CHILD Signed at the lower left, Ev. Frere, 58. : Height, 16 inches; width, 124 inches. ( foe JOSE DOMINGO No. 61 SPANISH gasuain 1843— ral THE CABARET oT STANDING astride a wooden bench, on which stands a delft wine - jug, a cavalier in red doublet and breeches raises his right hand with a gesture of convivial welcome, while in his left he holds a tall glass half filled with white wine. The figure is partly relieved against a pier which supports a heavy wooden-timbered. ceiling. On the left of the figure is a large wine-cask, and on the right a guitar player is seated near a window, while his com- panion holds the casement open to let in light and air. Signed at the lower right, Domrineo, Paris, 1881. Height, 25 inches; width, 18 inches. — No. 62 gh ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH SPANISH THE MUSICIAN CARDINAL A carprnat in red robes is seated in a gilded chair playing on a cello, attentively reading the score from an old music book which rests upon a gilded lectern nearby. The figure is seen down to the knees and is relieved against a mysterious gray background. Signed at the upper left, ANtonto Casanova ¥ Estoracu, Paris, 1896. Height, 10% inches; length, 14 inches. No. 63 MLLE. ROSA BONHEUR , a 3 FRENCH 1822—1899 Wf ae ay ie Tus is a study of a dapple-gray horse, seen nearly in profile to the left. He stands iii“a straw-littered stable, and, lighted from the left, is in relief against a rough plastered wall. THE HORSE Signed at the upper right, Rosa BonweEvr. Height, 12 inches; length, 151, inches. From the sale of the Artist’ ts. i ‘rom ale of the Artist’s effects if [— ie if 3 \ “2 No. 64 ADOLF SCHREYER GERMAN 1828—1899 oe ff (e Vv THE DESERT ? Bb fry) Turee Arabs with their horses have halted in the midst of an arid, broken plain. Two of them have dismounted, and the three are apparently discussing the direction they are to follow on their journey. Low, rugged elevations form the horizon under a deep-toned sky partly covereg °y cloud forms. Signed at the lower right, $ D anes Height, 1014 inches; length, 14 inches. ' No. 65 vw JEAN LEON GEROME FRENCH 1824—1904, THE SENTINEL AT THE SULTAN’S TOMB A cuRIousLy painted and gilded sarcophagus stands upon a — carpeted floor in a mosquelike interior hung with multicolored flags. Richly embroidered and decorated banners on tall shafts surmounted by various gilded devices are ranged around the sarcophagus. In front of it two figures are prostrating them- selves, touching their foreheads to the ground. On the right a half-naked pilgrim devoutly kisses the end of one of the ban- ners, and on the left, in the foreground, a sheik, in rich salmon- colored burnous, stands in an attitude of devout attention. Paris, September 7th, 1895. 65 Boulevard de Clichy. Dear Sir: I have heard that you have bought my picture “ Tidi-Abder-Rhamon’s Tomb ” and I beg to send you a few lines to explain the subject. . At the death of a holy musulman his fellows in religion build a little monument over the tomb, which is generally ornamented with flags and covered with draperies; these draperies are generally precious, often bearing inscriptions taken out of the Koran and written in the configues types. The ornamentation of the monument is in carved and painted wood; on the top are little domes. The musulman women (who they say. have no soul) are not allowed to enter the Mosque but are authorized to visit the tombs of the saints, where you very often meet them, specially on certain days. From the decision of a Council at the majority of one, the Christian women are declared to have a soul and are given the right to enter Churches and Temples. The subject of your picture is: A father with his two children has come - to perform his devotion, on the right a Santon (that is, a religious lunatic) kisses a flag. Very often the believer after the prayer and before leaving the church kisses the holy cloth. Please believe me, Dear Sir, Truly yours, Signed: J. L. GEROME. I forgot to tell that this tomb is situated very near the town of Algiers. Signed at the right, J. L. GEROME. H a 26% inches ; width, 22 inches. 4 tes % & } tN % sa aaa No. 66 JULES ADOLPHE BRETON FRENCH 1827— ? MWS, Ae Tue motive for this picture was found in Northern France near the country home of the painter. It shows a fertile farm- ing country with cornfields and shocks of grain and stacks of straw. Across a harvest field near the foreground a peasant RETURNING HOME man and woman are walking, the man carrying a scythe and the woman a heavy basket. In the distance farm buildings, clumps of trees and a church tower form the sky-line against a sunset in which the sun shows as a luminous red disk near the horizon. Signed at the lower left, Jutes Breton. | i Height, 111% inches; length, 17 inches. From the Artist. , we WH, ; Me i? We a LAK nk ae aut XA. Se y No. 67 FRENCH 1812—1867_ STRETCHING across the foreground, which is in deep shadow, is a rough pasture with large trees growing here and there, the principal clump overhanging a small pool of water under- neath a rounded hill. The trees on the right and the hill on the left form an irregular silhouette against a brilliant sunset sky. Rea Signed at the lower left, Tu. Rousseau. Height, 111% inches; length, 18 inches. From the American Art AssociaTIon’s Sale, 1895. No. 68 Ce: G Vie 5 WA As : _NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA samamnr bast 6 bays , 4 A LarcE bunch of richly colored flowers of various sorts almost — fills the picture. They are in a strong light and in contrast against a background which suggests heavy foliage, with sky in the upper right of the composition. as 1 CF mn Signed at the lower right, N. Dtaz. ie Height, 14 inches; width, 914 inches. ? go ; yw THEODORE ROUSSEAU 2, a i < : ‘hi * No. 69 MARTIN RICO _ SPANISH 1850— & Uy d « e Weel, A BRIDGE AT VENICE Near the foreground a slender bridge, with wrought-iron rail- ing, crosses a narrow canal in which various Venetian boats are floating. On either side rise against the simple blue sky the facades of various houses with characteristic balconies and windows. Signed at the lower right, Rico. Height, 14 inches; width, 9 inches. No. 70 ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH TESTING THE WINE ~ Aw old monk, dressed in rough, white garments, is standing at the foot of a short flight of steps which lead into the wine cellar, and, raising a freshly opened bottle of some choice vin- tage, examines the color of the wine in the strong light. The figure is seen to just below the waist and the head is turned away from the spectator in profil perdu. Height, 1234 inches; width, 7%, inches. From the sale of the Artist's effects. SPANISH a WA | | RUZ l4 ee ( Mie " oe No. 71 MW. { PAUL JEAN CLAYS BELGIAN \ 1819—1900 A DUTCH FISHING BOAT Tus is a study of a characteristic fishing boat common in the North Sea and in the waterways of Holland and Belgium. She © is sailing directly across the river, or, rather, drifting, for the wind is very light and her colored sails hang in heavy folds. Beyond the boat is a suggestion of a low shore with various buildings and trees. : Signed at the lower right, P. J. Crays. Height, 11 inches; width, 81, inches. From the sale of the Arrist’s studio effects. ‘ No. 72 q je JEAN JACQUES HENNER FRENCH 1829—1905 HEAD Tuts is the head of a young girl seen in profile, strongly lighted from the upper left, the flesh in vivid relief against a mass of auburn hair which falls from her head on either - side, and a piece of blue drapery which is thrown over her shoulders. Signed at the left, J. J. HENNER. Height, 817, inches; width, 6 inches. From the Artist. No. 73 FRANZ VON DEFREGGER GERMAN 1835— ey je of Tuts is the head and shoulders of a robust German peasant girl. She wears a loose brown jacket with a falling lace collar, and on her head a narrow-brimmed felt hat ornamented with a bunch of wild flowers. The head, which is seen nearly in full face, and lighted from the upper left, is relieved against a smooth gray background. Signed at the lower left, DerreccER. Height, 81 inches; width, 6 inches. No. 74 My? GUSTAVE JEAN JACQUET y FRENCH bee Oi. ; ee, MEDITATION Tuis is the head and shoulders of a fair-haired maiden. She is seen nearly in full face, with the head slightly lowered and the eyes cast down. She wears a blue ribbon in her hair, a black one around her throat, and a pink silk mantle thrown over a blue bodice, trimmed with a pink ribbon. Signed at the lower left, G. Jacquet. Height, 1214 inches; width, 91% inches. From the Artist. I vA SF \ é ak z ; No. 75 Car” FRANCOIS FLAMENG __ f. FRENCH | aye 1859— yh INFORMATION | A MoUNTED soldier of the time of Napoleon, who has pene- trated far into the Alps, halts for a moment in a meadow where a peasant is engaged in watching his sheep. From him the soldier attempts to gain information as to the road or the enemy’s movements, and the peasant emphasizes his language with a gesture of his right hand while he imperturbably smokes a long pipe. Beyond the group, across a small lake, is a view of arid foothills and serrated snow-peaks, and in the sky, glow- ing with late afternoon light, is the crescent of the new moon. Signed at the lower right, Francois FLAMENG. ' Height, 11 inches; width, 8 inches. No. %6 JEAN BERAUD FRENCH 1849— Tus is a study of the Rue de la Paix in Paris, near the Avenue de |’Opéra. On the left are well-known shop fronts, with a hurrying crowd of Parisians on the sidewalks. In the fore- ground is a private brougham with a dressmaker’s boy and _ maid placing large pasteboard boxes in the carriage, while the fair purchaser waits near at hand. Signed at the lower right, JEAN BERAvp. Height, 14 inches; length, 21 inches. From the Artist. No. 77 EUGENE LOUIS GABRIEL ISABEY FRENCH MARINE Ir is a breezy day in Holland and the bluff-bowed luggers are wallowing along in the rough waters of a broad canal. On the right is a green slope washed by the waves, where stands a windmill with spread sails, and beyond it a half-finished ship. The sky is covered with rolling luminous clouds, suggesting a gusty day. Signed at the lower left, E. I., ’65. Height, 8 inches; length, 121%, inches. No. %8 FELIX ZIEM FRENCH 1821— o | F. Kes, Tus is a view at the entrance of the Grand Canal looking out toward the Church of the Salute, the dome of which rises high against a sunrise sky. The warm light from the sun sparkles on the water beyond the palaces on the left and glows on the facades along the canal on the right. A single gondola floats on the water in the foreground. THE GRAND CANAL Signed at the lower left, Z1eM. From the Artist. , ; PRES i ¢ Ps ee : iletae RE : : Rage 1804—1886 NDB eocy Height, 10 inches; length, 131, inches. a a No. 79 JOHN M. SWAN, A.R.A. ENGLISH Contemporary LIONESS AND FOXHOUND A HUGE, tawny lioness and a young foxhound are lying close together on the floor of a cage. They are apparently play- mates, for there is a large ball lying near the paws of the lioness. The background is a gray wooden partition. Signed at the middle right, J. M. Swan, 1882. Height, 61, inches; length, 11 inches. No. 80 : a ises— | THE POND p ny In the foreground a laborer is fishing in a small pond. Toward the right the water is almost covered by reed and sedge. Be- yond the pond, seen through a rank of trees in autumn foliage, is a pleasant landscape with country residences and, farther away, a high wooded hill. ayes Signed at the lower left, LAERMITTE. Height, 171/, inches; width, 13 inches. et wa No. 81 " ay ja® JEAN CHARLES CAZIN el wr es FRENCH a 4 & oe 1840—1891 Ate inte THE BROOK CT, yc, A narrow stream, flowing between low, grassy banks, leads from the right foreground diagonally to the left until it dis- appears under a rustic bridge. On the left is a deeply rutted road. Beyond the path which leads over the bridge, along which a single figure of a peasant woman is walking, is a grove of slender trees rising out of the picture. Between the trunks, and to the left, above a red-roofed cottage, is a sky covered with luminous clouds. Signed at the lower left, J. C. Cazin. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. No. 82 JOSEPH COOMANS BELGIAN 1816—1891 es pe File FISHING Cn fhe A cLassicaL maiden, draped in a tunic which has fallen off her left shoulder and is raised high upon her thighs, is perched upon a rock overhanging a swiftly flowing streamlet, holding in her extended hand a small bamboo fishing rod, allowing the float to drift down the stream. Near her stands a small girl holding in front of her a net already partly filled with fish. Behind the group and extending out of the picture is an enor- mous tree with gnarled and scarred trunk and _ shattered f branches relieved against the green of a distant wood. ff Signed at the lower left, JosepH Coomans, 1865. | 8 No. 83 oy" ALBERTO PASINI yc ITALIAN ee 1826—1899 W. Ae MARKET SCENE AT CONSTANTINOPLE In an open place in front of a large mosque in Stamboul is assembled a motley gathering of men and women in rich cos- tumes, partly in the shadow of two large trees and partly in the brilliant sunshine which illuminates the scene. Various natives are vending fruit and other wares, and on the extreme right of the group is a curious old-fashioned coach with a single horse. The sky is covered with a delicate mist and various ° birds flutter, above the trees and perch upon the mosque. © Signed at “the. lower right, A. Pastn1, 1869. e al M ho Height, 15 ai length, 26 inches. has pwn No. 84 bi ' at Ryd EUGENE JETTEL a =) | AUSTRIAN "g< 1850—1901 ne RETURNING On the right a farmer mounted on a white horse, and leading a brown one, is proceeding along a well-travelled road which leads out of the foreground, bordered on either side by culti- vated fields. On the left is a small farmhouse with thatched sheds and hovels, and to the right of it is a larger establish- ment with a large thatched barn. In the foreground a few ducks waddle toward a small pool of water at the roadside. Signed at the lower left, KuGENE JETTEL, Panis, 92, Height, 17 inches; length, 24 inches. No. 85 MARTIN RICO SPANISH 1850— RIO SANTA MARINA Tuts is a study of one of the famous canals in Venice. On the right the ornate facade of a palace rises in a row of buildings which extends in perspective to the distance, and the opposite buildings rise out of the picture on the left. In the middle distance the canal is crossed by a slender bridge over which foot passengers are hurrying. A number of gondolas and other boats, some with occupants and some without, float on the quiet surface of the water. Signed at the lower left, Rico. Height, 281% inches; width, 18 inches. No. 86 HENRY MOSLER, A.N.A. AMERICAN 1841— Ga: E 4 f RETURNING HOME Lees ay Tuis is a study of a peasant girl bearing on her shoulders a large brass milk can. She is walking across an orchard which is vividly illuminated by strong sunshine, striking upon the figure from the upper right and casting deep shadows upon the rich grass. In the right, beyond the figure, are the roofs and gables of a village, partly in light and partly in shadow. Signed at the lower right, Henry Mosier. Height, 231, inches; width, 17 inches. No. 87 FREDERICK W. KOST, A.N.A. AMERICAN 1861— | NIGHT A sLuGGIsH stream extends across the foreground and reflects the stems of tall trees, the forms of two men near a fire on - the bank, and a long, low thatched building beyond. The feathery crests of the trees extend out of the picture at the top, and the sky suggests the approach of dawn. Signed at the lower left, Frep. W. Kost. Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches. From the Artist. No. 88 ae MARIE DIETERLE , FRENCH . Contemporary LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE A HERD of spotted cattle is strolling about in a marshy pas- ture, some of them already in a shallow pool of water which partly covers the foreground. Beyond the cattle, on the right, is a broad expanse of meadow, dotted here and there with feed- ing animals, and on the left two clumps of trees rise against the sky, which is covered with light, drifting clouds. Signed at the lower left, Mari DieTeRLe. Height, 24 inches; length, 291, inches. No. 89 } . JULES WORMS FRENCH ] 1837— Al oCIC THE SPANISH FORTUNE TELLER In the patio of a Spanish inn a merry company of young men and women are gathered after a convivial meal. A gypsy fortune teller, dressed in a figured costume, has approached the group and is telling the fortune of one of the maidens. On the left a small boy, dressed in toreador costume, is anxiously smoking a cigarette and watching a number of pigeons which are seek- ing their food on the ground nearby. A straggling fig tree grows in the courtyard and its broad leaves are contrasted with the sunlit building beyond, and a small patch of blue sky ; is seen in the upper right of the picture. I Height, 23 inches; length, 31. inches. From the Mary Jane Morcan Sale, 1886. /y~ 178 2 yn K S% C by JM neal AV ‘ ent Signed at the lower left, J. Worms. . f | No. 90 ( o| ih FREDERIK HENDRIK KAEMMERER FRENCH 1839—1892 FISHING A youNG man and a young woman, seated on the edge of a grassy bank overhanging a broad river, are enjoying a day’s) fishing. He holds the pole while she, leaning on both arms, watches the sport attentively. In the foreground a pike and | various other fish, together with the fish basket and bait box, are scattered on the grass. Beyond the figures, the drooping q 3 branches of a willow screen the larger part of the river from | view. The figures are dressed in late eighteenth century cos- tumes. Signed at the lower right, F. H. KarEMMERER. Height, 2114 inches; length, 311, inches. | No. 91 { ths, % q ‘ | #460 ak LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN i A ae, se Jaret is rt FRENCH », ¢ ain ¢ ‘ 1824—1898 % ~~ ON THE SHORE | From the left foreground a shelving beach sweeps away in a double curve to the distance where a low headland extends into | the sea. The waves toss and tumble upon the sand, and over- | head a violent windstorm, bringing rain in heavy showers, sweeps across the sky. A few sailing craft struggle with the wind. In the distance on the right along the seashore are sug- gestions of a wooden wharf and various figures. i | Signed at the lower right, E. Boupin, ’95. DEAUVILLE. | Height, 251, inches; length, 36 inches. From the sale of the Arvist’s studio effects. pant” J No. 92 é) GUSTAVE COURBET fi 4 i FRENCH Viele. / 18191878 ( THE SURF A TUMBLING sea, breaking into many lines of wave crests, ex- tends across the picture. The sea is apparently dashing upon a steep shore, for the masses of foam in the foreground sug- gest that the water meets with abrupt resistance. The sky is covered with a mass of drifting storm clouds against which the distant wave crests form the horizon line. <= Signed at the lower right, CourBET. Height, 251%, inches; length, 32 inches. SS re enpeusie ae Ate No. 93 CARL WUNNENBERG GERMAN 1850— THE PEACE OFFERING A DARK-HAIRED maiden, dressed in a white tunic embroidered in gold, bears in either hand a flower-pot with an aster plant in full bloom. The figure is relieved against a gold background, bearing a geometric design, and behind the head is a gilded ' halo. Signed at the lower right, C. WUNNENBERG. Height, 351, inches; width, 201% inches. From the Artist. , No. 94 HENRI LEROLLE FRENCH Contemporary FRENCH VILLAGE On the left a row of stone cottages, covered with rough thatch and partly overgrown by creepers, extends away in perspective a until it meets the edge of a wood. On the right side, in the foreground, stand two figures of peasant women gossiping, and on the right is the corner of a rough stone wall. The | sunlight falls upon the scene from the upper right, casting luminous shadows on the walls of the cottages and across the dusty road. | | Signed at the lower right, H. Lerorie. | Height, 25 inches; length, 3114 inches. No. 95 JULIEN DUPRE FRENCH 1851— HARVEST A NuMBER of peasants, chiefly women, are busily engaged in taking up the new-mown hay and loading it upon a large | wagon. On the left a sturdy peasant woman raises a huge fork- — | ful, and on the right a companion is raking the hay into piles convenient for loading. The foreground is in shadow, and be- yond is a strong passage of sunlight, across a meadow in | which several haymakers are at work. A low ridge of wooded hills forms the horizon and the sky is filled with turbulent | storm clouds. Signed at the lower left, Jutien Dupre. Height, 261, inches; length, 391, inches. From the Artist. No. 96 ro OTTO DE THOREN fad DUTCH 1828—1889 RETURNING FROM HARVEST Zi In the foreground a Hungarian farm wagon, drawn by two horses and led by a peasant in characteristic costume, is pro- ceeding along a rough pasture on the shore of a broad river. In the wagon, seated on the straw, are a mother and child, and a young man. The horses have difficulty in drawing the load and one of the peasants is tugging at the wheel. In the dis- tance behind the wagon is a second one similarly laden, and on the left is seen the broad expanse of a quiet river, with a (| low line of hills beyond, and overhead a luminous sunset sky. F Signed at the lower right, O. pz THorEN. t! Height, 24 inches; length, 34 inches. ti e” bf No.- 97 a | GEORGE INNESS, N.A. ae H AMERICAN J v 1825—1894 THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS pe In the foreground an enormous tree, with a scarred pele __| gnarled trunk and straggling and twisted branches, grows on the edge of a small ravine through which a brook flows. Underneath the tree an Indian and a hunter, who have just slain a deer, sit upon the grass, intent upon watching some object in the distance. The foreground is in shadow and the middle distance beyond is strongly illuminated by the sunlight. Here and there through the dense foliage are glimpses of the blue sky beyond. Height, 2514 inches; length, 36 inches. } SUMMER 4 No. 98 oi FERDINAND HEILBUTH GERMAN 1826—1889 In the foreground three pleasure boats are moored to the grassy shore of a pleasant winding stream, and four young ladies in gay costumes are basking there in the sunlight. Beyond the group, and on the other side of the placid stream, is a large clump of trees, and farther away the river disappears in a mysterious distance, where a low line of hills forms the sky-line. The sunlight is modified by a thin stratum of mist, suggesting a scorching summer day, vr aa ‘ee gy Signed at the lower right, xrzsuru. yee Height, 22 inches; length, 36 inches. — No. 99 LEON BAZILE PERRAULT ad FRENCH : Contemporary : v ee AFFECTION ee yh A PEASANT mother, wearing a coarse, low-cut white chemise, — a a blue bodice and a dull mauve petticoat, is seated on a stone bench holding a small child on her knees, kissing his upturned face with maternal tenderness. The figures are of the size of life and relieved against a masonry background. On the right a grape vine grows against the wall, and the mother’s knitting is lying on the stone seat beside her. Signed at the lower left, L. PErrautt, 1894. Height, 39 inches; width, 32 inches. From the Artist. ee eS No. 100 LEON BAZILE PERRAULT FRENCH Contemporary ae Carel, THE GRAPE GATHERER ’ A peasant maiden, dressed in coarse and patched garments, is standing near a wall against which grows a grape vine with clusters of ripe fruit. With both hands raised she cuts a bunch from the vine, at the same time turning her gaze upon the spectator. Beyond her on the left, seen partly between the branches of the vine, is a glimpse of a wooded park or gar- den, and on the right, near the feet of the maiden, stands a basket already well filled with bunches of grapes. Signed at the lower right, L. Prerravtt, 1893. Height, 391, inches; width, 251, inches. No. 101 AUGUSTE HAGBORG GERMAN Contemporary V4 pf @ Cd HOME FROM HARVEST A youne peasant, in the coarse garments of his class, carry- ing over his shoulder a rude cradle for harvesting grain, is trudging along a sandy country road, accompanied by a maiden who bears over her shoulder a shock of wheat glean- ings. Beyond the group is a simple landscape, showing on the left a gentle sloping pasture and on the right a tiny village. The ruddy sun is just setting in the distance and the sky is covered by small cloud forms. Signed at the lower right, Hacxore. Height, 3914 inches; width, 311, inches. From the Artist. a ; ae See j 4 = En ee oe ak SENT ee penn NS a MS re aba Seperate aaa SS Se See ee Se ee ee nd No. 102 JULES JOSEPH LEFEBVRE FRENCH sg. 1834— - THE FRUIT SELLER we A BARE-FOOTED Italian maiden, in characteristic dress, con- sisting of a white chemise with red half sleeves and bodice, a yellow petticoat, blue apron and headdress of white stuff, stands H against a rough wall, her head upraised, engaged in knitting 1 a striped red stocking. On the right is the opening of a fruit shop where fruit and vegetables are exposed for sale. i Signed at the lower left, Jutes LEFEBVRE. : Height, 41 inches; width, 24 inches. | ie : No. 103 tae ad aA el P. .MARCIUS SIMONS FRENCH Contemporary THE CITY OF OPHIR In the distance, the golden city, with a multitude of domes, turrets and towers, shimmers in the strong sunlight against a sky partly covered by rapidly drifting kaleidoscopic-colored clouds. From the city gates a multitude of inhabitants pours i down to the shores of a broad canal which flows from the | right distance out of the picture. In the left of the foreground : | is a broad quay with a large crowd of people, and floating on | | the canal nearby are various craft with brilliant-colored sails, all filled with passengers. i | Signed at the lower right, P. Marcius Simons. Height, 341/, inches; length, 434% inches. From the Artist. — = Sl ee ee ). 2. 0 No. 104 WILLIAM M. CHASE, N.A. . / AMERICAN x Uf 7 1849— _ a. A CARMENCITA . : Tue full-length figure, about two-thirds life-size, of the famous Spanish dancer. Resting her weight on her left foot, and touching the floor with the toe of her right, she swings her body in profile, and, throwing back her head, raises both her arms, at the same time clicking the castanets. She is dressed in a sleeveless bodice and short, full petticoat, elaborately em- broidered and trimmed with gold, and from her waist flutters a scarf of gold tissue. At her feet her admirers have thrown bunches of roses and a gold bracelet. Signed at the lower right, Wm. M. Cwase. Height, 70 inches; width, 40 inches. No. 105 Lr iy PROFESSOR WILHELM KRAY GERMAN ao ae Contemporary A Ki >, Lay PSYCHE Chez Tue full-length figure of the classical maiden, partly draped in a diaphanous mantle, sits half-crouching on the rocks at the seashore, resting her upraised head on her left hand. On her shoulders are butterfly wings with iridescent colors. The upper part of the figure is relieved against a warm-toned sky, and near the feet, which rest on jagged rocks, the sea breaks in masses of foam. Signed at the lower left, W. Kray. Height, 441, inches; width, 291, inches. No. 106 MAURICE LELOIR FRENCH 1853— THE HARVEST FESTIVAL In the foreground, floating on a placid stream, is a rowboat gayly decorated for the harvest festival. As a figurehead in the © bow is a shock of wheat, with various farming implements, and bearing a stuffed cockerel perched between the tines of a wooden pitchfork. Along the gunwales are fastened garlands of flowers and leaves, and in the stern, under an embroidered canopy, with bunches of flowers on either side, the master, his wife and small child are seated on a couch covered with ripened wheat. Two rowers tug at the oars and four musicians are busily playing. Beyond the boat is a steep, grassy bank, with a large clump of pollard willows, and on the crest of the bank, against the sky, is seen a procession of laborers on their way to the — festival. The costumes are all of the late eighteenth century. Signed at the lower right, Maurice Letorr, 1882. Height, 71 inches; length, 110 inches. No. 107 JULES JOSEPH LEFEBVRE My FRENCH 1834— 2 ie PANDORA Tip Tue slender, youthful figure of Pandora stands facing the spectator, holding with both her hands a small ivory box. From her right arm fluttering drapery sweeps over her shoulder Hy) and behind her head, above which is a six-pointed star spark- Ht ling in the murky atmosphere. A chaplet of gold laurel leaves ) surrounds the head. The maiden is walking on a rocky plain, if suggesting a thin crust over underground fires, for steam en | mounts from various crevices, and a volcanic light accentuates : the rocks and glows in the horizon. Signed at the lower right, Jutes LeFEsvne. k Height, 52 inches; width, 25 inches. i a kee Pee So Pas” Ba \ Ue OSA BP oat eg ah a hs a eS ee a ie ye Se bh ad . en RR NOT ER i kers er PistT (NMG Say at A Ms? | ene rah! | Miia wR TRA SAS a ; ‘ i é iL “SECOND EVENING’S SALE ; _-—s&#FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1906 f AT MENDELSSOHN HALL q BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O’cLOCK DRAWINGS No. 108 JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET FRENCH yl We free Ge , 1814—1875 ' v I ; 17, lta | WRESTLERS f 40 ae | A pen and ink sketch of two nude figures wrestling. Signed at the lower right, J. F. M. Height, 6 inches; width, 434 inches. No. 109 q JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET o v ety f wer FRENCH [} we 1814-1875 ye | i : h} mn ow A FRENCH VILLA ee | Aw outline in pencil of a small Aaa DN in a narrow valley. Signed at the lower right, J. F. M. ) Height, 3 inches; length, 43/4 inches. } P| a 4 | LA MANCHE A PENCIL sketch of two Channel vessels, with bellying sails, wal- lowing through a heavy sea. Signed at the lower right, J. F. M. Height, 21, inches; length, 4 inches. No. 110 MLLE. ROSA BONHEUR FRENCH 1822—1899 A ne ae HORSE FAIR Two pencil sketches, probably early suggestions of the com- | position of the artist’s famous picture, ‘The Horse Fair.” awl In the upper sketch the composition is quite fully developed. Signed at the lower right, Rosa B. Height, 7 inches; length, 11 inches. From the sale of the Artist's studio effects. Bre Prey reyes ay. SSS ae No. 111 JOSEF ISRAELS DUTCH Pe VA. in 18 Va to iat } } Mf i 4 bt dF a it ne 3 ¥ : ih f % & qa PENCIL DRAWING a : it 4 Nan be a e Rl Lt ea dat] Ast lat Hip iy f A FULL-LENGTH figure of a Dutch peasant seated on a wooden bench with both hands resting on his knees, his head slightly inclined upon his chest and his eyes raised. He is in his shirt sleeves and wears a woollen cap with a broad visor. Signed at the lower right, Jose¥r IsraEts. Height, 111, inches; width, 614 inches. No. 112 WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU FRENCH Vs, i ale 1825—1905 , | O—_| A stupy in pencil and white chalk of a nude female figure, seated facing the spectator, with her left leg across her right ae and her right arm extended at full length across the left thigh. ‘e ii Her left arm is raised and her head is turned toward the right {i shoulder. ; FEMALE FIGURE Signed at the lower right, Wm. BoucuEREav. Height, 11% inches; width, 6°, inches. No. 113 MLLE. ROSA BONHEUR FRENCH Werks C (2 Paha Aw outline drawing of a rearing horse, with a rider, done in black crayon on charcoal paper. The animal and rider are seen — ] in profile. | | | | DRAWING / | } | | Signed at the lower right, Rosa B. | Height, 91/, inches; length, 121/, inches. From the sale of the Arrist’s studio effects. | No. 114 | LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN FRENCH ] 1824—1898 - SKETCHES p TueEse two sketches, in one frame, are from motives found on i the seashore. The upper one shows a rowboat full of passen- | gers about to leave on a water excursion. The lower sketch } shows two fishing boats, moored to a broad stone quay on which several figures are standing. 1 Inscribed on the back: “Ces deux aquarelles sont du peinteur, E. Bounty. i J. ALLARD.” ; Height, 15 inches; width, 8 inches. No. 115 LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN FRENCH Sf iy: 1824—1898 DORDRECHT | GA Sbe Tuts is a sketch, partly in water color and partly in pencil, of the interesting old Dutch town seen from the river bank at Pappendrecht, opposite. - Signed at the lower right, E. Boupin, and inscribed at the lower left, Dorprecut, *75. Height, 81%, inches; length, 13 inches. No. 116 JOHN BARTHOLD JONGKIND ISH aoe). i DUTCH | t 1822—1891 a IS ' A DUTCH CANAL hey Black and White t Tuis is a sketch of a broad canal near the town of Dordrecht in Holland. From the foreground, on the right, a broad foot- path sweeps to the right and then makes a turn to the left, following the bank of the canal, on which a large barge is floating. In the distance is visible the lofty spire of a church \ rising high above the surrounding trees. Signed at the lower left, Joncx1np, Dorprecnt. Height, 10 inches; length, 15 inches. AGG yw No. 117 CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FRENCH ty d | Le 1813—1894 —¥ W i iN IDYL , “ Black and White In the foreground a sturdy shepherd marches along at the head of his flock of sheep, which are feeding over a pasture, clasping around the shoulders a young girl, who leans confid- ingly against his chest. On the right of the group a black shepherd dog guards the flock, and, in the middle distance, a great clump of trees rises against the sky, while on the right there is a wide view over cultivated fields and meadows. | Signed at the lower left, Cu. Jacque. Height, 15 inches; length, 201, inches. PASTELS AND WATER COLORS No. 118 LOUIS EUGENE BOtl a FRENCH A, biG WY 1824-—1898 SUNSET Tue sun is nearing the horizon, where a narrow band of clouds stretches across from right to left, and partly conceals the - luminous disk. The glowing light, which touches a mass of cumuli higher in the sky, is reflected in the foreground on the tossing waves of the sea. Signed at the lower right, E. B. Height, 71, inches; length, 1014 inches. | (, iC 1824—1898 ‘LANDSCAPE ig No. 119 LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN FRENCH AFTER THE STORM Pastel Tus is a sketch of a turbulent sky suggesting the aftermath of a storm. The torn and jagged clouds are strongly lighted by the glow of early sunset. In the foreground is a sugges- tion of an open sea. Signed at the lower right, E. B. ' | Height, 7 inches; length, 101%, inches. No. 120 NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA FRENCH 1807—1876 Water Color Aw open glade in the forest with gnarled trees on either side framing a sunlit vista beyond. The foreground is in shadow and is broken by a tiny stream which flows between low, grassy banks. Signed at the lower right, N. D. Height, 514 inches; length, 8 inches. No. 121 _ LOUIS ALEXANDRE LELOIR A. ty FRENCH 1843—1884 wee THE GUITAR PLAYER Water Color A youne lady, dressed in ample Chinese robes, which are richly embroidered and trimmed, is seated on a Turkish rug holding with both hands a curious mandolin or guitar, with a long neck, on which she is playing with an ivory plectrum. Behind the figure is a Chinese screen ornamented by conventionalized forms of animals and marine monsters. We Signed at the lower right, Lovis Lrtorr, ’72. : Height, 914 inches; length, 131, inches. ie No. 122 : LUDWIG PASSINI SOO FRENCH 1832—1903 1a ‘es Gaz, Water Color ih 1) HEAD Tuis is a study of the head and shoulders of a Venetian girl. The head is seen in three-quarters view to the left, the eyes slightly turned away from the spectator, and her brown hair is somewhat dishevelled. Around her neck she wears a red, black and white striped and plaid kerchief, knotted over a striped mauve bodice. Signed at the upper left, Lupwic Passin1, VENEZIA. Height, 101% inches; width, 7 inches. | No. 123 pees Vas CHARLES OLIVIER DE PENNE FRENCH 1831—1897 THE MEET | Water Color. Fan design A LARGE party of ladies and gentlemen have assembled for a day’s hunting in a large park or forest in France. On either side in the foreground are foxhounds, some of them in leash, some of them resting in the care of keepers, and in the middle distance are groups of ladies and gentlemen, all in hunting costume, with carriages containing visitors. Beyond this group is a broad allée stretching away to the distance between thick woods on either side. Signed at the lower right, O. DE PENNE. | Height, 11 inches; length, 22 inches. OIL PAINTINGS No. 124 SST ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH C ) SPANISH TESTING THE WINE Two jovial, old Franciscan monks are apparently engaged in drinking a companion’s health, for one of them holds in his raised right hand a tumbler half full of wine, and seems to be uttering some friendly sentiment. The heads are in relief against a modified blue background. Height, 4 inches; length, 41/4, inches. From the Casanova Sale. No. 125 | i j i CHARLES EMILE JACQUE | we, ns I FRENCH ie SD Aenean ) N 1813—1894 AY 1A vie HENS hae i A suack hen seeks for food in the straw upon which a white | companion sits, apparently covering a setting of eggs. { Signed at the lower left, Cu. Jacque. i Height, 43, inches; width, 6 inches. No. 126 © GUSTAVE JEAN JACQUET FRENCH 1846— THis is a study of a young girl of ten summers or so, the head seen nearly in profile to the left and the eyes turned in the same direction. Her flowing brown hair is bound to the head by a slender ribbon, and a loose white drapery falls over both shoulders. Signed at the lower right, G. Jacquet. Height, 81% inches; width, 6 inches. No. 127 ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH SPANISH TWO MONKS AND A CARDINAL THREE studies of ecclesiastical type framed together. The left represents a monk, with a smile of pleasant anticipa- tion on his face, filling a wine glass from a bottle. The middle figure shows a discontented old Capuchin monk looking over his spectacles. The figure on the right shows a jolly old cardinal reading an amusing book. Signed on the backs, A. Casanova ¥ Estoracn, 1897. Height, 31, inches; width, 2% inches each. No. 128 MLLE. ROSA BONHEUR> 7 FRENCH 1822—1899 THE QUARRY be Wectiherg A uiver and white setter dog has found a rabbit hiding under some low bushes, and rigidly crouches, pointing at the same time with his sensitive nose. Beyond the dog is a vista along the edge of a large forest to a mysterious distance. Signed at the lower right, R. Bonnevr, 1859. i Height, 814 inches; length, 101% inches. ni No. 129 i FELIX ZIEM eS pia 2 FRENCH ) | 1821— ” . i... Ls Tuis is a study of early morning effect along the Canal San Marco. The left foreground is a flat, level beach partly ex- posed by the receding tide, and fishermen are busy there with their nets. In the middle distance, on the right, are seen the | facades of the Riva, and on the left a fishing vessel with col- ored sails is lazily floating on the placid canal. The sky is f covered with a luminous mist, the light being concentrated near the middle of the picture. Signed at the lower right, Ziem. Height, 81/7, inches; length, 11 inches. No. 180 i ue JEAN JACQUES HENNER FRENCH 1829—1904 ) 0 a Ke HEAD Tuis is a study, in profile, of a maiden of classical type, with a wealth of brilliant auburn hair unbound and flowing in loose masses over either shoulder. The light falls from the upper left, accentuating the mass of hair, the face and the bust, and bringing them into strong contrast with the deep tones sur- rounding them. Signed at the lower left, J. J. HENNER. Height, 10 inches; width, 7 inches. From the Artist. No. 181 FELIX ZIEM | i al FRENCH watt | | y? | 1821— nad : , NIGHT ON THE LAGOON i In the foreground a gondola with a single oarsman is rapidly approaching the broad band of light where the full moon, breaking through the clouds, is reflected on the twinkling sur- face of the broad lagoon. A brilliant red light on the gunwale of the gondola comes out vividly against the dark mass. On the left, in the distance, is the Campanile and the mysterious forms of the adjacent buildings. Signed at the lower left, Ziem. Height, 7 inches; length, 11 inches. Ma ‘* ie , (a At: e. i ae 3 i ray No. 182 ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH SPANISH A CARDINAL and a monk are seated opposite one another with a tea table between them, the former leaning back in an easy chair pouring liquor into a teacup, and the monk, watching the operation through his spectacles, pauses for a moment in the reading of his breviary. The figures are in relief against a grayish brown background. Height, 814, inches; length, 1014 inches. From the Casanova Sale. No. 133 I. H. J. T. FANTIN-LATOUOR FRENCH 1836—1905 citi Wee zp" a ee Gorn A FULL-LENGTH female figure is eatea on a rock apparently near a pool of water in which she is about to bathe. Surprised by the approach of someone, she turns her head away and hastily throws about her a piece of loosely flowing drapery. Signed at the lower left, Pantin. Height, 91, inches; width, 8 inches. THE CARDINAL AND THE MONK K .. VA fue ih een TS a SS Sa ee SE = Se Soe as ee CHARLES EMILE JACQUE wih Ve tgpyrer! FRENCH | | i 1813—1894 i L0- POULTRY A Gamecock and several hens of different breeds are busy searching for food in the straw at the foot of a plastered | No. 134 a | wall. The sunlight strikes strongly upon the cock and a white hen in the foreground, casting luminous shadows on the yellow straw. Signed at the lower right, Cu. Jacque. Height, 5 inches; length, 81, inches. No. 185 | pen CHARLES CAZIN | | y vata FRENCH \ (h paid V 1840—1900 | BRITTANY LANDSCAPE A RED-TILED, roughly plastered cottage, with a few small out- buildings and a neighboring straw stack, form a prominent group in the broad expanse of a farming country where no other habitation is visible. From the left foreground a sandy path winds away to the right. The sun, which is nearing the horizon, shines through a soft mist which covers the sky. Signed at the lower right, J. C. Cazin. Height, 5 inches; length, 81 inches. From the Artist. ¢ LT en e n aoe Ne la Ys yy? ] Ye q a (ah | % % No. 186 JACOB MARIS DUTCH 1838—1899 Aw old walled town with turreted gates stands near the shores of a wide bay or inlet, and near the water gate, which is the principal object in the composition, two fishing boats are moored. The moon is near the zenith and is reflected in a broad band of light on the rippling water. In the foreground two figures are walking along the beach toward the town. Signed at the lower left, J. H. Maris. . Height, 5 inches; length, 8 inches. No. 137 JEAN CHARLES CAZIN FRENCH 1840—1900 Pe nsckrr Of Ch ibhache A GRASS-COVERED meadow extends across the foreground, and in the middle distance are several haystacks and a large, rounded tree standing on the crest of a slope, which apparently descends to the edge of the forest beyond. The light in the sky is con- centrated on a large cloud form in the upper right of the picture. Signed at the lower left, J. C. Cazin. eS Height, 5 inches; length, 81, inches. From the Artist. ri s re » . os i See fw! ~ Ps r yi age: / 4 y ee Sn v\ *" 4 . ~ ON THE ZUYDER ZEE Geo EK berspecice Lo? {00-1 No. 188 JEAN JACQUES HENNER FRENCH 1829—1905 MIDSUMMER M. Ma reer WEE. A sEMICIRCULAR ivory panel; on which the artist has painted the full-length reclining figure of a nude female in full sunlight. She lies upon her right side, her head resting on her hands against a low bank, and her left leg, extended at full length, crossing the right one. Above her, and a little to the right, a simple blue sky shows between clumps of trees. a This little composition was painted for the middle panel in a displayed painted fan. Signed at the lower left, J. J. HENNER. Height, 4 inches; length, 8 inches. No. 189 JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT FRENCH 1840—1902 THE ARTIST CARDINAL Aw old cardinal in full robes, wearing a red velvet hat, a la Rembrandt, is painting on a large canvas which stands on an easel in the left of the picture. He holds his palette, brushes yvz and maul-stick in quite a professional manner, and is appar- ently not altogether an amateur. ' i\e.. 1 . ye Signed at the lower right. J. G. ViBert. , Height, 10 inches; width, 744 inches. From the Artist. j x ¥ { & ard } f i) } ion ie: iv 3 : va ij } ia We Sia ‘ ieee i | } f is + ean a reba: he a — Rae a iia, 9b No. 140 LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN FRENCH 1824—1898 BRITTANY INTERIOR Jiro Wi lCroe In a cottage interior are two peasant women in characteristic - costumes, one of them seated at a curious spinning wheel, the other holding in her lap a young child. In the background are suggestions of heavy pieces of furniture, and in the foreground two hens are seeking food on the floor. “Signed at the lower right, E. B. Height, 814, inches; length, 1014 inches. No. 141 HENRY MOSLER, A.N.A. AMERICAN 1841— THE FAGGOT GATHERER Ket In the foreground, toiling down a steep hillside, is a peasant woman bearing on her back a heavy burden of large faggots. The figure is in shadow against a background of trees and underbrush strongly illuminated by sunshine. Signed at the lower left, Henry Mosier, ’99. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. No. 142 JULES WORMS FRENCH | 1832— A DIOS A SpaNIsH guitarist, in fancy dress, stands beneath the barred window of his lady love, with whom he is earnestly conversing. Beyond the musician is a narrow passage-way or alley bridged over by a room. Inscribed at the lower left: A mon ami SCHENCK. or . Worms. Height, 16 inches; width, 61, inches. | No. 143 THEOPHIL H. DE BOCK DUTCH 1850—1904 LANDSCAPE NO lems BrYonpD a grassy meadow in the foreground rises a great ledge of rocks, at the foot of which several figures are assembled. On the right of the rock is a dense forest, and slender trees straggle up the slope to the summit of the elevation. Large cumulus clouds float across the sky. Signed at the lower right, Bocx. | Height, 101, inches; length, 17 inches. No. 144 PAUL JEAN CLAYS BELGIAN 1819—1900 BOATS LEAVING OSTEND Ve Nartewg er Tuts is a study of the shallow North Sea near the Belgian coast while it is lashed by a heavy storm from the southwest. In the left foreground two vessels are struggling with the waves, and on the right two fishing boats are tossing in the rollers. In the horizon, where the storm clouds cast an immense shadow on the water, are various fishing craft and a single steamer. Inscribed at the lower left, Vente P. J. Cuays. Height, 101%, inches; length, 191, inches. No. 145 FREDERIK HENDRIK KAEMMERER FRENCH 1839—1892 et has VA AFTER THE BALL ert, Kicller’ A roune lady, evidently exhausted after her appearance at a fancy-dress ball, has thrown herself carelessly upon the cush- ions of a divan behind a table on which is a large jardiniére filled with roses. Her head is thrown back and her dishevelled hair is spread out upon the cushions on either side. She is dressed in blue satin, and in the right foreground a mask of the same color is thrown on the floor. Signed at the lower left, F. H. KArEMMERER. Height, 16 inches; width, 101% inches. No. 146 PAUL LOUIS GROLLERON FRENCH 1848—1901 THE SKIRMISH Jt OL By LO iv | A Frew French infantrymen, accompanied by a bugler and com- zx LY ~~ manded by an officer, are skirmishing along under a high wall. i Those on the left have found the enemy and are actively firing. One soldier lies dead, another has received a staggering wound, and the officer, perched on a ladder, is looking over the wall. Signed at the lower left, P. GRroLLERon. Height, 13 inches; length, 16 inches. No. 147 JOSEPH MORTIMER LICHTENAUER , Vamertcan re “t 1876— scene Yio , A LIFE-sIzE study of the head and shoulders of a fair-haired a. 4, Ekoncs young girl, seen in profile to the right. Around her shoulders is a green mantle knotted in front. The background is a simple tone of light gray. p lien : PA ae Signed at the upper right, LicHTENAUER. Height, 17144, inches; width, 14 inches. No. 148 AUGUSTE TOULMOUCHE " FRENCH 1829—1890 LOVE’S T ‘ lips OKEN ai ee yoy: A sMALL decorated vase, filled with white lilacs, stands on a table yy, fe Db i in the foreground, and over it bends a dark-haired young maiden dressed in a robe of red velvet trimmed with gray fur. The background is a panelled room with gilt decoration, and behind _ the figure is a bronze bust on a square pedestal. Signed at the lower right, A. Toutmovucue, ’67. Height, 19 inches; width, 15 inches. No. 149 ANTOINE VOLLON \ F FRENCH 1833—1900 STILL LIFE vi eee oe eae (Fr A coupe salver filled with apricots, a porcelain bowl orna- mented with green, a mandolin, a gold ewer and drinking cup, with a few roses and other objects, are assembled on a green- fringed cloth spread upon a buhl table. In the background is the suggestion of a panelled room and a rich, heavy red curtain. Signed at the lower left, A. VoLton. Height, 1214 inches; length, 16 inches. (‘a No. 150 ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH SPANISH THE GOURMAND | ga SV A RroTuND and jovial Franciscan monk is enjoying hugely a plate of field strawberries, and, about to raise a spoonful to pe his lips, is smiling in anticipation of the feast. The head is 4 nearly life-size and is in strong light from the upper left. Signed at the upper left, ANToN!© Casanova y Estoracu, Paris, 1888. Height, 161, inches; width, 121% inches. | No. 151 JEAN LEON GEROME FRENCH 1824—1904 fm ie f£ % rit Ree ve 2h — THE CARAVAN ee ik | pe the foreground is an Arab, in a white burnous, mounted on | a donkey accompanied by a foal. He is proceeding briskly along A the sandy shore of a bay which extends partly across the pic- / a ture from the right to the left. Following the Arab, at some | yyw" distance away, is a large herd of goats under the care of a at goatherd, and still farther behind a long caravan of many cam- els, some with riders and some without. In the distance a range of rocky summits, with arid foothills, rises against the simple blue sky. Signed at the lower left, J. L. Girome. Height, 10%, inches; length, 14 inches. No. 152 PAUL JEAN CLAYS BELGIAN 1819—1900 ALONG THE QUAY ee ee len Two large Dutch yawls, with colored sails, are drifting in a l es, LAO a light wind along near a populous quay of a large town, and i form the chief figure of the composition. In the foreground on the left of the vessels is a rowboat, with two figures, and be- yond, seen down the broad river or inlet, is a mass of shipping - extending to the distant horizon. 2 SSS Se Smee ee EP BEES ee SSS Inscribed at the lower left, Vente P. J. Crays. i Height, 13 inches; length, 1414 inches. No. 153 ALPHONSE MARIE DE NEUVILLE Leg FRENCH \/ 1836—1885 THE SENTINEL Babes: eis A HussaR, in silver trimmed képi and jacket, full red trousers with leather extensions, is standing in profile, his left hand on JO Cf aoe his hip above his sword guard, and his right hand by his side holding a cigarette. The head is in three-quarters view, the eyes turned toward the spectator, and the figure is in relief against a rough-plastered wall, suggesting the facade of a building. Signed at the lower right, A. bE NEvvILtE, 1878. Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches. No. 154 JEAN JACQUES HENNER / FRENCH 4 1829—1905 00 — HEAD oe head of a young girl, about half life-size, with a mass f We loosely flowing auburn hair. The face is seen in profile to the . left, the head slightly lowered and the eyes raised. A fold of red drapery crosses the left shoulder. Bye Signed at the lower left, J. J. HENNER. Height, 1014 inches; width, 81% inches. | No. 155 ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH | | SPANISH as i A GOOD STORY He 60 —— A monk, who has been taking tea with a cardinal, is amusing 4 ce host with a good story, which he whispers in his ear, con- cealing behind him at the moment his breviary, which he holds — toi?” in his left hand. The two heads are close together over a mahogany table, with ormolu mounts, on which is spread a rich. (l and delicate tea service. Signed at the upper right, ANTON 10 Casanova Y EsroracH, Paris, 1895. Height, 13 inches; length, 16 inches. No. 156 JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT FRENCH “Re as A i A pr 3 ti - | eee THE CARDINAL shee Tuts is a study of an old cardinal in red robes and biretta. NS y i His shoulders are in profile and his head in three-quarters view i to the left, his eyes turned toward the spectator. The expression i on his face denotes that he is listening to an agreeable story. i: , kite Signed at the lower left, J. G. Viserr. | Height, 104% inches; width, 8Y, inches. i, i i No. 157 i I. H. J. T. FANTIN-LATOUR FRENCH i 18361905}. , 4 4} pr “CARNATIONS Aleck A BuNcH of carnations of a variety of colors stands in an or- dag Gf ashi | | dinary glass tumbler full of water. The flowers are in a strong ee ) but diffused light and are relieved against a mysterious gray background. Signed at the lower left, Fantin. Height, 1114 inches; width, 101, inches. No. 158 JEAN JACQUES HENNER © FRENCH 1829—1905 ASLEEP A nuveE female figure is reclining in the foreground near a small oval-shaped pool. She lies on her left side and her back is turned toward the spectator. The flesh is in a strong effect of light and shade and the head and upper part of the body are relieved against the dark mass of a clump of trees beyond. In the upper right of the picture is an area of simple blue sky which is reflected in the pool below. Signed at the lower left, J. J. HENNER. ; Height, 81% inches; length, 1014 inches. No. 159 JEAN JACQUES HENNER FRENCH 1829—1905 ANDROMEDA Tue nude figure of the unfortunate maiden is seen full length and in profile, her arms upraised, her head thrown back and her auburn. hair floating in the breeze. Her right leg is bent and she rests her weight on the left. The figure is in relief against the sombre mass of a lofty cliff, beyond which, on the right, is a suggestion of the sea. Signed at the lower right, J. J. HENNER. Height, 1314 inches; width, 8 inches. No. 160 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Ve FRENCH 1817—1878 A COUNTRY ROAD P. 8 00 wyrot . A BRoaD, well-travelled road leads from the foreground to the 3 Wi 0 i middle distance around and beneath a large clump of lofty trees in full summer foliage. On the left is a suggestion of a grassy bank with a fence surrounding a park or a garden. Signed at the lower right, Davusicny. | Height, 1014 inches; width, 8 inches. No. 161 ANTOINE VOLLON FRENCH 1833—1900 STILL LIFE OE A or tfrwr Tk nap gece otras: \ A copper jug and a brass kettle are placed on an upturned ALLS oy tub. Nearby stands a green glazed jar, and in front of it is a plate with a long-handled ladle and four eggs. On the floor opposite the plate are onions and mussels scattered about. Signed at the lower right, A. VoLton. Height, 10 inches; length, 131 inches. No. 162 ADOLF SCHREYER GERMAN 1828—1899 A MOORISH HORSEMAN A Moor, mounted on a brown pony, his gun slung across his back, is fording a rocky stream, and driving, at the same time 4vith him, a white pack horse which is straggling along under a load. Across the stream is a bluff partly overgrown with bushes, and to the left a gently sloping tract of land leading off to the extreme distance. The sky is covered with gray clouds and the landscape is in full sunlight effect. | Signed at the lower right, Height, 1014 inches; length, 1314 inches. No. 163 ADOLF SCHREYER GERMAN 1828—1899 q y ' rs Me th ¢ 1. ty as a ‘ ¢ Pan f In the foreground is a rough pony bearing a pack and ac- companied by a peasant dressed in coarse garments. Beyond the group is a rude stone hovel at the foot of a steep and rocky range of hills where other habitations are scattered over the slope. The sunlight falls upon the scene from the left and a few luminous clouds float in the upper part of the simple sky. ARABIAN HORSEMAN Signed at the lower right, & iil Height, 101% inches; length, 1314 inches. No. 164 EMILE VAN MARCKE FRENCH Q Cw Pageed / 1827—1890 Ue. mg \ Ae CATTLE ‘a Tuis is a study of two coys, the one on the right seen in full face, the other in three-quarters view from behind. They are in a diffused sunlight and in relief ae a grassy meadow | : A, beyond. Pe ae cy » - ipower? ee tng - Signed at the lower left, Em. VAN Marcxe. “ ' Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches. ty, BEN, 9 I No. 165 JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT FRENCH & i 1840—1902 bi * ,. ned a A NEW SUBJECT (etd C* A Lic Fh A CARDINAL, who is making a visit to the house of a wealthy friend, examines, while he is waiting, a wall decoration sugges- tive of an amorous incident in song or story. In front of the cardinal, who stands with his back to the spectator, holding his folded biretta in his hands, which are clasped behind him, is a low green sofa, on which the hat and lace mantle of a lady are carelessly thrown. Signed at the lower right, J. G. Visert. Height, 15 inches; width, 111% inches. From the Artist. No. 166 MLLE. ROSA BONHEUR . FRENCH 1822—1899 ROAMING A Ld hum Mow Ie, ban 4 ie yy 00 —— il PEELING POTATOES : Loo = YW. fuller, Weer voor A Dutcu huysvrouw is seated near her kitchen fire engaged in peeling potatoes for the evening meal. Standing opposite her and resting one elbow on a low table is a small lad who is read- ing a paper while his mother works. | + Signed at the lower right, BLrommeEnrs. Height, 1914 inches; width, 15 inches. No. 179 FRITZ THAULOW NORWEGIAN 184.7— THE RIPPLING BROOK A RIPPLING stream flows down to the foreground from a sunlit village in the middle distance, where fruit trees in blossom sur- round the cottages. In the middle distance, on the left, the ue . of a peasant is seen at work in his garden. Signed at the lower right, Frirz 'THavuLow. | Height, 18 inches; length, 2114 inches. No. 180 JEAN F RANCOIS RAFFAELLI FRENCH 1850— | ¢. AS \ \ AVENUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE Efeiig nts THE avenue is crowded with people. In the foreground a fruit woman pushes her cart, and beyond her is a mass of foot pas- sengers, cabs, laden omnibuses, and the confusion of a crowded Paris street. In the middle distance the mansards of a cross street, with the monument of the Republic, form a sky-line against a broad mass of simple gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, J. RaFraE ui. Height, 17144 inches; length, 20 inches. No. 181 HIPPOLYTE CAMILLE DELPY FRENCH Contemporary THE HILLSIDE LA. Kale ; From the right foreground, a steep hillside, partly cultivated and partly waste, extends away to the distance, and on the left is a shallow pond, on the opposite shore of which stands a red- roofed residence surrounded by tall trees. Here and there a few figures enliven the landscape. A boat with a single occupant is floating on the water and a large skiff is drawn up under the steep bank on the edge of the pond. Small clouds, touched by the glow of sunset, are scattered over the sky. Signed at the lower right, H. C. DExpy. Height, 121, inches; length, 2314 inches. 2fo- No. 182 GABRIEL MAX AUSTRIAN | 1840— THE ARTIST As eye Sh eLbew? __.__Tuis is a life-size head of a fair-haired maiden. Her right hand supporting her chin, she inclines her head slightly to one side and raises her eyes with a devout expression. Part of a palette held in her left hand and three brushes are seen at the lower part of the picture, which is surrounded by a painted oval. She wears a light wine-colored mantle around her shoulders and — she is crowned with a chaplet of laurel leaves. : Signed at the upper right, G. Max. Height, 201% inches; width, 16 inches. — No. 183 PAUL JEAN CLAYS BELGIAN 1819—1900 MORNING EFFECT ON THE HOLLAND COAST | oe A croup of three bluff-bowed Dutch boats, with colored sails, form the chief feature ofthe composition, their hulls and rig- ging reflected in the calm waters of the broad river. In the foreground are two rowboats, one on either side, and on the left, in the distance, are seen a lighthouse on a low point of land and various vessels moored near the shore. The low horizon is lost in the glowing mist which hangs over the water and the sky is covered with a thin veil of light clouds. | Signed at the lower right, P. J. Crays. i Height, 1614 inches; length, 2414 inches. No. 184 P. A. J. DAGNAN-BOUVERET FRENCH Contemporary meee Dh Wes te Gc) LLSO Tuis is a life-size head of a young girl, apparently a study for a decoration, the left hand holding a paint-brush, which is held above her head, and the face is turned toward the upper right, the eyes looking in the same direction. A chaplet of leaves partly hides the hair. a Se eee eee See . a BIE eee, Se ee Signed at the lower left, P. A. J. DacGNan-Bovuverer. | Height, 15 inches; length, 20 inches. SSS Sa No. 185 | ] BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS ie DUTCH y | To 1844— Sid ae ‘es : ey % ey a Pa Nes pe , Hee + MENDING FISHING NETS | Pra Ke Ct In a large stable half a dozen or more Dutch women are seated WA O00 ‘atl - engaged in mending fishing nets. They are dressed in curious f Zeeland costumes, with close-fitting caps, short-sleeved jackets and full petticoats. The light from an open door shines upon the group from the left, accentuating here and there the flesh and the draperies. Signed at the lower right, BuomMers. Height, 20 inches; length, 26 inches. No. 186 FELIX ZIEM FRENCH Vd. Soy ys ar, 1821— SUNSET IN VENICE ———— Tatu facades bordering a broad Venetian canal rise on either side of the picture, the row on the right dominated by a lofty tower. The sun is low in the heavens and the warm glow from the sunset sky spreads over the palaces on the right, casting — those on the left into deep but luminous shadow. Various craft © are moored to the quays on either side, and a gondola, with a single gondolier, is crossing the canal in the foreground. Signed at the lower right, ZiEm. mika Height, 271/, inches; width, 211% inches. No. 187 ta JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT FRENCH 1840—1902 THE BOOKWORM WW fublec’ 44000 A carpinaL in full red robes, carrying a gold-headed stick, stands near an ornate carved and gilded lectern in a rich library, daintily turning the leaves of a book which rests upon i a wrought-iron support. Behind the cardinal, on the right, is i -a figured velvet screen partly concealing a tapestried curtain. \ | November 17, 1898. Mr. Allard has told me that you would like to have a letter explanatory of a picture which I have lately finished, and of which you have acquired the ownership. I hasten to respond to your desire. It will be for me a means of thanking you for the honor you do me in condescending to interest yourself in my work. The picture in question represents the corner of a picturesque library, which does not shine by reason of any elegance, since its sole ornaments are sombre hangings and old furniture of another period; but upon the shelves where the books are arranged, are hidden many treasures. Behold, well in evidence, supported by the pulpit of an old lectern, the most precious treasure of all, an old Dutch bible, in its primitive binding, He not intact, but at least respectable. It is the latest “find,” the rarest piece | of all, long coveted, haggled over as to price, finally captured and placed in the sanctuary. In the absence of the master of the house, a friendly visitor has been introduced. He is a Cardinal who himself would seem to be most appre- ciative of the marvels of the printers’ art, for before taking off his mantle, without even taking the time to put down his stick and hat, he has thrown himself upon the old treasure, and is now slowly turning over the leaves. The point which I have striven to bring out in this painting is the physiog- _ nomy of a bibliophile, at gaze before a rare book. There are many passions in those heads, love or envy; but also that nobility which is always given by erudition joined to taste for art. There, sir, is the explanation of my character sketch. Besides, since you are yourself an amateur, you must know better than anybody else what he is thinking. Receive, sir, the assurance of my most perfect consideration. J. G. VIBeERT. Signed at the lower right, J. G. Vipert. Height, 16 inches; width, 121%, inches. From the Artist. No. 188 FERDINAND ROYBET FRENCH 1840— THE SENTINEL A TALL, youthful cavalier, in the costume of Louis Quatorze, with thigh boots, figured damask doublet, silk breeches and cloak, stands near the entrance of a palace or other public building, his sword held in his right hand, over his right shoul- der, and his head turned toward the hilt. The figure, strongly lighted from the upper left, is relieved against a dark back- ground of masonry. On the right are the lower steps of a stair- case. ck Signed at the lower left, F. Royser. , eS Height, 24 inches; width, 1414 inches. No. 189 CONSTANT TROYON FRENCH be wv a 1810—1865 e & : Lew grein a ae —RETURNING HOME ¢4 LARGE flock of sheep is assembled in the eat and be- hind stands a peasant with his shepherd dog, followed by a donkey with two panniers and a peasant woman rider. The group is in strong effect of sunlight, diminishing in intensity from the foremost animal to the group beyond. On the left is the edge of a forest with trees in full foliage, and beyond, on the right, a clump of rounded trees in the middle distance. The — sky is covered with summer clouds, showing here and there | tiny spots of blue. | Signed at the lower left, C. T. hesitags, Height, 25 inches; width, 201, inches. No. 190 LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN ° FRENCH 3 , ; 1824—1898 ) i LA FALAISE DE BENERVILLE f On the left a rocky promontory slopes down to the sea, where J i) by, f a | a jagged rocky point extends far out into the water. The quiet ~’ 4 glassy bay is dotted here and there with fishing vessels, and, reflecting the tones of the sunset sky, extends away to the ex- | treme distance, where the horizon is lost in a glowing mist. i Beyond the promontory, which is crowned with large buildings surrounded by trees, is seen a low hill across the water in the ‘ ih distance. . : Signed at the lower left, E. Bounin, 97, 19/9 BENERVILLE. Height, 211, inches; length, 351, inches. \ No. 191 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Pos Js FRENCH , hn ny 1796—1875 | los € va ae CATCHING CRAWFISH ys yt aOR ot Tuis is a forest interior where slender trees erow closely to- i gether and the ground is covered with tangled undergrowth. Ne, VA, 0 O_ In the right foreground a narrow brook flows out of the pic- ture and the figure of a man with bare arms and legs is kneeling on a rock, apparently catching crawfish in the water. Beyond the figure, and in the extreme distance, is visible a tiny spot of luminous sky seen between the tree trunks, and over the red roof of a small cottage in the upper part of the picture tiny spots of delicate blue show through the foliage. Signed at the lower left, Conor. Height, 251, inches; width, 19% inches. From the Davin H. Kine, Jr., Sale, 1896. o f 2100 } it nhl it tt Het ite HAY | st HT 4] lat i | D Hatt ° Wit Wiha At f Hit | Y wel ‘ely wv No. 192 ANTOINE VOLLON FRENCH 1833—1900 2 4g -— THE DOCKS Tuts is the study of the quay in a French seaport town, with large buildings on the left and a narrow harbor on the right, u i am and a suggestion of many craft moored near the quay. Masses of light clouds float high in the heavens, here and there touched by the sunlight. Signed at the lower right, A. Votton. Height, 3314 inches; width, By, , inches. No. 193 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT FRENCH 1796—1875 NYMPHS BATHIN 0 G A LARGE group of trees in full foliage rises against a glowing sky on the left and is reflected in a large pool of water which extends across the picture. In the foreground three nymphs Y are seen near the water’s edge, one of them about to enter, and the others engaged in preparing for the bath. On the right is a slender birch tree with feathery foliage, and beyond, and across the pool, is a distant rugged hillside seen against the sunset sky. Signed at the lower left, Conor. 30 inches. 4S dD? Height, 391, inches; widt From the Mary J. Morean Collection, 1886, tones No. 56. hae 4" no No. 194 'HIPPOLYTE CAMILLE DELPY FRENCH =A ee tt Contemporary LANDSCAPE s PlaS ‘) A BRoap river extends across the foreground and is crossed by a series of rough frame-works with fishing traps and nets. On the right a large clump of trees grows on a low bank, the dark mass of foliage reflected in the water, and on the left, across the river, is a pleasant farming country, with a moderate-sized hill extending away in perspective to the distance. The sky is partly covered by storm clouds and the light is concentrated near the horizon. | Signed at the lower left, H. C. Detry. Height, 38 inches; length, 53 inches. No. 195 CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FRENCH JL 1813—1894 \/ WATERING THE FLOCK a i ae In the right foreground is a shallow pool at the foot of an irregular grassy slope where willows and other trees grow. A flock of sheep, attended by a small boy and a black shepherd dog, has left the pasture and crowds at the water’s edge to drink. The sun shines strongly from the upper left, throwing a shadow on the boy and partly across the flock. Signed at the lower left, Cu. Jacque. wr” Height, 32 inches; length, 44 inches. n \ Nypske> wos: 7 wee! 1. S200 No. 196 | HENDRIK VALKENBURG DUTCH 1826—1896 UA Durcu peasant has sought his comfortable cottage home i y, 5 ie AT HOME | : \pafter the labor of the day, and, smoking his pipe, is seated Wag near a small table close by the single window: of the room. Op- posite, the good vrouw is engaged in grinding coffee for her husband’s supper. The group is lighted by a square window in the middle of the picture, through which is seen a garden with the red roof of a cottage beyond. Signed at the lower left, H. VALKENBURG, 84. Height, 3614 inches; length, 45 inches. M4 No. 197 GEORGES HAQUETTE FRENCH Contemporary LAUNCHING THE BOAT In the foreground a group of sturdy fisher folk, four men, two women and a small boy, are laboring to launch their heavy row- van through the surf into the deeper water. An old fisherman ~ pushes vigorously with an oar, and the small boy tugs at a rope is a line of lofty headlands, and beyond the group a tossing sea is dotted with fishing craft. The sky is covered with low, \ of in the bow, while the others lift at the gunwales. On the left drifting rain clouds. Signed at the lower left, G. Haquerre. Height, 331, inches; length, 47 inches. REMARKABLE ART FANS Tus unique and remarkable collection of the work of celebrated artists was started by Mr. Alexander Blumenstiel in 1894, and, after tireless energy, completed in ten years. Each blade is painted by a distinguished artist and is a complete picture in itself, carefully carried out by the artist and strikingly individual in its subject and treatment. The five fans embrace a complete representation of the work of all the modern foreign and American schools. This work can never again be duplicated. Many of the artists have died—among them, Cazin, Henner, Benjamin Constant, Géréme, Jacob Maris, Boudin, Vibert, Mesdag, Minor, Vollon—and certainly none of the others would ever accept a similar com- mission to paint on such a restricted space constituting a work so difficult. The mountings were designed and executed by Tiffany & Co. Sugges- tions with respect to the mountings were made by Monsieur Madrazo. No. 198 ‘ , ART FAN Geo ‘ In semicircle, “ Cardinal Fishing,” by J. G. Vibert. _ On blades. Paintings by J. C. Cazin, J. J. Henner, J. B. Robie, Josef Israels, Franz Defregger, Martin Rico, Jules Lefebvre, Ludwig Knaus, Salinas, F. Cederstrém, R. de Madrazo, Fran- -cois Flameng, A. E. Hébert, Ed. Griitzner, Théobald Chartran, Ferdinand Roybet, Henri Harpignies, Benjamin Constant, Marie Dieterle, L. Alma-Tadema, J. L. Géréme. ART FAN In semicircle, “* Prometheus Bound,” by Jean Paul Laurens. On blades. Paintings by A. Marais, H. C. Delpy, Carleton Wig- gins, Leonard Ochtman, G. Jacquet, E. Aman-Jean, W. M. Chase, H. Rondel, José Frappa, Irving R. Wiles, Conrad Kiesel, Luc Olivier Merson, Gustave Courtois, G. de Sievolla, J. So- rolla, J. G. Blanche, H. Lerolle, G. Guignard, Frederick W. Kost, G. Boldini, William H. Howe. Wil HH Hitt Hi Ha Hh} Wan Witte} | No. 200 In semicircle, classical figure by E. H. Blashfield. On blades. Paintings by Fritz Thaulow, J. Francis Murphy, George H. Bogert, J. Carroll Beckwith, H. W. Ranger, Albert Lynch, H. W. B. Davis, H. Siddons Mowbray, J. G. Brown, EK. Débat-Ponsan, Francis B. Carpenter, Henri Gervex, Toby Rosenthal, G. F. B. Church, Hubert Herkomer, P. Carriére- Belleuse, Francis Tattegrain, Paul Meyerheim, L. Paul Dessar, B. W. Leader, Robert C. Minor. No. 201 In semicircle, “‘ Scene from ‘ Manon Lescaut,’ ”? Maurice Leloir. On blades. Paintings by Jacob Maris, E. Boudin, A. Seitz, C. Detti, Virginie Démont-Breton, C. Munier, Jules Worms, Ga- briel Max, Antoine Vollon, Antonio Casanova y Estorach, Fred- erick A. Bridgman, J. G. Vibert, Joseph Bail, Tony Robert- Fleury, Alfred Kowalski, R. de Cuvellon, Louise mare Hendrik Mesdag, Luigi Loir. No.. 202 ART FAN GL Hesston In semicircle, “‘ Children Gathering Flowers,” by Ludwig Knaus. | On blades. Paintings by Carolus Duran, Fantin-Latour, Jean Béraud, P. J. Clays, H. Kaulbach, P. Bourgaine, José Gallegos, F. H. Kaemmerer, E. Berne-Bellecour, D. Ridgway Knight, J. Benlliure, Madeleine Lemaire, Anton von Werner, Léon Per- rault, Henry Mosler, V. Chevilliard, Buchbinder, José Domingo, Julien Dupré, L. Kugéne Lambert, Félix Ziem. No. 203 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY - FRENCH 1817—1878 é Liss LE PARC DES MOUTONS Fe A SHEPHERD with two black dogs is driving a large flock of sheep out of an enclosure through a gate into the broad pas- tures beyond. On the left, in the middle distance, is a large cop- pice with a single building overshadowed by the trees, and on the right, low in the heavens, the full round disk of the harvest moon is shining, casting a ruddy reflection on the plain below. Through the thin mist which covers the sky a few stars shine here and there. This picture and the following one, “Early Morning,” were purchased at the sale of the effects of the widow of the artist after her death. Mr. D. W. Tryon, the well-known landscape painter, a few weeks before Daubigny’s death, which occurred on February 19, 1878, visited his studio and saw these two large pictures on the easels. Mr. Tryon in speaking of his visit says: * Both were noble examples of his work and made a deep impression upon me. I told him they seemed an advance over all his previous pictures. He seemed much pleased and said he hoped as much, adding, ‘They are for my family.’ I asked if they were not for sale, and he replied: ‘They are both too large and too bold to find a purchaser; all my best work remains. with me and are pour la famille, ” Stamped at the lower left, C. D. Height, 67 inches; length, 120 inches. J. foo No. 204 CHARLES HARRY EATON AMERICAN B opperhans. THE SHIAWASSEE RIVER A sBroap, placid river, in which grow water-lilies and river plants in abundance, sweeps from the foreground around to the left and then to the right until it disappears behind a low point crowned with large trees. An irregular rank of rounded trees forms the horizon, and across a low meadow a small area of luminous sky is visible. From this point to the zenith rises a bank of gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, C. Harry Karon. : Height, 28 inches; length, 421 inches. No. 205 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY FRENCH 1817—1878 EARLY MORNING Os. Ei Cr hen A PEASANT man and woman, carrying rude haymaking im- plements, are walking along a sandy road which leads from the right foreground down a gentle declivity to a broad, richly cultivated plain where a stream meanders around between the coppices and meadows, and the spire of a church rises against the horizon in the distance. In the left foreground is a large heap of manure near a thatched farm building which rises out of the picture, and here a number of fowl are seeking their morning meal. A gamecock, joyful at the coming of the dawn, stands crowing lustily on the summit of the heap. The sky is covered with fleecy clouds, the light concentrated near the horizon, where the dawn is breaking, and the morning star shines high in the heavens at the upper left of the compo- sition. Stamped at the lower left, C. D. Height, 58 inches; length, 94 inches. No. 206 EVERT J. VAN BOKS BELGIAN 1838— CORPUS DELICTI Solrcesr1 (oo Tuts is a little comedy in a bourgeois household. An indignant old gentleman and his wife have discovered in the drawing-room the képi of a French soldier, and have summoned the servants to explain the mystery. The cook, the housemaid, the butler and the nurse are equally indignant and express by various atti- tudes and gestures their refutation of the charge. Signed at the lower right, E. J. Boxs, ANTWERPEN, 1878. Height, 3014 inches; length, 441/, inches. No. 207 é CARL MARR vs AMERICAN 1858— PEACE AND WAR ( ee. Aause y) A MEDIAEVAL shepherd taking his ease in the shadow of a small boulder on a grassy slope, surrounded by his flock and at- tended by his faithful shepherd dog, is startled by the tramp of a horse, and, looking up, sees a knight in full armor mounted upon a sturdy white charger proceeding, lance in hand, along the crest of the hill. Beyond the knight on the left a distant line of hills forms the horizon. The sky is covered with an almost unbroken mass of luminous clouds. Signed at the lower right, Cant Marr, MuncHEN, ’86. Height, 411, inches; length, 66 inches. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS , ADAN, Louis Emits, The Sly Butler ARNTZENIUS, H. P., Street Scene BERAUD, Jean, Rue de la Paix BENRE-BELLECOUR, E., Soldier with Flowers BLOMMERS, Bernarpus Jonannes, Industry Peeling Potatoes Mending Fishing Nets BOKS, Everr J. van, Corpus Delicti CATALOGUE NUMBERS 18 16 76 32 206 BONHEUR, Mute. Rosa, Cattle Sketches Sketches | A Black Sheep The Horse The Horse Fair Drawing The Quarry Roaming BOUDIN, Lovis EvceEne, At Villerville Sea and Sky A Breton Interior Landscape In the Harbor On the Shore Sketches Dordrecht Sunset After the Storm Brittany Interior La Falaise de Bénerville BOUGUEREAU, Wititam ApDoLPHE Female Figure | BRETON, Jutes Apo.pHr, Returning Home (114 115 118 119° 140 190 112 66 CATALOGURB ; NUMBERS CASANOVA Y ESTORACH, Anronto, Head 2) The Test 33 The Musician Cardinal 62 Testing the Wine 70 Testing the Wine | 124 Two Monks and a Cardinal | Le The Cardinal and the Monk 132 The Gourmand , 150 A Good Story | 155 CAZIN, Jean CHARLES, The Brook 81 Brittany Landscape 135 Landscape | 137 A Provincial Town 170 CHASE, Wituam M., N.A., Carmencita 104 CLAYS, Paut JEAN, Calm near Rotterdam 52 Marine | 60 A Dutch Fishing Boat 71 Boats Leaving Ostend 144 Along the Quay | ; 152 Marine | 175 Morning Effect on the Holland Coast 183 COOMANS, Josepu, Fishing 82 ne ee COROT, JEAN Baptiste Camere Catching Crawfish Nymphs Bathing COULAND, M. The Barnyard COURBET, Gustave, A Swiss Scene The Surf DAGNAN-BOUVERET, P. A. J., Head DAUBIGNY, Cuarirs Francois, A Country Road Le Parc des Moutons Early Morning DE BOCK, Tueornit H., Landscape DEFREGGER, Franz von, Head DELPY, Hirrotyte CamiLie, Landscape The Backwater Landscape Landscape The Hillside Landscape Q4, 48 92 184 160 203 205 143 13 38 40 168 173 181 194 CATALOGUE ' NUMBERS DEMONT, Anprian, Night . 177 DE PENNE, Cuarwes OLtivirr, The Meet 123 DETTI, Cesare, A Water Excursion 51 DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse Virei.e, Flowers 68 Landscape 120 In the Forest : , 171 DIETERLE, Marr, Landscape and Cattle 88 DOMINGO, Jose, The Cabaret 61 DUPRE, Jvtien, Harvest if 95 DUPRE, Jutes, Landscape 169 EATON, Cuarues Harry, The Shiawassee River 204 ECHTLER, Avpotr, The Repentant Sinner AY ESBENS, E., At the Palace Gate The Palace Guard FANTIN-LATOOR, I. H. J. T., Figure Carnations FLAMENG, Francois, Information FORTUNY, Marrano, Courtyard of House in Madrid FRERE, Enpovarp, Mother and Child | GABRIEL, F., Landscape GEROME, Jean Lron, Drawing in Red Chalk The Sentinel The Sentinel at the Sultan’s Tomb The Caravan GROLLERON, Pavt Louis, The Skirmish HAGBORG, AvcusTE, Home from Harvest HAQUETTE, Georces, Launching the Boat HARPIGNIES, Henri, } Springtime | A Summer’s Day HART, James M., N.A., Summer HEILBUTH, Ferprinanp, Summer HENNER, Jean JaceueEs, Head A Head Midsummer Head Asleep Andromeda INNESS, Georce, N.A., The Last of the Mohicans ISABEY, Evcene Lovis Gapriet, After the Storm Marine Bringing Home the Wounded ISRAELS, Isaac, Street Scene CATALOGUE NUMBERS 197 98 | o4 176 CSS RR a ma RICO — m aN SS ISRAELS, Josreru, Pencil Drawing JACQUE, Cuartzes Emize, Idyl Hens Poultry Watering the Flock JACQUET, Gustave JEan, Meditation Head JETTEL, Evcens, Returning JONGKIND, Joun Bartuoup A Dutch Canal KAEMMERER, Freperix HeEnprix . Fishing : After the Ball KOEKKOEK, Barenp Cornet tis, Skating Scene KOST, Freprerick W., A.N.A., Night KRAY, Proressorn WILHELM, Psyche 84 116 90 145 39 87 105 LAMBERT, Lovis EvcEene o Cat and Kittens LEFEBVRE, Jutes Josrepu, The Fruit Seller Pandora LELOIR, Lovis ALExanpRE, The Guitar Player LELOIR, Mavrice, The Harvest Festival LEROLLE, Henri A French Village LHERMITTE, Leon Aveustiy, The Pond LICHTENAUER, Joserx Morrmer Head LOIR, Lwutie1, Paris Street Scene LYNCH, Avwsert, A Drawing-room Entertainment An Evening Call MARIS, Jacos, On the Zuyder Zee CATALOGUE NUMBERS 49 102 107 121 106 94 80 59 13 15 136 caTALO@uE : MARR, Cart, NUMBERS Peace and War | unt 207 MAX, GasricL, The Artist 182 MENZEL, Apowpx, | Sketches | 1 Three Heads MEYER VON BREMEN, The First Lesson 167 MILLET, Jean Francois, Wrestlers 108 A French Villa | 109 La Manche MOSLER, Henry, A.N.A., Returning Home ) 86 The Faggot Gatherer NEUVILLE, Atrpnonse Marie pe, Marching across the Desert 3 The Sentinel OCHTMAN, Leonarp, Landscape PASINI, Axserro, Market Scene at Constantinople 83 PASSINI, Lupwie, Head -PERRAULT, Leon Bazite, Maternal Affection The Grape Gatherer PIOT, Ertenne AporpuHe, Head POKITONOW, Ivan, The Gardeners RAFFAELLI, Jean Francois, After a Walk Avenue de la République REYNOLDS, Sir Josuva, Head RICO, Martin, A Bridge at Venice Rio Santa Marina ROBIE, Jean Baptiste, Roses Flowers ROUSSEAU, TuxHeopore, Sunset CATALOGUE NUMBERS 122 99 100 36 31 37 180 46 67 ROYBET, Ferpranp, ‘ The Sentinel | 188 SCHREYER, Apotr, The Desert 64 A Moorish Horseman . 162 Arabian Horseman ; 163 SIMON, L., Landscape ; ie SIMONS, P. Marctivs, The City of Ophir 1038 SWAN, Joun M., A.R.A., Lioness and Foxhound — | 19 TAMBURINI, Awnronto, Threading the Needle 20 TEN KATE, M., Children at Play 26 THAULOW, Fairz, Green-houses — 4S The Brook 53 The Rippling Brook . 179 THOREN, Orro pkg, Returning from Harvest 96 TOULMOUCHE, Avcuste, Love’s Token TROYON, Constant, Landscape and Cattle Returning Home VALKENBURG, HEnprix, At Home VAN MARCKE, Ente, Landscape and Cattle Cattle VARIOUS, Art Fan Art Fan Art Fan Art Fan Art Fan VIBERT, JenHan GEORGES, The Artist Cardinal The Cardinal A New Subject The Bookworm VOLLON, Anrorne, Flowers and Fruit ‘Still Life Still Life The Docks CATALOGUE NUMBERS 148 172 189 196 56 164 198 199 200 | 201 202 139 156 165 187 42 149 161 192 WIGGINS, Carterton, N.A., The After Glow WILSON, RicwHarp, English Landscape WORMS, Jvtes, Le Pourboire The Spanish Fortune Teller A Dios WUNNENBERG, Cart, ‘The Peace Offering ZIEM, Fe tix, Constantinople The Grand Canal Venice Night on the Lagoon | Sunset in Venice 4A 45 89 93 AM 18 129 131 186 “148 Oe ee eee ee ee |"BLUMENSTIEL PICTURE SALE. 505 Paid for 168 of the Collection of Disposed of Last Night. _ At the first of two evening auctions for disposal cnn late Alexander Rlumen-_ stiel’s pict lection, which was held evening i endelssohn Hall, 108 paint- ings, drawings, &c., were»sold for $50,505. One hundred canvasses remain to be sold o-night. The highest se last evening was $3,600, paid for Marie Dieterle’s “Land- sca ype and Cattle” (No. 88). : The first seventeen catalogue lots were ede SCE eecrny s sacctes oeene ene nies pastels, aquarelles and pencil sketches. A Kae sketch by Menzel (No. 1) sold at $90, and two water color drawings by Albert ree sold one (13) at $205, and the other Oe ene wt» e whic ro ‘more, with rartigts’ names re Pavan mMames as announced and prices were as follows: ; URSA is eal the Needle,” Tamburint; R | nee tie i Rests es joudin; K. a | 92—"The Surf,” Courbet; Garinger. Peas ss rien Offering, Wunnenberg; L. H ee eee a f 91—“On the’ Shore) er Oe ee f 525 | 95-—“Harv ast, ” Julien Dupré; W. W. Fuller. . 45075 96“ Returning From Harvest,” de Thoren; ee ee ee ee rey « Levy | 97—"‘Last of the. Mohicans,” Ynness; Ham- TAHOE 5 2a cy LEE Ve ee is Ghat ee 325 | 98——" Summer,” Hellbuth; J. Wasserman... 200 keane Affection,” Perrault; T. F. vena ANID Pics ahi Lavaenonetaes ais wbsee baie Hoo—"Grape Ga herer,” Perrault; C. J. Carlton 550. eg ome. From Harvest,” Hagborg; W. J. ee 102—" Fruit Seiler: re Shmons: 5 ¢ . Marshall. 425 oma of oe bat ren an i + Ree ‘A Diaz That Many Bidders Wanted Went at | $7,600 and’ a Corot Went at $7,700 iA wee: _ —The Fans That it Took Ten Years to IS al Ane ane Rae aaa ‘ fhe Together: Sold to a Wine Agent, Puller : ele Min eRLaed Doth y Wie tein onc etace levee Wovere' 85 ; : The 1 ‘re: ye one hundred catalogue “Reinhardt...0100.. 250 ts Alexander Blumenstiel’s are sold by Thomas E. Kirby nit G ey at at Walk,” Raita = era Wa affae! poiet ger.. Dg vay ea Delpy: A. FU etal 39—“Skating Scene,” ie odie Woers: fare | 40—“The Backwater,” Delpy; Dr, Cowan. abe he ibateoga Sinner,” La cars BOS eee ee se eer rece Sees aansee sreseene saa i raabites fae ‘gr bras five fans. »'Thaulow: L. a ac ‘t , r *e Bue ae ane otea lish Landsca e,” Wils + eh cena 1G, Rieti | 43—“Le Pourbolre,” 21 Mae ee [ at $7, Soptt & Fowles ant a 46—" Head,” Reynolds; Scott & Tow gy, na Rea | 47— Constantinople,” Ziem; eer pes ed Srer ie act | 43—“* Scene,” Courbet; F. A.C 49—“Cat and Kittens,” Lambert; . ' §0—“Courtyard in Madrid,” F % 51—“A Water Excursion,” Detti; E. p 52—“Calm igs gape Clays; | COD a jatar aeaaagies oe sticks, each. rent artist, Aud all frames or boxes. ly at $8,800, $6,200, ori a aor of $48; a on oy Carlto: psc es _§7—“Mother oi Child,” Frere; A Le A. | 58—‘In the Harbor,” Boudin; J ‘ ott Street Scene,” Loir; ” Clays; H. Hamilt cs he The Cabance my Domingo; ae Musician ardinal,” B a Te RS oO a Pilger 300 aes Horse ms Bonheur; M. L. ‘Sire... ARES a e Desert,” Schreyer; C. J. Carlton | G5—"Sentinel ie the Sultan’s Tomb,” Gétoine H. B.S 1, fe age er. 8 nset,” ons, of low priced pictures. ra qa hse Be eee nels is ss ae ey Home,” Breton; A. ousseau,; D. B. berets tee eee a ee ee ® Ber fetes W. Wolff... 650° 0D Satie Miss Perkins 55 ine,” Ca aa aN erearcen Saat |1J1-—-"Pen Lae wings,” Israels; A. G. Seligs- Sh 125 Bee At ae e Figure re,” Bouguereau: ‘J. Ochme. 65 Ter; BoPranitel: 0.65604 ee ny io udi 55 74-“Meditation,” Jaoauet: W. E. Thorpe... 400: Feet t,” Boudl ALY. +. 3. | 85 75—“Information,” Flameng; J. F. Carroll...... 375 eee =A Dat Canal sgngkind: 3 a pment 350 aoe Paix.” Bee T. F. Baen Isabeys, I Rape sei Diaz;.A. H. Boribier oe LE UE OS | PAINTINGS. Sie tee UM ic gases ged Ol ala 125—“Hens, ” Jacque; S. Ney cathe aha ‘shie alaly acl SOD and Foxhound,” Swan; poringss -Head, Jacquet; A. D. Meyer.... ....-.+..4-- 225 so-The nd,” Lhermitte; Tooth & Sons.. Monks and a Cardinal, ” Casanova; 8i—The Brook,” Cazin; Mrs. Moreshofter. . yt R. Rainey... - ees see ene tote 240 88—‘Market at Constantinople,” Pasini: 128—“The ‘Quan Bonheur; L. Bamberger... 410 MEME Mantra aie pee aes dh eae ayrd « 2,150 | 129—“ Venice,” Ziem: 1 I. Neuberger........... 275 ge Returaing. » Jettel; GO. Hazard.....3.... 800 |130—Head; Henner; W, W. Fuller..........-. 700 } 85—‘‘Rio Santa Marina,” Rico; D. B. Dula., 1,450 setae as on the Lagoon,” aout Pp. B. $$—" Returning Home,” Mosler: BE. Ellinger. 210. Wor tral pba lsieivials rial coda Uy i Aedes wie ceec eves: «evan eat ia ad |: SI" Night,” Kost: A.A. Healy... 320 | 88—“Landscape and Cattle,” Digtertes Die. DER p ics eee nneR RE. Sy. Ii dues bet 3,600 Py eee FOruEn Teller,” Worms; BH.’ PASS HORE A bhai lanai up MTA eleln 419i aie wets 4)eailael pee Ye RRO JTL ay tis kas ech e eau 1,000 Sela “H.C. Fuller. 250. rolentay, a #, Bern;, Yi. Owe ae tae near rt eww ere ere rmeseares ae tiie Voiion: Tooth & § Sons. 550 | 150—The Gourmand, "Casanova; B.C. Fuller. 250 | 151—""The Caravan,” 'Gérome: A. TP peoHinbh: . 925 152—‘ Along the: Quay,” “Clays; L . Bamberger. 410 ‘19—"The Sentinel,” De Neuville; JkOehme.. 700 i—*Head,” ‘Henner: ©: (A. Sebiieren 3755 3..5.3 700 Be: Hi —“A,Good Story,” Casanova: R. A A. Rainey. 460 4 156—“The Cardinal, » Vibert; Tooth & Sons. . 520 “4 157— “Carnations,” Fantin-Latour; W, A. Clark. 875 Y 158—" Asleep,” Henner; L. Oral ie (525 3! 159—“Andromeda,” Henner; A. R. Flower..... 1,450 | a8 160—“A ee Road,” Daubigny; P. B. Wor- ac | af HURD Ener AUL LOM aa gic x sche <4, Seem aPe ed. coe Mee its Fike Scoue st» 0 ; w ana 161— “Still Life,” Volion; Tooth & Sons.../.... 425 . Eb 162— ie ae Horseman,” Schreyer; Tooth ois Highest Price, $3, 609, Was Paid ‘yh ‘D. lie 2 AEA |r) ROM Tee, Cath gee hele ra 35 say a 163" Arabian Horesin : Schreyer! tuinedr 350 . Dula for Landscape and Cattle | 64—“Cattle,” Van Marcke; enabow........ i a “4 165—"A New Subject,” Vibert: Tooth & Sons... 973 oS by Marie Dieterle. } : '166-—“Roaming,” Bonheur; A. R. Flower..:....... " 1,000 fi ‘ : var Bee any fie Lesson,” Meyer von Bremen; ae Nae ! Re ahs. ac aay | ann CO ee ae ee eo ee er ed ’ ( » . ben iy $ ltd Tandecape,. Delpy; RN Na Vorhis.iic. 0: . 325 At the first part of the sale of modern i aoe pre a C. Ns Schieren... 750 paintings collected | by ithe late Alexander : ee cae, Cazin; Scott & | | Blumenstell, a well known lawyer of this W1—In the Forest,” Diaz; Scott & Fowles....... 7,600 | city, held last night at Mendelssohn Hall, . [ate FE UeeADe and Cattle,” Troyon; fF. W. Sen one hhundred and eight drawings, pas tels, Vid gis MEME inks b ieee es aLSilele th ls fede ine ‘ . lize-sLandscape: Delpy: ; Neuberger........... 200 water colors and oil ‘paintings were § old ena aa s Day,” ae | Harplgnies; A. A. 1700, ~~ at atiction for an aggregate of $50,505. ' Pe eee ee ee ee er ee ey (ys Masine. Clays: L. A. Youthier.. 675 | hall was crowded to the doors: with pros: 176—“Brin ‘ing Home the Wounded,” Tsabey: : bs an Brandis. as iW Baa rs ete pective on abi : la SINGS emon uller.. ae 21 Among the pictures sold wére dr z Pe ealine Potawocy a eplommers, Ww 00 by Adolph Menzel, Alphonse Marie dé "The Fipplia Brook,” Thaulow; R. ren Neuville, Rosa Bonheur, Isaac Israels and 180—"Avenue de ‘la République.” Raffaelli: Jean Léon Géréme, Among the pastels isl—"The diltiside”. Delpy: Be AD Kents. 30, and waiter colors were included works of -1s2— The Artist, oe D. Hel ler RD : ee 525 | Louis Eugéne Bondin, FP. Gabriel, EB. 83—‘“‘Morning on-the Hollan oast,” Clays; . Lyn Py US ROLY ees ONWLESM IT wei eee ica ae eok wet k 1,300 Hsbens, Albert eh and boa Po nit ca 184—Head, i anen. Bouveret;. Scott & a zenius. Ope CE Res UES RR cae RE ati Sig Ft RU 8 RR, j 185—“Mending Fishing Nets,” Biommers: H. Among the third division of oil gotubtnns Cc Rosenbauer SIS BONIS, Lene 1,000 | bag water colors were included works of ees Venice,” Ziem; A. Freed- j } 187—""The Snsistaria ‘Wibert; W. W. Fuller... 4,000 | 188—“The Sentinel,” Roybet; B. A. Cohen.. 600 Coogee daldiniatags Home,” Troyon; M. C. Stern- io "La! Falaise de Béneryille,” Boudin; . Simon, Liouis Hmile Adan, B. ‘Bsbens, yee a: Tamburini, Antonio Casanova y Hstorach, James M. Hunt, M. ‘Ten Kate, Jean Baptiste Robie, Rosa Bonheur, ‘Henri Harpignies, E. (Berne Bellecour, Jean L Seaman, arent... ele baie Wty aneede 1,225 Satie eee Crawfish,”’’ Corot; Seaman, abe Gérome, Jean Francois gear bgat ay = | MM ACRE Anat sie eN lata his meena San oeee ty darren a : Oamille (Delpy, Antoine Vol on, ules | 192—""The ‘Décke” Vollon; BE. Frankel. | 22.777 a | “HesNvhs Bathing. Goraus A: Frecdmai.. 70 Worms, Gustave Courbel, | élbs. Ziem, ' —Landscape, Delpy; Blank .........5..0.. Mariano ‘ortuny, ‘aud ean auy. er . E | 195—“‘ Watering the Flock,” Jacque; A.Ltichow. 5, 300 | -196—“At Home.” Valkenburg; D. Richter... 625 | nardus Johannes Blémmers, Emile’ Van 197-— pos the Boat,” Haquette; E, as | Marcke, Jose Domingo, Théodore Rous, } : ne id ele Sekai’. Sate ve ate acd oieleie clown meow bow 1ds—-Mart ta Lewis, agtes isco). ccs cee Lib hed seau, -Jean Berand, Jean Charles Cazin, Medan: T.Lewis, agtecasanui Lil sess. 6,200 | Martin Rico, Marie Dieterle, Louis Hugéne ree Tewiss see et go 8.100, Bondin, Jullen Dupré, Léon Bagile Per 202-—-Fan;) L. Lewis, agt eri UN 12,660 rault and Jules Joseph Lefebvre. “— 203— me Caale des Moutons,” Daubigny: 1 were bought by gents. *” ¢ 204—""The Shlawassee River,” ‘Harry ‘Eaton; ie Among the pai@tings which brought a | Dpenmbetmer. iui ewe te ay 2 ee (205—“Early Morning,” Daubigny; B. A. Cohen. 1,000 high price, ‘ttoether with the names. of ey) (208—"Corpus Delicti,” Van Boks; L. Loser pal artists and purchasers, were:i— > ashy CPs cieiaiecte lis to, Wh alo n oral mere aMEL St oeRaNE fe co 1h eel oy 4 ‘ , Leon | ‘207—“Peace and War,” Marr; Blank.......... 300) : Bee eee hy Peek Ga Ger tae. 1.¢ BAPE RTE r “lowers. and Iruits,’” Antoine (ee ene Glen &_ CO, «ees se #8 oh en 100 A Sivies Seene. Being ht, Combet: F, prema siidean ites q, feye Lehman... .. hana ne The eh aret,’” Jose Domingo; terre ee ee “ji ai ea a ‘Balle Vom in Mendelssohn Hall. the f fans, which com-. fo $170,110. THR PURCHASERS. “purchasers of the more ntings were’ Messrs. An- n, R. A. Rainey, A. Toothe VA. Clark, Jules Oehme, A. Benavow, Simon Uhlmann, 1,, Frederick ‘W. Scott, HE. ‘of whose paintings » eAee REE) Judge “ruax, ay Ni 4 hea Caliph ore of Jean -Bonheur, _ Josef fc ae Phaginhe Bouguerea i bo ah Nha wi Sanat yb mi “The Hor by Rosa: Bon- Tout Eble Bee eal i a $ r assini an es Olivier ‘de Penne . | Paul DEY ey "Grolieron, meanest V rerms: saat ollon, Jean Léon Géréme, Paul Jean Clays, Alphonse Marie de Neu- Wille, Adolph Schreyer, Emile Van Marcke, fle. Rosa Bonheur, J. G. Meyer von ‘Bremen, Hippolyte Camille Delpy, Jules Dupre, Narcisse Virgile Diaz de la ‘Pefia, Henri Harpignies, Hugene Louis Gabriel Tsabey, Felix Zien, Constant Troyon, Jean Baptiste Corot.and ‘Charles Beli: Dau- Diany.' >) “NYMPHS BATHING’ BRINGS $7, 700. __ ‘Nymphs. Bathing,” by Carot, brought $7,700, the highest bid for a single painting during the entire sale. It wags ate by Mr. Andrew Freedman. “in Forest,’’ by De la Pena, ee bought Oe Messrs. Scott & Fowls for $7,6 |. Among the other paintings hitch brought the highest prices, together with the names of the artists and purchases) were:— : \“Andromeda,’’ Jean Jacques (Henner; yh R. HO LOWWT ta oc) ow lie taie! tiaidg need aie Gree eae ene "$1,430 We “*Roaming,’’ iMflle, Rosa Lonh- ars As : { DEALS x: 28 NS RW rsd peed heat Miu Phy order ght) 1,005 | (“fhe First Lesson,’ J. G. Meyer von "Bre: | qmen; Simon Uhlmann otek Get iatectia « 1,080 “SN Province: a Lown,’’ dean Charles Cabins MODEL AI HONS oS gids’ arcuate a tetas eg eanateen « 1,400 hes : Summer's Day,’’? Ienri Harpiguies; A. BONY: crest a ema 6 satan senna mea aay 1,700 “Bringing Home the Wounded,’ Gabriel a Isabey; BANGS A wa teers Maitisee tes 1,023 {§ Morning | Keren cn the (dolland Coast,’ poy : Jean Clays; Scott & Bowls, .. 0... ses .a 1,208 Sunset in Venice,” Felix lem; Andrew JOPOS MAT | ice Fe garb he seo also ogeke eo anette Lite “The Bookworm,’ Jehan Georges Vibert; We Wt elie ieae Si Cae ey Neo tate Ae ae aes 4, 00% “Watering itis Flock,’ Charles Tonite | Frac We A LHe gteryr ey ae cig wiouletr ak 5d, 201 “To ‘Pare des (Moutons,’’ ‘Gherles Francois ; Baws: Jwd: me Truax NEAR Taal Teena a, CaaS 1,80¢ “arly Morning,’ Charles Francois | Dian hirmy: B.A, ‘Cohen. ey sae alone is baal ge adage A Ha 11,000 “Britany Landscape,” Jéan Charles Cazin; bi Andnew. Preeqwuiay) .) Wa wb hema aly corel 1,800 Borie mic ” Jean Charles. Cazin; Bane. ly pa ee ttt ala pee at eSB atic a eRe se CORON al Cai al come 1 Pa! line. Pec cau ” Jean Léon Géréme; An- Ate HW re etm aay nek slate a wien oie myst MNO dla wie aint 925 “Oarnationus,’? Fantin-Latour; W.cA. Clark. 81 “A. Moorisin futhetiabiy Adolf Schreyer; Del Morse Re Spans e/a a sie nelle clare: seat aati tan piaiiee 978 6 New Subjeat, ’”’ Jehan Georges Me eae: te) Ls Wales ue (OM Giese oun Waly uns Uta igs aes 975, “Mending Fishing Nets,’ Bernanitus ay, Blommers; H. ©. ee ukcer 1,003, ‘Netorming Home,’? Troyon; M, io Stern: PACH Hl Valitse Groowe one lamsa te aerate bee Ves es ae Oe Tua Falaise de Bénerville, 4 Bondini, and. Catching Crawfish,” Corot, were bough by W, W. Seaman, agent, for $1,226 an 82, 100 Tose CUNSHY, y arene hs ad i a? GETTY icin ral LS VMN 3 3125 01662 8139 9 eter patter tre * fe a me 3 os Seer Bie date a8 a oe ate 2 ie pa ae ich Pls ke ates ate *. fe mee a ae ) Rasy 4 a