IZZOTINT PORTRAITS AND ETCHINGS BRONZE STATUETTES AND MEDALS COLLECTED BY THE LATE EDWIN B. HOLDEN AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE GROLIER CLUB NEW YORK CITY BY ORDER OF MRS. HOLDEN ON TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 27Tx, 1920 UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY 7, ‘ ‘ ae c ‘ FE ’ a THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS _ ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION fergie sPEXTT AND TYPOGRAPHY, be ! . , ae 7 ; x . ‘ oe P| f # ‘% i Pera so ae ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23rd STREET BEGINNING THURSDAY, APRIL 22np, 1920 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE SALE MEZZOTINT PORTRAITS AND ETCHINGS BRONZE STATUETTES AND MEDALS COLLECTED BY THE LATE EDWIN B. HOLDEN AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE GROLIER CLUB NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. HOLDEN ON TUESDAY, APRIL 2/1x,-1920 AT 8:00 O’?CLOCK IN THE EVENING AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ce CATALOGUE OF MEZZOTINT PORTRAITS AND ETCHINGS BRONZE STATUETTES AND MEDALS COLLECTED BY THE LATE EDWIN B. HOLDEN AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE GROLIER CLUB NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE OR RESTRICTION BY ORDER OF MRS. HOLDEN ON TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL227rn, 1920 AT 8:00 O?CLOCK THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK CITY 5 ». ' ‘ ‘ * § - 5 i! 7 : * - ae -¥ . . ce r . * ~ « * : ~ + A ' . : } ; L « | . ‘ ‘ . 4 ' wed oa ‘ ‘ y « re - . ‘ . * ats ’ a r i So ae J ” ; ia. - $4, re sie 4 2 * . . , < ta ‘i : 4 Conditions of Sale 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale in- juriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such pur- chaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such purchaser. ; 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except hdlidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, how- ever, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Asso- ciation will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the cor- rectness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imper- fection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold ‘fas is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion with- out proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans- mitted. to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Condi- tions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. J oy et ee ee, ae ee Pe a OP ee, Cree Pe one ee lee ee a Vee, & Somme Boal AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. HOLDEN MEZZOTINT PORTRAITS, ETCHINGS AND MEDALS COLLECTED BY THE LATE EDWIN B. HOLDEN AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE GROLIER CLUB, NEW YORK TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 27th, AT 8:00 O’CLOCK ABBEY, EDWIN A. 1. A Youne CoupLEe In A GarpEN. Pen-and-ink drawing. Made for Messrs. Harper and Brother. Signed,—H. A. Abbey 1886. Height, 7; length, 118/16 inches. White frame. ABINGTON, MRS. FRANCES 2. Mrs ABINGTON. Stipple. R. Cosway delt— W. Lane sct. Publish’d 1790. Height, 413/16; width, 32/16 inches. Gold frame. ADDISON, JOSEPH 8 Te Rr Honsie JoserH AppIson Hsar. one of his Majesty’s Secre- tary’s of State. Mezzotint. Jeet. omith, No. 3. First Starz. G. Kneller S.R. Imp. et Mag: Brit: Bart pinxit— I. Simon fect et excudt. VERY SCARCE. Height, 128/16; width, 914/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. AIKMAN, WALTER M. 4, LANDSCAPE WITH LAKE AND Swan. Woodcut. Signed in pencil,—Walter M. Aikman 1893. Height, 104/16; width, 82/16 inches. Oak frame. BARTOLOZZI, FRANCESCO 5. APOLLO AND THE Muszs. Stipple. Unsigned proof, probably by Bartolozzi. BrAUTIFULLY PRINTED IN COLORS. Height, 412/16; length, 94/16 inches. Oval gold frame. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th BAXTER, RICHARD 6. Tu ReverEND AND Learnep Mr. RicHarp Baxter. Mezzotint. J..C. Smith, No. 4. Srconp State. J. Spilsbury Fecit. Published by J. Spilsbury... Augst Ist 1763. Height, 124/16; width, 10 inches. ‘Ebony and gold frame. BEAUVARLET, JACQUES FIRMIN Y. [Les Enrants pu Duc pe Béruuns.| Line. Peint par Drouais le fils et Gravé par Beauvarlet. (‘Two lines.) Height, 124/16; length, 18 inches. Framed. BICKNELL, FRANK A. 8. LanpscaprE. Mezzotint. Height, 8; width, 6 inches. White frame. BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI 9. GrovaANNiI Boccaccio, Italian scholar and poet. Line. [Engraved by Cornelius Van Dalen, after Titian.]| PRoor BEFORE ALL LETTERS. Height, 15; width, 112/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. BOSSUET, JACQUES BENIGNE 10. Jacopus Bentanus Bossuer Episcopus Meldensis Comes Consistoria- nus...praeceptor...Trecensis. Line. Hyacinthus Rigand pinxit—Petrus Drevet sculpsit 1723. FourTH Stats, Harty Issusz, before any points following the word pinait. Height, 18 11/16; width, 13 inches. Black and gold frame. This is PreRRE IMBERT DREVET’S MASTERPIECE. BOSWELL, JAMES 11. James BoswELt or AUCHINLECK Esgr. Mezzotint. J.C. Smith, No.8. Painted by Sr Joshua Reynolds.—Engrav’d by John Jones. ..Janry 17, 1786... Srconp State of three. VERY SCARCE. Height, 13 2/16; width, 11 inches. Ebony and gold frame. BRUNET-DEBAINES, ALFRED 12. CHILDREN Fisuine Near Miu. Etching. On parchment with remarque. Signed in pencil,—Brunet-Debaines. Height, 124/16; width, 712/16 inches. Framed. Se) er eek Sie ise Petes, are) rene ee Ee = ae Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th BUHOT, FELIX 13. La Fauarse. Baie de Saint-Malo. L’Abrie-Dinard 1889-1890. Dry- point and aquatint. Boureard, No. 165. FirtH Strate, with the margins of the second state. Signed,— Epreuvre d’ essa Felix Buhot, and with his red stamp. Height, 12; length, 16 inches. Framed. This is the last large and important plate of the artist. BUNKER’S HILL BATTLE 14. “THe BattLte at BunKER’s Hitt Near Boston. June 17th, 1775.” Line. Painted by John Trumbull Esq.—Engraved by J. G. Muller. PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERS. At top of plate, in delicate stippled characters,—/J. G. Muller Sc. 1794. FINE AND VERY SCARCE. Height, 20 2/16; length, 2914/16 inches. Mahogany frame. With the key plate. BUNYAN, JOHN 15. Mr. JoHn Bunyan, Late minister of the Gospel at Bedford, Author of the Pilgrim’s Progress, Holy War, and other Celebrated Treatises. Mezzotint. J. C. Smith, No. 6. Tuirp State. T. Sadler pinxt. 1685.—J. Spilsbury fecit. _ (One line). Printed for Robt. Sayer & Co., Fleet Street, London. — Height, 12 4/16; width, 9 12/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. BURNS, ROBERT 16. Ropert Burns. Mezzotint. London, Published By W. Hayward, January Ist. 1842. (Two line dedication.) Engraved by Wm. Walker and Sl. Cousins . . . Painted by Alexr. Nasmyth, in 178%. FINE AND SCARCE. Height, 15 12/16; width, 12 8/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. BUTLER, SAMUEL 17. SamugL Butter. Mezzotint. J. C. Smith, No. 13. Engraver unknown. First Srate. Proof before all inscription, after Zoust. VERY SCARCE. Height, 12 13/16; width, 10 inches. Ebony and gold frame. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th BYRON, GEORGE LORD . ee 8 1 18. Grorcr, Lora Byron. Mezzotint. Bee ae T. Phillips Pinx. R. A. 1813—Thos. Lupton, Sculpt. 1821, Aces beautiful proof before inscription with artists’ line only, lightly etched. Initialed by the engraver. T. L. \ Height, 12; width, 9 6/16 inches. Ebony frame. | ie Py at " CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 19. Evenine. Etching. Rinder, No. 16. eet Sioned in the plate,—D. Y. Cameron, and in pencil,—The Rive side 3 proofs only D. Y. Cameron. et Height, 3; length, 9 inches. Rosewood and gold frame. = Rinder states he was only able to trace one impression. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 20. Taysipe. Etching. Rinder, No. 73. : tne Sioned in the plate,—D. Y. Cameron 1890, and in pencil,—D. Cameron. cae mes Height, 6; length, 10 13/16 inches. Oak frame. CAMERON, DAVID YOUNG 21. Sunser. Etching. Rinder, No. 91. Signed in the plate-—D. Y. Cameron 1891, and in pencil,- Cameron. Three impressions only. i + oe Height, 5 8/16; length, 9 8/16 inches. White frame. CAMPBELL, THOMAS 99. THomas CAMPBELL, the Poet. Mezzotint. hee PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERS. (Painted by Sir Thomas Lawr Engraved by Samuel and Henry Cousins London. ees March 1, 1834.) VERY SCARCE. | ie Height, 12 4/16; width, 9 8/16 inches. Ebony and gold CECILIA, SAINT | 23. Cxcrt1a. Stipple. 3 : ; ~ Gemalt von Dominichini—gestochen von H. Sintzenich, ete TIFULLY PRINTED IN COLORS. a Height, 6 1/16; width, 4 10/16 inches. Passepartout. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th eee CHAPMAN, GEORGE 24. Groragius CuarpmMANus Homeri Metaphrastes Alta. LVII. M.DC. yi. ere} “bine, ~ By Hole. Oval, with border for title, in rectangle. From his translation of Homer, 1616. Height, 6 12/16; length, 9 inches. Ebony frame. CHAUVEL, THEOPHILE 25. Sotirupe. LHtching. Landscape with Cows. Copyright 1886 by W. Schaus. Signed in pencil,—Th. Chauvel. Height, 14; length, 17 12/16 inches. Carved bronzed frame. CHURCH, F. S. 26. Girt witH Doves. Etching in red. F. S. Church N. Y. ’87. Signed in pencil,—F. S. Church. Height, 10 8/16; width, 7 inches. Framed. COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR 27. SamuEL Taytor Coterinee, Aged 42. (One line.) Mezzotint. Painted by Washington Allston,—Engraved by Samuel Cousins, A.R.A. Subscribers Proof. Height, 16 12/16; width, 13 inches. Ebony and gold frame. COLOR-PRINT 28. Youne Girt seated, with basket of fruit and King oe Spaniel. Color-Print. Oval. PRINTED IN COLORS. Height, 14; length, 12 inches. Gold frame. COOPER, EDITH 29. SALUTING THE REGIMENT. Woodcut. Signed in pencil Hdith Cooper 1890. Height, 7; length, 9 inches. Framed. : CORNWALLIS, CHARLES, MARQUIS 30. Marquis Cornwatuis. Mezzotint. ho shab by James Ward after Sir William Beechey. J. C. Smith, o. 13 First Stare, before all inscription. A VERY SCARCE STATE, OF AN IMPORTANT PRINT. Height, 24 10/16; width, 18 2/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th COWPER, WILLIAM 31. Wriu1AmM Cowper. Line. From a portrait in crayons. Drawn from the life by Romney in 1792. Engravd by W. Blake 1802. Height, 7 6/16; width, 5 12/16 inches. Framed. CRIES OF LONDON 32. New Macxret, New Macxret. Stipple, colored. Painted by F. Wheatley R.A—Engraved by Jam. Aliprandi. Lon- don Jan. 1. 1804 by Colnaghi. Height, 12 2/16; width, 9 12/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. — DANTE ALLIGHIERI 33. DaNTE-ALLIGHIERI. Line. After Giotto. Profile to left holding flowers. Height, 8 7/16; width, 6 5/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. DAVIS, JOHN P. 34. A TropicaL Forrest. Woodcut. Signed in pencil,—Jno. P. Davis 1889. Height, 7 4/16; width, 5 inches. White frame. DELACROIX, EUGENE 35. Lion De L’ Atuas. Lithograph. Robaut, No. 309. Tutrp Stare. Delacroix fect—a Paris chez H. Gaugain & Ce rue de vaugirard No 34.—Imp lith de H. Gaugain. On India paper. Height, 13 2/16; length, 18 8/16 inches. DELACROIX, EUGENE 36. TicrE Royat. Lithograph. Robaut, No. 310. Tuirp Stare. Delacroix delt—a Paris, chez H. Gaugain & Ce rue de vaugirard No. 34.—Imp lith. de H. Gaugain. Height, 13; length, 18 6/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. DRUMMOND, WILLIAM 3”. GutieLMus Drummonp de Hathornden Scotus, Historiographus et Poeta. Mezzotint. J. C. Smith, No. 5. Cornelius Johnson pinxt—J. Finlayson delt et fecit . . . Pub- lish’d . . . 1766 June Ist . . . Second state of three. | Height, 13; width, 11 inches. Ebony and gold frame. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th DURER, ALBRECHT 38. THE Vircin CrowNep By Two Ancezts. Etching. Bartsch, No. 39. Koehler, No. 87. Signed in the plate,—1518 A. D. Height, 5 3/16; width, 3 15/16 inches. Ebony frame. DURER, ALBRECHT 39. ALBERT oF MayENncre. (The Little Cardinal.) Etching. Bartsch, No. 102. Koehler, No. 93. Signed in the plate,—A. D. Height, 5; width, 3 12/16 inches. Ebony frame. DURER, ALBRECHT 40. Auperti Durert Genuina Effigies. Pictorum Et Chalcographior Ger- maniw Principis. Hane Pictorum. . . in amoris . . . offert Lucas Kilianus. ano 1608. . . . ex originali ipsius Alb. Dur. depict. Line. BRILLIANT IMPRESSION of a very scarce print. Height, 10; width, 7 12/16 inches. Black and gold frame. DURER, ALBRECHT 41. Tug Virgin ADORED BY SEVERAL SartntTs. Woodcut. Bartsch, No. 95. Signed in the plate,—A. D. Height, 10 12/16; width, 8 8/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. EDELINCK, GERARD 42. PHILIpPUS DE CHAMPAIGNE Bruxellensis Pictor Regius, et Regiz Pictorum Academix Rector: etc. Se ipse pinxit—G. Hdelinck sculpsit. 1676. Cum pri. R. Line. ' Robert-Dumesnil, No. 164. First State before the slipped stroke in the sky, between the small tree trunk and the cloak. VERY SCARCE. Height, 14 6/16; width, 13 inches. Ebony and gold frame. EDELINCK, GERARD 43. Mr. Jonn DrypDEN. Line. Robert-Dumesnil, No. 187—11. Peint par le Chevalier Kneller—Gravé par le Chevalier Kdelinck C.P.R. For the “Plays” London, 1701. Height, 14 10/16; width, 10 12/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th EDWARDS, 8S. ARLENT 44, Lapy Hautxert. Mezzotint. PRINTED IN cotors. Signed by the artist. Height, 13 8/16; width, 6 inches. Carved gold frame. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 45. Lapy SHEFFIELD. Mezzotint. PRINTED IN cotors. Signed by the artist. Height, 13 6/16; width, 6 2/16 inches. Gold frame. EDWARDS, 8. ARLENT 46. DucHESS OF DEVONSHIRE AND CHILD. Mezzotint. PRINTED IN COLORS. Height, 12 10/16; width, 16 inches. Gold frame. EDWARDS, 8S. ARLENT _ 4’. Vistr To THE BoarDING ScHoot. Mezzotint. PRINTED IN COLORS. Height, 16; width, 20 8/16 inches. Gold frame. EDWARDS, 8. ARLENT 48. Tur Gyrsy’s WarniInG. Mezzotint. PRINTED IN COLORS. Height, 14 8/16; width, 17 inches. Oval mat, gold frame. EDWARDS, S. ARLENT 49. Tue FortuNE TELLER. Mezzotint. PRINTED IN COLORS. Circular mat, 15 4/16 inches. Gold frame. EDWARDS, 8S. ARLENT 50. Mun. Lesrun AND DaucHTseR. Mezzotint. . Signed,—No. 1 8. Arlent Edwards, with pencilled remarque. Height, 238/16; width, 18 8/16 inches. (Oval.) Gold frame. EDWARDS, 8. ARLENT 51. Lapy Hamitton As Nature. Colored print. After Romney. Signed,—S. Arlent Edwards. On onion-skin paper. Height, 7 6/16; width, 6 2/16 inches. Gold frame. EDWARDS, 8. ARLENT 52. FEMALE HEADS. Three small portraits, colored. Together, 3 pieces. Framed. ye Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th ELIOT, GHORGE 53. Grorce Exisor. F. W. Burton fect—P. Rajon aq fort. Height, 10; width, 7 inches. Gold frame. ELIZABETH, QUEEN OF ENGLAND 54, Evizaper. D. G. Ang. Fran. Hib. et Verg. Regina . . . Honorus ipsius causa aeri incidebat Crispianus Passeus Belga 1592. Line. VERY SCARCE. ‘Height, 5 10/16; width, 4 12/16 inches. Ebony frame. ELLISTON, ROBERT WILLIAM 55. Exuisron. Engraved by C. Turner, from a Picture by G. H. Harlow. London, Published July 9th, 1808 . . . Mezzotint. Whitman, No. 179. First Stare. PRINTED IN COLORS. VERY FINE. Height, 15 6/16; width, 11 6/16 inches. Gold frame. FAITHORNE, WILLIAM 56. CATHERINE OF BraGcanza. Carola Ilo Hane Sereniss Regine Catherine Effigiem humillime consecrat Cum Privilegio Reg :— G. Faithorne. Line. Fagan, Seconp Stare of three. Height, 10 6/16; width, 14 4/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. FAITHORNE, WILLIAM 5%. Mary, Princess of ORANGE. . ... Mary Princesse of Orange Countesse of Nassou Cattimelle. etec—Sould by Will: Faithorne att ye: Signe of Ye Shipp . . . Line. Fagan, First STATE. Height, 8; length, 11 4/16 inches. Ebony frame. FAITHORNE, WILLIAM 58. Margareta Smirua Vidua Thome Cary et Uxor Edoardi Herbert Equitis. Ant: van Dyck pinxit—Guil: Faithorne sculp: Line. Fagan, SECOND STATE. Height, 8; length, 11 8/16 inches. Ebony frame. FORT LEE LANDING 59. Fort Les Lanptng. P(almer)—Lith. of F. & 8. Palmer 43 Aun Street N. Y. lithograph, vignette, About 1845. Height, 6 4/16; length, 11 inches. I. Dickinson Esqr: Member of Congress and Author of the Letters of a Farmer etc. (DuSimitier)—B. B. E. Pubd May 15th 1783. Together, 2 pieces. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 60. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Oil painting. Bust to left, (Duplessis type) by J. B. Greuze. Height, 10; width, 9 inches. Carved gold frame, cradled. Pasted on back is a letter of authentication: “Paris le 29 Juin 1899 _ . . Portrait ovale de Benjamin Franklin, peint par Greuze. J’ai acheté ce petit chef d’oeuvre & Mons de Barbentane & Macon, en Beaujolais descendant de la famille de Greuze, et j’en garantis l’authenticité. (Signed) G. de Montanyan.” FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 61. BengAMIN FRANKLIN. Mezzotint. J. C. Smith, No. 19—I. (Engraved by Edward Fisher after Mason Chamberlin.) Proof before all letters and before the writing on the manuscript. The inscription space mezzotinted. A BRILLIANT IMPRESSION; POS- SIBLY UNIQUE. The Carson Copy. . Height, 15; width, 11 inches. Ebony and gold frame. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 62. BENJAMIN Franxkuin. L.L.D. F.R.S. Mezzotint. D. Martin pinxt—E. Savage sculpt London, Published Septr 17. 1793, by E. Savage, No 50, Hatton Garden. PROOF BEFORE ALL LEerrERs, the string on the paper in his hand, the lettering on paper on table, the high lights on cuff buttons, ete. The inscrip- tion has been added in fac-simile. Height, 17 12/16; width, 14 inches. Mahogany frame. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 63. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Cochin type. Oil painting on horn snuff box, gilt mountings. Circle, 3 inches. A fine example of miniature painting. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 64. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Bronze statuette on marble base. Height, 1512/16 inches. — , FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 65. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Bronze bust on marble and bronze pedestal. Height, 11 8/16 inches. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th FRENCH, FRANK 66. Lanpscape. (Stream and meadow.) Woodcut. » Signed in pencil,—Frank French. Height, 3 10/16; width, 5 inches. Framed. GAILLARD, CLAUDE FERDINAND 67. Tite DE Crre. Etching. Beraldi, No. 36—ITI. F. Gaillard del et Sculps. Proor BEFORE ALL LETTERS, signed in pencil,—F’. Gaillard. VERY SCARCE. Height, 4 14/16; width, 2 12/16 inches. Ebony frame. GAUJEAN, EUGENE 68. Two Fremae Portraits. Stipples. Signed proofs. Small ovals. Together, 2 pieces. Oval gold frames, to match. GAUTIER, LUCIEN 69. Tue BripcE or SigHs, VENICE. Etching. Signed in pencil,— Lucien Gautier, with remarque. Height, 14 1/16; length, 22 12/16 inches. Framed. GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG 70. Jouann Woureane GortHeE. Bronze plaque portrait. A. Scharff 1899sc. Square, 7 inches. GOFFE, COL. R. 71. BricHton Sunser. Etching. R. G. Signed in pencil,—R. Goffe. Height, 5 7/16; length, 8 6/16 inches. Gold frame. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER 72. Dr. Go~psmITH, engraved by Joseph Marchi after Sir Joshua Rey- nolds. Published Decr 1st 1770. Mezzotint. J.C. Smith, No. 7. First Srare of three. Before all inscription, uncleaned edge. EXCESSIVELY SCARCE. Height, 15 14/16; width, 13 inches. Ebony and gold frame. “Reynolds has with wonderful art, impressed both dignity and mental power on these plain and homely features.” Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th GOLTZIUS, HENRY ¥3. WILLIAM, PriIncE oF OrancE. Giulelm, D. G. Pr. Auraicae etc... . H. Goltzius fecit. .. Impia vis fremat etc. Line. Bartsch, No. 178. First Strats, before the address of H. Hondius. IN FINE CONDITION. Height, 10 8/16; width, 7 3/16 inches. Ebony frame. GOLTZIUS, HENRY "4. JoHANNES ZureNus. Ao Aetat. 71. Domini 88. H. G. fecit. Cor- poris effigiem expressit quam Goltzius aere, Heemskerkus docta pinxit et ante manu. (etc., two lines.) Bartsch, No. 189. First Stars, before the arms at upper right. Height, 5 1/16; width, 4 inches. Ebony frame. A printer and burgomaster of Harlem. GRATELOUP, J. P. SILVESTRE DE 75. Napotron. Droz effinxit.—S. G. sculpsit. JoHn Drypen. 1810. S. G. scul. Two small, exquisitely engraved ovals, with autographed presenta- tion,—“‘premiers essais de gravure d’ apres le procedé de mon oncle a Monsieur Bouchet, de la part de son bon ami S. Grateloup.” VERY SCARCE. Together, 2 pieces. In old gold frame. GREEN, GENERAL NATHANIEL 76. GENERAL GREEN. ... Mezzotint. Peel pinxit Philadelphia. . . . V. Green fecit, . . . Publish’d.. . April 22d 1785, . . . First Stare. Etched open letters. Hx- CESSIVELY SCARCE. Whitman, No. 128. Height, 19 10/16; width, 13 14/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. HADEN, SEYMOUR vy Wrupes A L’Eau-rortE PAR Francis SEyMouR Hapgen. NOTICE ET DESCRIPTIONS PAR PHILIPPE Burty. Paris 1886. Portfolio. The Etudes a leau-forte, published partly in 1865 and partly in 1866, is a portfolio containing twenty-five etchings mounted on plate paper, and five head and tail pieces mounted in the text, (a few of the earlier copies having a sixth small etching, Combe Bot- tom,) to block out a portion of the letterpress. Although 250 copies were announced for publication, only 180 were issued, as several of [Continued Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th [No. %7—Continued | the more delicate plates showed signs of wear before the full number could be printed. The etchings were printed by Delatre, under the personal supervision of the artist. This is one of the earliest copies, containing the Combe Bottom, undescribed states of the Egham and of the Whistler’s House, the earlier impression of the second state of the Egham Lock, the first state of the Fulham, the first state of the Sunset In Ireland, and the earliest issue of the very scarce ‘Thomas Haden instead of the more commonly used third state. Inserted as a frontispiece is a three-quarter length seated portrait of Seymour Haden, etched by E. Lacrelle 1878, signed in pencil by subject and artist. CONTENTS: KENSINGTON GARDENS. (The smaller plate.) Harrington, No. 12. Second State, before second title and date were erased. MyTTon HALL Harrington, No. 14. First State. A very attractive print. EGHAM Harrington, No. 15. Intermediate trial proof between (b) and the third state; before the shadow on the punt to the right was reduced. Undescribed and probably unique. HeaHam Lock Harrington, No. 16. Second State; early impression before the sky was made quite white. OvuT or A StupY WINDOW Harrington, No. 18. First State. FULHAM Harrington, No. 19. First State; the earliest issue used. Harty Morninc—RICH MOND Harrington, No. 22. Second State. KIDWELLY TOWN i Harrington, No. 24. First State. KIDWELLY CASTLE Harrington, No. 25. Intermediate trial proof (c). CoMBE BoTToM Harrington, No. 32. First State; the earliest issue used. THE HoLty FIELD Harrington, No. 33. First State. SHERE Mitt Ponp. (The large plate.) Harrington, No. 38. Second State; a very beautiful print. AMSTELODAMUM Harrington, No. 48. First State, the upper part printed in red. SUNSET IN IRELAND Harrington, No. 51. Trial Proof (e); the stake at right extends only half way up the bank. A very early issue of a beautiful print. BATTERSEA REACH Harrington, No. 52. Second State; with a cat on the quay wall. WHISTLER’S House OLD CHELSEA Harrington, No. 54. Undescribed intermediate state between first and second; with the vertical reflections but before the line at the base of the house. THOMAS HADEN oF DERBY Harrington, No. 58. Trial proof (a) ; the earliest issue. NEWCASTLE IN EMLYN Harrington, No. 62. The only published state. [Continued Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th pile ERS REP RAE Ei a cia a A [No. 7%—Continued | NEWCASTLE IN Emtyn. House of the Smith. Harrington, No. 63. First State. KENARTH, SouTH WALES Harrington, No. 64. The only published state. : KILGAREN CASTLE : Harrington, No. 65. The only published state. CARDIGAN BRIDGE ° Harrington, No. 67. Second State. Kew—RaAILWAy ENCROACHMENT Harrington, No. 74. The only published state. BRENTFORD FERRY Harrington, No. 75. The only published state. THe TowiIne PatH Harrington, No. 76. Second State. EVENING Harrington, No. 77. The only published state. ' SHEPPERTON ; Harrington, No. 80. The only state. Kew SIDE Harrington, No. 82. The only published state. SUNSET ON THE THAMES Harrington, No. 98. First state. Hanps Hrcnine, O LABoRUM Harrington, No. 94. First state. LITTLE CALAIS PIER Harrington, No. 98. First State. HADEN, SEYMOUR 8. EcHam Loox. Ktching. Harrington, No. 16. First STATE. Height, 5 14/16; length, 8 14/16 inches. - HADEN, SEYMOUR 79. BarrersEa Reacu. Etching. Harrington, No. 52. First STATE. Height, 6; length, 9 inches. HADEN, SEYMOUR 80. Kew Arr. Etching. Harrington, No. 86. ue | ¥ First Srate. Signed by the Artist in pencil = Height, 6; width, 5 2/16 inches. ey, the 8 HADEN, SEYMOUR a 81. Sunser oN THE THAMES. Etching and dry-point. Harrington, No. 93. , ae Szconp SraTE. Japan paper. ek Height, 5 6/16; length, 8 8/16 inches. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th HADEN, SEYMOUR 82. Harky Keuiy’s Putney. Etching and dry-point. Harrington, No. 117. THE ONLY PUBLISHED STATE. Signed by the Artist in pencil. Height, 4 6/16; length, 7 inches. | HADEN, SEYMOUR 83. BREAKING Up or THE AGAMEMNON. Etching. Harrington, No. 145. Szconp State. Signed by the Artist,—“S. Haden 2nd State.” Height, 7 10/16; length, 16 4/16 inches. HADEN, SEYMOUR 84. A Backwater. Dry-point. Harrington, No. 178. First State. Signed by the Artist in pencil. Height, 5 8/16; length, 8 inches. HADEN, SEYMOUR 85. A Monk Prayine.—Sv. Francis. Dry-point. Harrington, No. 19%. | SEeconp State. Touched up with pencil and signed by the Artist, and FROM HIS OWN COLLECTION, WITH HIS STAMP. Height, 6; length, 5 6/11 inches. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER 86. ALEXANDER Haminton. Major General of the Armies of the United States of America. Secretary of the Treasury etc. etc. Line. Stauffer, No. 2709. Painted by Archd Robertson 79 Liberty St — Engraved by Wm Rollinson 27 Pine St New York Septr Ist 1804. Published... . by William Rollinson ... (Copyright August 28 1804.) First Srate. A very fine example of an excessively scarce and espe- cially desirable portrait in perfect condition. Height, 17 10/16; width, 13 14/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. ’ HANDFORD, ALFRED S. 8”, Tur FIGHTING TEMERAIRE. Mezzotint. London, Published April 2nd 1888 by C. E. Clifford & Co. ... Signed in pencil,—Alfred S. Handford. Only fifty impressions printed. Height, 6; length, 9 2/16 inches. Gold frame. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th HARTLEY, ALFRED 88. Sueep In Moonticut. Lithograph. Height, 8 11/16; length, 12 4/16 inches. Ebony frame. HASTINGS, WARREN 89. WARREN Hastines. Mezzotint. Goodwin, No. 29-II. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds 1777. Engraved by Thomas Wat- son. Inscription erased from plate. Height, 15 14/16; width, 13 inches. Ebony and gold frame. HEINEMANN, E. 90. Lapy AND Swans. After F. S. Church 785. Woodcut. Signed in pencil,—Z. Heinemann. Height, 5 2/16; length, 8 1/16 inches. Gold frame. HOLLAR, WENTZEL 91. Tur Harz. (Dead Game and Dog.) Line. After Peter Boel—W. Hollar 1649. Height, 10 3/16; width, 7 5/16 inches. Hbony frame. SOCIETY OF ICONOPHILES, NEW YORK 92. Tur Socrery or Iconopuimes. Certificate engraved by EH. D. French, with views of New Amsterdam, 1651 and New York 1900. On India paper. One of eleven proof impressions, signed by the Artist. IRVING, WASHINGTON 93. WasHINeroN Irvine. Mezzotint. Whitman, No. 275. (Engraved by Charles Turner after G. Stuart Newton. Published by the engraver 1824.) UNDESCRIBED PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERS. Height, 11 2/16; width, 9 2/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. The best portrait of this most popular writer. JACQUE, CHARLES 94. THe Sueer Foup. LHtching. A beautiful example of this fine print. Height, 7; length, 10 4/16 inches. Ebony frame. Ke | SS eee Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th JACQUE, CHARLES 95. Drivine Cows. Etching. INDIA PROOF. Height, 3 4/16; length, 6 10/16 inches. Gold frame. JACQUE, CHARLES 96. LANDSCAPE. FARMER AND CatrLe. Etching. India proof signed,—Ch. Jacque. Height, 8 8/16; length, 13 10/16 inches. Framed. JACQUE, CHARLES 97. Lanpscare. Cows Drinxince. Etching. 1878 Ch. Jacque. Height, 9 6/16; width, 7 7/16 inches. Ebony frame. JAPANESE COLOR-PRINTS 98. Tayn TAIZAN. By Yeisen. One of Yoshiwara beauty. Height, 1514; width, 1014 inches. A Girt STANDING UNDER WISTARIA FLOWER. By Kunisada. Height, 1514; width, 10 inches. MorniINnG SCENE AT NIPPONBOSHI. By Hiroshige. Distant views of Fuji and Chuyoda. castle in the background. Height, 934 ; length, 14%4 inches. Together, 3 pieces. JASINSKI, FELIX 99. BorricELLi’s Primavera. Etching. Publie en Octobre 1892 par Jules Hautecceur. . . Paris. Signed im pencil,— Jasinski. FINE PRoor, with remarque. Height, 13; length, 20 8/16 inches. Gold frame. JEFFERSON, THOMAS 100. Tuomas Jerrerson Esqr. President of the United States. Stipple. Fielding, No. 95A. : R. Peale Pinx—D. Edwin sc. Published by J. Savage 1800. Height, 11 5/16; width, 9 1/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th JEROME, J. L. 101. A Turk Smoxine A Lone Pips. Etching. Signed in ink,—J. L. Jerome. Height, 4 8/16; width, 3 8/16 inches. Passepartout. JOHNSON, SAMUEL 102. Samurnt JoHNSON. Mezzotint. Goodwin, No. 70. R. Sayer Excudit. Sir Joshua Reynolds pinxt—James Watson fecit. Srconp State of four. Proof before the title. HxcESSIVELY SCARCE. Height, 16; width, 13 inches. Ebony and gold frame. A highly characteristic and remarkable portrait. JOHNSON, THOMAS 103. Heap or A MAn. Woodcut. After Rembrandt. Signed in pencil,—T’. Johnson. Height, 6 3x16; width, 5 6/16 inches. Gold frame. JONES, JOHN PAUL 104. JoHN Pavun Jones. Commander of a squadron in the Service of The, Thirteen United States of North America, 1779. Mezzotint. J. C. Smith, No. 97. Engraver unknown (but by Richard Brookshaw). VERY SCARCE. Height, 13 3/16; width, 9 15/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. JUNGLING, FRED 105. Frepine Poutrry. Woodcut. Signed in pencil,—F'red Jungling. Height, 10; width, 7 8/16 inches. Framed. JUNGLING, FRED 106. Tue Woop Cuorrrr. Woodcut. : After Chas. H. Miller. Signed in pencil,—Fred Jungling. Height, 6; length, 9 inches. Framed. KAEMMERER, T. H. 10%. Lapy aT THE Harp. Htching. After Toussaint. Published May*1st 1888 by Boussod Valadon & Co. Signed in ink,—T7.. H. Kaemmerer, No 1. Height, 8 2/16 inches; width, 4 4/16 inches. Carved gold frame. el a a i i i) ol f r, Se ee ee a eee Se eee ee ee Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th KEENE, CHARLES 108. Orp Ironstpes. A Cromwellian soldier on horseback. Pen-and-ink- sketch. With the artist’s stamp in monogram,—C.K. Height, 8 8/16; width, 5 inches. Gold frame. KILLEGREW, THOMAS 109. Tuomas Kinitecrew. Mezzotint. You see my face & if you’d know my minde Tis this I hate myself & all mankinde. J.C. Smith, No. 66. In pilgrim’s dress. Engraver unknown. SECOND StaTE. HXcEs- SIVELY SCARCE. Height, 12 11/16; width, 10 2/16 inches. Hbony and gold frame. BRING, F.8. 110. Tue Sea-Horsz. Woodcut. Signed in pencil by both artists,—/’. 8. King Sc.—F. S. Church. Height, 9; length, 19 12/16 inches. Framed. KINGSLEY, ELBRIDGE 111. A Srreet In Haptry. Woodcut. Signed in pencil,—Llbridge Kingsley. Height, 9; length, 14 4/16 inches. Framed. KINGSLEY, ELBRIDGE 112. Wurre Brrcues. Woodcut. Signed in pencil,—Elbridge Kungsley with pencilled remarque. Height, 5; length, 7 4/16 inches. Framed. KINGSLEY, ELBRIDGE 113. Fuock or SHEEP. Woodcut. Signed in pencil,—Hlbridge Kingsley. Height, 4 2/16; length, 8 2/16 inches. Framed. KINGSLEY, ELBRIDGE 114. LanpscapE. Woodcut. After D. W. Tryon. Signed in pencil by both artists. Height, 5 10/16; length, 7 12/16 inches. Framed. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th KINGSLEY, ELBRIDGE 115. LANDSCAPE wiTH CATTLE. Woodcut. Signed in pencil,—H. Kingsley. Height, 3 6/16; length, 5 6/16 inches. Framed. KINGSLEY, ELBRIDGE 116. OrpHEUS GREETING THE Morn. Woodcut. Signed in pencil,—Corot—. Kwngsley. Height, 8; width, 5 4/16 inches. Gold frame. KINGSLEY, ELBRIDGE 117%. THe Otp WELL. Woodcut. Copyright by C. Klackner 1886. Signed in pencil,—J. Francts Murphy—Elbridge Kingsley. Height, 10 2/16; length, 14 12/16 inches. White frame. LAFAYETTE, MARQUIS DE 118. Marguis DE LarayEeTtEe. Bronze bust on marble and bronze base. Height, 13 8/16 inches. : LALANNE, MAXIME 119. SovuvENrIr D’'uN Port TrovuvitiE (Calvados.) M. Lalanne del. 1876— sculp. 1881. Htching. REMARQUE Proor. From the Lalanne collection, with his stamp. Height, 10; length, 15 14/16 inches. Framed. LAMB, CHARLES 120. Cuartes Lams. Stipple. (R. Woodman Sct from a Drawing by Hancock (1798) in the pos- session of Mr. Cottle.) PROOF BEFORE ALL LETTERS. Height, 4 1/16; width, 3 2/16 inches. Ebony frame. LAMB, CHARLES 121. A Dissertation upon Roast Pie. Pen-and-ink drawing of Charles Lamb as “The Judicious Epicure” and the Chinese boy licking his fingers,—" You graceless whelp, what have you got there devour- ing. Signed,—C. EH. Brock 1899. In cardboard mounts. Together, 2 pieces. —) 7 = , -_———S. ae), | I | ; Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th LANDSCAPE 122. Copprr Prats Intusrration to an Highteenth Century Novelist. Unidentified. Oval in rectangle. Height, 11 12/16; length, 13 13/16 inches. Dark oak frame. LANDSCAPE 123. LANDSCAPE WITH River. LHEtching. Signed with monogram,—A.P. Height, 4; length, 6 inches. Passepartout. LAURENS, HENRY 124. Henry Laurens Esgr. President of The American Congress, 1778. Mezzotint. Whitman, No. 117. Painted by J. S. Copley, R.A. Elect. 1782.—Engraved by V. Green . . . Publish’d Octr 1st 1782, by J. Stockdale . . . First Stats, scratched lettering, EXCESSIVELY SCARCE. Height, 23 2/16; width, 16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. - LEGROS, ALPHONSE 125. Orp Brarpep Man, Looxine Upwarps. Pencil drawing. Signed,—A. Legros. A very fine specimen. Height, 6; width, 5 4/16 inches. Framed. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 126. Lanpscare. Dry-point. India proof, signed,—A. Legros. Height, 6 1/16; length, 7 5/16 inches. Framed. LEGROS, ALPHONSE 127. Lanpscare. Drypoint. Signed in pencil,—A. Legros. Height, 6 14/16; width, 6 2/16 inches. Ebony frame. - LETERRIER, P. 128. Tue GLEANER. Htching. After Jules Breton. Published and copyright by M. Knoedler & Co. 1889. Signed in pencil by both artists. Height, 10; width, 7 inches. Gold frame. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th LINCOLN, ABRAHAM 129. ApraHAm Lincoin, half length to left, beardless type. The original wood block filled in with white and black. Signed in the block,—G. Kruell 1891 Copyrighted. Height, 12 12/16; width, 9 6/16 inches. Ebony frame. LONGHI, JOSEPH 130. LA MAppALENA DEL Correceio. Line. Proof before the Arms and all letters. Lightly etched,—“Correggto pin.—Jph Longht sc.’ VERY SCARCE AND IN FINE CONDITION. Height, 11 8/16; length, 15 4/16 inches. Gold frame. LOUDOUN, JOHN, EARL OF 131. Tur Rr Honsie THE Hart or Lovupoun, Captn General, & Governour in Chief, of his Majesty’s Forces, in North America; and One of the Sixteen Peers of Scotland. . . . Mezzotint. J. C. Smith, No. 28. Ramsey Pinxt—Spooner Fecit. VERY SCARCE. Height, 12 12/16; width, 9 14/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. MADISON, JAMES 132. JAMES Mapison. Fielding, No. 126. . D. Edwin Fecit. Frrst 1ssuz; but lacks second line of title. Height, 19 10/16; width, 13 inches. Ebony and gold frame. MARGELIDON, L. 133. THe SiaN Partnter. Etching. After Meissonier. Signed in pencil,—L. Margelidon. Height, 5 4/16; width, 4 inches. Gold frame. MEISSONIER, ERNEST 134. THE Smoxer. Etching E. Meissonier 1848. INDIA PROOF. Height, 3 8/16; width, 2 8/16 inches. Gold frame. MEISSONIER, ERNEST 135. Tue SrupEntT. Etching. Signed,—Spinellt. Height, 5 10/16; width, 3 10/16 inches. Gold frame. ae . Pt ea eo ee ee el eee, ae Le oe © a ee a ee ee ae ee | ee eee , ae Ans oh aay . > Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th MERYON, CHARLES 136. La Pompr Notre-Dame. Etching. Delteil, No. 31. C. Meryon ft Imp R. Ne St Etienne-du-Mont 26—1852. Sixth STATE of nine. Fine and VERY SCARCE. Height, 6 9/16; length, 9 12/16 inches. MIELATZ, C. F. W. 137. Crry Street In Rain. Etching. Copyright Mielatz. Signed in ink,—Copyright C. F. W. Mielatz 89, and in pencil,—Chas. F. W. Mielatz. Height, 10; length, 14 inches. Framed. MILLET, JEAN FRANCOIS 138. Tux Woman Frepinc Her Cup. J. F. Millet 1861. Etching. Height, 6; width, 5 3/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. MILTON, JOHN 139. JoANNES Minron. Aetat: 62. A. D. 1670. Line. Grolier, No. 118. Geo. Vertue Sculp: 1725. Portrait in oval, in rectangular stone- work frame. Dryden’s lines on tablet below. Height, 14; width, 8 14/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. From Vertue’s Series of English Poets. MILTON, JOHN 140. Joun Mitton. Stipple. Grolier, No. 208. Engraved and published Janry 4, 1786, by Caroline Watson after the Cooper miniature. Portrait in oval, draped curtain, on pyra- mid, with the Temptation and the Expulsion. Height, 7 2/16; width, 5 15/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. MINOR, ROBERT C. 141. Lanpscarr. Etching. : — Copyright 1888 by H. Wunderlich & Co. Signed in pencil,— Robert C. Minor, with remarque. Height, 9; length, 13 5/16 inches. Framed. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th MOIRA, FRANCIS, EARL OF 142. Right Honsie THe Eart or Morra Commander in Chief of his Majesty’s forces (etc.). Mezzotint. J. C. Smith, No. 54. Painted by Jno. Hoppner R.A. . . . Engraved by Jno. Young . London, July 15, 1805, Published by “the Engraver. . . ~ First STATE ; ‘etched letters. Vary SCARCE. Height, 24 4/16; width, 16 2/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. Lord Rawdon of the American Reyolution, later Marquis of Hastings. MONA LISA—“LA JOCONDE” 143. Mona Lisa, CatLtep “LA JoconpsE.” Line. Pinto. Da L. Da Vinci,—Parigi 1857.—Disegnato E Inciso Da L. Calametta. Signed in pencil,—ZL. Calametta. India paper. Height, 15; width, 11 inches. Ebony and gold frame. MONCKTON, HON. ROBERT 144. Tur Honsie Rosert Moncton, ; Governor of Anapolis, Lieut Govr of Nova Scotia; and Colonel of His ea Sy 17th Regt of Foot. Mezzotint. ? Goodwin, No. 189. T. Hudson Pinxt—Js Me Ardell fecit—Price 5s. Tuirp STATE, but before correction to Monckton. Three-quarter length to right, left hand on sword hilt, three cannon to right. Very scarce. Height, 13 14/16; width, 11 inches. Ebony and gold frame. MONKS, J. A. BS. 145. Crossing THE Pasture. Htching. Signed in pencil,—J. A. S. Monks. Copyright by G. Klackner... Noo. Height, 8 4/16; length, 11 4/16 inches. Framed. MORE, SIR THOMAS 146. Vera Erricizs THom@ Mort Quondam Totius Anghe cancellarii Dig- nissimi, Ete. laine. (By R. Elstracke.) Height, 6; width, 4 6/16 inches. Ebony frame. NIELLO 147. Nrgetto. Note on back: Piece d’ Orfevrerie— Nielle. W. L. Schreiber, No. 2608. VERY SCARCE. Ebony frame. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th NIELLO 148. NIELLO. Sancta dorothea. Note on back: Sainte Dorothee Gravure dite “au Criblé.” Sur Métal Ecole Allemande XV Siecle. Very scarce. Old gold frame. PARRISH, STEPHEN 149. ON THE ScHROON, Droucutr. Htching. S. Parrish. Signed in pencil,—Stephen Parrish. Height, 4; length, 7 4/16 inches. White and gold frame. PARRISH, STEPHEN 150. Portsmoutu, N. H. Etching. | S. Parrish. Signed in pencil,—Stephen Parrish. : Height, 8; length, 14 inches. Oak and metal frame. PARRISH, STEPHEN 151. Op Acapran Inw Yarv. Etching. Stephen Parrish. Signed in pencil,—Stephen Parrish. Height, 9; length, 13 inches. Oak frame. PARRISH, STEPHEN 152. Guroucrester Harzor. Etching. S. Parrish. Ag. ft. Signed in pencil,—Stephen Parrish, with re- marque. Height, 13; length, 20 inches. Framed. PARRISH, STEPHEN 153. Market Puace. Yverot, NorMaAnpiz. Etching. Stephen Parrish. Signed in pencil,—Stephen Parrish. Height, 5; length, 8 inches. Framed. PARRISH, STEPHEN 154. WHarr at GLoucester. Etching. Stephen Parrish. Signed in pencil,—Stephen Parrish. Height, 18; width, 12 inches. White frame. PARRISH, STEPHEN 155. Winter Lanpscare. Etching. S. Parrish—119. Signed in pencil,—Stephen Parrish. Height, 2 8/16; length, 4 inches. Gold frame. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th PARRISH, STEPHEN 156. EvENING IN Brirrany. Etching. . ) i Signed in pencil,—Stephen Parrish. With remarque. __ Height, 13 8/16; length, 22 inches. - Framed. (s PENCZ, GEORGE 157. Diana aT THE BATH SURPRISED BY ACTEON. Line. Bartsch, No. 91. Signed in the plate-—G. P. Height, 3; width, 2 inches. Ebony frame. PENNELL, JOSEPH 158. Park Row. Posr Orricr ann Sr. Pavn’s. Etching. . Signed by the Artist. erik PENNELL, JOSEPH 159. Tuz “L” anp Trinity Burtpine. Etching. Signed by the Artist. PENNELL, JOSEPH re, 160. Four Story Housz. Barrery Pace. Btching. Signed by the Artist. First Stare. PENNELL, JOSEPH | oe 161. ONE Hunprep Broapway. Go~pEN Cornice. Btching. : Signed by the Artist. SECOND Sars. | PENNELL, JOSEPH 162. Unton SquarE—Bank or Merroporis. Etching. Signed by the Artist. | PENNELL, JOSEPH ; 163. Times BtrLpING AND 42ND STREET. Etching. | Signed’ by the Artist. | PENNELL, JOSEPH a 164. Forty-seconp Street. Etching. Beek Signed by the Artist. ee Pee PENNELL, JOSEPH ¢ 165. Lower Broapway. Etching. es Signed by the Artist. 7 . i. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th PENNELL, JOSEPH 166. Trintry CHURCH FROM THE River. Etching. Signed by the Artist. PENNELL, JOSEPH 16%. THe Canyon. Nassau St. Etching. Signed by the Artist. First STATE. PENNELL, JOSEPH 168. Broap Street. Stock Excuance. Etching. Signed by the Artist. ; - PENNELL, JOSEPH 169. TRIBUNE AND THE Sun. Etching. Signed by the Artist. First STATE PENNELL, JOSEPH 170. WuitE Tower. LHtching. Signed by the Artist. First STATE PENNELL, JOSEPH 171. Tue Surine. Pine Street Looking West. Etching. Signed by the Artist. First STATE PENNELL, JOSEPH 172. St. Paut Burtpine. Etching. Srconp Strats. Signed by the Artist,—“Model for the printer ii Le PENNELL, JOSEPH 173. Tur THousanp Winpows. Etching. Signed by the Artist. Frrst STATE. PENNELL, JOSEPH 174. Union Square. Rainy Day. Etching. Signed by the Artist,—“Third state plate wiped.” Signed by the Artist. Frrst State. PENNELL, JOSEPH 175. Tue “Fiat Iron” Burupine. Etching. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th PENNELL, JOSEPH 176. Otp anp New New York. Corner of Wall St. and Broadway. Etching. Signed by the Artist. PENNELL, JOSEPH 177. Watt Streer. Looking West. LHtching. Signed by the Artist. First Proor. PENNELL, JOSEPH 178. Timns Burtpinc. From the North. Etching. Signed by the Artist. First Proor. PENNELL, JOSEPH 179. Times Burypine. From Broadway Looking North. KHtching. Signed by the Artist. PENNELL, JOSEPH 180. St. THomas’ CHurcH. St. Regis and Gotham Hotels. Etching. SECOND State. Signed by the Artist,—“Model for printer J. P.” PENNELL, JOSEPH 181. Firrn AvenvE. Looking South from the Plaza. Etching. Signed by the Artist. SECOND STATE. PENNELL, JOSEPH 182. VILLIERS STREET. Etching. Signed by the Artist,—“First proof.” PERCY, HUGH, EARL 183. Hue Hart Percy. ... Major General of his Majesty’s Forces. . . Lieut General now serving in America, 1777. ... Mezzotint. Whitman, No. 64. Engraved (and published Janr 1st 1777) by V. Green stc. SECOND STATE. VERY SCARCE. Height, 17 8/16; width, 14 inches. Ebony and gold frame. PLANTIN, CHRISTOPHER 184. PLantrn—Morervus Muszum. A collection of old engraved portraits, views, emblems, title-pages, etc., for extra-illustration, including Froben, Paulus Manutius (Aldus), Dodoens, Francois II, Henry Goltzius, Justus Lipsius by Theo. Galle, Plantin, Moretus, Gutten- berg, Rapheling, etc. About 50 pieces. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th PLATT, CHARLES A. 185. Marxer Sup St. Joun, N. B. at Epp Tipe. C. A. Platt 1881. Etching. Signed in pencil,—Charles A. Platt. Height, 15 8/16; width, 18 8/16 inches. Framed. PLATT, CHARLES A. 186. Honrieur. Etching. C. A. Platt. 1887. Signed in pencil,—C. A. Platt. Height, 5 12/16; length, 8 inches. Framed. PLATT, CHARLES A. 187. Harsor of Nartes. Etching. Signed in pencil,—C. A. Platt. Height, 5; length, 7 14/16 inches. Framed. PLATT, CHARLES A. : 188. A Misty Mornine. C. A. Platt 1888. Etching. Signed in pencil,—C. A. Platt. Height, 11; length, 16 10/16 inches. Framed. PLATT, CHARLES A. 189. New York Harsor, Starve or Liperry, erc. Etching. C. A. Platt. 1889. Signed in pencil,—C. A. Platt. Height, 6 8/16; length, 10 12/16 inches. White frame. PLATT, CHARLES A. 190. Two Stoops (East River). Etching. Copyright 1889 by H. Wunderlich & Co. Signed in pencil,—O. A. Platt. Height, 11 8/16; length, 18 6/16 inches. Framed. POPE, ALEXANDER 191. ArexaNpDER Pope, Poeta See ... Hane Imaginem ex ipso Arche- typo a Vanlo picto 1742. . . iy ohannes Faber . . . Sold by J. Faber. . . Mezzotint. oC. smith, No. 204. Seconp Stare. (Faber, Jun.) Height, 12 2/16; width, 10 inches. Ebony and gold frame. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th POPE, ALEXANDER 192. Mr. ALEXANDER Porr. Mezzotint. J.C. Smith, No. 125. M. Dahll Pinx. 1727.—J. Simon fec. 1728 Sold by H. Overton at ye White Horse without Newgate—Sold by J. Simon in New Street near Covent Garden. UNDESCRIBED STATE between first and second. EXCESSIVELY SCARCE. Height, 12 14/16; width, 9 12/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. . PRINTERS DEVILS BOOK PLATE 193. Ex Lisris TyporHetar Diasoto. Drawing. The original drawing with presentation inscription,—“Yo Mr EH. B. Holden from F. 8. King Del 1895.,” and impressions of the first and fifth states of the copperplate with similar pencilled inscrip- tions. Together, 3 pieces. — PRIOR, MATTHEW 194. Mr. MarHew Prior. “Mezzotint. J. C. Smith, No. 127. J. Richardson pinx 1718.—J. Simon fecit et excudit. First Stats. VERY SCARCE. Height, 12 2/16; width, 10 inches. Ebony and gold frame. QUARLES, FRANCIS 195. Erriaies Franotsci Quartes. Ailtatis Sue 52. W. M. (William Mar- 3 shall) sculp. Latin and English verses. Height, 3 14/16; width, 3 1/16 inches. Ebony frame. From “Solomon’s Recantation.” London, 1645. RAIMONDI, MARC ANTONIO 196. Mounr Parnassus; Apollo and the Muses. Raphael Pinxit In Vati- cano M. A. F. Bartsch, No. 247. One of the most beautiful and celebrated works of this artist. Height, 14 2/16; length, 18 10/16 inches. Ebony frame. RAMSAY, ALLAN 197%. AtLAN RamsEy Poet. Coarse etching. Bust to left, eyes to right, cap. VERY SCAROE. ‘Height, 16 2/16; width, 13 4/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th RECAMIER, MME. 198. Mur. Recamier. Miniature on ivory signed J. T. From the Kd. Frossard Collection. Passepartout. MME DE MaINnTENON, after Petitot. Oval gold frame. Together, 2 pieces. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 199. Tur THree Trees. LHtching. Capt W. Baillie Fecit 1758. On satin. Height, 8 4/16; length, 11 2/16 inches. Framed. RENOUARD, PAUL 200. A GREENWICH PENSIONER. Drawing. Original drawing by Paul Renouard published in the London Graphic. Height, 10 4/16; width, 5 8/16 inches. Ebony frame. REVERE, PAUL 201. Tue Town or Boston In New England And British Ships Of War Landing Their Troops. Line. Stauffer, No. 2676. A modern restrike of the original copper. Height, 8; length, 12 inches. Ebony frame. RICHARDSON, SAMUEL 202. SamureL RicHarpson. Mezzotint. J. C. Smith, No. 153. , Jos: Highmore Pinxt—Jas McArdell Fecit 1752. Height, 12 8/16; width, 9 12/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL 203. DANTE GABRIEL Rosserri. Ktching. CG. W. Sherborn 1890. Eigned in pencil,—C. W. Sherborn. Height, 4 11/16; width, 3 inches. Gold frame. ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES 204. Juan Jacques Rosseau. Mezzotint. ooc. smith, No. 67. ; A Ramsay Londini pinxt 1766——C. Corbutt fecit. First STATE. (Purcell). Height, 12 4/16; width, 9 14/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th ROWE, NICHOLAS 205. NicHotas Rowe Esqr P. L. Mezzotint. J. C. Smith, No. 61. Undescribed State (al). (Faber, Sen.) Proof before the words: J. Faber fecit & Hxcudit Ao 1715. VERY SCARCE. Height, 12 6/16; width, 9 10/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. RUBENS, PETER PAUL 206. Saint CATHERINE. Htching. P. Paul Rubens fecit. Original etching by Rubens. Height, 11 8/16; width, 7 12/16 inches. Ebony frame. From the St. John Dent Collection. SCHMIDT, GEORGE FREDERICK 207. G. F. Scumiprt, fec. aqua forti, 1772.—G. Flinck pinx 1642. Proof etching. Old man in flat cap and cloak. Height, 6 3/16; width, 5 1/16 inches. Ebony frame. SCHONGAUER, MARTIN 208. Curist Berore Pruatr. Etching. Bartsch, No. 14. Signed in the plate——M. 8. One of the set of The Passion. Height, 6 7/16; width, 4 8/16 inches. Ebony frame. SCHONGAUER, MARTIN 209. Curist Taken. Etching. Bartsch, No. 10. _ Reversed copy of Schongauer. Circle; 4 inches. Ebony frame. THE Hoty Faminy. Etching. Unsigned. Oval; height, 2 11/16; width, 2 2/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. Together, 2 pieces. SCOTT, SIR WALTER 210. Str WattEeR Scorr Bart. Mezzotint. Painted by C. R. Leslie, R. A— ... Septr 1833.— Engraved by G. H. Phillips. Height, 12 14/16; width, 10 2/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. Sale Twesday Evening, April 27th SHADWELL, THOMAS 211. Tuomas SHADWELL. Mezzotint. oa, omith,. No, 36. I Kersaboom pinx: W. Faithorne fec. Cum Privilego Regis Sold by E. Cooper at ye 3 pidgeons ni Bedford street. Frrsr Stare of three. Before titles. WERY SCARCE. Height, 12 2/16; width, 9 12/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM 912. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Mezzotint. After the Chandos portrait. Bust, to left, oval in rectangle. Proor BEFORE ALL LETTERS, on India paper. Height, 10; width, 8 inches. Ebony and gold frame. SHERIDAN, RICHARD BRINSLEY 913. RicHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN Esq. Line. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds.—London ... April 30th 1791... Engraved by Jno Hall... Height, 18; width, 14 inches. Ebony and gold frame. SLOCOMBEH, C. P. 214. NorrH Wares. A VaALitEy Farm. Etching. C. P. Slocombe, 1876. | Height, 11 10/16; length, 20 14/16 inches. Framed. SOULANGE-TEISSIER, LOUIS EMMANUEL 215. A Yoke or OxEN. Lithograph. Signed in pencil,—fosa Bonheur Pinxit—Soulange-T eissier. Height, 13; length, 17 inches. Dark oak frame. STEELE, RICHARD 216. Mr. Ricwarp STEELE. Mezzotint. J. C. Smith, No. 244. I. Richardson pinx. 1712.—I. Smith fec—Sold by I. Smith at Lyon & Crown in Russell Street Covent Garden. SEconp STATE. Height, 11 6/16; width, 9 14/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. STERNE, LAURENCE 217. Laurence Srerng, A. M. Prebendary of York, Vicar of Sutton on the Forest and of Stillington near York. . . . Mezzotint. J. C. Smith, No. 56. [Continued Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th [ No. 21%7—Continued | J. Reynolds Pinxt—E. Fisher fecit. First Stare or Four. VERY SCARCE. Height, 13 6/16; width, 11 inches. Ebony and gold frame. A fine example of one of the best of Sir Joshua’s portraits. STOTHARD, THOMAS 218. PILGRIMAGE TO CANTERBURY. Line. Painted by Thomas Stothard Esqr R. A. — Etched by Lewis Schia- vonetti, V. A. and Finished by James Heath . . . (Five line dedication and thirty references) “Proof” London, Published Octr 1, 1817 by W. H. Worthington, 15, Compton Street . . . Brit- LIANT IMPRESSION, on India paper. Height, 10 8/16; length, 37 inches. Dark oak frame. STOTHARD, THOMAS 219. PROCESSION OF THE FLITcH oF Bacon. Line. Engraved by I. H. Watt from a design by T. Stothard Esqr R. A. April 182. ENnGraver’s Proor, with artist’s line and date lightly etched, uncleaned plate. Height, 12 4/16; length, 30 8/16 inches. Rosewood frame. SWIFT, JONATHAN 220. THE Revp Doctor Swirt, Dean of Saint Patricks. C. Jarvis Prin- cipal Painter to his Matie Pinxit—P. Fourdrinier Seulp. Line. Height, 12; width, 10 inches. Ebony and gold frame. TENNYSON, ALFRED 221. AurreD TENNYSON. Painted by G. F. Watts. Engd by J. Stephenson. Line. INDIA PROOF BEFORE LETTERS except etched artists’ and publishers’ lines. Height, 8 10/16; width, 6 10/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. TISSOT, JACQUES JOSEPH 222. HistorIRE ENNuyxEusE. Etching, 1878. Signed in pencil_—J. Tissot au Dr Hart : en bon Souvenir. Janv. 1892, and with his red stamp. Height, 12 6/16; width, 8 inches. Ebony and gold frame. VAN DER WERFF 223. VAN Der Werrr. Miniature of a young woman of the early part of the 17th Century, Signed Van der Werff. BrAuTIFUL PAINTED, but with slight cracks. Height, 4 4/16; width, 3 4/16 inches. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th VERNET, CARLE 224. Pucassus. Lithograph. Carle Vernet Rome. Lith. de Delpech. Height, 10 2/16; length, 12 2/16 inches. WALPOLE, HORACE 295. Horack WaLvote Youngest Son of Sr Robt Walpole Earl of Orford. Mezzotint. } Goodwin, No. 63. J. Reynolds Pinxt—Js Mc Ardell fecit 1757. Seconp State of three. VERY SCARCE. Height, 12 4/16; width, 9 14/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. WALTON, ISAAC 226. IzAAK Warton. Etching. By Louis Rhead. Signed proof. Height, 12 12/16; width, 9 6/16 inches. Ebony frame. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 29% Grorck WASHINGTON. Full bust, profile to left. Original pastel by James Sharples, about 1796. From the Menzies collection with letter of authentication from his son pasted on back of frame: “The picture delivered to you, known as the Sharples Washington, was owned by my father W. Menzies, for many years, and he always referred to it as a picture of great value. (Signed) W. Menzies Jr.” In perfect condition. Oval mat. Height, 8 8/16; width, 6 10/16 inches. In gold frame. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 228 Grorae WASHINGTON. Charles Willson Peale type, tree at left of head, encampment in right background, bust to left, in uniform. Oil-painting. Height, 7 8/16; width, 6 inches. Oval, old gold frame, cradled. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 929. GrorcE WasHINcton. Bust to right, pastel, signed: Gee. 17193, Oval. Height, 11; width, 9 inches. Antique gold frame. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th WASHINGTON, GEORGE 230. Gen! Gro® WasHINGTON. 1st in War, Ist in Peace, Ist in De- fence of his Country. Engraved for the Grolier Club, from an original painting of the time, by 8. Arlent Edwards 1900. Mezzo- tint. Signed by the artist,—“Printed in colors in one printing without re- touching by S. Arlent Edwards.” Rectangle, Height, 7 12/16; width, 5 8/16 inches. Engraved in mezzotint from an Boas portrait in oil, 10 x 8 inches by an unknown painter, about 1798, as a frontispiece for Hart’s Engraved Portraits of Washington, 1894. Three copies of the book had impressions of the mezzotint in colors; two were sold at the Annual Meeting and the third is in the Club Library. Two additional impressions of the separate print, of which this is one, were printed for presentation. Mr. Holden at that time owned the original painting and it was sold in Part II of his Collection, 1910. This is its first auction appearance as a Washington engraved portrait or an Edwards color print. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 231. (GEORGE WASHINGTON President of the United States of America, From the Original Portrait painted at the request of the Cor- poration of the University of Cambridge in Massachusetts.) Mezzotint. Hart, No. 229 B. BEFORE ALL LETTERS, and before the inscription on the map. Bril- hant impression, full margins. No impression has been publicly sold since the Menzies sale 1875, which may be this one. One other known. Height, 18 1/16; width, 13 15/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. WASHINGTON, GHORGE 232. Patrirm PatrEer. Drawn on stone by Rembrandt Peale,—Copyright secured 1827.—Pendleton’s Lithography, Boston. Washington. From the Original Portrait Painted by Rembrandt Peale. Lithograph. Baker, No. 379. Height, 19 6/16; width, 15 6/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 233. WasHineton. New York. Published By Horace Thayer & Co 50 Ann Street 1853. Drawn & Engraved by J M. Atwood N. Y. On Phelps’ National Map, with similar portraits of the Presidents to Fillmore, Roger Williams, Franklin and Lafayette. Hart, No. 555. Fifth issue. WASHINGTON ON THE Fietp. Daguerreotype from a painting. Height, 6; width, 5 inches. Together, 2 pieces. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th WASHINGTON, GEORGE 934. “GENERAL WASHINGTON one of the last Portraits from life” (Written on the back). Water-color. Bust, to left. From the Ed. Frossard Collection. Height, 5 8/16; width, 3 4/16 inches. Antique frame. | WASHINGTON, GEORGE . ‘ 235. GuorcE WaAsHINGTON. Bust, to right, Stuart type. Wash-drawing. Height, 6; width, 4 inches. Mahogany frame. From the Ed. Frossard Collection. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 936. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bronze bust, in uniform, on marble and bronze base. Height, 11 inches. WATER COLOR 93% Wan. Beautiful miniature landscape painting signed, G. S. 1801. In gold mat, ebony frame. WHISTLER, JAMES McNEILL 238. James McoNuin Wursrier. Nocrurnes — Marines — CHEVALET PIECES. A series of twenty-four mounted photographs, each one carefully selected by the Artist and signed by him and with the butterfly emblem in pencil. CONTENTS: Nocturne—-Black And Gold—The Fly Wheel. Nocturne—Blue And Gold—St. Mark’s, Venice. Symphony In White. No. II. Nocturne—Black And Gold—The Falling Rocket. Harmony In Gray And Green—Miss Alexander. Symphony In Grey And Green—The Ocean. Harmony In Flesh Colour And Green—The Balcony. Arrangement In Black And Brown—Miss Rosa Corder. Symphony In White No. II.—The Little White Girl. Harmony In Green And Rose—The Music Room. Arrangement In Black And Brown—The Fur Jacket. Crepuscule In Flesh Colour And Green—Valparaiso. Caprice In Purple And Gold—The Gold Screen. Blue And Silver—Blue Wave—Biarritz. Nocturne—Blue And Silver—Battersea Reach. Nocturne—Grey And Gold—Chelsea—Snow. Nocturne—Blue And Gold—Valparaiso. Chelsea In Ice. Arrangement In Black—La Dame Au Brodeqain Jaune. Arrangement In Grey And Black—The Painter’s Mother. Nocturne—Blue And Silver—Chelsea. Harmony In Pink And Grey—Lady Meux. [Continued Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th [ No. 238—Continued | The Lange Leizen—Of The Six Marks—Purple And Rose. Arrangement In Grey And Black.—Thomas Carlyle. In the printed index Mr. Whistler has added a quotation from the speech of the Attorney-General of England, 1878. “I do not know when so much amusement has been afforded to the British public as by Mr. Whistler’s pictures.” In the original Portfolio. As a Lot. “No one before has seen the exquisite beauty and poetry of a scene from which all garish definition has faded away, leaving nothing but the mystery of twilight or the blackness of night, relieved perhaps by spots of golden light.”—-Way & Dennis. WHISTLER, JAMES McNEILL 239. LA PRINCESSE DU PAYS DE LA PORCELAINE, THE MASTER SMITH OF Lyme Reats, and three Nocturne sea-pieces. Photographs. — Together, five pieces. WHISTLER, JAMES MoNEILL 240. LirTLeE VENICE. The original copper; cancelled. WIERIX, ANTON 241. Puitippus D. G. Princeps Orangie, Comes A Nassau ete. Anton, Wierx fecit et excud. Line. Before the address of P. de la Houve. Height, 2 8/16; width, 2 4/16 inches. Old gold frame. WIERIX, JOHN 242. Hetionora. Borponta, Princeps Auraice. ete. Johan Wiricx. F. Line. First STATE. Height, 7; width, 5 4/16 inches. Ebony frame. ™~ WILLE, JOHN GEORGE 243. La BonnNE FEMME DE NORMANDIBE, 1770, and SozuR DE LA BONNE FEMME DE NoRMANDIE, 1773. Liane. After P. A. Wille (fils). Fine proors before all inscriptions and border lines, one with remarque. Heights, 6 14/16; widths, 6 inches. Together, 2 pieces, both in one ebony frame. WOFFINGTON, MARGARET 244, PHepe. P. Van Bleeck Pinxt 1747.—P. V. B. 1747. Mezzotint. a ..C. Smith, 0s First State. An attractive and excessively scarce print. Height, 11 14/16; width, 9 14/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th WYCHERLEY, WILLIAM 245. W. WycuertEy. Actatis Sue 28. Quantum mutatus ab illo. Virg. P. Lely Eques pinx.—J. Smith fec. 1703. Mezzotint. J.C. Smith, No. 284. Srconp Stars. Height, 9; width, 7 10/16 inches. Ebony and gold frame. Prefixed to his poéms, 1704. WYLLIE, WILLIAM LIONEL 246. BawLEy Boats. Etching. Signed in pencil,—W. L. Wyllie and with the initials of the printer Frederick Goulding. Height, 6; length, 8 inches. Gold frame. WYLLIE, WILLIAM LIONEL 247. Tue Hicuway or Nations. Etching. Signed in pencil—W. L. Wyllie. Height, 11; length, 17 10/16 inches. White frame. ZILCKEN, PHILIP. 248. LanpscapPE. LHtching. Signed in pencil,—No. 184. Ph. Zilcken—T rial proof—P. Z. Height, 8 8/16; length, 17 inches. Ebony and gold frame. MEDALS 249. Scharff’s uniface medallions, two beautiful girls face right and left, 41% and 5 inches diameter; also oblong square plaque, irl beside Cupid’s statue; 3 x 614 inches; the trio suitable for fram- ing; additional smaller plaque winged girl with roses, 174 x inches; all fine; bronze. Together, 4 pieces. 250. Scharff’s Musician series; Wagner, large uniface; also Wiener’s and Mayer's Wagner, latter silver, Von Bulow, Brahms, Mozart, Gold- - mark, Beethoven ; also one by Mayer with small medals of Haendel, Haydn, Liszt, Sachs; with Coudray’s Genie of Music; sizes 1 to 4 inches; bronze. ALL FINE. Together, 13 pieces. 251. Queen Louise of Prussia by Mayer; French Marriage medal, 2 Francs, 1900; Ancient Corinthian Didrachm 350 B.C.; all silver and very fine; medals 214 and 2 inches respectively. Together, 4 pieces. Sale Tuesday Evening, April 27th 2 pieces. 253. Gilbert Stuart, John ‘Trumbull, John Pintard, Samed stlver; others copper and white metal ; good lot ; 3- pier Fe oether, 10 pieces. | THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK a § 3 TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY i'% Pe ae yA 2" P ’ x y ‘ t ’ - fr. = ’ % ; \ b e r . " - a > ‘¢ . 4 ; ao : COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK. F AND BINDING BY oe ¢ x » : ; [ * ; 7 i > . c + a es 7 ; Z ” * " t Se cae he . . * i hg v¢ ' bn Pe ; a ean ae = %, + fone * ets iv = iJ Ye , ' * rir oe y 4 ¥ 5 ta es - ee i. ‘ ns a egg 8A es: 7 ‘ —————— } ~ 4920 Apr. 27 NeAmH rages American /Mezzotint portraits and | i 125 01128 7148 _ Pian cee 3 1am » se ee : ites: : oe ‘ , ae ; Ue alg ae ae Y oy PORTRAITS, ETCHINGS AND us, ; COLLECTED BY THE LATE EDWIN B. HOLDEN AT ONE TIME PRESIDENT OF THE GROLIER CLUB NEW YORK CITY 4 THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION — o AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY oe eae 1920