4 ee v a B it . Se : OF A GENUINE COLLECTION OF ITALIAN, FLEMISH, DUTCH, & ENGLISH A: oF v Pr CTURE ae The Entire Property of oe ‘GENTLEMAN, ay Ui a rey ey CONTAINING SPECIMENS OF eae Sere ok. eaRacer cc oe | VELASQUEZ se oO WANANTS oa ae ny -VERONESE — Cult i, sARTOIS 3° 105" _.BERCHEM | |. CORTONA.... | _.__ G. POUSSIN” - VANDYCK Po SAN MIEL of. Ny POUSBIN DE GELDER | 8 Se tanted 6 ROMANO | LINGLEBACK: =: GAINSBOROUGH Which will be Sold by Auction, pes. BY MESSRS. 2 Pe Cad a A / gies oy FOSTER ae ‘ . Sn ere aeite Gallery, 54, Pall Mall, On WEDNESDAY, the 5th of MARCH, 1834, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK, = = rea | WITHOUT RESER VE. 3; ss z ae May be Wiesee Two Days prior, and Catalogues had at Messrs. FOSTER’s Offices, 54, Pall Mall, and 14, Greek Street, Soho comes : Sg Cap oa ey te ak aeons Soa : ’ eet Syl Yee E re: = a HI AgD : ’ Fae Ge ae eee ; ¥ ; al : } Beis < eel i ” j % y tt i F 4 re ees ae ; ‘ ¢ Zi . i eee Ye ee) oe OE ee ee ee ee fe a a 4 Gia: Bes CON DITIONS OF SALE. t de ed First. --THE highest bidder to\be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Second = No person to advance less than 1s.—above five pounds 5s.—and so on in pro- portion. ral ated ees fy tet yr ay ei eas: ail : : fr ig él 7a 8 Me 8 re gE 4 “war? a ee Third - - The purcha Sil to give in, their names and. ‘places of abode, and to pay down £25. per cent. if roauiree in part of payment of the purchase-money. Fourth . The lots to be absolutely cleated away, ‘with all faults and errors of description, at the purchaser’s expence, within one day after the sale, fifth - - As this auction is made on. condition of prompt payment, the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on ee before the pes a ae, Sixth - ~ Upon, failure of pom alying with the above conditions, the money bipidstted in part: of; payment shall be forfeited, all. Jots ancleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale,/ without further notice, and. the defi- ciency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter or defaulters at this sale. tb. #33 tk Te ak St Ge 23 32 Sa f Seventh - But should any purchaser or purchasers obtain their lot or lots, and by any neglect or evasion omit paying for thé same, ‘such purchaser‘or purchasers shall pay five per cent..interest on the amount of the said purchase, from the day of sale until the amount of. the said bill sball -be discharged, and also waReHousE cHaRGss OF ONE SHILLING PER WEEK for | the occupation of eyery such lot as may not be cleared within the time piareeids or that may remain unsold. ~P-€F 44 fy ef ay a? £ PT ta Tt i {yh + ea Lastiy --Every attention will be. given, t is property entrusted for Sale, but if any lots oo eu remain unsold.or uncleared.more than one day after each sale, Messrs. Foster will not be responsible for them; nor in any case for damage by accident or fire. A CATALOGUE, &e. WEDNESDAY, the 5th of MARCH, 1834, AT TWELVE o’CLOCK. ES The Property of A GENTLEMAN, without Reserve. LOT OE ke cisbensgsinsiesi 1 To casessy csesoseneee 2 POPU ZING ccveserecanes » 3 EEO i chochicsnrseons 4 TLOAZES sever csrressessee 5 Wright veces 6 Cuylenburg src 7 OGLE | wccttczigersvanets pete A, Colonia vccrsseeee 9 DeNner.....s00.ssass0eeeee 10 Sb evistsssoad scan sorties 11 T AMESONE ores seresseeeess 12 Bieschy sidice Kisieven 13 Gainsborough. ........ 14 Fouquieres ....seee 15 VOOrhout erseees orvereee 16 Lundens werissccciee 17 EMU EE ELE «cs icvestacarene 18 Luini Soe eeas Coon aDsDDOOD Landscape with a Man and Grey Horse Landscape with Buildings and d Figuiés Madonna Portrait of Lady Penelope Herbert Landscape and Figures Sea Port at Sun-set with Shipping Pair of Landscapes with Ruins and Figures Landscape with Bacchanalians Warm English Landscape with Peasants and. Cattle Madonna 7 | Landscape with Sportsmen and Dogs Portraits of Anne of Denmark and her Son ‘Landscape and Figures. Woody Landscape and Figures | Rubens’ Chateau with Cattle and Figures Dutch Interior with Family Portraits Interior with Card Party Bell and the Dragon Virgin and Child Tilburgh 00 a sesssocs, OU Russell sri. susevcees 21 P. Reinagle.........0 22 BSE: ok Ror epee 23 Romanelli sicccccccvee 24 ROSTL sarssssecinccsace 25 Helmbreker wicsecssess 26 Sir J. Reynolds .... 27 Nets her cesccccccecooere 28 TETINGU baccsceccaceeese 29 Ge Meet au .ccssecssscesecs 30 Vandy ke ...srsceresseoes 31 Vander Meer de Soece ok Cae K. du Moor... 33 Christophe ..sscccosevs 34 Jan Mitel cisccccccecorees 3D 8 flosas a Sea 36 Rembrandt 1.1... ... Oo” Seb. Bourdon ....... 38 CAL GCCE icine: sevessee Gos 39 SPP BT? ia Re ipa 3 40 CRONE shi. ccrentcee tons Al. 4 Interior with Boors at Cards Portrait of Lady Jane Wenham View of Conishead Priory Interior with a Lady seated and an open book before her Virgin, Child and St. John Rocky Landscape with Banditti 7 Landscape with Italian Peasants at a Fountain Scene in the early part of the French Revolution The Juvenile Philosopher ¢ Pastoral Landscape Interior and Figures ; a humorous subject Perseus and Andromeda. , Landscape with Cattle on the Borders of a River ‘ Landscape with a Cavalier and a mite. seated, playing’ with a Dog | Architecture and Figures St. John and the Lamb i: Landscape with the Story of Tancred and Ermenia ; highly finished ~ A Jew Rabbi; from the i, Hee collection The Marriage of St. Catherine The Dead Christ in the Sepulchre, with | Mary and Angels Interior with Military Characters and Females — examining the Spoils of War Landscape, with Figures setting out for the Chase, by Jan Miel Luca Giordano .... 42 A. Veronese. 43 MENICES secssecicinveonsises AA MOIS tashacosserstottaice 45 Lud. Caracci .... ... 46 POCACCINE s.essersoeee Aq Waldens .ecee.ccsreeee 48 Agos. Caracci ........ 49 Ellsheimer.......100.000 50 Vandy ke weresrseee 52 J. Stade ..0..sr.0000e00 53 PN iain es gisneusnress 54 Gainsborough ........ 55 Dirk Hals ws 06 Ber ehem sisssssssrunss 57 5 The Battle of the Centaurs and Lapithz Recumbent Magdalen Interior of a Kitchen with Figures and Still Life Interior with Boors drinking Christ on the Shore, calling to Peter and James The Virgin and Child, with the Rabbit, after Cor- rEZ RIO Landscape, with Nymph reposing Virgin and Child A cabinet Landscape with St. John and the Lamb A Pastoral Landscape with Nymphs attending their Flock Portrait of Lady Venetia Digby, seated in a Land- scape, with her left hand on a Dove, her right grasping a Serpent, while Cupid lies prostrate at her feet, and Calumny with a double face is crouch- ing near her An exterior of a Cottage, with Figures An Interior, the companion picture Landscape, with a Water Mill, in the manner of Hobbima Interior, with a Female seated at a Table singing Landscape; in the foreground a- group of Cattle, Sheep, and Goats, and a Female with a Distaff, seated on the ground, apparently conversing with a Goatherd, who is standing beside her 3 on the left a Park-like enclosure with Trees, and on the right Cattle and distant Mountains Guilio Romano. .... 58 Russell ....csc000 nislekes eae Vandy he wersiercee 60) Velas ques .cssscsssssesoee 61 Raffdelle ssersshesos: 62) Aude Wael sess: 63 GREE 3s, ncrasecst eres 64. TEER IGVE .socconseensies 65 Wouvermans srr. 66 Vandyke (@CRdgecnederaece 67 Agos. Caracct sw 68 Jan Stein peeneesdgenaccos 69, Guido Cagnacti. .... 70. Berkheyden sovreerees 71 Baroccio .u..c.ccccece0 ay W. Vandevelde........ 73 Santi da Titi ........ 74 Elsheimer...icsevse..00 78 Brewg hel rrirssee-rso 76 ALDANO,:saesessrreseennein TT « Poelemberg ise 78 Rembrandt ......508 79 6 Virgin, Child, St. John, and the Lamb Portrait of, General Waller’ Oke eae Portrait of one of King Charles’s. Childe 8 Boys: blowing: Bubbles ; nbnieh with a ell and: | flowing peneil, Head of a)Female The Discovery of Calisto Landscape, witha Monk J in his Cell ; St. Genevieve) at Deyotion, kneeling before an Altar Interior-of, a Stable, with, Horses and Figures. Landscape, with Cupids combating on Goats: Em- blematical of the folly of Age ‘The Education. of Cupid, after-Coreggio A. group of Figures.at.a Window, singing by the light: of a Janthorn. Madonna; pe Landscape, with a semen and other Figures at the doorofaCabaret 560 8 The Head, of, the Saviour A Naval ‘Engagement. | A group of Angels, singing to the asecttinda tae of -anOrgan os “Sate HG Ulysses in, the Cave of the seraee | Lot and his Dau ghters Landscape, with Galatea and Polypheme Landscape, with the-Holy Family returning from Egypt, accompanied by an Angel Head. of, a Female D.: Teniers Hemskirk Ruysdael.. aby becveeee oss eeesseosessce | ae ai Ba Dietricy en re a8 84 Agos. GALACEE vrare 85 Hulsdonck ‘oeeiauikes 86 OOP eA occ cecesses 87 1 CO Sales tee 88 Rombouts......0.. ieee OF C. Veronese........++ 90 OTE occ cccoasessscee 91 oso vows sucesnns 92 Van Utrech.......000 Salembeni......sceseces Van Drillenburg.... 96 A. de Gelder........4.. Jan Miel 7 The Skittle Players A small Interior, with Boors Smoking Landscape, with a Road between two Canals, leading toa Windmill and Farm-house Interior, with Boors Sthoking Venus and Cupid, in a pastoral PANCECRPe Venus reposing in a a Landscape A Basket with Fruit Interior and Figures Interior, with a Figure, ond Still Life Frost Scene with numerous Figures engaged in Winter Sports . Portrait of a Noble Venetian Lady with her Dog A small whole-length Portrait of Prince Maurice Ditto of Prince Henry ; the companion picture Landscape, with the Prophet and the Widow of Zarephath and her Son Larder with Dead Birds and Vegetables Landscape, with the Virgin and Child, and St. John and the Lamb Warm Landscape at Evening, with Cattle and Figures — Equal to Both Portrait of the Artist, in his Attelier ; from the Danoot collection The Exterior of a Convent with Muleteers reposing Wynants mr awenrey ft) Artois EN |) G. Poussin sscso.101 Lingleback ..10...102 a | - 9 iO j to) . 7 Os \ : bi i) sy Ey t ~! Ot ; : ’ A A grand Landscape, _ with Catéle”and ‘A grand Landscape, View 1 near Nemi, EN 05 ¥ a transparent I ey and « the ntry | ground is enriched with nea as Road, and the trunks of felled 1 vered with reotiice and weeds Figures, by Gonzales Petia wt engaged i in the Chase, by Nicolo” vy ae oy. ae es 2 re ae af The Battle of Lepanto ee : thet ia ; r Se0t Er GL, | me onits OD; a pretuyen tivRerten Pil . Oe eceae RAOVTOE 19k | MTC CYAN a ete ai mebviN wee ter cA ee ie : fj at i } weed eens ins isctn t : ‘} ' aS ; | . ati i